Agricultural and Marine Sciences, 13:73-83 (2008) ©2008 Sultan Qaboos University 73 *Corresponding author. E-mail: Effects of Hypoxia on the Behaviour, Mortality and Plasma Electrolyte Concentrations of Goldlined Seabream, Rhabdosargus sarba 1 Marine Science and Fisheries Centre, P.O. Box 227, PC 100, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman 2 Marine Institute, Portsmouth University, UK 3 Department of Biology, College of Science, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman 4 Nizwa University, Sultanate of Oman ABSTRACT: The behaviour, mortality rates and plasma electrolyte concentrations of goldlined seabream Rhabdosargus sarba challenged with low dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions was studied in an experimental setup, comprising a control (7.9 ml/l DO) and two hypoxic (2 ml/l and 1 ml/l DO) treatments. Increased ventilation rates and decreased swimming activity were observed in hypoxic treatments, but some fish exhibited strenuous avoidance actions. No mortalities were observed after 3 h, 6 h, or 24 h, but 50% of males and 18% of females died in the 48 h treatment at 1 ml/l DO. The mean size of surviving fish (305 ± 32.1 g total weight) was significantly smaller than those that died (425 ± 33.1 g). The plasma concentrations of Na+, Cl- and Mg2+ did not vary significantly relative to treatment, exposure time, fish size and gender, or interactions among treatment, time and gender. Ca2+ concentrations increased significantly after 48 h at 1 ml/l, but this result may be artificial because of the small sample size. The results suggest that R. sarba is comparatively tolerant of the low oxygen or hypoxic conditions that often occur in the coastal waters of Oman, where seasonal upwellings and high primary productivity have in the past caused mass mortalities of demersal fishes. الوفیات ونسبة األكسجین على سلوك نقص تأثیر القابض ألسماك بالزما الدم في االیونات وتركیز عامر وشھال الكندي بن یحیى العزیز عبد ویرنج، ، كولن الغیالني محمد حمد بن في المختبر ألسماك القابض الدم في بالزما االیونات وتركیز الوفیات ونسبة سلوك على نقص األكسجین أثر دراسة تمت الخالصة: فترات في لتر) لتر/ (١ و٢ مللي األكسجین من منخفضة مستویات وعند لتر) لتر/ مللي ٨) األكسجین من الطبیعیة النسبة باستخدام لدى تعرضھا لنقص األسماك حركة بعض في وانخفاضا التنفس في زیادة الدراسة من لوحظ ٤٨ ساعة). و و٢٤ (٣ و٦ مختلفة زمنیة عند وفیات لألسماك أیة توجد ولم من األكسجین. لنفس الكمیة لدى تعرضھا حركة البعض بینما زادت بعض األسماك في األكسجین ساعة ٤٨ إلى تعرضھا بعد لتر) (١ مللي لتر/ مستوى عند األسماك بعض نفقت بینما ساعة و٢٤ و٦ ٣ بعد األكسجین تعرضھا لنقص لنقص المعرضة األسماك وزادت نسبة الكالسیوم عند الذكور. من ومعظمھا حجما نفقت كانت اكبر األسماك التي األكسجین. من نقص والمغنیسیوم والكلوراید). الدراسة (الصودیوم، األكسجین األخرى بنقص االیونات تتأثر بینما ٤٨ ساعة) : لتر لتر/ مللي ١) األكسجین المیاه األخرى. النوع في بنفس مقارنة نسبة األكسجین انخفاض مع التأقلم على في المیاه العمانیة القدرة القابض اسماك لدى أن أكدت البیئیة. بالتغیرات المرتبطة األخرى والظواھر التقلیب ظاھرة نتیجة العمانیة المیاه في لألكسجین الطبیعي النقص إلى ذلك یعود وقد Keywords: Behaviour, mortality, hypoxia, electrolytes, goldlined seabream. Hamed M. Al-Gheilani*1, Colin Waring2, Abdulaziz Al-Kindi3 and Shehla Amer4 Al-Gheilani and others 74 75 Effects of hypoxia on the hehaviour, mortality and plasma electrolyte concentrations of goldlined seabream Introduction Fish challenged with reduced levels of dissolved oxygen (DO), can respond by moving away (vertical or horizontal habitat changes) or by changing activity patterns to increase ventilation surfaces or decrease energy demands (Kramer, 1987; Dalla