item: #1 of 109 id: jall-1729 author: Ratnawati, Ratnawati title: DEVELOPING A LESSON PLAN FOR TEACHING ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES TO ADULT LEARNERS AT A PRIVATE UNIVERSITY date: 2017-09-13 words: 3428 flesch: 50 summary: The result of this study shown that developed lesson plan is more attractive, applicable, and informative than previous one. Also, developing lesson plan is needed to determine the success of teaching and learning process. keywords: development; learning; lesson; plan; process; research; teaching cache: jall-1729.pdf plain text: jall-1729.txt item: #2 of 109 id: jall-1732 author: Hidayati, Febriana; Rohayati, Dedeh title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF JIGSAW ON READING COMPREHENSION OF ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT date: 2017-09-16 words: 2728 flesch: 47 summary: In this study, the writer addresses two research questions: (1) Is there any significant difference in reading comprehension of analytical exposition text between students who are taught by using jigsaw learning and those who are taught by using Grammar-Translation Method ( GTM) ? 5 METHOD The present study adopted randomized pre-test post-test control group design of true experimental research as the research design in finding out whether there is a significant difference in reading comprehension of analytical exposition text between students who are taught by using jigsaw learning and those who are taught by using Grammar- Translation Method (Fraenkel, Wallen& Hyun, 2012, p. 302). keywords: comprehension; exposition; jigsaw; reading; students; text cache: jall-1732.pdf plain text: jall-1732.txt item: #3 of 109 id: jall-1733 author: Thoyyibah, Luthfiyatun title: PRESUPPOSITION TRIGGERS - A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN ORAL NEWS AND WRITTEN ONLINE NEWS DISCOURSE date: 2017-09-13 words: 4436 flesch: 52 summary: As part of linguistic features, the notion of presupposition and its triggers have been studied by many scholars, linguists and philosophers, but as far as the researcher knows, the comparison between presupposition triggers on news broadcast and online transcript has not been explored yet. Accordingly, two transcripts were analyzed in terms of presupposition triggers, namely existential, factive, lexical, non-factive, structural, counter-factual, adverbial, and relative. keywords: discourse; information; language; news; presupposition; triggers; utterance cache: jall-1733.pdf plain text: jall-1733.txt item: #4 of 109 id: jall-1735 author: Fatimah, Gotin Siti title: AN ANALYSIS OF FILLERS USED BY LECTURER AND STUDENTS IN EFL CLASSROOM INTERACTION date: 2017-09-13 words: 3820 flesch: 56 summary: First of all, it could be seen that based on the first research question, the writer found that both of types fillers were used by the lecturer and the students. There was found that both of types fillers were used by the lecturer and the students in classroom interaction. keywords: classroom; fillers; interaction; lecturer; students; study; writer cache: jall-1735.pdf plain text: jall-1735.txt item: #5 of 109 id: jall-1825 author: Rachmawati, Etika; Nashrullah, Adiyatsri; Said, Iskhak title: ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS OF MAIN CHARACTERS IN DEAD POET SOCIETY AND FREEDOM WRITERS date: 2017-09-13 words: 3053 flesch: 50 summary: Illocutionary Acts According to Yule (1996) as cited in Sitanggang and Natsir (2012, p.4), there are five general functions of illocutionary acts. This study focused on the use of illocutionary acts used by main characters in both movies. keywords: acts; characters; illocutionary; language; movies; speech; study; use cache: jall-1825.pdf plain text: jall-1825.txt item: #6 of 109 id: jall-2022 author: Suryani, Fitri Budi title: PERCEPTIONS OF THE NON-ENGLISH DEPARTMENT LECTURERS TOWARDS CLIL IN HIGHER EDUCATION date: 2017-09-13 words: 2985 flesch: 51 summary: The similar perception of many non-English lecturers is also performed through their attitude on their English written ability in which most of them found difficulty to make questions and write in English. The participants of the study were thirty-three lecturers from non-English departments of Universitas Muria Kudus. keywords: clil; education; english; indonesian; lecturers cache: jall-2022.pdf plain text: jall-2022.txt item: #7 of 109 id: jall-2184 author: Rohayati, Dedeh title: MOVES ANALYSIS OF APPLICATION LETTERS WRITTEN BY AGRIBUSINESS STUDENTS (A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY AT ESP CLASS) date: 2018-02-26 words: 2061 flesch: 42 summary: Stating reason √ √ √ Offering candidature √ √ √ √ √ Introducing candidature √ √ √ Promoting candidature √ √ √ Offering preferences Stating availability √ √ Glorifying institution √ √ √ Enclosing document √ √ √ √ √ Willingness to action Soliciting response welcoming response Soliciting response √ √ Stressing the fact √ √ Offering to provide information √ √ √ Thanking Ending politely √ √ √ √ Closing salutation Closing with courtesy √ √ With regards to offering the candidature, students were very common to use: ..., so I hereby submit myself to fill the position..; I would like to apply as an ... Faculty of Agriculture, Galuh University, Ciamis, Indonesia Abstract This study aimed at 1) analyzing moves of Application Letter written by Agribusiness students; and 2) language used in Application Letter. keywords: application; letter; √ √ cache: jall-2184.pdf plain text: jall-2184.txt item: #8 of 109 id: jall-2185 author: Almira, Debby; Rachmawati, Etika; Faridah, Didih title: EFL MALE AND FEMALE STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON SPEAKING ANXIETY IN CLASS-ORAL PRESENTATIONS date: 2018-09-26 words: 4589 flesch: 65 summary: In order to be successful in language learning speaking anxiety must be overcome. According to Melouah (2013, p. 65) speaking anxiety is one of the most important affective variables that influences foreign language learning, often has a detrimental effect on the students’ oral performance of English. keywords: anxiety; class; english; language; presentation; research; speaking; students cache: jall-2185.pdf plain text: jall-2185.txt item: #9 of 109 id: jall-2186 author: Akhdiyati, Feby title: IMPROVING ENGLISH LISTENING SKILL THROUGH LANGUAGE LABORATORY MEDIA date: 2018-02-26 words: 1995 flesch: 65 summary: Therefore, there is improvement in English listening through language laboratory. The writer assumes the media of language laboratory can increase listening skill. keywords: laboratory; language; learning; listening; students cache: jall-2186.pdf plain text: jall-2186.txt item: #10 of 109 id: jall-2187 author: Putriyantina, Vivi; Said, Iskhak title: THE REALIZATION OF ATTITUDE ANALYSIS ON MALE AND FEMALE SECOND-YEAR STUDENTS’ NARRATIVE TEXTS date: 2018-02-26 words: 2531 flesch: 52 summary: Furthermore, it concerned to analyze the data for description by using text analysis and interpret the larger meaning of the findings. In addition, to analyze the data for description of text analysis and interpret the larger meaning of the findings, qualitative descriptive could be applied (Creswell, 2012, p.16). keywords: analysis; appraisal; attitude; narrative; students; texts cache: jall-2187.pdf plain text: jall-2187.txt item: #11 of 109 id: jall-2188 author: Fauziah, Firda; Rachmawati, Etika; Misbahudin, Misbahudin title: MALE-FEMALE EFL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON THE USE OF AUDIO VISUAL AIDS TO IMPROVE THEIR VOCABULARY MASTERY date: 2018-02-26 words: 4466 flesch: 56 summary: The writer wants to know more in detailed and more in depth about how the perception of male students and how the perception of female students toward learning vocabulary by using audio visual aids. This result shows that female students perceive audio visual aids have some benefits in learning process, especially in learning vocabulary. keywords: aids; audio; learning; male; students; study; visual; vocabulary cache: jall-2188.pdf plain text: jall-2188.txt item: #12 of 109 id: jall-2190 author: Taufikurohman, Ilham Sukma title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING PADLET IN TEACHING WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT date: 2018-09-26 words: 5442 flesch: 65 summary: By using Convergent Parallel Mixed Methods Design, the qualitative method was used to obtain data or information from the results of experimental application of Using Padlet in Improving Students‟ descriptive text writing. This study was investigated the effects of Padlet on students‟ descriptive text writing of Senior High School students as well as to find out their perceptions of using Padlet for learning descriptive text writing. keywords: data; language; learning; padlet; statement; students; table; text; writing cache: jall-2190.pdf plain text: jall-2190.txt item: #13 of 109 id: jall-2191 author: Febriani, R Bunga; Rukmini, Dwi; Sofwan, Ahmad; Yuliasri, Issy title: IMPROVING THE STUDENTS’ ENGLISH PROFICIENCY THROUGH LITERATURE: LANGUAGE-BASED APPROACH date: 2018-02-26 words: 1582 flesch: 45 summary: The pre- reading activities include (a) helping students with cultural background, (b) stimulating students’ interest in the story, and (c) pre-teaching vocabulary. The While-reading activities include (a) helping students understand the plot, (b) helping students understand the characters, (c) helping students with difficult vocabulary, and (d) helping students with style and language. keywords: approach; language; literature; students cache: jall-2191.pdf plain text: jall-2191.txt item: #14 of 109 id: jall-2192 author: Purbandari, Prihatini; Rachmawati, Etika; Febriani, R. Bunga title: MALE AND FEMALE STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARD ENGLISH VOCABULARY MASTERY IN LEARNING SPEAKING (A Survey Study at one of MA Islamic Boarding School in Tasikmalaya) date: 2018-09-26 words: 4797 flesch: 52 summary: This study also investigated the factors influence students‟ attitudes toward English vocabulary mastery in learning speaking. In conclusion, students‟ attitudes toward English vocabulary mastery in learning speaking is important. keywords: english; learning; mastery; speaking; students; vocabulary cache: jall-2192.pdf plain text: jall-2192.txt item: #15 of 109 id: jall-2193 author: Herlina, Rina; Kurnia, Asep