12 ISSN 1120-1770 online, DOI 10.15586/ijfs.v33iSP1.1982 P U B L I C A T I O N S CODON Italian Journal of Food Science, 2021; 33 (SP1): 12–23 P U B L I C A T I O N S CODON The occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in industrial and traditional fermented milk: A systematic review study Camilla de Souza1, Amin Mousavi Khaneghah2*, Carlos Augusto Fernandes Oliveira3* 1Department of Veterinary Medicine, School of Animal Science and Food Engineering, University of São Paulo, Pirassununga, SP, Brazil; 2Department of Food Science, School of Food Engineering, State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil; 3Department of Food Engineering, School of Animal Science and Food Engineering, University of São Paulo, Pirassununga, SP, Brazil *Corresponding Authors: Amin Mousavi Khaneghah, Department of Food Science, School of Food Engineering, State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil. Email: mousavi@unicamp.br; Carlos Augusto Fernandes Oliveira, Department of Food Engineering, School of Animal Science and Food Engineering, University of São Paulo. Av. Duque de Caxias Norte, 225, CEP 13635-900, Pirassununga, SP, Brazil. Email: carlosaf@usp.br Received: 28 August 2020; Accepted: 12 December 2020; Published: 9 February 2021 © 2021 Codon Publications OPEN ACCESS Review Abstract Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) is a toxic secreted into the milk of animals fed with diets contaminated by aflatoxin B1, which can cause some adverse health effects in humans. The occurrence of AFM1 in dairy products varies based on several factors, including the fermentation process. In this article, the published citations from January 2000 to October 2020 regarding the AFM1 occurrence in industrial and traditional fermented milk were systemically reviewed. According to the findings, a reducing trend in the AFM1 contamination of fermented milk was observed over the years, mainly in traditional products. Despite this trend, further control measures besides the preventa- tive approaches are needed to deal with the high levels of AFM1 in fermented milk. Keywords: AFM1; yogurt; fermented milk; occurrence; contamination; food safety; traditional dairy products Introduction Aflatoxins are toxic, secondary metabolites synthesized by some fungi species in the genus Aspergillus, mainly those belonging to the species A. flavus, A. nomius, and A. parasiticus (Ismaiel et al., 2020). Aflatoxins are con- sidered the most important mycotoxins, given their carcinogenic and hepatotoxic effects on animals and humans (Bhat et al., 2010). Among several types of afla- toxins, the most frequent ones found as natural contami- nants of foodstuffs are aflatoxins B1 (AFB1), B2 (AFB2), G1 (AFG1), and G2 (AFG2) (Nejad et al., 2019). While AFB1 possesses the highest toxicity, this toxin is also classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (2002). In addition, AFM1 and AFM2 are produced by hepatic biotransformation of AFB1 and AFB2, respectively, and maybe shed through the urine and milk of animals (Campagnollo et al., 2016; Imamura et al., 2015). Milk and milk products have high nutritional and bio- logical value, contributing to a balanced diet for human beings. Among dairy products, fermented milk is important, as it is consumed by a wide range of people, from infants to elders (Barukcic et al., 2018). Some fer- mented milk has, in their composition, probiotics that lead to improved digestibility, besides some other health- promoting factors, such as bioactive peptides and bacte- riocins (Black, 2011). As AFM1 is highly stable through pasteurization, ultra-high temperature processing, and mailto:mousavi@unicamp.br mailto:carlosaf@usp.br Italian Journal of Food Science, 2021; 33 (SP1) 13 Aflatoxin M 1 occurrence in fermented milk fermentation or mesophilic cultures (Kuboka et al., 2019). Kefir is a dairy product rich in vitamins, essential amino acids, and minerals, made by fermenting the kefir grains (Gamba et al., 2016). Kefir is the most common probi- otic product consumed in Europe and is associated with beneficial health effects related to homeostasis balance (Otles and Cagindi, 2003). Doogh is an Iranian fermented product made from yogurt added with potable water, sodium chloride, and probiotic cultures (Kiani et  al., 2018). While several studies have been dedicated for evaluating the AFM1 levels in milk and other dairy prod- ucts (Fallah, 2010; Kim et al., 2011; Rahmani et al., 2018), no systematical review was conducted to summarize the findings. Therefore, the current investigation was under- taken to systematically review the literature published in the last 20 years regarding the prevalence of AFM1 in industrial and traditional fermented milk globally. Literature Search A