ISSN: 2598-8530 February 2019, Vol. 3 No. 1 English Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Galuh University 45 Received: Accepted: Published: December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 AN ANALYSIS OF IDEATIONAL MEANING REALIZED ON RECOUNT TEXTS IN ENGLISH TEXTBOOK FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOLL GRADE X Eros Cahyati Abstract This research is aimed at analyzing the ideational meaning realized on recount texts in English textbook for Senior High School Grade X. The objectives of this study are to describe the dominant processes and circumtances realized on realized on recount texts in English textbook. The researcher employed qualitative descriptive as the research design. The data were taken and collected through a documents collection. The documents were collected from English textbook for Senior High School Students Year X (revised 2017). This book was written by Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, and Furaidah and was published by Pusat Kurikulum and Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud (2017). There were 4 recount texts that analyzed and identified. The researcher used transitivity analysis as tool to analyzes recount texts. The results of data analysis showed that the dominant processes found on recount texts is material processes. It occurred 90 times (51.8%) in the textbook and it refers to process of construing material of action and doing. Meanwhile, the dominant circumtances found on recount texts is circumtances of time. It is occurred 40 times (44.4%) and it refers to answer question such as “when?” and also to give information about times. Finally, this research is recommended for the students of English education program who want to improve their understanding about SFL especially in ideational meaning. Keywords: Ideational meaning, recount texts, textbook INTRODUCTION As language teachers, we often use textbooks as a tool for teaching and learning. Based on Richards (2015, p. 1) stated that textbooks are key component in most language programs. Moreover, Sugiarto, B., (2015) state that the essential constituents in the process of teaching and learning English are the textbooks that are often used by English teachers. Therefore, textbooks can 46 work primarily to supplement teacher instruction. For learners, the textbook can be a source of learning with language other than input given by the teacher. This research encourages to do research on Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) realized on recount texts in English textbook. SFL itself is a renewal of traditional and formal grammar, which focuses language as a source to produce meaning (Gerot & Wignell, 1994, p. 6). This study present one system of analysis is ideational meaning. This system helps in analyzing a text and other types of text in order to see how it produces and produces meaning. ideational meaning realized through transitivity analysis. Ideational meaning is meaning about experience and representation. (Gerot & Wignell, 1994, p.11 ) said that “ideational meanings are meanings about phenomena–aboutthings (living andnon- living, abstract and concrete), about goings on (what the things are or do) and the circumstances surrounding these happenings and doings.” These meanings are realised in wordings through participants, processes and circumstances. SFL is very useful for contribution in the field of teaching, especially on language teaching. it can be used for preparation of a lesson plan or material selection. SFL can increase the creativity the teacher for learning process, in addition, SFL can also encourage the children to critical thinking and analytical on reading passage. So, the children can be trained slowly how to analyze the relationship, meaning, content, and purpose of the texts or contexts. Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) SFL is the study of language. According to Bloor & Bloor (2004) Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a living and developing field, which broadens and deepens our understanding of the way human language works. SFL analysis divided into three simultaneous meanings (ideational, interpersonal, and textual) called metafunction which are expressed in clause structure, the ideational as (experience and representation), the interpersonal as (interaction and relationship), and the textual as (message). according to Gerot & Wignell (1994) ideational meaning is the meaning of phenomena - about things, about goings on (what the things are or do) and the circumstances surrounding happenings and doings. Meanwhile, Halliday & Mattiessen (1994) stated that ideational meaning is a clause expressing the 47 meaning of a sentence. These meanings are realised in wordings through transitivity which are participants, processes and circumstances. based on Gerot & Wignell (1994) interpersonal meaning is a meaning that expresses attitudes and judgments of speakers. Meanings are realized in wordings through mood and modality. Gerot & Wignell (1994) stated that textual meanings is express language relationships with their environment, including the verbal environment - what has been said or non-verbal. These meanings are realised through patterns of theme and rheme. Ideational meaning Ideational meaning is kind of SFL. Gerot & Wignell (1994) said that ideational meaining is an analysis that examines ongoing activities and the circumstances surrounding happenings and doings. Meanwhile, Halliday & Mattiessen (1994) stated that ideational meaning is a clause expressing the meaning of a sentence. These meanings are realized in wordings through participants, processes and circumstances. Based on the above explanations the researcher concludes that ideational meaning enable us to represent what is going on in the world, to talk about our experience, knowledge and ideas. According to Gerot & Wignell (1994) ideational meaning realized through transitivity system. Transitivity system consists of three elements namely participant, processes, and circumstances. Participants are specific names and represent an individual. Processes or predicative refers to verbs contained in text both material, mental, verbal, behavioral, relational