item: #1 of 115 id: cord-007427-iqwojhq2 author: Dedkov, Vladimir G. title: Development and Evaluation of a One-Step Quantitative RT-PCR Assay for Detection of Lassa Virus date: 2019-06-03 words: 4056 flesch: 42 summary: One-step RT-PCR assay targeting GP, with primers OWS-1-fwd ( GCGCACCGGGGATCCTAGGC) and OWS-1000-rev (AGCATGTCACAA-AAYTCYTCATCATG) was used for LASV detection (Ehichioya et al., 2011) . In this paradigm, a number of RT-PCR assays for LASV detection were developed and evaluated. keywords: addition; amplisens; antibody; armored; arps; assay; control; copies; detection; developed; diagnosis; dna; et al; evaluated; extraction; fever; gene; guinea; hemorrhagic; high; institute; josiah; kit; lassa; lasv; lfd; lod; lvl; natalensis; negative; number; pcr; positive; primers; probes; qpcr; reaction; region; research; reverse; rna; russia; samples; sensitivity; sequences; serum; specific; step; strain; study; suitable; tissue; usa; vector; viral; virology; virus cache: cord-007427-iqwojhq2.txt plain text: cord-007427-iqwojhq2.txt item: #2 of 115 id: cord-007644-7bsixsgd author: Chirnside, E.D. title: Development and evaluation of an ELISA using recombinant fusion protein to detect the presence of host antibody to equine arteritis virus date: 2000-04-04 words: 4059 flesch: 38 summary: Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Arch Lactate dehydrogenaseelevating virus (LDV): subgenomic mRNAs, mRNA leader and comparison of 3'terminal sequences of two LDV isolates The recovery of virus from horses with experimental cases of equine arteritis using monolayer cell cultures of equine kidney Responses of vaccinated and non-vaccinated mares to artificial insemination with semen from stallions persistently infected with equine arteritis virus Lelystad virus, the causative agent of porcine epidemic abortion and respiratory syndrome (PEARS), is related to LDV and EAV Analysis of genetic variation among strains of equine arteritis virus Genomic variability among globally distributed isolates of equine arteritis virus Persistent infection of the reproductive tract of stallions persistently infected with equine arteritis virus Serological evidence of equine arteritis virus in donkeys in South Africa Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus, equine arteritis virus and simian hemorrhagic fever virus: a new group of positive-strand RNA viruses Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual Equine viral arteritis: a standard procedure for the virus neutralisation test and comparison of results of a proficiency test performed at five laboratories Single-step purification of polypeptides expressed in Escherichia coli as fusion proteins with glutathioneS-transferase The coronaviruslike superfamily Demonstration of the carrier state in naturally acquired equine arteritis virus infection in the stallion Fatal, congenitally acquired infection with equine arteritis virus in a neonatal Thoroughbred The first recorded outbreak of equine viral arteritis virus in the United Kingdom Laboratory-based serological tests include EAV virus neutralization test (NT), complement fixation (CF) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Senne et al., 1985; Fukunaga and McCollum, 1977; Cook et al, 1989) . keywords: absorbance; antibodies; antibody; antigen; arteritis; assay; bucyrus; cells; chirnside; detection; diagnostic; different; eav; elisa; equine; et al; expression; fig; fusion; glutathione; gst; horses; inactivated; infection; isolates; laboratories; min; neutralization; neutralizing; pbst; plates; postinfection; protein; purified; recombinant; respiratory; response; results; rg,55; samples; sensitivity; sera; serological; seropositive; serum; specific; specificity; stallions; test; testing; vaccination; vaccine; viral; virus cache: cord-007644-7bsixsgd.txt plain text: cord-007644-7bsixsgd.txt item: #3 of 115 id: cord-007648-tm0hn0hz author: Mockett, A.P.Adrian title: Envelope proteins of avian infectious bronchitis virus: Purification and biological properties date: 2002-12-20 words: 2219 flesch: 52 summary: Three different antigens were used for the EI,ISAs: spike protein, membrane protein and IB virus. The advantages of purifying viral proteins using affinity chromatography with monoclonal antibodies are discussed. keywords: affinity; antibodies; antibody; antisera; chicken; chromatography; concentrations; darbyshire; days; ibv; immunoadsorbent; infection; inoculation; kda; membrane; mockett; monoclonal; neutralizing; np40; nucleocapsid; pbs; proteins; purification; purified; rabbit; sera; spike; viral; virus cache: cord-007648-tm0hn0hz.txt plain text: cord-007648-tm0hn0hz.txt item: #4 of 115 id: cord-015936-4fwkf8fn author: None title: SUBJECT INDEX, volumes 123-130 date: 2005-11-04 words: 69 flesch: 15 summary: key: cord-015936-4fwkf8fn authors: nan title: SUBJECT INDEX, volumes 123-130 date: 2005-11-04 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/s0166-0934(05)00346-0 sha: doc_id: 15936 cord_uid: 4fwkf8fn nan HIV; 2 LTR circles; New marker (125) 11 HIV antigen/antibody combined assay; HIV; Serology; HIV-1 p24 antigen assay (127) (127) (128) (128) 67 Yeast expression; Pichia pastoris; SARS-CoV; N protein (130) 83 enzyme analysis; Flaviviruses; RT-PCR keywords: antigen; assay; hiv cache: cord-015936-4fwkf8fn.txt plain text: cord-015936-4fwkf8fn.txt item: #5 of 115 id: cord-251974-2zwrqjj9 author: Geller, Chloé title: A new Sephadex™-based method for removing microbicidal and cytotoxic residues when testing antiseptics against viruses: Experiments with a human coronavirus as a model date: 2009-04-05 words: 9399 flesch: 49 summary: Regression analyses were then performed to determine specific spectrophotometric parameters: (i) linearity limits (mol L −1 ), (ii) minimum detection limits (mol L −1 ); within these limits, (iii) the specific maximal absorption wavelength ( max , nm) and (iv) the specific molar absorption coefficient (ε, L mol −1 cm −1 ). After filtration of CHX solutions at 10 −3 mol L −1 and 10 −4 mol L −1 on Sephadex TM G-25 columns, CC 50 and IC 50 were >10 −4 mol L −1 , according to the detection limit of the method, except at 168 h, where IC 50 was >5.6 × 10 −5 and CC 50 >5.4 × 10 −5 keywords: 229e; activity; antiseptic; antiviral; assays; ats; cells; centrifugation; chemical; chlorhexidine; chx; columns; concentration; conditions; contact; coronavirus; culture; cytotoxicity; detection; different; distilled; european; fcs; fig; filtration; g-10; g-25; gel; hcov; house; human; hxm; infections; infectivity; l −1; l-132; log; medium; mem; method; min; mol; mol l; molecular; molecules; neutralization; non; parameters; potential; product; protocol; rates; reduction; respiratory; retention; section; sephadex; sephadex tm; solution; specific; standard; suspension; test; testing; time; titers; tm columns; viral; virucidal; viruses; water cache: cord-251974-2zwrqjj9.txt plain text: cord-251974-2zwrqjj9.txt item: #6 of 115 id: cord-251991-ghbpga1s author: Harcourt, Jennifer L. title: Evaluation of the Calu-3 cell line as a model of in vitro respiratory syncytial virus infection() date: 2011-03-31 words: 3562 flesch: 32 summary: Results of investigations performed in 1982-1983 Development of a humanized monoclonal antibody (MEDI-493) with potent in vitro and in vivo activity against respiratory syncytial virus Respiratory syncytial virus grown in Vero cells contains a truncated attachment protein that alters its infectivity and dependence on glycosaminoglycans Anti-inflammatory effect of MUC1 during respiratory syncytial virus infection of lung epithelial cells in vitro Decreased replication of human respiratory syncytial virus treated with the proteasome inhibitor MG-132 Respiratory syncytial virus persistence: evidence in the mouse model Bronchiolitis in infants Respiratory syncytial virus matures at the apical surfaces of polarized epithelial cells Lycopene enrichment of cultured airway epithelial cells decreases the inflammation induced by rhinovirus infection and lipopolysaccharide Bronchiolitis-associated hospitalizations among US children Respiratory syncytial virus persistence in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Respiratory syncytial virus infection enhances neutrophil and eosinophil adhesion to cultured respiratory epithelial cells Roles of CD18 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 Antigenic analysis of chimeric and truncated G proteins of respiratory syncytial virus Respiratory syncytial virus nonstructural proteins decrease levels of multiple members of the cellular interferon pathways key: cord-251991-ghbpga1s authors: Harcourt, Jennifer L.; Caidi, Hayat; Anderson, Larry J.; Haynes, Lia M. title: Evaluation of the Calu-3 cell line as a model of in vitro respiratory syncytial virus infection() date: 2011-03-31 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2011.03.027 sha: doc_id: 251991 cord_uid: ghbpga1s Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) replication is primarily limited to the upper respiratory tract epithelium and primary, differentiated normal human bronchial epithelial cells (NHBE) have, therefore, been considered a good system for in vitro analysis of lung tissue response to respiratory virus infection and virus–host interactions. keywords: airway; anti; antibody; apical; basolateral; calu-3; cells; compartment; consistent; cultures; data; days; development; differentiated; epithelial; et al; fig; fluorescein; human; infected; infection; mab; media; model; nhbe; non; polarized; post; protein; release; resistance; respiratory; rsv; sodium; surface; syncytial; teer; trans; virus; weeks; zhang cache: cord-251991-ghbpga1s.txt plain text: cord-251991-ghbpga1s.txt item: #7 of 115 id: cord-252268-o63ep08b author: Carolan, Louise A. title: TaqMan real time RT-PCR assays for detecting ferret innate and adaptive immune responses date: 2014-09-01 words: 6668 flesch: 40 summary: We also assessed TNF␣ expression using previously published TaqMan primers and probe (Nakata et al., 2009 ) and SYBR Green primers Rowe et al., 2010) with our samples and the profiles were consistent with those obtained with the TaqMan assay designed in this study (data not shown). The gene stability of housekeeping genes was calculated using geNorm in qbase+ Version 2.5 (Biogazelle) (Vandesompele et al., 2002) . keywords: analysis; animal; assays; australia; biosystems; cdna; cells; change; chemokine; consistent; control; cultures; cytokine; data; different; dilutions; efficiencies; efficiency; et al; expression; ferret; fig; fold; gapdh; genes; green; h1n1; housekeeping; human; ifn; il1; il10; il2; il4; il6; il8; immune; infection; influenza; initial; innate; instructions; interferon; l32; leukocytes; levels; lps; lymph; manufacturer; mean; mitogens; model; mrna; multiple; node; number; pandemic; pbmcs; pcr; plasmid; primers; probe; profiles; reaction; real; real time; responses; reverse; rna; samples; sequences; series; sets; single; specific; standard; stimulation; study; sybr; table; taqman; target; test; time; time pcr; tnf; type; usa; virus; vitro cache: cord-252268-o63ep08b.txt plain text: cord-252268-o63ep08b.txt item: #8 of 115 id: cord-254210-3mi2aop5 author: Haddad, Rodrigo title: Silencing of HTLV-1 gag and env genes by small interfering RNAs in HEK 293 cells date: 2011-01-26 words: 4505 flesch: 45 summary: When env gene expression was analyzed, the results showed a significant reduction (p < 0.05) of gene expression by 64% or 75% in cells co-transfected with siRNAs Env2 or Env3 and pEGFP-Env, respec-tively, compared to siRNA Scr Env co-transfected cells (Fig. 3B) . Significant reduction (*p < 0.05) of gene expression was obtained in cells co-transfected with siRNAs Env2 or Env3 and pEGFP-Env compared to siRNA Scr Env co-transfected cells. keywords: adult; analysis; antiviral; applied; cdna; cells; control; cytometry; data; env; env2; env3; et al; experiments; expression; fig; flow; fluorescence; gag; gag1; gag2; gag3; gene; hek; hepatitis; hiv-1; htlv-1; human; infected; infection; inhibition; interference; leukemia; mean; microscope; mrna; negative; pcr; pegfp; post; proteins; reporter; results; reverse; rnai; rnas; scr; scrambled; sequence; significant; silencing; sirna; small; specific; strand; structural; studies; target; tax; technology; transfected; transfection; treatment; type; usa; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-254210-3mi2aop5.txt plain text: cord-254210-3mi2aop5.txt item: #9 of 115 id: cord-255545-nycdhdsd author: Schoenike, Barry title: Quantitative sense-specific determination of murine coronavirus RNA by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction date: 1999-03-10 words: 6182 flesch: 37 summary: A striking change in the expected relative or absolute abundance of viral RNA of a given sense may provide clues as to the mode of viral replication in vitro or of viral pathogenesis in vivo. However, in many experiments, particularly with samples obtained in vivo, viral RNA may not be of sufficiently high concentration to allow detection by this technique. keywords: am8; amplification; artifacts; assay; case; cells; chain; competitive; conditions; control; coronavirus; data; del; detection; dna; equimolar; essential; et al; example; experiments; fig; gene; hepatitis; hybrid; methodology; mhv-4; min; mrna; murine; negative; negative sense; non; order; pcr; plasmid; polymerase; positive; present; primers; priming; products; promega; quantification; quantitative; reaction; relative; restriction; results; reverse; rna; rnas; samples; sense; sequences; specific; specificity; ssrt; standards; step; strand; studies; system; table; tag; templates; transcribed; transcription; use; viral; viral rna cache: cord-255545-nycdhdsd.txt plain text: cord-255545-nycdhdsd.txt item: #10 of 115 id: cord-255983-3dq99xz9 author: Do, Lien Anh Ha title: A sensitive real-time PCR for detection and subgrouping of human respiratory syncytial virus date: 2012-01-17 words: 4273 flesch: 38 summary: The assay was designed to detect all known RSV strains and to differentiate RSV subgroups A and B. Primers (MTH1 and MTH2B) were selected using Primer Express software v2.0 (Applied Biosystems Inc., Foster city (CA), USA) and a dataset of 45N gene sequences available from the NCBI database (Table 1) to amplify 84 bp for both RSV A and RSV B. RSV subgroups No significant differences in RSV viral load were observed between patients with single infections versus co-infections, or between patients requiring oxygen versus patients who did not. keywords: analytical; assay; children; clinical; confirmed; control; copies; detection; diagnosis; differences; dilutions; disease; eav; et al; gene; hospital; human; infections; kit; kuypers; lna; load; multiplex; novel; patients; pcr; pediatric; positive; primers; probes; quantitative; rapid; real; respiratory; reverse; rna; rsv; samples; seeplex; severity; significant; specimens; standard; subgroups; syncytial; time; values; van; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-255983-3dq99xz9.txt plain text: cord-255983-3dq99xz9.txt item: #11 of 115 id: cord-256355-muskjaw3 author: Black, Elizabeth M title: A rapid RT-PCR method to differentiate six established genotypes of rabies and rabies-related viruses using TaqMan™ technology date: 2002-05-14 words: 4302 flesch: 47 summary: The N gene was used as the target for the probes as it is well conserved and has been intensively used to genotype rabies isolates. There is a large amount of N gene sequence data available, which, on examination, revealed conserved regions specific to each genotype that could be used to design genotype specific TaqMan™ probes. keywords: agarose; amplification; annealing; applied; assay; available; base; bat; bats; biosystems; classical; classical rabies; concentration; data; detection; development; differences; drq; et al; fig; fluorescence; gene; genotype; genus; heaton; intensity; isolates; lagos; lyssa6irus; magnesium; mokola; non; nucleoprotein; number; pcr; possible; primers; probe; rabies; rabies virus; rapid; results; rna; sequence; sequencing; specific; standard; taqman; target; template; tqm2; value; viruses cache: cord-256355-muskjaw3.txt plain text: cord-256355-muskjaw3.txt item: #12 of 115 id: cord-256608-ajzk86rq author: van Weezep, Erik title: PCR diagnostics: In silico validation by an automated tool using freely available software programs date: 2019-05-13 words: 4953 flesch: 48 summary: To increase the accuracy of the alignment search (see Discussion), large sequences were fragmented in sequences of maximal 3000 nucleotides with an overlap of 50 nucleotides to prevent the loss of hits of primer or probe sequences spanning the split site. Primer and probe sequences were inserted in all possible combinations and orientations potentially initiating amplification ( Fig. 1 ). keywords: alignment; analysis; available; bluetongue; check; conservation; control; database; detailed; diagnostics; et al; fasta; fics; fig; file; genetic; genome; hits; large; length; list; maximum; mismatches; msa; multiple; ncbi; new; nucleotide; number; pathogens; pcr; pcr tests; pcrv; percentage; primer; probe; programs; real; reference; results; rijn; search; sensitivity; sequences; silico; silico validation; software; specificity; table; target; taxonomy; tests; time; validation; value; van; variants; virus; wnv cache: cord-256608-ajzk86rq.txt plain text: cord-256608-ajzk86rq.txt item: #13 of 115 id: cord-256845-5pjam7em author: Stranieri, Angelica title: Reverse transcriptase loop-mediated isothermal amplification for the detection of feline coronavirus date: 2017-01-18 words: 2352 flesch: 38 summary: RT-nPCR positive FCoV RNA from a cat with FIP was used as positive control and RNase-free water as negative control. In the case the sensitivity of the test might be ameliorated through further studies, the RT-LAMP could be extremely useful, due to its low costs and rapidity, in those situations where the Table 2 Results obtained on the samples tested with RT-nPCR (PCR) and LAMP and evaluated with agarose gel electrophoresis (LAMP GEL) and hydroxynaphtol blue dye (LAMP HNB detection of FCoV must be repeated over time and on a high number of cats (e.g. breeding catteries). keywords: agarose; amplification; assay; blood; blue; cats; control; coronavirus; detection; diagnosis; electrophoresis; faeces; fcov; feline; fip; gel; hnb; infectious; isothermal; lamp; loop; negative; npcr; peritonitis; positive; primers; reaction; results; reverse; rna; samples; sensitivity; specificity; transcriptase; transcription cache: cord-256845-5pjam7em.txt plain text: cord-256845-5pjam7em.txt item: #14 of 115 id: cord-257284-dash9udv author: Decaro, Nicola title: Development and validation of a real-time PCR assay for specific and sensitive detection of canid herpesvirus 1 date: 2010-07-30 words: 3166 flesch: 38 summary: In real-time PCR CHV-1 was detected in the vaginal swab of the dam of pups 257/01-N and 257/01-T and in all the tissues of the three infected pups. For construction of CHV-1 standard DNA, the 136-bp fragment generated by the primers used for real-time PCR was cloned into a pCR ® 4-TOPO ® vector (TOPO TA Cloning ® Kit for Sequencing, Invitrogen srl, Milan, Italy) and propagated in chemically competent Escherichia coli one-shot TOP10 cells, following the manufacturer's instructions. keywords: analysis; assay; canine; chv-1; copies; coronavirus; curve; decaro; decaro et; detection; diagnosis; dilutions; dna; dogs; et al; field; fold; gene; herpesvirus; infected; infection; italy; kidney; negative; parvovirus; pcr; pcr assay; plasmid; polymerase; probe; pups; quantitation; range; reaction; real; samples; specific; standard; strains; taqman; template; time; time pcr; tissues; type; viral; viruses cache: cord-257284-dash9udv.txt plain text: cord-257284-dash9udv.txt item: #15 of 115 id: cord-257785-jzdlvo7p author: Bennett, Susan title: The validation of a real-time RT-PCR assay which detects influenza A and types simultaneously for influenza A H1N1 (2009) and oseltamivir-resistant (H275Y) influenza A H1N1 (2009) date: 2010-10-14 words: 2908 flesch: 42 summary: Numerous methodologies are available for the detection of antiviral drug resistance in influenza viruses. Oseltamivir-resistant 2009 Pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus Structural basis for oseltamivir resistance of influenza viruses Pyrosequencing assay to detect H275Y mutation in the neuraminidase of the novel A (H1N1) viruses Oseltamivir-resistant 2009 Pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection in 2 summer campers receiving prophylaxis-North Carolina First cases of spread of oseltamivir resistant swine flu between patients are reported in Wales Optimisation of PCR reactions using primer chessboarding Practical experience of high throughput real time PCR in the routine diagnostic virology setting Using multiplex realtime PCR in order to streamline a routine diagnostic service Development of a multiplex real-time RT-PCR that allows universal detection of influenza A viruses and simultaneous typing of influenza A/H1N1/2009 virus The emergence of oseltamivir-resistant pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009 virus amongst hospitalised immunocrompromised patients in Scotland Emergence of resistance to oseltamivir among influenza A (H1N1) viruses in Europe A community cluster of oseltamivir-resistant cases of 2009 H1N1 influenza Evaluation of a rapid molecular algorithm for detection of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 virus and screening for a key oseltamivir resistance (H275Y) substitution in neuraminidase Weekly Epidemiological record 30th October Oseltamivir resistance in immunocompromised hospital patients Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 briefing note 18 Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 -Update 115 Position Statement: global neuraminidase inhibitor susceptibility network keywords: assay; cases; clinical; component; detection; dilution; duplex; endpoint; h1n1; h275y; influenza; limit; oseltamivir; pandemic; pcr; positive; probe; rapid; real; resistant; rna; samples; seasonal; series; table; testing; time; triplex; typing; universal; universal influenza; variability; virus; viruses cache: cord-257785-jzdlvo7p.txt plain text: cord-257785-jzdlvo7p.txt item: #16 of 115 id: cord-257850-x7qtxaum author: Majchrzykiewicz-Koehorst, Joanna A. title: Rapid and generic identification of influenza A and other respiratory viruses with mass spectrometry date: 2015-03-01 words: 6473 flesch: 43 summary: CyMol medium was kindly provided by Evaluation of 11 commercially available rapid influenza diagnostic tests-United States Identification of an influenza A H1N1/2009 virus with mutations in the matrix gene causing a negative result by a commercial molecular assay Rapid