161 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies Vol 4 Issue 01, 2019 DATA of BOOK Author : Ani Soetjipto Published Year : 2013 Title : Gender & Hubungan Internasional Language : Indonesia, Bahasa City Published : Bandung, West Java, Indonesia Publisher : Jalasutra ISBN : 978-602-825-293-5 Page : 320 pages Volume 4 Issue 01 MAY 2019 JILS 4 (1) 2019, pp. 161-166 ISSN (Print) 2548-1584 ISSN (Online) 2548-1592 BOOK REVIEW The Position of Women in International Relationship: A Book Review Gender & Hubungan Internasional, Ani Seotjipto, Jalasutra Bandung, 2013, 320 pages, ISBN 978-602-825-293-5 Ridho Dwiky Tastama 10.15294/jils.v4i01.30175 Ridho Dwiky Tastama Students at Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang  dodotastama@students.unnes.ac.id Copyright © 2019 by Author(s) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All writings published in this journal are personal views of the authors and do not represent the views of this journal and the author's affiliated institutions. GENDER and feminism are multidisciplinary studies. Therefore, when the International Relations (HI) study uses a gender lens and feminist perspective, analysis and discussion of international JILS (Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies) 162 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Ridho Dwiky Tastama JILS 4 (1) May 2019, 161-166 political issues becomes more comprehensive, deep, and sharper. International issues that are examined using gender lenses are becoming more diverse and broader beyond traditional HI issues that we have known so far. The issue of violence against women in war, women as agents of peace, global migration, issues of trafficking in women (women trafficking), female migrant workers, domestic workers, to women's rights in conventions and protocols of international conventions are some of the gender- dimensional international issues that specifically discussed in this book. The book by Ani Soetjipto on Gender and International Relations, explains that the study of feminism and international relations has developed more than three decades ago, starting from the holding of an international conference in the late 1980s, and in 1990 under the sponsorship of Ford Foundation in the US. In the same year there was also a special issue about Women in International Relations in the Millennium Journal which marked the beginning of Gender and International Relations studies. The period was also marked by the study of Gender and International Relations, with the birth of two books namely by Jean Bethke Elstain, Women and War (1987) and Cyntihia Enloe, Banana, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Relations (1989). Furthermore in England, feminist thinkers emerged such as Grant and Newland with his book entitled Gender and International Relations (1991), Sandra Withworth with her book entitled Feminist Theory and International Relations (1994). This book is quite relevant to be used as one of the reading material for International Relations students, especially those who are trying to understand gender, feminism and international relations studies, including anyone interested in gender and international relations issues. Through this book, we are led to be able to have a broad understanding that the issues in International Relations are not only issues and issues related to war, peace, diplomacy, weaponry, trade, but there are still other issues, one of which is gender which can be reviewed from various perspectives. As a reader, this book invites us to understand Gender issues extensively by linking them in various studies such as security, international political economy, human rights and international law. For example, how to link gender and security issues in HI, this book provides a variety of writings presented from various writing results that provide readers with a new perspective, especially looking at how women in conflict, such as what is peace from a feminist perspective, include rape of women in conflict . Another issue in this book is the link between Gender, Feminism and International Political Economy, which discusses how international migration and global inequality, the migration flow of domestic workers and marriage in the study of international political economy. Although this book presents interesting issues related to Gender and International Relations, there are notes that need to be added, there has not been an in-depth discussion of the definitions and concepts of sex, gender and other terms generally needed for beginner readers or readers who have not 163 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies Vol 4 Issue 01, 2019 understand Gender studies specifically, for example gender stereotypes, gender relations, gender roles, gender discrimination, sex abuse, male domination, etc. Eventhough the term is inherent and very important as a basic understanding in Gender studies. And if we review the introductory sub- section of this book, a discussion about the concept of sex, gender is more specifically devoted to the concept of gender and the theory of feminism in the eyes of international relations. Finally, this book also reviews Human Rights in International Relations, takes a case study of the struggle of the Rights of Women in the Continent of Africa and the Women's Convention an Opportunity to challenge Gender-based injustice in Iran. Overall this book has provided us as readers to have a more comprehensive understanding of gender issues in international relations and by reading this book it will be very encouraging for students who are exploring non-conventional issues focused on issues of gender and international relations. Legal cases of international organizations will not stop until this book. The discussion of case studies in this book can still be used as a reading material and an insight for the reader because there are some that are still in accordance with the times. Given a