item: #1 of 251 id: jams-2319 author: Rahman, Hayder A. Abdel; Al-Farsi, Halima A; Ahmed, Mushtaque; Goosen, Matheus F. A title: Evaluation of some water saving devices in urban areas: A case study from the Sultanate of Oman date: 2018-01-17 words: 6066 flesch: 60 summary: Water consumption in shopping centres and hospitals slightly decreased. There is a great potential to reduce water consumption by install- ing low-flush toilets in new construction and building rehabilitation or remodelling. keywords: aerators; average; consumption; devices; flush; installation; liters; saving; taps; toilet; use; water; wsds cache: jams-2319.pdf plain text: jams-2319.txt item: #2 of 251 id: jams-2320 author: P. W. Jayasuriya, Hemanatha; Das, Romy title: Agricultural resources management through a linear programming approach: A case study on productivity optimization of crop-livestock farming integration date: 2018-01-17 words: 5736 flesch: 60 summary: Farm resources and constraints used in LP model A farmer has to take decisions regarding cropping and livestock activities within the boundary of resources available to the farm household. Livestock in the study area were mainly reared on crop residue, crop- by products, tree leaf fodder from farm land as well as supply from common property resources and wasteland through grazing, cut grasses/weeds and leaf fodder. keywords: activities; area; categories; crop; family; farm; farmers; goats; holding; labor; land; livestock; resources; return cache: jams-2320.pdf plain text: jams-2320.txt item: #3 of 251 id: jams-2323 author: Manickavasagan, Annamalai; Al-Shekaili, Naeema H.; Al-Mezeini, Nawal K.; Rahman, M. Shafiur; Guizani, Negib title: Computer vision technique to classify dates based on hardness date: 2018-01-17 words: 4124 flesch: 60 summary: It was the highest for soft dates and the lowest for hard dates. Hard dates are chewy and tough with strong curvy and zigzag textured skin (Rahman and Al-Farsi, 2005). keywords: classification; computer; dates; features; hardness; image; journal; monochrome; regions; sharqiah; texture; vision cache: jams-2323.pdf plain text: jams-2323.txt item: #4 of 251 id: jams-2324 author: Manickavasagan, Annamalai; Alahakoon, P. M. K title: In-situ colour correction for digital images acquired under non-standard lighting conditions date: 2018-01-17 words: 3778 flesch: 56 summary: Computer vision techniques using colour images are becoming popular in food and agriculture sector. Since the diagnosis is primarily based on the colour of the tissue observed under artificial light sources, they have found that vari- ations in the light source provided different colours in the digital image acquired, which may obstruct reach- ing a clear and fast diagnosis. keywords: algorithm; cards; colour; conditions; image; lighting; regions; rgb; situations; values; variance; vision cache: jams-2324.pdf plain text: jams-2324.txt item: #5 of 251 id: jams-2325 author: Al-Jabri, Salem; Ahmed, Mushtaque title: Use of renewable energy for desalination in urban agriculture in the GCC countries: Possibilities and challenges date: 2018-01-17 words: 6230 flesch: 57 summary: The adoption of desalination technologies to produce irrigation water has many challenges. Figure 2 indicates that GCC countries are spending staggering amounts of energy to generate electricity for various reasons, but mainly for water desalination. keywords: agriculture; ahmed; brine; cost; countries; desalination; disposal; energy; et al; gcc; goosen; groundwater; irrigation; jabri; oman; technologies; water; world cache: jams-2325.pdf plain text: jams-2325.txt item: #6 of 251 id: jams-2326 author: P. W. Jayasuriya, Hemanatha; Al-Busaidi, Ahmed; Ahmed, Mushtaque title: Development of a decision support system for precision management of conjunctive use of treated wastewater for irrigation in Oman date: 2018-01-17 words: 2814 flesch: 56 summary: Effects of treated wastewater irrigation on element concentrations in soil and maize plants. The researchers, with the support of the relevant ministries, have been looking for alternative options to minimize the use of irrigation water by over pump- ing of GW (Zekri, 2008; Alahakoon et al., 2013; Mott MacDonald and MRMWR, 2013a; Mott MacDonald and MRMWR, 2013b) and more efficient irrigation techniques (Zekri, 2008; Alahakoon et al., 2013; تطوير نظام دعم القرار إلدارة دقيقة الستخدام مياه الصرف الصحي املعاجلة واملخلوطة بعمان مهاناثا جاياسوريا*1و امحد البوسعيدي1و مشتاق امحد1 Abstract. keywords: irrigation; macdonald; mott; oman; use; wastewater; water cache: jams-2326.pdf plain text: jams-2326.txt item: #7 of 251 id: jams-2327 author: Al-Rawahi, Salim Ali; Al-Toobi, Amna Mahmoud; Al-Balushi, Mohammed Issa title: Feasibility of growing Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) at Jabal Al-Akhdar, Sultanate of Oman date: 2018-01-17 words: 3117 flesch: 68 summary: Methodology Climatological summary of the area Since the objective of this project was to determine the feasibility of growing Stevia plants in the field in JA, the preceded greenhouse period of two months after ger- mination study could be considered as an integral part of the project since it laid down the basis of producing transplants for the three months field study that was appropriately timed to start in June 2012. Two types of Stevia plants were transferred to JA for the three months field study; those that originated directly from seeds and those from transplant cuttings. keywords: field; growth; leaves; oman; plants; seeds; stevia; terrace; water; مــن cache: jams-2327.pdf plain text: jams-2327.txt item: #8 of 251 id: jams-2328 author: Manickvasagan, Annamalai; Kumar, Chandini S; Al-Attabi, Zaher H title: Effect of sugar replacement with date paste and date syrup on texture and sensory quality of kesari (traditional Indian dessert) date: 2018-01-17 words: 5114 flesch: 67 summary: Keywords: Date paste; date syrup; texture; sweetness; colour; kesari. The hardness of the reformulated kesari with date syrup was significantly higher than that of date paste. keywords: colour; control; date; date syrup; food; kesari; paste; products; replacement; sensory; sugar; syrup cache: jams-2328.pdf plain text: jams-2328.txt item: #9 of 251 id: jams-2329 author: Buerkert, Andreas; Al-Rawahi, Mohamed Nasser; Melapie, Martina; Schlecht, Eva title: Carbon and nutrient balances in three mountain oases in Northern Oman date: 2018-01-17 words: 8527 flesch: 62 summary: Also, soil organic C was higher at Masayrat than at Ash Sharayjah and at Qasha’ (Ta- ble  1). Total application T(DM)ha-1 N P K C mg g-1 % Garlic Sharayjah goat 2008/09 2009/10 47 40 22.5 24.0 3.0 4.4 13.6 13.5 46.42 42.82 Garlic Masayrat goat 2008/09 2009/10 42 37 25.2 22.3 3.3 4.5 10.2 14.3 50.20 36.32 Pomegranate Sharayjah cattle 2009 66 25.3 3.8 31.4 37.25 Pomegranate Qasha’ cattle 2009 60 25.2 7.1 26.2 28.53 Date Palm Masayrat goat 2009 78 25.2 3.3 13.2 47.20 78 SQU Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, 2017, Volume 22, Issue 1 Carbon and nutrient balances in three mountain oases in Northern Oman ysis. keywords: ash; ash sharayjah; balances; date; fields; garlic; ha-1; masayrat; nutrient; oases; oman; pomegranate; qasha; sharayjah; soil; total cache: jams-2329.pdf plain text: jams-2329.txt item: #10 of 251 id: jams-2330 author: Al-Mulla, Yasseen; Al-Gheilani, H. M title: Increasing water productivity enhances water saving for date palm cultivation in Oman date: 2018-01-17 words: 3308 flesch: 65 summary: The total production of date palm trees in 2014 was 317 million kg of dates. The total production of date palm trees and the pro- duction per tree in the Sultanate from 1998 to 2014 are زايدة إنتاجية املياه keywords: date; irrigation; maf; oman; palm; production; sultanate; total; trees; water cache: jams-2330.pdf plain text: jams-2330.txt item: #11 of 251 id: jams-2338 author: Alam, Tanveer - title: Extraction of Natural Colors from Marine Algae date: 2019-01-10 words: 6618 flesch: 56 summary: Oct 2018 Extraction of natural pigments from marine algae *1Tanveer Alam,2Lubna Najam,3Ahmed Al Harrasi * Dr. Tanveer Alam ( ) 1*UoN Chair of Oman’s Medicinal Plants & Marine Natural Products, University of Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman . Thus, there is an increasing demand for natural pigments per- cieved as less toxic for use in food products, pharma- ceuticals and cosmetics. keywords: acetone; algal; astaxanthin; biotechnology; carotene; carotenoids; cell; chemical; chlorophyll; dunaliella; extraction; food; journal; marine; microalgae; phycocyanin; phycoerythrin; pigments; production; products; structure cache: jams-2338.pdf plain text: jams-2338.txt item: #12 of 251 id: jams-2342 author: Kotagama, Hemesiri Bandara; Al-Farsi, Hamam title: Impact of the Domestic Labor Market on Sustainability of Agriculture in Oman date: 2019-01-10 words: 4074 flesch: 51 summary: These factors include endogenous factors such as intra-household joint decision making between spouses, family size, educational status of individuals, farm income risk, the type of farming system in terms of size and enterprises, and exogenous factors such as labor market considerations, transaction cost of trans- fer from agricultural to non-agricultural employment, rates of urbanization, government subsidies to different sectors, government payments to non-agricultural labor (Donnellan and Hennessy 2012). Farmer’s main employment Main Employment Farmers % of total Agricultural 9595 15.9 Government sector 31821 52.9 Non-agricultural private sector 7387 12.3 Other 1360 2.3 Unknown 10005 16.6 Total 60168 100.0 Source: MAF (2013) 26 SQU Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, 2018, Volume 23, Issue 1 Impact of the domestic labor market on sustainability of agriculture in Oman (equation 1) would allocate time between agricultural labor, non-agricultural labor and leisure, constrained to available labor (T) and consumption possibilities that are dependent on income derived of agricultural pro- duction and non-agricultural income. keywords: employment; farm; household; income; intensity; labor; land; oman; omr; production; year cache: jams-2342.pdf plain text: jams-2342.txt item: #13 of 251 id: jams-2343 author: Al-Qartoubi, Ibrahim A.; Bose, Shekar; Al-Masroori, Hussein Samh; Govender, Anesh title: Circle hook versus J-hook: A case study of the Sultanate of Oman date: 2019-01-10 words: 9143 flesch: 62 summary: It is evident from the past research that the per- formance of circle hooks is better than that of J hooks (Prince et al. 2002; It was found that in terms of fishing success (fish hooked/ bite), hook location (minimized deep hooking and foul hooking) and physical damage (minimize hook-related bleeding) circle hooks performed better than of J hooks. keywords: bait; catch; circle hook; difference; efficiency; fisheries; fishing; hook; hook types; hooking; location; longline; number; oman; species; total; types; weight cache: jams-2343.pdf plain text: jams-2343.txt item: #14 of 251 id: jams-2393 author: Govender, Anesh; Al-Oufi, Hamed title: Gillnet selectivity of the Indian oil sardine Sardinella longiceps fished in the Sea of Oman date: 2020-02-10 words: 3843 flesch: 68 summary: Size selectivity of sole gill nets fished in the North Sea. (2005) added oceanographic currents as a possible factor affecting selectivity; since strong currents can distort the shape of the meshes and therefore select for fish sizes not captured under condi- tions of a mild current. keywords: fish; gillnet; indian; length; longiceps; mesh; nets; oil; oman; selectivity; size cache: jams-2393.pdf plain text: jams-2393.txt item: #15 of 251 id: jams-2397 author: Al-Busaidi, Ahmed; Ahmed, Mushtaque; Shaharoona, Baby title: Evaluating continuous application of treated sludge on soil and plant productivity date: 2018-01-17 words: 3880 flesch: 68 summary: Generally, the application of higher amounts of sewage sludge to soil has been found to increase the bioavailability of heavy metals, however, the low doses of sewage sludge are not found to cause significant increases in heavy metal concentrations (Kulling, 2001). For the study, 12 greenhouses were selected and samples for soil, water and plants were tak- en in both visits during January and June 2015. keywords: accumulation; application; compost; kala; metals; plant; sewage; sludge; soil; table; values; water cache: jams-2397.pdf plain text: jams-2397.txt item: #16 of 251 id: jams-2398 author: Kacimov, Anvar; Al-Maktoumi, Ali; Al-Ismaily, Said; Al-Busaidi, Hamed title: Moisture and temperature in a proppant-enveloped silt block of a recharge dam reservoir: Laboratory experiment and 1-D mathematical modelling date: 2018-01-17 words: 6594 flesch: 61 summary: Water retention curve of block soil. In this paper, we elaborate on the effect of the soil texture and structure on SWD and soil temperature. keywords: block; desiccation; et al; evaporation; fig; kacimov; maktoumi; moisture; sand; silt; soil; temperature; vmc; water cache: jams-2398.pdf plain text: jams-2398.txt item: #17 of 251 id: jams-2433 author: Hussein, Safaa N. title: Integrated management of the Fusarium vascular wilt disease of Cucurbita pepo in Iraq date: 2019-01-10 words: 4259 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: Fusarium oxysporum; Garlic extract; Ginger extract; PCR; Tecto; Topsen M. Cucurbita pepo املســتخلص: يعــد مــرض الذبــول الوعائــي الفيوزارمــي احــد اهــم االمــراض الضــارة الــي تصيــب طيــف واســع مــن النباتــات ومنهــا القــرع F. املســبب للمــرض يف حقــول القــرع. The effects of fungicides on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici associated with Fusarium wilt of tomato. keywords: control; disease; extracts; foq9; fungicides; fusarium; journal; khalis; khanaqin; oxysporum; pathogen; percentage; plant; treatment; wilt; zucchini cache: jams-2433.pdf plain text: jams-2433.txt item: #18 of 251 id: jams-2439 author: Alsaffar, Adel; Bin Hassan, Abdulrahman; Dashti, Talal; Taqi, Ali; Al-Mousawy, Ali; Al-Alawi, Adnan title: The importance of the intertidal area for the Mullet Liza klunzingeri date: 2019-01-10 words: 3422 flesch: 75 summary: Part of this study included a nursery ground survey for mullet juveniles along Kuwait’s coastal waters. Formerly, maid were identified as Liza carinata, but more recently, the species has been identified as Liza klunzingeri (Carpenter et al., 1997). keywords: catch; juveniles; kuwait; liza; mullet; sampling; species cache: jams-2439.pdf plain text: jams-2439.txt item: #19 of 251 id: jams-2444 author: Harrison, Paul; Piontkovski, Sergey; Al-Hashmi, Khalid title: Overview of Decadal Ecosystem Changes in the Western Arabian Sea and the Occurrence of Algal Blooms date: 2019-01-10 words: 9965 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: Sea of Oman; western Arabian Sea; monsoons; upwelling; nutrients; HABs املســتخلص: لقــد طــرأت تغــريات عقديــة )كل عشــر ســنوات( تدرجييــة علــى غــرب حبــر العــرب علــى مــدى اخلمســن ســنة املاضيــة. In the western Arabian Sea, satellite images of chlorophyll clearly show the higher spatial variability during the SWM (Piontkovski et al. 2013; also see their Table 1) due to upwelling, eddies and filaments com- pared to the NEM with much less pronounced spatial variability (Fig. 4). keywords: 2007; 2010; algal; arabian; arabian sea; azri; blooms; changes; chlorophyll; decadal; dust; et al; green; gulf; increase; journal; marine; monsoon; noctiluca; ocean; oman; phytoplankton; piontkovski; red; research; sea; surface; waters; western cache: jams-2444.pdf plain text: jams-2444.txt item: #20 of 251 id: jams-2481 author: Dobretsov, Sergey title: 2nd GCC Marine Biotechnology conference: emerging opportunities and future perspectives date: 2019-01-10 words: 2508 flesch: 45 summary: Marine biotechnology industry, a first inves- tigation. Marine biotechnology or “blue biotech- nology” exploits the enormous genetic, biochemical and taxon biodiversity found in oceans and seas for the benefit of mankind (Allen and Jaspars 2009). keywords: aquaculture; biotechnology; conference; industry; marine; oman; research; university cache: jams-2481.pdf plain text: jams-2481.txt item: #21 of 251 id: jams-2482 author: Al-Naamani, Laila Salim title: Antifouling properties of chitosan coatings on plastic substrates date: 2019-01-10 words: 4617 flesch: 62 summary: In the first experiment, chitosan coating on plastic substrate showed 88% reduction in settlement of bryozoan Bugula neritina larvae compared to the control after 3 hours incubation at dark conditions with no larval mortality. Effect of chitosan coating on Bugula neritina larval mortality and settlement after 1, 2, and 3 hours of incubation at dark conditions. keywords: activity; antifouling; bugula; chitosan; coatings; control; et al; films; journal; larval; marine; neritina; panels; plastic; properties; settlement; solution cache: jams-2482.pdf plain text: jams-2482.txt item: #22 of 251 id: jams-2483 author: Goddard, Stephen; Al-Abri, Fatma Saif title: Integrated aquaculture in arid environments date: 2019-01-10 words: 4551 flesch: 59 summary: Aquaponics Whilst aquaponics may have ancient antecedents it was likely first developed in its modern form in the mid- 1970’s by scientists researching methods for treating re- cycled water in fish culture systems (Love et al., 2015). Biofloc fish production systems operate with minimum or zero water exchange. keywords: 2015; aquaculture; aquaponics; biofloc; fao; filter; fish; food; media; microbial; plant; production; solids; systems; use; water cache: jams-2483.pdf plain text: jams-2483.txt item: #23 of 251 id: jams-2490 author: Gadhi, Alaa Aref; El-Sherbiny, Mohsen M.; Al-Sofynai, Abdul Mohsin; Ba-Akdah, Mohammad Abdulaziz; Satheesh, Sathianeson title: Antimicrofouling activities of marine macroalga Dictyota dichotoma from the Red Sea date: 2019-01-10 words: 6790 flesch: 58 summary: In microtitre plate assay, surface extract showed higher biofilm inhibitory activity than total extract. However, the bacterial growth inhibiting activity of total extract and surface extract did not differ significantly (Post hoc Tukey test: total extract vs surface extract, p=0.3). keywords: 2016; acid; activities; antifouling; biofilm; chemical; compounds; culture; dichotoma; ester; et al; extract; growth; hydrophobicity; journal; macroalgal; marine; organisms; plate; red; satheesh; surface; surface extract cache: jams-2490.pdf plain text: jams-2490.txt item: #24 of 251 id: jams-2494 author: Al Khaziri, Buthaina; Al Sulimani, Adil; Al Mandhari, Najla; Yoon, Gilha; Al-Busaidi, Azhar title: Bacterial Infection in Farmed Barramundi Juveniles, Lates calcarifer date: 2019-01-10 words: 2595 flesch: 55 summary: The Gram-negative Aeromonas sobria has also been identified as a primary pathogenic causative agent of many fish species (Jura- jMajtán et al. 2012). These bacteria have been re- ported to cause loss of scales, severe muscle necrosis, and ascites or to cause fish mortalities in some cases. keywords: bacteria; barramundi; fish; garvieae; henna; sobria; test cache: jams-2494.pdf plain text: jams-2494.txt item: #25 of 251 id: jams-2496 author: AL- Kiyyam, Mu,ad A.; Shibli, Rida A; Tahtamouni, Reham W.; AlQudah, Tamara S; Abu-Iramaileh, Bashaer B. title: Improving solanine production in in vitro cultures of Solanum nigrum L. using different chemical and physical factors date: 2020-02-10 words: 8862 flesch: 54 summary: Plant cell culture. Plant cell cultures as producers of secondary metabolites. keywords: bap; callus; cell; content; culture; effect; growth; journal; level; light; media; mg·l-1; microshoots; nigrum; plant; production; solanine; solanum; suspension; table; vitro cache: jams-2496.pdf plain text: jams-2496.txt item: #26 of 251 id: jams-2580 author: Al-Mawaali, Qais; Al-Sadi, Abdullah M; Al-Said, Fahad A; Rahman, Mohammed Shafiur; Al-Zakwani, Intisar; Ali, Amanat; Al-Yahyai, M.; Deadman, Michael L. title: Effect of grafting on resistance to vine decline disease, yield and fruit quality in muskmelon cv. Sawadi date: 2019-01-10 words: 7103 flesch: 66 summary: The potas- sium content of grafted Sawadi fruits increased when Rsscih7458 and Mubyeongjangsoo rootstocks were used and showed significant differences with non-graft- ed controls in both season that is good for human due to increase the nutritional value of muskmelon fruit. In fall 2012, flowering in Ezra rootstock plants was significantly delayed relative to other treatments; in spring 2013 all treatments with the exception of Mubyeongjangsoo were delayed rela- tive to the non-grafted control. keywords: color; control; decline; disease; fall; fruit; grafting; hybrid; muskmelon; plants; quality; rootstocks; sawadi; spring; strong; tosa; vine; yield cache: jams-2580.pdf plain text: jams-2580.txt item: #27 of 251 id: jams-2745 author: Al-Mezeini, Nawal Khamis; Al-Ismaili, Abdulrahim M.; Tabook, Said M. title: Evaluation of Greenhouse Cucumber Production Sustainability in Terms of Energy Use Efficiency date: 2020-02-10 words: 3393 flesch: 60 summary: Form of energy Energy value (GJ ha-1) % of total energy input D a 1038.785 88.66 IDb 73.005 6.23 R c 19.595 3.32 NRd 1092.20 93.219 Total energy input 1171.637 100.00 a -involves human labour, water, electricity. Results indicated that total energy inputs (e.g. electricity, water, fertilizers and chemicals) and total energy output (cucumber yield) were 1171.637 GJ ha-1 and 89.943 GJ ha-1, respectively. keywords: cucumber; energy; greenhouse; ha-1; inputs; mohammadi; omid; production cache: jams-2745.pdf plain text: jams-2745.txt item: #28 of 251 id: jams-2806 author: Ayeloja, Ayodeji Ahmed; George, F. O.A.; Jimoh, W. A.; Abdulsalami, S. A. title: Effect of processing methods on consumer's acceptability and proximate composition of yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) date: 2020-02-10 words: 2800 flesch: 60 summary: However, solar dried fish product had the highest crude protein (71.45+0.02%) which was significantly differ- ent (p<0.05) from the protein content of the other fish products, which suggests that proteins in solar dried fish product were retained and less denatured by pro- cessing method employed than in other processed fish products. The results of this study indicated that the odour and flavour of smoked fish product were significantly (p < 0.01) preferred by consumers. keywords: croaker; drying; effect; fish; food; methods; processing; product; proximate cache: jams-2806.pdf plain text: jams-2806.txt item: #29 of 251 id: jams-2809 author: Al-Rahbi, Sawsana Hilal; Al-Mulla, Yaseen Ahmed; Jayasuriya, Hemanatha title: Evaluation of Salinity Intrusion in Arable Lands of Al-Batinah Coastal Belt Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Color Imagery date: 2020-02-10 words: 3962 flesch: 64 summary: Further- more, water salinity is an important factor in soil salinity (Al-Belushi 2003; Hussain 2005). Approximately 52% of Al-Batinah lands are affected by soil salinity (Al-Mulla et al. 2010). keywords: area; batinah; distance; gli; image; oman; salinity; seashore; site; soil; water cache: jams-2809.pdf plain text: jams-2809.txt item: #30 of 251 id: jams-2824 author: Hilles, Ayah Rebhi; Mahmood, Syed; Kaderi, Mohd Arifin; Hashim, Ridzwan title: Activation of apoptotic cell death by skin mucus from Asian swamp eel (Monopterus albus) against human lung cancer cell line date: 2020-02-10 words: 3113 flesch: 61 summary: The objective of this study is to screen the cytotoxic activity of eel skin mucus extracts and to evaluate the mechanism of cell death apoptosis or necrosis based on caspases activity assays. Subsequently cell death was induced through triggering apoptosis by the activation of caspase-3/7, 8 and 9. keywords: a549; apoptosis; aqueous; cells; control; death; eel; esm; extracts; methanol; taxol; treatment cache: jams-2824.pdf plain text: jams-2824.txt item: #31 of 251 id: jams-2894 author: Al Rashdi, Balqees; Gallardo, Wenresti Glino; Yoon, Gilha; Al Masroori, Hussein title: Optimal density of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) in combination with the Omani abalone (Haliotis mariae), brown mussel (Perna sp.) and seaweed (Ulva fasciata) in a land-based recirculating integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) system date: 2020-09-20 words: 4399 flesch: 59 summary: At high fish density, water quality was not as good (i.e. high ammonia and nitrite) as in low fish density, therefore, growth of abalone was better in the treatment with low fish density. Although there was significant difference in abalone weight between Treatment 1 (low fish den- sity) and Treatment 3 (high fish density), there was no significant difference in terms of shell length indicating that body weight and shell length are not proportional or correlated and that weight is a better indicator of ab- alone growth. keywords: abalone; aquaculture; density; fish; fish density; growth; medium; perna; seabass; system; tank; week cache: jams-2894.pdf plain text: jams-2894.txt item: #32 of 251 id: jams-3081 author: Bose, Shekar; Al Balushi, Abdullah Hilal; Al-Haddabi, Ahmed; Al-Bulushi, Ruqaiya title: Is Co-management Feasible in Achieving Fisheries Sustainability? A Case of Oman’s Lobster Fishery date: 2020-02-10 words: 11598 flesch: 51 summary: It is noted that routinely ascribed characteristics such as undemocrat- ic, unfair, and ineffective to the top-down-management approach to fisheries management (i.e. command-and control approach) form the basis for joint action or co-management (Fiorino, 1990; Berkes, 2009). Item (Measuring scale used: 1=Strongly agree and 5=strongly disagree) Al-Sharqiyah South (N= 68) Al-Wusta (N= 106) Dhofar (N=362) K-S Test (df =2) Mean HFS Mean HFS Mean HFS Which of the following general tools of fisheries management do you feel are most effective in reducing fishing pressure? keywords: approach; bose; case; community; et al; fisheries; fisheries management; fishers; fishing; lobster; management; marine; oman; policy; respondents; sharqiyah; south; table; wusta cache: jams-3081.pdf plain text: jams-3081.txt item: #33 of 251 id: jams-3162 author: Aas, Turid Synnøve; Ytrestøyl, Trine; Åsgård, Torbjørn; Skøien, Kristoffer Rist; Alver, Morten Omholt; Alfredsen, Jo Arve title: Feed intake in Atlantic salmon fed with or without surface spreading of feed date: 2020-04-10 words: 5280 flesch: 70 summary: A fish may only respond to a feed particle when it is within a certain distance from the fish, and to assure high feed intake, feed pellets must be available to each individual fish. Since feed pellets are prone to breaking upon spreading (Aas et al., 2011a) the feed should not be spread needlessly. keywords: atlantic; fed; feed; feeding; fish; growth; intake; salmon; spreading; surface; tank; water; weight cache: jams-3162.pdf plain text: jams-3162.txt item: #34 of 251 id: jams-3274 author: Abuhlega, Thuraya A.; Maamar, huria M title: Fish Consumption and Knowledge of Chemical Pollutants Among a Sample of New Mothers in Tripoli, Libya date: 2020-04-10 words: 6280 flesch: 63 summary: However, a high percentage of new mothers (74 and 76%) realized that eating fish is important for health in general and for pregnant women. Eating fish: what pregnant women and parents should know. keywords: chemical; consumption; contaminants; eating; fish; health; knowledge; level; libya; mercury; mothers; pollutants; pregnancy; study; women cache: jams-3274.pdf plain text: jams-3274.txt item: #35 of 251 id: jams-3286 author: Ayeloja, Ayodeji Ahmed; Jimoh, W. A.; Uthman, T. O.; Shittu, M. O. title: EFFECT OF STORAGE TIME ON THE QUALITY OF SMOKED HETEROCLARIAS date: 2020-09-20 words: 6987 flesch: 67 summary: An increase in amino acid content was observed across storage time (i.e. as storage time in- creases) in leucine (from 7.28 ± 0.10 to 7.36 ± 0.08 to 7.59 ± 0.29 This study established that heteroclarias contained amino acid as required by human. keywords: acid; amino; amino acid; content; day; fish; g/100; heteroclarias; journal; protein; quality; sample; storage; storage time; time; value cache: jams-3286.pdf plain text: jams-3286.txt item: #36 of 251 id: jams-3328 author: Jimoh, Wasiu Adeyemi title: Consumers’ Preference and Behaviour Pattern Towards Fresh and Smoked Catfish in Ilorin Metropolis, Nigeria date: 2020-04-10 words: 5963 flesch: 64 summary: Socio–cultural factors have been re- ported to have impact on fish consumption preference (Myrland et al., 2000). Consumption pattern and consumer preference for value-added fish and fish products in north zone of India. keywords: catfish; consumers; consumption; factors; fish; food; preference; profile; respondents; size; socio; study; total cache: jams-3328.pdf plain text: jams-3328.txt item: #37 of 251 id: jams-3329 author: Al-Mazroui, Mohammed Said; Al-Yahyai, Rashid; Al-Ismaily, Said; Kacimov, Anvar; Al-Busaidi, Hamed title: Use of Soil-Structured Capillary Barrier can Mitigate the Impact of Saline-Irrigation Water on Marigold Grown Under Field Condition date: 2020-04-10 words: 8238 flesch: 61 summary: Structured soil improved all vegetative and reproductive plant parameters measured and helped in reducing the effects of salinity stress on the growth and production of the marigold under arid-climate field conditions. The results also showed the capability of structured soil in water saving and improving water use efficiency. keywords: chlorophyll; control; ds m-1; eci=; et al; growth; irrigation; level; m-1 salinity; marigold; plants; salinity; shoot; soil; structured; water; weight; wue cache: jams-3329.pdf plain text: jams-3329.txt item: #38 of 251 id: jams-3348 author: Busari, Issa Zubair; Oladipo, Felix Olayinka; Daudu, Abdulrasaq Kamal; Selesi, Olawale Samson title: Farmers' Perception on the influence of Inter-communal Conflicts on Agricultural Production in Shaare/Tsaragi Communities, Kwara State, Nigeria date: 2020-09-20 words: 4330 flesch: 57 summary: Tafawa Balewa Crisis: A Case Study In: Community conflicts in Nigeria: Management, resolution and transforma- tion Otite O, Albert IO. eds. Ef- fects of communal conflicts on agricultural extension services delivery in Imo state, Nigeria. keywords: area; communities; conflicts; farmers; inter; kwara; land; nigeria; production; respondents; share; state; study; tsaragi cache: jams-3348.pdf plain text: jams-3348.txt item: #39 of 251 id: jams-3414 author: Hossain, md title: Growth Model and Forecasting Prices of Some Agricultural Products in Bangladesh date: 2021-04-28 words: 4336 flesch: 61 summary: Criteria for best fitted model prices of the Agricultural products (Onion, Garlic and Potato) with comparison accuracy measurements among trend models. The trend component of the data was removed in order to make it suitable for price forecasting. keywords: bangladesh; exponential; forecasting; growth; model; potato; prices; production; products; series; time; trend cache: jams-3414.pdf plain text: jams-3414.txt item: #40 of 251 id: jams-3435 author: Al-Mamun, Abdullah title: Biological efficiency and control of a membrane bioreactor and conventional activated sludge process for treating municipal wastewater date: 2020-12-28 words: 6920 flesch: 56 summary: Results and Discussion The performance analysis of CAS and MBR systems was achieved by investigating different biochemical param- eters in influents and effluents of the two systems. Therefore, in order to gain an understanding of the removal efficiencies of organics, inorganics and biological pollutants from a full-scale treatment plant, a case study of municipal wastewater treatment compar- ing the MBR and CAS technologies was carried out. keywords: baawain; bioreactor; cas; concentration; efficiency; et al; journal; l-1; mamun; mbr; membrane; nitrogen; process; removal; sewage; system; treatment; wastewater cache: jams-3435.pdf plain text: jams-3435.txt item: #41 of 251 id: jams-3474 author: Hassanzadeh, Smaeyl; Hosseinibalam, Fahimeh title: Mean Sea Level Variability of the Oman Sea and its response to monsoon and the North Atlantic Oscillation index from Tide Gauge measurements date: 2020-12-28 words: 5966 flesch: 59 summary: Sea level in Black Sea was significantly correlated with winter NAO only in spring (Tsimplis et al., 2004), but sea level in the Persian Gulf was not correlated with the winter NAO index (Hassanzadeh et al., 1995). Analysis between sea level and atmospheric pressure reveals a signif- icant coherence, which meant that along the Northern Coast of Oman Sea, mean sea level responded to atmospheric pressure as an inverse barometer. keywords: arima; chabahar; coast; data; figure; jask; mean; models; north; oman sea; pressure; response; sea level; tide; variability; wind cache: jams-3474.pdf plain text: jams-3474.txt item: #42 of 251 id: jams-3520 author: Bose, Shekar; Al-Masroori, Hussein Samh; Salim Al-Hasani, Salim Darwish title: Dynamics of Physical Capital in Artisanal Fisheries and Policy Implications date: 2020-09-20 words: 8142 flesch: 57 summary: Furthermore, the variability (as indicated by CV estimates) of average boat price was lower than engine power and engine price which to some extent consistent with the homogeneity in boat size as mentioned earlier. It is envisaged that the replication of this study would be useful for generating insights into the pattern of fishery investment and subsequently the design of effective management policies in relation to the future investment in the fishery. keywords: age; boat; bose; capital; cost; economic; engine; fisheries; fishers; fishing; investment; marine; model; oman; price; sector; stock; study; value cache: jams-3520.pdf plain text: jams-3520.txt item: #43 of 251 id: jams-3524 author: Shah, Riaz; Alabri, Suad J.A.; Ashehi, Ameera S.M Ashehi; Asiyabi, Nasser S.S. Asiyabi; AlMamari, Wafa K.A. AlMamari; AlSabahi, Jamal N. AlSabahi; Al-Ruqaishi, Huda title: Antibacterial Activity and Chemical Composition of Crude Extract and Oil of Zygophyllum (Fagonia) luntii (Baker) 1894 (Family Zygophyllaceae) date: 2020-09-20 words: 4927 flesch: 60 summary: Chromatogram of compounds in leaves (A), stem (B) and roots (C), and fatty acids methyl esters (FAME) in oil (D) extracted from Zygophyllum luntii leaves detected by GC/MS. Leaves extract showed more activity against E. coli. keywords: acid; activity; aeruginosa; aureus; coli; extracts; journal; leaves; luntii; oil; zygophyllum cache: jams-3524.pdf plain text: jams-3524.txt item: #44 of 251 id: jams-3535 author: Velazhahan, Rethinasamy; Al-Mamari, Shima Nasser Hamed; Al-Sadi, Abdullah Mohammed; Al-Mahmooli, Issa Hashil; Babu, S. P. Sathish title: In vitro antagonistic potential, plant growth-promoting activity and indole-3-acetic acid producing trait of bacterial isolates from spent mushroom substrate of Agaricus bisporus date: 2020-09-20 words: 5609 flesch: 58 summary: Identification of bacterial isolates from spent mushroom substrate of Agaricus bisporus by 16S rDNA sequence analysis Bacterial isolate GenBank accession number Hit in the NCBI database % identity Sh1 MT002750 Staphylococcus epidermidis (KX348319.1) 99.87 Sh2 MT002751 Staphylococcus aureus (CP045468.1) 100 Sh3 MT002756 Staphylococcus epidermidis (LC499612.1) 100 Sh4 MT002776 Bacillus albus (MN793202.1) 100 Sh6 MT002777 Delftia lacustris (MF457528.1) 100 Sh7 MT002779 Comamonas aquatica (MN216294.1) 100 26 sQU JoURnal of agRicUltURal and MaRine sciences, 2020, VolUMe 25, issUe 2 In vitro Antagonistic Potential, Plant Growth-promoting Activity and Indole-3-acetic Inhibition of mycelial growth of Pythium aphanider- matum by bacterial isolates from spent mushroom substrate of Agaricus bisporus Bacterial Isolate Inhibition zone (mm) Staphylococcus epidermidis Sh1 3.0 ± 0.8abc Staphylococcus aureus Sh2 4.0 ± 0.8ab Staphylococcus epidermidis Sh3 4.2 ± 0.5a Bacillus albus Sh4 2.0 ± 0.8c Delftia lacustris Sh6 3.0 ± 0.0abc Comamonas aquatica Sh7 2.5 ± 0.6c Data are mean of four replications ± standard deviation. keywords: agaricus; aphanidermatum; aquatica; bacillus; bacterial; bisporus; compost; cucumber; epidermidis; et al; growth; iaa; isolates; journal; mushroom; plant; production; sh7; sms; staphylococcus; substrate; ــة cache: jams-3535.pdf plain text: jams-3535.txt item: #45 of 251 id: jams-3541 author: Rahman, Shafiur title: Editorial date: 2020-04-10 words: 530 flesch: 46 summary: I would like to welcome the new Editor, Dr. Mohammad Farooq and all Associate Editors, Dr. Hay- tham Ali, Dr. Ali Al-Maktoomi, Dr. Velazhahan Rethinasamy, Dr. Daniel Blackburn, Dr. Zaher Al-Attabi and Dr. Lokman Zaibet. Acknowledgement s(1) EDITORIAL I am very pleased to serve as the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences (JAMS). keywords: jams; sciences cache: jams-3541.pdf plain text: jams-3541.txt item: #46 of 251 id: jams-3542 author: Guizani, Nejib title: Book Review date: 2020-04-10 words: 639 flesch: 54 summary: This chapter also discusses the role of spices on the sensory attributes of traditional foods as well as the sensory aspects of selected traditional foods. Book Review This 302 pages book covers a plethora of traditional foods from the MENA region (North Africa and GCC countries), the Mediterranean region as well as from India and China. keywords: chapter; foods cache: jams-3542.pdf plain text: jams-3542.txt item: #47 of 251 id: jams-3544 author: Khan, M. Mumtaz; Akram, Muhammad Tahir; Qadri, Rashad Waseem Khan; Al-Yahyai, Rashid title: Role of grapevine rootstocks in mitigating environmental stresses: A review date: 2020-09-20 words: 8572 flesch: 64 summary: Grape rootstocks have exhibited their role in mitigating the problems raised due to a variety of environmental stresses. Moreover, grapes rootstocks have exhibited the ability to withstand biotic stress like phylloxera and abiotic stresses includ- ing drought, salinity and flooding (Satisha et al., 2007). keywords: chlorosis; conditions; disease; drought; et al; grapes; grapevine; high; iron; journal; low; medium; nematodes; phylloxera; plant; resistance; rootstocks; salinity; scion; soil; species; stress; stresses; tolerance; viticulture; vitis; water cache: jams-3544.pdf plain text: jams-3544.txt item: #48 of 251 id: jams-3563 author: Waly, Mostafa Ibrahim title: Protective effect of Oxalis corniculate and Pteropyrum scoparium Leaves Extracts against Azoxymethane-induced oxidative stress and colon carcinogenesis date: 2020-12-28 words: 4372 flesch: 53 summary: The other four groups received an intra-gastric intubation of Pteropyrum scoparium or Oxalis corniculate leaves extracts (0.1 mg extract/1 mL water/ day) in the absence or presence of AOM injection. Oxalis corniculate and Pteropyrum scoparium are two edible wild Omani plants with known preventive effects on various human diseases, yet their therapeutic role in colon cancer has not been studied yet. keywords: aom; cancer; colon; control; corniculate; extracts; group; leaves; oxalis; pteropyrum; pteropyrum scoparium; rats; scoparium; stress cache: jams-3563.pdf plain text: jams-3563.txt item: #49 of 251 id: jams-3577 author: Pathare, Pankaj B.; Al Dairi, Mai; Al-Mahdouri, Adil title: Effect of Storage Conditions on Postharvest Quality of Tomatoes: A Case Study at Market-Level date: 2020-12-28 words: 5997 flesch: 65 summary: At mar- ket level, the incidence of fresh produce quality losses and deterioration can occur due to poor management (Sharma and Singh, 2011) and performance of traders, processors, producers, retailers and other labors in the marketing system. For example, 55% of the ven- dors suggested that nature of the product was the most important barrier causing fresh produce losses as they are highly perishable (Nath et al., 2018), sensitive (Parfitt et al., 2010) and required careful storage, transportation and handling facilities (Kader, 2013) before they reach to the market. keywords: color; days; et al; food; journal; losses; market; postharvest; produce; quality; storage; study; technology; temperature; tomato; tomatoes; value; weight cache: jams-3577.pdf plain text: jams-3577.txt item: #50 of 251 id: jams-3597 author: Al-Saadia, Aaisha K.; Al-Ismaili, Abdulrahim M; Al-Ruzeikib, Mohammed; Al-Bulushib, Ismail M title: Microbiological Assessment of Locally Dried Fish in Oman: Technical Note date: 2020-12-28 words: 2888 flesch: 64 summary: The traditional drying process of fish causes the loss of 30-40% of dried fish due to eating by dogs, birds, cats, and rats, especially during winter when drying takes about a week (Sablani et al., 2002). Indeed, this factor causes a reduction on the revenue of dried fish, which also suffers from the contamination by sand particles. keywords: agar; cfu; coli; contamination; drying; fish; oman; quality; samples cache: jams-3597.pdf plain text: jams-3597.txt item: #51 of 251 id: jams-3694 author: Mohiuddin, A.K.M.; Abdullah, Zaliha Christine; Chowdhury, M.K.U; Harikrishna, K.; Napis, Suhaimi title: Relationship between Induction of Novel Somaclonal Variants and Types of Organogenesis in Muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) date: 2021-12-05 words: 5920 flesch: 56 summary: Variations on average height of novel somaclonal variants obtained through direct and indirect organogenesis BAP (mg/l) Average height of somaclonal variants (in cm) Direct organogenesis Variations on Average Height of Normal Somaclones obtained through Direct and Indirect Organogenesis BAP (mg/l) Average height of morphological normal somaclones (in cm) Direct organogenesis Indirect organogenesis Proximal cotyledon Distal cotyledon Petiole Proximal cotyledon Distal cotyledon Petiole 0.07 8.6±0.1 7.2±0.3 8.7±0.2 5.8±0.2 4.8±0.1 4.6±0.1 0.1 9.2±0.1 6.6±0.3 8.8±0.2 6.4±0.3 4.9±0.1 4.8±0.1 0.3 8.9±0.2 7.9±0.2 7.8±0.2 6.8±0.2 5.1±0.1 4.9±0.1 0.5 8.7±0.1 7.8±0.2 9.1±0.1 6.2±0.2 5.6±0.1 4.7±0.1 0.7 6.6±0.3 7.6±0.2 7.2±0.4 6.4±0.2 5.3±0.1 4.7±0.1 Note: Average results are means of five replications±Standard Error. keywords: bap; cotyledon; culture; distal; explants; indirect; muskmelon; novel; organogenesis; petiole; proximal; somaclones; table; variants; variation cache: jams-3694.pdf plain text: jams-3694.txt item: #52 of 251 id: jams-3698 author: Asi, Muhammad Nadeem; Al-Marzooqi, Waleed; ElTahir, Yasmin; Ghalya, Al; Toobi, Al; Al Raisi, Sara; Ali, Haytham; H. Johnson, Eugene title: Subclinical Mastitis in Camels in Oman: A Pilot Study date: 2020-12-28 words: 4532 flesch: 57 summary: This study was carried out to conduct a microbiological analysis of camel milk samples with subclinical mastitis in the region of Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. This is the initial report of iso- lation of E. cloacae and E. coli from camel milk samples positive for subclinical mastitis in Oman. keywords: camels; cloacae; cmt; coli; isolates; mastitis; milk; oman; samples; spp; study; test; veterinary; مــن cache: jams-3698.pdf plain text: jams-3698.txt item: #53 of 251 id: jams-3704 author: Al-Yahyai, Rashid A; Al-Kharusi, Latifa M.; Khan, Mumtaz M.; Al-Adawi, Ali O.; Al-Subhi, Ali M.; AL-Kalbani, Basim S.; Al-Sadi, Abdullah M. title: Biotic and Abiotic Stresses of Major Fruit Crops in Oman: A Review date: 2021-12-05 words: 17421 flesch: 64 summary: Al Kharusi L, Al Yahyai R, Yaish MW. (2019a). These cultivars possess var- ious mechanisms that allow their roots, leaves and trunk tissues to cope with high salt availability where they are grown (Satisha et al., 2020; Patankar et al., 2019; Haz- zouri et al., 2020; Al Kharusi et al., 2019; Youssef and Awad 2008; Kurup et al., 2009; Al Mansoori et al., 2006). keywords: agriculture; al adawi; al kharusi; area; article al; banana; biotic; change; citrus; climate; conditions; crops; cultivars; dactylifera; date; date palm; disease; drought; et al; fruit; growth; international; irrigation; journal; khan; lime; mango; oman; palm; phoenix; plant; production; quality; research; response; review; salinity; salt; soil; stress; stresses; sultanate; temperature; tolerance; trees; water; yahyai; yahyai et; yaish; yield cache: jams-3704.pdf plain text: jams-3704.txt item: #54 of 251 id: jams-3724 author: Messaid, Habiba; Ait-Ameur, Lamia; Benamara, Salem title: Rehydration ability of native dried date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruits soaked in orange juice date: 2021-12-05 words: 3009 flesch: 66 summary: It is worth pointing out that the pos- sibility of obtaining dried date fruits infused in syr- up was initially reported by Amellal et al. Keywords: Dried date fruit, orange juice, rehydration, soaking, syrup امللخص:تعتــر التمــور اجلزائريــة ) keywords: date; dfs; food; fruits; juice; orange; phoenix; rehydration; soaking cache: jams-3724.pdf plain text: jams-3724.txt item: #55 of 251 id: jams-3739 author: Al-Kharusi, A.H.; Elshafie, E. I.; Ali, K.E. M.; AL-Sinadi, R.; N., Baniuraba; AL-Saifi, F. title: Seroprevalence of Trypanosoma evansi infections among dromedary camels (Camelus dromedaries) in North Al-Sharqiya governorate, Sultanate of Oman date: 2021-04-28 words: 3658 flesch: 60 summary: Binary logistic regression was used to study the association of T. evansi seroprevalence and risk factors such as location, gender, purpose and age of camels. However, our results of T. evansi seroprevalence was relatively lower than that reported in Sudan and Egypt as estimated to be 52.2% and 43.5% respectively (Babeker and Hassab Elrasoul, 2014; Abdel-Rady 2008). keywords: camels; catt; evansi; oman; seroprevalence; significant; study; t. evansi; test; trypanosoma cache: jams-3739.pdf plain text: jams-3739.txt item: #56 of 251 id: jams-3783 author: Rajakaruna, Shanaka; Wijeratne, Alawathuge title: Risks in the Sri Lankan Banana Supply Chain: Analysis through an Interpretive Structural Modeling date: 2021-12-05 words: 8844 flesch: 61 summary: Interpretive struc- tural modelling of supply chain risks. A holis- tic approach to agricultural supply chain risks is not deemed practical due to the diverse nature of each crop and the other aspects such as region and country that may affect the supply chain (Dolgui, et al., 2020). keywords: agriculture; analysis; banana; banana supply; chain; farmers; ism; journal; lanka; management; research; risk; sri; sri lanka; supply; supply chain cache: jams-3783.pdf plain text: jams-3783.txt item: #57 of 251 id: jams-3859 author: Singh, Vandita; Rahman, Mohammad Shafiur; Guizani, Nejib; Shah, Hakikulla title: Correlation between Sensory and Instrumental Textural Attributes of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruits: Technical Note date: 2020-12-28 words: 3132 flesch: 58 summary: Results and Discussion The instrumental forces for texture analysis were cor- related with sensory attributes. Instrumental chewiness was significantly correlated with sensory chewiness (P<0.05) and with all others sensory attributes except gumminess. keywords: analysis; attributes; correlation; date; et al; food; hardness; ns ns; singh; textural; texture cache: jams-3859.pdf plain text: jams-3859.txt item: #58 of 251 id: jams-3865 author: Al-Qalhati, Iman R. S.; Waly, Mostafa Ibrahim; Al-Subhi, Lyutha; Al-Attabi, Zahir title: Anti-diabetic Potential Properties of Two Edible Omani Wild Plants (Pteropyrum scoparium and Oxalis corniculata) date: 2021-04-28 words: 5593 flesch: 54 summary: Meanwhile, a significant impairment of TAC level of diabetic groups treated with Pteropy- rum scoparium, Oxalis corniculata or their mixture was observed as compared to control non-diabetic group. Meanwhile, the concomitant treatment of diabetic groups with the two wild edible Omani plants or their mixture has shown a protective effect against the STZ-induced hyperglycemia, but with no effect on oxidative stress. keywords: antioxidant; blood; cells; corniculata; diabetes; diabetic; effect; glucose; groups; journal; mixture; oxalis; plants; pteropyrum; pteropyrum scoparium; rats; scoparium; stress; stz cache: jams-3865.pdf plain text: jams-3865.txt item: #59 of 251 id: jams-3929 author: Merhej, Ola; Ali, Mahmoud ; Thabeet , Ali title: Using CA-Markov Model to Predict Land Use/Land Cover Changes in Bayer and al-Bassit region, Latakia, Syria date: 2022-08-01 words: 5813 flesch: 66 summary: Recently, land use change models have become important tools to support the analysis of land use dynam- ics. These use maps used for land were then exported by ArcMap v. 10.3 software into AS- CII files in order to predict land use change in IDRISI al., 2008). keywords: area; bassit; bayer; change; cover; km2; land; land use; lulc; map; markov; model; period; region; study; urban; use cache: jams-3929.pdf plain text: jams-3929.txt item: #60 of 251 id: jams-3987 author: P. W. Jayasuriya , Hemantha title: Effect of COVID-19 pandemic situation on the teaching of Graduation Projects and Internship type courses in undergraduate degree programs date: 2020-12-28 words: 1867 flesch: 38 summary: Project Based Learning (PBL) method (PBL, 2020) is currently one of the recommended approaches that facilitates online delivery of teaching and instructions for successful completion of specific project type tasks such as graduation projects to some extent. This article pinpoints the evident setbacks from a quality assurance perspective, when considering selected components such as graduation projects, internships, laboratory and field work in certain degree programs. keywords: covid-19; graduation; jayasuriya; learning; pandemic; projects; teaching cache: jams-3987.pdf plain text: jams-3987.txt item: #61 of 251 id: jams-3992 author: Egbedi, Brakemi; Osibona, Adesola title: Fish By-Products Consumption and Discard Pattern in Nigeria date: 2022-08-01 words: 7135 flesch: 65 summary: Social norms or factors which can be defined as the expectations from people in one’s family, locality or immediate social circle, play a role in determining fish consumption among peo- ple all over the world (Olsen, 2004; Rozin, 1995). Individual determi- nants of fish consumption: Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. keywords: consumption; discard; fins; fish; food; gills; gut; head; journal; nigeria; products; respondents; scales; skin; state; study; waste cache: jams-3992.pdf plain text: jams-3992.txt item: #62 of 251 id: jams-4002 author: Al-Ruheili, Amna title: Analysis of Shoreline Change along the Coast of the Wadi Al Ma’awil Watershed, Oman, Using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System date: 2022-08-01 words: 6372 flesch: 69 summary: Satellite images and GIS data are important be- cause they give us early estimates of shoreline change. The statistics estimated the speed of shoreline change gave us a cumulative summary of the processes that had affected the coast (Dolan et al., 1991). keywords: accretion; analysis; area; change; coastal; dams; dsas; erosion; et al; journal; ma’awil; oman; rate; sediment; shoreline; shoreline change; study; system; wadi; watershed cache: jams-4002.pdf plain text: jams-4002.txt item: #63 of 251 id: jams-4013 author: Shahid, M. S.; Al-Sadi, Prof. Abdullah M. title: A review on the novel discoveries of Begomoviruses in Oman date: 2021-04-28 words: 7206 flesch: 55 summary: A nanovirus-like compo- nent associated with yellow vein disease of Ageratum conyzoides: evidence for interfamilial recombination between plant DNA viruses. Sequence analysis showed 91% nt identity with the Ira- nian strain of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). keywords: analysis; associated; begomoviruses; briddon; chilcv; curl; disease; dna; et al; khan; leaf; leaf curl; oman; plants; shahid; tolcb; tomato; tomato leaf; virus; yellow cache: jams-4013.pdf plain text: jams-4013.txt item: #64 of 251 id: jams-4014 author: Al-Ismaili, Abdulrahim title: A Review on Solar Drying of Fish date: 2021-04-28 words: 6616 flesch: 66 summary: This study aimed to review the different types of solar drying techniques and highlighted the quality measures of solar dried fish. The objectives of this article were to re- view the different types of solar drying techniques and to highlight the quality measures of solar dried fish. keywords: content; convection; dryer; drying; et al; figure; fish; food; greenhouse; journal; products; quality; rate; review; solar; study; sun; techniques; time; tvb; water cache: jams-4014.pdf plain text: jams-4014.txt item: #65 of 251 id: jams-4073 author: M. Al-Ismaili , Abdulrahim title: GIS and remote sensing techniques in Controlled Environment Agriculture: A review date: 2021-04-28 words: 8242 flesch: 58 summary: Results revealed that in Hatta, there was a reduction in vegetation green- ness and healthy conditions yet the overall agricultur- al land area increased (Fig. 10). Spatial patterns and driv- ing forces of greenhouse land change in shouguang city, china. keywords: agriculture; analysis; area; cea; crop; data; environment; et al; figure; gis; greenhouses; information; journal; land; management; mapping; oman; remote; salinity; sensing; soil; study; techniques; water cache: jams-4073.pdf plain text: jams-4073.txt item: #66 of 251 id: jams-4136 author: Al-Abri, Mohammed title: Characterization of Genetic Diversity in Dhofari Wild Gazelles date: 2021-04-28 words: 4614 flesch: 61 summary: Our study illustrates the successful utilization of noninvasive sampling in assessment of genetic diversity in wild gazelle populations in Oman. Unfortunately, gazelles population are continuously declining due to illegal hunting and animal capturing (Al Hikmani et al., 2015; Massolo et al., 2008). keywords: ayon; differentiation; diversity; dna; fst; gara; gazelles; genetic; markers; oman; populations; samples; solot; stom; table; wild; مــن cache: jams-4136.pdf plain text: jams-4136.txt item: #67 of 251 id: jams-4142 author: Gbigbi, Theophilus Miebi; E-Okoronkwo, Chinagorom Pearl title: Gender Analysis of Practitioners of Broiler Production Management Practices in Delta State, Nigeria: Gender Analysis of Practitioners of Broiler Production Management Practices date: 2023-06-24 words: 6113 flesch: 57 summary: Respon- dents’ best reasons for adopting of broiler management practices increased profits of male (96.6%) and female (95.6%). This study focused on some relevant objectives, such as to: (i) describe the socio-economic features of male and fe- male, (ii) identify the various broiler management prac- tices, (iii) examine the factors influencing the men and women decision to adopt broiler management prac- tices, (iv) determine the major constraints militating against broiler management practices, (v) identify the reasons for adopting the broiler management practices and, and (vi) determine the costs and returns of broiler production by gender. keywords: adoption; broiler; farmers; female; gender; increase; level; management; management practices; nigeria; poultry; practices; production; respondents; size; state; years cache: jams-4142.pdf plain text: jams-4142.txt item: #68 of 251 id: jams-4157 author: AL-Kalbani, Basim title: Physical and Chemical Fruit Quality Attributes of Two Pomegranate Cultivars Grown at Varying Altitudes of Al-Hajar Mountains in Oman date: 2021-04-28 words: 7142 flesch: 64 summary: In Al-Hajar mountain, fruits cultivars differ with different elevations. Helow cultivar in Saiq showed higher red (a), less yellowness (b) and less intense (Chroma) in fruit color than Sograh and Wakan. keywords: .0001; arils; chemical; color; cultivars; fruit; helow; length; malasi; quality; sograh; wakan; weight cache: jams-4157.pdf plain text: jams-4157.txt item: #69 of 251 id: jams-4493 author: Al-Kalbani, Adhari ; Blackburn, Daniel; Al-Siyabi, Buthaina ; Al-Kasbi, Mohamed ; Al-Busaidi , Ahmed title: Can the irrigation of soils with Amoxicillin-enriched water cause the proliferation of Bacteria resistant to antibiotics among culturable heterotrophic aerobic soil bacteria? date: 2022-08-01 words: 5623 flesch: 45 summary: The application of irrigation water containing antibiotic resistant bacteria to soil represents a possible contamination source for crops, groundwater and receiving water bodies. The percentage differenc- es in antibiotic resistant bacteria were not statistically significant among the AM-CL treated soil samples. keywords: acid; agar; amoxicillin; antibiotic; bacteria; cfu; clavulanic; et al; g-1; heterotrophic; irrigation; medium; ml-1; resistance; soil; wastewater cache: jams-4493.pdf plain text: jams-4493.txt item: #70 of 251 id: jams-4579 author: Al-Khusaibi, Mohamed; Al-Amri, Seham; Al-Habsi, Nasser; Rahman, MD. Shafiur title: Effect of intermittent frying on the stability of vitamins A and D in commercially fortified oils date: 2023-02-11 words: 6449 flesch: 66 summary: Effect of a modified deep-fat fryer on chemical and physical characteristics of frying oil. Examples are vitamin E (Hou et al., 202; Hu et al., 2020; Adu et al., 2019; Santos et al., 2018b), vitamin C (Islam et al., 2021; Santos et al., 2018a), vita- min K (Omotosho 2015). keywords: depletion; effect; et al; food; frying; journal; oil; oils; palm; stability; temperature; vitamin cache: jams-4579.pdf plain text: jams-4579.txt item: #71 of 251 id: jams-4671 author: Bello, Abdulwaheed, Adeyemi; Desai, Balakrishna Gunaji ; Dhekale, Janarda Shamroa ; Dhekale, Janarda Shamroa title: Profitability of Feeding Sun-Dried Poultry Dropping based Diets as Supplement to Goat date: 2023-06-24 words: 2708 flesch: 68 summary: Effects of supplementing sorghum (sorghum bicolor L. moench) stover with dried poultry dropping based diet on the perfor- mance of growing Yankasa ram. The level of in- clusion of dried poultry dropping in the treatments is T1 0%, T2 20%, T3 40%, T4 60% and T5 80%. keywords: cost; diet; dropping; goats; poultry; sun; total cache: jams-4671.pdf plain text: jams-4671.txt item: #72 of 251 id: jams-4724 author: Jimoh, Wasiu Adeyemi; Fagbenro, Oyewale Adedapo; Adeparusi, Eunice Oluwayemisi title: Cooked sesame meal in the diet of African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822): Effects on haematology, liver and kidney histology date: 2022-08-01 words: 5944 flesch: 64 summary: The majority of the studies focused on underutilized plant proteins in fish diets. It’s use in fish diets has received little attention. keywords: african; aquaculture; blood; catfish; clarias; clarias gariepinus; csm; diets; et al; fed; fish; gariepinus; jimoh; journal; liver; meal; protein; seed; sesame; soybean cache: jams-4724.pdf plain text: jams-4724.txt item: #73 of 251 id: jams-4729 author: Muhammad Farooq title: Wheat Production in Oman: Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities date: 2021-12-05 words: 11190 flesch: 61 summary: For example, a 33% in- crease in wheat grain yield was recorded in a production technology transfer study of wheat in Faizabad District of Uttar Pradesh, India (Singh et al., 2016). The impact of temperature variability on wheat yields. keywords: agriculture; crop; farooq; fisheries; general; genotypes; grain; ha-1; irrigation; journal; maf; ministry; oman; plant; production; report; research; salinity; seed; sultanate; use; varieties; water; wheat; wheat production; wqs; yield cache: jams-4729.pdf plain text: jams-4729.txt item: #74 of 251 id: jams-4730 author: Rhonda Janke title: A 25-Year History of the use of Organic Soil Amendments in Oman: A review date: 2021-12-05 words: 20394 flesch: 60 summary: The mineralization of soil organic matter is carried out by soil heterotrophs, which accounts for the over- whelming majority of microbial species and also the majority of the soil microbial biomass. When organic farming systems are involved, these effects are often sep- arated into the following components: a) organic fertility inputs and the cycling of soil organic matter, including crop residues and the use of legume-based cover-crops and green manures; b) the effect of controlling plant pathogens with ‘alternative’ and ‘environmentally-friend- ly’ pesticides; c) the effect of management practices such as tillage (depth, frequency) and crop rotation); and d) bioaugmentation of the soil with beneficial microorgan- isms (Lupatini et al., 2017; keywords: addition; agriculture; ahmed; al busaidi; amendments; area; biochar; carbon; compost; crops; date; diversity; effect; et al; experiment; farming; farms; fertilizer; fungal; growth; irrigation; journal; land; levels; maf; manure; matter; microbial; nitrogen; nutrient; oman; organic; plant; quality; rates; research; review; salinity; soil; soil amendments; species; study; sultanate; systems; use; water cache: jams-4730.pdf plain text: jams-4730.txt item: #75 of 251 id: jams-4731 author: Buthaina Al Khaziri; Azhar Al Busaidi; Zainab Al Ghatami; Wenresti Gallardo title: Optimum Stocking Density of ‘koi’ Carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Combination with Different Plant Species in an Aquaponic System date: 2021-12-05 words: 5639 flesch: 68 summary: Each fish tank without plants was connected to fish tank with plants with a pipe or hose to allow water to flow by gravity from the fish tank without plants to the fish tanks with plants. For fish tanks without plants there was a small opening for the feed to be given. keywords: carp; density; experiment; figure; fish; fish tanks; growth; koi; mint; plants; tanks; treatment cache: jams-4731.pdf plain text: jams-4731.txt item: #76 of 251 id: jams-478 author: Esechie, H.A.; Miller, F.R. title: Partitioning of Chemical Constituents in the Leaf and Stover of Sorghum Grown in a Saline Soil date: 1996-01-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img036 img037 img038 img039 img040 img041 keywords: img036 cache: jams-478.pdf plain text: jams-478.txt item: #77 of 251 id: jams-479 author: Khan, A. J.; Zouba, A. A.; Seapy, D. G. title: Antifungal Activity from Leaves of Acacia Nilotica against Pythium Aphanidermatum date: 1996-01-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img042 img043 img044 img045 img046 keywords: img042 cache: jams-479.pdf plain text: jams-479.txt item: #78 of 251 id: jams-480 author: Azam, K.M.; Zouba, A.; Razvi, S.A.; AI-Raeesi, A.A. title: Evaluation of Insecticides and Agril Polyester Cover against Whitefly (Bemisia Tabaci Gennadius) in Tomato Crops date: 1996-01-01 words: 4 flesch: 118 summary: img047 img048 img049 img050 keywords: img047 cache: jams-480.pdf plain text: jams-480.txt item: #79 of 251 id: jams-481 author: AI-Rawahy, S. A.; Satti, S.M.E.; Lopez, M. V. title: Effect of a Saline Nutritional Regime on Tomato Fruit Yield and on Enhancement of Fruit Quality date: 1996-01-01 words: 7 flesch: 115 summary: img051 img052 img053 img054 img055 img056 img057 keywords: img051 cache: jams-481.pdf plain text: jams-481.txt item: #80 of 251 id: jams-482 author: Cookson, P. title: Soil Research in Oman: Opportunities and Priorities date: 1996-01-01 words: 8 flesch: 114 summary: img058 img062 img063 img064 img065 img066 img067 img068 keywords: img058 cache: jams-482.pdf plain text: jams-482.txt item: #81 of 251 id: jams-483 author: Stirn, J.; AI-Hashmi, K. A. title: Contributions to the knowledge of the Biology of the Arabian Abalone Haliotis mariae Wood, 1828 date: 1996-01-01 words: 8 flesch: 114 summary: img069 img070 img071 img072 img073 img074 img075 img076 keywords: img069 cache: jams-483.pdf plain text: jams-483.txt item: #82 of 251 id: jams-484 author: Fouda, M.M.; AI-Muharrami, M.A. title: Significance of Mangroves in the Arid Environment of the Sultanate of Oman date: 1996-01-01 words: 9 flesch: 113 summary: img077 img078 img079 img080 img081 img082 img083 img084 img085 keywords: img077 cache: jams-484.pdf plain text: jams-484.txt item: #83 of 251 id: jams-485 author: Siddeek, M. S. M.; Mohan, R.; Johnson, D. W. title: Yield-per-Recruit and Relative Mean Biomass Estimates, and their Management Consequences, to the Penaeus Indicus Fishery in the Gulf of Masirah date: 1996-01-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img086 img087 img088 img089 img090 keywords: img086 cache: jams-485.pdf plain text: jams-485.txt item: #84 of 251 id: jams-486 author: Shayya, W. H.; Mohtar, R. H.; Baasiri, M. S title: A Computer Model for the Hydraulic Analysis of Open Channel Cross Sections date: 1996-01-01 words: 8 flesch: 114 summary: img091 img092 img093 img094 img095 img096 img097 img098 keywords: img098 cache: jams-486.pdf plain text: jams-486.txt item: #85 of 251 id: jams-4863 author: Al-Alawi, Ahmed; Al-Shaibi, Siham; Ronald, Wesonga title: Evaluation of Several Chromatographic Resins on