ISSN: 2598-8530 September 2019, Vol. 3 No.1 English Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Galuh University 61 Received: Accepted: Published: July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING TED TALKS VIDEO IN IMPROVING STUDENTS PUBLIC SPEAKINGS SKILLS IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Miftah Farid MA RIJALUL HIKAM ABSTRACT This study tried to analyse the effectiveness of using TED talks video in improving students public speaking skill and also the students’ perception about using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills. Participant of this study were thirty four students. A mixed method was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data. To achieve the aims of this study, pre-test and post-test were administered as the quantitative data collection, and close-ended questionnaires as the qualitative data collection. From the data taken, the result showed that the students’ perception about using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills is that the students response positively towards how the writer taught them. In addition, the data showed that the writer used a variety of instructional methods to reach the teaching objectively and the strategies were tried to find based on the students need in many ways. Therefore, it was concluded that the use of TED Talks is very useful to improve students’ public speaking skill. Key words: Effectiveness, Ted Talks Video, Public Speaking Skills INTRODUCTION Dealing with the development of science and technology, English as an international language is important in this era. The development of English is rising quickly. Abadi and Marszban (2012) state that, English as second language being widely used in many different areas such as tourism, telecommunication, science, and 62 technology. Seems to be not only means but also as key to obtain the latest achievement in such areas. English language is a communication media that is used by people as a unitary language. English language is learned by the peoples around the world. In order to follow the development of international language, the learners are required to understand English language and apply it in their daily life. In order to be competent in English, there are four skills that should be mastered. There are reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In this research, the researcher focuses on speaking skills expecially in public speaking. Speaking is one of the basic skills in English language learning in addition to reading, speaking and writing. All of them are important. Speaking skill is needed to help students to communicate and socialize with other people. Video is one of the media in teaching and learning. According to Sherman (2003), video is a wonderful resource for opening up the English-language world and can be used with great pleasure and profit-and very little sweat. Through video, we can explore anything that support teaching and learning process. In addition, Sherman (2003) states that video can be used for discussions, for writing assignments, as input for projects or the study of other subjects. According to Samldino, et al. (2012), “videos are available onalmost any topic for every type of learner in all the domains of instruction. Therefore, video is useful in teaching and learning process because it provides interesting visual media, so the teaching and learning process will be fun. There are many kinds of video. Inspirational video is one of the videos that is used in learning. TED Talks is an example of inspirational video. TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) Talks is a kind of public speaking in the form of sharing experience and giving motivation to the audiences since 1984. TED presentation is used to improve students’ public speaking skills in English. It is useful for students because the students not only learn about public speaking but also learning about the speakers’ life, so that they can be inspired and motivated by the speakers. According to Vasilevich (2016), the biggest advantage of the videos is that TED Talks are totally authentic as the speaker share their own personal stories, ideas, experiences with the audience, so that TED Talks is an appropriate media that can be used in speaking class. The topic of this research is about the effectiveness of using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills. Based on the researcher’s experience when taking public 63 speaking class, the researcher feels that TED Talks video is useful for improving public speaking skills like eye contact, movement and gesture, pronunciation, and etc. The researcher can learn many things through TED Talks video beside learning about speaking skill. The researcher can find new ideas and knowledge when watching the speeches because the speakers always share their experiences. Through TED Talks video the researcher will understand more about the concepts of public speaking. The flow of this video is interesting because TED Talks provide some speakers who are competent in their field. Basically, TED Talks video is provided in Critical Listening and Speaking class for learning listening. On the other hand, the researcher is curious whether this video can improve students’ public speaking skills or not. The researcher used mixed method, namely qualitative and quantitative method, to know about effectiveness of using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills. There are some previous studies that have conducted by some researcher. the first research focused on “implement the use of video to increase the students’ motivation”. (Gregorius Hapsara, 2016). This study focused to implement the use of video to increase the students’ motivation. In analyzing the use of the video. The second study was entitled “Students’ Perception on The Video Project in Their Speaking Class: A Study of 11th Grade of SMA N 1 Kasihan Students”. (Aninda Sari, 2016). This study focused on perception on the video project in their speaking class. The last study was entitled “Using Video Clips to Improve the Speaking Skills of the Students”. (Esti Ermawati, 2011/2012). the use of video clips in the teaching of speaking improves the students’ confidence, motivation, involvement, and aspects of speaking skills in the teaching of speaking for the fourth grade. While the previous studies have similarity with present study which discuss about using video used by teacher in classroom interaction in speaking skill, unfortunately, those researches do not focus on students’ public speaking. Thus, the aim of the study to investigate how using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills. METHOD This study takes 1 class with 35 numbers population of students. In the class, the researcher chooses 6 students as participants of the eleventh grade students, 3 males students and 3 females students that have different intelligent “poor-middle-high”. The eleventh students are chosen because the researcher found this materials that suitable with improving students’ public speaking skills. 