Dudi; Faridah, Didih title: TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION ON CLASSROOM ACTION RESEARCH IN ENGLISH EDUCATION AMONG ENGLISH TEACHERS IN CIAMIS WEST JAVA date: 2018-02-26 words: 1759 flesch: 53 summary: Compared to the previous study, Hong and Lawrence‟s finding (2011) in classroom action research in teacher education: classroom inquiry, reflection, and data-driven decision making‟ shows that action research has been applied as classroom inquiry, reflection, and data- 49 driven for classroom teachers, while the present study reveals different English teachers‟ perception on classroom action research. Published: October 2017 December 2017 February 2018 TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION ON CLASSROOM ACTION RESEARCH IN ENGLISH EDUCATION AMONG ENGLISH TEACHERS IN CIAMIS WEST JAVA Rina Herlina Galuh University Asep Dudi Kurnia Galuh University Didih Faridah Galuh University Abstract This study is a survey- based research about teachers‟ perception on classroom action research in English education among English teachers in Ciamis. keywords: action; classroom; english; research cache: jall-2193.pdf plain text: jall-2193.txt item: #16 of 109 id: jall-2194 author: Permatasari, Yelis Bintang title: MALE AND FEMALE STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS TOWARD THE IMPLEMENTATION OF VIDEO CONFERENCE AS A DISTANCE LEARNING MEDIA THAT ENHANCES TEACHERS’ PRODUCTIVITIES date: 2018-09-26 words: 4204 flesch: 58 summary: The third questionnaire, “I am interested learning with video conferencing”, there are 8 (53.3%) of MIPA male students chose agree, 7 (70%) of IPS male students chose strongly agree, then 12 (70.6%) of MIPA female students chose neutral, and the last 9 (64.3%) of IPS female students chose neutral. The forth questionnaire, “I am more motivated to learn with video conferencing”, 9 (60%) of MIPA male students chose neutral, 8 (80%) of IPS male students chose strongly agree, then 10 (58.8%) of MIPA female students chose neutral, and the last 10 (71.4%) of IPS female students also chose neutral. keywords: agree; conferencing; ips; learning; male; students; video cache: jall-2194.pdf plain text: jall-2194.txt item: #17 of 109 id: jall-2195 author: Hadiyati, Nia Siti; Said, Iskhak; Sugiarto, Bambang Ruby title: A TRANSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF MALE AND FEMALE STUDENTS’ FINAL DRAFT OF CRITICAL RESPONSES PARAGRAPH TO LITERATURE date: 2018-09-26 words: 3576 flesch: 48 summary: students‟ final draft of critical response paragraph to literature. Furthermore, eight students‟ final draft of critical response paragraph to literature which were categorized into male and female students‟ critical response paragraph. keywords: female; literature; process; response; study; text; transitivity cache: jall-2195.pdf plain text: jall-2195.txt item: #18 of 109 id: jall-2196 author: Ramdhani, Sri Asti; Khoiruzzahra, Asiyah Mumtahanah title: THE SOPHOMORES’ PERSPECTIVE ON ENGAGING TED-Ed WEBSITE IN ENHANCING SOPHOMORES’ VOCABULARY MASTERY date: 2018-02-26 words: 2026 flesch: 60 summary: Besides the benefits, they also gain the obstacles in learning vocabulary through TED- Ed website. Without mastering sufficient vocabulary, sophomore cannot express their own ideas or understand the other speaker’s expressions. keywords: ted; vocabulary; website cache: jall-2196.pdf plain text: jall-2196.txt item: #19 of 109 id: jall-2197 author: Sembiring, Lina Tri Astuty Beru title: RESEARCHING STUDENTS’ INTERACTION IN COLLABORATIVE LEARNING CLASS date: 2018-09-26 words: 3649 flesch: 40 summary: CONCLUSIONS As researching students interaction is something challenging, many theories are built in order to investigate its process during the collaborative learning. Vygotsky (1978) through his social cultural theory believes that learning is an important process which can only be operated when there is an interaction between student and people around him including teacher and his peers. keywords: group; interaction; learning; process; students; teacher cache: jall-2197.pdf plain text: jall-2197.txt item: #20 of 109 id: jall-2198 author: Asiyah, Siti title: EXPLORING ESP STUDENTS’ ENGLISH SKILLS BY “ENGLISH TALENT COMPETITION” date: 2018-09-26 words: 1455 flesch: 52 summary: Published: July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 EXPLORING ESP STUDENTS’ ENGLISH SKILLS BY “ENGLISH TALENT COMPETITION” Still, those are not enough for serving ESP students in learning English. keywords: english; esp; etc; students cache: jall-2198.pdf plain text: jall-2198.txt item: #21 of 109 id: jall-2420 author: Halim, Iman Abdul; Hartati, Agustin; Lestari, Zubaedah Wiji title: THE USE OF PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT OF WRITING SKILL IN DESCRIPTIVE TEXT date: 2019-09-16 words: 3357 flesch: 60 summary: Based on English teacher information in SMP Negeri 1 Pagelaran Cianjur, there are some problem in English subject in seventh grade, teacher commonly asks student to do writing tasks at home which mean students did not practice writing optimally in the classroom. The third challenges that the class was noisy, some of students did not contribute in the implementation of portfolio assessment of writing skill in descriptive text, some of student paid no attention to the teacher when the teacher explained about the lesson. keywords: portfolio; students; teacher; text; writing cache: jall-2420.pdf plain text: jall-2420.txt item: #22 of 109 id: jall-2421 author: Rahmasari, Gartika; Nurhayati, Iis Kurnia title: IMPLICIT PARTICIPANTS IN MENTAL PROCESS: A FUNCTIONAL GRAMMAR ANALYSIS date: 2019-09-17 words: 2202 flesch: 66 summary: However, some clauses that are mental processes do not include one of the participants, either Senser or Phenomenon. Keywords: Mental process, Senser, Phenomenon, implicit mailto:gartika.rahmasari@gmail.com1 mailto:iiskurnian@gmail.com2 154 INTRODUCTION In Systemic Functional Linguistics or Functional Grammar, there are three metafunctions discussed, one of them is Clause as Representations or System of Transitivity. keywords: data; phenomenon; processes; senser cache: jall-2421.pdf plain text: jall-2421.txt item: #23 of 109 id: jall-2537 author: Febriani, Dini; Elfrida, Elfrida; Jayanti, Fernandita Gusweni title: READING COMPREHENSION PROBLEMS IN READING SECTION OF TOEFL TEST date: 2019-09-16 words: 2938 flesch: 63 summary: The researcher would like to analyze reading comprehension problems faced by the Eighth English Education Study Program students in the reading section of the TOEFL test. ABSTRACT This research aims to find out the reading comprehension problems faced by the eight semester English Education Study Program students of Universitas Bengkulu in Reading Section of TOEFL test. keywords: problems; reading; students; toefl cache: jall-2537.pdf plain text: jall-2537.txt item: #24 of 109 id: jall-2538 author: Sumilia, Evis; Puspita, Hilda; Elfrida, Elfrida title: STUDENTS’ RESPONSES TOWARD TEACHERS’ QUESTIONS IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 8 BENGKULU date: 2019-09-16 words: 3705 flesch: 58 summary: Student response related to student response (specific) From five aspects of student responses the proportion of each is shown in the following chart: Chart 1. Student response related to student response (specific) keywords: number; question; response; student; student response; teacher cache: jall-2538.pdf plain text: jall-2538.txt item: #25 of 109 id: jall-2540 author: Siregar, Nur Olivia; Afriazi, Rudi; Arasuli, Arasuli title: THE CORRELATION BETWEEN READING STRATEGIES AND READING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT OF THE SIXTH SEMESTER IN ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM OF BENGKULU UNIVERSITY date: 2019-09-16 words: 3216 flesch: 55 summary: The research would like to find out whether or not there is any significant correlation between reading strategies and reading comprehension achievement at the sixth-semester students of English Education Study Program at Universitas BengkuluAcademic Year 2018/2019. The result of this research revealed that there is a significant correlation between reading strategies and reading comprehension achievement because the correlation coefficient is 0.033 which is very weak correlation category. keywords: comprehension; correlation; reading; reading strategies; strategies; students cache: jall-2540.pdf plain text: jall-2540.txt item: #26 of 109 id: jall-2541 author: Fitriani, Yesi; Mulyadi, Mulyadi; Jayanti, Fernandita Gusweni title: AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT STUDENTS' ABILITY IN WRITING ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY date: 2019-09-16 words: 3156 flesch: 53 summary: The result shows that students ability in writing argumentative essay is fair. