Microsoft Word - 5787-20130-1-RV luthfi JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 Received Accepted Published August 2021 August 2021 September 2021 ONLINE CULTURE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Hayati Nupus Catholic Atmajaya Indonesia University Abstract The virus of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused the government to apply stay-at-home rules, to anticipate the spread of the Novel Corona Virus which is increasingly spreading through human social activities. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed all forms of human life, including educational learning at the formal level of higher education, students are required to learn from home using technology in the form of visualization of networks in the form of technology such as laptops or mobile phones, so that learning and activities can be seen directly shown and carried out through internet network from home, without having to touch physical such as face-to-face or other social routines. The existence of this COVID-19 pandemic forces the public to be responsive to technology, towards a new culture, where communication and routines can be done such as online learning for students at home, communication, new culture, and digital culture will be the implications of this online learning process, with online learning activities. During a pandemic, new experiences with technology, without being able to physically explore yourself and with your family at home, so at least until this COVID-19 Pandemic ends. A basic element of this changing social system is the behavior of individuals and groups in and between systems. Ultimately, the success of online learning is determined by the adaptation of these students to new cultures, new experiences, and technologies as environmental behavioral implications. Keywords: Online learning, Culture, COVID-19 Pandemic INTRODUCTION Pandemics cause health, food, and social, learning crises, high numbers of sick people, deaths, economic losses, and psychosocial risks, which exceed human skills to cope with the atmosphere (Organization, 1992). According to (Wikipedia COVID-19-pandemic) the COVID-19 pandemic is an ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020. A new virus was JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 84 identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019; lockdowns in Wuhan and other cities in Hubei province failed to contain the outbreak and spread to other parts of mainland China and around the world. WHO declared the outbreak an International Public Health Emergency on January 30, 2020, and then became a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Since 2021, the virus variant has caused further waves in several countries, with delta, alpha, and beta variants being the deadliest (Joint, 2021). The world seems to slow down and even pause because the Covid-19 Pandemic is indeed a shock effect for all of us. Humans are forced to 'quit' their routines forcing us to breathe for a moment, stop from the vortex of the system, and look back at life, family, and social environment in the truest sense, in other words, the spread of coronavirus (Covid- 19) is becoming a major crisis of modern humans. Indonesia is no exception, has a big challenge in handling Covid-19 However, Indonesia is not alone in finding solutions for students to keep learning and fulfill their educational rights (dan Kebudayaan, 2020). The spread of coronavirus forces us to see how changes in technology, economy, politics to education during the crisis due to Covid-19. That change requires us to be prepared, respond with attitudes and actions while always learning new things. Of all these fields, the field of education in higher education became my concentration. The government through the Ministry of Education and Culture in all countries has implemented a learning policy that is learning from home. The learning policy of learning allows the teaching and learning process to continue even if lecturers and students do not meet in person at the school. Lecturers can still deliver teaching materials, and students can still receive lessons without having to leave the house. From this description, it can be understood that the existence of the COVID-19 Pandemic is forming a new culture in our society today, by using technology that is applied in online or online learning-based teaching in the field of education in the COVID- 19 pandemic, which is a government effort. In dealing with the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic (dan Kebudayaan, 2020) Thus, efforts to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic emergency in Indonesia encourage universities and the academic community to use online learning methods as a substitute for face-to-face lectures which have been temporarily suspended to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus, by making a policy to close educational institutions with this new normal habit, online learning has become a new term in education. Therefore, this library research was conducted to examine how online JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 85 learning has become a new culture for university students during the COVID-19 pandemic, given the many problems and changes that occur in the online learning process. Several studies have found the phenomenon of the Covid-19 pandemic that has an impact on education. The absence of direct (offline) learning is a new experience. So that the learning process is shifted to using online media as a virtual communication medium. Online education offers a new culture of learning. As research (Moore et al., 2011) online learning is carried out using the internet network with accessibility, connectivity, flexibility, and the ability to bring up various types of learning interactions. Online learning is essentially a virtual learning method by utilizing existing information and communication technologies. Online learning that is implemented suddenly generates a response, both positive and negative. Negative responses that occur such as the unpreparedness of universities in conducting online learning. Universities are not prepared to transition from classroom-based or offline education to fully online or online-based education, so many universities lack infrastructure and