PAPER Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 173 - Keywords: sweet cherry, quality, shelf life, edible coating - EFFECTS OF ALGINATE EDIBLE COATING ON QUALITY AND ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES IN SWEET CHERRY DURING POSTHARVEST STORAGE V. CHIABRANDO* and G. GIACALONE Department of Agriculture, Forest and Food Science, University of Turin, Largo Braccini 2, 10095 Grugliasco (TO), Italy *Corresponding author: Tel. +39 011 6708938, Fax 0039 011 6708658, email: ABSTRACT Two sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivars (“Big Lory” and “Grace Star”), were treated with 1%, 3% and 5% sodium alginate as an edible coating before storage. Analytical determinations were made after 7, 14 and 21 days of storage at 4°C. Cherries were analyzed for the following qual- ity parameters: firmness, weight loss, titratable acidity, soluble solid content, external color, an- thocyanin content, phenolic content and total antioxidant capacity. Alginate treatment at 3% de- layed changes in most of the ripening parameters, weight and acidity losses, softening and color changes. However, the soluble solids content was not affected by the alginate fruit coating. In terms of the antioxidant properties, no significant results were obtained with the use of the alg- inate coating. The results of this study suggest that alginate treatments at 1% and 3% could be used as natural postharvest treatments in cherry cultivars with the aim of delaying the posthar- vest ripening process and maintaining fruit quality. 174 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 INTRODUCTION Sweet cherry is one of the most appreciated fruits by the consumer due to its precocity and quality. Among the factors determining con- sumer acceptability, soluble solids, skin color and acidity are the most important (DÍAZ-MU- LA et al., 2012). Color is an indicator of qual- ity and ripening of fresh sweet cherry and de- pends on the accumulation and profile of an- thocyanins (CRISOSTO et al., 2003). The anti- oxidant properties of sweet cherry are associ- ated with the ascorbic acid and polyphenolic content (CHAOVANALIKIT and WROLSTAD, 2004; SERRANO et al., 2005). Sweet cherries deterio- rate rapidly after harvest and, in some cases, do not reach consumers with the optimal or- ganoleptic quality. Both the fruit and the stem consist largely of air and water, and the water is lost very quickly. The main causes of sweet cherry deterioration are weight loss, loss of acidity, softening, color changes, surface pitting and stem browning, along with changes in the soluble solids content (BERNALTE et al., 2003). Adequate postharvest technologies combined with cold storage are fundamental. Several pre- and postharvest technologies have been used to control cherry decay. In this sense, the use of an edible coating could be a new technolog- ical alternative to the use of modified atmos- phere packaging to maintain fruit quality dur- ing storage, especially in minimally processed cherries (commercialized without the steam) (CAMPOS et al., 2011). Edible coatings are tra- ditionally used to improve fruits appearance and conservation. Coatings on products create a semipermeable barrier to external elements that can reduce moisture loss, solute migration, respiration and oxidative reactions and retard the natural physiological ripening process (VAR- GAS et al., 2008). Maintenance of fruit quality has been achieved by the utilization of differ- ent coatings such as chitosan in peach (LI and YU, 2001) and nectarines (CHIABRANDO and GI- ACALONE, 2013), pectin coating in melon (FER- RARI et al., 2013), alginate in apple (OLIVAS et al., 2007; ROJAS-GRAU et al., 2007; CHIABRAN- DO and GIACALONE, 2012), and hydroxypropyl- methylcellulose and whey protein in plum (NA- VARRO-TARAZAGA et al., 2008; REINOSO et al., 2008). In particular, alginate is a hydrophilic biopolymer that has a coating function because of its unique colloidal properties, which have allowed its use as a thickening agent, in form- ing suspensions and gels, and for stabilizing emulsions (ACEVEDO et al., 2012). Sodium al- ginate has been effective in maintaining post- harvest quality in tomato (ZAPATA et al., 2008) and peach (MAFTOONAZAD et al., 2008). In sweet cherry, some effects on fruit quality have been obtained with edible coatings based on chitosan (ROMANAZZI et al., 2003), sodium alginate (DI- AZ-MULA et al., 2012), SemperfreshTM (YAMAN and BAYINDIRLI, 2001) and with the use of aloe vera gel (RAVANFAR et al., 2012). Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the effect of sodium alginate applied as an edi- ble coating at three concentrations (1%, 3% and 5% w/v) on the quality properties and antioxi- dant activity in Grace Star and Big Lory sweet cherry cultivars during storage at 4°C. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant material Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L. cv “Grace Star” and “Big Lory”) fruits were harvested from a commercial plot. Fruits were picked at com- mercial maturity stage, with a score of 4 on the color chart from the Centre Technique Interpro- fessionel de Fruits et Légumes (CTIFL, Paris). Fruits were transported immediately to the lab- oratory, and only whole and unwounded fruits were selected for the experiment. The following treatments were used: 0% (control), 1%, 3% and 5% (w/v) alginate coating. Sodium alginate (Sig- ma-Aldrich Co., Steinhein, Germany) was pre- pared according to previous reports (DIAZ-MU- LA et al. 2012; CHIABRANDO and GIACALONE, 2013), dissolved in hot water (45°C) with con- tinuous shaking until the solution became clear. After cooling to 20°C, glycerol at 20% v/v was added as a plasticizer. Fruits were dipped twice in the fresh coating solution for 1 min to assure the uniformity of the coating of the whole sur- face. After, fruits were dried for 30 min under an air-flow heater at 25°C. Control fruits were dipped in distilled water. After drying, 30 cher- ries were placed in polypropylene (PP) punnets, weighed, and stored in a controlled chamber at 4°C and relative humidity of 90-95%. Six pun- nets for each treatment were prepared, and af- ter 7, 14 and 21 days of cold storage, two pun- nets per treatment were taken at random and used for the analysis. Quality properties measurements and weight loss Quality measurements were determined at day 7, 14 and 21 of storage. Total acidity (meq/l), pH and the percentage of soluble sol- ids (°Brix) were measured according to official methods (AOAC, 1995). The total soluble sol- ids content (TSS) was determined using the juice from five cherries at 20°C. Three repli- cates were used for each treatment. Titratable acidity (TA) was determined by titration with 0.1 N NaOH up to pH 8.1, using 10 ml of dilut- ed juice in distilled H 2 O. Three replicates were used for each treatment. For fruit firmness measurements, a hand-held Shore Durometer (T.R. Turoni, Italy) was used and 30 fruits (replicates) per treatment were an- Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 175 alyzed (KAPPEL et al., 1996). Weight loss was determined in each punnet by the percentage weight loss with respect to day 0. Color measurements The color of coated cherries was measured at day 7, 14 and 21 of storage, individually for each fruit (30 for each treatment). The surface color was analyzed with a tri-stimulus CR-400 Chro- ma Meter (Konica Minolta Sensing) with D75 il- lumination and observation angle of 10° cali- brated with a standard white plate (Y = 94.00, x = 0.3158, y = 0.3322, L* = 97.79, a* = -0.43, b* = + 2.25). Two readings of L* (lightness), b* (yellow chromaticity), and a* (green chromatic- ity) coordinates were recorded for each cherry. Numerical values of a* and b* parameters were employed to calculate the hue angle (h° = tan-1 (b*/a*)2) and chroma (C = (a*2 + b*2)0.5). The re- ported values are the mean ± SD of 60 deter- minations. Anthocyanin content, phenolic content and Total Antioxidant Capacity The anthocyanin content, phenolic content and total antioxidant capacity were measured at day 0 and after 21 days of storage. For determination of the anthocyanin content, phenolic content and total antioxidant capacity, extracts were prepared by weighing 10 g of fresh cherries into a centri- fuge tube, adding methanol (25 ml) and homog- enizing the sample for 1 min. Extractions were performed under reduced light conditions. Tubes were centrifuged (3000 rpm for 15 min) and the clear supernatant fluid collected and stored at -26°C. For identification and quantification, ex- traction was performed as three replicates. The anthocyanin content was quantified according to the pH differential method of CHENG and BREEN (1991). Anthocyanins were estimated by their dif- ference in absorbance at 515 and at 700 nm in buffer at pH 1.0 and at pH 4.5, where A = (A515 - A700) pH1.0 - (A515 - A700) pH4.5 . Results are ex- pressed as mg of cyanidin-3- glucoside (C3G) per 100 g of fresh cherries. Total phenolics were determined with Folin- Ciocalteu reagent following the method of SLINK- ARD and SINGLETON (1977), using gallic acid as the standard. Absorption was measured at 765 nm. Results are expressed as mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE) per 100 g of fresh cherries. The antioxidant activity was determined us- ing a ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay, following the methods of PELLEGRINI et al. (2003) with some modifications. The antiox- idant capacity of the diluted cherry extract was determined by its ability to reduce ferric iron to ferrous iron in a solution of TPTZ prepared in sodium acetate at pH 3.6. Results are expressed as mmol Fe2+/kg of fresh cherries. Statistical analysis The basic experimental design consisted of four coating treatments, each having three rep- licates. For each parameter evaluated, two pun- nets containing 30 fruits each were considered a replicate and all determinations were performed in triplicate. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance using statistical procedures in STATIS- TICA ver. 6.0 (Statsoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA). The sources of variance were the coating treatments. Tukey’s test HSP (honestly significant differenc- es) was used to determine significant differenc- es among treatment means. Mean values were considered significantly different at p ≤ 0.05. The mean values were calculated and reported as the mean ± SD (n = 3). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Quality properties measurements and weight loss Texture is a major factor defining the quality of fruit and strongly influences acceptability by consumers. The firmness values of cherries de- creased, demonstrating texture softening dur- ing storage for both coated cultivars and con- trol fruits, as shown in Table 1. In cv Big Lory, the alginate coatings had a ben- eficial effect on fruit firmness. Retention of firm- ness can be explained by retarded degradation of the components responsible for the structural rigidity the fruit, primarily insoluble pectin and proto-pectin. The fruit firmness of cv Big Lory at harvest was 67.24 N; after 14 days of storage, this value increased and then decreased at the end of storage at 4°C, reaching a final value of 41.41 N for the control and 57.08 N, 53 N and 48.72 N for the 1%, 3% and 5% coatings, respec- tively (Table 1). By the end of the storage period, all the coating treatments gave rise to fruit with greater flesh firmness than the untreated fruit (P < 0.05) (Table 1). In addition, significant dif- ferences were noted between the alginate coat- ing treatments: higher values for flesh firmness were found for fruit coated with 1% and 3% al- ginate. The beneficial effect of the alginate con- centration on firmness has also been report- ed for strawberry (HERNÁNDEZ-MUÑOZA et al., 2008), peach, Japanese pear, kiwifruit (DU et al., 1997) and citrus (CHIEN et al., 2007). The coat- ing of fruits can be expected to modify the inter- nal gas composition of fruits, especially reducing the oxygen concentration and elevating the car- bon dioxide concentration, which might explain the delayed textural changes in the coated fruits. In cv Grace Star, fruits tended to be less firm than cv Big Lory. At harvest, fruit firmness was 44.47 N; after 7 days of storage, this value in- creased and then decreased during storage at 4°C, reaching a final value of 32.87 N for the 176 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 Table 1 - Changes in the quality parameters of coated cherries (cv Big Lory and Grace Star) stored at 4°C for 21 days. Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences (p ≤ 0.05). Column without letters have no significant differences. Values at storage days Cv Big Lory Quality parameter Treatments 0 7 14 21 Firmness (N) control 67.24 65.80 80.60 b 41.41 b sodium alginate (1%) 67.24 65.06 85.26 a 57.08 a sodium alginate (3%) 67.24 64.80 84.31 a 53.00 a sodium alginate (5%) 67.24 66.01 84.05 a 48.72 ab Total soluble solids content (°Brix) control 16.43 15.67 a 14.85 b 14.37 b sodium alginate (1%) 16.43 16.97 a 14.37 b 16.17 a sodium alginate (3%) 16.43 13.83 b 14.47 b 16.00 a sodium alginate (5%) 16.43 15.47 a 16.93 a 14.23 b Titratable acidity (meq/l) control 69.27 46.81 b 46.2 b 41.77 a sodium alginate (1%) 69.27 51.49 a 41.41 b 40.46 a sodium alginate (3%) 69.27 42.31 c 42.23 b 43.92 a   sodium alginate (5%) 69.27 47.79 b 48.25 a 31.56 b Cv Grace Star Quality parameter Treatments 0 7 14 21 Firmness (N) control 44.47 77.06 b 54.96 a 32.87 b sodium alginate (1%) 44.47 78.83 b 56.18 a 37.4 a sodium alginate (3%) 44.47 69.47 c 49.97 b 29.97 b sodium alginate (5%) 44.47 82.01 a 53.76 a 36.15 a Total soluble solids content (°Brix) control 17.87 18.16 18.3 17.17 sodium alginate (1%) 17.87 