JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 Received Accepted Published December 2020 February 2021 February 2021 IMPROVING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILL OF EFL CLASS BY USING VIDEO BLOG ON SOCIAL MEDIA Yulima Melsipa Lingga Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut Wan Yuliyanti Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut Yuliana Ningsih Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut ABSTRACT This research aims to investigate the improvement of English speaking skills in first-year students by using video blogs on social media. This research is conducted at Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut from April to July 2020 located in the District of Pelaihari, Tanah Laut Regency, South Borneo. The object of this research is the first-year students in class 1C and 1D of the Information Technology department. There are 65 students. For a collection of the data based on the CAR methods are planning, action and observation, and reflection. While the technique of collecting the data is qualitative data with interview transcripts and class observation. The students were asked to make a video blog to investigate their capability in English speaking skills. The results showed that in cycle 1 found that the frequency level of proficiency criteria of the students are still an average level in vocabulary and pronunciation, and poor level in grammar, fluency, and content. In cycle 2, the frequency levels become better. All criteria increase at a good level. Video blog on social media improves the English speaking skill of the students well. Keywords: speaking skill, video blog, CAR method, social media INTRODUCTION For EFL (English as a Foreign Language) class, speaking English is not always easy. The structure of English is different from Indonesian. There are many English teachers, especially EFL classes, who complain that the students they teach are less active when learning speaking and they tend to be passive in responding during speaking practice. EFL students are less motivated to try to speak English because they are afraid to JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 20 make mistakes when speaking (Rahman, 2013). Ellis (2008) stated that limited opportunities to practice language and in different situations can make it difficult for students to develop their speaking skills. That’s why it is needed to enhance interesting ways for the student in learning English, especially in improving their capability in speaking skill. Students’ speaking ability may be influenced by various situations and circumstances such as pressure in terms of time, performance, and also a number of supports and is also influenced by other factors such as motivation, ability to hear and respond during speaking (Tuan & Mai, 2015). Even though English has been taught for years starting from schools to universities, but students in universities still have difficulty speaking English (Safitri & Khoiriyah, 2017). The problems in mastering English speaking skill are also occurred in college students in Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut, especially for the first year’s students. English speaking skill get less proportion for them. English language proficiency in college students should be at an advanced level, but in reality, due to observation, most of them is still at a basic stage. This makes learning English less effective and tends to be passive. Therefore, an interesting way is needed to bring out their interest in speaking English, so as to improve their language skills. Why? Because we know that English is a global language. Learning English can help you meet new people. Beside, English is the language of the internet. English is also one of the most important languages for business. With English, you can study all over the world and increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or of finding work abroad. Students in this era called generation Z (gen Z) tend to depend on technology since the young age and are comfortable with the internet and social media. Students can become more active in learning by using technology and technology can also change learners from passive learners to active learners (Lowerison et al., 2006). Therefore, through technology student learning motivation becomes higher such as being actively JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 21 involved when learning, collaboration between team members, and can help students find such a wide range of resources (Phillips, 2014). This situation can be used as an opportunity to improve students’ English skill, especially speaking skill. Vlog or Video blogging is currently a technology that is in great demand by students because it can also be used as a medium to improve their achievement, especially in speaking English. When they finished making their video, then they will be easily uploaded and shared with friends and other users on their social media. The presence of technology such as video blogging is expected to be able to improve students’ ability to speak English. Many educators see video blogging as a potential learning medium as well as a suitable learning tool for today’s generation of students who grew up during the World Wide Web and other digital technologies, so they are called digital natives (Considine et al., 2009). In connection with this, there are a number of things that will be achieved when implementing the video blogging method. First, it can build student’s high self-effectiveness with technology and social media in the learning process. Several research results concluded that video blogging is one of the effective learning media to develop students’ learning abilities independently (Avci & Askar, 2012). The second is, EFL students will be in a situation that resembles a real situation using somewhat limited English (Watkins, 2012). By looking at the benefits that can be obtained from this phenomenon, then this study aims to improve students’ speaking skill of the EFL class, in this case first year’s students in Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut by using video blogging on social media. Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut (Politala) is still the only one state polytechnic in the district of Tanah Laut, South Borneo. Politala emphasizes practical learning even in English subjects. That’s one of some reasons that researcher choose speaking skill as the study of this research. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 22 In conducting the research, the researcher use a Classroom Action Research (CAR) as a method that appropriates for the purpose of this study which is used to improve the students' English speaking skill. In addition, action research may be used in many settings of education as a method to solve the problem in learning and it also can be used by an individual teacher or a group of teachers in all level of education. According to Kemmis & Mc Taggart in Burns (Burns, 2009), classroom action research has cyclical process which involves some phases of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Result of the first cycle is used to determine the need for the following cycle until the problems are solved by using the strategy or method. So, the researcher can repeat the strategy or treatment with some modifications to make better result or solve the problem. Research on the use of video blogging with the CAR methods to improve speaking skills has been done by Ayu Rahmawati et al (2018), Alpha et al (2018), and Muhammad Muhsin (2018). These three studies aim to describe the development of school students’ speaking skill through vlogs using the CAR method. From these research, it was found that students’ speaking ability had increased by using the CAR method. Another research was done by Nur Asyiah (2019), which aims to find out the enhancement of students’ integrated listening-speaking competence through video blog. This research also used the CAR method and it was found that there was an enhancement of the students learning listening-speaking achievement. Based on the background and the description of the previous research, this research will use the CAR method to see the development of first year’s students speaking skill through video blogs on social media in Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut. This research have been completed to answer the research question, how is the improvement of English speaking skill of EFL class by using video blog on social media in Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut? JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 23 Speaking Skill Kazemi et al. (Zoghi, M., Kazemi, S. A., & Kalani, 2013) state that “speaking is considered as an important and essential matter for foreign language learners or English as a foreign language of learners”. Speaking competence plays important role in learning and understanding language. It is used for expressing thought in verbal utterances. “Speaking is the productive skill aural/oral skill. It consists of systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. Speaking is a human interaction which is used to share information to other” (Nunan et al., 2003). Moreover, Florez in Nunan (Nunan et al., 2003) says that speaking ability is an interactive process to produce production, response and information processing. Speaking in English is rather difficult, because it is not just understandable, but demands a correlation and correct usage between grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. We also have to be able to put proper and correct language when it comes to what, where, when, who, why and how questions. This is where learners sometimes misplace the right words and the right grammar. EFL Class Learning English in Indonesia is very important, especially in education in Indonesia, but learning English is not easy for students because it is not a language familiar to Indonesians (Madayani, 2020). It is stated in Oxford University Press on 12 July 2011 that EFL students need: 1. To practice their English more and more, especially speaking orally. Encourage students to practice in the classroom, but also give them the opportunity to practice speaking English outside the classroom, and always reward them when they can do so. 2. Emphasize them to live English. Never impart to your students that English is a set of rules and words to memorize. It is a cultural creation that lives and breathes over the world. Do whatever you can to reveal this depth. Pen buddies, non-traditional teaching JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 24 materials and field trips are great ways to make English more lively and fun for students. 3. Find reasons to learn English and provide motivation to stick with them. English can be a very theoretical thing if you grew up in the countryside. Find out about the student's other interests and incorporate English into it. There are so many English speaking communities both online and offline that you can find attachments for almost any other field of interest. Social networking is one powerful tool. Video Blog Video blogging can be interpreted as a video component (Gunelius, 2012) that present a series of events online (Molyneaux, Gibson, O’Donnell & Singer, 2007) that allows anyone to create and share their posts (Biel & Gatica-Perez, 2010) which consider it a collection of videos that are used as an archive of life in the form of audio-visual and as a means of communication. Several researches have raised the phenomenon that video blogs can facilitate an effective language learning and teaching process, especially in terms of “learners’ language complexity, grammatical correctness, and fluency” (Hewett, 2000). Videoblogging is the new trend in blogging. Video blogging or vlogging in this article is a form of blogging that uses video as a medium. Vlog is defined as a blog that uses video as its main source and not text. Vlogs these days are essentially text blogs that are in a video linked externally for each entry (Rosenberg, 2006). Video can improve simulation which not only can give excellent reaction and response when students can watch and evaluate their own work, but also with this video can create a more realistic simulation (Harmer, 2001). Nowadays, video blogs are very popular with many people, especially young people who are very familiar with social media. With social media, students can upload the videos they make and will be seen by many people. This is also a good opportunity to improve students' English speaking skills. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 25 Social Media Social media is an electronic communication media based on communication input, content-sharing and collaboration. Web sites used for social networking, social bookmarking, microblogging and wikis are examples of social media. There are many types of social media that occurs nowadays, for example facebook, twitter, Instagram, google+, Wikipedia, pinterest, YouTube, and many more. METHODS For collection of the data based on the CAR methods are planning, action and observation, and reflection. While the technique of collecting the data is qualitative data with interview transcripts and class observation. Action research related to the ideas of reflective practice which aims to identify problem situations or issues faced by the participants systematically in order to solve the problems, bring out changes and improvements to them in practice (Burns, 2009). There were two types of instruments. They were test and non-test instrument. The non-test instrument were field-notes, interview guidelines, documentation, and class observation.. The data obtained were in the form of video blogging done by students. These data will then be analysed. Before coming up to the test on making video blog, the students were given a score reflection. This would help students to make good preparation before making video blog. Watkins (2012) provides the score reflection as follows, Table 1. Scoring Reflection Proficiency Area Evaluative Criteria Vocabulary  Is the student using appropriate and correct word choices?  Should the student use suitable vocabulary for academic used? Grammar  Is the student making progress with grammar usage?  Do the same grammar errors continue to occur?  Do grammar mistakes lead to problems discerning meaning? Pronunciation  Is the student making consistent and predictable pronunciation errors?  Do these pronunciation errors make it difficult to understand what the student is talking about? JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 26 Fluency  Is the student talking smoothly and confidently, or is the speech interrupted by long, awkward pauses?  Was the speech extemporaneous or obviously read from a manuscript? Content  Did the student talk for the requested amount of time?  If the vlog assignment requested reflection on a certain theme or action in accordance with a set of directions, did the student make efforts to address this theme and / or follow direction? This reflection material can help students to pay more attention and consider several criteria as aspects before making a vlog. From this scoring reflection, an assessment rubric is made to measure their capability and proficiency. There is a levelling of each area, excellent, good, average and poor. Here is the rubric: Table 2. Assessment Rubric Excellent Good Average Poor Vocabulary The students master in using appropriate vocabulary The students make few vocabulary mistakes There are some mistakes related to vocabulary The student does not use any vocabulary correctly Grammar The students master grammar perfectly The students make few grammar mistakes The students make some grammar mistakes The grammar is not correct at all Pronunciation There are no pronunciation mistakes There are few pronunciation mistakes There are some pronunciation mistakes The oral message is incomprehensible Fluency The students talk smoothly and confidently Sometimes there is an interruption There students make some interruption and depend on the manuscript The students make long and awkward pauses; depend on the manuscript JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 27 Content The students pay attention to the instructions and direction; the contents are in accordance with the themes; very creative The students pay less attention to time but still in accordance with the themes provided; quite creative The contents sometimes out of the themes and directions; less creative The students do not pay attention to the instructions and out of the themes provided The rubric describes the levels of proficiency criteria; excellent, good, average, poor. The purpose of explaining the rubric to students is to prepare themselves and be more motivated to create a vlog that fits the existing criteria (Maulidah, 2018). FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Cycle 1 The students were just given a task to make a video blogging. The topic was about nouns. Using the assessment rubric, it was found that most of the students in their groups were in average and poor level of proficiency area. It is shown in this table below. Table 3. Numbers of Groups by Level in Cycle 1 Proficiency Area Numbers of groups by level Excellent Good Average Poor Vocabulary 0 0 11 1 Grammar 0 0 3 9 Pronunciation 0 1 6 5 Fluency 0 0 4 8 Content 0 1 4 7 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 28 From the table above, we can see that from 12 groups of students, most of them are at average level and even poor. There is only one group at the level of “good” in pronunciation area and one group in content area. In fact, no group has achieved an excellent score. The frequency levels of proficiency criteria of speaking skill by using video blog in cycle 1 can be seen in this table below. Table 4. Frequency Levels of Proficiency Criteria in Cycle 1 Proficiency Area Frequency Levels of Proficiency Criteria (%) Excellent Good Average Poor Vocabulary 0% 0% 91,6% 8,33% Grammar 0% 0% 25% 75% Pronunciation 0% 8,33% 50% 41,66% Fluency 0% 0% 