JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 Received: November 25th, 2022. Accepted January 26th, 2023. Published February 15th, 2023. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 1 GENDER REPRESENTATION OF FLOUTING MAXIM IN CLASSROOM INTERACTION VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE Oktazsya Marjelina Lorenza* English Department, Universitas Bengkulu Safnil Arsyad English Department, Universitas Bengkulu Syafryadin English Department, Universitas Bengkulu ABSTRACT This article analyzed the flouting types of maxim in classroom interaction videos on YouTube. This study aims to find out the flouting types of maxim and also the gender representation of it. Descriptive qualitative method was used. The corpus of the study were 10 classroom interaction videos that were taken from YouTube. Grice’s theory was used to find and analyze the flouting types of maxim found in the video, those are; maxim of quality, quantity, relevance, and manner. The result showed that those four types of flouting maxim were found in the classroom interaction videos on YouTube. The highest flouting maxims found were maxim of quantity, relevance and manner and the least one is maxim of quality. This is probably because the speaker wants to build trust and cheer the hearer. The findings of the second research question shows that male was the most dominant gender flouting the maxims. Based on the results and limitation of the study, it is recommended for further research to take the data directly to schools to compare videos taken from YouTube and those taken directly from schools. Keywords: gender representation, flouting maxim, classroom interaction, video, YouTube INTRODUCTION Spoken language is one of the most basic ways of human communication. The most important section of it is represented in a conversation. The conversation is one of the language activities in speaking skills that involves a speaker and interlocutor. Syafryadin et al. (2019) also stated that conversation is one of the parts of speaking activities. People have conversations in their daily activities, classroom interaction, public interaction, etc. Therefore, in communication, the message conveyed must be communicative so that it can be understood by both the speaker and the hearer. The accuracy in delivering messages or JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 2 ideas must be assisted by the sensibility of the language used, vocabulary, use of spelling and grammatical capabilities also needs to be used in language, especially in speaking skills (Karto, et al. 2019). Moreover, building a good communication is not easy; it requires an equivalent understanding of the information provided by the speaker and listener. When people have a conversation, they produce utterances and perform an action. Therefore, in having a good conversation between the interlocutors there must be principles or rules. The rule of the conversation is called a maxim. According to Cutting (2002, p. 40), there are four types of maxims. Those are maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation and maxim of manner. Grice (1975) also divided cooperative principles into four basic conversational maxims. Those are maxim of quantity, quality, relevance, and manner. Several previous studies are related to this research. The first, Marlisa, et al. (2020) who conducted research which aimed to know the types and the reasons of flouting the maxim in GMA talk show. This study found that the highest flouting maxims in GMA talk shows were maxim of quantity and manner. Furthermore, Sari, et al. (2019), analyzed the maxim violations in the utterances of the characters in in Confessions of a Shopaholic movie, the reasons behind those violations, and their impacts on effective communication. The result of analysis shows that the frequent occurrences in Confessions of a Shopaholic movie is flouting maxim of manner which appeared 19 times, followed by violation of maxim quantity and quality which appeared 9 times, least one is maxim of relation which appeared only 3 times. According to Sari, et al. (2019), this is probably because the characters in the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic did not cooperate while communicating. Park et al (2016) analyzed the differences in language use across gender using a social media dataset. The result of the analysis shows that language identified by females was more courteous, gracious, and merciful but they were still decisive in the use of language. The fourth, Aisya (2019) aimed at analyzing the types of flouting of maxim and the its reasons of indirectness by Politician guests in two episode of Mata Najwa Talk Show entitled Adu Lantang Jelang Penentuan and Babak Akhir Pilpres. The sample of this study were the utterances of Politician guests in two episodes of Mata Najwa Talk Show. The result showed that the politician guests flouted maxim of quantity and manner. The politician guests flouted the maxim because of