PaPer 330 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 - Keywords: chemical-sensory quality, marinating, shad, shelf life - DIFFERENT PACKAGING METHODS EFFECTS ON SENSORY QUALITY AND CHEMICAL CRITERIA OF MARINATED SHAD (AlosA immAculAtA, B., 1838) M.E. ERDEM*a, S. KORALb and S. IŞIDANc aSinop University, Fisheries Faculty, Depertmant of the Fish Processing Technology, 57000 Akliman Sinop, Turkey bRize Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Fisheries Faculty, Depertmant of the Fish Processing Technology, Fener Mah., 53100 Rize, Turkey cSivas Directorate of Provincial Food Agriculture and Livestock *Corresponding author: AbstrAct In this study the sensory and chemical parameters of marinated shad (Alosa immaculata, ben- nett, 1838) were determined. Fish were marinated with different package methods (in brine, oil and vacuum packed) and stored at 4±1°c. During the storage period, diffusion of proximate com- position, acetic acid and sodium chloride into the fish fillets were determined. At the end of 7 months storage period, tVb-N were 8.05, 16.81 and 17.56 (mg/100 g), tMA were 2.28, 2.53 and 2.73 (mg/100 g), tbA were 7.08, 7.13 and 6.05 (mg malonaldehyde/kg) and pH were 4.42, 4.72 and 4.77 for brine, oil and vacuum packed samples, respectively. throughout the storage peri- od, effect of different package methods on tVb-N, tMA, tbA, pH, aw, acetic acid, sodium chlo- ride and sensory issues were significant (p<0.05). Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 331 INtrODUctION Fish is really healthy food and is known as the only food having a life-sustaining balanced ra- tio of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which are essential to maintain good health. In addition, because of having low fat content, cholesterol and calories, fish meat is preferable for consumers (KOrAL, 2006). shad is a close relative to sardines has an av- erage length of 30-33 cm. shad are a black sea fish, but it can be found in the Marmara, Aege- an and the Mediterranean seas. shad live close to the coast as herd by shoal, they enter in the river to spawn at reproduction time in the spring. today, shad is also heavily fished in the United states and around. According to turkish statis- tical Institute-tsI (2013), 1699 tons shad were caught in turkey at 2012. turkish consumers generally prefer as fresh, salted or smoked shad. Marinating is traditionally a fish preserva- tion method. Meat tenderization and flavoring are consequences of the marinating process. sodium chloride, polyphosphates, sugars spic- es and sauces are considered important ingre- dients of marinades and they improve meat ten- derness and flavor (sINDELAr et al., 2003; sU- DErMAN, 1993). the purpose of bringing rigidi- ty to the marinated product, enriching the meat flavor and preserving the meat longer (cHEN, 1982; rEsUrrEccIÓN, 2003). the immersion of meat in the marinating solution is done not only in turkey. the physical characteristics of fish change in acid and salt in several days. Muscle tissue softens; skin and bones can be removed easily. Marinate generally contains 4-5% vinegar and 7-10% salt. Acetic acid leads to breakdown of structural proteins and enables the tearing of muscle membrane (MEYEr, 1965; ErDEM et al., 2005). Muscle tissue, which has been softened during initial days by the joint effect of acid and salt, lost 15-20% of raw material weight at the end of the process (ALPArsLAN et al., 2013). the aim of the present study is to determine the sensory and chemical changes of marinat- ed and brine, oil and vacuum packed shad fil- lets. therefore, the use of shad as an alterna- tive to the other fish species used in marinade production will be investigated. MAtErIALs AND MEtHODs A total of 186 pontic shad (Alosa immaculata) samples with an average weight of 191.53±33.63 g and average length of 28.71±1.58 cm were purchased from a local fish market in trab- zon, turkey. they were stored in a thermally insulated container, brought to the laboratory and stored at –30°c with the purpose of elimi- nating the risk of parasites until the marinat- ing process. Marination process before marinating process, fishes were cleaned at the head, and the integral organs, after that fillet and washed with clean water. Approximately 36 kg fillets were immersed into the following different marinating solutions for 48 h (1:2 fish:solution ratio) in a refrigerator. After two days of storage in refrigerator, the fil- lets were dipped in 4.5% acetic acid, 0.2% cit- ric acid and 10% salt marination solutions, the marinated fishes were divided into tree groups (brine, sunflower oil and vacuum packaging). 