18.27 17.03 16.13 sodium alginate (3%) 17.87 18.3 18.5 17.97 sodium alginate (5%) 17.87 17.43 18.27 17.7 Titratable acidity (meq/l) control 127.6 113.59 113.24 b 105.01 b sodium alginate (1%) 127.6 112.48 113.95 b 101.53 b sodium alginate (3%) 127.6 112.6 123.36 a 114.82 a   sodium alginate (5%) 127.6 110.91 113.03 b 116.43 a control and 37.4 N, 29.97 N and 36.15 N for the 1%, 3% and 5% coatings, respectively (Table 1). Fruit softening was delayed in the 1% and 5% alginate-treated cherries, while the control and 3% alginate-treated cherries exhibited a signif- icantly higher reduction in firmness (Table 1). For this parameter, the alginate concentration of 1%, according to the results obtained in cv Big Lory, was more effective than 3% and 5% algi- nate in reducing softening, especially at the last sampling date. The effects of edible coatings on decreasing softening have been also found in sweet cherry coated with SemperfreshTM (YAMAN and BAYINDIRLI, 2002) and with aloe vera gel (MARTÍNEZ-ROMERO et al., 2006). According to the results obtained for cv Big Lory, a 1% algi- nate edible coating significantly slowed down the softening process compared to the other coat- ed treatments. In cv Big Lory, the TSS at harvest was 16.43° Brix, which decreased slightly during storage. At the end of storage, the 1% and 3% alginate coatings had a significant effect on TSS (Table 1), with significantly higher values compared with the control and 5% alginate coating. In this case, the 1% and 3% alginate coatings delayed the degenerative processes of the treated fruits. Grace Star showed higher TSS values compared to the cv Big Lory at harvest and during storage with similar values in all the samples. No signif- icant differences in TSS values were found in re- lation to specific treatments, in accordance with the results of YAMAN and BAYOINDIRLI (2002). A decrease in total acidity is typical during postharvest storage of fleshy fruit and has been attributed to the use of organic acids as sub- strates for respiratory metabolism (VALERO and SERRANO, 2010). In cv Big Lory, TA values de- creased from 69.27 meq/l at harvest to 41.77 meq/l in control fruits after 21 days at 4°C, and 40.46 meq/l, 43.92 meq/l and 31.56 meq/l in cherries coated with 1%, 3% and 5% alginate, respectively (Table 1). Only samples coated with 5% alginate showed significantly lower TA val- ues. In this case, the use of the coating did not limit the degradation of organic acids. In cv Grace Star, the storage period led to a similar drop in the acidity of all samples, including the control. However, at the end of storage, acidity losses were significantly higher in the 1% algi- Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 177 nate coated cherries and control, since after 21 days of storage was ≈ 20% and ≈ 18% respec- tively (Table 1) respect to ≈ 9% in the 3% and 5% coated fruits. A decline in acidity demon- strates advanced maturation, thus the coating on the fruits contributed to delaying fruit mat- uration/ripening. In cv Big Lory, weight loss increased during storage, reaching values of 7.35% in control fruits after 21 days of cold storage and 8.15%, 7.4%, 8.25% in fruits coated with alginate at 1%, 3% and 5%, respectively, without signifi- cant differences between treatments. In cv Grace Star, after 21 days of storage, weight loss ranged from ≈10% in the control and 1% alginate coat- ed cherries, to ≈ 12% in the 3% and 5% algi- nate coated cherries. Greater losses were found in Grace Star compared to Big Lory, probably due to the larger size of the fruits of this culti- var. In both cultivars, no significant reduction of weight loss was detected in cherries treated with the coatings (data not shown). The use of an edible coating did not lead to a general re- duction in weight loss, as expected. Color measurements It is accepted that the most important qual- ity parameters determining sweet cherry visu- al quality and acceptability by consumers are a bright red color and firmness (Crisosto et al., 2003). Hue angle is an indicator of ripeness and it is expressed as tan-1 (b*/a*)2. At harvest, Big Lory cherries had a red bright color with a hue angle of 24.44. During storage, an increase in hue angle was observed in all samples, in par- ticular the coated cherries (Table 2) with fi- nal values of 27.43, 27.56 and 27.65 in cher- ries coated with alginate at 1%, 3% and 5%, re- spectively, similar to that found in other sweet cherry cultivars (SERRANO et al., 2009). At the end of storage, the hue angle was significantly higher for all the coated fruits than in the con- trols (Table 2). A decrease in hue angle could indicate the senescence process of sweet cherry, which is considered detrimental. In Big Lory, the coat- ing treatments maintained the typical bright red color of recently harvested fruits with high Table 2 - Changes in color parameters of coated cherries (cv Big Lory and Grace Star) stored at 4°C for 21 days. Different let- ters in the same column indicate significant differences (p ≤ 0.05). Column without letters have no significant differences. Values at storage days Cv Big Lory Color parameter Treatments 0 7 14 21 Chroma control 33.88 27.91 b 31.66 b 26.26 b sodium alginate (1%) 33.88 33.76 a 34.56 a 31.56 a sodium alginate (3%) 33.88 33.89 a 30.96 b 33.34 a sodium alginate (5%) 33.88 33.78 a 28.72 b 30.46 a Hue angle control 24.44 23.39 b 26.32 24.56 b sodium alginate (1%) 24.44 26.03 a 26.64 27.43 a sodium alginate (3%) 24.44 25.09 a 25.47 27.56 a sodium alginate (5%) 24.44 25.53 a 24.85 27.65 a Lightness control 33.01 30.23 a 28.33 a 26.23 b sodium alginate (1%) 33.01 30.66 a 29.64 a 26.57 b sodium alginate (3%) 33.01 32.09 a 28.32 a 27.2 a   sodium alginate (5%) 33.01 27.73 b 27.87 b 26.74 b Cv Grace Star Color parameter Treatments 0 7 14 21 Chroma control 22.48 16.01 b 19.79 b 16.66 b sodium alginate (1%) 22.48 19.98 a 21.11a 18.57 a sodium alginate (3%) 22.48 15.62 b 18.46 b 16.87 b   sodium alginate (5%) 22.48 21.50 a 19.20 b 17.92 a Hue angle control 21.92 22.2 26.38 a 27.08 sodium alginate (1%) 21.92 22.28 25.81 a 25.72 sodium alginate (3%) 21.92 22.05 26.77 a 26.55   sodium alginate (5%) 21.92 22.1 23.46 b 26.64 Lightness control 23.81 24.77 18.39 b 21.16 sodium alginate (1%) 23.81 25.56 21.68 a 22.66 sodium alginate (3%) 23.81 24.9 20.17 b 22.33   sodium alginate (5%) 23.81 24.11 22.18 a 21.88 178 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 hue angle values during postharvest storage and even after 21 days of cold storage. In this case, the use of an alginate coating contributed to maintaining the original color of the cherries. The same trend was also observed in cv Grace Star, where hue angle values increased during storage, but without significant differences be- tween treatments, in agreement with the results of YAMAN and BAYOINDIRLI (2002) with the Sem- perfreshTM coating, but in disagreement with the results of cv Big Lory, where the use of the al- ginate coating contributed to maintaining the original color of the cherries. A decrease in L (lightness) is an indicator of fruit darkening. During storage, Big Lory dark- ened slightly as evidenced by decreasing values of L for control and all treated cherries (Table 2). By the end of the storage period, L decreased by around 21% for control fruit, by around 19% for fruit coated with 1% and 5% alginate and by 17% for fruit coated with 3% alginate. This result confirms that the alginate coating exert significant effects in maintaining the original color of Big Lory cherries. In Grace Star, the lightness values of the cherries increased after 7 days of storage and then showed a decreas- ing trend until the end of cold storage. After 21 days of storage at 4°C, there were no signif- icant (P≤ 0.05) differences in lightness values between the treated samples and the control (Table 2). We may therefore conclude that the use of an alginate coating on Grace Star sweet cherries did not significantly alter, but rather improved the skin color or its evolution during storage at 4°C. The changes in the chroma values (C) of Big Lory cherries during storage are presented in Table 2. Fruit developed less vivid coloration, as evidenced by lower values of C in cherry sam- ples during storage. The reduction in C values was significantly greater for uncoated fruit, and significant differences were found between con- trol and coated cherries (P≤ 0.05). Regarding the coated fruits, significant differences were found among samples treated with different concen- trations of alginate, since 3% coated cherries showed higher C values. Chroma was reduced by around 30% for control and 10% for coated cherries. In cv Grace Star, the main color changes were observed in the C values, which diminished dur- ing cold storage at 4°C, in particular in the con- trol and 3% coated fruits. The values at 21 days were 25% and 24% lower, respectively, than those found at day 0 (Table 2). Anthocyanin content, phenolic content and Total Antioxidant Capacity Anthocyanins are responsible for the red color in sweet cherry (GARDINER et al., 1993) and are beneficial to human health. In cv Big Lory, the anthocyanin content at harvest was 28.5 mg (C3G) and decreased