item: #1 of 97 id: jisae-11195 author: Afriadi, Bambang title: EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT CLASS CONCEPT (Case Study: Student Behavior Problematics) date: 2018-09-10 words: 4488 flesch: 51 summary: The condition of teaching and learning will be sustained while teachers during the process of concentration can maintain student learning and student behavior. The condition of teaching and learning will be maintained when during the process the teacher can maintain the concentration of student learning. keywords: behavior; classroom; learners; learning; management; process; students; teachers; teaching cache: jisae-11195.pdf plain text: jisae-11195.txt item: #2 of 97 id: jisae-11509 author: Azeem , Seema title: A Study Of 7th Grade Sudent’s Views on Student-Teacher Relationship and its Effect on Academic Grades at School Level in Quetta District date: 2019-03-12 words: 2815 flesch: 55 summary: [6] 27 corelation exists between student teacher relationship, academic result and engagement of students [7].When student started going to high school then student– teacher relationship is considered important for academic performances and school engagement, especially when it is positive in nature, butif there is negative relationship then academic performance is strongly affected [5] Niebuhr conducted a research and pointed out the opinions of 7th grade students about the student teacher interaction. The table highlights the correlation among academic achievement of the students and student teacher relationship. keywords: achievement; mean; relationship; students; table; teachers cache: jisae-11509.pdf plain text: jisae-11509.txt item: #3 of 97 id: jisae-11645 author: Oli, Mario Colega title: Using DELPHI TECHNIQUE IN META-EVALUATING THE MATHEMATICS ASSESSMENT PRACTICES OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATORS date: 2019-03-12 words: 5071 flesch: 31 summary: While assessment practices are very important into the students’ learning and development, the processes of assessment may follow a logical progression from the selection and development of classroom assessment to the communication of the assessment results. While assessment practices are very important into the students’ learning and development, the processes of assessment may follow a logical progression from the selection and development of classroom assessment to the 34 communication of the assessment results (NCTM, 1995 & JCSEE, 2013). keywords: assessment; evaluation; mathematics; meta; practices; processes; standards; state; universities cache: jisae-11645.pdf plain text: jisae-11645.txt item: #4 of 97 id: jisae-11917 author: Syarifuddin; Iriyadi, Deni ; Yuddin title: INFLUENCE OF DISCOVERY BASED LEARNING LEARNING MODEL WITH SCIENTIFIC APPROACHON LEARNING OUTCOMES date: 2019-03-12 words: 4219 flesch: 52 summary: So it can be concluded that there is an influence on student learning outcomes taught through discovery based learning learning model. The data collected consisted of data on student learning outcomes and student response data on the device and learning. keywords: approach; category; discovery; learning; learning model; model; model discovery; outcomes; score; students cache: jisae-11917.pdf plain text: jisae-11917.txt item: #5 of 97 id: jisae-11918 author: Rosyidi, Unifah ; Nurhattati, Nurhattati; Rahmatiah, Rahmatiah title: BUILDING TEACHERS' CREATIVITY IN LEARNING DEVELOPMENT THROUGH TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING IN THE PANDEMIC ERA IN STATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS IN THE EAST JAKARTA REGION date: 2022-04-06 words: 6015 flesch: 35 summary: The results of this study indicate that transformational leadership and knowledge sharing influence teacher creativity. The same thing was expressed (Tran et al., 2016) in the results of research that stated teacher creativity and related to pedagogy, namely teaching for creativity. keywords: creativity; effect; ideas; influence; knowledge; leadership; motivation; sharing; teachers cache: jisae-11918.pdf plain text: jisae-11918.txt item: #6 of 97 id: jisae-11919 author: Pamungkas, Bayu Jati ; Putra, Didhit Taruna ; Lestari, Riska Ayu; Asdar, Ahsanul Khair title: BUDDHIST SNAKES LADDERS PORTABLE AS LEARNING MEDIA FOR BUDDHIST SUNDAY SCHOOL'S STUDENTS date: 2022-05-11 words: 2954 flesch: 67 summary: The game can motivate Sunday school students to obtain and understand the information in-depth, especially if the game presents a problem or question to challenge the students to learn and understand the material. Board game size Very good 2. keywords: buddhist; game; ladders; learning; media; results; snakes; students cache: jisae-11919.pdf plain text: jisae-11919.txt item: #7 of 97 id: jisae-11920 author: Iskandar title: THE EFFECT KIND OF WRITTEN TEST AND BELIEF OF MATHEMATIC TOWARD MATHEMATICRESULT date: 2019-03-12 words: 2247 flesch: 49 summary: Research that has been done by Desti Wahyuni dkk (2013) related the results learn math reveals that students belief affected the ability of problem solving and have an impact on the results of the study. RESULTS A description of the analysis results obtained the average results of learning math students use problem-solving (A1) better than the matter of structure exercise method (A2). keywords: belief; learning; mathematic; problem; results; solving; students; test cache: jisae-11920.pdf plain text: jisae-11920.txt item: #8 of 97 id: jisae-11997 author: nicolas, sharon title: COMPUTER AIDED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS IN TEACHING COOKERY IN GRADE 10: IT’S EFFECTIVENESS date: 2019-10-02 words: 4851 flesch: 51 summary: The experimental group was exposed to computer aided instructional materials while the control group was taught using the traditional approach. Comparing the results of the pretest and posttest in the control and experimental group, it shows thatstudents who used computer aided instructional materials performed well in class. keywords: computer; control; face; group; instruction; learning; performance; students; study cache: jisae-11997.pdf plain text: jisae-11997.txt item: #9 of 97 id: jisae-12461 author: Syafaat Ariful Huda title: ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR TEACHERS IN INDONESIA date: 2019-10-02 words: 5632 flesch: 46 summary: ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR TEACHERS IN INDONESIA Syafa’at Ariful Huda STKIP Kusumanegara Fiki Alghadri STKIP Kusumanegara Purwani Puji Utami STKIP Kusumanegara ABSTRACT Purpose: In this study, we investigated the effects of organizational justice and trust directed at the organization as a whole on OCB. The main findings are as follows: Findings show that organizational justice and trust have a positive effect on teacher’s OCB and OCB is also positively related to trust. keywords: behavior; citizenship; employees; journal; justice; ocb; organization; research; teachers; trust; work cache: jisae-12461.pdf plain text: jisae-12461.txt item: #10 of 97 id: jisae-12566 author: Sopandi, Evi title: EVALUATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF INCLUSION EDUCATION PROGRAMS IN MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH BADRUSSALAM SURABAYA date: 2019-10-05 words: 4058 flesch: 42 summary: RESULTS Evaluation of inclusive education programs in MI Badrussalam Surabaya using the CIPP model. In the present context many educational institutions offer various educational programs, including inclusive education programs for the community. keywords: abk; badrussalam; education; evaluation; implementation; learning; needs; program; students; surabaya cache: jisae-12566.pdf plain text: jisae-12566.txt item: #11 of 97 id: jisae-12568 author: Oktaviani, Maya title: INNOVATION IN LEARNING PROPORTION USING PROPORTION TABLE date: 2019-10-11 words: 3420 flesch: 57 summary: Data were collected from preliminary test results, classroom observation, field notes, student activity sheets, test answer sheets, and interviews conducted on students grade VII at Islamic Junior High School Al-Azhar 12 Rawamangun. Data were collected through preliminary test results, classroom observation, field notes, student activity sheets (SAS), test answer sheets, and interviews. keywords: activity; mathematics; number; proportion; students; table cache: jisae-12568.pdf plain text: jisae-12568.txt item: #12 of 97 id: jisae-12701 author: Pratama, Dinar title: ANALYSIS OF CLASICAL TEST THEORY (CTT) APPROCH ON ACADEMIC ABILITY TEST INSTRUMENT date: 2020-11-11 words: 5324 flesch: 59 summary: As for the coefficient of reliability tests overall foreign workers obtained coefficient value of 0.81. The reliability of the test is the proportion of variability of test scores caused by the actual difference between the test taker. keywords: analysis; coefficient; difficulty; distractor; index; items; level; questions; reliability; test cache: jisae-12701.pdf plain text: jisae-12701.txt item: #13 of 97 id: jisae-12920 author: Sulaeman, Erwin; Rahayu, Wardani; Kamaruddin, Erdawaty; Widodo, Winona Amanda Tiara; Widodo, Winona Amanda Tiara title: A THE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE MIDDLE VALUE OF THE INDONESIAN VERSION OF EMOTIONAL LEARNING INSTRUMENT date: 2020-02-23 words: 7006 flesch: 55 summary: The research has not yet investigated the effect of the number of response categories affecting the stability of student responses and helped answer whether the scale of the five response categories with functioning of middle values psychometrically outperformed the four response category scales. The Andrich threshold value on the scale of the four monotonous response categories rises from NONE towards negative logit direction (-2.48) and leads to positive logit (2.14).Thus the increase in logit scores monotonically indicates that student responses can distinguish between the choices of response categories and verify the level of response of students who agree on the basis of both scales. keywords: andrich; category; elvi; fit; instrument; item; learning; number; rasch; response categories; scale; threshold; value cache: jisae-12920.pdf plain text: jisae-12920.txt item: #14 of 97 id: jisae-13251 author: Ijudin title: THE INFLUENCE OF ASSESSMENT, SELF-EFICATION THROUGH STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES IN INDONESIAN LANGUAGE date: 2020-02-23 words: 3469 flesch: 55 summary: ABSTRACT This study aimed to learn the results of Indonesian