short communication Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 1 - Keywords: hydroculture, nutritional elements, nutrient solution, strawberry - EffEcts of NutritioNal ElEmENts lEvEl oN NutritioNal charactErs aNd PhytochEmistry of strawbErry iN hydroculturE robabEh asghari Institute of Applied Scientific Higher Education of Jahad-e Agriculture, Imam Khomeini agricultural higher education center, Karaj, Iran *Corresponding author: Tel. 09352394098, email: AbstrAct this study was conducted to evaluate the impacts of nutrient elements on phytochemistry char- acters and qualities of strawberry in soilless culture system. the experiment was carried out in a factorial experiment based on randomized complete design with three replications. treatments consisted of 6 groups of strawberry growing on soilless medium made of perlite and coco peat that were treated with different ratio of nutrient solutions. According to the results modified nu- trient improved fruit nutritional characters but it was not unique. tss s , tA, vitamin c and pH of- ten were increased by increasing nutritional elements but anthocyanin was decreased by increas- ing some nutritional elements. 2 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 IntroductIon strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa duch.) is one of the most commonly consumed berries, both in fresh and processed forms such as jams, yoghurts, desserts or juices. the relevant nu- tritional value of strawberry fruits has been remarkably correlated (HAnnuM 2004) with the high level of micronutrients such as min- erals, vitamin c and folate which are essential for health, and, more recently, to the high levels and different phytochemical constitu- ents (tuLIPAnI et al., 2009). since strawberry is an adaptable plant, and its fruit can be obtained almost in all seasons, its growing areas are being widely expanded in the world. on the other hand since the fruits can be obtained early in the season, when there are no fresh fruits in the markets, its marketa- bility is high. Another important aspect is that it can bring back the investment in a short pe- riod; therefore it is suitable for family hobby (ILGM, 2006). because of increased demand for more prod- ucts with high quality and offseason, green- house production is increasing. soilless me- dia are popularly used in greenhouse crop pro- duction because they are relatively lightweight, free from diseases, readily available, more uni- form and more suitable for growing in contain- ers than soil (YuAn et al., 1996). the choice of the medium should be based on physical char- acteristics as well as availability and cost (LI- EtEn et al., 2004; tAbAtAbAEI and MoHAM- MAdrEZAEI, 2006). Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions without soil. In this method, growing substrate may be an organic material (peat moss, shredded bark, foam or other organic materials) or an inor - ganic material such as sand, perlite, vermic- ulite and rock wool. to support and anchor the root system; plant nutrition is provided through a nutrient solution circulating in the substrate. one of the advantages of plant nutrition in soilless culture derives from the possibility of precise control of nutrient elements (JoHnston et al., 2010) which is not possible with soil sub- strate (ArZAnI, 2007). coco peat is the best me- d i u m for growing summer crops, flowers and strawberry because i t has high porosity, and it has a good capacity of holding water and nu- trients. Porosity in perlite provides good air ex- changes and soil watering and it improves soil aeration promoting the growth of the root sys- tem (noGuErA et al., 2003). Perlite has rich in- organic materials such as iron, sodium, calci- um and rare organic materials, since it is based an organic feature (dJEdIdI, 1999; EbrAHIMI et al., 2012). strawberry requires high amounts of potassi- um because this element is a major component of the fruit and has a positive correlation with fruits size, color and acidity (bEHnAMIYAn and MAsIHA, 2002). the research was designed and performed to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of nutrients elements via nutrient solution in