strategies (Chakraborty et al., 2020). Online learning is a face-to-face learning system between teachers and students, a study conducted by (Allen &Seaman, 2007) that online learning requires an internet network. Teachers and students carry out learning together, at the same time, but in different places. Various applications and platforms can be used, such as WhatsApp, telegram, zoom meeting, google meet, google classroom, and others. To support this online learning, the main device needed is a computer or android connected to the internet network. As known by the government through the Ministry of Education and Culture in all countries has implemented a learning policy that is learning from home. Home learning is implemented with a distance learning system. Distance learning is an educational system where students are separated from educators and the learning process uses various sources through Information and Communication Technology (ICT). A study conducted by Chun, Kern, and Smith (Chun et al., 2016). Besides, online learning refers to the use of internet- based technology features, which are highly dependent on the availability of information technology. As (Dabbagh & Bannan-Ritland, 2005) in their research proposes several characteristics of online learning, including; Social interaction, Inclusive learning community, Computer-based learning, Digital classroom, Interactivity, and so on. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 86 The relationship between online learning and culture, such as (Univer, 2013, pp. 126–132) explains the expert's view that culture is a set of ways of thinking, beliefs, feelings, habits, ideas, ideas, actions, behaviors, values, which are conveyed through symbols, including various artifacts in a society or community. Culture in education includes unwritten rules within the group, such as social standards or accepted study habits. Culture provides a design for people to interpret their environment, shapes how people see the world, how they think and act, according to research (Atkins et al., 2010) models for enhancing learning and promoting health; namely the need for improved outcomes for all students, including those with serious emotional/behavioral needs; Similarly, consensus statements are coordinated by the National Center for Mental Health in Schools. As well as from (Ruben & Stewart, 2006) that culture is a way of life, values, habits, norms, daily life, human customs, it means that accepted social systems or standards or study habits together. Culture is determined by how individuals think, imagine and learn from something. Culture shows a pattern of sustainable living in an ecosystem. Culture is a fundamental element in understanding how a social system changes. Culture influences the behavior of individuals and groups in their interactions within and between systems. In other words, the development of knowledge is determined by culture, economy, and social system. The cause of the success of the existence of an institution or group is because they can understand the culture in their environment. METHOD Design research in this paper using library research (Potter, 1982) Review of studies on duplication of ownership and acquisition among libraries, with a bibliography included. Literature studies are conducted to obtain the necessary data by reading literary sources. Data sources are taken from printed books and e-books, periodical journal articles, laws and regulations, and other relevant sources. The collected data is then analyzed qualitatively. According to (Miles & Huberman, 1994) activities in qualitative data analysis are conducted interactively and continuously and are described in four steps. The four steps are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data collection verification or drawing conclusions JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 87 FINDING AND DISCUSSION Online learning is an online learning class program to reach massive groups and broad goals. Online learning has become an inevitable choice for educational institutions. Lecturers can still teach, and students can still study at home, during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, online learning relies heavily on the availability of information and communication technologies. Many cases from different language skills taught revealed that the touch of technology somehow impact its learning and students motivation (Ari , W, & Mulyadi, 2021). Which is an online learning system that uses an interactive model based on the internet. So the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education causes a change in learning, namely new experiences with technology in new habits or with the formation of a new culture of the learning process from starting regular classrooms to online classes, thus there are some impacts that the results of online learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. First, the short-term impact, homeschooling is a big surprise for Indonesian families, causing psychological problems for students who are accustomed to face-to-face learning. This condition creates confusion among the public because of the limited information technology infrastructure, especially in the regions. Second, the long-term impact, aspects of justice, and increasing inequality between community groups and regions that need the support of communication and information technology. As in research (Sarısakaloğlu et al., n.d.) (2015) explains that online learning is a form of learning that is supported by information, and communication technology. Online education is a new trend in universities in Turkey. To enable effective and productive communication, both between students and between teachers and students. The problems that arise in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic are faced by many students in universities, such as: First; Slow Internet Network; this is one of the main problems that many students face, in online learning requires a strong internet network considering the media used in the form of Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, and other applications to attend video conferences. Applications to attend video conferences require a strong internet network to keep the learning process smooth and not constrained by sudden stops of video