JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 Received Accepted Published December 2020 February 2021 February 2021 The Analysis of Pragmatic Deixis Realized on Big Hero Movie 6 Ade Apriyana English Education Program, Galuh University Lilies Youlia Friatin English Education Program, Galuh University Iskhak Said English Education Program, Galuh University ABSTRACT This paper attempted to analyze the pragmatic deixis realized in Big Hero movie 6. The objectives of the study aims to investigate the realization of the kinds of pragmatic deixis and the dominant kinds of pragmatics deixis realize in Big Hero movie 6. The data were obtained through the use of content analysis. A descriptive study was employed in analysing the data from the script of the movie.). In this study, the writer addressed two research questions: (1) what are kind of deixis realized in the utterances in Big Hero movie 6? (2) what are kind of dominant deixis used by the characters in Big Hero movie 6? The descriptive statistic of percentage was used to calculate the result of pragmatic deixis realized in Big Hero movie 6. Based on the process of pragmatic deixis, it found that there were five kinds of pragmatics deixis realized in Big Hero Movie 6. They were person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, social deixis, and discourse deixis. After analyzing the data, the dominant kinds of pramatic deixis frequently used in the script of Big Hero movie 6 was second person deixis. It realized 46% of total 10 scenes from total 25 secenes which were analysed. Based on those findings, the writer recommends that this study can be used as one of reference in learning linguistics study and determining the meaning of the context. Keywords: Pragmatic Deixis, Big Hero Movie 6 INTRODUCTION Language is used to inform and express their ideas, and to build up their social relationship, so that language is an important thing for human being to to have an interaction each other. interaction is closely related to speaker and hearer (Wardhaugh, 2006, p. 1). Language is an important aspect for a human or society to be used in their activities or interactions. One of the aspects exists in a language is Pragmatic. Pragmatic is the study of “invisible” meaning, or how it recognizes what is meant even when it is not actually said or JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 110 written (Yule, 2010, p. 128). Thus, Pragmatic concerns with the relationship between context of use and sentence meaning, and relationship among sentence meaning, and speaker‟s meaning. Dealing with the definition aforementioned, Pragmatic is the study to analyze the utterance in the speaker or writer said. Due to the theory of Pragmatic, it covers a relationship with deixis at which deixis is a part of Pragmatic. In addition, deixis is understood as a technical term for one of the most basic things to do with utterances (Yule, 1996, p. 9). In addition, this present study is also underpinned by some previous studies which have the similarity about this paper in analyzing the pragmatics deixis. For example, the first previous study was undertaken by Ekowati & Sofwan (2014) focused on the use of Pragmatic deixis in conversation texts in pathway to English. Then, the second previous study was conducted by Rosmawaty (2014) focused on the analysis the use of the kind of deixis in “Ayat-ayat cinta” novel by Habbiburahman El- shirazy. Furthermore, The last previous study was carried out by Pangaribuan.,et al (2015) focused on deixis used on bussines brochures text: Pragmatic study. In relation to the previous studies aforementioned, those can be concluded that their studies focus on the analysis on the written text. Meanwhile, in the present study, the writer focuses on the analysis in the audio-visual as the research of this study. The audio-visual itself is presented in a movie entitled “Big Hero 6”. This movie is analyzed to find out the kinds of Pragmatic deixis in the characters‟ utterances. The Nature of Pragmatics Yule (2010, p. 128) defines that “Pragmatic is the study of “invisible” meaning, or how it is recognize what is meant even when it is not actually said or written”. In addition, Thomas (1995, p. 1) asserts that “Pragmatic is a relatively new areas of linguistics and until recently there were no introductory texts available”. In line with the aforementioned experts‟ statements, the writer elaborates them that the definition of Pragmatic is the study of language context of the speakers‟ meaning that is interpreted by the listeners. The Defining of Deixis Deixis or Pragmatic deixis is understood as a technical term for one of the most basic things to do with the utteraces” (Yule, 1996, p. 9). Moreover, O‟Keefe et al. (2011, pp. 36- 46 ) define “deixis as the integral study of Pragmatic referring to the way in which speakers‟ orientation both themselves and their listeners in relation to the context of a conversation”. Furthermore, Horn and Ward, (2006, p. 97) define “deixis as the introduction of subjective, attentional, intentional, and