systematic literature search was conducted among some international databases such as PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar (as gray literature) using the following key terms: “aflatoxins” OR “aflatoxin M1” OR “mycotoxins” AND “Occurrence” OR “Contamination” OR “prevalence” OR “incidence” OR “fermented milk”  OR “dairy products” OR “cultured dairy” OR “yogurt” OR “Kefir.” All relevant articles published from January 2000 to October 2020 that investigated the prev- alence of AFM1 in fermented milk were retrieved and screened for eligibility. In addition, the reference lists of other processing methods used in dairy production, the toxin may be found not only in processed milk but also in dairy products (Jalili and Scotter, 2015). Yogurt and other fermented milk products are typically manufactured by fermentation of lactic acid in milk, both traditional and industrialized products with different levels of AFM1, given the range of pH values and fermentation conditions (Govaris et al., 2002). However, studies related to AFM1 contents in these fermented products are scarce and con- troversial (Campagnollo et al., 2016; Mahmood Fashandi et al., 2018; Mousavi Khaneghah et al., 2017). Figure 1 presents an overview processing steps of fermented milk and some relevant points regarding the AFM1 contami- nation of these products. When fermented milk is produced using milk contam- inated with AFM1, the mycotoxins are not eliminated at once, as they are resistant to most processing steps (Behfar et al., 2012). Therefore, to safeguard human health, maximum limits of AFM1 residues recommended in most countries range from 0 to 1.0 μg/L of milk (Iqbal et al., 2015). In the European Union (EU), the tolera- ble limit for AFM1 in milk is no more than 0.05 μg/L (European Commission, 2006), while in the United States and Brazil, a maximum level of 0.5 μg/L is accepted (Agência Nacional de vigilância sanitária, 2011; Food and Drug Administration, 2000). Besides yogurts, other fermented products are also susceptible to AFM1 contamination, including tradi- tional ones, such as Lala, kefir, and Doogh. Lala is tra- ditional African fermented milk produced by natural AFM1 in naturally contaminated milks Starter culture Flavor, fruits Raw milk • Standardization • Homogenization • Additions (sugar, powder milk) Heat treatment Inoculation Incubation Cooling Pre-treatments Packaging Cold storage Cooling Negligible degradation of AFM1 Decontamination effects during fermentation : • Binding of AFM1 to microbial cells • AFM1 degradation by microbial enzymes • Changes in the AFM1-casein by low pH Figure 1. General processing flow chart of fermented milk and relevant steps regarding the aflatoxin M 1 (AFM 1 ) contamination during manufacture (in italic). 14 Italian Journal of Food Science, 2021; 33 (SP1) de Souza C et al. in milk in the African continent (Muaz et al., 2021). In addition to the climatic conditions that favor fungal growth in several geographic areas in Africa, the lack of effective regulation of aflatoxins in the food chain and the low public awareness of this risk are among import- ant factors that contribute to high prevalence of aflatox- ins in African countries (Wild et al., 2015). In Egypt, 63% of the yogurt samples exceed the EU’s AFM1 levels (Aiad and Aboelmakarem, 2013). The mean prevalence of AFM1 in Egyptian yogurt samples was higher in the winter than in the summer. Coherently, higher AFM1 levels in milk samples have also been reported in the winter season in different countries (Bilandzic et al., 2014; De Roma et al., 2017; Fallah, 2010; Ruangwises and Ruangwises, 2010). The reasons for such a higher prevalence of AFM1 in milk and fermented products during the winter are not well established but may involve higher consumption of AFB1- contaminated feed by dairy cows during this period, as well as differences in the feed storage and diet composi- tion, and rainfall effects (Fallah, 2010; Hajmohammadi et al., 2020). After incubation of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis into the fermented products, a decrease in mycotoxin prevalence was observed at the end of the storage period (Ibrahim et al., 2016). In this regard, the percentages of Egyptian Zabadi yogurt sam- ples exceeding the European limits in 2016 and 2017 were 12.5 and 18.7, respectively. However, these prevalence data were lower in this product than in milk and cheese, mainly in the winter (Ismaiel et al., 2020). In Nigeria, 20 included articles were also manually searched to identify other suitable studies. After excluding unsuitable articles due to irrelevant con- tent, 150 full texts of potentially eligible articles were downloaded. Then, the downloaded citations were exam- ined for inclusion and criteria of final