P-ISSN: 2598-8530 September 2019, Vol. 3 No.2 English Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Galuh University 133 Received: Accepted: Published: July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 Dea Feradepi English Education Study Program, Department of Language and Art University of Bengkulu Dedi Sofyan English Education Study Program, Department of Language and Art University of Bengkulu Kasmaini English Education Study Program, Department of Language and Art University of Bengkulu CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES BASED ON MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE THEORY IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING 2013 CURRICULUM FOR SEVENTH GRADE ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze whether schools had implemented the 2013 curriculum system such as the Bengkulu City 11 Junior High School in the learning process in classroom activities using multiple intelligence theories. This research was designed as a descriptive qualitative method. The population and sample of this study were English language teachers at SMPN 11 Bengkulu Cityin seventh grade. Data was collected using observations checklist and video recorder that were used to assist researchers in analyzing forms of observation checklist. The results of the study showed several continuations implemented from the three teachers, namely 100% linguistics, 66.7% visual and 66.7% body intelligence. Linguistic intelligence was the dominant one. from three teachers who taught in seventh grade with the same material namely descriptive text, the results showed, teacher A asked for three 134 linguistic, visual and body intelligences, teacher B applied one linguistic intelligence and teacher C used three linguistic, visual, and body intelligences. The results show from the three teachers implemented linguistic intelligence more often in teaching English. Because in English lesson oriented to linguistic. Keywords:Multiple Intelligence, English Teacher INTRODUCTION Teaching in the twenty-first century emphasizes diversity and recognizing that each student possesses his or her own set of unique strengths, needs, interests and learning styles. In today’s classrooms, educators are expected to provide equitable opportunities for students to achieve their full potential in all aspects of development. Students come into the classroom as individuals with unique cultures, ethnicities, beliefs and attitudes Farlane (2011). Howard Gardner, with the Multiple Intelligence Theory (MIT) he developed in 1983, introduced a new perspective on intelligence and defines intelligence as the capacity of a person to produce a product valued in one or more cultures, the ability to produce effective and efficient solutions to problems encountered in real life, the ability to discover new or complex structured problems to be solved Saban (2002). Based on Gardner (1993), intelligence has many dimensions that cannot be explained by the classical IQ tests. These dimensions called intelligence areas consist of Verbal- linguistic intelligence, Logical-Mathematical intelligence, Visual- Spatial intelligence, Interpersonal intelligence, Intrapersonal intelligence, Musical-Rhythmic intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence and Naturalist intelligence. According to MIT, all of these intelligence areas were of equal value, one or more of which was no more important than the others. All individuals have all of the eight intelligences. However, they show a tendency to use one or more of these intelligence types. Intelligence areas often work together and in a complex structure. In other words, the areas of intelligence interact each other and can affect one another. In this case, it is possible to develop weak areas of intelligence to a certain extent when it is given the opportunity to improve Armstrong (2002), Saban (2002), Walters (2002). 135 Theory of multiple intelligences (MI) is considered an innovation in learning English because it helps students developed all eight intelligences. On the other hand, represent ways people understand the world around them, solve problems and learn. They were: verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist. focusing on the problem-solving activities, teachers, by implementing theory of multiple intelligences, encourage students not only to build their existing language knowledge but also learn new content and skills. When the relevant literature was examined, it was seen that, based on the Multiple Intelligence theory, there were many studies leaded to the way a course is taught and examining the effectiveness of this theory. Therefore, student characteristics should be taken into consideration in the educational activities to be organized. In order to be able effectively transform the MI theory into practice, it was primarily necessary to determine the strengths and weaknesses in the intelligence areas of the individual characteristics of the students. Multiple intelligence (MI) theory can be described as a philosophy of education. In education, the theory of Multiple Intelligences began to be accepted because it was considered better serve all intelligence possess for children. The concept of MI makes educators more wise saw the differences, and make children felt more welcome and served. This concept "Delete" the myth of a child who was intelligent and not intelligent, because according to this concept, all children had intelligent. It was just that the smart concept needs to be defined with a new foundation. Because of this in the 2013 curriculum system, students who studied and worked more actively, want more student roles than teachers, teachers only observe. In the 2013 curriculum learning stage, namely Observing, Questioning, Associating, Experimenting, Creating Networking, Communicating and Implementation. with several stages of this learning, the classroom activities of students in the class were intended to implement theory multiple intelligence contained in it, namely Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence, Mathematical/Logical Intelligence, Musical Intelligence, Spatial/Visual Intelligence, Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence, Naturalist Intelligence, Existential Intelligence. 