JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 Received Accepted Published December 2020 February 2021 February 2021 LEXICAL BUNDLES OF INDONESIAN AND ENGLISH RESEARCH ARTICLES: FREQUENCY ANALYSIS Azka Saeful Haq Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Cultural Science Padjajaran University Rosaria Mita Amalia Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Cultural Science Padjajaran University Susi Yuliawati Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Cultural Science Padjajaran University ABSTRACT This study is preliminary research of lexical bundles in the corpus of Indonesian and English research articles that focuses on analysis of frequency and distribution. This study aims to acquire list of common lexical bundles in applied linguistics articles and describes the patterns of bundle use. The most frequent lexical bundles investigated by frequency criteria reflect the common pattern of bundle use in each corpus. Frequency-based approach to multi-word combination enables us to acquire reliable results because of its statistical test in authentic language data. The result shows that the most numerous bundles are 3- word length and surprisingly, 5-word bundles it can be concluded that occurs in the top 20 rank in Indonesian corpus. The comparison between corpora reflects that the bundles across text section are identical. Although there are the same bundles used in both corpora, the typical bundles with high score of frequency and range are found to characterize the different group of writers. The distributional patterns show that there is the presence of popular bundles in English and Indonesian writers. The top rank lists emphasize that the common lexical bundle structures are phrase-based in expert level. Practically, this study can play role in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) to recommend prevalent patterns of lexical bundle use in the form of pedagogically useful list of word combination. The findings can also be used for non-native writers or scholars especially Indonesian writers to enrich the use of lexical bundles across sections in language and linguistics field. Keywords: lexical bundles, corpus-driven approach, frequency analysis, JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 38 INTRODUCTION Research article written by non-native writers is potentially problematical to engage with native writing style. Native-like writing marked by linguistic features in a text is underlain by practice and comprehension that are integrated in language learning. For non-native and novice writers, it is important to improve the quality of their article through learning the native-like writing style in academic genre. In the context of academic community, the writers need to use prevalent academic expression to increase the value of their articles. Learning common writing style can be helpful for high quality research need to be constructed in appropriate writing. Less awareness of the importance of writing style in academic writing becomes a factor that cannot improve the quality of writing. Research article contains more than selection of academic dictions in lexical aspect. There is the presence of word combination used in specific discipline to reflect particular patterns of use which are crucial for writers. Numerous corpus studies prove the big role of word combinations in research articles that they can be the markers of non-native or native and novice or expert writing through identifying the use of word combination (Breeze, 2013; Chen & Baker, 2010; Cortes, 2013; Hyland, 2008; Hyland & Jiang, 2018; Pan et al., 2016; Salazar, 2014). The existing studies uncover that word combination as linguistic feature in research articles become marker of register, genre, discipline, and academic competence (Salazar, 2014). The studies further recommend that word combination has to become materials in English for Specific Purposes (EAP), not a single academic diction. The different writing style between native and non-native writers is marked by the common word combination used repeatedly in their writing. Native-like writing competence becomes additional value for an academic work and it can be one of the problems for non-native writers to acquire many chances JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 39 in international academic involvement such as publication in reputable international journals (Yuliawati et al., 2020). List of common word combinations that are usually used by native writers in particular discipline can be useful for non-native writers to set their rhetorical style as well as guide in academic writing. Especially for junior scholars, their works need to be recognizable scholarly through using common frequent phrases (Hyland & Jiang, 2018). The word combination that become the unit of analysis in this study is called in various terminologies namely multi-word unit, n-grams (or specifically bigrams or trigrams), clusters, formulaic language, phraseological sequences, phrasing, chunks, prefabricated patterns and lexical bundles. They as linguistic feature are used frequently by writers and represents the characteristics of academic writing especially research article. Lexical