33,33% 66,66% Content 0% 8,33% 33,33% 58,33% From the table above we can see that in vocabulary area, the highest level is in average level about 91,6%. It is declared that the students made some mistakes related to vocabulary. In grammar area, the proficiency level of the students is in poor level about 75%. During the video blogging, the students still make so much grammar mistakes. That is because they still lack knowledge about the use of good and correct grammar. In pronunciation area, the proficiency level of the students is in average level about 50%, and in the poor level about 41,66%. It is showed that there are some pronunciation mistakes and very often the oral message is incomprehensible. In fluency area, the proficiency level of the students is in poor level about 66,66%. Only 33,33% is in average level. It is showed that the students still make long and awkward pauses during the video blogging. They also depend on the manuscript in front of them. In content area, the proficiency level JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 29 of the students is in poor level about 58,33%. Only 33,33% is in average level. This showed that the students still unexperienced in making video blogging and still less creative. Cycle 2 After finishing cycle 1, the researcher then evaluated the results and made some notes to come to cycle 2. In cycle 2, the students were asked again to make video blogging. The theme was about giving instructions. In this session, the students were given some directions and instruction to prepare themselves. They were asked to learn about simple present tense and simple past tense. They were asked to listen to the pronunciation of a word if they didn’t know yet. Using the assessment rubric, it was found that there was a significant progress in level of proficiency. It is shown in the table below. Table 5. Numbers of Groups by Level in Cycle 2 Proficiency Area Numbers of groups by level Excellent Good Average Poor Vocabulary 0 12 0 0 Grammar 0 11 1 0 Pronunciation 0 7 5 0 Fluency 0 7 5 0 Content 0 6 5 1 From the table, now we can see the improvement of speaking skill of the students. They are in the good level mostly in all proficiency area. Even though some of them were still in average level and no one in excellent level, but from this results we can see the difference from cycle 1. Only one group was in poor level in content area. The frequency levels of proficiency criteria of speaking skill by using video blog in cycle 2 can be seen in this table below. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 30 Table 6. Frequency Levels of Proficiency Criteria in Cycle 2 Proficiency Area Frequency Levels of Proficiency Criteria (%) Excellent Good Average Poor Vocabulary 0% 100% 0% 0% Grammar 0% 91,66% 8,33% 0% Pronunciation 0% 58,33% 41,66% 0% Fluency 0% 58,33% 41,66% 0% Content 0% 50% 41,66% 8,33% From the table above, we can see that in vocabulary are, the highest levels is in good level about 100%. It means the students make few vocabulary mistakes. They became better in choosing appropriate vocabulary. In grammar area, the proficiency level of the students is in good level about 91,66%, in average area about 8,33%. No one include in poor level. In pronunciation area, the proficiency level of the students is in good level about 58,33%, in average area about 41,66%. No one include in poor level as before. In fluency area, the proficiency level of the students is also in good level about 58,33%. While in content area, the proficiency level is in good level about 50% and average area about 41,66%. Only one group is in poor level about 8,33%. This showed that they had tried their best to make the content more creative than before. This is according to the frequency of data. To make it clear about the proportion of improvement of students speaking skill by using video blog, it can be seen in this chart below: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Vocabulary Grammar Pronunciation Fluency Content Cycle 1 Good Average Poor JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 31 Figure 1. Graphic of Proficiency Level in Cycle 1 Figure 2. Graphic of Proficiency Level in Cycle 2 From the graphics above, we can see the significance of the students’ speaking improvement from cycle 1 to cycle 2. We can conclude that the using of video blogging to improve English speaking skill of students in EFL class were success. There are some significances that can be obtained as the positive impact of making video blog. Sun, Yu-Chih (Sun, 2009) claims several significances as impact of video blogging. Those are: a) Students’ Motivation Video blog will increase students’ motivation in speaking. The role of video blog is also as social media consumption that is usually used by students in their daily activity. They prefer to use it to express their feelings, their ideas, and their improvisation. b) Self-Presentation 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Vocabulary Grammar Pronunciation Fluency Content Cycle 2 Good Average Poor JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 32 Vlogging is closely related to the use of social media. Psychologically this has an impact on students when preparing themselves. They will give their best presentation. This shows that the use of vlogs can improve students' self-presentation, especially in their speaking appearance. c) Talk More Time So far, EFL students have limited opportunities to speak English to express their language skills. They only practice in class during lessons or at certain times. With vlogs as a medium of learning, students will get more opportunities to speak English outside the classroom. Vlogging forces them to convey their ideas in English, and in the end their English skills gradually improve. d) Independent Learning Task-based learning provides independence for students. Video blogging is also a task- based learning strategy. One of the advantages of independent learning is that students get meaning in their learning. In addition, they are free to express