subject which used peer assessment and teacher assessment by the techniques of oral presentations at high school students on the level of different self-efficacy students. According to him peer assessment as an arrangement in which individuals consider the amount, level, value, quality, or success of the product or the results of learning from peers of similar status. keywords: assessment; learning; outcomes; peer; self; students cache: jisae-13251.pdf plain text: jisae-13251.txt item: #15 of 97 id: jisae-13263 author: Kurniawati, Atik title: A HIDDEN CURRICULUM PRACTICES date: 2020-02-23 words: 7039 flesch: 56 summary: CONCLUSION There is a conflict value between trustees and school teachers in terms of ideology on which the education in Avicenna school. Avicenna school must survive with only 10 students per year with a new name for approximately 3 years. keywords: avicenna; avicenna school; curriculum; development; education; foundation; identity; jakarta; leadership; learning; new; pendidikan; practice; role; school; students; study; teacher; values; ypap cache: jisae-13263.pdf plain text: jisae-13263.txt item: #16 of 97 id: jisae-13498 author: Setiadi, Iwan; Kamaruddin, Erdawaty ; Soeprijanto title: The EFFECT OF SCALE CATEGORY NUMBER ON ACCURACY OF PREDICTIVE VALIDITY OF MATHEMATICAL SELF-EFFICACY SCALE date: 2020-02-23 words: 4155 flesch: 55 summary: The choice of the number of scale categories on the attitude scale affects the level of instrument reliability, namely the score on the attitude instrument with the number of answer category scales, tend to have greater variance, then the reliability becomes higher (Mueller, 1986) in (Hadi & Pinang, 2013). The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data about the effect of the number of scale categories on the accuracy of the predictive validity of the Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale between those using a scale of three categories of answers and a scale of five categories of answers. keywords: categories; efficacy; efficacy scale; mathematics; number; scale; self; students; test; validity cache: jisae-13498.pdf plain text: jisae-13498.txt item: #17 of 97 id: jisae-13602 author: Noviah, Ema; Rahayu, Wardani title: THE EVALUATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL EDUCATION STANDARDS ON ANTECEDENT COMPONENTS IN SPECIAL OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL date: 2020-02-20 words: 6244 flesch: 51 summary: Third, referring to the law number 14 year 2005 Article 1 paragraph 9 about the duties, principal, and function of teachers and lecturers as professionals, based on competence and appropriate qualifications, most of special of vocational high school teachers, have not fulfilled Predefined standards. According to the results of interviewees, there are several factors affecting vocational high school educators not prioritizing the preparation of RPP in learning. keywords: assessment; education; educators; facilities; learning; planning; prison; program; school; special; students; teachers; teaching; vocational cache: jisae-13602.pdf plain text: jisae-13602.txt item: #18 of 97 id: jisae-13775 author: Fardarita; Ahmad title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TRAINING AND EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR THE HEADMASTER CANDIDATES AT EDUCATION QUALITY GUARANTY INSTITUTION (LPMP) LAMPUNG date: 2020-02-23 words: 4878 flesch: 40 summary: The method used was program evaluation by appkying Kirkpatrick’s blended model (evaluating training programs), consisting of level 1 reaction, level 2 learning, level 3 behavior, and level 4 result, and Cube 3 Dimensions of Hammond which include behavior, instruction, and institution. The Implementation of Training Programs for Headmaster Candidates Evaluation of aspects of learning and instruction answers about how training programs are designed, and program models are developed. keywords: candidates; education; evaluation; headmaster; learning; participants; program; quality; school; training cache: jisae-13775.pdf plain text: jisae-13775.txt item: #19 of 97 id: jisae-13776 author: Radiah title: DEVELOPMENT OF BIOLOGY TEST OF CREATIVE THINKING-TORRANCE TEST (BTCT-TT) ASSESSMENT TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS date: 2020-02-23 words: 4292 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: Biology Test of Creative Thinking-Torrance Test (BTCT-TT), Creative Thinking INTRODUCTION Education in the 21st century should be supported by an education system that is oriented to student creativity. TTCT assessment is a comprehensive assessment model and can measure all aspects of creativity so that this type of assessment is very appropriate to measure and enhance student creativity Creative Thinking Creativity is the interaction between intelligence, process, and the environment in which an individual or group produces products that are clear and new and useful as defined in society. keywords: assessment; btct; creativity; research; students; test; thinking; torrance; trial; ttct cache: jisae-13776.pdf plain text: jisae-13776.txt item: #20 of 97 id: jisae-14332 author: Indriasari, Bernadine Ajeng title: EVALUATION OF TEACHING MATERIALS OF EVALUASI PEMBELAJARAN COURSES FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM OF UNIVERSITAS KATOLIK MUSI CHARITAS date: 2020-02-23 words: 3956 flesch: 47 summary: Based on the College Curriculum Compilation Guide, the formation of a College course (PT) is done by selecting study material and compiling a matrix between study materials with the formulation of Graduates Learning Achievement (CPL) that has been determined. So at least the subjects that are determined as courses of study programs have elements of study material that are scientifically integrated and effective to meet the CPL of the study program. keywords: accordance; assessment; evaluation; learning; material; measuring; study; test cache: jisae-14332.pdf plain text: jisae-14332.txt item: #21 of 97 id: jisae-14432 author: Kamaruddin, Erdawaty title: THE APPLICATION OF E-LEARNING MATHEMATICS USING MOODLE IN IMPROVING STUDENTS' PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY date: 2020-02-19 words: 4313 flesch: 47 summary: Based on the results of research, studies, and conclusions that have been described in the previous discussion, the suggestions put forward in efforts to utilize the results of this study are as follows: (1) This study limits its study to the strategy of developing a prototype e-learning Mathematics learning tool using Moodle in order to improve students' problem solving skills. Problem solving learning model is part of problem based learning. keywords: development; learning; mathematics; problem; research; results; solving; students; teacher cache: jisae-14432.pdf plain text: jisae-14432.txt item: #22 of 97 id: jisae-14797 author: Patimo, Donald title: FACULTY PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM OF STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES IN THE PHILIPPINE EASTERN VISAYAS REGION date: 2020-08-22 words: 2737 flesch: 36 summary: The desired practices of the evaluation personnel, faculty members, and students were significantly different from what exists in the existing system of faculty performance evaluation system of SUCs in the Eastern Visayas Region of the Philippines. 167 | JISAE. Student evaluations of teaching are an inadequate assessment tool for evaluating faculty performance. keywords: evaluation; faculty; feasibility; performance; system cache: jisae-14797.pdf plain text: jisae-14797.txt item: #23 of 97 id: jisae-14920 author: Pratama, Dinar; Husnayaini, Ihda title: APPLYING RASCH MODEL TO MEASURE STUDENTS` READING COMPREHENSION date: 2020-08-22 words: 3394 flesch: 56 summary: Further research is expected to be conducted to prove whether the addition of test items affect the value of person reliability. Thus the distribution of students' abilities and test items are not in line with the distribution of the normal curve, which moves from the lowest to the highest value. keywords: ability; comprehension; items; person; reading; students; test; value cache: jisae-14920.pdf plain text: jisae-14920.txt item: #24 of 97 id: jisae-15036 author: Indriasari, Bernadine Ajeng; Afriadi, Bambang title: THE ANALYSIS OF 4th GRADE STUDENT TEXTBOOK BASED ON THE 2013 CURRICULUM ON THE THEME OF PAHLAWANKU WITH THE SUBTHEME OF PERJUANGAN PARA PAHLAWAN (LESSON SIX) date: 2020-08-22 words: 3484 flesch: 57 summary: learning activities delivered learning materials or often referred to as teaching materials. The compatibility of learning tools and resources with learning materials. keywords: curriculum; grade; learning; lesson; material; resources; student; textbook; theme cache: jisae-15036.pdf plain text: jisae-15036.txt item: #25 of 97 id: jisae-15306 author: Asdar, Ahsanul Khair; Tri Amiro title: THE ACADEMIC INTEGRITY OF BUDDHIST COLLEGE STUDENTS IN INDONESIA date: 2020-08-22 words: 3954 flesch: 57 summary: Based on the results of data analysis, a general description of the academic integrity of Buddhist college students in Indonesia can be shown in Table 3. According to the dimensions of academic integrity, the academic integrity scores of Buddhist college students according to Table 4 were generally in the high category. keywords: category; dimension; fairness; honesty; integrity; mean; score; students cache: jisae-15306.pdf plain text: jisae-15306.txt item: #26 of 97 id: jisae-15470 author: Ogunode, Niyi Jacob title: THE EVALUATION OF THE NATIONAL OBJECTIVES ON THE EARLY CHILDHOODCARE EDUCATION (ECCE) PROGRAMIN GWAGWALADA AREACOUNCIL OF FCT, ABUJA, NIGERIA date: 2020-08-22 words: 4790 flesch: 57 summary: From the above literature reviewed, it is obvious that there is a research gap on the evaluation of the national objectives of early children care and development education in Nigeria and in Gwagwalada area council of FCT, Abuja, Nigeria. According to FRN (2013) the objectives of early childhood education are as follows: 1. keywords: area; care; care education; childhood; childhood care; children; council; education cache: jisae-15470.pdf plain text: jisae-15470.txt item: #27 of 97 id: jisae-15514 author: Rabiatul Adawiah title: THE APPLICATION-BASED ANALYSIS OF QUESTIONS ITEM QUALITY IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL date: 2020-08-22 words: 4220 flesch: 65 summary: Another opinion said that good question