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION In this chapter, the researcher described the result of students' ability in writing argumentative essay at fourth semester students of English Department at Universitas Bengkulu. keywords: ability; argumentative; essay; students; writing cache: jall-2541.pdf plain text: jall-2541.txt item: #27 of 109 id: jall-2618 author: Adinegara, Ira; Surachmat, A. M.; Faridah, Didih title: THE USE OF PEER REVIEWING IN OVERCOMING PHONOLOGICAL ERRORS IN ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION date: 2019-02-26 words: 6028 flesch: 52 summary: Therefore, through peer review technique students can improve their speaking especially in overcoming phonological errors in performing English pronunciation and students became active in learning process. In this regard, the writers addressed some questions: 1) How does the lecturer use peer review technique in overcoming phonological errors in performing English pronunciation?, 2) What are the students‟ perceptions toward the use of peer review technique in overcoming phonological errors in performing English pronunciation?, and 3) What are the benefits of peer review technique in overcoming phonological errors in performing English pronunciation?. keywords: english; errors; lecturer; peer; peer review; pronunciation; review; students; technique cache: jall-2618.pdf plain text: jall-2618.txt item: #28 of 109 id: jall-2619 author: Hilman, Ari title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING INSTAGRAM IN DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ DESCRIPTIVE TEXT WRITING date: 2019-02-26 words: 4424 flesch: 52 summary: By using Convergent Parallel Mixed Methods Design, the qualitative method was used to obtain data or information from the results of experimental application of Using Instagram in Improving Students‟ descriptive text writing. Using Instagram with students. keywords: data; instagram; language; learning; media; research; students; text; writer; writing cache: jall-2619.pdf plain text: jall-2619.txt item: #29 of 109 id: jall-2620 author: Kintamani, Kinanty; Kurnia, Asep Dudi; Faridah, Didih title: THE USE OF ORAL PEER FEEDBACK TO MINIMIZE THE STUDENTS’ ERRORS IN PRONOUNCING ENGLISH CONSONANT SOUNDS /p/, /f/ and /v/ IN READING ALOUD date: 2019-02-26 words: 4213 flesch: 60 summary: The teacher argued that the use of oral peer feedback was one of the ways for minimizing students’ errors because the students were demanded to give corrections toward students' errors in pronouncing the words. The teacher argued that the use of oral peer feedback was one of the ways for minimizing students errors because the students were demanded to gave corrections toward students' erors in pronouncing the words. keywords: /f/; /p/; english; errors; feedback; peer; pronouncing; sounds; students cache: jall-2620.pdf plain text: jall-2620.txt item: #30 of 109 id: jall-2640 author: Cahyati, Eros title: AN ANALYSIS OF IDEATIONAL MEANING REALIZED ON RECOUNT TEXTS IN ENGLISH TEXTBOOK FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADE X date: 2019-02-26 words: 3150 flesch: 56 summary: CONSCLUSIONS Based on the result of analysis, material process is the dominant processes found in recount texts occurred 90 times (51.8%) in the textbook and it refers to process of construing material of action and doing. Abstract This research is aimed at analyzing the ideational meaning realized on recount texts in English textbook for Senior High School Grade X. keywords: circumtances; meaning; processes; recount; texts cache: jall-2640.pdf plain text: jall-2640.txt item: #31 of 109 id: jall-2642 author: Farid, Miftah title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING TED TALKS VIDEO IN IMPROVING STUDENTS PUBLIC SPEAKINGS SKILLS IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL date: 2019-02-26 words: 4670 flesch: 65 summary: MA RIJALUL HIKAM ABSTRACT This study tried to analyse the effectiveness of using TED talks video in improving students public speaking skill and also the students’ perception about using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills. Through TED Talks video, I can improve my listening skill 8 I can improve my facial expression after learning through TED talks video 9 keywords: public; speaking; students; talks video; ted; ted talks; test; video cache: jall-2642.pdf plain text: jall-2642.txt item: #32 of 109 id: jall-2644 author: Thoyyibah, Luthfiyatun title: STUDENTS’ BACKGROUND TOWARDS LEARNING ENGLISH OUT OF CLASSROOM SETTING date: 2019-02-26 words: 2364 flesch: 62 summary: As the consequence to that problem, one of the ways to pass the problem, many parents of high school students sent their children to extra course of English to get a better understanding, one at a time they hoped their children to pass the final examination with satisfactory scores. Galuh University ABSTRACT There have been many facts showed that senior high school students in Indonesia faced some problems in learning English at school. keywords: english; learning; school; students cache: jall-2644.pdf plain text: jall-2644.txt item: #33 of 109 id: jall-2681 author: Feradepi, Dea; Sofyan, Dedi; Kasmaini, Kasmaini title: CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES BASED ON MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE THEORY IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING 2013 CURRICULUM FOR SEVENTH GRADE date: 2019-09-16 words: 3135 flesch: 46 summary: Linguistic intelligence was the dominant one. The results show from the three teachers implemented linguistic intelligence more often in teaching English. keywords: english; intelligence; language; linguistic; research; teaching; theory cache: jall-2681.pdf plain text: jall-2681.txt item: #34 of 109 id: jall-2682 author: Oktari, Faridah; Mukhtar, Mukhrizal; Arasuli, Arasuli title: THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ GRAMMAR MASTERY AND THEIR TRANSLATION ABILITY date: 2019-09-16 words: 2947 flesch: 55 summary: Then the researcher wants to know if there is any positive correlation between student grammar mastery and their translation ability in the sixth semester students of English education study program of Bengkulu University. However, in the results of grammar test in translation test were different with the results of this research. keywords: correlation; grammar; mastery; students; translation cache: jall-2682.pdf plain text: jall-2682.txt item: #35 of 109 id: jall-2990 author: Farihah, Zaqiyah Lailatul; Rachmawati, Etika title: DIGITAL HANGMAN GAME TO IMPROVE STUDENT’S VOCABULARY MASTERY IN TEACHING NARRATIVE TEXT date: 2020-02-20 words: 2997 flesch: 58 summary: Indonesia ABSTRACT This study aims at investigating the use of digital hangman game to improve students‟ vocabulary mastery in teaching narrative text at tenth grade at one of Islamic Senior High School in Padamulya Ciamis, Indonesia. Greenall (1998, p. 84) in Asrori M, et al, (2013) explain the procedure of how to play digital hangman games in teaching: Form groups of four or five. keywords: game; hangman; learning; vocabulary cache: jall-2990.pdf plain text: jall-2990.txt item: #36 of 109 id: jall-3040 author: Rustandi, Andi; Said, Iskhak; Carreon, Jonathan Rante; Sanif, Sazuliana Binti title: INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION SENSITIVITY IN GLOBAL ACADEMIC NETWORKING: EFL TEACHER TRAINEES’ PERCEPTIONS date: 2020-02-20 words: 4671 flesch: 43 summary: Those studies emphasized the investigation of the measurement of teacher intercultural sensitivity from different perspectives. 40 10 3 I always know what to say when interacting with people from different cultures. keywords: communication; cultures; interaction; people; sensitivity; teacher cache: jall-3040.pdf plain text: jall-3040.txt item: #37 of 109 id: jall-3133 author: Nasita, Dewi; Sugiarto, Bambang Ruby; Thoyyibah, Luthfiyatun title: THE REALIZATION OF INTERPERSONAL MEANING ON MALE AND FEMALE STUDENTS’ PERSONAL LETTER date: 2020-02-20 words: 6503 flesch: 58 summary: Ministry of Indonesian Education seen interpersonal letter is important to be mastered in high school education level, especially eleventh grade. That is why they put interpersonal letter as a material list on the syllabus of teaching-learning activity. keywords: clause; female; journal; language; letter; linguistics; literacy; meaning; mood; students; study cache: jall-3133.pdf plain text: jall-3133.txt item: #38 of 109 id: jall-3135 author: Maelasari, Rika; Ratnawati, Ratnawati; Tarwana, Wawan title: AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHER-STUDENTS’ INTERACTION IN CROSS-CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING ONLINE TEACHING date: 2020-02-20 words: 3603 flesch: 50 summary: The aforementioned statements strengthen the researcher aims at investigating the teacher-students‘ interaction in cross-cultural understanding online teaching is worth to be conducted. Online learning offers more freedom for students as well. keywords: classroom; interaction; learning; online; students; teacher; teaching cache: jall-3135.pdf plain text: jall-3135.txt item: #39 of 109 id: jall-3136 author: Suswika, Wila; Herlina, Rina; Faridah, Didih title: QUESTION ANSWER RELATIONSHIP (QAR) STRATEGY IN CRITICAL READING ON NARRATIVE TEXT date: 2020-02-20 words: 3350 flesch: 51 summary: In the first part, there were twelve students said that to overcome the difficulties in answering narrative text questions by using Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy in critical reading, they had to get a well understanding of the text to answer difficult questions using Question Answer Relationship strategy. CONCLUSION Based on the result of the data analysis which were collected by classroom observation, interview, and students’ reflective journal, the writers conclude that Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy is helpful for students not only to answer the questions but also to understand the text and can help students’ critical reading in answering narrative text questions. keywords: answer; qar; students; text cache: jall-3136.pdf plain text: jall-3136.txt item: #40 of 109 id: jall-3137 author: Kustina, Yustin; Febriani, R Bunga; Rohayati, Dedeh title: INDIRECT TEACHER FEEDBACK TO REDUCE STUDENTS’ GRAMMATICAL ERRORS IN WRITING RECOUNT TEXT date: 2020-02-20 words: 5547 flesch: 54 summary: The first advantage of indirect teacher feedback is stated by (Frodesen, 2001), which says that through indirect teacher feedback students are able to express their ideas more clearly in writing and to get clarification on any comments that teachers have made. The calculation of the students‟ score in writing personal recount text of the post-test showed that the highest score of students‟ writing recount text after being given the treatment was 85, meanwhile, the lowest score of students‟ writing was 73. keywords: errors; feedback; recount; students; study; teacher; text; writing cache: jall-3137.pdf plain text: jall-3137.txt item: #41 of 109 id: jall-3138 author: Fahmi, Rizal; Friatin, Lilies youlia; Irianti, Leni title: THE USE OF FLIPPED CLASSROOM MODEL IN READING COMPREHENSION date: 2020-02-20 words: 6812 flesch: 56 summary: How do you define flipped classroom model? How did you implement flipped classroom model in teaching reading narrative text? keywords: classroom; classroom model; learning; material; model; process; reading; session; students; study; teacher; teaching cache: jall-3138.pdf plain text: jall-3138.txt item: #42 of 109 id: jall-3153 author: Wibowo, Yulia Enggar Wigati; Syafrizal, Syafrizal; Syafryadin, Syafryadin title: AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEACHERS’ STRATEGIES IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION date: 2020-02-20 words: 2412 flesch: 57 summary: Teaching strategies in reading comprehension