PaPer Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 409 - Keywords: consumer test, fat content, quantitative descriptive sensory analysis, venison salchichon sausage - DETERMINATION OF THE OPTIMAL FAT AMOUNT IN DRY-RIPENED VENISON SAUSAGE M.C. UTRILLA1,3, A. SORIANO1,3* and A. GARCÍA RUIZ2,3 1Department of Analytical Chemistry and Food Technology, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies Chemistries, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Avda. Camilo José Cela s/n, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain 2Department of Analytical Chemistry and Food Technology, School of Engineers Agronomist, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ronda de Calatrava 7, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain 3Regional Institute for Applied Scientific Research (IRICA), University of Castilla-La Mancha, Avda. Camilo José Cela s/n, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain *Corresponding author: Tel. +34 926 295300, Fax +34 926 295318, email: AbstrAct six types of salchichon sausage were made using cynegetic venison lean and different amounts of pork meat (40, 30, 25, 20, 15 and 10%) in order to choose the lowest fat content without de- creasing the sensory quality of the traditional salchichon sausage. All samples were evaluated using quantitative descriptive sensory analysis, finding significant differences; as the amount of pork meat increased, sausages exhibited a lighter colour and an intense spice and cured odour, as well as being juicier and easier to chew. Furthermore, consumer tests were carried out. All types of sausages were accepted by consumers (scores > 5.5 for all attributes) finding significant differences in the preference test. 410 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 INtrODUctION the production of cynegetic deer in spain is high, accounting 148195 animals hunted in 2011 (MAGrAMA, 2014); however, its economic value is relatively low because it is considered to be simply a by-product of hunting, oriented to obtain flashy awards. In the autonomous com- munity of castilla-La Mancha (central spain), the area designated for hunting spans more than 7 million hectares of which almost 2 mil- lion are designated for big game hunting, main- ly venison and wild boar (JccM, 2010). castilla- La Mancha is also the main venison exporter in spain, constituting 80% of the total exportation, being Germany its primary destination. Despite the large venison production, its consumption is fairly limited in the region and in spain gener- ally. Venison is mainly consumed in certain ru- ral areas and restaurants. cynegetic venison is a highly nutritive food characterized by a high protein and heme iron content, and a low presence of subcutaneous and intramuscular fat (ZOMbOrsZky et al., 1996; HOFFMAN and WIkLUND, 2006). In addition, this meat has specific organoleptic properties that differ from other species such as its intense and attractive red colour, tenderness and variety of flavours (sOrIANO et al., 2009), reflecting the fact that the animals live in the wilderness and nourish on naturally occurring feed. A wide range of cured products are obtained from cinegetic deer meat, including cecina (dry- cured meat), and dry fermented sausages, as chorizo and salchichon. these are generally la- belled “gourmet products” in the international market. to make venison salchichon, an appro- priate amount of pork fat has to be added to ob- tain gradual drying as well as sensory charac- teristics such as juiciness, tenderness and fla- vor. In the traditionally produced cynegetic ven- ison salchichon, the fat content is around 40- 50% (habitual practices of local manufacturers in castilla-La Mancha region). today, this fat amount is considered excessive in terms of the WHO recommendations for a healthy diet (WHO, 2004), which suggest the consumption of low- fat foods. these recommendations are followed by meat manufacturers that are producing meat products containing smaller amounts of fat. On the other hand, an excessive amount of fat can cause an excessive oxidation