item: #1 of 260 id: jgeet-1 author: Suryadi, Adi title: Fault analysis to Determine Deformation History of Kubang Pasu Formation at South of UniMAP Stadium Hill, Ulu Pauh, Perlis, Malaysia date: 2016-12-01 words: 2453 flesch: 68 summary: Keywords: Deformation, reverse fault, normal fault, dextral fault, sinistral fault, cross cutting. The fault identified in the field are reverse fault, normal fault, sninstral fault and dextral fault. keywords: age; analysis; area; cutting; dextral; dip; direction; fault; figure; formation; kubang; main; malaysia; normal; north; northeast; northwest; paleozoic; pasu; peninsular; result; reverse; sinistral; south; southeast; southwest; st1; st2; stress; strike; structure; study; suryadi; table; vol cache: jgeet-1.pdf plain text: jgeet-1.txt item: #2 of 260 id: jgeet-10 author: Editorial, Editorial title: Front Matter date: 2016-12-01 words: 817 flesch: 36 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. p 1-100 Fault analysis to Determine Deformation History of Kubang Pasu Formation at South of UniMAP Stadium Hill, Ulu Pauh, Perlis, Malaysia Adi SuryadI page 1 Rock Physics Modeling and Seismic Interpretation to Estimate Shally Cemented Zone in Carbonate Reservoir Rock Handoyo*, M Rizki Sudarsana, and Restu Almiati page 45 The Paleogene Tectonostratigraphy Of Northern Part Masalima Trench Basin Luhut Pardamean Siringoringo , Dardji Noeradi page 7 * Organic geochemical characteristic of crude oils from Orange graben, South Sumatra Basin M. Syaifudin page 25 Control Structure of Garba Formation Through Petrography Analysis in Tanjung Beringin, South OKU Regency, South Sumatra Ridho Widyantama Putra, Frillia Nasution, Nurlita Putri, Rahmat Alfath page 35 Stratigraphy Seismic And Sedimentation Development Of Middle Baong Formation, Aru Area, North Sumatera Basin Nanda Natasia*, Ildrem Syafri, M. Kurniawan Alfadli, Kurnia Arfiansyah page 51 LIST OF CONTENT Journal of J EETGeoscience - Engineering - Environment - and Technology PUBLISHER UIR PRESS Preliminary analysis of Slope Stability in Kuok and Surrounding area Tiggi Choanji, Dewandra Bagus EP page 41 Limnic Condition in Rheotrophic Peat Type as the origin of Petai Coal Central Sumatera Basin, Indonesia Budi Prayitno page 63 Geotourism potential of Sandbar and Oxbowlake at Buluh Cina Village Kampar-Riau, Indonesia Yuniarti Yuskar page 59 ISSN 2503-2161 e-ISSN 2541-5794JGEET (Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology) Publish periodically four times annually Scope of Journal Paper covering the following aspects of Geology, Earth and Planetary Science, Engineering, Environtment, and Technology Address of Secretariat and Paper Submitting Jl. keywords: analysis; basin; engineering; environment; formation; geoscience; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal;; m.t; page; prof; riau; s.t; seismic; south; sumatera; technology cache: jgeet-10.pdf plain text: jgeet-10.txt item: #3 of 260 id: jgeet-10015 author: Suhendro, Indranova; Isnain, Muhammad Nadafa; Wahyudi, Rizky title: Rock characteristics of post-caldera volcanoes in Dieng volcanic complex (DVC), Central Java, Indonesia date: 2022-12-15 words: 4480 flesch: 57 summary: Based on lithology, we have classified DVC post-caldera volcanoes as (1) pyroclastic domain (PD; including Pagerkandang, Merdada, and Pangonan), and (2) lava domain (LD; including Prambanan, Kendil, Pakuwaja, Sikunir, Sikari m, and Seroja). Vol 7 No 4/2022 151 RESEARCH ARTICLE Rock characteristics of post-caldera volcanoes in Dieng volcanic complex (DVC), Central Java, Indonesia Indranova Suhendro 1*, Muhammad Nadafa Isnain1, Rizky Wahyudi1 1 Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekip Utara Jl. keywords: 2016; 4/2022; al./; area; ash; caldera; characteristics; chemical; clasts; complex; compositions; content; density; deposits; dieng; different; doi; domain; domes; dvc; effusive; episode; eruption; et al; explosive; fig; flows; fragmentation; geothermal; harijoko; higher; image; indonesia; jgeet; journal; lava; layers; magmatic; main; materials; merdada; number; oxides; pagerkandang; pangonan; phenocryst; phreatic; phreatomagmatic; plagioclase; post; process; pyroclastic; research; results; rich; rock; scoria; second; sector; size; suhendro; toramaru; total; vesicles; vnd; volcanic; volcanoes; volcanology; ϕ𝑃𝐶; 𝐴𝑃𝐶 𝑁; 𝐴𝑉 𝑁 cache: jgeet-10015.pdf plain text: jgeet-10015.txt item: #4 of 260 id: jgeet-1002 author: Rizki, Fajar; Situmorang, Arini Dewi Lestari; Wau, Nirwana; Lubis, Muhammad Zainuddin; Anurogo, Wenang title: Mapping Of Vegetation And Mangrove Distribution Level In Batam Island Using SPOT-5 Satellite Imagery date: 2017-12-01 words: 1769 flesch: 59 summary: Batam Island which is one of the islands in Batam island become one of the areas rich in mangrove plants. Conclusion The mangrove condition in Batam Island is dominated by the density of tenuous With the widest mangrove distribution in the southern area of Batam City, that means the preservation of mangrove forests should continue to be done in order to maintain the balance of the environmental ecosystem of Batam as one of the coastal areas in Indonesia. keywords: anurogo; band; batam; citra; city; class; coastal; data; density; ecosystem; fig; forest; imagery; index; indonesia; island; location; lubis; mangrove; method; msavi; ndvi; near; range; red; research; results; rizki; satellite; spot-5; tenuous; value; vegetation; vol cache: jgeet-1002.pdf plain text: jgeet-1002.txt item: #5 of 260 id: jgeet-1003 author: Anurogo, Wenang; Lubis, Muhammad Zainuddin; Mufida, Mir'atul Khusna title: Modified Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index In Multispectral Remote Sensing Data for Estimating Tree Canopy Cover Density at Rubber Plantation: Modified Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index In Multispectral Remote Sensing Data date: 2018-03-01 words: 3688 flesch: 56 summary: Multispectral classification result After the multispectral classification, then processing the transformation of MSAVI index on vegetation classification class which will serve as one of the sampling field basis in order to obtain information of vegetation canopy density. This research aims to determine the level of vegetation canopy cover density on rubber plants that became the location of the research and know the accuracy of the resulting data. keywords: accuracy; al./; anurogo; area; aster; canopy; canopy cover; canopy density; class; classification; correlation; cover; data; density; error; field; fig; forest; high; image; index; information; jgeet; land; method; model; msavi; multispectral; object; processing; reflection; remote; research; result; rubber; sample; sensing; soil; stage; table; technology; test; transformation; value; vegetation; vegetation canopy; vegetation density; vegetation index; vol; width cache: jgeet-1003.pdf plain text: jgeet-1003.txt item: #6 of 260 id: jgeet-1005 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Cover JGEET Vol 02 No 04 2017 date: 2017-12-10 words: 2660 flesch: 64 summary: Prof. Mega F. Rosana, Ph.D (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Samsudin (Malaysia) Prof. Dr. H. Detri Karya, S.E, M.A (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sugeng Wiyono, MMT. EDITORIAL MEMBER Dr. Eng. Takahiro Miyazaki (Japan) Dr. Evizal Abdul Kadir S.T., M.Eng (Indonesia) Dr. Mursyidah, M.Sc. keywords: address; analysis; article; author; cite; editorial; end; engineering; environment; figures; following; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; indonesia; issue; japan; jgeet; journal; line; m.eng;; m.t; main; manager; margin; new; number; page; paper; prof; pts; references; regular; research; s.t; section; set; spacing; table; technology; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-1005.pdf plain text: jgeet-1005.txt item: #7 of 260 id: jgeet-10050 author: Adhari, Muhammad Ridha; Kardawi, Muhammad Yusuf title: Estimation of density log and sonic log using artificial intelligence: an example from the Perth Basin, Australia date: 2022-12-15 words: 4956 flesch: 59 summary: This is evident that AI technique can be a reliable solution to estimate particular outcomes of wireline log data, due to limited availability of the original recorded subsurface petrophysic data. Comparison of the estimated RhoB and DT with the original recorded RhoB and DT data show a minor mismatch, and the log trends and patterns are quite similar. keywords: 4/2022; accuracy; adhari; al./; analysis; ann; application; artificial; australia; basin; better; correlation; crossplot; data; density; different; estimated; geology; high; input; intelligence; jgeet; level; log; log data; m.r; methods; mlr; multiple; neural; nphi; original; particular; perth; petroleum; results; rhob; sonic; study; subsurface; table; technique; type; values; vol; western; wireline cache: jgeet-10050.pdf plain text: jgeet-10050.txt item: #8 of 260 id: jgeet-10190 author: Muhammad Ariyon; Bella Santika; Fitrianti title: Economic Feasibility Analysis of Fishing Job Operation in Well YS13 date: 2022-12-16 words: 4633 flesch: 71 summary: The research begins with the preparation of the required data, then calculate the predicted production of the YS13 well with the decline curve method, estimates the cost of the fishing job, and economic fishing time (EFT). Activities that can be used to remove fish from boreholes are fishing job operations (Lyons and Plisga, 2005). keywords: activities; analysis; ariyon; bbl; calculate; calculation; cash; cost; curve; data; decline; doi; economic; eft; engineering; feasibility; fishing; flow; gas; internal; irr; job; method; month; net; npv; oil; operation; pot; present; probability; production; project; rate; return; table; time; value; vol; year; ys13 cache: jgeet-10190.pdf plain text: jgeet-10190.txt item: #9 of 260 id: jgeet-1022 author: Idrus, Arifudin title: Halogen Chemistry of Hydrothermal Micas: a Possible Geochemical Tool in Vectoring to Ore for Porphyry Copper-Gold Deposit date: 2018-03-01 words: 5829 flesch: 57 summary: This study is aimed to analyze and utilize the chemistry of halogen fluorine and chlorine of biotite and sericite to be a possible tool in vectoring to ore for copper porphyry deposits. The previous studies of biotite chemical composition in copper porphyry deposits have mostly concentrated on the determination of F and Cl contents, with the objective of distinguishing between mineralized and barren plutons. keywords: a./; alteration; alteration zones; altered; andalusite; argillic; batu; batu hijau; biotite; central; chemistry; chlorite; composition; concentration; content; copper; deposit; diorite; early; exchange; fig; fine; fluorine; geochemical; geol; gold; halogen; hijau; hydrothermal; idrus; increase; indonesia; inner; jgeet; late; magmatic; micas; mineral; mineralization; munoz; nesbitt; nusa; ore; outer; paragonite; parry; plagioclase; porphyry; potassic; prl; pyrophyllite; quartz; rocks; selby; sericite; sumbawa; systems; tenggara; tonalite; transitional; variation; vector; vol; xmg; zone cache: jgeet-1022.pdf plain text: jgeet-1022.txt item: #10 of 260 id: jgeet-10275 author: Boya, Tokpa Kakeu Lionel-Dimitri; Gnanzou, Allou; Fossou, Kouadio Jean Luc Hervé; Adingra, Pohn K. Martial ; Goulihi, Dagri David; M'Rabet, Souad title: Petrography and Geochemistry for Proposal of Geodynamic Model For The Irbiben Granite in Tagragra d’Akka inlier, (western Anti-Atlas, Morocco) date: 2022-09-26 words: 5048 flesch: 62 summary: Benbrahim and Aissa (2005) and Boya (2014) have shown the link between gold mineralisation and 2 generations of quartz, QII and QIII, with QII quartz well expressed in the Irbiben deposit. The microscopic study revealed two generations of quartz, the first of which is composed of phenocrysts that are sometimes isolated and the second of small quartz (microcrystalline), very clear and grouped in clusters. keywords: 3/2022; al./; alkali; alteration; altered; anti; arc; area; atlas; automorphic; benbrahim; biotite; boya; chlorite; coarse; crustal; crystals; d'akka; data; deformation; deposit; diagram; different; elements; epidote; feldspars; fig; generations; geochemical; geodynamic; gold; gran; granite; high; inlier; irbiben; jgeet; leucocrate; low; magmatism; massive; mineralogy; minerals; model; morocco; mortaji; origin; orthose; oxides; petrographic; phenocrysts; plagioclase; plutonic; porphyroid; potassium; qii; quartz; results; rocks; samples; schistosity; sedimentary; sericite; setting; subduction; sulphides; table; tagragra; trace; université; vol; western; zouhair cache: jgeet-10275.pdf plain text: jgeet-10275.txt item: #11 of 260 id: jgeet-1036 author: Yantrapalli, Sudheer Kumar; P, Hari Krishna; K, Srinivas title: A Study on influence of organic ligands on migration of heavy metals through compacted clayey soil date: 2018-06-01 words: 7452 flesch: 69 summary: In the present study, efforts were being made to understand the migration of heavy metal ions through the clayey soil with the presence of EDTA. Adsorption of Heavy metal ions om soils and soil sediments. keywords: adsorption; bivalent; breakthrough; c e; cadmium; case; chemicals; chromium; clay; coefficient; column; complex; composite; concentration; curve; diffusion; edta; effect; engineering; environmental; fig; formation; heavy; heavy metal; higher; hydraulic; ions; jgeet; journal; khrisna; landfill; leachate; lead; liner; metal; metal edta; metal solution; migration; mobility; multi; n c; nickel; o n; observed; order; organic; presence; present; science; single; soil; solution; srinivas/; system; table; time; transport; vol; waste; water cache: jgeet-1036.pdf plain text: jgeet-1036.txt item: #12 of 260 id: jgeet-1039 author: Myaing, Yu Yu; Idrus, Arifudin; Titisari, Anastasia Dewi title: Fluid Inclusion Study of The Tumpangpitu High Sulfidation Epithermal Gold Deposit in Banyuwangi District, East Java, Indonesia date: 2018-03-01 words: 3006 flesch: 49 summary: The measurement of melting temperature of fluid inclusion data is range from -0.1 ◦C to -1.4 ◦C. 5.3 Salinity of hydrothermal fluid of fluid inclusion is calculated from the melting temperature. We noted the shapes, the sizes, the phases of fluid inclusion, homogenization temperature, melting temperature of the fluids based on the standard citation of Roedder, 1984 and Bodnar et al.,1985. keywords: al./; arc; area; data; deposit; depth; east; eastern; epithermal; fig; fluid; formation; geological; geology; gold; homogenization; hydrothermal; inclusion; indonesia; java; jgeet; low; magmatic; melting; microthermometric; mineralization; nacl; pyrite; quartz; research; rocks; salinity; samples; shallow; study; system; temperature; tumpangpitu; vein; volcanic; volcaniclastic; zone cache: jgeet-1039.pdf plain text: jgeet-1039.txt item: #13 of 260 id: jgeet-10394 author: Martania, Dwita; Tanjung, Mira Hafizhah; Suryadi, Adi title: Identification of Potential Geotourism Destination in the River Subayang areas of Kampar, Riau, Indonesia date: 2022-12-15 words: 5189 flesch: 49 summary: Therefore, this study aims to identify geotourism potential in Subayang river and through this paper, a more in-depth analysis is carried out on the potential of the Subayang River as Geotourism, both in terms of geology, as well as spatially as well as from a social and economic perspective. Subayang river area to the Batu Dinding waterfall 3. keywords: 4/2022; al./; analysis; area; aspects; batu; carlo; chart; community; conservation; cultural; d.r; development; dimensions; district; economic; economy; environment; error; f e; fig; geological; geotourism; geotourism ordinance; good; government; heritage; hulu; index; infrastructure; institution; jgeet; kampar; kiri; local; main; martania; median; method; monte; natural; nature; ordinance; ordination; perspective; plot; potential; potential geotourism; province; r e; rapfish; regency; riau; river; river area; role; scatter; social; status; stress; study; subayang; subayang river; sustainability; sustainable; table; technology; value; villages; vol; wall; water; waterfall cache: jgeet-10394.pdf plain text: jgeet-10394.txt item: #14 of 260 id: jgeet-1047 author: Yantrapalli, Sudheer Kumar; Krishna P, Hari; Srinivas, Srinivas title: A Study On Influence Of Real Municipal Solid Waste Leachate On Properties Of Soils In Warangal, India date: 2018-03-01 words: 3017 flesch: 60 summary: Table 3 shows that the reduction in hydraulic conductivity is more in SC soil when compared to CH soil. It was observed that the decrease in swelling potential for CH soil was about 9% more than SC soil which was about 3.7%. keywords: atterberg; ch soil; clay; compressive; conductivity; decrease; engineering; environmental; fig; geotechnical; hydraulic; increase; index; journal; leachate; limit; liquid; msw; municipal; percentage; plasticity; potential; properties; reduction; samples; sc soil; soil; solid; strength; swelling; table; ucs; unconfined; uncontaminated; vol; warangal; waste; water cache: jgeet-1047.pdf plain text: jgeet-1047.txt item: #15 of 260 id: jgeet-10560 author: Darmawan, Dudi; Kurniadi, Deddy; Suprijanto title: Electrical Resistance Tomographic by Using Current Injection and Magnetic Field Induction date: 2023-03-27 words: 3236 flesch: 55 summary: Therefore, the incorporation of the current injection method for magnetic field induction method is attractive for development. 2. (a) Magnetic field distribution and (b) Potential distribution as the forward model solution of magnetic field induction method. keywords: average; boundary; coil; current; darmawan; distribution; doi; electrical; element; engineering; equation; field; forward; image; impedance; induction; injection; international; journal; magnetic; magnetic field; method; model; object; point; potential; reconstruction; rectangular; resistivity; results; sensitivity; simulation; solution; tomography; value cache: jgeet-10560.pdf plain text: jgeet-10560.txt item: #16 of 260 id: jgeet-10565 author: Raharjo, Sugeng; Rahmad, Basuki; Gunawan, Ketut; Prayitno, Budi title: The Role of Fractal Micro-Pore to Absorption of Methane Gas, Case Study: Coal of Tanjung Formation, Arang Alus Area, Banjar District, South Kalimantan, Indonesia date: 2022-12-15 words: 4411 flesch: 57 summary: Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a more detailed study in the exploration of coal methane gas. B. Photomicrography of SEM coal seam C shows irregular pores The relationship between the fractal pore dimensions and the absorption volume of coal methane gas can be seen in Figure 6. keywords: absorption; analysis; area; capacity; characteristics; coal; coal seam; correlation; dimension; distribution; formation; fractal; fractal pore; gas; gas absorption; higher; image; increase; indonesia; irregular; large; liu; mesopores; methane; methane gas; method; micropores; permeability; pore; pore dimension; pore surface; porosity; process; rank; reflectance; relationship; research; results; sample; seam; shows; size; small; smaller; structure; surface; tanjung; value; vitrinite; volume cache: jgeet-10565.pdf plain text: jgeet-10565.txt item: #17 of 260 id: jgeet-10772 author: Idrus, Arifudin; Raharjanti, Ni’matul Azizah ; Sufriadin title: Characteristics and Potential of Placer Gold Deposit in Lakan Bilem Block, West Kutai District, East Kalimantan, Indonesia date: 2022-12-16 words: 3619 flesch: 59 summary: The estimated indicated resources value from placer gold deposit in the study area. 4.2 Placer Gold Characteristics The gold deposit in general classified as 2 types namely primary gold and secondary gold deposit. keywords: 4/2022; al./; alluvial; area; average; basin; belt; bilem; block; central; characteristics; deposit; district; drilling; east; epithermal; estimation; et al; exploration; figure; formation; gold; gold deposit; grain; idrus; indonesia; jgeet; kalimantan; kutai; lakan; leeuwen; location; material; mineral; miocene; observation; placer; placer gold; potential; primary; prospect; quartz; resources; samples; sampling; sandstone; secondary; study; study area; upper; van; volume; west cache: jgeet-10772.pdf plain text: jgeet-10772.txt item: #18 of 260 id: jgeet-10801 author: Reno Arief Rachman; Haryo Dwito Armono; Dinar Catur istiyanto; Khusnul Setia Wardani; Hanah Khoirunnisa; Reni Wijayanti title: Study of Hydrodynamic Patterns of Tanjung Pasir Banten Waters to Support the NCICD Sea Wall Development Plan date: 2023-03-27 words: 5718 flesch: 58 summary: Validation of ocean currents data from hydrodynamic modeling with MIKE 21 was also carried out on field ocean currents data. The velocity of the west monsoon (Left) and east monsoon (Right) at point 5 (North Eastern WLP) 3.5 Analysis of Existing Current Velocity and Elevation Conditions in Spring and Neap Conditions Analysis of surface current velocity conditions was carried out on four conditions, namely at high tide, high tide, low tide, and low tide, respectively, during spring and neap. keywords: 1/2023; adcp; addition; al./; area; average; bay; cisadane; coastal; conditions; current; current velocity; data; dhi; direction; distribution; dominant; east; ebb; elevation; estuary; field; field data; figure; flood; high; hydrodynamic; jakarta; jgeet; location; maximum; mesh; mike; modeling; monsoon; moves; naotide; neap; north; ocean; pasir; point; rachman; reclamation; research; results; right; river; season; speed; spring; stations; study; surface; survey; table; tanjung; technology; tidal; tide; validation; value; velocity; vol; waters; west; wibowo; wlp cache: jgeet-10801.pdf plain text: jgeet-10801.txt item: #19 of 260 id: jgeet-10875 author: Hidayah, A. Bahrul; Sadri, M.Irsan; Safruddim; M.Rafli ; Puspita, A. Ildha Dwi title: Design and Implementation of a Composite Array Resistivity Data Logger for High-Resolution 2D Inversion Modeling date: 2023-03-29 words: 5820 flesch: 50 summary: The measured voltage drop is directly proportional to the electrical resistivity, which can be related to the medium's distinguishing features as follows: ρ=K ∆V/I (1) Where I represent Current (Ampere), ∆V represents potential difference (V), K represents the geometric Factor (meter) and Ω represents resistivity value (Ohm.m). In DC resistivity measurements, the use of a high voltage and high current power supply can result in better signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and lower root mean square (RMS) misfit. keywords: 1/2023; al./; alpha; apparent; applications; array; b.a; better; binley; bridge; composite; configuration; converter; current; data; design; dipole; electrical; electrical resistivity; electrode; engineering; error; et al; field; fig; final; geological; geophysics; gradient; half; hidayah; high; image; imaging; implementation; inversion; jgeet; journal; laboratory; low; measurement; media; meter; microcontroller; misfit; modeling; output; potential; power; process; protection; research; resipy; resistivity; resistivity value; resolution; results; rms; smps; soil; study; subsurface; supply; switch; system; technology; test; tomography; tool; topology; university; use; value; voltage; wenner cache: jgeet-10875.pdf plain text: jgeet-10875.txt item: #20 of 260 id: jgeet-1091 author: Taki, Herika Muhamad; Maatouk, Mohamed Mahmoud H. title: Spatial Statistical Analysis for Potential Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in Jakarta Metropolitan Region date: 2018-03-01 words: 4251 flesch: 60 summary: 5. Conclusion Based on the analysis of research on spatial statistical for potential TOD area in Jakarta Metropolitan Region (JMR), it can be concluded that there is spatial regularity of TOD area class in the study area. Criteria maps for TOD suitability analysis The map of potential TOD's assessment criteria is compiled based on a GIS database of 20 sub- criteria (Fig. 3-6). keywords: ahp; analysis; area; assessment; autocorrelation; city; class; cluster; consistency; criteria; data; development; distribution; environment; experts; facilities; fig; getis; gis; global; h.m; high; hot; index; jakarta; jgeet; jmr; land; low; m.m.h/; maatouk; main; map; metropolitan; moran; ord; planning; potential; public; region; related; result; score; spatial; spot; standard; statistical; study; suitability; table; tod; transit; transportation; urban; use; value; vol; weight cache: jgeet-1091.pdf plain text: jgeet-1091.txt item: #21 of 260 id: jgeet-11 author: Lubis, Muhammad Zainuddin; Anurogo, Wenang; Khoirunnisa, Hanah; Irawan, Sudra; Gustin, Oktavianto; Roziqin, Arif title: Using Side-Scan Sonar instrument to Characterize and map of seabed identification target in punggur sea of the Riau Islands, Indonesia. date: 2017-03-01 words: 3208 flesch: 72 summary: Research on the seabed using side scan sonar has been done, such as detection and interpretation on the seabed using side scan sonar instruments (Sari and Manik 2009). Side scan sonar is an underwater acoustic instrument for identification of seabed. keywords: acoustic; al./; altitude; classification; coordinates; data; fig; gain; highest; identification; image; indonesia; instrument; jgeet; linear; location; lubis; max; objects; ping; position; punggur; regression; research; sand; scan; seabed; sediment; sonar; sunken; target; time; track; value; vol cache: jgeet-11.pdf plain text: jgeet-11.txt item: #22 of 260 id: jgeet-11035 author: Hasria; Masri; Azzaman, Muhammad Arba; Jerniawan, Muhamad title: Petrogenetic Study on Ultramafic Rocks from Waturapa and Surrounding Areas, South Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province date: 2023-03-27 words: 3400 flesch: 59 summary: With the exposure of ultramafic rocks by mining activity, it is important to understand the process and tectonic setting of the formation of the rocks. The igneous rocks in the study area are classified as ultramafic rocks (peridot gabbro). keywords: 0,01; 1/2023; al./; analysis; area; chrysotile; content; data; diagram; earth; east; environment; et al; fig; formation; geochemical; geological; hasria; hst.028; hst.033; igneous; indonesia; island; jgeet; konawe; lherzolite; lizardite; magma; minerals; oceanic; olivine; petrogenesis; petrographic; results; rocks; samples; series; serpentine; setting; south; study; sulawesi; surono; tectonic; texture; tholeiitic; ultramafic; ultramafic rocks; vol; waturapa; websterite; wilson cache: jgeet-11035.pdf plain text: jgeet-11035.txt item: #23 of 260 id: jgeet-11171 author: Nugraha, Bayu; Mohammad Ghozi; Arif Fadillah; Azwar Satrya Muhammad; Teuku Yan Waliyana Muda Iskandarsyah; Nathalie Dörfliger; Valérie Plagnes; Hendarmawan Hendarmawan title: Geological and Morphometric Characteristics of Quaternary Pyroclastic Aquifers in Salak and Pangrango Stratovolcano. date: 2023-03-27 words: 8910 flesch: 60 summary: On the Pangrango slope, the Qvpo formation has the highest LD, DD, and slope values, in contrast to the Qvt Formation, which has the lowest LD, DD, and slope values (Table 1). In general, springs are located on slopes values >35°. keywords: 1/2023; addition; al./; alfadli; alteration; analysis; aquifer; area; average; better; bogor; breccia; case; characteristics; chemical; cisadane; coarse; cross; dan; das; data; density; different; discharge; distinct; distribution; drainage; emergence; environ; et al; facies; features; field; fig; fine; flow; formation; fractures; general; geological; geology; greater; groundwater; high; hydrogeological; hydrogeology; indonesia; infiltration; intervals; java; jgeet; km2; lapilli; lineament; lithic; low; m.k; map; mapping; mardiana; minerals; model; monomict; morphometric; mutaqin; nugraha; observation; occurrence; pangrango; pattern; percentage; permeability; polymict; porosity; potential; processes; productive; properties; pyroclastic; qvpo; qvsb; qvsb formation; qvt; rate; recharge; region; research; resolution; results; rock; runoff; salak; sci; section; slopes; soil; springs; station; study; sub; superficial; surface; system; table; thin; total; tuff; type; value; vitric; volcanic; volcano; water; watershed; west cache: jgeet-11171.pdf plain text: jgeet-11171.txt item: #24 of 260 id: jgeet-11331 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front matter JGEET Vol 07 No 04 2022 date: 2022-12-16 words: 645 flesch: 47 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Takahiro Miyazaki (Japan) Dr. Evizal Abdul Kadir S.T., M.Eng (Indonesia) Dr. Luong Nguyen (Vietnam) Dr. Mursyidah, M.Sc. keywords:; chief; editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-11331.pdf plain text: jgeet-11331.txt item: #25 of 260 id: jgeet-11332 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 07 No 04 2022 date: 2022-12-16 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-11332.pdf plain text: jgeet-11332.txt item: #26 of 260 id: jgeet-11954 author: Rizki, Iqbal Ainur; Hariyono, Eko; Fahmi, Muhammad Nurul; Madlazim; Astuti, Eka Puji; Ghofar, Muhammad Eka Abdul; Aryani, Luthfi title: Exploration of The Magnetic Rocks Potential of Mount Penanggungan: A Study of Myth, History, and Its Implications for Educators and Mountaineers date: 2023-06-22 words: 4307 flesch: 56 summary: Sources of magnetic fields can be encountered through some natural objects, such as rocks containing magnetite (Ojo, Omotoso and Adekanle, 2014). Magnetic fields have recently been found to benefit various human systems. keywords: 2/2023; addition; altitude; ancestors; ancient; app; area; asceticism; blood; body; caves; climbers; conference; data; earth; educators; engineering; environment; et al; ethnoscience; field; hermitage; historical; history; i.a; implications; indonesia; interviews; jgeet; journal; learning; magnetic; magnetic field; magnitude; masl; measurement; mount; mount penanggungan; mountain; mountaineers; muhammad; myths; number; penanggungan; people; phenomena; physics; potential; research; results; review; rizki; rocks; sacred; science; stones; studies; study; surabaya; time; track; vol cache: jgeet-11954.pdf plain text: jgeet-11954.txt item: #27 of 260 id: jgeet-12 author: Yuskar, Yuniarti; Choanji, Tiggi title: Uniqueness Deposit of Sediment on Floodplain Resulting From Lateral Accretion on Tropical Area : Study Case at Kampar River, Indonesia date: 2017-03-01 words: 2934 flesch: 58 summary: this study we focus on floodplain deposit resulting from lateral accretion surface at river bend of Kampar Kanan River, Riau Province. Floodplain deposits, channel changes and riverbank stratigraphy of the Mekong River area at the 14th-Century city of Chiang Saen, Northern Thailand. keywords: accretion; area; bar; bed; buluh; channel; choanji; cina; consist; data; deposit; erosion; fig; fine; floodplain; formation; image; jgeet; kampar; kanan; lateral; layer; load; location; meandering; migration; model; oblique; overbank; page; point; riau; river; sand; sediment; stratigraphy; study; succession; village; vol; yuskar cache: jgeet-12.pdf plain text: jgeet-12.txt item: #28 of 260 id: jgeet-1221 author: Kausarian, Husnul; Batara, Batara; Putra, Dewandra Bagus Eka title: The Phenomena of Flood Caused by the Seawater Tidal and its Solution for the Rapid-growth City: A case study in Dumai City, Riau Province, Indonesia date: 2018-03-01 words: 2480 flesch: 64 summary: Compared to the past (within a matter of two decades), the Dumai City area experiencing flooding from tidal water has increased, meaning that the distribution of flood-affected areas now extends to the center of the city. This time count depends on the growth rate of development and urbanization improvement in Dumai City, especially since Dumai has been declared as one of the National Strategic Industrial Cities, it is not impossible that the sinking of Dumai City will be faster. keywords: 01/2018; area; city; data; development; drainage; dumai; dumai city; engineering; environment; estuary; figure; flood; flooding; high; indonesia; island; jgeet; journal; kausarian; level; meters; peat; phenomena; problem; province; riau; sand; sea; seawater; tidal; tide; vol; water cache: jgeet-1221.pdf plain text: jgeet-1221.txt item: #29 of 260 id: jgeet-1223 author: Suryadi, Adi; Choanji, Tiggi; Wijayanti, Desy title: Infiltration Rate of Quarternary Sediment at Rumbio Jaya, Kampar, Riau date: 2018-03-01 words: 41 flesch: 14 summary: Methodology 3.1 Data collection for water infiltration 3.2 Data collection for subsurface sediment profiling 4 Result 4.1 Infiltration Rate 4.2 Subsurface profiling of Quaternary deposits 5. Introduction 2. Geology and Geomorphology Regional 3. keywords: collection cache: jgeet-1223.pdf plain text: jgeet-1223.txt item: #30 of 260 id: jgeet-1226 author: Yuskar, Yuniarti; Putra, Dewandra Bagus Eka; Revanda, Muhammad title: Quarternary Sediment Characteristics of Floodplain area: Study Case at Kampar River, Rumbio Area and Surroundings, Riau Province date: 2018-03-10 words: 2919 flesch: 62 summary: Fine sand with terrestrial organic matters and oxidation Fine grain sand, brownish color, presence of small plant roots and intercalation of red sand caused by the oxidation process. Net local removal of floodplain sediment by river meander migration. keywords: analysis; area; brown; channel; clay; coarse; color; core; deposit; depth; environment; facies; fig; fine; floodplain; grain; grey; kampar; layer; matters; meandering; organic; pebble; plant; reddish; result; river; roots; sand; sediment; sedimentary; sieve; silt; size; study; terrestrial; vol; yuniarti; yuskar cache: jgeet-1226.pdf plain text: jgeet-1226.txt item: #31 of 260 id: jgeet-12351 author: Hernomita, Desti ; Erfando, Tomi title: Sensitivity Analysis of Geomechanics Influence on The Success of Hydraulic Fracturing in Shale Gas Reservoir date: 2023-06-23 words: 3764 flesch: 52 summary: Production Forecasting in Shale Reservoirs Using LSTM Method in Deep Learning. Geomechanics plays an important role in determining the design and optimizing the stimulation of hydraulic fracture in shale gas reservoirs (Nagel, 2019). keywords: 2014; 2015; analysis; biot; cmg; coefficient; data; doi:10.1016; effects; engineering; et al; factor; flow; fracture; fracturing; gas; geomechanics; hydraulic; important; influence; journal; learning; methodology; model; modeling; modulus; parameters; petroleum; poisson; pore; pressure; properties; ratio; recovery; research; reservoir; response; results; rock; rsm; sensitivity; shale; simulation; stress; study; surface; table; unconventional; value; variable; vol; young cache: jgeet-12351.pdf plain text: jgeet-12351.txt item: #32 of 260 id: jgeet-12462 author: Kurniasih, Anis; Adha, Ikhwannur; Dalimunthe, Hasnan Lutfi; Setyawan, Reddy; Khorniawan, Wahyu Budhi; Qadaryati, Nurakhmi; Jayanti, Anita Galih Ringga; Wijaya, Fadyaz Pugu title: Biostratigraphic Interpretation of Lutut Beds, Kerek Formation, Based on Foraminifera Fossils date: 2023-06-23 words: 3561 flesch: 57 summary: 4. Conclusion We conclude that Lutut Beds sandstones were deposited in the Middle Miocene to Pliocene or N13 – N18 according to the planktonic foraminifera biozonation by Blow (1969) based on planktonic foraminifera fossils from sample 714-05. (2008) considered Lutut Beds part of the Kendeng Basin, a quartz sandstone with mixed source rock consisting of