are important in the learning process and could affect the students reading comprehension. Brown (2004) has noted that teaching strategies can make teaching reading easier to implement a variety of teaching methods and techniques. keywords: question; reading; strategies; teachers; teaching cache: jall-3153.pdf plain text: jall-3153.txt item: #43 of 109 id: jall-3154 author: Mahenza, Deka Nur; Hati, Gita Mutiara title: COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTED BY ENGLISH TEACHERS IN TEACHING ENGLISH date: 2020-02-20 words: 3377 flesch: 54 summary: JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 4 No. 1, 2020 Received Accepted Published December 2019 January 2020 February 2020 COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTED BY ENGLISH TEACHERS IN TEACHING ENGLISH Deka Nur Mahenza University of Bengkulu, Indonesia Rudi Afriazi University of Bengkulu, Indonesia Gita Mutiara Hati University of Bengkulu, Indonesia ABSTRACT The findings found that there were thirteen types of communicative activities that were used by the English teachers. keywords: activities; english; speaking; teachers; teaching; √ √ cache: jall-3154.pdf plain text: jall-3154.txt item: #44 of 109 id: jall-3177 author: Mulyadi, Dodi; Wijayatiningsih, Testiana Deni title: THE ROLE OF BLENDED LEARNING IN ENHANCING STUDENTS’ WRITING PARAGRAPH date: 2020-02-20 words: 2509 flesch: 51 summary: This quasi-experimental study (quasi-experiment) aims to determine the differences in student learning outcomes in the class that used Blended learning to increase the skills of writing paragraphs. The results indicated a statistically significant improvement after getting treatment of blended learning. keywords: english; face; language; learning; students; writing cache: jall-3177.pdf plain text: jall-3177.txt item: #45 of 109 id: jall-3682 author: Dwiningtiyas, Gendis Nadira; Sofyan, Dedi; Puspita, Hilda title: TEACHERS’ STRATEGIES IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION date: 2020-09-30 words: 3931 flesch: 59 summary: Adler C.R, (2001) stated that teaching reading comprehension strategies are conscious plans-sets of steps that good readers use to make sense of text. “Teaching Reading Strategies Used by ESL Teachers that Facilitate Teaching and Learning Reading”. keywords: comprehension; reading; reading comprehension; strategies; students; teachers; teaching cache: jall-3682.pdf plain text: jall-3682.txt item: #46 of 109 id: jall-3686 author: Fitriani, Suci; Tarwana, Wawan title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PEER ASSISTED LEARNING STRATEGY (PALS) IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION (A Mixed Method Study at Tenth Grade in One of Senior High Schools in Ciamis) date: 2020-09-30 words: 6193 flesch: 59 summary: The first previous study which conducted by Brooke, Kristen, & Scott (2011) entitled “ The Effectiveness of Kindergarten Peer Assisted Learning Strategy For Students With Disabilities”, the result indicate that K-PALS was effective for increasing initial alphabetic principle and decoding skills ( that is Word Attack, Spelling, and Oral Reading) for students with disabilities who were included in general education classrooms. According to Topping and Ehly (2009), Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) is a scheme that fosters cross year support between students on the same course. keywords: assisted; comprehension; learning; pals; peer; reading; strategy; students cache: jall-3686.pdf plain text: jall-3686.txt item: #47 of 109 id: jall-3783 author: Fauzi, Andi Rizki title: BASE FORM OF LEXICAL VERBS IN COOKING ARTICLES AND HOW THE HOSPITALITY STUDENTS ARE FAMILIAR WITH THEM date: 2020-09-30 words: 4771 flesch: 61 summary: A suitable approach for teaching ESP words is the lexical approach. English vocabulary learning with word lists , word cards and computers : implications from cognitive psychology research for optimal spaced, (January 2008). keywords: base; corpus; english; form; language; learning; linguistics; students; verbs; vocabulary; words cache: jall-3783.pdf plain text: jall-3783.txt item: #48 of 109 id: jall-3833 author: Ali, Gusri Emiyati title: THE STUDENTS' LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT AFTER AND WITHOUT STUDYING ENGLISH IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL date: 2020-09-30 words: 1686 flesch: 66 summary: Referring to the critical age hypothesis and considering the importance of English language skills for students both as prospective job seekers and as the nation's next-generation, the author is interested in finding out if there are differences in English learning achievement of students who study English in elementary school and those that do not. Percentage of English learning achievement of students who studied and those who did not study English in elementary school No Score Sample Group 1 Sample Group 2 1 A 49.48% 29.17% 2 B + 21.65% 33.33% 3 B 24.74% 29.17% 4 C + 1.03% 4.17% 5 C 3.09% 4.17% 6 D 0% 0,00% Information: Sample Group 1: Sample group who studied English in elementary school Sample Group 2: Sample group that did not study English in elementary school To see the comparison between English learning achievement of students who study and those who did not study English in elementary school, the following data from both are presented in a bar diagram. keywords: elementary; english; school; students; study cache: jall-3833.pdf plain text: jall-3833.txt item: #49 of 109 id: jall-3856 author: Adeani, Ikin Syamsudin title: THE ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN WRITING SHORT STORIES date: 2020-09-14 words: 5763 flesch: 72 summary: JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 4 No. 2, 2020 Received Accepted Published August 2020 September 2020 September 2020 THE ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN WRITING SHORT STORIES Ikin Syamsudin Adeani Indonesian Education Department, Universitas Galuh Abstract This researchis aimed to determine the students’ ability of Indonesian Education Study Program,Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Galuh Ciamis University, in writing short stories. keywords: elements; linguistics; love; september; stories; story; time; writing cache: jall-3856.pdf plain text: jall-3856.txt item: #50 of 109 id: jall-3857 author: Setyarini, Sri title: SCIENTIFIC APPROACH IN EFL YOUNG ADOLESCENTS TO PROMOTE HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS: TEACHER’S STRATEGY, BENEFITS, AND CHALLENGES date: 2020-09-30 words: 6543 flesch: 52 summary: It was due to the principles of higher order thinking skills that required students to think more than recalling and understanding facts so they would have more opportunity to further explore the ideas. These agendas promote the 21st century learning objectives which require students to have both soft and hard skills in global competition. keywords: approach; classroom; journal; learning; order; skills; students; teacher; thinking cache: jall-3857.pdf plain text: jall-3857.txt item: #51 of 109 id: jall-3858 author: Yusuf, Suhendra title: INTERCULTURAL TRANSLATION: THE CASE OF TRANSLATING FIGURATIVE ASPECTS OF ENGLISH INTO INDONESIAN date: 2020-09-30 words: 4394 flesch: 65 summary: The big, fluffy, thick-boned, full-figured or heavy-set fat; obesity 5. lethal injection execution by injection CONCLUSION From the discussion about figurative language translation above, while it can be concluded that the translation of similes, metaphors, idioms, proverbs, or euphemism, not like the translation in general. In figurative language translation, the translator is required to have good ability in culture both languages. keywords: culture; dictionary; example; expression; figure; journal; language; linguistics; september; speech; translation cache: jall-3858.pdf plain text: jall-3858.txt item: #52 of 109 id: jall-3892 author: Rahmawati, Feny; Said, Iskhak; Misbahudin, Misbahudin title: “TECHNOLOGY, ENTERTAINMENT, DESIGN (TED)” TALK IN TEACHING VOCABULARY date: 2020-09-23 words: 4021 flesch: 58 summary: From this table, the writer found that 14.2% small parts of students express their opinion that using TED Talk was significant in relation to their memory reinforcement in learning, 42.8% almost half of the students express their opinion that using TED Talk was very significant in relation to their memory reinforcement in learning, while 42.8% almost half of other students express their opinion that using TED Talk was quite significant in relation to their memory reinforcement in learning. She also used media to make it easier in delivering the material and to make students more interesting in learning. keywords: learning; students; talk; ted; vocabulary cache: jall-3892.pdf plain text: jall-3892.txt item: #53 of 109 id: jall-3893 author: Rahayu, Avita Tri; Friatin, Lilies youlia; Surachmat, A.M. title: OPTIMIZING WELL (WEB-ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING) IN TEACHING READING date: 2020-09-23 words: 5920 flesch: 55 summary: In directed response/questioning, treatment description related to dialectic or Socratic teaching, the teacher directing students to ask questions, the teacher and student or students engaging in reciprocal dialogue (Cain & Oakhill, 2007, p. 180). However, the previous study focused on using the CALL model on improving students’ reading abilities to 106 students in Department of Foreign Languages of Shandong University of Political Science and Law. keywords: language; language learning; learning; reading; students; teaching; web cache: jall-3893.pdf plain text: jall-3893.txt item: #54 of 109 id: jall-3894 author: Sriwahyuni, Fitri Lestari; Febriani, R. Bunga; Thoyyibah, Luthfiyatun title: RECIPROCAL TEACHING OF READING TO PROMOTE STUDENTS’ CRITICAL THINKING date: 2020-09-23 words: 3806 flesch: 51 summary: It’s to find out the implementation of reciprocal teaching in reading process to promote students’ critical thinking, and to find out the students’ perception after teaching by reciprocal teaching method. It is recommended for English teacher to used Reciprocal Teaching in Reading to promote students’ critical thinking. keywords: comprehension; learning; reading; research; students; teaching; thinking cache: jall-3894.pdf plain text: jall-3894.txt item: #55 of 109 id: jall-4514 author: Ari, Novia Wulan; wijayatiningsih, testiana deni; mulyadi, dodi title: STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN LEARNING ONLINE OF READING COMPREHENSION NARRATIVE TEXT THROUGH GOOGLE CLASSROOM date: 2021-02-27 words: 2822 flesch: 59 summary: I concluded there was 62.5% of students agreed and 12.5% strongly agreed that the application of learning based on Google Classroom was useful in learning reading narrative text. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 Received Accepted Published December 2020 February 2021 February 2021 STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN LEARNING ONLINE OF READING COMPREHENSION NARRATIVE TEXT THROUGH GOOGLE CLASSROOM Novia Wulan Ari Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang keywords: classroom; google; learning; narrative; students cache: jall-4514.pdf plain text: jall-4514.txt item: #56 of 109 id: jall-4587 author: Narasati, Riri Narasati title: THE INFLUENCE OF USING ANIMATED FIMS IN SPEAKING ABILITY IMPROVEMENT date: 2021-02-27 words: 2807 flesch: 63 summary: From the definition and the importance of learning process of Speaking above, it can be concluded that Speaking learning is a fundamental basis in the process of learning English. Students become more active compared with the previous learning process of Speaking and students are expected to be more creative and not monotonous or memory-oriented in the learning process of Speaking. keywords: learning; process; speaking; students; test cache: jall-4587.pdf plain text: jall-4587.txt item: #57 of 109 id: jall-4662 author: Fatimah, Annisa Nur title: ENGLISH MATERIAL: NEED ANALYSIS ON SECRETARY STUDENTS date: 2021-02-27 words: 4595 flesch: 47 summary: Keywords: need analysis, secretary student, English material, English for specific purpose, ESP. While, the indicator of learning situation is learning topic and activity presented structurully [3]. file:///D:/Jurnal%20PDP%202%20Kirim%20ke%20EDULINGUA.docx%23Nat10 file:///D:/Jurnal%20PDP%202%20Kirim%20ke%20EDULINGUA.docx%23Alb13 file:///D:/Jurnal%20PDP%202%20Kirim%20ke%20EDULINGUA.docx%23Dud98 file:///D:/Jurnal%20PDP%202%20Kirim%20ke%20EDULINGUA.docx%23Dud98 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 88 METHOD This study is descriptive analytic, the subject of the research is the fourth semester of secretary students of Polytechnic of Pratama Mulia. keywords: data; english; learning; materials; need; secretary; situation; students; writing cache: jall-4662.pdf plain text: jall-4662.txt item: #58 of 109 id: jall-4763 author: Widiastuti, Rizki; Syafryadin, Syafryadin; Rahmawati, Istiqomah Nur title: ANALYZING SYLLABUS’ LEARNING OBJECTIVES IN THE LESSON PLAN date: 2021-02-27 words: 5747 flesch: 51 summary: The data from the interview were also used for cues reflected the aspects related to the implementation of curriculum objectives. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 Received Accepted Published December 2020 February 2021 February 2021 ANALYZING SYLLABUS’ LEARNING OBJECTIVES IN THE LESSON PLAN Rizki Widiastuti University of Bengkulu Syafryadin University of Bengkulu Istiqomah Nur Rahmawati UIN Raden Intan ABSTRACT Introduced to relatively new curriculum, KTSP, teachers are given the challenge to develop the curriculum, the syllabus, the lesson plan and the activities in the classroom, yet the teachers seem still have the difficulties in developing the curriculum, integrating the learning objectives in the syllabus into activities lay in lesson plan thus this study is conducted in purpose to find out how teachers interpret the learning objectives in syllabus into the lesson plan, discover the difficulties and how the teachers overcome the difficulties. keywords: curriculum; dalam; dan; data; learning; lesson; lesson plan; makna; objectives; plan; school; syllabus; teachers cache: jall-4763.pdf plain text: jall-4763.txt item: #59 of 109 id: jall-4899 author: Lingga, Yulima Melsipa; Yuliyanti, Wan; Ningsih, Yuliana title: IMPROVING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILL OF EFL CLASS BY USING VIDEO BLOG ON SOCIAL MEDIA date: 2021-02-27 words: 5366 flesch: 63 summary: Muhammad Muhsin in his research (2018) about the use of video blogging as a media to improve student speaking skill use a CAR method with different process. EFL students are less motivated to try to speak English because they are afraid to JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 20 make mistakes when speaking (Rahman, 2013). keywords: english; learning; level; proficiency; research; skill; speaking; students; video cache: jall-4899.pdf plain text: jall-4899.txt item: #60 of 109 id: jall-4949 author: haq, azka saeful; Amalia, Rosaria Mita; Yuliawati, Susi title: LEXICAL BUNDLES OF INDONESIAN AND ENGLISH RESEARCH ARTICLES: FREQUENCY ANALYSIS date: 2021-02-27 words: 5752 flesch: 56 summary: Significance of lexical bundles studies in academic writing is to provide familiar patterns of use in word combinations for guideline. Practically, this study can play role in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) to recommend prevalent patterns of lexical bundle use in the form of pedagogically useful list of word combination. keywords: articles; bundles; corpus; english; indonesian; journal; linguistics; study; use cache: jall-4949.pdf plain text: jall-4949.txt item: #61 of 109 id: jall-4965 author: Nugraha, Intan Siti; Sujatna, Eva Tuckyta S.; Mahdi, Sutiono title: CORPUS LINGUISTIC STUDY OF TWEETS USING #CHARLIEHEBDO HASHTAG date: 2021-02-27 words: 5005 flesch: 54 summary: Using corpus linguistics analysis, that is keyword analysis, they investigated the topics around the discussion in the corpus and subsequently carried out more detailed concordance analysis in order to identify discourses. Some studies specifically employ corpus linguistic approach, such as keyword analysis to investigate significant topics and discourses around them (Baker & McEnery, 2015) keywords: analysis; charliehebdo; corpus; february; journal; keywords; linguistics; topics; tweets; twitter cache: jall-4965.pdf plain text: jall-4965.txt item: #62 of 109 id: jall-4975 author: Rudiana, Rudiana title: THE REALIZATION OF GRAMMATICAL COHESION DEVICES IN EFL STUDENTS’ ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAYS date: 2021-02-27 words: 3059 flesch: 50 summary: THE REALIZATION OF GRAMMATICAL COHESION DEVICES IN EFL STUDENTS’ ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAYS Rudiana English Education Program, FKIP Galuh University ABSTRACT Moreover, this study was aimed at figuring out the realization of grammatical cohesion devices which was centred on determining the type of those devices, the predominant devices realized, and the extent to which the use of those devices helps the texts achieve their cohesion. keywords: cohesion; conjunction; devices; reference; text cache: jall-4975.pdf plain text: jall-4975.txt item: #63 of 109 id: jall-4976 author: Nurinayah, Nurinayah title: AN INTERPERSONAL MEANING ANALYSIS OF THE SECOND-GRADE STUDENTS’ NARRATIVE TEXTS date: 2021-02-27 words: 3325 flesch: 52 summary: The realization of mood, residue, and mood type were the part of the main point that was interpersonal meaning; It could be understood that Interpersonal meaning was defined that the use of language to interact with others, to establish and to maintain relations with them, to influence their judgments and behavior and to express point of view on things in the world. In line with the findings of the present study, both of study were revealed the realization of mood and residue through interpersonal meaning analysis. keywords: analysis; meaning; mood; students; study cache: jall-4976.pdf plain text: jall-4976.txt item: #64 of 109 id: jall-4977 author: Apriyana, Ade title: THE ANALYSIS OF PRAGMATIC DEIXIS REALIZED ON BIG HERO MOVIE 6 date: 2021-02-27 words: 2931 flesch: 60 summary: Based on the aforementioned data, those asserted the writer to answer the second research question that Pragmatic deixis second person deixis was categorized as dominant utterances uttered in a movie that was realized 46%. The objectives of the study aims to investigate the realization of the kinds of pragmatic deixis and the dominant kinds of pragmatics deixis realize in Big Hero movie 6. keywords: deixis; hero; movie; person; study cache: jall-4977.pdf plain text: jall-4977.txt item: #65 of 109 id: jall-5063 author: alfyna, ferra; Aswir, Aswir title: THE USE OF STORY FACE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS READING COMPREHENSION BY NARRATIVE TEXT date: 2021-09-29 words: 1921 flesch: 60 summary: Teaching Reading Comprehension to students with learning difficulties, International Journal, 35-44. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text, 42-56. Mufidah (2018). keywords: face; reading; students; test cache: jall-5063.pdf plain text: jall-5063.txt item: #66 of 109 id: jall-5064 author: fitri, hafidah; Misbah, Hasanul title: TEACHING ENGLISH BY USING VLOGGER VIDEO TO INCREASE VOCABULARY date: 2021-09-29 words: 1793 flesch: 58 summary: Then, after using vlogger video researcher would give post-test to experimental class. Thus, researchers named the research entitled teaching English by Using Vlogger Video to Increase Vocabulary. keywords: research; test; video; vlogger; vocabulary cache: jall-5064.pdf plain text: jall-5064.txt item: #67 of 109 id: jall-5106 author: Mutiarani, Mutiarani; Rusiana, Atikah title: STIMULATING STUDENTS SPEAKING USING ENGLISH SPEECHES YOUTUBE CHANNEL date: 2021-09-29 words: 3841 flesch: 64 summary: Many students, especially junior high school The JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 41 ability of junior high school students is still very low, especially in this regard Language. Good oral English shows some of the most prominent factors One is fluency, but many students are hesitant and often They are talking. keywords: english; language; speaking; students; test; youtube cache: jall-5106.pdf plain text: jall-5106.txt item: #68 of 109 id: jall-5132 author: Ijudin, Mohamad; Irianti, Leni; Rachmawati, Etika title: THE ROLES OF CODE SWITCHING IN ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE: SPEAKING CLASS date: 2021-09-29 words: 4487 flesch: 61 summary: The study has revealed enough evidence to support theory that using language shift while learning and teaching