items are the distractor which is chosen equally by the test takers. The effectiveness of distractor question items is how the ability of distractor questions to distract students who are less able to choose the alternative answers. keywords: difficulty; distractor; feature; items; level; number; quality; questions cache: jisae-15514.pdf plain text: jisae-15514.txt item: #28 of 97 id: jisae-15561 author: Yar Zar Chit; Hnit, May title: A STUDY ON SELF PERCEIVED ASSESSMENT SKILLS OF BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOL TEACHERS date: 2020-08-22 words: 2631 flesch: 55 summary: According to the results, there were significant differences in teachers’ constructing, administering assessment skills, and performance assessment skills by gender at 0.05 levels. According to Table 3, it was found that there were significant differences in teachers’ constructing, administering assessment skills and performance assessment skills by gender at 0.05 levels. keywords: assessment; self; skills; teachers cache: jisae-15561.pdf plain text: jisae-15561.txt item: #29 of 97 id: jisae-15853 author: Hartono, Rudi; Pahlevi, Triesninda title: DEVELOPMENT OF ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS BASED ON HOTS AT SURABAYA VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL date: 2020-08-22 words: 4285 flesch: 46 summary: The application of the HOTS approach can improve learning outcomes in all materials because its application can adjust to the conditions and character of students (Sofyan, 2019), and research results Taufiqurrahman, Heryandi, & Junaidi (2018) mentioned that HOTS assessment instrument is very good to give to students, but the manufacturing process for Religion subjects was very difficult and requires a lot of time. Vol 6 No 2 (2020) Website : DEVELOPMENT OF ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS BASED ON HOTS AT SURABAYA VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Rudi Hartono 1 , Triesninda Pahlevi 2 12State University of Surabaya ABSTRACT keywords: assessment; data; hots; instruments; learning; questions; results; students; thinking; validation cache: jisae-15853.pdf plain text: jisae-15853.txt item: #30 of 97 id: jisae-16021 author: Sefrianto; Badrujaman, Aip ; Komarudin, Komarudin title: VALIDITY OF INSTRUMENTS AS MEASURING INSTRUMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM ON THE JOB TRAINING STUDENTS SMK NEGERI 1 CARIU BOGOR REGENCY date: 2020-08-22 words: 3862 flesch: 56 summary: As the follow- up of evaluation result, On the Job Training program can be continued even with some notes that must be considered to improve the implementation of the program in the future. The goal is to see the impact On the Job Training program on the work behavior of employee and the impact of the result for the company where employees work. keywords: evaluation; instrument; job; job training; program; research; results; test; training; validity cache: jisae-16021.pdf plain text: jisae-16021.txt item: #31 of 97 id: jisae-16253 author: Arsyad, Noraeni; Devi Triana, Dinny title: THE CLINICAL COMPREHENSIVE PRACTICE EVALUATION SYSTEM OF PHYSIOTHERAPY STUDENTS DIPLOMA-IV BINAWAN UNIVERSITY date: 2021-02-28 words: 3613 flesch: 29 summary: Professional competence includes a variety of scientific understanding, therefore it is difficult to assess the standardization of student clinical practice (Rethans et al., 2002). Some items in measuring devices to assess the clinical performance of physiotherapy students have low responsive level. keywords: assessment; clinical; education; evaluation; performance; physiotherapy; practice; students; system cache: jisae-16253.pdf plain text: jisae-16253.txt item: #32 of 97 id: jisae-16458 author: Firmansyah, Firmansyah; Rozanah Katrina Herda; Angga Damayanto; Fajar Sidik title: CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS TO KNOW THE INFLUENCING FACTORS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ SELF-CONCEPT IN JETIS SUB DISTRICT, BANTUL REGENCY date: 2020-08-22 words: 2529 flesch: 56 summary: Self- concept is crucial in forming child’s behavior. All factors or dimensions in self-concept instrument had good reliability by looking at the value of CR ≥ 0,7 categorizing as good reliability, while the value between 0,6 and 0,7 considered to acceptable reliability by underlining that the indicator has load factor that matched the criteria. keywords: ave; component; concept; factor; reliability; self; validity; variable cache: jisae-16458.pdf plain text: jisae-16458.txt item: #33 of 97 id: jisae-16495 author: Isnaniah, Isnaniah title: UTILIZING VLOG IN YOUTUBE TO INCREASE STUDENTS’ INTERESTING IN SPEAKING ENGLISH LEARNING AT THE FIRST SEMESTER STUDENTS’ OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION UNIVERSITAS ISLAM SYEKH YUSUF date: 2020-08-22 words: 3620 flesch: 64 summary: Using Vlog in the YouTube Cahnnel as a means to Improve Students’ motivation and Confidence to Speak English in Intermediate 1 Level of LB-LIA Jambi. Vol 6 No 2 (2020) Website : UTILIZING YOUTUBE AS MEDIA TO INCREASE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ENGLISH SKILL AT THE FIRST SEMESTER STUDENTS’ OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION UNIVERSITAS ISLAM SYEKH YUSUF Isnaniah Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf Tangerang ABSTRACT keywords: data; english; research; speaking; students; test; youtube cache: jisae-16495.pdf plain text: jisae-16495.txt item: #34 of 97 id: jisae-16743 author: Sudarmaji, Imam; Bunga Lifanie, Marlien title: A COMPARISON STUDY: TEACHER, PEER AND SELF-FEEDBACK ON STUDENTS ESSAY WRITING date: 2020-08-22 words: 6116 flesch: 62 summary: all of experimental class < 0,05, so it can be concluded that there is significant differences on improving student writing essay between first experimental class, second experimental class and third experimental class using peer feedback, self – feedback and teacher feedback strategy at the tenth grade of SMAN 3 Kab. A comparison of peer, teacher and self-feedback on the reduction of language errors in student essays. keywords: class; feedback; result; score; students; teacher; test; writing cache: jisae-16743.pdf plain text: jisae-16743.txt item: #35 of 97 id: jisae-17886 author: Nur Anisah; Devi Triana, Dinny ; Sutisna, Anan ; Sulaeman, Erwin title: The RELEVANCE OF THE CIPPO MODEL IN THE EVALUATION OF INDUSTRIAL WORK PRACTICES PROGRAMS IN INTEGRATED ISLAMIC VOCATIONAL SCHOOL date: 2021-02-24 words: 5663 flesch: 57 summary: Student response data to the context evaluation were obtained: Table 3 Statistical analysis of student responses on context dimensions Respondents Results of statistical analysis Mean Median Modus SD Mi Sdi Highest Score Lowest Score 133 students 58,293 57 Data on the results of students' responses to the input dimensions: 7 |JISAE (Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation)|Volume 7 Number 1 Table 7 Statistical analysis of student responses on input dimensions Respondents Results of statistical analysis Mean Median Modus SD Mi Sdi Highest Score Lowest Score 133 students 80,48 80 75 11,18 60 13,3 100 20 Note: SD: Standard Deviation; Mi: The ideal mean; Sdi: Ideal standard deviation: Max: Maximum value; Min: Minimum value Table 8 keywords: category; industrial; response; school; score; student; total; value; work cache: jisae-17886.pdf plain text: jisae-17886.txt item: #36 of 97 id: jisae-18461 author: Fadilah Maharani; Heriani, Deta ; Fitri, Anisa; Walid, Ahmad title: IMPLEMENTATION OF SELF-ASSESSMENT TO KNOW THE LEVEL OF STUDENT'S LEARNING MOTIVATION IN FOLLOWING ONLINE LEARNING date: 2021-02-28 words: 2979 flesch: 45 summary: CONCLUSION Based on the results of data analysis previously described, it can be concluded that From the observed aspect, student learning motivation shows an average score of 78.83% including good criteria, it can be said that in participating in online learning students have good motivation, although in practice there are deficiencies found due to covid-19, but not There are other options besides optimizing online learning, because technology is the only bridge in transferring knowledge from student lecturers. The survey that was made aimed to find out about student motivation in taking online learning, while the type of survey used a Likert scale. keywords: good; learning; motivation; online; percentage; score; students cache: jisae-18461.pdf plain text: jisae-18461.txt item: #37 of 97 id: jisae-19032 author: Nur Asih Istiqomah; Farid Setiawan title: REALIZING THE PURPOSE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION THROUGH BOARDING SCHOOL MANAGEMENT date: 2021-02-28 words: 4329 flesch: 36 summary: Based on the definition of management and the definition of Islamic education 31 |JISAE (Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation)|Volume 7 Number 1 described above, Islamic education management emerged. Therefore, all teachers must carry out efforts to continuously manage and develop Islamic education management in schools. keywords: activities; boarding; boarding school; education; goals; islamic; management; pendidikan; research; school; students; system; yogyakarta cache: jisae-19032.pdf plain text: jisae-19032.txt item: #38 of 97 id: jisae-19125 author: Oktavia, Ristasari; Khotimah, Nurul ; Pratama Putra, Ade ; Walid, Ahmad title: ASSESSMENT OF SOCIAL ATTITUDES DURING ONLINE LEARNING USING WHATSSAPP date: 2021-02-28 words: 3053 flesch: 51 summary: Social attitudes that can be assessed based on the competence of social attitudes are responsible behavior, respect for others, honesty, democracy and wisdom (Compiler Team, 2013). This method can be used to find out the value of student attitudes during online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. keywords: assessment; attitudes; baik; learning; media; online; process; research; students; whatsapp cache: jisae-19125.pdf plain text: jisae-19125.txt item: #39 of 97 id: jisae-19833 author: siti, rahma title: ONLINE LEARNING EVALUATION OF PAI CLASS 5 STUDENTS MIN 1 LANGSA date: 2021-10-24 words: 1631 flesch: 48 summary: The obstacles faced in online learning are that teachers must be more focused and careful in examining student assignments that are sent individually in one day to two lessons. Regarding various kinds of problems related to students and teachers in online learning, the author is interested in knowing what are the obstacles and conveniences faced by