PaPer 432 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 - Keywords: Aristaeomorpha foliacea, fatty acids, giant red shrimp, Mediterranean Sea - COMPARISON OF FATTY ACID PROFILES OF MALE AND FEMALE GIANT RED SHRIMPS (AristAeomorphA foliAceA RISSO, 1827) OBTAINED FROM MEDITERRANEAN SEA İ.A. OLGUNOGLU*, E. ARTAR and M. GÖÇER Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Program, Kahta Vocational Training School, Adıyaman University, Turkey *Corresponding author: Tel. 90 416 725 81 80, email: AbstrAct this study was carried out to detect the concentration of fatty acid in female and male spec- imens of commercially important giant red shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea) obtained from (in- cluding 20 male shrimps and also 20 female shrimp) Mediterranean sea. In fatty acid composi- tion, the saturated fatty acid fraction was dominant, followed by polyunsaturated fatty acid and monounsaturated fatty acid for both sexes. the analyses indicated that PUFAs, and the MUFAs content were higher in female shrimp than in those of males and they were statistically signifi- cant differences in fatty acid profile between females and males (p<0.05). Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 433 INtrODUctION the giant red shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea rIssO, 1827) belongs to the family Aristeidae, which includes other important species such as the blue and red shrimps (Aristeus antennatus rIssO, 1816) and the scarlet shrimp (Plesiope- naeus edwarsianus JOHNsON, 1868) (rAGONEsE et al., 1997). A. foliacea is widely distributed in the eastern and western Atlantic, Indian Ocean and western Pacific, in the waters of Japan, Aus- tralia, New Zealand and in the Mediterranean sea. In the Mediterranean sea, the species in- habits muddy bottoms of the continental slope approximately between 100 and 1200 m depth. this species plays an important role in the over- all biomass of the Mediterranean sea and repre- sent an important commercial resource among the other shrimp species since 1959 (D’ONGHIA et al., 1998; DEsANtIs et al., 2003; FErNANDEZ et al., 2011). Due to its economic relevance, re- cently there are many studies on this species from Mediterranean sea and there has been a considerable amount of research on nutrition- al value of various species of shrimp. However there is not any data on the nutritional and fat- ty acids composition of A. foliacea. seafoods are important source of nutrients in the human diet. crustaceans such as shrimps have high nutritive value, are low in fat, especial- ly saturated fatty acids; contain high amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega 6) (OKsUZ et al., 2009; tAG EL-DIN et al., 2009; tUrAN et al., 2011; sHALINI et al., 2013). these fatty acids could not be synthesised by the hu- man body and must be obtained through the diet are crucial for normal brain structure and function (ALAsALVAr et al., 2002; rIcHArDsON, 2003). In addition to this, these fatty acids have great importance to humans for prevention of coronary artery diseases, diabetes, hypertension and cancer (VIsENtAINEr et al., 2007; cENGIZ et al., 2012). the levels of these fatty acids are low in many modern diets, particularly those in which highly processed foods predominate. the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that the human needs (EPA and DHA) are found in appreciable quantities only in oily fish, sea- food, aquatic invertebrates and algae (rIcHArD- sON, 2003; GÖKcE et al., 2011). therefore, this study was carried out to determine the nutritive value and fatty acid content of giant red shrimp collected from the Mediterranean sea of turkey. MAtErIALs AND MEtHODs Collection and preparation of samples the samples were caught by bottom trawlers between 450 and 500 m of depth, during in 2013 from Mediterranean sea of turkey (36˚ 22’ 707”N- 24˚ 25’ 941” E /36˚ 14’ 919” N- 34˚ 19’ 163” E). Immediately, after collection, shrimps were stored in a container, preserved in crushed ice and transferred to the laboratory, where the heads, shells and intestines were separated and placed in labeled polyethylene bags respective- ly and stored at -20°c until processing for anal- ysis. For each season, 20 female and 20 male samples of A. foliacea were obtained by random sub-sampling. Fatty acid analysis the samples were transported with dry ice to the Accredited Industrial services Laborato- ry of turkey/Istanbul. the methyl esters of fat- ty acids of samples were prepared according to IUPAc Methods II. D. 19 (1979). the analyses were carried out by using a Perkin Elmer Au- tosystem. XL Gas chromotography and Flame Ionization Detector (FID) equipment