JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 250 Received Accepted Published May 26 th 2022 August 28 th 2022 September 14 th 2022 Anisa Hersa Putri Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia Syafryadin Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia TEACHERS’ OBSTACLES AND SOLUTIONS ON INTEGRATING ICT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING ABSTRACT Nowdays, in 21 st century, it has been recognized for its easy access to technology for communication and gathering information. People are starting to use ICT to simplify or improve their work, as well as in education. This study aimed to find out (1) obstacles that English language teachers face while integrating ICT in teaching and learning process; and (2) solution of how to overcome those obstacles. This study used a survey research design. Questionnaire will be given to 35 samples of Junior High English teachers in public schools in Kota Bengkulu. Results showed that most teachers feel ready to undertake ICT tools in English teaching and learning process. In addition, there are several major obstacles in ICT implementation, such as lack of financial support, technological difficulties, academic dishonesty, and time limitations. It also uncovered that financial problem is the first obstacle to be solved in order to overcome others obstacles. Keywords : Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Obstacles, ELT INTRODUCTION Nowdays, in 21 st century, it has been recognized for its easy access to technology for communication and gathering information. People are starting to depend on those Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Many people use ICT to simplify or improve their work, as well as in education. People who working in the educational sector must be able to develop a range of functional skills in order to use ICT. Teachers must be able to utilize those technology to upgrade the teaching and learning process to be more effective. ICT is the abbreviation for Information and Communication Technology. It refers to sort of technologies used to communicating, processing and storing information, also for creating and sharing information. It is supported by Alkamel & Chouthaiwale (2018) that stated ICT is a set of technological tools used to communicate and manage JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 251 information. ICT includes such technologies as computer, network hardware and software also covers television, radio, phone, DVD, and many more. Traditional teaching pedagogy is slowly being replaced by ICT advancement. Face-to-face classroom interaction is being replaced by online communication, traditional white and blackboards are being replaced by interactive whiteboards, and online resources are replacing books and printed materials. Technology has a history of guiding our field of education from a dark to a bright era. This is due to the fact that the usage of ICT in education can give some usefull benefits for both students and teachers. Saputri et al (2020) mentioned some benefits of implementing ICT tool in classroom teaching and learning process. First benefit is making students actively engaged in learning process. Students will be more independent, means that they know what knowledge they need and how they will acquire that knowledge. The second benefit is supporting collaborative learning. ICT allows students to collaborate and work together without being restricted by the dimensions of their environment. Third, ICT also allows students to communicate and learn from others without having to see them face to face. Lastly, the use of ICT is also able to increase students’ learning motivation. The idea of using ICT has been supported by the goverment. Following the current movement and educational trend, the Ministry of Education and Culture regulation number 103 states that teachers should use ICT to accomplish the curriculum's standard quality. In other words, it is necessary for teachers to be able to utilize ICT tools in their teaching process in order to achive more effective and interactive learning process. As stated by Saputri et al (2020), students' cognitive development can be enhanced by using ICT, as well as their learning motivation and communication. The effectiveness of integrating ICT, on the other hand, is dependent on the teacher's creativity in managing and creating exciting learning activities. Some problems or obstacles that emerged during the integration of ICT in the classroom may make it difficult for the teacher to effectively integrate ICT in the classroom. As a result, it is cruciall to assess the practical application of ICT integration in classroom teaching process (Dwiono et al. 2018). Some studies have explored about difficulties or obstacles that might faced by teachers while integrating ICT tools in classroom. The studies have been investigated problems faced by teachers while integrating ICT in English language teaching, both in Indonesia (Aminullah et al, 2019; Swandewi. N, 2018) and outside Indonesia (Raman & Yamat, 2014; Salehi & Salehi, 2012). Those studies were to find out JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 252 some