136 With a simple test which shows which intelligences students were strong in can really give them a new perspective. It can get them to change their attitude towards their own intelligence and learned to raise their self-esteem. For example if a student learns that he was strong in naturalistic intelligence but did not excel in logical mathematic intelligence their can got a whole new perspective on their abilities and change their views about that learned. He could practice their stronger intelligence and developed their weaker intelligence. I believe that it was very important for teacher to focus on students strength and the Multiple Intelligence theory can help with that. The researcher chose Classroom Activities Based on Multiple Intelligence Theory in English Language Teaching 2013 Curriculum in SMPN 11 Bengkulu City as a subject of research due to the researcher has taught in this school. In 2018, this school used the 2013 curriculum which students who played an active role in the learning process while teachers as observers. Students were given material direction and receive material and respond during the learning process, but not all students can respond well. In order to facilitate the implementation of the 2013 curriculum, teachers should use multiple intelligence theory during Classroom Activities in English Language Teaching 2013 Curriculum because not all the material is given by the teacher when teaching can be well received by students, this indicated with multiple intelligence theory, each student can accept the material provided by the teacher in accordance with the intelligence students have. To create class conditions, the 2013 curriculum willing students to be more active, namely classroom participation. The 2013 curriculum method aims students to prepare Indonesian generation to have life skills as individuals and citizens who are faithful, productive, creative, innovative, and effective and able to contribute them selves for future world. METHOD Selected the most appropriated research methodology was essential in determining the success of research. One factor that should be counted in selected appropriated research methods was the research questions. In this research, the 137 research questions require several explanations and deep analysis. Based on the research questions, a qualitative method is the right one to use in this research. A theory based on Merriam and Tisdell (2016) explains that qualitative research focuses on meaning and understanding. Qualitative research is usually used by researchers to obtain information related to how people make an interpretation of their experiences. A key concern of qualitative research is understanding participants’ perspectives. The population of this research was English teachers in SMPN 11 Bengkulu City that teach seventh grade. The sample of this research was the teachers who teach English in seventh-grade. The observation checklist was used in this research to analyze the form in order to make it easy on percentage what teachers did in class according to multiple intelligence theory. The observation checklist used to checkout and classify the teacher’s difficulties in English teaching and learning. The checklist adopt from Gardner (1989). FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This chapter discussed more detail about the results of the research which were already collected from 18 th March until 26 th April 2019 as well as the discussion section, the data was gathered from the observation checklist. In result section, the researcher presented the data which were obtained by observing classroom activities in English language teaching 2013 curriculum. Moreover, the discussion section contained an analysis about the result of this research which was presented previously. The participants of this research were 3 teachers who taught in seventh grade. The researcher investigated the implementation of multiple intelligence theory in English language teaching 2013 curriculum for seventh grade students of SMPN 11 Bengkulu city. The researcher came to the class and recorded the process of the English language teaching, after that the researcher do the direct observation. 138 Table. 1 Result Checklist from Three Teachers MA : mathematical B : bodily L : linguistic INTER : interpersonal V : visual INTRA : intrapersonal MU : musical N : naturalist The results obtained from the observation checklist by direct observation used by three teachers in classroom activities, this indicated that it appeared that linguistic was the dominant used by the teacher during English language teaching in the seventh grade. Chart 1.The result of percentage from table observation checklist. Based on the result, the findings of the research presented in depth to answer the research questions stated in Chapter 1. Some data from the appendix are used as examples in order to provide a complete explanation. From the Three teachers that 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% Three Teachers multiple intelligence NO ACTIVITIES M A L V M U B INT ER INT RA N 1 TEACHER A √ √ √ 2 TEACHER B √ 3 TEACHER C √ √ √ 139 had been studied, during classroom activities, researchers record the process. The researcher used direct observation to check the multiple intelligence that teachers implemented and then analyze used the observation checklist. After the researcher entered data on the observation checklist, the researcher got the result from three teachers, multiple intelligence that implemented it turned out there were three abilities namely Linguistic, visual, and bodily, interpersonal. Back to the research question this research is how the implementation of the Multiple Intelligence Theory in English language teaching 2013 curriculum for seventh grade has been obtained for the implementation of multiple intelligence when three teachers thought in seventh grade used direct observation for two meetings with the same material namely descriptive text, it can only apply three intelligence and not apply to the eight intelligence of the multiple intelligence. So that the results obtained from the observation checklist, that linguistics intelligence is the dominant one. from the three teachers who taught in seventh grade with the same material namely descriptive text, the result showed, teacher A implemented three intelligences that were linguistic, visual and bodily, teacher B implemented one intelligence that was linguistic and teacher C