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However, upon rewetting of kaolinite-EPS complexes, a decrease in the amount of water absorbed was observed (Chenu, 1993), probably due to irreversible structural changes in EPS during drying (Holden et al., 1997), and perhaps due to changes in clay wettability. Figure 5. EPS scleroglucen adsorbed on kaolinite particles (w.c. 1.5 g/g) (Chenu and Tessier, 1995). EFFECTS OF MICROBIAL ACTIVITY ON SOIL STRUCTURE: Formation of microbial colonies adhered to solid surfaces has an important effect on soil structural properties primarily through the formation of polymer bridges that bind soil particles (Chenu and Guerif, 1991; Chenu, 1993). The microbial enmeshing of soil particles shown in Figure 5 has a dual role in forming microaggregates, and more importantly their stabilization (Oades, 1993). The spatial arrangement of microbial activity (hence microbial debris) likely plays an important role in the structural efficiency of such stabilizing agents. Moreover, we expect that the soil strength (and structural stability) acquired by accumulation of microbial debris would be strongly correlated to the mechanical properties of EPS forming the bacterial colonies (Thwaites and Mendelson, 1991). As clearly illustrated in Figure 5, the presence of EPS helps maintain an open structure among clay particles (and at an aggregate bed scale). Such an open structure is favorable for soil transport properties. Hadas et al. (1994) attributed the increase in aggregate size and strength one week after plant residue addition to reinforcement by fungi hyphae, whereas changes appearing after the sixth week were attributed to bacterial secretions. Following intense colonization of wheat rhizosphere by EPS-producing bacteria, Amellal et al. (1998) observed significant soil aggregation and concluded that P. agglomerans plays an important role in soil water regulation by improving aggregation. OR 44 MORPHOLOGICAL AND FUNCTIONAL ADAPTATION OF MICROBIAL COLONIES DURING SOIL DRYING: Studies have shown that under drying conditions bacterial colonies respond by enhanced production of EPS (Roberson and Firestone, 1992). Additionally, dehydration of non-submerged biofilms will cause collapse of the open structure and affect transport properties of the biofilm (Holden et al., 1997). An illustration of the morphological changes in the EPS 3- D structure is shown in Figure 6. In contrast to the fibrous and open structure on the left (wet soil), the EPS becomes dense and amorphous. It was hypothesized that such a change reduces rates of water loss and possibly traps nutrients within the dense protective coating thereby assisting bacteria to survive desiccation (Chenu, 1993). An important aspect of such changes is the mechanical response of EPS to changes in its hydration status. It has been observed with similar biopolymers (Thwaites and Mendelson, 1991) that the tensile strength and the Young’s modulus increase by several orders of magnitude as the relative humidity (or water potential) decreases from near saturation. Moreover, the biopolymer changes from soft and ductile at high humidity to stiff and brittle at low humidity. Knowledge concerning these mechanical changes could help explain the role of EPS in providing mechanical and diffusional protection for bacterial biofilms during desiccation. A related issue is the marked increase in soil strength with decreasing soil water content. It would be interesting to obtain estimates of the proportion of observed increase in soil strength attributable to the increase in the strength of EPS as a bonding agent. 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