ISSN: 2598-8530 September 2017, Vol. 1 No. 2 English Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Galuh University 1 Received: Accepted: Published: July 2017 August 2017 September 2017 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF JIGSAW ON READING COMPREHENSION OF ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT Febriana Hidayati SMAN 2 Singaparna - Tasikmalaya Dedeh Rohayati English Education Program, Galuh University-Ciamis Abstract This paper investigates the effectiveness of Jigsaw on reading comprehension of analytical exposition text. The instruments, achievement test used to collect data were Pre-test and post-test to experimental and control groups. They served to measure students’ reading comprehension of analytical exposition text by using jigsaw . The instrument, questionnaire was used to collect data about the participants’ response towards using jigsaw in comprehending analytical exposition text. From the research, it could be obtained the t-observed value was 2.410, whereas t-critical was 2.021.It means the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the nul hypothesis is rejected. It can be concluded that there is significant difference in reading comprehension of analytical exposition text between students who are taught by using jigsaw learning and those who are taught by using Grammar-Translation Method. Furthermore, the participants’ response towards using jigsaw on reading comprehension of analytical exposition text were positive in building good relationship among classmates ; the students were be active participant in learning activity ; and the students enjoyed learning because the jigsaw classroom stimulated students’motivation. So, Jigsaw is one of the most effective ways of teaching English reading comprehension of analytical exposition text in senior high school. Keywords: Jigsaw, reading comprehension, analytical exposition text 2 INTRODUCTION Reading is one of the language skill that stimulates the acquisition of knowledge and exchange of information in language learning context. Also, reading skill is a very important aspect in teaching and learning process because it can give the students much information. Through reading, students can learn ideas, concepts, vocabularies, and attitudes. Meanwhile, the main concept in reading skill is “comprehension”; and thus reading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning from the written words, sentences, texts in order to understand its contents (Mohammadi & Davarbina, 2015; Nejad & Keshavarzi, 2015). Reading comprehension of analytical exposition text is an ability should be mastered by students of the eleventh grade of senior high school. According to Sudarwati ( 2007, p. 115 ) analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates the researcher’s idea about the phenomenon surrounding to persuade the readers. It means that the text emphasizes something and give the arguments to persuade and convince the readers. Nowadays, most of the problem occurring in the classroom deals with reading comprehension. Reading is a complex process which involves not only reading the text but also their experience to comprehend it. Because of its complexity, many teachers of English at senior high school find it difficult in all teaching reading; and therefore prefer teaching structure to read. This monotonous technique of teaching reading makes the students do not understand the content of the text, and many students easily get bored and tired when the reading material being taught. They do not like reading activities and do not have the motivation to do the materials because of the conventional method teaching. It was apparently found by the teacher during the class where most of the students have lack ability to comprehend the reading material, specifically in reading analytical exposition text. During teaching, the researcher found that the students got a lower score in the daily 3 test, final semester test and even in the National Exam. Another problem is lack of the students’ participation in the classroom. So that student may feel like they do not have enough chance to participate actively. Therefore, the teacher needs a proper technique to make the students can participate actively in the learning process, so that they can comprehend reading material easily. Based on this situation, the teacher proposes the use of jigsaw in conducting the teaching-learning process. It is because jigsaw is one method which makes: the independence of group members possible, promotes interaction and cognitive elaboration, takes into consideration, and it is one of the most effective ways of teaching English reading (Meng, 2010). In implementing jigsaw on reading comprehension of analytical exposition text according to Aronson (1997), as cited in Adhami & Marzban (2014), the jigsaw classroom is very simple to use. These are ten steps of the jigsaw: 1) Dividing students into 5-6 person jigsaw groups. 2) Appointing one student from each group as the leader. 3) Dividing the lesson into 5-6 segments. 4) Assigning each student to learn one segment, making sure students have direct access only their segment.5) Giving students time to read the topic at least twice and become familiar with the topic.6) Give students to the expert groups time to discuss the main point of their segment and to rehearse the presentation they will make to their jigsaw group. 7) Bringing the student back into their jigsaw group. 8) Asking each student to present her or his segment to the group. 9) Floating the group, observing the process, if any group is having trouble., (e.g., a member is dominating or disruptive), make an appropriate intervention. 10) At the end of the session, give a quiz on the material. Based on the theories above, jigsaw is a technique which is expected to build students’ social and cognitive skills. There are some previous studies which focus on jigsaw. Based on the application of jigsaw according to Mengduo and Xiaoling (2010), he found that that jigsaw technique is 4 an effective way to promote student participation and enthusiasm as well as a useful technique for language learners to accomplish learning tasks in the EFL classroom. Similarly, Zainullah (2014) found that the strategy of jigsaw could improve the students’ enthusiasm, activeness, and reading comprehension score of the tenth grade students of SMA Darul Qur’an Watugede Singosari. Moreover, Mohammadi and Davarbina (2015) investigated the effect of the cooperative learning techniques on improving the intermediate-level students׳ reading comprehension. More precisely, it set out to investigate the impact of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) and Jigsaw- as two techniques of Cooperative Learning, on EFL students׳ reading comprehension achievement. The results of one-way ANOVA demonstrated that both techniques of cooperative learning could improve EFL learners’ reading comprehension with Jigsaw instruction being more influential on reading comprehension compared to Numbered Heads Together. In conclusion they have proved jigsaw is the most effective and interesting teaching technique to be applied in the learning process to develop students competencies on reading comprehension and they can work actively and cooperatively is cooperative learning method (Mengduo and Xiaoling, 2010 ; Zainullah, 2014 ; Mohammadi and Davarbina, 2015). After highlighting the previous study, the writer needs to delineate the research questions. In this study, the writer addresses two research questions: (1) Is there any significant difference in reading comprehension of analytical exposition text between students who are taught by using jigsaw learning and those who are taught by using Grammar-Translation Method ( GTM) ? (2) How do the participants in the experimental group response toward the jigsaw instruction after the treatment? Accordingly, this study intended to investigate the effectiveness of jigsaw on reading comprehension of analytical exposition text to the eleventh grade of one of Senior High School in Tasikmalaya. 