soil- less system composed of 50% perlite and 50% coco peat on phytochemical and quality char- acters of greenhouse grown strawberries cul- tivar Gaviata (AMErI et al., 2012). MAtErIAL And MEtHod Plant material and growth conditions the study was conducted from March to August, 2013, in an experimental greenhouse of the plant production department, Imam Khomeini higher educational center Karaj, Iran. strawberry plants cv Gavieta were grown in 2 liters pots on a soilless medium made of 50% perlite and 50% coco peat (v:v) with three plants per pot. day/ night temperatures were kept at 22/17°c. and were treated with differ- ent ratios of a nutrient solution. the full nu- trient solution formula was made up with the following stock solutions of the different nutri- ents: 2.6 KH 2 Po 4 , 1.9 Kno 3 , 2.4 ca(no 3 ) 2 4H 2 o, 0.65 Mgso 4 7H 2 o and 0.46 K 2 so 4 . Microele- ments for the full nutrition solution were pro- vided in the following amounts: 0.16 H3bo3, 0.09 Mnso4, 0.07 Znso4, 0.01 cuso 4 and 0.002 H 2 Moo 4. to provide iron, a stock so- lution containing 0.1 Fe-EdtA was prepared (ArZAnI, 2007). the following treatments were applied: Full nutrient solution (G1), a modified nu- trient solution with either 10% less (G2) or more (G3) amount of Fe, Znso 4 , b 2 so 4 , Mgso 4 , Kno 3, a modified nutrient solution with ei- ther 10% more (G4) or less (G5) amount of Fe, ca(no 3 )2, KHPo4, Mnso 4 , cuso 4 , Moso 4 and a modified nutrient solution consisting of +10% ca (no 3 )2, KHPo4, Mnso4, cuso 4 , Moso 4 (G6). the hydroponic system was open. nutrient so- lution formula for the group containing chemi- cal treatment was prepared according to KErEJ et al. (1999) instruction (table 1). the pH and Ec of nutrient solution were adjusted to 5.7 and from 0.9 to 1.4 ds m-1, respectively. the pots were arranged in the glasshouse ac- cording to a randomized complete design with three replications per treatment. Determination of Total Anthocyanin Content (ACY) the AcY of the hydroalcoholic extract of fruits was determined using the pH differential meth- od previously described by GIustI (2001). AcY concentration was calculated from the calibra- Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 3 tion curve using pelargonidin- 3-glucoside (Pg- 3-gluc) as a standard. results are expressed as mg of Pg-3-gluc equivalents per 100 g of fresh weight (FW) of strawberry. data are reported as a mean value (sd for six measurements) (tuLI- PAnI et al., 2008). total soluble solids (tsss), total titratable acidity (tA), and pH determinations twenty fruits from each replicate were wrapped in cheesecloth and squeezed with a hand press, and the juice was analyzed. tsss, was determined at 20°c by an Atago dbX-55 refractometer (Atago co. Ltd, tokyo, Japan). pH was measured with a pH meter. tA was de- termined by titrating to pH 8.2 using 0.1 mol/l naoH after appropriate dilution (AoAc, 2000). Determination of vitamin C Ascorbic acid was measured by HPLc as de- scribed by HELsPEr et al. (2003). briefly, vita- min c was extracted by sonication of 0.5 g of wet frozen powder in 2 ml of ice cold water with 5% metaphosphoric acid and 1 mM dtPA, fol- lowed by centrifugation at 2500 rpm for 10 min, filtering, and immediate analysis on an HPLc system. Quantification was made through a standard calibration curve prepared by run- ning standard concentrations of vitamin c pre- pared similarly and measured in duplicate at the beginning and end of the analysis. results are expressed as mg of vitamin c per g of FW (tuLIPAnI et al., 2008). Statistical analyses data were analyzed by the general linear mod- el AnoVA by Minitab® release 13.2 (Minitab Inc.). Following AnoVA, treatment means were compared using the Lsd test at P = 0.05. sta- tistical procedures were performed using the Pc sAs software package. rEsuLts the results showed under G 1 nutrient solu- tion (first group) the fruit regarded indexes that affect its aroma and taste are in acceptable lev- el, however when we used modified nutritional solution for the other groups (G 2 -G 6 ), increasing levels of some of the characters was detectable. the highest level of tss and vitamin c observed in group four that had higher