IJFS#1448_bozza Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 31, 2019 - 416 SURVEY HOUSEHOLD CHARACTERISTICS INFLUENCING FISH CONSUMPTION IN VAN PROVINCE, TURKEY M. TERİN* Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, 65080 Van, Turkey *Corresponding author: Tel.: +905356478210 E-mail address: mustafaterin@yyu.edu.tr ABSTRACT This study investigates the relationship between households’ fish consumption frequency and their socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes. Using Chi-square test of independence, the study compares households’ fish consumption frequencies of never, once a month, twice a month, once a week and more than once a week. The empirical model was estimated using an ordered probit model to obtain the coefficients applied to the calculation of marginal effects and probabilities. The results indicate that, households’ income, children per households, working households’ head, households’ consumption of aquaculture products other than fish and the surveyed being households’ head significantly influence the frequency of fish consumption. Keywords: fish consumption, socio-demographic characteristics, ordered probit model, Turkey Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 31, 2019 - 417 1. INTRODUCTION In recent years, healthy nutrition has increasingly been encouraged, as a result, different healthy food consumption tendencies are emerged (GILBERT, 2000; LEEK et al., 2000). Sea food is an important part of healthy nutrition (TRONDSEN et al., 2003). Regular fish consumption reduces the likelihood of many chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease (KORNITZER, 2001; PLEADIN et al., 2017) and contributes significantly to healthy living (VERBEKE and VACKIER, 2005). Sea food is regarded as one of the most valuable nutrients in terms of the nutrients it contains. Sea food products contribute greatly to human nutrition because of high protein ratio, richness in omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals and vitamins they contain (GÜLYAVUZ and ÜNLÜSAYIN, 1999). Especially, fish has many benefits to human nutrition. Fish meat is easy to digest, contains high protein and is excellent in fat content. In addition, the vitamins and minerals and the low energy of the dietary supplement increase its importance (TATAR, 1995; TURAN et al., 2006; SAYGI et al., 2015). These factors are main causes that led consumers to change their consumption preferences from red meat to chicken meat and fish meat (RICKERTSEN, 1996; MANGEN and BURRELL, 2001). Aquaculture plays an important role in ensuring nutritional needs and global food security in both developed and developing countries. In the past 50 years, global average supply of fishery products has increased by 3.2% per year on average, and world population has increased by 1.6%, resulting in an increase in average per capita consumption of aquatic products. In the world, the average per capita annual consumption of aquatic products is estimated to be 20.5 kg in 2017, while it was 9.0 kg, 17.0 kg and 20.2 kg in 1961, 2000 and 2015, respectively. This impressive increase in average fish consumption per capita was mainly due to the increase in production, income, population and urbanization, as well as the development of modern distribution channels (FAO, 2018). As a country surrounded by sea, Turkey has a significant potential for aquatic products with its lakes, dams, streams and spring waters. Fishing in Turkey is an important field of activity in terms of being one of the basic livelihood resources in the coastal regions and human nutrition (ANONYMOUS, 2014). Aquaculture production in Turkey has shown significant fluctuations over the years. In 2017, the production of aquaculture products in Turkey increased by 7.15% to 630 thousand tons compared to the previous year. Out of this production 354 thousand tones (56.2%) was obtained through hunting, and 276 thousand tones (43.8%) were obtained through aquaculture. Van Province with the biggest Lake (Van Lake) accounts for 23.0% (8310 tons) of inland water fish production in Turkey with its Pearl Mullet (Tarek) fish unique for Van Lake (TURKSTAT, 2018). In addition, there are 24 trout farms in the province and approximately 200 tons of trout is produced yearly (GÜNGÖR, 2014). In Turkey, per capita consumption of aquatic products has ranged from 6.3 to 8.6 kg/year in the last 18 years and has been 5.5 kg/year as of 2017 (TURKSTAT, 2018). The amount of consumption of aquatic products per capita differs significantly between regions in Turkey. While per capita consumption was high at regions by seas in Giresun and Trabzon 28.08 kg/year (AYDIN and KARADURMUŞ, 2013), in Mersin 25.8 kg/year (ŞEN, 2011) in Hatay 21.5 kg/year (DEMIRTAŞ et al., 2014) and in İzmir 15 kg/year (ÇAYLAK, 2013), domestic, Eastern and Southeastern regions were below the world average being 13 kg/year in Tokat (ERDAL and ESENGÜN, 2008), 12.4 kg/year in Isparta (HATIRLI et al., 2004), 6.5 kg/year in Erzurum (UZUNDUMLU, 2017), 4.13 kg/year in Kahramanmaraş (ERCAN and ŞAHIN, 2016), 3.8 kg/year in Niğde (BASHIMOV, 2017) and 3.4 kg/year in Ankara (GÜL YAVUZ et al., 2015). Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 31, 2019 - 418 There are many factors affecting fish consumption, including socioeconomic structure, general food consumption structure, personal health status and maritime nature of the living area (MYRLAND et al., 2000; TRONDSEN et al., 2004; VERBEKE and VACKIER, 2005). But, the most determining factor for purchasing fish is nutrition (ADELI et al., 2011). The aim of the study in this context was to determine the socio demographic and behavioral characteristics that affect the frequency of fish consumption of households in urban areas in Van. 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS The main material of the study is the original data collected through questionnaires from 260 households living in the urban area of Van. Survey was conducted between December 2015 and January 2016. The sample size was determined by ungrouped one stage random likelihood sampling method based on households (COLLINS, 1986; AKBAY et al., 2007). 𝑛 = 𝑡^2 [1 + (0.02)(𝑏 − 1)] ∗ 𝑝𝑞/𝐸^2 (1) The statistical relationship between the frequency of fish consumption of households and their socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics was estimated using the Chi square test. On the other hand, the effects of the socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics of the habits on the fish consumption frequency was estimated using “Ordered Probit Model" method. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPPSS 17.0) and LIMDEP 10 programs were used in the analysis of the data. The ordered probit model is based on the McFadden (1973) utility maximization theory. The utility function in the research indicates the utility of the consumer in terms of the frequency of fish consumption. However, the level of utility provided here cannot be observed. Behind the observable, intermittent and ordered categories (y) in the ordered probit model is assumed to be a continuous, but unobservable, hidden dependent variable. The unobserved, latent dependent variable (y*) is explained by the vector of explanatory variables and the error term. The term error is assumed to have normal distribution (GREENE, 2012). Y* = x'β + ε ε ~ N [0, 1] (2) In the study, households chose one of the five alternatives for fish consumption, the dependent variable was classified according to its size (y = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4). Thus, the relationship between the model dependent variable (y) and the unobserved dependent variable (y*) is as follows (CHEN et al., 2002; GREENE, 2012). if y*≤0, y=0 if 0Chi-square=0.000 *:0.1, **:0.05 and ***: 0,01 significant level. Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 31, 2019 - 424 Table 4. The marginal effects of factors on the probability of relative frequencies for fish consumption. Variables Y(0) Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Income -0.000020*** -0.000036*** -0.0000031 0.000035*** 0.000025*** Child number -0.01078* -0.01921* -0.00164 0.01850* 0.01313* Household head -0.06366** -0.09256*** 0.00552 0.09392** 0.05678*** Household head woman 0.2171 0.03566 0.00079 -0.03514 -0.02303 House wife working 0.01426 0.02384 0.00084 -0.02338 -0.01556 Other seafood consumption -0.05501*** -0.13582*** -0.05534 0.11094*** 0.13523** Resides in rental house 0.01955 0.03337 0.00176 -0.03252 -0.02216 Fish prices high 0.06900*** 0.13151*** 0.02331 -0.12144*** -0.10239*** Public spots -0.09714*** -0.13973*** 0.00609 0.14111*** 0.08967*** Household head working -0.15276 -0.13839*** 0.05612 0.16191** 0.07312*** *:0.1, **:0.05 and ***: 0,01 significant level. 4. CONCLUSIONS Result of this study showed that various socio-economic and demographic factors of households and households’ heads significantly influenced the likelihood of consuming fish. There was a positive relationship between the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of households such as households’ income, children per households, working households’ head, households’ consumption of aquaculture products other than fish, households’ head and the behavioral variables such as households’ thought that public spots affected the fish consumption positively. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made; public or private organization should continue to educate the households’ heads (parents) on the importance of fish on their health. Price of fish should be reduced so as to increase the fish consumption in the area since it was observed that price of fish and fish consumption are inversely related. As the income of the households' increases, fish consumption also increases, therefore government should provide income opportunities by creating jobs to enhance the household’s purchasing power. 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