International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 32 2021 47 *Corresponding author - e-mail: International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 32 2021 47–60 ABSTRACT Just in the immediate neighbourhood of the European Union (EU), the Republic of Serbia, one of the Western Balkan (WB) EU candidate countries, is lagging behind in the process of energy transition regardless of technological advances and policy instruments available. The EU created a momentum for energy transition acceleration with the European Green Deal, which has been forwarded to the WB through the Energy Community secretariat in the form of the Green Agenda; generally speaking, response in the form of National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) is expected in the short term. The Republic of Serbia’s Low Carbon Development Strategy with Action Plan (LCDSA) and the current Energy Strategy will be analysed, commented on, and improvements will be suggested for the acceleration of energy transition, based on the newest findings from the simulation-based optimization techniques using the sector coupling approach to achieve ambitious variable renewable energy shares. The motivation of this research is to provide decision makers in Serbia with the best available insights regarding sustainable energy system planning tools and possible shortcuts for delayed planning of activities. In addition, the purpose is to improve Serbia’s chance of benefitting from adoption of these strategies in the country’s faster transition towards EU membership. The research compares two scenarios to illustrate a possible policy shift from small hydro power plants to photovoltaics (PV). A further increase in PV and wind power plants has been simulated using the EnergyPLAN to achieve expected scenarios of 40% renewable energy share and some more ambitious ones—up to 80%, which is realistic only with the sector coupling approach. National Energy and Climate Planning in Serbia: From Lagging Behind to an Ambitious EU Candidate? Ilija R. Batas Bjelica*, Nikola LJ. Rajakovicb a Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, Knez Mihailova 35/IV, Belgrade, Serbia b School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73, Belgrade, Serbia Keywords European Green Deal; energy transition; sector coupling; Western Balkans; National Energy and Climate Plans; The focus on smart energy systems, instead of partic- ular sectors (electricity, gas, and heat) allows for cost synergies, but also the flexibility needed for moving the share of variable renewable energy sources in total energy consumption towards 100%, as it needs to be achieved by 2050 [3]. In addition, simultaneous redesign with technical measures on the supply and demand sides are also needed. There are many technologies, including the low-cost ones that have limited potential for contribution to 1. Introduction The effects of climate change, also evident in Serbia [1] and the region of Western Balkans (WB), have put into question the use of unsustainable economic develop- ment practices from 100 years ago, and call for a shift towards new smart energy principles. Smart energy system principles [2] are seen as the enablers of 100% renewable energy systems, including transportation, with many scenarios to be considered in order to find the optimal energy mix. 48 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 32 2021 National Energy and Climate Planning in Serbia: From Lagging Behind to an Ambitious EU Candidate? energy transition using an efficient approach such as sector coupling. Some recent studies of highly renewable energy sys- tems including those from the Republic of Serbia are coming to the European researchers’ perspective [14], [15] and it is expected that this will help to speed up the transition. Cost optimization of smart energy systems emerges from the sector coupling approach [9], [16], [17], which has been confirmed to have synergetic effects on completion of policy goals. This approach can therefore be used for NECP prepa- ration, since NECPs include all the national sectors, so the synergy effect would probably be the strongest. In the sector coupling approach [18], [19], heating and transportation sectors are usually coupled with the elec- tricity sector, but industry demand and household heat- ing demand sectors are not less important for decarbonisation. According to [20], seven stages that are analysed are: 1) reference, 2) introduction of district heating, 3) instal- lation of small and large-scale heat pumps, 4) reducing grid regulation requirements, 5) adding flexible electric- ity demands and electric vehicles, 6) producing syn- thetic methanol/DME for transport, and 7) using synthetic gas to replace the remaining fossil fuels. EnergyPLAN may be used for Serbian NECP prepa- ration since it has been used for modelling of Serbia’s energy system and has advantages when coupled with other optimization tools [10], [21], [3]. The general purpose of this article is to present how smaller candidate counties perform self-governed on the daily basis with realistic politics (ger. real-politik) energy transition towards the EU in the presence of short deadlines, with unclear goals, insufficient or fragmented modelling capacity, influences of international model- ling consortiums, and challenges of writing strategic documents. One example to illustrate this is the fact that for sig- nificant policy changes from a small hydro power plant to a solar cadastre, modelling background is needed to understand the changes in the balances and how insig- nificant they might be. Ideas on how to decarbonise countries despite the impedance to decarbonisation, precede any practical energy modelling work. The pro- logue to Serbian NECP [22] explained these gaps and issues. The hypothesis of this research is that lagging behind in terms of energy transition was not the result of insuf- ficient written background (articles, dissertations, and decarbonisation. It is