64 According to Fraenkel et al., (2012, p. 91), “A sample in a research study is the group on which information is obtained. The research participant of the study the writer choose one class of 11 th grade in one of Senior High School on Ciamis. To establish the sample of this study, the writer utilize purposive sampling technique. Then, the writer select a particular class, it is 11 th IIS for a total 34 students as the sample. This sample is selected because the researcher want to know the effectiveness of using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills and to know their perception. Data Collection Procedure In collecting the data, the researcher use two techniques. They are one-group pretest–posttest and questionnaire. It conducted to know students’ ability in writing narrative text and their advancement. In this technique is the only one-group that writer measured after and before treatment (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2012, p. 279). The second instrument that the researcher used was questionnaire. It conducted to know the students’ perceptions about using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills after the treatment. A questionnaire is a form used in a survey design that participants in a study complete and return to the researcher (Creswell, 2012, pp. 382). The type of the researcher’s questionnaire is open-ended questions. The students choosen the answers to questions and supplies basic personal information. The process of answering them, the researcher use an extent of agreement scale, it is from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree” (Cresswell, 2012, pp. 398). Finally, both of the data compare to know the match between students’ perception and students’ acquired score. At the first meeting the researcher conduct pre – test. At the second meeting, the researcher do the second treatment. Then, at the third meeting the writer do the third treatment which it followed by conducting post-test. And finally, at the last meeting the researcher provide some questionnaires to the students. Data analysis In processing of the data collection, the researcher using the students’s score pre-test and post-test and then researcher analyze the data by following computation of statistics which is adapted from (Burns, 2000, 155). a. The pre-test and the post-test score distribute to the table of raw data for within subjects t-test. b. Computing mean of difference between pre-test and post-test. c. Computing t-observed value. The formula of t-test value is as follow. 65 d. Calculating the degree of freedom (df) e. Determining the level of significance. f. Determining the t-table g. Comparing t-observed and t-table FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION In this section, the writer highlights the finding of the study. It is elaborated into two sections. The first section is “the use of TED talks video effective in improving students’ public speaking skills”. To answer the first research questions, the writer collected the quantitative data by giving the students pre-test and post-test. And to analyse the data, the writer input the students’ pre-test and post-test score into the t-test calculation. After the writer got the t-test score, finally the writer put it into t-table to measure significances of this study. And finally, the writer make a hypotheses. The second section is “students’ perception about using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills”. To answer the second research question, the writer collected qualitative data by giving the students close-ended questionnaires. And the writer uses several steps to analyse the questionnaires. First, the writer put each students’ responses for ach questions into some category. Then, the writer make some codes for each category that has been made. The writer also count each codes proportion and percentages results on all the number of questionnaires. Finally, the writer describe the data to make a conclusion for qualitative data. Effectiveness of using TED Talks Video in improving students’ public speaking skills This section presents the finding of the first research question “Is the use of TED talks video effective in improving students’ public speaking skills?” Moreover, pre-test and post-test was given to a single group as the instrument used by the writer to answer this research question. The data from pre-test and post-test were analysed trough several steps. In the first steps, the writer put the score of the pre-test and post-test into the raw data for within-subjects t test table. Based on the table above of this research, it can be seen the best score which the students gained from the pre-test was 60-63, there were four students who get this score and the other of them have a low score from 60. Contrary, in the post-test. In the second step, after putting the score of pre-test and post- test into the raw data for within-subjects t test table, the writer calculated the difference between pre-test and post-test to look for t observed. Based on the table above, it can be seen that the total difference score of pre-test and post-test ( ) was -13. The highest 66 difference score ( ) was 9 and there are only one student who got it. Furthermore, the total square difference of pre-test and post-test ( ) was 29. In the third step, after calculating the difference score between students’ pre-test and post-test, the writer looked for t-test. According to Frankel et al. (2012, p.557), t-test is used to see whether a difference between the means of two sample is significant. Based on the result of statistical computation, it can be known that the t-test value was 2.24 and degree of freedom was 5. Since degree of freedom 5 with the level of significance 0.05 for one- tailed test is not represented on the t-table (see appendix 1), therefore, the writer chose 5 for degree of freedom. It means that t-critical value was 2.015. Before determining the final result, the