implemented three intelligence that were linguistic, visual and bodily. In this discussion the results obtained from the implementation of the three teachers, that linguistic intelligence is the dominant and most often used when teaching English. As in this research found that linguistic intelligence deals with the use of one's own language correctly, grammar and pronunciation of words, and concepts with appropriate meanings as explained by Amstrong (1994). The strength of Linguistics obtained from the dominant learning process carried out by the three teachers teaching in the seventh grade was very much related to subjects namely English, where language and communication are the main factors such as the position of knowledge about language (linguistic) was very closely related to language teaching activities. Corner (1991) states "Linguistic teaching is the use of knowledge about the natural language produced by language researchers used to increase the success of practical tasks that use language as a core component". 140 The following was an explanation of experts who say that linguistic intelligence was a major factor in the English language teaching which was oriented towards language teaching. Suparno (2004) describes linguistic intelligence as the ability to use words in oral or written terms. this ability is related to the use and development of language in general. from some of the opinions above can be concluded that linguistic intelligence is the ability to use and process words effectively, with appropriate and appropriate meanings. The implementation of linguistic knowledge in various objects was an activity in language teaching. As desired by the 2013 curriculum was that the teacher must act as a model that exemplifies how to communicate in English, provides and structures polite communication activities in English, then provides continuous consistent support so that these communication habits shape the character of students. While explained in the research by Rahimi, Sadighi & Fard (2012) showed that there was an influence of linguistic intelligence on students foreign language abilities. The middle was visual and interpersonal, the next one that slightly implemented was intrapersonal and bodily. The aspects of multiple intelligence such as mathematical, musical, and naturalist are not implemented in this lesson plan that discussed descriptive material text. Each lesson plan used there are strengths and weaknesses when implementing multiple intelligence during the classroom activities process. Finally, the findings of this study related to the implementation of Multiple Intelligences in language classes. Some of the research has been carried out by experts and practitioners relating to the development of the design of English intelligence based on Multiple intelligence and it was the role in improving students English language skills as done by Shakouri, Behdani & Teimourtash (2016). Based on the results of these studies, linguistic Intelligence has a role in improving student learning outcomes and motivation when integrated into learning English. The results of observation data show that the teacher uses a type of linguistic intelligence that has a sensitivity to language and the ability to use language Vakili (2013). Learning methods that are used include reading aloud, reading silently, writing descriptive, 141 discussing, telling stories, and playing word games as explained by Armstrong (2003). CONCLUSIONS This research is conducted to how is the implementation of multiple intelligence theory in English language teaching 2013 curriculum for seventh-grade students of SMPN 11 Bengkulu city. In this study using the observation checklist instrument to find out how the implementation of multiple intelligence theory, with direct observation on three teachers who taught English in seventh grade. Among the eight parts of multiple intelligence theory which is implemented, only three. The first is that linguistic intelligence is the dominant one implemented, because linguistics is related to language, and when learning the language is specifically English, it must know and understand some important things of the language. We communicate using 4 skills, namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing. All these parts are language oriented, therefore the results obtained in this study with the highest percentage are linguistic intelligence. The second is bodily intelligence. When the teacher teaches English in class, there is an interaction that the teacher interacts with their students to carry out body movements related to on going learning. Some examples body movement interactions that occur when the teacher teaches seventh grade English, such as clapping, raising hands, moving and walking. The third is visual intelligence. The teacher provides descriptive material for text describing an object, the teacher shows the real form of the object to be described. the other visual form is to describe someone from a family member, the teacher shows a picture of a family member. not all teachers use visual intelligence. For the Teachers, the researcher suggests for the teacher to do more activities in the classroom related to eight intelligence when teaching and learning English in classroom activities are easier for students to understand and make students in junior high schools enjoy learning English. In the end, the purpose of learning can be runs actively and achieve success like the teacher's hope. 142 For the Students, the researcher suggests for the students are more able to enjoy and more active learning English when in class. The researcher hopes that students can increase their interest in learning English and respond well to English. For Further researcher, the further researcher can conduct the same scope of research by involving other instruments, such as interview and questionnaire to obtain deeper findings. The researcher also suggests to more research is done by adding teachers and classes studied to see more differences in multiple intelligence theory implemented. REFERENCES Armstrong, T., Saban., Walters. (2002). Multiple Intelligences in the classroom. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 20- 22. Corner, P.(1991). A New Model In English Language Classroom: Howard’s Multiple Intelligences Theory. 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