ReseaRch PaPeR Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences Vol. 21 (1): 19 – 24 DOI: Received 15 Aug. 2014 Accepted 19 Feb 2015 An assessment of longnose trevally (Carangoides chrysophrys) (Cuvier, 1833) fishery in the Arabian Sea, Oman Issam H. Al-Rasady1 and Anesh Govender2 1 Issam H. Al-Rasady ( ) Marine Sciences and Fisheries Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Wealth PO Box 427, Muscat 100, Sultanate of Oman. Email: 2 Department of Marine Science and Fisheries, College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, PO Box 34, Al-Khod 123, Sultanate of Oman. Introduction The rapid increase in fishing efforts and improved fishing efficiency in the last two decades have resulted in depletion of many fisheries stocks in the world (FAO, 2007). This trend also applies to Omani fisheries. For example, kingfish (Scomberomorus com- merson) catch in Omani waters has declined from above 20000 mt in the late 1980’s to around 6000 mt in recent years, although the maximum yield was reported in 1988 at 27000 mt (GoSO, 2003). The catch of spiny rock lobster (Panulirus homarus) declined from above 1900 mt in 1988 to only 180 mt in 1999 (GoSO, 2000). The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Wealth plans to protect the economically important fish stocks from overfishing and longnose trevally Carangoides chrysophrys belong to this category. Carangoides chrys- ophrys is found in the Indian Ocean from the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf to the western of the Pacific Ocean from New South Wales to the Ryukyu Islands (Lieske and Myers, 1994). Insular localities for the species in the Indian Ocean include Madagascar, Comoros and the Seychelles (Smith-Vaniz, 1984). Longnose trevally Carangoides chrysophrys, abundant in Omani waters (Al-Abdessalaam, 1995), has a high economic value and supports both the commercial industrial and commer- cial traditional fisheries. Oman is one of the countries in the world that contributes significantly to the report- ed global capture production of Carangids (FAO, 2005). Though no separate catch statistics are available for C. chrysophrys in Oman, large jacks catch data include nine commercially important species of the family Carangi- dae, including longnose trevally and reported landings of 2359 mt were estimated for a value of 1.822 million Omani rials (1 OR = 2.6 USD) (GoSO, 2008). The cur- rent fishing regulations in Oman apply only to the mesh size of the demersal trawler, which operate in coastal shallow and deep water of more than 50 m depth with- تقييم املصائد السمكية للصال يف حبر العرب املطل على سلطنة عمان عصام محيد الرصادي1 . أنيش جوفندر2 Abstract: The present study assessed the fishery state of longnose trevally (Carangoides chrysophrys) in the North West Arabian Sea. Key population parameters were estimated, and yield and spawning stock biomass per recruit anal- yses were conducted. The equation presented by Alagaraja (1984) for estimating natural mortality resulted in M = 0.29 year-1 and lead to the best estimate of longevity. Hence this value was used in the yield and spawning stock biomass per recruit analyses. The total mortality (Z) was estimated as 0.39 year-1, based on a catch curve analysis. Length-at-50% and age-at-50% captures were 38.21cm and 4 years respectively. The yield and spawning biomass per recruit analyses indi- cate that the current fishing mortality rate (Fcurr) was lower than the fishing mortality corresponding to the maximum yield per recruit (Fmax) and was also higher than the target reference point (F0.1) , suggesting that overfishing, currently, does not occur. However, any increase in the fishing effort in the future may lead to overfishing. Keywords: Mortality, length-at-50% capture, yield per recruit, longnose trevally املســتخلص: قامــت هــذه الدراســة بتقييــم مصائــد مسكــة الصــال (Carangoides chrysophrys) يف الشــمال الغــريب لبحــر العــرب. وأجريــت التحاليــل ملوشــرات مصائــد األمســاك الرئيســية. وقــد أســفرت املعادلــة الــي قدمهــا Alagaraja )1984( لتقديــر الوفيــات الطبيعيــة مبعــدل 0.29 يف الســنة وأعطــت أفضــل مؤشــر ألقصــى عمــر. وبالتــايل مت اســتخدام هــذه القيمــة يف تقديــر الكتلــة احليويــة للمخــزون البيــاض. وقــدر جممــوع الوفيــات )Z( مبعــدل 0.39 يف الســنة. اســتنادا إىل حتليــل منحــى الصيــد فقــد كانــت أطــول 50٪ مــن األمســاك املعرضــة للصيــد حــوايل 38.21ســم اي يف عمــر 4 ســنوات. وتشــر حتليــات الكتلــة احليويــة للمخــزون البيــاض إىل أن معــدل وفيــات الصيــد احلــايل (Fcurr) أقــل مــن وفيــات الصيــد املقابلــة ألقصــى قــدر مــن احملصــول الــذي ميكــن حتصيلــه (Fmax). وكان أيضــاً أعلــى مــن النقطــة املرجعيــة املســتهدفة )F0.1(، ممــا يشــر إىل أن هــذا النــوع مــن األمســاك ال يتعــرض حاليــا للصيــد اجلائــر. ومــع ذلــك فــإن أي زيــادة يف جهــد الصيــد يف املســتقبل قــد تــؤدي إىل اإلفــراط يف صيــد هــذا النــوع مــن األمســاك. الكلمات املفتاحية: معدل الوفيات. الطول عند 50٪ من النضج اجلنسي. االنتاج لكل عنصر جديد. الصال 20 SQU Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, 2016, Volume 21, Issue 1 An assessment of longnose trevally (Carangoides