bundles in this study refer to unit of analysis under corpus linguistics as the approach to investigate real language use of a particular discourse community (Biber & Barbieri, 2007). Significance of lexical bundles studies in academic writing is to provide familiar patterns of use in word combinations for guideline. The linguistic evidences reflected by lexical bundles are useful to be implemented in English for Academic Purposes such as English writing, teaching materials, proficiency test, and syllabus design. The lexical bundles (Biber & Barbieri, 2007; Hyland & Jiang, 2018) represent natural and original language use constructed from communicative experiences in particular discourse community. They are marker to identify characteristics of particular academic writing and to measure conventional patterns of language use. Previous studies of Indonesian articles (Budiwiyanto & Suhardijanto, 2020a, 2020b; Yuliawati et al., 2020) concern on articles written in Indonesian language and do not deal with the analysis across text sections. The lexical bundles in Indonesian research that is written in English articles need to be explored to acquire enough comprehension in serving our research to a written JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 40 English description. The most frequent lexical bundles in Indonesian articles can be compared and contrasted with native English articles to acquire adjustment for further writing. This study aims to investigate native English and Indonesian lexical bundles as an effort to require more native-like writing styles in particular disciplinary communities. In terms of literary gaps, the specific discipline namely Language and Linguistics subject category or discipline becomes literary gap in this study because the existing studies mostly investigate two or more academic disciplines (Budiwiyanto & Suhardijanto, 2020b; Durrant, 2015; Hyland, 2008; Hyland & Jiang, 2018; Kwary et al., 2017). This study also compares and contrasts four different sections of research article namely introduction, method, results & discussion, and conclusion that become the gaps in investigating Indonesian lexical bundles. Literature review section is not considerably included because of its relatively less presence based on articles that are collected in this study. In order to acquire more efficient analysis, the section of result and discussion are united. The purpose of this effort in this study is to acquire the knowledge of prevalent rhetorical style of different article section in two different group of writers. This study employs main theory of lexical bundles pioneered by (Biber & Barbieri, 2007) and supported by numerous related studies in word combination or lexical bundles (Byrd & Coxhead, 2010; Chen & Baker, 2010; Cortes, 2013; Hyland & Jiang, 2018). The lexical bundles are generated based on frequency-based approach that can handle large language data in electronic form with the help of corpus tool (Nasselhauf, 2005 in (Salazar, 2014). Lexical bundles theory is under corpus linguistics for it is conducted on the basis of computer supports, mixed method, and large authentic language data. It makes this study empirical in acquiring research goal instead of intuitive language study. Corpus method namely n-grams, tool are used to generate and analyse the bundles automatically. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 41 Frequency becomes the central concept that underpins the analysis of corpus (Baker, 2006) and it is investigated in this study for they can reveal empirically patterns of bundle use in authentic language data. This approach as the most basic statistical test enables us to conduct more quantitative analysis in measuring the presence of lexical bundles. Quantitative data reflect the quantity of the bundle use within different corpus in the numerical form. The patterns of bundle use found in this study can further be used to improve the writing styles. How to use the bundles in particular discourse community can be learned by individual or the help of instructors in EAP setting. The pedagogical implication of lexical bundles frequency list and composition of bundle that can be implemented in EAP with the specific disciplinary bundles that have been found in studies of lexical bundles (Gavioli, 2005). METHOD This study employs mixed method design that involves two forms of data in a single study. This is in line with the study conducted by Farihah & Rachmawati (2020) that employed both qualitative and quantitative analyses in a study. The purpose is to get the comprehensive analysis of data. Quantitative phase in data analyzing is represented by frequency-based approach in the context of identifying the unit of analysis. The approach is aimed to generate frequency amounts of lexical bundles in a list to acquire the most commonly used bundles as well as their structures. Qualitative phase in data analyzing deals with close-reading through investigating context in concordance lines to see the functions of bundle in the text. Both two phases can produce wider understanding to see language use phenomena especially in the use of lexical bundles. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 42 Source of Data The criteria of intended data for corpus construction are determined based on the purpose of this study namely to investigate lexical bundles in two different domains. General criteria for intended journals as source of data are: 1. Journals concerned on language and linguistics subject category 2. High impact factor journals 3. Using English language in all articles 4. Journal published between 2015 and 2020 5. The open access journal articles Each criterion contains consideration based on the purpose such as specific area reflected by language and linguistics category and the most numerous citations reflected by high impact factor journals. The articles published between 2015 and 2020 represent updated articles at the time when this study is conducted. The open access articles enable whoever to check easily the selected articles for data validation. After the general criteria are adopted, each corpus needs to be specified in the context of suitability in representing native and non-native or Indonesian academic articles. It reflects the consideration of representativeness in constructing corpus and manifestation of specific purpose in corpus construction. The processes of data selection in compiling research articles are under the criteria and they are conducted manually which mean they are download without any help of software. The specific criteria for native articles consider the quality that represents reputable international journal articles written by British and American experts. The criterion of native writers is traced through identifying the names of the writers. Articles that are conducted under international collaboration are included if they involve native English writers. Affiliation and tittles that represent a country or specific region can be additional consideration in several cases. The criterion of expert can be found in the articles published in highest JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 43 impact factor journals based on Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) website and all journals are quartile 1. One of the criteria for non-native is Indonesia domain for this study concerns on Indonesian context. Specifically, the journals have to be accredited by Science and technology index or Sinta in its highest score in national scale namely Sinta 1 and 2. All Indonesia journal articles need to be limited in the context of native writers in Indonesian journals. Based on the steps to find journals, Language and Linguistics journals indexed by Sinta (S1) in Indonesia are only four that are eligible and the others are Sinta 2 journals From the corpus construction process of twenty journals, it is obtained approximately two million tokens. Not all of contents in complete article are included such as literature review section and it decrease automatically the number of tokens. 200 articles are hoped to represent proportional presence of each article from 10 different journals. The 5 years period between 2015 and 2020 is considered to have proportional composition in each of corpora. Corpora of article conclusion become the least number from eight corpora in this present study. The detail of tokens of each corpus are presented in the table below. Table 1. Corpus Tokens Article Section Native English (British & American) Non-native (Indonesia) Article Introduction Corpus 137.853 181.086 Article Method Corpus 295.922 117.414 Article Research and Discussion Corpus 723.682 468.436 Article Conclusion Corpus 99.373 52.302 Total of tokens 1.256.830 819.238 Number of Articles 200 200 Corpus Compilation This study uses corpora that contain research articles in linguistics discipline built from native English (British and American) and non-native or Indonesian journal articles. The process of the two corpora construction is JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 44 conducted differently. The differences are in terms of the source and procedure. The detail procedure of each corpora construction will be elaborated further. In the context of English corpus construction, investigation of journals’ profile is conducted for ensuring that every journal is indexed by Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) The rank that displays impact factor of each journal and go to official journal website is available in SJR website for first dataset. In official homepage of each journal, the all issue menu is selected to see holistically the portrait of journals. Article selection is conducted under the criteria that will be explained further and each article is downloaded systematically from the top position to the lower one in journal website. The non-native or Indonesian corpus is built from different source of electronic scientific database. The second dataset is built upon the investigation in Sinta official website concerned on Sinta 1 category. There are only four journals that are indexed in Sinta 1 and Sinta 2 based on the investigation in query terms. There is no option in Sinta official website to search for the rank in particular subject category, namely language and linguistics in this context. The search column in Sinta 1 https://sinta.ristekbrin. search is implemented with the queries namely language, linguistics, and education separately but for education query must be complemented by language or linguistics queries. After all of the articles are downloaded, they are grouped in different folders for further converting process. In the context of representativeness, article downloading process is done per a journal. Each journal which represents various linguistic fields such as language education, translation, discourse, language and computer, and micro linguistics has equal proportion in each corpus. Every journal with its proportional articles is placed in corpus from the last volume in 2020 to the oldest one in 2015. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 45 Published articles are downloaded per volume started from the most updated issues in 2020 to issues in 2015. Each article with pdf format is converted to docx firstly to clean irrelevant information mostly related to publication. Unintended information such as journal volume description in header or footer is removed including the authors’ name and affiliation. References in each article are also deleted for they are not considered as the contents of articles. Compatible format for corpus tool namely plain text format or .txt is adopted after all of the texts are cleaned and ready to analyse. Table 2. Corpus Profiles Corpus Types Tokens Average of text Number of Files EILAC 11.530 137.853 690 200 EMLAC 15.339 295.922 1.479 200 ERDLAC 24.166 723.682 3.619 200 ECLAC 8.699 99.373 497 200 IILAC 12.563 181.086 905 200 IMLAC 8.116 117.414 588 200 IRDLAC 18.822 468.436 2.342 200 ICLAC 5.202 52.302 261 200 The profile of eight corpora showed by table 1 contain numbers of words that reflect quantity of native and non-native articles in language and linguistics subject category. In comparison, English Introduction in Linguistics Article Corpus (EILAC) has less numbers of text than Indonesian Introduction in Linguistics Article Corpus (IILAC) but the other three English corpora in method (EMLAC), research and discussion (ERDLAC), and conclusion (ECLAC) contain more tokens than Indonesian corpora. Analytical Procedures The frequency-based approach implemented by computer software is used to identify lexical bundles as unit of analysis. The frequency of lexical bundles as linguistic feature show that their occurrence is not by chance, but there are patterns of use (Sinclair, 2004). Threshold is set before the lists of JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 46 bundles are extracted and further reduced based on exclusion criteria namely overlapping and context-dependent bundles. The goal of frequency analysis is the list of lexical bundles that can be compared across text or article sections. After the lists of bundles are gained, this study conducts the comparison across article sections and focuses on the analysis of frequency. Threshold needs to be determined in the context of frequency, range, and numbers of bundles. 4-word bundles are the most selected length by numerous researchers because of its manageable size. In this study, 3 until 5-word bundles are the focus in order to acquire various and more numerous results. The other criterion is that the bundles must occur at least 10% in corpus with minimum 20 frequency (Chen & Baker, 2010; Hyland & Jiang, 2018). The lexical bundles generated by corpus software need to be refined to remove overlapping bundles and context-dependent bundles. The normalization of raw frequency extracted automatically from software is conducted for comparable purpose (Yuliawati, 2018). This study uses AntConc 3.5.9 (Anthony, 2020) as tool to analyse large number of words in corpora. It is one of the corpus software mostly used by studies of lexical bundles to analyse corpora (Bychkovska & Lee, 2017; Hyland & Jiang, 2018; Kwary et al., 2017; Sadat & Moini, 2014; Shin & Kim, 2017; Wright, 2019). It generates automatically bundle lists with adjustable threshold to set the minimum of frequency and range in clusters or n-grams tool. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Findings In this section, the relative frequency of lexical bundles have been calculated automatically and the range of every bundle is displayed to see the distribution of bundles across corpora. The top 20 bundles in list are selected to discuss because they can represent the most commonly used bundles with high frequency and range in a particular corpus. The most frequent bundles in each text section are displayed by tables based on the rank. The relative frequency reflects the occurrence of a lexical bundle in corpus. The bundle the use of JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 47 displayed by table 3 indicates that this bundle occurs 128 times in a hundred thousand words. The range shows the amount of texts that use the bundle. To find the typical lexical bundles in a particular corpus, Microsoft excel is employed to highlight the duplicate values in lists to mark the same bundles. The analysis of frequency is conducted simultaneously with comparison between English and Indonesian corpus displayed by tables. Table 3. List of lexical bundles in corpus of introduction Indonesian Introduction (IILAC) English Introduction (EILAC) Ran k Rel. Freq Rang e