55 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 https://jurnal.unigal.ac.id/index.php/jall/index JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 Received: December 4th, 2022. Accepted January 26th, 2023. Published February 15th, 2023. AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF NAHWU Muh Shofiyudin Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic University Jepara Indonesia Hamidaturrohmah* Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic University Jepara Indonesia hamida@unisnu.ac.id Fikky Nuryah Tholhah Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic University Jepara Indonesia Lukluan Mansuro Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic University Jepara Indonesia ABSTRACT The mastery of English as an international language can be the main key to face some substantial challenges in this era. However, the difficulty in mastering English is such a big problem for learners, some learners still often encounter errors in learning English. One of the factors caused errors in English is a contrast from one language to another in which there are various differences and similarities, especially in the language structures or syntax. Based on the problem, for further studying English grammar needs to analyze its inherent characteristics. This study aims to identify and analyze the similarities and differences between English grammar and Nahwu, as the language structure of Arabic. This study is a qualitative descriptive research. The data was gathered through library research. The instruments used are books, journals, encyclopedias, periodicals, papers, and articles providing data related to the topics of this study. Analysis contrastive was used to evaluate for correctness, applicability, and dependability of the acquired data, which was then described and analyzed to form of conclusions. The finding showed that there are several similarities and differences between 1) part of speech, word classification in English and in Arabic called as kalimah (كةمل). 2 ) English Tenses and the use of fi’il in Arabic syntax or nahwu. There are eight categories of part of speech in English and three categories of kalimah ( ك ةمل ) in Arabic. Part of speech consists of: noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction dan interjection. Then kalimah ( ك ةمل ) in Arabic has isim (مسإ), fi’il ( فع ل ) and huruf ( حر ف ). Amount of every categories are different due to the different categories used. Keywords: English, grammar, Arabic, nahwu, syntax INTRODUCTION Language has its own characteristic in term of structure and meaning. These characteristic creates similarities and differences from one language to another. (Wildan, 2021). Understanding language rules is the main key for mastering language properly and correctly so the emergence of the most serious mistakes and errors can be minimized (Nashoih & Darmawan, 2019). Students often face various difficulties due to differences of language rules, structure and its meaning. Those similarities and differences, https://jurnal.unigal.ac.id/index.php/jall/index mailto:hamida@unisnu.ac.id 56 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 especially in English and Arabic should make it easier to understand. This can help learners having Arabic as their basic foreign language learn English easier. In the linguistics study, comparing two or more language and contrastive analysis is similar (Bahrain, 2021). In terminology, contrastive analysis is a process of comparing two or more languages based on descriptive linguistics to find their similarities and differences. Thus, those are very interesting to study to minimize errors in both English and Arabic Learning. As two foreign languages that have long history with a legacy of civilization, English and Arabic used by almost two thirds of world’s population (Fahria, 2018). English and Arabic, both are the most foreign languages used with various kinds of labels attached so its existence on an international scale have some implications. Besides, based on their characteristic, the both were chosen to be the objects of this study. Some researchers have conducted the study on the English and Arabic using contrastive analysis. Fahria (2018) conducted linguistic study using contrastive analysis on al-na't ( ال ن عت ) and adjective. Aini (2021) did qualitative study by contrastive analysis on the use of gerund and masdar ( مصدر ). Contrastive study contains the means to facilitate language learning facility and minimize language comprehension errors. Accordingly, based on the necessary of mastering linguistics and literature, it aims to analyze, investigate and develop linguistics mastery to be a literature that promotes and improves English learning quality. Analyzing English grammar in the perspective of nahwu is in accordance with UNISNU Jepara study purpose where education enhancement, skill and technology are pointed based on Aswaja values where Arabic mastery, especially nahwu is one of it. In the real implementation, there are many Islamic boarding school students or students studying in madrasa still face difficulty in mastering English. Rather, Arabic language can be mastered. Shofiyuddin (2019) stated that most of students in a madrasa in Kudus understand nahwu well but they seemed to have difficulty in understanding English grammar. This data gathered from questionnaire result. Therefore, this study aimed to provide facility in understanding word classes and the use of verbs in English and Arabic practically through contarstive analysis of the similarities and the differences of English and Arabic. The writers hope this study can improve skill and knowledge in the resources development especially in the international scale. 