and existential processes. Meanwhile, circumstances are descriptions of places, times, ways and others that can be put at the beginning, middle or end of the sentence. Transitivity System Based on Gerot & Wignell (1994) processes are central to transitivity. In addition, Hadiyati, N., Said, I., & Sugiarto, B. (2018) state that transitivity interprets events that occur based on the process. Processes are about the doings, happenings, feelings and beings. According to Gerot & Wignell (1994, p. 39-61) there are three semantic categories such as processes, circumtances and participant. Participants are specific names and represent an individual. Processes or predicative refers to verbs contained in text both material, mental, verbal, behavioral, relational and existential processes. Meanwhile, circumstances are descriptions of places, times, ways and others that can be put at the beginning, 48 middle or end of the sentence. There are indeed seven different process types identified by Halliday. First, material processes are the process of doing or action material. Clauses with a material process have an act (process) and a principal (participant). Second, mental processes is what we are feels, feeling, thinking, perceiving. There are three types: affective or reactive (feeling), cognitive (thinking) and perceptive (perceiving through the five senses). Third, behavioural processes are physiological and psychological, such as breathing, dreaming, snoring, smiling, hiccuping, seeing, watching, listening, and contemplating. Forth, verbal processes are the process of saying, or rather, symbolically signaling. Fifth, relational processes involves a state of being (include have). Sixth, existential Processes are processes of existence. Seventh, meteorological processes is process to tell about weather. Circumstances answer such questions as when, where, why, how, how many and as what. They are realise meanings about time, place, manner, cause, accompaniment, matter and role. First, circumtances of time is to inform about time and to answer question when?. Second, circumtances of place. Based on Gerot & Wignell it is to inform the location and to answer the questions where?. Third, circumtances of manner. Gerot & Wignell (1994) said that circumtances of manner refers to several sub-categories, such as means, quality and comparison. Forth, circumtances of cause is to inform the reason and to answer question why?. There are three kinds of circumtances cause which are reason, purpose and behalf. Fifth, circumtances of accompaniment is to give the information “with who”, the usual preposition used in accompaniment is „with‟, „without‟, „besides‟, and „instead of‟. Sixth, circumtances of matter is to inform “about what” or “with reference to what”, the preposition phrase commonly used in circumstance is a preposition-like phrase „about‟, „concerning‟, „with reference‟. Seventh, circumtances of role is to answer questions „as what?‟, commonly used in the role are „as’, ‘like and ‘by way of’. METHOD This research is aimed at analyzing the ideational meaning realized on recount texts in English textbook for Senior High School Grade X. The objectives of this study are to describe the dominant processes and circumtances realized on recount texts in English textbook. The researcher employed qualitative descriptive 49 as the research design. The data were taken and collected through a documents collection. The documents were collected from English textbook for Senior High School Students Year X (revised 2017). This book was written by Widiati, Rohmah, and Furaidah and was published by Pusat Kurikulum and Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud (2017). There were 4 recount texts that analyzed and identified. The researcher used transitivity analysis as tool to analyze recount texts. In this research, the researcher analyze the ideational meaning through transitivity as the one proposed by Gerot & Wignell (1994) on recounts texts from 10th grade EFL textbook. Analyzing the data consist of two steps. Firstly, the texts divided into clauses or sentences and then identifying the transitivity system. Secondly, to find out the dominant processes and circumtances, the researcher calculated the process of transitivity which found in English textbook, as follows: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The data of recount texts were taken and collected through a documents collection. The documents collected from English textbook for Senior High School Students Year X (revised 2017). This book was written by Widiati, Rohmah, and Furaidah and was published by Pusat Kurikulum and Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud (2017). The texts comprised 172 clauses were analyzed by the researcher. According to Gerot & Wignell (1994) Processes are central to transitivity. Processes are about the doings, happenings, feelings and beings. Processes or predicative refers to verbs contained in text both material, mental, verbal, behavioral, relational and existential processes. There are 174 clauses were analyzed in this research. The characterized processes are material, behavioural, mental, verbal, relational and existential. Material process is the dominant processes found in recount texts occurs 90 times (51.8%) in the textbook and it refers to process of construing material of action and doing. It is similar with the result of Eggins analysis, According to Eggins (2004) the dominant processes is indicates that texts are centrally concerned with actions and events and the participants who carry them out. Mental process occurs 6 times (3.4%). It refers to process of thinking, knowing, liking, wanting, and perceiving. verbal process occurs 12 times (6.9%) which refers to the process of construing something said by its participant. Relational process occurs 60 times (34.5%) and it construes relationships of 50 description. Existential process has the lowest frequency of occurrence and it only occurs 3 times (1.7%) in recount texts and it refers to process of existing. Behavioral process occurs 3 times (1.7%) in recount texts. Meteorogical process has the lowest frequency of occurrence because there is no meteorogical processes who appear in recount tetxs. The