therefore necessary to install not one but a set of optimally balanced technologies into smart energy systems. Before this, simulations should be performed for technical feasibility and total cost minimi- zation. When these costs are minimized under more than one constraint, e.g., a renewable target instead of decar- bonisation only, the choice of optimal amounts (optimal sizing solution) is different from the solution of an unconstrained problem [4]. Therefore, a smart energy system approach [5], [6] is suggested for NECPs. Preparation and implementation of National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) has been perceived as the main energy transition step in the Western Balkans (WB), covering the topics of energy efficiency, renewables, greenhouse gas, emission reduc- tions, interconnections, research and innovation, and centralization trend in the EU energy policy [7] among member and candidate states. In the process of preparing NECPs, some EU Member States have two out of three objectives calculated with a traditional in-house model, or through a procurement procedure organized by official authority if outsourced. This makes it possible to simultaneously reach several energy policy objectives, instead of only particular sec- toral objectives, and has intrinsic synergetic effects from modelling [8]. Therefore, goals should be set together and then mod- elled together using the sector coupling approach, rather than be treated separately [9]. A method for simula- tion-based optimization of the energy system structure under policy constraints has been presented [10] and continuously developed [11]. Soft-link tools such as OSeMOSYS [12], TIMES-Dispaset [13], and EnergyPLAN-GENOPT [10] have the capability to pro- vide a framework for NECPs. Such tools make it possi- ble to do modelling on most sectors contributing to Abbreviations EASME Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises EnC Energy Community GHG Greenhouse Gases IAM Integrated Assessment Modelling LCDSA Republic of Serbia’s Low Carbon Development Strategy with Action Plan LTS Long-Term Strategies NECP National Energy and Climate Plan RS Republic of Serbia WB Western Balkans International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 32 2021 49 Ilija R. Batas Bjelic, Nikola LJ. Rajakovic books) to explain the method of finding optimal decar- bonisation paths. In addition, lagging behind does not happen because there are no modelling tools, but due to country’s own characteristic impedance to energy transition. When enough stakeholders identified this impedance, including the Ministry of Energy (MoE), the real work towards decarbonisation finally started. Initially, there were bombastic media announcements, followed by actual political action of changing the legislation, and finally starting the NECP preparation process and mod- elling. The final result is draft NECP which is expected to be finished in September 2021. The novelty of this article is in using EnergyPLAN as an analytical tool to produce hourly simulations of the Serbian energy system for the first time with signifi- cantly more than 40% renewable energy in its energy mix, which is currently seen as politically and techni- cally highly ambitious, aligned with the Green Agenda and EU Green Deal. Section 2 provides a non-technical introduction to the policy-oriented reader who wants to know more about the background of Serbia’s increased ambition to pro- duce the first draft NECP. Section 3 follows the expected analytical basis of Serbia’s NECP, with reflections of EU member states’ NECPs and analytics. Section 4 dis- cusses setting the ambition above 40% via sector cou- pling trough 6 scenario steps. 2. Serbian NECP in the WB context: a non- technical introduction WB counties have shown various interest and methodol- ogy in the preparation of their NECPs. The Energy Community (EnC) has recommended the preparation of NECPs from December 2017 and provided guidelines, but there was little progress in 2018, 2019, and 2020. Some progress has been made in the naming of the teams that are carrying out the work, but preparation has not arrived to the technical annexes part until this day (September 2021). Most success in the preparation of NECPs in the WB has been achieved in North Macedonia, while this topic has not been addressed properly in other WB countries, with a possible pessimistic conclusion that none of the WB countries have perceived themselves as part of Energy Union any time soon. In the Republic of Serbia (RS), it could be ready by the end of 2021 under the auspices of the recently established and reformed MoE. The NECPs proposed by the European Commission are currently seen as an important political tool to steer energy systems toward decarbonisation. For the EU as a whole, it is legally binding to reach 27% of renewable energy in its energy mix until year 2030. As a European Greens initiative, for the first time in the EU energy policy, member states are legally obliged to create plans with specific targets to be sent to the EU. The European Parliament further clarifies this subject in its resolution from 25 March 2021 on the 2019-2020 Commission Reports on Serbia (2019/2175(INI)) in Paragraph 83: “Urges the authorities to ensure alignment with EU standards and policy objectives on climate protection and environment as well as energy efficiency – in particular in the light of the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans – including but not limited to the introduction of carbon emissions pricing, the updating of energy efficiency legislation and the development and adoption of an integrated National Energy and Climate Plan, in order to facilitate the transition to a circular economy and the adoption of the necessary measures to preserve and protect environmentally sensitive areas;” Furthermore, NECP methodology is created to enable constant monitoring and update, starting from the national ambition all the way to the delivery of planned investments. The