70 grams of marinated shad fillets were packed into plastic box of 250 mL capacity with 150 mL brine, 150 mL sunflower oil, vacuum packaged and than were stored at 4±1°c for 7 months. Proximate, chemical quality and sensory anal- yses were performed in triplicate on days 1, 30, 90, 150, and 210th. Chemical analysis samples were homogenized and subjected to moisture and ash analyses using AOAc (1990) methods. crude protein content was calculated by converting the nitrogen content according to Kjeldahl’s method (AOAc 1990), and lipid con- tent was determined according to the method of the bLIGH and DYEr (1959). thiobarbituric acid (tbA) amounts were determined using the meth- od of tArLADGIs et al., (1960), expressed as mg malonaldehyde/kg sample using a conversion factor of 7.8. the pH was determined from ho- mogenates of minced samples in distilled water in a ratio of 1:10 (w/v) by using a digital pH meter (Hanna, Germany) (cUrrAN et al., 1980). total volatile basic nitrogen (tVb-N) was determined on steam distillation using the Kjeldahl distilla- tion apparatus and until red color was titrated, for clarification (ANtONOcOPOULUs 1973). the method of AOAc (1990) was used for trimethyl- amine nitrogen (tMA-N) analysis. the water activity determination Aqualab 3 tE (0.100 to 1.000 ± 0.003), were measured by U.s. brand equipment. salt content was meas- ured using the method proposed by KArL (1994). 20 g fish were homogenized for 5 minutes with 100 mL distilled water, and than 150 mL dis- tilled water was added and it was filtered. to this solution was added 2.5 mL of 10% K 2 crO 4. Until red color was titrated with AgNO 3 0.1 N and ac- cording to the following formula amount of salt (%) was calculated: Nacl (%) = A x 0.00585 x 100 x 500 / Amount of sample (g) x 50 A: AgNO 3 consumption (mL) For the sensory evaluation of the marinated products five panelists were used. sensory anal- ysis to assess appearance, odor, flavor and tex- ture criteria were used, and analyises results, 332 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 which were scored on a scale of 1 to 9. In the scoring system points from 9 to 7 indicates “very good”, from 4.1 to 6.9 indicates “good”, 4 indi- cates “expendability” (4 is the rejection line), and from 1 to 3.9 indicates unacceptability (VArLIK et al., 1993). Statistical analysis the statistical analysis was performed using Minitab release 13.20 (Minitab Inc., state col- lege, PA, UsA). Differences were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance and tukey’s test. In all statistical tests, P<0.05 was considered as statistically different (sUMbULOGLU and sUMb- ULOGLU, 2000). rEsULts AND DIscUssION the proximate composition of the shad fillet in each stage of the process is shown in table 1. these results are wet fish sample and marinat- ed shad. Protein, lipid, dry matter and ash of fresh shad fillets were 17.41%, 18.98%, 39.15% and 2.17%, respectively. At the end of the stor- age, all of these values have increased. Maximum protein value was brining sample (18.83%) while maximum values at the lipid and dry matter were 20.30% and 47.11% at Oil marinated and brin- ing, respectively. GUNEr et al. (1998), and bO- rAN and KArAcAM (2011) reported 22.42% and 19.80% for protein and 15.91% and 9.34% li- pid in fresh shad fillets, respectively. In another experiment, at the end of the brining stage the protein and lipid content were 18.32 g.100 g –1 and 3.20 g.100 g –1 of fish fillets (YEANNEs and cAsALEs 2008). the results of proximate anal- ysis of fresh shad fillets were in agreement with our study. tVb-N of raw material was 14.01( mg/100 g) (table 2). At the end of 7 months storage period for marinated shad that were packaged different- ly in brine, oil and vacuum packed, tVb-N val- ues were 8.05, 16.81 and 17.56 (mg/100 g), re- spectively. statistically difference was found be- tween the brine group with the other groups on tVb-N value (P<0.05). ÖzDEN and ErKAN (2006) reported that tVb-N in fresh fish and marinat- ed trout were 7.35 mg/100 g and 6.78 mg/100 g, respectively. tVb-N values increased to 12.08 mg/100 g and 11.98 mg/ 100 g at the end of storage in vacuum and oil packed samples, re- spectively. similar results obtained in marinat- ed fish packaged in vacuum and stored in re- frigerator at a different time (AKsU et al., 1997, MEtİN et al., 2000 and ArIK et al., 2001). tbA was 0.99 malonaldehyde/kg at the be- ginning of the this study (table 2). this value increased to 7.08 in the brine, 7.13 in the oil and 6.05 mg malonaldehyde/kg in the vacu- um packaged group on the last day (210th day) of storage. statistically difference was found be- tween the vacuum group with the other groups on tbA value (P<0.05). tbA value is an impor- tant indicator and is excessively used to deter- mine the level of lipid oxidation in fish (sALLAM 2007; cADUN et al., 2008; tUrHAN et al., 2009). VArLIK et al. (1993) reported that a consuma- ble limit was between 7-8 mg malonaldehyde/ kg tbA in sea fish. ÖzDEN and ErKAN (2006) reported 0.45 mg malonaldehyde/kg tbA values for fresh rainbow trout and 2.8 mg malonaldehyde/ kg tbA val- ues for marinated fish after 90 days, while 9.5 mg malonaldehyde/kg for vacuum and 10.26 mg malonaldehyde/kg for oil packaged marinated trout fillets were determined. Water activity (a w ) of the raw material changed from 0.98 to 0.99, indicating that, it is the most suitable period for microbial growth (table 2). the water activities (a w ) at the marination were 0.93-0.94 between each group. the findings re- garding to the a w value are in compliance with bOrGstrOM’s (1968) with YEANNEs and cA- sALEs (2008). In this study, pH level was 4.42, 4.72 and 4.77 in the brine, oil and vacuum packaged samples at 210 days, respectively and there were no sig- nificant differences between groups (p>0.05). the pH of fresh raw fish was initially approxi- mately 6.30 and then changed during the mat- uration process to 4.29 after 90 days (ÖzDEN and ErKAN 2006). In another study, pH values in anchovy marinated with 2% and 4% acetic acid increased was changed from 4.25 to 4.53 (AKsU et al., 1997). the sodium chloride content of the fillet re- mained stable during the marinating stage while the salt level becomes richer in the brin- table 1 - the proximate composition in percentage of fresh and different marinating process of shad (Alosa immaculata,) fil- lets during storage. Storage days Protein (%) Lipid (%) Dry Matter (%) Ash (%) Fresh fish 17.41±0.51a 18.98±0.66a 39.15±0.15 a 2.17±0.16a Brine 18.83±0.28b 20.14±0.11c 47.11±0.16 b 10.28±0.04c Oil Marinated 18.06±0.33b 20.30±0.19c 47.05±0.70 b 8.68±0.11c Vacuum Marinated 18.16±0.15b 20.21±0.33c 47.05±0.02 b 8.12±0.07b Data are expressed as means±standard deviation. Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 333 table 2 - Effects of brine, oil and vacuum packets on chemical changes of marinated shad (Alosa immaculata) fillets during refrigerated storage. Storage Days After marinated 30 90 150 210 TVB-N mg/100 g Brine 14.01±0.00a 8.40±0.0.23bA 5.80±0.00deC 5.95±0.0.49cdC 8.05±0.49bC Oil 14.01±0.00a 8.55±0.89aA 12.01±0.00bB 13.61±0.00cB 16.81±0.00aB Vacuum 14.01±0.00a 8.86±0.50 aA 14.16±0.49bcA 15.66±0.66cdA 17.56±0.00eA TMA-N mg/100g Brine 0.63±0.01aB 0.70±0.01aB 0.73±0.01bC 1.06±0.04cC 2.28±0.04eA Oil 0.63±0.01aB 0.69±0.01aB 0.88±0.01abC 1.94±0.04cA 2.53±0.03dA Vacuum 0.63±0.01aB 0.93±0.03cA 1.22±0.03dA 1.48±0.02eB 2.73±0.04fB TBA mg malonaldehyde /kg Brine 0.99±0.01a 1.82±0.06bcA 3.21±0.36dA 5.36±0.18eA 7.08±0.06fA Oil 0.99±0.01a 1.92±0.06bcA 3.66±0.15dA 5.56±0.18eA 7.13±0.06fA Vacuum 0.99±0.01a 1.28±0.04aA 2.32±0.12cbB 3.75±0.21dB 6.05±0.35eB a w Brine 0.99±0.001a 0.94±0.001cB 0.93±0.001dB 0.93±0.001eB 0.93±0.001cB Oil 0.98±0.001a 0.95±0.001deA 0.94±0.001eA 0.94±0.001fA 0.94±0.001fA Vacuum 0.99±0.001a 0.95±0.001bA 0.94±0.001dA 0.94±0.001cdA 0.94±0.001bB pH Brine 6.42±0.02a 4.25±0.01cdB 4.31±0.03bcdA 4.33±0.04bcdB 4.42±0.03bB Oil 6.42±0.02a 4.37±0.01fgA 4.53±0.04deA 4.65±0.01bcA 4.72±0.01bA Vacuum 6.42±0.02a 