eligibility. Inclusion criteria were: (1) availability of full-text article, (2) orig- inal cross-sectional research studies (not reviews), (3)  reporting of AFM1 prevalence among fermented, milk-based products, (4) indicating an accurate analytical method, and (5) published in the English in order to avoid any mistake during translation from other languages. The citations that did not meet these criteria were excluded. A total of 100 articles were excluded based on the above- mentioned exclusion criteria according to PRISMA, as detailed in Figure 2. Finally, 50 articles that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were included in this review. The Occurrence of Aflatoxin M 1 in Fermented Milk Table 1 presents the worldwide prevalence of AFM1 in yogurt and other fermented milk products during the last 20 years. Several studies reported a high prevalence of AFM1 in yogurt and other traditional products in African countries. This is consistent with the high prevalence of AFB1 reported in feedstuff used for dairy cows and AFM1 Literature search in databases [Science Direct (n = 50), PubMed (n = 40) and Google Scholar (n =60)] Titles and abstracts reviewed: (n = 150) Articles assessed for eligibility: (n = 50) Excluded: • No original data (review, book, thesis or workshop) (n = 60) • Studies on other mycotoxins or other related dairy products (n = 10) • Only analytical method development, or insufficient method description, or comparison of different analytical methods (n = 30) Final included articles: (n = 50) /Data (n = 72) Id en tif ic at io n S cr ee ni ng E lig ib ili ty In cl ud ed Figure 2. Flow chart describing the search and selection of articles evaluated in the study. Italian Journal of Food Science, 2021; 33 (SP1) 15 Aflatoxin M 1 occurrence in fermented milk Ta bl e 1. O cc ur re nc e of a fla to xi n M 1 i n yo gu rt a nd o th er fe rm en te d m ilk s re po rt ed in th e la st 2 0 ye ar s. C ou nt ry Ty pe o f pr od uc t S am pl es an al yz ed (n ) Po si tiv e sa m pl es LO D (n g/ kg o r L) C on ce nt ra tio n (n g/ kg o r L) A na ly tic al m et ho d R ef er en ce n % R an ge M ea n A fri ca : E gy pt Yo gu rt a 30 8 26 5 11 .4 0– 98 .8 0 28 .4 1 E LI S A A ia d an d A bo el m ak ar em (2 01 3) E gy pt (W in te r) Yo gu rt 24 12 50 N R 56 .6 0– 84 .1 4 64 .6 8 H P LC Ib ra hi m e t a l. (2 01 6) E gy pt (S um m er ) Yo gu rt 24 12 50 N R 31 .4 6– 66 .0 5 39 .1 3 H P LC Ib ra hi m e t a l. (2 01 6) E gy pt (2 01 6 pr od uc tio n) Yo gu rt Z ab ad y 32 4 12 50 13 0– 24 0 18 5 H P LC Is m ai el e t a l. (2 02 0) E gy pt (2 01 7 pr od uc tio n) Yo gu rt Z ab ad y 32 6 19 50 10 0– 17 0 13 0 H P LC Is m ai el e t a l. (2 02 0) N ig er ia Yo gu rt 2 10 10 1 58 3. 5– 64 7. 0 0. 62 µ g/ L H P LC A nt ho ny e t a l. (2 01 6) B ur un di Yo gu rt 6 6 10 0 N R 8, 20 0– 63 ,2 00 33 ,5 00 E LI S A U do m ku n et a l. (2 01 8) K en ya Yo gu rt 8 3 37 N R < LO D — 69 0 N R E LI S A La ng at e t a l. (2 01 6) K en ya Yo gu rt 21 12 57 2 17 –1 ,1 00 13 4 E LI S A Li nd ah l e t a l. (2 01 8) K en ya La la 27 8 30 2 12 –1 60 48 E LI S A Li nd ah l e t a l. (2 01 8) K en ya Yo gu rt 17 13 77 2 26 –2 70 96 E LI S A Li nd ah l e t a l. (2 01 8) K en ya La la 8 5 63 2 10 –3 40 11 1 E LI S A Li nd ah l e t a l. (2 01 8) K en ya Yo gu rt N R N R N R 5 N R 37 9. 3 E LI S A K ub ok a et a l. (2 01 9) K en ya La la N R N R N R 5 N R 37 9. 3 E LI S A K ub ok a et a l. (2 01 9) C on go R ep ub lic Yo gu rt 2 3 67 N R 4, 80 0– 26 ,0 00 16 ,1 00 E LI S A U do m ku n et a l. (2 01 8) A m er ic as : B ra zi l Yo gu rt 53 47 72 3 10 –5 29 N R H P LC Ih a et a l. (2 01 1) B ra si l Yo gu rt 3 3 10 0 3 75 .1 –1 12 .9 94 H P LC Ih a et a l. (2 01 3) A si a: Q at ar Yo gu rt 21 16 76 N R 4. 16 –3 8. 21 31 .3 2 E LI S A H as sa n et a l. (2 01 8) C hi na Yo gu rt 27 15 55 5 4. 0– 47 .0 17 .2 H P LC G uo e t a l. (2 01 9) C hi na Yo gu rt N R N R N R 0. 6 N R N R E LI S A Zh ou e t a l. (2 01 9) S ou th K or ea Yo gu rt 55 15 27 20 20 –1 50 51 H P LC Yo on e t a l. (2 01 6) S ou th K or ea Yo gu rt 60 50 83 2 3– 17 2 29 E LI S A K im e t a l. (2 00 0) (c on tin ue s) 16 Italian Journal of Food Science, 2021; 33 (SP1) de Souza C et al. Ta bl e 1. C on tin ue d C ou nt ry Ty pe o f pr od uc t S am pl es an al yz ed (n ) Po si tiv e sa m pl es LO D (n g/ kg o r L) C on ce nt ra tio n (n g/ kg o r L) A na ly tic al m et ho d R ef er en ce n % R an ge M ea n Ira n P as te ur iz ed y og ur t 40 40 10 0 N R 2. 1– 61 .7 15 .1 E LI S A B ar je st eh e t a l. (2 01 0) Ira n Yo gu rt 10 10 10 0 N R 7– 53 25 E LI S A B ar je st eh e t a l. (2 01 0) Ira n Yo gu rt 68 45 66 12 15 –1 19 32 H P LC Fa lla h (2 01 0) Ira n Tr ad iti on al y og ur t 60 14 23 12 .5 15 –3 6 17 H P LC Fa lla h et a l. (2 01 1) Ira n In du st ria l y og ur t 61 30 49 12 .5 15 –1 02 26 H P LC Fa lla h et a l. (2 01 1) Ira n Tr ad iti on al D oo gh 65 9 14 12 .5 13 –2 9 N R H P LC Fa lla h et a l. (2 01 1) Ira n In du st ria l D oo gh 71 16 22 .5 12 .5 13 –5 3 N R H P LC Fa lla h et a l. (2 01 1) Ira n Yo gu rt 60 48 80 10 19 .7 –3 19 .4 13 0. 