attractiveness of a language, increasing the force of one’s messages, competing goals and politeness. JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 3 Sulaimani (2017) analyzed the gender representation an Internation EFL textbook that has been adapted for the Saudi Arabian context. The research found that the women are underrepresented in EFL textbook. They had been completely excluded from half of units in it (Sulaimani, 2017). Al Kayed (2020) investigated the gender representation in EFL textbooks in Jordan. The results of the study reveal that male and female are equally represented in terms of social status, power, and dominance. This is probably because women in Jordan occupy high positions as men, such as managers, professors, ministers, members of parliament, doctors, etc. They have the same rights as men in Jordanian society (Al Kayed, 2020). Moreover, the study of flouting maxim conducted by Jorfi, et al. (2015) investigated the instance of violation of Grice’s maxims in the American TV series “friends” series 1, scene 1. The result showed that among the four types of maxim by Grice’s theory, maxim of relevance and quality is the most violated. Every character commits offense except Monica. This happened due to the fact that she formed the story in the first episode and others created laughter and reacted on what she is going to do (Jorfi, et al., 2015). Lastly, research conducted by Andresen (2013), he examined the use of maxim flouts in different situations and what situations the characters flout the maxim for comedy. The transcription of eight episodes of the series in the American comedy series community was used as the object of the research. The result showed the most occurrences of flouting maxim were found in quantity. The characters that most flouted the maxim were Jeffrey and Shirley flouted the least. Based on some previous research, it can be concluded that mostly focus on flouting maxims in movies, talk shows, and TV series. Aisya, et al. (2019) suggested further researchers who have similar interests in terms of analyzing flouting maxims can choose different contexts to know more about flouting the maxims. However, this research is conducted in classroom conversation during the EFL teaching and learning process. Also, this research does not only analyze the flouting of maxims but also finds the frequency of males and females flouted the maxim in the classroom conversations. This needs to be done to seek equality between males and females when speaking in the classroom. Also, to find out the relationship between gender and indirectness, focusing on types of indirectness, what Grice (1975) refers to as flouting the maxim. Sulaimani (2017) and Al Kayed (2020) limited their study to EFL textbooks. However, this study focuses on classroom interaction. To guide this study, the following questions are addressed: JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 4 - What types of maxims are flouted during classroom interaction? - How often do male and female students flout maxims in classroom interaction? METHODOLOGY Research Design Descriptive qualitative is used as the research design of the study. The present study tries to find out the flouting types of maxim produced by teacher and students during classroom interaction of English teaching and learning process and also to find out the frequency of males and females who flouted maxims in class interaction. Besides, co-rater is also asked to enhance the findings’ accuracy and convince the readers. The aim is to see whether the results of the co-rater analysis are in accordance with the results conducted by the researcher. Corpus of the Research The research object in this study is an English learning video on YouTube. The data of this research were all the dialogues among students and teacher, indicating a violation of maxim. For this study, 10 videos were chosen. This video ware chosen for several reasons 1) the material taught is English 2) the quality of the video can be seen and heard clearly 3) female teacher. 1. Video Pembelajaran HOTS Mapel Bahasa Inggris SMP 2. Video Mengajar Procedure Text 3. Video Mengajar Asking and Giving Opinion 4. Kelas 7 - Bahasa Inggris - Pesan Dalam Lagu | Video Pendidikan Indonesia 5. Video Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Materi Suggestions and Offers 6. Problem Based Learning, Teaching Descriptive Text 7. Video Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Materi “Asking and Giving Information” JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 5 8. Video Pembeljaran Narrative Text by Neng Herawani, S.S. 9. Teaching Descriptive Text Using Discovery Learning (W3) 10. K13 Cara Belajar Mengajar Bahasa Inggris di Kelas 2017 Instrument of the Research The data were obtained from observation conducted in an EFL classroom videos on YouTube. Then, the researcher also provides a checklist instrument to put, classify, identify and analyze the data. Technique of Data Collection There are some steps