journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022: 505-511 505 online attendance system website-based at the village hall office paya bakung using the waterfall method silvia sindi ramadani1*, heri kurniawan2, rian farta wijaya3 department of computer system, university of pembangunan panca budi, indonesia received : 02 november 2022, revised: 12 december 2022, accepted : 12 december 2022 *corresponding author abstract attendance is a system for recording employee attendance which is carried out in every agency, including government agencies. the paya bakung village hall office still applies a manual attendance system so that the recording of employee attendance activities is still relatively minimal. performing the attendance process manually takes a long time to record incoming hours, outgoing hours, or recap employee attendance reports. from these problems, the author designs and builds a computerized attendance system that can record all attendance activities of employees. each employee has their own account that can be accessed through the employee's device. employees can do absent entry and absence every day. the admin records all absent data entered by employees. the web-based attendance system in this study was created using the waterfall method consisting of requirement analysis, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, operation and maintenance. this attendance system provides great benefits for the paya bakung village hall office. keywords: attendance, office, information system 1. introduction attendance is very important in monitoring employee attendance. many employees or employees who often neglect their duties or often come late for work enter the office. monitoring using manual attendance can cause falsification of attendance data such as hours of entry and exit hours so that it can harm parties agency (bah & ming, 2020; bhatti et al., 2018; salim et al., 2018; hamzah et al., 2022). the paya bakung village hall office is one of the government agency offices that functions to regulate the village. this office has several employees whose work schedules have been determined. the use of attendance in this office is still using the manually by recording incoming and outgoing hours. the development of the attendance system currently has good technology that can take advantage of the website in conducting employee attendance (zhao et al., 2022; xun et al., 2022; hamzah et al., 2021). the author tries to design a website-based attendance system that will be used at the paya bakung village hall office. by using their respective devices, employees can carry out the attendance process easily without having to use a pc computer provided by the agency. attendance can record the date, time of entry, hour of exit and notes if employees experience delays or take attendance outside working hours determined by the paya bakung village hall office. this is expected to maintain the comfort and honesty of employees during work absences. the website-based attendance process can be carried out to provide benefits to the paya bakung village hall office. attendance is a data collection activity to determine the presence and absence of a company employee (malah et al., 2022). erna in fadila & septiana, (2019) revealed that attendance is a routine activity carried out by company employees to prove that the employee is present or not working for the company. website-based online attendance is attendance that is used by most companies (hamzah et al., 2022; barokhah et al., 2022; khairani et al., 2022; hamzah & irwansyah, 2021). from previous research, similarities and differences can be found with the research conducted this time. the similarities are in the first researcher, previous and current researchers ramadani et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 505-511 506 are both building a website-based attendance system using the waterfall method. the difference with the second study is that previous research built an android-based attendance system application. from the similarities and differences above, it can be concluded that, even though the attendance system is based on a website or based on android, the researcher hopes that this research will be able to overcome the problem of the weakness of the manual attendance system that still uses books (aryanti & karmila, 2022; febriandirza, 2020; tambak et al., 2022). 2. research methods research stages the author uses the stages of research based on the waterfall method. there are several steps taken in this research, including: requirement analysis the author conducted several information collections consisting of discussions, surveys, interviews and direct field observations. system and software design the author does the design to provide a complete picture of the system to be built. planning hardware requirements in manufacture the software system architecture is also prepared in this section in order to keep the system building running smoothly. implementation and unit testing the author implements the system built in detail. inspection and testing of the system as a whole is carried out in order to see the gaps in the failure and errors of the system being built. operation and maintenance the author performs system maintenance for repairing errors found on the system that has been tested. system maintenance consists of in-depth system unit repair and performance improvement of the system. fig. 1. waterfall model 3. results and testing this section will explain the results of making an attendance system at the paya bakung village hall office which consists of an admin and employee system. there are several interfaces that will described in this section which is an important part of the system being built. the system consists of an admin system and an employee system. system planning ramadani et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 505-511 507 the following is a system design used in building an attendance system at the paya bakung village hall office which is described in the form of a use case diagram. admin dashboard data admin data pegawai data absensi crud data admin crud data pegawai crud data absensi <> <> <> laporan login / logout fig. 2. use case diagram admin pegawai home absen masuk absen keluar histori input jam masuk input jam keluar tampilkan histori kehadiran <> <> <> login / logout fig. 3. employee use case diagram database the database built will be used to store attendance data at the paya bakung village hall office. this database design has several tables. each table has a data structure with a predetermined number of fields. tables 1 to 3 are tables that are used in the manufacture of freight forwarding applications. table 1 admin table structure no. field name data type field size 1 id_admin int 11 2 nama varchar 32 3 username varchar 32 4 password varchar 32 table 2 pegawai table structure no. field name data type field size 1 id_pegawai int 11 2 pegawai varchar 32 3 jabatan varchar 32 4 tempat_lahir varchar 32 ramadani et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 505-511 508 5 tanggal_lahir date 6 jenis_kelamin varchar 10 7 pendidikan varchar 10 8 telepon varchar 15 9 alamat varchar 50 10 username varchar 32 11 password varchar 32 table 3. attendance table structure no. field name data type field size 1 id_absensi int 11 2 id_pegawai int 11 3 tanggal date 4 jam_masuk time 5 jam_keluar time 6 catatan varchar 200 admin system the admin system is used to manage incoming attendance data which consists of admin, employee and attendance data processing. the following is the result of the implementation of the admin system. fig. 4. dashboard page ramadani et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 505-511 509 fig. 5. admin login page employee system the employee system is used directly by employees of the paya bakung village hall office through their respective devices. the following are the results of the implementation of the employee system. fig. 6. employee login page ramadani et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 505-511 510 fig. 7. attendance page fig. 8. attendance report system test in the online attendance system in this study, testing was carried out using the blackbox testing method. based on the tests carried out, it can be concluded that all the expected functionality requirements have met the criteria or run well as desired. table 4 testing no testing empty data validation wrong data validation button function 1 login admin √ √ √ 2 login employee √ √ √ 3 attendance √ √ √ 4 attendace report √ √ √ 5. conclusion the paya bakung village office is one of the government agencies that has an obligation to provide and improve services to the community village as stated in law number 6 of 2014. attendance employees are very influential on work productivity in the agency government-related public services. attendance is an important thing to do at the paya bakung village hall office. the attendance process will be better using a computer system so that employee attendance data becomes more accurate and transparent. the system that was built can solve the problem of previous attendance that still uses the manual method. this attendance system provides great benefits for employees and the paya bakung village hall office ramadani et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 505-511 511 references aryanti, u., & karmila, s. 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technology optimally. this school handles students who have mental and physical limitations and intellectuals or called with disabilities, this school is located at jalan segar no. 46 rejosari village, tenayan raya district, pekanbaru city, was founded by the ministry of education and culture national education in 1998, the decree on the appointment of the pembina state slb was issued by minister of national education no.13a/o/1998. on january 29, 1998, slb negeri the supervisor of pekanbaru is currently led by mr. moelya eko suseno, s.kom, m.ti, m.pd. this school has teacher educators from graduates of special education (s1, s2 and even s3) the current number of slb teachers is 55 people (all majors of visual impairment), administrative staff 7 people. for students from the level (sdlb, smplb and smalb) totaling 367 people (all disabilities). the development of the pekanbaru pembina state slb from year to year experienced an increase, especially in the students, then the infrastructure, facilities and infrastructure other infrastructure. this slb is in accordance with its vision and mission to prioritize student independence, then the pembina slb program is prioritized on student skills. if in percentage then, academic (30%) and skills (70%). to achieve goals, targets, with this vision and mission, it is necessary to develop skills for slb students. the problems contained in the pembina state slb pekanbaru are: 1) the results of the agricultural skills are not maximized, 2) agricultural skills are not yet based on it and 3) lack of knowledge of teachers and students related to it-based product marketing management. based on these problems, the solutions offered include: 1) will be carried out guidance to increase students' knowledge in agricultural skills, 2) will implement iot-based hydroponic plant cultivation and 3) provide counseling, training and guidance to students how to do management marketing of products produced with it. keywords: adruino uno automatic scales, c language, visual basic, databases 1. introduction nobody asks to be disabled but being a person with a disability is not means you can't do anything (lecours et al., 2022). many individuals who despite being disabled can be a life light for friends with other special needs (rosenbaum et al., 2021). term with special needs is explicitly addressed to children who are considered to have abnormalities / deviations from the average condition of normal children in general, in terms of physical, mental as well as the characteristics of social behavior. slb pembina pekanbaru is a special education and special service (pk-lk) this school handles students who have mental, physical and intellectual limitations or referred to as a disability, this school is located on jalan segar no. 46 rejosari village, tenayan raya district, pekanbaru city, was established by the ministry of national education in 1998, the decree on the appointment of the pembina slb was issued by the minister of education national no.13a/o/1998. on january 29, 1998, slb pembina pekanbaru ever currently led by mr. moelya eko suseno, s.kom, m.ti, m.pd (2021-present). the development of the pekanbaru pembina state slb from year to year has increased especially on the students, then the infrastructure, facilities and other infrastructure. slb this is in accordance with its vision and mission to prioritize student independence, so the slb program the coaching country is prioritized on student skills, if it is a percentage, that is, academics (30%) and skills (70%). this school has teacher educators from education graduates extraordinary (s1, s2 and even s3) the number of yulisman et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 312-317 313 slb teachers currently amounts to 55 people (all majors disability), administrative staff 7 people. for students from levels (sdlb, smplb and smalb) totaling 367 people (all disabled) (richard & hennekam, 2021). children with emotional barriers or behavioral disorders are children who are unable to learn not caused by intellectual, sensory or health factors (al-beltagi, 2021). children with barriers emotional or behavioral disorders unable to have good relations with friends and teachers, behaving or feeling inappropriately, generally they always in a state of unhappiness or depression and a tendency towards physical symptoms such as feeling sick or scared about people or problems at school (schiltz & young, 2022). marketing management is a managerial and process that makes individuals or groups get what they need and want by creating, offering and exchanging products of value to other parties or activities which involves the delivery of products or services from producers to consumers (bastart et al., 2021). the objectives and targets of the pekanbaru state pk-lk slb center are: 1) produce students who are able to compete in the era of globalization and 2) produce students who are able to apply the utilization of science and technology optimally (deveci topal et al., 2021). based on the results of the discussion with the principal, there are 13 skills applied by slb state schools coaches for students, including: 1. batik 2. fashion 3. beauty style 4. automotive 5. rattan 6. second hand goods 7. agriculture 8. woodwork 9. delivery 10. catering 11. acupressure 12. flower arrangement, and 13. household crafts. the statement from the principal is of these 13 applied skills, which have been it can be said that progressing and succeeding is the skill of batik. for other skills still need more effort to make it even better. every skill there are products that are produced and then traded. however, the product promotion process still not optimal. the teacher also revealed that the lack of understanding and student knowledge related to the world of it (baltà-salvador et al., 2021). in this pkms, the focus is on increasing independence and student skills in agricultural skills internet of things (iot) is a concept/scenario where an object that has the ability to transfer data over the network without the need human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction (viriyasitavat et al., 2022). iot has evolved from the convergence of wireless technologies, micro-electromechanical systems (mems), and the internet. the term iot (internet of things) became known in 1999 which was mentioned for the first time in a presentation by kevin ashton, cofounder and executive director of the auto-id center at mit (albany et al., 2022; kolhe et al., 2022). microcontroller is an integrated circuit (ic) which programmed using a computer to be able to read input from the circuit which will then be processed and output as needed (saha et al., 2022). the pin used is 1 analog pin as input ph sensor, 8 digital pins i.e. 2 pins as sensor inputs, 6 pins as output 1 pin is connected to relay, 2 pin is connected to lcd, 3 pins connected to led, and vin pin and ground pin (hussein et al., 2022). 2. research methods this research was conducted by building a prototype first and then implemented it to related parties. prototype models can be used to connect customer misunderstandings about technical matters and clarify the specifications of the customer's desired requirements to application makers . the steps of the prototype model are: 1. researchers will collect the data needed in the process of making tools, and this stage is yulisman et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 312-317 314 also the first step to find a problem formulation related to how to design a robot (t-bot) as an effort to overcome speech disorders in children. 2. then a prototype program will be made to provide an overview to the customer. 4. results and discussions the prototypes that will be provided are as follows: fig 1. robot body design 1. this hydroponic control system works using 2 types of sensors. that is sensor dht11 and water sensor. the dht11 sensor functions to determine the temperature and temperature conditions humidity of the air around the hydroponic plant, while the water sensor functions to control the supply of nutrients available in the tendon nutrition (safira et al., 2022; tatas et al., 2022). 2. if the supply of nutrients in the reservoir exceeds the sensor limit, the system will send data to a predetermined server via the internet. as well as temperature and humidity conditions, if the temperature exceeds the plant's tolerance limit certain conditions (eg plants with cold temperatures between 16-28 degrees celsius, or plants have a hot temperature of 20 -32 degrees celsius) then the water pump will be activated to normalize the temperature around hydroponic plants. 3. information on the availability of nutritional supplies and information on temperature and humidity will be sent to the server via the internet using wifi network on the nodemcu controller. 4. with this iot-based control system, users can find out information and able to monitor hydroponic plants without being limited by distance and time (untoro & hidayah, 2022). the following is an overview of the iot-based products that will be produced: the following is an overview of the layout control unit talking robot (t-bot) that will be made : fig 2. iot based hydroponic installation design 1. making hydroponic installation. yulisman et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 312-317 315 fig 3. hydroponic rack installation 2. hydroponic nursery experiment process without hydroponic installation fig 4. nursery plant fig 5. iot-based hydroponic system design fig 6. iot socialization activities farming workshops with hydroponics and digital marketing 5. conclusion the conclusion of this research is, the thing that really needs to be considered in hydroponic yulisman et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 312-317 316 planting is to pay attention to the nutrients that exist in plants, so that the presence of iot-based hydroponics can be an alternative to plant nutrient deficiencies. another impact is healthier plants, minimizing crop failures and maximizing crop yields. acknowledgement the author would like to thank ristek-brin which has provided financial assistance related to this research, and thanks also to the academic community of hang tuah university pekanbaru who have always supported in conducting this novice lecturer research. references albany, m., alsahafi, e., alruwili, i., & elkhediri, s. 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information and invitations to vaccines through mass media are considered insufficient to convince the population to vaccinate. residents who are still unsure and do not even want to vaccinate need really comprehensive information from experts. to answer this problem, a chatbot that can replace experts in explaining everything related to vaccines can be one solution. this is evidenced by a study which states that the interaction between people who have not been vaccinated with a chatbot that explains about vaccination can reduce the level of doubt of the population about the vaccine by up to 20%. the purpose of this research is to build a chatbot using deep learning technique. meanwhile, the deep learning technique used to build a conversational chatbot is the multilayer perceptron network (mlp). based on the result of our study, our chatbot can answer 83% questions correctly out of 30 questions. keywords : chatbot, deep learning, vaccination 1. introduction until today, the covid-19 pandemic has been hitting indonesia for more or less than two years. over the past two years, 144.136 indonesians have died due to exposure to covid-19 (, accessed on january 10, 2022). however, with the high death rate due to this pandemic, the number of people recorded as having been vaccinated to reduce the risk of exposure to covid-19 still tends to be low, namely as many as 116 of indonesia's 273.5 million people (, accessed on january 8, 2022), or approximately 42% of the total population. meanwhile, in riau province, the number of people vaccinated with the second dose is also still relatively low, namely 49% (, accessed on january 15, 2022). one of the reasons for the low number of people vaccinated is the doubt of a large part of the population about vaccination, both in terms of vaccine safety and effectiveness (marwan, 2021). however, the residents' doubts were also accompanied by the residents' curiosity for detailed information about vaccination. several studies state that information and invitations to vaccines through the mass media are insufficient to convince people to vaccinate. residents who are still trying to decide whether to vaccinate need comprehensive information from experts, not just invitations via short messages in the mass media. meanwhile, discussions with experts are challenging for residents who are against vaccination (ndwandwe & wiysonge, 2021; aw et al., 2021; andrews et al., 2022). to answer the problems above, chatbots that can replace experts in explaining everything related to vaccines can be one solution. chatbots can offer private question-and-answer sessions (personalized q&a) so that information delivery is faster and more effective (ma et al., 2021) (jenneboer et al., 2022). this is proven by a study that states that the interactions between residents who have not been vaccinated and a chatbot that explains vaccinations can reduce the level of doubt among residents about vaccines by up to 20% (zakirman & rahayu, 2018). after interacting with chatbots, residents who were initially against vaccines have a more positive view of vaccines. yuliska et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 532-538 533 based on the problems above, in this study, a chatbot will be built using a deep learning technique. meanwhile, the technique or method used to build a conversational chatbot is the multilayer perceptron network (mlp) (jehad & yousif, 2021) (rachmad syulistyo & meliana agustin, 2022) (dwi sripamuji et al., n.d.). mlp is a deep learning network that has been widely used in text processing and classification. conversational chatbots are chatbots that can generate words just like humans so that the interactions between chatbot users and chatbots become more lively (desai & shah, 2021). hopefully, this chatbot can help residents obtain comprehensive, complete, and targeted vaccine information. so that residents have sufficient knowledge about vaccines and are confident to vaccinate (yang et al., 2021; yulita et al., 2021; nuanmeesri et al., 2022). 2. research methodology in this study, all initial research procedures must have been carried out, such as a literature study which was carried out by collecting and reading, and understanding references related to the issue of chatbot development as a forum for vaccination information, as well as the method used, namely mlp (li et al., 2021). after that, data collection is carried out, which is then followed by building a chatbot. the research methodology is illustrated in figure 1, with an explanation of each stage as follows: fig. 1. research methodology stage 1: problem identification at this stage, we contain a problem formulation so that we can understand and analyze the problems related to the low vaccination rate and can identify these problems. stage 2: determining research objectives at this stage, we look for the most appropriate solution to the problems found so that the solution becomes a goal in the research being conducted. stage 3: data collection at this stage, we carry out the necessary data collection activities such as collecting questions that residents usually ask regarding vaccination, information in the form of answers to questions related to vaccination, which can be in the form of the type of vaccine, the ingredients contained in the vaccine, where the vaccine is, and some other important info. stage 4: creating a deep learning model yuliska et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 532-538 534 after data collection in stage 3, we will form a dataset that contains pairs of questions and answers that can be used to create deep learning models (mlp) to perform chat generation. stage 5: creating a chatbot at this stage, we begin to implement the chat generation model to create a vaccination information chatbot. stage 6: testing at this stage, we will conduct tests on the whatsapp bot that was built to find out the quality of the whatsapp bot both from a technical perspective and its use for the population. stage 7: conclusion at this stage, we will draw conclusions based on the tests that have been carried out. tabel 1 – the example of data used in this study questions answers apakah vaksin drop out? vaksin drop out adalah sasaran yang belum mendapatkan vaksinasi primer lengkap sesuai jadwalnya apakah ada batas waktu untuk melakukan vaksinasi booster? tidak ada batas waktu. apakah vaksin booster gratis? vaksin booster gratis untuk semua warga negara indonesia. jenis vaksin covid-19 apa saja yang akan digunakan di indonesia? sinovac, astrazeneca, sinopharm, novavax, moderna, pfizer, cansino, sputnik v siapa saja yang berhak mendapatkan vaksin booster? semua warga negara indonesia usia 18 tahun ke atas berhak mendapatkan vaksin booster. apa saja jenis vaksin yang dapat diberikan kepada ibu hamil? semua jenis vaksin yang ada saat ini dapat diberikan pada ibu hamil dan menyusui apakah menerima vaksin covid-19 dapat mengubah dna seseorang? vaksin covid-19 tidak dapat mengubah atau berinteraksi dengan dna seseorang dalam cara apapun. apakah vaksin itu obat? vaksin bukanlah obat kenapa vaksin booster diberikan setengah dosis? karena imunogenesitas yang didapatkan setlah dibooster dengan setengah dosis tidak berbeda secara signifikan dengan booster dosis penuh apakah paracetamol boleh dikonsumsi setelah vaksinasi covid-19? jika demam, menggigil atau pegal-pegal boleh minum paracetamol dan beristirahat. pada rentang usia dan berapa dosis yang direkomendasikan untuk melakukan vaksinasi janssen? peserta dengan umur 18 tahun dan lebih, dan direkomendasikan satu dosis 2.1. data used the data used in this study are question-and-answer data related to vaccination. answers and questions are obtained from: a) interview with health workers b) vaccination information document c) website d) internet data collection and processing were carried out for +/2 months until 89 pairs of answers and questions were finally collected. table 1 describes an example of the data used in this study. the data in table 1 is then converted into data.json, as shown in figure 2. 2.2. model for chat generation the architecture of the multiple layer perceptron (mlp) model, as well as the stages carried out prior to the model training process used in this research, can be seen in figure 3. yuliska et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 532-538 535 fig. 2. questions and answers in .json fig. 3. deep learning model used as can be seen in figure 3, the model consists of 3 layers, namely the input layer with a hidden size of 128. then followed by a hidden layer with a hidden size of 64. finally, there is an output layer with a hidden size of 89 topics, with an activation function the one used is softmax. 3. results and discussions in this section, we explain the training scheme we applied in creating the mlp model to select answers to questions asked by chatbot users and also explain the experimental results. 3.1. training scheme before training, we used the nltk library to tokenize and clean sentences (preprocessing). mlp is implemented using the keras library. the hidden sizes that we used in the mlp model were 128, 64, and 89 (according to the number of topics), respectively. we used relu activation function for the input layer and hidden layer, and softmax for the output layer. the dropout operation is also applied at a ratio of 0.5 in each layer. finally, we used sgd optimizer (ruder, 2016) with a learning rate of 10-2 and a batch size of 100. yuliska et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 532-538 536 3.2. the implementation of chatbot interface from the mlp model training scheme, according to the explanation above, a model accuracy of 98% is obtained. the training result model is then used to create a chatbot using tkinter. chatbots can be used as appropriate, where chatbots can answer questions related to vaccines according to the topics asked. here is the chatbot interface: fig. 4. chatbot interface 3.3. chatbot validity testing to test the chatbot's validity, we randomly asked 30 questions related to vaccination. of the 30 questions asked, the chatbot answered 83% of the questions correctly, as seen in the pie chart in figure 5. more complete information (18 out of 30 questions) regarding the questions asked in the validity test can be seen in table 2. from figure 6 and table 2, it can be seen that the chatbot can answer most of the questions related to vaccination correctly. it shows that the chatbot can function properly. fig. 5. validity test pie chart tabel 2 – validity testing (18 out of 30 questions asked) questions answers results apa manfaat vaksinasi lengkap? vaksinasi lengkap dan booster mampu mengurangi risiko dirawat dan kematian valid apakah vaksin drop out? bagi sasaran yang mengalami drop out dalam waktu lebih dari enam bulan, maka vaksinasi primer nya dilanjutkan kembali sebanyak 2 kali dan vaksinasi dapat menggunakan jenis vaksin yang berbeda dari vaksin semula not valid yuliska et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 532-538 537 bagaimana bila saya terlambat lebih dari 3 bulan tidak melakukan vaksinasi booster? anda bisa mendapatkan vaksin booster setelah 3 bulan mendapatkan vaksin dosis kedua not valid apakah vaksin booster gratis? vaksin booster gratis untuk semua warga negara indonesia valid apakah saya bisa memilih jenis vaksin booster yang diterima? masyarakat tidak dapat memilih jenis vaksinasi booster valid di mana tempat pelayanan vaksinasi covid-19? anda dapat cek lokasi dan jenis vaksin yang dibutuhkan melalui aplikasi pedulilindungi valid siapa saja yang berhak mendapatkan vaksin booster? kelompok prioritas penerima vaksin adalah penduduk yang berdomisili di indonesia yang berusia lebih besar atau sama dengan 18 tahun not valid apa saja jenis vaksin yang dapat diberikan kepada ibu hamil? semua jenis vaksin yang ada saat ini dapat diberikan pada ibu hamil dan menyusui valid apakah menerima vaksin covid-19 dapat membuat seseorang menjadi magnetic? menerima vaksin covid-19 tidak dapat membuat seseorang menjadi magnetik, termasuk pada lokasi penyuntikan yang biasanya dilakukan pada lengan atas valid apa itu vaksinasi? vaksin bukanlah obat not valid vaksin covid-19 mana yang paling baik untuk saya? semua vaksin yang disetujui oleh who telah terbukti aman dan efektif dalam melindungi penerimanya terhadap sakit berat yang ditimbulkan oleh covid-19 valid berapa dosis dan interval yang dibutuhkan untuk vaksinasi covid-19 agar terbentuk kekebalan yang optimal? dosis dan cara pemberian harus sesuai dengan yang direkomendasikan untuk setiap jenis vaksin covid-19 valid apakah seseorang harus menjalani pemeriksaan kesehatan terlebih dahulu sebelum divaksinasi? meskipun tidak diwajibkan, sasaran dapat memeriksakan terlebih dahulu kondisi kesehatannya sebelum datang ke tempat pelayanan vaksinasi covid-19 valid apakah vaksin covid-19 bisa diberikan bersamaan dengan jenis vaksin lainnya? vaksin covid-19 bisa diberikan bersama vaksin lain valid bagaimana jika vaksinasi covid-19 diberikan kepada seseorang yang sedang berpuasa? vaksin covid-19 tetap aman untuk diberikan kepada seseorang yang sedang berpuasa valid apakah manfaat dari vaksin covid-19? vaksin covid-19 bermanfaat untuk memberi perlindungan agar tidak tertular atau sakit berat akibat covid-19 valid apakah vaksin covid-19 nanti juga tersedia untuk anak-anak? pengembangan vaksin untuk anak-anak masih direncanakan pada beberapa kandidat vaksin valid apa itu vaksin moderna dan pfizer-biontech? vaksin mrna yang tidak mengandung virus hidup valid 5. conclusion in this study, we created a deep learning-based chatbot as a source of vaccination information. the deep learning technique used is multiple layer perceptron (mlp). the data used to create the chatbot consists of 89 questions from 27 vaccination topics. mlp is trained to be able to answer questions related to vaccination and obtain 98% accuracy. based on the validity testing results, the chatbot can answer 83% of the questions correctly out of 30. references andrews, n., stowe, j., kirsebom, f., toffa, s., rickeard, t., 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lipkin et al., 2020). the causes of speech and language disorders in children can be seen from various factors, namely, hearing loss, speech muscle disorders, limited cognitive abilities, pervasive disorders and lack of communication and interaction with parents and their environment (snowling et al., 2020; hyman et al., 2020). the strategies that can be carried out by parents with speech delays include, 1) training children to speak correctly, slowly and repeatedly, 2) when speaking, always pay attention to the grammar spoken, 3) always involve children in speaking in every situation by improving pronunciation. children who are still wrong, 4) use of technological media that supports children's vocabulary and 5) regular consultations with doctors and child psychologists to determine child development. one of the causes of speech delay in children today is that children are too often exposed to gadgets or gadgets (akamoglu & meadan, 2018). based on the results of research conducted by rae fernandez and hasti lestari in 2019 that research with a sample 308 hartomi & zulkifli… vol 4(1) 2022 : 307-311 consisting of 51 children, 33 (62%) of whom are women. the mean age was 2 years 5 months (sd 0.6). it was found that 3 (5.8%) children experienced language delays, 10 (19.6%) children used devices more than 2 hours per day and 36 (70.5%) children used devices more than 2 days per week. there was a significant relationship between the intensity of using gadgets for more than 2 hours and language delay (p=0.034) (binns, et al., 2019). based on the description above, one of the speech therapy efforts that can support and help accelerate the recovery of speech delay in children is to design and build a t-bot that is able to reduce the intensity of using gadgets in children and can replace the role of parents in suppressing and learning language in children. so that language skills in children who suffer from speech delay can be more effective. the resulting output is in the form of information in the form of voice in indonesian as the mother tongue of our country. the way this robot works is by inputting various vocabularies, compound sentences consisting of 2 words, 3 words to 1 structured sentence, children's songs and children's stories. the child's speech development will also be evaluated from the first day of therapy to see how effectively the t-bot works to serve as product testing. speech delays have a huge impact on a child's development at the next level. children can feel inferior and insecure, have difficulty socializing with their peers, and have difficulty understanding and absorbing learning materials at school. the risks of developmental delay in speech are: 1) conceptual ability and educational achievement, this does not show a bad effect on children's educational and cognitive development because it does not depend on understanding and using language; 2) personal and social factors, speech delay causes negative risks to interpersonal relationships and the development of self-concept in children. misunderstanding of others when communicating can cause low self-esteem in children. microcontroller is a microcomputer chip that is physically in the form of an ic (integrated circuit). microcontrollers are usually used in systems that are small, inexpensive and do not require very complex calculations as in pc applications. microcontrollers are found in equipment such as microwaves, keyboards, cd players, vcrs, remote controls, robots, etc. the microcontroller contains the main parts, namely the cpu (central processing unit), ram (random-access memory), rom (read-only memory) and i/o (input/output) ports. in addition to these main parts, there are several hardware devices that can be used for many purposes such as enumeration, serial communication, interrupting, etc. certain microcontrollers even include adc (analog-to-digital). usb controller, can (controller area network), etc (sutabri et al., 2019; raghunathan, 2021; zhiqiang et al., 2021). 2. research methods this research was conducted by building a prototype first and then implemented it to related parties. prototype models can be used to connect customer misunderstandings about technical matters and clarify the specifications of the customer's desired requirements to application makers ( bjarnason et al., 2021). the steps of the prototype model are: 1. researchers will collect the data needed in the process of making tools, and this stage is also the first step to find a problem formulation related to how to design a robot (t-bot) as an effort to overcome speech disorders in children (mendoza et al., 2022). 2. then a prototype program will be made to provide an overview to the customer. the prototypes that will be provided are as follow fig 1. robot body design the following is an overview of the layout control unit talking robot (t-bot) that 309 hartomi & zulkifli… vol 4(1) 2022 : 307-311 will be made : fig 2. t-bot control unit layout design information : 1. this speech therapy robot is only a medium that is able to display sounds to repeat vocabulary that will be introduced to objects (children), in addition to vocabulary recognition, this robot is also able to read short stories and interact using an rfid card. 2. vocabulary is saved in .mp3 sound file format on sdcard card installed into mp3 module. 3. mp3 module functions to run sound files which are then displayed through speakers 1. vocabulary collection depends on the number of files stored on the sd card memory in this mp3 module. 4. then to teach children to recognize new vocabulary, the isd1820 module is available which functions to record new sounds or vocabulary with a maximum duration of voice recording for 10 seconds. 5. in this robot, an rfid sensor is also available, where the function of the rfid sensor is for the child's interaction with the robot. for example, to recognize color, each child shows a red rfid tag, the robot will say red, as well as other colors, especially basic colors. in addition to color recognition through rfid tags, several examples of "story telling" or the robot's ability to read short stories are also available. the title of the story corresponds to the rfid tag chosen by the child. 4. results and discussions the initial stage in making this t-boot is testing each module which consists of: 1. testing the movement of the neck or head (position facing left, right, up and down) testing the mp3 sound module. the mp3 has included the results of the sound recording. fig 3. robot head manufacturing and testing process 2. ultrasonic sensor testing 3. testing the bluetooth module fig 4. circuit box 4. test the system as a whole 310 hartomi & zulkifli… vol 4(1) 2022 : 307-311 the next stage that will be carried out is making the robot head body, testing the rfid card and filling the circuit box.automatically when the ultrasonic sensor detects human distance, the servo will open the lid of the trash can. fig 5. t-bot with flash card 5. conclusion fsrom the test results, it can be seen that the t-boot robot is able to provide stimulation to children who have speech delays if therapy using t-boot is carried out routinely and continuously. the suggestion that can be given is that in the future t-boot will be able to have a wider and wider vocabulary. t-boot is able to interact as if interacting with humans. acknowledgement the author would like to thank ristek-brin which has provided financial assistance related to this research, and thanks also to the academic community of hang tuah university pekanbaru who have always supported in conducting this novice lecturer research. references akamoglu, y., & meadan, h. 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of garbage by opening and closing the trash can so it is feared that they will get bacteria on their hands. the problem of environmental waste can arise from waste management that unites all types of organic and inorganic waste in the same place, making it difficult to recycle waste. another problem is that sometimes the cleaners are negligent in emptying the full trash can, so it will cause a bad smell. based on the above problems, it is necessary to make a smart trash bin which will later be able to sort out the types of organic and inorganic waste. the lid of the trash can will open automatically when someone wants to throw out the trash and it will close automatically when it's finished taking out the trash. with the waste sorting technology, it will automatically reduce environmental pollution by waste, and facilitate waste management so that it can be recycled again. to overcome the bins that are full for too long, if the trash is full, it will automatically notify the cleaners via telegram messages. from the test results, it can be concluded that the ultrasonic sensor can detect if someone is approaching with a maximum distance of 50 cm so that the cover can be opened automatically for 7 seconds. the servo motor can rotate the waste sorter according to the type of organic or inorganic waste based on the detection results of the capacitive proximity sensor. the telegram message has been successfully sent if the garbage condition has been fully detected through the ultrasonic sensor. lcd can display the type of organic or inorganic waste accurately. keywords: microcontroller, arduino, ultrasonic, capacitive proximity sensor, smart trash bin. 1. introduction garbage is one of the serious problems in environmental issues(dadang haryanto, 2019). every day humans will produce waste, both industrial waste and household waste in everyday life. garbage will become an environmental problem because it can interfere with human health, cause bad smells and even air pollution(sukarjadi et al., 2017). people who always think positively will think about the consequences of throwing garbage carelessly, while lazy people will not think about the impact on the environment such as disease. which can attack at any time(handoyo et al., n.d.). waste management in a way that violates the law and intentionally conducts waste management activities without paying attention to norms, standards, procedures, or criteria that can cause environmental pollution(ma’arif et al., 2019). it is proven by the existence of law no. 18 of 2008 concerning waste management(fikri et al., 2021). for perpetrators of waste crimes that affect public health, security, environmental pollution, and/or damage the environment, they are threatened with a minimum imprisonment of 4 (four) years and a maximum of 10 (ten) years and a minimum fine of rp. 100,000,000 (one hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of rp. 5,000,000,000 (five billion rupiah) (indonesia pr, 2018). poor waste management causes harmful and unhealthy environmental problems(sari, 2021). the trash can that has been provided by the janitor is only a display that is poorly maintained and its utilization is not optimal because the concept is not attractive (sukarjadi et al., 2017). using the manual way of opening and closing the lid of the trash can causes people to feel reluctant to throw garbage in its place(alam, 2012), because it can cause hands prone to bacteria from the trash can(herliza & almasri, 2022)(yadav et al., 2021). abidin et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 202-208 203 in addition, many people still dispose of waste that is not in accordance with the type of waste, namely determining the type of organic or inorganic waste(bere et al., 2021). in law number 18 of 2008 concerning waste management, it is stated that the definition of waste is the remnants of the results of human activities. based on its nature, waste is divided into two types, namely organic and inorganic waste (yunus, 2018). improper waste management will have an impact on the environment, cause odors, and spread diseas(wuryanto et al., 2019). the environmental problems can arise from waste management that unites all types of waste in the same place(ismail et al., 2021). another problem is that sometimes the cleaners are negligent in emptying the full trash can, so it will cause a bad smell(melvin et al., n.d.)(yahya, 2018). based on the above problems, the researchers made a study, namely the creation of smart trash bins which later on the trash can sort out waste by type, namely organic and inorganic. with the automatic waste sorting technology based on the type of waste, it is hoped that it will reduce environmental pollution by waste, and facilitate waste management so that it can be recycled again. the lid of the trash can will open automatically when someone wants to throw out the trash and it will close automatically when it's finished taking out the trash. to overcome the bins that are full for too long, if the trash is full, it will automatically notify the cleaners via telegram messages. as for several previous studies that discussed smart trash bins, one of which was a study conducted by egi suandi entitled trash can information system with web-based monitoring and whatsapp assisted by arduino mega 2560. the result of this research is a trash can that will display notification via the website and whatsapp when the trash can is full(egi suandi1, ritzkal2, 2018). another research has been carried out by haryanto entitled trash can opens and closes automatically using arduino uno based infrared sensors. the results of this study are a unique and interesting trash can that can open and close automatically if someone approaches to throw garbage(dadang haryanto, 2019). based on the summary of previous research, the researcher will create a smart trash bin (smart trash bin) by developing technology from previous researchers, namely a trash can equipped with an automatic opener and closing if someone is going to throw out the trash, then the trash bin will sort out the trash automatically. based on the type of organic or inorganic waste, the trash can emits a sound and lights up the led. if the trash can is full, the system will automatically warn the cleaning staff via sms message so that the officer will quickly deal with the problem of the full bin. 2. research methods in this stage the researcher uses the waterfall method, because this method is a method that is widely used by system development(yuda irawan, 2020)(yusril & setyawan, 2015). 1. requirements definition at this stage the researcher collects data at the landfill, then analyzes the needs that will be used in building smart trash bins, namely: a. arduino uno r3, ultrasonic sensor, proximity sensor, buzzer, and led, servo motor, as a tool to make a smart trash can(yusa et al., 2021). b. computers / laptops are used as a medium to carry out the programming process on the device. 2. system and software design in this stage, the researcher describes the design of the system to be built according to the analysis carried out, namely making smart trash bins that can open and close automatically, provide notification of trash bin capacity, and select types of organic and inorganic waste(purwaningsih & pebralia, 2022)(sanjaya, h., daulay, n. k., trianto, j., & andri, 2022). the models used are use cases, flowcharts and block diagrams used to design program logic(irawan et al., 2021). abidin et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 202-208 204 3. implementation and unit testing program code creation is done using arduino ide software with c++ programming language which is used to process data and information from analysis and design results(yunus, 2018). 4. integration and system testing testing of the system that has been completed is needed to find out whether there are still errors in the logic design or program, if there are still errors, improvements will be made so that the program that has been built is ready and feasible to use(hidayat & syahrani, 2017)(sohor et al., 2020). 5. operation and maintenance at this stage the program that has been completed in accordance with the system design, will be applied to the agency in need. this stage has resulted in a system that can run optimally(solihati et al., 2020). the system that has been run must be maintained. maintenance also includes fixing errors that could not be found in the previous stage(irawan & wahyuni, 2021). 3. results and discussions in general, in designing the smart trash bin, several technology components are used, namely arduino uno, servo motor, led, buzzer, ultrasonic hc-srf04 and capacitive proximity sensor. the block circuit diagram can be seen in figure 1: fig 1. block circuit diagram information: 1. arduino uno is a device that manages all components of the smart trash can. 2. ultrasonic sensor hc-srf04 -1 serves to detect movement when people are going to throw garbage. 3. ultrasonic sensor hc-srf04 -2 serves to detect organic waste bins when they are full. 4. ultrasonic sensor hc-srf04 -3 functions to detect inorganic types of trash bins when they are full. 5. ultrasonic sensor hc-srf04 -4 serves to assist the proximity sensor to sort out the types of organic or inorganic waste, and drive the servo motor. 6. gsm module to send messages via sms when the trash is full. 7. buzzer and led function to emit sound and light. while the circuit schematic of this tool can be seen in the image below: abidin et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 202-208 205 fig 2. schematic of the smart trash bin circuit fig 3. smart trash bin prototype design tool description: when someone throws garbage, the ultrasonic sensor 1 will be active and detect the movement of objects or people at a distance of 40 cm, the servo motor will work to open the cover of the trash can. then the proximity sensor detects the type of waste that is entered, whether it is organic or inorganic, there will be 2 bins of organic and inorganic waste. ultrasonic sensors 2 and 3 will detect when the volume of waste is full, the buzzer will sound an alarm and the led will turn red when the garbage is full and the system will send an sms notification to the cleaners. implementation of smart trash can design using proximity sensor based on arduino microcontroller fig 4. the front of the implementation of the smart trash figure 4 describes the front of the smart trash can which has two doors for organic and inorganic waste bins, and above the door there is an ultrasonic sensor that detects the presence of abidin et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 202-208 206 humans with a maximum distance of 50 cm, the led will light up according to the type of organic or inorganic waste. the top of the smart trash can with one lid of the trash can and will open automatically when the ultrasonic sensor detects human distance, the servo will open the lid of the trash can. fig 5. inside the top of the smart trash figure 5 is the inside of the smart trash can that can sort out the types of organic and inorganic waste using a capacitive proximity sensor, if the sensor detects organic waste, the servo will move to the left, and if no organic waste is detected, the servo will move to the right. fig 6. inside the implementation of the smart trash figure 6 is the inside of a smart trash can that has two trash bins, namely an organic trash can and an inorganic trash can, and inside each trash can there is an ultrasonic sensor that detects the full capacity of the trash can. 4. conclusion from testing on expert systems for diagnosing diseases in infants, it can be concluded that the system can produce conclusions according to the manual calculation, namely measles with a cf value of 100% or 1. based on testing results made in accordance with the knowledge base obtained from pediatric disease experts. users can see the results of the diagnosis and how to treat it. based on the manual calculation of the program with the system, the certainty factor method is able to provide results based on the weight of the symptoms that have been selected by the user on the system and can provide answers in cases where the truth is not certain as in this study, namely diagnosing children's diseases. acknowledgement the authors would like to thank kementerian pendidikan, kebudayaan, riset, dan teknologi which has provided financial assistance related to this research, and thanks also abidin et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 202-208 207 to the academic community of hang tuah university pekanbaru who have always supported in conducting this novice lecturer research references alam, m. s. 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made is to continuously inform about the health protocols recommended by the government to prevent transmission. the indonesian ministry of health, efforts that can be made in the prevention phase by each individual include: wearing a mask, wearing gloves, using hand sanitizer/disinfectant, washing hands with soap, avoiding touching the face, avoid shaking hands, avoid gatherings or long queues, avoid touching objects/object surfaces in public areas, avoid taking public transportation, maintain a distance of at least two meters from other people when outside the house, and if you show symptoms of illness, immediately notify the people around. even though they have been informed about the prevention of covid-19, the public tends to be negligent in implementing health protocols, one of which is the application of social distancing. therefore, this study will create a distance detector using the yolov3 algorithm as one of the detection objects for the implementation of community activity restrictions keywords : social distancing, covid-19, yolo algorithm, detector. 1. introduction based on data from jhu csse covid19 data, there are currently 13,737 new cases of covid-19. this data is a fairly high increase compared to the previous month. this happens because people's behavior is increasingly ignoring health protocols. one of the health protocols is to avoid crowds by implementing social distancing. people tend to find it difficult to follow this one health protocol. the most important transmission factor is due to physical contact with each other. we are currently entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. in this era, digitization and efficiency are indispensable for technological development (nugroho et al.) one way to find out the limits of crowds and social distancing is with a social distancing detector, which is an application to count the number of people and analyze the distance between people in a certain area by giving notifications if people in the area have exceeded the limit and do not apply social distancing health protocols. by enabling computers to detect social distance, it will facilitate human work by counting the number of people in a digital image consisting of many people, such as on a highway. this application development uses the python programming language and the yolov3 library (ge et al., 2020). the reason for using the yolov3 library is because yolov3 is able to detect objects with higher frame rates (al asyhar et al. 2020; teng et al., 2022). the yolo (you only look once) algorithm is a deep learning algorithm that utilizes a convolutional neural network (cnn) in detecting objects (adibhatla et al., 2020; al-masni et al., 2017). in the cnn process, there are 3 stages, namely pre-processing, processing, and classifying (munadhif et al., 2020). the algorithm divides the image into grids of size s x s, and then predicts the bounding grid and class map of each grid in each grid. if an object is predicted on a grid, then on that grid a bounding box will be predicted that surrounds the object. the confidence value will be calculated in each bounding box which will then be selected based on the value obtained. the detection system applied is to detect using a reuse classifier or locator. this study aims to develop a social distancing detector application using the python programming language with the yunefri et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 400-404 401 yolov3 library (gunawan et al., 2022). this application is used to detect the number and distance human object in order to minimize the spread of covid-19. this application can implemented by using loudspeaker alert system when there is excessive number of humans and humans which are close to each other. 2. literature review you only look once or yolo is intelligent neural network for real-time detection. yolo applies a single neural network to the whole picture (lin & jhang, 2022; dai et al., 2022). this network will be shared into regions, then will predict bounding boxes and probabilities. for each square in the bounding region, weigh probability to classify it as object or not. yolo shared the image input into a grid measuring, where the value of s is 7 and the image size input is 448 × 448. to get bounding box, we will scroll the image inputs. a bounding box has 5 values to save: coordinates, coordinates, width, height, confidence score (box the delimiter in question has a value of object probability). yolov3 has 53 convolutional layers, called darknet 53, which consisted of convolutional and residual structures. in yolov3, the convolution layer is always followed by batch normalization and relu leaks (bianchi et al., 2022). residual block connection or shortcut in yolov3 solved by adding entry above the convolution layer residue block to the result 1x1 convolution layer filter, then do batch normalization and relu filtering, followed by a convolutional layer filter 3x3 with batch normalization, and at the end done leaky relu. residual layer on yolov3 defined as 18 operation the sum of the initial input and the output the results after the convolutional layer on residual block (xing et al., 2022). opencv (open source computer vision library) is a software library for dynamic realtime image processing, created by intel, and now supported by willow garage and itseez. opencv is released under a more liberal bsd license than the gpl, and provides complete freedom for commercial use without disclosing the source code. it also has an interface that supports c++, c, python, and java programming languages, including windows, linux, mac os, ios, and android operating systems. opencv is designed for computational efficiency, with a focus on real-time applications (khan et al., 2019; chandan et al., 2018). object detection or object detection is part of computer vision. object detection refers to the ability of the computer to detect a number of objects in a picture (liu et al., 2020). this can be done by: retrieve image features such as lines, angles, contours and colors of an image. detection object is part of object recognition or object identification. therefore can concluded that for definite object detection must first identify the object. meanwhile, in this research, it will be object detection is carried out and then distance detection and calculation is implemented number of objects. 3. research methods in performing object detection, an algorithm is needed that can read the features of the image in order to recognize the object in the image. the algorithm that has been tested to be fast and accurate in previous research is faster r-cnn (faster region-based convolutional neural network) (qiao et al., 2021; benjdira et al., 2019). although it is quite accurate, the accuracy produced by faster rcnn is not maximized because the region generated by the rpn (region proposal network) is sometimes detected as a background when in fact it contains objects. another method developed for real time object detection is yolo. where yolo detects faster than faster r-cnn. this study uses the yolo algorithm because it has many advantages over faster r-cnn. first, yolo is very fast because it makes object detection a regression problem so it doesn't require complex flows. second, yolo considers image globally when making predictions. third, yolo can study the generalization of object representation (jiang et al., 2022). the development of the social distancing detector application using the python programming language with the yolov3 library is used to process and analyze digital images and detect distances and count the number of people in the inputted digital images. this application will be implemented in the form of a personal computer application system that is integrated with a camera or cctv, which will provide a warning system output when there are excessive numbers of humans and humans who are close to each other (kumar & goel, 2021). yunefri et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 400-404 402 4. results and discussions after the preprocessing stage, the next step is to conduct data training for the you only look once model. the total training data for this process is 2003 data consisting of various positions. fig. 1. graph of losses at the yolo tiny v3 training stage in figure 1 is the graphic result of the training process with a total of 4000 liters of literacy, resulting in an average loss of 0.6790. where the loss value is sufficient for testing. 4.1 testing with image testing with images is carried out to test the model without being affected by motion first in order to determine the level of distance accuracy. the images tested were 22 images. in the test image, the distance between the webcam camera and the human object is set with various distances, namely 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m and 5m. while the distance between human objects is set at a distance of 0.5 m, 1 m and 1.5 m. the following shows 2 sample images that have been tested with an ecludian distance value of 100 pixels for 1 meter of actual distance. the test is carried out indoors (fu et al., 2021). fig. 2. indoor detection results yunefri et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 400-404 403 figure 2 is a real result of object detection, there is no physical distance violation in the room. in the experiments that have been carried out, it shows that the program that is run does not have a failure rate in operating the webcam. 4.2 testing with camera video in the direct video camera testing process, it will be deployed using nvidia jetson nano. the test is carried out in a closed room. the following shows a sample image that has been tested using the yolo tiny v3 method with a set euclidean distance value of 100 pixels in figure 3. this test aims to determine the processing speed of object detection (huang et al., 2018). fig. 3. the results of the detection in the room detected by the violator in real-time video testing, it is almost the same as testing using images. however, in video testing there is a frame transfer value in one second or what is commonly called fps. the average fps value in this study, for the yolo tiny v3 method is 1.39. with this fps value, it is less fast in processing in real time. it takes simplification of the model or use other models to get a larger fps on a low processor like the nvidia jetson. 5. conclusion in this study, it was concluded that the system can monitor physical distance using the yolo tiny v3 approach by detecting human objects. the system can detect human objects and the distance between human objects with the decision support system (dss), which issues a warning sound in real time to humans caught on the system camera. in testing the method for detecting human objects using yolo tiny v3 and the distance between humans using euclidean distance using 100 pixels as the distance value on the system and having an average fps (frame per second) of 1.39. produces an accuracy value of 76.316% for detecting human objects and 94.444% accuracy in detecting a 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ho & ma, 2018; dewi & putra, 2021). another researches similar to this current study, conducted by rahim et al., (2018) giving employees annual bonuses, a decision support system was designed using the topsis method. the research has passed black box testing and has worked well (hamza & hammad, 2019). other research has also been carried out by sandra jamu kuryanti in 2016. in this study, a decision support system was designed applying the ahp method for determining employee bonuses. the research has passed black box testing and has worked well as well (kuryanti et al., 2016). in 2020 related research has also been carried out by suratmi. in this study, a decision support system was designed for receiving employee bonuses. in this study using the weighted product (wp) method and black box testing has been carried out and it worked well as well as previous mentioned studies (suratmi et al., 2020). the authors’ current research is designing a support system by applying the analytical hierarchy process (ahp) method for giving employee bonuses which produces a system that can be used as decision support by cv. multi citra agung, so as to produce objective decisions that can be accepted by all employees. 2. literature review previous literature studies have become one of the authors' references in conducting research so that the authors are able to enrich the theory used in reviewing the research conducted. 2.1 definition of system according to hamim tohari (2014: 2), "a system is a collection or set of elements or variables that are interrelated, interact with each other, and depend on each other to achieve goals". according to i putu agus & eka pratama (2014:7), "the system is a set of procedures that are interrelated and interconnected to perform a task together". meanwhile, according to george m. marakas and james a. o'brien (2006), "a system is a set of interrelated components, with clear boundaries, that work together to achieve certain goals by receiving inputs and producing outputs in an organized transformation process. " 2.2 decision support system decision is an end of the process of thinking about a problem or problem to answer the question of what should be done to overcome the problem, by choosing an alternative. basically, decision making is a form of selecting from various alternative actions that may be chosen, the process of which is through a certain mechanism which is expected to produce the best decision (li et al., 2021; akbar et al., 2021; valentino et al., 2021). decision support system applications consist of several subsystems, as shown in figure 1. yuliana et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 441-450 443 fig. 1. decision support system architecture 2.3 analytical hierarchy process (ahp) analytical hierarchy process (ahp) analytical hierarchy process (ahp) is a decision support model developed by thomas l. saaty. this decision support model will describe complex multi-factor or multi-criteria problems into a hierarchy. in the analytical hierarchy process, problems are arranged into a hierarchical structure so that decision making involve all the factors as much as possible that need to be considered and the relationship between one factor and another will be clearly visible. to assess the relative importance of elements, saaty (1987) assigned a quantitative scale of 1 to 9. 3. research methods the research was conducted in a computer laboratory to directly practice the results of the analysis and development of problems and create programs that can solve and support the completion of the new system. the system development method uses the waterfall application model which is carried out in this research process through 5 stages, namely system analysis, system design using unified modeling language (uml), system implementation, maintenance, documentation and reporting. from the results of the analysis, the authors formulate the problems or constraints in determining the way of giving bonuses to the employees on cv. great multi image. based on the formulation of the existing problems, the authors found a solution to make a decision support system for giving bonuses to employees using the analytical hierarchy process (ahp) method in order to assist in determining the awarding of bonuses to employees. 3.1 ahp process analysis the ahp analysis consists of several stages, namely by determining the criteria and weights of the assessment. create a pairwise comparison matrix that describes the relative contribution or influence of each element to the goals or criteria at the level above it. to start the pairwise comparison process, a criterion is chosen from the top level of the hierarchy, for example k and then from the lower level the elements to be compared, for example k1, k2, k3, k4. there are several elements of the criteria subsystem hierarchy as seen in figure 2. yuliana et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 441-450 444 fig. 2. hierarchy of subsystem elements of criteria and subcriteria after conducting further observations in the field, the authors summarize some detailed information from each of the assessment criteria. as shown in table 1. table1 criteria assessment no criteria sub criteria weight 1 attendance very good (vg) 5 good (g) 4 fairly good (fg) 3 not good (ng) 2 not very good (nvg) 1 2 discipline very good (vg) 5 good (g) 4 fairly good (fg) 3 not good (ng) 2 not very good (nvg) 1 3 employee performance very good (vg) 5 good (g) 4 fairly good (fg) 3 not good (ng) 2 not very good (nvg) 1 4 communication very good (vg) 5 good (g) 4 fairly good (fg) 3 not good (ng) 2 not very good (nvg) 1 3.2 calculation of ahp this study uses the ahp method in its calculations. the steps in the ahp calculation process consist of several stages, namely the process of determining criteria and alternatives, making pairwise comparison matrices, value matrices, matrix summing each row, priority weights, searching for lambda max, ci, and cr. after that, proceed with the same steps to determine alternative priorities for each criterion. from these results, multiplication between the priority criteria and alternative priorities per each criterion is carried out to get the highest priority. 3.3 consistency ratio calculation this calculation is used to ensure that the value of the consistency ratio cr≤0.1 if the value is greater than 0.1 then the pairwise comparison matrix needs to be improved. the calculation as in table 2. table 2 calculation of cr sub criteria yuliana et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 441-450 445 communication number per line priority result very good (vg) 12.57 0.50 13.07 good (g) 4.25 0.26 4.51 fairly good (fg) 1.28 0.13 1.42 not good (ng) 0.32 0.07 0.38 not very good (nvg) 0.06 0.03 0.10 the total column per row is obtained from the sum column in the summing table of each row, while the priority column is obtained from the priority column of the criterion value matrix table. from the table above, the following values are obtained: sum (sum of result values) =19.48+4.51+1.42+0.38 +0.10=19.48 n (number of criteria) = 5 𝜆 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠 = 19,48 5 = 3,90 𝐶𝐼 = 𝜆 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠 − 𝑛 (𝑛 − 1) = 3,90 − 4 5 − 1 = −1,10 4 = −0,28 𝐶𝑅 = 𝐶𝐼 𝐼𝑅 = − 0,28 0,9 (𝑛𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝐼𝑅 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑘 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑜 5) = −0,31 cr < 0.1 then cr is consistent (accepted) after weighting using the sub-criteria values, the final calculation is carried out by multiplying the criteria values by the sub-criteria values and then adding them up to get the best value as can be seen in table 3. table 3 final result of calculation 3.4 global system design the global design or what is often called the macro system design is a design that describes or gives a general picture to the user about the system to be built and what information will be generated from the new system being built. this global system design is carried out in preparation for building or designing a detailed system with the widest alternatives of a design, as shown in figure 2. employee’s name attendance discipline employee performance communication total description employee 1 0.15 0.07 0.01 0.0182 0.24 not getting bonus employee 2 0.27 0.07 0.01 0.0182 0.37 getting bonus employee 3 0.15 0.07 0.01 0.0182 0.24 not getting bonus employee 4 0.27 0.07 0.01 0.0182 0.37 getting bonus employee 5 0.15 0.07 0.01 0.0182 0.24 not getting bonus employee 6 0.15 0.07 0.01 0.0182 0.24 not getting bonus yuliana et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 441-450 446 fig. 2. use case diagram admin 4. result and discussion implementation is the stage where the system that has been designed in the previous stage is implemented or operated. in this application there are 5 input data that will later be used in the decision support system process for giving employee bonuses on cv. great multi image. a. login page this page is a page used by admins and leaders to login. the login process page can be seen in figure 3. fig. 3. login process page b. data user entry yuliana et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 441-450 447 data user entrance is a form to fill in user data in the cv. great multi image. in this form there is a save button to save data to the database, as shown in figure 4 fig 4. data user entry page a. criteria data entry criteria data entry is a form to fill in the criteria data used for the evaluation process of employee bonus awards on the cv. great multi image. in this form there is a save button to save data to the database, as shown in figure 5 fig. 5. criteria data entry b. employee data entry yuliana et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 441-450 448 employee data entry is a form to fill in employee data on the cv. great multi image. in this form there is a save button to save the data to the database. as shown in figure 6 fig. 6. employee data entry e. appraisal process the assessment page is the page used by the admin to enter employee assessment data on the cv. great multi image. on this page, the admin enters month, year, employee code and appraisal data as shown in figure 7. fig. 7. appraisal process page f. output page / employee data report to be able to view the employee data report, the admin clicks the employee data report menu. then the admin will be asked to enter the month and name of the leader, then the employee data report will appear as shown in figure 7. yuliana et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 441-450 449 fig. 8. employee data report 5. conclusion based on the results of research conducted, it can be concluded that: decision support system for giving employee bonuses to cv. multi citra agung assists the company’s employee appraisal process which is distributed for the distribution of bonuses. decision support system for giving employee bonuses to cv. multi citra agung makes managers for assessing employee performance for the purpose of giving bonuses. with a decision support system for giving employee bonuses to cv. multi citra agung employees are more satisfied with the decisions made by the leadership in giving bonuses. the results of this study provide a ranking of the best employees by displaying an assessment of 6 employees in the form of criteria values, total scores and information on 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(2) model management; a software package that includes financial models, statistics, management science, or other quantitative models that provide analytical capabilities and appropriate software management. (3) knowledge base; provide intelligence to increase the knowledge of decision makers. (4) user interface; the user communicates and instructs the decision support system through this user interface. the analytic hierarchy process was developed by dr. thomas l. saaty in the 1970s to organize information and expert opinion in choosing preferred alternatives. the working principle of ahp is the simplification of complex problems that are not structured, strategic and dynamic into parts and are listed in a hierarchy (raharjo & darmadi, 2015). basically, the decision making process is to choose an alternative. the main tool of ahp is a functional hierarchy with the main input being human perception. the existence of a hierarchy allows a complex or unstructured problem to be divided into sub-problems, then organizes it into a hierarchy. ahp has many advantages in explaining the decision making process. one of them is graphically illustrated so that it is easily understood by all parties involved in decision making (rais, 2016). ahp is a decision making method that involves many criteria that have been widely used in dss components data management model management knowledge base user interface hafizah hanim & jefril rahmadoni vol 1(2) 2020 : 136-141 138 various fields. ahp is proposed as a decision aid to solve unstructured problems in politics and socio-economic knowledge management. ahp enables decision making for complex problems to be a simple form of hierarchy and for evaluating a large number of qualitative and quantitative factors in a systematic. ahp is designed to solve complex problems in the decision making process (anis, listiyono, & khristianto, 2015). 