57 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 METHODOLOGY This study is a descriptive qualitative study where the data was gathered through library research. In this study, the writers are as the key of data collection and the collecting data used sample, data resources and snowball. In this study, the writers tried to decribe, contrast, analyse and interprete the variable based on the literatures obtained. (Sugiyono, 2017). The literatures used are books, journals, encyclopedias, periodicals, papers, and articles provide data related to the study. There are some phases of this study. First (1) collecting data from various references related and relevant with the study. The references of this study are book, journal, literature and documentation. Second and third (2 & 3), Analyzing part of speech of English and Nahwu in the Arabic, tenses and the use of fi’il. Fourth (4), the classification of part of speech and kalimah ( لكمة ), and tenses and the use of fi’il. Fifth (5), comparing part of speech and kalimah ( لكمة ), and tenses and the use of fi’il using contastive analyze. Sixth (6), formulating the result by describing the similarities and the deferences between part of speech and kalimah ( كلمة ), and between tenses and the use of fi’il. Seventh (7), the validation from the linguists of Arabic and English toward the result of contasting part of speech and kalimah ( لكم ة ), and tenses and the use of fi’il to minimize some errors in the study. Eighth (8), the disemination of study as the form of superficial and liability toward the study. The aim of the disemination is to showing the result of this study for people. The object of this study are part of speech and tenses in English grammar and kalimah ( لكم ة ) and the use of fi’il in Arabic structure. In this study, the research instrument used is an analytical note sheet through a literature study and an expert validation sheet filled out by experts in English and Nahwu science fields. This validation sheet is based on indicators in English and Arabic word classification, and tenses and the use of fi’il analysis. The data taken is data that is relevant to the object of this study, namely part of speech (word class) and tenses in grammar in English and kallimah ( لكمة ) and the use of fi’il in nahwu, in Arabic from various literary sources. This data collection of this study is a literature study. Data on English grammar were collected from linguistics and grammar books such as: Betty Schrampfer Azar: Understanding and Using English Grammar, Fifth Edition, David Crystal: A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, Marcella Frank: Modern English: A Practical Reference Guide, Bloomfield, L: Language, as well as other English books relevant to research 58 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 studies. The data on the science of nahwu (grammar in Arabic) were collected from various Arabic books and also nahwu books such as Jurumiyyah and Mutammimah. Furthermore, grammatical data from English and Arabic will be analyzed using contrastive analysis techniques by comparing English and Arabic (Nur, 2016). The process of data analysis followed several stages, namely: 1) describing and classifying English and Arabic grammar, namely laying out the overall subject matter which includes English and Arabic word classes and tenses. 2) ensure that the grammars are comparable. 3) compare the grammar in terms of word classes and tenses of the both languages by looking at the similarities and differences in them. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This study is conducted using contrastive analysis method by analyzing the similarities and the differences between English grammar and nahwu through various resources to contrast both of them. Some contrastive linguists encourage a polisystemic approach that is "based on the assumption that language is essentially a system of systems" such as phonological systems, morphological systems, syntactical systems, and semantical systems. James (1986) assumed there are two procedures taken to contrast the components of two languages being 'compared', namely (1) description and (2) comparison. The first is description. It is by presenting certain level of source language and target language through transfering rules and translation. Di Pietro (1971:48) stated that translation is a basic aspect of contrastive study. The procedure is presenting source language sentences that have the same instruction expressed in different sentences of target language. The second one is comparison. It is by aligning the source language with the target language to be compared. The emphasis in this comparison is to identify the differences aspects between the grammatical systems of the source language and the target language. The comparison of grammar and nahwu in this study is limited into two aspects, namely, part of speech and tenses. After collecting the data and analyziing some sources, it can be described as follows: 1. Word Class English word class is called by Part of Speech while in the Arabic is called by kalimah ( ك ل مة ). 59 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 a. Part of Speech Part of speech is the term of grouping types and word functions in English (Kardiman, 2014). In general, there are 8 categories of part of speech: 1) Noun. It is the type of word used to identify any class of people, place or things. The examples: Andi, Chair, School, dan Water. 2) Pronoun. It is a phrase or word that it used as a substitution for noun or noun phrase in a sentence. The examples: I, you, him, hers, dan themselves 3) Verb. It is a word that used to indicate an action or occurrence a state of being in a sentence. The examples: speak, is, sleep, will, dan writing. 