of the lipids or ran- cidity (sOrIANO et al., 2010). several studies have been carried out to char- acterise the physicochemical and sensory quality of venison (steVeNsON et al., 1992; PeñA et al., 1993; ZOMbOrsZky et al., 1996; WIkLUND et al., 2001 and 2003). However, very few studies have been reported on microbiological, physicochem- ical and sensory characteristics of dry sausages made with venison (VIOqUe et al., 2003; sOrI- ANO et al., 2006; GArcíA rUIZ et al., 2010; sO- rIANO et al., 2010; UtrILLA et al., 2014). Until now, no study has focused on the reduction of fat in cured sausages made with meat from cyn- egetic species. However, several scientific studies have been carried out to reduce the fat content in dry-ripened sausages made with pork and/ or beef (PAPADIMA and bLOUkAs, 1999; MeN- DOZA et al., 2001; MUGUerZA et al., 2002; LIA- rOs et al., 2009; OLIVAres et al., 2010; OLIVAr- es et al., 2011), foal and pork meat (LOreNZO and FrANcO, 2012). the objective of this study was to obtain a healthier venison salchichon with the lowest fat content that at the same time maintains senso- ry characteristics of the traditional salchichon. MAterIAL AND MetHODs Raw materials Lean venison (Cervus elaphus) was obtained from hind legs of male deer obtained during the 2008-2009 hunting season on three neighbour- ing reserves in ciudad real (central spain). Veg- etation in the three reserves was very similar, comprising pine forests, woodlands and scrub. A total of 69 kg of venison was used for each rep- licate of the experiment. Pork meat with a high fat content was obtained from castrated male pigs (progeny of a Pietrain male x Dalain female cross) raised intensively and slaughtered at the age of seven months. A total of 21 kg of pork meat was used for each replicate of the experi- ment. A commercial salchichon formula (ceyla- mix salchichón casero 933, Manufacturas cey- lan s.L., Valencia, spain) was used, comprising salt, spices, lactose, saccharose, polyphosphates (e-450i, ii), sodium ascorbate (e-301) and po- tassium nitrate (e-252). Cynegetic venison salchichon sausage production six types of venison salchichon were made, each containing a different proportion of pork meat (40, 30, 25, 20, 15 and 10%) and lean ven- ison (60, 70, 75, 80, 85 and 90%, respectively). types were labelled from type 1 (40% pork meat and 60% lean venison) to type 6 (10% pork meat and 90% lean venison) (table 1). Venison and pork meat were minced separately in an Unger table 1 - Percentages of raw meats used to elaborate the dif- ferent types of cynegetic venison salchichon. Type Venison (%) Pork meat (%) 1 60 40 2 70 30 3 75 25 4 80 20 5 85 15 6 90 10 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 411 W-98 mincer (Andher, campo de criptana, spain) with an 8 mm plate. Venison was then mixed with the appropriate proportion of pork meat and the ceylamix commercial formula (33 g/kg mixture) previously dissolved in 1 l of cold mineral water, in an AV-80 vacuum mixer (Andher, campo de criptana, spain). the mixture was covered with a cotton cloth, and left to settle for 20 h at 0ºc, in order to the whole mass could get the spices and additives. It was then fed through an H52 PAs hydraulic piston-based sausage stuffer connect- ed to a VAe-10 vacuum system (Andher, cam- po de criptana, spain), into synthetic collagen skins, with a 38-40 mm diameter. Horseshoe- shaped salchichon sausages were then tied off at 60 cm intervals. Average weight of sausages was 737 g. salchichon sausages were maintained at 20-22ºc and a relative humidity of 60% for 2 h, and finally ripened at 11°-12ºc and the relative humidity of 75% for 28 days, in a Zanotti curing chamber (Grupo Momplet, Valencia, spain). Af- ter ripening, salchichon sausages were vacuum- packed and stored at 8-10ºc for 45 days until its evaluation. the six types were made in duplicate, so the same experiment was repeated on two dif- ferent dates, in order to maximize reproducibili- ty of the results. Quantitative descriptive sensory analysis the quantitative descriptive sensory anal- ysis was carried out in a