3. research methods state islamic institute batusangkar as one islamic university that is growing, requires the existence of a system that can help the leaders to determine each employee or faculty in the right areas of work with appropriate quality criteria. in this decision support system research using methods analytical hierarchy process ( ahp). the research activities requires a methodology that provides the framework. the framework is an overview of the steps that will be implemented so that research can be runs in a systematic and objective expected to achieve. the framework of this study can be seen in figure 1 below. these frameworks are steps to be taken in the settlement of issues to be discussed. fig. 2. research framework 4. results and discussions a. creating hierarchy based on the explanation of the data analysis system is obtained purpose or goal this decision support system, which is to get a permanent lecturer who berkualis and in accordance with the desired criteria institution. alternatively namely lecturer candidates who applied. while the criteria in a hierarchical structure that is academic, competence, teaching certificate and physically and mentally healthy. the hierarchical structure used in this study can be seen in figure 1.2 below. formulation of the problem set the goal literature review set the criteria determine the weight value of criteria ahp matrik calculation consistency check testing results conclusion hafizah hanim & jefril rahmadoni vol 1(2) 2020 : 136-141 139 fig. 3. structure hierarchy b. calculate the ahp comparison calculate the comparison value with the calculation criteria matrix. so that later produce will be weight values or the priority value that will be used in the calculation of prospective lecturers. the priority value can in the table 1 table 1 – table of priority criteria value. febria rahim dissa oktarifah mega rahmi rossy endah p sri madona alternatif priority febria rahim 0,556 0,714 0,455 0,455 0,455 0,175 dissa oktarifah 0,111 0,143 0,273 0,273 0,273 0,071 mega rahmi 0,111 0,048 0,091 0,091 0,091 0,029 rossy endah permata 0,111 0,048 0,091 0,091 0,091 0,029 sri madona 0,111 0,048 0,091 0,091 0,091 0,029 table 2 – table of academic criteria priority value. academic febria rahim dissa oktarifah mega rahmi rossy endah p sri madona alternatif priority febria rahim 0,556 0, 714 0, 455 0, 445 0, 455 0,175 dissa oktarifah 0, 111 0, 143 0, 273 0, 273 0, 273 0,071 mega rahmi 0, 111 0, 048 0, 091 0, 091 0, 091 0,029 rossy endah permata 0, 111 0, 048 0, 091 0, 091 0, 091 0,029 sri madona 0,111 0,048 0,091 0,091 0,091 0,029 table 3 – table of competence criteria value. competence febria rahim dissa oktarifah mega rahmi rossy endah p sri madona alternatif priority febria rahim 0,238 0, 238 0, 238 0, 238 0, 238 0,079 dissa oktarifah 0, 238 0, 238 0, 238 0, 238 0, 238 0,079 mega rahmi 0, 238 0, 238 0, 238 0, 238 0, 238 0,079 rossy endah permata 0, 238 0, 238 0, 238 0, 238 0, 238 0,079 sri madona 0,048 0,048 0,048 0,048 0,048 0,016 table 4 – table of certificate criteria value. certificate febria rahim dissa oktarifah mega rahmi rossy endah p sri madona alternatif priority febria rahim 0, 385 0, 600 0, 185 0, 385 0, 385 0,068 great lecturer criteria 1: academic criteria 2: competence criteria 3: certificate criteria 4: health candidate 1 candidate 2 candidate 3 candidate n hafizah hanim & jefril rahmadoni vol 1(2) 2020 : 136-141 140 dissa oktarifah 0, 077 0, 120 0, 556 0, 077 0, 077 0,032 mega rahmi 0, 385 0, 040 0, 185 0, 385 0, 385 0,048 rossy endah permata 0, 077 0, 120 0, 037 0, 077 0, 077 0,014 sri madona 0,077 0,120 0,037 0,077 0,077 0,014 table 5 – table of health criteria value. health febria rahim dissa oktarifah mega rahmi rossy endah p sri madona alternatif priority febria rahim 0, 200 0, 200 0, 200 0, 200 0, 200 0,032 dissa oktarifah 0, 200 0, 200 0, 200 0, 200 0, 200 0,032 mega rahmi 0, 200 0, 200 0, 200 0, 200 0, 200 0,032 rossy endah permata 0, 200 0, 200 0, 200 0, 200 0, 200 0,032 sri madona 0,200 0,200 0,200 0,200 0,200 0,032 table 6 – table of results. febria rahim dissa oktarifah mega rahmi rossy endah p sri madona 0,221 academic 0,175 0,071 0,029 0,029 0,029 0,449 competence 0,079 0,079 0,079 0,079 0,016 0,176 certificate 0,068 0,032 0,048 0,014 0,014 0,147 health 0,032 0,032 0,032 0,032 0,032 table 7 – table of results. no alternatif final weight 1 febri rahim 0,331 2 dissa oktarifa 0,271 3 mega rahmi 0,199 4 rossy endah permata 0,169 5 sri madona saleh 0,084 based on the calculation of the values in the table 6 shows that an alternative thread. who have the greatest value is febri rahim. 5. conclusion based on the results of this research, several conclusions can be made, including: (1) the use of the method analytical hierarchy process (ahp)in this study can provide recommendations in making decisions for the determination of acceptance of non-pns permanent lecturers at the state islamic institute batusangkar. (2) the institute can be facilitated in making decisions to determine candidates which lecturer the most appropriate and in accordance with the required criteria. (3) expert choice can be used to implement a support system decision using the method analytical hierarchy process (ahp). references akbar, r., oktaviani, r., tamimi, s., shavira, s., & rahmadani, t. w. (2017). implementasi business intelligence untuk menentukan tingkat kepopuleran jurusan pada universitas. jurnal ilmiah informatika, 2(2), 135–138. hafizah hanim & jefril rahmadoni vol 1(2) 2020 : 136-141 141 anis, y., listiyono, h., & khristianto, t. (2015). analytic hierarchy process ( ahp ) sebagai alat untuk pengambilan keputusan ( spk ) seleksi pemasok obat-obatan. 7(2). khairina, d. m., asrian, m. r., hatta, h. r., komputer, i., ilmu, f., & informasi, t. (2016). sistem pendukung keputusan untuk new rekrutmen karyawan menggunakan tertimbang metode produk. 19–21. raharjo, j. d., & darmadi, a. 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(2019). decision support system for determining the best wood for the production cabinet using bayes method. jurnal mantik, 3(3, nov), 99-103. paper title (use style: paper title) journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022: 460-468 460 application of fuzzy mamdani logic in determining teacher performance to the learning system at public high school 6 bengkulu middle kms.muhammad apriyansah1*, maryaningsih2, indra kanedi3 universitas dehasen bengkulu, indonesia123 received : 07 november 2022, revised: 08 december 2022, accepted : 08 december 2022 *corresponding author abstract nowadays, the process of assessing teacher performance at state high school 6 bengkulu middle is still manually, namely by filling in the scores on each criterion consisting of 14 competencies, then the values are added together to get the final result of the teacher performance assessment. however, this takes quite a long time, besides that the assessment of teacher performance is only by looking at teachers who are active in various fields in the school. the application of teacher performance in state high school 6 bengkulu middle can help provide the results of teacher performance assessment of the learning system in schools through a fuzzy mamdani logic approach. the application of teacher performance to the learning system at state high school 6 bengkulu middle was created using the visual basic .net programming language and sql server 2008r2 database. based on the black box testing that has been carried out, it was found that the functionality of the teacher performance application to the learning system at state high school 6 bengkulu middle went well as expected and was able to analyze teacher assessment data through the fuzzy mamdani method to determine teacher performance against the learning system in schools. keywords: fuzzy mamdani logic, teacher performance, state high school 6 bengkulu middle 1. introduction the rapid development of information and communication technology makes us aware of the importance of information (chen & sivakumar, 2021). information media and telecommunications are media that can be used in the process of information transactions. in everyday life, information technology is very useful, with information it will help us to make a decision more precisely based on the data obtained in the form of information (szymkowiak et al., 2021; hamzah et al., 2022). in the learning process, teachers are required to manage so that the learning process can run well. in order for the functions and duties attached to the functional position of the teacher to be carried out in accordance with applicable rules, an assessment of teacher performance is needed. performance appraisal is a method or tool used to record and assess the achievement of the implementation of activities carried out based on goals, objectives and strategies, so that the progress of the organization can be known. teacher performance proves the success rate of a teacher in delivering learning materials to students. teacher performance appraisals usually take place over a period of time once a year (bone et al., 2021; lohman, 2021). high school 6 bengkulu middle is one of the high schools in bengkulu city. so far, the process of assessing teacher performance in schools is still manually, namely by filling in the scores on each criterion consisting of 14 competencies, then the values are added together to get the final result of the teacher performance assessment. however, this takes quite a long time, besides that the assessment of teacher performance is only by looking at teachers who are active in various fields in the school (mito et al., 2021). therefore, in this study, system development was carried out by making applications in determining teacher performance of the learning system at high school 6 bengkulu middle through a computerized-based mathematical approach to fuzzy mamdani logic (ningrum et al., 2021; mavani et al., 2021; ashiedu, 2022). apriyansah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 460-468 461 fuzzy logic is one of the components that make up soft computing. the basis of fuzzy logic is fuzzy set theory. in fuzzy set theory, the role of the degree of membership as a determinant of the presence of elements in a set is very important (serrano-guerrero et al., 2021). fuzzy logic was first introduced by zadeh in 1965. the basis of fuzzy logic is fuzzy set theory. in fuzzy set theory, the role of the degree of membership or the value of membership as a determinant of the presence of elements in a set is very important. in the crisp set, the membership value is only two possibilities, namely 0 and 1, while in the fuzzy set, the membership value is located in the range of 0 to 1 (rasulova, & salieva, 2021; thakkar, et al., 2021). fuzzy logic is used to map an insert variable into the process and will generate output using the if-then rule. the use of fuzzy logic can be developed as an expert system, because it can produce output as if it were an expert. in addition, fuzzy logic can store the knowledge of experts stored in the knowledge base and can predict future events (sharma et al., 2021). teacher performance is the ability of a teacher to carry out learning tasks at school and is responsible for students under his guidance by improving student learning achievement. therefore, teacher performance can be interpreted as a condition that shows the ability of a teacher to carry out his duties at school (chen et al., 2022; dumitrescu et al., 2021). visual studio 2010 (microsoft visual basic .net) is a tool for developing and building applications that move on top of the .net framework system, using the basic language. using this tool, programmers can build windows form applications, web applications and also command-line applications. the visual basic .net language itself adheres to the objectoriented programming language paradigm which can be seen as an evolution of previous versions of microsoft visual basic implemented on top of the .net framework. 2. research methodology the research method used by the author is the waterfall method. the waterfall method is often called the classic life cycle, which describes a systematic and sequential approach to software development, starting with the specification of user needs and then continuing through the stages of planning, modeling, construction, and system delivery to customers/users (deployment), which ends with support for the complete software produced. the stages of the waterfall method can be seen in figure 1 (alsagaby & alharbi, 2021). fig. 1 stages of the waterfall method apriyansah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 460-468 462 mamdani's fuzzy logic method the mamdani method is often also known by the name of max-min method. using min on the implication function and max on the composition of the interfunctional implications. there are 4 stages to get the output, including ✓ formation of fuzzy sets in the mamdani method, both input variables and output variables are divided into one or more sets. ✓ function app implications in the mamdani method, the implication function used is min ✓ composition of rules there are 3 methods used in inference of fuzzy systems, namely: 1). max method (maximum) 2). additive method (sum) 3). probabilistic or method (probor) ✓ affirmation (defuzyy) the input of the defuzzy process is a fuzzy set obtained from the composition of fuzzy rules. in contrast, the resulting output is a number in the domain of the fuzzy set. if given a fuzzy set in a certain range, it must be able to take a certain crisp value as output. in this study using the centroid method. 3. knowledge acquisition 𝜇𝐵𝑎𝑑(𝑧) = { 1 𝑥 ≤ 0 25−𝑥 25−0 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 25 0 𝑥 ≥ 25 𝜇𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝐸𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ(𝑧) = { 0 𝑥 ≤ 25 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 ≥ 50 𝑥 − 0 25 − 0 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 25 50 − 𝑥 50 − 25 25 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 50 𝜇𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝐸𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ(𝑧) = { 0 𝑥 ≤ 25 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 ≥ 75 𝑥−25 50−25 25 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 50 75−𝑥 75−50 50 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 75 𝜇𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑(𝑧) = { 0 𝑥 ≤ 50 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 ≥ 100 𝑥−50 75−50 50 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 75 100−𝑥 100−75 75 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 100 𝜇𝐸𝑥𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡(𝑧) = { 0 𝑥 ≤ 75 𝑥−75 100−75 75 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 100 100 𝑥 ≥ 100 sample data on the performance assessment of teacher eka septi kusmeriyati, s.pd where the scores obtained in the 14 competencies are as shown in table 1. table 1 data of competencies membership degree value apriyansah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 460-468 463 competency code value excellent good good enough not good enough bad k1 75 0 75 − 50 75 − 50 = 1 0 0 0 k2 75 0 75 − 50 75 − 50 = 1 0 0 0 k3 75 0 75 − 50 75 − 50 = 1 0 0 0 k4 77 77 − 75 100 − 75 = 0,08 100 − 77 100 − 75 = 0,92 0 0 0 k5 71 0 71 − 50 75 − 50 = 0,84 75 − 71 75 − 50 = 0,16 0 0 k6 75 0 75 − 50 75 − 50 = 1 0 0 0 k7 70 0 70 − 50 75 − 50 = 0,8 75 − 70 75 − 50 = 0,2 0 0 k8 70 0 70 − 50 75 − 50 = 0,8 75 − 70 75 − 50 = 0,2 0 0 k9 70 0 70 − 50 75 − 50 = 0,8 75 − 70 75 − 50 = 0,2 0 0 k10 75 0 75 − 50 75 − 50 = 1 0 0 0 k11 67 0 67 − 50 75 − 50 = 0,68 75 − 67 75 − 50 = 0,22 0 0 k12 67 0 67 − 50 75 − 50 = 0,68 75 − 67 75 − 50 = 0,22 0 0 k13 67 0 67 − 50 75 − 50 = 0,68 75 − 67 75 − 50 = 0,22 0 0 k14 75 0 75 − 50 75 − 50 = 1 0 0 0 r01 α1 = min {0; 0 ; 0; 0,08; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0} = 0 see the set of excellent teacher performance (z-75)/100) = 0 z – 75 = 0 x 100 z – 75 = 0 z1 = 75 + 0 = 75 r02 α2 = min {1; 1; 1; 0,92; 0,84; 1; 0,8; 0,8; 0,8; 1; 0,68; 0,68; 0,68; 1} = 0,68 view good teacher performance set (z-50)/100) = 0,68 z – 50 = 0,68 x 100 z – 50 = 68 z2 = 50 + 68 = 118 apriyansah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 460-468 464 r06 α2 = min {1; 1; 1; 0,08; 0,84; 1; 0,8; 0,8; 0,8; 1; 0,68; 0,68; 0,68; 1} = 0,08 view good teacher performance set (z-50)/100) = 0,08 z – 50 = 0,08 x 100 z – 50 = 8 z2 = 50 + 8 = 58 r15 α3 = min {0; 0; 0; 0; 0,16; 0; 0,2; 0,2; 0,2; 0; 0,22; 0,22; 0,22;0} = 0 see the set of teacher performance good enough (z-25)/75) = 0 z – 25 = 0 x 75 z – 25 = 0 z3 = 25 + 0 = 25 r30 α4 = min {0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0} = 0 see the set of teacher performance good enough (z-0)/50) = 0 z – 0 = 0 x 50 z – 0 = 0 z4 = 0 + 0 = 0 r45 α5 = min {0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0} = 0 see the set of teacher performance is not good (z-0)/25) = 0 z – 0 = 0 x 25 z – 0 = 0 z4 = 0 + 0 = 0 the last step is to carry out affirmation (defuzzyfication), where in this study defuzzyfication using the centroid method, so that crisp values are obtained: 𝑧∗ = ∑ 𝑧𝑗𝜇(𝑧𝑗) 𝑛 𝑗=1 ∑ 𝜇(𝑧𝑗) 𝑛 𝑗=1 𝑧∗ = 0 ∗ 75 + 0,68 ∗ 118 + 0,08 ∗ 58 + 0 ∗ 25 + 0 ∗ 0 + 0 ∗ 0 0 + 0,68 + 0,08 + 0 + 0 + 0 𝑧 = 84,88 0,76 = 111,68 (𝐸𝑥𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡) 4. results and discussions blackbox testing is one of the software testing methods that focuses on functionality, especially on the input and output of teacher performance applications to the learning system at high school 6 bengkulu middle. the results of the black box testing that has been carried out on the application of teacher performance to the learning system at high school 6 bengkulu middle, are shown in table 1. table 1 test results no. tested form test scenario test result conclusion apriyansah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 460-468 465 1 login form entering the wrong username or password the system denies access to the login by displaying an error message as expected enter the correct username and password the system receives such login access by displaying a successful message as expected 2 teacher data input form store existing teacher data in a database the system denies access to store such data by displaying an error message as expected store teacher data that doesn't already exist in the database the system receives access to save that data and displays a successful message as expected 3 teacher performance data input form store existing teacher assessment data in a database the system denies access to store such data by displaying an error as expected apriyansah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 460-468 466 message stores teacher assessment data that is not already in the database the system receives access to save that data and displays a successful message as expected 4 rule composition data input form store existing rule composition data in a database the system denies access to store such data by displaying an error message as expected store rule composition data that doesn't already exist in the database the system receives access to save that data and displays a successful message as expected 5 fuzzy tsukamoto method form conducting the fuzzy mamdani method process on teacher assessment data based on the the system successfully displays the final results of the mamdani fuzzy for each teacher and provides information on the results of the teacher performance as expected apriyansah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 460-468 467 selected assessment year. assessment based on the black box testing that has been carried out, it was found that the functionality of the teacher performance application to the learning system at high school 6 bengkulu middle went well as expected and was able to analyze teacher assessment data through the fuzzy mamdani method to determine teacher performance of the learning system in schools. 5. conclusions based on the results of the discussion and testing that has been carried out, it can be concluded that: the application of teacher performance at high school 6 bengkulu middle can help provide the results of teacher performance assessment of the learning system in schools through a fuzzy mamdani logic approach. the application of teacher performance to the learning system at high school 6 bengkulu middle was made using the visual basic .net programming language and sql server 2008r2 database. based on the black box testing that has been carried out, it was found that the functionality of the teacher performance application to the learning system at high school 6 bengkulu middle went well as expected and was able to analyze teacher assessment data through the fuzzy mamdani method to determine teacher performance of the learning system in schools. references alsagaby, s. a., & alharbi, m. t. 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a business entity with the name cv msn which is located on jalan tirto agung, semarang. product delivery logistics activities have so far been carried out with four-wheeled vehicles and using two-wheeled vehicles. to transport milk, each driver uses a bag or styrofoam which is used to transport milk products. apart from being impractical, the transport process is messy, and the milk temperature cannot be maintained. to overcome this problem, milk transport boxes are designed to be able to transport milk more effectively, maintain product temperature, be ergonomic and increase the capacity of milk that can be distributed because previously they used boxes made of cork or styrofoam. this motorbike will be equipped with a milk storage device in the form of a detachable cooler box or a portable cool box. in this design the anthropometry or body dimensions used are the forward span with the 50th percentile so that all workers can use this tool. with the portable tolbox design, increasing the duration of milk storage time from 8 hours to 24 hours so that marketing and sales departments can take longer to distribute milk products and distribute more capacity keywords: product design, coolbox portable, milk storage 1. introduction the sn multi-business cooperative (ksu) was founded in 2011 in semarang regency. this cooperative operates in the storage of pure cow's milk with a total of around 300 milk farmers located around the cooperative. the problem that often arises is the dependency on receiving milk by the milk factory. milk that has been sent to the dairy factory can be rejected by the milk factory for various reasons. therefore, at the beginning of 2022, ksu sn will develop its business specifically in milk production so that the product can be further processed into ready-to-drink processed milk products so that it can be marketed itself to the wider community. in the field of marketing, ksu sn established a business entity with the name cv msn which is located on jalan tirto agung, semarang. product delivery logistics activities have so far been carried out with four-wheeled vehicles and using two-wheeled vehicles. to transport milk, each driver uses a bag or styrofoam which is used to transport milk products. apart from being impractical, the transport process is messy, and the milk temperature cannot be maintained (pratama, 2018; sukania, 2020; soenandi et al., 2021; ojo et al., 2021; hayati et al., 2022). to overcome this problem, milk transport boxes are designed to be able to transport milk more effectively, maintain product temperature, be ergonomic and increase the capacity of milk that can be distributed because previously they used boxes made of cork or styrofoam. this motorbike will be equipped with a milk storage device in the form of a detachable cooler box or a portable cool box. in this design the anthropometry or body dimensions used are the forward span length with the 50th percentile so that all workers can use this tool (purnomo et al., 2019; syafiq & hayati, 2020; salomon et al., 2019). good design requires input from various sides by involving various disciplines (andira & wiratmoko, 2019). with the main goal of achieving the best quality of work without neglecting the aspects of health, safety, and the comfort of the human users (ariyanti & arifin, 2019). by knowing the dimensions of the worker's body, work equipment, work stations and products can hayati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 561-567 562 be designed according to the worker's body dimensions so as to create comfort, health and work safety (frans, 2018). previous research was designed trolleys to increase productivity in rice mills and transport 3 sacks of grain. whereas before the design, the operator could only carry 1 sack of grain. the design of a corn sheller machine can reduce farmers' pain in the back, waist and neck, thighs, calves and feet (ekoanindiyo et al., 2020; ekoanindiyo et al., 2020; ekoanindiyo et al., 2022). research by pakpahan et al., (2016) the results of the 50th and 95th percentile anthropometric reba values of 12 mean that the level of risk of injury is very high and the conditions are very dangerous and actions need to be changed now to reduce risk. by redesigning work equipment, workers feel comfortable when using plastic punching tools for tempe wrap and can reduce non-ergonomic work postures thereby reducing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders in workers (nurrohman & yohanes, 2017; marfuah, 2018; mahardini, 2019; kasan & yohanes, 2017) 2. research methods data processing, data that has been collected, is then processed/tested using various methods, including: 1. test the adequacy of the data this data processing aims to test whether the data collected is sufficient or still lacking, if the amount of data is still not sufficient then additional observation data will be carried out. adequacy of data is calculated using the formula below: (1) 2. test the uniformity of data data uniformity testing is carried out to obtain uniform data. the data used is anthropometric data obtained from the body measurements of milk producer employees who are directly related. data is said to be uniform if it is in bka and bkb. the formula used to calculate bka and bkb is as follows: upper control limit (bka) = + k lower control limit (bkb) = k before determining bka and bkb, first determine the standard deviation with the formula: (2) 3. percentile this data processing aims to determine the size of a product through the 5th, 50th, or 95th percentile. the objects of observation are employees of the marketing and sales division of milk producers. the research flow chart is as follows: hayati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 561-567 563 figure 1. research flowchart 4. results and discussions the primary data collection method was carried out by measuring the body dimensions of employees in the marketing and sales division of cv msn semarang city. from measuring the dimensions of the employee's body, the results are obtained in the following table: table 1 data on the results of employee anthropometry measurements in the marketing and sales division of cv. msn city of semarang no. name gender (l/p) length span forward (cm) 1. kus l 75 2. kas l 84 3. dal l 83 4. driw l 79 5. mah l 82 6. yon l 79 7. mar l 82 8. ali l 78 start 1. problem identification 2. formulation of the problem 3. purpose data processing: a. data adequacy test b. data uniformity test c. percentile 2. development design of portable cool box analysis and discussion data collection: 1. observation/observation 2. interview 3. measurement of employee body dimensions finish evaluation conclusion saran no hayati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 561-567 564 table 2. average data measurement results anthropometry this study will use anthropometric data that is directly related to the design of a portable coolbox. the anthropometric data that is directly related is the long-range going forward. data adequacy test if n' < n then the data is sufficient n'> n then the data is lacking and needs to be added the confidence level used (k) is 95%. forward span k = 95% = 2 s = (100% 95%) = 5% ≈ 0,05 𝑁′ = [ 2/0,05√(12(76916) − (960)2 960 ]2 𝑁′ = [ 40√922992 − 921600 960 ] 2 𝑁′ = [ 40√1392 960 ] 2 𝑁′ = [ 40(37,31) 960 ] 2 𝑁′ = 2,40 n’ < n then the data is enough data uniformity test a. standard deviation 𝜎 = 3,24 ≈ 3 b. upper control limit bka = + k bka = 80 + 3 (3) 9. rind l 79 10. hag l 79 11. yed l 75 12. dar l 85 no name length span forward (cm) 1. kus 75 2. kas 84 3. dal 83 4. driw 79 5. mah 82 6. yon 79 7. mar 82 8. ali 78 9. rind 79 10. hag 79 11. yed 75 12. dar 85 ∑x 960 x 80 hayati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 561-567 565 bka = 89 c. lower control limit bkb = – k bkb = 80 – 3(3) bkb = 74 fig. 2. control chart of length span forward based on the data obtained and the data from the calculation results, it was found that the data obtained was uniform. because the data is still between the upper control limits and lower control limits. percentile the selection of the 5th percentile means that the measurement is carried out on 5% of the small population, while the 50th percentile means that the measurement is carried out on 50% of the population with an average size and for the 95th percentile it means that the measurement is carried out on 95% of the population with a large size. for the size of the portable toolbox design, use the 50th percentile so that all employees can reach the height of the portable toolbox. tool design the data that has been obtained and processed is then followed by determining the size of the tools and materials used. determination of these sizes is based on anthropometric data and related tool data as in the following table: table 3 determination of design size no. design size anthropometric data size reason 1. portable toolbox height long range forward 80 cm (use the 50th percentile workers can reach the height of the portable toolbox to enter and retrieve milk 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 kuskasdaldriwmahyonmaralirindhagyeddar length span forward length span forward bka bkb hayati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 561-567 566 fig. 3. image of milk storage with styrofoam fig. 4. coolbox portable design image fig. 5. dimensions of the portable toolbox box dimensions upper box = l. 47 x w.32 x h .32 side box = l. 50 x w.28 x h .32 frame dimensions = l.46 x w.87 x h.80 5. conclusion after making observations, measuring anthropometric data on body dimensions, calculations, and overall analysis, conclusions can be drawn relating to the portable tow box design as follows: with the portable tow box design, increasing the duration of milk storage time from 8 hours to 24 hours so that the marketing department and sales can take longer to distribute dairy products as well as more distributed capacity. hayati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 561-567 567 references andira, a., & wiratmoko, d. 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results of modeling topics that are discussed on social media by the makassar community are the goals of this study. the latent dirichlet allocation (lda) algorithm is used to model and display the results of this study. the modeling results indicate that the eighth topic is the most frequently used word in a conversation. in the meantime, the 7th and 6th topics emerged as the conversation's core based on the spread of the words with the highest term frequency. the study's findings led the researchers to the conclusion that in the makassar community's social media discussions, capitalization and visualization using the lda method produced the words with the highest trend and the topic with the highest term frequency. keywords : topic analysis, lda, trending twitter topics, twitter conversation topics 1. introduction the pace at which internet technology is developing has changed the way people live their lives. the way people communicate with one another in their day-to-day activities has changed as a result of the development of internet technology. while internet technology was initially thought to be complicated, it has since become something that the majority of people are familiar with (yatabe et al., 2021). twitter is a smartphone application that has an impact on social interaction and culture. that twitter is one of the social media platforms that can connect individuals from all over the world. the community's use of social media has a direct impact, both positive and negative. people who use social media frequently at certain times may disrupt their daily activities. for instance: suddenly receiving a message from another person while working, which the recipient reads and responds to, can obviously disrupt their work (ayora et al., 2021). twitter and other social media conversations among members of the community can provide data that can be used to examine how information changes over time. analyses based on this information can make predictions about the makassar community's events (fraiwan, 2022). topic modeling is a clustering method which is included in unsupervised learning. no labels are used in unsupervised learning for an object. in unsupervised learning, there are three types of clusters that can be used to model data, namely hard clustering, hierarchical clustering, and soft/fuzzy clustering. to model the topic, you can use the soft/fuzzy clustering category, where each object can have more than one cluster with a certain level. topic modeling with soft/fuzzy clustering category can use latent dirichlet allocation (lda) technique or algorithm. lda is a method used to analyze very large documents. in addition to document analysis, lda can also be used to summarize grouping, linking and processing data (chauhan & shah, 2021; gurcan et al, 2021; sharma & sharma, 2022). an observational study on the use of social media in determining the trend of discussion topics for the makassar people from 12 to 27 september 2020 using the lda algorithm is required based on the description of the problem's background. the study's title is research “twitter social media conversion topic trending analysis using latent dirichlet allocation algorithm”. kh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 390-399 391 2. literature review 2.1 grow of internet technology the development of information and communication technology has an impact and influence on community culture, both positive and negative impacts. the aspect of life that is most affected is in terms of cultural aspects (irgashevich et al., 2022). from time to time, the development of communication technology continues to increase so that it affects the way humans communicate. from the results of research conducted by (cook & sayeski, 2022), it shows that, there is an influence of the use of smartphone technology on the social interaction of adolescents in high school. 2.2 social media social media is digital media or the internet that has the potential as a medium for community empowerment. the presence of social media followed by the growing number of users every day provides interesting facts about how influential the internet is for life (valkenburg et al., 2022). social media changes people's attitudes and behavior a lot because social media is used to create lies in society. twitter is one of the social media that functions to find old friends which is applied by sending photos, videos, playing games, discussing, and much more (singh et al., 2022). this social media was first founded by mark zuckerberg with his roommates and fellow harvard university students, namely eduardo, saverin, danrew mccollum, dustin moskovits and chris hughes (haupt, 2021). 2.3 data mining data mining is a scientific discipline that aims to find, explore, or mine knowledge from data or information. data mining is an analytical step to find new knowledge from a database or knowledge discovery in a database, where knowledge can be in the form of valid data or relationships between data. data mining can be applied in various fields that have a number of data so that data mining can be interpreted as a mixture of statistics, artificial intelligence, and database research. the application of data mining in various fields will certainly employ one or more computer learning techniques in analyzing or extracting knowledge automatically (regin et al., 2021; ageed et al., 2021; oatley, 2022; haoxiang & smys, 2021). data mining has an important function to help obtain useful information in increasing knowledge for users. basically, data mining has six functions which refer to larose quoted, namely (rusydiyah et al., 2021; ewieda et al., 2021): a. description; aims to identify patterns that appear repeatedly in data and change these patterns into rules and criteria that are easy to understand so that they can be easily and effectively understood by the application domain so as to increase the level of knowledge in the system. this method is a data mining method that is needed by postprocessing techniques in validating and explaining the results of the data mining process. postprocessing is a process used to ensure valid and useful results for use by interested parties. b. prediction; this method is used to predict what will happen in the future in a certain time based on examples of processed data. c. estimates; this method is similar to prediction, which distinguishes only the variable that is the target of the estimate is more in the numerical direction than in the categorical direction. the records used to perform estimates must be complete and provide the value of the target variable as the predicted value. then, a review of the estimated value of the target variable is made based on the value of the predictive variable. d. classification; this method is a method used to describe and distinguish data into certain classes. this method performs the process of checking the characteristics of the object and then entering the object into one of the predefined classes. e. clustering; this method is a method of grouping data into the same object class without paying attention to certain data classes. cluster is a collection of records that have similarities with each other and have dissimilarities with records in other clusters. the purpose of this process is to produce groupings of objects that are similar to each other. the greater the similarity of objects grouped in a cluster, the greater the difference between each cluster and the better the quality results from cluster analysis. kh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 390-399 392 f. association; the task of the association method in data mining is to find attributes that appear at a time. in the business world, this method is more often called a shopping basket analysis (market basket analysis). 2.4 text mining text mining is a process of exploring and analyzing large amounts of unstructured text data assisted by software in order to identify concepts, patterns, topics, keywords, and other attributes in the data. text mining usually involves the process of structuring text input, where the input text is usually parsed together with the addition of linguistic features and deletion of words which then inserts them into the database and then derives patterns in structured data and finally evaluates and interprets the output. text mining capabilities incorporated into ai chatbots and virtual agents are increasingly being used by companies in providing automated responses to customers as part of their marketing, sales, and customer service operations (kumar et al., 2021; hudaefi et al., 2021; carracedo et al., 2021). in general, the stages carried out in text mining can be drawn as follows: a. tokenizing the tokenizing stage is the stage of cutting the input string based on each word that composes it from the data source used. an example of the input string truncation stage is as follows: fig. 1. tokenization stage b. filtering the next step after tokenizing is taking important words from the token results and discarding unimportant words and storing important words. the removal of unimportant words can use the stop list algorithm or the word list algorithm. an example of the filtering stage can be seen in the following figure: fig. 2. filter stage c. stemming the stemming stage is the stage carried out to find the root word of each filtered word. an example of the stemming process is more or less as follows: fig. 3. stemming stage d. tagging the tagging stage is the process of finding the initial or root form of each past word or word from stemming results. the results of the tagging process from the data taken from stemming are more or less as follows: kh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 390-399 393 fig. 4. tagging stage e. analyzing the analyzing stage is the stage carried out to determine how far the connection between words between existing documents is. an example of the results of the analyzing stage is more or less like the following picture: fig. 5. analysis stage 2.5 latent dirichlet allocation (lda) latent dirichlet allocation (lda) is a generative probabilistic model of the corpus. the basic idea of lda is that each document is represented as a random mixture of hidden topics, where each topic is characterized by a distribution through the words in it (gupta & katarya, 202). blei represents the lda method as a probabilistic model visually (habibi et al., 2021; ning et al., 2022) : fig. 6. visualization of lda according to blei visualization of lda according to blei has three levels of lda representation. parameters and are corpus level parameters which are assumed to be sampled once in the process of producing a corpus. variable is document level variable (m). variables zdn and wdn are word level variables (n) and are sampled once for each word in a document. the parameter is used to determine the distribution of topics in a document, the greater the value of the greater the mix of topics in a document. on the other hand, the smaller the value of the smaller the mix of topics in a document. the parameter is used to determine the distribution of words in a topic, the greater the value of the more words there are in a topic. on the other hand, the smaller the value of the smaller the number of words in a topic. this variable represents the distribution of topics in a document, the greater the value of the more topics there are in the document. conversely, the smaller the value of the fewer topics there are in the document. in general, the way lda works is by entering a document set and some specified parameters. then the lda process is carried out to produce a model consisting of weights that can be normalized to probability. probability appears in 2 types: (a) the probability that a certain kh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 390-399 394 document produces a certain topic in a position and (b) the probability that a certain topic produces a certain word from a collection of vocabulary. 2.6 python python is a multipurpose interpretive programming language with a design philosophy that focuses on code readability. python is an open source programming language. python itself was launched in the community since 1991 by guido van rossum under the name of the python software foundation vendor. python is claimed to be a programming language that combines capabilities, capabilities with a clear code syntax and is equipped with a complete and comprehensive library. 3. research methods research methodology is a procedure or method used in conducting research along with steps that are systematically arranged to solve the problem being studied using a certain scientific basis. the research methodology framework used can be seen in figure 7 below: fig. 7. research methodology framework 4. results and discussions the application of the latent dirichlet allocation (lda) algorithm to community twitter data on 12-27 september 2020 was carried out by following the research methodology framework with the following results: a. data collection the results of data collection carried out on 12-27 september 2020 obtained data of 224,515 records from 29,668 users. sample data from the results of data collection carried out can be seen in table 1. table 1 – sample data. nama user username text date time location agnesia hartono agnesia_harton o keberhasilan adalah buah dari kerja keras + pantang menyerah, bukan dari sekedar mimpi 2020-11-14 13.49.29 makassar, indonesia kh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 390-399 395 andi muhamma d irham andirham risih juga di telpon terus.. 2020-11-14 13.49.21 makassar online shop makassar terkinigaul hey\(’∇’)/ ranni24_ ayobantu retweet & cekidot tokotamz pinbb:2bb19b17 jual sepatu baju aksesoris cewek di makassar 2020-11-25 16.44.19 kota makassar makassar event #makassar event makassaracar a hey(ã•£^â–¿^)ã•£ pengurus_masjid ayobantu retweet & cekidot tokotamz pinbb:2bb19b17 jual sepatu baju aksesoris cewek di makassar 25/11/2020 16.44.18 makassar b. data cleaning data cleaning aims to remove parts of the data that are not used in the analysis process carried out to model the data. the focus of data analysis will only use data in the text column which is the status of each user. based on the results of data collection, in the data there are several columns that are not needed in the analysis process, then these columns will be cleaned. fig. 8. data cleaning c. data preposing the implementation of data preposing is carried out before analyzing the topic using lda with the aim of structuring, tidying, and preparing the data before the data is analyzed. data preprocessing is done sequentially, namely removing punctuation marks, removing numbers between spaces, case folding and removing stopwords. after preposing the data, punctuation marks, numbers between spaces, case folding and stopwords such as the word "yang" are removed. fig. 9. before preprocessing data fig. 10. after preprocessing data d. wordcloud kh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 390-399 396 after preposing the data, punctuation marks, numbers between spaces, case folding and stop words in the data are removed. to see the results of the data preposing process, the data is displayed in the form of a wordcloud visual representation of the most common words, so the results are as follows. fig. 11. wordcloud visual representation e. lda topic modeling before doing topic modeling with lda, it is necessary to determine the number of topic models. determination of the number of topic models is done by looking at the coherence score. the coherence score is a measure used to evaluate topic modeling. good modeling will produce topics with high topic coherence scores (lestari, 2019) table 2 – coherence score topic alpha beta corehence 9 0.90 0.90 0.6821430186753112 10 0.90 0.90 0.6813112648237454 8 0.90 0.90 0.6485276773680742 9 0.90 0.90 0.6211660697995236 10 0.90 0.90 0.6185417503103652 4 asymmetric 00.01 0.6071873122344424 8 0.90 0.90 0.6031553436565154 2 00.01 00.01 0.5954692961848775 4 asymmetric 00.01 0.5910008238074393 5 asymmetric 0.90 0.5908647353392914 the coherence score generated in determining the number of topics is on topic 9 with a coherence score of 0.6821430186753112. the greater the coherence score obtained, the better the interpretation of the modeling topic will produce (lestari, 2019). based on the best results on the coherence score, this study used 9 (nine) topics. fig. 12. display coherence value table 3 topic division and its coherence value. topic terms t0 0.016*"mas" + 0.016*"banget" + 0.016*"gaa" + 0.016*"abis" + 0.016*"seneng" + 0.016*"cust" + 0.016*"hasilnya" + 0.016*"adek" + 0.016*"trus" + 0.016*"ngejoki" t1 0.033*"bales" + 0.017*"dendam" + 0.017*"chat" + 0.017*"sengaja" + 0.017*"draw" + 0.017*"tiddies" + 0.017*"adding" + 0.017*"bneran" + 0.017*"learn" + 0.017*"curut" t2 0.017*"door" + 0.017*"kendaraan" + 0.017*"balas" + 0.017*"visor" + 0.017*"brader" + 0.017*"bupati" + 0.009*"trus" + 0.009*"orang" + 0.009*"lagunya" + 0.009*"ovo" kh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 390-399 397 t3 0.024*"pagi" + 0.024*"indah" + 0.024*"bales" + 0.024*"hidup" + 0.013*"orang" + 0.013*"melepas" + 0.013*"cab" + 0.013*"eksport" + 0.013*"pangan" + 0.013*"soppeng" t4 0.034*"berhenti" + 0.023*"pijat" + 0.023*"rakyat" + 0.012*"badan" + 0.012*"real" + 0.012*"bersahabat" + 0.012*"privasi" + 0.012*"fresh" + 0.012*"sehat" + 0.012*"terjamin" t5 0.044*"lagu" + 0.030*"enak" + 0.016*"pas" + 0.016*"army" + 0.016*"banget" + 0.016*"jujur" + 0.016*"muncul" + 0.016*"kurus" + 0.016*"kek" + 0.016*"obatnya" t6 0.023*"ways" + 0.020*"makassar" + 0.019*"cekidot" + 0.019*"aksesoris" + 0.019*"las" + 0.019*"ayobantu" + 0.019*"pinbb" + 0.018*"bb" + 0.018*"cewek" + 0.018*"baju" t7 0.020*"tokotamz" + 0.020*"jual" + 0.019*"retweet" + 0.019*"sepatu" + 0.019*"baju" + 0.019*"cewek" + 0.019*"bb" + 0.019*"pinbb" + 0.019*"ayobantu" + 0.018*"aksesoris" t8 0.043*"orang" + 0.015*"wheels" + 0.015*"album" + 0.015*"mood" + 0.015*"niggas" + 0.015*"cintailah" + 0.015*"st" + 0.015*"thursday" + 0.015*"percayai" + 0.015*"back" each topic generated shows the cohorence value of each word in each topic with a different value. based on these results, we can see some examples of words with the highest cohorence/probability values, namely: “0.044_lagu” on topic t5, “0.043_orang” on topic t8, “0.034_berhenti” on topic t4, and on t1 there is the word “bales” with cohorence value 0.034. f. topic modeling visualization the modeling visualization in the research after completing the modeling using lda is saved in the form of pyldavis which can form a visualization of each topic and the most frequently occurring words. fig. 13. pyldavis visualization the pyldavis visualization results display 30 important words that appear in the corpus and display the dominant words discussed from 9 topics. in the right panel, the visualization displays the terms song, bales, makassar, you, sell, accessories and other words. in addition to displaying 30 important words on all topics, the visualization results also display 30 important words from each topic. one topic with another topic may have the same word so that it overlaps with each other. for example, topic 2 and topic 5. the two topics overlap each other, because topic 2 has words that are also found in topic 5 or vice versa. kh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 390-399 398 based on the topic distribution data based on the cohorence value and the visualization results show the t8 topic to be the topic of conversation with the highest cohorence value because of the appearance of the word "people" in the visualization results. meanwhile, based on the results of matching the visualization with the words in the "terms" column, the trending topics of conversation gathered on one topic, namely topics t7 and t6. in the t7 topic there are the words "tokotamz", "selling", "retweet", "shoes", "clothes", "girls", "bb", "pinbb", "ayobantu", and the word "accessories" which is a word that there are 30 important words, while on 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(puspasari, 2019). in general, the industry is currently experiencing many obstacles in the distance of moving raw materials which is less efficient, such as in the production process where there is a flow of material moving back and forth (backtracking) due to the irregular layout of the machine (faishol et al., 2013). small and medium industries to arrange an optimal layout can facilitate the implementation and productivity of work because the optimal layout design will harmonize the work and work area and vice versa (kholidasari et al., 2022). culinary business actors arrange the layout by determining how the condition of each production facility is arranged in such a way that it can support the achievement of efficiency and effectiveness of production activities (s. s. henni, 2021). therefore, it is necessary to consider how to make or change the layout of the facility more effectively and efficiently (triagus setiyawan et al., 2017) . ud. arshaindo itself is an industry that is engaged in food from milkfish which is processed into milkfish brains, milkfish peppers, smoked milkfish and presto milkfish. currently the industry is experiencing problems in the layout and spatial arrangement such as fish processing places, raw material warehouses and finished material warehouses which are still not optimal and to transfer materials between departments to other departments requires a very long distance so it takes a very long time, such mailto:said%20, alghushan et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 333-341 334 as the smoking area still travels a distance of 12m to get to the packing place and there is also a raw material warehouse where it is still a 10m distance to go to the fish fillet place. production layout analysis is carried out based on the results of material displacement distances that experience backtracking (pangestika et al., 2016). and to reduce activities during the back-tracking production process, which results in the length of the production process being carried out. so that when handling the case using the from to chart (ftc) method in order to see the efficient accuracy of the flow in each department during the production process at ud. arshindo. 2. literature review 2.1 facility layout facility layout is the main foundation in most industries today, a layout that is arranged optimally will have the efficiency and effectiveness of the ongoing production process and will participate in the development or success of a company. sophisticated and expensive production equipment will not mean the importance of the layout design that is done carelessly, so mistakes in the layout design will cause the company's losses are not small (chaerul et al., 2019). the main purpose of the facility layout is to arrange the most economical production facility area for safe and comfortable production operations so as to increase the performance of the operator (fauzan et al., 2013). the things that are very important in the layout of the facility are cost, distance, time and distance of moving goods between departments, facility layout is a production stage that has a very complicated production flow and must require a layout design and maximum material transfer so as to reduce back tracking during the production process (pramesti et al., 2019). the most important objective of the facility layout is to arrange the production facilities in a more effective way to improve the comfortable production process so as to increase employee morale and performance (wahyudi et al., 2022). determination and laying of a good layout must pay attention to the early stages in the design of facilities in the production room, the layout that will be used can determine the physical relationship between ongoing production activities, to determine the type of quality, yield and area of production facilities required early stages before design layout, here are the kinds of layouts, namely: based on the production flow (product layout), based on a fixed position (fixed layout), based on the group of each item (group layout), based on the production process (process layout) (handoko, 2013). 2.2 backtracking layout the arrangement of production sites and production machines that are not well organized can lead to a messy production process flow and frequent backtracking (ferdian et al., 2015). a good layout is a layout that can minimize the occurrence of backtracking (backflow). departments that have several backtracking, namely: meat milling machine to spice grinding machine, place the fish fillet to the fish processing place, fish processing place to smoking area. 2.3 from to chart (ftc) from to chart is a diagram that is used to find out the results of the production process from one department to another. the data obtained are primary data and secondary data. primary data: initial production layout, area and distance between production departments and distance in material movement, secondary data: description of the production process and production volume. (barbara & cahyana, 2021). from to chart is an adaptation of the "mileage chart" found on a road map, the numbers in a from to chart show the total weight between departments that must be moved (pratiwi et al., 2012). from to chart is a conventional technique used to plan the layout and transfer of materials in a process, this technique is very useful for conditions where a lot of goods flow through an area such as machine shops and warehousing (handoyo et al., 2021). data processing from to chart is divided into 2 parts, namely processing existing layout data and processing alternative layout data (andryzio et al., 2014). from the magnitude of the weight of the existing inter-departmental product flow, then perform calculations using the from to chart (ftc) method to find out the alghushan et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 333-341 335 results of the minimum and efficient backward value to be used as a proposed layout (murnawan & wati, 2018). from to chart (ftc) usually called trip frequency chart or travel chart, is a conventional technique commonly used in planning the layout of facilities and the movement of each product in the ongoing production process. this technique is very useful in managing where many products pass through a department, such as job shops, machine shops, offices, and others (nasution, 2015) 3. research methods collecting data from research conducted by carrying out observations and measurements directly on the production floor at industrial companies engaged in food from milkfish which is processed into milkfish brains, milkfish peppers, smoked milkfish and presto milkfish at ud. arshaindo which is located in tanggulrejo village, manyar district, gresik regency. measurements and observations were carried out using meter measuring instruments, writing instruments accompanied by field supervisors. the main data collected by direct measurement is data on the size of the department of each production room, the layout of the initial production floor, and the sequence of production processes between departments and other departments. in addition to direct measurements, the data that has been obtained will be carried out manually by collecting data that has been designed by experts related to the problems that have been observed in the previous data collection by considering related journals or books on the topics that have been studied. learn about milkfish processing companies from journals or production facility layout books that use the from to chart (ftc) method. the data processing that was carried out the first time was a description of the initial layout in the production area that was in accordance with the measurement of the floor area in the milkfish processing production room area based on direct measurements on location. before measuring the distance of material movement, what must be done is to determine the coordinates of each work station, then look for the results of backtracking by calculating the journey from each department to another using the from to chart calculation. 4. results and discussions 4.1 initial layout data the data needed to process data using the from to chart (ftc) method is the initial layout. after making observations and seeing the conditions that existed when the production process was running, the data needed in designing the layout of this facility was the initial layout map in the production process and the distance between existing machine facilities or processes. the following is the initial layout data, it can be seen in figure 1. fig 1. initial layout milkfish brains: agifedbcj (red) pepes milkfish: agedbcj (blue) alghushan et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 333-341 336 presto milkfish: agedbcj (blue) smoked milkfish: agehbcj (green) 4.2 identify existing facilities/machines in the manufacture of milkfish otak-otak, milkfish pepes, presto milkfish and smoked milkfish there are several facilities and machines used, namely: a. raw material warehouse b. packing c. vacuum d. steaming e. fish processing f. seasoning mill g. fish fillet h. fumigation i. meat grinder j. finished material warehouse the following is a table of the operating floor area of each department. table 1 floor area of each department code facilities/machinery total operating floor area (m 2 ) a raw material warehouse 2 b packing 8 c vacuum 8 d steaming 4.5 e fish processing 7.5 f seasoning mill 4 g fish fillet 16 h fumigation 4 i meat grinder 3 j finished material warehouse 2 4.3 identifying production flow of each product for production at ud. arshaindo in the production flow of making milkfish otak-otak, pepes bandeng, presto milkfish and smoked milkfish uses the same facilities, with the following production flow flow: milkfish brains: agifedbcj pepes bandeng: agedbcj presto milkfish: agedbcj smoked milkfish: agehbcj before performing calculations using from to chart (ftc), first identify the process flow along with the distance of material transfer between the production areas of each department so that the process in assessing the linkage level produces the best value. : table 2 distance of product flow in each department from to distance (m) area dep area dep raw material warehouse a fish fillet g 10 fish fillet g meat grinder i 2.75 fish fillet g fish processing e 4.5 fumigation h packing b 12 meat grinder i seasoning mill f 5.25 bumnbu mill f fish processing e 2 fish processing e fumigation h 7.5 fish processing e steaming d 2 steaming d packing b 4.5 alghushan et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 333-341 337 packing b vacuum c 2 vacuum c finished material warehouse j 3.5 total 56 4.4 from to charts (ftc) after obtaining the flow of the production process for each product, then a layout analysis will be carried out by analyzing the distance relationship between facilities/machines using from to chart (ftc). the following table shows the initial journey obtained from the process flow of each product. table 3 from to initial chart to from amount a b c d e f g h i j a 0 b 4.5 12 19.5 c 2 2 d 2 2 e 2 4.5 6.5 f 5.25 5.25 g 10 10 h 7.5 7.5 i 2.75 2.75 j 3.5 3.5 amount 10 2 3.5 4.5 9.5 2 7.25 12 5.25 0 56 after filling out the ftc table, the next step is to carry out forward & backward analysis which aims to determine the efficiency of a production line because the efficiency of the production line is not said to be good if the percentage is below 75% (pramono & widyadana, 2015). 4.5 forward & backward analysis forward & backward analysis aims to determine the efficiency of a production line is known based on the percentage of forward. there are 2 kinds of distance from each department point, namely forward distance form diagonal and backward distance form diagonal. for example, in the diagonal calculation of the forward area, the formula used is ∑ 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑛 × 𝑛 × 1, if the diagonal used is in the backward area then use the formula ∑ 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑛 × 𝑛 × 2 (fajar & murnawan, 2022). table 4 from to initial chart to from amount a b c d e f g h i j a 0 b 4.5 12 19.5 c 2 2 d 2 2 e 2 4.5 6.5 f 5.25 5.25 g 10 10 h 7.5 7.5 i 2.75 2.75 j 3.5 3.5 alghushan et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 333-341 338 amount 10 2 3.5 4.5 9.5 2 7.25 12 5.25 0 56 forward & backward analysis: forwards: 1. 2 + 0 = 2 2. 2.75 + 0 = 2.75 3. 7.5 + 0 = 7.5 4. 10 + 0 = 10 5. 3.5 + 0 = 3.5 %forward = (25.75 : 56) x 100% = 45.98% backwards: 1. 2 + 2 = 4 2. 4.5 + 4.5 = 9 3. 5.25 + 0 = 5.25 4. 12 + 0 = 12 %backward = (30.25 : 56) x 100% = 54.02% because the forward value is still below 75%, which is still 45.98%, it is still necessary to make improvements to the production line. changed the flow from abcdefghij to aifedghbcj. table 5 from to chart alternative to from amount a i f e d g h b c j a 0 i 2.75 2.75 f 5.25 5.25 e 2 4.5 6.5 d 2 2 g 10 10 h 7.5 7.5 b 4.5 12 16.5 c 2 2 j 3.5 3.5 amount 10 5.25 2 9.5 4.5 7.25 12 2 3.5 0 56 forward & backward analysis: forwards: 1. 5.25 + 2 + 2 + 12 + 2 + 3.5 = 26.75 2. 7.5 + 4.5 = 12 3. 10 + 0 = 10 %forward = (48.75 : 56) x 100% = 87.06% backwards: 1. 4.5 + 0 = 4.5 2. 2.75 + 0 = 2.75 %backward = (7.25 : 56) x 100% = 12.94% the forward value is more than 75%, namely 87.06%, the backward or backtracking value is also lower than the initial value of 54.02% to 12.94%. from the alternative from to chart (ftc) calculation in table 5, the most efficient is the alternative calculation with a forward value of 87.06%, and the backward or backtracking value is smaller than all other alternative calculations with a backward value of 12.94%. 4.6 analysis alghushan et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 333-341 339 the next stage is the analysis carried out by comparing the initial layout in ud. arshaindo with a layout that has been processed using the from to chart (ftc) method. here is the proposed layout: fig 2. proposed layout milkfish brains: agifedbcj (red) pepes bandeng: agedbcj (blue) presto milkfish: agedbcj (blue) smoked milkfish: agehbcj (green) after determining the proposed layout, the following is the distance of product material movement in the production area which has been described in table 6 below: table 6 distance of product flow in each department in the proposed layout from to distance(m) area dep area dep raw material warehouse a fish fillet g 3 fish fillet g meat grinder i 5 fish fillet g fish processing e 4.5 fumigation h packing b 4.5 meat grinder i seasoning mill f 2 bumnbu mill f fish processing e 2.5 fish processing e steaming d 2 fish processing e fumigation h 5.5 steaming d packing b 3 packing b vacuum c 2 vacuum c finished material warehouse j 2 total 36 5. conclusion based on the results of the analysis of ud. arshaindo related to layout before designing the layout are: many locations are not used properly, and there are still many distances between departments that should still be maximized properly. from the production flow process before repairs, there is a material transfer distance of 56m. comparison of the initial layout and the proposed layout there is a displacement distance in the production area 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often miscalculations of the number of residents when reporting to the cicendo district, bandung city. this study aims to analyze and design a population system. the design of this population information system uses php native programming and mysql database management system. with the existence of a web-based information system, it is hoped that it will facilitate the making of valid and not fictitious population reports. keywords : system information of demography, unified modelling languange, web 1. introduction one of the government organizations that is a part of the regional apparatus work unit, cicendo district, bandung city, is pajajaran village. the apparatus work unit directs each sub unit to produce a population report at the village level, which is then used as a population report at the district level to the vertical agency and above. the pajajaran village to cicendo district, bandung city population reporting system has been manual up until this point, so the results of the reporting still need to be recalculated and go through re-checking in order for the reporting to be valid. the authors designed and developed a population information system that is currently very needed by the sub-unit agencies as a system that can facilitate the pajajaran village, cicendo district, bandung city. the authors did this based on the problems that have been described and taking into account the simplicity and reliability of the data offered by the population system((hamzah et al., 2019; ambiyar et al., 2019; prifti, 2022; dubois et al., 2022). unified modeling language (uml) modeling is used in this system's design, and it is implemented using php native and the mysql database management system. with the development of a population information system, it is hoped that data collection on residents will become simpler and more frequent. this includes data on the number of residents by gender, age, job, and rw(li & wang, 2022; hamzah, et al., 2021; moustakas & robrade, 2022). data that has been transformed into a form that is more beneficial and meaningful to the recipient is called an information system. information is created by processing raw data, which are facts or figs in the form of measurements and observations of things or events. an information system is a process that converts data into information(bizami et al., 2022; perera & abeysekera, 2022). 2. literature review 2.1 understanding information systems jogiyanto said that "information systems are a collection of people, facilities, technology, media, procedures, and controls that work to get critical communication lines that give an information basis for decision making" in 1999 ((hamzah et al., 2022; anthony jnr, 2022; setiawancc et al., 2022; sabat, 2022). 2.2 definition demography nugraha & abdussalam… vol 4(1) 2022 : 190-201 191 philip m. hauser and dudley ducan explains that " “demography is the study of the size, territorial distribution and composition of population, changes there in and the components of such changes which maybe identified as natality, territorial movement (migration), and social mobility (change of states)” (anderjovi et al., 2022; alyahya et al., 2022). 2.3 technology utilization the advancement of information technology at this time makes it easier for information to spread across many regions, even quickly reaching every corner of the globe. the availability of information technology today has aided the process of human life in carrying out daily activities by making it simple to obtain the most recent information that occurs in a given area. the same is true for the field of education. development the world of education has been impacted by information technology, particularly in the learning process. according to rosenberg (2001), there have been 5 (five) shifts in the learning process as a result of the increased use of technology, including the shift from classrooms to anywhere and anytime, from paper to "on line" or channels, and from training to appearance (selfi & akmal, 2021; satyawan et al., 2021; qiao et al., 2021; fuady et al., 2021). 3. research methods 3.1 data collection methods the authors of this study employed several methods for gathering data, including : a. observation in pajajaran village of population reports at the kelurahan and rw levels, with the goal of obtaining precise data and information in accordance with the current issues. b. interview the pajajaran village was directly contacted by the author to provide the data and justifications required for this study. 