International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 33 2022 1 *Corresponding author – e-mail: International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 33 2022 1–2 ABSTRACT This editorial introduces the main findings from the 33rd Volume of the International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management. First Madsen favourably reviews Verbruggen’s book Pricing carbon emissions: Economic reality and utopia. This is followed by analyses of the role of islands in the energy transition taking a starting point in Samsø, the Orkneys and Madeira and subsequently a strategic niche management-based investigation of the transition of a Nigerian community. Then the role of the discount rate is explored taking the example of power production expansion in Ecuador. Lastly, the feasibility of landfill gas is explored under Ukrainian conditions. Editorial - International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol 33 Poul Alberg Østergaard* and Rasmus Magni Johannsen Department of Planning, Aalborg University, Rendsburggade 14, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark Keywords Pricing carbon emission; Landfill gas in Ukraine Community transition; Energy islands; OseMOSYS and Ecuador; 1. Book review Madsen [1] introduces a new type of content to the International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management – the book review. For this issue, Madsen has reviewed Verbruggen’s new book Pricing carbon emissions: Economic reality and utopia [2] which taps into the ongoing discussion of how to ensure the transition to carbon-neutral energy systems. Is carbon pricing indeed a feasible means of ensuring that the correct steps are incentivised and taken? In his review, Madsen concludes, that “If you wish to know more about why ‘pricing carbon emissions’ as a general policy is the wrong way to go, the book by Verbruggen is required and indispensable reading”. 2. Ordinary articles Marczinkowski [3] investigates the role of islands in the energy transition. Not specifically so-called energy islands, but rather in general how islands should be treated and how islands on the other hand can contribute on a wider scale. Using three island cases – Samsø in Denmark, the Orkneys in Scotland and Madeira in Portugal – and drawing on the authors’ previous island work on conditions on islands as reported in [4] and [5], Marczinkowski reflects on their role in the energy tran- sition. Butu and Stracham [6] draw on Strategic Niche Management to investigate the planning and implemen- tation of a community-based energy transition project in a rural community of Nigeria. Based on interviews with a diverse selection of actors representing policymakers, developers, investors, and local community members, the work identifies a lack of engagement from all rele- vant actors, and in general a “fragmented effort” of the actors. Heredia Fonseca & Gardumi [7] apply the OSeMOSYS [8] modelling system to assess the influence of applying separate discount rates when assessing power expansion and transition scenarios. They find, for instance, that renewable technologies can contribute significantly in the medium- and long-term, but this is mainly expected to be from hydropower, with only minor contributions 2 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol. 33 2022 Editorial - International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management Vol 33 transition of madeira island-electrification, smart energy and the required flexible market conditions. Energies 2020;13. [5] Marczinkowski HM, Østergaard PA, Djørup SR. Transitioning island energy systems—Local conditions, development phases, and renewable energy integration. Energies 2019;12. [6] Butu AI, Strachan P. Navigating Pathways for Community Renewable Electricity in Rural Areas: Exploring Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Shape Community Project. Int J Sustain Energy Plan Manag 2022. [7] Heredia Fonseca R, Gardumi F. Assessing the impact of applying individual discount rates in power system expansion of Ecuador using OSeMOSYS. Int J Sustain Energy Plan Manag 2022. [8] Howells M, Rogner H, Strachan N, Heaps C, Huntington H, Kypreos S, et al. OSeMOSYS: The Open Source Energy Modeling System. An introduction to its ethos, structure and development. Energy Policy 2011;39:5850–70. [9] Kurbatova T. Economic benefits from production of biogas based on animal waste within energy co-operatives in Ukraine. Int J Sustain Energy Plan Manag 2018;18. [10] Kurbatova T, Sidortsov R. Trash to Hryvnias: The economics of electricity generation from landfill gas in Ukraine. Int J Sustain Energy Plan Manag 2022. from other technologies such as PV and wind power. The authors furthermore conclude that the potential expansion of medium and large-scale hydropower sta- tions in Ecuador is not sensitive to the applied discount rate. Kurbatove follows up on her 2018 paper on biogas [9] with a new analysis of the economic feasibility of electricity generation from landfill gas in Ukraine together with colleague Sidortsov [10]. The team finds good prospects for the technology with relatively low production cost for electricity. However, other renew- able energy sources are still favoured over landfill gas for which the authors identify several potential areas for further investigation including access to investment cap- ital, regulatory stability, incentives, current policy and the ongoing conflict on Ukrainian soil. References [1] Madsen PT. A review of “Pricing Carbon Emissions. Economic Reality and Utopia” by Aviel Verbruggen. Int J Sustain Energy Plan Manag 2022;33. [2] Verbruggen A. Pricing carbon emissions: Economic reality and utopia. 2021. [3] Marczinkowski HM. Rethinking islands and their models in sustainable energy planning: How inclusive local perspectives improve energy planning globally. Int J Sustain Energy Plan Manag 2022;33. [4] Marczinkowski HM, Barros L. Technical approaches and institutional alignment to 100% renewable energy system