or dotted sound. Technical problems such as disjointed sounds and stopped videos cause ineffective JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 88 learning and students are unable to absorb the information submitted by the Lecturer in its entirety. The condition of the COVID-19 pandemic also has an economic impact on the families of students. Although informants come from the middle and upper-middle classes but still feel the financial impact, and this becomes a limitation in the online learning process. The cost of purchasing a data package for online communication is considered by students to be quite burdensome for them in the learning process Second; Expensive Internet Quota Price; In addition to a very slow internet network especially for those in rural areas, the challenges and obstacles of learning online next is the price of internet quotas that are too expensive for most people. Moreover, the expensive internet package is often limited to a certain amount of quota which is certainly not enough for the needs of students running video conferences with their lecturers. As we know that the quota needed for video conferences is of course very large. Third; Limited Access to Computer Devices and Smartphones; There are still many students in Indonesia who do not have access to computer devices and smartphones. This is commonly experienced by students from lower-middle families. Sometimes, the only telecommunication device owned by the family is just a regular mobile phone without internet access. This condition causes uneven access to online learning for all students in Indonesia. Limited access to internet-connected devices is experienced especially by students from villages and the hinterland. Fourth; The Number of Distractions at Home; the main difference between studying on campus with the home study is the level of distraction experienced by students. When students study in the classroom, the environment of the room has been arranged in such a way as to support the learning process to run smoothly. This is different from the teaching and learning process from home. Not all students have the same home conditions to support the learning process. Many of the students do not have a quiet, quiet study room, get enough light and comfortable. Moreover, often activities in the home environment cause quite a lot of distractions for students. The distractions are very diverse, ranging from sound distractions, sight distractions, and many others that cause students to be unable to focus on learning. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 89 Fifth; Lecturers and students are still not good at using digital technology; So far, people only know the learning process face-to-face. The online learning process is still very rare in Indonesia so the change of learning system from face to face makes many parties have to adapt to digital technology immediately. The use of digital technology must be learned from hardware to software or applications. Many parties such as teachers to students who do not understand running certain features in the software so that learning is not maximized. Sixth; understanding of the content of the subject matter; Such as the content of reading materials delivered online may sometimes not be understood by all students, due to the content of the material presented in the form of PowerPoint, and in the form of video. Students may be able to understand the material, however, it is not comprehensive, just from their point of view, and a lot happens, outside of online learning hours many students then call directly to the lecturer to ask for more explanation about the material that has been delivered online. In terms of the experience of Lecturers of Foreign Language courses for example, sometimes there is still a lot of misunderstanding of understanding in terms of listening to words or sentences in foreign languages that are different meanings, not yet with this online system is only effective to give assignments and quizzes to students. That is, in one meeting, if the lecturer presents the lesson material accompanied by an assignment or quiz, students will be active and enthusiastic about learning the material because they are worried if the assignment or quiz is not completed. Conversely, if the Lecturer posts the material without an assignment, or the student is only asked to study the material, then the student is not enthusiastic about studying it. Seventh; Difficult to Interactive; although this is not always the case, generally the teaching and learning process conducted online causes the learning process cannot take place interactively. Many students are confused by material but difficult to ask the Lecturer, this is sometimes also caused by lecturers who deliver the material only in one direction and do not allow the students to ask. Moreover, in some cases, lecturers often do not hold video conferences and only provide written materials and explanatory videos to students. Thus, it certainly makes it difficult for students to understand and ask questions related to certain materials to lecturers. As a result, the teaching and learning process becomes ineffective for students. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 90 Eighth; Students Playing Around; There are still many students found playing around when studying online because they feel not supervised by lecturers directly. Sometimes from the start of online classes until the end of class online students only live on camera at the time of class attendance check. In online learning, we do not know if students or lecturers pay attention to each other in listening to the subject matter delivered by the lecturer concerned. Ninth; Saturation in communication. Online learning demands high commitment from both students and educators in rigid and formal situations while the offline classroom atmosphere is more fluid. Also, limited meeting time, media, focus discussion, and others. Tenth; Fatigue in Online Communication. Online lectures make the physically tired quickly because humans continue to be in front of the computer. (Zhang & Ma, 2020) explains that the use of online forum video call applications such as Zoom makes people more focused on real-time face-to-face chat (synchronous communication), which is exhausting. However, the online