5 E LI S A R ah im i ( 20 12 ) Ira n Yo gu rt 60 59 98 N R 6. 2– 87 51 .7 E LI S A Is sa za de h et a l. (2 01 2) Ira n Yo gu rt 13 13 10 0 N R 5– 36 13 .5 E LI S A A ra st e t a l. (2 01 2) Ira n Yo gu rt 40 14 35 N R 11 .4 –1 15 .8 13 0. 5 E LI S A N ilc hi an a nd R ah im i ( 20 12 ) Ira n Yo gu rt 80 77 96 5 < LO D — 10 0 29 .1 E LI S A M as on e t a l. (2 01 5) Ira n Yo gu rt 42 10 24 1 6. 3– 21 .3 15 .1 E LI S A B ah ra m i e t a l. (2 01 5) Ira n D oo gh 44 6 14 N R 7. 0– 12 .1 9. 0 E LI S A B ah ra m i e t a l. (2 01 5) Ira n Yo gu rt 90 90 10 0 N R 5. 0– 83 .0 32 .1 E LI S A N ik ba kh t e t a l. (2 01 6) Ira n Yo gu rt 18 15 83 N R 7. 8– 12 .1 10 .3 E LI S A S oh ra bi a nd G ha ra hk ol i ( 20 16 ) Ira q Yo gu rt 32 32 10 0 N R 0. 16 –4 2. 74 16 .9 2 E LI S A N aj im a nd J as im (2 01 4) Ira q Tr ad iti on al y og ur t 20 15 75 N R 22 .2 –1 72 .9 10 3. 9 H P LC M os sa w ei e t a l. (2 01 6) Ira q Yo gu rt 20 10 50 N R 30 .5 -1 07 .4 58 .3 7 H P LC M os sa w ei e t a l. (2 01 6) K uw ai t Yo gu rt 2 1 50 10 N R N R H P LC Iv as ta va e t a l. (2 00 1) Le ba no n Yo gu rt 64 21 33 5 5– 50 N R E LI S A E l K ho ur y et a l. (2 01 0) Le ba no n Yo gu rt N R N R 72 N R N R 24 .5 5 E LI S A H as sa n an d K as sa ify (2 01 4) Le ba no n Yo gu rt 28 18 64 3. 2 15 –5 45 91 H P LC D ao u et a l. (2 02 0) Le ba no n S tra in ed y og ur t 27 24 89 3. 2 37 –1 ,8 43 20 1 H P LC D ao u et a l. (2 02 0) Le ba no n Yo gu rt A yr an 9 8 89 3. 2 20 –3 15 24 2 H P LC D ao u et a l. (2 02 0) M al ay si a Yo gu rt 5 2 40 2 7. 5– 31 25 .4 E LI S A N ad ira e t a l. (2 01 6) P ak is ta n Yo gu rt 96 59 61 4 4. 0– 61 5. 8 90 .4 H P LC Iq ba l a nd A si (2 01 3) P ak is ta n (W in te r) Yo gu rt 51 13 25 4 N R 53 H P LC Iq ba l e t a l. (2 01 3) P ak is ta n (S um m er ) Yo gu rt 45 8 18 4 N R 19 H P LC Iq ba l e t a l. (2 01 3) P ak is ta n (W in te r) P la in y og ur t 36 15 42 0. 4 N R 63 .6 H P LC Iq ba l e t a l. (2 01 7) P ak is ta n (W in te r) Fl av or ed y og ur t 30 17 57 0. 4 N R 50 .5 H P LC Iq ba l e t a l. (2 01 7) P aq ui st ão (S um m er ) P la in y og ur t 30 11 37 0. 4 N R 59 .6 H P LC Iq ba l e t a l. (2 01 7) P ak is ta n (S um m er ) Fl av or ed y og ur t 25 10 40 0. 4 N R 45 .3 H P LC Iq ba l e t a l. (2 01 7) Ta iw an Yo gu rt 24 3 12 5 7– 44 N R H P LC Li n et a l. (2 00 4) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt 40 32 80 50 61 .6 1– 36 5. 64 N R E LI S A G ur ba y et a l. (2 00 6) Tu rk ey P la in y og ur t 10 4 68 65 N R 1– 10 0 N R E LI S A A kk ay a et a l. (2 00 6) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt w ith fr ui ts 21 7 33 N R 1– 10 0 N R E LI S A A kk ay a et a l. (2 00 6) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt 52 29 56 N R 1– 15 0 N R E LI S A A kk ay a et a l. (2 00 6) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt 80 70 87 5 10 –4 75 66 .1 E LI S A A ta se ve r e t a l. (2 01 1) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt A yr an 80 72 90 5 6– 26 4 36 .5 E LI S A A ta se ve r e t a l. (2 01 1) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt 50 10 20 2 40 .6 2– 72 .0 4 55 .2 8 E LI S A Te m am og ul la ri an d K an ic i ( 20 14 ) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt 19 17 89 10 0 16 –1 07 .2 47 .9 2 H P LC S ar ic a et a l. (2 01 4) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt 60 2 3 5 24 –2 8 N R H P LC S ah in e t a l. (2 01 6) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt A yr an 60 1 2 5 N R 5 H P LC S ah in e t a l. (2 01 6) E ur op e: Ita ly Yo gu rt 12 0 73 61 1 1. 0– 32 .2 9. 1 H P LC G al va no e t a l. (2 00 1) Po rt ug al P la in y og ur t 48 2 4 10 43 .0 –4 5. 0 44 .0 H P LC M ar tin s an d M ar tin s (2 00 4) Po rt ug al Yo gu rt w ith fr ui ts 48 16 33 10 19 .0 –9 8. 0 51 .1 2 H P LC M ar tin s an d M ar tin s (2 00 4) S er bi a Fe rm en te d m ilk s 30 2 N R N R 6 25 –5 00 19 0 E LI S A K es ki c et a l. (2 01 6) S pa in Yo gu rt 72 2 3 25 N R 38 .3 4 E LI S A C an o- S an ch o et a l. (2 01 0) S pa in Yo gu rt 6 2 33 25 N R 21 .6 E LI S A C an o- S an ch o et a l. (2 01 5) a W ith ou t a ny fu rt he r d es ig na tio n, th e te rm “y og ur t” ap pl ie s to in du st ria l p ro du ct s. E LI S A : e nz ym e- lin ke d im m un os or be nt a ss ay ; H P LC : h ig h- pe rfo rm an ce li qu id c hr om at og ra ph y; L C -M S /M S : l iq ui d ch ro m at og ra ph y co up le d to ta nd em m as s sp ec tro m et ry . N R : n ot re po rt ed . Italian Journal of Food Science, 2021; 33 (SP1) 17 Aflatoxin M 1 occurrence in fermented milk Ta bl e 1. C on tin ue d C ou nt ry Ty pe o f pr od uc t S am pl es an al yz ed (n ) Po si tiv e sa m pl es LO D (n g/ kg o r L) C on ce nt ra tio n (n g/ kg o r L) A na ly tic al m et ho d R ef er en ce n % R an ge M ea n Ira n P as te ur iz ed y og ur t 40 40 10 0 N R 2. 