significantly dur- ing storage (Table 3), in agreement with BER- NALDE et al. (2003). After 21 days of storage, significantly lower levels were found in 5% al- ginate coated fruits with mean values of 18.12 mg (C3G). In cv Grace Star, during post-harvest storage, anthocyanin significantly increased. Thus, the cherries became darker during storage as ripen- ing progressed. Anthocyanin values showed that 5% alginate treatment delayed the ripening pro- cess, with significantly lower anthocyanin accu- mulation during storage compared with the oth- er treatments (Table 3). Cherries coated with 1% and 3% alginate showed the greatest anthocya- Table 3 - Values of anthocyanin contents, phenolic contents and total antioxidant capacity of coated cherries (cv Big Lory and Grace Star) at harvest and at the end after 21 days of storage. Different letters in the same column indicate significant differences (p ≤ 0.05). Storage (days) Anthocyanins Polyphenols Antioxidant activity (mg cyanidin-3- glucoside (C3G) (mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE) (mmol Fe2+/kg) per 100 g) per 100 g) cv Big Lory Treatments harvest 0 28.5 57.49 13.64 control 21 15.11 b 42.17 a 12.62 a sodium alginate (1%) 21 15.14 b 41.41 a 12.00 a sodium alginate (3%) 21 14.32 b 35.68 b 10.92 b sodium alginate (5%) 21 18.12 a 39.88 ab 12.91 a cv Grace Star Treatments harvest 0 53.85 194 15.33 control 21 64.65 b 156.56 a 15.17 a sodium alginate (1%) 21 85.96 a 140.44 a 15.76 a sodium alginate (3%) 21 76.15 a 128.22 b 15.07 a sodium alginate (5%) 21 58.15 c 93.83 c 15.12 a Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 179 nin accumulation after cold storage. Post-har- vest increases in anthocyanin have been previ- ously reported for cherries and for other small red fruits like raspberries, plums and strawber- ries (WANG and STRETCH, 2001; SERRANO et al., 2009; DÍAZ-MULA et al., 2012). Anthocyanin ac- cumulation during storage is attributed to nor- mal sweet cherry ripening. WONG et al. (1992) suggested that the edible coating film forms a gas barrier, probably due to the dense struc- ture of the film, so a possible modification of the internal atmosphere in coated samples due to film application could explain this behavior; this seemed to delay anthocyanin synthesis and/or degradation. Polyphenols are important non-color com- pounds present in sweet cherry at harvest and during storage. These compounds not only con- tributed to the flavor but may also influence fruit color (MAZZA and BROUILLARD, 1990). The total polyphenol content decreased in both cul- tivars after 21 days of storage at 4°C and total polyphenol contents were significantly differ- ent between treatments (Table 3). In Big Lory, more pronounced changes were observed for the 3% and 5% coated samples, resulting in 37% and 30% losses, respectively (Table 3). In Grace Star, there was a 19-51% loss, depend- ing on the treatment (Table 3). In the control and 1% alginate coated fruit, the decrease in the polyphenol content was significantly low- er. The polyphenol content in the 5% coated fruit decreased during storage, and the value at 21 days of storage was 51% lower than that found at 0 days. No changes in antioxidant capacity were ob- served during cold storage (Table 3). In particu- lar, in Big Lory samples, the total antioxidant ca- pacity at harvest was 13.69 mmol Fe2+/kg and at the end of storage period this was 12, 10.92 and 12.91 mmol Fe2+/Kg in cherries coated with alginate at 1%, 3% and 5%, respectively. Simi- larly, in Grace Star, the antioxidant activity re- mained stable during storage without differenc- es between treatments (Table 3). CONCLUSIONS Alginate treatments can be used as a natu- ral postharvest treatment in sweet cherry cul- tivars with the aim of delaying the postharvest ripening process and maintaining fruit quali- ty. Alginate treatment at 1% and 3% was effec- tive in delaying weight and acidity losses, sof- tening and color changes in the cultivars Big Lory and Grace Star. In terms of the antioxi- dant properties, no significant results were ob- tained using the alginate coating. The results of this study suggest that alginate treatments at 1% and 3% can be used as natural post- harvest treatments to improve cherry quality after harvest. REFERENCES Acevedo C.A, López D.A., Tapia M.J., Enrione J., Skurtys O., Pedreschi F., Brown D.I., Creixell W. and Osorio F. 2012. Using RGB image processing for designating an alginate edible film. Food Bioproc. Technol. 5: 1511. 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Paper Received February 7, 2014 Accepted July 27, 2014