learning process for college students from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic also gave rise to a new culture, from online classroom learning, and offline classroom learning: First; Triggering the Acceleration of Educational Transformation; The Covid-19 pandemic, which came uninvited, led to the closure of schools and colleges, to stop the pandemic movement. Instead, the government has enacted a Remote Education system. This technology-based Distance Education System certainly requires educational institutions, lecturers, students, and even parents to be technologically capable. This triggered the acceleration of the transformation of educational technology in the country. Second; Many Applications Of Online Learning; Accelerating the transformation of educational technology due to the Corona pandemic led various platforms to launch various online learning applications to support Distance Learning. Many online learning applications make learning “from home only” still effective. Online learning applications are developed by providing features that make it easier to learn online Third; The Number of Free Online Courses; Free online courses are starting to rise during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many tutoring institutions provide free online courses or some provide at a discounted price. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 91 Fourth; The Emergence of Unlimited Creativity; Corona pandemic makes new ideas emerge. Scientists, researchers, lecturers, and even students are trying to conduct experiments to find the Covid-19 vaccine. For example, students majoring in pharmacy or health students can find natural remedies for self-isolation COVID-19 or for pregnant and nursing mothers, for example, such as students majoring in applied language sciences they make journals or papers about COVID-19, by collaborating from many countries that are equally affected by this virus, to find new insights and science about the phenomenon of pandemic viruses that occur in the world today. Fifth; Application of Science in the Middle of the Family; When all schools and colleges are closed and # Learning From Home, it becomes an opportunity for students to apply knowledge in the middle of the family. Either just open a small discussion or by teaching the knowledge gained to the family. This plays an important role in improving students' understanding of science by direct application. The science applied directly will have an influence not only on who applies but also on those who receive an application. Sixth; Ability of Lecturers to Manage Classrooms and Management of Educational Institutions. The ability of lecturers is related to the ability to manage the classroom, provide interesting teaching, and varied so that it is not monotonous. However, the findings show that there are still lecturers who use one-way communication patterns, only for material delivery and lack of explanation. Seventh; Student Learning Culture and Confidence. Our educational culture tends to be one-way. Students are not used to speaking or expressing their opinions, tend to be passive, lack initiative, and wait for the lecturer's instructions. Meanwhile, online learning requires students to be responsible, disciplined, independent, and have the confidence to be active. Eighth; Stress Levels and Decreased Learning Spirit. Lectures in class are usually considered more enjoyable because there are interactions, jokes, and stories when communicating informally with friends and the environment before and after college hours. When studying online, communication is seen as too formal. The learning process is taken seriously, rigidly, and there is not enough time to establish interpersonal communication. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2021 92 Ninth; Environmental Disturbances; Learning from home makes students have to do online learning in a quiet room, either a living room or a family room, where a supportive environment makes students focus on understanding the materials delivered by lecturers in their online classrooms so that sometimes many who specialize in home study rooms so as not to interfere with their online learning concentration at home. Thus, it can minimize misunderstandings in capturing online lesson materials. Tenth; Family support; With online learning demanding parents or families to understand the context of online learning, however, this new culture demands parents to pay more attention to the activities of children in online learning, both from the provision of the network at home, and the development of learning of their children, In today's case there are still many parents who during online learning still ask students to do other activities, and even think the child is just messing with his laptop or handphone, without knowing that there is an online class taking place, for example; tell or ask to buy something or something else and or scold the child during the online class so that it is heard when the microphone is lit from the student's it a self laptop or handphone it. CONCLUSION Online lectures require adequate resources, especially digital resources and access to technology. Online learning also demands human resources with digital and technological capabilities. Empathy from educators, campuses, and families for the difficulties experienced is urgently needed to provide moral support to students. Changes in learning culture need to be made, although there are long and short-term impacts, as well as in terms of positivity and negativity. However, the condition of the COVID-19 pandemic makes students and the world of higher education do not have much choice. There is no denying that the COVID-19 pandemic brings and forms new habits or new cultures along with the advancement of world technology in online learning in the field of education, in this case in higher education or universities. REFERENCES Ari , N. W., W, T. D., & Mulyadi, D. (2021). Students' Motivation in Learning Online of Reading Comprehension Narrative Text Through Google Classroom. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature , 1-9. Atkins, M. S., Hoagwood, K. E., Kutash, K., & Seidman, E. (2010). Toward the integration of education and mental health in schools. 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