131 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies Vol 2 Issue 02, 2017 Volume 2 Issue 02 NOVEMBER 2017 JILS 2 (2) 2017, pp. 131-144 ISSN 2548-1584 E-ISSN 2548-1592 Poverty Reduction in Perspective of Public Service Reform: A Study on Legal and Social Analysis (Case of Sragen, Indonesia) Puguh Setyawan Jhody, Rodiyah Puguh Setyawan Jhody Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta  puguhesjhody54@gmail.com Rodiyah Administrative and Constitutional Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia  rodiyah@mail.unnes.ac.id Article Info Abstract Submitted on April 2017 Approved on August 2017 Published on November 2017 The problem of poverty is a complex multidimensional problem as a general social phenomenon that requires steps to overcome, systematically, integrated, and comprehensive. These efforts are used to reduce the burden and fulfill the basic rights of citizens properly to bring about a prosperous society. Current poverty reduction models tend to be misplaced, bureaucratic, weak monitoring and evaluation, overlapping authority, and budgetary wastage. Therefore, the Government of Sragen Regency established the Poverty Reduction Service Unit (UPT-PK). The unit is an integrated cross-sectoral service unit in poverty alleviation with the aim of simplifying and facilitating the poor to access government programs that are for them. The focus of research on the model of poverty alleviation services based on education, health, socio- economic, and data integrity and its implementation constraints. The research used qualitative research approach of law with type of sociological juridical research using analysis of interactive analysis models. Poverty reduction is the policy of the Government of Sragen Regency in realizing the welfare of the community. Keywords: Poverty Reduction, Public Service, Legal Reform mailto:puguhesjhody54@gmail.com mailto:rodiyah@mail.unnes.ac.id 132 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang Puguh Setyawan Jhody, Rodiyah JILS 2 (2) November 2017, 131-144 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils INTRODUCTION POVERTY reduction as part of the national development process requires coordinated steps in an integrated manner in the preparation of the formulation and implementation of poverty alleviation policies. National development is carried out continuously according to the priorities and needs of each region with targets set through the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and the National Long Term Development Plan (RPJPN). The main gauge of success of national development is one of them is the decreasing number of poor people in Indonesia. Poverty can be defined as a low standard of living, that is, a degree of material deficiency in some or a group of people compared to the standard of living common in a society. This low standard of living directly affects the level of health, moral life, and self-esteem of those belonging to the poor. 1 Article 28C Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution states that “every person shall have the right to develop himself through his basic needs, shall be entitled to education and benefit from science and technology, art and culture in order to improve the quality of his life and for the welfare of mankind.” Hence the problem of poverty is a matter of human rights and the state must guarantee the human rights of its citizens especially the right to increase the quality of life and welfare. Article 34 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia also states that “the poor and neglected children are kept by the state.” This means that the state must be present through the programs and policies that make the people prosperous. The current condition of poverty is urging the government to issue Presidential Decree No. 15/2010 on the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction, which contains the strategies and programs for accelerating poverty reduction, and the establishment of the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K). It is expected that with this Presidential Regulation, the acceleration of poverty reduction can be done with sharpening efforts which include targeting, designing and integrating the program, monitoring and evaluation, and the effectiveness of the budget, it is also necessary to strengthen institutions at the national level that handle poverty alleviation. Poverty is not only a matter of the central government, but also the problem experienced by the region, one of them is Sragen Regency. According to data from BPS in 2015 the number of poor people in Sragen regency is 130,420 persons or 14.87% or ranked as the poorest in Central Java. 2 It was responded by the Government of Sragen Regency by establishing the Integrated Services Unit of Poverty Alleviation (UPT-PK) which is the only cross-sector unit in Indonesia that engages in poverty alleviation, in education, health, and socio-economy. 