the Separation of Dates Sugar and their Impact on other Compounds in Dates: Impact of sugar separation by chromatographic resins on other valuable ingredients in dates date: 2023-02-11 words: 6760 flesch: 61 summary: This means ei- ther solution can be used for this step (sugar extraction step) to prepare sugar ethanolic solution. Resins Characteristics Resin Type Ion- ic form Volume diameter Func- tional group DOW-Ca Strong acid Cation, gel Ca++ 300 - 330 μm Sulfonate PCR-Na Strong acid Cation, gel Na+ 315 ± 20 μm Sulfonic acid PCR-Ca Strong acid Cation, gel Ca++ 310 ± 10 μm Sulfonic acid 18 SQU Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, 2023, Volume 28, Issue 1 Evaluation of Several Chromatographic Resins on the Separation of Dates Sugar and their Impact on other Compounds in Dates Sugar Separation Sample Preparation: The chart in Figure 1 illustrates sample preparation steps for sugar extraction. keywords: adsorption; cycle; dates; et al; ethanolic; extraction; figure; fructose; glucose; min; pcr; resins; sample; separation; solution; sucrose; sugar; water cache: jams-4863.pdf plain text: jams-4863.txt item: #86 of 251 id: jams-487 author: Li, Q.; Hsu, C. C. E.; Grandmaison, E. W.; Goosen, M. F. A. title: Preparation and Characterization of Macroporous Carrageenan Beads for Enhanced Gel Filtration date: 1996-01-01 words: 12 flesch: 110 summary: img099 img100 img101 img102 img103 img104 img105 img106 img107 img108 img109 img110 keywords: img099 cache: jams-487.pdf plain text: jams-487.txt item: #87 of 251 id: jams-488 author: Armstrong, D. V. title: Improvement of Animal Production by Altering the Environment of the Animal date: 1996-01-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img115 img116 img117 img118 img119 keywords: img115 cache: jams-488.pdf plain text: jams-488.txt item: #88 of 251 id: jams-489 author: Fuquay, J. W. title: Animal Breeding Considerations for Improved Animal Performance in Hot Environments date: 1996-01-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img120 img121 img122 img123 img124 img125 keywords: img120 cache: jams-489.pdf plain text: jams-489.txt item: #89 of 251 id: jams-491 author: Jainudeen, M.R.; Sheikh-Omar, A. R. title: Animal Health in the Tropics date: 1996-01-01 words: 7 flesch: 115 summary: img133 img134 img135 img136 img137 img138 img139 keywords: img133 cache: jams-491.pdf plain text: jams-491.txt item: #90 of 251 id: jams-494 author: Teeter, R. G. title: Optimizing Production of Heat Stressed Broilers date: 1996-01-01 words: 8 flesch: 114 summary: img157 img158 img159 img160 img161 img162 img163 img164 keywords: img157 cache: jams-494.pdf plain text: jams-494.txt item: #91 of 251 id: jams-496 author: Omezzine, A.M. title: An Assessment of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Production and Marketing Systems in the Sultanate of Oman date: 1997-01-01 words: 7 flesch: 115 summary: img016 img017 img018 img019 img020 img021 img022 keywords: img016 cache: jams-496.pdf plain text: jams-496.txt item: #92 of 251 id: jams-497 author: Younas, M.; Fuquayz, J. W.; Moorez, A.B.; Hussain, S.M. I. title: Effect of Hot and Humid Conditions on Cortisol Levels m Lactating Dairy Cows date: 1997-01-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img023 img024 img025 img026 img027 keywords: img023 cache: jams-497.pdf plain text: jams-497.txt item: #93 of 251 id: jams-498 author: Khan, M.S.; Gondal, K. Z.; Raza, S. H.; Asghar, A. A. title: First Lactation Genetic Parameters of Buffaloes Under Multiple Trait Animal Model date: 1997-01-01 words: 4 flesch: 118 summary: img028 img029 img030 img031 keywords: img028 cache: jams-498.pdf plain text: jams-498.txt item: #94 of 251 id: jams-499 author: Lu, C.D.; Jorgensen, NA. title: Alfalfa Protein Concentrate as a Less Ruminally Degradable Protein Source for High-Producing Dairy Cows date: 1997-01-01 words: 4 flesch: 118 summary: img032 img033 img034 img035 keywords: img032 cache: jams-499.pdf plain text: jams-499.txt item: #95 of 251 id: jams-500 author: AI-Sobayel, A.; AI-Mulhem, A.A. title: Effect of Sex-linked Feathering Genes on Body Weight, Age At Sexual Maturity, Feed Intake and Subsequent Laying Performance of Baladi Chickens date: 1997-01-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img036 img037 img038 img039 img040 img041 keywords: img036 cache: jams-500.pdf plain text: jams-500.txt item: #96 of 251 id: jams-501 author: Azam, K.M.; Razvi, S.A.; AI-Muhthuri, M.H.; AI-Raeesi, A.A. title: Distribution Pattern of Sweet Potato Whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) on Tomato Plants date: 1997-01-01 words: 8 flesch: 114 summary: img042 img043 img044 img045 img046 img047 img048 img049 keywords: img042 cache: jams-501.pdf plain text: jams-501.txt item: #97 of 251 id: jams-502 author: Mustafa, T. M.; AI-Mazra'awi, M.S. title: Effect of Olive Branch Aging and Extracts on the Attraction of Olive Neiroun Beetles Phloeotribus Scarabeioides (Bern) date: 1997-01-01 words: 4 flesch: 118 summary: img050 img051 img052 img053 keywords: img050 cache: jams-502.pdf plain text: jams-502.txt item: #98 of 251 id: jams-503 author: El Mardi, M. O.; Consolacion, E.; AI-Manthari, O.; AI-Nabhani, H. title: Factors Influencing Date Pollen Viability date: 1997-01-01 words: 4 flesch: 118 summary: img054 img055 img056 img057 keywords: img054 cache: jams-503.pdf plain text: jams-503.txt item: #99 of 251 id: jams-504 author: AI-Omran, A.M.; AI-Wabel, M.I.; Shalaby, A.A. title: Impact of Sewage Sludge on Water Movement in Calcareous Sandy Soils date: 1997-01-01 words: 9 flesch: 113 summary: img058 img059 img060 img061 img062 img063 img064 img065 img066 keywords: img058 cache: jams-504.pdf plain text: jams-504.txt item: #100 of 251 id: jams-5075 author: Seyid Mohamed Moulana, Seyida Afreen; Kanakaraja, Premakumar; Ruvini, Lakmali; Ruvini, Lakmali; Senaratna, Anoma title: Storage Study on Tomato, Pumpkin, and Ginger Composite Vegetable Squash: Storage study on Vegetable squash date: 2023-02-11 words: 4357 flesch: 63 summary: Sensory evaluation of tomato, pumpkin, and ginger composite vegetable squashes at the end of 12 weeks Formulations Weeks Colour Aroma Taste Nature Overall acceptability T1 0 12 4.62 ± 0.18a 4.69 ± 0.13a 3.92 ± 0.24a 4.46 ± 0.22a 4.46 ± 0.24a 2.77 ± 0.30a 2.93 ± 0.33ab 3.08 ± 0.29a 2.38 ± 0.14a 3.00 ± 0.28ab T2 0 12 4.00 ± 0.28ab 3.85 ± 0.27b Sensory Quality Table 4 shows sensory evaluation of tomato, pumpkin, and ginger composite vegetable squashes at the end of 12 weeks. keywords: acid; composite; food; ginger; journal; pumpkin; squash; squashes; sri; storage; sugar; tomato; vegetable cache: jams-5075.pdf plain text: jams-5075.txt item: #101 of 251 id: jams-512 author: Shayya, W.H.; Al-Ghafry, A.S.; Norman, W.R. title: Irrigation Water Costs and Management Practices Among Farms m Northern Oman date: 1998-01-01 words: 8 flesch: 114 summary: img162 img163 img164 img165 img166 img167 img168 img169 keywords: img162 cache: jams-512.pdf plain text: jams-512.txt item: #102 of 251 id: jams-5125 author: Al-Marzooqi, Waleed; Al-Balushi, Mai A S; El Tahir, Yasmin; Asi, Muhammad N; El-Zaiat, Hani M.; Al-Abri, Mohammed A; Al-Kharousi, Kaadhia title: Evaluation of the Intestinal Bacterial Community of Local Omani and Cobb 500 Broiler Chickens Raised in an Open-Sided House Using 16S rDNA-Based Analysis date: 2023-02-11 words: 9293 flesch: 58 summary: Abundance of bacterial 16S rDNA sequences (n=31255) identified from the jejunum flora of local Omani chickens. Abundance of bacterial 16S rDNA sequences (n=33443) identified from the duodenum flora of local Omani chickens. keywords: 16s; abundance; actinobacteria; age; bacilli; broiler; chickens; class; clostridia; cobb; community; day; omani; rdna; sequences; total cache: jams-5125.pdf plain text: jams-5125.txt item: #103 of 251 id: jams-5140 author: Al-Marzooqi, Waleed; Al-Aufi, Shadha K.; Ali, Haytham; El-Zaiat, Hani M.; Al-Kharousi, Kaadhia; Al-Adwani, Salma R.; El Tahir, Yasmin; Al Nabhani, Abdulrahman; Al Kindi, Mohamed A. title: Comparative Study of Ultrastructural Observations on Blood Cells of Local Omani and Cobb 500 Broiler Chickens: Ultrastructural Observations on Blood Cells of Two Strains of Chickens. date: 2023-02-11 words: 4427 flesch: 59 summary: Dense granules of both Cobb 500 and Omani breed were measured and there were no significant differences in dense granules of both breed. Basophil was round in appearance and had four types of granules (dense granules, mottled granules, web or net granules and my- elin granules) which can be seen clearly. keywords: blood; breed; cells; chicken; cobb; electron; euchromatin; granules; heterochromatin; maxwell; nucleus; omani; study cache: jams-5140.pdf plain text: jams-5140.txt item: #104 of 251 id: jams-516 author: Mahgoub, O. title: Relationships Between Live Body and Carcass Measurements and Carcass Components in Omani Sheep date: 1998-01-01 words: 8 flesch: 114 summary: img188 img189 img190 img191 img192 img193 img194 img195 keywords: img188 cache: jams-516.pdf plain text: jams-516.txt item: #105 of 251 id: jams-517 author: Mansee, A. H. M. title: Persistence of Cypermethrin and Permethrin and their Effects on Rat Blood Hematological Characteristics date: 1998-01-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img196 img197 img198 img199 img200 keywords: img196 cache: jams-517.pdf plain text: jams-517.txt item: #106 of 251 id: jams-518 author: Zouba, A.; Lopez, M.V. title: Efficacy of Crop Cover in Controlling Viral Disease of Squash date: 1998-01-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img201 img202 img203 img204 img205 keywords: img201 cache: jams-518.pdf plain text: jams-518.txt item: #107 of 251 id: jams-519 author: Tanveer, A.; Ahmad, S.; Hussain, A.; Ahmad, R. title: Nutrient Uptake by Wheat and Weed Under Different Fertilizer Application Methods and Competition Periods date: 1998-01-01 words: 8 flesch: 114 summary: img206 img207 img208 img209 img210 img211 img212 img213 keywords: img206 cache: jams-519.pdf plain text: jams-519.txt item: #108 of 251 id: jams-520 author: Ibrahim, Y. M. title: Salt Tolerance of Atriplex During Germination and Early Growth date: 1998-01-01 words: 4 flesch: 118 summary: img214 img215 img216 img217 keywords: img214 cache: jams-520.pdf plain text: jams-520.txt item: #109 of 251 id: jams-5211 author: Khulel, Rafea title: A Use of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) in Poultry Nutrition: A Review : Turmeric in poultry nutrition date: 2023-06-24 words: 4608 flesch: 55 summary: الكلمات املفتاحية: الكركم ، االداء ، فروج اللحم ، دجاج البيض ، صفات الدم 2 SQU Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, 2023, Volume 28, Issue 2 Use of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) in Poultry Nutrition: A Review tidiabetic qualities similar to commercial drugs and may even be more effective in people in some instances (Pri- yangga et al., 2021). Widodo et al. (2021) found insignificant effect of adding 1, 2, or 3% white curcuma (Curcuma zedoaria) to broiler basal diet on digestibility (i.e. dry matter, crude fat, protein biological value, and nitrogen retention). keywords: addition; broiler; conversion; curcuma; effect; egg; et al; feed; journal; longa; performance; powder; turmeric; weight cache: jams-5211.pdf plain text: jams-5211.txt item: #110 of 251 id: jams-5213 author: Al Hinai, Alaa; Jayasuriya, Hemanatha; B. Pathare, Pankaj; Al Shukeili, Talal ; Al Abri, Ibtisam title: Benefits of Value Addition in Agricultural Produce on Land, Water and Labor Productivities under Arid Agriculture: Case of Dates in Oman date: 2022-08-01 words: 5073 flesch: 65 summary: Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate and quantify the improve- ments in land, water and labor productivities through value addition in date products cultivated under arid conditions in Oman. Al-Mulla and Al-Gheilani (2017) reported that water productivity can be increased from 0.570 to 1.560 kg m-3 with an average date price of 0.400 OMR, and in economic basis, the water productivity is increased from 0.230 to 0.630 OMR m-3. keywords: addition; agricultural; cost; date; khalas; land; maf; nuts; oman; productivities; productivity; products; value; water cache: jams-5213.pdf plain text: jams-5213.txt item: #111 of 251 id: jams-5215 author: Al-Balushi, Yumna Juma Rashid; Al-Sadi, Abdullah Mohammed; Al-Mahmooli, Issa Hashil; Al-Harrasi, Majida Mohammed Ali; Al-Sabahi, Jamal Nasser; Al-Alawi, Alaa Khamis Sulaiman; Al-Farsi, Khalid ; Velazhahan, Rethinasamy title: Antifungal Activity of Shirazi Thyme (Zataria multiflora Boiss.) Essential Oil against Hypomyces perniciosus, a causal agent of wet bubble disease of Agaricus bisporus date: 2022-08-01 words: 4640 flesch: 61 summary: Gas chromatogram of Zataria multiflora essential oil. Anti-staphylococcal activity of Zataria multiflora essential oil and its syn- ergy with vancomycin. keywords: activity; agaricus; antifungal; bisporus; bubble; disease; et al; growth; hypomyces; journal; linalool; multiflora; mushroom; oil; perniciosus; plant; zataria; zeo cache: jams-5215.pdf plain text: jams-5215.txt item: #112 of 251 id: jams-5216 author: Mahmood, Sawsan; Ali, Ali; Darwesh, Ayhem; Zam, Wissam title: Evaluation of physical and chemical properties and total phenolic content in baker’s yeast obtained from grape juice date: 2022-08-01 words: 5875 flesch: 64 summary: Ac- tive dry yeast (ADY) is normally sold in airtight pack- ages, vacuum seal or filled with an inert gas such as nitrogen. This study distinguished from previous studies using an organic medium, while previous studies used commercial media to obtain dry yeast with good phenolic content (Shaha, 2017). keywords: activity; baker; cell; cerevisiae; content; dry; et al; fermentation; food; grape; journal; juice; matter; medium; production; saccharomyces; total; yeast cache: jams-5216.pdf plain text: jams-5216.txt item: #113 of 251 id: jams-526 author: Zaibet, L. title: Cost Structure of Irrigation Water in the Sultanate of Oman date: 1998-06-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img081 img082 img083 img084 img085 keywords: img081 cache: jams-526.pdf plain text: jams-526.txt item: #114 of 251 id: jams-5269 author: Al Siyabi, Huda title: An Assessment of Al Batinah Fishery with Respect to Ecologically Sustainable Development Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Approach date: 2023-06-24 words: 5226 flesch: 52 summary: This study aimed at assessing the progress of Al Batinah fishery towards sustainable development using Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) framework and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis approach (MCDA) from 2008 to 2017. Attainment toward sustainability in Al Batinah fishery progressed a positive trend. keywords: al batinah; analysis; batinah; component; development; fisheries; fishery; human; study; sustainability; weight; year cache: jams-5269.pdf plain text: jams-5269.txt item: #115 of 251 id: jams-527 author: Tanveer, A.; Ahmad, S.; Ayub, M.; Ali, A.; Ahmad, R. title: Economic Threshold Level of Chenopodium album L. and Phalaris minor Retz. in Wheat date: 1998-06-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img086 img087 img088 img089 img090 keywords: img086 cache: jams-527.pdf plain text: jams-527.txt item: #116 of 251 id: jams-528 author: Ahmad, R.; Ahmad, N.; Stark, J.C.; Tanveer, A. title: Gram Yield and Yield Components of Spring Wheat Genotypes at Different Moisture Regimes date: 1998-06-01 words: 7 flesch: 115 summary: img091 img092 img093 img094 img095 img096 img097 keywords: img097 cache: jams-528.pdf plain text: jams-528.txt item: #117 of 251 id: jams-529 author: Hussain, A.; Nawaz, M.; Chaudhry, F. M. title: Radiation Interception and Utilization by Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) at Different Sowing Dates and Plant Populations date: 1998-06-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img098 img099 img100 img101 img102 keywords: img098 cache: jams-529.pdf plain text: jams-529.txt item: #118 of 251 id: jams-531 author: Iqbal, Z.; Hayat, C. S.; Akhtar, M.; Rasool, G. title: Biochemical Disturbances Associated With Haemonchosis in Sheep date: 1998-06-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img110 img111 img112 img113 img114 keywords: img110 cache: jams-531.pdf plain text: jams-531.txt item: #119 of 251 id: jams-532 author: Khan, M.S.; Shook, G.E.; Hailman, ED. title: Somatic Cell Score as Predictor of Daily Milk Yield in Holsteins date: 1998-06-01 words: 7 flesch: 115 summary: img115 img116 img117 img118 img119 img120 img121 keywords: img115 cache: jams-532.pdf plain text: jams-532.txt item: #120 of 251 id: jams-535 author: Choudhary, M.I.; AI-Omran, A.M.; Shalaby, A.A. title: Physical Properties of Sandy Soil Affected by Soil Conditioner Under Wetting and Drying cycles date: 1998-06-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img140 img141 img142 img143 img144 img145 keywords: img140 cache: jams-535.pdf plain text: jams-535.txt item: #121 of 251 id: jams-536 author: Mokhtar, A.M.; AI-Mjeni, AM. title: A Novel Approach to Determine the Efficacy of Control Measures Against Dubas Bug, Ommatissus lybicus de Berg, on Date Palms date: 1999-01-01 words: 4 flesch: 118 summary: img005 img006 img007 img008 keywords: img005 cache: jams-536.pdf plain text: jams-536.txt item: #122 of 251 id: jams-537 author: Faleiro, J.R.; Al-Shuaibi, M.A.; Abraham, V.A.; Prem Kumar, T. title: A Technique to assess the Longevity of the Pheromone (Ferrolure) used in Trapping the Date Red Palm Weevil Rhynchophorous ferrugineus Oliv. date: 1999-01-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img009 img010 img011 img012 img013 keywords: img009 cache: jams-537.pdf plain text: jams-537.txt item: #123 of 251 id: jams-538 author: Razvi, S.A.; Azam, K.M.; AI-Raeesi, A. A. title: Monitoring of Sweet Potato Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) with Yellow Sticky Traps date: 1999-01-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img014 img015 img016 img017 img018 img019 keywords: img014 cache: jams-538.pdf plain text: jams-538.txt item: #124 of 251 id: jams-539 author: EI-Sayed, A.A.; Shaaban, M.M. title: Monthly Monitoring of the Nutrient Status in Citrus Leaves as a Guide for Proper Fertilization date: 1999-01-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img020 img021 img022 img023 img024 img025 keywords: img020 cache: jams-539.pdf plain text: jams-539.txt item: #125 of 251 id: jams-540 author: Akhtar, K.P.; Khan, I.A.; Kazmi, M.R.; Hassan, R.I.; Fatima, B. title: Preventive Control of Powdery Mildew Disease of Mango date: 1999-01-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img026 img027 img028 img029 img030 img031 keywords: img026 cache: jams-540.pdf plain text: jams-540.txt item: #126 of 251 id: jams-541 author: Soleimani, M.J.; Deadman, M.L.; Clements, R.O.; Donaldson, G. title: The Incidence and Seventy of Eyespot on Winter Wheat Variety Hereward Grown as a Monocrop and as a Bicrop With White Clover date: 1999-01-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img032 img033 img034 img035 img036 img037 keywords: img032 cache: jams-541.pdf plain text: jams-541.txt item: #127 of 251 id: jams-542 author: AI-Abri, A.S.; Lu, C.D.; Early, R.J.; Srikandakumar, A.; Mahgoub, O.; Ritche, A.; Annamalai, K. title: Performance of Lactating Dairy Cows Fed Dried Sardines date: 1999-01-01 words: 8 flesch: 114 summary: img038 img039 img040 img041 img042 img043 img044 img045 keywords: img038 cache: jams-542.pdf plain text: jams-542.txt item: #128 of 251 id: jams-543 author: Alfuraiji, M.M. title: Studies on the Oestrous Cycle of Camel (Camelus dromedarius) date: 1999-01-01 words: 4 flesch: 118 summary: img046 img047 img048 img049 keywords: img046 cache: jams-543.pdf plain text: jams-543.txt item: #129 of 251 id: jams-544 author: Goddard, J.S.; Deveau, G.; Martin, A.M. title: Evaluation of Yeast Biomass (Candida utilis) in a Practical Diet for Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) date: 1999-01-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img050 img051 img052 img053 img054 img055 keywords: img050 cache: jams-544.pdf plain text: jams-544.txt item: #130 of 251 id: jams-547 author: Chomo, G.V.; AI-Marshudi, A.S.; AI-Jabri, O.S. title: Food Import Demand: Meat, Dairy Products, Eggs and Live Animals in Oman date: 1999-06-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img306 img307 img308 img309 img310 img311 keywords: img306 cache: jams-547.pdf plain text: jams-547.txt item: #131 of 251 id: jams-548 author: Soleimani, M.J.; Deadman, M.L title: Factors Affecting the Levels of Eyespot and Fusarium Foot-Rot on Winter Wheat cv. Hereward in Cereal Monocrops and Wheat Clover Bicrops date: 1999-06-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img312 img313 img314 img315 img316 img317 keywords: img312 cache: jams-548.pdf plain text: jams-548.txt item: #132 of 251 id: jams-549 author: Thacker, J.R.M. title: Identification of a Plant Phytosterol with Toxicity against Arthropod Pests date: 1999-06-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img318 img319 img320 img321 img322 keywords: img318 cache: jams-549.pdf plain text: jams-549.txt item: #133 of 251 id: jams-550 author: Akhtar, K.P.; Asif, M.; Khan, M.A.; Jaskani, M.J.; Khan, I.A. title: Isolation and Characterization of Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans from Malformed Mango date: 1999-06-01 words: 7 flesch: 115 