English is effective in the process of teaching and learning English as foreign language, in this case in the subject of Speaking for classroom instruction subject; and that code switching as one of the kinds of language change is necessary and inevitable in language classrooms. The code switching as one of the kinds of multilingualism is essential and unavoidable in language classrooms. keywords: classroom; code; english; language; students; switching; teacher; teaching cache: jall-5132.pdf plain text: jall-5132.txt item: #69 of 109 id: jall-5462 author: Fediany, Rindi; Indriani, Lilia title: IDENTIFYING AFFIXES USED IN THE 18th TO 19th CENTURY CLASSIC SHORT STORIES date: 2021-09-29 words: 2574 flesch: 74 summary: The suffix –ing appeared excessively because short stories, in this case are narrative texts, use past continuous tense to describe actions that were happening in the past. The objectives of this study are: 1) To know what affixes were used in the 18th to 19th century short stories 2) To know which affix was the most used in the 18th to 19th century short stories METHOD keywords: affixes; journal; stories; story; suffix; word cache: jall-5462.pdf plain text: jall-5462.txt item: #70 of 109 id: jall-5503 author: Ussolichah, Ana Nisa; Indra, Arindi; Rahayu, Hesti Dwi; Wulansari, Atsani title: DISCOURSE MARKER ANALYSIS IN AVENGERS: ENDGAME MOVIE date: 2021-09-29 words: 2877 flesch: 70 summary: However, discourse marker words cannot stand alone because they willbecome less meaningful. The data in this study is the result of searching for discourse marker words used in the Avengers: Endgame movie. keywords: discourse; marker; september; vol cache: jall-5503.pdf plain text: jall-5503.txt item: #71 of 109 id: jall-5614 author: Santoso, Heri title: THE CULTURAL IDENTITIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHERS date: 2021-09-29 words: 3085 flesch: 56 summary: Although this study does not include a specific discussion about considering the culture of teacher identity, this study still provides insight into teacher identity complexity. Keywords: foreign language teachers, cultural identity, English teachers, language teaching INTRODUCTION keywords: culture; identity; language; learning; teachers cache: jall-5614.pdf plain text: jall-5614.txt item: #72 of 109 id: jall-5620 author: Afifah, Deris Nurjamiliatul; Abdullah, Fuad; Hidayati, Arini Nurul; Andriani, Agis title: STUDENT’S IDENTITIES IN SCHOOL LITERACY MOVEMENT: TOWARD A DISCURSIVE PERSPECTIVE FOR LITERACY EDUCATION IN INDONESIA date: 2021-09-29 words: 5635 flesch: 57 summary: This program supports students (e.g. secondary school students) to cultivate their literacies and enables them to invigorate their reading habits. Pedagogically, this study suggests that SLM should not only be viewed as an auxiliary program fostering students’ literacies but also a bridge connecting students to possess learning awareness and autonomy in English language learning. keywords: book; journal; literacy; literacy movement; movement; program; reading; school; school literacy; student; teacher cache: jall-5620.pdf plain text: jall-5620.txt item: #73 of 109 id: jall-5786 author: Ismailia, Titik title: PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT USING RUBRIC TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL date: 2021-09-29 words: 4875 flesch: 53 summary: At the last step of evaluation, this classroom action research aired that students actively participated in the process of making the product and fulfilled the criteria of speaking assessment: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and task. First, students lack language ability in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency. keywords: assessment; learning; performance; september; speaking; students; task; teaching; vol cache: jall-5786.pdf plain text: jall-5786.txt item: #74 of 109 id: jall-5787 author: Nupus, Hayati title: ONLINE CULTURE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2021-09-29 words: 4255 flesch: 47 summary: Online learning is a face-to-face learning system between teachers and students, a study conducted by (Allen &Seaman, 2007) that online learning requires an internet network. The existence of this COVID-19 pandemic forces the public to be responsive to technology, towards a new culture, where communication and routines can be done such as online learning for students at home, communication, new culture, and digital culture will be the implications of this online learning process, with online learning activities. keywords: covid-19; culture; education; home; learning; pandemic; process; students; technology cache: jall-5787.pdf plain text: jall-5787.txt item: #75 of 109 id: jall-5894 author: Sartika, Widya; Tahrun, Tahrun; Hatim, Magdad title: THE INFLUENCE OF TASK-BASED LEARNING APPROACH AND SELF-CONFIDENCE TOWARD STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY AT SMAN 4 PALEMBANG date: 2022-02-27 words: 3564 flesch: 65 summary: To improve the quality of teaching and learning speaking ability and solve student’s problems in mastering speaking, the writer used Task-Based Learning Approach in teaching speaking ability and self-confidence. Six meetings were conducted to see the influence of Task-Based Learning Approach of the students’ self-confidence for improving speaking ability. keywords: ability; confidence; learning; self; speaking; students; task cache: jall-5894.pdf plain text: jall-5894.txt item: #76 of 109 id: jall-6550 author: Dewi, Elvita Savitri; Jannah, Raudlotul title: ILLOCUTIONARY ACTS ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHARACTER IN “BRAVE” MOVIE date: 2022-02-27 words: 3737 flesch: 61 summary: When the speaker intends to express something directly, specific power makes people act following what they said, and the intention was called illocutionary speech acts (Sartika et al., 2019). Illocutionary speech acts need to be included in the speech’s context in the speech situation. keywords: acts; character; illocutionary; merida; movie; speech cache: jall-6550.pdf plain text: jall-6550.txt item: #77 of 109 id: jall-6626 author: Silalahi, Roma July Venny BR; Simbolon, Mia Audina; Saragih, Erikson title: WRITING ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES OF ENGLISH TEACHERS IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL date: 2022-02-27 words: 3873 flesch: 52 summary: Writing assessment can be used for a variety of purposes both inside and outside the classroom, including assisting students, awarding grades, placing students in appropriate courses, permitting students to drop out of a course or a sequence of courses, certifying proficiency, and assessing programs are just a few examples. Writing assessment is most effective for improving teaching and learning. keywords: assessment; form; learning; material; questions; students; teaching; writing cache: jall-6626.pdf plain text: jall-6626.txt item: #78 of 109 id: jall-6649 author: Rahmawati, Wiki Tedi; Harahap, Yunita Mutiara; Ramlah, Ramlah title: EFFECTIVENESS OF FIVES STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION date: 2022-02-27 words: 2705 flesch: 55 summary: Rafi, Islam, and Cahyani, (2021) also added that to get scientific information, reading comprehension is an activity that students must improve. Teaching reading comprehension focusing on text genres should be carefully prepared and considered since students mostly asked to answer the questions related to the text in their reading activity (Sari, 2019). keywords: comprehension; reading; strategy; students; test; text cache: jall-6649.pdf plain text: jall-6649.txt item: #79 of 109 id: jall-6657 author: Nurlaily, Nurlaily title: AN ANALYSIS OF ERRORS MADE BY ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STUDENTS IN ENGLISH PARAGRAPH WRITING date: 2022-02-27 words: 4676 flesch: 56 summary: Nevertheless, careful examination of student errors can help teachers understand students' specific language needs for effective pedagogical interventions. When learning a foreign language, language errors often occur. keywords: english; errors; language; sentence; students; use; verb; writing cache: jall-6657.pdf plain text: jall-6657.txt item: #80 of 109 id: jall-6771 author: Friatin, Lilies Youlia; Jamilah, Jamilah title: CONSTRUCTING ESP-BASED ENTREPRENEURSHIP CURRICULUM FOR TEACHER TRAINEES: A NEED ANALYSIS OF BUILDING CREATIVE LIFE SKILLS date: 2022-02-27 words: 3775 flesch: 46 summary: As a result, in this situation, the necessity for the creation of an English for Specific Purposes course takes into account an emphasis on professional communication skills development Language education in ESP courses is frequently restricted to the acquisition of a particular lexicon and sentence structure. The ESP course design must include features such as meeting the learners' specific needs, employing the learners' discipline's implicit methodology and activities, and emphasizing the teaching of language skills (grammar, lexis, register, skills, discourse, and genres) relevant to those disciplinary activities (Dudley-Evans and St John, 1998).Many studies have focused on ESP discussions, including Wu, Liao, and DeBacker (2016), discovered that task-based instruction in ESP courses was purpose-fit to meet student needs in raising their competencies, particularly in speaking and listening, whereas reading competency was not considered to have a significant difference during the learning process. keywords: business; english; esp; language; learners; needs; skills; students cache: jall-6771.pdf plain text: jall-6771.txt item: #81 of 109 id: jall-6888 author: Haryanti, Dini; Febriani, R. Bunga; Faridah, Didih title: PROMOTING STUDENTS’ AUTONOMOUS LEARNING THROUGH ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION APPLICATION IN LEARNING PRONUNCIATION date: 2022-02-27 words: 4403 flesch: 52 summary: There are so many kinds of application that can be used in learning pronunciation, for example using English Pronunciation application. Thus, the researcher tried to investigate the use of English Pronunciation application in learning pronunciation which elaborate in this paper entitled “Promoting Students’ Autonomous Learning Through English Pronunciation in Learning Pronunciation” (A Case Study to the Freshman of English Education Program in Galuh University). keywords: application; english; journal; learning; linguistics; pronunciation; students cache: jall-6888.pdf plain text: jall-6888.txt item: #82 of 109 id: jall-6960 author: Hartono, Dang Arif; Nguyen, Phuong Lan title: THE INVESTMENT OF MIGRANT WOMEN IN SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW date: 2022-02-27 words: 7407 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: migrant women, language learning, motivation, investment INTRODUCTION In fact, among first-generation immigrants, migrant women tend to use their native language more than their male counterparts (Holmes, 1993). keywords: country; english; journal; language; learning; migrant; new; second; studies; women cache: jall-6960.pdf plain text: jall-6960.txt item: #83 of 109 id: jall-7129 author: Hamdani, Haris Hamdani; Puspitorini, Ferawaty title: STUDENTS' PERCEPTION ON THE USE OF CAKE APPLICATION TO IMPROVE SPEAKING SKILL date: 2022-02-27 words: 3026 flesch: 61 summary: Then, he really suggested other students to practice speaking using Cake application because he knew the score from the feature “speak”. Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the students’ perception on the use of Cake application to improve speaking skill. keywords: application; cake; speaking; students cache: jall-7129.pdf plain text: jall-7129.txt item: #84 of 109 id: jall-7667 author: Utami, Peby; Iqbal, Ibnu; Najmi, Farhan; Damanik, Emeliya Sukma Dara title: SPEECH ACT IN BARACK OBAMA’S SPEECH date: 2022-09-15 words: 1866 flesch: 66 summary: The purpose of this study is to analyze Barack Obama's usage of speech acts in speech A More Perfect Union”. According to Yule (1996), speech act is a study of how language when it is being used by both the speakers and the hearers. keywords: act; barack; data; speech cache: jall-7667.pdf plain text: jall-7667.txt item: #85 of 109 id: jall-7686 author: Putri, Anisa Hersa; Syafryadin, Syafryadin title: TEACHERS’ OBSTACLES AND SOLUTIONS ON INTEGRATING ICT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING date: 2022-09-15 words: 4954 flesch: 57 summary: Saputri et al (2020) mentioned some benefits of implementing ICT tool in classroom teaching and learning process. In other words, it is necessary for teachers to be able to utilize ICT tools in their teaching process in order to achive more effective and interactive learning process. keywords: english; ict; learning; obstacles; teachers; teaching; technology; tools cache: jall-7686.pdf plain text: jall-7686.txt item: #86 of 109 id: jall-7949 author: Lasut, Rani Falantika; Nurlaily, Nurlaily title: DESIGNING INTEGRATED ENGLISH TEACHING MATERIAL CLASS THROUGH ONLINE LEARNING date: 2022-09-15 words: 4875 flesch: 49 summary: (2013) states that the development of teaching materials for creative and integrated English learning is an effort to promote student learning by promoting a change from the old to the new mindset that learning is the result of one's efforts and not those of others. As Noviarani et al. (2021) have found, using new knowledge into teaching materials, promoting student learning styles and attitudes, and incorporating audio-visual technology are the three considerations teachers must keep in mind while developing instructional materials. . keywords: design; english; journal; learning; linguistics; material; researchers; students; study; teacher; teaching cache: jall-7949.pdf plain text: jall-7949.txt item: #87 of 109 id: jall-8067 author: Ismawati, Krisna; Syafryadin, Syafryadin title: STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS OF USING READTHEORY.ORG IN READING COMPREHENSION date: 2022-09-15 words: 3947 flesch: 56 summary: CONCLUSIONS Based on the data processing of the questionnaire results and the data analysis that has been explained, it can be seen that of all the indicators compiled into fifteen statements related to student perceptions regarding the use of ReadTheory in reading comprehension, the majority of the subjects showed positive responses, especially on points related to the use of the platform towards changes in their abilities for the better even though the changes are not too significant. To prepare students to become qualified human resources, having the ability to read in English will provide additional value that is useful in the future. keywords: agree; comprehension; platform; questionnaire; reading; readtheory; students cache: jall-8067.pdf plain text: jall-8067.txt item: #88 of 109 id: jall-8252 author: Faridah, Didih; Friatin, Lilies Youlia; Rohayati, Dedeh title: OPTIMIZING STUDENTS’ SELF REGULATED LEARNING THROUGH ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION APPLICATION IN LEARNING PRONUNCIATION DURING PANDEMIC ERA date: 2022-09-15 words: 4830 flesch: 49 summary: In conclusion, the result indicate that the students have a positive respond on the use of English Pronunciation application in learning pronunciation since English Pronunciation application allows students to learn by themselves in pandemic era, it also make students easier in learning pronunciation. For EFL learner and teacher this situation become more challenging, especially in learning pronunciation. keywords: application; english; journal; learning; pronunciation; pronunciation application; self; students cache: jall-8252.pdf plain text: jall-8252.txt item: #89 of 109 id: jall-8269 author: Tarwana, Wawan; Said, Iskhak title: THE STRATEGY OF DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ TRANSLATION SKILL THROUGH ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE OF MACHINE ASSISTED TRANSLATION (MAT) AND MANUAL TRANSLATION (MT) date: 2022-09-15 words: 3234 flesch: 55 summary: So, the result is natural and easy to read compared to GT translation. The research data collection techniques were obtained from classroom observations, interviews with lecturers on Translation subjects, and documents from the results of student translations. keywords: english; mat; research; students; translation cache: jall-8269.pdf plain text: jall-8269.txt item: #90 of 109 id: jall-8406 author: Hanifah, Ifah; Suseno, Muchlas; Anwar, Miftahulkhairah title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LITERACY TEACHING MATERIALS BASED ON LOCAL WISDOM IN IMPROVING LITERACY SKILLS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2022-09-15 words: 3616 flesch: 56 summary: Effectiveness Test (t-test) To find out whether there is a difference between student test results before and after the implementation of literacy teaching materials, a paired sample t-test was conducted on the data found. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that literacy teaching materials based on local wisdom effectively improved the literacy skills of 5th graders at SDN 1 Ciloa. keywords: journal; literacy; materials; reading; students; teaching; test cache: jall-8406.pdf plain text: jall-8406.txt item: #91 of 109 id: jall-8452 author: Kiki, Asep; Lestari, Zubaedah Wiji; Noviantoro, Nuriska title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TUTORIAL VIDEO IN LEARNING WRITING ON PROCEDURAL TEXT date: 2022-09-15 words: 2778 flesch: 48 summary: The Effect of Tutorial Video on Students Writing of Procedure Text. The results of observations at the fourth meeting after students were given a video tutorial entitled how to make strawberry milk most students had enjoyed the video tutorial and most students were active in answering the questions given by the teacher. keywords: learning; students; teacher; text; tutorial; video; writing cache: jall-8452.pdf plain text: jall-8452.txt item: #92 of 109 id: jall-8514 author: Nurkusumaningrum, Fitria; Utomo, Slamet; Nuraeningsih, Nuraeningsih title: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS ON LEARNING ENGLISH THROUGH MICROSOFT TEAMS date: 2022-09-15 words: 2873 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: Student perception, learning English, Microsoft Teams. Student 40 : Good, because in Microsoft Teams there is a feature that can translate into a language that we understand. keywords: english; learning; microsoft; microsoft teams; research; students; teams cache: jall-8514.pdf plain text: jall-8514.txt item: #93 of 109 id: jall-8518 author: Utami, Septyana Dwi; Kusumastuti, Dyah title: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON THE LECTURER’S FEEDBACK OF THEIR SPEAKING ABILITY IN ONLINE CLASS date: 2022-09-15 words: 4934 flesch: 60 summary: The Way the Lecturer Gives Feedback to the Students’ Speaking Ability To analyze the way the lecturer’s give feedback, the researchers provided 10 statements in table 1. A SA N Mean 11 Feedback from the lecturer is appropriate to the mistakes I made when speaking 0 0 11 16 8 35 3.91 12 The lecturer’s feedback on my speaking ability is too long therefore it is difficult to understand 4 13 13 3 2 35 3.40 13 Feedback about the use of grammar when speaking English is given in detail by the lecturer 2 4 12 12 5 35 3.40 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 217 14 Feedback about the use of grammar when speaking English is given in detail by the lecturer 0 2 12 14 7 35 3.74 15 Feedback about non-verbal communication when I speak English is given in detail by the lecturer 0 2 17 15 1 35 3.43 The Benefit of the Lecturer Give Feedback to the Students’ Speaking Ability To analyze the way the lecturer’s give feedback, the researchers provided 5 statements in table 3. Table. keywords: ability; english; feedback; lecturer; mistakes; research; speaking; students cache: jall-8518.pdf plain text: jall-8518.txt item: #94 of 109 id: jall-8524 author: Narasati, Riri title: THE UTILIZATION OF THE INSTAGRAM LIVE FEATURE IN LEARNING DURING PANDEMIC TIMES TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' SPEAKING ABILITIES date: 2022-09-15 words: 3029 flesch: 58 summary: This situation alone makes the researcher, who also acts as a teacher, upgrade the online learning process with the help of social media, the Instagram Live feature. Nasrullah (2016) stated that social media can be seen from the development of how individuals interact with the media devices. keywords: class; experimental; instagram; learning; media; research; students; test cache: jall-8524.pdf plain text: jall-8524.txt item: #95 of 109 id: jall-8547 author: Herlina, Rina; Rachmawati, Etika; Sugiarto, Bambang Ruby title: THE USE OF AUDIO TRIMMER