PaPer Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 1 - Keywords: trans fatty acids, consumer awareness, Polish students, Dutch students, eating habits - COMPARISON OF KNOWLEDGE IN THE FIELD OF NUTRITIONAL FATS AMONG STUDENTS S. ONACIK-GüR a, A. ŻbIKOWSKA a and M. KOWALSKA b* a. Faculty of Food Science, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Poland b Faculty of Materials Science, Technology and Design, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Poland, *Corresponding author: Tel./Fax: 48 48 3617547, email: AbstrAct the aim of this work was to analyze the knowledge in the field of trans fatty acids (tFAs) and nutritional recommendations related to fats among students at the University of Life sciences in Warsaw (sGGW) and Wageningen (WUr). the research was done using a questionnaire composed of 16 questions among 194 students from sGGW and WUr in 2012. In Poland 96% and in Holland 89% of students had heard the name “trans fat”. More than half of the questionnaire respondents knew industrial sources of tFAs. After comparing the results of the research, in which students succeeded, it was concluded that differences in the level of knowl- edge were statistically not significant (p<0.05). Eating habits for fatty pastry products represent- ing a potential source of tFAs were similar. WUr students’ purchase of pastry products was de- pendent on price, whereas that of Polish students depended on information and ingredients list- ed on the package. 2 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 INtrODUctION Fats are one of the fundamental food ingre- dients, which play a significant role in the hu- man body. their nutritional value depends on the composition of fatty acids (FAs) and content of diluted vitamins. the most important for the organism are FAs, from the group of EFAs (es- sential fatty acids) (GUrr, 2000; bAYIr et al., 2011), and they are easily oxidized. Fats used for technological purposes should be resistant to high temperatures and storage conditions. For pastry products and frying fats, mainly fats rich in saturated fatty acids (sFAs) and sometimes trans fatty acids (tFAs) are used. In the manufacture of many food products it is necessary to use fats with solid consistency. It could be a natural solid fat or a modified fat (McDONALD and MOssObA, 1996; MAttHÄUs, 2007). It is possible to alter the characteristics of fats by using hydrogenation, transesterifica- tion, mixing and fractionation. Hydrogenation is one of the oldest methods, where double bonds in triacylglycerols (tAG) are saturated. As a re- sult of this treatment unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) become sFAs. Moreover, trans isomeri- zation of FAs occurs within the process of hy- drogenation, which results in tFAs. the modi- fied fat has a higher melting point and increased resistance to oxidation (FLAcZYK and KOrcZAK, 2002; MAttHÄUs, 2007; DOWNEs et al., 2013). tFAs may occur in natural products originat- ing from ruminants. As a result of enzyme ac- tivity in ruminants’ bodies there occurs trans isomerization from cis bonds to trans (GOODMAN et al., 2001; EFsA, 2004; GEbAUEr et al., 2007). the content of tFAs originating from natural sources (from meat and milk) may range from 2 to 8 g/100 g fat depending on kind, breed, way of feeding and season. In Europeans’ diet on av- erage 30% of consumed tFA comes from milk and 10% from meat. Fats developed with indus- trial hydrogenation way may include even 70% of tFA in the whole FAs (MAttHÄUs, 2007; JAstI and KOVAcs, 2010; KrAsNOWsKA and sALEJDA, 2011). Cis-trans isomerization may also happen during high temperature treatment, for exam- ple during deodorization of oils or frying (KrAs- NOWsKA and sALEJDA, 2011). According to most researchers, trans fatty acid isomers have a negative impact on human health. because of the hazards related to exces- sive consumption of tFAs, international organ- izations such as EFsA and WHO have stated that daily intake for adults and children should be reduced as much as possible (EFsA, 2004; DOWNEs et al., 2013). Fats rich in tFAs and sFAs have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system. they con- tribute to the cholesterol rise in the blood and the higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. there are also reports indicating negative influences of tFA on other human body organs. consump- tion of 5 g of sFAs a day may increase the risk of heart diseases by about 2% and of tFAs by even 25% (MArtIN, 2007). Due to the unfavorable effect of tFAs on the human body, legal restrictions of their content in food products have been implemented (Den- mark and canada). A different solution to re- duce the consumption of tFAs is to require la- beling of food products with information about the content of tFAs (canada, UsA) (ŻbIKOWsKA, 2010; DOWNEs et al., 2013). Denmark is the first country in the world to introduce a tax on food products containing sFAs. the aim of this tax is to reduce the consumption of products rich in saturated FAs and increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables (sIMOPOULOs, 1996). Due to the negative impact of tFA on the body and any actions concerning with reduction of their consumption, it is important to follow the level of consumer’s education in this area. It can be assumed that people with higher education related to food and nutrition sciences, interest- ed