1– 61 .7 15 .1 E LI S A B ar je st eh e t a l. (2 01 0) Ira n Yo gu rt 10 10 10 0 N R 7– 53 25 E LI S A B ar je st eh e t a l. (2 01 0) Ira n Yo gu rt 68 45 66 12 15 –1 19 32 H P LC Fa lla h (2 01 0) Ira n Tr ad iti on al y og ur t 60 14 23 12 .5 15 –3 6 17 H P LC Fa lla h et a l. (2 01 1) Ira n In du st ria l y og ur t 61 30 49 12 .5 15 –1 02 26 H P LC Fa lla h et a l. (2 01 1) Ira n Tr ad iti on al D oo gh 65 9 14 12 .5 13 –2 9 N R H P LC Fa lla h et a l. (2 01 1) Ira n In du st ria l D oo gh 71 16 22 .5 12 .5 13 –5 3 N R H P LC Fa lla h et a l. (2 01 1) Ira n Yo gu rt 60 48 80 10 19 .7 –3 19 .4 13 0. 5 E LI S A R ah im i ( 20 12 ) Ira n Yo gu rt 60 59 98 N R 6. 2– 87 51 .7 E LI S A Is sa za de h et a l. (2 01 2) Ira n Yo gu rt 13 13 10 0 N R 5– 36 13 .5 E LI S A A ra st e t a l. (2 01 2) Ira n Yo gu rt 40 14 35 N R 11 .4 –1 15 .8 13 0. 5 E LI S A N ilc hi an a nd R ah im i ( 20 12 ) Ira n Yo gu rt 80 77 96 5 < LO D — 10 0 29 .1 E LI S A M as on e t a l. (2 01 5) Ira n Yo gu rt 42 10 24 1 6. 3– 21 .3 15 .1 E LI S A B ah ra m i e t a l. (2 01 5) Ira n D oo gh 44 6 14 N R 7. 0– 12 .1 9. 0 E LI S A B ah ra m i e t a l. (2 01 5) Ira n Yo gu rt 90 90 10 0 N R 5. 0– 83 .0 32 .1 E LI S A N ik ba kh t e t a l. (2 01 6) Ira n Yo gu rt 18 15 83 N R 7. 8– 12 .1 10 .3 E LI S A S oh ra bi a nd G ha ra hk ol i ( 20 16 ) Ira q Yo gu rt 32 32 10 0 N R 0. 16 –4 2. 74 16 .9 2 E LI S A N aj im a nd J as im (2 01 4) Ira q Tr ad iti on al y og ur t 20 15 75 N R 22 .2 –1 72 .9 10 3. 9 H P LC M os sa w ei e t a l. (2 01 6) Ira q Yo gu rt 20 10 50 N R 30 .5 -1 07 .4 58 .3 7 H P LC M os sa w ei e t a l. (2 01 6) K uw ai t Yo gu rt 2 1 50 10 N R N R H P LC Iv as ta va e t a l. (2 00 1) Le ba no n Yo gu rt 64 21 33 5 5– 50 N R E LI S A E l K ho ur y et a l. (2 01 0) Le ba no n Yo gu rt N R N R 72 N R N R 24 .5 5 E LI S A H as sa n an d K as sa ify (2 01 4) Le ba no n Yo gu rt 28 18 64 3. 2 15 –5 45 91 H P LC D ao u et a l. (2 02 0) Le ba no n S tra in ed y og ur t 27 24 89 3. 2 37 –1 ,8 43 20 1 H P LC D ao u et a l. (2 02 0) Le ba no n Yo gu rt A yr an 9 8 89 3. 2 20 –3 15 24 2 H P LC D ao u et a l. (2 02 0) M al ay si a Yo gu rt 5 2 40 2 7. 5– 31 25 .4 E LI S A N ad ira e t a l. (2 01 6) P ak is ta n Yo gu rt 96 59 61 4 4. 0– 61 5. 8 90 .4 H P LC Iq ba l a nd A si (2 01 3) P ak is ta n (W in te r) Yo gu rt 51 13 25 4 N R 53 H P LC Iq ba l e t a l. (2 01 3) P ak is ta n (S um m er ) Yo gu rt 45 8 18 4 N R 19 H P LC Iq ba l e t a l. (2 01 3) P ak is ta n (W in te r) P la in y og ur t 36 15 42 0. 4 N R 63 .6 H P LC Iq ba l e t a l. (2 01 7) P ak is ta n (W in te r) Fl av or ed y og ur t 30 17 57 0. 4 N R 50 .5 H P LC Iq ba l e t a l. (2 01 7) P aq ui st ão (S um m er ) P la in y og ur t 30 11 37 0. 4 N R 59 .6 H P LC Iq ba l e t a l. (2 01 7) P ak is ta n (S um m er ) Fl av or ed y og ur t 25 10 40 0. 4 N R 45 .3 H P LC Iq ba l e t a l. (2 01 7) Ta iw an Yo gu rt 24 3 12 5 7– 44 N R H P LC Li n et a l. (2 00 4) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt 40 32 80 50 61 .6 1– 36 5. 64 N R E LI S A G ur ba y et a l. (2 00 6) Tu rk ey P la in y og ur t 10 4 68 65 N R 1– 10 0 N R E LI S A A kk ay a et a l. (2 00 6) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt w ith fr ui ts 21 7 33 N R 1– 10 0 N R E LI S A A kk ay a et a l. (2 00 6) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt 52 29 56 N R 1– 15 0 N R E LI S A A kk ay a et a l. (2 00 6) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt 80 70 87 5 10 –4 75 66 .1 E LI S A A ta se ve r e t a l. (2 01 1) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt A yr an 80 72 90 5 6– 26 4 36 .5 E LI S A A ta se ve r e t a l. (2 01 1) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt 50 10 20 2 40 .6 2– 72 .0 4 55 .2 8 E LI S A Te m am og ul la ri an d K an ic i ( 20 14 ) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt 19 17 89 10 0 16 –1 07 .2 47 .9 2 H P LC S ar ic a et a l. (2 01 4) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt 60 2 3 5 24 –2 8 N R H P LC S ah in e t a l. (2 01 6) Tu rk ey Yo gu rt A yr an 60 1 2 5 N R 5 H P LC S ah in e t a l. (2 01 6) E ur op e: Ita ly Yo gu rt 12 0 73 61 1 1. 0– 32 .2 9. 1 H P LC G al va no e t a l. (2 00 1) Po rt ug al P la in y og ur t 48 2 4 10 43 .0 –4 5. 0 44 .0 H P LC M ar tin s an d M ar tin s (2 00 4) Po rt ug al Yo gu rt w ith fr ui ts 48 16 33 10 19 .0 –9 8. 