Via et al., 1998). Increases in ventilation frequency have been reported in numerous species (Holeton and Randall, 1967; Soivio et al., 1980; Soivio et al., 1981; Woo and Wu, 1984; Thomas et al., 1988; Brauner and Randall, 1998; Maxime et al., 2000; Pichavant et al., 2002; Timmerman and Chapman, 2004; Evans et al., 2005), as have increases in ventilation volume (Smith and Jones, 1982; Randall, 1990). The result is an increased oxygen uptake and enhanced convective conditions for CO2 removal (Brauner and Randall, 1998). Van Raaij et al., (1996a) reported on behavioural strategies of surviving and non-surviving fish during confined hypoxia exposure. Non-surviving fish exhibited strenuous avoidance (or escape) reactions, and were not able to maintain homeostasis, as evidenced by elevated plasma ions, metabolic rate and stress hormones compared to the less active surviving fish. Elevations in plasma ion (electrolyte) levels in response to physical disturbances such as net confinement and transport have been documented for several marine teleosts (Fletcher, 1975; Pawson and Lockwood, 1980; Soivio et al., 1980; Robenston et al., 1987; Waring et al., 1992; Waring et al., 1996). Below a species-dependent critical oxygen threshold, aerobic energy production decreases and fish mainly resort to anaerobic metabolism (Dalla Via et al., 1994) and sometimes metabolic depression (van Waversveld et al., 1989). Most of these mechanisms are under hormonal control involving catecholamines and cortisol (Kinkead and Perry, 1991; Van Raaij et al., 1996b; Pichavant et al., 2002; Perry et al., 2004). Localized or extensive low oxygen or hypoxic conditions are common in the coastal waters of Oman (REF), where seasonal upwellings of nutrient-rich and oxygen-depleted waters are driven by the summer monsoon winds. These upwellings give rise to algal blooms in the photic zone bloom collapse, bacterial decomposition and settlement on the seafloor results in an oxygen-depleted bottom-water layer below the thermocline (Claereboudt et al., 2001). Although generally beneficial to fisheries, phytoplankton blooms can trigger harmful algal blooms (HABs or red tides), and the latter have been implicated in massive fish mortalities in both the Gulf of Oman (Claereboudt et al., 2001) and the Arabian Sea (Al-Busaidi et al., this issue). These mortalities were attributed to asphyxia or toxins. A recent review of HAB occurrences between 1976 and 2004 showed 66 red tide events in the coastal waters of Oman, out of which 25 resulted in mass mortalities of fish and other organisms (Al-Gheilani et al., to be submitted). The importance of commercial fishing to Oman and increasing likelihood of low-oxygen conditions stimulated a recent PhD study on the physiology of goldlined seabream Rhabdosargus sarba confronted with hypoxic conditions (Al Gheilani, 2007). Goldlined seabream is a coastal species distributed throughout the Western Indian Ocean, including the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf (Randall, 1995). It is often encountered in small schools, reaches a maximum size of 60 cm, and feeds on bivalve molluscs, sand dollars, sea urchins and sand-dwelling crustaceans (Randall, 1995). It forms part of the demersal fish assemblage of Oman, which is heavily fished. The aims of this study were to examine the effects of low oxygen conditions on the behaviour, mortality rates and electrolyte balance of R. sarba under controlled laboratory conditions. Particular attention was given to the influence of gender and body size on the above parameters. Materials and Methods