1 Suparlan, Parsudi, Kemiskinan di Perkotaan. (Jakarta: Yayasan Obor, 1998), 2 2 Retrieved from http://sragenkab.bps.go.id http://sragenkab.bps.go.id/ 133 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies Vol 2 Issue 02, 2017 The focus of the problem in this research is to study: (1) How to model poverty reduction service in Poverty Reduction Service Unit (UPT-PK) of Sragen regency? (2) What are the obstacles to the implementation of poverty reduction service in Poverty Reduction Service Unit (UPT-PK) of Sragen Regency? FACTUAL CONDITION OF POVERTY IN SRAGEN, CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA SRAGEN Regency has a population of 879,027 people and an area of 941.55 km 2 which is divided into 20 Districts, 8 Villages, and 200 Villages. Sragen area is divided into two parts, namely south of Bengawan Solo with 9 sub- districts and 88 villages, and north of Bengawan Solo with 11 districts and 120 villages. 3 Of the two parts of the area, the northern areas of Bengawan Solo have very clear inequalities ranging from infrastructure, agriculture, to socioeconomic. Inequality is one of the causes of the poverty rate so high in Sragen regency. Here is the poverty rate of Sragen regency from 2011 to 2015: 4 Table 1. Poverty Rate of Sragen Regency No Year Total Population Number of Poor People Percentage 1 2011 863.977 154.300 17,95 % 2 2012 868.090 145.300 16,72 % 3 2013 871.991 139.000 15,93 % 4 2014 875.615 130.280 14,87 % 5 2015 879.027 130.420 14,86 % Seeing the poverty rate is so high, the Government of Sragen regency established the Integrated Services Unit of Poverty Reduction (UPT-PK) as the latest innovation of public service in Sragen regency and the only one in Indonesia. One Stop Service concept is applied to poverty alleviation program spread in various units The work of regional apparatus (SKPD) is becoming more focused and one-door (uniting apart). The goal is to simplify and facilitate the poor to access the various government programs that are for them. In addition, UPT-PK is supported by the existence of a single database of poverty that is always up to date and openly accessible biased, so that poverty reduction programs can be implemented directed and targeted. In relation to public services, poverty alleviation is faced with handling problems carried out across the Regional Device Work Units (SKPD). This 3 Data from Sragen Regency 4 Retrieved from http://sragenkab.bps.go.id http://sragenkab.bps.go.id/ 134 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang Puguh Setyawan Jhody, Rodiyah JILS 2 (2) November 2017, 131-144 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils impact on the bureaucratic flow of the longer and more complicated. Currently, it is not yet clearly established whether poverty reduction is included in the scope of public services, but implicitly can be seen in Article 5 of Law Number 25 of 2009 on Public Service explained that “The scope of public services includes public goods and public services administrative services regulated in legislation. The scope as referred to in paragraph (1) includes education, teaching, employment and business, housing, communication and information, environment, health, social security, renewable energy, transportation, natural resources, tourism and other strategic sectors.” Poverty is a multi-dimensional problem caused by many factors, poverty alleviation too. Poverty alleviation cannot be implemented without breaking down and addressing issues of education, health, economy, housing and social security, so the government's role is needed through public services to the public. Therefore it can be concluded that poverty alleviation is included in the scope of public services and can be implemented using an integrated service system in accordance with Article 9 of Law Number 25 of 2009 on Public Service, namely “in facilitating the implementation of various forms of public services, integrated service system”. Integrated service system can use one-stop integrated service and one-door integrated service. Poverty reduction program is a policy implementation of local government in the process of prospering its citizens. There are several variables that affect the success of the implementation, one of which is the content of policy variable that includes the extent to which the interests of the target group or group target are contained in the policy content, the type of benefits received by the target group, the extent to which the desired change of a policy, the location of a program is correct, a policy has mentioned the implementer in detail, a program supported by adequate resources. 5 The purpose of a poverty reduction service is the realization of the independence and welfare of society. Prosperity has four meanings, namely: 6 1. As a well-being condition that refers to the term social welfare (social welfare) as a condition of the fulfillment of material and non-material needs. Prosperous conditions occur when human life is safe and happy because the basic needs of nutrition, health, education, shelter, and income can be met, and when humans are protected from the main risks that threaten their lives. 2. As social services. In the UK, Australia and New Zealand, social services generally cover five forms, namely social security, health services, education, housing and personal social services. 