Lexical Bundles Rel. Freq Rang e Lexical Bundles 1 128,116 85 the use of 64,562 63 as well as 2 54,118 69 as well as 54,406 53 the use of 3 49,700 55 in terms of 47,877 48 in order to 4 43,626 60 based on the 41,348 36 in terms of 5 41,969 47 in order to 38,447 40 one of the 6 32,581 49 is one of the 36,271 36 the development of 7 30,372 40 the process of 34,820 34 a number of 8 28,163 34 due to the 34,094 35 the role of 9 25,402 29 the implementation of 32,643 31 the field of 10 24,850 34 in other words 32,643 32 the present study 11 24,298 34 the development of 26,840 28 in the field 12 23,746 33 it can be 24,664 28 in this article 13 22,641 34 there is a 22,488 31 first language l 14 22,089 33 on the other hand 21,037 23 the current study 15 21,537 24 the results of 20,311 23 in relation to 16 20,985 29 in this study 19,586 23 in this study 17 20,432 28 the result of 19,586 25 the effects of 18 19,880 27 a number of 19,586 24 understanding of the 19 19,880 29 of the study 18,861 21 such as the 20 19,880 22 the ability to 18,861 20 the context of Table 3 shows the identical patterns of use reflected by both corpora. The lexical bundles the use of, as well as, in terms of, in order to have the high scores in the bundle use in frequency and range. This authentic linguistic evidence become the marker of similarity between Indonesian and English writing in expert level. Apart from the similarity, there are the typical lexical bundles from different group of writers based on the computer calculation. In the corpus of Indonesian writing (IICLAC), the typical bundles are the implementation of, the process of, and the ability to that refer to the issue JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 48 concerned in the research. In EICLAC, the bundles the field of, understanding of the, and such as the are the typical bundles that cannot be seen in IICLAC. In the context of distribution, the bundles the use of, as well as, in terms of and based on the become the commonly used bundles in text introduction by both English and Indonesian writers. They reflect well-distributed bundles and used by more than fifteen writers in those corpora. Table 4. List of lexical bundles in corpus of Method English method (EMLAC) Indonesian method (IMLAC) Rank Rel. Freq Range Lexical Bundles Rel. Freq Range Lexical Bundles 1 49,337 79 in order to 135,418 90 in this study 2 44,944 64 in this study 109,016 82 based on the 3 39,200 53 the number of 70,690 56 of this study 4 30,413 48 each of the 69,838 45 in order to 5 29,738 59 in terms of 63,877 51 of the study 6 29,062 56 one of the 58,766 52 the data were 7 29,062 56 the use of 57,915 41 the use of 8 27,034 54 a total of 48,546 36 the participants were 9 27,034 55 based on the 46,843 33 in terms of 10 27,034 46 the participants were 45,991 42 was used to 11 27,034 47 were asked to 40,029 34 in this research 12 24,331 49 included in the 40,029 39 this study was 13 21,965 50 of the study 38,326 29 one of the 14 21,965 29 of the target 38,326 28 the results of 15 20,951 41 in the study 38,326 34 this study were 16 19,938 44 of the participants 36,623 34 this study is 17 19,938 39 part of the 35,771 28 of the data 18 19,600 33 the present study 34,919 31 as well as 19 19,262 45 the end of 32,364 27 of this research 20 17,572 35 used in the 31,512 27 data from the The bundles in the two lists showed by table 4 also provide the evidence that there is the presence of identical patterns of bundle use. Typical bundles in EMLAC are included in the, the end of the, and a total of that can be identical word combination in English method articles. IMLAC contains bundles of the data, data from the, and in this research with the relatively high range. Distribution of bundles in those two corpora show that the bundles in this study JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 49 and in order to are the most frequent multi-word unit that are used recurrently by English and Indonesian writers. Table 5. List of lexical bundles in corpus of result and discussion English Result and Discussion (ERDLAC) Indonesian Result and Discussion (IRDLAC) Ran k Rel. Freq Rang e Lexical Bundles Rel. Freq Range Lexical Bundles 1 30,262 89 in order to 76,425 128 based on the 2 27,084 70 the number of 31,808 69 in this study 3 26,393 76 in this study 31,381 67 most of the 4 21,142 45 the present study 30,100 70 in order to 5 20,589 83 one of the 28,606 74 related to the 6 19,069 57 in relation to 26,898 56 in the following 7 17,549 74 part of the 24,550 67 on the other hand 8 16,720 66 the role of 23,055 52 of this study 9 16,720 79 there is a 22,628 55 the form of 10 16,582 68 a number of 22,628 63 there is a 11 15,200 64 the importance of 22,202 56 the results of the 12 14,647 47 i don t 21,988 62 shows that the 13 14,509 75 based on the 21,775 49 as shown in 14 14,371 58 some of the 20,921 57 due to the 15 14,095 52 there was a 20,707 59 in other words 16 13,404 67 due to the 20,494 53 the findings of 17 13,127 49 the relationship between 20,280 52 the fact that 18 12,851 59 in addition to 20,067 27 of the word 19 12,298 41 the effects of 19,640 48 in the form of 20 12,160 56 can be seen 18,572 53 there is no The table 5 above displays the corpora that