PaPer Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 345 - Keywords: bread, flour, potato starch, wheat - Bread quality suBstituted By Potato starch instead of wheat flour f. neMar1*, a. dilMi Bouras1, M. Koiche1, n-e. assal2, a. MeZaini1 and J. ProdhoMMe2 1Laboratory of Natural Local Bio-Resources, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Hassiba Benbouali University, Chlef, BP. 151, Chlef 02000, Algeria 2Lactamel Group, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria *Corresponding author: Tel. +213 559 932507, email:, AbstrAct Wheat bread constitutes the most regularly consumed food in the World, the internation- al market for wheat undergoes strong pressure and prices are unceasingly increasing. the aim of this study is to substitute wheat flour by potato starch in bread preparation. Mixtures flours were characterized for composition, damaged starch, and Alveograph properties. Accord- ing to the results of alveograph parameters, they decrease with the rate of incorporation of po- tato starch. this decrease can be corrected by adding vital gluten. the results of physicochem- ical analysis showed a decrease in protein levels, an increase in moisture content (about 2%) and carbohydrates levels due to the composition of potato starch. However, sensory analysis (p ≤ 0.05) showed that the addition 80% of potato starch leads to bread with better characteris- tics: taste, colour and odour, based on that, it is highly advisable as an ingredient in the stand- ard preparation of wheat bread. 346 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 IntroductIon bread is an important component of the Algerian diet, while wheat production in the country is insufficient. therefore, substan- tial quantities of this cereal must be imported every year. Making bread by partial substitu- tion of wheat is not a new idea and it is worth- while to reveal some of the efforts made in the past to make bread from local materials, such as cereal flour or root starches. Potato occu- pies the fourth place in the World list of food crops, after wheat, rice and corn, with an an- nual World production of approximately 300 million Mg (cIP, 2008). the country now pro- duces enough potatoes and its price is also within affordable limits of average people. so potato appears to be one of the most promising substitutes in bread making in order to help reduce dependence on wheat flour. Potato starch is an important raw materi- al in the food industry because its properties and their proportions vary according to the environment and genotypes of potato (VAsAn- tHAn et al., 1999; KAur et al., 2002; ZAIdul et al., 2007). Potato starch is largely used in food and non-food fields (paper, cardboard, textiles, mining, drilling, adhesives, etc.). originally, it was produced for baking by adding it to ce- real flour (roussel et al., 1996; sIngH et al., 2003). the addition of modest amounts of pota- to starch helps preserve the freshness of bread and it also confers a distinctive character and a pleasant flavor (YAneZ et al., 1981; WIllArd and HIx, 1987). the aim of this work is to evaluate the possibil- ity of substituting wheat flour for high percentag- es of potato starch in bread making process and to evaluate the physical, chemical, nutritional and sensory properties of the produced bread. MAterIAl And MetHods Raw material Algerian wheat flour was obtained from neKHlA mill, Algeria. Ingredients like sugar, salt, instant active dry yeast and shortening were purchased from the local market, while Potato starch was ob- tained from Michel come, rambouillet, France. Methods Physical and chemical composition Moisture content the moisture content of samples was deter- mined according to the AAcc official Methods 46-30, where a sample of 5 g is weighed and placed in a moisture dish. the sample is warmed to 130°c in an air oven during 2 hours; then the residue is cooled to room temperature and weighed (AFnor, 1991). Ash content It was determined according to the AAcc offi- cial Methods 08-01 (AAcc, 1995). Where a sam- ple of 3-5 g is weighed and placed in an ash cup, then the sample is heated at 900°c in an ash oven until complete combustion of the organic matter, and the residue is cooled to room tem- perature and then weighed (AAcc, 1995). Protein content Protein content is determined by the Kjeldahl distillation method (by analyzing total nitrogen contents). two grams of dry sample are weighed and placed with hot concentrated sulfuric acid. the ammonia liberated from the resulting am- monium sulphate, after adding sodium hydrox- ide was distilled into 1 M boric acid then titrat- ed with 0.1 M Hcl. the nitrogen value estimated was multiplied by 5.7 (protein factor) to obtain the value of crud protein. this is expressed as the percentage of dry sample mass (AAcc, 1995). Fat content According to ugrInoVIts et al. (2004) the crude fats were determined by the soxhlet meth- od. they are extracted from 10 g of each sample using a soxhlet apparatus with low boiling point petroleum ether (40-60°c) as solvent. A rotary- evaporator was used to evaporate the solvent af- ter each extraction. Falling Number Test the level of enzyme activity was measured by the Falling number test (standard method AAcc 56-81b), and this is to evaluate the α-amylase activity of the flour by measuring the consisten- cy of the gelatinized starch. seven grams of the sample is weighed and combined with 25 ml of distilled water in a glass falling number tube with a stirrer and shaken to form a slurry. then, it is placed in the falling number instrument (AAcc, 1995). Alveograph characteristics  An amount of 250 g of the sample with salty solution was mixed in the alveograph mixer. After 8 minutes of kneading, the passage was opened and the extraction began. the dough patty was cut as soon as it arrived at a mark on the extrac- tion plate. the dough patty was rolled and cut with the cutter and then was placed in the oven of the dough pieces at 25.5°c. After 28 minutes, each dough patty was inflated with air and its individual characteristics (P, l, W) were meas- ured (AAcc, 1995). Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 347 W: the work of the deformation energy (baking strength); l: the length of the curve (extensibility); P: Maximum height (tenacity); P / l: ratio curve configuration. Bread making  the conventional straight-dough method for pan bread was performed according to the pro- cedure developed by AAcc. the formula used to make bread is given in table 1. the level of substitution of wheat flour by potato starch was 80%. to make bread, the dry ingredients were man- ually mixed and then added to a mix containing water. the components were thoroughly knead- ed with the mixer for 5 min at low speed. the mixing speed was then changed to high speed for 5 min. the dough was divided into pieces of 100 g, rounded by hand and allowed to relax for 25 min. the dough was moulded then panned and fermented for 90 min at 30°c in a fermen- tation cabin. gas retention during fermentation was evalu- ated using an indicator of growth containing 25 g of dough which was subjected to fermentation in the same conditions as the dough. the bread was baked at 220°c/20 min in an electric oven. subsequently, the baked bread samples were then depanned and cooled to eval- uate their external and internal properties by a 1h at room temperature, packed in polyethylene bags used for further analyses. Bread evaluation loaves were organoleptically evaluated for their external and internal properties by a jury of twenty tasters. the method of 5 point score (in a hedonistic qualification scale) was used (AMer- Ine et al., 1973). the panel members were asked to score for crust colour, crumb colour, texture, flavour and overall acceptability. Statistical analysis In this study, all experiments were performed in triplicate. statistical analysis was performed using xlstAt program to compare the results. the level of significance was considered at p ≤ 0.05. results And dIscussIon Physical and chemical composition the result of proximate composition analysis of wheat flour and potato starch is as shown in table 2. the wheat flour protein content used in this study was about 10%, this result is sim- ilar to that reported by lIndAHl and elIAsson (1992). According to ugrInoVIts et al. (2004) the strength of the flour is partially determined by its wet gluten content. the wet gluten content of potato starch is about 1.72% where as wet gluten content of wheat flour is 30.08%, which is a normal level, potato starch contained lower proteins (trace) and higher carbohydrate than wheat flour. How- ever this value of wet gluten, added to the vi- tal gluten in the mixture allows compensating for the deficit of protein potato starch (32.77%). the results of baking test show that potato starch alone is not enough to produce bread, and the same result was found for the mixture with high level. It might be due to the value of gluten that is lower. therefore, it is necessary to add a percentage of vital gluten. However, the value of the falling number of the table 1- bread mix formula. Formula Wheat flour 500 g Salt 10 g Sugar 5 g Yeast 10 g Water 300 mL Dough improver 0.1 g table 2 - Physical and chemical characteristics of mixtures. Parameter\Product 100% 100% S.P 20% F 80% S.P Wh.G G Moisture (%) 15.80±0.026 17.80±0.035 17.60±0.011 16.21±0.015 Mineral (Ash) (%) 0.53±0.025 0.18±0.02 0.19±0.0152 0.27±0.01 Wet Gluten (%) 30.10±0.155 / 1.72±0.092 32.77±0.196 Falling number (s) 312 220 181 126 Protein content (%) 10 Trace / / Fat content (%) 0.9 Trace / / F: Wheat Flour; S.P: Potato Starch; Wh.G: Without Gluten; G: With Gluten. 348 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 mix is lower (220) than that of wheat flour and also lower than the optimal standards for bread which is 200 to 300 seconds (godon and loI- sel, 1997). this might be due to the decreased resistance of potato starch to enzymatic degra- dation. Also, the fact that the gelatinization tem- perature is lower than that of wheat flour can be considered as another reason. Alveograph characteristics the results of Alveograph test, summarized in table 3, make it possible to predict baker qual- ity of flour. this test is an interesting practice which is very appreciated by professionals of the second transformation, due to the fact that it re- flects through alveographic parameters meas- ured the ability of flour to be managed accord- ing to its baking strength for a specific purpose (roussel and cHIron, 2002). the Alveograph parameters of wheat flour and mixtures (with 80% of potato starch) showed (table 3), that overpressure (P), a measure of dough tenacity, which is an indi- cator of gas retention by the dough as indi- cated by WAng et al. (2002), varied from 58 to 150 mm. the measure of Alveograph dough extensi- bility (l), ranged from 45 to 116 mm. the val- ues for curve configuration ratio, indicating the configuration ratio of the Alveograph curve, varied from 1.09 to 2.25. the index of swelling (g) varied from 6.9 to 19.10 cm and the baking strength representing the energy necessary to inflate the dough bubble to the point of rupture ranged from 10 to 210*10-4 J. these differenc- es of results are due to the addition of gluten which controls these parameters, where the P value increases to 99mm H 2 o. It is higher than the limit of 80 mm. these results show that the composite pota- to starch and wheat flour lead to dough which is less resistant to deformation and low exten- sibility for rate incorporation of 