and specific influenza virus detection by functionalized magnetic nanoparticles and mass spectrometry Mass spectrometry analysis of the influenza virus Incorporation of a proteotyping approach using mass spectrometry for surveillance of influenza virus in cell-cultured strains Enhanced reliability of avian influenza virus (AIV) and Newcastle disease virus (NDV) identification using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) Unlike hMPV and RSV, influenza virus contains a segmented genome consisting of 8 segments. keywords: acid; addition; amino; analysis; bm1456; bruker; cell; clinical; copies; corresponding; cultured; cymol; data; detection; diagnostics; dilution; et al; genome; h1n1; h3n2; high; hmpv; house; human; identification; influenza; limit; maldi; mascot; mass; matrix; medium; method; min; mixed; ms analysis; non; ns1; nucleoprotein; pcr; peptides; preparation; protein; rapid; reconstituted; respiratory; results; rsv; sample; sample preparation; score; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; serial; spectrometry; strains; table; tenfold; tested; time; tof; tof ms; total; trypsin; value; viral; virological; viruses; volume cache: cord-257850-x7qtxaum.txt plain text: cord-257850-x7qtxaum.txt item: #17 of 115 id: cord-258008-t78svobg author: Bruijnesteijn van Coppenraet, L.E.S. title: Comparison of two commercial molecular assays for simultaneous detection of respiratory viruses in clinical samples using two automatic electrophoresis detection systems date: 2010-08-05 words: 3524 flesch: 45 summary: Eighty-seven samples with positive culture detections for one of the viral targets (or positive RT-PCR results for coronavirus or hMPV) were submitted and 86 culture-negative samples were matched based on sample type and age of the patients (range 1 week to 90 years old, median age 8 months). However, in both assays the relative peak-height provides information on the viral load compared to that of the internal control and between multiple virus detections. keywords: acid; agilent; assays; cell; clinical; common; comparison; culture; detection; dpo; dual; electrophoresis; experion; extraction; false; greater; human; infections; influenza; method; mix; mlpa; molecular; multiplex; nucleic; panel; parainfluenza; pcr; positive; protocol; reaction; real; respiratory; results; rsv; samples; sensitivity; specific; systems; table; time; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-258008-t78svobg.txt plain text: cord-258008-t78svobg.txt item: #18 of 115 id: cord-258057-ti0rpt0q author: Zhao, Kai title: Establishment of a Porcine Parvovirus (PPV) LAMP Visual Rapid Detection Method date: 2020-07-01 words: 3736 flesch: 51 summary: Green I and realized the visual detection for PPV LAMP instead of by the conventional gel electrophoresis analysis or fluorescent detection . J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f To verify the specificity of PPV detection by LAMP, the DNA (PPV, PCV2, PRV) and cDNA samples (PRRSV, CSFV) were amplified as sample templates by the LAMP reaction at 59.0℃ for 50 min and terminated at 80℃ for 3 min, respectively. keywords: agarose; amplification; assay; clinical; control; conventional; copies; detection; dna; dye; electrophoresis; gel; gene; green; infected; infection; isothermal; lamp; loop; method; min; parvovirus; pcr; pigs; plasmid; porcine; positive; ppv; primers; products; rapid; reaction; real; results; samples; sensitivity; serum; study; swine; sybr; template; time; type; virus; visual; vp1 cache: cord-258057-ti0rpt0q.txt plain text: cord-258057-ti0rpt0q.txt item: #19 of 115 id: cord-258468-52gej3co author: Marcekova, Zuzana title: Heterologous expression of full-length capsid protein of porcine circovirus 2 in Escherichia coli and its potential use for detection of antibodies date: 2009-08-05 words: 7015 flesch: 41 summary: The open reading frame encoding Cap protein was amplified using PCR from genomic DNA of PCV 2 (L14181 isolate) and the 707 bp long DNA fragment was cloned into pET28b expression vector (Fig. 1B) . In order to eliminate the cluster of rare codons from the 5 end of the cap gene, the expression vector encoding a truncated variant of Cap protein ( Cap-His), which was lacking the first 16 amino acid residues, was constructed (Fig. 1B) . keywords: acid; age; amino; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; bacterial; bl21; buffer; cap; cap gene; cap protein; capsid; capsid protein; cells; circovirus; codons; coli; czech; data; de3; detection; dna; e. coli; elisa; end; et al; expressed; expression; fig; gene; genomic; heterologous; high; indirect; infected; infection; ipma; kda; length; liu; mice; min; molecular; multisystemic; nawagitgul; ncoi; negative; nls; non; nucleotide; pbs; pcr; pcv; pet28b; phosphate; pig; piglets; pigs; porcine; positive; presence; production; protein; purified; rare; recombinant; results; samples; sequence; sera; serum; specific; standard; syndrome; synthetic; system; type; usa; value; vector; vlps; weeks; xhoi cache: cord-258468-52gej3co.txt plain text: cord-258468-52gej3co.txt item: #20 of 115 id: cord-259212-pj8p2x9l author: Pratelli, Annamaria title: Genetic diversity of a canine coronavirus detected in pups with diarrhoea in Italy date: 2003-06-09 words: 3322 flesch: 47 summary: On the basis of the significant genetic differences between the reference and the Elmo/02-like CCoVs our tentative proposal is to designate the new genotype identified as CCoV type I, and to designate the reference strains, such as Insavc-1 and K378, as CCoVs type II. In a previous study, sequence analysis of CCoVs detected in faecal samples collected from dogs with diarrhoea revealed multiple nucleotide substitutions accumulating over a fragment of the M gene (Pratelli et al., 2001) . keywords: acid; amino; analysis; canine; ccov; coronavirus; determined; different; dogs; elmo/02; encoding; et al; fcovs; fcovs type; feline; gene; genetic; genome; group; identity; italy; large; like; nucleotide; orf2; pcr; porcine; pratelli; primers; protein; pups; recombination; reference; related; s gene; s protein; samples; sequence; strains; terminus; tgev; type; type ii; variation cache: cord-259212-pj8p2x9l.txt plain text: cord-259212-pj8p2x9l.txt item: #21 of 115 id: cord-259593-shrd1s7r author: Qin, Zhao-ling title: siRNAs targeting terminal sequences of the SARS-associated coronavirus membrane gene inhibit M protein expression through degradation of M mRNA date: 2007-06-27 words: 4617 flesch: 45 summary: The results showed that the M protein is mainly located in the Golgi apparatus, and that the specific siRNAs corresponding to SCoV M gene specifically degraded M mRNA, significantly inhibiting M protein expression. The changes of SCoV M gene expression in siRNA co-transfected cells, normalized to GAPDH and relative to its expression in mock-transfected cells, were calculated for each sample. keywords: acute; cells; control; coronavirus; corresponding; data; dna; egfp; et al; expression; fig; fluorescence; free; gapdh; gene; glycoprotein; golgi; hek; human; inhibit; interference; levels; mammalian; membrane; min; mrna; nuclease; panel; pcr; plasmid; polymerase; post; primers; protein; quantitative; reaction; real; replication; respiratory; results; reverse; rnai; rnas; sample; sars; scov; scov m; sequence; severe; silence; silencing; sirna; specific; study; syndrome; takara; target; therapeutic; time; transcribed; transcription; transfected; transfection; upper; viral; vitro cache: cord-259593-shrd1s7r.txt plain text: cord-259593-shrd1s7r.txt item: #22 of 115 id: cord-259738-yuqc6dk0 author: Tang, Mengjun title: Enhancement of the immunogenicity of an infectious bronchitis virus DNA vaccine by a bicistronic plasmid encoding nucleocapsid protein and interleukin-2 date: 2008-03-07 words: 3851 flesch: 43 summary: These results demonstrated that bicistronic DNA vaccine is an effective approach to increase IBV DNA vaccine immunogenicity. These results demonstrated that bicistronic DNA vaccine is an effective approach to increase IBV DNA vaccine immunogenicity. keywords: antibody; antigen; bicistronic; blood; bronchitis; cd3; cd8; cells; challenge; chickens; control; day; dna; dsred; encoding; expression; gene; group; ibv; il-2; il2; immune; immunity; immunization; immunized; increase; infectious; interleukin-2; kidney; lymphocytes; monocistronic; nucleocapsid; pbs; pcr; pires; plasmid; positive; primer; protection; protein; recombinant; responses; results; samples; specific; total; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; vector; vero; virus cache: cord-259738-yuqc6dk0.txt plain text: cord-259738-yuqc6dk0.txt item: #23 of 115 id: cord-260208-fvdq0yes author: Wang, Jinfeng title: Rapid detection of transmissible gastroenteritis virus in swine small intestine samples using real-time reverse transcription recombinase polymerase amplification date: 2018-03-14 words: 2707 flesch: 44 summary: Recently, RT-LAMP assays have been developed for TGEV detection (Chen et al., 2010; Li and Ren, 2011) . It is especially important for TGEV detection in under-equipped laboratories and in the field. keywords: amplification; assay; copies; coronavirus; detection; diagnostic; dna; et al; exo; gastroenteritis; gene; iii; min; nucleotides; pcr; pigs; polymerase; porcine; positive; prcv; primers; probe; rapid; reaction; real; recombinase; respiratory; reverse; rna; rpa; samples; site; specific; strain; tgev; time; time rt; transcription; transmissible; virus cache: cord-260208-fvdq0yes.txt plain text: cord-260208-fvdq0yes.txt item: #24 of 115 id: cord-260250-t48y27wg author: Decaro, Nicola title: Quantitation of canine coronavirus RNA in the faeces of dogs by TaqMan RT-PCR date: 2004-05-07 words: 3332 flesch: 39 summary: The CCoV fluorogenic RT-PCR assay, which targeted the ORF5 (M gene), was more sensitive than a conventional RT-PCR assay targeting the same gene, showing a detection limit of 10 copies of CCoV standard RNA, and was linear from 10 to 10(8) copies, allowing quantitation of samples with a wide range of CCoV RNA loads. Several RT-PCR based methods have been developed for detecting CCoV RNA in the faeces of dogs, but none of these were designed to be quantitative (Bandai et al., 1999; Naylor et al., 2001; Pratelli et al., 1999 Pratelli et al., , 2002c . keywords: amplification; analysis; assay; canine; ccov; chain; conventional; copies; coronavirus; detection; dilutions; dogs; et al; experimentally; faecal; faeces; fluorogenic; fluorogenic rt; gene; infected; infection; italy; min; negative; orf5; pcr; polymerase; positive; pratelli; pratelli et; probe; quantitation; range; reaction; real; reverse; rna; samples; sensitivity; shedding; standard; taqman; template; time; transcriptase; viral; wide cache: cord-260250-t48y27wg.txt plain text: cord-260250-t48y27wg.txt item: #25 of 115 id: cord-261089-aul4ifso author: Yuan, Wen title: Development of a duplex real-time RT-PCR for the simultaneous detection and differentiation of Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus and rat theilovirus date: 2016-07-07 words: 4524 flesch: 44 summary: In addition, serologic assays to detect antibodies to RTV in rats have historically used mouse TMEV strains as antigens, exploiting the antigenic cross-reactivity of these viruses with RTV (Easterbrook et al., 2008; Pritchett-Corning et al., 2009) . In the presence of 1 × 10 6 copies/ng of RTV genomic RNA, the TMEV standard curves were similar to those generated from the standard dilutions alone (Fig. 5A) . keywords: amplification; assay; barrier; biological; cardioviruses; cecum; china; clinical; colonies; colony; conventional; copies; cross; curves; detection; different; dilutions; duplex; duplex real; encephalomyelitis; et al; fig; infection; kit; laboratory; materials; mice; mouse; murine; negative; non; pcr; positive; primers; probe; rats; reaction; real; results; rna; rodent; routine; rtv; samples; sensitivity; specific; standard; strains; table; theiler; theilovirus; time; time rt; tmev; total; usa; viral; virus; viruses; wild cache: cord-261089-aul4ifso.txt plain text: cord-261089-aul4ifso.txt item: #26 of 115 id: cord-261134-zarq507s author: Pulford, David title: Amplification refractory mutation system PCR assays for the detection of variola and Orthopoxvirus date: 2004-02-13 words: 3803 flesch: 40 summary: When a variola virus specific primer was used with a consensus primer in an ARMS assay with different Orthopoxvirus genomes, a PCR product was only amplified from variola virus DNA. Incorporating a second consensus primer into the assay produced a multiplex PCR that provided Orthopoxvirus generic and variola-specific products with variola virus DNA. keywords: a13l; a36r; amplicons; amplification; analysis; arms; assays; base; camelpox; clinical; consensus; control; cowpox; dna; et al; fig; genes; genetic; genomes; genomic; identification; isolates; lane; minor; monkeypox; multiplex; mutation; orthopoxvirus; panel; pcr; polymerase; polymorphisms; prepared; primer; product; pulford; reaction; rflp; samples; sequence; shchelkunov; single; smallpox; species; specific; specificity; strains; table; vaccinia; variola; virus; viruses; world cache: cord-261134-zarq507s.txt plain text: cord-261134-zarq507s.txt item: #27 of 115 id: cord-261329-k1p7fo0e author: Nidzworski, Dawid title: Detection and differentiation of virulent and avirulent strains of Newcastle disease virus by real-time PCR date: 2010-12-28 words: 3159 flesch: 50 summary: key: cord-261329-k1p7fo0e authors: Nidzworski, Dawid; Rabalski, Lukasz; Gromadzka, Beata title: Detection and differentiation of virulent and avirulent strains of Newcastle disease virus by real-time PCR date: 2010-12-28 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2010.12.015 sha: doc_id: 261329 cord_uid: k1p7fo0e A rapid diagnostic method based on the melting curve SYBR Green The results obtained in this study demonstrate the possible applications for melting curve real-time PCR analysis in laboratory practice for the diagnosis and differentiation of avirulent and virulent strains of Newcastle disease virus. keywords: analysis; assay; avian; cdna; cleavage; curve; degenerated; detection; differentiation; disease; et al; gene; green; icpi; isolates; lentogenic; melting; mesogenic; method; ndv; newcastle; pathogenicity; pcr; phylogenetic; plasmid; primers; reaction; real; results; reverse; rna; sequence; site; strains; study; sybr; table; temperature; time; values; velogenic; virulent; virus; viruses; wise cache: cord-261329-k1p7fo0e.txt plain text: cord-261329-k1p7fo0e.txt item: #28 of 115 id: cord-261735-03hvi4el author: Rodrigues, R. title: Development of a one step real time RT-PCR assay to detect and quantify Dugbe virus date: 2011-06-14 words: 2642 flesch: 52 summary: Hazara virus, a new agent isolated from Ixodes redikorzevi ticks from the Kaghan Valley, W. Pakistan Structure and morphogenesis of Dugbe virus (Bunyaviridae Nairovirus) studied by immunogold electron microscopy of ultrathin cryosection Pathogenesis of Dugbe virus infection in wild-type and interferon-deficient mice Dugbe nairovirus S segment: correction of published sequence and comparison of five isolates Investigation of tick-borne viruses as pathogens of humans in South Africa and evidence of Dugbe virus infection in a patient with prolonged thrombocytopenia Absolute quantification of mRNA using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assays Supplement to the catalogue of Arthropod-borne viruses Kupe virus, a new virus in the family bunyaviridae, genus nairovirus Dugbe virus: a tick-borne arbovirus from Nigeria Nairobi sheep disease Bunyaviridae Seroprevalence of five arboviruses in Zebu cattle in the Central African Republic Dugbe nairovirus M RNA:nucleotide sequence and coding strategy Large RNA segment of Dugbe nairovirus encodes the putative RNA polymerase Differential activation profiles of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus versus Dugbe virus infected antigen presenting cells Tickborne arbovirus surveillance in marquet livestock Epidemiologic and clinical features of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in southern Africa CLUSTALW: improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignments through sequence weighting, position specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice Ticks of Domestic Animals in Africa: A Guide to Identification of Species Detection of an arbovirus in an invertebrate and a vertebrate host using the polymerase chain reaction Expression of the nucleocapsid protein of Dugbe virus and antigenic crossreactions with other nairoviruses This work was partly funded by IRBA and Fondation Mérieux. Dugbe virus (DUGV), a member of the genus Nairovirus of the Bunyaviridae family, was first isolated in 1964 from the Amblyomma variegatum tick in Nigeria (Causey, 1970) . keywords: africa; assay; cchfv; cells; conventional; copies; detection; dugbe; dugv; et al; france; germany; hazara; infected; kupe; nairovirus; pcr; primers; probe; qrt; real; related; rna; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; serum; sheep; specific; specificity; step; study; supernatants; system; tick; time; viral; virus; viruses; ward cache: cord-261735-03hvi4el.txt plain text: cord-261735-03hvi4el.txt item: #29 of 115 id: cord-262991-j36vajdi author: Pratelli, Annamaria title: Prevalence of canine coronavirus antibodies by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in dogs in the south of Italy date: 2002-01-22 words: 2212 flesch: 37 summary: Detection of bovine coronavirus and type A rotavirus in neonatal calf diarrhea and winter dyssentery of cattle in Quebec: evaluation of three diagnostic methods Canine coronavirus infections in Japan: virological and epidemiological aspects Recovery and characterization of a coronavirus from military dogs with diarrhea L'infezione da coronavirus del cane: indagine sulla presenza del virus in Italia New canine enteric viral infection Feline infectious peritonitis Analysis of a 9.6 kb sequence from the 3% end of canine coronavirus genomic RNA Micro-neutralisation test with canine coronavirus for detection of coronavirus antibodies in dogs and cats Identification of canine coronavirus strains from feces by S gene nested PCR and molecular characterisation of a new Australian isolate Diagnosis of canine coronavirus infection using nested-PCR Variation of the sequence in the gene encoding for Development of a nested-PCR assay for the detection of canine coronavirus The use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay systems for serology and antigen detection in parvovirus, coronavirus and rotavirus infections in dogs in the Netherlands Antigenic homology among coronaviruses related to transmissible gastroenteritis virus The Coronaviridae: an introduction The biology of coronaviruses Coronaviruses: structure and genome expression Studies on the survival of canine coronavirus under different environmental conditions Canine coronavirus infection in the dog following oronasal inoculation Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of canine coronavirus and its antibody in dogs The S gene of canine coronavirus, strain UCD-1, is more closely related to the S gene of transmissible gastroenteritis virus than to that of feline infectious peritonitis virus Nucleotide sequence and expression of the spike (S) gene of canine coronavirus and comparison with the S proteins of feline and porcine coronaviruses key: cord-262991-j36vajdi authors: Pratelli, Annamaria; Elia, Gabriella; Martella, Vito; Palmieri, Alessandra; Cirone, Francesco; Tinelli, Antonella; Corrente, Marialaura; Buonavoglia, Canio title: Prevalence of canine coronavirus antibodies by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in dogs in the south of Italy date: 2002-01-22 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/s0166-0934(01)00450-5 sha: doc_id: 262991 cord_uid: j36vajdi An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa), using as antigen canine coronavirus-infected CrFK cell supernatant, was developed to detect antibodies against canine coronavirus (CCoV). keywords: antibodies; antigen; assay; blotting; canine; ccov; cell; coronavirus; detection; dogs; elisa; enzyme; et al; gene; igg; immunosorbent; infection; min; negative; neutralisation; pbs; plates; positive; pratelli; samples; sensitivity; serum; specific; tbs; test; virus; western cache: cord-262991-j36vajdi.txt plain text: cord-262991-j36vajdi.txt item: #30 of 115 id: cord-263570-6notzm6s author: Elia, Gabriella title: Detection of infectious canine parvovirus type 2 by mRNA real-time RT-PCR date: 2007-08-10 words: 3997 flesch: 45 summary: A sensitive one-step real-time PCR for detection of avian influenza viruses using a MGB probe and an internal positive control Antibody levels and protection to canine parvovirus type 2 Detection of canine distemper virus in dogs by real-time RT-PCR Different patterns of restriction to B19 parvovirus replication in human blast cell lines Comparison of isolates of canine parvovirus by monoclonal antibody and restriction-enzyme analysis Sensitive detection of canine parvovirus DNA by the nested polymerase chain reaction Defective viral genomes The natural host range shift and subsequent evolution of canine parvovirus resulted from virus-specific binding to the canine transferring receptor An enteric disease of dogs resembling feline panleukopenia Isolation and genetic characterization of two G3P5A[3] canine rotavirus strains in Italy Antigenic and genomic variabilities among recently prevalent parvoviruses of canine and feline origin in Japan Comparison of polymerase chain reaction with virus isolation and haemagglutination assays for the detection of canine parvoviruses in faecal specimens A novel antigenic variant of canine parvovirus from a Vietnamese dog Canine and feline parvoviruses can use human or feline transferrin receptors to bind, enter, and infect cells Antigenic relationships between canine parvovirus type 2, feline panleukopenia virus and mink enteritis virus using conventional antisera and monoclonal antibodies RNA extraction from mammalian tissues Molecular characterisation of canine parvovirus in Brazil by polymerase chain reaction assay Antigenic characterization of canine parvovirus strains isolated in Italy A simple touch-down polymerase chain reaction for the detection of canine parvovirus and feline panleukopenia virus in feces Detection by PCR of wild-type canine parvovirus which contaminates dog vaccines Persistence of human parvovirus B19 in human tissues A case report Identification of types of canine parvovirus circulating in Spain Maternally derived antibodies in pups and protection from canine parvovirus infection Virological and molecular characterization of a type 3 mammalian reovirus strain isolated from a dog with diarrhea in Italy A