0 51 .1 2 H P LC M ar tin s an d M ar tin s (2 00 4) S er bi a Fe rm en te d m ilk s 30 2 N R N R 6 25 –5 00 19 0 E LI S A K es ki c et a l. (2 01 6) S pa in Yo gu rt 72 2 3 25 N R 38 .3 4 E LI S A C an o- S an ch o et a l. (2 01 0) S pa in Yo gu rt 6 2 33 25 N R 21 .6 E LI S A C an o- S an ch o et a l. (2 01 5) a W ith ou t a ny fu rt he r d es ig na tio n, th e te rm “y og ur t” ap pl ie s to in du st ria l p ro du ct s. E LI S A : e nz ym e- lin ke d im m un os or be nt a ss ay ; H P LC : h ig h- pe rfo rm an ce li qu id c hr om at og ra ph y; L C -M S /M S : l iq ui d ch ro m at og ra ph y co up le d to ta nd em m as s sp ec tro m et ry . N R : n ot re po rt ed . 18 Italian Journal of Food Science, 2021; 33 (SP1) de Souza C et al. countries (Table 1). In Qatar, the incidence of AFM1 in yogurts was analyzed using an immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA); 76.1% of the samples were positive. However, none of them showed contamination levels above the EU maximum limits, posing no public health threats in this country (Hassan et al., 2018). AFM1 prevalence in yogurts produced with buffalo milk in different dairy factories in Southern China were evaluated, and none of the samples had levels greater than the limit of 500 ng/ kg determined in the country(Guo et al., 2019). Another study carried out with cow milk showed AFM1 levels inside the limit determined by this country and the EU (Zhou et al., 2019). In South Korea, 27.27% of the yogurt samples showed AFM1, but none of them was above the limit determined by the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (0.5 μg/kg) (Kim-Soo et al., 2016). However, in a previous study, 83% of yogurt samples were contami- nated by this toxin (Kim et al., 2000). In the Mazandaran province of Iran, 100% of the pasteur- ized yogurt and local yogurt samples were contaminated with AFM1 (Barjesteh et al., 2010). However, in another study in Iran, 20.6% of yogurt samples were contami- nated with levels above the limits determined by the local regulations (0.05 µg/L) and were greater in the winter than the summer (Fallah, 2010). Moreover, samples of traditional and industrial yogurt and Doogh were eval- uated, and the AFM1 incidences in both these industrial products were greater in the autumn and winter than in traditional ones. As for Doogh samples, the contamina- tion levels were low, and no significant seasonal effect was observed (Fallah et al., 2011). Seasonal factors may influence the presence of the toxin in these products, as some studies observed higher levels of contamination in milk samples in the autumn and winter compared with summer and spring (Kamkar, 2005). These variations may be related to the procedures during processing, degree of milk contamination, type of yogurt, fermenta- tion conditions, geographic regions, season, country, and analytical methods used to detect these toxins (Di Guan et al., 2011). In general, yogurts have shown lower con- tamination levels with AFM1 than cheese (Rabie et al., 2019), as the fermentation process contributes to reduc- ing the concentration of AFM1 because of low pH and the production of fermentation-related byproducts such as organic acids, including lactic acid, among other fac- tors (Campagnollo et al., 2016). In milk, AFM1 binds to casein, and the modifications on its structure caused by pH reduction during fermentation may lead to changes in this bound (Govaris et al., 2002). However, the exact mechanisms involved in the mycotoxin decontamination during the fermentation process are not entirely under- stood. Several experimental data indicate that aflatoxin reduction in fermented products occurs through its binding to the cell wall components of starter cultures, as reviewed by Muaz et al. (2021), or through degradation samples of yogurt were analyzed, and 10% were contami- nated with AFM1 (Anthony et al., 2016). In a study carried out in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, AFM1 was analyzed in samples of fermented milk and yogurt, and contami- nation was observed in levels above 0.05 μg/L (Langat et al., 2016). In Dagoretti and the Westland area belonging to Nairobi, 77 and 57% of Lala and yogurt, respectively, contained detectable levels of AFM1 (Lindahl et al., 2018). In Nairobi, a study with pasteurized yogurt and Lala revealed that all samples had AFM1 above the detection limit (5ng/kg). After undergoing an additional experi- mental fermentation, both products showed a significant reduction in AFM1 prevalence (Kuboka et al., 2019). The prevalence of AFM1 in yogurt and milk samples was eval- uated in Burundi in the Republic of the Congo, and 29% of them showed levels much higher than the limits recom- mended by the EU (Udomkun et al., 2018). Few studies considering the prevalence of AFM1 in fer- mented milk produced in the Americas and European countries were conducted (Table 1). In Brazil, 