ISSN: 2598-8530 February 2018, Vol. 2 No. 1 English Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Galuh University 25 Received: Accepted: Published: October 2017 December 2017 February 2018 MALE-FEMALE EFL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON THE USE OF AUDIO VISUAL AIDS TO IMPROVE THEIR VOCABULARY MASTERY Firda Fauziah English Education Program, Galuh University Etika Rachmawati English Education Program, Galuh University Misbahudin English Education Program, Galuh University Abstract This study attempted to investigate male-female EFL students’ perception on the use of audio visual aids in learning vocabulary mastery. The aims of this study were to finding out the male EFL students’ perception on the use of audio visual aids in learning vocabulary, the female EFL students’ perception on the use of audio visual aids in learning vocabulary, and how audio visual aids help students in improving their vocabulary mastery. The participants were 19 students at the tenth grade students in one of senior high schools in Ciamis. This study employed one type of qualitative strategies that was using case study. The writer used three instruments to gain the data, they were questionnaire, interview and observation. The result for the first question asserted that male students perceive the use of audio visual aids was good to be used in learning process, especially in learning vocabulary. Moreover, the result for the second question revealed that female students perceive audio visual aids have some benefits in learning process, especially in learning vocabulary. Then, the result for the third question asserted that audio visual aids help the students in improving their vocabulary mastery. It can be concluded that male- female EFL gave positive perceptions toward the use of audio visual in learning vocabulary and audio visual aids help the students to improve their vocabulary mastery. Besides, it is suggested for the English teacher, it is hoped that this study could be a new way in giving the new situation in the classroom. Moreover, it is suggested for the students because the most students feel helped in learning process, especially in learning 26 vocabulary by using audio visual aids. For further researchers, the result of this study can be used as reference in the same field with the different interest. Keywords: perception, gender, audio visual aids, vocabulary, vocabulary mastery INTRODUCTION Vocabulary is the most important component that will become the basic competence in order to successfully master the four language skills like listening, reading, and writing especially in speaking. Vocabulary is the foundation of English language learning (Wang, Teng, & Chen, 2015, p. 100). If the students have mastered a number of vocabularies required at their level, it will be easier for them to master those elements in English learning. So, from all aspect foreign language that should be mastered by the students in the learning process, vocabulary is the most important aspect because the students can not use foreign language without vocabulary. One of the ways to teach vocabulary is by using audio visual aids. Audio visual aids are those devices which are used in classrooms to encourage teaching learning process and make it easier and interesting (Sofi, 2017, p. 271). By using these aids, the students can watch the video that presents the vocabulary and also listen to its pronunciation from the native speakers. Male and female have different style in using language by them. It must be true that male and female have different language in expressing their thought, especially they have different perception based on their mind. Perception is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment (Robbins and Judge, 2013, p. 166). Perception also includes how we respond to the information. Therefore, the researcher is interested in doing this research to find empirical data about male-female EFL students’ perception on the use of audio visual aids to improve vocabulary mastery. Meanwhile to support the present study, the writer will highlight some previous study. The first previous study was carried out by Rasul et all . (2011) entitled “A study to analyze the effectiveness of audio visual aids in teaching learning process”. The second previous study was undertaken by Azis & Sulicha (2016) entitled “The Use Of Cartoon Films As Audio Visual Aids to Teach English Vocabulary“. Third researcher will be the third previous study who was conducted by Mathew & Alidmat (2013) entitled “A Study on the Usefulness of Audio-Visual Aids in EFL Classroom: Implications for Effective Instruction”. The writer concludes that, there were not much study discussed about EFL 27 students’ perception on the use of audio visual aids in learning vocabulary and in the present study, the writer focus on male-female EFL students’ perception on the use of audio visual aids to improve vocabulary mastery. METHOD The methodology of this research was qualitative