context- dependent properties into natural languages”. According JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 111 to Yule (1996, p. 10), deixis are divided into 5 types. The typical of deixis covers: person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, social deixis and discourse deixis. The Nature of Utterance Concerning the term of utterance, it is understood as the “Pragmatic element referring to the response of talk that produces both implicit and explicit meaning” (Kecskes, 2014, p. 8). Meanwhile, Thomas (1995, p. 2) defines that the utterance is assigning sense or reference to a word, phrase or sentence. In line with the aforementioned experts‟ statements, the writer elaborates them that the definition of utterance is an element of Pragmatic that produces the implicit and explicit meaning at which it refers to a word, a phrase or a sentence. The Nature of Utterance “Movie is an enjoyable source of entertainment that tell a story sequence and each player who has different character and language acquisition” (Ismaili, 2013, p. 122). In addition, “movie is defined as one form of media that has a significant impact on young people‟s desire to see a film given” (Lida., et al 2012, p. 2).In line with the aforementioned experts‟ statements, the writer elaborates them that movie is understood as one form of media that tell a sequence story at which the player in the movie has different character. METHOD In this study, the writer employed the descriptive qualitative research which basically has a purpose to describe a particular event. “Qualitative research is an interpretative research at which that the writer is interested in process, meaning, and understanding gained through words or picture” (Creswell, 2012, p. 145). the writers collected the data from the movie entitled ” Big Hero movie 6”. The data were in the form of utterances uttered by entire characters in the movie. The writer only analyzed 10 scenes from from the total of 25 scenes in the movie. In order to analyze, to interpret, and to conclude the data, the writers employed some steps that should be appropriated in obtaining the data as suggested by Rukmini (2007, pp. 125-130). FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION In this section, the writers presents the findings which are derived from the research questions, notably the first research question which concerns with the kinds of deixis found in Big Hero Movie 6 written by Duncan Roulea and Steven T. Seagle. To give a clear description of the categories of pragmatic deixis, Person Deixis are marked in acronym PD (first person, second person, and third person), Time Deixis is marked in acronym TD, Place Deixis is marked in acronym PLD, Social Deixis is marked in acronym SD, while Discourse JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 112 Deixis are shown in acronym DD. Then, the second question focuses on the dominant deixis that is found in Big Hero Movie 6 written by Duncan Roulea and Steven T. Seagle. Table 1. The types of Pragmatic deixis No. The types of Pragmatic deixis Frequences Percentage 1. First person deixis 77 43.7% Second person deixis 81 46% Third person deixis 20 11.3% 2. Time deixis 8 4.5% 3. Place deixis 21 11.9% 4. Social deixis 9 5.1% 5. Discourse deixis 38 21.5% Total 254 144 % The table is showed that the most types of Pragmatic deixis that occurred in the utterances uttered by the entire characters in movie Big Hero 6 is person deixis at which that the second person deixis is the dominant deixis that uttered by the entire character which the percentages occurrences 46%. The reason was that the utterance in the movie are consist of a lot words at which that the constructions of second person deixis which appeared were (you, your, yours, yourself, we, our, us, ourselves). Thus, the second level of the most types of Pragmatic deixis that occurred in the movie is first person deixis which the percentages occurrences 43.7%. It can be said that the first person deixis is appeared in the movie at which that the entire characters in the movie are used the (I, me, myself, my) as the constructions of first person deixis. The third is discourse deixis which the percentages occurrences 21.5%. The fourth is place deixis which the percentages occurrences 11.9%. The fifth is third person deixis which the percentages occurrences 11.3%. The sixth is place deixis which the percentages occurrences 5.1%. Then, the last one is time deixis as the lowest level which percentages occurency 4.5%. Based on the analyzed data, there were not found the utterances which categorized as coinage and back formation. The kinds of pragmatic deixis used by the characters in Big Hero 6 movie This part was addressed to answer the first research question which was mentioned in the first chapter of this paper. The first research question was: "What kind of deixis realized in the utterances in Big Hero 6 movie?" The answer of the first research question was connected to data realization toward the types of the Pragmatic deixis analysis which JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 113 covered. (1) Person deixis, (2) Time deixis, (3) Place deixis, (4), Social deixis and (5) Discourse deixis. Based on the aforementioned data, the data asserted writer to answer the first re search question that the utterances of Pragmatic deixis was realized 81 second person deixis, 77 first person deixis, 38 discourse deixis, 21 place deixis, 20 third person deixis, 9 social deixis and 8 time deixis. The kinds of dominant deixis used by the characters in Big Hero 6 movie This section was also addressed to answer the second research question which was mentioned in the first chapter of this paper. The second research question was: "What kind of dominant deixis used by the characters in Big Hero 6 movie?”. The answer of the second research question was connected to the kinds of Pragmatic deixis mostly uttered by the utterances dominantly in the Big Hero movie. Moreover the data asserted that the result of five kinds of Pragmatic deixis analysis showed that collocation was realized 46% second person deixis, 43.7% first person deixis, 21.5% discourse deixis, 11.9% place deixis, 11.3% third person deixis, 5.1% social deixis and 4.5% time deixis. Based on the aforementioned data, those asserted the writer to answer the second research question that Pragmatic deixis second person deixis was categorized as dominant utterances uttered in a movie that was realized 46%. The second position was reached by first person deixis which was categorized as less dominant utterances uttered in the Big Hero movie that was realized 43.7%. Then, the third position was reached by discourse deixis which was was realized 21.5%. The fourth position which was realized 11.9%. The fifth position which was realized 11.3%. The fifth position which was realized 5.1%. The last position was reached by time deixis which was categorized as the least dominant utterances uttered in the Big Hero movie 6 that was realized 4.5%. After describing the findings and the answer of research questions of this present study, the writer then delineated that there were more utterances in Big Hero movie 6. Meanwhile, the writer used five kinds of Pragmatic deixis to analyze the utterances in Big Hero movie 6at which that according to Yule (1996, p. 10), deixis are divided into 5 types. The typical of deixis covers: (1) person deixis, (2) time deixis, (3) place deixis, (4), social deixis and (5) discourse deixis. Furthermore, the results were also interconnected to the several previous studies. In comparison with the previous studies highlighted in chapter II, the results of this study have similarity to the the first previous study was conducted by Ekowati & Sofwan (2014). They asserted the study on the use of Pragmatic deixis in conversation texts in JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2021 114 „pathway to English‟. This study aimed at analyzing the texts on pathway to English with using Pragmatic deixis to explain and to realize in different context. Meanwhile, the results of their studies (2014) showed that the most dominant deixis appeared in the conversation that was person deixis. Based on the context in the conversations, person deixis showed pronoun “I”, “You”, “They”, “He”, and “She” which could be used to refer to an imaginary person in real life. Meanwhile, person deixis “We” is also meant a unity. Further, their study focused on analyzing the types of Pragmatic deixis in the written texts an then they find out the dominant deixis appeared in the conversations of the texts. Thus, the first studies was similar to the present study that focused on the the use of Pragmatic deixis in conversation texts in „pathway to English‟, in which the result of this study also reported that is similiar with the first privous study at which that this study showed the the Pragmatic deixis person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, social deixis and discourse deixis. The most frequent types were second person deixis. CONCLUSIONS Referring to the results in findings and discussion session, the writer draws conclusions based on the evidences gained from the results of the present study. The present study can be summed up that the answer of the first research question, it states that the realization of Pragmatic deixis analysis covers eighty one times for second person deixis, seventy seven times for first person deixis realization, thirty eight times for discourse deixis realization, twenty one times for place deixis realization, twenty times for third person deixis realization, and nine times for social deixis realization. Concerning the answer of the second research question, it is expressed that the result of five kinds of Pragmatic deixis analysis states that second person deixis is categorized as the dominant utterances uttered in a movie. The lower position was reached by time deixis which was categorized as the least dominant utterances uttered in the Big Hero movie 6 that were realized. 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