percentage of Fe, n, P, s, Mn, cu and K against the group that treat- ed with G 1 nutrient solution (first group). Fruits produced under treatment G 3 (group3) that re- ceived higher amount of Fe, s, Mg, Zn, n and K than the other groups exhibited the highest level of tA, whereas levels of tss and vitamin c were almost similar to group G 4 . Fruits treated with modified nutrient solution number 5 that contained lower level of Fe, n, P, s, Mn, cu and K against normal nutrient solution, showed the highest level of anthocyanin and the highest amount of pH was detectable in fruits treated with modified nutrient solutions G 6 and G 2 that received higher level of n,ca,P,K,s,Mn,cu and Mo and Fe, Zn, b,s,n,K,Mg respectively (table 2). table 1 - Analysis of variance for strawberry phytochemical characters under different nutrient solutions. Treatment df Phythochemical Characters TSS TA Vitamin Total Anthocyanin pH (Brix) (mg/100 g F.W.) C(mg/g F.W.) (mg/100 g F.w.) Nutrient Solution 5 2.957* 0.0024* 0.0306* 7527570.5** 0.045** Error 15 0.944 0.0008 0.0084 435379.3 0.006 CV 10.1 10.9 8.3 26.6 1.9 **,*, ns and CV, significant at 1, 5% level of probability, non-significant and Coefficient of Variation, respectively. table 2 Effect of different concentration of nutrient solution on strawberry phytochemical characters. Treatment Phythochemical Characters pH TSS TA Vitamin C Total Anthocyanin (Brix) (mg/100 gF.W.) (mg/g F.W.) (mg/100 g F.W.) G1 10.33ab 0.28b 1.03ab 3997.3ab 3.77b G2 9.00b 0.26b 1.10ab 3744.3b 4.02a G3 9.67ab 0.32a 1.10ab 2343.0c 3.85b G4 11.00a 0.24b 1.26a 2067.3c 3.81b G5 9.17b 0.25b 1.13ab 4996.8a 3.85b G6 9.00b 0.26b 1.20ab 1378.1c 4.06a 4 Ital. J. Food Sci., vol. 27 - 2015 Analysis of variance showed that interac- tion between nutritional elements of nutrient solution supplied with nutritional characters of the fruits was significant; tss, tA and vi- tamin c in 5% level and anthocyanin and PH in 1% level of probability (table 1). nutrient solution treatment with different ratio chem- ical nutritional elements showed significant- ly influence on total soluble solids (tss), total acidity (tA), vitamin c (P>0.05), anthocyanin and pH (P<0.001). dIscussIon considering the results of the present study using a modified nutrient improved fruit nu- tritional characters but it was not unique; dif- ferent nutritional formula showed different ef- fect on each index. However often characters increased following enhanced nutritional el- ements (micro and macro), but anthocyanin decreased with increasing some nutritional el- ements (micro and macro) (table 2). sEYYE- dI (2005) studied the effect of four kinds of nutrient solution in hydroculture system on the quantitative and qualitative traits of silva strawberry. He showed that by increasing po- tassium up to 3meq/l in nutrient solution, the soluble solid material increases. FArZAnEH et al. (2009) studied the effect of different nitro- gen and potassium levels on yield and densi- ty of nitrogen and potassium of tomato leaf in perlite environment and reported that the most yield of fruit was gained with 200 mg/L nitrogen consumption, and higher levels of nitrogen re- duced the yield and different levels of potassium did not have any significant effect on the yield. HArtZ et al. (1999) studied different levels of potassium on the quality of muskmelon. they found that 240 mg/L potassium level caused a significant increase in total sugar, tss, glu- tamic acid, aspartic acid and acetate volatile components in fruit flesh, which have an effect on its taste and flavor. MAsHHAdI-JAFArLoo et al. (2009) showed that the most strawberry yield was obtained in 100% coconut medium and cocopeat + perlite (50% + 50%) placed in the next stages (EbrAHIMI et al., 2012; AnIEL et al., 2007). According previous studies the re- sult showed that increasing nutritional element until a definite level has positive effect on the fruit nutritional characters. Whereas fruits treated with nutrient solution formula exhibited significant effect on nutrition- al characters in fruit quality, were not the high- est level but almost all of them were in limited amount. 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