4) Adverb. It is a word that is used to express some relation of manner or quality, time or degree and place. It can modify a phrase, clause or sentence. The examples: usually, yesterday, at home, surely, dan in the morning. 5) Adjective. It is a word used to manifest or describe a noun located thereafter. The examples: small, smart, hot, fast, dan good. 6) Preposition. It is a word that is used syntactically and located in front of an object. The examples: by him, for you, to Jepara, on the table, dan from my friend. 7) Conjunction. It is a word that used to connect between one sentence to another or parts of a sentence. The examples: after, while, then, and and. 8) Interjection. It is a word that occurs as an utterance expresses a spontaneous reaction. The examples: watch out! wow! and what a heavy day. b. لكم ة (kalimah) The words class in arabic is called kalimah ( لكمة ). Kalimah ( لك مة ) is a composed of word that has a perfect sense intentionally in Arabic. In nahwu, it is mentioned that kalimah is a word that has a function and meaning (Zakaria, 2014). There are three categories of لكمة in Arabic, namely: 1) Isim ( إمس ). It is a word which indicates a noun and it is used for someone or something. The examples: لت مذي (students), اع ئش ة (Aisyah), and مسرد ة (school). 2) Fi’il ( فعل ). It is a word that indicates an action or activity. The examples: هذ ب (go), أك ل (eat), dan سلج (sit). 3) Huruf ( حفر ), it is a word that has no meaning but lined up with another word and it has a function in a sentence. The examples: من ,إلى ,يف and عل ى (Mahrus, 2016). c. Tenses 1. Tenses in English Tenses is verb changes based on its time and form of occurrence. There are 16 tenses in English: 1) Simple present, 2) Present Continuous, 3) Present 60 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 Perfect, 4) Present Perfect Continous, 5) Simple past, 6) Past Continuous, 7) Past Perfect, 8) Past Perfect Continuous, 9) Simple Future, 10) Future Continuous, 11) Future Perfect, 12) Future Perfect Continuous, 13) Past Future, 14) Past Future Continuous, 15) Past Future Perfect, 16) Past Future Perfect Continuous. Those 16 tenses are combination result of 4 time names (Present = current time, Past = past time, Future = future time, dan Past future = future in the past) and 4 event forms (Simple = routine/ a fact, Continuous = it is happening/in progress, Perfect = has been, and Perfect continuous = still in progress) (Shofiyudin, 2019). There are some differences in the use of those tenses both in the use of the ordinary verb (the main verb) and the use of auxiliary verb. Here is some examples of the use of simple present in those conditions “She goes to Semarang” when this sentence is changed to the form of simple future, it becomes “She will go to Semarang”, another example is a sentence in the form of present continuous “My friends are writing a letter right now” when this sentence is changed to the form of simple past, it becomes “My friends wrote a letter Yesterday” 2. Tenses in Arabic There is no term of tenses in Arabic. However, there is the discussion of the use of fi’il ( فعل ) as a verb in Arabic in which the use depends on the time. Based on the result of the study, there are some similarities and differences between English and Arabic structure 1) part of speech (word class) in English and Arabic word class that called kalimah (لكمة) 2 ) English tenses and the use of fi’il ( فعل ) in Arabic. The Comparison of Part of Speech dan كلم ة The word class in English is called as part of speech while in Arabic it is called as kalimah لكمة . There are some similarities between part of speech and لكمة : Tabel 1.1 The comparison of Part of Speech dan كلم ة . Part of speech ك ل مة -Noun ا سم - -Pronoun فع ل - -Verb حفر - -Adverb Adverb of manner = مسا ( الح( 61 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 سا م Personal pronoun = (ا سم ) ض م ير Demonstative pronoun = (اسم) ةراشإ Relative pronoun = (ا سم ) مو ص ول Ordinary verb = ) ف ع ل )اع يد Auxiliary verb = ك لم ة حرف Of manner = (ا سم) الح Of time = (ا سم) فرظ زمان Of place = (ا سم) فرظ مكان (ا سم ) نتع / صفة (ح(فر جر فطع (فرح ( Adverb of time = (اس م) فرظ ز مان Adverb of place = (ا سم) فرظ مكان -Adjective ن عت / صفة -Preposition فرح جر -Conjunction فطع -Interjection بج عتت From the table above, it can be known that there are 8 categories of word classes in English while Arabic only clasifies it into 3 categories. 8 categories of word classes in English are noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction dan interjection. Then 3 categories in Arabic are of فعل ,اس م and فرح. The total of categories are different due to the difference in the categories used. Word classes in English are classified not only based on the basic word types but also their functions (Napitupulu, 2019). For example, the word ‘white’ in English that means ‘white colour’ is classified as adjective (not a noun) while in Arabic the word أ ب ضي that means ‘white colour’ and served as an adjective is classified into adjectives and it is not included in the part of لكمة discussion topic. In Arabic word class is only clasified based on their basic word type. Tabel 1.2 The comparison of part of speech and كلم ة Noun Pronoun Verb Adverb Adjective Preposition conjuction 62 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 interjection ب ج ع تت From table 1.2 it is known that three types of لكمة are scattered throughout the part of speech, such as مسإ which is spreaded on nouns, pronouns (personal pronouns and relative pronouns), adjectives, and adverbs. In other hand, fi’il can only compare with verb. While فرح is spreaded on verb (auxiliary verb), preposition and conjunction. This shows that there are differences in the grouping of types of words in English and