Microsoft Word - Ferra Alfyna JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 Received Accepted Published July 2021 September 2021 September 2021 THE USE OF STORY FACE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS READING COMPREHENSION BY NARRATIVE TEXT Ferra Alfyna Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta Aswir muhammadiyah University of Jakarta ABSTRACT The research aimed to analyze Reading using by story face through visual material, story face. The research was conduct in the class 7.9 of SMPN 03 Tang-Sel. Researcher choose one classes as Experimental class. the use purposive sampling technique by choosing 30 students and conduct pre-test and post-test to gather the researcher data. The experimental class was using story face on learning English. The research lasted for one month and researcher compared the results of pre-test and post-test through SPSS 22 to conclude the results of research. The experimental class results would be the conclusion of research as this class used Story Face during the lesson. The value of the df t-value is searched based on n=29 with a range of 0,025. Its df t-value is 2,045. Because the t-test value is higher than the df t-value (5000>2045) h1 is accepted and 0 is rejected, so the learning method is successful in improving student’s reading skill. It means that teaching English by using story face to improve reading comprehension by narrative text was significant. Keywords : Visual Material, Reading, Story Face. INTRODUCTION In learning English there are four skills that should be mastered : listening, speaking, reading, writing. To learn English more quickly, lots of reading is important. The more reading, the more brain input on how the language works. Reading in English can improve the vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills at the same time. Reading is the best way to improve your vocabulary. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 114 Articles, stories and conversation can help find and understand the meaning of words in the new language. Reading also provides a repetition of the vocabulary words that have been include to help in remembering them. According to Harmer as cited in Margita (2017:2) said that ‘Reading is useful for language acquisition, providing that students more or less understand what they Reading is important because it develops our thoughts, give us endless knowledge and lessons to read while keeping our minds active. The importance of reading books to help us learn and understand cannot be underestimated, not to mention the vocabulary and thinking skills we develop. When you read, you get to know many things which you might not have come across otherwise. So, by reading, you will be able to enhance your knowledge. With bits of information, you are able to fill up your head. The more you read, the more word you come across and they make the way into your daily life. When you start making use of the good words in your day to day life, you tend to feel satisfied and happy. Being able to speak well with a good vocabulary, you feel confident and also it is the key to any successful profession. It is important to be aware of the obstacles to reading in the classroom. You should be aware that all the people in the classroom, including yourself, are filtering and interpreting every word through a personal screen of attitudes, values, assumptions, judgements, past experiences and strong feelings. Be aware too that reading behaviour will be influenced by factors such as age, sex, cultural background and even physical appearance and mannerisms. In some cases, you, as the teacher, will simply need to make allowances listening in others and take positive action to remedy the situation. At some stage, all students will feel some degree of anxiety, and for some it can be a disabling experience, preventing them from reading, learning and participating in JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 115 the classroom. The student’s anxiety may be social, caused by fear of other students or of the teacher or it may be caused by a fear of academic failure. It is important to identify the cause/s of the anxiety which will help the student to relax and listen. Teachers should also be aware that all students learn in different ways, some being extroverted and outgoing while others choose not to participate actively in group discussions or role plays. Both learning styles indicate that students learn in their own preferable unique, the more they read, the better they get at it. METHOD In this research, the researcher used quantitative research. It applied a quasi experimental design to improve the effectiveness of The Use Of Strory Face To Improve Students Reading Comprehension By Narrative Text. Quantitative data is the systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via statiscal, mathematical, or computional techniques. Creswell (2014:4) stated that the quantitative research is an approach for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variable. These variables, in turn, can be measure, typically on instruments, so that numbered data can be analyzed using statistical procedures. According Cresswell as cited in Monica (2017:24) a quasi experimental is called when individuals are not randomly assigned. Besides, Creswell (2012:297) adds that “Quantitative researchers randomly select a sample from a population”. Martella, Nelson, (2013:160) explained that true experimental design are the only experimental designs that can result in relatively definitive statements about causal relationships between variables. Cresswell as cited in Monica (2017:25) explained that variables refer to the characteristics or attributes an individual or an organization that can be measured or observed and that varies among the people or organization being studied.There are two types of variables in this study. First, the independent variables, Story Face as a variables X. Second, the dependent variable, students reading comprehension by narrative text as variable Y. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 116 The method of collecting data is pretest and post-test. Researcher gave pretest to experimental classes before using the “Story Face” in the classroom during reading class. Then, after using story face in the class, researcher gave the post-test to the students. In this research, the researcher administered tests to the sample. The tests were conducted by two phases; pretest and post-test, pretest was conducted by the writer at the time before the treatment. Meanwhile the post-test was performed after the treatment. Pretest was given to the seventh grade students. In the pretest phase, the reasercher gave a text for the students; they read the text. After the pretest, the researcher taught about reading in the experimental class. The researcher gave 7.9 class the same materials but with different instruction. The experimental class was taught by using Story Face while the control class without using Story Face. After giving the treatment, the researcher conducted post-test to determine whether there was a significant progress on students reading achievement in experimental class who have treated by Story Face. Formulated in the post-test were similar to them in the pretest. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION As describe in the previous chapter, the researcher held the research at SMPN 03 Tangerang Selatan. The researcher held the research by taking students’ scores of tests (pre-test and post test). The pretest was given before the treatment and post-test was given after the treatment finished. The data described in two sources; experimental and control classesdata. Each table consists of students’ scores of pre-test and post-test. Based on the result of t-test paired samples pre-test and post-test from the students above, the researcher analyzed the result to find out Teaching English by Using Narrative Text. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 117 The result of the data analysis showed that by using t-test formula is the df of this class 29 and 0,05 is a total error of the reability statistic. From 0,05/2 to 0,025 and the value of the df t-value is searched based on n=29 with a range of 0,025. Its df t-value is 2,045. Because the t-test value is higher than the df t-value (5000>2045) h1 is accepted and h0 is rejected, so the learning method is successful in improving students’ reading comprehension. It means that teaching English by using story face to improve students reading comprehension by narrative text was significant. If the result calculation H0 is higher than H1, the positive hypothesis (H1) is accepted and the negative hypothesis (H0) is rejected. It means that the use of story face by narrative text is effective. The reading scores of the students in the Experiment Class after the treatment with story face were higher than their score before the treatment. It can be seen from the students’ post-test (84,5) which is higher than their pre-test scores (63,5). The significance value of students’ reading test result which were higher 2,045 with 0,5 significance shows that this method gives significant improving to students’ reading. CONCLUSIONS The conclusion of the study is built up based on the findings and analysis of the data presented in the previous chapter. From the result presented in the table above, the avarage score of experimental class was 84,5 meanwhile in control class that is taught without using strory face strategy, the avarage score 63,5. It means that alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted and the hypothesis (H0) was rejected. This strategy gave positive contribution and better result in students’ reading achievement. REFERENCES Abrams, Zsuzsanna I (2019). Collaborative reading and text quality in Google Docs, International journal University of California Santa Cruz , 23-27. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 118 Bedrimiati, (2012). 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