teachers and students while using this distance learning. keywords: data; education; learning; students; teachers cache: jisae-19833.pdf plain text: jisae-19833.txt item: #40 of 97 id: jisae-20551 author: Qibtiah, Mariatul; Ruhiat, Yayat ; Sholih, Sholih title: DESIGN OF M-LEARNING BASED ON HOME SCIENCE PROCESS SKILL FOR SCIENCE LEARNING date: 2021-10-24 words: 2606 flesch: 43 summary: Students need learning media that is attractive and can be applied in everyday life, 81% of students are interested in and support the development of the design of m-learning learning media based on Home Science Process Learning in natural science learning. Although getting the results of the due diligence day of the experts is good and very good, there are several parts that must be improved so that the design of m- learning learning media based on Home Science Process Learning can be more perfect and developed even better. keywords: development; home; learning; material; media; process; science; skill cache: jisae-20551.pdf plain text: jisae-20551.txt item: #41 of 97 id: jisae-20613 author: Iriyadi, Deni title: DIAGNOSTIC TEST INSTRUMENTS FOR THE BASIS OF REMEDIAL LEARNING date: 2021-05-01 words: 3890 flesch: 53 summary: The entire series of student learning becomes the point of attention of an educator in providing an assessment. Diagnostic tests are intended to determine student learning difficulties experienced by students based on the results of previous formative tests. keywords: answer; assessment; errors; instrument; learning; line; material; process; students; test cache: jisae-20613.pdf plain text: jisae-20613.txt item: #42 of 97 id: jisae-21461 author: Afriadi, Bambang; Dahlia, Dahlia title: TEACHER SUPERVISION USING TEACHER COMPETENCE ASSESSMENT IN THE ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION COMPONENTS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL JURUMUDI 5 TANGERANG STATE date: 2021-03-10 words: 3459 flesch: 43 summary: Classroom teachers must provide a positive learning environment. The focus of this research is related to the classroom environment and its impact on student learning. keywords: assessment; classroom; evaluation; learning; research; results; students; teachers; use cache: jisae-21461.pdf plain text: jisae-21461.txt item: #43 of 97 id: jisae-21830 author: S.Pd, M.Pd, Dr. Ahmad; Izmaimusah, Dasa ; Idris, Mustamin title: INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATICS LEARNING OUTCOMES BY THE RASCH MODEL IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TO SUPPORT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 2013 CURRICULUM date: 2021-10-24 words: 6492 flesch: 52 summary: Based on the results of the test respondents (elementary school students in Palu) obtained information that the point about the difficulty is the question number 26 (S26) with a value logit 2.08. Likewise, the distribution of student abilities can be detected on gender, school, or area of origin. keywords: ability; assessment; curriculum; development; difficulty; instrument; item; level; logit; school; students; teachers; value cache: jisae-21830.pdf plain text: jisae-21830.txt item: #44 of 97 id: jisae-21907 author: Matondang, Zulkifli; Sarwa, Sarwa; Atika, Liana ; Sutrisno, Sutrisno title: THE EVALUATION OF IMPLEMENTING ONLINE LEARNING AT UNIMED FACULTY OF ENGINEERING date: 2021-10-24 words: 2793 flesch: 42 summary: Quantitative data is in the form of descriptive information on the 105 |JISAE (Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation)|Volume 7 Number 2 quality of online learning implementation, the achievement of student competencies according to the subjects, and the effectiveness of online learning implementation. And it focused on the content/material, facilities, processes, and outputs of online learning. keywords: average; evaluation; implementation; learning; online; unimed cache: jisae-21907.pdf plain text: jisae-21907.txt item: #45 of 97 id: jisae-22009 author: Oktaviani, Maya; Hasanah, Uswatun; Faesal, Muhammad; Elmanora; Zulfa, Vania title: THE USE OF THE RASCH MODEL IN ANALYSING THE VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY OF STUDENTS’ COPING STRATEGY SCALE date: 2021-10-24 words: 3745 flesch: 61 summary: This research is limited to the academic aspect, so that the instrument to be developed will focus on student coping strategies, including academic activities. Content validity was analysed by giving coping strategy instruments to two experts in the field of Family Science. keywords: coping; fit; items; mean; strategy; students; validity cache: jisae-22009.pdf plain text: jisae-22009.txt item: #46 of 97 id: jisae-22429 author: Maulana, Irzandy title: SOCIAL INEQUALITY IN TEACHERS REVIEWED BASED ON DIFFERENCES IN TEACHER EMPLOYMENT STATUS IN DKI JAKARTA date: 2021-10-24 words: 5071 flesch: 57 summary: Honorer School Teacher is a teacher who has a contract work agreement with the school. In the structure of teachers in each school, social gaps can also exist, whether teachers KKI and Honorer teachers are placed in the school's organizational structure and have authority like other civil servant teachers. keywords: authority; honorer; kki; material; school; servant; staffing; status; teachers cache: jisae-22429.pdf plain text: jisae-22429.txt item: #47 of 97 id: jisae-22570 author: Ogunode, Niyi Jacob; Deborah, Gregory ; Deborah, Jegede title: CONSTRAINTS TO EFFECTIVE CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS IN GOVERNMENT SECONDARY SCHOOL IN FCT date: 2021-10-24 words: 4501 flesch: 18 summary: Table one item two disclosed that 79.0% of respondents agreed that lack of political will from the government to support teachers professional development programme is a constraint to effective teachers professional development programme of secondary school teachers in FCT while 21% of the respondents disagreed that lack of political will from the government to support teachers professional development programme is not a constraint to effective teachers professional development programme of secondary school teachers in FCT. Table one item two disclosed that respondents agreed that lack of political will from the government to support teachers professional development programme is a constraint to effective teachers professional development programme of secondary school teachers in FCT. keywords: constraint; development; fct; government; professional; programme; school; teacher cache: jisae-22570.pdf plain text: jisae-22570.txt item: #48 of 97 id: jisae-23056 author: Ukashatu, Abubakar; Muhammad Suleiman, Muhammad ; Abdulkahar Mahmoud, Musbahu title: EMERGING ISSUES IN EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENT: AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT date: 2021-10-24 words: 3545 flesch: 42 summary: Arifin, (2013) states that the types of authentic assessments include 1) Performance Assessment 2) Project Assessment 3) Portfolio Assessment 4) Written Assessment METHODS According to O’Malley and Pierce, (2011), identified seven (7) methods/types of authentic assessment below: a) Oral Interview: Here the teacher asks students question about personal background, activities, reading and interest. This paper attempted to examined the concept of assessment and its types, the concept of authentic assessment and its categories, the forms of authentic assessment, the tools used for authentic assessment, methods used in authentic assessment, steps involved in authentic assessment, advantages of authentic assessment, challenges of authentic assessment among others. keywords: assessment; education; learning; performance; portfolio; skills; students; world cache: jisae-23056.pdf plain text: jisae-23056.txt item: #49 of 97 id: jisae-23781 author: Afriadi, Bambang; Dudung, Agus title: EVALUATION OF TEACHING SKILL PRACTICE PROGRAMS, IN THE STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTION JAKARTA date: 2021-12-20 words: 5487 flesch: 49 summary: The above scheme for PKM Program activities carried out by PKM participants in PKM Partner Schools can be analyzed through these four conditions. The results showed that in the formative evaluation, it can be seen that in general the process of Program PKM was by existing guidelines. keywords: college; education; evaluation; implementation; participants; pkm; pkm program; program; results; skills; students; teaching cache: jisae-23781.pdf plain text: jisae-23781.txt item: #50 of 97 id: jisae-24828 author: Afifah, Rizqi Nur Afifah; Ifnuari, M. Reza title: TEACHER STRATEGIES IN CLASS MANAGEMENT TO IMPROVE STUDENT DISCIPLINE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL date: 2022-03-29 words: 3188 flesch: 53 summary: Teacher class management begins with the planning, configuration, and optimization of various source and equipment sources and equipment for learning in class to create effectively and quality learning activities for students. This paper aims to convey related actions that teachers can use to manage classes to increase student discipline in elementary school and improve quality in an educational institution. keywords: classroom; data; discipline; education; learning; management; motivation; quality; students; teacher cache: jisae-24828.pdf plain text: jisae-24828.txt item: #51 of 97 id: jisae-25186 author: Gede Suadnya Suastika title: Students’ Perception on the Implementation of Online Learning in Kubutambahan District by Using Input and Outcome Evaluation date: 2022-03-26 words: 4044 flesch: 47 summary: Vol 8 No 1 (2022) Website : Students' perception of the implementation of online learning in Kubutambahan district by using input and outcome evaluation Gede Suadnya Suastika Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha ABSTRACT Covid-19 makes big problems, especially in education. Students have an important role in education, especially in online learning, because they follow the online learning provided by the teacher. keywords: data; evaluation; kubutambahan; learning; online; outcome; process; research; smpn; students cache: jisae-25186.pdf plain text: jisae-25186.txt item: #52 of 97 id: jisae-25361 author: Iriyadi, Deni title: EQUATING METHOD FOR LEARNING OUTCOMES OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL/MADRASAH STUDENTS date: 2022-03-26 words: 3644 flesch: 59 summary: The results showed that groups with the same ability skewness distribution (normal ability distribution, normal ability distribution, positive skewness ability distribution, and negative skewness ability distribution- negative skewness ability distribution - negative skewness ability distribution) would give a lower RMSE score than groups with different ability distributions. 