3. As social benefits in particular in the United States are given to the poor. Because most of the welfare recipients are poor, disabled, and unemployed. This leads to negative connotations of welfare terms such 5 Subarsono, Analisis Kebijakan Publik. (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2009), 99 6 Rofieq, Ainur, “Pelayanan Publik dan Welfare State”. Jurnal Governance, Vol.2., 2011, 2- 4 135 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies Vol 2 Issue 02, 2017 as poverty, laziness, and dependence, which is actually called social ill- fare rather than social welfare. 4. As a planned process or undertaking which is done by individuals, social institutions, communities and government bodies to improve the quality of life through the provision of social services and social benefits. Providing services and facilities to the poor is a manifestation of the fulfillment of economic, social and cultural rights or ekosob rights that are part of human rights. The rights of the ecosystem include, among other things, the right to education, the right to housing, and to health. POVERTY REDUCTION SERVICE MODEL IN UPT-PK SRAGEN REGENCY, INDONESIA POVERTY is a multidimensional problem experienced by every region, poverty alleviation programs and policies have been carried out with models ranging from village to national level. UPT-PK uses a model of poverty reduction services based on education, health, socio-economic, and data integrity. Poverty Reduction Services Education Based The programs and policies of UPT-PK in the field of education are the publication of the Sintawati Card (Smart Student of Sukowati Students) given to the poor Sragen Regency who are still in school (applicable to SD-SMP) in order to get the poor facilities that have been provided. The concept of this card like Smart Card Indonesia (KIP), the difference sintawati card grouping card recipients into three, namely: (1) Card Melati Melati; (2) Sintawati Menur cards; and (3) Sintawati Kenanga Card. 7 Another program is through the provision of outstanding student scholarships from poor families. This is based on the awareness of the Government of Sragen Regency that poverty alleviation can not only be done by reducing the expenditure of the poor, but by investing in education, by providing scholarships to students from poor families, so that his hope after graduation can be a breaker of the poverty chain in his family. The recipients of this scholarship are Sragen society which is included in the criteria of poor families. This scholarship is specially given for those who enrolled in State University (PTN) in Java Island, with scholarship amount Rp. 12.000.000 per 7 Interview with Danik Martini, S.STP as Head of Public Welfare Section of Setda Sragen, on December 20, 2016 136 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang Puguh Setyawan Jhody, Rodiyah JILS 2 (2) November 2017, 131-144 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils year. Budget of scholarship program is located in the Section of Public Welfare (Kesra) Regional Secretary (Setda) Sragen. 8 The fulfillment of the right to education through the above programs is part of the welfare state concept which can mean that the fulfillment of education services to the poor is an indicator of prosperity conditions, where basic educational needs are met and protected from the main risks that threaten their lives. 9 Poverty Reduction Services Health Based The health field is one of the focus of UPT-PK in tackling poverty. The program is run by Saraswati Card (Sarase Warga Sukowati) issued to the poor of Sragen to get free health facility. The concept of this card such as Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS), the difference Saraswati Card grouping card recipients into three, namely: (1) Kartu Saraswati Melati; (2) Saraswati Menur Card; and (3) Kartu Saraswati Kenanga. Especially for Saraswati Melati and Menur Cardholder get all health service for free with third class treatment facility, either in Puskesmas all of Sragen regency, dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen and dr. Soeratno Gemolong, dr. Moewardi Surakarta, Surakarta Mental Hospital, Orthopedic Hospital, and dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta or dr. Karyadi Semarang. For Hemocicisa or dialysis services get free for life. As for Saraswati Kenanga Card get Rp.250,000 and free dialysis five times. The implementation of health-based poverty reduction services through the Saraswati Card is part of the fulfillment of the right to health for citizens, especially for the poor. It is the responsibility of the government to take steps in the realization of the right to health, by creating conditions that will guarantee all medical care and care in the case of a person’s illness. 