item: #1 of 681 id: iojet-10 author: Irgin, Pelin title: A Difficulty Analysis of Cleft Sentences date: 2013-10-01 words: 4712 flesch: 62 summary: Distribution of difficulty rate of types of cleft sentences Type of Cleft Sentences Pre-test Post-test It-cleft 20% 10% Inferential cleft 9% 11% If-because cleft 18% 12% There-cleft 13% 14% Wh-cleft 10% 16% Reversed wh-cleft 12% 17% All-cleft 16% 20% As Table 5 shows overall mean scores of cleft sentence types for both pre-test and post- test indicates that there are significant differences among students’ responses (diagnosis assessment) for each type of cleft sentences. The standard deviation shows a decrease from 13.74 to 6.09, which means that cleft sentence structures are quite difficult for EFL freshman students without taking remedial teaching. keywords: analysis; clause; cleft; cleft sentences; differences; different; difficulty; education; efl; english; errors; focus; fossilization; freshman; gender; grammar; han; instruction; iojet; i̇rgin; language; learners; learning; level; main; number; post; pre; questions; relative; research; results; samples; second; selinker; sentences; significant; structure; students; study; subjects; subordinate; table; teaching; terms; test; topic; types; university cache: iojet-10.pdf plain text: iojet-10.txt item: #2 of 681 id: iojet-100 author: Alagözlü, Nuray; Makihara, Miki title: CONFLICT RESOLUTION STRATEGIES IN TURKISH AND AMERICAN SPEECH COMMUNITIES: A SCHOOL SETTING date: 2015-07-04 words: 7541 flesch: 49 summary: Such knowledge can be used in the management of conflicts since a lack of knowledge on conflict resolution styles may escalate an intense conflict dynamic between contending parties (Ting-Toomey et al. 2000). 2.2 Conflict styles An early typology of conflict resolution styles in intercultural settings were first roughly made by Cannon (1923) as fight-fight, cooperation-competition and by Horney (1945) as moving away, moving toward and moving against framework. keywords: accomodation; alagozlu; american; autonomy; avoidance; avoiding; bir; class; collaboration; collectivism; communication; communities; competition; compromise; compromising; concern; conflict; conflict resolution; course; cross; cultural; cultures; data; dcts; decision; differences; different; dimensions; direct; discourse; diyorsunuz; dominating; durum; dutch; education; english; ethnic; european; face; group; higher;;;;; inclusion; independent; individualism; instructor; instrument; integrating; intercultural; international; iojet; için; journal; karşı; kemmelmeier; language; low; makihara; management; mean; need; negative; negotiation; online; participants; parties; party; peers; people; positive; power; problem; questionnaires; relationship; research; resolution; respect; respondents; response; sage; scenario; school; self; setting; situations; social; solving; speech; status; status people; strategies; students; study; styles; table; teaching; test; theory; thomas; ting; toomey; triandis; turkish; university; use; ways; win; çalışırım cache: iojet-100.pdf plain text: iojet-100.txt item: #3 of 681 id: iojet-1002 author: Korkmaz, Sezen; Öz , Hüseyin title: USING KAHOOT TO IMPROVE READING COMPREHENSION OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNERS : YABANCI DİL OLARAK iNGİLİZCE ÖĞRENENLERİN OKUMA BECERİLERİNİ GELİŞTİRMEDE KAHOOT KULLANIMI date: 2021-01-20 words: 5738 flesch: 54 summary: Some of the answers given by the students concerning the strengths of the game were as follows: “When we practice reading through Kahoot game, we improve our vocabulary knowledge” “Kahoot games encourage and motivate me to read the texts because I want to answer all the questions on the screen” “Each and every week one or two hours should be allocated for playing Kahoot because it is fun and we don’t get bored while learning”. For instance, in their study, Fotaris, Mastoras, Leinfeller and Rosunally (2016) used Kahoot game in an entry-level Python programming course to assess gamification impact on learning. keywords: 8(2; attitudes; classroom; comprehension; correlation; data; education; effect; efl; engagement; english; findings; foreign; game; gamification; gender; higher; impact; interactive; international; iojet; journal; kahoot; kahoot game; korkmaz; language; learners; learning; level; mean; motivation; negative; new; online; participants; perceptions; performance; positive; questionnaire; questions; quiz; reading; reading scores; research; results; scores; semester; significant; skills; span; students; study; survey; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; tool; university; use; vocabulary cache: iojet-1002.pdf plain text: iojet-1002.txt item: #4 of 681 id: iojet-1007 author: Göktepe Yıldız, Sevda; Ozdemir, Ahmet Sukru title: THE EFFECTS OF DESIGN-BASED MATHEMATICS APPLICATIONS ON SPATIAL ABILITIES AND 3D GEOMETRICAL THINKING SKILLS OF STUDENTS WITH DIFFERENT LEARNING APPROACHES date: 2021-01-13 words: 12716 flesch: 50 summary: Introduction Brophy and colleagues (2008) state that teaching mathematics and science by using design- based learning which is based on questioning, improve students spatial reasoning abilities. Understanding student learning. keywords: 8(2; abilities; ability; ability test; academic; activities; activity; addition; analysis; applications; approaches; classes; component; control; data; deep; deep learning; design; development; difference; difficult; dimensional; discrimination; edbm; education; effect; engineering; engineering design; environment; experiences; experimental; geometrical; geometry; good; grade; group; higher; implementation; information; international; iojet; item; journal; kruskal; learning; learning approach; lesson; level; mann; mathematics; mathematics applications; mean; meaningful; medium; middle; objects; online; orientation; ozdemir; p<.05; participants; post; pre; problem; process; questions; rank; reasoning; relations; research; results; sat; scale; school; science; scores; significant; significant difference; size; skills; spatial; spatial ability; stem; strategic; strategic learning; students; studies; study; surface; surface learning; table; teachers; teaching; technology; test; test results; test scores; thinking; traditional; types; university; use; visualization; wallis; week; whitney; yildiz cache: iojet-1007.pdf plain text: iojet-1007.txt item: #5 of 681 id: iojet-1008 author: Koçak, Ömer; Göksu, İdris; Göktaş, Yüksel title: THE FACTORS AFFECTING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF META ANALYSES date: 2020-12-05 words: 15645 flesch: 55 summary: Academic achievement was measured with school degree and standardized tests, and studies that were correlated with academic achievement or whose effects on academic achievement were clearly demonstrated in meta- analyses were included in this paper. Parental involvement on student academic achievement: A meta- analysis. keywords: academic achievement; activities; addition; analyses; appendix; attitudes; available; behavioral; categories; category; characteristics; children; classroom; cohen; constructivist; correlations; credé; different; education; effect size; effects; efficacy; emotions; es=; ess; et al; fact; factors; family; figure; findings; goksu; goktas; grade; hattie; hedges; high; huge; important; independent; individual; influential; instruction; intelligence; international; involvement; iojet; jeynes; journal; judgments; kocak; kuncel; large; large effects; learning; level; literature; max; mean; medium; meta; metaanalyses; methods; min; model; motivation; negative; negative effects; number; oes; online; overall; parental; parenting; parents; peer; performance; physical; positive; primary; programs; psychological; reading; references; related; relationship; remarkable; research; result; retention; review; richardson; richardson et; sarier; school; science; scope; self; size; small; small effects; social; special; strategies; students; studies; study; systematic; table; teacher; teaching; technologies; technology; theories; type; variables; violence; ways cache: iojet-1008.pdf plain text: iojet-1008.txt item: #6 of 681 id: iojet-101 author: Öztürk, Zekai; Ertaş, Şermin title: UNIVERSITY EDUCATION EFFECT ON DOMESTIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES EFFICIENCY VIEWS (GAZI UNIVERSITY SAMPLE) date: 2015-07-04 words: 7485 flesch: 50 summary: The calculated average score in the survey because it is close to the maximum score from the survey of the opinions of administrative staff training services were determined to be positive. 3.3 The necessity of –service training: Cause-related in-service training requirements can be listed as follows; Scientific and technological development: the individual as a condition of the job is developing technology needed to refresh their knowledge and skills. keywords: administrative staff; age; ankara; bilimler; business; calculated; changes; degree; determined; development; difference; education; efficiency; employees; enstitüsü; environment; ertaş; eğitim; gazi; gazi university; graduate; hie; high; hizmet; impact; information; institutions; international; iojet; i̇çi; job; journal; knowledge; level; lisans; management; marital; method; necessary; necessity; needs; new; online; opinions; order; organization; participation; people; perception; positive; process; productivity; programs; requirements; research; scale; school; service training; services; significant; size; skills; social; sosyal; staff; staff training; status; study; survey; table; teaching; terms; time; total; training; university; university administrative; value; views; way; work; working; yayınlanmamış; years; yüksek; öztürk; üniversitesi cache: iojet-101.pdf plain text: iojet-101.txt item: #7 of 681 id: iojet-1010 author: Aksoy, Pınar; Gresham, Frank M. title: THEORETICAL BASES OF “SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING INTERVENTION PROGRAMS” FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN date: 2020-10-01 words: 8465 flesch: 45 summary: In the meanwhile, all these programs agree that social emotional learning skills should be developed at early ages. The effects of the ımplementation of the conscious discipline program on social emotional learning in an early childhood classroom. keywords: achievement; activities; aksoy; approach; areas; behavioral; bernard; brain; childhood; children; classrooms; cognitive; conscious; cultural; curriculum; development; different; discipline; early; education; effective; emotional; emotional development; emotional learning; emotional skills; gresham; important; information; insights; intervention; intervention programs; journal; learning; learning intervention; learning program; learning skills; management; mcclowry; mind; multisensory; pictures; positive; power; preschool; preschool children; problems; program; purpose; research; resilient; review; role; sel; self; sessions; skills; social; social emotional; social skills; songs; stories; strategies; study; teachers; teaching; temperament; theoretical; theories; theory; tools; university cache: iojet-1010.pdf plain text: iojet-1010.txt item: #8 of 681 id: iojet-1011 author: Yavuz-Konokman, Gamze title: INTEGRATION OF MEDIA AND CRITICAL LITERACY INTO CURRICULUM THROUGH THINKING EDUCATION: FROM TEACHER TRAINING PERSPECTIVE date: 2020-10-01 words: 14779 flesch: 44 summary: Therefore, such courses dealing with media literacy education and critical literacy education can be integrated into teacher education programs independent from any subject or a discipline. Occurrence of media literacy course in teacher education programs is the evidence of media literacy education in Turkey. keywords: accuracy; activity; adjectives; ads; analysis; analyzing; awareness; codes; competent; course; critical; critical literacy; critical thinking; curriculum; data; different; education; effects; elements; evaluation; f=1; figure; findings; goals; implicit; importance; information; instructional; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; konokman; learning; life; literacy; literate; logic; mean; media; media literacy; media messages; messages; need; news; online; participants; parts; perspectives; point; positive; post; pre; process; prospective; prospective teachers; purpose; qualitative; questioning; reading; related; research; results; scale; scores; self; skills; sources; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; terms; test; texts; theme; thinking; thinking education; thinking skills; thought; understanding; view; way; ways; yavuz cache: iojet-1011.pdf plain text: iojet-1011.txt item: #9 of 681 id: iojet-1012 author: Alanoglu, Müslim; Karabatak, Songül title: SOCIAL CONNECTEDNESS, GRATITUDE AND DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES AS PREDICTORS OF TEACHERS' PERCEPTIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL CYNICISM: PREDICTORS OF TEACHERS' PERCEPTIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL CYNICISM date: 2021-01-13 words: 8904 flesch: 44 summary: However, there are also studies conducted in the literature that have concluded that demographic variables other than the variable of the family do not influence organizational cynicism (Delken, 2004) and organizational cynicism levels of teachers do not vary in terms of gender and professional seniority (Akın, 2015; Kalağan & Güzeller, 2010; Sezgin-Nartgün & Kartal, 2013). Organizational cynicism levels of teachers in secondary schools in Turkey. keywords: .04; .05; 8(2; administrators; alanoğlu; analysis; andersson; association; attitudes; behaviors; causes; characteristics; coefficient; commitment; connectedness; correlation; data; demographic; education; effects; events; feelings; gender; gratitude; high; increase; individual; international; iojet; journal; karabatak; leadership; lee; level; life; literature; low; marital; mccullough; model; negative; online; organizational commitment; organizational cynicism; perceptions; performance; positive; possible; predictive; present; professional; psychology; reason; regression; related; relationships; research; result; robbins; scale; school; seniority; significant; social; social connectedness; status; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; turkish; university; values; variables; work cache: iojet-1012.pdf plain text: iojet-1012.txt item: #10 of 681 id: iojet-1014 author: Kanik, Mehmet title: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF AND ENGAGEMENT IN REACTIVE ONLINE EDUCATION PROVIDED DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2021-01-14 words: 9811 flesch: 55 summary: An examination of factors that impact the retention of online students at a for-profit university. Online student engagement keywords: .05; 8(2; better; content; courses; data; education; effect; engaged; engagement; environment; experience; face; face courses; face education; factors; gpa; higher; instructor; interaction; international; internet; iojet; items; journal; kanık; lack; learner; learning; lessons; level; motivation; negative; online; online courses; online education; online engagement; online learning; online student; overall; pandemic; participants; people; perception; positive; professors; qualitative; quality; questions; reactive; reactive online; research; results; satisfaction; scale; school; semester; significant; spring; students; study; survey; table; teacher; teaching; technical; test; theory; time; traditional; traditional courses; traditional education; traditional face; university cache: iojet-1014.pdf plain text: iojet-1014.txt item: #11 of 681 id: iojet-1018 author: Paker, Turan; Balcı, Ersin title: A STUDY ON THE EXPERIENCES OF STUDENTS AND INSTRUCTORS IN BLENDED INSTRUCTION AND LEARNING IN AN ENGLISH PREPARATORY SCHOOL date: 2020-10-01 words: 10475 flesch: 59 summary: To investigate the application of the blended learning in an EFL context from the point of learners and instructors, this study sought to find out answers to the following research questions: (1) What are the learners’ experiences and attitudes towards blended learning instruction? (2) Is there a difference regarding attitudes of genders in blended learning instruction? keywords: activities; assessment; attitudes; balcı; better; blended; blended instruction; blended learning; boring; class; content; course; data; design; developed; development; different; education; effect; effectiveness; english; environment; exercises; extracts; face; face instruction; feedback; findings; foreign; format; hand; help; higher; idea; implementation; instruction; instructors; international; interviews; iojet; items; journal; language; language learning; learners; learning; learning instruction; listening; mean; motivation; new; online; online platform; opinions; paker; participants; platform; positive; practice; preparatory; program; questionnaire; related; research; results; skills; speaking; students; studies; study; system; table; teachers; teaching; technology; terms; time; tool; university; useful; views; vocabulary; way; writing cache: iojet-1018.pdf plain text: iojet-1018.txt item: #12 of 681 id: iojet-1026 author: Pacaol, Niñoval title: TEACHER’S WORKLOAD INTENSIFICATION: A QUALITATIVE CASE STUDY OF ITS IMPLICATIONS ON TEACHING QUALITY date: 2020-11-28 words: 9207 flesch: 48 summary: Teacher workload: A formula for maximizing teacher performance and well-being (Doctoral thesis, Walden University, USA). Pacaol 44 TEACHER’S WORKLOAD INTENSIFICATION: keywords: activities; administrative; akon; analysis; apple; ballet; best; bureaucratic; case; children; classroom; community; control; data; development; different; diri; discussion; doi; duties; duty; education; educators; effective; environment;; experience; factors; general; good; gud; han; home; impact; implications; informal; instruction; intensification; international; interview; iojet; job; journal; kelchtermans; learners; learning; lesson; loads; materials; matter; mga; needs; negative; new; nga; ngan; non; oecd; online; outside; pacaol; paper; parents; participant; particular; performance; personal; practice; pressure; problem; process; professional; public; qualitative; quality; related; research; responsibilities; result; school; situation; society; sources; state; students; studies; study; subject; tasks; teachers; teaching; teaching quality; thematic; themes; thesis; time; understanding; university; usa; working; workload; workload intensification; works cache: iojet-1026.pdf plain text: iojet-1026.txt item: #13 of 681 id: iojet-103 author: Büyükgöze, Hilal; Kavak, Yüksel title: AN INVESTIGATION OF SUPPORT MEASURES FOR BEGINNING TEACHERS IN EU COUNTRIES AND TURKEY date: 2015-09-17 words: 6955 flesch: 50 summary: She studies organizational behavior, teacher training programs, and educational planning. Aim of the study The current paper originally provides a framework for analyzing and then assessing teacher training programs and policies practiced in education systems of the European Union member states and in Turkey in order to figure out the conceptual view of their recent practices. keywords: achievement; aim; assessment; beginning; büyükgöze; candidate; civil; countries; current; degree; documents; economic; education; effectiveness; entrants; european; eurydice; evidence; experience; hanushek; high; induction; initial; international; iojet; italy; item; journal; kavak; knowledge; level; low; master; measures; meb; mentoring; ministry; model; months; needs; new; novice; novice teachers; october; online; paper; performance; period; phase; policy; practices; primary; profession; program; public; qualitative; quality; relevant; research; rockoff; school; secondary; significant; strategies; student; studies; study; support; systems; teacher education; teachers; teaching; training; turkey; types; union; university; working; years cache: iojet-103.pdf plain text: iojet-103.txt item: #14 of 681 id: iojet-1031 author: Terzi, Ragip title: AN ADAPTATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ANXIETY SCALE INTO TURKISH: RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY STUDY date: 2020-10-01 words: 5913 flesch: 56 summary: AI anxiety (AIA) can be defined as the panic and nervousness due to unknown directions of AI technologies and products (Johnson & Verdicchio, 2017). In other words, “AI anxiety (AIA)” can be expressed as the panic and nervousness due to unknown directions of AI development (Johnson & Verdicchio, 2017). keywords: afraid; age; aias; aic; anxiety; anxiety levels; anxious; artificial; automation; beni; bir; blindness; computer; configuration; correlations; data; degree; dimensions; education; experience; female; gender; human; intelligence; international; iojet; items; job; journal; korkuyorum; kurtosis; learning; levels; online; people; products; reliability; replacement; scale; significant; skewness; sociotechnical; students; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; technique; technologies; technology; tekniğinin; terzi; total; turkish; validity; wang; years; ürününün cache: iojet-1031.pdf plain text: iojet-1031.txt item: #15 of 681 id: iojet-1032 author: Karabıyık, Ceyhun title: INTERACTION BETWEEN ACADEMIC RESILIENCE AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF TEACHER TRAINEES date: 2020-10-01 words: 8068 flesch: 46 summary: In this section results of the analyses regards, gender differences regard academic resilience, the relationship between academic resilience dimensions and student GPA, and the determinant(s) of GPA will be presented. Interaction between academic resilience and academic achievement of teacher trainees. keywords: academic; academic achievement; academic performance; academic resilience; achievement; adaptive; affect; analysis; cassidy; college; data; descriptive; determined; development; differences; dimensions; doi; education; emotional; english; factors; favor; female; gender; gender differences; gpa; hand; help; high; higher; international; iojet; items; journal; karabıyık; kutlu; language; learning; levels; males; marsh; martin; mwangi; negative; online; participants; performance; perseverance; positive; predictor; preservice; program; psychology; reflecting; regard; relationship; reliability; research; resilient; respect; response; results; sample; scale; school; school students; sciences; sd=; secondary; seeking; self; significant; social; students; studies; study; success; table; teacher; teaching; trainees; turkey; turkish; types; undergraduate; university; usa; year cache: iojet-1032.pdf plain text: iojet-1032.txt item: #16 of 681 id: iojet-1033 author: Turk, Nilay; Kalayci, Nurdan ; Yamak, Havva title: EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICS (STEM) CURRICULUM DESIGNED AND IMPLEMENTED FOR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS OF FACULTY OF EDUCATION date: 2021-07-01 words: 12699 flesch: 51 summary: She conducts research on teacher training, learning and teaching methods, active teaching methods, STEM education and STEM teacher education. it was stated that STEM education approach should be included in the undergraduate programs of the education faculty in order for pre-service teachers to successfully apply STEM education. keywords: active; activities; analysis; ankara; applied; approach; assessment; better; content; contribution; course; curriculum; data; design; determined; development; different; dimensions; education; education approach; effect; effective; engineering; evaluation; evaluation form; experts; faculties; faculty; fields; findings; form; group; higher; implementation; important; information; international; interview; iojet; journal; kalayci; knowledge; learning; lesson; level; life; mathematics; measurement; methods; model; modeling; module; needs; negative; new; online; opinions; order; plan; positive; post; pre; prepared; preservice; problems; process; products; professional; programs; qualitative; question; related; reliability; research; science; science education; science teachers; scores; self; sequence; service; service teachers; skills; stem; stem curriculum; stem education; stem fields; student; studies; study; suggestions; table; teacher education; teachers; teaching; techniques; technology; test; theme; tools; total; training; turkey; undergraduate; university; unpublished; use; way; yamak cache: iojet-1033.pdf plain text: iojet-1033.txt item: #17 of 681 id: iojet-1036 author: Mulongo, Meshack title: SERVANT LEADERSHIP THROUGH SUPPORT: A CASE OF CENTRAL KENYA CONFERENCE SECONDARY SCHOOLS date: 2020-10-01 words: 4986 flesch: 55 summary: This mean implies that CKC SDA secondary schools teachers tend to disagree that principals are patient with those who make mistakes; which should not be the case. On significance difference in the perception of teachers on principals practice of servant leadership style in CKC SDA secondary schools through support based on Gender, Age and teaching experience; Gender, age, and teaching experience did not affect the evaluation rating of teachers on CKC secondary school principals’ practice of servant leadership style through support as they have similar evaluation across categories. keywords: administrators; age; business; case; central; ckc; conference; education; employee; engagement; evaluation; experience; female; figure; gender; information; institutions; international; iojet; journal; kenya; leadership; male; management; mean; mulongo; need; online; organizational; practice; principals; questionnaire; research; respondents; satisfaction; schools; sda; sda secondary; secondary; secondary schools; servant; servant leadership; study; style; support; table; teachers; teaching; work; workers; years cache: iojet-1036.pdf plain text: iojet-1036.txt item: #18 of 681 id: iojet-1037 author: Andika, Fajar; Pramudya , Ikrar; Subanti , Sri title: PROBLEM POSING AND PROBLEM SOLVING WITH SCIENTIFIC APPROACH IN GEOMETRY LEARNING date: 2020-10-01 words: 3571 flesch: 48 summary: This is because the principle of learning is to place students as active subjects and through scientific stages, in the process of learning knowledge students get from the knowledge they have. 1635 PROBLEM POSING AND PROBLEM SOLVING WITH SCIENTIFIC APPROACH IN GEOMETRY LEARNING Fajar Andika Ikrar Pramudya Sri Subanti Abstract Geometry subject that prosecute students to comprehend abstracts things is one of the causes of students’ difficulties in mathematics learning. keywords: adaptive; adaptive reasoning; andika; approach; better; class; data; education; experimental; figure; geometry; increase; international; journal; knowledge; learning; level; material; mathematics; model; plane; posing; post; pramudya; pretest; problem; process; reasoning; research; results; school; science; scientific; scientific approach; skills; solving; students; study; subanti; table; teaching; test cache: iojet-1037.pdf plain text: iojet-1037.txt item: #19 of 681 id: iojet-1038 author: Çiftci, Harun; Özcan, Mehmet title: A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS OF TRADITIONAL GRAMMAR TEACHING AND COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING IN TEACHING ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY date: 2021-01-08 words: 10084 flesch: 55 summary: In the misapplication of rules or features error category CG made more errors than TG while in overgeneralization error category, TG made more errors than CG in developmental errors of the written data. Grammar and vocabulary teaching are one of the most widely investigated concern in the history of English language teaching and learning as a foreign language. keywords: 8(2; activities; adjectives; analysis; article; case; categories; category; classroom; clt; communicative; data; developmental; difference; education; effective; efl; english; english grammar; english language; errors; features; form; grammar; grammar teaching; groups; higher;; interference; interference errors; international; iojet; journal; language; language teaching; learners; learning; marker; mean; method; non; number; online; oral; oral productions; order; overgeneralization; ozcan; participants; person; post; pre; process; productions; questions; research; results; rules; school; semantic; sentences; significant; simple; singular; spoken; structures; students; study; system; table; teachers; teaching; tense; teog; test; texts; tgtm; total; translation; turkish; university; use; verb; vocabulary; vocabulary teaching; way; word cache: iojet-1038.pdf plain text: iojet-1038.txt item: #20 of 681 id: iojet-1041 author: Ünlücan Tosun , Fatoş; Glover, Philip title: HOW DO SCHOOL TEACHERS IN TURKEY PERCEIVE AND USE THE CEFR? date: 2020-10-01 words: 4395 flesch: 58 summary: If language teachers do not know and use the CEFR it can not affect classroom practice for teaching and assessment and the benefits for teachers will be reduced. However, the teachers in this study felt that they do not know how to integrate the levels into their classroom testing procedures, which compares with other studies that found student teachers felt that coursebooks did not give enough support for successful use of the CEFR (Tüm & Emre, 2017), and teachers have pointed to practical problems occurring in the classroom such as lack of support from coursebooks and class size (Yüce & Mirici, 2019). keywords: activities; assessment; cefr; classroom; common; coursebooks; curriculum; demirel; education; english; europe; european; foreign; glover; interview; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; level; limited; meb; participants; portfolio; practices; question; reading; school; self; service; speaking; students; studies; study; tables; teachers; teaching; testing; tosun; training; turkey; use; writing; ünlücan cache: iojet-1041.pdf plain text: iojet-1041.txt item: #21 of 681 id: iojet-1042 author: Bayat, Nihat title: THE IMPACT OF ELLIPSES ON READING COMPREHENSION date: 2020-10-01 words: 8442 flesch: 57 summary: Findings showed that ellipsis comprehension was a significant predictor of reading comprehension. Despite this limitation, for the reliability of the findings, it was compulsory to determine the success in ellipsis comprehension and the reading comprehension level using data based on the same foundation. keywords: analysis; antecedent; approach; bayat; cambridge; cohesion; cohesive; comprehending; comprehension; comprehension success; comprehension test; content; data; determinative; different; dimensions; discourse; education; element; ellipses; ellipsis comprehension; ellipted; elliptical; extent; grammatical; halliday; increase; information; international; iojet; items; journal; language; level; linguistics; making; model; new; object; online; oxford; participants; press; process; processing; reader; reading; reading comprehension; regression; relations; research; results; semantic; sense; sentence; significant; story; structures; study; sub; subject; success; syntactic; syntax; table; teaching; terms; test; text; unit; university; use; verb; york cache: iojet-1042.pdf plain text: iojet-1042.txt item: #22 of 681 id: iojet-1043 author: Yaprak, Zeynep; Özmen, Kemal Sinan title: DEVELOPING CRITICAL INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION date: 2021-01-13 words: 6807 flesch: 39 summary: Therefore, the dimensions of intercultural competence were arranged around the top three dimensions as critical intercultural knowledge, awareness, and sensitivity (C-KAS). Based on the reflections that focus on the role of critical thinking dispositions in developing intercultural affective domain, for the disposition of intellectual humility in critical intercultural knowledge, some of the students stated that making mistake was the nature of human beings but the important point was to develop awareness and be aware of the fact that they could also have inaccurate or limited knowledge; therefore, awareness should be used to develop intellectual spirit in intercultural competence. keywords: 8(2; analysis; awareness; change; cognitive; cohen; competence; concepts; control; criteria; critical; critical intercultural; critical thinking; cultures; data; development; difference; dimensions; dispositions; education; effect; elder; empathy; experimental; facione; group; information; intellectual; intercultural; intercultural awareness; intercultural competence; intercultural knowledge; intercultural sensitivity; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; mean; methods; mixed; number; online; participants; paul; people; post; pre; process; qualitative; ranks; reflection; related; research; scores; second; self; sensitivity; significant; size; skills; student; study; table; teacher; teaching; test; thinking; thinking skills; thought; training; treatment; wilcoxon; yaprak; özmen cache: iojet-1043.pdf plain text: iojet-1043.txt item: #23 of 681 id: iojet-1048 author: Ikhsan, Fahrudin; Pramudya, Ikrar ; Subanti , Sri title: AN ANALYSIS OF MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF THE STUDENTS AT GRADE VII OF A JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL date: 2020-10-01 words: 3620 flesch: 49 summary: An analysis of mathematical communication skills of the students at grade VII of a junior high school. The ability possessed by students in particular to express ideas about problem solving as well as mathematical strategies and solutions by oral and written means is called mathematical communication skills (Pratiwi, 2015). keywords: abilities; ability; able; aspects; communication; data; drawing; education; expressions; form; formula; high; ideas; ikhsan; information; journal; language; low; mathematical; mathematical communication; pramudya; problem; research; results; school; skills; students; study; subanti; subject; symbols; understanding; university; work; writing; written cache: iojet-1048.pdf plain text: iojet-1048.txt item: #24 of 681 id: iojet-105 author: Yanar, Muhsin Omay; Tütüniş, Birsen title: THE IMPACT OF MASS MEDIA TOOLS ON EFL STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS date: 2016-01-11 words: 7799 flesch: 70 summary: 2-24. THE IMPACT OF MASS MEDIA TOOLS ON EFL STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS Muhsin Yanar Piri Reis University, 34940 Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey 2 THE IMPACT OF MASS MEDIA TOOLS ON EFL STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS MuhsinYanar BirsenTütüniş keywords: 3(1; accent; agree; appendix; authentic; class; communication; comprehension; control; course; daily; daily expressions; data; education; effective; efl; english; experimental; expressions; female; fluency; good; group; important; international; iojet; jake; journal; kelime; language; learning; life; like; lindsay; listening; lot; mass; mass media; materials; media; message; need; news; online; oral; pack; people; pilot; point; questionnaire; questions; radio; real; research; school; skills; social; songs; speaking; structure; students; study; table; teaching; television; tests; text; time; tools; training; tütüniş; university; usage; use; useful; videos; vocabulary; yanar cache: iojet-105.pdf plain text: iojet-105.txt item: #25 of 681 id: iojet-1051 author: Şenol, Fatma Betül title: READINESS FOR READING AND WRITING IN PRE-SCHOOL PERIOD: TEACHERS’ VIEWPOINTS ON CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT AND PRACTICES date: 2020-12-05 words: 9224 flesch: 55 summary: Pre-school teachers should encourage children to write their own names and friends' names in their activities. Profiles of emergent literacy skills among pre-school children who are at risk for academic difficulties. keywords: activities; alphabet; attention; auditory; awareness; bingham; centers; childhood; children; classes; classroom; data; development; early; education; environment; example; figure; form; frequency; gerde; high; important; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learning; letters; literacy; low; materials; memory; motor; names; online; opinions; order; perception; period; phonological; play; practices; pre; preparation; primary; print; readiness; reading; related; research; results; school; school children; school education; school period; school readiness; school teachers; senol; skills; studies; study; support; table; teachers; teaching; visual; vocabulary; words; write; writing; writing activities; writing skills cache: iojet-1051.pdf plain text: iojet-1051.txt item: #26 of 681 id: iojet-1052 author: Sökmen, Yavuz; Nalçacı, Ahmet title: PERSPECTIVES OF TEACHER CANDIDATES REGARDING THE IMPACT OF THE MEDIA ON VALUES date: 2020-10-01 words: 4996 flesch: 58 summary: Opinions on being a model for providing media value education that attracted attention among the teacher candidates' views are: The figures the children, teenagers, and parents admire and consider as icons should be represented as characters who act based on moral rules (13-1F), One example can be the families and societies in which respect, love, and tolerance are effectively utilized can be represented through the media. His research interests are motivation, self-regulation, self-efficacy, primary education, and values education. keywords: academic; ankara; attention; awareness; behavior; candidates; case; children; data; değerler; education; effect; effective; eğitimi; facebook; frequency; highest; impact; impartial; individuals; international; internet; iojet; journal; life; media; model; nalçacı; negative; online; opinions; people; positive; practices; programs; research; results; series; shows; social; social media; society; sosyal; structure; student; study; suggestions; surveillance; sökmen; table; teacher; teaching; television; tools; university; use; values; values education; yıldırım cache: iojet-1052.pdf plain text: iojet-1052.txt item: #27 of 681 id: iojet-1056 author: Er-Türküresin, Hafize title: THE EFFECT OF USING CREATIVE DRAMA METHOD ON STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT IN THE SOCIAL STUDIES COURSE: A META-ANALYSIS STUDY date: 2020-10-01 words: 7723 flesch: 59 summary: The effects of creative drama method on social studies course success and attitude towards the lesson. The effect of drama method on social studies course success and conscious consumerism (Unpublished master's thesis). keywords: 4th; 8th; academic; achievement; analysis; ankara; bias; class; course; creative drama; data; determined; different; dissertation; distribution; doctoral; drama; drama method; education; effect; effect size; experimental; grade; group; international; iojet; journal; learning; lesson; level; master; meta; method; model; number; online; positive; positive effect; primary; publication; research; results; sample; school; sciences; sizes; skills; social; social studies; students; studies; studies course; study; success; table; teaching; terms; thesis; turkey; type; türküresin; university; unpublished; value; years cache: iojet-1056.pdf plain text: iojet-1056.txt item: #28 of 681 id: iojet-1057 author: Aksüt, Selda title: THE VIEWS OF THE SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHERS ON DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ SELF-CONTROL SKILLS date: 2020-10-01 words: 9032 flesch: 51 summary: As a result of the study, it was determined that Social Studies teachers defined self-control skills as the capacity to control and check themselves. Therefore, the results of this study, investigating the views of Social Studies teacher on self- control skills, are believed to be important in terms of contributing to the literature and the related studies. keywords: ability; activities; addition; aksüt; analysis; ankara; attitudes; baumeister; behaviors; bilgiler; capacity; change; communication; competence; contributions; control skills; curriculum; data; dergisi; determined; development; differences; different; education; effective; environment; experienced; eğitim; families; family; figure; help; important; individuals; information; international; interview; iojet; içinde; journal; learning; lesson; methods; model; number; online; order; participant; participation; pegem; person; problems; process; reliability; research; responsibilities; results; school; self; skills competence; social; social studies; solving; sosyal; students; studies; studies teachers; study; sub; sufficient; teachers; teaching; techniques; textbooks; theme; values; views; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1057.pdf plain text: iojet-1057.txt item: #29 of 681 id: iojet-106 author: Oktan, Doğa; Çağanağa, Çağda Kıvanç title: THE IMPACT OF TEACHERS’ GENDER DIFFERENCES ON CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT date: 2015-09-17 words: 4696 flesch: 58 summary: These diaries should be about their use of classroom management strategies during their 5 hours teaching period. It means that listening to students’ problems is a kind of classroom management strategy for Jane. keywords: addition; arrangement; aspects; behavioural; classroom; classroom management; climate; considerations; data; differences; education; english; environment; european; experienced; female; gender; impact; important; instructional; international; interviews; iojet; jane; john; journal; language; lefke; management; oktan; organization; physical; positive; reflective; reinforcement; reports; research; school; social; strategies; students; studies; study; successful; teachers; teaching; university; use; work; çağanağa cache: iojet-106.pdf plain text: iojet-106.txt item: #30 of 681 id: iojet-1060 author: Karanja, Lucy title: TEACHING CRITICAL THINKING IN A COLLEGE-LEVEL WRITING COURSE: A CRITICAL REFLECTION date: 2020-12-03 words: 10881 flesch: 44 summary: A synthesis of the literature and the author’s experiences emphasize that the relationship between writing and critical thinking is not obvious, and that writing instructors must make intentional efforts to clarify this relationship to students, and to teach and assess critical thinking skills from students’ essays. Keywords: critical thinking skills, critical thinking development, evaluating critical thinking, argumentative writing, college-level writing, writing instruction 1. keywords: abilities; approach; argumentative; argumentative writing; arguments; aspects; assessment; assumptions; author; bean; capacity; claims; college; concepts; condon; content; course; critical reflection; critical thinking; critical thought; descriptions; development; different; draft; education; effective; elements; essays; evaluation; evidence; experiences; facione; faculty; feedback; higher; ideas; importance; information; institutions; instruction; instructors; integrated; international; iojet; journal; karanja; kelly; knowledge; language; learning; level; limited; literature; little; moore; multi; nature; need; new; online; order; outcomes; paper; paul; peer; practice; problems; process; reasoning; reflection; relationship; research; review; riley; samples; self; skills; strategies; students; support; teaching; text; thinking skills; thought; timed; use; work; writing; writing course; writing skills cache: iojet-1060.pdf plain text: iojet-1060.txt item: #31 of 681 id: iojet-1061 author: Korkman, Hamdi; Çolak, Tuğba Seda title: INVESTIGATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COVID-19 FEAR AND INTOLERANCE OF UNCERTAINTY AND GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER date: 2020-12-04 words: 5422 flesch: 52 summary: Investigation of the relationship between Covid-19 fear and intolerance of uncertainty and generalized anxiety disorder. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the relationship between Covid-19 fear and intolerance of uncertainty and generalized anxiety disorder in individuals aged 18-65 years and older. keywords: analysis; anxiety; anxiety disorder; associated; covid-19; covid-19 fear; data; depression; disorder; doi; dugas; education; fear; findings; gad; generalized; generalized anxiety; health; high; individuals; information; international; intolerance; iojet; ius; journal; kantor; korkman; lee; levels; media; mental; online; pandemic; participants; people; psychological; related; relationship; research; results; satıcı; scale; score; significant; social; stress; study; symptoms; table; teaching; test; total; uncertainty; variables; worry; years cache: iojet-1061.pdf plain text: iojet-1061.txt item: #32 of 681 id: iojet-1063 author: Akcanca, Nur title: AN ALTERNATIVE TEACHING TOOL IN SCIENCE EDUCATION: EDUCATIONAL COMICS date: 2020-10-01 words: 8561 flesch: 57 summary: Are science comics a good medium for science communication? An alternative teaching tool in science education: Educational comics. keywords: abstract; akcanca; alternative; ankara; art; book; character; children; classroom; combination; comic book; comics; communication; concepts; context; development; different; education; educational comics; effect; effective; elements; fact; features; field; figure; graphic; historical; history; images; important; information; international; iojet; i̇stanbul; journal; july; knowledge; language; learning; life; main; master; materials; new; novels; online; place; point; popular; process; publishing; reader; reading; research; sarıbıyık; science; science comics; science education; scientific; section; series; short; social; speech; stories; story; strips; students; studies; study; subject; teachers; teaching; text; thesis; time; toh; tool; topkaya; training; understanding; university; unpublished; use; visual; way; world; özdemir cache: iojet-1063.pdf plain text: iojet-1063.txt item: #33 of 681 id: iojet-1064 author: Sevgi, Sevim; Çalışkan, Ayşe Nur title: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS' MATHEMATICS EXAM ANXIETY AND SELF-EFFICACY FOR PROBLEM-POSING date: 2020-10-01 words: 7682 flesch: 60 summary: Rotated components matrix results of mathematics exam anxiety scale (Turkish) Items fa c il it a te a n x ie ty d if fi c u lt a n x ie ty “Matematik sınavlarına girmek beni mutlu eder.” In Table 4, the skewness value is -0.191 and the kurtosis value is 0.742 for girl students in mathematics exam anxiety scale. keywords: achievement; analysis; anxiety; anxiety scale; bir; boys; dergisi; difference; distribution; education; efficacy; efficacy scale; eighth; exam; exam anxiety; factor; fifth; figure; gender; girls; grade; grade level; ile; incelenmesi; international; iojet; items; journal; kurtosis; level; matematik; mathematics; mathematics anxiety; mathematics exam; mean; mean difference; middle; middle school; normal; normality; online; p =; participants; posing; private; problem; problemler; prospective; relationship; research; results; scale; school; school students; self; selfefficacy; seventh; sevgi; significant; significant difference; significant mean; sixth; skewness; skills; solving; students; study; success; table; teachers; teaching; test; tezi; tukey; value; çalışkan; özgen; öğrencilerinin; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1064.pdf plain text: iojet-1064.txt item: #34 of 681 id: iojet-1071 author: Efendi, Apriani Zahrah; Wangid, Muhammad Nur title: PROCRASTINATION: CAN IT BE PASSED DOWN THROUGH A SELF-MONITORING STRATEGY AND OWN GIFTS? date: 2020-11-30 words: 4128 flesch: 48 summary: Based on a literature review it is clear that self-management counseling services with a self- monitoring strategy are deemed appropriate to tackle student academic procrastination. Sampling in this study was determined based on consideration of the results of observations and pretest results regarding student academic procrastination. keywords: academic; academic procrastination; behavior; category; control; counseling; data; education; effective; experimental; group; high; international; iojet; journal; low; management; moderate; monitoring; person; post; procrastination; procrastination behavior; research; results; reward; role; school; score; self; selfmonitoring; series; services; strategies; students; study; table; techniques; test; time; treatment; wangid cache: iojet-1071.pdf plain text: iojet-1071.txt item: #35 of 681 id: iojet-1075 author: Çınar, İkram title: EDUCATIONAL RESULTS OF AN EXILE: THE AHISKA TURKS date: 2020-10-01 words: 17583 flesch: 66 summary: Both of these were reasons that complicated or even prevented the education of Ahiska Turkish children and youth. Narhanım explains what it was like to be a girl in an Ahiska Turkish family from her own point of view, like this: “It was a disadvantage to be a girl in Ahiska families. keywords: agricultural; ahiska turks; ahıska; akhaltsikhe; alphabet; anahanım; analysis; ankara; areas; army; atabegate; aydıngün; azerbaijan; binali; bursa; case; caucasus; centre; certain; children; city; cleansing; communist; communities; community; compulsory; conditions; consequences; country; culture; data; dergisi; different; difficult; discrimination; documents; education; empire; ethnic; exile; fact; families; family; father; fields; findings; following; georgia; girls; good; great; groups; high; higher; history; home; human; important; intellectuals; international; interviews; iojet; i̇.; journal; kazakhstan; knowledge; kyrgyzstan; labour; language; large; later; law; life; like; literacy; literature; lives; losses; martial; memmedli; mother; narhanım; number; old; online; oppression; order; ottoman; participants; party; people; period; places; pohl; policy; population; primary; problems; reading; reasons; regime; region; research; result; return; rights; russian; school; second; serinaz; situation; social; societies; society; soviet; stalin; stalinist; state; students; studies; study; subject; system; teaching; time; tongue; turkey; turkish; türk; unable; union; university; use; ussr; uzbekistan; villages; war; way; women; work; working; world; written; yayınları; years; çınar; üniversitesi; şirin cache: iojet-1075.pdf plain text: iojet-1075.txt item: #36 of 681 id: iojet-1079 author: Duruk, Ümit; Akgün, Abuzer title: USING REAL ENGAGEMENT IN THE ACTIVE PROBLEM-SOLVING MODEL IN TEACHING SCIENCE: AN INTERPRETIVE PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE STUDY OF AN EXPERIENCED SCIENCE TEACHER date: 2020-10-01 words: 16098 flesch: 48 summary: Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, studies examining the interactions among PCK components of science teachers using discipline-specific strategies are limited. Moreover, self-efficacy was found to be linked with the integration among PCK components (Henson, 2001; Pajares, 1992; Park & Oliver, 2008b). keywords: active; activities; akgun; akin; analysis; aydin; beyza; chen; classroom; components; concept; connection; consistent; content; content knowledge; coping; course; critical; data; development; discipline; discover; duruk; education; efficacy; electricity; engagement; everyday; experienced; experiments; fact; failed; findings; group; implementation; incidents; influenced; inquiry; interaction; international; interview; iojet; journal; knowledge; koa; koc; kois; kois components; kois koc; kois kol; kol; kondakci; learning; level; life; maker; map; maps; model; online; orientation; outcomes; park; pck; pck components; pedagogical; perception; practice; pre; problem; process; program; questions; real; reaps; reaps model; reflective; related; requisite; research; results; scenarios; science; science education; science teaching; self; situation; skills; solving; specific; sto; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; table; tasc; teachers; teaching; terms; themes; topic; use; uzuntiryaki cache: iojet-1079.pdf plain text: iojet-1079.txt item: #37 of 681 id: iojet-1080 author: Dinçol Özgür, Sinem title: CHEMISTRY SELF-EFFICACY BELIEFS AS PREDICTORS OF STUDENTS' METACOGNITIVE SKILLS WHEN SOLVING CHEMISTRY PROBLEMS date: 2020-11-30 words: 7030 flesch: 47 summary: The effect of metacognitive strategies on prospective teachers’ metacognitive awareness and self efficacy belief. The number of Chemistry students was 49, while 31 students were majoring in Chemistry Education. keywords: academic; achievement; analysis; awareness; aydın; bandura; beliefs; chemistry; chemistry education; chemistry self; college; cooper; current; data; development; difference; dimensions; education; efficacy; efficacy beliefs; fields; hand; high; international; iojet; items; journal; kirbulut; knowledge; learning; levels; literature; metacognitive; metacognitive skills; motivation; online; ozgur; pajares; performance; pintrich; problem; processes; psychology; regulation; relationship; research; results; sandi; scale; school; science; scores; scs; self; selfefficacy; significant; skills; solving; sps; strategies; students; study; subject; success; table; teaching; university; urena; use; uzuntiryaki; variables; zimmerman; çapa cache: iojet-1080.pdf plain text: iojet-1080.txt item: #38 of 681 id: iojet-1081 author: Yayci, Levent; Kendirci, Abdurrahman title: DETERMINATION OF EDUCATIONAL/ACADEMIC AND SOME SOCIAL BEHAVIORAL TRENDS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN TURKEY DURING CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) PANDEMIC DAYS date: 2020-12-04 words: 7246 flesch: 55 summary: As it was impossible to observe the students closely or interview the parents face-to-face during the related period, students from Giresun University Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department were given online training about filling out the questionnaires with elementary school students and their parents who they could contact in their circles. In normal days, when the pandemic was not seen and students went to schools, the daily TV watching time of elementary school students was found to be 90 minutes in Australia (Brown, Nicholson, Bromine & Bittman, 2010) more than two hours in England and the United States (İlhan, 2013), and two hours in Turkey on average (Çetin &Bilgin Aksu, 2010: Doğan & Göker, 2012). keywords: academic; access; activities; adaptation; average; behavioral; children; collection; content; coronavirus; crisis; daily; data; day; days; design; development; distance; eba; education; elementary; family; father; findings; following; frequency; games; half; hand; home; hours; interest; international; internet; iojet; journal; kendirci; learning; lessons; lockdown; materials; minutes; mobile; mother; new; online; pandemic; pandemic process; parents; percentage; period; play; positive; problems; process; questions; research; school; school students; siblings; skills; social; students; study; table; teaching; television; time; total; turkey; watching; yayci cache: iojet-1081.pdf plain text: iojet-1081.txt item: #39 of 681 id: iojet-1084 author: Kuteesa, Disan title: PHILOSOPHICAL ORIENTATION OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN UGANDA: A CASE OF TEACHERS IN IGANGA MUNICIPALITY date: 2021-02-15 words: 6227 flesch: 51 summary: Teachers are expected to conflate epistemological beliefs, instructional training and societal expectations of effective instruction to construct a single perceptual identity and cause learning, but since 2009-2019 pupils in Eastern region of Uganda have persistently continued to perform poorly in Primary Leaving examination hence a need to examine the epistemological and ontological position of teachers. The theory involves many teaching and learning methods, however, it conceptualizes each on a continuum between teacher and student centered (Trigwells, 2005).For Phenomenographic pedagogy, what matters in the classroom is how teachers create the necessary conditions for students to appropriate the critical aspects of the object of learning, hence enabling learners to experience the object of learning in the manner and extent that enable learners to discern the critical features of learning. keywords: 8(2; analysis; authority; beliefs; bugumba; buligo; classroom; content; data; development; devoted; division; eastern; education; educators; epistemological; examinations; figure; iganga; information; international; iojet; islamic; islamic p; journal; kasokoso; key; knowledge; kuteesa; learners; learning; leaving; methods; mode; municipality; nakavule; need; new; noor; online; orientation; pedagogy; percentage; performance; philosophical; position; primary; principle; process; production; pupils; qualitative; region; research; school; students; study; subject; teachers; teaching; theory; thinking; total; uganda cache: iojet-1084.pdf plain text: iojet-1084.txt item: #40 of 681 id: iojet-1087 author: Aydogan Yenmez, Arzu; Gökce, Semirhan; Aydede, Meryem Nur; Çelik, Tugba title: INVESTIGATION OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS' AWARENESS OF STEM AND STEM TEACHING INTENTION date: 2020-12-03 words: 5522 flesch: 52 summary: The teachers who are able to handle STEM education are supposed to integrate different disciplines in the teaching/learning situations in the achievement of course objectives. In this study, pre-service teachers' awareness of and intention towards STEM education were examined. . keywords: activities; analysis; areas; awareness; aydede; basis; candidates; capraro; data; different; disciplines; education; effect; elementary; engineering; gender; group; important; integrated; integrative; intention; interdisciplinary; international; journal; learning; literature; mathematics; mathematics education; model; participants; post; pre; process; program; project; research; results; school; science; science education; scores; service; service teachers; significant; stem; stem education; stem teaching; students; study; teachers; teaching; technology; test; turkish; university; variables; variance; yenmez cache: iojet-1087.pdf plain text: iojet-1087.txt item: #41 of 681 id: iojet-1088 author: Tanık-Önal, Nagihan; Önal, Nezih title: TEACHING SCIENCE THROUGH DISTANCE EDUCATION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2020-10-01 words: 7305 flesch: 53 summary: The results of the research study revealed that generally parents believed that science education via EBA was beneficial for the students that the visuals and videos used during science instruction were arresting, that EBA was an enjoyable platform, and it had advantages such as the possibility to do experiments virtually. Keywords: Covid-19, pandemic, distance education, EBA, science education, middle school, parent 1. keywords: analysis; aspects; benefit; children; class; content; covid-19; data; distance; distance education; eba; education; effective; environment; experiments; eğitim; face; feedback; findings; following; home; impact; instruction; international; iojet; journal; learning; lessons; middle; ministry; motivation; online; opportunity; p12; p16; pandemic; parents; participants; platform; positive; present; present study; process; qualitative; question; research; school; science; science education; science instruction; students; studies; study; subject; system; table; tanık; teachers; teaching; time; transition; useful; uzaktan; videos; views; visuals; önal cache: iojet-1088.pdf plain text: iojet-1088.txt item: #42 of 681 id: iojet-109 author: Zare-ee, Abbas; Mohd Don, Zuraidah; Knowles, Gerry; Tohidian, Iman title: GENDER DIFFERENCES IN SELF-ESTIMATES OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AMONG LEARNERS OF ENGLISH date: 2015-09-30 words: 7200 flesch: 49 summary: Despite the lack of adequate empirical support and recent doubts raised about its validity, this view of multiple intelligences has been extensively employed for the characterization of learners and the development of tasks for language teaching and learning. Whereas gender differences in the learning and use of language have been extensively researched, context-specific information on gender differences in different domains of multiple intelligences has not been seriously examined. keywords: abilities; ability; bodily; case; differences; different; domains; don; education; english; estimates; existential; female; foreign; gardner; gender; gender differences; general; higher; important; intelligences; international; interpersonal; iojet; iranian; journal; kinesthetic; knowles; language; language learning; learners; learning; level; linguistic; linguistic intelligence; logical; males; mathematical; mean; mohd; multiple; multiple intelligences; musical; naturalistic; new; online; participants; people; performance; possible; proficiency; questionnaire; research; scores; self; significant; spatial; students; studies; study; table; tasks; teaching; tests; theory; things; tohidian; university; use; verbal; zare cache: iojet-109.pdf plain text: iojet-109.txt item: #43 of 681 id: iojet-1094 author: Öztürk Karataş, Tuçe; Okan, Zuhal title: THE POWERFUL USE OF AN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER RECRUITMENT EXAM IN THE TURKISH CONTEXT: AN INTERACTIVE QUALITATIVE CASE STUDY FROM EXAMINEES’ PERSPECTIVE date: 2021-07-01 words: 12443 flesch: 60 summary: The number of English language teacher candidates taking the KPSS in last five years (2016-2020) is quite large (13.459, 11.535, 11.917, 12.255 ,15.297). To them, the KPSS regulated the access to vocational opportunities for English language teacher candidates by serving as a gatekeeper. keywords: affinities; affinity; analysis; appendix; assessment; axial; candidates; change; code; coding; consequences; context; data; eds; education; effects; english; english language; exam; examination; factors; figure; financial; findings; focus; focus group; general; group; high; impact; individuals; international; interview; iojet; iqa; ird; journal; karataş; knowledge; kpss; kpss affinity; language; language teacher; language testing; large; learning; lives; mcnamara; new; number; okan; online; order; origin; outcomes; pair; participants; perception; perspective; point; policies; policy; political; power; powerful; powerful use; qualitative; recruitment; relationships; research; roles; selection; sessions; set; shared; shohamy; sid; social; society; studies; study; system; table; takers; teacher; teacher candidates; teaching; test; testing; theoretical; turkey; turkish; university; use; ösym; öğretmen cache: iojet-1094.pdf plain text: iojet-1094.txt item: #44 of 681 id: iojet-1096 author: Özer Keskin, Melike; Aksakal , Esma title: AN INVESTIGATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY LEVELS AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION IMAGES OF 7TH YEAR PUPILS IN PRIMARY EDUCATION date: 2020-10-01 words: 9201 flesch: 50 summary: The least frequent visuals in environmental pollution drawings were ‘pictures of irregular solid refuse storage (hazardous waste storage) spaces’ (n=3, 3.94%) under the theme of soil pollution, ‘listening and dancing to loud music / pictures of loudspeakers’ (n=2; 2.63%) and ‘heavy traffic / heavy machinery / sound of horn’ (n=2; 2.63%) under the theme of noise pollution, and ‘pictures with “hazardous waste” symbols’ (n=2; 2.63%) under the theme of environmental pollution in general. Received: 13.08.2020 Received in revised form: 31.08.2020 Accepted: 21.09.2020 AN INVESTIGATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY LEVELS AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION IMAGES OF 7TH YEAR PUPILS IN PRIMARY EDUCATION 1 Research article Melike Özer-Keskin Gazi University Esma Aksakal Gazi University Melike Özer Keskin is an Associate Professor of Biology Education at the University of Gazi. keywords: activities; air; aksakal; analyses; ankara; attitudes; authorities; average; awareness; bachelor; behaviour; behaviour scale; bins; cognitive; data; degree; dergisi; different; dimension; distribution; drawings; education; environmental; environmental behaviour; environmental education; environmental issues; environmental literacy; environmental pollution; environmental problems; environmental sensitivity; eğitim; female; findings; form; gases; gender; global; harm; harmful; high; images; individuals; international; interview; iojet; issues; items; journal; keskin; knowledge; levels; literacy; natural; non; online; order; parents; people; pictures; pollution; primary; problems; pupils; recyclable; recycling; relation; research; responses; responsibility; results; roth; scale; school; scores; secondary; sensitivity; sensitivity scale; skills; social; soil; sontay; studies; study; sub; suggestions; table; teaching; test; theme; total; unesco; university; use; vocational; warming; waste; water; çevre; özer; öğrencilerinin; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1096.pdf plain text: iojet-1096.txt item: #45 of 681 id: iojet-1105 author: Metin Goksu, Meral; Demir, Ozden title: INVESTIGATION OF THE EXTENT TO WHICH METACOGNITION AND EPISTEMOLOGICAL BELIEFS PREDICT PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ ENTREPRENEURIAL DISPOSITIONS date: 2020-12-04 words: 11215 flesch: 40 summary: Do metacognitive skills and epistemological beliefs variables significantly predict pre- service teachers’ perceptions of entrepreneurial dispositions? Participant scores in “Learning depends on ability” and “Learning depends on effort” sub- dimensions of epistemological beliefs scale were not found to significantly predict their self- confidence scores within entrepreneurial dispositions scale. keywords: ability; achievement; activities; ambiguities; analysis; awareness; belief; coefficients; confidence; control; demir; development; dimension; dispositions; ebs; ebs sub; eds; education; effort; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurial dispositions; entrepreneurship; epistemological; epistemological beliefs; evaluation; f(6,509)=; fact; findings; following; goksu; important; independent; individuals; information; innovation; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; line; locus; metacognition; model; multi; need; new; online; order; organization; participants; planning; positive; power; predictor; present; processes; prospective; regression; relationship; research; results; risk; scale; scores; self; service; significance; skills; social; standard; students; study; sub; table; taking; teachers; teaching; thinking; tolerance; total; truth; unchanging; university; variables cache: iojet-1105.pdf plain text: iojet-1105.txt item: #46 of 681 id: iojet-1108 author: Türkben, Tuncay title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FIFTH GRADE STUDENT’S WRITING ANXIETY AND BLOCKING WITH THEIR WRITTEN EXPRESSION SKILLS date: 2021-01-13 words: 11174 flesch: 59 summary: Similar results were obtained in studies from primary education to university level in our country, and it was determined that high-level anxiety negatively affected written expression skills (İseri & Unal, 2012; Karakaya & Ülper, 2011; Tiryaki, 2011; Yaman, 2010; Zorbaz, 2010). However, although there are studies on writing anxiety (Karakaya & Ülper, 2011; Uçgun, 2011; İşeri & Ünal, 2012; Karakoç Öztürk, 2012; Tiryaki, 2012; Sevim & Özdemir Erem, 2013; Aşılıoğlu & Özkan, 2013; Yaman, 2014; Bayat, 2014; Özsoy, 2015) and writer's block (Çecen & Başkan, 2015; Özbay & Zorbaz, 2012; Zorbaz, 2010) having an affective effect on written expression skills, they are not at a sufficient level. keywords: 8(2; analysis; ankara; anxiety; anxiety levels; anxiety scores; block; block level; calculated; coefficient; correlation; data; determined; diary; difference; education; education level; evaluation; expression; expression skills; family; father; fifth; findings; gender; grade; grade students; graduate; habit; income; increase; independent; individuals; international; iojet; journal; keeping; language; level; master; model; mother; online; parents; primary; process; regression; relationship; research; results; scale; school; school students; sciences; scores; secondary; significant; skills; social; status; students; studies; study; success; table; teaching; terms; thesis; total; turkben; turkish; university; unpublished; variables; writer; writing; writing anxiety; writing skills; written; zorbaz; özbay cache: iojet-1108.pdf plain text: iojet-1108.txt item: #47 of 681 id: iojet-1110 author: YILDIZ, Vahit Ağa; Kılıç, Durmuş title: INVESTIGATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CLASS TEACHERS’ MOTIVATION AND JOB SATISFACTION date: 2020-11-30 words: 5754 flesch: 42 summary: Again, in studies, affective and behavioral variables related to school administrators were determined by both teacher motivation (Karaboğa, 2007; Özgan, & Aslan, 2008; Doğan, & Koçak, 2014; Çiftçi, 2019; Kahya, 2020) and teacher job satisfaction (Yılmaz, Altınkurt, 2012) has been revealed. Again, in studies, affective and behavioral variables related to school administrators were determined by both teacher motivation (Karaboğa, 2007; Özgan, & Aslan, 2008; Doğan, & Koçak, 2014; Çiftçi, 2019; Kahya, 2020) and teacher job satisfaction (Yılmaz, Altınkurt, 2012) has been revealed. keywords: analysis; average; correlation; data; determined; dimensions; education; external; external satisfaction; extrinsic; factors; higher; important; internal; international; intrinsic; intrinsic motivation; iojet; job motivation; job satisfaction; journal; kılıç; level; material; model; motivation; multiple; online; personal; predictors; process; question; regression; regulation; relationship; research; results; satisfaction; satisfaction dimensions; scale; school; scores; significant; social; stakeholders; student; studies; study; sub; success; table; teacher motivation; teachers; teaching; terms; theory; thesis; turkey; university; value; variables; work; yıldız cache: iojet-1110.pdf plain text: iojet-1110.txt item: #48 of 681 id: iojet-1112 author: Kocyigit, Melike title: THE EFFECT OF GENDER EQUALITY COURSE ON COUNSELOR CANDIDATES’ GENDER ROLE ATTITUDES AND THEIR SEXISM date: 2021-01-13 words: 6988 flesch: 55 summary: Client gender role attitudes and perception of counselor characteristics. It is so critical that although there is a significant change in gender role attitudes with the course effect, it is difficult to say the same for sexism. keywords: 8(2; american; analysis; attitudes; awareness; benevolent; candidates; clients; control; counseling; counselor; counselor education; course; data; development; different; education; effect; effective; equality; experiences; experimental; female; findings; gender; gender equality; gender role; group; health; help; hostile; impact; important; international; interview; iojet; issues; journal; knowledge; koçyiğit; life; male; multicultural; need; new; online; participants; practice; problems; process; professional; psychological; psychology; psychotherapy; research; results; role; scale; seeking; sensitive; sexism; significant; skills; students; study; teaching; test; time; training; turkey; university; women; özyiğit cache: iojet-1112.pdf plain text: iojet-1112.txt item: #49 of 681 id: iojet-1114 author: Gul, Kibar; Ates, Huseyin title: TURKISH ADAPTATION OF MOBILE LEARNING READINESS SCALE IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR date: 2021-01-13 words: 7800 flesch: 56 summary: Review of trends from mobile learning studies: A meta-analysis. Using mobile learning in education provides ease of use through location- based services, study aids, and cost savings (Cheon et al., 2012). keywords: 8(2; addition; ajzen; alpha; analysis; araç; attitude; behavior; beliefs; bir; cheon; computers; control; courses; coursework; cronbach; data; department; device; ease; education; efficacy; environments; et al; factors; fit; framework; good; higher; indices; intention; international; iojet; items; için; journal; learning; learning readiness; levels; methods; mlrs; mobile; mobile device; mobile learning; model; new; norm; normative; online; open; original; pbc; pre; readiness; reliability; research; results; review; scale; science; science education; science teachers; self; service; social; students; studies; study; subjective; sungugül; table; teachers; teaching; technology; theory; tpb; training; turkish; university; use; usefulness; validity; value cache: iojet-1114.pdf plain text: iojet-1114.txt item: #50 of 681 id: iojet-1118 author: Sömen, Tugba title: USING LITERARY MATERIALS IN SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHING date: 2020-11-28 words: 6580 flesch: 45 summary: Using literary materials in teaching social studies. Keywords: Social studies, literary materials, prospective teachers, middle school students 1. keywords: 6th; acquisitions; attention; better; characteristics; children; course; data; development; different; discussion; education; effects; emotional; environment; fun; grade; interesting; journal; learning; lesson; level; literary materials; literature; middle; opinions; participation; points; process; prospective; prospective teachers; qualitative; research; results; school; sciences; social; social studies; students; studies; study; subject; suitability; suitable; table; teachers; teaching; teaching material; teaching process; textbooks; time; university; use; views cache: iojet-1118.pdf plain text: iojet-1118.txt item: #51 of 681 id: iojet-1119 author: Eryilmaz, Ali; Basal, Ahmet title: STUDENT AND TEACHER PERSPECTIVES: DEVELOPING THE SCALE OF COPING STRATEGIES FOR PESSIMISM AND SUBJECTIVE-WELL BEING MODEL BASED ON COPING STRATEGIES FOR COVID-19 AND GOAL STRIVING date: 2020-12-31 words: 7645 flesch: 60 summary: In the study, since COVID-19 is a physical disease, the denial dimension in the coping strategies for pessimism activated events scale was not included in the analysis. Eryilmaz & Basal 558 When the dimensions of coping with the events and situations that activate pessimism scale are examined, it is seen that there are eight important dimensions. keywords: analysis; beck; chang; coefficient; consistency; context; covid-19; depression; diener; dimensions; disease; education; effect; eryilmaz; events; factor; findings; future; goals; health; increase; individuals; internal; international; iojet; items; journal; levels; life; literature; model; negative; online; optimism; personality; pessimism; pessimism scale; pessimistic; positive; psychological; psychology; relationship; reliability; research; results; satisfaction; scale; scheier; self; situations; social; strategies; stress; striving; students; studies; study; subjective; support; table; teachers; teaching; test; thinking; thoughts; university; validity; value cache: iojet-1119.pdf plain text: iojet-1119.txt item: #52 of 681 id: iojet-112 author: Gomba, Clifford title: TRANSFORMING RURAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN ZIMBABWE THROUGH TECHNOLOGY: LIVED EXPERIENCES OF STUDENT COMPUTER USERS date: 2016-04-22 words: 6853 flesch: 54 summary: Some of the students proposed that teachers should buy their own computers, and not rely on school computers since those computers at school are for use by the students. “Very poor because teachers do not want to use computers and prevent students from using computers” (Student 15) “Teachers treat school computers as their own computers and do not give students chance to use them.” keywords: access; advanced; analysis; areas; computers; data; digital; divide; education; experiences; focus; gomba; government; high; ict; information; interesting; intermediate; international; internet; interviews; issues; journal; konyana; learning; level; mobile; ncube; online; participants; phenomenological; phenomenon; phones; problems; qualitative; questions; research; rural; rural areas; rural schools; schools; secondary; sithole; smart; social; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; technology; urban; use; y y; zimbabwe cache: iojet-112.pdf plain text: iojet-112.txt item: #53 of 681 id: iojet-1120 author: Özyıldırım Gümüş, Feride; Zeybek, Nilüfer ; Aydın, Şeyda title: TEACHING GEOMETRY WITH DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES TO INVESTIGATE THE STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS, ATTITUDES AND SELF-EFFICACIES date: 2021-01-16 words: 11003 flesch: 53 summary: Students oriented geometry self- efficacy beliefs, attitudes and geometry investigation of relationship between levels of geometric thinking (Master’s thesis). Considering that, this change is due to geometry activities, these results, then, are consistent with the fact that geometric experience is an important factor in understanding geometry (Van Hiele, 1986). keywords: .05; 8(2; academic; achievement; activities; activity; analysis; answers; anxiety; attitudes; aydın; beliefs; change; coding; collection; content; data; day; definition; design; determined; differences; different; difficult; dimension; easy; education; effect; efficacy; elementary; enjoyment; experiences; games; geometric; geometry; geometry self; grade; gümüş; international; interviews; iojet; items; journal; knowledge; learning; literature; mathematics; mean; method; negative; new; online; perception; positive; post; pre; problem; process; qualitative; questions; reliability; research; results; scale; school; science; scores; self; shapes; spatial; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; technology; test; training; turkey; university; usefulness; value; zeybek; özyıldırım cache: iojet-1120.pdf plain text: iojet-1120.txt item: #54 of 681 id: iojet-1126 author: Yar Yıldırım, Veda title: THE OPINIONS OF EFFECTIVE TEACHERS ABOUT THEIR PREFERRED TEACHING METHODS AND TECHNIQUES date: 2020-11-29 words: 8078 flesch: 58 summary: Received : 15.10.2020 Revised version received : 11.11.2020 Accepted : 15.11.2020 THE OPINIONS OF EFFECTIVE TEACHERS ABOUT THEIR PREFERRED TEACHING METHODS AND TECHNIQUES Research article Dr. Veda Yar Yıldırım Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Biodata(s): Keywords: Effective teacher, teaching methods, teaching techniques, teachers’ preferences 1. keywords: active; activities; administrators; analysis; ankara; colleagues; data; degree; development; different; education; effective; effective teachers; female; group; important; information; international; iojet; journal; language; learning; literature; male; methods; n=1; online; opinions; parents; pre; primary; process; questions; research; results; sampling; school; sciences; secondary; service; social; students; study; system; t10; t11; t13; t14; t15; t17; t18; t19; t21; t22; t23; t24; table; teachers; teaching; teaching methods; techniques; training; undergraduate; use; yildirim cache: iojet-1126.pdf plain text: iojet-1126.txt item: #55 of 681 id: iojet-1130 author: Öztop, Feyyaz; Nayci, Ömer title: DOES THE DIGITAL GENERATION COMPREHEND BETTER FROM THE SCREEN OR FROM THE PAPER?: A META-ANALYSIS date: 2021-02-13 words: 9165 flesch: 59 summary:  Reading studies should be done by Turkish texts  Is there a significant difference between effect sizes according to publication year? keywords: 8(2; analysis; bias; borenstein; change; comprehension; comprehension level; computer; confidence; delgado; dergisi; determined; development; difference; digital; doi; education; effect; effect sizes; ekrandan; environment; favor; findings; grade; grade level; güneş; higher; information; international; interval; iojet; journal; learning; level; limit; lower; medium; meta; method; model; narrative; nayci; new; number; online; paper; paper reading; primary; process; publication; random; reading; reading comprehension; reading environment; research; result; rothstein; safe; school; screen; screen reading; significant; size; skills; students; studies; study; sutton; table; teaching; technology; terms; test; text; tool; turkish; type; understanding; university; upper; use; value; variable; year; öztop cache: iojet-1130.pdf plain text: iojet-1130.txt item: #56 of 681 id: iojet-1132 author: Meheraz Zannat; Jalil, M. Abdul; Tareq Iqbal ; Md. Rubel Alam title: EVALUATING ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION OF TEXTILE STUDENTS AND THEIR ATTITUDES TOWARD ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION date: 2020-11-23 words: 6279 flesch: 45 summary: To assess the knowledge and concern level of outgoing textile students on environmental pollution causes by textile and apparel industries. 5. Results and Discussion The present study was carried out in order to assess the level of concern, knowledge and responsibility developed in outgoing textile students through their 4-year undergraduate program by a comparative analysis using two sample mean test between new and outgoing students. keywords: 1st; academic; activities; analysis; answer; apparel; bangladesh; behavior; bgmea; binary; categories; chemicals; concern; consciousness; degradation; development; education; environmental; environmental concern; fashion; greater; groups; industries; international; iojet; issues; journal; knowledge; learning; level; logistic; major; marks; mean; model; multiple; new; new students; online; outgoing; outgoing students; pollution; process; production; quartile; questions; regression; research; responsibility; responsible; results; role; sample; semester; significant; social; sources; square; students; sustainability; sustainable; table; teaching; technology; test; textile; total; undergraduate; understanding; university cache: iojet-1132.pdf plain text: iojet-1132.txt item: #57 of 681 id: iojet-1143 author: Saragih, Novilda Angela; Madya, Suwarsih ; Siregar, Renol Aprico; Saragih, Willem title: WRITTEN CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK: STUDENTS' PERCEPTION AND PREFERENCES date: 2021-01-08 words: 6746 flesch: 53 summary: The results further indicated that of several different types of feedback strategies, direct feedback performed as the most favored to improve students’ writing skills, followed by metalinguistic, reformulation, and indirect strategy. Similar to this, Trabelsi (2019) also found that the students became satisfied with the feedback provided as the teacher introduced the use of it and discussed the type of feedback strategy that students’ prefer to be applied, the error codes, and the types of comments that the teacher should provide. keywords: 8(2; applied; better; certain; classroom; corrective; corrective feedback; data; direct; doi; education; effect; efl; encouraged; english; errors; feedback; giving; higher; implementation; improvement; indirect; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; madya; metalinguistic; mistakes; motivation; online; participants; perceptions; practice; preferences; process; provision; questionnaire; reformulation; research; saragih; self; siregar; skills; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; teacher; teaching; university; use; useful; wcf; writing; wrong cache: iojet-1143.pdf plain text: iojet-1143.txt item: #58 of 681 id: iojet-1144 author: yılmaz ozelci, serap title: TEACHER CANDIDATES’ EXPERIENCE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION: A CASE OF EREGLI date: 2020-11-30 words: 6294 flesch: 55 summary: Teacher candidates’ experience of distance education: A case of Eregli. 178-192. Received : 26.10.2020 Revised version received : 03.11.2020 Accepted : 13.11.2020 TEACHER CANDIDATES’ EXPERIENCE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION: keywords: analysis; communication; computer; content; course; different; distance; distance education; education; eregli; evaluation; exam; experience; face; face education; faculty; female; findings; form; homework; infrastructure; interaction; international; internet; iojet; journal; learning; male; methods; motivation; negative; online; open; ozelci; pandemic; participants; positive; practices; process; prospective; prospective teachers; qualitative; quality; questions; research; situation; social; students; study; success; system; teachers; teaching; techniques; technology; time; transition; universities; university; use; uzaktan; views cache: iojet-1144.pdf plain text: iojet-1144.txt item: #59 of 681 id: iojet-1146 author: Aydin, Selami title: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF RESEARCH ON TEACHING ANXIETY date: 2021-01-09 words: 16099 flesch: 47 summary: They found that their anxiety level decreased after a three-week practice session, whereas Sharp and Forman (1985) compared stress inoculation Aydin, S. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2021, 8(2), 730-761 742 training and classroom management training on teacher anxiety and found that stress inoculation training improved teachers' affect. The academic librarian as instructor: A study of teacher anxiety. keywords: 8(2; academic; analysis; anxiety; anxiety levels; anxiety scale; anxious; attitudes; aydin; behavior; beliefs; burnout; childhood; classroom; communication; computer; computer anxiety; content; correlational; descriptive; education; educational research; effects; efficacy; elementary; elementary teachers; english; ertekin; et al; experience; experimental; fields; foreign; gender; gresham; higher; instruction; international; international journal; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learning; management; mathematics; mathematics anxiety; mathematics descriptive; mathematics teaching; method; negative; new; online; online journal; papers; participants; peker; positive; pre; preservice; problems; process; prospective; psychology; qualitative; questionnaire; related; relationship; research; results; review; role; scale; school; school teachers; science; science teaching; self; service; service mathematics; service teachers; significant; social; sources; strategies; stress; students; studies; study; survey; systematic; teachers; teaching; teaching anxiety; teaching experience; technology; terms; time; training; turkey; usa; use; variables cache: iojet-1146.pdf plain text: iojet-1146.txt item: #60 of 681 id: iojet-115 author: Gorges, Julia title: WHY ADULTS LEARN: INTERPRETING ADULTS’ REASONS TO PARTICIPATE IN EDUCATION IN TERMS OF ECCLES’ SUBJECTIVE TASK VALUE date: 2016-01-11 words: 8107 flesch: 45 summary: , a stronger connection between adult education research and educational psychology may be beneficial in two ways: First, underlying principles of learning motivation, although they may have to be customized to adult learners, could be useful to investigate adults’ engagement in further education (Brookfield, 1995). Hence, some more detailed specifications may improve the additional benefit of using expectancy-value theory in adult education research. keywords: 3(1; activity; adult; adult education; analysis; aspects; attainment; battle; behavior; benefit; business; categories; certificate; choice; content; costs; course; decisions; degree; different; eccles; education; educational program; effort; example; expectancy; future; gorges; gqhe; high; international; intrinsic; iojet; journal; learners; learning; low; money; motivation; negative; non; online; participant; participation; particular; people; positive; present; program; psychological; psychology; qualitative; reasons; research; results; school; second; status; strain; studies; study; stv; subjective; task; task value; teaching; terms; theoretical; theory; time; university; useful; utility; value; value theory; wigfield cache: iojet-115.pdf plain text: iojet-115.txt item: #61 of 681 id: iojet-1155 author: Muhamad Akrom, Akrom title: PROFILE OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ MATHEMATICAL REASONING ABILITY BASED ON GUARDIAN PERSONALITY TYPE date: 2021-01-01 words: 4431 flesch: 53 summary: The results of S1G indicators make logical conclusions Based on the results of the work, S1G made the triangle into two parts to become a right triangle. The results of S1G indicators Estimating Answers and Solution Processes Based on the results of the work, S1G can perform calculations to arrive at the stage of knowing whether the ladder length is sufficient or not, but S1G is only able to reach the count without providing information that whether the ladder is sufficient or not to repair the lamp on the wal. keywords: ability; able; answer; calculations; case; certain; conclusions; education; figure; formula; g work; guardian; indicator; interviews; item; journal; logical; mathematical; number; personality; process; questions; reasoning; related; researchers; results; rules; s1 g; s2 g; s3 g; school; solution; students; subject; type; work; wrong cache: iojet-1155.pdf plain text: iojet-1155.txt item: #62 of 681 id: iojet-1156 author: Takmaz, Sema; Yilmaz, Mirac title: AN INVESTIGATION OF BIOLOGY TEACHERS’ AND STUDENTS’ VIEWS ON TEACHING ABOUT VIRUSES IN SECONDARY EDUCATION IN TURKEY date: 2020-12-04 words: 7259 flesch: 55 summary: An investigation of Biology teachers’ and students’ views on teaching about viruses in secondary education in Turkey International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 8(1). The necessity of the education system 1 1 1,11 Choice of Profession Offer an employment opportunity 2 2 2,22 Daily Life Ways of protection 9 42 46,67 Treatment methods 6 Awareness 8 Desire to be conscious 11 Impacts on human life 8 Advantage Economic advantages (drug, vaccine production) 4 16 17,78 Improvements in the field of health 12 Disadvantage Cause of Diseases 21 23 25,55 Misconception 2 Structure of Viruses Living/Non-living 4 6 6,67 Mutation 2 Total 90 %100 In the content analysis for teachers’ views on learning virus-related subjects, it is observed that there were 6 themes under the question “Why is it important for your students to have information on virus-related subjects?” including exam anxiety, choice of profession, daily life, advantage, disadvantage and structure of viruses. keywords: aids; analysis; ankara; biology; cause; characteristics; choice; codes; content; curriculum; daily; data; different; disadvantage; diseases; distribution; education; exam; expert; field; grade; health;; important; information; international; interview; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; lecture; level; life; living; methods; number; online; participants; phd; profession; question; related; research; researchers; results; school; secondary; semi; structure; students; study; subjects; sufficient; support; table; takmaz; teachers; teaching; term; theme; total; treatment; turkey; university; verbal; views; viruses; visual; ways; yilmaz cache: iojet-1156.pdf plain text: iojet-1156.txt item: #63 of 681 id: iojet-1162 author: Çelik, Özkan; Yorumaz, Alper; Çokçalıskan, Halil title: PRE-SERVICE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ BELIEFS ABOUT THE CONSISTENCY OF THE TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM ON THE FORMATION OF THEIR TEACHER IDENTITY date: 2021-02-16 words: 5600 flesch: 52 summary: In the studies conducted by Çelik and Kalkan (2019) with pre-service teachers from different departments and by Karalı (2018) with pre-service social studies teachers, it was found that the participating teachers have high perceptions of pre-service teacher identity while in the study by Ulubey, Yıldırım and Alpaslan (2018) with pre-service teachers having pedagogical formation training, it was found that their perceptions of pre-service teacher identity are between the medium and high level. In their study conducted with pre-service teachers having pedagogical formation training, Uluyol and Şahin (2018) found that the pre-service teachers’ perceptions of pre-service teacher identity are very high. keywords: beliefs; collection; consistency; correlation; current; data; development; doi; early; education; education program; female; formation; gender; high; international; iojet; journal; koçman; learning; level; low; medium; muğla; perceptions; point; pre; preservice; primary; process; professional; program; research; scale; school; school teachers; self; service; service primary; service teacher; significant; studies; study; sub; sıtkı; table; teacher; teacher education; teacher identity; teacher training; teaching; training program; university; yorulmaz; çelik; öğretmen cache: iojet-1162.pdf plain text: iojet-1162.txt item: #64 of 681 id: iojet-1169 author: Özyıldırım Gümüş, Feride title: ATTITUDES TOWARDS PROBABILITY AND PROBABILITY TEACHING SCALE: AN ADAPTATION STUDY date: 2021-07-01 words: 3961 flesch: 50 summary: The fourth dimension of the scale is titled “affective component towards teaching probability (AT)” which measures personal feelings related to probability teaching (items 9, 21, 26, and 28). The sixth dimension is titled “behavioral component towards probability teaching (BT)” which measures the didactic action related to probability teaching (items 11, 20, 24, and 25). keywords: adaptation; attitudes; batanero; bulut; component; concept; dimension; education; elementary; factor; grade; gümüş; important; international; items; journal; learning; mathematics; middle; model; original; probability; probability teaching; process; prospective; related; research; scale; students; studies; study; subject; table; teachers; teaching; turkey; university; özyıldırım cache: iojet-1169.pdf plain text: iojet-1169.txt item: #65 of 681 id: iojet-1171 author: Selvi, Batuhan; Uysal, Hacer Hande title: WRITING CENTERS AS A SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEMS OF INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS IN WRITING FOR PUBLICATION date: 2020-12-03 words: 9722 flesch: 56 summary: Scholars can consult academic writing centers and receive professional guidance throughout the publication process. Since then, universities, especially private ones, have established academic writing centers to provide assistance to scholars and students. keywords: academic; academic writing; activity; addition; analysis; appointment; article; center journal; centers; content; curry; data; education; effectiveness; efficacy; english; flowerdew; focus; future; hard; help; hyland; information; international; international scholars; iojet; journal; language; language writing; lillis; linguistic; literature; need; number; online; open; order; paper; participants; problems; process; publication; publishing; purposes; questions; research; researchers; result; rhetorical; role; satisfaction; satisfied; scholarly; scholars; sciences; second; selvi; services; sessions; significant; skills; specific; state; students; studies; study; support; survey; table; teaching; time; tutors; universities; university; useful; uysal; visit; way; working; world; writers; writing; writing center cache: iojet-1171.pdf plain text: iojet-1171.txt item: #66 of 681 id: iojet-1173 author: Baykara, Tuba; Aksu Atac, Bengu title: ATTITUDES OF TURKISH AND FOREIGN STUDENTS TOWARDS ENGLISH LANGUAGE, AND THEIR ENGLISH SPEAKING ANXIETY AT TURKISH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS IN SAUDI ARABIA date: 2020-12-05 words: 8618 flesch: 54 summary: Table 3 also shows that there is a significant difference between English speaking anxiety of foreign students and Turkish students This means that attitude and anxiety in this study are inversely correlated; as the scores of students in terms of attitude increase, their scores of English speaking anxiety remarkably decrease. keywords: analysis; anxiety; anxious; arabia; arithmetic; attitudes; classroom; correlation; cultural; differences; different; education; effects; english; english english; english language; environment; factors; feelings; foreign; foreign language; foreign students; function; high; horwitz; international; iojet; items; journal; lack; language; language anxiety; language learning; learners; learning; linguistic; mean; motivation; negative; negative attitudes; online; participants; pearson; performance; positive; positive attitudes; possible; process; questionnaire; reasons; related; relationship; research; results; saudi; scale; schools; scores; second; significant; skills; social; speaking; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; turkish; turkish students; university; use; variables cache: iojet-1173.pdf plain text: iojet-1173.txt item: #67 of 681 id: iojet-1178 author: Uludağ, Gonca title: VIEWS OF PRESCHOOL TEACHERS ON USING OUT-OF-SCHOOL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION date: 2021-02-13 words: 11325 flesch: 58 summary: Views of classroom teachers about the use of out of school learning environments. Uzbilir Özçelik (2018) have obtained a similar finding in their research, preschool teachers and primary school teachers the factors such as difficult student control, bureaucratic workload and transportation problems posed a challenge for them. keywords: 8(2; activities; activity; analysis; ankara; anxiety; appropriate; bachelor; categories; centers; childhood; children; classroom; codes; competent; concept; data; degree; determined; development; disadvantages; early; education; emotional; environments; etc; example; experience; female; field; figure; finding; formal; formal learning; garden; high; important; informal; information; international; interview; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; learning environments; literature; museums; natural; non; online; osle; parents; participants; places; planned; point; preschool; preschool education; preschool teachers; problems; process; program; publishing; reason; related; research; safety; school; school learning; science; science education; social; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; terms; themes; trips; turkey; uludag; university; use; views; vocational; yıldırım cache: iojet-1178.pdf plain text: iojet-1178.txt item: #68 of 681 id: iojet-118 author: Çetin Köroğlu, Zeynep title: MEASURING ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER CANDIDATES’ INTERCULTURAL SENSITIVITY: A KEY ELEMENT TO FOSTER INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE date: 2016-01-11 words: 4519 flesch: 44 summary: Thus, language teachers should be aware of their personal views and understanding about different cultures before they can help students to understand and develop intercultural communication (Yuen & Grossman, 2009). As teachers of English, English language teachers should develop students’ intercultural sensitivity. keywords: bennett; candidates; chen; communication; competence; confidence; cultures; differences; different; domain; education; elt; english; ethno; foreign; interaction; intercultural; intercultural sensitivity; international; item; journal; language; participants; people; pre; related; research; respect; results; scale; sensitivity; service; stages; starosta; students; study; teacher; teaching; university; çetin cache: iojet-118.pdf plain text: iojet-118.txt item: #69 of 681 id: iojet-1180 author: Deregözü, Aysel; Üstün, Bilal title: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF READING STRATEGIES USED BY PROSPECTIVE LANGUAGE TEACHERS date: 2021-03-29 words: 4809 flesch: 59 summary: A comparative study of reading strategies used by prospective language teachers. Abstract The study investigated reading strategies used by prospective foreign language teachers studying at a foreign language department of an education faculty in Turkey. keywords: assisting; categories; class; department; differences; education; english; experience; findings; foreign; foreign language; german; groups; international; journal; language; language teachers; learners; learning; level; management; mean; participants; planning; proficiency; prospective; prospective foreign; reading; reading strategies; results; self; significant; strategies; strategies use; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; terms; test; text; total; university; use; visualization cache: iojet-1180.pdf plain text: iojet-1180.txt item: #70 of 681 id: iojet-1183 author: Yeşilyurt, Ferahim title: THE LEARNER READINESS FOR ONLINE LEARNING: SCALE DEVELOPMENT AND UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS date: 2020-11-28 words: 5232 flesch: 50 summary: Increasingly numbers of educational institutions have been adopted online learning methods those are deemed ineffective as learners don’t use and incorporate what they have learned into their classroom due to readiness for online learning. Recent evaluations of online learning have been an emphasis on readiness of online learning suggest that online learning methods those are deemed ineffective as learners don’t use and incorporate what they have learned into their classroom due to lack of readiness for online learning (Alonso et al.,2005; Hayashi et al.,2004;Summers et al.,2005). keywords: age; analysis; computer; computer literacy; confidence; data; development; differences; dimensions; distance; education; effective; efficacy; environment; factor; faculty; fit; good; high; instruction; international; iojet; items; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; level; literacy; materials; methods; model; need; new; online; online learning; participants; readiness; research; results; rols; scale; score; self; significant; skills; students; study; table; teaching; technologies; technology; test; theory; tools; total; university; use; web cache: iojet-1183.pdf plain text: iojet-1183.txt item: #71 of 681 id: iojet-1185 author: Debeş, Gülyüz title: THE THE PREDICTIVE POWER OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON SELF EFFICACY: A CASE OF SCHOOL PRINCIPALS date: 2020-11-30 words: 6197 flesch: 50 summary: Accordingly, managers no make any difference than other managers are those who have any training and professional development on EI and self efficacy. To deal with the predictive power of EI on self efficacy Simple Linear Regression analysis was conducted. keywords: ability; analysis; climate; competence; confidence; correlation; data; development; differences; education; effectiveness; efficacy; effort; ei competence; eic; emotional; emotional intelligence; factor; female; general; high; intelligence; international; iojet; items; journal; leadership; management; managers; model; new; online; organizational; p>.05; perception; performance; persistence; positive; power; predictive; principals; professional; question; regulation; relationship; research; results; scale; school; school principals; self; self efficacy; significant; social; study; table; teaching; test; total; training; variables; work; working cache: iojet-1185.pdf plain text: iojet-1185.txt item: #72 of 681 id: iojet-1186 author: Karsantik, Ismail title: TEACHERS' PERCEPTIONS OF READINESS FOR CHANGE AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT IN THEIR SCHOOLS date: 2021-01-01 words: 9336 flesch: 51 summary: [Investigation of elementary school teachers' understandings on change management in schools]. Abstract The purpose of the study was to describe teachers’ readiness for change and teachers’ perceptions of innovation management in their schools as well as to analyze the relationship between them. keywords: administrators; anova; bachelor; bülbül; change; cognitive; culture; current; data; degree; development; differences; duration; education; emotion; employment; employment groups; experience; factor; favor; gender; groups; hoc; hoc test; independent; innovation; innovation management; innovation strategy; input; input management; institution; intention; international; iojet; journal; karsantık; level; lsd; management; mean; online; organizational; p<.01; p<.05; perceptions; phd; positive; post; private; process; profession; project; project management; public; readiness; relationship; research; results; scale; schools; scores; sem; significant; strategy; structure; study; table; teachers; teaching; terms; test; test results; total; type; university; values; way; year cache: iojet-1186.pdf plain text: iojet-1186.txt item: #73 of 681 id: iojet-119 author: Ekmekçi, Perihan Elif title: MEDICAL ETHICS EDUCATION IN TURKEY; STATE OF PLAY and CHALLENGES date: 2016-01-11 words: 3985 flesch: 38 summary: The high increase in the number of medical schools and shortfall of instructors who have medical ethics as their primary academic focus creates a big challenge in medical ethics education in both levels. Researches reveal the shortcomings existing in the literature of medical ethics regarding theoretical work done on overall goals of medical ethics education, empirical studies attempting to examine the outcomes of the education, studies examining teaching methods in medical ethics education and evaluating the effectiveness of teaching methods. keywords: 3(1; acad; association; bioethics; competencies; core; council; courses; curricula; departments; dilemmas; education; ekmekci; ethical; ethics; ethics education; future; health; high; history; human; increase; international; iojet; journal; masters; medical; medical ethics; medical schools; medicine; need; new; number; online; patient; phd; postgraduate; professional; programs; report; research; residency; rights; schools; science; separate; students; teaching; training; turkey; turkish; undergraduate; university; values; world cache: iojet-119.pdf plain text: iojet-119.txt item: #74 of 681 id: iojet-1193 author: Özenç, Mehmet title: WHAT DO THE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS THINK ABOUT HOMEWORK? A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY date: 2020-12-04 words: 7888 flesch: 63 summary: Keywords: homework, primary school teachers, phenomenological study, reasons for assigning homework 1. Put into effect in 1989, the ban on assigning homework still exists. keywords: academic; achievement; aids; analysis; checking; children; classroom; cooper; data; day; different; education; effect; elementary; enstitüsü; eğitim; family; figure; following; grade; half; homework; information; international; interview; iojet; journal; learning; level; lisans; mathematics; middle; mone; necessary; online; order; ozenc; parents; phenomenological; practices; pressure; primary; primary school; purpose; questions; reading; reasons; reinforcement; repetition; research; results; school; school teachers; students; studies; study; subjects; teachers; teaching; test; tezi; time; turkish; views; writing; yayınlanmamış; years; yüksek; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1193.pdf plain text: iojet-1193.txt item: #75 of 681 id: iojet-1194 author: Benli Ozdemir, Esra title: THE IMPACTS OF STEM SUPPORTED SCIENCE TEACHING ON 8TH GRADE STUDENTS' ELIMINATION OF MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT "SOLID, FLUID AND GAS PRESSURE", AND THEIR ATTITUDES TOWARDS SCIENCE AND STEM date: 2020-12-03 words: 8493 flesch: 61 summary: According to the main purpose of the research, the problem statement whose answer is sought in the research is: What is the effect of STEM supported Science teaching on eighth grade students' misconceptions about “solid, fluid and gas pressure concepts and their attitudes towards Science and STEM? The effect size of STEM supported Science education is wide in the posttest mean scores of the students' concepts of Solid, Fluid and Gas Pressure (η2 = ,72). keywords: 8th; activities; air; answers; application; area; attitude; attitude scale; benli; bilimleri; comprehension; concepts; conceptual; data; design; difference; education; effect; engineering; experimental; eğitim; findings; fluid; fluid pressure; gas; gas pressure; grade; grade students; ground; group; high; increases; international; iojet; journal; learning; levels; life; liquid; method; misconceptions; online; open; ozdemir; posttest; pressure; pretest; problem; process; questions; related; relationship; research; results; scale; school; science; science teaching; scores; significant; skills; solid; solid pressure; stem; students; study; supported; surface; table; teaching; technology; test; understanding; weight; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1194.pdf plain text: iojet-1194.txt item: #76 of 681 id: iojet-1195 author: Ramirez, Iris April title: SECONDARY PRE-SERVICE SCIENCE TEACHERS' TEACHING COMPETENCE: THEORY TO PRACTICE date: 2021-01-08 words: 5471 flesch: 51 summary: Introduction It is essential that pre-service teachers ought to be equipped with solid understanding of theory and develop this in their own classroom when they become teachers. The thought of student internship acknowledges pre-service teachers as key components in their own skilled growth, role of model, information constructors and distributors, and agents of improvement in students learning behavior. keywords: 8(2; attitude; attribute; classroom; competence; data; description; difference; education; good; high; hypothesis; international; internship; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; lesson; level; management; matter; mean; negative; online; pedagogical; performance; planning; positive; practice; practice teaching; pre; professional; programs; ramirez; research; scale; science; science teachers; secondary; service; service science; service teachers; significance; skills; state; student; study; subject; table; teachers; teaching; teaching competence; teaching skills; terms; theory; university; weighted cache: iojet-1195.pdf plain text: iojet-1195.txt item: #77 of 681 id: iojet-120 author: Zubairu, Umaru title: THE IMPACT OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION ON THE MORAL DEVELOPMENT OF ACCOUNTING STUDENTS: A CASE STUDY date: 2016-04-22 words: 10224 flesch: 50 summary: This study embraces this paradigm and this is particularly appropriate as the focus of the study is on moral competence of Muslim accounting students, and this concept can only be fully understood by referring to the source of all Muslim morality, the Quran and Sunnah. Religiosity The study sought to understand the impact of an IIUM education on the moral development of Muslim accounting students. keywords: 2nd; accountants; accounting; accounting students; allah; blueprint; book; business; case; child; children; choice; code; competence; component; conduct; content; courses; department; development; education; environment; ethical; ethics; ethics education; evidence; final; financial; following; hadith; iium; impact; important; instrument; international; iojet; islamic; job; journal; judgment; knowledge; level; malaysian; mean; messenger; model; moral; moral competence; moral development; muslim; muslim accounting; noble; online; order; paper; pbuh; pilot; place; professional; profile; prophet; qualities; quran; qur’an; relationship; reliability; religion; religiosity; religious; research; rest; results; right; scenarios; scholars; school; score; secondary; section; stage; stated; students; studies; study; sunnah; system; teaching; university; year; year accounting; year students; zubairu cache: iojet-120.pdf plain text: iojet-120.txt item: #78 of 681 id: iojet-1201 author: Okumus, Osman title: HISTORY EDUCATION FOR DISADVANTAGED GROUPS IN THEORY AND IN PRACTICE date: 2021-02-16 words: 10373 flesch: 49 summary: In addition to these opinions, history teachers expressed the following opinions about the disadvantaged groups including peer bullying against disadvantaged students, lack of support education for disadvantaged students about their disadvantageous conditions, students who want to change their disability to advantage, students’ lack of desire for learning, having learning difficulties, system taking side to pass the disadvantaged students, and some adaptation problems. However, due to some characteristics of disadvantaged students, it is a fact that they are also part of the educational processes. keywords: 8(2; activities; adaptation; addition; analysis; approaches; assessment; attention; characteristics; children; class; collection; communication; competences; concept; conditions; context; courses; cultural; curriculum; data; dergisi; determined; differences; different; disabled; disadvantaged; disadvantaged groups; disadvantaged students; document; education; evaluation; experience; eğitim; families; family; following; form; general; graduate; groups; history; history education; history teachers; important; inclusive; individuals; international; interviews; iojet; journal; knowledge; lack; language; learning; level; life; meb; need; okumus; online; opinions; opportunities; participants; participation; people; practice; problems; process; processes; professional; qualitative; qualities; quality; refugees; regard; research; responsibility; rights; school; sciences; skills; social; society; sosyal; specific; status; structured; students; studies; study; subject; support; system; table; teachers; teaching; terms; theory; university; unpublished; values; work; years; yıldırım cache: iojet-1201.pdf plain text: iojet-1201.txt item: #79 of 681 id: iojet-1202 author: Yıldız, Emre; Urun Arici, Nesrin title: TEACHING SELF-EFFICACY BELIEFS, SKILLS AND PERCEPTIONS OF PRE-SERVICE SCIENCE TEACHERS date: 2021-01-07 words: 6857 flesch: 49 summary: It was also determined that pre-service teachers had some wrong behaviors such as not ensuring student participation, not being able to attract students' attention, selecting inappropriate activities for the level of the students, being unable to concretize abstract concepts, not evaluating the level of student achievements, and inability of classroom management. As a result, although pre-service teachers have high self-efficacy beliefs towards teaching, their teaching skills are at medium level and they have deficiencies in the planning of teaching, and during teaching periods. keywords: 8(2; active; activities; analysis; arıcı; assessment; attention; attitudes; beliefs; candidates; class; classroom; communication; concepts; content; data; deficiencies; different; education; efficacy; efficacy beliefs; form; important; inability; international; interviews; iojet; items; journal; lack; learning; lesson; level; management; method; motivation; observation; online; perceptions; planning; practice; pre; process; questions; research; results; scale; science; science teaching; self; selfefficacy; service; service science; service teachers; skills; students; study; subject; table; teachers; teaching; teaching process; teaching skills; university; yıldız; ürün cache: iojet-1202.pdf plain text: iojet-1202.txt item: #80 of 681 id: iojet-1203 author: Çam, Zekeriya title: VALIDATION OF THE TURKISH VERSION OF WORK-RELATED FLOW INVENTORY (WOLF) AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH BURNOUT AND JOB SATISFACTION date: 2021-01-01 words: 8712 flesch: 51 summary: Cronbach's alpha internal consistency coefficients were calculated as .82 for absorption dimension, .93 for work enjoyment dimension, and .81 for intrinsic work motivation dimension. However, no statistically significant relationship was found between work related flow and depersonalization as well as extrinsic satisfaction variables. keywords: .01; absorption; accomplishment; activity; affect; alpha; bakker; behavior; burnout; calculated; cam; coefficient; consistency; correlation; cronbach; csikszentmihalyi; culture; data; depersonalization; dimension; education; emotional; emotions; employees; engagement; enjoyment; exhaustion; experience; extrinsic; fit; flow; happiness; health; important; index; internal; international; intrinsic; intrinsic work; inventory; iojet; items; job; job satisfaction; journal; level; life; literature; method; model; motivation; negative; new; online; organizational; people; personal; positive; psychological; psychology; related; relationship; reliability; research; resources; satisfaction; sense; significant; state; stress; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; time; turkish; validity; values; variables; version; wolf; work; working; workplace cache: iojet-1203.pdf plain text: iojet-1203.txt item: #81 of 681 id: iojet-121 author: Mirici, Ismail Hakki; Yangın Ekşi, Gonca title: A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON THE PROFILE OF SOME POTENTIAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS date: 2016-01-11 words: 8000 flesch: 62 summary: Language teachers persuade students who have some perceived ability to teach and who like languages. In the Turkish education context, graduates of other degree programs (other than those of ELT departments in faculties of education) practice as language teachers. keywords: 3(1; able; answers; aspects; candidates; career; children; choice; content; countries; departments; different; education; english; english language; entrance; exam; factors; faculties; findings; foreign; good; graduates; grammar; high; important; information; international; iojet; job; journal; knowledge; language; language teachers; learning; listening; major; motives; multiple; need; online; opinions; parents; participants; people; potential; profession; proficiency; profile; programs; pronunciation; questionnaire; reading; reasons; recruitment; research; richardson; schools; selection; service; skill; social; speaking; state; students; studies; study; teacher education; teachers; teaching; tests; time; training; turkey; university; vocabulary; watt; work; writing; years cache: iojet-121.pdf plain text: iojet-121.txt item: #82 of 681 id: iojet-1229 author: Mirici, Ismail Hakki; Sari, Seyda title: AN INVESTIGATION OF INTERACTION AMONG WILLINGNESS TO COMMUNICATE, ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND L2- SELF GUIDES date: 2021-01-07 words: 3427 flesch: 51 summary: For Example, Oz, Demirezen and Pourfeiz (2015) aimed to explore perceptions of L2 WTC among EFL learners majoring in English as a foreign language in the Turkish context. The final goal of the study was to examine the interrelated relationship among communication and affective variables and L2 WTC. keywords: analysis; anxiety; communicate; communication; contributors; data; dörnyei; education; english; foreign; gpa; ideal; ideal l2; interaction; international; iojet; items; journal; language; learners; learning; macintyre; mccroskey; mirici; motivation; online; participants; relationship; sari; scale; second; self; speaking; students; study; teaching; university; willingness; wtc cache: iojet-1229.pdf plain text: iojet-1229.txt item: #83 of 681 id: iojet-1231 author: Debeş, Gülyüz title: TEACHERS' PERCEPTION OF CHRISIS MANAGEMENT IN SCHOOLS date: 2021-01-07 words: 5115 flesch: 73 summary: Newgass S & Schonfeld D J (2000) School crisis intervention, crisis prevention, and crisis response. Cornell D G & Sheras P L (1998) Common errors in school crisis response: learning from our mistakes, Psychology in the Schools, vol 35, no 3, pp 297–307. keywords: accident; attack; crisis; crisis management; death; development; education; experiences; gender; international; intervention; journal; management; middle; needs; participants; perception; performance; planning; practice; professional; question; research; safety; school; service; situations; students; study; sufficient; table; teachers; total; training; types; u(48; variables; working cache: iojet-1231.pdf plain text: iojet-1231.txt item: #84 of 681 id: iojet-1232 author: Akdogan, Ali title: HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ READINESS FOR DISTANCE LEARNING date: 2021-01-07 words: 5808 flesch: 60 summary: There are a variety of distance learning activities students are engaged in the synchronous and asynchronous activities and tasks are for helping students build a basic understanding of technology-enhanced instruction, the use of technology in the classroom and effective distance and face-to-face lesson practices. Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine high school students for distance learning. keywords: .01; .04; access; age; akdoğan; analysis; communication; computer; data; differences; dimension; distance; distance learning; education; environment; factor; female; gender; grade; greater; habit; hdr; high; high school; higher; hrd; instruction; international; iojet; items; journal; learners; learning; level; male; means; model; motivation; online; p<.001; question; readiness; research; results; scale; school; school students; score; self; significant; students; study; table; teaching; technology; test; total; way; x(x cache: iojet-1232.pdf plain text: iojet-1232.txt item: #85 of 681 id: iojet-1233 author: Mirici, Semra; Tanalp, Tugce Deniz; Tuysuz, Mustafa; Tuzun, Ummiye Nur title: AN ENRICHMENT IMPLEMENTATION IN THE EDUCATION OF GIFTED STUDENTS: BIOMIMICRY WITH THE MACRO, MICRO, AND SUB-MICRO NATURE OF FRESHWATER CREATURES date: 2021-01-07 words: 6499 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: Gifted students, science education, biomimicry, creativity, blending Introduction Countries that are in competition in science and technology have given more importance to the education of gifted students in their education policies in recent years. 604-621. Received : 24.10.2020 Revised version received : 05.12.2020 Accepted : 12.01.2021 AN ENRICHMENT IMPLEMENTATION IN THE EDUCATION OF GIFTED STUDENTS: BIOMIMICRY WITH THE MACRO, MICRO, AND SUB-MICRO NATURE OF FRESHWATER CREATURES (Research article) keywords: 8(2; abilities; activities; activity; addition; analysis; arguments; biomimicric; category; child; claim; code; collector; concept; content; creativity; creatures; data; designs; development; different; drawing; education; enrichment; environments; example; figure; fish; freshwater; gifted; gifted education; gifted students; images; important; international; iojet; journal; justification; learning; level; literature; micro; mirici; molecule; myth; nature; online; online journal; organism; process; programs; quarterly; research; robot; science; scientific; snail; special; stage; structured; students; studies; study; sub; table; talent; tanalp; teaching; thing; thinking; toulmin; tuysuz; tuzun; university; worksheets; üstün cache: iojet-1233.pdf plain text: iojet-1233.txt item: #86 of 681 id: iojet-1235 author: Arcagok, Serdar title: The IMPACT OF GAME-BASED TEACHING PRACTICES IN DIFFERENT CURRICULA ON ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT date: 2021-01-15 words: 7815 flesch: 57 summary: The studies examining the effect of game based teaching in different curricula in Turkey and abroad between 2000-2020 on student achievement were included in the study. Study effect sizes Hedges'g values, impact directions, standard error and variance values of the studies considered within the scope of the research are shown in Figure 1. keywords: 8(2; academic; achievement; analysis; arcagok; chen; children; computer; confidence; control; criteria; curricula; data; degrees; determined; development; different; digital; duration; education; effect; effect size; experimental; findings; freedom; game; grade; groups; hwang; impact; individuals; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; level; limit; master; mathematics; meta; method; model; motivation; online; practices; primary; process; publication; research; results; sample; school; science; secondary; significance; size; skills; social; square; statistical; students; studies; study; table; teaching; teaching practices; test; thesis; treatment; turkish; types; university; unpublished; value; variables; weeks cache: iojet-1235.pdf plain text: iojet-1235.txt item: #87 of 681 id: iojet-1238 author: Aydın Güç, Funda; Aygün, Derya title: EIGHTH-GRADE STUDENTS’ ERRORS AND MISCONCEPTIONS REGARDING OPERATIONS WITH ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS date: 2021-01-20 words: 8907 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Algebraic expressions; algebraic operations; student errors; misconceptions 1. Student errors, examples of related acquisition, and test items Error/Misconception Question Expected Incorrect Answers Other inverse error If 6x = 12, find the value of x. keywords: 8(2; addition; algebraic; algebraic expressions; answer; arithmetic; aydin; beginning; clinical; context; diagnostic; different; education; equality; equation; error; expressions; figure; grade; integers; international; interview; iojet; journal; kieran; learning; literature; mathematics; minus; misconceptions; mistakes; number; online; operations; order; parentheses; priority; process; question; research; s22; s23; school; sentences; sides; solution; solving; students; study; table; teaching; test; understanding; wrong cache: iojet-1238.pdf plain text: iojet-1238.txt item: #88 of 681 id: iojet-1239 author: Mustapha, Abdullahi Tafarki; Kurt, Mustafa title: THE GROWTH AND CHALLENGES OF VIRTUAL LEARNING OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN NIGERIA IN TIMES OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2021-07-01 words: 5655 flesch: 49 summary: However, the role of social networking sites in language learning and instruction cannot be overemphasized. Computers and language learning: An overview. keywords: applied; challenges; children; closure; concept; coronavirus; coronavirus pandemic; country; covid-19; data; delivery; distance; education; english; english language; fme; frequency; government; home; institutions; international; internet; iojet; journal; kurt; language; language learning; learners; learning; level; linguistics; media; mustapha; negative; nigeria; ongoing; online; online learning; pandemic; parents; participants; percent; percentage; perception; period; process; program; quality; research; resources; respondents; school; secondary; social; socio; states; study; support; system; table; teachers; teaching; technology; time; university; virtual; wenfei; years cache: iojet-1239.pdf plain text: iojet-1239.txt item: #89 of 681 id: iojet-124 author: Kavaklı, Nurdan title: A GIMMICK FOR MIMIC: THE ELT STUDENT-TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS DRAMA COURSE date: 2016-04-22 words: 4152 flesch: 60 summary: A gimmick for mimmick: the ELT student-teachers’ attitudes towards drama course. The value of drama course in education draws the attention of the teachers who advocate communicative competence in classroom instruction. keywords: activities; analysis; attitudes; classroom; communication; course; creativity; curriculum; data; departments; development; drama; drama course; education; elt; emotional; english; environment; foreign; future; holden; interest; international; iojet; items; journal; kavaklı; language; language teaching; learners; learning; london; mean; oxford; participants; personal; positive; research; results; skills; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; techniques; terms; university; use cache: iojet-124.pdf plain text: iojet-124.txt item: #90 of 681 id: iojet-1244 author: Eşkisu, Mustafa title: THE ROLE OF PROACTIVE PERSONALITY IN THE RELATIONSHIP AMONG PARENTIFICATION, PSYCHOLOGICAL RESILIENCE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING date: 2021-01-16 words: 7780 flesch: 39 summary: Similarly, psychological resilience model shows that parentification has a statistically significant positive effect on proactivity (a2= .07; t(414)= 2.33; p<.05) and proactivity has this effect on psychological resilience (b2= .67; t(413)= 18.86; p<.001). Stress caused by the psychological and physical burden of parentification experiences might be influential in the decrease in individuals’ level of psychological well-being. keywords: 8(2; adolescents; adult; age; american; analysis; behavior; child; childhood; children; conditions; data; development; early; education; effect; eskisu; et al; experiences; family; findings; health; high; hooper; indirect; individuals; international; iojet; jones; journal; level; life; literature; means; model; needs; negative; online; order; parentification; parents; participants; people; personality; positive; proactive; proactivity; problems; process; psychological; psychological resilience; psychology; related; relationship; research; responsibilities; results; role; ryff; scale; self; significant; social; strategies; stress; students; studies; study; teaching; university; values; van; variables; version; wells cache: iojet-1244.pdf plain text: iojet-1244.txt item: #91 of 681 id: iojet-1245 author: Çıngıl Barış, Çiğdem title: A REVIEW OF STUDIES CONDUCTED WITH THE PREDICTION-OBSERVATION-EXPLANATION (POE) IN BIOLOGY EDUCATION date: 2021-07-01 words: 9261 flesch: 55 summary: As a consequence; it was stated that POE activities improved students’ understanding of the subject, enriched the information processing processes of the students, and contributed positively to the understanding of the experiments. McGregor & Hargrave (2008) developed computer aided POE activities for the subject of photosynthesis in their study. keywords: academic; achievement; activities; addition; approach; areas; article; attitudes; açıklama; barış; bilen; biology; biology education; collection; conceptual; consequence; constructivist; data; dergisi; development; diffusion; distribution; education; effect; etkisi; experimental; explain; explanation; eğitim; fen; frequency; group; gunstone; individual; information; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; köse; laboratory; learners; learning; literature; method; misconceptions; mixed; new; observation; online; osmosis; photosynthesis; plants; poe; poe activities; pre; prediction; preferred; problem; process; quantitative; research; researchers; results; review; sample; school; science; science teachers; scientific; service; service science; significant; skills; stage; students; studies; study; subject; table; tahmin; teachers; teaching; terms; test; tga; thesis; tools; type; understanding; use; yayımlanmamış; years; çıngıl; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1245.pdf plain text: iojet-1245.txt item: #92 of 681 id: iojet-1246 author: Atabey, Nejla title: EXPLORING MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS’ ENVIRONMENTAL ATTITUDES THROUGH ECOCENTRISM AND ANTHROPOCENTRISM date: 2021-07-01 words: 9674 flesch: 54 summary: Keywords: environmental attitudes, environmental behaviors, middle school students 1. After the coding was completed, frequency calculations of environmental attitudes were made for each scale item. keywords: air; animals; answers; anthropocentric attitudes; atabey; attentive; attitudes; awareness; batteries; behaviours; care; current; dergisi; dimension; ecocentric; ecocentric attitudes; education; effort; energy; environmental; environmental attitudes; erten; example; excerpts; factors; figure; findings; future; garbage; great; ground; important; international; iojet; item; journal; knowledge; materials; middle; nature; need; nejla; online; online journal; opportunity; oxygen; packaging; paper; people; pollution; problems; products; qualitative; recyclable; recycling; research; rubbish; sample; saving; scale; school; school students; sensitive; soil; students; studies; study; sub; teaching; terms; theory; trees; types; use; waste; water cache: iojet-1246.pdf plain text: iojet-1246.txt item: #93 of 681 id: iojet-1249 author: Namli Altintas, Irem; Mertol, Huseyin; Celikkol, Omer title: PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION OF RELIGIOUS IDENTITY IN TERMS OF DIFFERENT IDENTITY TYPES date: 2021-01-13 words: 5550 flesch: 55 summary: The results revealed that religious identity perceptions differed depending on socioeconomic levels but not on gender. Religious identity perceptions of female prospective teachers (X=4.10) are more positive than those of male prospective teachers (4.07). keywords: 8(2; altintas; analysis; celikkol; concept; correlation; cultural; differences; different; dimensions; education; ethnic; ethnic identity; factor; female; gender; group; identities; identity; identity perceptions; individual; integrity; international; iojet; journal; kimlik; level; mertol; model; moral; moral identity; national; national identity; online; p<.01; people; perceptions; person; political; political identity; positive; prospective; prospective teachers; regression; religion; religious; religious identity; research; results; self; sexual; sexual identity; significant; social; societies; socioeconomic; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; terms; test; turkey; types; university; variables; yayınları cache: iojet-1249.pdf plain text: iojet-1249.txt item: #94 of 681 id: iojet-125 author: North, Brian title: DEVELOPING CEFR ILLUSTRATIVE DESCRIPTORS OF ASPECTS OF MEDIATION date: 2016-04-22 words: 3871 flesch: 49 summary: The result of the entire process was the set of descriptor scales shown in Table 1. However, because of the large numbers of respondents for all scales, (minimum 151 responses) it was decided to also do Rasch analysis of the ratings of descriptor level in the workshop, and thus calibrate at least some of them before the autumn. keywords: activities; aspects; assessment; brian; categories; category; cefr; collaborative; common; context; coste; council; cultural; descriptors; e.g.; europe; european; following; framework; illustrative; information; interaction; language; learning; levels; linguistic; link; meaning; mediation; new; north; online; order; original; phase; place; plurilingual; process; production; project; received; reception; reference; research; respondents; scale; second; series; set; step; survey; teaching; text cache: iojet-125.pdf plain text: iojet-125.txt item: #95 of 681 id: iojet-1250 author: Akyol, Tuğçe title: A JOURNEY TO THE VALUES WITH PICTURE BOOKS: A RESEARCH ON THE VALUE ACQUISITION OF YOUNG CHILDREN date: 2021-07-01 words: 6854 flesch: 55 summary: A study into the development of scale for preschool social values acquisition and effect of the program of social values education on the social values acquisition of children attending to a kindergarten. Effect of the program of social values education on the social values acquısition of children attending to a kindergarten. keywords: acquisition; activities; akyol; ankara; books; character; checklist; childhood; children; content; cooperation; determined; development; different; dimension; early; education; effect; ejo; group; impact; individuals; international; iojet; johansson; journal; kindness; levels; literature; love; moral; old; online; picture; picture books; positive; posttest; preschool; preschool education; preschool social; pretest; processes; program; reading; research; respect; responsibility; results; rubric; scale; scores; sessions; skills; social; social values; solidarity; story; studies; study; sub; teachers; teaching; tolerance; turkey; university; values; values acquisition; values content; values education; years; young; young children cache: iojet-1250.pdf plain text: iojet-1250.txt item: #96 of 681 id: iojet-1255 author: Bozkus, Kivanc title: DIGITAL DEVICES AND STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: THE RELATIONSHIP IN PISA 2018 DATA date: 2021-07-01 words: 8929 flesch: 55 summary: Moreover, contrary to expectations, digital natives joining the workforce did not significantly improve the second barrier in digital technology integration since the beliefs of teachers in digital technologies’ application in education did not significantly change. Petko (2012) takes a similar stance on Lim and Khine’s (2006) research and refuses the previous studies that solely focus on the beliefs of teachers and the infrastructure of classrooms in digital technology integration. keywords: access; achievement; available; barriers; beliefs; better; bozkuş; capacity; change; classrooms; communication; computers; data; design; development; digital; digital devices; digital infrastructure; digital technologies; education; educational technology; ertmer; factor; impact; increase; information; infrastructure; integration; international; iojet; items; journal; lack; learning; math; mathematics; mean; methods; model; necessary; new; online; p<0.001; pedagogical; pisa; principals; reading; regression; research; results; school; science; scores; second; skills; students; study; teachers; teaching; technological; technology; technology infrastructure; technology integration; tondeur; usage; use; van cache: iojet-1255.pdf plain text: iojet-1255.txt item: #97 of 681 id: iojet-1259 author: Akaydin, Birsen Berfu title: DETERMINATION OF PRE-SERVICE CLASSROOM TEACHERS’ COGNITIVE STRUCTURES OF COMMUNICATION, COOPERATION AND DECISION-MAKING SKILLS VIA A WORD ASSOCIATION TEST date: 2021-07-01 words: 9338 flesch: 59 summary: There are different opinions about whether communication skills are inherent, intuitive, or can be learned and taught (Korkut, 2004). West and Mild (1994) stated that communication is a process that should continue between home and school for the development of communication skills in students. keywords: 21st; adaylarının; akaydın; ankara; association; bahar; basic; bilgiler; bilgisi; bilimleri; bilişsel; century; cognitive; communication; communication skills; concepts; cooperation; course; critical; current; curriculum; decision; dergisi; development; different; education; elementary; enstitüsü; environment; evaluation; eğitim; fakültesi; figure; findings; frequency; group; hayat; human; iletişim; ilişkilendirme; ilişkin; incelenmesi; individual; information; international; iojet; journal; kelime; key; key word; knowledge; language; learning; life; life skills; making; map; need; online; point; pre; primary; primary school; problem; process; related; relation; research; school; school teachers; sciences; self; service; service primary; skills; social; solving; sosyal; speaking; structures; students; studies; study; sınıf; table; teachers; teaching; test; tezi; thinking; turkish; university; word; word association; work; yapılarının; yayıncılık; yayınlanmamış; öğrencilerinin; öğretimi; öğretmen; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1259.pdf plain text: iojet-1259.txt item: #98 of 681 id: iojet-126 author: Marcial, Ana Katrina Tapire title: LEARNER VARIABLES AND LANGUAGE ANXIETY IN ORAL COMMUNICATION: THE CASE OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN THE PHILIPPINES date: 2016-10-03 words: 8411 flesch: 51 summary: Results and Discussions 5.1 Anxiety groups As seen in Table 1, almost one-third of the participants have high anxiety levels, which means that language anxiety is still a valid issue to explore because there are learners who tend to feel more anxious than the others, which may affect their learning and performance negatively. Abstract The study attempted to look into the relationship of language anxiety and specific learner characteristics of university students enrolled in an oral communication course at a university in the Philippines. keywords: anxiety; anxious; average; background; case; classroom; classroom anxiety; communication; competence; data; education; english; english language; experience; factors; female; filipino; flcas; foreign; foreign language; gender; group; high; higher; home; horwitz; international; iojet; journal; language; language anxiety; language classroom; language learning; learners; learning; level; low; marcial; negative; online; oral; outside; participants; performance; person; philippines; possible; previous; questionnaire; relationship; research; result; scale; second; self; significant; speaking; square; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; test; time; university; use; value; variables cache: iojet-126.pdf plain text: iojet-126.txt item: #99 of 681 id: iojet-1263 author: Akan, Yunus; Tatık, Ramazan Şamil title: ANALYSIS OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MORAL MATURITY AND HUMAN VALUES OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS date: 2021-07-01 words: 12032 flesch: 51 summary: According to the results of the study conducted by Çoşkun and Yıldırım (2009) on 392 university students, no significant difference was found in moral value levels according to where they lived. In order to examine whether this difference in scores was significant, an independent sample t-test was conducted, and it was found that university students did not differ significantly in terms of the place where they grew up in moral maturity level (p= .138; p> .05). keywords: .05; academic; ahlaki; akan; analysis; anova; attainment; average; books; class; class level; college; comparison; data; department; dergisi; development; dilmaç; economic; education; education level; examining; faculty; father; female; findings; gender; group; high; high school; higher; hometown; human; human values; incelenmesi; independent; individual; institute; international; iojet; journal; judgment; level; life; master; maturity level; maturity scores; month; moral development; moral maturity; moral values; mother; number; olgunluk; online; points; primary; relationship; research; results; sample; scale; school; school students; schwartz; sciences; scores; secondary; sig(p; significant difference; similar; social; status; studies; study; table; tatık; teaching; terms; test; thesis; turkish; unit; university students; values; values scores; variable; variance; way; öğrencilerinin cache: iojet-1263.pdf plain text: iojet-1263.txt item: #100 of 681 id: iojet-1265 author: Akdal, Deniz; Baltacı, Önder; Akbulut, Ömer Faruk title: THE EXAMINATION OF THE OPINIONS OF PARENTS WITH CHILDREN WHO HAVE SPECIAL NEEDS REGARDING THE DISTANCE EDUCATION PROCESS date: 2021-07-01 words: 8382 flesch: 52 summary: Students with special education needs and special education. This situation revealed that education processes should be renewed, and planned in accordance with the conditions. keywords: activities; addition; akbulut; akdal; analysis; baltacı; blank; children; coded; contents; covid-19; data; development; difficulties; distance education; education; education process; example; home; important; international; iojet; journal; lack; online; opinions; opportunities; opportunity; pandemic; parents; period; processes; research; result; school; scope; skills; special; special education; special needs; strengths; students; study; support; swot; table; teachers; teaching; threats; time; tools; university; weaknesses cache: iojet-1265.pdf plain text: iojet-1265.txt item: #101 of 681 id: iojet-127 author: Demirel, Hakan Hilmi; Akpınar, Kadriye Dilek title: MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION AND ITS IMPACT ON LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: THE CASE OF MILITARY CADETS AT TMA date: 2016-04-22 words: 7484 flesch: 46 summary: Keywords: cultural diversity, international student, multicultural learning, TMA. 1. From 1954-1955 to 2006-2007 years the number of international students increased from 34,232 to 582,984 (Institute of International Education, 2007). keywords: academic; academy; activities; akpınar; analysis; applications; average; cadets; classroom; communication; competence; countries; cultures; data; demirel; development; differences; different; diverse; diversity; education; effects; english; environment; foreign; groups; higher; instructors; intercultural; international; international cadets; international education; international students; iojet; issues; journal; language; learning; learning environment; military; multicultural; multicultural education; multicultural learning; new; online; order; participants; people; period; perspectives; point; positive; post; practices; pre; process; proficiency; questionnaire; research; results; setting; social; society; students; studies; study; table; teaching; terms; test; tma; turkey; turkish; turkish cadets; world; year cache: iojet-127.pdf plain text: iojet-127.txt item: #102 of 681 id: iojet-1272 author: Gokmen, Ahmet title: INVESTIGATING FUTURE EDUCATIONAL LEADERS’ METAPHORIC PERCEPTIONS REGARDING SUSTAINABILITY ACCORDING TO THEIR KNOWLEDGE LEVELS date: 2021-01-22 words: 7747 flesch: 49 summary: Abstract This study aims to investigate metaphors of pre-service teachers, the potential future educational leaders, regarding sustainability according to their knowledge level of sustainability. Keywords: pre-service teachers, sustainability, metaphor, educational leaders 1. keywords: 8(2; adaylarının; analysis; ankara; attitudes; categories; category; change; cluster; concept; content; data; dergisi; determination; development; different; doi; economic; education; environmental; eğitim; fakültesi; female; form; future; gender; goals; gokmen; group; high; higher; important; individuals; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; knowledge level; leaders; level; life; literature; low; mean; metaphors; method; middle; nature; number; online; pre; qualitative; report; research; results; review; science; scores; service teachers; social; students; studies; study; sun; sustainability; sustainability knowledge; sustainable; table; teachers; teaching; terms; test; turkey; university; use; vital; wisp; yönelik; çevre; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1272.pdf plain text: iojet-1272.txt item: #103 of 681 id: iojet-1273 author: Çarkıt, Cafer; Kavcar, Şeyma title: INSTRUCTORS’ OPINION ON THE USE OF CONCEPT MAPS FOR IMPROVING VOCABULARY IN TEACHING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE date: 2021-07-01 words: 6676 flesch: 56 summary: Instructors’ opinion on the use of concept maps for improving vocabulary in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. ON THE USE OF CONCEPT MAPS FOR IMPROVING VOCABULARY IN TEACHING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Cafer Çarkıt Şeyma Kavcar Abstract This study aims to determine instructors' opinions regarding use of concept maps during the process of improvement of vocabulary in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. keywords: analysis; ankara; assessment; case; concept; concept maps; content; data; determined; education; effect; end; evaluation; foreign; foreign language; form; important; instructors; international; interviewer; iojet; journal; kavcar; language; language teaching; learning; lesson; maps; meaningful; mind; mother; online; opinions; pattern; permanent; practices; process; qualitative; questions; regard; related; research; results; sciences; sense; social; students; studies; study; subject; table; teaching; teaching process; theme; tongue; tools; turkish; turkish vocabulary; university; use; vocabulary; vocabulary teaching; words; çarkıt cache: iojet-1273.pdf plain text: iojet-1273.txt item: #104 of 681 id: iojet-1276 author: Kirmizi, Ozkan; Saricoban, Arif title: LANGUAGE TEACHER IMMUNITY: INSIGHTS FROM TURKEY date: 2021-01-22 words: 7738 flesch: 58 summary: It suggested that language teacher immunity emerges in four stages (Hiver, 2015): (a) productively immunized (i.e., possessing a robust, beneficial form of teacher immunity), (b) maladaptively immunized (i.e., possessing a rigid, counterproductive form of teacher immunity), (c) immunocompromised (i.e., having not developed any coherent form of teacher immunity), or (d) partially immunized (i.e., having developed half-way features of teacher immunity). Keywords: teacher immunity, teacher identity, teacher resilience, self-efficacy 1. keywords: 8(2; affectivity; analysis; attitudes; b.a; burnout; classroom; cluster; construct; correlation; differences; dimensions; dörnyei; education; efficacy; efl; efl teachers; english; experience; factors; gender; high; hiver; identity; immunity; important; international; iojet; items; journal; l2 teacher; language; language teacher; level; literature; maladaptive; mean; moderate; number; online; openness; participants; positive; postgraduate; present; primary; psychological; questionnaire; research; resilience; results; school; secondary; self; stage; studies; study; sub; table; teacher; teacher immunity; teaching; terms; type; university; variables cache: iojet-1276.pdf plain text: iojet-1276.txt item: #105 of 681 id: iojet-1278 author: Kafadar, Tuğba title: THE ROLE OF MEDIA LITERACY IN VALUE ACQUISITION BASED ON PRE-SERVICE SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHERS’ VIEWS date: 2021-07-01 words: 5288 flesch: 42 summary: Provides guidance 2 Facilitates values education 2 Contributes to unity 1 Prevents degeneration of the values 1 Allows us to recognize the importance of social values 1 Supports self-realization 1 Improves interpersonal communication 1 Improves self-esteem 1 Trains individuals with analytical thinking skills 1 As seen in Table 4, most pre-service social studies teachers stated the following positive contributions of media literacy education to the acquisition of values: raising consciousness (f14), cooperation (f6), development of a critical perspective (f6), contribution to the discovery of lost values (f5), raising awareness (f5), facilitation of the dissemination of values (f4), a role in active instruction of the values(f4), protection of values (f3), providing guidance (f2), facilitation of values education (f2), and fewer participants mentioned the following: contribution to unity (f1), prevention of the degeneration of values (f1), making us understand the importance of social values (f1), self-realization (f1), improvement of interpersonal communication (f1), self-esteem (f1), and instruction of analytical thinking skills(f1). Thus, it could be suggested that media, an important factor in the digital age, and media literacy skills are a required and important skill in values education to sustain social values. keywords: acquisition; analysis; awareness; comprehension; consciousness; contribution; critical; data; education; family; honesty; important; individuals; information; international; interview; iojet; journal; kafadar; literacy; literacy education; lost; love; media; media literacy; method; national; online; participants; people; positive; pre; research; respect; role; sensitivity; service; service social; social; social studies; society; studies; studies teachers; study; table; teachers; teaching; tolerance; transfer; unity; values; values education; views cache: iojet-1278.pdf plain text: iojet-1278.txt item: #106 of 681 id: iojet-128 author: Öztürk, Zekai; Kızılkaya, Selman; Çağatay, Altuğ title: STUDENTS' OPINIONS REGARDING STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT COURSE’S INSTRUCTED IN THE GRADUATE PROGRAMS LEVEL OF GAINING QUALIFIED EMPLOYEE TO BUSINESS: A STUDY AT GAZI UNIVERSITY date: 2016-06-30 words: 4338 flesch: 47 summary: In strategy implementation subdimension, participants can be considered as not being sufficiently informed and skilled about some areas such as whether there is a difference between strategic planning and strategic management, the relationship of strategic plan development with strategic management course, the importance of employees in strategic management process, in ensuring the consistency of organizational culture and the effect of organizational structure on implementation of plans. Students' opinions regarding strategic management course’s instructed in the graduate programs level of gaining qualified employee to business: a study at Gazi University. keywords: analysis; business; consciousness; course; data; degree; development; difference; dimension; education; effect; gazi; higher; implementation; journal; kolmogorov; level; lower; management; management course; master; middle; needed; participants; personnel; phd; process; qualifications; qualified; respect; sample; sciences; social; strategic; strategic management; strategy; students; study; subdimension; table; terms; test; university; value; views; working; çağatay; öztürk cache: iojet-128.pdf plain text: iojet-128.txt item: #107 of 681 id: iojet-1281 author: Kıral, Erkan; Durdu, İlknur title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TENDENCY TO GOSSIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT date: 2021-07-01 words: 11338 flesch: 46 summary: When literature has been analyzed, it is possible to reach such many research on organizational commitment as the level of organizational commitment, Meyer and Allen (1991), Allen and Meyer (1990); affective and continuance commitment Wasti (2002); measuring organizational commitment, Cook and Wall (1980) and Swailes (2002); teachers’ organizational commitment, Celep (2000); the relationship between school managers’ socialization and organizational commitment, Buchanan (1974); the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment, Porter, Steers, Mowday and Boulian (1974); the relationship between organizational commitment and burnout, Cetin, Basim and Aydogan (2011); the relationship between organizational commitment and organizational support, Ozdevecioglu (2013); the relationship between school culture and teachers’ school commitment, Kiral and Kacar (2016); the relationship between teachers' perception of school principals' instructional leadership and organizational commitment level, Kiral and Sucicegi (2017). The Findings Concerning Correlation Between Teachers’ Tendency to Gossip and Organizational Commitment Level Relationship between teachers’tendency to gossip and organizational commitment level is examined and results are summarized on Table 3. keywords: achievement; affective; affective commitment; age; aims; allen; analysis; appearance; behavior; commitment; commitment level; continuance commitment; correlation; data; demir; difference; dimensions; durdu; education; effects; employees; erkan; fact; findings; gender; general; general commitment; general gossip; gossip; gossip scale; gossip tendency; group; higher; highest; ilknur; information; international; iojet; items; journal; kıral; level; life; low; management; medium; meyer; multiple; negative; nevo; normative commitment; number; online; organizational commitment; organizational gossip; organizations; people; personal; physical; positive; principals; regression; relationship; research; results; scale; school; sciences; seniority; significant; social; status; study; sublimated; sublimated gossip; table; teachers; teaching; tendency; test; university; variables; workplace; years cache: iojet-1281.pdf plain text: iojet-1281.txt item: #108 of 681 id: iojet-1283 author: Çekiç, Ahmet ; Bakla, Arif title: A REVIEW OF DIGITAL FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT TOOLS: FEATURES AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS date: 2021-07-01 words: 11911 flesch: 54 summary: After identifying the most frequently recommended, reviewed and researched formative assessment tools, the researchers inspected 14 tools in terms of various issues, ranging from platforms and devices used, item-types offered by the software, features related with monitoring student performance and providing feedback (through student/instructor dashboards), grading, scoring of open-response items and collaborative responses. For example, in a recent study on formative assessment (Tsulaia & Adamia, 2020), the majority of the participant lecturers reported that they did not use formative assessment tools in their teaching. keywords: activities; analysis; answers; assessment; assessment tools; automatic; available; bakla; choice; classes; classflow; classroom; common; correct; criteria; data; database; detailed; devices; dfa; dfa tools; different; digital; education; educators; edulastic; elmahdi; engagement; features; feedback; formative; formative assessment; forms; free; frequency; future; gamification; google; gosoapbox; grading; help; higher; important; incorrect; individual; information; instance; instruction; international; internet; iojet; items; journal; kahoot; language; learners; learning; materials; mentimeter; methods; mobile; monitoring; motivation; multiple; nearpod; need; new; number; online; open; options; plickers; popular; popularity; possible; processes; questions; quizalize; quizizz; quizzes; reports; research; researchers; responses; results; reusability; review; scores; scoring; short; socrative; software; spreadsheets; students; study; systems; table; teachers; teaching; technology; terms; test; time; tools; triventy; types; use; user; version; websites; word; yacapaca; çekiç;   cache: iojet-1283.pdf plain text: iojet-1283.txt item: #109 of 681 id: iojet-129 author: Arslan, Cem Barlas title: AN ASSESSMENT OF LAW FACULTY STUDENTS' COMPREHENSION LEVELS OF THE LANGUAGE OF CORPORATE TAX LAW date: 2016-04-22 words: 3157 flesch: 53 summary: Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the language structure of tax laws within the scope of ongoing tax complexity in the Turkish law system. Participating students were asked for synonyms/meanings of eleven terms which were selected from the Corporate Tax Law that came into force being prepared in the earliest time as a general qualified tax law among tax laws to test the students’ knowledge of the language structure of the aforesaid law. keywords: answers; arslan; assessment; case; complexity; compliance; comprehension; corporate; education; faculty; fourth; general; important; iojet; james; journal; karabacak; language; law; laws; legislation; loss; meanings; participants; process; research; simple; simplicity; simplification; structure; students; study; system; tax; taxation; taxpayers; terms; turkish; university; words; year cache: iojet-129.pdf plain text: iojet-129.txt item: #110 of 681 id: iojet-1290 author: Zincirli, Muhammed title: A HYPOTHETICAL MODEL FOR THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TEACHERS’ JOB SATISFACTION, BURNOUT AND PERCEPTIONS OF INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE date: 2021-02-07 words: 7730 flesch: 50 summary: Especially, the negative effect of job satisfaction, as expected, on burnout is a significant finding showing the importance of job satisfaction perceptions of teachers. The studies on this issue have demonstrated that teachers have a moderate level of job satisfaction perceptions (Aksoy, 2007; Kabakçıoğlu, 2010; Yılmaz, 2014; Çınarcı, 2015; Buluç & Demir, 2015; Erdoğan, 2017). keywords: 8(2; acceptable; addition; analysis; ankara; burnout; burnout perceptions; coefficient; consistency; correlation; data; dergisi; direct; doyumu; education; effect; employees; equation; eskişehir; expected; experience; factor; findings; fit; hayes; high; incelenmesi; indirect; individual; individual performance; institute; internal; international; iojet; i̇stanbul; job; job satisfaction; journal; level; literature; low; maslach; master; model; negative; new; online; order; participants; perceptions; performance; performance perceptions; positive; predictive; present; relationship; research; result; role; satisfaction; satisfaction perceptions; satisfaction scale; scale; schools; sciences; sem; significant; single; social; structural; studies; study; sümer; teachers; teaching; thesis; tükenmişlik; university; unpublished; values; variables; way; work; zincirli; öğretmenlerinin; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1290.pdf plain text: iojet-1290.txt item: #111 of 681 id: iojet-1297 author: Güngör, Cumhur title: ANALYSIS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' PERCEPTION OF LEARNING REGARDING SUCCESS ORIENTATION AND SOCIAL LEARNING SETTING date: 2021-07-01 words: 10716 flesch: 47 summary: Examining the coefficients, Effort for Learning impacts Learning Orientation positively (Beta=,760 p<0,05). The Cronbach's Alpha internal consistency reliability coefficients were identified as .77 for Learning Orientation, .79 for Performance Approach Goal Orientation and .78 for Performance Avoidance Goal Orientation (Akın & Çetin, 2007). keywords: academic; achievement; ames; anova; approach; approach orientation; attitudes; average; avoidance; avoidance orientation; başarı; care; context; correlation; dergisi; desire; development; different; dimensions; discrepancies; education; effort; eğitim; finding; following; general; goal; groups; güngör; highest; impact; incelenmesi; individuals; information; international; iojet; journal; learning; learning orientation; learning process; learning setting; library; lowest; model; month; motivation; negative; new; old; online; opinions; opportunities; orientation; p<0,05; performance; performance approach; performance avoidance; personal; point; positive; positive attitudes; process; processes; rate; reading; regression; research; results; satl; scale; setting; significant; significant discrepancies; social; social learning; sos; strong; strongest; students; studies; study; sub; success; success orientations; sufficient; table; teachers; teaching; terms; test; turkish; university; university students; variable; weak; weeks; years; öğrencilerinin; öğrenmeye; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1297.pdf plain text: iojet-1297.txt item: #112 of 681 id: iojet-130 author: Torres, Kelly; Tackett, Samantha title: PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ BELIEFS ABOUT TEACHING ESOL STUDENTS IN MAINSTREAM CLASSROOMS date: 2016-07-01 words: 6990 flesch: 45 summary: Furthermore, a study by Brouwer and Korthagen (2005) focused on pre-service teachers and their early occupational socialization processes found that teacher education “can influence beginning teachers’ professional performance and competence development … by shaping the opportunities for student teachers to relate practical experience and theoretical study” (p.213). Analyses of this research revealed significant differences between pre-service teachers who have and have not completed English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) coursework. keywords: abilities; ability; able; academic; accommodations; barriers; beliefs; certification; challenges; classes; classrooms; cld; content; coursework; different; diverse; education; educators; efficacy; ells; english; esol; experiences; field; future; help; high; individuals; iojet; journal; knowledge; lack; language; learners; learning; levels; mainstream; need; online; participants; pre; preservice; prior; programs; research; school; second; self; service; service teachers; settings; skills; social; strategies; students; study; survey; tackett; teachers; teaching; time; torres; understanding; university; working cache: iojet-130.pdf plain text: iojet-130.txt item: #113 of 681 id: iojet-1307 author: Bolat, Yeliz title: THE ATTAINMENTS IN THE FRAMEWORK ANNUAL PLAN FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL ADAPTATION CLASSES PREPARED WITHIN THE SCOPE OF PIKTES IN TERMS OF THE REVISED BLOOM TAXONOMY date: 2021-07-01 words: 10493 flesch: 50 summary: Syrian Students Studying in Turkey in the Turkish Learning Problems Encountered A Research on: Example of Kilis 7 Aralık University, International Journal of Languages Education and Teaching, 1907-1919. Aim of Research This research examined the attainments available within the framework annual plan of teaching Turkish as a foreign language prepared for Syrian primary school students who continue their education within scope of PIKTES and who are under temporary protection according to the revised Bloom taxonomy. keywords: analysis; anderson; annual; annual plan; applying; area; attainments; available; basic; bloom; bloom taxonomy; bolat; children; classes; cognitive; conceptual; curriculum; determined; dimension; education; european; evaluation; expressions; factual; foreign; foreign language; framework; framework annual; information; interaction; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; knowledge dimension; knowledge level; krathwohl; language; learning; level; metacognitive; numbers; objective; online; online journal; piktes; plan; primary; problems; procedural; process; protection; reading; refugee; related; remembering; repetition; research; results; revised; s.op; school; sciences; scope; simple; skill; social; speaking; students; studies; study; syrian; syrian students; table; taxonomy; teachers; teaching; temporary; terms; themes; times; turkey; turkish; turkish education; turkish language; turkish teaching; understanding; university; verbal; words; writing; yeliz; yıldırım cache: iojet-1307.pdf plain text: iojet-1307.txt item: #114 of 681 id: iojet-1310 author: Tarhan, Özge title: DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL JUSTICE AWARENESS SCALE: EXPLORATORY (EFA) AND CONFIRMATORY (CFA) FACTOR ANALYSIS date: 2021-07-01 words: 7206 flesch: 64 summary: Figure 2: Diagram representation of t values for social justice awareness scale items Fit indexes for model-data fit were examined and the model-data fit indices of the single- factor 39-item scale are shown in Table 4.. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2021, 8(3), 1603-1622. 1615 Table 4. The path graph for the scale items is shown in Figure 3. Tarhan 1616 Figure 3: Path graph for social justice awareness scale items keywords: adalet; alpha; analysis; awareness; beliefs; cfa; children; citizens; coefficient; concept; confirmatory; cronbach; cultural; data; development; differences; different; draft; economic; education; efa; equal; exploratory; factor; factor analysis; family; fit; form; high; importance; individuals; inequalities; international; iojet; items; journal; justice; justice scale; level; literature; measurement; online; opinions; order; people; point; reliability; research; result; rights; scale; scale items; school; secondary; single; social; social justice; societies; society; sosyal; structural; students; studies; study; table; tarhan; teachers; teaching; tool; total; validity; value; variance cache: iojet-1310.pdf plain text: iojet-1310.txt item: #115 of 681 id: iojet-1311 author: Polat Koseoglu, Meryem; Gilanlioglu, Ilkay title: STUDENT TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF ENGLISH AS A LINGUA FRANCA IN A MULTILINGUAL COMMUNITY date: 2021-07-01 words: 7119 flesch: 55 summary: Awareness of native English Regarding Speaker B, 70.97% correctly identified him as non-native speaker, however, 22.58% were not sure, and 6.45% identified him incorrectly. To the Koseoglu & Gilanlioglu 1978 interview question addressing “what varieties of English are considered standard,” all participants but one responded that they did not believe in Standard English. keywords: awareness; backgrounds; communication; community; data; different; education; elf; elf use; elt; english; englishes; european; features; figure; findings; following; franca; gilanlioglu; international; interview; iojet; journal; koseoglu; language; learners; like; lingua; multilingual; native; non; nonnative; online; participants; perceptions; perspectives; practice; present; research; responses; results; speaker; speaking; standard; students; study; successful; survey; teachers; teaching; time; university; use; varieties; variety; world cache: iojet-1311.pdf plain text: iojet-1311.txt item: #116 of 681 id: iojet-1313 author: Sümer Dodur, Halime Miray title: INFLECTIONAL MORPHOLOGICAL AWARENESS, WORD READING AND READING COMPREHENSION OF TURKISH STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES date: 2021-07-01 words: 7355 flesch: 44 summary: This limitation in morphological awareness skills of children with learning disabilities could be linked to the limited information-processing skills that prevent them from applying the rules accurately (Rothou & Padeliadu, 2019; Vender et al., 2017). Therefore, it can be said that the difficulty experienced by students with learning disabilities is not caused by the content of the MA task, but by their limitations in morphological awareness skills. keywords: awareness; awareness skills; children; comprehension; conditional; contribution; deacon; development; different; disabilities; disability; dodur; dyslexia; education; effect; english; findings; grade; graders; greek; group; halime; important; inflectional; inflectional morphological; international; iojet; journal; kirby; language; learning; morphemes; morphological; morphological awareness; morphology; online; orthography; padeliadu; phonological; possessive; readers; reading; reading comprehension; reading skills; research; results; role; rothou; significant; sixth; skills; students; studies; study; sümer; tasks; teaching; transparent; turkish; typical; word; word reading; writing cache: iojet-1313.pdf plain text: iojet-1313.txt item: #117 of 681 id: iojet-1325 author: Hasturk, Hanife Gamze; Unal, Buket Ballıel title: THE EFFECT OF CONCEPT CARTOON APPLICATIONS ON THE ATTITUDES OF TEACHER CANDIDATES WITH RESPECT TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS: date: 2021-07-01 words: 7333 flesch: 48 summary: Keywords: Environment education, environment problems, concept cartoon, attitude 1. Concept cartoons are significant for searching the scientific truths and justification of the assertions. keywords: applications; attitude; candidate; cartoons; class; concept; concept cartoons; concept mistakes; control; course; critical; data; design; different; discussion; education; effect; environment; environment education; experimental; findings; future; global; group; hastürk; ideas; individuals; international; iojet; journal; keogh; knowledge; learning; life; meaningful; method; mistakes; naylor; online; pre; problems; process; purpose; research; respect; scale; school; science; science education; scientific; scores; skills; students; study; subject; table; teachers; teaching; technique; technology; test; thinking; use; ünal cache: iojet-1325.pdf plain text: iojet-1325.txt item: #118 of 681 id: iojet-1335 author: Dinçer, Beste; Aksoy, Ruskat Merve title: POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS’ VIEWS ON VALUE EDUCATION date: 2021-07-01 words: 7375 flesch: 53 summary: The necessity of values education As for the 1st theme under the name of the necessity of value education, the participants discussed their opinions mainly within two factors of the education system and the foundations of education categories as shown in table 2. Table 2. Postgraduate students’ views on values education. keywords: activities; adaylarının; adnan; aksoy; analysis; atmosphere; case; categories; category; children; classroom; climate; codes; conditions; curriculum; data; democratic; dergisi; development; değerler; different; dincer; drama; education; education practices; effective; environment; eğitim; eğitimine; family; field; graduate; görüşleri; human; ilişkin; importance; individual; international; interview; iojet; journal; learning; life; media; methods; moral; necessity; needs; online; opinions; participants; phd; postgraduate; practices; process; program; projects; qualitative; research; respect; role; school; skills; social; society; sosyal; stakeholders; students; studies; study; suggestions; sınıf; table; teachers; teaching; techniques; thinking; time; university; values; values education; views; work; yıldırım; öğretmen; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1335.pdf plain text: iojet-1335.txt item: #119 of 681 id: iojet-1337 author: Çelik, Vildan; Tümen Akyildiz, Seçil title: CREATIVITY IN EFL CLASSES: EXAMINING TURKISH SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES AND THOUGHTS date: 2021-07-01 words: 10087 flesch: 57 summary: IQ2.What are the characteristics of creative EFL teachers? A small number of teachers stated that creative EFL teachers are ‘self-confident’ (f=2). keywords: activities; akyıldız; area; attitudes; british; category; characteristics; classes; classroom; codes; context; council; creative; creative teaching; creativity; data; development; eds; education; efl; efl teachers; elt; english; english language; experience; factors; figure; findings; gender; hamada; ideas; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; kokotsaki; language; language teaching; learning; lee; level; literature; london; maley; nedjah; nouh; online; participants; peachey; practices; quantitative; question; research; researchers; school; second; significant; skills; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; terms; thinking; thoughts; turkey; turkish; tümen; undergraduate; wang; years; çelik cache: iojet-1337.pdf plain text: iojet-1337.txt item: #120 of 681 id: iojet-1339 author: Chaabi, Mouloud; Chougui, Ali title: VISUAL ANALOGY AS A COGNITIVE STRATEGY IN THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN PROCESS: EXPERT VERSUS NOVICE PERFORMANCE date: 2021-07-01 words: 7601 flesch: 50 summary: The results showed that novices and experts were able to reason by visual analogy and used deep analogies. Key Words: Visual analogy, experts, novices, cognitive strategy, architectural project. keywords: alternative; analogical; analogies; analogue; analogy; architectural; cambridge; chaabi; chougui; cognitive; compact; constraints; deep; design; design problem; designers; domain; eds; education; expertise; experts; figure; graph; group; holyoak; housing; hypothesis; images; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; memory; new; novices; number; online; organization; participants; press; principle; problem; process; project; reasoning; research; results; sketch; solutions; solving; source; structural; successful; surface; target; teaching; transfer; university; use; visual; visual analogy; visual images; vosniadou cache: iojet-1339.pdf plain text: iojet-1339.txt item: #121 of 681 id: iojet-1341 author: Taşçı, Gülşah; Keleş, Oguz title: THE SCALE OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS GARDEN-BASED LEARNING APPROACH: THE STUDY OF VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY date: 2021-07-01 words: 4577 flesch: 59 summary: In many studies examining teacher attitudes in the garden-based learning approach, the obstacles that are faced with for integrating school gardens into their curriculum include lack of time, lack of funding, insufficient staff support, inadequate teacher interest and knowledge of gardening, not having a person to organize garden activities, insufficient space and materials; and lack of administrative support from school managers (DeMarco et al., 1999; Graham & Zidenberg-Cherr, 2005). California teachers perceive school gardens as an effective nutritional tool to promote healthful eating habits. keywords: alpha; analysis; approach; attitude; cronbach; data; development; dimension; education; efa; factor; form; garden; group; gülşah; important; international; iojet; item; journal; keleş; lack; learning; learning approach; load; online; oğuz; present; programs; region; reliability; research; result; scale; school; second; students; studies; study; table; taşçı; teachers; teaching; total; turkey; university; validity; values; variance; working; years cache: iojet-1341.pdf plain text: iojet-1341.txt item: #122 of 681 id: iojet-135 author: Iglesias, Montserrat title: LANGUAGE TRAVEL SUPPLY: LANGUAGE TOURISM PRODUCT COMPOSITION date: 2017-01-10 words: 7551 flesch: 49 summary: Whereas in the past those people who travelled abroad to learn English were interested in general English or exam preparation courses for an average period of six months, nowadays language study travellers have more specific aims, tend to be more results-driven and enrol in shorter courses, so language programmes have a more practical orientation (Smith, 2011). My research focuses on oral competence in English for Specific Purposes and on language tourism. keywords: academic; accommodation; acquisition; activities; activity; agents; aspects; assessment; center; churchill; classroom; competences; complements; component; composition; context; course; cultural; culture; design; destinations; development; different; dufon; eds; educational; english; european; experience; focus; foreign; foreign language; formal; french; gains; general; home; host; iglesias; industry; input; international; iojet; japanese; journal; key; kinginger; language; language learning; language tourism; language travel; learners; learning; local; magazine; market; norris; offer; ohio; online; period; pragmatic; preparation; product; proficiency; programmes; providers; range; related; research; resource; school; second; services; setting; social; sociolinguistic; state; stays; students; study; summer; supply; system; target; tasks; teacher; teaching; tourism; tourists; travel; tuition; university cache: iojet-135.pdf plain text: iojet-135.txt item: #123 of 681 id: iojet-1353 author: Avşar, Ruveyda; Gündüz, Yüksel title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TEACHERS’ COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL RULES AND STUDENTS’ PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING date: 2021-07-01 words: 12448 flesch: 54 summary: ***p<.001 Correlation coefficients calculated between “teachers’ compliance with ethical rules scale according to student perception”, total and sub-dimensions, and total scores of the “psychological well-being scale” yielded significant results at the level of .001. A positive correlation was found between “teachers’ compliance with ethical rules scale according to student perception”, “professional liability” sub-dimension, and the total scores of the “psychological well-being scale” at .001 level (r:.346). keywords: .89; affect; agree; analysis; anatolian; ankara; anova; averages; avşar; aydın; açısından; background; behavior; bilimleri; coefficient; competence; compliance; data; dergisi; development; diener; differences; dimension; düzeyleri; education; enstitüsü; ethical; ethical principles; ethical rules; ethical values; ethics; etik; eğitim; factor; family; father; female; gender; general; growth; gündüz; happiness; health; high; high school; higher; human; ilişkinin; important; incelenmesi; income; individual; international; iojet; iyi; i̇stanbul; journal; level; liability; life; lisans; male; mesleki; monthly; moral; mother; oluş; online; opinions; p<.05; people; perception; personal; positive; primary; principles; professional; professional competence; professional ethical; psikolojik; psychological; purpose; related; relationship; research; result; rules; ryff; scale; school; school students; science; score; secondary; self; sense; sezer; significant; similar; social; sosyal; students; studies; study; sub; subjective; table; teachers; teaching; terms; tezi; total; try; type; values; variable; vocational; wellbeing; yayımlanmamış; yayıncılık; yüksek; yılmaz; öğrencilerinin; öğretmenlerin; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1353.pdf plain text: iojet-1353.txt item: #124 of 681 id: iojet-1359 author: Sancılı, Semanur; Tugluk, Mehmet Nur title: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE PROBLEM BEHAVIOR OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN IN TERMS OF DIFFERENT VARIABLES date: 2021-07-01 words: 8875 flesch: 51 summary: Keywords: preschool period, child problem behaviors, parents, parental parameters 1. When the relationship between parents' education level and child problem behaviors is evaluated, there is no significant difference in terms of attention deficit and excessive mobility, peer problems, social behaviors and behavioral problems. keywords: age; analysis; attention; attention deficit; average; average income; behavioral problems; behaviors; children; data; davranış; deficit; difference; difficulties; dimensions; education; education level; effect; emotional problems; exhibit; form; gender; group; high; high income; higher; hyperactivity; income; income group; income level; international; iojet; journal; kruskal; level; low; low income; median; number; online; parents; peer problems; preschool; problems; problems scores; problems sub; questionnaire; relationship; research; results; sancılı; school; scores; sdq; secondary; siblings; significant; significant difference; social; social problems; strengths; study; sub; table; teaching; terms; test; total; tuğluk; variance; wallis; way; year cache: iojet-1359.pdf plain text: iojet-1359.txt item: #125 of 681 id: iojet-136 author: Fowler, Denver Jade; Posthuma, Richard A.; Tsai, Wei-Chi title: HIRING TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERS IN EDUCATION: LESSONS LEARNED FROM STRUCTURED EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEWS date: 2016-10-03 words: 8615 flesch: 48 summary: Eastern cultures have certain values not prevalent in Western cultures that may reduce the use of transformational leadership questions in job interviews. Therefore, even when the selection ratio decreases as the jobs are higher in the organizational hierarchy resulting in a lower selection ratio, there will not be an increase in the use of transformational leadership questions in Taiwan. keywords: .01; applicants; approach; bass; campion; chen; china; chinese; collectivism; confucian; consistency; cultural; culture; different; distance; education; effective; employees; employment; figure; fowler; future; higher; hire; hiring; international; interviews; iojet; job; journal; leadership; leadership questions; likely; lin; management; methods; model; number; online; organizations; percent; performance; positive; posthuma; power; procedures; psychology; questions; ratio; relationship; research; review; sector; selection; skills; sophistication; states; structure; studies; study; successful; taiwan; teaching; team; transformational; transformational leadership; tsai; u.s; united; use; validity; western cache: iojet-136.pdf plain text: iojet-136.txt item: #126 of 681 id: iojet-1360 author: Şahin Kalyon, Demet title: TEACHING SCIENCE: WHO AM I? WHAT DO I PLAN? date: 2021-07-01 words: 12770 flesch: 56 summary: Baird (1988, p. 70) claimed, “The future of science education lies primarily in science teachers, not in curriculum or technology.” Identifying factors that motivate science teachers to persist and become effective will help improve pre-service and in-service teacher education programs (Ginns & Watters, 1999). keywords: active; activities; activity; addition; analysis; appropriate; attention; attitude; categories; characteristics; children; classroom; concepts; confidence; course; curriculum; daily; data; design; different; dream; education; effective; environment; experiments; features; fen; field; findings; general; help; inability; inand; inand pre; individuals; information; interest; international; iojet; journal; kalyon; knowledge; laboratory; lack; learning; lesson; level; life; materials; methods; misconceptions; nature; observation; online; participants; physical; place; plans; practices; pre; primary; primary teachers; problems; process; questions; reason; related; research; researching; resources; responses; roles; rows; school; science; science classroom; science education; science lesson; science process; science teaching; scientific; self; service; service primary; service teachers; situations; skills; strengths; students; studies; study; subject; table; teachers; teaching; teaching methods; techniques; technological; technology; understanding; university; use; weaknesses; şahin cache: iojet-1360.pdf plain text: iojet-1360.txt item: #127 of 681 id: iojet-1364 author: Recepoğlu, Serpil title: EXAMINATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS' VIEWS ON ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES date: 2021-09-29 words: 7691 flesch: 51 summary: It can be said that students focus on environmental problems they see in their close environment rather than global environmental problems. Recepoğlu 2702 EXAMINATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS' VIEWS ON ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Serpil Recepoğlu Abstract In the realization of an effective environmental education, the opinions of secondary school students about environmental problems are considered important. keywords: air; air pollution; attention; attitudes; awareness; cartoon; causes; clean; data; deforestation; dergisi; drawings; education; environmental; environmental awareness; environmental education; environmental issues; environmental pollution; environmental problems; eğitim; factory; fakültesi; figure; future; garbage; global; human; important; important environmental; individuals; international; interviews; iojet; issues; i̇lköğretim; journal; knowledge; literature; nature; online; order; people; pollution; primary; public; questions; recepoğlu; related; research; responsibilities; results; school; school students; secondary; slogans; solution; students; studies; study; suggestions; teaching; trees; unplanned; urbanization; warming; wastes; water; water pollution; world; yönelik; çevre; öğrencilerinin; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1364.pdf plain text: iojet-1364.txt item: #128 of 681 id: iojet-1366 author: Özçakır Sümen, Özlem title: THE MEDIATING ROLE OF METACOGNITIVE SELF-REGULATION SKILLS IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROBLEM-POSING SKILLS AND MATHEMATICS ACHIEVEMENT OF PRIMARY PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS date: 2021-07-01 words: 6235 flesch: 44 summary: The effects of providing mathematical problem posing experiences for K-8 pre-service teachers: Investigating teachers’ beliefs’ and characteristics of posed problems [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. For example, Silver and Cai (1996) suggested three steps to evaluate posed problems. keywords: academic; achievement; activities; analysis; awareness; bootstrap; cai; data; different; direct; education; effects; factor; fit; goals; grade; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; level; mathematical problem; mathematics; mathematics achievement; measurement; metacognitive; metacognitive self; model; monitoring; new; online; performance; posing; pre; primary; problem; problemposing; regulation; relationship; research; results; role; scale; school; science; self; selfregulation; service; significant; skills; solving; strategies; structured; students; studies; study; sümen; teachers; teaching; test; thinking; university; variables cache: iojet-1366.pdf plain text: iojet-1366.txt item: #129 of 681 id: iojet-1367 author: Karakaya, Ferhat; Yılmaz, Mehmet; Adıgüzel, Merve title: INVESTIGATION OF PRE-SERVICE SCIENCE TEACHERS' KNOWLEDGE ABOUT FOOD WEB date: 2021-07-01 words: 6108 flesch: 60 summary: In this study, it was aimed to determine the learning of pre-service science teachers about food web. Pre-service science teachers should be supported with scientific training in order to learn the food web correctly. keywords: adıgüzel; biology; chain; concepts; correct; data; drawing; ecosystem; education; figure; findings; focus; food; food chain; food web; grade; group; human; information; international; interview; iojet; journal; karakaya; knowledge; learning; level; misconceptions; online; opinions; order; pre; questions; relationships; research; result; school; science; science teachers; scientific; service; service science; service teachers; sources; students; study; t-2; t-6; table; teachers; teaching; textbooks; trophic; university; web; yılmaz; çimen; √ √ cache: iojet-1367.pdf plain text: iojet-1367.txt item: #130 of 681 id: iojet-137 author: Kwarteng, Joseph Tufuor title: CONCERNS OF ACCOUNTING TEACHERS IN IMPLEMENTING GHANA’S 2007 EDUCATION REFORM: REVISITED date: 2016-07-01 words: 7032 flesch: 50 summary: 4.3 Measuring influences of accounting teacher characteristics on their SoC In full appreciation of accounting teacher concerns, further analytical tests were administered using ANOVA to test for statistical evidence to the effect that some teacher characteristics influence accounting teachers’ stages of concern in implementing the accounting curriculum. However, generally, accounting teacher concerns were not mediated by their gender, highest teaching qualification, teaching experience, or their workload. keywords: accounting; accounting curriculum; accounting education; accounting teachers; awareness; classes; collaboration; concern; consequence; cost; curriculum; development; education; experience; fact; figure; financial; ghana; group; high; highest; impact; implementation; individual; informational; innovation; intense; international; iojet; journal; kwarteng; management; means; percentile; personal; primary; profile; quality; refocusing; reform; relation; results; school; school accounting; secondary; self; senior; soc; stage; students; study; table; task; teachers; teaching; total; use; years cache: iojet-137.pdf plain text: iojet-137.txt item: #131 of 681 id: iojet-1371 author: Arslan, Ayten title: PRESERVICE CLASSROOM TEACHERS’ VIEWS OF DISTANCE EDUCATION SCIENCE LABORATORY ACTIVITIES date: 2021-07-01 words: 10125 flesch: 55 summary: This study adopted a phenomenological design because it addressed preservice teachers’ experiences and views on the phenomenon of distance education science lab activities (DESLA). Distance education students can study and learn at their own pace because online lab activities have no time restrictions. keywords: academic; activities; applied; arslan; attitudes; ayşe; better; betül; canan; cem; challenges; classroom; codes; courses; data; dergisi; design; desla; different; difficulty; distance; distance education; drawing; education; effective; efficient; ela; esra; experiences; experiments; ezgi; eğitim; face; face education; faruk; feedback; filiz; fun; gamze; gaye; hard; home; international; iojet; i̇nci; i̇pek; journal; kaya; knowledge; lab; lab activities; lack; learning; materials; mehmet; mert; merve; negative; online; pandemic; participants; positive; preservice; primary; process; professional; question; reports; research; retention; rüya; school; science; seda; selim; seren; sibel; simple; social; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; theme; thinking; time; topics; university; use; uzaktan; veli; views; zeynep; çiğdem; ömer; özge; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1371.pdf plain text: iojet-1371.txt item: #132 of 681 id: iojet-1378 author: Ozkan, Banu title: THE EFFECT OF DRAMA-BASED ACTIVITIES ON ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY BEHAVIORS OF 60-72 MONTHS-OLD CHILDREN date: 2021-07-01 words: 3766 flesch: 54 summary: In line with the findings of the study, the following suggestions can be put forward for the researchers; • Educators may be suggested to use the drama method in environmental education activities with preschool children. The study aimed at examining the effects of drama-based activities on environmental sustainability behaviors of preschool children aged 5-6. keywords: activities; applied; awareness; behaviors; children; consciousness; control; control group; curriculum; difference; dimension; drama; education; effect; effective; environmental; experimental; experimental group; group; journal; line; old; post; pre; preschool; program; research; results; s.o; s.t; scale; significant; study; sub; sustainability; table; test; test n; test results; test scores; u test; university; wilcoxon test; çevre; özkan cache: iojet-1378.pdf plain text: iojet-1378.txt item: #133 of 681 id: iojet-139 author: Sarıgöz, İskender Hakkı title: SKILLS-BASED ECLECTIC TECHNIQUES MATRIX FOR ELT MICROTEACHINGS date: 2016-10-03 words: 3353 flesch: 52 summary: 7. Conclusion Microteaching planning by ELT teacher trainees before the presentation stage may be a chaotic process. Eclectic teaching matrix for constructivist foreign language teaching. keywords: approach; author; cambridge; collection; courses; design; eclectic; education; elt; era; foreign; freelance; grammar; group; integrated; international; iojet; journal; language; language teaching; learners; lesson; materials; matrix; matrixes; methodological; methodology; methods; microteaching; online; oxford; planning; post; practice; press; process; sarıgöz; single; skills; table-1; task; teacher; teaching; techniques; time; trainees; training; unit; university cache: iojet-139.pdf plain text: iojet-139.txt item: #134 of 681 id: iojet-1400 author: Muedi, Fhulufhelo Patrick ; Kutame, A Philip; Ngidi, T Z; Uleanya, Chinaza title: EXPLORING MANAGEMENT OF TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT IN MIXED CLASS OF LEARNERS: CASE OF SELECTED SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN VHUMBEDZI CIRCUIT date: 2021-07-01 words: 9527 flesch: 62 summary: Keywords: QP learners, School Management Team (SMT), Vhumbedzi Circuit 1. Mixed methods approach was adopted for data collection The finding of the study showed that there are no clearly developed strategies in assisting in the management of teaching and assessing of QP learners. keywords: activities; assessment; attendance; circuit; class; classes; cognitive; content; curriculum; data; dbe; department; different; difficult; education; frequency; grade; hods; information; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; kutame; laboratory; learners; learning; lesson; levels; majority; management; master; media; mixed; muedi; need; ngidi; online; order; percent; performance; period; plan; policy; principal; progressed; progression; qp learners; quality; respondents; results; scale; school; science; smts; south; strategies; study; subjects; support; table; teachers; teaching; time; timetable; total; uleanya; university; use; vhumbedzi; years cache: iojet-1400.pdf plain text: iojet-1400.txt item: #135 of 681 id: iojet-1402 author: Elçiçek, Mithat title: AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION LEVELS OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS IN COMPULSORY DISTANCE EDUCATION (COVID-19 PANDEMIC) date: 2021-07-01 words: 8850 flesch: 45 summary: In the qualitative dimension, the views of pre-service teachers about the effect of the compulsory distance education process on technology integration levels were analysed through the interview technique. An investigation into the technology integration levels of pre-service teachers in compulsory distance education (covid-19 pandemic). keywords: activities; analysis; assignments; basic; classroom; communication; compulsory; compulsory distance; computer; context; courses; covid-19; data; department; dergisi; development; different; digital; dimensions; distance education; education; education process; effect; elçiçek; ethics; evaluation; eğitim; female; future; gender; group; high; incelenmesi; information; integration levels; international; internet; interview; iojet; items; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; levels; literacy; management; materials; mathematics; methods; model; new; online; organization; p>.05; pandemic; participants; policies; pre; process; professional; qualitative; questions; related; research; results; sample; scale; science; service; service teachers; significant; social; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; technological; technologies; technology; technology integration; technology literacy; technology use; teknoloji; test; tools; total; turkish; university; use; views; world; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1402.pdf plain text: iojet-1402.txt item: #136 of 681 id: iojet-1404 author: Uluçınar, Ufuk title: THE EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGY SUPPORTED UbD BASED INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN TRAINING ON STUDENT TEACHERS’ TECHNOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING – TEACHING CONCEPTIONS date: 2021-09-29 words: 11844 flesch: 46 summary: THE EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGY SUPPORTED UbD BASED INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN TRAINING ON STUDENT TEACHERS’ TECHNOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING – TEACHING CONCEPTIONS (Research article) 2637 THE EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGY SUPPORTED UbD BASED INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN TRAINING ON STUDENT TEACHERS’ TECHNOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING – TEACHING keywords: action; activities; activity; activity design; analysis; application; attention; backward; categories; classroom; codes; conceptions; concepts; constructivist; content; content knowledge; course; curriculum; data; design; design training; development; different; difficulty; education; effects; experiences; findings; google; group; information; instructional design; international; iojet; items; journal; knowledge; learning; lesson; level; material; methods; model; new; observed; online; participant; pedagogical; pedagogical content; pedagogical knowledge; pedagogy; performances; planning; post; powerpoint; practice; pre; process; processes; professional; qualitative; research; restrictions; scale; scenario; service; skills; strategies; student; student teachers; studies; study; subject; table; tasks; teachers; teaching; teaching process; technological; technology; technology knowledge; test; theory; thinking; thought; tpack; training; ubd; uluçınar; understanding; unit; unit design; use; way; week; writing cache: iojet-1404.pdf plain text: iojet-1404.txt item: #137 of 681 id: iojet-1407 author: Şen, Erhan title: CHILDREN’S LITERATURE AS A PEDAGOGICAL TOOL: A NARRATIVE INQUIRY date: 2021-07-01 words: 10205 flesch: 67 summary: Our participants also observed that reading books resulted in changes in the mental status of their students. The results showed that participants recommended books based on their preferences, interests, or convictions: P1: keywords: academic; activities; afraid; analysis; ankara; araştırma; awareness; books; categories; characters; children; classroom; content; data; different; edebiyatı; education; experience; form; function; help; impact; inquiry; interested; international; interview; iojet; journal; language; life; literacy; literature; mean; min; narrative; new; online; p10; parents; participants; pedagogical; people; personal; positive; problems; qualitative; questions; readers; reading; reliability; research; results; role; school; seagull; sec; social; stage; stories; story; structure; students; study; teachers; teaching; themes; things; thought; time; topic; turkish; use; value; way; woman; work; yayıncılık; years; young; çocuk; şen cache: iojet-1407.pdf plain text: iojet-1407.txt item: #138 of 681 id: iojet-141 author: Külekçi, Erkan title: A CONCISE ANALYSIS OF THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE EXAMINATION (YDS) IN TURKEY AND ITS POSSIBLE WASHBACK EFFECTS date: 2016-10-03 words: 6162 flesch: 49 summary: The equivalence between the English language exam scores obtained from YDS-English and the exam scores obtained from other English language tests (e.g., TOEFL, PTE- Academic) is decided by OSYM 3 . Briefly, language knowledge involves organizational knowledge and pragmatic knowledge. keywords: ability; academic; analysis; areas; assessment; bachman; cloze; communicative; completion; comprehension; construct; education; effects; english; english language; examination; foreign; framework; grammatical; hughes; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; külekçi; language; language knowledge; language proficiency; learning; online; organizational; osym; palmer; paper; possible; pragmatic; productive; proficiency; questions; reading; reliability; section; sentences; skills; speaking; studies; study; takers; teaching; test; test takers; testing; textual; translation; turkey; uds; university; use; validity; vocabulary; washback; writing; yds cache: iojet-141.pdf plain text: iojet-141.txt item: #139 of 681 id: iojet-1414 author: Uleanya, Chinaza; Alex, Jogymol title: THE CONSTRAINTS OF LEARNING FROM HOME DURING THE PANDEMIC: EXPERIENCES OF RURAL HEI STUDENTS date: 2021-09-29 words: 6092 flesch: 46 summary: Reasons online students should be able to keep webcam off. Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Life of Higher Education Students: A Global Perspective. keywords: access; african; alex; aristovnik; available; computer; confidence; constraints; covid-19; data; dissatisfied; education; et al; figure; finding; following; gamede; higher; home; institution; international; iojet; journal; learning; march; nations; neutral; office; online; online teaching; outbreak; pandemic; research; respondents; rural; sarhei; satisfaction; satisfied; skills; south; staff; students; study; support; teaching; uleanya; university; use; work cache: iojet-1414.pdf plain text: iojet-1414.txt item: #140 of 681 id: iojet-142 author: Koban Koç, Didem title: THE ROLE OF GENDER IN READING COMPREHENSION: AN ANALYSIS OF COLLEGE-LEVEL EFL STUDENTS’ COMPREHENSION OF DIFFERENT GENRES date: 2016-07-01 words: 4824 flesch: 58 summary: The study also showed that male students had significantly higher scores than female students. AL-Shumaimeri’s (2005) study into content familiarity examined the differences between male and female students in terms of text comprehension. keywords: better; book; boys; college; comprehension; content; data; differences; different; education; effect; efl; english; essay; fantasy; females; fiction; foreign; gender; genres; girls; historical; journal; knowledge; koban; koç; language; new; participants; passages; questions; reading; research; respect; results; schema; second; significant; students; study; table; teaching; text; turkish; types; understanding; university; york cache: iojet-142.pdf plain text: iojet-142.txt item: #141 of 681 id: iojet-1424 author: Pei, Xiaoyu title: MANAGING FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSROOM ANXIETY: A CASE STUDY OF INTERACTIONS BETWEEN EFL STUDENTS date: 2021-09-29 words: 7817 flesch: 64 summary: Foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA) is foreign language anxiety (FLA) in classroom settings. Consequently, language anxiety studies have been mainly concentrating on the negative impact (for example, Ely, 1986; Prince, 1991; Gardner and MacIntyre, 1993; Saito and Samimy, 1996). keywords: able; anxieties; anxiety; anxious; beginning; better; case; class; classes; classroom; data; deal; education; effective; english; fla; flca; foreign; foreign language; good; group; help; horwitz; international; interview; iojet; journal; language; language anxiety; language class; language learning; learning; lin; ming; negative; nervous; online; pei; performance; positive; preparation; proficiency; questions; reading; research; results; second; semester; speaking; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; test; thinking; time; understanding; university; words cache: iojet-1424.pdf plain text: iojet-1424.txt item: #142 of 681 id: iojet-1428 author: Doğan Kahtalı, Bahar ; Cayhan, Cihan title: EVALUATION OF 7TH GRADE TURKISH SKILL QUESTIONS IN TERMS OF PISA READING SKILLS AND LEVELS OF QUALIFICATION date: 2021-09-29 words: 7018 flesch: 58 summary: Distribution of the first three themes published by the Ministry of National Education under the title of 7th grade Turkish Skills Based Questions in the 2019-2020 academic year by PISA reading skills text types, 2. Evaluation of 7th grade Turkish skill questions in terms of PISA reading skills and levels of qualification. keywords: 7th; 7th grade; academic; analysis; ankara; batur; cayhan; cognitive; countries; course; criteria; data; description; determined; dimensions; distribution; doğan; education; evaluation; eğitim; field; figure; grade; grade turkish; information; international; iojet; i̇nce; journal; kahtalı; levels; meb; metin; ministry; national; oecd; okuma; online; pisa; pisa reading; processes; proficiency; questions; rate; reader; reading; reading skills; research; skill questions; skills; students; studies; study; table; teaching; terms; tests; text; text type; themes; turkey; turkish; turkish education; turkish skill; type; türkçe; year cache: iojet-1428.pdf plain text: iojet-1428.txt item: #143 of 681 id: iojet-1430 author: Turgut Dost, Guliz title: EXAMINING THE IMPACT OF CONSTRUCTIVIST AND REFLECTIVE ELT COURSES ON PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ BELIEFS ABOUT LANGUAGE LEARNING AND TEACHING: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY date: 2021-07-01 words: 10555 flesch: 55 summary: Furthermore, Clark-Goff and Eslami (2016) suggest researchers to carefully examine how teacher educators organize and facilitate the content of teacher education courses. However, there are also studies, though not too many, that longitudinally investigate the impact of teacher education courses. keywords: analysis; approach; balli; beliefs; change; communication; constructivist; content; courses; data; development; different; difficulty; dost; easier; education; elt; english; esl; experiences; findings; foreign; foreign language; good; grammar; horwitz; impact; important; international; interviews; iojet; items; journal; knowledge; language; language learning; learning; longitudinal; methods; micro; mixed; new; online; özmen; participants; peacock; people; percent; percentage; post; practice; practicum; pre; preservice; program; reflection; research; results; second; service; service teachers; skills; speaking; state; strategies; students; studies; study; survey; teacher education; teachers; teaching; test; theory; turgut; university; year cache: iojet-1430.pdf plain text: iojet-1430.txt item: #144 of 681 id: iojet-1432 author: Bayraktar, Esengül; Yalçınkaya, Münevver; Eyitmis, Ahmet Melih title: EXAMINATION OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS OF TEACHERS WORKING IN SECONDARY EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS date: 2021-09-29 words: 8609 flesch: 47 summary: In Gawaii's (2012) study examining the relationship between emotional intelligence and coping with stress in pre-service teachers, it was determined that individuals, having high emotional intelligence scores, also got high scores in coping with stress, problem-solving and interpersonal relations skills. Gawali (2012) determined that individuals with high emotional intelligence scores get high scores in coping with stress, problem-solving, and interpersonal relations skills. keywords: age; anatolian; ankara; arasındaki; avoidant; bayraktar; becerileri; bilimler; control; difference; duygusal; education; emotional intelligence; emotionality; emotions; enstitüsü; eyitmiş; eğitim; form; gender; groups; high; high emotional; higher; important; impulsive; increase; individuals; institutions; intelligence levels; international; inventory; iojet; i̇le; i̇ncelenmesi; i̇stanbul; journal; levels; lisans; materials; men; model; online; orientation; participants; positive; problem; problem orientation; problem çözme; problemsolving; process; rational; relationship; research; scale; schools; scores; secondary; self; seniority; short; significant; significant difference; skills; sociability; social; social problem; solving; solving skills; sosyal; students; studies; study; style; subjective; table; teachers; teaching; teique; test; tezi; total; trait; variable; women; working; yalçınkaya; years; yüksek; zeka; çözme; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1432.pdf plain text: iojet-1432.txt item: #145 of 681 id: iojet-1435 author: Hasırcı Aksoy, Sevil title: THE EFFECT OF SHORT FILMS AS ADVANCE ORGANIZER ON READING COMPREHENSION AND SELF-EFFICACY PERCEPTION date: 2021-07-01 words: 7151 flesch: 51 summary: Reading comprehension achievement test: It was developed by Yıldız (2010) and consists of two texts, narrative and informative, and 28 multiple choice questions. Reading comprehension achievement The first sub-question is “Is there a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in terms of their reading comprehension achievement?” keywords: 2131-.2149; achievement; advance; advance organizers; aids; aksoy; available; comprehension; comprehension achievement; comprehension self; control; database; development; difference; dissertation; doctoral; education; effect; effective; efficacy; efficacy perception; experimental; films; groups; hasırcı; high; information; international; iojet; journal; language; learners; learning; literature; low; low socioeconomic; material; means; middle; new; online; organizers; perception; post; process; proquest; psychology; reading; reading comprehension; relationship; research; retention; scale; sciences; self; short; short films; significant; significant difference; skills; socioeconomic; socioeconomic status; status; students; study; table; teaching; terms; test; text; turkish; umi; university; use; visual cache: iojet-1435.pdf plain text: iojet-1435.txt item: #146 of 681 id: iojet-1441 author: Yurtseven, Ramazan; Akkaş Baysal, Emine ; Ocak, Gurbuz title: ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DECISION MAKING SKILLS AND PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2021-07-01 words: 6406 flesch: 57 summary: According to Table 3, when decision making and problem solving skills of students were examined, there was a significant difference in decision making skills (t=.787; p<.05) and problem solving skills (t=4.66) of the third and fourth grade students. When decision making and problem solving skill levels of students were examined according to “gender” variable, it was observed that there was no significant difference in decision making skills of male and female students. keywords: akkaş; analysis; applied; avoidance; baysal; children; confidence; control; correlation; data; decision; decision making; determined; difference; dimensions; education; effect; esteem; factor; female; fourth; gender; grade; higher; international; inventory; iojet; journal; karar; kindergarten; level; making; making skills; ocak; online; p>.05; positive; primary; problem; problem solving; process; relationship; research; results; scale; school; school students; scores; self; significant; skills; solutions; solving; solving skills; step; students; styles; sub; table; teaching; total; university; variable; yurtseven cache: iojet-1441.pdf plain text: iojet-1441.txt item: #147 of 681 id: iojet-1445 author: Ergin, Demirali Yaşar title: THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PANDEMIC FEAR SCALE (PAFES) : Pandemi Korkusu Ölçeği date: 2021-07-01 words: 4185 flesch: 53 summary: In all factors high score indicates high pandemic fear. The suitability of the data for factor analysis was assessed with KMO (0,947) and Barlett (Chi- Square=17122,752 df=300 sig. 0.000) tests and it was detected that they are statistically appropriate. keywords: analysis; anxiety; cfa; coefficient; consistency; coronavirus; correlation; covid-19; data; disease; distance; education; efa; effects; epidemic; ergin; et al; factors; family; fear; health; impact; individuals; infectious; internal; international; iojet; isolation; items; journal; level; lifestyle; lower; mean; method; negative; online; order; outbreak; p<.01; pandemic; participants; people; psychological; public; quarantine; research; results; sars; scale; social; statistical; stress; study; table; teaching; total; upper; virus; world; worry cache: iojet-1445.pdf plain text: iojet-1445.txt item: #148 of 681 id: iojet-145 author: Bedir, Hasan title: YOUNG ADOLESCENT EFL LEARNERS’ PERSPECTIVES ON CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS date: 2016-07-01 words: 4674 flesch: 61 summary: Critical thinking skills and Metacognition Researchers have reported that making use of cognitive skills and strategies is vital for critical thinking (Black 2005; Halpern 1998; Kuhn and Dean 2004). Aim of the study The aim of this study was to investigate the Young Adolescents EFL learners’ perspectives on critical thinking skills. keywords: 21st; able; affective; application; awareness; bedir; best; century; cognitive; creative; critical; critical thinking; cts; declarative; education; efl; halpern; information; intellectual; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; kuhn; language; learners; learning; making; metacognition; new; online; order; paul; perspectives; problem; procedural; questionnaire; questions; reading; research; skills; solving; strategies; students; study; teaching; things; thinking; thinking skills; turkish; use; young cache: iojet-145.pdf plain text: iojet-145.txt item: #149 of 681 id: iojet-1450 author: Eroğlu, Aysun; Okur, Alpaslan title: STUDENTS’ OPINIONS ON THE USE OF DIGITAL STORYTELLING IN TURKISH COURSE date: 2021-09-29 words: 7816 flesch: 66 summary: In line with the second sub-problem, the students were asked “What has challenged you during digital storytelling process? In line with the fourth sub-problem, the students were asked “What have you enjoyed most during digital storytelling process? keywords: 7th; academic; analysis; answers; center; century; classroom; courses; curriculum; data; demirer; different; digital; digital storytelling; education; effects; eroğlu; etkisi; findings; form; graders; information; international; interviews; iojet; journal; language; learning; line; literacy; literature; master; music; okur; online; opinions; personal; ph.d; problem; process; program; qualitative; question; recording; research; researchers; result; robin; school; skills; sound; stories; storytelling; storytelling process; students; studies; study; sub; table; teacher; teaching; technology; text; thesis; time; turkish; university; use; visuals; voice; week; writing; yök; öğrencilerinin cache: iojet-1450.pdf plain text: iojet-1450.txt item: #150 of 681 id: iojet-1452 author: Huttayavilaiphan, Rutthaphak title: THAI UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ BELIEFS ABOUT ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING AND AWARENESS OF GLOBAL ENGLISHES date: 2021-09-29 words: 10669 flesch: 53 summary: This viewpoint is advocated by many scholars who convinced the policy designers to include students’ voices in planning English language education in Thailand (Boonsuk & Ambele, 2019; Jindapitak & Teo, 2013b) Also, along with exploring the students’ beliefs about teaching and learning English, the present study is interested in examining whether they have the awareness of Global Englishes (GE) or the awareness of the variation of English language around the world as well as in their local context. Rutthaphak Huttayavilaiphan is a full-time lecturer of English language at the University of Phayao, Thailand. keywords: analysis; approach; awareness; beliefs; classrooms; communication; cooperative; data; different; education; efl; elf; elt; english; english language; english learning; english teachers; englishes; excerpt; experiences; explicit; female; foreign; framework; franca; global; grammar; huttayavilaiphan; important; international; interview; iojet; jenkins; journal; knowledge; language; language teaching; learning; lingua; main; native; non; online; participants; people; perspective; policy; practices; present; previous; problems; qualitative; received; related; research; results; rules; scholars; second; sifakis; speakers; students; studies; study; system; teachers; teaching; terms; thai; thailand; university; use; wes; working; workplace; world cache: iojet-1452.pdf plain text: iojet-1452.txt item: #151 of 681 id: iojet-146 author: Little, David title: THE EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO: TIME FOR A FRESH START? date: 2016-07-09 words: 5983 flesch: 51 summary: The idea was that by supporting the development of learner autonomy, intercultural awareness and plurilingualism, the ELP would help to communicate the CEFR’s ethos to language learners. This is the essence of language learner autonomy. keywords: adult; appropriate; assessment; autonomous; autonomy; available; awareness; cefr; checklists; classroom; communicative; competences; council; countries; curriculum; descriptors; development; education; elp; elps; english; europe; european; european language; focus;; iilt; immigrant; intercultural; international; iojet; ireland; journal; june; language; language learning; language use; learners; learning; little; methods; pedagogical; pilot; plurilingualism; portfolio; primary; proficiency; projects; reflective; report; schools; second; self; strasbourg; support; target; teachers; teaching; use; validation; work; working cache: iojet-146.pdf plain text: iojet-146.txt item: #152 of 681 id: iojet-1460 author: Ünal, Cezmi; Bozdoğan, Aykut Emre title: COMPARISON OF TURKEY'S ACADEMIC PUBLICATION PERFORMANCE IN ASTRONOMY EDUCATION WITH OTHER COUNTRIES ACCORDING TO WEB OF SCIENCE DATABASE date: 2021-09-29 words: 8361 flesch: 52 summary: In this study, a bibliometric evaluation of the articles published between 1975 and 2020 in astronomy education in the Web of Science database is aimed to reveal the trend in this field and to compare the articles from Turkey with other countries. It was determined that the most effective country in which publications are made on astronomy education is the USA, and Turkey is in the second place with 25 articles. keywords: active; analysis; articles; astronomy; astronomy education; authors; average; bibliometric; bozdoğan; citations; cited; context; countries; database; dergisi; different; doğru; education; educational research; effective; english; eurasia; eğitim; field; figure; institutions; international; iojet; journal; keywords; learning; level; literature; mathematics; moon; network; number; online; physics; publication; record; research; research category; review; science; science database; science education; scientific; scope; slater; studies; study; subject; system; table; teachers; teaching; technology; technology education; total; turkey; university; web; years; ünal cache: iojet-1460.pdf plain text: iojet-1460.txt item: #153 of 681 id: iojet-1461 author: Ozudogru, Melike; Akkuş-Çakır, Nu title: COMPUTER SUPPORTED ASYNCHRONOUS ONLINE DISCUSSIONS IN TEACHER EDUCATION date: 2021-09-29 words: 8773 flesch: 50 summary: Content analysis schemes to analyze transcripts of online asynchronous discussion groups: A review. Keywords: Cognitive levels of online posts, interaction, online discussions, teacher education 1. keywords: achievement; akkuş; analysis; asynchronous; asynchronous online; better; case; cheung; clarification; cognitive; commentary; comments; computer; content; control; control group; course; curriculum; data; depth; development; difference; direct; discussions; distribution; doi; edmodo; education; experimental; factors; group; hew; higher; ideas; indirect; instructor; interaction; international; interviews; iojet; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; level; number; online; online discussions; online journal; online learning; participants; participation; percentage; postings; posts; pre; process; pst; questions; related; research; results; scores; service; significant; student; study; table; teacher; teaching; technology; terms; test; types; university; çakır; özüdoğru cache: iojet-1461.pdf plain text: iojet-1461.txt item: #154 of 681 id: iojet-1464 author: Jangsawasmongkol, Wanida; Wattana , Jurarat ; Vayachuta, Pattra title: THE CREATED LEARNING ACTIVITIES FOR EMPLOYEES TO ENHANCE QUALITY OF WORK OF SMALL BUSINESSES IN THAILAND date: 2021-09-29 words: 7220 flesch: 45 summary: Part two is 4 steps of creating process: (1) developing purpose of learning activity, (2) identifying the expecting output and outcome spectacularly for evaluation, (3) creating contextual learning activities matched with target learners, context, and tool through the 4 sessions of contextual learning process: Therefore, contextual learning activities apparently respond the conditioned phenomenon of learning budget to enhance quality of work for employees of small hotel businesses in Thailand. keywords: activities; activity; analysis; approach; authentic; budget; businesses; classroom; coach; coaching; communications; concept; contextual; contextual learning; created; creation; data; development; dimensions; doctor; education; employees; employer; figure; formal; hotel; hotel businesses; human; individual; international; interview; iojet; jangsawasmongkol; job; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; learning activities; level; literature; logic; merriam; model; modeling; needs; online; outcome; pattern; planning; process; quality; reflection; research; responsibility; review; self; sessions; skill; small; small hotel; social; steps; support; target; task; teaching; thailand; time; tool; training; university; vayachuta; wattana; weakness; work; working cache: iojet-1464.pdf plain text: iojet-1464.txt item: #155 of 681 id: iojet-1465 author: Açışlı Çelik, Sibel title: PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES AND METAPHORIC PERCEPTIONS TOWARDS RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES date: 2021-09-29 words: 7196 flesch: 49 summary:  “Renewable energy resources are like the sun, because when our energy resources are low, we can regain energy with renewable energy resources”.  “Renewable energy resources are like life, because life would be difficult without renewable energy resources”. keywords: adaylarının; analysis; application; attitudes; awareness; açışlı; category; classroom; concept; country; data; departments; difference; dimension; education; elementary; elementary school; energy resources; environmental; fen; gender; general; importance; interest; international; investments; iojet; journal; knowledge; life; mathematics; mathematics pre; metaphors; nature; online; perceptions; place; positive; pre; renewable energy; request; research; result; scale; school; school mathematics; science; science education; science pre; science teachers; scores; service teachers; significant; students; studies; study; sub; table; teaching; university; use; value; water; world; yenilenebilir; öğretmen cache: iojet-1465.pdf plain text: iojet-1465.txt item: #156 of 681 id: iojet-1466 author: Erdoğan, Fatma; Yıldız, Feyza title: INVESTIGATION OF PRE-SERVICE MATHEMATICS TEACHERS' CREATIVE THINKING TENDENCIES date: 2021-09-29 words: 8613 flesch: 52 summary: Findings Regarding the first sub-problem of the study, Table 3 shows the descriptive analysis findings concerning the identification of CT tendency levels of PSTs. Erdoğan & Yıldız 2306 Table 3. The assumption would be that the prolonged education period would contribute to the development of CT tendency levels. keywords: .05; academic; academic achievement; achievement; analysis; anova; average; creative; creative thinking; creativity; critical; ct skills; ct tendency; data; development; differences; different; education; effect; erdoğan; factors; female; findings; gender; high; independent; individual; information; interaction; international; investigation; iojet; journal; leikin; levels; main; mathematical creativity; mathematics; mathematics teachers; online; pre; present; primary; problem; psts; relationship; research; results; role; scale; school; science; scores; self; service; significant; skills; solving; students; studies; study; sub; subject; table; teachers; teaching; tendencies; tendency; tendency levels; terms; test; thinking; turkey; university; variables; variance; way; year; yıldız cache: iojet-1466.pdf plain text: iojet-1466.txt item: #157 of 681 id: iojet-147 author: Ulum, Ömer Gökhan title: ESP NEEDS ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC ORDER POLICE OFFICERS date: 2017-01-10 words: 5414 flesch: 59 summary: In this study, perceptions towards English language needs of public order police officers were measured by means of a questionnaire adapted from the study of Aldohon (2014) and Güleç (2013). Research questions This study focuses on English language needs analysis of public order police officers. keywords: analysis; difficulties; difficulty; education; english; esp; foreign; high; important; international; items; journal; language; learners; listening; mean; needs; officers; order; participants; perspectives; police; police officers; problems; public; purposes; questionnaire; questions; reading; research; respondents; results; score; skill; speaking; specific; study; table; teaching; tourists; university; use; vocabulary; words; work; writing cache: iojet-147.pdf plain text: iojet-147.txt item: #158 of 681 id: iojet-1470 author: Deogratias, Emmanuel title: DEVELOPING PRE-SERVICE MATHEMATICS TEACHERS’ UNDERSTANDING OF METRIC AND TOPOLOGICAL SPACES USING REFLECTIVE QUESTIONS date: 2022-01-01 words: 3242 flesch: 56 summary: For example, one of the PSTs addresses: “I was surprised by the idea of metric space and topological space; that both can be developed using local resources.  How can you develop the meaning of metric space using local resources? keywords: concepts; deogratias; distance; education; example; individual; learning; local; mathematics; meaning; metric; points; points 𝐴; psts; questions; reflective; set; spaces; teachers; teaching; topological; topological spaces; topology; understanding; university cache: iojet-1470.pdf plain text: iojet-1470.txt item: #159 of 681 id: iojet-1474 author: Ayçiçek, Burak; Yanpar Yelken, Tugba title: THE EFFECT OF FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODEL APPLICATIONS ON HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ CLASSROOM ENGAGEMENT AND CLASSROOM LIFE PERCEPTIONS IN TEACHING ENGLISH date: 2021-09-29 words: 7559 flesch: 53 summary: University instructors implement FCM to increase student engagement, to improve academic performance and to redesign monotonous courses (O’Flaherty & Phillips, 2015). Student engagement is crucial for FCM. keywords: academic; active; activities; affective; applications; ayçiçek; behavioral; behavioral engagement; classroom; classroom engagement; classroom environment; classroom life; cognitive; control; control group; current; curriculum; data; difference; dimensions; disengagement; doi; education; effect; effortful; engagement; english; environment; experimental; experimental group; fcm; feelings; group; higher; instruction; international; iojet; journal; language; learning; levels; life; model; online; participation; perception; posttest; posttest classroom; posttest scores; pretest; process; research; results; scale; school; scores; significant; student engagement; student feelings; students; studies; study; sub; table; teacher; teaching; technology; terms; university; use; videos; yanpar; yelken cache: iojet-1474.pdf plain text: iojet-1474.txt item: #160 of 681 id: iojet-1476 author: Turaç, Memet; Yıldırım, Nail title: AN EDUCATIONAL FICTION OF THE FUTURE ADHERING TO SCIENCE FICTION MOVIES date: 2021-09-29 words: 8696 flesch: 59 summary: The concept of future education fiction, which is the examined phenomenon, has been evaluated as the future of science fiction films in the past, and it has been seen that many phenomena that were seen as dreams in the past are already used. Abstract The aim of the study was to speculate about the education in the future in terms of students, classrooms, teachers and schools by adhering to science fiction films. keywords: analysis; ankara; art; biological; bir; change; cinema; codes; collection; concept; context; data; dergisi; determined; development; different; document; education; effective; environments; example; eğitim; fact; faculty; feelings; fiction; fiction films; fiction movies; field; films; findings; future; harmony; human; hybrid; idea; importance; individual; information; innovations; international; iojet; journal; known; learning; life; light; lines; management; method; movies; new; online; order; past; people; physical; planning; point; positive; power; process; qualitative; questions; reliability; research; result; robots; scenes; school; science; science fiction; social; society; space; stage; students; study; subjects; success; table; teacher; teaching; technological; technology; terms; thought; time; today; turaç; university; use; validity; view; virtual; visual; way; words; work; world; yıldırım; şimşek cache: iojet-1476.pdf plain text: iojet-1476.txt item: #161 of 681 id: iojet-1478 author: Sevimel-Sahin, Aylin; Subaşı, Gonca title: EXPLORING FOREIGN LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT LITERACY TRAINING NEEDS OF PRE-SERVICE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS date: 2021-09-29 words: 8858 flesch: 49 summary: Constructing a language assessment knowledge base: A focus on language assessment courses. Defining, conceptualizing, problematizing, and assessing language teacher assessment literacy. keywords: ability; analysis; assessment; assessment literacy; better; candidates; certain; classroom; concept; content; contexts; course; data; different; e.g.; education; elte; elte course; english; english language; evaluation; example; expectations; experiences; findings; flal; foreign; formative; future; helpful; inbar; international; iojet; issues; journal; knowledge; lal; lal training; language; language assessment; language teachers; language testing; learning; level; literacy; lourie; needs; online; opinions; participants; practice; practicum; pre; principles; questions; research; sahin; semester; service; sevimel; skills; studies; study; subasi; takers; teacher education; teachers; teaching; testing; tests; theoretical; training; understanding; university cache: iojet-1478.pdf plain text: iojet-1478.txt item: #162 of 681 id: iojet-148 author: Kalıpçı, Müge title: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT GAINS FOR MENTORS IN A MENTORING PROGRAM: A CASE STUDY OF ERCIYES UNIVERSITY date: 2018-01-10 words: 11022 flesch: 58 summary: An interest and the need to know the program outcomes for the professional development of mentor teachers formed the basis of this study. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to address the gap in literature by investigating the impact of mentoring process on the professional development of mentor teachers through a qualitative approach. keywords: 5(1; beliefs; benefits; classes; classroom; communication; data; development; different; education; effective; experience; fact; feedback; good; good mentor; great; growth; help; ideas; important; institution; international; interviewees; iojet; journal; kalipci; knowledge; language; like; mentees; mentor teachers; mentoring; mentors; mentorship; need; new; novice; online; open; order; participants; people; perceptions; person; personal; points; practice; process; professional; professional development; program; qualities; questions; relationship; research; roles; school; second; sense; skills; students; study; teachers; teaching; terms; things; time; university; way; ways; work; years cache: iojet-148.pdf plain text: iojet-148.txt item: #163 of 681 id: iojet-1485 author: Boström, Lena; Bostedt, Göran title: STUDY MOTIVATION AND GENDER DIFFERENCES – A PARADOXICAL SITUATION IN SWEDISH UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL date: 2021-09-29 words: 8176 flesch: 61 summary: Boström & Bostedt 2584 Based on the above cited research and the differences in study results between female and male students in Sweden the hypothesis put forward is: male and female students differ in their experience on issues related to and explaining study motivation. Study motivation and gender differences – a paradoxical situation in Swedish upper secondary school International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 8(4). keywords: academic; agree; background; better; bostedt; boström; boys; classroom; countries; data; differences; different; easy; education; extent; factors; family; female; gender; gender differences; girls; grades; groups; higher; important; individual; interesting; international; iojet; issues; items; journal; language; learning; lessons; lower; male; mann; mathematics; mean; methods; motivation; number; och; oecd; online; paradoxical; percent; points; programs; question; questionnaire; reading; related; research; results; school; secondary; secondary school; significant; situation; skaalvik; skolverket; social; statements; strategies; students; studies; study; study motivation; survey; sweden; swedish; table; teachers; teaching; test; university; upper; value; whitney; work; year cache: iojet-1485.pdf plain text: iojet-1485.txt item: #164 of 681 id: iojet-1487 author: Aydogan Yenmez, Arzu title: AN INVESTIGATION OF STUDENTS’ QUANTITATIVE REASONING THROUGH MODELING PROCESS date: 2022-01-01 words: 9006 flesch: 47 summary: Aydoğan Yenmez 124 AN INVESTIGATION OF STUDENTS’ QUANTITATIVE REASONING THROUGH MODELING PROCESS Arzu Aydoğan Yenmez Abstract Quantitative reasoning is defined as reasoning about relationships between items, measurements of objects, and quantities rather than numbers. Both in the transition from arithmetic to algebra and in the problem-solving process, quantitative reasoning is seen as a critical instrument for the development of students' mathematical skills. keywords: analysis; application; aydoğan; calculations; case; change; clinical; clinical interview; complex; context; daily; data; development; difficulty; education; findings; group; important; international; interpreting; interview; iojet; journal; life; mathematical; meals; meaningful; modeling; modeling process; moderate; moore; online; poor; pre; problem; problem context; process; qr1; qr2; qr3; quantitative; quantitative reasoning; quantities; real; related; relationships; research; situation; skills; smith; solution; solving; strong; structures; students; study; teaching; terms; theme; thompson; value; yenmez cache: iojet-1487.pdf plain text: iojet-1487.txt item: #165 of 681 id: iojet-149 author: Demiralp, Nurcan title: A COMPARISON OF THE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS’ OPINIONS FROM GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT AND GEOGRAPHY TEACHING DEPARTMENT AS REGARDS THEIR FIELD COMPETENCE date: 2017-01-10 words: 11793 flesch: 48 summary: There were no significant differences in the opinions of geography department students towards geography field competences.. While the students of faculty of education considered themselves competent in 7 out of 13 fields of competence (A.1, A.2, A.3, A.5, A.6, A.9, and A.10) to an extents creating a significant difference, no significant results could have been obtained for the six fields of competence (A.4, A.7, A.8, A.11, A.12, and A.13) by the type of program they attended to due to similar considerations of competence. Keywords: special field competences, geography field competences, geography education 1. keywords: ability; activities; analysis; ankara; assets; associate; characteristics; competence level; competences; competent; compulsory; consideration; courses; coğrafya; data; demographic; department students; development; difference; distribution; economic; education department; education students; elements; face; faculty; field; field competences; gazi; general; geographical; geography; geography department; geography education; geography field; geography teaching; indicators; international; iojet; items; knowledge; level; location; meb; natural; opinions; performance; problem; processes; program; regards; research; results; review; said; significant; significant difference; skills; soil; special; special field; students; study; sub; survey; table; teacher; teaching department; type; university; university students; use; water cache: iojet-149.pdf plain text: iojet-149.txt item: #166 of 681 id: iojet-1491 author: Hismanoglu, Murat; Uz, İbrahim title: INVESTIGATING TURKISH EFL LEARNERS’ TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS IN RELATION TO SOME LEARNER VARIABLES date: 2021-09-29 words: 3966 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: time management, age, gender, academic achievement, year of study 1. Time management is described by Claessens, Eerde, and Rutte (2005) as behaviors that seek to achieve optimal use of time when doing certain purposive activities. keywords: abilities; academic; achievement; attitudes; context; education; efl; efl learners; english; female; gender; journal; language; learners; male; management skills; planning; questionnaire; relationship; research; researchers; scores; significant; skills; students; study; subscale; teaching; time; time attitudes; time management; time planning; turkish; turkish efl; university; wasters; year cache: iojet-1491.pdf plain text: iojet-1491.txt item: #167 of 681 id: iojet-1492 author: Yıldız, Baran Barış; Doğan, Bahar title: ORGANISATIONAL COMMITMENT LEVELS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE LEARNING SCHOOL: A MIXED METHOD RESEARCH date: 2021-09-29 words: 9227 flesch: 49 summary: Learning schools can be explained by the description of an intellectual structure rather than a physical description. Organisational commitment levels of primary school teachers in the context of the learning school: A mixed method research. keywords: affective; age; ages; analysis; anova; atak; codes; commitment; context; continuance; continuous; culture; data; development; difference; dimensions; disciplines; doğan; education; effects; employees; erturgut; face; favour; group; international; iojet; journal; learning; learning school; length; levels; management; mental; method; mixed; model; new; normative; online; opinions; organisational commitment; organizational; overall; p<.05; participants; perceptions; personal; positive; practices; primary; professional; qualitative; relationship; research; results; sampling; scale; scheffe; school; school teachers; second; service; shared; significant; study; sub; system; table; teachers; teaching; team; test; theme; thinking; total; values; variable; variance; vision; working; years; yıldız cache: iojet-1492.pdf plain text: iojet-1492.txt item: #168 of 681 id: iojet-1498 author: Nyang'au, Martha K; Ochola , Washington A. ; Maobe, Samson N. title: PARTICIPATION OF IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL YOUTH IN DECISION-MAKING ON SHOWCASING SUCCESS STORIES BY YOUNG AGRI-PRENEURS FOR MOTIVATION TO IMPLEMENT AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMMES date: 2021-09-29 words: 10382 flesch: 46 summary: 4.4 Comparison between in and out of school youth on level of participation in decision making on choosing success stories of young agri-preneurs for showcasing School youth showed a higher level of participation in decision making than out of school youth on choosing success stories of young agri-preneurs for showcasing (Table 10). Participation of in and out of school youth in decision- making on showcasing success stories by young agri- preneurs for motivation to implement agricultural programmes. keywords: activities; agribusiness; agricultural; agricultural programmes; agripreneurs; coffee; correlation; county; decision making; difference; education; exposure; extension; farm; female; form; gender; groups; implementation; increase; international; iojet; journal; kenya; kisii; level; male; mean; motivation; online; participation; people; post; preneurs; preneurship; programmes; rating; research; results; sample; sampling; school agriculture; school youth; schools; secondary; showcase; showcasing; shows; significant; strategies; strategy; study; success stories; successful; table; teachers; teaching; test; total; types; university; value; young agri; young agripreneurs; young people; youth groups; youth participation cache: iojet-1498.pdf plain text: iojet-1498.txt item: #169 of 681 id: iojet-150 author: Taheri, Mahdokht; Asadi Louyeh, Ataollah; Hosseini, Narges title: LEARNING AND STUDY STRATEGIES INVENTORY (LASSI) AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT date: 2017-07-05 words: 5604 flesch: 52 summary: Learning and study strategies used by university students in Pakistan. Keywords: study strategies, students, academic achievement, learning 1. keywords: academic; academic achievement; achievement; american; areas; asadi; attitude; college; components; dentistry; difference; education; enayati; female; gpa; groups; guilan; high; hosseini; information; international; inventory; items; journal; lassi; learning; learning strategies; louyeh; lower; main; mean; medical; motivation; percentile; processing; regulation; relationship; research; results; salehi; sciences; scores; self; skill; strategies; students; study; study strategies; table; taheri; teaching; terms; test; time; total; university; university students cache: iojet-150.pdf plain text: iojet-150.txt item: #170 of 681 id: iojet-1500 author: Gündoğdu, Serhat title: WHO IS A GOOD PRESCHOOL TEACHER? PERCEPTIONS OF KINDERGARTEN ADMINISTRATORS, PRESCHOOL TEACHERS, PROSPECTIVE PRESCHOOL TEACHERS AND PARENTS ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD PRESCHOOL TEACHER date: 2021-09-29 words: 10821 flesch: 44 summary: In this context; with the phenomenon of 'preschool teacher', which we are familiar with but do not have in-depth knowledge of, it is aimed to explain the perceptions of experienced school administrators, preschool teachers, prospective preschool teachers and parents regarding the characteristics of a good preschool teacher. Personal characteristics were emphasized by nearly all of the participants in regard to the characteristics of good preschool teacher. keywords: account; addition; administrators; analysis; ankara; approach; attitude; care; categories; category; characteristics; childhood; children; codes; competence; content; cooperation; data; development; dimension; early; education; effective; experience; fact; field; findings; good preschool; good teacher; groups; gündoğdu; howes; important; information; interests; international; iojet; job; journal; kabaday; kindergarten; knowledge; learning; needs; new; online; openness; opinions; parents; participants; perceptions; period; personal; personality; pramling; preschool; preschool education; preschool teachers; present; process; professional; professional characteristics; prospective preschool; prospective teachers; qualitative; quality; questions; rationales; research; results; samuelsson; self; service; sheridan; studies; study; suggestions; teacher characteristics; teacher education; teachers; teaching; themes; training; understanding; veisson; young cache: iojet-1500.pdf plain text: iojet-1500.txt item: #171 of 681 id: iojet-1506 author: Çalık Uzun, Selcen; Çelik Demirci, Sedef ; Korkmaz, Zehra Sedef title: THE VIEWS OF SECONDARY MATHEMETICS TEACHERS ON THEIR DISTANCE EDUCATION EXPERIENCES: THE CASE OF TURKEY date: 2022-01-01 words: 10933 flesch: 44 summary: According to a study that investigated the effectiveness of online mathematics education, distance mathematics education at high schools in Iran was not as efficient as face-to-face education. In another quasi-experimental study where the impact of distance mathematics education instructed during the Covid-19 pandemic was analyzed, it was observed that distance education had positive effects on motivation, autonomy, participation, mathematical concepts, course outcomes, and grades. keywords: adequate; alternative; analysis; certain; certain mathematics; certain teachers; classes; conditions; courses; covid-19; curriculum; data; demirci; design; development; different; difficulties; disadvantages; distance education; distance learning; distance mathematics; eba; education experiences; education process; educational; effective; experiences; face; face education; figure; findings; following; form; high; hours; impact; instruction; international; internet; interview; iojet; journal; korkmaz; lack; learning; mathematical; mathematics course; mathematics education; mathematics instruction; mathematics teachers; method; number; online; online education; online mathematics; opportunity; pandemic; participants; preferred; present; problems; process; questions; research; school; school mathematics; screen; secondary; social; software; students; study; suitability; suitable; teaching; technical; technological; technologies; technology; themes; time; topics; training; turkey; university; use; uzun; views; web; çalık; çelik cache: iojet-1506.pdf plain text: iojet-1506.txt item: #172 of 681 id: iojet-151 author: Yıldırım, Fatih Serdar; Mirici, Semra title: IMPROVING THE STUDENT’S OPINION ABOUT THE NATURE OF SCIENCE WITH THE PROCESS-BASED ACTIVITIES BY THE TEACHERS WHO GET DISTANCE EDUCATION ABOUT THE NATURE OF SCIENCE date: 2016-10-03 words: 10286 flesch: 58 summary: Also it is seen that only being educated about science nature of the teachers is not adequate. Investigating science teachers' and high school students' views on the nature of science in Turkey. keywords: .05; abd; activities; anova; approach; biology; classroom; content; control; control b; data; difference; dimension; directly; dissertation; distance; distance education; doctoral; education; effect; experiment; grade; groups; improvement; institute; international; iojet; journal; khalick; knowledge; lederman; meaningful; meaningful difference; mirici; nature; online; opinion; p>.05; post; pre; process; qualitative; reflective; related; research; results; science; science education; science teaching; scientific; social; students; studies; study; study groups; table; teacher; teaching; test; theory; tns education; total; understanding; university; views; yıldırım cache: iojet-151.pdf plain text: iojet-151.txt item: #173 of 681 id: iojet-1513 author: Ünal Gezer, Melike title: STORYBOOKS, SONGS, AND GAMES CAN BOOST EARLY LITERACY DEVELOPMENT IN PRIMARY ENGLISH CLASSROOMS date: 2021-09-29 words: 8304 flesch: 65 summary: In the second part, storybook and song integration for a linguistically-rich early literacy acquisition in primary EFL classrooms with young language learners are further discussed. A major revision of this curricular decision was to tailor English instruction according to cognitive and linguistic development of young language learners by integrating a variety of activities including songs and chants, stories, Total Physical Response (TPR) activities and, arts and crafts (Kırkgöz, 2006; Kırkgöz, Çelik, & Arıkan, 2016). keywords: /t/; activities; activity; alliteration; attention; awareness; bingo; blending; cards; children; clap; classrooms; consonant; development; different; early; education; efl; english; figure; final; fish; following; game; gezer; grades; individual; initial; instruction; international; iojet; journal; language; language learners; learners; learning; letter; literacy; literature; moon; names; need; new; number; ones; online; onset; phoneme; phonemic; phonemic awareness; phonics; phonological; phonological awareness; pictures; practice; primary; reading; research; rhyme; rhythm; rime; row; segmentation; sentence; shin; skills; songs; sounds; storybooks; students; substitution; syllables; target; teachers; teaching; times; tools; turkey; units; way; words; writing; young; young language; young learners; young ones; ünal cache: iojet-1513.pdf plain text: iojet-1513.txt item: #174 of 681 id: iojet-1514 author: Åhslund, Ingela title: ABSENTEEISM AND STUDENTS WITH NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISABILITIES date: 2021-09-29 words: 8267 flesch: 58 summary: Historically, but also in contemporary research on absent school students, the focus has been on individual difficulties such as different diagnoses, family situations, and disabilities (Boylan & Renzulli, 2014). Vinnerljung et al. argued that it is not only at an individual level that school absence has consequences when those who in adulthood live in drug abuse, delinquency and with mental illness almost always have a history of school failures and absenteeism. keywords: absences; absenteeism; analysis; autism; boys; catharina; conditions; context; different; difficulties; disabilities; education; experiences; factors; failure; family; feeling; friends; girls; good; grade; harassment; high; home; important; individual; international; interviews; iojet; ipa; journal; lack; motivation; need; npds; och; online; parents; peers; peter; previous; problematic; project; protection; reasons; relationships; research; researchers; review; risk; school; self; situations; smith; social; stories; strand; strategies; students; studies; study; support; teachers; teaching; themes; understanding; way; work; åhslund cache: iojet-1514.pdf plain text: iojet-1514.txt item: #175 of 681 id: iojet-1516 author: Kaleli Yılmaz, Gül; Yurtyapan, Mehmet İhsan title: INVESTIGATION OF GRAPHIC READING AND INTERPRETATION SKILLS IN SOCIO-SCIENTIFIC-BASED PROBLEM SITUATIONS: THE EXAMPLE OF COVID-19 PARABOLIC GRAPH date: 2021-09-29 words: 12737 flesch: 55 summary: In this study, it is aimed to examine the graphic reading and interpretation skills of pre-service teachers within the framework of the problem situations prepared in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is a socio- Kaleli-Yılmaz & Yurtyapan 2208 scientific situation. As a special case in this study; The special case study method was preferred because the skills of pre-service teachers in reading and interpreting the graphics given in the context of Covid-19, which is their vital and socio-scientific aspect, will be examined. 2.2. keywords: 1st; 2nd; activities; addition; analysis; answers; apse; axis; capacity; case; context; correct; covid-19; critical; data; days; drawing; education; elementary; explanations; fact; functions; graph; graphic; graphic reading; important; incomplete; international; interpretation; interpreting; iojet; issues; journal; kaleli; knowledge; learning; level; literature; mathematics; mathematics pre; method; minister; number; numerical; online; order; parabola; patients; peak; perception; point; pre; problem; process; qualitative; question; reading; representations; research; scenario; school; science; scientific; service teachers; situation; skills; social; socio; solution; students; studies; study; table; teaching; understanding; university; value; verbal; vertex; visual; wrong; yurtyapan; yılmaz cache: iojet-1516.pdf plain text: iojet-1516.txt item: #176 of 681 id: iojet-1517 author: Türkoğlu, Didem; Kandır, Adalet; Gözüm, Ali İbrahim Can title: A PORTFOLIO INVENTORY: AN INVESTIGATION OF VISUAL ARTWORK MADE BY CHILDREN AS BEING TOOL- OR ART-ORIENTED IN STRUCTURE date: 2021-09-29 words: 13498 flesch: 52 summary: The idea has been emphasized in recent years that it is important for children’s cognitive and socio-emotional development that they express themselves through art (Richards, 2018); however, early art pedagogy, which places emphasis on children’s individual expressions and natural creativity, consolidates education myths that prevent teachers from talking about child art, from guiding it or assessing it. Evaluation of visual art works made by kindergarten teachers for children in terms of creativity. keywords: 1st; 2nd; activities; activity; analysis; application; art; art activities; art education; artistic; artistic structure; arts; calculated; childhood; childhood art; childhood education; children; classes; classrooms; cluster; collection; color; context; creative; creativity; curriculum; data; design; development; different; dimensional; early; early childhood; education; educators; elements; esthetic; evaluation; example; experiences; expression; feldman; findings; form; group; gözüm; ideas; importance; individual; information; institutions; international; iojet; items; journal; kandır; knowledge; learning; line; making; materials; mean; method; objects; observation; online; paper; perception; personal; perspective; planning; practice; preschool; preschool children; preschool education; process; program; quality; reliability; research; result; score; second; shape; skills; stage; structure; structure cluster; studies; study; sub; support; table; teachers; teaching; terms; time; tool; total; türkoğlu; university; use; validity; value; visual; visual arts; visual artwork; visual design; visual elements; way; working; works; young cache: iojet-1517.pdf plain text: iojet-1517.txt item: #177 of 681 id: iojet-1518 author: Sökezoğlu Atılgan, Duygu ; Müge Türkkaş Özer title: THE IMPORTANCE OF PREPARING CREATIVE MUSIC ACTIVITIES FOR PRE-SCHOOL PERIOD date: 2021-09-29 words: 9404 flesch: 61 summary: Taking into account the development of children in the pre-school period, preparing activities that improve their creativity will provide assistance to pre-school teachers in music education. How do pre-school teachers benefit from musical activities in their lessons? keywords: activities; addition; age; ankara; answers; attention; atılgan; bilimleri; children; creative; creativity; data; day; development; different; early; education; ele; enstitüsü; examples; eğitim; field; figure; findings; form; fourteenth; group; hand; help; high; individual; instrument; international; interview; iojet; journal; level; low; master; movements; music; music activities; music education; musical; müzik; okul; online; opinions; oynaya; parachute; patterns; period; play; playing; pre; prepared; preschool; problems; pst; research; rhythmic; school; school children; school education; school period; school teachers; skills; social; song; sounds; studies; study; sufficient; support; sökezoğlu; teaching; thesis; time; training; türkkaş; çocuklar; öncesi; özer; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1518.pdf plain text: iojet-1518.txt item: #178 of 681 id: iojet-152 author: Keshavarz, Mohammad Hossein; Khamis, Mahmud title: AN INVESTIGATION INTO PRONUNCIATION PROBLEMS OF HAUSA-SPEAKING LEARNERS OF ENGLISH date: 2017-01-10 words: 4733 flesch: 54 summary: He attributed this substitution to the influence of Turkish sound system on English pronunciation since /θ/ does not exist in Turkish. The replacement of /ð/ with /d/ may be due to drifting towards Southern Nigerians English pronunciation by some participants. keywords: /f/; /v/; /ð/; /θ/; /ᴧ/; consonants; data; difficulties; efl; english; errors; esl; fact; findings; frequency; hausa; hausa speakers; influence; interference; journal; language; learners; mohammed; mother; native; negative; nigeria; participants; percentage; problematic; problems; pronunciation; replace; research; results; retrieved; second; sounds; speakers; speaking; students; studies; study; table; tongue; transfer; university; vowel; words cache: iojet-152.pdf plain text: iojet-152.txt item: #179 of 681 id: iojet-1520 author: Yildiz, Pinar; Gürel, Ramazan ; Bozkurt, Erhan ; Yetkin Özdemir, İ. Elif title: SELF-REGULATION OF NOVICE MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS TEACHERS IN THE PREPARATION PROCESS FOR TEACHING date: 2022-01-01 words: 11768 flesch: 55 summary: Teacher planning, instruction and reflection: What we know about teacher cognitive processes. Teacher planning study, described, Communication Quarterly, 1(1), 4. Creswell, J. W. (2007). keywords: activities; analysis; area; ayla; borko; bozkurt; classroom; clear; concepts; content; course; data; detailed; development; different; division; education; ender; example; experience; findings; fractions; general; goals; grade; gürel; hale; important; information; international; interview; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; lesson; level; limited; mathematics; mathematics teachers; middle; multiplication; nihal; novice; observations; observed; online; order; outcomes; participants; planning; plans; preparation; problems; process; processes; program; questions; regulation; related; research; school; self; serkan; setting; skills; students; studies; study; subject; surface; teachers; teaching; time; topics; use; yetkin; yinger; yıldız; özdemir; özlem cache: iojet-1520.pdf plain text: iojet-1520.txt item: #180 of 681 id: iojet-1523 author: Keser, Merve; Uyanık Aktulun, Özgün title: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP AMONG 60-72-MONTH-OLD CHILDREN’S ATTENTION ABILITIES AND THEIR GEOMETRY AND PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS SKILLS date: 2022-01-01 words: 9756 flesch: 53 summary: Pearson correlation test results for the relationship between early geometry skills and phonological awareness skills of 60-72-month-old children Early Geometry Skills R 0.663 According to Table 5, it was found out that there was a statistically significant relationship between phonological awareness skills and early geometry skills of 60-72-month-old children. keywords: 9(1; abilities; ability; academic; academic skills; activities; aktulun; ankara; attention; attention ability; attention skills; average; awareness skills; awareness test; bilimleri; boys; children; coefficient; cognitive; correlation; data; dergisi; developed; development; early geometry; education; education level; erken; eğitim; father; gender; geometric; geometry skills; geometry test; girls; graduate; group; high; higher; international; iojet; journal; keser; language; language skills; learning; level; literacy; literacy skills; low; mathematics; month; mother; old children; online; order; parents; pearson; period; phonological awareness; positive; post; pre; preschool; reading; relationship; reliability; research; results; school; school children; score; shapes; significant; skills assessment; skills test; sounds; spatial; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; test; total; university; uyanık; variable; words; year; young; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1523.pdf plain text: iojet-1523.txt item: #181 of 681 id: iojet-1525 author: Arslan, Kürşat title: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) TEACHER CANDIDATES’ ATTITUDES AND PERCEPTIONS TOWARDS ONLINE TESTING DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2022-01-01 words: 7955 flesch: 53 summary: Studies in the literature underlined significant relationships between the number of online tests students attended and their attitudes. Abstract This study aims to determine the attitudes and opinions of pre-service IT teacher candidates regarding online testing at the first period of the COVID-19 pandemic. keywords: age; analysis; anxiety; arslan; assessment; attitudes; average; candidates; computer; course; covid-19; data; differences; different; distance; education; efficacy; evaluation; exams; experience; face; factor; feedback; findings; gender; group; higher; independent; information; international; iojet; items; journal; learning; level; literature; male; method; online; online assessment; online journal; online testing; online tests; opinions; pandemic; paper; participants; pencil; positive; problems; qualitative; questions; reliability; research; results; sample; scale; scores; self; significant; students; studies; study; sub; system; table; teacher; teacher candidates; teaching; technology; testing; tests; time; university; use cache: iojet-1525.pdf plain text: iojet-1525.txt item: #182 of 681 id: iojet-1529 author: Kaplan, Kadir; Çerçi, Arif title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TURKISH TEACHERS' SELF-EFFICACY AND GRAMMAR SELF-EFFICACY PERCEPTIONS date: 2021-09-29 words: 8487 flesch: 49 summary: Teacher efficacy and the effects of coaching on student achievement. Teacher efficacy: Capturing an exclusive construct. keywords: .01; activities; adaylarının; algıları; analyses; ankara; anxiety; basic; bilimler; classroom; competencies; competent; context; course; data; dergisi; education; efficacy; efficacy perceptions; ekici; evaluation; excerpt; eğitim; factors; female; field; findings; focus; gender; grammar; grammar self; group; gses; high; important; information; international; interview; iojet; journal; kaplan; language; learning; lesson; literature; low; male; management; motivation; online; order; p>.05; participants; positive; professional; qualitative; questions; reading; relationship; research; scale; schools; self; selfefficacy; significant; skills; sosyal; students; studies; study; subject; table; teacher self; teachers; teaching; terms; tses; turkey; turkish; turkish teachers; türkçe; writing; yeterlik; çerçi; öğretmen; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1529.pdf plain text: iojet-1529.txt item: #183 of 681 id: iojet-1530 author: Sarikaya, Dilek; Aydin, Abdullah title: THE EFFECT OF EDUCATION INFORMATION NETWORK (EBA) AND EXPERIMENTAL-BASED INSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ON 7TH GRADE STUDENTS’ SCIENCE ATTITUDE AND THEIR VIEWS ABOUT THESE ACTIVITIES IN THE ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS UNIT date: 2022-01-01 words: 9652 flesch: 55 summary: Results of the t-test for control group students’ science attitude pre- This can be interpreted to a great extent as the fact that the EBA and experimental-based instruction enables students to gain active participation in the course, conduct group activities, make comments, discuss and produce projects and develop their conceptal understanding. keywords: .05; 7th; achievement; activities; analysis; appendix; application; attitude; aydin; brightness; bulbs; circuits; content; control; control group; course; current; curriculum; data; difference; dissertation; eba; education; effect; electrical; experimental; experimental activities; experimental-2 group; grade; group; group students; information; institute; instruction; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; laboratory; learning; mean; network; online; order; parallel; post; pre; problem; qualitative; question; research; results; sarikaya; scas; school; science; science attitude; science course; science education; scores; series; significant; ssif; students; studies; study; subjects; table; teachers; teaching; technology; test; test mean; test scores; unit; university; use; videos; views; voltage; week cache: iojet-1530.pdf plain text: iojet-1530.txt item: #184 of 681 id: iojet-1531 author: Adanır, Sinan; Gezer Şen, Burcu title: EXAMINING PEER FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL SKILLS OF MENTALLY DISABLED INDIVIDUALS IN REFERENCE TO THE TEACHERS’ VIEWS date: 2021-09-29 words: 8276 flesch: 47 summary: T30 pointed out that normally developing children do not want to make friends with someone who has aggressive behaviors and thus, peer factor will affect them negatively: “Peer effect is out of the question in dealing with aggressive behaviour since the peers do not want friends with aggressive behaviors.” Some of the statements by the teachers who believe peer factors to have effects are as follows: Most participant teachers used expressions emphasizing peer factor to be considered as a role model in the improvement of the social skills. keywords: acceptance; adanır; adaptation; aggressive; analysis; behaviors; children; cooperation; data; development; disabilities; disability; disabled; disabled children; disabled individuals; education; effects; encouraging; engelli; environment; factor; feelings; gezer; group; hand; health; help; important; increase; individuals; intellectual; interaction; international; interview; iojet; journal; kaynaştırma; learning; level; mental; method; model; needs; negative; number; online; order; participant; peer; peer factor; planning; positive; problem; relationships; relationships skills; research; researchers; results; retardation; retarded; role; school; sciences; self; significant; skills; small; social; social skills; solving; sosyal; special; stress; students; studies; study; support; table; teachers; teaching; understanding; university; views; work; years; zihinsel; şen cache: iojet-1531.pdf plain text: iojet-1531.txt item: #185 of 681 id: iojet-1532 author: Gök, Murat; Şen, Çağrı title: EVALUATION OF THE PHYSICAL AND ACOUSTICAL COMPETENCES OF VOCATIONAL MUSIC EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN TERMS OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF MUSIC EDUCATION date: 2022-01-01 words: 11353 flesch: 43 summary: What are the physical properties of music buildings? What are the acoustic properties of music buildings? keywords: acoustical; activities; administrative; ankara; answers; architectural; arts; autonomous; buildings; choir; classes; classrooms; comfort; concert; conditions; conduct; conservatories; conservatory; control; corridors; data; deficiencies; department; design; determined; dmte; education institutions; education programs; education undergraduate; educational; extreme; faculties; faculty; ffa; field; fine; floors; frequency; gök; higher; higher education; important; independent; individual; institutional; institutional buildings; instructors; instrument; instrument study; insulation; international; iojet; journal; main; mean; model; music buildings; music departments; music education; musical; musical instrument; need; new; noise; number; online; opinions; orchestra; order; participants; physical; piano; piano study; population; process; programs; properties; public; purpose; quality; questionnaire; rehearsal; requirements; research; rooms; sampling; sound; spaces; state; students; study; study rooms; sufficient; table; teaching; terms; tmsc; turkey; turkish; types; undergraduate; units; universities; university; university dmte; university sc; use; values; vocational music; üniversitesi; şen cache: iojet-1532.pdf plain text: iojet-1532.txt item: #186 of 681 id: iojet-1533 author: Eser, Mehmet Taha title: COMPARISON OF BAYESIAN AND FREQUENTIST FACTOR ANALYSIS METHODS: BUSS AND PERRY AGGRESSION QUESTIONNAIRE EXAMPLE date: 2021-09-29 words: 6638 flesch: 53 summary: Bayesian factor analysis method allowed to keep the measurement tool's structure, and there is no need to remove items from the measurement tool. Bayesian factor analysis method allowed to keep the measurement tool's structure, and there is no need to remove items from the measurement tool. keywords: aggression; algorithm; analysis; approach; bayesian; bayesian approach; bayesian exploratory; bayesian factor; buss; classical; cut; data; development; different; different factor; distribution; doi; education; ekici; equation; eser; estimation; event; explained; exploratory; exploratory factor; extraction; factor; factor analysis; factor extraction; factor loading; fidell; figure; frequentist; important; information; international; iojet; items; journal; knowledge; likelihood; loading; mcmc; measurement; methods; model; multivariate; new; number; online; parameters; perry; posterior; prior; probability; questionnaire; research; researchers; results; rotation; sample; scale; sciences; scope; short; statistics; structure; studies; study; teaching; test; tool; value; variables cache: iojet-1533.pdf plain text: iojet-1533.txt item: #187 of 681 id: iojet-1534 author: Özdemir, Alev; Mirici, Semra; Çiğdemoğlu, Ceyhan title: THE EFFECT OF PROJECT SUPERVISION TRAINING ON TEACHERS’ VIEWS OF NATURE OF SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY date: 2021-09-29 words: 11346 flesch: 58 summary: The teacher coded as BT-17 stated that he currently works in the team that organizes teacher training at the Ministry of National Education. In addition, the effectiveness of this training was demonstrated by the fact that the teachers provided project supersivion to their students and other teachers in various projects and competitions. keywords: activities; analysis; answers; appropriate; bilimin; biology; cigdemoglu; community; curiosity; data; dergisi; determined; development; different; doğası; education; erişilmiştir; evidence; examples; experiment; eğitim; fen; field; findings;; information; informed; inquiry; international; investigations; iojet; item; journal; knowledge; learning; lederman; level; lisans; literature; methods; mirici; naive; nature; observation; online; opinions; order; positive; post; post test; pre; problem; process; processes; professional; project; questionnaire; questions; related; research; results; sayfasından; schwartz; science; scientific; scientific data; scientific inquiry; scientific knowledge; scientific research; scientists; skills; steps; students; studies; study; supervision; table; teachers; teaching; test; test data; test n; tezi; theme; training; transitional; understanding; use; views; work; workshop; özdemir; öğretmen cache: iojet-1534.pdf plain text: iojet-1534.txt item: #188 of 681 id: iojet-1535 author: Yılmaz, Yakup; Çelebi, Celalettin title: VIEW OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TEACHERS ON THE EFFECTS OF VALUES EDUCATION ON INFORMATICS ETHICS date: 2022-01-01 words: 10787 flesch: 49 summary: Keywords: Informatics ethics, Information technologies teachers, Values education 1.  “Values education has a direct contribution to informatics ethics. keywords: activities; affective; ankara; awareness; behaviors; bilişim; centered; cognitive; communication; computer; control; course; curriculum; cyberbullying; data; determined; değerler; digital; direct; education elements; effects; elements; empathy; environment; ethical; ethics education; evaluation; examples; eğitimi; family; honesty; important; individual; informatics ethics; information; information technologies; intellectual; international; iojet; issues; itt; journal; justice; knowledge; level; life; methods; moral; necessary; online; opinions; order; participants; people; problems; project; property; questions; quotations; real; related; relationship; research; respect; responsibility; rules; schools; sedep; selcuklu; self; shows; situation; social; society; sosyal; students; studies; study; subjects; teachers; teaching; technologies; technologies teachers; technology; themes; transfer; turkey; university; unpublished; use; values education; views; virtual; world; yılmaz; çelebi cache: iojet-1535.pdf plain text: iojet-1535.txt item: #189 of 681 id: iojet-1536 author: Akkaya, Sümeyra; Ciğerci, Fatih Mehmet; Kapıdere, Metin title: INVESTIGATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS' ATTITUDES TOWARDS MOBILE LEARNING AND THEIR READINESS FOR MOBILE LEARNING date: 2021-09-29 words: 6698 flesch: 48 summary: Key words: Mobile learning, readiness for mobile learning, prospective primary school teachers 1. Considering the effect of internet access on mobile learning attitude and readiness for mobile learning, it can be suggested that it is important for pre-service teachers to have access to the internet in order to realize mobile learning, and for this reason, infrastructure development studies should be carried out by developing Wi-fi points in universities so that all students can access the internet. keywords: 4th; access; akkaya; analysis; attitude; average; av±ss; av±ss av±ss; ciğerci; correlation; data; dergisi; devices; difference; easy; education; effect; efficacy; eğitim; fakültesi; gender; general; grade; higher; individuals; information; international; internet; iojet; items; journal; kapıdere; learning readiness; learning scores; level; mobile learning; motivation; online; optimism; p<0.05; p=0,000<0.05; positive; pre; primary; problems; properties; prospective; prospective teachers; readiness general; relationship; research; result; satisfaction; scale; scores; self; service; significant; status; students; studies; study; sırakaya; table; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; time; university; usability; use; yönelik; öğrenme; öğrenmeye; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1536.pdf plain text: iojet-1536.txt item: #190 of 681 id: iojet-1538 author: Keleş, Oğuz; Özbey, Elif Zeynep title: FAMILIES WITH SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN IN TURKEY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2022-01-01 words: 8439 flesch: 55 summary: al. (2020) emphasizes that support needs to be provided to families with special needs children in terms of psychological support and methods to facilitate going back to school. A9 expressed their experience regarding the first theme, one-to-one education, as: Yes, our government is making an effort for us and providing distance education, doing things, but for such children, distance education does not help. keywords: 9(1; activities; affected; anxiety; behavioral; case; categories; category; children; content; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; different; digital; disability; disease; distance; education; education process; emotional; experience; face; families; family; fear; findings; friends; health; home; housewife; impairment; individuals; influence; international; internet; interviews; iojet; journal; keleş; learning; lessons; life; longing; measures; ministry; needs; needs children; online; pandemic; pandemic process; parents; participants; people; period; positive; problems; process; psychological; qualitative; questions; reflections; rehabilitation; research; school; second; siblings; social; special; special education; special needs; stress; students; study; support; teachers; teaching; theme; time; turkey; world; özbey cache: iojet-1538.pdf plain text: iojet-1538.txt item: #191 of 681 id: iojet-154 author: Bataineh, Ruba Fahmi; Al-Bzour, Wedad Khalid; Baniabdelrahman, Abdallah Ahmad title: ON THE TEACHABILITY OF COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES TO JORDANIAN EFL BEGINNERS: EXPLORATION AND REFLECTION date: 2017-07-05 words: 5804 flesch: 54 summary: The effect of proficiency level on communications strategy use: A case study of Galician learners of English. Second language communication strategies: Definitions, taxonomies, data elicitation methodology and teachability issues. keywords: appeal; approximation; baniabdelrahman; bataineh; bzour; circumlocution; clarification; classroom; communication; communication strategies; competence; confirmation; course; css; dörnyei; eds; education; efl; figure; findings; færch; grade; guessing; help; improvement; instruction; international; iojet; jordanian; journal; kasper; kellerman; language; learners; learning; mean; oral; participants; performance; repair; repetition; research; score; second; self; shows; sixth; strategies; strategy; students; study; tarone; teaching; treatment; university; use; viz cache: iojet-154.pdf plain text: iojet-154.txt item: #192 of 681 id: iojet-1544 author: Ipek, Omer Faruk; Mutlu, Hakan Tahiri title: ENGLISH OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM IN THE AGE OF TECHNOLOGY: A CONCURRENT TRIANGULATION MIXED METHOD STUDY date: 2022-01-01 words: 8355 flesch: 63 summary: Students who do not know English at all are placed in group A; students who have a little more than the beginning level of English are put in group B. Also, students started to use many different technological social media websites, online applications, and techniques. keywords: 100,0; 9(1; academic; activities; analysis; applications; attendance; average; classroom; collection; data; demographic; difference; dimensions; distance; education; english; eoc; eoc activities; extracurricular; extramural; foreign; gpa; group; higher; independent; international; interviews; iojet; ipek; journal; language; learning; level; listening; media; method; mixed; mutlu; new; online; order; outside; participants; qualitative; questions; rate; reading; relationship; research; results; scale; school; scores; significant; skills; smartphone; social; speaking; strategies; students; study; sub; sundqvist; sweden; table; teaching; technology; total; type; university; use; writing cache: iojet-1544.pdf plain text: iojet-1544.txt item: #193 of 681 id: iojet-1545 author: Yıldız Vatansever , Esra ; Baltacı, Şehnaz title: INVESTIGATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NOMOPHOBIA AND HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAM (LGS) SCORES IN TERMS OF SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES date: 2022-01-01 words: 14609 flesch: 59 summary: In a similar study conducted with high school students, Binali (2015) examined the relationship between personality traits, internet addiction, and academic achievements of 367 students studying in the 11th and 12th grades. In one of his studies conducted at other education levels, Yıldırım (2019) examined the nomophobia levels of high school students whose parents had different educational backgrounds and obtained similar results. keywords: 8th; able; academic; academic achievement; access; achievement; addiction; adolescents; akademik; akıllı; analysis; attitudes; authoritarian; baltacı; bağımlılığı; bed; behavior; bilimler; bir; boys; characteristics; charger; checking; children; college; connectedness; convenience; daily; data; day; democratic; dergisi; difference; distribution; doi; education; effects; enstitüsü; europe; eğitim; factor scores; factors; fakültesi; family; frequency; gender; gezgin; girls; giving; grade; grade students; groups; high; high school; higher; hoşgör; human; individuals; information; international; internet; iojet; i̇ncelenmesi; i̇stanbul; journal; kim; learning; levels; lgs; lgs scores; life; literature; low; masters; mean; media; min; minutes; mobile; moderate; negative; nmp; nomofobi; nomophobia; nomophobia levels; nomophobia scale; online; p<0.05; parental; parents; performance; phones; problematic; problems; psychological; q scale; rank; relationship; research; results; scale; scale scores; school; school students; sciences; scores; secondary; secondary school; sharma; significant; similar; sleep; smartphone; smartphone addiction; social; sociodemographic; sosyal; statistical; status; students; studies; study; sub; success; teaching; technological; technology; telefon; terms; test; thesis; time; total; turkey; university; university students; usage; use; variable; vatansever; whitney; yildirim; yıldız; öğrencilerinin; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1545.pdf plain text: iojet-1545.txt item: #194 of 681 id: iojet-1548 author: Okumuş, Seda; Öztürk, Bilge title: EVALUATING PROSPECTIVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ WRITTEN AND ORAL ARGUMENTS ON ECOLOGY date: 2022-01-01 words: 8059 flesch: 56 summary: Written arguments were formed in groups and these prospective teachers advanced the discussion process by providing claims, data, justifications, warrants, qualifiers, and rebuttals for the statements given while they made written arguments about ecology in the “Expressions Table” activity. Oral arguments have more room for development than written arguments because oral arguments are usually conducted within groups and individuals are influenced by the opinions of other people in the process of making their arguments. keywords: 9(1; activity; air; argumentation; arguments; claim; cleaning; components; course; data; different; discussion; ecology; education; elementary; erduran; erosion; example; expressions; groundwater; groups; international; iojet; issues; journal; justification; knowledge; level; model; okumuş; online; oral; oral arguments; osborne; participants; plants; polluted; pollution; process; prospective; prospective elementary; prospective teachers; pt1; pt2; quality; rain; rebuttal; research; school; science; science education; scientific; seas; skills; socioscientific; soil; ssis; students; study; subject; table; tap; teachers; teaching; time; understanding; university; written; wrong; öztürk cache: iojet-1548.pdf plain text: iojet-1548.txt item: #195 of 681 id: iojet-1549 author: Donmuş Kaya, Vildan title: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF USING WEB 2.0s IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AREA date: 2022-01-01 words: 8531 flesch: 51 summary: In addition, bibliometric analysis studies focusing on technology- enhanced issues in the field (Amoozegar, Khodabandelou & Ale Ebrahim, 2018; Chen, Zou & Xie, 2020; Goksu, 2021; Khan & Gupta, 2021; Li & Wong, 2021; Lopes et al., 2017; Zawacki-Richter & Latchem, 2018) is a limited number of studies, but it is noteworthy that there is no bibliometric analysis study that includes all Web 2.0s, except for the bibliometric analysis study on social media in China (Gan &Wang, 2015). It can be concluded that the most effective researches are higher education researches. keywords: 2.0s; academic; analysis; area; articles; authors; bibliometric; bibliometric analysis; citations; cluster; collaborative; computers; countries; country; different; digital; distribution; documents; donmuş; education; educational research; educational technology; effective; environments; field; figure; higher; higher education; huang; information; international; internet; iojet; journal; kaya; keywords; learning; lee; link; literature; mcloughlin; media; number; o'reilly; online; organizations; place; publications; ranking; related; relevant; research; research area; researchers; results; review; science; social; strength; studies; study; table; teacher; teaching; technologies; technology; terms; university; usa; use; web; years cache: iojet-1549.pdf plain text: iojet-1549.txt item: #196 of 681 id: iojet-1550 author: Nyang'au, Martha K; Ochola, Washington A.; Maobe, Samson N. title: OUT OF SCHOOL YOUTH REFLECTION ON PARTICIPATION IN DECISION MAKING ON IMPLEMENTATION OF SCHOOL AGRICULTURE PROGRAMME date: 2022-03-31 words: 10655 flesch: 48 summary: 2.2 Out of school youth population The target population comprised of out of school youth who had studied agriculture subject in secondary education during their schooling days and were registered with youth groups promoting agricultural activities for livelihood. No 69 43.1 Total 160 100.0 3.2.5 Distribution of out of school youth by agro- ecological zones The distribution of out of school youth population in relationship to agro-ecological zones (AEZs) adopted as farm types is presented in Table 5. keywords: academic; access; acres; age; agricultural; agriculture curriculum; agriculture programme; agro; analysis; approximate; coefficient; correlation; county; curriculum; decision making; difference; distribution; education; extension; extra; farm; feedback; female; gender; implementation; important; international; iojet; journal; kenya; kisii; konyango; land; land size; level; maobe; mean; nyang’au; objective; ochola; online; outcome; parents; participation; people; population; positive; post; programmes; reliance; research; result; school agriculture; school category; school farm; school youth; schools; secondary school; self; shows; significant; size; skills; spearman; strategies; strategy; study; subject; table; tailed; teaching; test; total; types; university; use; views; vocational; young; youth participation; zones cache: iojet-1550.pdf plain text: iojet-1550.txt item: #197 of 681 id: iojet-1554 author: Tican Başaran, Semra; Dinçman, Başak title: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF TURKISH PRESCHOOL TEACHERS DURING SUMMER HOLIDAYS date: 2022-01-01 words: 15766 flesch: 41 summary: Teacher professional development in teaching and teacher education over ten years. Fixing teacher professional development. keywords: academic; active; addition; analysis; ankara; areas; bachelor; bakanlığı; başaran; break; career; children; colleagues; commission; conditions; content; continuous; continuous professional; countries; courses; current; data; development activities; development opportunities; development policies; development programs; different; difficult; dinçman; distance; economic; education; effective; european; evaluation; expectations; experiences; eğitim; face; female; figure; financial; findings; form; france; general; group; holidays; initial; inservice; institutions; international; interviews; iojet; job; journal; knowledge; learning; main; means; meb; mesleki; methods; milli; mone; muğla; needs; new; obstacles; oecd; online; operation; opportunities; opportunity; order; organisation; p19; parents; paris; participate; participation; period; personal; personal development; place; policies; policy; preferred; preparation; preschool teachers; preservice; process; professional development; programs; publishing; qualitative; quality; recommendations; related; research; results; rewarding; schools; sense; social; students; studies; study; success; summer; summer holidays; support; system; systematic; talis; teacher education; teacher professional; teachers; teaching; terms; themes; tican; time; training; turkey; turkish; türk; union; united; university; village; working; year; yes; öğretmen cache: iojet-1554.pdf plain text: iojet-1554.txt item: #198 of 681 id: iojet-1556 author: Akgül, Mehmet Şaban title: EXAMINING UNDERGRADUATES’ PERSPECTIVES ON THE CONCEPTS FAMILY AND MARRIAGE date: 2022-01-01 words: 4808 flesch: 65 summary: P3: “Family means breath to me because family is like breath which is the fundamental of life. Participants’ Views on The Attributes of The Person They Want to Marry Code Category N Respectful towards me and my family Respectful towards others’ opinions and rights Honest and trustworthy Compassionate and helpful Caring for nature and animals Faithful Complaisant Polite and tolerant Having high moral values 10 31 30 16 6 3 5 19 Supportive in hard times Having unconditional love Devoted to his/her family Responsible Believer Spiritual and devoted to family values 7 15 17 3 3 Prolific Intelligent and open to innovations Having a good job Entertaining Earnest Clean and well-groomed Rational Attractive 2 4 2 8 4 2 5 keywords: aile; akgül; answers; bond; breath; child; children; concepts; current; data; dergisi; devoted; displays; education; evlilik; faith; family; financial; happy; human; important; international; iojet; journal; life; love; loyalty; marriage; means; moral; nature; necessary; online; parents; participants; partners; person; perspectives; precious; respect; respectful; results; sharing; social; society; statements; study; table; teaching; trust; undergraduates; university; values; views cache: iojet-1556.pdf plain text: iojet-1556.txt item: #199 of 681 id: iojet-1557 author: Palaz, Tevfik title: SCIENCE MAPPING OF INTERNATIONAL RESEARCHES ON TURKEY-BASED SOCIAL STUDIES EDUCATION: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS date: 2022-01-01 words: 9317 flesch: 54 summary: As a result of the research; They found that social studies course and workbook, teacher's guide book, social studies curriculum, teacher and student perceptions on social studies education were given weight. In this study, international research papers by Turkish scholars on social studies education were investigated. keywords: academic; addition; anadolu; analysis; ankara; articles; authors; bibliometric; bilgiler; bir; citations; cited; cluster; cooperation; course; data; database; dergisi; education; eğitim; ersoy; eğitimi; fact; field; figure; gazi; green; gümüş; hacettepe; high; impact; important; increase; indexes; institutions; international; iojet; journal; keywords; marmara; meta; method; network; number; online; palaz; practice; publications; related; relevant; research; researchers; results; review; school; science; social studies; sosyal; strong; student; studies; studies education; study; sönmez; table; teacher; teaching; terms; theory; theses; turkey; turkish; türkiye’de; universities; university; university journal; values; vosviewer; wos; yapılan; yılmaz; öztürk cache: iojet-1557.pdf plain text: iojet-1557.txt item: #200 of 681 id: iojet-1558 author: Dilekçi, Atilla; Çiçek, Seher title: AN ANALYSIS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL TURKISH LANGUAGE COURSE ASSESSMENT TOOLS IN THE SENSE OF PISA READING SKILL CRITERIA date: 2022-01-01 words: 6319 flesch: 53 summary: The results indicated that text formats used in secondary school Turkish language course assessment tools were not in accordance with those used in PISA assessment since such non- continuous and mixed texts as tables, diagrams and charts were employed in PISA reading literacy assessment. An analysis of secondary school Turkish language course assessment tools in the sense of PISA reading skill criteria. keywords: 5th; 8th; analysis; assessment; assessment tools; books; cognitive; competency; continuous; course; course assessment; criteria; data; dilekçi; education; evaluating; formats; grade; grade assessment; information; instruction; instruments; international; iojet; journal; language; language course; level; literacy; mixed; noncontinuous; number; oecd; okuma; order; pisa; pisa reading; poetry; processes; proficiency; questions; reading; reflecting; research; results; school; school turkish; secondary; secondary school; skills; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; text; tools; transition; turkish; turkish language; types; türkçe; understanding cache: iojet-1558.pdf plain text: iojet-1558.txt item: #201 of 681 id: iojet-1559 author: Gülünay, Yaşar İsmail; Savaş, Seyfi title: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF INTELLIGENCE TYPE AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION LEVEL ON FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT IN UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY CLASS STUDENTS date: 2022-01-01 words: 6449 flesch: 48 summary: For further studies; since it is observed that bodily intelligence can also have a say in foreign language teaching, organizing activities within the scope of multiple intelligences during teaching may have an important role in increasing the quality and effectiveness of teaching; since it is seen that sports and physical intelligence can be important in foreign language learning, more input can be provided to school curricula in these areas in terms of the benefits of interdisciplinary teaching; considering the positive effect of physical activity on foreign language learning and therefore on academic performance, physical activity Gülünay & Savaş 80 opportunities (various activities, programs, physical activity facilities, equipments etc.) can be provided to students at all levels free of charge. 4. Discussion and Conclusion As it is seen in the table 6, when the relationship between the physical activity levels of the participants and the types of intelligence are examined, a positive and moderate relationship has been found between physical activity level and bodily intelligence (p<,001). keywords: academic; achievement; activities; activity; activity participation; analysis; athlete; bodily; bodily intelligence; children; correlation; data; distribution; education; effect; english; fitness; foreign; foreign language; gülünay; health; higher; intelligence; international; intrapersonal; iojet; journal; language; language achievement; language learning; learning; level; mathematical; mean; min; model; multiple; multiple intelligence; musical; number; online; participants; participation; performance; physical; physical activity; physical education; positive; relationship; research; savaş; school; sciences; scores; significant; spearman; sports; students; studies; study; table; teaching; test; time; total; type; university; visual; years cache: iojet-1559.pdf plain text: iojet-1559.txt item: #202 of 681 id: iojet-1561 author: Eyceyurt Türk, Gülseda; Güngör Seyhan, Hatice title: EVALUATION OF PRE-SERVICE SCIENCE TEACHERS' CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDINGS ON THE TOPIC OF "COLLIGATIVE PROPERTIES" ACCORDING TO WALTON ARGUMENT MODEL COMPONENTS date: 2022-01-01 words: 10915 flesch: 50 summary: The arguments of pre-service science teachers about the related chemistry topic were analysed according to the Walton Argumentation Model (Conclusion-Premise) and were described through content analysis. After the implications, it was observed that the majority of pre-service science teachers showed the ability to present “a conclusion and at least one premise”, but the conceptual understanding of all participants did not reach the expected level. keywords: activities; analysis; argumentation; arguments; boiling; chemistry; chemistry education; claim; colligative; concepts; conceptual; conclusion; course; curriculum; data; depression; development; discussion; dissolution; education; effect; effective; environments; erduran; expected; experimental; eyceyurt; factor; freezing; güngör; hoff; implications; important; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; literature; method; misconceptions; model; number; online; order; osborne; particles; pbl; point; pre; premise; problem; process; properties; pure; related; relevant; research; result; salt; school; science; science education; science teachers; scientific; service science; seyhan; simon; situation; skills; solutions; stage; students; studies; study; sugar; support; teaching; temperature; topic; toulmin; type; türk; understanding; university; van't; walton; water cache: iojet-1561.pdf plain text: iojet-1561.txt item: #203 of 681 id: iojet-1563 author: Coşanay, Gökhan; Karalı, Yalçın title: EXAMINATION OF CLASSROOM TEACHERS’ 21ST CENTURY TEACHING SKILLS date: 2022-01-01 words: 7807 flesch: 53 summary: It was also observed that the highest level of use among the sub-dimensions of 21st century teacher skills belonged to approving skills; and there was a significant difference in 21st century teacher skills sub- dimensions according to gender, graduation status and professional preference. In Table 1, the average of 21st century teacher skills of classroom teachers is 4.19; The use of sub-dimensions of teacher skills is listed as 4.74 in approving skills, 4.28 in managerial skills, 4.19 in generative skills, 3.95 in flexible teaching skills and 3.89 in technopedagogical skills. keywords: .05; 21st; 21st century; 9(1; academic; adresinden; alındı; ankara; area; century; century skills; century teacher; classroom; classroom teachers; communication; competencies; content; coşanay; data; development; difference; differentiation; dimensions; education; effective; environments; eğitim; fact; faculty; favor; female; field; flexible; gender; generative; graduation; high; individuals; information; international; iojet; iste; içinde; i̇nönü; i̇stanbul; journal; karalı; knowledge; learners; learning; level; love; malatya; managerial; materials; need; new; online; primary; process; profession; rank; research; results; school; science; significant; skills; social; status; students; studies; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; teaching profession; teaching skills; technological; technologies; technology; technopedagogical; test; thinking; turkey; university; use; values; variables; willing cache: iojet-1563.pdf plain text: iojet-1563.txt item: #204 of 681 id: iojet-1565 author: Çimen, Şeyda Selen title: EXPLORING EFL ASSESSMENT IN TURKEY: CURRICULUM AND TEACHER PRACTICES date: 2022-01-01 words: 8158 flesch: 55 summary: The role of teachers in teacher assessment in England 1996- 1998. Curriculum and teacher practices. keywords: activities; aspects; assessment; assessment practices; authentic; authentic assessment; curriculum; data; dimension; education; efl; efl teachers; english; exams; feedback; feelings; findings; grades; international; interviews; iojet; journal; language; language assessment; learners; learning; multiple; need; negative; online; paper; pen; practices; purposes; questionnaire; questions; real; research; samples; school; secondary; self; skills; speaking; students; study; table; tasks; teacher practices; teachers; teaching; tools; turkey; types; understanding; upper; use; vocabulary; way; çimen; ş.s cache: iojet-1565.pdf plain text: iojet-1565.txt item: #205 of 681 id: iojet-1570 author: Kahraman, Mehmet; Subaşı, Gonca title: AN ANALYSIS OF VERB-NOUN COMBINATIONS IN HIGH FREQUENCY VERBS IN ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAYS OF TURKISH ELT STUDENTS: THE CASE OF “MAKE” and “DO” date: 2022-01-01 words: 9212 flesch: 56 summary: Studies of high-frequency verbs have been of great interest especially in collocational uses; and learner language has been compared to native language in order to reveal the similarities and dissimilarities or developmental stages (Altenberg & Granger, 2001; Juknevičienė, 2008; Nesselhauf, 2003; Wray, 1999). According to (Altenberg & Granger, 2001), language learners use high-frequency verbs in their delexical senses differently. keywords: altenberg; analysis; argumentative; case; categories; categorization; collocations; combinations; common; core; corpora; corpus; current; data; definitions; delexical; dictionary; different; do+noun; education; efl; elt; english; essays; findings; frequency; frequency verbs; good; grammatical; granger; high; hiltunen; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; lareo; learner corpus; learners; learning; level; linguistics; make”+noun; meaning; money; native; native corpus; nesselhauf; noun; online; oxford; particular; patterning; patterns; phrases; possible; present; productions; proficiency; research; results; semantic; sense; similar; speakers; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; terms; time; turkish; university; use; uses; verb+noun; verbs; vocabulary; words; writing cache: iojet-1570.pdf plain text: iojet-1570.txt item: #206 of 681 id: iojet-1571 author: Üstün, Bilal; Aksu Ataç, Bengü title: ATTITUDES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING STUDENTS TOWARDS ONLINE LEARNING date: 2022-01-01 words: 3860 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: foreign language education, online education, German language teaching, English language teaching 1. It can be suggested that the development of the subject with larger sample groups and more comprehensive research methods will make up-to-date contributions to the field of online foreign language education. keywords: acceptance; aksu; ataç; attitudes; awareness; covid-19; data; department; difference; dimension; distance; education; effectiveness; english; eğitim; female; foreign; foreign language; gender; general; german; grade; groups; higher; international; iojet; journal; language; language teaching; learning; level; online; online education; online learning; participants; research; result; second; significant; students; study; table; teaching; total; university; variable; world; üstün cache: iojet-1571.pdf plain text: iojet-1571.txt item: #207 of 681 id: iojet-1573 author: Akbay, Seher ; Ozel, Cigdem Alev; Özlem Taşdelen; Önder, Ayşe Nesibe; Güven Yıldırım, Ezgi title: DEVELOPMENT OF LIGHT AND QR-CODE ASSISTED BRAIN LOBES AND THEIR TASKS MODEL AND VIEWS OF TEACHER CANDIDATES ON THE MODEL: - date: 2022-01-01 words: 9473 flesch: 55 summary: Students’ understanding of the role of scientific models in learning science. Keywords: Teaching material, model, brain lobes, teacher candidate, QR code 1. keywords: abstract; adaylarının; akbay; analysis; ankara; ayvacı; better; biology; biyoloji; brain; candidates; categories; category; center; code; concepts; course; data; dergisi; design; developed; development; different; difficult; education; effects; elements; etkisi; evaluation; eğitim; faculty; fakültesi; fen; figure; form; fun; gazi; grade; güven; hands; high; information; interest; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; lesson; light; literature; lobes; mask; master; material; misconceptions; model; modeling; motivation; nature; negative; online; opinions; permanent; positive; process; qualitative; questions; relevance; research; rubric; school; science; science education; scientific; score; semi; sense; similar; skills; sosyal; structured; students; studies; study; subject; system; table; tasks; taşdelen; teacher; teacher candidates; teaching; themes; thesis; understanding; university; use; views; yök; yıldırım; önder; özel; öğretim; öğretmen; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1573.pdf plain text: iojet-1573.txt item: #208 of 681 id: iojet-1575 author: Ceylan, Mustafa; Çetin, Erhan; Karadaş, Cebrail title: WHAT DO THESES AND DISSERTATIONS TELL US ABOUT LEARNING DISABILITIES? date: 2022-01-01 words: 10005 flesch: 46 summary: Özlem Altındağ Kumaş, 2014 Graduat e School of Educatio nal Sciences Department of Special Education TD and LD Examining the operation performances of 90 3rd grade TD students, students with mathematics disabilities, and students with LD in addition and subtraction operations Questi on Form and Survey Prese nt Prese nt Presen t Presen t It was revealed that compared to TD students, the operation solving times of students with LD and students with mathematics disabilities in written and verbal operations were longer, they had lower operational accuracy, and made more and similar mistakes, that teachers could not identify student mistakes correctly and that there was no significant difference in operation performances according to sex. Author, Year Graduat eSchool Department Participan t Purpose Tool Tool Valid ity Tool Relia bility Analysi s Validit y Analysi s Reliabi lity Results Dilşad Güven Akdeniz, 2018* Graduat e School of Educatio nal Sciences Department of Elementary Education LD Determining the learning roadmaps of the students with LD regarding the concept of length SSIF Prese nt Prese nt Presen t Presen t keywords: academic; addition; age; analysis; ankara; author; ceylan; children; collection; comprehension; criteria; data; department; design; determined; different; disabilities; disability; dissertations; education; effect; effectiveness; elementary; examination; experimental; field; findings; fluency; grade; graduate; impairment; information; international; intervention; iojet; journal; karadaş; learning; level; majority; males; master; mathematics; method; nig; nig nig; number; numerical; online; peers; performances; ph.d; prese; present; program; purpose; reading; reading comprehension; reading skills; reliability; research; results; school; sciences; sciences department; significant; single; skills; special; special education; speed; strategy; students; studies; study; subject; table; teaching; terms; test; theses; tool; university; validity; word; writing; years; çetin; özbek cache: iojet-1575.pdf plain text: iojet-1575.txt item: #209 of 681 id: iojet-1579 author: Ufuk Balaman title: iojet-1579 date: 2022-03-20 words: 13974 flesch: 61 summary: In terms of pulling and pushing factors related to social factors participants stressed that social life intervention, and lack of opportunity to change social class are the pushing factors from Turkey, while the situation is opposite in the host countries. Yes: 3 No: 7 Research area Health Sciences: 1 Computer Science & Mathemathics: 3 Education: 3 Engineering: 1 Political Sciences: 2 The region supposed to be returned in Turkey Eastern Anatolia: 1 Blacksea: 6 Central Anatolia: 2 Marmara: 1 The host country they live The U.S.: 5 The U.K.: 2 Canada: 2 Germany: 1 The mean of year they spent in host countries 9 years The mean of frequency they visit Turkey keywords: abroad; academic; analysis; beyin; brain; brain drain; bureaucratic; case; categories; category; compensation; compulsory; conditions; context; countries; country; data; decision; developed; development; different; economic; education; effort; environment; example; experiences; factors; feeling; field; financial; freedom; hand; higher; home; host; host countries; human; important; incentives; information; international; interviews; job; journal; journey; knowledge; lack; lee; life; living; long; mean; migration; mone; need; new; ones; online; opportunities; order; participants; pay; people; personal; phenomenon; place; point; policy; political; pressure; problems; procedures; process; program; psychological; pull; push; qualitative; questions; reasons; related; research; researchers; return; scholarship; scientific; sense; service; skills; social; state; students; studies; study; suggestions; system; teaching; technical; terms; theme; thing; time; turkey; turkish; united; university; way; words; work; working; world; years; ylsy; yurtdışı; yükseköğretim cache: iojet-1579.docx plain text: iojet-1579.txt item: #210 of 681 id: iojet-1581 author: Rahmane, Ali; Harket, Naim; Abbaoji, Messaoud title: EDUCATIONAL SITUATIONS (ES) AS USEFUL TOOLS FOR TEACHERS TO IMPROVE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO COURSES (ADSC) date: 2022-01-01 words: 6670 flesch: 44 summary: New Information and Communication Technologies, computer and internet literacy, and teacher digital competence are increasingly becoming requirements for teaching. Validation of a tool for self- evaluating teacher digital competence. keywords: abbaoui; abbaoui et; adsc; architectural; authors; better; courses; covid-19; cyber; cyber dipl; design; development; device; digital; dipl; education; educational situation; ended; equity; et al; experience; face; findings; harkat; higher; information; institute; interactive; international; internet; iojet; item; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; model; multimedia; new; novice; online; open; pandemic; pedagogical; pedagogy; practice; practitioner; rahmane; reality; research; situation; students; studio; study; table; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; tetrahedron; theoretical; tools; triangle; university; use; years cache: iojet-1581.pdf plain text: iojet-1581.txt item: #211 of 681 id: iojet-1582 author: Toraman, Çetin; Korkmaz, Gunes title: THE GREAT BARRIER TO TEACHING PROFESSION: TECHNICISM RETHINKING THE MEANING OF PROFESSIONALISM THROUGH TEACHERS’ EXPERIENCE date: 2022-01-01 words: 9122 flesch: 51 summary: Action in Teacher Education, 19(4), 61-75. Bull, G., Spector, J. M., & Persichitte, K. (2017). Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 17(1), 1-9. Burkhauser, M. A., & Lesaux, N. K. (2015). keywords: able; addition; analysis; authority; autonomy; available; care; category; characteristics; children; classroom; codes; content; control; creswell; curriculum; data; design; development; differences; different; education; effective; environment; experiences; experts; faculties; faculty; field; figure; findings; good; high; individual; information; international; interpretations; interviews; iojet; job; journal; knowledge; korkmaz; learning; materials; meaning; members; methods; needs; new; online; parents; participants; practice; profession; professionalism; qualitative; quality; research; researchers; role; school; sciences; skills; social; society; source; students; studies; study; teacher; teacher education; teaching; teaching profession; technician; term; theme; toraman; turkey; university; use; value; work cache: iojet-1582.pdf plain text: iojet-1582.txt item: #212 of 681 id: iojet-1583 author: Polat, Murat title: COMPARISON OF PERFORMANCE MEASURES OBTAINED FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGE TESTS ACCORDING TO ITEM RESPONSE THEORY VS CLASSICAL TEST THEORY date: 2022-01-01 words: 7456 flesch: 54 summary: Data Analysis After the exclusion of missing values from the data set, the analyses of language test scores according to the CTT and IRT were conducted. Table 4. IRT and CTT correlation coefficients according to language test scores Test Correlation Coefficients 1st keywords: 1st; ability; ability measures; achievement; analysis; answer; approach; assessment; better; booklet; classical; coefficients; correlation; course; ctt; data; determined; different; difficulty; dimension; dimensionality; dimtest; discrimination; educational; end; error; estimations; exam; findings; fit; foreign; foreign language; group; hambleton; high; intermediate; international; iojet; irt; item; item response; journal; language; language tests; learners; levels; measurement; measures; method; model; multidimensional; online; parameters; performance; polat; proficiency; question; research; response; response theory; results; school; scores; set; significant; skills; students; study; table; teaching; test; test theory; testing; theory; use; values cache: iojet-1583.pdf plain text: iojet-1583.txt item: #213 of 681 id: iojet-1588 author: Başaran, Bora title: MEASURING WORD FREQUENCY IN LANGUAGE TEACHING TEXTBOOKS USING LEXITÜRK date: 2022-01-01 words: 4672 flesch: 56 summary: Literature Review Corpus linguistics is described as the compilation and analysis of corpora (Cheng 2012), which are vast collections of naturally occurring language texts chosen to characterize a state or a variety of language (Sinclair, 1991). -Foreign language textbooks usually focus on a few key pieces of information in specific ways in this respect. keywords: aksan; analysis; authors; başaran; bilimleri; bir; bora; building; collections; computer; construction; context; corpora; corpus; data; der; ders; design; dictionary; discourse; distribution; education; electronic; enstitüsü; environment; essential; example; eğitim; figure; foreign; frequencies; frequency; frequent; fundamental; information; interface; international; iojet; i̇lköğretim; journal; kelime; kemal; language; learners; learning; lexical; lexitürk; linguistics; list; master; methods; mustafa; new; number; oflazer; online; particular; possible; preferences; research; researchers; specific; students; studies; study; söz; sınıf; teaching; terms; textbook; texts; thesis; tool; turkey; turkish; türkçe; und; university; unpublished; use; variety; vocabulary; word; word frequency; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1588.pdf plain text: iojet-1588.txt item: #214 of 681 id: iojet-159 author: Mirici, İsmail Hakkı; Kavaklı, Nurdan title: TEACHING THE CEFR ORIENTED PRACTICES EFFECTIVELY IN THE M.A. PROGRAM OF AN ELT DEPARTMENT IN TURKEY date: 2017-01-10 words: 6026 flesch: 54 summary: Elaborating the descriptives for language learners, teachers and testers in a taxonomic nature, the Framework attributes language education to a life-long basis by all means from administrative to implementative bodies. Concerning the practices of Turkey on language learning, the adoption of the Framework into the curriculum through exploitation is to be explained within the scope of its practicality by language learners and/or users in the classroom environment. keywords: achievement; activities; assessment; basis; cefr; coe; common; communication; context; course; data; department; discussion; education; elp; elt; english; european; foreign; forms; framework; implementation; international; iojet; journal; kavaklı; knowledge; language; language learning; learners; learning; lecturer; levels; m.a; means; mirici; online; practices; process; reflection; reports; results; retest; rubin; scope; scores; second; self; social; strategies; students; study; teaching; test; turkey; turkish; university; use; users cache: iojet-159.pdf plain text: iojet-159.txt item: #215 of 681 id: iojet-1592 author: Ipek, Omer Faruk; Mutlu, Hakan Tahiri title: INVESTIGATION OF THE NEW PARADIGM IN EFL USING SYSTEMS APPROACH: A MIXED METHOD DISTANCE EDUCATION PROGRAM EVALUATION STUDY date: 2022-03-31 words: 11223 flesch: 60 summary: On the other hand, Bilgic and Tuzun (2021) investigated the core issues and challenges of distance education programs at universities. 2) What are the students’ thoughts on EFL distance education program implemented in the department? 2a) keywords: 100,0; academic; analysis; approach; assessment; attendance; average; beginning; collection; communication; content; count; courses; data; day; demographic; department; deses; different; dimension; distance; distance education; documents; education; education program; efl; efl distance; elt; english; evaluation; evening; exams; face; face education; feedback; gender; general; gpa; group; higher; instructors; international; interviews; iojet; i̇pek; journal; lack; language; learning; level; mean; methods; mixed; mutlu; online; open; order; pacing; pandemic; participants; pedagogy; preparatory; problems; process; program; qualitative; questions; research; results; scale; schedule; school; scores; section; semi; significant; skills; speaking; structured; students; studies; study; sub; system; table; teacher; teaching; technical; technology; time; total; type; unit; university; variable; year cache: iojet-1592.pdf plain text: iojet-1592.txt item: #216 of 681 id: iojet-1593 author: Pakpahan, Nurmi Frida Dorintan Bertua title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ACHIEVE STUDENT COMPETENCY BETWEEN LEARNING USING VIDEO-BASED MEDIA AND POWER POINTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE COURSES date: 2022-01-01 words: 3377 flesch: 50 summary: The objectives of this study were to: 1) obtain the level of student competence through video-based learning media in the Environmental Science course; 2) obtain the level of student competence with power point learning media; 3) obtain the effectiveness of student competency achievement between learning with video-based media and powerpoint media. The main consideration in choosing learning media is to meet learning needs, so that the explanation is more concrete, and more attractive to the recipient of the message. keywords: achievement; average; competence; courses; education; effectiveness; environmental; high; learning; level; low; material; media; media learning; moderate; people; point; point media; post; power; power point; problems; research; results; science; score; student; study; table; teaching; test; video cache: iojet-1593.pdf plain text: iojet-1593.txt item: #217 of 681 id: iojet-1596 author: Hamdani, Isma; Ouahmiche, Ghania title: IDENTIFYING THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE NEEDS OF HYDRAULICS ENGINEERS: BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN ESP ACADEMIC STUDIES AND PROFESSIONAL NEEDS date: 2022-03-31 words: 5126 flesch: 51 summary: It also seeks to make ESP courses more adapted and relevant to students’ real-life situations by integrating more effective approaches and methods. As displayed in figure 5 below, it is quite apparent that the overwhelming majority of hydraulics engineers believe that ESP courses they had in NHSH did little achievement in meeting both their academic as well as professional needs. keywords: academic; analysis; cambridge; courses; data; different; education; engineering; engineers; english; english language; esp; fact; field; great; hamdani; hydraulics; hydraulics engineers; importance; information; international; iojet; journal; language; learners; level; needs; online; ouahmiche; professional; projects; purposes; reading; related; research; respondents; settings; situation; skills; speaking; specific; students; study; target; teaching; university; use; useful; working; writing cache: iojet-1596.pdf plain text: iojet-1596.txt item: #218 of 681 id: iojet-1597 author: Ozdemir, Ercan; Dede, Ercan title: INVESTIGATION OF THE WAYS PROSPECTIVE MATHEMATICS TEACHERS RESPOND TO STUDENTS’ ERRORS: AN EXAMPLE OF THE EQUAL SIGN date: 2022-03-31 words: 8543 flesch: 59 summary: How preservice teachers interpret and respond to student errors: Keywords: equal sign, relational thinking, prospective teacher, giving feedback Introduction Teachers have the most important and direct impact on the quality of education. keywords: algebra; answer; cansu; carpenter; categories; concept; content; correct; depth; didiş; education; equal; equal sign; error; et al; explaining; feedback; figure; hülya; intervention; interview; journal; knowledge; knuth; level; mathematics; method; mistake; model; operations; problem; prospective; prospective teachers; questions; relational; research; right; scale; scenario; showing; sign; solution; son; stated; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; thinking; understanding; use; way cache: iojet-1597.pdf plain text: iojet-1597.txt item: #219 of 681 id: iojet-1604 author: Epçaçan, Cahit title: THE EVALUATION OF THE INVALIDATED GUIDEBOOKS IN ACCORDANCE WITH TEACHERS' OPINIONS date: 2022-10-01 words: 4972 flesch: 56 summary: Erden and Dilekçi (2022), who evaluated the opinions of Turkish teachers about guidebooks and lesson plans, reported that Turkish teachers see teacher guidebooks as a need for a more productive lesson. Keywords: Textbooks, teacher's guidebooks, Turkish teacher, Turkish language teaching. keywords: activities; answers; approach; classroom; confidence; constructivist; daily; data; education; effect; evaluation; experience; findings; guidance; guidebooks; help; implementation; international; interview; iojet; journal; lack; language; language guidebooks; learning; lesson; listening; online; opinions; participants; plan; prepared; process; productivity; qualitative; question; removal; research; self; skills; strategies; studies; study; teachers; teaching; turkish; use cache: iojet-1604.pdf plain text: iojet-1604.txt item: #220 of 681 id: iojet-1607 author: Bilki, Zeynep; Irgin, Pelin title: TOWARDS BECOMING CRITICAL READERS AND WRITERS: ELT STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CRITICAL READING AND WRITING INSTRUCTION date: 2022-03-31 words: 9433 flesch: 47 summary: Moreover, the education they received encouraged them to turn into critical writers, and they had audience awareness as a writer, used critical reading skills to foster their critical writing, read for thinking and to write critically, did self-evaluation as a writer, and evaluated sources for reliability. Received : 10.01.2022 Revised version received : 24.03.2022 Accepted : 26.03.2022 TOWARDS BECOMING CRITICAL READERS AND WRITERS: ELT STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CRITICAL READING AND WRITING INSTRUCTION (Research article) keywords: academic; analysis; argumentative; arguments; audience; author; better; bilki; course; critical; critical reading; critical thinking; critical writing; crw; data; development; different; education; efl; elt; english; evidence; experiences; findings; higher; ideas; important; information; instruction; international; iojet; journal; language; learners; learning; literacy; online; paper; participants; perceptions; perspectives; practices; present; process; readers; reading; reflections; research; skills; sources; strategies; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; text; themes; thinking; thinking skills; understanding; university; use; way; writers; writing; writing skills cache: iojet-1607.pdf plain text: iojet-1607.txt item: #221 of 681 id: iojet-161 author: Horasan Doğan, Seçil; Cephe, Paşa Tevfik title: A MULTI-PERSPECTIVE EVALUATION OF TEACHING SKILLS OF ELT STUDENT TEACHERS date: 2017-01-10 words: 9000 flesch: 54 summary: However, the problem rises at the point where student teachers are challenged to apply these practices in the classroom, namely, to transfer the theoretical concepts into pedagogical implementations, which necessitates student teachers to be involved in more practices and to receive more feedback on their teaching practices. Since other means of reflection can be biased due to self-report effect, video-based self-evaluation works better for a sound reflection for being objective, effective, and efficient by enabling student teachers to analyze their own performances (Lee & Wu, 2006). keywords: addition; analysis; assessment; awareness; catapano; cephe; classroom; components; contribute; critical; danielson; data; development; different; domain; doğan; education; effectiveness; elt; evaluation; feedback; framework; groups; higher; horasan; instruction; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; lee; lesson; mean; multi; multiple; objective; observation; observers; online; participants; performances; perspective; planning; practices; process; professional; questions; raters; reflections; reflective; reliability; research; results; role; schön; scores; second; self; skills; song; student; student teachers; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; teaching skills; test; time; trainers; training; university; video; way cache: iojet-161.pdf plain text: iojet-161.txt item: #222 of 681 id: iojet-1617 author: Çelik, Gamze title: A BRIDGE IN TWO MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES: THOSE WHO LEARN TURKISH IN ITALIAN SOCIETIES: date: 2022-03-31 words: 6072 flesch: 63 summary: In this context, the aim of the present study is to learn the thoughts of Turkish language learning Italians. In this context, the aim of the present study is to learn the thoughts of Turkish language learning Italians. keywords: analysis; common; countries; course; data; different; difficult; difficulties; education; european; example; expressions; family; field; foreign; foreigners; french; importance; interest; international; interview; iojet; italian; italy; journal; language; learning; letter; literature; method; mother; names; online; participants; people; problems; pronunciation; qualitative; questions; reading; reason; reliability; research; sentence; sound; structure; students; study; table; teaching; themes; turkey; turkish; turkish language; university; use; way; words; çelik cache: iojet-1617.pdf plain text: iojet-1617.txt item: #223 of 681 id: iojet-162 author: Öztürk, Zekai; Kızılkaya, Selman title: CHAOS-COMPLEXITY THEORY AT MANAGEMENT date: 2017-07-05 words: 2678 flesch: 53 summary: At the second part, how chaos complexity theory undergoes changes until today is uttered. The last part contains some main features of chaos complexity theory. keywords: adaptive; approach; changes; chaos; complexity; complexity theory; education; environment; events; goodwin; holland; interaction; international; iojet; journal; kaos; kelly; kızılkaya; london; management; means; mitleton; morrison; new; order; organization; press; prigogine; routledge; science; self; structure; systems; theory; university; uttered; york; öztürk cache: iojet-162.pdf plain text: iojet-162.txt item: #224 of 681 id: iojet-1621 author: Başarır, Fatma; Sarı, Mediha title: AN ACTION RESEARCH ON DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS’ AWARENESS OF GLOBAL ISSUES THROUGH THEME-BASED ENGLISH TEACHING date: 2022-03-31 words: 12969 flesch: 55 summary: Accordingly, respecting differences, global warming (these issues are not included in this article) and gender equality themes were identified as themes to be addressed within the scope of foreign language course. Findings The research findings are presented under two headings as findings for the awareness development regarding gender equality theme and findings for the effectiveness of the action research process. keywords: action; action research; activity; analysis; applied; approach; awareness; cblt; classroom; content; course; curriculum; data; development; different; education; effective; effectiveness; efl; elt; english; english language; equality; equality theme; examples; figure; findings; foreign; foreign language; gender; gender equality; global; global education; global issues; gürsoy; implementation; inequalities; instruction; interest; international; interviews; iojet; issues; journal; language; language teaching; law; learning; lesson; life; limited; model; motivation; needs; online; online journal; order; plans; post; pre; problems; process; products; related; research; research process; result; rights; roles; sample; school; scope; second; semi; situations; skills; social; society; status; stereotypes; structured; students; studies; study; subject; table; teacher; teaching; theme; thoughts; traditional; university; validity; violence; women; world cache: iojet-1621.pdf plain text: iojet-1621.txt item: #225 of 681 id: iojet-1622 author: Ardiansyah, Welly ; Meirani, Wasitoh; Risnawati title: BOOSTING STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION ATTAINMENT WITH FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODEL: A PILOT STUDY AT STATE POLYTECHNIC OF SRIWIJAYA date: 2022-03-31 words: 6121 flesch: 59 summary: The study focused on two primary research questions: (1) What are the variations in students' reading comprehension achievement between flipped classroom classes and traditional learning following the course? These results were consistent with results from several studies which have reported a significant increase in student learning outcomes using a flipped classroom model, such as Wilson (2013) and Gillispie (2016). keywords: 2016; active; ancova; approach; ardiansyah; attainment; classroom; comprehension; content; control; course; data; difference; disagree; education; english; experimental; group; home; homogeneity; impact; independent; instruction; international; iojet; journal; language; learning; lecturer; mean; meirani; model; online; polytechnic; post; pre; process; question; reading; research; results; risnawati; score; semester; significant; sriwijaya; state; students; study; survey; table; teacher; teaching; technology; test; traditional; variances; video cache: iojet-1622.pdf plain text: iojet-1622.txt item: #226 of 681 id: iojet-1624 author: Mersin, Nazan ; Akkaş, Elif Nur title: COMPARISON OF PROBLEMS RELATED TO THE MULTIPLICATION OF FRACTIONS IN MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOKS: THE CASE OF SINGAPORE AND TURKEY date: 2022-03-31 words: 11698 flesch: 53 summary: When examined in terms of fraction types, it was concluded that there are no examples in the form of natural numbers × fractions in the Singapore books, but that there are more problems about fraction × fraction in Singapore. In addition, in fraction multiplication, the repeated addition meaning of multiplication is used only in Turkey, whereas in Singapore the operator meaning is mostly used. keywords: addition; akkaş; american; analysis; area; case; category; cognitive; comparison; compound; conceptual; countries; determined; different; division; education; examples; expectation; fact; fractions; grade; integer; international; iojet; journal; kar; knowledge; learning; length; level; life; mathematics; mathematics textbooks; meaning; mersin; model; multiplication; multiplier; multistep; natural; number; online; operations; practice; practice questions; problems; process; processor; questions; reasoning; related; representation; research; results; school; second; sgp; simple; simple fraction; singapore; solved; solving; son; step; students; studies; study; table; teaching; terms; textbooks; turkey; turkish; type cache: iojet-1624.pdf plain text: iojet-1624.txt item: #227 of 681 id: iojet-1625 author: Kumsawai , Rattanaporn; Nuangchalerm, Prasart; Sriwarom , Napaporn ; Kalasin, Chaemchan Na title: FACTORS AFFECTING THE LEARNING READINESS OF PRIMARY STUDENTS TO ONLINE INSTRUCTION DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2022-03-31 words: 2890 flesch: 50 summary: Kumsawai, Nuangchalerm & Sriwarom 720 Overall, factors affecting student learning readiness are relatively ready, parental factors are moderately accessible, and school supplies are very accessible. The new normal currently is a modified educational concept, with online learning at its heart. keywords: classroom; communication; covid-19; data; education; equipment;; factors; faculty; high; instruction; international; iojet; journal; kumsawai; learning; learning readiness; mean; moderate; new; nuangchalerm; online; online learning; online teaching; pandemic; parents; primary; readiness; research; school; sriwarom; students; study; teachers; teaching; technology; university cache: iojet-1625.pdf plain text: iojet-1625.txt item: #228 of 681 id: iojet-1626 author: Duraković, Amra title: A RESEARCH OF MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS STEM EDUCATION IN TERMS OF SOME VARIABLES: WHICH VARIABLES HAD THE GREATEST IMPACT ON ATTITUDES? date: 2022-03-31 words: 6572 flesch: 57 summary: According to the UNESCO report Cracking the code: Girls’ and women’s education in STEM, only 35% of STEM students are females, and only 3% of female students have chosen to study information and communication technologies (ICT). Gender and student attitudes toward science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. keywords: 21st; achievements; approach; attitudes; average; b&h; boys; century; data; difference; duraković; education; effect; engineering; favor; females; field; gender; general; general attitudes; girls; grade; greatest; high; higher; impact; interest; international; iojet; journal; level; low; males; mathematics; mean; medium; middle; negative; number; online; paper; pisa; point; positive; positive attitudes; research; results; school; science; significant; skills; stem; stem education; stem field; students; subscales; table; teaching; technology; test; upper; variables cache: iojet-1626.pdf plain text: iojet-1626.txt item: #229 of 681 id: iojet-1627 author: Aslan, Serkan title: AN ANALYSIS OF THE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT STYLES IN TERMS OF SOME VARIABLES date: 2022-03-31 words: 6083 flesch: 58 summary: The analysis results outlined a significant difference in terms of authoritarian classroom management style in favor of male teachers, and in favor of female teachers in terms of authoritative classroom management style. Keywords: Classroom, classroom management, classroom management styles, primary school teachers 1. keywords: aktan; analysis; aslan; assumptions; authoritarian; authoritative; authoritative classroom; btw; classroom; classroom management; data; dependent; difference; dimensions; education; environment; factor; faculty; faire; favor; female; gender; grade; graduation; indifferent; international; iojet; journal; laissez; learning; level; management; management styles; manova; participation; primary; primary school; private; research; results; rules; scale; school; school teachers; seniority; sezer; significant; status; students; study; styles; sınıf; table; teachers; teaching; terms; type; undergraduate; variables; yayıncılık; years; yönetimi cache: iojet-1627.pdf plain text: iojet-1627.txt item: #230 of 681 id: iojet-1628 author: Chougui, Ali title: TEACHING URBAN AMBIANCE DESIGN WITH PARAMETRIC MODELING date: 2022-07-01 words: 4775 flesch: 44 summary: Abstract This pedagogical paper presents an approach to urban design taught in the Complex Densities Studio CDS of the Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences of Setif (IAST). Keywords: Parametric modeling, Urban design, Dense sustainable city, informal housing 1. keywords: actions; algiers; ambiances; analysis; approach; architectural; building; cds; city; context; data; density; design; different; digital; district; education; energy; environment; figure; form; habitat; harrach; impact; intentions; international; iojet; journal; method; model; modeling; new; online; parameters; parametric; parametric approach; parametric model; pedagogical; process; project; qualitative; research; scale; setif; software; state; strips; student; student project; studio; surfaces; sustainable; teaching; tools; urban; urban project; use; water; way; work cache: iojet-1628.pdf plain text: iojet-1628.txt item: #231 of 681 id: iojet-1629 author: Chougui, Ali title: COMPUTATIONAL LEARNING AND DESIGN ENVIRONMENT IN ARCHITECTURE date: 2022-03-31 words: 4751 flesch: 41 summary: Keywords: Architecture design environment, precedent, representation, learning, pedagogy. We have the following three levels of interaction: - The level of referent representations, which considers the possibility of modifying and evolving them towards the thing being created; - The level of an interactive referent library, which is equivalent to a device for sparking thoughts and transmitting knowledge; - keywords: access; architecture; aspects; cognitive; computational; computer; construction; content; dans; design; design environment; development; different; digital; dynamic; education; environment; exploration; figure; heylighen; information; interactive; international; iojet; iordanova; journal; knowledge; learning; levels; library; methods; models; multiple; online; precedents; process; processes; project; referent library; referents; representations; research; resources; sharing; space; strategies; students; system; teaching; tools; use; work cache: iojet-1629.pdf plain text: iojet-1629.txt item: #232 of 681 id: iojet-1631 author: Deogratias, Emmanuel title: USING A CROSSING METHOD AS AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH FOR TEACHING SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS date: 2022-03-31 words: 3113 flesch: 66 summary: − 𝑦 = 2 4 − 𝑦 − 𝑦 = 2 (opening brackets) 4 − 2𝑦 = 2 (adding like terms) 4 − 2 = 2𝑦 (arranging like terms) 2 = 2𝑦 (subtracting numbers) 1 = 𝑦 (dividing by 2 both sides) Finally using equation (3), we have 𝑥 = 4 − 1 = 3 Deogratias 1026 Therefore 𝑥 = 3, 𝑦 = 1 4.3.Solving the system of linear equations by using the method of elimination We illustrate the second method of solving a system of linear equation using similar example used in the method of substitution. = 15 − 8 (arranging like terms) 7𝑦 = 7 (subtracting numbers) 𝑦 = 1 (dividing by 7 both sides) Finally using equation (6), we have 𝑥 = 4 + 2(1) = 6 Therefore 𝑥 = 6, 𝑦 = 1 4.8.Solving a system of linear equations using the method of elimination We illustrate the second method of solving a system of linear equation using similar example used in the method of substitution. keywords: equations; linear; linear equations; matrix; method; secondary; system; teaching cache: iojet-1631.pdf plain text: iojet-1631.txt item: #233 of 681 id: iojet-1635 author: Albayrak, Fatma; Serin, Nilüfer title: UZBEK LEARNERS' OPINIONS ON THE EFFECT OF DIALECT AND CULTURAL SIMILARITY ON THE PROCESS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING date: 2022-03-31 words: 8920 flesch: 62 summary: She carries out studies in different fields such as teaching of Turkish language, teaching Turkish as a foreign language, bilingualism, multilingualism, Turkish dialects. For this purpose, answers to the following research questions were sought: - What are the opinions of Uzbek learners studying in Turkey about Turkish language and language learning processes? keywords: 3,03; albayrak; analysis; answers; country; culture; dialects; different; difficult; education; effect; family; follows; food; foreign; foreign language; history; important; international; iojet; journal; l10; l11; l12; l13; l14; l15; l16; l17; l19; l20; l21; l22; l23; l28; l29; l30; l31; l33; language; language learning; learners; learning; life; n=1; n=2; opinions; people; process; processes; reasons; research; similar; similarity; social; students; studies; study; table; teaching; turkey; turkish; turkish culture; turkish language; turkish learning; uzbek; uzbek learners; uzbekistan; words cache: iojet-1635.pdf plain text: iojet-1635.txt item: #234 of 681 id: iojet-1636 author: Kara Özkan, Neşe title: AN ANALYSIS OF TURKISH AND ENGLISH FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING BOOKS IN TERMS OF MULTICULTURALISM date: 2022-03-31 words: 8490 flesch: 51 summary: Firstly, in Table 1, the total number of multiculturalism elements in both foreign language teaching sets is presented on the basis of the teaching set. Findings on the Daily Life Category The daily life category, in which multiculturalism elements are reviewed, consists of food and beverages (meal times, table manners), working hours and practices, national holidays, and free time activities criteria. keywords: activities; analysis; ankara; attitudes; behaviors; beliefs; book; categories; category; ceremonial; common; conditions; countries; culture; daily; data; ders; determined; different; dil; education; elementary; elements; english; english file; english teaching; example; file; findings; foreign; foreign language; geography; intermediate; intermediate student; international; interpersonal; iojet; i̇klim; journal; language; language teaching; life; listening; living; master; multiculturalism; multiculturalism elements; national; number; online; people; plus; pre; reading; related; relations; research; set; sets; skills; social; society; student; study; table; target; teaching; terms; textbooks; texts; traditions; turkish; turkish teaching; unit; university; values; yabancı; yedi; özkan cache: iojet-1636.pdf plain text: iojet-1636.txt item: #235 of 681 id: iojet-1638 author: Usta, Sibel; Uçak, Esra title: THE EFFECT OF VISUAL MEDIA-SUPPORTED CLASSROOM DISCUSSION ON 8TH GRADE STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS SOCIO-SCIENTIFIC ISSUES, TOWARDS RESEARCH AND INQUIRY AND ON THEIR DECISION MAKING : Sosyobilimsel konular, görsel medya, ortaokul öğrencileri, karar verme, tutum. date: 2022-03-31 words: 10643 flesch: 52 summary: 2. Is there a significant difference between the decision-making pretest and posttest mean scores of the control and experimental group students? 