in the subject of nutrition, should avoid con- sumption of products that may adversely affect their health, eg: products with trans fatty acids. the aim of this study was to verify how the education of students at both universities in- fluenced the knowledge in the field of tFAs, purchases of food products and eating habits. therefore students’ scores from the test were compared among students from studies related to food and health sciences with different stud- ies (economic, marketing, agriculture, etc.). In addition, it was hypothesized that students of a master’s degree course, especially from ma- jors related to food and nutrition, are charac- terized by a high level of knowledge in the field of tFAs and fats. MAtErIALs AND MEtHODs the analysis was based on the results of a sur- vey carried out in 2012 among students from the University of Life sciences in Warsaw (sGGW) (in Poland) and the University of Life sciences in Wageningen (WUr) (in the Netherlands). before the questionnaire was distributed to re- spondents, a pilot test had been done. 215 peo- ple participated in the survey, but 194 of these questionnaires were qualified. 90 questionnaires were completed by students with different na- tionalities from Wageningen University (table 1), while the rest of the respondents were Polish stu- dents from sGGW. the survey was addressed to students finishing their education at univer- sities, from fields of studies related to food and nutrition, and also from other majors, but de- claring an interest in the issues of food and nu- trition. At first the study was conducted in the Netherlands. Participants of courses related to food sciences, which are in the master’s degree program, were invited to take part in the sur- Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 3 vey. students taking the bachelor’s degree were allowed to participate in these classes (table 1) only if they had finished specialized courses. Par- ticipants of these elective classes were students representing different majors. therefore people who took part in the study were divided into two groups: respondents studying subjects related (fs) and not related to food and nutrition scienc- es (nfs). students from WUr came from different countries, mainly of the European Union (ta- ble 1). Master’s degree studies at this universi- ty are open, which means that students are re- cruited from all over the world and classes are taught in English. then, the study was conduct- ed on respondents from sGGW in Poland. they were mainly students taking a master’s degree, from majors related and not related to food and nutrition science. students not attending any food faculties declared that they were interest- ed in food related topics. In this connection, al- though there was a small population size it is as- sumed that the obtained results will answer the question whether it is necessary to intensify the education of students (including those that the- oretically should have a high nutritional knowl- edge) in the subject of food fats especially those that contain trans isomers. the survey was held in the classrooms and the questionnaire was distributed in a paper ver- sion to respondents. the interviewer was present with the students. surveys that were distribut- ed to students in the Netherlands were written in English, while in Poland they were in Polish. Questions in terms of content were divided into those which were a test of the respondents’ knowl- edge (10 questions) and observations of the stu- dents’ eating habits. In the questionnaire there were also basic questions – legal information (ta- bles 1 and 2). Most of the respondents were wom- en (table 2). Most of the respondents were aged 24. In the case of WUr they constituted 24.4% of the whole population, while in sGGW 55.8%. the average respondents’ age in Holland was around 25 and in Poland 23. In the Netherlands the age range was much wider than in Poland. the eld- est respondent of the survey was 58 years old. In the discussion results of students from studies related to food and human nutrition and students from studies not related to these fields were analyzed separately. With regard to ques- tions concerning the knowledge test a scoring system was used in which each respondent re- ceived one point per correct answer. the max- imum score was 13 points. such presentation of responses helped to interpret the results and assess the level of knowledge of the students. survey results were analyzed in Excel 2011 and the statistical program statistica v10.0. One-way analysis of variance and χ2 test were applied, with the significance level p<0.05. In or- der to conduct statistical analysis the respons- es were expressed as a percentage of answers. rEsULts AND DIscUssION Analysis of the answers given by respondents concerning knowledge of trans fatty acids Over 90% of the examined populations were students from studies related to food or health and respondents interested in this topic. All students studying in the field related to food and nutrition had heard earlier the name “trans fat”. However, 65% of WUr and 80% of sGGW students from other studies had heard this term (Fig. 1). similar studies were conduct- ed in canada, where since 2005 it has been ob- ligatory to provide information on the content of tFAs. On this basis, it was found that food selection based on tFAs increased significant- ly (sMED, 