10 Poverty Reduction Services Social-Economic Based Programs and policies undertaken by UPT-PK in the field social economy is with Ruselawati program (Rumah Sehat Layak Aman Warga Sukowati), which is program of repairing habitable home (RTLH, rumah tidak layak huni) which given to poor people in Sragen Regency. Ruselawati is not intended for poor people with Magersari status (occupying the land of others). Every house that receives Ruselawati's aid gets Rp.5.000.000, - for home improvement. This repair assistance is also intended for the people of Sragen affected by fire, flood, hurricane, or other disaster. 11 8 Interview with Drs.Indardjo, M.Si as Head of Education UPT-PK on December 20, 2016 9 Rofieq, Ainur. loc. cit. 10 Sukardja, Ahmad. Hukum Tata Negara Dan Administrasi Negara Dalam Prespektif Fikih Siyasah. (Jakarta: Sinar Grafika. 2012), 215 11 Interview with Drs.Indardjo, M.Si as Head of Education UPT-PK on December 20, 2016 137 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies Vol 2 Issue 02, 2017 Another program is through the Ambassador (Compassionate Condolence), the compensation or rope provided to the families of the poor who are eligible in other words meet the requirements. This program aims to help ease funeral expenses and other expenses. The benefits of this mourning money is Rp.1,000,000. The Ambassador is not granted to the heirs if the cause of his death by committing suicide, the HIV/AIDS virus due to deviant behavior, and committing a crime. 12 Sragen regency government realizes that poverty reduction is not solely addressed by reducing the expenditure of poor households but also by fulfilling adequate housing. Decent housing is a basic human need and has a very strategic role in shaping the character and personality of the nation, and needs to be nurtured and developed for the sake of continuity and improvement of the quality of life of society. 13 Poverty Reduction Services Data Integration Based The Government of Sragen regards the view that poverty must be addressed in the right way and data, so that in its policy the Sragen Government formed UPT-PK which has the concept of single database of poverty by name by address so that poverty eradication program can be on target. Data integrity-based poverty reduction is conducted using data, namely: (1) TNP2K Data (National Team for Acceleration of Poverty Reduction) and PPLS-BPS (Data Collection of Social Protection Program- Badan Pusat Statistik); (2) UPT-PK Survey Result Data; and (3) SIM Poverty. 14 The data of poverty in the District according to TNP2K is 308,783 people, while according to PPLS-BPS data of the poor is 349,027 people, so from the data there are 40.244 people difference. The data used by the local government is data from TNP2K so that there are 40,244 citizens of Sragen Regency who previously stated poor according to PPLS-BPS data is not poor anymore after the government uses data from TNP2K, whereas from 40.244 people are still many people who enter the criteria of the poor. Therefore, UPT-PK combines data between PPLS-BPS and TNP2K data. These two data are used as the basis of UPT-PK in Saraswati Card printing, ie the community included in TNP2K data received Saraswati Melati Card, and data of difference from TNP2K and PPLS-BPS data got Saraswati Menur Card. UPT-PK is aware that only using data from TNP2K and PPLS-BPS is not enough. Therefore, UPT-PK has a survey mechanism that is intended for people applying for poverty alleviation services to UPT-PK whose data are 12 Ibid. 13 Muhtaj, Majda El., Dimensi-Dimensi HAM Mengurai Hak Ekonomi, Sosial, dan Budaya. (Jakarta: Rajawali Press. 2008), 149 14 Interview with Drs.Indardjo, M.Si as Head of Education UPT-PK on December 20, 2016 138 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang Puguh Setyawan Jhody, Rodiyah JILS 2 (2) November 2017, 131-144 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils not registered in TNP2K or PPLS-BPS data. If after the survey the community is included in the criteria of the poor, it will be given new Saraswati Menur Card, and if not included in the criteria of poor or able to be said, it will be given Card Saraswati Kenanga. The survey is based on poor household validation survey formulated in the Regent Regulation No. 59 of 2013 on Guidelines on the Implementation of Verification of Poor Households, in which it distinguish poor households (RTM) into four, namely very poor (SM), poor (M), almost poor (HM), and vulnerable poor (RM). This grouping is based on 20 poverty criteria which is the development and refinement of 14 poor criteria from Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). While Poverty SIM is a single database management using web-based applications. SIM Poverty as a poverty information system provides a database of poor people TNP2K, PPLS-BPS 2011, and additional data from UPT-PK survey results. In addition, there is also a recap of data recipient services from the field of education, health, and socio-economic. SIM Poverty can be accessed by UPT-PK as admin who can access all data and add data in it, SKPD can only access report of who receiver of poverty alleviation program in SKPD, sub-district only access related to data of poor society per sub-districts and card holder Saraswati or Sintawati, and the village can only access the data of the poor from the village. In addition, in Poverty SIM can also be accessed recap of data therapy for the poor. Therapy is a service that has been given to the poor who have been done by related SKPD. SKPD data inputs into Poverty SIM, i.e the poor who have received the service or therapy, so that UPT-PK can know who and what services have been given. The integration of poverty data owned by UPT-PK is a public policy of Sragen Government to overcome poverty using correct data. In public policy theory, this is part of the policy formulation stage, that is, the integration of the data is the best policy and problem solving from the various choices and alternative policies. Poverty alleviation cannot be successful if it starts from false and inaccurate data, therefore data integrity becomes the earliest problem to be solved. 