real-time PCR assay for rapid detection and quantitation of canine parvovirus type 2 DNA in the feces of dogs Genotyping-specific fluorogenic RT-PCR assays for the detection and quantitation of canine coronavirus type I and II RNA in faecal samples of dogs Infectious canine hepatitis: an old disease reemerging in Italy Characterisation of the canine parvovirus type 2 variants using minor groove binder probe technology First detection of canine parvovirus type 2c in pups with haemorrhagic enteritis in Spain Tissue distribution of the antigenic variants of canine parvovirus type 2 in dogs Canine parvovirus infection: which diagnostic test for virus? keywords: amplification; antigenic; assay; canine; cells; chain; copies; cpv-2b; decaro; decaro et; detection; different; distribution; dna; dogs; elia; et al; feline; high; human; infected; infection; italy; kit; linear; loads; milan; min; mrna; nervous; ns2; p.i; parvovirus; pcr; permissive; polymerase; primers; probe; range; reaction; real; replication; samples; sequence; specific; spliced; standard; study; system; table; taqman; template; time; tissues; titres; transcripts; type; viral cache: cord-263570-6notzm6s.txt plain text: cord-263570-6notzm6s.txt item: #31 of 115 id: cord-264335-c2hfh3dq author: Gunson, Rory title: Development of a multiplex real-time RT-PCR that allows universal detection of influenza A viruses and simultaneous typing of influenza A/H1N1/2009 virus date: 2009-10-23 words: 2266 flesch: 41 summary: Although the influenza A/H1N1/2009 virus is likely to become the predominant influenza A type encountered in most countries, seasonal influenza A types may also co-circulate (Kelly et al., 2009) and in some countries sporadic H5N1 infections may still occur (WHO report of Avian influenza, 2009). Determining the subtype of influenza virus is important as it has implications for patient management and infection control (Meijer et al., 2009; Beigel and Bray, 2008; This panel contained examples of seasonal influenza A, H1N1 and H3N2, the influenza A/H1N1/2009 and numerous avian A/H5N1 viruses. keywords: assay; avian; control; detection; dilution; h1n1; h3n2; h5n1; human; influenza; kit; limit; multiplex; point; positive; probe; qiagen; real; respiratory; rtpcr; samples; seasonal; step; swine; test; time; universal; virus; viruses cache: cord-264335-c2hfh3dq.txt plain text: cord-264335-c2hfh3dq.txt item: #32 of 115 id: cord-265634-7n4cvgs4 author: Dhar, Arun K. title: Quantitative assay for measuring the Taura syndrome virus and yellow head virus load in shrimp by real-time RT-PCR using SYBR Green chemistry date: 2002-03-26 words: 5192 flesch: 52 summary: The analytical sensitivity of SYBR Green PCR was determined by using a serial dilution of TSV and YHV plasmid DNA as template for amplification. The standard curve for TSV (A) and YHV (B) obtained by SYBR Green PCR using plasmid DNA as template. keywords: actin; amplification; animals; cdna; control; copies; copy; corresponding; curve; cycle; detection; dissociation; ef-1a; efficiency; expected; fig; fluorescence; genes; genome; green; green rt; healthy; infected; internal; load; methods; min; pcr; penaeus; plasmid; polymerase; product; reaction; real; reverse; rna; samples; sensitivity; sequence; shrimp; single; specific; stylirostris; sybr; sybr green; syndrome; system; table; target; taura; temperature; threshold; time; total; tsv; values; variation; viral; virus; viruses; yhv cache: cord-265634-7n4cvgs4.txt plain text: cord-265634-7n4cvgs4.txt item: #33 of 115 id: cord-266571-qbskh1uu author: de Arriba, M.L title: Lymphoproliferative responses and protection in conventional piglets inoculated orally with virulent or attenuated porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus date: 2002-06-04 words: 5107 flesch: 34 summary: After the challenge, there was an increase in the lymphocyte proliferative response in pigs from group 1, however this increase was not reflected either by an enhancement of the virus-specific antibody secreting cell response or the GMT of PEDV-specific serum IgG and IgA (De Arriba et al., 2001b) . Lymphocyte proliferation responses of transmissible gastroenteritis virus or porcine respiratory coronavirus Cellular immune responses of pigs after primary inoculation with porcine respiratory coronavirus or transmissible gastroenteritis virus and challenge with transmissible gastroenteritis virus Evaluation of a bloking ELISA using monoclonal antibodies for the detection of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and its antibodies Seroprevalence of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus infection among different types of breeding swine farms in Spain Revision of the taxonomy of the Coronavirus, Torovirus and Arterivirus genera Antibody-mediated protection of mucosal surfaces Isotype-specific antibody-secreting cells in systemic and mucosal associated lymphoid tissues and antibody responses in serum of conventional pigs inoculated with PEDV Mucosal and systemic isotype-specific antibody responses and protection in conventional pigs exposed to virulent or attenuated porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus Quantitation, biological and physicochemical properties of cell culture-adapted porcine epidemic diarrhea coronavirus (PEDV) keywords: animals; antibody; antigen; attenuated; blood; cells; challenge; control; cpm; day; days; diarrhoea; differences; disease; epidemic; et al; gastroenteritis; group; higher; immune; immunity; infection; inoculated; lymph; lymphocyte; lymphoid; lymphoproliferative; mean; mesenteric; mononuclear; mucosal; nodes; pedv; pigs; porcine; postchallenge; postinoculation; postinoculation day; proliferation; protection; responses; specific; spleen; systemic; tissues; transmissible; unexposed; value; viral; virulent; virus cache: cord-266571-qbskh1uu.txt plain text: cord-266571-qbskh1uu.txt item: #34 of 115 id: cord-267588-ruuzr6l1 author: Garnett, Lauren title: Comparison analysis of different swabs and transport mediums suitable for SARS-CoV-2 testing following shortages date: 2020-08-08 words: 3099 flesch: 40 summary: key: cord-267588-ruuzr6l1 authors: Garnett, Lauren; Bello, Alexander; Tran, Kaylie N.; Audet, Jonathan; Leung, Anders; Schiffman, Zachary; Griffin, Bryan D.; Tailor, Nikesh; Kobasa, Darwyn; Strong, James E. title: Comparison analysis of different swabs and transport mediums suitable for SARS-CoV-2 testing following shortages date: 2020-08-08 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2020.113947 sha: doc_id: 267588 cord_uid: ruuzr6l1 On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) assessed COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2, as a pandemic. To tackle this issue, we evaluated the utility of different swabs and transport mediums for the molecular detection of SARS-CoV-2. keywords: applicators; collection; comparison; control; coronavirus; cotton; cov-2; covid-19; data; detection; different; dilution; disease; dmem; ethanol; health; media; medium; molecular; normal; pandemic; patients; pbs; puritan; recovery; respiratory; results; rna; saline; samples; sars; similar; sputum; study; swabs; testing; time; transport; viral; virus; vtm cache: cord-267588-ruuzr6l1.txt plain text: cord-267588-ruuzr6l1.txt item: #35 of 115 id: cord-267744-asjvf123 author: Lee, Yu-Ching title: Chicken single-chain variable fragments against the SARS-CoV spike protein date: 2007-07-23 words: 4062 flesch: 44 summary: Phage libraries displaying scFv antibodies were constructed according to published protocols with minor modifications (Andris-Widhopf et al., 2000; Barbas et al., 2001) . 1A and B, the expression and presence of scFv antibodies were examined by Coomassie blue staining and western blot analysis. keywords: acute; affinity; amino; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; binding; blot; cells; chain; chicken; clones; coli; coronavirus; cov; display; elisa; et al; expression; fig; fragments; gene; high; human; immunization; libraries; library; light; long; lsc18; lysates; membranes; monoclonal; pcr; phage; presence; primers; protein; recombinant; region; respiratory; results; sars; scfv; severe; short; single; specific; spike; ssc22; ssc35; study; syndrome; system; variable; vero; western cache: cord-267744-asjvf123.txt plain text: cord-267744-asjvf123.txt item: #36 of 115 id: cord-267941-nrluar4e author: Park, Eun-Mee title: Production of Ebola virus-like particles in Drosophila melanogaster Schneider 2 cells date: 2018-08-23 words: 2164 flesch: 44 summary: The formation of VLPs similar to Ebola virus particles was visualized in both EBOV Makonatransfected S2 cells and culture supernatant by transmission electron microscopy (TEM; Fig. 1B ). In vitro assembly into virus-like particles is an intrinsic quality of Pichia pastoris derived HCV core Hepatitis C virus structural proteins assemble into virus like particles in insect cells Outbreaks Chronology: Ebola Virus Disease Ebola: implications and perspectives Molecular mechanisms of Ebola virus pathogenesis: focus on cell death Differences in the post-translational modifications of human papillomavirus type 6b major capsid protein expressed from a baculovirus system Ebola haemorrhagic fever Assembly of human severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-like particles Biophysical characterization and conformational stability of Ebola and Marburg virus-like particles Analysis of Ebola virus and VLP release using an immunocapture assay Virus-like particles as a highly efficient vaccine platform: diversity of targets and production systems and advances in clinical development vaccine Hepatitis C virus-like particle induce virus-specific humoral and cellular immune response Synthesis of double-layered rotavirus-like particles using internal ribosome entry site vector system in stably-transformed Drosophila melanogaster Use of baculovirus expression system for generation of virus-like particles: success and challenges Safety and immunogenicity of a virus-like particle pandemic placebo-controlled trial of adults in Mexico Development of virus-like particle technology from small highly symmetric to large complex virus-like particle structure A Kunjin replicon virus-like particle vaccine provides protection against Ebola virus infection in nonhuman primates Kunjin virus replicon-based vaccines expression Ebola virus glycoprotein GP protect the guinea pig against lethal Ebola virus infection Sequence analysis of the Ebola virus genome: organization, genetic elements, and comparison with the genome of Marburg viruses Enhanced papillomavirus-like particle production in insect cells Different applications of virus-like particles in biology and medicine: vaccination and delivery systems Vaccine to confer to nonhuman primates complete protection against multistrain Ebola and Marburg virus infection Large-scale production and purification of VLP-based vaccines Advances in virus-like particle vaccine for filoviruses Induction of humoral and CD8+ T cell responses are required for protection against lethal Ebola virus infection Filovirus-like particles produced in insect cells: immunogenicity and protection in rodents Ebola virus-like particle-based vaccine protects nonhuman primates against lethal Ebola virus challenges Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Zaire HIV-1 virus like particles produced by stably transfected Drosophila S2 cells: a desirable vaccine component Ebola virus-like particles produced in insect cells exhibit dendritic cell stimulating activity and induce neutrializing antibodies keywords: analysis; anti; antibodies; cells; drosophila; ebola; ebov; efficient; et al; expression; fig; formation; genome; high; infection; insect; like; makona; outbreak; particles; production; promising; proteins; strain; study; sucrose; system; vaccine; viral; virus; vlps; vp40 cache: cord-267941-nrluar4e.txt plain text: cord-267941-nrluar4e.txt item: #37 of 115 id: cord-270421-ytrkob0h author: Chen, Pan title: A rapid and quantitative assay for measuring neutralizing antibodies of Coxsackievirus B3 date: 2016-03-04 words: 4728 flesch: 42 summary: CVB3 sub-genomic replicon CVB3 replicon was constructed by replacing the capsid coding region with a firefly luciferase reporter gene on CVB3-Nancy, an infectious viral cDNA clone kindly provided by Dr. Jeffrey M. Bergelson (Pan et al., 2011) . Furthermore, we compared the seroprevalence of CVB3 NtAbs in pre-school children and healthy adults, and found that only 11.94% of pre-school children were NtAbs positive which suggested that most children were naive to CVB3 infection; while there is much higher positive rate in adults (60%) indicating that most adults have experienced CVB3 infection during childhood. keywords: activity; adults; analysis; antibodies; antibody; assay; ca16; capsid; cells; children; clinical; control; coxsackievirus; cpe; cvb3; data; determined; development; diluted; disease; egfp; encapsidation; enterovirus; ev71; expresser; fig; firefly; gene; hfmd; human; inactivated; infection; luciferase; mouse; nancy; nancy)-luc; neutralization; neutralizing; old; positive; post; pre; protein; pseudovirus; quantitative; replicon; reporter; results; rna; round; samples; school; seroprevalence; serum; single; standard; strain; system; titer; trans; transfection; type; vaccine; viral; viruses; wild; work cache: cord-270421-ytrkob0h.txt plain text: cord-270421-ytrkob0h.txt item: #38 of 115 id: cord-270526-o4hsr4pm author: An, Dong-Jun title: An immunochromatography assay for rapid antemortem diagnosis of dogs suspected to have canine distemper date: 2007-10-24 words: 3326 flesch: 52 summary: Antemortem diagnosis of CDV infection by RT-PCR in distemper dogs with neurological deficits without the typical clinical presentation Virus Infections of Carnivores A sample standardised protocol for the production of monoclonal antibodies against viral and bacterial antigens Detection of canine distemper virus nucleoprotein RNA by reverse transcription-PCR using serum, whole blood, and cerebrospinal fluid from dogs with distemper Infectious diseases of the dog and cat Rinderpest and other animal morbillivirus infections: comparative aspects and recent developments A comparison of in situ hybridisation, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and in situ-RT-PCR for the detection of canine distemper virus RNA in Paget's disease Immunochromatographic test for simultaneous serodiagnosis of Babesia caballi and B. equi infections in horses Comparison of the immunofluorescence assay with RT-PCR and nested PCR in the diagnosis of canine distemper Comparison of tissue and fluid samples for the early detection of canine distemper virus in experimentally infected dogs The evaluation of diagnostic procedures for the detection of canine distemper virus infection One-step immunochromatography assay kit for detecting antibodies to canine parvovirus Histopathological features of canine distemper recently observed in Japan Morbillivirus infections of aquatic mammals: newly identified members of the genus Comparison of one-step RT-PCR and a nested PCR for the detection of canine distemper virus in clinical samples Neurological manifestation of canine distemper virus infection Detection of canine parvovirus antigens with antibodies to synthetic peptides This research was supported in part by the Joint HBI Corporation, Anyang, Kyunggi-do. The CDV detection limits of the IC and nested PCR assays were tested by using the Rockborn CDV strain and diluting it serially 10-fold. keywords: 9d3; antemortem; anti; antibodies; antigen; assay; blood; canine; cdv; conjunctival; days; detection; diagnosis; disease; distemper; dogs; early; false; fluid; gold; infected; infection; irrigation; mab; min; nasal; negative; nested; pcr; positive; results; rna; samples; sensitivity; signs; specificity; specimens; swab; table; test; time; virus cache: cord-270526-o4hsr4pm.txt plain text: cord-270526-o4hsr4pm.txt item: #39 of 115 id: cord-270788-w0pewq52 author: Chou, Chih-Fong title: A novel cell-based binding assay system reconstituting interaction between SARS-CoV S protein and its cellular receptor date: 2004-11-05 words: 4765 flesch: 55 summary: A first step in understanding SARS pathogenesis Quantitative mRNA expression profiling of ACE2, a novel homologue of angiotensin converting enzyme Amino acids 1055 to 1192 in the S2 domain of SARS coronavirus S protein induces neutralizing antibodies: implications for the development of vaccine and anti-viral agent Localization of neutralizing epitopes and the receptor-binding site within the amino-terminal 330 amino acids of the murine coronavirus spike protein Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is a functional receptor for the SARS coronavirus Comparative full-length genome sequence analysis of 14 SARS coronavirus isolates and common mutations associated with putative origins of infection Unique and conserved features of genome and proteome of SARScoronavirus, an early split-off from the coronavirus group 2 lineage Molecular modelling of S1 and S2 subunits of SARS coronavirus spike glycoprotein Localization of neutralizing epitopes and receptor-binding site in murine coronavirus spike protein Gene expression in mammalian cells Profile of antibody responses against SARS-Coronavirus recombinant proteins and their potential use as dianostic markers A novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus protein, U274, is transported to the cell surface and undergoes endocytosis A 193-amino-acid fragment of the SARS coronavirus S protein efficiently binds angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 The SARS-CoV S glycoprotein: expression and functional characterization Identification of a novel protein 3a from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus Virus-encoded proteinases and proteolytic processing in the Nidovirales We thank Dr. Eng Eong Ooi (Environmental Health Institute, National Environmental Agency, Singapore) for providing inactivated SARS RNA; Drs. CHO cells provide the advantages not only because they can be easily maintained and genetically manipulated, but also because they produce proteins with glycans similar to those native glycoproteins found in humans. keywords: ace2; amino; analysis; anti; antibodies; antibody; assay; binding; blocking; blot; cells; cho; coronavirus; cov; domain; effect; egfp; et al; expression; fig; fluorescence; fragments; fusion; gene; human; interaction; layer; nacl; non; panels; patient; pbs; protein; rabbit; receptor; recombinant; residues; respiratory; results; s protein; sars; sera; serum; sg cells; surface; tan; usa; vero; vero e6; western cache: cord-270788-w0pewq52.txt plain text: cord-270788-w0pewq52.txt item: #40 of 115 id: cord-271915-nvilxnzl author: Adachi, D. title: Comprehensive detection and identification of human coronaviruses, including the SARS-associated coronavirus, with a single RT-PCR assay date: 2004-12-01 words: 3599 flesch: 43 summary: Identification of a novel coronavirus in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Case cluster of the severe acute respiratory syndrome Koch's postulates fulfilled for SARS virus A previously undescribed coronavirus associated with respiratory disease in humans Molecular epidemiology of the novel coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronaviruses Comprehensive PCR-based assay for detection and species identification of human herpesviruses A novel coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in a liver transplant recipient and guidelines for donor SARS screening A major outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong Mounting lab accidents raise SARS fears Coronavirus as a possible cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome Clinical progression and viral load in a community outbreak of coronavirus associated SARS pneumonia: a prospective study National Microbiology Laboratory, Canada, Canadian Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Study Team Comparative full-length genome sequence analysis of 14 SARS coronavirus isolates and common mutations associated with putative origins of infections Comparison of immunofluorescence with monoclonal antibodies and RT-PCR for the detection of human coronaviruses 229E and OC43 in cell culture Unique and conserved features of genome and proteome of SARS-coronavirus, an early split-off from the coronavirus group 2 lineage Interpretation of diagnostic laboratory tests for severe acute respiratory syndrome: the Toronto experience The ClustalX Windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence alignment aided by quality analysis tools A cluster of cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong TREECON for Windows: a software package for the construction and drawing of evolutionary trees for the Microsoft Windows environment Identification of a new human coronavirus SARS in Northern Vietnam Update: severe acute respiratory syndrome-Toronto World Health Organization Multicentre Collaborative Network for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Diagnosis, 2003. key: cord-271915-nvilxnzl authors: Adachi, D.; Johnson, G.; Draker, R.; Ayers, M.; Mazzulli, T.; Talbot, P.J.; Tellier, R. title: Comprehensive detection and identification of human coronaviruses, including the SARS-associated coronavirus, with a single RT-PCR assay date: 2004-12-01 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2004.07.008 sha: doc_id: 271915 cord_uid: nvilxnzl The SARS-associated human coronavirus (SARS-HCoV) is a newly described, emerging virus conclusively established as the etiologic agent of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). keywords: acute; alignment; alui; amplicon; analysis; assay; conserved; coronavirus; detection; et al; expected; fig; genome; hcov; hcov-229e; high; hpa; human; ibv; identification; laboratory; new; oc43; outbreak; patients; pcr; positive; primers; reaction; realart; respiratory; rna; samples; sars; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; severe; species; strain; study; syndrome; test; toronto; version; windows cache: cord-271915-nvilxnzl.txt plain text: cord-271915-nvilxnzl.txt item: #41 of 115 id: cord-273074-k8m917i4 author: Fu, Chao-Yang title: Preparation and evaluation of anti-SARS coronavirus IgY from yolks of immunized SPF chickens date: 2005-12-01 words: 1666 flesch: 44 summary: After immunization of SPF chickens with SARS coronavirus antigen, there were no detectable antibodies against SARS coronavirus in the yolks of eggs laid in the first 3 weeks after the first immunization. As high-titer human antiserum against SARS coronavirus has been found to be capable of * Corresponding author. keywords: activity; acute; antibodies; antibody; biological; chickens; coronavirus; dilution; effective; eggs; good; high; igy; immunization; immunized; lyophilization; neutralization; new; passive; production; purification; purified; respiratory; sars; sds; spf; study; table; titer; yolk cache: cord-273074-k8m917i4.txt plain text: cord-273074-k8m917i4.txt item: #42 of 115 id: cord-273846-l0elcfe8 author: Ganapathy, Kannan title: Effects of cold storage on detection of avian infectious bronchitis virus in chicken carcasses and local antibodies in tracheal washes date: 2005-02-24 words: 2442 flesch: 51 summary: key: cord-273846-l0elcfe8 authors: Ganapathy, Kannan; Cargill, Peter Walker; Jones, Richard Charles title: Effects of cold storage on detection of avian infectious bronchitis virus in chicken carcasses and local antibodies in tracheal washes date: 2005-02-24 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2005.01.024 sha: doc_id: 273846 cord_uid: l0elcfe8 In order to test the survivability of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in dead chicken carcasses during 24 h of cold storage, 7 week-old specific-pathogen-free chickens were infected with virulent IBV Massachusetts strain M41, and were killed humanely 10 days later. Early pathogenesis in chicks of infection with an enterotropic strain of infectious bronchitis virus Co-circulation of four types of infectious bronchitis virus (793/B 624/1, B1648 and Massachusetts) Infectious bronchitis Longitudinal field studies on infectious bronchitis and avian pneumovirus in broiler using type-specific PCR Coronaviridae The use of chicken tracheal organ cultures for the isolation and assay of avian infectious bronchitis virus Comparative growth kinetic studies on avian infectious bronchitis virus in different systems Detection of infectious bronchitis Local antibody production in the oviduct and gut of hens infected with a variant strain of infectious bronchitis virus Infectious bronchitis virus: immunopathogenesis of infection in chicken Microwave or autoclave treatments destroy the infectivity of infectious bronchitis virus and avian pneumovirus but allow detection by reverse transcriptasepolymerase chain reaction Rapid diagnosis of avian infectious bronchitis virus by the polymerase chain reaction Inactivated rabies vaccine control and release: use of an ELISA method A Laboratory Manual for the Isolation and Identification of Avian Pathogens Local antibody response in avian infectious bronchitis: virus-neutralizing antibody in tracheobronchial secretions Local immunity to avian infectious bronchitis in tracheal organ culture Presence of viral antigens and antibody in the trachea of chickens infected with avian infectious bronchitis virus Further development and use of a molecular serotype identification test for infectious bronchitis virus Polymerase chain reaction a biotin-labelled DNA probe for detection of infectious bronchitis virus in chickens Tissue tropism of three cloacal isolates and Massachusetts strain of infectious bronchitis virus keywords: avian; bronchitis; carcasses; cavanagh; chicken; days; detection; dhinakar; ece; ibv; iga; infectious; isolation; jones; kidney; levels; local; naqi; pcr; post; raj; rectum; sampling; specific; storage; swabs; tissues; tracheal; virus; washes cache: cord-273846-l0elcfe8.txt plain text: cord-273846-l0elcfe8.txt item: #43 of 115 id: cord-274289-8g9tuyrc author: Liang, Xiao title: Evaluation of Fast Technology Analysis (FTA) Cards as an improved method for specimen collection and shipment targeting viruses associated with Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex date: 2014-06-15 words: 3438 flesch: 31 summary: The lower detection sensitivity for FTA card samples generated from archived case material is presumed to be due to the dilution of the original swab material in viral transport media prior to archiving, as opposed to collecting directly onto FTA Cards at the time of sampling. In a recent field study (Foster et al., unpublished) 100% agreement was shown for FTA Card samples collected from nasal cavities of known BVDV PI and direct contact animals (n = 69) when compared to EDTA blood from the same animals. keywords: acids; agreement; animals; bcov; bovine; bvdv; cards; collection; conditions; detection; diagnostic; difference; disease; dna; field; fta; fta cards; handling; laboratory; liquid; media; method; nucleic; paper; pcr; positive; quality; range; realtime; recovery; respiratory; sample; sampling; shipping; specimens; storage; study; syncytial; technology; temperature; testing; transport; transport media; values; veterinary; viral; viral transport; virus; viruses cache: cord-274289-8g9tuyrc.txt plain text: cord-274289-8g9tuyrc.txt item: #44 of 115 id: cord-274954-06c3ymc3 author: Huang, Yu-Liang title: Development of a reverse transcription multiplex real-time PCR for the detection and genotyping of classical swine fever virus date: 2009-05-04 words: 5738 flesch: 53 summary: 2. Virological studies Detection of classical swine fever vaccine virus in blood and tissue samples of pigs vaccinated either with a conventional C-strain vaccine or a modified live marker vaccine Cost-effective real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) to screen for Dengue virus followed by rapid single-tube multiplex RT-PCR for serotyping of the virus Detection and quantitative pathogenesis study of classical swine fever virus using a real time RT-PCR assay World Organisation for Animal Health. Among CSFV strains were 10-fold serially diluted and CSFV was detected from viral isolation, RT-PCR, RT-nPCR, and RT-MRT-PCR. keywords: animal; assay; classical; clinical; control; copy; csfv; detection; different; diluted; disease; dose; fever; genotype; genotyping; group; isolation; min; mrt; multiplex; npcr; pcr; pigs; plasma; plasmid; porcine; positive; rapid; reaction; real; results; reverse; rna; samples; sensitivity; sequencing; specific; standard; strain; studies; study; subunit; swine; table; threshold; time; time pcr; tissue; transcription; usa; vaccinated; vaccine; viral; viral isolation; viremia; virus; wild cache: cord-274954-06c3ymc3.txt plain text: cord-274954-06c3ymc3.txt item: #45 of 115 id: cord-275225-fvq8hezk author: Hornyák, Ákos title: Detection of subgenomic mRNA of feline coronavirus by real-time polymerase chain reaction based on primer-probe energy transfer (P-sg-QPCR) date: 2012-02-18 words: 7145 flesch: 42 summary: The prevalence of types I and II feline coronavirus infections in cats Morphologic features and development of granulomatous vasculitis in feline infectious peritonitis Correlation of genomic detection of feline coronavirus with various diagnostic assays for feline infectious peritonitis Prevalence and genetic pattern of feline coronaviruses in urban cat populations Feline coronavirus serotypes 1 and 2: seroprevalence and association with disease in Switzerland FCoV shedding pattern of privately owned cats under field conditions Experimental studies with three new strains of feline infectious peritonitis virus: FIPV-UCD2, FIPV-UCD3, and FIPV-UCD4 Virologic and immunologic aspects of feline infectious peritonitis virus infection Development of a novel quantitative real-time RT-PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of all serotypes of foot-and-mouth disease virus Quantitative multiplex assay for simultaneous detection and identification of Indiana and New Jersey serotypes of vesicular stomatitis virus A simple method of estimating fifty percent endpoints Acquisition of macrophage tropism during the pathogenesis of feline infectious peritonitis is determined by mutations in the feline coronavirus spike protein A mRNA PCR for the diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis Isolation and identification of feline peritoneal macrophages for in vitro studies of coronavirus-macrophage interactions Taxonomic proposal of the Coronavirus Study Group to the ICTV Executive Committee Natural history of a recurrent feline coronavirus infection and the role of cellular immunity in survival and disease Evaluation of real-time RT-PCR for the quantification of FCoV shedding in the faeces of domestic cats SYBR Green real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay for the generic detection of coronaviruses Patterns of feline coronavirus infection and faecal shedding from cats in multiple-cat environments Zwischenmolekulare Energiewanderung und Fluoreszenz Discovery of novel human and animal cells infected by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus by replication-specific multiplex reverse transcription-PCR Development of a real-time PCR assay based on primer-probe energy transfer for the detection of swine vesicular disease virus The molecular genetics of feline coronaviruses: comparative sequence analysis of the ORF7a/7b transcription unit of different biotypes Persistence and evolution of feline coronavirus in a closed cat-breeding colony Feline coronavirus type II strains 79-1683 and 79-1146 originate from a double recombination between feline coronavirus type I and canine coronavirus Characterization of monoclonal antibodies against feline infectious peritonitis virus type II and antigenic relationship between feline, porcine, and canine coronaviruses A study on the mechanism of antibody-dependent enhancement of feline infectious peritonitis virus infection in feline macrophages by monoclonal antibodies keywords: amplification; analysis; assay; blood; canine; cases; cats; cell; clinical; copies; copies/100; copy; coronavirus; detection; df-2; diagnosis; different; disease; efficiency; energy; et al; faecal; faecal samples; faeces; fcov; felidae; feline; feline coronavirus; feline infectious; fipv; gene; genome; green; healthy; high; infected; infectious; infectious peritonitis; leukocytes; level; liver; low; mean; melting; method; mrna; negative; new; novel; number; order; organ; organ samples; peritonitis; point; porcine; positive; primer; probe; qpcr; quantitative; range; reaction; real; replication; results; reverse; samples; sensitivity; specificity; spleen; standard; strains; subgenomic; suspension; sybr; system; table; test; time; tool; transfer; type; values; variants; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-275225-fvq8hezk.txt plain text: cord-275225-fvq8hezk.txt item: #46 of 115 id: cord-275787-5s442sy2 author: Banerjee, Arinjay title: Generation and Characterization of Eptesicus fuscus (Big brown bat) kidney cell lines immortalized using the Myotis polyomavirus large T-antigen date: 2016-09-14 words: 5831 flesch: 50 summary: Establishing bat cell lines enable researchers to study relevant virus-host interactions in a system that more closely resembles the reservoir host. Interferon response in terms of interferon beta transcript upregulation by bat cell lines, mostly cell lines from fruit bats, has been demonstrated before (Hagmaier et al., 2007; Crameri et al., 2009; Biesold et al., 2011; Virtue et al., 2011) . keywords: ability; american; antigen; assay; available; bat; bats; bbb; beta; cells; characterized; clones; content; coronavirus; cov; cultured; cytokeratin; dmem; dna; efk3; epithelial; eptesicus; et al; expression; families; family; fbs; fig; fuscus; gapdh; gene; genus; gibco; host; hsv; human; ifn; immortalized; immune; infection; initial; innate; interferon; kidney; large; line; lineage; mers; method; min; molecular; mouse; myotis; mypvtag; number; parental; pcdna3; pcr; ped; plates; poly(i; polyomavirus; primary; primers; replication; reservoir; response; samples; species; specific; sv40tag; syndrome; transcripts; usa; vero; vimentin; viral; viruses; vsv cache: cord-275787-5s442sy2.txt plain text: cord-275787-5s442sy2.txt item: #47 of 115 id: cord-275793-k0uvqcmp author: Xia, Hongyan title: A microsphere-based immunoassay for rapid and sensitive detection of bovine viral diarrhoea virus antibodies date: 2010-04-18 words: 2656 flesch: 44 summary: A simple, rapid and reliable enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) specific antibodies in cattle serum, plasma and bulk milk Multiplexed microbead immunoassays by flow cytometry for molecular profiling: basic concepts and proteomics applications The control of bovine viral diarrhoea virus in Europe: today and in the future Principles for eradication of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infections in cattle populations Virus recovery and full-length sequence analysis of the atypical bovine pestivirus Th/04 KhonKaen Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of a combined nucleotide sequence dataset for genetic characterization of a novel pestivirus SVA/cont-08 Phylogeny, classification and evolutionary insights into pestiviruses An ELISA detecting antibody to conserved pestivirus epitopes Bovine virus diarrheaclinical syndromes in dairy herds Severe disease in a dairy herd associated with acute infection with bovine virus diarrhoea virus, Leptospira harjo and Coxiella burnetii Does control of bovine viral diarrhoea infection make economic sense? key: cord-275793-k0uvqcmp authors: Xia, Hongyan; Liu, Lihong; Nordengrahn, Ann; Kiss, István; Merza, Malik; Eriksson, Ronnie; Blomberg, Jonas; Belák, Sándor title: A microsphere-based immunoassay for rapid and sensitive detection of bovine viral diarrhoea virus antibodies date: 2010-04-18 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2010.04.009 sha: doc_id: 275793 cord_uid: k0uvqcmp keywords: antibodies; antibody; assay; bmia; bovine; bvdv; control; coupling; detection; diagnostic; diarrhoea; elisa; et al; igg; immunoassay; incubation; infection; inter; luminex; mabs; mfi; microspheres; multiplex; negative; percentage; positive; reaction; respiratory; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; sera; serum; specificity; study; sweden; value; variation; viral; virus; wb103; wb112 cache: cord-275793-k0uvqcmp.txt plain text: cord-275793-k0uvqcmp.txt item: #48 of 115 id: cord-276368-c9e93h0u author: Hosmillo, Myra D.T. title: Development of universal SYBR Green real-time RT-PCR for the rapid detection and quantitation of bovine and porcine toroviruses date: 2010-06-15 words: 4791 flesch: 52 summary: Comparison of the detection rates of BToV by real-time RT-PCR, conventional RT-PCR, and nested PCR assay. Comparison of the detection rates of PToV by real -time RT-PCR, conventional RT-PCR, and nested PCR assay. keywords: amplicons; analysis; assay; bovine; btov; calves; conventional; copies; crna; curve; detection; diarrhea; dilutions; et al; fecal; gene; green; green real; korea; melting; negative; nested; park; pcr; pcr assay; piglets; porcine; positive; primer; ptov; quantitation; rapid; reaction; real; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; specimens; standard; study; sybr; sybr green; time; time pcr; time rt; toroviruses; tovs; transcripts; values; viral; virus cache: cord-276368-c9e93h0u.txt plain text: cord-276368-c9e93h0u.txt item: #49 of 115 id: cord-276503-bh7uugwy author: She, Rosemary C. title: Flow cytometric detection and serotyping of enterovirus for the clinical laboratory date: 2009-09-04 words: 2965 flesch: 36 summary: Similar results were obtained with echovirus 30, in that PMK cells with detectable antibody staining for pan-enterovirus or echovirus blend were found by flow cytometry 2 days after cells were inoculated, whereas IFA detected positive-staining cells by the same antibodies 3 days after inoculation. Kinetic studies of coxsackievirus B1 and echovirus 30 infection of PMK cells were performed on days 1–4 after inoculation. keywords: analysis; antibodies; antibody; blend; cells; centrifuged; clinical; control; coxsackievirus; cpe; culture; cytometry; detection; echovirus; enterovirus; flow; human; ifa; infected; infection; isotype; laboratory; method; min; negative; pan; pbs; pmk; poliovirus; positive; primary; results; serotypes; serotyping; shell; similar; specific; staining; studies; study; use; viral cache: cord-276503-bh7uugwy.txt plain text: cord-276503-bh7uugwy.txt item: #50 of 115 id: cord-276541-u9ebql5a author: Lan, Yungang title: Inhibition of porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus replication by short hairpin RNAs targeting of the nucleocapsid gene in a porcine kidney cell line date: 2011-11-25 words: 3084 flesch: 45 summary: The results (Fig. 3) showed that in control cells transfected with shNC, the PHEV TCID 50 reached 10 4.30 at 48 h postinfection, which was similar to that observed in non-transfected cells. Our results revealed that both shRNAs were highly capable of inhibiting viral RNA genome replication, especially shN2. keywords: accession; cells; control; coronavirus; cpe; effects; encephalomyelitis; et al; expression; fig; genbank; gene; genome; infected; infection; inhibition; interference; non; number; pcr; phev; pigs; pk-15; plasmid; porcine; post; protein; real; replication; rna; rnai; sequences; shn1; shn2; shnc-1; shrna; standard; study; targeting; tcid; time; transfected; transfection; viral; virus cache: cord-276541-u9ebql5a.txt plain text: cord-276541-u9ebql5a.txt item: #51 of 115 id: cord-276718-3lujp0oy author: Neeraja, M. title: Rapid detection and differentiation of dengue virus serotypes by NS1 specific reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) assay in patients presenting to a tertiary care hospital in Hyderabad, India date: 2014-10-24 words: 6153 flesch: 45 summary: b RT-LAMP and CDC real time RT-PCR assay detected 8 samples which were negative for NS1 Ag by ELISA and NS1 RT PCR assay. All the primers were assessed for specificity before use in LAMP assays with a BLAST search with sequences in the Gen Bank (Table 1) . keywords: acute; amplification; antibodies; antigen; assay; cdc; clinical; copies; copy; den-3; dengue; denv; detection; diagnosis; differentiation; dna; elisa; enzyme; et al; fever; fig; fluorescence; gene; genotype; igg; igm; india; infection; isothermal; lamp; lamp assay; loop; methods; min; mix; ns1; optigene; parida; patients; pcr; pcr assay; phase; positive; primers; products; rapid; reaction; real; real time; regions; reverse; rna; samples; sensitivity; sequences; serotype; serotyping; specific; specific rt; specificity; step; study; table; test; time; transcription; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-276718-3lujp0oy.txt plain text: cord-276718-3lujp0oy.txt item: #52 of 115 id: cord-276739-84vf5bts author: Sakurai, Akira title: Rapid typing of influenza viruses using super high-speed quantitative real-time PCR date: 2011-08-22 words: 3315 flesch: 44 summary: Clinical diagnostic tests for influenza viruses in outpatient departments or clinics are typically based on immunochromatographic detection of influenza virus antigens (Chan et al., 2007) . The analysis targeted the nucleotide sequences of the matrix protein segment of influenza virus A (A-MP), influenza virus B (B-MP), and hemagglutinin (HA) of the 2009 pandemic S-OIV and H5N1 avian influenza viruses. keywords: clinical; detection; direct; disease; fig; gene; green; h1n1; h5n1; health; high; immunochromatography; influenza; institute; japan; master; method; metropolitan; min; mixture; oiv; pandemic; pcr; pfu; primers; public; qrt; quantitative; rapid; reaction; real; results; rna; sample; shrt; speed; standard; strains; swine; sybr; system; table; time; tokyo; typing; viral; viruses cache: cord-276739-84vf5bts.txt plain text: cord-276739-84vf5bts.txt item: #53 of 115 id: cord-276989-441aclcc author: Liu, Jianbo title: Development of a rapid immunochromatographic strip test for the detection of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus specific SIgA in colostrum date: 2020-03-12 words: 4026 flesch: 46 summary: Validation of specificity and sensitivity of the immunochromatographic strip test PEDV SIgA positive colostrum, TGEV SIgA positive colostrum, PoRV SIgA positive colostrum, and PEDV SIgA negative colostrum were used to test the specificity of the strip. When compared with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, kappa value suggesting that the strip could be used to detect PEDV specific SIgA in colostrum samples. keywords: anti; antibodies; antibody; colloidal; colostrum; cong; conjugate; coronavirus; detection; diarrhea; elisa; epidemic; et al; fig; gold; gut; igg; immune; immunity; immunochromatographic; kit; line; mab; membrane; mucosal; pad; particles; pathogens; pedv; pedv specific; porcine; positive; positive colostrum; protein; purified; rapid; results; samples; sensitivity; siga; siga positive; solution; specific; specific siga; specificity; strip; study; swine; test; tgev; usa; value; virus cache: cord-276989-441aclcc.txt plain text: cord-276989-441aclcc.txt item: #54 of 115 id: cord-277057-ww41t4k2 author: Sakthivel, Senthilkumar K. title: Comparison of fast-track diagnostics respiratory pathogens multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay with in-house singleplex assays for comprehensive detection of human respiratory viruses() date: 2012-07-11 words: 4955 flesch: 36 summary: In contrast, FTDRP RV assay failed to detect 5 RV positive samples with low Ct values by the corresponding in-house assay. Of 9 samples positive by the in-house EV assay and negative by the FTDRP EV/PeV assay, all were strongly positive for RV (Ct < 30) by both in-house and FTDRP RV assays and were confirmed positive for RV species A or C by VP1 and/or VP4/2 sequences. keywords: adv; amplification; archived; assays; available; cdc; children; clinical; comparison; control; corresponding; cov; cycles; detection; diagnostics; et al; fast; ftdrp; ftdrp assay; hbov; high; house; house assays; human; individual; inf; kit; laboratory; low; lower; min; mix; molecular; multiplex; negative; nl63; pathogens; pcr; performance; pev; positive; primer; probe; reaction; real; respiratory; results; rsv; samples; sensitive; sequence; singleplex; specific; specimens; strains; study; table; testing; time; tna; values; virus; viruses cache: cord-277057-ww41t4k2.txt plain text: cord-277057-ww41t4k2.txt item: #55 of 115 id: cord-277186-sj8ngpk8 author: He, Qigai title: Characterization of monoclonal antibody against SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid antigen and development of an antigen capture ELISA date: 2005-04-19 words: 4206 flesch: 48 summary: Therefore, more effort should be directed towards developing a simple and inexpensive assay for the detection of SARS CoV proteins. The specificity of the blocking was confirmed if the percentage of inhibition was greater than 50. Detection of SARS CoV protein from human infected cells was mimicked using Sf-9 cells expressing recombinant nucleocapsid, protein according to our previous report (He et al., 2005) . keywords: a5d5; acute; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assay; blot; capture; cells; coronavirus; cov; detection; determined; dilution; elisa; fig; guinea; human; hybridoma; ifa; igg; inactivated; infected; infection; mab; monoclonal; n195; nucleocapsid; patients; pbs; pig; plates; positive; protein; purified; reactivity; recombinant; respiratory; samples; sars; sars