37 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies Vol 2 Issue 01, 2017 Volume 2 Issue 01 MAY 2017 JILS 2 (1) 2017, pp. 37-42 ISSN 2548-1584 E-ISSN 2548-1592 Waiting List Patterns in the Implementation of Hajj: The Fulfillment of the Rights of the Congregation (Study of Central Java Province, Indonesia) Arif Prasetyo 1 Arif Prasetyo Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang  arif_pra21@yahoo.com Article Info Abstract Submitted on May 2016 Approved on January 2017 Published on May 2017 The purpose of this study was to determine patterns in the hajj waiting list by the Ministry of Religious Affairs Regional Office in Central Java, and the pattern of financial management of the waiting list in the pilgrimage by the Ministry of Religious Affairs Regional Office in Central Java in the view of Islamic economics. This research uses qualitative method. Approach method used normative juridical. Data types are primary data types and secondary data types. Sources of data used are primary, secondary and tertiary data sources. Data analysis used is qualitative data analysis that is deductive. The results showed (1) the implementation of Hajj conducted by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Central Java Regional Office actually only adjust to the provisions of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. (2) The pattern of financial management of the waiting list (Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MORA) Provincial/District just register and financial payments of hajj directly to account of religious ministry center. The conclusions of this study is the provision of Religious Affairs Center in the organization of the pilgrimage to the pattern waiting list quota of pilgrims in 2013 in Indonesia 211,000 people so discretion is divided 33 provinces in accordance with the Muslim population, while Java was getting quota 23 719 distributed in 35 counties and cities more than 678. The financial system is wadiah amanah, so that the system/how to finance work on the waiting list will not increase due to the result /loss. Keywords: Implementation of Hajj, Pattern, Waiting List 1 I would like to express my thankfulness to Mr Baidhowi SAg MAg and also to Ms. Waspiah SH MH, for the constructive suggestions. I also specifically express my gratitute to Editorial of Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies (JILS), Faculty of Law UNNES. mailto:arif_pra21@yahoo.com 38 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang Arif Prasetyo JILS 2 (1) May 2017, 37-42 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils INTRODUCTION INDONESIA is a country with a majority of the population 87% (eighty seven percent) are Muslims. In running the life should always try my best to run the Shari'a of Islam well, in accordance with the norms that apply in Islam. Islamic religion teaches that this religion is based on five main foundations, or known as the pillars of Islam, there are five pillars of Islam, namely shahadah, prayer, zakat, fasting and hajj. So the Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, performing the pilgrimage is a duty for every Muslim who has the ability. Not all Muslims are required to perform the pilgrimage, because the pilgrimage is a duty that demands good physical health and requires adequate financial ability. 2 With the majority of Muslim, in Indonesia, is automatically many people who want to perform the pilgrimage/Hajj. As a result the person who will perform the pilgrimage must register first. “In Central Java province to be able to leave they have to wait (waiting list) twelve (12) years or more. Especially now there is a bailout given by certain banks so that makes more people who register the hajj”. 3 The most fundamental problems in the organization of Hajj current series is the haj waiting list (waiting list), provide guidance to the pilgrims before and after the pilgrimage. In plain certainly haj waiting list (waiting list) up to 17 (seventeen) years in the province of Central Java. Based on Law No. 13 of 2008 concerning to the Implementation of Hajj, mandates that the policy and implementation of Hajj is a national duty and the responsibility of the government coordinated by the Minister of Religious Affairs and in cooperation with the community, departments and other relevant agencies. To comply with the above Law, the Government is obliged to conduct guidance to pilgrims from preparation to leave to return to Indonesia. As an effort to improve Hajj services and maximize safety, smoothness, order and welfare of pilgrims as well as for the perfection of the Hajj, the Government through the Ministry of Religious Central Java is obliged to explain the pattern of the waiting list in the hajj for pilgrims. Based on the above background, the authors formulate the following problems, first, how is Patterns waiting list in implementing an Hajj by the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of Central Java Province, and second, how is Patterns financial management of the Waiting list in an executor of the Hajj by the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of Central Java Province in view of Islamic economics? 2 Aziz, Syaikh Abdul bin Abdullah, 2003, Tanya Jawab tentang Rukun Islam, Medan : IAIN Sumatra Utara, P. 26. 