8 Number 1 Research shows that the average RMSE value for couples with the same distribution is typically distributed with normal distribution, skewness is positively distributed with fair skewness distribution, and negative skewness distribution with negative skewness distribution is lower than ability pairs who have different ability distributions. keywords: ability; distribution; equating; method; number; results; skewness; test cache: jisae-25361.pdf plain text: jisae-25361.txt item: #53 of 97 id: jisae-25445 author: Pratama, Dinar; Husnayaini, Ihda title: PROGRAM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSESSMENT (PISA) ANALYSIS OF ASIAN COUNTRIES USING K-MEAN CLUSTERING ALGORITHMS date: 2022-03-26 words: 4353 flesch: 59 summary: However, there is a need for further analysis by knowing the characteristics of each country through the k-mean clustering algorithm or cluster analysis. Cluster analysis is a method of grouping objects into groups called clusters. keywords: ability; analysis; china; cluster; countries; data; mean; pisa; reading; results; science; table cache: jisae-25445.pdf plain text: jisae-25445.txt item: #54 of 97 id: jisae-25889 author: Asdar, Ahsanul Khair; Muawanah, Muawanah title: CONTENT VALIDITY AND CONSTRUCT VALIDITY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ACADEMIC ANXIETY QUESTIONNAIRE date: 2021-10-07 words: 3451 flesch: 58 summary: This narrative ultimately explains that students will always experience academic anxiety but to a different degree. Academic anxiety is a common phenomenon that commonly occurs among all students at various levels of education. keywords: anxiety; figure; items; model; students; symptoms; value cache: jisae-25889.pdf plain text: jisae-25889.txt item: #55 of 97 id: jisae-26011 author: Kadek Nina Harnin; Ni Nyoman Padmadewi; Ni Luh Putu Eka Sulistia Dewi ; Ni Komang Arie Suwastini title: TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION AND PRACTICES ON GIVING FEEDBACK ON STUDENTS’ WORK DURING ONLINE LEARNING date: 2022-04-16 words: 5612 flesch: 57 summary: Therefore, teacher feedback and student engagement are important aspects of online learning. One respondent revealed, In giving online feedback, sometimes there are many things that we need to let the students know, but because it is an online class, we need to make it simpler until we may miss some points. keywords: challenges; errors; feedback; learning; online; respondents; students; teachers; work cache: jisae-26011.pdf plain text: jisae-26011.txt item: #56 of 97 id: jisae-26012 author: Swastika Rhea Zivanka; Silitonga, Haratua Tiur Maria; Hamdani title: THE APPLICATION OF THE RASCH MODEL TO DEVELOP TWO-TIER MULTIPLE CHOICE HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILL TEST ON MOTION AND FORCE date: 2022-03-26 words: 4678 flesch: 57 summary: The width of the distribution of test items should match the population's ability so that the ability can be well measured (Planinic et al., 2019). The analysis was done to observe the test characteristics: item fit, person reliability, item reliability, and the difficulty of the items. keywords: hots; items; measure; model; order; questions; rasch; skills; students; test; thinking cache: jisae-26012.pdf plain text: jisae-26012.txt item: #57 of 97 id: jisae-26589 author: Afriadi, Bambang title: MANAGEMENT OF BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS AT SCHOOL date: 2022-03-26 words: 2550 flesch: 48 summary: This report will serve as a springboard for future research on school behavior issues. An essential finding of student behavior problems is understanding the child's response to leftovers at school by exploring their view of leftovers and empowering them to discuss and develop their solutions. keywords: anon; behavior; character; children; n.d; problems; school; students cache: jisae-26589.pdf plain text: jisae-26589.txt item: #58 of 97 id: jisae-27772 author: indriasari, bernadine ajeng title: Analysis of Lesson Five. Elevent Fragment of Analysis of Fourth Grade Students’ Book based on 2013 Curriculum Theme Pahlawanku Subtheme Pahlawanku Kebanggaanku date: 2022-07-22 words: 2961 flesch: 55 summary: The learning activities delivered learning materials often referred to as teaching materials. 2. Conformity of learning tools and resources with learning materials. keywords: book; competencies; curriculum; indicators; learning; lesson; material; pahlawanku; resources cache: jisae-27772.pdf plain text: jisae-27772.txt item: #59 of 97 id: jisae-27845 author: Yar Zar Chit; San, Lu title: CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT PRACTICES: AN EVALUATION OF BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOL TEACHERS date: 2022-05-19 words: 3093 flesch: 47 summary: 79 |JISAE (Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation)|Volume 8 Number 1 Moreover, classroom assessment practices concentrate on the improvement of students learning and teachers’ teaching. If classroom assessment practices are not carried out in a manner suitable to the intended purpose, they will not provide healthy feedback about the teaching and learning process. keywords: assessment; classroom; mean; practices; teachers; test cache: jisae-27845.pdf plain text: jisae-27845.txt item: #60 of 97 id: jisae-28090 author: Sutirna, Sutirna; Intisari, Intisari title: Analysis of the Importance of Guidance and Counseling Services for Students date: 2022-07-18 words: 3987 flesch: 49 summary: CONCLUSION The results of the analysis of answers from mathematics education students on the importance of guidance and counseling for students, seen from the factors that significantly affect the growth and development of students, both for today and in the future, namely, Excellent Service Guidance, Personal Development, IT Development, Curren Development, Family, Socializing, Individual Experience, and The Future. (Ginting, 2018), At the then high school level, it seems that counselors' competence must be very high; this is because high school students have started to enter the stage of development towards early maturity, where future preparations need to be informed by service teachers' guidance and counseling. keywords: counseling; development; education; guidance; importance; school; services; students; sutirna; teachers cache: jisae-28090.pdf plain text: jisae-28090.txt item: #61 of 97 id: jisae-28176 author: Said Ashlan; HAMBALI, HAMBALI title: THE EFFECT OF VISIONER LEADERSHIP, AND LEARNING INNOVATION ON TEACHER PERFORMANCE ALIYAH STATE MADRASAH MEDAN CITY-INDONESIA date: 2022-07-18 words: 5305 flesch: 49 summary: ABSTRACT The reason for this research is to find out and analyze: (1) the effect of visionary leadership on teacher performance and (2) the effect of learning innovation on teacher performance. The results of the analysis of the effect of exogenous variables on endogenous variables in each substructure obtained (1) visionary leadership have a positive effect on teacher performance by 5.2% (2) learning innovation behavior has a positive effect on teacher performance by 3.1%. keywords: education; innovation; leadership; learning; madrasah; performance; results; teacher; teacher performance; test cache: jisae-28176.pdf plain text: jisae-28176.txt item: #62 of 97 id: jisae-28215 author: Zulfa, Vania; Elmanora, Elmanora; Oktaviani, Maya title: The Trend of Using the Same Platform in Distance Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2022-07-23 words: 3344 flesch: 56 summary: Additionally, diverse platforms offer various communication channels and services to help student learning. The use of a mobile learning management system and academic achievement of online students. keywords: distance; education; google; learning; platform; students; use cache: jisae-28215.pdf plain text: jisae-28215.txt item: #63 of 97 id: jisae-28936 author: Iskandar, Isak ; Ahmad, Ahmad title: THE EFFECT OF AUTHENTIC LEARNING APPROACHES AND ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES ON STUDENTS' STATISTICS BASIC TEST RESULTS BY INTELLIGENCE CONTROL date: 2022-08-24 words: 4972 flesch: 42 summary: The success of student learning can be seen from how far students master the material being studied, from achievement index (IP) data, especially in introductory statistical basic courses. Therefore lecturers are expected to provide excellent service in the form of authentic assessment techniques to evaluate student learning processes. keywords: approach; assessment; assessment techniques; form; learning; learning approach; results; students; test cache: jisae-28936.pdf plain text: jisae-28936.txt item: #64 of 97 id: jisae-29408 author: Priatna, Suherman; Iriyadi , Deni ; Toha, Muhamad title: DEVELOPMENT OF DOMINO CARD MEDIA TO IMPROVE HIGH-LEVEL THINKING ABILITY IN UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPT OF FRACTIONS date: 2022-09-16 words: 3908 flesch: 52 summary: These results certainly have increased from student learning outcomes in daily tests of fraction material 133 |JISAE (Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation)|Volume 8 Number 2 before using domino card media. This study aims to develop domino card learning media to improve higher-order thinking skills in fractional material. keywords: card; development; domino; fractions; learning; media; students cache: jisae-29408.pdf plain text: jisae-29408.txt item: #65 of 97 id: jisae-29453 author: Ahmad, Ahmad title: APPLICATION OF PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS METHOD ON TUTOR PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS WITH JEFFREYS'S AMAZING STATISTICS PROGRAM FORMULA date: 2022-09-18 words: 3742 flesch: 46 summary: Tutor performance assessment is a systematic step that assesses the real work of the tutor's work and behavior in realizing Pancasila-cultured students based on predetermined standards (The American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological 145 |JISAE (Journal of Indonesian Student Assessment and Evaluation) Tutor performance assessment is a continuous effort made to determine what is being carried out by monitoring the results achieved and if there are deviations from the predetermined criteria, an improvement is immediately