6. Is there a significant difference between the research and inquiry attitude pretest and posttest mean scores of the control and experimental group students? keywords: 8th; adolescent; adolescent decision; ankara; attitude pretest; attitudes; change; classroom; climate; complacency; control; control group; current; curriculum; decision; decision making; development; different; dimensions; discussion; education; equal; esteem; experimental; experimental group; eğitim; feeling; fen; genetic; global; grade; group students; groups; importance; individuals; inquiry; inquiry attitude; international; iojet; journal; konular; making; mann; mean rank; mean scores; media; negative; negative rank; online; panic; positive; posttest; posttest mean; posttest scores; pretest; pretest mean; rank; rank equal; rank positive; rank test; research; results; scale; school; science; scientific issues; self; significant difference; skills; society; socio; socioscientific; sosyobilimsel; students; studies; study; sub; subscales; sum; table; teaching; total; usta; uçak; videos; vigilance; visual; warming; whitney; wilcoxon; öztürk; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1638.pdf plain text: iojet-1638.txt item: #236 of 681 id: iojet-1639 author: Arslan, Aysel; Kartal , Sebahattin title: THE EFFECT OF STRUCTURED MATERIAL SUPPORTED COLLABORATIVE CODING WORKSHOPS IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION ON STUDENTS' BASIC SKILLS date: 2022-03-31 words: 11557 flesch: 52 summary: Distribution of research group students by gender Groups Female Male Total n % n % n EG 9 45.00 11 55.00 20 CG 6 40.00 9 60.00 15 When the distribution of the research groups by gender is examined in Table 1, it is seen that the number of male students is higher, but this difference is not at the extreme points. The effect of material supported cooperative coding education on development areas in preschool education Data Sources Total Teacher Parent f f f Effects on Cognitive Development 6 16 22 -Developing thinking skills 1 5 6 -Developing logical thinking 1 3 4 -Developing problem solving skills - 2 2 -Focusing - 2 2 -Increased attention span 1 2 3 -Learning with fun 1 2 3 -Active learning 1 - 1 -Follow their instructions 1 - 1 Effects on Social Development 2 12 14 -To cooperate 1 4 5 - Improvement in communication skills - 3 3 -Socialization - 3 3 -Learning to share - 2 2 -Learning to work together 1 - 1 Effects on psychomotor development 2 - 2 -Learning to control your body 1 - 1 -Balancing your body 1 - 1 Effects on Behavioral Development 1 3 4 - Interested in books - 1 1 -Taking responsibility 1 1 2 - willing to go to school - 1 1 Effects on the Family - 11 11 -More efficient work - 5 5 -Increased confidence in school - 4 4 -Recognizing your own shortcomings - 2 2 Toplam 11 42 53 keywords: -developing; accordance; active; activities; analysis; answers; application; areas; arslan; attention; basic; basic skills; bss; children; coding; cognitive; computer; concepts; control; cooperative; cooperative learning; data; design; development; difference; direction; early; education; effects; experimental; factors; favor; findings; groups; information; international; interview; iojet; journal; kartal; language; learning; level; materials; mean; method; online; opinions; order; parents; participants; positive; posttest; practice; preschool; preschool education; pretest; problem; process; programming; qualitative; questions; related; research; research groups; researchers; results; scale; school; science; scientific; scores; significant; skills; social; structured; students; studies; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; technology; terms; themes; thinking; total; university; use; views; work; workshops cache: iojet-1639.pdf plain text: iojet-1639.txt item: #237 of 681 id: iojet-164 author: Karakaya, Ferhat; Avgın, Sakine Serap; Gömlek, Elif; Balık, Merve title: EXAMINATION OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS' ANXIETY LEVELS ABOUT TEACHING PROFESSION date: 2017-04-04 words: 4954 flesch: 53 summary: Therefore, it is important to investigate the professional concerns that affect the qualifications of pre-service teachers’ who are educated in faculties. In this research, which aimed to determine the level of anxiety of pre-service teachers’ about teaching profession according to various variables, relational screening model was used. keywords: academic; achievement; analysis; anxiety; anxiety levels; attitudes; average; candidates; concerns; data; department; difference; education; faculty; gender; grade; imam; kahramanmaras; level; male; occupational; pre; primary; profession; professional anxiety; research; results; scale; school; school teachers; science; science teachers; self; service; service primary; service science; service teachers; significant; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; test; university; variables; vocational cache: iojet-164.pdf plain text: iojet-164.txt item: #238 of 681 id: iojet-1646 author: Eren, Ergun ; Gül, İbrahim title: AN EVALUATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELLING AND GUIDANCE SERVICES’ EFFICIENCY IN REGARDS OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS AND STUDENTS date: 2022-07-01 words: 7675 flesch: 51 summary: Team mentality is required for the efficiency of school PCG services (Özbaş and Yalçın, 2017). The reason students find problem solving field efficient can be interpreted as: school PCG services in Turkey are perceived as problem solving oriented. keywords: activities; administrators; analysis; ankara; bilimleri; collection; consultants; counselling; danışma; data; dergisi; difference; education; efficiency; environment; evaluation; eğitim; female; field; findings; gender; good; group; guidance; guidance services; gül; help; high; high school; hizmetleri; individual; international; iojet; journal; level; meb; medium; need; okul; online; opinions; order; pcg; pcg services; personal; positive; primary; problem; professional; psikolojik; psychological; psychological counselling; rehberlik; remarks; research; results; scale; school; school administrators; school type; sciences; secondary; seniority; services; significant; social; students; study; sub; support; table; teaching; test; total; type; utilization; variable; variance; vocational; way; yayıncılık; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1646.pdf plain text: iojet-1646.txt item: #239 of 681 id: iojet-1647 author: Gündüz, Yüksel title: THE CORRELATION BETWEEN TEACHERS' SELF-EFFICACY PERCEPTIONS AND TOLERANCE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING date: 2022-07-01 words: 9724 flesch: 53 summary: The effects of sustained classroom-embedded teacher professional learning on teacher efficacy and related student achievement. Teacher efficacy: Its meaning and measure. keywords: agree; analysis; ankara; anova; average; beliefs; branch; classroom; conclusions; correlation; data; difference; disagree; education; efficacy; efficacy perceptions; efficacy scale; efficacy total; environment; factor; female; gender; high; higher; hoy; important; increase; individual; institute; international; iojet; journal; levels; life; low; master; online; perceptions; positive; predictor; profession; psychological; publishing; relationship; research; result; ryff; satisfaction; scale; school; sciences; scores; self; self efficacy; seniority; sense; significant; similar; situations; social; studies; study; success; table; teacher self; teachers; teaching; test; thesis; tolerance; tolerance levels; tolerance scale; tolerant; total; tschannen; university; value; variable; wellbeing; work; yakut; years; yuksel; çağırga cache: iojet-1647.pdf plain text: iojet-1647.txt item: #240 of 681 id: iojet-1648 author: Karaosmanoğlu, Gökhan; Adıgüzel, Ömer; Metinnam, İhsan; Özen, Zeki title: CAN DRAMA LESSONS BE GIVEN ONLINE?: PERSPECTIVES OF DRAMA TEACHERS DURING THE COVID-19 date: 2022-07-01 words: 12767 flesch: 53 summary: Drama teachers can prepare for online drama lessons in advance with these exchanges of experience. Drama teachers also acquired new skills such as adapting drama activities to the online environment, using digital platforms, conducting online drama lessons, and online classroom management in the COVID-19 pandemic. keywords: activities; adıgüzel; age; ankara; applications; changes; classes; communication; contact; context; course; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; creative drama; determined; different; digital; digital platforms; distance; drama; drama activities; drama classes; drama education; drama lessons; drama studies; drama teachers; drama teaching; education program; effective; environment; evaluation; experience; face; face drama; features; feedback; findings; games; groups; information; institutions; interaction; international; iojet; journal; karaosmanoğlu; learning; metinnam; new; online drama; online environment; order; pandemic; participants; people; period; physical; place; platforms; process; program; questions; research; school; social; students; studies; suitable; teaching; theater; time; tools; training; university; use; web; work; years; zoom; özen cache: iojet-1648.pdf plain text: iojet-1648.txt item: #241 of 681 id: iojet-1649 author: Erden Topoğlu, Evin title: ACADEMIC MOTIVATIONS OF PRESERVICE MUSIC TEACHERS date: 2022-03-31 words: 7058 flesch: 52 summary: It is remarkable that although the difference is not significant, the participants who were graduated from other high schools have higher intrinsic motivation scores than fine arts high school graduates. Therefore, it was expected that the fine arts high school graduates had higher academic motivations. keywords: absenteeism; academic; academic motivations; achievement; akademik; amot; arts; career; choice; deci; difference; education; emer; emid; emin; erden; extrinsic; fahs; female; fine; graduates; groups; high; higher; higher scores; imes; imta; imtk; instrument; international; intrinsic; iojet; journal; lessons; male; motivation; music; music teacher; number; order; participants; preservice; reason; regulation; results; ryan; school; scores; self; significant; students; studies; study; subscale; subscale scores; table; teacher; teaching; test; theory; topoğlu; university; variables; yes cache: iojet-1649.pdf plain text: iojet-1649.txt item: #242 of 681 id: iojet-1650 author: Polat, Murat; Sölpük Turhan, Nihan title: A META-ANALYSIS STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MATHEMATICAL LITERACY AND MATHEMATICS ACHIEVEMENT IN PISA TESTS date: 2022-03-31 words: 7000 flesch: 45 summary: Since 2000, when PISA studies began, many studies have been conducted on mathematical literacy. In their study, which aimed to define mathematical literacy skills of university students, Güneş and Gökçek (2010) found a substantial connection between pre-service teachers' departments and their mathematical literacy levels, which indicates that there is a significant relationship between those variables. keywords: academic; achievement; addition; analysis; analysis study; article; bias; classroom; coding; cohen; countries; daily; data; determined; different; education; effect; findings; fixed; funnel; heterogeneity; importance; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; level; limit; literacy; matematik; mathematical literacy; mathematics; mathematics achievement; mathematics education; maths; meta; model; necessary; new; oecd; online; pisa; polat; process; program; publication; quantitative; random; reason; related; relationship; reliability; research; researchers; results; sample; scale; school; science; set; significant; size; skills; statistical; student; studies; study; subgroup; subject; success; table; teachers; teaching; test; thesis; total; turhan; type; university; value; variables; year cache: iojet-1650.pdf plain text: iojet-1650.txt item: #243 of 681 id: iojet-1652 author: Güleşir, Tuğçe; Gül, Ali title: DEVELOPMENT OF MICROPLASTIC POLLUTION AWARENESS SCALE FOR PROSPECTIVE SCIENCE AND BIOLOGY TEACHERS date: 2022-03-31 words: 8286 flesch: 63 summary: Item-total correlations of scale items and their Cronbach alpha coefficients Factors and Items X̄ S Item-Total Correlation* From planktons (Cole et al., 2013; Desforges et al., 2015) to sea mammals (Fossi et al., 2012; Lusher et al., 2016) keywords: acceptable; analysis; ankara; atlantic; awareness; awareness scale; biology; bulletin; candidates; cause; contamination; correlation; current; data; determined; development; dfa; dimensions; education; efa; effects; environmental; environmental pollution; equation; et al; excellent; experts; factor; fit; food; future; global; good; groups; gül; güleşir; health; high; human; increase; index; international; iojet; issue; item; için; journal; kirliliği; kmo; law; level; literature; lower; lusher; marine; marine pollution; microplastic pollution; microplastics; mikroplastik; model; mpas; nature; necessary; negative; online; organisms; particles; points; pollution; pollution awareness; positive; present; products; ratio; reliability; research; results; sample; scale; science; score; spss; structure; studies; study; subgroup; supergroup; table; teacher; teaching; technology; test; tool; total; university; validity; value; variance; water; çokluk; özdamar; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1652.pdf plain text: iojet-1652.txt item: #244 of 681 id: iojet-1653 author: Çağlar, Ayşe title: THE VIEWS OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS ABOUT TODAY AND FUTURE OF CURRENT WORLD PROBLEMS date: 2022-03-31 words: 8016 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: current world problems course, world problems, pre-service teachers, geography 1. Abstract This study aims to examine the opinions of social sciences pre-service teachers on the present and future of world problems. keywords: akkurt; animal; awareness; blank; change; children; climate; collection; course; covid-19; current; current world; data; drought; earthquake; education; environmental; experiences; future; geography; global; health; human; hunger; important; instructor; international; iojet; issues; journal; legal; life; media; murder; natural; news; online; opinions; pandemic; participants; people; population; poverty; pre; predictions; problems; process; questions; racism; regulations; research; resources; sciences; sciences pre; service; service teachers; social; social sciences; solution; students; studies; study; survey; table; teachers; teaching; today; university; violence; water; water problems; week; women; world; world problems; years; çağlar cache: iojet-1653.pdf plain text: iojet-1653.txt item: #245 of 681 id: iojet-1654 author: Karakaya, Ferhat; Yılmaz, Mehmet title: EXAMINING CRITICAL THINKING DISPOSITION OF SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: 9TH GRADE EXAMPLE : date: 2022-03-31 words: 4247 flesch: 48 summary: In the study conducted by Koçoğlu and Kanadlı (2019), it was aimed to determine the relationship between the autonomy support perceived by secondary school students in the lessons, their problem solving skills and critical thinking dispositions. As a result of the research, it was determined that there was a positive relationship between students' autonomy perceptions, problem solving skills and critical thinking dispositions. keywords: 21st; century; cognitive; critical; critical thinking; different; dispositions; education; emi; factors; findings; gender; grade; grade students; high; high school; innovation; international; journal; karakaya; learning; level; maturity; ninth; ninth grade; p>.05; participation; research; results; scale; school; school students; science; science high; skills; students; study; table; teaching; terms; thinking; thinking dispositions; thinking skills; variable cache: iojet-1654.pdf plain text: iojet-1654.txt item: #246 of 681 id: iojet-1655 author: Çelebi, Celalettin; Yılmaz, Fatih; Izgar, Gökhan ; Doğan, Mustafa title: A COMPARISON OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ VALUE PERCEPTIONS IN TURKIYE AND THE UK date: 2022-07-01 words: 6582 flesch: 54 summary: His research interests are teacher development, educational administration and supervision, teacher training, values education, sociology, and religion. His research interests are values education, educational games, learning-teaching approaches and curriculum development. keywords: analysis; concern; conviction; countries; country; cultural; data; dergisi; development; değer; değerler; differences; different; doğan; education; factor; favor; female; female students; findings; gender; global; high; higher; human; important; individuals; international; iojet; izgar; journal; justice; level; life; living; mean; method; moral; online; overall; participants; people; perceptions; personal; positive; research; researchers; respect; responsibility; scale; school; school students; secondary; secondary school; significant; social; society; structure; students; studies; study; systems; table; teacher; teaching; turkish; türkiye; universal; university; value perceptions; values; values education; variable; yılmaz; çelebi cache: iojet-1655.pdf plain text: iojet-1655.txt item: #247 of 681 id: iojet-1657 author: Bozgün, Kayhan title: PRESERVICE ELEMENTARY TEACHERS' SELF-EFFICACY AND ATTITUDES FOR TEACHING OF READING-WRITING date: 2022-07-01 words: 6350 flesch: 54 summary: Before starting their pedagogical professional life, preservice teachers are expected to have high self- efficacy and attitudes towards the course. Keywords: teaching of reading-writing, self-efficacy, attitude, preservice teachers. keywords: .05; analysis; application; assessment; attitudes; bozgün; course; daily; daily reading; data; demirtaş; determined; difference; dimensions; education; efficacy; efficacy scores; elementary; elementary teachers; findings; gender; grade; high; important; increase; international; iojet; journal; level; like; multiple; online; positive; preparation; preservice; preservice elementary; preservice teachers; primary; reading; regression; relationship; research; results; scale; scores; self; selfefficacy; significant; skills; students; studies; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; teaching reading; test; variables; writing; writing teaching; yazma cache: iojet-1657.pdf plain text: iojet-1657.txt item: #248 of 681 id: iojet-1659 author: Alatlı, Betül title: AN INVESTIGATION OF CROSS-CULTURAL MEASUREMENT INVARIANCE AND ITEM BIAS OF PISA 2018 READING SKILLS ITEMS date: 2022-07-01 words: 13868 flesch: 60 summary: In addition, the data obtained from the published items were included in the research to examine the DIF effect and item bias in terms of culture and language variables. Alatlı 1054 Since this study was conducted to examine whether the reading skills items of the PISA 2018 showed item bias in terms of culture and language variables, experts were consulted about the items that were accepted to show DIF. keywords: addition; advantage; alatlı; analysis; application; applied; assumption; australia; bias; cause; china; comparison; content; countries; country; cross; cultural; culture; data; determination; determined; dif; dif effect; different; differential; disadvantage; doi; education; effect; english; equivalence; example; expert; expressions; factor; favor; fit; form; functioning; group; important; international; invariance; iojet; irt; item bias; items; journal; language; level; literacy; logistic; m10; measurement; measurement invariance; metric; metric invariance; model; modeling; nui; oecd; online; opinions; pisa; rapa; reading; reading skills; regression; research; response; results; sentence; sibtest; skills; skills items; skills test; source; structural; students; studies; study; table; teaching; techniques; terms; test; text; theory; total; translation; turkey; turkish; unit; use; value; variables; word; zumbo cache: iojet-1659.pdf plain text: iojet-1659.txt item: #249 of 681 id: iojet-1661 author: Wanloh, Sutthida ; Nuangchalerm, Prasart title: DEVELOPING SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION OF GRADE 10 BIOLOGY STUDENTS THROUGH SOCIOBIOLOGICAL CASE-BASED LEARNING date: 2022-07-01 words: 3888 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: action research, biology, students, scientific explanation, science education, sociobiological case-based learning 1. The primary structural framework of science education is scientific explanations (McNeill & Krajcik, 2008). keywords: ability; biology; case; claims; criteria; cycle; data; education; evidence; explanations; good; grade; group; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; krajcik; learning; lesson; level; mcneill; mean; nuangchalerm; online; order; percent; problems; reasoning; research; result; science; scientific; scientific explanations; score; sociobiological; students; study; target; teachers; teaching; university cache: iojet-1661.pdf plain text: iojet-1661.txt item: #250 of 681 id: iojet-1665 author: Yorgancı, Mehtap; Subaşı, Gonca title: THE EFFECTS OF TASK INDUCED INVOLVEMENT LOAD HYPOTHESIS ON TURKISH EFL LEARNERS’ INCIDENTAL VOCABULARY LEARNING date: 2022-07-01 words: 10398 flesch: 62 summary: Task Induced Involvement Load Hypothesis TILH is used to find the involvement load of vocabulary tasks. As TILH suggests that the higher load of involvement lead to higher vocabulary gain (VG) and vocabulary retention (VR), these involvement loads might be taken into consideration while designing vocabulary tasks. keywords: acquisition; current; delayed; different; effects; efl; evaluation; groups; higher; hypothesis; immediate; immediate post; incidental; incidental vocabulary; international; involvement; involvement load; journal; language; laufer; learners; learning; levels; literature; load; participants; post; productive; productive tasks; question; reading; receptive; receptive tasks; research; results; retention; scores; sentence; similar; students; studies; study; table; task groups; task type; tasks; teaching; test; tilh; till; time; turkish; type; vocabulary; vocabulary learning; vocabulary tasks; way; words; writing cache: iojet-1665.pdf plain text: iojet-1665.txt item: #251 of 681 id: iojet-1667 author: Çetin, Çağlar; Bölükbaşı Macit, Zerrin title: THE MEDIATING ROLE OF COGNITIVE FLEXIBILITY BETWEEN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING MOTIVATION AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE ANXIETY OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2022-07-01 words: 5491 flesch: 47 summary: Findings Regarding the Mediation Role of Cognitive Flexibility Between Foreign Language Learning Motivation and Foreign Language Anxiety in Preparatory Students Regression-based bootstrapping analysis was used to test the mediation of preparatory students' cognitive flexibility levels between foreign language learning motivation and foreign language anxiety. The mediating role of cognitive flexibility between foreign language learning motivation and foreign language anxiety of university preparatory school students. keywords: affective; alpha; analysis; anxiety; bilişsel; bölükbaşı; classroom; coefficient; cognitive; cognitive flexibility; control; cronbach; data; department; different; education; english; factors; flexibility; foreign language; high; increases; international; iojet; journal; language anxiety; language learning; languages; learning; learning motivation; level; lisans; liu; low; macit; mcdonalds; mediation; motivation; negative; new; omega; online; order; positive; preparatory; problems; process; psychological; psychology; relationship; reliability; research; result; role; scale; school; score; significant; social; students; study; table; teaching; test; tezi; university; variables; yüksek; çetin; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1667.pdf plain text: iojet-1667.txt item: #252 of 681 id: iojet-167 author: Aksoy, Özge; Tavil, Zekiye Müge title: CULTURAL TRANSFER IN THE TRANSLATIONS OF MEDIA ORGANIZATION WEBSITES: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF ARTICLES AND THEIR TURKISH TRANSLATIONS ON THE BBC WEBSITE date: 2017-04-04 words: 9107 flesch: 52 summary: She is interested in translation studies, translation and cultural studies. Due to their ‘global’ and ‘international’ features, their websites offer various Aksoy & Tavil 122 language options and thus connect these digital platforms with translation studies. keywords: acceptable; adaptation; adequate; aixela; aksoy; analysis; approach; articles; bbc; bbc turkish; bbc website; classification; csis; cultural; culture; data; dergi; descriptive; different; education; elements; english; example; extra; findings; gloss; information; international; interview; iojet; items; journal; language; link; media; method; names; news; norms; online; order; organization; original; orthographic; readers; repetition; research; service; source; specific; strategies; strategy; studies; study; target; target readers; tavil; teaching; tendency; texts; textual; toury; transfer; translation; translation process; translation strategies; translation studies; translational norms; turkish; turkish service; turkish translations; use; website; words cache: iojet-167.pdf plain text: iojet-167.txt item: #253 of 681 id: iojet-1674 author: Ukdem, Serife; Cetin, Hatice title: INVESTIGATING THE IMPACT OF INTERVENTIONS USING CONCRETE AND VIRTUAL MANIPULATIVES ON 3 TH GRADE STUDENTS' FRACTION CONCEPT AND MOTIVATION: date: 2022-07-01 words: 7818 flesch: 44 summary: Findings The research states that is there a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the post test scores of the experiment-1 (concrete manipulative group), experiment-2 (virtual manipulative group) and control groups in which different applications were made from the Fraction Comprehension Test and Mathematics Lesson Motivation Scale? Keywords: Concrete manipulative, fraction comprehension, mathematics education, motivation, virtual manipulative. keywords: .05; 3rd; achievement; addition; analysis; assisted; classroom; comprehension; concept; concrete; concrete manipulative; control; control group; data; difference; education; effect; experiment; factor; fct; final; findings; fraction; fraction comprehension; fraction teaching; grade; grade students; group; group students; international; intervention; iojet; journal; learning; lesson; level; manipulative; manipulative use; manova; mathematics; mathematics education; mathematics lesson; mean; method; mlms; motivation; moyer; online; posttest; pretest; primary; research; results; scale; school; scores; sd=; significant; students; studies; study; subject; suh; supported; table; teachers; teaching; terms; test; ukdem; understanding; university; use; virtual; virtual manipulative; çetin cache: iojet-1674.pdf plain text: iojet-1674.txt item: #254 of 681 id: iojet-1676 author: Sinlapaninman, Unyaparn title: PROMOTING ONLINE TEACHING ABILITIES OF COMPUTER TEACHER STUDENTS THROUGH REMOTE LEARNING ACTIVITIES WITH COMPETENCY-SIMULATED CLASSROOM date: 2022-07-01 words: 4057 flesch: 48 summary: The researchers then conducted research on the study and design of remote learning activities, combining performance base classroom simulation activities to promote the online teaching abilities of computer teacher students, which would be useful to bring the learning activities into real life. Promoting online teaching abilities of computer teacher students through Remote learning activities with competency-simulated classroom. keywords: ability; achievement; activities; assessment; classmates; classroom; classroom simulation; competency; computer; confidence; covid-19; education;; highest; international; iojet; journal; learning; lecturer; level; management; method; nuangchalerm; online; online teaching; post; practice; pre; remote; remote learning; research; results; satisfaction; self; service; simulated; simulation; simulation activities; sinlapaninman; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; teaching ability; test cache: iojet-1676.pdf plain text: iojet-1676.txt item: #255 of 681 id: iojet-1678 author: Pattanachai, Nakintorn; Sinlapaninman, Unyaparn title: ENHANCING PRE-SERVICE COMPUTER TEACHERS’ ONLINE TEACHING ABILITY THROUGH BLENDED DISTANCE LEARNING WITH COMPETENCY-BASED CLASSROOM SIMULATION ACTIVITIES date: 2022-07-01 words: 3757 flesch: 46 summary: Steps Tue Online Organize online classroom simulation activities through Microsoft teams in 5 steps: Online teaching and learning of computer disciplines, which has to adapt learning activities to empower students to have online teaching capabilities. keywords: activities; activity; assessment; basic; classroom; competency; computer; data; degree; distance; education; efficiency;; evaluation; highest; innovation; international; iojet; journal; learning; learning activities; level; management; microsoft; online; online teaching; pattanachai; performance; practice; pre; remote; research; results; science; simulation; simulation activities; sinlapaninman; stage; step; students; suitability; teacher; teaching; teams; test; university cache: iojet-1678.pdf plain text: iojet-1678.txt item: #256 of 681 id: iojet-1682 author: Altuntaş Gürsoy, İlke title: DETERMINING THE METAPHORICAL PERCEPTIONS OF THE FOREIGNERS LEARNING TURKISH REGARDING TURKISH AND TURKISH CULTURE date: 2022-07-01 words: 11670 flesch: 60 summary: Similar to the result of this research, in the metaphorical perception determination research conducted by Karatay (2016), Iraqi learners learning Turkish; it was determined in the research of Karatay and Kartallıoğlu (2019) that Mongolian learners produced positive metaphors for Turkey and indirectly for Turkish culture; therefore, they had a positive metaphorical perception. [Examination of the perceptions of Turkish language learners towards Turkish grammar according to various variables]. keywords: 2,94; akkaya; altuntaş; arabic; arabic culture; asian; aydın; beautiful; categories; category; continuation; culture; data; dergisi; determined; different; difficulty; dil; diversity; easiness; education; emotion; english; european; experience; f:1; features; flower; foreign; foreigners; frequency; german; gürsoy; highest; history; ilişkin; individual; intercultural; interlingual; international; iojet; iranian; journal; justifications; kazakh; language; learners; learning; level; metaphorical; metaphors; mother; necessity; need; negative; online; participant; perceptions; persian; positive; preferred; qualitative; rainbow; relationship; research; richness; rooted; second; shows; students; studies; study; sun; table; target; teachers; teaching; terms; tongue; total; turkey; turkish; turkish culture; turkish language; türkçe; urdu; uzbek; valuing; water; words; world; yabancı cache: iojet-1682.pdf plain text: iojet-1682.txt item: #257 of 681 id: iojet-1685 author: Arslan, Aysel; Sebahattin Kartal title: THE EFFECT OF THE WALDORF APPROACH APPLIED WITH THE COOPERATİVE METHOD ON THE EARLY NUMBER ASSESSMENT SKILLS OF 48-60 MONTHS-OLD CHILDREN date: 2022-07-01 words: 7342 flesch: 54 summary: Introduction The importance of education given to all developmental areas of preschool children has been recognized all over the world. It is aimed to enable preschool children to be aware of the level of knowledge they have, to develop this level of knowledge, to perceive their position in the world, and to create a universal kinship rather than a local and national belonging-identity idea (Uhrmacher, 1995). keywords: accordance; activities; addition; application; approach; arslan; assessment; branches; children; control; cooperative; data; determined; development; difference; early; education; effect; enas; experimental; experimental group; findings; group; groups t; information; international; iojet; journal; kartal; knowledge; learning; materials; mathematics; method; number; old; online; p<.05; period; permanence; persistence; posttest; preschool; pretest; process; research; research groups; results; scale; schools; science; scores; significant; skills; steiner; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; test; total; use; waldorf; waldorf approach; week; world cache: iojet-1685.pdf plain text: iojet-1685.txt item: #258 of 681 id: iojet-1688 author: Tahiroğlu, Mustafa; Esener , Pınar title: AN APPLICATION FOR GAINING THE HABIT OF CLEANING AS A VALUE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS: CLEAN CHILD - DIRTY CHILD date: 2022-07-01 words: 9998 flesch: 60 summary: This situation can be interpreted as benefiting from values education processes in the process of gaining positive attitudes, behaviors and values towards cleanliness and being healthy will be highly beneficial. The effects character education on student behavior. keywords: 3rd; accordance; activities; activity; age; application; attitudes; basic; behaviors; care; child; children; cleaning; cleanliness; context; control; course; covid-19; değerler; dirty; diseases; distance; early; education; environment; esener; example; experimental; face; findings; grade; group; hand; healthy; hygiene; important; individual; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; life; low; measures; methods; microbes; necessary; online; order; people; personal; plan; positive; post; precautions; prepared; primary; process; puppet; questions; result; rules; scale; school; science; scores; significant; situation; skills; spread; students; study; subject; sufficient; table; tahiroğlu; teaching; teeth; test; thesis; unesco; unit; university; unpublished; values; values education; video cache: iojet-1688.pdf plain text: iojet-1688.txt item: #259 of 681 id: iojet-1690 author: Göloğlu Demir, Cennet; Çetin, Filiz title: AN INVESTIGATION OF TEACHER CANDIDATES' METAPHORIC PERCEPTIONS REGARDING THE VIRTUAL CLASSROOM date: 2022-07-01 words: 6160 flesch: 51 summary: 1329 AN INVESTIGATION OF TEACHER CANDIDATES' METAPHORIC PERCEPTIONS REGARDING THE VIRTUAL CLASSROOM Cennet Göloğlu Demir Filiz Çetin Abstract Determining the metaphorical perceptions of teacher candidates with regard to the concept of virtual classroom is the purpose of this research. Courses are conducted via virtual classrooms during the implementation of distance education. keywords: analysis; boring; candidates; categories; category; classroom; collection; comfort; communication; concept; data; demir; department; different; distance; distance education; education; effectiveness; environment; eğitim; face; gender; göloğlu; information; international; iojet; journal; learning; limited; mathematics; metaphorical; metaphorical perceptions; metaphors; method; negative; online; opinions; pandemic; participants; perceptions; positive; prospective; prospective teachers; qualitative; reasons; regard; research; restriction; result; school; similar; source; state; students; study; table; teacher; teacher candidates; teaching; time; tool; unfruitful; university; uzaktan; virtual; virtual classroom; waste; çetin cache: iojet-1690.pdf plain text: iojet-1690.txt item: #260 of 681 id: iojet-1694 author: Demir, Engin; Çetin, Filiz title: DEVELOPING A SCALE FOR ATTITUDES TOWARDS VALUES EDUCATION THROUGH DISTANCE EDUCATION date: 2022-07-01 words: 6242 flesch: 50 summary: Value education through distance learning: opinions of students who already completed value education. Developing a scale for attitude towards values education through distance education. keywords: alpha; analysis; approaches; attitudes; büyüköztürk; coefficient; correlation; cronbach; curriculum; data; demir; development; different; distance education; education; eigenvalues; experts; exploratory; face; factor; feasibility; gazi; grade;; international; iojet; items; journal; learning; level; measurements; necessity; negative; number; online; opinions; order; participants; positive; primary; process; prospective; prospective teachers; reliability; reliable; research; results; scale; school; sciences; score; skills; social; stated; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; test; total; university; usefulness; validity; values education; variance; çetin cache: iojet-1694.pdf plain text: iojet-1694.txt item: #261 of 681 id: iojet-1695 author: Kara, Filiz title: THE EFFECT OF REFLECTIVE SCIENCE DIARIES ON ACHIEVEMENT AND REMOVAL OF MISCONCEPTIONS OF GRADE 5th GRADE STUDENTS ABOUT THE MOON CONCEPT date: 2022-10-01 words: 7450 flesch: 57 summary: The use of student diaries in the learning process increases reflective thinking skills (Andrusyszyn & Davie, 1997). Student diaries, which do not have to be written every day, can either cover the entire academic year or be applied in a specific unit, a project or homework (Korkmaz, 2004). keywords: achievement; addition; answers; astronomy; category; concepts; control group; course; diaries; difference; earth; education; experimental group; face; grade; group; group students; half; international; iojet; journal; kara; knowledge; learning; lesson; misconceptions; moon; movements; online; partial; phases; posttest; pretest; process; questions; reflective; reflective science; research; results; school; science; science diaries; science education; scores; sound; specific; students; table; teacher; teaching; thinking; understanding; understanding category; university cache: iojet-1695.pdf plain text: iojet-1695.txt item: #262 of 681 id: iojet-1696 author: Yetkin, Ramazan; Alagözlü, Nuray title: EXPLORING EFL STUDENT TEACHERS' ANXIETY IN DISTANCE EDUCATION date: 2022-07-01 words: 5980 flesch: 51 summary: Hart (1987) was one of the pioneer researchers in student teacher anxiety studies in which he conceptualized student teacher anxiety and its impacts on preceding studies by his factors of student teacher anxiety and scale. Student teacher anxiety studies disclose many causes of anxiety, yet each of them is mainly attached to three main sources: supervising or partner teachers, students, and lesson planning and preparation. keywords: academic; alagözlü; analysis; anxieties; anxiety; classroom; data; descriptive; difference; education; effects; efl; english; experience; factors; feeling; flsta; foreign; foreign language; gender; horwitz; incompetence; international; journal; junior; language; language anxiety; language student; learners; learning; level; main; mentors; merç; online; participants; practice; practicum; present; process; proficiency; questionnaires; real; relationship; research; results; scale; sd=; senior; student; student teachers; studies; study; table; teacher anxiety; teachers; teaching; variables; yetkin cache: iojet-1696.pdf plain text: iojet-1696.txt item: #263 of 681 id: iojet-1697 author: Ulutaş, Mustafa title: AN EVALUATION OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE WORDS FREQUENTLY USED IN TURKISH LULLABIES TO LANGUAGE EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT date: 2022-10-01 words: 9110 flesch: 68 summary: 1429 AN EVALUATION OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE WORDS FREQUENTLY USED IN TURKISH LULLABIES TO LANGUAGE EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT Abstract In this study, it was aimed to determine the words frequently used in Turkish lullabies and to evaluate the contributions of the lullabies to language education and development through the words determined. As a result, lullabies facilitate learning words sung in them. keywords: addition; analysis; angel; babies; baby; baby ninni; basic; bird; books; certain; children; come; concepts; context; cradle; cultural; culture; data; daughter; demir; dergisi; determined; development; different; education; elements; example; family; father; flower; frequency; girl; home; important; individual; international; iojet; journal; kinship; lamb; language; language development; learning; life; love; lullabies; lullaby; meanings; mother; needs; ninni; online; order; person; process; research; role; singing; skills; sleep; son; study; sugar; teaching; terms; texts; times; turkish lullabies; türk; ulutaş; uncle; unique; use; words; world; years cache: iojet-1697.pdf plain text: iojet-1697.txt item: #264 of 681 id: iojet-1698 author: Benli Özdemir, Esra title: DEVELOPMENT OF ASTRONOMY LITERACY SCALE: A STUDY OF VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY date: 2022-07-01 words: 7224 flesch: 64 summary:  Astronomy literacy scale can be used to determine effective teaching methods for students to acquire cognitive, affective and behavioral characteristics for astronomy education. In this respect, it can be easily said that scale items can easily distinguish between individuals who show or do not display the desired behavior to measure. keywords: affective; als; analysis; analyzes; ankara; astronomy; astronomy literacy; behavioral; benli; büyüköztürk; calculated; cfa; coefficient; cognitive; context; correlation; cronbach; data; developed; different; dimension; education; efa; exploratory; factor; factor analysis; findings; fit; group; individuals; international; iojet; items; journal; level; literacy scale; literature; measurement; model; number; online; order; participants; people; p≤.001; reliability; research; result; scale; scale items; second; sky; structure; students; studies; study; table; teaching; test; tool; total; validity; values; variance; özdemir cache: iojet-1698.pdf plain text: iojet-1698.txt item: #265 of 681 id: iojet-1699 author: Sur, Emine; Ateş, Murat title: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGARDING THE IMPACT OF AFFECTIVE FACTORS ON READING SUCCESS date: 2022-10-01 words: 11360 flesch: 45 summary: However, there were studies with different sample groups aiming to assess reading motivation and reading attitude. Studies examining reading motivation did not separate internal and external motivation, thus this study was also unable to evaluate these constructs separately. keywords: academic; achievement; affective; analysis; ateş; attitude; behavioral; bias; certain; collection; common; correlation; data; design; differences; distribution; doi; education; effects; efficacy; efl; elementary; english; erbakan; examination; extensive reading; external; extrinsic reading; factors; faculty; figure; foreign; grade; guthrie; high; impact; internal; international; international journal; intrinsic; investigation; iojet; journal; language; learners; learning; levels; limit; literature; master; meta; metacognitive reading; methods; mixed; model; motivations; necmettin; online; online journal; people; performance; primary; procedia; psychology; publication; purpose; qualitative; reading; reading achievement; reading attitude; reading comprehension; reading motivation; reading process; reading skills; reading strategies; relationship; research; results; review; role; sample; school; school students; sciences; secondary; self; selfefficacy; significant; size; skills; social; strategies; students; studies; study; success; sur; table; teacher; teaching; terms; tests; thesis; turkish; type; university; use; value; variables; wigfield cache: iojet-1699.pdf plain text: iojet-1699.txt item: #266 of 681 id: iojet-1703 author: Kaewhanam, Phimlikid ; kaewhanam, kathanyoo; Marie Cain, Parisha ; Pongsiri, Ariya ; Intanin, Jariya; Kamolkhet, Sirinda title: LOCAL GOVERNMENT EDUCATION STRATEGY ON THE PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY FOR LEARNING CITY DEVELOPMENT date: 2022-10-01 words: 7283 flesch: 38 summary: Thailand has been driving education and learning policies with the Developing Kalasin city into Udomsuk city policy, including livable cities, tourist towns, investment cities, and educational cities. The company has developed a learning city development plan to build a global network to mobilize cities and manage resources effectively by engaging in developing learning cities and empowering people to promote lifelong learning and sustainability. keywords: activities; administration; affiliated; ages; area; arts; basic; building; cain; center; cities; city; city development; commission; communities; community; creative; culture; curriculum; development; drive; driving; education; elderly; european; excellence; goals; good; government; health; higher; important; institute; intanin; international; iojet; journal; kaewhanam; kalasin; kalasin city; kalasin municipality; kamolkhet; knowledge; learning; lifelong; lifelong learning; local; management; municipality; network; office; online; participation; people; physical; policies; policy; pongsiri; project; promote; provincial; public; quality; research; resources; school; senior; service; social; society; spaces; sports; strategies; strategy; studies; study; support; sustainable; teaching; technology; thailand; unesco; university; urban; use cache: iojet-1703.pdf plain text: iojet-1703.txt item: #267 of 681 id: iojet-1706 author: Erol, Sadettin title: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF 8-WEEK COMPLEX AND CONTRAST STRENGTH TRAININGS APPLIED TO SOCCER PLAYERS ON SOME PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: date: 2022-10-01 words: 5959 flesch: 61 summary: During 8-weeks, CPX and CNT training groups performed strength training in addition to soccer training 2 days a week, over 7 hours (4-5 units). In the current study, therefore, we aimed to investigate the effects of 8-weeks CPX and CNT strength training on players' strength,20 m sprint, agility and vertical jump (VJ) performance in soccer. keywords: 1rm; agility; athletes; calf; cnt; cnt strength; complex; conditioning; contrast; cpx; cpx training; difference; education; effects; erol; exercise; exst-1; extension; football; groups; height; international; iojet; journal; jump; leg; muscle; online; passive; performance; physical; players; plyometric; post; power; pre; program; rep; reps; research; rest; sec; sets; significant; soccer; speed; sports; sprint; squat; strength; strength training; study; subjects; table; teaching; test; time; training; university; vertical; weeks cache: iojet-1706.pdf plain text: iojet-1706.txt item: #268 of 681 id: iojet-1710 author: Kafadar, Tuğba title: VIRTUAL MUSEUM EXPERIENCES OF PRE-SERVICE SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHERS IN THE PROCESS OF FORMING AESTHETIC VALUES: PERA MUSEUM EXAMPLE. date: 2022-10-01 words: 7530 flesch: 44 summary: The studies on aesthetic values in the relevant literature are not very diverse, e.g., aesthetic quality, experience and aesthetic values (Goldman, 1990; Stecker, 2006; Porter, 2012), determining the relationship between aesthetic value and cognitive values (Aumann, 2014), the contribution of art education to gain aesthetic values (Mahgoub & Aldbesi, 2016). 4. Conclusion, Discussion and Recommendations The results of the research conducted to determine the perceptions of pre-service social studies teachers about aesthetic values after their virtual museum visit are as follows: The research shows that pre-service social studies teachers associated aesthetic value mostly with pleasure, beauty, followed by feelings evoked by an artwork, appreciation, artwork, feelings evoked by an object , everything that is striking, the way of thinking to evaluate art and works of art, the trace that the work of art leaves on people, the bond between the work of art and the viewer, abstract perception, and lastly reinterpreting the artwork. keywords: aesthetic; aesthetic values; art; artworks; attention; awareness; beauty; bey; cultural; different; education; elements; experience; fact; field; hamdi; important; individual; information; international; journal; kafadar; museum; museum visit; osman; painting; people; pera; period; person; perspective; pleasure; positive; pre; process; research; service; service social; service teachers; social; social studies; studies; studies teachers; study; table; teachers; teaching; understanding; values; virtual; virtual museum; visit cache: iojet-1710.pdf plain text: iojet-1710.txt item: #269 of 681 id: iojet-1711 author: İlhan, Aydın; Gümüşdağ, Hayrettin title: AN INVESTIGATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING OF PRIMARY SCHOOL ATHLETE STUDENTS: date: 2022-10-01 words: 2849 flesch: 61 summary: As a result of the research, when we look at the psychological well-being of primary school athletes, it is seen that environmental factors are more determinant besides the performance results of the athletes. Coaching part of primary school level athletes is mostly seen. keywords: able; age; athletes; better; branch; children; development; education; family; form; gümüşdağ; important; iojet; i̇lhan; journal; life; method; participants; physical; primary; psychological; questions; research; researchers; school; sciences; semi; social; sports; structured; students; study; successful; swimming; teacher; university cache: iojet-1711.pdf plain text: iojet-1711.txt item: #270 of 681 id: iojet-1712 author: Bastık, Canan; Gümüşdağ, Hayrettin title: AN INVESTIGATION OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS LESSON (THE CASE of YOZGAT PROVINCE): date: 2022-10-01 words: 4351 flesch: 52 summary: Investigation of the relationship between physical / kinesthetic intelligence and attitude levels towards physical education lesson in sports high school students: The case of Istanbul. Attitudes of high school students studying in private and public schools towards physical education lesson, Journal of Education and Training Research; 7:83-91. keywords: activities; analysis; ankara; attitudes; bastık; class; data; development; difference; education; education lesson; gümüşdağ; health; high; individuals; institute; international; investigation; iojet; journal; lesson; level; life; master; materials; online; people; physical; physical education; province; research; results; school; school students; sciences; scores; secondary; significant; social; sports; sports lessons; students; studies; study; sufficient; teaching; thesis; university; variable; yozgat cache: iojet-1712.pdf plain text: iojet-1712.txt item: #271 of 681 id: iojet-1713 author: Şen, Ebru title: AN EVALUATION ON MUSICOGRAMS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN TÜRKİYE date: 2022-10-01 words: 8081 flesch: 53 summary: It is observed that in the studies addressing musicogram applications developed and used on interactive whiteboards (M. C. Rubio, 2016, 2018; M. Rubio et al., 2017), different free software such as eAdventure, Audacity, KDEnLive, and GIMP is utilized. Graphic 5: Contents and representations found in musicogram applications 798 78 13 9 7 Spanish (Musicograma) English (Musicogram) keywords: active; active music; activities; activity; addition; applications; boal; children; colors; data; designs; different; direction; education; educators; elements; example; expressions; findings; forms; graphic; important; international; iojet; journal; languages; linear; lines; listening; lyrics; match; materials; melodic; music; music listening; musical; musicogram; musicogram applications; names; negative; notes; online; order; pages; palheiros; positive; publications; purpose; relevant; representations; research; result; rhythmic; rubio; scope; similar; songs; structure; studies; study; symbols; table; teaching; templates; themes; time; turkish; türkiye; use; values; visual; web; wuytack cache: iojet-1713.pdf plain text: iojet-1713.txt item: #272 of 681 id: iojet-1714 author: Ataberk, Berna; Mirici, Ismail Hakkı title: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE 21ST CENTURY SKILLS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING (ELT) PROGRAMS IN TURKEY date: 2022-10-01 words: 14637 flesch: 55 summary: According to Garcia (2012), teachers learning plays a crucial role in developing 21st century skills, such as problem solving collaboratively, using technological devices to build their knowledge base, and being involved in reflection and action. Upon the introduction of the concept of 21st century skills, the teacher training curricula have been designed accordingly at a global scale in order to bring up teachers who can think critically, collaborate, communicate and solve sudden problems. keywords: 21st century; academics; activities; addition; aforementioned; aim; analysis; answer; april; ataberk; average; career skills; century learning; century skills; classes; collaboration; communication; communication skills; contents; council; course; critical; curricula; data; departments; development; differences; different; dimension; ects; education; elt; english; examination; forms; group; higher; information; innovation skills; international; interview; iojet; item; journal; knowledge; language; language teaching; learning; levels; life; listening; literacy; media; method; mid; mirici; need; new; objectives; online; open; opinion; oral; order; participants; perceptions; perspective; point; practice; programs; qualified; qualitative; questionnaire; questions; reading; related; research; results; scale; sciences; scores; semester; skills scale; social; social skills; statements; status; students; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; technology; technology skills; terms; test; thinking; thinking skills; total; training; turkey; universities; university; use; value; writing cache: iojet-1714.pdf plain text: iojet-1714.txt item: #273 of 681 id: iojet-1715 author: Kanmaz, Ahmet title: THE MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHERS' CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS AND AWARENESS TOWARDS TEACHING CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS date: 2022-10-01 words: 10157 flesch: 53 summary: Critical thinking skills of education faculty students and factors influencing critical thinking skills. Middle school teachers' critical thinking skills and awareness towards teaching critical thinking skills. keywords: analysis; average; average scores; branch; classroom; confidence; control; critical thinking; culture; curriculum; data; decision; difference; dimension; education; education teachers; english; english teachers; evaluation; experience; favor; female; findings; gender; group; important; inadequacies; international; iojet; journal; kanmaz; knowledge; learning; level; making; mathematics; meaningful; methods; middle; online; outcomes; participants; pcg; physical; problems; process; qualitative; regulation; reliability; religious; research; results; scale; school; school teachers; science; scores; self; service; significant; social; students; studies; studies teachers; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; teaching experience; terms; thesis; thinking skills; times; turkish; turkish teachers; university; variable; variance; years cache: iojet-1715.pdf plain text: iojet-1715.txt item: #274 of 681 id: iojet-172 author: Nasrawi, Abeer; al-Jamal, Dina title: THE EFFECT OF USING JOLLY PHONICS ON JORDANIAN FIRST GRADE PUPILS' READING date: 2017-04-04 words: 5861 flesch: 74 summary: This study investigated the effect of Jolly Phonics strategy on Jordanian first grade pupils’ reading. Chall (1996) concluded that teachers should use Jolly Phonics strategy. keywords: achievement; action; approach; awareness; control; conventional; day; education; effect; english; experimental; grade; group; instruction; international; iojet; jamal; jolly; jolly phonics; journal; language; learners; learning; lesson; letters; mean; method; nasrawi; online; order; pack; phonemic; phonics; phonics songs; phonics strategy; practice; process; pupils; readers; reading; researchers; skills; songs; sounds; spelling; strategy; study; table; teachers; teaching; test; way; words; worksheets; writing; year; young cache: iojet-172.pdf plain text: iojet-172.txt item: #275 of 681 id: iojet-1720 author: Neyişci, Nilay; Yılmaz, Pelin title: DETERMINATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CAPITAL LEVELS OF TEACHERS IN DISTANCE EDUCATION date: 2022-10-01 words: 6232 flesch: 53 summary: The difference between the distance education competencies of the teachers can be stated as a reason for the fact that the two dimensions expressed here are at a medium level in distance education teachers. In this study, psychological capital levels of teachers working in distance education in state high schools in Şahinbey district of Gaziantep province were determined. keywords: addition; ankara; behavior; bir; capital; capital levels; data; dergisi; determined; development; dimension; distance; distance education; education; efficacy; eğitim; face; findings; goals; good; high; hope; individuals; international; iojet; item; job; journal; levels; luthans; mean; medium; negative; online; optimism; organizational; positive; psikolojik; psychological; psychological capital; psychological resilience; psychology; research; resilience; scale; self; situations; students; studies; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; total; training; turkey; university; uzaktan; youssef; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1720.pdf plain text: iojet-1720.txt item: #276 of 681 id: iojet-1725 author: Şen Yaman, Gül title: AN EXAMINATION OF THE STUDIES ON ARABIC LANGUAGE TEACHING (ALT): A BIBLIOMETRIC MAPPING ANALYSIS date: 2022-10-01 words: 4607 flesch: 48 summary: The distribution of studies on the terms Arabic teaching, Arabic learning or Arabic education by publication languages and publication years, the countries with the most publications, the journals with the most publications and the universities with the most publications were included in the content analysis process. Findings In the research, the following findings were obtained by examining the distribution of the publications by publication languages, years, countries, journals, universities and the most cited publications. keywords: alt; analysis; arabic; arabic language; arabic teaching; articles; bibliometric; citations; cited; cluster; content; countries; data; distribution; education; field; figure; foreign; international; iojet; javascript; journal; keywords; language; language teaching; learning; link; method; number; online; organizations; publications; reading; research; researchers; results; science; scientific; strength; studies; study; table; teaching; total; university; void(0; web; wos; yaman; years; şen cache: iojet-1725.pdf plain text: iojet-1725.txt item: #277 of 681 id: iojet-1727 author: Dolanbay, Hacer title: THE EXPERIENCE OF MEDIA LITERACY EDUCATION OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS AND THE AWARENESS THEY HAVE GAINED: AN ACTION RESEARCH date: 2022-10-01 words: 8306 flesch: 52 summary: Tang & Yang (2016) analyze the current situation of media literacy education in Chinese universities and explain the importance of media literacy education aimed at the development of media literacy in their study. The participants of the research are 150 university students who are studying in different departments of three state universities in three underdeveloped cities in Turkey and have not previously received media literacy education. keywords: ability; action; active; activities; analysis; awareness; better; communication; concept; content; course; critical; culture; curriculum; data; departments; developed; development; different; digital; dolanbay; education; elective; evaluation; faculties; faculty; findings; general; hand; higher; importance; individuals; information; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; level; life; literacy; literacy education; literacy skills; media; media education; media literacy; media messages; messages; new; news; okuryazarlığı; online; people; prepared; process; production; programs; questioning; questions; research; results; sciences; similar; skills; social; social media; society; students; studies; study; support; table; teacher; teaching; technology; thinking; time; training; turkey; turkish; universities; university; university students; use; way; world; young cache: iojet-1727.pdf plain text: iojet-1727.txt item: #278 of 681 id: iojet-1728 author: Cut, Munika; Suwarjo, Suwarjo; Sutanti, Natri title: VALIDATION OF THE MINDSET SCALE IN THE INDONESIAN CONTEXT: A RASCH MODEL ANALYSIS date: 2022-10-01 words: 5194 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: mindset scale, growth mindset, fixed mindset, instrument validation, reliability, Rasch model 1. The higher the level of student growth mindset, the higher the student's persistence. keywords: analysis; anda; category; change; consistency; criteria; data; difficult; dweck; education; fisher; fixed; good; growth; growth mindset; high; individual; indonesia; instrument; intelligence; international; iojet; item; journal; level; measure; mindset; mindset scale; mnsq; model; munika; number; online; persistence; person; rasch; rasch model; rating; reliability; research; respondents; results; scale; scale instrument; school; students; study; sutanti; suwarjo; table; teaching; test; validation; validity; value; variance cache: iojet-1728.pdf plain text: iojet-1728.txt item: #279 of 681 id: iojet-1729 author: Toraman, Çetin; Aktan, Osman title: THE RELATIONSHIP OF ACADEMICIANS WITH TECHNOSTRESS LEVELS AND JOB SATISFACTION IN THE COVID-19 PROCESS: date: 2022-10-01 words: 13636 flesch: 49 summary: With the effect of pandemic conditions in higher education, a technology-based process has been experienced in the delivery of education and training services in distance education (Mishra et al., 2020). In the distance education process, it was determined that there was a lack of infrastructure related to access to distance education in higher education (Ifijeh & Yusuf, 2020; Lassoued et al., 2020), insufficient professional competencies of faculty members for distance education (Marinoni et al., 2020), lack of access to distance education for some students (Adnan & Anwar, 2020; Dhawan, 2020; Korkmaz & Toraman, 2020) and internet-related problems (Ferri et al., 2020; Mahmood, 2020). keywords: academicians; academics; activities; aktan; analysis; anxiety; applied; assistants; associate; average; change; complexity; continuous; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; covid-19 process; determined; difference; distance education; doctoral; education; education process; effect; emergency; et al; experience; face; faculty; field; findings; gender; health; higher; higher education; hours; impact; individuals; information; infrastructure; insecurity; institution; interaction; international; invasion; iojet; items; job; job satisfaction; journal; lack; learning; level; life; low; main; management; members; model; motivation; negative; new; online; online education; p<.05; pandemic; performance; positive; possible; private; problems; process; professional; professors; relationship; research; results; review; satisfaction; scale; school; sciences; seniority; significant; social; state; students; studies; study; table; teacher; teaching; technological; technologies; technology; technostress; time; title; tools; toraman; type; uncertainty; universities; university; use; variables; work; working; workload; years cache: iojet-1729.pdf plain text: iojet-1729.txt item: #280 of 681 id: iojet-173 author: Alagozlu, Nuray title: CROSS CULTURAL CONFLICT RESOLUTION STYLES: DATA REVISITED date: 2017-07-05 words: 5525 flesch: 42 summary: Keywords: conflict resolution styles, Turkish and American cultures 1. With the purpose to gain insights into the nature of conflict resolution styles of different communities, a wide range of academic studies were conducted. keywords: alagözlü; american; collectivism; college; communication; conflict; conflict resolution; context; cultural; cultures; data; dcts; differences; different; dimensions; direct; directness; education; emotional; emotions; expressive; expressiveness; groups; hammer; high; higher; hofstede; indirect; individualism; intercultural; international; iojet; journal; language; level; low; mean; online; peers; people; resolution; respondents; responses; restraint; self; situations; society; speakers; status; students; study; style; table; teaching; test; thought; ting; toomey; turkish; use; verbal cache: iojet-173.pdf plain text: iojet-173.txt item: #281 of 681 id: iojet-1730 author: Turan, Refik title: ONLINE HISTORY LESSONS CONDUCTED DURING THE EMERGENCY REMOTE TEACHING PROCESS IN TURKEY: A REVIEW OF TEACHERS' OPINIONS date: 2022-10-01 words: 11624 flesch: 49 summary: Online history lessons conducted during the emergency remote teaching process in Turkey: A review of teachers' opinions. Keywords: Emergency remote teaching, online history lessons, COVID 19, distance learning 1. keywords: access; activities; answer; application; cameras; choice; classes; countries; courses; covid-19; curriculum; data; different; difficulty; digital; distance; distance education; eba; education; emergency; epidemic; etc; evaluation; exams; experience; eğitim; face; fact; global; high; history; history lessons; history teachers; homework; important; infrastructure; interaction; interest; international; internet; iojet; journal; knowledge; lack; learning; lessons; levels; literature; low; march; materials; methods; ministry; needs; number; online; online courses; online history; online lessons; opinions; participants; participation; practices; process; question; remote; research; responses; results; school; service; solving; students; studies; subject; sufficient; supplementary; table; teachers; teaching; teaching process; techniques; technological; tests; textbooks; time; tools; training; turan; turkey; use; useful; uzaktan; years cache: iojet-1730.pdf plain text: iojet-1730.txt item: #282 of 681 id: iojet-1731 author: Beşler, Hamza Kaya; Adak, Anılcak; Ekmekçi, Rıdvan title: The GAME IS ELECTRONIC BUT THE EMOTIONS ARE REAL: HOW DOES WINNING AND LOSING EFFECT HRV date: 2022-10-01 words: 3578 flesch: 64 summary: This study could be done on professional soccer players - This study could be done on different e-sports players - This study could be done while taking a penalty or freekick on a soccer field - Based on the results of this study soccer players could be thought how to manage HRV References Abanazir, C. (2019). 10 licensed soccer players participated in the study who are also e-soccer players. keywords: adak; age; balance; beşler; biofeedback; brain; coherence; data; education; effect; ekmekçi; electronic; emotions; game; heart; hrv; inner; international; iojet; journal; levels; losing; matches; online; performance; physical; players; psychological; rate; real; results; sciences; soccer; soccer players; sports; stress; student; studies; study; time; tournaments; university; variability; winning cache: iojet-1731.pdf plain text: iojet-1731.txt item: #283 of 681 id: iojet-1733 author: Afacan, Ersin; Işık Afacan, Meltem title: A PSYCHOSOCIAL ANALYSIS ON THE RELATIONSHIP OF EDUCATION AND OTHER AREAS OF LIFE WITH SPORTS date: 2022-10-01 words: 5564 flesch: 64 summary: In this context, education, which is intertwined with many branches of science, is important for the professional, technical, academic and intellectual development of sports people. It is necessary for the continuity of education that sports people evaluate their behaviors during their career, under the title of lifelong learning. keywords: actions; activity; afacan; analysis; ankara; areas; athletes; basic; behavior; children; clubs; conditions; culture; development; economic; education; erdemli; ethics; example; experiences; game; good; health; human; important; international; iojet; istanbul; journal; learning; level; life; living; mentality; mistakes; moral; morality; necessary; online; order; people; person; philosophy; physical; possible; professional; publications; purpose; quality; reason; relationship; right; rules; social; society; sociology; sports; sports people; success; teaching; training; university; values; work cache: iojet-1733.pdf plain text: iojet-1733.txt item: #284 of 681 id: iojet-1734 author: Topal, Ibrahim; Altay, İsmail Fırat title: REVISITING THE PROBLEMATIC ENGLISH SOUNDS FOR PROSPECTIVE TURKISH EFL TEACHERS date: 2022-10-01 words: 8941 flesch: 46 summary: Feedback on second language pronunciation: A case study of EAP teachers’ beliefs and practices. The specification of the difficulties in the perception and articulation of the English schwa phoneme by Turkish English teachers and students. keywords: /w/; /æ/; /ð/; /ŋ/; /ɑ/; /ə/; /ɛ/; /ʊ/; /θ/; accentedness; altay; analysis; approach; association; cambridge; case; certain; communication; comprehensibility; consonants; contrast; council; course; curriculum; data; demirezen; derwing; different; earlier; education; efl; empirical; english; english language; ercan; european; expert; final; findings; foreign; high; hişmanoğlu; initial; instruction; intelligibility; international; iojet; items; journal; judgment; language; language teachers; learners; learning; listeners; mean; munro; nonnative; online; participants; perception; phonetic; present; press; problematic; problems; production; pronunciation; prospective; question; raters; regard; remedial; research; role; saito; second; segmentals; sounds; speakers; speech; standards; studies; study; table; teacher; teaching; terms; tesol; test; topal; trainees; training; turkey; turkish; university; vowels; word cache: iojet-1734.pdf plain text: iojet-1734.txt item: #285 of 681 id: iojet-1736 author: Kabakçı, Ömer Faruk; Stockton, Rex title: THE PATHWAYS TO POSITIVE OUTCOMES IN YOUTH DEVELOPMENT: LOVE CHARACTER STRENGTH AND PARENTAL COMMUNICATION date: 2022-10-01 words: 12492 flesch: 53 summary: The pathways to positive outcomes in youth development: love character strength and parental communication Ömer Faruk Kabakçı & Rex Stockton, Finally, the other aims of the study were to examine the effect of love character strength and parental relationships on risk-taking behaviors and life satisfaction of high school youth. keywords: adaptation; addition; adolescents; age; analysis; behaviors; birth; boys; character; character strengths; characteristics; coefficient; communication; context; control; correlations; data; demographic; demographic variables; dependent; development; differences; different; education; effect; employment; examination; factors; family; father; findings; gender; gençlik; grade; health; high; higher; human; important; individual; interaction; international; inventory; iojet; items; journal; kabakçı; level; life; life satisfaction; literature; love; love character; love strength; low; male; middle; moderating; mother; need; negative; number; online; order; outcomes; p<0,05; parental; parental communication; parents; park; people; personality; peterson; positive; preschool; prevalence; psychology; related; relationships; research; results; risk; risk behaviors; risk taking; role; satisfaction; scale; school; scores; self; seligman; siblings; significant; similar; social; stockton; strengths; students; studies; study; substance; table; taking; teaching; terms; test; traits; university; use; values; variables; young; youth cache: iojet-1736.pdf plain text: iojet-1736.txt item: #286 of 681 id: iojet-1739 author: Eroğlu, Mehmet title: INVESTIGATION OF EMERGENCY REMOTE EDUCATION EXPERIENCES OF PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS: A FRAMEWORK FOR PARTICIPATION date: 2022-10-01 words: 10522 flesch: 52 summary: What are the opinions of prospective teachers about the advantage of ERE process? Investigation of emergency remote education experiences of prospective teachers: A framework for participation. keywords: addition; advantages; answers; attendance; attitudes; change; contribution; courses; courses prospective; covid-19; culture; data; dergisi; development; disadvantages; distance; distance education; easy; education; education process; effectiveness; emergency; ere process; eroğlu; experience; eğitim; f=4; face; face education; factors; general; important; increase; ineffective; infrastructure; instructors; international; iojet; journal; lack; lessons; low; main; matter; necessity; negative; number; online; online courses; opinions; opportunity; order; pandemic; participants; participation; positive; practice; problems; process prospective; professional; program; prospective teachers; questions; readiness; reasons; research; results; situation; students; studies; study; subject; table; teaching; technical; technology; time; university; unnecessary; use; uzaktan cache: iojet-1739.pdf plain text: iojet-1739.txt item: #287 of 681 id: iojet-1740 author: Luo, Shuhong title: USING DALE CARNEGIE’S PRINCIPLES TO TEACH NURSING INFORMATICS ONLINE DURING A PANDEMIC date: 2022-10-01 words: 3557 flesch: 54 summary: The coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic makes it vital for nursing students to have access to online education. Introduction The coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic makes it vital for nursing students to have access to education in an online environment, including written assignments in text- based online asynchronous courses. keywords: assignments; asynchronous; carnegie; comments; control; course; dale; education; evaluation; faculty; feedback; final; findings; grades; group; higher; informatics; international; intervention; journal; learning; luo; mean; methods; negative; nursing; online; overall; pandemic; positive; principles; quantitative; rate; response; sessions; students; survey; teaching; university; year cache: iojet-1740.pdf plain text: iojet-1740.txt item: #288 of 681 id: iojet-1741 author: Canbulut, Dürdane; Kılıç, Remzi title: IMPACT OF EDUCATIONAL COMICS ON DIVISION CONCEPT IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS date: 2022-10-01 words: 6739 flesch: 55 summary: The second problem is about the difference between pre-test and post-test scores of experimental group students. Wilcoxon signed rank test results for the comparison of the pretest and posttest scores of the control group Pretest-Posttest f Mean rank Sum of ranks z p Negative 0a .00 .00 3.932 .000 Positive 20b 10.50 210.00 Equal 1c Based on the statistics given in Table 5, it was determined that there was a statistically significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of control group students (z= 3.932, p<.001). keywords: academic; achievement; achievement test; ankara; application; bilimler; branches; canbulut; comics; concept; control; control group; data; dergisi; difference; division; education; educational comics; effect; effective; enstitüsü; etkisi; experimental; experimental group; eğitici; eğitim; figure; grade; group; group students; instruction; international; iojet; i̇lhan; journal; kılıç; language; learning; level; lisans; mann; matematik; materials; mathematics; mean; niğde; online; posttest; posttest scores; pretest; primary; problems; process; rank; research; results; roman; school; science; scores; second; significant; social; sosyal; students; studies; study; table; teacher; teaching; test; test scores; tezi; toh; tool; topkaya; traditional; understanding; use; whitney; world; yayımlanmamış; yüksek; çizgi; üniversitesi; şentürk cache: iojet-1741.pdf plain text: iojet-1741.txt item: #289 of 681 id: iojet-1744 author: Aflah, Mita Nur; Fajar Rahmani, Eka title: ENHANCING STUDENTS’ ACTIVE LEARNING THROUGH GROUP DISCUSSION ROLE-PLAYING date: 2022-10-01 words: 4224 flesch: 49 summary: Classroom action research involving students from a higher institution was used. As a result of this transformation, students should take much responsibility for their learning (Lee & Hines, 2012). keywords: active; active learning; activities; aflah; classroom; critical; discussion; education; english; enhancing; feedback; group; group discussion; higher; implementation; indonesia; international; iojet; journal; language; learners; learning; level; meeting; motivation; observation; online; opportunities; order; participation; peers; playing; practice; process; rahmani; research; role; speaking; strategy; students; study; sum; teacher; teaching; thinking; use; work cache: iojet-1744.pdf plain text: iojet-1744.txt item: #290 of 681 id: iojet-1746 author: Kırılmazkaya, Gamze; Usta, Melike title: EFFECT OF SCIENCE TEACHING SUPPORTED WITH SCIENTIFIC STORIES ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC SUCCESS, ATTITUDES AND MOTIVATION date: 2022-10-01 words: 5597 flesch: 53 summary: Comparison of science motivation scale pre-test-post-test scores of students in experimental and control groups Group Pre-PostTest N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks z p Experimental Negative order 5 9,10 45.50 -1.994 .046 Positive order 14 10.32 144.5 Equal 1 Control Negative order 8 11.44 91.5 -.505 .614 Received : 23.07.2022 Revised version received : 13.09.2022 Accepted : 14.09.2022 EFFECT OF SCIENCE TEACHING SUPPORTED WITH SCIENTIFIC STORIES ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC SUCCESS, ATTITUDES AND MOTIVATION Research article Gamze Kırılmazkaya Faculty of Education, Harran University, Şanlıurfa, Turkey keywords: academic; achievement; achievement test; activities; attitudes; concepts; control; difference; education; effect; experimental; grade; group; important; international; iojet; journal; kırılmazkaya; learning; lesson; mean; method; motivation; online; order; positive; post; posttest; pre; pressure; process; ranks; research; scale; school; science; science education; science teaching; scientific; scientific stories; scores; significant; stories; story; students; study; success; table; teaching; test; test scores; university; usta cache: iojet-1746.pdf plain text: iojet-1746.txt item: #291 of 681 id: iojet-1748 author: Visaetsilapanonta, Porntida; Tientongdee, Sumalee title: THE SYNTHESIS OF THAI PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM IN STEM EDUCATION: A CASE OF THAI REGIONS AFFECTING ON SCIENCE TEACHER PERFORMANCE date: 2022-10-01 words: 4344 flesch: 53 summary: The synthesis of teacher training program in STEM education effecting science teacher empowerment in the regions of Thailand: meta-analysis. However, science teachers from four regions, north, northeastern, middle, and south have no significantly difference of STEM education performance between them neither pre-test or post-test. keywords: activities; analysis; data; development; difference; education; hours; international; journal; knowledge; learning; level; method; middle; north; northeastern; performance; post; pre; primary; program; project; regional; regions; research; results; schools; science; scores; south; stem; stem education; study; table; teachers; teaching; test; thai; thailand; training; university cache: iojet-1748.pdf plain text: iojet-1748.txt item: #292 of 681 id: iojet-1749 author: Ilgar Doğan, Yeliz title: AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE PERCEPTIONS OF SPORTS SCIENCE STUDENTS REGARDING THEIR CAREER FUTURES DURING THE PANDEMIC date: 2022-10-01 words: 6006 flesch: 53 summary: In the study conducted by Özkan (2017) with teacher candidates, similar findings were obtained in terms of career future perception. Examination of the relationship between emotional intelligence characteristics and career future perceptions (Master's thesis. keywords: 2020; adaptability; career; career adaptability; career future; career optimism; class; covid-19; data; department; disease; distance; doğan; education; effect; expectations; face; faculty; findings; future; gender; goals; groups; health; high; higher; hopeful; ilgar; international; iojet; job; journal; knowledge; level; market; negative; online; optimism; pandemic; perception; period; process; research; result; sample; scale; sciences; sciences students; scores; sports; sports sciences; students; studies; study; sub; table; teaching; terms; total; universities; university; variables; world cache: iojet-1749.pdf plain text: iojet-1749.txt item: #293 of 681 id: iojet-1750 author: Li, Zheng; Li, Bing title: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF THE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: A PATH ANALYSIS IN UNIVERSITY EFL CLASSROOMS: date: 2022-10-01 words: 5449 flesch: 45 summary: Keywords: Student perceptions; Classroom environment; Academic achievement; English as a foreign language; Higher education 1. Hence, we considered student perceptions of the classroom environment should be more thoroughly scrutinized with various variables added into the package. keywords: academic; achievement; autonomy; cet; china; classroom; classroom environment; college; cooperative; cooperative learning; cucei; current; development; education; effects; efl; engagement; english; environment; equity; et al; experience; guo; higher; indirect; innovation; international; iojet; johnson; journal; language; learning; online; outcomes; peer; perceptions; relationships; research; results; review; school; scores; self; social; student perceptions; student relationships; students; study; teacher; teaching; tertiary; test; undergraduate; university; year cache: iojet-1750.pdf plain text: iojet-1750.txt item: #294 of 681 id: iojet-1752 author: Mose, David N. Nyamumbo; Maobe, Sn; Basweti, Evans A. title: INFLUENCE OF FARM SIZE AND ACCESS TO FUNDS ON UPTAKE OF IMPROVED PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES IN AVOCADO (PERSEA AMERICANA) FARMING, KENYA date: 2023-03-01 words: 6286 flesch: 53 summary: The general objective of the study is to improve avocado production in the study region. Avocado production was introduced in Kenya by Europeans in early 18th century. keywords: access; acres; aez; agriculture; analysis; avocado; avocado production; banking; banks; basweti; coefficient; collection; correlation; counties; county; data; descriptive; development; difference; economic; education; employment; factors; farm; farm size; farmer; farming; formal; funds; households; improved; improved avocado; improved production; influence; instrument; international; iojet; journal; kenya; kisii; land; level; low; maobe; mean; morgan; mose; mugenda; nairobi; nyamira; online; population; production; production technologies; questionnaires; region; research; respondents; results; saccos; sample; sampling; savings; scale; self; significant; size; small; sources; study; sub; table; target; teaching; technologies; test; total; university; uptake; value; variable; variance; yields cache: iojet-1752.pdf plain text: iojet-1752.txt item: #295 of 681 id: iojet-1753 author: Mose , David N. Nyamumbo; Maobe, Samson N; Basweti , Evans A. title: INFLUENCE OF EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL FACTORS ON UPTAKE OF AVOCADO IMPROVED PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES: CASE OF KISII AND NYAMIRA COUNTIES REGION, KENYA date: 2022-12-28 words: 8140 flesch: 50 summary: The study was carried out to evaluate influence of social factors on uptake of avocado improved production technologies by small scale avocado farmers for increasing avocado production. Gender inclusivity should be encouraged and there is room for offering extension services even to the aged farmers involved in production of improved production technologies such as avocado. keywords: adoption; aez; age; agree; agricultural; analysis; avocado; avocado production; basweti; coefficient; collection; control; correlation; counties; county; data; descriptive; development; difference; economic; education; extension; factors; family; farmers; farming; female; formal; formal education; gender; groups; households; improved; improved avocado; improved production; improved technologies; influence; international; iojet; journal; kenya; kisii; level; low; lower; lsd; male; management; maobe; mean; mean difference; mose; new; nyamira; online; population; post; primary; production; production technologies; ratings; region; research; resources; respondents; results; roles; sample; scale; secondary; significant; significant difference; size; small; social; spearman; states; std; study; sub; table; teaching; technologies; technology; test; total; united; university; uptake; value; variable; variance; world; years cache: iojet-1753.pdf plain text: iojet-1753.txt item: #296 of 681 id: iojet-1755 author: Çetin, Barış title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTRINSIC MOTIVATION TOWARDS UNIVERSITY AND INTRINSIC MOTIVATION TOWARDS SELF-REGULATED LEARNING AND ACADEMIC SUCCESS date: 2022-10-01 words: 4342 flesch: 42 summary: In the literature, there has not been enough research on university students’ GPAs, self- regulated learning skills, and intrinsic motivation towards university. Self-regulation empowerment program: a school- based program to enhance self-regulated and self-motivated cycles of student learning. keywords: academic; achievement; bandura; baumeister; behavior; deci; determination; eds; education; experience; factors; gpas; handbook; international; intrinsic; intrinsic motivation; i̇n; journal; learning; motivation; motivation scores; online; performance; psychology; regulation; relationship; research; ryan; scale; schunk; scores; self; significant; skills; social; srl; stimulation; students; study; sub; teaching; theory; total; university; university students; zimmerman; çetin cache: iojet-1755.pdf plain text: iojet-1755.txt item: #297 of 681 id: iojet-1757 author: Akyüz, Beyza title: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGARDING THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL TRAINING IN E-SPORTS date: 2022-10-01 words: 5389 flesch: 55 summary: Physical and mental training is curicial important for e-sports players to continue their careers without losing their health. Research findings indicate that some improvements have been observed in the cognitive strategies, fine motor skills, decision making, reaction time and anticipation time of e-sports players’. keywords: abilities; activity; addition; akyüz; anxiety; athletes; blue; body; case; children; cognitive; competition; computer; core; day; difrancisco; doi; donoghue; education; effects; exercise; eye; focus; games; gaming; hand; health; heart; hours; importance; increase; intensity; international; iojet; journal; level; life; light; long; medicine; mental; minutes; motor; movement; necessary; needs; online; order; pain; performance; physical; physical training; physiological; players; positive; professional; program; reaction; sitting; skills; sleep; sports; sports players; stress; stretching; studies; study; syndrome; teaching; terms; time; training; video; vision; wrist; zwibel cache: iojet-1757.pdf plain text: iojet-1757.txt item: #298 of 681 id: iojet-1760 author: Ayyıldız, Erdem title: EXAMINING THE UNIVERSITY SPORTS ENVIRONMENT: A STUDY ON TURKISH UNIVERSITY STUDENTS date: 2022-10-01 words: 3412 flesch: 59 summary: Alcohol use and intoxication in sport university students. For this reason, our study aims to examine the attitudes of Turkish students towards university sports environments. keywords: activity; age; analysis; anova; ayyıldız; education; environments; exercise; facilities; female; group; health; high; important; increases; international; iojet; journal; lessons; level; low; online; participants; participation; physical; research; results; significant; sports; sports environments; students; study; sub; table; teaching; teams; test; turkish; university; university sports; university students; variable; welfare; women; years cache: iojet-1760.pdf plain text: iojet-1760.txt item: #299 of 681 id: iojet-1761 author: Bilki, Zeynep; Irgin, Pelin title: PRE-SERVICE ELT TEACHERS' EDUCATION JOURNEY THROUGH E-PORTFOLIOS date: 2022-12-28 words: 7966 flesch: 38 summary: In her longitudinal action research project, Boulton (2014) conducted a long-term implementation of ePortfolios in pre- service teacher education and explored how ePortfolios can be extended into the newly qualified teachers' year in terms of presenting evidence of student teachers. Sample display of a home page and menu One other sample ePortfolio, entitled Language Journey (Figure 2), is a good indicator of our rationale in terms of encouraging student teachers for their continuous professional growth and improving their reflective practices on their own and their friends’ learning by creating a link across the courses and learning experiences. keywords: academic; artifacts; assessment; bilki; boulton; candidates; century; collaboration; community; content; continued; course; design; development; digital; education; education program; elt; english; eportfolios; evidence; experiences; feedback; figure; future; growth; higher; identity; implementation; international; iojet; irgin; journal; journey; language; language education; language teacher; learning; literature; long; new; online; personal; practice; practicum; pre; process; professional; program; project; purposes; reflection; research; sample; self; service; service teachers; skills; social; student teachers; students; support; teacher; teacher education; teaching; technology; terms; tool; university; use; writing; year cache: iojet-1761.pdf plain text: iojet-1761.txt item: #300 of 681 id: iojet-1762 author: Özçelik, Alev; Arik, Selçuk title: ATTITUDES OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT date: 2022-10-01 words: 7545 flesch: 41 summary: The impact of an interdisciplinary nature education project on environmental attitudes and environmental consciousness of secondary school students. However, education at a young age is very important to improve future generations' attitudes towards sustainable development and sustainable environmental education. keywords: analysis; arık; attitude scores; attitudes; awareness; benli; books; data; development; difference; dimensions; doi; economic; education; eighth; environmental; environmental education; esd; factor; future; gender; goals; grade; higher; human; important; international; iojet; journal; level; literature; nations; nature; online; participants; participation; project; question; reading; relation; research; results; scale; school; school students; science; scores; sd attitudes; sd total; sdgs; secondary; secondary school; significant; social; students; studies; study; sustainable; sustainable development; table; teachers; teaching; test; total; total attitude; united; value; variables; özdemir; özçelik cache: iojet-1762.pdf plain text: iojet-1762.txt item: #301 of 681 id: iojet-1765 author: Özdoğru, Mehmet; Akyürek, Muhammet İbrahim title: THE EFFECT OF QUALITY OF FACULTY LIFE ON STUDENT LOYALTY date: 2022-10-01 words: 6562 flesch: 58 summary: The effect of quality of faculty life on student loyalty International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 9(4). Abstract The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of faculty life quality on student loyalty according to student perceptions. keywords: .01; academic; addition; agree; akyürek; analysis; classroom; confirmatory; context; correlation; dergisi; dimension; education; effect; environment; eğitim; factor; faculty; faculty life; fakültesi; higher; image; important; institutions; international; iojet; items; journal; level; life; life quality; life scale; loyalty; loyalty scale; model; online; perceptions; positive; quality; rate; relationship; reliability; research; results; satisfaction; scale; school; school life; service; significant; social; student; student loyalty; student perceptions; studies; study; table; teaching; total; universities; university; values; variables; özdoğru; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1765.pdf plain text: iojet-1765.txt item: #302 of 681 id: iojet-1766 author: Sağer, Turan; Kalaycıoğlu, Şükrü Göktuğ; Zahal, Onur title: THE EFFECT OF ACTIVE LEARNING ACTIVITIES ON THE PERFORMANCE AND MOTIVATION OF VIOLA STUDENTS date: 2022-10-01 words: 7246 flesch: 49 summary: In this study, it is aimed to determine the effects of active learning activities on viola students' performance and motivation. This study is derived from a part of the doctoral dissertation titled Effects of active learning activities on viola students' performance achievements, motivation levels and their opinions on the course under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Turan Sağer. keywords: achievement; active; active learning; activities; addition; aktif; answer; anxiety; approach; career; classroom; cooperative; course; descriptive; different; dimension; dissertation; doctoral; education; effect; effective; efficacy; etkisi; etudes; experimental; eğitiminde; factors; gaziosmanpaşa; global; goal; group; guidance; hand; high; individual; instrument; instrument education; international; iojet; journal; kalaycıoğlu; learning; learning activities; lesson; levels; literature; marmara; master; methods; motivated; motivation; music; music education; musical; müzik; negative; online; orientation; paf; performance; positive; posttest; pretest; process; proquest; publication; question; research; results; sağer; scale; school; scores; self; skills; strategies; students; studies; study; subject; success; table; task; teacher; teaching; technical; techniques; thesis; tokat; training; university; unpublished; value; variables; viola; zahal; öğrenme cache: iojet-1766.pdf plain text: iojet-1766.txt item: #303 of 681 id: iojet-1767 author: Güdek, Bahar; Öziskender Flinn , Gülin; Kalkan, Sinan title: THE EFFECT OF MOVEMENT AND PLAY-BASED MUSIC EDUCATION ON MUSICAL SKILLS OF STUDENTS AFFECTED BY MENTAL DISABILITY date: 2022-10-01 words: 9385 flesch: 50 summary: In this context, besides teaching musical skills, one of the most important functions of music education is to support human development. The common feature of special education methods in music education literature is that they put play and movement in the center in early music education. keywords: analysis; application; average; baseline; behavior; body; bss; children; classroom; collection; data; data collection; days; development; different; disability; dynamics; education; effect; end; experimental; eğitim; flinn; follow; form; game; generalization; graduate; güdek; information; intellectual; intellectual disability; international; iojet; items; journal; kalkan; level; level data; mdps; minutes; moderate; moderate intellectual; movement; mpbme; music; music education; musical; musical dynamics; musical skills; müzik; needs; online; order; participant; play; playing; positive; practice; practice sessions; probe; probe sessions; process; program; questions; registration; reliability; research; rhythm; school; sciences; scope; sessions; singing; singing skills; skills; social; social skills; sounds; special; special education; stealing; students; studies; study; subject; teachers; teaching; thesis; university; unpublished; validity; validity data; week; öziskender cache: iojet-1767.pdf plain text: iojet-1767.txt item: #304 of 681 id: iojet-1768 author: Yaralı, Dilek title: EXAMINATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TEACHER CANDIDATES' LIFELONG LEARNING DISPOSITIONS AND 21ST CENTURY SKILLS date: 2022-12-28 words: 8125 flesch: 47 summary: “Level of teacher candidates’ multidimensional 21st century skills and lifelong learning tendencies” Descriptive statistics related to teacher candidates’ scores in the lifelong learning trends and multidimensional 21st century skills scales are presented in the table 2. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between teacher candidates' multidimensional 21st century skills and lifelong learning tendencies, and to examine the teacher candidates’ multidimensional 21st century skills and lifelong learning tendencies by some variables. keywords: 21st century; academic; achievement; candidates; career; century skills; consciousness; critical; differences; education; entrepreneurship; erdoğan; favor; female; gender; guidance; high; individuals; information; innovation; international; investigation; iojet; journal; knowledge; leadership; learning tendencies; levels; lifelong learning; literacy; master; mathematics; multidimensional; multidimensional 21st; online; overall; p>0.05; participants; problem; program; psychological; related; relationship; research; responsibility; scale; school; science; scores; sd=3; significant; significant differences; social; solving; students; studies; study; sub; table; teacher; teacher candidates; teaching; technology; thesis; thinking; total; trends; type; university; variable; yaralı cache: iojet-1768.pdf plain text: iojet-1768.txt item: #305 of 681 id: iojet-177 author: Unal Gezer, Melike; Dixon, L. Quentin title: THE ROLE OF PHONOLOGY, MORPHOLOGY, AND ORTHOGRAPHY IN ENGLISH SPELLING PERFORMANCES OF TURKISH STUDENTS ACROSS GRADES 6, 7, and 8 date: 2017-04-04 words: 12016 flesch: 56 summary: Word spelling tasks The key findings aimed to inform foreign language teachers about the roles of phonological, morphological, and orthographic processing skills in English word spelling. keywords: .05; acquisition; awareness; berninger; bryant; children; choice; counting; development; difference; dixon; durgunoğlu; eds; education; effects; efl; english; english spelling; english word; erlbaum; findings; gezer; grade; grade level; graders; growth; higher; international; iojet; joshi; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; letter; level; literacy; lower; ma1; mean; measure; metalinguistic; morphological; morphological processing; morphology; nagy; native; nunes; oddity; online; orthographic; orthographic processing; outcomes; participants; performance; phoneme; phonological; phonological processing; phonology; present; processing; processing skills; pseudoword; pseudoword spelling; reading; real; reliability; research; rhyme; role; sample; scores; second; significant; skills; sound; speaking; speech; spelling; stem; students; studies; study; syllable; task; teaching; test; treiman; turkish; tws; university; variables; way; word; word spelling; writing; ünal cache: iojet-177.pdf plain text: iojet-177.txt item: #306 of 681 id: iojet-1770 author: Höl, Devrim title: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS ON ‘ASSESSING PRONUNCIATION IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND/FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSES’ (1993-2021) date: 2022-10-05 words: 5780 flesch: 51 summary: Finally, we could get enough data and ideas about publications of second language pronunciation assessment. It was found that the first publication about second language pronunciation assessment was published in 1993 in the journal Language Learning. keywords: analysis; articles; assessment; authors; bibliometric; biblioshiny; citation; context; data; database; documents; education; efl; english; field; figure; findings; foreign; foreign language; höl; important; information; informetrics; international; iojet; isaacs; journal; keywords; language; language pronunciation; number; online; preferred; productivity; pronunciation; pronunciation assessment; publications; related; research; researchers; science; scopus; second; second language; skills; sources; studies; study; table; teaching; topics; trend; university; web; wos; years cache: iojet-1770.pdf plain text: iojet-1770.txt item: #307 of 681 id: iojet-1772 author: Nuangchalerm, Prasart; Prommaboon, Treekom; Boongthong , Siriluck; Raungsit , Watcharaporn; Homjan , Wanida title: THE VALIDATION OF LITERATE COMPETENCY MEASUREMENT MODEL IN ELEMENETARY STUDENTS: AN APPLICATION OF SECOND ORDER CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS date: 2022-12-28 words: 4446 flesch: 47 summary: file:///C:/Users/admin/Downloads/ file:///C:/Users/admin/Downloads/ Prommaboon, Boongthong, Raungsit, Homjan& Nuangchalerm 446 THE VALIDATION OF LITERATE COMPETENCY MEASUREMENT MODEL IN ELEMENTARY STUDENTS: AN APPLICATION OF SECOND ORDER CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS Treekom Prommaboon Siriluck Boongthong Watcharaporn Raungsit Wanida Homjan Prasart Nuangchalerm (Corresponding author) Abstract This study investigated the validation of literate competency measurement model in elementary students by employing second order confirmatory factor analysis. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of literate competency model of elementary learners’ level 3 (n=370). keywords: analysis; boongthong; coefficient; communication; competency; component; confirmatory; consistent; curriculum; data; development; education; elementary;; evaluation; factor; faculty; fit; homjan; index; international; journal; language; learners; learning; level; life; literate; literate competency; measurement; model; nuangchalerm; order; prommaboon; psychology; quality; rajabhat; range; research; science; score; second; square; standard; structural; students; teaching; test; testing; thai; thailand; university; use; weights cache: iojet-1772.pdf plain text: iojet-1772.txt item: #308 of 681 id: iojet-1773 author: Çetinkaya, Murat; ÇELİKOĞLU , Meral; AYDIN, Göknur; DAĞDALAN, Gökhan title: WHAT A DRAWING TEST CAN SAY? A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF DAST STUDIES IN TURKEY date: 2022-12-28 words: 11510 flesch: 53 summary: Scientist perception of primary school students: How does attendance to scientific activities affect scientist perception. The comparison of scientist perceptions of Syrian refugee students and Turkish students: Sample of Mersin province. keywords: activities; alternative; analysis; appearance; article; attitudes; aydın; bilim; bilimleri; chambers; children; codes; collection; culture; curriculum; dast; data; databases; dağdalan; dergisi; design; development; different; draw; drawing; education; education international; effect; elementary; environment; et al; eğitim; factors; family; female; female scientists; field; figure; findings; finson; future; gender; general; gifted; grade; hair; honan; hong; images; inclusion; insanı; international; international journal; iojet; journal; kabataş; knowledge; learning; level; life; light; literature; master; materials; mathematics; media; methods; middle; mmat; nature; new; online; online journal; ordu; papers; perceptions; place; preferred; primary; process; qualitative; related; relevant; research; researchers; results; review; role; school; school science; school students; science; science education; scientific; scientists; secondary; sharma; social; society; stereotypes; stereotypical; students; studies; study; subject; suggestions; symbols; systematic; table; teachers; teaching; technology; terms; test; textbooks; tool; turkey; turkish; understanding; university; use; views; working; years; çelikoğlu; çetinkaya; öğrencilerinin; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1773.pdf plain text: iojet-1773.txt item: #309 of 681 id: iojet-1774 author: Demircioğlu, Handan; Çakır, Fatma Yeşim title: INVESTIGATION OF MATHEMATICS TEACHERS' HOMEWORK APPROACHES BEFORE AND DURING THE PANDEMIC date: 2022-12-28 words: 19201 flesch: 59 summary: 35 T8 stated that before the pandemic, he gave questions compiled from written sources as homework, and during the pandemic process, he gave homework questions in the form of exercises, for this he used WhatsApp groups and gave homework from EBA. In the interview, the reason for giving homework content from easy to difficult: “It's a custom order, I'm giving it in this floating way. keywords: 11,1; 5,6; achievement; activities; analysis; answers; assignments; change; class; codes; communication; content; control; course; data; demircioğlu; differences; difficult; distance; distance education; easy; eba; education; end; face; faculty; feedback; findings; follow; form; frequency; giving; grade; homework; homework assignments; homework follow; homework method; individual; information; international; interview; iojet; journal; learning; lesson; level; master; mathematics; mathematics homework; mathematics teachers; method; middle; online; opinions; order; pandemic; pandemic process; parents; participant; phone; prepared; problem; processes; purpose; qualitative; questions; reinforcement; repetition; research; responsibility; school; sciences; self; students; studies; study; subject; t10; t11; t12; t13; t14; t15; t16; t17; t18; table; teachers; teaching; tests; theme; thesis; time; university; use; week; whatsapp; çakır cache: iojet-1774.pdf plain text: iojet-1774.txt item: #310 of 681 id: iojet-1777 author: Baran Bulut, Demet; Özçevik Kal, Mediha title: THE ASSESSMENT OF THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT DESIGNED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BASIC GEOMETRIC CONCEPTS IN A DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT date: 2022-12-28 words: 9858 flesch: 52 summary: Investigation of secondary school students construction process of triangle in paper-pencil and dynamic geometry environment (Unpublished master’s thesis). In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the dynamic learning environment designed for 5th grade students to draw geometric objects and shapes. keywords: 5th; achievement; activities; activity; addition; angle; answers; baran; basic; basic geometric; bgcpostt; bgcpret; bulut; case; computer; concepts; conceptual; construction; construction processes; correct; curriculum; data; definitions; development; different; dynamic; dynamic geometry; education; effect; environment; form; formation; geogebra; geometric; geometric concepts; geometry; grade; güven; international; interview; iojet; journal; kal; learning; learning environment; line; master; mathematics; misconceptions; online; parallel; perpendicular; points; positive; problems; process; processes; questions; ray; rectangle; research; results; right; school; scores; screen; secondary; segment; similar; software; square; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; technology; test; thesis; triangle; university; unpublished; use; özçevik; şimşek cache: iojet-1777.pdf plain text: iojet-1777.txt item: #311 of 681 id: iojet-1778 author: Uysal, Merve; Öznacar, Behçet title: AN ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT STUDIES CONDUCTED IN THE WORLD ON FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING POLICY: A META-SYNTHESIS STUDY date: 2022-12-28 words: 6175 flesch: 54 summary: She is currently working at University of City Island and is working in the fields of educational administration, foreign language education policy, comparative education, educational philosophy, and gender studies. Keywords: foreign language education policy; meta-synthesis; analysis 1. keywords: addition; analysis; articles; baldauf; bir; case; collection; context; countries; country; current; data; different; distribution; doctoral; document; education; education policy; english; english language; figure; findings; foreign; foreign language; important; international; iojet; journal; language; language education; language planning; language policy; language teaching; learning; literature; master; meta; method; micro; model; online; order; planning; policies; policy; preferred; publication; qualitative; reliability; research; researchers; result; sample; scope; studies; study; subject; synthesis; teaching; theses; tools; type; university; uysal; world; years; öznacar cache: iojet-1778.pdf plain text: iojet-1778.txt item: #312 of 681 id: iojet-178 author: Mısır, Hülya title: DIGITAL LITERACIES AND INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA-ENHANCED TOOLS FOR LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING date: 2018-07-10 words: 5567 flesch: 47 summary: The learners who recognize the interactive nature of digital language tools involve in the participatory culture of digital/online platforms by being a creator rather than a mere consumer of passive media materials. Such an observation enlightens a possible disconnect between the in- class experiences of language learners and their out-of-class experiences, particularly in such online spaces (Hafner, Chik, & Jones, 2015). keywords: access; assignments; available; case; class; classroom; content; contexts; different; digital; digital literacy; digital tools; editing; education; engines; english; environments; etc; evaluating; experiences; facebook; foreign; gaming; godwin; hafner; hand; inclusion; information; interactive; intercultural; international; iojet; jones; journal; knowledge; language; language learning; learners; learning; literacies; literacy; materials; media; moocs; motivation; multimedia; mısır; new; online; paper; personal; platforms; related; research; search; skills; social; sources; students; teachers; teaching; technology; tools; translation; university; use; video; visual; voice cache: iojet-178.pdf plain text: iojet-178.txt item: #313 of 681 id: iojet-1780 author: Döğer Gündüz, Didem title: OPINIONS OF MUSIC TEACHER CANDIDATES WHO TAKE PEDAGOGICAL FORMATION EDUCATION ON THE TEACHING PRACTICE COURSE date: 2022-12-28 words: 7931 flesch: 45 summary: In this study, it was aimed to determine the opinions of music teacher candidates attending the pedagogical formation program regarding the teaching practice course in Turkey. When the studies in the field of music on teacher training programs are examined, these studies cover various domains, such as the evaluation of the teacher candidates' competencies during the teaching practice course process (Bulut, 2012; Türkmen, 2018), the examination of the history of music teacher training, teaching programs or teacher education certificate programs and curricula, and the evaluations of the course (Gudek, 2016; Haning, 2021; Kalyoncu & Sazak, 2006; Kalyoncu, 2005, Korthagen et al., 2006), the examination of the attitudes and opinions of music teacher candidates studying at education faculties towards the teaching practice course (Dündar, 2003; Otacıoğlu, 2010; Varış, 2011). keywords: adaylarının; administration; analysis; candidates; certificate; classroom; communication; course; data; department; dergisi; döğer; education; effective; experience; eğitim; faculties; faculty; formation; formation education; good; guidance; gündüz; ilişkin; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; life; mentor; music; music education; music teacher; negative; online; opinions; pedagogical; pedagogical formation; positive; practice; practice course; practice school; problems; process; profession; program; province; research; s10; s11; s12; s13; s16; school; students; studies; study; sub; suggestions; supervisor; support; table; teacher; teacher candidates; teacher education; teaching; teaching practice; themes; training; turkish; understanding; university; uygulaması; öğretmenlik; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1780.pdf plain text: iojet-1780.txt item: #314 of 681 id: iojet-1782 author: Canaran, Özlem; Demirkol, Tuba; Bayram, İlknur; Doğan, Murat title: PREDICTING PERCEIVED DIFFICULTY OF ENGLISH MEDIUM INSTRUCTION (EMI) UNDERGRADUATE COURSES date: 2022-12-28 words: 7576 flesch: 48 summary: EMI students may benefit from orientation programs that can assist them in adjusting to university life, as well as personal academic advising that provides strategies for developing learning skills in undergraduate courses. Keywords: EMI students, undergraduate courses, perceived difficulty, logistic regression analysis 1. keywords: ability; academic; analysis; bayram; block; canaran; challenges; context; courses; data; demirkol; development; difference; difficulties; difficulty; doi; doğan; education; emi; emi students; english; english medium; epp; extra; factors; gender; grade; higher; instruction; international; iojet; journal; kamaşak; knowledge; kırkgöz; language; learning; level; linguistic; listening; logistic; macaro; medium; model; need; online; participants; predictors; proficiency; programs; purposes; reading; regression; research; results; school; significant; skills; specific; students; studies; study; sufficient; support; table; teaching; time; turkey; turkish; type; undergraduate; undergraduate courses; universities; university; variables; vocabulary; writing cache: iojet-1782.pdf plain text: iojet-1782.txt item: #315 of 681 id: iojet-1783 author: Pulatsü, Gülsen; Mirici, İsmail Hakkı title: ENGLISH INSTRUCTORS’ PERCEPTION RELATED TO PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY IN A FOUNDATION UNIVERSITY date: 2022-12-28 words: 9640 flesch: 45 summary: The study aims to investigate the English language teachers’ perceptions with regards to teacher professional development and its related options. Keywords: Teacher professional development; self-directed learning; personalized professional development; self-assessment 1. keywords: activities; adult; analysis; approach; areas; assessment; best; case; classroom; common; constant; current; data; development; development programs; different; education; educators; elt; english; english instructors; experience; factors; field; findings; fits; foundation; higher; highest; identity; individual; institution; instructors; international; interview; iojet; items; journal; knowledge; language; learner; learning; mean; method; mirici; motivation; needs; new; online; options; participants; perceptions; personalized; plan; process; professional; professional development; programs; pulatsü; quantitative; question; questionnaire; related; research; results; scores; self; selfassessment; service; study; table; teacher professional; teachers; teaching; time; tool; tpd; training; university; use; way; workshops cache: iojet-1783.pdf plain text: iojet-1783.txt item: #316 of 681 id: iojet-1785 author: Başkonuş, Turan title: ANALYSIS OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS 'MOTIVATIONS OF PARTICIPATION IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ACCORDING TO SOME VARIABLES date: 2022-12-28 words: 4205 flesch: 51 summary: In his study, Güler (2021) examined high school students' motivation to play digital games and their motivation to participate in physical activity, and concluded that class levels are an effective variable on their motivation to participate in physical activities. Analysis of high school students’ motivations of participation in physical activity according to some variables. keywords: activities; activity; analysis; başkonuş; causality; causes; data; dimensions; education; environmental; factor; female; fiziksel; gender; general; grade; graduates; health; high; higher; incelenmesi; individual; international; iojet; journal; katılım; level; mean; motivation; non; online; participation; people; physical; physical activity; primary; rank; research; results; school; secondary; significant; sports; status; students; studies; study; sub; table; teaching; university; variable; weight; öğrencilerinin; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1785.pdf plain text: iojet-1785.txt item: #317 of 681 id: iojet-1786 author: Msezane, Sikhulile title: TRANSVERSE DISSEMINATION OF EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ECONOMICS: EFFECTIVENESS OF CURRICULUM CHANGES: none date: 2022-12-28 words: 10279 flesch: 41 summary: where there is greater coverage in the examination of environmental impact topics teachers will be encouraged to incorporate more environmental impact topics in their teaching. It is against this background those summative assessments for the Grade 12 exit level examinations have been analysed to determine the integration of environmental impact topics. keywords: africa; analysis; assessment; august; available; basic; biodiversity; caps; caps curriculum; caps policy; changes; classroom; climate; content; coverage; covered; culture; curriculum; data; dbe; department; development; documents; economics; education; effects; environmental; environmental content; environmental education; environmental impact; environmental sustainability; esd; esd topics; examination; extent; fet; final; framework; global; grade;; human; impact; impact topics; implementation; international; iojet; issues; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; management; msezane; natural; ncs; new; old; old ncs; online; papers; past; percentage; policies; policy; pollution; practice; principles; question; research; resources; rights; rncs; school; social; south; statement; structural; study; subjects; sustainability; sustainable; system; table; teachers; teaching; time; topics; training; understanding; use; water; world; year cache: iojet-1786.pdf plain text: iojet-1786.txt item: #318 of 681 id: iojet-1787 author: Matsekoleng, Tsebo Kgoto; Msezane, Sikhulile title: EXPLORATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTENT IN GRADE 12 MATHEMATICAL LITERACY SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: none date: 2022-12-28 words: 5907 flesch: 40 summary: Table 1: Emerging themes Documents Coded Mathematical Literacy CAPS policy • Coverage of environmental content National examination question papers 1 and 2 • Mark allocations • Past papers on environmental topics • Assessment of environmental content Matsekoleng & Msezane 68 • Environmental topics covered ATP • Environmental content coverage 6.1 Mark allocations The mark allocation for Mathematical Literacy in paper 1 (as well as paper 2) was 150. 6.4 Assessment of environmental content It is appearing from Table 2 above that there was a shortage of environmental topics in the examination question papers. keywords: africa; allocation; analysis; assessment; atp; awareness; caps; certificate; content; coverage; curriculum; data; document; education; environmental; environmental content; environmental education; environmental topics; examination; examination papers; grade; international; iojet; issues; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; literacy; marks; mathematical; mathematical literacy; matsekoleng; msezane; national; online; papers; policy; population; problem; question; research; respect; school; senior; south; study; subjects; summative; teachers; teaching; theory; topics; years cache: iojet-1787.pdf plain text: iojet-1787.txt item: #319 of 681 id: iojet-1788 author: Erkan, Mert; Koçak, Osman Göktuğ; Kaş, İsmail Gökşin; Mutlu, Ferhat title: MEASURING THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL MEDIA USE ON HOLIDAY PURCHASE AND HOLIDAY MOTIVATION ON REVISITS date: 2022-12-28 words: 5550 flesch: 50 summary: According to Mayfield, 2010, social media has five main features; • Participation: Social media gives individuals self-confidence and courage. In this context, the aim of the research is to examine the holiday buying and holiday motivation, revisit behaviors of individuals using social media. keywords: activities; addition; analyzes; applications; businesses; communication; consumers; decisions; destination; education; effect; erkan; eskişehir; experiences; factors; groups; holiday; important; income; individuals; information; intention; international; internet; iojet; journal; kaş; koçak; management; marketing; media; motivation; mutlu; networks; online; participants; participation; people; process; products; purchase; purchasing; recreation; research; result; revisit; scale; sector; services; sharing; sites; social; social media; study; teaching; technical; tools; total; tourism; touristic; tourists; travel; university; use; users cache: iojet-1788.pdf plain text: iojet-1788.txt item: #320 of 681 id: iojet-1789 author: Avcı, Görkem; Tihinen, Maarit title: TEACHERS’ EXPERIENCES OF DISTANCE EDUCATION TRIGGERED BY COVID-19 IN FINLAND AND TURKEY - DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN PRACTICE date: 2022-12-28 words: 10174 flesch: 49 summary: His areas of interest are social studies education, disaster education, geography teaching in primary schools, outdoor education, teacher education, education for sustainable development. COVID-19 and teacher education: a literature review of online teaching and learning practices. keywords: addition; age; analysis; answers; avcı; better; challenges; change; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; development; digital; digital skills; digital transformation; distance education; education; education experiences; et al; experiences; face; finland; finnish; finnish teachers; future; hai; higher; higher education; https://doi; impact; important; information; interaction; international; internet; iojet; journal; lack; learning; level; literature; main; method; new; online; pandemic; perceptions; practices; problems; process; questions; readiness; remote; research; respondents; results; school; science; section; situation; skills; society; students; studies; study; support; survey; systems; table; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; thi; tihinen; tools; transformation; turkey; turkish; turkish teachers; tuyet; university; use; van; views; work; working; world; year cache: iojet-1789.pdf plain text: iojet-1789.txt item: #321 of 681 id: iojet-179 author: Safdari, Saeed title: VALIDATION OF A TAILORED L2 MOTIVATIONAL SELF SYSTEM QUESTIONNAIRE THROUGH CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS date: 2017-04-04 words: 4782 flesch: 64 summary: Parameter estimates for the seven multi-item scales Intended effort Ideal L2 self Ought-to L2 self Attitude to language learning Auditory sensory style Visual sensory style Imagery capacity item FLE item FLE item FLE item FLE item FLE item FLE item FLE 1 .81 11 .91 21 .76 31 .90 37 .88 42 .81 47 .85 2 .82 12 .87 22 .86 32 .92 38 .76 43 .87 48 .80 3 .92 13 .89 23 .86 33 .89 39 .77 44 The main components of the model are ideal L2 self (the L2-specific facet of one’s ideal self), ought-to L2 self (the attributes that one believes o ne ought to possess to meet others’ expectations and to avoid possible negative outcomes), and L2 learning experience or attitude to language learning (situated, executive motives related to the immediate learning environment and experience) (Dörnyei & Ushioda, 2011). keywords: .98; analysis; attitude; better; bristol; cfa; data; dörnyei; eds; education; effort; english; example; factor; fit; fle; future; ideal; identity; imagery; index; items; l2 self; l2mss; language; learners; learning; matters; measurement; model; motivation; multilingual; questionnaire; reliability; research; researchers; results; safdari; scales; self; sensory; study; style; system; teaching; theory; think; ushioda; validity cache: iojet-179.pdf plain text: iojet-179.txt item: #322 of 681 id: iojet-1791 author: Yalap, Hakan; Biçer, Yunus title: PHRASAL LOAN TRANSLATION TERMS IN THE MASTER’S THESES ON TEACHING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE date: 2022-12-28 words: 9053 flesch: 55 summary: Eng. foreshowing method unknown FLT Tr. sezdirme yöntemi Yalap & Biçer 174 Eng. four basic language skills CEFR FLT Tr. dört Eng. task-based learning unknown FLT Tr. göreve dayalı öğrenme Eng. teaching material CEFR FLT Tr. öğretim materyali Eng. threshold level CEFR FLT Tr. eşik düzeyi Eng. writing skills CEFR FLT Tr. yazma becerisi 5.2. keywords: act; affix; altaic; analizi; analysis; ankara; anlam; arabic; basamağı; bilgisi; biçer; bloom; calque; cefr; cefr flt; competence; complement; concept; cultural; data; dictionary; different; dil; domain; dts; duality; düzeyi; edimi; education; eki; eng; english; equivalence; example; figure; fiil; flt; flt tr; foreign; formation; forms; framework; free; french; ge tr; general; glossary; gram; grammatical; grats; günts; head;; instance; international; iojet; işitsel; journal; kurumu; kültür; language; latin; learning; level; lexemes; lexical; lexicalization; linguistics; literature; loan; loan translation; master; meanings; method; methodology; morpheme; morphological; n.d; needs; nevşehir; new; novel; online; orthographic; phonological; phrasal; phrase; pol; possible; potential; prag; press; process; psl; pst; psy; related; representation; research; retrieved; second; semantic; sense; seviyesi; single; sociology; source; specific; statistics; studies; study; sözlüğü; table; target; teaching; terimleri; termineme; terminological; terminologization; terminology; terms; test; theses; translation; translation terms; turkey; turkic; turkish; türk; units; university; unknown; unknown flt; unknown ge; usa; use; versus; word; yabancı; yalap; yeterlilik; öğrenme cache: iojet-1791.pdf plain text: iojet-1791.txt item: #323 of 681 id: iojet-1793 author: Avcıoğlu, Ayşe; Altay, İsmail Fırat title: AN INVESTIGATION OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY CLASS TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING IN DISTANCE date: 2022-12-28 words: 17560 flesch: 51 summary: Now, by the end of pandemic period, there is a huge amount of experience about distance education, especially about distance ELT, and it is a requirement and even a responsibility to utilize these experiences for determining what went right and what did not with it, for detecting and solving accompanying problems, and for deciding how to shape its future positively and to what extent we should use it. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2022, 10(1), 394-427. 397 SRQ2.1) From teachers’ point of view, what are the advantages of distance ELT? keywords: accessibility; advantageous; agree; altay; analysis; answer; attitudes; avcıoğlu; classroom; communication; concerns; data; development; deviation; difficult; digital; disadvantages; distance; distance education; distance elt; distance english; distance language; distance learning; distributions; easier; educational; effective; english language; environment; face; facilities; factors; flexibility; form; foundation; frequency; goals; great; hand; health; hybrid; instructional; instructors; interaction; international; internet; interview; iojet; items; journal; kurtosis; lack; language; language education; language teaching; learning; lessons; management; materials; means; methods; motivation; need; negative; normal; online; order; outstanding; pandemic; participants; participation; point; positive; possible; precautions; preparatory; problems; process; productive; psychological; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; related; reliability; research; response; results; scale; second; semi; skills; standard; statements; statistics; structured; students; study; sub; subscale; support; table; teachers; teaching; technical; technological; technology; terms; test; themes; time; tma; today; tools; total; traditional; training; ttf; turkey; university; use; values; world cache: iojet-1793.pdf plain text: iojet-1793.txt item: #324 of 681 id: iojet-1795 author: Orhan, Arzu title: THE USE OF LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: HOW DOES IT WORK AT BURSA ULUDAĞ UNIVERSITY? date: 2022-12-28 words: 11425 flesch: 53 summary: The situation can explain the high value that today’s university students can be seen as digital natives who have no idea what it would be like to live without social media and the internet. Previous studies mainly focus on measuring the behavior of academics toward LMS systems before the Covid- 19 pandemic period. keywords: academics; access; activities; alpha; answers; attitudes; behavior; bursa; buü; cac; case; change; communication; computer; consistency; content; course; covid-19; cronbach; data; der; development; different; digital; discussions; distance; education; engage; environments; evaluation; example; experience; face; faculty; feedback; findings; function; future; garrote; group; higher; higher education; homework; information; institutions; integrated; interaction; internal; international; internet; iojet; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; lecturers; lessons; likert; lms; lmss; management; material; media; methods; new; number; online; online discussions; online journal; online survey; opinions; orhan; pandemic; participants; period; pettersson; platforms; practice; present; process; program; questions; reliability; research; results; sampling; scale; schools; situation; social; software; statistics; students; studies; study; subject; support; survey; systems; table; teaching; technologies; technology; time; tools; training; turkey; ukey; uludağ; universities; university; usage; use; users; value; view; watson; wendeborn cache: iojet-1795.pdf plain text: iojet-1795.txt item: #325 of 681 id: iojet-1803 author: Aydoğmuş , Mevlüt; Santandreu Calonge, David; Kirk, Daniel title: TURKISH PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS ON SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH METAPHORS date: 2022-12-28 words: 7456 flesch: 48 summary: Social entrepreneurship research: A review and future research agenda. Keywords: pre-service teachers, perceptions, metaphors, social entrepreneurship, Turkey 1. keywords: activities; analysis; answers; aydoğmuş; building; calonge; categories; category; change; characteristics; communication; concepts; content; creative; data; development; education; effective; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; environment; eğitim; features; financial; functional; future; human; implementation; innovative; international; interview; iojet; journal; kirk; leadership; metaphors; necessary; needs; new; online; open; opinions; participants; people; perceptions; personal; planning; pre; problem; process; production; projects; qualitative; question; relations; research; self; service; service teachers; skills; social; social entrepreneurship; social skills; society; solidarity; study; support; table; teachers; teaching; team; technology; terms; thinking; total; turkish; university; work; working cache: iojet-1803.pdf plain text: iojet-1803.txt item: #326 of 681 id: iojet-1804 author: Sarıkaya, Yusuf; İlhan, Tahsin title: SUPERVISORY ROLES STYLES AND COUNSELING SELF-EFFICACY: MEDIATING ROLE OF THE SUPERVISORY WORKING ALLIANCE date: 2022-12-28 words: 8357 flesch: 50 summary: Supervisory roles styles and counseling self-efficacy: Mediating role of the supervisory working alliance. Thus, in this study, the impacts of supervisory roles, supervisory styles and supervisory working alliance (SWA) on CSE were investigated within a model framework. keywords: adviser; adviser role; alliance; alternative; attractive; beliefs; bernard; cases; client; coefficients; correlations; counseling; counselor; cse; development; dissertation; doctoral; education; effect; efficacy; equation; figure; findings; fit; important; indirect; international; interpersonal; inventory; iojet; i̇lhan; journal; mediation; method; model; observed; oriented; participants; positive; practice; process; psikolojik; relationship; research; role; sarıkaya; scale; scope; self; sensitive; significant; structural; studies; study; style; subscales; supervisee; supervision; supervisory; supervisory styles; swa; swai; table; task; teacher; teaching; total; university; usa; values; variables; working cache: iojet-1804.pdf plain text: iojet-1804.txt item: #327 of 681 id: iojet-1805 author: Çakır, Cemal title: ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING PROFESSIONALS’ UNDERSTANDING OF CONTEXT date: 2022-12-28 words: 8274 flesch: 60 summary: Of the terms listed above, context is of primary significance since people, phenomena, events, and actions exist in contexts. English language teaching professionals’ understanding of context. keywords: alternative; circumstance; communication; context; cq1; cq2; data; different; education; elt; elt professionals; english; environment; foreign; group; holders; hypothesis; international; iojet; item; journal; kecskes; language; linguistic; list; literature; little; malpas; meaning; mind; new; notion; online; participants; people; phd; place; post; pragmatics; pre; prime; professionals; questionnaire; relation; results; service; setting; situation; social; speaker; state; strong; students; study; table; teaching; terms; theoretic; thought; understanding; weak; words; çakır cache: iojet-1805.pdf plain text: iojet-1805.txt item: #328 of 681 id: iojet-1807 author: Kubanç, Yasemin title: EXAMINATION OF PRE-SERVICE CLASSROOM TEACHERS’ KNOWLEDGE ON THE FOUR OPERATIONS date: 2022-12-28 words: 7822 flesch: 57 summary: In addition, Duran et al. (2016) reported that pre-service mathematics teachers had difficulties in modeling and that their proposed models mostly did not comply with the logic of the problem. it was reported that pre-service teachers had professional qualifications and competencies in the field of mathematics. keywords: adaylarının; additional; algorithm; answers; ast; blocks; classroom; classroom teachers; content; content knowledge; data; dergisi; difficulties; difficulty; distribution; division; education; eğitim; figure; hundreds; incorrect; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; kubanç; learning; matematik; mathematics; modeling; models; multiplication; notation; number; online; operations; order; participants; pedagogical; positional; pre; primary; problem; qualitative; questions; research; result; school; service; service classroom; service teachers; solution; standard; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; subtraction; success; successful; sınıf; table; teachers; teaching; tens; tests; types; units; use; weak; öğretmeni; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1807.pdf plain text: iojet-1807.txt item: #329 of 681 id: iojet-1808 author: Kuru, Esma title: ANALYSIS OF THE ATTITUDE OF TEACHERS TO EDUCATION RESEARCHES date: 2022-12-28 words: 7059 flesch: 52 summary: Abstract The purpose of this study is whether to identify attitudes of teachers to education researches which are the most important source of development in the area of education, differ in terms of various variables. In line with the variables identified according to the results of the study, it was seen that teachers in general have a positive attitude to education researches. keywords: analysis; applicability; attitudes; data; degrees; difference; duty; education; education researches; factors; faculty; favor; findings; gender; graduate; group; higher; international; iojet; journal; kuru; level; male; mean; necessity; online; p>.05; positive; principal; professional; purpose; rank; researches; scale; sciences; seniority; significant; significant difference; social; staff; studies; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; terms; test; total; total sub; type; undergraduate; university; value; variable; years cache: iojet-1808.pdf plain text: iojet-1808.txt item: #330 of 681 id: iojet-1811 author: Aykırı, Kudret; Karamanlar, İsmail title: OPINIONS OF SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHERS AND PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS REGARDING EDUCATIONAL SUPERVİSORS’S CLASSROOM SUPERVISION ROLES date: 2022-12-28 words: 7907 flesch: 55 summary: However, In a broader sense, there are studies dealing with the views of social studies teachers (Ayşegül, 2004) and classroom teachers (Göktaş, 2008; Güven, 2011; Erdem & Eroğlu, 2012; Dönmez, 2021) on inspectors. Abstract The purpose of this research is to determine the views of social studies teachers and primary school teachers about the classroom supervision roles of educational supervisors. keywords: akşit; anxiety; aslanargun; aware; aykırı; characteristics; classroom; classroom teachers; concept; conditions; context; course; data; dergisi; duty; education; education inspectors; environment; evaluation; examples; expectations; experience; eğitim; female; follows; forefront; form; guidance; görüşleri; high; ilişkin; important; inspection; inspectors; international; interview; iojet; i̇lköğretim; journal; karamanlar; like; method; negative; new; online; opinions; participants; positive; previous; primary; profession; reasons; regulation; related; research; results; role; school; short; situation; skills; social; social studies; sosyal; statements; students; studies; studies teachers; study; supervision; supervisory; system; teachers; teaching; themes; views; years; öğretmen; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1811.pdf plain text: iojet-1811.txt item: #331 of 681 id: iojet-1813 author: Yentür, Murat Mücahit; ince, Ziya title: OPINIONS OF GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS ON THE TEACHING OF SHAPE AND MOVEMENT OF EARTH IN THE 9TH GRADE GEOGRAPHY CURRICULUM date: 2022-12-28 words: 10545 flesch: 59 summary: Findings on the thoughts of geography teachers on the pre-preparation of the students for the shape and movement of Earth before they come to the lesson: Geography teachers grouped their opinions about the shape and movement of Earth in two categories: positive and negative. Abstract This research aims to examine the views of geography teachers on the teaching of the shape and movement of Earth in the 9th grade geography curriculum. keywords: 9th; abstract; activities; analysis; attention; basic; better; bilimleri; case; categories; class; concepts; course; coğrafya; curriculum; data; dergisi; different; difficult; doi; earth; education; enstitüsü; eğitim; faculty; field; figure; findings; geography; geography course; geography curriculum; geography education; geography lesson; geography teachers; grade; grade geography; high; hours; interest; international; iojet; i̇nce; journal; learning; lesson; level; materials; methods; movement; number; online; opinions; participants; prepared; problems; qualitative; questions; reliability; research; results; school; science; secondary; service; shape; social; sosyal; students; studies; study; subject; sufficient; t10; t11; t12; t13; t14; t15; table; teachers; teaching; teaching methods; techniques; terms; textbooks; time; tools; training; understanding; use; views; yentür; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1813.pdf plain text: iojet-1813.txt item: #332 of 681 id: iojet-1815 author: Batmaz, Onur title: EXAMINATION OF PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS' SENSITIVITIES AND OPINIONS ON CULTURAL HERITAGE date: 2022-12-28 words: 8490 flesch: 54 summary: Therefore, it is important for cultural heritage education to create sensitivity of individuals towards cultural heritage. Therefore, it is thought that examining the sensitivity and opinions of students towards cultural heritage in the primary school period, which has an important place in cultural heritage education, will contribute to the literature. keywords: .05; 3rd; 4th; addition; agree; analysis; awareness; batmaz; children; clothes; cultural heritage; culture; curiosity; data; difference; dimension; dimension sensitivity; education; education level; elements; etc; family; father; findings; folk; future; games; grade; grade students; heritage education; heritage sensitivity; high; high school; historical; holidays; intangible; intangible cultural; intercultural; international; iojet; items; journal; level; middle; online; opinions; preservation; primary school; research; results; scale; school 3rd; school education; school students; scope; scores; sensitivities; sensitivity; sensitivity scores; significant; social; students; studies; study; sub; table; tales; teaching; test; traditional; transfer; type; university; value; variable cache: iojet-1815.pdf plain text: iojet-1815.txt item: #333 of 681 id: iojet-1816 author: Yurtbakan, Ergün title: COMPARISON OF WRITING ATTITUDES OF GIFTED AND AVERAGE PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS (3RD AND 4TH GRADES) date: 2022-12-28 words: 5981 flesch: 59 summary: At the end of the study; It was found that the writing attitudes of average primary school students were higher than that of gifted primary school students. 