15 Furthermore, in relation to the implementation of the poverty reduction service program, prior to the establishment of UPT-PK, poverty alleviation in Sragen regency is implemented in SKPD with data from SKPD itself so that there are not right target, bureaucratic bureaucracy, monitoring and evaluation is weak, overlapping, and budget wastage. We can compare poverty reduction services before and after the establishment of UPT-PK (see Figure 1, and Figure 2). 15 Winarno, Budi. Teori dan Proses Kebijakan Publik. (Yogyakarta: Media Pressindo. 2004). 35-37 139 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies Vol 2 Issue 02, 2017 Figure 1. Poverty Reduction Services Before UPT-PK Established Figure 2. Poverty Reduction Services After UPT-PK Established 140 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang Puguh Setyawan Jhody, Rodiyah JILS 2 (2) November 2017, 131-144 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils The model of poverty reduction services based on education, health, socio-economic, and data integrity is a model used by UPT-PK in poverty alleviation in Sragen regency. Each type of poverty reduction service in each SKPD and unit must involve UPT-PK in the process of verification of poverty data, , Social Services need 250 data of poor society for Ruselawati program, so Social Department ask for data and verification to UPT-PK. Then, if there are poor people who need poverty reduction service, UPT-PK based on their sex only give recommendation and all kind of service is returned to SKPD respectively as executor. Here is a model of poverty reduction services in UPT-PK Sragen regency. Figure 3. Demonstration of Poverty Reduction Service Model in UPT-PK Perspective of Research Result 141 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies Vol 2 Issue 02, 2017 The results above show that the Government of Sragen Regency through UPT-PK has a model of poverty reduction that is different from other regions. UPT-PK is a pattern of one-stop poverty reduction services. One of the forms of public service pattern is the one-door integrated service pattern that is the service which is held in one place having process link and served through one door. 16 In addition, in facilitating the implementation of various forms of public services, it can be performed the implementation of an integrated service system. 17 Judging from the declining number of poor people in Sragen regency, it is a measure of a successful implementation of policies implemented by UPT-PK. The decline in the number of poor people indicates that the target (the poor) experiencing changes in life in education, health, and socio- economics to be better and targeted. This is consistent with Merilee S. Grindle’s theory, which influences the successful implementation of the content of policy which includes the extent to which the interests of the target group or group target are contained in the content of the policy, the type of activity received by the target group, the desired change of a policy, the location of a program is correct, a policy has specified the implementer in detail, a program supported by adequate resources. 18 OBSTACLES ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROVERTY REDUCTION IN UPT-PK SRAGEN REGENCY, INDONESIA UPT-PK as an institution / government agency cannot be separated from obstacles and obstacles. Therefore, the authors describe the obstacles implementation of poverty reduction services in UPT-PK Sragen regency in internal and external perspective. a. Internal Constraints Internal obstacles experienced by UPT-PK, among others: (1) Institutional; (2) Budget; and (3) Human Resources. As the name implies, UPT-PK is only a unit that stands on the basis of Regulation of Regent No.2/2012.UPT-PK concerning to Establishemtn of UPT-PK Sragen regency is not a SKPD that has legal basis of Regional Regulation. Because UPT-PK status is still unit, then UPT-PK only has the authority to verify the poverty 16 Decree of the State Minister for Administrative Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 63 of 2003 concerning General Guidelines for the Implementation of Public Service, Keputusan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor 63 Tahun 2003 tentang Pedoman Umum Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Publik 17 Law Number 25 of 2009 on Public Service, Undang-Undang