difficulties faced by the teachers while using ICT in ELT classroom. They used questionnaires and interviews to collect data. Results showed that some teachers had a high desire to integrate ICT in the classroom and had used several ICT tools in the classroom. Mostly, teachers encountered four main problems namely infrastructural problems, amount of work problems, problem of time, and lack of teachers’ competence in using ICT tools. The researchers have explored to uncover some obstacles and problems that might faced the English teachers which causes them to be hindered on integrating ICT tools in English language teaching. Yet, investigation on solution that the teachers use to overcome those obstacles is still limited. Thus, it is essential to be done in order to enrich the study in this area. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what obstacles English language teachers face while integrating ICT in classroom as well as the solution of how to overcome those obstacles. The findings of this study can thus be used as a valuable resource for educational practitioners and stakeholders, as a evaluation also providing a picture of present practice in ICT integration as well as preparation for ICT integration in the teaching-learning process. As a result, the researcher will be conducting a study entitled "Teachers' Obstacles on Integrating ICT in English Language Teaching" purposed to find out (1) obstacles that English language teachers face while integrating ICT; (2) solution of how to overcome those obstacles. METHOD To present the data gathered throughout the investigation, this study used a survey research design. Creswell (2015) defined survey research design as processes in a study in which investigators give a survey to a sample or population using questionnaires or interviews to describe the attitudes, opinions, behaviors, or features of the population. The samples were 35 English teachers. Purposive sampling was used to select the sample, as the researchers determined the sample by identifying certain features that were relevant to the study's objective and might be predicted to address the research topic. As stated by Ary et al (2014), purposive sampling is also known as judgment sampling because it selects sample items from the population that are deemed to be typical or representative. Therefore, in order to be included in a study, research participants must meet certain criteria. The researchers employed questionnaire as a tool to collect data. The JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 253 questionnaire was consisted of two parts. The first was guided questionnaire to gather information regarding their problems concerning the usage of ICT in the classroom when teaching English. The second one is open ended questionnaire to uncover their solution in order to overcome those ICT integration obstacles. The questionnaire was adopted from Kurniawan. D (2014). FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Findings In this section, the findings are arranged according to the research’s questions. The first is concerned on the obstacles faced by the teachers while implementing ICT tools in class. To gather this information, the researcher used questionnaire consist of 21 items. The frequency of each items responses and the mean score of ech items are provided in a table below. TABLE 1 : Survey of Teacher’s Obstacles in Implementing ICT in Class No. Statements Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 Lack of technical support 9 (25.7 %) 19 (54.3 %) 7 (20 %) - 2 Lack of access to technology 9 (25.7 %) 15 (42.9 %) 11 (31.4 %) - 3 I have difficulty managing the classroom when students are working on computers 1 (2.9 %) 8 (22.9 %) 26 (74.3 %) - 4 I don’t know how to use technology 1 (2.9 %) 4 (11.4 %) 22 (62.9 %) 8 (22.9 %) 5 I don’t understand how to integrate technology into my ELT instruction 1 (2.9 %) 6 (17.1 %) 22 (62.9 %) 6 (17.1 %) 6 I don't have time to teach students the basic computer skills needed for more complex tasks 1 (2.9 %) 18 (51.4 %) 15 (42.9 %) 1 (2.9%) 7 Lack of time during a class period 2 (5.7 %) 23 (65.7 %) 10 (28.6 %) - 8 I don't think I have enough time to prepare for using technology 2 (5.7 %) 11 (31.4 %) 19 (54.3 %) 3 (8.6 %) 9 I don’t know how to evaluate or assess students when they work online 2 (5.7 %) 4 (11.4 %) 24 (68.6 %) 5 (14.3 %) 10 I don't know how to incorporate technology and still teach content standards 2 (5.7 %) 7 (20 %) 26 (74.3 %) - 11 I don't think I have time to integrate technology because of the amount of time required to prepare students for high stakes testing 1 (2.9%) 12 (34.3 %) 21 (60 %) 1 (2.9%) JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 254 12 I don’t know how skilled my students are at using technology 2 (5.7 %) 18 (51.4 %) 15 (42.9 %) - 13 I think internet text is too difficult for students to read 1 (2.9%) 4 (11.4 %) 28 (80 %) 2 (5.7 %) 14 Lack of professional development on how to integrate technology 5 (14.3 %) 17 (48.6 %) 13 (37.1 %) - 15 Lack of incentives to use technology 4 (11.4 %) 18 (51.4 %) 13 (37.1 %) - 16 Lack of funding 10 (28.6 %) 19 (54.3 %) 6 (17.1 %) - 17 I don't think technology is reliable 