JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 283 Received: Accepted: Published: August 18 th 2022 August 28 th 2022 September 14 th 2022 THE UTILIZATION OF THE INSTAGRAM LIVE FEATURE IN LEARNING DURING PANDEMIC TIMES TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' SPEAKING ABILITIES Riri Narasati STMIK IKMI Cirebon ABSTRACT The main reason for this research is the boredom of online learning that many students have to deal with. Moreover, this condition has existed since more than a year ago. This situation alone makes the researcher, who also acts as a teacher, upgrade the online learning process with the help of social media, the Instagram Live feature. The researcher hopes that the online learning process can be more fun and enjoyable by using the Instagram Life feature, which will later improve the students' speaking ability. This research investigates using the Descriptive Statistical method, which uses class control and the class experiment. The data shown are Pre-Test and Post Test data which are then processed using Wilcoxon. This way, in the final of the research, it can be concluded that the use of Instagram live can improve Speaking skills because there is a significant score difference between before and after using Instagram live as a learning process. Keywords: speaking, Instagram live, improving speaking skills INTRODUCTION The COVID-19 pandemic that has existed since more than one year ago change the education world. The learning process has changed and transformed into an online learning system. The online learning processes during the pandemic time mostly used Zoom and Google Meet applications. The domination of these two applications in the online learning process during the pandemic makes the learning process monotonous and less attractive. In education sector, the use of technology has become an important part of the learning process in and out of the class (Ahmadi, 2018). Effective learning process is gained through the optimization of technology, in this case as modern media. Such modern media can be accessed through Wikipedia, Skype, video conferencing, mobile application and so forth (Jena and Scholar, 2017). Many teachers are trying to JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 284 find breakthroughs in their online teaching methods to get students' attention. The teachers are also looking for new ways to improve students' English ability in specific skills and materials. Speaking, Writing, Listening, Grammar, and Reading are the essential aspects of English learning that should be included in the whole learning process. Among those five aspects, one that attracts the researcher; Speaking. The main reason is that speaking is one practical and active English skill. Furthermore, there is a challenge in teaching speaking since the students' first language is not English. That fact alone gives fear to the students since they have to do more practice in learning speaking. Most students stated that they fear making pronunciation mistakes when they have to talk in English, which is not their first language. As a result, they tend to be scared, nervous, and even insecure when they have to speak in English. Indonesian learners have difficulties in expressing something using oral language because their motivation of learning language are relatively low and this will also affect their language performance (Nailufar, 2018). That is why when someone tries to convey meaning in English, many anxieties, hesitation, and afraid of making mistake feeling happened. Based on the information mentioned above, teachers try a breakthrough, using Social Media as one part of the learning process. Social media is a tool to deliver information from one person to another or group (organization) to achieve individual or group goals. Nasrullah (2016) stated that "social media can be seen from the development of how individuals interact with the media devices." Media plays a vital role in the education system nowadays, especially in reaching the goals of education itself. Van Dijk (2013) in Nasrullah (2016) stated that social media is a new kind of media platform that focuses on the existence of the users in facilitating their activities and collaboration. It is because social media is seen as the virtual facilitator that aims to strengthen the relationships and the bond between users and others. Dr. Rulli Nasrullah M.Si., in the book Media Sosial (2016), concluded that social media is a medium on the internet that allows users to present themselves and interact, share, communicate, work with other users, and form social relations indirectly. The researcher chose social media because many students nowadays use it, which is why it becomes quite attached to them. Many kinds of research showed that using social media applications in the learning process has proved to be effective in improving learning outcomes. Stainbank JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 285 and Gurr (2016) stated that using social media improves learning quality and results in accounting by using Facebook and Twitter. Erika, Yanto & Kasidi (2018) found a significant difference in accounting learning outcomes between the students using Facebook and those who were not. Zukhruf Ambarsari has also used social media in his research about Instagram as the learning media, which has proven effective (2020:81). There are some other reasons why Instagram can be an effective social media platform to choose as a learning partner; (1) It supports lifelong learning since every level of education can use Instagram, and (2) It gives the students complete control to make their digital content and publish it online; it can even stimulate the students and teachers to be more actives than before in making more digital contents, (3) It allows the possibility of collaboration between the students and the teachers in some specific projects to reach the learning goals (Bexbeti, 2014). Research by Susilowati and colleagues also stated that using Facebook as the social media for learning can improves the writing skill of Junior High School students. This research showed that the students' vocabulary levels increase after they learn writing through Facebook as a social media learning partner (Susilowati, 2019). Bestari and friends used Instagram as a object research focuses in writing and showed that Instagram caption helped students to improved their writing skills (Bestari, 2020). Riana and Testiana focuses their research into speaking skill and they finds the problems of speaking is about difficulties to express their feeling. A research of Riana and Testiana using technology for solving the problem by video in youtube and showed that this method can increase their speaking skill (Budiastuti and Wijayatiningsih, 2019). In this research, the researcher focuses on using the Instagram Life feature on the Instagram application to do the online learning processes. The researcher hopes that by using the Instagram Live feature, the students will be more interested in online learning because Instagram is a social media platform that many use daily. The researcher also hopes that by using the Instagram Live feature, students will have less fear, nervousness, and even insecurity when speaking in English. METHOD This research conducted using research design of quasi experimental and also calling the Non randomized Control Group Design. A quasi-experiment is an accuse which takes place in real-life