in analyzing the data, those are: watching the video, analyzing the flouting of maxim through the videos, classifying the maxim flouting into its types. Besides, the frequency of males and females during the classroom interaction were also analyzed. The instrument of this study is a checklist. Grice's (1975) analysis of maxim violation is used as a guideline for the analysis. According to Grice, there are four types of maxim: a) maxim of quantity, b) maxim of quality, c) maxim of relevance, d) maxim of manner. The description and examples of those maxims are given below: Flouting maxim of quantity occurs because they give too much information or too little information. An example of the violation of the maxim of quantity is illustrated below. A: What is your favorite food? B : My favorite food is chicken and pizza, I like orange juice too. Based on the conversation above, it can be seen that speaker B flouts the maxim of quantity because speaker B gives much information to answer the question of speaker A. just asked about food but the speaker B give much information “I like orange juice too”. So, it can be concluded that B flouts the maxim of quantity. Flouting maxim of quality occurs because the speaker does not provide information that is in accordance with reality. An example of the violation of the maxim of quality is illustrated below. A: Why does she look so tired? JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 6 B : Maybe she does not have breakfast. Based on the conversation above, it can be seen that speaker B flouts the maxim of quality because speaker B gives unclear and uncertain contribution. It can be seen from the use of the word ‘maybe’. So, speaker B flouts the maxim of quality because she gives a contribution that is not necessarily true. Flouting maxim of relevance means that the information is not relevant. An example of the violation of the maxim of relevance is illustrated below. A: Where is Ameena house? B: I like her house Based on the conversation above, it can be seen that the speaker B flouts the maxim of relevance because B doesn’t answer A’s questions. B apparently say something irrelevant. So, B flouts the maxim of relevance. Flouting maxim of manner occurs when the speaker gives unclear and ambiguous information. An example of the violation of the maxim of manners is illustrated below. A: What gift would you like for your 17th birthday? B: Just anything and you don't have to bring gifts anyway In this conversation, B’ answers in an ambiguous way, when A asked what kind of food she/he wanted to eat and B replied "just anything". It makes the hearer confused. So, B flouts the maxim of manners. Technique of Data Analysis Miles and Huberman (1994) theory is used to analyze the data. It consists of three processes: data reduction, data display, drawing conclusion and verification. The data are analyzed in following steps: a. Data Reduction In this section, the researcher reduces the data which do not flout the maxims and classified the types of maxim found in class interaction videos. b. Data Display In the data display, the researcher presented the data to show the analysis process in identifying the maxims using Grice (1975) theory. Furthermore, the researcher calculated the percentage by using the formula from Sudijono (2009). c. Drawing conclusion and verification JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 7 In this section, the researcher made conclusions after analyzing the data and getting answers to the research questions found in the classroom interaction videos on YouTube. After obtaining the results, data verification is needed to find if the results of the data obtained can be accepted and trusted. Technique of Data Verification Qualitative validity is a way of checking the accuracy of findings using certain procedures, whereas qualitative reliability shows that the researcher's approach is consistent across different researchers and different projects (Gibbs, 2007). A co-rater was asked to ensure the accuracy of findings. A co-researcher analyzed the sample of classroom interaction videos which was chosen randomly by the researcher. After that, the co-researcher wrote the results in the checklist instrument that had been provided. To find out the results of data valid or not, it was given a score on the researcher’s result and the co-researcher’s. The same was given a score of 1 and if not, the score of 0 was given. The theory from Sugiyono (2017:184) was used to provide interpretations of the correlation coefficients. A detailed explanation of it can be seen in the table 1 below: Table 1: Guidelines for Giving Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient Coefficient Interval Relationship Level 0,00 – 0,199 Very Low 0,20 – 0,399 Low 0,40 – 0,599 Medium 0,60 – 0,799 Strong 0,80 – 1,000 Very Strong FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Inter-Rater Reliability In this research, a co-rater was asked to ensure the accuracy of findings. The co-rater