writer wants to remind the hypotheses which was presented in first chapter. “There is no significant improvement on students’ effectiveness of using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills” was null hypotheses (H0) in this study. Meanwhile, “There is a significant improvement on students’ effectiveness of using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills” was the alternative hypotheses (H1) in this study. Regarding the statistical research, null hypotheses can be accepted if t-observed is less than or same as t-critical. In contrast, alternative hypotheses could be accepted if t-observed is higher than t-critical. Meanwhile, the result of computation in this study showed that t-observed was 2.24 and t-critical was 2.015. It means that t-observed was higher than t-critical. Therefore, the null hypotheses was rejected and the alternative hypotheses was accepted. It means that there is a significant improvement on students’ effectiveness of using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills. The Students Perceptions About Effectiveness of Using Ted Talks Video in Improving Students’ Public Speaking Skills This section presents the finding of the second research question. Which asked about the students perception about Effectiveness of Using Ted Talks Video in Improving Students’ Public Speaking Skills. The data from quistionare were discussed to discover the answer the second question. The finding of research questions number two about the students perceptions of using TED talks video in learning speaking the writer used close ended questionnaire. Furthermore, the writer concluded from the respondents of questionnaire that more than 56% the students enjoyed and felt happy joining the class by using TED Talks video. It was relevant with the theory from Frankel and Wallen (2007, p. 125) states that, 67 questionnaires, the subject respond to the questions by writing or more commonly, by marking and answer sheet. The questionnaire was conducted to answer the research question number two which asked the students perceptions about TED talks video in learning speaking. Focusing on the research questions, the Writer collected the data by using a brief rating scales questionnaire (Strongly agree, agree, neutral, Disagree and strongly disagree) to ask the students perceptions toward about TED talks video and the problems faced by students when learning by using TED talks video responses of all the questionnaire items from 34 respondents (samples) are the data of the study. In analyzing the data, the writer calculates the percentage of each response to each questionnaire by using percentage computation from Hatch and Larazaton. (1991, p. 136). The formula of computation is: Proportion= number of frequency x 100% Total Table 1. Responses of the Questionnaire Item (%) No STATEMENT SA A N D SD TOTAL 1. It is good that the teacher provides TED Talks video in class 23.52% 58.82% 14.70% 2.94% 0% 100% 2. The use of TED Talks video supports learning process 20.58% 26.47% 44.11% 8.82% 0% 100% 3. I feel motivated when watching TED Talks video 8.82% 53.94% 38.23% 0% 0% 100% 4. Through TED Talks video, I can learn 20.58% 23.52% 41.17% 5.88% 8.82% 100% 5. about delivering ideas 17.64% 64.70% 17.64% 0% 0% 100% 68 6. I enjoy TED Talks video 14.70% 41.17% 35.29% 5.88% 2.94% 100% 7. TED Talks video is interesting 11.76% 41.17% 38.23% 8.82% 0% 100% 8. Through TED Talks video, I can improve my listening skill 5.88% 38.23% 50% 5.88% 0% 100% 9. I can improve my facial expression after learning through TED talks video 11.76% 47.05% 29.41% 11.76% 0% 100% 10. I can learn about movement and gesture 29.41% 41.17% 20.58% 8.82% 0% 100% 11 I can improve my eye contact 32.35% 52.94% 14.70% 0% 0% 100% 12 I know about the varieties of accents after watching the video 20.58% 47.05% 29.41% 2.94% 0% 100% 13 I can improve my confidence 32.35% 38.23% 20.58% 8.82% 0% 100% 14 I can improve my fluency 5.88% 50% 35.29% 8.82% 0% 100% 15 I can learn about good structure in delivering speech 17.64% 11.76% 94.11% 2.94% 0% 100% These finding is based on the problem statement presented by the writer. There are 3 steps used by the writer in teaching public speaking using TED Talks Video, the first step is the writer ordered 6 students to speak in front of the class one by one and the 69 writer assess them using speech rubric. As the rubric shows progress, data can be linked to daily instruction. More specifically, the data generated by the use of rubrics can help the teacher make daily instructional decisions (Reeves and Barbara 2009). The second step is, the writer give them an explanation with watching the video. The third step is the writer ordered them for the second time to speak in front of the class, and the teacher did what he did in first step. The analysis of efectiveness was conducted to know the purpose of this research to know TED Talks Video that is effective in improving student skill especially in public speaking which done by student to learn of public speaking using TED talks video . From the findings, the researchers concluded several points. First, it can be seen that based on the first research question, the writer found that prior to the use of TED Talks Video in teaching public speaking, students feel confused how to speech in front of audience and so the audience can listen well to the speaker. In fact, in the results have been found various kinds of problems. Overall, they feel happy and enjoyed when teaching public speaking using TED Talks Video. Moreover, students feel they have new way to the learn they public speaking of using TED Talks Video. In addition, the data showed that the students excited to learn in the class and the teacher motivated and inspired them to learn and also it supported them for the development of their skills of piblic speaking. Secondly, to answer the second research question, the writer collected the data using a likert scale questionnaire. From the data had been found, the result showed that the the students’ perception about using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills. The students response positively towards how the writer teaches them. In addition, the data showed that the writer used a variety of instructional methods to reach the teaching objectively and the writer try to find the strategies based on the students need in many ways. In line with this, Mezirow (1998) as cited in (Astika & Satya Wacana, 2014 pp,18-19) defined reflective teaching is essential especially if it involves human