2012). A study conducted in 2007 among students of different fields of study (re- lated to food and not related) in the U.s. (where since 2006 it has been obligatory to label food products containing tFAs) showed that 92% of respondents were aware of the term “trans fat” table 1 - Nationality of WUr students. Country Contribution (%) Netherlands 38 Spain 18 Czech Republic 10 Finland 4 Germany 4 Hungary 4 USA 4 Canada 4 China 4 France 2 Greece 2 Turkey 2 Denmark 2 Sweden 2 table 2 - characteristics of the studied population. Legends’:*fs – students from studies related to food science or human nutrition; **nfs – students from studies not related to food science. Specification Structure of population (%) WUR SGGW sex women 78 81 men 22 19 age avarage 24.6 24 SD 5.60 0.99 field of studies Fs* 38 81 Nfs** 62 19 degree of studies bechelor’s 16 8 master’s 84 92 4 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 Fig. 1 - students who had heard the term “trans fat”. sGGW - University of Life sciences in Warsaw; WUr - Wageningen Universi- ty; all – all of the respondents; fs – stu- dents from studies related to food sci- ence or human nutrition; nfs – students from studies not related to food science. Fig. 2 - sources of tFAs indicated by students of (a) WUr and (b) sGGW. *all - all of the respondents; * fs, nfs - explanation under the table 2. (stAMPFEr et al., 1991). based on this, it can be assumed that the subject of tFAs is more wide- spread in the U.s. (also among students of sub- jects not related to food or nutrition). Most of the respondents correctly indicate as the main source of tFAs 3 groups of products: shortening, hard margarines and pastry prod- ucts (Fig. 2). the other correct answers related to natural sources of trans fatty acids (milk fat and dairy products) were selected much more often (30% more) by the students from WUr (Fig. 2a) than from sGGW (Fig. 2b). the aim of the fol- lowing question was to verify whether respond- ents knew that food products might be a natu- ral source of tFA developing naturally in bod- ies of ruminants. In research done by stampfer (1991) 59% of students considered confection- ery products as a source of tFAs in their diet. Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 5 Analysis of answers given by respondents concerning knowledge of the nutritional role of TFAs and fat Most tFAs, mainly coming from industrial fats, have a negative influence on the human body. they contribute to increase of cardio- vascular diseases. Only in the case of conju- gated linoleic acid (cLA), which is present in the fat of ruminants, is it believed that the ef- fect is positive (GEbAUEr et al., 2007). there- fore, the next question was to check the stu- dents’ knowledge about the impact of tFAs on human health. At both universities more than two thirds of the students answered that tFAs have an adverse effect on human health (Fig. 3). similarly, in another survey (stAMP- FEr et al., 1991) 73% of American students considered tFAs as negative food components for health. Another question, testing knowledge in the field of fats with particular emphasis on tFAs, considered nutritionally valuable elements which are supplied to the body from fat. As nutritionally beneficial elements, respondents chose the following answers: essential fatty ac- ids (EFAs), vitamins and, unfortunately incor- rectly, saturated fatty acids (sFAs). All of the students who study food and nutrition and re- lated fields at sGGW selected EFAs and half of them vitamins (Fig. 4a). Among those students who study food science and nutrition at WUr, 89% of them selected the answer for EFAs and 32% for vitamins. several people (12%) from the Dutch university thought that tFAs are nutri- tionally important (Fig. 4b). Fig 4 - Nutritionally valuable elements indicated by students of (a) sGGW and (b) WUr. Explanation under the Fig. 1. Fig. 3 - structure of responses to the question “Are tFAs good for one’s health?”. a - no, b - yes, c - it depends on their origin, d - I do not know; explanation under the Fig.1. 6 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 Results of the knowledge test From the test of knowledge in the field of fats, students from sGGW in Warsaw scored around 9 points and students from WUr 8 points, from the 13 possible (Fig. 5). Polish students from studies related to food and nutrition sciences did not show any statistically significant dif- ferences (p < 0.05) in higher knowledge in the field of tFAs and fats than the respondents from unrelated studies (Fig. 5). However, differences were significant in the case of students from the Dutch university. Eating habits of respondents students of both universities were eating pastry and confectionary products at a similar frequency (table 3). It could be due to similar availability of these types of products in shops and vending machines at universities. Wom- en were consuming much more of these types of products than men. In the Netherlands 80% and in Poland 62% of female students declared that they consume sweet snacks at least sever- al times a week. Men had better eating habits, because two thirds of sGGW male students and nearly all male students from Wageningen Uni- versity stated that they eat such products very rarely. Men from the Polish university were eat- ing confectionary and pastry products more of- ten than men studying in Holland. researchers (UrbAŃsKA