Trap-caught goldlined seabream with an average weight of 245.9±8.6 g and length of 23.5±1.4 mm were purchased from a local fisherman in Muscat (24N˚ 58E˚). Fish were kept in oxygenated seawater while on board and transferred to well-aerated tanks on land where the water temperature and salinity were kept at 21-24°C and 20-25 psu. Fish were acclimatized for a total of 3 weeks during which they were fed once daily (Plante, et al., 1998) with commercially-prepared fish pellets (Arasco, Saudi Arabia). The continuous flow experimental setup consisted of three seawater reservoirs: an overhead 600 litre (l) tank, fully aerated 400 l fish acclimatization tank and a 400 l water circulation tank (see Fig. 1). The circulation tank was connected to 8 experimental tanks (30×60×40 cm; 45 l; glass with 2 ports), with flow rates of 1.5 l.min-1 and water circulating through a biological filter and UV sterilizer (temperature, 22.9±0.1C˚; salinity 34.8±0.8 psu; ammonia, 2.01±0.6 µm/l; nitrite 0.23±0.04 µm/l; phosphate 0.5±0.01 Al-Gheilani and others 74 75 Effects of hypoxia on the hehaviour, mortality and plasma electrolyte concentrations of goldlined seabream µm/l; and a 12L:12D photoperiod). The sides of the experimental tanks were covered with black paper to minimize disturbances to fish. An Aqua Traul Oxygen Monitoring and Control System (Dryden Aqua, Scotland, UK.), fitted with 8 oxygen probes (Dryden Aqua, Scotland, U.K.) was connected to solenoid valves to regulate the oxygen and nitrogen input to the 8 experimental tanks. The Aqua Traul network communicates via RS 485 serial BUS protocol with a standard PC and was configured using Aqua Traul Software. Feeding was stopped and fish transferred from the acclimatization to the experimental tanks (fully aerated seawater; 7.9±0.7 ml.l-¹ O2 or 100% saturation) 24 h before low oxygen trials (see Lapner and Perry, 2001). Two levels of hypoxia, 2.0±0.9 ml.l-¹ O2 (2.8mg/l or 25% saturation) and 1.1±0.2 ml.l-¹ (1.4 mg/l or 12.5% saturation) were selected for trials and control fish were Figure 1. Arrangement of seawater holding and experiment tanks. A = Overhead seawater holding tank B = Fish Acclimation tank C = Water Circulation tank D = Pump E = Biological filter F = UV Sterilizer G1-G8 = Experimental Tank ∏ = Valves Al-Gheilani and others 76 77 Effects of hypoxia on the hehaviour, mortality and plasma electrolyte concentrations of goldlined seabream maintained at 7.9±0.7 ml.l-¹ O2. Oxygen and nitrogen were purged from tanks by immersing flexible tygon tubing (ID 4 mm, OD 1.2 cm) attached to ceramic gas diffusers (Dryden Aqua, Scotland, U.K.), and oxygen levels adjusted manually and via the PC by bubbling pure nitrogen / oxygen into tanks from respective cylinders. The time required to adjust the DO level was 10-20 minutes. Once set up, the Aqua Traul units continued to monitor the system, automatically opening and closing the solenoid valves to regulate the flow of oxygen and nitrogen. Water samples (250 ml) were collected using Niskin bottles for analysis of ammonia, nitrite and phosphorus. Nutrients were measured using a 5-channel SKALAR Flow Access auto-analyzer (see Strickland and Parsons, 1972). Fish behaviour during hypoxia exposure and time of death was monitored every 2–4 hours. After 3 h, 6 h, 24 h and 48 h individual fish in experimental tanks were netted, stunned by a blow to the head, and terminal blood samples taken. The sex, total weight (TW, g) and total length (TL, cm) were determined. The TW and TL of surviving fish were compared with those that died using Student’s t-test. Whole blood was allowed