summary: img323 img324 img325 img326 img327 img328 img329 keywords: img323 cache: jams-550.pdf plain text: jams-550.txt item: #134 of 251 id: jams-551 author: Elhag, E.A.; El Nadi, A.H.; Zaitoon, A.A. title: Ovipositional Deterrence of Methanolic and Etherial Extracts of Five Plants to the Cowpea Bruchid, Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) date: 1999-06-01 words: 7 flesch: 115 summary: img330 img331 img332 img333 img334 img335 img336 keywords: img330 cache: jams-551.pdf plain text: jams-551.txt item: #135 of 251 id: jams-5518 author: Al Busaidi, Saud Salim; Claereboudt, Michel René title: Seasonal variations of surface mesozooplankton community structure in the Sea of Oman and the Arabian Sea date: 2023-02-11 words: 10138 flesch: 59 summary: Copepods (ind m-3) Sea of Oman Arabian Sea Calanoida (47) Cyclopoida (6) Harpacticoida (5) 1102 (74.85%) 363 (24.69%) 7 (0.46%) 1820 (85.98%) 290 (13.69%) 7 (0.33%) 33Research Paper AlBusaidi, Claereboudt To quantify the importance of the different species as in- dicators of either the Sea of Oman or Arabian Sea Com- munities, the indicator value (IndVal) was calculated for each species based on the fidelity and specificity of this species in relation to the community (Dufrene and Leg- endre, 1997). The number between parentheses represents the number of months for which each species was recorded out of 22 samples in the Sea of Oman and 20 in the Arabian Sea Cyclopoid copepods Monthly average abundance (ind m-3) Sea of Oman Arabian Sea 1 2 3 4 5 6 Oncaea sp. keywords: abundance; arabian sea; calanoid; community; copepods; figure; ind; m-3; marine; monsoon; non; oman; oman sea; samples; sea; species; structure; surface; swm; total; upwelling; zooplankton cache: jams-5518.pdf plain text: jams-5518.txt item: #136 of 251 id: jams-5519 author: Al-Alawi, Alaa Khamis Sulaiman; Al-Mandhari, Ahad Ahmed Said; Al-Mahmooli, Issa Hashil; Al-Harrasi, Majida Mohammad Ali; Al-Bulushi, Ismail Mohamed ; Al-Sadi, Abdullah Mohammed; Velazhahan, Rethinasamy title: Assessment of aflatoxin B1 content and aflatoxigenic molds in imported food commodities in Muscat, Oman date: 2023-02-11 words: 4564 flesch: 63 summary: 2 SQU Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, 2023, Volume 28, Issue 1 Assessment of aflatoxin B1 content and aflatoxigenic molds in imported food commodities in Muscat, Oman Currently 20 different forms of aflatoxins have been characterized among which aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2 are commonly found in agricultural commodities (Kumar et al., 2017). Aflatoxin B1 contamination in food commodities imported (from July 2021 to August 2021) in Oman Food commodities Total number of samples Number of samples and AFB1 concentration range (ppb) 0 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 Above 20 Almond 1 1 (0) - - - - - Pistachios 1 1 (0) - - - - - Cashew 3 2 (0) 1 (1.0) - - - - Rice 71 58 (0) 13 (1.0-3.4) - - - - Soybean 17 14 (0) 3 (1.0-1.8) - - - - Peanut 2 2 (0) - - - - - Total 95 78 17 6 SQU Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, 2023, Volume 28, Issue 1 Assessment of aflatoxin B1 content and aflatoxigenic molds in imported food commodities in Muscat, Oman Khan R, Ghazali FM, Mahyudin NA, Samsudin NIP. (2021). keywords: afb1; aflatoxin; aspergillus; chilli; commodities; contamination; content; et al; flavus; food; journal; markets; oman; ppb; samples cache: jams-5519.pdf plain text: jams-5519.txt item: #137 of 251 id: jams-552 author: Tanveer, A.; Ayub, M.; Ali, A.; Ahmad, R. title: Phytotoxic Effect of Herbicides with and without Surfactant on Weed Growth and Yield of Wheat date: 1999-06-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img337 img338 img339 img340 img341 keywords: img337 cache: jams-552.pdf plain text: jams-552.txt item: #138 of 251 id: jams-553 author: Nadaf, S.K.; Al-Khamisi, S.A.; AI-Lawati, A.H.; Ibrahim, Y. M.; EI-Hag, M.G. title: Productivity of Saltbush (Atriplex) Species Under Saline Soil and Water Conditions in Oman date: 1999-06-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img342 img343 img344 img345 img346 img347 keywords: img342 cache: jams-553.pdf plain text: jams-553.txt item: #139 of 251 id: jams-554 author: El-Fouly, M.M.; Shaban, M.M. title: The Nutritional Status of some Horticultural Crops in Salalah Region, Sultanate of Oman date: 1999-06-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img348 img349 img350 img351 img352 img353 keywords: img348 cache: jams-554.pdf plain text: jams-554.txt item: #140 of 251 id: jams-555 author: Ahmad, R.; Tanveer, A.; Stark, J. C.; Mustafa, T. title: Yield Potential and Stability Indices as Methods to Evaluate Sprung Wheat Genotypes under Drought date: 1999-06-01 words: 7 flesch: 115 summary: img354 img355 img356 img357 img358 img359 img360 keywords: img354 cache: jams-555.pdf plain text: jams-555.txt item: #141 of 251 id: jams-556 author: Guizani, N.; Al-Ramadani, K. title: Microflora and Physical-Chemical Characteristics of Omani Laban date: 1999-06-01 words: 4 flesch: 118 summary: img361 img362 img363 img364 keywords: img361 cache: jams-556.pdf plain text: jams-556.txt item: #142 of 251 id: jams-557 author: Ahmed, M.; AI-Rawahy, S.A.; AI-Kalbani, M.S.; AI-Handaly, J.K. title: Leaching Potential of Some Omani Soils: Soil Column and Drip Irrigation Studies date: 1999-06-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img365 img366 img367 img368 img369 img370 keywords: img365 cache: jams-557.pdf plain text: jams-557.txt item: #143 of 251 id: jams-5796 author: Al Gehani, Idress A. title: Influence of seed pretreated in sodium chloride on the salt tolerance of cherry radish (Raphanus sativus L.). date: 2023-06-24 words: 5388 flesch: 63 summary: Therefore, since the prior treatment with NaCl salt increased the WC of the plant tissue (Table 1. and 2.) and the content of chlorophyll in the leaves (Figure 2), all these factors increased the efficiency of the photosynthesis process and increased plant growth. Increas- ing the plant’s absorption of some elements, such as Na and Cl ions reduced the availability of some nutrients necessary for plant growth, such as nitrogen, phospho- rous and potassium. keywords: content; germination; growth; increase; irrigation; leaf; nacl; plant; pretreatment; radish; root; salinity; seeds; soaking; water; weight cache: jams-5796.pdf plain text: jams-5796.txt item: #144 of 251 id: jams-5797 author: Velazhahan, Rethinasamy title: Potential use of Zataria multiflora essential oil to control postharvest Aspergillus flavus fruit rot of strawberry date: 2023-06-24 words: 4640 flesch: 63 summary: A new dis- ease of strawberry fruit rot, caused by Geotrichum can- didum in China. Strawberry fruits are preferred by consumers because of their attrac- tive colour, aroma, taste and nutritional qualities (Bhat et al., 2015). keywords: aflatoxin; aspergillus; control; disease; et al; flavus; food; fruits; journal; multiflora; oil; plant; postharvest; rot; strawberry; zataria; zeo cache: jams-5797.pdf plain text: jams-5797.txt item: #145 of 251 id: jams-5801 author: JAMS, AgrSciEd title: Abstracts of the First International Conference on Plant Protection (ICPP) date: 2023-06-24 words: 31741 flesch: 39 summary: Silver based green synthesized nanomaterials (AgNMs) are reported as best performers in various agricultural applications and proposed to be best alternatives in plant disease management. Keywords: Bioengineering, biotechnology, tobacco abiotic stresses 141 New technology and integrative approaches for identification of plant pathogens M. Madani Formerly a researcher at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Charlottetown, PE; and University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB-CANADA *E-mail: Abstract DNA-based technology has proven useful for identifying and diagnosing plant pathogens, including species and subspecies of nematodes that cause plant diseases. keywords: a. al; abstract; activity; agriculture; application; citrus; college; conditions; control; cotton; crop; date; department; disease; effect; extract; faculty; field; food; fruit; fungal; fungi; gene; green; growth; insect; insecticides; institute; iran; isolates; keywords; leaf; m. al; mail; management; nematodes; number; oman; pakistan; palm; pathogens; pesticides; pests; plant; plant protection; plant sciences; potential; protection; rate; research; resistance; respectively; results; rice; root; samples; sciences; soil; species; spp; study; time; tomato; treatment; university; use; virus; weed; wheat cache: jams-5801.pdf plain text: jams-5801.txt item: #146 of 251 id: jams-596 author: Lenhard, R.J.; Kacimov, A.R.; Tartakovsky, A.M.; AbdelRahman, H. title: Modeling Residual NAPL in Water-Wet Porous Media date: 2002-06-01 words: 4302 flesch: 55 summary: To avoid confusion between residual water and residual NAPL, we have adapted the above definitions. This is conceptually referred to as residual NAPL. keywords: air; fluid; lenhard; napl; saturation; water cache: jams-596.pdf plain text: jams-596.txt item: #147 of 251 id: jams-597 author: Grathwohl, P.; Maier, U. title: Natural Attenuation of Volatile Hydrocarbons in Unsaturated Soil Zone date: 2002-06-01 words: 3250 flesch: 54 summary: 0.25 (toluene) Henry = 4.23 (MCH) Henry = 132 (iso-octane) biodegradation degassing to atmosphere Fate of contaminant depending on biodegradation rate constant 2D numerical experiment, NAPL mixure degradation degassing Figure 4: Relation of degassing rate to atmosphere compared to biodegradation rate for three selected compounds with different Henry’s law constant H. Sensitivity Analyses To evaluate the importance of soil and meteorological parameters for the contaminant behaviour, sensitivity analyses on biodegradation rate constants, Henry’s law constant H, aqueous saturation concentration CSat for the different compounds, temperature, soil water content and possible anaerobic conditions were conducted in 1D and 2D. Biodegradation was most important for the aromatic compounds (low Henry’s law constant) and the heavier n-alkanes (high biodegradation rate constants). keywords: biodegradation; compounds; field; figure; groundwater; model; rate; soil; source; zone cache: jams-597.pdf plain text: jams-597.txt item: #148 of 251 id: jams-598 author: Elrick, D.E.; Reynolds, W.D. title: Measuring Water Transmission Parameters in Vadose Zone Using Ponded Infiltration Techniques date: 2002-06-01 words: 3934 flesch: 62 summary: Consequently, knowledge of soil water transmission parameters is essential for understanding, preventing and remediating the contamination of soil water and ground water. Soil water flow is, in turn, the primary mechanism by which soil contaminants, such as excess plant nutrient, bacteria, viruses, salts, and industrial chemicals are transported. keywords: flow; head; infiltration; kfs; reynolds; soil; water cache: jams-598.pdf plain text: jams-598.txt item: #149 of 251 id: jams-599 author: Youngs, E.G. title: Maintaining Fresh-Water Aquifers Over Saline Water in Coastal Aquifers date: 2002-06-01 words: 3495 flesch: 64 summary: Steady–State Analysis of Fresh-Water Aquifer In the analysis of the so-called Ghyben-Herzberg lens of fresh water overlying saline water intruding from the sea in coastal aquifers (Childs, 1969; Bear, 1972), the assumption is made that no mixing takes place between the saline water and fresh water so that a sharp interface exists between the fresh-water region above and the saline water below in communication with the sea (Fig.1). Fresh water overlying saline water in coastal regions (not to scale). keywords: water cache: jams-599.pdf plain text: jams-599.txt item: #150 of 251 id: jams-600 author: Sauter, M.; Licha, T. title: Use of Short Chained Alkylphenols (SCAP) in Analysis of Transport Behaviour of Oil Contaminated Groundwater date: 2002-06-01 words: 4785 flesch: 60 summary: SCAP contamination was found near a tar pit source and along the assumed groundwater flow path (Figure 7). This implies large uncertainties in the prediction of the temporal and spatial distribution of SCAP contamination. keywords: analysis; figure; groundwater; oil; pcf; phenol; plume; scap; source cache: jams-600.pdf plain text: jams-600.txt item: #151 of 251 id: jams-601 author: Or, D. title: Physical Processes Affecting Microbial Habitats and Activity in Unsaturated Porous Media date: 2002-06-01 words: 4038 flesch: 48 summary: Under “dry” conditions soil water is primarily in the form of films held by surface forces. As the energy state of soil water (matric potential) decreases, the physico-biological adjustment of microbial communities becomes more evidenced by the enhanced production of EPS. keywords: activity; changes; diffusion; eps; liquid; pore; processes; soil; water cache: jams-601.pdf plain text: jams-601.txt item: #152 of 251 id: jams-602 author: Lerner, D.N.; Wealthall, G.P.; Steele, A. title: Assessing Risk from DNAPLs in Fractured Aquifers date: 2002-06-01 words: 3543 flesch: 59 summary: This paper addresses two aspects of such predictions: measuring fracture apertures in situ and the connectivity of fracture networks with respect to DNAPLs. DNAPL migration in variable aperture fractures. keywords: aperture; connectivity; depth; dnapl; field; fracture; network; penetration; pressure; rock cache: jams-602.pdf plain text: jams-602.txt item: #153 of 251 id: jams-603 author: Hoey, D.; Ahmed, M.; Littleboy, M. title: Landscape Salinisation and Management: An Australian Perspective date: 2002-06-01 words: 5525 flesch: 43 summary: Principles of landscape, soil and water salinity – processes and management options, Part A. Scientific assessment and modelling approaches will be briefly outlined, and approaches to salinity management will be described. keywords: australia; catchment; dryland; engineering; government; groundwater; land; landscape; management; nsw; plan; saline; salinisation; salinity; water cache: jams-603.pdf plain text: jams-603.txt item: #154 of 251 id: jams-604 author: Hassanizadeh, S.M.; Celia, M.A.; Dahle, H.K. title: Dynamic Effect in Capillary Pressure- Saturation Relationship and its Impact on Unsaturated Flow date: 2002-06-01 words: 1455 flesch: 47 summary: This indicates that dynamic effects may be important for some field situations, and numerical simulators for unsaturated flow should generally include the additional term(s) associated with dynamic capillary pressure. Keywords: Capillary pressure, saturation, unsaturated flow, dynamic effect, porous media, wetting phase, equilibrium, relative permeability, transient, Darcy's Law. keywords: effect; flow; pressure; saturation cache: jams-604.pdf plain text: jams-604.txt item: #155 of 251 id: jams-605 author: Sherif, M.M.; Singh, V.P. title: Effect of Groundwater Pumping on Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers date: 2002-06-01 words: 3949 flesch: 59 summary: Nile Delta ground water study. Keywords: Seawater intrusion, Groundwater pumping, coastal aquifer, recharge, upcoming, Nile Delta aquifer, SUTRA, watertable. keywords: aquifer; delta; intrusion; nile; pumping; scenario; seawater cache: jams-605.pdf plain text: jams-605.txt item: #156 of 251 id: jams-606 author: Otto, C. title: Dual Pump Recovery (DPR) System to Extract Freshwater in Coastal Aquifers date: 2002-06-01 words: 1187 flesch: 62 summary: DPR recovers two separate types of water: contaminated water from depth which must be treated, and fresh water from near the water table which is clean enough that it can be safely recharged to the aquifer a short distance away. Furthermore, the water sent for treatment is not diluted by overlying fresh water, the volume of water to be treated is less, and water treatment costs are therefore reduced. keywords: pump; recovery; water cache: jams-606.pdf plain text: jams-606.txt item: #157 of 251 id: jams-609 author: Omezzine, A.; Al-Mazrooei, N.; Chomo, G.V. title: Purchase Behavior of Consumers for Seafood Products date: 2003-01-01 words: 6465 flesch: 59 summary: This study is aimed at providing information on Oman consumers’ attitudes and preferences for fish purchase form and market outlets using an information-processing model. Fish markets in Oman. keywords: choice; consumers; fish; form; income; market; oman; outlets; purchase; shore cache: jams-609.pdf plain text: jams-609.txt item: #158 of 251 id: jams-610 author: Alahmed, A.M.; Kheir, S.M. title: Life Cycle and Survival of Hyalomma dromedarii (Acari:Ixodidae) Under Laboratory Conditions date: 2003-01-01 words: 2603 flesch: 66 summary: The study has shown that unfed adult ticks were more resistant to high temperature than eggs, unfed larvae, ALAHMED AND KHEIR 14 engorged nymphs and engorged females. At 25 and 32°C, the incubation periods were significantly longer than the preoviposition periods (P<0.001), larval-nymphal feeding periods (P<0.001) and adult feeding periods (P<0.001). keywords: dromedarii; eggs; tick cache: jams-610.pdf plain text: jams-610.txt item: #159 of 251 id: jams-611 author: Nazer, I.K.; Al-Abbadi, A. title: Control of Varroa Mite (Varroa destructor) on Honeybees by Aromatic Oils and Plant Materials date: 2003-01-01 words: 4662 flesch: 72 summary: Second Third Clove oil 2.61a ± 1.62** 0.78b ± 0.49 5.32a ± 3.83 Lavender oil 1.77a ± 0.46 0.70b ± 0.21 2.18a ± 0.61 Peppermint oil 3.83a ± 1.87 0.79b ± 0.15 ± 0.43 0.85a keywords: control; means; mites; oil; period; treatment; varroa cache: jams-611.pdf plain text: jams-611.txt item: #160 of 251 id: jams-612 author: Nazer, I.K.; Kasrawi, M.A.; Al-Attal, Y.Z. title: Influence of Pollination Technique on Greenhouse Tomato Production date: 2003-01-01 words: 3569 flesch: 65 summary: Ikeda and Tadauchi (1995) found that tomato fruits obtained by bumblebee pollination were more uniform and contained more seeds, flesh, T ! Testing began by removing the epidermal layer of tomato fruit with a sharp knife on the two opposite sides, then flesh firmness was measured and the average of two readings was calculated. keywords: average; bumblebee; control; fruit; pgb; pollination; set; treatment; vibration cache: jams-612.pdf plain text: jams-612.txt item: #161 of 251 id: jams-613 author: Mansee, A.H.; Montasser, M.R. title: Maximizing Toxicity of Certain Insecticides Against Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) date: 2003-01-01 words: 5602 flesch: 55 summary: Joint toxic effects between deltamethrin and the two tested OP as esterase inhibitors, showed that mixing chlorpyrifos- methyl with deltamethrin increased deltamethrin toxicity by 152.7 and 137.12 fold in dark and light, respectively. On the other hand, Wanas et al. (1982) MAXIMIZING TOXICITY OF CERTAIN INSECTICIDES AGAINST TRIBOLIUM CASTANEUM (HERBST) 31 TABLE 1 Effects of oxidase inhibitor, piperonyl butoxide (PB), on insecticides toxicity to T. castaneum using residual film method at 30ºC. Treatments In Dark In Light Insecticides LC50(g/cm 2) (95% Fiducial Limits) Toxicity Ratio** (Fold) LC50(g/cm 2) (95% Fiducial Limits) Toxicity Ratio** (Fold) Without PB 2.00 - 0.713 - (1.72-2.40) (0.64-0.79) + PB 0.625* keywords: castaneum; chlorpyrifos; deltamethrin; insecticides; light; malathion; methyl; temperature; toxicity cache: jams-613.pdf plain text: jams-613.txt item: #162 of 251 id: jams-614 author: Abdullah, G. R.; Al-Khateeb, A.A.; Serage, M. title: Effect of Different Concentrations of Growth Regulators on Gardenia jasminoides cv. Veitchii Micropropagation by Tissue Culture Technique date: 2003-01-01 words: 2258 flesch: 99 summary: # %? $(-!# - !3 4!# %(;)&!# $(-!R?,&,!#/?1!# .5? 7&!)?;?5 !>'6.