four objectives of NECPs include: 1. Energy Union objectives (2030 targets and 2050 perspective) in 5 dimensions a. Decarbonisation b. Energy efficiency c. Energy security d. Internal market e. Research, innovation, and competitiveness 2. Promote better regulation and reduce administrative burden 3. Enhance investor certainty and predictability 4. Ensure compliance with the EU’s international climate commitments Each NECP is supposed to have an original vision of merging these four objectives. The structure of NECP documents is divided into two sections: A. National plan which includes 1. Overview and process for establishing the plan 2. National objectives and targets 3. Policies and measures B. Analytical basis 1. Current situation and reference projections 2. Impact assessment of policies and measures 50 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 32 2021 National Energy and Climate Planning in Serbia: From Lagging Behind to an Ambitious EU Candidate? The energy sector is one of the most important eco- nomic branches in Serbia. The concept of today’s energy in Serbia is still based on the economic paradigm of the 50s, characterized by sector decoupling, energy-inten- sity and inefficiency in the sectors of heating, transpor- tation, and end use of electricity. In the production of electricity, Serbia predominantly relies on low-efficiency thermal power plants that run on lignite—the local low-energy content coal. Therefore, the energy sector is a major polluter of air, water, and soil at local and regional levels, and poses a threat to the environment and human health. The energy sector in the region also has a strong impact on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), with over 70% share in total emissions. Today’s energy structure of the region cannot meet the requirements of sustain- able development in the 21st century. More broadly, it is clear that energy policy and energy crossroads have been one of the key issues of modern civilization for decades. The complexity of the challenges facing energy today is such that it requires regional connectivity and teamwork that is even more thoughtful, because the room for good solutions is limited primarily by climate change, but also by natural energy resources, economic constraints, and available technologies. The vision of an energy system without fossil fuels implies deviation from the previous approach and con- ventional energy; achieving energy without fossil fuels is the essence of energy transition. Finding optimal solu- tions in a multidisciplinary energy sector in transition circumstances is definitely a very broad problem, for which even the borders of the continents are narrow. The conventional concept of the electricity sector (EES), which is economically the most important part of energy in Serbia, has so far provided a secure supply of electricity for industry, households, commercial, and administrative categories of consumption. However, the power system operates under non-market conditions and is characterized by a high level of subsidies (both on the consumption side and within the thermal energy sector, especially within the lignite mine), which jeopardizes its long-term viability and ability to further develop. Therefore, it is particularly important to immediately start the process of restructuring lignite mines, which includes diversification of the economy of mining regions. Since the operation of the power system should be observed in the conditions of business in a liberalized market, the introduction of competition and setting elec- tricity prices on an economically sustainable level is a prerequisite for its transformation and further develop- ment. Designing the development of the thermal energy sector has a special significance and urgency because a large number of thermal power plants (TPPs) in Serbia are at the end of their working life with high direct and indirect costs of operation. It is necessary to make significant investments in new production capacities, which could be viable with 200- 300 M€ per year. Since Serbia possesses economically viable potential for renewable energy sources (solar energy, wind energy, hydropower [23], biomass energy, etc.), the future development of the production portfolio in the power system should logically be based on renew- able energy sources (RES). Today’s electric power sys- tems function in the conditions of business in a liberalized market with the introduction of competition and setting electricity prices which need to be economically sustain- able. These are all prerequisites for transformation and further development of Serbia’s energy system. Since the current level of support for renewable energy for household consumers does not ensure full recovery of the support costs, the government closed the space for further increase of this support mechanism above 500 MW for wind and 10 MW for photovoltaics, which was needed. An ambitious step towards a more variable renewable energy scenario [20] could be a sig- nificant increase in the production from photovoltaics: it is currently around 20 MW and it should be 10, 100, and 1,000 times higher. The EU is determined to become the first climate neutral continent by 2050, which also includes the WB. This is stated in the Green Deal, which projects that electricity sectors will use 100% renewables in 2050. This is even more important with the Green Agenda for EnC contracting parties, including Serbia. Finally, after signing the Sofia Declaration, ambition for decarbonisa- tion grew in the Serbian parliament, which finally adopted the Law on Climate Change earlier this year. In addition, in the period 2014-2021, there has been a visi- ble policy shift from small hydro power plants and wind to photovoltaics and medium and large hydro plants. 