and a su- pelco 2330 fused silica capillary column (30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.20 μm film thickness) for deter- mining the fatty acid composition. Data analysis For data analysis independent samples t-test was used to identify significant differences in fatty acid concentration. statistical significance was defined at p<0.05. the mean values were obtained from 3 experiments and reported as means±sD (DINÇEr and AYDIN, 2014). rEsULts AND cONcLUsIONs table 1 shows mean weights (g) of female and male species of shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea) obtained from Mediterranean sea. table 1 - the Nutritional value and mean weights (g) of fe- male and male shrimps. Parameter Female Male Weight (g) 29.96a±6.53 12.26b±2.07 Protein (%) 15.72a±1.02 18.0b±0.80 Lipid (%) 0.72a±0.11 0.51b±0.13 Different letters (a,b) in the same row represent significant statistical dif- ferences (p<0.05). the mean weight for female shrimps was found to be higher than the mean weights for male shrimps. similar results were reported by YILMAZ and YILMAZ (2007) for Penaeus semisul- catus collected from Mediterranean sea of tur- key and also by tUrKMEN (2012) and cEVIK et al. (2008) for Penaeus kerathurus and Parap- enaeus longirostris respectively. Our findings are consistent with prior research. the levels of protein and lipid vary depending upon season, age, maturity, sex, water temperature, spawning cycle and availability of food, types of diet and 434 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 feeding system of organism (OKsUZ et al., 2009; tUrAN et al., 2011; rOsLI et al., 2012). In a study on Crangon crangon protein and lipid content were 18.47 and 0.95% respective- ly (tUrAN et al., 2011). sAGLIK and IMrE (1997) determined total lipid as 0.93% for Parape- naeus longirostris and 0.58% for Penaeus sem- isulcatus. YANAr et al. (2011) found that pro- tein and lipid of Penaeus semisulcatus ranged between 22.76-23.53% and 0.76-1.44% respec- tively. FAtIMA et al. (2012) reported that lipid in the muscle tissue of Fenneropenaeus peni- cillatus varied from 0.92 to 1.0% and of F. mer- guiensis from 0.87 to 0.98%. Protein and lipid were also reported as 20% and 1.1% for Para- penaeus longirostris and 14.2% and 2.6% for Plesionika martia by OKsUZ et al. (2009). DINc- Er and AYDIN (2014) determined that protein and lipid of Metapenaeus affinis ranged be- tween 18.4-19.1% and 1.07-1.30% respective- ly. In the present study the content of protein and lipid were identified as slightly lower than those reported previously for some shrimp spe- cies. the main reason for this is thought to be related to variation in seasonal feeding hab- its (different types of diet and feeding system) and habitats. In the study, the protein content for male shrimps was found to be higher than the protein content for female shrimps where- as the lipid content was found to be lower in male shrimp (p<0.05). similar results were re- ported by DINcEr and AYDIN (2014) for female and male species of Metapenaeus affinis. the ratios of PUFA/sFA and n-6/n-3 and the fatty acid compositions of the investigated shrimp are presented in table 2. the fatty acids analyzed were grouped as saturated fatty acids (sFAs), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fat- ty acids (PUFAs). In the present study, in both groups, sFA was the highest followed by PUFA and MUFA. these results were in agreement with that obtained by tUrAN et al. (2011) who report- ed highest levels of sFA followed by PUFA and MUFA for brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) from sinop region, black sea. similar results were also reported by OUrAJI et al. (2011) for wild In- dian white shrimps (Fenneropenaeus indicus); by OKsUZ et al. (2009) for rose shrimp (Parap- enaeus longirostris) and red shrimp (Plesionika martia); by YANAr et al. (2011) for Penaeus sem- isulcatus; by FAtIMA et al. (2012) for Fennero- penaeus merguiensis and F. penicillatus and by DINcEr and AYDIN (2014) for Metapenaeus af- finis. According to the results, c16:0 (Palmit- ic acid) and c18:0 (stearic acid) were the main saturated fatty acids in both shrimp species. In both sexes, the predominant monounsaturat- ed fatty acids were found as c18:1 (Oleic acid). the principal acids in PUFA group were eicosa- pentaenoic acid (c20:5, EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (c22:6, DHA) and linoleic acid (c18:2) for female and male shrimp species. these results agree with studies on fatty acids found in oth- er shrimp species (OKsUZ et al., 2009; tAG EL- DIN et al., 2009; sAGLIK and IMrE 1997; OUrA- JI et al., 2011; tUrAN et al., 2011; YANAr et al., 2011; FAtIMA