95% of the samples of yogurt or dairy-based drinks from the Ribeirão Preto region were contaminated with AFM1 (Iha et al., 2011). Interestingly, while the naturally contami- nated yogurts from were incubated for 12 h, there was a reduction about 6% in the toxin levels (Iha et al., 2013). The fermentation process in yogurts contributes to reducing the concentration of AFM1 due to factors such as low pH, production of organic acids, and the presence of bacteria that synthesize lactic acid and other byprod- ucts of fermentation (Govaris et al., 2002). As for the European countries, AFM1 was detected in the Cataluña region of Spain among 2.8% of the samples analyzed, the only one region that showed contamination above that determined by the EU (Cano-Sancho et al., 2010). In another study, however, 33% of yogurt samples from the same Spanish region were contaminated with AFM1, with none of them exceeding the European lim- its (Cano-Sancho et al., 2015). In samples of yogurt from Italian supermarkets analyzed in 1996, 61% showed levels of AFM1, but similar to Spain, none of them exceeded the limits determined by the EU (Galvano et al., 2001). In a study carried out in Portugal, 4.2% of the samples of plain yogurt and 33.3% of the samples of strawberry yogurt were contaminated with this toxin (Martins and Martins, 2004). In Serbia, the mean concentrations of AFM1 in dairy products and fermented dairy drinks in 2015 were 0.018 and 0.019 µg/kg, respectively, with 5.86 and 2.64% of the samples exceeding the limits determined by the EU. It was also observed that the toxin levels were more significant in the winter and autumn in both products (Keskic et al., 2016). The majority of data describing the prevalence of AFM1 in fermented milk were provided by studies in Asian Italian Journal of Food Science, 2021; 33 (SP1) 19 Aflatoxin M 1 occurrence in fermented milk recommended by the EU. Strained yogurt, popularly con- sumed by the Lebanese population, showed 88.9% con- taminated samples, with 81.5% above the EU acceptable limits. The authors suggested that these findings may be due to low-quality powdered milk in the production, leading to high levels of contamination in the final prod- uct. As for the yogurt drink Ayran, 88.9% of the samples were positive, with 44.4% above the EU recommended limits (Daou et al., 2020). In Malaysia, 40% of the yogurt samples collected in January 2014 were contaminated with AFM1, although none of them was above the limits determined by the EU (Nadira et al., 2017). A study carried out in the winter and summer in Pakistan showed that 37 and 29% of the samples of yogurt, respectively, were contaminated with this toxin, and were above the country limits (0.05 μg/L) (Iqbal et al., 2013). In Punjab, a province of Pakistan, 47% of the yogurt samples were above the legal limits (Iqbal and Asi, 2013). Corroborating these findings, another study carried out in the winter and summer showed that plain yogurt and flavored yogurt samples were contami- nated with AFM1 by 20 and 16%, respectively, and were above the levels determined by the EU during the sum- mer. In the winter, 27.7 and 40%, respectively, were above the EU limits, posing a considerable threat to the pop- ulation’s health (Iqbal et al., 2017). In Taiwan, 12.5% of the samples of yogurt beverages were contaminated with AFM1 but at low levels (Lin et al., 2004). On the other hand, in Ankara, Turkey’s capital, 32% of the yogurt samples showed AFM1 levels above the coun- try’s limit (Gurbay et al., 2006). Also, in Turkey, 11.53% of the yogurt samples, 9.52% of fruit yogurt samples, and 21.15% of strained yogurt samples showed AFM1 levels greater than those allowed by the existing regu- lations in the country (50 ng/kg) (Akkaya et al., 2006). Corroborating this finding, 20% of the yogurt samples evaluated in other studies showed contamination lev- els above the acceptable limits by Turkish Food Codex (2008) (50 ng/kg) (Atasever et al., 2011; Temamogullari and Kanici, 2014). Another study in Ankara showed that 89.5% of the yogurt samples were contaminated with AFM1. Only 5 were above the limit determined by the local regulations (Sarica et al., 2015). On the other hand, in Turkey, only two yogurt samples and one sample of Ayran showed AFM1, but the levels were below the EU limits (Sahin et al., 2016). Concluding Remarks Several studies regarding the prevalence of AFM1 in industrial and traditional fermented milk were con- ducted worldwide in the past 20 years, indicating of the toxins by microbial enzymes into less toxic sub- stances (Guo et al., 2020). The most studied bacteria with practical AFM1-binding abilities are lactic acid bacteria belonging to the genus Levilactobacillus spp. (former Lactobacillus sp.) such as L. rhamnosus and