metamorphic, volcanic, recycled sedimentary rocks and plutonic quartz. keywords: 2/2023; age; al./; analysis; basin; bathyal; beds; benthic; bioclasts; blow; early; environment; eocene; fadel; fig; foraminifera; formation; fossils; fragments; globigerinoides; globorotalia; grains; jgeet; kendeng; kurniasih; larger; larger foraminifera; late; layers; lithic; lunt; lutut; lutut beds; middle; miocene; miogypsina; miogypsinoides; nummulites; oligocene; orbulina; planktonic; pliocene; quartz; reworked; rock; samples; sandstone; sedimentary; smaller; structures; study; table; upper; vol; water; zone cache: jgeet-12462.pdf plain text: jgeet-12462.txt item: #33 of 260 id: jgeet-12535 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front Matter JGEET Vol 08 No 01 2023 date: 2023-03-29 words: 684 flesch: 45 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Takahiro Miyazaki (Japan) Dr. Evizal Abdul Kadir S.T., M.Eng (Indonesia) Dr. Luong Nguyen (Vietnam) Dr. Mursyidah, M.Sc. keywords: areas;; chief; editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-12535.pdf plain text: jgeet-12535.txt item: #34 of 260 id: jgeet-12536 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 08 No 01 2023 date: 2023-03-29 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-12536.pdf plain text: jgeet-12536.txt item: #35 of 260 id: jgeet-12705 author: Ciawi, Yenni; Hidayati, Anissa Maria; Kedaton, Kadek Hindhu; Tonyes, Silvia Gabrina; Elizar title: Exploring The Mechanism Of Vetiver System For Slope Reinforcement On Diverse Soil Types – A Review date: 2023-06-26 words: 6765 flesch: 59 summary: The objective of this study is to investigate the application of the vetiver system in sloping terrains as a cost-effective, sustainable, and easily reproducible method for mitigating landslides and controlling soil erosion. The study aimed to investigate the impact of Chrysopogon zizanioides (vetiver) on the hydrophysical properties of soil and infiltration rate to prevent soil erosion in slopes. keywords: 2/2023; a.m.; addition; analysis; angle; application; area; average; bio; bioengineering; characteristics; chrysopogon; cohesion; conditions; content; control; depth; diameter; disaster; effective; engineering; environment; eqn; erosion; essential; et al; evaluation; factor; failure; forces; form; friction; garzón; grass; growth; heavy; hidayati; high; human; increase; indonesia; infiltration; internal; international; jgeet; landslides; lereng; level; method; natural; new; phytoremediation; plane; planting; pore; potential; properties; prototype; rainfall; reinforcement; results; review; root; safety; sand; sari; science; sediment; shear; shear strength; silt; slope; soil; soil erosion; soil shear; stability; stabilization; strength; stress; study; suction; surface; system; tan; tanah; techniques; university; value; vegetation; vetiver; vetiver grass; vetiver root; vetiver system; vetiveria; vol; water; weather; weight; zizanioides cache: jgeet-12705.pdf plain text: jgeet-12705.txt item: #36 of 260 id: jgeet-12906 author: Nurdin; Suprayogi, Imam; Ermiyati; Audah, Syafridatul; Zaim, Zaflis title: Model for Optimizing Land Use to Support Sustainable Environmental Economic Strengthening in the Upper Kampar River Basin date: 2023-06-26 words: 4934 flesch: 60 summary: The results of optimizing simple agroforestry land with coffee and cocoa filler species and complex agroforestry land with gambir and ambon banana filling plants in the QM for Windows 4 linear program application are in the form of the area of each type of filler plant: a. XS1 coffee plantation area = 30,155.83 ha b. XS2 cocoa plantation area = 926.67 ha c. Gambir XC1 = 21,568.73 ha d. Ambon banana plantation XC2 = 83.20 ha e. Second obstacle Limits of complex agroforestry land area can be formulated: XC1 + keywords: agroforestry; agroforestry land; agroforestry patterns; ambon; area; banana; cocoa; coffee; complex; complex agroforestry; crops; cultivation; districts; economic; filler; gambier; gross; hectares; idr; kampar; kampar watershed; kota; koto; land; land area; land use; lima; linear; methods; net; net profit; nurdin; optimal; optimization; patterns; planting; plants; production; profit; programming; puluh; qsurf; regency; simple; species; subdistrict; suitable; system; total; type; upper; upper kampar; use; value; vol; watershed; windows; xc1; xs1; year cache: jgeet-12906.pdf plain text: jgeet-12906.txt item: #37 of 260 id: jgeet-1298 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol), JGEET title: Cover JGEET Vol 03 No 01 2018 date: 2018-03-01 words: 2683 flesch: 64 summary: Prof. Mega F. Rosana, Ph.D (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Samsudin (Malaysia) Prof. Dr. H. Detri Karya, S.E, M.A (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sugeng Wiyono, MMT. EDITORIAL MEMBER Dr. Eng. Takahiro Miyazaki (Japan) Dr. Evizal Abdul Kadir S.T., M.Eng (Indonesia) Dr. Mursyidah, M.Sc. keywords: address; article; author; cite; editorial; end; engineering; environment; figures; following; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; indonesia; issue; japan; jgeet; journal; line; m.eng;; m.t; main; manager; margin; new; number; page; paper; prof; pts; references; regular; research; riau; s.t; section; set; spacing; study; table; technology; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-1298.pdf plain text: jgeet-1298.txt item: #38 of 260 id: jgeet-1318 author: Austin, Okoli Emeka; Agbasi, Okechukwu Ebuka; Samuel, Onyekuru; Etuk, Sunday Edet title: Cross plot Analysis of Rock Properties from Well Log Data for gas detection in Soku Field, Coastal Swamp Depobelt, Niger Delta Basin date: 2018-12-01 words: 3001 flesch: 57 summary: DOI: 10.24273/jgeet.2018.3.4.1318 Abstract The cross plotting of rock properties for fluid and lithology discrimination was carried out in a Niger Delta oil field using well data X-26 from a given oil field in the coastal swamp depobelt. It is of marine origin and composed of thick shale sequences which on the basis of geochemistry are believed to be the source rock of the Niger Delta petroleum system (Ubong, et al 2017). keywords: 04/2018; 2017; agbasi; analysis; attributes; austin; cross; crossplot; data; delta; density; depobelt; discrimination; field; fig; fluid; gas; impedance; jgeet; journal; lambdarho; lithology; log; logs; low; murho; niger; nigeria; o.e; oil; physics; plot; plotting; properties; ratio; reservoir; rock; sands; seismic; vol; wave cache: jgeet-1318.pdf plain text: jgeet-1318.txt item: #39 of 260 id: jgeet-13461 author: travis, kevin; Izzati Nazra; John Thor; William Adam title: Analysis of Land Subsidence in Peatlands in the Awareness Area of Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia date: 2023-06-28 words: 4806 flesch: 70 summary: The following are the results of the analysis of soil water content from the bore hole samples: Table 3. Based on the analysis that has been carried out starting from sieve analysis, soil water content analysis, soil consolidation tests in the study area have grain distribution ranging from sand to gravel with uniform soil grains. keywords: analysis; area; bore; coefficient; consolidation; content; cup; data; depth; distribution; dry; dry soil; figure; following; grain; gram; gravity; ground; high; hole; land; limit; liquid; peat; peat soil; plastic; pressure; process; ratio; research; results; sample; sand; semi; sieve; sieve analysis; size; soil; soil water; sorting; specific; study; study area; subsidence; table; test; type; value; vol; water; water content; weight cache: jgeet-13461.pdf plain text: jgeet-13461.txt item: #40 of 260 id: jgeet-13462 author: Olabaniye, kuboye; Ngolo Oyedele; Charles Scott title: Analysis The Effect Of Column Height Variation On The Perfomance Of Increased Building Structure date: 2023-06-29 words: 3362 flesch: 61 summary: The aim of this study was to find out the effect of variations in column height on the performance of multi-storey building structures in terms of shear forces, floor drift and buckling load (Pc). The function of the room can cause different story heights or column heights. keywords: 1st; analysis; buckling; building; column; damage; data; dead; deviation; direction; earthquake; floor; force; function; gedung; height; irregularities; load; maximum; method; model; olabaniye; program; research; response; results; room; shear; sni; span; spectrum; stiffness; structure; struktur; study; table; variations; vol cache: jgeet-13462.pdf plain text: jgeet-13462.txt item: #41 of 260 id: jgeet-13464 author: Dejan kurlov; Tej Marcovic title: Experimental Study Of Improving The Physical Properties Of Peat Soil Using Sand And Bio-Grouting Techniques With The Assistance Of Bacillus Subtilis Bacteria date: 2023-06-29 words: 4289 flesch: 55 summary: One of the efforts to increase the carrying capacity of peat soils is by improving the soil or stabilizing it chemically, by adding a mixture that can react with peat soil, the additional ingredients are sand and bacillus subtilis bacteria using the bio- grouting method. Value % Value % keywords: 1/2023; addition; al./; bacillus; bacterial; bacterial solution; bio; cementation; content; dry; fig; gravity; grouting; high; increase; jgeet; kurlov; level; method; nugroho; optimum; organic; peat; peat soil; physical; properties; relationship; research; results; sample; sand; size; soil; solution; specific; specific gravity; stabilization; strength; study; subtilis; table; tanah; testing; treatment; value; vol; water; water content; weight cache: jgeet-13464.pdf plain text: jgeet-13464.txt item: #42 of 260 id: jgeet-13465 author: Boqin Changming; Longwei, Liang title: Economic Evaluation Of Water Production Management With Rpm (Relative Permability Modifier) Treatment Based On Gross Split Contract In “Re” Well In “Dn" Field date: 2023-06-30 words: 4387 flesch: 61 summary: Water coning is a situation around the wellbore where the boundary of oil and water rises to form a cone reaching the lowest perforation point, which will cause water to be produced earlier so that the increase in water production becomes faster. Various applications to avoid or just to slow down the occurrence of water coning include using water production wells to maintain the speed of rising water levels and calculating the length of the perforation hose and the optimum rate of water production, then by producing aquifer water. keywords: al./; bopd; capital; cash; chan; changming; coning; contractor; cost; critical; cut; data; economic; evaluation; field; flow; gas; government; gross; income; investment; jgeet; k.s; method; modifier; money; net; npv; oil; oil production; operating; permeability; plot; pot; production; project; rate; recovery; relative; research; reserves; reservoir; results; return; revenue; rpm; rpm treatment; split; time; treatment; value; vol; water; water cut; water production; wor cache: jgeet-13465.pdf plain text: jgeet-13465.txt item: #43 of 260 id: jgeet-13871 author: Tappi, Navrianta; Cherdasa, Jeres Rorym title: 1D Geomechanical Model For Wellbore Stability in Z Field, Y Well Sanga Sanga Working Area, Kutai Basin date: 2023-07-31 words: 5841 flesch: 58 summary: Figure 12 shows the distribution of horizontal stress data where the maximum horizontal stress value is 0.83 psi/ft and the minimum horizontal stress value is 0.81 psi/ft. Tappi & Cherdasa / JGEET In addition, this 1D model can help optimize field development such as the optimal location for injection and production wells, determine the optimal trajectory for wellbore stability, design well development, and predict a safe range of drilling mud weight values (Plumb et al., 2000). keywords: 1st; basin; cherdasa; conference; data; depth; digitalization; drilling; drilling mud; elastic; energy; failure; fig; figure; formation; geomechanical; horizontal; horizontal stress; icupertain; international; issue; jgeet; kutai; logs; maximum; method; minimum; model; mud; mud weight; normal; overpressure; pore; ppg; pressure; regime; research; results; rock; safe; sandstone; sanga; shear; special; stability; strength; stress; tappi; technology; tensile; upstream; value; vertical; vol; weight; wellbore; window cache: jgeet-13871.pdf plain text: jgeet-13871.txt item: #44 of 260 id: jgeet-13874 author: Nurcahya, Ardian; Alexandra, Aldenia; Zainuddin, Satria Zidane; Az-Zahra, Fatimah; Haq, M. I. Khoirul; Dharmawan, Irwan Ary title: Machine Learning Application of Two-Dimensional Fracture Properties Estimation date: 2023-07-31 words: 3910 flesch: 54 summary: 4. Conclusion Based on the results and discussion, the machine learning model can accurately estimate the surface roughness and mean aperture values. Therefore, the training model can be used to estimate the surface roughness and mean aperture values in fracture geometry images. keywords: 1st; actual; aperture; aperture model; architecture; base; cnn; conference; data; densenet201; digitalization; energy; error; fig; fossil; fracture; geometry; good; icupertain; image; input; international; issue; layer; learning; machine; mean; mean aperture; model; network; parameters; performance; physical; points; range; recognition; regression; research; results; roughness; special; surface; surface roughness; technology; training; transfer; upstream; value; vol cache: jgeet-13874.pdf plain text: jgeet-13874.txt item: #45 of 260 id: jgeet-13875 author: Akmal, Fadhillah; Dzulizar, M. Cisco Ramadhan ; Rafli, Muhammad Faizal; Az-Zahra, Fatimah; Haq, M. I. Khoirul; Dharmawan, Irwan Ary title: Machine learning prediction of tortuosity in digital rock date: 2023-07-31 words: 3763 flesch: 54 summary: Predicted tortuosity values compared to actual values in small tortuosity value, (a) result from Xception model, (b) result from InceptionV3 model, (c) result from DenseNet201 model, and (d) result from MobileNetV2. Evaluation result of DenseNet201, InceptionV3, MobileNetV2, and Xception in tortuosity value prediction. keywords: 1st; accurate; actual; architecture; array; cnn; conference; convolutional; data; dataset; digital; digitalization; distribution; energy; error; fig; icupertain; image; input; international; issue; learning; machine; mae; mobilenetv2; model; network; neural; performance; porous; prediction; range; research; result; rgb; rmse; rock; sandstone; small; special; synthetic; technology; tortuosity; upstream; value; xception cache: jgeet-13875.pdf plain text: jgeet-13875.txt item: #46 of 260 id: jgeet-13876 author: Pertiwi, Tiaraningtias Bagus; Daud, Yunus; Fahmi, Fikri title: Investigation of Geological Structure Using Magnetotelluric and Gravity Data Optimization on Non Volcanic Geothermal, Bora, Centre of Sulawesi date: 2023-07-31 words: 3363 flesch: 53 summary: Furthermore, SVD is very helpful for observing vertical contacts which can confirm the presence of structures in areas indicated by fault structures (Fig. 3). The results of the MT model and analysis its parameters can find variations in the distribution of subsurface resistivity, orientation of the direction of the prospect area, and indications of geological structure zones. keywords: analysis; anomaly; area; bora; central; conference; contrast; curve; data; daud; derivative; diagram; energy; fault; fhd; field; fig; geological; geothermal; gravity; hot; inversion; koro; line; magnetotelluric; method; palu; pattern; permeability; polar; research; resistivity; results; splitting; springs; structure; subsurface; sulawesi; svd; system; technology; vertical; zone cache: jgeet-13876.pdf plain text: jgeet-13876.txt item: #47 of 260 id: jgeet-13878 author: Nurlatifah, Annisa; Purwakusumah, Anton title: Possibilities Study of a Non-condensable Gas Exhaust System through the Condensate Injection Pipe at PLTP Wayang Windu date: 2023-07-31 words: 2946 flesch: 65 summary: Gas emissions from power plants come from non-condensable gases carried by steam from the reservoir. Another solution is to utilize the CO2 gas contained in non-condensable gas to be produced into dry ice products. keywords: beggs; brill; co2; condensate; constant; content; data; energy; exhaust; flow; fluid; gas; gases; geothermal; grs; henry; injection; liquid; ncg; non; pattern; phase; pipe; point; power; pressure; removal; slug; solubility; special; steam; system; table; technology; type; water; wayang; windu cache: jgeet-13878.pdf plain text: jgeet-13878.txt item: #48 of 260 id: jgeet-13879 author: Amirudin; Madrinovella, Iktri; Sofian title: Seismic Vulnerability Analysis Using the Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Method on the West Palu Bay Coastline date: 2023-07-31 words: 4076 flesch: 54 summary: 2.9 Data Acquisition The acquisition of microtremor data was carried out on the coastline of West Palu Bay, Palu City, Central Amirudin et al./ JGEET Vol 08 The coastal area of West Palu bay has an intermediate seismic vulnerability II to a high seismic vulnerability IV so that it will be vulnerable in the event of an earthquake disaster. keywords: 1st; al./; amirudin; amplification; area; conference; curve; data; depth; digitalization; dominant; dominant frequency; earthquake; energy; factor; fault; fig; frequency; ground; high; hvsr; icupertain; index; international; issue; jgeet; layer; map; microtremor; palu; peak; pga; ratio; sediment; seismic; shear; special; surface; technology; thickness; upstream; value; velocity; vol; vs30; vulnerability; wave; west cache: jgeet-13879.pdf plain text: jgeet-13879.txt item: #49 of 260 id: jgeet-13880 author: Johanna, Ulrike; Kusumah, Epo Prasetya title: Analysis of Petrophysical Parameter on Shaly Sand Reservoir by Comparing Conventional Method and Shaly Sand Method in Vulcan Subbasin, Northwest Australia date: 2023-07-31 words: 3650 flesch: 52 summary: To overcome this, a method besides the conventional method was applied to analyze the petrophysical parameters of shaly sand reservoir, it was shaly sand method. In this study, petrophysical analysis was carried out in the Vulcan Subbasin using 35 well log data, including gamma ray log, resistivity log, neutron log, and density log for the conventional method and shaly sand method involved Stieber equation and Thomas Stieber plot. keywords: analysis; average; calculation; clay; conventional; data; distribution; equation; fig; figure; formation; gross; log; method; net; parameter; pay; petrophysical; picking; plot; porosity; reservoir; resistivity; sand; sand method; saturation; shale; shale volume; shaly sand; special; stieber; table; technology; thickness; thomas; value; volume; water cache: jgeet-13880.pdf plain text: jgeet-13880.txt item: #50 of 260 id: jgeet-13882 author: Tsamara, Taqiya; Puja, IGN Wiratmaja title: Stress Analysis of Existing Underground Gas Pipeline due to New Road Crossing with ODOL Transportation date: 2023-07-31 words: 4814 flesch: 61 summary: Circumferential stress due to earth load (Eqn. 3) 𝑆𝐻𝑒 = 𝐾𝐻𝑒 𝐵𝑒 𝐸𝑒 𝛾𝐷 (3) Where: 𝑆𝐻𝑒= Circumferential stress due to earth load 𝐾𝐻𝑒 = Stiffness factor for circumferential stress due to earth load 𝐵𝑒=Burial factor for circumferential stress due to earth load 𝐸𝑒= Excavation factor for circumferential stress due to earth load 4. Circumferential stress due to internal pressure (barlow check) One of the required checks for the allowable stress is by using Barlow formula (Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 2022). keywords: abaqus; analysis; api; burial; circumferential; circumferential stress; conference; crossing; crossing pipeline; cyclic; depth; displacement; earth; effective; effective stress; element; energy; eqn; factor; feet; fig; finite; gas; internal; live; load; longitudinal; longitudinal stress; maximum; mises; odol; pass; pavement; pipeline; pressure; psi; results; rigid; road; road crossing; soil; special; stress; table; technology; total; underground; value; vehicle; von cache: jgeet-13882.pdf plain text: jgeet-13882.txt item: #51 of 260 id: jgeet-13883 author: Tavip Dwikorianto; Daud, Yunus; Agustya Adi Martha; Aditya A Juanda title: Ambient Noise Data Processing to Obtain Group Velocity for Subsurface Structure Identification: Preliminary Research in Hululais Geothermal Field, Sumatra, Indonesia date: 2023-07-25 words: 3556 flesch: 57 summary: It is applied in Indonesia for the study of some basins in Central Java (Zulfakriza et al., 2012); Western East Java (Martha et al., 2015), East Java (Martha et al., 2016), East Java and Bali (Martha et al., 2017); Bandung – West Java (Wuryani et al., 2019); Sulawesi Island (Panshori et al.,2019). Fig. 5. a. Cross-correlation processing schemes in this research, for A and B pair stations (Martha et al., 2017), keywords: ambient; ant; area; conference; correlation; cross; data; digitalization; dispersion; doi; dumping; energy; fault; field; fig; filter; function; geothermal; green; grid; group; hululais; indonesia; international; java; low; martha; method; model; noise; period; processing; rayleigh; research; reservoir; resolution; result; segment; seismic; shows; size; smoothing; special; station; structure; study; surface; technology; test; time; tomography; velocity; waveform; zone cache: jgeet-13883.pdf plain text: jgeet-13883.txt item: #52 of 260 id: jgeet-13905 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front matter JGEET Vol 08 No 02 2023 date: 2023-07-26 words: 594 flesch: 43 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Takahiro Miyazaki (Japan) Dr. Evizal Abdul Kadir S.T., M.Eng (Indonesia) Dr. Luong Nguyen (Vietnam) Dr. Mursyidah, M.Sc. keywords:; chief; editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-13905.pdf plain text: jgeet-13905.txt item: #53 of 260 id: jgeet-13906 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 08 No 02 2023 date: 2023-07-26 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-13906.pdf plain text: jgeet-13906.txt item: #54 of 260 id: jgeet-13952 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front matter JGEET Vol 08 No 02-02 2023 Special Issue date: 2023-07-31 words: 745 flesch: 42 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Harya Dwi Nugraha, PhD (DIC) (Indonesia) Dr.Eng. keywords: analysis; chief; editor; editorial; engineering; environment; field; geoscience; indonesia; issn; issue; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;;; m.t; non; prof; research; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-13952.pdf plain text: jgeet-13952.txt item: #55 of 260 id: jgeet-14 author: Chaerul, Muhammad; Ngkoimani, La Ode; Sadri, Sofyan title: Limestone Facies And Diagenesis On Tondo Formation At Kaisabu Village Bau-Bau City Southeast Sulawesi Province date: 2017-03-01 words: 2487 flesch: 44 summary: The diagenesis process that occurred in Tondo Formation research area is microbial micritization, cementation and neomorphism which indicate that the Tondo Formation has existed on diagenetic environment of marine phreatic, meteoric phreatic and meteoric vadose. The objective of the study is to determine the diagenetic process of limestone facieson Tondo Formation (Tmtl) and the type of limestone faciesbased on the thin section analysis of the research area. keywords: algae; analysis; area; bau; carbonate; cement; cementation; diagenesis; environment; facies; fig; formation; incision; limestone; magnifications; marine; meteoric; micrite; micritization; microbial; neomorphism; nicol; petrographic; phreatic; process; replacement; research; results; rocks; size; tmtl; tondo; tondo formation; tucker; type; vol; zone cache: jgeet-14.pdf plain text: jgeet-14.txt item: #56 of 260 id: jgeet-1413 author: Muhamad Sidek, Mohd Akhmal Bin; Hamzah, Umar title: Structural Analysis of Northwest Sabah Basin by 2D Reconstruction of Seismic Sections date: 2018-06-01 words: 3930 flesch: 57 summary: The tectonic evolution of thrust-fold belt and thrust sheet zone in Northwest Sabah basin was described based on balanced reconstruction of seismic sections representing Mid-Miocene to Recent deposits. Balancing cross section can be applied after the deformed geological structure geometry is accurately determined from seismic sections and 7 seismic stratigraphic unit from 15 Ma until Recent is consecutively restored. keywords: 02/2018; 2010; analysis; area; basin; belt; borneo; bulletin; china; compressional; cross; crustal; deformation; early; faults; fig; fold; geological; geology; hamzah; jgeet; kinematic; layer; length; line; malaysia; mid; miocene; model; north; northwest; petroleum; process; rate; recent; reconstruction; restoration; sabah; sea; sections; seismic; sequences; sheet; shortening; sidek; society; south; southeast; structural; study; tectonic; thrust; total; u./; unit; vol cache: jgeet-1413.pdf plain text: jgeet-1413.txt item: #57 of 260 id: jgeet-1544 author: Rizki, Reza; Handoyo, Handoyo title: Estimation Microporosity Value of Fontanebleau Sandstone Using Digital Rock Physics Approach date: 2018-06-01 words: 1540 flesch: 61 summary: Thanks also for The Rock Physics Network ETH Zurich for the open source data of Fontainebleau sandstone images. Fontainebleau sandstone is well-sorted consist of almost quartz and small fragment of feldspar. keywords: cube; data; digital; elastic; fig; fontainebleau; image; microporosity; physics; pore; porosity; processing; properties; result; rock; sample; sandstone; saxena; scale; value cache: jgeet-1544.pdf plain text: jgeet-1544.txt item: #58 of 260 id: jgeet-1545 author: Helard, Denny; Indah, Shinta; Sari, Chintia Maya; Mariesta, Hestia title: The Adsorption and Regeneration of Natural Pumice as Low-Cost Adsorbent for Nitrate Removal From Water date: 2018-06-01 words: 5297 flesch: 51 summary: The adsorption isotherm of nitrate adsorption onto natural pumice was determined by varying the initial nitrate concentration in the interval ranging from 15 to 90 mg/L with 3 of pH and 0.3 g/L of adsorbent dose. The optimum condition of nitrate removal by natural pumice were obtained at 3 of pH solution, 0.3 g/L of adsor concentration with 54.79% of removal efficiency and 164.37 mg/g of nitrate uptake. keywords: 02/2018; adsorbent; adsorbent dose; adsorption; al./; aqueous; batch; capacity; concentration; contact; cycles; data; diameter; doi; dose; effect; efficiency; elovich; environmental; equilibrium; et al; experiments; fig; freundlich; herald; higher; indonesia; initial; ions; isotherm; jgeet; journal; langmuir; min; model; natural; natural pumice; nitrate; nitrate concentration; nitrate removal; nitrate uptake; pasak; process; pumice; regeneration; removal; results; sites; solution; study; sungai; surface; time; uptake; values; vol; water; west cache: jgeet-1545.pdf plain text: jgeet-1545.txt item: #59 of 260 id: jgeet-1597 author: Prayitno, Budi; Susilo, Susilo title: Geology Of Tanjung Medan ,Rokan IV Koto , Rokan Hulu District, Riau Province date: 2018-06-01 words: 2872 flesch: 58 summary: Revised: 29 May, 2018, Accepted: 30 May, 2018, Published: 1 June 2016 DOI: 10.24273/jgeet.2018.3.2.1597 Abstract The Administrative of research area has been in Tanjung Medan, Rokan IV Koto, Rokan Hulu, Riau Province and geographically located at 0 ° 37 '28.488 - 0 ° 40' 10.3692 LU and 100 ° 24 '55.6884 - 100 ° 27 '37.5804 BT. Research method used approach method and laboratory analysis to get data of geology modeling and re-construction of geological history in research area. keywords: alluvial; area; arenite; aulia; b./; basement; basin; central; development; distribution; environment; fault; fig; formation; geological; geology; granite; gray; group; heidrick; indonesia; intrusion; jgeet; map; method; mineral; north; pematang; phase; prayitno; regional; research; research area; riau; rock; rokan; sandstone; sedimentary; sihapas; slate; southwest; structure; study; sumatra; susilo; tectonic; tertiary; trending; type; unconformity; units; vol cache: jgeet-1597.pdf plain text: jgeet-1597.txt item: #60 of 260 id: jgeet-16 author: Sherzoy, Mohammad Murtaza title: Atterberg Limits Prediction Comparing SVM with ANFIS Model date: 2017-03-01 words: 4566 flesch: 58 summary: The outcome of the study show that the ANFIS model shows higher accuracy than SVM model for the liquid limit (R 2 = 0.987), plastic limit (R 2 = 0.949) and plastic index (R 2 = 0966). RMSE value that obtained for both methods have shown that the ANFIS model has represent the best performance than SVM model to predict the Atterberg Limits as a whole. keywords: actual; analysis; anfis; anfis model; area; atterberg; clay; coefficient; comparison; data; distribution; fig; fuzzy; grain; index; input; jgeet; limit; liquid; liquid limit; machine; methods; model; plastic; plastic limit; plasticity; prediction; results; rmse; sand; silt; size; soil; study; support; svm; svm model; table; total; value; vector; vol cache: jgeet-16.pdf plain text: jgeet-16.txt item: #61 of 260 id: jgeet-1606 author: Dianardi, Kholqi; Jumhari, Jumhari; Hadian, M. Sapari Dwi; Waliyana, Teuku Yan title: Characteristics of Groundwater on the Eastern Slope of Mount Ciremai, Kuningan Regency, West Java, Indonesia date: 2018-12-01 words: 2231 flesch: 61 summary: Research area is located at the proximal facies and the medial facies with elevation at 425 1312.5 masl. Geological map of research area (no scale) Fig 2. keywords: analysis; area; breccia; characteristics; chemical; ciremai; content; data; dianardi; engineering; facies; fig; geological; groundwater; hco3; hydrogeological; hydrogeology; indonesia; java; kholqi; location; mount; physical; ppm; research; research area; slope; springs; volcanic; west cache: jgeet-1606.pdf plain text: jgeet-1606.txt item: #62 of 260 id: jgeet-1653 author: Ernawati, Rika; Idrus, Arifudin; Petrus, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti title: Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Gold Ore Low Sulfidation -Epithermal at Lamuntet, Brang Rea, West Sumbawa District, West Nusa Tenggara Province date: 2019-09-21 words: 3805 flesch: 62 summary: Based on the results of SEM-EDS analysis shows that the type of gold mineral is the electrum because of the content of Ag> 20%. According to Harris (1990), if the content of Ag more than 40% then the type of gold mineral called aurian silver. keywords: 107,87; 196,97; analysis; chalcopyrite; chc; chl; chlorite; content; corbett; deposits; electrum; epithermal; fig; galena; geochemical; geochemistry; gold; indonesia; jgeet; lamuntet; low; metal; mineragraphy; mineral; mineralogy; nglampar; nusa; ore; polymetallic; ppm; pyrite; quartz; research; results; samples; section; sericite; silver; size; sphalerite; sulfidation; sumbawa; system; table; tenggara; texture; type; vein; vol; west; xrd cache: jgeet-1653.pdf plain text: jgeet-1653.txt item: #63 of 260 id: jgeet-1690 author: Farazi, Atikul Haque; Mia, Abu Jafor; Mahmud, Md. Ilias title: A Case Study Based Slope Stability Analysis at Chittagong City, Bangladesh date: 2018-09-01 words: 5847 flesch: 59 summary: Another important factor is that in this method of analysis there is no requirement to consider strain and uncertainties regarding engineering parameters of slope soil, and are only restricted to shear strength properties, which has also attracted civil engineers for widely accepting these methods (Kakou et al., 2001). But, slopes with homogeneous inclinations and isotropic soils are conventionally studied, for slope safety, by charts as a quick tool. keywords: 48ꞌ; al./; analysis; angle; approach; area; article; bangladesh; brown; chart; chittagong; city; civil; cousins; design; doi; engineering; equilibrium; et al; factor; farazi; fig; fine; formation; fs values; geotechnical; hazard; heavy; height; hilly; infinite; islam; jgeet; journal; landslide; length; limit; locations; m.s; map; medium; method; mia; parameters; probabilistic; rainfall; region; relationship; requirement; research; risk; safety; samples; sandstone; shale; shear; simple; sites; slope; slope stability; soil; stability; strength; stress; study; surface; table; tanβ; terms; values; vol; yellow cache: jgeet-1690.pdf plain text: jgeet-1690.txt item: #64 of 260 id: jgeet-17 author: Taki, Herika Muhamad; Maatouk, Mohamed Mahmoud H.; Qurnfulah, Emad Mohammad; Aljoufie, Mohammed Omayer title: Planning TOD with land use and transport integration: a review date: 2017-03-01 words: 4277 flesch: 55 summary: The application of TOD integration in Scania region, Sweden is carried out by the regional strategy to move the accessibility based on sustainable social facilities and environment (Qviström 2015). In line with Scania, Lisbon, Portugal also apply TOD integration through planning suburban areas and strengthen the outskirts of the city as the main place of transportation interchanges. keywords: accessibility; activities; al./; analysis; application; area; cities; city; comparison; concept; congestion; criteria; development; environment; fig; form; geography; growth; indicators; integration; jgeet; journal; korea; land; land use; m.h; method; model; network; new; paper; pedestrian; place; planning; point; pollution; problems; public; public transport; rail; regional; research; source; station; strategic; strategy; study; system; table; tod; transit; transport; transportation; urban; use; vol; world cache: jgeet-17.pdf plain text: jgeet-17.txt item: #65 of 260 id: jgeet-1709 author: Moreno, Wilmer Emilio García title: Analysis of Colombian Seismicity as a Way to Explain and Understand The Bucaramanga Nest date: 2018-09-01 words: 2748 flesch: 64 summary: Introduction South America is a region with complex seismicity, having every kind of plate boundaries, and Colombia is not the exception, being a good example of this, due to it exhibits three limits of tectonic plates, which are South American Plate, Caribbean plate and Nazca plate, although Taboada, et al. In this image, it can be notice two earthquake clustered datas, one on SW that is The Cauca Nest and other on the NE, near Venezuela, and it is The Bucaramanga Nest Fig. keywords: american; angle; benioff; block; bucaramanga; bucaramanga nest; caribbean; colombia; data; depth; different; earthquakes; fault; fig; focal; information; jgeet; journal; lines; mechanisms; moreno; nazca; nest; plate; south; subduction; tectonic; vol; wilmer.e; zone cache: jgeet-1709.pdf plain text: jgeet-1709.txt item: #66 of 260 id: jgeet-1715 author: Widagdo, Asmoro; Pramumijoyo, Subagyo; Harijoko, Agung title: The Morphotectono-Volcanic of Menoreh-Gajah-Ijo Volcanic Rock In Western Side of Yogyakarta-Indonesia date: 2018-09-01 words: 5815 flesch: 58 summary: Thus Menoreh volcano is younger than Gajah volcano, Ijo volcano and Jonggrangan Formation. Menoreh volcano is separated from Gajah volcano and Ijo by a long period of time covering the post-Ijo erosional period, the settling period of Jonggrangan and the post- Jonggrangan erosion period. keywords: age; alignment; alteration; analysis; andesite; annual; arc; area; body; breccia; central; circular; convention; dan; data; direction; distribution; dyke; east; et al; exhibition; facies; fault; field; fig; figure; formation; gajah; gajah volcano; geological; iagi; ijo; ijo mountains; ijo volcano; indonesia; interpretation; java; jgeet; jonggrangan; kulon; late; lava; left; lineaments; map; medial; menoreh; menoreh volcano; middle; miocene; morphology; mountains; nanggulan; normal; north; northern; oligocene; pattern; presence; proceedings; progo; proximal; rahardjo; rocks; section; sentolo; sinistral; smyth; southern; straightness; structure; tectonic; tuff; volcanic; volcanism; volcano; volcanoes; west; western; widagdo; yogyakarta; zone cache: jgeet-1715.pdf plain text: jgeet-1715.txt item: #67 of 260 id: jgeet-1717 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Cover JGEET Vol 03 No 02 2018 date: 2018-06-20 words: 2899 flesch: 62 summary: p 69 - 133 Structural Analysis of Northwest Sabah Basin by 2D Reconstruction of Seismic Sections Mohd Akhmal Bin Muhamad Sidek, Umar Hamzah page 69 Structure and Tectonic Reconstruction of Bayah Complex Area, Banten Jemi Saputra Ahnaf, Aton Patonah, Haryadi Permana, Ismawan page 77 The Adsorption and Regeneration of Natural Pumice as Low-Cost Adsorbent for Nitrate Removal From Water Denny Helard, Shinta Indah, Chintia Maya Sari, Hestia Mariesta page 86 Macerals Analysis Seam M2 Muaraenim Formation, : Implication Toward Coal Facies and Coal Rank in Kendi Hill, South Sumatra Yonathan Mangatur Rajagukguk, Stevanus Nalendra Jati page 94 Geology Of Tanjung Medan ,Rokan IV Koto , Rokan Hulu District, Riau Province Budi Prayitno, Susilo page 123 LIST OF CONTENT Estimation Microporosity Value of Fontanebleau Sandstone Using Digital Rock Physics Approach Reza Rizki, Handoyo page 103 Journal of J EETGeoscience - Engineering - Environment - and Technology Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment and Technology UIR PRESS PUBLISHER A Study on influence of organic ligands on migration of heavy metals through compacted clayey soil Sudheer Kumar Yantrapalli, Hari Krishna P, Srinivas K page 107 Characteristics of Coal and Cleat Attributes in Ulak Lebar and Surroundings Area, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra Mutia Armilia Rahmawati, Siska Linda Sari, Alan Triyoga, Idar wati page 116 Lithofacies And Depositional Analysis Environment Of West Section Kolok Nan Tuo Village, Sawahlunto City, West Of Sumatera Catur Cahyaningsih, Anjas Latif Ritonga, Shaury Aldila, Zulhikmah page 128 p-ISSN 2503-216X e-ISSN 2541-5794JGEET (Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology) Publish periodically four times annually Scope of Journal Paper covering the following aspects of Geology, Earth and Planetary Science, Engineering, Environtment, and Technology Address of Secretariat and Paper Submitting Jl. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; analysis; area; author; cite; coal; editorial; engineering; environment; figures; following; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; line; list; m.eng;; m.t; main; manager; margin; new; number; page; paper; prof; pts; reconstruction; references; regular; research; rokan; s.t; section; south; spacing; structure; sumatra; table; technology; text; title; units; use; west; work cache: jgeet-1717.pdf plain text: jgeet-1717.txt item: #68 of 260 id: jgeet-1774 author: Afifah, Putri Dwi; Setiawan, Budhi title: Middle Miocene Black Shale of Airbenakat Formation in Berau Areas, Jambi: are they potential source rock? date: 2019-06-30 words: 4173 flesch: 59 summary: The results of the analysis will be used in determining rock organic content, rock capacity as source rock, type of organic content, level of thermal maturity, and rock potential in producing hydrocarbons (Table 1) Table 1. The research methods were field observation which included the description of rock samples and geological mapping, and laboratory analysis including rock geochemical analysis that show pyrolysis measurement and Total Organic Carbon. keywords: airbenakat; analysis; area; barisan; basin; black; cassa; content; data; direction; environment; fault; formation; geological; graben; hydrocarbons; hydrogen; index; jambi; kerogen; marine; material; middle; miocene; mountain; organic; organic content; palembang; peters; phase; potential; pyrolysis; research; result; rock; sample; sedimentation; sediments; shale; source; south; sub; sumatra; sumatra basin; tectonic; tmax; toc; total; type; value; vol cache: jgeet-1774.pdf plain text: jgeet-1774.txt item: #69 of 260 id: jgeet-1852 author: Usman, Dudi Nasrudin; Sulaksana, Nana; Hirnawan, Febri; Haryanto, Iyan title: Gold mineralization in the Neo-Tectonic Region of Honje Formation and Cipacar Formation date: 2018-12-01 words: 4191 flesch: 58 summary: In addition, the relation between RMR Andesite Lava Value and RMR Tuff Value is done with T-Test between Andesite Lava and Tuff where the result shows no difference of mean between RMR Andesite Lava and RMR Tuff Value. In general, the lithology of the Andesite Lava unit has the characteristics of rock outcrops in dark gray, massive structure, degree of hypocrystalline crystallization, uniformity of inequigranular crystal grains, porphiroafanitic texture, composed of 3% biotite minerals, hornblenda 3% and aphanitic base mass 94%, name of Andesite Lava rocks. keywords: activity; age; al./; andesite; andesite lava; area; atmaja; banten; block; cipacar; cipacar formation; data; different; direction; early; existence; fault; field; fig; formation; fractures; geological; geology; gold; good; honje; honje formation; island; jatibarang; java; jgeet; lava; main; mapping; mineralization; minerals; miocene; observation; plate; presence; process; quartz; region; research; result; rmr; rock; soeria; south; strait; structure; study; sumatra; sunda; tectonic; tertiary; tuff; unit; value; veins; volcanic; western; zone cache: jgeet-1852.pdf plain text: jgeet-1852.txt item: #70 of 260 id: jgeet-1857 author: Prasojo, Octria Adi; Syahputra, Reza title: Building of Turbiditic Gas Field Dynamic Model with a Simplified 3D Simulation Software date: 2018-09-01 words: 6643 flesch: 57 summary: Using the data from well log correlation and seismic amplitude, layers and the extension of reservoir segments could be defined. Distribution of each reservoir property in the model that was derived from well data penetrating each reservoir segment (a) Net to Gross property was homogenous in each reservoir segment (b) porosity distribution across reservoir segments were derived from well log data that was simplified having a same value for each reservoir segment (c) permeability distribution across reservoir segments followed the PHI-K relationship from sandstone interval in KC-2 DIR well. keywords: al./; analysis; available; base; boundaries; building; capillary; case; channel; control; core; data; depth; development; dir; distribution; dynamic; environment; facies; feet; field; fig; fine; flow; gas; geometry; history; indonesia; internal; interpretation; jgeet; kalimantan; kc-2; layer; log; main; map; maps; mbal; model; octria; order; permeability; phase; place; plot; porosity; prasojo; pressure; properties; quality; report; reservoir; reservoir segment; result; rock; rubis; sand; saturation; scal; sediment; segment; seismic; separated; shale; simplified; simulation; software; step; structure; study; table; test; testing; time; turbiditic; value; vol; volume; water; wells; years cache: jgeet-1857.pdf plain text: jgeet-1857.txt item: #71 of 260 id: jgeet-19 author: Al-Dubai, Talha A; Antoni, Satria; Al-Zubieri, Aaid G; Majeed, Jawad title: Composition And Characteristic Of The Surficial Sediments In The Southern Corniche Of Jeddah, Red Sea Coast date: 2017-03-01 words: 4003 flesch: 60 summary: The high value of aragonite and high magnesium calcite in forereef zone sediments could be attributed to high degree of saturation of seawater with respect to calcium carbonate (Rushdi et al., 1992). Other constituents of the bottom sediments of the SCJ consist of terrigenous sediment. keywords: abundance; amphibole; arabia; aragonite; area; backreef; basaham; behairy; calcite; calcium; carbonate; coast; coastal; composition; corniche; deposits; distribution; dubai; durgaprasada; fig; flat; forereef; gravel; high; jeddah; jgeet; lagoon; low; marine; materials; mineralogy; minerals; mud; plagioclase; pyrite; quartz; rao; red; samples; sand; saudi; scj; sea; sediments; shoreline; southern; studied; study; surface; terrigenous; vol; water; zone cache: jgeet-19.pdf plain text: jgeet-19.txt item: #72 of 260 id: jgeet-195 author: Anukwu, Geraldine C; Adebara, A. F.; Abodunrin, T. K.; Iwakun, A. P. title: Soil Structure Evaluation Across Geologic Transition Zones Using 2D Electrical Resistivity Imaging Technique date: 2017-06-01 words: 4587 flesch: 53 summary: Electrical resistivity techniques have been successfully applied in characterizing the subsurface for many years with applications ranging from hydrogeological, archeological, environmental and engineering studies (Adepelumi and Olorunfemi, 2000; Rizzo et al 2005; Alaia et al 2007; Ariyo and Adeyemi, 2012).The electrical method makes use of the response of the subsurface to current introduced into the ground via electrodes. Efficacy of electrical resistivity tomography technique in mapping shallow subsurface anomaly. keywords: 2012; ago; anukwu; application; area; basement; bedrock; clay; complex; electrical; engineering; failure; fig; geological; geology; geophysical; imaging; integrity; investigation; journal; layer; lithology; low; nigeria; ohm; olorunfemi; pavement; potholes; presence; research; resistivity; road; rocks; sand; section; sedimentary; site; southwestern; study; subsurface; table; technique; topsoil; traverse; vol cache: jgeet-195.pdf plain text: jgeet-195.txt item: #73 of 260 id: jgeet-20 author: Jannah, Miftahul; Suryadi, Adi; Zafir, Muchtar; Saputra, Randi; Hakim, Ihsanul; Ariyuswanto, Riki; Yusti, Ulfa title: Geological Structure Analysis to Determine the Direction of the Main Stress at Western Part of Kolok Mudik, Barangin District, Sawahlunto, West Sumatera date: 2017-03-01 words: 2302 flesch: 72 summary: Study area is bounded by longitude 100 o 100 o 43 o 0 o The topography of Sawahlunto is hilly areas with elevation about 250 650 meters above sea level (Pebri aldi, 2015). Reverse fault located in southwest the study area with value fault plane is N215oE/75oon station 2. Normal fault located at central of study area, these are in station 10 with direction N200oE and pitch 35o, station 56 and station 57 has same direction is N22oE. Dextral fault located in north of study area with pitch 10o. keywords: al./; analysis; anticline; area; basin; chevron; data; direction; fault; fig; fold; formation; geological; inclined; jannah; jgeet; joints; main; northeast; northwest; o e; southeast; southwest; stereonet; stress; structure; study; study area; syncline; vol cache: jgeet-20.pdf plain text: jgeet-20.txt item: #74 of 260 id: jgeet-2035 author: Faizal, Mohamad; Arisandy, Rydo Faisal; Tatawu, Ariel l Afrandi; Wijaksono, Shandi Hargian; Alansa, Frando Ryan; Arifin, Muhammad Nur; Mulyaningsih, Sri title: Efforts on Geological Conservation to Watuadeg-Basalt Pillow Lavas at West Sumber, Berbah District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region-Indonesia date: 2018-09-18 words: 3250 flesch: 50 summary: Watuadeg basalt pillow lava was a main geological site in Yogyakarta, for students and volcanologist to studying submarine ancient volcano. This very long period of time allowed tectonic deformation and various other geological processes to occur after Watuadeg pillow lava volcanism but before the formation of Semilir Formation. keywords: addition; al./; ancient; area; basalt; biodiversity; changes; community; cultural; damage; dan; data; development; economic; educational; efforts; existence; faizal; fig; flow; formation; geoheritage; geological; geotourism; government; impact; important; indonesia; jgeet; lava; local; method; mulyaningsih; opak; people; pillow; pillow lava; potential; region; research; reserve; river; semilir; site; social; students; study; tourism; vol; volcano; watuadeg; yogyakarta cache: jgeet-2035.pdf plain text: jgeet-2035.txt item: #75 of 260 id: jgeet-2058 author: Arisona, Arisona; Nawawi, Mohd; Khalil, Amin E.; Abdulrahman, Abdullahi title: Assessment of Microgravity Anomalies of Soil Structure for Geotechnical 2D Models date: 2018-09-03 words: 2343 flesch: 48 summary: Furthermore, model calculated microgravity confirmed density contrast at model test site as shown in Table 2. This study focused on microgravity models using physical parameters that are robust in characterizing soil structures and soil properties. keywords: anomalies; anomaly; area; arisona; bedrock; clay; cm3; contour; contrast; data; density; depth; distance; geological; geophysical; geotechnical; interpretation; limestone; malaysia; maluri; map; microgravity; model; modeling; park; point; residual; results; rock; sand; site; soil; structure; study; subsurface; survey; test; types; values; vol cache: jgeet-2058.pdf plain text: jgeet-2058.txt item: #76 of 260 id: jgeet-2062 author: Cahyaningsih, Catur; Crensonni, Puja Fransismik; Aditia, Yogi; Suryadi, Adi; Yuskar, Yuniarti; Choanji, Tiggi; Putra, Dewandra Bagus Eka title: Petrography, Geology Structure and Landslide Characterization of Sumatra Fault Deformation: Study Case In Km 10-15 Highway, Koto Baru Sub District, West of Sumatra date: 2018-12-01 words: 4230 flesch: 62 summary: The geographical position of the research area is located - - of research area are based on a topographical, the lowest elevation 80 meters above sea level until the highest elevation 345 meters above sea level. a. Kuantan Formation (Puku) The oldest rocks exposed in the study area is meta- sediments and slate spread to the Southwest of research area, which consists of slate, quartzite and meta-quartz arenite, this formation age Paleozoic Permian - Carbon. keywords: 04/2018; age; analysis; area; arenite; barber; basin; cahyaningsih; catur; central; characteristics; color; composition; consists; crow; debris; district; doi:10.1016; earth; et al; fault; feldspathic; fig; foliation; formation; geological; geology; grain; greywacke; high; indonesia; jgeet; landslide; light; lithic; lithology; method; microstructure; mineral; movement; northwest; outcrop; pattern; quartz; research; research area; riau; rock; sandstone; sci; section; shows; slate; slope; soil; southeast; station; study; sumatra; thin; translational; trend; types; unit; vol; west cache: jgeet-2062.pdf plain text: jgeet-2062.txt item: #77 of 260 id: jgeet-2074 author: Taghizadeh, Mohammad Mehdi title: Arsenic survey in Dried Sediments of Maharlu Saline Lake date: 2018-12-01 words: 3428 flesch: 56 summary: DOI: 10.24273/jgeet.2018.3.4.2074 Abstract Being on the steep slope of Shiraz city and getting the main drainages, Maharlu Lake is always home to extensive levels of urban pollution. Industrial and farming waste in upstream of the lake are the main sources of arsenic and may disperse in Maharlu Lake. keywords: 04/2018; areas; arsenic; average; concentration; contaminated; data; dispersion; dust; environmental; evaluation; geochemical; gpi; health; heavy; human; idw; index; indexes; interpolation; jgeet; journal; lake; level; lpi; m.m; maharlu; maharlu lake; metals; method; mueller; nontoxic; north; particles; points; pollution; research; results; river; samples; sampling; sediments; shiraz; soltanabad; station; studies; surface; table; taghizadeh; technology; toxicity; vol; water cache: jgeet-2074.pdf plain text: jgeet-2074.txt item: #78 of 260 id: jgeet-2086 author: Khan, Adnan; Khan, Muhammad Akif title: Groundwater Quality Assessment for Drinking Purpose in Gulistan-e-Johar Town, Karachi, Pakistan date: 2018-12-01 words: 5162 flesch: 70 summary: Water samples were taken in polyethene bottles of 1 litre capacity for physico-chemical analysis. Studies of water quality and incidence of fluorosis in Andhra Pradesh. keywords: 04/2018; aquifers; area; collected; concentration; content; deep; depth; drinking; environ; environment; feet; fig; fluoride; fluorosis; geology; groundwater; gulistan; hardness; hco3; health; high; higher; index; india; industrial; ions; iron; jgeet; johar; karachi; khan; m.a./; major; manganese; mean; method; minerals; n=18; no3; organic; pakistan; parameters; permissible; physicochemical; purpose; quality; range; rocks; samples; shallow; so4; study; table; tds; town; value; vol; water; wells; wqi cache: jgeet-2086.pdf plain text: jgeet-2086.txt item: #79 of 260 id: jgeet-2088 author: Ujjania, N C; Multani, Azahar A; Mistry, Chaitali A; Patel, Mitali S title: Festivals and deterioration of aquatic environment: A case study of Idol immersion in Tapi River, India date: 2018-12-01 words: 4013 flesch: 58 summary: (2008) reported low value of total hardness (72.00 mg/l) while it was increased (149.00 mg/l) due to idol immersion in upper lake of Bhopal (MP). Bhattacharya et al. (2014) reported the effect of idol immersion on hardness (116.33 mg/l pre immersion and 136.74 mg/l during the immersion) in Ganga river which was moderately similar findings of present investigation. keywords: activities; activity; aquatic; azahar; biological; chemical; components; demand; different; environment; et al; festivals; fig; ganesh; gujarat; hardness; high; idol; idol immersion; immersion; immersion period; impact; important; india; international; journal; kumar; lake; malik; n.c; oxygen; parameters; period; pollution; post; pre; present; quality; religious; research; river; similar; study; table; tapi; tapi river; temperature; total; ujjania; vol; vyas; water; water quality cache: jgeet-2088.pdf plain text: jgeet-2088.txt item: #80 of 260 id: jgeet-2090 author: Mohammed, Abdulwahab; Adewumi, Taiwo; Kazeem, Salako Adeyinka; Abdulwaheed, Rafiu; Adetona, Abbass Adebayo; Usman, Alhassan title: Assessment of Geothermal Potentials In Some Parts of Upper Benue Trough Northeast Nigeria Using Aeromagnetic Data date: 2019-03-01 words: 4659 flesch: 57 summary: Eletta and Udensi (2012) investigated the CPD from magnetic data in the Benue trough. Estimated Curie point depth and succeeding geothermal parameters from spectral analysis in the study area Blocks Longitude ( 0 E) Latitude ( 0 N) Centroid depth Z0 (km) Depth to the top Zt (km) Curie depth Zb (km) Geothermal gradient ( 0 C/km) keywords: aeromagnetic; al./; analysis; anomalies; area; average; basement; basin; benue; centroid; cpd; curie; curie point; data; depth; energy; estimated; et al; fig; flow; geothermal; gradient; heat; heat flow; high; jgeet; magnetic; map; mohammed; nigeria; nwankwo; parts; point; point depth; portion; power; region; residual; results; rocks; sources; south; spectral; study; study area; tanaka; temperature; trough; upper; values; vol; wave; western cache: jgeet-2090.pdf plain text: jgeet-2090.txt item: #81 of 260 id: jgeet-21 author: Arisona, A.; Nawawi, Mohd; Khalil, Amin E.; Nuraddeen, U K; Hariri, Mohd; Fathi, M A title: Evaluation Study of Boundary and Depth of the Soil Structure for Geotechnical Site Investigation using MASW date: 2017-03-01 words: 4271 flesch: 54 summary: D = 0.4 √⌈ Vr f ⌉ 2 and λ = Vr f ( 2) Where  is wavelength (m) ; D is depth of penetration (m), Vr is Rayleigh wave velocity (m/sec) and f is Frequency (Hz). While, Shear wave velocities range from200 m/s to 600 m/s and as well as at depths of 36 Arisona, A et al./ JGEET Vol 02 keywords: 01/2017; al./; analysis; area; arisona; bedrock; best; boundary; correlation; curve; data; depth; different; dispersion; dispersion curve; figure; fit; frequency; geology; geophysical; geotechnical; higher; hot; inversion; investigation; jgeet; layer; masw; method; misfit; model; number; penetration; phase; profile; properties; rayleigh; rock; shear; shows; site; soil; source; spring; stations; structure; study; surface; survey; table; velocities; velocity; vol; wave; wave velocity; wavelength; zone cache: jgeet-21.pdf plain text: jgeet-21.txt item: #82 of 260 id: jgeet-2107 author: Erfando, Tomi; Rita, Novia; Ramadhan, Romal title: The Key Parameter Effect Analysis Of Polymer Flooding On Oil Recovery Using Reservoir Simulation date: 2019-03-01 words: 3949 flesch: 51 summary: Comparison of polymer concentration on oil recovery Polymer concentrations, Ppm Oil production cumulative, BBL Oil recovery factor, % 640 90,306 28.5 1,500 90,723 28.6 3,000 91,219 28.8 4,000 91,332 28.9 RF increase is not too significant for polymer flooding even though the concentration polymer that has been injected has been increased with a large enough value, because injection with concentrations above 640 ppm requires greater pressure to reach the production well, this is related to the injection viscosity polymer which is increasingly thick with increasing concentration, because concentration polymer too high can cause blocking in small permeability. The selection of polymer flooding concentrations is based on Gao, Jiang, Zhang, et al., 2016 paper, according to them, oil displacement experiment results show that when the polymer solution dosage is 640 ppm, the incremental oil recovery is only 1.98% with polymer concentration increasing from 1000 ppm to 3000 ppm. keywords: adsorption; analysis; concentration; condition; conf; displacement; efficiency; erfando; factor; field; fig; final; flooding; fluid; high; higher;; increase; injected; injection; jgeet; method; mobility; oil; oil recovery; parameter; polymer; polymer concentration; polymer flooding; ppm; pressure; process; production; psi; rate; recovery; reservoir; rita; rock; saturation; spe; study; sweep; table; technology; time; value; viscosity; vol; water cache: jgeet-2107.pdf plain text: jgeet-2107.txt item: #83 of 260 id: jgeet-2121 author: Irawan, Sudra; Rokhayati, Yeni; Aji, Satriya Bayu title: An Analysis of the Accuracy of Time Domain 3D Image Geology Model Resulted from PSTM and Depth Domain 3D Image Geology Model Resulted from PSDM in Oil and Gas Exploration date: 2019-03-01 words: 4320 flesch: 50 summary: Data processing in this research consists of 3 main activities: (1) creating a 3D RMS velocity model map, (2) creating and correcting interval velocity models, (3) creating a 3D PSTM and PSDM sectional drawing model. There are several parameters that must be included: inline and crossline target, aperture, offset range and type of input data (interval velocity model and CDP gathers) contained in the seismic data manager. keywords: accuracy; accurate; analysis; data; depth; domain; error; fig; formation; gathers; geological; high; horizon;; image; input; interval; interval velocity; irawan; lateral; layer; map; marker; method; migration; model; offset; prestack; process; psdm; pstm; ray; reflector; research; residual; result; rms; sectional; seismic; semblance; time; tomography; travel; value; variations; velocity; velocity model; vol cache: jgeet-2121.pdf plain text: jgeet-2121.txt item: #84 of 260 id: jgeet-2125 author: Bhatt, S C; Singh, Vinod K. title: Neoarchean crustal shear zones and implications of shear indicators in tectonic evolution of Bundelkhand craton, central India date: 2019-07-25 words: 6124 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: shear indicators, microstructures, crustal shear zone, Bundelkhand Craton, central India 1. Introduction Implications of macro and microstructures observed in crustal shear zones have become more significant in understanding the tectonic growth of continental crusts in Archean cratons. keywords: 2/2019; bamer; bands; bhatt; brittle; bundelkhand; bundelkhand craton; central; complex; conditions; craton; crustal; crustal shear; deformation; domains; ductile; evolution; fabrics; feldspar; fig; folds; foliation; fractures; garhmau; geological; geology; gneisses; grains; granite; granitic; greenstone; high; implications; india; indicators; jgeet; lineation; low; mantled; massif; moderate; movement; mylonite; mylonitic; neoarchean; new; northern; noticed; passchier; pattern; phase; planes; porphyroclasts; pressure; quartz; raksa; reefs; rocks; s.c; sector; sense; setting; shear; shear zone; shearing; singh; sinistral; slabunov; strain; stretching; structural; tectonic; temperature; trending; trouw; ttg; v.k; veins; villages; zone cache: jgeet-2125.pdf plain text: jgeet-2125.txt item: #85 of 260 id: jgeet-2127 author: Singh, Rajinder Kumar; Kumar, Surendra; Sikdar, Ratikant title: Geology and Mineral Potential of Copper-Silver mineralization in Kulu district of Himachal Pradesh, India.: Copper and silver deposits in Himachal Pradesh date: 2019-07-25 words: 2166 flesch: 50 summary: DOI: 10.25299/jgeet.2019.4.2-2.2127 Abstract Naraul Formation of the Larji Group in Kulu district of Himachal Pradesh contains the major strata bound Copper mineralization at many places as observed through old working near Naraul, Danala and Kanda in Sainj Valley of Kulu district exposing the Proterozoic Northwestern Himalayan belt. 3. Ore-Mineralization The ore minerals identified at Naraul old workings include chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcocite and pyrite. keywords: area; base; chalcopyrite; cobalt; copper; deposit; district; formation; geological; group; himachal; india; kulu; kumar; malachite; metals; mineralization; minerals; naraul; old; ore; potential; pradesh; pyrite; quartzite; rocks; sainj; sharma; silver; strata; valley; workings cache: jgeet-2127.pdf plain text: jgeet-2127.txt item: #86 of 260 id: jgeet-2138 author: Mishra, Sumit; Singh, Vinod K.; Slabunov, Alexander I.; Nainwal, H. C.; Singh, Pradip K.; Chaudhary, Neeraj; Nainwal, D. C. title: Geochemistry and geodynamic setting of Paleoproterozoic granites of Lesser Garhwal Himalaya, India date: 2019-07-25 words: 5046 flesch: 67 summary: Singh et al., (1986) Hanumanchatti, Yamuna valley 1972+102 Ma Bhatwari, Bhagirathi valley 2047+119 Ma Munsiari 1830 to 1890 Ma Bhanot et al., (1977) No 02-2/2019 29 SPECIAL VOLUME Geochemistry and geodynamic setting of Paleoproterozoic granites of Lesser Garhwal Himalaya, India Sumit Mishra 1 , Vinod K. Singh 2 , Alexander I. Slabunov 3 , H.C. Nainwal 1 , Pradip K. Singh 4 , Neeraj Chaudhary 2 *, D.C. keywords: 2/2019; a.k; age; ages; area; bhanot; bundelkhand; central; collision; content; craton; crystalline; diagram; doi; et al; feldspar; fig; gansser; garhwal; garhwal himalaya; geochemistry; geological; geology; gneiss; gneisses; granites; granitic; granitoids; higher; himalaya; iii; india; islam; jgeet; journal; k2o; kumaun; lesser; mct; miller; mishra; normative; paleoproterozoic; pandey; proterozoic; quartz; rocks; s. et; saklani; sample; singh; singh et; slabunov; society; table; tectonic; thrust; toneta; tourmaline; v.k; valdiya; valley; vol; wangtu; wt.% cache: jgeet-2138.pdf plain text: jgeet-2138.txt item: #87 of 260 id: jgeet-2139 author: Sehah, Muhammad; Raharjo, Sukmaji Anom; Destiani, Fajar title: Interpretation of 2D-Subsurface Resistivity Data in The Iron Ore Prospect Area of Eastern Binangun Coastal, Regency of Cilacap, Central Jawa date: 2018-12-01 words: 4447 flesch: 56 summary: The obtained results showed that the trend of subsurface rocks resistivity value changed downward; where the value is getting smaller. 216 Sehah,. The interval of rocks resistivity values in this trajectory is 6.49 58.6 . keywords: 04/2018; acquisition; aquifer; area; binangun; bng-04; cilacap; clay; coastal; dan; data; deposits; destiani; distance; eastern; electrical; electrodes; f./; fig; grains; gravel; interpretation; iron; iron ore; iron sand; jgeet; journal; lithological; magnetic; method; modeling; ore; profile; prospect; raharjo; regency; res2dinv; research; research area; resistivity; resistivity data; resistivity profile; results; rocks; s.a; sand; section; sehah; semi; shallow; subsurface; subsurface resistivity; table; track; trajectories; trajectory; value; vol; water cache: jgeet-2139.pdf plain text: jgeet-2139.txt item: #88 of 260 id: jgeet-2144 author: Singh, Abhimanyu; Singh, Vinod K. title: New observations of Tin Mineralization Potential Vis-à-Vis Ore Petrographic, Alteration and Geochemistry in the Southeastern part of Bastar Craton, Central India date: 2019-06-30 words: 4601 flesch: 55 summary: The fine veins and veinlets of goethite (Fig. 2e), were noticed randomly with tin ore and show grayish reflection colour in reflected light. The post-magmatic metasomatic process form pegmatites due to actions of chemically active aqueous solutions and volatiles, where the tin has been fixed in the lattice of rock forming minerals subsequently remobilized and reconcentrated for tin ore mineralisation. keywords: acid; activity; alteration; area; associated; babu; bastar; bearing; brownish; bulk; cassiterite; central; colour; columbite; complex; content; craton; crust; elements; fig; geochemistry; geol; gneiss; grains; granite; granitic; granitoids; gray; group; india; internal; jgeet; katekalyan; kgg; light; magmatic; melting; metasomatic; microlite; mineralisation; mineralised; minerals; niobium; ore; partial; pegmatites; phase; ppm; quartz; rare; reflection; rich; rocks; samples; singh; stage; surv; tantalite; tantalum; tapiolite; tin; v.k./; variation; vol cache: jgeet-2144.pdf plain text: jgeet-2144.txt item: #89 of 260 id: jgeet-2159 author: Egbelelulu, Priscillia; Adewumi, Taiwo; Udensi, Emmanuel Emeka; Abdulsalam, Naeem; Okwokwo, Oke Israel title: Assessment of the Leachate Contamination Level of Groundwater Resource at a Dumpsite, In Minna, North Central, Nigeria Using Resistivity Method date: 2019-06-30 words: 4021 flesch: 63 summary: No 02/2019 125 7a and 7b shows the geo-electric and geologic section of control site profile A Figure 8a and 8b shows the geo-electric and geologic section of control site profile B. it shows that the profile is underlain by three layers; topsoil with an average resistivity of 417 ohm-meter and a maximum depth of 1.3 meter, fractured basement with average resistivity value of 165.6 ohm-meter and maximum depth of 29.4 meter It also confined it best water bearing formation on this layer and on the profile. keywords: area; average; average resistivity; basement; contamination; contour; control; depth; dumpsite; egbelehulu.p./; electrical; figure; fractured; fresh; geologic; groundwater; iso; jgeet; layer; leachate; maps; maximum; meter; method; minna; nigeria; ohm; point; profile; resistivity; section; site; study; subsurface; thickness; topsoil; value; ves; vol; water cache: jgeet-2159.pdf plain text: jgeet-2159.txt item: #90 of 260 id: jgeet-2175 author: Singh, M. M.; Singh, Vinod K. title: Geochemistry and tectonic setting of the supracrustal rocks from the central part of the Bundelkhand craton, India date: 2019-07-25 words: 4366 flesch: 66 summary: The ca. 3.4 Ga ancient basaltic rocks are mostly exposed contemporaneous with TTG in central part of the craton (Singh et al., 2018, 2019b). Singh et al. (2019b) suggest that the mafic-ultramafic rocks from central Bundelkhand greenstone complex have been interpreted to be derived from oceanic crust in a subduction-related setting with depleted mantle composition. keywords: archean; babina; banded; basalt; basaltic; belt; bundelkhand; bundelkhand craton; bundelkhand greenstone; central; central bundelkhand; complex; condie; continental; craton; crustal; dhaura; diagram; discrimination; earth; element; et al; evolution; felsic; fig; fitton; formation; geochemical; geochemistry; geological; geology; gneisses; greenstone; growth; high; hydrated; india; iron; jgeet; journal; komatiite; m.m; mafic; major; malviya; mantle; mauranipur; mgo; precambrian; related; rocks; setting; shield; singh; singh et; slabunov; subduction; supracrustal; tectonic; tholeiitic; trace; ttg; ultramafic; v.k; verma; volcanic cache: jgeet-2175.pdf plain text: jgeet-2175.txt item: #91 of 260 id: jgeet-2237 author: Lata, Swati; Kumar, Ravindra; Srivastava, Vaibhava title: Geometric and strain analyses in folds of the area around Gankot, district Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand, India date: 2019-07-25 words: 5039 flesch: 66 summary: To describe the degree of variation in the geometry of constituents layers in multilayered fold a few schemes of classification exclusively for multilayered folds, were developed by Srivastava and Gairola (1997, 1999, and 2003). No 02-2/2019 23 Fig. 6. Variation in geometry of multilayered folds of the study area plotted in standard σn α) versus Dip angle α diagram (after Srivastava and Gairola, 1999); A, S, R, and L represents fold, antiform, synform, right limb and left limb respectively for folds (Fig.3). keywords: agarwal; al./; analysis; area; average; class; classes; deformation; different; dip; earth; fig; flattening; folding; folds; gairola; gankot; geology; geometry; himalaya; india; jgeet; kumaon; lata; layers; lesser; limestone; mean; mechanism; mesoscopic; method; multilayered; patel; pithoragarh; present; profile; ramsay; ratio; region; rocks; science; shear; shearing; srivastava; strain; structural; study; study area; thickness; variation; vol; zone cache: jgeet-2237.pdf plain text: jgeet-2237.txt item: #92 of 260 id: jgeet-2262 author: Mulyaningsih, Sri; Muchlis, Muchlis; Heriyadi, Nur W.A.A.T.; Kiswiranti, Desi title: Volcanism in The Pre-Semilir Formation at Giriloyo Region; Allegedly as Source of Kebo-Butak Formation in the Western Southern Mountains date: 2019-09-30 words: 5096 flesch: 49 summary: Keywords: volcanic rock, Kebo-Butak Formation, black tuffs, basaltic lava, agglomerate, and stratigraphy 1. Earthquake, took place on 27 May 2006, has exposed volcanic rocks beneath the Nglanggeran and Semilir Formations on the surface, consisting of layers of black tuffs, breccias and basaltic lavas, agglomerates and basalt dikes in the wide areas of Imogiri District (Mulyaningsih et al., 2009), one of them was Pucung- Dengkeng area (Mulyaningsih & Sanyoto, 2012) and Giriloyo-Wukirsari 2km south of Dengkeng (Mulyaningsih et al., 2018). keywords: 03/2019; agglomerate; andesite; andesitic; area; augite; basalt; basaltic; black; breccia; bronto; butak; butak formation; calcareous; cengkehan; central; consists; dan; dykes; early; east; et al; faults; fig; formation; fragments; geological; giriloyo; glass; grey; gunung; high; intersecting; java; jgeet; kebo; labradorite; late; lava; layers; lithic; massive; middle; miocene; mulyaningsih; nglanggeran; nglanggeran formation; north; origin; porphyritic; pyroxene; rahardjo; range; research; rich; rocks; sediments; semilir; semilir formation; sequence; southern; structures; study; sudimoro; surono; thin; tuff; upper; volcanic; volcanic rocks; volcanism; volcano; watulumbung; west; yogyakarta cache: jgeet-2262.pdf plain text: jgeet-2262.txt item: #93 of 260 id: jgeet-2274 author: Alfadli, Muhammad Kurniawan; Mardiana, Undang; Natasia, Nanda; Mohammad, Febriwan; Mutaqin, Deden Zaenudin title: Resistivity Data Modeling for Subsurface Volcanostratigraphy Construction of Cibadak Sub-Watershed, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. date: 2021-06-03 words: 3306 flesch: 51 summary: Kriging (plain Geostatistics) is used to predicted assumption model to define subsurface model based on resistivity model (Hengl, 1986). And then, to correlated with resistivity model, the geological section also produced (figure 10) and then compared with resistivity to obtain resistivity range and applied to Geostatistics model. keywords: alfadli; area; breccia; cibadak; correlation; data; depth; distribution; electrodes; elevation; erosional; facies; figure; geological; geology; geomorphology; high; lava; layer; lithology; low; material; meters; method; model; modeling; parameters; product; pyroclastic; research; resistivity; result; river; salak; section; slope; steep; subsurface; tuff; type; value; volcanic; volcanism; watershed; weathered cache: jgeet-2274.pdf plain text: jgeet-2274.txt item: #94 of 260 id: jgeet-2279 author: Oo, Kha Yay; Warmada, Wayan; Titisari, Anastasia Dewi; Watanabe, Koichiro title: Ore Forming Fluid of Epithermal Quartz Veins at Cisuru Prospect, Papandayan District, West Java, Indonesia date: 2019-09-30 words: 3541 flesch: 51 summary: (a) Photomicrograph of fluid inclusions in quartz (a, b) two phase fluid inclusion from Dcjl -09 283m, (c, d) liquid rich fluid inclusion from Dcjl-09 49m, 56m, (e) vapor rich fluid inclusion from Dcjl-04 241m, (f) necking down fluid inclusion from Dcjl-09 49m. (L = Liquid, V = Vapor). The aim of this research is to understand the nature and characteristic of fluid inclusion from quartz veins (especially drill core samples) in the study area. keywords: alteration; area; argillic; boiling; breccia; cisuru; depth; epithermal; fig; fluid; fluid inclusion; formation; geology; high; homogenization; hydrothermal; ice; inclusions; indonesia; java; jgeet; liquid; melting; mineralization; mixing; nacl; phase; prospect; quartz; range; research; rich; salinity; study; sulfidation; system; temperature; tuff; vapor; veins; vol; west cache: jgeet-2279.pdf plain text: jgeet-2279.txt item: #95 of 260 id: jgeet-2294 author: Syahputra, Reza; Sihombing, Felix Muria Hasudungan; Prasojo, Octria Adi title: Correlation Between Fracture Azimuth, Surface Lineaments and Regional Tectonics: A case study from Belik District, Central Java, Indonesia date: 2019-03-01 words: 5092 flesch: 53 summary: The method used in this research was the structural geology analysis, including the interpretation of ridge and river lineament, the distribution of fractures, and statistical analysis. Correlation between fracture azimuth, ridge and river lineament All data set are not normally distributed, then the Spearman test performed. keywords: al./; analysis; area; azimuth; calculation; central; correlation; data; different; direction; drainage; fault; field; fig; force; formation; fracture; geological; geology; halang; imagery; indonesia; java; jgeet; landform; lineament; lithology; location; main; map; morphology; mountain; northeast; northwest; observation; order; pattern; rambatan; regional; research; ridge; river; river lineament; sandstone; satellite; segment; significant; slamet; slip; slope; southeast; southwest; statistical; strike; structural; study; syahputra; tectonic; test; trend; vol cache: jgeet-2294.pdf plain text: jgeet-2294.txt item: #96 of 260 id: jgeet-2331 author: Misbahudin, Misbahudin; Sadisun, Imam Achmad title: The Use of Disintegration Ratio in Evaluating Rock Durability in Selected Mudrock Samples in Indonesia date: 2019-09-30 words: 6348 flesch: 56 summary: Testing was carried out by wetting and drying of rock samples. The main procedure for disintegration index test is preparation of rock samples weighing 450 - 550 g which are dried in the oven for 24 h at 105 °C. keywords: absorption; analysis; area; average; batuasih; bobonaro; body; changes; characteristics; claystones; content; cracks; curve; density; different; diffraction; disintegration; disintegration index; disintegration ratio; distribution; dit; dry; durability; engineering; fig; formation; fragments; geological; high; i.a; index; jgeet; kaliwangu; low; material; minerals; misbahudin; mudrocks; mudstones; natural; percentage; physical; porosity; process; properties; relationship; research; road; rock; sadisun; samples; shales; siltstones; size; slaking; subang; table; test; testing; total; value; variables; vol; water; wetting cache: jgeet-2331.pdf plain text: jgeet-2331.txt item: #97 of 260 id: jgeet-2346 author: Hasria, Hasria; Idrus, Arifudin; Warmada, I Wayan title: Alteration Alteration, Mineralization and Geochemistry of Metamorphic Rocks Hosted Hydrothermal Gold Deposit at Rumbia Mountains, Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia date: 2019-06-30 words: 4753 flesch: 51 summary: Conclusion Hydrothermal alteration of gold deposits consists of three zones such as sericitic, argillic, propylitic alterations. Gold deposit in metamorphic belts: Overview or current understanding, outstanding problems, future research, and exploration significance. keywords: alteration; altered; analysis; area; argillic; atomic; australia; bearing; bombana; canada; chalcopyrite; characteristics; cinnabar; complex; deposits; dhr; elements; engineering; exploration; fig; generation; geochemistry; geological; geology; gold; gold deposits; groves; hasria; hematite; hydrothermal; idrus; indonesia; island; jgeet; laminated; linear; metamorphic; metamorphic rocks; mineralization; minerals; mountains; ore; orogenic; orogenic gold; ppm; presence; present; primary; pyrite; quartz; quartz veins; ree; rocks; rumbia; schist; sericitic; southeast; study; sulawesi; type; veins; vol; w./; warmada cache: jgeet-2346.pdf plain text: jgeet-2346.txt item: #98 of 260 id: jgeet-2406 author: Hamimu, La; Ngkoimani, L O; Jahidin, Jahidin; Asfar, Suryawan; Usmardin, Usmardin title: Analysis of the Sub-Surface Distribution of Graphite Minerals Using the Geoelectrical Resistivity Method in the Sabilambo Village, Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province date: 2019-09-30 words: 3808 flesch: 60 summary: Based on geological aspect combined with geographic aspect where the metamorphic rock complex is estimated to have a fairly widespread of about 50% of the total land area of Southeast Sulawesi Province with include Bombana District, Kolaka District, North Kolaka District, Konawe District, South Konawe District, North Konawe District, and Kendari City (Rusmana et al., 1993), (Simandjuntak et al., 1993). The geological setting of the southeast arm of Sulawesi which consists of the microcontinent fragment, ophiolite complex, Sulawesi molase and location of the researched area (squared area), in Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. keywords: area; arm; complex; cross; dan; deposits; depth; distribution; district; et al; fig; formation; geological; graphite; graphite mineral; hamimu; jgeet; kolaka; konawe; line; measurement; mekongga; metamorphic; meters; method; mineral; mineral deposits; model; morphological; morphology; mountain; province; regency; research; resistivity; rock; rusmana; schist; section; simandjuntak; southeast; study; subsurface; sulawesi; surono; thickness; units; vol cache: jgeet-2406.pdf plain text: jgeet-2406.txt item: #99 of 260 id: jgeet-2447 author: Singh, Vinod K. title: Geology, Geomorphology and Tectonics of India: Introduction date: 2019-07-25 words: 1089 flesch: 46 summary: The contribution from S.C. Bhatt and V.K. Singh provides information about Neoarchean Paleoproterozoic crustal shear zones and exercise for tectonic evolution of Bundelkhand Craton, India. DOI: 10.25299/jgeet.2019.4.2-2.2447 The earth crustal growth since its formation still need in depth research is the conclusion of the three International Conferences on Precambrian Continental Growth and Tectonism, in 2005, 2009 and 2013, organised at the Institute of Earth Sciences of Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, India and its proceedings have valuable source for advance research published the great ideas and achievements from scientists (Chandra et al. 2007; Singh and Chandra, 2011 and Singh et al., 2015). keywords: bundelkhand; chandra; continental; craton; crustal; earth; evolution; formation; geology; growth; india; international; introduction; issue; journal; precambrian; research; rocks; shear; shield; singh; tectonic; tectonism; v.k cache: jgeet-2447.pdf plain text: jgeet-2447.txt item: #100 of 260 id: jgeet-2478 author: Siringoringo, Luhut Pardamean; Rizki, Reza; Nababan, Janner title: Hydrogeochemical and Groundwater Assessment for Drinking Purpose at ITERA Campus Area and Its Surroundings date: 2019-03-01 words: 4121 flesch: 64 summary: Groundwater hydrogeochemical of research area shows that groundwater chemistries are controlled by minerals weathering, evaporation, and precipitation. It can be known from the location of research area within South Lampung Sub-Province Administratively. keywords: 0,01; 01/2019; al./; aquifer; area; assessment; basin; chemistry; colour; dig; drill; drinking; facies; fig; groundwater; hco3; hydrogeochemical; itera; jgeet; muddiness; ntu; parameters; purpose; research; result; rocks; samples; siringoringo; standard; study; table; tds; tuff; unconfined; value; vol; weathering; wells cache: jgeet-2478.pdf plain text: jgeet-2478.txt item: #101 of 260 id: jgeet-2503 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Cover JGEET Vol 03 No 04 2018 date: 2018-12-01 words: 916 flesch: 41 summary: Takahiro Miyazaki (Japan) Dr. Mursyidah, M.Sc. (Indonesia) Dr. Sapari Dwi Hadian MT (Indonesia) Dr. Emi Sukiyah ST., MT (Indonesia) Bambang Setiadi Ph.D (Indonesia) Dr. Vijaya Isnaniawardhani (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Mirza Muhammad Waqar, M.Sc (Pakistan) Good Fried Panggabean, S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Prof. Mega F. Rosana, Ph.D (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Samsudin (Malaysia) Prof. Dr. Sabah A. Ismail (Iraq) keywords: case; coastal; data; eastern; engineering; environment; formation; geoscience; groundwater; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;; m.t; page; ph.d; prof; regency; s.t; study; technology; west cache: jgeet-2503.pdf plain text: jgeet-2503.txt item: #102 of 260 id: jgeet-2504 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back Cover Vol 03 No 04 2018 date: 2018-12-01 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-2504.pdf plain text: jgeet-2504.txt item: #103 of 260 id: jgeet-253 author: Lubis, Muhammad Zainuddin; Anggraini, Kasih; Kausarian, Husnul; Pujiyati, Sri title: Review: Marine Seismic And Side-Scan Sonar Investigations For Seabed Identification With Sonar System date: 2017-06-01 words: 2987 flesch: 55 summary: 1- 6 on sediment track 2, Punggur sea (Lubis et al., 2017). MAX- CM2 in punggur sea with acoustic method (Lubis et al., 2017). keywords: 2015; absorption; acoustic; acquisition; amplitude; angle; angular; backscatter; beam; colour; data; effect; engineering; equipment; fig; figure; floor; frequency; function; geophysical; grazing; identification; incident; indonesia; instrument; jgeet; journal; lubis; m.z; marine; reference; reflection; response; rgb; scan; seabed; seismic; signal; sonar; survey; system; values; vol cache: jgeet-253.pdf plain text: jgeet-253.txt item: #104 of 260 id: jgeet-2590 author: Ojo, Olabanji Adeolu; Adejumo, Victor; Olubunmi, obaromi title: An Integrated Approach in Geophysical Investigation of Road Failure in Crystalline Basement Area of Nigeria date: 2019-12-30 words: 4874 flesch: 60 summary: DOI: 10.25299/jgeet.2019.4.4.2590 Abstract The result of the geophysical investigation carried out to access the cause of road failure and remediation measures along Ilesha-Osogbo expressway, Osun State, South-western Nigeria is presented. Road failures in Nigeria come in form of bulges, potholes, cracks and depression, all of which makes road non-pliable for road uses who are involved in day to day delivery of goods and services. keywords: 3298.6723; area; basement; cause; clay; complex; construction; depth; dipole; electrical; failed; failure; fig; figure; geophysical; geotechnical; gpr; gpr profile; ground; idominasi; ilesha; investigation; jgeet; layer; level; low; materials; meters; method; nigeria; ojo; osogbo; portion; profile; resistivity; result; road; road failure; rock; south; state; study; study area; subsurface; technique; traverse; values; vol; water; weathered; western cache: jgeet-2590.pdf plain text: jgeet-2590.txt item: #105 of 260 id: jgeet-2600 author: Heriyanto, Heriyanto; Karya, Detri; Choanji, Tiggi; Asrol, Asrol; Bakce, Djaimi; Elinur, Elinur title: Regression Model in Transitional Geological Environment For Calculation Farming and Production of Oil Palm Dominant Factor in Indragiri Hilir Riau Province date: 2019-03-01 words: 8394 flesch: 58 summary: To determine the production of oil palm land typology can be seen in Fig. * Significant at the 10 percent significance level Based on the model estimation results in Table 2 that there are five variables that significantly affect people's production palm oil, the amount of fertilizer, labor, plant age, herbicides and land dummy land. keywords: 01/2019; age; agriculture; al./; analisis; area; autocorrelation; badan; business; coastal; coastal land; conditions; costs; dan; data; development; different; district; dominant; dummy; estimation; factors; faktor; farmers; farming; farming land; fertilizer; fig; gambut; herbicides; heriyanto; high; higher; hilir; income; increase; indonesia; indragiri; indragiri hilir; jgeet; kelapa; labor; lahan; land; land typology; level; mainland; means; model; modern; multicollinearity; net; non; number; oil; oil palm; oil production; palm farmers; palm farming; palm plantations; pattern; peat; peatlands; percent; pindyck; plant; plantation; policy; positive; price; production; productivity; produksi; province; pusat; regression; research; results; revenue; riau; rubinfeld; sawit; seed; significant; soil; statistik; system; table; tbs; test; thomas; tidal; tides; total; type; typology; use; value; variable; variance; verbeek; vol; water; wetlands; year cache: jgeet-2600.pdf plain text: jgeet-2600.txt item: #106 of 260 id: jgeet-2672 author: Putra, Dewandra Bagus Eka; Yuskar, Yuniarti; Kausarian, Husnul; Wan Yaacob, Wan Zuhairi; Hadian, Mohamad Sapari Dwi title: Saltwater Intrusion Zone Mapping on Shallow Groundwater Aquifer in Selat Baru, Bengkalis Island, Indonesia date: 2019-03-01 words: 2708 flesch: 57 summary: Therefore, the study area had been divided into two zones of groundwater saline water zone possibly caused by the saltwater intrusion in the northern part and freshwater zone from the center to the southern part. Groundwater taste map also revealed the identical condition with EC and TDS map which dominated by brackish and saline water in the northern part. keywords: aquifers; area; baru; bengkalis; brackish; coastal; d.b.e; dug; elevation; environ; environmental; et al; excessive; fig; freshwater; groundwater;; indonesia; intrusion; island; jgeet; level; map; northern; putra; quality; range; riau; saltwater; selat; shallow; study; taste; tds; total; value; vol; wells; yuskar; zone cache: jgeet-2672.pdf plain text: jgeet-2672.txt item: #107 of 260 id: jgeet-2682 author: Pandita, Hita; Hartono, Gendoet title: Identification and Stratiraphic Position of Mollusk Type Locality at West Progo Stage date: 2019-06-30 words: 3283 flesch: 59 summary: (A) Contact between andesite at the bottom with sandstones at KS01 location, Kembang Soka tourism site . The results of the investigation successfully re-identified the Kembang Sokkoh and Spolong locations which are two types of locations on the West Progo beds. keywords: age; analysis; andesite; area; bemmellen; data; discovery; early; east; field; figure; foraminifera; formation; fossils; hartono; investigations; java; jgeet; jonggrangan; kembang; ks01; ks02; ks05; kulon; location; martin; miocene; mollusk; mount; old; pandita; pandita.h; position; progo; rahardjo; research; results; rock; soka; sokkoh; spolong; stratigraphic; study; type; van; village; vol; west; yogyakarta cache: jgeet-2682.pdf plain text: jgeet-2682.txt item: #108 of 260 id: jgeet-2751 author: Fakhruddin, Rakhmat; Kurniadi, Dedy title: Age and Paleobathymetry of Salodik Group in PohPagimana section, East Arm of Sulawesi Based on Foraminiferal Assemblages date: 2019-03-01 words: 4207 flesch: 49 summary: This indicate that the thrusting associated with the tectonic event in studied section was still took place after N20-21, probably at N22 (Villeneuve et al., 2000; Husein et al., 2014). Kadarusman et al., 2004; Husein et al., 2014). keywords: 01/2019; age; analysis; appearance; area; arm; assemblages; banggai; bathyal; bioclast; carbonate; d./; early; east; environment; eocene; et al; fakhruddin; fig; foraminifera; formation; geologi; geological; group; handiwiria; indonesia; jgeet; kurniadi; late; lenticulina; middle; middle miocene; miocene; oligocene; packstone; pagimana; paleobathymetry; paragloborotalia; planktonic; pliocene; poh; presence; rusmana; salodik; sample; section; sediments; setting; shelf; simandjuntak; succession; sulawesi; surono; thrust; tomori; upper; vol; zone cache: jgeet-2751.pdf plain text: jgeet-2751.txt item: #109 of 260 id: jgeet-2777 author: Zaim, Zaflis; Buchori, Imam title: Adaptation to the Climate Change Impact through Community Participation on Customary Land Use date: 2019-06-30 words: 5173 flesch: 53 summary: Therefore, sustainable investment in village land management is influenced by factors: technical, physical, socio-economic, cultural and institutional factors. However, the low level of farmer participation in investing in village land, limited information & funds and the stagnation of sanitation programs require observation and deepening of studies using appropriate methods. keywords: activities; adaptation; adat; agricultural; area; bayan; bengkok; bengkok land; buchori; change; climate; communal; community; community participation; conditions; customary; data; decision; development; environmental; factors; farmers; fig; gases; government; greenhouse; group; head; impact; interview; investment; jgeet; journal; land; land management; land use; lerep; level; livestock; local; management; mitigation; model; number; participation; pens; planning; problems; process; products; programs; public; regency; research; residents; resources; results; semarang; services; social; strategy; study; sub; system; tenure; time; type; use; utilization; village; vol; year; zaim cache: jgeet-2777.pdf plain text: jgeet-2777.txt item: #110 of 260 id: jgeet-2807 author: Ogbamikhumi, Alexander; Igbinigie, Nosa; Odokuma-Alonge, Ovie title: Evaluation of the Hydrocarbon Potentials of Shale Exposures at Okpekpe in Edo North date: 2019-12-30 words: 3306 flesch: 49 summary: Preliminary assessment of source rock potential and palynofacies analysis of Maastrichtian dark shale, SW Anambra. Introduction Katz (1995) described source rock as fine grained argillaceous deposits, rich enough in organic matter and capable of generating hydrocarbon. keywords: age; al./; analysis; anambra; basin; content; depositional; environment; evaluation; figure; formation; gas; geochemical; geochemistry; geology; hydrocarbon; hydrogen; index; jgeet; journal; kerogen; late; longapertites; maastrichtian; mamu; matter; mghc; nigeria; oil; organic; palynological; petroleum; plot; potential; pyrolysis; results; rock; samples; shale; source; source rock; study; sulphur; table; toc; total; tsc; type; vol; zone cache: jgeet-2807.pdf plain text: jgeet-2807.txt item: #111 of 260 id: jgeet-2874 author: Fadlin; Waluyo, Gentur; Iwan, Yohanes; Ariyanti, Nita; Ajeng Nurwantari, Nanda title: Geosite Assessments at the Southern Part of Karangbolong Dome: New Insight to Geotourism Potential in Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia date: 2020-03-30 words: 7044 flesch: 53 summary: Geology of research area The different and unique shapes of the earth’s morphology made into an attraction of its own for those who see it. Based on surface geological mapping as well as lithological data as well as the forming characteristic of research area can be divided into five units from oldest to youngest are Menganti basaltic lava unit, Menganti pyroclastic flow unit (interfingering) with Karangduwur andesite lava flow unit, Andesite-Basalt intrusion unit and Agropeni limestone unit (Figure 2). keywords: abrasion; accessibility; accessible; activities; activity; al./; ancient; area; assessment; average; b. state; basaltic; beach; breccia; carbonate; cave; clear; coastal; earth; educational; educational significance; fadlin; feasible; flow; foot; geodiversity; geological; geosite; geotourism; good; high; index; indonesia; jgeet; joint; karst; karstification; lava; limestone; location; main; menganti; meters; morphology; number; place; potential; preservation; problems; process; pyroclastic; research; research area; road(3; rocks; science; scientific; scientific worth; significance; site; state; stopsite; study; sunset; tourism; understanding; unit; value; volcanic; volcano; waterfall; way; worth cache: jgeet-2874.pdf plain text: jgeet-2874.txt item: #112 of 260 id: jgeet-2908 author: Putri, Ratih Fitria; Sulistya, Aryana Rachmad title: Determination of Priority Regions as The Direction of Decision-Making for Land Development of West Kalimantan Province date: 2019-09-30 words: 5468 flesch: 51 summary: Development disparities among the regencies/cities of West Kalimantan Province in period of 2011-2015 relatively low, but it increases every year and 50% of West Kalimantan Province regions are included in the category of relatively underdeveloped regions, it counts 7 of total of 14 regencies/cities. In line with that, the parameters which used in determination of underdeveloped regions are mostly similar, according to PDT (2005), consist of (1) Aspect condition (3) Facilities and Infrastructures (4) the ability of regional finance (5) Access and regional characteristics (6) the underdeveloped region characteristics. keywords: advanced; al./; area; basis; bengkayang; border; calculation; cities; city; condition; data; determination; development; economic; economic productivity; economy; education; fig; growth; health; highest; human; indonesia; infrastructure; jgeet; kalimantan; kalimantan province; kayong; lagging; land; low; lowest; melawi; method; moderate; parameters; poor; population; priority; productivity; province; putri; r.f; rate; regencies; regency; regional; regions; resources; result; sanggau; score; scoring; sector; table; total; underdeveloped; underdeveloped regions; utara; value; vol; west; west kalimantan cache: jgeet-2908.pdf plain text: jgeet-2908.txt item: #113 of 260 id: jgeet-291 author: Idrus, Arifudin; Prihatmoko, Sukamandaru; Harjanto, Ernowo; Meyer, Franz Michael; Nur, Irzal; Widodo, Wahyu; Agung, Lia Novelia title: Metamorphic rock-hosted orogenic gold deposit style at Bombana (Southeast Sulawesi) and Buru Island (Maluku): Their key features and significances for gold exploration in Eastern Indonesia date: 2017-06-01 words: 5471 flesch: 49 summary: The data in Table 1show that Tm of fluid inclusions hosted by first type of quartz veins (that are crystalline, clear, weak mineralized and parallel to the foliation) tend to have Tm ranging from -0.1 to -0.3 ºC (average -0.22 ºC) corresponding to salinity ranging from 0.18 to 0.53 wt.% NaCl eq.(average 0.36 wt.% NaCl eq.), relatively lower than those of second quartz vein type (Tm = -0.2 to 0.3 ºC; average -0.27 ºC) which correspond to salinities of 0.36 to 0.54 wt.% NaCl eq., averaging 0.48 wt.% NaCl eq. No 02/2017 127 Buru Island gold deposit Similar to those of Bombana gold veins, gold mineralization in Buru Island is also hosted by mica schist of Carboniferrous to Permian Wahlua Metamorphic Complex (Pzw) (Fig.3). keywords: al./; alteration; analysis; area; argillic; banding; bombana; brecciated; buru; characteristics; cinnabar; co2; crystalline; deposit; epithermal; exploration; facies; fig; fluid; foliation; formation; generation; geological; geology; gold; gold deposit; groves; high; hydrothermal; idrus; inclusions; indonesia; island; jgeet; metamorphic; mica; mineralization; minerals; nacl; ore; orogenic; parallel; prihatmoko; primary; quartz; quartz veins; reefs; rich; rocks; salinity; samples; schist; second; stibnite; study; sulawesi; temperature; texture; type; university; veins; vol; water; wt.%; zone cache: jgeet-291.pdf plain text: jgeet-291.txt item: #114 of 260 id: jgeet-292 author: Nasution, Frillia Putri; Nalendra, Stevanus title: Characterization of Coal Quality Based On Ash Content From M2 Coal-Seam Group, Muara Enim Formation, South Sumatra Basin date: 2017-09-01 words: 3278 flesch: 68 summary: That analysis indicated that coal seam B in northern part deposited in edge of basinal area. Ash contents on coal seam caused by organic and inorganic compound which resulted from mixing modified material on surrounded when transportation, sedimentation, and coalification process. keywords: analysis; area; ash; ash content; basin; basinal; central; coal; coal seam; content; coster; depositional; edge; enim; environment; fig; formation; geology; group; lower; material; muara; nalendra; nasution; northern; palembang; parting; phase; process; quality; research; sample; seam; seam a2; seam c; south; southern; sumatra; thickness; vol cache: jgeet-292.pdf plain text: jgeet-292.txt item: #115 of 260 id: jgeet-2926 author: JGEET, JGEET title: Front Matter Vol 04 No 01 2019 date: 2019-03-01 words: 917 flesch: 39 summary: Takahiro Miyazaki (Japan) Dr. Mursyidah, M.Sc. (Indonesia) Dr. Sapari Dwi Hadian MT (Indonesia) Dr. Emi Sukiyah ST., MT (Indonesia) Bambang Setiadi Ph.D (Indonesia) Dr. Vijaya Isnaniawardhani (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Mirza Muhammad Waqar, M.Sc (Pakistan) Good Fried Panggabean, S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. In Some Parts of Upper Benue Trough Northeast Nigeria Using Aeromagnetic Data Abdulwahab Mohammed, Taiwo Adewumi, Salako A Kazeem, Rafiu Abdulwaheed, Abbass A. Adetona, and Alhassan Usman page 7 Saltwater Intrusion Zone Mapping on Shallow Groundwater Aquifer in Selat Baru, Bengkalis Island, Indonesia Dewandra Bagus Eka Putra, Yuniarti Yuskar, Husnul Kausarian, Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob, Mohamad Sapari Dwi Hadian page 16 Correlation Between Fracture Azimuth, Surface Lineaments and Regional Tectonics: A case study from Belik District, Central Java, Indonesia Reza Syahputra , Felix M. H. Sihombing, Octria A. Prasojo page 22 Age and Paleobathymetry of Salodik Group in Poh–Pagimana section, East Arm of Sulawesi Based on Foraminiferal Assemblages Rakhmat Fakhruddin, Dedy Kurniadi page 30 Hydrogeochemical and Groundwater Assessment for Drinking Purpose at ITERA Campus Area and Its Surroundings Luhut Pardamean Siringoringo, Reza Rizki, Janner Nababan page 40 The Key Parameter Effect Analysis of The Polymer Flooding on Oil Recovery Using Reservoir Simulation Tomi Erfando, Novia Rita, Romal Ramadhan page 49 Regression Model in Transitional Geological Environment For Calculation Farming and Production of Oil Palm Dominant Factor in Indragiri Hilir Riau Province Heriyanto, Detri Karya, Tiggi Choanji, Asrol, Djaimi Bakce, Elinur page 56 p-ISSN 2503-216X e-ISSN 2541-5794JGEET (Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology) keywords: analysis; assessment; domain; editorial; engineering; environment; geology; geoscience; groundwater; image; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;; m.t; model; oil; page; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-2926.pdf plain text: jgeet-2926.txt item: #116 of 260 id: jgeet-2927 author: JGEET, JGEET title: Back Matter Vol 4 No 01 2019 date: 2019-03-01 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-2927.pdf plain text: jgeet-2927.txt item: #117 of 260 id: jgeet-2934 author: Sehah, Muhammad; Raharjo, Sukmaji Anom; Risyad, Azmi title: A Geophysical Survey with Magnetic Method for Interpretation of Iron Ore Deposits in the Eastern Nusawungu Coastal, Cilacap Regency, Central Java, Indonesia date: 2020-05-05 words: 6283 flesch: 54 summary: The 2D-modeling of magnetic anomalies data has been carried out along the AB trajectory extending on the local magnetic anomaly contour map from the position of A(109.3463E and 7.7023S) to B (109.3688E and 7.7053S), so that some subsurface anomalous objects is obtained. The modelling results of magnetic anomalies data show that the research area is estimated to have the potential of iron ore deposits. keywords: -7.702; alluvium; anomalies; anomalies data; anomalous; anomaly; area; central; cgs; cilacap; clay; coastal; continuation; contour; dan; data; deg; deposits; depth; earth; eastern; equation;; exploration; field; figure; formation; geological; geophysical; grains; height; horizontal; igrf; interval; iron; iron ore; java; journal; local; longitude; magnetic; magnetic anomalies; magnetic field; map; meters; method; modeling; nusawungu; object; ore; potential; process; ranging; regency; regional; research; results; rocks; sand; sehah; silt; subsurface; surface; survey; susceptibility; total; total magnetic; trajectory; upward; value; vol cache: jgeet-2934.pdf plain text: jgeet-2934.txt item: #118 of 260 id: jgeet-2966 author: Dewi, Sri Hartati; Mildawati, Roza; Perdana, Tio title: The Benefits of Adding Corn Stalk Ash as a Substitution of Some Cement Against of Compressive Strength Concrete date: 2019-09-30 words: 5231 flesch: 68 summary: 4.2, it can be seen that in normal concrete without mixture of corn stalk ash the slump value according to the requirements is 60 <146.7 <180, and it can be seen the higher the percentage of ash use, the smaller the slump value obtained, this proves that the use of ash corn stalk makes concrete stiff can be seen in the mixture of corn stalk ash slump value of 38.5. From this it can be seen that the optimum use of corn corn stem ash is at the level of 8%. keywords: addition; aggregate; analysis; ash; asp; beton; cement; coarse; compressive; compressive strength; concrete; concrete compressive; content; corn; corn corn; corn stalk; days; density; elasticity; examination; fig; filter; fine; level; material; mixture; modulus; mpa; percentage; research; results; sikament; silica; size; slump; specimens; stalk; stalk ash; strength; study; table; test; use; value; vol; water; weight cache: jgeet-2966.pdf plain text: jgeet-2966.txt item: #119 of 260 id: jgeet-297 author: Irawan, Sudra; Lubis, Muhammad Zainuddin title: Geology Structure Identification Using Pre-Stack Depth Migration (PSDM) Method of Tomography Result in North West Java Basin date: 2017-06-01 words: 2547 flesch: 61 summary: Interpretation of fault structures can be done on a cross-section of Pre-Stack Depth Migration (PSDM) the result of improved velocity model with methods Horizon Based Tomography. Flow diagram to create and refine the interval velocity model and identify fault structures from final PSDM result. keywords: basin; data; depth; direction; estimated; fault; field; fig; foot; general; geological; horizon; identification; irawan; java; jgeet; lubis; maps; meratus; migration; model; normal; north; plane; process; psdm; research; result; seismic; slip; stack; structure; study; subduction; tomography; velocity; vol; wall; west; z./ cache: jgeet-297.pdf plain text: jgeet-297.txt item: #120 of 260 id: jgeet-2986 author: Sari, Rahajeng Ayu Permana; Winantris, Winantris; Fauzielly, Lili; Jayanti, Anita Galih Ringga; Aswan, Aswan; Wibowo, Unggul Prasetyo title: Depositional Environmental Changes of Cimanceuri Formation Based on Mollusk Fossil Assemblages in Bayah, Banten Province date: 2019-06-30 words: 2865 flesch: 49 summary: The name of mollusk fossils association is based on in- situ and abundant mollusk fossils, whether one or more species appear (Prasetyo et al., 2012). Its lithology is very fine to fine- grained carbonate sandstones with claystone intercalation and contains of mollusk fossils in several places, at the top of this formation there is a coquina (Sujatmiko, et al., 1992). keywords: 02/2019; abundant; arctatoides; area; association; bandung; bantamensis; bantamensis tjicumpaiensis; bantamensis turritella; banten; bayah; changes; cimanceuri; cky3; depositional; diversity; ecosystem; environment; fig; formation; fossils; gedinganensis; index; java; jgeet; level; marine; mollusk; olivella; open; pliocene; r.a.p; research; ringicula; sangiranensis; sari; scapharca; shallow; species; subtidal; tjicumpaiensis; tjicumpaiensis turritella; tomlini; turritella; ventricosa; view; vol cache: jgeet-2986.pdf plain text: jgeet-2986.txt item: #121 of 260 id: jgeet-3 author: Syaifuddin, Muhammad title: Organic Geochemical Characteristic Of Crude Oils From Orange Graben, South Sumatra Basin date: 2016-12-01 words: 3314 flesch: 52 summary: Based on geochemical result of analysis, source rocks of Lemat Formation in the Orange Graben interpret as source rock with fluvio-deltaic characterize, have terrestrial influence while Talangakar Formation in the Orange Graben interpreted as source rock with deltaic characterization, having marine and terrestrial influence. Correlation result between source rocks and oils in the Orange Graben, indicating that fluvio-deltaic oil type in the Orange Graben are correlate with not only the source rocks of Talangakar Formations but also with source rock of Lemat Formation. keywords: association; basin; biomarker; carbon; characterization; conditions; cross; crude; data; deltaic; elsevier; et al; fluvio; formation; geochemistry; graben; indonesia; isotope; journal; lacustrine; lemat; lemat formation; marine; oils; orange; orange graben; organic; petroleum; plot; rocks; samples; sediments; source; source rocks; south; sterane; study; sumatra; talangakar; talangakar formation; terrestrial; tricyclic; vol cache: jgeet-3.pdf plain text: jgeet-3.txt item: #122 of 260 id: jgeet-30 author: Fatriadi, Riry; Asteriani, Febby; Cahyaningsih, Catur title: Effectiveness of the National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM) for Infrastructure Development Accelerated and Geoplanology in District of Marpoyan Damai, Pekanbaru date: 2017-03-01 words: 4519 flesch: 51 summary: Selected number of samples in the analysis of the effectiveness of PNPM Urban infrastructure improvements are stakeholders involved in PNPM Urban population in the research area of all stakeholders involved in PNPM Urban in District Marpoyan Damai , the authors take purposively respondents who meet the criteria and are associated with research. This indication shows that roads infrastructure and the quality of the road surface to be increased significantly in the presence of the PNPM Urban Marpoyan Damai in the District . keywords: activities; al./; analysis; area; average; blm; community; damai; development; district; district marpoyan; effectiveness; fatriadi; fig; financing; funds; geological; improvement; increase; infrastructure; infrastructure development; jgeet; ksm; land; map; marpoyan; marpoyan damai; members; mfi; mutual; participation; pekanbaru; pjm; planning; pnpm; pnpm urban; population; poverty; problems; process; program; public; quality; research; road; social; society; stakeholders; table; urban; use; village; vol; women; year cache: jgeet-30.pdf plain text: jgeet-30.txt item: #123 of 260 id: jgeet-300 author: Harbowo, Danni Gathot; Alouw, Stiva; Soetamanggala, Theresia Gerungan; Gerungan, Azalia title: Stiva Cave: A New Discover Of Prehistoric Hominid Underwater Cave date: 2017-06-01 words: 1846 flesch: 74 summary: Stiva cave is an underwater cave in Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia. We mapped entire cave tunnel and measure a safety and risk for scuba diving, then we identified the fossil. keywords: bali; cave; chamber; condition; doi; fig; fossil; glacial; harbowo; holocene; hominid; indonesia; journal; level; mean; nusa; penida; recent; sea; sediment; stiva; system; time; tunnel; underwater; vol; years cache: jgeet-300.pdf plain text: jgeet-300.txt item: #124 of 260 id: jgeet-301 author: Sari, Siska Linda; Rahmawati, Mutia Armilia; Triyoga, Alan; Wati, Idar title: Impact of Sulphur Content on Coal Quality at Delta Plain Depositional Environment: Case study in Geramat District, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra date: 2017-09-01 words: 3747 flesch: 57 summary: Unlike the coal outcrop in LP 24 which has a value of TPI reaching 7 this is due to the location of coal is experiencing andesit intrusion that causes coal in this condition is in the non-marine environment with high coal quality, due to the influence of intrusion the pyrite impurity mineral is more dominant than other research sites. The next step is working on coal proximate analysis to find out the percentage of ash content and total sulphur along with the calorific value contained in the samples. keywords: 03/2017; adb; al./; analysis; area; ash; ash content; basin; calorific; calorific value; coal; condition; content; delta; depositional; depositional environment; deposits; district; enim; environment; fig; formation; geramat; high; jgeet; lahat; low; lower; maceral; marine; muara; outcrop; peat; plain; quality; research; research area; result; sandstone; sari; sedimentary; south; study; sulphur; sulphur content; table; total; tpi; transitional; value; vol cache: jgeet-301.pdf plain text: jgeet-301.txt item: #125 of 260 id: jgeet-302 author: Novrianti, Novrianti; Melisa, Rycha; Adrian, Rafhie title: Kick-Off Point (KOP) and End of Buildup (EOB) Data Analysis in Trajectory Design date: 2017-06-01 words: 2021 flesch: 71 summary: The result in the 200 ft KOP are 1632.28 ft TVD and 408.16 ft AHD, when with the 200 ft KOP it will reach well because the desired target is 1632.3 ft and 408.75 ft AHD. For the upper interval, inclination angle and azimuth is being used at the initial point. keywords: ahd; angle; azimuth; buildup; calculation; curvature; depth; design; directional; drilling; end; engineering; eob; fig; formation; hole; inclination; kick; kop; method; minimum; optimal; point; target; track; trajectory; tvd cache: jgeet-302.pdf plain text: jgeet-302.txt item: #126 of 260 id: jgeet-304 author: Erfando, Tomi; Herawati, Ira title: Analysis of Petroleum Downstream Industry Potential in Riau Province date: 2017-06-01 words: 3763 flesch: 55 summary: 1. Operating processes at oil refineries can be classified into 5 stages (Risdyanta, 2015), as follows: 1. Cash Outflow (expenses incurred) consists of capital cost for building refineries, refinery operating cost and purchases of raw materials, state taxes to be paid on the based on agreed contacts. keywords: analysis; area; boiling; bopd; capacity; capital; cluster; construction; cost; crude; data; development; distillation; downstream; economic; electricity; energy; engineering; erfando; feasibility; fig; gas; herawati; iii; indonesia; industry; investment; materials; mineral; mini; mini refinery; ministry; natural; oil; operating; petroleum; point; process; processing; production; products; project; province; raw; refinery; regency; research; resources; results; return; riau; sample; sector; study; table; total; value; vol; year cache: jgeet-304.pdf plain text: jgeet-304.txt item: #127 of 260 id: jgeet-305 author: Winantris, Winantris; Hamdani, Helman; Harlia, Ellin title: Paleoenvironment of Tanjung Formation Barito Basin- Central Kalimantan Based on palynological data date: 2017-06-01 words: 2189 flesch: 48 summary: Berai Formation composed of gray and white limestone, fine to medium grained, partly recrystallized, contains a large foraminifera and coral, partially layered, it lays conformity on the Tanjung Formation, relative age about Middle Oligocene to Late Oligocene, deposited in Shallow marine environment, the thickness reach 1.250 meters, it occupies a steep karst hills. Upper part of Tanjung Formation is target coal production. keywords: age; al./; area; asia; barito; basin; brackish; central; coal; cursus; element; environment; eocene; fig; formation; freshwater; jgeet; kalimantan; late; mangrove; marine; meters; oligocene; operculatus; palmapollenites; palynomorphs; pollen; proxapertites; relative; research; rock; satyana; sediment; siltstone; southeast; spore; stratigraphy; swamp; tanjung; tanjung formation; upland; vol; winantris cache: jgeet-305.pdf plain text: jgeet-305.txt item: #128 of 260 id: jgeet-306 author: Hasyimi, Valid; Suroso, Djoko Santoso Abi title: Urban Green Space Development Strategy–Reconverting Gas Station To Public Parks In The City Of Surabaya, Indonesia date: 2017-06-01 words: 4569 flesch: 54 summary: Sikatan Street Veteran Park Park Development Process Analysis The development of urban green parks on the reclaimed land were broken down into four stages, see Fig. 4. To analyze public green parks development from dismantled gas station and its impact to the environment. keywords: a./; active; activities; ahp; analysis; areas; budget; city; criteria; data; decision; development; discussion; dismantled; doi:10.1016; environmental; experts; factors; fig; gas; government; green; green space; hasyimi; health; implementation; influential; issue; jgeet; land; maintenance; municipal; municipality; owners; parks; passive; permit; phase; planning; policy; process; public; purpose; reconversion; research; soil; space; stage; stations; study; successful; surabaya; suroso; synthesis; table; taking; taman; urban; urban green; use; vol cache: jgeet-306.pdf plain text: jgeet-306.txt item: #129 of 260 id: jgeet-307 author: Anis, Mohamad; Idrus, Arifudin; Amijaya, Hendra; Subagyo, Subagyo title: Utilizing coal remaining resources and post-mining land use planning based on GIS-based optimization method : study case at PT Adaro coal mine in South Kalimantan date: 2017-06-01 words: 4654 flesch: 58 summary: Coal mining activities may cause a series of environmental and socio- economic issues in communities around the mining area. This research uses approch of knowledge-driven GIS based methods mainly Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy logic for utilizing coal remaining resources and post-mining land use planning. keywords: 02/2017; activities; adaro; ahp; al/; analysis; anis; area; assessment; coal; company; conservation; consistency; criteria; dan; data; development; economic; environmental; fig; gis; government; hierarchy; index; indonesia; jgeet; journal; kalimantan; land; land use; map; maps; matrix; method; mineral; mining; modeling; optimization; planning; plantation; post; potential; process; province; regency; remaining; research; resources; result; saaty; social; south; study; suitability; sustainability; sustainable; table; total; use; value; vol cache: jgeet-307.pdf plain text: jgeet-307.txt item: #130 of 260 id: jgeet-3077 author: Khan, Adnan; Husain, Viqar; Anjum, Suhail title: Soil Minerals Serving as Source of Arsenic in Alluvial Aquifers of Holocene: A Case Study from Indus Delta, Sindh, Pakistan date: 2019-12-30 words: 6525 flesch: 50 summary: Beside arsenic speciation and toxicity in the soil, several studies have documented relatively higher As concentration in the soil as compared to the aquifer materials (Onken and Hossner, 1995; Swartz et al., 2004; Polizzotto et al., 2006).It is due to the fact that arsenic compounds are absorbed strongly onto soil, and therefore transported only over short distances in surface and groundwater (Manning and Goldberg, 1997).Solid phase As and Fe becomes more reduced with depth (0.5-3.6 m) in the soil and released via redox cycling in surface soils/sediments into the sandy aquifer (Polizzotto et al., 2008). Anawar et al., 2002, 2003)High levels of arsenic in groundwater mainly result from natural contamination(Chowdhury, et al., 1999; Acharyya et al., 2000; Nicksonet al., 2000; McArthur and Ravenscroft, 2000; Anawar et al., 2002; Polizzotto and Harvey, 2005; Rabbani et al., 2017).Various theories have been put forward regarding the modes of arsenic release, ranging from oxidative or reductive degradation of arsenic-bearing solids to competitive ligand displacement by phosphate(Chakrapani et al., 1995; Bhattacharya, et al., 1997; Acharyya et al., 2000; Nickson et al.,2000; McArthur and Ravenscroft, 2000). keywords: 4/2019; al./; albite; alluvial; anawar; anorthite; aquifers; area; arsenic; available; bangladesh; basin; bengal; bhulri; biotite; calcian; calcite; carbonate; clay; clinochlore; collected; contamination; deltaic; deposits; disordered; district; doi; environment; et al; fine; geochemical; geochemistry; geology; groundwater; high; holocene; india; indus; january; jgeet; journal; karim; khan; lakhat; magnician; major; march; mica; micaceous; minerals; muhammad; muscovite; nath; near; occurrence; pakistan; phlogopite; plain; polizzotto; polylithionite; quartz; quaternary; range; release; river; samples; sand; sediments; shah; silt; soil; source; study; surface; table; taluka; tando; tandosaindad; uc-1; vol; weathering; west cache: jgeet-3077.pdf plain text: jgeet-3077.txt item: #131 of 260 id: jgeet-3089 author: Handoyo; Erlangga, Mochammad Puput; Young, Paul title: Rock Physics Formula and RMS Stacking Velocity Calculation to Assist Acoustic Impedance Inversion that Constrain Well Data date: 2020-06-24 words: 1611 flesch: 49 summary: The method of this study follow the steps: (1) Extract the stacking (RMS) velocity trace from stacking velocity section; (2) Make the selected stacking velocity trace as velocity log data; (3) Horizon picking and create the stacking (RMS) velocity model; (4) Convert the stacking (RMS) velocity section into interval velocity section; (5) Create the density section from interval velocity section using Gardner Handoyo et al./ JGEET The result of interval velocity section is shown in Figure 6 (a). keywords: acoustic; acoustic impedance; basin; data; density; equation; figure; gardner; impedance; initial; interval; inversion; log; model; physics; result; rms; rock; salawati; section; seismic; stacking; velocities; velocity; velocity section; vol cache: jgeet-3089.pdf plain text: jgeet-3089.txt item: #132 of 260 id: jgeet-3115 author: Wisha, Ulung Jantama; Dhiauddin, Ruzana; Gemilang, Wisnu Arya title: Tidal Ellipses Analysis Based on Flow Model Hydrodynamic Data Acquisition in Mandeh Bay, West Sumatera date: 2019-06-30 words: 5386 flesch: 55 summary: The simulation results will be used as the basic data to develop a model which depicts the elliptical pattern of tidal current constituents. Consequently, local differences in tidal current pattern and drift velocities contribute to the residual sediment transport within the bay. keywords: a./; adcp; analysis; area; bay; components; condition; constituents; current; current speed; data; depth; development; dhiauddin; direction; diurnal; elevation; ellipses; elliptical; field; fig; flows; form; gemilang; harmonic; higher; hydrodynamic; jgeet; lunar; m.s-1; m_2; magnitude; main; mandeh; mandeh bay; mass; measurement; mechanism; model; mouth; neap; ocean; parameters; pattern; place; profile; regime; results; sea; sediment; semi; semidiurnal; simulation; speed; spring; study; surface; tidal; tidal condition; tidal current; tide; time; transport; u.j; velocity; vertical; vol; water; west; wisha cache: jgeet-3115.pdf plain text: jgeet-3115.txt item: #133 of 260 id: jgeet-3127 author: Lubis, Muhammad Zainuddin; Pujiyati, Sri; Prasetyo, Budhi Agung; Choanji, Tiggi title: Review : Bathymetry Mapping Using Underwater Acoustic Technology date: 2019-06-30 words: 2576 flesch: 54 summary: Retrieval of bathymetry data must use parallel patterns, namely: patterns with perpendicular sounding directions and tend to be parallel to longitudinal lines or in accordance with parallel sounding patterns. Multibeam echosounder (MBES) is an acoustic equipment that is intensively used frequently in basic waters mapping, especially because this technology has more capabilities namely wide coverage and high resolution for acquisition of bathymetry data (Anderson et al., 2008). keywords: 2016; accuracy; acoustic; area; bathymetry; bathymetry data; beam; correction; data; depth; echosounder; engineering; error; figure; hydrographic; iho; indonesia; information; international; journal; limit; lubis; mapping; mbes; method; multibeam; process; pujiyati; science; seabed; ship; single; speed; standards; system; technology; tolerance; underwater; use; value; vol; waters cache: jgeet-3127.pdf plain text: jgeet-3127.txt item: #134 of 260 id: jgeet-3171 author: Ahnaf, Jemi Saputra; Patonah, Aton; Permana, Haryadi title: Petrogenesis of Volcanic Arc Granites from Bayah Complex, Banten, Indonesia date: 2019-06-30 words: 6597 flesch: 56 summary: Petrographic analysis shows that Bayah granitic rocks are composed of quartz, plagioclase, and K-feldspar while the rest are amphibole, biotite, sericite, chlorite, epidote, and opaque. Based on its major oxide concentrations, Bayah granitic rocks classified as granite and diorite-quartz which have high-K calc-alkaline magma. keywords: ahnaf.j.s; al2o3; analysis; area; average; banten; bayah; bayah granitic; calc; chappell; cigaber; cihara; cikotok; cisanun; complex; composition; concentration; content; continental; data; early; elements; environment; et al; field; fig; formation; geochemical; geological; geology; granite; granitic; granitic rocks; granodiorite; hartono; high; indonesia; jgeet; k2o; magma; metamorphic; minerals; oligocene; origin; patonah; pearce; plagioclase; plate; ppm; quartz; regional; research; rocks; samples; santosa; section; sediment; setting; sio2; stream; sujatmiko; sukarna; tectonic; thin; type; vag; volcanic; white; wt% cache: jgeet-3171.pdf plain text: jgeet-3171.txt item: #135 of 260 id: jgeet-33 author: Novriansyah, Adi; Novrianti, Novrianti; U, Mursyidah; Hadiguna, Sepria Catur title: An Experimental Study on Effect of Palm – Shell Waste Additive to Cement Strenght Enhancement date: 2017-03-01 words: 2157 flesch: 64 summary: 4. Conclussion An experimental study has been accomplished to investigate the effect PSC heating temperature to the cement strength in the oil-well cementing job, which are described from the CS and SBS Value of the cement. However, the greater CS value is not established for the sample with higher heating temperature. keywords: additive; adi; al./; bond; carbon; cement; cementing; compressive; effect; fig; heating; higher; jgeet; material; nanocomposite; nanosilica; novriansyah; oil; palm; psc; result; sample; sbs; shell; sio2; strength; study; temperature; values; vol; waste cache: jgeet-33.pdf plain text: jgeet-33.txt item: #136 of 260 id: jgeet-3315 author: Suganda, Bombom Rachmat; Yusuf, Wahyudi; Barkah, Mochamad Nursiyam ; Sunarie, Cecep Yandri; Hadian, M. Sapari Dwi title: Shallow Aquifer Groundwater Facies At Multiple Landuse Sites In Manglayang Volcanic Area, Jatinangor And Surroundings, Indonesia date: 2021-07-07 words: 3388 flesch: 53 summary: Volcanic rock compiler of Jatinangor area resulted from Mount Tampomas and Mount Tangkuban Perahu sediment. Conclusion Groundwater conditions in shallow aquifers in Manglayang Mountain have undergone hydrogeochemical changes, from facies of CaHCO3 in agricultural landuse areas and MgHCO3 in settlements landuse areas, then undergoing changes to CaCl and MgCl facies in the industrial landuse areas on its journey. keywords: 1/2021; agricultural; al./; aquifer; area; bandung; breccia; chemical; conditions; diagrams; different; distal; dominan; dry; east; facies; fields; fig; flow; groundwater; hco3; industrial; industry; jatinangor; jgeet; landuse; level; manglayang; meters; mixing; mountain; north; physical; piper; product; pyroclastic; rainy; research; rocks; season; sediment; settlements; shallow; southern; study; study area; suganda; tds; units; volcanic; west; young cache: jgeet-3315.pdf plain text: jgeet-3315.txt item: #137 of 260 id: jgeet-34 author: Herawati, Ira; Rita, Novia; Novrianti, Novrianti; Taufand, Rosalia M title: Analyzing The Statistics Function For Determination Of Oil Flow Rate Equation in New Productive Zone date: 2017-03-01 words: 2996 flesch: 66 summary: So, known differences in oil rate prediction between oil rate data in area X field Y known is 28.13 BOPD or 0.78%. Introduction The decline of oil flow rate in an oil field becomes a problem that have to be faced during the production period. keywords: analysis; area; calculation; data; determination; determine; error; fig; flow; flow rate; function; layer; linear; linest; new; oil; oil flow; polynomial; productive; rate; regression; research; table; value; vol; watercut; wells; zone cache: jgeet-34.pdf plain text: jgeet-34.txt item: #138 of 260 id: jgeet-340 author: Cahyaningsih, Catur; Ritonga, Anjas Latif; Aldila, Shaury; Zulhikmah, Zulhikmah title: Lithofacies And Depositional Analysis Environment Of West Section Kolok Nan Tuo Village, Sawahlunto City, West Of Sumatera date: 2018-06-01 words: 2339 flesch: 53 summary: However, they generally agree that the facies is characteristic of sedimentary rock units. Mudstone referring to the regional geology, rock units is comparable to the old Silungkang Formation Permian-Carbon era. keywords: al./; analysis; area; basin; cahyaningsih; claystone; color; conglomerate; crystalline; depositional; environment; facies; field; fig; formation; geological; gray; greywacke; jgeet; kolok; limestone; lithofacies; lithologies; map; matasak; mudstone; ombilin; research; rock; sandstone; sedimentary; structures; study; tertiary; tuo; unit; vol; west cache: jgeet-340.pdf plain text: jgeet-340.txt item: #139 of 260 id: jgeet-342 author: Prayitno, Budi; Ningrum, Nining Sudini title: Development of Funginite on Muaraenim and Lower Members of Telisa Formations at Central Sumatra Basin - Indonesia date: 2017-06-01 words: 2363 flesch: 55 summary: Treat samples from coal bodies, less likely to avoid direct oxidation in a long time to keep capillary moisture as well as coal surface. Funginite / Sclerotinite as coal component influenced many geological characteristics including swamp forest ecosystems during the decomposition of organic matter takes place.. keywords: analysis; coal; component; composition; conditions; development; fig; formation; funginite; geological; group; inertinite; jgeet; light; liptinite; lower; maseral; matter; members; mineral; muaraenim; n.s./; ningrum; organic; peat; prayitno; pyrite; research; sample; supply; surface; telisa; vitrinite; vol; water; white cache: jgeet-342.pdf plain text: jgeet-342.txt item: #140 of 260 id: jgeet-345 author: Nadi, Puji Adiatna; Murad, AbdulKader title: Reviewing the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) to measure Sustainable Urban Transport performance date: 2017-06-01 words: 5655 flesch: 52 summary: d. Thiessen Function As a part of GIS analysis, thiessen function used to have polygon feature data where the area inside the polygon is closer to the point than to any other point (Murad, 2003) created around the points to form an exhaustive landscape, with those polygons inheriting all of the (Shekhar and Xiong, 2008). Similarly, a study by (Gutiérrez et al., 2010) used ArcGIS with network analysis tools in order to calculate and map regional spillovers, economic potential values are computed using network routines. keywords: accessibility; air; aljoufie; analysis; application; approach; arabia; area; authors; buffer; care; city; classification; consumption; data; distance; doi:10.1016; emission; energy; environmental; et al; facilities; function; gis; gis tools; health; indicators; information; infrastructure; jeddah; land; level; measure; methods; model; murad; nadi; network; network analysis; noise; overlay; p.a; papers; performance; planning; pollution; previous; public; public transport; research; road; saudi; service; spatial; studies; study; sustainability; sustainable; system; tools; topic; traffic; transport; transport performance; transportation; travel; urban; urban transport; use; vol cache: jgeet-345.pdf plain text: jgeet-345.txt item: #141 of 260 id: jgeet-348 author: Zafar, Sumaira; Qaisar, Maha; Sohail, Zainab; Zaidi, Arjumand title: Development of Government Schools in Orangi Town, Karachi: A GIS based Case Study date: 2017-12-01 words: 3899 flesch: 69 summary: The main goal of this study was to present a methodology for the development of government schools based on geographical information system (GIS) through a case study of Orangi Town in Karachi. In this study, first the adequacy of government schools in the study area was evaluated and then the need for additional schools with their suitable locations were identified. keywords: 04/2017; age; analysis; area; bilal; children; colony; data; distance; earth; education; fig; gabol; gis; google; government; group; growth; haryana; jgeet; karachi; map; maps; nagar; new; number; orangi; orangi town; pakistan; people; population; primary; private; proximity; rate; ratio; residents; schools; served; sites; study; sumaira; system; temporal; town; union; vol; years; zafar cache: jgeet-348.pdf plain text: jgeet-348.txt item: #142 of 260 id: jgeet-3541 author: JGEET, JGEET title: JGEET Vol 04 02 2019 date: 2019-06-30 words: 642 flesch: 47 summary: Takahiro Miyazaki (Japan) Dr. Mursyidah, M.Sc. (Indonesia) Dr. Sapari Dwi Hadian MT (Indonesia) Dr. Emi Sukiyah ST., MT (Indonesia) Bambang Setiadi Ph.D (Indonesia) Dr. Vijaya Isnaniawardhani (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Mirza Muhammad Waqar, M.Sc (Pakistan) Good Fried Panggabean, S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. EDITORIAL MEMBER Dr. Kurnia Hastuti (Indonesia) Dr. Evizal Abdul Kadir S.T., M.Eng (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. keywords:; chief; editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;; m.t; ph.d; prof; research; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-3541.pdf plain text: jgeet-3541.txt item: #143 of 260 id: jgeet-3544 author: JGEET, JGEET title: Front Matter JGEET Vol 04 No 02-2 2019 date: 2019-06-30 words: 630 flesch: 47 summary: Takahiro Miyazaki (Japan) Dr. Mursyidah, M.Sc. (Indonesia) Dr. Sapari Dwi Hadian MT (Indonesia) Dr. Emi Sukiyah ST., MT (Indonesia) Bambang Setiadi Ph.D (Indonesia) Dr. Vijaya Isnaniawardhani (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Mirza Muhammad Waqar, M.Sc (Pakistan) Good Fried Panggabean, S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. EDITORIAL MEMBER Dr. Kurnia Hastuti (Indonesia) Dr. Evizal Abdul Kadir S.T., M.Eng (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. keywords: editorial; engineering; environment; geology; geoscience; india; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-3544.pdf plain text: jgeet-3544.txt item: #144 of 260 id: jgeet-3545 author: JGEET, JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 04 No 02 2019 date: 2019-06-30 words: 2070 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; right; section; set; space; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-3545.pdf plain text: jgeet-3545.txt item: #145 of 260 id: jgeet-3554 author: Dinkar, G. K.; Farooqui, S. A.; Singh, Vinod K.; Verma, A. K.; Prabhat, Prashant title: Geology of South and Southwest part of Uttar Pradesh and its Mineral Significance date: 2019-06-30 words: 6245 flesch: 56 summary: Sharma (1982) made a detailed lithostratigraphic, structural and petrological study of the Kuraicha Formation and Bundelkhand Group. Lithostratigraphy, structure and petrology of Bundelkhand Group; keywords: a.k; age; agori; al./; alluvium; archean; area; banda; basal; basic; bauxite; belt; bhander; bhattacharya; bijawar; black; bundelkhand; bundelkhand craton; central; clay; complex; conglomerate; covered; craton; crustal; dinkar; directorate; district; dudhi; ferruginous; fine; formation; g.k; geochronology; geological; geology; girar; gneiss; gneissic; gold; granite; granitic; granitoids; greenish; greenstone; grey; group; india; iron; jgeet; kaimur; lalitpur; limestone; mahakoshal; massif; medium; member; micaceous; mineralization; mining; northern; older; parsoi; peninsular; phyllite; pradesh; precambrian; proterozoic; quartz; quartzite; rewa; river; rocks; sandstone; schist; sedimentary; sediments; semri; sequence; shale; silica; siltstone; singh; slabunov; soil; sonbhadra; sonrai; southern; supergroup; survey; types; u.p; unit; upper; uttar; uttar pradesh; v.k; veins; vindhyan; vol; younger cache: jgeet-3554.pdf plain text: jgeet-3554.txt item: #146 of 260 id: jgeet-3705 author: Putri, Ratih Fitria; Abadi, Aji Wijaya; Tastian, Naufal Fattah title: Impacts of Population Density for Landuse Assessment in Cengkareng, West Jakarta, Indonesia: Landuse Assessment date: 2020-06-24 words: 7245 flesch: 52 summary: Cengkareng is one of Jakarta’s district to experience landuse change due to urbanization (Prasasti et al., 2015) Cengkareng area extends 26.54 km2 in the western part of Jakarta. Industrial area has occupied about 12.82 per cent of Cengkareng area. keywords: 2017; agricultural; al./; area; barat; buaya; cengkareng; cengkareng timur; cent; change; community; data; demand; density; development; duri; dynamics; economic; environment; figure; flood; growth; high; housing; impacts; incoming; increase; industrial; inhabitants; jakarta; jgeet; kaliangke; kapuk; kedaung; km2; kosambi; landuse; landuse change; landuse proportion; metropolitan; nucleated; office; open; pattern; population; population density; population growth; presence; proportion; putri; r.f; rawa; research; residential; river; settlement; slum; space; statistics; study; subdistrict; table; timur; type; urban; urbanization; vol; year cache: jgeet-3705.pdf plain text: jgeet-3705.txt item: #147 of 260 id: jgeet-3783 author: Suryadi, Adi; Choanji, Tiggi; Yuskar, Yuniarti; Natasia, Nanda; Akhsan, Tristan Aulia; Syahputra, M Revanda title: Geotourism on XIII Koto Kampar: an Approach for Sustainable Eco-Geo System date: 2019-12-30 words: 4 flesch: -387 summary: . keywords: cache: jgeet-3783.pdf plain text: jgeet-3783.txt item: #148 of 260 id: jgeet-3791 author: Heriyanto, Heriyanto; Asrol title: Simultaneous Equation Model for Economic Calculation of Households of Independent Rubber Farmers in Mineral Land in Kampar Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia date: 2020-06-26 words: 7107 flesch: 49 summary: In the equation of non-food consumption of rubber farmer households shows that non-food consumption of rubber farmer households is not responsive to changes in the total income of rubber farmer households (positive), the number of rubber farmer family members (positive), education of rubber farmer wives (positive) and investment of farmer household education rubber (negative). This study generally aims to design models and government policy strategies in the development of smallholder rubber plantations on land typology mineral land conditions on the economic decision making of rubber farmer households. keywords: .0001; activities; agricultural; allocation; analysis; area; asrol; average; bogor; business; changes; consumption; dan; development; district; economic; economy; education; ekonomi; elinur; equation; estimation; expenditure; external; factors; family; farmer; farmer household; farming; food; growth; heriyanto; household; household economic; household expenditure; household income; income; intercept; internal; international; investment; journal; kampar; labor; land; model; non; number; oil; outflow; outside; palm; pertanian; petani; plantation; positive; production; regency; research; responsive; results; riau; rubber; rubber farmer; rubber farming; rumahtangga; sector; study; time; total; work; work time; working; years cache: jgeet-3791.pdf plain text: jgeet-3791.txt item: #149 of 260 id: jgeet-38 author: Lubis, Muhammad Zainuddin; Manik, Henry M title: Acoustic systems (split beam echo sounder ) to determine abundance of fish in marine fisheries: Review date: 2017-03-01 words: 4032 flesch: 66 summary: The working principle of Split Beam on detecting fish echo sounder, Source in (Arnaya,1991). Fish density and target strength distribution of single fish echoes in varying light conditions with single and split beam echosounding and trawling. keywords: 1992; 2002; 2005; abundance; acoustic; angle; aspect; beam; bladder; data; density; echo; energy; equation; estimate; factors; fig; fish; fisheries; h.m/; high; hydroacoustic; intensity; jgeet; journal; length; log; lubis; m.z; maclennan; marine; measurements; method; number; science; signal; simmonds; single; size; sound; sounder; source; split; stocks; strength; swim; target; target strength; time; transducer; tvg; value; volume cache: jgeet-38.pdf plain text: jgeet-38.txt item: #150 of 260 id: jgeet-3889 author: Khoirunnisa, Hanah; Arif Rachman, Reno; Sari Ningsih, Nining ; Syamsudin, Fadli title: The Role of Decadal Kelvin Wave in the Western of Sumatra and Along the South Coast of Java using Frequency-Wavenumber 2D Spectral Analysis date: 2020-03-30 words: 3219 flesch: 69 summary: There are three propagations of decadal Kelvin wave and their velocities were 1.029x10-3 m/s (1974 – 1976), 0.21 m/s during 1985 – 1986), and 6.86x10-4 m/s for 1998 to 2001 trough west Sumatra and southern Java. The frequency-wavenumber 2D spectral analysis produced the improvement of Kelvin wave and it has the period of 7.25 years. keywords: analysis; coast; data; decadal; decadal kelvin; depth; diagram; dispersive; energy; existence; fig; filter; frequency; index; indian; inter; iod; java; journal; kelvin; kelvin wave; khoirunnisa; ocean; period; propagation; research; sea; southern; spectral; spectral analysis; spectrum; ssha; sumatra; surface; temperature; variability; wave; wavenumber; western; years cache: jgeet-3889.pdf plain text: jgeet-3889.txt item: #151 of 260 id: jgeet-3976 author: Barkah, Mochamad Nursiyam; Hani, Fauziyah ; Suganda, Bombom Rachmat ; Iman, Munib Ikhwatun; Sunarie, Cecep Yandri; Hadian, Mohamad Sapari Dwi title: Groundwater Conservation Strategy Based on Water Balance at Muarabungo Groundwater Basin, Indonesia date: 2021-09-15 words: 2500 flesch: 52 summary: 4.2 Determination of groundwater catchment areas The determination of groundwater catchment areas is intended to be designated as a protected area by the local government. In accordance with Law Number 24 of 1992 concerning Spatial Planning and Presidential Decree Number 32 of 1990 concerning the Protection of Protected Areas is explicitly stated that water catchment areas are designated as protected areas where any cultivation activities are prohibited in those areas unless they do not disturb the protection function (M. Hadian, Mardiana, Abdurahman, & Iman, 2006). keywords: addition; analysis; area; available; balance; bandung; basin; catchment; chemical; conservation; dan; data; dominant; dominant type; facies; geologi; good; groundwater; hadian; hco3; indonesia; kehutanan; kementrian; lembar; muarabungo; needs; peta; physical; population; potential; properties; quality; recharge; research; results; rocks; study; tanah; type; use; vol; year cache: jgeet-3976.pdf plain text: jgeet-3976.txt item: #152 of 260 id: jgeet-3996 author: Ondara, Koko; Dhiauddin, Ruzana; Wisha, Ulung Jantama; Rahmawan, Guntur Adhi title: Hydrodynamics Features and Coastal Vulnerability of Sayung Sub-District, Demak, Central Java, Indonesia date: 2020-03-30 words: 3769 flesch: 63 summary: Wind data used were the maximum monthly wind data that will induce the maximum wave height. Result and Discussion To facilitate the reading of wind data for 10 years, the wind rose diagram was created shown in Figure 2. keywords: abrasion; al./; area; bathymetry; change; coastal; coastline; coefficient; condition; current; data; demak; depth; direction; district; equation; fig; flood; height; high; hydrodynamics; indones; information; java; jgeet; level; map; maximum; north; ondara; period; permeable; profile; refraction; regency; research; sayung; sea; sediment; sedimentation; shoreline; speed; surface; table; tidal; velocity; vertical; vol; vulnerability; water; wave; wind; wisha; year cache: jgeet-3996.pdf plain text: jgeet-3996.txt item: #153 of 260 id: jgeet-4 author: Putra, Ridho Widyantama; Nasution, Frillia; Putri, Nurlita; Alfath, Rahmat title: Control Structure of Garba Formation Through Petrography Analysis in Tanjung Beringin, South OKU Regency, South Sumatra date: 2016-12-01 words: 1956 flesch: 52 summary: Tectonic order in the research area which in the South Sumatera Basin has had northwest- southeast tending linements that parallel to the According to De Coster (1974), it has been estimated that 3 episode of orogenic which formed framework structure in region of South Sumatera cavity that is orogenic Mesozoic Center, tectonic last lime first Tertiary and orogenic Plio Plistocene. And sort of formation by old to young on South Sumatera cavity according to De Coster,1974 is group of Pra-Tertiary, Kikim Formation and Older Lemat Formation, Young Lemat Formation, Talang Akar Formation, Baturaja Formation, Telisa Formation, Gumai Formation, Lower Palembang Formation, Middle Palembang Formation and Upper Palembang Formation. keywords: aim; alkali; analysis; area; biotite; chlorite; east; existence; fault; feldspar; fig; formation; granite; measurement; mineral; north; palembang; petrography; phase; plagioclase; quartz; research; result; rock; south; structure; sumatera; tectonic; thin; vol; west cache: jgeet-4.pdf plain text: jgeet-4.txt item: #154 of 260 id: jgeet-4054 author: JGEET, JGEET title: Front Matter JGEET Vol 04 No 03 2019 date: 2019-09-30 words: 646 flesch: 50 summary: Takahiro Miyazaki (Japan) Dr. Mursyidah, M.Sc. (Indonesia) Dr. Sapari Dwi Hadian MT (Indonesia) Dr. Emi Sukiyah ST., MT (Indonesia) Bambang Setiadi Ph.D (Indonesia) Dr. Vijaya Isnaniawardhani (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Mirza Muhammad Waqar, M.Sc (Pakistan) Good Fried Panggabean, S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. EDITORIAL MEMBER Dr. Kurnia Hastuti (Indonesia) Dr. Evizal Abdul Kadir S.T., M.Eng (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. keywords: editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;; m.t; ph.d; prof; research; s.t; technology; west cache: jgeet-4054.pdf plain text: jgeet-4054.txt item: #155 of 260 id: jgeet-4055 author: JGEET, JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 04 No 03 2019 date: 2019-09-30 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-4055.pdf plain text: jgeet-4055.txt item: #156 of 260 id: jgeet-4064 author: Putra, Dike Fitriansyah; Futur, Lazuardhy Vozika; Umar, Mursyidah title: A Tracer Streamline Practice for Re-Evaluation Waterflood Pattern to Introduce a Cyclic Water Injection Scheme date: 2021-08-30 words: 3785 flesch: 62 summary: Introduction The possibility of increasing oil productivity in the field is to utilize water injection to displace oil to producers. Notwithstanding many characteristics of the reservoir are favorable, there are also some characteristics of the reservoir that are detrimental, such as reservoir heterogeneity, especially the value of high permeability, it reflects poorly on water injection. keywords: 3/2021; a-41; a-41bwat; base; case; continuous; cumulative; cut; cyclic; cyclic water; d.f; depressurizing; field; fig; flow; gas; high; incremental; injection; injector; jgeet; oil; path; pattern; permeability; phase; pressure; production; putra; rate; reservoir; scenario; scheme; simulation; sm3; spe; study; tracer; vol; water; water injection; waterflood; wells; zone cache: jgeet-4064.pdf plain text: jgeet-4064.txt item: #157 of 260 id: jgeet-4070 author: Iqbal, Mochamad; Juliarka, Bella Restu; Ashuri, Wijayanti; Farishi, Bilal Al title: Hydrogeochemistry of Natar and Cisarua Hot springs in South Lampung, Indonesia date: 2019-09-30 words: 3531 flesch: 65 summary: 5. Discussion 5.1 Geoindicator The CSH ternary diagram is used to classify geothermal water types. Based on Clark (2015), Natar cold water (ADN) which has a type of water Ca/Mg - HCO3 indicates that the water is originating from shallow aquifers. keywords: 03/2019; al./; analysis; apc; apn2; apn3; area; cisarua; cold; content; data; depth; diagram; fig; geothermal; groundwater; hco3; hot; indonesia; iqbal; isotope; jgeet; lampung; manifestations; metamorphic; natar; research; reservoir; rock; samples; spring; steam; study; surface; system; table; temperature; tritium; tuff; values; vol; water; white cache: jgeet-4070.pdf plain text: jgeet-4070.txt item: #158 of 260 id: jgeet-4096 author: Kusumayudha, Sari Bahagiarti; Sanjaya, I Made Oki; Murwanto, Helmy; Raharjo, Sugeng title: Geomorphological Assessment to Tract the Flow Evolution of Kali Putih, Srumbung District, Magelang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia date: 2020-03-30 words: 3424 flesch: 55 summary: In order to derive geohistorical data and information on Kali Putih and lahar disaster in the past time, then the evolution of Kali Putih flow is needed to be traced with scientific assessment in the form of geomorphological and geological studies. Results and Discussion 3.1 Geomorphology In the present time Kali Putih flow is situated on the southwestern slope of Merapi volcano. keywords: al./; ancient; ancient kali; area; aspects; central; channel; deposits; direction; earth;; evolution; fig; flow; food; geological; geomorphological; geomorphology; google; hills; indonesia; java; jgeet; kali; kali putih; kusumayudha; lahar; magelang; map; merapi; modern; old; putih; pyroclastic; research; river; s.b; slope; southwest; srumbung; study; valley; volcanic; volcano; water cache: jgeet-4096.pdf plain text: jgeet-4096.txt item: #159 of 260 id: jgeet-4098 author: Winarno, Tri; Marin, Jenian; Wijaya Jati, Wisnu title: Effect of Porphyritic Andesite Intrusion on The Formation of Contact Metamorphism Aureole in Selo Gajah Hill Clastic Limestone, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java, Indonesia date: 2020-06-29 words: 3469 flesch: 57 summary: The outcrop of pyroclastic breccias at STA 30 (B) Handspeciment of pyroclastic breccia 4.2 Mineralogy Rock sampling is conducted systematically, based on three types of rocks: sedimentary rock as protolith rock of hornfels, igneous rocks as intrusion rocks, metamorphic rocks as a product of contact metamorphism. Hornfels The lithology unit of hornfels metamorphic rock consists of sedimentary rock which is transformed to metamorphic rock due to the influence of andesite porphyritic intrusion (Fig. 8). keywords: analysis; andesite; appearance; area; body; bojonegoro; breccia; carbonate; composition; contact; determination; district; facies; fig; formation; gajah; gondang; hill; hornfels; intrusion; jari; jgeet; limestone; lithology; metamorphism; minerals; monticellite; petrographic; porphyritic; pyroclastic; research; rock; sedimentary; selo; sta; sub; table; vesuvianite; village; vol; winarno; zonation; zone cache: jgeet-4098.pdf plain text: jgeet-4098.txt item: #160 of 260 id: jgeet-410 author: Zar, Aung Tay; Warmada, I Wayan; Setijadji, Lucas Donny; Watanabe, Koichiro title: Geochemical Characteristics of Metamorphic Rock-Hosted Gold Deposit At Onzon-Kanbani Area, Central Myanmar date: 2017-09-01 words: 5750 flesch: 61 summary: Wall rock alterations related with hydrothermal fluid are observed in Onzon-Kanbani area but not wide area scale. 