No. 25 Tahun 2009 tentang Pelayanan Publik 18 Subarsono, loc. cit 142 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang Puguh Setyawan Jhody, Rodiyah JILS 2 (2) November 2017, 131-144 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils status of the people of Sragen Regency and provide recommendations to the related SKPD to provide poverty reduction services. This is the biggest problem of UPT-PK to date, the effort to make UPT-PK as SKPD still crashing Government Regulation No. 41 of 2007 on Organization of Regional Government which does not regulate SKPD specifically to handle poverty. At the end of 2016 the Government Regulation No. 18 of 2016 on the regional apparatus is issued, but the new regulation also does not accommodate SKPD in the field of poverty alleviation. The institutional status constraint that is still in the form of this unit has an impact on UPT-PK which cannot manage its own budget and has no human resources / its own employees. Until now the UPT-PK operational budget still has its share in Sragen Public Prosperity (Kesra), while the budget poverty alleviation is in SKPD respectively. Human resources also so, all employees or civil servants in UPT-PK is the assistance of other SKPD. This causes unfocused work because in addition to still doing the workload in the SKPD origin, the employees also have to do basic tasks in UPT-PK. b. External Constraints External obstacles experienced by UPT-PK, among others: (1) Lack of central government support; and (2) Local political factors. UPT-PK is a new innovation, whose existence is not regulated by Law, Government Regulation or Ministerial Regulation. Since 2012 the Government of Sragen Regency has requested the permission of the Minister of Home Affairs to make UPT-PK Agency led by the echelon II officials but always failed, the reason is that poverty is not a compulsory or optional thing that can be done by the Regency. The legal basis for the establishment of UPT-PK is only a Bupati Regulation. Regent is a political position that can be changed based on the existing elections process, with the replacement of the Regent of course also change the existing policies that lead to policy uncertainty, especially policies related to UPT-PK which changed when there is a change of Regent. CONCLUSION BASED on the results of research and discussion it can be concluded that the model of poverty reduction services based on education, health, socio- economic, and data integrity is a service model undertaken by UPT-PK by using one-door integrated service pattern (PTSP). The poverty alleviation services include the Sintawati Card program, Saraswati Card, Ruselawati, Sang Duta, integrate TNP2K and PPLS-BPS data, survey data and web-based SIM Poverty. In addition, each type of service is implemented by SKPD related to involving UPT-PK in the process of verifying poverty data. While the implementation constraints faced are institutional constraints, budget, 143 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies Vol 2 Issue 02, 2017 human resources, lack of central government support, and local political factors. Based on the model of poverty reduction services in UPT-PK Sragen regency then the ultimate goal is the realization of prosperity and independence community Sragen regency. BIBLIOGRAPHY Suparlan, Parsudi. Kemiskinan di Perkotaan. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor, 1998 Subarsono. Analisis Kebijakan Publik. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2009. Rofieq, Ainur. “Pelayanan Publik dan Welfare State”. Jurnal Governance, Vol.2, 2011, 2-4. Sukardja, Ahmad. Hukum Tata Negara Dan Administrasi Negara Dalam Prespektif Fikih Siyasah. Jakarta: Sinar Grafika, 2012. Winarno, Budi. Teori dan Proses Kebijakan Publik. Yogyakarta: Media Pressindo, 2004. Muhtaj, Majda El. Dimensi-Dimensi HAM Mengurai Hak Ekonomi, Sosial, dan Budaya. Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 2008. Official Site, Sragen Regency, Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Sragen, http://sragenkab.bps.go.id Laws and Regulations Decree of the State Minister for Administrative Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 63 of 2003 concerning General Guidelines for the Implementation of Public Service, Keputusan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor 63 Tahun 2003 tentang Pedoman Umum Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Publik Law Number 25 of 2009 on Public Service, Undang-Undang No. 25 Tahun 2009 tentang Pelayanan Publik Interview Interview with Danik Martini, S.STP as Head of Public Welfare Section of Setda Sragen, on December 20, 2016 Interview with Drs.Indardjo, M.Si as Head of Education UPT-PK on December 20, 2016 Interview with Drs.Indardjo, M.Si as Head of Education UPT-PK on December 20, 2016 http://sragenkab.bps.go.id/ 144 Copyright © 2017 by Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang Puguh Setyawan Jhody, Rodiyah JILS 2 (2) November 2017, 131-144 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Law Adagium SUMMUM JUS SUMMA INJURIA, SUMMA LEX SUMMA CRUX The highest justice can mean the highest injustice