case example in concrete not only mere theory provides a nuance of understanding for the reader to continue to deepen and dig deeper into international law itself. This book also includes various forms of examples of statements of international agreements between countries such as: Singapore Declaration of 1992, Scale of Assessments, Rule of Procedure of the General Assembly, Resolution 1514 (XV): Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, Resolution 1514 (XV): Principles Which Should Be a Guide for Determining whether or not An Obligation Existence to Information of the Charter of the United Nations, and Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co- operation among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. This book explains how to look at international relations in terms of gender as well as feminism, mostly in this book discussing women and their human rights in international relations in the world. The author wrote this book based on his perspective as a subject of women's law to international law. This book uses language that is easily understood and understood by students so it is very helpful in learning activities and very helpful in giving references in making lectures related to international relations. There are a number of advantages and disadvantages in this book, besides the book that is easy to obtain because it is in various bookstores in Indonesia, the price is quite affordable in accordance with the objectives of the students in Indonesia. This book can also be obtained through online media, with a process that is not so complicated. Another advantage possessed by this book is the use of words that are easily understood by students, and also not only in writing, but also with 164 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Ridho Dwiky Tastama JILS 4 (1) May 2019, 161-166 pictorial descriptions that are enough to add to the mood when reading, because if only the writing is in it. the readers will surely fall very easily into boredom, the pictorial information presented by the author is also a color and not blurry description. The picture is quite focused and clear. Other advantages, namely, the design of the cover used, the design of the cover used in this book is very elegant and very selling, making the eyes of the viewer immediately curious about what this book contains, although the design is minimalist but it is precisely the design that attracts the attention of people whose age is under 40 years old. The elegance of this design makes this book seem to have a weight for and read and as if only smart people are reading. The combination of colors on the cover design is very fused, the red color is marooned a little and given the transparency of the writings or letters makes this book more beautiful to look at. Not only the front cover, the back cover is like that, the back cover not only presents the synopsis or a rough summary of this book, but also presents how the author wrote this book, and also does not miss the author's biography. In addition to the many advantages of this book, this book does not escape from its shortcomings, as a book that is affordable for students, makes the capital issued for this book a little too, because seeing from an economic point of view to get a decent profit, the publisher minimizes the cost of making books, which causes the use of basic materials for this book are materials of low quality, such as for example the paper used. The paper used in this book is very thin and the color is brownish opaque, and if it is returned by hand it will immediately leave the scab on the paper immediately, and it is also very easy to tear. Likewise on the quality of the glue used to glued the sides of the book, because the low quality of the glue used causes the thinner paper to be easy to remove from the side, so it must be very careful if you want to read it. Maybe not the quality of the glue is low, it could also be the wrong gluing technique or indeed because of the quality of the paper used earlier which makes the glue so hard to stick tightly. Books include books that are often used by students to look for references, because they are quite easy to read, in the use of quotes this book uses footnote techniques, in my opinion footnotes are easier to read and found compared to body-notes located at the end of sentences and in the middle of a paragraph it is quite difficult to tell the contents of the paragraph and which one is quoted. If the quote footnote will be immediately placed at the bottom of the sheet, it is quite easy to find a quote, just look for a small number at the end of the sentence and then adjust it to the quote that is located at the bottom. In terms of restructuring, this book in my opinion is quite well structured. This book also notes that the references used in writing this book use reliable references and do not use arbitrary references. In terms of presentation techniques, in my opinion this book is very concerned about how 165 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies Vol 4 Issue 01, 2019 this book presents each chapters, with the intention that the majority of readers are students easy to understand from the ground up to arrive at the subject of this book. In the first part of this book it explains the notions of gender itself, gender differences, and to human rights acquired. Then it continues to the understanding of its international law, then continues to its international relations, and to the point of discussion. Very systematic indeed is the composition of the book, and is very helpful for students in understanding international relations extensively. 166 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/index.php/jils Ridho Dwiky Tastama JILS 4 (1) May 2019, 161-166 Law Quote “Silent enim leges inter arma” ― In times of war, the law falls silent Marcus Tullius Cicero Source: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/university