et al., 2012). In the present study, the rate of sFAs, PUFAs and MUFAs were deter- mined as 43.69%, 29.33% and 24.37% for female shrimps and as 47.15%, 25.41% and 17.34% for male shrimps respectively. However, different percentage compositions of fatty acids obtained from various species and subspecies of sea and freshwater shrimps were also reported by sev- eral Authors. these differences among species might be associated with the different charac- teristics of the shrimp species (KArUPPAsAMY et al., 2013). In a study, tUrAN et al. (2011) re- ported sFA, MUFA and PUFA rates in brown- color shrimp at 33.04, 22.17 and 29% respec- tively. OKsUZ et al. (2009) reported the MUFA rate in P. longirostris and P. martia at 26.09% and 34.47% respectively. OUrAJI (2011) report- ed the rate of sFA in wild white Indian shrimp and its cultured specimen at 32.88 and 33.79% respectively. EMAMI et al. (2014) reported that the rate of sFA in Penaeus vannamei at 37.26%, in Penaeus semisulcatus at 49.12% and the rate of MUFA in P. vannamei at 24.9%, in P. semisul- catus at 33.76% and the PUFA in P. Vannamei at 37.84%, in P. semisulcatus at 16.9% respec- table 2 - Fatty acid composition of female (F) and male (M) shrimps. Parameters Female (%) Male (%) C6:0 1.23a±0.03 2.70b±0.01 C8:0 0.11±0.01 n.d C14:0 3.43a±0.03 2.16b±0.10 C16:0 27.59a±1.20 27.29a±0.60 C18:0 11.10a±0.04 14.37b±0.75 C24:0 0.23a±0.04 0.63b±0.03 ∑SFA 43.69a 47.15b C16:1 2.69a±0.20 1.66b±0.23 C18:1 21.68a±0.70 15.68b±1.00 ∑MUFA 24.37a 17.34b C18:2n6 6.26a±0.02 4.41b±0.60 C20:3n3 0.11±0.01 n.d C20:5n3(EPA) 13.36a±0.50 11.47b±0.60 C22:6n3(DHA) 9.60a±0.50 9.53a±0.05 ∑PUFA 29.33a 25.41b PUFA/SFA 0.67 0.54 ∑n3 23.07 21.00 ∑n6 6.26 4.41 n6/n3 0.27 0.21 Unidentified 2.61 10.1 n.d.: below detection limit; Data are expressed as mean±SD of triplicate measurements. Different letters (a,b) in the same row represent significant statistical dif- ferences (p<0.05). Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 435 tively. the results obtained in this study showed slightly similarity to the findings of the men- tioned researchers. this difference may be due to geographical variation, seasonal conditions and different types of diet and feeding system. Fatty acid content is also influenced by species, ma- turity period, size and age of shrimp. the indi- ces of PUFA/sFA and n-6/n-3 ratios were widely used to evaluate the nutritional value of fat for human consumption. According to some nutri- tional recommendations the PUFA/sFA ratio in human diets should be above 0.45 and, within the PUFA, the n-6/n-3 ratio should not exceed 4.0 (ALFAIA et al., 2010. In the present study the PUFA/sFA and n-6/n-3 ratios of A. foliacea (for both female and male shrimps) were within the range reported for human diets. It could be demonstrated that the giant red shrimp (A. fo- liacea) is a desirable item in human diet when the levels of n3/n6 and PUFA/sFA ratios were considered. Comparison of fatty acid composition between two sexes the fatty acid compositions of female shrimp species found to be 43.69% saturated (sFAs), 29.33% polyunsaturated acids (PUFAs) and 24.37% monounsaturated (MUFAs) whereas the fatty acid compositions of male shrimp con- sist of 47.15% saturated (sFAs), 25.41% poly- unsaturated acids (PUFAs) and 17.34% mono- unsaturated (MUFAs). Among these the high- est concentrations of sFAs (47.15%) were de- tected in male shrimp species while the highest concentrations of PUFAs (29.33%) and MUFAs (24.37%) were detected in female shrimp. there is a significant difference between the sFA, PUFA and MUFA profiles in both sexes (p<0.05). sim- ilar results were reported for female and male species of Metapenaeus affinis by DINcEr and AYDIN (2014) and by EsKANDArI et al. (2014) for female and male species of M. affinis. based on results, the amount of palmitic acid (c16:0) for female shrimp (27.59%) was almost the same as in male shrimp species (27.29%) (p>0.05), while the amount of oleic acid (c18:1) (21.68%) was higher than those in male shrimp (15.68%) (p<0.05). the present study also showed that the amount of docosahexaenoic acid (c22:6, DHA) of female shrimp (9.60%) are almost the same as in male shrimp species (9.53%) (p>0.05) whereas the levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (c20:5, EPA) and linoleic acid (c18:2) were higher than those in male shrimp (p<0.05). In a study, DINcEr and AYDIN (2014) reported that the EPA content of male Metapenaeus affinis was lower than fe- male M. affinis. the ratio of PUFA to sFA (0.54) and n-6 to n-3 (0.21) for the male shrimp was found to be lower than those in female shrimp. 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