contain the most numerous and various lexical bundles. There are numerous same bundles in the comparison because of the various patterns of bundle use. ERDLAC reflects typical bundles namely there was a, can be seen, and the relationship between that are not relatively frequent in the list. IRDLAC contains bundles related to the, the fact that, and in the form of in the top rank. In terms of distribution, the bundles in this study, in order to, based on the, and one of the become the familiar preference in both two group of writers. Table 6. List of lexical bundles in corpus of conclusion English Conclusion (ECLAC) Indonesian Conclusion (ICLAC) Rank Rel. Freq Range Lexical Bundles Rel. Rang Lexical Bundles JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 50 Freq e 1 6,944 52 as well as 15,869 47 the use of 2 5,333 37 in this study 10,133 41 of this study 3 5,032 38 in terms of 9,560 40 based on the 4 4,428 24 the current study 7,457 30 as well as 5 4,428 31 the use of 6,883 26 the results of 6 4,126 30 in order to 6,692 24 in terms of 7 3,824 29 of this study 5,927 20 the present study 8 3,522 30 the present study 5,162 24 in this study 9 3,522 25 the role of 4,589 21 of the study 10 3,220 22 in this article 4,398 21 it can be concluded that 11 2,818 25 some of the 4,015 21 due to the 12 2,616 20 a number of 13 2,616 20 need to be 14 2,616 21 one of the 15 2,616 20 the development of 16 2,415 23 the importance of 17 2,214 20 for future research In these corpora, the lexical bundles displayed by table 6 are the least than the other three corpora (introduction, method, and result & discussion). It can be reasonable for the text length is the shortest. The bundles as well as, in terms of, and the use of are present in both corpora. The typical bundles the current study, in order to, and the role of become the most frequent in ECLAC that are not found in ICLAC. There is unpredictable result in ICLAC that the bundles it can be concluded that become the longest bundle in the top ten rank. This bundle can be the typical characteristic of Indonesian writers because it is familiar based on the statistical test. In the context of distributional analysis, bundles as well as, the use of, and of this study are well-distributed in both corpora. Discussion Based on the findings, the most numerous bundles occur across text sections are in the form of 3-word bundles which contain the most incomplete structure in this study. There are only 5 lexical bundles in 4-word length (on the other hand, the results of the, in the form of, can be seen in, in the field of) and one for 5-word length (it can be concluded that) in the top 20 rank. The JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 51 incomplete structure and the phrasal form of bundle investigated in this study can be the linguistic evidences that emphasize the use of phrase-based bundles. The comparison between corpora reflects that the bundles across text section are identical. Although there are the same bundles used in both corpora, the typical bundles with high score of frequency and range are found to characterize the different group of writers. The typical lexical bundles found are not by chance but they indicate that there are patterns of bundle use in a group of writers and a particular discipline namely linguistics. The preference of writers creates the systematic patterns that can be identified in the form of lexical bundles. The distributional patterns show that there is the presence of popular bundles in English and Indonesian writers. The top rank lists emphasize that the common lexical bundle structures are phrase-based in expert level. Both English and Indonesian expert level writers employ the phrasal bundles in their research articles. The list of the most commonly used bundles can be guidance of novice writers who want to improve their writing skill to acquire more acceptable writing style in research article. CONCLUSION The most frequent lexical bundles investigated by frequency criteria reflect the common pattern of bundle use in each corpus. Frequency-based approach to multi-word combination enables us to acquire reliable results because of its statistical test in authentic language data. The list of lexical bundles can be used for teaching and learning activities as well as the personal evaluation. Practically, this study can play role in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) to recommend prevalent patterns of lexical bundle use in the form of pedagogically useful list of word combination. The findings can also be used for non-native writers or scholars especially Indonesian writers to enrich the use of lexical bundles across sections in language and linguistics field. REFERENCES Anthony, L. (2020). AntConc (Version 3.5.9). Waseda University. Baker, P. (2006). Using Corpora in Discourse Analysis. Continuum. Biber, D., & Barbieri, F. (2007). Lexical bundles in university spoken and JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 52 written registers. English for Specific Purposes, 26, 263–286. Biber, D., & Reppen, R. (2015). The Cambridge Handbook of English Corpus Linguistics. Cambridge University Press. Breeze, R. 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