to clot at room temperature for 30 min and centrifuged at 11000 rpm for 5 min to obtain plasma (Hishida et al., 1999). All plasma samples were immediately frozen at -80 C˚. The Beckman Synchron CX7 System (CX3 module) was used to determine plasma electrolytes. Sodium and chloride concentrations were determined by measuring electrolyte ion activity in solution. Magnesium concentrations were determined using the manufacturers reagent and a colourimetric timed-endpoint method. The calcium concentrations were determined by adding Arsenazo III calcium reagent and measuring the absorbance of the resulting coloured calcium-Arsenazo III complex at 650 nm and 700 nm. The effects on plasma ion concentrations of the variables for gender, exposure time (3 h, 6 h, 24 h and 48 h), treatment (control, 1 ml/l or 2 ml/l DO), TL and TW, and the interactions of treatment×time, treatment×gender, time×gender and treatment×time×gender were analysed using a General Linear Model (GLM) with gender and body size (cm and g) as factors, accepting P≤0.05 as significant (REF). Statistical analysis was carried out using Minitab. Results All fish survived up to 48 h in the 2 ml/l DO trials. In the 1 ml/l DO trials, all fish exposed for 3 h, 6 h and 24 hours survived, but 50% of males (n = 12) and 18% of females (n = 17) died between 24 and 48 h exposure. The mortalities occurred after 26 h (3 fish), 28 h (1), 30 h (2), 36 h (2) and 40 h (1). The mean TW (305 ± 32.1 g) and TL (24.7 ± 1.0 cm) of surviving fish were significantly smaller (P<0.05) than that of the fish that died (425.1 ± 33.1 g; 28.7 ± 0.8 cm; see Table 1 and Fig. 2). During the hypoxia trials two distinct behaviour patterns were observed. Fish that survived in the 1 ml/l Table 1. The mean total length (TL, cm) and total weight (TW, g) of male and female Rhabdosargus sarba used in control and hypoxia treatments. Mean TL and TW of fish that died during the 48 h, 1 ml/l DO treatment are also shown. Sample sizes are in parenthesis. All fish Female survivors Male survivors Female mortalities Male mortalities TW (g) TL (cm) TW (g) TL (cm) TW (g) TL (cm) TW (g) TL (cm) TW (g) TL (cm) Control 301.2 (16) 24.8 (16) 355.9 (10) 26.3 (10) 210.2 (6) 22.3 (6) * * * * Hypoxia exposed 342.3 (29) 25.9 (29) 318.6 (14) 25.3 (14) 273.3 (6) 23.4 (6) 474.7 (3) 29.3 (3) 400.3 (6) 28.3 (6) *No control; fish dead. Al-Gheilani and others 76 77 Effects of hypoxia on the hehaviour, mortality and plasma electrolyte concentrations of goldlined seabream DO trials reduced their routine locomotor activity, and after approximately 20 h lay almost immobile at the bottom of the tanks, appearing to have increased their ventilation rates. The fish that eventually died swam upwards in the water column, sometimes at burst swimming movement, but thereafter lost their balance and sank to the bottom where they remained inactive until they died. Plasma Na+ concentrations ranged between 148 mmol/l in normoxic fish and a maximum of 176.6 mmol/l in control fish after 3 hours (Table 2). There were no statistically significant fluctuations in plasma Na+ concentrations, irrespective of treatment, exposure time, gender, fish size, or the interactions (Table 3). Likewise, no significant trends could be observed in either Cl (range 136.8 – 160.8 mmol/l) or Mg2+ (0.07 – 0.25 mmol/l) (Tables 2 and 3). The Ca2+ concentrations were not examined at 6 h and at 24 h for the 1 ml/l DO treatment because not enough plasma was available for analysis. In the only trial with a positive result, the plasma Ca2+ concentrations were significantly higher in fish exposed to 1 