1 (2.9%) 8 (22.9 %) 21 (60 %) 5 (14.3 %) 18 I don't think technology fits my beliefs about student learning 1 (2.9%) 9 (25.7 %) 22 (62.9 %) 3 (8.6 %) 19 I have difficulty controlling what information students access online 1 (2.9%) 22 (62.9 %) 12 (34.3 %) - 20 I don't believe technology integration is useful 1 (2.9%) 4 (11.4 %) 22 (62.9 %) 8 (22.9 %) 21 I find it difficult to track whether students are lying, plagiarizing or not 3 (8.6 %) 20 (57.1 %) 12 (34.3 %) - TABLE 2 : The Result of The Questionnaire Mean Score Item N Mean Score Scale Categorization 1 35 3.05 Agree 2 35 2.94 Agree 3 35 2.28 Disagree 4 35 1.94 Disagree 5 35 2.05 Disagree 6 35 2.54 Agree 7 35 2.77 Agree 8 35 2.34 Disagree 9 35 2.08 Disagree 10 35 2.31 Disagree Item N Mean Score Scale Categorization 11 35 2.45 Disagree 12 35 2.62 Agree 13 35 2.11 Disagree 14 35 2.77 Agree 15 35 2.74 Agree 16 35 3.11 Agree 17 35 2.14 Disagree 18 35 2.22 Disagree 19 35 2.68 Agree 20 35 1.94 Disagree 21 35 2.74 Agree The questionnaire used in this study employ the 4 points Likert scale. This is intended to make the respondents do not choose a neutral answer so that the data collected have a definite response whether the respondents agree or disagree. The items in the questionnaire also represent six potential obstacles regarding the implementation of ICT tools in English JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 255 teaching classroom. They are technological difficulties, teachers’ refusal, time limitation, teachers’ less knowledge, financial difficulties, and academic dishonesty. Technological Difficulties This category represented in questionnaire item number 1, 2 , and 14. All the three items’ mean score categorization got ‘agree’ response from the respondents. Facilities and infrastructure in schools are still a limitation for teachers to explore the use of ICT tools in the classroom. This can indeed be a real obstacle where the use of ICT must be supported by certain facilities such as computers, internet connection, electricity, and so on. without these facilities, the use of ICT tools in the classroom might be impossible to be realized. Teachers’ Refusal Teacher refusal intended as an obstacle where the teacher refuses to use ICT tools in class for certain reasons. This category represented in questionnaire item number 3, 14 , 17, 18, and 20. One from the five items got agree response and the others got disagree response that makes this category obtained ‘disagree’ response from the respondents. In other words, there is no rejection from junior high school teachers in Bengkulu city in carrying out ICT- based learning in the classroom. Time Limitation This category represented in questionnaire item number 6, 7 , 8, and 11. This category got ‘neutral’ response since half and half of the statements refer to both agree and disagree. From the data statements above, it can be said that respondents agree that they have limited time when bringing ICT-based learning to the classroom, but have sufficient time to prepare materials that require integration into ICT. It might be happened since it is constrained by the class period of time which may be drained because some teachers have to teach students basic computer skills so that the learning material is not fully covered in teaching process. Teacher’s Less Knowledge This category means that teachers' ignorance of how to integrate technology becomes an obstacle in order to carrying out ICT-based learning. This statement represented in questionnaire number 4, 5, 9, and 10. The mean score of all the items indicated that that this category got a ‘disagree’ response from the respondents. As a result, it can be concluded that most of the junior high school English teachers in Bengkulu city have skills in running computers and various other technologies. It can be a good news since technology unknowledgeable is not a reason not to implementing ICT tools in the classroom. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 256 Financial Difficulties Funding can be one of the obstacles in implementing ICT tools in class since technology is not a cheap thing. Probably, this is also one of the reasons for the limited technological facilities in some schools. This category represented in items number 15 and 16, and the mean score result showed that some respondent ‘agree’ that financial difficulties is one of the obstacled to employ ICT in English teaching and learning process. From the findings above, it can be said that financial problems can hinder the use of technology in schools or classrooms. Most of the respondents agreed that adequate finance can facilitate the use of ICT in schools and classes run well. Finance is also an important issue in the use of technology in schools. It can be said that it hasa relationship with the fulfillment of technology-based facilities in schools. In other words, if financial problems can be overcome, it will also eliminate the problem of limited technological facilities. Academic Dishonesty This problem related to the teacher's distrust of technology and students who use the technology itself. This category is found in the questionnaire item numbers 12, 13, 19, and 21. According