cov; sera; serum; severe; sf-9; specific; specificity; spike; syndrome; vero; western cache: cord-277186-sj8ngpk8.txt plain text: cord-277186-sj8ngpk8.txt item: #56 of 115 id: cord-277804-ujabzic4 author: Yuk, Seong-su title: Comparison between dot-immunoblotting assay and clinical sign determination method for quantifying avian infectious bronchitis virus vaccine by titration in embryonated eggs date: 2016-01-21 words: 4161 flesch: 46 summary: United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Protection induced by infectious laryngotracheitis virus vaccines alone and combined with Newcastle disease virus and/or infectious bronchitis virus vaccines Understanding interobserver agreement: the kappa statistic Respiratory signs, immunity response, and interference from vaccination with monovalent and multivalent infectious bronchitis vaccines This work was supported by a grant from the Agricultural Biotechnology Development Program, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Republic of Korea (no. 314017-03). key: cord-277804-ujabzic4 authors: Yuk, Seong-su; Kwon, Jung-Hoon; Noh, Jin-Yong; Hong, Woo-tack; Gwon, Gyeong-Bin; Jeong, Jei-Hyun; Jeong, Sol; Youn, Ha-Na; Heo, Yong-Hwan; Lee, Joong-Bok; Park, Seung-Yong; Choi, In-Soo; Song, Chang-Seon title: Comparison between dot-immunoblotting assay and clinical sign determination method for quantifying avian infectious bronchitis virus vaccine by titration in embryonated eggs date: 2016-01-21 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2016.01.008 sha: doc_id: 277804 cord_uid: ujabzic4 A sensitive and specific method for measuring the vaccine titer of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is important to commercial manufacturers for improving vaccine quality. keywords: /ml; assay; attenuated; bronchitis; chicken; clinical; days; detection; determined; dia; diluted; dilution; disease; ece; ee index; eggs; eid; embryos; higher; ibv; index; infectious; inoculated; inoculation; k40/09; k40/09hp40; km91; live; method; mock; negative; pcr; positive; propagated; ratio; real; results; samples; signs; strains; time; time rt; titer; titration; vaccine; value; virus cache: cord-277804-ujabzic4.txt plain text: cord-277804-ujabzic4.txt item: #57 of 115 id: cord-278176-o9glkhyv author: Houng, Huo-Shu H title: Development and evaluation of an efficient 3′-noncoding region based SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) RT-PCR assay for detection of SARS-CoV infections date: 2004-09-01 words: 4788 flesch: 45 summary: Detection of yellow fever virus: a comparison of quantitative real-time PCR and plaque assay Clinical features and short-term outcomes of 144 patients with SARS in the greater Toronto area CDC update: outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome-worldwide Severe acute respiratory syndrome-Singapore A simple micro-culture method for the study of group B arboviruses Identification of a novel coronavirus in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Quantitative RT-PCR: pitfalls and potential Detection of specific polymerase chain reaction product by utilizing the 5 -3 exonuclease activity of Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase Quantitative detection of dengue 2 virus using fluorogenic RT-PCR based on 3 -noncoding sequence Development of a fluorogenic RT-PCR system for quantitative identification of dengue virus serotypes 1-4 using conserved and serotype-specific 3 -noncoding sequences The SARS working group Coronavirus confirmed as cause of SARS A major outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong Dengue virus structural differences that correlate with pathogenesis Transmission dynamics and control of severe acute respiratory syndrome Real-time PCR in virology Molecular and in vitro analysis of eight dengue type 2 viruses isolated from patients exhibiting different disease severities The Genome Sequence of the SARS-associated Coronavirus Epidemic spread of adenovirus type 4-associated acute respiratory disease between US Army installations Theoretical uncertainty of measurements using quantitative polymerase chain reaction Coronavirus as a possible cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome Clinical progression and viral load in a community outbreak of coronavirus-associated SARS pneumonia: a prospective study Detection of SARS coronavirus in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome by conventional and real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR assays Early diagnosis of SARS coronavirus infection by real-time RT-PCR A plaque technique for the titration of yellow fever virus and antisera Transmission dynamics of the etiological agent of SARS in Hong Kong: impact of public health interventions Comparative full-length genome sequence analysis of 14 SARS coronavirus isolates and common mutations associated with putative origins of infection A single nucleotide change in the E protein gene of dengue virus 2 Mexican strain affects neurovirulence in mice Effectiveness of precautions against droplets and contact in prevention of nosocomial transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) SARS-CoV could be isolated and cultivated from sputum specimens and respiratory secretions of SARS patients using Vero cell cultures before the appearance of SARS-specific antibodies in serum, average 21 days following exposure (Peiris et al., 2003b; Booth et al., 2003) . keywords: -ncr; -noncoding; acute; amplification; assay; cdc; cdna; clinical; cloned; conditions; control; copy; coronavirus; cov; curves; cycles; data; dengue; detection; diagnostic; different; disease; early; et al; fig; fluorescence; fluorogenic; genomic; high; infected; infectious; low; mixture; negative; number; outbreak; patients; pcr; pfu; phcv1; plasmid; positive; preparations; primer; quantitative; ratio; reaction; real; recombinant; respiratory; rna; samples; sars; sequence; severe; specific; standard; stock; study; syndrome; taiwan; template; time; value; viral; viruses cache: cord-278176-o9glkhyv.txt plain text: cord-278176-o9glkhyv.txt item: #58 of 115 id: cord-278377-jgq3dz3u author: Busson, L. title: Prospective evaluation of diagnostic tools for respiratory viruses in children and adults date: 2019-01-15 words: 4160 flesch: 42 summary: The necessity of molecular tests must be seriously considered before prescription. The possibilities to implement molecular tests can vary between facilities and countries depending on local policies. keywords: adenoviruses; adults; age; antigen; case; cell; cell cultures; children; clart; cough; cultures; detection; diagnostic; duration; enteroviruses; evaluation; false; filmarray; hospital; human; infections; influenza; laboratory; load; metapneumovirus; methods; molecular; molecular techniques; negative; non; panel; pathogens; patients; pneumovir; positive; rate; respiratory; results; rhino; rsv; samples; sensitivity; shedding; specificity; standard; study; techniques; tests; time; viral; viruses; week; years cache: cord-278377-jgq3dz3u.txt plain text: cord-278377-jgq3dz3u.txt item: #59 of 115 id: cord-279541-rjp2d1u9 author: Chutinimitkul, Salin title: H5N1 Oseltamivir-resistance detection by real-time PCR using two high sensitivity labeled TaqMan probes date: 2006-10-19 words: 4118 flesch: 38 summary: Avian influenza A (H5N1) infection in humans H5N1 influenza A virus and infected human plasma Oseltamivir resistance during treatment of influenza A (H5N1) infection Characterization of a novel influenza A virus hemagglutinin subtype (H16) obtained from black-headed gulls Molecular mechanisms of influenza virus resistance to neuraminidase inhibitors Influenza virus neuraminidase inhibitors Selection of influenza virus mutants in experimentally infected volunteers treated with oseltamivir Detection of influenza virus resistance to neuraminidase inhibitors by an enzyme inhibition assay. Annually, influenza viruses may develop symptomatic influenza in 20% of children and 5% of adults worldwide (Turner et al., 2003) . keywords: acid; active; amino; amplification; assay; avian; change; clones; detection; eppendorf; et al; final; fluorescent; h274y; h5n1; high; human; infected; influenza; inhibitors; kit; method; mutagenesis; mutant; mutation; neuraminidase; nucleotide; oseltamivir; patients; pcr; plasmids; position; primer; probes; reaction; real; resistance; rna; sensitivity; signal; species; specimens; strain; subtype; taqman; thailand; tiger; time; treatment; type; vietnamese; virus; viruses; wild cache: cord-279541-rjp2d1u9.txt plain text: cord-279541-rjp2d1u9.txt item: #60 of 115 id: cord-279903-z0wf1wli author: Wang, Leyi title: Development and evaluation of a duplex real-time RT-PCR for detection and differentiation of virulent and variant strains of porcine epidemic diarrhea viruses from the United States date: 2014-07-12 words: 2382 flesch: 52 summary: Intra-specificity of the duplex RT-PCR assay was determined using single probe of either virulent PEDV probe for variant PEDV strain or variant PEDV probe for virulent PEDV strain and two probes for both types of PEDVs for positive control. In contract, the duplex RT-PCR did not cross-react with any other pig viruses used in the study, the Cy5 probe did not cross-react with variant PEDV strain, and the FAM probe did not cross-react with virulent PEDV strain (Table 2) . keywords: assay; clinical; detection; diarrhea; disease; duplex; duplex real; epidemic; fig; gene; pcr; pedv; porcine; positive; primers; probe; real; samples; states; strain; study; time; time rt; usa; variant; variant pedv; virulent; virulent pedv; virus cache: cord-279903-z0wf1wli.txt plain text: cord-279903-z0wf1wli.txt item: #61 of 115 id: cord-281162-2pu7x5rj author: Etemadi, Mohammad Reza title: Diversity of respiratory viruses detected among hospitalized children with acute lower respiratory tract infections at Hospital Serdang, Malaysia date: 2019-03-22 words: 4908 flesch: 40 summary: The burden of respiratory syncytial virus infection in young children Currently used nucleic acid amplification tests for the detection of viruses and atypicals in acute respiratory infections Use of monoclonal antibodies for rapid diagnosis of respiratory viruses in a community hospital Respiratory picornaviruses and respiratory syncytial virus as causative agents of acute expiratory wheezing in children Viral etiology of acute respiratory tract infections in children presenting to hospital: role of polymerase chain reaction and demonstration of multiple infections Etiology of acute respiratory infections in children in tropical southern India Respiratory virus infections Serious respiratory illness associated with rhinovirus infection in a pediatric population Methodological and quality issues in epidemiological studies of acute lower respiratory infections in children in developing countries Prospective comparison of R-mix (TM) shell vial system with direct antigen tests and conventional cell culture for respiratory virus detection Clinical and molecular epidemiology of human rhinovirus C in children and adults in Hong Kong reveals a possible distinct human rhinovirus C subgroup A diverse group of previously unrecognized human rhinoviruses are common causes of respiratory illnesses in infants Clinical severity of respiratory adenoviral infection by serotypes in Korean children over 17 consecutive years (1991-2007) Effect of rapid viral diagnosis on the management of children hospitalized with lower respiratory tract infection Cloning of a human parvovirus by molecular screening of respiratory tract samples Cloning of a human parvovirus by molecular screening of respiratory tract samples Identification of a third human polyomavirus Frequent detection of human rhinoviruses, paramyxoviruses, coronaviruses, and bocavirus during acute respiratory tract infections Human bocavirus infection Development of three multiplex RT-PCR assays for the detection of 12 respiratory RNA viruses Detection of new respiratory viruses in hospitalized infants with bronchiolitis: a three-year prospective study Molecular identification of adenoviruses in clinical samples by analyzing a partial hexon genomic region Viral aetiology of lower respiratory tract infection in young Malaysian children Respiratory adenoviral infections in children: a study of hospitalized cases in Southern Taiwan in 2001-2002 Detection of viruses identified recently in children with acute wheezing Simultaneous detection of influenza A, B, and C viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, and adenoviruses in clinical samples by multiplex reverse transcription nested-PCR assay Simultaneous detection of fourteen respiratory viruses in clinical specimens by two multiplex reverse transcription nested PCR assays First detected human bocavirus in a malaysian child with pneumonia and pre-existing asthma: a case report Human metapneumovirus infection in young children hospitalized with respiratory tract disease Human bocavirus in children Correlation of viral load of respiratory pathogens and co-infections with disease severity in children hospitalized for lower respiratory tract infection Comparison of multiplex PCR assays and conventional techniques for the diagnostic of respiratory virus infections in children admitted to hospital with an acute respiratory illness Risk Factors for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Bronchiolitis Hospital Admission in New Zealand 136 Practical implementation of a multiplex PCR for acute respiratory tract infections in children keywords: acute; age; alrtis; cases; cause; cell; children; clinical; conventional; culture; detection; dfa; diagnosis; epidemiology; et al; hadv; hbov; hcov; hev; high; hmpv; hospital; hrv; human; ifv; infections; influenza; lower; malaysia; metapneumovirus; methods; molecular; multiplex; negative; nested; oc43; patients; pcr; piv; positive; prevalence; rate; reaction; respiratory; respiratory viruses; results; rhinovirus; rsv; samples; serdang; single; specimens; study; syncytial; tract; usa; viral; viruses; years cache: cord-281162-2pu7x5rj.txt plain text: cord-281162-2pu7x5rj.txt item: #62 of 115 id: cord-281174-3c1vue0y author: Greene, Shermalyn R title: Evaluation of the NucliSens® Basic Kit assay for detection of Norwalk virus RNA in stool specimens date: 2003-01-16 words: 5258 flesch: 39 summary: key: cord-281174-3c1vue0y authors: Greene, Shermalyn R; Moe, Christine L; Jaykus, Lee-Ann; Cronin, Mike; Grosso, Lynell; Aarle, Pierre van title: Evaluation of the NucliSens® Basic Kit assay for detection of Norwalk virus RNA in stool specimens date: 2003-01-16 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/s0166-0934(02)00286-0 sha: doc_id: 281174 cord_uid: 3c1vue0y Norwalk-like viruses (NLVs) are a genetically diverse group of human caliciviruses that are the most common cause of epidemic gastroenteritis and are detected typically in stool by reverse transcription (RT)-PCR or electron microscopy (EM). Primers and probes for the NLV Basic Kit assay were based on the RNA polymerase region of the prototype NLV, Norwalk virus (NV) genome and could consistently detect 10(4) RT-PCR detectable units of NV RNA in a stool filtrate. keywords: acid; acute; amplicons; amplification; application; assay; basic; basic kit; buffer; challenge; detection; dilution; ecl; et al; extraction; fecal; gastroenteritis; human; hybridization; infected; infection; kit; kit assay; levels; like; method; min; moe; nasba; negative; nlv; nlvs; norwalk; nucleic; nuclisens; nv3; nv51; oligonucleotide; outbreaks; pcr; pdu; plasma; polymerase; positive; preparation; primers; probe; rapid; results; reverse; rna; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; specificity; specimens; standard; stock; stool; strain; study; table; viral; virus; viruses; volunteers cache: cord-281174-3c1vue0y.txt plain text: cord-281174-3c1vue0y.txt item: #63 of 115 id: cord-281999-jc4ckqy7 author: Chen, Yu T. title: Proteasome inhibition reduces avian reovirus replication and apoptosis induction in cultured cells date: 2008-05-02 words: 3340 flesch: 41 summary: The expression of ARV proteins σC, σA, and σNS was also reduced markedly, suggesting that suppression of virus replication is due to down-regulation of these ARV proteins by ubiquitin-proteasome system. A recent report demonstrated that p53 regulates bax expression and translocation into the mitochondria leading to cytochrome c release into the cytoplasm, activating the caspase pathway that finally leads to cell apoptosis (Chulu et al., 2007) . keywords: antibodies; apoptosis; arv; assay; avian; caspase; cells; cycle; different; dna; effect; entry; expression; fig; gfp; h.p.i; induction; infected; infection; inhibition; life; mg132; min; monoclonal; p53; pathway; presence; proteasome; protein; reduction; regulation; reovirus; replication; rna; s1133; study; system; titer; transcription; translation; treatment; ubiquitin; viral; virus cache: cord-281999-jc4ckqy7.txt plain text: cord-281999-jc4ckqy7.txt item: #64 of 115 id: cord-284644-9k2oox64 author: Sharma, Vikrant title: Evaluation of clinical applicability of reverse transcription-loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for detection and subtyping of Influenza A viruses date: 2017-12-15 words: 4491 flesch: 38 summary: Virus isolation using egg embryo culture or cell culture is considered as 'gold standard' for influenza virus detection but the whole process is labour intensive and lengthy taking 3-7 days for obtaining results (Ellis and Zambon, 2002) . Influenza viruses belong to the family Orthomyxoviridae, characterized by segmented, negative-sense, single stranded RNA genome (Shaw and Palese, 2013) . keywords: amplification; assay; clinical; conventional; detection; diagnosis; electrophoresis; et al; gel; gene; h1n1; h3n2; iavs; influenza; isothermal; lamp; loop; matrix; method; molecular; pcr; pdm09; positive; primers; rapid; reaction; real; respiratory; results; reverse; rna; rrt; samples; seasonal; sensitive; sensitivity; specific; step; study; subtypes; subtyping; surveillance; time; transcription; virus; viruses cache: cord-284644-9k2oox64.txt plain text: cord-284644-9k2oox64.txt item: #65 of 115 id: cord-286117-m1rlmlun author: Pearson, Morgan title: High-throughput viral microneutralization method for feline coronavirus using image cytometry date: 2020-09-23 words: 4514 flesch: 40 summary: Host cells are capable of carrying heavy viral burden in the absence of visible cytolytic effects, thereby reducing the sensitivity of the assay. The preset ANALYZE parameters were optimized to automatically calculated the area of host cells covering the well surface to determine the confluence percentages. keywords: analysis; antibodies; antibody; antiviral; assay; bright; cats; celigo; cells; concentrations; confluence; coronavirus; counting; crfk; cytometer; cytometry; dapi; density; development; dilution; dpbs; et al; fcov; fecv; feline; field; figure; fluorescence; high; host; image; incubation; infected; infectious; method; microneutralization; neutralization; peritonitis; plasma; plate; primary; r n; samples; secondary; seeding; surface; throughput; time; type; vaccine; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-286117-m1rlmlun.txt plain text: cord-286117-m1rlmlun.txt item: #66 of 115 id: cord-286360-wrrqb387 author: Pratelli, A title: Development of a nested PCR assay for the detection of canine coronavirus date: 1999-06-02 words: 1682 flesch: 52 summary: Our principal interest was to develop both PCR and n-PCR as methods to rapidly differentiate CCV infections from other canine enteric pathogens which cause similar clinical illness. key: cord-286360-wrrqb387 authors: Pratelli, A; Tempesta, M; Greco, G; Martella, V; Buonavoglia, C title: Development of a nested PCR assay for the detection of canine coronavirus date: 1999-06-02 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/s0166-0934(99)00017-8 sha: doc_id: 286360 cord_uid: wrrqb387 A diagnostic test for canine coronavirus (CCV) infection based on a nested polymerase chain reaction (n-PCR) assay was developed and tested using the following coronavirus strains: CCV (USDA strain), CCV (45/93, field strain), feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV, field strain), trasmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV, Purdue strain), bovine coronavirus (BCV, 9WBL-77 strain), infectious bronchitis virus (IBV, M-41 strain) and fecal samples of dogs with CCV enteritis. keywords: assay; canine; ccv; ccv1; ccv2; coronavirus; detection; dilution; dogs; fecal; fipv; gene; infection; min; pcr; positive; primers; results; samples; sequence; strain; tgev cache: cord-286360-wrrqb387.txt plain text: cord-286360-wrrqb387.txt item: #67 of 115 id: cord-286451-ujo72w06 author: Bennett, Susan title: The development of a multiplex real-time PCR for the detection of herpes simplex virus 1 and 2, varizella zoster virus, adenovirus and Chlamydia trachomatis from eye swabs date: 2012-09-18 words: 2039 flesch: 45 summary: Primers and probes were then compared to all sequences available in BLAST ( and shown to only detect all serovars of C. trachomatis including the Swedish variant (sw C. trachomatis) discovered in 2006. A multiplex real-time PCR assay for rapid and simultaneous detection of HSV 1 and 2, VZV, adenovirus and Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) from eye swabs was developed and evaluated. keywords: abbott; adenovirus; assay; clinical; conjunctivitis; detection; dilution; endpoint; hsv; multiplex; pathogens; pcr; positive; probes; rapid; real; results; sample; single; system; table; testing; time; trachomatis; variability; vzv cache: cord-286451-ujo72w06.txt plain text: cord-286451-ujo72w06.txt item: #68 of 115 id: cord-288701-nx9fg4yn author: Mari, Viviana title: Multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay for bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1, type 2 and HoBi-like pestivirus date: 2015-12-17 words: 4836 flesch: 33 summary: The prototype strain (HoBi D32/00) of this emerging group of pestiviruses, also known as BVDV-3 or atypical pestiviruses (Larska et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2009) , was detected as contaminant of a batch of fetal bovine serum (FBS) imported from Brazil (Schirrmeier et al., 2004) . A recently developed real-time RT-PCR assay is able to detect HoBi-like pestiviruses without providing any simultaneous detection of BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 (Liu et al., 2008) . keywords: able; analysis; assay; atypical; bauermann; bdv; blood; bovine; bovine viral; bvdv-2; calves; cattle; characterisation; clinical; copies; copies rna; cross; cvs; decaro; decaro et; detection; developed; diarrhea; different; dilutions; disease; et