()&!A!!!!!!!! keywords: + =; culture; jasminoides cache: jams-614.pdf plain text: jams-614.txt item: #163 of 251 id: jams-615 author: Al-Busaidi, A.S.; Cookson, P. title: Salinity–pH Relationships in Calcareous Soils date: 2003-01-01 words: 3733 flesch: 58 summary: According to Gupta et al., (1989) sodium ions react in calcareous soils to form sodium carbonate and bicarbonate, which by hydrolyzing at pH values more than of 8.8, leads to a direct relationship between soil salinity and pH. In the absence of concentrations of sodium ions, soil pH has also been found to decrease as salinity increases. A negative relationship was found between soil salinity and pH. The main factor contributing to this relationship was probably the presence of soluble Ca2+ ion in soil. keywords: calcium; ions; relationship; saline; salinity; sodium; soil cache: jams-615.pdf plain text: jams-615.txt item: #164 of 251 id: jams-616 author: Aldryhim, Y.; Al-Bukiri, S. title: Effect of Irrigation on Within-Grove Distribution of Red Palm Weevil Rhynchophorous ferrugineus date: 2003-01-01 words: 1510 flesch: 67 summary: Rhynchophorous ferruginseus infested date palm trees. Since then it has spread over most of the date palm areas (Bokhari and Abuzuhira 1992; Vidyasagar et al., 2000), due to the transfer of infested offshoots and palm trees. keywords: irrigation; palm; rpw; trees cache: jams-616.pdf plain text: jams-616.txt item: #165 of 251 id: jams-617 author: AI-Moshileh, A.M.; Motawei, M.I.; AI-Wasel, A.; Abdel-Latif, T. title: Identification of Some Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Cultivars in Saudi Arabia Using RAPD Fingerprints date: 2004-01-01 words: 3 flesch: 119 summary: img006 img007 img008 keywords: img006 cache: jams-617.pdf plain text: jams-617.txt item: #166 of 251 id: jams-618 author: Benkeblia, N.; Shiomi, N. title: Effect of Anoxia on Respiration Rate (Fermentative Index) and Ethanol Production of Onion Bulbs (Allium cepa L.) date: 2003-01-01 words: 4 flesch: 118 summary: img009 img010 img011 img012 keywords: img009 cache: jams-618.pdf plain text: jams-618.txt item: #167 of 251 id: jams-619 author: Mehanna, S.F. title: Population Dynamics of Two Cichlids, Oreochromis aureus and Tilapia zilIi, from Wadi EI-Raiyan Lakes, Egypt date: 2004-01-01 words: 8 flesch: 114 summary: img013 img014 img015 img016 img017 img018 img019 img020 keywords: img013 cache: jams-619.pdf plain text: jams-619.txt item: #168 of 251 id: jams-620 author: AI-Rashed, M.; Al-Senafy, M. title: Assessment of Groundwater Salinization and Soil Degradation in Abdally Farms, Kuwait date: 2004-01-01 words: 3 flesch: 119 summary: img021 img022 img023 keywords: img021 cache: jams-620.pdf plain text: jams-620.txt item: #169 of 251 id: jams-621 author: Modaihsh, A.S.; AI-Swailem, M.S.; Mahjoub, M.O. title: Heavy Metals Content of Commercial Inorganic Fertilizers Used in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia date: 2004-01-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img024 img025 img026 img027 img028 keywords: img024 cache: jams-621.pdf plain text: jams-621.txt item: #170 of 251 id: jams-622 author: AI Busaidi, A.; Cookson, P. title: Leaching Potential of Sea Water in Saline Souls date: 2004-01-01 words: 4 flesch: 118 summary: img029 img030 img031 img032 keywords: img029 cache: jams-622.pdf plain text: jams-622.txt item: #171 of 251 id: jams-623 author: Ghobashi, A.A. title: Agricultural Extensnon Techniques in the Sultanate of Oman, Present Prospect and Perspective date: 2004-01-01 words: 8 flesch: 114 summary: img033 img034 img035 img036 img037 img038 img039 img040 keywords: img033 cache: jams-623.pdf plain text: jams-623.txt item: #172 of 251 id: jams-624 author: Zaibet, L.; Boughanmi, H.; AI-Marshudi, A.; AI-Hinai, T. title: Internationalization of Oman Fisheries Firms After the European Union Ban date: 2004-06-01 words: 6 flesch: 116 summary: img054 img055 img056 img057 img058 img059 keywords: img054 cache: jams-624.pdf plain text: jams-624.txt item: #173 of 251 id: jams-626 author: Taia, W.K.; El-Olyan, H.A. title: Habitat Variation and its Effect on the Morphological Characters of Three Wild Plant Species in El-Riyadh City date: 2005-01-01 words: 2390 flesch: 66 summary: In fact, vegetative characters can be unreliable because of the similarity between unrelated species, but even so Davis and Heywood (1973) deplored the neglect of morphological characters as one of the most serious errors which delay the achievement of a natural system. Leaf characters for the three species were more fixed, whereas the moisture contents of the plants differed slightly according to the location. keywords: characters; habitats; leaf; plant; species cache: jams-626.pdf plain text: jams-626.txt item: #174 of 251 id: jams-627 author: El-Mardi, M.O.; Pillay, A.E.; Williams, J.R.; Bakheit, C.S.; Hassan, S.M.; Al-Hadabbi, M.; Al-Hamdi, A. title: Influence of Alternate Bearing on Leaf and Fruit Mineral Composition at Different Developmental Stages of Date Palm Fruits date: 2005-01-01 words: 6322 flesch: 73 summary: Likewise, K and Na Influence of alternate bearing on leaf and fruit mineral composition of date palm fruit 7 were negatively correlated in Kimri stage. Comparison test Influence of alternate bearing on leaf and fruit mineral composition of date palm fruit 11 References Al Juburi, H.J. 1993. keywords: bisir; date; fruit; kimri; leaf; palm; stages; الثمار cache: jams-627.pdf plain text: jams-627.txt item: #175 of 251 id: jams-628 author: Kadim, I. T.; Al-Marzooqi, W.; Mahgoub, O.; Annamalai, K. title: Prediction of Composition of Broiler Chicken Excreta Using Near-infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy date: 2005-01-01 words: 3627 flesch: 60 summary: The results indicate that it is possible to calibrate NIRS to predict major constituents in broiler excreta samples. Once the initial calibration and equation model for the excreta sample has been established, NIRS may be used to replace wet chemistry in quantifying many compositional parameters of poultry excreta samples to an acceptable level of accuracy,. keywords: broiler; excreta; figure; nirs; reflectance; samples; sep; spectroscopy; values cache: jams-628.pdf plain text: jams-628.txt item: #176 of 251 id: jams-629 author: Al-Rehiayani, S.; Osman, K.A. title: Fate of Preharvest-Sprayed Dicofol in Date Fruits: Residue Analysis by HPLC-UV date: 2005-01-01 words: 4396 flesch: 69 summary: Following reassessment of dietary risk, the EPA has updated U.S. tolerances for DCF residues on a variety of crop commodities and described harmonization with Codex MRLs (U.S.-EPA, 1998). Unfortunately, no data are available on DCF residues and its loss on date fruits, although it has been reported in cucumber (Nazer and Masoud, 1986), fish (Barbera, et al., 1986), meat (Yossef et al., 2003), avian eggs (Krynitsky et al., 1988) and citrus (Fernăndez et al., 2001; Torres et al., 1996; keywords: date; dcf; dicofol; fruits; journal; ppm; residue; الملیون; جزء; على cache: jams-629.pdf plain text: jams-629.txt item: #177 of 251 id: jams-630 author: Ghosh, M.; Ganguli, A.; Kumar, M. title: Handling Practices During Distribution of Kinnow-Mandarins (Citrus nobilis x Citrus deliciosa) Used for Preparation of Fresh-Squeezed Juices and their Effects on Microbiological Safety date: 2005-01-01 words: 3542 flesch: 57 summary: All Kinnow–mandarin samples were packed individually in sterile whirl-pack bags (Fischer scientific) using sterile latex gloves. The objective of this study was to assess the microbiological safety of Kinnow-mandarins (Citrus nobilis X Citrus deliciosa) used for preparation of fresh squeezed juices by street vendors. keywords: distribution; fresh; fruits; india; juices; kinnow; mandarins; samples; street; vendors cache: jams-630.pdf plain text: jams-630.txt item: #178 of 251 id: jams-631 author: Kaakeh, W. title: Identification, Geographical Distribution and Hosts of Subterranean Termites in the United Arab Emirates Arid Ecosystem date: 2005-01-01 words: 4040 flesch: 66 summary: Nests of termite species recorded in all emirates were of subterranean termites found in arid conditions where there was at least a proportion of clay in the soil and groundwater was enough to support sparse vegetation. Results and Discussion Termite species Table 1 shows all identified termite species in each Emirate. keywords: abu; dhabi; emirates; hypostoma; ochraceus; species; termites; األرضة cache: jams-631.pdf plain text: jams-631.txt item: #179 of 251 id: jams-632 author: Al-Redhaiman, K.N. title: Effect of the Nitrate Reductase Genes (Nia) on the Quality of Different Lettuce Genotypes for Low Nitrate Content date: 2005-01-01 words: 3348 flesch: 58 summary: حصر التراكیب الوراثیة للخس لخفض محتواھا من النترات ABSTRACT: Genotypic variation in nitrate concentrations of different lettuce genotypes belonging to four types (Butterhead, Cos/Romaine, Crisphead, and Stem lettuce) and its relationship to nitrate reductase genes (Nia)Cos/Romaine, Crisphead, and Stem lettuce) and its relationship to nitrate reductase genes (Nia)Cos/Romaine, Crisphead, and Stem lettuce) and its relationship to nitrate reductase genes ( for low nitrate concentrations of leaves was investigated. Nitrate concentrations in the roots were significantly higher in the Romaine genotype ' Little Gem' and the Butterhead genotypes 'Augusta and Merveille Des Quatre Saisons' than the other lettuce genotypes. keywords: butterhead; concentrations; gene; genotypes; lettuce; nitrate; reductase; romaine; الخس; مجموعة cache: jams-632.pdf plain text: jams-632.txt item: #180 of 251 id: jams-633 author: Cakmak, Erol H.; Erdogan, Faruk Cenap; Cetik, Mehmet title: Financial Performance of Irrigation Associations: Selected Cases from Turkey date: 2006-01-01 words: 4605 flesch: 59 summary: Results suggest that irrigation associations are able to fulfill irrigation tasks to a large extent using enhanced equipment. Irrigation associations are responsible for providing all services related to operation and maintenance and for bearing the costs of providing these services. keywords: associations; costs; dsi; irrigation; o&m; soke; table; total; transfer cache: jams-633.pdf plain text: jams-633.txt item: #181 of 251 id: jams-634 author: Bjornlund, Henning title: Water Markets - Economic Instruments to Manage Scarcity date: 2006-01-01 words: 5514 flesch: 53 summary: Australia has aggressively pursued water markets as an integral part of water policy reforms. This paper discusses: a) how water markets have evolved in Australia, b) prices paid and volumes traded in water markets, and c) the increase in market participation. keywords: allocation; bjornlund; entitlements; farm; irrigators; market; prices; scarcity; trading; water cache: jams-634.pdf plain text: jams-634.txt item: #182 of 251 id: jams-635 author: Thabet, Chokri; Chebil, Ali title: Irrigation Water Pricing in Tunisia: Issues for Management Transparency date: 2006-01-01 words: 4860 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Water cost, accounting, cost recovery, reforms. Moreover, the transfer of O&M responsibilities to water users’ organizations could improve the estimation of water cost and facilitate the implementation of water markets. keywords: costs; farmers; irrigation; management; o&m; pricing; resources; total; tunisia; volume; water cache: jams-635.pdf plain text: jams-635.txt item: #183 of 251 id: jams-636 author: Fernández-Zamudio, Maria Angeles; De-Miguel, Maria Dolores; Caballero, Pedro title: Water Demand Analysis for Tree Crops in Spanish Mediterranean Farms date: 2006-01-01 words: 3647 flesch: 57 summary: Conclusion In evaluating the direct impact of water price on the net margins the olive tree is the species that can justify higher irrigation water prices. Crops net margin changes according to irrigation water price. keywords: demand; euros; farm; irrigation; margin; net; price; scenario; water cache: jams-636.pdf plain text: jams-636.txt item: #184 of 251 id: jams-637 author: Nakshbendi, Ghiyath title: Financing the Urban Water Sector in the United States of America, with Possible Implementation in the Sultanate of Oman date: 2006-01-01 words: 6181 flesch: 57 summary: Water projects have the additional disadvantage that there is a high minimum size of project finance, due to the size of legal costs and the terms for water projects. Possibilities of Implementing Some U.S. Financing Methods Obstacles in water project financing Based on the available options, some of the methods used in financing water projects in the U.S. could be considered for implementation in Oman. keywords: 2005; bonds; budget; capital; countries; financing; government; infrastructure; new; oman; projects; sector; state; water; water sector; wssc cache: jams-637.pdf plain text: jams-637.txt item: #185 of 251 id: jams-638 author: Heidecke, Claudia; Kuhn, Arnim title: Simulating Groundwater Charges for the Moroccan Drâa River Basin date: 2006-01-01 words: 3702 flesch: 58 summary: Years Figure 5. Simulated groundwater tables in meters at water costs of 1.00 Dirham/m3 Simulating groundwater charges for the Moroccan Drâa river basin 53 Figure 6 depicts the increase of shadow prices over a period of five years, depending on costs for irrigation water. Empirical information on water costs and cropping profitability were obtained from a farm survey. keywords: basin; charges; costs; dirham; drâa; farmers; groundwater; irrigation; pumping; river; water; years cache: jams-638.pdf plain text: jams-638.txt item: #186 of 251 id: jams-639 author: Benkeblia, N. title: Effect of Exogenous Hormones (NAA, BA, GA3, and Ethephon), Chemical Inhibitors (MH and CIP) and Low Temperature on Sprouting of Onion Bulbs, AIIium cepa L. date: 2004-06-01 words: 5 flesch: 117 summary: img070 img071 img072 img073 img074 keywords: img074 cache: jams-639.pdf plain text: jams-639.txt item: #187 of 251 id: jams-644 author: Zekri, Slim; Al Said, Fahad A.; Khan, Iqrar A. title: Profitability Analysis of Selected Farms in the Batinah Region of Oman date: 2007-01-01 words: 6992 flesch: 62 summary: In terms of the demand for water, a comparison of vegetable farms with farms producing fodder, shows that the former use slightly more water, as shown by the demand for electricity (see Table 7). The top 10% of vegetable farms growing only vegetables (Group 1) registered a net margin of 2,580 RO/ha, double the average net margin of the whole group. keywords: area; average; crops; farmers; farms; fodder; group; margin; profitability; salinity; vegetables; water cache: jams-644.pdf plain text: jams-644.txt item: #188 of 251 id: jams-645 author: Ghaloub, Hamid Ali; K. Nadaf, Saleem; Al-Khamisi, Saif Ali title: Differential Response of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) to Salinity date: 2007-01-01 words: 6277 flesch: 70 summary: Dry matter yield also showed progressive and significant (p<0.05) decreases from the control to higher salinity levels in both years (Table 6). Green matter yield showed a progressive and significant (p<0.05) decreasing trend from the control to higher salinity levels in both years (Table 5). keywords: cultivars; matter; plant; s c; salinity cache: jams-645.pdf plain text: jams-645.txt item: #189 of 251 id: jams-646 author: Moftah, Ansary Edris; AL-Humaid, Abdul-Rahman Ibrahim title: Response of Buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) Trees to Drought Conditions date: 2007-01-01 words: 6136 flesch: 62 summary: Effect of soil water potential on predawn (solid line) and midday (dashes line) water potential (MPa) of Conocarous plants. Seedling growth was not affected significantly at soil water potential above –0.1 MPa (between 40 and 30% Field Capacity (FC). keywords: buttonwood; conditions; drought; growth; leaf; leaves; mpa; plant; potential; response; roots; soil; soil water; stress; trees; water; water potential cache: jams-646.pdf plain text: jams-646.txt item: #190 of 251 id: jams-647 author: Al-Moshileh, Abd-Rahman Mohamed M.; El-Shinawy, Mohamed Zaky; Motawei, Mohamed Ibrahim title: Evaluation of Potato Cultivars Grown in Saudi Arabia by Morphological Characters and RAPD Markers date: 2007-01-01 words: 3905 flesch: 61 summary: The RAPD profiles obtained were successfully used to differentiate potato cultivars. لعشائر الخرائط الوراثیة الھامة في االقتصادیة الصفات Al-Moshileh, El-Shinawy and Motawei 36 37 Evaluation of potato cultivars by morphological characters and RAPD markers Etfadoal presented the least similarity (0.50) while cultivars Mondial and Citrix had the greatest similarity (0.92). keywords: analysis; cultivars; dna; leaf; markers; mondial; potato; potato cultivars; rapd; seasons; victoria; yield cache: jams-647.pdf plain text: jams-647.txt item: #191 of 251 id: jams-649 author: Razvi, Syed Ali; Al-Shidi, Rashid; Al-Zadjali, Najma Mahmood; Al-Raeesy, Yousuf Mohammad title: Hemipteran Hopper Species Associated with Acid Lime Plants (Citrus aurantifolia L .) in the Sultanate of Oman: Candidate Vectors of Witches’-Broom Disease of Lime date: 2007-01-01 words: 6594 flesch: 68 summary: H. phycitis catches and the maximum and minimum temperatures during each of three year annual periods in Maharah are plotted together in each of Figs.3 a-c, which indicate that the maximum and minimum temperatures during the peak activity periods of H. phycitis ranged from 25 to 30 o C and from 17 to 20 o C, respectively. p hy ci tis c au gh t Month Month Month Razvi and others 62 63 Monitoring of hemipteran hopper species associated with acid lime plants Figure 4 a-b. Relationship between the catches of H. phycitis and maximum and minimum temperatures in Maharah (Al Musanah Wilayat) from May 2001 to April 2004. keywords: acid; april; catches; disease; hopper; lime; maharah; monitoring; phycitis; plants; species; table; total; trees; wbdl; years cache: jams-649.pdf plain text: jams-649.txt item: #192 of 251 id: jams-650 author: Al-Deghairi, Mohammad title: Seasonal Fluctuation of the Date Palm Fruit Stalk Borer, Oryctes elegans Prell (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), in Date Palm Plantations in Al-Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia date: 2007-01-01 words: 2222 flesch: 72 summary: %13.8 Al-Deghairi 68 69 Seasonal fluctuation of the date palm fruit stalk borer in date palm plantations Introduction More than four million date palm trees are grown in Al-Qassim region of Saudi Arabia, including some of the world’s best varieties. While no beetle activity at all was observed during January and February 2004, no evidence exists that Al-Deghairi 68 69 Seasonal fluctuation of the date palm fruit stalk borer in date palm plantations O. elegans goes into hibernation in the adult stages during the winter months (from mid-December to mid-March). keywords: arabia; beetles; date; elegans; light; oryctes; palm; trap cache: jams-650.pdf plain text: jams-650.txt item: #193 of 251 id: jams-651 author: Al-Nahdi, Abdullah; Al-Marzouqi, Abdulaziz; Groeneveld, Johan C.; Al-Hosni, Ahmed title: A First Record of Whip Lobsters Puerulus sewelli from Oman with Notes on Size, Condition and Length-Weight Relationships date: 2008-01-01 words: 2423 flesch: 68 summary: In the present paper, the occurrence of P. sewelli in the waters of Oman is reported for the first time. The aims of this study were to report on the geographical range extension, and provide information on the size, composition, length-weight relationships, and the reproductive condition of P. sewelli in a sample taken in Oman. Materials and Methods Exploratory trawls at depths >230 m were executed during daylight on the 10th of November (2 trawls) and the 8th of December 2007 (1 trawl), in the region between Mirbat and the Yemen border. keywords: females; lobsters; oman; sewelli; trawl cache: jams-651.pdf plain text: jams-651.txt item: #194 of 251 id: jams-653 author: Al-Busaidi, Moza Abdallah; Yesudhason, Poulose; Al-Falahi, Khamis Saif; Al-Nakhaili, Adel Khalifa; Al-Mazrooei, Nashwa Ali; Al-Habsi, Saoud Hamood title: Changes in Scomberotoxin (Histamine) and Volatile Amine (TVB-N) Formation in Longtail Tuna (Thunnus tonggol) Stored at Different Temperatures date: 2011-01-01 words: 7314 flesch: 61 summary: Begona et al. (2006) reported a low loss of moisture for tuna fish stored at -18 oC. Histamine Concentration Generally, histamine production showed different patterns at the four different storage temperatures, which indicates that storage temperature may have an effect on histamine � � � � � � � m g/ �1 00 g A 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 0 T 1 3 4 Storage TVB�N HISTAM 7 8 9 e�time�(days) INE 10 11 14 � 15 � � � � � 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 0 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 m g/ �1 00 g Storage�time�(days) B TVB�N HISTAMINE � � � � � � � � 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 0 1 2 m g/ 10 0g Storage�time�(days) C TVB�N HISTAMINE � �� m g/ �1 00 g D 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 0 1 TV 4 7 9 1 Stor VB�N HISTAMIN 14 18 30 60 rage�time�(days) NE 120 180 240 3 � 300 18 Al-Busaidi and others 19 Changes in scomberotoxin and volatile amine formation in longtail tuna stored at different temperatures Figure 2. و ٨ ْم حرارة في درجات اقرب الترابط وقد كان بالهستامني، (TVB-N) مقارنة Keywords: Histamine, Longtail tuna, Scomberotoxin, Storage temperature, Safety. keywords: -18; changes; fish; food; formation; histamine; mg/100; storage; temperatures; time; tuna; tvb; value cache: jams-653.pdf plain text: jams-653.txt item: #195 of 251 id: jams-654 author: Al Gheilani, Hamed Mohammed; Matsuoka, Kazumi; AlKindi, Abdulaziz Yahya; Amer, Shehla; Waring, Colin title: Fish Kill Incidents and Harmful Algal Blooms in Omani Waters date: 2011-01-01 words: 6802 flesch: 60 summary: Coastal Algal Blooms Caused by the Cyst Forming Dinoflagellates. Introduction Throughout the world’s coastal waters, harmful algal bloom are being reported with increasing frequency and causing severe impacts on coastal resources, local economies and public health. keywords: blooms; coastal; et al; fish; fisheries; habs; incidents; kill; marine; mortality; oman; oxygen; red; research; scintillans; sea; species; thangaraja; tide; waters cache: jams-654.pdf plain text: jams-654.txt item: #196 of 251 id: jams-655 author: Mahmoud, Aly M.; Gindy, Adel N.Z. title: Treatment of Monogenic Parasites in Imported Hybrid Mono Sex Red Tilapia Fries (Oreochromis SPP) in the Sultanate of Oman date: 2011-01-01 words: 3816 flesch: 61 summary: Wet mount preparation from gills of red tilapia fish showed multiple parasites (monogenea Sp.) attached to branchial tissue (arrows) bar, 20 µm. 38 Mahmoud and Gindy 39 Treatment of monogenic parasites in imported hybrid mono sex red tilapia fries caterpillar-like motion, in which the parasite repetitively stretched and recoiled and also due to presence of attaching hooks (Noga, 1996). Hoffman (1970) and Bauer and Hoffman (1976) summarized the state of knowledge on the transfers of fish parasites along with host movements through human activities. keywords: aquaculture; fao; fish; fries; gill; mortality; nile; number; parasites; production; red; skin; species; tilapia; treatment cache: jams-655.pdf plain text: jams-655.txt item: #197 of 251 id: jams-656 author: Yoon, Gil Ha; Al Jufaili, Sarah; Al Ghabshi, Aliya; Al Mazrooei, Nashwa title: The In Vitro Activity of a Range of Natural Bioflavonoids Against Five Species of Pathogenic Fish Bacteria date: 2011-01-01 words: 5532 flesch: 59 summary: +++ ++ +++ + + 5 +++ ++ +++ + + 100 ++ - ++ - - G. glabra 2 +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ 5 +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ 100 +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ L. alba 2 +++ +++ +++ + + 5 +++ +++ +++ + + 100 ++ + + + + 44 Ha Yoon and others 45 The in vitro activity of a range of natural bioflavonoids against five species of pathogenic fish bacteria Table 2 . . . . . . 