to the data result above, 3 out of 4 statements got a ‘agreeement’ from the respondents as one of the things that hinders the use of ICT tools in the classroom. Some of the teacher's concerns about students accessing the internet or technology in the learning process are when students access inappropriate sites or plagiarism. As a final result, it can be concluded that there are some points that got the agreement from junior high school teachers in Bengkulu city to be the barrier for integrating the ICT tools in English classroom. The three points are technological difficulties, financial difficulties, and academic dishonesty. The barriers include limited adequate technological facilities and infrastructures in school, lack of funding and incentives, also teacher's distrust of technology and students who use the technology itself. For the second research question, the data result were collected through the second part of the questionnaire. Based on the results of the second part of the questionnaire which discusses the solutions that teachers took to overcome the problems they have experienced, there are several solution points that can be used in order to overcome some problems in the use of ICT tools in the classroom and school. From the data collected, itcan be concluded that some solutions suggested by the teachers to overcome those problems are as follow. First is choosing a simpler and available technology as long as it is still relevant to the learning material. Personal computer or smartphone, speakers and many things can be used at JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 257 this point. Second, using funds in appropriate ways to improve facilities and infrastructure that support technology-based learning. Prioritize supporting facilities such as electricity, internet connection and computers. Lastly, learning a lot about the use of technology that is more effectively applied to the learning process. This can be learned by attending training and seminars or self-study through YouTube or other platforms. A more in-depth discussion of the problems faced by teachers and their solutions will be discussed in the next section Discussion Teachers’ Obstacles in Integrating ICT in English class There were six potential obstacles regarding the implementation of ICT tools in English teaching classroom which are technological difficulties, teachers’ refusal, time limitation, teachers’ less knowledge, financial difficulties, and academic dishonesty that have been studied in this research.This study reveals that the main barriers for implementing technologies or ICT tools in English class were lack of financial support, technological difficulties, academic dishonesty, and time limitation. Balanskat et al (2006) categorized the obstacles into 3 classes, such as micro level, meso level, and macro level. Financial support, technology lackness, and time limitation are categorized as meso level barriers since they relate to instutional context. While academic dishonesty is categorized as micro level barrier since it relates to teacher’s attitudes and understanding to ICT. According to the result, it can be said that there are no internal factors that might hinder the teachers in junior high school in Bengkulu city to implementing technologies in class. It can be seen from the result that most of the respondents had no agreement towards the points of teacher’s lack of knowlegde/ skill and teacher’s refusal as one of the obstacles in integrating technology in class. It can be concluded that junior high school teachers in Bengkulu city were technology literated. It is a good thing since thic category is really essential in the successful implementation of technology in classroom. It is supported by statement from Johnson et al (2016) stated that it is necessary for nowdays teachers to have the ability and skill in integrating the ICT tools in class. Those skill will lead to more elevated teaching and learning process also boosting teacher’s confidence to use them. In this case, the major problems faced by the respondents in integrating technology are technological difficulties, financial difficulties, academic dishonesty, and time limitation. Among these barriers, there might be relationship which can be the cause of the emergence of a barriers. Bingimlas. K (2009) mentioned that this relationship can link one problem with other issues. One of the examples of this relationship is among technological difficulties and financial difficulties. Developing ICT infrastructure is a costly investment. The cost includes JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 258 hardware/ software, maintance/ upgrading, laboratory, and furnitures. Therefore, poor funding in educational sector can obstruct the preparation of ICT infrastructure in school (Salam et al. 2018). It can also be said that to overcome the problem of unpreparedness of tools or infrastructure in schools, government or stakeholders should allocate adequate funding for educational sector. Moreover, It is also recommended that these funds can be used properly for improving school’s ICT infrastructure. Lack of ICT infrastructure may also cause it to connect