was asked to analyze the flouting types of maxims in the classroom interaction videos on YouTube which was chosen randomly by the researcher. Video 1, 5, and 8 were chosen as the sample of the study. The result of flouting maxim between the researcher and the co- rater is shown in the following table 2. Table 2. The Result of Flouting Maxims between Researcher and Co-Rater Flouting Types of Maxim Number of Flouting Maxims Score Researcher Co-Rater Maxim of quantity 3 3 1 Maxim of quality - - 1 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 8 Maxim of relevance 1 1 1 Maxim of manner 2 2 1 Average 1 Table 2 shows that there is no insignificant differences between the researcher and the co-rater. Based on the result, the average was 1. From the data and the explanation above, it can be concluded that the researcher’s analysis and the co-rater’s are similar. This part presents the research results and discussion based on analyzing the flouting of maxims types and the frequency of males and females flouting maxims in the classroom interaction videos on YouTube. The first research question is about the flouting types of maxims in the classroom interaction videos. Based on the data found, the most frequent flouting types of maxim are summarized in Table 3. Table 3: Flouting Types of Maxim in the Classroom Interaction Videos on YouTube No Flouting Types of Maxim Frequency Percentage (%) 1. Maxim of quantity 4 33% 2. Maxim of quality 2 17% 3. Maxim of relevance 3 25% 4. Maxim of manner 3 25% Total 12 100% Table 3 shows that the flouting maxim of quantity is the most frequent in the classroom interaction videos on YouTube with 4 data (33%). It is followed by maxim of relevance with 3 data (25%). Maxim of manner with 3 data (25%), and the least one is maxim of quality with 2 data (17%). A detail explanation of flouting types of maxims can be seen below: 1.1 Flouting maxim of quantity Flouting maxim of quantity is the most frequent maxim found in classroom interaction videos on YouTube. Table 3 shows that the number of flouting maxim of quantity appeared 4 times (33%) in the classroom interaction videos on YouTube. An example of flouting maxim of quantity can be seen below: Extract 1: Flouting maxim of quantity Video 1 - [14:01] Teacher: Who is the main character of the story? Student: The main character is a princess. She was beautiful but very spoiled; her favorite thing was her golden ball JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 9 Extract 1 of flouting maxim of quantity was taken from the first video on YouTube, Based on the conversation above, it can be seen that the student flouts maxim of quantity because she provides too much information as is required. The student should answer the main character “princess” without having to explain anything else. 1.2 Flouting maxim of relevance Table 3 shows that the number of flouting maxim of relevance appeared 3 times (25%) in the classroom interaction videos on YouTube. An example of flouting maxim of relevance can be seen below: Extract 2: Flouting maxim of relevance Video 2 - [24:53] Teacher: What kind of text, Biller? Student: I know Miss Extract 3 of flouting maxim of relevance was taken from the second video on YouTube Based on the conversation above, the student disobeys maxim of relevance because there is no correlation between teacher’s question and student’s respond. The student should answer what kind of text that the teacher explained, not “I know miss”. 1.3 Flouting maxim of manner Flouting maxim of manner is the third dominant in the classroom interaction videos on YouTube. Table 3 shows that the number of flouting maxim of manner appeared 3 times (25%) in the classroom interaction videos on YouTube. An example of flouting maxim of relevance can be seen below: Extract 3: Flouting maxim of manner Video 8- [9:43] Teacher: What is the conflict of the story? Student: Fighting Extract 3 of flouting maxim of manner was taken from the eighth video on YouTube, Based on the conversation above, it can be concluded that the student disobey maxim of manner because student’s respond is ambiguous and is not clear. 1.4 Flouting maxim of quality JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 10 Flouting the maxim of quantity is the least dominant. Table 3 shows that the number of flouting maxim of quality appeared 2 times (17%) in the classroom interaction videos on YouTube. An example of flouting maxim of relevance can be seen below: Extract 4: Flouting maxim of quality Video 2 - [10:59] Teacher: What kind of action verb that you can mention? Student: Dancing Teacher: I am not dancing (she is speaking) Extract 4 of flouting maxim of quality was taken from the second video on YouTube, Based on the conversation above, it can be concluded that the student disobey maxim of quality because she/he lie and say something that is not true. The fact is that teacher speaks not dances. So, student violates the maxim of quality. Table 4: The Frequency of Male and Female Flouted the