3.2 system development method the waterfall method is used by the author to create this system. the waterfall method is used to methodically build a system development model from one stage to the next. the author employs the waterfall methodology because it eliminates user input during system implementation, which can be challenging for the author during system development, by collecting and analyzing all necessary data and information prior to system design. analyses, designs, coding, and testing are the first steps in the waterfall model, which offers a sequential or sequential software lifeflow approach. code, system testing, and maintenance are all proposed as being done in a systematic manner by this method. as depicted in fig 1, this development model is sequential from start to finish; it is not possible to go back and repeat a stage(hariani, et al., 2020). fig 1. waterfall development method this model includes the following activities : a. analysis requirements to determine system requirements, such as the nature of the system to be built and the behavior of the system, an analysis stage is carried out. nugraha & abdussalam… vol 4(1) 2022 : 190-201 192 b. system design the stage of system design comes next after needs analysis. use case diagrams, activity diagrams, and class diagrams are used in the system design stage of the design process, with input, process, and output determined by the findings of observations and business requirements. c. implementation at this time, the mysql database and php native have been used to design and implement the system. d. system testing to determine whether the system was created according to plan or if there are still errors, the entire created system is tested. e. maintenance at this point, the system is operating in the software's actual environment, and either system and software maintenance is being done. 4. results and discussions one of the bandung city government organizations is ajajaran village, which is situated in the skpd, cicendo district, bandung city. one of the reports that must be submitted to the cicendo district as part of the administration of pajajaran village is the population report, which is still done manually. in pajajaran village's current population reporting system, several flaws or deficiencies have been discovered, including: a. the reporting process still has to be delivered offline which is considered. b. there is no information media for population reporting to local residents. c. the population of pajajaran village is estimated using population data processing, which is deemed inefficient and frequently subject to human error. the authors offer solutions to the issues raised as a result of their analysis of the current system and the population report in pajajaran village, including: a. creating a population information system using a database management system and the php native programming language. b. creating a system to make pajajaran village's population reporting easier. c. creating a system that anyone with an internet connection can use at any time, from any location, and that also makes it easy for pajajaran village to process population data. d. the author creates a system to address the issues that arise from the solutions that have been made. 4.1 uml design the unified modeling language (uml), which is used to specify, visualize, build, and document all software system artifacts, is a graphical modeling language. when combined with the benefits of other object-oriented methods (fushion, shaler-mellon, and coad-yourdom), which are also synthesized in uml, the uml model—which is a synthesis of three object-based analysis and design methods—offers a fairly effective strategy that has been applied in the software industry. in this instance, the author used the unified modeling language (uml) to design the system. a. use case diagrams the behavior of the information system that will be developed is modeled by a use case. use cases are put into action by describing the kind of communication that takes place between a system's user and the system itself. fig 2 below shows a diagram use case for the rw admin and kelurahan admin population application. nugraha & abdussalam… vol 4(1) 2022 : 190-201 193 fig 2. use case diagram of population information system b. activity diagram activity diagrams can also describe parallel processes that may occur in multiple executions. they describe the different flows of activities in the system that is being designed, how each flow begins, decisions that may occur, and how they end. the use case is developed using an activity flow diagram. a flow or activity could be a group of system-contained menus. fig 3's flow depicts activity diagrams for the population information system. fig 3. activity diagram of population information system c. class diagram is a relationship between classes and a thorough description of each class in a system's design model. it also demonstrates the laws and duties of the entities that control the system's behavior. a class diagram in uml is a visual representation of a system's structure and description that displays classes, their attributes, methods, and connections to other classes. chart of classes public health information system nugraha & abdussalam… vol 4(1) 2022 : 190-201 194 fig 4. class diagram of population information system 4.2 system planning a new system is created and designed through the process of design. this system's design gives the user an overview of the system that will be presented to them and acts as a prelude to the implementation process. the pajajaran village population information system is constructed as follows: a. input design the following is a description of the input design for the population information system in table 1: table 1 input design of population information system no input name source frequency attribute 1 residents data rw admin, village admin input, save, clear, delete, close data no_kk nik nama_lgkp hbkel jk tmpt_lhr tgl_lhr tahun bulan hari nama_lgkp_ayah nama_lgkp_ibu kecamatan kelurahan rw agama pekerjaan 2 residents house data rw admin, village admin input, save, clear, delete, close data nik luas_lantai jenis_lantai jenis_dinding fasilitas_bab sumber_penerangan sumber_air_minum bahan_bakar_memasak b. output design the following is table 2's presentation of the population information system's output design: nugraha & abdussalam… vol 4(1) 2022 : 190-201 195 table 2 output design of population information system no output name source frequency attribute 1 population report village admin on needed rw laki-laki perempuan total 2 job criteria population report village admin on needed rw jenis_pekerjaan laki-laki perempuan total 3 age criteria population report village admin on needed rw 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-60 60> total c. functional design table 3 presents the functional layout of the population information system as follows: table 3 – functional layout no functional name source frequency attribute 1 login village admin, rw admin input, save username password 2 profile edit village admin input, save nama kelurahan email alamat maps logo kelurahan 4.3 device requirements design a. hardware as an information system, the population information system needs hardware (hardware) with specifications that must match the requirements to run the application so that it operates correctly. the suggested specifications are as follows: table 4 specifications hardware hardware specifications example processor intel pentium 4 processor 2.80 ghz ram 2 gb or higher harddisk 120 gb or higher display card/vga 2 gb or higher b. software all commands used to process information are considered software. software may take the form of a program or process. the hardware that has been developed won't be useful or perform well without software. the following is the design of the software requirements (software) for a population information system: table 5 specifications software software specifications example operating system microsoft windows 7 or higher programming language php nugraha & abdussalam… vol 4(1) 2022 : 190-201 196 database management system mysql web server xampp 4.4 system display a. main dislay users other than the kelurahan admin and rw admin can check the population data of pajajaran village as shown in fig 5 by using the main display, which is made as follows. fig 5. main display of population information system according to the main display's criteria for gender, education, occupation, age group, religion, and the pillars of citizenship, the population is shown. b. login form as shown in fig 6, a login form is made to confirm that a user has been granted access to the pajajaran village's population information system application. fig 6. login form the username and password created in the mysql database management system are entered into the login form. to obtain the username and password for the rw admin account, the rw admin must speak with village admin. c. admin main view administrator main view the administrator has successfully logged in on the login form section, as seen in this display. nugraha & abdussalam… vol 4(1) 2022 : 190-201 197 fig 7. admin main view the number of residents by gender at the pajajaran and per-rw levels is shown on the admin main display. d. how to enter population data if an administrator wants to add population data after entering the admin main view, they should choose the population data menu from the navigation menu, as shown in fig 8 below. fig 8. navigation menu next, the population data display will appear, then there is a population data add button which is at the far left of the population data display, click the button fig 9. population data display nugraha & abdussalam… vol 4(1) 2022 : 190-201 198 the population data input display will then appear; simply complete the form on it in accordance with the instructions provided there, as shown in fig 10. fig 10. population data input process a pop-up box stating that the data has been inputted will appear after you enter the data into the available columns and click the save data button. clicking ok will return the display to the population data display with the system additions we made, as shown in fig 11 as follows. fig 11. display of population data that has added data the addition of population data is finished if the data have been entered. e. how to enter residents' house data after entering the information for the resident, the administrator can enter the information for the resident's home by selecting the home condition data button from the navigation menu. then, as shown in fig 12, the house condition data display will appear. click the button to add house condition data, which is located at the far left of the display. nugraha & abdussalam… vol 4(1) 2022 : 190-201 199 fig 12. display of house condition data. the house condition data input display will then appear. click family head data and then select the family head data to enter the house condition data. then, complete the remaining forms, including those for floor area, floor type, wall type, drinking water source, cooking fuel, restroom facilities, and lighting source. finally, click save data to continue the input process, as shown in fig 13. fig 13. display of house condition data input and the input process when the data input process is finished, as shown in fig 14, a pop-up box will appear that says data saved successfully. click ok to continue the input process, then display house condition data with the data that has been entered. fig 14. data display of house conditions that have been inputted data 4.5 system testing nugraha & abdussalam… vol 4(1) 2022 : 190-201 200 the author employs "black box testing" to test this system. the black box testing approach is a way to test software without having to focus on the software itself. after the system has been built, testing black box is done to determine whether the software can run effectively or not. table 6 displays the test black box results as follows: table 6 result of black box testing on system no scenario test case expected results test results 1 login form fill in the username and password correctly then click the login button the system will receive access and will enter the main admin display according 2 add population data fill in no kk, nik, nama lengkap, hubungan keluarga, jenis kelamin, tempat lahir, tanggal, lahir, nama lengkap ayah kandung, nama lengkap ibu kandung, rukun warga, dan agama. the system will receive data that has been filled in and entered into the database according 3 add house condition data fill in nik, nama lengkap, luas lantai, jenis lantai, jenis dinding, fasilitas mck, sumber penerangan the system will receive the data that has been filled in and entered into the database according 4 print population report clicking print report according to the required report criteria the system will create a form which will be created automatically. in accordance 5. conclusion the creation of this system's design is the first step in getting ready for the design process and giving the user an overview of the information system. the overall goal of the proposed system is to give users a comprehensive understanding of the system that has been developed. it also serves as a resource to show 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be reused as recycled and environmentally friendly lighting lamps. the method used in this study refers to an environmentally friendly concept, namely, designing lighting lamps using waste light bulbs that are no longer used. the design product is designed exactly the same as the previous product from the manufacturer, then proceed with testing in the laboratory to determine the electrical parameters and the amount of lumens produced. from the results of the research conducted, it can be seen that the results of the design of recycled lighting lamps have a decrease in lumens value for cfl types by 7%, led by 8%, the durability and lifespan of light bulbs are reduced by cfl types by 32%, led types by 30%, the results of the design recycled lighting lamps can be reused as factory lighting, and can reduce non-organic waste. keywords: recycle, green technology, conservation, environmentally friendly lighting lamps 1. introduction according to law no. 18 of 2008 the definition of waste is the residue of daily human activities and/or natural processes in solid form. meanwhile, in pp no. 18/1999 jo pp no. 85/1999 concerning the management of hazardous and toxic waste, waste is generally defined as residual material in an activity and/or production process. the level of waste productivity is increasing along with the increase in population and economic growth throughout the world, especially for cities and tourism areas. the generated municipal waste is dominated by organic waste types(chuenwong et al., 2022)(awasthi et al., 2021). the economical use of municipal solid waste is an effective method for anticipating the negative impacts of solid waste on the environment(wimansa neelawathura et al., 2022). based on data from the sanitation and landscaping service of medan city in 2017, the composition of waste at the falls tpa consists of non-organic waste and 71.5% organic waste; paper 2 %; plastics 10.1%; wood 2 %; cloth 2.5% rubber 2.5%; metal 0.6%; glass 0.8 %; 1 % chunks; pampers / pads 3.1% and others 3.8%(anisah et al., 2020). fig. 1. waste production statistical data 58 14 9 6 4 2 2 2 2 122,4 5,4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 % juta ton pertahun anisah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 568-577 569 based on the picture above, it can be seen that the production of kitchen waste is the highest amount among other waste(cenci et al., 2021). apart from the amount of waste production, it can also be categorized by type, namely organic, non-organic and b3 waste. the amount of waste production by category can be seen in the following figure: fig. 2. waste composition data(anisah et al., 2022). based on the picture above, the amount of organic waste production reaches 65%, nonorganic 33% and b3 waste as much as 2%. of the three categories of waste, the hazardous waste is an organic waste and b3 waste because it cannot be decomposed in nature. the lighting system is a primary need in a room. especially residential lighting. to get lighting, it cannot be separated from the light bulbs produced by the manufacturer(balocco & volante, 2018). light bulbs are one of the contributors to waste. the use of artificial lighting devices in the form of light bulbs can have an impact on environmental pollution caused by damaged light bulb waste. light bulb waste is categorized into non-organic waste that cannot be decomposed in free space. currently the production of light bulb waste reaches 4.50% of the total waste production per day(masrida, 2017). light bulb tube which has a glass base material. other components that are the main content of light bulbs are displays, printed circuit boards (pcb) and metal, such as those contained in light-emitting diode (led) and compact fluorescent lamp (cfl) bulbs.(rahman et al., 2021) (işıldar et al., 2018) (nikulski et al., 2021). components contained in the bulb light-emitting diode (led) waste contains some metal gallium which cannot be decomposed which has an impact on environmental pollution and damage to soil composition(de oliveira et al., 2021). led type lighting lamps are made of semiconductor materials with the concept that electric current flows in one direction and not in the other direction. led chips generally have a long life and break down relatively rarely(nikulski et al., 2021). the characteristics of led chips in general are the same as those of diodes which only require a certain voltage to operate. the led will be damaged if the voltage is too large. the components of an led lighting lamp consist of resistors, capacitors and diodes. led lighting lamps also have a higher lighting level compared to other types of lighting lamps(balocco & volante, 2019). led lamps are also known as energy saving lamps(machacek et al., 2015). 65 33 2 sampah organik sampah anorganik sampah b3 anisah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 568-577 570 fig. 3. led waste components(cenci et al., 2020). cfl (compact flourescent lamp) lamps are lamps that use an alternative voltage current (vac) of 220 volts. the components of a cfl lamp are a glass discharge tube, tube reflection clip, mounting plate, electronic ballast components, polycarbonate housing, ecision screw base, discharge path, phosphor coating, electrodes, brigge, base pins, suppression capacitor and starter. lamp life the use of cfl lighting lamps has the potential to produce 710.90 million tons of co2eq which has an impact on emissions(s. chen et al., 2017) the age of the lighting lamps produced by the manufacturer differs from one type to another. damaged light bulbs will be discarded. there is no waste treatment technology from the light bulb. the life of a typical led lamp is 50,000 hours, a typical cfl is 12,000 hours(martins et al., 2020). the lifetime of cfl lamps is four times shorter and has a lower efficiency value than leds(machacek et al., 2015). electronic equipment waste including lighting lamps has become an international topic and issue(de oliveira et al., 2021). various efforts have been made to minimize the amount of waste, especially for non-organic waste. one of the efforts made is through the concept of recycling and waste management. regulation of the minister of environment of the republic of indonesia number 13 of 2012 concerning guidelines for implementing reduce, and reuse and recycle through waste banks. policies regarding energy efficiency are also regulated in the law of the republic of indonesia number 30 of 2007 concerning energy with supporting policies covering: energy conservation and diversification, environment and safety, prices, energy subsidies and incentives, infrastructure, public access and the energy industry, research and energy and institutional development and funding. the development of science and technology, various technologies in the electricity sector, especially to save energy,(wimansa neelawathura et al., 2022). environmentally friendly technology is a zero waste technology to reduce the amount of waste(cenci et al., 2021) (j. chen et al., 2022). the concept of zero waste requires that there is a reserve activity for sources of waste production(awasthi et al., 2021). the characteristics of environmentally friendly technology with the following categories: a). this includes all transitional technologies that will become environmentally sound technologies. b). all material, energy and water life cycle flows in production and consumption systems. c). covering the whole spectrum, starting from the basic technology of production and consumption systems to the whole integrated technology where environmental technology is a production and consumption technology for itself. d). including closed system technology where the target is zero waste and a significant reduction in resource use and environmental technology that produces few emissions, considering technological developments in an ecological and social context.(principi & fioretti, 2014) (dong et al., 2022). this paper is an article based on the results of research that aims to design lighting products with the main raw material being waste light bulbs that are no longer used. the results of the design are expected to be reused as lighting lamps for recycled products that are environmentally friendly. anisah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 568-577 571 2. literature review previous research on testing the effect of the age of cfl and led manufacturer lighting. this study shows that the life of cfl and led lamps is longer than other types of lighting lamps. the use of these lights can reduce emissions by 50%(allione et al., 2011). another research conducted as an effort to reduce lighting lamp waste is through recycling with the 10r method and strategy(rahman et al., 2021). based on the results of research that has been carried out using the pyrolysis method, the content of electronic waste bulbs contains metals which can damage the soil structure so that special treatment is needed in dealing with this problem.(de oliveira et al., 2021). the recycling system carried out by previous researchers was carried out through the destruction of metals found in lamp waste(cenci et al., 2021)(işıldar et al., 2018). another research conducted to reduce waste production is by controlling the use of artificial light from lighting(gentile, 2022) another research that has been done is that recycling waste lighting lamps can increase economic value with a nominal value of 639.82 dollars per ton in terms of environmentally friendly aspects.(martins et al., 2020). the results of previous studies that have examined the comparison of the use of led, cfl and neon type lighting state that the greatest level of efficiency and energy saving is found in led type lighting.(anisah et al., 2020). the differences between the research to be carried out and the previous studies are: a) in this study the design method was used by disassembling and repairing damaged light bulb components; b) the bulbs used are led and cfl bulb types. 3. research method the purpose of this research is to produce recycled lighting products that are environmentally friendly types of leds and cfls with the basic material being waste light bulbs. the implementation of this research was carried out in the following stages: a. collection of data, references and materials: this activity is carried out to collect literature, references, journals and related scientific works as a reference in collecting theories that support research activities. collection of materials or raw materials is carried out to meet the needs of materials that become raw materials in the implementation of this research. the raw materials used are led and cfl type lighting lamp waste. the equipment needed in the implementation of this research are: table 1 materials and tools no tool's name 1 led bulb 2 led light 3 cfl bulb 3 pcb board 4 kid's electronic components 5 measuring instrument 6 cable 7 pcb solvent liquid 8 adequate cable b. environmentally friendly lighting product design. the working mechanism and design in this study were carried out as follows: 1) opening waste bulbs of led and cfl lighting lamps. 2) check each part of the electrical component of the lamp with a multi meter / multi tester to find out which part of the lamp is damaged. anisah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 568-577 572 3) mark the damaged part for easy repair. 4) then remove the micro led, then unite the positive and negative sides using solder 5) in jelly led lights, if one of the micro leds is damaged, then all the electrical components will not work. 6) make a lighting installation design that will be designed on a pcb board, in this study the pcb design was carried out through a proteus simulation program, then the pcb board was cut and adjusted to the diameter of the lighting fittings, 7) replace and repair damaged parts on lighting lamps. 8) re-measurement to ensure that all components are active, 9) after repairs place the external parts and assembly back into the lamp body. 10) connect the light fitting with the switch, the light will turn on again. 11) checking the total load current on the led lamp 12) checking the voltage source of the switching power supply at direct or dc voltage 13) measurements on the voltage of each led lamp fig. 4. cfl and led light bulb waste the line diagram and design installation scheme can be seen in the following figure fig. 5. design line diagram anisah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 568-577 573 after the design is carried out, the product of the design results is tested in the laboratory. the tests carried out on lighting products are: 1) testing the electrical parameters in the form of voltage, current and electric power. 2) testing lumens or lighting on recycled lighting lamps 3) testing the life of the designed lighting lamps fig. 6. product testing 4. results and discussion a. power analysis on recycled led type lighting: the results of the design in the form of lighting can be seen in the following figure: fig. 7. recycled cfl lamp fig. 8. recycled led lamp anisah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 568-577 574 based on the results of the design it can be analyzed 1) the circuit on this lamp is arranged in series, with a total power written on the packaging of 12w. 2) the number of lamps is 14 pcs, there are 2 pcs which are damaged, it can be seen from the blackened physical leds, so the number of leds = 12 pcs. 3) the total current measurement (itot) uses a multitester at the following points: (pictured) the measured value is 0.085a (83.8ma). 4) voltage measurement using a multitester on one of the leds (vled) shows a value of 8.71v. based on the data above, it can be analyzed 1) what is the total power value (ptot) with the number of leds that are still good at this time (12pcs)? 2) what is the rated power of each led (pled)? 3) what is the total power value (ptot) if none of the leds are damaged? 4) how much is the energy consumption (kwh) of the led lamp that has been repaired per month (30 days) if it is assumed that the lamp is on for 8 hours a day? 5) how much is the fee to be paid for a month (30 days) from the calculation results in point 'd'? answer: ptot = (vled x number of good leds) x itot = ( 8.71 v x 12 pcs) . 0.085 ma = (104.52v) x 0.085ma = 8.88w the remaining power with a good number of leds (12pcs) is 8.88w pleds = ptot / number of leds is good = 8.88w / 12pcs = 0.74 w the power of each led is 0.74w number of leds 14pcs ptot = pledsx 14pcs = 0.74w x 14pcs = 10.36w the calculated led power is 10.36w number of days a month = 30 days, daily use 8 hours, number of leds 12pcs lamp operating hours for a month (t) = 8 hours x 30 days = 240 hours (h) w = pledsxt = 0.00888 kw x 240 h = 2.13 kwh/month in the above analysis, the energy consumption for a month is 2.13kwh. if we assume that the house's power is 900va, then the basic electricity tariff (tdl) for pln is idr 1,352. then the costs to be incurred can be calculated as follows: cost = tdl x w = idr 1,352 x 2.13 kwh = idr 2,879.76 b. power analysis on cfl type recycled lighting: based on the results of the design it can be analyzed test result : 1) in testing, it was found that the dc output voltage value from the lamp power supply was 246.2v when the power supply was not connected to the load. anisah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 568-577 575 2) then after the dc power supply is connected to the pcb, the measured power supply voltage value changes to 65.7 v. from this measurement it can be calculated that the voltage is: vloads = voltage without load – voltage with load = 246.2 v – 65.7 v = 180.5 v dc 3) from the results of test number 2, we can find out what the value of each component is. it is known that on the pcb board there are 22 pcs. then the calculation is: vled = vload / number of lights = 180.5v / 22pcs = 8.2 vdc 4) at this point we will measure the total current of the series circuit with a total of 22pcs. the current value obtained is 112ma (0.112a). 5) after the total voltage (vload) and total current (iload) are obtained, then we can then find the power value of our led circuit through the following formula: pload = vloadx iloads = 180.5v x 0.112a = 20.22 w c. lumens analysis – illumination of illumination lamps lumens value analysis on led and cfl lamps refers to the manufacturer's lumens value. the results of the analysis carried out on several lighting products designed by using a light intensity meter type lx1330 ks3910. analysis was carried out by comparing the lumen values that were carried out for 1 year. the measurement results can be seen in the following table: table 2 measurement comparison results lamp power lumens lamp design results lumens of manufactured lamps condition leds cfls leds cfls 12w 1215 590 1320 650 life 14w 1415 720 1550 870 life 18w 1690 1260 1700 1300 life the data in the table above is the data taken during the initial measurements. based on the results of measurements carried out in the laboratory, it is known that the value of lumens or lighting in lighting lamps has decreased by an average of 10.8% compared to lighting in new lighting produced by the manufacturer, this is due to the influence of the waste bulb used which is dirty and experience darkening due to age. measurements and analysis of lumens are also carried out every week by measuring changes in lumens that occur every week with the measurement results showing that the lumens of lighting have decreased by an average of 2% per week. d. analysis of the age of use of lighting design results analysis was carried out on the duration of use of the resulting lighting lamps, the methods used in this measurement and analysis were carried out using 2 methods. 6) the first method is by turning on the lighting continuously for 24 hours. 7) the second method is to turn on the lighting for 12 hours. these two methods and treatments were given to led and cfl type lighting lamps with a power capacity of 12 w, 14 w and 18 w. but there is a decrease in lighting. this is due to the additional age of the bulb used. anisah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 568-577 576 5. conclusion from the research that has been done it can be concluded that: the waste generated by electrical materials, especially lighting waste, can be recycled again through environmentally friendly technology and the zero waste concept. environmentally friendly lighting is a research product that can be reused as a substitute for manufactured lighting. based on the results of electrical power testing, lumens/lighting testing, and usage age, led type eco-friendly lighting products are more efficient than cfl types. acknowledgement we would like to thank the ministry of education, culture, research and technology (kemendikbudristek), the financial fund management institution (lpdp), which has given us the trust in the form of funding through the lecturer independent research research grant, so that we can complete the research with the title "design of lighting lamps" environmentally friendly technology based (reduce, reus and recycle) 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power generation, nre is also being developed as energy that is used directly by the user sector. at this time the type of ebt that is most widely used by users is plts, in addition to its simple construction and heat sources can be obtained anywhere, this is also the government's recommendation to achieve the plts development target. in fact, until now, consumers are still very less willing to use plts in meeting their electrical energy needs, this is due to several problems, including the high cost of plts construction, besides that the material costs are also relatively expensive. in this study, an overview of the calculation of how much cost can be saved or saved if the energy source used is a hybrid between pln and plts 500 wp which is used alternately in supplying the electrical load of a simple house. with specifications of 2 solar panels of 250 wp each, 2 batteries of 100 ah each, 130 solar panel control and 1300 watt inverter. the cost of electricity charges paid monthly before using plts roof ranges from 300 to 400 thousand rupiah, after using plts roof, the monthly electricity costs are 200 to 300 thousand rupiah, the average monthly savings is 100 thousand rupiah, if you take into account the investment costs will return in 1 year, the average material life of plts is around 20 years. the cost savings in electricity costs are around rp. 22.800.000,in 20 years. economically, this value is still very small, but it has succeeded in saving electricity costs per month, and increasing the use of renewable energy keywords : plts, cost saving, hybrid pln-plts 1. introduction in the national energy policy (ken), one of the national energy management targets is to achieve a national energy mix consisting of four primary energy types, namely oil, natural gas, coal, and new and renewable energy (ebt), with the target of achieving each – each of these primary energies in 2025(hidayat et al., 2022; simanjuntak et al., 2022; santosa et al., 2021), namely: a. the role of new energy and renewable energy is at least 23%, b. the role of petroleum is less than 25%, c. the role of coal is at least 30%, and d. the role of natural gas is at least 22% fossil energy, which has been the main focus in energy consumption, has resulted in the depletion of non-renewable natural resources and the increasing impact of environmental damage. this has prompted various calls to reduce and limit the use of fossil energy and replace it with renewable new energy (ebt). utilization of ebt or known as clean energy has become a joint action program from various countries in the world, including indonesia(anggraini & indah, 2021; maghfuri et al., 2021). the importance and target of energy supply and utilization is to realize energy independence and national energy security to support national development. therefore, the supply and utilization of energy relies on four aspects, namely affordability, accessibility, availability and acceptability. these aspects are influenced by various strategic environments, both internal and external, including developments in energy supply and demand, investment in supporting tharo et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 235-243 236 infrastructure development and the impact of policies and regulations from related sectors and across sectors(chofreh et al., 2021). indonesia, which has quite large potential for nre, but not all of this potential can be utilized to support national development. until now, energy users are still not interested in utilizing this potential, one of the things that becomes an obstacle is the thought of the large investment costs for the development of ebt. based on the above, as an academic, the researcher is moved to provide insight into the calculation of the costs needed for the construction of an ebt with solar energy and how much cost will be saved (saved) by utilizing the solar potential. for this reason, the researchers made an analysis of the conditions of the use of electric loads using a hybrid electricity source of pln and plts(al hafiz et al., 2022; suriana & sugarayasa, 2022; effendy et al., 2021). with the increasing growth of regional energy consumption in order to encourage economic growth and development in the regions as part of the economy and national development, the directions, objectives and targets for the management and supply of energy in the regions still refer to reducing the use of fossil energy and replacing it with new and renewable energy (ebt)(khamid, 2022; kusumandari et al., 2021). to provide knowledge and eliminate the assumption that nre is expensive, a study was made on the use of electricity loads and their cost savings by utilizing solar energy as a complementary energy source or backup from fossil energy sources (pln), so that electricity users are encouraged to utilize the potential of solar energy to achieve their goals. the government's target in the national energy mix is 23% in 2025 and 31% in 2050 the use and utilization of ebt(raharjo et al., 2022). energy mix targets in several asean countries can be seen in the following table(overland et al., 2021; phoumin et al., 2021): table 1 energy mix targets in several asean countries country energy mix target policy document brunei darussalam by 2035 it will reach 10% et (954,000 mwh) of the total installed generation energy white paper (2014) cambodia there are no et specific targets, except for hydropower. by 2020 it will reach 2,241 mw of large hydropower (80% of total installed capacity) power development plan 2008-21 (2007) indonesia by 2025: 23% et of the total primary energy supply, or 92.2 mtoe from electricity of 69.2 mtoe (45.2 gw) and nonelectricity of 23 mtoe petroleum < 25% coal at least 30% natural gas at least 22% in 2050: 31% et of total primary energy supply petroleum < 20% coal at least 25% natural gas at least 24% pp no. 79 of 2014 concerning ken (2014) laos by 2025: 30% et (1,479 ktoe) of total final energy consumption (excluding major hydropower) renewable energy development strategy policy (2016) malaysia by 2020: 7.8% et (2,080 mw) of total installed capacity, consisting of: 38% biomass, 24% mini-hydro, 17% solid waste, 12% biogas, 9% solar pv (excluding large hydropower with capacity > 30 mw) in 2025: 20% et of the total national power generation mix national renewable energy policy and action plan (2011) and 11th malaysia plan 2016-2020 (2015) myanmar in 2030-2031: 38% hydropower (8,896 mw), 20% natural gas (4,758 mw), 33% coal (7,940 mw), 9% et (2,000 mw) national energy policy (2014) philippines in 2015: 277 mw additional capacity from biomass; national renewable energy program (2012) tharo et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 235-243 237 by 2022: 2,345 mw of additional capacity from wind power; by 2023: 5,398 mw of additional hydropower; by 2025: an additional 75 mw of marine energy; by 2030: 15.3 gw et of installed capacity, an additional 284 mw from solar pv and an additional 1,495 mw from geothermal. singapore in 2018: 10,140 tonnes/day from waste to energy power plants; by 2020: 350 mwp of solar power; by 2030: 8% et of peak electricity demand singapore sustainable blueprint (2009) thailand by 2036: 30% et in final energy consumption, in the form of: electricity (20.11% in generation or 19,684 mw), heat (36.67% in heat production, or 25,088 ktoe), biofuels (25.04% in the transportation sector , or 8,712 ktoe) alternative energy development plan (2015) 2. literature review a. definition of energy energy is the ability to do work or work. in everyday life, energy is usually called energy. energy can be obtained from energy sources that exist around human life. based on the source of energy can be classified into: 1) conventional energy (fossil energy) conventional energy or non-renewable energy is an energy source that cannot be renewed/requires a relatively long time to be regenerated, for example: oil, coal, natural gas, and others. petroleum is a pile of fossils that have been buried millions of years ago, and through natural processes produce petroleum so its availability is limited(zhukovskiy et al., 2021). fig 1. coal mine 2) renewable energy renewable energy is an energy source that can be renewed/regenerated in a relatively short period of time, for example: water, wind, sunlight and others(arévalo et al., 2021). tharo et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 235-243 238 fig 2. renewable energy sources renewable energy utilizes environmentally friendly energy sources that do not pollute the environment and do not contribute to climate change and global warming. this is because the energy obtained comes from sustainable natural processes. in relation to development activities, energy is an important aspect and a fixed variable that must exist in general categories of development, such as the social, technological, political, economic and environmental sectors. b. solar power plant (plts) fig 3. solar power plant (plts) plts is one type of power plant that utilizes new renewable energy with its energy source being sunlight and converting solar energy into electrical energy. solar energy is a very potential renewable energy alternative, because the number of energy sources is unlimited and available in almost all parts of the world. indonesia is a country located on the equator, so it is a country that receives a lot of sunlight(affiandi & setiawan, 2022). the plts systems commonly used are: 1. on-grid system, the system includes solar modules/panels, inverters, import export kwh meters, pln connections, and electrical load connections. parallel with pln 2. off-grid system, the system includes solar modules, batteries, inverters, solar panel control, electrical connections and loads. batteries to ensure the continuity of electrical energy. 3. hybrid system, the system includes solar modules, inverters, hybrid control, generators, electrical connections and loads. parallel with generator, battery to maintain stability. c. plts working principle when the sun shines on the surface of a semiconductor device commonly called a solar cell or solar panel, the photoemission process (photoelectric effect) occurs inside the solar cell, and solar energy is directly converted into electrical energy. sunlight that hits the semi-conductor (photovoltaic) medium, causes electrons in the medium to be released from their bonds and flow / move, resulting in reverse current activity. this transfer is known as photovoltaic. tharo et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 235-243 239 fig 4. the process of converting light energy to electrical energy all photovoltaic cells have at least 2 layers of semiconductors, one for a positive charge and one for a negative charge. when a photovoltaic cell is exposed to sunlight, the electron charge will flow to a high potential charge. the connection between the two layers causes electricity to flow, generating dc current. the stronger the light received, the stronger the electric current obtained(liu et al., 2021). currently, solar power has been widely used and applied to electronic devices. as is the case with calculators, street lighting, traffic lights, and others on a small scale. photovoltaic is also used to provide electricity in very remote areas and lack of electricity grids. not only used in remote areas, but plts is also an alternative to meet the electricity needs in homes, even in government agencies as well as factories and high-rise buildings. d. calculations in plts the calculations commonly used in determining component requirements in plts include: 1) determining the total load current in ampere-hours (ah) ah is the product of amperes and hours, which is a unit for the size of the battery and shows the battery's ability to provide current and for how long. the load current can be determined using the formula below: itot dc load = x hours of daily use 𝑃 𝑉𝑜𝑝 itot ac load = x hours of use per day)/0.8( 𝑃 𝑉𝑜𝑝 load itot = dc load itot + ac load itot where: itot dc load = total current flowing in dc load itot ac load = total current flowing in ac load p = total power used vop = photovoltaic operating voltage itot load = total current load in units ah…… (1) 2) determine total power requirement the total power is obtained by calculating the entire load that will be supplied by the plts per unit of time multiplied by the length of time used mathematically can be written: ptot = watt/hour x hour……. (2) 3) total solar cell needs the need for solar cells (solar panels) can be determined by dividing the total power requirement per day by the time the battery capacity can be formulated as follows: number of solar cells = ……. (3) 𝐓𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 4) number of battery requirements tharo et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 235-243 240 the number of batteries needed depends on the size of the selected battery, that is, by dividing the amount of power required per day by the power in the battery, it is mathematically written: number of batteries = ……… (4) 𝐓𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫/𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲 3. research methods the research approach is to observe and pay attention to the performance of plts roof installed on a type 45 residential house, with an installed load of 1300 va. environmentally friendly electrical energy sourced from sunlight has a specification of 500 wp. then take data from the location where the plts roof is installed, then analyze the load used and the length of time it operates, then perform calculations and analyzes related to the electricity bill that will be paid. a. research location and time this research was conducted in the time span between december 2021 to august 2022 with the following locations/places: 1. electrical engineering laboratory, universitas pembangunan panca budi jalan gatot subroto km 4.5 medan. 2. luxor housing, jalan karya wisata ujung, delitua village, namorambe district, deli serdang regency. b. variable operational parameter the parameters observed in this study are: 1. the amount of electricity used 2. rooftop plts operating hours 3. how much you have to pay for the electricity bill every month c. population and sample this study did not use a population and sample, because the research data used were not derived from questionnaires, interviews or observations, but from experiments and measurements carried out. d. data collection technique the data revealed in the research can be divided into three types, namely: facts, opinions and abilities. this study aims to see the fact that the use of ebt can reduce the cost of electricity bills and the ability of plts roof to supply household electricity loads, to obtain facts and measure capabilities is through tests or experiments, thus in this study data collection techniques were obtained by observing and carry out experiments or measurements so that conclusions are obtained. e. data analysis method the method used in data analysis is the method of quantitative research analysis, where the data obtained are based on measurements and experiments carried out, and aims to develop mathematical models related to natural phenomena. to facilitate the course of the research, the following procedures or work stages are carried out: 1) preparation phase in the preparation stage, the research team made preparations in the form of theoretical studies related to the research carried out, discussions, sharing knowledge and searching for literature were activities at this stage. 2) implementation stage the implementation of the research began by testing the use of a hybrid pln-plts at a house load of 1300 va, then taking data from the tests carried out and calculating the used electricity load and the electrical load needed in a type-45 house, and analyzing the data obtained. and tharo et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 235-243 241 calculate it according to the tariff to be paid, and discuss it in drawing conclusions. 3) reporting stage at this stage the researcher and the team make a report on the results of the research conducted to the lpps, by making a written result report according to applicable standards, then attending a seminar to disseminate the research results, and writing it in a national journal as a scientific publication. furthermore, developing research results into teaching materials, in the form of textbooks, and implementing the research in a community service in villages or to communities in need. the stages of the research can be seen in the image below: fig 5. research stages 4. results and discussions a. observation result from observations and measurements obtained the following data: 1) load type data and used power 2) data on the cost of electricity rates every month without using plts roof 3) data on the cost of electricity rates every month using plts roof the three data can be seen in the table below: table 2 types of loads and powers no load type quantity power (watt) 1 lamp 9 134 2 refrigerator 1 120 3 dispenser 1 85 4 magic com 1 68 5 fan 1 72 6 television 1 125 7 air conditioner 1 800 total power 1404 from the table above, it can be seen that the load used in a simple house with a total power of 1404 watt, in this case not all loads are activated simultaneously so that there is no overload in it. table 3 the cost of electricity tariffs without using plts roof no month electricity tariff (rupiah) 1 june 2021 407000 2 july 2021 452000 3 august 2021 376000 4 september 2021 450000 5 october 2021 389000 from this table, the average electricity tariff per month is = 407000+452000+376000+450000+389000 5 = idr 414,800, table 4 electricity tariffs for rooftop pln-plts hybrid no month electricity rates 1 november 2021 342000 2 december 2021 275000 3 january 2022 212000 • theoritical review • discussion/sharing knowledge preparation • select/set location • checking the condition of plts • doing experiments and testing • retrieving data • analyzing data implementation • generate result report • doing scientific publications reporting tharo et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 235-243 242 4 february 2022 200000 5 march 2022 210000 from this table, the average electricity tariff per month is = 342000+275000+212000+200000+210000 5 = idr 247,800, b. analysis and discussion from the data obtained, we can see that the use of electricity with pure pln sources is higher in monthly tariff costs. savings can be seen in the use of hybrid pln-plts, but the cost of electricity tariffs is not constant every month because the power used is also not constant. the difference in electricity tariff costs can be seen in the following table: table 5 difference in electricity tariff costs no pure pln hybrid pln-plts difference 1 407000 342000 65000 2 452000 275000 177000 3 376000 212000 164000 4 450000 200000 250000 5 389000 210000 179000 from this table, the difference in average electricity rates per month is = 65000+177000+164000+250000+179000 5 = idr 167,000, so based on the analysis above, it can be seen that the cost savings in electricity tariffs per month can reach one hundred and sixty-seven thousand rupiah. and if it is calculated for 1 year, then 12 x 167000 means that savings can reach 2,004,000 per year. furthermore, if we calculate for 10 years then: 10 x 2.004,000 = rp. 20,040,000, by looking at the values above, if the installation of a 500 wp plts roof requires an investment cost of approximately rp. 15,000,000 with a minimum equipment life of 10 years, then the return on investment is obtained before 10 years of use. 5. conclusion solar or solar power plants are environmentally friendly power plants. solar power plants require large investment costs and require a long time to pay off investment. rooftop solar power plants have not been able to become the main energy source because the battery capacity is not sufficient for storing electrical energy. rooftop solar power plants are able to save about 59.7% of electrical load costs. weather conditions affect battery charging time. we recommend that the solar panels used are larger, so that the battery charging is faster. the battery used is as much as possible as much as the power is used so that the rooftop plts has better performance. references affiandi, z. n., & setiawan, e. a. 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nagari, nagari achievements, legal products, and nagari potential wealth. furthermore, information about public information is provided, specifically nagari news related to the 11 pillars of nagari tageh, which include tags for health, education, food, economy, faith, bundo kanduang tags, mudo paga nagari tags, and information-based tags digital bills, disaster bills, security and social disease bills, and law bills are all examples of bills. the developer of this application's distinctive feature, in addition to the nagari tageh feature, is the convenience feature for nagari residents to input or update their own personal and family data online. as a result, data on nagari kamang mudiak residents will always be updated without the need to wait for the nagari apparatus to do so. furthermore, residents at this simnag can file complaints with the nagari government about anything that occurs in the vicinity of the population. it is necessary to assess the simnag. it is necessary to evaluate the simnag that has been built in order to determine the feasibility of the simnag application in facilitating community services. this research employs two approaches: pieces (performance, information/data, economy, control, efficiency, and security) and uat (user acceptance testing). the research results in an evaluation of the system that was built, namely the nagari information system (simnag) in the nagari kamang mudiak. keywords : simnag, management information system, evaluation system, pieces , uat 1. introduction governments all over the world want to provide the best possible service to their citizens. as a result, they provide a form of digital government for their citizens, allowing them to access information, communicate with government agencies, and participate in digital transactions as well as activities to advance their village or nagari in order to improve the welfare of the nagari people. e-government is the process of digitally connecting citizens with their government in order for them to gain access to information and services provided by government agencies (farida et al., 2020; saragik et el., 2018). the advancement of information technology has had a significant impact on public services in meeting the community's need for the speed and accuracy of services provided by the nagari. this advancement is thought to make human work easier in comparison to the manual process that is currently carried out by the nagari (rahmania et al., 2020). because of new developments such as government to business (g2b) and government to citizen (g2c), the development of the world wide web has drawn public attention to government (g2c). historically, the government was viewed as a bureaucratic, slow, and immutable administrative process. as a result, at its core, e-government is about changing relationships with citizens, businesses, and other parts of government in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public-sector services. e-government also makes public services more efficient because they no longer require face-to-face communication (twizeyimana & andersson, 2019; mensah, 2022; hooda et al., 2022; mensah et al., 2020). simnag (nagari management information system) kamang mudiak is an information system in the nagari kamang mudiak. the simnag includes the andalas university service team's web-based nagari management information system. the simnag menu includes a nagari rahmadoni et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 512-521 513 profile, which includes information about the nagari symbol, vision and mission, organizational structure, government history, nagari history, maps of the nagari, nagari achievements, legal products, and nagari potential wealth. furthermore, information about public information is provided, specifically nagari news related to the 11 pillars of nagari tageh, which include health tags, education tags, food tags, economy tags, faith tags, bundo kanduang tags, mudo paga nagari tags, and information-based tags. digital bills, disaster bills, security and social disease bills, and law bills are all examples of bills. the developer of this application's distinctive feature, in addition to the nagari tageh feature, is the convenience feature for nagari residents to input or update their own personal and family data online. as a result, data on nagari kamang mudiak residents will always be updated without the need to wait for the nagari apparatus to do so. furthermore, residents at this simnag can file complaints with the nagari government about anything that occurs in the vicinity of the population. depending on the purpose of the evaluation, information systems can be evaluated in a variety of ways and at various levels. evaluation is useful for determining how a system's implementation was carried out. there are several types of evaluations that can be performed on information, including pre-implementation evaluation, implementation review evaluation, and operational evaluation (eka apriyanti, siti nurhayati, 2014). the evaluation is carried out to define how well the system can run: (1) assess the technical capabilities of the entire information system, and (2) assess the success and failure of the information system's operational implementation (tullah & hanafri, 2014). simnag implementation is evaluated by determining user satisfaction with the management information system, which can be determined using references such as the pieces method, which includes performance, information, economics, efficiency, control, and service (pradanthi et al., 2020). each pieces method category has several indicators, which are as follows: 1) performance (throughput, response time, audibility, communication prevalence, completeness, consistency, and fault tolerance); 2) information/data (accuracy, relevance of information, presenting information, and data flexibility); 3) economic (reusability and resources); 4) control (integrity and security); 5) efficiency (usability and maintainability); 6) service (accuracy, reliability, and simplicity) (pradanthi et al., 2020). by employing pieces as a system analysis tool, a detailed and comprehensive system will receive special attention, allowing the system's strengths and weaknesses to be identified and used as a reference for the company's future progress (supriyatna, 2015). uat (user acceptance testing), also known as beta or end-user testing, is the process of testing software by users or clients to determine whether it is acceptable. after the functional, system, and regression tests have been completed, this is the final test. this test's primary goal is to validate the software against business requirements. end users who are familiar with the business requirements perform this validation. this testing is critical in determining whether all business requirements have been met before releasing the software to the market (otaduy & diaz, 2017) 2. literature review management information system (mis) is a planning system that is part of a business's internal control and includes the use of people, documents, technology, and procedures by management accounting to solve business problems such as the cost of products, services, or a business strategy (hariyanto, 2018). a management information system is a unit or agency that is specifically tasked with gathering news and converting it into information for organizational managerial needs using system principles. it is said to use the system principle because news in various forms is collected, stored, processed, and processed by one body before being formulated into information. the management information system contains the physical elements required for the system's smooth operation, namely computer hardware, software, specifically general system software, general applied software, and application programs. in addition, the mis contains a database and procedures for implementing the company management system, as well as the officers who operate all of these systems. a management information system has the following goals: 1. provides information for decision-making. rahmadoni et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 512-521 514 2. provide information for planning, controlling, evaluating, and continuously improving. 3. provide information for management to use in calculating the cost of products, services, and other purposes. process administration process management can be interpreted as activities or activities, for example: a) planning is a management activity that involves detailed formulation in order to achieve a specific end goal. as a result, planning creates the conditions for setting goals and identifying methods for achieving those goals. b) control, the management process has only reached the halfway point. once a plan has been developed, it must be carried out. the plan must then be monitored by managers and employees to ensure that it is being carried out properly. c) decision making, defined as the process of selecting a decision from a set of alternatives. this managerial position serves as a link between planning and control. the manager must have the vision, skills, and methods to carry out the chosen objectives. an evaluation process is required to determine whether the components of the information system are functioning properly. the pieces and uat methods are two of them. the pieces method is a tool for analyzing computer-based information systems that consists of key points that serve as guidelines or references while analyzing the system. meanwhile, uat presents software demos to customers/consumers (otaduy & diaz, 2017). the following components should be considered when evaluating a data and information system: a. outputs, the extent to which a system can produce output, particularly in presenting the information required by the company. b. input, the degree to which a system's reliability in entering data is then processed to produce useful information for the company. c. data stored, the degree to which a system's reliability in storing data into storage media and accessing the data (supriyatna, 2015). 3. research methods the pieces evaluation method is used in this study. the pieces evaluation method is a framework for classifying problems, opportunities, and directions in systems analysis and design (lonnie d. bentley, 2007). system performance (performance), information presented (information/data), system economics (economic), system control and security (control/security), practical (efficiency), and facilities are the components of the pieces method (service). each pieces method category has several indicators, including: 1) performance (throughput, response time, audibility, communication prevalence, completeness, consistency, and fault tolerance); 2) information/data (accuracy, relevance of information, presenting information, and data flexibility); 3) economic (reusability and resources); 4) control (integrity and security); 5) efficiency (usability and maintainability); and 6) service (accuracy, reliability, and simplicity). furthermore, the user acceptance test (uat) method is used, which includes usability testing based on five components, namely learnability, efficiency, memorability, safety to use or low error rates, and a high level of satisfaction (laven, 2018) rahmadoni et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 512-521 515 fig. 1. uat research methods(agustina & suprianto, 2018) the population in this study in evaluating this information system consisted of all users in the application (residents and village administrators), namely 2,384 people. as for the sample in this study using the slovin formula, namely n = n / (1+(n*e2)). in determining the sample, the margin of error is set at 5%. so the number of samples (n) = 2384 / (1+(2384*0.052) = 342.52 then rounded up to 343 samples. the study was carried out in kamang mudiak, kamang magek district, agam regency, west sumatera province. the variables observed are the simnag application variables as a whole. data collection methods used included interviews and data collection at research sites. 4. results and discussions to analyze the simnag application using the pieces (performance, information, economic, security, efficiency, and service) method as a foundation for obtaining a clearer and more specific analysis of this application; this is also expected to aid in the simnag application’s development. the pieces method is as follows: 1. performance analysis the ability to complete business tasks quickly so that targets can be met immediately is referred to as performance analysis. a system’s performance is measured by its output (throughput) and response time (response time). the amount of output (throughput) is the amount of work that can be completed in a given amount of time. response time is the result of a performance analysis conducted by the author of the simnag application: a. overall output (throughput) the throughput generated by simnag is very high because the process of storing information about simnag activities is dynamic, providing information that can be accessed at any time and from any location, but from a design standpoint, there are too many links that use images of excessive size, which appears to be a waste of the design page itself. b. simnag response time is an extremely effective medium for communicating information from various aspects of simnag to the entire community in general. the response time (speed) in accessing simnag is also quite short, and the main display overall is quite good. simnag is used by the larger community to obtain data in the village, such as: a). simnag information and history, and b). discover what facilities simnag has. the website speed test and pingdom are two online tools that provide services for speed tests, weight measurement, and website loading. this tool is rahmadoni et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 512-521 516 used to assess the speed or loading of large websites. the simnag response time is being measured to determine the performance of this application site. because this application is too large, loading and opening simnag will take a long time, reducing the number of visitors to the simnag. after measuring simnag’s response time with the website speed test. as a result, when accessing the application, telkomsel is one of the cellular telecommunications operators in indonesia has the fastest response time. 2. information analysis information is evaluating whether current procedures can be improved so that the quality of the information produced improves. better information is defined as being more relevant, accurate, reliable, and complete, as well as being presented in a timely manner. to address opportunities and deal with problems that arise, the simnag website’s ability to produce useful information must be evaluated. in this case, increasing the amount of information will not improve the quality of information because too much information will create new problems. the author’s analysis on the simnag website yielded the following results: a. useful information/data the simnag website will greatly assist the public in obtaining the information they require about simnag, as illustrated in the figure below. fig. 2. the information about simnag b. the accuracy of information. the simnag website contains information on all village activities. beginning with information intended to be used as a means of communication in the form of village-related announcements or news. rahmadoni et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 512-521 517 fig. 3. population by religion fig. 4. contact person nagari the simnag website presents information in its entirety, beginning with the presentation of kamang mudiak's profile, facilities, news, and so on. so that it can help website visitors get complete information about nagari kamang mudiak. and will provide information about simnag, particularly for general students. a link is also provided that provides information about the full simnag address as well as a phone/email number that can be contacted to ask additional questions. c. dependability in terms of information transmission function, the simnag website provides easy access for anyone who needs it, no matter where they are. so that the primary goal of an appropriate information medium can be realized. 3. security analysis security analysis is the process of improving controls in order to detect and correct errors and deficiencies that may occur. control in the system is critical for avoiding and detecting system abuse or errors, as well as ensuring data and information security. all performance issues can be quickly resolved with security. the following are the findings of the author's security analysis on rahmadoni et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 512-521 518 the simnag website: 1. the error prevention process is quite effective and practical; the simnag website, which is currently operational, undoubtedly greatly facilitates control or control for simnag, because the simnag academic data management section manages the delivery of information and publications on the simnag website. so that any information or publication errors on the simnag website can be corrected as soon as possible. 2. input validation activities and output processes are adequate; the simnag website is an extremely effective medium for communicating information to ensure the continuation of simnag activities. as a result, ensuring security in controlling data and information from a simnag-owned website is a top priority in order to prevent misuse of the website. 5. efficiency analysis in contrast to the economy, efficiency analysis is an increase in operational efficiency. if economics is concerned with inputs, efficiency is concerned with how resources are used so that waste does not occur. the system is said to be efficient or successful if it can achieve the desired results while consuming minimal time and employee labor. this is related to the system running on simnag. with the availability of additional information media, such as the simnag website, it is hoped that the quantity of information conveyed will increase, and the time for delivery will be short and clear. as a result, employees in the simnag environment save a lot of time. 6. service analysis service analysis is an expansion of the system's services. simnag's current system aims to improve service performance in delivering information to the public and students regardless of space and time, and information can be received optimally. because they do not have to come directly to simnag to get information, the simnag website has been an effective medium for the community or students in providing information services. so that, despite the limited number of employees, it does not keep interested people and students waiting, which will harm simnag's image. the simnag website does not incur high costs in terms of information delivery. this will be very different if you continue to use print and electronic media to communicate simnag information to the general public. the simnag website is expected to help improve the image of excellent service. so that people will feel helped because they have been spared the bureaucracy that always seems to complicate things. software testing is performed by using user acceptance testing (uat) techniques and distributing questionnaires to test the system against its specifications. system testing focuses on testing the system from a functional system standpoint, determining whether the system functions as expected and whether the results produced are as expected. simnag users totaling 35 respondents will participate in the testing. the uat and questionnaire are designed to determine how far the simnag system has been implemented in order to aid the community service process. 1. test cases the following are examples of test cases performed on simnag using black box testing techniques to ensure that the system meets its specifications. a. login test login test results fig. 5. login page login into the system by entering test data other than login data 1 and then determining whether or not it can enter the system. furthermore, the test results show that the input data cannot enter the system because it does not match the simnag database. b. user data processing evaluation (admin) rahmadoni et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 512-521 519 insert population data, edit population data, and delete population data. fig. 6. simnag identity according to the test results, adding identity was a success. c. results of quantitative analysis the results of the tests indicate that the application developed meets the functional requirements. however, errors are still possible during the process. the system that has been built is capable of producing the expected output. the data obtained from the questionnaire results is then sorted based on the answers and then summed up in percentage form by multiplying the total answers of each item by 100 and then dividing by the number of respondents (students). the percentage of each answer can be searched using the data from the questionnaire results. the end result is as follows: table 1 questionnaire results variables questions answer frequency ss s k ts sts design p1 0 0 6 23 6 p2 0 3 15 15 2 p3 0 1 8 20 6 easy p4 5 22 7 1 p5 7 21 7 p6 1 14 20 p7 9 21 5 efficient p8 5 20 10 p9 4 22 9 p10 4 21 10 total 35 145 97 59 14 the highest and lowest values can then be calculated using the answers from the 35 respondents mentioned above: highest possible score = 35 x 10 x 5 = 1,750 (supposing all answer ss). lowest possible score = 35 x 10 x 1 = 350 (supposing all answered sts). based on the calculation, the highest value is 1,750, and the percentage is as follows: based on the percentage obtained, it can be seen that the teacher's response to the simag system based on the level of acceptance is strong, with a percentage of 67.3%. these results are in accordance with the theory put forward by riduwan (2008), if the percentage results obtained rahmadoni et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 512-521 520 reach 61% 80%, the test results are considered strong. the rating scale in figure below demonstrates this. figure 7. rating scale questionnaire 5. conclusion the pieces evaluation method (performance, information/data, economic, control/security, efficiency, and service) was used to analyze the evaluation of the system built, namely the nagari information system (simnag) in the kamang mudiak nagari that the application runs normally and well. it also employs the uat (user acceptance testing) method. as a result of these findings, the simnag in nagari kamang mudiak can be continuously implemented and improved as needed. references agustina, r., & suprianto, d. 