method. The writer used one type of qualitative strategy that is case study. Case studies are a strategy of inquiry in which the researcher explores in depth a program, event, activity, process, or one or more individuals. Cases are bounded by time and activity and researchers collect detailed information using a variety of data collection procedures over a sustained period of time (Stake, l 995) in Creswell (2009, p. 13). The writer used case study because, the writer wants to know in detail and more in depth about the case. The case in this study was the perception of male-female students towards learning vocabulary by using audio visual aids to improve their vocabulary mastery. The writer wants to know more in detailed and more in depth about how the perception of male students and how the perception of female students toward learning vocabulary by using audio visual aids. This study involved one class of the tenth grade students which consist of nineteen students. That was X-IPS 2. From these students, the writer selected four students as the sample for interview participants. Two male and two female were selected to strengthen the data from questionnaire. The participants were taken by using purposive sampling technique. According to Fraenkel (2006, p. 100) “purposive sampling is the sampling that researchers do not simply study who-ever is available but rather use their judgment to select a sample that they believe, based on prior information, will provide the data they need”. The writer used purposive sampling because the writer wants to know the perception of male-female students based their intelligence. The writer chose one senior high school in Ciamis as the place of the research for many reasons. The first, the writer was a practice teaching (PPL) in this school, so the writer knows the condition of the school. The second one is that it is relevant with the topic that the writer intends to investigate because this school ever use audio visual aids in learning English. So, it is hoped that this study run well. And the last this school is near from the writer’s site so it made easier to access the participant in collecting the data. 28 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Related to the results of students’ questionnaire, interview and observation, the writer figured out some findings of this study. The findings of this study were: 1. Questionnaire Questionnaire’ response from Male and Female students No Statements Gender Response SA A N D SD Total 1. Dari pengalaman belajar saya, saya termotivasi untuk belajar Bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan Audio Visual Aids. “Through my learning experience, I motivated to learn English by using Audio Visual Aids”. Male 1 (20%) 3 (60%) 1 (20%) 0 0 5 (100) % Female 5 (36%) 4 (28%) 5 (36%) 0 0 14 (100) % 2. Dari pengalaman belajar saya, saya mendapatkan lebih banyak kosakata bahasa Inggris melalui penggunaan Audio Visual Aids. “From my learning Male 0 2 (40%) 3 (60%) 0 0 5 (100) % Female 3 (21%) 10 (72%) 1 (7%) 0 0 14 (100) % 29 experience, I got more English vocabularies through the use of Audio Visual Aids”. 3. Audio Visual Aids membantu saya untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris saya. “Audio Visual Aids helps me to improve my English vocabulary mastery”. Male 1 (20%) 3 (60%) 0 0 1 (20%) 5 (100) % Female 2 (14%) 11 (79%) 0 0 1 (7%) 14 (100) % 4. Setelah saya belajar menggunakan Audio Visual Aids membuat saya lebih mudah dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, karena saya mendapat banyak kosakata dari pembelajaran. “After learning by using Audio Visual Aids makes me Male 0 2 (40%) 2 (20%) 0 1 (20%) 5 (100) % Female 0 11 (79%) 2 (20%) 0 1 (20%) 14 (100) % 30 easier in speak English, because I get some vocabularies from the learning”. 5. Belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan Audio Visual Aids membuat kosa kata bahasa inggris saya lebih beragam. “Learning English by using Audio Visual Aids makes my English vocabulary more diverse” Male 1 (20%) 3 (60%) 0 1 (20%) 0 5 (100) % Female 0 9 (64%) 4 (29%) 1 (7%) 0 14 (100) % 6. Saya berfikir bahwa penggunaan Audio Visual Aids membantu saya menguasai kosakata lebih mudah. “I think that the use of Audio Visual Aids helps me to master vocabulary more easily”. Male 1 (20%) 1 (20%) 2 (40%) 0 1 (20%) 5 (100) % Female 2 (14%) 6 (43%) 4 (29%) 1 (7%) 1 (7%) 14 (100) % 31 7. Setelah belajar dengan menggunakan Audio Visual Aids membuat saya lebih fokus dalam proses pembelajaran. “After learning by using Audio Visual Aids makes me more focus on the learning process”. Male 0 3 (60%) 1 (20%) 0 1 (20%) 5 (100) % Female 2 (14%) 6 (43%) 5 (36%) 1 (20%) 0 14 (100) % 8. Saya fikir Audio Visual Aids adalah alat yang berguna untuk membantu saya mendapatkan kosakata dengan mudah. “I think Audio Visual Aids is a useful tool for helping me get vocabularies easily”. Male 0 1 (20%) 2 (40%) 2 (40%) 0 5 (100) % Female 0 8 (58%) 3 (40%) 2 (14%) 1 (7%) 14 (100) % 9. Keyakinan saya, Audio Visual Aids menarik untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. “In Male 0 2 (40%) 2 (40%) 0 1 (20%) 5 (100) % Female 1 (7%) 10 (72%) 1 (7%) 2 (14%) 0 14 (100) % 32 my belief, Audio Visual Aids is interesting to be used in learning vocabulary”. 