AS AN ONLINE APPLICATION TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' ABILITY IN ENGLISH LISTENING CLASS date: 2022-09-15 words: 3852 flesch: 56 summary: And how do students respond to the use of online Application-based Audio Trimmers in Listening courses? Second question; Are there any significant problems that you have encountered in listening courses using an audio trimmer? keywords: application; audio; english; listening; research; students; trimmer; use cache: jall-8547.pdf plain text: jall-8547.txt item: #96 of 109 id: jall-8575 author: puspita, Dayu Retno; Nuruddin, Nuruddin; Rafli, Zainal title: A MODEL OF SPEAKING LESSON PLAN BASED CONTEXTUAL FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER EDUCATION STUDENTS date: 2022-09-15 words: 4158 flesch: 53 summary: According to Casper (2003), needs analysis can be regarded from the perspective of student learning needs, desires, and expectations. As future professional teachers, primary school teacher education students are expected to actively master English, both speaking and writing. keywords: contextual; english; learning; lesson; plan; speaking; students; teacher; teaching cache: jall-8575.pdf plain text: jall-8575.txt item: #97 of 109 id: jall-8629 author: Sihombing, Lambok Hermanto; Lestari, Puji title: THE PORTRAIT OF INDONESIAN CULTURE THROUGH AN ANIMATED FILM “SI ENTONG” date: 2022-09-15 words: 4665 flesch: 55 summary: However, before we get deeper on its film, we would like to provide some definition of animated film. Likewise, media technologies may contribute to the circulation of animated films. keywords: culture; entong; film; indonesian; journal; linguistics; representation; researchers; scene; september; students cache: jall-8629.pdf plain text: jall-8629.txt item: #98 of 109 id: jall-9216 author: Marjelina Lorenza, Oktazsya; Arsyad, Safnil; Syafryadin, Syafryadin title: Gender Representation of Flouting Maxim in Classroom Interaction Videos on Youtube date: 2023-02-15 words: 4811 flesch: 57 summary: The result showed the most occurrences of flouting maxim were found in quantity. Aisya, et al. (2019) suggested further researchers who have similar interests in terms of analyzing flouting maxims can choose different contexts to know more about flouting the maxims. keywords: classroom; flouting; interaction; maxim; quantity; research; types; videos; youtube cache: jall-9216.pdf plain text: jall-9216.txt item: #99 of 109 id: jall-9221 author: Tessema, Mitiku Garedew; Belihu, Girma Gezahegn title: Investigating Efl Teachers’ Beliefs in the Use of Information Communication Technologies for Self-Initiated Professional Development date: 2023-02-15 words: 5547 flesch: 46 summary: JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 42 Therefore, EFL teachers in the Ethiopian higher institutions can consider self- initiated professional approach. EFL teachers in Ethiopian higher institutions can also utilize ICTs for their professional development to improve their classroom practice and meet students learning strategy need. keywords: beliefs; development; efl; icts; professional; self; study; teachers; technology; use cache: jall-9221.pdf plain text: jall-9221.txt item: #100 of 109 id: jall-9273 author: Shofiyudin, Muh; Hamidaturrohmah, Hamidaturrohmah; Nuryah Tholhah, Fikky; Mansuro, Lukluan title: An Analysis of English Grammar in the Perspective of Nahwu date: 2023-02-15 words: 4132 flesch: 63 summary: The grouping of word types in Arabic ( لك مة ) is grouped only by their basic word type, while in English it is grouped by word type and its function. While the difference is 1) the group of word types in English amounts to 8 types (Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction and interjection) while Arabic has 3 types ( فعل ,امس and 2 .(فرح) the grouping of word types in English based on the type of the base word and its function whereas in arabic it is only based on the base word. keywords: arabic; english; language; speech; study; tenses; use; verb; word cache: jall-9273.pdf plain text: jall-9273.txt item: #101 of 109 id: jall-9284 author: Utomo, Aries title: Heritage Languages Acquired, Learned, and Used among Kalimantan University Students, Indonesia: A Perception date: 2023-02-15 words: 9055 flesch: 58 summary: In Kalimantan, heritage languages are very various and has developed due to many influences from internal and external factors. Keywords: perceptions, Kalimantan Students, language heritage, and maintenance. keywords: data; deviation; english; february; heritage; journal; language; linguistics; literacy; mean; statements; students; use; vol cache: jall-9284.pdf plain text: jall-9284.txt item: #102 of 109 id: jall-9324 author: nisa, izza choirun title: A Study of Senior High Schools in Palembang: Students’ Errors in Writing date: 2023-02-15 words: 4896 flesch: 54 summary: The error from students The error of word choice in student sentence as example from S of SMA Muhammadiyah 8 PLG “We need public awareness to fight air pollution” . The results of this research showed the errors of writing aspects on students writings of eleventh grade students of three high senior high schools in Palembang, namely, first is content errors, second is paragraph organizations errors, third is vocabulary error, forth is mechanic error, and fifth is grammar error. keywords: analysis; error; journal; muhammadiyah; palembang; research; sentence; sma; students; text; writing cache: jall-9324.pdf plain text: jall-9324.txt item: #103 of 109 id: jall-9332 author: Gergera, Sintayehu Gebremariam title: Status of Enhancing Learners’ Higher Order Thinking Skills in the Teaching of Reading Skills at Ethiopian Higher Education: Analyzing Reading Exercises and Learners’ Perceptions date: 2023-02-15 words: 7470 flesch: 53 summary: This is to mean that higher order questions initiate higher order thinking skills whereas lower order questions initiate lower order thinking skills. The main objective of the study is to explore higher order thinking skills in the instruction of reading skills at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, one of the higher education institutions in Ethiopia. keywords: exercises; learners; order; order thinking; questions; reading; skills; students; teaching; thinking; thinking skills; vol cache: jall-9332.pdf plain text: jall-9332.txt item: #104 of 109 id: jall-9378 author: Rachmawati, Etika -; Herlina, Rina - title: English Corner Using Creative Work: Supplement and Booster to Enhance Students’ English Performance date: 2023-02-15 words: 6051 flesch: 52 summary: Several programs such as singing, poetry reading, storytelling, drama, and public speaking are set on purpose to avoid boring topics that lead to discouraging EC participants. Most EC participants agree that EC using creative work is effective. keywords: english; issn; journal; language; learning; participants; speaking; students; study; vol cache: jall-9378.pdf plain text: jall-9378.txt item: #105 of 109 id: jall-9727 author: Fadhil, Ahmad; Gunawan, Wawan; Wirza, Yanty title: Lexical Density in EFL Indonesian Textbooks: A Comparative Analysis date: 2023-02-15 words: 5100 flesch: 57 summary: Lexical density According to Johansson (2009), lexical density is the term that is usually used to describe the proportion of lexical words such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and often also adverbs) to the total number of words. In other words, higher levels of texts do not necessarily guarantee higher lexical density indexes. keywords: adjectives; density; government; items; noun; text; textbooks; verbs cache: jall-9727.pdf plain text: jall-9727.txt item: #106 of 109 id: jall-9737 author: Basra, Sri Meiweni title: Speech Acts Analysis of the Main Characters in Tinder Swindler Documentary Film date: 2023-02-15 words: 3343 flesch: 55 summary: The study aims at investigating speech acts in a documentary film entittled the Tinder Swindler. There have been various research on speech acts in movies, but there is a lack of research on this topic which carries a documentary film as the center of attention. keywords: acts; analysis; documentary; film; journal; speech; utterances cache: jall-9737.pdf plain text: jall-9737.txt item: #107 of 109 id: jall-9859 author: Rustandi, Andi title: Cognitive behaviors in Indonesian-English translation: Exploring translation processes date: 2023-02-15 words: 6404 flesch: 44 summary: Concerning the statement above, the conception of translator cognitive behavior seems to have a similar perspective. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Types of translator cognitive behaviors Based on the research's objectives and theoretical framework, the translation process is divided into three general categories: translator's activities, translator's behaviors (cognitive aspects), and translator's strategies. keywords: activity; behavior; excerpt; journal; linguistics; meaning; process; summarizing; text; translation; translation process cache: jall-9859.pdf plain text: jall-9859.txt item: #108 of 109 id: jall-9862 author: Sugiarto, Bambang Ruby; Siregar, Bahren Umar title: Lexical Cohesion in English – Indonesia Machine Translation Output: The Realization of Manual Post-Editing date: 2023-02-15 words: 4427 flesch: 51 summary: The results provide English-Indonesia translators with important information on how to create text cohesion and the effects that changes in lexical cohesion have on text coherence. Considering this, the purpose of this study was to characterize the structure of the lexical cohesion in English-Indonesia Machine Translation (MT), and Post-Editing (PE) outputs and determine whether there were any differences in the use of lexical cohesion. keywords: cohesion; editing; machine; nomor; output; post; source; text; translation; word cache: jall-9862.pdf plain text: jall-9862.txt item: #109 of 109 id: jall-9872 author: Dharma Putra, Pande Agus Putu; Budasi, I Gede; Ramendra, Dewa Putu title: Lexicon of Costumes in The Rangda Dance date: 2023-02-15 words: 3841 flesch: 69 summary: This study aimed to discover the lexicons that exist in Rangda dance costumes. The study's result shows that twenty-seven lexicons exist in Rangda dance costumes. keywords: balinese; costumes; dance; fabric; language; lexicons; rangda; rangda dance cache: jall-9872.pdf plain text: jall-9872.txt