and 2 ml/l DO for 48 h than their controls. However, given the small sample sizes used for the Ca2+ determinations, and the comparatively low value for the 48 h control measurement (0.47 mmol/l) relative to the other controls (0.57–0.65 mmol/l; see Table 2), the significant increase seen in Ca2+ after 48 h at 1 and 2 ml/l DO exposure may be artifactual. Therefore we concluded that none of the plasma electrolytes measured (Na+, Cl-, Mg2+ and Ca2+) showed a significant effect relative to exposure of time, treatment, gender, TW or TL, or interactions between the boundaries tested. Discussion The effects of hypoxia on fish behaviour and mortalities have been studied for several species using a variety of DO levels and exposure times, and sensitivity to low oxygen appears to be species dependent, broadly ranging from 0.9 to 2.2 ml/l DO (see Table 4 and Itazawa, 1971; Gee et al., 1978; Van den Thilart and Waarde, 1985). Woo and Wu (1984) found black seabream Mylio macrocephalus to be at the lower extreme of the sensitivity range (no mortalities at 0.7 ml/l DO in 7 h but some deaths at 0.4 ml/l DO; Wu and Woo, 1984). Conversely, Atlantic cod Gadus morhua and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss exhibited higher mortality rates over similar time spans at DO levels >0.7 ml/l (Plante et al., 1998) (Table 4). In our study, no R. sarba died over a short time span of up to 24 h, even at 1 ml/l DO, and it therefore exhibits a relatively high tolerance to hypoxia. Hypoxia elicits hyperventilation in a variety of marine teleosts (Holeton and Randall, 1967;; Soivio et al., 1980; Soivio et al., 1981; Woo and Wu, 1984; Thomas et al., 1988; Brauner and Randall, 1998; Maxime et al., 2000; Pichavant et al., 2002; Evans et al., 2005), and was also observed in R. sarba. The hyperventilation facilitates increased oxygen uptake and enhances convective conditions for CO2 removal (Brauner and Randall, 1998). A reduction in swimming activity as an energy-saving strategy, as reported for flatfish Solea solea (Dalla Via et al., 1998), was also observed for R. sarba. However, not all R. sarba reduced their swimming activity, with some individuals showing strenuous avoidance behaviour – the latter group with a higher mortality rate. Van Raaij et al. (1996a) reported a five-fold catecholamine elevation after strenuous avoidance behaviour of non- surviving Oncorhynchus mykiss – this information is unfortunately not available for R. sarba. The R. sarba that died during the 48 h trial at 1 ml/l DO had a significantly larger mean size (both TL and TW) than those that survived. Smaller individuals of several other fish species were also found to be more 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 500 400 300 200 100 0 Surviving fish Dead fish Figure 2. Comparisons of the TL and TW of surviving and non-surviving Rhabdosargus sarba kept at 1 ml/1 DO for 48 h. Means and standard errors are shown. Surviving fish Dead fish Fi sh le ng th (c m ) Fi sh w ei gh t ( g) Al-Gheilani and others 78 79 Effects of hypoxia on the hehaviour, mortality and plasma electrolyte concentrations of goldlined seabream Ta bl e 2. P la sm a co nc en tr at io ns o f N a+ , C l- , M g2 + a nd C a2 + o f R ha bd os ar gu s sa rb a ex po se d to n or m ox ia c on di tio ns (N or m ) c on tr ol s at 7 .9 m l/l D O (C ), 2 m l/l a nd 1 m l/l D O fo r 3 h, 6 h , 2 4 h an d 48 h . D at a re pr es en ts m ea n va lu es ± s ta nd ar d er ro rs . Sa m pl e si ze s ar e in p ar en th es is . N or m E xp os ur e 3 h 6 h 24 h 48 h r C 2m /l 1m l/l C 2m l/l 1m l/l C 2m l/l 1m l/l C 2m l/l 1m l/l N a+ 14 8 ±2 .7 (1 0) 17 6. 