3 See, (http://www.suaramerdeka.com /v1/index.php/read/news/213/05/17/15720 List- Haji-Now-Depart-2025) 39 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies Vol 2 Issue 01, 2017 WAITING LIST ON HAJJ IMPELENTATION: FULFILMENT OF RIGHTS OF THE CONGREGATIONS HAJJ PILGRIMAGE is the duty of the state through the ministry of religion and the ministry of religion. As the regulator of Haj pilgrimage of religious ministry in prosecuting professionals. Hajj pilgrimage in every year always reap the praise as well as criticism from the shared circles who delivered orally and in writing. The discourse that always surfaces the surface is dissatisfaction with the management of Hajj and services carried out by the government. On the other hand, the government always strives to innovate and improve the aspects of managerial, human resources, operational pattern, transportation diversification, accommodation and provide wider opportunities for the community to participate in the hajj pilgrimage. The dynamics and problems of pilgrimage have always been a hot topic of discussion among the general public and politicians. The incidence of problems from year to year is largely due to the prevailing laws and regulations and the relationship between the two countries that have different socio-cultural differences as well as the differences of madzab that some of the community holds. Changes in the system of study in Indonesia is certainly strongly influenced by the policy set by the Indonesian government. In the treasures of the hajj in Indonesia has been enacted various laws and regulations that are much influenced by the socio-political conditions of his time. The arrangement of pilgrimage involves many government and non- government agencies assigned in accordance with their respective functions and roles, so it is impossible to handle only one agency. In the country of origin of pilgrims, especially in Indonesia, the issue of Haj is handled by the Ministry of Religious Affairs by involving other departments and elements of society such as the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Bank Indonesia, (State-owned and private banks), airlines, public travel agencies, community organizations and Islamic religious institutions as well as other community elements. While in Saudi Arabia, handled by representatives of the country of origin by involving the Ministry of Hajj Saudi Arabia, Muassasah, Majmu’ah, Naqobah, immigration, Customs, health, transportation and all elements of service by the Government of Saudi Arabia. Because it involves intergovernmental relationships and many parties and institutions that institutionally have authority over the pilgrimage, it is necessary to have a system to handle the hajj, and it is in this context that the pilgrim organization plays a role in administering, managing, managing and managing the pilgrimage. Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world. With a Muslim population of 87% of the total population, the country 40 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang Arif Prasetyo JILS 2 (1) May 2017, 37-42 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils of Indonesia sends about 211,000 regular and annual Hajj pilgrims annually to the Holy Land to perform Hajj. Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam that must be done individually for the capable, both physically, mentally and material (cost). With the limitation of time and quota, government required to accommodate the desire. Increasing the implementation of the pilgrimage is a national task, involving the ministry. The Ministry of Religious Affairs as responsible together with the relevant ministries, seeks to improve the quality of Hajj services based on Law No. 13 of 2013, which mandates the three main tasks: Development, Service and Protection to Indonesian Hajj. Following the main tasks in the aforementioned Law, the Ministry of Religious Affairs has issued Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 62 of 2013 on the Implementation of Embarkation and Hajj Heber for the Provinces of Central Java and the Special Province of Yogyakarta. PATTERN WAITING LIST IN THE PILGRIMAGE BY THE MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS REGIONAL OFFICE IN CENTRAL JAVA PROVINCE BASED on the results of research and discussion of issues raised in the previous chapters, the authors draw conclusions, Pattern waiting list in the pilgrimage by the Ministry of Religious Affairs Regional Office in Central Java province. Hajj pilgrimage conducted by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Central Java has been in accordance with the pattern of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The pattern starts from the Customer submits the application of Ijarah arrangement and financing of Hajj to the sharia bank by first filling the application form of financing, which is equipped with supporting documents needed to get the seat portion of Hajj. Upon this arrangement, the bank implements the ujroh to the customer in accordance with the prevailing regulations. Furthermore, Bank Syariah process the application by conducting analysis in accordance with applicable provisions. Once your application is approved financing and customer agrees to pay ujrah specified, the signing of the Arrangement Agreement and Financing Hajj including Qardh between banks and customers. After signing the contract, the bank maintains obtain a seat portion of the pilgrimage through SISKOHAT including the realization and Qardh to pay an initial deposit shortage BPIH according the