10. Keyakinan saya, Audio Visual Aids bagus untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. “In my belief, Audio Visual Aids is good to be used in learning process Male 0 1 (20%) 3 (60%) 0 1 (20%) 5 (100) % Female 3 (21%) 8 (58%) 2 (14%) 1 (7%) 0 14 (100) % From the table above, male and female students gave positive perceptions. The students agreed that they are interested to learn English by using audio visual aids, particularly in learning vocabulary. They agreed that audio visual aids can improve their vocabulary mastery because they got more vocabularies from the learning by using audio visual aids. They also agreed that learning by using audio visual aids make them more focus on the learning process. They also agreed that learning by using audio visual aids make them more focus on the learning process and make them easier in speak English because learning by using audio visual aids makes their vocabulary more diverse. It is accordance with Sofi (2017, p. 271) audio visual aids are those instructional devices which are used in the classroom to encourage learning and make easier and interesting. 2. Interview Based on the data from interviews, male high level students gave positive perceptions toward learning vocabulary by using audio visual aids. They said that learning by using audio visual make the learning process more interesting and fun. Learning by using audio visual make the students more focus on the learning process, especially in learning vocabulary. Learning by using audio visual aids also make them got more vocabularies. While, low level students also gave positive perception, but low male level 33 student not as enthusiastic as male high level student, because there were some difficulties when he learned by using audio visual, especially in learning vocabulary. The conversation of the video was so fast, so the student was difficult to understand the meaning of vocabulary. Furthermore, female high level students gave positive perceptions toward learning English vocabulary by using audio visual aids. She felt that learning English by using audio visual aids, especially in learning vocabulary, make the learning process more fun, interesting and the lesson become easier to be understood by the student. It made studying English more comportable. They also said that this strategy did not make the students felt bored in the class. While, low level students felt the learning process more fun and interesting enough but the low level students got some difficulties. She said that if the sound was not clear, the vocabularies or conversation was difficult to heard and understand and the student difficult to understand the conversation of the video because the conversation was so fast. 3. Observation Based on the data of observation result, learning English by using audio visual especially in learning vocabulary can help the students. From the video that the teacher showed, the students got some vocabularies. There were the students got fifteen vocabularies, eleven vocabularies, eight vocabularies and etc. When the teacher asked to the students to retell the story based their own words, the students looked easy enough express their sentences because they have learned some vocabularies from the video before. The students also pronounced some vocabularies well, because they heard directly from the video how they should pronounce the vocabulary. According to Richard and Renandya (2002, p. 255) vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basic for how well learners speak, listen, read and write. It must be mastered if the students want to master English well. Discussion This research described the use of audio visual aids in improving students’ vocabulary mastery. The data were obtained by questionnaire, interview and observation. This research aimed to find out male-female EFL students’ perception of the use of audio visual aids to improve their vocabulary mastery and how do audio visual aids helps students in improving their vocabulary mastery. 