1 ++ ++ +++ ++ ++ 2 ++ ++ +++ ++ ++ 5 - - - - - Z. officinale 2 +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ 5 +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ 100 +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ (TSA+dH 2 0)1 +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ (TSA+NaOH)2 +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ 143 replicates used 212 replicates used 46 Ha Yoon and others 47 The in vitro activity of a range of natural bioflavonoids against five species of pathogenic fish bacteria Table 3. keywords: + +; + c.; + catechin; + morin; activity; aeromonas; agar; bacteria; bioflavonoids; diffusion; fish; growth; ppm; species; vitro cache: jams-656.pdf plain text: jams-656.txt item: #198 of 251 id: jams-658 author: Tigani ElMahi, Ali title: Hematophagous Flies in Dhofar (Sultanate of Oman): A Limiting Factor and a Potential Pathogenic Vector date: 2011-01-01 words: 3801 flesch: 57 summary: In Dhofar, pastoralists take certain precautionary measures against hematophagous flies: Haematobia minuta Bezzi, Musca crassirostris Stein and Forcipomyia (lasiohelea) whitcombei Boorman. It is to enhance our understanding of hematophagous flies in Dhofar and establish a proper basis for coherent plans against any human and veterinary health hazards that can possibly take place in this region. keywords: animals; cattle; crassirostris; dhofar; elmahi; flies; jabal; mellor; minuta; oman; pastoralists cache: jams-658.pdf plain text: jams-658.txt item: #199 of 251 id: jams-659 author: Khuleel, Rafh Mohammed Taher title: Relationship Between Body Composition and Performance of Local Turkey date: 2011-01-01 words: 3569 flesch: 97 summary: انجشٔرٍٛ % ***0.42048- 1.00000 **0.30756- ***0.81058- انذٍْ% 0.03647 0.00497 0.03740- 0.00600 انٕصٌ االثزذائٙ )غى( 0.05879- *0.23284 0.07498- 0.19620- ٔصٌ انغغى انؾٙ )غى( 0.05371- 0.21780 0.05267- 0.19305- انضٚبدح انٕصَٛخ انٕٛيٛخ )غى( 0.03350 0.08341 0.05209- 0.06958- اعزٓال انذها انٕٛيٙ )غى( 0.16128 *0.24830- 0.00617 0.22541 كفبءح انزؾٕٚم ان زائٙ 0.00692 0.11051 0.00183 0.12094- جشٔرٍٛ انٕٛيٙ )غى(اعزٓال ان 0.15206 *0.23249- 0.01734 0.20471 كفبءح رؾٕٚم انجشٔرٍٛ *0.27214- **0.36516 **0.30228- 0.16850- َغجخ انزظبفٙ % >P 0.001*** يذُٕ٘ رؾذ يغزٕٖ ، >P 0.01** يذُٕ٘ رؾذ يغزٕٖ ، >P 0.05* يذُٕ٘ رؾذ يغزٕٖ 79 ههغغى ئ يذبدالد رُجؤٚخ نهزشكٛت انكًٛٛبانًذسٔعخ انًشبس إنٛٓب ١٦ عمر لغاية عند النهائي اجلسم ووزن (غم) أسابيع ٨ عمر عند االبتدائي اجلسم وزن مثل اإلنتاجية الصفات بعض من بيانات الدهن) البروتني ، ، ،الرماد اليومي البروتني واستهالك الغذائي التحويل وكفاءة اليومي(غم) العلف استهالك و (غم) اليومية الوزنية والزيادة (غم) أسبوع عمر١٦ بني والدهن، البروتني نسبة وكل من الرطوبة بني نسبة معنوي ارتباط وجود النتائج أظهرت التصافي٪. keywords: body; composition; poultry; protein; science; انجشٔرٍٛ; ثٍٛ; نسبة; يغزٕٖ; َغجخ cache: jams-659.pdf plain text: jams-659.txt item: #200 of 251 id: jams-660 author: Al-Busaidi, Ahmed; Rabeea, Jaaman; Ahmed, Mushtaque; Al-Rawahy, Salim title: Estimating Leaching Requirements for Barley Growth under Saline Irrigation date: 2012-01-01 words: 4157 flesch: 63 summary: The present study was aimed to evaluate the effects of saline irrigation water and leaching fraction on barley growth and salt accumulation in soil. Barley yield under saline water irrigation. keywords: barley; growth; irrigation; leaching; plant; saline; salinity; salt; soil; water; yield cache: jams-660.pdf plain text: jams-660.txt item: #201 of 251 id: jams-661 author: Zekri1, Slim; Fouzai, Ayoub; Naifer, Ali; Helmi, Tariq title: Damage Cost of Drying of Aflaj in the Sultanate of Oman date: 2012-01-01 words: 7176 flesch: 59 summary: Annual drinking water and domestic water losses per family. For this reason total water losses were presented according to their use. keywords: aflaj; cost; damage; drinking; dry; falaj; family; household; land; losses; o.r; sultanate; total; value; water; wells cache: jams-661.pdf plain text: jams-661.txt item: #202 of 251 id: jams-662 author: Balkhair, Mohammed; Al-Mashiki, Ali; Chesalin, Mikhail title: Experimental Rearing of Spiny Lobster, Panulirus homarus (Palinuridae) in Land-Based Tanks at Mirbat Station (Sultanate of Oman) in 2009-2010 date: 2012-01-01 words: 5542 flesch: 67 summary: An assessment of the lobster fishery in Oman in 2003–2005 (Al-Marzouqi et al., 2007) shows that average lobster size and size at first 34 Balkhair et al. 35 Experimental rearing of spiny lobster in land-based tanks maturity were considerably lower in comparison with data of 1987–1989 (Al-Abdulsalaam, 1989) and 1994–1995 (Mohan, 1997). 34 Balkhair et al. 35 Experimental rearing of spiny lobster in land-based tanks Month Month Figure 1. keywords: experiment; fisheries; growth; homarus; length; lobster; mean; oman; rearing; spiny; tanks; weight cache: jams-662.pdf plain text: jams-662.txt item: #203 of 251 id: jams-663 author: Petrus de Waal, Schalk Willem; Balkhair, Mohammed; Al-Mashikhi, Ali; Khoom, Salem title: Habitat Preferences of Juvenile Abalone (Haliotis mariae Wood, 1828) Along the Dhofar Coast of Oman and Implications for Conservation date: 2012-01-01 words: 5456 flesch: 60 summary: Selectivity (w) and standardized (B) ratios quantifying the relative probability of selection by juvenile abalone for different categories of resource available were calculated. Urchin utilisation by juvenile abalone as shelter ranged between geographic areas from a minimum of 15.5% to a maximum of 47.6%. keywords: abalone; areas; boulders; categories; coast; densities; fisheries; habitat; haliotis; juvenile; oman; species; urchins cache: jams-663.pdf plain text: jams-663.txt item: #204 of 251 id: jams-666 author: Johnson, Eugene H.; Al-Habsi, Khalid R.; Al-Busaidi, Rashid M. title: A Review of Observations Made on Select Parameters of the Camel Immune System date: 2013-01-01 words: 4725 flesch: 54 summary: Furthermore, sound evidence has been presented that the variable domains found in camel HCAbs are encoded by other genes than those of four chain immunoglobulins (Nguyen et al., 1998) and raises the likelihood that V(H) genes of HCAbs do not arise through an ontogenic process of somatic hypermutation. Camel neutrophils appear to have highly electron dense and less dense granules that likely correspond to the primary and specific granules reported in most other animal species (Ali et al., 1989). keywords: activity; antibodies; antibody; camel; chain; complement; domain; et al; immunology; journal; muyldermans; protein; system cache: jams-666.pdf plain text: jams-666.txt item: #205 of 251 id: jams-667 author: Kadim, Isam T.; Mahgoub, Osman; Al-Marzooqi, Waleed; Khalaf, Samera K.; Raiymbek, Gulzhan title: Composition, Quality and Health Aspects of the Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) and Bactrian (Camelus bacterianus) Camel Meats: A Review date: 2013-01-01 words: 12375 flesch: 66 summary: The amino acid and mineral contents of camel meat are often higher than other meat animals, probably due to lower intramuscular fat levels. Camel meat has been processed into burgers, patties, sausages and shawarma to add value. keywords: acid; age; animal; bactrian; beef; biceps; brachii; camel; camel longissimus; camel meat; composition; content; dromedary; et al; fatty; femoris; kadim et; longissimus; meat; meat quality; muscles; quality; science; semitendinosus; table; thoracis; triceps cache: jams-667.pdf plain text: jams-667.txt item: #206 of 251 id: jams-668 author: Ramadan, Ramadan O. title: Surgery of the Dulaa in the Camel (Camelus dromedarius) date: 2013-01-01 words: 2593 flesch: 68 summary: A small minority of camels do not protrude the dulaa throughout their lifetime. Several reports describe the affections of the dulaa in Arabian camels (Bhargava, 1973; Vashishta et al., 1980; Gahlot, 1993; Ramadan, 1994; Barvalia et al., 1998; Rollefson et al., 2001; Gahlot et al., 2007). keywords: animal; camel; dulaa; excision; figure; gahlot; impaction; palate; pharynx; ramadan; surgery; veterinary cache: jams-668.pdf plain text: jams-668.txt item: #207 of 251 id: jams-669 author: Al-Busaidi, Rashid M.; Al-Jassasi, Ahmed; Johnson, Eugene H. title: A Serological Study on Foot and Mouth Disease in Cattle from the Dhofar Governorate of Oman date: 2013-01-01 words: 3359 flesch: 64 summary: Serological response of sera collected from 395 cattle to FMDV serotypes. O 45 (75%) 114 (78.1%) 34 Al-Busaidi et al. 35 A serological study on foot and mouth disease in cattle from the Dhofar Governorate of Oman an increasing number of seropositive animals in older animals. keywords: animals; cattle; disease; fmdv; foot; mouth; oman; study cache: jams-669.pdf plain text: jams-669.txt item: #208 of 251 id: jams-670 author: Basunia, Mohammad Ali; Al-Handali, Hamid H.; Al-Belushi, Mohammed Issa; Shafiur Rahman, Mohammad; Maghoub, Osman title: Development and performance evaluation of a solar tunnel date dryer in Oman date: 2012-01-01 words: 5334 flesch: 64 summary: Materials and Methods The prototype solar tunnel dryer consists of a flat plate air heating solar collector and drying tunnel, fabricated as a single unit (Fig. 1). Keywords: Drying, dates, solar tunnel dryer, moisture content. keywords: air; ave; collector; dates; dryer; drying; fan; solar; temperature; time; tunnel; tunnel dryer cache: jams-670.pdf plain text: jams-670.txt item: #209 of 251 id: jams-671 author: Al Barwani, Ahmed; Helmi, Tariq title: Sea Water Intrusion in a Coastal Aquifer: A Case Study for the Area Between Seeb and Suwaiq, Sultanate of Oman date: 2006-01-01 words: 4128 flesch: 60 summary: This increased demand has been met by the extensive pumping of fresh groundwater water, causing a subsequent lowering of the water table and upsetting the natural balance between the fresh and saline water body. A continuous movement of fresh water through the zone produces a natural barrier that prevents saline water from moving further inland. keywords: aquifer; area; batinah; groundwater; intrusion; rainfall; salinity; suwaiq; wadi; water; wells cache: jams-671.pdf plain text: jams-671.txt item: #210 of 251 id: jams-672 author: Al Suleimani, Zaher Khalid; Al Wohaibi, Bushra Khalfan title: Water Metering Pilot Project: A Case Study of Water Demand Management in the Sultanate of Oman date: 2006-01-01 words: 3242 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: Water meters, water abstraction, water quality. The objectives were to evaluate water use patterns and relate them to previous studies on water demand management in agriculture, as well as to compare different types of water meters and their adaptability to Omani conditions. keywords: abstraction; area; farms; management; meters; study; total; water cache: jams-672.pdf plain text: jams-672.txt item: #211 of 251 id: jams-673 author: Zekri, Slim; Kotagama, Hemesiri; Boughanmi, Houcine title: Temporary Water Markets in Oman date: 2006-01-01 words: 3770 flesch: 63 summary: Farmers are price-takers and cannot strategically affect water market prices given the large number of farmers. Water price would be an incentive for efficient use of water, to recover the cost of water supply and enable further investments. keywords: aflaj; demand; elasticity; falaj; irrigation; low; management; oman; prices; rights; water cache: jams-673.pdf plain text: jams-673.txt item: #212 of 251 id: jams-676 author: Al-Nahdi, Abdullah; Al-Marzouqi, Abdulaziz; Al-Shajibi, Said; Al-Hosni, Ahmed title: Length-Weight Relationships, Maturity, and Reproductive Season of the Fringelip Mullet Crenimugil crenilabis (Forsskål, 1775) from the Arabian Sea Coast of Oman date: 2008-01-01 words: 3757 flesch: 64 summary: Linear regressions of TL versus SL and FL for C. crenilabis females (n = 329; 14 – 52 cm TL), males (n = 117; 25 – 54 cm TL) and sexes combined, and conversion factors among length measurements. The proportions of mature C. crenilabis per 2-cm TL interval and logistic curves fitted to estimate L50 values for females and males. keywords: crenilabis; females; length; mullet; oman; relationships; season; september; spawning; weight cache: jams-676.pdf plain text: jams-676.txt item: #213 of 251 id: jams-677 author: Al-Marzouqi, Abdulaziz; Groeneveld, Johan C.; Al-Nahdi, Abdullah; Al-Hosni, Ahmed title: Reproductive Season of the Scalloped Spiny Lobster Panulirus homarus Along the Coast of Oman: Management Implications date: 2008-01-01 words: 4338 flesch: 60 summary: Seasonal closures, usually around the time of breeding, are a well-utilized regulatory measure in spiny lobster fisheries, and apart from reducing fishing pressure, well-timed closures can prevent disturbance to breeding populations at a critical phase in their life cycles (Chubb, 2000). The proportions of females carrying eggs increased significantly with increasing lobster size above 70 mm CL (χ2-tests, p<0.05; Fig. 2). keywords: bearing; coast; egg; eggs; females; fisheries; homarus; lobster; oman; reproductive; season cache: jams-677.pdf plain text: jams-677.txt item: #214 of 251 id: jams-679 author: Human, Brett A.; Al-Busaidi, Haithem title: Length and Weight Relationships for 31 Species of Fishes Caught by Trawl Off the Arabian Sea Coast of Oman date: 2008-01-01 words: 6062 flesch: 68 summary: Length weight relationship of Sufflamen fraenatus (Latreille, 1804) and Zenodon niger (Ruppell, 1835). Systematic listing of fish species, including family and English common name, for which length-weight relationships are reported in this study. keywords: arabian; coast; demersal; et al; fisheries; fishes; growth; length; oman; relationships; sea; species; study; trawl; weight cache: jams-679.pdf plain text: jams-679.txt item: #215 of 251 id: jams-680 author: Al-Rashdi, Khalfan M.; Iwao, Tsueno title: Abalone, Haliotis mariae (Wood, 1828), Hatchery and Seed Production Trials in Oman date: 2008-01-01 words: 5229 flesch: 62 summary: The laboratory observation of the H. mariae larval development indicated that there were no obvious differences between the external morphology of H. mariae larvae compared to H. discus hannai larvae (Seki and Kan- no, 1977), except that H. mariae developed faster, presumably because of higher water temperatures (S.A. Shepherd, personal communication). Assessment and Management of Abalone Haliotis mariae, (1828 Wood Fishery in the Omani Water. keywords: abalone; aquaculture; fisheries; haliotis; hatchery; larvae; mariae; min; oman; production; rashdi; rates; research; seed; spawning; trials; water cache: jams-680.pdf plain text: jams-680.txt item: #216 of 251 id: jams-681 author: Al Busaidi, Saud S.; Al Rashdi, Khalfan M.; Al Gheilani, Hamed M.; Amer, Shehla title: Hydrographical Observations during a Red Tide with Fish Mortalities at Masirah Island, Oman date: 2008-01-01 words: 3239 flesch: 58 summary: Agricultural and Marine Sciences, 13:64-72 (2008) ©2008 Sultan Qaboos University 64 65 Hydrographical observations during a red tide with fish mortalities at Masirah Island, Oman *Corresponding author. In October 2005, extensive algal blooms with brownish/orange discoloured water and fish mortalities were observed east of Masirah Island. keywords: depth; fish; island; masirah; mortalities; october; oman; red; surface; temperature; tide cache: jams-681.pdf plain text: jams-681.txt item: #217 of 251 id: jams-682 author: Al-Gheilani, Hamed M.; Waring, Colin; Al-Kindi, Abdulaziz; Amer, Shehla title: Effects of Hypoxia on the Behaviour, Mortality and Plasma Electrolyte Concentrations of Goldlined Seabream, Rhabdosargus sarba date: 2008-01-01 words: 5900 flesch: 64 summary: Increases in ventilation frequency have been reported in numerous species (Holeton and Randall, 1967; Soivio et al., 1980; Soivio et al., 1981; Woo and Wu, 1984; Thomas et al., 1988; Brauner and Randall, 1998; Maxime et al., 2000; Pichavant et al., 2002; Timmerman and Chapman, 2004; Evans et al., 2005), as have increases in ventilation volume (Smith and Jones, 1982; Randall, 1990). Hypoxia elicits hyperventilation in a variety of marine teleosts (Holeton and Randall, 1967;; Soivio et al., 1980; Soivio et al., 1981; Woo and Wu, 1984; Thomas et al., 1988; Brauner and Randall, 1998; Maxime et al., 2000; Pichavant et al., 2002; Evans et al., 2005), and was also observed in R. sarba. keywords: concentrations; effects; electrolyte; et al; exposure; fish; hypoxia; mortality; oxygen; physiology; plasma; seabream cache: jams-682.pdf plain text: jams-682.txt item: #218 of 251 id: jams-683 author: Nadaf, Saleem K.; Al-Farsi, Safaa M.; Al-Hinai, Saleh A.; Al-Harthi, Abdul Aziz S.; Al-Bakri, Ahmed N. title: Effect of Spacing on Seed Yield of Indigenous Rangeland and Forage Grass Species Grown under Drip Irrigation date: 2009-01-01 words: 6680 flesch: 67 summary: Mean germination of grass species recorded after 12 months of harvests was significantly greater (53 %) than that recorded after 5 months (34 %) of harvests. As grass species have evolved as perennials for vegetative forage yield, they have very low seed productivity (Chatterjee and Das, 1989 and Boonman, 1972). keywords: ciliaris; grass; grass species; harvests; inter; plant; row; seed; spacing; species; yield cache: jams-683.pdf plain text: jams-683.txt item: #219 of 251 id: jams-684 author: Talukder, Farid title: Pesticide Resistance in Stored-Product Insects and Alternative Biorational Management: A Brief Review date: 2009-01-01 words: 5493 flesch: 54 summary: So far, only Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) among microbial pesticides has been approved for application against stored product insect pests (Abdel-Razek, 2002). There are alarming indications of widespread resistance to phosphine in several species of stored product insects in many countries, which in some instances may have caused control failures (Chaudhry, 1997). keywords: alternative; castaneum; control; grain; insect; journal; malathion; management; pesticide; pests; phosphine; product; resistance; species; talukder; tribolium cache: jams-684.pdf plain text: jams-684.txt item: #220 of 251 id: jams-685 author: Sherif, Sherin A.; Gheblawi, Mohamed S. title: Revenue Determinants for Abu-Dhabi Fishermen and Assessment of Input Allocative Efficiency date: 2009-01-01 words: 6262 flesch: 56 summary: For the same period, the total number of fishing boats increased by about 40%, from 3,321 to 4,688 boats (FAO, 2003). There are, of course, other factors that affect profitability, such as maintenance, seasonality of fish types, fraud (when there are fewer fishing permits than fishing boats), fishing licenses, and pollution. keywords: abu; aed; boat; dhabi; efficiency; effort; estimated; fishermen; fishing; function; input; production; revenue; total; value cache: jams-685.pdf plain text: jams-685.txt item: #221 of 251 id: jams-686 author: Senadeera, Wiji title: Density Variation of Different Shaped Food Particulates in Fluid Bed Drying: Empirical Models date: 2009-01-01 words: 4684 flesch: 61 summary: Parameters of particle density variation model [rρap = a + b MR + c exp (- d MR)] for all materials in fluidised bed drying. Particle density variation of beans during fluidised bed drying. keywords: beans; bed; bulk; density; drying; food; moisture; particle; particle density; ratio; variation cache: jams-686.pdf plain text: jams-686.txt item: #222 of 251 id: jams-687 author: Al-Abri, Khamis S.; Kotagama, Hemesiri; Palfreman, Andrew; Boughanmi, Houcine title: Transport Modeling Analysis to Test the Efficiency of Fish Markets in Oman date: 2009-01-01 words: 3651 flesch: 62 summary: The analysis indicated that the differences between the observed prices and the estimated optimal prices were not significantly different showing that the transport function of fish markets in Oman is efficient. Keywords: Oman, fish markets, transport model, prices, efficiency and equity. keywords: analysis; fish; fisheries; kingfish; landing; markets; oman; prices; sites; transport cache: jams-687.pdf plain text: jams-687.txt item: #223 of 251 id: jams-688 author: Al-Busaidi, Zahra; Kotagama1, Hemesiri; Boughanmi, Houcine; Dharmapala, Sunil; Waelti, John title: Adoption of E-Commerce in the Agricultural and Fisheries Business Sector in Oman date: 2009-01-01 words: 5034 flesch: 53 summary: Henderson, et al. (2003) have examined e-commerce adoption in Canada. Pearson and Grandon (2003) upon studying perceived strategic value and adoption of e-commerce in small and medium business in USA confirmed the findings of previous researchers that the perceived benefits from e-commerce adoption is a significant factor explaining adoption rates. keywords: 2003; adoption; business; commerce; factors; firms; information; model; oman; scale; sector cache: jams-688.pdf plain text: jams-688.txt item: #224 of 251 id: jams-689 author: Dobretsov, Sergey; Al-Mammari, Iman Mohammed; Soussi, Bassam title: Bioactive Compounds from Omani Sea Cucumbers date: 2009-01-01 words: 