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(nation, 2020) predicts that there will be a loss of learning after the covid-19 pandemic. this prediction was proved correct (subedi et al., 2020), who researched the impact of the learning and teaching process in nepal, and found that many problems occurred when the learning and teaching process was carried out online that the learning and teaching process was considered less effective. the same thing also happened in indonesia, the research conducted by (prawanti & sumarni, 2020) regarding the assessment of online learning and its impact on students, parents, and also teachers, while the results of this study says that online learning in schools experiences many problems, so learning becomes less effective. the government has taken various ways to overcome this loss of learning, including collaborating with various parties and issuing various regulations to assist teachers in conducting learning during a pandemic so that it becomes more effective and efficient (arifa, 2021). teachers are expected to be able to provide new enthusiasm for creating and innovating in the learning process during this pandemic. one of the efforts that can be made to overcome these problems is that teachers are required to be able to provide learning media that are effective, efficient, and competitive (prawanti & sumarni, 2020). (ibarra et al., 2019; rivai et al., 2017; sandrone & carlson, 2021) said that educational game-based learning media is considered effective because game-based learning media requires players to participate and contribute to determining the game's outcome. research (windawati syaliman et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 479 & koeswanti, 2021) also said educational games could improve learning outcomes. similar research was also conducted (n.a, 2014) and (muniroh, 2021). from the two studies, it was found that learning outcomes carried out using educational game media were able to improve learning outcomes and had a positive effect on creativity, activity, and problem-solving skills. based on the things disclosed in the previous paragraphs, this research will develop educational games to accelerate learning after the covid-19 pandemic. educational games will be developed using the prototype method to achieve the objectives of making this educational game. at this stage of developing educational games, it will still pay attention to the curriculum of the ongoing material. this educational game is expected to be able to overcome learning losses so that learning and teaching activities can quickly recover and run as they should. 2. literature review 2.1. previous research (ibarra et al., 2019) in his research, he developed game-based teaching media for mathematics. this game-based teaching media was developed using the programming language html5, javascript, mysql, and the framework. after being successfully developed, this game was evaluated by 29 teacher students at the faculty of mathematics and statistics, university of são paulo (brazil). the results of this study say that as many as 75% of users can complete all tasks without problems, and 24% of users can only complete two tasks. this could have been caused because the user did not read the instructions. subsequent research was conducted by (rivai et al., 2017) to design educational games to help teachers and students in the learning process so that it is not monotonous in the classroom arabic subjects. from the results of the research presented, it is proven that the educational games developed can help the learning process for teachers and students. research conducted by (windawati & koeswanti, 2021) with the title android-based educational game development to improve student learning outcomes in elementary schools proves that educational games are an effective learning media. these results were found by conducting validity according to expert opinion. using the assure development method, this validation test produces high assessment criteria on the material and very high on the media, so this educational game is feasible. it can be used as a learning medium to improve student learning outcomes. based on these studies, this research entitled "educational game as an effort to accelerate learning after the covid-19 pandemic" is feasible. 2.2. learning media the word media is taken from the latin word "medius" which means "middle", "intermediary", or "introduction". learning media can be understood as an intermediary tool that aims to make it easier to understand a learning process. meanwhile, according to (arsyad, 2016), learning media is a tool that conveys or delivers teaching messages. from the understanding of the experts who followed, (teni nurrita, 2018) concluded that learning media is a tool that can help the teaching and learning process so that the message's meaning becomes more straightforward and educational, or learning objectives can be achieved effectively and efficiently. (miftah, 2013) in the research quoted rowntree's statement regarding the function of learning media. there are six functions of learning media, 1) arousing learning motivation, 2) repeating what has been learned, 3) providing learning stimulus, 4) activating student responses, 5) providing direct feedback, and 6) providing appropriate training. the role of learning media is an integral part of the learning process itself. the presence of media in the learning process helps students (students) better understand the topic being studied. learning media must facilitate students' needs so that the presentation must be adapted to the learning objectives set. (harahap & siregar, 2018) his research describes several types of media and their advantages and disadvantages. among them are props; the advantages of this media can be trusted because it looks natural and easy to remember, while the weakness of this media is easily lost. furthermore, photo/picture media, the advantages of this learning media are that it is easy to disseminate and stimulate interest. at the same time, the disadvantages require additional tools syaliman et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 480 and are only effective for small groups. next is game-based learning media. the advantages of this media include involving the user as a determinant of the final result and increasing creativity, activity, and skills in problem-solving. at the same time, the drawback of this media is that it requires additional tools and unique expertise to make teaching media. with all the advantages of game-based learning media, this learning media is considered adequate and efficient (ibarra et al., 2019; muniroh, 2021; n.a, 2014; rivai et al., 2017; sandrone & carlson, 2021; windawati & koeswanti, 2021). 2.3 education gaming game education is a combination of two words, namely game which means an activity carried out by one or more players with specific rules so that there are winners and losers to have fun, filling free time or refresh. while education means education, so educational games can be interpreted as educational learning media, encouraging users to think creatively and carry out activities to achieve the learning objectives themselves. according to (noemí & máximo, 2014), the educational game is interactive content, where this media provides entertainment and training. with current technological advances, games with educational goals can be applied in various fields, not only in education but also in health, marketing, and so on. games in learning are considered capable of motivating and requiring user involvement to improve visual skills, interaction and collaboration and do not rule out the possibility of users being able to apply game values in the real world. according to (laato et al. 2020) educational games currently available on app marketplaces do not directly affect student achievement. these educational games are not in line with the education curriculum. then, (laato et al., 2020; zirawaga et al., 2017) suggest that for educational games to be effective, the educational games that are built must be in line with the curriculum. 2.4 prototyping the prototype method used in this study refers to (pressman, 2002), which starts with identifying client needs. a quick design is carried out, from the results of the fast design will later be tested and evaluated. the description of the flow of the prototyping development method can be seen in figure 1. fig. 1. prototype model the prototyping method consists of 3 stages, namely: listen to customer at this stage is the identification of user needs. this process is carried out so that the author can obtain information about the problems experienced by the user. this information becomes a reference in software development at a later stage. build and revise mock-up after the first stage has been completed, the next stage is designing a prototype, while the stages of designing a prototype are as follows: the design of the proposed system's processes, inputs, and outputs. uml (unified modeling language) design to specify what is required and how it is realized. interface design and features needed by the user. after completing the design, the next stage is coding. customer test drives mock-up syaliman et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 481 at this stage, testing and evaluation of the prototype will be carried out. suppose the results of testing the prototype do not meet the user's needs. in that case, the developer will repair the prototype again until the prototype becomes a final system and is accepted or follows user expectations. some of the advantages of the prototyping method are 1) customers/users are actively involved and participate, 2) the quality of the system built is by existing needs. 3. research methods this research begins with a literature study by collecting, reading, and understanding related references. furthermore, designing a system will be developed on the information obtained from the client. after the system has been successfully developed, the system will be tested by the client. if the system is acceptable, then the final stage is to implement the system and draw conclusions. the research workflow can be seen in figure 2. fig. 2. general research workflow stage 1: literature review at this stage, a literature search was carried out related to the case of educational game development. this stage aims to help formulate research ideas, see the latest technology, and the obstacles faced and solutions for what will be done from this research. stage 2: determining research topics and formulating research ideas syaliman et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 482 at this stage, the ideas/research topics, problems, urgency, solutions offered, goals, benefits, and risks or obstacles that might be faced in this research are determined so that this research can run smoothly and meet the objectives. stage 3: requirements analysis this process is carried out to obtain information about user needs. the information obtained will be used as a reference in the prototype development at a later stage. the method used to obtain information about user needs is through an interview/discussion process (online or offline). stage 4: design and evaluation this stage is a system design process made from flowcharts, interface designs, storyboards, and prototypes based on needs. at this stage, it will also improve the design if there is a discrepancy with user needs. after the design is appropriate, it will proceed to the next stage. stage 5: conclusion at this stage, the researcher will conclude and provide suggestions from the analysis stages in building the system. 4. results and discussions 4.1 requirements analysis at the needs analysis stage, an interview was conducted with ms. maimun rahmadina, s.pd. the team conducted an isu analysis using the usg method from the interview results to determine which subjects should be made of teaching media first. (utari & wahyuni, 2020), the results of the isu analysis can be seen in table 1. table 1 isu analysis no isu score of usg total rank u s g (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1 religion and manner education 4 5 5 14 2 2 pancasila and civic education 5 5 5 15 1 3 indonesia language 3 3 3 9 3 4 mathematics 2 2 5 9 4 5 english language 2 2 3 7 5 still in the needs analysis stage, then a use case is made. based on the use case, it is continued the design of the storyboard, the interface, and the design of hero. the use case results can be seen in figure 3. fig. 3. use case game education based on figure 3, the educational game being developed has two actors: teachers and students. in games developed by users as student actors, they can select heroes, complete syaliman et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 483 missions, upgrade hero skills, view hero status, view videos supporting teaching materials, and view the scoreboard. in comparison, the teacher actor can update the video and see the scoreboard from students, which can later be used as a reference in the assessment. 4.2 design and evaluations the initial stage of the design is to make a storyboard as an introduction, while the storyboard design that has been approved is as follows: 02 march 2019, the first positive case of covid-19 in indonesia. the covid-19 pandemic caused many losses, including in the field of education. however, there are future generations of the nation who choose to rise and recover more quickly. they are known as golden generation. after the storyboard design is completed, the teaching material is mapped with scenarios from the game. two game scenarios will be developed. the first is scenario a, a game looking for pairs of cards. for example, a statement must be paired with an example of that statement. scenario b is a game that chooses one of 3 correct answers. the content in the game is by the curriculum. the researchers mapped the material and types of games. details can be seen in table 2. table 2 material mapping to game scenarios no material title scenario game 1 the position and function of pancasila for the nation and state of indonesia scenario a (card pairs) 2 the position and function of the 1945 constitution in the national legal system scenario b (answer options, choose one of three answers) 3 the order of laws and regulations in the indonesian national legal system scenario a 4 the 1908 national awakening in the struggle for independence scenario a 5 the 1928 youth pledge within the framework of unity in diversity scenario b 6 national enthusiasm and commitment to strengthening the unitary state of the republic of indonesia scenario b after the mapping stage is completed, the interface and hero designs are carried out. the results of the interface design and hero design can be seen in figure 4. (i) login (ii) choose heroes syaliman et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 484 (iii) mission path (iv) status and skill upgrades (v) view videos (vi) scoreboard (vii) list video (teacher) (viii) design hero dan boss fig. 4. interface design and hero design the final stage is prototyping. the results of several prototypes can be seen in figure 5. syaliman et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 485 (i) login (ii) choose heroes (iii) mission path (iv) status and skill upgrades fig. 5. final prototyping from the needs analysis stage until the prototype has passed the evaluation stage, corrections will be made if the results are not appropriate. there are several iterations of this process. the details of the iterations and the evaluation results by the user can be seen in table 3. table 3 details of iteration and evaluation stages no stage total iterate evaluation 1 requirements analysis 2 valid 2 interface design and prototype login 2 valid choose heroes 2 valid mission path 1 valid status and skill upgrades 1 valid view videos 1 valid score board 2 valid list video 2 valid design hero 1 valid 5. conclusion the conclusion is found that the educational game that has been developed has produced output that meets the needs. in future research, when this design is implemented, it is hoped that it will be an alternative medium for accelerating post-pandemic learning. acknowledgment thanks to the ministry of education and culture for the financial assistance, the research and community service agency for the politeknik caltex riau, and the teknik informatika study program for assisting the facilities prepared for this research. references aeni, n. 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was conducted on 150 students who have technology-based businesses (technopreneurs) as samples. the data analysis technique used is the structural equation model with the help of smart pls. the results showed that capital through did not have a significant effect on technopreneurship, but information and social networks had a positive influence on technopreneurship. in addition, the social network is able to encourage a technopreneur to make it easier to obtain information related to business development. keywords : technopreneurship, capital through, digital technology, students, business 1. introduction in indonesia, currently the paradigm of being an employee or office worker is still considered more honorable than being an entrepreneur. until now, most university graduates in indonesia still have a weak entrepreneurial spirit. whereas a country can be said to be developed if it has at least 2 percent of the people who work as entrepreneurs. for this reason, students or graduates must not only have entrepreneurship skills, they must also be prepared with technology to face challenges in the industrial 4.0 era even in preparation for the next era, namely the 5.0 industry era (rahmadoni et al., 2022). technopreneur is the answer to the existing phenomenon, because technopreneur is the development of the concept of entrepreneurship by using technology as a means for entrepreneurship. as is known today that technological developments are increasingly rapid and human resources are required to be able to master today's technology. the use of technology in technopreneurship that is currently often used is by using social media or the internet to develop the business that is being undertaken. the introduction of the concept of technopreneur is currently starting to be intensified starting from high school to college. this technopreneurship is very appropriate to be carried out by universities because this technopreneur is very different from entrepreneurs who we can learn instantly. the factors that play an important role in encouraging technopreneurship students are environmental factors, namely instrument readiness and technology readiness. instrument readiness in terms of several things, namely: access to capital, information and social networks. access to capital is a classic barrier, especially for someone who is about to start a new business. at least this is the case in developing countries, because the support of financial providers is not so strong (felsenstein & fleischer, 2002; daulay 2020). according to empirical studies, the main barriers to business success for aspiring entrepreneurs in developing countries are difficulties in obtaining capital, credit schemes, and financial system constraints (bauernschuster et al., 2010; herkenhoff et al., 2021). a research result states that access to capital is one of the determinants of the success of a business (nigam et al., 2020). in other words, the better access to capital for a business, the more successful the business will be. however, this contradicts previous research, purwati & hamzah … vol 4(1) 2022 : 611-617 612 which found no significant effect of access to capital on entrepreneurial intentions (zarrouk et al., 2020). information is part of the environmental factors related to entrepreneurship. information is data that has been shaped into a format that is useful for humans . information has a very important role in entrepreneurship, because entrepreneurial interest (intentions) can emerge and develop if there is adequate information (kuechle et al., 2011). the availability of business information is a critical factor for business growth and sustainability, as well as an important factor that can encourage a person's desire to open a new business (alsoud et al., 2021; de la hoz-rosales et al., 2019). according to indian research, one of the most important characteristics of an entrepreneur is a strong desire to obtain information (eckhardt et al., 2018). information seeking refers to the frequency with which a person makes contact with various sources of information. the outcomes of these activities frequently rely on the availability of information, which they obtain either through their own efforts or as part of social resources and networks. several other research results also show that information is important for someone in entrepreneurship (de la hoz-rosales et al., 2019). the readiness of instruments from the third environmental factor is social networks (networking). social networks serve to perpetuate something that happens in social society. by establishing a social network, all existing business opportunities, such as problems with working capital, production technology, business information, investment, changes in policies and regulations, and others can be overcome so that a business will be more effective and efficient, and can reduce risk. business that can occur (tas et al., 2012). the evidence of a relationship between entrepreneurial interest and the profession of parents who work independently or as entrepreneurs. independence and flexibility can be transmitted by parents to their children from an early age and become traits that are inherent in their children (mursid et al., 2018). from the finding of research gaps on the influence of instruments and technology readiness on student entrepreneurship, this study tries to analyze the mediating role of university support in helping to fill the gap. and this research also develops the concept of student entrepreneurship into student technopreneurship and focuses research on students who are entrepreneurship by utilizing technology. for this reason, the purpose of this study is to analyze the role of university support as a mediation in the relationship between instruments and technology readiness for student technopreneurship. 2. literature review technopreneurship the term "technopreneurship" derives from the words "technology" and "entrepreneurship," and it can be defined as a process of formation and collaboration between business fields, as well as the use of technology as a supporting instrument and as the foundation of the business itself, in processes, systems, parties involved, and the products produced. technology, in general, refers to the practical application of science to industry or as a knowledge framework used to develop tools, skills, and materials to solve existing problems. while the term entrepreneurship is derived from the word entrepreneur, which refers to a person or agent who establishes a business with the courage to face risks and uncertainties in order to achieve profit and growth through the identification of existing opportunities. a technopreneur is someone who uses marketing and technology as a selling point to run a technopreneurship or a business with an entrepreneurial spirit. traditional entrepreneurship and technopreneurship should be distinguished. technology entrepreneurship must succeed in two areas: ensuring that the technology meets the needs of the target customer and that it can be sold profitably. ordinary business only deals with the second part, namely profitably selling. access to capital (capital through) one of the most important factors in starting a business is capital. access to capital is one of the factors that influence a company's success. access to capital is a common barrier, particularly when starting a new business, especially in developing countries with weak financial institutions (zampetakis et al., 2011). access to capital in supporting students' entrepreneurial intentions is an important provision provided by the university as a form of support for students' purwati & hamzah … vol 4(1) 2022 : 611-617 613 financial literacy. business success also lies in the aspect of having fulfilled capital, productive distribution and achieving organizational goals. one aspect that needs to be improved to be able to fortify the capital aspect is by increasing the entrepreneur's knowledge of the aspect of capital turnover which will always be related to the financial aspect of the business (herkenhoff et al., 2021). the existence of industry in the business world has several indicators or factors that influence it, namely production factors including raw materials, labor and capital, distribution factors including location and accessibility, demand and supply factors, marketing factors and government policy factors (nigam et al., 2020; zarrouk et al., 2020). through this rationale, the following hypothesis is formulated: h1. access to capital has a significant positive effect on student technopreneurship information information has a very important role in entrepreneurship as important information in other fields. entrepreneurial interest can emerge and develop if there is adequate information, namely the success of a business, business opportunities, available markets, support from the government and agencies related to entrepreneurship, support from universities in the form of training and education on entrepreneurship (de la hoz-rosales et al., 2019). changes in the situation that occur also change the entrepreneur's perception of risk so that they also increase their search for information (alsoud et al., 2021). although research is still limited, the literature has indicated that information seeking is influenced by one's risk tendencies. the tendency to take risks is associated with the speed of making decisions based on limited information, so that people who have a tendency to dare to take risks seem to limit themselves in their search for information (tas et al., 2012). h2. availability of information has a significant positive effect on student technopreneurship social network the social network of students is one of the environmental factors that can influence their entrepreneurial intentions. a social network is a social bond that connects a group of people, organizations, agencies, governments, or countries (wu et al., 2016). a social network is a proclivity to form relationships and interact with others. a social network is a collection of elements that are directly or indirectly related to one another, forming a network structure that coordinates various activities. in the context of entrepreneurship, social networks refer to various people or entities who have close relationships with aspiring entrepreneurs and can provide support and assistance in promoting entrepreneurship (chen et al., 2018). h3. social networks have a significant positive effect on information availability h4. social networks have a significant positive effect on student technopreneurship 3. research methods the population in this study are private university students in pekanbaru, riau who are already running a technology-based business (technopreneurship) where the number is unknown. for this reason, 150 samples were taken in this study in accordance with the opinion of hair et al., (2011) where the optimal number of samples for sem testing is 100-200. from november 2021 to march 2022, an online survey with a structured questionnaire was conducted. the entire questionnaire employs a 5-point likert scale with the respondent's level of agreement listed in ascending order. the instrument in this research by the following: 1). access to capital : acquisition of banking products, government funding, personal fund adequacy, use of capital according to business needs. 2). availability of information: access information offlin, access information online, easy of navigation, speed of obtaining information, modern equipment, self reliance. 3). social networks: organizations followed, ease of entering the market, private sector cooperation, relationship with consumers. 4). technopreneurship : entrepreneurship readiness, the desire to become an entrepreneur, attempts to become entrepreneurs dream of becoming an entrepreneur putting technology to use. before being disseminated to 150 respondents, the research instrument produced in this study was validated for each statement item's validity and appropriateness. as a result, 30 responders were given pilot test questionnaires at this stage. purwati & hamzah … vol 4(1) 2022 : 611-617 614 in this study using the spss version 21 program for validity and reliability testing, then also using the help of smart pls 3 which will test convergent validity, discriminant validity, construct reliability, multicollinearity test, coefficient of determination test (r square), and evaluation of the inner models. to test the dependent construct and the path coefficient value and t-count (t-statistic) for each path to test the significance between constructs in the structural model. 4. results and discussions general characteristic according to the data presented in table 2, female students account for 56.4 percent of the respondents in this study. meanwhile, the majority of respondents (50.6 percent) are between the ages of 17 and 20, which is the appropriate age for college students because 17 is the age at which people graduate from high school and continue their education at the university level. for the lecture program, the majority of respondents (57.6 percent) are enrolled in full-time courses, with only a small percentage studying while working for their own business (15.6 percent). the majority of students in this study majored in social studies, with 63.2 percent majoring in social studies. validity and reliability test convergent validity is a measurement model with reflexive indicators that is based on the pls correlation between item scores and component scores. only the relationship between indicators and exogenous constructs is considered in the loading factor value. the factor loading value of 0.7 must be removed from the model and the loading factor value re-estimated. as a result, each research variable indicator already has an outer loading value greater than 0.7, whereas several indicators with outer loading values less than 0.7 have been excluded from the study and will not be included in the subsequent analysis process. the value of composite reliability (cr) and average variance extracted can be used to determine reliability (ave). if the composite reliability is 0.7, it is said to be reliable. if the ave value is 0.5, it is considered good. according to the results, all variables meet composite reliability because they have a composite reliability value greater than 0.70, which already meets the reliable criteria, and an average variance extracted value greater than 0.50, which is considered good. as a result, it can be concluded that all observed variables are valid in measuring the latent variable, and the measurement model's reliability is also high. coefficient of determination test (r square) the value of r-square indicates the level of determination of the exogenous to the endogenous. if the value of r-square adjusted is greater, the level of determination will be better. table 1. r square variable r square r square adjusted information 0,386 0,381 technopreneur ship 0,553 0,543 source: data processed smart pls (2022) from the table 1, the r square adjusted value for the information variable is 0.386. this means that the percentage of the influence of social network is 38,6%. furthermore, the r square adjusted value for the technopreneurship variable is 0.553 which means that the percentage of the influence of access to capital, information and social network on technopreneurship is 2.3%. hypothesis test after the data fulfills the measurement requirements, smart pls 3.3.5 is used to conduct the bootstrapping technique. this test compares the t value provided by the t statistic computation to the t table. the null hypothesis will be accepted if the t statistic value is less purwati & hamzah … vol 4(1) 2022 : 611-617 615 than t table and rejected if the t statistic value is greater than t table. the t table value is 1.69. the following table shows the outcomes of hypothesis testing using smart pls in this investigation. table 2. hypothesis test result original sample (o) t statistics (|o/stdev|) p values conclusion ct -> tp 0,101 1,189 0,235 ns inf -> tp 0,221 2,393 0,017 sig sn -> inf 0,621 11,234 0,000 sig sn -> tp 0,524 7,729 0,000 sig ns : not significant sig : significant based on the test statistic results, it was found that capital through had no significant effect on technopreneurship (hypothesis 1), due to the p value 0.235 > 0.05. this means that for students who do technopreneurship, capital is not a fundamental factor for them in developing their business. education about entrepreneurship and awareness of opportunities for entrepreneurship, become the basis of one's thinking to carry out entrepreneurial activities. armed with the education they have, students are now able to read what opportunities are needed in entrepreneurship, including capital. in addition, most students who are engaged in running a technopreneurship business have good access to capital, whether it's from their parents, relatives, and others (zarrouk et al., 2020; novendra 2020). on the other hand, information is an important factor in influencing technopreneurship (hypothesis 2) due to p value 0.017 < 0.05. previous research has shown that a strong desire for information is one of the most important characteristics of an entrepreneur. (alsoud et al., 2021). several studies have been conducted over the last few decades to investigate the relationship between risk perception and information seeking behavior, particularly information seeking (fuller & warren, 2006; erkal & kali, 2012). the basic reason for this relationship is the high perceived risk of putting a person in a bad situation which will motivate them to engage in problem solving activities; so they use information seeking as a problem-solving strategy to reduce perceived risk (eckhardt et al., 2018; darmayunata et al., 2020; basil et al., 2021). in hypotheses 3 and 4, social networks have an influence on information and also technopreneurship with a p value of 0.000 <0.05. social networks are a component of social capital theory, which includes relationships, norms, and a shared set of values that allow network members to achieve common goals within their social network (purwati et al., 2021; irman et al., 2020). so it can be said that a social network is a group of people who establish social relations with one another either directly or indirectly to achieve the expected goals. basically, this social relationship that is owned helps individuals in obtaining information in business or entrepreneurship (hanim & rahmadoni 2020). moreover, if the younger generation of entrepreneurs have good networking, then they will get new ideas related to technological developments and the desires of today's consumers. social networks help one to reduce costs and business risks that will be faced. so that someone will try to build a good social network to benefit from the social network they have. 5. conclusion based on the results of the study, it was found that, for technopreneurship students, the things that had a significant influence in this study were information and social networks. but not on access to capital. this indicates a change in civilization for today's young generation, where the availability of information and social networks is important in growing business ideas in terms of technopreneurship. for further researchers, it is hoped that they will be able to examine more deeply related to other factors that are more closely related to influencing the current generation in entrepreneurship, especially from the technological aspect. references alsoud, a. r., abdeljaber, o., yajid, m. s. a., johar, m. g. m., al-masaeed, s., & azam, s. m. f. 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created a web-based information system in selecting the student council president. e-voting is an electoral system where data is recorded, stored and processed in the form of digital information. in the election of the chairman is always a problem in carrying out his election, such as having to prepare space, paper, and others. and after that it takes time in completing the vote count, it also requires a lot of people or committees in carrying out the chairman's election, lack of transparency in vote counting, there are still errors in vote counting. keywords : e-voting, election, osis, mysql, codeignieter, school. 1. introduction today's technology world is not a scary thing anymore but it has become a necessity in every line of life. almost everyone uses technology in their activities. including our students from elementary to high school / vocational school can use technology, especially the name mobile. there are bad and good sides in using it among students, it depends on us as parents or teachers to guide them in utilizing technology. information is data that is processed into a form that is more useful and more meaningful for the recipient. the source of information is data. reality data that describe a real event and unity. events (events) are events that occur at certain times (johan, et. al., 2017). intra-school student organization is an organization that is at the school level in indonesia, starting with junior high schools and senior high schools. the student council is managed and managed by students who are chosen to be student council. usually t his organization has a mentor from the teacher chosen by the school. student council members are all students who are in one school where the student council is located. in an effort to elect the student council president, the researchers created a web-based information system in selecting the student council president. e-voting is an electoral system where data is recorded, stored and processed in the form of digital information (alvarez, et. al., 2013). the application of e-voting is considered capable of overcoming problems arising from conventional voting (tsahkna, 2013). e-voting is a system for making ballots, giving, counting, showing votes, and generating and maintaining audit tracks electronically and digitally. an understanding of e-voting refers more to the process of utilizing electronic devices to better support the smooth process and also the automation model that allows minimal interference from individuals in all processes (garg, et. al., 2019). in the election of the chairman is always a problem in carrying out his election, such as having to prepare space, paper, and others. and after that it takes time in yuvi darmayunata, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 150-161 151 completing the vote count, it also requires a lot of people or committees in carrying out the chairman's election, lack of transparency in vote counting, there are still errors in vote counting. from the problems above, the researcher wants to make an information system in the election of the student council president. in developing this information system researchers used the codeignieter and mysql framework(putri & supriyono, 2019). 2. literature review related research that has been conducted with web-based object oriented are as follows: research conducted by harma oktafia lingga wijaya, in 2017 researched about rantau jaya village (lake) is a village in karang jaya sub-district, musi rawas utara regency, with geographical location at -2.8513807 and longitude 102.8111672, the electoral system in this village still uses the conventional electoral system, the voting and counting process in the conventional election still has many weaknesses including the wrong voters in terms of marking on the ballot paper, because the legal provisions of the marking are unclear so many ballots are in declared invalid, and the second is the announcement of the results of a slow election because they have to do calculations manually and fraud often occurs, and the security of the data is very important in this system because the election is a crucial problem in the community so security is needed to secure the results of the election. research conducted by daha & cristal (2017) in this election it is usually done in two ways, namely voting through writing the name chosen and through sending from the chairman of the commission. this is considered ineffective because it does not consider the candidates' vision, mission, and performance weights, which is why an online voting system has been made that can cover these shortcomings. the system development methodology used in this study is the simple additive weighting (saw) method. the software used in building this application is php (pear hypertext prepocessor) as a programming language, mysql as a database server, sublime text 3 as a support. the kppm jatiwringin e-voting system is a system that provides information about candidates about their vision, mission, and performance weights that can be assessed by voters anywhere and anytime so that all youths both in jatiwringin and outside the city can participate in this election. research conducted by roni setiawan (2019), jawi wetan jatiwringin christian church is a church located in jatiwringin hamlet, sukoharjo village, kayen kidul district, kab. kediri. this church has 7 commissions, one of which is the kppm (youth and student development commission). this commission handles the youth alliance in it both in worship and in existing problems. in the kppm, there is a change of youth leaders in every two years. in this election it is usually done in two ways, namely voting through writing the name chosen and through sending from the chairman of the commission. this is considered ineffective because it does not consider the candidates' vision, mission, and performance weights, which is why an online voting system has been made that can cover these shortcomings. the system development methodology used in this study is the simple additive weight ing (saw) method. the software used in building this application is php (pear hypertext prepocessor) as a programming language, mysql as a database server, sublime text 3 as a support. the kppm jatiwringin e-voting system is a system that provides information about candidates about their vision, mission, and performance weights that can be assessed by voters anywhere and anytime so that all youths both in jatiwringin and outside the city can participate in this election. research conducted by diana and febrianti (2017), prayer is one means to communicate between the servant and allah swt in certain yuvi darmayunata, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 150-161 152 circumstances. in addition, prayer as a spirit of worship or essence of worship as stated by rasulullah saw. at present many children are not aware of the existence of various kinds of daily prayers due to their lack of understanding of the existence of prayer in daily life and also the teaching of the teacher and from the child's parents. the purpose of this study is to design a daily prayer application for android-based muslim children using the mvc method. model-view-controller (mvc) is a concept used to encapsulate data along with processing (model), isolate it from the process of manipulation (controller) and view (view) to be represented on a user interface. from the results of the analysis, design, testing and implementation of programs that have been carried out on the application of the daily prayer for children it is concluded that the model view controller can be applied in application development and of course the program or application is more structured. research conducted by mara destiningrum & qadhli jafar adrian (2017), researchers develop a web-based doctor scheduling information system that can be a solution for data processing and can provide information about 3. research methods previous research has been carried out at pekanbaru 10 public middle school. the study was conducted from november 8, 2019 to october 31, 2020. in carrying out this research a framework is needed as a guide in compiling the research. the figure below explains in general the steps taken in carrying out this research. figure 1. research frameworks 4. results and discussions this analysis process is the decomposition of a whole system into component parts with a view to identifying and evaluating problems, opportunities, obstacles that occur and the expected needs so that improvements can be proposed. the analysis phase is an important stage, because errors in this stage will cause errors at the design and implementation stages. system analysis is needed to meet the need for data and procedures for an ongoing system. yuvi darmayunata, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 150-161 153 after the analysis and planning phase, we can implement the system according to the planned needs. in this implementation stage the researcher has done the coding and display design according to the plan. so that the processes in the system that are running can be better understood, it can be seen from the activity diagram below: figure 2. activity diagram implementation of this display illustrates what is in the system. location of the navigation menu that will be displayed. a. front page main menu display is an interface that will appear on every page when opening the evoting system . figure 3. front page b. login page login interface is the page that first appears when the website is opened which is used to verify the user by entering the correct username and password. yuvi darmayunata, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 150-161 154 figure 4. display login c. admin page display admin main menu interface is a display that appears after the admin has logged in, where the admin can process student data, candidate data and user data, and see data that has not been voted, already selected and recapitulated. figure 5. admin display d. student data display the student data menu interface is the display that appears after the admin clicks on student data, so the admin can add, change, and delete student data. yuvi darmayunata, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 150-161 155 figure 6. display student data e. add student data page admin main menu interface is the display that appears after the admin clicks the add menu on the student data menu. figure 7. display add student data f. candidate data display the candidate data menu interface is the display that appears after the admin clicks on the candidate data, so the admin can add, change, and delete candidate data. yuvi darmayunata, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 150-161 156 figure 8 . candidate data display g. data display not voted yet the data menu interface is not selected yet is the display that appears after the admin clicks on the data not yet selected, so the admin can see the data of students who have not chosen the student council president. picture 9. data display not yet voted h. data display already selected the data menu interface chosen is the display that appears after the admin has clicked on the data selected, so the admin can see the data of students who have chosen the student council president. yuvi darmayunata, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 150-161 157 figure 10. display data already voted i. voice recap page the voice recap menu interface is the display that appears after the admin clicks on the voice recap, so the admin can see the results of the vote count by the system. figure 11. display voice recap j. user data page the user data menu interface is the display that appears after the admin clicks settings and then the user, so the admin can set users based on access rights in the system. yuvi darmayunata, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 150-161 158 figure 12. user data k. display add user data admin main menu interface is the display that appears after the admin clicks the add menu on the user data menu. figure 13. display add user data l. main display of students before voting the main menu of the student interface is the display that appears after students log in where students can process selected data and view candidate data. in this menu students choose the student council president by clicking the select button. yuvi darmayunata, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 150-161 159 picture 14. display students before voting m. candidate data pages for students the candidate data menu interface for student views that appears after students click on the candidate data menu. figure 15. display candidate data for students n. main display of students before voting the main menu of the student interface is the display that appears after the student has logged in where the student has made his choice of the student council presidential candidate. yuvi darmayunata, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 150-161 160 figure 16. student display after voting 5. conclusion after implementing the application in schools, the school was very satisfied with the results of the voting which were very transparent and very easy to be used by students, while for the students themselves really felt democratic and transparent elections. the problems that occurred last year are no longer felt this year, such as the length of the announcement of the elected chairperson, the use of large amounts of paper and the final waste, and incurring large costs and time-consuming elections. whereas using this election system makes everything feel easy and fast, it doesn't take long to implement and can immediately get the results of the vote. references alvarez, r. m., levin, i., pomares, j., & leiras, m. (2013). voting made safe and easy: the impact of e-voting on citizen perceptions. political science research and methods, 1(1), 117. daha, p., & cristal, l. y. s. (2017). sistem informasi pemilihan calon ketua osis di sma. destiningrum, m., & adrian, q. j. (2017). sistem informasi penjadwalan dokter berbassis web dengan menggunakan framework codeigniter (studi kasus: rumah sakit yukum medical centre). jurnal teknoinfo, 11(2), 30-37. diana & febrianti. (2017). implentasi model view controller (mvc) pada aplikasi doa harian untuk anak muslim berbasis android. j. inform., 17(1), 1–21. garg, k., saraswat, p., bisht, s., aggarwal, s. k., kothuri, s. k., & gupta, s. (2019, april). a comparitive analysis on e-voting system using blockchain. in 2019 4th international conference on internet of things: smart innovation and usages (iot-siu) (pp. 1-4). ieee. johan, r. c., silvana, h., & sulistyo, h. (2017). aplikasi mobile perpustakaan sekolah. pedagogia, 14(3), 499-509. setiawan, r. (2019). istem e-voting untuk pemilihan ketua pemuda gereja dengan algoritma simple additive weighting(saw). jurnal simki techsain,3(3). putri, d. p. m., & supriyono, h. (2019). rancang bangun sistem presensi berbasis qr code menggunakan framework codeigniter (studi kasus kehadiran asisten praktikum). jurnal insypro (information system and processing), 4(1), 17-26. tsahkna, a. g. (2013). e-voting: lessons from estonia. european view, 12(1), 59-66. yuvi darmayunata, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 150-161 161 wijaya, h. o. l. (2017). e-voting berbasis website pada pemilihan kades di rantau jaya (lake) dengan keamanan data menggunakan enkripsi base 64. jurasik (jurnal riset sistem informasi dan teknik informatika), 2(1), 48-57. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022 : 244-250 244 telegram implementation on security and monitoring of home door keys based on wemos and internet of things bambang kurniawan1*, haris tri saputra2 universitas hang tuah pekanbaru1 2 received : 15 september 2022, revised: 14 october 2022, accepted : 14 october 2022 *corresponding author abstract good home security will make homeowners feel comfortable leaving the house. the existing home door security system still has weaknesses in certain types, for example for door locks using radio frequency identification (rfid), if the rfid card is damaged, it will be difficult to unlock the door. the absence of a door lock monitoring system is locked or not when the user leaves the house will also reduce the user's sense of security and comfort. this study aims to improve the security of door locks by utilizing bots on the telegram application installed on smartphones as door lock controls and can make it easier for users to monitor the state of house door locks from anywhere with the concept of the internet of things. the telegram bot is used to send commands to open or lock the house door to the wemos d1 microcontroller which then becomes the actuator control in the form of a solenoid door lock with a relay as a connector. thus the integration of the microcontroller and the telegram application with the iot concept can be a door security solution. however, it does not rule out the possibility of a security hole in the system created. keywords : telegram, security, key, door, internet of things 1. introduction security is important (muhaimin et al., 2020) in everyday life. security provides comfort and peace for everyone so that they can carry out their daily routines well. security can start from small things, namely home and family security (salam & bhaskoro, 2021). therefore, the need for security in a house is an absolute basic need. the door is the first layer that protects the contents of the room, that's why the door must be equipped with security devices (nugraha & husen, 2019). the house key plays an important role in the home security system (salam & bhaskoro, 2021). so far, it is often known that door security uses a conventional lock which has two types, namely lever and cylinder locks. the digital key consists of a pin number lock and a remote key. the current home door lock control security system uses a lot of conventional keys (aditya et al., 2020), passwords/pins, and rfid(hamzah et al., 2019). however, researchers still find problems, namely there are still weaknesses found in conventional locks, such as: keys are easily broken and duplicated, lost keys, forgotten passwords/pins, damaged remotes, damaged rfid cards, and the absence of a door lock monitoring system that has been locked or not locked yet (siallagan & tita, 2020). even now, there is no monitoring system for the door lock that has been locked or has not been locked, which causes if the user has left the house (lagan & ary, 2021), and suddenly forgets to lock the door, the user must return home. based on the description above, the researcher wants to make a study that aims to overcome these problems by utilizing the telegram application installed on the smartphone combined with wemos, the internet network, and the c programming language with arduino ide software into a new tool to control and monitor door locks(al-okby et al., 2021). so, with this research, the door security system is better, and users can more easily control and monitor house door locks more easily because it is based on the internet of things(radzi et al., 2020; hoque & davidson, 2019). 2. literature review several previous studies that discussed the security of door locks as a research reference, the research conducted by dadang haryanto and bayu nugroho entitled "arduino uno -based door lock system with knocking rhythm". based on the results of their research, it can be kurniawan & saputra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 244-250 245 concluded that this automatic door lock is able to open automatically after being given a rhythmic knock with the help of a piezoelectric sensor (nugraha & husen, 2019). research conducted by andhika ghifari, indra permana solihin et al is about "rfid door lock system and password based on arduino uno with one time password through sms". from the results of their research, the system created can minimize the crime rate in terms of door breaking, because this door lock system uses 2 levels of security that uses rfid and one time password which otp delivery itself is sent via sms when the rfid card is confirmed to be correct. the security of the rfid lock system can be added using a one time password by using the random function to generate a 6 digit otp code which will be sent via sms. and the system of this tool will notify the user via sms when someone tries to break into the door. another research conducted by asep samsul bakhri, karya suhada et al entitled "design of a doorlock system using an iot-based blynk application a case study in private residential houses". based on the results of their research, it can be concluded that the use of an automatic door lock device using wemos is more effective in improving home security and reducing the rate of forgetting to lock the door and being able to control the device using a smartphone (bakhri et al., 2021). research "prototype of open closed door security system with internet of things-based telegram bot" researched by tri sakti and imam suharjo. from the results of their research, it was concluded that the percentage obtained in the system was 85%. because the prototype can work well where the door can be opened and closed using a fingerprint scan microcontroller with internet of things-based telegram bot system security. fingerprint goes well according to the concept that has been applied. however, there is still a delay in fingerprinting when scanning fingerprints. the telegram bot is running well but is still limited to only displaying messages that can't send requests to the web service. when doing a fingerprint scan, the telegram bot receives a door access message that is sent directly from the web service. web service runs well according to the concept. the nodemcu esp8622 microcontroller is in accordance with the concept designed by the author and is able to run a series of existing systems and can execute according to orders and well (sakti & suharjo, n.d.). 3. research methods the method used in this research is sdlc. sdlc or software development life cycle is the process of developing or changing a software system by using the models and methodologies used by people to develop previous software systems, based on best practices or methods that have been well tested(akinsola et al., 2020). fig 1. sdlc method diagram 1. data collection at this stage, the chief researcher and research members collect data from books, journals, proceedings, and search engines related to the research title. the indicator achieved at this stage is the collection of all data related to the research title. kurniawan & saputra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 244-250 246 2. analysis at this stage, the chief researcher and research members analyze the hardware and software requirements needed to create a system based on previously collected data. the indicator achieved at this stage is that the hardware and software requirements that will be used in the system are known. 3. design at this stage, the lead researcher makes a general description of the system design such as context diagrams, data flow diagrams, and flowcharts for coding. in addition to the general system design, a detailed system design will be made such as the design of the system's physical form, and the electronic circuit schematic of the system made by research members. the indicators that will be achieved at this stage are the form of a general and detailed system design description that has been made. the design drawings of the physical system can be seen in figures 2. fig 2. physical design 4. coding in this stage, the lead researcher collaborates with research members to create program code on wemos using the c programming language with arduino ide software and create a telegram bot on the telegram application installed on the smartphone. the indicator achieved at this stage is that the system has been included in the program so that when testing, the system can work well and according to research objectives. 5. testing at this stage, the system that has been created will be tested by the lead researcher and research members. the target indicator to be achieved at this stage is that the telegram application can control (haris tri saputra et al., 2022) and monitor door lock status remotely. 4. results and discussions to get results that are in accordance with the design, a block diagram design is made consisting of input, processing, and output devices. the following is a block diagram design created to describe the system command flow. kurniawan & saputra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 244-250 247 fig 3. block diagram design information : 1. smartphone serves to send commands to open and close the door. 2. the command is sent to the microcontroller for further control of the actuator in the form of a solenoid door lock with a relay connector. the following is an example of the program code applied to wemos d1 using the c programming language with arduino ide software and creating a telegram bot on the telegram application installed on the smartphone. fig 4. coding the results obtained after testing and implementation on the system are : a. initial view fig 5. initial view figure 5 shows the initial view of the telegram bot connected to the device where the user will give orders to the system. b. door lock monitoring figure 6 shows the current condition of the door lock as initiation and monitoring of the lock condition for the user to open or lock the door. kurniawan & saputra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 244-250 248 fig 6. initial view c. unlocking and locking the door the main function of this system is to monitor the condition of the door and give orders to open or lock the door. 1. unlock the door the command to unlock the door and the output on the solenoid door lock can be seen in figure 7. fig 7. unlock the door figure 7 shows that the door lock has been opened, and will display the current status or condition of the door lock. 2. lock the door the command to lock the door and the output on the solenoid door lock can be seen in figure 8. kurniawan & saputra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 244-250 249 fig 8. lock the door figure 8 shows that the door has been locked, and will display the current status or condition of the door lock. 5. conclusion based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the control and monitoring system for house door locks with a combination of wemos d1 microcontrollers, telegram, and internet of things-based can work well and the results are in accordance with the design made. acknowledgement the researcher would like to thank ristek-brin which has provided funding for this research, and thanks also to the academic community of hang tuah university pekanbaru who have always supported in conducting this novice lecturer research. references aditya, a. g., solihin, i. p., & widiastiwi, y. 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various types of teaching materials from all teachers in various schools is a web-based application such as glide. the purpose of this study is to analyze whether the glide web-based application can be applied as a learning medium and a means of sharing knowledge for teachers in the postpandemic period. the research method used is qualitative with the development of problem solving methods of linking. the results showed that glide can be used as a learning medium and a means of sharing knowledge for teachers in the post-pandemic period with some notes. first, the school or teacher must design it so that the contents of the application focus on the collection of teaching materials. second, the manipulative ability of learning media cannot be obtained through the glide application. third, schools need to develop plans so that the implementation of this application can run effectively. keywords: web-based application, learning media, knowledge sharing, post-pandemic, glide 1. introduction one of the impacts of the covid-19 pandemic outbreak on schools is the emergence of online learning and blended learning from kindergarten to high school to prevent transmission of this disease. the learning process, which initially took place in the classroom, had to be transferred online so that students could continue to take part in learning even from home. this incident can be seen as a coin with two sides, namely, there are negative impacts and positive impacts. one of the positive impacts on schools is the acceleration of class digitalization. in the process of digitizing the classroom, the use of technology as a learning medium becomes a necessity. in addition, the use of this technology also has a positive influence on student learning outcomes. mumahad et al., (2019) stated that technology-based learning facilities have a positive influence on student learning outcomes. furthermore, ilmiyah & sumbawati (2019) state that the use of learning media, such as powerpoint and kahoot, influences student learning outcomes through mediators of learning motivation; this means that the use of learning media makes the learning atmosphere more enjoyable and able to attract students' attention. the same thing was conveyed by solikah (2020), that the use of interactive learning media, namely quizizz, has a positive influence on student motivation and learning outcomes. according to riyana & susilana (2009), one definition of learning media is "messenger technology that can be utilized for learning purposes." one example of this technology is learning applications. the use of learning applications that are currently widely used in online learning, such as quizizz, epic, rumah belajar, and microsoft teams, shows a trend of increasing searches in indonesia since the first time this outbreak entered the country, namely in march 2020, as shown in the following image (google, 2022). oktapratama et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 554-560 555 fig. 1. web search trends, january 1, 2019 to april 25, 2022 in addition, the government also supports the process of digitizing classes in terms of using this learning application. this year, along with the birth of the "independence curriculum," the ministry of education and culture also launched a learning application called the "free teaching platform." quoted from the merdeka mengajar platform pocket book, regarding the ministry of education and culture's goal of launching the merdeka mengajar platform, it is stated that, "the merdeka mengajar platform is a follow-up step of efforts to transform digital-based education in indonesia, and is provided to become a driving partner for teachers in teaching, learning, and creating. ” (ministry of education and culture, n.d.). one of the adaptations that are being made in schools in indonesia in the post-pandemic era is the implementation of online learning and blended learning models. one of the challenges teachers are currently experiencing is that it takes more effort to create activities that can be used online. furthermore, in schools there are various teachers, both experienced and less experienced. especially if the school is in the form of a network, that is, it has branches in various regions. of course, this is an opportunity to manage existing knowledge (in the form of teaching) so that it can benefit fellow colleagues, both inside and outside of school. if a school has a learning application that contains a collection of teaching materials from all teachers, the knowledge sharing process will lighten the teacher's burden in making learning activities that can be used online. quoted from pasher & ronen (2011), it is claimed that "the foundation of the norms of behavior and practices of companies that manage knowledge is knowledge sharing," and with knowledge sharing, "time and resources can be saved, and prevent reinventing the wheel [ make something that already exists.” one application that can accommodate the need to store various types of teaching materials from all teachers in various schools is glide. quoted from the official website, glide allows its users to be able to create applications and websites without coding by turning google sheets, excel or airtable into applications that users will like (glide, n.d.). in addition, based on the author's experience, the process of making applications using glide is very easy because it is without coding. the focus of the author when using this application is how to make applications that users really need, are easy to use, and look attractive, not on the coding process. the purpose of this research is to analyze whether the glide web-based application can be applied as a learning medium and a means of knowledge sharing for teachers in the post-pandemic period. 2. literature review learning media based on references to previous studies, learning applications as learning media have a positive role in developing teacher performance. it is stated that the edmodo learning application [as a learning medium] with the assure learning design can improve teacher performance (wicaksono, 2017). in addition, similar results were also conveyed in other studies, namely that there was a positive and significant influence on the use of instructional media on the performance of elementary school teachers in a sub-district (puspita, 2018). in addition, when combined with other factors, such as work motivation oktapratama et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 554-560 556 and work environment, learning media will also affect teacher performance in a school (arfah et al., 2021). knowledge sharing in addition, related to knowledge sharing, this is also an effective means of improving teacher performance. the first example states that the three main elements in the knowledge management system (knowledge sharing is one of the methods of the knowledge management system), namely people, process, and technology, have a positive effect on teacher performance (long, 2017). furthermore, one of the conclusions in a proceeding article states that the solution to improve teacher performance in a school is to make it easier to acquire knowledge (wati & zakaria, 2018). similar conclusions were also expressed by zahra et al., (2020) that knowledge sharing partially has a significant effect on teacher performance. 3. research method the first step in this research method is to link each indicator of learning media and knowledge sharing with the practice of making and using the "glide" web-based application that has been carried out by researchers. furthermore, it will also be explained whether the definitions and benefits of learning media and knowledge sharing are in accordance with this glide web-based application. in his presentation, the author will also provide information on how this application can be applied in schools as a learning medium and a means of sharing knowledge for teachers in this post-pandemic period. 4. result and discussion learning media indicators according to pratiwi & meilani (2018), indicators of learning media include (1) the relevance between the learning media used and teaching materials, (2) the ability of teachers to use learning media, (3) the ease of use of learning media for teachers and students, (4 ) the availability of learning media used during class learning, and (5) the benefits of using learning media felt by students so that they can improve the learning process. the indicators used in this paper are one of the most relevant, namely the relevance of the learning media used and teaching materials. suitability of the glide application as a learning media quoted from the main page of the official website, it is said that glide is an application that enables its users to create powerful applications and sites without code [or coding] (glide, homepage, n.d.). furthermore, on the same page, it is also stated that the mission of this application is to enable millions of new software developers to create powerful, and beautiful software. in an educational context, the glide application is very suitable for use. this is because most of the teaching staff (academic field) and education staff (non-academic field) come from educational backgrounds that are not equipped with coding skills. therefore, by using the glide application which does not require coding skills, every member in an educational institution can develop their own application easily. regarding learning media, glide will be very relevant if the application that is made contains a collection of teaching materials, such as student worksheets, digital teaching materials, digital posters, links to digital quizzes, and so on. it should be noted, that glide also has the potential for applications beyond the realm of education; the functionality and product application possibilities are limitless. if a school does not design glide to meet academic needs (eg, meet operational, or financial needs) then glide will not be relevant. oktapratama et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 554-560 557 fig. 2. teaching material collection application, made by researchers using glide in figure 2, the display of the glide application is shown, which has been made by researchers by seeking relevance as a learning medium. within the application, there are digital teaching materials that educators can find, either in the form of links to other platforms (for example, quizizz, wordwall, nearpod, and others) or downloadable teaching materials. this is an example of how to design the glide application so that it can become a learning medium that is relevant to academic needs in schools. knowledge sharing indicators some indicators of knowledge sharing from carmeli et al.,(2013), namely: (1) the ability of a leader to motivate his subordinates to share information and knowledge, (2) the ability to solve problems with creative solutions, (3) the ability to absorb information and knowledge, and (4) the ability to convey knowledge obtained from internal and external companies (as cited in muizu et al., 2018). taking into account the relevance in this paper, the indicators used are: the ability to absorb information and knowledge. suitability of the glide application as a knowledge sharing means the glide application comes in two main formats, namely glide page and glide app. the basic difference between the two is that the glide app is made to look and function like a website in general. meanwhile, the glide app looks and functions like a smartphone application that users can download from the play store (android) or the app store (ios). however, what they both have in common is that they are both web-based; not a native application that must be downloaded from the play store or app store. furthermore, glide apps not only provide tools for developing software, but also ready-made application templates that other developers can copy. quoted from the education templates page of glide, the following options are available for developers to copy from the start for free: 1) coaching & courses; 2) community quizzes; 3) attendance tracker; 4) national parks guide; 4) knowledge portals; 5) space mission guide; 6) video playlist viewer; 7) attendance sheet; 8) weather; 9) role models; 10) daily drama fun; 11) audio guide, and many more (glide, education templates, n.d.). this indicates two things. first, the glide application can be used by all teachers regardless of their device type, be it a laptop or mobile phone, because it can be used on both types of devices; not only that, both android and ios mobile phones can also operate this application. second, the field of knowledge sharing that can be maximized using lide is very broad; although this paper only emphasizes the collection of teaching materials, it is possible that it could be more than that. oktapratama et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 554-560 558 fig. 3. glide application with features for uploading teaching materials from users accompanied by details of teaching materials figure 3 shows the knowledge sharing potential of glide that has been designed by researchers. in the picture, it is shown that the teaching materials were made by blended indonesia. this means that users can upload their teaching materials through the platform to be accessed by other users. in addition, teaching materials are also accompanied by details regarding teaching materials, such as access, class, topic, date added, subjects, types of teaching materials, and descriptions of teaching materials. users can absorb information and knowledge through the details of the teaching materials, and the teaching materials themselves. discussion a. using the glide application as a learning media the discussion in the realm of glide as a learning medium will be reviewed from the use of the glide application compared to the definition of learning media, as well as its benefits in the context of learning media. adapted from aect (association for educational communications & technology) (in sadiman, 2003) in (fikri, 2018), it is stated that the word 'media' can be interpreted as "a form and channel that can be used in a process of presenting information". in this case, the glide application, as previously explained, can display a collection of teaching materials from its users. this allows glide to act as an information 'channel' that teachers can use to share their knowledge with other teachers. furthermore, the information that can be shared varies, and can be simplified as 'teaching materials' in digital form. nurdyansyah & mutala'liah (2018) revealed that teaching materials consist of (1) core module teaching materials, (2) enrichment module teaching materials, and (3) printed or written teaching materials. through glide, these three types of teaching materials can be uploaded and shared with users. specifically for the third type, namely printed or written teaching materials, of course the documents distributed are digital or softcopies of the printed or written teaching materials. regarding the benefits of learning media, gerlach and ely, as quoted by ibrahim et al (2001) in rusydiyah explain 3 functions of the advantages of learning media, namely as follows: 1. fixative ability: learning media has the ability to capture, store and display an object or event again. 