provisiona, force in the Ministry of Religion. Further proof of payment is left to the customer. The customer pays ujrah simultaneously at the beginning of the financing as well as in installments over the financing period and pays qardh in installments and at the same time at the end of the financing period to the bank. The pattern of financial management of the waiting list in the pilgrimage by the Ministry of Religious Affairs Regional Office in Central Java in the view of Islamic economics. In the Ministry of Religious Affairs the Central Java Regional 41 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies Vol 2 Issue 01, 2017 Office only enrolls and direct financial system to the Ministry of Religious Affairs. And the views of Islamic economics including fund raising products wadiah amanah (funds entrusted). Based on the above conclusions, the researchers advise, (1) Disclosure of information on the waiting list (waiting list) pilgrimage. (2) The government must be consistent in carrying out the organization of the pilgrimage to the pattern of the waiting list. (3) The government should be transparent about the use of finances in the conduct of the pilgrimage. CONCLUSIONS HAJJ PILGRIMAGE conducted by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Central Java has been in accordance with the pattern of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. As for the pattern from the Customer apply Ijarah financing arrangements and the pilgrimage to the Islamic bank by first filling the financing application form, which is equipped with the necessary supporting documents to get a seat portion of the pilgrimage. On the management of this, banks charge to customers Ujroh accordance with applicable regulations. Furthermore, Bank Syariah process the application by conducting analysis in accordance with applicable provisions. Once your application is approved financing and customer agrees to pay ujrah specified, the signing of the Arrangement Agreement and Financing Haji including Qardh between banks and customers. After signing the contract, the bank maintains obtain a seat portion of the pilgrimage through SISKOHAT including the realization and Qardh to pay an initial deposit shortage BPIH according provision force in the Ministry of Religion. Further proof of payment is left to the customer. Customers pay a lump sum at the beginning ujrah financing and repaid over the contract period and pay qardh financing in installments or all at once at the end of the financing to the bank. The implementation of the Hajj conducted by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Central Java Regional Office actually only adjust to the provisions of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The provision is the quota of pilgrims in 2013 in Indonesia 211,000 people so that the policy is divided into 33 provinces according to Muslim population, while Central Java get quota of 23,719 then distributed in 35 districts and cities approximately 678, then registration is a candidate pilgrims enter in each - the district through the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Regency after registering and paying them to get the portion number, the problem arises if the pilgrims resign / died replaced by the next registrant automatically unless the substitute is not ready then replaced others. The pattern of financial management of the waiting list of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Religious Affairs Provincial/District just register and financial hajj payments directly to account religious ministry center. In the Ministry of Religious Affairs the Central Java Regional Office only enrolls and direct financial system to the Ministry of Religious Affairs. And seen from the sharia economy including the product of wadiah 42 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang Arif Prasetyo JILS 2 (1) May 2017, 37-42 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils fund raising (money deposit). The deposit is in the syariah lens of Islam is wadiah, so the financial pattern of the waiting list will not increase due to the profit/loss. But the money deposited is affected by the dollar as a measure, so it could be the value of this deposit is reduced or increased. Aknowledgement The Author would express the high thankfulness to: 1. Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman, M.Hum. As the Rector of Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES). 2. Drs. Sartono Sahlan, MH as a Former Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang when my research conducted. 3. Ubaidillah Kamal, S.Pd., M.H. as the Primary Examiner of my Research Project. 4. Baidhowi, S.Ag., M.Ag. as a Supervisor who has given clues, provide criticism, advice and guidance in completing this thesis to be better. 5. Waspiah, SH, MH as a Co-Supervisor has provided guidance, direction, assistance, criticism, advice and guidance in completing this thesis for the better. 6. Mr Drs. H. Khaeruddin. MA, as Head of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Regional Office of Central Java Province, Indonesia BIBLIOGRAPHY Al Munawir, Warsono Ahmad, 1984, Kamus Bahasa Indonesia, Yogyakarta: Al Munawar. Anwar A, Mahfudz, 2004, Tuntunan Ibadah Haji dan Umroh, Bandung: Sinar Baru Algesindo. Aziz, Syaikh Abdul bin Abdullah, 2003, Tanya Jawab tentang Rukun Islam, Medan: IAIN Sumatra Utara. 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