4. Conclusion and Discussion In the study conducted to compare the writing attitudes of gifted and average primary school students (3rd and 4th grade), it was found that the writing attitudes of average primary school students were higher than that of gifted primary school students. keywords: 3rd; 4th; 4th grade; activities; analysis; anxiety; attitudes; average; average primary; average students; change; children; comparison; education; fact; gifted; gifted primary; gifted students; grade; grade students; groups; higher; international; iojet; journal; language; lessons; level; love; mathematics; online; primary school; reading; research; results; scale; school students; science; scores; skills; students; studies; study; success; table; teachers; teaching; test; turkish; university; verbal; write; writing; writing attitudes; writing skills; yurtbakan cache: iojet-1816.pdf plain text: iojet-1816.txt item: #334 of 681 id: iojet-1817 author: Tütüniş, Birsen; Aydın, Doğuş title: A TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAMME FOR WRITING AND GRAMMAR SKILLS WITHIN THE MODEL OF TPACK date: 2022-12-28 words: 7315 flesch: 58 summary: The importance of teacher training is pointed out by Hampel, Teacher training on ICT (Web tools) for English language teaching in primary schools: TPACK framework and usage. keywords: aged; aydın; classrooms; content; content knowledge; digital; education; efficacy; efl; english; evaluation; experience; female; findings; foreign; forms; grammar; ict; ict tools; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; koehler; language; learners; learning; new; online; participants; pedagogical; pedagogical content; pedagogical knowledge; post; pre; problems; program; programme; questions; research; scale; service; significant; skills; students; study; teacher training; teachers; teaching; technological; technological pedagogical; technology; test; tools; tpack; training; tütüniş; use; workshop; writing; years cache: iojet-1817.pdf plain text: iojet-1817.txt item: #335 of 681 id: iojet-1818 author: Chuangprakhon, Sayam title: FACTORS AFFECTING THE CLASSICAL CHORAL REHEARSAL OF WESTERN MUSIC STUDENTS AT THE COLLEGE OF MUSIC, MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY date: 2022-12-28 words: 5459 flesch: 47 summary: Therefore, the researcher was interested in researching the factors affecting the classical choral rehearsal of Western music students at the College of Music, Mahasarakham University, to study both internal and external factors affecting the choral rehearsal of students. Internal factors include study habits, enthusiasm, ambition, and self-responsibility, but external factors include the relationship between learners and teachers, the relationship between students and classmates, the relationship between learners and their families, economic conditions, and the learning atmosphere to analyze the relationship of factors affecting the classical choral rehearsal of Western music students and to present as a guideline for teaching and learning for Western music students. keywords: academic; analysis; atmosphere; choral; classical; classmates; college; conditions; data; development; doi; education; email; enthusiasm;; external; factors; good; grades; group; habits; higher; instructors; interest; internal; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; level; mahasarakham; mahasarakham university; motivation; music; music education; music students; online; parents; people; performance; practice; program; rehearsal; relationship; research; responsibility; results; singing; skill; students; study; teachers; teaching; thailand; theerapan; time; training; university; western; western music; work cache: iojet-1818.pdf plain text: iojet-1818.txt item: #336 of 681 id: iojet-1821 author: Champadaeng, Sitthisak; Chuangprakhon, Sayam; Sriphet, Kla; Sapso, Kailurk title: ISAN KHAEN: KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT FOR TRANSMITTING ART AND CULTURE date: 2023-03-01 words: 8543 flesch: 62 summary: Isan Khaen: Knowledge Management for Transmitting Art and Culture. Received : 18.11.2022 Revised version received : 03.01.2023 Accepted : 05.01.2023 Isan Khaen: Knowledge Management for Transmitting Art and Culture Sitthisak Champadaeng1 0000-0003-2882-1751, Mahasarakham University, Thailand Email: keywords: addition; ancient; area; art; body; business; champadaeng; chuangprakhon; community; cultural; culture; data; development; different; district; education; entertainment; form; generations; group; instrument; interested; international; iojet; isan; isan khaen; journal; khaen; khaen culture; khaen makers; khaen music; khaen players; khaen playing; knowledge; learners; learning; local; mahasarakham; makers; making; management; melodies; molam; music; musical; new; old; online; order; participants; people; performance; players; playing; popular; practice; present; process; professional; project; province; research; rituals; sapso; singing; skills; srikaew; sriphet; study; system; teachers; teaching; techniques; thailand; time; tunes; university; village; ways; western; young cache: iojet-1821.pdf plain text: iojet-1821.txt item: #337 of 681 id: iojet-1822 author: Sakarya, Gül; Zahal, Onur; Şendurur, Yılmaz title: INSTRUMENT PRACTICE HABITS AND METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIES: AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON VIOLIN STUDENTS date: 2022-12-28 words: 5087 flesch: 48 summary: Practice habit and metacognition Getting into a habit of doing something valuable is a long process that starts with thinking in detail and being conscious of the paths to be followed (Jorgensen, 2008). Practice habits posttest results Table 4. keywords: affective; awareness; bireysel; control; dergisi; desire; difference; education; effect; efficient; experimental; factors; group; habits; high; incelenmesi; individual; instrument; instrument practice; interest; international; iojet; journal; learning; metacognitive; monitoring; music; musical; müzik; online; posttest; practice; practice habits; practicing; preparation; pretest; process; regular; research; sakarya; scale; scores; self; significant; strategies; students; studies; study; sub; success; table; teaching; tezi; time; training; university; usage; use; violin; zahal; çalgı; çalışma; öğrencilerinin; üniversitesi; şendurur cache: iojet-1822.pdf plain text: iojet-1822.txt item: #338 of 681 id: iojet-1824 author: Hasırcı Aksoy, Sevil title: THE EFFECT OF MUSIC ON READING SKILL: A META-ANALYSIS STUDY date: 2023-03-01 words: 10865 flesch: 54 summary: The keywords to be used in the searches made in the relevant databases were determined as music effect, reading skill, reading ability, reading comprehenesion, music effect on reading, experimental design/research, with their Turkish equivalents. Music effects on phonological awareness development in 3-year-old children. keywords: academic; accuracy; achievement; addition; aksoy; aloud; analysis; analysis study; areas; awareness; background; background music; bias; children; cognitive; comprehension; control; criteria; data; determined; development; different; doi; duration; education; effect; effect size; effective; environment; evaluation; experimental; field; foreign; funnel; general; grammatical; group; hasırcı; heterogeneity; important; international; intervention; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learning; level; listening; literacy; literature; meta; method; model; mother; mozart; music; music education; music effect; musical; negative; number; online; order; participants; performance; phonemic; phonological; plot; positive; process; psychology; publication; random; reading; reading comprehension; reading skills; related; research; result; school; significant; singing; sizes; skills; small; small effect; stage; structure; students; studies; study; sub; table; teaching; terms; test; text; tongue; total; training; treatment; turkish; use; value; variables; vocabulary; weeks; word cache: iojet-1824.pdf plain text: iojet-1824.txt item: #339 of 681 id: iojet-1825 author: Ümmet, Durmuş; Korban, İrfan title: PREDICTIVE ROLE OF COGNITIVE DISTORTIONS AND MOTIVATION REGULATION ON MATH ANXIETY AMONG TURKISH HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2023-03-01 words: 5954 flesch: 46 summary: Predictive role of cognitive distortions and motivation regulation on math anxiety among Turkish high school students. Keywords: Math anxiety; motivation regulation; cognitive distortions; high school students 1. keywords: academic; achievement; analysis; ankara; anxiety; anxiety scores; attribution; beilock; catastrophizing; cognitive; cognitive distortions; correlation; data; distortions; education; effects; factor; findings; high; important; increase; individual; international; iojet; journal; korban; learning; lesson; level; life; matematik; math; math anxiety; mathematics; mathematics anxiety; method; model; motivation; motivation regulation; negative; online; p<.050; perfectionism; performance; positive; predictive; predictors; psychological; psychology; regression; regulation; related; relationship; research; result; role; scale; school; school students; scores; self; significant; skills; students; studies; study; sub; success; teachers; teaching; test; therapy; total; turkish; university; value; variables; worth; ümmet; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1825.pdf plain text: iojet-1825.txt item: #340 of 681 id: iojet-1827 author: Xin, Sha; Sensai, Peerapong; Seekhunlio, Weerayut title: SICHUAN QINGYIN PERFORMANCE IN CHINA, THE TRANSMISSION PROCESS date: 2022-12-28 words: 4330 flesch: 64 summary: 2) Examine the transmission process of Sichuan Qingyin performance in Sichuan and Chongqing, China. Research objectives 2.1 To investigate the development of Sichuan Qingyin performance in China. keywords: aesthetic; area; art; artists; arts; changes; china; chinese; chongqing; content; cultural; development; dynasty; education; family; folk; hand; international; iojet; journal; long; lyrics; mahasarakham; main; methods; modern; music; new; online; opera; people; performance; popular; process; qingyin; qingyin performance; quyi; research; river; school; seekhunlio; sensai; sichuan; sichuan qingyin; singing; songs; study; style; teaching; time; traditional; transmission; troupe; tunes; university; wang; works; xiaoqu; xin cache: iojet-1827.pdf plain text: iojet-1827.txt item: #341 of 681 id: iojet-1828 author: Gümüş, Özge title: A CRITICAL OVERVIEW OF THE KEY SHIFTS IN THE MAINSTREAM L2 MOTIVATION RESEARCH: HIGHLIGHTING SOME POSSIBLE FUTURE PATHWAYS date: 2022-12-28 words: 9899 flesch: 46 summary: Let us explore some of the key shifts in L2 motivation research with a focus on changing thinking about the notion of motivation by providing the sequential developments of the field of L2 motivation. Motivation as Complex In the previous section, the aim was to provide the direction of L2 motivation research, more specifically how the situated perspective has changed the conceptualization of L2 motivation within a process-oriented paradigm, thus leading it to be viewed as ever changing. keywords: acquisition; approach; attitudes; cdsp; classroom; cognitive; complex; construct; contexts; crucial; current; development; dmcs; dynamic; dörnyei; e.g.; eds; educational; engagement; experiences; factors; field; focus; future; gardner; gümüş; hoorie; individual; integrative; international; iojet; journal; key; l2 language; l2 learning; l2 motivation; language; language learning; learners; learning; learning motivation; line; long; mainstream; model; modern; motivation; motivation research; muir; multilingual; new; online; orientations; oxford; paper; pathways; period; perspective; possible; press; process; psychological; psychology; research; researchers; ryan; second; self; shifts; social; specific; students; studies; study; teaching; term; theoretical; theories; theory; understanding; university; ushioda cache: iojet-1828.pdf plain text: iojet-1828.txt item: #342 of 681 id: iojet-1829 author: Kexia, Huang; Sensai, Peerapong; Seekhunlio, Weerayut; Wenzhe, Liu title: THE TRANSMISSION OF “DA GE” OF DONG NATIONALITY IN SANJIANG LIUZHOU CHINA date: 2023-03-01 words: 4835 flesch: 48 summary: Ms.Yang Yunxiang 4.2.2 Mr. Zheng Xiongjun, is a member of Guangxi Folk Artists Association, has been engaged in Dong cultural work for nearly 30 years, and is good at folk art, lusheng production and performance. Using the methods of field investigation, observed and studied the musical scores to understand the types and characteristics of Dong ethnicity “Da Ge”. keywords: activities; apprentice; artistic; autonomous; china; community; county; cultural; culture; da ge; development; dong; dong ethnicity; dong people; ecology; education; environment; family; field; folk; group; guangxi; heritage; important; intangible; international; iojet; journal; kexia; life; liuzhou; mahasarakham; master; method; modern; music; national; online; people; performance; protection; representative; research; sanjiang; sanjiang county; sanjiang dong; school; seekhunlio; sensai; singers; singing; social; songs; teaching; time; traditional; transmission; university; village; wenzhe cache: iojet-1829.pdf plain text: iojet-1829.txt item: #343 of 681 id: iojet-183 author: Çetinkıl, Hande; Katırcıoğlu, Hikmet; Yalçın, Yeliz title: THE IMPACT OF BIOLOGY TEACHING BASED UPON MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE THEORY ON ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: A META-ANALYSIS STUDY date: 2017-10-03 words: 5426 flesch: 57 summary: Cohen impact size values are interpreted as follows (Ergene, as cited in Cohen, 1999); It is expected that different impact sizes occur based on the features of the samples on which the studies are made (Kınay, 2012). keywords: academic; according; achievement; analysis; ankara; application; average; bilimleri; biology; different; education; effect; effect size; enstitüsü; eğitim; gazi; groups; high; impact; impact size; influence; intelligence; intelligence theory; katırcıoğlu; level; lisans; mean; meta; method; model; multiple; multiple intelligence; publication; quantity; random; research; results; sample; significance; size; statistic; students; studies; study; teaching; tezi; theory; thesis; value; weeks; words; yalçın; yüksek; üniversitesi cache: iojet-183.pdf plain text: iojet-183.txt item: #344 of 681 id: iojet-1831 author: Kalkan, Sinan; Rakap, Salih; Karnas, Mustafa; Bayrakdar, Uygar; Vural-Batik, Meryem; Sarı, Halil İbrahim title: VIRTUAL LEARNING IS NOT FOR MY CHILD! A PARENTAL PERSPECTIVE OF PRACTICES USED WITH CHILDREN WITH AUTISM DURING THE PANDEMIC date: 2023-03-01 words: 8488 flesch: 47 summary: Children with autism might be one of the most disadvantaged groups among children with disabilities in terms of benefiting from distance education programs due to the characteristics and nature of the disability. Despite all the measures taken to increase accessibility of distance education for all students, studies has shown that remote services or distance education are neither convenient nor sufficient for most children with disabilities (Ekas & Whitman, 2011; Garbe et al., 2020; Wamer-Richter & Lloyd 2020), particularly for students in need of individualized and intensive and professional support such as children with autism (Alhuzuni, 2021; Ameis, Lai, Mulsant, & Szatmari, 2020; Narzisi, 2020). keywords: access; activities; affected; analysis; areas; autism; batik; bayrakdar; behaviors; challenges; children; classes; codes; content; courses; covid-19; data; development; disabilities; distance; distance education; eba; education; education practices; emotional; face; families; home; impact; individualized; information; instruction; international; internet; iojet; journal; kalkan; karnas; learning; online; opportunities; pandemic; parental; parents; participants; practices; rakap; recorded; research; results; sari; school; services; skills; social; special; special education; strategies; students; study; support; survey; table; teachers; teaching; technology; training; turkey; university; use; virtual; virtual learning; vural cache: iojet-1831.pdf plain text: iojet-1831.txt item: #345 of 681 id: iojet-1834 author: Wang, Guangguo; Chuangprakhon, Sayam; Theerapan, Suthasinee title: AN INVESTIGATION OF TEACHING HOW TO CREATE STRING INSTRUMENTS OF THE ZHUANG NATIONALITY IN GUANGXI CHINA date: 2023-03-01 words: 5115 flesch: 53 summary: The teaching how to create, it is the production methods and improvement ideas of Zhuang stringed instruments are all derived from the basic concepts of musical instrument production, and these concepts are also the core concepts gradually summarized in the long history of musical instrument development. These functions and roles of Zhuang stringed instruments do not exist in isolation in many cases but coexist. keywords: art; baise; characteristics; chen; china; chinese; chuangprakhon; city; communication; cultural; data; development; dynasty; education; erhu; ethnic; folk; functions; guangxi; high; history; huluhu; inheritance; instruments; international; investigation; iojet; jiaohu; journal; maguhu; mahasarakham; making; materials; method; minority; musical; musical instruments; nationality; online; opera; panel; people; performance; performer; playing; popular; process; production; province; qin; qing; research; role; shape; sound; standard; stringed; stringed instruments; study; style; teaching; theerapan; timbre; time; traditional; university; use; wang; zhuang; zhuang nationality; zhuang opera cache: iojet-1834.pdf plain text: iojet-1834.txt item: #346 of 681 id: iojet-1838 author: Pongsiri, Ariya; Intanin, Jariya; Kaewhanam , Phimlikid; Kaewhanam , Kathanyoo; Kamonkhet, Sirinda; Marie Cain, Parisha title: URBAN LEARNING SPACE MODEL: MECHANISMS FOR CREATING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR BECOMING A LEARNING COMMUNITY date: 2023-03-01 words: 5647 flesch: 43 summary: Taro Yamane's computations of sample size were used to 400 samples from museums, parks, community markets, community learning space, etc. 3.3 Instruments and reliability Quantitative research is a survey of the level of public opinion on the urban-level learning space needs of people in Kalasin Municipality, divided into 5 rating scales of Likert (Likert Scale, 1932) in 3 formats, comprising: The survey was conducted based on theoretical concepts related to learning space, and three expert IOC questionnaires were conducted, with a score of 0.96, which was accurate and could be used to collect data. Keywords: Learning space, Public Participation, Learning Community 1. keywords: activities; administration; ages; area; cain; communities; community; decision; development; education; explicit; important; information; inspiration; intanin; international; iojet; journal; kaewhanam; kalasin; kamolkhet; knowledge; learning; learning space; level; lifelong; lifelong learning; local; making; meeting; meeting space; model; municipality; needs; online; participation; participatory; people; performative; physical; pongsiri; process; project; public; research; skills; social; space; space model; study; sustainable; tacit; teaching; thailand; understanding; unesco; university; urban; urban learning; use cache: iojet-1838.pdf plain text: iojet-1838.txt item: #347 of 681 id: iojet-1840 author: Baran, Medine title: EXAMINING EXPERT OPINIONS ON STEAM EDUCATION: A CASE STUDY date: 2023-03-01 words: 10963 flesch: 50 summary: Received : 21.12.2022 Revised version received : 14.02.2023 Accepted : 16.02.2023 EXAMINING EXPERT OPINIONS ON STEAM EDUCATION: 779 EXAMINING EXPERT OPINIONS ON STEAM EDUCATION: keywords: 21st; activities; addition; age; analysis; applications; applied; approach; appropriate; areas; art; baran; bilimleri; centers; century; codes; constructivist; creativity; critical; curriculum; daily; data; design; development; difficult; dimension; education; effective; engineering; environments; experts; eğitim; fen; field; findings; holistic; important; individuals; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; lack; learning; lesson; life; literature; materials; mathematics; methods; model; need; online; opinions; order; participants; perception; period; perspective; physical; plans; positive; pre; problem; process; processes; products; project; research; results; school; science; science education; scientific; significant; skills; solving; steam; steam activities; steam applications; steam approach; steam education; students; studies; study; sufficient; suitable; table; teachers; teaching; techniques; technology; theme; thinking; time; training; turkey; university; use; views; world; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1840.pdf plain text: iojet-1840.txt item: #348 of 681 id: iojet-1847 author: Erdamar, Fatih Selim; Akpınar, Burhan; Kuloğlu, Ayşenur title: A PEDAGOGICAL PERSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF TURKISH GENERATION Z UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' VIEWS ON VIRTUAL ECOLOGIES AND AVATAR AS SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS AND SELF-PRESENTATION date: 2023-03-01 words: 7895 flesch: 52 summary: In this respect, this study is significant as it has been designed to shed light on the views of higher education students with virtual-digital ecology experience on virtual-digital environments, virtual self, and avatar. Keywords: Avatar, self-consciousness, virtual self, Turkish generation z, virtual ecologies, 1. keywords: 818; akpınar; analysis; avatar; bilimler; bir; communication; consciousness; current; dalı; demographic; dergisi; difference; digital; distribution; ecologies; education; education students; engineering; enstitüsü; environment; erdamar; experience; eğitim; face; faculty; fırat; games; generation; higher; higher education; human; individual; information; international; internet; iojet; items; i̇stanbul; journal; kuloğlu; level; life; lisans; literature; male; media; metaverse; new; online; participants; pedagogy; physical; presentation; processes; reality; research; school; self; sense; significant; social; sosyal; square; students; study; survey; table; teaching; technologies; technology; terms; test; tezi; turkey; turkish; turkish generation; university; variables; views; virtual; virtual ecologies; virtual self; virtuality; yayımlanmamış; yüksek; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1847.pdf plain text: iojet-1847.txt item: #349 of 681 id: iojet-185 author: Güler, Çiğdem; Doğru, Mustafa title: THE EFFECT OF “ARGUMENT-BASED SCIENCE INQUIRY” APPROACH ON SCIENCE TEACHER CANDIDATES' ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS date: 2017-07-05 words: 7408 flesch: 57 summary: Is there an effect of “Argument-Based Science Inquiry” approach used in Science Education Laboratory Practices II class on Science Education teacher candidates’ academic achievements? The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of “Argument-Based Science Inquiry (ABSI)” approach on the academic achievements of 3rd grade Science Education teacher candidates by applying this approach to the activities and establishing a suitable educational environment, and to reveal their thoughts about it. keywords: absi; absi approach; academic; achievement; activities; addition; approach; argument; candidates; classes; classical; classroom; control; data; different; dogru; education; effect; experimental; experimental group; findings; group; guler; hand; inquiry; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; laboratory; learning; lesson; like; method; online; outcomes; place; post; practices; pre; process; quantitative; questions; related; research; results; science; science education; science inquiry; scientific; scientist; scores; sense; skills; students; study; table; teacher; teacher candidates; teaching; test; test scores; thinking; thoughts; time; university; use cache: iojet-185.pdf plain text: iojet-185.txt item: #350 of 681 id: iojet-1851 author: Karakoç, Elvan; Nazlımoğlu, Eda title: THE OPINIONS OF THE STUDENTS OF THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT ABOUT THE EDUCATION PROCESS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2023-03-01 words: 14993 flesch: 62 summary: Sarıkaya (2021) reviewed the opinions of music education students about distance education during the pandemic process. (Sager, et al., 2020) determined that during the pandemic process, the rate of listening to music and playing instruments of music department students decreased compared to students who did not study in the music department and concluded that they attributed the reason for this to the fact that the students were not motivated outside of school, their family, neighbors, and environment were disturbing, and factors related to their mental health. keywords: 4th; applied; aspects; classes; comfortable; computer; conditions; connection; courses; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; department; dergisi; different; digital; distance; distance education; education; education process; effects; environment; evaluation; experience; eğitim; face; face education; family; feeling; findings; graduation; health; high; home; important; instrument; international; internet; iojet; journal; karakoç; knowledge; lack; learning; life; lot; methods; motivation; music; music education; müzik; nazlımoğlu; negative; new; online; opinions; pandemic; pandemic process; period; positive; problems; process; professional; psychological; research; respect; result; s10; s11; s12; s13; s14; s15; s16; s17; s18; s19; s20; school; second; situation; students; studies; study; sub; system; table; teachers; teaching; terms; theme; theoretical; time; undergraduate; undergraduate education; university; uzaktan cache: iojet-1851.pdf plain text: iojet-1851.txt item: #351 of 681 id: iojet-1854 author: Güneş, Hilal; Adnan, Müge title: ONLINE INSTRUCTOR ROLES AND COMPETENCIES: VOICES OF EFL INSTRUCTORS date: 2023-03-01 words: 11628 flesch: 50 summary: Online instructor roles and competencies: Voices of EFL instructors. Güneş& Adnan 896 A review of literature reveals that online instructor roles and competencies can vary across different teaching subjects, institutions, cultures, and countries. keywords: activities; adnan; attention; basic; bawane; carril; classes; competencies; content; copyright; course; data; design; development; different; distance; education; efl; efl instructors; environment; et al; feedback; goodyear; güneş; ict; important; information; instructional; instructors; interaction; international; iojet; issues; journal; knowledge; lack; language; language instructors; learning; lesson; lms; management; materials; methods; muñoz; need; new; online; online classes; online education; online instructors; online language; online learning; online materials; online teaching; participants; participation; performance; platform; problems; process; progress; questions; research; roles; skills; spector; students; studies; study; support; system; teacher; teaching; technical; technological; technology; time; training; turkey; university; use; visual; williams cache: iojet-1854.pdf plain text: iojet-1854.txt item: #352 of 681 id: iojet-1857 author: Erkan, Mert; Gümüşdağ, Hayrettin title: AN INVESTIGATION OF PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS OF HANDBALL PLAYERS PLAYING IN PROFESSIONAL LEAGUES date: 2023-03-01 words: 4666 flesch: 58 summary: Analysis of Problem Solving skills according to the variable of playing time in the league League Play Time n X± Ss F p Tukey HSD Considering the Effects of Solving the Problem 1-5 Years1 79 2,84± 0,45 2,113 ,014* 1-2 1-3 2-3 6-10 Years2 83 3,12±0,46 11 Years & Above3 40 3,36±0,47 Problem Solving Through Modeling 1-5 Years1 79 3,11±0,46 2,252 ,022* 1-3 2-3 6-10 Years2 83 3,17±0,44 11 Years & Above3 40 3,66±0,53 Researching Alternative Solutions 1-5 Years1 79 3,47±0, 51 2,558 ,017* 1-2 1-3 2-3 6-10 Years2 83 3,58±0,53 11 Years & Above3 40 3,61±0,54 Stability in Implementing the Determined Solution 1-5 Years1 79 3,15±0,46 2,192 ,043* 1-3 2-3 6-10 Years2 83 3,19±0,47 11 Years & Above3 40 3,47±0,49 Analyzing the Encountered Problem 1-5 Years1 79 2.93±0,40 2,137 ,026* 1-3 2-3 6-10 Years2 83 2,99±0,41 11 Years & Above3 40 3,21±0,43 p<.05 According to Table 5, the results of the analysis made between the time intervals of playing in the league and the problem solving skills of the handball players participating in the research, the sub-dimensions of the problem solving skills scale are Thinking the Effects of Solving the Problem, Solving Problems by Modeling, Searching for Alternative Solutions, Determination in Applying the Determined Solution, Encountered Problem. As a result, the problem solving skills of the handball players were determined, and it was determined that there was a significant difference between age, gender, playing time in the league and problem solving skills. keywords: 1st; 2nd; age; alternative; analysis; ankara; determined; difference; dimensions; education; effects; handball; handball players; institute; iojet; journal; league; level; master; modeling; players; playing; problem; research; results; scale; sciences; scores; significant; skills; solution; solving; sports; students; study; sub; table; teaching; thesis; university; variable; women; years cache: iojet-1857.pdf plain text: iojet-1857.txt item: #353 of 681 id: iojet-1860 author: Yılmaz, Sevda title: EXAMINING COGNITIVE STRUCTURES OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS REGARDING CONCEPTS RELATED TO MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION date: 2023-06-01 words: 8146 flesch: 56 summary: During the pilot application, the time most appropriate for students to make concept associations was determined to be 60 seconds. The number of words associated with key concepts related to multicultural education by secondary school eighth grade students is presented in Table 1. keywords: addition; aims; application; associated; association; bahar; bakırcıoğlu; breakpoint; cevizci; cognitive; collection; common; concept; correct; culture; curriculum; data; dergisi; differences; different; discrimination; education; equality; eğitim; f:10; f:11; f:14; fact; figure; grade; group; history; human; ilişkin; incelenmesi; individuals; international; iojet; journal; justice; key; key concept; law; learning; literature; love; method; ministry; multicultural; multicultural education; network; number; online; order; ortaokul; participants; people; prejudice; process; related; reliability; research; respect; rights; school; school students; secondary; social; society; sosyal; structures; students; studies; study; sözlüğü; teaching; test; time; tool; turkey; values; word association; words; yılmaz; öğrencilerinin; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1860.pdf plain text: iojet-1860.txt item: #354 of 681 id: iojet-1862 author: Ece, Cuma; Çetin, Semra; Koç, Mehmet title: DETERMINATION OF INDIVIDUALS' QUALITY OF LIFE AND EXERCISE HEALTH BELIEF LEVELS date: 2023-03-01 words: 5870 flesch: 57 summary: It has been determined that the participants with university and secondary school education have higher exercise health belief levels than the participants with primary school education. According to our study, no significant difference was found between the variable of doing sports and exercise health belief (p>0.05). keywords: activity; age; analysis; belief; belief levels; children; difference; ece; education; exercise; exercise health; gender; general; general health; health; health belief; high; income; individuals; international; iojet; journal; koç; levels; life; marital; middle; model; online; p>0.05; participants; patients; perception; physical; primary; quality; regular; relationship; research; result; sakarya; scale; school; sciences; significant; significant difference; sports; status; status variable; study; sub; table; teaching; terms; university; variable; çetin cache: iojet-1862.pdf plain text: iojet-1862.txt item: #355 of 681 id: iojet-1863 author: Egesoy, Halit; Yapıcı, Ayşegül title: THE EFFECTS OF WHOLE-BODY VIBRATION TRAINING ON SPRINT AND JUMPING PERFORMANCE IN JUNIOR VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS : date: 2023-03-01 words: 4963 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: Education program; vibration training; countermovement jump; linear sprint; performance 1. It has been predicted that vibration training applied for 6 weeks will be more effective in increasing sports performance compared to no vibration program. keywords: analysis; athletes; body; body vibration; cochrane; conditioning; control; differences; different; education; effect; egesoy; et al; exercise; female; findings; group; international; iojet; journal; jumping; junior; medicine; muscle; online; participants; performance; players; post; power; pre; program; research; results; science; significant; sports; sprint; strength; studies; study; table; teaching; test; training; training group; trivial; values; vertical; vibration; vibration training; volleyball; wbv; wbv training; wbvtg; weeks; yapıcı; young cache: iojet-1863.pdf plain text: iojet-1863.txt item: #356 of 681 id: iojet-1869 author: Pattanachai, Nakintorn; Namtaku, San title: IMPORTANCE OF FARMER TRAINING FOR PRODUCING LOCAL FERMENTED FISH date: 2023-03-01 words: 4465 flesch: 49 summary: 4.2.2 The database system of raw fish for producing fermented fish Lampao Dam to evaluate the performance of database system and reported the findings. Farmer training makes it possible to enlighten producers about fact that the raw fish for producing fermented fish could be divided into 2 groups according to morphology. keywords: analysis; application; area; black; bleeker; box; catfish; cycle; dam; database; database system; design; development; education; farmer; fermented fish; figure; fish; fish information; fish types; general; information; innovation; international; iojet; journal; kalasin; knowledge; lampao; lampao dam; leather; life; management; material; member; namtaku; online; overall; page; people; performance; process; rasbora; raw fish; related; research; results; satisfaction; science; sdlc; software; study; system; system development; teaching; technology; testing; training; types; users cache: iojet-1869.pdf plain text: iojet-1869.txt item: #357 of 681 id: iojet-187 author: Özkaya, Ali; Yetim Karaca, Sebahat title: THE EFFECTS OF REALISTIC MATHEMATICS EDUCATION ON STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENTS AND ATTITUDES IN FIFTH GRADES MATHEMATICS COURSES date: 2017-04-04 words: 6745 flesch: 48 summary: According to the results taken from the research findings, it has been detected that teaching the fifth grade “Natural N umbers and Operations in Natural Numbers” subject by activities prepared in line with Realistic Mathematics Education principles is more effective on student attitude towards mathematics, compared to the current curriculum. The effects of Realistic Mathematics Education on students’ achievements and attitudes in fifth grades mathematics courses. keywords: academic; academic success; activities; applied; approach; arithmetic; articles; attitude; attitude scores; calculated; control; control group; curriculum; difference; education; effect; effective; experiment; experiment group; favour; field; fifth; findings; gerçekçi; grade; group; higher; institute; learning; life; matematik; mathematics; mathematics education; mean; natural; operations; post; pre; prepared; primary; realistic; realistic mathematics; research; results; rme; scale; school; sciences; scores; significant; significant difference; size; students; studies; subject; success; success scores; success test; table; teachers; teaching; test; test academic; test attitude; test scores; thesis; university; value cache: iojet-187.pdf plain text: iojet-187.txt item: #358 of 681 id: iojet-1870 author: Tekin, Murat; Karayaka, Hasan title: THE IMPACT OF HEALTH MINISTRY POLICIES ON PREGRADUET AND POSTGRADUET MEDICAL EDUCATION CAREER PLANNING date: 2023-03-01 words: 6529 flesch: 54 summary: The decision to change career plans the least was made by resident physicians, while the decision to change career plans the most was made by intern physicians, due to the 2022 regulation. The impact of the reforms on career plans was seen primarily among intern doctors. keywords: analysis; assistant; career; career plans; change; current; data; doctors; duty; education; exam; factors; financial; gazete; general; health; healthcare; impact; important; intern; iojet; journal; karayaka; malpractice; medical; medicine; ministry; negative; number; online; opinion; participants; people; physicians; planning; plans; positive; practitioners; questionnaire; questions; regulations; relationship; research; resident; resmi; school; significant; specialist; specialty; students; study; sufficient; table; tekin; training; turkish; tıp; violence; white; work; workers; working; year; yes cache: iojet-1870.pdf plain text: iojet-1870.txt item: #359 of 681 id: iojet-1871 author: Çakmak Tolan, Özlem title: EFFECTIVENESS OF SCHOOL-BASED PREVENTION PROGRAMS ON PEER BULLYING: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW date: 2023-03-01 words: 9597 flesch: 50 summary: The “Step to Respect” Program aims to reduce school bullying with basic objectives such as increasing teachers’ awareness and responsiveness to bullying in school, encouraging social responsibility, and teaching social-emotional skills to resist bullying and establish healthy relationships. The results revealed that the KiVa Anti-Bullying Program was successful in combating bullying and victimization among primary school students by reducing bullying and victimization, influencing students’ attitudes toward bullying, bystander behaviors in bullying situations, and perceptions of teachers’ attitudes toward bullying. keywords: 1the; addition; aggression; anti; attitudes; behavior; bullies; bullying; bullying program; children; class; climate; control; control group; cyberbullying; decrease; different; education; effectiveness; effects; empathy; environment; et al; evaluation; experimental; experimental group; follow; fonagy; frey; grade; group; health; international; intervention; iojet; journal; kiva; kärnä; limber; lower; measurement; menesini; month; n =; nese; notrap; observed; olweus; online; palladino; peer; peer bullying; physical; positive; post; prevention; prevention program; primary; problems; program; psychology; questionnaire; research; respect; results; review; salmivalli; sample; scale; school; school students; self; significant; skills; social; students; studies; study; support; swpbis; teachers; teaching; test; time; tolan; victimization; victims; violence; çakmak cache: iojet-1871.pdf plain text: iojet-1871.txt item: #360 of 681 id: iojet-1874 author: Toker, Zerrin title: A PRESERVICE MATHEMATICS TEACHER’S REFLECTIONS AND REFLECTIVE PRACTICES FOCUSING ON STUDENTS’ LEARNING date: 2023-03-01 words: 6509 flesch: 54 summary: Observations revealed that students began to think more about the questions she posed before answering and explaining their reasoning: Students were asking questions; they were willing to discuss. For PSTs, improving teaching and focusing on student learning requires some mechanisms. keywords: action; analysis; assessment; ayla; classroom; content; course; data; development; different; education; experienced; focus; future; group; international; iojet; issues; journal; knowledge; learning; lesson; mathematics; mentor; oms; online; opportunities; post; practice; preservice; process; program; psmt; psts; questions; reflections; reflective; researcher; school; schön; specific; students; study; tcp; teacher; teacher education; teaching; thinking; time; toker; typical; university; work cache: iojet-1874.pdf plain text: iojet-1874.txt item: #361 of 681 id: iojet-1875 author: Recepoğlu, Serpil; Öztürk, Durdane title: INVESTIGATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS' ATTITUDES TO SOCIAL STUDIES COURSE AND SOCIAL SKILLS LEVELS date: 2023-03-01 words: 5502 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: Social skills, attitude, social studies course 1. The lack of literature in investigating the relationship between attitude towards social studies course and social skills shows the importance of the contribution of this study to the literature. keywords: academic; affective; analysis; attitudes; behavioral; children; cognitive; course; demir; education; findings; grade; important; increase; international; iojet; journal; learning; lesson; levels; method; negative; online; order; positive; predictor; primary; recepoğlu; relationship; research; results; scale; school; school students; sciences; scores; secondary; secondary school; significant; skills; social; social skills; social studies; society; students; studies course; studies lesson; study; sub; success; table; teacher; teaching; thesis; university; variables; öztürk cache: iojet-1875.pdf plain text: iojet-1875.txt item: #362 of 681 id: iojet-1876 author: Apaydın, Ozkan title: THE ORFF SCHULWERK APPROACH AND TEACHER IN MUSIC EDUCATION date: 2023-03-01 words: 7428 flesch: 51 summary: Keywords: Orff Schulwerk approach, Orff Schulwerk teachers, music education, traditional education 1. The approach of Orff Schulwerk music education to elementary music and movement education accepts that each child has their unique talent. keywords: active; activities; apaydın; approach; carl; carl orff; center; children; classroom; constructivist; constructivist education; countries; creative; dance; development; directorate; education; education approach; educators; elementary; field; general; important; improvisation; instruments; international; iojet; journal; kalyoncu; knowledge; learning; main; method; ministry; model; movement; music; music education; music teachers; musical; müzik; national; needs; new; online; orff; orff approach; orff instruments; orff schulwerk; philosophy; potential; preschool; process; programs; publication; research; rhythm; rhythmic; role; school; schulwerk approach; schulwerk method; schulwerk music; seminars; singing; skills; sound; students; studies; study; teacher; teacher training; teaching; traditional; training; turkey; understanding; university; work; world cache: iojet-1876.pdf plain text: iojet-1876.txt item: #363 of 681 id: iojet-1877 author: Pirpiroğlu Gencer, İpek; Mirici, Semra; Selvi, Mahmut title: A SCIENCE EDUCATION WORKSHOP ASSOCIATED WITH A SCIENCE CENTER EXHIBITION: LANGUAGE OF RINGS ON TREE TRUNKS date: 2023-03-01 words: 14682 flesch: 54 summary: The characteristics that science center workshops should have, both in line with the BILMER Project and the literature, include being appropriate for the level, connected to the curriculum, contributing to students' learning of science, contributing to students' cognitive and affective development, interactive and collaborative, including various learning-teaching methods and techniques, being related to science center exhibitions, including the nature of science, the history of science, and the inquiry-research approach, including scientific process skills, being fun and explanatory, arousing curiosity, being interesting, relating to daily life, enabling students to leave with a product, including scientific process skills, exploring problem-solving strategies, and providing the possibility of leaving the workshop with a self-made product if possible (Allen & Crowley, 2014; Anderson, Kisiel & Storksdieck, 2006; ASTC, 1996; Bamberger & Tal, 2008; DeWitt and Osborne, 2010; Grinell, 2002; Gutwill & Allen, 2012; Köseoğlu & Eren-Şişman, 2019; Luehmann, 2007; Rennie & McClafferty, 1995). Similarly, although there are science workshops in a wide variety of fields, science education workshops in biology are generally very limited. keywords: activities; activity; age; analysis; application; bilim; biology; bi̇lmer; borer; branches; categories; centers; children; classroom; communication; conceptual; content; curriculum; data; design; determination; determined; developed; development; different; difficulties; ecological; education workshop; educators; effective; effects; environment; evaluation; example; exhibition; experience; field; gains; gencer; important; increase; increment; information; inquiry; instructors; interest; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; köseoğlu; language; learning; level; life; living; materials; methods; mirici; natural; nature; need; new; online; participants; permanent; pirpiroğlu; possible; preliminary; problem; process; processes; professional; project; questioning; questions; related; research; responses; rings; sample; scenario; school; science; science center; science education; science teachers; scientific; scientific process; scientific research; scope; selvi; skills; society; statements; students; study; subject; sustainability; table; teachers; teaching; things; time; topic; trainers; tree; trunk; understanding; use; visitors; worksheets; workshop cache: iojet-1877.pdf plain text: iojet-1877.txt item: #364 of 681 id: iojet-1884 author: Meriç, Erdal title: PATIENCE AS A PREDICTOR OF TEACHERS' CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT SKILLS date: 2023-03-01 words: 10302 flesch: 56 summary: In this context, in studies conducted by Denizel Güven and Cevher (2005) and Bilgin (2019) with the participation of preschool teachers; in studies conducted by Yalçınkaya and Tombul (2002), Babaoğlan and Korkut (2010), Yüksel (2013), Aküzüm and Özdemir Gültekin (2017), Ocakcı and Sabancı (2019), Ergen and Elma (2020), and Vatansever Bayraktar and Kendirci (2020) with the participation of classroom teachers; and in a study conducted by Sarı and Bayrakçı (2018) with teachers working in secondary education, it was concluded that they perceive themselves as highly competent in classroom management skills. Similarly, a study conducted by Vatansever Bayraktar and Kendirci (2020) with the participation of classroom teachers found that classroom management skills did not differ based on marital status. keywords: .37; .38; .39; analysis; becerileri; behavior; behavior management; classroom dimension; classroom management; classroom teachers; communication; data; difference; dimension; education; education level; effective; faculty; female; gender; general; general classroom; general patience; higher; ingroups; interaction; interaction dimension; intergroup; international; iojet; job; journal; layout; learning; levels; male; management dimensions; management skills; marital; married; meriç; middle; model; motivation; online; p<.01; p<.05; patience; patience levels; physical; positive; pre; predictor; primary; process; relationship; research; results; scale; school; school teachers; scores; seniority; significant; single; status; students; studies; study; sub; sınıf; table; teachers; teaching; teaching dimension; terms; test; total; undergraduate; university; variables; variance; years; yönetimi; öğretmenlerinin cache: iojet-1884.pdf plain text: iojet-1884.txt item: #365 of 681 id: iojet-1885 author: Çobanoğlu, Necati; Demir, Selcuk title: INVESTIGATION OF PRESCHOOL: THE APPROACHES OF TEACHERS TOWARDS INCLUSION, INCLUSION COMPETENCIES AND CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT SKILLS: date: 2023-06-01 words: 8536 flesch: 50 summary: Inclusive education teachers should also have a classroom management competency. Cooperation is also crucial since it is a field that the parent of the inclusion student, the school administration and special education teacher need to be in cooperation, thus requiring the teacher to have cooperation competency. keywords: analysis; approaches; attitudes; behaviours; classroom; classroom management; collected; competence; cooperation; data; demir; development; different; dimensions; disabled; education; education competencies; efficacy; environment; faculty; fit; good; important; inclusion; inclusion attitudes; inclusion competencies; inclusion education; inclusion students; inclusive; individuals; international; iojet; items; journal; kaynaştırma; level; literature; management; management competencies; management skills; model; needs; normal; okul; online; order; physical; positive; preschool; preschool teachers; relationship; reliability; research; results; scale; schools; self; similar; skills; special; structural; students; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; terms; time; university; values; variables; way; years; yönelik; çobanoğlu; öğretmenlerinin cache: iojet-1885.pdf plain text: iojet-1885.txt item: #366 of 681 id: iojet-1886 author: Aslan, Gülay; Küçüker, Erdal title: RETHINKING THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT (FAILURE) OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: STUDENT (FAMILY) OR SCHOOL, WHAT IS DECISIVE? date: 2023-03-01 words: 15471 flesch: 57 summary: Vocational high school students come mainly from the lower socioeconomic strata of society. All parties of this social consensus, especially the politicians or bureaucrats who direct the education system, generally mention the negativity of the social perception of these high schools as a priori regarding the reasons for the academic failure of vocational high school students; however, they do not provide sufficient analytical data (Ministry of National Education [MoNE], 2018a; 2018b). keywords: academic; academic achievement; academic success; akademik; analysis; ankara; annual; aslan; atar; attitude; average; background; bilimleri; books; capital; center; characteristics; child; children; classroom; components; computer; constant; countries; course; cultural; data; dergisi; determined; development; difference; doi; education; education level; education system; effects; efficiency; established; estimation; exam; expenditure; extracurricular; eğitim; fact; fakültesi; families; family; father; findings; gender; graduate; graduation; graduation success; habits; hand; hierarchical; high; high school; higher; home; hours; household; important; income; increase; individual; internal; international; iojet; journal; küçüker; level; level variables; level-1; literature; low; mathematics; mean; model; mother; number; occupation; online; order; p<.05; parents; personal; pisa; points; probability; purpose; random; ratio; reading; regression; related; relationship; research; results; review; rij; scale; school; school education; school level; school students; school variables; science; scores; secondary; security; siblings; significant; social; socioeconomic; standard; status; student achievement; student level; students; studies; study; sub; successful; support; system; table; teachers; teaching; terms; test; training; turkey; types; u0j; university; values; variables; variance; vocational; vocational high; way; working; öğrencilerin; ünal; β0j; γ00 cache: iojet-1886.pdf plain text: iojet-1886.txt item: #367 of 681 id: iojet-1887 author: Yüreğilli Göksu, Derya title: A REVIEW OF GLOBAL STUDIES PERFORMED WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODEL date: 2023-03-01 words: 6087 flesch: 54 summary: In this context, studies which are performed within the framework of flipped classroom model has been examined, based on the literature review by compiling method. Flipped classroom model; Bergmann and Sams, chemistry teachers in Colorado, have to find solutions for their students who have to fulfill their athletic duties at the same time and therefore start to miss their classes. keywords: academic; achievement; active; activities; addition; approaches; aydın; classroom; classroom model; content; course; current; curriculum; development; different; disadvantages; education; educators; environment; eğitim; findings; framework; group; göksu; higher; home; individual; information; instruction; international; iojet; journal; learners; learning; lesson; level; literature; methods; model; motivation; online; order; place; positive; process; related; research; researchers; result; review; scientific; self; students; studies; study; subject; system; sınıf; teacher; teaching; technology; ters; tezi; time; traditional; videos; yüreğilli; yüz; üniversitesi cache: iojet-1887.pdf plain text: iojet-1887.txt item: #368 of 681 id: iojet-1897 author: Wu, Tengteng; Woramitmaitree, Narongruch title: TEACHING KNOWLEDGE OF THE CHINESE NATIONAL ORCHESTRA AT THE SICHUAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC IN CHINA date: 2023-06-01 words: 6047 flesch: 50 summary: The Chinese National Orchestra of Sichuan Conservatory of Music is a domestic group with a good reputation as a professional play band that has done a lot to help develop Chinese national music (Yunjiang, 2003; Lihan, & Thothum, 2021; Wang & Juangprakhon, 2021). The article discusses the history and development of Chinese national orchestral music, with a focus on the Chinese National Orchestra. keywords: art; article; association; band; better; china; chinese; chinese folk; chinese music; chinese national; chinese orchestra; chinese traditional; conservatory; construction; cultural; culture; current; data; development; education; ethnic; folk; group; history; hong; instruments; international; interview; iojet; journal; knowledge; main; methods; music; musical; musical instruments; national; national music; national orchestra; new; number; online; orchestra; people; percussion; performance; period; professional; reform; research; school; sichuan; sichuan conservatory; social; sound; stage; string; study; symphony; teaching; time; traditional; traditional orchestra; university; wang; western; woramitmaitree; works; yang; years cache: iojet-1897.pdf plain text: iojet-1897.txt item: #369 of 681 id: iojet-1898 author: Lian, Kaikai; Sornyai, Phiphat title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CHU WANGHUA'S PIANO MUSIC FOR IMPROVISED ACCOMPANIMENT IN THE TEACHING OF MUSIC EDUCATION MAJORS AT CHINESE UNIVERSITIES date: 2023-06-01 words: 5313 flesch: 48 summary: As we move into the 21st century, piano improvisational accompaniment teaching in China is growing quickly. As a result, piano improvisational accompaniment teaching in Chinese universities is moving in a systematic and standardized direction. keywords: ability; accompaniment; accompaniment teaching; adaptations; analysis; arrangement; china; chinese; chinese piano; chinese universities; chu; class; composer; content; course; degree; education; folk; harmony; important; improvisation; improvisational accompaniment; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; lack; learning; lessons; lian; majors; master; minor; music; normal; normal university; online; pentatonic; performance; piano; piano music; practice; problems; research; skills; songs; sornyai; students; study; teachers; teaching; thesis; time; universities; university; wanghua; western; works cache: iojet-1898.pdf plain text: iojet-1898.txt item: #370 of 681 id: iojet-190 author: Gülşen, Erhan; Mede, Enisa title: EFFICACY OF MULTI-LEVEL EXTENSIVE READING IN YOUNG LEARNERS’ READING MOTIVATION date: 2017-10-03 words: 12932 flesch: 56 summary: The study Children’s Motivation for Reading: Domain Specificity and Instructional Motivation focuses on the efficacy of DI on young learners’ reading lessons in the context of motivation and it measures this concept specific to the domain of interest in extensive reading by also mentioning the differences between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Supporting the numerical findings with the reflections of the participant observers and the student groups, this study aims to reach more reliable findings and get more valid suggestions for differentiated instruction in reading lessons, where the students mostly have difficulties getting motivated and engaged because they are usually exposed to fixed-level readings. keywords: activity; answers; appendix; basis; books; children; classroom; comprehension; context; current; data; differentiated; differentiated instruction; differentiated reading; digital; education; effect; engagement; english; extensive reading; favourite; findings; groups; gülşen; hard; instruction; intensive; interest; international; interview; iojet; item; journal; language; learners; level; level reading; level students; main; materials; mede; motivation; multi; notes; observers; online; overall; pleasure; positive; post; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; reading; reading activities; reading comprehension; reading lessons; reading motivation; reading questions; reading skills; researchers; results; school; score; skills; structured; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; test; text; time; total; types; use; way; wigfield; young cache: iojet-190.pdf plain text: iojet-190.txt item: #371 of 681 id: iojet-1900 author: Aygün, Cihan; Çakır-Atabek, Hayriye title: IMPROVING PHYSICAL FITNESS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS THROUGH KIDS' ATHLETICS GAME PRACTICES: date: 2023-06-01 words: 4751 flesch: 58 summary: KAGP can be used as a tool to increase physical activity and improve physical fitness in children at primary level. Recent studies have investigated the determinants of physical fitness, as a meaningful marker of health, ways to maximize and maintain physical fitness, and its positive effects on health from an early age (Ortega et al., 2008). keywords: activity; aged; agility; atabek; athletics; aygün; backward; ball; bomb; boys; children; cmj; different; education; effects; fitness; flexibility; forward; game; girls; group; health; https://doi; iaaf; improved; international; iojet; journal; jump; kagp; kids; mean; measured; medicine; movement; overhead; participants; physical; physical fitness; practices; pre; reach; running; school; sec; sexes; shuttle; sit; sport; sprint; strength; students; study; teaching; test; throwing; time; values; variables; week; year; çakır cache: iojet-1900.pdf plain text: iojet-1900.txt item: #372 of 681 id: iojet-1903 author: Ünaldı, İhsan; Baykara, Tuba title: THE EFFECTS OF PRACTICUM PRACTICE ON TURKISH PRESERVICE EFL TEACHERS’ BELIEF SYSTEMS date: 2023-06-01 words: 7984 flesch: 54 summary: Kagan (1992) defines teacher beliefs as implicit assumptions related to teaching constituents such as students, learning environment, and subject matter. In general, teacher beliefs consist of a set of beliefs about the general educational field and subject-specific content (Borg, 2009). keywords: 2014; analysis; approach; aspects; baykara; beliefs; cambridge; changes; classroom; context; current; data; education; efl; efl teachers; emotional; english; example; experience; findings; foreign; instruction; international; iojet; issues; journal; knowledge; language; language teaching; learning; literature; mechanism; online; participants; practical; practice; practicum; preservice; preservice efl; preservice teachers; process; programs; qualitative; related; reports; research; results; rrs; second; sessions; step; students; studies; study; systems; teacher education; teachers; teaching; technology; themes; theoretical; theory; trainees; training; turkey; turkish; university; use; ünaldı cache: iojet-1903.pdf plain text: iojet-1903.txt item: #373 of 681 id: iojet-1907 author: Eroğlu, Aysun title: INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF DISTANCE EDUCATION ON DIGITAL LITERACY SKILLS OF TURKISH TEACHERS: date: 2023-06-01 words: 3629 flesch: 59 summary: Investigation of the effect of distance education on digital literacy skills of Turkish teachers. Keywords: Digital literacy skills, Turkish teachers, distance education during the Covid-19 epidemic. keywords: araştırmaları; covid-19; data; dergisi; difference; digital; digital literacy; dil; distance; distance education; doi; edebiyat; education; effect; emergency; epidemic; eroğlu; eğitim; group; information; international; iojet; journal; language; learning; literacy; literacy skills; online; pandemic; participants; post; pre; research; rumelide; scale; scores; significant; skills; students; study; system; table; teachers; teaching; test; turkish; turkish teachers; türkçe; use; uzaktan; value; öğretmen cache: iojet-1907.pdf plain text: iojet-1907.txt item: #374 of 681 id: iojet-1908 author: Taṣyürek, Zeynep; Kodan, Hülya title: REGULATORY EFFECT OF GENDER AND EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATUS ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION AWARENESS AND SELF-EFFICACY date: 2023-06-01 words: 5483 flesch: 47 summary: Responding to the need for inclusive teacher education. Future directions for inclusive teacher education (3-12). keywords: ankara; awareness; bayburt; characteristics; classroom; data; department; design; differences; different; education; education awareness; education department; education scores; effect; efficacy; efficacy perception; eğitim; findings; gender; inclusion; inclusive; inclusive education; individuals; international; iojet; journal; kapsayıcı; kodan; needs; online; participants; perception; practices; pre; primary; process; program; regulatory; relationship; reliability; research; scale; school; scores; self; service; service teachers; significant; social; special; students; studies; study; table; taşyürek; teacher education; teachers; teaching; training; unesco; university; variables cache: iojet-1908.pdf plain text: iojet-1908.txt item: #375 of 681 id: iojet-1909 author: Mei, Jiaqi; Thotham, Awirut title: A CURRICULUM STUDY: HUKOU QINGYANG OPERA KNOWLEDGE TRANSMISSION IN JIANGXI PROVINCE, CHINA date: 2023-06-01 words: 4106 flesch: 55 summary: The protection and transmittance of Hukou Qingyang opera are efforts to carry forward the excellent culture of the Chinese nation, and the excavation and research of Qingyang opera are a little contribution to building the common spiritual homeland of the Chinese nation (Liu, 2019; Xu & Wang, 2020). Hukou Qingyang opera has been successfully selected for the national intangible cultural heritage list. keywords: art; arts; china; chinese; county; cultural; culture; development; drums; dynasty; education; folk; formal; gongs; groups; heritage; hukou; hukou qingyang; informal; intangible; international; iojet; jiangxi; jiujiang; journal; knowledge; lake; liu; local; main; mei; ming; modern; national; new; old; online; opera; opera art; people; period; private; province; public; qingyang; qingyang opera; research; river; singing; study; support; teaching; technology; thotham; traditional; transmission; university; wang; yangtze; zhang cache: iojet-1909.pdf plain text: iojet-1909.txt item: #376 of 681 id: iojet-191 author: Tanyer, Seray title: DOMAIN SPECIFIC BELIEFS ABOUT WRITING AND WRITING PERFORMANCE OF PRESERVICE ENGLISH TEACHERS: IS THERE ANY RELATIONSHIP? date: 2017-07-05 words: 12159 flesch: 54 summary: The topics related to the research on writing beliefs have been ranging from innateness of writing skill to role of audience, mechanical and substantive writing skills, specific models of writing beliefs as well as transmissional, transactional and domain specific beliefs about writing. Writing viewed as transmission and transaction: An empirical study of implicit writing beliefs. keywords: .05; adaptive; address; apprehension; audience; basics; baws; beliefs; bruning; clarity; development; different; domain; education; efficacy; english; errors; essential; expert; findings; foreign; gift; good; good writing; grades; higher; important; innate; international; iojet; issues; iterative; journal; language; language writing; lavelle; learning; maladaptive; means; mechanical; online; participants; performance; preservice; process; reading; reio; related; relationship; research; results; revision; sanders; scores; self; shameful; significant; skills; specific; specific beliefs; students; study; subscales; substantive; supports; survey; table; tanyer; teachers; teaching; thinking; transmissional; value; variance; writers; writing; writing beliefs; writing performance; writing scores; year cache: iojet-191.pdf plain text: iojet-191.txt item: #377 of 681 id: iojet-1910 author: Quan, Shuanghua; Chonpairot, Jarernchai title: AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE CONTEMPORARY STATUS OF DANJIA FOLK SONGS AND THEIR INTEGRATION INTO THE MUSIC CLASSROOM IN WUZHOU, GUANGXI, CHINA date: 2023-06-01 words: 5734 flesch: 62 summary: An investigation into the contemporary status of Danjia folk songs and their integration into the music classroom in Wuzhou, Guangxi, China. Abstract Danjia folk songs are a type of traditional music from the Wuzhou region in Guangxi, China. keywords: chen; china; chinese; chonpairot; classroom; contemporary; cultural; culture; current; danjia folk; danjia people; development; dunjia; education; folk music; folk songs; government; guangxi; heritage; huang; important; inheritance; integration; international; iojet; journal; lack; life; local; luo; music; music classroom; musical; online; people; performance; protection; quan; region; research; significance; singing; situation; social; status; students; study; teachers; teaching; traditional; unique; university; wang; water; wuzhou; wuzhou danjia; zhang cache: iojet-1910.pdf plain text: iojet-1910.txt item: #378 of 681 id: iojet-1911 author: Yalan, Zhao; Jirajarupat, Phakamas; Yinghua, Zhang title: TEACHING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE INTERPRETATION OF CHARMING XIANGXI STAGE COSTUME SYMBOLS IN ZHANGJIAJIE, HUNAN PROVINCE, CHINA date: 2023-06-01 words: 5424 flesch: 54 summary: Teaching knowledge and understanding of the interpretation of Charming Xiangxi stage costume symbols in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, China. 3.1 Fieldwork: Will conduct observations and interviews with performers and community members to gain insight into the interpretation of Charming Xiangxi stage costume symbols. keywords: activities; applied; artistic; arts; audience; beliefs; characteristics; charming; charming xiangxi; china; chinese; clothing; communication; costume; costume symbols; cultural; culture; customs; dance; design; development; education; enterprises; ethnic; expression; faculty; fine; folk; historical; history; hunan; international; interpretation; iojet; jirajarupat; journal; knowledge; large; life; literature; liu; living; local; maous; maous dance; marriage; miao; national; nature; online; people; performance; present; province; rajabhat; research; scenic; song; spots; stage; stage costume; study; suan; sunandha; symbols; teaching; tourism; traditional; tujia; understanding; unique; university; wang; world; worship; xiangxi; xiangxi stage; yalan; yinghua; zhangjiajie cache: iojet-1911.pdf plain text: iojet-1911.txt item: #379 of 681 id: iojet-1922 author: Ogur, Erol; Baştürk, Şükrü; Gültekin, Filiz; Şahin, Şenay title: VIEWS OF FOREIGN STUDENTS LEARNING TURKISH ON TURKISH INSTRUCTORS date: 2023-06-01 words: 11382 flesch: 62 summary: Regarding the difference between the education level of foreign students and the answers given to the questions about teachers' classroom management skills, there was a weak and statistically significant relationship in the answers given to the item “Teachers are aware of the self-confidence problems of different students”. Views of foreign students learning Turkish on Turkish instructors. keywords: analysis; answers; attitudes; aware; baştürk; bursa; classroom; clear; communication; cramer; cultural; culture; data; dergisi; different; different students; dil; distribution; education; environment; explicit; feedback; female; foreign language; foreign students; gender; gültekin; instructors; interaction; international; iojet; items; journal; language; language teaching; learning; lesson; level; management; ogur; olarak; online; order; participants; particular; postgraduate; problems; process; questionnaire; questions; relationship; self; sensitivity; significant; significant relationship; skills; square; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; teaching skills; time; turkey; turkish; turkish teachers; türkçe; uludağ; undergraduat; university; views; weak; yabancı; üniversitesi; şahin cache: iojet-1922.pdf plain text: iojet-1922.txt item: #380 of 681 id: iojet-1924 author: Li, Jie; Woramitmaitree, Narongruch title: SHANXI DAOQING OPERA MUSIC ANALYSIS AS A RESOURCE FOR TEACHING CHINESE OPERA MUSIC HISTORY date: 2023-06-01 words: 3825 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: Shanxi Daoqing opera, Music analysis, Music education, Cultural heritage 1. Specifically, this study will focus on the musical characteristics of Shanxi Daoqing opera over the past 20 years, as well as the evolution and changes in Daoqing opera, including the performance characteristics and melodic features of the singing voice, lyrics, and accompanying instruments. keywords: analysis; antique; art; characteristics; china; chinese; chinese opera; contour; cultural; daoqing; daoqing opera; data; development; dynasty; education; features; figure; heritage; history; international; iojet; jie; journal; melody; moves; music; musical; online; opera; opera music; performance; phrase; province; range; research; rich; shanxi; shanxi daoqing; shanxi province; singing; song; study; tang; teaching; tempo; traditional; university; woramitmaitree cache: iojet-1924.pdf plain text: iojet-1924.txt item: #381 of 681 id: iojet-1926 author: Santum, Pornsiri; Sittipon, Wanitcha; Nakhasiri, Varaporn title: DEVELOPING DIDACTIC GAMES TO IMPROVE THE MATHEMATICAL SKILLS OF YOUNG CHILDREN date: 2023-06-01 words: 4494 flesch: 42 summary: Use of numbers in real life and to study activities to promote mathematics skills in early childhood children from books, articles, and research journals. Educational game Study documents, concepts, theories, and research related to educational media for early childhood children. keywords: activities; assessment; childhood; childhood children; childhood education; children; development; didactic; early; early childhood; education; form; games; highest; international; iojet; journal; kindergarten; learning; level; materials; mathematics; mathematics skills; media; nakhasiri; online; period; personnel; play; preschool; preschoolers; rajamangala; research; results; santum; satisfaction; sig; sittipon; skills; study; table; teachers; teaching; technology; thailand; thanyaburi; university; use; week; young; young children cache: iojet-1926.pdf plain text: iojet-1926.txt item: #382 of 681 id: iojet-1932 author: Yaşartürk, Fatih; Akay, Buğra title: AN EXAMINATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LEISURE SATISFACTION AND EMPATHIC TENDENCY LEVELS IN PRE-SERVICE PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS TEACHERS date: 2023-06-01 words: 7076 flesch: 51 summary: An examination of leisure satisfaction level of university students with regard to gender and income. Examination of leisure satisfaction levels of individuals participating in recreative dance activities. keywords: activities; age; akay; analysis; ankara; communication; difference; education; effect; empathic; empathy; emphatic; ets; free; freshmen; gender; higher; increase; individuals; institute; international; iojet; journal; junior; leisure; leisure satisfaction; levels; life; literature; lss; online; participants; people; physical; physical education; positive; pre; recreational; relationship; research; results; satisfaction; satisfaction levels; scale; school; sciences; senior; service; significant; skills; social; sophomore; sports; sports teachers; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; tendencies; tendency; time; university; variable; yaşartürk; year cache: iojet-1932.pdf plain text: iojet-1932.txt item: #383 of 681 id: iojet-1933 author: Meteevorakij, Paveena title: THE DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHING AND LEARNING ON THE GRAMMARTICAL STRUCTURE OF BOTH ACTIVE AND PASSIVE USING NEW RECOGNITION MODEL date: 2023-06-01 words: 4424 flesch: 52 summary: Perfect Continuous have + 3 be + ing have + been + ing S. + have + been + + be + V.3 v.1 S. + have, has + been + being + V.3 S. + have + been + + be + V.3 v.2 S. + had + been + being + V.3 S. + will + have + been + + be +V.3 S. + will + have + been + being + V.3 Part 2: The finding of effectiveness of lessons on tense grammatical structure both active and passive Results of performance findings on improved grammatical structure of experimental groups were based on the 80/80 threshold. Piyatida T.Chaisuwan Abstract The research objectives of this study were 1) to develop teaching and learning about tense grammatical structure both active and passive using a new recognition model 2) to determine the effectiveness of the lessons on the active and passive tense grammatical structure and 3) to compare the achievement of tense grammatical structure both active and passive using the new recognition model with the traditional one. keywords: achievement; active; control; education; english; experimental; grammar; grammatical; grammatical structure; group; language; learners; learning; lessons; model; new; new recognition; passive; rajamangala; recognition; recognition model; research; s. +; structure; students; tawan; teaching; technology; tense; tense grammatical; test; university; use; v.3; voice cache: iojet-1933.pdf plain text: iojet-1933.txt item: #384 of 681 id: iojet-1935 author: Thanaphakawatkul, Chonkanok; Isarangura Na Ayudhaya, Phitinan; Pusopa, Chuleeporn title: LEARNING OUTCOMES ALIGNED WITH THAI QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN NURSING STUDENTS date: 2023-06-01 words: 4085 flesch: 42 summary: Learning outcomes aligned with Thai qualifications framework for higher education in nursing students. 2191 LEARNING OUTCOMES ALIGNED WITH THAI QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN NURSING STUDENTS Chonkanok Thanaphakawatkul Phitinan Isarangura Na Ayudhaya (Corresponding author) Chuleeporn Pusopa Abstract This study aimed to investigate how students view their own learning outcomes in line with Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (TQF: H.Ed.) as well as the relationship between learning outcomes and academic achievement. keywords: ability; academic; achievement; adult; average; ayudhaya; boromarajonani; care; chiang; college; course; critical; curriculum; domain; education; ethics; framework; higher; international; iojet; isarangura; journal; knowledge; learning; level; lowest; mai; moral; nursing; ohec; online; outcomes; perceptions; practice; professional; pusopa; qualifications; relationship; research; result; science; score; self; skills; students; study; subjects; teaching; thailand; thanaphakawatkul; thinking; tqf cache: iojet-1935.pdf plain text: iojet-1935.txt item: #385 of 681 id: iojet-1938 author: Uğurlu, Döndü; Çetin, Ebru title: COMPARATIVE INVESTIGATION OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND PHYSICAL FITNESS LEVELS OF STUDENTS ACCORDING TO HIGH SCHOOL TYPES date: 2023-06-01 words: 7321 flesch: 54 summary: When the findings obtained from the study data were evaluated, it was observed that the female students had lower physical activity level scores and were less active than the male students, while the male students had higher physical activity level scores. Physical activity levels of individuals are closely related to their lifestyles. keywords: active; activities; activity levels; adolescents; age; anthropometric; bmi; body; cardiorespiratory; children; data; difference; education; endurance; fat; female; fitness; fitness levels; flexibility; general; grip; hand; health; height; high school; higher; inactive; individuals; intense; international; iojet; journal; levels; lowest; mean; ministry; online; participants; percentage; performance; physical; physical activity; physical fitness; power; present; related; relationship; religious; school students; school types; science; science high; scores; significant; sit; sitting; sports; sports high; standart; study; teaching; terms; test; values; vocational; vocational high; year; young cache: iojet-1938.pdf plain text: iojet-1938.txt item: #386 of 681 id: iojet-1941 author: Saygılı, Neriman title: INFORMATION POLLUTION, MANIPULATION AND ETHICS IN THE AGE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL MEDIA date: 2023-06-01 words: 4191 flesch: 56 summary: The results have revealed that online profiles are not real; news that reaches an individual via social media is uncontrolled and unsupervised; in the virtual world, there is a lot of information pollution and misinformation and on social networking sites, data and photographs are modified as well. Key Words: Education, social media, , information pollution, manipulation and ethics 1.Introduction keywords: 100,0; 100,0 100,0; 12,0; communication; cumulative; disagree; education; environment; ethics; facebook; frequency; image; information; international; internet; iojet; issue; i̇stanbul; journal; journalism; manipulation; media; networking; networks; news; online; people; percent; percent valid; pollution; public; research; responses; saygılı; sites; social; social media; society; students; table; teaching; technology; time; today; total; twitter; undecided; university; users; valid; virtual; visual; way; world cache: iojet-1941.pdf plain text: iojet-1941.txt item: #387 of 681 id: iojet-1943 author: Kara, Dönay Nisa title: OPINIONS OF FAMILIES OF CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS ABOUT DIGITAL GAMES date: 2023-06-01 words: 4514 flesch: 55 summary: In order to prevent digital game addiction, the majority of families have stated that they have imposed a ban on their children's access to digital games. Kara 2184 Table 3: The rules applied by the family to prevent digital game addiction Theme N % Prohibition of Access 9 34.6 Different Activities 7 26.9 Time Limit 6 23 Reward and Punishment 4 15.3 Total 26 100 When the table was examined, the vast majority of the participants (34.6) 9 people stated that they had applied a ban on access to digital games for their children. keywords: addiction; adhd; children; communication; computer; digital; digital game; disabilities; disability; education; families; father; game addiction; games; gaming; group; high; internet; iojet; journal; kara; learning; life; mental; methods; mild; mother; needs; negative; online; opinions; parents; participants; people; play; problems; research; school; screen; social; special; special needs; studies; study; suggestions; support; table; teaching; technologies; time; tools; total; university cache: iojet-1943.pdf plain text: iojet-1943.txt item: #388 of 681 id: iojet-1944 author: Kahveci, Gûl; Kara, Donay Nisa title: THE EFFECT OF ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ON READING COMPREHENSION IN AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER STUDENTS : date: 2023-06-01 words: 6197 flesch: 49 summary: The instruction might take place in a small group or one-on-one, and the process could involve the instructor leading the lesson, active student engagement, appropriate and positive teacher feedback, and tracking the progress of student performance over time. The effect of the use of assistive technology on reading comprehension in students with autism spectrum disorder. keywords: academic; application; asd; assistive; autism; behavior; children; classroom; comprehension; comprehension skills; computer; continuity; correct; data; designs; developmental; disorder; education; experimental; findings; fluency; form; generalization; individuals; initiation; instruction; international; intervention; iojet; ipads; journal; kara; level; number; online; participant; performance; process; questions; reading; reading comprehension; reliability; research; researchers; sessions; single; skills; special; spectrum; stories; story; students; studies; study; subject; tablet; teacher; teaching; technologies; technology; training; treatment; use; variable cache: iojet-1944.pdf plain text: iojet-1944.txt item: #389 of 681 id: iojet-198 author: Mutlu, Gulcin; Sarigul, Ece title: AN ANALYTIC LOOK AT A LANGUAGE COURSE DESIGN MODEL date: 2017-10-03 words: 4247 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: course design model, English language teaching, instructional 1. Results and Discussion In her book “Designing Language Courses”, Graves (2000) talks about her model of course design which she calls a framework. keywords: assessment; components; content; course; course design; curriculum; decisions; design; design model; designers; development; education; evaluation; field; framework; goals; graves; instructional; iojet; journal; language; learning; main; materials; model; mutlu; needs; new; objectives; plan; procedures; process; processes; sarigul; students; study; teachers; teaching; traditional; university; use; york cache: iojet-198.pdf plain text: iojet-198.txt item: #390 of 681 id: iojet-211 author: Korkmaz, Hünkar; Thomas, Julie Anne; Tatar, Nilgun; Aktas Altunay, Serpil title: STUDENTS’ OPINIONS ABOUT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN TURKEY AND THE UNITED STATES: A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY date: 2017-10-03 words: 7543 flesch: 50 summary: Comparative study of student science achievement between United States and China. In this context, this research offers an important perspective on the pupils’ in Turkey and the United States perspective of school science education and their attitudes, reactions to their experience towards science. keywords: agree; agreement; aktas; altunay; american; american students; attitudes; benefits; comparative; component; context; countries; country; cultural; culture; curriculum; data; developed; development; differences; different; disagree; education; engineering; english; eurobarometer; european; factors; global; greater; indicators; interests; international; iojet; jenkins; journal; korkmaz; l.agree; learning; level; method; new; number; online; opinions; opportunities; problems; questionnaire; research; responses; results; rose; sample; school; school science; schreiner; science; science education; scientific; scientists; similar; social; statements; states; students; studies; study; survey; system; table; tatar; teaching; technology; technology education; thomas; turkey; turkish; turkish students; united; university; world cache: iojet-211.pdf plain text: iojet-211.txt item: #391 of 681 id: iojet-214 author: Gürsoy, Esim; Karakaş, Ozan title: THE EFFECTS OF SINGING IN ENGLISH ON THE SPEECH FLUENCY OF TURKISH TEENAGERS LEARNING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE date: 2018-01-10 words: 7352 flesch: 68 summary: Formulaic language and second language speech fluency: Background, evidence and classroom applications. The results of the study demonstrate that none of the three measures of fluency showed any significant differences between or within the groups, suggesting that singing does not necessarily have positive influences on speech fluency. keywords: accuracy; battleship; clip; control; cross; education; effects; english; film; fluency; group; gürsoy; hand; international; iojet; journal; karakaş; language; learning; length; mean; mlor; number; participants; pauses; pho; pop; priest; pronunciation; rate; research; results; runs; second; significant; singing; songs; speaking; speech; speech fluency; spm; spu; students; studies; study; suggested; syllables; table; teaching; time; university; use; vocabulary; week; words; yes cache: iojet-214.pdf plain text: iojet-214.txt item: #392 of 681 id: iojet-221 author: Yavuz Mumcu, Hayal title: EXAMINING MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT STUDENTS’ VIEWS ON THE USE OF MATHEMATICS IN DAILY LIFE date: 2018-01-10 words: 10854 flesch: 60 summary: Therefore, examining the beliefs of math teachers and pre-service math teachers about mathematics has become important in contributing to mathematics teaching and helping students develop positive attitudes towards mathematics (Aksu, Demir, & Sümer, 1998; Yavuz Mumcu 64 Baydar, 2000; Carter & Norwood, 1997; Manauchehri, 1997; Raymond & Santos, 1995; Thompson, 1992). This leads us to think that we learn things different from real- life math which we will never use. keywords: 5(1; ability; analysis; answers; areas; basic; beliefs; calculations; case; categories; category; concepts; countries; daily life; data; different; disciplines; education; everyday; expressions; extent; findings; follows; form; importance; individuals; instruction; international; interview; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; level; life; life math; like; math; mathematics; mathematics education; mathematics teaching; mumcu; nature; necessary; need; oecd; online; operations; order; participants; people; pisa; pre; problem; qualitative; quality; question; real; real life; relationship; research; results; school; school math; science; service; service teachers; similar; situations; skills; solving; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; thinking; timss; tool; topics; turkey; university; use; verschaffel; views; world; yavuz cache: iojet-221.pdf plain text: iojet-221.txt item: #393 of 681 id: iojet-222 author: Ünsal, Serkan; Ağçam, Reyhan; Korkmaz, Fahrettin title: ANALYSING NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS IN TURKEY REGARDING TEACHER TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT date: 2018-01-10 words: 7774 flesch: 46 summary: Analysing national development plans in Turkey regarding teacher training and employment. Received: 15.06.2017 Received in revised form: 19.09.2017 Accepted: 27.09.2017 ANALYSING NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS IN TURKEY REGARDING TEACHER TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT Serkan Ünsal, PhD Educational Sciences, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Reyhan Ağçam, PhD English Language Teaching, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Fahrettin Korkmaz, PhD MoNE keywords: 5(1; analysis; areas; ağçam; concern; countries; country; cultural; data; decisions; dergisi; development; distribution; economic; education; employment; european; eğitim; figure; goals; gönülaçar; higher; imbalanced; implementation; ins; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; korkmaz; national; ndps; number; online; order; particular; period; perspective; phd; planning; plans; policies; political; possible; pre; precautions; prepared; primary; problems; process; profession; programmes; public; qualifications; quality; related; research; respect; schools; sciences; service; shortage; significant; similar; social; society; state; students; study; suburban; system; table; teacher; teacher employment; teacher shortage; teacher training; teaching; training; turkey; university; working; years; öğretmen; ünsal cache: iojet-222.pdf plain text: iojet-222.txt item: #394 of 681 id: iojet-227 author: Kahya, Orhan; Hoşgörür, Vural title: COMPARING INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN TURKEY AND ARGENTINA date: 2018-01-10 words: 4240 flesch: 42 summary: Received: 05.07.2017 Received in revised form: 06.10.2017 Accepted: 19.10.2017 COMPARING INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN TURKEY AND ARGENTINA 1 Orhan Kahya Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Turkey Vural Hoşgörür Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Turkey Orhan Kahya is a Research Assistant, currently working in the Educational Administration department in Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Faculty of Education. Ever since the Salamanca Statement (UNESCO, 1994), inclusive education has taken considerable steps globally. keywords: analysis; ankara; argentina; bereday; categories; category; children; comparative; comparison; countries; country; data; declaration; different; difficulties; disabilities; education; eğitim; figure; hoşgörür; implications; inclusion; inclusive; inclusive education; international; iojet; journal; kahya; law; learning; meb; method; model; needs; number; oecd; online; order; policies; primary; quality; research; rights; schools; secondary; social; special; special education; students; studies; study; systems; teaching; turkey; unesco cache: iojet-227.pdf plain text: iojet-227.txt item: #395 of 681 id: iojet-228 author: Utku, Özlem; Dolgunsöz, Emrah title: TEACHING EFL VOCABULARY TO YOUNG DIGITAL NATIVES: A STUDY WITH TURKISH 5TH GRADE EFL LEARNERS date: 2018-01-10 words: 7073 flesch: 59 summary: 115 TEACHING EFL VOCABULARY TO YOUNG DIGITAL NATIVES: A STUDY WITH TURKISH 5TH GRADE EFL LEARNERS Özlem Utku Emrah Dolgunsöz Abstract The current study aimed to examine the effect of online vocabulary games on teaching new words to young learners of EFL. The results of the semi-structured interviews also supported the quantitative results indicating that online vocabulary games increased students’ motivation. keywords: 5(1; aim; animals; cellat; children; computer; control; current; data; different; digital; dolgunsöz; education; effect; efl; elt; english; experimental; farm; findings; following; games; group; instruction; international; internet; interviews; iojet; journal; language; learners; learning; natives; new; online; online games; online vocabulary; participants; play; playing; post; pre; production; quantitative; recognition; research; results; semi; structured; students; studies; study; target; teacher; teaching; test; turkey; turkish; university; use; utku; vocabulary; vocabulary games; week; words; yls; young; zoo cache: iojet-228.pdf plain text: iojet-228.txt item: #396 of 681 id: iojet-231 author: Ekmekci, Perihan Elif; Done, Kumru; Arda, Berna; Ekmekci, Alp Burak title: BEYOND A GAME: PEER EDUCATION TO SEPARATE FOOTBALL AND VIOLENCE date: 2018-01-10 words: 3687 flesch: 43 summary: The underlying reasons for incidence of violence in football can be explained by a variety of factors, but the core element is the perception of common identity among football fans. All individuals are equal among football fans, regardless of individual socio-economic status, educational, or profession, as the sense of support and devotion to the same team develops an identity based on common values and love of team. keywords: ankara; arda; associations; attitudes; causes; education; effective; ekmekci; ethics; european; fair; fans; football; games; groups; health; hooliganism; incidence; international; iojet; journal; measures; n.d; online; participants; peer; peer education; people; play; prevention; project; public; reasons; research; results; security; social; sports; stadium; survey; team; training; turkey; union; university; violence; violent; women; young cache: iojet-231.pdf plain text: iojet-231.txt item: #397 of 681 id: iojet-234 author: Özkahya, Fatma Zehra title: EXPLORING THE EFFECTS OF GENDER AND PROFICIENCY LEVELS ON TURKISH EFL LEARNERS’ BELIEFS ABOUT LANGUAGE LEARNING: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY date: 2017-10-03 words: 3789 flesch: 59 summary: Background to the Study During the last two decades, second language learning beliefs have been investigated with the pioneering effect of Horwitz study in 1985. Conclusion Starting with the Horwitz first study (1985), the beliefs of second language learners about their L2 learning procedures and experiences have been studied for over two decades. keywords: beliefs; classes; context; data; difference; education; effects; efl; english; equal; expectation; experiences; female; foreign; foreign language; gender; horwitz; international; journal; language; language learning; learners; learning; levels; motivations; oxford; preparatory; proficiency; results; second; second language; service; significant; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; test; university; variances; özkahya cache: iojet-234.pdf plain text: iojet-234.txt item: #398 of 681 id: iojet-235 author: Durmaz, Mehmet; Yiğitoğlu, Nur title: FACTORS IN THE PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVELY CERTIFIED ENGLISH LANGUAGES TEACHERS (ACELTS) date: 2017-10-03 words: 9589 flesch: 51 summary: Literature on Teacher Identity Development from Global Contexts Conducting studies on the concept of language teacher identity development and negotiation has been the focus of attention in the recent years (e.g., Borg 2011; Cohen, 2010; Ghasedi & Zareee, 2014; Phipps & Borg, 2009); consequently, there have been studies in the second language teaching field related to the language teacher identity development concentrating on the different aspects of the process. Keywords: teacher identity, professional development, alternative teaching certificate, alternatively certified English language teachers. keywords: acelts; alternative; analysis; aspects; certificate; classroom; colleagues; context; data; departments; development; different; durmaz; education; english; english language; experience; external; factors; field; formation; graduates; icelt; identities; identity; identity development; important; institutional; internal; international; interviews; iojet; journal; language; language teachers; literature; motivation; online; participants; pedagogical; personality; pid; practices; present; process; professional; professional development; professional identity; programs; related; research; results; role; school; service; sfl; social; students; studies; study; teacher identity; teachers; teaching; terms; theory; training; turkey; turkish; university; way; years; yiğitoğlu cache: iojet-235.pdf plain text: iojet-235.txt item: #399 of 681 id: iojet-238 author: Sarıoğlu, Mustafa; Saraç, Mehmet title: COMMON AND BRANCH-SPECIFIC NEEDS OF TURKISH TEACHERS ABOUT IN-SERVICE TRAINING COURSES WITHIN THE SCOPE OF FATIH PROJECT date: 2017-10-03 words: 8544 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: FATIH project, information and communication technologies (ICT), in- service teacher training, integration of ICT into education, interactive whiteboard (IWB) 1. Common and branch- specific needs of Turkish teachers about in-service training courses within the scope of FATIH project. keywords: areas; attitudes; branch; branches; classrooms; content; courses; current; data; development; different; education; effective; evidence; eğitim; fatih; findings; high; hours; ict; individual; information; inservice; integration; interactive; international; interviews; iojet; items; iwbs; journal; knowledge; lack; learning; literature; lütfen; methods; needs; number; online; participants; pedagogical; perceptions; practices; professional; programs; project; projesi; qualitative; questionnaire; research; saraç; sarıoğlu; schools; scope; semi; service; service teachers; service training; skills; specific; structured; students; studies; study; subject; support; teachers; teaching; technical; technologies; technology; time; training; training courses; turkey; turkish; university; use; whiteboards cache: iojet-238.pdf plain text: iojet-238.txt item: #400 of 681 id: iojet-241 author: Seitova, Meruyert title: THE EUROPEAN PORTFOLIO FOR STUDENT TEACHERS OF LANGUAGES (EPOSTL) PROMOTES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: ELT IN-SERVICE TEACHERS’ VIEWS date: 2017-10-03 words: 4546 flesch: 56 summary: 17.09.2017 THE EUROPEAN PORTFOLIO FOR STUDENT TEACHERS OF LANGUAGES (EPOSTL) PROMOTES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: ELT IN-SERVICE TEACHERS’ 541 THE EUROPEAN PORTFOLIO FOR STUDENT TEACHERS OF LANGUAGES (EPOSTL) PROMOTES PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: ELT IN-SERVICE TEACHERS’ keywords: analysis; assessment; data; descriptors; development; different; education; effective; elt; english; epostl; european; findings; implementation; international; interview; iojet; journal; language; learning; online; portfolio; pre; process; professional; reflection; research; respondent; self; service; service teachers; skills; strengths; student; student teachers; study; teacher education; teachers; teaching; terms; tool; training; university; use; weaknesses cache: iojet-241.pdf plain text: iojet-241.txt item: #401 of 681 id: iojet-242 author: Şener, Sabriye; Bostan, Derya title: USING POSTERS IN EFL CLASSROOM: AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CASE date: 2017-10-03 words: 4179 flesch: 63 summary: The main goal of this study is to determine the effect of educational posters on vocabulary learning in foreign language classes. What is the effect of educational posters on vocabulary learning without any instruction? keywords: attention; classes; control; difference; educational; effect; efl; english; experimental; females; gender; group; international; items; journal; language; learners; learning; males; mean; participants; peripheral; posters; pre; process; researchers; results; school; significant; std; students; studies; study; teacher; teaching; test; university; visual; vocabulary; words cache: iojet-242.pdf plain text: iojet-242.txt item: #402 of 681 id: iojet-243 author: Kırkağaç, Şenay; Öz, Hüseyin title: THE ROLE OF BIG FIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS IN PREDICTING PROSPECTIVE EFL TEACHERS’ ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT date: 2017-10-03 words: 5242 flesch: 45 summary: Keywords: EFL, teacher education, personality traits, academic achievement, prospective English teachers 1. The present study, therefore, aimed at finding out the possible relationships between personality traits and academic achievement of the prospective EFL teachers. keywords: academic; academic achievement; academic performance; achievement; agreeableness; analysis; big; chamorro; conscientiousness; correlation; data; differences; education; efl; extraversion; furnham; gpa; individual; intelligence; international; journal; language; learners; learning; model; motivation; multiple; neuroticism; openness; participants; performance; personality; personality traits; premuzic; regression; relationships; results; significant; studies; study; teachers; teaching; traits; university cache: iojet-243.pdf plain text: iojet-243.txt item: #403 of 681 id: iojet-244 author: Taşkın, Elif title: INTERACTIONAL UNFOLDING OF VOCABULARY EXPLANATIONS IN MEANING AND FLUENCY CONTEXTS date: 2017-10-03 words: 6958 flesch: 60 summary: Discussion and Conclusion The analysis of vocabulary explanations showed some similarities in terms of sequence organization in vocabulary explanation in the CA studies by Mortensen (2011) and Waring, Creider, and Box (2013). Keywords: conversation analysis, vocabulary explanation, meaning and fluency contexts, classroom interaction. keywords: acknowledgement; analysis; analytic; answer; antonym; bus; classroom; context; conversation; data; different; display; education; english; explanation; extract; fluency; focus; gender; interaction; iojet; items; journal; know; language; learning; lexical; line; meaning; methodology; mortensen; morton; okay; question; research; second; seedhouse; sentence; sequence; sex; students; study; synonym; target; teacher; teaching; token; turn; understanding; university; vocabulary; vocabulary explanation; vocabulary teaching; waring; word; yeah cache: iojet-244.pdf plain text: iojet-244.txt item: #404 of 681 id: iojet-245 author: Ören, Aybüke Demet; Öztüfekçi, Ali; Kapçık, Ahmet Cihat; Kaplan, Ayten; Yılmaz Uzunkaya, Çiğdem title: BUILDING AWARENESS OF WORLD ENGLISHES AMONG UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY STUDENTS date: 2017-10-03 words: 11548 flesch: 61 summary: …British English or American English is to be the standard, even British English should be the first choice. Correct English is British English only 54 38 0 0 8 2. keywords: accent; american english; awareness; british; british english; circle; communication; correct english; data; different; education; english; english language; english teachers; englishes; essays; exam; grammar; idea; international; iojet; item; journal; kaplan; kapçık; language; learners; majority; materials; native; native english; new; non; number; online; participants; post; pre; preparatory; questionnaire; reflective; research; respondents; results; school; speakers; speaking; standard english; statement; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; test; treatment; turkey; turkish; turkish english; university; use; uzunkaya; varieties; variety; vocabulary; wes; world; yılmaz; ören; öztüfekçi cache: iojet-245.pdf plain text: iojet-245.txt item: #405 of 681 id: iojet-247 author: Kömür, Şevki; Çimen, Şeyda Selen title: EXPLORING PRE-SERVICE ENGLISH TEACHERS’ COURSE EXPECTATIONS AND THEIR REALIZATION LEVELS THROUGH PORTFOLIOS date: 2017-10-03 words: 3553 flesch: 51 summary: Pre-service teachers also reported that they benefited from the course Teaching Language Skills I in terms of some aspects of language teaching without expecting to do so. Introduction Every individual course in language teacher education program has a distinguished place and contributes to the preparation of pre-service teachers for teaching profession. keywords: aspects; assessment; beginning; course; design; development; different; education; end; english; expectations; journal; kömür; language; learning; levels; portfolios; pre; process; professional; reflective; research; service; service teachers; skills; student; study; teachers; teaching; terms; writing; year cache: iojet-247.pdf plain text: iojet-247.txt item: #406 of 681 id: iojet-249 author: Koç, Hatice Kübra title: THE CURRENT POSITIONS OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION ELEMENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOL COURSE BOOKS IN TURKEY date: 2017-10-03 words: 7538 flesch: 55 summary: In this study, for the aim of determining the current situation on the contexts of course books which have been related to intercultural communication, the course books developed by Ministry of National Education in Turkey were examined in terms of consisting activities or tasks related to intercultural communication. Keywords: intercultural communication, young learners, course book 1. keywords: activities; analysis; basic; books; characters; communication; course; course books; cultural; cultural elements; culture; detail; different; education; elements; end; english; figures; foreign; grade; intercultural; intercultural communication; intercultural elements; international; international culture; iojet; items; journal; koç; language; learners; learning; local; local culture; local elements; materials; names; online; reading; research; school; secondary; sense; skills; study; table; target; target culture; teaching; terms; text; turkey; turkish; unit; university; visual; visual elements; young; young learners cache: iojet-249.pdf plain text: iojet-249.txt item: #407 of 681 id: iojet-25 author: Tütüniş, Birsen; Küçükali, Selin title: The Impact of Creative Writing on Foreign Language ( English) Proficiency Development date: 2014-01-01 words: 3087 flesch: 57 summary: Creative writing does not require a model to dublicate the prescribed patterns. Creative writing helps students to involve personally and enjoy the writing process. keywords: analysis; answers; approach; attitudes; classes; control; creative; creative writing; development; different; education; efl; english; exam; experimental; foreign; group; higher; international; iojet; issues; journal; küçükali; language; literature; online; process; proficiency; question; questionnaire; results; satisfied; scores; second; skills; students; studies; study; table; teaching; term; tütüniş; university; writing; written cache: iojet-25.pdf plain text: iojet-25.txt item: #408 of 681 id: iojet-251 author: Kavanoz, Suzan; Akbaş, Sarin title: EFL TEACHERS’ CONCEPTUALIZATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES OF CRITICAL THINKING date: 2017-10-03 words: 8749 flesch: 48 summary: The definition made by Scriven and Paul (1987) encapsulates most of the aspects pivotal to critical thinking: “Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action”. While some researchers claim that critical thinking skills do not vary across different contexts and therefore they should be emphasized explicitly in a generic sense, some suggest embedding critical thinking into specific contents (Lai, 2011). keywords: able; activities; akbaş; alkın; analysis; attitudes; behaviors; certain; classes; classroom; competencies; conceptualizations; context; courses; critical; critical thinking; curriculum; data; definitions; development; discussion; dispositions; education; efl; efl teachers; english; findings; foreign; higher; information; instructional; international; interviews; iojet; journal; kavanoz; knowledge; language; learners; learning; lessons; level; limited; literature; materials; mone; multiple; new; number; observations; observed; online; order; participant; practices; problem; process; questioning; questions; research; results; school; science; skills; social; solving; strategies; students; studies; study; support; teachers; teaching; techniques; term; thinking; thinking skills; time; topics; turkish; understanding; university; use cache: iojet-251.pdf plain text: iojet-251.txt item: #409 of 681 id: iojet-253 author: Okpe, Agnes Ada; Onjewu, Martha Ada title: SELF-DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF EFL TEACHERS date: 2017-10-03 words: 3640 flesch: 52 summary: According to Underhill (1986, p.1), teacher development involves the process of attaining the best that a teacher can be. Okpe & Onjewu 476 Freeman (1989, p.37) marries teacher development and teacher training as two sides of a coin on which teacher education strategies are hinged. keywords: action; ada; attitude; awareness; career; challenges; critical; development; different; education; efl; english; good; international; iojet; journal; kaduna; knowledge; language; learners; learning; materials; nigeria; okpe; onjewu; online; orientation; positive; process; professional; psd; research; self; skills; strategies; study; teacher; teaching; time; training; work cache: iojet-253.pdf plain text: iojet-253.txt item: #410 of 681 id: iojet-26 author: Caganaga, Çağda Kıvanç title: The Effects of Communicative Approach on Learners Foreign Language Proficiency Levels by Using the Needs Analysis in English for Specific Purposes Classes date: 2014-01-01 words: 7980 flesch: 59 summary: Since students do not use this language in their daily lives, the purpose of language teaching can be “specific” not “general”. In other words, it can be said that students learn the language for a particular purpose based on their needs. keywords: activities; analysis; approach; architecture; cambridge; characteristics; classes; communicative; content; control; council; course; curriculum; data; design; difference; education; english; english language; esp; european; experimental; factors; foreign; foreign language; gender; general; group; health; information; international; iojet; journal; language; language teaching; learners; learning; lessons; level; management; materials; mean; methods; needs; online; post; pre; press; process; proficiency; program; purposes; questions; results; scores; significant; skills; specific; specific purposes; students; study; table; target; teacher; teaching; test; test scores; university; use; way; çağanağa cache: iojet-26.pdf plain text: iojet-26.txt item: #411 of 681 id: iojet-264 author: Ata, Atakan; Kozan, Kadir title: FACTOR ANALYTIC INSIGHTS INTO MICRO-TEACHING PERFORMANCE OF TEACHER CANDIDATES date: 2018-01-10 words: 3997 flesch: 48 summary: Factor analytic insights into micro-teaching performance of teacher candidates. This study investigated the factor structure of the intern keys teacher candidate assessment instrument used to assess micro-teaching performance of teacher candidates. keywords: 5(1; analysis; assessment; candidates; data; differentiated; education; efa; effectiveness; evaluation; factor; faculty; feedback; fidell; georgia; high; insights; instructional; instrument; international; iojet; item; journal; keys; kozan; learning; online; opportunities; performance; practice; pre; preparation; programs; research; service; standards; stronge; structure; student; study; tabachnick; teacher; teacher education; teaching; theoretical; tool; university; zeichner cache: iojet-264.pdf plain text: iojet-264.txt item: #412 of 681 id: iojet-269 author: Küçükali, Emel title: TEACHER IDENTITY AND TRANSNATIONAL EXPERIENCE: A CASE OF AN EFL TEACHER FROM GEORGIA TEACHING IN TURKEY date: 2017-10-03 words: 6952 flesch: 50 summary: The complex and dynamic nature of teacher identity is supported by another meta-analysis (Beijaard et al., 2004) of 22 studies on teacher identity, in which some features of teacher identity development have been extracted. Teacher identity and transnational experience: A case of an EFL teacher from Georgia teaching in Turkey. keywords: appendix; awareness; changes; classroom; codes; collaboration; competence; context; country; culture; data; development; different; education; elicitation; english; experience; finding; foreigner; formation; georgia; good; graphic; identities; identity; intercultural; international; interview; iojet; journal; knowledge; kucukali; language; learning; literature; new; open; participant; present; previous; process; professional; professional development; reflective; research; skills; social; study; sub; teacher; teacher identity; teaching; theory; transnational; turkey; turkish cache: iojet-269.pdf plain text: iojet-269.txt item: #413 of 681 id: iojet-272 author: Akkoyunlu, Aslı Nur; Kilimci, Abdurrahman title: APPLICATION OF CORPUS TO TRANSLATION TEACHING: PRACTICE AND PERCEPTIONS date: 2017-10-03 words: 11365 flesch: 59 summary: Should we teach EFL students collocations? Stating that “translation evaluation is highly problematic because of its subjective nature” (p. 347), she recommends the use of corpora for objective evaluation of student translation performance, as it “provid[es] reference for a teacher to verify their intuition about linguistic expression and offer[s] convincing evidence regarding the assessment of the quality of translated texts”. keywords: 396; academic; activities; akkoyunlu; analysis; applied; approach; bir; bnc; boulton; classroom; collocate; collocations; computer; concordance; concordancing; consciousness; context; corpora; corpus; corpus use; course; data; ddl; design; difficulties; difficulty; direct; education; efl; elt; end; english; english translation; esl; evaluation; experience; exposure; expressions; figure; find; following; formulaic; frequent; future; group; helpful; homework; indirect; instruction; international; intervention; iojet; items; için; johns; journal; kilimci; knowledge; language; learners; learning; lexical; limited; linguistics; literature; meanings; methods; need; nesselhauf; new; noun; noun collocations; number; online; order; output; paper; participants; pedagogical; perceptions; phase; post; practice; pre; program; questionnaire; raising; related; research; researchers; results; scale; second; selected; sentences; single; skills; students; studies; study; table; tasks; teaching; test; time; training; translation; translation course; turkish; university; use; useful; verb; vocabulary; way; week; willis; words cache: iojet-272.pdf plain text: iojet-272.txt item: #414 of 681 id: iojet-28 author: Er, Sühendan; Ataç, Bengü Aksu title: The Attitudes of Students Towards Cooperative Learning in ELT Classes date: 2014-01-01 words: 6378 flesch: 57 summary: Cooperative learning in ELT classes: The attitudes of students towards cooperative learning in ELT classes. Cooperative learning in foreign language teaching classes In recent years, cooperative learning has been applied to foreign language teaching in the classroom. keywords: 100,0; 100,0 cooperative; achievement; aksu; approach; ataç; attitudes; better; brent; classes; classroom; common; cooperative; cooperative learning; development; different; education; elt; english; environments; felder; female; foreign; gender; goal; group; higher; individual; interdependence; international; iojet; johnson; journal; language; learning; members; motivation; online; order; positive; research; results; school; skills; small; social; students; study; success; task; teaching; total; university; way; wichadee; women; work