al; high; hobi; infection; italia; italy; like; like pestivirus; liu; methods; milan; multiplex; negative; novel; npcr; pcr; pcr assay; pestivirus; polymerase; positive; probes; rapid; reaction; real; respiratory; reverse; rna; samples; sensitive; single; species; specific; srl; standard; step; strains; study; taqman; tested; time; time rt; transcription; type; viral; viruses cache: cord-288701-nx9fg4yn.txt plain text: cord-288701-nx9fg4yn.txt item: #69 of 115 id: cord-289676-tjy7f9rk author: Park, Sang-Ik title: Development of SYBR Green real-time RT-PCR for rapid detection, quantitation and diagnosis of unclassified bovine enteric calicivirus date: 2009-03-14 words: 4148 flesch: 51 summary: In addition, the sensitivity and specificity of the developed SYBR Green real-time RT-PCR was evaluated and compared to conventional RT-PCR and nested PCR assays reported previously (Park et al., 2008) . Diarrheic specimens (n = 118) collected from 2004 to 2005 were subjected to RT-PCR, nested PCR and SYBR Green real-time RT-PCR. keywords: assay; becv; bovine; caliciviruses; calves; characterization; conventional; copies; data; detection; diarrhea; enteric; et al; fecal; gene; green; green real; human; korea; like; negative; nested; nested pcr; norovirus; park; pcr; pcr assay; positive; primer; quantitation; real; reverse; rna; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; specific; standard; step; stool; study; sybr; sybr green; time; time rt; transcription; transcripts; unclassified; viral cache: cord-289676-tjy7f9rk.txt plain text: cord-289676-tjy7f9rk.txt item: #70 of 115 id: cord-290831-45cu8alm author: Zheng, Yuan Zhi title: Quantification of recombinant core-like particles of bluetongue virus using immunosorbent electron microscopy date: 1999-06-02 words: 2864 flesch: 49 summary: In this paper, we report the development of an immunosorbent EM procedure for quantifying CLP particles present in crude samples and which precludes a requirement to purify CLP particles prior to quantification. Several factors can affect the quantification of virus particles by ISEM. keywords: acnpv; antibody; baculovirus; bluetongue; btv; capture; carbon; cells; clp; concentration; core; crude; density; determined; dilution; efficiency; electron; fig; grids; immunosorbent; infected; isem; like; lysates; mab; microscopy; min; number; particles; proteins; purified; quantification; recombinant; results; roy; technique; virus; vp3; vp7 cache: cord-290831-45cu8alm.txt plain text: cord-290831-45cu8alm.txt item: #71 of 115 id: cord-292643-n6xp5mlz author: Hall, Richard J. title: Evaluation of rapid and simple techniques for the enrichment of viruses prior to metagenomic virus discovery date: 2013-09-13 words: 4829 flesch: 35 summary: The application of virus discovery methods using metagenomics has been considered for routine use in diagnostic and reference laboratories to aid in the diagnosis of human (Svraka et al., 2010) and animal disease (Belak et al., 2013) . This finding supports the use of the 3-step procedure for virus enrichment, and similar 3-step procedures have previously been employed in published virus metagenomic studies (Table 1) . keywords: abundance; acid; adenovirus; amplification; animal; artificial; assays; bacteria; carlsbad; cells; centrifugation; coli; copy; data; denaturation; detection; discovery; dna; effect; enrichment; enterovirus; filtration; fold; genome; high; human; illumina; influenza; life; low; metagenomic; methods; min; new; nuclease; nucleic; number; organisms; pcr; present; proportion; reaction; reads; real; relative; rna; sample; sequence; sequencing; step; studies; study; table; target; techniques; technologies; throughput; time; treatment; usa; viral; viruses cache: cord-292643-n6xp5mlz.txt plain text: cord-292643-n6xp5mlz.txt item: #72 of 115 id: cord-292831-oihcay6w author: Choudhary, Manohar L. title: Development of a multiplex one step RT-PCR that detects eighteen respiratory viruses in clinical specimens and comparison with real time RT-PCR date: 2013-01-08 words: 3726 flesch: 44 summary: CDC protocol of real-time RTPCR for influenza A (H1N1) Comparative analysis of the multiple test methods for the detection of pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009 virus Dual priming oligonucleotide system for the multiplex detection of respiratory viruses and SNP genotyping of CYP2C19 gene Simultaneous detection of fourteen respiratory viruses in clinical specimens by two multiplex reverse transcription nested-PCR assays Nucleic acid amplification tests for detection of respiratory viruses Comparison of multiplex PCR assays and conventional techniques for the diagnostic of respiratory virus infections in children admitted to hospital with an acute respiratory illness Real time RT PCR detection of 12 respiratory viral infections in four triplex reactions Development and evaluation of a four-tube real time multiplex PCR assay covering fourteen respiratory viruses, and comparison to its corresponding single target counterparts Rapid detection and identification of 12 respiratory viruses using a dual priming oligonucleotide system-based multiplex PCR assay High-throughput, sensitive, and accurate multiplex PCR-microsphere flow cytometry system for large-scale comprehensive detection of respiratory viruses Comparison of a multiplex reverse transcription-PCR-enzyme hybridization assay with conventional viral culture and immunofluorescence techniques for the detection of seven viral respiratory pathogens Real-time reverse transcriptase PCR assay for detection of human metapneumoviruses from all known genetic lineages Development of a respiratory virus panel test for detection of twenty human respiratory viruses by use of multiplex PCR and a fluid microbead-based assay Rapid detection of respiratory viruses by centrifugation enhanced cultures from children with acute lower respiratory tract infections Comparison of the Luminex xTAG Detection of nine respiratory RNA viruses using three multiplex RT PCR assays incorporating a novel RNA internal control transcript Development of three multiplex RT PCR assays for the detection of 12 respiratory RNA viruses Respiratory viral infections detected by multiplex PCR among pediatric patients with lower respiratory tract infections seen at an urban hospital in Delhi from Detection of influenza virus types A and B and type A subtypes (H1, H3, and H5) by multiplex polymerase chain reaction Prospective evaluation of a novel multiplex real-time PCR assay for detection of fifteen respiratory pathogens-duration of symptoms significantly affects detection rate A prospective three-year cohort study of the epidemiology and virology of acute respiratory infections of children in rural India. keywords: 229e; acute; assay; clinical; conventional; copies; corona; detection; enterovirus; et al; gel; h1n1pdm09; h3n2; hmpv; infections; influenza; methods; mrt; multiplex; oc43; pcr; positive; primers; reaction; real; respiratory; reverse; rhinovirus; rna; rrt; rsv; samples; seasonal; sensitivity; sequencing; set; specificity; step; study; target; time; viral; viruses cache: cord-292831-oihcay6w.txt plain text: cord-292831-oihcay6w.txt item: #73 of 115 id: cord-293651-96cmduez author: Callison, Scott A. title: Development and evaluation of a real-time Taqman RT-PCR assay for the detection of infectious bronchitis virus from infected chickens date: 2006-08-28 words: 4749 flesch: 48 summary: In this study, we developed a TaqMan ®based real-time RT-PCR assay for rapid detection of IBV viral RNA directly from clinical samples. In this report we present the development and evaluation of a real-time Taqman ® -based RT-PCR assay for the detection and quantification of IBV genomic RNA directly from tracheal swabs. keywords: age; antibodies; assay; avian; birds; bronchitis; calculated; chickens; clinical; commercial; control; copies; curve; d.p.i; days; detection; diagnostic; different; disease; dose; fig; flock; genome; group; ibv; important; infectious; isolation; jackwood; limit; load; negative; number; pcr; pcr assay; positive; post; probe; quantification; reaction; real; rna; samples; specific; standard; strains; swabs; template; test; time; time rt; total; tracheal; vaccination; viral; virus cache: cord-293651-96cmduez.txt plain text: cord-293651-96cmduez.txt item: #74 of 115 id: cord-294454-uzfsv2df author: Bellau-Pujol, S. title: Development of three multiplex RT-PCR assays for the detection of 12 respiratory RNA viruses date: 2005-02-24 words: 6070 flesch: 40 summary: Retrospective study Evaluation of the Prodesse Hexaplex multiplex PCR assay for direct detection of seven respiratory viruses in clinical specimens Persistence of rhinovirus and enterovirus RNA after acute respiratory illness in children Rapid detection of parainfluenza virus type 3 RNA in respiratory specimens: use of reverse transcription-PCR-enzyme immunoassay Evaluation of the Hexaplex assay for detection of respiratory viruses in children Parainfluenza virus type 4 infections in pediatric patients Comparison of a multiplex reverse transcription-PCR-enzyme hybridization assay with conventional viral culture and immunofluorescence techniques for the detection of seven viral respiratory pathogens Epidemiology of viral and mycoplasmal agents associated with childhood lower respiratory illness in a civilian population Influenza C virus infection in France A simultaneous outbreak of respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza virus type 3 in a newborn nursery Studies on dental selfcuring resins. Detection and identification of human parainfluenza viruses 1, 2, 3, and 4 in clinical samples of pediatric patients by multiplex reverse transcription-PCR Human metapneumovirus infections in hospitalized children Viral co-infections in immunocompetent infants with bronchiolitis: prospective epidemiologic study Respiratory syncytial virus heterogeneity during an epidemic: analysis by limited nucleotide sequencing (SH gene) and restriction mapping (N gene) Lack of sensitivity of rapid antigen tests for the diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus infection in adults Simultaneous detection of influenza A, B, and C viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, and adenoviruses in clinical samples by multiplex reverse transcription nested-PCR assay Simultaneous detection of fourteen respiratory viruses in clinical specimens by two multiplex reverse transcription nested-PCR assays Stable and noncompetitive RNA internal control for routine clinical diagnostic reverse transcription-PCR Detection of influenza A and B in respiratory secretions with the polymerase chain reaction Simultaneous detection and identification of human parainfluenza viruses 1, 2, and 3 from clinical samples by multiplex PCR Multiplex PCR: optimization and application in diagnostic virology Detection of respiratory syncytial virus A and B and parainfluenza virus 3 sequences in respiratory tracts of infants by a single PCR with primers targeted to the L-polymerase gene and differential hybridization Rapid simultaneous diagnosis of infections with respiratory syncytial viruses A and B, influenza viruses A and B, and human parainfluenza virus types 1, 2, and 3 by multiplex quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction-enzyme hybridization assay (Hexaplex) Viruses responsible for respiratory infections in pediatrics. keywords: 229e; amplification; aspirates; assay; cell; children; clinical; coiras; control; conventional; culture; detection; diagnosis; et al; gene; group; hcov; hemi; hmpv; hrsv; hrv; human; immunofluorescence; infections; influenza; internal; methods; multiplex; multiplex pcr; multiplex rt; nasal; negative; nested; oc43; parainfluenza; pcr; positive; primers; reaction; respiratory; reverse; rna; samples; sensitivity; specific; step; study; syncytial; table; transcription; viral; viruses cache: cord-294454-uzfsv2df.txt plain text: cord-294454-uzfsv2df.txt item: #75 of 115 id: cord-295316-ccdj7137 author: Vabret, Astrid title: Direct diagnosis of human respiratory coronaviruses 229E and OC43 by the polymerase chain reaction date: 2001-07-30 words: 3595 flesch: 45 summary: For the control of specificity, strains of human respiratory syncytial virus, sub-group A and B, human adenovirus type 2, influenza virus A (H3N2) and B, herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus strain Ad169, rhinovirus type 31, parainfluenza virus type 2 and 3 were isolated in cell culture. M -0.05 TCID 50 /ml N OC43 Myint et al., 1994 500 TCID 50 /ml keywords: aspirates; cell; children; coronavirus; culture; detection; diagnostic; different; dna; et al; gel; gene; hcov; hcov-229e; human; hybridization; infectious; method; molecular; myint; nasal; oc43; original; pcr; polymerase; positive; primers; probes; protein; prototype; respiratory; results; rna; samples; sensitivity; specimens; stewart; strains; suspension; system; tcid; test; viral; viruses cache: cord-295316-ccdj7137.txt plain text: cord-295316-ccdj7137.txt item: #76 of 115 id: cord-295401-3p6q92x4 author: Gueudin, M title: Quantitation of respiratory syncytial virus RNA in nasal aspirates of children by real-time RT-PCR assay date: 2003-02-18 words: 3980 flesch: 54 summary: The mean number of RSV RNA copies was higher in the severe disease group than in the non-severe group 4.05×10(7) vs 9.1×10(6) (P=0.055). However, the mean ratio of RSV RNA copies to GAPDH mRNA copies was 42.8 in the severe group, and 22.2 in non-severe group (P=NS). keywords: aspirates; assay; cell; children; copies; culture; detection; disease; france; gapdh; gene; ifa; infants; log; mean; method; mrna; nasal; non; number; pcr; pcr assay; positive; quantitative; real; respiratory; rna; rsv; samples; sensitivity; severe; severity; standard; strains; syncytial; table; time; time rt; tract; viral; virus cache: cord-295401-3p6q92x4.txt plain text: cord-295401-3p6q92x4.txt item: #77 of 115 id: cord-295491-zlah6u5s author: Günther, Sonja title: Detection of feline Coronavirus in effusions of cats with and without feline infectious peritonitis using loop-mediated isothermal amplification date: 2018-03-11 words: 3796 flesch: 45 summary: RNA was extracted from body cavity effusion samples of 71 cats, including 34 samples from cats with a definitive diagnosis of FIP, and 37 samples of control cats with similar clinical signs but other confirmed diseases. Body cavity effusion samples of all cats were obtained ante mortem with ultrasound guidance for diagnostic purposes. keywords: amplification; assays; biogal; body; cats; cavity; clinical; control; coronavirus; detection; diagnosis; diseases; effusions; false; fcov; feline; fip; group; infectious; isothermal; lamp; loop; mastermix; methods; min; mix; mixtures; molecular; negative; pcr; pcrun; peritonitis; pmol; positive; primers; protein; reaction; results; reverse; rna; samples; sensitivity; sequence; signs; specificity; study; time; viral cache: cord-295491-zlah6u5s.txt plain text: cord-295491-zlah6u5s.txt item: #78 of 115 id: cord-297160-tqw9vx2b author: Geerligs, H.J. title: The use of RT-PCR for determination of separate end-points for the strains IB H120 and IB D274 in titration of the combination vaccine Poulvac IB(®) primer date: 2013-07-01 words: 2863 flesch: 51 summary: The vials were lyophilized according to routine procedures and subsequently stored in the dark at 5 ± 3 • C. Titrations of IB virus were performed according to standard procedures as described by Doherty (1967) . Allantoic fluids from the eggs were investigated for the presence of IB virus by reverse transcriptase PCR with strains specific reverse transcriptase PCR primers for IB H120 and IB D274. keywords: allantoic; bronchitis; d274; detection; determined; dilution; eggs; eid; embryos; end; fluids; h120; ib d274; ib h120; incubation; infectious; live; pcr; period; positive; poulvac; presence; primer; product; reverse; samples; series; specific; strains; titration; titre; vaccine; vial; virus; viruses cache: cord-297160-tqw9vx2b.txt plain text: cord-297160-tqw9vx2b.txt item: #79 of 115 id: cord-298922-k568hlf4 author: Sun, Dongbo title: Analysis of protein expression changes of the Vero E6 cells infected with classic PEDV strain CV777 by using quantitative proteomic technique date: 2015-06-15 words: 5207 flesch: 37 summary: In our study, the integrin recognized sequences of PEDV S protein was analyzed based on Ruoslahti's (1996) report. The CV777 strain of PEDV, kindly provided by Maurice Pensaert at Ghent University (Merelbeke, Belgium), was used in all of our experiments after being adapted to Vero E6 cells, as previously described (Hofmann and Wyler, 1988) . keywords: acid; analysis; annotations; antibody; autophagy; binding; biological; buffer; categories; cells; cellular; china; component; coronavirus; cystatin; data; database; deps; diarrhea; dilution; disease; e6 cells; entry; environmental; epidemic; et al; expression; fig; function; gene; groups; host; human; infected; infection; information; integrin; itraq; jak; like; mass; membrane; min; mock; molecular; organismal; pathway; pbs; pedv; pedv infection; peptide; porcine; processes; processing; proteins; proteome; proteomics; quantitative; ratio; receptor; regulated; replication; results; role; samples; signaling; study; sun; swine; systems; usa; value; vero; vero e6; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-298922-k568hlf4.txt plain text: cord-298922-k568hlf4.txt item: #80 of 115 id: cord-299585-fkg8d6ym author: Wang, Leyi title: Development of a triplex real-time RT-PCR assay for detection and differentiation of three US genotypes of porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus date: 2019-04-05 words: 2740 flesch: 47 summary: In contrast to conventional singleplex real time RT-PCR, the triplex real time RT-PCR that we have developed in this present study can be used to monitor PHEV genotypes and potentially to identify new variants if test results cannot be explained as expected. The sensitivity of the triplex rRT-PCR was determined through 10fold serial dilutions of RNAs of known PHEV genotypes (15SW1362 for G123 and G13, and 15SW25049 for G3) and plasmids pCR 2.1-15SW1582-N for G123, pCR 2.1-15SW1362-NS2 for G13, and pCR 2.1-15SW25049-NS2 for G3 in duplicate. keywords: assay; deletion; detection; developed; different; dna; encephalomyelitis; fam; genome; genotype; lorbach; ns2; pcr; phev; pigs; porcine; positive; primers; probes; real; respiratory; rna; rrt; samples; set; strains; study; swine; time; triplex; virus cache: cord-299585-fkg8d6ym.txt plain text: cord-299585-fkg8d6ym.txt item: #81 of 115 id: cord-301355-9lswjro2 author: Fan, Jing-Hui title: Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the monitoring and surveillance of antibodies to porcine epidemic diarrhea virus based on a recombinant membrane protein date: 2015-12-01 words: 3975 flesch: 45 summary: The M protein of PEDV protrudes from the viral envelope, and is considered a superior diagnostic antigen compared with other PEDV proteins (Shenyang et al., 2007) . The nucleotide sequence of the PEDV M gene exhibits low homology (around 50%) with the M gene of other coronaviruses; however, its sequence is highly conserved among different PEDV strains Arndt et al., 2010) . keywords: antibodies; antibody; antigen; assay; cell; china; coli; control; detection; developed; diagnosis; diarrhea; diluted; disease; elisa; enzyme; epidemic; epidemic diarrhea; et al; gene; indirect; infection; m protein; membrane; methods; negative; pedv; pig; pigs; plates; porcine; porcine epidemic; positive; presence; protein; prv; purified; recombinant; results; samples; sequence; sera; serological; serum; serum samples; specific; swine; tgev; value; vector; viral; virus cache: cord-301355-9lswjro2.txt plain text: cord-301355-9lswjro2.txt item: #82 of 115 id: cord-301430-gzou8b9k author: Beier, D. title: Establishment of a new bovine leukosis virus producing cell line date: 2004-08-17 words: 4098 flesch: 52 summary: Furthermore, it is possible to use a wide range of passages of cell line PO714 for BLV antigen production: there were no Table 2 Analysis of BLV antigen prepared from cell line PO714 after the 23rd and 69th subculture by means of AGID using gp51-and p24-specific reference sera Antigens presented in the table were prepared after the second (23rd subculture) and fourth (69th subculture) harvest of cell culture supernatant, respectively. Although many attempts have been made either to improve the antigen-producing properties of existing permanent bovine leukosis virus (BLV) expressing cell lines or to generate corresponding new lines (Graves and Ferrer, 1976; Mamoun et al., 1981; Altaner et al., 1985; Altanerova et al., 1989; Wagner et al., 1995) , the cell line FLK/BLV still is the one that is used mainly for BLV antigen production for commercial diagnostic test kits. keywords: addition; agid; analysis; antigen; belgian; blv; bovine; buffer; bvdv; capture; cattle; cell; cell line; cow; culture; der; detection; different; dna; elisa; env; established; et al; fechner; flk; free; gel; germany; gp51; infected; investigations; kit; leukemia; leukosis; line; medium; negative; new; p24; pcr; platzer; po714; polymerase; positive; preparation; primers; production; provirus; reaction; reference; results; sequence; sera; serological; standard; subculture; supernatant; table; test; virus; viruses cache: cord-301430-gzou8b9k.txt plain text: cord-301430-gzou8b9k.txt item: #83 of 115 id: cord-301974-4wn40ivq author: Berry, Jody D title: Development and characterisation of neutralising monoclonal antibody to the SARS-coronavirus date: 2004-09-01 words: 5883 flesch: 46 summary: Assays that detect the presence of virally encoded proteins or nucleic acids may be preferable for diagnosis of SARS infections as the development of serum antibodies in infected individuals is quite protracted (Li et al., 2003a) . This is important as early detection of SARS infections is key to risk management of this disease. keywords: agent; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assays; beta; binding; blots; bsa; cell; conditions; conformational; coronavirus; cov; data; days; development; diluted; dotblot; elisa; epitopes; et al; f26g15; fig; fusion; heat; human; hybridoma; immunoblot; infected; infection; lysates; mabs; medium; mice; min; monoclonal; mouse; murine; native; negative; neutralisation; neutralise; neutralising; non; nucleoprotein; oakville; patient; pbs; plates; positive; preparation; presence; properties; protective; protein; purified; quality; reactivity; sars; screening; sds; sera; serum; specific; spike; spike protein; supernatants; table; target; tbs; tests; vero; viral; virus; vitro; western cache: cord-301974-4wn40ivq.txt plain text: cord-301974-4wn40ivq.txt item: #84 of 115 id: cord-302024-zz7mt6be