with other obstacles. Due to the limited infrastructure in schools, teachers are racking their brains to keep using technology in the classroom. One way that many teachers do is to prepare and use the technology independently. The time it takes for teachers to prepare the learning process using technology independently in the classroom can reduce lesson hours. This can cause the learning objectives have not been achieved even though the learning time has run out. It is supported by Dang (2011), ICT - based lesson preparation is time-intensive since, on average, one hour of ICT - based lesson preparation takes 3 to 4 hours. As a result, teachers had difficulty either planning class or conducting the lesson in the finite time. Furthermore, teachers will require extra time to set up all of the ICT tools in the classrooms. As a result, the teachers believed that instead of setting up the ICT equipment, they could complete the essential activities during their lesson hours. The last obstacles in implementing ICT- based learning is teachers’ acedemic dishonesty. One example of academic dishonesty is plagiarism. Plagiarism happens when someone passes off another person's words, ideas, phrases, sentences, or data as their own (Higbee & Thomas, 2002). Most respondents agree that plagiarism is one of the reasons teachers are reluctant to use technology, especially when they working on internet. Students tend to copy and paste information from the internet and collect it as their assignment. The teacher's distrust of this action is one of the inhibiting factors in the use of ICT in the classroom. In addition to finding out the problems faced by teachers, this study also seeks to find out what teachers can do to overcome these problems. This will be discussed in the next part. Teachers’ Solutions to Overcome Obstacles in ICT Integration In addition to identifying some ICT issues that teachers encounter in class, this research aims to determine what the teachers may do to deal with these issues. Here are some teachers’ recommended solutions based on the results on the questionnaire in order to answer the second research question. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 259 First is how to deal with lack of ICT infrastructure in school. Some teachers argued that the school lacked sufficient internet-connected computer systems, while others claimed that they lacked projectors, internet bandwidth, and even power sockets in the classroom. If the availability of ICT tools in schools is limited, what can be done to overcome them. In line with Dianti & Atmanegara (2018) it can be concluded that some schools were not ready yet ti integrate ICT tools in teaching and learning process. Here are some solutions. According to the results of the data from the second questionnaire, some teachers recommend continuing to use the available basic ICT tools such as projectors, personal computers/smartphones, speakers, etc. This condition makes the teachers required to think creatively to create effective and fun technology-based learning even in limited conditions. The second obstacle is time limitation. Things that can be possible solutions for these problems are as follows. The first thing that might be useful is to do some planning and preparation before the class starts. In addition, teachers can also change the technology-based learning by asking students to create a home project that requires students to be able to use technology such as video projects, etc. In line with the relationships among the obstacles mentioned previously, the two obstacles above may occured because of the lack of funding as one of the obstacles found in this study. Due to this financial problem can cause a domino effect. Lack of funding can lead to lack of adequate ICT facilities in schools. The lack of ICT facilities in schools will also lead to other problems such as time limitation because teachers have to prepare their own ICT tools because they are not provided in schools. This is an unexpected finding, considering that the Indonesian government has allocated 20% of the national budget to educational funding, which includes the cost of ICT installation and support (Prasojo et al, 2019). Therefore, it is also recommended that these funds can be used properly for improving school’s ICT infrastructure. The last obstacle is academic dishonesty. It includes students cheating and plagiarism in using technology. It is suggested that plagiarism should be avoided through moral/ norms education embedded in the teaching and learning processes. It can also be done by educating students on how to quote others' works, ideas, concepts, and words. Another way to cope with this problem is using electronic plagiarism detection (Leung et al. 2017). This is a kind of software that can detect plagiarism in writing such as, Plagiarism X, Turnitin, etc. This software can be downloaded and accessed easily on the internet. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 260 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that most teachers feel ready to undertake ICT tools in English teaching and learning process. 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