2.1. Background on state of play, already published strategies, and plans for new ones Although renewable and efficient energy technologies are available, they have so far been applied under strict Serbian government control and thus not benefitting society in a wider sense. Energy transition has not occurred so far, and Serbians are at the moment brought International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 32 2021 51 Ilija R. Batas Bjelic, Nikola LJ. Rajakovic to the fait accompli with energy policy and they are in a situation when they have to choose between higher energy costs and polluted environment, which is a false dilemma. Instead, from the beginning of the planning process, there should be a broader consensus with clear responsibilities and projections for all future scenarios. This can start by raising awareness of the actual costs of electricity produced from lignite. Despite available technologies, transition has not occurred as in e.g. Germany, where households have visible economic and environmental benefits of energy transition, and where instead of lignite production, the government supports phasing out of lignite thermal plants [24]. As a result, Serbia is behind other countries when it comes to energy transition, including NECP preparation and energy and climate planning methodol- ogy in general. Although there are several officially ratified docu- ments (plans and strategies) covering the years 2030 and 2050, the commitments accepted from these documents are not ambitious. According to their most ambitions scenarios, Serbia should achieve decarbonisation of up to around 40% by 2030 and around 80% by 2050 according to LCDSA. Serbia adopted a package of energy laws and started working on NECP in April, aiming to finish NECP by the end of 2021. Similarly to the delayed NECP, LCDSA has been published, presented, and debated but it has still not been adopted by the government. LCDSA has two sce- narios—M3 and M4—with more ambitious decarbonisa- tion targets than claimed by the highest government officials last year (M2); these might be used for NECP scenarios. Scenario M3 goes further from the mentioned 33.3% reduction in 2030/1990 to 45% in 2030/1990 and to 69% in 2050/1990. Scenario M4 goes even further in decarbonisation aiming for 43% in 2030/1990 and 76% in 2050/1990. Further comparison may be achieved upon presentation of the whole modelling part by the model- ling consortia led by GFA to the authors of this article. With the goal of opening Chapter 15 of negotiations with the EU at the beginning of 2022, Serbia’s parlia- ment adopted the negotiating position in June 2021, with the timing after NECP has been finished. Regarding transition periods, it is not clear what might be asked and granted in this case, but no long-time provisions (20-30 years) are to be expected, since this has not been asked from or granted to a single candidate country. The MoE has a difficult role to prepare Serbia for membership and acceptance of the entire acquis from 1 January 2021, which is much more ambitious than ever before. The position of Serbia should therefore be based on the responses from member states to the plans devel- oped by the European Commission. Transition periods are not new in the energy sector, which is characterized by long-term payback periods. Some delays may be expected if economically justified; in other words, the utilization of assets should prevent significant negative impacts on investments [25]. For sure, long-term delays or even further market distortions should be avoided in general. In the case of Croatia, a minimal energy tax exemption (chapter on taxes) has been asked for electricity and the gas carriers for 10 years after the country joined the EU (1 July 2013), which is important for Serbia as a way of keeping final energy prices lower than in other countries, and ensuring they are comparable to the average salary. For the implementation of 2001/80/EZ emission direc- tive, transition has been granted until 31 December 2017. Neither Romania nor Bulgaria asked for transition periods regarding the energy chapter. The member states who joined the EU on 1 May 2004 have been granted transition periods regarding minimum oil and petroleum stocks for 1.5-4.5 years, which may also be interesting for Serbia. Additionally, MoE has committed to update the Energy Strategy for 2040 with projections for the period until 2050 in the near future. Therefore, alternative ambitious scenarios have to be explored using EnergyPLAN [20] and scenarios from previous research for years 2030 and 2050 [26] also have to be updated. 3. Energy planning methods used for NECPs The European Commission assessed each of 27 member states’ NECPs on a two-page document, finding that: • estimated renewable energy commitment is at 33.1%-33.7%, which is above the target of 32%; • emission reduction is 41%, which is above the target of 40%; • energy efficiency net savings are 29.4%-29.7%, which is below the target of 32.5%. Examples of selected NECPs objectives and perspec- tives with energy planning tools used are shown in Table 1. The main findings from the Section A of existing NECPs related to their five dimensions [27] are: • Bilateral cooperation among member states will allow the EU to achieve its ambitious 2030 objectives in a cost-efficient manner. 