author: Hakhverdyan, Mikhayil title: Evaluation of a single-tube fluorogenic RT-PCR assay for detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in clinical samples date: 2004-11-17 words: 3713 flesch: 47 summary: Vaccine Bovine respiratory syncytial virus Local and systemic antibody response to bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection and reinfection in calves with and without maternal antibodies Diagnosis of enzootic pneumonia in Danish cattle: reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay for detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in naturally and experimentally infected cattle Identifying bovine respiratory syncytial virus by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and oligonucleotide hybridizations Detection of all seven serotypes of foot-andmouth disease virus by real-time, fluorogenic reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay A survey of virus infections of the respiratory tract of cattle and their association with disease An experimental infection model for reproduction of calf pneumonia with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) based on one combined exposure of calves Viral aetiology of enzootic pneumonia in Danish dairy herds: diagnostic tools and epidemiology Evaluation of a nested reverse transcription-PCR assay based on the nucleoprotein gene for diagnosis of spontaneous and experimental bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections Evolution of bovine respiratory syncytial virus Development of nested PCR assays for detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in clinical samples Sites of replication of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in naturally infected calves as determined by in situ hybridization Cytokine responses of bovine dendritic cells and T cells following exposure to live or inactivated bovine respiratory syncytial virus A comparison of diagnostic methods for the detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in experimental clinical specimens BRSV nested PCR results from analyses on the same RNA templates as described in Fig. keywords: amplification; animals; antibodies; assay; bovine; brsv; calves; cattle; clinical; controls; conventional; data; detection; diagnosis; dilution; disease; elisa; et al; fig; frt; herd; infections; isolation; limit; lung; methods; nasal; negative; nested; pcr; positive; primer; probe; reaction; respiratory; results; reverse; rna; samples; single; specific; specificity; specimens; swabs; syncytial; transcription; tube; virus cache: cord-302024-zz7mt6be.txt plain text: cord-302024-zz7mt6be.txt item: #85 of 115 id: cord-302663-gb2vgs97 author: Mekata, Tohru title: Detection of yellow head virus in shrimp by loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) date: 2006-04-04 words: 2545 flesch: 55 summary: This suggests RT-LAMP is a more rapid method for the detection of shrimp virus, compared to the RT-PCR method which takes 30-60 min for RT reaction and at least 2-3 h for conventional PCR method. In this paper, the RT-LAMP assay for detection of YHV RNA in shrimp is described. keywords: agarose; amplification; assay; detection; dna; extraction; fig; gel; gene; head; high; infected; isothermal; kit; lamp; method; min; nested; pcr; primers; products; reaction; rna; sensitivity; sequence; shrimp; specificity; template; time; virus; yellow; yhv cache: cord-302663-gb2vgs97.txt plain text: cord-302663-gb2vgs97.txt item: #86 of 115 id: cord-302829-1o1jo8uk author: Chen, Hao-tai title: Rapid detection of porcine circovirus type 2 by loop-mediated isothermal amplification date: 2008-03-19 words: 2822 flesch: 38 summary: The detection rate of PCV2 LAMP for 86 clinical samples was 96.5% and appeared greater than that of the PCR method. Overall, the detection rate of PCV2 LAMP for 86 clinical tissue samples was 96.5% and appeared better than that for the PCR method. keywords: amplification; assay; blood; circovirus; clinical; copies; detection; dna; et al; gene; infected; isothermal; kidney; lamp; liver; loop; lung; lymph; method; min; multisystemic; nodes; pcr; pcv1; pcv2; pigs; pmws; porcine; ppv; protein; prrsv; prv; rapid; reaction; samples; sensitivity; spleen; syndrome; tissues; type cache: cord-302829-1o1jo8uk.txt plain text: cord-302829-1o1jo8uk.txt item: #87 of 115 id: cord-305399-98sqovwb author: Li, Hao title: Development of a reverse transcription-loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) assay for the detection of porcine pegivirus date: 2019-04-22 words: 2859 flesch: 47 summary: In the past decade, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) has become an effective technique, which exhibits high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing important pathogens in medicine and veterinary medicine (Notomi et al., 2015) . LAMP is a nucleic acid amplification-based method that generally requires a group of four specific external and internal primers (Notomi et al., 2000) . keywords: amplification; assay; china; clinical; control; conventional; copies; detection; dna; genbank; isothermal; lamp; lamp assay; lei; loop; min; nested; nested rt; ns5a; pair; pcr; pegivirus; pigs; plasmid; pmd; porcine; positive; ppgv; primers; qrt; rapid; reaction; results; rna; samples; specific; study; template cache: cord-305399-98sqovwb.txt plain text: cord-305399-98sqovwb.txt item: #88 of 115 id: cord-305640-tgowzrqo author: Li, Yong-Hua title: Detection of the nucleocapsid protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in serum: Comparison with results of other viral markers date: 2005-07-15 words: 3692 flesch: 48 summary: Second lab accident fuels fears about SARS Coronavirus as a possible cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome Early diagnosis of SARS coronavirus infection by real time RT-PCR Ontario Laboratory Working Group for the Rapid Diagnosis of Emerging Infections Case Definitions for Surveillance of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) (revised 1 Summary of probable SARS cases with onset of illness from 1 Serologic and molecular biologic methods for SARS-associated coronavirus infection Detection of infectious bronchitis virus antigen from experimentally infected chickens by indirect immunofluorescent assay with monoclonal antibody Clinical evaluation of real-time PCR assays for rapid diagnosis of SARS coronavirus during outbreak and post-epidemic periods Evaluation of reverse transcription-PCR assays for rapid diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome associated with a novel coronavirus pH-dependent entry of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus is mediated by the spike glycoprotein and enhanced by dendritic cell transfer through DC-SIGN This study was supported by the grants from National Major Projects of National Committee of Science and Technology of China (2502AA2Z3342). key: cord-305640-tgowzrqo authors: Li, Yong-Hua; Li, Jie; Liu, Xue-En; Wang, Ling; Li, Tong; Zhou, Yi-Hua; Zhuang, Hui title: Detection of the nucleocapsid protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in serum: Comparison with results of other viral markers date: 2005-07-15 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2005.06.001 sha: doc_id: 305640 cord_uid: tgowzrqo A capture enzyme-enhanced chemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) based on three specific monoclonal antibodies to detect the nucleocapsid (N) protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in the serial serum samples from SARS patients was developed. keywords: acute; anti; antibodies; cases; clinical; coronavirus; cov; days; detection; diagnosis; disease; early; eclia; et al; igg; monoclonal; n protein; nucleocapsid; onset; patients; pcr; positive; probable; protein; rapid; rate; respiratory; rna; samples; sars; sera; serum; severe; specific; study; syndrome; viral cache: cord-305640-tgowzrqo.txt plain text: cord-305640-tgowzrqo.txt item: #89 of 115 id: cord-307304-irji8owi author: Britton, Paul title: Generation of a recombinant avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus using transient dominant selection date: 2004-11-05 words: 4883 flesch: 37 summary: Molecular analysis of the structure and the role of individual genes in pathogenesis of RNA viruses has been advanced by the availability of full-length cDNAs, for the generation of infectious RNA transcripts that can replicate and result in infectious viruses from permissive cell lines (Boyer and Haenni, 1994) . Transfection of the BAC DNA into susceptible cells resulted in synthesis of infectious RNA and the recovery of infectious virus (Almazán et al., 2000) . keywords: analysis; assembly; avian; bamhi; beau; beaudette; bronchitis; casais; casais et; cavanagh; cdna; cells; chimaeric; ck cells; ck s; coronavirus; ecogpt; ectodomain; et al; fig; gene; gene sequence; genome; growth; homologous; ibv; ibv cdna; infected; infectious; length; length ibv; m41s; medium; method; mpa; pcr; pgpt; plasmid; polymerase; protein; recombinant; recombination; ribv; rna; s gene; selection; sequence; spike; system; tds; tdsr; vaccinia; vaccinia virus; vero; virus; viruses; vnoti cache: cord-307304-irji8owi.txt plain text: cord-307304-irji8owi.txt item: #90 of 115 id: cord-308338-lhe51ws7 author: Wong, Sallene title: Development of a real-time RT-PCR assay for detection of resistance to oseltamivir in influenza A pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus using single nucleotide polymorphism probes date: 2011-02-22 words: 4612 flesch: 40 summary: A reverse-transcriptase PCR coupled with a restriction fragment length polymorphism assay (RTPCR-RFLP) has been described for seasonal H1N1 viruses but it is a lengthy process and not practical for high volume testing (Guo et al., 2009 determination of oseltamivir resistance for seasonal and pandemic H1N1 influenza A viruses has been reported recently using liquid microarrays on the Luminex platform (Mahony et al., 2010) . Realtime reverse-transcriptase (RT)-PCR assays using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) probes for allelic discrimination have been described for the detection of H275Y mutation in seasonal H1N1 viruses (Bolotin et al., 2009; Carr et al., 2008; Operario et al., 2010) and pandemic (H1N1) 2009 viruses (van der Vries et al., 2010) . keywords: alleles; amplification; assay; c823; canada; concentrations; copies; detection; dynamic; et al; gene; gold; h1n1; h275y; human; influenza; low; method; mutations; negative; neuraminidase; nucleotide; oseltamivir; pandemic; patients; pcr; polymorphism; positive; presence; probe; range; reaction; real; region; resistance; respiratory; rna; samples; sanger; seasonal; sen; sensitive; sensitivity; sequencing; snp; soiv; specimens; standard; template; testing; time; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-308338-lhe51ws7.txt plain text: cord-308338-lhe51ws7.txt item: #91 of 115 id: cord-310771-tnwfp1je author: Revilla-Fernández, Sandra title: The use of endogenous and exogenous reference RNAs for qualitative and quantitative detection of PRRSV in porcine semen date: 2005-02-23 words: 5961 flesch: 40 summary: A method was developed for qualitative and quantitative detection of the seminal cell-associated PRRSV RNA in relation to endogenous and exogenous reference RNAs. Particularly for the analysis of persistent infections associated with low copy numbers of PRRSV RNA, UBE2D2 mRNA is an ideal control due to its low expression in seminal cells and its detection in all samples analysed (n = 36). keywords: amplification; analysis; assays; biosystems; boars; cell; christopher; control; copy; data; detection; different; dna; efficiency; elisa; endogenous; et al; exon; expression; fig; fold; fraction; free; genbank; genes; germany; hennings; hmbs; housekeeping; hprt; human; infected; isolation; large; low; mgb; mouse; mrna; negative; non; numbers; optimal; orf6; pcr; porcine; positive; ppia; primer; probe; prrsv; prrsv-1; qualitative; quantitation; rbcl; reaction; real; reference; reproductive; respiratory; reverse; rna; rnas; samples; semen; seminal; sequences; serostatus; set; sites; standard; status; step; study; syndrome; table; tamra; taqman; target; testing; time; time rt; total; transcription; ube2d2; vaccine; values; viral; virus cache: cord-310771-tnwfp1je.txt plain text: cord-310771-tnwfp1je.txt item: #92 of 115 id: cord-311410-lgqup9ug author: Ayers, M. title: A single tube RT-PCR assay for the detection of mosquito-borne flaviviruses date: 2006-05-02 words: 3108 flesch: 43 summary: The assay was validated using RNA from the yellow fever virus vaccine strain and from representative strains of dengue viruses 1, 2, 3 and 4, West Nile virus, Kunjin virus (a clade of West Nile virus), and St. Louis encephalitis virus. Measures to prevent West Nile virus transmission through cells, tissues and organs for transplantation and assisted reproduction First Isolation of West Nile virus from a patient with encephalitis in the United States Comprehensive PCRbased assay for detection and species identification of human herpesviruses Japanese encephalitis in India: an overview Laboratory diagnosis of dengue virus infection: current and future perspectives in clinical diagnosis and public health Update: West Nile virus screening of blood donations and transfusion-associated transmission Universal diagnostic RT-PCR protocol for arboviruses Phylogeny of the genus Flavivirus Rapid detection of west nile virus from human clinical specimens, field-collected mosquitoes, and avian samples by a TaqMan reverse transcriptase-PCR assay Flaviviridae: the viruses and their replication Emerging flaviviruses: the spread and resurgence of Japanese encephalitis, West Nile and dengue viruses Flavivirus infection, fatal, Argentina (Cordoba) (03): St Louis encephalitis Japanese encephalitis, India (Uttar Pradesh) (06) Comparison of flavivirus universal primer pairs and development of a rapid, highly sensitive heminested reverse transcription-PCR assay for detection of flaviviruses targeted to a conserved region of the NS5 gene sequences The CLUSTAL X windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence alignment aided by quality analysis tools Yellow fever: the recurring plague TREECON for Windows: a software package for the construction and drawing of evolutionary trees for the Microsoft Windows environment High levels of plasma dengue viral load during defervescence in patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever: implications for pathogenesis Comparison of assays for the detection of West Nile virus antibodies in chicken serum Emergence of Usutu virus, an African mosquitoborne flavivirus of the Japanese encephalitis virus group Transcripts from a single full-length cDNA clone of hepatitis C virus are infectious when directly transfected into the liver of a chimpanzee This work was supported by the Department of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, Hospital for Sick Children. keywords: amplicons; assay; cases; children; clinical; consensus; dengue; detection; diagnosis; encephalitis; et al; fever; flaviviruses; human; infection; japanese; jev; kunjin; kuno; laboratory; louis; mackenzie; molecular; mosquito; nile; pcr; primers; rna; samples; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; sick; single; species; strain; tube; viral; virus; viruses; west; windows; wnv; yellow; yfv cache: cord-311410-lgqup9ug.txt plain text: cord-311410-lgqup9ug.txt item: #93 of 115 id: cord-311639-zij2wbzs author: Kim, Hyun Soo title: Evaluation of the SD Bioline Norovirus rapid immunochromatography test using fecal specimens from Korean gastroenteritis patients date: 2012-08-30 words: 3678 flesch: 40 summary: Very few studies have measured the detection limit of norovirus antigen test kits. In this study, the ICG test had inferior analytical sensitivity (i.e., a higher detection limit) than real time PCR tests. keywords: agreement; assay; atcc; bioline; cross; detection; different; diluted; dilution; elisa; et al; evaluation; fecal; gastroenteritis; gii; human; icg; immunochromatography; infection; interference; kit; kits; korea; limit; lot; negative; norovirus; pcr; positive; rapid; reactivity; real; reproducibility; results; rna; samples; sensitivity; specificity; specimens; stool; study; suspension; test; time; time pcr; type cache: cord-311639-zij2wbzs.txt plain text: cord-311639-zij2wbzs.txt item: #94 of 115 id: cord-311801-m2otfdjw author: Wang, Pei title: Combination of Serological Total Antibody and RT-PCR Test for Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Infections date: 2020-06-15 words: 2727 flesch: 56 summary: The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of total antibody test by using CMIA, the RT-PCR, and explore the feasibility of the combination, serological total antibody tests and RT-PCR, as a possible diagnostic tool for detection of SARS-CoV-2. The results indicated that diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were 95.7% and 98.7%, 92.2% and 100% by total antibody tests and RT-PCR, respectively. keywords: antibodies; antibody; assay; china; combination; commission; cov-2; covid-19; days; detection; diagnosis; health; hospital; infection; method; national; negative; patients; pcr; positive; results; rna; samples; sars; sensitivity; serological; specificity; study; test; testing; throat; total cache: cord-311801-m2otfdjw.txt plain text: cord-311801-m2otfdjw.txt item: #95 of 115 id: cord-312456-6lxc2rj2 author: Soltan, Mohamed A. title: Comparison of electron microscopy, ELISA, real time RT-PCR and insulated isothermal RT-PCR for the detection of Rotavirus group A (RVA) in feces of different animal species date: 2016-05-11 words: 4217 flesch: 45 summary: The lyophilized Premix was rehydrated before reaction in 50 l Premix Buffer B and 5 l of sample RNA were added to the mixture. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate a commercially available RT-iiPCR assay for RVA detection in feces from different animal species. keywords: acid; agreement; animals; assay; associated; available; bovine; clinical; commercial; comparison; detection; diagnostic; diarrhea; different; dilutions; disease; elisa; equine; et al; fecal; high; house; human; iipcr; izzo; kit; machine; manufacturer; methods; molecular; nucleic; pcr; pcr assay; positive; probe; rapid; reaction; reagent; real; results; rna; rotavirus; rtrt; rva; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; set; species; specific; specificity; study; testing; time; usa; values; viral; vp6 cache: cord-312456-6lxc2rj2.txt plain text: cord-312456-6lxc2rj2.txt item: #96 of 115 id: cord-313271-2e8vjtop author: Schildgen, Oliver title: Identification of cell lines permissive for human coronavirus NL63 date: 2006-09-07 words: 1533 flesch: 46 summary: key: cord-313271-2e8vjtop authors: Schildgen, Oliver; Jebbink, Maarten F.; de Vries, Michel; Pyrc, Krzysztov; Dijkman, Ronald; Simon, Arne; Müller, Andreas; Kupfer, Bernd; van der Hoek, Lia title: Identification of cell lines permissive for human coronavirus NL63 date: 2006-09-07 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2006.07.023 sha: doc_id: 313271 cord_uid: 2e8vjtop Six cell lines routinely used in laboratories were tested for permissiveness to the infection with the newly identified human coronavirus NL63. In summary, in order to improve the laboratory diagnosis of coronavirus NL63, we would recommend first to perform the PCR analysis of the specimen and then to subsequently inoculate a broad spectrum of cell lines, followed by an additional PCR analysis of the cell culture supernatant. keywords: cell; coronavirus; cpe; culture; der; detection; genomes; hoek; human; infection; inoculation; lines; llc; mk2; nl63; number; observed; pcr; permissive; replication; rna; supernatant; time; van; vero; viral cache: cord-313271-2e8vjtop.txt plain text: cord-313271-2e8vjtop.txt item: #97 of 115 id: cord-313541-fpqwzf9k author: Ulloa, S. title: A simple method for SARS-CoV-2 detection by rRT-PCR without the use of a commercial RNA extraction kit date: 2020-08-22 words: 1780 flesch: 48 summary: SARS-CoV-2 detection by direct rRT-PCR without RNA extraction and inactivating samples at 95 °C for 5 minutes, was showed from specimens placed in UTM and molecular water, but not from samples in Hanks medium and saline buffer (Merindol et al., 2020) . Moreover, SARS-CoV-2 detection without RNA extraction was described by mixing respiratory samples in a 1:1 (v/v) ratio with Sputasol (Oxoid, Basingstoke, England) before adding it directly to the rRT-PCR reaction mix (Wee et al., 2020) . keywords: commercial; cov-2; covid-19; detection; different; easymag; extraction; gene; heat; kits; method; minutes; nacl; npss; pcr; peg; positive; precipitation; protocol; results; rna; rrt; samples; sars; simple; solution; viral cache: cord-313541-fpqwzf9k.txt plain text: cord-313541-fpqwzf9k.txt item: #98 of 115 id: cord-317307-q5mgue5z author: Terlizzi, Maria Elena title: Quantitative RT Real Time PCR and indirect immunofluorescence for the detection of human parainfluenza virus 1, 2, 3 date: 2009-05-13 words: 3272 flesch: 44 summary: The sensitivity data obtained by the RT Real Time Qt-PCRs were superior to those obtained by other investigators that employed multiplex RT-PCR or RT Real Time PCR protocols, including HPIVs (Osiowy, 1998; Aguilar et al., 2000; Templeton et al., 2004; Hamano-Hasegawa et al., 2008; Detection and identification of Human Parainfluenza viruses 1, 2, 3 and 4 in clinical samples of pediatric patients by multiplex reverse transcription-PCR Parainfluenza viruses Simultaneous detection of parainfluenza viruses 1 and 3 by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction Respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza virus Comprehensive detection of causative pathogens using real-time PCR to diagnose pediatric community-acquired pneumonia Parainfluenza viruses Comparison of real-time PCR assays with fluorescent-antibody assays for diagnosis of respiratory virus infections in children Clinical virology in real time Direct detection of respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, and adenovirus in clinical respiratory specimens by a multiplex reverse transcription-PCR assay keywords: amplification; assay; atcc; cells; clinical; concentrations; data; day; detection; different; dilution; fig; fluorescence; fold; hep-2; higher; hpiv-1; hpivs; human; ifa; infection; mab; methods; min; molecular; parainfluenza; patients; pcr; pcrs; plasmid; post; primers; range; reaction; real; respiratory; sensitivity; specimens; standard; syncytial; tcid; time; vero; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-317307-q5mgue5z.txt plain text: cord-317307-q5mgue5z.txt item: #99 of 115 id: cord-317462-nvrl0vyi author: Song, Zhenhui title: Morphogenesis and