34 The first research question of this study emphasized on male EFL students’ perception toward audio visual aids in learning vocabulary. From the data of questionnaire, male students gave some positive perceptions. About 20% male students answered strongly agree and 60% male students answered agree that audio visual aids can improve their vocabulary mastery because they got more vocabularies from the learning by using audio visual aids. Meanwhile, 20% male students answered strongly agree and 60 % answered agree that learning English by using audio visual aids makes their English vocabulary more diverse. Moreover, 60% male students answered strongly agree and 20% male students answered agree that learning by using audio visual aids makes them more focus on the learning process. Besides questionnaire, the writer also used interview as the second instruments. From the data of interview, high and low male students also gave positive perceptions. They said that learning by using audio visual aids make the learning process more interesting and fun. Learning by using audio visual aids makes them more focus on the learning process, and also they got more vocabulary through learning by using audio visual aids. But, low male student was not as enthusiastic as male high level students, because there was difficulty when they learned by using audio visual aids, especially in learning vocabulary. He was difficult to understand some conversations or vocabularies, because he rarely heard English conversation or vocabularies. This result shows that male students perceive the use of audio visual aids was good to be used in learning process, especially in learning vocabulary The second research question of this study focuses on female EFL students’ perception toward audio visual aids in learning vocabulary. From the data of questionnaire, almost of the female students gave positive perceptions in every statement. About 36% female students answered strongly agree and 36% answered agree that they are interested to learn English vocabulary by using audio visual aids. Meanwhile, 14% answered agree that audio visual aids can improve their vocabulary mastery because they got more vocabularies from the learning by using audio visual aids. Moreover, (79%) answered agree that learning by using audio visual aids make them easier in speak English because learning by using audio visual aids makes their vocabulary more diverse. While, from the data of interview, they gave positive perceptions toward learning English vocabulary by using audio visual aids. They felt that learning English by using audio visual aids, especially in learning vocabulary, make the learning process more fun, 35 interesting and the lesson become more easy to understand by the student. It made studying English more comportable. They also said that this strategy did not make the students felt bored in the learning by using audio visual aids help them to improve their vocabulary mastery, because they got more vocabularies enough. Moreover, they still got a little difficult. The difficult was if the speaker of the video is native speaker, it’s make the student difficult to understand the conversation and got the vocabulary because the conversation of the video is so fast. But, this is not big problem for the teacher. This result shows that female students perceive audio visual aids have some benefits in learning process, especially in learning vocabulary. The third research question of this study was focuses on how audio visual aids help students in improving their vocabulary mastery The writer used non participant observation to answer this research questions. From the data of observations, the writer concludes that learning English by using audio visual especially in learning vocabulary can help the students in improving their vocabulary mastery. From the video that the teacher showed, the students got some vocabularies. There were the students got fifteen vocabularies, eleven vocabularies, eight vocabularies and etc. When the teacher asked to the students to retell the story based their own words, the students look easy enough to express their sentences because they have learned some vocabularies from the video before. The students also pronounced some vocabularies well, because they heard directly from the video how they should pronounce the vocabularies. This result shows that audio visual aids help the students in improving their vocabulary mastery. After answering the research questions, the writer tends to compare the results of the presents study with the selected previous studies outlined in the chapter two. The first previous study conducted by Rasul et al. (2011) entitled “A study to analyze the effectiveness of audio visual aids in teaching learning process”. Rasul et al. (2011) has similar results. This selected previous study designed to analyze the effectiveness of audio visual aids in teaching learning process. Besides, to achieve the purpose of study two questionnaires was designed as research tool. The result of the study were (i) the respondents viewed that A.V aids play important role in teaching learning process (ii) A.V aids make teaching learning process effective (iii) The respondents viewed that A.V aids provide knowledge in depth and detail (iv) It brings change in class room environment. (v) It motivates to teachers and students. 