Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 407 opinion paper ITALY on the spotlight: EXPO MILAN 2015 and Italian Journal of Food Science P. FANTOzzIa*, M.F. CAbONIb, T. GALLINA TOSChIb, V. GErbIc, A. hIdALGOd, V. LAVELLId, G. PErrETTIa, P. PITTIAe, C. POMPEId, K. rANTSIOuc, L. rOLLEc, M. SINIGAGLIAf and b. zANONIg a*Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences (DSAAA), University of Perugia, Via S. Costanzo n.c.n., 06126 Perugia, Italy bDepartment of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, P.zza Goidanich 60, 47521 Cesena (FC), Italy cDepartment of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences, University of Torino, Largo Paolo Braccini 2, 10095 Grugliasco (TO), Italy dDepartment of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS), University of Milan, Via Celoria 2, 20133 Milan, Italy eFaculty of Bioscience and Technology for Food, Agriculture and Environment, University of Teramo, Mosciano Sant’Angelo (TE), Italy fDepartment of the Sciences of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Foggia, Via Napoli 25, 71122 Foggia, Italy gDepartment of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems Management (GESAAF), University of Florence, Via Donizetti 6, 50144 Florence, Italy *Corresponding author: The year 2015 will certainly be remembered as the Year of the Universal Exposition (EXPO) hosted in Milan, Italy, focusing on a hot theme in the current scenario: “Feeding the Planet, En- ergy for Life”. This event has drawn a wide international at- tention towards Italy as a country with peculiar and valuable food traditions, thus strengthen- ing its reputation as “gastronomic capital of the world” rich in protected designation of origin products (PDOs) and characterised by a long- standing food culture. EXPO 2015 has been a global platform to showcase a vast range of food traditions, as well as a unique opportunity to appreciate dif- ferent cultures through food practices, thus re- flecting on the values that bring people togeth- er. EXPO 2015 was a chance for scientists, reg- ulators, industry representatives and buyers, to meet and share cutting-edge knowledge and opinions, and to start fruitful collaborations and networks. Meetings and conferences scheduled within the EXPO 2015 calendar encompassed various themes, with particular focus on sustainability - Keywords: Expo 2015, Feeding the Planet, Food Safety, Food Security, Nutrition, Shelf Life, Biodiversity - 408 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 of the agri-food system, conservation of biodiver- sity, protection of environment and its natural resources, such as water, land and soil. Emerg- ing agri-food technologies were also recognised as essential for understanding natural phenom- ena, monitoring production factors, tracing food products, managing emergency and crisis, ulti- mately leading to improvement of well-being and prosperity worldwide. Scientists involved in the fields of agriculture, environment and food processing are challenged by these emerging themes with the task to ad- vance their studies in order to have an impact on education, training and future policies of the agri-food sector. The Italian Journal of Food Science has been deeply involved, in the last two years, in the dif- fusion of new ideas and exchange of knowledge on the topics of EXPO 2015. A primary EXPO 2015 subject was product sustainability, i.e. new and alternative methods of agricultural production aimed to reduce the en- vironmental impact of food production. Accord- ingly, Lo GIUDIcE et al. (2013) proposed different approaches to lessen the production impact of Si- cilian blood oranges on the environment through the application of the Life cycle Assessment (LcA) methodology, while GIOrDAnO et al. (2013) stud- ied the influence of cropping conditions on vola- tile fingerprint and mechanical properties of Mus- cat blanc (Vitis vinifera L.) grapes grown in the north-west mountain region of Italy. Another relevant EXPO 2015 topic was nutri- tion and biodiversity, in the awareness that less- er-known species rich in bioactive compounds can play an important role in human health. Thus, the research presented by JUrIkOvA et al. (2014) tackled at the same time sustainabil- ity, nutrition and biodiversity, assaying the an- tioxidant properties of selected cultivars of in- terspecific crosses of rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.), a thrifty species with high frost resistance. On the other hand, TrIPALDI et al. (2014) com- bined tradition and new consumer requirements by evaluating traditional and reduced dry salt- ing methods of an Italian valuable PDO product, Pecorino romano cheese. The development of new technologies in food science was fostered by MUrA et al. (2014), which focused on the advances of nanotechnology in food and animal science, as this emerging mul- tidisciplinary field can potentially improve the nutritional value, quality and shelf life of sever- al food products, leading to crucial advantages in terms of consumer safety. The concept of food safety was approached by YASAr and BOSELLI (2015) in a survey on perception and awareness of European Union food safety policy by different socio-demographic groups of consumers. IJFS strives to promote the advancement of Food Science: therefore, we would like to ac- knowledge all the Authors for their contribu- tion and the reviewers for their valuable ad- vice. rEFErEncES Giordano M., Zecca O., Belviso S., reinotti M., Gerbi v. and rolle L. 2013. volatile fingerprint and physico-mechan- ical properties of ‘Muscat Blanc’ grapes grown in moun- tain area: a first evidence of the influence of water re- gimes. Ital. J. Food Sci. 25:329. Jurikova T., Sochor J., MLcek J., Balla S., klejdus B., Bar- on M., Ercisli S. and Ozturk Yilmaz S. 2014. Polypheno- lic profile of interspecific crosses of rowan (Sorbus aucu- paria L.). Ital. J. Food Sci. 26:317. Lo Giudice A., Mbohwa c., clasadonte M.T. and Ingrao c. 2013. Environmental assessment of the citrus fruit pro- duction in Sicily using LcA. Ital. J. Food Sci. 25:202. Mura S., carta D., roggero P.P., cheli F. and Greppi G.F. 2014. nanotechnology and its applications in food and animal science Ital. J. Food Sci. 26:91. Tripaldi c., Palocci G., Fiori M., Longo L., F Fuselli., cati- llo G. and Addis M. 2014. Effect of reduced dry salting on the characteristics of PDO Pecorino romano cheese. Ital. J. Food Sci. 26:134. Yasar S. and Boselli E. 2015. Perception and awareness of the European Union food safety framework. Ital. J. Food Sci. 27:126.