2. manipulative ability: learning media has the ability to display objects and events in different forms (manipulation) according to their needs. 3. distributive ability: learning media can be presented in a wider scope, meaning that it can reach a large number of audiences in one broadcast. from these three benefits, two benefits can be accommodated with glide, namely physical and distributive benefits. in terms of fixative abilities, glide can save teaching materials that have been created by the teacher, save them on the glide server, and display them again, both for the teacher oktapratama et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 554-560 559 himself, and especially for other teachers. furthermore, in terms of distributive capabilities, through an application that can be accessed by all teachers in indonesia, at the same time teaching materials in the glide application can be accessed by many users. however, in manipulative abilities, uploaded teaching materials cannot be displayed again in a different form; only in the form the first time the teaching material is uploaded. b. using the glide application as a knowledge sharing tool the discussion in the realm of glide as a means of knowledge sharing will be reviewed from the relevance of the glide application compared to the definition of knowledge sharing, as well as its benefits in the context of knowledge sharing. crossan, lane, & white (1999), and ipe (2003) state that knowledge sharing can also be defined as the transfer of knowledge among individuals, groups, teams, departments, and organizations (as cited in asrar-ul-haq & anwar, 2016). related to this definition, glide can fulfill the purpose of knowledge sharing. through glide, users can share knowledge with each other. if implemented properly in schools, for example through uploading rules and procedures, then a lot of knowledge transfer will occur through the glide application. new teachers will be able to access teaching materials from experienced teachers. teachers in school a can also access teaching materials for teachers in school b. subject c teachers can see how teachers in subject d design teaching materials. simply put, the knowledge sharing space will be wide open with glide. furthermore, as previously mentioned, this knowledge sharing is an effective means of improving teacher performance. this means that with the implementation of glide in schools, it is possible to increase teacher performance. for example, when a new teacher is having difficulty regarding how to teach a topic, he can look at references from teaching materials of experienced teachers. he just needs to use it right away or even improve the quality of existing teaching materials (continuous improvement). thus, the very time-consuming 'reinventing the wheel' process can be diverted to developing the teacher's performance. to be able to see the results, many teachers need to upload their teaching materials into the glide application. if only grade 6 teachers participate, for example, then the glide application will only contain teaching materials from materials in grade 6. in addition, to have a complete collection of teaching materials, it takes time to achieve them. that is, it takes time for teachers to upload all their teaching materials into this application; this cannot be done at one time. therefore, schools need to have a plan regarding the implementation of using the glide application as a means of knowledge sharing for teachers. 5. conclusion based on the discussion above, it is concluded that the glide application can be used as a learning medium and a knowledge sharing tool for teachers in the post-pandemic period with a few notes. first, 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(2020). pengaruh knowledge sharing dan kompetensi individu terhadap kinerja guru di smkn 1 arjasa. e – jurnal riset manajemen prodi manajemen fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis unisma, 66-76. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022 : 263-272 263 planning of rigid pavement thickness in the construction of the sp. door sp. benakat penungkal regency abab lematang ilir sartika nisumanti1*, lilly julian2, khodijah al qubroh3 indo global mandiri university123 received : 15 september 2022, revised: 14 october 2022, accepted : 14 october 2022 *corresponding author abstract the access section to benakat village, pali regency is a special road made by the company, with the condition of the existing land being unpaved with a length of 1,375 meters and a width of 7 meters, and has severe damage triggered by vehicles with excess capacity or odol (over dimension over load)) that pass through that path. the purpose of this study was to determine the results of the calculation of rigid pavement thickness planning by comparing the 1993 aashto and 2017 mdpj methods so that the road sp. doors – sp. benakat is able to accommodate odol vehicles. this study uses aashto 1993 and mdpj 2017 as methods to produce rigid pavement thickness (rigid pavement) so that odol vehicles can pass. based on the results of data analysis and calculations, the input indicators in each method are different for each method so that aashto 1993 produces a thickness of 35 cm, and in mdpj it produces a thickness of 28.5 cm keywords : rigid pavement, construction, road, aashto 1993, mdpj 2017 1. introduction based on the condition of the simpang pintu benakat road, penungkal abab lematang ilir (pali), it is necessary to build a road that accommodates the load that traverses the section, using concrete/rigid pavement (rigid pavement)(rasol et al., 2020). concrete/rigid pavement (rigid pavement) is a pavement construction with a binding material in the form of cement with a continuous and continuous type of concrete slab, as well as using or without reinforcement located on the subgrade or part of the foundation layer(pillay et al., 2021; chore & joshi, 2020). in this study using aashto 1993 (american association of state highway and transportation officials) and mdpj 2017 (pavement design manual) as methods to produce pavement thickness(abdollahi et al., 2022; moharekpour et al., 2022; nasution et al., 2019; syuhada et al., 2022). and able to be passed by odol (over dimension over load) vehicles on the design of rigid pavement (rigid pavement) in penungkal abab lematang ilir regency. the title of this research is rigid pavement thickness planning for special road construction for the sp. doors to sp. benakat penungkal abab lematang ilir regency. the problem raised from the background of this research is, how are the results of the calculation of rigid pavement thickness planning (rigid pavement) using the 1993 aashto and mdpj 2017 methods on the simpang pintu benakat road, pali regency so that odol (over dimension over load) vehicles can pass it. the purpose of writing in accordance with the background of writing the thesis is to find out the results of the calculation of the thickness planning of rigid pavement construction (rigid pavement) using the aashto 1993 and mdpj 2017 methods as the method used on the simpang pintu benakat road segment so that it can be passed by odol vehicles (over dimension overload)(anwar et al., 2021; sugari et al., 2022). nisumanti et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 263-272 264 2. literature review definition of road in the law of the republic of indonesia number 22 of 2009, it is recorded that complementary buildings and their equipment are used in public traffic, which are above ground, above ground, below ground. according to the ministry of public works (1997) in the journal updating the indonesian road capacity manual, the definition of a road is that there is continuous or permanent development along and/or the entire road, minimum per one side of the road, both land and/or non-land(sugiarto et al., 2018). the existence of roads is needed to support economic growth in remote areas. the provision of roads with proper facilities needs to be supported by planned maintenance so that limited resources can be used effectively and efficiently. over dimension over load according to gautama et al. (2022) over dimension is the condition of the dimensions of the carrier on the vehicle that has been modified from the vehicle with its standard dimensions, while over load is the condition of the vehicle carrying the load exceeding its maximum carrying capacity. according to iskandar (2008), overloading is a condition, which is done by entrepreneurs to reduce the cost of transporting cargo, to be able to load a lot of cargo in one transport. drivers of odol (over dimension over load) vehicles will find it difficult to control the vehicle because when the road is down the vehicle speed will increase, on the uphill road the vehicle speed will decrease, requiring a long distance in braking, and the vehicle has an elevation due to the point of gravity so that odol (over dimension over load) vehicle drivers will be uncontrolled in driving and the vehicle's position tends to be easily overturned. heaviest axle load (mst) determination of mst is shown to optimize the construction budget with efficient transportation. vehicles of medium length and maximum width with a size of 18000 x 2500 mm and mst 8ton have a limited license with operating areas on arterial and collector roads, and have restrictions on not crossing on environmental and local roads. long and large vehicles have a maximum width and length of 2500 x 18000 mm and mst 10ton which is only permitted to pass on arterial roads(helmi et al., 2019). definition of pavement construction on the road is in the form of a layer right between the original soil layer and the vehicle's wheels/tyres, and has a function to serve transportation. during its service life, the damage that occurs is not so significant. pavement construction also has several functions, namely preventing the soil and the layers that make up the pavement from experiencing excessive stretching and pressure caused by traffic loads(salehi et al., 2021; jamshidi, a., & white). the following layers or typical structures on rigid pavements can be shown in figures 1. fig 1. typical structures on rigid pavements design of rigid pavement thickness rigid pavement thickness is a dimension of the size of the concrete slab on a pavement. in determining the thickness of rigid pavement (rigid pavement) has indicators of each method that can be used in determining the design and calculation of rigid pavement thickness, so that the resulting thickness can accommodate the load of vehicles that will pass through the road and produce efficient and economic values nisumanti et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 263-272 265 according to the capacity of the road. designed. two (2) methods were used in this rigid pavement thickness study, namely the american association state of highway and transportation officials (aashto 1993) and the road pavement design manual (mdpj 2017). design of rigid pavement thickness aashto method 1993 aashto 1993 (american association of state highway and transportation officials) is a modified method derived from aashto 1986. the 1993 aashto method uses empirical and graphical methods based on traffic analysis over the design life. rigid pavement reinforcement and jointing techniques rigid pavement in the form of concrete slabs is equipped with various connections, such as shrinkage joints, longitudinal joints, implementation joints, and expansion joints, as shown in figure 2. fig 2. types and locations of rigid pavement reinforcement source: pupr rigid pavement training module, 2017 the function of reinforcement in rigid pavement is to monitor cracks, and not to withstand traffic loads. resistance to traffic loads is expressed by the flexural tensile strength of concrete. shrinkage of rigid pavements results from shrinkage of concrete during the hardening process, as well as swelling and shrinking caused by the influence of temperature. the need for longitudinal reinforcement can be calculated by the following equations. asmin= 0,14 % x cross-sectional area of concrete (1) asinstalled = segment length/reinforcement distance × ¼ × π × d 2 (2) road pavement design manual method (mdpj 2017), the 2017 road pavement design manual (mdpj) method is a complement to the pd-t-14-2003 pavement design guideline for rigid pavements, with sharpening in aspects: determination of design service life, determination of minimizing discounted life cycle costs, considerations of construction practicality, and use efficient material. analysis of fatigue and erosion, fatigue analysis is an analysis of pavement failure due to repeated loading. meanwhile, erosion analysis is an analysis of pavement behavior under the influence of the road shoulder. the repeatability value of fatigue strength is determined by a nomogram, which is affected by the tension and the load-per-wheel ratio. the repetition value of fatigue verification is determined by a nomogram, shown in figure 3. nisumanti et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 263-272 266 fig 3. repetition value of fatigue verification 3. research methods research sites, the research location is on the simpang pintu – simpang benakat road, talang ubi district, penungkal abab lematang ilir (pali) regency, south sumatra province, which is shown in figure 3.1. geographically it is located 2o50` – 3o30` south latitude, and 103o30` – 104o20` east longitude. pali regency with the capital city of talang ubi is a new area resulting from the expansion of muara enim regency, with topographic conditions in the form of a swamp area directly meeting the musi river flow. this research flow chart is a basic framework of thinking to form an orderly workflow, and as a guide for the thesis preparation process, which is shown in figure 4 fig 4. research flowchart the analytical method used to analyze this research is the method of the american association state of highway and transportation officials (aashto 1993) and the road pavement design manual (mdpj 2017). in the 1993 aashto analysis method, there are indicators for calculating the thickness of the rigid pavement used, shown in figure 5. in the 2017 mdpj analysis method, the pavement thickness calculation procedure used is described in figure 6. nisumanti et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 263-272 267 fig 5. aashto analysis method fig 5. flowchart of pavement thickness design mdpj 2017 method 4. results and discussions analysis of rigid pavement method aashto 1993 based on the traffic analysis obtained, it is necessary to calculate the rigid pavement planning using aashto 1993 (american association of state highway and transportation officials). 1993 aashto traffic indicator data 1) planned life (ur) the design life taken is 20 years for high volume rural road conditions which can be shown in table 2.4. the traffic growth factor figure (i) used for the sumatra region is 4.83%, because there is no lhr data in the previous year. then the design life (r) is calculated by equation 2.1, so that the r value is obtained at 32.47805639. analysis on traffic load classification of the heaviest axis load (mst) according to the type of road to be planned based on table 2.1. the road to be built is a class i arterial road with a maximum vehicle width of 2.50 meters, and a maximum vehicle length of 18 m, with the heaviest axle load >10 tons. nisumanti et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 263-272 268 the value of the excess axle load on the front and rear wheels is calculated using equation 4.1 as follows: (4. 1) rd and rb1 = 1.00 + 1.00 × (no % overload in group 1) = 1.00 tons (vehicle class 2) to calculate the excess vehicle load, the following calculations are carried out. because the 7a vehicle class that passes is an odol (over dimension over load) vehicle, a calculation is carried out using the percentage value of the overloaded vehicle as follows: normal vehicle weight group 7a = 25 tons group 7a excess vehicle weight = 56 tons then the percentage figure is obtained, = excess vehicle weight – normal vehicle weight × 100 (4.2) = 56.00 – 25.00 × 100% = 124.00 % k9rd = rdnormal + (rdnormal × percentage of overload) = 6.25 + (6.25 × 124.00%) = 14.00 tons (vehicle class 7a) k9rb1 = k9rb2 = rbnormal + (rbnormal × percentage of overload) = 9.38 + (9.38 × 124.00%) = 21.01 tons (vehicle class 7a) equivalent axle load (eal) in the eal calculation, the axle load used is the excess axle load with the load that has been divided based on the configuration of the wheel load in each vehicle class, then the calculation is carried out using equation 2.2 as follows. k2rd = (1/5.40)^4 = 0.00118 (vehicle class 2) k2rb = (1/5.40)^4= 0.00118 (vehicle class 2) 4) vehicle damage factor (vdf) the magnitude of the excess axle load is transformed into equivalent axle load, so that the total load on each axle in each group is summed, and this number is the value of the vehicle damage factor (vdf). vdf = eal (2.6) • vdf k2 = rfront + rrear1 = 0.00118 + 0.00118 = 0.002352 5) variable direction and lane distribution in general, the variable directional distribution (dd) used is 0.5 (aashto 1993 pp. ii – 9), while the lane distribution variable (dl) used is a maximum of 100%, in the number of lanes in one direction there are two lanes shown in fig. table 2.5. 6) equivalent single axle load (esal) after the vehicle damage factor (vdf) and equivalent axle load (eal) values are obtained, the esal value is calculated using equation 2.7 as follows. • w18' k2 = 373 × 0.002352 × 365 = 320.22605 • w18' k3 = 121 × 0.008481 × 365 = 374.56747 nisumanti et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 263-272 269 to get the esal (equivalent single axle load) value for each type of vehicle class, calculations are carried out with equation 2.8 as follows, with the r value being the design life: 18esal = dd × dl × w18’ × r • k2 = 0.5 × 1 × 320.22605 × 32.4780653937 = 5200.15979 • k3 = 0.5 × 1 × 374.56747 × 32.4780653937 = 6082.61176 k4 = 0.5 × 1 × 41381.41431 × 32.4780653937 = 671993.95379 • k5 = 0.5 × 1 × 101.38935 × 32.4780653937 = 1646.46446 • k7 = 0.5 × 1 × 754336.91815 × 32.4780653937 = 12249698,48374 • k8 = 0.5 × 1 × 897660.93260 × 32.4780653937 = 14577141.19564 • k9 = 0.5 × 1 × 10056071.01538 × 32.4780653937 = 163300820,76839 • k10 = 0.5 × 1 × 327713,48486 × 32,4780653937 = 5321748,52108 + total 18 esal 196,134,332.16 log(10) 18esal 8.29255 the total value of esal (equivalent single axle load) from each type of group is ad ded up and gets a value of 196,134,332.16. and calculated log (10) 18esal and get a value of 8.29255. 1993 aashto rigid pavement reinforcement and joints as for the calculation indicators on continuous concrete reinforcement with reinforcement, equations 2.17, 2.18 and 2.19 are used, among others: longitudinal reinforcement plate thickness = 35 cm plate width = 3.5 m plate length = 5 m coefficient of friction with subbase (f) = 1.8 (table 2.15) allowable tensile strength of steel = 240 mpa (table 2.14) asmin = 0.14% of the concrete cross-sectional area = 0.14% × 350 cm × 500 = 245 mm2/m as〗_necessary=(11.76 h l fa)/fs as〗_necessary=(11.76 × 1.8 × 5 × 350 )/240=154.35 mm〗^2/m^1 as necessary requirements = 154.35 mm2/m asmin = 245 mm2/m it is planned to use threaded reinforcement with a diameter of d13-250. to determine the diameter of the reinforcement can be seen in appendix 4. asters = 500/distance × × × d2 asterpairs = 500/250 × 0.25 × 3.14 × 132 = 265.33 mm2/m > asmin = 245 mm2/m transverse reinforcement plate thickness = 35 cm plate width = 3.6 m plate length = 5 m coefficient of friction with subbase (f) = 1.8 (table 2.15) nisumanti et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 263-272 270 allowable tensile strength of steel = 240 mpa (table 2.14) asmin = 0.14% of the concrete cross-sectional area = 0.14% × 350 cm × 500 = 245 mm2/m. as〗_necessary=(11.76 h l fa)/fs as〗_necessary=(11.76 × 1.8 × 5 × 350 )/240=154.35 mm〗^2/m^1 as necessary requirements = 154.35 mm2/m asmin = 245 mm2/m it is planned to use threaded reinforcement with a diameter of d13-250. to determine the diameter of the reinforcement can be seen in appendix 4. asters = 500/distance × × × d2 asterpairs = 500/250 × 0.25 × 3.14 × 132 = 265.33 mm2/m > asmin = 245 mm2/m transverse shrink connection (dowel) the diameter of the dowel selected is 38 mm, with a length of 450 mm, and a spacing of 300 mm for a concrete slab thickness of 35 cm. 4) tie bar specifications on the tie bar (rod), calculated by equation 2.23. diameter = 16 mm (minimum quality bjtu-24 diameter 16 mm) distance = 75 cm length = (38.3 × 1.6) + 75 = 70 cm from the calculation of reinforcement, threaded reinforcement with a diameter of 13 mm with a distance of 250 mm is used, for the installation of longitudinal reinforcement. for transverse reinforcement in 1993 aashto slab thickness, dowel sizes are 38 mm in diameter, 450 mm in length, and 300 mm in installation spacing. tie bar installed is 16 mm in diameter, 70 cm in length, and 75 cm in installation distance. calculation of road construction planning mdpj 2017 method the description of the 2017 mdpj road pavement planning procedure is referred to in the design chart to achieve maximum, optimal, and economical results on rigid pavements. method comparison construction of the road segment sp. doors – sp. benakat penungkal abab lematang ilir (pali) regency uses rigid pavement, because it can accommodate excess vehicle loads or odol (over dimension over load) that will cross this road later. sp. road rigid pavement design. doors – sp. benakat uses several methods, namely: aashto 1993 (american association state of highway and transportation officials) and mdpj 2017 (pavement design manual). in this study, we will find out between the 1993 aashto method or the 2017 mdpj method which can calculate excess vehicle load or odol. the results of the analysis obtained from the equations of the 1993 aashto method get a slab thickness of 35 cm, a thickness of the upper foundation layer in the form of lean concrete of 10 cm, and the thickness of the lower foundation with class a aggregate of 15 cm. in the analysis of the thickness of the slab which was carried out on the nomogram graph of the 1993 aashto method, from the accuracy of reading the graph, the thickness of the concrete slab was 34 cm. the results of the mdpj analysis (manual pavement design) obtained a slab thickness of 28 cm, with a thickness of the top foundation (lean concrete) of 10 cm, and the thickness of the sub foundation 15 cm. nisumanti et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 263-272 271 5. conclusion based on the results of data analysis, after calculating the rigid pavement using the 1993 aashto and mdpj 2017 methods on the simpang pintu – simpang benakat road, penungkal abab lematang ilir regency, when viewed from the input indicators in each method, several conclusions can be drawn. which are as follows: for pavement thickness using the 1993 aashto method, the thickness of the concrete slab is 35 cm thick, with a lean concrete (lc) layer of 10 cm and a thickness of class a aggregate foundation as thick as 15 cm. as for the calculation of rigid road thickness, the 2017 road pavement design manual, on roads with heavy traffic, the thickness of the concrete slab is 28.5 cm, lean mix concrete (lmc) is 15 cm thick, and the class a aggregate foundation layer is 15 cm thick. the results of the research on the calculation of rigid road planning carried out concluded that the method that can accommodate rigid pavement planning with excess vehicle weight or odol (over dimension over load) vehicles is aashto 1993, so vehicles with excessive loads or vehicles over dimension over load can pass through the simpang pintu – simpang benakat road which was built as a special road. references abdollahi, s. f., lanotte, m., kutay, m. e., & bahia, h. 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effectively and efficiently in order to be able to face intense business competition so that business continuity can be maintained. the continuity of the company can be maintained if it is managed properly and has proper planning and control. proper and careful planning followed by good control will continuously make the company's goal of achieving maximum profit achievable. this study will provide a proposal for inventory planning model using the monte carlo simulation method by paying attention to competitors and stimulus strategies, which can be used to predict sales for the next period so that the amount of inventory can be planned properly. keywords : inventory planning, monte carlo method, retail 1. introduction in today's era, consumer needs for basic goods for daily use continue to increase (prasetyowati, 2016). in addition, there is a shift in the pattern of people's behavior in shopping, which is not only to meet the needs of people's lives but also as an effort to have recreation and establish relationships. this condition causes a change in the orientation of the retail business from traditional retail, which does not focus on consumer convenience when shopping, to a modern retail business that prioritizes consumer convenience when shopping. this makes the modern retail business grow rapidly in indonesia. foster (2008) argues that retail is an activity directly trading services or products to final consumers for personal use, not resale (xue et al., 2020). the growing retail business requires retail company managers to work more effectively and efficiently in order to be able to face intense business competition so that business continuity can be maintained (purwatinah, 2021). the continuity of the company can be maintained if it is managed properly and has proper planning and control. proper and careful planning followed by good control will continuously make the company's goal of achieving maximum profit achievable (tersine, 1994). there are several things that need to be planned and controlled so that the company's continuity is maintained, such as capital, technology, labor, and especially inventory (heizer and render, 2015 and indrajit and djokroprono, 2005). according to assauri (2016), inventory is a resource or item that is idle and is waiting for further processing in the form of product marketing or production activities. inventory is an important part of the company because if it does not have inventory, then the company will not be able to meet the needs for these goods or services. however, if the inventory of goods available is too large, there will be additional storage costs. for this reason, it is necessary to have inventory planning so that inventory is in balance, not excessive and not lacking, so that the company benefits from the inventory (montororing and nurprihatin, 2021). inventory planning can be said to be effective if the company is able to provide sufficient inventory within a certain period, is able to anticipate price increases, the inventory storage costs incurred are low, and the capital investment in inventory can be consistent (prasetyowati, 2019). retail supermarket is a company engaged in the retail sector and provides various types of products to meet primary human needs such as food needs, various cleaning products, snacks, montororing & widyantoro … vol 4(1) 2022 : 342-350 343 various beverages, cosmetics, and others. the products in these retail supermarkets commonly from several distributors with a weekly purchase time of once a week. the various types of products and brands that exist make retail supermarkets require good inventory management (asana et al., 2020). this is because the preparation and formation of an inventory planning strategy is one of the important factors in determining the efficiency of a company (fuertes et al., 2020). based on the above background, retail supermarket problems can be identified, namely excess inventory of some products caused by inadequate inventory management and having not considered external factors such as competitors and stimulus strategy, so it is necessary to plan the right inventory so that the excess inventory of these products can be minimized (leepaitoon, & bunterngchit, 2019). 2. literature review 2.1 inventory management inventory control is used in order to reduce the cost of procurement and storage of goods and to ensure that there will be no shortage of goods so that the profit generated by the company can be maximized (montororing etc, 2022). according to indrajit & djokopranoto (2005), inventory management is an activity or activity that has a relationship with planning, implementing, determining, and monitoring the needs of goods so that operational needs are met appropriately and investment in inventory can be carried out optimally. an inventory control system is defined as a set of inventory control policies that determine how much inventory must be maintained by determining when orders to increase inventory will be placed and how many items must be ordered (siregar etc, 2014).meanwhile, according to assauri (2016), inventory management has two functions, namely to build a system so that the flow of items in the inventory can be maintained and to make a decision on how many products to order and when the purchase order decision is made (rubinstein and kroese, 1981). there are several things that inventory management must do for decisions to be effective (frenkel, 2004): a. creating a system with the aim of maintaining the flow of inventory on hand and in the process of orders can be done with ease. b. produce reliable sales forecasts to identify potential forecast errors. c. capable of comprehending lead time and lead time variability. d. estimate the cost of holding inventory and the costs that will arise due to a shortage of inventory. e. create an inventory classification system. 2.2 inventory management there are several inventory functions that will increase the flexibility of the company's operations. the following are the functions of inventory: a. to meet the anticipated consumer demand by providing product stock. this is done with the hope of maintaining customer satisfaction because the demand can be fulfilled. b. to avoid stock shortages faced by the company. the cause of this stock shortage can be in the form of late delivery arrivals or an increase in demand. c. inventory is used to separate various stages of a product's manufacturing process. d. inflation and price changes are avoided. e. to save money on purchases, buy in quantities that exceed your needs because shipping costs are lower when you buy in bulk.(assauri, 2016). 2.3 retail the origin of the word retail is 'ritellier' in french, which means to cut or break into something smaller. in english itself, "retail" means "retail". according to foster (2008) in the book retail business management, retail is a device and a business activity that adds value to products by providing more services to consumers with the target of final consumers, not for montororing & widyantoro … vol 4(1) 2022 : 342-350 344 resale. purwatinah (2021) defines retail as "all activities of selling goods or services directly to final consumers, and these goods or services are consumed individually, not for resale." company distributor retail customer fig 1. product distribution line retail has the function of carrying out stocking, buying, selling, promotion, delivery, and payment to distributors, but does not resell to other retailers and does not produce goods. 2.4 roles and functions in retail retail has a role as the last party in the production chain, starting from the supply of raw materials and then processing them into finished products for distribution to final consumers. in addition to the role, retail also has several functions, such as the following: a. merchandise supplyretail sells various kinds of goods, be it food, clothing, books, stationery, and others from various brands. this retailer provides various price options for each product so that consumers have alternative choices according to their needs. b. b. make available stock.retailers buy products from manufacturers or wholesalers in various variations to be stored and sold at one point of sale. the availability of stock of goods must be maintained so that when consumers need these goods, they are already available. c. c. retail or split sales.the factory produces the product and then packs it in cartons for distribution to distributors. then the distributor will forward it to retail to be sold in units or pieces, with the aim of making it easier for consumers to buy a product based on their needs. d. d. providing services or goodsretailers will provide information services regarding goods purchased by consumers, directly and indirectly, such as by showing goods or displays to make it easier for consumers to get the goods they need, listing prices on shelves or goods directly, keeping the store environment clean and explaining the benefits of the product. e. increasing the value of products and services. consumers need several products to meet their needs. if retail is able to provide products that consumers need, the products will increase in value. so, the role of retail in the value of products or services is very important. 2.5 monte carlo technique the term monte carlo method was introduced and it began to be used in real systems during world war ii. s. ulam and j. von neumann at the los alamos scientific laboratory introduced monte carlo, which was used to design nuclear protection. the problem at that time was too complicated to solve analytically and too difficult to solve experimentally. then they solve this nuclear protection problem using a computer by generating random numbers. the word monte carlo comes from the city of monte carlo, which is the largest gambling city in the world. the word is called monte carlo because, basically, this method is like a gambling game (sridadi, 2009; luengo et al., 2020). basically, the monte carlo method is a method that leads to the solution of numerical and physical problems using random number selection in calculations (sridadi, 2009; naim and doronianto, 2020). hutahaean (2018) argues that the monte carlo method is a statistical sampling technique that is useful for estimating the right solution to quantitative problems. this method will randomly calculate the value of the uncertain variable that appears and is done repeatedly (law and kelton, 2000; lucic et al., 2020). this random calculation process involves past data variables. repeated calculations are carried out with the aim of obtaining a probability distribution of the model to be simulated. by using the monte carlo method, it is expected that companies can make the right and appropriate montororing & widyantoro … vol 4(1) 2022 : 342-350 345 decisions (safitri etc, 2020). the following are the steps in carrying out the monte carlo method (oh and berger, 1992). a. calculate the probability distribution of the previous demand data. b. calculate the cumulative probability distribution. c. determine the random number interval of each variable and then generate as many random numbers as needed. d. view demand on real data to find out the simulation of demand for a product. 3. research methodology in this study, we used descriptive research with a quantitative approach. this study analyzes the retail supermarket inventory data and then proper inventory control will be carried out by considering external factors such competitor and stimulus strategy, so that xyz retail supermarket products can be readily available without shortage or excess stock. the research method flowchart is shown in figure 1 as follows. collect his torical data analysis and selection data create forecas ting m odel model dis tinguis h error analysis improve fo recasting model output competitor stimulus strateg y yes no fig 2. research flowchart 4. model development purchase prediction calculations using the monte carlo method will use lingo 18.0 software. the simulation model to predict this purchase is done by creating 12 period that will describe inventory for 12 months by limiting external factors such as competitors and stimulus strategy. in addition to buying predictions, this model will determine the most optimal profit. this influence diagram is useful for describing the design model used so that the decision variables of a system are clearly described. montororing & widyantoro … vol 4(1) 2022 : 342-350 346 montecarlo method invento ry profit buying cost depresiation co st selling demand competitor selling average price fig 2. influence diagram for model development model notation zs standard normal random variable us uniform random variable qrand quasi random number meanobs observation average sdobs observation standard deviation deps depreciation in scenario to s totdemands total demand in scenario to s demands consumer demand in scenario to s stims stimulus demand in scenario to s meanstim average demand stimulus sdstim standard deviation stimulus demand deprs demand depreciation in scenario s meandeprs average demand depreciation profit profit earned sprice selling price sales sales amount stock amount of stockpile pcost product purchase price model component the scenario will result in a standard normal on the request by freeing the variable to take a positive or negative value. ∑𝐹𝑅𝐸𝐸 𝑍𝑠 𝑠 𝑠…𝑘 ∨ s = 1…k (1) 𝐹𝑅𝐸𝐸 = 𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠 ∨ s = 1…k (2) arbitrarily choose a seed for the quasi-random number generator and generate a uniform random variable for each scenario; 𝑈 = 𝑄𝑅𝐴𝑁𝐷 (1000) (3) random variables follow the cumulative standard normal probability distribution. 𝑈𝑠 = 𝐹(𝑍;𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑏𝑠,𝑆𝐷𝑂𝑏𝑠) = 1 𝑆𝐷𝑂𝑏𝑠√2𝜋 ∫𝑒 (𝑍−𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑂𝑏𝑠)2 2 𝑆𝐷𝑂𝑏𝑠2 𝑍 −∞ 𝑑𝑥 ∨ s = 1…k (4) montororing & widyantoro … vol 4(1) 2022 : 342-350 347 exponential cumulative distribution function for depreciation for each scenario that occurs, where the average value of depreciation follows a normal distribution. 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑠 = 𝐹(𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑠;𝑍𝑠) = { ∫ 𝜆𝑒−𝜆𝑍𝑠 𝑑𝑡 = 1 − 𝑒−𝜆𝑍𝑠,𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑍𝑠 ≥ 0 𝑍𝑠 0 0 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑍𝑠 ∨ s = 1…k (5) generate consumer demand in scenario s by considering external factors, namely a stimulus strategy to boost demand and demand depreciation due to external factors. 𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠 = 𝑀𝑎𝑥(0,𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑏𝑠 + (𝑆𝐷𝑂𝑏𝑠 𝑥 𝑍𝑠)) − 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑠𝑠 ∨ s = 1…k (6) total demand is obtained from the amount of demand in period s added by the stimulus in period s given by the company. the amount of the stimulus strategy in each period is determined by the company and the amount is converted into the number of products. 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠 = 𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠 + 𝑆𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑠 ∨ s = 1…k (7) the stimulus strategy in period s is calculated from the average stimulus issued by the company which is converted to product units plus the standard deviation of the stimulus multiplied by the probability value of the normal distribution in period s.. 𝑆𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑠 = 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑚 + (𝑆𝐷𝑆𝑡𝑖𝑚 𝑥 𝑍𝑠) ∨ s = 1…k (8) depreciation in period s is calculated from the average depreciation/loss experienced by the company which is converted to product units plus the standard deviation of the stimulus multiplied by the probability value of the exponential distribution in period s. 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑠 = 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑠𝑠 + (𝑆𝐷𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑠 𝑥 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑠) ∨ s = 1…k (9) objective function maximize average profit over all scenarios; 𝑀𝐴𝑋 = 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 (10) profit in scenario s calculates the cumulative price of the product multiplied by sales in period s minus the purchase price of the product multiplied by the number of stocks. 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 = ∑ 𝑆𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠..𝑘 𝑥 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 − 𝑃𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑥 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘) 𝑠 ∨ s = 1…k (11) constraint can only stock an integer number. 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 ∈ ℤ ∨ s = 1…k (12) cannot sell more than stock & nor more than demand. ∑𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑠 𝑠...𝑘 ≤ 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑘 ∨ s = 1…k (13) demand at scene s must be greater than sales at scene 2. 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 ≤ 𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠 ∨ s = 1…k (14) no demands < 0 allowed. 𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠 > 0 ∨ s = 1…k (15) 5. model testing & analysis of results a. data testing in tabel 1 is data stock for hand sanitizer product at swalayan ritel. the data is for 2 years from februari 2020 to januari 2022. montororing & widyantoro … vol 4(1) 2022 : 342-350 348 tabel 1 stock at swalayan ritel xyz period hand sanitizer gap stock sales feb-20 480 560 15 mar-20 495 560 28 apr-20 550 440 19 may-20 485 560 27 jun-20 520 600 7 jul-20 510 640 21 aug-20 520 440 17 sep-20 420 540 29 oct-20 520 540 40 nov-20 480 440 38 dec-20 545 640 38 jan-21 570 560 47 feb-21 490 480 57 mar-21 560 560 48 apr-21 490 600 69 may-21 485 440 66 jun-21 475 440 63 jul-21 510 560 59 aug-21 460 560 60 sep-21 445 440 61 oct-21 520 440 54 nov-21 470 480 56 dec-21 560 440 65 jan-22 490 600 57 total 12050 11009 1041 mean 503 459 44 sd 37 44 19 fig 3. graph of purchase and sales of hand sanitizer table 1 shows the remaining inventory data each month during the period february 2020– january 2022. based on table 1, it can be seen that in several periods there was an excess of stock. this can lead to a decrease in company profits due to high storage costs. one of the causes of excess inventory is that the company's inventory management is not appropriate and has not paid attention to external factors that may occur. ramadan, etc (2020) cites external factors that affect the success of a company, such as suppliers, technology, competitors, and consumer tastes. some of the external factors that affect this retail self-service sale are new competitors and stimulus strategy. of course, with this new competitor the retail supermarket cannot control the market anymore. this will affect sales volume because more or less potential customers will switch to these competitors. in addition, there are stimulus strategy that the customer will attract to buy the product. as a result, there are some products experiencing excess inventory. therefore, it is necessary to plan product inventory by considering external factors in this retail supermarket. b. the monte carlo simulation with lingo this monte carlo uses lingo 18.0 software with a random number of seeds for each product 10,000 times. purchase prediction for 12 periods using the monte carlo simulation method. montororing & widyantoro … vol 4(1) 2022 : 342-350 349 fig 4. optimal solution by lingo based on the calculation results of the monte carlo method using lingo 18.0 software, it can be seen that the best objective or maximum profit is 9307,358. the calculated sales prediction will be used as the basis for purchasing products from distributors. the following is a product purchase prediction: table 2 sales prediction for 12 month month sales prediction feb-22 173 mar-22 187 apr-22 200 may-22 206 jun-22 206 jul-22 206 aug-22 206 sep-22 206 okt-22 206 nov-22 206 des-22 206 jan-23 206 6. conclusion based on the research that has been done, it can be seen that the company profit using the monte carlo method is 9307,36. this method can be applied by retail supermarkets in determining inventory because this model already consider depresiation by competitor and added stimulus strategy for sales increase. this method can help companies determine the optimal amount of inventory and the number of orders by predict sales in the future. for further research, researchers are expected to consider other factors that have not been considered in this study. acknowledgment this work is supported by the engineering faculty bhayangkara jakarta raya university, and directorate of research and community service. the authors also express gratitude to industrial engineering study program for providing opportunities for growth through fresh and useful research activities. references a. m. law and w. d. kelton, simulation modelling and analysis, usa: mcgraw-hill, 2000. asana, i. m. d. p., radhitya, m. l., widiartha, k. k., santika, p. p., & wiguna, i. k. a. g. 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(syufrijal, 2018) has previously developed a prototype for an automatic distance and slope measurement system using an internet of things (iot)-based microcontroller, but has not yet been used to detect tower tilt. based on the problems above, it is necessary to develop a tower tilt monitoring tool using a gyroscope sensor with an esp32 microcontroller with remote control that can be accessed via telegram (setiawan et al., 2020). this was done because there were several cases of tower collapse due to the changing conditions of the tower construction and it was too late to get handling from the officers so that with the tower tilt monitoring tool it can automatically detect the condition of the tower by sending a signal to the officer. in addition, of course, it will cause various impacts that can affect the distribution of electricity. 2. research methods this research is research and development or research and development (r&d). r&d is research that aims to develop new products or improve existing products and validate those products. the product referred to in this study is a microcontroller-based tower tilt monitoring prototype via telegram. a prototyping model was used in the development used in this study. model prototyping is a simple modeling process that allows the user to have a basic picture of the system and to do initial testing (pressman, 2012). this development model was chosen because it is most suitable for developing product prototypes. this development model is very flexible because changes can occur at each stage of development, or if there is a stage that is not perfect, the developer can return to the next stage. the prototyping model consists of 7 stages, namely collecting requirements for building prototypes, evaluating prototypes, coding systems, testing systems, evaluating systems, and using systems. development procedure the procedure or development stages in this study based on the prototyping model are shown in the following figure. fig. 1. development procedure 1. collection of needs in order to carry out system development, an initial needs assessment and analysis of ideas or ideas to build or develop the system is required. analysis is used to find out what components are in the running system. it can be in the form of hardware, software, network, and system users as the end user level of the system. the next step is to collect the information needed by end users which includes the costs and benefits of the system being built or developed. 2. build a prototype build prototypes by designing tools and systems. this stage aims to produce a system design that will be developed. the design is based on a needs analysis that has been completed previously. 3. prototype evaluation imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 405-414 407 this evaluation is carried out by the researcher concerned whether the prototype that has been built is appropriate. if it is appropriate then step 4 will be taken. if not the prototype is revised by repeating steps 1,2 and 3. 4. coding the system in the prototyping stage, what has been agreed is translated into a programming language. the programming language used is the c programming language, using the arduino ide and to process commands using the telegram bot. 5. system testing at this stage the researcher tested the prototype components, tested the slope at height, tested the distance, and tested iso 25010 (made et al., 2021) for functional suitability and usability 6. system evaluation the validator evaluates whether the prototype of the tower tilt monitoring tool that has been developed is as expected. if not, then the researcher will repeat steps 4 and 5. but if it is appropriate, then step 7 can be done. 7. system usage the prototype of the tower slope monitoring tool that has been tested and accepted by the validator is ready to be used. in this study, the data analysis technique used was descriptive statistical analysis technique. descriptive statistical analysis is a data analysis technique used to analyze data by describing or describing data that has been collected soberly without any intention of making generalizations from the research results. the analysis was carried out based on existing characteristics and subcharacteristics. data analysis techniques in this study are divided into several analyzes as follows: analysis of testing the accuracy of the slope at a height using an artificial pole which serves to determine the comparison of the tool to detect the slope if it is at a different altitude. a distance testing analysis was carried out to see whether all commands could be sent properly based on the distance of the surrounding complex area, up to the furthest distance of around 1300 km. functional suitability testing is carried out as follows: functional suitability testing uses test cases that are assessed on the guttman scale. the test results are calculated using the formula from the feature completeness matrix. the formula for calculating feature completeness is (dako & ridwan., 2021): x = i p information : i = number of features that have been successfully implemented p = number of features designed the result of the feature completeness calculation, namely the value of x which is close to 1, indicates that almost all of the designed features have been successfully implemented. so that the functional suitability characteristics are declared acceptable if x approaches (0 ≤ x ≤ 1). testing of usability characteristics was carried out using a questionnaire which was distributed to 30 respondents to assess the prototype of the tower tilt monitoring tool being developed. each statement/question in the questionnaire has 5 answer choices with an assessment based on a likert scale (sugiyono., 2013). after obtaining the average value of the questionnaire data collected, it will be concluded that the quality level of the tool is based on the category in table 1. table 1 usability characteristics assessment category category interval very good 4,2 5,0 good 3,4 4,1 pretty good 2,6 – 3,3 not good very less good 1,8 – 2,5 1,0 – 1,7 imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 405-414 408 3. results and discussion a. results 1. results of needs analysis this needs analysis is to find out what components are in the running system, which can be in the form of hardware, software, network, and system users as the end user level of the system. the needs regarding the tower slope monitoring tool prototype developed are: a. tower tilt monitoring tool with the command feature to send tower slope data on a telegram. b. tower tilt monitoring tool with command feature sends tower tilt warning on telegram. c. tower tilt monitoring tool with a sound warning feature on the buzzer. d. tower tilt monitoring tool with a feature to read slope data on the lcd. 2. build a prototype based on the results of the needs analysis, the prototype will be built at this stage to produce the following design: fig. 2. prototype series the electronic circuit design includes the electrical circuit design consisting of esp32 microcontroller components, gyroscope sensors, buzzers, lcds, batteries and solar panels. 3. prototype evaluation this evaluation is carried out to find out to what extent the results of the prototype design for the tower tilt monitoring tool that have been developed are in accordance with the needs or not. based on the results of the evaluation of the prototype design of the tower slope monitoring tool, the design was declared in accordance with the needs to be developed (keshari et al., 2021). 4. coding system at this stage, in accordance with the agreement regarding the design translated into the c programming language using the arduino integrated development environment (ide) software used by the author is version 1.8.19. the programming contained in the arduino ide software has 3 main parts, namely structure, values, and functions. before coding the tower tilt monitoring tool, first create a bot father token on telegram. making telegram bots is important for connecting telegram messages that will be used to carry out commands on the arduino ide according to system requirements. the bot on telegram will display tower tilt data and tower tilt warnings remotely. 5. testing a. testing the esp32 microcontroller connection testing the connectivity of the esp32 microcontroller to wifi is carried out using a smartphone hotspot so that the network connection is faster for distance testing. for remote testing, the smartphone hotspot wifi is placed around the esp32, if the esp32 is connected, it will appear on the arduino ide serial monitor. the test imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 405-414 409 on esp32 can be seen in the image below. fig. 3. esp32 microcontroller testing based on the results of testing the connectivity of the esp32 microcontroller, it can be concluded that the esp32 microcontroller can function properly. b. gyroscope sensor testing fig. 4. gyroscope sensor testing based on the data above, it can be concluded that the gyroscope sensor is able to detect tilt and there are no problems when configuring data. c. solar panel testing fig. 5. solar panel testing 2,13 5 9,96 30,1 60,09 90,13 0,13 0,02 0,06 0,11 0,09 0,130 20 40 60 80 100 2⸰ 5⸰ 10⸰ 30⸰ 60⸰ 90⸰ gyroscope sensor testing average sensor testing (⸰) average angle difference (⸰) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 06.30 07.00 08.00 09.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 17.30 t e m p e ra tu re ( 0 c ), v o lt a g e ( v ) time (hour) solar panel testing data temperature solar panel voltage (v) battery output voltage (v) imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 405-414 410 based on the data above, it can be explained that the higher the temperature, the better the performance of solar panels, but the temperature is excessive. but continue the performance of solar panels. the most effective time for solar panels to have good performance is at 09.00-14.00. d. slope test results at height 1) testing the slope at a height of 1 meter table 2 meter height slope data no tower tilt angle (degrees) tilt angle on the tool display (degrees) telegram status buzzer status difference (degrees) 1 2 2,2 alert beeps 0,2 2 5 5,3 alert beeps 0,3 3 10 10,2 alert beeps 0,2 4 20 20,5 alert beeps 0,5 5 30 30,3 alert beeps 0,3 average 0,3 2) testing the slope at a height of 2 meters table 3 meter height slope data no tower tilt angle (degrees) tilt angle on the tool display (degrees) telegram status buzzer status difference (degrees) 1 2 2,2 alert beeps 0,2 2 5 5,2 alert beeps 0,2 3 10 10,1 alert beeps 0,1 4 20 20,1 alert beeps 0,1 5 30 30,4 alert beeps 0,4 average 0,2 3) testing the slope at a height of 3 meters table 4 meter height slope data no tower tilt angle (degrees) tilt angle on the tool display (degrees) telegram status buzzer status difference (degrees) 1 2 2,2 alert beeps 0,2 2 5 5,2 alert beeps 0,2 3 10 10,2 alert beeps 0,2 4 20 20,1 alert beeps 0,1 5 30 30,4 alert beeps 0,4 average 0,22 4) testing the slope at a height of 4 meters table 5 meters height slope data imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 405-414 411 no tower tilt angle (degrees) tilt angle on the tool display (degrees) telegram status buzzer status difference (degrees) 1 2 2,1 alert beeps 0,1 2 5 5,1 alert beeps 0,1 3 10 10,2 alert beeps 0,2 4 20 20,2 alert beeps 0,2 5 30 30,3 alert beeps 0,3 average 0,18 a. test results based on distance fig. 6. testing based on distance based on the test results for the shortest distance of 100 m and the farthest distance of 1300 km, it is known that all command messages and warning notifications can be monitored properly. the average time required for sending data is 3.21 seconds. b. test results iso 25010 characteristics of functional suitability. table 6 functional suitability testing validator i p x=i/p dr. haripuddin, s.t., m.t. 7 7 1 zulhajji, s.t., m.t. 7 7 1 based on the calculation of the feature completeness, the value of x is 1 which indicates that all the command and sensor detection features designed previously have been successfully implemented, so it can be concluded that the feature completeness of the prototype tower tilt monitoring tool is accepted. c. iso 25010 test results for usability characteristics table 7 usability testing interval category respondent percentage (%) 4,2 5,0 very good 20 80% 3,4 4,1 good 5 20% 2,6 3,3 pretty good 0 0 1,8 2,5 not good 0 0 1,0 1,7 very less good 0 0 total 25 100% 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1010 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3,18 3,25 3,17 3,11 3,11 3,13 3,18 3,18 3,11 3,19 3,74 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 100 m 200 m 500 m 800 m 1 km 2 km 3 km 4 km 5 km 6 km 1300 km t im e ( se c o n d s) distance (meters) test data based on distance number of data transfers number of data received average delay (seconds) imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 405-414 412 based on the results of testing the usability characteristics of the tower tilt monitoring tool prototype, the average value was 4.34, so the test was included in the very good category. 6. evaluation the prototype evaluation stage in this study was carried out to improve the application based on comments and suggestions that had been submitted in the functional suitability and usability testing. after the application is adjusted to the wishes of the user and the media expert validator, the next step can be carried out. the results of the final calculation of the usability test obtained an average value of 4.34 and the functional suitability test obtained a value of 1. if the value is converted based on a likert scale assessment, the final value is included in the very good category. these results indicate that the tool developed is appropriate and can be continued to the next stage. 7. use of prototypes a prototype tower tilt monitoring tool using a gyroscope sensor based on an esp32 microcontroller via telegram is used as a reference for a remote tower tilt monitoring system. it is hoped that with the trial use of the tower tilt monitoring tool prototype, officers can remotely monitor or monitor the tower slope in real time. b. discussion a tower tilt monitoring tool using a gyroscope sensor based on an esp32 microcontroller via telegram is a prototype to determine the tower tilt status and provide a warning if a slope occurs above the tower tilt tolerance value. this tower monitoring tool is monitored via telegram messages on smartphones, laptops, or computer devices that have been installed with the telegram application to make it easier for tower officers to monitor the slope of the tower remotely, anytime, and anywhere. a tower tilt monitoring tool using a gyroscope sensor based on an esp32 microcontroller was developed in the c programming language through the arduino integrated development environment (ide) and telegram data processing using the telegram bot. this aims to facilitate the development of tower slope monitoring tools via telegram messages (muslih et al., 2018). the development of the tower slope monitoring tool is carried out by fulfilling user criteria, so that the prototype development process can be accounted for and tested (zhang et al., 2021). this tool was developed using a prototype development model, which has seven stages, namely needs analysis, building a prototype, evaluating a prototype, coding the system, testing the system, evaluating the system, and using the system. the development of the monitoring tool begins with carrying out the needs analysis stage to identify the need for the tower slope monitoring tool to be developed. the method used to analyze the data is interviews with users. based on the results of the interviews, a prototype can be built. this stage resulted in the design of a tower tilt monitoring tool including the design of the electronics and the design on the pole. the next stage is the evaluation of the prototype, which aims to find out whether the design results of the tower tilt monitoring tool are in accordance with the needs or not. based on the evaluation results, the prototype design of the tower tilt monitoring tool is declared to be in accordance with the needs of home users regarding the tower tilt monitoring tool to be developed. the next stage is coding the tower slope monitoring tool system, in the agreed prototype stage translated into programming language. the programming language used is c language, using the arduino ide and to manage commands using the telegram bot (kurniawan, 2020). the system coding stage produces an esp32 microcontroller-based tower slope monitoring tool that can be controlled via telegram. the tower slope monitoring tool that has been developed will be tested using slope accuracy measurements at height, distance measurements, and iso 25010 standards. testing 2 characteristics of iso/iec 25010 namely functional suitability and usability characteristics. based on the results of system expert validation, testing, and user responses to the trial of the tower tilt monitoring tool, the quality of the developed tower tilt monitoring tool prototype was declared valid and included in the very good category. from the monitoring test based on the imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 405-414 413 distance, all command messages and warning notifications can be monitored properly. the average time required for sending data is 3.21 seconds with the closest distance being 100 meters and the farthest distance being 1300 kilometers. the results of testing the slope of the tool with different heights on the pole with the lowest height of 1 meter and the highest of 4 meters. the average difference in slope angle read at a height of 1 meter is 0.3 degrees, a height of 2 meters is 0.2 degrees, a height of 3 meters is 0.22 degrees, and a height of 4 meters is 0.18 degrees. the difference in slope angle between the tool and the pole angle can also be caused by measurement errors made manually. testing the functional suitability characteristics of the tower tilt monitoring tool, using the feature completeness formula to get an x value of 1, the tower tilt monitoring tool is stated to be very good. the usability characteristics of the tower tilt monitoring tool get an average value of 4.34 which is included in the very good category. based on the research results of the tower tilt monitoring tool using a gyroscope sensor based on the esp32 microcontroller via telegram after being validated and tested on measurement characteristics and iso 25010 standards, it can be concluded that all the characteristics tested have met the quality standards for the development of a tower tilt monitoring tool. the results of this test can represent that the developed system is actually functioning, so it can be stated that this tower tilt monitoring tool is valid, effective and efficient to implement. conclusion based on the research data that has been carried out and the discussion that has been put forward, the following conclusions can be drawn. the danger if there is a tilt is sent to the user's telegram and the buzzer sounds at the tower location. monitoring tower tilt is effective for monitoring tower tilt in real time from a distance, and increasing the efficiency of tower supervision. the tower tilt monitoring tool using a gyroscope sensor based on an esp32 microcontroller is declared to have fulfilled all aspects of the test based on tilt testing, distance testing and iso 25010 standards. test results based on the distance of all command messages and warning notifications can be monitored properly. the average time required for sending data is 3.21 seconds with the closest distance being 100 meters and the farthest distance being 1300 kilometers. testing the inclination of the tool with different heights on the pole with the lowest height of 1 meter and the highest of 4 meters. the average difference in slope angle read at a height of 1 meter is 0.3 degrees, a height of 2 meters is 0.2 degrees, a height of 3 meters is 0.22 degrees, and a height of 4 meters is 0.18 degrees. the results of 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currently does not use a computerized system. the system at the cellphone store usually still uses a manual system. starting from recording sales notes to bookkeeping sales reports that are still recorded in the books. this can allow for errors in recording, ineffectiveness and inefficient calculations in large numbers. and can cause inaccurate reports made. the use of the program is one solution to solving sales problems in the cellphone store. therefore, with the use of a sales program, it is possible to further assist sales activities in the cellphone store. keywords: program design, mobile sales, transaction reports. 1. introduction background of the problem currently the development of technology and information is very fast and advanced, one of which is computer technology (hamzah et al., 2021; orazbekovna et al., 2022). computers are not foreign to us, almost all fields require a computer as a tool. because computers were created to help humans in solving complex problems or problems. the computer also has a function as a data storage area that is supported by guaranteed data security. so by using a computerized system work can produce reports on time. because if the company still uses a manual system, it will often occur recording and searching for data that is less efficient (setyani & pasaribu, 2021; tobing et al., 2022; li et al., 2020). the purpose of this research to design a data processing program into information, using a computer through a programming language at a mobile phone shop in the field of sales. in carrying out their sales activities, mobile phone shops usually still use manual data processing systems. although sales activities can run, manual data processing is less effective and efficient. as we know, there are still problems in selling cellphones (tezer & gülyaz, 2022; seitakhmetova et al., 2022). these problems include: 1. recording of mobile sales notes that are still using notes and written by the cashier. 2. calculation of cellphones sold still uses a calculator, with the current system it can cause an ineffective queue for buyers. 3. daily sales can be estimated at more than 50 cellphones, with calculations that still use this calculator it can cause miscalculations in every transaction and bookkeeping report. 4. recording of daily and monthly sales reports that are still written by the cashier. to anticipate the increase in data that is still using conventional techniques, the author tries to provide an alternative solution to the problem, namely to switch to computerization, especially through programming languages in dealing with sales system problems in cellphone stores (latifi & kasumi, 2022; qarkaxhija et al., 2022). identification of problems a good programming technique has the following characteristics, including the following: 1. solve problem solving that is appropriate, correct, simple, standard and effective. nuryadi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 586-598 587 2. having the right logic and program structure and easy to reach. 3. low and affordable testing, maintenance and development costs. 4. have good documentation. to compose a computer program there are several steps that must be done by a programmer, including: 1. analyze the problem. 2. define the problem. 3. flow chart. 4. to test and check program errors. 5. create a documentation program. in designing a program we need a programming language that aims as a means of bridging between the user and the computer. programming language is an activity of organizing and making a list of program codes so that they are easy to test and manage. programming language is a language that can be translated into machine language of a computer. some programming languages for example: pascal language, c language, basic language, java language and so on. a programmer must have a logical mindset, thoroughness and thoroughness, mastery of a good programming language. this characteristic is one of the absolute requirements that a programmer must have before planning or starting a program. formulation of the problem in solving a problem using a computer program, the author uses the following steps: 1. analyze and understand the existing problems, then develop logical process sequences to solve the problem in the form of an algorithm. 2. determine what forms are needed, namely the input in the program to be made, as well as what is produced, namely the output of the program to be made. 3. make codes from the algorithms that have been made and translate them into statements that are in accordance with the programming language that the author uses. 4. to test the program from the logic process that has been made, whether the program is correct and free from errors, or still needs to be repaired. a programmer (programmer) must have accuracy, a logical mindset, mastery of programming languages and good programming techniques so that there are no errors in program making. the errors from the program include the following: 1. language errors, syntax errors, and grammatical errors. that is an error in writing program code that does not match what is required. 2. run-time-errors occur when the program is running which causes the program to stop prematurely. 3. logic errors (logic errors), where errors occur from the logic of the program made. this error is found if the program is run and the result of the program is incorrect. the computer programming process is not just writing a sequence of instructions that the computer must do, but aims to solve a problem and make work or other things easy for the end user. where the objectives of this program are: 1. make solutions to problems that arise. 2. improve the quality of work performance. 3. assist in the decision-making process. 4. accelerate the work or other desired by the user (user). in its application, the program is one form of various types of applications that are used in the field of business and other fields such as science, to be able to produce a form of report or the desired goal. therefore, an absolute program exists or is used within a company. purpose and objectives the purpose of writing this research is as follows: 1. reducing the mistakes that are usually done manually. 2. provide convenience in the process of calculating sales transactions. nuryadi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 586-598 588 3. to help facilitate the creation of transaction reports. 4. to avoid transaction report data. 5. to assist and facilitate customers in the process of selling mobile phone transactions. 