36 Furthermore, the results of the second previous study conducted by Azis & Sulicha (2016). They investigated the research entitled “The Use Of Cartoon Films As Audio Visual Aids to Teach English Vocabulary“. Azis & Sulicha (2016) has similar result. This selected previous study is to study the use of cartoon films as an instructional media for teaching vocabulary and to find out the responses of the students towards the use of this media. The way to get the result of this study has a bit different way. This study also used quantitative design to get the result, but in my present study used qualitative design. The results from the quantitative data show the students who were taught by using cartoon films as an audio-visual aid got a better result than those who were taught by using other traditional visual aids. Furthermore, the responses from the students to the use of the cartoon film were highly positive. The use of cartoon films as an audio-visual media aid also resulted in a positive impact to the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects of the students as it enhanced their vocabulary. Finally, the last study was undertaken by Mathew & Alidmat (2013). They investigated the research entitled “A Study on the Usefulness of Audio-Visual Aids in EFL Classroom: Implications for Effective Instruction”. Mathew & Alidmat (2013) has a bit different result. This selected previous study are to explore the following statements about EFL students’ perception about the use of audio-visual aids in the classroom and EFL students’ approach to audio- visual resources in the classroom. To achieve this purposes, the researcher used a combination of quantitative and qualitative method as the research methodology in this study. The findings of the study reveal that integrating audio-visual resources with the prescribed course content has a positive impact on the teaching-learning process in EFL classroom. Students find these resources useful in understanding difficult concepts given in the course books. They feel that the use of these aids can increase retention. CONCLUSIONS This research investigated male-female EFL students’ perception on the use of audio visual aids to improve their vocabulary mastery. In this section, some conclusions are highlighted based on the result of data analysis which are based upon the data from questionnaire, interview and observation in the previous chapter. Therefore, the writer found several findings from the study conducted. The first research question of this study emphasized on male EFL students’ perception toward audio visual aids in learning vocabulary could be answered based on the 37 result of questionnaire and interview. Based on the data collected through questionnaire and interview in order to find out male EFL students’ perception of the audio visual aids in learning vocabulary, the writer found that the male students gave their positive perceptions toward learning vocabulary by using audio visual aids. The second research question of this study emphasized on female EFL students’ perception toward audio visual aids in learning vocabulary could be answered also based on the result of questionnaire and interview. The writer found that the female students also gave their positive perceptions toward learning vocabulary by using audio visual aids. In responding the third research question i.e. how do audio visual aids help students in improving their vocabulary mastery, could be answered based on the result of observation. The result of observation showed that audio visual aids help students in improving their vocabulary mastery. From the video that the teacher showed, the students got some vocabularies. There were the students got fifteen, eleven, eight vocabularies and etc. When the teacher asked to the students to retell the story based their own words, the students look easy enough to express their sentences because they got some vocabularies from the video before. The students also pronounce some vocabulary well, because they hear directly from the video how they should pronounce the vocabulary. Based on the results of the conclusions presented previously, the writer also presents some suggestions to the English teacher as the guide of education, the students as the subject of education and the other researchers. In this regard, those suggestions are as follows: It is suggested for the English teacher, it is hoped that this study could be a new way for the English teachers in giving the new situation as the way to reduce the students’ boredom in the classroom. Moreover, it is suggested for the students because based on the result of this study, the most students feel helped in learning process, especially in learning vocabulary by using audio visual aids. For further researchers, the result of this study can be used as reference in the same field with the different interest, for example learning vocabulary with another strategy in improving students’ vocabulary mastery or using audio visual aids in another skill, for example learning speaking through audio visual aids REFERENCES Azis, Z., A. & Sulicha, R. (2016). The use of cartoon films as audio-visual aids to teach English vocabulary. English Education Journal, 7(2), 141–154. 38 Alqahtani, M. (2015). 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