2. Methods of study Totally, fifty ofthin and polished sections of altered rocks and ore sampleswere conducted for mineralogical study by optical microscope and confirmed again by scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX). keywords: 03/2017; a.t; al./; al2o3; alteration; altered; area; base; belt; biotite; burma; calcite; cao; central; chalcopyrite; content; diagram; elements; fig; fluid; galena; geol; gneiss; gold; granite; host; hydrothermal; hydrothermal alteration; igneous; illite; inclusion; jgeet; kanbani; major; marble; metal; metamorphic; mgo; mineralization; minerals; mogok; myanmar; n.d; onzon; ore; petrochemistry; plutonic; propylitic; pyrite; quartz; regional; research; rich; rocks; samples; sericite; silicic; sio2; sphalerite; stage; study; syenite; temperature; total; trace; type; unit; vein; vol; zar; zone cache: jgeet-410.pdf plain text: jgeet-410.txt item: #161 of 260 id: jgeet-4112 author: Iswahyudi, Sachrul; Permanajati, Indra; Setijadi, Rachmad; Zaenurrohman, Januar Aziz; Pamungkas, Muhamad Afirudin title: The Origin of Geothermal Water Around Slamet Volcano - Paguyangan - Cipari, Central Java, Indonesia date: 2020-12-15 words: 2505 flesch: 54 summary: This was used for the interpretation of the origin of geothermal water. Keywords: Slamet volcano, Paguyangan, Cipari, Geothermal water 1. keywords: 18o; analysis; area; bantarkawung; bumi; cipari; data; deutrium; fault; fig; formation; geological; geothermal; geothermal water; hot; interpretation; isotopes; iswahyudi; laboratory; local; location; meteoric; meteoric water; origin; paguyangan; panas; pancuran; plotting; research; reservoir; rock; samples; sigedong; site; slamet; springs; studies; study; surface; volcano; water cache: jgeet-4112.pdf plain text: jgeet-4112.txt item: #162 of 260 id: jgeet-4113 author: Hasria; Hasan, Erzam S.; Deniyatno; Salihin, L M Iradat; Asdiwan title: Characteristics of Ultramafic Igneous Rock Ofiolite Complex in Asera District, North Konawe Regency Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia date: 2020-08-18 words: 3264 flesch: 56 summary: Referring to the abundance of serpentine minerals in rocks, the characteristics of ultramafic rocks at this station include serpentine type ultramafic rocks (Travis, 1955). Petrographic analysis results showed that ultramafic rocks in the study area consisted of 2 types of rocks namely peridotite consisting of wherlit and lherzoite and serpentinite. keywords: analysis; area; arm; characteristics; classification; content; data; elements; environment; expansion; figure; floor; form; geochemical; geological; group; hall; halu; magma; main; mgo; minerals; mor; north; oleo; olivine; pearce; peridotite; petrographic; process; research; results; rocks; series; serpentine; southeast; streckeisen; study; sulawesi; table; type; ultramafic; ultramafic rocks; university; wt% cache: jgeet-4113.pdf plain text: jgeet-4113.txt item: #163 of 260 id: jgeet-4127 author: Asmorowati, Dewi; Lukmana, Allen Haryanto; Prasetyo, Rizqi Mahfudz title: 3D Natural State Modeling of Mount Iyang-Argopuro Geothermal Area, East Java, Indonesia date: 2021-06-15 words: 3316 flesch: 55 summary: The evolution of volcanic activity shifts relative to the west, starting from Old Mount Iyang Argopuro (Mount Gilap and Mount Jembangan) to Young Mount Iyang-Argopuro (Mount Argopuro, Mount Semen and Mount Pandu) (MEMR, 2017). Volcanic Neck of Mount Iyang Argopuro Revealed From Gravity Study. keywords: 2/2021; al./; area; argopuro; asmorowati; blocks; boundary; conceptual; condition; data; east; figure; flow; geothermal; geothermometer; heat; hot; indarto; indonesia; iyang; jgeet; lava; layer; mass; matching; memr; model; mount; mount iyang; natural; numerical; pressure; pyroclastic; region; reservoir; rock; source; state; surface; system; temperature; thickness; unit; vol; volcanic; zone cache: jgeet-4127.pdf plain text: jgeet-4127.txt item: #164 of 260 id: jgeet-4181 author: Sofwan, Muhammad; Tanjung, Mira Hafizhah title: Evaluation Study Of Walkability Index In Central Business District (CBD) Area, Pekanbaru City date: 2020-09-01 words: 5798 flesch: 62 summary: Meanwhile, areas that are more mixed-use have higher walkability index such as grid 2 and grid 3. The results of the analysis show that grid 1, grid 4, grid 5, and grid 6 have negative walkability index values, whereas there are two regions that have positive results, namely grid 2 and grid 3. keywords: 3/2020; activities; activity; al./; analysis; area; cbd; city; commercial; concept; connectivity; data; density; district; diversity; entropy; entropy index; environment; far; fig; floor; form; grid; high; households; housing; index; index grid; index value; ipen; jalan; jgeet; kota; land; level; map; mixed; neighborhood; number; pedestrians; pekanbaru; people; physical; project; ratio; residential; results; road; sofwan; study; sub; table; transportation; urban; use; uses; value; vol; walkability; walkability index; walkable; walking cache: jgeet-4181.pdf plain text: jgeet-4181.txt item: #165 of 260 id: jgeet-4191 author: Setyawan, Reddy; Subroto, Edy Ariyono ; Sapiie, Benyamin; Condronegoro, Randy; Syam, Beiruny title: Shale Gas Potential In Jambi Sub-Basin, Indonesia: Insights From Geochemical and Geomechanical Studies date: 2020-06-26 words: 5727 flesch: 62 summary: Availibility data used in this research Well Source Rock XRD LAS Log VpVs GR BHC RT SCRG-1 √ - √ √ √ x STRA-27 - √ √ √ √ x STRA-35 - √ √ √ √ x SPRN-1 - - √ √ √ x LGCY-1 √ - √ √ √ x MRCP-1 - - √ √ √ x MRCP-13 - √ √ √ √ x IRZR-1 √ - √ √ √ x IRZR-41 - √ √ √ √ x IRZR-42 - √ √ √ √ x IRZR-5 √ - √ √ √ x IRZR-7 - √ √ √ √ x JTBS-1 √ - √ √ √ √ JTBS-2 √ - √ √ √ x JTBS-28 - √ √ √ √ x EVNX-1 √ √ √ √ √ x EVNX-15 - √ √ - √ x EVNX-2 √ √ √ √ √ x EVNX-9 - √ √ √ √ x VNTR-1 √ √ √ √ √ x DSCO-1 √ - - - - x TRVG-1 - - √ √ √ √ In this study, a geomechanical evaluation was carried out as an initial review to determine the potential of shale gas that was focused on the Gumai Formation and the Talangakar Formation both in Upper Talangakar and Lower Talangakar. In general, Gumai and Talangakar Formations at Betara high have lower rock strength values than those in Geragai. keywords: analysis; area; average; basin; betara; cross; crossplot; data; depth; dsco-1; figure; formation; gas; geragai; good; gumai; gumai formation; high; hydrocarbon; index; indonesia; jambi; jtbs-2; kerogen; lgcy-1; lower; material; mature; maturity; oil; organic; overpressure; petroleum; phase; potential; produce; range; rock; samples; shale; source; source rock; south; strength; study; sub; sumatra; talangakar; talangakar formation; toc; type; upper; value; vol; wells; window; xrd; √ √ cache: jgeet-4191.pdf plain text: jgeet-4191.txt item: #166 of 260 id: jgeet-4247 author: Jahidin; Ngkoimani, LO.; Salihin, LM. Iradat ; Hasria; Hasan, Erzam S. ; Ido, Irfan ; Asfar, Suryawan title: Analysis of Ultramafic Rocks Weathering Level Using the Magnetic Susceptibility in Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia date: 2020-06-24 words: 4251 flesch: 56 summary: This means that the weathering level of ultramafic rock samples is the continued weathering level. 334,6 -381,6 ST3 1 2 Rock mining(Pondidaha district) 71,8 - 119,8 ST5 3 7 Nickel mining(Pondidaha district) 91,4 - 156,6 ST2 1 2 Rock mining (Puriala District) 959,5 - 991,3 ST3 1 2 Rock mining (Puriala District) 269,2 - 285,9 Based on the Table 2, it can be seen that the magnetic susceptibility value in ultramafic rock samples and soil samples in the study area varies. keywords: al./; analysis; area; content; continued; core; district; feooh; fig; form; geotite; hematite; indonesia; jahidin; jgeet; laterite; level; lherzolite; magnetic; magnetic minerals; magnetic susceptibility; minerals; mining; mining(pondidaha; nickel; pondidaha; pondidaha district; presence; process; puriala; puriala district; rock; rock samples; samples; saprolite; site; soil; st2; st3; structure; study; sulawesi; susceptibility; table; type; ultramafic; ultramafic rocks; university; upper; values; vol; weathering; weathering level; αfe2o3 cache: jgeet-4247.pdf plain text: jgeet-4247.txt item: #167 of 260 id: jgeet-4258 author: Islami, Nur title: The Weak Soil Investigation at the Slope Zone in the Hot Spring Area, Rokan Hulu, Indonesia date: 2019-12-30 words: 3267 flesch: 66 summary: 5. Conclusion The investigation of theweak soil zone has been successfully done in the slope area of the hot spring tourism location, Rokan Hulu, Indonesia. Geoelectrical resistivity method has been used widely to investigate the subsurface condition. keywords: area; data; depth; direct; doi; fig; geoelectrical; geoelectrical resistivity; ground; higher; hot; indonesia; islami; landslide; line; location; low; measurement; method; model; ohm.m; research; resistivity; resistivity survey; resistivity value; rock; slope; soil; spring; study; study area; surface; survey; table; value; vol; water; weak; zone cache: jgeet-4258.pdf plain text: jgeet-4258.txt item: #168 of 260 id: jgeet-4266 author: Rizka, Rizka; Piskora, Beta Arroma; Satiawan, Soni; Saputra, Hendra title: Simulation of Time-Lapse Resistivity Method on Sandbox Model to Determine Fluid Changes and Desaturation date: 2020-12-18 words: 3590 flesch: 61 summary: The first measurement results (dry conditions) obtained a range of resistivity values from 3.7 to 168.1 Ω.m, the second measurement (wet conditions filled 2.5% water) obtained the range of resistivity values from 3.3 to 110.8 Ω.m and the third measurement (wet conditions) filled with 5% water the resistivity values range from 1.7 to 91.2 Ω.m. ERT measurement is done by injecting electric current to the subsurface of the earth to obtain resistivity pseudo section or a distribution model of resistivity value of subsurface material laterally and vertically (Lowrie, 2007). keywords: change; clay; coarse; condition; current; data; desaturation; difference; dipole; dry; electrical; fig; figure; fine; fluid; gravel; inversion; ions; lapse; layer; measurement; method; model; modeling; number; percentage; processing; resistivity; resistivity value; results; rizka; rock; sandbox; sandstone; second; set; time; true; tuff; value; vol; water; wet; ω.m cache: jgeet-4266.pdf plain text: jgeet-4266.txt item: #169 of 260 id: jgeet-434 author: Hasria, Hasria; Idrus, Arifudin; Warmada, I Wayan title: The Metamorphic Rocks-Hosted Gold Mineralization At Rumbia Mountains Prospect Area In The Southeastern Arm of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia date: 2017-09-01 words: 3477 flesch: 51 summary: Distribution character and genesis of gold deposits in metamorphic terrains. Hence, the metamorphic rock is categorized into green schist facies, which is noted as an important host rock facies for orogenic gold deposit worldwide The metamorphic rocks are strongly weathered, however trenching program has opened up the soil cover and exposes the hydrothermal alteration zones. keywords: 03/2017; alteration; altered; area; carbonization; chalcopyrite; characteristics; cinnabar; complex; deposit; dhr; et al; exploration; fig; generation; geological; geology; gold; gold deposit; hasria; hematite; hydrothermal; i.w./; idrus; indonesia; island; jgeet; metamorphic; metamorphic rocks; mica; mineralization; mountains; ore; orogenic; ppm; present; propylitic; pyrite; quartz; quartz veins; research; rocks; rumbia; schist; southeast; stibnite; study; sulawesi; type; veins; vol; warmada cache: jgeet-434.pdf plain text: jgeet-434.txt item: #170 of 260 id: jgeet-4503 author: Wibowo, Rahmat Catur; Ar, Ditha Arlinsky; Ariska, Suci; Wiranatanagara, Muhammad Budisatya; Riyadi, Pradityo title: Gas Saturated Sandstone Reservoir Modeling Using Bayesian Stochastic Seismic Inversion date: 2020-03-30 words: 3697 flesch: 63 summary: Cross-section of stochastic seismic inversion results 3.7. March 10, 2020 DOI: 10.25299/jgeet.2020.5.1.4503: 10.24273/jgeet.2016.1.2.001 Abstract This study has been done to map the distribution of gas saturated sandstone reservoir by using stochastic seismic inversion in the “X” field, Bonaparte basin. keywords: acoustic; analysis; ar-2; ar-3; area; base; basin; bayesian; data; depth; faults; fig; form; gamma; gas; high; hydrocarbon; impedance; inversion; layer; lithology; log; low; map; method; model; modeling; porosity; principle; probability; prospect; qualitative; ray; reservoir; response; results; sandstone; scale; seismic; stochastic; structure; study; time; trend; values; vol; wells; zone cache: jgeet-4503.pdf plain text: jgeet-4503.txt item: #171 of 260 id: jgeet-4504 author: Wibowo, Rahmat Catur; Pertiwi, Alia Puja; Kurniati, Suci title: Identification of Clay Mineral Content Using Spectral Gamma Ray on Y1 Well in Karawang Area, West Java, Indonesia. date: 2020-08-18 words: 4841 flesch: 52 summary: 4.2 Laboratory Gamma-Ray Determination of clay mineral content is limited to five typical minerals that are significant for the oil industry, namely chlorite, glauconite, illite, kaolinite and smectite. Clay minerals formed in continental and marine environments influence variability with respect to chemical composition. keywords: 1/2020; al./; basin; clay; clay minerals; common; concentrations; conditions; consist; content; data; energy; environment; evaluation; feldspar; figure; formation; fraction; gamma; gamma ray; gas; heavy; high; iii; illite; indicator; indonesia; interpretation; java; jgeet; laboratory; layer; log; low; lower; marine; matter; measurements; minerals; mixed; natural; north; northwest; nwjb; organic; petroleum; potassium; ppm; r.c; radioactive; ratio; ray; reservoir; rock; samples; sandstones; schlumberger; sedimentary; shales; shallow; smectite; source; spectral; spectrum; thorium; type; upper; uranium; vol; wibowo cache: jgeet-4504.pdf plain text: jgeet-4504.txt item: #172 of 260 id: jgeet-4671 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front Matter JGEET Vol. 04 No. 04 2019 date: 2019-12-30 words: 645 flesch: 48 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Prof. Mega F. Rosana, Ph.D (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Samsudin (Malaysia) Prof. Dr. H. Detri Karya, S.E, M.A (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sugeng Wiyono, MMT. EDITOR IN CHIEF Dr. Eng. keywords:; editor; editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-4671.pdf plain text: jgeet-4671.txt item: #173 of 260 id: jgeet-4672 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 04 No 04 2019 date: 2019-12-30 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-4672.pdf plain text: jgeet-4672.txt item: #174 of 260 id: jgeet-4676 author: Zamroni, Akhmad; Kurniati, Ayu Candra; Prasetya, Haris Nur Eka title: The assessment of landslides disaster mitigation in Java Island, Indonesia: a review date: 2020-08-18 words: 3947 flesch: 43 summary: In addition, universities are also involved in landslide disaster mitigation research. Vol 5 No 3/2020 125 (Karnawati et al., 2011), socio-technical approach for landslides risk reductionand disaster mitigation program (Karnawati et al., 2013), driving factors of social vulnerability (Siagian et al., 2014), the quantitative research of public perception of disaster landslides (Suharini et al., 2014), and the communication problems between scientists and executives on the one hand and societies on the other (Andreastuti et al., 2017). keywords: action; activities; addition; agency; approach; areas; assessment; awareness; badan; bencana; bnpb; bpbd; communities; community; disaster; disaster mitigation; disaster risk; early; engineering; et al; fathani; forces; geological; government; high; indonesia; island; java; journal; landslides; landslides disaster; level; limited; local; management; mapping; mitigation; nasional; natural; people; preparedness; prone; public; reduction; research; researchers; residential; risk; social; stakeholders; state; systems; vol; vulnerability; warning cache: jgeet-4676.pdf plain text: jgeet-4676.txt item: #175 of 260 id: jgeet-4681 author: Mildawati, Roza; Puri, Anas; Handayani, M. Zaky title: Effects of Corn Stalks Ash as A Substitution Material of Cement Due to the Concrete Strength of Rigid Pavement date: 2022-03-30 words: 4772 flesch: 68 summary: The specimens for compressive strength tests were a cubic shape with dimension 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm and for flexural tensile strength, tests were a beam shape with dimension 15 cm x 15 cm x 60 cm. The flexural tensile strength has also a correlation due to compressive strength. keywords: addition; aggregate; ash; beton; cement; coarse; compressive; compressive strength; concrete; content; corn; csa; design; deviation; diameter; engineering; factor; fig; fine; flexural; flexural strength; flexural tensile; ingredients; machine; material; maximum; mildawati; mixture; mpa; pavement; plants; portland; research; results; rigid; silica; slump; sni; specimens; stalk; standard; steel; stone; strength; substitution; tensile; tensile strength; test; type; use; value; vol; water cache: jgeet-4681.pdf plain text: jgeet-4681.txt item: #176 of 260 id: jgeet-4737 author: Wibowo, Sandy Budi ; Lavigne, Franck; Rifai, Siddiq Luqman; Suryandari, Rani Rahim; Nurani, Idea Wening; St. Dwi Ermawan Danas Putra; Pamungkas, Wahyu Widi title: Raster-based Model for Mass Movement in Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia. date: 2020-12-01 words: 3739 flesch: 50 summary: The movement of landslide material starts from the toe. Identification of soil physical properties was also carried out to determine the characteristics of landslide material. keywords: 2018; 2020; area; characteristics; clay; data; direction; disaster; dsm; dynamic; engineering; et al; event; flow; friction; geography; identification; indonesia; information; jgeet; landslide; landslide material; laser; learning; malang; mass; mass movement; material; model; modelling; movement; numerical; observation; phase; physical; pixel; point; process; properties; raster; research; s.b; slip; slope; soil; spatial; stability; study; surface; technology; toe; universitas; value; vol; wang; wibowo cache: jgeet-4737.pdf plain text: jgeet-4737.txt item: #177 of 260 id: jgeet-488 author: Aditya, Addin title: Mataloko Geothermal Power Plant Development Strategy in order to Maintain the Sustainability of Supply and Demand Electric Energy in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (A System Dynamics Framework) date: 2017-09-01 words: 2524 flesch: 58 summary: Struc (Toth & Bobok, 2017) 2.3 Geothermal Power Plants Principally, the work of geothermal power system is same as steam power plant, only steam power plant using boiler to make a steam while steam for geothermal power plant was from geothermal reservoir (Hanindhito, et al., 2011). Dry Steam Power Plant This is the first method to develop geothermal power plant. keywords: aspect; base; cost; data; demand; development; dynamics; east; electricity; electrification; energy; fig; geothermal; geothermal power; heat; indonesia; jgeet; kupang; model; ntt; nusa; planning; plant; power; power plant; ratio; research; resource; result; scenario; simulation; steam; surface; system; temperature; tenggara; utilization; vol cache: jgeet-488.pdf plain text: jgeet-488.txt item: #178 of 260 id: jgeet-4941 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front Matter JGEET Vol. 05 No. 01 2020 date: 2020-03-30 words: 606 flesch: 47 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Prof. Mega F. Rosana, Ph.D (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Samsudin (Malaysia) Prof. Dr. H. Detri Karya, S.E, M.A (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sugeng Wiyono, MMT. EDITOR IN CHIEF Dr. Eng. keywords: central; editor; engineering; environment; geoscience; indonesia; issn; japan; java; jgeet; journal; m.eng;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-4941.pdf plain text: jgeet-4941.txt item: #179 of 260 id: jgeet-4942 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 05 No 01 2020 date: 2020-03-30 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-4942.pdf plain text: jgeet-4942.txt item: #180 of 260 id: jgeet-5 author: Putra, Dewandra Bagus Eka; Choanji, Tiggi title: Preliminary Analysis of Slope Stability in Kuok and Surrounding Areas date: 2016-12-01 words: 1519 flesch: 68 summary: Based on slope analysis in Kuok and Surrounding area, there are five type related with degree of slope in research area, from nearly level to very steep slope. The major factor of landslide occurrence is the geological structure, as the cut slopes in Kuok and surrounding areas considered as heavily jointed rock slope, the possibility of slope failure is higher. keywords: analysis; area; choanji; data; elsevier; failure; fall; fig; formation; geological; jgeet; kuok; level; map; mode; potential; putra; research; riau; rock; sets; slope; stability; steep; surface; t./; universitas; vol; zone cache: jgeet-5.pdf plain text: jgeet-5.txt item: #181 of 260 id: jgeet-5048 author: Kausarian, Husnul; trionaldi, evan; Khalif Arrahman, taufan; bagus eka putra, dewandra ; Batara title: Settlement and Capacity Analysis of Land Support Development on Flyover in Large City; Pekanbaru, Indonesia date: 2020-06-26 words: 6251 flesch: 74 summary: The depth of sand soil type 08.00 – 08.50 meters have the value of the capacity of the large soil support with a value of 200,123 KN/m2 so that at this depth the decline is small and at a depth of 22.00-22.50 meters acquired soil type is the form of clay and silt which has the value of capacity of small soil support that will cause the decline will be greater. If the foundation of the pole is implanted in the soil of the clay and eat water will occur a large decline because the clay and silt can not withstand a large burden, then if the foundation to be implanted bridge pole should be implanted on the type of sand soil because this type of sand soil can withstand a large burden because the greater the burden received by the sand to lowing the land. keywords: analysis; area; atterberg; boundary; burden; calculation; capacity; clay; consistency; content; decline; depth; development; drill; engineering; filter; fine; foundation; graded; grain; grain size; greater; ground; hard; journal; land; large; limit; liquid; medium; meters; nspt; percentage; plastic; plaxis; pole; power; research; sample; sand; sieve; sieve analysis; sieve size; silt; size; small; smaller; soil; soil weight; spt; support; table; test; type; value; vol; water; weight cache: jgeet-5048.pdf plain text: jgeet-5048.txt item: #182 of 260 id: jgeet-5057 author: Harahap, Syawaludin A; Yuliadi, Lintang P. S. ; Purba, Noir P. ; Aulia, Awal A. title: Mapping of Sediment on the Waters Around Panjang Island, Banten Bay, Indonesia date: 2021-06-08 words: 5539 flesch: 63 summary: Sediment grain size and classification Grain size of sediment Aggregate name (Wentworth class) Unified Classification Phi (φ) scale Sediment grain size ranges from -0.7 to 2.6 in the phi scale. keywords: 2/2021; analysis; area; banten; banten bay; bay; changes; classification; coarse; coastal; composition; currents; data; deposition; depth; distance; distribution; east; ecosystems; et al; fig; fine; geol; grain; grain size; gravel; harahap; idw; important; indonesia; island; java; jgeet; kelautan; location; mainland; map; mar; marine; medium; method; north; panjang; pattern; phi; process; research; results; river; rustam; samples; sampling; sand; scale; sci; sea; sediment; sediment distribution; sediment grain; sedimentary; sedimentation; size; station; study; surface; table; texture; type; van; vol; waters; west cache: jgeet-5057.pdf plain text: jgeet-5057.txt item: #183 of 260 id: jgeet-5094 author: Manyoe, Intan Noviantari; Hutagalung, Ronal title: Subsurface Shallow Modelling Based on Resistivity Data in The Hot Springs Area of Libungo Geothermal, Gorontalo, Indonesia date: 2020-06-26 words: 4587 flesch: 66 summary: Suwawa area consists of the Lombongo geothermal area, Pangi geothermal area, Libungo geothermal area, Tulabolo Timur geothermal area and Hungayono geothermal area. Clay resistivity value in the research area is in the range 1.56-2.78 Ωm. keywords: andesite; area; bachri; bone; breccia; bumi; clay; data; deposits; depth; distribution; equivalent; fig; fluid; fractures; geothermal; geothermal area; gf6; gorontalo; hot; i.n; indonesia; lake; layer; libungo; libungo geothermal; lithology; manyoe; model; moist; north; panas; pinogu; potential; research; research area; resistivity; shallow; silty; silty clay; single; soil; south; springs; subsurface; thickness; tqpv; value; volcanic; volcanic breccia cache: jgeet-5094.pdf plain text: jgeet-5094.txt item: #184 of 260 id: jgeet-5111 author: Amukti, Rian; Adji, Arif Seno; Ruslan, Syamsuri title: Analysis of Shoreline Shift using Satellite Imagery near Makassar City date: 2020-08-18 words: 3627 flesch: 62 summary: Mapping coastline changes in the coast of Makassar City (a) segment 1; (b) segment 2; (c) segment 3; (d) segment 4. After that an analysis of coastline changes in 2009 and 2019 was conducted. keywords: abrasion; accretion; analysis; area; beach; cause; changes; city; coastal; coastline; coastline changes; composite; construction; dan; data; digitization; district; existence; factors; form; garis; human; image; imagery; indonesia; jurnal; landsat; length; makassar; makassar city; map; natural; pantai; process; remote; research; results; river; sediment; segment; sensing; shift; shoreline; south; tamalate; tanah; ujung; vol; years cache: jgeet-5111.pdf plain text: jgeet-5111.txt item: #185 of 260 id: jgeet-5115 author: Taufan, Yoqi Ali; Syafri, I.; Risdianto, D.; Zarkasyi, A.; Rahadinata, T.; Awaludin, W. title: Resistivity Models of Pantar Island Geothermal System East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia date: 2020-08-18 words: 3714 flesch: 57 summary: The modelling results show rock resistivity values from 0 Rock resistivity zones with high values (> 200 Ωm) are shown by layers with a red- pink color starting to appear at depths approaching -2000 m. keywords: area; breccia; data; depth; east; electric; energy; equation; exploration; field; fig; form; geological; geothermal; geothermal system; heat; high; indonesia; information; investigation; island; layer; location; low; magnetic; magnetotelluric; meters; method; middle; model; pantar; potential; research; reservoir; resistivity; resistivity value; response; results; rock; sirung; structure; study; subsurface; system; taufan; value; volcanic; y.a; zone cache: jgeet-5115.pdf plain text: jgeet-5115.txt item: #186 of 260 id: jgeet-5149 author: Arifianto, Indra; Wibowo, Rahmat Catur title: Analysis of the Surface Subsidence of Porong and Surrounding Area, East Java, Indonesia based on Interferometric Satellite Aperture Radar (InSAR) Data. date: 2020-12-02 words: 3807 flesch: 63 summary: Interferometric SAR image after applying adaptive filter 0.5 (study area in the black box) and Reducing the effect of the atmosphere in Geo_Disp_LOS_m_filt.tiff (red dot is the reference point) Fig.4. The first point is corresponding to the LUSI, the second point, which is located in the East of the study area is corresponding to the Tanggulangin gas field, and the third point is located in the West of study area corresponding to Wunut gas field (Fig.6). keywords: analysis; area; arifianto; baseline; corresponding; data; davies; day; days; decorrelation; deformation; early; east; eruption; et al; field; fig; flow; gas; image; indonesia; insar; interferograms; interferometric; istadi; java; jgeet; lusi; mud; noise; oil; phase; point; porong; production; rate; research; result; series; sidoarjo; software; spatial; study; study area; subsidence; subsidence rate; surface; tanggulangin; temporal; time; volcano; west; wunut; year cache: jgeet-5149.pdf plain text: jgeet-5149.txt item: #187 of 260 id: jgeet-5187 author: Alif, Satrio Muhammad; Yosua, Erwin; Fauzi, Adam Irwansyah; Leksono, Bambang Edhi title: Association between Surface Air Temperature And Land Use On The Campus Scale date: 2020-08-26 words: 5257 flesch: 57 summary: Anthropogenic activities and vegetation density within land use is the main factor in increasing the surface air temperature so that it is suggested to plant farm-like vegetation around every built-up land use. In a smaller scale, one of the factors that lead to the temperature increase is surface type or land use (Baldocchi and Ma, 2013), vegetation characteristics, building spatial distribution, and surface material (Bonan, 2000; Stone and Norman, 2006; Middel et al., 2014). keywords: 3/2020; activities; afternoon; air; air temperature; alif; anthropogenic; approach; area; association; body; building; calculation; campus; change; class; climate; close; contribution; contributors; dan; data; development; distance; doi; ecp; elevation; environment; et al; farm; fig; high; highest; impact; increase; indonesia; institut; jgeet; journal; land; land use; like; linear; lup; measurement; method; morning; multiple; network; noon; plantation; points; regression; research; road; rubber; s.m; scale; settlement; square; surface; surface air; teknologi; temperature; tmp; urbanization; use; use change; uses; value; vegetation; vol; water cache: jgeet-5187.pdf plain text: jgeet-5187.txt item: #188 of 260 id: jgeet-5207 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front Matter JGEET Vol. 05 No. 03 2020 date: 2020-06-29 words: 572 flesch: 50 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Prof. Mega F. Rosana, Ph.D (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Samsudin (Malaysia) Prof. Dr. H. Detri Karya, S.E, M.A (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sugeng Wiyono, MMT. EDITOR IN CHIEF Dr. Eng. keywords:; editor; editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-5207.pdf plain text: jgeet-5207.txt item: #189 of 260 id: jgeet-5208 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 05 No 02 2020 date: 2020-06-29 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-5208.pdf plain text: jgeet-5208.txt item: #190 of 260 id: jgeet-5285 author: Erawan, Fery; Sukiyah, Emi; Hutabarat, Johanes; Sudradjat, Adjat title: The Permeability of Granite Weathering Soil in Tanjungpinang, Bintan Island, Indonesia date: 2020-08-18 words: 4150 flesch: 66 summary: Determination of soil type based on USCS classification as shown in the scheme in Fig. 4 (Briaud, 2013) Variables of the physical and mechanical properties of the soil are often analyzed. Variations in soil types in the study area represent the different depth and level of weathering. keywords: area; bintan; coefficient; content; cover; dan; depth; distribution; domestic; engineering; erawan; fig; final; formation; geological; geoscience; grain; granite; high; indonesia; island; jgeet; landfill; leachate; level; limit; liquid; low; mechanical; particles; permeability; physical; plasticity; porosity; processing; properties; province; region; research; results; riau; rocks; samples; site; size; soil; study; tanjungpinang; type; value; vol; waste; water; weathered; weathering cache: jgeet-5285.pdf plain text: jgeet-5285.txt item: #191 of 260 id: jgeet-5340 author: Suryadi, Adi; Islami, Frezy Ukhuah ; Kausarian, Husnul; Putra, Dewandra Bagus Eka title: Geophysical Survey on Open Dumping Landfill for Monitoring Spread of Leachate: A Case Study in Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia date: 2020-06-29 words: 2059 flesch: 60 summary: Result of resistivity survey from survey line 1, 2 and 3 that shown there are 3 layers named as L1, L2 and L3. Introduction Geo-electrical survey is a survey that looking the physical parameters which is resistivity value to differentiate subsurface material. keywords: area; auger; clay; contamination; data; dry; dumping; electrical; electrodes; eng; figure; groundwater; hand; interpretation; landfill; layer; leachate; line; open; pekanbaru; quality; resistivity; result; sand; study; surface; survey; suryadi; tds; value cache: jgeet-5340.pdf plain text: jgeet-5340.txt item: #192 of 260 id: jgeet-5433 author: Tonggiroh, Adi title: Stream Sediment Geochemical Survey on Metamorphic Rock, Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. date: 2020-11-25 words: 2750 flesch: 53 summary: The aim of this research is to conduct surface geological mapping to determine the lithology that underlies the linear geochemical characteristics of Ag, As, Cd, Co,Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn by using stream sediment data. The main goal of this study (1) geological surface mapping to determine the lithology that underlies the basic aim (2) to determine the linear geochemical characteristics of Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn by using stream sediment data. keywords: analysis; area; chlorite; complex; data; distribution; elements; exploration; figure; geochemical; geological; gold; jgeet; kolaka; limestone; linearity; lithology; metamorphic; method; mineralization; ppm; pyrite; quartz; research; river; rocks; samples; schist; sediment; size; southeast; stream; strong; study; sulawesi; tonggiroh; ultramafic; ulunggolaka; variables; vol cache: jgeet-5433.pdf plain text: jgeet-5433.txt item: #193 of 260 id: jgeet-5488 author: Putra, Arief Yandra; Mairizki, Fitri title: Groundwater Quality Assessment for Drinking Purpose Based on Physicochemical Analysis in Teluk Nilap Area, Rokan Hilir, Riau, Indonesia. date: 2020-08-26 words: 2381 flesch: 52 summary: Groundwater has many advantages compared to the other water resource such as : groundwater quality is better than surface water quality, groundwater quality does not depend on the season, there is a large amount of groundwater reserves and easy to obtain. Therefore, the aims of this research are to determine groundwater quality in study area based on physicochemical parameters and groundwater assessments for drinking purpose. keywords: 2019; a.y; air; area; average; drinking; drinking water; engineering; fig; groundwater; health; high; hilir; indonesia; jurnal; kualitas; lead; mairizki; metal; minister; nilap; nitrate; purpose; putra; quality; range; regulation; research; riau; rokan; samples; standard; study; sulfate; tds; technology; teluk; temperature; value cache: jgeet-5488.pdf plain text: jgeet-5488.txt item: #194 of 260 id: jgeet-5495 author: Sastrawan, Febrian; Rahmania; Arisalwadi, Meidi title: Determining Groundwater Potential Using Vertical Electrical Sounding Method In Manggar, Balikpapan City, Indonesia. date: 2020-12-23 words: 2690 flesch: 58 summary: The calculation was based on the ratio of resistivity values from pore-filling water and resistivity values from water-saturated rocks layer. The formation factor equation is the ratio between rock resistivity (ρ) and resistivity values of water filled-pores (ρa). keywords: aquiclude; aquifer; aquifer layer; area; balikpapan; city; clay; clean; data; depth; electrical; factor; fig; formation; geoelectrical; groundwater; layer; manggar; measurement; medium; method; model; point; potential; research; resistivity; rock; sand; sources; study; subsurface; unconfined; value; vertical; ves; water cache: jgeet-5495.pdf plain text: jgeet-5495.txt item: #195 of 260 id: jgeet-5501 author: Darisma, Dian; Fernanda, Ferdy ; Syukri, Muhammad title: Investigation of Groundwater Potential using Electrical Resistivity Method and Hydraulic Parameters in Lam Apeng, Aceh Besar, Indonesia. date: 2020-12-15 words: 3899 flesch: 57 summary: The top layer is interpreted as an alluvial rock layer with resistivity values ranging from 70 Ωm - 109 Ωm at a depth of 0.5 m - 8 m. The lower layer is interpreted as a tuff rock layer which has a resistivity value of 25 Ωm - 60 Ωm with a depth greater than 18 m. Table 2. The top layer consists of alluvium rocks with resistivity values ranging from 62.9 Ωm - 861 Ωm and has a depth of 0.5 m - 5 m. The lower layer consists of tuff rock where this rock is also found at line 1 which has a resistivity value of 26.3 Ωm - 100 Ωm with a depth of a greater than12 m. Table 4. keywords: aceh; apeng; aquifer; area; capacity; conductance; configuration; corrosivity; darisma; data; day; depth; electrical; electrical resistivity; engineering; fig; geophys; groundwater; hydraulic; interpretation; inversion; lam; layer; line; local; longitudinal; low; measurement; method; model; moderate; parameters; potential; protective; resistivity; resistivity value; results; rock; sand; schlumberger; soil; study; subsurface; supply; table; thickness; transmissivity; tuff; value; volcanic; wenner; withdrawal cache: jgeet-5501.pdf plain text: jgeet-5501.txt item: #196 of 260 id: jgeet-5533 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 05 No 03 2020 date: 2020-09-01 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-5533.pdf plain text: jgeet-5533.txt item: #197 of 260 id: jgeet-560 author: Lubis, Muhammad Zainuddin; Kausarian, Husnul; Anurogo, Wenang title: Seabed Detection Using Application Of Image Side Scan Sonar Instrument (Acoustic Signal) date: 2017-09-01 words: 2892 flesch: 59 summary: Side scan sonar is an instrument consisting of single beam transducer on both sides. Side scan sonar (SSS) is a sonar development that is able to show in two-dimensional images of the seabed surface with seawater conditions and target targets simultaneously. keywords: 2002; 2016; acoustic; angle; anurogo; backscatter; beam; calculation; correction; data; detection; diameter; distance; fig; gain; image; impedance; instrument; journal; kausarian; lubis; marine; method; object; position; processing; range; reflection; sample; scan; scan sonar; seabed; slant; sonar; sound; substrate; towfish; value; width cache: jgeet-560.pdf plain text: jgeet-560.txt item: #198 of 260 id: jgeet-5653 author: Kuswandi, Yudi; Erwindi, Jossi; Dwi Hadian, Moh. Sapari; Muslim, Dicky title: Disaster Mitigation for Palu City Residents in Dealing with Liquefaction Disasters in Accordance of Spatial Patterns of Palu City, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. date: 2020-12-18 words: 3978 flesch: 56 summary: The widespread risk of Palu City liquefaction disaster is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Widespread risk of Palu City liquefaction disaster 3. keywords: active; al./; alluvial; analysis; area; bappenas; bencana; building; causes; central; city; condition; daerah; dan; data; deposits; descriptive; development; disaster; districts; earthquake; fan; fault; figure; geological; geology; groundwater; hazard; high; indonesia; information; investigation; jgeet; koro; kuswandi; land; layer; level; liquefaction; liquefaction disaster; location; map; mitigation; natural; palu; palu city; pattern; pemerintah; potential; prone; province; qualitative; regional; research; results; risk; river; sand; sedimentation; shallow; soil; spatial; sulawesi; tengah; topography; type; vol; zone cache: jgeet-5653.pdf plain text: jgeet-5653.txt item: #199 of 260 id: jgeet-5680 author: Kurnianto, Fahmi Arif; Ikhsan, Fahrudi Ahwan; Apriyanto, Bejo; Nurdin, Elan Artono; Fadilah, Tyas Nisa title: The Geomorphological Factors and Its Implications for The Tidal Energy Installations in Java, Indonesia date: 2021-06-15 words: 5013 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: Geomorphological factor, tidal energy, Indonesia 1. Even though the use of tidal energy is currently not done commercially and only a few countries use it, the future projection is not impossible anymore in all countries, especially Indonesia. keywords: 2/2021; al./; area; beaches; center; characteristics; coast; coastal; day; differences; different; distance; earth; energy; equation; erosion; factors; figure; flat; force; form; formation; generator; geomorphological; gravitational; height; high; indonesia; influence; installations; java; jgeet; kurnianto; land; landforms; law; low; mass; moon; newton; north; place; plains; point; potential; power; process; quaternary; radius; region; resources; sea; south; southern; steep; study; suitable; sun; system; tertiary; tidal; tidal energy; tides; time; topography; type; vegetation; volcanic; water; wind cache: jgeet-5680.pdf plain text: jgeet-5680.txt item: #200 of 260 id: jgeet-5685 author: Utomo, Junaedi; Rabbani, Nauval; Tudjono, Sri; Han, Ay Lie; Sukamta title: The Influence of External CFRP String Reinforcement on The Behavior of Flexural RC Elements date: 2021-09-17 words: 4416 flesch: 59 summary: To evaluate the effectiveness of CFRP strings, two types of reinforced concrete T-beams were tested. The specimens consist of a strengthened member in both shear and flexure using CFRP wraps and CFRP strings, and a conventional reinforced concrete beam. keywords: 100; additional; area; beams; behavior; bond; capacity; carbon; carrying; cfrp; combination; compression; concrete; crack; data; ebr; element; epoxy; external; failure; fiber; fig; flexural; flexure; groove; load; member; method; mode; nsm; performance; reinforcement; resin; results; section; shear; sheets; specimens; steel; strength; strengthening; strings; surface; system; tensile; tension; ultimate; university; vertical; vol; zone cache: jgeet-5685.pdf plain text: jgeet-5685.txt item: #201 of 260 id: jgeet-578 author: Hadian, Mohamad Sapari Dwi; Waliana, T Yan; Sulaksana, Nana; Putra, Dewandra Bagus Eka; Yuskar, Yuniarti title: Hydrochemistry and Characteristics of Groundwater: Case Study Water Contamination at Citarum River Upstream date: 2017-12-01 words: 1935 flesch: 54 summary: In addition, the constant increment of waste and also poor-coordinated disposal systems may result in groundwater contamination in the areas. The research aims to explore the spread of groundwater contamination in the area. keywords: analysis; anomalies; area; chemical; contamination; data; development; diagram; environmental; facies; fig; flow; geological; graphic; groundwater; hadian; industrial; java; land; mapping; need; pattern; rancaekek; research; sayang; spots; study; tdi; units; vol; waste; west cache: jgeet-578.pdf plain text: jgeet-578.txt item: #202 of 260 id: jgeet-586 author: Rahmawati, Mutia Armilia; Sari, Siska Linda; Triyoga, Alan; wati, Idar title: Characteristics of Coal and Cleat Attributes in Ulak Lebar and Surroundings Area, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra date: 2018-06-01 words: 3987 flesch: 58 summary: Characteristics and origins of coal cleat: A review. The focus of this study is on the Muara Enim Formation as it is known as the main coal-bearing formation in South Sumatra Basin. keywords: al./; analysis; aperture; area; basin; bituminous; cleat; coal; conditions; deposition; early; enim; environment; face; field; fig; formation; fractures; geology; jgeet; journal; lahat; late; level; maceral; material; maximum; miocene; muara; o e; observation; orientation; phase; process; rahmawati; regional; research; rocks; seam; south; spacing; stations; stress; study; sumatra; tectonic; time; value; vitrinite; vol cache: jgeet-586.pdf plain text: jgeet-586.txt item: #203 of 260 id: jgeet-590 author: Khoirunnisa, Hanah; Wisha, Ulung Jantama; Lubis, Muhammad Zainuddin title: The Coherency and Correlation between Sea Surface Temperature and Wind Velocity in Malacca Strait: Cross Wavelet Transform and Wavelet Coherency Application date: 2017-09-01 words: 2904 flesch: 71 summary: 2. Data and Method This research used the gridded reanalysis ERA Interim daily SST and wind velocity data in the Malacca Strait area in the year of 2015 by six hourlies interval step. No 03/2017 210 The Coherency and Correlation between Sea Surface Temperature and Wind Velocity in Malacca Strait: Cross Wavelet Transform and Wavelet Coherency Application Hanah Khoirunnisa 1, *, Ulung Jantama Wisha 2 , Muhammad Zainuddin Lubis 1 1 Geomatics Engineering Department, State Polytechnics of Batam 2 Research Institute for Coastal Resources and Vulnerability, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries * Corresponding author : Tel.:+81-72-867-1686; fax: +81-72-867-1658 Received: Aug 1, 2017. keywords: 03/2017; august; coherence; condition; correlation; cross; data; days; fig; jgeet; khoirunnisa; lubis; m.z; malacca; malacca strait; monsoon; ocean; period; phase; point; research; sea; southwest; sst; strait; surface; temperature; time; transform; value; variation; velocity; vol; wavelet; wind; wind velocity; wisha cache: jgeet-590.pdf plain text: jgeet-590.txt item: #204 of 260 id: jgeet-5944 author: Suranto, Ahmad Muraji; Buntoro, Aris; Prasetyadi, Carolus; Adi Wibowo, Ricky title: Feasibility Study on the Application of Dynamic Elastic Rock Properties from Well Log for Shale Hydrocarbon Development of Brownshale Formation in the Bengkalis Trough, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia. date: 2021-06-08 words: 3827 flesch: 56 summary: Crossplot of dynamic elastic rock properties (Dynamic Poisson's ratio vs Dynamic Young's Modulus) from the results of the geomechanical analysis of BS-03 well log data on the Brownshale formation from all depth intervals is shown in Figure 4, where the distribution of elastic rock properties is more dominant in the ductile region, with Dynamic Poisson's ratio values at several depth intervals can reach 0.4, because of the intercalation laminated shale / sand section. The crossplot resulting from the conversion of dynamic elastic rock properties to static Brownshale formation from well log data is shown in Figure 5. keywords: analog; area; basin; bengkalis; brittle; brownshale; conditions; conversion; core; crossplot; data; distribution; dominant; ductile; dynamic; elastic; elastic rock; empirical; equation; figure; formation; group; high; hydrocarbon; indonesia; log; modulus; outcrop; pematang; poisson; properties; ratio; region; results; rock; rock properties; sand; static; static elastic; sub; sumatra; unit; value; velocity; wave; young cache: jgeet-5944.pdf plain text: jgeet-5944.txt item: #205 of 260 id: jgeet-5983 author: Mairizki, Fitri; Angga, Risti Putri; Putra, Arief Yandra title: Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Drinking Purpose in an Industrial Area, Dumai City, Riau, Indonesia. date: 2020-12-23 words: 2823 flesch: 53 summary: High water temperature indicates the decomposition of organic compounds or the dissolution of chemical compounds such as phenols and sulfur (Mairizki, F., and Cahyaningsih, C., 2016) The study about groundwater quality as drinking water have been carried out by many researchers (Annapoorna and Janardhana, 2015); (Lalitha, B.V., Teja, V.S., Rajesh, V., 2016);(Khan A., and Khan M.A., 2018); (Naslilmuna, M., Muryani, C., Santoso, S., 2018); (Ibrahim, 2019); (Putra, A.,Y., and Mairizki, F., 2020). keywords: area; average; bod; chemical; cod; concentration; demand; dissolved; drinking; dumai; engineering; environment; factory; geological; groundwater; health; heavy; high; indonesia; industrial; journal; mairizki; minister; organic; oxygen; pollution; putra; quality; regulation; research; riau; solids; study; tds; technology; temperature; tofu; value; waste cache: jgeet-5983.pdf plain text: jgeet-5983.txt item: #206 of 260 id: jgeet-6 author: Handoyo, Handoyo; Sudarsana, M Rizki; Almiati, Restu title: Rock Physics Modeling and Seismic Interpretation to Estimate Shally Cemented Zone in Carbonate Reservoir Rock date: 2016-12-01 words: 1643 flesch: 55 summary: The characteristics provided as information regarding physical parameters from reservoir rock is very essential to understand the reservoir better. Characteristic of reservoir rock could be known from geological and seismic data input which could separated top and bottom of reservoir rock also its geometry. keywords: area; bounds; carbonate; cemented; data; effective; elastic; figure; handoyo; medium; modeling; moduly; physics; porosity; properties; ray; reservoir; rich; rock; seismic; shale; study; theory; velocity; vol; wave cache: jgeet-6.pdf plain text: jgeet-6.txt item: #207 of 260 id: jgeet-6111 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front Matter JGEET Vol. 05 No. 04 2020 date: 2020-12-23 words: 636 flesch: 46 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Prof. Mega F. Rosana, Ph.D (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Samsudin (Malaysia) Prof. Dr. H. Detri Karya, S.E, M.A (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sugeng Wiyono, MMT. EDITOR IN CHIEF Dr. Eng. keywords: city; editor; editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-6111.pdf plain text: jgeet-6111.txt item: #208 of 260 id: jgeet-6112 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 05 No 04 2020 date: 2020-12-23 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-6112.pdf plain text: jgeet-6112.txt item: #209 of 260 id: jgeet-6195 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front Matter JGEET Vol. 05 No. 02 2020 date: 2021-01-08 words: 654 flesch: 46 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Prof. Mega F. Rosana, Ph.D (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Samsudin (Malaysia) Prof. Dr. H. Detri Karya, S.E, M.A (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sugeng Wiyono, MMT. EDITOR IN CHIEF Dr. Eng. keywords:; chief; editor; editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-6195.pdf plain text: jgeet-6195.txt item: #210 of 260 id: jgeet-6242 author: Rahmaniah; Wahyuni, Ayusari; Massinai, Muhammad Fauzy Ismullah; Mun'im, Abdul; Massinai, Muhammad Altin title: Resistivity Method for Characterising Subsurface Layers of Coastal Areas In South Sulawesi, Indonesia date: 2021-12-29 words: 4378 flesch: 60 summary: The result of this research can give new information to use resistivity method in the coastal area and additional insight to find mineral potency in South Sulawesi or another area which have large coastal area. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105494. Bayewu, O. O. et al. (2018) ‘NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics Assessment of groundwater prospect and aquifer protective capacity using resistivity method in Olabisi Onabanjo University campus , Ago-Iwoye , Southwestern Nigeria’, NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics. keywords: 4/2021; alluvium; area; barru; beach; bone; coastal; conditions; configuration; consists; data; depth; doi; electrical; electrode; elsevier; figure; form; geoelectrical; geological; geophysics; jgeet; journal; layer; line; location; method; minerals; pare; processing; quartz; rahmaniah; range; regency; research; resistivity; rock; sand; seawater; second; section; south; study; subsurface; sulawesi; table; value; vol; wenner cache: jgeet-6242.pdf plain text: jgeet-6242.txt item: #211 of 260 id: jgeet-6287 author: Widiatama, Angga Jati; Santy, Lauti Dwita; An Nahar, Rikza Nur Faqih ; Zulfiah; Mandiri Puteri, Winda Eka; Damanik, Adrianus; Kapid, Rubiyanto title: Calcareous Nanofossil of Post-Gondwana Sequence in Southern Banda Arc, Indonesia date: 2021-06-08 words: 4883 flesch: 48 summary: White foraminifera grainstone has medium compacting, bioclastic components, insitu planktonic foraminifera, and rework foraminifera, bivalves, juvenile Mollusca, tuffaceous, with plagioclase and quartz as additional components. Lithology consists of a layering of tuffaceous limestone, chalky limestone, foraminifera grainstone, marl, and conglomerates. keywords: 2/2021; age; al./; appearance; arc; area; banda; bioclastic; brezae; calcareous; calcareous nannofossil; calcilutite; central; chert; chiasmolithus; coccolithus; contact; cretaceous; cyclagelosphaera; discoaster; early; eocene; family; fasciata; figure; foraminifera; formation; genus; gondwana; grainstone; island; jgeet; kolbano; lamination; late; layer; limestone; lower; marl; measured; nannofossil; neogene; ofu; paleogene; parallel; post; presence; quarternary; quinqueramus; red; reticulofenestra; rocks; rote; sawu; section; sequence; species; table; termanu; timor; traverse; upper; viqueque; vol; watznaueria; white; widiatama; zone cache: jgeet-6287.pdf plain text: jgeet-6287.txt item: #212 of 260 id: jgeet-6395 author: Putra, Raden; Nufutomo, Tastaptyani K; Lisafitri, Yuni ; Sari, Novi K; Zurfi, Alfian; Lestari, Deni O ; Nuha, Muhammad U title: Rapid Land Cover Change in The South Sumatera Peat Area Associated With 2015 Peat Fires date: 2022-03-30 words: 2965 flesch: 63 summary: Comparison of vegetation density areas between 2013 and 2016 The total of land degradation area remained of 53% of the total burned area with varying levels of degradation. keywords: area; asia; change; class; classes; cover; data; degradation; degraded; density; environ; event; fire; high; hooijer; increase; indonesia; land; low; management; marlier; miettinen; miriam; moderate; ndvi; observation; page; peat; peatlands; putra; research; south; study; sumatra; surface; table; use; value; vegetation; vegetation density; vol cache: jgeet-6395.pdf plain text: jgeet-6395.txt item: #213 of 260 id: jgeet-6424 author: Hasria; Masri; Asfar, Suryawan; Arisona; Okto, Ali; Restele, La Ode; Ngkoimani, La Ode; Yustika, Rika title: Characteristics of Chromite Deposits at North Kabaena District, Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia date: 2021-06-08 words: 2847 flesch: 48 summary: Chromite minerals are found in mafic and ultramafic rocks peridotite which is included in the ophiolite complex and metamorphic rocks such as serpentine, usually associated with olivine, talc, serpentine, uvavorite, pyroxene, biotite, magnetite, and anorthite. Budi Santoso and Subagio (2016) have researched chromite minerals using the Induced polarization (IP) method in the Northern Kabaena area, Bombana, South East Sulawesi results from primary chromite deposits and secondary chromite deposits. keywords: analysis; anhedral; area; black; bombana; brown; chromite; chromite deposits; color; complex; dan; deposits; dunite; et al; euhedral; fig; geological; goethite; hematite; high; isotropic; kabaena; lizardite; magnetite; microscopy; mineral; olivine; ophiolite; ore; peridotite; pleochroism; podiform; process; research; results; robinson; rocks; secondary; section; serpentine; shape; size; structure; study; subhedral; sulawesi; thin; type; ultramafic; vol cache: jgeet-6424.pdf plain text: jgeet-6424.txt item: #214 of 260 id: jgeet-6620 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front matter JGEET Vol 06 No 01 2021 date: 2021-03-30 words: 642 flesch: 48 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Prof. Mega F. Rosana, Ph.D (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Samsudin (Malaysia) Prof. Dr. H. Detri Karya, S.E, M.A (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sugeng Wiyono, MMT. EDITOR IN CHIEF Dr. Eng. keywords:; editor; editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-6620.pdf plain text: jgeet-6620.txt item: #215 of 260 id: jgeet-6621 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 06 No 01 2021 date: 2021-03-30 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-6621.pdf plain text: jgeet-6621.txt item: #216 of 260 id: jgeet-6643 author: Hasria; Febiyanti; Masri; Okto, Ali; Hasan, Erzam S. ; Hamimu, La ; Sawaludin; Iradat Salihin, La Ode Muhammad; Wahab title: Serpentinization Study On Ultramafic Rock at Morombo Area, Lasolo Islands District, North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia date: 2022-03-30 words: 4159 flesch: 50 summary: Chrysotile mineral with a vein texture is interpreted as a type of chrysotile mineral that is formed at low temperature and pressure, which is close to the surface. The area selected as a research location for conducting research on ultramafic rock serpentinization is Morombo area, Lasolo Kepulauan district, North Konawe Regencyt, South East Sulawesi (Figure 1). keywords: analysis; antigorite; appearance; area; bedrock; bkn; characteristics; chrysotile; content; data; dunite; engineering; figure; formation; hasria; hydration; journal; konawe; level; lizardite; low; mesh; mgo; mineral; morombo; nickel; north; olivine; peridotite; petrographic; phase; presence; process; regency; research; result; rocks; sample; serpentine; serpentinization; serpentinized; southeast; structure; study; sulawesi; texture; ultramafic; vol; xrf cache: jgeet-6643.pdf plain text: jgeet-6643.txt item: #217 of 260 id: jgeet-6644 author: Manurung, Paulus Leonardo; Wibowo, Rahmat Catur; Dewanto, Ordas title: Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Value Prediction in Source Rock Potential at North East Java Basin, Indonesia date: 2021-09-20 words: 3729 flesch: 62 summary: In shale hydrocarbon plays, source rock and reservoir rock are often the same rock. The petroleum system consists of important components, source rock is the main hydrocarbon parent rock in the East Java Basin originates from carbonate flakes derived from marginal marine, deltaic, and lacustrine environments. keywords: analysis; association; average; basin; carbon; cassa; core; correlation; data; depth; east; engineering; fig; formation; good; hydrocarbon; indonesia; java; kujung; log; lom; maturity; method; ngimbang; north; oil; organic; passey; peters; petroleum; pm-1; pm-2; porosity; quality; relationship; reservoir; resistivity; richness; rock; satyana; separation; shale; sonic; source; source rock; structure; system; time; toc; toc log; toc value; total; value; variables; vol; zone cache: jgeet-6644.pdf plain text: jgeet-6644.txt item: #218 of 260 id: jgeet-670 author: Rajagukguk, Yonathan Mangatur; Jati, Stevanus Nalendra title: Macerals Analysis Seam M2 Muaraenim Formation, : Implication Toward Coal Facies and Coal Rank in Kendi Hill, South Sumatra date: 2018-06-01 words: 3512 flesch: 58 summary: Coal seam in this area include in seam M2 member, with the general characteristics of the presence of silicified coal on the roof and floor of coal seams as a marker. Diessel diagram results show that coal seam M2 in Muaraenim Formation is formed in the range Lower Delta Plain to Upper Delta Plain. keywords: 0,48; 02/2018; analysis; area; bituminous; characteristics; coal; coal seam; delta; depositional; environment; facies; fig; floor; formation; gelification; high; hill; index; jgeet; kendi; lower; maceral; muaraenim; nalendra; plain; preservation; pyrite; rajagukguk; rank; reflectance; research; samples; seam; seam m2; silicified; south; sumatra; swamp; table; tissue; tpi; value; vitrinite; vol; y.m cache: jgeet-670.pdf plain text: jgeet-670.txt item: #219 of 260 id: jgeet-6753 author: Ansori, Chusni; Warmada, I. Wayan ; Setiawan, Nugroho Imam; Yogaswara, Herry title: Geomorphosite Assessment at North Karangsambung -Karangbolong Geopark Kebumen, as Tools of Geotourism Development date: 2021-09-22 words: 5154 flesch: 50 summary: Karangsambung- Karangbolong Geopark consists of 41 geosites, 8 biosites, and 10 cultures, for geotourism development in the northern part of the geopark needs to be assessed The assessment of elements of geological diversity includes a scientific value (representation, integrity, persuasion, scientific understanding), educational value (didactic potential, variation of geological elements, accessibility, safety), tourism value (scenery, geological value, accessibility, safety) (Brilha, 2018). Geological diversity with high scientific, educational, beauty, and cultural value is made as geosite or geomorphosite (Reynard, 2005) or geotope (Grandgirard, 1999). keywords: 3/2021; abiotic; al./; ansori; anticline; area; assessment; complex; conservation; coratza; cultural; development; diversity; doi; earth; economic; education; elements; engineering; features; field; form; geodiversity; geoheritage; geological; geomorphological; geomorphology; geomorphosite; geopark; geosite; geotourism; gray; heritage; high; hill; indah; indonesia; intrinsic; java; jgeet; karangsambung; kebumen; landscape; local; luk; main; management; melange; morphology; natural; north; northern; panizza; parameters; processes; protection; research; reynard; risks; rocks; scientific; site; tourist; ulo; use; valley; value; vol; wagirsambeng; years cache: jgeet-6753.pdf plain text: jgeet-6753.txt item: #220 of 260 id: jgeet-6780 author: Pandita, Hita; Apriani, Ani title: Biometric similarity Test of The Population of T. (Zaria) bantamensis tjicumpaensis with T. (Zaria) javana as a Form of Phylogeny And Evolutionary Proximity date: 2021-09-22 words: 3041 flesch: 64 summary: al./ JGEET Vol 6 No 3/2021 173 sample coded CJR03 is a population of Zaria javana, and BYH01 is a population of Zaria bantamensis tjikumpaensis. 2. Objectives The purpose of this paper is to provide a morphological and biometric description of the population of Zaria bantamensis tjikumapensis and Zaria javana. keywords: aspect; bantamensis; biometric; byh01; cjr03; early; figure; growth; identification; javana; linear; martin; morphological; number; pandita; parameters; pattern; populations; ratio; regression; sample; shell; species; spiral; study; sub; teleconch; test; tjicumpaiensis; turritella; turritellidae; vol; wang; whorl; wsut; zaria cache: jgeet-6780.pdf plain text: jgeet-6780.txt item: #221 of 260 id: jgeet-689 author: Winantris, Winantris; Jurnaliah, Lia title: Pollen and Foraminifera Approaches to Identify Sediment Sources In The River Mouth Mahakam East Kalimantan date: 2017-12-01 words: 2652 flesch: 64 summary: Mahakam river is generally covered by vegetation of lowland forest and mixed forest. Tidal wave have a role to encourage the sediment from the sea towards the downstream of Mahakam river. keywords: 04/2017; analysis; area; benthic; delta; depth; east; fig; foraminifera; forest; grains; jgeet; jurnaliah; kalimantan; l./; mahakam; mangrove; marine; mouth; mud; pollen; presence; quantity; river; sample; sand; sea; sediment; shallow; source; species; terrestrial; upstream; vegetation; vol; winantris cache: jgeet-689.pdf plain text: jgeet-689.txt item: #222 of 260 id: jgeet-691 author: Yuskar, Yuniarti; Putra, Dewandra Bagus Eka; Suryadi, Adi; Choanji, Tiggi; Cahyaningsih, Catur title: Structural Geology Analysis In A Disaster-Prone Of Slope Failure, Merangin Village, Kuok District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province date: 2017-12-01 words: 2392 flesch: 65 summary: Fault structure in ST 7 at research location classified as normal fault (Left) and Stereonet analysis of normal fault structure (Right) 252 Yuskar, Y et al./ JGEET Firstly, Normal fault system had found in Station 7. Fault structure happens on Lithology pebble claystone, it was indicated by weak zone and slickenside. keywords: 04/2017; al./; analysis; area; central; data; direction; engineering; fault; fig; fold; fracture; geological; geology; good; jgeet; landslide; location; normal; northeast; plunges; research; result; reverse; rock; rqd; slope; southwest; station; stress; strike; structure; study; sumatra; tectonic; value; vol; yuskar; zone cache: jgeet-691.pdf plain text: jgeet-691.txt item: #223 of 260 id: jgeet-7 author: Natasia, Nanda; Syafri, Ildrem; Alfadli, Muhammad Kurniawan; Arfiansyah, Kurnia title: Stratigraphy Seismic and sedimentation Development of Middle Baong Sand, Aru Field, North Sumatera Basin date: 2016-12-01 words: 2803 flesch: 58 summary: No 01 2017 Natasia N. et al./ JGEET Vol 1/2016 51 Stratigraphy Seismic and sedimentation Development of Middle Baong Sand, Aru Field, North Sumatera Basin Nanda Natasia 1, *, Ildrem Syafri 1 , Muhammad Kurniawan Alfadli 1 , Kurnia Arfiansyah 1 1 Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jl. 10.24273/jgeet.2016.11.7 Abstract This paper defines the stratigraphic sequence focused on Middle Baong Sand. keywords: 1/2016; al./; area; baong; barisan; basin; bukit; configuration; consist; depositional; direction; east; facies; fig; formation; high; jgeet; level; log; middle; miocene; natasia; north; pattern; research; sand; sandstone; sea; section; sedimentation; seismic; sequence; shale; south; stratigraphy; sumatera; system; tectonic; time; tract; uplift; vol; west cache: jgeet-7.pdf plain text: jgeet-7.txt item: #224 of 260 id: jgeet-7066 author: Novrianti, Novrianti; Novriansyah, Adi; Khalid, Idham; Amani, Zata Dini title: Laboratory Study On The Utilization of Jackruit Skin Waste Into Car-boxymethyl Cellulose and Their Effect On The Rheological Properties Of Drilling Mud date: 2022-06-30 words: 3677 flesch: 67 summary: The results suggest that the addition of jackfruit skin CMC has an effect on the rhe- ology of drilling mud. + 1 gram CMC KN S2 LS + 2 grams CMC KN S3 LS keywords: addition; api; cake; cellulose; cmc; cmc kn; composition; drilling; effect; fig; ft2; gel; gram; gram cmc; increase; jackfruit; jackfruit skin; lb/100; loss; maximum; mud; plastic; point; process; properties; research; rheological; rheology; sample; skin; sludge; standard; strength; study; table; test; time; value; viscosity; volume; water; yield cache: jgeet-7066.pdf plain text: jgeet-7066.txt item: #225 of 260 id: jgeet-7189 author: Patonah, Aton; Permana, Haryadi; Syafri, Ildrem title: The Transitional Gabbroic Rocks in Bayah Geological Complex, Western part of Java, Indonesia, Inferred from XRF, ICP-MS, and Microprobe Analysis date: 2021-12-28 words: 5022 flesch: 62 summary: In addition, based on rare earth elements (REE) diagrams, gabbroic rocks in CMC show depleted of light rare earth elements (LREE) with negative Eu anomaly, while gabbro’s in BGC show enrichment of LREE. It is supported by petrographic analysis that gabbroic rock in these two complexes has altered and retrograde metamorphism to epidote amphibolite, which is characterized by the presence of andesine to albite (plagioclase types), hornblende, actinolite and tremolite replacing pyroxene; epidote and chlorite replacing plagioclase. keywords: 4/2021; actinolite; al./; altered; amphibole; analysis; anomaly; arc; area; bayah; bgc; chlorite; ciletuh; cmc; color; complex; cretaceous; data; earth; element; epidote; figure; gabbro; gabbroic; geochemical; geological; hornblende; indonesia; java; jgeet; magma; major; mantle; medium; melange; melting; mineral; morb; negative; oceanic; ophiolite; partial; patonah; plagioclase; pyroxene; ree; research; river; rocks; samples; setting; shows; study; subduction; table; tectonic; texture; tio2; trace; tremolite; upper; vol; western; wt.