proliferative rule of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus in porcine intestinal epithelial cells date: 2016-09-28 words: 3374 flesch: 46 summary: To detect whether TGEV propagated in porcine IECs cells could infect ST cells, ST cells were infected by the supernatant of IECs infected with TGEV for 24 h. A monoclonal antibody against the TGEV nucleoprotein (NP), at a 1:200 dilution, was used to detect infected cells. In this study, TGEV particles in porcine epithelial cells were observed to have a diameter ranging from 80 to 120 nm, which was consistent with previous reports. keywords: antibody; apoptosis; cells; conditions; curve; dilution; epithelial; extracellular; fig; fluorescence; gastroenteritis; gene; growth; iecs; ifa; infected; infection; intestinal; lines; membrane; min; morphogenesis; particles; pcr; pk-15; porcine; porcine iecs; post; primer; protein; reaction; results; rna; specific; step; strain; study; supernatant; swine; target; tgev; time; transmissible; vacuoles; viral; virus cache: cord-317462-nvrl0vyi.txt plain text: cord-317462-nvrl0vyi.txt item: #100 of 115 id: cord-319392-zg7gkf0j author: Yi, Li title: Development of a combined canine distemper virus specific RT-PCR protocol for the differentiation of infected and vaccinated animals (DIVA) and genetic characterization of the hemagglutinin gene of seven Chinese strains demonstrated in dogs date: 2011-11-18 words: 3497 flesch: 52 summary: Sensitivity of RT-PCRs to detect CDV vaccine by primers P1/P2 and CDV wildtype strain by primers P3/P4. Asia-1 CDV strains have also been detected in Japan (Mochizuki et al., 1999) , Taiwan (Chan et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2010) , and Korea . keywords: amplified; analysis; asia-1; assay; canine; cdv; cdv wild; cells; china; commercial; culture; detection; distemper; dogs; field; fig; gene; hemagglutinin; infected; isolates; local; method; min; pcr; pcrs; phylogenetic; primers; products; rna; sequences; strains; study; tcid50; type; type strains; vaccine; virus; wild cache: cord-319392-zg7gkf0j.txt plain text: cord-319392-zg7gkf0j.txt item: #101 of 115 id: cord-320492-1xyjrjpf author: Kim, Yong Kwan title: A novel assay for detecting canine parvovirus using a quartz crystal microbalance biosensor date: 2015-03-23 words: 3465 flesch: 39 summary: Previous studies used silver and gold electrodes as QCM biosensors (Kim et al., 2014; Su et al., 2000) ; however, gold electrodes produce more consistent results because the surface is less rough than that of silver (Su et al., 2000) . Many studies have used the QCM biosensor to detect pathogenic microorganisms such as Vibrio cholerae, Bacillus anthracis, malaria, Salmonella Typhimurium, Leishmania infantum, and canine influenza virus (Cabral-Miranda et al., 2014; Carter et al., 1995; Cooper et al., 2001; Hao et al., 2009; Ittarat et al., 2013; Kim et al., 2014; Salam et al., 2013) . keywords: antibodies; antibody; antigen; assay; biosensor; canine; changes; cpv; crystal; detection; diagnosis; dna; dogs; electrode; et al; fecal; field; frequency; gold; igg; immobilization; infection; korea; kvcc; liquid; major; mass; method; microbalance; min; negative; parvovirus; pcr; positive; prolinker; protein; qcm; quartz; rapid; real; reference; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; site; solution; south; specificity; supplemental; surface; table; temperature; test; time; type; use; value cache: cord-320492-1xyjrjpf.txt plain text: cord-320492-1xyjrjpf.txt item: #102 of 115 id: cord-321886-0b3ocoh9 author: Zhang, Chao-fan title: Loop-mediated isothermal amplification for rapid detection and differentiation of wild-type pseudorabies and gene-deleted virus vaccines date: 2010-08-04 words: 2774 flesch: 54 summary: En et al. (2008) described a LAMP system for PRV detection but that LAMP system could not differentiate between swine infected with wild-type PRV and swine vaccinated with PRV gE-deleted. The use of LAMP is described for determining whether swine are infected with wild-type PRV or have been vaccinated with PRV gE-and remain uninfected by wild-type strains. keywords: amplification; assay; china; clinical; co.; detection; disease; dna; gene; isothermal; lamp; loop; pcr; piglets; pigs; porcine; primers; prv; prv ge; pseudorabies; rapid; reaction; samples; specific; strains; swine; time; type; vaccinated; vaccine; virus; wild cache: cord-321886-0b3ocoh9.txt plain text: cord-321886-0b3ocoh9.txt item: #103 of 115 id: cord-322143-hkh1grys author: Turnage, Nicole L. title: Sampling methods for recovery of human enteric viruses from environmental surfaces date: 2017-06-17 words: 6663 flesch: 36 summary: Drying time for enteric virus surface sampling is highly variable and dependent on factors including volume of virus suspension and desiccation (Table 1) . For instance, stainless steel is a hydrophilic (contact angle of 58.2°in water, surface energy of 50.3 mJ/m 2 ) and negatively charged surface in which microorganisms have been shown to develop irreversible attachment within one minute potentially making surface recovery more difficult (Mafu et al., 1990; Mafu et al., 1991) . keywords: analysis; authors; better; buffer; cell; cloths; comparison; contact; cotton; detection; different; efficiencies; efficiency; eluent; elution; enteric; enteric viruses; environmental; et al; evaluation; factors; fcs; fcv; fomites; food; gastroenteritis; gii.4; glycine; higher; hnov; human; impact; infectivity; inoculum; levels; mean; method; need; nonporous; norovirus; outbreaks; pbs; pcru; persistence; polyester; recovery; review; rotavirus; rönnqvist; sampling; stainless; standard; steel; studies; surfaces; surrogates; swabs; table; taku; time; tools; transmission; types; viral; viruses cache: cord-322143-hkh1grys.txt plain text: cord-322143-hkh1grys.txt item: #104 of 115 id: cord-322234-1zyy536y author: Lorusso, Alessio title: One-step real-time RT-PCR for pandemic influenza A virus (H1N1) 2009 matrix gene detection in swine samples date: 2009-12-17 words: 4171 flesch: 40 summary: In that case, two consequences will be obvious: first, a reservoir of H1N1 virus in the swine population poses an elevated risk for human infection via aerosol transmission from clinically ill pigs, and second, dramatic economic losses for the pork industry due to direct disease related costs as well as indirect market losses. Although the 2009 H1N1 is related genetically to swine influenza viruses, human infection has not been connected to pig exposure. keywords: american; analysis; assay; avian; bal; california/04/2009; clinical; copies; detection; diagnostic; dpi; endemic; equine; fluid; gene; h1n1; h1n1)v; human; infection; influenza; influenza virus; isolates; isolation; lineage; matrix; mexico/4108/2009; nasal; negative; north; novel; pandemic; pcr; pigs; population; porcine; qrt; rapid; real; rna; samples; sensitive; specific; specimens; standard; study; swabs; swine; swine influenza; template; time; type; usa; viral; virus; viruses; vivo cache: cord-322234-1zyy536y.txt plain text: cord-322234-1zyy536y.txt item: #105 of 115 id: cord-322410-k23engcx author: Naguib, Mahmoud M. title: New real time and conventional RT-PCRs for updated molecular diagnosis of infectious bronchitis virus infection (IBV) in chickens in Egypt associated with frequent co-infections with avian influenza and Newcastle Disease viruses date: 2017-03-21 words: 5022 flesch: 43 summary: Conventional RT-PCRs amplifying hypervariable regions (HVRs 1–2 and 3) of the IBV S1 gene were developed and amplificates used for nucleotide sequence-based typing of IBV field strains in Egyptian chickens directly from clinical samples. No RT-PCR amplicates were obtained from two further samples that showed Cq values <32 in IBV RT-qPCR; failure to amplify IBV S1-specific RNA from these samples may be related to advanced RNA degradation. keywords: addition; aiv; amino; amplification; analysis; avian; bronchitis; characterization; chicken; clinical; conventional; copies; coronavirus; detection; different; disease; egypt; egyptian; entropy; et al; farms; fig; genbank; gene; genotypes; h5n1; h9n2; hvr; hvr3; hvrs; ibv; infectious; influenza; kit; molecular; naguib; ndv; newcastle; number; pathogens; pcrs; positive; poultry; presence; primers; protein; qpcr; reaction; real; regions; related; respiratory; rna; samples; sequences; serotypes; set; software; specific; specificity; spike; step; strains; study; table; time; vaccine; values; variant; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-322410-k23engcx.txt plain text: cord-322410-k23engcx.txt item: #106 of 115 id: cord-323072-4rsgeag7 author: Han, Xueqing title: The expression of SARS–CoV M gene in P. Pastoris and the diagnostic utility of the expression product date: 2004-12-01 words: 3744 flesch: 46 summary: Here, we report the expression of recombinant M protein in P. Pastoris and its antigenicity. Methanol was added every 24 h to a final concentration of 0.5% to induce the expression of recombinant M protein, and the incubation was continued for further 3-4 days. keywords: acute; antibodies; antigen; assay; bj01; cells; coronavirus; cov; culture; detection; diagnostic; effective; elisa; enzyme; expressed; expression; fig; fragment; gene; high; human; important; infection; m protein; membrane; methods; min; mmol; page; pastoris; patients; pbs; pcr; positive; protein; purified; recombinant; respiratory; sars; sds; sequence; sera; serum; severe; strain; structural; supernatant; syndrome; viral; yeast cache: cord-323072-4rsgeag7.txt plain text: cord-323072-4rsgeag7.txt item: #107 of 115 id: cord-324213-3uqlimov author: Bolotin, S. title: Development of a novel real-time reverse-transcriptase PCR method for the detection of H275Y positive influenza A H1N1 isolates date: 2009-01-30 words: 4064 flesch: 42 summary: A (H1N1) viruses Oseltamivir resistance during treatment of influenza A (H5N1) infection Use of the Seeplex RV Detection kit for surveillance of respiratory viral outbreaks in A new and rapid genotypic assay for the detection of neuraminidase inhibitor resistant influenza A viruses of subtype H1N1, H3N2, and H5N1 Reduced sensitivity of influenza A (H5N1) to oseltamivir Clustal W and Clustal X version 2.0 Avian flu: isolation of drug-resistant H5N1 virus Antiviral resistance and the control of pandemic influenza Influenza antiviral susceptibility monitoring activities in relation to national antiviral stockpiles in Europe during the winter Oseltamivir resistance-disabling our influenza defenses A pyrosequencing-tailored nucleotide barcode design unveils opportunities for large-scale sample multiplexing Rapid and highly informative diagnostic assay for H5N1 influenza viruses Comparison of the Seeplex reverse transcription PCR assay with the R-mix viral culture and immunofluorescence techniques for detection of eight respiratory viruses WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines for pharmacological management of sporadic human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus Application of a fluorogenic PCR assay for typing and subtyping of influenza viruses in respiratory samples Surveillance for neuraminidase inhibitor resistance among human influenza A and B viruses circulating worldwide in Neuraminidase subtyping of human influenza a viruses by RT-PCR and its application to clinical isolates Short consensus probes with 3[prime]-minor groove binder of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene for real-time quantitative PCR in B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas WHO intercountry consultation. While both phenotypic and sequencing methods are effective in detecting resistance, they can be labour intensive, have a long turn-around-time and be quite expensive, suggesting the need for a rapid, high-throughput approach to influenza drug resistance testing. keywords: acid; amplification; assay; clinical; cycle; detection; effective; gene; h1n1; h275y; h275y rt; h5n1; influenza; isolates; method; mgb; min; mutation; neuraminidase; novel; nucleic; oseltamivir; pcr; pcr assay; probe; pyrosequencing; rapid; real; residue; resistance; reverse; sanger; season; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; specificity; specimens; study; subtyping; testing; time; viruses cache: cord-324213-3uqlimov.txt plain text: cord-324213-3uqlimov.txt item: #108 of 115 id: cord-326225-crtpzad7 author: Neill, John D. title: Simultaneous rapid sequencing of multiple RNA virus genomes date: 2014-06-01 words: 3807 flesch: 49 summary: These include methodologies based on PCR amplification of viral sequences, both in fragments (Rao et al., 2013) or fulllength genome amplification (Christenbury et al., 2010) . This was modified for amplification of viral sequences from serum to include a step where DNase I was used to first degrade host DNA (Allander et al., 2001) . keywords: amplification; analysis; assembly; barcode; base; bocv; bvdv; cdna; clinical; data; dna; et al; gaps; genome; genomic; host; identification; individual; ion; isolates; length; libraries; library; life; min; novel; nucleotides; number; pcr; present; primer; procedure; protocol; random; reaction; reads; rna; sample; sequences; sequencing; specific; strand; study; synthesis; technologies; torrent; total; units; usa; viral; viruses cache: cord-326225-crtpzad7.txt plain text: cord-326225-crtpzad7.txt item: #109 of 115 id: cord-328961-waxtb759 author: Pratelli, Annamaria title: PCR assay for the detection and the identification of atypical canine coronavirus in dogs date: 2002-10-01 words: 1890 flesch: 47 summary: A total of 177 faecal samples from dogs CCoV positive previously with the PCR assay were analysed. This note describes a PCR assay to identify atypical CCoV strains with nucleotide substitutions in the M gene. keywords: analysis; assay; canine; ccov; ccov1a; coronavirus; dogs; enteritis; et al; faecal; fcov; fragment; gene; infection; like; nucleotide; pair; pcr; pratelli; present; primer; products; protein; pups; samples; sequence; strains; typing cache: cord-328961-waxtb759.txt plain text: cord-328961-waxtb759.txt item: #110 of 115 id: cord-331509-p19dg1jw author: Bigault, Lionel title: Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus: Viral RNA detection and quantification using a validated one-step real time RT-PCR date: 2020-05-31 words: 4322 flesch: 50 summary: In this study we described the development and validation of a SYBR™ Green one-step RT-qPCR according to the French norm NF U47-600, for the detection and quantification of PEDV viral RNA. This method is the first, validated according a norm for PEDV and may serve as a global reference method to harmonize detection and quantification of PEDV viral RNA in both field and experimental settings. keywords: acc; base; bias; copies/5µl; detection; diagnostic; diarrhea; dilution; epidemic; et al; europe; france; french; genome; indel; jejunum; kim; kit; lod; matrices; method; minutes; non; norm; pcr; pednr; pedv; perfect; pigs; porcine; positive; primer; qpcr; quantification; reference; reverse; rna; sample; sequence; specificity; spiked; step; strains; study; tcid50; time; transcript; transcription; u47; validation; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-331509-p19dg1jw.txt plain text: cord-331509-p19dg1jw.txt item: #111 of 115 id: cord-332522-adul9nzf author: Wu, Qingfa title: Development of Taqman RT-nested PCR system for clinical SARS-CoV detection date: 2004-04-02 words: 2815 flesch: 57 summary: To compare the reverse transcribed efficiency of random primer versus specific primer, seven sets of nested primers covering each known gene were chosen for testing. In this study, 12 sets of nested primers covering the SARS-CoV genome have been screened and showed sufficient sensitivity to detect SARS-CoV in RNA isolated from virus cultured in Vero 6 cells. keywords: acute; blood; coronavirus; cov; detection; efficiency; genome; min; nested; panel; pcr; positive; primer; probe; random; reaction; respiratory; results; reverse; rna; round; samples; sars; sensitivity; sets; severe; specific; study; syndrome; system; taqman; test; transcribed; transcription cache: cord-332522-adul9nzf.txt plain text: cord-332522-adul9nzf.txt item: #112 of 115 id: cord-336639-jaue41mv author: Simons, Fermin A. title: A mRNA PCR for the diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis date: 2004-12-21 words: 3046 flesch: 48 summary: Proteins of plasma and ascitic fluid Detection of feline coronaviruses by culture and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction of blood samples from healthy cats and cats with clinical feline infectious peritonitis Detection of feline coronavirus RNA in feces, tissues, and body fluids of naturally infected cats by reverse transcriptase PCR Elimination of feline coronavirus infection from a large experimental specific pathogen-free catbreeding colony by serologic testing and isolation The prevalence of type I and II feline coronavirus infections in cats Some important disorders of cats The virology and pathogenesis of felineinfectious peritonitis Sequence analysis of the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus nucleocapsid protein gene Histopathological alterations of lymphatic tissues in cats without feline infectious peritonitis after long-term exposure to FIP virus The molecular biology of coronaviruses Isolation of Feline Coronaviruses from two cats with divers disease manifestations High viral loads despite absence of clinical and pathological findings in cats experimentally infected with feline coronavirus (FCoV) type I and in naturally FCoV-infected cats Feline infectious peritonitis: Isolation of a coronavirus Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) virus; propagation in suckling rat and hamster brain Virologic and immunologic aspects of feline infectious peritonitis virus infection Infection studies in kittens, using feline infectious peritonitis virus propagated in cell culture An enteric coronavirus infection of cats and its relationship to feline infectious peritonitis Experimental studies with three new strains of feline infectious peritonitis virus: FIPV-UCD2, FIPV-UCD3, and FIPV-UCD4. Although the percentage of PCR-positive healthy animals is much lower when compared to FIP cats, a positive PCR result alone does not allow a definite diagnosis Gunn-Moore et al., 1998 ). keywords: animals; assay; blood; cats; cells; clinical; coronavirus; culture; detection; diagnosis; different; et al; fcov; fecv; feline; fip; fipv; gapdh; gene; genome; healthy; high; infected; infectious; isolation; macrophages; min; monocytes; moore; mrna; pcr; peripheral; peritonitis; positive; primer; reaction; reverse; samples; sequence; strains; table; test; transcriptase; virulent cache: cord-336639-jaue41mv.txt plain text: cord-336639-jaue41mv.txt item: #113 of 115 id: cord-343136-kftffes0 author: Mohon, Abu Naser title: Optimization and clinical validation of dual-target RT-LAMP for SARS-CoV-2 date: 2020-09-15 words: 2595 flesch: 44 summary: The RT-LAMP assay described is unique in that it offers the most thorough clinical validation to date meeting regulatory standards which include precision studies on several instruments, reproducibility studies over 20 days, a robust clinical validation sample set, and a limit of detection equal or superior to other LAMP studies (50 copies per reaction). LAMP primer sets were designed targeting unique regions of the Spike (S) protein gene and RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase gene (RdRP) were ultimately used (Table 1) . keywords: amplification; analysis; assay; clinical; copies; coronavirus; cov-2; data; detection; diagnostic; digital; droplet; dual; gene; isothermal; lamp; limit; loop; methods; novel; pcr; primer; rapid; rdrp; reaction; reference; reverse; rna; sample; sars; sequences; set; spike; studies; study; swab; table; target; testing; university; validation; viral; writing cache: cord-343136-kftffes0.txt plain text: cord-343136-kftffes0.txt item: #114 of 115 id: cord-343441-z849jvq5 author: Li, Yan title: Simultaneous detection of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes of novel influenza A (H7N9) by duplex real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction date: 2013-09-01 words: 2239 flesch: 48 summary: In this study, a duplex real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) assay was developed for the simultaneous detection of hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes of H7N9 influenza viruses. In this study, a duplex real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) assay was developed for the simultaneous detection of hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes of H7N9 influenza viruses. keywords: assay; avian; china; commercial; copies; detection; dilution; duplex; genes; h7n9; human; infections; influenza; kit; methods; novel; pcr; pcr assay; positive; reaction; real; rna; rrt; sensitivity; specimens; taqman; time; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-343441-z849jvq5.txt plain text: cord-343441-z849jvq5.txt item: #115 of 115 id: cord-350753-qbm145tr author: Krüttgen, Alexander title: Determination of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies with assays from Diasorin, Roche and IDvet date: 2020-09-23 words: 1831 flesch: 39 summary: Comparison of commercial methods of immunoblot, ELISA, and chemiluminescent immunoassay for detecting type-specific herpes simplex viruses-1 and -2 IgG Ad hoc laboratory-based surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 by real-time RT-PCR using minipools of RNA prepared from routine respiratory samples Comparison of four new commercial serologic assays for determination of SARS-CoV-2 IgG Will antibody tests for the coronavirus really change everything? Serological assays for emerging coronaviruses: challenges and pitfalls Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2-Specific Antibody First antibody surveys draw fire for quality, bias A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China key: cord-350753-qbm145tr authors: Krüttgen, Alexander; Cornelissen, Christian G.; Dreher, Michael; Hornef, Mathias W.; Imöhl, Matthias; Kleines, Michael title: Determination of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies with assays from Diasorin, Roche and IDvet date: 2020-09-23 journal: J Virol Methods DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2020.113978 sha: doc_id: 350753 cord_uid: qbm145tr There is an ongoing need for highly reliable serological assays to detect individuals with past SARS-CoV-2 infection. keywords: assays; available; cov-2; diasorin; different; elisa; high; idvet; igg; negative; patients; pcr; positive; protein; result; roche; sars; sensitivity; sera; serological; specificity; test cache: cord-350753-qbm145tr.txt plain text: cord-350753-qbm145tr.txt