80%. Mixed baking test In order to know the influence of the substi- tution of wheat flour by potato starch (20/80), several tests were carried out in the laborato- ry and other tests at the bakery with the as- sistance of a French expert in bakery (J. Prod- HoMMe). the experimental baking studies showed that the concentration of 80% potato starch with the addition of gluten did not affect the handling of dough except for some defects of extensibil- ity during shaping. this similarity in results is due to the role of the added gluten; the essen- tial element for baking (especially during knead- ing and shaping), which plays a very significant role in increasing the uptake of water and the resistance of the dough. A significant criterion observed during almost all stages of baking, is the stickiness of the dough. In a similar vein, the properties of gas reten- tion within the composite dough are followed by measurement of the volume of the dough dur- ing fermentation using the indicator of growth containing 25g of dough subjected to fermenta- tion under the same conditions as the loaves of bread. the results obtained are highly signifi- cant (p ≤ 0.05), they show that the pastes incor- porate up to 80 % of potato starch, which expe- rience less raising during fermentation, but re- main comparable with those obtained with 100 % of wheat flour (Fig. 1). external and internal aspects of breads ob- tained are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. the incor- poration of potato starch at levels of 80% gives breads with optimal characteristics. the breads resulting from the potato starch have a good appearance, presenting regular and smooth crusts similar to the breads resulting from wheat flour. As for the coloration of the crust, bread with potato starch presents a less dark coloring com- pared to bread with wheat flour. duPIn et al. (1992) and boYAcIoglu and d’APPolonIA (1994) showed that the dark coloration of bread is in- fluenced by the rise of the rate of both damaged starch and total sugars present in flour, which were highest in starch potato. concerning the appearance of the crumb re- lated to (Fig. 2), bread has aired cells, badly dis- persed and not homogeneous. that can be ex- plained by the irregular distribution or the in- corporation of α-amylases. As for the appearance of crumbs (Fig. 3), bread has aired cells, poorly dispersed and not homo- geneous. Again, that can be explained by the bad distribution or the incorporation of α-amylases. table 3 - rheological characteristics of the flours (with and without addition of vital gluten). Rheological characteristics Rate of incorporation of the potato starch 0% 80% without gluten 80% with gluten Alveographic measurements P (mm) 81 20 99 G (cm) 19.1 06.7 14.8 P/L 01.09 06.68 02.25 W (10-4 J) 210 10 193 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 349 Bread evaluation the approximate composition of bread made from potato starch and wheat flour is shown in table 4. the control bread obtained shows a protein rate of 10.5 %, a rate 60.4% of sugar of and 0.9 % of fat. these values are similar to the values given by cAbrol (2006). However, bread prepared containing pota- to starch 80% present a reduction in proteins Fig. 1 - Influence incorporation of potato starch on the pro- files of gas retention. Fig. 2 - Appearance of the crust of potato starch bread (80%). Fig. 3 - Appearance of the crumb of potato starch bread (80%). (6.87%) and fat (0.37%). this result might be due to the composition of potato starch that, in fact, is rich in sugar and low in fat and proteins. the sensory quality statistics reveal that po- tato starch influences the crumb of bread (Fig. 4). bread with potato starch 80% acquires a very white coloration, and therefore receives the high- est score compared to control bread. Meanwhile, the texture of bread is more developed than that of the control bread. However, we observed that there is significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) in the P value therefore stat- ing the sensory characteristics of potato starch bread 80% are not affected. conclusIons the aim of this study was to analyze sam- ples of bread at 80% of potato starch and com- pared with control bread produced from wheat flour under the same conditions for their nutri- tional, physicochemical and sensory character- istics. the formulation of our bread was made as follows: potato starch, wheat flour, gluten, yeast, salt and a dough improver. the results show that the loaves can be prepared by po- tato starch even at high percentage (80%) and gluten. breads obtained by this formula were nutritionally, physically, chemically and at the table 4 - nutritional composition of breads. Products Humidity % Glucids (%) Protein (%) Fat (%) Fibre (%) Wheat bread 28.20 60.4 10.5 0.9 - Potato starch bread 31.33 61.36 6.87 0.37 0.07 Fig. 4 - evaluation of some characters of quality of the po- tato starch bread 80% and wheat bread prepared in bakery. 350 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 sensorial level comparable to the control bread. A high percentage of consumers said they saw no difference. these results support the partial substitu- tion of wheat flour by potato starch in wheat- based food products to minimize costs. Future studies are needed to investigate the pasting properties of mixtures of wheat flour and po- tato starch (by rVA), to determine the inter- action between wheat flour and potato starch and also to interpret their rheological proper- ties by differential scanning calorimeter and rheometer. AcKnoWledgeMents Financial support was received from the lactamel group, sidi bel Abbes, Algeria. reFerences AAcc. 1995. “Approved methods of the AAcc”. 9th ed. 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