JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 189 Received: Accepted: Published: August 9 th 2022 August 28 th 2022 September 14 th 2022 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TUTORIAL VIDEO IN LEARNING WRITING ON PROCEDURAL TEXT Asep Kiki* English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Islam Nusantara Zubaedah Wiji Lestari English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Islam Nusantara Nuriska Noviantoro English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Islam Nusantara ABSTRACT In learning, a language teacher need a media to support the activity. Teaching media is a tool to make teaching learning process run effectively and efficiently. Tutorial video is a video to transfer information about how to achieve something through a set of instruction. This study aimed to analyze the implementation of tutorial video in learning writing on procedural text and to analyze the students’ responses towards the use of video in learning writing on procedural text. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach with a case study. The obervation, test, questionnaire and interview were used in collecting the data. The participant of this research were 30 students of X IPA in SMA Muhammadiyah Rancaekek. The result showed that by tutorial video helped their learning writing process and enhance their writing skill especially in vocabulary and content on procedural text. Therefore, this research conclusion showed student had good impact in their learning writing process and had positif responses on enhance their writing skills on procedural text. Keywords: tutorial video, learning writing, procedural text INTRODUCTION In learning, a language teacher need a media to support the activity. Teaching media is a tool to make teaching learning process run effectively and efficiently. Bakri (2011, as cited in Anggraini, 2015) divide teaching media in wide meaning and narrow meaning. Media in wide meaning is people, material or event which can create JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 190 condition so that students can get new knowledge, skill or attitude. In this meaning teacher, book, and environment is included in media. While media in narrow meaning is graphic, photo, picture, mechanic and electronic tools that use to express, process and also convey visual and verbal information. In addition, Aniqotunnisa (2013, as cited in Anggraini, 2015) stated that teaching media is all physical form that can convey message and can stimulate students to learn. One of the media that can be used in teaching is tutorial video. According to Sumarni (2014, as cited in Azurah, 2018) tutorial video is a video to transfer an information of how to accomplish something by means of a set of instruction. Furthermore, Daryanto (2011, as cited in Qonita, 2020) states the tutorial is a multimedia learning in which the delivery of the material is carried out in a tutorial, as is the case with tutorials carried out by teachers or instructors, information containing a concept is presented with text, and images, both still and capable of moving and graphics. Based on the definition of a video tutorial, it is a message that is packaged in the form of a video and contains material delivered by the instructor in a demonstration. Usually students are more interested in learning by using media especially video, because video make them enthusiast and enjoy in learning and can momentarily eliminate the student’s bored during learning, especially in learning writing. Writing is one of important skill which is needed in learning of foreign language. The importance of writing is acknowledged by Sadiku (2015) that writing is a gem to pick. By writing, students are going to write or express students’ idea into words or sentences, especially in writing procedural text. According to Arguel and Jamet (2009, as cited in Jupri, 2018) the use of video and dynamic pictures can improve the learning process of procedural contents. Based on the researchers’ observation in the SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Rancaekek, there were some problems in writing procedural text. One of the problem is most of the students had difficulties to express their ideas. Sometimes, students difficult to start writing because they could not organize their ideas in writing procedure text well. Another problem was students lack of vocabularies because they rarely practice writing text especially writing procedural text. To gain many vocabularies, the teacher usually exposed many kind English vocabulary from textbooks. Practice using English textbooks can make students bored. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 191 According to Harmer (1991, as cited in Hayati, 2017) the over-use of textbook and thus repeatedly follow the sequence in each unit may become boring, and the routine textbook will become increasingly monotonous. In addition, the problem in teaching writing is that teachers often use traditional methods to teach writing and teachers usually use a teacher-centered approach. To solve the problem in learning writing procedural text, the researcher should use the media that is suitable and interesting to the students. One of media that can be used in learning writing procedural text is tutorial videos is an alternative media to make process of learning writing procedural text became effective. According to Arguel and Jamet (2009, as cited in Jupri, 2018) the use of video and dynamic pictures can improve learning of procedural contents. Learning writing procedural text some evidence show that by using tutorial video can throw boring and time consuming (Annisa, 2021). Using tutorial video to learn procedural text is effective in teaching learning process, so the students become easy in understanding and studying English. Furthermore, Sherman (2003, as cited in Aminah, 2018) claims that there is a special thrill in being able to understand and enjoy the real thing in video. Moreover, video provides a clear short term achievable aim for students, and by implementing video in teaching writing, the teacher can help the students to overcome one of the difficulties mentioned above. METHOD The researchers approach of this research is qualitative. As Fraenkel et al., (2012) state that qualitative research is referred to as a research study that examines the quality of relationships, events, circumstances, or materials. In this study, the research applied a case study research. The aims is to find out the use of tutorial videos in teaching writing on procedure text, and to find out the students’ responses towards the use of video in teaching writing on procedure text. As Creswell (2014) states that case study research is most often described as qualitative inquiry. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The first meeting was held on April, 18th 2022 at 11.30 a.m – 12.30 p.m. In the classroom, the teacher has prepared and planned the material before the teaching and learning process. In the first meeting observation, the teacher did the opening of the JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 192 teaching and learning, such as greeting, checked the students’ attendance list, and prayed. The results of observations at the first meeting of several students showed their participation and enthusiasm which gave positive responses and answers to the instructions given by the teacher. And also the researcher looked at some of the students' answers to the questions given by the teacher related to the material and their answers which showed that they paid attention seriously. But also some students were passive in following the learning process, it might happen because the students did not understand the material and when the teacher gave examples of procedural text they were difficult to understand the meaning of the whole text because of lack of vocabularies so they were shy to asked the teacher if they did not understood about the material. After being given a test (Initial Test) to make a procedural text with a list of food/drinks that have been given and the results of the student test, there are still many mistakes in choosing vocabularies and determining ideas. At the second meeting of observation, the meeting was held on May, 09th 2022 at 10:30 a.m – 12.30 p.m in the classroom. In the second meeting observation, teacher did the opening of the teaching and lerning as usual, such as greeting, checked students attendance list, and prayed together. The results of observations at the second meeting showed more student participation than the first meeting after being given learning using tutorial video entitled “how to make a delicious Chinese fried rice”. Usually only a few students actively provide opinions and answers, students respond well to the activities and instructions given by the teacher during the procedure text learning process using tutorial video. And also the researcher saw when students were asked to identify ingredients and methods of making food/drink, and analyze unknown vocabulary in the video tutorial about the procedure text that had been given. Students can do it well even though students still find it difficult and confused in identifying materials and how to make it, and analyzing vocabulary that is not yet known in the tutorial video about the procedure text that has been given. The third meeting was held on May, 23rd 2022 at 10:30 a.m – 12:30 p.m in the classroom. The teacher started the activity as usual with greeting the students, checked students’ attendance list, and prayed together. The results of observations at the third meeting after students were given a video tutorial entitled "how to make a hot dog" most of the students asked to slow down the speed of the tutorial video a little. As usual, after the teacher showed the video tutorial JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 193 twice, the teacher asked students to identify the ingredients and how to make food/drinks, and analyze the vocabulary they did not know in the video tutorial about procedure text that has been given. At the third meeting, students were able to did it better even though students still felt a little confused in identifying the material and how to make it, and analyzing vocabulary that they did not understand in the tutorial video. The fourth meeting was held on May, 30th 2022 at 10:30 a.m – 12:30 p.m in the classroom. The teacher started the activity as usual with greeting the students, checked students’ attendance list, and prayed together. The results of observations at the fourth meeting after students were given a video tutorial entitled "how to make strawberry milk" most students had enjoyed the video tutorial and most students were active in answering the questions given by the teacher. when the teacher showed the video tutorial at the fourth meeting, there were no students who complained it was difficult or students asked to slow down the speed of the video tutorial, most students focused on listening to the video tutorial. As usual, after the teacher shows the video tutorial twice, the teacher asks students to identify the ingredients and how to make food/drinks, and analyze the vocabulary they don't know in the video tutorial about procedure text that has been given. At the fourth meeting, most students were able to do it very well and there were no difficulties or confusion in identifying the material and how to make, and analyzing the vocabulary that they did not understand in the video tutorial. The fifth meeting was held on June, 6th 2022 at 10:30 a.m – 12:30 p.m in the classroom. The teacher started the activity as usual with greeting the students, checked students’ attendance list, and prayed together. In the last meeting observation, students have experienced better changes and better responses to the use of tutorial video during the learning process. At the last meeting, most of the students were active and serious in writing, and the researcher saw that the students were already confident in writing their procedural text. CONCLUSIONS The researchers found out that the use of tutorial video in learning writing on procedural text well-applied in ELL in the purpose to helped the students to develop their writing skill and the students were already confident in writing their JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 194 procedural text. The use of tutorial video in learning writing on procedural text to have a good improvement on students' writing especially in determining ideas and increasing vocabulary, it could be seen from their writing tests, which all students get higher scores when learning writing procedural text using a tutorial video compared to learning procedural text before using tutroial video. The students had positive responses towards the use of tutorial video in learning writing on procedural text. This is proven by the information from the questionnaire and interview. Almost in all aspect, most of students gave very positive responses towards the use of tutorial video in learning writing on procedural text, and students get higher motivation when they learning writing by using tutorial video. REFERENCES Aminah, S. (2018). The Use of Video in Teaching Writing on Procedure Text. NOBEL: Journal of Literature and Language Teaching Volume 9, No 2, September 2018.Doi: Anggraini, F. A. (2015). 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