cache: iojet-28.pdf plain text: iojet-28.txt item: #415 of 681 id: iojet-281 author: İpek, Hülya title: PERCEPTIONS OF ELT STUDENTS ON THEIR LISTENING AND NOTE TAKING SKILLS date: 2018-01-10 words: 4959 flesch: 59 summary: The problems they encountered during lecture Note taking were the speed of lecture delivery, new terminology and concepts, and difficulty in concentrating. This study aimed to investigate first year English Language Teaching (ELT) students’ perceptions on their progress in listening and Note taking. keywords: abbreviations; ability; bad; comprehension; content; course; education; elt; english; figure; flowerdew; good; ideas; important; information; item; i̇pek; journal; language; lecture; listening; main; note; participants; questionnaire; results; second; skills; students; study; symbols; taking; teaching; term; topic; training; university; use; words; writing cache: iojet-281.pdf plain text: iojet-281.txt item: #416 of 681 id: iojet-29 author: Erten, Nesrin Bayraktar; Erten, İsmail Hakkı title: Academic Self-Concept and Students’ Achievement in the Sixth Grade Turkish Course: A Preliminary Analysis date: 2014-01-01 words: 4420 flesch: 58 summary: Bayraktar Erten & Erten 126 To summarize, we know that ASC is a significant factor in student achievement. Female students appeared to have higher ASC scores (n = 43, mean = 80.30, SD = 9.583) than their male peers (n = 31, mean = 75.58, SD = 12.836) although the difference was not big enough to qualify as significant (t = 1.813, df = 72, p<.074). keywords: academic; achievement; akademik; analysis; asc; bayraktar; better; burden; concept; course; data; different; doğan; education; erten; female; gender; grade; hacettepe; high; huang; interaction; international; journal; language; marks; marsh; mean; meta; participants; performance; possible; psychology; relationship; research; scale; schools; scores; self; significant; social; students; studies; study; teaching; term; turkey; turkish; university cache: iojet-29.pdf plain text: iojet-29.txt item: #417 of 681 id: iojet-302 author: Sabilah, Fardini title: LEXICAL AND GRAMMATICAL UNITS IN INTERCULTURAL-BASED ENGLISH MATERIALS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL date: 2018-01-10 words: 5942 flesch: 48 summary: The learning concept in this current study comprised intercultural instructional activities which are aimed to provide students with knowledge and skills to use English to effectively interact in different cultural contexts. Therefore, the natures of intercultural instructional activities are designed to achieve skills in which students are able to give explanation to others of the same culture about the culture of the foreign language and vice versa. keywords: activities; affirmative; aspects; bahasa; beratha; budiarsa; children; class; competence; concept; contents; culture; current; data; day; dgsk; dln; education; elementary; english; english instructional; foreign; forms; games; grade; grammatical; grammatical units; indonesia; instructional; instructional activities; intercultural; international; interrogative; iojet; knowledge; language; learning; lexical; lingual; lingual forms; markers; materials; native; negative; new; nouns; phrases; present; research; sabilah; school; sentence; simple; social; structure; students; study; teachers; teaching; time; udayana; units; university; verbs; yadnya cache: iojet-302.pdf plain text: iojet-302.txt item: #418 of 681 id: iojet-303 author: Yılmaz Yakışık, Burçak; Ünveren Gürocak, Fatma title: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PERCEPTIONS ABOUT THE ‘COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE’ AMONG EFL TEACHERS WORKING AT STATE AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS date: 2018-04-11 words: 7518 flesch: 58 summary: To this end, seminars have been carried out to train language teachers working in different cities in 2009. Language teachers were trained in terms of curriculum design, integrated language teaching, portfolio assessment and materials adaptation within the framework of the CEFR (Çakır & Balçıkanlı, 2012). keywords: academic; agreement; assessment; cefr; common; council; curriculum; difference; education; efl teachers; english; european; experience; framework; gürocak; high; impact; implementation; institutions; international; iojet; items; journal; knowledge; language; language teaching; learning; level; materials; mean; participants; perceptions; primary; private; private schools; program; reference; research; responses; results; schools; secondary; service; significant; specific; state; state schools; study; syllabus; table; teachers; teaching; terms; testing; tests; training; turkey; useful; usefulness; yakışık; years cache: iojet-303.pdf plain text: iojet-303.txt item: #419 of 681 id: iojet-306 author: Arslan, Sezen title: A PROBE INTO THE INDICATORS OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN AN EFL SELF-STUDY TEXTBOOK date: 2018-01-10 words: 7825 flesch: 53 summary: As the conversation is recurring in other activities in parts of Listen, Practice and Play a role, one entire conversation (in Listening-Parts 1&2) is counted while investigating activities including any competence of ICC model. Although the same conversations are used in three sections, they are all counted while figuring out the total number of the activities because they address different activities such as practicing the conversation, playing the lines of speakers and hiding and playing the conversation. keywords: 5(1; activities; activity; analysis; arslan; article; aspects; attitudes; audio; awareness; byram; cds; communicative; competence; content; conversation; countries; country; critical; cultural; culture; different; discovery; edition; education; english; events; foreign; global; home; icc; information; interaction; intercultural; international; interpreting; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; listening; model; native; online; open; order; page; people; place; practices; questions; reading; savoir; self; skills; social; speakers; special; students; study; teaching; textbook; trip; unit; university; use; world; writing cache: iojet-306.pdf plain text: iojet-306.txt item: #420 of 681 id: iojet-31 author: Galeano, Rebecca title: Attitudes of U.S. Foreign Language Teachers Toward Teaching Culture date: 2014-01-01 words: 5124 flesch: 51 summary: A process based approach to teaching culture would provide students with the tools to move to an ethnorelevant stage of cultural understanding. According to Phillips (2003), the broad goal of teaching culture is to have students “gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures” (p.164). keywords: able; approach; artifacts; belief; cultural; culture; differences; different; education; foreign; galeano; goal; group; important; information; international; items; journal; language; learners; learning; model; national; objectives; online; people; perspectives; practices; products; related; relationship; response; second; standards; statements; students; systems; target; teachers; teaching; traditional; u.s; understanding; use; ways; world cache: iojet-31.pdf plain text: iojet-31.txt item: #421 of 681 id: iojet-310 author: Tekerek, Betül; Karakaya, Ferhat title: STEM EDUCATION AWARENESS OF PRE-SERVICE SCIENCE TEACHERS date: 2018-04-11 words: 4890 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: STEM, STEM education, STEM awareness, pre-service science teachers 1. Her research interests are STEM education, Science and Mathematics integration, teacher education. keywords: academic; achievement; anova; attitudes; awareness; buyruk; difference; disciplines; education; engineering; factor; family; fen; frequency; gender; grade; higher; income; interest; international; iojet; journal; karakaya; learning; level; mathematics; mühendislik; pre; research; results; sas; scale; school; science; science teachers; score; service; service science; significant; squares; stem; stem awareness; stem education; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; technology; tekerek; terms; test; university; usage; variables; çorlu; şahin cache: iojet-310.pdf plain text: iojet-310.txt item: #422 of 681 id: iojet-313 author: Buyuktas Kara, Mujgan; Van Steendam, Elke; Rijlaarsdam, Gert; Kuru, Huseyin title: THE EFFECT OF TWO MODES OF INSTRUCTION: MODELING VS. PRESENTATIONAL date: 2018-04-11 words: 16755 flesch: 51 summary: The triadic subset of TRAMPOLINE strategies corresponds with the three aspects for rating the quality of student texts and the composite scores (See Table 7). Source use skills are predominantly related with the specifics of this novel task rather than the common skills across different writing tasks such as paragraphing, argumentation, etc., so this unfamiliarity with the novel features of the task might have contributed to students’ success, all of which have been rated under the source use skills aspect of text quality. keywords: academic; activities; activity; analysis; apa; approach; argumentative; aspects; authenticity; benchmark; bergh; braaksma; buyuktas; class; cognitive; condition; content; control; control condition; curriculum; delayed; details; differences; different; direct; education; effect; effective; efl; english; exam; experimental; explicit; extracts; graham; ideas; important; individual; initial; instruction; instructors; interaction; international; iojet; journal; kara; knowledge; kuru; language; learner; learning; level; logs; main; materials; mean; mnemonics; modeling; modeling condition; motivation; new; number; observation; online; paraphrasing; participants; peer; performance; phase; posttest; practice; presentational; pretest; previous; process; processes; program; psychology; quality; raters; rating; reading; reported; reports; requirements; research; results; rijlaarsdam; sample; scores; scoring; self; session; significant; skills; source; srsd; stages; steendam; strategies; strategy; strong; students; studies; study; summary; synthesis; synthesis task; synthesis text; table; task; teaching; text; text quality; time; training; trampoline; turkey; turkish; university; use; van; video; weeks; write; writers; writing; writing process cache: iojet-313.pdf plain text: iojet-313.txt item: #423 of 681 id: iojet-317 author: Charkova, Denitza A.; Charkova, Krassimira title: EXPLORING THE CONNECTION BETWEEN SECOND LANGUAGE VOCABULARY LEARNING STRATEGIES AND VOCABULARY KNOWLEDGE date: 2018-04-11 words: 7757 flesch: 50 summary: The study presented in this paper was designed in a quantitative framework, employing Qian and Schedl’s (2004) depth of vocabulary knowledge test and a Likert scale survey of vocabulary learning strategies. Instruments The data collection instrument included three parts: a) a demographic section; b) Qian and Schedl’s (2004) depth of vocabulary knowledge test and c) a Likert scale survey of vocabulary learning strategies. keywords: analysis; attention; bilingual; cambridge; charkova; collocations; correct; depth; dictionaries; difference; english; fan; good; group; higher; international; johnson; journal; knowledge; knowledge group; knowledge test; language; language vocabulary; learners; learning; learning strategies; level; limited; limited knowledge; linguistic; mean; meanings; monolingual; morphological; nation; new; paradigmatic; participants; prefixes; present; pronunciation; qian; reading; regular; research; results; schedl; schmitt; second; significant; size; strategies; strategy; studies; study; suffixes; superior; superior knowledge; synonyms; target; teaching; test; university; use; vocabulary; vocabulary knowledge; vocabulary learning; words cache: iojet-317.pdf plain text: iojet-317.txt item: #424 of 681 id: iojet-32 author: Tochon, Francois Victor; Karaman, A. Cendel; Ökten, Celile E. title: Online Instructional Personal Environment for Deep Language Learning date: 2014-01-01 words: 13787 flesch: 48 summary: We analyze the role of PLEs for deep language learning and their embedment into broader, significant expression and interactional projects. Usefulness of personal environments Figure 5 presents the grounded theory of deep language learning within a personalized environment. keywords: 1(2; able; accuracy; addition; advanced; agency; analysis; apprenticeship; approach; authentic; autonomous; autonomy; available; better; class; classroom; conceptual; content; course; crucial; cultural; culture; curriculum; data; dattl; deep; deep approach; deep language; deep learning; deeper; department; design; development; different; digital; education; environments; example; experience; feedback; field; figure; foreign; form; grammar; help; higher; instructional; instructors; integration; interest; intermediate; international; internet; interviews; iojet; issues; journal; karaman; knowledge; language; language education; language instructors; language learning; learners; learning; learning environments; level; life; linguistic; madison; materials; modules; multimedia; native; need; new; online; open; organized; participants; pedagogy; people; perceptions; personal; personal learning; personalized; ples; practice; press; process; professional; proficiency; program; projects; quality; questions; related; research; resources; role; second; self; social; speakers; stage; students; studies; study; support; teacher; teacher education; teaching; team; technologies; technology; thematic; theory; tochon; training; turkish; turkish language; university; use; usefulness; variety; videos; way; ways; website; wisconsin; work; world; years; zpd; ökten cache: iojet-32.pdf plain text: iojet-32.txt item: #425 of 681 id: iojet-322 author: Hazar, Esin title: DIGITAL COMPETENCE IN PRIMARY EDUCATION: A REVIEW OF LEARNING OUTCOMES date: 2018-04-11 words: 7573 flesch: 32 summary: Digital competence in primary education: In most official papers the importance of digital competence is highly stressed and studies to provide students with digital skills are carried out by Turkish Ministry of National Education (MONE) and other governmental institutes. keywords: 21st; able; analysis; areas; century; collaboration; commission; communication; competence; competence areas; content; creation; curriculum; data; development; digcomp; digital; digital competence; digital content; digital literacy; digital skills; digital technologies; education; european; extent; framework; grade; hazar; ict; information; information literacy; integration; international; iojet; journal; language; learning; life; literacy; mathematics; media; national; new; online; outcomes; personal; place; primary; primary education; problem; project; related; report; research; safety; school; secondary; skills; social; society; solving; standards; students; study; subject; teaching; technical; technological; technologies; technology; thinking; tools; turkey; turkish; use; website; world cache: iojet-322.pdf plain text: iojet-322.txt item: #426 of 681 id: iojet-327 author: Evren Yapıcıoğlu, Ayşegül title: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SOCIOSCIENTIFIC ISSUE-BASED INSTRUCTION IN SCIENCE CLASSROOMS date: 2018-04-11 words: 6337 flesch: 48 summary: The purpose of this research is to explore advantages and disadvantages of socioscientific issue based instruction in science classrooms according to prospective science teachers’ views. Findings of the study show that the advantages of socioscientific issue based instruction in science classroom are comprised of six sub themes that are upskilling, social awareness, development of thinking, meaningful learning, character and professional development, contribution to scientific literacy whereas disadvantages of this instruction process are challenges to teachers and students, limitations of teaching and learning process in prospective science teachers’ perspectives. keywords: activities; approach; argumentation; awareness; case; character; classes; classroom; codes; content; course; data; decision; development; diaries; different; disadvantages; discussion; education; evren; findings; focus; form; group; implementation; individuals; instruction; international; interview; iojet; issues; journal; knowledge; learning; literacy; meaningful; methods; online; opinions; organ; participants; process; prospective; prospective science; prospective teachers; qualitative; questions; related; research; sadler; science; science education; science teachers; sensitive; single; social; socioscientific; socioscientific issues; special; students; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; themes; thinking; time; tools; turkey; use; word; yapıcıoğlu; zeidler cache: iojet-327.pdf plain text: iojet-327.txt item: #427 of 681 id: iojet-333 author: Ryan, Thomas G.; Deuerlein, Kathryn title: REVITILIZING THE ONTARIO PUBLIC EDUCATION SYSTEM FOR YOUNG ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS date: 2018-01-10 words: 10464 flesch: 39 summary: In order to develop consistency across Ontario schools students are tested in Grade 3, 6 and 9 unless their capabilities prevents them from being included. As a journey, the research and initiatives pertaining to strategies and techniques, character development, diversity and inclusivity training, and assessment and evaluation practices that are available in various Ontario Ministry of Education documents should continue to expand and modify with changing demographics of Ontario students. keywords: 5(1; ability; academic; achievement; acquisition; appropriate; assessment; boards; canada; canadian; character; classroom; community; cultural; curriculum; data; deuerlein; development; diversity; documents; education; educators; effective; eld; elementary; ells; english; english language; english literacy; esl; evaluation; expectations; foster; funding; guide; important; inclusive; information; initiatives; instruction; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; lack; language; language development; language learners; learners; learning; literacy; literature; ministry; need; new; office; omoe; online; ontario; ontario ministry; order; people; policy; practices; procedures; professional; professional development; proficiency; programs; province; provisions; public; quality; recommendations; report; research; results; review; ryan; school; second; second language; skills; social; specialized; strategies; students; success; suggestions; support; system; teachers; teaching; techniques; training; use; variety; young cache: iojet-333.pdf plain text: iojet-333.txt item: #428 of 681 id: iojet-343 author: Sosa Neira, Edgar Andres; Salinas Ibáñez, Jesús; De Benito Crosetti, Bárbara title: FACTORS THAT FACILITATE OR LIMIT THE INCORPORATION OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN THE CLASSROOM date: 2018-01-10 words: 11035 flesch: 42 summary: 9,4% Peer-to-Peer Workspaces 0,7% Benefits for learning 4,8% Experiences of other teachers 0,7% Motivation, interest and disposition 3,1% Knowledge networks 0,2% Teacher Training 1,2% Macrosystem 43,2% Bonding 0,3% Infrastructure 28,7% Family 1,0% Teacher Training 10,3% Motivation 0,5% Context requirement 2,9% Bonding 0,3% Support for government entities 1,3% Family support 0,2% At the mesosystem contextual level, the factors are divided into the institution, the students and the family: The institution includes: institutional support to provide teachers with easy access to resources (D34, D151, D203), the generation of times and spaces to investigate, train, plan and implement activities (D16, D67, D155), provide counseling, technical and Sosa Neira, Salinas Ibáñez, & De Benito Crosetti 52 logistical support (D39, D179, D192), generate and update institutional policies for the use of ETs in the classroom of both students and teachers (D47; D198), keep equipment in good conditions (D51, D137, D203) and generate of an ICT plan in the institution (D66; D92); curricular integration in each of the areas (D45, D52) and the institutional educational project (D172); the generation of a culture of use of ETs (D52, D196) and care (D53; D98) and the institutional motivation of wanting to incorporate ETs into educational processes (D45; D180). In the variables related to the area of education and the teaching level of teacher, the total does not correspond to the 241 respondents because in some cases, teachers are in charge of not only one class but several and in different levels. keywords: 5(1; abarzúa; age; analysis; areas; association; barriers; benefits; benito; cerda; change; classes; classroom; competences; computers; connectivity; contextual; crosetti; data; degree; devices; dichotomous; different; distribution; educational; educational technology; effect; ertmer; ets; experience; factors; family; ibáñez; ict; incorporation; information; infrastructure; institution; interest; international; iojet; jones; journal; kafyulilo; knowledge; lack; learning; level; literature; mesosystem; microsystem; motivation; mumtaz; necessary; neira; new; normal; online; policies; practice; processes; quantitative; questions; related; relationship; research; resources; results; salinas; skills; sociodemographic; sosa; spaces; strategies; students; studies; study; support; survey; table; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; test; training; university; use; value; variable; work; years; zyand cache: iojet-343.pdf plain text: iojet-343.txt item: #429 of 681 id: iojet-350 author: Aksu Ataç, Bengü; Günay Köprülü, Sevtap title: THE ROLE OF SUBTITLE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING date: 2018-07-10 words: 4232 flesch: 59 summary: They totally agree with the following opinions; Learn correct pronunciation through movies, By watching movies in original English language I learn new words, I can improve my listening skill by watching English language movies (see Table 6). Following these ideas, the students' attitudes and views on watching subtitle movies and whether they use movies for foreign language learning outside the classroom environment have been assessed. keywords: aksu; ataç; better; comprehension; education; effects; english; foreign; foreign language; frequency; günay; iojet; journal; köprülü; language; learners; learning; listening; movies; new; opinions; original; percent; positive; questionnaire; research; skills; students; study; subtitles; table; target; teaching; total; translation; turkish; university; use; valid; watching; words cache: iojet-350.pdf plain text: iojet-350.txt item: #430 of 681 id: iojet-351 author: Erton, Ismail title: THE ESSENCE OF SEMIOTICS AS A MEDIATOR OF COMMUNICATION AND COGNITION date: 2018-04-11 words: 5697 flesch: 46 summary: It is seen that the nature of human language needs to be considered as a living organism which also reflects the evolutionary development of science. Without doubt, such a carefully planned course will not only lay a strong background for semiotic competence, but also create more opportunities to exchange information in different contexts coming up in varying sociocultural discourses. keywords: anthropological; approach; awareness; better; biological; biosemiotics; cognition; cognitive; communication; competence; context; course; cultural; culture; development; different; discourses; eds; education; erton; essence; human; individual; information; interaction; intercultural; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learning; linguistic; love; meaning; nature; notion; online; oxford; perception; press; process; processes; psychological; respect; sciences; semiotics; signs; skills; social; speech; states; students; studies; study; symbols; systems; teaching; theory; training; university; use; value; verbal; way; words; world cache: iojet-351.pdf plain text: iojet-351.txt item: #431 of 681 id: iojet-353 author: Karalar, Halit; Aslan Altan, Bilge title: NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN MICRO TEACHINGS: IS IT POSSIBLE FOR WEB 2.0 TOOLS TO AFFECT PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS’ WEB PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND TEACHER SELF-EFFICACY? date: 2018-07-10 words: 7760 flesch: 55 summary: Teacher technology change: How knowledge, confidence, beliefs, and culture intersect. Web Content Knowledge (WCK) includes the use of Web tools that are specific to the subject area. keywords: altan; analysis; applied; aslan; classroom; computers; content; content knowledge; course; data; design; digital; education; effective; efficacy; ertmer; future; instructional; instructor; integration; international; iojet; journal; karalar; knowledge; learning; level; method; microteachings; model; new; online; order; p<.05; participants; participation; pck; pedagogical; pedagogical content; posttest; practice; pre; pretest; prospective; prospective teachers; qualitative; research; responses; results; scale; scores; self; service; skills; students; study; table; teacher self; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; test; themes; time; tools; training; use; web; web pedagogical; web tools cache: iojet-353.pdf plain text: iojet-353.txt item: #432 of 681 id: iojet-359 author: Boran, Gültekin title: SEMANTIC FIELDS AND EFL/ESL TEACHING date: 2018-04-11 words: 3768 flesch: 57 summary: Semantic fields and EFL/ESL teaching. In this paper, semantic field also known as word field, lexical field, field of meaning, and semantic system is explained by giving supporting examples. keywords: boran; bow; brother; cambridge; change; changhong; child; clark; crystal; dictionary; differences; different; dogs; education; efl; english; esl; example; field; field theory; figure; german; international; iojet; items; journal; kinship; language; lexical; lexical field; list; meaning; new; online; order; parts; press; related; relations; semantic; semantic field; sense; sets; sheep; states; system; teaching; terms; theory; translation; trier; turkish; university; vocabulary; water; words; wow cache: iojet-359.pdf plain text: iojet-359.txt item: #433 of 681 id: iojet-361 author: Suryadi, Suryadi; Kustiawan, Usep title: CHILDREN’S SONGS CREATION TECHNIQUE DEVELOPMENT FOR KINDERGARTEN TEACHERS date: 2018-04-11 words: 7495 flesch: 54 summary: Abstract This study aims to produce a creation in a form of techniques to create decent children’s songs used by kindergarten teachers. In addition, this study also aims to produce an advance creation in the form of technical guidebooks that can facilitate kindergarten teachers in creating children’s songs. keywords: addition; analysis; category; children; children songs; comparison; creation; dan; data; description; design; developed; development; education; effective; effectiveness; evaluation; experimental; experts; feasibility; feasible; field; form; good; group; ideal; individual; iojet; jakarta; kindergarten; kindergarten teachers; kustiawan; learning; level; lowokwaru; malang; material; music; percentage; posttest; pretest; process; product; quantitative; research; results; score; small; songs; steps; subjects; suryadi; table; teachers; teaching; technical; technique; treatment; trials; use; validity; value cache: iojet-361.pdf plain text: iojet-361.txt item: #434 of 681 id: iojet-362 author: Takkaç Tulgar, Ayşegül title: SPEAKING ANXIETY OF FOREIGN LEARNERS OF TURKISH IN TARGET CONTEXT date: 2018-04-11 words: 10811 flesch: 52 summary: As the pioneers examining the factors affecting foreign language anxiety in detail and develop the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS), Horwitz, Horwitz and Cope (1986) define language anxiety as a set of self-perceptions and behaviors connected with the specific act of language learning and propose three anxiety-related dynamics; communication apprehension, fear of negative evaluation and test anxiety. Keywords: speaking anxiety, Turkish as a second language, foreign learners of Turkish, language education 1. keywords: answers; anxiety; anxiety levels; anxious; challenges; chances; classroom; context; country; cultural; development; differences; different; doi; education; efl; english; evaluation; factors; fear; foreign; foreign language; grammar; home; horwitz; immediate; international; iojet; journal; language; language anxiety; language learning; learners; learning; levels; mistakes; native; native speakers; negative; observations; online; participants; performances; practice; process; pronunciation; questions; research; results; second; second language; self; skill; social; sources; speakers; speaking; speaking anxiety; specific; strategies; students; studies; study; takkaç; target; target language; teachers; teaching; time; tulgar; turkish; university cache: iojet-362.pdf plain text: iojet-362.txt item: #435 of 681 id: iojet-368 author: Şahin Kızıl, Aysel; Savran, Zehra title: THE INTEGRATION OF CORPUS INTO EFL SPEAKING INSTRUCTION: A STUDY OF LEARNER PERCEPTIONS date: 2018-04-11 words: 6554 flesch: 59 summary: First, corpora applied within DDL approach are powerful tools for language learners as they enable learners to discover facts about the language through the authentic examples of the target language in the corpus data. This paper describes a small-scale study of corpus use in enhancing English speaking performance of EFL learners with a focus on their perceptions towards web-based concordancing. keywords: activities; agree; analysing; attitudes; boulton; cambridge; classroom; concordance; concordancing; corpora; corpus; data; ddl; difficulties; difficulty; domain; education; efl; english; epistemic; instruction; international; iojet; items; journal; kızıl; language; learners; learning; level; lines; linguistics; lower; markers; online; output; participants; perceptions; positive; practice; proficiency; questionnaire; research; responses; savran; second; sentences; speaking; spoken; stance; students; study; teaching; university; use; writing; yoon; şahin cache: iojet-368.pdf plain text: iojet-368.txt item: #436 of 681 id: iojet-383 author: Dolgunsöz, Emrah title: WORD FAMILIARITY EFFECTS IN EFL READING: AN EYE TRACKING STUDY date: 2018-04-11 words: 5596 flesch: 58 summary: By using eye tracking technique, the main aim of this study is to reveal how EFL learners process familiar and novel words and to examine the predictive power of vocabulary size on word processing times by controlling length and frequency effects. Keywords: EFL reading, eye movements, word familiarity, word processing 1. keywords: acquisition; attention; cognitive; data; descriptives; dolgunsöz; duration; education; effects; effort; efl; english; eye; familiarity; findings; fixation; frequency; gaze; general; godfroid; initial; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; length; linguistic; mean; movements; nation; new; novel; ones; online; pass; predictive; processing; readers; reading; research; results; second; size; studies; study; table; teaching; test; text; time; total; tracking; unfamiliar; unknown; vocabulary; words cache: iojet-383.pdf plain text: iojet-383.txt item: #437 of 681 id: iojet-384 author: Onder, Alev; Balaban Dagal, Asude; Ilci Kusmus, Gulsen; Bilici, H.Sumeyra; Ozdemir, Hamdi; Kaya Deger, Zeynep title: An investigation of visual perception levels of pre-school children in terms of different variables date: 2019-01-05 words: 6016 flesch: 57 summary: In the process of visual perception studies, worksheets for visual perception are prepared in order to maintain persistence and maintain continuity with visual perception education. Diversity in visual perception studies in preschools can be achieved. keywords: 6(1; age; aged; algı; ankara; balaban; bilici; bilimleri; childhood; children; data; dağal; development; değer; difference; districts; duration; early; economic; education; enstitüsü; eğitim; formal; gender; gestalt; görsel; harmankaya; high; incelenmesi; information; international; iojet; i̇lçi; i̇stanbul; journal; kaya; küsmüş; learning; levels; life; maltepe; marmara; master; months; motor; online; perception; perception levels; perceptual; period; preschool; preschool children; preschool education; process; program; reason; research; results; scale; skills; socio; status; studies; study; table; teaching; test; thesis; university; unpublished; variables; visual; visual perception; yaş; önder; özdemir; üniversitesi cache: iojet-384.pdf plain text: iojet-384.txt item: #438 of 681 id: iojet-385 author: Akbaşlı, Sait title: THE EVALUATION OF NATURE EDUCATION TRAINING date: 2018-04-11 words: 7725 flesch: 47 summary: Öğretmen adaylarının çevre bilinci, çevresel tutum, düşünce ve davranışlarının doğa eğitimi projesine bağlı değişimi ve kalıcılığının değerlendirilmesi [An assessment of the change of pre-service teachers’ environmental consciousness, environmental attitude, thoughts and behaviours in relation to nature education projects, and its permanence]. Keywords: nature education, training, participant expectations, expectations met Significance Statement The study is aimed to reveal the extent to which expectations of participants were met in relation to environmental awareness and environmental literacy by the nature education titled as Göksu Valley and its Eco-based Nature Education Project in Delta and implemented in cooperation with Mersin University and TUBITAK-Science and Society Department in July 2010-14. keywords: ability; activities; akbaşlı; ankara; answers; approach; area; awareness; consciousness; cultural; delta; development; difference; ecology; education; education project; effects; environmental; environmental education; expectation; eğitimi; favor; findings; göksu; göksu nature; human; individuals; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; level; literacy; methods; meydan; national; natural; nature; nature education; number; online; order; organizations; outdoor; ozaner; park; participants; people; program; project; quantitative; questions; raising; reliability; research; result; satisfaction; satisfaction level; school; science; scientific; self; significant; social; students; study; summer; table; teaching; training; tubitak; university; valley; value; way; çevre cache: iojet-385.pdf plain text: iojet-385.txt item: #439 of 681 id: iojet-386 author: Othman, Murad Sherzad; Kılıç, Mehmet title: AN ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERCEIVED TEACHER SUPPORT AND MOTIVATIONAL/EMOTIONAL RESPONSES date: 2018-04-11 words: 7065 flesch: 46 summary: To find out the relationship between perceived teacher emotional support by the teacher and students’ anxiety, intrinsic motivation, help-seeking behavior, and effort, Pearson product moment correlations were utilized. Furthermore, the results showed no significant difference between genders concerning emotional support, anxiety, intrinsic motivation, and effort, but significant differences concerning instrumental support and help-seeking behavior were obtained based on gender. keywords: academic; analysis; anxiety; behavior; correlations; current; data; education; effort; efl; emotional; emotional responses; emotional support; english; female; findings; foreign; gender; help; helpseeking; instrumental support; international; interview; intrinsic; intrinsic motivation; iojet; items; journal; kılıç; language; learners; learning; motivation; online; othman; participants; perceptions; positive; psychology; questionnaire; related; relationship; research; responses; school; second; seeking; significant; social; social support; specific; students; study; support; table; teacher support; teachers; teaching; university cache: iojet-386.pdf plain text: iojet-386.txt item: #440 of 681 id: iojet-389 author: Aşıksoy, Gülsüm; Sorakin, Yasemin title: THE EFFECTS OF CLICKER-AIDED FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODEL ON LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT, PHYSICS ANXIETY AND STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS date: 2018-04-11 words: 6132 flesch: 56 summary: 4.3 Students’ Perceptions of the Clicker-Aided Flipped Classroom Semi-structured interviews were held with 24 volunteering experimental group students on the Clicker-aided Flipped classroom model. Another finding of the study indicated a significant decrease in the course anxiety level of the experimental group students (who participated in the application of clicker-aided flipped classroom model) when compared to the level of control group students. keywords: accordance; achievement; active; activities; adjusted; analysis; ancova; answers; anxiety; application; aşıksoy; classes; classroom; classroom model; clicker; component; control; control group; course; data; education; effects; experimental; experimental group; group; group students; hung; individual; international; interviews; iojet; journal; learning; lecturer; literature; means; model; paq; physics; positive; post; pre; problem; questions; quizzes; research; results; scores; solving; sorakın; students; studies; study; system; table; teaching; technology; test; time; use cache: iojet-389.pdf plain text: iojet-389.txt item: #441 of 681 id: iojet-392 author: Mulyanto, Heri; Gunarhadi, Gunarhadi; Indriayu, Mintasih title: THE EFFECT OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING MODEL ON STUDENT MATHEMATICS LEARNING OUTCOMES VIEWED FROM CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS date: 2018-07-10 words: 5287 flesch: 43 summary: Previous research findings conducted by Erwin, Tellu and Kundera (2015) states there are significant differences in student learning outcomes in Biology lesson Heri Mulyanto, Gunarhadi, Indriayu 556 in 4 senior high schoolofPalu in terms of students' critical thinking skills. The findings of this study support the results of previous research conducted by Erwin, Tellu and Kundera (2015) that there are significant differences in student learning outcomes in Biology lesson in SMAN 4 in Palu in terms of students critical thinking skills. keywords: ability; analysis; anova; conventional; critical; critical thinking; data; difference; education; effect; factors; findings; grade; high; higher; influence; interaction; journal; learning; learning model; learning outcomes; low; low critical; mathematics; mathematics learning; model; outcomes; pbl; previous; primary; private; problem; research; results; school; significant; skills; solving; students; study; surakarta; table; teaching; test; thinking; thinking skills cache: iojet-392.pdf plain text: iojet-392.txt item: #442 of 681 id: iojet-393 author: Mirza Suzani, Samad title: THE ROLE OF BRAIN DOMINANCE IN THE PEDAGOGICAL STRATEGIES USED BY IRANIAN ELT TEACHERS date: 2018-10-04 words: 9551 flesch: 70 summary: Hemispheric dominance and teaching competence: A study among student teachers in colleges of education. Their studies mostly used Oxford’s (1990a) categorization considered as “the most comprehensive classification of learning strategies” (Ellis, 1994, p. 539). keywords: 1990a; 5(4; achievement; better; brain; brain dominance; brained; class; classrooms; cognitive; data; descriptive; different; dominance; dominant; education; efl; elt; english; english words; group; help; hemisphere; highest; information; international; iojet; iranian; item; journal; language; language learning; learners; learning; learning strategies; left; mean; mirza; new; new english; ones; online; oxford; participants; pedagogical; pedagogical strategies; practice; questionnaire; regard; research; responses; results; right; second; significant; statistics; strategies; strategy; students; study; styles; suzani; table; talk; teachers; teaching; time; total; true; use; ways; words; writing cache: iojet-393.pdf plain text: iojet-393.txt item: #443 of 681 id: iojet-394 author: Ryan, Thomas G. title: Naturalistic Observation of Engagement and Disengagement within Professional Development in Education date: 2019-01-05 words: 7592 flesch: 49 summary: This research involved the discovery of new facts and reinterpretation of existing knowledge concerning professional development engagement. Teacher professional development in Teaching and Teacher Education over ten years. keywords: 6(1; actions; activities; authentic; behavior; canada; comical; communicate; conferences; context; data; development; disengagement; distracting; doodling; education; educators; engaged; engagement; experience; extent; fiddling; guba; instance; international; iojet; journal; learning; level; lincoln; manner; means; minutes; movements; naturalistic; new; noises; non; noonan; objects; observation; observed; online; people; person; phone; presentation; presenter; process; professional; professional development; professional learning; qualitative; research; results; room; ryan; sage; self; session; social; space; study; table; teachers; teaching; theory; time; total; types; university; webster; work cache: iojet-394.pdf plain text: iojet-394.txt item: #444 of 681 id: iojet-396 author: Donmez, Ozlem; Karasulu, Meltem; Asantogrul, Seray; Zembat, Rengin title: EXAMINATION OF OCCUPATIONAL RESILIENCE BELIEFS OF IN-SERVICE AND PRE-SERVICE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION TEACHERS ACCORDING TO DIFFERENT VARIABLES date: 2018-10-04 words: 4857 flesch: 41 summary: How can teacher resilience be protected and promoted? 4. Discussion According to the results of the comparison of occupational resilience beliefs of in-service and pre-service early childhood education teachers; 1. keywords: analysis; aşantoğrul; beliefs; childhood education; childhood teachers; data; development; difference; dönmez; early childhood; education; education teachers; emotions; factors; group; international; iojet; journal; karasulu; life; marmara; negative; occupational; occupational resilience; online; positive; pre; preservice; private; psychological; research; resilience; resilience beliefs; results; risk; scale; seniority; service; service early; service teachers; significant; state; stress; study; table; teachers; teaching; test; type; universities; university; years; zembat cache: iojet-396.pdf plain text: iojet-396.txt item: #445 of 681 id: iojet-398 author: Toprak, Tuğba Elif title: Teaching grammar is not my main responsibility”: Exploring EFL teachers’ beliefs about grammar teaching date: 2019-01-05 words: 8563 flesch: 57 summary: “Teaching grammar is not my main responsibility”: Exploring EFL teachers’ beliefs about grammar teaching. The questionnaire included 15 items, and these items covered a range of crucial issues in grammar teaching; such as the role of explicit teaching, the position of grammar in instructional sequences, the role of the teacher, the importance of practice, deductive and inductive learning, differences between teaching grammar to adult and young learners and the integration of grammar with other skills. keywords: 6(1; activities; adult; approach; beliefs; borg; cognition; communicative; context; deductive; education; efl; english; explicit; factors; fluency; focus; form; grammar; grammar instruction; grammar teaching; grammatical; idea; implicit; inductive; instruction; interviews; iojet; issues; item; journal; knowledge; language; language teaching; learners; learning; linguistics; literature; need; online; participants; practice; present; questionnaire; research; results; role; rules; skills; speaking; structures; students; study; tasks; teachers; teaching; terminology; time; toprak; university; use; work; writing; young cache: iojet-398.pdf plain text: iojet-398.txt item: #446 of 681 id: iojet-40 author: Göksu, Ali; Büyükkarcı, Kağan; Genç, Bilal title: The Effect of Practicum on the Discipline Orientations of Pre-Service Teachers date: 2013-10-01 words: 3842 flesch: 53 summary: If student teachers do not have personal concerns or have not encountered concrete problems, they do not perceive the usefulness of theoretical knowledge. Those problems cannot easily be solved by the abstract, systematized and general expert knowledge that student teachers get at their teacher education programs. keywords: 104; beliefs; büyükkarcı; classroom; consequences; cukurova; differences; different; discipline; education; elt; experience; gazi; genç; groups; göksu; inonu; international; language; management; model; orientations; post; practicum; pre; problems; research; results; rules; scores; service; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; tests; total; turkey; universities; university; way cache: iojet-40.pdf plain text: iojet-40.txt item: #447 of 681 id: iojet-401 author: Dislen Daggol, Gokce; Ispinar Akcayoglu, Duygu title: READING UNDER INVESTIGATION: DISPOSITIONS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN AN EFL SETTING date: 2018-10-04 words: 8446 flesch: 56 summary: The use of reading strategies in improving reading comprehension. All these positive influences of reading are likely to present themselves through the effective use of reading strategies. keywords: akçayoğlu; aloud; analysis; awareness; comprehension; content; data; dağgöl; dictionary; difficult; dişlen; education; effective; efl; ended; english; f=10; f=4; f=5; findings; foreign; general; global; help; important; information; international; inventory; iojet; i̇şpınar; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; meaning; metacognitive; metacognitive reading; metacognitive strategies; notes; online; open; participants; present; problem; process; qualitative; questions; reading; reading comprehension; reading strategies; responses; skills; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; support; table; taking; teaching; text; themes; time; topic; understanding; university; use; vocabulary; words cache: iojet-401.pdf plain text: iojet-401.txt item: #448 of 681 id: iojet-402 author: Swann, William; Cripe, M. Kathleen title: BALANCING RESOURCES AND VALUE IN DISTANCE EDUCATION COURSE REVIEWS: A CASE STUDY AT A MID-SIZED PUBLIC UNIVERSITY date: 2018-10-04 words: 6950 flesch: 56 summary: Developing a Course Review Rubric A rubric for assessing distance education courses was developed by an instructional designer in the DE office in consultation with the university's Distance Education Advisory Committee (DEAC), which includes faculty who teach DE courses as well as staff and administrators. Ramdass and Nemavhola (2018) point to faculty perceptions of a compliance or check box mentality in the application of some processes along with concerns over academic freedom, and several studies emphasize the importance of customizing quality review processes to meet the needs and conditions at particular institutions (Bari & Djouab, 2014; Moore, 2010; Pawlowski, 2006). keywords: assignments; assistance; average; cognitive; committee; content; course; cripe; critical; design; developers; development; differences; distance; doi; education; efficiency; effort; engagement; environment; experience; faculty; feedback; goals; group; guidance; hand; higher; implementation; improvement; initial; interaction; international; involved; iojet; journal; learning; likely; mayer; objectives; online; peer; point; primary; process; quality; questions; resources; respondents; responses; review; reviewers; revisions; rubric; staff; standards; statements; student; studies; study; substantive; sufficient; support; survey; swann; teaching; time; university; value; work cache: iojet-402.pdf plain text: iojet-402.txt item: #449 of 681 id: iojet-404 author: Hamutoglu, Nazire Burcin; Güngören-Canan, Özlem; Duman, İbrahim; Horzum, Mehmet Barış; Kıyıcı, Mübin; Akgün, Özcan Erkan title: THE SCALES FOR ACCEPTANCE, USABILITY, AND SATISFACTION FOR WEB-BASED MONITORING AND SUPPORT SYSTEMS date: 2019-07-07 words: 7875 flesch: 54 summary: Developing mentor teachers to support student teacher candidates. Teacher candidates can exhibit the ability to use theoretical information they acquire in this module (Özkılıç, Bilgin, & Kartal, 2008). keywords: 6(3; acceptance; akgün; analysis; buyukozturk; candidates; computer; consistency; construct; cooperation; course; data; davis; developed; development; duman; ease; education; efa; expert; exploratory; eğitim; factor; factor analysis; faculty; general; güngören; hamutoğlu; horzum; important; information; intention; internal; international; internship; iojet; items; journal; kıyıcı; level; literature; monitoring; necessary; okul; online; participants; pilot; practice; process; quality; reliability; research; results; sacs; sakarya; satisfaction; scale; scope; service; sgss; sides; structure; students; studies; study; support; suss; system; teacher; teacher candidates; teaching; technology; test; training; university; usability; use; usefulness; users; validity; values; variance; web; öğretmenlik cache: iojet-404.pdf plain text: iojet-404.txt item: #450 of 681 id: iojet-406 author: Bayram, İlknur; Canaran, Özlem title: REFLECTIONS ON A TEACHER-LED CPD MODEL FOR EFL TEACHERS date: 2018-04-11 words: 6265 flesch: 52 summary: Her research interests are teacher professional development, lesson study, curriculum development and evaluation. Collegiality and its role in teacher development: Perspectives from veteran and novice teachers. keywords: action; activities; analysis; bayram; canaran; case; class; collaboration; cpd; data; development; education; elt; evaluation; facilitator; findings; future; group; guidance; help; improvement; international; iojet; journal; language; learning; lesson; meetings; mentor; model; need; new; observation; online; planning; practice; process; professional; professional development; program; reflections; reflective; research; richards; school; self; study; teachers; teaching; team; term; time; university; way cache: iojet-406.pdf plain text: iojet-406.txt item: #451 of 681 id: iojet-408 author: Arslan, Mehmet Metin title: THE “SAFE SCHOOL” PERCEPTION OF CLASS PRESIDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS date: 2018-04-11 words: 4512 flesch: 54 summary: Keywords: School safety, safe school, school climate, class presidents 1. Introduction In recent years, the problem of school safety is not only on the agenda of Turkey, but also on that of all developed and developing countries. keywords: administrators; analysis; arslan; class; class presidents; climate; concept; data; duties; education; environment; eğitim; fact; family; findings; form; high; importance; international; iojet; journal; management; measures; okul; online; open; opinions; parents; participants; perception; physical; presidents; psychological; questions; research; results; risk; safety; school; school climate; school environment; school safety; secondary; security; social; staff; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; terms; turkey; violence cache: iojet-408.pdf plain text: iojet-408.txt item: #452 of 681 id: iojet-41 author: Dolgunsöz, Emrah title: Benefits of Multilingualism in Foreign Language Learning: A Comparative Study of Bilingual and Multilingual Grammar Strategies date: 2013-10-01 words: 4831 flesch: 46 summary: According to McArthur (1992) multilingualism is the use three of more languages either separately of in various degrees of code mixing. Bilingualism and Multilingualism: Definitions and Variations Today, bilingualism and multilingualism are quite trendy and important terms for language learning. keywords: ability; awareness; better; bilingual; bilingualism; cognitive; common; communication; competence; correlation; cultural; data; different; dolgunsöz; education; elt; english; foreign; french; frequency; general; grammar; grammar strategies; grammatical; greater; groups; hand; increases; individual; international; iojet; journal; kemp; knowledge; language; language learning; learners; learning; level; linguistic; multilingual; new; number; online; participants; patterns; people; proficiency; relationship; research; second; sig; strategies; strategy; study; subjects; superiorities; table; teaching; terms; type; usage; use cache: iojet-41.pdf plain text: iojet-41.txt item: #453 of 681 id: iojet-412 author: Çetinkaya, Murat title: The effect of inquiry-based science activities on prospective science teachers’ scientific process skills date: 2019-01-05 words: 7820 flesch: 55 summary: Abstract Inquiry skill is the most important factor in the development of the scientific processes of prospective science teachers. It was concluded through quantitative and qualitative research analyses that inquiry-based science activities significantly increased scientific process skills of prospective science teachers positively. keywords: 6(1; activities; addition; analysis; application; approach; arguments; assessment; cognitive; content; course; curiosity; data; development; education; effective; events; expressions; group; important; information; inquiry; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; lesson; level; methods; nature; online; place; positive; pre; process; process skills; processes; program; prospective; prospective science; prospective teachers; qualitative; questioning; research; results; school; science; science activities; science education; science teachers; scientific; scientific process; skills; social; students; study; teachers; teaching; technology; test; time; university; use; way; çetinkaya; özyürek cache: iojet-412.pdf plain text: iojet-412.txt item: #454 of 681 id: iojet-415 author: Erdem, Cahit title: IDENTIFYING UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF ‘ENGLISH’ THROUGH METAPHORS date: 2018-07-10 words: 5636 flesch: 55 summary: There are some research in the literature on foreign language education with respect to the use of metaphors; however, these studies are limited to the examination of perceptions of elementary and secondary school students towards ‘English teacher’ (Başaran-Uğur & Baysal, 2017; Ocak & Gürel, 2018), perceptions of high school students towards ‘English’ (Bekdaş, 2017; Limon, 2015; Ocak & Gürel, 2014), perceptions of university students towards ‘English instructor’ (Ahkemoğlu, 2011), ‘foreign language’ (Gömleksiz, 2013) and ‘foreign language textbook’ (Kesen, 2010). With high school students, Bekdaş (2017) and Limon (2015) analyzed metaphors of ‘English’ and they found out that 52% and 57% of the metaphors were negative. keywords: analysis; attention; categories; category; difficulty; distribution; education; english; erdem; faculties; faculty; females; foreign; foreign language; graduates; high; international; iojet; journal; language; learners; learning; life; medicine; metaphors; necessity; need; negative; negative metaphors; neutral; neutral metaphors; number; participants; percentages; perceptions; positive; positive metaphors; process; rationales; research; school; sciences; students; study; table; teaching; terms; tool; turkey; university; vocational; water; world cache: iojet-415.pdf plain text: iojet-415.txt item: #455 of 681 id: iojet-42 author: Güneş, Sevim title: An Analysis of Recognition of Extended Compound Sentences date: 2013-10-01 words: 4912 flesch: 72 summary: Is the recognition of extended compound sentence a problem for the first grade ELT students at Dicle University? 2. Is there a significant difference between males and females in terms of the recognition of extended compound sentences? keywords: 25,7; adverbs; analysis; answers; clause; complex; compound; compound sentences; conjunctions; conjunctive; correct; demirezen; dicle; education; elt; english; examples; extended; extended compound; grade; güneş; hand; international; iojet; journal; language; main; number; online; order; participants; phrases; post; pre; problem; questions; recognition; research; results; second; sentences; simple; students; table; teaching; terms; test; types; university; way; writing cache: iojet-42.pdf plain text: iojet-42.txt item: #456 of 681 id: iojet-420 author: Tüfekçi Can, Dilek title: FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING ANXIETY AMONG PRE -SERVICE TEACHERS DURING TEACHING PRACTICUM date: 2018-07-10 words: 8418 flesch: 54 summary: Young also states that „language anxiety is a complex psychological construct requiring investigation from a variety of perspectives and approaches‟ (1992, p. 157). In another research (Thomson & Lee, 2013), the effect of language anxiety on achievement was examined and an intriguing new factor, namely the fear of ambiguity in English emerged as a new factor in terms of language anxiety. keywords: affective; anxiety; anxious; background; class; classroom; cognitive; context; course; cultural; data; education; efl; efl teachers; english; essay; experience; factors; fear; flta; foreign; foreign language; international; interviews; iojet; journal; language; language anxiety; language teaching; learning; literature; new; online; order; paper; participants; practice; practice teachers; practicum; pre; pre service; process; qualitative; questionnaire; real; reflections; related; research; results; self; service; service efl; service teachers; setting; socio; sources; specific; students; studies; study; target; teachers; teaching; teaching anxiety; teaching practicum; unable; university cache: iojet-420.pdf plain text: iojet-420.txt item: #457 of 681 id: iojet-425 author: Agusiobo, Benedicta title: EDUCATION OF THE GIRL-CHILD IN NIGERIA FOR A JUST, PEACEFUL, HARMONIOUS SOCIETY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT date: 2018-10-04 words: 9419 flesch: 45 summary: The socio-cultural factors include: poor and negative parental and community attitudes, aversion to western education which is seen as incompatible with Islamic education, early marriage; girl children are forced to marry against their will, teenage pregnancy, large family sizes making parents decide who goes to school and who stays at home and in many cases the girls are left behind to carry out domestic chores; the boys are better prized and they carry the family name; the girl child is accorded a lower status in the family and there are peer pressures etc. A high percentage, 60% of girls dropping out of school do have implications for gender gaps for girl child development in all its manifestations. keywords: 2013/2014; 5(4; abuse; access; act; age; agusiobo; basic; basic education; boys; child; children; cra; cultural; development; discrimination; domestic; early; ebigbo; economic; education; efa; effects; efforts; enrolment; etc; factors; federal; federal ministry; female; fgm; forms; fundamental; gender; genital; gep; girl child; girls; girls education; goals; governance; government; harms; hawking; health; human; implementation; influences; initiatives; instruments; international; iojet; issues; journal; junior; labor; legal; life; low; marriage; mdgs; ministry; mutilation; nations; need; negative; neglect; nigeria; online; parents; parity; participation; partners; peace; peaceful; percent; policy; poverty; primary; programme; progress; protection; provision; quality; rate; report; rights; school; secondary; sector; sexual; skills; social; society; socio; states; statistics; street; strong; survival; sustainable; teaching; total; trafficking; ube; unicef; united; universal; violence; women; world; years; young cache: iojet-425.pdf plain text: iojet-425.txt item: #458 of 681 id: iojet-429 author: Kisanjara, Simeo Boniphace; Tossy, Titus M.; Sife, Alfred Said; Msanjila, Simon Samwel title: E-learning uptake among academicians and students in Tanzanian universities date: 2019-01-05 words: 8586 flesch: 46 summary: The originality of this study is based on the addition of new variables and methodologies employed as empirical evidence based on the extent of e-learning uptake in Tanzanian universities. Keyword: ICTs, e-learning uptake, fuzzy logic model, students, academicians 1. keywords: 6(1; academicians; acceptance; accessibility; adoption; africa; attitude; availability; available; average; awareness; computer; countries; current; data; difference; education; extent; facilities; findings; fuzzy; higher; ict; implementation; influence; information; institutions; international; internet; iojet; journal; kisanjara; knowledge; learning; learning facilities; learning platforms; learning uptake; level; logic; low; management; mean; model; msanjila; mzumbe; online; platforms; population; research; sample; science; sife; significant; size; social; staff; students; studies; study; systems; table; tanzania; teaching; technologies; technology; test; theory; threshold; tossy; universities; university; uptake; usage; use; users; utaut; variables cache: iojet-429.pdf plain text: iojet-429.txt item: #459 of 681 id: iojet-43 author: Çağatay, Sibel Özdemir; Sülü, Ayfer Küllü title: An Investigation of Intercultural Miscommunication Experiences date: 2013-10-01 words: 5431 flesch: 51 summary: As this flow of communication among nations becomes common, intercultural communication problems, which is called as intercultural miscommunication, is becoming common as well. These communication problems have led to the need for understanding the reasons behind miscommunication between different cultures, which is referred to as intercultural miscommunication. keywords: accent; analysis; arabic; beliefs; categories; chick; chinese; clues; contextual; culture; delivery; dicc; differences; different; education; english; experiences; foreign; french; information; intercultural; intercultural miscommunication; international; iojet; journal; küllü; language; lexical; miscommunication; native; non; online; partic; participant; people; problems; pronunciation; reasons; spanish; speech; study; sülü; table; teaching; turkish; university; usa; values; verbal; way; words; xin; çağatay; özdemir cache: iojet-43.pdf plain text: iojet-43.txt item: #460 of 681 id: iojet-433 author: Sarıçoban, Arif; Kırmızı, Özkan title: VIEWS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER CANDIDATES ABOUT PEDAGOGICAL FORMATION CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS IN TURKEY date: 2018-07-10 words: 4640 flesch: 50 summary: Evaluation of pedagogical formation program based on the opinions of pre-service teachers: Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Sample, Journal of Educational Sciences Research, 5(1), 127-148. Donaldson, G. (2013). Sarıçoban & Kırmızı 598 Within the scope of pedagogical formation programs, teacher candidates take courses such as Introduction to Education, Developmental Psychology, Curriculum Development and Teaching, Measurement and Evaluation, Classroom Management, Learning, Teaching Theories and Approaches, Guidance, Special Teaching Methods, Instructional Technologies and Material Design, and Teaching Practice. keywords: ages; attitudes; candidates; certificate; competence; component; content; education; english; formation; formation program; important; international; item; journal; language; mean; moderate; participants; pedagogical; pedagogical formation; personal; positive; practice; practicum; pre; process; profession; program; sarıçoban; score; service; skills; study; table; teacher; teacher candidates; teaching; terms; university; views cache: iojet-433.pdf plain text: iojet-433.txt item: #461 of 681 id: iojet-434 author: Keshtiarast, Bahareh; Salehi, Hadi title: INVESTIGATING EMPLOYING INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY FOR ESP LEARNING: A CASE OF IRANIAN EFL STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES date: 2020-04-04 words: 7751 flesch: 55 summary: This study has also found that teachers’ beliefs, competence, and their attitudes towards benefits of employing ICT for ESP teaching could be important factors in utilizing ICT in ESP course. Investigating employing information communication technology for ESP learning: keywords: activities; addition; attitudes; authentic; benefits; classroom; communication; course; cultural; difference; education; english; enriching; esp; esp learning; esp teaching; factors; figure; following; higher; ict; ict integration; ict tools; information; integration; international; iojet; iranian; items; journal; keshtiarast; knowledge; lack; language; learning; materials; mean; obstacles; online; order; participants; present; professional; programs; questionnaire; research; results; salehi; sample; sig; skills; social; statements; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; technology; test; theme; thinking; tools; university; use cache: iojet-434.pdf plain text: iojet-434.txt item: #462 of 681 id: iojet-436 author: Karakas, Ali title: VISIBLE LANGUAGE-COVERT POLICY: AN INVESTIGATION OF LANGUAGE POLICY DOCUMENTS AT EMI UNIVERSITIES IN TURKEY date: 2018-10-04 words: 10655 flesch: 46 summary: With these gaps in mind, this paper aims to examine the leading Turkish EMI universities’ policy documents and website data on academic English language policies and practices in order to specifically seek answers to the following research questions: (1) How do the universities orient to English, that is, what kind of English is referred to or implied in their policy documents? The main objective of this research was not to reach a generalization but an adequate understanding of the phenomenon of academic English language policies and practices in Turkish EMI universities. keywords: 5(4; academic; academic english; aims; analysis; appropriate; aspect; assessment; available; bilkent; björkman; cambridge; case; centre; challenges; content; correct; countries; courses; cultural; data; documents; doiz; eap; eds; education; emi; emi universities; english; english language; english medium; entry; european; exam; faculty; global; good; grammar; higher; higher education; ideologies; information; institutions; instruction; instructors; international; iojet; jenkins; journal; karakaş; kind; language; language education; language policy; lasagabaster; lecturers; level; linguistic; main; materials; medium; multilingual; native; native english; need; ness; norms; number; objectives; online; order; paper; para; perceptions; policies; policy; practices; pre; proficiency; programs; related; requirements; research; results; sierra; skills; speaking; staff; standard; ste; students; studies; study; support; teachers; teaching; tests; turkey; turkish; unit; universities; university; use; website; world; writing cache: iojet-436.pdf plain text: iojet-436.txt item: #463 of 681 id: iojet-439 author: Şekercioğlu, Güçlü title: MEASUREMENT INVARIANCE: CONCEPT AND IMPLEMENTATION date: 2018-07-10 words: 14203 flesch: 55 summary: The last and fourth model of measurement invariance is strict factor invariance model (Model 4). Measurement invariance models Models Hypothesis Hypothesis Name Symbolic Statement Process 1 𝐻𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚 Configural invariance Λ𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚 (1) ∴ keywords: alternative; analysis; asymptotic; case; cfa; comparison; configural invariance; constrained; construct; correlations; data; determined; different; distribution; edition; education; equality; equation; error; estimation; evidence; factor; factor analysis; factor correlations; factor structure; factorial invariance; female; file; findings; fit; group cfa; groups; hand; health; hypothesis; inc; indices; international; invariance; invariance model; iojet; items; iterations; journal; latent; level; likelihood; loads; male; matrices; matrix; maximum; measurement invariance; measurement tool; method; model; modeling; multi; new; online; properties; psychological; psychometric; research; researchers; result; sample; scale; science; scores; second; set; significant; size; social; strict; strong; structure; studies; study; sub; table; teaching; terms; testing; tool; v30; validity; value; variables; variances; weak; words; şekercioğlu; cfi; df cache: iojet-439.pdf plain text: iojet-439.txt item: #464 of 681 id: iojet-44 author: Uçak, Emine title: Opinions of Students and Teachers on Using Different Foreign Language Teaching Activities in Young Learners’ Classrooms in Turkey date: 2013-10-01 words: 3695 flesch: 73 summary: This may be the reason why primary school teachers favor using animation. According to the observation of the researcher both pre-school and primary school teachers favor both pair and group work activity although primary school teachers generally prefer pair work to group work. keywords: 100,0; activities; activity; children; different; drawing; english; foreign; games; group; kindergarten; language; learners; pair; percent; pre; primary; primary school; school; school teachers; songs; students; teachers; teaching; work; young cache: iojet-44.pdf plain text: iojet-44.txt item: #465 of 681 id: iojet-441 author: Balyer, Aydin; Oz, Omer title: ACADEMICIANS' VIEWS ON DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN EDUCATION date: 2018-10-04 words: 10763 flesch: 40 summary: In this context, this study was designed with a phenomenological research design as the qualitative approach in order to determine academics' views on digital transformation in education in terms of program and management processes. Keywords: digital transformation, educational management, 21st century pedagogy, technology. keywords: 5(4; academicians; academics; activities; addition; administrators; analysis; appropriate; assessment; balyer; change; communication; context; culture; data; decision; design; determined; development; different; digital transformation; direction; distance; education; effective; environments; evaluation; eğitim; following; general; globalization; important; individual; industrial; industry; information; infrastructure; institutions; international; internet; iojet; journal; learning; learning environments; management; managers; necessary; needs; online; opinions; order; parents; physical; place; planning; policies; process; processes; production; project; research; respect; results; revolution; scholars; school; sciences; services; set; shareholders; skills; social; society; strategic; students; studies; support; system; table; teachers; teaching; technological; technologies; technology; themes; today; tools; training; transformation culture; transformation process; turkey; use; views; virtual; vision; work; world cache: iojet-441.pdf plain text: iojet-441.txt item: #466 of 681 id: iojet-444 author: Kurt, Gökçe; Önalan, Okan title: TURKISH PRE-SERVICE EFL TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF CREATIVITY date: 2018-07-10 words: 5815 flesch: 52 summary: Aljughaiman and Mowrer- Reynolds (2005) posited that “to foster student creativity teachers need to identify characteristics of the creative personality, recognize creative production, understand the cognitive processes used by creative students and ultimately establish an environment that promotes the students’ interest” (p. 17). How teachers perceive creativity has a significant impact on their pedagogical practices to stimulate student creativity in the classroom. keywords: behavior; beliefs; characteristics; classroom; conceptions; creative; creativity; data; definitions; design; development; different; education; english; environment; extent; factors; group; ideas; important; international; interview; iojet; journal; kurt; language; learning; original; perceptions; potential; pre; present; primary; pts; research; researchers; role; runco; school; service; significant; skills; sternberg; students; studies; study; tasks; teachability; teachers; teaching; thinking; turkish; understanding; önalan cache: iojet-444.pdf plain text: iojet-444.txt item: #467 of 681 id: iojet-447 author: Kalayci, Gulce; Oz, Huseyin title: PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION: UNDERSTANDING PARENTS' PERCEPTIONS date: 2018-10-04 words: 8175 flesch: 53 summary: Parent involvement in education: Toward an understanding of Parents’ decision making. Parent involvement, academic achievement and the role of student attitudes and behaviors as mediators. keywords: academic; achievement; activities; analysis; children; demographic; development; difference; education; english; english development; family; findings; hand; help; homework; importance; indirect; influence; international; involvement; iojet; items; journal; kalaycı; kids; language; learning; level; logistic; need; order; parental; parental involvement; parents; participants; partnership; percentages; perceptions; positive; process; questions; relation; research; results; school; second; significant; strategies; students; study; teachers; teaching; time; turkish cache: iojet-447.pdf plain text: iojet-447.txt item: #468 of 681 id: iojet-45 author: Temir, Tuğçe title: Portfolio Assessment Through Cooperation Between Teachers and Students in English Lessons date: 2013-10-01 words: 3249 flesch: 73 summary: Portfolio assessment in cooperation with teachers and students in English lessons. Assessment portfolio is another type and it is widely used in the colleges for assessment. keywords: activities; agree; assessment; college; disagree; english; frequency; items; language; learners; learning; marks; portfolio; process; questionnaire; self; skills; speaking; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; types cache: iojet-45.pdf plain text: iojet-45.txt item: #469 of 681 id: iojet-450 author: Lai-Reeve, Sara; Wong, Billy Tak-Ming; Li, Kam Cheong title: HONG KONG TEACHERS’ ENGLISH ORAL INPUT IN KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOMS date: 2018-10-04 words: 8051 flesch: 55 summary: The results therefore suggest the need for more emphasis on the provision of training and pedagogical support for English language teachers in kindergartens. The professional development needs of Hong Kong kindergarten English teachers: A case study of English oral language input in kindergarten classrooms. keywords: 5(4; acquisition; activities; average; awareness; childhood; children; chinese; class; classes; classroom; context; development; early; education; english; english language; english oral; english teachers; factors; features; feedback; hong; hong kong; input; international; iojet; journal; kindergarten; kindergarten teachers; kong; lai; language; language input; language teaching; learners; learning; lesson; local; native; new; nns; non; observation; online; oral; oral input; oral output; output; proficiency; pronunciation; quality; reeve; research; results; rich; scheme; second; speaking; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; training; university; use; vocabulary; wong; words; young cache: iojet-450.pdf plain text: iojet-450.txt item: #470 of 681 id: iojet-452 author: Balemen, Nuri; Ozer Keskin, Melike title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING ON SCIENCE EDUCATION: A META-ANALYSIS SEARCH date: 2018-10-04 words: 6486 flesch: 50 summary: In PBL studies, the use of tests developed by the researcher is more common (93.75%). The time spans over which PBL studies were conducted varied in length. keywords: 5(4; academic; analysis; average; average effect; balemen; bilimleri; biology; control; criteria; data; dergisi; difference; education; effect; effect size; effectiveness; enstitüsü; etkisi; eğitim; fakültesi; fen; gazi; general; great; groups; homogeneity; international; iojet; journal; keskin; large; learning; level; lisans; literature; master; mean; meta; methods; online; p>0.05; pbl; performance; primary; project; publication; research; results; review; sample; scale; science; science education; secondary; significant; size; students; studies; study; tabanlı; table; teaching; techniques; tertiary; tezi; theses; unpublished; value; yüksek; özer; öğrenme; üniversitesi cache: iojet-452.pdf plain text: iojet-452.txt item: #471 of 681 id: iojet-453 author: Nagy, Gyorgy title: TOWARDS INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE: MODELS AND FRAMEWORKS FOR DEVELOPING ESOL LEARNERS’ INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE IN IRELAND date: 2018-07-10 words: 4288 flesch: 48 summary: Consequently, the conclusion is that the example text and visual have great potential to acquire cultural information in a comprehensive and detailed way as well as to increase awareness of Irish culture (see Table 3). Content knowledge is knowledge of acquired cultural information; mental skills is the ability to process cultural information; attitudinal skills is the ability to value cultural information; awareness is a perception of learning in the domains of content knowledge, mental skills and attitudinal skills. keywords: affective; attitudinal; awareness; claddagh; cognitive; competence; comprehensive; content; cultural; culture; education; esol; example; figure; framework; information; intercultural; ireland; irish; knowledge; ladder; language; learner; learning; materials; mental; models; pentagon; people; potential; ring; skills; social; step; table; task; teaching; value; way cache: iojet-453.pdf plain text: iojet-453.txt item: #472 of 681 id: iojet-454 author: Sener, Sabriye; Erkan, Didem title: THE EFFECT OF SONGS ON PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION date: 2018-10-04 words: 4102 flesch: 67 summary: We are convinced of the fact that the linkage between teaching English song in classes and their motivation effect on the atmosphere. The Effect of Songs on Primary School Students’ Motivation. keywords: activities; attention; classes; data; education; effect; end; english; erkan; increase; interest; iojet; journal; language; learners; learning; level; motivated; motivation; music; observation; online; pre; primary; question; reason; research; school; second; songs; students; studies; study; teaching; template; terms; test; vocabulary; week; young; şener cache: iojet-454.pdf plain text: iojet-454.txt item: #473 of 681 id: iojet-455 author: Bursalı, Nihan; Oz, Huseyin title: THE ROLE OF GOAL SETTING IN METACOGNITIVE AWARENESS AS A SELF-REGULATORY BEHAVIOR IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING date: 2018-07-10 words: 4523 flesch: 52 summary: As it can be seen in Table 2, the participant perceived levels of mastery goal orientation and performance goal orientation was approximately at the same level, this can be explained by cultural preferences as the previous studies indicated that Eastern cultures more tended to adopt performance goals than Western cultures. The present study sought to find out the role of different types of goals, namely mastery goals and performance goals, in metacognitive awareness which is a vital component of self-regulation. keywords: academic; achievement; addition; awareness; bursalı; correlation; different; educational; goals; individuals; journal; language; learners; learning; mastery; mastery goals; metacognition; orientation; participants; performance; performance goals; present; psychology; relationship; research; results; role; self; setting; significant; strategies; students; studies; study; successful; table; teaching; university; williams; woodrow cache: iojet-455.pdf plain text: iojet-455.txt item: #474 of 681 id: iojet-456 author: Balbay, Seher; Kilis, Selcan title: EDUCATIONAL ANALYTICS OF AN OPENCOURSEWARE date: 2018-07-10 words: 5584 flesch: 51 summary: By the same token, Crede and Niehorster (2012) suggest that learner analytics data can be studied as an indicator of academic performance emotional and social factors. Knowledge of course design, instructor intentions and student, institution and the design of the Moodle, Web 2.0 tool or the open courseware that the data is extracted from is of utmost importance when analyzing learner analytics data since these are the major factors that determine ‘which variables can meaningfully represent student endeavor and engagement’ in activities provided online (Macfadyen & Dawson, 2010, p. 597). keywords: academic; analysis; analytics; available; balbay; behavior; clicks; computer; course; courseware; data; descriptive; design; east; education; english; field; file; findings; frequency; future; international; interviews; iojet; journal; kilis; knowledge; learner; learning; logs; making; materials; middle; ocw; online; open; opencourseware; oral; platform; practice; presentation; qualitative; reasons; related; research; skills; social; sources; statistics; students; study; supplementary; systems; table; teaching; technical; technology; tools; total; type; unit; university; url; use; videos cache: iojet-456.pdf plain text: iojet-456.txt item: #475 of 681 id: iojet-457 author: Ercan, Halil title: PRONUNCIATION PROBLEMS OF TURKISH EFL LEARNERS IN NORTHERN CYPRUS date: 2018-10-04 words: 9001 flesch: 61 summary: Abstract This study investigated the pronunciation problems of Turkish EFL learners in state schools in Girne, TRNC. The findings indicate that Turkish EFL learners have serious problems in pronouncing certain English consonants (i.e., /θ/, /ð/, /w/, /v/, /ŋ/) and some English vowels and diphthongs (i.e., /ı/, /ʊ/, /ᴐ:/, /ƏƱ/, /aƱ/). keywords: /w/; /ð/; /əʊ/; /θ/; 5(4; able; arabic; articulation; attention; audio; certain; consonant; correct; cyprus; different; difficulties; diphthongs; education; efl; efl learners; emphasis; english; ercan; esl; findings; foreign; fraser; hand; important; international; iojet; journal; judge; lack; language; learners; learning; method; mother; native; northern; online; order; participants; problematic; problems; pronunciation; pronunciation problems; researcher; results; role; schools; second; skills; sounds; speakers; speaking; students; studies; study; system; target; teachers; teaching; tongue; turkish; turkish efl; university; use; vowels; way; words cache: iojet-457.pdf plain text: iojet-457.txt item: #476 of 681 id: iojet-461 author: Serdar Tuluce, Hande title: RESILIENCE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING: A STUDY ON PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ LANGUAGE LEARNING EXPERIENCES date: 2018-10-04 words: 7045 flesch: 54 summary: A STUDY ON PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ Findings revealed that pre-service teachers dealt with a variety of obstacles in their English language learning histories such as ineffective methodologies used by teachers, anxiety caused by examinations, obstacles in language skills especially speaking, and language barriers while staying in English-speaking countries. keywords: analysis; autonomy; challenges; data; education; efl; english; english language; environmental; face; factors; family; findings; foreign; friends; games; histories; international; interview; iojet; journal; kim; language; language learning; language teachers; learners; learning; native; obstacles; online; peer; personal; positive; pre; problem; protective; psychology; qualitative; reflective; reported; research; resilience; resources; role; school; second; serdar; service; service teachers; skills; social; speaking; strategies; students; study; support; teachers; teaching; time; tülüce; use cache: iojet-461.pdf plain text: iojet-461.txt item: #477 of 681 id: iojet-464 author: Kut, Begum title: ERROR LOGS FOR BETTER ENGLISH date: 2018-10-04 words: 4897 flesch: 64 summary: As a solution, error logs were used in order to have the learners be aware of the origins of the problem areas and after the error correction, drafting was done to reflect the improvements in their writings by trying to overcome the problem of L1 interference. Keywords: error, error correction, feedback, error log, L1 interference 1. keywords: 910; analysis; category; context; correction; draft; education; english; errors; feedback; forms; general; help; interference; international; iojet; journal; kut; language; learners; learning; logs; need; online; order; people; press; problems; process; program; second; sentence; skills; sports; structure; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; tense; turkish; university; use; verb; vocabulary; word; work; writing; wrong cache: iojet-464.pdf plain text: iojet-464.txt item: #478 of 681 id: iojet-467 author: Tosriadi, Tosriadi; Asib, Abdul; Marmanto, Sri; Azizah, Umu Arifatul title: IN-SERVICE EFL TEACHERS’ REFLECTION AS A PATHWAY TO DEVELOP PROFESSIONALISM date: 2018-10-04 words: 5420 flesch: 49 summary: Promoting teacher reflection in second language education: A framework for TESOL professionals. More specifically, it focused on identifying the aspects of pedagogical content knowledge, known as PCK, as reflected by English teachers during teaching and learning process. keywords: action; asib; aspects; azizah; case; classroom; content; content knowledge; data; difficulty; education; english; farrell; graduate; important; international; interview; journal; knowledge; language; learning; lesson; management; maret; marmanto; material; observation; participants; pck; pedagogical; practice; process; professional; question; reflection; research; school; sebelas; service; students; study; subject; teachers; teaching; time; tosriadi; understanding; university cache: iojet-467.pdf plain text: iojet-467.txt item: #479 of 681 id: iojet-47 author: N. Ganihar, Noorjehan title: Human Resource Development of Teacher Educators in Colleges of Education date: 2014-04-01 words: 7950 flesch: 39 summary: Teacher educators 69.5429 15.9308 0.2993 >0.05 NS Principals 68.5952 17.7266 From the results of the above table, it can be seen that, the principals and teacher educators of colleges do not differ significantly with respect to their perception of human resource development climate (t=0.2993, p>0.05) at 5% level of significance. Human resource development of teacher educators in colleges of education. keywords: -general; -secondary teacher; age; age group; alternative; alternative hypothesis; appraisal; awareness; classroom; climate; colleges; community; community service; competence; correlated; development; difference; education; educators training; female teacher; group; higher perception; human; human resource; hypothesis; inservice; institutional; instructional; international; level; management; needs; null hypothesis; p<0.05; perception; performance; performance appraisal; preparation; principals; professional; resource; resource development; respect; results; scores; self; service; service education; significance; social; table; teacher educators; teaching; value cache: iojet-47.pdf plain text: iojet-47.txt item: #480 of 681 id: iojet-471 author: Balaman, Sevda title: A STUDY ON THE IMPACTS OF DIGITAL STORYTELLING ON EFL LEARNERS’ SELF-EFFICACY AND ATTITUDES TOWARD EDUCATION TECHNOLOGIES date: 2020-01-13 words: 11065 flesch: 49 summary: In addition to the quantitative data, the qualitative data aiming to gather learners’ perceived beliefs for their efficacy in educational technology use were also analyzed and found that a vast majority of the interviewees (9/10) expressed that they had a heightened level of efficacy for technology use as a result of the participation into this implementation. Discussion In line with the claims by Bennet et al. (2008), Li and Ranieri (2010), and Margaryan et al. (2011) suggesting that today’s students are not as homogenous as assumed in technology use with ease and confidence, students in this current study reported having fears, anxiety or hesitation towards education technologies in the initial phase of the study. keywords: 21st; attitudes; balaman; bandura; beliefs; castañeda; century; change; computer; confidence; control; course; data; different; digital; digital storytelling; education; educational technology; effective; efficacy; elements; english; experience; experimental; f(1; facebook; figure; generation; group; heo; hours; impact; implementation; important; information; instruction; integration; international; internet; interviews; iojet; journal; language; learners; learning; literacy; literature; making; margaryan; natives; new; online; partial; participants; personal; positive; posttest; pre; preand; process; purposes; quantitative; research; results; robin; scores; section; self; service; settings; significant; skills; stories; storytelling; students; study; survey; table; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; technology use; time; tools; traditional; university; use; variables; video; wevideo; writing cache: iojet-471.pdf plain text: iojet-471.txt item: #481 of 681 id: iojet-473 author: Glover, Philip title: HOW TO EVALUATE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TEACHER TALK date: 2018-07-10 words: 7812 flesch: 51 summary: Teachers research teacher talk. How to evaluate the effectiveness of teacher talk. keywords: analysis; answers; categories; category; classroom; construction; context; contribution; cued; data; descriptions; different; direct; discourse; education; effectiveness; elicitations; example; explanations; framework; glover; information; interaction; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; lesson; london; mason; means; mercer; muijs; needs; online; patterns; points; process; pupil; purpose; qualitative; questioning; questions; research; responses; reynolds; school; social; students; studies; study; sub; support; talk; teacher; teacher talk; teaching; types; use; way cache: iojet-473.pdf plain text: iojet-473.txt item: #482 of 681 id: iojet-477 author: Polatcan, Mahmut; Cansoy, Ramazan title: Examining studies on the factors predicting teachers' job satisfaction: A systematic review date: 2019-01-05 words: 7744 flesch: 38 summary: Examining studies on the factors predicting teachers' job satisfaction: A systematic review. Abstract This study focuses on the factors that predict teachers' job satisfaction. keywords: .05; 6(1; administrative; administrators; autin; behaviours; cansoy; cerit; characteristics; collaboration; communication; conditions; criteria; culture; different; doi; duffy; educational; efficacy; emotional; employees; environment; factors; findings; güneri; identification; individual; instructional; international; intrinsic; iojet; job satisfaction; journal; kavas; leadership; life; management; motivation; needs; online; organisational; participation; perceptions; polatcan; positive; predictor; predicts; principals; professional; psychological; quality; quantitative; relationships; research; researchers; respect; review; school; self; skaalvik; social; studies; study; supervision; support; systematic; teachers; teaching; themes; theories; theory; values; variables; work; working cache: iojet-477.pdf plain text: iojet-477.txt item: #483 of 681 id: iojet-48 author: Glover, Philip title: Do Language Examinations Influence How Teachers Teach date: 2014-04-01 words: 8955 flesch: 56 summary: Teachers research teacher talk. Testing for language teachers. keywords: .05; activities; alderson; analysis; aspects; attitudes; cambridge; categories; cheng; classroom; content; correction; cued; data; descriptions; differences; different; direct; discourse; education; effects; elicitations; english; evidence; examination; examination lessons; explanations; fewer; findings; glover; group; guiding; influence; interaction; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learning; lessons; mercer; method; methodology; negative; new; pair; positive; possible; practices; present; previous; recap; research; responses; students; studies; study; table; talk; tasks; teachers; teaching; terms; testing; university; use; variable; wall; washback; watanabe; words; work; ²(1 cache: iojet-48.pdf plain text: iojet-48.txt item: #484 of 681 id: iojet-482 author: Saricoban, Gulay title: VIEWS OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION STUDENTS AT TERTIARY LEVEL ABOUT THE METHODS AND TECHNIQUES USED IN ATATÜRK’S PRINCIPLES AND REVOLUTION COURSE date: 2018-10-04 words: 3297 flesch: 61 summary: International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 5(4), 934-941. Received: 01.07.2018 Received in revised form: 13.08.2018 Accepted: 01.09.2018 VIEWS OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION STUDENTS AT TERTIARY LEVEL ABOUT THE METHODS AND TECHNIQUES USED IN ATATÜRK’S PRINCIPLES AND REVOLUTION COURSE Research Article Gülay Sarıçoban Hacettepe University Sarıçoban 934 VIEWS OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION STUDENTS AT TERTIARY LEVEL ABOUT THE METHODS AND TECHNIQUES USED IN ATATÜRK’S PRINCIPLES AND REVOLUTION COURSE Gülay Sarıçoban keywords: atatürk; classroom; course; difference; education; elementary; group; history; instructors; items; learning; level; mean; methods; opportunity; participants; principles; problem; questions; revolution; sarıçoban; students; study; table; teaching; techniques; terms; tertiary; test; use; variances; views; year cache: iojet-482.pdf plain text: iojet-482.txt item: #485 of 681 id: iojet-484 author: Masyhudianti, Ummy Khoirunisya'; Sutomo, Ngadiso; Suparno, Suparno title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SCHOOLOGY TO TEACH WRITING VIEWED FROM STUDENTS’ CREATIVITY date: 2018-10-04 words: 6782 flesch: 55 summary: The normality test result of the four groups are: (1) The data of the group of high creativity students taught by using Schoology (HS1) reveals that the highest value of Lo is 0.121 with Lt (0. 234); (2) The data of the group of low creativity students taught by using Schoology (LS1) proves that the highest value of Lo is 0.125 with Lt (0. 234); (3) The data of the group of high creativity students taught by using Picture Series (HP2) describes that the highest value of Lo is 0.125 with Lt (0. 234); (4) The data of the group of low creativity students taught by using Picture Series (LP2) shows that the highest value of Lo is 0.153 with Lt (0. 234). In addition, the mean of H (79.81) is higher than the mean of L (72.50), so that, it can be highlighted that high creativity students have better writing skill than low creativity students. keywords: academic; addition; analysis; better; central; class; control; creativity; creativity students; data; different; discussion; education; effective; english; grade; group; high; high creativity; higher; ideas; indonesia; instruction; interaction; international; iojet; java; journal; language; learning; level; low; low creativity; masyhudianti; mean; media; new; online; picture; picture series; proficiency; research; result; sample; schoology; scores; series; significant; skill; students; suparno; sutomo; teacher; teaching; tenth; test; university; use; writing; year cache: iojet-484.pdf plain text: iojet-484.txt item: #486 of 681 id: iojet-486 author: Aydeniz, Mehmet; Gurcay, Deniz title: ASSESSING AND ENHANCING PRE-SERVICE PHYSICS TEACHERS’ PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE (PCK) THROUGH REFLECTIVE CORES CONSTRUCTION date: 2018-10-04 words: 8648 flesch: 51 summary: Hume and Berry (2011) argue, ‘If carefully scaffolded the CoRe design process enables student teachers to begin accessing and accumulating some of the knowledge of experienced science teachers in ways that can help to bolster feelings of confidence and competence’ in PCK (p. 354). Exploring the development of student teachers’ PCK of the multiple meanings of chemistry topics. keywords: 5(4; able; answers; assessment; aydeniz; berry; case; concepts; construction; content; content knowledge; cores; development; difficulties; driel; education; educators; effective; elaborate; examples; experience; growth; gürçay; heat; instructional; international; intervention; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; level; life; loughran; methods; misconceptions; multiple; nature; naïve; need; online; park; participants; pck; pedagogical; physics; post; pre; questions; read; real; research; responses; results; science; science education; science teachers; service; specific; strategies; students; study; teachers; teaching; temperature; topic; understanding; use cache: iojet-486.pdf plain text: iojet-486.txt item: #487 of 681 id: iojet-487 author: Demirezen, Mehmet title: DEVELOPING A MODEL FOR TEACHING THE PROBLEMATIC VOCABULARY ITEMS BY COMPUTER date: 2018-10-04 words: 4992 flesch: 40 summary: There are a lot of opportunities on the internet to compensate the hampering effect of learning vocabulary items and to improve their vocabulary by means of pronunciation, intonation, meaning of target language vocabulary items by using internet facilities with almost no expenses. The audacity and Text-to-Speech (TSS) togetherness as a tool can serve a variety of purposes, how audacity and togetherness is practically applicable to teach the pronunciation and intonation of vocabulary items will be handled but in this study. keywords: 5(4; accent; american; answers; application; approach; audacity; audio; awareness; blanks; computer; demirezen; education; end; english; examples; exceptions; following; foreign; forms; great;;;; international; intonation; iojet; items; job; journal; labs; language; language learning; language vocabulary; learners; learning; like; long; manners; material; means; model; morphological; mpm; musician; mutant; mutate; necessary; new; online; pairing; people; phoneme; phonology; portuguese; pose; position; possibility; possible; posterity; powerpoint; primary; problematic; program; pronunciation; proverbial; reduction; second; solemn; solemnity; soluble; spontaneity; spontaneous; stability; stable; stress; students; studies; style; suffixes; syllable; teachers; teaching; technology; text; time; togetherness; tts; turkish; turks; university; vocabulary; vocabulary items; vowel; web; word cache: iojet-487.pdf plain text: iojet-487.txt item: #488 of 681 id: iojet-49 author: Kaymakamoğlu, Sibel title: Beliefs and Practice of EFL Teachers: Constructivist or Traditional date: 2014-04-01 words: 4270 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: Educational Reform, ELT, teacher beliefs, teacher practice 1. She has conducted qualitative and quantitative research studies on teacher beliefs, craft knowledge, the influence of social context on teachers, teachers’ role in educational innovations and social constructivist learning. keywords: analysis; beliefs; classroom; constructivist; curriculum; cyprus; differences; education; efl; female; foreign; gender; items; kaymakamoğlu; knowledge; language; learners; learning; males; mean; new; perceptions; practice; questionnaire; role; schools; score; state; students; study; table; tasks; teachers; teaching; test; turkish; understanding; use; view cache: iojet-49.pdf plain text: iojet-49.txt item: #489 of 681 id: iojet-490 author: Okumuş Ceylan, Nuray title: THOUGHTS ON LEARNER AUTONOMY IN A COMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING PROGRAM date: 2019-04-08 words: 6689 flesch: 66 summary: Since there are many options today for language learners outside the classroom context, providing students with essential research strategies has become much more important than making them learn limited amount of knowledge merely in the classroom from the language teacher. Thus, we might think that they are aware of individual differences among language learners. keywords: autonomous; autonomy; ceylan; classmates; classroom; computer; control; disagree; education; english; feedback; goals; help; important; iojet; items; journal; lab; language; language learning; learner; learning; lessons; level; materials; mistakes; need; okumuş; opportunities; percentages; process; program; quartet; responsibility; results; role; set; strengths; students; study; successful; table; teacher; teaching; use; ways; weaknesses; willing cache: iojet-490.pdf plain text: iojet-490.txt item: #490 of 681 id: iojet-491 author: Muslaini, Fadel; Kristina, Diah; Ngadiso, Ngadiso title: A preliminary study of EFL reading android application development date: 2019-01-05 words: 7714 flesch: 55 summary: This prototype has been made to conform to the needs shared by the students and to avoid the existing possible weaknesses of EFL reading media. Recently, there are a great number of EFL learning media whose products are in the form of smartphone applications available in the online application center such as playstore, appstore, and etc. keywords: activities; android; android application; answer; application; classroom; condition; data; development; digital; education; efl learning; efl reading; english; exercises; feedback; indicator; information; international; interview; iojet; journal; kristina; language; layout; learning; learning media; limited; materials; media; monotonous; muslaini; necessary; needs; ngadiso; online; participant; possible; project; quantitative; questionnaire; reading android; reading media; reading skill; reading textbook; related; research; skill; students; study; teacher; teaching; technology; textbook; today; university; use; weaknesses cache: iojet-491.pdf plain text: iojet-491.txt item: #491 of 681 id: iojet-492 author: Zengin, Ozlem; Aksu, Meral title: EMPOWERING THE USE OF MOBILE-BASED VOCABULARY NOTEBOOKS date: 2018-10-04 words: 6064 flesch: 57 summary: With the integration of technology into language learning processes in recent decades, it can now be seen that there are many studies which attempted to integrate mobile learning into vocabulary learning to examine the effects of mobile learning in English language teaching and learning. This shows that use of mobile application, namely, the integration of mobile learning into vocabulary learning has a positive effect on students’ vocabulary achievement level. keywords: achievement; activities; aksu; application; class; cognitive; control; data; education; effects; english; example; experimental; group; information; instruction; international; iojet; journal; language; learners; learning; level; materials; memory; mobile; mobile learning; notebooks; online; paper; participants; phones; positive; post; pre; process; program; quizlet; research; results; sms; students; studies; study; target; teachers; teaching; technology; term; test; theory; university; use; vocabulary; vocabulary achievement; vocabulary learning; vocabulary notebooks; week; words; zengin cache: iojet-492.pdf plain text: iojet-492.txt item: #492 of 681 id: iojet-50 author: Bobakova, Monika; Slavkovska, Miriam; Ropovik, Ivan; Kovalcikova, Iveta; Ferjencik, Jan title: Emotional Control and Executive Functions of Student in the Transition to the Junior Secondary Stage of Basic School date: 2014-04-01 words: 4129 flesch: 45 summary: Ján FERJENČÍK, Abstract Parallel development of executive functions and self-regulation skills play an important role in social adaptation during the transition to the junior secondary stage of basic school. This paper deals with interrelations of executive functions and emotional control. keywords: ability; assessment; attention; authors; behaviour; bobáková; boys; cognitive; control; development; differences; different; education; emotional; emotional control; emotions; executive; executive functions; ferjenčík; fluency; functions; gender; girls; inhibition; international; iojet; journal; kovalčíková; letter; memory; processes; pupils; reactivity; regression; regulation; relationship; research; results; ropovik; school; self; slavkovská; slovak; switching; teachers; test; university; verbal; working cache: iojet-50.pdf plain text: iojet-50.txt item: #493 of 681 id: iojet-500 author: Menzi Çetin, Nihal; Telli, Esra; Dağhan, Gökhan; Akkoyunlu, Buket title: DETERMINING REFLECTIVITY LEVELS OF PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS THROUGH BLOGS date: 2019-07-07 words: 7626 flesch: 51 summary: Reflective teachers evaluate their practices, which are carried out based on a schedule, in line with the data gathered; performs reflections and inquiries regarding their studies and enhances such practices. Reflective teachers are those, who can analyze teaching condition, that can consider the situation critically and that can ensure their professional development all the time thereby evaluating teaching-learning conditions. keywords: akkoyunlu; analysis; assessment; blogs; context; course; criteria; critical; dağhan; development; dimension; education; environment; evidence; experiences; hacettepe; historical; international; journal; knowledge; language; learning; level; making; meaning; menzi; online; order; personal; postings; practice; practicum; process; professional; prospective; prospective teachers; quality; reflection level; reflections; reflective; reflective thinking; reflectivity; research; respect; rubric; school; sharing; skills; students; study; sub; subject; support; teacher education; teachers; teaching; teaching practicum; technology; telli; textual; theme; thinking; time; training; transfer; understanding; university; use; writing; çetin cache: iojet-500.pdf plain text: iojet-500.txt item: #494 of 681 id: iojet-502 author: Winn, Wendy; Beck, Katalin title: HOW ESP PEDAGOGY IN INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL COLLABORATION CONTRIBUTES TO THE AUTHENTICITY OF THE LEARNING PROCESS: A CASE STUDY date: 2018-10-04 words: 3730 flesch: 51 summary: Cultural constraints were talked about by 23% of European students and 45% of American students. Students were given the freedom to make rhetorical choices based on the situational constraints and the abundance of choices from various collaboration and communication technologies with their varying affordances made it complicated for students to negotiate the most efficient ways to work together. keywords: american; beck; challenges; choices; collaboration; communication; complexity; constraint; content; cultural; culture; difference; education; english; esp; european; ict; international; iojet; journal; language; learning; nature; online; pedagogy; project; remarks; research; rhetorical; situational; students; study; survey; teaching; teams; technologies; technology; time; university; variable; virtual; winn; work; writing cache: iojet-502.pdf plain text: iojet-502.txt item: #495 of 681 id: iojet-504 author: Can, Iclal; Gelmez-Burakgazi, Sevinc; Celik, Ilknur title: An investigation of uses and gratifications for using WEB 2.0 technologies in teaching and learning processes date: 2019-01-05 words: 7531 flesch: 48 summary: The results also showed that the use of Web 2.0 to satisfy social integrative needs created some concerns among faculty members, as some students expected their instructors to be accessible 24 hours a day through online networking: “Students expect 24 hours answer Likewise, another study suggested that faculty members are more likely to utilize Web 2.0 for personal sharing and professionally Can, Gelmez-Burakgazi & Celik 98 connecting with peers than to integrate them into their instruction practices due to similar concerns (Manca & Ranieri, 2016). keywords: 102; 6(1; analysis; applications; burakgazi; celik; cognitive; communication; concerns; content; data; different; education; effective; environments; facebook; faculty; faculty members; field; gelmez; gratifications; higher; higher education; human; instructional; integrative; international; internet; iojet; journal; katz; knowledge; learning; learning processes; literature; media; members; motivations; needs; networking; new; online; participants; personal; processes; professional; qualitative; research; researchers; results; science; sharing; sites; snss; social; students; studies; study; teaching; technologies; technology; theory; tools; twitter; ugt; university; use; user; uses; web; young; youtube cache: iojet-504.pdf plain text: iojet-504.txt item: #496 of 681 id: iojet-505 author: Boakes, Norma title: ENGAGING DIVERSE YOUTH IN EXPERIENTIAL STEM LEARNING: A UNIVERSITY AND HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT PARTNERSHIP date: 2019-04-08 words: 6382 flesch: 55 summary: A quasi- experimental double pre- and post-test design was used to gauge feeling towards and interest in STEM study among the diverse sample population over a two- year period. Boakes 246 Experiential learning and STEM study can take many forms in a classroom setting. keywords: 6(2; advanced; analyses; areas; boakes; building; career; control; data; district; diverse; education; engineering; experience; experiential; exploration; exprov; expwq; eyestem; future; group; high; impact; interest; international; iojet; journal; learning; level; literacy; mathematics; mean; national; new; noaa; non; ocean; online; participants; population; post; problem; project; question; research; responses; results; robotics; rovs; sample; scale; school; science; small; statements; stem; structures; students; study; survey; table; teacher; teaching; technology; test; underwater; unit; university; use; work; year cache: iojet-505.pdf plain text: iojet-505.txt item: #497 of 681 id: iojet-507 author: Sasmaz Oren, Fatma title: THE INNOVATIVE GROUP LEARNING DESIGN: INSTRUCTIONAL GROUP ACTIVITIES date: 2019-04-08 words: 11365 flesch: 47 summary: Opinions of pre-service science teachers on the benefit of IGA in terms of professional development Codes n* % Totally agree 45 80.3 Agree 10 17.9 Partially agree 1 1.8 Neither agree nor disagree 0 0.0 Disagree 0 0.0 Partially disagree 0 0.0 Totally disagree 0 0.0 n: refers to the number of pre-service teachers. For this reason, although pre-service science teachers have quite important achievements according to the opinions of pre-service science teachers, IGAD should be applied at different universities and to different pre-service teachers, and the results should be discussed. keywords: 6(2; activities; analysis; answers; area; aspects; assessment; codes; component; content; content knowledge; course; data; design; development; different; difficulty; education; effects; experiences; field; frequency; group; group activities; iga; igad; important; information; instructional; interaction; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; knowledgeable; learning; lesson; level; meaningful; members; methods; negative; online; opinions; positive; practice; pre; problems; process; professional; professional development; programs; question; related; research; results; science education; science teachers; service science; service teachers; skills; social; structure; students; studies; study; subjects; table; targets; teaching; terms; theme; theory; time; training; ören; şaşmaz cache: iojet-507.pdf plain text: iojet-507.txt item: #498 of 681 id: iojet-51 author: Bedir, Gülay; Arslan, Mehmet title: Designing an Educational Program Model Towards Furnishing Secondary School Students with Positive Attitudes for ‘Peace Education’ date: 2014-04-01 words: 5768 flesch: 58 summary: ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ Reporting ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ Bedir & Arslan 240 Part III: Needs Analysis: This one is a problem centered program design that naturally focuses on students’ social problems, needs, interests, and strengths (Demirel, 2004). Procedure- Time Schedule Months 1 st M. 2 nd M. 3 rd M. 4 th M. 5 th M. 6 th M. Weeks 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Procedural Steps Planning ▓ ▓ ▓ Needs Analysis ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ Goal Identification ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ Content & Organization ▓ ▓ ▓ Table of Specifications ▓ ▓ Organization of Learning Settings ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ Organizing Experimental Sessions ▓ ▓ ▓ Presenting the Program to the Practitioners ▓ ▓ ▓ Administration of the Program ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ Evaluation of the Draft Program ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ User’s Manual keywords: 1(3; activities; activity; analysis; arslan; attitudes; bedir; conflicts; cooperation; cultural; culture; curriculum; democracy; different; e s; education; empathy; environment; evaluation; freedom; goals; group; human; instructional; international; iojet; issues; journal; learning; needs; online; open; opinions; order; peace; peace education; people; phase; positive; preservation; problems; program; related; religions; rights; s s; school; secondary; self; settings; social; society; solidarity; students; study; teacher; teaching; tolerance; university; values; world; ▓ ▓ cache: iojet-51.pdf plain text: iojet-51.txt item: #499 of 681 id: iojet-516 author: Su Bergil, Ayfer; Saricoban, Arif title: UTILIZING THE EPOSTL FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION PROCESS: NEEDS AND GAINS date: 2018-10-04 words: 11895 flesch: 51 summary: The findings and the results of the third research question which tries to find out the answer to what extent the micro-teaching sessions of sections/subsections of EPOSTL are effective and useful, starting with the effect of micro-teaching sessions about the section and sub-sections of EPOSTL when the results of this part are examined, it is clearly seen that these sessions have significant effects on prospective teachers competency levels. In addition, the process of language teacher education and the competencies the whole process underlines differ very much from the prescribed one in Turkey. keywords: 5(4; assessment; bergil; classroom; competency; competency level; context; council; courses; culture; curriculum; descriptors; different; efl; elt; english; epostl; epostl competency; european; european portfolio; evaluation; experience; fenner; findings; independent; interaction; international; iojet; jones; journal; language; language teacher; learning; lesson; levels; management; mean; mean value; methodology; modern; need; newby; online; planning; portfolio; practice teaching; process; project; prospective; prospective teacher; question; research; resources; results; role; sample; sarıçoban; school; school experience; section; self; semester; significant; student; student teachers; study; sub; subject; table; teacher; teacher education; teachers competency; teaching; test; university; use; value; virtual cache: iojet-516.pdf plain text: iojet-516.txt item: #500 of 681 id: iojet-52 author: Solak, Ekrem; Altay, Fırat title: The Reading Strategies Used by Prospective English Teachers in Turkish ELT Context date: 2014-04-01 words: 4703 flesch: 69 summary: The purpose of this research was to determine what types of reading strategies prospective English Teachers used to accomplish in their reading assignments and activities. Keywords: Reading strategies, prospective English teacher’s reading strategies 1. keywords: academic; altay; attention; awareness; closer; context; difficult; education; english; global; highest; information; international; item; journal; language; lowest; mean; participants; problem; process; prospective; readers; reading; reading strategies; results; solak; strategies; strategy; students; study; subjects; sup; support; table; teachers; teaching; text; understanding; university; use cache: iojet-52.pdf plain text: iojet-52.txt item: #501 of 681 id: iojet-524 author: Şimşek, Ufuk; Baydar, Aşkın title: IMPACTS OF JIGSAW AND TEAMS-GAMES-TOURNAMENTS (TGT) ON SOCIAL STUDIES PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ EPISTEMOLOGICAL BELIEFS date: 2019-04-08 words: 4339 flesch: 52 summary: By implementing two different cooperative learning methods in a college of education course, this study examined the effects of jigsaw and teams games tournaments (TGT) on epistemological beliefs of social studies preservice teachers. 