tasting room that was equipped in accordance with UNe-eN IsO 8589:2010. Judges the evaluation of the samples was carried out by a panel test formed by 9 panellists (6 women, 3 men, ages 25-52 years). the panel was previ- ously trained in the evaluation of the attributes and scales employing different commercial ven- ison salchichon. the qualification of the panel members is based on reproducibility verification and concordance between the tasters. Attributes A focus group was organized to discuss and choose the most apropiate attributes. the sen- sory evaluation of the attributes was carried out using non-structured scales of 10 cm and in accordance with UNe-IsO 4121:2006. All the scales were anchored at the extremes with the terms “weak” and “very intense,” except for the colour intensity scales in which the colour was indicated at the extremes. the visual attrib- utes evaluated were: amount of fat, fat colour (0=white; 10=yellow) and lean colour (0=light pink; 10=black). the colour scales used were photographs of different types of venison sal- chichon sausages. the olfactory attributes stud- ied were: black pepper, spices and cured odour as well as odour intensity. the attributes that defined the texture profile of the samples were: hardness, juiciness, chewiness and fat mouth- feel. Finally, taste attributes evaluated were the following: intensity of the taste, salty and pep- per taste and intensity of the aftertaste. Data collection was organized on paper. Preparation of the samples the samples were presented to the panellists in 3 mm thick slices without skin, at 20°-22ºc (room temperature) and tagged (number-letter-number). three samples were evaluated per sesión at a time. Unsalted crackers and mineral water were provid- ed to the panellists to cleanse the mouth between samples. samples were presented in all possible orders at each tasting session in order to minimise any effects due to order of presentation. All sam- ples were evaluated in duplicate. Consumer tests the consumer tests were carried out in a tast- ing room equipped in accordance with UNe-eN IsO 8589:2010. Consumers A group of 138 habitual consumers of sal- chichon sausage was used: 42 men aged be- tween 20 and 49, and 96 women aged between 19 and 54. consumers were recruited from stu- dents, professors and staff of the Food science and technology Area of the University of cas- tilla-La Mancha. Preparation of the samples samples were presented at 20°-22ºc (room temperature) in 3-mm slices, without skin, us- ing a 3-character alphanumeric code. samples were presented in all possible orders at each tast- ing session in order to minimise any effects due to order of presentation. Unsalted crackers and mineral water were provided to the panellists to cleanse the mouth between samples. consumers were instructed to carry out their evaluation for overall acceptability considering the cross section external appearance, odour, taste and texture of the slices. In one session, consumers evaluated the six samples corresponding to the six different types of venison salchichon sausage. Acceptance test to grade the acceptability of each sample, con- sumers used a non-structured or linear hedon- ic scale of 10 cm, anchored at either end by the phrases “strongly like” and “strongly dislike”, en- abling consumers to mark the point which best represented their satisfaction with the sample. Attributes were evaluated in the order: odour, 412 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 aspect, texture, taste and overall acceptance. Data collection was organized on paper. Preference test A hedonic ranking test was used (UNe-IsO 8587:2010), whereby each consumer was present- ed with a sample from each type and asked to order the samples by degree of preference, giving 1 point to the least preferred and 6 to the most preferred. Statistical analysis One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to study the influence of the amount of fat in the attributes evaluated in the quantita- tive descriptive sensory analysis and the accept- ance test. When the interaction was significant, the