Maxims No Flouting Types of Maxim Gender Percentage (%) Male Female Male Female 1. Maxim of quantity 1 3 58% 42% 2. Maxim of quality 2 - 3. Maxim of relevance 3 - 4. Maxim of manner 1 2 Total 7 5 100% Table 4 shows that the frequency of male and female flouted the maxim. After analyzing the data, the researcher found that the most frequent gender who flouted the maxim is male with 7 data (58%). The second dominant is female with 5 data (42%). Discussion This section is proposed to discuss the findings to clarify the answer to the research problems. The first research question is about types of maxims are flouted during the classroom interaction. The findings show that out of four different types of maxims, the frequent flouting types of maxims found in the classroom interaction videos on YouTube were maxim of, maxim of quantity, maxim of relevance, maxim of manner and the least one is maxim of quality. Flouting maxims of quantity is the most dominant found in classroom interaction videos on YouTube. This is probably because the speaker wants to JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 11 build trust and cheer the hearer. Marlisa (2020) mentions that by providing more information, it also helps the speaker as well as the listener to build a pleasant communication and asked more questions to interlocutor to inquire further about his\her in Good Morning America (GMA) talk show. Then, flouting maxim of relevance became the second most dominant in the classroom interaction videos on YouTube. This is probably because the speakers want to tease or perhaps mock the listeners. Another possibility is that the speaker wants to change the topic of the conversation because he\she doesn’t want to be asked or doesn’t even know the answer. Furthermore, this findings is also in line with the result coming out from Natasya (2019) who found that maxim of relevance became the second dominant flouting types of maxim in the “Dory” movie. This is probably because they want to change the topic of the conversation (Natasya, 2019). Al-Qaderi and Alduais (2019) mention that the reason someone disobey maxim of relevance is that because they want to tease the hearers. The third dominant flouting types of maxim found in the classroom interaction videos on YouTube is flouting maxim of manner. This is probably because the speakers want to make some jokes and want to get attention during the conversation. The same case also appears in the research conducted by Marlisa (2020) who found that flouting maxim of manner is the frequent type of maxim found in Good Morning America (GMA) Talk show. According to Marlisa (2020), this may be because the speaker wants to make some jokes. Meanwhile, the least dominant flouting types of maxim found in the classroom interaction videos on YouTube is flouting maxim of quality. This is linked with the results of the study by (Marlisa, et al., 2020; Natasya, et al., 2019; Hamani, & Puluhulawa (2019) that the least flouting types of maxim is the maxim of quality. The second research question is how often male and female students flouted the maxims in classroom interaction videos on YouTube. According to the results, male were dominant over females in case of flouting the maxims. Male have more violations which can be seen in results of the study which found 7 violations while female only 5 violation that were found. This is probably because the teacher is a woman, so male students are more motivated and enthusiastic when studying. In line with the finding coming out from Mengistie & Worku (2021) who found that males dominate most of the dialogue presented in the Grade eight Ethiopian English textbook. According to Agni, et al. (2020) who states that male is more frequent in Indonesian EFL textbook. This can be proven from the JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 12 findings in the text which show that men have more status, role and also men are considered more influential as indicated by many quotations in textbook (Agni, et al. 2020). There is difference in finding by Triyaswati & Emaliana (2021), the representation of gender equality in th3 2018 revised edition of English textbooks for grade 9 in secondary school certified by the Indonesian Ministry of Education in terms of language in interpersonal texts was dominated by female with a total of 574 while 411 for male. CONCLUSION Based on the research findings and discussion, it can be sum up that all types of flouting maxim were found in the class interaction videos taken from YouTube. The most dominant is flouting maxim of quantity, and the second is maxim of relevance, maxim of manner and the least one is maxim of quality. Males violate the maxims most in classroom interaction. There are some suggestions after conducting the research. For further research, it is recommended to conduct research directly in schools. It means that the researcher must directly observe classroom interactions in school. 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