4. Results, discussion and implications As the result of this study which compares two cooperative learning methods, jigsaw and TGT regarding their impacts epistemological beliefs of social studies preservice teachers, it can be said that in overall epistemological beliefs and first two dimensions, which are “beliefs that pertain to learning depend on afford” and “beliefs that pertain to learning depends on ability”, jigsaw is more effective than TGT. keywords: 6(2; ability; achievement; baydar; beliefs; college; cooperative; cooperative learning; course; data; difference; dimension; education; effects; epistemological; epistemological beliefs; expert; factor; groups; hofer; independent; international; iojet; jigsaw; johnson; journal; knowledge; learning; methods; online; original; personal; posttest; preservice; pretest; research; results; scale; schommer; scores; seq; significant; social; social studies; students; studies; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; teams; tgt; tournaments; university; şimşek cache: iojet-524.pdf plain text: iojet-524.txt item: #502 of 681 id: iojet-526 author: Tofur, Sezen; Gökkaya, Yusuf title: EXAMINING THE PRE-SCHOOL CURRICULUM IN TERMS OF THE STEM APPROACH date: 2020-06-23 words: 8091 flesch: 54 summary: Integrated STEM activities provide pre-school children a natural environment for collaboration and communication. By means of construction games, pre-school children learn to distinguish the similarities and differences between objects by using their imagination (MEB, 2013). keywords: 21st; activities; analysis; approach; basic; century; children; codes; content; curriculum; data; development; different; early; education; education curriculum; elementary; engineering; faculty; findings; games; gökkaya; important; individuals; integrated; integration; interdisciplinary; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; life; line; mathematics; online; page; period; practice; pre; problem; process; product; project; qualitative; research; school; school curriculum; school education; science; scientific; skills; solving; statements; stem; stem approach; stem education; students; study; teachers; teaching; technology; terms; theme; theoretical; thought; tofur; university; use; way cache: iojet-526.pdf plain text: iojet-526.txt item: #503 of 681 id: iojet-527 author: CANSIZ AKTAŞ, Meral; YAVUZ MUMCU, Hayal title: PRE-SERVICE ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS TEACHERS’ VIEWS ON GEOMETRIC CONSTRUCTIONS: BUILDING ON THE PAPER OR INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD? date: 2019-07-07 words: 5183 flesch: 51 summary: 3) What are the problems faced by pre-service teachers in the process of completing geometric construction activities on paper and with interactive whiteboard? Within this scope, answers to the following questions were sought: 1) What are the past experiences of pre-service teachers about geometric construction activities? keywords: 6(3; activities; aktaş; angle; building; cansız; cognitive; compass; concrete; constructions; data; drawing; education; elementary; erduran; experience; figure; geometric; geometric constructions; geometry; interactive; interactive whiteboard; international; iojet; journal; learning; mathematics; mumcu; online; opinions; paper; positive; pre; problems; process; reasoning; research; service; service teachers; straightedge; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; time; tools; university; use; views; whiteboard; yavuz; yeşildere cache: iojet-527.pdf plain text: iojet-527.txt item: #504 of 681 id: iojet-532 author: Deringöl, Yasemin title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN REFLECTIVE THINKING SKILLS AND ACADEMIC SUCCESS IN MATHEMATICS IN FOURTH-GRADE PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2019-07-07 words: 4421 flesch: 53 summary: The relationship between reflective thinking skills and academic achievement in mathematics in fourth-grade primary school students. The constructivist education approach also sees having reflective thinking skills in addition to other thinking skills as one of the objectives of education (Baş & Kıvılcım, 2012; Başol & Evin Gencel, 2013). keywords: 6(3; academic; academic achievement; achievement; creative; critical; data; deringöl; development; doi; education; faculty; fourth; gender; general; grade; high; higher; information; international; iojet; journal; learning; levels; mathematics; online; primary; problem; reflective; reflective thinking; relationship; research; scale; school; science; skills; solving; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; thinking; thinking skills; turkey; university cache: iojet-532.pdf plain text: iojet-532.txt item: #505 of 681 id: iojet-535 author: Yumniyati, Khisna -; Sujadi, Imam -; Indriati, Diari - title: COGNITIVE LEVEL PROFILE AT THE TENTH GRADE OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN MATHEMATICS PROBLEM SOLVING ON THREE VARIABLES OF LINEAR EQUATION SYSTEM date: 2019-07-07 words: 6574 flesch: 53 summary: 2. Indicators of cognitive tasks knowledge a. In this study, epistemic cognition level is characterized by three indicators including; knowing about the limits of knowledge; belief in knowledge; and criteria for knowing. keywords: ability; able; answer; cognition; cognition level; cognitive; collection; combination; data; dissimilarity; education; elimination; epistemic; equation; example; high; indicators; indriati; inequality; information; journal; knowledge; known; learning; level; linear; linear equation; mathematics; metacognition; method; problem; reasons; research; second; set; solving; strategy; students; subject; substitution; sujadi; system; tasks; valid; value; variable; weaknesses cache: iojet-535.pdf plain text: iojet-535.txt item: #506 of 681 id: iojet-536 author: Muhtia, Anggri; Suparno, Suparno; Sumardi, Sumardi title: Taking a closer look at blended learning activities in a paragraph writing course date: 2019-01-05 words: 5863 flesch: 55 summary: (S4) Nordquist (2018) describes a writing portfolio as a collection of student writing intended to present a student’s writing development over the course, and it can be used as the student assessment. Some may opt to integrate online learning into their traditional instructions because they want to establish effective learning in large classrooms while others may aim at boosting student engagement in learning, and several try to maximize the use of classroom time by supplementing the face-to-face instruction with online learning activities. keywords: 2008; 6(1; activities; activity; approach; assignments; blended; blended learning; class; classroom; collaborative; course; data; discussion; education; face; feedback; figure; friends; garrison; group; instructional; international; iojet; journal; learning; learning activities; lecturer; like; materials; muhtia; new; online; online learning; paragraph; paragraph writing; pieces; pre; process; quizzes; responses; results; schoology; students; study; sumardi; suparno; teaching; time; topic; vaughan; work; writing cache: iojet-536.pdf plain text: iojet-536.txt item: #507 of 681 id: iojet-538 author: Yasan Ak, Nehir; Yılmaz Yendi, Bahar title: AN INVESTIGATION OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS TEACHING PROFESSION IN REGARD TO SOME VARIABLES: THE CASE OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY date: 2020-01-13 words: 6812 flesch: 56 summary: 26.09.2019 Accepted: 31.12.2019 AN INVESTIGATION OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ 111 AN INVESTIGATION OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ keywords: adaylarının; age; attitudes; ceit; data; department; dergisi; difference; dream; east; ece; education; effect; eme; eğitim; faculty; fakültesi; father; female; fle; gender; gpa; groups; higher; important; incelenmesi; international; iojet; job; journal; level; lisans; means; mesleğine; middle; mother; motives; online; positive; positive attitudes; pre; present; profession; research; results; school; science; scores; service; service teachers; significant; social; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; teaching profession; technical; test; tutumları; tutumlarının; type; university; variables; yasan; yendi; yönelik; yüksek; yılmaz; öğrencilerinin; öğretmenlik; üniversitesi cache: iojet-538.pdf plain text: iojet-538.txt item: #508 of 681 id: iojet-540 author: Okyar, Hatice; Demir, Yusuf title: AN INVESTIGATION INTO TURKISH EFL LEARNERS’ STEREOTYPED THOUGHTS AND EXPOSURE TO ENGLISH: A CORRELATIONAL STUDY date: 2019-04-08 words: 6843 flesch: 56 summary: Since there is a positive link between sufficient language exposure and successful language learning (Harmer, 2007), it seems crucial for language learners to be exposed to the target language to the greatest extent possible. In addition to language exposure, other factors such as motivation, self-confidence, anxiety, attitude, in other words, personality factors can also impact on the learning of the target language (Brown, 2007a; Gass et al., 2013; Krashen, 1981). keywords: acquisition; classroom; collectivity; correlation; demir; dimensions; e.g.; education; effects; efl; english; exaggerated; exposure; foreign; foreign language; generalization; input; international; iojet; items; journal; krashen; l2 exposure; language; language learning; learners; learning; level; moderate; negative; okyar; online; order; participants; people; positive; proficiency; proficiency level; regret; relationships; reported; research; results; rule; sacrificing; scale; second; second language; self; significant; stereotyped; stereotyped thoughts; stereotyping; students; studies; study; target; teaching; thoughts; turkish; university cache: iojet-540.pdf plain text: iojet-540.txt item: #509 of 681 id: iojet-541 author: Ütkür, Nur title: THE CASE FOR EXAMINATION OF DIFFERENT METHODS USED IN LIFE SCIENCES AND SOCIAL STUDIES COURSES date: 2019-10-05 words: 4937 flesch: 47 summary: She is specifically interested in life sciences, social studies courses, classroom teacher education, creative drama, different methods and techniques. In addition, preservice teachers have stated drama, case study, and empathy among the methods and techniques that can be used in life sciences and social studies courses. keywords: activities; approach; books; case; classroom; constructivist; courses; data; different; drama; education; features; gifted; journal; learning; life; life sciences; main; methods; number; opinions; participants; presentation; preservice; preservice teachers; research; sciences; social; social studies; students; studies; studies courses; study; table; teachers; teaching; techniques; texts; university cache: iojet-541.pdf plain text: iojet-541.txt item: #510 of 681 id: iojet-542 author: Lutasari, Silvia; Kartowagiran, Badrun title: Developing instruments for student performance assessment in physics practicum: A case study of state senior high school of Magelang date: 2019-01-05 words: 3934 flesch: 50 summary: The results of the interview and observation of the assessment instruments indicate that it is necessary to develop student performance assessment instruments, specifically on the course of physics practicum. Developing instruments for student performance assessment in physics practicum: A case study of state senior high school of Magelang. keywords: activities; alpha; analysis; assessment; capable; cronbach; data; education; experiment; factor; following; high; instrument; kartowagiran; learning; magelang; performance; performance assessment; phase; physics; practicum; process; product; reliability; reliable; research; researchers; results; school; senior; skills; state; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; validity; value; variable cache: iojet-542.pdf plain text: iojet-542.txt item: #511 of 681 id: iojet-543 author: Atabek, Oğuzhan; Orhon, Günseli; Burak, Sabahat title: PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING OF PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS: THE CASE OF PEDAGOGICAL FORMATION STUDENTS date: 2019-10-05 words: 7438 flesch: 52 summary: Personality characteristics of teacher candidate students. Individual contributory factors in teacher stress: The role of achievement striving and occupational commitment. keywords: addition; akdeniz; analysis; anxiety; atabek; burak; burnout; candidates; certificate; credentials; cronbach; crouch; decker; defeating; depression; differences; education; emotional; factors; formation; help; higher; humor; individuals; international; inventory; iojet; job; journal; levels; locasale; lower; mean; moderate; need; negative; online; orhon; participants; pedagogical; personality; pft; pft students; point; profession; programs; proportion; psychological; quality; research; results; ripski; scale; scores; self; severe; severity; social; states; strategy; stress; stressors; students; study; styles; table; teacher; teaching; training; trait; turkish; type; university; use; values; variables; üniversitesi cache: iojet-543.pdf plain text: iojet-543.txt item: #512 of 681 id: iojet-548 author: Akkuş Çakır, Nur; Ünlü, Nihan Aylin title: A comparison of student attitudes towards languages other than English (LOTEs) in Turkey and in the USA date: 2019-01-05 words: 8959 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: Language attitude, motivation, LOTEs. Motivation, language attitudes and globalisation: A Hungarian perspective. keywords: 6(1; akkuş; analysis; anxiety; attitudes; available; books; classroom; compulsory; confidence; confirmatory; countries; course; cultural; data; difference; dörnyei; education; effort; english; english language; environments; example; experience; factor; findings; focus; foreign; foreign language; gardner; group; impact; important; instructor; instrument; interest; international; iojet; items; journal; language; language learning; learners; learning; limited; lotes; materials; mean; modern; motivated; motivation; need; online; positive; process; research; researchers; resources; responses; role; safl; sample; scores; second; second language; self; spanish; students; studies; study; target; teachers; teaching; terms; translation; turkey; turkish; university; university students; usa; variance; çakır&ünlü cache: iojet-548.pdf plain text: iojet-548.txt item: #513 of 681 id: iojet-551 author: Yüce, Erkan title: EPOSTL: Revisiting the roles of language teachers at a recently established ELT department. date: 2019-01-05 words: 4388 flesch: 56 summary: Revisiting the roles of language teachers at a recently established ELT department. 01.12.2018 EPOSTL: REVISITING THE ROLES OF LANGUAGE TEACHERS AT A RECENTLY ESTABLISHED ELT DEPARTMENT Research Article Erkan Yüce Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Erkan Yüce is an instructor at School of Foreign Languages of Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University. keywords: application; assessment; data; department; descriptors; education; elt; epostl; european; feedback; international; iojet; item; journal; language; language teachers; learning; mirici; online; participants; pce; perceptions; portfolio; practices; research; results; role; self; service; statement; student; student teachers; study; table; teachers; teaching; terms; training; undecided; university; views; yüce cache: iojet-551.pdf plain text: iojet-551.txt item: #514 of 681 id: iojet-558 author: Aykutlu, Işıl; Bezen, Sevim; Bayrak, Celal title: WHAT DO PRE-SERVICE PHYSICS TEACHERS THINK OF STUDY SHEETS? date: 2019-10-05 words: 5499 flesch: 60 summary: What do pre- service physics teachers think of study sheets? In this study, the aim is to take the views of pre-service teachers on study sheets and evaluate these views. keywords: abstract; analysis; application; appropriate; aykutlu; bayrak; bezen; class; classes; codes; concepts; data; education; effect; effective; end; information; journal; knowledge; learning; level; life; meaningful; misconceptions; opinion; physics; physics teachers; positive; pre; research; science; service; service physics; service teachers; sheets; students; studies; study; study sheets; success; teachers; teaching; theme; time; topics; university; use; views cache: iojet-558.pdf plain text: iojet-558.txt item: #515 of 681 id: iojet-559 author: Punar, Nermin; Uzun, Levent title: THE EFFECT OF THE SKYPE TM CONFERENCE CALL ON ENGLISH SPEAKING ANXIETY date: 2019-04-08 words: 5257 flesch: 65 summary: These studies also concluded that using Skype TM language education improves students’ motivation and enhances their speaking skills (Correa, 2015; Khan, Khan & Ayaz, 2016). Similarly, Gargalianou et al. (2015) observed that females experience higher levels of foreign language anxiety due to personality traits such as being emotional and conscientious. keywords: adult; anxiety; classroom; conference; difference; education; effect; english; environments; face; females; flsa; foreign; foreign language; gender; general; group; international; journal; language; learners; learning; lesson; levels; life; mean; online; participants; post; pre; research; results; scale; second; skype; skype tm; speaking; students; studies; study; table; teaching; technology; test; use; virtual cache: iojet-559.pdf plain text: iojet-559.txt item: #516 of 681 id: iojet-560 author: Bal-Gezegin, Betül; Balıkçı, Gözde; Gümüşok, Fatma title: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS IN AN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM date: 2019-07-07 words: 10319 flesch: 57 summary: Exploring (1) the interaction between pre-service teachers and mentor teachers, (2) how they build a relationship, (3) how experienced mentor teachers guide and assist inexperienced novice teachers has become quite significant. Similarly, seeking for how mentor teachers get benefits through this mentorship relationship is also noteworthy. keywords: 6(3; analysis; bal; balıkçı; benefits; case; classroom; content; course; data; department; development; different; doğa; education; english; enthusiasm; esra; experience; feedback; feeling; gezegin; growth; gümüşok; high; hobson; instructional; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; management; materials; memedov; mentees; mentor; mentor teacher; mentoring; mentorship; new; online; order; participants; personal; practice; practicum; pre; problems; process; professional; program; relationship; research; researchers; results; role; rüzgar; school; self; service; service teachers; skills; student; studies; study; teacher; teacher education; teaching; terms; themes; thought; turkey; university; use; work; year cache: iojet-560.pdf plain text: iojet-560.txt item: #517 of 681 id: iojet-561 author: Uzun, Ahmet Murat title: PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF THE PERCEIVED ICT LITERACY SCALE AMONG TURKISH UNIVERSITY STUDENTS date: 2019-07-07 words: 5452 flesch: 49 summary: Although conceptualizations on ICT literacy have been widely discussed by the literature, little research was devoted to the development of ICT literacy scale (Lau & Yuen, 2014; Tadesse et al., 2018). Abstract This study aims to assess the psychometric properties of the 17-item 3-factors perceived ICT literacy scale in a sample of Turkish undergraduate students. keywords: analysis; cfa; cfi; communication; computer; current; data; different; digital; dimensions; education; factor; fit; ict; ict literacy; index; information; information literacy; international; internet; iojet; items; journal; lau; levels; literacy; literacy scale; mean; model; nasser; online; pictls; properties; psychometric; reliability; research; researchers; results; rmsea; sample; scale; skills; square; srmr; students; study; suggested; teaching; technical; technology; test; turkish; undergraduate; use; uzun; validity; values; yuen cache: iojet-561.pdf plain text: iojet-561.txt item: #518 of 681 id: iojet-562 author: Kırmızı, Özkan; Tosuncuoğlu, İrfan title: A review on writing metacognitive awareness of Turkish advanced level EFL learners date: 2019-01-05 words: 5773 flesch: 57 summary: In this respect, the present study aims to answer the following research questions: 1) What are the opinions of the students in the English Language Department toward metacognitive writing knowledge? What is the awareness level of the students in the English Language Department toward metacognitive writing knowledge? keywords: activities; agreement; awareness; cognition; declarative; different; dimensions; drafting; education; efl; english; farahian; foreign; general; grade; idea; international; interviewees; iojet; journal; knowledge; kırmızı; language; learners; learning; level; mean; metacognitive; metacognitive knowledge; monitoring; online; order; participants; planning; procedural; processes; questionnaire; reading; regulation; research; results; revision; role; scales; second; skills; statements; strategies; students; studies; study; sub; survey; task; teaching; tosuncuoğlu; university; use; writing cache: iojet-562.pdf plain text: iojet-562.txt item: #519 of 681 id: iojet-568 author: Koç, Serdar Engin title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING READINESS AND ACHIEVEMENT date: 2019-07-07 words: 8790 flesch: 52 summary: Study on the relationship between self directed learning and achievement in information technology of students at secondary level. The aim of this study is to understand the influence of emotional intelligence and self- directed learning readiness on achievement and the influence of emotional intelligence on self- directed learning readiness of students who are in their first or second-year education in a private university in Ankara. keywords: 6(3; ability; academic; academic achievement; achievement; adult; aes; analysis; better; correlated; correlation; department; development; differences; different; dissertation; education; effect; emotional; emotional intelligence; emotions; et al; factors; gender; gpa; higher; important; individual; influence; intelligence; international; interpersonal; iojet; journal; koç; learners; learning; learning readiness; literature; management; managing; mayer; model; motivation; new; online; performance; personality; positive; psychology; readiness; regulation; related; relationship; research; results; scale; schutte; sdl; sdlr; self; significant; skills; social; strategies; stress; students; studies; study; subfactors; success; support; teachers; teaching; tei; time; trait; university cache: iojet-568.pdf plain text: iojet-568.txt item: #520 of 681 id: iojet-569 author: Yüksel, Müge; Özgen, Gülşen; Başer Baykal, Nur title: THE EFFECT OF INTELLIGENCE AND ACADEMIC SUCESS ON SELF-PERCEPTIONS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2019-10-05 words: 7163 flesch: 52 summary: Lavy and Schlosser (2007) found that primary school academic success, independent of sex, was influenced by friendships and relations with the teacher. The effect of intelligence and academic success on self- perceptions of primary school students. keywords: academic; academic achievement; academic self; academic success; achievement; age; akademik; analysis; arithmetic; baykal; benlik; boy; children; coding; comprehension; concept; correlated; correlation; dergisi; development; digit; education; effect; elementary; esteem; eğitim; findings; general; girl; grades; group; increase; individual; intelligence; international; iojet; i̇lköğretim; journal; knowledge; learning; level; mathematics; mathematics grades; online; p>.05; parents; perception; performance; picture; piers; positive; primary; primary school; psychological; psychology; question; regression; relationship; research; results; scale; school; school students; science; scores; section; self; sex; significant; skills; social; students; study; sub; success; table; teachers; teaching; test; turkey; turkish; university; variables; variance; verbal; wisc; yiğit; yüksel; yılmaz; özgen; üniversitesi cache: iojet-569.pdf plain text: iojet-569.txt item: #521 of 681 id: iojet-574 author: Ünsal, Serkan; Ağçam, Reyhan title: A SWOT ANALYSIS OF TEACHER-PARENT COMMUNICATION IN EDUCATION: EVIDENCE FROM TURKEY date: 2019-04-08 words: 6881 flesch: 47 summary: In-service training activities could be organized especially in order to improve communication skills of primary school teachers who are typically the first to contact with parents in the countries where pre-school education is not compulsory. Problems faced by primary school teachers. keywords: 6(2; academic; achievement; analysis; behaviours; children; classroom; collaboration; communication; confidence; data; development; different; economic; education; effective; experience; factors; family; feeling; findings; increase; international; interviews; involvement; iojet; journal; language; learning; level; likely; male; management; negative; online; opportunities; order; parental; parents; perspective; positive; pressure; process; psychological; research; school; social; socio; state; strengths; students; study; success; swot; table; teachers; teaching; threats; time; tpc; turkey; undesired; university; views; violence; way; weaknesses; working cache: iojet-574.pdf plain text: iojet-574.txt item: #522 of 681 id: iojet-58 author: Aksu, Mualla Bilgin; Apaydın, Çiğdem; Kasalak, Gamze title: Novice Teacher Self-Efficacy Belief: A Study Of Scale Development date: 2014-07-01 words: 6414 flesch: 60 summary: Dimensions of teacher self-efficacy and relations with strain factors, perceived collective teacher efficacy, and teacher burnout. Abstract The aim of this study is to develop a scale on Novice Teacher Self-efficacy Belief (NTSB). keywords: academic; acceptable; aksu; alpha; analysis; apaydın; belief; belief scale; classroom; composite; confirmatory; construct; cronbach; data; development; dimensions; education; efficacy; efficacy belief; exploratory; factor; factor analysis; fit; goodness; indexes; item; journal; kasalak; learning; loadings; management; model; novice; online; range; reliability; result; scale; self; students; study; teacher; teacher self; teaching; test; total; turkey; university; use; validity; values; variance cache: iojet-58.pdf plain text: iojet-58.txt item: #523 of 681 id: iojet-581 author: Yüce, Mert; Dost, Şenol title: EXAMINING THE EXAMPLE GENERATION ABILITIES OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF MATHEMATICS COURSE date: 2019-04-05 words: 9217 flesch: 59 summary: As a data collection tool, example generation questions were administered to the students. Keywords: example generation, conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge 1. keywords: 6(2; activities; analysis; answer; appropriate; case; codomain; concepts; conceptual; conceptual knowledge; context; continuous; course; data; domain; dost; education; error; example; example generation; function; function example; generation; grade; graph; high; images; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; left; level; limit; mathematics; numbers; online; order; point; procedural; procedural knowledge; process; question; related; research; right; school; set; skills; solution; strategies; strategy; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; thinking; transformation; trial; university; use; value; variables; yüce; zaslavsky cache: iojet-581.pdf plain text: iojet-581.txt item: #524 of 681 id: iojet-586 author: Ozudogru, Melike; Aksu, Meral title: A NEW APPROACH IN HIGHER EDUCATION: THE PERCEPTIONS OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS RELATED TO FLIPPED LEARNING date: 2019-04-05 words: 10165 flesch: 61 summary: THE PERCEPTIONS OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS RELATED TO FLIPPED LEARNING Melike Özüdoğru Meral Aksu The findings of the study showed that pre-service teachers mostly had positive perceptions about flipped learning processes and materials. keywords: 6(2; achievement; achiever; activities; addition; analysis; approach; classroom; content; course; current; data; design; desire; different; doi; education; effects; enfield; engineering; english; face; good; group; high; higher; important; information; instructor; international; internet; iojet; journal; learning; level; low; materials; medium; methods; new; online; order; parts; perceptions; performance; positive; practice; pre; preservice; questionnaire; questions; related; research; responses; results; sams; service; service teachers; students; study; table; talbert; teachers; teaching; technology; terms; thesis; time; traditional; university; videos; watching; way; work; özüdoğru&aksu cache: iojet-586.pdf plain text: iojet-586.txt item: #525 of 681 id: iojet-59 author: Saka, F. Özlem title: Short Stories in English Language Teaching date: 2014-07-01 words: 3456 flesch: 64 summary: Short stories were chosen as the literary genre to teach literature because they are read in one sitting, as they have limited context, they are easy to understand and also studying short story is the easiest way to introduce literature to the students. Short story enables readers to see events from different perspectives QUESTION 3 59,5% 35,1% 2,7% 2,7% agree partly agree neither agree nor di disagree They are asked if studying short story makes readers develop empathy with the people in different situations. keywords: cultures; different; education; efl; elt; english; events; graph; group; idea; international; journal; language; literary; literature; perspectives; question; readers; reading; saka; short; short stories; short story; stories; story; students; teaching; understanding; university cache: iojet-59.pdf plain text: iojet-59.txt item: #526 of 681 id: iojet-590 author: Karabıyık, Ceyhun title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENT ENGAGEMENT AND TERTIARY LEVEL ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS’ ACHIEVEMENT date: 2019-04-05 words: 5888 flesch: 50 summary: 287 Karabıyık Among all types of student engagement only oral in class behaviors transpired as a significant predictor of student achievement. Received: 20.12.2018 Received in revised form: 01.02.2019 Accepted: 21.02.2019 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENT ENGAGEMENT AND TERTIARY LEVEL ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS’ ACHIEVEMENT Research Article Ceyhun Karabıyık Ufuk University Dr. Ceyhun Karabıyık is a PhD lecturer at the Department of English Education, Ufuk University in Ankara, Turkey. keywords: 6(2; academic; achievement; analysis; astin; behaviors; class; class behaviors; cognitive; college; content; correlation; course; data; development; education; engagement; english; exam; foreign; higher; higher education; international; iojet; journal; karabıyık; kuh; language; learners; learning; mazer; online; oral; outcomes; participants; participation; positive; predictor; relationship; research; respect; results; scale; school; significant; silent; student; student achievement; student engagement; studies; study; success; table; teaching; theory; thinking; turkish; types; university cache: iojet-590.pdf plain text: iojet-590.txt item: #527 of 681 id: iojet-593 author: Kavaklı, Nurdan; Arslan, Sezen title: Towards a continuum from know-how to show-how for developing EFL student-teachers’ assessment literacy date: 2019-01-05 words: 4533 flesch: 49 summary: Teacher assessment literacy: Teachers’ competencies in the educational assessment of students. Correlatively, there are some manifold standards for assessment and measures for assessment literacy. keywords: achievement; activities; approaches; assessment; assessment literacy; classroom; courses; data; development; education; efl; elt; english; foreign; instruction; international; iojet; journal; kavaklı; knowledge; language; learning; literacy; mertler; need; new; order; paper; participants; performance; practices; practicum; pre; professional; report; research; response; scope; sd=; service; stiggins; student; study; teachers; teaching; terms; testing; training; university; years cache: iojet-593.pdf plain text: iojet-593.txt item: #528 of 681 id: iojet-594 author: Hajikhani, Fatemeh; Abedi, Hojjat title: RECAST SEEN THROUGH MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES’ LENS date: 2019-07-07 words: 5623 flesch: 55 summary: As for recast and uptake, the authors used a checklist to register recasts given by the teachers as well as uptake produced by the students. Verbal Intelligence and Recasts The third and last predictor of the occurrence of uptake following recasts, verbal or linguistic intelligence is “the ability to use language to reflect upon language, to engage in meta-linguistic analysis” (Gardner, 1983, p.83). keywords: 454; 6(3; abedi; ability; checklist; classes; classroom; components; corrective; data; dependent; different; education; english; feedback; form; gardner; hajikhani; intelligence; international; interpersonal; iojet; journal; language; learners; learning; lyster; mackey; model; multiple; musical; notice; online; predictors; ranta; recasts; regression; research; results; second; students; studies; study; success; table; teacher; teaching; university; uptake; use; utterance; variable; verbal; visual cache: iojet-594.pdf plain text: iojet-594.txt item: #529 of 681 id: iojet-595 author: Rudy, Muhammad; Kristina, Diah; Tarjana, Sri Samiati title: MEASURING SPOKEN VOCABULARY LOAD ON MEDICAL ENGLISH STUDENTS: A LEARNER CORPUS EVALUATION date: 2019-10-05 words: 6173 flesch: 62 summary: Subsequently, knowing the distribution of student words in the textbook, students’ words were contrasted with GSL (West, 1953). Students Words vs. Established Word Lists keywords: 787; academic; analysis; awl; cambridge; class; content; corpora; corpus; coverage; coxhead; diagnosis; discourse; education; english; esp; frequency; function; general; gsl; high; international; iojet; journal; kristina; language; learners; list; load; material; medical; new; nmawl; number; online; order; patient; process; program; purposes; range; related; research; rudy; similar; software; speaking; specific; spoken; students; study; table; tarjana; teachers; teaching; textbook; times; types; university; use; vocabularies; vocabulary; words cache: iojet-595.pdf plain text: iojet-595.txt item: #530 of 681 id: iojet-596 author: Hung, Cheng-Yu title: A criss-cross of forces: The power relationship in the process of creating the citizenship curriculum in Taiwan date: 2019-01-05 words: 8092 flesch: 47 summary: Citizenship curriculum in Asia and the Pacific, 22(2), 43-60. Tensions and contentions in the development of citizenship curriculum in Asian countries. keywords: 6(1; advisors; article; chair; chang; china; citizenship; citizenship curriculum; citizenship education; civil; class; committee; concept; construction; critical; culture; curriculum; curriculum committee; curriculum developers; designers; developers; development; different; discipline; economics; education; example; external; financial; forces; form; free; geuss; giroux; government; groups; guideline; high; human; hung; ideological; ideologies; ideology; individual; international; interview; iojet; journal; knowledge; labour; law; lee; left; liberal; london; market; members; minister; ministry; modern; new; new curriculum; old; online; opinions; pedagogy; pejorative; people; pluralistic; political; politics; positive; power; process; public; pupils; reproduction; research; rights; school; sense; social; society; sociology; structure; students; subject; system; taiwan; taiwanese; teaching; theory; thinking; university; values; views; visions cache: iojet-596.pdf plain text: iojet-596.txt item: #531 of 681 id: iojet-597 author: Bulut Serin, Nergüz title: THE IMPACT OF ANGER MANAGEMENT TRAINING ON ANGER, AGGRESSION AND PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2019-07-07 words: 7425 flesch: 49 summary: The effects of anger management groups in a day school for emotionally disturbed adolescents. The effects of anger management skills program on adolescents' anger and aggression levels. keywords: 5th; adolescents; aggression; anger; anger control; anger management; ankara; approach; average; behavioural; bulut; children; cognitive; continuous; control; control group; difference; education; effect; experimental; experimental group; expression; favour; genç; grade; group; group anger; implementation; individuals; institute; international; inventory; iojet; journal; levels; male; management training; online; post; pre; prepared; primary; problem; program; research; results; scale; school; sciences; scores; self; serin; significant; skills; social; solving; students; studies; study; table; teaching; terms; test; test anger; thesis; training; training program; university; unpublished; violence; şahin cache: iojet-597.pdf plain text: iojet-597.txt item: #532 of 681 id: iojet-60 author: Abdollahi, Manizheh; Amalsaleh, Ehya title: The Influence of The Content and Format of Textbooks on Learners’ Creative Literary Writing date: 2014-07-01 words: 3039 flesch: 56 summary: That is, except for the last two features which show insignificant or no difference in the number of instances used, with regard to the significant differences noticed, one can vividly see the effect of question types in promoting creative writing. The study of the effect of question types used in textbooks can shed some light into how they can lead learners to be more creative. keywords: adjective; amalsaleh; creative; creativity; education; features; human; illustrations; journal; learners; learning; like; literary; literature; material; number; participants; persian; personification; point; primary; questions; reading; school; speech; students; study; table; teaching; terms; textbook; texts; thinking; type; view; writing cache: iojet-60.pdf plain text: iojet-60.txt item: #533 of 681 id: iojet-609 author: Özbaş, Serap; Çerkez, Yağmur; Bağlama, Sılay title: A STUDY OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE AFFECT IN TERMS OF GENDER DIFFERENCES date: 2019-04-08 words: 3791 flesch: 60 summary: According to Table 2, the scores of positive affect of male high school students are higher than of female high students and the scores of negative affect of female high school students are higher than male high school students. While this result is in favour of the male students in positive affect, it is in favour of the female students in negative affect. keywords: 11th; 12th; affect; age; bağlama; class; differences; duygu; e.g.; education; emotional; female; gender; general; grade; high; high school; higher; journal; level; life; male students; mean; nas; negative; negative affect; pas; people; positive; positive affect; psychological; research; results; schedules; school; school students; students; study; table; terms; test; type; university; young; çerkez; özbaş cache: iojet-609.pdf plain text: iojet-609.txt item: #534 of 681 id: iojet-61 author: Terzi, Çetin title: European Union Education Policies and Continuing Professional Development of Teachers in Turkey date: 2014-07-01 words: 5394 flesch: 34 summary: Teacher professional development: An international review of the literature. Keywords: teacher’ professional development, EU teacher education policies, Turkish teacher education policies 1. keywords: activities; adresinden; ankara; career; changes; commission; competencies; context; countries; crucial; development; directorate; economic; economy; education; effective; european; eğitim; fatih; gelişim; general; important; indicators; information; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; level; lifelong; mesleki; ministry; new; online; pisa; plans; policies; policy; practices; pre; process; professional; professional development; programs; project; quality; report; research; school; seminars; service; service training; skills; social; steps; support; system; tarihinde; teachers; teaching; terms; terzi; training; turkey; turkish; ulaşılmıştır; union; vision; yayınlanmamış; year; üniversitesi cache: iojet-61.pdf plain text: iojet-61.txt item: #535 of 681 id: iojet-614 author: kaymakamoğlu, Sibel Ersel title: NON-NATIVE ENGLISH TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS ABOUT USING TURKISH (L1) IN EFL CLASSROOMS: A CASE STUDY date: 2019-04-08 words: 5632 flesch: 57 summary: Or should a language teacher decrease the amount of the use of L1 and also should language teachers ignore the L1 and use L2 frequently to sustain enough language exposure for the language learners? A CASE STUDY Sibel Ersel Kaymakamoğlu Ayten Yıltanlılar ayıltanlı Abstract This study investigated 5 non-native English teachers’ perceptions on Turkish (L1) use in English language (L2) classrooms in the English Preparatory School context of European University of Lefke in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). keywords: approach; beginner; case; classes; classrooms; code; critical; different; education; efl; elementary; elt; english; english teachers; fact; foreign; grammar; instruction; international; iojet; journal; kaymakamoğlu; language; learners; learning; lefke; levels; majority; monolingual; mother; native; need; non; online; participants; perceptions; reasons; research; school; students; studies; study; switching; target; teachers; teaching; time; tongue; turkish; university; usage; use; words; years; yıltanlılar cache: iojet-614.pdf plain text: iojet-614.txt item: #536 of 681 id: iojet-615 author: Doğan, Zeynep; Doğan, Muhammet Fatih title: EXPECTATIONS OF PRE-SERVICE PRIMARY TEACHERS TOWARDS A BOOK ABOUT TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS ON PRIMARY EDUCATION date: 2019-07-06 words: 6623 flesch: 58 summary: Pre-service teachers were asked about the qualities they thought of a book of teaching of mathematics to be prepared for primary school 1th-4th grades should have, and a text expressing their thoughts was made them write. According to the results, pre-service teachers expect that teaching of mathematics book meets the needs both during their undergraduate education and throughout their teaching life. keywords: 6(3; activities; addition; ankara; attention; attitude; bir; book; children; concepts; content; course; course books; dergisi; ders; development; doğan; education; examples; expectations; eğitim; general; heading; important; information; international; iojet; issue; i̇stanbul; journal; kitabı; knowledge; language; learning; level; life; materials; mathematics; mathematics book; needs; negative; objectives; online; possible; pre; primary; primary teachers; process; related; research; resources; school; service; service primary; service teachers; students; study; subheadings; subjects; teachers; teaching; terms; use; useful; visuals; way cache: iojet-615.pdf plain text: iojet-615.txt item: #537 of 681 id: iojet-616 author: Altunel, İrem title: BRIDGING THE GAP: A STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MINDSET AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE ANXIETY date: 2019-07-06 words: 7832 flesch: 56 summary: The current study sought to find out the relationship, if any, between mindset and foreign language anxiety. When learning a new language triggers the feeling of anxiety among learners, it is named foreign language anxiety, which is defined as “a distinct complex of self-perceptions, beliefs, feelings, and behaviours related to classroom language learning that arise from the uniqueness of the foreign language learning process” (Horwitz et al., 1986). keywords: achievement; altunel; anxiety; anxious; apprehension; classroom; communication; correlation; current; data; different; dweck; education; efl; english; evaluation; fear; findings; fixed; fixed mindset; fla; foreign; foreign language; growth; growth mindset; high; horwitz; intelligence; international; iojet; journal; language; language anxiety; language learning; learners; learning; level; macintyre; mindset; motivation; negative; new; online; participants; people; psychology; relationship; research; results; school; second; social; state; students; studies; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; test; test anxiety; theory; type; undecided; university cache: iojet-616.pdf plain text: iojet-616.txt item: #538 of 681 id: iojet-617 author: Doğan, Cemile; Tosun, Bahadır Cahit title: CRITICAL READING IN EFL COURSES: THE FACILE AND CHALLENGE CONFRONTED date: 2019-07-06 words: 4285 flesch: 51 summary: Indeed, educations being the case, critical thinking skills have always been on the agenda with different labels since ancient days of human history (Siegel, 2010). Recently, critical thinking skill has been included in all phases of education and gained utmost importance since it is regarded as one the key skills necessary to equip the millennials in order to compete in the modern global world (OECD, 2018). keywords: attitudes; case; course; critical; critical reading; critical thinking; data; different; doğan; easiest; education; efl; english; facione; foreign; frequency; hard; international; iojet; item; journal; language; literature; mean; participants; paul; present; process; quantitative; reading; reading process; research; retrieved; scale; sides; skills; statistics; students; study; table; teaching; test; text; thinking; tosun; university cache: iojet-617.pdf plain text: iojet-617.txt item: #539 of 681 id: iojet-626 author: Pitoyo, Muhammad Dafit; Sumardi, Sumardi; Asib, Abdul title: GAMIFICATION BASED ASSESSMENT: A TEST ANXIETY REDUCTION THROUGH GAME ELEMENTS IN QUIZIZZ PLATFORM date: 2019-07-06 words: 6665 flesch: 60 summary: The results of this study showed the category of students test anxiety considered moderately high, the students' attitude toward Quizizz in reducing test anxiety also considered high (M= 3.94) and the kinds of elements of game which students prefer most were Points (M= 4.357), Test report (M= 3.929), Leader board (M=3.714), Time restriction (M=3.357), Profile (M= 3.429) and Meme (M= 3.357). The score of students' test anxiety obtained 3.05 and as it was reflected to the category of test anxiety from Richard Driscoll (2007), it was categorized into Moderately high test anxiety because the score was in the range of 3.0—3.4. keywords: 6(3; able; answer; anxiety; asib; assessment; attitude; badges; board; category; cognitive; components; content; data; design; driscoll; dynamics; education; elements; employment; engagement; english; evaluation; exam; examination; game; game elements; gamification; good; high; important; individual; international; iojet; items; journal; leader; learning; like; mean; mechanics; motivation; online; pitoyo; points; process; progress; questions; quizizz; report; research; school; score; students; study; sumardi; teachers; teaching; technology; test; test anxiety; time; university; unlocking; use; way cache: iojet-626.pdf plain text: iojet-626.txt item: #540 of 681 id: iojet-631 author: Genç, Gülten; Kuluşaklı, Emine title: THE EVALUATION OF LANGUAGE TEACHING PROGRAM APPLIED IN THE SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES date: 2019-07-07 words: 5727 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: language preparatory program, foreign language teaching, program evaluation 1. The evaluation of language teaching program applied in the school of foreign languages. keywords: course; education; effectiveness; efficacious; english; english language; evaluation; exams; expectations; foreign; items; journal; language; language program; language teaching; level; materials; neutral; participants; perceptions; positive; preparatory; preparatory program; preparatory school; process; program; research; results; satisfactory; school; skills; speaking; state; students; study; teaching; teaching program; terms; textbooks; turkey; university; use cache: iojet-631.pdf plain text: iojet-631.txt item: #541 of 681 id: iojet-632 author: KIR, PINAR title: EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE BELIEFS AND PRACTICES OF INSTRUCTORS ABOUT ORAL CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK IN EFL CLASSES: A CASE STUDY FROM TURKEY date: 2020-04-04 words: 7577 flesch: 58 summary: With the publication of six corrective feedback types (explicit correction, recast, clarification request, metalinguistic feedback, elicitation, and repetition) by Lyster and Ranta (1997), the foci of OCF studies have moved to the types of OCF. Amount and types of oral corrective feedback stated in the questionnaire and observed in the lesson Stated Belief Observed Practice Nr of OCF % of OCF Nr of OCF % of OCF Repetition 2 20% 0 0% Metalinguistic Feedback 3 30% 1 3% Recast 3 30% 14 45% Elicitation 2 20% 8 26% Clarification Request 0 0 keywords: analysis; beliefs; clarification; classes; classroom; corrective; corrective feedback; data; different; doi; education; efl; elicitation; elt; english; explicit; feedback; grammar; inconsistency; instructors; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; kır; language; learner; learning; lyster; metalinguistic; mistakes; native; non; observation; observed; ocf; oral; participants; practices; questionnaire; recall; recast; relationship; repetition; request; research; results; second; setting; stated; stimulated; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; time; translation; turkey; types; university; use cache: iojet-632.pdf plain text: iojet-632.txt item: #542 of 681 id: iojet-637 author: Özden, Celalettin; Atasoy, Ramazan title: DETERMINATION OF EDUCATIONAL NEEDS OF TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN COURSES IN SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2019-07-06 words: 5913 flesch: 53 summary: Akbaş (2003), Karaağaçlı and Mahiroğlu (2005) stated in their studies that technology education programs, designed to meet the needs of the communities and individuals, aim to develop learners’ scientific thinking skills, and for this reason technology programs should develop with constructivism. The first particular point to be considered when design educational program is to be sure about the need for a new program or the need for a revision of the current program. keywords: 6(3; analysis; atasoy; coding; computer; content; courses; current; curriculum; data; demirel; depth; design; design courses; development; dimension; drawing; educational; educational needs; expectations; experts; eğitim; findings; general; hand; information; integration; international; iojet; item; journal; knowledge; koehler; language; learning; making; mechanical; method; mishra; model; needs; new; online; participants; pedagogical; process; programs; project; qualitative; questionnaire; research; schools; scores; secondary; shapes; skills; state; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; technological; technologies; technology; themes; use; views; world; year; özden cache: iojet-637.pdf plain text: iojet-637.txt item: #543 of 681 id: iojet-643 author: Khalil, Betul; Lewis, Tim title: UNDERSTANDING LANGUAGE TEACHER AUTONOMY: A CRITICAL REALIST PERSPECTIVE ON EFL SETTINGS IN TURKEY date: 2019-10-05 words: 8315 flesch: 51 summary: We conclude that we need to extend our understanding of language teacher autonomy and identify the underlying mechanisms that shape the development and exercise of teacher autonomy within a particular context. Abstract This study examined the understandings and exercise of teacher autonomy and aimed to uncover the deep structure that might shape these in the EFL context in Turkey. keywords: able; activities; administrators; agency; analysis; ankara; assessment; autonomous; autonomy; centralised; changes; classroom; concept; context; critical; curriculum; data; deci; development; different; directorates; district; documents; education; education system; english; exercise; eğitim; findings; focus; group; headteachers; important; instance; international; interview; iojet; journal; khalil; lack; language; learner; learning; lewis; lower; management; meetings; mehmet; mone; needs; new; number; observation; online; opportunities; participants; professional; quality; relation; relationships; reports; research; respondents; ryan; school; secondary; self; social; spaces; structure; students; study; survey; system; teacher; teacher autonomy; teaching; trust; turkey; turkish; turkish education; understanding; university; work; working cache: iojet-643.pdf plain text: iojet-643.txt item: #544 of 681 id: iojet-644 author: AYAR, Zülal; Yangın Ekşi, Gonca title: CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE SCHOOL DIRECTORS date: 2019-07-07 words: 6231 flesch: 51 summary: Shedding light on their perceptions regarding the implementation of CPD programs, developing an understanding toward the attitude of them about CPD process, and revealing both overlapping and missing points from dual perspectives (instructors and directors themselves) will possibly lead to an increase in the prestige of CPD research in language teaching. Considering the mentioned missing aspects of CPD programs, this research has been carried out to find the answers to two questions as follows: keywords: 6(3; academic; activities; ayar; background; content; cpd; data; development; directors; education; ekşi; elt; english; events; false; foreign; foundation; https://; institution; instructors; international; iojet; journal; language; learning; master; needs; online; opinions; order; practices; preferences; process; professional; professional development; programs; questions; research; school; similar; state; students; study; system; table; teacher; teaching;; thesis; time; total; trainers; trainings; true; turkey; universities; university; way; yangın cache: iojet-644.pdf plain text: iojet-644.txt item: #545 of 681 id: iojet-646 author: Yağcı, Emine; Güneyli, Ahmet title: VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY STUDY OF THE SCALE TO BE USED IN AUDITING TURKISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE TEACHERS date: 2019-10-05 words: 6479 flesch: 58 summary: Out of all the teachers, 87.50% were graduates from the Turkish Language and Literature department, whereas 12.50% were Turkish language teachers. When the literature is examined, it is seen that there few studies that have focused on how the auditing of Turkish teachers should be performed (Gökalp, 2010; Karakış, 2007; Sağır, 2005; Soylu, 2003). keywords: acceptable; alpha; analysis; ankara; applied; audit; auditing; cfa; characteristics; coefficient; competence; confirmatory; construct; criteria; cronbach; cyprus; data; education; efa; efficiency; exploratory; factor; field; fit; form; goodness; group; güneyli; half; information; international; iojet; items; journal; knowledge; language; learning; literature; literature audit; literature teachers; model; number; online; order; personal; process; professional; related; reliability; research; results; scale; schools; students; study; table; teacher efficiency; teachers; teaching; terms; test; total; turkish; turkish language; turkish teachers; university; validity; value; variance; yağcı; years; öğretmen cache: iojet-646.pdf plain text: iojet-646.txt item: #546 of 681 id: iojet-647 author: Gobena, Gemechu Abera title: FACTORS INFLUENCING PARTICIPATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: ITS IMPLICATION TO QUALITY-EDUCATION date: 2020-01-13 words: 7570 flesch: 53 summary: No mechanism has been introduced to ensure the quality in the type of education pre-school teachers receive, and as such, there are no standards set to guarantee the desired teacher profile and professional career structure for pre-school teachers. This indicates that most preschool education teachers were paid a very low payment. keywords: ababa; access; addis; age; analysis; appropriate; center; checklists; childhood; children; chiro; country; curriculum; data; dawa; development; dire; early; education; eigenvalues; ethiopia; factors; finding; gobena; government; gross; groups; harar; high; implication; international; iojet; journal; lack; learning; low; materials; mean; moe; number; observational; online; participation; policy; preschool; preschool education; preschool teachers; primary; private; professional; program; pse; public; quality; questionnaire; ratio; region; religious; research; respondents; salary; schools; significant; sources; staff; study; support; table; teachers; teaching; total; towns; training; variance; years cache: iojet-647.pdf plain text: iojet-647.txt item: #547 of 681 id: iojet-648 author: Yükselir, Ceyhun title: A QUANTITATIVE STUDY OF TURKISH EFL LEARNERS’ PERCEPTIONS ABOUT CRITICAL THINKING DISPOSITIONS date: 2020-01-13 words: 5060 flesch: 53 summary: The purpose of educating learners as critical thinkers and helping them to improve their skills is to prepare them for future; and for the sake of this purpose, teachers should adopt and enforce critical thinking skills to their students (Leach, 2011). Similarly, Tarakçıoğlu’s (2008) study showed that Turkish EFL learners had difficulty to express themselves orally by using critical thinking skills. keywords: academic; achievement; alagözlü; analyticity; business; classes; confidence; course; critical; critical thinking; ctd; different; dispositions; education; efl; english; female; findings; grades; higher; inquisitiveness; international; iojet; journal; language; learners; learning; level; low; mean; mindedness; new; online; open; participants; perceptions; relationship; research; s.d; seeking; self; significant; skills; students; study; systematicity; table; teaching; terms; thinking; thinking dispositions; thinking skills; total; truth; turkish; university; values; yükselir cache: iojet-648.pdf plain text: iojet-648.txt item: #548 of 681 id: iojet-65 author: Demirezen, Mehmet title: Cognitive-Code Learning Theory and Foreign Language Learning Relations date: 2014-10-01 words: 4281 flesch: 48 summary: The teachers, no matter native teacher or non-native, are ready to consider cognitive theory as the foundation for teaching if they apply the following issues that that distill the theoretical basis of cognitive foreign language learning. The following key principles arrange the learner’s predisposition towards foreign language learning (http://www.cdtl .nus. keywords: 1960s; approach; behaviorism; carroll; cclt; central; chomsky; code; cognitive; conscious; control; demirezen; development; education; experiences; foreign; foreign language; grammar; grammatical; habit; important; information; journal; knowledge; language; language learning; learner; learning; meaningful; method; new; patterns; practice; principles; process; psychology; rules; second; structure; students; study; target; teachers; teaching; theory; thinking; time; understanding; use; way cache: iojet-65.pdf plain text: iojet-65.txt item: #549 of 681 id: iojet-650 author: Supriyadi, Agus; Mayuni, Ilza; Lustyantie, Ninuk title: THE EFFECTS OF LEARNING MODEL AND COGNITIVE STYLE TOWARDS STUDENTS’ ENGLISH LISTENING SKILL date: 2019-07-06 words: 8978 flesch: 53 summary: Qtable Significant Thus, the research hypothesis stated that students which have a cognitive style of field independent which is given the treatment with integrative learning model is more appropriate compared with the students which is given the treatment with experiential learning model to the score of English listening student skills are acceptable. Furthermore, Farris (1995) quoted in Osada (2004) that the understanding of listening students can form a positive mental in accordance with knowledge about the information and topics contained in the text of the monologue. keywords: 6(3; ability; absolute; active; activities; analysis; approach; assessment; cognitive; cognitive style; communication; comprehension; data; design; different; discourse; education; effect; effective; efl; english; english listening; et al; experiential; experiential learning; field; frequency; group; higher; important; independent; indonesia; information; integrated; integrative; integrative learning; interaction; international; international journal; interval; iojet; jakarta; journal; knowledge; language; language learning; learners; learning; learning model; learning process; level; listening; listening skills; lustyantie; material; mayuni; meaning; methods; model; number; online; process; research; results; role; score; second; significant; skills; speaking; strategies; students; studies; study; style; subjects; supriyadi; table; teachers; teaching; test; theory; understanding; universitas; way cache: iojet-650.pdf plain text: iojet-650.txt item: #550 of 681 id: iojet-653 author: Astuti, Desi Antri; Fauziati, Endang; Marmanto, Sri title: CELEBRATING STUDENTS’ DIVERSITIES THROUGH UNDERSTANDING STUDENTS’ CHARACTERISTICS date: 2019-10-05 words: 5044 flesch: 56 summary: International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2019, 6(4), 723-731 723 CELEBRATING STUDENTS’ DIVERSITIES THROUGH UNDERSTANDING STUDENTS’ CHARACTERISTICS Desi Antri Astuti Endang Fauziati Sri Marmanto This research aims at investigating the teachers’ beliefs on understanding characteristics of students and exploring how those beliefs are reflected in the teaching- learning practices. keywords: activities; attention; beliefs; better; characteristics; children; class; data; different; education; english; important; language; learners; learning; material; need; participant; physical; potentials; practices; research; researchers; school; second; students; surakarta; teachers; teaching; understanding; way; ways; young cache: iojet-653.pdf plain text: iojet-653.txt item: #551 of 681 id: iojet-654 author: OKUMUŞ, Ayşegül title: The PERCEPTIONS AND PREFERENCES OF 8th GRADE STUDENTS IN DIGITAL STORYTELLING IN ENGLISH date: 2020-04-04 words: 10462 flesch: 61 summary: Blogs, wikis, social networking sites and digital story tools can be considered as examples of Web 2.0. Additively, the students pointed out that they want to keep using digital storytelling tools in their future English lessons, which is in accordance with the findings reported by Dollar and Talu (2015). keywords: activities; agree; analysis; basic; characters; comments; computer; courses; data; digital stories; digital storytelling; education; english; english lessons; environment; experience; findings; future; grade; help; implementation; instructional; integration; international; internet; iojet; items; journal; language; learning; lessons; mean; new; okumus; online; participants; perceptions; pixton; positive; post; practice; pre; preferences; process; qualitative; question; research; results; second; skills; stories; storytelling activities; storytelling tools; students; study; subjects; survey; table; teachers; teaching; technological; technology; tools; topic; use; way; writing cache: iojet-654.pdf plain text: iojet-654.txt item: #552 of 681 id: iojet-655 author: Bercuci, Loredana; Chitez, Madalina title: A CORPUS ANALYSIS OF ARGUMENTATIVE STRUCTURES IN ESP WRITING date: 2019-10-05 words: 6011 flesch: 45 summary: While all these projects were essential for the diagnosis of academic writing challenges faced by Romania and other European countries, it is the project Academic genres at the crossroads of tradition and internationalization: Corpus-based interlanguage research on genre use in student writing at Romanian universities (ROGER) that focuses specifically on Romanian higher education. Analyzing the introductions of B.A. theses in English and Romanian, the authors point out that an incomplete and mechanical adoption of the Anglo- American model characterizes student writing, identifying “7 moves most typically used in the corpus of diploma paper introductions, and concluded that the “descriptive” moves and steps (introducing the topic, presenting the structure of the paper) prevailed over the more “reflective” moves (summarising previous research, indicating a gap in previous research)” (Băniceru et al., 2012, p. 320). keywords: academic; academic writing; american; analysis; argumentative; bercuci; borchin; băniceru; chitez; corpora; corpus; countries; different; doroholschi; eastern; eds; education; english; esp; essays; europe; european; features; frequency; genres; high; higher; international; iojet; journal; language; linguistics; model; moves; native; norms; online; paper; patterns; person; phrases; point; political; project; research; results; romanian; romanian academic; specific; structures; students; studies; study; style; support; teaching; texts; timisoara; tradition; tucan; universities; university; use; view; west; words; writing cache: iojet-655.pdf plain text: iojet-655.txt item: #553 of 681 id: iojet-658 author: Mavi, Duygu; Erçağ, Erinç title: ANALYSIS OF THE ATTITUDES AND THE READINESS OF MAKER TEACHERS TOWARDS E-LEARNING, WITH USE OF SEVERAL VARIABLES date: 2020-04-04 words: 9705 flesch: 64 summary: Point averages under the sub-dimension measuring motivation towards e-learning A t-test analysis was made, to determine if the readiness of maker teachers for e-learning differentiated according to gender. Therefore, students in e-learning processes, are able to acquire many different skills in this rich learning environment, with the technologic devices, applications, methods, and techniques that are available to them (Khan, 2001). keywords: analysis; answers; attitudes; average; classes; comfortable; communication; computer; confidence; control; data; difference; dimension; education; effect; efficacy; erçağ; etc; experience; eğitim; female; figure; findings; gender; general; highest; information; international; internet; iojet; journal; learner; learning; level; lowest; maker; maker teachers; mavi; measuring; motivation; movement; need; online; p =; points; professional; proneness; readiness; scale; self; significant; students; study; sub; survey; table; teachers; teaching; technology; time; tools; total; use; way cache: iojet-658.pdf plain text: iojet-658.txt item: #554 of 681 id: iojet-66 author: Šoštarić, Petra Žagar title: Victim of the Past, The present and The possible Future Belladonna by Dasa Drndic date: 2014-10-01 words: 6625 flesch: 61 summary: On the other hand, the term “room” should be understand as a collective reminiscence, which is manifested in “a place” (e.g. in the concentration camp in Dachau, children’s homes, schools, concentration camp Zasavica next to Šabac, mass graves in Srebrenica etc.) or in a personality (e.g. Andreas Ban, Bertha Pappenheim, Leo Ban, Ema Sass etc.) 319-330. 321 of the protagonist Andreas Ban. keywords: academic; andreas; andreas ban; author; ban; ban´s; belladonna; bertha; body; camp; collective; concentration; croatian; cultural; daša; death; decay; der; disease; diverse; drndić; education; end; etc; events; faculty; family; fate; focalisation; frankfurt; future; gansel; german; historical; individual; international; iojet; journal; leaves; leo; level; life; like; literature; main; means; memories; memory; narrative; narrator; novel; online; order; past; people; places; plant; political; possible; present; previous; protagonist; question; raum; reader; reminiscence; rijeka; second; social; socio; sonnenschein; stories; story; teaching; term; theme; time; und; university; use; victims; war; wars; way; work; world; yugoslavian; šoštarić; žagar cache: iojet-66.pdf plain text: iojet-66.txt item: #555 of 681 id: iojet-660 author: Eguz, Esra title: USING WEB 2.0 TOOLS IN AND BEYOND THE UNIVERSITY CLASSROOMS: A CASE STUDY OF EDMODO date: 2020-06-23 words: 5630 flesch: 59 summary: In our example, students used this button to express that they liked notes shared by the teacher and other students. After that, they can see the content and communicate with the teacher and other students. keywords: 7(3; analysis; announcements; case; class; classroom; comments; communication; computer; content; course; cultural; data; different; distribution; edmodo; educational; eguz; emoticons; events; exams; feedback; female; figure; group; homework; information; interaction; international; internet; iojet; istanbul; journal; kidd; learning; likes; literature; new; online; opinions; patrut; percentages; perceptions; polls; positive; posts; qualitative; questions; research; social; sources; students; study; surveys; teacher; teaching; technology; term; tools; turkish; university; use; user; web cache: iojet-660.pdf plain text: iojet-660.txt item: #556 of 681 id: iojet-662 author: Karakaya, Ferhat; Alabaş, Zeynep Ebru; Akpınar, Ali; Yılmaz, Mehmet title: DETERMINATION OF MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS' VIEWS ABOUT STEM ACTIVITIES date: 2020-04-04 words: 5659 flesch: 58 summary: International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2020, 7(2), 537-551 537 DETERMINATION OF MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS' VIEWS ABOUT STEM ACTIVITIES Ferhat Karakaya In this research, it is aimed to determine the opinions of middle school students about STEM activities. keywords: academic; activities; activity; akpınar; alabaş; ankara; applications; bridge; career; daily; data; dergisi; design; determined; different; education; effective; engineering; eğitim; fen; findings; grade; group; important; information; international; iojet; journal; karakaya; knowledge; lack; learning; lessons; life; material; mathematics; middle; online; opinions; problems; process; reasons; research; researchers; results; school; science; skills; stem; stem activities; stem education; students; studies; study; subject; table; teachers; teaching; team; technology; time; university; use; views; work; yılmaz; öğretmen cache: iojet-662.pdf plain text: iojet-662.txt item: #557 of 681 id: iojet-663 author: Nart, Sevan title: THE OPINIONS AND SUGGESTIONS OF THE INSTRUCTORS REGARDING THE PROBLEMS FACED DURING UNDERGRADUATE INDIVIDUAL VOICE EDUCATION COURSES date: 2019-10-05 words: 10138 flesch: 50 summary: 42.22% of the respondents argued that the repertoire used in voice education courses should be re- arranged to be used in the music teaching profession, while 28.89% of them stated that Turkish songs, especially school songs, folk songs and popular pieces should be included in the repertoire. At the same Nart 862 time, it is also important to find the experts, who will be regularly engaged in the maintenance and repair works of the pianos in DME, and to eliminate the need for advance vocal accompanists for voice education courses. keywords: accompaniment; addition; advance; advance voice; behaviours; characteristics; choir; classes; classrooms; course; curriculum; data; different; dme; duration; education; education courses; eğitimi; faculties; field; findings; following; follows; group; health; individual; individual voice; information; institutions; instructors; insufficient; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; level; main; master; materials; methods; music; music education; music teacher; music teaching; müzik; nart; number; objectives; online; opinions; physical; piano; problems; process; professional; program; related; repertoire; research; schools; shortage; singing; solution; students; study; suggestions; teacher; teacher education; teaching; terms; time; training; turkey; undergraduate; use; views; vocal; voice; voice education; voice instructors; voice training cache: iojet-663.pdf plain text: iojet-663.txt item: #558 of 681 id: iojet-665 author: Gök, Mustafa; Ertem-Akbaş, Elif title: EXAMINING THE ATTITUDE CHANGE OF PRE-SERVICE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS TOWARDS A COURSE OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THEORY OF DIDACTICAL SITUATIONS date: 2019-10-05 words: 12453 flesch: 51 summary: In the present study, determining how pre-service teachers with different genders are influenced by the process of teaching mathematics as appropriate to the constructive approach was considered to be important. What makes the present study differ from other related studies in literature was that this study aimed to investigate how mathematics education given to pre-service teachers with the help of the parameters of innovative learning approaches influenced their attitudes towards mathematics. keywords: accordance; achievement; active; activities; adidactical; akbaş; analysis; application; approach; attitudes; beliefs; changes; class; concepts; constructivist; courses; curriculum; data; different; education; education courses; elementary; elementary teachers; environment; erdogan; ertem; example; experiences; eğitim; fact; framework; future; game; gender; good; gök; help; high; influence; information; international; interviews; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; levels; line; mathematics; mathematics education; mathematics teaching; method; negative; new; online; phases; positive; positive attitudes; pre; present; preservice; process; program; quantitative; related; relation; research; respect; results; school; scope; service elementary; service teachers; situations; students; studies; study; table; tds; teachers; teaching; test; theory; time; training; university; use; views; years cache: iojet-665.pdf plain text: iojet-665.txt item: #559 of 681 id: iojet-668 author: Mirza, Hanadi S title: IMPROVING UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ ENGLISH PROFICIENCY WITH DIGITAL STORYTELLING date: 2020-01-13 words: 5098 flesch: 48 summary: By introducing DST in the program of an EFL teacher training course in which the sciences (linguistics and technology) and communication are intrinsically related, this study shed light on the various skills university-level students can developed from their experience working on digital storytelling projects. Improving university students’ English proficiency with digital storytelling. keywords: benefits; communication; course; digital; digital stories; digital storytelling; dst; education; efl; english; experience; ideas; international; iojet; journal; lambert; language; learners; learning; literacy; media; mirza; narratives; new; online; participants; people; personal; powerpoint; process; projects; pronunciation; questions; recording; related; research; robin; school; skills; social; stories; storytelling; students; study; teachers; teaching; technical; technology; themes; times; tool; university; video; work; writing; youtube cache: iojet-668.pdf plain text: iojet-668.txt item: #560 of 681 id: iojet-67 author: Sarıgöz, İskender Hakkı title: The Effects of Foreign Language Learning on Intercultural Awareness of Non-Native EFL Teacher Trainees date: 2014-10-01 words: 6845 flesch: 56 summary: The second goal is to train them as foreign language teachers. Students barely use it outside the English classes. Ryan and Sercu (2005) disscuss that if foreign language teachers prepare students for future intercultural contact situations and assist them to better comprehend their own cultural identity, they should understand target cultures as well as their own besides the general understanding of foreign cultures. keywords: analysis; awareness; better; classes; communication; confidence; culture; development; dialogue; difference; education; elt; english; exposure; factor; foreign language; global; graduates; groups; high; interaction; intercultural; intercultural awareness; international; journal; language learning; learning; learning classes; level; lycee; native; non; participants; parts; percent; programs; relation; research; results; sarıgöz; scale; school; second; self; settings; significant; skills; social; students; table; target; teacher; teacher trainees; teaching; topics; trainees; undecided; university; way; world; year cache: iojet-67.pdf plain text: iojet-67.txt item: #561 of 681 id: iojet-670 author: Adamu, Idris; Soykan, Emrah title: CONTENT ANALYSES ON THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN DYSLEXIA: THE ARTICLES IN THE WEB OF SCIENCE DATA BASE date: 2019-10-05 words: 3496 flesch: 44 summary: It was observed that assistive technology is the most widely used field in technology for dyslexia. Assistive technology provides students with learning disabilities opportunities to perform better in academic environments. keywords: adamu; adults; articles; assistive; children; collection; content; data; difficulties; disabilities; disability; disorder; dyslexia; education; fields; frequency; group; highest; intelligence; international; iojet; journal; language; learning; march; method; number; online; people; quantitative; reading; research; results; sample; science; soykan; students; studies; study; table; teaching; technology; tools; traditional; university; usage; use; web; writing; year cache: iojet-670.pdf plain text: iojet-670.txt item: #562 of 681 id: iojet-672 author: Goel, Chanchal title: IMPROVING PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES OF IN-SERVICE TEACHERS IN DELHI: Teacher Development Coordinators (TDCs) an Innovative Project date: 2019-07-06 words: 4024 flesch: 49 summary: 1.5.Academic Resource Team To support TDCs in school, an Academic Resource Team (ART) has been developed in each school consisting of a diverse group of a secondary teacher (10 % of total teachers with minimum 5 teachers) having intrinsic motivation to implement classroom strategies based on the theme and to be the role model for other school teachers. Major problems and issues of teacher education. keywords: academic; art; classroom; coordinator; curriculum; cycle; delhi; development; discussions; education; effective; experience; feedback; goel; government; improvement; international; iojet; journal; learning; lesson; lic; meetings; members; mentor; new; observations; online; planning; practice; pre; professional; programme; research; role; school; service; sessions; share; strategies; students; support; system; tdc; tdcs; teachers; teaching; theme; time; training; understanding cache: iojet-672.pdf plain text: iojet-672.txt item: #563 of 681 id: iojet-679 author: Baştaş, Mert; Koc, Ahmet title: PROJECT SCHOOLS AS A SCHOOL-BASED MANAGEMENT MODEL date: 2019-10-05 words: 8758 flesch: 50 summary: It can be predicted that this new management model will be sustainable and even popularized if PS teachers present a good teamwork under an effective education leader and these schools contribute to society. Organizational citizenship of faculty and achievement of high school students. keywords: academic; activities; adequacy; analysis; anxiety; authority; auxiliary; bastas; behaviors; better; building; changes; citizenship; climate; codes; collective; data; different; education; effective; effectiveness; environment; exam; facilities; features; good; high; important; increase; infrastructure; international; interview; iojet; job; journal; koç; leadership; learning; making; management; managerial; managers; means; meb; method; model; negative; new; online; organizational; participants; personnel; physical; positive; principal; professional; programs; projects; quality; questionnaire; questions; research; satisfaction; school; self; semi; service; social; staff; structured; students; success; table; teachers; teaching; team; teamwork; terms; theme; time; turkish; university; working; world; years cache: iojet-679.pdf plain text: iojet-679.txt item: #564 of 681 id: iojet-68 author: Svoboda, Manuela title: Language Biographies of two Croatian Lecturers: Comparison of Foreign Language Acquisition date: 2014-10-01 words: 5053 flesch: 54 summary: 2009 - 2014 doctoral study (University of Klagenfurt, Austria), completed with the doctoral dissertation: Der Einfluss der Muttersprache auf den schriftlichen Ausdruck und das Übersetzen von muttersprachlichen Texten ins Deutsche bei DaF-Studierenden in Kroatien (The mother tongue influence on written essays and translations of texts from mother tongue into German language of German as foreign language students in Croatia). When it comes to reading, there are also no differences, as both of them read specialist literature, journals and other print media in German language on a daily basis. keywords: acquisition; analysis; assesses; assessment; basis; biographies; communication; comparison; competency; croatian; daily; der; differences; english; foreign; foreign language; french; friends; german; german language; good; grammar; guided; italian; knowledge; language; language acquisition; language biographies; lecturer; lessons; level; literature; mother; mother language; native; order; position; question; research; rijeka; school; second; second language; self; study; svoboda; teaching; time; und; university; way; week cache: iojet-68.pdf plain text: iojet-68.txt item: #565 of 681 id: iojet-684 author: Vithanapathirana, Manjula; Nettikumara, Lakshmi title: IMPROVING SECONDARY SCIENCE INSTRUCTION THROUGH CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING (CLIL) IN SRI LANKA date: 2020-01-13 words: 3953 flesch: 47 summary: Arising from the fact- finding needs analysis, the intervention designed included researcher-led teacher workshops to support teachers to plan CLIL lessons. This study focused on Vithanapathirana & Lakshmi 142 the aspects of teaching-learning resource texts and CLIL lesson planning through a developmental perspective. keywords: action; activity; bilingual; bilingual education; clil; content; curriculum; education; english; facilitation; foreign; implementation; instruction; international; intervention; iojet; journal; lakshmi; language; lanka; learning; lesson; materials; medium; ministry; model; national; need; planning; plans; research; school; science; secondary; skills; sri; sri lanka; stream; students; study; subjects; support; teachers; teaching; university; vithanapathirana; workshop cache: iojet-684.pdf plain text: iojet-684.txt item: #566 of 681 id: iojet-69 author: Sülü, Ayfer; Kır, Elif title: Language Teachers' Views on CEFR date: 2014-10-01 words: 3048 flesch: 60 summary: What do language teachers know about CEF? It is clearly seen that foreign language teachers need in-service training on CEFR. keywords: activities; assessment; cef; cefr; common; consideration; council; different; document; education; european; foreign; framework; issues; items; knowledge; language; learners; learning; morrow; need; order; participants; reference; skills; study; sülü; table; teachers; teaching; tool; training; university; use cache: iojet-69.pdf plain text: iojet-69.txt item: #567 of 681 id: iojet-692 author: Eren, Ömer title: TEACHER AUTONOMY FROM A CROSS-CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE: A REPERTORY GRID STUDY FOR BELIEFS AND PRACTICES date: 2020-01-13 words: 6724 flesch: 59 summary: Teacher autonomy from a cross-cultural perspective: A repertory grid study for beliefs and practices. Keywords: Teacher autonomy, repertory grid, teacher cognition, cross-cultural perspective 1. keywords: analysis; autonomous; autonomous teachers; autonomy; aware; change; characteristics; classroom; collaborative; constructs; cultural; curriculum; data; development; different; education; environment; esteem; figure; findings; freedom; good; grid; group; important; international; interviews; iojet; issue; journal; language; learners; learning; lesson; life; necessary; observations; online; opinions; order; participants; people; perspective; point; practices; professional; reflective; repertory; researcher; role; second; self; students; studies; study; teacher autonomy; teachers; teaching; technology; turkey; university; work cache: iojet-692.pdf plain text: iojet-692.txt item: #568 of 681 id: iojet-693 author: Mahmoodi, Farzaneh; Buğra, Cemile title: THE EFFECTS OF USING RUBRICS AND FACE TO FACE FEEDBACK IN TEACHING WRITING SKILL IN HIGHER EDUCATION date: 2020-01-13 words: 4359 flesch: 57 summary: The responses of the participants to two open-ended questions of the questionnaire which elicited their viewpoints about the effectiveness of teaching writing rubric are displayed in Table 1. Implications This study indicates some support for using instructional writing rubrics and face to face feedback by teachers to improve students writing skill. keywords: analysis; andrade; assessment; better; content; data; education; errors; essay; excerpt; face; face feedback; feedback; focused; fuchs; giving; group; instruction; interview; learning; mahmoudi; mistakes; parts; performance; quality; research; rubrics; school; sentences; skill; students; study; teachers; teaching; use; writing; writing skill cache: iojet-693.pdf plain text: iojet-693.txt item: #569 of 681 id: iojet-699 author: Su Bergil, Ayfer title: METACOGNITIVE AWARENESS OF PROSPECTIVE EFL TEACHERS AS PREDICTORS FOR COURSE ACHIEVEMENT: TEACHING ENGLISH TO YOUNG LEARNERS date: 2020-01-13 words: 6705 flesch: 49 summary: All in all, reflecting on the answer of how the metacognitive awareness levels of prospective EFL teachers affect their teaching skills consisting their 'course grades', first of all it draws attention to the concerns of Microteaching, in that, it provides opportunities for prospective teachers to practice the teaching skills in an artificial environment before the actual teaching setting they will experience in their future career, which makes it such kind of a practical teacher training technique (Yusuf, 2006). Metacognitive awareness of prospective EFL teachers as predictors for course achievement: Teaching English to young learners. keywords: 3rd; 4th; amasya; awareness; awareness levels; beliefs; bergil; candidates; comprehension; conditional; course; data; debugging; declarative; dimensions; distribution; education; efl; english; evaluation; flavell; grade; information; international; inventory; iojet; items; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; levels; management; mean; metacognitive; metacognitive awareness; micro; monitoring; normal; online; overall; overall metacognitive; participants; planning; procedural; process; prospective; prospective teachers; research; results; sciences; scores; self; skills; social; strategies; students; study; sub; table; teachers; teaching; teaching skills; test; university; values; variables; young cache: iojet-699.pdf plain text: iojet-699.txt item: #570 of 681 id: iojet-70 author: Burgucu Tazegul, Assiye title: USE, MISUSE AND OVERUSE OF ‘ON THE OTHER HAND’: A CORPUS STUDY COMPARING ENGLISH OF NATIVE SPEAKERS AND LEARNERS date: 2015-04-01 words: 5215 flesch: 52 summary: In other words, there is a significant difference between them. In other words, the professional writers used this connector less often than the Turkish doctoral writers (2% versus 9%). keywords: 2(2; academic; advanced; adverbial; analysis; antithetic; applied; coca; concessive; connectives; connector; control; corpora; corpus; data; differences; different; discourse; doctoral; education; efl; english; example; field; frequency; genres; hand; international; iojet; journal; language; learners; linguistics; literature; logical; milton; misuse; native; non; online; overuse; paper; replacive; research; results; second; sentences; similar; speakers; spoken; students; studies; study; tazegül; teaching; theoretical; turkish; university; use; users; words; writers; writing cache: iojet-70.pdf plain text: iojet-70.txt item: #571 of 681 id: iojet-703 author: Ak Şentürk, Burcu; Demir, Hüseyin title: CONTRIBUTION OF THE ELP USE ON LEARNING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE date: 2019-10-05 words: 7962 flesch: 62 summary: The ELP is an archive whereby language students through formal or casual instruction can record and consider their very own language learning and encounters of culture. In developing the Finnish ELP Project, Kohonen (2004) focuses on the pedagogical significance of the ELP as a tool for reflective learning and he explores reflection based on students’ self-understanding as language learners in the learning process. keywords: analysis; assessment; attitudes; autonomy; chance; council; data; demir; descriptors; education; elp; english; european; european language; evaluation; foreign; foreign language; goals; help; international; interviews; iojet; journal; kohonen; language; language learning; language portfolio; learner autonomy; learners; learning; level; little; mirici; motivation; objectives; october; online; portfolio; positive; problems; process; processes; questionnaire; questions; report; research; results; self; set; skills; strasbourg; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; term; tool; turkey; turkish; university; use; words; şentürk cache: iojet-703.pdf plain text: iojet-703.txt item: #572 of 681 id: iojet-704 author: Retnowati, Sri; Riyadi; Subanti, Sri title: THE STEM APPROACH: THE DEVELOPMENT OF RECTANGULAR MODULE TO IMPROVE CRITICAL THINKING SKILL date: 2020-01-13 words: 5847 flesch: 51 summary: Critical thinking skill is one of the innovations in the 21st century, where students are expected to be able to handle problems in the future. Critical thinking skills of students can be seen from several indicators to achieve the critical thinking aspects. keywords: ability; approach; assessment; bridge; category; class; control; critical; critical thinking; development; education; engineering; excellent; experimental; experts; form; gain; good; high; industrial; integration; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learning; limited; material; mathematics; maximum; media; module; online; process; product; rectangular; rectangular module; research; results; retnowati; revolution; riyadi; scale; school; science; score; skills; stem; stem approach; students; study; subanti; table; teachers; teaching; technology; terms; test; thinking; thinking skill; use cache: iojet-704.pdf plain text: iojet-704.txt item: #573 of 681 id: iojet-706 author: Öztürk, Nurhan; Erabdan, Hilal title: THE PERCEPTION OF SCIENCE TEACHERS ON SOCIO-SCIENTIFIC ISSUES AND TEACHING THEM date: 2019-10-05 words: 11356 flesch: 59 summary: The perception of science teachers on socio-scientific issues and teaching them. Öztürk & Erabdan 960 THE PERCEPTION OF SCIENCE TEACHERS ON SOCIO- SCIENTIFIC ISSUES AND TEACHING THEM Nurhan Öztürk keywords: analysis; area; categories; classes; classroom; course; curriculum; data; decision; determined; different; dilemma; education; erabdan; examples; explanations; f=1; female; findings; focus; form; group; important; international; interviews; iojet; issues; journal; knowledge; learning; literacy; making; media; methods; nuclear; online; opinions; perception; present; process; question; research; researchers; sadler; schools; science curriculum; science education; science issues; science literacy; science teachers; scientific; scientific issues; sinop; social; society; socio; socioscientific; ssi; st10; st13; st14; st15; st16; st17; st18; st19; st20; st21; st22; st4; st5; st7; st8; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; techniques; technology; use; years; years science; zeidler; öztürk cache: iojet-706.pdf plain text: iojet-706.txt item: #574 of 681 id: iojet-707 author: Yin, Qinghua; Satar, Müge title: ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNER INTERACTIONS WITH CHATBOTS: NEGOTIATION FOR MEANING date: 2020-04-04 words: 9159 flesch: 54 summary: International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2020, 7(2), 390-410 401 4.4 Learners’ Modified Output (RQ4) Table 9 demonstrates the amount of modified output by learners, the amount of total NfM routines, and the relative percentage of modified output observed in all NfM routines in language learner interactions with chatbots. The findings of this study indicate that while learners with low language levels would benefit most from interactions with pedagogical agents, high language level learners expressed dissatisfaction with chatbots and a low level of engagement was observed in their interactions with the pedagogical chatbot. keywords: acquisition; analysis; chatbots; communication; computer; coniam; content; conversational; data; different; discourse; education; english; face; findings; following; fryer; group; high; high language; higher; human; interactions; international; iojet; jiang; journal; language; language learning; language level; learners; learning; level; level learners; lexical; line; linguistic; low; low language; lower; meaning; mike; mitsuku; modified; native; negotiation; nfm; nfm routines; nns; non; number; online; opportunities; output; participants; pedagogical; potential; questions; reaction; research; response; routines; satar; scmc; second; smith; stages; studies; study; table; teaching; time; topics; total; triggers; tutor; tutor mike; types; understanding; university; words; yin cache: iojet-707.pdf plain text: iojet-707.txt item: #575 of 681 id: iojet-709 author: Çorakçı, Neslihan; Demirezen, Mehmet title: THE AUDITORY PERCEPTION OF NORTH AMERICAN ENGLISH DIPHTHONGS IN VOCABULARY ITEMS BY ENGLISH TEACHERS IN TURKEY date: 2020-04-04 words: 5119 flesch: 63 summary: Diphthongs are the sounds in which tongue glides from one position to another to form diphthongs (Fromkin, V., et al 2001, p. 693). American English diphthongs will be focused on thorough the study. keywords: /aɪ/; /aʊ/; /oʊ/; /ɔɪ/; activities; american; auditory; data; demirezen; different; difficult; diphthongs; education; english; english teachers; following; following words; form; international; iojet; items; journal; language; learners; level; like; long; mone; native; non; ones; online; participants; perception; point; post; pre; pronunciation; questions; research; results; school; second; significant; sound; study; syllable; system; teachers; teaching; test; tongue; training; turkey; turkish; university; vocabulary; vowel; words; çorakçı cache: iojet-709.pdf plain text: iojet-709.txt item: #576 of 681 id: iojet-71 author: Şenol, Yeşim; Bilgin Aksu, Mualla title: A CLINICAL SUPERVISION AND PEER CONSULTATION PRACTICE IN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING PROCESS date: 2015-01-10 words: 4826 flesch: 48 summary: I will try to correct them in next practices.” of Faculty Members on Advantages of Clinical Supervision Some opinions of faculty members on the advantages of clinical supervision are given below: Faculty members indicate that the practice is useful and should be involved in the programme. Mualla Bilgin Aksu Abstract To test the effectiveness of clinical supervision as an assessment method in the practices of faculty members attending PBL courses, to determine the effectiveness of the courses and to discuss its conformity for faculties of medicine. keywords: akdeniz; aksu; assessment; clinical; clinical supervision; consultant; consultation; data; development; education; faculty; faculty members; group; iojet; journal; learning; medical; medicine; members; method; opinions; pbl; peer; practice; problem; process; quality; recording; research; results; sessions; skills; steps; students; study; subject; supervision; supervisors; teaching; time; university; useful; video; şenol cache: iojet-71.pdf plain text: iojet-71.txt item: #577 of 681 id: iojet-715 author: kristiyanto, wahyu; Gunarhadi; Indriayu, Mintasih title: THE EFFECT OF THE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY AND THE QUANTUM TEACHING MODELS ON LEARNING OUTCOMES OF STUDENTS IN THE NATURAL SCIENCE COURSE IN RELATION WITH THEIR CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS date: 2020-01-13 words: 6268 flesch: 52 summary: The quality of education can be known and measured from student learning outcomes that are manifested in the values obtained by students. Many factors affect student learning outcomes. keywords: ability; activities; analysis; average; better; critical; critical thinking; data; development; differences; distribution; education; factors; group; gunarhadi; high; high critical; indonesia; indriayu; international; iojet; journal; kristiyanto; learning; learning model; learning outcomes; low; low critical; medium; medium critical; model; natural; natural science; normal; outcomes; problems; process; quantum; quantum teaching; relationship; research; results; school; science; science learning; science technology; sig; skills; society; sts; students; study; table; teacher; teaching; teaching learning; teaching model; technology; test; thinking; thinking skills; value cache: iojet-715.pdf plain text: iojet-715.txt item: #578 of 681 id: iojet-717 author: Han, Shin-Il; Son , Hyesook title: EFFECTS OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF INTERPERSONAL COMPETENCE AMONG STUDENTS IN CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENTS date: 2020-01-13 words: 4792 flesch: 47 summary: Keywords: cooperative learning, problem-based learning, interpersonal competence, agreeableness, extraversion 1. This study, however, focuses more on the process of the students’ development in interpersonal competence, and explains the relationship between cooperative learning and interpersonal competence in terms of the personality traits. keywords: acl; active; activity; agreeableness; analysis; classroom; competence; cooperative; cooperative learning; costa; descriptive; education; effects; extraversion; factors; gillies; group; han; human; individual; international; interpersonal; interpersonal competence; inventory; iojet; items; journal; learning; management; mccrae; members; neo; online; pbl; personality; positive; problem; qualitative; question; questionnaire; research; responses; results; samples; satisfaction; skills; social; students; studies; study; table; teaching; teamwork; test; traits; university cache: iojet-717.pdf plain text: iojet-717.txt item: #579 of 681 id: iojet-718 author: Zengin, Buğra title: USE OF FILM SCRIPTS AND THEIR TRANSLATIONS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE date: 2019-10-05 words: 7457 flesch: 58 summary: The translations of creative language uses were beneficial in terms of creative language use. This was carried out comparing the original scripts and those translated in Turkish and do creative dialogue/anecdote writing focusing on appropriacy and variety in language use. keywords: accent; activities; agreement; attitudes; audio; audio language; awareness; benefit; chunks; combination; creative; education; english; english audio; english language; examples; females; film; general; half; items; journal; language; language use; learning; level; likert; listening; matielo; movies; number; participants; process; questions; reading; sample; scale; scripts; series; shows; skills; students; study; subtitles; tasks; teaching; terms; translation; turkish; undecided; use; vocabulary; words; writing; zengin cache: iojet-718.pdf plain text: iojet-718.txt item: #580 of 681 id: iojet-721 author: Kani, Zeynep Gülşah title: HOW PARTICIPATORY IS LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION?: TRAINEES’ PERSPECTIVES date: 2020-01-13 words: 10468 flesch: 46 summary: This exploratory study with both cognitive-interactionist and sociocultural perspectives aims at shedding light on the ELT trainees’ views about the use of such tools through project work during their pre-service teacher training courses at a Turkish university under a mixed-methods research design. A thick description of the trainees’ interpretations of their engagement with project work displayed that participants supported the use of such tools as a teaching strategy that values themes and contents of their interest and choice regarding learning and teaching language skills and research. keywords: academic; activities; activity; approach; authentic; autonomy; beckett; cambridge; classes; classroom; cognitive; collaborative; community; concepts; context; course; data; development; different; education; efl; elt; english; esl; experience; experiential; foreign; goals; good; group; identity; international; iojet; items; johnson; journal; kani; knowledge; language; language education; language learning; language teacher; learners; learning; lecturer; means; methodology; new; online; open; opportunities; participants; participation; participatory; pbl; perceptions; perspective; practice; pre; press; problems; process; production; professional; project; project work; questionnaire; questions; real; related; research; role; school; second; service; skills; social; sociocultural; speaking; students; studies; study; tasks; teacher; teacher education; teacher trainees; teaching; technology; theoretical; theory; time; tool; trainees; training; turkey; turkish; understanding; university; unpublished; use; views; work; writing; year cache: iojet-721.pdf plain text: iojet-721.txt item: #581 of 681 id: iojet-722 author: Bedir, Hasan title: DEVELOPING A FRAMEWORK FOR THE INTEGRATION OF 21ST CENTURY LEARNING AND INNOVATION SKILLS INTO PRE-SERVICE ELT TEACHERS’ PRACTICUM date: 2019-10-05 words: 6359 flesch: 43 summary: Thus, the 21st century, pre-service teacher education programs should strongly consider 21st-century learning and innovation skills, namely 4Cs, which enable pre-service teachers to achieve basic competencies in their future teaching experience. To face the unknown future, pre-service teachers must not only develop their understanding of how particular approaches are used but they must also be resilient enough to adapt and apply them to different learning and teaching situations. keywords: 21st; 21st century; 4cs; activities; analysis; assessment; bedir; century; century learning; century skills; classroom; collaboration; communication; competences; content; countries; creativity; critical; curriculum; data; development; education; effective; elt; ended; english; evaluation; feedback; focus; framework; future; innovation; instructional; integration; international; interviews; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; lesson; methods; need; new; observation; oecd; online; participants; pedagogical; plans; practice; practicum; pre; process; professional; questions; research; service; service teachers; skills; students; studies; study; support; teacher education; teachers; teaching; technology; thinking; training; university cache: iojet-722.pdf plain text: iojet-722.txt item: #582 of 681 id: iojet-723 author: Seitova, Meruyert title: STUDENT TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF REFLECTIVE PRACTICE date: 2019-10-05 words: 3474 flesch: 51 summary: In-service English teacher’s perceptions of reflective teacher diary to promote professional development. Abstract The present study aims at engaging ELT student teachers in reflective teaching practice through the use of reflective diary during their school internship and finding out their perceptions about this reflective teaching practice that they were engaged in. keywords: classroom; data; development; diary; education; english; experiences; feedback; future; international; iojet; journal; language; learning; online; participants; perceptions; practice; process; professional; reflective; reflective diary; reflective practice; research; results; seitova; self; service; student; study; teachers; teaching; theory; thinking; tool; use; way; writing cache: iojet-723.pdf plain text: iojet-723.txt item: #583 of 681 id: iojet-724 author: Koşar, Gülten; Bedir, Hasan title: A COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION OF PRACTICUM EXPERIENCE: FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF PRESERVICE EFL TEACHERS date: 2019-10-05 words: 8748 flesch: 48 summary: Thomas (2017) produced a paper by taking into account his own experiences of accompanying PTs in their practicum experiences, using interview transcripts obtained from participants and critical discussions with other scholars in teacher education. Practicum serves a vital role in teacher education because what teaching is and its complexities are can be contemplated in a more comprehensive manner while teaching real students in real classes. keywords: analysis; associate; associate teachers; bedir; chance; collaboration; confidence; courses; data; department; development; diaries; diary; education; effectiveness; english; evaluation; experiences; feedback; findings; focus; forms; good; group; initial; international; interview; iojet; journal; knowledge; koşar; language; learning; lesson; mentor; need; online; participants; peflts; practice; practicum; practicum experiences; preservice; professional; program; pts; real; reflection; research; results; role; school; self; skills; students; study; supervisors; teacher; teacher education; teaching; time; university; university supervisors; work cache: iojet-724.pdf plain text: iojet-724.txt item: #584 of 681 id: iojet-727 author: Matriano, Eric Agullana title: ENSURING STUDENT-CENTERED, CONSTRUCTIVIST AND PROJECT-BASED EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING APPLYING THE EXPLORATION, RESEARCH, INTERACTION AND CREATION (ERIC) LEARNING MODEL date: 2020-01-13 words: 5251 flesch: 44 summary: This phase emphasizes a variety of different activities that shifts the role of the instructors from providers of information to facilitating student learning. The theory of experiential learning by David Kolb (1984) has greatly contributed to the increasing philosophy of experiential education concepts and models. keywords: active; activities; attitude; college; constructivist; cooperative; creation; development; direct; ecotourism; education; environmental; eric; eric learning; experiences; experiential; experiential learning; exploration; group; information; interaction; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; kolb; learners; learning; learning model; matriano; meaning; method; model; observation; online; performance; phase; phenomenon; practice; pre; problem; process; project; reflective; research; science; scores; significant; skills; stage; strategies; students; teacher; teaching; test; theory; topics cache: iojet-727.pdf plain text: iojet-727.txt item: #585 of 681 id: iojet-73 author: Aktekin, Nafiye Çiğdem; Uysal Gliniecki, Ayşegül title: ELT STUDENTS’ BELIEFS ABOUT AND STRATEGY USE OF TRANSLATION date: 2015-01-10 words: 5119 flesch: 65 summary: Appendix SURVEYS Survey for Beliefs about Translation Dear Students, We would like you to fill in the questionnaire sincerely in order to help us to conduct our research on the use of translation strategies. Survey for Translation as a Learning Strategy Dear Students, We would like you to fill in the questionnaire sincerely in order to help us to conduct our research on the use of translation strategies. keywords: aktekin; beliefs; chamot; comprehension; correlation; education; elt; english; english language; english learning; findings; foreign; help; international; iojet; items; journal; language; language learning; learners; learning; learning strategies; new; number; online; oxford; participants; positive; process; reading; research; results; role; rubin; second; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; translation; turkish; turkish translation; university; use; uysal; vocabulary; wenden cache: iojet-73.pdf plain text: iojet-73.txt item: #586 of 681 id: iojet-731 author: Kuluşaklı, Emine; Yumru, Hülya title: THE EFFECT OF THE EXPLICIT STRATEGY TRAINING ON LEARNER AUTONOMY date: 2020-04-04 words: 5662 flesch: 67 summary: Keywords: language learning strategies, learner autonomy, explicit strategy training, EFL 1. As one of the ways, language learning strategies play an important role in fostering learner autonomy. keywords: autonomous; autonomy; capacity; chamot; class; course; diary; education; english; evaluation; explicit; increase; international; journal; kuluşaklı; language; language learning; learner; learner autonomy; learning; learning strategies; objectives; participants; post; practice; pre; process; reading; results; self; skills; stage; strategies; strategy; strategy training; students; study; table; teacher; teaching; test; test post; training; university; use; vol; wang; yumru cache: iojet-731.pdf plain text: iojet-731.txt item: #587 of 681 id: iojet-733 author: Peker, Hilal; Torlak, Metin; Toprak-Çelen, Esma; Eren, Gamze; Günsan, Meral title: LANGUAGE TEACHER IDENTITY CONSTRUCTION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING ASSISTANTS date: 2020-01-13 words: 9197 flesch: 53 summary: Esma Toprak-Çelen Gamze Eren Meral Günsan Abstract Language teacher identity has been studied in several contexts in English Language Teaching (ELT) field; however, looking at language teacher identity in a United States context in which teachers from other countries teach their native languages as a foreign language has been a rare topic so far. The results are presented under the framework of language teacher identity. keywords: academic; american; assistants; challenges; classroom; context; countries; country; cultural; culture; current; data; different; education; english; experiences; face; factors; findings; flta; foreign; foreign language; framework; günsan; home; hours; identities; identity; international; interviews; iojet; journal; language; language teacher; learners; learning; main; materials; native; native language; new; non; online; participant; pedagogical; peker; people; phenomenological; practice; professional; program; questions; research; researchers; second; self; social; speaker; states; students; study; teacher; teacher education; teacher identity; teaching; themes; toprak; torlak; turkish; united; university; use; vietnamese; week; yazan; year; çelen cache: iojet-733.pdf plain text: iojet-733.txt item: #588 of 681 id: iojet-736 author: ABBAOUI, Messaoud; MEFOUED, Boualem; RAHMANE, Ali title: TETRAHEDRON CYBER DIPL TO IMPROVE TEACHING, LEARNING AND DIGITAL EQUITY IN THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTURE date: 2020-01-13 words: 6529 flesch: 47 summary: Lastly, one hundred sixty-seven students (51.86%) defined digital equity in higher education as equal access to the internet, and digital technology for everyone without exception, a quest for digital knowledge for all university community or an access to modern information, and communication technology. Tetrahedron Cyber DiPL to improve teaching, learning and digital equity in the institute of architecture. keywords: abbaoui; access; algeria; apprenticeship; architecture; communication; computer; cyber; cyber dipl; design; development; device; didactic; digital; digital equity; dipl; education; equity; findings; higher; houssaye; information; institute; interactive; international; internet; iojet; item; journal; knowledge; learners; learning; lombard; mefoued; online; pedagogical; pedagogical triangle; pedagogy; pole; practice; pupil; questions; rahmane; research; resources; scientific; situations; statement; students; study; survey; table; teacher; teaching; technologies; technology; tetrahedron; tetrahedron cyber; theoretical; triangle; types; use; views cache: iojet-736.pdf plain text: iojet-736.txt item: #589 of 681 id: iojet-74 author: Ganihar, Noorjehan Nazim title: A STUDY OF QUALITY INDICATORS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF HEADS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS date: 2015-01-10 words: 3519 flesch: 51 summary: Heads in high effective schools (mean=119.7778) and average effective schools (mean=114.9244) differ significantly with respect to leadership qualities of Heads of schools. Heads in high effective schools are high on leadership qualities than in average effective schools. keywords: assumption; attitude; average effective; character; decision; different; dimension; education; effective schools; effectiveness; good; heads; high effective; hypothesis; instructional; knowledge; leadership; leadership qualities; levels; low effective; making; management; personal; quality; respect; results; study; table; teachers; time; time management; value; vision cache: iojet-74.pdf plain text: iojet-74.txt item: #590 of 681 id: iojet-749 author: Arslan, Gülçin; Kafes, Huseyin title: TURKISH PREP SCHOOL EFL STUDENTS’ BELIEFS ABOUT LANGUAGE LEARNING date: 2021-03-29 words: 8449 flesch: 57 summary: In terms of the likely correlation between language learning beliefs and success, the researcher found no statistically significant relationship between beliefs about language learning and achievement/success. Similarly, no significant relationship was found between age and components of language learning beliefs, such as language difficulty, language learning strategy, and the nature of language learning. keywords: .05; anova; arslan; balli; beliefs; data; difficulty; education; efl; english; english language; expectations; factors; features; female; finding; foreign language; gender; groups; higher; horwitz;; international; inventory; iojet; journal; kafes; language aptitude; language difficulty; language learning; language proficiency; learner; learning beliefs; learning process; learning strategy; level; mean; motivation; online; participants; prep; process; proficiency; proficiency level; question; rank; relationship; research; results; school; second; significant; social; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; success; table; teachers; teaching; test; total; turkey; turkish; university; use; values; way; wenden cache: iojet-749.pdf plain text: iojet-749.txt item: #591 of 681 id: iojet-75 author: Yangın Ekşi, Gonca; Aşık, Asuman title: ENRICHING MICROTEACHING IN TEACHING ENGLISH TO YOUNG LEARNERS (TEYL): AN ACTION RESEARCH date: 2015-01-09 words: 8108 flesch: 62 summary: Regardless of their major, graduates of an English medium university can also become language teachers provided that they have a pedagogical certificate in Turkey. Training foreign language teachers: A reflective approach. keywords: action; activities; actual; analysis; appropriate; aşık; body; children; classroom; concerns; copland; course; curriculum; data; development; difficult; early; education; ekşi; elt; enever; english; english language; experience; field; foreign; garton; instructions; international; introduction; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; language teaching; learners; learning; level; like; materials; microteaching; native; need; number; online; peers; policy; practice; pre; primary; programs; psts; questions; reactions; real; reflection; research; researchers; schools; service; skills; storytelling; study; target; teacher; teaching; teyl; themes; training; turkey; turkish; university; use; young; young learners cache: iojet-75.pdf plain text: iojet-75.txt item: #592 of 681 id: iojet-752 author: Mirici, Semra; Uzel, Nurcan title: VIEWPOINTS AND SELF-EFFICACY OF TEACHERS PARTICIPATED IN PROJECT TRAINING TOWARDS PROJECT-BASED LEARNING date: 2019-10-05 words: 8716 flesch: 56 summary: Önen, Mertoğlu, Saka, Gürdal (2010), it was revealed that a significant part of the teachers participating in the “Project for teacher training project” gained the competence to make projects as a result of the examination of the projects they prepared during in-service training. Önen, Mertoğlu, Saka, Gürdal (2010) found that in their research on the teachers participating in the “Project for teacher training project”, there was a positive increase in the knowledge of the teachers on the current issues and their misconceptions about project-based learning were eliminated. keywords: achievement; addition; analysis; approach; aydın; biology; branch; chemistry; codes; consultancy; content; course; data; dergisi; difference; difficult; education; efficacy; efficacy scale; evaluation; experimental; eğitim; fakültesi; gender; group; important; information; international; iojet; journal; lack; learning; level; literature; management; mathematics; method; mirici; online; pbl; physics; planning; post; pre; preparation; problems; process; program; project; project consultancy; qualitative; question; related; report; research; results; review; scale; science; scientific; scores; self; significant; skills; stages; statistical; students; studies; study; subject; tabanlı; table; teachers; teaching; test; time; topic; training; use; uzel; variable; views; writing; öğrenme; üniversitesi cache: iojet-752.pdf plain text: iojet-752.txt item: #593 of 681 id: iojet-759 author: YILDIRIM, Fatih Serdar; Say, Serkan title: FLIPPED CLASSROOM IMPLEMENTATION IN SCIENCE TEACHING date: 2020-04-04 words: 6810 flesch: 57 summary: Flipped classroom model consists of two main components. The effects of flipped classroom model on learner autonomy (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). keywords: 8th; academic; achievement; active; activities; advantages; akademik; application; better; classroom; classroom model; collection; control; course; data; dergisi; education; effect; ein; environment; experimental; eğitim; fatih; findings; grade; group; home; implementation; information; interaction; international; internet; interviews; iojet; journal; learning; learning model; lisans; matter; method; model; online; opinions; practice; problems; project; qualitative; questions; reliability; research; results; school; science; semi; structured; students; studies; study; subject; success; sınıf; teacher; teaching; technologies; technology; ters; test; tezi; time; traditional; university; use; yayımlanmamış; yüksek; yüz; yıldırım; üniversitesi cache: iojet-759.pdf plain text: iojet-759.txt item: #594 of 681 id: iojet-76 author: Sülü, Ayfer title: TEACHER’S POLITENESS IN EFL CLASS date: 2015-09-27 words: 2861 flesch: 66 summary: Positive politeness strategies give importance to the hearers’ face, minimize the potential threat of an FTA and the relationship is friendly (e.g. Is it ok for me to have some water?). The aim of the study is to see whether the effects of politeness strategies differ when students and teacher do not share the same culture and native language. keywords: brown; class; classroom; different; efl; english; face; functions; hearer; interaction; jiang; journal; language; levinson; negative; politeness; positive; record; sentences; speech; strategies; strategy; students; study; sülü; teacher; teaching; university; want cache: iojet-76.pdf plain text: iojet-76.txt item: #595 of 681 id: iojet-760 author: Ni'ma, Hanna Novariana Azizah title: REFLECTIVE JOURNALS AS SELF-ASSESSMENT TO PROMOTE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL date: 2020-01-13 words: 5790 flesch: 52 summary: However, to practice student writing, giving tasks, scoring data, teacher's feedback is students' opportunity to improve their writing skill. In the other hand, playfulness, discipline, and responsibility are the characteristics of high motivation students. keywords: addition; assessment; class; classroom; control; data; different; education; english; feedback; high; high motivation; higher; highest; ideas; journals; language; learning; level; low; low motivation; mean; method; motivation; motivation students; ni’ma; personal; process; reflective; reflective journals; research; result; sample; self; significant; skill; students; sumardi; tarjana; teacher; teaching; thinking; traditional; traditional writing; university; value; writing; writing method; writing skill cache: iojet-760.pdf plain text: iojet-760.txt item: #596 of 681 id: iojet-761 author: Çetin, Abdullah title: EXAMINING PROJECT-BASED STEM TRAINING IN A PRIMARY SCHOOL date: 2020-06-23 words: 7544 flesch: 55 summary: Based on the research findings, it is suggested that STEM training should be separately implemented without being included in a single discipline. Therefore, the countries aiming to raise a generation equipped with high level skills adopt STEM training (Bybee, 2010). keywords: 7(3; academic; activities; analysis; ankara; araştırma; codes; contribution; course; curriculum; data; design; developed; disciplines; education; engineering; eğitimi; fen; findings; groups; guide; implementation; individuals; integrated; international; iojet; journal; learning; life; manual; matematik; materials; mathematics; mone; mühendislik; number; online; opinions; order; participants; participation; parts; practices; primary; problems; process; product; project; qualitative; research; s12; s13; s15; school; science; set; skills; solving; stages; stem; stem education; stem training; students; studies; study; suggestions; table; tasks; teachers; teaching; team; technology; thinking; time; training; turkey; university; work; working; yıldırım; çetin cache: iojet-761.pdf plain text: iojet-761.txt item: #597 of 681 id: iojet-763 author: Solmaz, Osman title: THE NATURE AND POTENTIAL OF DIGITAL COLLABORATIVE READING PRACTICES FOR DEVELOPING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE date: 2020-10-01 words: 7357 flesch: 48 summary: Learner annotation featuring an image as a means of a within-reading support Annotating an excerpt from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet as seen above, a discussion leader incorporated an image depicting the characters in the play, which might have helped learners to follow the storyline better. Introduction The development in information and communication technologies presented many opportunities for individuals to take part in technology-enhanced interactions, which can be leveraged in ways to create pedagogical spaces for language learners to engage in socio- interactive literacy practices (Kessler, 2018). keywords: activities; analysis; annotated; annotations; collaborative; collaborative reading; comments; comprehension; computer; context; course; dat; data; digital; discussion; education; efl; engagement; english; experiences; figure; final; foreign; group; higher; instructor; international; iojet; ips; journal; language; learners; learning; linguistic; literacies; nature; number; online; participants; pedagogical; period; poole; posts; potential; practices; present; project; reading; research; rps; second; skills; social; social reading; solmaz; students; study; teaching; text; thoms; tool; use; vocabulary; week; writing cache: iojet-763.pdf plain text: iojet-763.txt item: #598 of 681 id: iojet-765 author: Bülbül, Buket Özüm; Güler, Mustafa; Gürsoy, Kadir; Güven, Bülent title: FOR WHAT PURPOSE DO THE STUDENT TEACHERS USE DGS? A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON THE CASE OF CONTINUITY date: 2020-06-23 words: 7834 flesch: 55 summary: This current study examines how student teachers (STs) benefit from GeoGebra as one of the Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) while solving continuity problems. When their response was analysed and detailed, it was seen that although the ST was good at interpreting the relation between the limit and the continuity, they were unsuccessful to make connection among the limit value and indefinability, as in Figure 7. 