their ideas during the learning process. Video blogging can meet these conditions and create independent learners. So, because it is related to technology and social media, making video blogging is one of the better teaching and learning innovations, especially in their speaking skills and this is very fun to implement. Educators also see that video blogging is a very potential instructional medium and is a suitable teaching tool for today. When compared with previous studies, this research has a novelty in the process and method used. Rakhmanina & Kusumaningrum (2017) in their research about the effectiveness of video blogging in teaching speaking viewed from students’ learning motivation, the students were asked to watch a video blog and then they discuss about it. By watching others video blog, students were motivated to speak in English. While in this JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 33 research, the students themselves recorded their own video to get better in speaking English skill. Novita Lestari in her research about improving the speaking skill by vlog as a learning media from the EFL students’ perspective (2019) found that speaking skill of the EFL students improved by video blogging. But in her research, she used a qualitative research by using five steps of data analysis by Mckernan. Those steps are: assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretation, and reporting the outcomes. While in this research, the researcher use the CAR method to analyzed the data. Muhammad Muhsin in his research (2018) about the use of video blogging as a media to improve student speaking skill use a CAR method with different process. In his research, the students were given to watch a video blogging and then gave opportunity to the students to discussed, respond and gave opinion about the video. In this research, the students not just learnt from someone’s video blogging, but they themselves tried to make their own video blog as a way to improve their speaking. Another research was done by Ayu Rahmawati in 2018 still about the use of vlog to improve students speaking skill. In her research, she used a CAR method. The students were given a topic and the students then discussed the topic. This research also conducted with the CAR method but the researcher just gave a theme and the students themselves make a video blogging. Pramita Sari in her research (2017) found that the use of vlog in the YouTube channel could improve speaking skill. But in this case, her research emphasized to the improvement of student’s motivation and self-confidence to speak English. She wanted to find out whether vlog in the YouTube channel could improve the student motivation and confidence. While in this research, the researcher emphasized the the speaking skill of the students. Alpha Tessalika (2018) did a research about the use of video bogging to improve students speaking performance. In her research, the student were also given a video. They JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 34 watched the video blog and they were given opportunity to give opinion about the topic and to re-tell the video. This was the way she analyzed their speaking performance. This research again used video blog as a media for the students to make their own video blog and record their speaking. Maulidah in 2017 explored all benefit conducted to the use of vlog as a mean to improve students speaking ability. She explained vlog and its tool, the significant of vlog in improving speaking skill and also the vlogging stages. She concluded that by using vlog, the student could get many benefit to improve their speaking skill. Ayu Astriani (2017) also integrated video blog in EFL Class for teaching speaking. In her research, she used a combination of qualitative and quantitative method to solve the research problems. While in this research the researcher used the classroom action research in qualitative method. Vina Nurviyani in her research in 2018 about a study of students’ speaking skill through vlog also found that vlog could be one media to improve speaking skill. She used a qualitative research by focusing a case study. The data analysis was conducted with classroom observation, interview, and questionnaire. In this research the researcher used CAR method which was related to cyclical process. Nur Asyah in her research about the using of video blog to enhance students’ integrated listening-speaking competence also used the CAR method. But she emphasized listening and speaking skill of the students. In this research, the researcher only focused to the speaking skill of the students. CONCLUSIONS From the data analysis and the results obtained, it can be concluded that video blog significantly improves students’ English speaking ability. From the results, it can be seen that there is an increase in student ability in the aspects of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency and content. Using video blogging is a fun learning process and can increase students' enthusiasm for learning. Besides that, vlogs can promote good JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 35 presentations in students' speaking performances. They are able to interact in their environment for better speaking skills. Besides that students also have the opportunity to study independently. Some of these things can improve students' speaking ability. This method can be applied not only to first-year students but also to others. For the next research, the CAR method can also be implemented to analyze students' listening skills because it is based on the classroom action method. However, the discussion about vlogs is still a hot topic today, both in terms of the process and its existence as a learning medium. REFERENCES Avci, U., & Askar, P. (2012). The comparison of the opinions of the university students on the usage of blog and wiki for their courses. Educational Technology and Society. Biel, J. I., & Gatica-Perez, D. (2010). 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