communication such as what happens in classroom communication between the writer and students. The result of this study has difference with the previous studies. Some previous studies had analyzed about using video in teaching speaking, however the writer tried to analyze with the different purposes in identifying the data with previous studies. The first study is about using video for students’ motivation in learn English was entitled “The Use of Video to Motivate Students to Learn English” by Gregorius Hapsara 70 2016.”, The second study is she analyzed about students’ perception on the video project in their speaking class was entiled “Students’ Perception on The Video Project in Their Speaking Class: A Study of 11th Grade of SMA N 1 Kasihan Students” by Riski Aninda Sari, 2016.. The third study is findings of the study show that focused the use of video clips in the teaching of speaking improves the students’ confidence, motivation, involvement, and aspects of speaking skills in the teaching of speaking for the fourth grade. was entitled “Using Video Clips to Improve the Speaking Skills of the Students” by Esti Ermawati (2011) The The result of the previous studies revealed that feedback from students could bring improvement in competence level of teachers. However, from the study above there are not study that integrate using video for improving students’ public speaking. Thus, in this present study, the writer analyzed and explored more detail about the types of using video in teaching speaking. CONCLUSIONS This study was investigated about the effectiveness of using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills.. This study was designed to answer two research question. The first research question is “Is the use of TED talks video effective in improving students’ public speaking skills?”, and the second is “What are the students’ perception about using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills?”. Furthermore, the writer using mixed-method study as his research design. Relating the first research question, the result of the t-test computation after pre-test and post-test score gained showed that t-observed was higher than t-critical. In other words, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypotheses (H1) was accepted. effectiveness of using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills. Furthermore, relating the second research question, the qualitative data showed that the students gave positive responses toward teaching by using TED Talks Video. It based on the students’ answer to each the number of questionnaires. The students interested of using TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills because it was so practical, easy to use and help them in comprehending public speaking. Unless, they still found the problem while using this methode when they try to understood the video. 71 Finally, based on the findings above it can be conclude that there is a significant improvement in improving students’ public speaking skills after obtaining the treatment by using TED Talks Video. This also supported by the positive responses from the students about the use of TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills. The writer realized that this study has weaknesses such as limited theory related to the topic. However, it doesn’t mean that this study didn’t has strengths. The strength itself, this study examined the students’ responses toward TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills. The students’ responses itself supported the quantitative result. Related to the finding and conclusion of the study, there are some suggestions deals with teaching TED talks video in improving students’ public speaking skills for the institution, English teacher, and other researcher who will conduct the study in the same field. For the institution, in this case, the school should support the teacher to build a comfortable teaching and learning process by giving more facilities. Especially the internet connection that becomes the most important thing in this era. It is also in order to get the effectiveness result of teaching and learning process. While, for English teachers, it is essential for teacher to improve the quality of English teaching and learning activities. He or she should be able to apply various kind of teaching tools. In addition, he or she should use various kind of up to date tools and interesting activities that can all the students to join in the teaching and learning process. And lastly, for the other researcher who want to conduct the study in the same field. He or she should make sure the requirement for his or her future study is fulfilled. It is also would be better to conduct the study with the assistance from the English teacher in that school besides the advisor in order to help the researcher. REFFERENCES Abadi, Mahdi Kiami Sheikh & Amir Marzban. (2012). Teachers’ beliefs and Teaching English Writing to Children and Adolescent Learners in Iran. Journal of Academic and Applied Studies. Volume 2, No. 6. Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy, second edition. New York: Longman. Burns, R. (2000). Introduction to Research Method. Longman: Australia. 72 Cresswell, J., W. (2014). Research Design : Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches. (4 th ed). San Diego Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc. Creswell, J.,W. (2012). 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Retrieved on June Japan 12, 2017, from Zuhairini (1997) Filsafat Pendidikan Islam, Mataram, Bumi Aksara 2012 Source: APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE SA : Strongly Agree N : Neutral SD: Strongly Disagree A : Agree D : Disagree (Adopted from G.V. A. Nugraheni (2017) Student Number:_______________ No Statements SA A N D SD 1 It is good that the teacher provides TED Talks video in class 2 The use of TED Talks video supports learning process 74 3 I feel motivated when watching TED Talks video 4 Through TED Talks video, I can learn about delivering ideas 5 I enjoy TED Talks video 6 TED Talks video is interesting 7 Through TED Talks video, I can improve my listening skill 8 I can improve my facial expression after learning through TED talks video 9 I can learn about movement and gesture 10 I can improve my eye contact 11 I can improve my pronunciation 12 I know about the varieties of accents after watching the video 13 I can improve my confidence 14 I can improve my fluency 15 I can learn about good structure in delivering speech