Arabic. The grouping of word types in Arabic ( لك مة ) is grouped only by their basic word type, while in English it is grouped by word type and its function. The Comparison of Tenses in English and Arabic Tenses can be defined by changes or differences in the use of verbs that occur based on the time and events conveyed. English grammar has 16 tenses. Those are actually a combination of 4 times in English (present, past, future, and past future) and 4 forms of occurrence (simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous). It is known that each time in English has 4 forms of occurrence or condition. This is in contrast to the change of the verb ( فعل ) in Arabic. Arabic does not recognize the term of tenses, but the condition applies to the use of فعل in a لمجة (sentence). In Arabic, changes or differences in the use of فعل occur only on the basis of time, and without the basis of the form of occurrence. There are only three times used, which are called زمن , namely زم ناح ل , زمن م ض ى and زمن سإتقاب ل . However, on this issue, there are only 2 فعل used, namely فعل م ض را ع and فعل مض ى . Based on the results and discussion, it is known that English and Arabic grammar have several similarities and differences. These similarities and differences can be seen in the following table: Tabel 1.3 The similarities and differences of grammar in English and Arabic The Similarities No English Arabic 1 The grouping of words called part of speech The grouping of words called ك لم ة 2 The verb forms which is used to express activities at different times has different forms فعل which is used to express activities at different times ( مز ن ) has different forms 3 There are two sentence forms called verbal and There are two sentence forms called فع ل ية and إ سم ي ة . 63 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 nominal sentence 4 There are 2 verb categories, namely: ordinary verb (as the main verb) and auxiliary verb (verb that used to create negative and interrogative sentences). It has كل م ة فع ل (ordinary verb) and كلمة فرح (huruf يفن and إس ت فه ام function as auxiliary verb). The differences No English Arabic 1 The total number of types of words is 8 types The total number of types of words is 3 types 2 The types of words are classified based on the basic word type and its function The types of words are classified based on the basic word type only 3 The use of verb froms based on the time and condition is called Tenses. Arabic has no specific term of using different فع ل based on the time. 4 The use of verb forms based on their time and occurrence has 16 types (tenses). The use of فع ل based on its time ( مزن ) only categorized into 3 categories which is not based on the occurrence Based on the table above, it is known that grammatical similarities between English and Arabic occur in: 1) the existence of terms of grouping word types, 2) the use of different verbs when expressing activities at different times, 3) there are two types of sentences, and 4) in making negative and interrogative sentences require additional words. Whereas in the difference between the two occurs in 1) the number of types of words, 2) the basis for grouping word types, 3) the basis for the use of different verbs, and 4) the number of forms of use of verbs. The existence of this study provides convenience for someone in learning Arabic and English. Where these two languages are important languages that everyone in this world needs. In line with the results of Andriani's research which shows that Arabic has a very important position in various aspects, both as a language of revelation, a language of worship and a language of international communication. So that learning Arabic is one of the main keys to open the door to science, both religious, social, political, economic, and cultural (Andriani, 2015). Meanwhile, the results of Handayani's research show that English is an Asean language (work language) so it is important and very much needed by the community to be able to communicate with anyone (Handayani, 2016). 64 JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy), ISSN 2598-8530, February, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2023 CONCLUSIONS From the discussion, it can be concluded that the result of this study shows several similarities and differences in English and Arabic. The similarities are 1) both have word classification terms, 2) the form of the verb used is different when used to express activities at different times, 3) both have two kinds of sentence, and 4) there are 2 categories of verbs, namely the main verb and auxiliary verbs to create negative and interrogative sentences. While the difference is 1) the group of word types in English amounts to 8 types (Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction and interjection) while Arabic has 3 types ( فعل ,امس and 2 .(فرح) the grouping of word types in English based on the type of the base word and its function whereas in arabic it is only based on the base word. 3) the use of verb forms is based on the time and their occurrence in English is called tenses. Whereas in Arabic there is no specific term for the use of the form فعل based on 4 ز من ) the use of verbs based on the time and their occurrence has 16 types while in Arabic there are only 3 types of the use of فعل based on زمن which is not based on the form of occurrence. REFERENCES Andriani. (2015). Urgensi Mempelajari Bahasa Arab Dalam Pendidikan Islam. Jurnal Ta Allum Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 3(1), 39–46. Bahrain, M. Y. and M. (2021). Kalimat Kondisional dalam Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Inggris (Analisis Kontrastif Bentuk dan Fungsi). 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