Microsoft Word - 5064-17635-1-RV.ok JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 Received Accepted Published July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 TEACHING ENGLISH BY USING VLOGGER VIDEO TO INCREASE VOCABULARY Hafidah Fitri Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta Hasanul Misbah Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta Muhammad Sofian Hadi Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta ABSTRACT The research aimed to analyze Vocabulary by using Vlogger Video through visual material, vlogger video. The research was conduct in the class 8.7 of SMPN 03 Tang-Sel. Researcher choose one classes as Experimental class. The used purposive sampling technique by choosing 30 studentsand conducted pre-test and post-test to gather the researcher data. The experimental class was using Vlogger Video on learning English. The research lasted for one month and researcher compared the results of pre-test and post-test through SPSS 22 to conclude the results of research. The experimental class results would be the conclusion of research as this class used Vlogger Video during the lesson. the value of the df t-value is searched based on n=29 with a range of 0,025. Its df t-value is 2,045. Because the t-test value is higher than the df t-value (5000>2045) h1 is accepted and h0 is rejected, so the learning method is successful in increasing students’ vocabulary skill. It means that teaching english by using vlogger video to increase vocabulary was significant. Keywords: Visual Material, Vocabulary, Vlogger Video. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 2 INTRODUCTION Vocabulary is one of important factors in all language teaching, students must continually learn words as they learn structure and as they practice sound system. Sometimes, it’s difficult to determine the words that students related to vocabularies such as : meaning, spoken/written forms, collocations, connotatons, grammatical behavior, etc. Neuman and Drawyer (2011, p. 44) said that vocabulary can be defined as the words someone must know to communicate effectively: words in speaking (expressive vocabulary) and words in listening (receptive vocabulary). According to the researcher, vocabulary is the most important basic and element in a language. without mastering vocabulary, someone will be difficult to learn a language. Vocabulary mastery is an important thing in order to master four major skills such as speaking, reading, writing, and listening. The hypothesis of explicit vocabulary learning would instead support the use of planned strategies to actively pay attention to learning new words Chacon Beltran et al (2010, p.4). Learning vocabulary needs a process. In order to make an effective process, the learner should be in the effective condition of acquiring vocabulary mastery. Besides need motivation during learning process, motivation itself is an encouragement, interest, and desire to achieve goals also a certain purpose (Ari 2021). On the other hand, argues that learners do not only need to recognize words and their meanings, but “they need to know how to use the words appropriately to express their own meanings”. Allan (2010, p.112). Researchers decided to use vlogger video because the effective use of video requires knowledge and planning. The use of Vlog in learning process is useful for teachers and students because vlog is able to make the students more interested and entertained in the following learning process. The use of vlog can help brain development JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 3 on the students. The research focused on improving student’s vocabulary through vlogger video and researchers used test to gather and results teaching English by Using Vlogger Video to Increase Vocabulary. Thus, researchers named the research entitled teaching English by Using Vlogger Video to Increase Vocabulary. METHOD The researchers used quantitative method and quasi experimental in research. Howard (2014, p.1) and Creswell (2018, p.215) explained that quantitative method used hypotheses, variables and statistic formula to analyze the results. Then, in quasi experimental design, the researchers needed to give stimulus in research process, but the researchers did not help the participant too much and researcher only facilitated students with learning media in classsroom. As for teaching vocabulary, the researcher used vlogger video from youtube. Researcher would showed the vlogger video in classroom. The content mainly used vocabulary in the vlogger video and researcher use this method in research. Then, researcher composed population and sample in research. Creswell (2018, p.204) notes that population group of individuals and those individeuals have same characteristics to each other. Based on this definition, researcher concluded that the population was 8.7 classes in SMPN 03 Tang-Sel. After choosing population, researcher selected the sample of research. Cresswell (2018, pp.204-295) explains that sample is a sub-group of population which researcher plans to study as the representation of population. In other words, sample is a small portion of population that researcher uses as the participant of research to gather the data. The sample for research was 8.7 classes from the population. Researcher would use 30 students in class as sample for collecting data during the test.then, Cresswell (2018, JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 4 p.215) explained that quantitative method needed the research variables, the researcher concluded two variables in research as the researcher would use quantitative method in research. The research had two variables, such as (1) independent variable and (2) dependent variable. The independent variable of the research (x variable) was vlogger video. Then, the dependent variable of the research (Y variable) was student’s vocabulary in teaching English. As the researchers needed to gather the data, the method of collecting the data were pre-test and post-test. Researcher would give pre-test to experimental classes before using vlogger video in experimental class. Then, after using vlogger video researcher would give post-test to experimental class. After collecting data, researcher needed to analyze data through statistic formula, the method of analyze was t-test. Researcher would use IBM SPSS 22 and microsoft excel as media to analyze data. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Table 1.1 Paired Samples Statistics Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Kelas 8.10 Nilai pre Test 70.67 30 3.144 .574 Nilai post test 83.83 30 3.640 .665 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 5 Table 1.2 Paired Samples Correlations N Correlation Sig. Kelas 8.10 Nilai pre-test & Nilai post-test 30 .522 .003 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences t Df Sig. (2- tailed) Mean Std. Deviati on Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Uppe r Kelas 8.10 Nilai pre- test Nilai post- test -13.167 3.343 .610 -14.415 - 11.9 18 - 21.57 0 29 .000 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 6 Based on the result of t-test paired samples pre-test and post-test from the students above, the researchers analyzed the result to find out Teaching English by Using Vlogger Video to Increase Vocabulary. The result of the data analysis showed that by using t-test formula is the df of this class is 29 and 0,05 is a total error of the realibility statistic. From 0,05/2 to 0,025 and the value of the df t-value is searched based on n=29 with a range of 0,025. Its df t-value is 2,045. Because the t-test value is higher than the df t-value (5000>2045) h1 is accepted and h0 is rejected, so the learning method is successful in increasing students’ vocabulary skill. It means that teaching english by using vlogger video to increase vocabulary was significant. The vocabulary scores of the students in the Experiment Class after the treatment with vlogger video were higher than their score before the treatment. It can be seen from the students’ post-test (83,83) which is higher than their pre-test scores (73). The significance value of students’ vocabulary test result which were higher 2,045 with 0,5 significance shows that this method gives significant increasing to students’ vocabulary. CONCLUSIONS The conclusion of the study is built up based on the findings and analysis of the data presented in the previous chapter. From the result presented in table above, the avarage score of experimental class was 83,83 meanwhile in control class that is taught without using vlogger video strategy, the avarage score was 70,67. It means that alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted and the hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. This strategy gave positive contribution and better result in students’ vocabulary achievement. It is suggested for other researchers to do further research related to using vlogger video JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 7 strategy with various subjects and variables. Thus, it is hoped that the effectiveness of this strategy can be increase. REFERENCES Alimemaj, Zamira. (2010). YouTube, language learning and teaching techniques, 2(3), 10-12. Allan, K. (2010). Linguistics Meaning (RLE Linguistics A: General Linguistics). Routledge Library Edition Ari, N.W.,Wijayatiningsih, T.D and Mulyadi, D. (2021). Students’ Motivation In Learning Online Of Reading Comprehension Narrative Text Through Google Classroom. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy. 5(2): 1-9 Brunner, I. (2013). UsingLanguage Learning Resources on YouTube. International Conference for Language Teaching, 1-5. Bravo, E., Amante, B., & Mihaela Enache, P. 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