6 ±2 .8 (1 6) 17 3 ±2 .4 (1 2) 16 9 ±3 .1 (1 0) 17 2 ±1 .7 (1 9) 16 7. 3 ±2 .5 (9 ) 17 5. 7 ±4 .4 (1 0) 17 1. 6 ±2 .6 (2 0) 17 4 ±3 .6 (9 ) 17 6 ±2 .6 (1 0) 16 8. 7 ±3 .8 (1 9) 17 1. 7 ±5 .0 (1 0) 17 0. 3 ±3 .7 (1 0) C l- 13 6. 8 ±2 .5 (1 0) 16 0. 8 ±3 .1 (1 6) 15 3. 3 ±2 .0 (1 2) 15 5 ±2 .4 (1 0) 15 3. 5 ±2 .7 (2 0) 14 7. 3 ±2 .0 (9 ) 14 9. 9 ±1 .3 (1 0) 14 8. 6 ±2 .1 (2 0) 15 6. 9 ±3 .9 (1 0) 14 6 ±1 .3 (1 0) 14 9. 9 ±1 .2 (1 9) 15 2. 6 ±1 .6 4 (1 0) 15 3. 2 ±3 .5 9 (1 0) M g2 + 0. 25 ±0 .0 3 (1 3) 0. 17 ±0 .0 1 (1 6) 0. 13 ±0 .0 1 (1 2) 0. 19 ±0 .0 4 (1 0) 0. 09 ±0 .0 1 (1 9) 0. 10 ±0 .0 1 (9 ) 0. 09 ±0 .0 1 (8 ) 0. 09 ±0 .0 2 (1 8) 0. 19 ±0 .0 5 (1 0) 0. 07 ±0 .0 2 (9 ) 0. 15 ±0 .0 1 (1 8) 0. 15 ±0 .0 2 (1 0) 0. 14 ±0 .0 2 (1 0) C a2 + 0. 65 ±0 .0 7 (1 0) 0. 60 ±0 .0 3 (1 2) 0. 60 ±0 .0 5 (9 ) 0. 61 ±0 .0 2 (6 ) nm nm nm 0. 57 ±0 .1 5 (2 ) 0. 47 ±0 .1 6 (3 ) nm 0. 47 ±0 .0 2 (4 ) 0. 59 ±0 .0 9 (3 ) 0. 59 ±0 .0 9 (3 ) nm - no m ea su re m en ts . Al-Gheilani and others 78 79 Effects of hypoxia on the hehaviour, mortality and plasma electrolyte concentrations of goldlined seabream tolerant of hypoxia than larger fish (Smale and Rabeni, 1995; Burleson et al., 2001; Robb and Abrahams, 2003). The higher mortality rates of larger fish may be related to lower size-surface; body weight ratios in larger individuals. Timmerman and Chapman (2004) studied the effect of hypoxia on behavioural and physiological responses of sailfin Poecilia latipinna and concluded that females were more tolerant to hypoxia than males. Overli et al. (2006) reported that male fish were more Table 3. The probability matrix (α = 0.05) of the effects of treatment (1 ml/l and 2 ml/l DO), exposure time (3 h, 6 h, 24 h and 48 h), gender, TW and TL, and the interactions time×treatment, time×gender, treatment×gender and time×treatment×gender on plasma electrolyte concentrations of Rhabdosargus sarba. TL/TW Treat- ment Time Gender Treat- ment* time Treat- ment* Gender Time* Gender Treatment* Time* Gender Na+ TL 0.816 0.645 0.949 0.614 0.231 0.261 0.866 0.084 TW 0.534 0.608 0.873 0.539 0.255 0.267 0.894 0.082 Cl- TL 0.373 0.228 0.707 0.096 0.050 0.566 0.908 0.926 TW 0.594 0.222 0.456 0.075 0.049 0.591 0.912 0.944 Mg2+ TL 0.749 0.522 0.816 0.505 0.866 0.553 0.749 0.893 TW 0.857 0.857 0.531 0.846 0.846 0.534 0.761 0.900 Ca2+ TL 0.051 0.023 0.066 0.231 0.020 TW 0.044 0.027 0.052 0.299 0.020 Table 4. The effects of hypoxia on fish mortality rates from studies at a range of exposure times and DO levels. Species DO (ml/l) Exposure time Mortalities (%) Reference Solea solea 0.3 0.5 12 h 12 h 0 0 Dalla Via et al., 1994 Scophthalmus maximus Dicentrarchus labrax 1.7 40 days 0 Pichavant et al., 2003 Epinephelus akaara Mylio macrocephalus 0.7 7 h 0 Woo and Wu, 1984 Epinephelus akaara Mylio macrocephalus 0.4 7 h Few Wu and Woo, 1984 Gadus morhua 0.4 0.7 1.5 7 h 7 h 7 h 100 Most 0 Plante et al., 1998 Scophthalmus maximus 1.3 6 h 0 Pichavant et al, 2002 Oncorhynchus mykiss 1.5 3 h 40 Van Raaij et al., 1996a Gadus morhua 1.3 6 h 21 Claireaux and Dutil, 1992 Al-Gheilani and others 80 81 Effects of hypoxia on the hehaviour, mortality and plasma electrolyte concentrations of goldlined seabream aggressive than females, and would presumably consume more oxygen. In the present study a larger proportion of males than females died in the 1 ml/l treatment for 48 h, and although the sample size was small (12 males and 17 females), we suggest that female R. sarba may be more tolerant to hypoxia than males. The absence of significant fluctuations in plasma electrolytes (Na+, Cl-, Mg2+ and Ca2+) of R. sarba during hypoxia exposure is in accordance with the results of several other studies on marine teleosts (see Table 5), where positive results were only sporadically found. Woo and Wu (1984) studied the effect of hypoxia on Ca2+ and Na+ serum levels in M. macrocephalus, and found Ca2+ levels to be unchanged whilst Na+ increased. They attributed the Na+ elevation to impairment of branchial or renal functions. The decrease of Mg2+ reported by Kakuta et al. (1992) in Cyprinus carpio was attributed to a selective gain of ions entering the fish from a hyperionic environment. Most other studies could not, however, find a relationship between hypoxic conditions and fluctuations in plasma electrolytes (Table 5). The effects of netting (or capture) stress, confinement, transport, exercise and air-exposure on marine teleost electrolyte balance have often been reported upon, and the causes for imbalances have been suggested in some cases. Railo et al., (1985) reported rapid changes in the plasma electrolyte composition of even mildly stressed fish, which suggests that capture stress had profound effects on salt and water balance. Imbalances in plasma Na+/Cl- ratio may reflect disturbed acid-base regulation (McDonald and Wood, 1993; Mazon et al., 2002), or increasing membrane permeability due to disruption of the membrane integrity of gill cells (Stagg and Shuttleworth, 1982; McDonald and Wood, 1993). Ionregulatory disruption induced by copper was related to inhibition of branchial Na+- K+-ATPase activity (Lauren and McDonald, 1985; Pelgrom et al., 1995). Knudsen and Jensen (1998) reported on exercise-induced hyperkalaemia as a consequence of an efflux of K+ from skeletal muscles during their depolarization and an insufficient reuptake. Farrell (1984) suggested that elevated plasma Ca2+ and catecholamine levels protect the teleostean heart from acidosis which might result from stress. Salm et al. (2006) found that the plasma Na+ levels in Pagrus pagrus increased upon netting stress, but that other plasma ions remained unchanged, and suggested a selective gain of ions from a hyperionic environment. After 2 hours of netting stress, all plasma ion levels returned to, or dropped below basal control levels, suggesting that gill permeability had returned to normal and hydromineral balance restored. Acknowledgements Special Thanks for Dr. Johan for his reviewing of this paper and adding of valid ideas and corrections. This project was funded by Ministry of Fisheries Wealth and Sultan Qaboos University. References Al Busaidi, S.S., K.M. Al Rashdi, H.M. Al Gheilani, and S. Amer. 2007. Massive fish mortality during Table 5. The effects of hypoxia exposure on plasma electrolyte concentrations of selected fish species from the literature. No effect = 0; + = increase; – = decrease. Species DOml/l) E x p . time Na + Cl- Ca2+ Mg2+ Reference O. mykiss 1.5 12 h 0 0 (Van Raaij et al., 1996b) Cyprinus carpio* 0.5 30 m 0 0 (Fuchs and Albers, 1988) Acipenser baeri 0.4 30 m 0 0 (Maxime et al., 1995) Cyprinus carpio 1.5 24 h 0 0 0 + (Kakuta et al., 1992) O. mykiss 4 3 h + – – – (Soivio et al., 1981) Mylio macrocephalus 0.7 7 h + 0 (Woo and Wu, 1984) Scophthalmus maximus 2.5 3.5 45 days 0 0 (Pichavant et al., 2000) *Hypercapnic and hypoxia stress. Al-Gheilani and others 80 81 Effects of hypoxia on the hehaviour, mortality and plasma electrolyte concentrations of goldlined seabream red tide of Masirah Island, Arabian Sea. This Issue. Al Gheilani, H.M., A.Y.A. Al Kindi, S. Amer, and Y.K. Al-Akhzami. 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