52 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 32 2021 National Energy and Climate Planning in Serbia: From Lagging Behind to an Ambitious EU Candidate? • Efficiency measures that would achieve cost- efficient emission reductions, while reducing energy bills for households and increasing employment in the construction sector could be exploited more rapidly in some member states. • The role of flexibility instruments, such as demand response and storage, is key to ensuring energy security. • It is necessary to use more forward-looking concepts of energy system integration and sector coupling, including further integration of the power, gas, and heat sectors, as they become central for a decarbonised energy system. • Additional efforts should be made to integrate research, innovation, and competitiveness into NECPs. • Efficient investments in infrastructure should be encouraged in alignment national energy security goals, while taking into account synergies across different dimensions of the plans. Some practices of EU member states include: • Austrian and Spanish draft NECPs provide good examples of how to combine quantified emission reduction objectives for the transportation sector with the underpinning policies and measures to achieve them. • The following countries are phasing out coal for electricity generation: France by 2022, Italy and Ireland by 2025, Denmark, Spain, Netherlands, Portugal, and Finland by 2030. • The Czech Republic and Ireland include contributions to national objectives for each sector and the respective technologies on a yearly basis and in absolute values. • It is helpful to have a systematic description and quantification of all types of energy subsidies (grants, support schemes, tax benefits, subsidies resulting from regulatory obligations), based on existing definitions used internationally. • Eleven member states have estimated either overall investment required to achieve their objectives (France, Italy and Spain) or parts of their investment needs (Greece, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Poland, and Romania), while providing varying levels of detail on the sources of funding. • Denmark, Spain, France, Netherlands, Portugal, and Sweden aim for climate neutrality by 2050 Table 1: NECP objectives and perspectives for selected countries with analytical basis % Objectives 2030 (Perspectives 2050) Country/ Region GHG emission reduction (vs. 1990) renewable energy penetration increase of energy efficiency Analytical basis and responsible bodies Slovakia 20 19.2 30.3 Primes/Envisage/ MESSAGE Spain 23 (90) 42 (100) 39.5 MARKAL TIMES Denmark 70 (100) 55 (100) Denmark’s Energy and Climate Model, Danish Energy Agency Slovenia 15 27 35 GEM-E3, REES-SLO Croatia 7 36.4 35 Ministry of the Environment and Energy /MAED, MESSAGE, PLEXOS Cyprus 24 22.9 Republic of Cyprus / PRIMES, POTEnCIA, OSeMOSYS Greece 16 35 38 HELLENIC REPUBLIC Ministry of the Environment and Energy/ PRIMES, TIMES Romania 2 30 45.1 Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment, Deloitte/ Excel Bulgaria 0 27.09 27.89 (B)EST North Macedonia 66 (82) 38 34.5 MARKAL TIMES Poland 7 21 23 MESSAGE-PL, PRIMES, STEAM-PL, other International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 32 2021 53 Ilija R. Batas Bjelic, Nikola LJ. Rajakovic at the latest. France and the United Kingdom have established legally binding 2050 targets in their domestic legislation and use carbon budgets as mechanism to ensure consistency of medium and long-term objectives. • Poland has been an example of delayed transition on the road towards the European Green Deal [28]. More findings that are interesting for Section B of NECPs are presented in terms of models used as analyt- ical basis of the findings in the last column of Table 1. Other tools from the open source code with national geo-resolution, covering all sectors [29] potentially suit- able for NECPs are the following: EnergyScope, Energy Transition Model, Backbone, Oemof, MEDEAS, DESSTinEE, and OpenTUMFlex. Another applicable modelling tool was developed by Focus Group 6 within EMP-E 2020 at the conference on 8 October 2020. It is called “How can energy modelling tools from H2020 projects contribute to National Energy and Climate Plans?” and it is shown in Table 2. 4. A prologue to Serbian NECP The NECPs method that will most probably be used for Serbia is called “SEMS”. It is based on TIMES and this choice could be justified by harmonizing the planning procedure with North Macedonia and Spain. The second choice for Serbia could be the use of the PRIMES model, which has recently been used for developing LCDSA, and probably practiced right now. In addition, LEAP was used some years ago in Serbia for the prepa- ration of “Energy Sector Development Strategy of the RS for the period by 2025 with projections by 2030” (ESDSRS). The tool such as POTEnCIA [30] or any other of the mentioned tools are not likely to be used by the Serbian Ministry of Energy and Mining. 4.1. Policy shift scenario for Serbian NECP 2030 and beyond The outline of the Serbian NECP should be more ambi- tious than the current Strategy in order to achieve har- monization with the Green Agenda. The current ESDSRS places a significant focus on small hydro power plants (SHPP), based on an outdated study from the 1980s (written amendments of the study are still expected to appear), where they are treated as medium capital-inten- sive investments. This idea led to environmental protests and events of the political importance, stopping many projects in the development and commission phase. Some critics of SHPP claim that the benefit of their dis- pachability has unjustly been put forward in front of other resources such as wind and photovoltaics. The fact is that streams are very variable and therefore mostly operated as run-off river hydro power plants with insig- nificant storage capability, which makes them unprofit- able at current investment cost levels in current market conditions [31] without significant government support. Therefore, SHPP can be replaced by many small PV plants with equal yearly production, with different hourly production curve, without dispatchability, and Table 2: Modelling tools suggested for NECPs based on H2020 ongoing projects Model name Features Focus H2020 project GENeSYS MOD Energy pathway, costs, emissions, employment, sensitivity analysis Open code, exact modelling of energy system Open ENTRANCE Multi Carrier Market Design Tool Energy volumes and prices Market operation, multi- energy vectors MAGNITUDE plan4EU Generation/Transmission/Distribution optimal sizing, different climatic scenarios, costs of generation and moderation Optimal operation (UC), demand response, technical feasibility plan4res openTEPES Generation/Transmission optimal sizing, least-cost investment plan Optimal operation (UC) Open