made, so that all the results achieved can be as planned. keywords: analysis; assessment; component; education; instrument; learning; performance; research; results; sub; tutor; variables cache: jisae-29453.pdf plain text: jisae-29453.txt item: #66 of 97 id: jisae-31131 author: Septian Cahya Azhari; Fadjarajani, Siti ; Muhamad ferdi Firmansyah; Tita Yuniarti title: A SCIENTOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT: R BIBLIOSHINY date: 2023-01-31 words: 4042 flesch: 41 summary: The object of study that is of much concern to researchers of which is academic performance, the efforts made by researchers in this study are to understand the factors that can affect the performance of academic performance (Khan et al., 2020; Waheed et al., 2020), this shows the importance of academic performance studies in producing products from superior education. In this analysis using a database from PubMed, there are 20 journals that publish many studies on the topic of academic performance, in addition to that there are 20 articles with different titles, but on average they conduct case study research studies involving students in high school and university. keywords: analysis; articles; authors; development; education; journal; performance; research; studies; study cache: jisae-31131.pdf plain text: jisae-31131.txt item: #67 of 97 id: jisae-31163 author: Ikhsanudin, Ikhsanudin; Novaliah, Novaliah; Hidayatullah, Hidayatullah; Almizi, Memi title: A PRACTICAL USING OF THE QUEST PROGRAM TO ANALYZE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TEST ITEMS IN EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENT date: 2023-02-03 words: 3341 flesch: 67 summary: The study begins with situations analysis and literature review of test items, analyze the system in school then determines the study sample. Keywords: Item difficulty, item discrimination, Quest program, teacher-made test. keywords: distractors; function; items; test; √ √ cache: jisae-31163.pdf plain text: jisae-31163.txt item: #68 of 97 id: jisae-32533 author: Widana, I Wayan; Sumandya, I Wayan ; Asih, Ni Putu Restu Trinadi title: EVALUATIVE STUDY: LITERACY OUTREACH PROGRAM BASED ON LOCAL WISDOM AT SDN 1 APUAN BANGLI date: 2023-01-26 words: 5509 flesch: 42 summary: The SLT tasks are: (a) designing and evaluating school literacy activities; (b) ensuring the continuity of the 15 minutes of reading activity every day; (c) ensuring the availability of a collection of enrichment books in the library and reading corner at school; (d) managing the school library and reading corners in the classroom and other school areas; (e) schedule the implementation of activities in the school library for at least 1 hour a week (can be carried out during relevant class hours or special literacy hours); (f) coordinating the holding of literacy festivals, book weeks, or celebrations of other literacy-based holidays; (g) coordinating efforts to develop literacy activities through fundraising for business people or other funders outside the school environment; (h) coordinate efforts to promote school literacy activities for parents/guardians of students, reading books aloud, parenting training, and promotion of reading activities at home; (i) publish literacy activities in schools in print, audiovisual and online media in order to obtain wider support from the community; (j) network with stakeholders related to literacy, the SLT in other schools, and literacy activists to work together to strive for the sustainability of literacy activities in schools. Likewise students, most of them come from Apuan Village so that the closeness of students to the surrounding environment is not new, especially with regard to local wisdom in their area which is very appropriate to use as content for school literacy activities. keywords: activities; apuan; assessment; education; learning; literacy; negeri; program; reading; school; students; teachers; wisdom cache: jisae-32533.pdf plain text: jisae-32533.txt item: #69 of 97 id: jisae-32714 author: Iskak, Kezia Novrina Natasari; A.G Thamrin; Budi Tri Cahyono title: The IMPLEMENTATION OF DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT AS ONE OF THE STEPS TO IMPROVE LEARNING IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM date: 2023-01-29 words: 4921 flesch: 40 summary: This study aims to determine the application of diagnostic Assessment in the Independent Curriculum. In addition to identifying student competencies, diagnostic Assessment also aims to obtain information related to family background, Learning readiness, Learning motivation, student interests, and other factors in a student that can be used as consideration in planning Learning under certain conditions (Kemdikbud, 2022c). keywords: asesmen; assessment; curriculum; dan; implementation; information; journal; kemdikbud; kurikulum; learning; pembelajaran; pendidikan; student; teachers cache: jisae-32714.pdf plain text: jisae-32714.txt item: #70 of 97 id: jisae-32928 author: Mahendra, Eka title: ORAL ASSESSMENT IN TRIGGERING STUDENT HIGHER-ORDER THINKING SKILLS (HOTS) date: 2023-01-27 words: 3050 flesch: 51 summary: Meanwhile, students' attitudes about these two types of Assessment indicate that oral Assessment is considered more useful than written Assessment, even though they tend to be more nervous and anxious in dealing with oral assessments. No 1 (2023) Website : ORAL ASSESSMENT IN TRIGGERING STUDENT HIGHER-ORDER THINKING SKILLS (HOTS) I Wayan Eka Mahendra1, Institut Pariwisata dan Bisnis Internasional ABSTRACT Students' higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) due to the application of oral Assessment and Assessment are usually compared using experimental research in two separate groups. keywords: assessment; data; group; hots; students; test; thinking cache: jisae-32928.pdf plain text: jisae-32928.txt item: #71 of 97 id: jisae-33233 author: Naila Rajiha; Rini, Setia title: COMPUTER-BASED STANDARDIZED TESTING (CBT) SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: ONE INSTITUTION EXPERIENCE date: 2023-01-27 words: 3256 flesch: 49 summary: The use of automated assessments in internet- based CBT: The computer will be with you shortly. There was limited evidence that using computer-based testing improved student exam performance. keywords: assessment; cbt; computer; exam; learning; school; students; testing cache: jisae-33233.pdf plain text: jisae-33233.txt item: #72 of 97 id: jisae-33239 author: Tjalla, Awaluddin ; Hanim, Wirda title: DEVELOPMENT OF STRENGTHENING GOOD CHARACTER EDUCATION SCALE AS A NEED ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT FOR GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING TEACHERS date: 2023-01-26 words: 4837 flesch: 62 summary: Moral education strategies improve the effectiveness and efficiency of moral education (Meindl, P., Quirk, A., & Graham, J, 2017). doi:10.1177/1052562917695199 Hyemin Han & Kelsie J. Dawson (2021) Improved model exploration for the relationship between moral foundations and moral judgment development using Bayesian Model Averaging, Journal of moral education, DOI: 10.1080/03057240.2020.1863774 Kaelan. keywords: action; character; correlation; development; education; good; item; pearson; pearson correlation; principles; sig cache: jisae-33239.pdf plain text: jisae-33239.txt item: #73 of 97 id: jisae-33255 author: Siswanto, Achmad ; Arundina Lusty , Nika ; Hakim Syafi’i, Abdul title: EDUCATION DILEMMA AND CHALLENGES OF THE CREATIVE INDUSTRY CRAFTSMEN IN PLACED PURWAKARTA date: 2023-01-26 words: 5169 flesch: 47 summary: Transporting goods (such as clay, firewood, and finished pottery products), drying pottery, and unskilled other Low Pottery burning services Setting pottery in a kiln and burning pottery Medium (Source: Processed from FGD Results, 2022) Apart from lifting pottery products, the porters also work to dry the pottery and carry firewood. keywords: anjun; business; clay; craftsmen; industry; plered; pottery; production; products; purwakarta; results cache: jisae-33255.pdf plain text: jisae-33255.txt item: #74 of 97 id: jisae-4379 author: Kartini, Nurul Hikmah title: EMPLOYERS BAITUL ARQAM PROGRAM EVALUATION IN MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY of PALANGKARAYA date: 2017-11-07 words: 5226 flesch: 47 summary: ; 2) Planning strategy which includes material, human resources, means and infrastructure, fund, and learning method regarding inputs component in the BBTHA program in Muhammadiyah University of Palangkaraya is categorized as good; 3) In term of process component executed on the Employers Baitul Arqam program is categorized as good; 4) In term of product as the result of Employers Baitul Arqam program is categorized as good. What is the planning strategy which consists of materials, human resources, means and infrastructure, funds, and learning method on the input level of Employers Baitul Arqam program in Muhammadiyah University of Palangkaraya? 