6. simplify the data processing process. supporting equipment is a tool used to describe the logical form of a model of a system by using symbols, symbols and diagrams that show the exact meaning and function. the function of supporting equipment or commonly called system tools is to explain to the user how the function of the information system can work with a form of logic model (logical model) and physical model (physical model). in making a system model, the author needs tools to design a system structurally and actually, including the following: normalization according to soleh (2007a:14) "normalization is the process of grouping data elements into tables that show entities and their relationships".according to nugroho (2009:43) "the main function of normalization (normalization) is to create a well-structured relationship that is free from anomalies (inconsistencies that occur during deletion), updating (updating), and adding data (insert). " there are several kinds of keys (key functions) used in normalization, including: a. primary key an attribute or a minimal set of attributes that not only uniquely identifies a specific occurrence, but can also represent each occurrence of an entity. each candidate key has the opportunity to become a primary key, but it is better to choose only one that can fully represent the existing entity. b. guest key (foreign key) an attribute or a set of attributes that completes a relationship that points to its parent. the guest key is assigned to the child entity and is the same as the primary key of the harmonized parent. the relationship between parent and child entities is a one-to-many relationship. c. candidate key an attribute or a minimal set of attributes that uniquely identifies a specific occurrence of an entity. a minimal set of attributes implies that you cannot remove multiple attributes in the set without destroying unique ownership. flowchart (flowchart) according to (soleh, 2007) "flowcharts are symbols used to describe the sequence of processes in a computer program or a tool used to create algorithms". according to sjukani (2011c:473) flowchart is a flow of thought. there are many ways to complete a train of thought, both written and verbal. in writing, it can be stated in the form of a written sentence, or in the form of a table, or in the form of a chart or picture. specifically to express the flow of thought in the form of images, america made a standard which he called ansi (american national standard institute). one that is standardized in ansi is a flowchart image. the flow of thought can be expressed by the image of an arrow that points to the flow of an activity. when drawing a flow chart, programmers can follow the following guidelines: a. flowchart programs should be top to bottom and start from the left of a page. b. the activities in the flow chart must be clearly indicated. c. it must be indicated where the activity will start and where it will end. d. each activity in the flow chart should use a word that represents a job (eg: “calculate” salary). e. each activity in the flowchart must be in the proper order. f. activities that are cut off and will be connected elsewhere must be clearly indicated using a connecting symbol. g. use standard flow chart symbols. coding structure nuryadi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 586-598 589 several possible arrangements of digits (numbers), letters and special characters can be designed into code form. in designing a code must pay attention to several things, namely as follows: a. easy to remember to make the code easy to remember, it can be done by connecting the code with the object that the code represents. b. must be unique the code must have the uniqueness of each item it represents. unique means that no codes are twins. c. must be flexible the code must be flexible so that changes or additions of new items can still be represented by the code. d. must be efficient the code must be as short or as short as possible, in addition to being easy to remember, it must also be efficient when stored on a computer. e. must be standardized code must be standardized for all levels, non-standard code leads to misunderstanding and the possibility of error for those who use the code. f. must be consistent the code must be consistent with the code that has been used. g. spaces to avoid spaces in the code should be avoided, because it can cause errors in using it. h. avoid similar characters characters that are nearly identical or similar in form and pronunciation should not be used in the code. i. code length must be same similar codes must have the same code length. hipo (hierarchy plus input process output) according to jogiyanto (2003) "hipo is a program documentation tool developed and supported by ibm". but now hipo has also been used as a tool for designing and documenting the system development cycle. in the discussion of program specifications, it is explained how the program works to make it easier to understand. in program design, we are required to build a structured program, because a structured program is the hallmark of a good program. hipo diagram is a program documentation tool, with hipo we can see the structure of a program. hipo has been specifically designed and developed to describe a multilevel structure for understanding the functions and modules of a system. hipo is also designed to describe the modules that programmers must complete. hipo is not used to show program instructions to be used, besides that hipo provides a complete explanation of the input to be used, the process to be carried out and the desired output (davis, 2019). 2. research methods to analyze and design the system, the authors conducted research with the following methods: data collection technique this method is a method that is carried out by conducting research with the following methods: 1. direct observation method to the cellphone shop (observation). observation is a method of collecting data through direct observation of the object under study. in this case the author collects data related to the final project material through observations inseveral existing cellphone sales places which the author uses as material for writing the finalproject. 2. methods of library research (library research). nuryadi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 586-598 590 literature study is a way of obtaining data or information sourced from data collection, studying reading books, notes and other relevant lecture materials. in this case, the author collects data related to the final project material through reading manuals that have to do with writing the final project. system development model a program will not succeed without someone controlling it. in this case it depends on the user (brainware) so that a program has value. with brainware, the computer will be able to read machine language commands, then translated by humans to produce useful information. the need for an application program that is easy to use and has an attractive and quite good graphic display is felt to be an important thing considering the guidance from various other fields. the ease of use of the application program will be very helpful in solving work problems and in accordance with what has been planned (kasauli et al., 2017; kasauli et al., 2021). so a good application program will produce good performance, optimal work results and provide satisfaction for all parties. 1. hardware the definition used in hardware (hardware) is to describe all the electronic and mechanical elements of computers and equipment used by programmers. hardware is all components and equipment that make up a system and other equipment that allows computers to carry out tasks or processes. broadly speaking, hardware is a computer that can be divided into two parts, namely: a. central processing unit central processing unit (cpu) is the brain of a computer or data processing media, the cpu is divided into three parts, namely: 1) memory, which is a place or container used to store program data to be processed by the cpu. 2) rom (random only memory), which is memory whose contents have been created and determined by the factory and cannot be changed or deleted by the computer user (user). 3) ram (random access memory), namely memory that can be read or written. b. input and output devices that is an input and output from the computer. the hardware needed by the author so that the application can run are as follows: 1) processor: pentium iv 2) ram: 300 gb (2.74 gb usable) 3) hard disk : 40 giga bytes 4) cd-rw : cd room 5) keyboard : standard keyboard 6) monitor: 17 inches 7) printers: inkjet printers 2. software software is a series or arrangement of instructions that must be in the correct order. software is often referred to as a program. the function of the software is to prepare application programs so that the performance of all equipment on the computer is controlled. a. operating system an operating system device is a set of software tools designed to facilitate the use of computers in running programs. in this final project the author uses the microsoft windows seven information system. b. programming language the application program used for designing this program is microsoft visual basic 6.0, microsoft office access 2007. 3. computer system configuration nuryadi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 586-598 591 computer system configuration is a form of model that describes or interprets the components of a computer in a simple way. a computer configuration can be described as follows fig 1. computer configuration with the computer, the company's performance and operations can be improved. for example, in a sales system where the recording system is manually (the writing is still using notes), processing and calculating large-scale data is often difficult for users and this manual system can also cause long queues for buyers, as well as reporting sales results which are often late. and not accurate. for this reason, a computer program is needed to be able to calculate sales transactions and process sales data, so that precise, accurate, efficient, timely information can be generated and do not experience duplicate data. 3. results and discussions the design of this program consists of several forms of input and several forms of output which then the elements of each form of input and output are explained how these program files are normalized, detailed or specified, and how the flowchart will be made later to solve the problems that arise. there is in the processing of sales data at the handphone shop. software requirements analysis 1. input form design the input form specification consists of the input documents required to enter the data before the data is processed into the required information. the specifications for the input form are as follows: a. mobile data document name : mobile data function: to find out mobile data source: supplier purpose: admin frequency: every time there is new cellphone data media : paper quantity : 1 sheet format : appendix a-1 b. user data document name : user data function: to find out user data source: new admin and cashier purpose: admin frequency: every time there is new admin and cashier data media : paper quantity : 1 sheet format : appendix a-2 nuryadi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 586-598 592 2. output form design output form specifications are details about the output document which is the result of a running program or system. the output form of the application of data processing sales of goods is as follows: a. mobile sales note document name : mobile phone sales note function: as proof of sales transactions source: cashier destination: buyer frequency: every time a sales transaction occurs media : paper quantity : 1 sheet form: attachment b-1 b. mobile data report document name : mobile data report function: to find out mobile data source: admin purpose: leader frequency: once a month media : paper quantity : 1 sheet format : attachment b-2 c. user data report document name : user data report function: to find out cashier data source: admin purpose: leader media : paper quantity : 1 sheet format : attachment b-3 d. sales report document name : sales report function: to find out sales transactions for several periods source: admin purpose: leader frequency: daily or monthly media : paper quantity : 1 sheet form: attachment b-4 3. file normalization the normalization form of the design that the author made is as follows: a. normalized form is not normal (unnormalized form). nuryadi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 586-598 593 b. first normalized form (1 nf/first normal form) information : * = candidatekey c. second normal form (2 nf / second normal form) fig 2. 2nf d. third normal form (3 nf / third normal form) nuryadi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 586-598 594 fig 3. 3nf 4. file specification the file specifications used in the design of the handphone sales program at the cellphone store, use one database, namelyjual_handphone.mdb, and the files used are as follows a. mobile phone type file specification database name : sales_handphone.mdb table name: type hp file type : master file organization: index sequential file access : random media file : harddisk record length : 23 characters field key : kd_type software : microsoft visual basic 6.0 tabel 1mobile phone type file specification b. mobile brand file specifications database name : sales_handphone.mdb table name: brand file type : master file organization: index sequential file access : random media file : harddisk record length : 87 characters field key : kd_brand software : microsoft visual basic 6.0 tabel 2 mobile brand file specifications 3. program flowchart (flowchart) the flowchart design that the author made is as follows: nuryadi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 586-598 595 a. login menu flowchart fig. 4. login menu flowchart b. main menu flowchart fig. 5. main menu flowchart 4. user interface some of the proposed system user interface designs in the application program a. menu login fig. 6. menu login b. application main menu nuryadi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 586-598 596 fig. 7. main menu c. phone type menu fig. 8. phone type menu d. mobile brand menu fig. 9. mobile brand menu e. mobile data menu fig. 10. mobile data menu f. user data menu nuryadi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 586-598 597 fig 11. user data menu 5. hipo form specification (hierarchy plus input-procces-output) the hipo design that the author made is as follows: fig. 12. hierarchy plus input-procces-output 5. conclusion after discussing the previous chapters, the author can draw the following conclusions: the design of this program is an alternative to reduce the problems that have occurred so far in data processing at the cellphone shop, including recording cellphone sales notes that are still written in notes, to sales calculations and sales reports that still use a calculator. with the design of this program, the sales system at the mobile phone shop can be done more quickly and accurately. data processing can also be done more neatly, structured, safe and avoid things that can harm. in using a computer, accuracy and discipline are needed from the user, especially in terms of data storage that is truly in accordance with existing provisions, so it can be said that if the input data is correct, the output will automatically be generated according to with what to expect. for this reason, it is necessary to hold training for employees who are directly involved in data processing. in making the program, it is necessary to have a complete program of facilities to know the work of data processing and provide the desired information, as well as nuryadi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 586-598 598 users (users) that the program can use properly. with the new system, errors or deficiencies in the system in the handphone shop can be reduced and overcome. references davis, w. s. 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(yasir, 2016). the level of regional development or regional hierarchy is theoretically the level of regional service capacity which includes infrastructure, institutional, human resources, and economic capacities (rustiadi et al., 2018). the development of the region is like two sides of a coin, on the one hand, which on the one hand has an important role in economic growth, on the other hand, its attractiveness has resulted in increasing urbanization and the emergence of various urban problems (jayadinata in (wijayanti, 2019)). the phenomenon of village-to-city migration due to economic development concentrated in urban areas exponentially increases the need for housing and service infrastructure (ooi & phua, 2007) as a space for their activity (jatayu in (rusman, 2019)). another view related to regional development was put forward by akil, et al that there is a relationship between the level of regional development and the level of accessibility (akil et al., anwar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 351-363 352 2020) the same thing was once stated by chaschili,et al that the development of a region is influenced by concepts related to the ability to move and reach other locations (accessibility) efficiently (caschili et al., 2015) this is relevant to the view that transport accessibility is an indicator and is one of the main challenges faced in urban development (liu et al., 2018)(lavrinenko et al., 2019). in line with what yin, et al stated that the level of regional development has a close relationship with quality of life standards, it is essential to understand the factors that contribute to the spatial accessibility of medical and health services. (yin et al., 2018) the consequences of meeting housing needs for migrants who often rent houses in the downtown part because they are close to livelihood locations cause an uncontrolled process of building development (annisa amalia, 2018) they then use limited land to be used as a place for settlement without paying attention to the quality of the environment in it. the construction of settlements on limited land causes problems of land conversion which are often not in accordance with the provisions of the spatial function, thus causing the development of slum areas (ardiansyah & wagistina, 2021). the limited supply of decent housing according to soetomo 2009 (kaseke et al., 2017) , rising land prices due to investment in large-scale production facilities that shrink the proportion of land for housing units (firdaus, 2012) as well as the government's inability to provide affordable housing for the poor (ooi & phua, 2007) are the reasons for the formation of slums or informal settlements that are inadequate public services. the problem of slums is not a new problem but has become an issue at the global and national levels. based on data from the world cities report 2020, it is recorded that more than one billion of the world's population in 2018 lived in slums (united nations, 2020) and is expected to double or even triple by 2050 (united nations, 2016). in indonesia, slum areas nationwide have more than doubled in just 5 (five) years (cnn indonesia, 2019) the area of slums in 2014 was 38,000 ha increased to 87,000 ha in 2019 (djck kementrian pupr, 2020) sidenreng rappang regency is developing as an agribusiness center area, especially food crops. high economic activity and population mobility as well as the growth of service centers in agricultural production areas at the village level were followed by the development of pockets of surrounding settlements that were not in accordance with the provisions of land allotment. these things are suspected to have implications for the existence of slums. in 2020, sidenreng rappang regency was recorded to be in 2nd place (two) with the highest slum area in south sulawesi (kotaku, 2022). the slum area of sidenreng rappang regency in 2014 was recorded at 22.4 ha (pemkab sidenreng rappang, 2014) then in 2020 it increased sharply to 570.5 ha (pemkab sidenreng rappang, 2020). the area of slums jumped by 548.1 ha in the 2014-2020 time frame. the handling of slums in sidenreng rappang regency has been pursued through the cooperation of the central government in collaboration with the sidenreng rappang regency government but has not been able to significantly reduce the slum rate. in 2021, it was recorded that the area of handled slums was only 5.85 ha (kotaku, 2022). based on data on the achievement of slum management of the kotaku program in 2021, sidenreng rappang regency is still one of the areas contributing to slums that are quite high in south sulawesi. this study aims to identify the relationship between the level of regional development and slums in sidenreng rappang regency. 3. research methods this research is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. the quantitative approach is carried out through skalogram analysis and pearson correlation analysis the level of regional development is analyzed using skalogram techniques to determine the hierarchy of supporting regional centers that support the region as a center of activity service. the hierarchy is determined based on the number and type of facilities. territorial units that have facilities with more quantity and more complex types have a higher level of hierarchy (panuju & rustiadi, 2013) (sitorus et al., 2013). in this study, the unit of the research area is kelurahan, so the skalogram analysis will produce a village development index (ipk). the type of data used is secondary data in the form of population data, the number, and kind of facilities in the state of educational facilities, economy, health, social, the distance of regional units, and agribusiness supporting anwar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 351-363 353 facilities. the data is obtained from podes data. the data type variables are presented in table 1 below : table 1 the variable matrix used for scalogram analysis no. variable sub variable 1. the population 1.1 the population number 1.2 area of villages/urban village 2. the distance and travel time 2.1 distance from village/urban village to subdistrict capital 2.2 travel time from the village/urban village to the sub-district capital 2.3 distance from village /urban village -i to the center of government 2.4 travel time from the village/urban village to the center of government 2.5 distance from village / urban village i to the nearest other city government center 2.6 travel time from the village/urban village to the nearest other city government center 3. educational facilities 3.1 number of tk 3.2 number of sd 3.3 number of sltp 3.4 number of slta 3.5 number of colleges/academies 4. economic facilities 4.1 number of minimarkets /supermarkets 4.2 number of restaurants/restaurants 4.3 number of shop/shophouse groups 4.4 number of grocery stores / stalls 4.5 number of stalls/eateries 4.6 number of hotels/guesthouses/inns 4.7 number of banks 4.8 number of traditional markets 4.9 number of terminals 4.10 number of kuds/bumdes 4.11 number of post-harvest facilities (rice milling, packaging,storage warehouse) 5. health facilities 5.1 number of hospitals 5.2 number of puskesmas 5.3 number of physician practices 5.4 number of pharmacies 5.5 number of posyandu 6. social facilities 6.1 number of mosques 6.2 number of churches 6.3 number of multipurpose buildings 6.4 number of facilities/sports fields 7. agribusiness supporting facilities 7.1 number of agricultural extension centers (bpp) source : modified from adiputra (2021) and analysis results it is assuming that the weights of each facility are not the same, the processing of facility data using the weighted scalogram method. the weight used is the ratio between the total number of facilities and the number of regional units that have these facilities. by multiplying the weight and the primary data matrix, a weighted value of a certain type of facility will be obtained. the weight of the index is calculated by the formulation: anwar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 351-363 354 𝐼𝑖𝑗 = 𝑋𝑖𝑗 𝑛 𝑋𝑗 𝑎𝑗 where: i : 1,2…….,n number of regions (urban village) j : 1,2…….,n the sum of all variable characteristics j after that, the regional development index is carried out with the following formulation: 𝐾𝑖𝑗 = 𝐼𝑗 − min (𝐼)𝑗 𝑠𝑗 where: 𝐾𝑖𝑗 : the default value of the hierarchy index for the i-th village/kelurahan and the j-th characteristic, 𝐼𝑖𝑗 : the weight value of the characterization index for the i-th village /kelurahan and the j-th characteristic, min (𝐼)𝑗 : the minimum value of the index on the j-th characteristic, 𝑆𝑗 : standard deviation value the regional/urban village development index (ipk) values are then arranged in hierarchical order from highest to lowest values. the assumption of hierarchy determination follows the normal spread as follows : ➢ region hierarchy i (high level of development) is a region whose default index amount value is greater than the average value plus the standard deviation or (ipk > (st. dev. + average)) ➢ region hierarchy ii is a region with a hierarchical index value at least equal to its index average value (ipk >= average). ➢ region hierarchy iii is a regions with a hierarchical index value less than the average value of the index across regions or (ipk < average). identification of village development index (ipk) value between slums correlations aims to find out how much is related or related between a variable and other variables. the correlation analysis in this study was carried out to determine the relationship between the ipk value and slums, in this case, the percentage of slum area. according to supranto (1984) in [8], the statistical value that measures the strength of the relationship between x and y is called the correlation coefficient. the value of the correlation coefficient ranges from 1 < r < 1. a negative value indicates that the direction of the relationship is negative (the value of x decreases while the value of y rises or vice versa). it is positive if it indicates a positive relationship direction (the value of x rises followed by an increase in y or vice versa). the correlation coefficient value relationship is : r = 0 : x and y are not correlated < 0,5 : x and y relationship is weak positive or negative 0,5 < 0,75 : x and y relationship is quite strong positive or negative 0,75 < 0,9 : x and y relationship is strong positive or negative 0,9 < 1 : x and y relationship is very strong positive or negative = 1 : x and y relationship is perfectly positive or negative anwar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 351-363 355 4. results and discussions urban village development index (ipk) and regional hierarchy analysis of the relationship between regional development level and the existence of slums in sidenreng rappang regency is carried out by first determining the level of regional development. the level of development of the region is based on the level of development and the capacity of services that can be provided in an area. a vast territory can have several cores with a certain hierarchy (order). the hierarchy needs to be considered in regional planning because it concerns the functions you want to direct to each region. a region can be centered (cores) or supporting regions (hinterlands). the method used to determine the hierarchy of regions is a scalogram. this method identifies the central hierarchy of public facilities that an urban village/village has. the identification and grouping or sorting carried out is based on the level of completeness of existing facilities in urban villages/villages and comparing them with other urban villages/villages. variables used to determine the hierarchy of the territory include population variables, the number of public facilities, and the accessibility of regional units. the level of regional development in the scalogram analysis is reflected in the value of the village development index (ipk). the higher the ipk value of an area means that the region is growing and more able to provide services to the surrounding areas. the variables used to determine the hierarchy of villages/urban villages are population variables (population), types of public facilities (economic, educational, health, and social facilities), and accessibility of regional units (distance and travel time). the following is the value of the urban village development index (ipk) in sidenreng rappang regency based on the results of the scalogram analysis: table 2 an urban village development index (ipk) in sidenreng rappang regency no disctrict village/urban village ipk hierarchy 1 maritengngae takkalasi 14,05 hierarchy iii allakuang 17,63 hierarchy iii tanete 16,52 hierarchy iii lautang benteng 29,24 hierarchy ii rijang pittu 44,87 hierarchy i lakessi 31,45 hierarchy ii pangkajene 107,85 hierarchy i wala 22,25 hierarchy ii majjelling 40,15 hierarchy i majjelling wattang 23,43 hierarchy ii sereang 18,69 hierarchy iii kanie 25,00 hierarchy ii 2 watang pulu mattirotasi 16,37 hierarchy iii buae 12,80 hierarchy iii lainungan 7,30 hierarchy iii lawawoi 19,45 hierarchy iii bangkai 14,68 hierarchy iii uluale 12,81 hierarchy iii arawa 14,06 hierarchy iii batulappa 14,34 hierarchy iii ciro-ciroe 24,83 hierarchy ii carawali 21,63 hierarchy ii anwar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 351-363 356 no disctrict village/urban village ipk hierarchy 3 baranti manisa 20,70 hierarchy iii panreng 15,81 hierarchy iii benteng 16,82 hierarchy iii baranti 25,83 hierarchy ii sipodeceng 11,83 hierarchy iii passeno 23,12 hierarchy ii duampanua 19,29 hierarchy iii tonrongnge 23,42 hierarchy ii tonrong rijang 13,96 hierarchy iii 4 watang sidenreng kanyuara 9,78 hierarchy iii sidenreng 17,83 hierarchy iii empagae 29,87 hierarchy ii mojong 14,81 hierarchy iii talumae 22,22 hierarchy ii aka akae 20,04 hierarchy iii damai 19,60 hierarchy iii talawe 16,25 hierarchy iii 5 dua pitue padangloang 14,78 hierarchy iii padangloang alau 19,08 hierarchy iii tanru tedong 32,14 hierarchy ii salomallori 30,69 hierarchy ii kalosi 15,73 hierarchy iii kalosi alau 13,96 hierarchy iii taccimpo 15,88 hierarchy iii salobukkang 28,67 hierarchy ii bila 14,55 hierarchy iii kampale 13,50 hierarchy iii 6 panca rijang kadidi 22,40 hierarchy ii macorawalie 22,53 hierarchy ii timoreng panua 14,06 hierarchy iii cipotakari 17,47 hierarchy iii bulo 15,35 hierarchy iii bulo wattang 19,96 hierarchy iii lalebata 33,00 hierarchy i rappang 50,08 hierarchy i 7 pancalautang cenrana 22,71 hierarchy ii bapangi 16,74 hierarchy iii wanio timoreng 17,02 hierarchy iii wanio 37,16 hierarchy i bilokka 25,59 hierarchy ii corawali 31,50 hierarchy ii lise 17,80 hierarchy iii alesalewo 23,40 hierarchy ii lajonga 18,85 hierarchy iii anwar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 351-363 357 no disctrict village/urban village ipk hierarchy wette'e 26,43 hierarchy ii teppo 13,52 hierarchy iii 8 tellu limpoe massepe 14,84 hierarchy iii pajalele 12,10 hierarchy iii baula 9,05 hierarchy iii teteaji 17,61 hierarchy iii polewali 16,83 hierarchy iii toddang pulu 12,46 hierarchy iii amparita 31,93 hierarchy ii arateng 15,41 hierarchy iii 9 pitu riawa ponrangae 16,23 hierarchy iii lancirang 27,03 hierarchy ii sumpang mango 16,71 hierarchy iii lasiwala 26,45 hierarchy ii ajubissue 13,81 hierarchy iii dongi 42,50 hierarchy i otting 16,62 hierarchy iii anabanna 20,20 hierarchy iii bulucenrana 15,62 hierarchy iii betao 28,38 hierarchy ii betao riase 23,48 hierarchy ii kalempang 31,54 hierarchy ii 10 pitu riase bola bulu 15,51 hierarchy iii botto 16,69 hierarchy iii bila riase 15,31 hierarchy iii lagading 26,71 hierarchy ii batu 26,62 hierarchy ii compong 20,37 hierarchy iii tana toro 22,32 hierarchy ii leppangeng 25,60 hierarchy ii lombo 25,65 hierarchy ii dengeng-dengeng 10,78 hierarchy iii buntu buangin 17,97 hierarchy iii belawae 24,06 hierarchy ii 11 kulo mario 14,34 hierarchy iii rijang panua 16,34 hierarchy iii kulo 25,76 hierarchy ii abbokongeng 16,05 hierarchy iii maddenra 11,76 hierarchy iii bina baru 13,24 hierarchy iii source : author's processed results, 2022 based on the results of the scalogram analysis in the table, it can be seen that the ipk value in sidenreng rappang regency ranges from 7.30 – 107.8. the hierarchy i have an ipk of 33.00 – 107.85 and consists of 7 villages/urban villages. then the ipk value in hierarchy ii ranges from anwar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 351-363 358 21.63 – 32.14 and there are 35 villages/ urban villages that are included in this hierarchy. another 64 villages/ urban villages with an ipk range of 7.30 – 20.70 are in hierarchy iii. in table ii.7, pangkajene village, maritengngae district has the highest ipk and is in hierarchy i while lainungan village, watang pulu district with a ipk of 7.30 is in hierarchy iii. the hierarchical grouping of regions by number and type of facilities is more clearly outlined as follows (table 3): table 3 number and percentage of villages/kelurahan based on hierarchy in sidenreng rappang regency ipk value number of village/urban village percentage (%) hierarchy 33,00 – 107,85 7 7% hierarchy i 21,63 – 32,14 35 33% hierarchy ii 7,30 – 20,70 64 60% hierarchy iii source : author's analysis results, 2022 1. hierarchy i is a village /urban village that has an ipk value greater than the average value plus standard deviation or in other words has the highest level of development. based on the calculation of the scalogram analysis, as many as 7 villages/urban villages or about 7% of the total number of villages/urban villages in sidenreng rappang regency. villages/urban villages that are included in this hierarchy generally have complete and more adequate service facilities than other villages/urban villages. these villages are able to provide services to other villages around them and almost all of them are centers of activity and government in their respective sub-districts, villages / urban villages that are included in the hierarchy i are pangkajene village, rappang village, rijang pittu village, dongi village, majjelling village, wanio village, and lalebata village 2. hierarchy ii is a village /urban village with a hierarchy index value at least equal to the average value of the index or can be said to have a moderate level of development. there are 35 villages/urban villages in sidenreng rappang regency which are included in this hierarchy ii or about 33% of the total villages/urban villages. villages/urban villages hierarchy ii is found in all sub-districts (11 sub-districts) in sidenreng rappang regency. this can be interpreted to mean that the distribution of facilities and services is quite evenly distributed in sidenreng rappang regency even though the villages /urban villages in hierarchy ii of service facilities are relatively low from hierarchy i. some of the villages/urban villages included in this hierarchy are mejjelling wattang village, lakessi village, baranti village, passeno village, empagae village, tanru tedong village, kadidi village, bilokka village, corawali village, ampitera village, lancirang village, lasiwala village, kalempang village, batu village, lagading village, and kulo village and 19 other villages/urban villages. 3. hierarchy iii is a village/urban village with a hierarchy index less than the average index value in all areas of sidenreng rappang regency or can be said to have the lowest level of development. based on the results of the scalogram analysis, this hierarchy group has the highest number, reaching 64 villages/urban villages or about 60% of the total villages/urban villages. the villages have relatively lacking service facilities and are located far from the centers of activity in their respective sub-districts and adjacent sub-districts. some of the villages/urban villages included in hierarchy 3 are takkalasi village, lainungan village, sipodeceng village, kanyuara village, toddang pulu village, kampale village, timoreng panua village, bapangi village, baula village, ajubissue village, dengeng-dengeng village, maddenra village, and 54 other villages/urban villages. anwar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 351-363 359 fig 1. the thematic map of an urban village development index (ipk) in sidenreng rappang regency in figure 1, you can see the distribution of the hierarchy of village / urban village areas in sidenreng rappang regency. the village /urban village located in hierarchy 1 is the capital of the sub-district has a strategic location and is a center for trade and services so that it has complete public facilities (social, economic, and educational). such as rijang pittu village, pangkajene and majjelling villages in maritengngae district and rappang village and lalebata village in panca rijang district. identification of correlation between urban village development index (ipk) value and slums the analysis conducted to illustrate the relationship between the level of development of the area and the slums first looked at the comparison of the average ipk values, the area of slums and the average area of slums, and the average percentage of slum areas based on the grouping of village / urban village hierarchy (see table 4) table 4 an area and slum area's average based on village/kelurahan hierarchy grouping and ipk's average average of ipk slum area (ha) average of slum area (ha) average slum area percentage (%) hierarchy i 50,80 49,74 7,11 2,85 hierarchy ii 26,11 234,17 6,69 1,41 hierarchy iii 15,62 310,43 4,85 0,87 source : author's analysis results,2022 to find out how strong the relationship between the levels of development of the region is, a correlation analysis is carried out. correlation analysis in this case simple correlation is used to find out how big the relationship between a variable and other variables is. this study was conducted to determine the relationship between the urban village development index (ipk) and the percentage of slum areas in the sidenreng rappang regency. the statistical value that measures the strength of the relationship between x and y is called the correlation coefficient. a negative value indicates that the direction of the relationship is negative (the value of x decreases anwar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 351-363 360 while the value of y increases or vice versa). it is positive if it indicates the direction of a positive relationship (the value of x rises followed by an increase in y or vice versa). whereas, if the correlation coefficient is close to zero then it is declared uncorrelated (supranto dalam (adiputra, 2021)) based on the results of the correlation analysis that has been carried out, shows that the relationship between the village development index (ipk) and the percentage of slum area is not correlated. the following is presented in table 5 of the results of the correlation analysis of the urban village development index (ipk) and the percentage of slum areas. table 5 the results of the correlation analysis of the urban village development index (ipk) and the percentage of slum area in sidenreng regency correlations ipk slum area (ha) ipk pearson correlation 1 ,132 sig. (1-tailed) ,089 n 106 106 slum area pearson correlation ,132 1 sig. (1-tailed) ,089 n 106 106 source : author's analysis results, 2022 from table 5, it can be seen that there is no significant correlation between the variable value of the urban village development index (ipk) and the percentage of slum areas. where the value of sig.0.089 > 0.01 and has a positive weak relationship or less meaningful relationship strength as seen from the pearson correlation value < 0.5 which is 0.013. so it can be said that the higher the value of the urban village development index (ipk) or the more complete and diverse the public facilities available in a village / urban village will not guarantee a reduction in the area of slums in a village / urban village. fig 2. scatterplot correlation ipk value and slum areas percentage figure 2 shows the clustered points not following a straight line with a positive slope. this shows that the value of the village development index (ipk) is inversely proportional to the percentage of the slum area. the positive relationship between the value of the village development index (ipk) and the percentage of slum area can be interpreted as the higher the development of a village/urban village, the higher the area of the slum. however, as previously explained that there is no significant correlation between the two variables. anwar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 351-363 361 the new thing that is different aspect of this study is the development of areas that are variables that are thought to affect the growth of slums in terms of the potential of the area as an agribusiness center which has never been done in previous studies. the results of this study stated that the level of development of the territory was not correlated with the development of slums in the region. based on another point of view, the results of the study (adiputra et al., 2022) state that the higher an ipk value or the more complete and diverse the public facilities available in a village /urban village that develops as a buffer for the capital, it will not guarantee a reduction in the area of slums. the high economic activity and population mobility in sidenreng rappang regency and the growth of service centers in agricultural production areas at the village level are not related to the development of pockets of informal settlements around it. this is in contrast to the results of research (annisa amalia, 2018) (wijayanti et al., 2020) (ardiansyah & wagistina, 2021) which states that areas with more complete urban facilities and infrastructure will attract migrants to work and settle. the existence of economic centers makes it easier for migrants to find a livelihood and tend to choose to house close to their place of work even though the housing is not feasible so the level of regional development is directly proportional to the increase in the percentage of slum families. 5. conclusion the results showed that the value of the village development index in sidenreng rappang regency ranged from 7.30 – 107.8. pangkajene urban village, maritengngae district has the highest ipk and is in hierarchy i. pangkajene village has complete and more adequate service facilities such as education, health, trade, and services as well as transportation. pangkajene village is a center of social, economic, and government activities that provide services to other villages / urban villages around it. lainungan village, watang pulu district with an ipk of 7.30 is in hierarchy iii which has a relatively lacking service facilities and is located far from the center of activity in the wattang pulu district area. lainungan village is an area directly adjacent to pare-pare city. based on the results of a simple correlation analysis that has been carried out, show that the value of the urban village development index (ipk) is inversely proportional to the percentage of the slum area. it can be concluded that there is no correlation or no relationship between the urban village development index (ipk) variable and the slum area percentage variable. the higher an ipk value or the more complete and diverse the supporting facilities available in a village / urban village that develops as an agribusiness center will not guarantee a reduction in the area of slums. based on the results of the study, it is recommended that further studies be carried out related to the various determinants of slums in sidenreng rappang regency to determine a more appropriate handling strategy. references adiputra, m. s. 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the ideas of deep learning and convolutional neural networks (cnn), taken from publications or papers on artificial intelligent (ai) convolutional neural networks has been used in recent years for the analysis of medical image data. cnn's development of its machine learning roots is traced in this study. we also provide a brief mathematical description of cnn as well as the pre-processing process required for medical images before inserting them into cnn. using cnn in many medical domains, including classification, segmentation, detection, and localization, we evaluate relevant research in the field of medical imaging analysis. it can be concluded that cnn's deep learning view of medical imaging is very helpful for medical parties in their work. keywords : deep learning, convolutional neural network, medical image, segmentation, classification. 1. introduction making computers smarter is the goal of artificial intelligence which is a branch of computer science (zohuri & moghaddam, 2020). learning is one of the fundamental prerequisites for any cognitive behavior (garcia-pelegrin et al., 2022). researchers today largely agree that intelligence cannot exist without learning. therefore, deep learning is one of the main subfields of artificial intelligence studies and is truly one of the fastest growing areas of the discipline (das et al., 2021). from the very beginning, deep learning algorithms were created and used for medical dataset analysis (charbuty & abdulazeez, 2021). some essential tools for intelligent data analysis are now provided by deep learning (alsufyani et al., 2021). the digital revolution, especially in recent years, has made it very affordable and accessible to collect and store data (turner & pera, 2021). large information systems are used to collect and share data in modern hospitals, which are equipped with other monitoring and data collection technologies (yang et al., 2020). today, deep learning technologies are highly adapted for the analysis of medical data, and a lot of work has been done in the field of medical diagnosis, especially for small and specialized diagnostic problems (miah et al., 2021). medical records of specialized hospitals or their departments often contain information about an accurate diagnosis (artzi et al., 2020). it is enough to enter the records of patients with a known correct diagnosis into the computer software to run the learning algorithm and everything necessary (reddy allugunti, 2022). of course, this oversimplifies things, but in theory, information about previous successfully completed examples can automatically provide medical diagnostic expertise. the resulting classifiers can then be used to train medical students or nonspecialist physicians to diagnose patients in specific diagnostic difficulties or to assist physicians when diagnosing new patients to improve diagnostic speed, accuracy, and/or reliability (mitsui et al., 2020). therefore the purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the progress of intelligent data analysis in medicine from a deep learning perspective relating to medical diagnosis. 2. literature review nozomi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 547-553 548 not a few studies have been done for medical image processing using deep learning. like the research done by bhattacharya (bhattacharya et al., 2021) that they first summarized recent research on deep learning applications for covid-19 medical image processing. then they provide an overview of deep learning and the latest developments in healthcare using this technology. three use cases from china, korea, and canada were then granted to demonstrate the use of deep learning in covid-19 medical image processing. finally, they present a number of difficulties and problems with the implementation of deep learning for covid-19 medical image processing, which is expected to motivate additional research on outbreak and crisis management, leading to smart and healthy cities. guo (guo et al., 2019) in his research mentioned they first provided an algorithmic framework for the analysis of supervised multimodal images with cross-modality fusion at feature learning levels, classifier levels, and decision rates. this is motivated by the successful application of deep learning methods recently to medical image processing. then, by utilizing multimodal data from mri, computed tomography, and positron emission tomography, they built and practiced an image segmentation system based on deep convolutional neural networks to decompose soft tissue sarcoma lesions. compared to networks trained with single modal images, networks trained with multimodal images perform better. image merging performed inside a network (i.e., on a convolution or fully connected layer) is usually superior to image merging performed at tissue output for tumor segmentation tasks (i.e., voting). their research offers empirical recommendations for the design and implementation of multimodal image analysis. research conducted by liu (liu et al., 2018) that to provide a thorough introduction to the processing and analysis of mri images using deep learning. first, a brief overview of mri imaging modalities and deep learning is provided. introduction to the following widespread deep learning architecture. the discussion turned to mri image deep learning applications, including image recognition, registration, segmentation, and classification. the advantages and disadvantages of a number of widely used tools are then explored, and a number of deep learning techniques are provided for use with mri scanning. final thoughts: future advances and trends in deep learning for mri images are discussed, along with an objective evaluation of deep learning in mri applications. minaee (minaee et al., 2022) in his research, he said they offer a thorough analysis of this latest literature, which includes a variety of breakthrough initiatives in semantic and instance segmentation, including convolution pixel labeling networks, encoder-decoder architectures, multiscale and pyramid-based methods, repetitive networks, visual attention models, and generative models in aversive settings. they studied the connections, benefits, and weaknesses of various dl-based segmentation models, looked at the most popular datasets, evaluated the results, and talked about future research paths. mittal (mittal et al., 2019) in their research that they proposed a deep learning-based method for image segmentation of brain tumors. the idea of stationary wavelet transform (swt) and novel growing convolution neural network are included in the suggested methodology (gcnn). the main purpose of this work is to make traditional methods more accurate. in this work, a comparison of the support vector machine (svm) and the convolution neural network (cnn) was performed. experimental findings suggest that, in terms of accuracy, psnr, mse, and other performance metrics, the proposed technique outperforms svm and cnn. research conducted by (ma et al., 2020) that on the internet of medical things (iomt) platform, the heterogeneous modified artifical neural network (hmann) has been suggested for early detection, segmentation, and diagnosis of chronic renal failure. the recommended hmann is also categorized as a multilayer perceptron (mlp) with backpropagation (bp) algorithm and support vector machine (svm). the regions of interest of the kidneys are segmented in the ultrasound image, which is used as the basis for the operation of the recommended algorithm. the recommended hmann approach to kidney segmentation provides high accuracy while greatly lowering the time to decompose contours. 3. research methods nozomi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 547-553 549 through a literature review, this study uses a qualitative methodology. the information used in this study, which explores the ideas of deep learning and convolutional neural networks (cnn), is taken from publications or papers on artificial intelligence (ai). 4. results and discussions deep learning when neural networks with many layers of interconnected artificial neurons are used to study patterns in data samples, this process is known as deep learning (dargan et al., 2019). similar to biological neurons, artificial neurons receive some inputs, perform direct calculations, and output something (escamilla-garcía et al., 2020). this direct calculation takes the form of an activation function followed by a linear function of the input (usually non-linear) (rao & reimherr, 2021). fixed linear units (relu) and their variants, sigmoid transformations, and various non-linear activation functions often used as examples (bawa & kumar, 2019). deep learning was first developed by walter pitts and warren mcculloch (1943). due to the creation of models of backpropagation (1960), convolutional neural networks (cnn) (1979), long short-term memory (lstm) (1997), imagenet (2009), and alexnet, their work has been followed by substantial breakthroughs (2011)(krizhevsky et al., 2017). in essence, deep learning is a new iteration of artificial neural networks in which we stack layer after layer of synthetic neurons (hohman et al., 2020). we can begin to describe an arbitrarily complicated pattern using the output from the terminal level, which is built on top of the output from the previous layer (ni et al., 2019). fig. 1. how deep learning works in figure 1 the neural network approach is mainly used in deep learning. due to the fact that they operate at many levels or layers, this is what gave them the name "deep neural network". traditional neural networks, for example, offer only two or three layers. when this happens, the inner network has more than 150 layers. convolutional neural network (cnn) deep learning techniques such as convolutional neural network (cnn) can be used to find and identify objects in digital images (boonsirisumpun et al., 2018). since cnn is a development of the backpropagation approach and does not require large computations throughout the process, cnn is considered the best model for addressing the problem of object identification and object recognition (s. singh et al., 2021). the cnn network feature is generated by convoluting the output of the kernel layer with the layer below it, so that the kernel in the first hidden layer executes the convolution on the input image. while early hidden layers typically capture shapes, curves, or edges as a feature, deeper hidden layers generally capture more abstract and intricate information (nandhini et al., 2021). traditional approaches to automating image classification involve complex rule-based algorithms or the creation of human nozomi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 547-553 550 features (chau et al., 2020), which takes time, has limited ability to generalize, and requires subject expertise. for all types of imaging modalities, pre-processing the image dataset before feeding cnn or other classifiers is essential. before a medical image is provided as input to a deep neural network model, a number of preprocessing techniques are suggested, including (1) artifact removal, (2) normalization, (3) wedge time correction, (4) image registration, and (5) refractive field correction. while procedures 1 through 5 all help in getting reliable results, stc and image registration are essential when dealing with 3d medical images (especially mr and ct images). the most popular preprocessing operations across modalities are artifact removal and normalization (s. p. singh et al., 2020). medical imaging is increasingly multimodal, using the same patient images taken using multiple modalities to reveal various organ properties. multiple photographs of the same patient and place can also be taken in different orientations under certain circumstances. in this case, it is required to visually compare the photos in order to match them (maes et al., 1997). automatic alignment or registration of images to templates can also be used to find sites of recurrent abnormalities. in addition to making it easier to manually assess photos and spot lesions or other anomalies, image alignment also makes it easier to train 3d cnn on these images (tsai & huang, 2019). fig. 2. cnn architecture in figure 2 the first layer in cnn is the convolutional layer. this layer performs a number of convolution operations to the image after receiving it as input. in other words, the convolutional layer receives an input image tensor, processes it through a predetermined number of convolutional filters (kernels), adds bias, and then outputs the result with a non-linear activation function, often relu. segmentation for several years, machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms have facilitated radiologists in the segmentation of medical images, such as leukoplakia lesions. segmentation not only helps to focus on specific areas in the medical picture, but also helps radiologists in quantitative assessment, and plan further treatment. several researchers have contributed to the use of cnn in medical image segmentation. lesion segmentation is perhaps the most challenging task in medical imaging because lesions are rather small in the vast majority of cases. furthermore, there are many variations in its size in various scans that can cause imbalances in the training sample. the cnn architecture has been introduced for automatic segmentation of leukopakia lesions. the network provides a convolution map in which the tissue believes that the lesion is located. deepmedic is implemented on data sets where the patient has leukoplakia and has also been shown to work well for classification and detection problems in the oral cavity images to detect leukoplakia. nozomi et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 547-553 551 classification disease classification using deep learning technology on medical images has gained a lot of traction in recent years. for neuroimaging, the main focus of deep learning is detecting diseases from anatomical images. several studies have focused on detecting dementia and its variants from different imaging modalities. leukoplakia disease is the most common form of abnormalities in the oral cavity, usually associated with the similarity of color, area area and anatomical contours in the oral cavity. timely diagnosis of leukoplakia plays an important role in preventing the development of the disease. 5. conclusion deep learning in medical diagnosis shows that from simple and easy-to-use algorithms, systems, and methodologies have emerged that enable sophisticated data analysis. in the future, intelligent data analysis will play a more important role due to the large amount of information generated and stored by modern technology. today's deep learning algorithms provide tools that can significantly help medical practitioners to reveal interesting relationships in medical image data. for all types of imaging modalities, pre-processing the image dataset before feeding cnn or other classifiers is 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the work posture is not good or not ergonomic, namely the bent posture so that if it is done for a long period of time it can trigger complaints of musculoskeletal disorders and will cause losses for both workers and companies. this study aims to know the level of risk and work posture of workers. the method in this study is by using the reba method, from the results of processing and analyzing the data obtained in this study, it gets a grand score of 10 which indicates it has a fairly high level of risk and needs to be taken action. the action that must be taken is a change in work posture in manual material handling activities in the packing process so as to minimize the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders. keywords : reba, msds, work posture 1. introduction a company engaged in the productionautomotive springs for vehicles that produce both leaf springs and conch springs, the products produced can be categorized into three groups, namely : oem (original equitment manufacturing), export, after market.every work activity in a company certainly has its own risks, as well as in the spring packing process. postures that require workers to stand/bend for long working hours will definitely put pressure on the nerves and muscles of the body, causing disturbances and complaints to workers. if the body posture is not ergonomic in doing work, it will cause muscle problems such as back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain. in the packing process, it is found that the material handling process is lifting the spring which weighs more than 10kg. figure 1 is a work posture in the packing process with manual material handling. fig 1. employee work posture 326 nabil & dahda … vol 4(1) 2022 : 325-332 2. literature review the production process of a company must go through several stages, starting from preparing raw materials to the packing process(hasanah et al., 2020). in developing countries, especially in indonesia, there is still an industry that utilizes the strength of human muscles in moving materials. some industries have actually switched to modern industries, but still most developing countries prefer to use manual material handling as their habit because considering the cost is much cheaper than using technology or using tools.(salsabila et al., 2022). direct material control with human labor is an activity that must always exist in a manufacturing company(umami et al., 2014). one example is the packing process which is done without using machines or done manually by material handling. material handling manualis an activity of a worker that is carried out directly with human strength either in the form of raw materials or finished products from an industry which when not done ergonomically will result in an incident at work.(rizana et al., 2022). manual material handling (mmh) activities that are not up to standard can be a cause of danger to unwanted incidents for someone doing a job.(muslimah et al., 2006). manual material handling activities are in the form of pushing, pulling, lifting, shifting and activities carried out directly with other human workers who do not use work aids(margaretha, 2022). the packing process is carried out by lifting goods directly by human power and carried out many times in long working hours, so that in carrying out the work, the level of ergonomics is an important thing for a job to be effective, efficient. ergonomics is a systematic field of knowledge that studies the characteristics, abilities, and limitations of a person to design a work environment(rosyati et al., 2019). ergonomics is also related to the optimization, effectiveness, health and safety of people wherever they are(restuputri, 2017). the scope of ergonomics is not only about how to manage a good and proper body condition and posture but is also related to technique, anthropometry, and design.(andriani & erfani, 2017). the aim of ergonomics is to design systems that are appropriate to the physical limitations and characteristics of workers, such as working conditions, working methods, equipment and machinery, and the work environment (e.g., sound and lighting). the more precise, the higher the level of safety and work efficiency(mayangsari et al., 2020). therefore, it is necessary to measure the ergonomics of workers to determine the suitability of work with work equipment. the purpose of the application of ergonomics is to minimize injuries and disturbances related to work in which the work posture is wrong and is done repeatedly and can reduce stress(posture & field, 2021). one of the focuses of ergonomics is on work posture. in order to obtain and maintain the condition of the workers' bodies so that they are in excellent condition, the work must be carried out according to the correct procedure(rivai et al., 2014). one of the non-ergonomic work postures is bending in doing manual material handling. poor posture during work and in long working hours can cause complaints to the body's muscular system and have a negative impact on health(kumalapatni et al., 2020). diseases from work activities caused by unfavorable or less ergonomic working conditions, namely musculoskeletal disorders (msds)(hardima et al., 2018). an activity that causes this disease is a job that is done many times,system less worknature, and working conditions that require workers to carry out their work in unsuitable working conditions(andrian & renilaili, 2021). in the process of lifting objects, the back condition should not be too bent, so that the working position is more comfortable, and must use supporting equipment to avoid musculoskeletal disorders(nurcahyani & tarwaka, 2021).doing activities with awkward postures for a long time and repeatedly can cause damage and discomfort to the nerves and muscle tissue of the body(sulaiman & sari, 2016). early fatigue of a worker can also lead to illness as well as accidents that can lead to disability and, in the worst cases, death.(mesra, 2021).musculoskeletal disorders(msds) are complaints or mild pain before a person feels severe pain in the musculoskeletal system, including joints, nerves, muscles and spine due to improper work posture(sholeha & sunaryo, 2022). complaints of musculoskeletal disorder can be used as a main reason by workers to get permission from their responsibilities as workers and cause losses to the company in terms of time, material, and service.(saftarina & simanjuntak, 2017). one way to find out the level of work posture and minimize msds is to use the reba method reba serves to provide an assessment of a posture risk that can trigger a complaint in the 327 nabil & dahda … vol 4(1) 2022 : 325-332 msds system(yudiardi et al., 2021). analysis of a worker's body posture using the reba method is useful for designing a worker's body posture that is safe and comfortable when doing his job(nur 'ainiyah et al., 2022). rapid entire body assessment (reba) is a science in the field of ergonomics that can be applied accurately and quickly to determine the posture, neck, arms, wrists, and feet of a person in doing a job.(setiorini et al., 2019). preliminary analysis of the body posture of a job that produces scores with high indicators, it is proposed to apply a new work posture that has a lower and safer level of posture.(umboh et al., 2018). the use of work aids can provide optimal results, so it needs to be adjusted to their behavior and effects on the body(surya, 2017). 3. research methods this research was conducted at pt. xyz. one of the companies that produces automotive springs, the method used in this study is to use the reba (rapid entire body assessment) method. the data used in this study are employee work posture data and data on musculoskeletal disorders complaints. logistics for packing. observations were made to obtain work posture data by documenting or taking photos of workers while doing work and collecting data by conducting interviews and filling out nordic body map questionnaires with competent people (workers) on the data needed by researchers. processing of employee work postures by calculating the angle of work posture using autocad software and proceeding with the calculation of the final score using the reba method and calculating the complaints on body parts contained in the nordic body map in order to obtain risk data and worker complaints against musculoskeletal disorders. 4. results and discussions complaints of musculoskeletal disorders data on musculoskeletal disorders complaints were obtained through distributing and filling out nordic body map questionnaires to several (out of 5 logistics packing workers) workers who were in the workplace. the following is the data obtained. fig 2. nordic body map data from figure 2 above, it is known that the highest complaints are at the waist, namely 5 people, the left forearm, 4 people and complaints on the left calf as well as 4 people from the data, it shows that there are complaints of musculoskeletal disorder and improvements are needed. reba (rapid entire body assessment) work posture data obtained by direct observation of workers in the packing section of pt. xyz ( can be seen in figure 1. ). the following work posture data consists of 3 groups, namely group a, group b and group c group a calculations (body, legs and neck) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 r ig h t fo o t le ft f o o t r ig h t a n kl e le ft a n kl e r ig h t ca lf le ft c a lf r ig h t kn e e le ft k n e e r ig h t th ig h le ft t h ig h r ig h t h a n d le ft h a n d r ig h t w ri st le ft w ri st r ig h t fo re a rm le ft f o re a rm r ig h t e lb o w le ft e lb o w b u tt h ip s w a is t r ig h t u p p e r a rm b a ck le ft u p p e r a rm r ig h t sh o u ld e r le ft s h o u ld e r lo w e r n e ck u p p e r n e ck nordic body map 328 nabil & dahda … vol 4(1) 2022 : 325-332 a. from the work posture data, it can be seen that the body posture forms an angle >60⁰, so the score obtained = 4 b. from the work posture data, it can be seen that the movement of the neck forms an angle of 27⁰, so the score obtained = 2 c. from the work posture data, it can be seen that the condition of both feet is well footed and bent in flexion (30º-60), so the score obtained is 1 + 1 = 2 table 1 score table a work posture table a body neck 1 2 3 legs legs legs 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 3 5 6 2 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 3 2 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 4 3 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 5 4 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 9 burden 0 1 2 3 < 5 kilograms 5-10 kilograms >10 kilograms addition sudden then the total score of group a = 8 group b calculations (upper arm, forearm and wrist) a. based on the work posture, it can be seen that the movement of the upper arm forms an angle between 45⁰-90 so the score obtained = 3 b. from the work posture data, it can be seen that the movement of the forearm forms a blade between 60⁰-100⁰ so the score obtained = 1 c. from the work posture data, it can be seen that the movement of the wrist forms an angle of 15º and experiences a circular movement so that the score obtained = 2 d. the position of the grip is strong and right in the middle = +0 table 2 score table b work posture table b upper arm fore arm 1 2 wrist wrist 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 3 3 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 7 8 8 then the total score of group b = 4 group c calculation ( group b calculation + group a ) table 3 score table c working posture table c score score b a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 2 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 3 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 4 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 329 nabil & dahda … vol 4(1) 2022 : 325-332 5 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 a. final score calculation table c = 9 b. muscle performance score = 1 c. total reba final score = 10 the results in calculations using the reba method during manual material handling activities when packing leaf springs get a score of 10, so further research is required and immediately repairs the work system. from the results of calculations that show the results so that immediate action is taken, the researchers provide solutions for work aids that can ease the burden on workers, which can be seen in figure 3. fig 3. proposed work posture improvement figure 3 is a suggestion for improvement by adding or using pallets under the goods to be packed, this is useful for improving posture so that it is not too bent and also does not cost a lot so it can be a proposal for improvement. group a calculations (body, legs and neck) a) posture forms an angle of 10⁰, so the score you get = 2 b) the movement of the neck forms an angle of 9⁰, so the score obtained = 1 c) the condition of both legs is well supported and bent in flexion (30º-60), so the score is 1+1=2 table 4 score table a proposed improvements table a body neck 1 2 3 legs legs legs 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 3 5 6 2 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 3 2 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 4 3 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 5 4 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 9 330 nabil & dahda … vol 4(1) 2022 : 325-332 burden 0 1 2 3 < 5 kilograms 5-10 kilograms >10 kilograms addition sudden then the total score of group a = 5 group b calculations (upper arm, forearm and wrist) a) the movement of the upper arm forms an angle between 20⁰-45⁰ so the score obtained = 2 b) the movement of the forearm forms an angle of 60⁰ so the score obtained = 1 c) the movement of the wrist forms an angle of 8º and undergoes a circular movement so that the score obtained = 2 d) the position of the grip is strong and right in the middle = +0 table 5 score table b proposed improvements table b upper arm fore arm 1 2 wrist wrist 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 3 3 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 7 8 8 then the total score of group b = 2 group c calculation ( group b + group a calculation ) table 6 score table c proposed improvement table c score score b a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 2 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 3 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 4 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 5 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 a) final score calculation table c = 4 b) muscle performance value = 1 c) total reba final score = 5 5. conclusion the results of the analysis using the reba (rapid entire body assessment) method at pt. xyz in the packing section shows that it can be high risk and can cause musculoskeletal disorders, this can be seen in the results of the reba grand score which shows a result of 10 so 331 nabil & dahda … vol 4(1) 2022 : 325-332 improvements must be made immediately. improvements that must be made are changes 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on the pavement conditions of the lahat-pagaralam section of the bridge from endikat to the depati h. duaji road of pagaralam-lahat by using the pavement condition index method (pci). there are 10 types of damage to the lahat pagaralam crossing from the endikat bridge to the depati h. duaji lintas pagaralam road, namely crocodile cracks by 20.39%, obesity by 3.95%, basins by 0.66%, curl by 0.66 %, edge cracks of 3.29%, longitudinal/transverse cracks of 5.26%, fillings of 55.92%, aggregate wear of 1.32, holes of 7.24% and grooves of 1.32%. the average pavement condition index (pci) for the lahat pagaralam section from the endikat bridge to the depati h. duaji pagaralam road section is 82.63% which is included in the very good category. the repair methods that can be carried out are the p2 (local asphalt laburan) repair method, the p5 repair method (hole filling) and the p6 repair method (alignment). keywords: pavement condition index, type of road damage, road, damage analysis 1. introduction initial research on the condition of the road surface is by conducting a visual survey which means by seeing and analyzing the damage based on the type and level of damage to be used as a basis for carrying out maintenance and repair activities(ale et al., 2018). the purpose of this study was to conduct an assessment to identify and classify the types and levels of damage to road pavements. assessment of the condition of the road pavement is an important aspect in determining road maintenance and repair activities(isradi et al., 2020; isradi et al., 2019). to assess the condition of the pavement, it is necessary to determine the type of damage, the cause, and the level of damage that occurred. many regency/city road pavements in indonesia have been damaged due to the repetition of traffic loads, along with increasing economic growth in the regions, including one in the pagaralam city area, south sumatra province(ahmad et al., 2018; fotiadi et al., 2020). from the results of field monitoring, it can be seen that there is a traffic load that exceeds the planned capacity. it is even possible that with the current traffic conditions, the pavement structure will be damaged more quickly(li et al., 2021). to determine whether in the near future or in the future, the road is still in good condition, the surface condition, structural capability and geometry need to be evaluated. if judgment is made to determine or select the required repair, then the most economical repair can be designed and implemented(bhandari et al., 2022; taher, 2020). in connection with this, it is necessary to study the level and type of road damage in the pagaralam city area. from the results of this study, it will be known the level and type of damage that is dominant, as well as the priority order of roads that must be handled immediately based on the results of the value of the damage conditions on each road segment. for this reason, researchers are interested in conducting research with the title "analysis of damage to the lahat-pagarlam cross road from the endikat bridge to the depati h.duaji road crossing pagaralam-lahat. nisumanti et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 251-262 252 2. literature review definition of feeling road pavement is a system consisting of several layers of material placed on the subgrade. the main purpose of constructing a pavement is to provide a flat surface with a certain roughness, with a fairly long service life, and minimum maintenance(pandey et al., 2021). pavement types in indonesia, there are two types of road pavements that are commonly used in the field, namely: 1. flexible pavement construction according to tenriajeng (2000: 9) in his book that the road pavement receives vehicle loads through wheel contact in the form of a load that is evenly distributed p0 for example in figure 1, the surface layer receives the load and is then distributed to the subgrade which then becomes a p1 load, namely the carrying capacity. subgrade is greater than the free. fig 1. distribution of wheel loads through the pavement layer (tenriajeng, 2000: 9) surface layer top foundation layer sub foundation layer subsoil layer fig 2. stacking layers of flexible pavement construction flexible pavement construction consists of layers located above the compacted subgrade. these layers function to receive the traffic load and distribute it to the lower layers(kermani et al., 2019; arab et al., 2020). roads are land transportation infrastructure which includes all parts of the road, including complementary buildings and equipment intended for traffic, which are on the ground surface, above the ground surface, below the ground and/or water surface, and above the water surface, except roads. railways, lorries and cable roads(ratnaningsih et al., 2021). causes of road damage according to alam (2020), damage to road pavement construction can be caused by: 1. traffic, which results from an increase in the load (vehicle axle) that exceeds the design load, or also the retifiation of the load (vehicle volume) that exceeds the planned volume so that the design life of the road is not achieved. 