ENTRANCE FRESH:COM and GUSTO Social welfare maximization, cost minimization, peer-to- peer, multiple agent based modelling Open code, urban neighbourhoods and local energy communities, rooftop PV and batteries Open ENTRANCE EXIOMOD Macro-economic approach (energy, employment, trade, fuel prices) Economic impact of measures Open ENTRANCE REMES EU Energy volumes and prices, markets, value added, employment Economic impact of measures Open ENTRANCE 54 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 32 2021 National Energy and Climate Planning in Serbia: From Lagging Behind to an Ambitious EU Candidate? Table 3: Scenario assumptions for year 2030: Base and Alternative Variable Unit Base 2030 Alternative 2030 Difference PV (RES34) MW 200 1,200 1,000 SHPP(RES12) MW 750 300 -450 Correction factor for RES2 in EnergyPLAN 0.73 0.73 0 EnergyPV TWh/a 0.31 1.85 1.54 EnergySHPP TWh/a 2.5 1 -1.5 EnergyPV+SHPP TWh/a 2.81 2.85 0.04 thus some additional flexibility requirements. These flexibility requirements should be simulated in order to check the feasibility of a policy switch. For that purpose, the EnergyPLAN tool has been used as the analytical basis for creating two scenarios. According to the cur- rent Serbian energy strategy for 2030, a base scenario has been created, while alternatives have been suggested to switch from SHPP to PV power plants in the same energy amount as shown in Table 3: According to these assumptions, two hourly scenarios have been modelled for one year using the EnergyPLAN tool: Base 2030 and Alternative 2030, which is shown in Figure 1. Comparison between yearly and daily levels shows differences in operation of the two scenarios: Base2030 and Alternative2030. The main difference at the yearly level is visible in the first row, originating from the pho- tovoltaic production during summer months. The contri- bution from increased PV capacity is visible in the second row for some days at the beginning and at the end of October, but it is more obvious at the weekly level in the third row. It is also visible that PV generation prevents or decreases import for a few days during peak hours. The fourth row shows how PV generation pushes storage use to the peak hours and prevents import during peak prices. Further results, which are not visible from the previ- ous figure, are the environmental and economic benefits of the alternative scenario. These are shown in Table 4. Alternative2030 scenario has more benefits than Base2030 (current Energy Strategy) regarding decreased yearly CO2 emissions for 0.27 Mt, primary energy sav- ings of 0.72 TWh, mostly due to decrease in lignite consumption in thermal power plants of 0.74 TWh. Since the Energy Strategy (Base2030 scenario) has not been superior to Alternative2030 scenario, it should be amended trough NECP preparation. This illustration has only symbolic contribution to decarbonisation, but provides directions how once sug- gested policies may be updated. The comparison of two fringe alternatives only covering a very small part of the Serbian energy system, and thus insignificantly affecting it, although they have different policy perspectives and feasibilities. Therefore, much ambitious alternatives must be pursued either from political [32] or from tech- nical points of view. 4.2. Raising the political and technical ambition for Serbian NECP Based on the previously shown benefits of PV, a more politically and technically ambitious NECP for the Republic of Serbia could be: • significant increase in renewable production power plants o new solar (cca. 2,000 MW) o new wind (cca. 2,000 MW), • improved energy efficiency, • wide flexibilization portfolio on supply and demand side, • increased level of electrification in the sectors of transportation and heating/cooling, • precise timing for thermal power plants phase out (cca. 1,500 MW). Even more ambitious political goals regarding the share of renewables in the total production mix are real- istic. On the other hand, the contribution of SHPP is very small, but the contribution of new medium and large hydro power plants such as Buk Bijela (river Drina, 95 MW, 330 GWh) is more relevant. The media announcements of the MoE about 40% of RES share in TPES until 2040 were followed by expec- tations of 8-10 GW until 2050. Having in mind the study about the potential [33], there is cost-competitive poten- tial in the amount of 6,890 MW (9,298 GWh) for rooftop areas (household and commercial). Some first estimates show that 4-6 GW is possible in the roof area, while an additional area can be found in abandoned mines [34]. Technical measures can include a large number (e.g., 1,000,000) of PV roofs, storage batteries, and individual efficient heat boilers. Study [35] showed that 61 km2 is a suitable area for PV in residential and commercial/ government buildings (122 km2 in total), with the potential capacity of a suitable area in 2050 (DC-peak) being 29,331 MW (DC-peak), out of which 22,399 MW has been proposed. This is aligned with some studies of utilizing 33TWh of photovoltaic energy production [36]. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 32 2021 55 Ilija R. Batas Bjelic, Nikola LJ. Rajakovic Electricity Production: YearElectricity Production: Year Electricity Production: Month in October Electricity Production: Month in October Electricity Production: Week in OctoberElectricity Production: Week in October Electricity Production: Day in October Electricity Production: Day in October Import Import PP+ PP+ 6.580 6.585 6.590 6.595 6.6006.580 6.585 6.590 6.595 6.600 M W 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 M W 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 M W 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 M W 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 M W 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 M W 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 M W 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 M W 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 