Microsoft Word - Ana Nisa Ussolichah JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No.2, 2021 Received Accepted Published June 2021 September 2021 September 2021 DISCOURSE MARKER ANALYSIS IN AVENGERS: ENDGAME MOVIE Ana Nisa Ussolichah, Universitas Tidar, Indonesia Arindi Indra Universitas Tidar, Indonesia Hesti Dwi Rahayu Universitas Tidar, Indonesia Atsani Wulansari Universitas Tidar, Indonesia ABSTRACT This study examines the use of Discourse Marker in Avengers: Endgame movie. Discourse Markers are words that connect the speaker with what has been said before. The purpose of discourse markers is to keep the conversation owing and not stiff. This discourse marker can improve a person's speaking ability to make it easier to understand. This research uses analytical methods taken from Avengers: Endgame movie, directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo. Avengers: Endgame movie is a 2019 American Superhero movie based on the Marvel Comics superhero team by Avengers. The data collected were analysed using a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that the most widely used Discourse Marker is "oh,"which appear 55 times in the movie. Keywords: Discourse marker analysis, Avengers, Endgame movie. INTRODUCTION In essence, on this earth humans are social creatures who cannot live alone. As social beings, humans need other people to survive. Therefore, humans need to communicate and interact with others. Without communication, humans will not JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 95 be able to live perfectly. Communication can be in the form of oral or written communication. In short, communication has a purpose so that humans can understand one's intentions and goals. To communicate, humans need a system called language. Language can unite all human beings from various countries in this world. According to Kridalaksana and Djoko Kentjono (in Chaer, 2014: 32), language is a system of arbitrary sound symbols used by members of social groups to communicate, cooperate and identify themselves. The main function of language is as a means of communication between humans, both individuals with individuals, groups with groups, and individuals with groups. In addition, language can also be defined as an intermediary system so that humans can know each other's intentions and goals. In short, a language is a communication tool (Tarigan, 1987:22-23). Language is the most important system in most human activities, including communication, thinking, sensing and representing information, higher-order cognition, and neurology (Solso: 2007). Language processing is an important component in information processing storage. In language there is also such a thing as language structure, to get the right and perfect language, we need to pay attention to the structure in language. Likewise in English, in writing and pronouncing a sentence, the structure and pattern of the sentence must be considered so that it can be accepted and understood easily. Currently, English is the most widely used language in various countries, or commonly referred to as an international language. Therefore, students need to learn and understand English. As EFL students, students must understand the patterns and structures in theuse of English correctly. Therefore a student needs to learn grammar. Grammaris not the primary goal in learning English, but grammar is essential JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 96 instrengthening the structure and increasing fluency in the language. In studyinggrammar, there are two kinds, namely written and spoken English grammar.Written English grammar is learning English grammar in written or writtenform, while spoken English grammar is learning English grammar in oral form orheard and used for conversation with other people. One of the materials that students must understand is discourse marker.Discourse markers are words that aim to keep the conversation owing and notstiff so that it is more pleasant to hear. In short, discourse markers can beinterpreted as connecting words. According to grammarians, discourse markerstalk about "smoother" speech and writing (more extended parts of a sentence).According to (Sciffrin 1987:31), Discourse Markers (DMs) are linguisticelements with different index relations and coherence between talk units. However, discourse marker words cannot stand alone because they willbecome less meaningful. At first glance, discourse markers have similaritieswith conjunction words. However, they are pretty different, especially in termsof function. Discourse markers are usually used in informal contexts, whileconjunction words tend to be more formal. In this article, we will analyze the use of discourse markers in the film Avengers: Endgame. Avengers: Endgame movie is a 2019 American Superhero movie based on the Marvel Comics superhero team by Avengers. The film is directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo. The discourse markers that we will analyze are words that are commonly used in conversation, such as: like right you know Fine now so I mean Good oh well as I say Great JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 97 okay mind you for a start Anyway Examples of the use of discourse markers that are commonly used in everyday conversation are as follows: - I know Joko Justin Bieber, most of the people call him Justin… talking about Justin, did you know he is a famous singer? - I'm not sure when Ariana will come home. Anyway, she will be home before 7 pm. From the above statement, the authors are interested to analyze the use of discourse markers in the