and cZArNIEcKA-sKUbINA, 2007) previously reported that 21% of high-school stu- dents were eating sweet snacks every day, while 31% consumed them several times a week. thus, it can be concluded that university students eat fewer sweets than high-school students. tFAs develop during frying. the most sen- sitive to trans isomerization in heat treatment are oils rich in unsaturated FAs. MOrENO et al. (1999) reported that the tFA content substan- tially increases at 150°c and at 200°c reaches 357% compared to the initial content of trans isomers, while at 300°c it reaches the level of 3026%. that is why, for frying, it is advisable to use fats with a high thermal resistance. Almost all of the students declared that they use vege- table oil for this reason (94% of WUr respond- ents and 90% sGGW). FLAcZYK and KOrcZAK (2002) obtained a slightly different structure of answers of the question related to the fat used for frying. they found that, for frying meat, the most popular fat was lard (32% of answers) and vegetable oil (25%), for fish vegetable oil (91%), Fig. 5 - Averages of achieved points from students’ test results. a, a – statistically not significant; a, a – statistically not significant; A, b - statis- tically significant (p = 0,00291). *explanation under the Fig. 1. table 3 - Frequency of pastry product consumption among sGGW and WUr students. Frequency of consumption Contribution of answers (%) WUR SGGW women men all women men all Once a month / not at all 11 10 11 19 10 17 2-4 times a month 9 90 27 19 60 27 2-4 times a week 43 0 33 31 0 25 almost everyday 37 0 29 31 30 31 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 7 and for eggs table margarine (63%). to fry flour- based products 40% of the respondents favored the use of vegetable oils. students’ decisions related to purchase of pastry and confectionery were influenced by different factors (table 4). In the Netherlands the most popular factors of purchase taken into consideration were price (29% of answers) and information on the package (24%). Howev- er, Polish students indicated first of all the in- gredients and the information on the packages (38%) and then the brands (27%). therefore the Polish students appreciated above all quality of these products and were guided as well by the trust of previously eaten products of the brands. regardless of universities, one fifth of students claimed that they always chose the same prod- ucts. In the following question the obtained an- swers among the students from both universi- ties were different and statistically significant (p = 0.04654). In turn, the studies of Krasnowska and salej- da [2011] showed that 37% of respondents were influenced by the price of products and then by the expiration date and brand (each 26%). the results of this research are very different from the answers obtained by the students from the Polish university. cONcLUsIONs Differences in the level of students’ knowl- edge, independently of university, were statis- tically not significant (p<0.05). taking into ac- count the fact, the all of the examined popu- lation’s interest in nutrition aspects, it can be concluded that knowledge in the topic of trans FAs was not satisfactory. Most of the examined populations had heard the term ‘trans fats’ be- fore and were aware of their negative influence on human health. some of the students, inde- pendently of the university, could not indicate all of the products constituting a potential source of tFAs (around 30%). Polish students were not aware of natural sources of tFAs (less than 10%) compared to students from the Dutch universi- ty (around 40%). Polish students from studies not related to food and nutrition sciences had less knowledge in the topic of tFA than respond- ents in the UsA and canada. based on this, it can be concluded that Polish society should be further educated and food producers should be encouraged to label packages about nutritional characteristics of fat. Eating habits related to consumption of pas- try and confectionery products, which constitute a potential source of tFAs, of both populations were similar. Worrisome is the fact that wom- en (independently of population) were consum- ing these kinds of products definitely too often. taking into account the level of knowledge of Polish students (sGGW) and from different re- table 4 - Factors influencing students’ decisions of the pur- chase of confectionery and pastry products (p = 0.04654). Product features Contribution influencing the choice of answers (%) WUR SGGW ingredients and information on the package 24 38 price 29 10 brand 5 27 attractive package 20 4 always the same products 22 21 gions of the EU (studying in the Netherlands – WUr) finishing master’s degree studies (fs and nfs) it should be considered that there is still a need for education about the negative ef- fect of tFAs on health and to inform consum- ers which products can be a source of them in the diet. based on the obtained results it can be assumed that people coming from different EU regions who were not educated may have even less knowledge in this subject. Moreover, eating habits of women should change as they consume sweet snacks far more often than men, which could be a potential source of undesired fatty acids in the diet. rEFErENcEs bayir A. sirkecioğlu A.N. Aksakal E. bayir M. Haliloğlu H.I. 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