RES12CHP CHPRES34 RES12 RES34Storage Import PP+RES12CHP RES34 Storage Storage Import PP+CHP RES12 RES34 Storage Import PP+CHP RES12 RES34 Storage Import PP+CHP RES12 RES34 Storage Import PP+CHP RES12 RES34 Storage Import PP+CHP RES12 RES34 Storage 6.580 6.600 6.620 6.640 6.660 6.680 6.700 6.720 6.7406.580 6.600 6.620 6.640 6.660 6.680 6.700 6.720 6.740 6.600 6.700 6.800 6.900 7.000 7.100 7.200 7.300 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 6.600 6.700 6.800 6.900 7.000 7.100 7.200 7.300 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 Figure 1: Base2030 (left) and Alternative2030 (right) scenario comparison at the level of a: year (1st row), month (2nd row), week (3rd row), and day (4th row) in October electricity production. Legend: CHP – combined heat and power, RES12 – run-off hydro and small hydro power plants, RES34 – wind and photovoltaic power plants, PP+ – thermal power plants and (reservoir) hydro power plants, Storage – pumped storage hydro power plant and electric transport (source: EnergyPLANv11.2). Assuming perfect interconnection conditions (no export constraints, in addition to EnergyPLAN), Fig. 2 presents the effects of increasing Serbia’s currently installed PV power 1,000 times, from 20 to 20,000 MW. With such increased PV power, Serbia will be able to reach only 23% of RES share in TPES. This is equal to the huge 94% of RES share in electricity production. This is a significant share having in mind the present one, which is around 30%. However, the contribution to decarbonisation is still limited due lignite TPPs and reaches only 20 Mt of CO2 per year. Increasing wind up to the full potential of 30,000 MW is also possible, but 56 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 32 2021 National Energy and Climate Planning in Serbia: From Lagging Behind to an Ambitious EU Candidate? 0 10 20 30 40 50 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 CO 2 m t PV penetra�on MW Figure 2: Increasing PV power in the Serbian energy system: effect on the CO2 emissions. Table 4: Environmental and economic benefits of the alternative scenario Variable Unit Base 2030 Alternative 2030 Benefit CO2 emission Mt/year 45.47 45.20 0.27 TPES TWh/year 185.89 185.17 0.72 Lignite consumption TWh/year 91.21 90.47 0.74 Lignite costs M€/year 607 602 5 Emission costs M€/year 1,364 1,356 8 there is a need for the sector coupling approach in decarbonisation. 4.3. Sector coupling approach for ambitious Serbian NECP The authors’ own approach for Serbian NECP is based on six flexibility options for large-scale integration of VRES technologies: 1. Electricity demand electrification and response (household and industry) 2. Thermal/nuclear power plants and combined heat and power (CHP) flexibilization 3. Power to heat coupling (CHP, heat pump (HP) district/individual) 4. Transport coupling (Vehicle to grid + smart charge, synthetic fuels) 5. Interconnection 6. Storage (batteries, pumped hydro, rock bed, compressed air, hydrogen, etc.). To start with, half of the household electricity demand has been assumed as either inflexible or flexible within one day, for one week, and for one month (each 25%), while half of the industry demand has been electrified, and half of the household heating demand has been replaced with a heat pump (COP=5). As the second step, all TPPs and CHPs are assumed flexible (0-100%) and grid stabilization services are provided from the grid, batteries, etc. In the third step, large HPs are added to district plants (1,000 MW, COP =5) to replace fuel boilers, so fuel consumption is halved simultaneously. In the fourth step, fossil fuel used for transportation is halved and replaced with electricity, 1/2 smart, 1/2 dump charge, with storage of 30 GWh and no charging limits in the grid. In the fifth step, the interconnection capacity is doubled. In the last, sixth step, the demand of remaining indus- try switches to hydrogen; natural gas for individual heating is replaced with hydrogen, while other fuels are replaced with biomass. District heating demand switches from natural gas to hydrogen. The resulting final scenario (6th step) with 80% RES in TPES and with 83% RES electricity production is shown in Fig. 3. A significant part of the demand is flexible, while additional demand is created from electrolysis of excess electricity from VRES. Excess electricity is still visible, even with significant exports. On the production side, RES34 is the dominant source (10 GW wind and 30 GW PV), in addition to hydro RES12. Electricity production from lignite (PP+) is still significant and only fossil fuel remains in the fuel mix. The use of storage is significant and shall be analysed further. Heat production and demand is shown in Fig. 4. District heating demand is dominantly met via CHP, HP, and boiler heat production. Additional RES shares might be increased with more waste heat and geothermal or solar heating. Finally, grid gas demand and produc- tion are shown in Fig. 5. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 32 2021 57 Ilija R. Batas Bjelic, Nikola LJ. Rajakovic Consumption Electroysors Flex. Storage HP Export CHP Import RES12 RES34 PP+ Storage 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 60.000 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 0 60.000 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 0 M W M W Figure 3: Electricity demand (upper) and production (lower) in the final scenario for 2050 Legend: CHP – Combined Heat and Power, RES12 – Run-off Hydro and Small Hydro Power Plants, RES34 – Wind and Photovoltaic Power Plants, PP + – Thermal Power Plants and (Reservoir) Hydro Power Plants, Storage – Pumped Storage Hydro Power Plant and Electric Transport (source: EnergyPLANv11.2) 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0 M W M W 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0 Solar HPDH for biogas DH for heating DH for cooling Wasteheat/Geo Boiler CHP Elect. Figure 4: District heating demand (upper) and production (lower). PP/CAES 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.0001.