settings rather than in settings of laboratory, they are often JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 286 considering not truly research of experimental, but rather correlational research, which involves identifying relationships of statistical between two variables rather than causal relationships. Based on Creswell (2008: 314), the data is the general overview by quasi- experimental design. This research used the populations all of students from one semester majoring in Systems Information and Software Engineering at STMIK IKMI Cirebon. The total population was 66 students. In this research, the sampling took the Systems Information students as the experimental group and Software Engineering as the control group. There were two variables of the research. Those variables were dependent variable and independent variable. Based on Arikunto's explanation (2006: 118), the subject of a research is variable, or the things that becomes points of attention of a research. The research uses two variables, they are dependent variable and the independent variable. In this research, learning by using Instagram live is the independent variable. Based on the research is the score of the students' speaking achievement is the dependent variable. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION For completing the research process in the class, the following are the data obtained from the learning process to the experimental class and controlled class. From the pre-test and post-test data, the experimental class has a higher increasing rate compared with the controlled class. The increasing rate in the experimental class is around 15-20 while in the controlled class it is only 10. Descriptive Statistics The descriptive statistics in this study displayed the data on students' speaking abilities in the experimental class and controlled class, which are shown in the following table 1 data: Table 1. Students' speaking abilities in the experimental class and controlled class N Minimum Maximum mean Std. Deviation Pre-Test Experimental 33 40 70 48.94 10.136 Post-Test Experimental 33 50 90 65.76 12.816 Pre-Test Controlled 33 40 85 53.27 13.312 Post-Test Controlled 33 50 90 63.42 12,762 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 287 Valid N (listwise) 33 From data on the table 1, we can conclude that the minimum score for the pretest experiment is 40, while the maximum score is 70. The minimum score after getting treatment on Instagram live and watching learning videos and trying to do Instagram live for practice speaking is 50 , while the maximum score in the experimental class is 90. In the class of control, the minimum score in pre-test is 60, and the maximum score is 65. At the end of research and doing conventional method, the score of minimum in controlled class is 40 and the score of maximum is 85. There are difference about scores between the controlled and group. In the class of experimental, the average score is 48.94 in the pre-test and becomes 65.76 in the post-test. While in the class of controlled, the average score is 53.27 in the pre-test and becomes 63.42 in the post-test. From the descriptive statistics data, it can be concluded that there is a difference in the average score data in the controlled and experimental class, although the difference is only about 2.34. It can be said that the students were able to increase their scores and have better speaking ability than before. Furthermore, looking at the difference of the pre-test average score on the experimental class, there is a significant increase of 16.82. This difference is quite significant from the average score on the controlled class with the increase 10.15. This difference also showed that the speaking ability on the experimental class has been increased. Test of Normality Finally data showed about the average score of the experimental and the controlled class, the data processing continues to the Test of Normality in table 2. Table 2. The average score of the experimental and the controlled class Tests of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnov a Shapiro-Wilk Statistics df Sig. Statistics df Sig. Pre-Test Experimental .205 33 .001 .818 33 .000 Post-Test Experimental .160 33 .032 .903 33 .006 Pre-Test Controlled .204 33 .001 .874 33 .001 Post-Test Controlled .187 33 .005 .883 33 .002 From the table 2 data, it can be concluded that a significant value is greater than JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 288 0.05. In the Kolmogorov and Shapiro Wilk tests, it means that the data is normally distributed. When the data is normally distributed, it will be continued with t-test and independent sample t-test. Since the value of controlled class is equal of 0.05 then the same test is needed. Table 3. Independent Test T-test Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. t df Sig. (2- tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper score Equal variances assumed 1,719 .195 - 5,913 64 .000 -16,81818 2.84444 - 22.50061 - 11.13576 Equal variances not assumed - 5,913 60,775 .000 -16,81818 2.84444 - 22.50642 - 11.12994 Based on the significant value between the two groups of pre-test and post-test on the experimental class, the Levene test value was 0.195 > 0.05, which means that the data of the two groups is the same or homogeneous and the significant value is 0.00 < 2.00. Based on that data, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, which means there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores. Table 4. Independent Test T-test Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variance t-test for Equality of Means JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 289 s F Sig . t df Sig. (2 - tailed) Mean Differenc e Std. Erro r Differenc e 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper scor e Equal variance s assumed .07 5 .78 5 - 3.16 2 64 .002 - 10.15152 3.21022 - 16.5646 6 - 3.7383 7 Equal variance s not assumed - 3.16 2 63,88 7 .002 - 10.15152 3.21022 - 16.5648 8 - 3.7381 5 Based on the significant value between the two groups of pre-test and post-test on the experimental class, the Levene test value was 0.075 > 0.05, which means that the data of the two groups is the same or homogeneous and the significant value is 0.002 < 2.00. Based on that data, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, which means there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores. Table 5. Paired T-test Paired Samples Test Paired Differences t df Sig. ( 2- tailed) mean Std. Deviati on Std. Err or Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lowe r Uppe r Pair s 1 pretest_experime nt - posttest_experim en - 16,81 8 4,647 .809 - 18,46 6 - 15,17 1 - 20,79 2 3 2 .000 Pair pretest_control - - 2,333 .406 - - - 3 .000 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, September, Vol. 6 No. 2, 2022 290 2 posttest_control 10,15 2 10,97 9 9,324 24.99 1 2 Based on the t value between the two groups of pre-test and post-test in controlled and experimental class -20.79 > -24.99 can be concluded that the t-value of the experimental class is higher than the controlled class. It means that it strengthens the independent sample t-test which states that there is a significant difference in pre-test and post-test value. CONCLUSIONS From the data, it can be concluded that the learning process in the experimental class had a significant change after the action. 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