4. Discussion and Conclusion This research was aimed to investigate the purpose of the use of GeoGebra software, which is a DGS for solving continuity problems - these are one of the calculus concepts of mathematics STs. keywords: 7(3; addition; bülbül; calculus; case; collection; computer; concept; context; continuity; continuous; data; definition; dgs; different; dynamic; education; faculty; figure; function; geogebra; geometry; graph; güler; gürsoy; güven; international; interval; iojet; journal; learning; limit; literature; making; mathematics; mathematics education; misconceptions; online; participants; point; problem; process; purposes; question; related; research; result; right; second; similar; software; solving; st4; st5; sts; students; studies; study; tall; teachers; teaching; technology; tool; trabzon; understanding; university; unpublished; use; value; visualization cache: iojet-765.pdf plain text: iojet-765.txt item: #599 of 681 id: iojet-766 author: Zeybek, Gülçin; Şentürk, Cihad title: ANALYSIS OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ LEARNING STYLES ACCORDING TO VERMUNT LEARNING STYLE MODEL date: 2020-04-04 words: 6754 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: learning styles, Vermunt learning style model, pre-service teachers 1. LEARNING STYLES ACCORDING TO VERMUNT LEARNING STYLE MODEL Research Article Gülçin Zeybek Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Cihad Şentürk Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Gülçin Zeybek works currently as an Assistant Professor Doctor at the Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Karaman, Turkey. keywords: activities; age; analysis; concrete; data; deep; development; difference; distribution; education; external; findings; gender; higher; individual; international; inventory; iojet; journal; knowledge; lack; learning; learning styles; mental; model; motives; new; online; order; pre; processing; regulation; research; result; scale; scores; self; service; service teachers; significant; square; strategies; students; studies; study; styles; table; teachers; teaching; test; theories; total; university; variable; vermunt; views; zeybek; şentürk cache: iojet-766.pdf plain text: iojet-766.txt item: #600 of 681 id: iojet-767 author: Kiral, Bilgen title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE EMPOWERMENT OF TEACHERS BY SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS AND ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENTS OF TEACHERS date: 2020-01-13 words: 8869 flesch: 41 summary: In the study conducted by Bogler, Ronit and Somech (2004) on secondary school and high school teachers in Israel, they examined the relationships among teacher empowerment, teachers’ organizational commitment, professional commitment and organizational citizenship. Her research interests are teacher empowerment, educational administration, children rights, values and comparative education. keywords: administrative; administrators; affective; affective commitment; aims; allen; analysis; ankara; authority; bağlılık; behavior; blase; commitment; commitment dimension; commitment levels; communication; continuance; continuance commitment; data; decisions; delegation; development; difference; dimensions; education; employees; empowerment; gender; goals; high; highest; important; increase; international; iojet; items; job; journal; kiral; levels; making; male; management; master; meyer; normative; online; order; organizational; organizational commitment; participation; perceptions; positive; professional; psychological; relationship; research; results; satisfaction; scale; school; school administrators; school commitment; seniority; short; significant; somech; studies; study; support; table; teacher empowerment; teachers; teaching; test; thesis; turkey; university; values; variable; work; years; örgütsel cache: iojet-767.pdf plain text: iojet-767.txt item: #601 of 681 id: iojet-773 author: Tyas, Mei Ardaning; Nurkamto, Joko; Marmanto, Sri title: CULTIVATING STUDENTS’ HIGHER-ORDER THINKING SKILLS IN EFL CLASSES: THE ROLE OF THE TEACHER AND THE TEXTBOOK date: 2020-01-13 words: 5772 flesch: 57 summary: A digital european self-assessment tool for student teachers of foreign languages : The EPOSTL. In spite of the inadequacy of English teachers and English textbooks, this article aims to explore the role of English teachers and English textbooks in cultivating students’ HOTS through English language teaching. keywords: analyzing; belong; bloom; bullying; case; classroom; cognitive; data; education; efl; english; english teacher; english textbook; exercises; higher; hots; information; international; journal; language; learning; level; marmanto; mastery; material; nurkamto; order; order thinking; process; questions; research; result; revised; role; school; skills; students; study; taxonomy; teacher; teaching; textbook; thinking; thinking skills; tyas; understanding cache: iojet-773.pdf plain text: iojet-773.txt item: #602 of 681 id: iojet-774 author: Mustika, Nurika; Nurkamto, Joko; -, Suparno title: INFLUENCE OF QUESTIONING TECHNIQUES IN EFL CLASSES ON DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS date: 2020-01-13 words: 4118 flesch: 50 summary: Teacher questions are not always realized by interrogatives but can appear in the form of statements or commands. Therefore, students rarely respond to teacher questions. keywords: analyzing; bloom; case; class; classroom; cognitive; critical; critical thinking; data; education; english; evaluating; high; higher; hots; information; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; level; low; mustika; new; nurkamto; observation; online; order; order questions; process; questioning; questions; research; skills; students; study; suparno; taxonomy; teacher; teaching; thinking; understanding cache: iojet-774.pdf plain text: iojet-774.txt item: #603 of 681 id: iojet-786 author: Soparno, Desika Rinanda; Tarjana, Sri Samiati title: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS TOWARDS USING MOBILE APPLICATION IN LEARNING SPEAKING date: 2021-07-01 words: 7291 flesch: 49 summary: The findings showed positive perception from the students toward using Learn English Conversation application in learning speaking. They declared that the use of Learn English Conversation application could facilitate them in practicing speaking, bring fun and enjoyable learning during the learning process. keywords: activities; application; audio; classroom; conversation; conversation application; data; devices; education; efl; english; english conversation; english speaking; essential; experience; factors; features; help; international; internet; interview; intonation; journal; language; learn; learn english; learners; learning; lesson; mobile; mobile application; new; participant; perceptions; positive; practice; pronunciation; quota; school; skills; soparno; speaking; students; study; tarjana; teacher; teaching; time; transcript; use; word cache: iojet-786.pdf plain text: iojet-786.txt item: #604 of 681 id: iojet-788 author: Rezaeian, Sahba; Abdollahzadeh, Esmaeel title: TEACHER EFFICACY AND ITS CORRELATES IN THE EFL CONTEXT OF IRAN: THE ROLE OF AGE, EXPERIENCE, AND GENDER date: 2020-10-01 words: 8464 flesch: 48 summary: The current study explored the two types of teacher efficacy (individual and collective teacher efficacy) among Iranian English language instructors. Teacher efficacy is context-specific, i.e. a highly efficacious public high-school English teacher might feel very inefficacious teaching English in private language institutes. keywords: abdollahzadeh; age; analysis; bandura; beliefs; classroom; collective; collective efficacy; collective teacher; competence; construct; context; descriptive; development; differences; different; education; efficacy; efficacy beliefs; efl; engagement; english; experience; female; gender; goddard; higher; hoy; instructional; instructors; international; iojet; iran; iranian; journal; language; level; lower; management; mean; moran; perceptions; performance; psychology; related; relationship; research; results; rezaeian; role; school; self; self efficacy; sense; significant; statistics; student; studies; study; subscales; table; task; teacher; teacher education; teacher efficacy; teacher self; teaching; total; tschannen; tse; university; woolfolk cache: iojet-788.pdf plain text: iojet-788.txt item: #605 of 681 id: iojet-789 author: Karyuatry, Laksnoria; Nurkamto, Joko; Rochsantiningsih, Dewi title: AUTHENTIC MATERIALS FOR FRESHMEN STUDENTS: A CASE OF SPEAKING CLASS IN A PRIVATE UNIVERSITY date: 2020-04-04 words: 5935 flesch: 55 summary: [The teacher also prepared her additional materials based on the current topic in the classroom, such as finding short movies from Youtube channel.](Obv.2, 1/11/2018) International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2020, 7(2), 553-565 561 Based on the data above, it can be concluded that authentic video materials used in teaching speaking are mostly from the Internet such as Youtube, BBC News, Aljazeera News, Amazona News, and ABC News Channels. Besides, from the observation it is found that authentic videos materials used in teaching speaking are mostly from the Internet such as Youtube, BBC News, Aljazeera News, Amazona News, and ABC News Channels. keywords: activity; ams; appearance; articles; audio; authentic; authentic materials; book; cambridge; case; classroom; course; data; development; education; english; foreign; form; image; international; internet; interview; introduction; iojet; journal; karyuatry; kinds; language; language teaching; learners; learning; map; materials; news; nurkamto; observation; online; page; photos; pictures; press; program; reading; real; research; rochsantiningsih; snapshot; source; speaking; students; study; teachers; teaching; texts; types; unit; university; use; useful; video; visual; youtube cache: iojet-789.pdf plain text: iojet-789.txt item: #606 of 681 id: iojet-792 author: Stathopoulou, Maria; Dassi, Petroula title: TEACHING LANGUAGES TO STUDENTS FROM REFUGEE AND MIGRANT BACKGROUNDS AROUND EUROPE: EXPLORING DIFFICULTIES AND TEACHERS’ BELIEFS date: 2020-01-13 words: 10437 flesch: 58 summary: Given the crucial need in the field of language teacher preparation to address the needs of refugee students, the ultimate goal of the research was the development of a teacher training toolkit which would hopefully provide teachers with ideas on how to deal with the challenges related to this new (educational) reality. Questions about their experience with refugee students and their training were included here. keywords: 100,0; area; athens; attitudes; backgrounds; barrier; beliefs; challenges; chart; children; claim; classes; classroom; communication; context; countries; country; cultural; dassi; dealing; development; different; difficulties; education; emotional; english; european; experience; face; fact; findings; foreign; formal; frequent; greece; important; integration; international; iojet; issue; journal; lack; language; learning; level; linguistic; literacy; majority; materials; migrant; ministry; murray; needs; new; non; number; online; open; paper; participants; phase; positive; practices; problems; public; questions; refugee students; refugees; related; relevant; report; research; school; schooling; situation; social; stathopoulou; students; studies; study; style; syrian; table; teachers; teaching; thommessen; time; todd; training; traumatic; university; use; years;   cache: iojet-792.pdf plain text: iojet-792.txt item: #607 of 681 id: iojet-795 author: Ölmez Çağlar, Funda; Mirici, İsmail Hakkı; Erten, İsmail Hakkı title: MEASURING POSSIBLE LANGUAGE TEACHER SELVES: A SCALE DEVELOPMENT STUDY date: 2020-01-13 words: 15221 flesch: 57 summary: In accordance with Kubanyiova’s conceptualization, the scale was constructed as a tripartite instrument involving three constituent scales: (1) ILTSS to measure ideal language teacher selves; (2) OLTSS to measure ought-to language teacher selves and (2) FLTSS to measure feared language teacher selves. The aspects of the feared language teacher self appeared to be less detailed compared to ideal and ought-to language teacher selves, and concerned more general aspects of the language teacher self pertaining to teaching English and being an English teacher. keywords: afraid; alpha; analysis; aspects; bentler; cfa; classroom; concept; consistency; construct; current; data; development; discrepancy; dörnyei; eds; education; efa; english; english language; english teacher; erten; evidence; expertise; factor; feared; final; fit; following; form; future; good; higgins; ideal; ideal language; ideal self; identity; individual; initial; internal; international; interpersonal; iojet; items; journal; kubanyiova; l2 self; l2 teacher; language teacher; learning; loadings; main; markus; mirici; model; motivation; nurius; online; ought; pltss; possible; possible language; possible selves; preliminary; professional; psychology; qualitative; relationships; reliability; research; results; sample; scale; self; self scale; selves; service; structure; students; study; system; table; teacher development; teacher motivation; teacher self; teacher selves; teachers; teaching; theory; total; tripartite; unable; university; validity; values; variance; way; çağlar; ölmez cache: iojet-795.pdf plain text: iojet-795.txt item: #608 of 681 id: iojet-80 author: Ranjbar, Somaye; Amalsaleh, Ehya; Rastegar, Zahra title: THE EFFECTS OF FORM-FOCUSED INSTRUCTION ON LOWER-INTERMEDIATE EFL IRANIAN LEARNERS’ GRAMMAR LEARNING date: 2015-04-01 words: 8080 flesch: 56 summary: Some researchers (e.g. Doughty, 2001; Long, 1991) prefer the focus on form approach as a more beneficial instruction compared to focus on forms instruction. Owing to the fact that most grammar classes require learners to observe grammatical accuracy and use grammar to communicate ideas, the inclusion of the focus on form approach seems to be of utmost importance in EFL contexts. keywords: amalsaleh; approaches; attempts; attention; communicative; control; correct; correction; difference; doughty; education; efl; ellis; experimental; ffi; focus; form; girsai; grammar; group; input; instruction; intermediate; iojet; iranian; journal; knowledge; language; laufer; learners; learning; linguistic; long; lower; meaning; method; methodological; options; post; pre; ranjbar; research; researchers; results; second; shirazi; specific; study; syllabus; task; teacher; teaching; test; text; traditional; university; williams cache: iojet-80.pdf plain text: iojet-80.txt item: #609 of 681 id: iojet-802 author: Korucu-Kis, Saadet; Sanal, Fahrettin title: BRIDGING IN-CLASS AND OUT-OF-CLASS LEARNING THROUGH PODCAST-INTERTWINED COLLABORATIVE TASKS TO REDUCE EFL SPEAKING ANXIETY AMONG HIGHER PROFICIENCY LEARNERS date: 2020-04-04 words: 9649 flesch: 52 summary: What’s more, Hashemi and Abbasi (2013) suggest that creating a cooperative, friendly and comfortable learning environment helps learners relax through enjoyable activities and enable them to cope more effectively with language anxiety. Language anxiety: A review of the research for language teachers. keywords: acquisition; activities; affective; anxiety; anxious; apprehension; arnold; brown; cambridge; class; classroom; cmc; collaborative; communication; data; education; efl; elt; english; esteem; evaluation; experiences; factors; fear; findings; foreign; foreign language; group; help; higher; horwitz; interaction; international; interpersonal; iojet; issues; journal; kis; korucu; language; language anxiety; language learning; learners; learning; levels; low; mistakes; modern; negative; new; online; opportunities; oral; oxford; participants; perceptions; performance; personal; podcasts; practice; practitioners; press; process; production; proficiency; related; research; researchers; results; sanal; second; second language; self; sense; skills; social; speaking; states; student; student teachers; studies; study; tasks; teachers; teaching; technology; time; toth; turkey; university; use; year cache: iojet-802.pdf plain text: iojet-802.txt item: #610 of 681 id: iojet-806 author: Kiraz, Aşkın; Salman, Subhi Ahmad Mahmoud title: COMPARISON OF ENVIRONMENTAL THOUGHTS OF DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS LIVING IN NORTHERN CYPRUS date: 2021-01-20 words: 4691 flesch: 48 summary: Environmental pollution has caused many natural disasters, soil and water pollution, ozone depletion and global warming for all living organisms, and even changed the melting maps (Dunlap et al., 1992). After the industrial revolution, the concept of the environment was acquired, the reason being the increase of environmental pollution from factories during economic growth in the 1950’s, and thus environment and environmental issues became an important issue worldwide (Tankut, 2005). keywords: 8(2; air; analysis; answers; awareness; care; cevre; clean; codes; concept; cypriot; cyprus; different; domestic; east; education; environmental; environmental awareness; environmental education; environmental pollution; environmental problems; example; global; hand; health; human; idea; important; increase; international; international students; iojet; journal; kiraz; knowledge; life; living; noise; northern; online; opinion; participants; pollution; problems; qualitative; research; results; salman; school; science; students; study; table; teaching; theme; things; thoughts; university; water; word cache: iojet-806.pdf plain text: iojet-806.txt item: #611 of 681 id: iojet-807 author: Khan, Saima title: WHY AND HOW TO USE A POEM IN ELT CLASSROOM date: 2020-06-23 words: 3274 flesch: 61 summary: Language teaching classrooms have been indifferent towards the use of literature as a teaching methodology (Carter, 2007) since the downfall of the grammar-translation method. Keywords: Teaching methodologies, literature, sonnet, language teaching, ELT 1. keywords: 7(3; applied; cambridge; classroom; education; efl; elements; elt; english; international; iojet; journal; khan; language; language teaching; learners; learning; linguistics; literary; literature; mckay; online; oxford; paper; poem; poetry; press; reading; research; shakespeare; skills; sonnet; students; study; teachers; teaching; texts; university; use; vocabulary; ways; words; work; writing cache: iojet-807.pdf plain text: iojet-807.txt item: #612 of 681 id: iojet-809 author: Atmojo, Arief Eko Priyo title: JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOUR AND THEIR EXPECTATIONS ON EFL CLASS date: 2020-04-04 words: 6689 flesch: 56 summary: A CIT investigation of disruptive student behaviours: Teacher-provided positive attending to improve student behaviour. keywords: activities; atmojo; attention; behaviour; bored; classroom; data; difficult; disruptive; disruptive behaviour; disruptive students; education; efl; emotional; english; exercise; expectations; focus; foods; forms; friends; group; homework; interesting; international; iojet; issues; journal; language; lazy; learning; lesson; methods; neves; online; process; research; school; silva; sleepy; sources; strategies; students; study; subject; talk; teacher; teaching; time; use cache: iojet-809.pdf plain text: iojet-809.txt item: #613 of 681 id: iojet-81 author: Er, Sühendan title: FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING ANXIETY OF TURKISH CHILDREN AT DIFFERENT AGES date: 2015-04-01 words: 5361 flesch: 66 summary: Ay (2011) examined foreign language anxiety of 160 young adolescent Turkish students who were learning English as a foreign language in relation to language skills at different levels. Foreign language anxiety in a Spanish university setting: interpersonal differences. keywords: ages; anxiety; anxious; children; classes; classroom; course; data; development; different; education; elementary; english; experience; factors; flcas; foreign; foreign language; grades; high; higher; horwitz; hours; important; international; interview; iojet; journal; krashen; language; language anxiety; language learning; learners; learning; level; low; process; reliability; scale; school; school students; scores; secondary; skills; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; terrell; turkish; university; year; young cache: iojet-81.pdf plain text: iojet-81.txt item: #614 of 681 id: iojet-810 author: Demirezen, Mehmet title: THE PLACE OF PRONUNCIATION SPELLING IN TEACHER TRAINING date: 2020-01-13 words: 5247 flesch: 70 summary: In pronunciation spelling, there is the spelling of words intended to match a certain pronunciation more closely than the traditional spelling. In this research, the problem- causing influence of pronunciation spelling on 30 MA students in a foundation university was being investigated. keywords: demirezen; descriptive; deviation; dialect; displays; education; english; example; form; highest; international; iojet; item; journal; language; listwise; lowest; maximum; mean; minimum; new; online; order; overall; participants; place; post; pre; pronunciation; pronunciation spelling; questions; rate; relaxed; research; score; speech; spelling; statistics; std; success; syllables; table; teaching; test; valid; words cache: iojet-810.pdf plain text: iojet-810.txt item: #615 of 681 id: iojet-812 author: Tutunis, Birsen; Yalman, Duygu title: TEACHER EDUCATION AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM IN THE 21st CENTURY date: 2020-06-23 words: 4004 flesch: 55 summary: Teacher education and foreign language teacher professionalism in the 21st century. For this reason frameworks and models have been proposed to enhance the quality of teacher education (i.e. NIE, VSK Model, 2009).This paper focuses on Teacher Education programme models and the criteria put forward by these models. keywords: 21st; 21st century; analysis; century; data; development; education; elt; experience; foreign; framework; future; general; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; need; participants; pedagogical; professional; programmes; quality; questionnaire; questions; range; related; report; research; results; singapore; skills; students; study; teacher; teacher education; teaching; themes; turkish; tütüniş; university; yalman; years cache: iojet-812.pdf plain text: iojet-812.txt item: #616 of 681 id: iojet-813 author: Vuran, Fatma Eda; Çiğdemoğlu, Ceyhan; Mirici, Semra title: THE EFFECT OF GENETIC ENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY ACTIVITIES ON STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT, ATTITUDES AND SELF- EVALUATIONS date: 2020-01-13 words: 7509 flesch: 48 summary: Then semi-structured surveys were conducted with experimental group students. 3,04 Experimental 13 3,10 Control 12 - 0,28 64,000 ,445 0,25 0,35 - - - - - Becasue of some timing problems, control group students could not take a post-attitude measurement. keywords: 10th; achievement; activities; activity; ankara; applications; attitudes; bilimleri; biology; biotechnology; concepts; control; control group; course; data; difference; education; effect; end; engineering; enstitüsü; evaluation; examples; experimental; experimental group; eğitim; form; fun; gazi; genetic; genetic engineering; grade; group; high; higher; information; inquiry; interest; international; iojet; item; journal; knowledge; learning; life; materials; mean; mirici; modern; new; online; opinions; order; paternity; plant; post; pre; process; qualitative; questions; rapid; related; reproduction; research; results; school; science; scores; self; significant; skills; students; studies; study; support; table; teachers; teaching; test; textbook; tezi; tobacco; understanding; university; vuran; çiğdemoğlu; üniversitesi cache: iojet-813.pdf plain text: iojet-813.txt item: #617 of 681 id: iojet-816 author: Taşçı, Samet; Aksu Ataç, Bengü title: L1 USE IN L2 TEACHING: THE AMOUNT, FUNCTIONS, AND PERCEPTION TOWARDS THE USE OF L1 IN TURKISH PRIMARY SCHOOL CONTEXT date: 2020-04-04 words: 7309 flesch: 65 summary: In a similar vein, Littlewood and Yu (2011) examined the International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2020, 7(2), 655-667 657 proportion of L1 teachers use in their lessons and identified that the percentage of L1 use ranged from less than 10% to over 75%. The Functions and Amount of L1 Use in L2 Classes The various functions of L1 use in L2 classes are also related to the amount of total L1 use of the language teachers. keywords: 2nd; actual; aksu; ataç; classes; classroom; context; current; data; different; education; efl; efl teachers; english; foreign; foreign language; functions; grade; grammar; instruction; instructors; international; journal; l1 use; language; language teaching; learners; learning; management; number; perceptions; practices; previous; primary; research; school; second; sentences; students; studies; study; target; taşçı; teachers; teaching; translation; turkish; understanding; university; unknown; use; words cache: iojet-816.pdf plain text: iojet-816.txt item: #618 of 681 id: iojet-818 author: Arslan, Recep Şahin; Üçok-Atasoy, Meral title: An Investigation into Assessment of Young Learners Learning English as a Foreign Language: Does Practice Match the Policy? date: 2020-04-04 words: 8452 flesch: 55 summary: As to the assessment of speaking skill assessment teachers did not share any separate assessment documents, so it can be inferred that EFL teachers did not assess speaking skill at all. In foreign language education, teaching and learning practices and assessment practices should go hand-in-hand as language assessment and teaching programme should be consistent with each other in terms of learning objectives, the kinds of tasks which the children are expected to perform, and the assessment types (Hughes, 2003). keywords: 5th; 6th; 7th; 8th; alternative; analysis; arslan; assessment; assessment practices; atasoy; blank; choice; classrooms; communicative; competence; curriculum; data; education; efl; efl teachers; elt; english; exam; exam papers; false; fill; findings; grade; grade exam; grammar; items; journal; language; learners; learning; matching; middle; mone; multiple; order; papers; performance; policy; practices; preferred; prepared; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; reading; results; schools; similar; skills; speaking; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; tests; tools; traditional; true; turkish; types; vocabulary; writing; young; üçok cache: iojet-818.pdf plain text: iojet-818.txt item: #619 of 681 id: iojet-820 author: Ercan, Başak; Ivanova, Ilze title: LANGUAGE INSTRUCTORS’ PERCEPTIONS AND APPLICATIONS OF CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS date: 2020-04-04 words: 6550 flesch: 40 summary: As Bredeson and Johansson (2000) point out school principals’ leadership in the area of teacher professional development is critical to the creation and success of a learning community. The school principal’s role in teacher professional development. keywords: academic; activities; applications; changes; collaboration; colleagues; conferences; continuous; continuous professional; countries; cpd; curriculum; development; different; education; effective; english; environment; ercan; european; following; goals; great; hei; higher; institutions; instructors; international; iojet; ivanova; journal; language; latvian; learning; long; need; new; number; online; participants; participation; perceptions; practice; professional; professional development; programs; projects; quality; question; research; responsible; result; seminars; short; skills; staff; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; term; total; training; turkey; turkish; universities; university; working; workshops; years cache: iojet-820.pdf plain text: iojet-820.txt item: #620 of 681 id: iojet-821 author: Erarslan, Ali title: THE VOICES OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS REGARDING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: A THIRD SPACE ACTIVITY FOR IN-SERVICE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS date: 2020-06-23 words: 7785 flesch: 46 summary: Erarslan 1078 University-School partnership is a collaboration model for the stakeholders involved in teacher education and professional development to increase teacher quality established for serving a number of purposes such as implementation of field experience and practice teaching (Kasapoglu, 2015), consolidation of the teacher education practices as well as induction of pre- service teachers into the educational system (Atmaca, 2017), coordination and closer communication among stakeholders (Grossman & Sands, 2008), transformation of these stakeholders and institutions (E. J. Klein et al., 2013) and turning academic theory into practice for pre-service teachers (Lewis, 2012) or closing the gap between theory and practice. One of the recent concepts within the context of university and school partnership is the Third Space Activity (TSA) known also as hybridity theory (Bhabha, 1994), which generally refers to “a neutral Third Space” other than the schools and universities (namely, faculty) in order to deliver teacher education with mutual understanding, vision and equal knowledge sharing (Jackson & Burch, 2019). keywords: academics; activities; activity; changes; content; data; department; development; education; elt; english; english language; erarslan; expectations; faculties; faculty; field; findings; high; institutions; international; iojet; joint; journal; knowledge; lack; language; language teachers; meetings; members; mone; needs; new; number; online; opinions; opportunities; partnership; pedagogical; pre; primary; professional; programs; quality; research; school; seminar; service; service english; service teacher; service training; space; studies; study; teacher education; teachers; teaching; terms; training; turkey; university; workshop cache: iojet-821.pdf plain text: iojet-821.txt item: #621 of 681 id: iojet-828 author: Simsek, Irfan; Uygun, Tugba; Guner, Pinar title: PROBLEM-SOLVING PERFORMANCE AND MATHEMATICS ACHIEVEMENT: THE MEDIATING ROLE OF EYE TRACKING MEASUREMENTS date: 2020-06-23 words: 6238 flesch: 46 summary: Secondly, problem solving process includes the actions affected by perceptual actions and visual attention. Problem- solving performance and mathematics achievement: The mediating role of eye tracking measurements. keywords: academic; achievement; actions; analysis; attention; cognitive; data; difficulty; direct; duration; education; effect; eye; eye tracking; findings; fixation; güner; help; individuals; information; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; mathematics; mathematics achievement; mathematics education; measurements; model; online; order; performance; present; previous; problem; problem solving; process; processes; qualitative; question; relationship; research; respect; results; role; science; scores; solving; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; technology; test; tracking; tracking measurements; uygun; variables; visual; şimşek cache: iojet-828.pdf plain text: iojet-828.txt item: #622 of 681 id: iojet-831 author: Kozikoğlu, İshak; Çökük, Kayahan title: A CORRELATIONAL STUDY ON PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS' SCHOOL READINESS AND ADAPTATION PROBLEMS date: 2020-04-04 words: 6264 flesch: 52 summary: In the literature, there are studies determining the school readiness/maturity levels and school adaptation of primary school students (Baker, 2006; Canbulut, 2017; Ercan & Kırca, 2010; Lau, Li & Rao, 2011; Özarslan, 2014; Polat et al., 2014; Uzun, 2015; Yüce, 2016), but the studies to determine the relationship and predictive power between school readiness and school adaptation problems are quite limited. Keywords: School readiness, school adaptation problems, primary school students 1. keywords: academic; adaptation; adaptation problems; affective; analysis; büyüköztürk; canbulut; care; case; child; children; cognitive; data; development; economic; education; emotional; environment; eğitim; grade; high; important; international; iojet; journal; kozikoğlu; level; medium; negative; okula; online; primary school; problems; psychomotor; readiness; ready; regression; relationship; research; results; sample; sampling; scale; school; school adaptation; school readiness; school students; self; significant; skills; social; socio; students; studies; study; sınıf; table; teacher; teaching; van; variables; variance; çökük cache: iojet-831.pdf plain text: iojet-831.txt item: #623 of 681 id: iojet-837 author: Noviyenty, Leffi ; Astuti, Mutiara ; Fakhruddin; Morganna, Ruly title: TERTIARY EFL STUDENTS’ MORPHOLOGICAL AWARENESS OF ENGLISH date: 2020-04-04 words: 4793 flesch: 40 summary: However, the moderate level of English morphological awareness owned by tertiary EFL students in this study merely lies as the temporary English morphological potential which can increase or perhaps decrease dependent upon the further English morphological interventions that will be given to students. English morphological awareness is a part of the aforesaid linguistic competences. keywords: ability; acquisition; astuti; awareness; bilingual; comprehension; data; deductive; diagram; education; efl; efl students; english; english morphological; fakhruddin; franca; good; identification; indonesian; inductive; intercultural; international; interventions; iojet; islamic; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; lingua; literary; morganna; morphemic; morphological; morphological awareness; morphology; noviyenty; reading; research; structure; students; study; teaching; terms; tertiary; tertiary efl; test; university; vocabulary; words; writing cache: iojet-837.pdf plain text: iojet-837.txt item: #624 of 681 id: iojet-841 author: Ertuğrul Seçer, Şule Yüksel; Yücel-Toy, Banu title: IMPACT OF WRITING COURSE DESIGN BASED ON 5E LEARNING MODEL ON WRITING SKILL INSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT date: 2020-06-23 words: 8630 flesch: 51 summary: Through this detailed evaluation of the course design, the contribution of the 5E Learning Model-based Essay Writing Course implementation and instruction to 12th graders’ achievement levels in Essay Writing lesson is determined. Abstract This study aims to investigate the effect of 5E Learning Model-based Essay Writing course design and implementation on the achievement level of 12th grade high school students in Essay Writing Course. keywords: 12th; 5e learning; 7(3; accordance; achievement; activities; activity; addition; analysis; article; check; course; data; design; development; draft; education; english; essay; essay writing; evaluation; feedback; final; findings; group; implementation; instruction; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; learning model; lesson; level; methods; model; needs; objectives; observation; online; order; peer; performance; post; progress; purpose; research; responsive; responsive essay; sample; school; scope; second; seçer; skill; stage; statement; students; study; teacher; teaching; test; thesis; toy; work; writing; writing course; yücel cache: iojet-841.pdf plain text: iojet-841.txt item: #625 of 681 id: iojet-843 author: Öztürk, Ayşe; Özyurt, Melike title: THE FUNCTION OF METACOGNITION IN INSTRUCTIONAL SKILLS: A COMPARATIVE CASE STUDY date: 2020-06-23 words: 12302 flesch: 41 summary: Mathematics teaching as problem solving: SA framework for studying teacher metacognition underlying instructional practice in mathematics. A scientific study to examine the instructional metacognition of pre-service teachers will reveal the awareness of their own teaching processes, demonstrate how they have exploited metacognition during this process, and provide information on the qualifications of their professional development. keywords: activities; activity; addition; arrangements; behaviors; case; characteristics; data; determined; development; different; difficulties; doi; education; effective; effective teaching; evaluation; f:1; f:2; f:3; findings; hand; hlps; ica; inexperienced; information; instructional; instructional metacognition; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; lesson; level; llps; making; materials; metacognition; methods; monitoring; objectives; organization; organization strategies; participation; planning; plans; practices; pre; preparation; problems; process; processes; professional; questions; regard; research; school; scope; service; shortcomings; skills; stage; strategies; strategy; student; student learning; studies; study; subject; teachers; teaching; teaching process; teaching strategies; terms; time; training; undesired; use; öztürk; özyurt cache: iojet-843.pdf plain text: iojet-843.txt item: #626 of 681 id: iojet-846 author: Aydin, Selami; Ustuk, Ozgehan title: A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING ANXIETY date: 2020-06-23 words: 8299 flesch: 58 summary: Foreign language student teacher anxiety. Sources of foreign language student teacher anxiety: A qualitative inquiry. keywords: anxiety; anxious; aydın; classes; classroom; context; education; efl; efl teachers; english; evaluation; experience; factors; fear; flta; foreign; foreign language; high; horwitz; interest; items; journal; lack; language; language anxiety; language teaching; learners; learning; levels; low; management; mean; mistakes; native; negative; nervous; non; ones; online; participants; proficiency; research; scale; school; self; service; speakers; specific; students; studies; study; table; target; target language; teachers; teaching; teaching anxiety; time; use; values; variables cache: iojet-846.pdf plain text: iojet-846.txt item: #627 of 681 id: iojet-847 author: Bart, William M.; Can, Iclal; Hokanson, Brad title: EXPLORING THE RELATION BETWEEN HIGH CREATIVITY AND HIGH ACHIEVEMENT AMONG 8TH AND 11TH GRADERS date: 2020-06-23 words: 4171 flesch: 52 summary: Grade-based standard scores were used in the measurement of creativity and academic achievement with the top 20% cutoff scores being used to identify students with high achievement and students with high creativity. High achievement in science is related to high creativity among eleventh-graders. keywords: academic; achievement; analysis; bart; creative; creativity; data; different; educational; effect; eighth; eleventh; figural; form; grade; graders; high; high achievement; high creativity; journal; low; mathematics; minnesota; reading; related; relation; relationship; research; results; scholastic; scholastic achievement; school; science; scores; students; studies; study; tests; thinking; torrance; ttct; university cache: iojet-847.pdf plain text: iojet-847.txt item: #628 of 681 id: iojet-849 author: Güneş, Perihan title: TEACHERS' PERCEPTIONS OF COMPETENCE RELATED TO RUBRICS AND THE PROBLEMS THEY CONFRONT date: 2020-06-23 words: 5015 flesch: 55 summary: Also in the survey, preparation of teacher rubrics, application and scoring to determine the views of 3 Likert type questions (12, 14, 15, 16), 2 questions that have multiple answers (11, 13), and 2 yes or no questions and in total there are 7 questions. Abstract The purpose of this research is to determine the competencies and difficulties experienced by science teachers in developing, using, and scoring rubrics. keywords: 7(3; alternatif; andrade; appropriate; assessment; classroom; criteria; demir; dergisi; değerlendirme; difficulties; difficulty; education; evaluation; eğitim; good; görüşleri; güneş; information; international; iojet; items; jonsson; journal; knowledge; level; literature; metin; online; performance; questions; research; rubric; science; scoring; skills; students; studies; study; survey; table; teachers; teaching; tools; total; type; understanding; use; ölçme; öğretmenlerinin; üniversitesi cache: iojet-849.pdf plain text: iojet-849.txt item: #629 of 681 id: iojet-85 author: Örs, Mukaddes; Uluşen, Mesude title: POSITION OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN PROVIDING HEALTH EDUCATION AND PROMOTION OF HEALTH LITERACY date: 2015-04-01 words: 6384 flesch: 58 summary: According to the study of Yiğit (1990; 1991), which was conducted on mothers of 225 student attending a primary school, it was exposed that their knowledge concerning hand hygiene, dental health, nutrition order, nutrition of primary school students, infectious diseases, determination of conditions of health impairment and reasons for taking children to the health check-ups were usually insufficient (Yiğit, 1992). Number of student parents who were included in the research sampling was selected through impartial stratified sampling method by taking student lists from each school to determine each school’s proportion to the total number of students. keywords: 2(2; administration; aid; ankara; answers; basic; cafeteria; children; department; development; distribution; education; factors; foods; form; health; health education; health literacy; hygiene; idea; information; inquiry; inspection; international; iojet; issue; journal; knowledge; learning; level; literacy; low; majority; master; ministry; national; needs; number; nutrition; online; parents; personal; personnel; physical; primary; principals; public; question; research; respondents; sampling; school; school health; services; social; students; study; subject; success; table; teachers; teaching; terms; total; training; turkey; uluşen; university; world; örs cache: iojet-85.pdf plain text: iojet-85.txt item: #630 of 681 id: iojet-853 author: Apendi, Tatang; Saidi, Suid; Taufik, Ali title: LEARNING ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR STUDENTS IN PREPARATION FOR JOB OPPORTUNITIES date: 2020-04-04 words: 4402 flesch: 38 summary: National culture and higher education as pre-determining factors of student entrepreneurship. The material has a high media wealth because of their important features such as showing the face of the teacher, hearing the teacher's voice, and presenting teaching material in the largest screen area, for experiments also involved to test the effects of the learning effect(Vanevenhoven & Liguori, 2013) Other opinions from technology are important and will develop into thinking power towards entrepreneurship, this is the opinion of (Barton & Dexter, 2020) consistently maximizing the potential of classroom technology to enhance student learning. keywords: able; addition; analysis; apendi; business; course; data; development; education; educational technology; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; field; formal; future; higher; human; important; international; iojet; job; journal; knowledge; learning; lecturers; model; motivation; need; online; opinion; opportunities; participants; phenomenological; preparation; program; qualitative; research; resources; results; saidi; school; skills; students; study; taufik; teachers; teaching; technology; thinking; university cache: iojet-853.pdf plain text: iojet-853.txt item: #631 of 681 id: iojet-858 author: Acar-Erdol, Tuba; Öngören, Sema title: STRUCTURING PROCESS AND EVALUATION OF GROUP WORK BY PROSPECTIVE PRE-SCHOOL TEACHERS date: 2020-06-23 words: 9783 flesch: 56 summary: Therefore, it is recommended to include group work in different classes in order for the correct use of group works, which contribute to the development of solidarity, responsibility, interaction, social skills and the ability to manage the process, by the prospective teachers who will be the future teachers. Structuring process and evaluation of group work by prospective pre- school teachers. keywords: 7(3; acar; analysis; assessment; better; case; classroom; cooperation; course; data; decrease; demirel; design; determined; development; different; division; education; effective; erdamar; erdol; evaluations; experiences; friends; gender; group members; group work; groups; high; higher; ideas; important; increase; individual; information; ingroup; interaction; international; iojet; johnson; journal; koç; learning; loafing; mark; members; negative; oecd; ongoren; online; opinions; participants; pass; people; performance; positive; preferences; problems; process; prospective; prospective teachers; questionnaire; questions; reasons; research; responsibilities; result; school; skills; social; structuring; students; studies; study; table; tasks; teachers; teaching; time; university; working cache: iojet-858.pdf plain text: iojet-858.txt item: #632 of 681 id: iojet-862 author: Al-efeshat, Heba; Baniabdelrahman, Abdallah title: THE EFL TEACHERS’ AND STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE USE OF SONGS IN LEARNING ENGLISH date: 2020-06-23 words: 7244 flesch: 55 summary: Advantages of the Use of Songs in the English Class Many researchers, including (Mardliyatun, 2007; Asih, 2011; Millington, 2011; Apsari, 2012; Burhayani, 2013), observe that using songs in their English lesson class will be very beneficial in learning English. Teachers’ attitudes towards use of songs in English learning Statement Min Max Mean SD Songs are considered a valuable pedagogical tool in learning English. keywords: 7(3; attitudes; baniabdelrahman; beliefs; burhayani; class; classes; classrooms; data; dialect; different; directorate; disagree; education; efeshat; effective; efl; elementary; english; english language; english learning; english songs; english teachers; female; gender; grade; group; help; important; international; iojet; items; jordan; journal; language; learners; learning; lexicon; melodies; music; online; participants; percentage; primary; process; questionnaire; research; results; retrieved; role; sample; scale; schools; second; section; sixth; skills; songs; statements; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; thesis; tunes; understudies; university; unpublished; use; utilize; value; vocabulary; wadi; words; young cache: iojet-862.pdf plain text: iojet-862.txt item: #633 of 681 id: iojet-865 author: Demirkol Orak, Suheyla; İnözü, Jülide title: TEACHERS’ AWARENESS AND ACTUAL PRACTICES OF 21st CENTURY LEARNING AND INNOVATION SKILLS date: 2021-01-13 words: 10969 flesch: 51 summary: In a nutshell, although teachers were in short of theoretical knowledge regarding 21st century learning and innovation skills, it is strongly believed that teaching linguistic rules are not the whole story of language education; apart from teaching academic skills, teachers should also teach basic communicative daily skills which is possible with 21st century skills centered education. Miller (2016) states that inadequacies in the field of education, and advancements in the technology emphasize the pre-requisite of empowering the students along with 21st century skills. keywords: 21st century; 4cs; 8(2; academic; activities; actual; aim; awareness; basic; century 4cs; century learning; century skills; classes; classroom; cognitive; collaboration; communication; concerned; context; creativity; critical; curriculum; data; demirkol; development; digital; education; english; field; foreign; framework; globalization; group; higher; information; innovation skills; integrated; international; interviews; iojet; items; i̇nözü; journal; kmo; knowledge; language; language education; learners; level; life; literature; mckenna; mean; motivation; need; oecd; online; orak; order; organization; p21; participants; partnership; perspective; point; practices; present; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; reasons; related; requirements; research; respondent; results; school; score; second; skills; social; students; studies; study; syllabus; table; teachers; teaching; technology; terms; thinking; time; turkey; turkish; university; world cache: iojet-865.pdf plain text: iojet-865.txt item: #634 of 681 id: iojet-866 author: Qasrawi, Rania; BeniAbdelrahman, Abdullah title: THE HIGHER AND LOWER-ORDER THINKING SKILLS (HOTS AND LOTS) IN UNLOCK ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS (1ST AND 2ND EDITIONS) BASED ON BLOOM’S TAXONOMY: AN ANALYSIS STUDY date: 2020-06-23 words: 5589 flesch: 50 summary: As for the second question, “What are the differences between the first and the second edition of Unlock English textbooks in terms of the cognitive level of the learning objectives (HOTS and LOTS)?”, Table 5 shows the percentages of the cognitive skills in the first edition in Unlock English textbook 3 were also classified using the same checklist, as shown below. The higher and lower-order thinking skills (HOTS and LOTS) in Unlock English textbooks (1st and 2nd editions) based on Bloom’s Taxonomy: An analysis study. keywords: analysis; analyze; application; bloom; cognitive; comprehension; content; critical; different; edition; education; english; evaluation; higher; hots; journal; language; learning; level; lots; lower; main; objectives; order; order thinking; reading; research; second; skills; study; synthesis; table; taxonomy; teaching; textbooks; thinking; thinking skills; understanding; unit; unlock; writing cache: iojet-866.pdf plain text: iojet-866.txt item: #635 of 681 id: iojet-868 author: İbili, Emin title: EXAMINATION OF HEALTH SCIENCE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' LEVEL OF READINESS FOR E-LEARNING date: 2020-06-23 words: 9280 flesch: 54 summary: In addition, the relationship between e-readiness level and academic success was investigated. The results show that e-readiness levels of male students are higher than female students (Coşkun, Özeke, Budakoğlu & Kula, 2018;), they feel more comfortable in e-learning (Wei & Johnes, 2005) and their e- learning satisfaction is higher. keywords: .001; 7(3; academic; addition; analysis; averages; communication; computer; control; courses; data; department; difference; distance; dormitory; education; experience; factors; faculty; family; gender; grade; health; higher; important; income; international; internet; iojet; i̇bili; journal; language; learner; learning; learning readiness; level; low; management; mean; medical; motivation; nursing; online; ownership; readiness; readiness levels; readiness scale; relationship; research; researchers; results; school; sciences; scores; self; significance; significance level; skills; status; students; study; subscale; subscale scores; success; table; teaching; technology; terms; test; total; turkish; type; university; usage; use; working cache: iojet-868.pdf plain text: iojet-868.txt item: #636 of 681 id: iojet-869 author: Toprakçı, Nihal; Ozaydınlı, Belgin title: TEXTBOOKS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING IN VIEW OF GLOBALISATION, LOCALISATION AND GLOCALISATION date: 2021-01-13 words: 14591 flesch: 53 summary: (Re)searching culture in foreign language textbooks, or the politics of hide and seek. English language textbooks in EFL education: Do improve students’ national, international and target culture familiarity. keywords: 8(2; accordance; activities; analysis; approach; associated; cefr; classroom; communication; competence; content; countries; country; course; critical; cultural; cultural content; cultural elements; culture; current; current study; curriculum; data; different; dtra1; education; efl; elements; elt; english; english language; english textbooks; evaluation; example; experience; female; figure; findings; flt; foreign; foreign culture; foreign language; form; global; globalisation; high; images; important; information; intercultural; international; iojet; journal; kingdom; knowledge; language; language teaching; language textbooks; learners; learning; local; localised; london; materials; mone; need; negative; new; online; opinions; order; ozaydinli; participant; people; perspective; positive; prepared; private; publishers; quality; questions; representation; research; results; school; second; sese; set; skills; social; songs; source; spoken; state; students; studies; study; target; target language; teachers; teaching; terms; textbooks; texts; time; toprakci; turkey; turkish; understanding; united; university; use; values; views; visuals; words; world; wrsll; years cache: iojet-869.pdf plain text: iojet-869.txt item: #637 of 681 id: iojet-871 author: Ertem Akbaş, Elif; Cancan, Murat title: METAPHORS FORMED BY 6TH AND 7TH GRADE STUDENTS REGARDING THE DIFFICULTIES THEY EXPERIENCED IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING THE SUBJECT OF CIRCLE date: 2020-06-23 words: 11325 flesch: 56 summary: Category 1: Drawing a circle for which standard and open equations are given In this category, there were 4 metaphors produced by a total of 5 students (8.06%), 4 of whom were 6th grade students and 1 of whom was 7th grade student. Category 2: Arc length measurements In this category, there were 5 metaphors produced by 7 students (11.30%) 5 of whom were 6th grade students and 2 of whom were 7th grade students. keywords: 6th; 7(3; 7th; 7th grade; abstract; addition; akbaş; analysis; angles; ankara; biggest; biggest difficulty; cancan; categories; category; circle; concepts; daily; data; degree; dergisi; different; difficulties; difficulty; domain; education; equation; ertem; experience; exterior; eğitim; fact; finding; frequency; geometric; geometric shape; geometry; grade students; hand; help; individuals; interior; international; iojet; journal; learning; length; life; like; matematik; mathematics; meaning; metaphors; online; participants; perceptions; peripheral; point; present; problems; process; qualitative; radian; radius; related; relation; research; respect; result; saban; school; science; secondary; shapes; slices; source; statements; students; studies; study; subject; tangent; teachers; teaching; tennis; total; understanding; use; word; öğrencilerinin; üniversitesi cache: iojet-871.pdf plain text: iojet-871.txt item: #638 of 681 id: iojet-872 author: Al Khazaleh, Saqr title: A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF THE AUTHENTICITY OF THE READING TEXTS IN THE SEVENTH GRADE EFL BOOK IN JORDAN date: 2020-06-23 words: 7115 flesch: 58 summary: For Jordanian students, the EFL curriculum should help the learners to internalize the Islamic and Arabic culture which should be used as a springboard to understand, appreciate and interact with people of different countries as well as Jordanian identity (General Guidelines and General and Specific Outcomes for the English Language Curriculum, 2006 P.9). Combining both information and communications technologies: it must be ensured that student learning is enhanced through the employment of proper technology. keywords: 7(3; action; action pack; amman; analysis; article; authentic; authenticity; books; communication; considered; content; content analysis; conversation; course; cultural; culture; data; education; efl; english; english language; environment; focus; foreign; gender; general; grade; grammar; guidelines; information; international; iojet; items; jordan; jordanian; journal; khazaleh; knowledge; language; learning; level; life; listening; main; modules; non; online; opportunities; outcomes; pack; page; percentage; practice; present; reading; reading texts; real; research; results; secondary; short; skills; social; speaking; specific; strategies; students; study; talks; teachers; teaching; textbook; texts; university; use; vocabulary; writing cache: iojet-872.pdf plain text: iojet-872.txt item: #639 of 681 id: iojet-874 author: Diken, Emine Hatun title: A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE COGNITIVE AND METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIES OF 6th GRADE PRIVATE AND STATE SCHOOL STUDENTS USE WHILE READING SCIENCE TEXTS date: 2020-06-23 words: 8752 flesch: 52 summary: In the literature, reading strategies have been discussed in two groups as cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies (Kumlu, 2016). Examination of the effect of direct or peer education on the conceptual comprehension of preservice science teachers on the subject of heat-temperature in terms of reading strategies. keywords: 6th grade; aloud; average; chapter; coloured; coloured pencils; difficult; diken; easy; education; etc; figures; good; grade; grade point; grade students; highlighters; journal; lead; low; metacognitive strategies; motor; motor system; notes; number; pencils; point average; private; private school; questions; reading; reading strategies; research; school; school students; science; state; state school; strategies; students; study; support; system; table; taking; texts; tips; underlining; words; √ √ cache: iojet-874.pdf plain text: iojet-874.txt item: #640 of 681 id: iojet-875 author: Yirci, Ramazan; Durna, Şerife ; Kocabaş, İbrahim title: The CURRENT STATUS OF IN-SERVICE TRAININGS FOR TEACHERS AND EXPECTATIONS: DO THEY MATCH date: 2021-03-01 words: 6306 flesch: 55 summary: His research interests include teacher training, school management and mentoring in education. His studies focus on mentoring, teacher training and educational planning. keywords: 8(2; activities; analysis; changes; classroom; content; courses; current; dergisi; development; different; durna; education; effectiveness; evaluation; expectations; experts; eğitim; fakültesi; field; figure; findings; hizmet; important; insets; international; iojet; içi; journal; knowledge; kocabas; lack; language; learning; mentoring; methods; mone; needs; new; number; online; opinions; organized; participants; peer; planning; practical; practices; primary; professional; programs; quality; research; responses; school; service; service training; skills; strengths; studies; study; subjects; suggestions; table; teachers; teaching; techniques; trainers; training; turkey; university; weaknesses; yirci; çimer; üniversitesi cache: iojet-875.pdf plain text: iojet-875.txt item: #641 of 681 id: iojet-878 author: Önalan, Okan; Gürsoy, Esim title: EFL TEACHERS’ DEMANDS AND PREFERENCES ON IN-SERVICE TRAINING IN TURKEY date: 2020-06-23 words: 7582 flesch: 51 summary: The problem of teacher training in Turkey. Although the content of the trainings and the model to be implemented during these trainings were not released, it is hoped that this incentive meets the needs of the teachers to reach the governmentally stated goals necessary for teacher development. keywords: activities; analysis; classroom; content; demands; descriptive; development; differences; education; effectiveness; efl; efl teachers; elt; english; experience; factor; gender; groups; gürsoy; information; inset; instructional; international; iojet; items; journal; knowledge; language; language teachers; learning; m =; males; needs; new; online; outcomes; participants; perceptions; personal; positive; practical; preferences; private; process; professional; professional development; programs; research; results; school; service; service training; significant; skills; state; studies; study; teachers; teaching; theoretical; theory; trainers; training; turkey; turkish; type; university; views; work; önalan cache: iojet-878.pdf plain text: iojet-878.txt item: #642 of 681 id: iojet-88 author: Kahraman, Sibel title: AN EVALUATION OF AN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING EDUCATION PROGRAM IN TERMS OF TEACHER AUTONOMY date: 2015-04-01 words: 6487 flesch: 54 summary: Similar views on ‘control’ dimension of teacher autonomy have been expressed by Powell and McGowan (1996) who argue that teacher autonomy is the control over their working environments and in the context of teacher education programs. It is most appropriate for teacher educators and teacher education programs to focus directly on developing a willingness and capacity for self-directed teaching (Smith, 2000). keywords: aim; analysis; autonomous; autonomy; benson; catalogues; checklist; communication; competences; courses; development; ects; education; educators; elt; elt program; english; eplte; european; evaluation; framework; information; interview; items; journal; kahraman; language; language teaching; learner; learning; little; materials; methods; needs; practice; profile; program; question; related; research; self; semi; skills; special; structured; student; student teachers; study; teacher; teacher autonomy; teacher education; teaching; terms; train; university; use cache: iojet-88.pdf plain text: iojet-88.txt item: #643 of 681 id: iojet-880 author: Akinbadewa, Bukola title: THE EFFECT OF MULTIMEDIA INSTRUCTIONAL PACKAGES ON STUDENTS' ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN BIOLOGY date: 2020-10-01 words: 6683 flesch: 54 summary: However, while it is increasingly used in many developed countries in computer-based narrated animations, observations have shown that the use of computer in developing countries such as Nigeria to teach secondary school students is still a thing of novelty. Instructional mode: A better predictor of performance than student preferred learning styles. keywords: academic; academic achievement; academic performance; achievement; akinbadewa; better; biology; computer; concepts; control; conventional; design; education; effect; eta; experimental; female; finding; gender; group; instructional; instrument; international; iojet; issn; journal; learning; level; main; mayer; multimedia; multimedia instructional; multimedia learning; nigeria; online; packages; partial; performance; pictures; research; result; schools; science; secondary; senior; significant; square; state; strategy; students; studies; study; styles; subject; table; teachers; teaching; test; treatment; university; words cache: iojet-880.pdf plain text: iojet-880.txt item: #644 of 681 id: iojet-883 author: Koşar, Gülten title: A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE PLACE OF JOINING ERASMUS+ PROGRAM IN PRE-SERVICE ENGLISH TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT date: 2020-06-23 words: 6072 flesch: 51 summary: The content analysis produced three themes: placing less number of Turkish students in the same host institution, training EP coordinators on how to support EP participants and widening the number of the countries on the list to offer more alternatives to applicants. (PSET 11) Training EP coordinators in how to support EP participants keywords: analysis; coordinators; countries; courses; development; different; education; english; erasmus; european; experiences; findings; higher; home; host; intercultural; international; interview; iojet; journal; knowledge; koşar; language; learning; lessons; mobility; number; participants; people; problems; professional; professional development; program; psets; questions; research; self; skills; speaking; students; study; teacher; teaching; time; universities; university; youth cache: iojet-883.pdf plain text: iojet-883.txt item: #645 of 681 id: iojet-886 author: Çetin, Filiz ; Bingöl, A. Selcen; Çetin, Şaban ; Budak, Yusuf title: ATTITUDES OF PROSPECTIVE FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHERS TOWARDS LEARNING A SECOND FOREIGN LANGUAGE date: 2020-06-23 words: 7855 flesch: 52 summary: Attitudes of prospective foreign language teachers towards learning a second foreign language. Received: 05.05.2020 Received in revised form: 11.05.2020 Accepted: 23.05.2020 ATTITUDES OF PROSPECTIVE FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHERS TOWARDS LEARNING A SECOND FOREIGN LANGUAGE Research article Filiz Çetin Gazi University A.Selcen Bingöl Gazi University Şaban Çetin Gazi University Yusuf Budak Gazi University keywords: 7(3; 910; academic; analysis; attitude; attitude scores; average; bingöl; budak; communication; context; department; difference; dimensions; distribution; education; effect; eğitim; female; foreign; foreign language; gazi; gender; general; good; grade; higher; importance; individual; international; iojet; journal; language; language learning; language teachers; learning; level; low; motivation; online; perception; positive; prospective; prospective foreign; prospective teachers; results; scale; scores; second; second foreign; second language; size; students; study; sub; subdimension; success; table; teachers; teaching; terms; test; total; university; values; variable; variance; yabancı; çetin cache: iojet-886.pdf plain text: iojet-886.txt item: #646 of 681 id: iojet-891 author: Mehdiyev, Esmira title: USING ROLE PLAYING IN ORAL EXPRESSION SKILLS COURSE: VIEWS OF PROSPECTIVE EFL TEACHERS date: 2020-10-01 words: 11672 flesch: 55 summary: This study aims at determining the opinions of the pre-service teachers of English regarding the effects of the use of role playing technique in expression skills course, which is offered in the 2nd year at the Department of Foreign Languages Education, the problems experienced during the application process and the suggestions for the use of the technique. Within the scope of the research, role playing technique was used in the expression skills lesson. keywords: ability; activities; application; body; candidates; classroom; community; confidence; course; data; different; drama; education; effective; effects; english; environment; excitement; experience; expression; expression skills; fear; findings; foreign; foreign language; friends; fun; group; implementation; important; international; iojet; journal; language; language skills; learning; lesson; mehdiyev; message; methods; online; opinions; participants; people; playing; playing technique; positive; preparation; presentation; problems; process; professional; prospective; research; results; role; role playing; s10; self; skills; skills course; social; speaking; stage; students; study; suggestions; teachers; teaching; technique; time; tone; use; views; voice; work; writing cache: iojet-891.pdf plain text: iojet-891.txt item: #647 of 681 id: iojet-895 author: Au, Hong Yu Connie; Bardakçı, Mehmet title: AN ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF PEER AND TEACHER FEEDBACK ON EFL LEARNERS’ ORAL PERFORMANCES AND SPEAKING SELF-EFFICACY LEVELS date: 2020-10-01 words: 7840 flesch: 59 summary: Moreover, in regard to feedback in speaking, speaking is a highly subjective activity, and the administration of speaking feedback is particularly difficult. Table 4 represents the results of a repeated measures ANOVA test of speaking tests in different modules. keywords: achievement; appendix; bandura; bardakçı; correlation; difference; education; efficacy; efl; end; english; feedback; feedback group; final; findings; following; foreign; group; higher; improvement; independent; international; iojet; journal; language; learners; learning; level; mean; module; oral; participants; peer; peer feedback; performances; positive; post; pre; presentation; relationship; research; results; scale; school; scores; second; self; selfefficacy; significant; skills; speaking; speaking test; step; students; study; table; teacher; teacher feedback; teaching; test; time; treatments cache: iojet-895.pdf plain text: iojet-895.txt item: #648 of 681 id: iojet-898 author: Ardiansyah, Welly ; Ujihanti, Murwani; Aryanti, Nurul title: ANALYZING GENDER DIFFERENCES, AND EDUCATION OF PARENTS TOWARDS STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT date: 2020-12-04 words: 3816 flesch: 48 summary: Reading comprehension achievement between male and female (One Way Anova) Descriptives Male Female Total N 51 49 100 Mean 6.2794 7.1582 6.7100 Std. Female students outscored male students in their reading comprehension, in general. keywords: academic; achievement; activities; ardiansyah; children; comprehension; comprehension achievement; correlation; data; differences; education; english; father; female; gender; higher; home; influence; international; involvement; iojet; journal; language; learners; level; literacy; male; mothers; motivation; murwani; negeri; nurul; online; parental; parents; politeknik; reading; reading comprehension; research; role; school; score; significant; sriwijaya; students; study; table; teaching; test cache: iojet-898.pdf plain text: iojet-898.txt item: #649 of 681 id: iojet-902 author: Polat, Murat title: A RASCH ANALYSIS OF RATER BEHAVIOUR IN SPEAKING ASSESSMENT date: 2020-06-23 words: 8704 flesch: 55 summary: Therefore, language test scores have a number of important predictive functions on which language program designers and school administrations base their substantive educational decisions. Linacre and Wright (2002) suggest MFRM to be used for performance assessment cases in which a number of dependent or independent variables could be observed in the final grades such as language level difference, item difficulty, graders’ scoring difference or score differences stem from rubric components which can ultimately cause serious measurement errors. keywords: 7(3; analysis; analytic; assessment; average; behaviours; column; competence; components; critical; data; difference; difficulty; education; exam; facet; faceted; foreign; foreign language; graders; grading; index; infit; interaction; international; interviews; iojet; journal; judgements; language; language assessment; language testing; learners; leniency; lenient; level; linacre; measurement; mfrm; model; number; obsv; online; oral; outfit; performance; polat; proficiency; questions; rasch; rater; reading; related; reliability; research; results; rubric; scale; school; scores; scoring; significant; skills; speaking; square; statistics; stringency; students; study; teaching; test; testing; university; use; values; variables; writing cache: iojet-902.pdf plain text: iojet-902.txt item: #650 of 681 id: iojet-91 author: Burgaz, Berrin; Bakan, Sibel title: THE POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF TEACHERS’ TYPES OF FORGIVENESS ON SCHOOL ORGANISATION date: 2015-04-01 words: 7785 flesch: 59 summary: Thus, the research seeks to answer two following questions: 1) What type of forgiveness teachers prefer when they experience a hurting incident at school? No forgiveness x x Total forgiveness ü ü Silent forgiveness ü x Hollow forgiveness x ü The types of forgiveness teachers showed in the incidents are coded based on the attitudes they displayed at the end of the incident. keywords: 2(2; anger; apology; aquino; bakan; behaviours; burgaz; case; class; display; education; employees; experienced; feelings; forgiveness; forgiving; guilty; hurt; hurting; important; incidents; individual; international; interpersonal; iojet; journal; level; management; managers; negative; online; organisation; parents; people; person; positive; problems; process; relations; research; revenge; role; school; situation; students; study; teachers; teaching; time; total; total forgiveness; types; words; work; workplace cache: iojet-91.pdf plain text: iojet-91.txt item: #651 of 681 id: iojet-916 author: Duruk, Ümit title: INFLUENCE OF A SOCIALLY-MEDIATED CONTEXTUAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ON PROSPECTIVE SCIENCE TEACHERS’ UNDERSTANDINGS OF NATURE OF SCIENCE, AND INTEGRATING IT INTO THEIR INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING date: 2020-06-23 words: 16012 flesch: 46 summary: • It is hard to reach a common conclusion about which NOS components improved better after the explicit-reflective NOS instruction, because many contexts can easily affect NOS understandings. While prior research has been successful in identifying ways to support NOS teaching by means of developing teachers’ NOS understandings, they have been less successful in developing PCK for NOS instruction (e.g., Akerson & Abd-El-Khalick, 2003; Faikhamta, 2013; Schwartz & Lederman, 2002). keywords: 7(3; 912; abd; activities; activity; akerson; analysis; bell; case; category; change; classroom; components; content; content knowledge; contextualized; course; creative; data; development; development poor; duruk; education; empirical; et al; evaluation; evidence; exemplary; explicit; findings; following; generic; hanuscin; history; inferential; inferential nos; informed; instruction; integration; international; iojet; journal; khalick; knowledge; lecture; lederman; lesson; level; matter; module; nature; needs; nos; nos components; nos instruction; objectives; observations; online; participants; pck; pedagogical; planning; plans; poor; poor poor; practices; process; professional; program; prospective; prospective science; prospective teachers; reflective; reflective nos; research; science; science content; science education; science teachers; scientific; specific; stage; strategies; students; study; support; table; teachers; teaching; tentative; terms; theory; understandings; views; way cache: iojet-916.pdf plain text: iojet-916.txt item: #652 of 681 id: iojet-918 author: Drissi El Bouzaidi, Rachid; Chaiba, Abdellah; Rahal, Mahmoud title: TOWARDS APPLYING A MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE SOLUTION ON MULTI-LEVEL CLASSES: A CASE STUDY OF TWO ORAL ACTIVITY LESSONS IN FRENCH SUBJECT date: 2020-12-01 words: 5011 flesch: 49 summary: Mason, D. A. & Burns, R. (1996), Simply no better” may simply be wrong: A critique of Veenman’s conclusion about multigrade classes, Review of Educational Research, Fall 66(3), 307-322. Mason, D. & Burns, R. (1997), Reassessing the effects of combination classes, Educational Research and Evaluation 3(1), 1-53. Mason, D. & Doepner, R. (1998), Principals’views of combination classes, Journal of Educational Research 91(3), 160-172. Russell, V. J., Rowe, K. J. & Hill, P. W. (1998), Effects of multigrade classes on student progress in literacy and numeracy: Quantitative evidence and perceptions of teachers and school leaders, Texte présenté à la conférence annuelle de la Australian Association for Research in Education, Adelaide, Récupéré le 23 mai 2000, de Thomas, C. & Shaw, C. (1992), Issues in the development of multigrade schools, (Rapport technique No. 172 de la Banque mondiale) Washington, DC: keywords: 2nd; 3rd; bouzaidi; capsule; chaiba; classes; control; dead; dialogue; duration; education; effective; experimental; figure; groups; intervention; journal; learners; learning; lessons; level; little; management; mason; min; mlc; mlcs; mode; multigrade; netsupport; phase; practice; presence; rahal; research; results; rural; school; software; solution; students; study; subgroup; subject; task; teacher; teaching; time; total; training; veenman; virtual; work cache: iojet-918.pdf plain text: iojet-918.txt item: #653 of 681 id: iojet-919 author: Ayçiçek, Burak title: INVESTIGATION OF THE STUDENTS’ OPINIONS ON VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE SERVICES CONDUCTED AT HIGH SCHOOLS date: 2020-06-23 words: 6750 flesch: 54 summary: Investigation of the students’ opinions on vocational guidance services conducted at high schools. In addition, students’ opinions on vocational guidance services were found to differ significantly in terms of gender and school type variables. keywords: 7(3; activities; anatolian; appropriate; awareness; ayçiçek; career; choice; data; development; different; education; expectations; eğitim; female; findings; gender; guidance services; guidance teachers; high; high school; importance; individual; industrial; industrial vocational; information; insufficient; international; iojet; items; journal; main; occupations; online; opinions; positive; private; problems; profession; questionnaire; rehberlik; research; results; school; school guidance; school students; scope; social; students; study; sub; suggestions; support; table; teachers; teaching; terms; test; type; variable; vocational guidance; vocational high; üniversitesi cache: iojet-919.pdf plain text: iojet-919.txt item: #654 of 681 id: iojet-921 author: Sarıçoban, Arif; Kırmızı, Özkan title: THE CORRELATION BETWEEN METACOGNITIVE AWARENESS AND THINKING STYLES OF PRE-SERVICE EFL TEACHERS date: 2020-06-23 words: 9031 flesch: 53 summary: The concept of thinking styles was introduced to the literature in 1988 by American psychologist Robert Sternberg. Sternberg's self-government theory (1997) holds that thinking styles are, in very broad terms, the ways of people or individuals about thinking the environmental affairs. keywords: 7(3; academic; achievement; analysis; anarchic; awareness; best; cognition; comprehension; conservative; correlation; debugging; declarative; education; efl; english; evaluation; executive; external; findings; focus; global; grade; important; information; internal; international; inventory; iojet; items; journal; judicial; knowledge; kırmızı; language; learners; learning; legislative; level; metacognitive; monarchic; need; new; online; participants; performance; planning; prefer; present; procedural; process; psychology; regulation; research; results; sarıçoban; self; service; sig; sternberg; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; styles; table; tasks; teachers; teaching; terms; thinking; thinking styles; time; total; university; use; work; zhang cache: iojet-921.pdf plain text: iojet-921.txt item: #655 of 681 id: iojet-937 author: Egüz, Şule title: THE MEANING OF WAR AND PEACE FOR THE MIGRANT SYRIAN STUDENTS AT TERTIARY LEVEL IN TURKEY: AN ART-BASED STUDY date: 2020-06-23 words: 8217 flesch: 66 summary: Five categories employed in war drawings: Category 1: Weaponry or soldier drawings, tanks, bombs, rifles. The positive elements included in war drawings were the sky, mountain, sea, butterfly, flag and toy. keywords: 7(3; analysis; approach; art; artistic; bird; branch; category; children; colors; concepts; conflict; consequences; country; data; death; doi; drawings; education; egüz; emotions; experiences; female; fire; following; freedom; future; hakvoort; hands; individuals; international; iojet; journal; level; love; m10; m11; m16; mclernon; meaning; means; migrant; migration; myers; negative; new; number; olive; online; participants; peace; peace drawings; people; positive; present; publication; qualitative; research; sage; sky; students; studies; study; syrian; syrian students; teaching; tertiary; themes; turkey; understanding; verbal; war; war drawings; world; years cache: iojet-937.pdf plain text: iojet-937.txt item: #656 of 681 id: iojet-938 author: Ryan, Thomas G. title: BUILDING MENTAL HEALTH LITERACY WITHIN ONTARIO (CANADA) HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION date: 2020-10-01 words: 6191 flesch: 50 summary: The 2019 health and physical education elementary document includes “new expectations on mental health literacy; new expectations on social-emotional learning skills, to be taught in connection with all parts of the curriculum; and enhanced connections to mental health within existing curriculum expectations” (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2019, p.6). Given that almost twenty-five percent of “Canadian youth suffer from mental health difficulties (Waddell et al., 2013), it is crucial that a “school’s climate reflect an understanding and sensitivity towards student mental health and that schools are able to effectively address and support students’ mental health challenges” (Ruddy, 2019, p.17). keywords: analysis; canada; canadian; children; community; content; curriculum; document; education; educators; elementary; emotional; environment; et al; expectations; health; health education; health literacy; help; illness; international; iojet; journal; learning; level; life; literacy; living; making; mental; mental health; mental illness; mhl; ministry; munn; need; new; oecd; online; ontario; ontario health; p.44; pandemic; pedagogy; people; personal; physical; physical education; qsca; qualitative; relationships; research; ryan; school; skills; social; students; study; support; teachers; teaching; text; times; understanding; vamos; youth cache: iojet-938.pdf plain text: iojet-938.txt item: #657 of 681 id: iojet-943 author: Hamalosmanoğlu, Mustafa; Kızılay, Esra; Saylan Kırmızıgül, Aslı title: THE EFFECTS OF USING ANIMATED FILMS IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION COURSE ON PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS’ BEHAVIOR TOWARDS ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS AND THEIR ATTITUDE TOWARDS SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING date: 2020-06-23 words: 4458 flesch: 41 summary: Intervention Before starting the research, first, a detailed literature review related to environmental films was conducted. Environmental problems behavior scale “Environmental Problems Behavior Scale” is a three-point Likert-type scale with six factors and 40 items which was developed for prospective teachers. keywords: analysis; animated; attitude; awareness; behavior; conference; course; data; department; dergisi; education; effect; environmental; environmental education; environmental problems; eğitim; film; findings; group; güven; hamalosmanoğlu; international; iojet; journal; kırmızıgül; kızılay; literature; movie; online; post; pre; problems; prospective; prospective teachers; recycling; research; saylan; scale; score; significant; social; solid; solid waste; students; studies; study; table; teachers; teaching; test; university; variables; wall; waste; çevre; üniversitesi cache: iojet-943.pdf plain text: iojet-943.txt item: #658 of 681 id: iojet-944 author: Kazaz, İlknur title: ALTERNATIVE VOCABULARY ASSESSMENT: USING CONCORDANCE LINE ACTIVITIES FOR TESTING LEXICAL KNOWLEDGE date: 2020-06-23 words: 6310 flesch: 60 summary: Key words: corpus-based approach; concordance lines; vocabulary instruction; data-driven learning. Research Questions 1) To what extent does the use of concordance lines to teach vocabulary improve students’ performance on vocabulary tests using controlled exercises compared to the performance of students who have been taught these vocabulary items in class using text book materials? 2) To what extent does the use of concordance lines to teach vocabulary lead to students’ greater use of these vocabulary items in less controlled paragraph writing exercises? keywords: 1st; activities; analysis; assessment; assignment; average; book; classroom; computer; concordance; concordance lines; control; corpora; corpus; data; different; education; english; equality; error; examples; exercises; experimental; group; independent; instruction; international; iojet; items; journal; knowledge; language; learners; learning; lines; mean; online; post; practice; pre; questionnaire; research; samples; scores; sentences; software; standard; students; study; success; table; target; teaching; terms; test; text; treatment; university; use; variances; verb; vocabulary; word; writing cache: iojet-944.pdf plain text: iojet-944.txt item: #659 of 681 id: iojet-945 author: Bilican Demir, Safiye title: THE CHARACTERISTICS OF TEACHERS IN EFFECTIVE SCHOOLS: A SECONDARY ANALYSIS OF TALIS date: 2021-01-01 words: 9324 flesch: 50 summary: As the β coefficients are positive for these predictive variables, the increase in the scores of these variables increased the likelihood of teacher achievement. Sources of job satisfaction secondary school teachers in Chile. keywords: academic; achievement; analysis; average; behavior; beliefs; bilican; characteristics; classroom; climate; cognitive; constructivist; countries; country; data; demir; development; different; disciplinary; economic; education; effective; effective teacher; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; environment; et al; evaluation; example; factors; high; important; improvement; increase; information; instruction; international; iojet; items; job; journal; large; learning; level; logistic; management; model; oecd; online; outcomes; paris; performance; pisa; point; positive; practices; professional; psychology; quality; regression; related; relationship; research; results; review; satisfaction; scale; school; school effectiveness; scores; secondary; self; singapore; skills; social; statistics; student; student achievement; studies; study; successful; support; table; talis; teacher; teacher education; teacher self; teaching; terms; value; van; variables; work cache: iojet-945.pdf plain text: iojet-945.txt item: #660 of 681 id: iojet-947 author: İnce Aka, Elvan; Taşar, Mehmet Fatih title: PROSPECTIVE SCIENCE TEACHERS’ VIEWS ON CAREER PLANNING AND THEIR SELF-EFFICACY LEVELS FOR CAREER DECISION-MAKING date: 2020-06-23 words: 7464 flesch: 56 summary: Abstract The aim of this survey study was to determine prospective science teachers’ competency levels in making career decisions and to determine their views on career planning. Individuals with high self-efficacy in career decisions making reflect higher confidence when they need to choose an appropriate career path for themselves (Ogutu, Odera, & Maragia, 2017). keywords: 7(3; aka; analysis; ankara; betz; brown; career; career decision; career development; career planning; categories; cdss; choice; cognitive; course; current; data; decision; development; education; efficacy; factors; family; findings; high; important; individual; influence; international; iojet; i̇nce; job; journal; kariyer; knowledge; lent; levels; life; long; making; new; occupation; online; order; participants; period; person; planning; process; profession; prospective; prospective teachers; qualitative; question; research; responses; scale; school; science; score; self; social; students; study; sub; super; table; taşar; teachers; teaching; theory; time; ulaş; university; values; views; vocational; week; work; yıldırım cache: iojet-947.pdf plain text: iojet-947.txt item: #661 of 681 id: iojet-948 author: Kaya, Zöhre; Çenesiz, Gaye Z. title: THE PREDICTOR ROLES OF LIFE-SATISFACTION, AND INTRINSIC-EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION ON THE PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS date: 2020-10-01 words: 8500 flesch: 44 summary: The aim of the present study was to examine whether intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, and life satisfaction levels of pre-service teachers are significant predictors of their psychological well-being. The results indicated that the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, and life satisfaction levels were moderate, and psychological well-being levels were high. keywords: academic; adaylarının; akademik; analysis; ankara; behavior; bilimler; concept; correlation; data; deci; dergisi; development; diener; different; doi; education; effect; effective; enstitüsü; external; extrinsic; extrinsic motivation; eğitim; factors; fakültesi; happiness; health; high; higher; human; important; incelenmesi; individual; international; intrinsic; iojet; iyi; journal; kaya; levels; life; life satisfaction; literature; mental; mesleğine; moderate; motivation; needs; online; person; personality; point; positive; pre; predictor; present; process; profession; psikolojik; psychological; psychology; regression; related; relationship; research; ryan; ryff; satisfaction; scale; scores; self; service; service teachers; significant; social; sosyal; students; studies; study; subjective; table; teachers; teaching; theories; university; values; variables; wellbeing; yaşam; çenesiz; öğretmenlik; üniversitesi cache: iojet-948.pdf plain text: iojet-948.txt item: #662 of 681 id: iojet-95 author: Boran, Gültekin title: INFORMATION STRUCTURE IN EFL TEACHING date: 2015-06-01 words: 7534 flesch: 59 summary: The issue of highlighting new information and deemphasizing given information in language texts oral or written is termed as information structure which is also known as information packaging (Finegan, 2008, p. 249). For instance, students should know that passive constructions are not only syntactic varieties but also very functional in highlighting new information and deemphasizing given information. keywords: agent; ali; answer; besnier; boran; brown; categories; clause; constructions; contrast; different; discourse; education; efl; element; english; example; finegan; following; fronting; gazi; important; indefinite; information; information structure; international; intonation; iojet; john; journal; language; left; mary; new; new information; noun; old; online; order; particular; passive; phrase; point; pragmatic; question; relative; restrictive; sentence; speaker; state; stress; structure; syntactic; teaching; topic; turkish; units; university; ways; word; yule cache: iojet-95.pdf plain text: iojet-95.txt item: #663 of 681 id: iojet-950 author: Baydar, Aşkın; Ulu Kalın, Özlem title: THE EFFECT OF CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON THE EPISTEMOLOGICAL BELIEFS OF STUDENTS IN A CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM date: 2020-10-01 words: 4356 flesch: 49 summary: The findings revealed that when the “perception” sub-dimension, one of the six dimensions of emotional intelligence increased, the “effort” sub-dimension in epistemological beliefs decreased. Keywords: Child development, epistemological beliefs, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, Vocational School of Health Services 1. keywords: ability; analysis; baydar; beliefs; child; confidence; critical; critical thinking; data; dergisi; development; dimensions; duygusal; düşünme; education; effect; eleştirel; emotional; emotional intelligence; emotions; epistemological; epistemological beliefs; epistemolojik; eğitim; factor; findings; incelenmesi; increase; individuals; intelligence; international; inventory; iojet; items; journal; kalın; knowledge; learning; model; online; perception; present; program; questionnaire; reasoning; research; scale; scores; significant; skills; social; students; studies; study; sub; table; teaching; thinking; turkey; turkish; ulu; university; variables; yılmaz; zeka cache: iojet-950.pdf plain text: iojet-950.txt item: #664 of 681 id: iojet-953 author: Bayrakcı, Mustafa; Karacaoğlu, Ömer Cem title: INTRODUCING A NEW DATA COLLECTION TOOL IN EDUCATION: THE STORAGE TECHNIQUE date: 2020-10-01 words: 5690 flesch: 56 summary: Storage technique from the perspective of the editors Themes, Codes and Sub-Codes N Opinions Storage technique from the perspective of the editors - Data Collection Tool - Likes in terms of time and usage 5 Storage technique was a technique that I first encountered. Storage technique can be used not only in job descriptions, but also in other institutional decisions and teaching practices. keywords: analysis; application; codes; collection; creation; data; description; different; document; draft; editorial; editors; education; evaluation; final; findings; group; important; information; interview; job; job description; journal; karacaoğlu; likes; meeting; method; new; opinions; paper; participants; process; purpose; research; scientific; storage technique; suggestions; table; teaching; technique; terms; theme; time; useful cache: iojet-953.pdf plain text: iojet-953.txt item: #665 of 681 id: iojet-955 author: Sezen-Gültekin, Gözde; Argon, Türkan title: THE RELATIONSHIP AMONG ORGANIZATIONAL MYOPIA, ORGANIZATIONAL RESILIENCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY AT A HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION IN TURKEY: A STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELLING date: 2020-10-01 words: 10503 flesch: 37 summary: The relationship among organizational myopia, organizational resilience and organizational sustainability at a higher education institution in Turkey: Abstract This study aimed to introduce a structural equation model of testing the mediation role of organizational resilience in the relationship between organizational myopia and organizational sustainability. keywords: action; activities; addition; alpha; analysis; argon; award; basis; change; competition; composite; concept; context; continuity; cronbach; cultural; data; dergisi; determined; development; different; dimensions; economic; education; education institutions; effect; environmental; equation; established; evaluation; example; excellence; executive; existence; eğitim; fact; findings; fit; future; goals; gültekin; hand; higher; higher education; impact; important; individual; institutions; international; iojet; issue; items; journal; level; limited; management; model; negative; online; order; organizational; organizational myopia; organizational resilience; organizational sustainability; overall; past; policies; possible; present; private; process; professional; public; quality; reason; relationship; reliability; research; resilient; results; sakarya; sample; scale; scope; sector; sezen; situation; size; social; structural; studies; study; sub; sustainable; table; teaching; terms; today; turkey; turkish; unit; universities; university; values; variable; way; work; world; üniversitesi cache: iojet-955.pdf plain text: iojet-955.txt item: #666 of 681 id: iojet-958 author: Kustiawan, Usep; Yafie, Evania ; Surahman , Ence title: DEVELOPMENT OF A VIDEO ON THREE-DIMENSIONAL ORIGAMI CREATION TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE THE PRACTICAL HANDICRAFT SKILLS OF TEACHER-CANDIDATE COLLEGE STUDENTS : Research article date: 2020-12-04 words: 4862 flesch: 50 summary: Video media may be of help for the lecturer in the instruction for the creation of origami and can be replayed as needed when the students require explanations. Video media, according to Arsyad (2002) is a kind of media that depicts an object accompanied by audio or sounds simultaneously and appropriately. keywords: analysis; appropriate; course; creation; creation techniques; dan; developed; development; dimensional; dimensional origami; early; early education; education; expert; faculty; gall; handicrafts; indonesia; international; iojet; journal; kinds; kustiawan; learning; lecturer; luh; malang; materials; media; online; origami; origami creation; paper; pembelajaran; pendidikan; pengembangan; practice; preschool; product; program; research; results; revision; score; skills; state; students; study; surahman; teacher; teaching; techniques; test; threedimensional; university; usage; validation; video; video media; yafie cache: iojet-958.pdf plain text: iojet-958.txt item: #667 of 681 id: iojet-959 author: Yıldız, Vahit Ağa; Kılıç, Durmuş title: AN INVESTIGATION ON THE VIEWPOINTS OF STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND PARENTS ABOUT HOMEWORK IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS date: 2020-10-01 words: 5078 flesch: 62 summary: Thoughts on Whether Homework Increases Success The thoughts of students, teachers, and parents on whether homework increases success are shown in Table 1. Table 1. The frequency of homework given by teachers Frequency of Assignments n % Homework is given every day. keywords: academic; achievement; addition; analysis; assignments; attitudes; behaviors; case; children; content; cooper; data; determined; different; education; frequency; grade; groups; henderson; homework; important; increase; international; interview; iojet; journal; kılıç; method; music; negative; online; opinions; parents; participants; positive; primary; problem; process; research; results; school; students; studies; study; subjects; success; table; teachers; teaching; terms; thoughts; time; type; university; yıldız cache: iojet-959.pdf plain text: iojet-959.txt item: #668 of 681 id: iojet-967 author: Girgin, Derya title: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE SONGS CREATED BY STUDENT- TEACHERS IN MUSIC VIA AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH BASED ON THE RASCH MEASUREMENT MODEL AND THE MAXQDA ANALYSIS PROGRAM date: 2020-10-01 words: 11829 flesch: 52 summary: Music education has a special importance and place in the developmental periods of individuals with special needs since music education is a field that emotionally and physically stimulates individuals. In the study, it was recommended that field courses and didactic courses should be integrated in the field of music education. keywords: achievements; activities; addition; analysis; ankara; approach; autism; basic; bir; case; characteristics; children; codes; context; course; data; degree; dergisi; development; didactic; different; difficult; disabilities; disciplines; doctoral; education; education achievements; education course; effect; evaluation; expected; eğitim; field; figure; focus; form; girgin; important; individuals; infit; information; interdisciplinary; interdisciplinary approach; interdisciplinary teaching; international; iojet; items; journal; jury; jury members; knowledge; learning; level; literature; lyrics; maxqda; measurement; members; methods; mixed; model; music; music education; music teachers; music therapy; musical; müzik; needs; new; online; opinions; outfit; problems; process; professional; program; purpose; qualitative; quality; quotations; rasch; related; reliability; research; results; rhythm; sciences; skills; social; song; special education; special music; special needs; structure; student; student teachers; studies; study; suitability; table; teachers; teaching; teaching approach; terms; therapy; training; university; use; values; views; words; years; üniversitesi cache: iojet-967.pdf plain text: iojet-967.txt item: #669 of 681 id: iojet-971 author: Yılmaz, Hacı title: THE QUALITY OF ARABIC LANGUAGE TEACHING CURRICULA IN TURKEY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TURKISH QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK date: 2020-10-01 words: 7223 flesch: 46 summary: As a result of the study, it was observed that TQF was not aligned explicitly or implicitly to Arabic language teaching curricula. Keywords: European Qualifications Framework (EQF),Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF), Arabic language teaching curricula, Turkish Ministry of National Education (MoNE) 1. keywords: 12th; accordance; acronym; activities; arabic; arabic language; awareness; basic; business; communication; competencies; compulsory; council; cultural; curricula; data; digital; directorate; document; education; eqf; european; foreign; framework; gains; general; goals; grades; hatip; high; imam; individuals; initiative; international; iojet; journal; knowledge; language; language teaching; learning; level; lifelong; literature; mathematical; ministry; mone; online; prepared; primary; process; qualifications; qualifications framework; quality; religious; research; school; science; secondary; skills; social; students; studies; study; table; teaching; teaching curricula; technology; tqf; training; turkey; turkish; understanding; vocational cache: iojet-971.pdf plain text: iojet-971.txt item: #670 of 681 id: iojet-977 author: Akfirat, O. Nejat; Turan, Olgun title: ADAPTING THE SCALE OF COGNITIVE EMOTION REGULATION STRATEGIES FOR CHILDREN TO TURKISH: VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY STUDIES date: 2021-01-13 words: 4777 flesch: 59 summary: Adapting the scale of cognitive emotion regulation strategies for children to Turkish: validity and reliability studies. These strategies are; self-blame, acceptance, rumination, positive refocusing, refocus on the plan, positive reappraisal, putting in the perspective, catastrophizing, and blaming others are cognitive emotion regulation strategies. keywords: 8(2; akfirat; alpha; analysis; ankara; büyüköztürk; children; children scale; coefficient; cognitive; cognitive emotion; correlation; cronbach; dimensions; education; emotion; emotion regulation; event; example; factor; form; garnefski; gross; individual; international; iojet; items; journal; level; middle; model; online; positive; regulation; regulation strategies; related; reliability; research; retest; scale; situation; strategies; studies; study; sub; table; teaching; test; total; turan; turkish; validity; values; version cache: iojet-977.pdf plain text: iojet-977.txt item: #671 of 681 id: iojet-978 author: Wicaksono, Sellygus Cahyaning Ratri; Mardiyana; Siswanto title: AN ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENT METACOGNITION LEVEL IN PROBLEM-SOLVING VIA PROBLEM STORIES IN THE MATERIALS OF THE TWO-VARIABLE EQUATION SYSTEM date: 2020-10-01 words: 2917 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: Metacognition level, problem solving, problem stories, linear equation system 1. Then can be concluded that the level of metacognition of subjects with the level of metacognition of students in the high-value category is reflective use, with the appearance of metacognition level indicators as follows. keywords: activities; answers; awareness; category; education; equation; learning; level; linear; mathematics; metacognition; monitoring; planning; problem; questions; research; results; solving; stage; steps; strategies; students; subject; system; thinking; use; value cache: iojet-978.pdf plain text: iojet-978.txt item: #672 of 681 id: iojet-98 author: Offorma, Grace Chibiko; Obiefuna, Carol Obiefuna; Ifegbo, P.C. title: PERCEPTION OF INTERN TEACHERS’ USE OF INTERACTIVE STRATEGIES IN TEACHING LARGE CLASSES IN ONLINE ENVIRONMENT date: 2015-06-12 words: 5321 flesch: 52 summary: With smaller, less formal settings where students learn from one another as well as from their appointed teachers; a strategy that considers learning occurring when a learner is not in a fixed or pre-determined location and at the same time ensuring effective teaching and learning for a better performance output may solve the problems of large class teaching. Providing feedback to online students: A new approach. keywords: attendance; class; classes; classroom; communication; curriculum; education; environment; face; federal; feedback; higher; ict; ideas; ifegbo; immediate; information; institutions; interactive; intern; international; iojet; journal; large; large class; learner; learning; mean; mobile; new; nigeria; obiefuna; offorma; online; online class; online environment; online teaching; participation; perception; population; problems; research; result; shows; size; social; strategies; students; study; table; teachers; teaching; technology; time; universities; university; use; view cache: iojet-98.pdf plain text: iojet-98.txt item: #673 of 681 id: iojet-981 author: Usta, Neslihan; Söylemez, Şeyma title: EFFECTIVENESS OF UTILIZING SCENARIO-BASED INSTRUCTION TO TEACH “FUNCTIONS” TO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN MATHEMATICS CLASSES date: 2020-10-01 words: 11501 flesch: 55 summary: Posttest data of the types of functions questions showed that the number of responses in the category of completely correct increased. Some everyday life examples using functions and function graphs include input-output and factory-product relation, mechanical physics problems including speed, time and orbital problems, piecewise functions and practices, and grade calculations, etc. (Karakoç & Alacacı, 2015). keywords: 10th; achievement; activities; addition; algebraic; analysis; ankara; answers; categories; category; concept; content; correct; correct response; current; daily; data; definition; different; education; everyday; examples; fat; figure; findings; frequencies; function graphs; functions; grade; graphic; graphs; group; high; implementation; incorrect; instruction; international; inverse; iojet; journal; knowledge; learning; lessons; life; making; mathematics; mathematics education; method; online; operations; percentage; posttest; pretest; problem; process; qualitative; questions; ranks; real; reasoning; related; representations; research; researchers; response; results; s20; scenarios; school; school students; science; scores; secondary; set; significant; situations; students; study; sub; söylemez; table; teachers; teaching; topic; types; unanswered; understanding; university; use; usta; views cache: iojet-981.pdf plain text: iojet-981.txt item: #674 of 681 id: iojet-985 author: Korumaz, Mithat ; Kılıç, Gülenay Nagihan; Kocabaş, İbrahim title: THE LIVED EXPERIENCE OF PRINCIPALS FOR MANAGING CHANGE IN THEIR SCHOOLS: A PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESEARCH date: 2021-01-13 words: 8779 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: Change management, Organizational change, School principals, State schools Korumaz & Kılıç & Kocabaş 1040 1. Abstract The aim of the study is to reveal the experiences of school principals in the process of change. keywords: 8(2; administrators; analysis; ankara; barriers; categories; change; change process; climate; communication; context; creswell; data; development; education; emphasized; environment; expectations; experiences; face; field; important; international; interview; involvement; iojet; journal; kocabaş; korumaz; kılıç; leaders; leadership; management; managing; members; need; negative; new; oaks; obstacles; online; opportunities; order; organizational; organizational change; parental; parents; participants; phenomenological; place; positive; possible; potential; principals; procedure; process; qualitative; quality; questions; research; researchers; resistance; results; sage; school; school principals; social; society; state; structure; students; study; success; teachers; teaching; theme; university; way; years cache: iojet-985.pdf plain text: iojet-985.txt item: #675 of 681 id: iojet-987 author: Tuzcu Eken, Derya title: PEER EVALUATION IN WRITING: HOW TO IMPLEMENT EFFICIENTLY date: 2021-01-08 words: 9992 flesch: 55 summary: Student peer assessment. Peer evaluation in writing: How to implement efficiently. keywords: ability; activities; analysis; assessment; beneficial; benefits; case; class; clear; collectivist; computer; content; course; cultural; culture; development; difficult; education; eken; english; evaluation; feedback; formative; friends; good; group; hand; hyland; international; iojet; issues; journal; lack; language; learning; literature; mistakes; need; online; order; organization; papers; peer; peer assessment; peer evaluation; peer feedback; personality; problems; process; related; research; result; review; second; sentence; skills; students; studies; study; summative; teacher; teaching; terminology; time; training; tuzcu; university; views; way; writing cache: iojet-987.pdf plain text: iojet-987.txt item: #676 of 681 id: iojet-988 author: Keleşoğlu, Serkan; Yetkiner, Alper title: STUDENT TEACHERS ASK: ARE WE WORKERS OR COLLEAGUES? date: 2021-03-29 words: 10358 flesch: 62 summary: Student teachers expressed that it was reflected to the student in the class when they were not seen as a colleague or student teacher by the stakeholders in the school, and therefore they experienced difficulties in the process. Serkan Keleşoğlu Alper Yetkiner Abstract The Teaching Practice Course is the most important course for student teachers to gain professional qualifications. keywords: 8(2; adaylarının; ankara; bilimler; class; classroom; colleagues; communication; course; criteria; data; department; dergisi; development; different; education; effective; enstitüsü; experience; eğitim; faculty; feedback; field; focus; group; hours; important; information; international; interviews; iojet; journal; kelesoglu; knowledge; lesson; lisans; meeting; mentor; mentor teachers; okul; online; opinions; order; participants; participation; practice; practice course; practice process; process; professional; pst-2019; qualifications; qualitative; relationship; research; school; situation; social; sosyal; sst-2018; student; student teachers; studies; study; suggestions; supervisor; support; teachers; teaching; teaching practice; tezi; time; training; university; uygulaması; way; years; yetkiner; öğretmenlik; üniversitesi cache: iojet-988.pdf plain text: iojet-988.txt item: #677 of 681 id: iojet-990 author: Soonthodu, Sachin; Rao, Nagarjuna title: PERCEPTION OF WORKING ONLINE VERSUS OFFLINE AMONG ACADEMIC PROFESSIONALS date: 2020-11-30 words: 4853 flesch: 50 summary: Finally, work-life balance, inculcating ethical practices should be the major inclusion of online teaching technology. 8. Through online technology students across the world can connect with a teacher in a single point of time. keywords: academic; academic professionals; age; anova; business; classroom; colleges; communication; development; difference; doi; education; effectiveness; face; groups; institutions; international; iojet; journal; learning; mean; offline; online; online teaching; perception; personal; professionals; professors; rao; reference; research; respect; review; significant; soonthodu; square; students; study; sum; table; teachers; teaching; technology; time; total; universities; use; way; working cache: iojet-990.pdf plain text: iojet-990.txt item: #678 of 681 id: iojet-993 author: Altun, Yüksel; Akbulut, Faruk title: A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO ENTROPY IN SCIENCE EDUCATION date: 2020-10-01 words: 10292 flesch: 52 summary: Unfortunately, the controversies and paradoxes surrendering entropy concept caused its perception to be so complicated, and these complications immediately converted into misconceptions, which results in the deviation from our educational targets (Lambert, 2006; Haglund et al., 2015). In this context, many of the publishing houses declared that they were going to remove the disorder concept used in the explanation of entropy from the textbooks starting from 2013 and will only include energy concepts (Lambert, 2014). keywords: alternative; american; andersson; approach; boltzmann; change; chemical; chemistry; clausius; concept; course; data; description; different; difficulties; disorder; dispersal; distribution; education; energy; energy concepts; engineering; enthalpy; entropy; entropy concept; explanation; expression; free; free energy; freedom; gibbs; haglund; heat; integrated; international; iojet; journal; lambert; law; laws; macroscopic; meaning; measure; metaphor; microstates; molecular; nature; new; online; particles; physical; physics; popoviç; probability; problems; process; related; research; science; scientific; second; spreading; statistical; students; studies; study; system; sözbilir; teaching; temperature; theory; thermal; thermodynamic; thermodynamic concepts; thermodynamic entropy; thesis; total; tripod; understanding; university; use; work cache: iojet-993.pdf plain text: iojet-993.txt item: #679 of 681 id: iojet-996 author: Kissi, Philip Siaw; Opoku, Daniel; Armah, Samuel Ebenezer title: MAKING INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TY AS A PROGRAMME IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULUM: TEACHERS’ CONCERNS date: 2020-11-30 words: 4865 flesch: 60 summary: Therefore, knowing the views of ICT teachers concerning ICT curriculum is important. The question required to discover the extent for which ICT teachers’ perceived relevance of ICT knowledge and perceived job opportunity relate to their concern of making ICT as a course in the SHS curriculum. keywords: communication; concerns; course; curriculum; difference; education; female; ghana; high; higher; ict; ict knowledge; ict program; ict teachers; important; information; international; job; journal; kissi; knowledge; learning; making; mean; new; opportunity; program; question; related; relevance; relevant; research; school; sciences; shs; shs curriculum; significant; students; study; subject; table; teachers; teaching; technology; test; university; use; winneba cache: iojet-996.pdf plain text: iojet-996.txt item: #680 of 681 id: iojet-998 author: Gümüş, Hikmet; Gençoğlu, Celal; Şahin, Tolga title: PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS: BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF THE ERIC DATABASE date: 2020-10-01 words: 4827 flesch: 40 summary: 644 United Kingdom 1582 Sport, Education and Society 528 Australia 1199 Journal of Leadership Education 447 Turkey 1130 Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators 446 Canada 863 Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 443 China 336 European Physical Education Review 408 Spain 290 Physical Educator 380 New Zealand 288 Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 362 Germany 271 Journal of School Health 336 Sweden 256 Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 324 Netherlands 230 Journal of Education and Training Studies 319 South Africa 217 We observed that journals namely “Sport, Education and Society; Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators; Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance; European Physical Education Review; Physical Educator; Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy; Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, and Journal of Education and Training Studies” have placed in top 25. keywords: activities; activity; analysis; area; articles; athletes; athletics; authors; behavior; bibliometric; bibliometric analysis; coaching; college; country; current; database; department; development; education; eric; evaluation; exercise; fitness; gümüş; health; international; iojet; journal; leadership; level; literature; medicine; mental; methods; number; online; performance; physical; physical education; program; promotion; related; research; school; science; scientific; skill; sports; states; student; studies; study; subjects; teachers; teaching; team; topics; training; transfer; united; university; year; şahin cache: iojet-998.pdf plain text: iojet-998.txt item: #681 of 681 id: iojet-999 author: Çevik, Mustafa; Tabaru-Örnek, Gizem title: COMPARISON OF MATLAB AND SPSS SOFTWARE IN THE PREDICTION OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT WITH ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS: MODELING FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2020-10-01 words: 8398 flesch: 57 summary: One reason could be that all variables affecting student academic achievement are not correctly included. If all the variables influencing student academic achievement can be revealed, students’ academic acvhievement may reach at the satisfactory level (Tepehan, 2011). keywords: academic; academic achievement; accuracy; achievement; analysis; ankara; ann; ann model; artificial; cascallar; classification; classified; comparison; connection; correct; data; desk; different; e n; education; factor; father; findings; grade; high; higher; hypothesis; importance; input; international; internet; iojet; items; journal; layer; learning; literature; logistic; master; mathematics; matlab; methods; model; nerve; networks; neural; online; order; output; performance; prediction; primary; rate; regression; research; results; school; science; self; software; spss; statistical; status; students; studies; study; successful; tabaru; table; teachers; teaching; technology; test; tool; total; university; unpublished; value; variables; çevik; örnek cache: iojet-999.pdf plain text: iojet-999.txt