3. keywords: arqam; baitul; baitul arqam; employers; employers baitul; evaluation; muhammadiyah; palangkaraya; participants; process; program; result; university cache: jisae-4379.pdf plain text: jisae-4379.txt item: #75 of 97 id: jisae-4384 author: ., Akhriani title: PROGRAM EVALUATION OF THE FREE EDUCATION IN BALANGAN REGENCY date: 2017-11-07 words: 6682 flesch: 46 summary: The process of Free Education Program policy highlighted in this study includes the disbursement of funds in accordance with the time set, the school receiving Free Education Program has a School Development Plan (RPS), the school successfully developed School Budget Activity Plan (RKAS) by using RPS as a consideration , The school succeeded in making the RKAS by involving the School Committee, the Free Education Program taking was done by the Principal and Treasurer known by the School Committee, and the school managed to collect data on poor students. The disbursement of Free Education Program funds is made referring to the funding instructions for Free Education Program. keywords: balangan; balangan regency; data; development; education program; evaluation; funds; government; human; implementation; parents; policy; regency; research; results; school cache: jisae-4384.pdf plain text: jisae-4384.txt item: #76 of 97 id: jisae-4388 author: ., Fatimah title: EFECTIVINESS ON TRAINING PROGRAM OF INTEGRATING CHARACTER EDUCATION IN LEARNING AT MGMP PKn SMP IN TAPIN date: 2017-11-07 words: 3691 flesch: 37 summary: 2. Evaluation on Training Program a. Level of Reaction Evaluation of reaction level for the training participants on perception, material, instructor, means and infrastructure can be categorized as being effective and in high qualification, as can be seen inthetable I below TABLE I.Evaluation of Reaction No. Aspect of Reaction Scor Total Score 1 Material of Training 561 660 2 Training Instructor 687 990 3 Training Means 371 440 Total 1619 2090 Percentage of Score 77.46% Based on the table above, it can be seen that the ratio of total score of the evaluation results of Civics Education teachers of SMP/MTs’ reactionto total of theoretical maximum is equal to 77.46%, as a percentage score is 77.46%, based on quartile distribution, is above Q³; it can be justified that the resultof evaluation is in a high evaluation category. The main objective of this research is to analyze the levels of reaction, learning and teaching, behavior, and results of the participants of character education training program from MGMP of Civics Education in Tapin Disctrict. keywords: character; civics; civics education; education; evaluation; learning; teaching; training cache: jisae-4388.pdf plain text: jisae-4388.txt item: #77 of 97 id: jisae-4406 author: Liberna, Hawa title: EVALUATION OF FIELD JOB P RACTICE IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM FOR THE STUDENT IS STATE VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 1 JAKARTA date: 2017-11-07 words: 3911 flesch: 46 summary: Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) is a form of the seriousness of the participants PKL PKL in carrying out work in the field with the aim to develop competencies. Analysis Aspects of Instruction (Organization) Category Frequency percentage Very unsatisfactory 0 0% Not satisfactory 0 0% Neutral 3 5:08% satisfy 56 94.92% Very satisfactory 0 0% Of the 59 students who have participated in Field Work Practice (PKL) in the academic year 2015/2016 which has filled angkett about intruction aspects of the organization, the researchers concluded that, of the six questions presented on the average organization gave a positive response. keywords: field; field work; pkl; practice; street; street vendors; vendors; work; work practice cache: jisae-4406.pdf plain text: jisae-4406.txt item: #78 of 97 id: jisae-4407 author: ., Supramono; Rahmaniati, Rita title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INNOVATIVE LEARNING MODELS TOWARDS THE SKILL OF STUDENTS SCIENCE PROCESS ON PHYSIOLOGY CLASS date: 2017-11-07 words: 4026 flesch: 50 summary: 57 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INNOVATIVE LEARNING MODELS TOWARDS THE SKILL OF STUDENTS SCIENCE PROCESS ON PHYSIOLOGY CLASS Supramono & Rita Rahmaniati, Supardi Biology Education Program, Department of PMIPA, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Palangkaraya, Palangkaraya, Indonesia Study Program: Teacher Education of Elementary School, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Palangkaraya, Indonesia ABSTRACT This study aimed to examine: (1) the influence of the implementation of inquiry model toward the skill of student science process of Biology Education students of Palangka Raya university, (2) the influence of PBM model toward the skill of student science process of Biology Education students of Palangka Raya university, (3) the influence of GI type cooperative learning toward the skill of student science process of Biology Education students of Palangka Raya university, (4) the difference of influence of inquiry model, PBM, GI toward the skill of student science process of Biology Education students of Palangka Raya university. The Influence of implementation of Inquiry model on plant physiology class towards the skill of student science process Based on the calculation of the total score of science process obtained average score of postest in the inquiry model of 6.73 with the category of medium and the control class obtained score of 5.09 with the category of less. keywords: class; control; cooperative; group; learning; model; process; science; score cache: jisae-4407.pdf plain text: jisae-4407.txt item: #79 of 97 id: jisae-4855 author: Ratnaya, I Gede; Margono, Gaguk title: THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS’ INTRAPERSONAL INSTRUMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS IN BALI date: 2017-02-27 words: 2762 flesch: 54 summary: In general, cognitive abilities are measured through test instruments [4], psychomotor abilities are measured through observation sheets, and affective abilities are measured through questionnaires. Copyright © Ikacana Publisher | ISSN: 2442-4919 Figure 4. 18 items construction models and standardized factor loads on instruments that consists of 18 items. keywords: construct; instrument; items; students; test; validity cache: jisae-4855.pdf plain text: jisae-4855.txt item: #80 of 97 id: jisae-4856 author: ., ELYUSRA title: A MEANINGFUL BRAIN-BASED LITERATURE LEARNING MODEL date: 2017-02-27 words: 6039 flesch: 48 summary: Based on the results of questionnaire analysis, literature learning models needed by lecturers are: 1) to set a variety of literary learning objectives to be achieved and described in detail; 2) to describe the material, so that the learning can be conducted well and can facilitate the preparation of learning tools; 3) to organize the learning by considering the science structure, literature and students’ characteristics; 4) to provide an overview of the learning environment; 5) to design a learning activity with its facilities for students, high student learning activities, and appeal learning activities; 6) to determine the strategy and a clear implementation schedule, the note model of student learning progress; 7) to provide sources, tools, and various learning media; 8) to do evaluation with regard to aspects of cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and metacognitive learning that has open characteristic, authentic assessment, and the examples of evaluation instruments that can be used by lecturers, especially for the assessment of attitudes and psychomotor aspects. The combination of these two theories can overcome the disadvantages of literary learning model so far. keywords: assessment; brain; learning; learning model; lecturers; literary; literature; literature learning; model; needs; results; students; study; teaching cache: jisae-4856.pdf plain text: jisae-4856.txt item: #81 of 97 id: jisae-4858 author: Saragih, Kisastro title: THE EFFECT OF OPTION NUMBERS ON THE ITEM INSTRUMENTS OF BELIEF ABOUT MATHEMATICS FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TOWARD THE MAXIMUM RELIABILITY date: 2017-11-27 words: 3941 flesch: 49 summary: Copyright © Ikacana Publisher | ISSN: 2442-4919 THE EFFECT OF OPTION NUMBERS ON THE ITEM INSTRUMENTS OF BELIEF ABOUT MATHEMATICS FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TOWARD THE MAXIMUM RELIABILITY Kisastro Saragih This study aims to find out the effect of option numbers on the item instruments of belief about mathematics toward the maximum reliability. keywords: belief; instruments; mathematics; options; reliability; reliability coefficient; students cache: jisae-4858.pdf plain text: jisae-4858.txt item: #82 of 97 id: jisae-4859 author: Widana, I Wayan title: HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS ASSESSMENT (HOTS) date: 2017-02-27 words: 5859 flesch: 54 summary: This study aims to: 1) provide knowledge and understanding to the teachers about the concept and characteristics of the HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) assessment extensively and deep; and 2) improve the skills of the teachers to develop HOTS assessment. Determine the answer key (multiple choice questions form) or arrange rubric / scoring guidelines (essay form), e) perform qualitative analysis, and f) perform quantitative analysis; 3) the advantage of HOTS assessments are: a) Increase the stundents motivation to learn and b) improve learning outcomes. keywords: ability; assessment; hots; items; knowledge; learners; learning; matter; problem; skills; thinking cache: jisae-4859.pdf plain text: jisae-4859.txt item: #83 of 97 id: jisae-4860 author: ., Sukemi title: ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENTIAL ITEM FUNCTION (DIF) COATS-Haenszel USING DIFFERENT AREAS UNDER THE TOWN AND VILLAGE IN NATIONAL TEST DEVICE IN BANTEN IPA SD ( Primary School) date: 2017-02-27 words: 7217 flesch: 54 summary: Secondary data from the perspective of the researcher can be classified into two, namely the internal data of data already available in the field; and external data data that can be obtained from various other sources. The process of data analysis is not just to be here. keywords: analysis; areas; city; data; dif; function; grains; item; level; method; national; number; test; village cache: jisae-4860.pdf plain text: jisae-4860.txt item: #84 of 97 id: jisae-6557 author: FARDA, UMMU JAUHARIN title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE TEACHING MATERIALS WITH VISION OF SCIENCE, ENVIRONMENT, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY (SETS) IN THE NATURAL RESOURCE COMPETENCY CLASS IV OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL date: 2017-02-01 words: 4160 flesch: 52 summary: The aim of this study was to develop science teaching material that feature Science, Environment, Technology, and Society (SETS) vision which covers some criteria namely effective. The next step is to compile the data instruments of the effects of printed materials consisting of; a) test questions and b) observation sheet of learners activity and observation of teacher activity. keywords: activity; class; learners; learning; materials; science; sets; teaching; test cache: jisae-6557.pdf plain text: jisae-6557.txt item: #85 of 97 id: jisae-6931 author: Yulida, Asri title: THE EFFECT OF TUTORING AND CREATIVITY AGAINST STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT OF CLASS XII STUDENTS SMA NEGERI 2 SERANG CITY CIPOCOK JAYA DISTRICT date: 2017-02-27 words: 4800 flesch: 55 summary: Because there has been such influence, then H0 which states there is no influence from the guidance of learning on student learning achievement is rejected and H1 which states there is influence of the guidance of learning on student achievement is accepted. Copyright © Ikacana Publisher | ISSN: 2442-4919 THE EFFECT OF TUTORING AND CREATIVITY AGAINST STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT OF CLASS XII STUDENTS SMA NEGERI 2 SERANG CITY CIPOCOK JAYA DISTRICT Asri Yulida Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa email: ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine (1) Effect of tutoring on student achievement, (2) Influence of creativity on student achievement, (3) Effects of tutoring and creativity of student achievement at the same time. keywords: achievement; creativity; guidance; influence; learning; process; student; student achievement; test; value cache: jisae-6931.pdf plain text: jisae-6931.txt item: #86 of 97 id: jisae-7345 author: NUGRAHA, AMAN ABADI title: DEVELOPING ATTITUDES ON GLOBAL AWARENESS INSTRUMENT OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL’S STUDENTS date: 2018-09-01 words: 5369 flesch: 60 summary: This study developed the attitudes on global awareness instrument of senior high school’s students. This can also be shown from the CFA second order diagram based on the standardized solution attitude instrument on the global awareness of SPK students in senior high school through second stage empirical validation after revision in Figure 8 and second order CFA diagram 53 based on t-value of attitude instrument on student global awareness SPK at SMA level through second stage empirical validation after revision in Figure 9. keywords: awareness; cfa; global; instrument; students; table; test; value cache: jisae-7345.pdf plain text: jisae-7345.txt item: #87 of 97 id: jisae-7819 author: lailiyah, lailiyah; Supriyati, Yetti; Komarudin, Komarudin title: ANALYSIS OF MEASURES ITEMS IN DEVELOPMENT OF INSTRUMENTS SELF-ASSESSMENT (RASCH MODELING APPLICATION) date: 2018-02-21 words: 3463 flesch: 85 summary: 35.9| B17 | | 40 876 219 39.20 .81| .99 .0|1.04 45.3| | keywords: -1.0|; .79|; analysis; assessment; item; self; | | cache: jisae-7819.pdf plain text: jisae-7819.txt item: #88 of 97 id: jisae-7887 author: Muningsih, Norma - title: ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ COGNITIVE STRUCTURES USING FREE WORD-ASSOCIATION TEST IN CHEMISTRY LEARNING date: 2019-05-15 words: 4165 flesch: 56 summary: Analysis of student cognitive structure can be used to know the description of students' understanding and knowledge in buffer solution material. In addition students are still confused in the use of formulas because there is a formula of calculating pH for acid buffer solution and there is a formula of calculating the pH of an alkaline buffer solution. keywords: acid; association; base; buffer; buffer solution; learning; solution; students; word cache: jisae-7887.pdf plain text: jisae-7887.txt item: #89 of 97 id: jisae-7998 author: Oli, MARIO Colega title: The Assessment Practices by Content-faculty, Student-teaching Supervisor and Cooperating Mentors of Pre-professional Mathematics Teachers in State Universities in Cagayan Valley Region in the Philippines ” date: 2018-09-01 words: 9254 flesch: 39 summary: There are 27 (72.97%) students’ respondents who were considered from CSU, 13 (72.22%) student teachers from ISU, nine (75%) student teachers from NVSU and seven (87.50%) student teachers were taken from NVSU. Table 3 shows the number of cooperating mentors for student teachers in every State University. keywords: assessment; assessment practices; content; cooperating; faculty; mathematics; mentors; practices; student; teachers; teaching cache: jisae-7998.pdf plain text: jisae-7998.txt item: #90 of 97 id: jisae-8020 author: umar, andi taufiq title: THE EFFECT OF PROBLEM SOLVING MODEL AND SCORING TYPE OF MULTIPLE-CHOICE FORMATIVE TESTS ON STUDENT HIGH ORDER THINKING SKILLS (HOTS) ABILITY date: 2019-05-15 words: 3689 flesch: 51 summary: The low achievement of student learning can be seen in a study on chemistry subjects on the mastery of the chemical material concepts in the National Examination due to many concepts that fail to be mastered, students fail to interpret tables of pH indicators, diagrams and difficult to understand the problem of multi- concept (Adlim, 2017). Experts and panelists will provide assessment, correction, crosscheck of research instruments used by looking at the suitability between each item with the cognitive level at the HOTS level is C4, C5 and C6, and see how far the instrument is representative of the material and the level of student ability in accordance with prevailing standards. keywords: learning; model; problem; score; scoring; students; test cache: jisae-8020.pdf plain text: jisae-8020.txt item: #91 of 97 id: jisae-8027 author: nawati, sri title: EVALUATION OF BASIC SCHOOL PROGRAM IN PASER REGENCY EAST KALIMANTAN date: 2019-05-15 words: 2563 flesch: 41 summary: 35 Figure 1 Evaluation Workflow Overall of the evaluation of elementary school supervisory programs, there are some weaknesses in terms of programming and implementation so that the success of the program can not be measured. Program evaluation has a purpose to see how far the realization or implementation of program activities. keywords: evaluation; paser; program; results; school; supervision cache: jisae-8027.pdf plain text: jisae-8027.txt item: #92 of 97 id: jisae-8100 author: selly, alboin title: EVALUATION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM OF NON-PERMANENT EDUCATORS ASSIGNATION AT THE EDUCATIONAL UNITS IN ALOR REGENCY date: 2019-03-12 words: 5183 flesch: 40 summary: This is because based on interviews and documentation studies the program objectives are still limited to the fulfillment of educators against the needs of schools without considering the qualifications of educator education. Guidelines for program implementation In general, each program that will be implemented has implementation guidance as a reference in implementing the program so that the program created transparent and accountable activities management, so have a common understanding in implementing the program directed to the program implementation mechanisms to the program objectives to be achieved. keywords: appointment program; education; educators; evaluation; implementation; needs; non; placement; program; program implementation; school cache: jisae-8100.pdf plain text: jisae-8100.txt item: #93 of 97 id: jisae-8136 author: Ernawati, Raden Roro title: DIFFERENCES OF PROPORTION OF DISTRACTORS NUMBERS OF ECONOMIC QUESTION ITEM FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADE 11 IN BEKASI CITY date: 2019-05-20 words: 3158 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: distractors proportion number, multiple choices, distractors items, economic items, economic education and teaching of economics, design of experiments, data collection, sampling methods, eduacation INTRODUCTION Item difficulty is the proportion of examinees answer the question correctly, with lower values reflect more difficult questions. Based on the descriptions above then need do a research about differences of distractors numbers on economic items that know the differences of proportion of each items on multiple choices questions. keywords: data; distractors; items; proportion; research; result; score; students; test cache: jisae-8136.pdf plain text: jisae-8136.txt item: #94 of 97 id: jisae-8289 author: Hidayati, Wildani title: EVALUATION OF MEMORIES LEARNING PROGRAM AL-QUR'AN AS A LOCAL CURRICULUM AT MTs.N 7 MODUR JAKARTA TIMUR (Evaluative Research Using CSE-UCLA Models) date: 2019-09-04 words: 5064 flesch: 56 summary: Likewise with infrastructure other than students studying in class students can also study in small mosque, parks, libraries, etc. Students fluent in reading the Koran can be seen from the results of the Al- Qur'an hadith test as follows: the results of the grades of Al-Quran Hadits class 7.2 semester 2 the average value of students is 78.21 and the mode of data above is 75. keywords: east; jakarta; koran; learning; memorization; mts.n; program; qur'an; students cache: jisae-8289.pdf plain text: jisae-8289.txt item: #95 of 97 id: jisae-8602 author: Elfridauli, Elfridauli title: THE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATION CULTURE AND INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION ON THE WORK ATTITUDE OF PRIVATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN TANJUNG PRIOK DISTRICT, JAKARTA date: 2018-09-05 words: 4395 flesch: 42 summary: Double paradigm with two independent variables X1 and X2, and one dependent variable X3 (X1: Organizational Culture, X2: Interpersonal Communication, X3: Teacher Work Attitude) Based on Figure 1, teacher work attitude (X3) is dependent variable. Based on the results of data analysis in this study, it can be concluded: (1) organizational culture has a direct positive influence on teacher work attitude; (2) interpersonal communication also has a positive direct effect on teacher work attitude; (3) organizational culture has a positive direct effect on interpersonal communication. keywords: analysis; attitude; communication; culture; organization; school; teacher; work cache: jisae-8602.pdf plain text: jisae-8602.txt item: #96 of 97 id: jisae-9640 author: Indriasari, Bernadine Ajeng title: ANALYSIS OF STUDENT’S BOOK ON FOURTH GRADE BASED ON CURRICULUM 2013 THEMES "MY HEROES" SUBTEMA "THE STRUGGLE OF THE HEROES" date: 2017-11-07 words: 2714 flesch: 57 summary: In the learning activities delivered learning materials or often referred to as teaching materials. Minister of Education and Culture Anies Baswedan in an article on the official site of Sindo newspaper revealed that ...... mistakes are so severe, such as not synchronizing KD material with what is in the hands of students. keywords: book; curriculum; heroes; learning; material; pendidikan; resources; student cache: jisae-9640.pdf plain text: jisae-9640.txt item: #97 of 97 id: jisae-9693 author: Pratiwindya, Dini title: THE EFFECT OF HYDROPONIC GARDENING ACTIVITIES AND PARENT INVOLVEMENT ON CHILDREN’S NATURALISTIC INTELLIGENCE date: 2018-09-08 words: 5953 flesch: 48 summary: With hydroponic gardening children can learn to recognize risks, for example if the garden is not treated, the risk is that the plant will die, while the teacher also learns to give trust to the child. The aims of this study was to look at the effect of hydroponic gardening activities and parents involvement on the naturalistic intelligence of early childhood. keywords: activities; children; gardening; hydroponic; intelligence; involvement; nature; parents; results; test cache: jisae-9693.pdf plain text: jisae-9693.txt