L. planta- rum (Sadiq et al., 2019). Regarding bio-detoxification, several species in the genera Pseudomonas, Rhodococcus, Streptomyces, Bacillus, and Pleurotus have been reported to be capable of degrading aflatoxins (Guo et al., 2020). However, these bacterial species are not allowed to be used as starter cultures in fermented foods. The combi- nation of fermentation with some emerging technologies, such as ultrasound, ohmic heating, and cold plasma, has been proposed, aiming at improving aflatoxin’s detoxifi- cation (Gavahian et al., 2021). In Shahr-e Kord, Iran, AFM1 was detected in 35% of the yogurt samples, but not above the EU’s acceptable limit (Nilchian and Rahimi, 2012). In Gilan, another province of Iran, 63.33% of the yogurt samples were above the EU limits (Issazadeh et al., 2012). In central Iran, yogurt samples showed mean AFM1 contamination levels of 13.55 ng/kg (Arast et al., 2012). In Isfahan, 80% of the yogurt samples were contaminated with this toxin, and 5% of them were above the limit determined by the EU (Rahimi, 2014). In traditional Iranian yogurts, these toxin levels were more significant than in industrialized prod- ucts (Mason et al., 2015). Still, in Iran, aflatoxins levels were evaluated in yogurt and Doogh samples, with 23.8 and 13.6%, respectively, yielding positive results (Bahrami et  al., 2016). However, in Iran, 100% of the yogurt sam- ples collected in 2014 were contaminated, with 22.22% above the AFM1 limits determined by the EU (Nikbakht et al., 2016). On the other hand, 83.3% of the yogurt sam- ples were positive for AFM1 in another study, although none of them was above the limits determined by the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran (50 ng/L) (Sohrabi and Gharahkoli, 2016). In Bagdad, the capital of Iraq, 100% of the yogurt samples from supermarkets were contaminated with AFM1 (Jasim and Najim, 2014). A study carried out with local and imported yogurts in Iraq found that 75 and 50%, respec- tively, of the samples contained AFM1 (Al-Mossawei et  al., 2016). In Kuwait, one sample out of two yogurt samples produced in a local farm was contaminated with AFM1 (Ivastava et al., 2001). In Lebanon, 32.81% of the samples analyzed showed the presence of AFM1, with 6.25% of them exceeding the limits determined by the EU (El Khoury et al., 2011). Still, in Lebanon, 72% of the yogurt samples analyzed showed AFM1, with 13% above the recommended limits (Hassan and Kassaify, 2014). In another study carried out in Lebanon with different yogurt types, it was observed that 64.3% of the samples were positive for AFM1, and 35.7% were above the limits 20 Italian Journal of Food Science, 2021; 33 (SP1) de Souza C et al. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 35(1): 59–62. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/veterinary/issues/ vet-11-35-1/vet-35-1-8-0906-96.pdf Bahrami, R., Shahbazi, Y. and Nikousefat, Z., 2016. Aflatoxin M1 in milk and traditional dairy products from west part of Iran: occurrence and seasonal variation with an emphasis on risk assessment of human exposure. Food Control 62: 250–256. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.10.039 Barjesteh, M.H., Azizi, I.G. and Noshfar, E., 2010. Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in pasteurized and local yogurt in Mazandaran province (northern Iran) using ELISA. Global Veterinaria 4(5): 459–462. Available at: http://idosi.org/gv/gv4(5)10/7.pdf Barukčić, I., Bilandžić, N., Markov, K., Jakopović, K.L. and Božanić,  R., 2018. Reduction in aflatoxin M1 concentration during production and storage of selected fermented milks. 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Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 42: 71–77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2015.03.008 Daou, R., Afif, C., Joubrane, K., Khabbaz, L.R., Maroun, R., Ismail,  A. and El Khoury, A., 2020. Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in raw, pasteurized, UHT cows’ milk, and dairy products in Lebanon. Food Control 111: 5–29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. foodcont.2019.107055 high frequencies of positive samples at low levels of contamination among different industrial and tradi- tional fermented milk products. A decreasing trend in the contamination of fermented milk products was observed over the years, mainly in traditional prod- ucts. However, AFM1 contamination in fermented milk at levels higher than the recommended tolerable limits was reported in African and Asian countries. Continuous monitoring and controlling actions from both manufacturers and regulatory bodies are essen- tial to reduce the AFM1 contamination levels in indus- trial and traditional fermented milk. 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