averages were compared using the student- Newman-keuls test. Friedman’s (non-parametric) test was performed, following standard UNe-IsO 8587:2010, to check the significance of differenc- es between consumer preferences, and differences between particular sample means were analysed according the Fisher’s least significance difference (LsD). All statistical procedures were carried out using the sPss 19.0 statistical software package for Windows XP (sPss, Inc, chicago, Il, UsA) with updating rights (License UcLM 7876875). resULts AND DIscUssION Quantitative descriptive sensory analysis Visual attributes of the cynegetic venison sal- chichon sausage with different amount of pork meat added are shown in table 2. significant dif- ferences were found for the three studied attrib- utes. the types with the highest fat content ex- hibited the pinkest colored lean while the types with the lowest fat content were dark brown. the fat colour in all samples was white except for samples bellowing type 6 (10% fat), which exhibited a more yellowish colour. this was pos- sibly influenced by the darker colour of the lean. Furthermore, all samples showed an amount of visible fat that was directly proportional to the pork meat added during the elaboration. Attributes that defined the olfactory profile are shown in table 3. significant differences were found for all studied attributes. samples with the highest amount of fat, types 1, 2 and 3 (40- 25%), exhibited a higher intensity of odour (7.6- 8.0) and a more pronounced spice, black pep- per and cured odour in comparison to types 4, 5 and 6 (20-10%) which despite having elevated odour intensity (6.8-7.1) exhibited less intensity in all of the attributes studied. these results do not coincide with those obtained by MeNDOZA et al. (2001), which did not find significant differ- ences in the intensity of odour, obtaining scores between 6.5-7.5 (in a scale of 1-10) with regard to the fat content (6.3, 12.5 and 25% of fat). It should be noted that the authors obtained scores slightly lower than those obtained in this study, possibly due to the higher olfactory intensity of venison in comparison to beef and pork. On the other hand, odour intensity, spice and ripened odour presented similar scores than those ob- tained by GArcíA rUIZ et al. (2010) in a study about sensory properties of venison sausages made with 50% venison lean and 50% pork meat. table 4 organizes the scores awarded by the panellists for the attributes that defined the tex- ture profile of the cynegetic venison salchichon sausage with different quantities of pork meat add- ed. samples bellowing type 1 exhibited the lowest table 2 - Visual attributes (means ± standard deviations) of the cynegetic venison salchichon with different pork meat added. Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Amount of fat 7.19a±0.78 6.58b±0.93 5.95c±0.96 5.07d±0.92 3.86e±0.77 2.32f±0.59 Fat colour 2.03a±0.73 2.28a±0.73 2.26a±0.85 2.23a±0.67 1.98a±0.65 2.85b±1.06 Lean colour 3.12a±0.60 4.36b±1.10 3.92b±0.85 6.02c±1.07 5.76c±0.84 7.24d±1.06 Different superscripts (a, b, c, d, e, f) in the same row denote significant differences (P<0.05). Type 1 (40% pork meat); Type 2 (30% pork meat); Type 3 (25% pork meat); Type 4 (20% pork meat); Type 5 (15% pork meat); Type 6 (10% pork meat). table 3 - Odour attributes (means ± standard deviations) of the cynegetic venison salchichon with different pork meat added. Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Odour intensity 7.96a±0.72 7.67a±0.57 7.62a±0.64 6.78b±0.55 6.98b±0.98 7.10b±1.20 Black pepper odour 6.29a±0.74 6.07a±1.06 5.90a±0.72 5.02b±1.29 5.09b±1.48 4.86b±1.93 Spices odour 6.60a±0.73 6.33a±1.03 6.33a±0.87 5.32b±1.66 5.35b±0.93 5.45b±1.20 Cured odour 7.12a±0.75 6.76a±0.91 6.81a±0.96 6.01b±1.71 5.67b±1.40 5.96b±0.98 Different superscripts (a, b) in the same row denote significant differences (P<0.05). Type 1 (40% pork meat); Type 2 (30% pork meat); Type 3 (25% pork meat); Type 4 (20% pork meat); Type 5 (15% pork meat); Type 6 (10% pork meat). Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 413 hardness (4.59). samples from types 2-6 showed values between 5.16-5.61, indicating a good tex- ture for those sausages. therefore, the reduction in the addition of pork meat to levels below 30% did not negatively affect this attribute. However, samples from types 5 and 6 presented the lowest juiciness and were more difficult to chew. so the addition of pork meat below 20% to venison salchi- chon negatively influenced those attributes. More- over, as the amount of fat increased the juiciness and the fat mouthfeel also increased, highlighting that samples from types 2 and 3 presented similar values for those attributes. the scores for both at- tributes were more different between type 1 with more fat content (6.5 for juiciness and 6.4 for fat in the mouth) and type 6 with less fat content (3.7 for juiciness and 1.8 for fat in the mouth). Other varieties of dry-fermented sausages evaluated by a trained panel, showed higher scores for texture attributes (mainly hardness and juiceness) as the fat level increased (PAPADIMA and bLOUkAs, 1999; LIArOs et al., 1999; MeNDOZA et al., 2001; LOr- eNZO and FrANcO, 2012). In addition, the val- ues found in this study for juiciness, chewiness and fat mouthfeel were similar to those reported by GArcíA rUIZ et al. (2010) in venison sausages (50% lean venison-50% pork meat). table 5 shows the means and standard devia- tions of the taste attributes of the different types of cynegetic venison salchichon sausages. signif- icant differences were not found for the salty and black pepper taste attributes; all of the samples exhibited a proper salty taste with scores rang- ing between 5.0 and 5.3 and a pepper taste with scores from 4.2 to 4.9. On the other hand, signif- icant differences were found for the taste inten- sity which was slightly lower for the types with the least fat content (5 and 6), and for the after- taste intensity which was lower for type 6, with the lowest fat content, owing to the fact that li- pids experiment lipolysis and lipid oxidation dur- ing the curing process that contributes the flavour (sAMeLIs et al., 1993). MeNDOZA et al. (2001) also found significant differences in the taste intensi- ty of the dry sausages in accordance with the fat content. the samples with the lowest fat content (6.5% and 12.5%) received lower scores ranging between 5.5 and 5.9 while the samples with the highest fat content (25%) received a score of 7.3. these scores are slightly lower than those ob- tained in this study (6.5-7.8) possibly due to the intense taste of cynegetic venison and its special organoleptics properties. GArcíA rUIZ et al. (2010) found in its study of venison sausages elaborat- ed using 50% lean venison and 50% pork meat, scores of 7.77 for taste intensity, 5.10 for salty taste and 7.38 for aftertaste intensity. In summary, results obtained in the quanti- tative descriptive sensory analysis were high- ly influenced by the fat content of the samples even though all samples were accepted by the tasting panel (whitout sensory defects). these results do not coincide with those obtained by MUGUerZA et al. (2002) which determined that the cured sausages made with 10% pork back- fat were unacceptable from a sensory point of view because of its winkled surface and exces- sive hardness. Consumer tests Acceptance test the scores awarded by the consumers for different types of cynegetic venison salchichon sausage with different pork meat added are shown in table 6. From these results, it can be concluded that all the samples were accepted table 4 - texture attributes (means ± standard deviations) of the cynegetic venison salchichon with different pork meat added. Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Hardness 4.59a±0.71 5.16b±0.72 5.19b±0.88 5.61b±0.84 5.27b±0.74 5.39b±1.11 Juiciness 6.55a±0.86 5.82b±0.56 6.09b±0.60 4.98c±1.03 4.18d±0.98 3.72e±1.13 Chewiness 4.99a±0.44 4.96a±0.23 5.26a±0.67 5.12a±0.52 6.07b±0.86 6.28b±0.47 Fat mouthfeel 6.43a±0.85 5.81b±1.23 5.76b±1.11 4.46c±1.16 3.32d±0.78 1.80e±0.97 Different superscripts (a,b,c,d,e) in the same row denote significant differences (P<0.05). Type 1 (40% pork meat); Type 2 (30% pork meat); Type 3 (25% pork meat); Type 4 (20% pork meat); Type 5 (15% pork meat); Type 6 (10% pork meat). table 5 - taste attributes (means ± standard deviations) of the cynegetic venison salchichon with different pork meat added. Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Taste intensity 7.46a±0.84 7.32a±0.66 7.76a±0.86 7.50a±0.84 6.71b±0.77 6.52b±1.00 Salty taste 5.10±0.31 5.09±0.67 5.33±0.62 5.14±0.36 5.04±0.57 5.04±0.54 Pepper taste 4.90±1.05 4.23±0.59 4.84±1.09 4.74±1.19 4.27±1.17 4.69±1.21 Aftertaste intensity 7.38a±0.86 7.26a±0.45 7.68a±0.89 7.55a±0.90 7.27a±0.77 6.67b±1.00 Different superscripts (a,b) in the same row denote significant differences (P<0.05). Type 1 (40% pork meat); Type 2 (30% pork meat); Type 3 (25% pork meat); Type 4 (20% pork meat); Type 5 (15% pork meat); Type 6 (10% pork meat). 414 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 table 6 - Means and standard deviations of the scores obtained for different types of cynegetic venison salchichon in the ac- ceptance test. Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Aspect 7.18a±2.04 6.84a±1.89 7.19a±1.79 5.80b±2.16 5.91b±2.01 5.47b±2.28 Odour 7.39a±1.80 6.66b±2.08 7.25a±1.75 6.22b,c±2.06 6.47b,c±2.09 6.01c±2.23 Taste 7.12a±1.80 6.82a±1.90 7.14a±1.78 6.32b±2.07 6.08b±2.25 5.94b±2.17 Texture 7.22a±1.96 6.86a,b±1.82 7.14a±1.94 6.36b,c±2.12 6.34b,c±2.19 6.22c±2.06 Overall acceptance 7.16a±1.93 6.93a,b±1.85 7.20a±1.81 6.48b,c±2.00 6.11c±2.21 5.90d±2.12 Different superscripts (a,b,c,d) in any row denote significant differences (P<0.05). Type 1 (40% pork meat); Type 2 (30% pork meat); Type 3 (25% pork meat); Type 4 (20% pork meat); Type 5 (15% pork meat); Type 6 (10% pork meat). because the average score was above 5.0 (satis- faction threshold). the consumers found signif- icant differences for all the attributes studied. samples from types 1, 2 and 3 were awarded higher scores for aspect (6.8-7.2), taste (6.8-7.1) and overall acceptance (6.9-7.2). the score for odour was also higher for types 1 and 3. An ad- dition of fat between 25% and 40% to elaborate cynegetic venison salchichon sausage therefore appears to provide, at least in the opinion of the habitual sausage consumers, better organolep- tics characteristics than a lower addition. OL- IVAres et al. (2011) found high consumer ac- ceptability for aroma and overall quality in dry- ripened pork sausages elaborated with 20% and 30% pork meat than those with 10% pork meat. Preference test After having applied the Fischer method to cal- culate the Least significant Difference (LsD), the consumer preference scores for each of the sam- ples yielded the following order of preference: type 3 > type 1 > type 2 > type 4 > type 5 > type 6. the samples achieving the greatest consum- er preference were those from types 1, 2 and 3, scores differing significantly from those awarded to types 4 and 5, which achieved a lower degree of consumer preference; type 6 samples received the lowest scores. samples from types 1, 2 and 3 were preferred over the rest for six reasons: good flavour, appropriate texture, pleasant odour, ac- ceptable fat content, good appearance and attrac- tive colour; type 6 was the least preferred, due to poor flavour and inappropriate texture. the results obtained from the preference test coincide with those of the acceptance test lead- ing the authors to conclude that the quantity of fat added to venison salchichon sausage should be at least 25% to achieve a good sensory qual- ity similar to that of the traditional product. cONcLUsIONs the results obtained in the quantitative de- scriptive sensory analysis and the consumer tests perfectly coincide revealing that, from a sensory point of view, using 25% of pork meat and 75% of venison lean is enough. such a quan- tity of fat assures proper texture for this type of product helping to attain a satisfactory odour, taste and appearance for the consumer as well as similar attributes to those of traditionally made salchichon sausage with a higher fat content. 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