2. water, which comes from rainwater, poor road drainage system, rising water due to capillary nature 3. pavement material. this can be caused by the nature of the material itself or also caused by a poor material processing system. 4. climate, air temperature and high rainfall can damage the road pavement. nisumanti et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 251-262 253 5. the condition of the subgrade is unstable, because of its bad nature or because of the poor implementation system. types of damage damage that occurs on roads can be grouped into two, namely structural damage and functional damage. structural damage is damage that includes damage or failure to the road structure which causes a reduction in the carrying capacity of the road against the load of passing vehicles so that repairs are needed to restore the structural function of the pavement so that it can serve traffic well. functional damage is damage in the form of comfort and safety of passing motorists so that motorists feel disturbed which is generally caused by overloaded vehicles that pass continuously and cause damage(avci et al., 2021). road damage can be seen and classified as follows: 1. crocodile cracks (alligator cracks) the crack is a network of small polygons resembling crocodile skin, with a slit width greater than or equal to 3 mm. these cracks are caused by fatigue from repeated traffic loads(taufikurrahman et al., 2022). possible causes: a. pavement material or material quality that is not good enough to cause weak pavement or brittle asphalt layers. b. asphalt weathering c. less use of asphalt. d. high ground water on the road pavement. e. the undercoat is less stable. levels : l = longitudinal crack with a thin line that is not interconnected. m = further development of light quality cracks. h = the cracks will be interconnected to form fragments. fig 3. crocodile skin crack deduct value obesity (bleeding) this surface defect is the occurrence of asphalt concentration in a certain place on the road surface. the physical form of this damage can be recognized by the appearance of a thin layer of asphalt (without aggregate) on the surface of the pavement and if in conditions of high pavement surface temperature (hot sun) or in heavy traffic, traces of 'tire flower s' will be seen from vehicles passing through it. this will also endanger traffic safety because the road will become slippery(setiawan & winayati, 2021). main possible causes: a. uneven or excessive use of asphalt. b. not using a suitable binder (asphalt). c. as a result of the release of asphalt from the bottom layer which has excess asphalt. levels : l = asphalt melts with a low melting rate with an indication of not sticking to the shoes. m = the melt is getting wider with an indication of asphalt sticking to the shoe. nisumanti et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 251-262 254 h = the melt is getting more widespread and worrying fig. 4 obesity deduct value road repair method road repair methods according to the 1995 director general of highways standards are: 1. repair method p1 damage type: locations of asphalt fat, especially on bends and inclines. handling steps: a. mobilize equipment, workers and materials to the site b. mark the road to be repaired c. clean the area with air compressor d. spread coarse sand or fine aggregate >10 mm thick over the damaged surface e. compaction with light compactor (weight 1-2 tons) until a flat surface is obtained and has an optimal density of 95%. 2. repair method p2 damage type: a. damage to the edge of the paved road b. 2mm smaller alligator crack c. crack line width is less than 2 mm d. peeled off handling steps: a. mobilize equipment, workers and materials to the site b. mark the road to be repaired c. clean the area with air compressor d. spread coarse sand or fine aggregate with a thickness of 5 mm over the damaged surface until smooth. e. compaction with a pneumatic machine until a flat surface is obtained and has an optimal density of up to 95%. 3. p3 repair method damage type: locations of one-way cracks with a crack width of less than 2 mm. handling steps: a. mobilize equipment, workers and materials to the site b. mark the road to be repaired c. clean the area with air compressor nisumanti et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 251-262 255 d. spray tack coat (0.2 lt/m2) on the area to be repaired. e. spread and flatten the asphalt-concrete mixture over the damaged surface until smooth. f. perform light compaction (1-2 tons) until a flat surface is obtained and has an optimal density of up to 95%. 4. repair method p4 damage type: locations of one-way cracks with crack widths greater than 2 mm handling steps: a. mobilize equipment, workers and materials to the site b. mark the road to be repaired c. clean the area with air compressor d. filling cracks with 2lt/m2 cut back asphalt using asphalt sprayer e. spread coarse sand or fine aggregate >10 mm thick over the damaged surface. f. compacting with a baby roller at least 3 passes. 5. p5 repair method (hole patching) damage type: a. hole >50 mm . depth b. crocodile crack larger 2 mm c. curly depth >30 mm d. groove depth >30 mm e. subside with depth >50 mm f. jembul with depth >50 mm g. road pavement edge damage handling steps: a. mobilize equipment, workers and materials to the site. b. mark the road to be repaired c. excavate the material until it reaches the layer below it. d. cleaning the repaired area by manpower. e. spraying prime coat absorbent layer at a rate of 0.5 lt/m2 f. spread the asphalt mixture over the damaged surface until smooth. g. compacting with a baby roller minimum of 5 passes. 6. p6 repair method (alignment) damage type: a. hole with depth < 30 mm b. curl with depth <30 mm c. grooves with depth < 30 mm d. drop location with depth < 50 mm e. jebulum with a depth of <50 mm f. road pavement edge damage handling steps: a. mobilize equipment, workers and materials to the site. b. mark the road to be repaired c. cleaning the repaired area by manpower. d. spraying the tack coat absorbent layer at a rate of 0.5 lt/m2 e. spread the asphalt mixture over the damaged surface until smooth. f. compacting with a baby roller minimum of 5 passes. nisumanti et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 251-262 256 3. research methods in the pavement contidion index (pci) research which examines the level of pavement surface conditions where the study aims to determine the level of surface damage on the lahat pagaralam road section from the endikat bridge to the depati h. duaji road, pagaralam lahat. the research was conducted to analyze the damage to the pavement structure by making visual observations. research stage 1. preparation a. check equipment and preparation b. check the completeness of the survey form 2. the order of execution of the service includes a. fill in the survey form b. make observations of road damage at the location of pavement damage and fill in the survey form every 500 meters. c. take photos of the road damage observed during the survey. primary data the primary data used to complete the data in this final project research is by means of surveys and direct observations in the field according to the research location. steps to obtain primary data from the field include: 1. measurement of the type of damage 2. dimensions of road damage 3. field survey data 4. recording the location of the damage secondary data secondary data obtained from the relevant agencies in this study, the department of public works pagaralam city which is the data in this study. these data include: 1. geometric data of road segments 2. existing pavement structure data 3. type of road data analysis method the road damage analysis method used is the pavement condition index (pci) method. in the pci method, the calculation results from a survey of road conditions visually identified from the type of damage, severity, and quantity. data analysis procedure there are several stages in this method, such as: 1. damage level (severity level) severity level is the level of damage for each type of damage. the level of damage used in the pci calculation is low severity level (l), medium severity level (m), and high severity level (h). 2. finding the density (damage level) finding density is the percentage of the total area or length of one type of damage to the area or total length of the measured road section. it can be in m or in square meters. density can be expressed by equation 3.1 or 3.2: density = ............................................... ................................(3.1) or density = ............................................... ................................(3.2) information: ad: total area of damage type for each level of damage (m ) ld: total length of damage type for each level of damage (m) nisumanti et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 251-262 257 as: total area of segment unit (m2) research flowchart fig 5. research flowchart 4. results and discussions lahat-pagaralam cross road data the data on the lahat-pagaralam cross road from the endikat bridge to the depati h. duaji cross pagaralam road is as follows: 1. road length : 19,400 m (19.4 km) 2. pavement type : flexible pavement 3. line separator: dotted line headquarters 4. road shoulder width : 5 m road damage analysis using pavement condition index (pci) method as for the example of calculating the pci value, the data taken from km 3+000 to 3+500 can be seen in nisumanti et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 251-262 258 table 1 pavement condition at km 3+000 to 3+50 sketch : 100 m 1. retak buaya (m²) 9. pinggir jalan turun vertikal (m) 17. patah slip (m²) 2. kegemukan (m²) 10. retak memanjang/melintang (m) 18. mengembang jembul (m²) 3. retak kotak-kota (m²) 11. tambalan (m) 19. pelepasan butir (m) 4. cekungan (m²) 12. pengausan agregat (m) 5. keriting (m²) 13. lubang (m²) 6. amblas (m²) 14. perpotongan rel (m²) 7. retak pinggir (m) 15. alur (m) 8. retak sambung (m) 16. sungkur (m²) distress density deduct severity (%) value 12l 0,51 0,51 0,06 0 15l 28 28 3,11 18 11l 2,94 2,94 0,33 0 1l 5,4 5,4 0,6 7 airfield ashpaly pavement sketch : condition survey data sheet for sample unit sta quantity total 3 + 0 0 0 3 + 5 0 0 a. calculating density value (density) the calculation of the density value can be seen in table 4.2. ad : total area of damage for each level of damage (m2) ld : total length of damage type for each level of damage (m) as : total area of segment unit (m2) table 2 calculation of density damage type level damage 1 2 3 ad as ad/as*100% aggregate wear l 0,51 900 0,06 plot l 28,00 900 3,11 patches l 2,94 900 0,33 crocodile crack l 5,40 900 0,60 b. deduct value (dv) finding the deduct value (dv) in the form of a graph of the types of damage by entering the density percentage into the graph of each type of damage then drawing a vertical line to cut the level of damage (low, medium, high). next draw a horizontal line and the dv can be found. find the deduct value (dv) in km 3+000 to 3+500. fig 6. graph of aggregate wear deduct value 2) flow nisumanti et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 251-262 259 fig 7. graph of deduct value flow pavement condition index (pci) method analysis analysis of the calculation of the pci value is carried out to determine the pci value per segment. pci analysis can be seen in table 2 table 2 – pci analysis no km cdv max 100-cdv pci 1 3+000 3+500 18 82 satisfying 2 3+500 4+000 21 79 satisfying 3 4+000 4+500 43 57 well 4 4+500 5+000 47 53 currently the average pci value per km on the lahat pagaralam cross road section from the endikat bridge to the depati h. duaji cross pagaralam road is: 1. 0+000 5+000 km = 795/10 = 79.50% 2. 5+000 10+000 km = 825/10 = 82.50% 3. 10+000 15+000 km = 823/10 = 82.30% 4. 15+000 20+000 km = 862/10 = 86.20% the average pci value for each segment on the lahat pagaralam cross road from endikat bridge to depati h. duaji cross pagaralam road is: pcitotal = / number of segments pcitotal = 330.54 = 82.63% (very good) so it can be concluded that the pavement value on the lahat pagaralam cross road from endikat bridge to depati h. duaji cross pagaralam road is very good. classification of pavement quality the pci value of each research unit can determine the quality of the segment unit pavement layer based on certain conditions, namely perfect (excellent), satisfactory (satisfactory), good (good), moderate (fair), poor (poor), and failed (failed). proposed handling 1. p2 repair method (local asphalt laburan) a. damage type 1) transverse cracks, diagonal cracks, and longitudinal cracks with crack width < 2 mm. b. handling step 1) prepare workers, equipment, and materials at the site of damage. 2) marking on the road before repair. 3) use air compressor to clean the area. 4) on the surface of the damaged road, fine aggregate and coarse sand with a thickness of 5 mm are spread. nisumanti et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 251-262 260 5) smoothing to optimal density (95%) using a pneumatic machine. 6) at the work site, the safety equipment and remaining materials are cleaned. 7) demobility. 2. p5 repair method (hole patching) a. damage type 1) hole with depth > 50 mm. 2) crocodile skin cracks > 3 mm. 3) grooves with depth > 30 mm. 4) damage to the edge of the road pavement. b. handling step 1) prepare workers, equipment, and materials at the site of damage. 2) marking on the road before repair. 3) excavation of material with depths ranging up to 150 – 200 mm or reaching the material below. 4) use air compressor to clean the area. 5) inspection of optimum moisture content in road works, if the moisture content is dry, add water to optimum condition and dig up material if any is wet and then allow to dry. 6) compact the bottom of the excavation with hand compactor. 7) adding class a or class b aggregate with a maximum thickness of 15 cm into the excavation, after that compacting the aggregate in a state of optimum water content until the maximum density is obtained. 8) the addition of prime coat (binder) type rs with a dose of 0.5 lt/𝑚2. for the cut back type mc-30, emulsion asphalt is used at a rate of 0.8 lt/m2. 9) using a concrete mixer to mix the cold mixed aggregate with the ratio of coarse and fine aggregate 1.5 : 1. asphalt mixer with a maximum capacity of approximately 0.1 3. before the asphalt is treated, to cool the mixture by adding all 0.1 m3 of aggregate. then add asphalt and stir for 4 minutes. after that the cold asphalt mixture is prepared sufficiently for the entire work. 10) spreading cold asphalt mixture with a maximum thickness of 40 mm and compaction until a flat surface is obtained. 11) compaction using a baby roller at least 3 passes. 12) at the work site, the safety equipment and remaining materials are cleaned. 3. p6 repair method (alignment) a. damage type 1) holes with a depth of < 50 mm. 2) grooves with a depth of < 30 mm. 3) damage to the edge of the road pavement. b. handling steps 1) prepare workers, equipment, and materials at the site of damage. 2) marking on the road before repair. 3) use air compressor to clean the area. 4) in the damaged area, 0.5 lt/𝑚2 of rc type tack coat is sprayed, for emulsion asphalt it is 0.2 lt/m2, while for cutback using asphalt ketlle with holes. 5) using a concrete mixer to mix the cold mixed aggregate with a ratio of coarse and fine aggregate 1.5: 1. asphalt mixer with a maximum capacity of approximately 0.1 m3. before the asphalt is treated, to cool the mixture by adding all 0.1 3 aggregate. 6) asphalt material is added and stirred for 4 minutes, after which it prepares asphalt concrete mix, cold asphalt mixture class a, class c, or class e until the job is finished. 7) add cold asphalt mixture on the surface to a thickness of 10 mm above the surface. 8) compaction using a baby roller at least 5 passes until the maximum density is obtained. nisumanti et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 251-262 261 9) at the work site, the safety equipment and remaining materials are cleaned. 5. conclusion based on the analysis and discussion that has been described, the following conclusions can be drawn: there are 10 types of damage to the lahat pagaralam cross road from endikat bridge to depati h. duaji lintas pagaralam road, namely crocodile cracks by 20.39%, obesity by 3.95%, basins by 0.66%, curl by 0 0.66%, edge cracks 3.29%, longitudinal/transverse cracks 5.26%, fillings 55.92%, aggregate wear 1.32, holes 7.24% and grooves 1.32%. the average pavement condition index (pci) for the lahat pagaralam section from the endikat bridge to the depati h. duaji pagaralam road is 82.63% which is included in the very good category. the repair methods that can be carried out are the p2 (local asphalt laburan) repair method, the p5 repair method (hole filling) and the p6 repair method (alignment). references ahmad, s. n., harianto, t., samang, l., & hustim, m. 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(2000). rekayasan jalan raya ii. gunadarma. jakarta. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022 : 451-459 451 finite element analysis and fabrication of voronoi perforated wrist hand orthosis based on reverse engineering modelling method zakki fuadi emzain1*, nanang qosim2, am. mufarrih3, syamsul hadi4 department of mechanical engineering, politeknik negeri malang, indonesia1,2,3,4 received : 06 november 2022, revised: 08 december 2022, accepted : 08 december 2022 *corresponding author abstract other than surgery, post-stroke spasticity, fractures due to accidents, sports injuries, and musculoskeletal disorders due to office work on the wrist can be treated using a wrist-hand orthosis. the customized conventional methods usually have some drawbacks, which are more expensive, take a long time to manufacture, and require expert skills from medical therapists. the presence of reverse engineering (re) technology can be applied in the medical field, such as the manufacture of prosthetic or orthosis devices. this study aims to develop a reverse engineering-based wrist-hand orthosis design, analyze it using the finite element method, and fabricate it. research methods included 3d scanning, cad modelling, model analysis, 3d printing, and postprocessing. the model material used was pla with variations in the thickness of 5 mm, 5.5 mm, and 6 mm, and the load values range from 0 n to 30 n. the results of the equivalent stress analysis showed that the 5 mm thickness model could withstand a load of 30 n with a maximum equivalent stress of 23.46 mpa. with a safety factor value of 2.56, it was still relatively safe, and a critical area was at the back end of the model's palm between the thumb and index finger. the equivalent elastic strain and deformation results also had the same graphic trend with the maximum values for the same model, which were 0.0076 mm and 0.614 mm, respectively. the 3d printing fdm result showed that the voronoi perforated wrist-hand orthosis prototype was sturdy, fit, and comfortable. it is expected to hold muscle tone and immobilize for hand rehabilitation. keywords: finite element analysis; reverse engineering; wrist-hand orthosis, voronoi perforated 1. introduction the wrist is essential in daily activities such as lifting, pushing, and pulling objects. however, the wrist may not function optimally due to post-stroke spasticity, wrist fractures, and wrist injury. wrist fractures can be caused by falls, accidents, and sports injuries (hsu et al., 2021). prolonged and inappropriate use of computers and mice can also cause musculoskeletal disorders. about 41% of diseases related to office work are musculoskeletal disorders in the upper extremities, including the neck, shoulders, arms, and wrists (sirajudeen et al., 2018). treatment for spasticity, fracture, and injury to the wrist can be done with surgery if it is severe or with the use of wrist orthoses if it is relatively mild, depending on several factors (calbiyik, 2018). an orthosis is an artificial device to hold or immobilize an injured patient's body part for recovery (modi, 2018). the use of an orthosis also allows it to be used while doing activities or working while maintaining the fixed position of the body part. however, the orthosis sold generally is as uncomfortable as the customized one. meanwhile, customized orthoses are more expensive, take a long time to manufacture, and require expert skills from medical therapists (keller et al., 2021). generally, there are two methods for making conventional customized wrist-hand orthosis (who). the first method is with a plaster cast. the plaster cast is only used as a copy of the mould, which will then be used for orthosis models made of thermoplastic manually or by vacuum. the second method is to modify the thermoplastic, which is malleable after being softened with hot water directly on the patient's organs. however, both methods need to cut the unused thermoplastic parts outside the covered organ and add additions such as pads, glue, and plaster straps. this method also cannot be used for mass production and requires direct contact with the patient's organs (palousek et al., 2014). emzain et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 451-459 452 the use of wrist orthosis from 3d printers has been proven to play a significant role as a substitute compared to conventional wrist orthosis from plaster, thermoplastic, and brace and has excellent prospects in the future (zheng et al., 2020). several previous studies related to the development of the manufacture of wrist orthosis have also been carried out by several researchers. a wrist orthosis model with a hybrid method has been developed, which combines the results of 3d printing as the inner layer and injection moulding as the outer layer with assembly principles such as plug-ins (h. kim & jeong, 2015). a hand orthosis using reverse engineering has been researched with a modified cad model, such as a duck's foot with an additional surface between the fingers. the model is printed using fdm 3d printing with abs material with several small circular holes for ventilation under the palm to the wrist (baronio et al., 2016). artificial wrist orthosis on patients has been tested with better results than using a wrist brace. the wrist orthosis design covers the wrist surface with a thickness of 1.8 mm and segmented holes in the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb and the top of the forearm. the material used is thermoplastic polyurethane (tpu) filament and is fabricated using a fused filament fabrication (fff) 3d printer (s. j. kim et al., 2018). a prototype wrist orthosis was made by combining two fdm printer materials: tpu for the inner layer and abs for the outer layer. the model's design is divided into two parts, top, and bottom, for assembly using screws, and the ventilation holes are in the form of a parallelogram that is evenly distributed (górski et al., 2019). the manufacture of wrist splints has been developed using reverse engineering and in combination with finite element analysis. the research also tested the direction and angle of the printed material before fabricating the wrist splint using a 3d printer selective laser sintering (sls) type (modi & khare, 2022). although several studies have been related to the static wrist orthosis mentioned above, some prototype models of the wrist orthosis are still only at the bottom of the wrist and forearm. as a result, it is not covered all of the wrist areas. it should be better if the orthoses function could also be used as a protector from friction or impact on the top. while some dynamic wrist orthoses still look complicated in design and difficult to use (ates et al., 2015; sutton et al., 2016). so it is necessary to develop a static wrist orthosis that is more comfortable, sturdy, and easy to apply and wear. the presence of reverse engineering (re) and rapid prototyping (rp) technologies have been widely used, including in the medical field. fabrication of tissues and organs, manufacture of prosthetics and orthoses/splints, implants, and anatomical models that can be modified are several forms of application in the medical field (dodziuk, 2016). this benefit allows the creation of a suitable individual orthosis based on the patient's anthropometry (young et al., 2019). the advantages of 3d printers are that they are easy to model, fast to manufacture, and cost-effective in production, making 3d printers very appropriate to be used as an alternative to orthoses (choi et al., 2019). the use of finite element analysis can predict critical areas of a model so that the model design can be improved and refined before being fabricated (qosim et al., 2020, 2022). therefore, further research is needed on the manufacture of wrist-hand orthosis using reverse engineering (re) and rapid prototyping (rp) technology. this study aims to develop a wrist-hand orthosis model using a 3d laser scanner. then the finite element analysis and fabrication of the model are carried out. 2. research methods this study has four main steps, which are 3d scanning, cad modelling, model analysis, and model fabrication. a flowchart of the stages of this research is shown in figure 1 (emzain et al., 2020). firstly, the hand body of the patient was scanned from the fingers, palm, wrist, and forearm using einscan-h 3d scanner, where the specifications are suitable for scanning the human body. the hand object is required to remain motionless during the scanning time. the patient sits on a chair with an upright hand position using the elbow as a support on the table. meanwhile, the scanner performer stands to scan around the object's hand using a 3d scanner, and the laptop is on the table facing the scanner to determine the scanning progress. the arrangement of the object scanning flow can be seen in figure 2. emzain et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 451-459 453 fig. 1. flowchart of research stages fig. 2. scan process settings cad modelling involves several steps: segmentation, thickening, venting, and making connections. these steps were conducted to create a design of the wrist-hand orthosis, which covers the wrist's surface, starting from the upper arm area to the tip of the palm. the analysis model stage was carried out to determine how much the maximum equivalent stress occurs and the specific location that experiences stress. moreover, the result of the safety factor, equivalent elastic strain, and deformation was also covered in the analysis model. then, a fabrication model using fused deposition modelling (fdm) 3d printing was used for prototyping the model. the most widely used plastic filament material, polylactic acid (pla), was used as the primary material. pla was chosen because it has a longer temperature resistance when the printing process is carried out with a long duration compared to acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (abs) material which is easy to wrap (yang et al., 2021). the mechanical characteristics of pla material can be seen in table 1 (jesus et al., 2022). table 1 mechanical characteristics of pla material characteristics value unit density 1.24 g/cm3 young's modulus 3100 mpa poisson's ratio 0.39 yield strength 60 mpa 3. results and discussions 3.1 3d scanning emzain et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 451-459 454 the scanned body part was made to exceed the core area of the wrist-hand orthosis model, which includes the fingers, palm, wrist, and forearm, so the segmentation process can be carried out efficiently. the configuration selected in the 3d scanning process included texture scan, high detail resolution with a point distance of 0.7 mm, watertight model, high detail meshing data, and 100% scaling ratio to obtain the best scanning result. figure 3 shows the final file (.stl) resulting from 3d scanning. fig. 3. 3d scanning result 3.2 cad modelling in the model segmentation process, the finger and elbow areas were cut and removed at a certain distance and cutting angle. the remaining location boundaries were the forearm before the elbow until each finger's metacarpal tip area. furthermore, the thickening process of the surface was made of 5 mm, 5.5 mm, and 6 mm. the configuration of accuracy was 50, and regularity was 50. following this, the ventilation holes in the upper and lower model were made with the setting dual edge on pattern type and tilling mode hex grid. then, an element dimension of 5 mm and element spacing of 0.2 mm were chosen to produce a medium-sized voronoi diagram-shaped ventilation for the hand orthosis. the process of segmentation, thickening, and model hole-making is all done using autodesk meshmixer software. the result of making model ventilation holes is shown in figure 4. fig. 4. model with voronoi perforated the connection pattern was made like a puzzle, so the orthosis model will easily put on and take off. on the right side of the model, the puzzle pattern was made using an angle of approximately 135 degrees, while on the left side of the model, the puzzle pattern was made using an angle of roughly 45 degrees. the shape of the pattern that is made extends from the front end to the model's back end. the model connection was made using autodesk powershape ultimate software. figure 5 shows the final result of making the connection model. after that, the model emzain et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 451-459 455 will be converted from an stl file into a solid part before the model analysis process is carried out. fig. 5. the result of the connection model 3.3 analysis model the meshing process was generated manually with an input element size of 2 mm, where the size produced a good-quality mesh. it can be seen that the majority of the mesh results are on a scale interval of 0.13 0.38 for quad4 and tri3-shaped elements. according to the skewness scale, the closer to 0, the mesh quality is classified as good (emzain et al., 2021). figure 6 shows the results of the meshing model with mesh quality indicators. boundary conditions for fixed support applied were on the top area of the model except for the ventilation holes starting from the back of the palm to the back of the arm. on the opposite side, especially in the area around the wrist to the tip of the palm, a force was applied with loading ranging from 0 to 30 n. this interval force is assumed to occur when the model is applied to the patient's hand for fixation. figure 7 shows the boundary conditions of the wrist-hand orthosis model. fig. 6. results of meshing models with mesh quality indicators emzain et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 451-459 456 fig. 7. result of boundary condition model the analysis of the wrist-hand orthosis model for the equivalent (von mises) stress showed that the maximum stress occurred in the area of the back end of the model's hand. this area is the link between the thumb and index finger, where the two fingers have a greater force than the other. figure 8 shows the results of equivalent stress by indicating the maximum stress area and a graph of the relationship between load and stress from variations in the model's thickness. the maximum stress in the most significant load of 30 n was experienced in the model size of 5 mm, which was 23.46 mpa. this value is considered safe because it is still far below the tensile strength value of the pla material. by calculation using the safety factor formula as follows. 𝑛 = 𝜎yield 𝜎actual therefore, the maximum stress in the model has a safety factor of 2.56. fig. 8. the results of the equivalent stress model and the graph of the relationship between load and stress from variations in model thickness meanwhile, the wrist hand orthosis model from the equivalent elastic strain also showed the same trend, and the maximum strain area was the same as the equivalent stress for the three types of model thickness. the maximum strain value with the most significant load of 30 n was found in the 5 mm thickness model, 0.0076 mm. the strain value is well received because the value is still relatively small. while the 6 mm thickness model was the smallest, the maximum strain value was 0.0032. figure 9 shows the results of the equivalent elastic strain with the indication of the maximum strain area and a graph of the load-strain relationship from the variation in the model's thickness. emzain et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 451-459 457 fig. 9. the results of the equivalent elastic strain model and the graph of the relationship between load and strain from variations in the thickness of the model on top of that, the deformation result of the wrist-hand orthosis model analysis showed that the area of the palm end of the model experienced the most significant deformation. it is reasonable and can occur because the area is the border of the palm with the fingers, where the hand's position tends to be bent as the center of the load. the most considerable deformation value occurred in the 5 mm thickness model, 0.614 mm, while the smallest deformation value occurred in the 6 mm model, 0.172 mm. figure 10 shows the deformation results with the indication of the maximum deformation area and a graph of the relationship between load and deformation from variations in the model's thickness. fig. 10. the results of the deformation model and the graph of the relationship between load and deformation from variations in the thickness of the model 3.4 model fabrication the wrist-hand orthosis model using polylactic acid (pla) material was fabricated separately between the lower and upper parts using the 3d printing fused deposition modeling (fdm). the parameters used were nozzle size 0.4 mm, layer height 0.2 mm, shell thickness 0.8 mm, infill density 80%, material printing temperature 208 °c, and printing speed 50 mm/s. the 3d printing fdm prototype results showed that both parts were successfully printed and assembled. with a thickness of 5 mm, the prototype model felt sturdy due to the high infill density, even though it results in a longer printing time. the model's shape was very fit and comfortable when worn because the inner surface of the model was smooth, and the general support was placed on the outer surface. with the strength of the model, the model is certainly able to withstand muscle tone for stroke sufferers and the load of the wrist and palm for hand rehabilitation fixation. the use of the model on the hand can be seen in figure 11. emzain et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 451-459 458 fig. 11. wearing the wrist hand orthosis model on the hand 5. conclusion the design of the voronoi perforated wrist hand orthosis model that has a shape like the surface of a human hand has been successfully created using the reverse engineering modelling method. reverse engineering modelling started with scanning objects using a 3d scanner, then in 3d modelling, involved the segmentation process, thickening, venting, making connections, and converting model formats. furthermore, the model design was analyzed using the finite element method with variations in thickness and loading. the analysis model results showed that the maximum equivalent stress occurred in the 5 mm thickness model with a maximum stress of 23.46 mpa, which is classified as safe with a safety factor of 2.56. the area that experienced maximum equivalent stress occurred in the back of the model's palm between the thumb and index finger. the results of the equivalent elastic strain also have the same graph trend and the same maximum area, with the maximum strain value found in the 5 mm thickness model, which was 0.0076 mm, which is still relatively small. while the deformation results showed that the palm end area of the model experienced the most considerable deformation, and the maximum deformation occurred in the 5 mm thickness model, which was 0.614 mm. the model fabrication result showed that the wrist-hand orthosis prototype is sturdy, fit in shape, and comfortable. the model can withstand muscle tone for stroke sufferers and the load of the wrist and palm for hand rehabilitation fixation. acknowledgement optional we want to express our gratitude to the upt 2m politeknik negeri malang, which has funded this research with sp dipa– references ates, s., mora-moreno, i., wessels, m., & stienen, a. h. a. 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industrial gas turbines, and this is due to its high methane content. this study presents a useful model and methodology to be employed for the optimization of gas turbine fleet composition, thermal efficiency and for the assessment of the impact of compressor degradation on the aforementioned. this methodology serves as a guide to investors and governments for the economic use of this fuel. turbomatch was used in modeling a 296 mega watt reheat gas turbine engine. the study was done using clean engines and degraded engines of three variations – the optimistic, medium, and pessimistic. genetic algorithm tool in matlab was used in optimizing the fleet compositions and thermal efficiencies. the effect of compressor degradation on the optimized fleet composition and thermal efficiencies were also ascertained. results show that the clean, optimistic, medium, and pessimistic degraded fleets have total operations and maintenance costs to be 1.224, 1.242, 1.265, and 1.297 billion us dollars respectively. engine degradation resulted to 1.4%, 3.3%, and 5.9% increase in the operations and maintenance costs of the optimistic, medium, and pessimistic degraded fleets respectively. keywords : energy, power, economic return, turbomatch, gas turbine. 1. introduction associated gas is a huge source of energy; this is due to its high methane content. instead of flaring of this energy resource, it could be harnessed as fuel for power and energy generation using gas turbines.several works have been done on the utilization of associated gas for energy and revenue generation, zolfaghari et al., (2017) also, researches on the influence of degradation on the performance parameters of gas turbines have been done(kurz and brun, 2009; allison, 2014; anosike et al.,2016). allison et al., (2013) studied the influence of gas turbine degradation on the performance of gas turbines. obhuo et. al., (2020) have worked on the influence of degradation on the economic utilization of associated gas and on the divestment time of redundant units of engines. a lot has also been done in the field of gas turbine maintenance. carazas et al., (2011) researched availability analysis of gas turbines used in power plants. this author adopted a methodology based on system reliability concepts like functional tree development, reliability and maintainability assessment using a database of historical failure records, and implementation of failure mode and effects assessment to estimate critical components for enhancement of the reliability of the system. 99% and 96% are the results for the reliability assessment for the two turbines, which is an indication of the variation in their systems installation and operation. tahan et al., (2017) worked on ‘performance-based health monitoring, diagnostics and prognostics for condition-based maintenance of gas turbines: a review’. this author reviewed gas turbine engine monitoring approaches. he also identified the causes of engine degradation to have a timely identification of fault. the outcome of the author’s research would provide professionals, researchers, and decision-makers working in the field of gas turbine with state of the art knowledge on engine performance-based condition monitoring. mo et al., (2018) studied ‘performancebased maintenance of gas turbines for reliable control of degraded power systems’. this author’s research investigated optimal maintenance techniques to reduce the expected maintenance costs. his work proposed a framework that could be used in designing preventive maintenance actions on a gas obhuo et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 618-632 619 power plant, which would help to ensure the needed load frequency control performance, thereby preventing sudden load increase. optimization of various gas turbine components to have better performance has been studied by many. knight et al., (2006) carried out economic optimization of gas turbine power generation; findings from the study reveal that the approach led to outstanding financial benefits. the aerodynamic shape of a 2-dimensional axial fan cascade was optimized using genetic algorithm methods (lotfi, 2006). oyama and liou, (2002) and oyama et al., (2002) researched on redesigning a 4-stage compressor by employing a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to estimate the optimum total pressure ratio and the overall isentropic efficiency. the estimated design had a 1% increase in the efficiency while the pressure ratio was kept constant (mitchell, 1996). fujita (1996) employed genetic algorithm-based optimization to estimate the optimal solution to the planning problem observed in energy plant configurations. genetic algorithm was used by oksuz (2001) to estimate the optimum aerodynamic performance of a turbine cascade. results from the author’s work show that the highest tangential force was actualized for a higher flow turning, a wider pitch, and a thicker cascade. associated gas is wasted to flaring in some parts of the world. but this gas is a huge source of energy; this is due to its high methane content. in employing gas turbines for energy generation using this fuel resource, over time, the engines begin to degrade. also, this fuel resource is gotten from fossil fuel which is fast depleting due to the large usage on industrial scale. so for an energy generation business using associated gas and gas turbines for a period of 20 years, there is the need to optimize the fleet composition and the thermal efficiencies of the engines. there is also the need to evaluate the effect of engine degradation on the optimized fleet composition and thermal efficiencies. the fleet composition is an array of all the units of engines in the fleet together with their operating turbine entry temperatures (tets), for the entire duration of the project. the optimized fleet composition is the fleet composition that gives the optimum power generation from the fleet. enginee degradation greatly affects the operations and maintenance cost in the economic use of associated gas using gas turbines, the depth of this effect also needs to be evaluated. ighodaro and osikhuemhe (2019) evaluated the thermo-economic of a heat recovery steam generator combined cycle. in this study, a retrofitted performance assessment of integrating a steam power cycle to the already existing gas turbine cycle in delta iv power station was assessed. the outcome of the authors’ work showed an additional increase of the power output by 51.5mw, and as a result a 41.85% increment in the overall combined cycle efficiency. adiofo et al., (2018) studied on thermo-economic assessment of a natural gas liquefaction plant. the simplified version of conocophillips optimized cascade process was used in the study. additionally, the research carried out sensitivity analyses to evaluate market price variations and estimation errors which are as a result of the assumptions used. jassim, (2015) performed an energy assessment of a gas turbine brayton cycle which was incorporated to a refrigeration cycle, the outcome gave hope for an increase in the power output with a small decrease in the thermal efficiency. shayan et al., (2019) did some work on the use of associated gas for energy and revenue generation. a thermo-economic analysis for a trigeneration system incorporated by an absorption chiller, a gas microturbine, and a heat recovery steam generation subsystem was done by valencia et al., (2019). the outcome of the authors’ work reveals that the combustor of the gas microturbine had the greatest exergy destruction (29.24%), and this was seconded by 26.25% for the generator of the absorption refrigeration chiller. oyedepo et al., (2018) did thermoeconomic and environmental assessment of specific gas turbine power plants in nigeria, the outcome show that the combustor had the greatest cost of exergy destruction. it was also seen that an increment in the turbine inlet temperature of the gas turbine resulted to a decrease in the cost of exergy destruction. likewise, okuma et al., (2022) evaluation on energy and exergy study shows that the boiler experiences the highest exergy efficiency of 59.66% whereas the condenser has the highest energy efficiency of 48.18%. obhuo et al., (2020) evaluated the effect of deterioration on the economic use of flare gas and on the divestment time of engines which are redundant. yao and yu, (2018) suggested a new power generation system which combined a natural gas expansion plant with a geothermal organic rankine cycle. none of the above cited literatures shows the optimized fleet composition of the alstom gt-26 reheat engine; neither did any give a hint on how to achieve optimized efficiencies in the event of constraint fuel availability. this work has also shown a detailed evaluation of the impact of compressor obhuo et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 618-632 620 degradation on the operations and maintenance cost of the gt-26 engine when using associated gas, this is lacking in literatures obtainable in the public domain. this study stems out of the need to economically maximize the use of associated gas for power/energy generation using gas turbines. the associated gas availability for the project gradually declines over the years of the project as seen in figure 1. fig. 1. associated gas resource for the project (allison, 2014) because the project duration is 20 years, various engine degradation scenarios have been considered – the optimistic (slow degradation), medium, and the pessimistic (fast degradation). the 4th scenario considered is the clean scenario (fleet). figure 2 shows the extent of degradation experienced by the various degraded scenarios in the different years of the project. in the 1st year of the project, all fleets are clean (zero degradation). fig. 2. rate of degradation experienced by the degraded scenarios of the project over the years of the project, as a result of the decline in the associated gas availability, some of the units of engines in the fleet would become redundant; all redundant engines are immediately divested for more economic returns. obhuo et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 618-632 621 cranfield university performance simulation tool, turbomatch was used for the engine performance simulation while genetic algorithm was used for the fleet composition optimization. 3. tools and methodology 3.1 tools used for the study various tools and materials have been used for this study. the performance data for the real engine (alstom gt-26) were gotten from the public domain (turbines ag, 2013; power engineering international, 2011; eckardt, 2014). the performance simulations for the study engine (rh296) were done using the cranfield university in-house fortran-based code (turbomatch) for gas turbine performance simulations (nikolaidis, 2015; nkoi, 2014; pachidis, 2014; palmer, 1999; pilidis and palmer, 2010; li,2005). the associated gas and clean natural gas were used as fuel for the performance simulations of the same model engines. anosike (2014), results showed no significant difference in most of the performance parameters. also, the same engines were simulated with associated gas of three different degrees of gas quality, the results also showed that there were no significant deviations in the lower heating values (lhv) of the three fuels, similar observation was also made for the power outputs and the thermal efficiencies of the engines (allision, 2014). based on the above observations, clean natural gas was used in the actual performance simulation in this study in place of associated gas. genetic algorithm in matlab was used for the optimization of the fleet compositions, the total optimized power and the divestment schedule of the fleets. it should be noted that the research was simulation-based; as such the various simulation softwares stated above were employed at various stages of the research. 3.2 methodology adopted for the study 3.2.1 gas turbine performance simulations gas turbine performance simulations were done for the study engine using the cranfield university gas turbine performance simulation in-house tool (turbomatch). these simulations were done at design point and off-design point engine operating conditions. the comparison of the design point results gotten from the simulation and the public domain data for the study engine is as shown in table 1. table 1rh296 engine model specifications (obhuo, 2018) parameter gt26 engine model %diff. exhaust mass flow(kg/s) 644 660.4 2.55 exhaust temperature (k) 908.8 ̶ tet (k) not available 1543 ̶ shaft power (mw) 296 296 0 thermal efficiency 0.396 0.396 0 pressure ratio 33.3 33.3 0 fuel flow (kg/s) not available 16.4153 ̶ gas turbine simulations of the study engine were also done at varying levels of compressor degradation. the levels of degradation implemented for the various years of the project are as shown in figure 2 above. the results from the gas turbine performance simulation software served as the database for genetic algorithm (in matlab) optimizer. these results are sets of values of fuel flows, power outputs and thermal efficiencies for corresponding values of turbine entry temperatures. this was also done for the degraded fleets by implementing the values shown in figure 2. 3.2.2 genetic algorithm optimizations for best fleet composition and maximal thermal efficiencies for the engines genetic algorithm in matlab was used for this optimization. gas turbine performance simulation results served as the database for the optimizer. figure 3 below shows the model used for the optimization while figure 4 shows the optimization flow chart. obhuo et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 618-632 622 fig. 3. methodology employed for the optimization of the fleet compositions and thermal efficiencies of the fleets as shown in figure 3, the first step is to choose the initial engine fleet. this is followed by carrying out gas turbine performance simulations using turbomatch software. this is also done for the degraded engines. the gas turbine performance results from turbomatch software are fed into genetic algorithm tool which then optimizes for the best fleet composition and maximal thermal efficiencies for the fleet. the whole process is repeated for the entire duration of the project. fig. 4. flow chart adopted by the optimizer in the optimization of the fleet composition and thermal efficiencies of the study engine using associated gas fuel as shown in figure 4, the optimization variables are sets of turbine entry temperatures, while the constraint for the optimization are the fuel availability values shown in figure 1. the results gotten from the optimization include the optimized fleet compositions and the optimized thermal efficiencies. obhuo et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 618-632 623 4. optimization results 4.1 optimized fleet compositions as a result of the time-dependent availability of the associated gas, there is a need for optimization of the power/energy generation from the fleet, which would eventually lead to optimum economic returns. with the optimized fleet compositions, gas turbine operators would derive the maximum power or energy possible from the fleets given. optimization of the fleet composition is further necessitated by the constraint of depleting associated gas availability. the fleet composition is an array of all the units of engines in the fleet together with their operating turbine entry temperatures (tets), for the entire duration of the project. the optimized fleet composition is the fleet composition that gives the optimum power generation from the fleet and estimates the optimized divestment time for the redundant units of engines in the fleet. for the entire duration of the project, all the units of engines in the optimized fleet compositions have their corresponding optimized power, optimized efficiency, and optimized fuel consumption. therefore, the fleet composition results presented below are theoretically and practically useful to gas turbine operators and investors, as they aid higher energy production and enhance economic returns. figures 5, 6, 7, and 8 show the optimized fleet compositions for the clean, the optimistic, the medium, and the pessimistic degraded fleets respectively. as can be seen in these figures, the optimized fleet compositions comprise of the units of engines in the fleets and their optimized operating turbine entry temperatures in kelvin. the empty spaces imply units of engines that have been divested. fig. 5. the optimized fleet composition for the economic utilization of associated gas (clean fleet) obhuo et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 618-632 624 fig .6. the optimized fleet composition for the economic utilization of associated gas (optimistic fleet) fig. 7. the optimized fleet composition for the economic utilization of associated gas (medium fleet) obhuo et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 618-632 625 fig. 8. the optimized fleet composition for the economic utilization of associated gas (pessimistic fleet) these optimized fleet compositions are the turbine entry temperatures for which the units of engines in the fleet have to be operated to achieve maximal energy given the constraint of fuel availability. on comparing the turbine entry temperatures (tets) of the units of engines in the various fleets (scenarios), it is observed that at year 1, all fleets have the same optimized operating turbine entry temperatures of 1507k, 1507k, 1507k, and 1471k as given by the optimizer. all the various scenarios have the same fleet composition at year 1 because all the units of engines in the various fleets were operated clean. it also implies that at year 1, the same quantity of optimized power would be realized.also, comparing the fleet compositions of the degraded fleets and that of the clean fleet, it can be seen that the degraded fleets are operated at higher optimized turbine entry temperatures to fully use the fuel available. as an example, considering year 11, the lone unit of engine left in the fleet has 1540k, 1525k, 1510k, and 1496k as the turbine entry temperatures for the pessimistic, medium, optimistic and clean fleet respectively. a vital observation from the figures is that degradation influences the divestment time of the redundant units of engines in the various fleets. all associated gas investors using gas turbines for power generation need a model to estimate the optimized fleet composition. the model presented in this study is thus very valuable to both investors and governments who are interested in the business of power generation using a similar reheat gas turbine and associated gas as fuel. 4.2 optimized thermal efficiencies obtaining maximal efficiency from a gas turbine is a key factor in the heart of any gas turbine operator or investor. for optimum economic returns from the various fleets, and also due to the constraint of limited and time-dependent availability of the associated gas, the units of engines have to be optimally utilized; their efficiencies have to be optimized as well. figures 9, 10, 11, and 12 show the optimized efficiencies for the clean, the optimistic, the medium, and the pessimistic degraded scenarios respectively. as seen from these figures, in the first year all the units of engines in the various fleets have the same optimized efficiencies 0.393, 0.393, 0.393, and 0.388. this is because they were all operated as clean engines in the first year. considering the results in these figures, it can be seen that generally, the optimized efficiencies decrease over the years of the project, this is as a result of the declining trend in the associated gas availability as shown in figure 1. comparing the optimized efficiencies for the four scenarios presented in figures 9, 10, 11, and 12; it is observed that the optimized efficiencies follow the trend clean > optimistic > medium > pessimistic, this is easily observed from the 11th to the 20th year of the project. obhuo et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 618-632 626 fig. 9. the optimized efficiencies of the units of engines for the economic use of associated gas (clean fleet) fig. 10. the optimized efficiencies of the units of engines for the economic use of associated gas (optimistic fleet) obhuo et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 618-632 627 fig. 11. the optimized efficiencies of the units of engines for the economic use of associated gas (medium fleet) fig. 12. the optimized efficiencies of the units of engines for the economic use of associated gas (pessimistic fleet) 4.3 optimized fuel consumptions as explained earlier, the fuel for this research (associated gas) is declining in availability, hence the need to maximally utilize it. figure 13 shows the optimized fuel consumption curve. the superimposing of the fuel consumption curves for the various scenarios on the fuel availability curve shows that the optimization constraint was satisfied during the optimization, fuel resources were maximally utilized. obhuo et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 618-632 628 fig. 13. fuel availability and fuel usage curves 5. the operations and maintenance costs of the project 5.1 total operations and maintenance costs from the various scenarios operations and maintenance (o & m) cost is a key element in a gas turbine operations business. in this business of economic utilization of associated gas for power generation using gas turbines, the operations and maintenance costs of the fleets were estimated using the relationship shown in equation 1. 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑂 & 𝑀 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 = 𝐹𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑𝑂 & 𝑀 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 + 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑂 & 𝑀 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 + 𝑀𝑎𝑗𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 equation 1 (obhuo, 2018) as shown in equation 1, the annual operations and maintenance cost is gotten by adding up the fixed operations and maintenance cost, the variable operations and maintenance cost and the major maintenance cost. fixed operations and maintenance costs are costs incurred in the running of the engine that do not vary significantly with the quantity of energy generated, examples are routine predictive and preventive maintenance. on the other hand, variable operations and maintenance costs are incurred costs that are directly influenced by the quantity of energy generation, examples are purchase of chemicals, consumables, lubricants, spare parts, etc (allision, 2014; obhuo,2 018) major maintenance costs are costs incurred due to extended outages, an example is scheduled major overhaul (allision, 2014; obhuo, 2018). figure 14 shows the total operations and maintenance costs of the project from the various fleets. the results from the figure show that the clean, optimistic, medium, and pessimistic degraded fleets have total operations and maintenance costs to be 1.224, 1.242, 1.265, and 1.297 billion us dollars respectively. obhuo et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 618-632 629 fig. 14. total operations and maintenance costs in the economic utilization of associated gas 5.2 the impact of engine degradation on the operations and maintenance costs of the various fleets gas turbine degradation has a significant effect on the operations and maintenance costs in this business of the economic utilization of associated gas. this effect is demonstrated in figure 15, it can be seen that engine degradation resulted to 1.4%, 3.3%, and 5.9% increase in the operations and maintenance costs of the optimistic, medium, and pessimistic degraded fleets respectively. the trend shown in figure 15 follows the pattern expected both in theory and practice. fig. 15. percentage increase in the operations and maintenance costs due to degradation 6. conclusion associated gas is a viable source of fuel for industrial gas turbines, and this is due to its high methane content. this study presents a useful model and methodology to be employed for the optimization of gas turbine fleet composition, thermal efficiency and for the assessment of the impact of compressor degradation on the aforementioned. this methodology serves as a guide to investors and governments for the economic use of this fuel. the cranfield university gas turbine performance obhuo et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 618-632 630 simulation software, turbomatch, was used in modeling a hypothetical but realistic 296 mega watt reheat gas turbine engine. the study was done using clean engines and degraded engines of three variations – the optimistic, medium, and pessimistic. genetic algorithm tool in matlab was used in optimizing the fleet compositions and thermal efficiencies. the effect of compressor degradation on the optimized fleet composition and thermal efficiencies were also ascertained. results show that the clean, optimistic, medium, and pessimistic degraded fleets have total operations and maintenance costs to be 1.224, 1.242, 1.265, and 1.297 billion us dollars respectively. engine degradation resulted to 1.4%, 3.3%, and 5.9% increase in the operations and maintenance costs of the optimistic, medium, and pessimistic degraded fleets respectively. the results, approach and methodology presented in this paper would be a very useful decisionmaking tool for investors and governments who would want to invest in the economic utilization of associated gas using a similar reheat gas turbine. it is, therefore, encouraging that instead of allowing associated gas to be flared thereby causing environmental pollution and wasting energy resource, the methodology and results presented in this study should be employed as a guide in the business of the economic utilization of associated gas when a similar reheat gas turbine is to be used. this study was done using the alstom gt-26 engine, as such the results gotten would be different when other engines of different configurations are used. it is therefore recommended that the methodology be adopted for several gas turbines of various cycle configurations. also, only compressor degradation was considered, it is highly recommended that degradation of other engine components be considered. acknowledgment the authors are grateful to the petroleum technology development fund of nigeria (ptdf/e/oss/phd/om/693/14), for funding the phd research that has led to the publication of this paper. declaration of conflicting interests the authors would like to acknowledge that there is no conflict of interest. references adolfo, d., carcasci, c., falchetti, c., & lubello, p. 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of managing and disseminating the news they produce with the help of a web portal called jitunews. this research is quantitative in nature, namely explaining the use of survey methods by distributing questionnaires to users of the jitunews news portal site for data about the characteristics of the iso/iec 25010 and mccall methods. the results of the research conducted on the backend and frontend pages show that the jitunews website deserves a "good" interpretation value. however, the security and functional suitability variables contained on the frontend page have the lowest values of all the variables studied, namely 74.43% and 77.50% with the interpretation of "enough". this can be input for stakeholders to improve the quality of the website in order to increase user satisfaction with the jitunews news website portal. keywords : software engineering, iso/iec 25010, mccall 1. introduction information system is an asset for a company when the information system is managed properly. indeed, information systems will provide various competitive advantages and increase the chances of commercial success. information systems have become one of the important factors that enable a company to be able to compete in business and help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of daily operations by integrating business processes (robo et al., 2018). an information system has the power to increase productivity, gain competitive advantage, and build a more responsive company (son & faisal, 2017). not only business people engaged in the retail sector, almost every business today needs a system that can help run the business processes they manage, such as public transportation (izzatillah, 2019), ordering food, to the process of publishing a news story. and make it easier for a company to market the products they offer. in the past, newspapers have become one of the main sources for people who want to get the latest news about what is happening around them. but now, the important role of newspapers is gradually being replaced by online-based news portals that can deliver news very quickly (prihanto, 2018). the internet is one of the main driving factors for the growth of media convergence, which allows the integration of various conventional media and makes it accessible to anyone and anywhere (brugger, 2009). on the other hand, the development of digital devices makes it easier for people to access various types of content, whether news, entertainment, or other information (gushevinalti et al., 2020). pt info pena indonesia is one of the companies engaged in the media. pt info pena indonesia itself utilizes an information technology in carrying out the process of managing and disseminating the news they produce with the help of a website portal page with the name jitunews. the jitunews news portal page is built using the codeigniter php framework, both on the backend and frontend pages. regardless of how long the process is in designing and making software, so that the software can be used either for the benefit of a company or the software is used by customers of a business. there needs to be an evaluation mechanism to measure whether the software is in accordance with the eligibility standards so that users, whether it's a company or a customer who budi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 273-285 274 uses the software, can take advantage of the technology properly with very few constraints (haoues et al., 2017). evaluation of an information system is an evaluation carried out using measurements on the quality aspects of an information system with reference to measurement standards recognized by the international community. of the various existing measurement standards, such as the mccall, boehm, furps, dromey, iso/iec 9126, and iso/iec 25010 models, the measurement model that has the most comprehensive measurement aspect is iso/iec 25010. iso/iec 25010 has eight aspects or characteristics. namely functional suitability, reliability, performance efficiency, operability, security, compatibility, maintainability, and transferability (iso, 2013). many of the big software companies spend huge sums of money but don't produce software that has the features and functionality as promised. a useful product has the functions and features that end-users want, and more importantly, it has reliable assets and is free from errors (rianto, 2021). from a series of brief explanations regarding the evaluation of an information system, the author would like to conduct a study entitled "analysis of measurement of news portal websites using the iso/iec 25010 dan mccall method". 2. literature review software quality a in the development of a system requires a quality software. quality affects software performance. in order for the software to function properly, it is necessary to properly extract user information needs. the product is said to have good quality if the product can provide satisfaction to the majority of users. high quality products can provide certainty and confidence that the product will achieve its quality goals. quality products can provide certainty and confidence that the product can meet the quality objectives. software quality testing is a process used to determine the accuracy, integrity and quality of software. software quality testing is an important part of software quality assurance and is a fundamental consideration in specification, design and coding (thongtanunam & hassan, 2021). iso/iec 25010 research in the area of software quality is as old as software development. attention to product quality comes with program design that is error-free and efficient when used. research to improve software quality arises with user demand for software products with improved quality. the use of models is an acceptable way to support quality management of software products. the existing basic model is hierarchically structured, and can be adapted for each type of software product and this model is oriented towards evaluation and improvement. there are various basic quality models such as mccall, boehm, furps, dromey, iso/iec 9126, and iso/iec 25010. the iso/iec 9126 model accepts input from previous models and sets standards for assessing software quality. in 2007, iso/iec 25010 became a replacement for iso/iec 9126. from the comparative studies between models that have been carried out, iso/iec 25010 is the model that has the most complete measurement aspect (hovorushchenko, 2018). iso/iec 25010 is another part of the square series (iso/iec 25000 – iso/iec 25099), standards for software product quality-requirements-and evaluation, belonging to the quality model division (iso/iec 2501n) (juninisvianty, 2021). the standards established in this division provide detailed quality models for computer systems and software products, quality in use, and data. practical guidelines for the use of quality models are also available (iso/iec, 2012) mainly iso/iec 25010 is used to define quality (murdiani & umar, 2020). a metric-based approach is used to assess the quality of a given system and an evolving model of system reliability is used to predict quality. figure 1 is the international standard of the square series. budi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 273-285 275 fig 1. square series international standard (iso/iec, 2012). there are eight characteristics of the quality model in iso/iec 25010, namely functional suitability, reliability, performance efficiency, operability, security, compatibility, maintainability, and transferability (iqbal & babar, 2016). mccall mccall, richards and walter suggested that what affects the quality of the software is a certain factor or criteria (dwilestari & nuris, 2020). mccall's method is the oldest test model developed in 1996. meanwhile, according to i. ermis and a. a. reformasi (ermis & reformasi, 2019) who conducted research by analyzing the tokopedia website with usability analysis using the mccall method which contains 11 factors supporting the success of the quality of a software to satisfy user needs, namely correctness, reliability, efficiency, maintainability, integrity, usability, flexibility, portability, testability, reusability, and interoperability. these factors are divided into 3 main groups, namely: product transition, product revision and product operation. usability is included in the product operation category. a software is not only seen from the product but also seen from the side of the software development stage itself (juniawan et al., 2020). fig 1. mccall's model. likert scale the definition or definition of a likert scale is a measurement of attitudes and income using a research scale or in other words measuring perceptions using a scale, a person's opinion or attitude and/or group about an event or social phenomenon, based on the operational definition set by the researcher. with this likert scale, the questionnaire submitted by the researcher was budi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 273-285 276 given to the respondents to be completed and then they were required to indicate their level of agreement with the questions asked. research variables are questions or statements that are used in research and are specifically determined by the researcher. rensis likert is the creator of the likert scale so that his name is used in this scale, who is a social psychologist from the united states (sugiyono, 2015). this scale is a psychometric scale that is usually used in questionnaires and is most often used in survey research, including descriptive survey research. the variable to be measured is described as an indicator variable. then the indicator is used as a starting point for compiling instruments in the form of statements. table 1 measurement scale in likert scale. answer score strongly agree 5 agree 4 neither agree nor disagree 3 disagree 2 strongly disagree 1 3. research methods research framework in terms of the methods used, no one has conducted research on the jitunews news portal website, but there are several studies using one method such as iso/iec 25010 and mccall, but not by combining the two methods(wattiheluw et al., 2020) (andria et al., 2016). fig. 2. research framework. in the framework of thinking, the variables that will be selected are in accordance with what is needed in this jitunews website. in iso 25010 the variables on product quality are: 1. performance efficiency is the extent to which an application product can run well considering the amount of resources used, including: time behavior, utilization, and capacity 2. functional suitability is an application product that provides functionality to meet the needs when using the product in certain circumstances, including: functional completeness, functional correctness, and functional appropriateness 3. security is a product level application that provides services to protect against access, use, modification, tampering, or anything dangerous, including: confidentiality, nonrepudiation, and authentication while in the mccall method the variables needed are: 1. correctness is how the program provides results that match the needs that have been set and requested by the user. 2. reliability is how the program can be used according to the appropriate function based on the desired level of accuracy. 