5 METHOD The present study adopted randomized pre-test post-test control group design of true experimental research as the research design in finding out whether there is a significant difference in reading comprehension of analytical exposition text between students who are taught by using jigsaw learning and those who are taught by using Grammar- Translation Method (Fraenkel, Wallen& Hyun, 2012, p. 302). Pre-test was given to the students of experimental and control groups before implementing jigsaw in comprehending narrative text. Then, post-test was given to the students of experimental group after being treated by jigsaw and control group which was not treated by jigsaw in comprehending analytical exposition text. Besides that, the present study used descriptive method in answering the second research question of this study which concerns the students’ opinion, the researcher got from questionnaire. The questionnaires were completed by the students of experimental group about what they response toward jigsaw insruction after the treatment. The researcher gave pre-test as the achievement test to measure an individual’s knowledge or skill and the effectiveness of an instruction (Fraenkel, Wallen & Hyun, 2012, p. 127). Then, post-test was given after jigsaw was treated and the students’ reading comprehension of control group after Grammar – Translation Method was treated. After collecting data of achievement test, quantitative data analysis technique was used by using t-test or independent t-test. Independent t- test is utilized to investigate significant mean differences between pre-test and post-test on control and experimental groups reading comprehension (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2012, p. 248). To collect the data concerning the participants’ responses towards jigsaw instruction after the treatment, the researcher gave close open ended questionnaires as the instrument 6 to the sample of experimental group to investigate what they response toward jigsaw instruction after the treatment. The students of experimental group were asked to to answer five questions in the questionnaire about their response toward the jigsaw instruction after the treatment. There were some steps in analyzing the data questionnaire. It started from coding and then entering the data (Dӧrnyei,2003, p. 97). Moreover, the data obtained from questionnaire were analized based on the the categories of student engagement and presented through bar chart based on the percentage computation as suggested by Hatch and Lazarton ( 1999). FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Based on the result of this study, it shows that t-observed (2.41) is higher than t-critical (2.02). Based on the rule of statistical research, if the t-observed is higher than t-critical value, alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted and null hypothesis (H0) is rejected. So that, alternative hypothesis ( H1) is accepted. Referring to the first research question whether there is any significant difference in reading comprehension of analytical exposition text between students who are taught by using jigsaw and those who are taught by using GTM in the eleventh grade of one of Senior High School in Tasikmalaya. It is indeed that there is significant difference in reading comprehension of analytical exposition text between students who are taught by using jigsaw cooperative learning and those who are taught by using GTM in the eleventh grade of one of Senior High School in Tasikmalaya. In addition, based on the students’ answer to each numbers of questionnaire, the result showed that the participants in the experimental group gave positive responses toward the jigsaw instruction after the treatment. Based on the result of the research, the answer of the first research question is there is a significant difference in reading 7 comprehension of analytical exposition text between students who are taught by using jigsaw learning and those who are taught by using Grammar-Translation Method, also the answer of the second research question is the students give positive responses toward jigsaw instruction after the treatment. The students interested in using jigsaw, they felt by using jigsaw could improve their reading comprehension ability, and it could solve the difficulty to comprehend the analytical exposition text , could improved student’s responsibility in self assessment, and students became an active participant as a group together. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the present study and the previous studies also showed jigsaw gives many benefits : 1) Jigsaw could improve their reading comprehension ability ; 2) It made students get interested in learning narrative text ; 3) They could build good relationship between classmates ; 3) They could be more active in learning activity ; 4) Jigsaw could improve student’s responsibility in self assessment . So, finally we can conclude that jigsaw is one of the most effective ways of teaching English reading comprehension of analytical exposition text in senior high school. Concerning the relation to the previous studies, there was a difference between this research to the previous studies by Mengduo and Xiaoling (2010), Zainullah (2014), and Mohammadi and Davarbina (2015). They study did not focus on the analytical exposition text. The similarity of this research to the previous study was the implementation of jigsaw could generate interpersonal and interactive skills. CONCLUSIONS Based on the result of the study conducted at the class XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 2 of the Senior High School in Tasikmalaya, there is significant difference in reading comprehension of analytical exposition text between students who are taught by using jigsaw cooperative learning and those who are taught by using GTM in the eleventh grade of one of Senior High School in Tasikmalaya. Based on the students’ responses, it was 8 found that the students give positive response toward the use of jigsaw especially in building social skill and students’ motivation in learning English. So, we can conclude that jigsaw is one of the most effective ways of teaching English reading comprehension of analytical exposition text in senior high school. It can develop students’ reading comprehension skill, and also raise students’ motivation, interpersonal and social skill. Referring to the conclusions above, the researcher offers some suggestions. The first is for the teacher to vary techniques in teaching activity especially teaching reading. The second is for the students to build good relationship with classmates to share knowledge each other. For further researchers, actually this study still have some weaknesses. Thus, it gives a broad opportunities for other researchers in making this study more perfect in the same field with the different interest. REFERENCES Adam, F, H. (2013). Using jigsaw technique as an effective way of promoting co-operative learning among primary six pupil in Fijai. International Journal of Education and Practice, 1(6):64-74. 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