Avengers: Endgame movie. The discourse markers that will be analyzed are words that are commonly used in conversation such as: right, you know, now, so, I mean, good, oh, well,okay, and anyway. The data in this study is the result of searching for discourse marker words used in the Avengers: Endgame movie. METHOD This study is designed as descriptive research. The descriptive method is a way to analyze uses to explain, analyze, and classify something through various techniques, surveys, interviews, questionnaires, observation, and text, Frankel and Wallen (1993, p.23). The main goal of descriptive research is to describe the data about what is being studied. Zuriah (2007:47) claims that descriptive research is research that is directed to give the symptoms, facts, or events, systematically and accurately about the population characteristics or certain area.The subject of this research is a film taken from a Marvel producer entitled Endgame movie. Document analysis is used as a tool in this paper. This document includes a transcript of the conversation that took place in the film. This is done to see the JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 98 emergence and use of Discourse Markers. After the data is collected, it is then prepared to be analyzed based on the theory of discourse markers. The first technique is the researcher reads and listens in detail from the conversation. the second technique analyzes discourse markers that appear in the film. Theanalysis is based on how the characters of the lm players use discoursemarkers in the right way. The last technique is to identify the analysis resultsand look for the most widely used discourse markers in the lm Endgame. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION In this study, the researchers used descriptive methods in collecting data. The way the researchers collected data was by analyzing the script from the Avengers: Endgame movie. The data obtained will show the type of discourse marker word, the number of times the word appears or is used in conversation, and when the discourse marker is spoken.From this data, the aim is to find discourse markers used the most to the least. Data from the Avengers: Endgame movie analysis can be seen in more detail in the table below: Table 1: Discourse marker “Right” Word Number of occurrences Time Right 23 00:11:40 00:11:45 00:21:34 00:31:18 00:32:08 00:34:59 00:37:05 00:38:44 00:39:50 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 99 00:43:48 00:50:53 01:06:24 01:06:33 01:09:03 01:34:14 01:39:19 01:39:22 01:56:12 02:07:44 02:19:53 02:35:34 02:36:46 02:42:54 From the table above, the number of right words that appear during the film is 23 times.The words that occur can be known from the time described in thetable. Table 2: Discourse marker “You Know” Word Number of occurrences Time You know 39 00:04:05 00:05:03 00:11:09 00:11:48 00:12:39 00:13:49 00:20:37 00:20:47 00:28:32 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 100 00:28:49 00:28:55 00:29:24 00:30:54 00:42:04 00:50:51 00:51:14 00:58:45 00:58:48 01:03:21 01:03:45 01:03:51 01:05:50 01:05:52 01:29:33 01:30:36 01:37:13 01:37:22 01:45:37 01:47:08 01:48:42 01:51:34 01:51:38 01:51:59 02:07:43 02:39:15 02:40:02 02:41:08 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 101 02:43:17 02:43:34 From the table above, the number of appearances of the discourse marker “You Know” is 39 times during the movie. This can be seen from the time listed in the table. Table 3: Discourse marker “Now” Word Number of occurrences Time Now 19 00:02:58 00:04:38 00:26:36 00:34:38 00:35:56 00:35:57 00:37:44 00:40:55 00:41:41 00:52:36 00:58:38 01:01:54 01:19:59 01:24:08 01:30:21 01:31:37 01:45:34 02:08:58 02:36:03 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 102 During the movie, the discourse marker “Now” appears 19 times. This can be seen in the timeslisted above. Table 4: Discourse marker “So” Word Number of occurrences Time So 46 00:04:14 00:13:24 00:13:50 00:13:50 00:20:29 00:21:16 00:26:34 00:27:09 00:27:17 00:31:17 00:31:59 00:32:48 00:32:51 00:33:52 00:34:00 00:39:38 00:51:32 00:51:48 00:53:24 00:53:54 00:59:39 01:01:52 01:02:20 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 103 01:02:28 01:02:58 01:03:12 01:03:21 01:03:29 01:03:49 01:09:30 01:11:08 01:13:01 01:24:23 01:24:36 01:26:00 01:27:37 01:32:57 01:43:02 01:45:00 01:56:16 01:58:21 02:05:18 02:07:41 02:36:25 02:40:29 02:45:56 In the table above, the number of occurrences of the discourse marker “So” is 46. That is a very large number. The use of the word can be known by looking at the time in the table. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 104 Table 5: Discourse marker “I Mean” Word Number of occurrences Time I Mean 8 00:05:08 00:14:00 00:27:57 00:36:43 01:17:15 01:17:22 01:30:13 02:36:07 The discourse marker “I Mean” was used 8 times during the movie. This can be seen from the time listed in the table. Table 6: Discourse marker “Good” Word Number of occurrences Time Good 10 00:09:20 00:35:33 00:41:01 00:43:33 01:11:39 01:49:10 02:07:48 02:39:49 02:39:51 02:46:22 During the movie, the discourse marker “Good” is used 10 times. from the table above, the time in which the word "Good" was spoken can be seen. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 105 Table 7: Discourse marker “Oh” Word Number of occurrences Time Oh 55 00:02:43 00:03:57 00:04:16 00:09:20 00:09:21 00:09:23 00:10:18 00:17:48 00:24:37 00:24:41 00:24:53 00:30:38 00:34:48 00:36:20 00:37:57 00:44:36 00:44:54 00:45:04 00:46:26 00:48:27 00:50:37 00:50:40 00:51:24 00:53:53 01:03:15 01:03:45 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 106 01:04:14 01:09:36 01:10:26 01:20:14 01:21:38 01:21:50 01:22:01 01:28:51 01:29:07 01:31:33 01:31:59 01:32:13 01:33:30 01:41:04 01:41:22 01:42:16 01:44:20 01:48:42 01:49:10 01:51:42 02:10:41 02:19:56 02:20:01 02:20:05 02:25:20 02:26:17 02:41:39 02:42:31 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 107 02:46:34 From the table above, the discourse marker “Oh” used in the film is 55 times. “Oh” is the most used discourse marker in dialogue. From the table, it can be seen the time during which “Oh” is used in conversation. Table 8: Discourse marker “Well” Word Number of occurrences Time Well 19 00:05:03 00:11:26 00:26:35 00:27:14 00:36:40 00:38:55 00:46:28 00:59:08 01:02:07 01:17:09 01:20:42 01:37:12 01:37:43 01:39:22 01:41:31 01:42:22 01:45:02 01:51:31 02:46:01 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 108 From the table above, the discourse marker "Well" is used quite a lot, 19 times during the movie.From the timetable, the use of the word "Well" in conversation can be seen. Table 9: Discourse marker “Okay” Word Number of occurrences Time Okay 41 00:00:07 00:00:13 00:00:22 00:09:30 00:11:45 00:11:47 00:11:47 00:15:13 00:27:23 00:28:22 00:33:24 00:31:26 00:38:30 00:43:19 00:51:30 00:53:12 00:53:45 00:53:51 01:01:52 01:06:35 01:09:51 01:11:20 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 109 01:12:21 01:13:01 01:20:40 01:21:33 01:33:32 01:41:51 01:52:12 01:56:33 01:56:50 01:58:21 01:59:41 02:04:53 02:11:59 02:24:59 02:40:05 02:40:11 02:42:15 02:42:29 02:44:24 The discourse marker "Okay" is widely used in the movie, 41 times. During the movie, the number of words "Okay" used in the dialogue can be seen from the time in the table. Table 10: Discourse marker “Anyway” Word Number of occurrences Time Anyway 1 00:53:38 From the table above, “Anyway” is the least used discourse marker during the film, which is used once. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 110 In this discussion part, the researchers will describe the results of the data that have been obtained in the "Avengers: Endgame" movie directed by Anthony Russoand Joe Russo. Discourse markers analyzed include the words right, you know, now, so, I mean, good, oh, well, okay, and anyway. The purpose of the analysis is to find the discourse markers that appear the most in conversations in the movie. From the data obtained, the order of discourse markers from the most widely used is as follows: 1. Oh The discourse marker “Oh” appears 55 times during the conversation. Oh is a marker of information management: it marks a shift in the speaker's orientation marks (objective and subjective) towards information that occurs as the speaker and listener regulate the flow of information generated and received during the discourse. “Oh” includes Interjections. Interjections are words or set of sounds used as a sudden remark to express feelings (Leech 1994:152). 2. So The discourse marker "So" is used 46 times in conversation. “So” is a discourse marker of cause and effect. So indicates that a speaker has reached a point in the presentation of his idea at which a hearer can infer what would come next even if it is not explicitly stated. 3. Okay The discourse marker "Okay" was used 41 times. “Okay” is a discourse marker of response as well as “Well” and “Oh” 4. You Know The discourse marker “You Know” was used 39 times. The word “you know” has the function of markers of information and participation. 5. Right JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 111 The discourse marker "Right" was used 23 times. The word "Right" is the same as the words "Okay" and "You Know" which is a discourse marker that has the function as a marker of information and participation. 6. Now The discourse marker “Now” was used 19 times. “Now” includes discourse markers have the function as a marker of information and participation. The word "Right" is also used to end a conversation and also change or adjust the topic of conversation. 7. Well During the movie, the discourse marker “Well” is used 19 times. The use of "Well" is the same as the use of "Oh" in that it is not based on status grammar or semantic meaning. Well is a response marker. More generally, Good is possible when the coherence options offered by one component of speech differ from those of another: positioning the speaker well as a respondent at one level of discourse and allowing a temporary detachment from attention to others (Sciffrin 1987:127). 8. Good The discourse marker "Good" was used 10 times. The researchers concluded "Good" as a marker of response because it was used to respond to questions and statements. 9. I Mean The discourse marker "I Mean" was used 8 times. “I Mean” includes discourse markers that have the function of a marker of information and participation. 10. Anyway The discourse marker “Anyway” is used once. “Anyway” is used to return the conversation to the original topic. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 112 CONCLUSIONS This study aims to analyze the use of Discourse Markers in Avenger: Endgame Movies. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the film uses a lot of discourse markers. The discourse markers the most widely used are "oh,"which appear 55 times in conversation from the data obtained. At the same time, at least the word "anyway" is used only once. This discourse marker can improve a person's speaking ability to make it easier to understand. This data will make it easier to understand and nd use discourse markers on films. REFERENCES Satriadi, N. P. (2014). Research Methodology. , 32-33. 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