4.39±0.01fgA 4.49±0.01deA 4.59±0.01cA 4.77±0.01bA Acidity Brine 0.15±0.00a 1.28±0.00cA 1.58±0.11dA 1.65±0.00dB 1.66±0.01dA Oil 0.15±0.00a 1.20±0.11cA 1.38±0.11 cdB 1.53±0.11cdA 1.65±0.00dA Vacuum 0.15±0.00a 1.35±0.00cB 1.48±0.11 dC 1.53±0.11dA 1.65±0.00eA Sodium chloride Brine 0.27±0.12a 6.29±0.29cA 6.79±0.16cA 6.00±0.37cA 6.32±0.00cA Oil 0.27±0.12a 4.77±0.21bB 4.92±0.50bB 4.77±0.04bB 4.39±0.08bB Vacuum 0.27±0.12a 4.75±0.42bB 4.47±0.04bB 4.65±0.37bB 4.51±0.04bB Data are expressed as means±standard deviation. a,b,c: Differences between groups expressed with different letters in the same column are important (p<0,05). A,B,C: Differences between groups expressed with different letters in the same line are important (p<0,05). ing stage and the salt concentration in the marinating solution becomes lower. According to KOLAKOWsKI and bEDNArczYK (2002), the acetic acid in the marinating solution caused the decrease in the water content of fillet. so- dium chloride in fresh fish muscle was 0.27%, while at the end of the study, it was reached to 6.32%, 4.39% and 4.51% for brine, oil and vac- uum package groups, respectively. According to DUErr and DYEr (1952), FENNEMA (1977) and HONIbEL (1989), myosin denaturation, as measured by salt solubility, occurs at a defi- nite salt concentration, about 8 to 10% sodi- um chloride in the tissue. MEYEr (1965) stated that the amount of the acid in high quality marine products should be between 2-3% in fish tissue at the end of the ripening period. In this study the acid amount changed between 1.20-1.66 during the trial. the sensory scores of marinated shad fillets indicated a good quality of the storage period (table 3). there were significant differences be- tween brine, oil and vacuum packaged shad mar- inades (p<0.05) for sensory value. these results are in agreement with the findings of ÖzDEN and bAYGAr (2003) for marinated chub mackerel, horse mackerel, sardine and anchovy packaged in jars with vegetable oil and vacuum packed in pol- yethylene bags, then stored at 4±1°c. In addition to these studies, YEANNEs and cAsALEs (2008) reported that there were not quality changes on sensory analysis of marinated anchovy (Engrau- lis anchoita) throughout storage time. Many studies showed that good quality mar- inated fish is between 3 and 6 months (ErKAN et al., 2000; VArLIK et al., 2000; ÖzDEN and bAYGAr 2003; KILINc and ÇAKLI 2004; GÖKO- GLU et al., 2004, ErDEM et al., 2005; KAbA et al., 2013). cONcLUsIONs In this study, the effects of brine, oil and vacu- um packing on chemical and sensory changes in marinated shad stored at 4°c were investigated. A quality assessment was performed by moni- toring sensory quality, total volatile basic nitro- gen and thiobarbituric acid, pH, aw, and salini- ty count. the results of this study indicate that the shelf life of brine and oil packed marinated shad fillets had a shelf life of 210 days. Accord- 334 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 table 3 - Effects of different package methods on sensory property of marinated shad (Alosa immaculata) fillets during stor- age time. Storage Days After marinated 30 90 150 210 Appearance Brine 9.55±0.38aA 9.00±0.38 aA 7.05±0.69 bA 6.40±0.98 cA 5.00±0.32 dA Oil 9.57±0.41 aA 8.50±0.55 aB 7.13±0.52 bA 6.04±0.39 cA 4.53±0.52 dB Vacuum 9.65±0.35 aA 930±0.61 aC 7.47±0.41 aB 5.81±0.32 dA 4.20±0.32 dB Odor Brine 9.25±0.25aA 8.58±0.49 abA 7.42±1.02 bcA 5.92±0.92 cA 4.28±0.35 dA Oil 9.52±0.61 aA 8.60±0.41 abA 7.08±0.92 bA 6.25±0.76 cA 4.57±0.75 dB Vacuum 9.61±0.41 aA 8.70±0.32 abA 7.83±0.41 cdA 5.97±0.26 dA 3.91±0.29 aC Flavor Brine 9.63±0.05aA 8.75±0.35 abA 7.25±0.15 cA 5.90±0.10 dA 4.13±0.18 eA Oil 9.63±0.05aA 8.50±0.20 bB 7.25±0.20 cA 6.00±0.15 dA 4.50±0.06 eB Vacuum 9.63±0.05aA 9.25±0.09 abC 7.75±0.18 bA 4.75±0.15 cB 3.50±0.00eC Texture Brine 9.85±0.39aA 8.58±0.41 bA 7.08±0.44 cA 6.00±0.33 dA 4.20±0.13 eA Oil 9.88±0.37aA 8.79±0.20 bA 7.67±0.21 cAB 5.58±0.27 dA 4.40±0.15 eA Vacuum 9.93±0.23aA 9.71±0.26 aB 7.93±0.24 bB 5.33±0.15 cB 4.00±0.21dB a,b,c Differences between groups expressed with different letters in the same column are important (p<0,05). 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Paper Received June 26, 2014 Accepted October 10, 2014