chrysophrys) fishery in the Arabian Sea, Oman in the continental shelf and enforce a minimum mesh size for the main net of 210 mm and 110 mm in the cod end (RRWFMCS, 1999). Minimum landing size limits in Oman fishing regulations are applied only on crus- taceans (lobster) and molluscs (abalone) (RRWFMCS 1999) because they represent an unreasonable amount of additional labour for the fleet if applied to commercial fisheries where catches are large (King, 1995). Yield per recruit models are widely used in fisheries management. In this study we developed an age-struc- tured yield per recruit (YPR) and spawner biomass per recruit (SPR) models for the Carangoides chrysophrys stock in the northwestern Arabian Sea to provide scien- tific advice to the fisheries managers. Methods Sampling Freshly landed fish were randomly selected and pur- chased from commercial fishermen at two landing sites on the Arabian Sea coast of the Sultanate of Oman: Al Lakbi (18011’1” N; 56032’56” E) and Raysut (16057’37” N; 53059’52” E). Sampling took place from April 2005 to September 2006. Specimens were caught with hand- lines, gillnets and traps. Annual strong southwest mon- soon winds (between May and September) result in poor weather conditions forcing fishing activity in Al Lakbi to cease; hence, all biological sampling took place at Ray- sut (Al-Rasady et al., 2012; Al-Rasady et al., 2013) for a more detailed description of the sampling programme). Population parameters Various models were used in this study for estimating the instantaneous natural mortality rate (M) for each sex and combined sexes (Table 1). where K = coefficient of von Bertalanffy growth model, Tm = maximum age or fish life span, and tm50% = the age at 50% maturity. In order to choose the best estimate of natural mor- tality, the criterion proposed by Alagaraja (1984) was used as suggested by Gonçalves et al. (2003): (Tm)=4.605/M The method which gave the best estimate of longevity was applied and evaluated by a sensitivity analysis which varied M by ±10% in the per recruit analysis. Instanta- neous total annual mortality rates (Z) was estimated us- ing numbers at age data for each sex and combined with a pooled regression equation where the Z value was esti- mated according to Ricker (1975) from the right desend- ing limb of a linearized age catch curve excluding age groups older than 14 yrs and those not fully recruited to the fishery (2 yrs old fish and younger for females and 3 yrs old fish and younger for males and sex combined) as suggested by Sparre and Venema (1989). The instanta- neous fishing mortality (F) was estimated by subtracting the instantaenous natural mortality rate (M) from the instantaneous total mortality rate (Z). Length at 50% capture (LC) was estimated from the length frequency data by the method as suggested by Griffiths et al. (2006). Selectivity curves were generated by fitting a logistic function to the plot of probability of capture (Chen et al., 1992) i.e. numbers in a particular size class divided by the total number of fish sampled (expressed as percentage) against size class (L), from which the value of the parameter (LC), the smallest size class at which 50% of the fish were fully recruited to the fishery was obtained. The logistic equation was: P L = 100 1+exp −r L−L c( )( ) (1) where PL = percentage of capture in length class L and r = the width of the ogive. The von Bertalanffy (1934) equation was used to con- vert LC to an age- at- 50% capture (tc): t c =t 0 − 1 K ln 1− L c L ∞ ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ (2) where LC = length-at-50% capture L∞ = the asymptotic length.9 Table 1. Emprical equations used to calculate natural mortality (M) for Carangoides chrysophrys in the Arabian Sea. (K) growth coefficient of the von Bertalnaffy growth model, (tmax) maximum age or fish life span, and (tm 50%) the age at 50% maturity. References Equation Assumpation Rikhter and Efanov (1976): M = 1.52 t m50%( ) 0.72 ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ⎟ −0.155 Close association between M and tm 50% Hoenig (1983): ln M( )=1.44−0.982ln Tm( ) Relation between M and tmax Alagaraja (1984): M = −ln 0.01( )/Tm Relation between M and tmax Ralston (1987): M =0.0189+2.06K Relation between M and growth rate 21Research Article Al-Rasady , Govender Per recruit analysis Two variables, the spawner biomass per recruit (SBR) and yield per recruit (YPR) (Beverton and Holt, 1957), were calculated for various estimates of fishing mortal- ities ranging from 0 to 1 yr−1. The SBR was calculated using the following equation: SBR = SB R = exp − FS t −M( )t( ) t=0 tmax ∑ a Lt( ) b G t (3) where SB = the total spawner biomass (in g), R = the number of recruits (set to 1, by definition), F = instantaneous fishing mortality rate, M = instantaneous natural mortality rate, a and b = constants of the length–weightrelation- ship of combined sexes, Lt = the predicted von Bertalanffy mean length-at-age t and tmax = the maximum observed age in the fish- ery (year) Gt = the fraction of mature fish at age t and- was assumed to be knife-edged i.e. G t = 0,if t