circumtances of transitivity There are 90 Circumstances found in this research. Gerot & Wignell stated that circumstances is to answer questions as when, where, why, how, how many and as what. there are seven kinds of circumstances, there are circumstances of time, place, manner, cause, accompaniment, matter and role. The result of Circumstantial Elements of transitivity analysis characterized in recount texts can be seen in the table : circumtances of time is the dominant circumtances found in recount texts occurs 40 times (44.4%) and it refers to answer question such as “when?” and also to give information about times. It is similar with Rizqiya, based on Rizqiya (2014) this indicates informational addition is the circumtances of time, with that information the reader know the times of the texts. Moreover, circumtances of place found in recount texts occurs 29 times (32.2%) and it refers to inform the location or anwer question such as “where?”. Circumtances of means in manner found in recount texts occurs 5 times and it refers to tells by what means and to answer questions such as “what with?”. Circumtances of quality and comparison there are not found in recount texts. Circumtances of reason found in recount texts occurs 5 times (%) and it refers to tells what causes the Process and to answer question such as “why?” or “how?”. Circumtances of purpose are found in recount texts 1 time (1.1%) and it referes to tells the purpose and to answer question such as “what for?”. Circumtances of behalf there is no found in recount texts. Circumtances accompaniment are found in recount texts 7 times (7.8%) and it refers to tells with who or what and to answer question such as “who?” or “what else?”. Circumtances of matter are fount in recount texts accurs 2 times (2.2%) and it refers to tells about what or with reference to what to answer question such as “what about?”. Circumtances of role found in recount texts 1 time (1.1%) and it refers to tells what as and to answer question “as what?”. The complete analysis of the circumstances on recount texts, as follows: 51 The findings of the research is to explore the purpose of the research, which are to find out the dominant processes and circumtances realized on recount texts in English textbook.This research has made an analysis of ideational meaning through transitivity, which is mostly under the impact of Gerot & Wignell„s perspective. Furthermore, the researcher argues that there are some differences and similarities between the previous research and the present research. Firstly, the study conducted by Jati (2016) entitled “Functional Analysis of Narrative Texts in Elementary School Textbook Fly With English". The results shows that she found the dominant processes is material processes, it occured 38 times. In present research also the dominant processes is material processes, it occured 89 times. Therefore, the dominant circumtances of previous study is circumtances of location. It is different with present research, the dominant circumtances is circumtances of time. Secondly, the study conducted by Anggun (2016) entitled “An Analysis f Descriptive Text in English Textbook using Transitivity System (A Case Study of Reading Passages).” The results shows that she found the dominant processes is relational processes, it occured 63 times. Different with present research, in present research the dominant processes is material processes, it occured 89 times and also the previous study did not percetage the circumtances of transitivity. In present research, the researcher used percentage of circumtances. Thirdly, the study conducted by Salsabil (2014) entitled “A Transitivity Analysis of English Texts in Bahasa Inggris When English Rings The Bell.” This study investigated process types, participant functions, and circumstantial elements of transitivity analysis. The results shows that she found the dominant processes is relational processes, it is occured 305 times. Different with present research, in present research the dominant processes is material processes, it is occured 247 times. Moreover, the dominant circumtances of previous study is circumtances of location. It is different with present research, the dominant circumtances is circumtances of time. According to some previous studies highlighted above, the researcher can concluded that there are similarities concerning the research done by the researcher. First, they employed SFL with focus in ideational meaning through 52 transitivity. Second, the discourse taken from textbook and the differences is from the results of dominant processes and circumtances. CONSCLUSIONS Based on the result of analysis, material process is the dominant processes found in recount texts occurred 90 times (51.8%) in the textbook and it refers to process of construing material of action and doing. Moreover, circumtances of time is the dominant circumtances found in recount texts occurred 40 times (44.4%) and it refers to answer question such as “when?” and also to give information about times. It is similar with Rizqiya, based on Rizqiya (2014) this indicates informational This study only focus on transitivity which related to metafunctions of ideational meaning. According to Gerot & Wignell (1994), there are three kinds of metafunctions which are ideational, interpersonal and textual meanings. The researcher suggests for other researchers. It is better to conduct all analysis system on SFL, such as ideational, interpersonal, and textual meanings on reading passage. So, we will know all the meanings of system on SFL. The ideational as (experience and representation), the interpersonal as (interaction and relationship) and the textual as (message). This study only focus on ideational meaning through transitivity system. The researcher suggests for other researchers. It is better to conduct all analysis system on SFL, such as ideational, interpersonal, and textual meanings in reading passage. So, we will know all the meanings of system on SFL. The ideational as (experience and representation), the interpersonal as (interaction and relationship) and the textual as (message). REFERENCES Anderson, M., & Anderson, K. (1997). 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