3197 flesch: 56 summary: There was no significant effect of the extracts from sea cucumbers on bacterial (3 reference bacteria from seawater and pathogens Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus epidermidis) and the diatom Chaetoceros sp. growth. Class Holothuroidea includes approximately 1200 known species of sea cucumbers, which are found throughout the world’s oceans and in great ranges of latitudes and depths, but their greatest abundance occurs in the Indo-Pacific region (Conand, 2004). keywords: atra; compounds; cucumbers; edulis; extracts; marine; methanol; sea; water cache: jams-689.pdf plain text: jams-689.txt item: #225 of 251 id: jams-690 author: Kadim, Isam T.; Mahgoub, Osman; Al-Marzooqi, Waleed; Khalaf, Samera title: Effect of Transportation and Low Voltage Electrical Stimulation on Meat Quality Characteristics of Omani Sheep date: 2010-01-01 words: 6135 flesch: 62 summary: Expressed juice of sheep muscle was significantly affected by transportation and low voltage electrical stimulation (Table 2). Ruiz-De-La-Torre et al. (2001) found that redness of sheep muscle which was transported on a rough road for 4 hrs was significantly higher than for those transported smoothly. keywords: animals; effect; et al; journal; kadim; low; meat; muscle; postmortem; quality; science; sheep; stimulation; stress; tenderness; transportation; value cache: jams-690.pdf plain text: jams-690.txt item: #226 of 251 id: jams-691 author: Mahgoub, Osman; Kadim, Isam T.; Al-Dhahab, Ahmed; Bello, Reynaldo B.; Al-Amri, Issa S.; Ambu Ali, Aisha A.; Khalaf, Samera title: An Assessment of Omani Native Sheep Fiber Production and Quality Characteristics date: 2010-01-01 words: 3746 flesch: 70 summary: Characteristics of Omani sheep wool. Such programs would be beneficial for improvement of Omani sheep wool production. keywords: characteristics; diameter; fiber; fleece; mean; omani; production; sheep; weight; wool cache: jams-691.pdf plain text: jams-691.txt item: #227 of 251 id: jams-692 author: Salehi, Mohammed; Asadi-Fozi, Masood; Mirhadi, Ahmad; Afshar, Majid title: Environmental Factors Affecting Fleece Traits in Raeini Cashmere Goat date: 2010-01-01 words: 2986 flesch: 74 summary: Keywords: Raeini Cashmere goat, environmental factors, fleece traits. Effects No. Traits C CMFD Min Max Min Max Sex Male 53 55.50 87.60 16.90 22.80 Female 217 41.20 86.50 15.40 23.24 Management System Station 150 41.61 86.48 16.09 23.25 Rural Flock 120 41.23 87.54 15.39 22.85 Age Yearling 12 56.11 78.33 16.60 22.12 2 years 108 49.60 86.50 15.40 22.40 3 years 77 41.20 85.20 16.20 23.30 4 years 19 49.70 87.60 17.07 22.60 5 years 27 49.50 85.70 15.67 22.37 6 years 11 46.55 78.70 17.70 22.70 7 years 8 46.00 71.00 18.30 23.20 8 years 8 53.60 72.40 18.50 23.00 18 Salehi and others 19 Environmental factors affecting fleece traits in Raeini Cashmere goat in male cashmere goats at yearling age and 5.02 and 7.68 cm for females of the same age. keywords: age; cashmere; cmfd; fleece; goats; traits cache: jams-692.pdf plain text: jams-692.txt item: #228 of 251 id: jams-693 author: Ahtash, Abdelkareem E.; Biala, Abdulla S.; Magid, Aiad F.; Marhoun, Hamed M. title: Carcass Characteristics of the Libyan Purebred Mahali Goat and their Crosses with Damascus and Morcia Granada Goats date: 2010-01-01 words: 4642 flesch: 73 summary: The results showed significant superiority of Damascus goats in live weight (65.8 kg), carcass weight (34.3 kg), dressing-out %( 52.1%), rib eye muscle areas (22.7 cm²) over the Mahali and Morcia Granada goats. Live weight, carcass weight, dressing-out %, rib eye muscle area, non-carcass components and kidney fat were measured. keywords: breed; carcass; damascus; goat; granada; groups; mahali; morcia; weight cache: jams-693.pdf plain text: jams-693.txt item: #229 of 251 id: jams-694 author: Elhadi, Hashim Mohamed title: Effect of Diet Quality and Housing on Water Status in Sudanese Desert Sheep and Goats date: 2010-01-01 words: 2930 flesch: 66 summary: Keywords : Sudan, desert sheep, goats, water turnover, water space. 30 Elhadi 31 Effect of diet quality and housing on water status in Sudanese desert sheep and goats There were approximately 51 million sheep and 43 million goats in the Sudan in 2007 (FAOSTAT, 2010). Diet DM (%) OM (%) CP (%) Ash (%) Energy Kcal/ gm DM Lucerne Hay 83 78.5 18.7 24.5 4.72 Desert Grass 94 85.4 3.4 8.7 4.12 30 Elhadi 31 Effect of diet quality and housing on water status in Sudanese desert sheep and goats Fluids Volume The findings of these measurements are given in Tables 3 and 4. keywords: animals; body; desert; goats; grazing; lucerne; sheep; table; water cache: jams-694.pdf plain text: jams-694.txt item: #230 of 251 id: jams-695 author: Khan, Mohamed Fatah Ullah; Ashfaq, Faisal title: Meat Production Potential of Small Ruminants Under the Arid and Semi-arid Conditions of Pakistan date: 2010-01-01 words: 4025 flesch: 70 summary: Pakistan ranks third in Asia for mutton and goat meat production after India. When total mutton production data from 1976 to 1996 was reviewed, the mutton and goat meat production increased at a rate of 4.59 percent per annum (Khan et al., 2003). keywords: breeds; goat; growth; khan; meat; pakistan; potential; production; ruminants; sheep; table; weight cache: jams-695.pdf plain text: jams-695.txt item: #231 of 251 id: jams-696 author: Salem, Imēne Ben; Rekik, Mourad; Hamouda, Mohammed Ben; Lassoued, Narjess title: Live Weight Changes and Their Relationship with the Ovarian Status of Maiden Fat-Tailed Barbarine Ewes date: 2010-01-01 words: 3641 flesch: 62 summary: Patterns of live weight changes from weaning until the age of 13 months according to the class of live weight are shown in Figure 1. Reproductive Characteristics at 1 Year of Age In November 2005, when the ewe lambs were aged 13 months, they were subjected to laparoscopy for the determination of the ovarian status. Following synchronisation with progestagen of the females found cycling, levels of plasma IGF-I concentrations between 6 and 42 hrs after removal of sponges were not significantly different between the three classes of live weight, and respectively averaged 94.2, 90.8 and 89.8 µg/l for LWCI, LWCII and LWCIII females. keywords: age; animals; concentrations; estradiol; ewe; ewes; igf; lambs; lwci; lwciii; weight cache: jams-696.pdf plain text: jams-696.txt item: #232 of 251 id: jams-698 author: Kotagama, Hemesiri B.; Al-Alawi, Amani Juma T.; Boughanmi, Houcine; Zekri, Slim; Mbaga, Msafiri; Jayasuriya, Hemanatha title: Economic Analysis Determining the Optimal Replanting Age of Date Palm date: 2014-01-01 words: 7987 flesch: 60 summary: Low interest rates shortened the optimal age of date palm replanting. Replanting date palms provides an opportunity to use the presently committed resources and improve farms towards economic production systems, which will improve the livelihood of farm dependents and increase the contribution to the nation’s national income. keywords: age; analysis; average; date; date palm; model; net; oman; palm; replanting; replanting age; sultanate; years; yield cache: jams-698.pdf plain text: jams-698.txt item: #233 of 251 id: jams-703 author: Goddard, Stephen title: Marine biotechnology: Emerging opportunities and future perspectives date: 2015-01-01 words: 438 flesch: 43 summary: Stephen Goddard Stephen Goddard ( ) Sultan Qaboos University, Center of Ex- cellence in Marine Biotechnology, Box 50, Al-Khod 123. In recognition of potential development an interna- tional symposium was organized by the Center of Ex- cellence in Marine Biotechnology, Sultan Qaboos Uni- versity. keywords: biotechnology; marine cache: jams-703.pdf plain text: jams-703.txt item: #234 of 251 id: jams-704 author: Al-Naamani, Laila S.H.; Dobretsov, Sergey; Al-Sabahi, Jamal; Soussi, Bassam title: Identification and characterization of two amylase producing bacteria Cellulosimicrobium sp. and Demequina sp. isolated from marine organisms date: 2015-01-01 words: 4666 flesch: 55 summary: Determination of bacterial amylase production The culture solutions prepared in the bacterial yield test, as above, were centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 5 minutes at 15ºC to separate the bacterial cells from the broth. Cellulosimicrobium sp. obtained maximum cell growth and amylase production at 29ºC and in the presence of lactose as a carbon source. keywords: amylase; bacteria; cellulosimicrobium; demequina; demequina sp; effect; growth; journal; marine; production; strains cache: jams-704.pdf plain text: jams-704.txt item: #235 of 251 id: jams-705 author: Rittschof, Daniel; Chai, Christina; Teo, Serena Lay Ming; Maki, James S. title: Fouling and its next generation management: a perspective date: 2015-01-01 words: 5262 flesch: 57 summary: In develop- ment, the performance of new fouling management is compared to a standard of an existing coating with de- sired fouling management performance, but with unac- ceptable environmental impacts. One of the most difficult and expensive transitions is the regulatory path that moves intellectual property, e.g., the development of new fouling management additives, to commercial availability. keywords: biofouling; biological; business; coatings; development; figure; fouling; maki; management; marine; model; new; research; rittschof; teo cache: jams-705.pdf plain text: jams-705.txt item: #236 of 251 id: jams-706 author: Dobretsov, Sergey title: Biofouling on artificial substrata in Muscat waters date: 2015-01-01 words: 4184 flesch: 62 summary: In the second study, wet weight and community composition of macro-fouling communities on ceramic tiles at the depth of 1 m and 5 m in Marina Bandar al Rawdah were investigated. During 2008 – 2010, there were no differences between biomass of communities, while in 2011 biomass of macro-fouling was higher on tiles at 5 m. In December 2008 the minimal weight (0 kg/m2) and in September 2011 the maximal weight (26.3 kg/m2) of macro-fouling communities were recorded. keywords: bandar; barnacles; biofouling; communities; depth; fouling; macro; marina; rawdah; species; study; waters; weight cache: jams-706.pdf plain text: jams-706.txt item: #237 of 251 id: jams-707 author: Muthukrishnan, Thirumahal; Dobretsov, Sergey title: Microfouling on biocidal and non-biocidal antifouling coatings date: 2015-01-01 words: 2384 flesch: 61 summary: The hypothesis tested was that treat- ments (nine commercial antifouling coatings) and loca- tion influence the abundance of bacteria within biofilms developed on commercial antifouling coatings. Materials and methods Coatings preparation Six commercial antifouling coatings (Petit # 1863, Petit 1792, West Marine #5566252, West Marine #11046620, West Marine #10175206 and International Micron Ex- tra YBA 920) were obtained at local boat shop (Muscat, Oman). Marine biofilms. keywords: antifouling; biocidal; biofilms; biofouling; coatings; days; density; marine; west cache: jams-707.pdf plain text: jams-707.txt item: #238 of 251 id: jams-708 author: Rittschof, Daniel; Essock-Burns, Tara; Dickinson, Gary; Zmina, S.; Alberman, N. title: Natural glues and fouling management by interfering with glue curing date: 2015-01-01 words: 4067 flesch: 62 summary: Our team applies classic and modern theory and techniques to the study of barnacle glue. Because they have little secondary structure, the peptides can associate with binding domains on the substrate and interface with the larger, well-described structural proteins known in barnacle glue. keywords: activity; barnacle; blood; curing; glue; journal; marine; molecules; rittschof; silicone cache: jams-708.pdf plain text: jams-708.txt item: #239 of 251 id: jams-709 author: Malzahn, Arne M.; Aberle-Malzahn, Nicole; Schoo, Katherina; Boersma, Maarten title: Culture conditions affect the nutritional value of the copepod Acartia tonsa date: 2015-01-01 words: 4497 flesch: 66 summary: We found increased C:P ratios in copepods reared on phosphorus limited phytoplankton in several experiments (Malzahn et al. 2007; Malzahn and Boersma 2012; Schoo et al. 2010; Schoo et al. 2012; Schoo et al. 2013a). In all of the above mentioned experiments high copepod C:P resulted in reduced growth rates in larval herring (Malzahn et al. 2007), gelatinous zoo- plankton (Schoo et al. 2010) and larval European lobster (Schoo et al. 2012; Schoo et al. 2013a). keywords: acid; et al; f/2; fatty; fish; growth; malzahn; marine; n.s; nutrient cache: jams-709.pdf plain text: jams-709.txt item: #240 of 251 id: jams-710 author: Goddard, Stephen; Ibrahim, Fahad Saleh title: Protein resources and aquafeed development in the Sultanate of Oman date: 2015-01-01 words: 4663 flesch: 60 summary: If confirmed in more exten- sive studies this would potentially restrict the inclusion of lantern fish meal to < 30% in a formulated aquafeed, assuming that fish meal was the only source of these metals. The dependence of the aquafeed industry on finite quantities of fish meal and marine oils has brought into question the continued growth of the aquaculture industry and has stimulated a major research effort to find alternative, renewable supplies of protein and oils, which can be uti- lized in aquafeeds. keywords: aquaculture; aquafeed; catch; content; diets; fish; fisheries; goddard; growth; lantern; marine; meal; oman; phosphorus; protein; sea; silage cache: jams-710.pdf plain text: jams-710.txt item: #241 of 251 id: jams-711 author: Yoon, Gilha; Al-Adawi, Hisham; Shinn, Andrew title: Gill monogenean communities on three commercially important sparid fish in Omani waters date: 2015-01-01 words: 4522 flesch: 60 summary: Other notable mono- genean induced losses of marine aquaculture species include infections of Diplectanum aequans (Wagener, 1857) 59Research Article Yoon, Al-Adawi, Shinn geneans found that 340 species (78%) were restricted to single host species, 388 species (89%) to one genus, 420 species (96%) to one family and 429 species (98%) to one order. keywords: aquaculture; argyrops; filamentosus; fish; forsskål; genera; gill; heterospina; marine; monogeneans; nei; oman; seabream; shinn; soldier; species; spp cache: jams-711.pdf plain text: jams-711.txt item: #242 of 251 id: jams-712 author: Mondal, Kunal; Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash; Mitra, Abhijit title: Improving the quality of tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon through dietary incorporation of algae as a source of natural pigment date: 2015-01-01 words: 2747 flesch: 61 summary: Reveived 5 Aug. 2014 Accepted 19 Feb 2014 Improving the quality of tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon through dietary incorporation of algae as a source of natural pigment Kunal Mondal*, Subhra Bikash Bhattacharyya and Abhijit Mitra * Department of Marine Science, University of Calcutta, 35 B.C. Road, Kolkata - 700019, India . Comparison of Ulva clathrata and the kelps Macro- cystis pyrifera and Ascophyllum nodosum as ingredi- ents in shrimp feed. keywords: algae; aquaculture; astaxanthin; carotenoid; diet; monodon; penaeus; pigment; shrimp; source cache: jams-712.pdf plain text: jams-712.txt item: #243 of 251 id: jams-714 author: Yoon, Gilha; Al-Kaabi, Hajer; Al-Kindi, Um Kalthoum; Khoom, Salem; Cho, Miyoung; Park, Myong Ae; Shinn, Andrew title: Mortality of the abalone Haliotis mariae (Haliotidae: Mollusca) in aquaculture date: 2015-01-01 words: 3079 flesch: 54 summary: The study concludes that the bacterium Staphylococ- cus sciuri may be the likely cause of abalone mortalities,. Currently, there is no health moni- toring or surveillance of wild abalone in Omani waters. keywords: abalone; center; haliotis; marine; mortality; muscle; research; species; specimens; staphylococcus; study; wild cache: jams-714.pdf plain text: jams-714.txt item: #244 of 251 id: jams-716 author: ElBoshra, Mohamed ElNour; Eisa Ali, Tagelsir; Hassabo, Ali Ahmed title: Genetic and environmental factors affecting 305-day mature equivalent milk yield of Holstein Friesian cows in the United Arab Emirates date: 2016-01-01 words: 4594 flesch: 68 summary: The heritability (h²) of 305-day ME milk yield was es- timated as follows: h² = 4 σs²/ (σs²+ σe²) Results Factors affecting 305-day ME milking yield Results in Table 2 show that the effects of sire of cow (P ≤ 0.001), year of production (P ≤ 0.001) and lactation num- ber (P ≤ 0.01) were significantly affecting ME milk yield. 2733045 Heritability (h² ) 0.31 1h² = (4 σs²/ σs²+ σe²) 6 SQU Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, 2016, Volume 21, Issue 1 Genetic and environmental factors affecting milk yield of Holstein Friesian cows in the United Arab Emirates Discussion Results indicated that the effects of year of freshen- ing (P ≤ 0.001) and lactation number(P ≤ 0.01) on 305- day ME milk yield were highly significant. keywords: cows; dairy; day; effect; farm; freshening; holstein; lactation; milk; milk yield; number; season; year; yield cache: jams-716.pdf plain text: jams-716.txt item: #245 of 251 id: jams-717 author: Al-Khamisi, Saif A.; Al-Wardy, Malik; Ahmed, Mushtaque; Prathapar, Sanmugam A. title: Impact of reclaimed water irrigation on soil salinity, hydraulic conductivity, cation exchange capacity and macro-nutrients date: 2016-01-01 words: 7354 flesch: 64 summary: (2010) found that ECe increased with soil depth (0.92, 1.87 and 2.07 dS/m in 0-30, 30-60 and 60-90 cm, respectively) in a fluvisol soil but decreased in a calcisol soil and pH increased with soil depths in both soil types under RW irrigation. There was a significant difference at p<0.05 between soil depths but no significant differ- ences (p<0.05) were found between the water type nor with its interaction with soil depth. keywords: carbon; conductivity; cowpea; depth; harvest; hydraulic; irrigation; maize; organic; salinity; soil; table; types; water; wheat cache: jams-717.pdf plain text: jams-717.txt item: #246 of 251 id: jams-718 author: Al-Rasady, Issam H.; Govender, Anesh title: An assessment of longnose trevally (Carangoides chrysophrys) (Cuvier, 1833) fishery in the Arabian Sea, Oman date: 2016-01-01 words: 4115 flesch: 69 summary: The SBR was calculated using the following equation: SBR = SB R = exp − FS t −M( )t( ) t=0 tmax ∑ a Lt( ) b G t (3) where SB = the total spawner biomass (in g), R = the number of recruits (set to 1, by definition), F = instantaneous fishing mortality rate, M = instantaneous natural mortality rate, a and b = constants of the length–weightrelation- ship of combined sexes, Lt = the predicted von Bertalanffy mean length-at-age t and tmax = the maximum observed age in the fish- ery (year) Gt = the fraction of mature fish at age t and- was assumed to be knife-edged i.e. G t = 0,if t 50 Farm size (ha) Pe rc en ta ge o f t ot al fa rm s Figure 2. % Farm area (R2, p) 5.7 (.988, 0.001) 6.6 (.997, 0.001) 6.3 (.996, 0.001) 4.3 (.968, 0.05) keywords: agricultural; area; barka; change; coast; distance; farms; fig; greenhouse; groundwater; land; mawaleh; muscat; new; number; oman; salinity; total; urban cache: jams-720.pdf plain text: jams-720.txt item: #249 of 251 id: jams-721 author: Mawaali, Q.S. Al; Al-Sadi, A.M.; Al-Said, F.A.; Deadman, M.L. title: Effect of rootstock on muskmelon cultivar reaction to vine decline disease and yield under arid conditions date: 2016-01-01 words: 7849 flesch: 67 summary: However, fruits obtained from grafted Samit plants on Strong Tosa and from Caramel grafted on Mubyeongjangsoo were significant- ly different in shape from control plant fruits in spring 2013. Rind redness of grafted Samit fruits showed a significant reduction compared to the control in spring 2013, and showed a significant increase in fruits from Tamara grafted onto Strong Tosa at both sites among the seasons (P < 0.05). keywords: control; decline; disease; fruit; grafting; hybrid; mubyeongjangsoo; muskmelon; rootstocks; site; strong; tamara; tosa; vine cache: jams-721.pdf plain text: jams-721.txt item: #250 of 251 id: jams-723 author: Zekri, Slim; Al Harthi, Samiha; Kotagama, Hemesiri; Bose, Shekar title: An estimate of the willingness to pay for treated wastewater for irrigation in Oman date: 2016-01-01 words: 4833 flesch: 65 summary: The expected increase in TW supply up to year 2025 is given in figure 1. This paper has used the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) to estimate the farmers’ Willingness to Pay (WTP) for TW for farm irrigation. keywords: area; farmers; farms; income; irrigation; oman; price; treatment; wastewater; water; wtp cache: jams-723.pdf plain text: jams-723.txt item: #251 of 251 id: jams-724 author: Elhag Eltahir, Yasmin; Mohammed Ali, Hassan; Hago, B.E.; Mahgoub, O. title: Serum biochemistry parameters in the Omani racing Arabian camels (Camelus dromedarius) date: 2016-01-01 words: 9554 flesch: 68 summary: The mean TP in Omani camels (Table 1) was 6.17  mg·dL-1 (range of 5.5-6.8 ± 0.34 mg·dL-1 which are within range reported for normal values in 2-12 year old Arabian camels (6.0-7.8 mg·dL-1) by Wernery et al. (1999) and the range reported by Yadav and Bis- sa, (1998) for camels of various sexes, breeds and ages. Mohri et al (2008) reported a value of 5.3 µmol/l total bilirubin in serum of Iranian camels which is similar to that re- corded in Omani camels in the present study. keywords: animals; blood; busadah; camels; et al; faye; levels; liver; mean; mg·dl-1; mmol; omani; protein; racing; racing camels; range; saudi; serum; values cache: jams-724.pdf plain text: jams-724.txt