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 M W M W 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 Biogas CO2Hydro Boilers CHP Indv+Indu Transport Storage Gasificaton Storage Hydrogenation Import Figure 5: Grid gas demand (upper) and production (lower). As shown in the gas grid, demand is coupled with low temperatures during the heating season, while on the production side there is a significant amount of green hydrogen obtained from CO2 hydrogenation. The result of increased RES share in TPES and CO2 hydrogenation, CO2 equivalent emissions decline to 12 Mt, which is 25% of BASE scenario emissions (75% decarbonisation). These results are comparable with LCDSA where 81% of emission reduction has been achieved in energy industries, 45% in manufacturing, and 37% in transport. Therefore, at first glance one may say that this is less ambitious than the results of this study, but significant reductions are achieved in the sectors not covered by the EnergyPLAN model (forest, agriculture, etc.). Comparing the Republic of Serbia to a recently pub- lished report “D7.4 Modelling Variability, EROI and Energy Intensity” shows that energy structure is similar to the Russian Federation due to the significant share of district heating and sector de-coupling, in which main breakthroughs might be achieved. In comparison to other developed countries and regions, Serbia has a more comprehensive method of flexibilization—up to 100% RES can be found in [3]. Further comparisons in economic terms are possible with LCDSA but also with a study by Agora-Energiewende (and many others), which conclude that carbon taxing is a relevant measure for decarbonisation. This economic comparison should be based on the real cost of electricity from lignite mines and economic reality of their further operation. 58 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 32 2021 National Energy and Climate Planning in Serbia: From Lagging Behind to an Ambitious EU Candidate? Those are the first published results, which have to be improved especially in the part regarding geothermal energy utilization [37], green hydrogen production [38], etc. Other improvements are viable in the direction of better spatial allocation of PV rooftop resources. Significant improvements are to be achieved through energy efficiency measures simulation and the syner- getic effect between all of them [9]. 5. Conclusions The most populated WB country, the Republic of Serbia, has been lagging behind the region in energy transition, failing to start the energy planning process in terms of NECP, despite the numerous preparation tools available in-house, or at a request by official authority (MoE). However, ambition for energy transition has recently increased and Serbia adopted a negotiating position with the EU. The expected starting contribution of renewable energy in the total primary energy supply has to be raised from around 20% to around 40%. To achieve more ambitious contributions (above 40%), the sector coupling approach has been suggested on top of the currently available experiences. For the first time, a larger renewable energy share of up to 80% in the total primary energy supply scenarios was presented using EnergyPLAN for hourly simulations, and it proved to be applicable. It firstly showed a possible benefit of switching from the small hydro power plant energy policy to solar photovoltaic plants. The results suggest that there is a vast opportunity in photovoltaic integration in the vision of Serbian draft NECP. The next steps should be to find the optimal set of measures (including efficiency) to reach the policy objectives set in NECP by comparing the costs of numerous alternative scenario simulations. Furthermore, Serbia has an opportunity to develop and apply a highly ambitious renewable energy action plan (even beyond 80% RES in TPES), based on its own potential (solar, wind, water, biomass), which is not possible for major industrialized countries of G8 or China. The electricity currently produced from large lig- nite power plants, the heat produced from natural gas, transport based on oil, and industry processes demanding fossil fuels can be replaced with sustainable energy car- riers. Therefore, Serbia, who was once an example of lagging behind in energy transition, could become the leader of energy transition in the Western Balkans region. A possible shortcut for the Republic of Serbia is to look for the low cost options in the integrated Western Balkans power market and regional complementarity and interdependence, rather than traditional self-sufficiency and restraint from exchanges. Another shortcut could be searching for synergies among sectors using the sector coupling approach. The whole region of WB except North Macedonia is lagging behind in NECP preparation due to several reasons grouped around the fact that energy planning capacity was divided after the dissolu- tion of Former Yugoslavia. Therefore, there is a chance that if these countries work together to solve the regional problem, national NECPs could be created as a by-prod- uct, with significant quantifiable benefit from regional complementarities. For Serbia, which is centrally posi- tioned (comparative advantage) and has a developed electricity exchange market, this approach is highly attractive. In addition, the regional approach prevents carbon leakage, which is an expected outcome of gradual integration of contracting parties into carbon taxing schemes. 6. Acknowledgment Funds for I.B.B. are provided by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia according to the Agreement on the Implementation and Financing of Scientific Research of the Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA in 2020 (Registration number: 451-03-68 / 2020-14 / 200175). The authors acknowledge the support of the “LOCOMOTION” Horizon 2020 project from EASME grant Nr. 821105. 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