%; zone cache: jgeet-7189.pdf plain text: jgeet-7189.txt item: #226 of 260 id: jgeet-7293 author: Permana, Sulwan; Susetyaningsih, Adi; Fadli, Dicky Muhamad title: Clean Water Supply in Tasikmalaya Municipality, Opportunities and Challenges date: 2022-03-30 words: 3671 flesch: 67 summary: The place for taking Ciwulan river water is an outlet and is used as a downstream catchmen area (watershed). DOI: 10.25299/jgeet.2022.7.1.7293 Abstract Currently, there are three sub-districts in Tasikmalaya City that are still vulnerable to clean water, namely Kawalu, Tamansari, and Cibeureum sub-districts. keywords: al./; area; average; business; calculation; calibration; cibeuti; ciwulan; clean; curve; data; dependable; discharge; districts; duration; evapotranspiration; figure; flow; government; hydrological; jgeet; level; location; method; modeling; municipality; needs; nreca; parameters; pdam; people; permana; population; rainfall; regency; river; station; sub; sukapura; sukaraja; surface; tasikmalaya; tasikmalaya municipality; time; tirta; value; vol; water; watershed; years cache: jgeet-7293.pdf plain text: jgeet-7293.txt item: #227 of 260 id: jgeet-7295 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front matter JGEET Vol 06 No 02 2021 date: 2021-07-07 words: 625 flesch: 46 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Prof. Mega F. Rosana, Ph.D (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Samsudin (Malaysia) Prof. Dr. H. Detri Karya, S.E, M.A (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sugeng Wiyono, MMT. EDITOR IN CHIEF Dr. Eng. keywords:; editor; editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-7295.pdf plain text: jgeet-7295.txt item: #228 of 260 id: jgeet-7296 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 06 No 02 2021 date: 2021-07-07 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-7296.pdf plain text: jgeet-7296.txt item: #229 of 260 id: jgeet-7448 author: Alpine, Fajar; Yatini, Y.; Takodama, Iqbal title: Identification of Geothermal System In “Diana” Area, Indonesia Based On Magnetotelluric Data Modelling date: 2022-03-30 words: 5796 flesch: 66 summary: Below sounding point MT 9A, there is low resistivity value of < 10 Ωm from the surface until a depth of 4 km. The results have identified the caprock zone with resistivity value of < 100 Ωm in the center of the area, which spreads to the North. keywords: 1st; 2000; 2nd; alpine; andesitic; area; caprock; curve; dan; data; depth; diana; energy; fault; field; fig; fluid; geology; geophysics; geothermal; greater; high; increase; indonesia; inversion; lava; line; low; magnetotelluric; medium; meter; model; modelling; parameter; pattern; phase; point; process; research; reservoir; resistivity; result; rocks; sounding; system; temperature; value; volcanic; zone cache: jgeet-7448.pdf plain text: jgeet-7448.txt item: #230 of 260 id: jgeet-7646 author: Aulia, Intan; Aditiyo, Rezky title: Diagenesis Study of Jatiluhur Formation at Cipamingkis River, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia date: 2021-12-31 words: 4848 flesch: 56 summary: After petrographic observations, it was found that several mineral changes occurred in the sandstone of the Jatiluhur Formation, there are the replacement of quartz minerals by calcite minerals, replacement of feldspar minerals by calcite minerals and changes in the clay matrix by carbonate minerals (Fig 9 A-B-C). Quartz overgrowth that occurs in quartz minerals generally has a thickness equal to the thickness of the layer formed on quartz grains (Waugh, 1971). keywords: 4/2021; al./; analysis; arrow; aulia; bogor; brittle; burial; calcite; cement; cementation; cipamingkis; clay; compaction; contact; deposition; diagenesis; dissolution; early; environment; feldspar; fig; formation; grains; illite; jatiluhur; jatiluhur formation; java; jgeet; kaolinite; limestone; long; mica; minerals; morad; petrographic; point; porosity; process; quartz; red; replacement; research; river; rock; samples; sandstone; section; sem; smectite; stage; stratigraphic; study; surface; suture; temperature; type; vol; west; worden cache: jgeet-7646.pdf plain text: jgeet-7646.txt item: #231 of 260 id: jgeet-7692 author: Sari, Erza Guspita; Sofwan, Muhammad title: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions Due to Motor Vehicle Movements in Pekanbaru City, Indonesia date: 2021-12-30 words: 6480 flesch: 64 summary: However, the interaction between land use and transportation can cause one of the problems: the increase in carbon dioxide emissions due to the more significant movement of motorized vehicles. To calculate the amount of carbon dioxide emissions required an average fuel consumption. keywords: 4/2021; activities; activity; al./; areas; average; carbon; carbon dioxide; cars; cause; choice; city; co2; community; consumption; cover; daily; dan; data; day; destination; development; diesel; dioxide; dioxide emissions; distance; distribution; emissions; energy; factor; fig; fuel; generation; growth; higher; hour; household; interaction; jgeet; kilometers; land; land use; liter; moda; mode; morning; motorcycle; motorized; movement; number; oil; origin; ownership; pattern; pekanbaru; pekanbaru city; people; private; research; results; route; sari; selection; significant; study; system; table; time; total; transportation; travel; trip; type; urban; use; vehicle; vkt; vol; zone cache: jgeet-7692.pdf plain text: jgeet-7692.txt item: #232 of 260 id: jgeet-7726 author: Oo, Toe Naing; Harijoko, Agung; Setijadji, Lucas Donny title: Fluid Inclusion Study of Epithermal Quartz Veins from the Kyaukmyet Prospect, Monywa Copper-Gold Ore Field, Central Myanmar date: 2021-12-31 words: 4467 flesch: 44 summary: Besides, the correlation between fluid inclusions salinity (wt% NaCl equiv.) and homogenization temperature (Th) are likely to be revealed as a fluid evolution processes, including boiling, cooling, and mixing (Wilkinson, 2001). From the diagram despite the small data set, it can be observed that the occurrence of a broad range variation of fluid inclusion salinities and homogenization temperature whereas the trend of increasing salinities with decreasing temperature. keywords: area; banded; boiling; colloform; copper; crustiform; data; deposit; depth; epithermal; et al; field; figure; fluid; fluid inclusions; formation; geological; gold; homogenization; htet; hydrothermal; inclusions; kyaukmyet; liquid; low; magmatic; microthermometric; mineralization; mitchell; mixing; monywa; myanmar; ore; paleo; phase; primary; prospect; quartz; quartz vein; research; rich; rocks; salinity; samples; sulfidation; system; temperature; texture; vapor; veins; vol; zaw cache: jgeet-7726.pdf plain text: jgeet-7726.txt item: #233 of 260 id: jgeet-7744 author: Gunadi Putra, Ullil; Jhanesta, William; Iskandarsyah title: Interpretation of Subsurface Fault Through Multi-Level Second Vertical Derivative Gravitational Data in Bittuang Geothermal Working Area, South Sulawesi, Indonesia date: 2021-12-28 words: 4222 flesch: 58 summary: Ternary diagram of Bittuang geothermal manifestations after Kusnadi and Setiawan (2009). Geological map of Bittuang geothermal working area after Indonesian Geological Agency (2009). keywords: agency; anomalous; anomaly; area; balla; bittuang; cepeng; characteristics; contrast; data; derivative; dip; direction; exploration; fault; fig; geological; geothermal; gravity; group; horizontal; hot; indonesia; lava; liter; manifestation; map; method; normal; normal fault; research; results; rocks; second; springs; structure; study; surface; svd; temperature; value; vol; water; zone cache: jgeet-7744.pdf plain text: jgeet-7744.txt item: #234 of 260 id: jgeet-778 author: Lubis, Muhammad Zainuddin; Anurogo, Wenang; Kausarian, Husnul; Surya, Ganda; Choanji, Tiggi title: Sea Surface Temperature and Wind Velocity in Batam Waters Its Relation to Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) date: 2017-12-01 words: 3688 flesch: 65 summary: El Nino is an event of warming sea surface water temperature on the west coast of Indonesia (Gaol and Manurung, 2000). This study aimed to observe the characteristics of sea surface temperature (SST) and wind velocity and its relation with the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) in the waters of Batam. keywords: 04/2017; al./jgeet; batam; component; data; dipole; direction; distribution; east; fast; fft; fig; fourier; highest; indian; indonesia; iod; january; kausarian; lubis; method; monsoon; muhammad; nino; ocean; period; research; sea; sea surface; season; series; south; speed; sst; surface; surface temperature; temperature; time; transform; tropical; value; velocity; vol; waters; west; wind cache: jgeet-778.pdf plain text: jgeet-778.txt item: #235 of 260 id: jgeet-7788 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front matter JGEET Vol 06 No 03 2021 date: 2021-09-30 words: 608 flesch: 45 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Prof. Mega F. Rosana, Ph.D (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Samsudin (Malaysia) Prof. Dr. H. Detri Karya, S.E, M.A (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sugeng Wiyono, MMT. EDITOR IN CHIEF Dr. Eng. keywords:; editor; editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-7788.pdf plain text: jgeet-7788.txt item: #236 of 260 id: jgeet-779 author: Alfadli, Muhammad Kurniawan; Natasia, Nanda title: Geoelectricity Data Analysis For Identification The Aquifer Configuration In Bandorasawetan, Cilimus, Kuningan, West Java Province date: 2017-12-01 words: 2309 flesch: 54 summary: The result of acquisition is obtained resistivity value from 0 - >1000 Ohm. m. Interpretation from data distribution is consist of two resistivity range that describes lithology on the research area, such as: 0 150 Ohm.m contributed as aquiqlud with tuffaceous sand lithology and > 150 Ohm.m interpreted as volcanic breccia lithology. An electrical resistivity survey was made using 2-D method that aims to see the distribution of resistivity values vertically and laterally (Telford et al, 1990). keywords: 04/2017; apparent; aquifer; area; bandorasawetan; data; depth; distribution; electrical; electrode; fadli; fig; geoelectric; geology; groundwater; high; interpretation; jgeet; layer; line; m.k; measurement; medium; natasia; ohm.m; research; resistivity; result; rock; sand; surface; value; vol cache: jgeet-779.pdf plain text: jgeet-779.txt item: #237 of 260 id: jgeet-7790 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 06 No 03 2021 date: 2021-09-30 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-7790.pdf plain text: jgeet-7790.txt item: #238 of 260 id: jgeet-7889 author: Burhannudinnur, Muhammad; Noeradi, Dardji title: Understanding Mud Volcano System Using Hele-Shaw (H-S) Experiment: Seismic Confirmation at East Java Mud Volcano date: 2021-12-28 words: 5128 flesch: 56 summary: The formation of seismic pressure structure in the Kradenan area was selected by two routes, XX-08, under Banjarlor and Cangkringan (Fig. 9), and XX-09 (Fig. 10), under Crewek. Thus, the H-S experiment's validation with seismic interpretation shows a similar geometry in pressure structures and valve faults as the mud volcano system's migration paths. keywords: 4/2021; al./; burhannudinnur; channel; characteristics; critical; data; dome; east; equipment; eruption; experiment; fault; fig; flow; fluidization; formation; gas; geometry; glass; gypsum; height; hele; high; initial; inlet; java; jgeet; kesongo; layer; material; mechanism; migration; modeling; mud; mud volcano; overpressure; oxygen; pattern; phase; pressure; pressure structure; quartz; random; reflection; research; results; sand; sandbox; sealing; second; seismic; shaw; similar; structure; surface; system; test; validation; valve; volcano; zone cache: jgeet-7889.pdf plain text: jgeet-7889.txt item: #239 of 260 id: jgeet-8 author: Yuskar, Yuniarti title: Geo-tourism Potential of Sand Bars and Oxbow lake at Buluh Cina, Kampar – Riau, Indonesia date: 2016-12-01 words: 2019 flesch: 62 summary: Based on the discussions have been done with Buluh Cina Village community, the community have attempted to preserve the nature and the ecosystem in the area. So it can increase the number of tourists who visit Buluh Cina Village. keywords: area; bar; buluh; channel; choanji; cina; deposit; dusun; facilities; fig; floodplain; formation; geo; geotourism; indonesia; kampar; kanan; lake; location; meandering; number; oxbow; point; potential; riau; river; sand; sediment; tourism; tourists; village; vol; yuskar cache: jgeet-8.pdf plain text: jgeet-8.txt item: #240 of 260 id: jgeet-8085 author: Manyoe, Intan Noviantari; Hutagalung, Ronal title: Application of Lineament Density Extraction Based on Digital Elevation Model for Geological Structures Control Analysis in Suwawa Geothermal Area date: 2022-09-28 words: 4440 flesch: 55 summary: This research is useful for the development of knowledge in the geothermal field, especially the study of permeability and structural control in geothermal areas. This research is useful for the development of geothermal science, especially the development of extraction and control models of geological structures in geothermal areas. keywords: agreement; area; data; dem; dem data; density; digital; east; elevation; extraction; geological; geological structure; geothermal; geothermal area; gorontalo; high; hot; hot springs; hungayono; libungo; lineament; lineament extraction; lombongo; low; manyoe; model; national; national dem; northwest; regional; regional geological; regional structure; research; southeast; southwest; springs; srtm; structure; study; suwawa; suwawa geothermal; trend; tulabolo cache: jgeet-8085.pdf plain text: jgeet-8085.txt item: #241 of 260 id: jgeet-8136 author: Mairizki, Fitri; Yandra Putra, Arief; Adiza Putri, Widya; Ferdyansyah title: Hydrogeochemical and Characteristics of Groundwater in Teluk Nilap Area, Rokan Hilir, Riau date: 2021-12-30 words: 3115 flesch: 58 summary: The aims of this research are to determine groundwater types and groundwater facies in study area with an analytical approach using stiff diagram and piper diagram. Keywords: Hydrogeochemical, groundwater type, groundwater facies, stiff diagram, piper diagram 1. keywords: 2019; analysis; area; chloride; dan; diagram; dominant; drinking; dug; engineering; environment; facies; fig; geoscience; groundwater; groundwater facies; hydrogeochemical; indonesia; journal; level; magnesium; mairizki; major; map; minerals; piper; putra; quality; research; riau; sodium; stiff; study; study area; sulfate; technology; type; wells cache: jgeet-8136.pdf plain text: jgeet-8136.txt item: #242 of 260 id: jgeet-8180 author: Marin, Jenian; Winarno, Tri; Fairuz, Shofiana Nadia title: Characteristics of Kedondong Trass and Bobos Trass as Cement Raw Material, Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia date: 2022-03-30 words: 3905 flesch: 60 summary: The abundance of crystalline silica is differ significantly, where Kedondong trass are higher in tridymite and cristobalite than Bobos samples. Both fresh rock and altered rock samples were used to compare this aspect. keywords: 1/2022; al./; al2o3; analysis; andesite; andesitic; area; astm; blue; bobos; breccia; cement; cementitious; characteristics; chemical; clay; composition; concrete; content; cristobalite; geology; groundmass; hornblende; indonesia; intrusion; jgeet; kedondong; marin; material; maximum; mineral; mineralogy; moisture; natural; plagioclase; pozzolanic; properties; quarry; quartz; raw; requirement; rocks; samples; section; silica; sio2; sls; so3; standard; study; table; test; trass; tridymite; volcanic; xrd cache: jgeet-8180.pdf plain text: jgeet-8180.txt item: #243 of 260 id: jgeet-8554 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front matter JGEET Vol 06 No 04 2021 date: 2021-12-31 words: 681 flesch: 47 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Prof. Mega F. Rosana, Ph.D (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Samsudin (Malaysia) Prof. Dr. H. Detri Karya, S.E, M.A (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sugeng Wiyono, MMT. EDITOR IN CHIEF Dr. Eng. keywords:; chief; editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; issn; japan; java; jgeet; journal; m.eng;;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-8554.pdf plain text: jgeet-8554.txt item: #244 of 260 id: jgeet-8555 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 06 No 04 2021 date: 2021-12-31 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-8555.pdf plain text: jgeet-8555.txt item: #245 of 260 id: jgeet-879 author: Kusnadi, Sujiman title: Slope Stability Analysis Based on Type, Physical And Mechanical Properties Rock in Teluk Pandan District, East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan date: 2017-12-01 words: 3376 flesch: 65 summary: While the driving force is influenced by the magnitude of the slope angle, water, weights and soil type of rock soil. The field investigation that has been conducted, intends to take samples of rock material located in the research area. keywords: analysis; angle; area; carbonaceous; characteristics; clay; claystone; coal; cohesion; content; drilling; east; fig; force; friction; inserts; jgeet; kalimantan; kusnadi; kutai; laboratory; landslide; lithology; material; mechanical; medium; meters; overall; physical; properties; research; residual; results; rock; sandstone; shear; siltstone; simulation; single; slope; soil; stability; strength; study; table; test; type; unit; vol; water; weight cache: jgeet-879.pdf plain text: jgeet-879.txt item: #246 of 260 id: jgeet-882 author: Devavath, Harindar; S, Shankar title: Experimental Study to Reinforce The Weak Subgrade Soil For Low-Volume Roads by Coir Geotextile Mats date: 2018-03-01 words: 4427 flesch: 65 summary: The provision of coir mats with lower strength of sub-base soil will causes failure pavement and reduce the performance of the coir geotextile and also the pavement. The samples are prepared in the fabricated mould with BC soil as subgrade and sandy gravel as sub-base soil (two-layer pavement section) with varying thickness of pavement layer as per the modified CBR test protocol. keywords: base; base soil; bc soil; coir; coir geotextile; coir mats; deformation; depth; fig; geosynthetics; geotextile; gg+nwcm; gravel; gravel bc; h/2; h/3; h/4; layer; materials; mats; model; number; nwcm; passes; pavement; performance; position; reinforcement; rut; sandy; sandy gravel; separation; sg bc; soil; study; subgrade; thickness; types; weak; wheel cache: jgeet-882.pdf plain text: jgeet-882.txt item: #247 of 260 id: jgeet-8863 author: Al Shida Natul; Leni Sophia Heliani title: A Comparison of Geologic Structure Detection of Sumatera Island Using Goce Satellite Gravity Data and Sgg-Ugm-2 Data date: 2022-09-26 words: 3403 flesch: 56 summary: Gravity anomaly from satellite gravity gradiometry data by GOCE in Japan Ms9.0 strong earthquake region. Analysis of geological structures can be carried out using gravity satellite data, which has a wide observation area and is not limited by area. keywords: 3/2022; al/; andaman; anomaly; anomaly map; area; bouguer; bouguer anomaly; complete; complete bouguer; crust; data; detection; disturbance; earth; engineering; fault; field; figure; geological; goce; grace; gravity; gravity disturbance; gut; high; island; jgeet; map; maps; mentawai; mgal; mitigation; model; natul; plate; regional; research; resolution; results; satellite; sfz; sgg; structures; subduction; sumatra; trench; value; vol; west; zone cache: jgeet-8863.pdf plain text: jgeet-8863.txt item: #248 of 260 id: jgeet-8986 author: Rahmad, Basuki ; Prayitno, Budi; S.S.R, Susilawati; Sugeng; Ediyanto title: The Role of Inertinite Characteristics and Coal Porosity of Seam A-1 of Muara Enim Formation in West Merapi, Lahat, South Sumatera, Indonesia date: 2022-06-30 words: 4391 flesch: 58 summary: Using the ply-by-ply method, coal samples were taken directly from Seam-A in the coal mine walls outcrop, based on macroscopically determinable lithotype information. During the polishing procedure, coal samples carried out from the mining wall outcrop. keywords: 2/2022; a-1; al./; analysis; area; basin; claystone; cleat; coal; composition; content; doi; engineering; enim; fielding; fig; figure; flow; fluid; formation; gas; geological; ginger; high; indonesia; inertinite; jgeet; lahat; maceral; macropores; matter; merapi; mesh; methane; mineral; muara; permeability; pores; porosity; rahmad; reflectance; research; samples; sandstone; seam; semifusinite; size; south; structure; study; sumatera; table; unit; value; vitrinite; vol; west cache: jgeet-8986.pdf plain text: jgeet-8986.txt item: #249 of 260 id: jgeet-9 author: Prayitno, Budi title: Limnic Condition In Rheotrhopic Peat Type As the Origin of Petai Coal, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia date: 2016-12-01 words: 2522 flesch: 50 summary: Revised : 15 Nov 2016, Accepted: Nov 20, 2016, Published: 1 Dec 2016 DOI : 10.24273/jgeet.2016.11.9 Abstract Petrographic coal is the study of organic and inorganic components of bearing coal formation. As the Origin of Petai Coal, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia Budi Prayitno 1, * 1 Geological Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau * keywords: 1/2016; area; associated; b./; basin; calder; central; coal; composition; conditions; degree; depositional; facies; fig; formation; funginite; geological; gwi; index; jgeet; layer; limnic; maceral; matter; mid; miocene; mires; organic; peat; prayitno; process; pyrite; sample; stage; study; sumatra; surface; tellocolinite; tissue; tpi; type; vegetation; vitrinite; vol; water cache: jgeet-9.pdf plain text: jgeet-9.txt item: #250 of 260 id: jgeet-9161 author: Novia Nurul Khayati; Sudarmaji; Eddy Hartantyo title: The Effect of Weathered Layer Thickness and Slope on Potential Areas of Landslides in Gerbosari Village, Samigaluh District, Kulonprogo Regency, Indonesia date: 2022-09-28 words: 4408 flesch: 61 summary: Variation of 𝑽𝒔 value and layer depth Name Point Value of Layer 1 𝑽𝒔 Value of Layer 2 𝑽𝒔 Value of Layer 2 𝑽𝒔 Layer Depth 1 Layer Depth 2 Layer Depth 3 N1 357.05 897.11 1446.24 8.4097 51.002 104.29 N2 353.52 862.10 1431.61 11.222 60.405 104.12 N3 357.08 812.65 1208.58 7.536 58.04 103.647 N4 353.54 1185.01 1322.95 12.52 77.43 104.28 N5 357.05 1094.90 1418.02 7.613 53.07 102.83 N6 357.03 820.26 1432.11 8.928 80.6 102.26 N7 353.37 788.25 1000.48 5.994 56.901 103.29 N8 353.42 952.30 1197.30 4.6287 93.587 104.17 N12 352.55 888.26 1258.75 8.26 76.696 104.31 N13 353.52 812.08 989.63 7.1 55.783 104.14 N14 357.02 888.35 1221.81 10.7847 54.684 104.31 N15 356.96 905.83 1073.09 6.89 91.74 104.06 N16 357.00 796.13 1460.71 7.463 72.975 103.57 N19 357.10 844.98 1445.46 6.949 63.484 102.35 N20 353.52 764.91 1233.88 1.8716 97.381 104.304 N21 353.47 915.12 1446.56 9.666 58.048 106.668 N22 353.5 780.41 1446.35 6.4281 52.546 72.216 N23 353.5 820.3 1489.85 8.493 64.761 104.25 N26 353.38 871.36 1475.52 22.745 72.24 104.29 N27 353.51 888.04 1322.59 9.29 62.234 104.31 N28 353.53 780.58 1490.10 5.113 62.252 104.25 N29 353.49 820.28 845.16 4.769 77.462 108.14 N30 357.03 1127.84 1431.89 7.383 55.383 103.28 N31 353.504 828.59 1460.86 12.645 55.226 102.2 N24 360.68 888.39 1514.66 8.164 55.231 123.21 N25 360.62 780.48 1514.92 5.994 91.744 113.76 N18 353.55 828.55 1545.69 6.756 56.34 137.49 N17 353.52 836.92 1560.77 7.166 57.44 128.71 N11 360.66 780.08 1607.92 7.7176 52.04 137.49 N10 357.01 897.11 1560.64 9.7627 54.14 117.25 N9 353.52 812.76 1530.1 17.558 67.35 110.45 The distribution of the dominant frequency values in the study area has a range of values ranging from 1 – 22 Hz. keywords: 3/2022; al./; amplification; analysis; area; characteristics; component; distribution; district; dominant; engineering; environment; factor; figure; formation; frequency; frequency value; gerbosari; ground; high; history; horizontal; hvsr; indonesia; jgeet; journal; khayati; kulonprogo; landslides; layer; layer thickness; measurement; meters; method; microtremor; n.n; north; points; potential; range; ratio; regency; research; results; rock; samigaluh; shows; slope; soil; steep; study; study area; subsurface; surface; technology; thickness; value; vertical; village; vol; wave; weathered; 𝑽𝒔 value cache: jgeet-9161.pdf plain text: jgeet-9161.txt item: #251 of 260 id: jgeet-9164 author: Irfan, Ulva Ria; Husain, Angga Alamin ; Nur, Irzal title: Analysis of Grain Morphology, Mineral Composition, and Ore Grade on Gold Placer Deposits in Bantimurung, Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia date: 2022-06-30 words: 6520 flesch: 55 summary: Mineral deposits of Sulawesi. The results of microscopic observations showed that 4 minerals were observed (Fig. 6), that is quartz (Qz) with transparent absorption color with white interference color, no pleochroism (-), low intensity, sub-anhedral shape, low relief, no cleavage, conchoidal fragments, mineral size <0.03 mm, has no twins, darkening angle 1-4°. Fig. keywords: 2/2022; al./; analysis; angular; anhedral; area; associated; bar; biotite; channel; color; content; covellite; deposits; diorite; distribution; downstream; east; epithermal; et al; fig; formation; garnet; geological; geology; gold; grade; grain; gray; high; hussain; hydrothermal; indonesia; jgeet; journal; limestone; low; mesh; metal; mineral; mineralization; mining; morphology; nur; ore; petrography; placer; plagioclase; pleochroism; ppm; proportional; pyrite; quartz; research; results; river; rocks; rounded; roundness; samples; section; shows; site; size; source; sphalerite; sphericity; station; study; sub; sulawesi; sulfidation; upstream; vol; volcanic; ✓ ✓ cache: jgeet-9164.pdf plain text: jgeet-9164.txt item: #252 of 260 id: jgeet-9215 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 07 No 01 2022 date: 2022-03-30 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-9215.pdf plain text: jgeet-9215.txt item: #253 of 260 id: jgeet-9216 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front Matter JGEET Vol. 07 No. 01 2022 date: 2022-03-30 words: 585 flesch: 48 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Prof. Mega F. Rosana, Ph.D (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Samsudin (Malaysia) Prof. Dr. H. Detri Karya, S.E, M.A (Indonesia) Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sugeng Wiyono, MMT. EDITOR IN CHIEF Dr. Eng. keywords: editor; editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-9216.pdf plain text: jgeet-9216.txt item: #254 of 260 id: jgeet-9235 author: Martono; Hasria ; Asfar, Suryawan; Azzaman, Muhammad Arba; Ngkoimani, La Ode; Okto, Ali; Hamimu, La; Irawati; Sawaludin; Iradat Salihin, La Ode Muhammad; Wahab title: Morphotectonic Control of Land Movements at Wundulako Region, Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia date: 2022-06-30 words: 3959 flesch: 63 summary: This interprets that the cause of land movement at study area is not only influenced by tectonic factors but is also influenced by other factors such as rainfall, lithological conditions, geomorphology, earthquakes, and human activities. Land movement movement is a process of mass transfer of rocks or soil due to gravity First Author et al./ JGEET keywords: active; activity; analysis; area; asymmetry; basin; class; conditions; crown; dan; data; density; direction; drainage; factors; fault; fig; flow; geomorphological; height; high; index; km2; kolaka; land; land movement; length; level; medium; morphometric; morphotectonic; mountain; movement; research; results; ridge; river; rocks; segment; smf; southeast; straightness; structure; study; study area; sulawesi; table; tectonic; total; valley; value; watershed cache: jgeet-9235.pdf plain text: jgeet-9235.txt item: #255 of 260 id: jgeet-9251 author: Pamungkas, Goji; Putranto, Thomas Triadi; Suharyanto; Muhrozi; Priambodo, Yanuar Niko title: Residual Strength Parameter Method for Slope stability on a Toll Road with Expansive Clay date: 2022-06-30 words: 5649 flesch: 64 summary: Slope stability simulation results by using the peak strength parameter Slope Inclination Safety Factor 1.00V : Slope stability simulation results by using the peak strength parameter Slope Inclination Fully Softened Critical Safety Factor Residual Critical Safety Factor Range 1.00V : keywords: 1.00v; 2/2022; al./; analysis; anorganik; behavior; calculation; change; clay; condition; construction; cut; days; depth; design; engineering; eos; excavation; expansive; factor; failure; figure; fos; geotechnical; inclination; initial; jgeet; journal; layer; limit; long; material; minimum; pamungkas; parameter; peak; pore; pressure; pwp; residual; results; road; safety; segment; semarang; shale; shear; simulation; slope; slope failure; slope inclination; slope stability; softened; soil; stability; stage; strength; stress; swelling; table; term; test; time; toll; vol; water; weathered; yield; zone cache: jgeet-9251.pdf plain text: jgeet-9251.txt item: #256 of 260 id: jgeet-9311 author: Abdurrokhim; Adhiperdana, Billy ; Hendarmawan title: Temporal variation in sandstone composition of Miocene Jatiluhur Formation in the Bogor Trough, West Java, Indonesia date: 2022-09-28 words: 4075 flesch: 52 summary: Glauconite minerals are observed at almost all interval, but in the upper part of Jatiluhur Formation samples (late Miocene), size and volume of glauconite grains is increasing (Fig. 8B). This manuscript intends to discuss the temporal variation in detrital compositional and depositional facies of the Neogene sediments that delivered from the north (i.e., Sundaland) into the Bogor Trough, which is represented by Miocene Jatiluhur Formation. keywords: 3/2022; abdurrokhim; abundance; al./; area; association; basin; bogor; carbonate; coarse; composition; deposits; feldspar; fig; formation; fragments; framework; garzanti; glauconite; grains; hall; increasing; interval; ito; jatiluhur; jatiluhur formation; java; jgeet; klapanunggal; late; margin; martodjojo; materials; metamorphic; minerals; miocene; north; plagioclase; polycrystalline; provenance; quartz; research; rock; samples; sandstone; sediments; shelf; siliciclastic; source; southern; sundaland; tectonic; trough; upper; volcanic; volcanoclastic; west cache: jgeet-9311.pdf plain text: jgeet-9311.txt item: #257 of 260 id: jgeet-9520 author: Sahara, Rina; Setiawan, Budhi title: Assessment of Geosite and Geomorphosite at South Solok Aspiring Geopark Area date: 2022-09-26 words: 4763 flesch: 51 summary: Site assessment is carried out quantitatively with five assessment parameters; scientific, educational, functional, tourist, and posting activities on tourist sites on social media. The study intends to ide ntify geosite and geomorphosite in the South Solok area with field observations to describe the state of geology, geomorphology of geosite sites, and geomorphosite. keywords: 3/2022; access; activities; addition; al./; area; assessment; batukapal; camintoran; cave; community; conservation; cultural; development; diversity; ecosystems; educational; elevation; environment; fault; features; field; fig; figure; functional; geoheritage; geological; geomorphological; geomorphosite; geopark; geosite; height; heritage; hot; indonesia; jgeet; kerinci; landscape; local; location; main; maluluang; management; manifestation; media; meters; minang; mount; potential; quantitative; ranah; regency; research; rocks; sahara; sapan; scientific; segment; sites; social; solok; south; spring; structure; study; suliti; sumatra; tourist; value; visitors; vol; waterfall; west cache: jgeet-9520.pdf plain text: jgeet-9520.txt item: #258 of 260 id: jgeet-9741 author: Olagunju, Kamorudeen Tunde; Allen , Callen Scott; Olobaniyi, Samuel Bamidele; Oyedele, Kayode Festus title: Hydrocarbon Spectra Slope (HYSS): A Spectra Index for Quantifying and Characterizing Hydrocarbon oil on Different Substrates Using Spectra Data date: 2023-06-28 words: 8030 flesch: 48 summary: Absorption features at these wavelength positions and in the visible Near Infrared Region (VNIR) at 1.20 µm, are useful for detecting and characterizing hydrocarbon oil (Wettle et al. 2009, Liu et al. 2016, Lu et al. 2013, Andreou and Karathanassi 2011, Kühn, Oppermann, and Hörig 2004b, Reséndez-Hernández, Prudencio-Csapek, and Lozano- García 2018, Asadzadeh and de Souza Filho 2016, Lammoglia and Souza Filho 2012b). However, absorption features in the SWIR provide distinct potential for quantification and characterization of hydrocarbon oil against different background materials ( Lammoglia and Souza Filho 2012b, Asadzadeh and de Souza Filho 2016, Kühn, Oppermann, and Hörig 2004b, Hörig et al. 2001, Allen and Krekeler 2010). keywords: 2/2023; absorption; abundance; al./; allen; analysis; asd; aster; aviris; background; band; bar; characterization; clark; classes; combination; common; confidence; content; correlation; crude; data; depth; detection; different; different oil; discrimination; doi; emulsion; et al; features; figure; filho; high; higher; hydrocarbon; hydrocarbon oil; hyperspectral; hyss; hörig; index; intermediate; jgeet; journal; k.t; key; krekeler; kühn; laboratory; lammoglia; landsat; level; light; multispectral; oil; oil abundance; oils; olagunju; oppermann; parameters; potential; quantification; quantitative; ratio; refined; reflectance; relative; remote; resampled; resolution; response; results; sand; sensing; sensors; shapes; shows; significant; slick; slope; slope value; souza; spectra; spectroscopy; spill; study; substrates; swir; thickness; types; value; vol; water cache: jgeet-9741.pdf plain text: jgeet-9741.txt item: #259 of 260 id: jgeet-9920 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Front Matter JGEET Vol. 07 No. 02 2022 date: 2022-06-30 words: 622 flesch: 47 summary: (Indonesia) Dr. Anas Puri S.T, M.T (Indonesia) Dr. Eng. Takahiro Miyazaki (Japan) Dr. Evizal Abdul Kadir S.T., M.Eng (Indonesia) Dr. Luong Nguyen (Vietnam) Dr. Mursyidah, M.Sc. keywords:; chief; editorial; engineering; environment; geoscience; hons; indonesia; issn; japan; jgeet; journal; m.eng;; m.t; prof; s.t; technology cache: jgeet-9920.pdf plain text: jgeet-9920.txt item: #260 of 260 id: jgeet-9921 author: (J. Geoscience Eng. Environ. Technol.), JGEET title: Back matter JGEET Vol 07 No 02 2022 date: 2022-06-30 words: 2051 flesch: 68 summary: Please reference figures in the text by writing: Fig. .. Acknowledgements Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. keywords: address; author; cite; end; figures; font; geology; geoscience; gulliver; heading; journal; line; main; margin; new; number; order; page; paper; pts; references; regular; research; right; section; set; spacing; table; text; title; units; use; work cache: jgeet-9921.pdf plain text: jgeet-9921.txt