3. efficiency is the amount of computer resources and code required by a program to be able to carry out its functions properly and correctly. budi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 273-285 277 research design this research is quantitative, namely research that explains using certain instruments where in this study the instrument used is the survey method to obtain data about the characteristics of the iso/iec 25010 and mccall methods. the steps of quantitative research are determining the object of research, identifying problems, determining the matrix to be measured quantitatively, designing testing instruments, conducting tests, analyzing quantitatively and formulating research results. research object (website jitunews) identification of problems determination of research methods iso/iec 25010 1. performace efficiency 2. security 3. functional suitability mccall 1. correctness 2. reliability 3. efficiency hypotesis questionnaire distribution analysis of questionnaire results 1. validity test 2. reliability test 3. feasibility test research result (conclusions and recommendations) questionnaire creation questionnaire test fig. 3. research flow. the explanation of the research stages can be described in the object of research which is determined by determining the problems to be studied in this study where this research which is the object of research is the jitunews news portal website. then the problem identification is carried out by determining or defining the problems that exist on the jitunews website. the hypotheses made with tentative assumptions that will be tested by researchers for the jitunews website are included in several variables in the iso/iec 25010 and mccall methods (juninisvianty, 2021). determination of research methods on the jitunews website using the iso/iec 25010 method and mccall to find out whether the jitunews website is in accordance with the method by conducting an assessment and testing of the website. after determining the method used and the variables used, the questionnaire was made based on the variables taken from the hypothesis. after that, analysis and testing was carried out on the jitunews website with the results of the questionnaire that had been answered by the respondents, which was then tested with the spss application with the first test being a validity test, then a reliability test was carried out and then a feasibility test was carried out. after testing and there are results, from the results of the research conclusions and suggestions can be drawn from the management and analysis of the website. hypothesis budi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 273-285 278 based on the definitions and explanations above, it can be drawn several studies that will be tested on the jitunews news portal website using iso/iec 25010 and mccall by taking some temporary assumptions (hypotheses) that exist in the 2 methods, where h0 to hn are hypotheses. the beginning of each variable being tested, so that later the h0-hn hypothesis can be concluded whether it is accepted or rejected, the hypotheses include: h0 : jitunews news portal website on backend and frontend pages according to iso/iec 25010 using variable performace efficiency. h1 : jitunews news portal website on backend and frontend pages according to iso/iec 25010 using variable security. h2 : jitunews news portal website on backend and frontend pages according to iso/iec 25010 using functional suitability variable. h3 : jitunews news portal website on the backend and frontend pages according to mccall using the correctness variable. h4 : jitunews news portal website on backend and frontend pages according to mccall using variable reliability. h5 : jitunews news portal website on backend and frontend pages according to mccall using variable efficiency. 4. results and discussions validity test validity test is useful to determine the validity or suitability of the questionnaire used in measuring and obtaining research data from the respondents. determination of validity is based on the comparison of the calculated r value with r table where if the calculated r value > r table = valid, while for the calculated r value < r table = invalid. to find the value of the r table with n = 243 at 5% significance in the distribution of the statistical table r value, it is obtained 0.138 determination can be seen from the significance value (sig) where the significance value < 0.05 = valid and conversely the significance value > 0.05 = invalid. table 2 validation test results for all variables for backend pages. no method variable component results results explanation r count r table 1 is o /i e c 2 5 0 1 0 performance effieciency time behaviour 0.934 0.576 valid 2 capacity and resource utilization 0.858 0.576 valid 3 security confidentiality 0.853 0.576 valid 4 nonrepudiation 0.881 0.576 valid 5 autehenticity 0.610 0.576 valid 6 functional suitability functional appropriateness 0.880 0.576 valid 7 functional correctness 0.694 0.576 valid 8 functional completeness 0.819 0.576 valid 9 m c c a ll correctness correctness 0.894 0.576 valid 10 consistenscy 0.809 0.576 valid 11 complateness 0.600 0.576 valid 12 reliability reliability 0.890 0.576 valid 13 accuracy 0.799 0.576 valid 14 simplicity 0.890 0.576 valid 15 efficiency efficiency 0.788 0.576 valid budi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 273-285 279 16 conciseness 0.886 0.576 valid 17 execution efficiency 0.860 0.576 valid table 3 validation test results for all variables for frontend pages. no method variable component results results explanation r count r table 1 is o /i e c 2 5 0 1 0 performance effieciency time behaviour 0.848 0.138 valid 2 capacity and resource utilization 0.844 0.138 valid 3 security confidentiality 0.866 0.138 valid 4 nonrepudiation 0.875 0.138 valid 5 autehenticity 0.895 0.138 valid 6 functional suitability functional appropriateness 0.846 0.138 valid 7 functional correctness 0.714 0.138 valid 8 functional completeness 0.747 0.138 valid 9 m c c a ll correctness correctness 0.807 0.138 valid 10 consistenscy 0.807 0.138 valid 11 complateness 0.827 0.138 valid 12 reliability reliability 0.832 0.138 valid 13 accuracy 0.818 0.138 valid 14 simplicity 0.893 0.138 valid 15 efficiency efficiency 0.799 0.138 valid 16 conciseness 0.882 0.138 valid 17 execution efficiency 0.851 0.138 valid reliability test from the results of calculating cronbach's alpha using the spss application, all variables contained in iso/iec 25010 and mccall on the questionnaire contained on the backend and frontend pages above, it can be seen in tables 4 and 5 below: table 4 reliability test results of all backend page variables. no method variable component crombach’s alpha explanation 1 is o /i e c 2 5 0 1 0 performance effieciency time behaviour 0.773 reliable 2 capacity and resource utilization 3 security confidentiality 0.661 reliable 4 nonrepudiation 5 autehenticity 6 functional suitability functional appropriateness 0.669 reliable budi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 273-285 280 7 functional correctness 8 functional completeness 9 m c c a ll correctness correctness 0.667 reliable 10 consistenscy 11 complateness 12 reliability reliability 0.823 reliable 13 accuracy 14 simplicity 15 efficiency efficiency 0.796 reliable 16 conciseness 17 execution efficiency table 5 reliability test results for all frontend page variables. no method variable component crombach’s alpha explanation 1 is o /i e c 2 5 0 1 0 performance effieciency time behaviour 0.602 reliable 2 capacity and resource utilization 3 security confidentiality 0.861 reliable 4 nonrepudiation 5 autehenticity 6 functional suitability functional appropriateness 0.656 reliable 7 functional correctness 8 functional completeness 9 m c c a ll correctness correctness 0.743 reliable 10 consistenscy 11 complateness 12 reliability reliability 0.798 reliable 13 accuracy 14 simplicity 15 efficiency efficiency 0.794 reliable 16 conciseness 17 execution efficiency questionnaire test results budi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 273-285 281 to make a decision whether a system can be developed, continued or discontinued can be done with a feasibility test. after testing the validity and reliability on the jitunews news portal website, the data analysis was carried out quantitatively by using the technique of measuring the percentage of feasibility. the following is the calculation formula that can be used to determine the feasibility test: eligibility percentage = (actual score f) (ideal score n) x 100% from the results of the feasibility test calculation on all the variables contained in the iso/iec 25010 and mccall methods, the following are the results of the overall feasibility test on the iso/iec 25010 and mccall methods from testing the backend page in table 6 and frontend in table 7 below: table 6 test results of all variables for backend pages. no method variable actual ideal eligibility percentage results explanation 1 is o /i e c 2 5 0 1 0 performance effieciency 113 120 96,16% very good 2 security 157 180 87,22% good 3 functional suitability 151 180 83,88% good 4 m c c a ll correctness 162 180 90,00% very good 5 reliability 153 180 85,00% good 6 efficiency 158 180 87,77% good table 7 the results of the feasibility test of all variables for the frontend page. no method variable actual ideal eligibility percentage results explanation 1 is o /i e c 2 5 0 1 0 performance effieciency 1980 2430 81,48% good 2 security 2713 3645 74,43% enough budi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 273-285 282 3 functional suitability 2825 3645 77,50% enough 4 m c c a ll correctness 3049 3645 83,64% good 5 reliability 2955 3645 81,06% good 6 efficiency 2953 3645 81,01% good overall, the percentage of the feasibility test on the jitunews news portal website shows that on the backend page, the tests carried out by performing the calculations above, the results of the overall feasibility percentage on the iso/iec 25010 method have an average percentage of 89.08% can be stated that the interpretation of "good". as for the mccall method has an average percentage of 87.59%, it can be stated that the interpretation is "good". so it can be concluded that the jitunews news portal website on the backend page has met the iso/iec 25010 and mccall standards. while the percentage of the feasibility test on the frontend page on the jitunews news portal website, the results show that, the tests carried out by performing the calculations above, the results of the overall feasibility percentage on the iso/iec 25010 method have an average percentage of 77.80%, it can be stated that the interpretation "enough". as for the mccall method has an average percentage of 81.90%, it can be stated that the interpretation is "good". so it can be concluded that the jitunews news portal website on the frontend page has met the iso/iec 25010 and mccall standards. 1. h0: jitunews news portal website on backend and frontend pages according to iso/iec 25010 using variable performace efficiency? based on the results of the analysis of 12 respondents in the backend page test and 243 respondents in the frontend test by testing the validity that the hypothesis (h0) is accepted by comparing the calculated r value with the r table from pearson at a significance level of 5% on 2 questions and the test results that the r value count with r table is declared valid where the value of the result of r count is greater than the value of r table, while for the reliability test the value of r count is smaller than r table so that it is declared reliable and a feasibility test where the actual score (f) is divided by the ideal score (n) multiplied 100% then the value generated from the hypothesis (h0) for the backend page is 96.16% with a very good interpretation value and the frontend page is 81.48% with a good interpretation value. so for testing the performance efficiency variable, it is considered according to the iso/iec 25010 method. 2. h1: jitunews news portal website on backend and frontend pages according to iso/iec 25010 using variable security? based on the results of the analysis of 12 respondents in the backend page test and 243 respondents in the frontend test by testing the validity that the hypothesis (h1) is accepted by comparing the calculated r value with pearson's r table at a significance level of 5% on 2 questions and the test results that the r value count with r table is declared valid where the value of the result of r count is greater than the value of r table, while for the reliability test the value of r count is greater than r table so that it is declared reliable and a feasibility test where budi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 273-285 283 the actual score (f) is divided by the ideal score (n) multiplied 100% then the value generated from the hypothesis (h1) for the backend page is 87.22% with a good interpretation value and the frontend page is 74.43% with a sufficient interpretation value. so for testing the security variable is considered in accordance with the iso/iec 25010 method. 3. h2: the jitunews news portal website on the backend and frontend pages complies with iso/iec 25010 using functional suitability variables? based on the results of the analysis of 12 respondents in the backend page test and 243 respondents in the frontend test by testing the validity that the hypothesis (h2) is accepted by comparing the calculated r value with the r table from pearson at a significance level of 5% on 2 questions and the test results that the r value count with r table is declared valid where the value of the result of r count is greater than the value of r table, while for the reliability test the value of r count is greater than r table so that it is declared reliable and a feasibility test where the actual score (f) is divided by the ideal score (n) multiplied 100% then the value generated from the hypothesis (h2) for the backend page is 83.88% with a good interpretation value and the frontend page is 77.50% with a sufficient interpretation value. so for testing the functional suitability variable, it is considered according to the iso/iec 25010 method. 4. h3: the jitunews news portal website on the backend and frontend pages corresponds to mccall using the correctness variable? based on the results of the analysis of 12 respondents in the backend page test and 243 respondents in the frontend test by testing the validity that the hypothesis (h3) is accepted by comparing the calculated r value with the r table from pearson at a significance level of 5% on 2 questions and the test results that the r value count with r table is declared valid where the value of the result of r count is greater than the value of r table, while for the reliability test the value of r count is greater than r table so that it is declared reliable and a feasibility test where the actual score (f) is divided by the ideal score (n) multiplied 100% then the value generated from the hypothesis (h3) for the backend page is 90.00% with a very good interpretation value and the frontend page is 83.64% with a good interpretation value. so for testing the correctness variable is considered in accordance with the mccall method. 5. h4: jitunews news portal website on the backend and frontend pages according to mccall using variable reliability? based on the results of the analysis of 12 respondents in the backend page test and 243 respondents in the frontend test by testing the validity that the hypothesis (h4) is accepted by comparing the calculated r value with the r table from pearson at a significance level of 5% on 2 questions and the test results that the r value count with r table is declared valid where the value of the result of r count is greater than the value of r table, while for the reliability test the value of r count is greater than r table so that it is declared reliable and a feasibility test where the actual score (f) is divided by the ideal score (n) multiplied 100% then the value generated from the hypothesis (h4) for the backend page is 85.00% with an interpret value 5. conclusion based on the results of the analysis and discussion that have been presented, this study obtains conclusions that can be drawn from research on the jitunews news portal website using the iso/iec 25010 and mccall methods, namely the results of measuring the quality of the jitunews news portal website using the iso/iec 25010 method and mccall successfully evaluated by distributing questionnaires to users, both employees on the backend page testing and news readers for research on the frontend page, this study found that the jitunews news portal website deserves the "good" interpretation. and from the results of the 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be observed is occupational safety and health. so that the industry applies the k3 listed on pt swadaya graha which is currently still in a non-hirarc condition as a basis for mitigation. the hirarc procedure finds a procedure that starts to ensure the activity after which the source of the hazard is identified, risk assessment, and control over that exists and has the aim of remembering the level of risk associated with a place. from that case, the author thinks it is necessary to carry out an ohs risk assessment using the hirarc procedure by carrying out research that aims to find out how to analyze the capabilities of hazards that can be carried out and their control on a cnc lathe machine at pt swadaya graha. the procedure used is the hirarc (hazard identification risk assessment and risk control) approach. the results of this research are that there are 5 work disaster hazard capabilities in the ministry of cnc bubut. after that this research shows there is no. 1. extreme type of hazard. risk, and 1 high risk and 3 medium risk. the most common hazard abilities occur because of the lack of ppe and the undisciplined workers and not exploring work sops. therefore, it is necessary to try socialization and continue to emphasize through daily safety briefings and safety signs. keywords : occupational safety and health, risk, hazard, hirarc 1. introduction the occupational safety and health management system itself is an effort to identify occupational risks or hazards so that work risks can be improved or reduced by existing methods (santoso et al., 2022). occupational safety and health (k3) is a way to avoid work accidents that can cause injury to death to workers (haslindah et al., 2020). the security of a company can be seen with the level of order and maintenance. the various hazards encountered during maintenance come from the process and the equipment used (hasbi & koesyanto, 2018). if these indicators can be met, it will automatically create a good working environment for workers. in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to present a work safety program. a structured program with daily work that can make it difficult to separate from the others. one of the aims of this program is to provide knowledge on occupational accident prevention, first aid, and other guidance regarding work safety. work safety is creating a comfortable and safe area through the completeness of safety equipment, good lighting, and maintaining good water facilities (ismi, 2014). occupational health is a condition that refers to conditions general physical, mental and emotional stability (aulia & hermawanto, 2020). based on this, it is very important to have regulations that regulate it. as a result, a law was issued that regulates to protect workers and other people in the workplace, namely law no. 1 of 1970. the safety effort that forms the basis is the attitude of workers towards work safety, which will later be carried out as an implementation of the manufacture and k3 procedures to reduce the dangers that will accidents not only have a negative impact on other workers but can affect the company's productivity. therefore, prevention and k3 culture were created in the work environment (ivanidiyani, 2020). pramudya et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 318-324 319 one of the companies that implement k3 is pt swadaya graha which was founded by pt semen gresik (persero), tbk. there are several reasons and causes of work accidents in the cnc lathe department of pt. swadaya graha in 2020-2021. the most frequent cause was found with the number of incidents as many as 10 from the worker's lack of focus and lack of attention to the process of entering the program on the computer. then the personal protective equipment which was judged to be unusable and the old machine causing 5 accidents at work. then the workplace that is not cleaned when finished doing work so that it leaves a work mark gives the potential for work accidents and in the range of 2020-2021 there is one work accident caused by that reason. the largest contribution to triggering work accident problems comes from the aspect of human negligence itself (yolanda saraswati & widodo, 2021). based on these data, a method is needed that can analyze potential hazards. therefore, the author has an interest in finding out more about the use of the hirarc method, especially in the steel fabrication industry at pt. graha independence. in addition, it is hoped that this research journal can determine what risks have the potential to arise in cnc lathe work at the fabrication unit of pt. graha independence. hazard identification risk assessment and risk control(hirarc) is a series of processes that can identify hazards that have the potential to arise in the process of work activities, then assess the risks that can arise from the identified hazards so as to minimize the adverse impacts that may arise (fauzi et al., 2021). the purpose of implementing k3 efforts is to anticipate accidents in the work environment. therefore, the implementation and development of occupational safety and health programs must be based on the risks and hazards that exist in the work environment (angkasa & samanhudi, 2021). 2. literature review 2.1 hazard identification hazard identification is the act of determining the potential hazards that arise. from the known hazard characteristics, it can be determined which work safety measures or steps can be taken (naresti et al., 2022). hazard identification is one of the first steps aimed at controlling and identifying hazards. after the potential hazards are identified, ways to overcome them can be determined. hazard identification can be started from the planning stage. the initial concept design can be examined to determine how to control the hazards and risks that may exist in the work area. based on the minister of manpower as stated in permanaker no. 05/men/1996 states that the process of identifying the source of danger is carried out by considering the conditions of the event that are considered to have the potential to create a hazard and the types of accidents that may occur (wulandari, 2017). in identifying hazards, there are several sources of knowledge that can be used as a basis for identifying hazards. some of them are personal experience, knowing from someone who has experienced dangerous situations that they have studied and adhered to based on work standards. 2.2 risk assessment after identifying the hazard, a risk assessment is carried out. a risk assessment is carried out to evaluate the magnitude of the risk and the potential impact (armaeni k, 2020). there are 3 methods of risk analysis, namely qualitative, semi-quantitative, and quantitative. qualitative analysis uses the word form in explaining the magnitude of the potential danger that will occur. in semi-quantitative analysis, the qualitative scale has been known and then given a rating scale. while quantitative analysis uses numerical or numerical values to calculate potential hazards that can arise (wildan, 2014). risk is a factor that causes uncertainty about the occurrence of an event that results in losses that will affect the company (kadir et al., 2020). in the analysis process there are 2 important components in the risk assessment. the first is the level of likelihood of risk (likelihood). likelihood is carried out by classifying the probability of occurrence by dividing from the information "almost certain to occur" to "rarely happening". the second is the severity of the risk (consequence). consequences are carried out by dividing the level of severity of the hazard that occurs starting from the "insignification" pramudya et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 318-324 320 statement, namely no injury and small financial loss, to "catastrophic" i.e. death, poisoning to outside the area, and major financial deterioration. 2.3 risk control the function of risk control is to minimize the impact of risks that may occur. once minimized, it will be easy to determine how to prevent work accidents (ihsan & nurcahyo, 2022). a process used to identify and control all possible hazards in the workplace and carry out continuous review continuously to ensure that the work they are safe (supriyadi et al., 2010). risk control will focus on the highest accident potential in the hope of minimizing to prevent major negative impacts. details of risk control can be found through several ways such as interviews or direct observation in the field. from this data, it is processed and the appropriate risk control can be determined. there are several risk control methods that can be done. the first is elimination, a handling technique by eliminating the source of the hazard. for example, when a damaged road is repaired, a noisy engine is turned off, and oil spills on the floor are cleaned. the second is substitution, a handling technique by replacing tools, materials, materials with safer or less hazardous ones. third is technical control, by making improvements to the design, equipment, and installation of safety equipment can control the risks of hazards that may occur. fourth, administrative controls, work shift arrangements, work breaks, and safer work procedures can control hazard risks. fifth is the use of personal protective equipment (ppe), safety equipment such as goggles, helmets (sakti, 2019). 2.4 risk map risk mapping is the result of calculating and analyzing risk levels, parameters of threats, vulnerabilities, and capacities in disaster-prone areas. the risk analysis carried out must be specific to the components that affect it. the benefit of risk mapping is that areas that have a certain level of potential hazard are mapped. this can then be used as a basis as a tool for designing work accident prevention. in this study, questionnaires were distributed to 4 respondents, namely to the k3 hse team there were 3 people and 1 operator in the cnc lathe department. from the respondent's data, they are grouped according to the table below. table 1 risk classification risk level risk value extreme 12 25 high 7 11 moderate 4 – 6 low 1 -3 2.5 hazard identification risk assessment and risk control(hirarc) hirarc is one of the methods in k3. this method serves as a tool to minimize to prevent work accidents in the work environment (giananta et al., 2020). the flow of the hirarc method begins with determining the type of work activity. once determined, then proceed to identify the potential source of danger so that the risk of danger is found. from these risks, an assessment can be made and ways to control them can be found so that they do not have a hazard impact (ramadhan, 2017). in general, the purpose of the hirarc method is to identify hazard factors, provide a risk assessment, and enable regular planning and monitoring so that risks can be ensured that they can be controlled. hazard identification carried out through this method must be carried out in its entirety including regular and irregular activities and work carried out by all workers. the identification carried out must also be carried out by workers who already have the capacity and competence to identify existing hazards. 3. research methods this research is a quantitative research where the data used is primary data namely data collected by researchers directly from the first source in the form of results observation, interviews and documentation (widodo et al., 2022). there are many things regarding occupational safety pramudya et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 318-324 321 and health (k3) that must be understood before making the hirarc. terms such as k3, hazard, risk, and ohsas 18001:2007 will be found in this research. the preparation of hirarc is divided into stages, namely hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk control (irawan et al., 2015). hirarc is a series of processes to identify hazards that can occur in routine activitiesor non-routine in the company then conduct a risk assessment of the hazard and then make the hazard control program so that the risk level can be minimized to a lower level with the aim of preventing accidents (nur, 2021). the hope of this research is to find out the procedures for analyzing the potential hazards that can arise and their control efforts. this study is devoted to analyzing the risks in the cnc lathe department at the steel fabrication unit workshop at pt. swadaya graha gresik. there are several assumptions in this study. first, workers are considered to have understood all regulations regarding occupational safety and health. second, workers already understand their respective roles in their work. third, the k3 system that applies to pt. swadaya graha did not change during the research. the workflow in this research is started with identification through literature and field studies. then the data is processed through the hazard identification risk assessment and risk control (hirarc) approach. the data that has been processed is then poured descriptively on the results and discussion. the results and discussion will produce conclusions and suggestions that can be given to the company and to a further researcher. using the hirarc method is believed to be an indicator to increase company productivity because workers have a small potential to experience work accidents. because this can cause workers to work optimally and can increase company productivity. one company that has implemented and experienced an increase in productivity is pt. toyota astra motor. in the journal that discusses this, it is stated that the hirarc method uses a simpler form in a shorter time, and can be applied immediately. 4. results and discussions 4.1 hazard identification, risk assessment and hazard control on cnc lathe operator the process of identification, risk assessment, and hazard control are carried out during the job training process at pt. swadaya graha on the cnc lathe. the work process flow of the cnc lathe department begins with preparing machines and tools and measuring the dimensions of the workpiece. next is the installation and flashing of the workpiece on the chuck. the machine can be started and then determine the zero point of the workpiece. programs that have been created are included. the machine then works according to the program that has been entered. based on the workflow on the cnc lathe, several hazards and risks that can occur are found. among them are sparks and smoke when the machine is working, which can injure your hands, especially if you don't use gloves. the hot material can cause minor burns and scratches to the hands. materials that can fall on workers when neglecting to place materials. then the potential for disturbances in the respiratory tract due to a dusty work area. table 2 -work process, hazard identification, and risk no stages of work hazard identification risk 1 walking cnc lathe grams and sparks, smoke from the turning process splashed by gram, injured hands due to neglect to wear gloves. 2 cleaning materials hot material blisters or minor burns 3 check material hot material scratched hands 4 moving materials material falling when lifted using a crane, improper placement by workers limbs pinched, crushed by falling material 5 clean the work area dusty work area respiratory disorders pramudya et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 318-324 322 4.2 risk assessment (risk assessment) risk assessment is a step to assess by determining the risk that is carried out on all sources that are found to be potential hazards (fitri damayanti & mahbubah, 2021). this process is intended to determine the magnitude of the risk and its level. the assessment is carried out by comparing the likelihood of a risk occurring (likelihood) with the severity of the risk (consequence). based on the questionnaire distributed to the respondents, the risk assessment is determined which is shown in table 3. table 3 risk assessment hazard identification risk level risk assessment percentage sparks and smoke extreme 39% hot material currently 14.6% material fall tall 21.95% dusty work area currently 9.8% from the results of the risk assessment data, it is then continued by continuing by determining the ranking of the hazard sources from the highest (extreme risk) to the lowest (low risk) which will then be used to determine priorities for risk control. the highest hazard source rating is when the cnc lathe process runs with extreme predicates. then the material transfer process is highly rated. the rest of the danger sources are of medium rank. risk assessment has the aim of finding a value of potential risk ( ) of work accidents. the determination of this risk level is based on the likelihood of the event (likelihood) and the severity that can be caused (severity). 4.3 risk control risk control is a stage to carry out risk control (robby surya poernomo & nyoman sutapa, 2019), namely risk control is the next stage to be able to minimize and prevent work. risk control according to ohsas 18001 provides risk control guidelines more specific (rifani et al., 2018). accidents that have the potential to occur in the work environment. based on the identification and pre-determined hazard rating, it can be determined the hazard control in the running cnc lathe process activity by modifying ppe such as the use of a strap on the glasses that is tied to the neck so as not to fall. then the work process related to the material can be controlled by using gloves in accordance with the agreed rules. then always clean the work area and use ppe according to the sop to avoid the danger of dust on the respiratory tract. recommendations for control that can be carried out from the selected risk level are misinformation and procedure is the socialization of jsa, carrying out daily safety briefings, and installing safety signs. 5. conclusion the results of the risk assessment in the cnc lathe area of pt. swadaya graha shows that in table 3 there is 1 danger of extreme risk category, and 1 danger of high risk, and 3 dangers of medium risk. the majority of potential hazards that arise are due to the lack of ppe and the undisciplined workers and not following work sops. so the suggestion is that it is necessary to re-socialize and always remind each other about sop information through daily safety briefings and safety signs. references angkasa, g. k., & samanhudi, d. 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"communication patterns, as is riauan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 522-531 523 customary, consistently adhere to a particular flow or guideline. this guideline also serves to control the manner of communication that takes place inside a social setting. the term "communication patterning" refers to the way in which the form and function of this communication are related to one another (hadiyat, 2017). one of the responsibilities of the government is to disseminate information in a way that is open and accessible, responsive, efficient and effective, accountable and participative, quantifiable and fair, and ecologically responsible and sustainable. article 391 of law no. 23 of 2014 concerning regional government stipulates that information on regional governments (including data on regional development and finances) must be stored in an information management system. this requirement applies to the provision of information on regional governments. as law no. 23 of 2014 is in effect, the minister of home affairs has published regulations for the administration of information systems for regional development. accessing, controlling, and using the information in a timely and accurate manner that is by the priority scale of development demands of an area is made possible by the fast growth of information and communication technology. in accordance with the mandate of government regulation number 8 of 2008 regarding the stages and procedures for preparing, controlling and evaluating the implementation of regional development plans, article 30 paragraph 1 of that regulation states that "in the context of optimal management and utilization of data and information, regions need to build a planning information system regional development." this mandate was made in accordance with the mandate of government regulation number 8 of 2008 regarding the stages and procedures for preparing, controlling and evaluating the implementation of regional development plans. this study aims to understand communication patterns in implementing e-planning in rokan hilir regency. rokan hilir regency is one of the regencies in the outermost, frontier, and disadvantaged (3t) regions. regions with governmental character are the priority targets for the indonesian government's development. downstream rokan is one of the outermost areas capable of implementing e-planning. with limited internet network infrastructure and limited human resources, rokan hilir is still able to meet the demands of the government to carry out work planning in each regional apparatus in rokan hilir regency. the 3t regions have tough challenges in achieving the performance targets set by the government. based on these principles, in this study, the researchers attempted to describe the implementation of e-planning in rokan hilir regency in preparing regional apparatus performance plans. previous research has been conducted research examining the problems of e-planning in indonesia. several influencing factors include human resources, infrastructure, regulations, and the e-planning application used (ningsih et al., 2020). research in ghana shows that e-planning is implemented in e-waste processing (asibey et al., 2021). research in palembang as the big city in sumatera shows that the e-planning process in palembang city is by the timeline or schedule originating from the palembang city research and development agency (bappeda litbang) (ubaidillah et al., 2021). the results of further research show that the readiness of implementing e-planning, the most important thing is the readiness of human resources in terms of commitment and technical capabilities in implementing e-planning (sani et al., 2017). eplanning implementation should be integrated with regional financial management to optimize the implementation of e-government (gamayuni & hendrawaty, 2020). the similarity of this research with other studies is in the application of the e-planning system in making work plans in the government system. the novelty of this research is that this research was carried out in the 3t area, which still faces complex problems in terms of infrastructure and human resources. the difference between this research and previous research is also found in the differences in research objects that focus on communication patterns in implementing e-planning. thus, research was carried out to understand the application of e-planning in preparing work plans for regional apparatuses in rokan hilir regency. this is an inevitable outcome that will occur as a direct result of the creation of an information system within the context of regional growth planning. until this point, information technology systems have traditionally been seen as an endeavour that extensively uses cuttingedge technology, calls for significant financial investments, and is highly challenging to riauan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 522-531 524 implement swiftly and accurately. all of these points constitute a statement that is continually reiterated by the challenges that stand in the way of the growth of this technology. as a result of the passing of law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government, regional administrations have been granted expanded powers and duties, particularly in regard to the administration of natural resources, human people, and existing potential. for local government organizations to be able to fulfil these rights and responsibilities efficiently and effectively, they need to be able to formulate strategic policies and conduct government operations in a manner that is both efficient and effective, and this must be based on the principles of good governance (ama, 2021). there are other communication patterns that develop when e-planning is put into practice. the interests of the community, regional leaders, and legislature members are all considered during the communication process. the process of electronic planning gives communities the opportunity to channel their hopes and dreams. the findings of the observations indicate that the implementation of e-planning is still carried out manually, notwithstanding the transition to using an online planning system. as a direct consequence, the input time on the e-planning tool cannot be met, leading to delays. it is vital to have an understanding of the process of executing government planning through the use of the e-planning system in order to carry out development planning in the correct manner. the process of putting in place an electronic planning system has the potential to provide a thorough description of the planning process. 2. literature review communication effective communication requires the speaker and the listener to share a shared understanding of the information being exchanged. according to the findings of specific studies on inefficient communication patterns, one of the reasons for this is a lack of awareness on the part of the recipient to comprehend the information that is being delivered by the communicator (pertiwi et al., 2022). the communication process cannot proceed according to the steps that comprise the communication pattern. in order to eliminate the possibility of misunderstandings, there is a specific protocol that must always be adhered to. the irregularity with which the communicant receives directives throughout the communication process leads to information needing to be received correctly, which produces mistakes in the actions carried out. when communicators participate in the conversion process, communication patterns have a better chance of functioning well (sadono, 2009). it is necessary to construct rational communication to attain one's communication goals and develop shared meaning. linear communication only allows message transmission; it does not ensure the occurrence of similarity in meaning since there is no evaluation of the communication process. linear communication only provides opportunities for message transmission. both the communicator and the communicant are only aware that the communication process takes place; however, the communicator and the communicant may sometimes share a different interpretation of what was said if there is participation and dialogue activity between the communicator and the communicator. e-planning the e-planning application allows further development to be carried out following increasingly rapid technological advances (kalalembang, 2020). service implies something of a service nature to people who need service, whether provided by an institution, foundation, or by groups and individuals—carrying out the service requires good planning (mansyur & nurhidayat, muhammadiah, 2013). development planning, monitoring and evaluation information system or commonly referred to as e-planning, is a means of processing electronic data, carrying out the collection of materials and the preparation of guidelines and technical instructions as well as evaluating the implementation of regional government affairs which refers to the laws and regulations that are by its function which in this case is regulation of the minister of home affairs number 54 of 2010 (sani et al., 2017). the e-planning system cannot be separated from ebudgeting (pratama & samopa, 2019). riauan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 522-531 525 in general, the objectives of developing a regional development planning information system are 1) creating integration between program plans and budgets in the regions with online and offline systems; 2) forming information and communication system interactions that expand regional government relations with local communities related to regional development; 3) improving the image of regional or government officials who are devoted to the country and are committed to serving the community professionally by prioritizing the principles of effectiveness and efficiency; 4) make it easier for regional or government apparatus to have a complete database of information related to local government development plans (harahap et al., 2021). this application aims to create an efficient and effective coordination and communication system for regional apparatuses and the government regarding regional development planning at various levels, from regional to central. with this technology, ease of access will be better, and accountability can also be carried out properly so that development plans are more focused and integrated, have high synergy, are on time according to the target and are sustainable. the benefits of this e-planning system are: 1) assisting bappeda and regional work units to formulate work plans based on proposals in the musrenbang; 2) assisting bappeda and regional working units to determine various indicators to measure sustainable, realistic and accurate work results; 3) assisting bappeda and regional work units for the preparation of medium-term and annual work plans based on predetermined targets; 4) providing assistance to bappeda and regional work units in socializing documents and publications related to regional development plans to the central government (harahap et al., 2021). 3. research methods the purpose of this research is to describe how e-planning may be utilized in the process of developing work plans for regional equipment in the rokan hilir area. qualitative research is research that is based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to examine the condition of natural objects where the researcher is the key instrument, sampling of data sources is carried out purposively, collection techniques are triangulation, data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and the results of qualitative research emphasize meaning rather than generalization. in other words, qualitative research is research that is used to examine the condition of natural objects (sugiyono, 2012). in this investigation, a descriptive qualitative research strategy is utilized, and the resulting data will be descriptive. as opposed to numbers, data in the form of words and pictures is referred to as descriptive data (moleong, 2019). in order to correctly measure or characterize specific social processes, the link between theory and observation has to be examined. one study that is considered to have the goal of investigating and making a reality or phenomenon clear is called the descriptive approach. in the context of this research, the term "data analysis approach" refers to the interactive model that miles and huberman developed. a technique or method for carrying out a task or activity planned in the strategy is included in the method, which means that the method is a component of the strategy (moleong, 2021). this study was carried out by the rokan hilir regency's bureau of planning and development (bappeda). e-planning is used in developing work schedules for regional equipment in the rokan hilir area, which is the focus of the study being conducted here. there were a total of eight persons used as participants in this investigation. 5 informants from regional apparatus organizations who also act as head of program subdivision in rokan hilir regency, in addition to 1 key informant who is the head of bappeda of rokan hilir regency, head of program subdivision. in order to get information on the minimum service standards that had been carried out in the rokan hilir district, this study utilized fgds, observations, interviews, and documentation as its data collecting procedures. all of these methods were carried out in order to gain data. as a result, the data analysis approach utilized in the qualitative data analysis technique is based on miles and huberman's theory and is comprised of three parts. these processes are data reduction, presentation, and conclusion (kriyantono, 2014). the process of data reduction involves compiling a summary, selecting the most essential aspects of the data, and concentrating on those aspects. after that, the reduced data will have a more accurate image, and it will be simpler for the researchers to carry out more data gathering riauan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 522-531 526 or look for it if required. researchers will sort out which data are regarded as significant and delete data that is thought to be useless once they have reduced the amount of data they have. in addition, researchers will also examine the veracity of the data by employing a procedure known as "triangulation," which involves data, methodologies, sources, and theoretical frameworks (moleong, 2019). 4. results and discussions in the section labelled "results and discussion," one can discover all of the scientific results acquired as part of the study data. a scientific explanation that can rationally explain the rationale for getting those clearly explained, complete, detailed, integrated, systematic, and continuous results is anticipated to be provided in this section as part of the expectations that this section will fulfil. the analysis of the compiled research findings may be provided in the form of a theoretical description, either qualitatively or quantitatively, depending on the researcher's preference. when put into reality, this section may be utilized to compare the findings of the research gained in the present research and the findings of the research reported by past researchers referred to in this study. the outcomes of the research acquired in the study might be discoveries or advances, confirmations of scientific phenomena from earlier researchers, or rejections of a scientific phenomenon from those researchers. implementation of electronic planning communication routines inside the boundaries of the rokan hilir regency according to hardjana 2016 (mendrofa & syafii, 2019), communication patterns are systems that connect members in a group into a single unit that may form patterns of interaction among members in the group. these systems connect members of the group in order to generate patterns of interaction. the purpose of this research is to get an understanding of the communication patterns that take place during the process of e-planning preparation in rokan hilir regency by utilizing the local government information system (sipd) system. communication between the regional planning and development agency (bappeda), the community, the dprd, regional heads, and regional apparatus organizations took place throughout the implementation of e-planning in the rokan hilir regency. bappeda coordinates the various planning activities and acts as the administrative body to ensure that the electronic planning process is carried out punctually. every community proposal and regional government work plan must be entered into the local government information system. this is something that needs to be done (sipd). an application known as the regional development information system was developed by the ministry of home affairs of the republic of indonesia, employing several media and information technology systems. the directorate general of regional development was responsible for developing this system. this system was developed to assist in synchronizing the growth of the central government and the regional governments to facilitate their integration. this is done to ensure that there is no duplication of authority between the central government and the provinces, which will allow for the growth of the republic of indonesia to proceed in a manner that is both effective and efficient (agustar et al., 2021). information processing for regional development planning based on sipd data includes geographical conditions, demographics, resource potential, economics and finance, as well as information related to key performance indicators for regional government administration. these indicators include aspects of community welfare, public services, and regional competitiveness (ubaidillah et al., 2021). the e-planning process in rokan hilir regency has to have a regional government information system that is an integrated aspect of the regional government information system. this will guarantee that regional development information is available. the regional development information system, which will be referred to from this point forward as the sipd system, is a system that records, manages, and processes data pertaining to regional development (sani et al., 2017). the entire process of development planning must be entered into sipd before it can be considered complete. regarding regional government information systems, this is riauan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 522-531 527 governed by permendagri no. 70 of 2019, which includes regional development information systems, regional financial systems, and other regional government systems. the communication pattern in the implementation of the e-planning begins with aggregating interests carried out by the regional government, which is formulated in a work plan by the regional head led by the regent. this work plan determines the direction of development for five years in rokan hilir regency. the planning process in rokan hilir regency is the process of preparing the regional government work plan (rkpd). the regional government, namely the regent, and the regional apparatus organizations coordinated by bappeda, prepare the initial draft regional apparatus work plan (rkpd). the rkpd is prepared based on regional development priorities adjusted to the vision and mission of the elected regent. regional work plan programs are prepared based on the regent's vision and mission and adjusted to the nomenclature based on minister of home affairs regulation no. 90 of 2019. the translation of the regent's vision and mission produces programs that the regent will carry out during his term of office. the proposals are prepared by each regional apparatus organization that is directly related to the regent's development priorities. each regional apparatus conducts an analysis of the potential of the regions which are the targets of the regent's program of activities by identifying the main problems faced by the community per the regent's development policies. the initial development plan also involves other stakeholders who have the authority to propose work programs based on the main ideas that are aggregated based on the community's interests. in addition to the regional apparatus organizations, the parties involved in preparing the initial draft of the performance of the regional apparatus were members of the rokan hilir regency regional people's legislative council, community organizations and villages. the three stakeholders are channels for the community to convey their aspirations so that the interests of the people in their respective regions can be conveyed and proposed in the development program in rokan hilir regency. members of the dprd of rokan hilir regency proposed their main ideas based on the recess results in their chosen areas by gathering the aspirations of their respective constituents. the community organization proposes the interests of the community according to the field of an organization being carried out, while the village apparatus and the community in the village propose all needs that are directly related to the interests of the village. all of these proposals must refer to the medium-term development plan, a translation of the regent's vision and mission and development priority programs during the regent's term of office. the initial draft was consulted in a public consultation forum, and after being mutually agreed upon, it was inputted into the sipd system. the work plan is inputted by stakeholders who collect proposals based on the main ideas of the community. stakeholders who propose descriptions of activities are dprd members, villages, and sub-district organizations. proposal. this was then verified by the regional apparatus organization (opd), which was adjusted to the proposed dictionary according to the initial draft program of the rkpd. the results of the verification will then be validated by the regional planning, development, research and development agency (bappeda). the verification and validation process is carried out to adjust the activity descriptions according to the district head's development priorities specified in the rpjmd. the following process is to approve the final draft of the regional government work plan. this process involves coordinating forums between opd and skpd musrembang. after finding a joint agreement, the final rkpd plan is approved at the district level and will then be validated at the provincial bappeda level. the provincial bappeda validates the mechanism for preparing the rkpd, which is then given a recommendation by the governor to be stipulated as an rkpd and then determined by the regent as the rkpd, which forms the basis for development activities in the region funded by the regional revenue and expenditure budget (apbd). sipd enables the implementation of e-planning to run effectively. all suggestions from stakeholders can be recorded comprehensively. this allows for no overlapping of activities in each regional working apparatus. regional planning can be carried out properly because each proposal can be ascertained to be processed without being left behind. riauan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 522-531 528 that the pattern of communication is a system that connects members in a group into a single unit that can form patterns of interaction among members in the group. this study aims to understand the communication patterns that occur in the e-planning preparation process using the local government information system (sipd) system in rokan hilir regency (mendrofa & syafii, 2019). communication patterns can work well with the participation of communicators in the dialogue process (sadono, 2009). dialogical communication must be built to achieve communication goals to create an ordinary meaning. communication that runs linearly only provides opportunities for message transmission but does not guarantee the occurrence of similarity in meaning because there is no evaluation of the communication process. the communicator and communicant understand that the communication process occurs, while the similarity of meaning may only sometimes occur if there is participation and dialogue between the communicator and communicator. communication is understood as reality, but many people often misunderstand it as cyberspace, even though in fact the existence of this electronic system itself is actual, in which virtual communication is carried out by representing digital information that is not directly connected to each other (umilasari, 2020). according to townsend in tubbs and moss, the concept of communication patterns is based on understanding and explains the communication network, also known as patterns of human interaction. there are five communication networks or patterns: chain patterns, wheel patterns, y patterns, circle patterns, and all channel patterns (briliana & destiwati, 2018). meanwhile, soejanto (azeharie & khotimah, 2015) explains that communication patterns are a simple description of the communication process that shows the connection between one communication element and other elements. communication patterns are needed in the communication process to determine the proper description or structure of the communication activities carried out. using sipd in the regional development planning system increases the effectiveness of implementing development planning. it is inseparable from the 3 t regions (underdeveloped, foremost, and outermost), and its application provides certainty for the absorption of all proposals in regional development. the application of sipd is related to efforts to ensure the implementation of regional governance to improve public services and realize the welfare of the people of rokan hilir. the application of e-planning in the sipd system provides certainty for integrating central and regional government activity programs. an information system that uses a computer system. computer-based groups and decision support systems have been developed to facilitate idea exchange and evaluation (fosso wamba & akter, 2019). this information system provides convenience for the planning database system. archiving or storage activities become more manageable, and the data related to planning can be accessed whenever needed. implementation of e-planning with the sipd application also provides guarantees for data security that can be restored in the event of a software attack or hardware damage. all technologies (instruments) contribute to the quality of planning and enhance the quality of its performance. citizen participation should be an essential part of an urban planning process if the needs of the local population are to be addressed (goodspeed, 2019). e-planning using the sipd application also ensures that the involvement of the community is increasing. communities can propose their aspirations through dprd members when carrying out activities outside the dprd building (reses). community aspirations are conveyed to dprd members when they go down to their chosen areas. the community through the village musrembang can also ensure that their aspirations can be conveyed adequately through village proposals which are also facilitated by sub-district officials. especially in the 3t areas, the implementation of e-planning is a big challenge. problems with human resources and media and communication technology infrastructure are problems that hinder planning with the sipd application. the village community must input it at the sub-district level, which of course can result in the community's proposals being left behind. adaptation in the use of new forms and new systems is a problem that must be overcome so that the e-planning implementation process can be carried out. previous research has shown that the problem of plan adaptation differs from most problems studied in computational complexity, in that the data we riauan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 522-531 529 are given includes a 'hint' that can very well be neglected if necessary. such format problems include other problems, such as case-based reasoning in general. the complexity of other forms of case-based reasoning is an interesting problem (tian et al., 2022). the problem of distance and internet network reliability is a problem in implementing electronic information systems (manengal et al., 2022). this was resolved with assistance from the bappeda team. human resource assistance is carried out to solve e-planning problems (erialdy et al., 2021). the district government and the government assist at the sub-district and village levels. communication is built to ensure that all proposals can be inputted adequately by each stakeholder. at the sub-district level, one operator is assigned to ensure that all proposals are correctly inputted. assistance from bappeda as the coordinator in the implementation of development planning is also continuing so that the community and all stakeholders can utilize and implement sipd effectively. 5. conclusion e-planning is particularly difficult to adopt in the 3t regions, which presents a significant obstacle in the process of its implementation. the planning process for the sipd application needs to be improved by issues relating to human resources and infrastructure for media and communication technologies. the community of the village must provide input at the sub-district level, which, as a result, runs the risk of the community's recommendations being overlooked. for the process of e-planning implementation to be carried out, one of the challenges that must be solved is an adaptation, both in terms of the usage of new forms and new technologies. the process of developing the preliminary version of the regional government's work plan is a component of the communication pattern that takes place. in addition, sipd is utilized throughout the communication process to guarantee that each and every proposal is entered into the appropriate location inside the system. coordination occurs between the regional heads, the regency dprd, the regional apparatus organizations, the community organizations, and the village apparatuses. the community functions as the primary means of communication to generate concepts that will serve as the foundation for the development program carried out in the rokan hilir regency. acknowledgement a big thank you to the government of the republic of indonesia for funding this research. this research is a dikti grant from the student thesis research scheme of the directorate general of higher education, research and technology, ministry of education, culture, research and technology. references agustar, a., syarfi, i. w., & wati, e. 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yang et al., 2021). some of the process of using the internet there are those who download using the download manager and some others do browsing such as using the facebook, twitter, yahoo, youtube, and so on applications (perifanou et al., 2021; naeem & ozuem, 2021). the activities described are active internet activities which can result in an uneven bandwidth distribution system. based on a journal written by gunawan (2014) with the title implementation of queue tree for optimizing bandwidth management on seven net semarang, where he examines a problem, namely the utilization of microtic router os™ for bandwidth management on seven net semarang, the result is a process of distributing and dividing bandwidth evenly to all network users, so that the available connections are more stable. from the explanation of the journal, this is because they have not used bandwidth management such as the simple queue or queue tree method in the internet network used (ilham, 2018; prayoga, 2021). thus if there is only one user who downloads, the other users will experience a slow internet network. microtic is an operating system and software that can be used as a reliable router network, including various features (susanto & mulyanto, 2022; misbahuddin, 2022). one of them is the microtic router os, this is an operating system specifically used to create a router by installing it on a computer. the facilities or tools provided in microtic router os are very complete to build a reliable and stable router. one of the services available on microtic is bandwidth limiter, microtic provides two methods for dividing this bandwidth, namely the simple queue and queue tree methods (sadino et al., 2021). the simple queue method is a limiting method using simple limits based on the data rate (ramadhan et al, 2016). the simple queue method is one of the queuing techniques in the bandwidth management system on the microtic router. this queuing technique has convenience in configuration and has a static distribution of bandwidth so that regardless of the number of users online, the bandwidth received is also the same. the queue tree method is a queuing technique in the bandwidth management system on microtic router which has several stages. nasution et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 489 the first is mark packet, the second is firewall, the third is mangle. the queue tree method is also used to limit one-way connections, both download and upload bandwidth is one of the most important parts of a network, therefore the amount of bandwidth or bandwidth management is taken into account in order to create internet access that is evenly distributed to every user/client. by using the bandwidth limiter provided by microtic os, internet service providers, in this case each user/client will get bandwidth of the same size without disturbing the bandwidth of other users/clients (siahaan et al., 2016). with these two bandwidth sharing methods, an analysis and implementation of the simple queue method and the queue tree method will be carried out for optimizing bandwidth management when accessing the internet. to get the appropriate method, so that each user/client can use the internet smoothly. 2. literature review 2.1 computer networks a computer network is a group of computers connected to each other using a communication protocol through communication media so that they can use shared resources such as hard disks, printers and other sources of information. the purpose of building a computer network is to carry information accurately and without errors from the sending side to the receiving side through communication media (geraci et al., 2021). with a variety of applications that can be accessed through computer networks and the large number of network users, the need for bandwidth is important to ensure that all computer network users have a fair share (jha & singh, 2022). a network operating system is an operating system that is used in a computer network and within the operating system there are services that support computer network operations (neven et al., 2019). in addition to managing the network operating system itself, the network operating system must also manage other computers that are connected to it on a network. the internet is a world computer network that functions as a means of communication and information retrieval using existing telecommunication infrastructure (telephone lines, satellites, fiber optics, etc.). internet connecting many computers into one network that allows data communication between computers. 2.2 bandwidths bandwidth is the width or width of the frequency range used by signals in the transmission medium. bandwidth can be interpreted as the difference between high frequency signal components and low frequency signal components measured in units of hertz. (nabil and muslihudin, 2013). bandwidth is the width of the frequency coverage that is given to transmit information in units of time per second. bandwidth management is a way of setting bandwidth so that there is equal distribution of bandwidth usage (sohal et al., 2022). bandwidth management is used for management and optimizing various types of networks by implementing quality of services (qos) services to determine the types of network traffic. bandwidth distribution that is not divided evenly will cause internet access for users/clients to be slow. in order for the use to be balanced, bandwidth management is needed on microtic. there are two methods commonly used, namely simple queue and queue tree. fig. 1. process flow management system block diagram bandwidth the function of each block diagram is as follows: nasution et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 490 a) filltering functions to filter data packets based on ip addresses and direct data packets to the correct destination. b) the classifier is in charge of directing incoming packets to the appropriate classes to make it easier to handle data packets to queues or buffers. c) buffer is a place to temporarily store data packets. buffer adjusts time by applying queuing technique. d) the scheduler is responsible for determining the scheduling of data packets to be sent to destinations from queues or buffers. 2.3 microtic microtic is a network operating system that is widely used by internet service providers (isps) for firewall purposes. for microtic administration settings can be done using the windows application (winbox). microtic is currently widely used by isps, hotspot providers and internet cafe owners. there are many features on microtic for both wired and wireless networks. 2.4 simple queue the simple queue method is the easiest way to make bandwidth settings , applied to small to medium scale networks to manage upload and download bandwidth usage for each user. simple queue are a way of limiting by using simple limits based on the data rate. simple queue is a queuing technique in the bandwidth management system on the microtic router . simple queue is a queuing technique with the fifo (first input first output) method . the fifo queuing technique is that data packets that arrive first will be processed first and put in a queue, then issued in the order they arrived. simple queue , used to implement simple bandwidth management , such as limiting uploads and downloads from clients or limiting traffic from peer to peer (p2p) applications. 2.5 queue tree queue tree is a tricky limitation because based on protocols, ports, ip addresses, we even have to activate the mangle feature on the firewall if we want to use the queue tree. queue tree functions to limit bandwidth on microtic which has 2 internet connections. if the queue tree configuration is intended to queue download bandwidth, then this configuration will not queue upload bandwidth. so to queue upload and download traffic from a client computer, you must create two queue configurations. the image is a queue tree queuing technique algorithm . (yoga, 2013). fig. 2. queue tree algorithm queue technique queue tree queuing technique algorithm process is as follows: a) mark packet is responsible for marking data packets to be processed into the queue. b) the firewall is tasked with selecting packets according to their class classification. c) mangle is in charge of bandwidth limitation. 2.6 quality of services qos (quality of services) is the ability of a network to provide good service by providing bandwidth, overcoming jitter and delay. qos parameters are latency, jitter, packet loss and throughput. qos refers to the ability to provide different services to network traffic with different classes. 3. research methodology 3.1 research framework nasution et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 491 fig. 3. research framework the first step is to observe the problems that occur in the place of research that aims to find out the problems that occur and find solutions. the data collection stage is carried out by direct observation, the data collected is the result when downloading or uploading. after the data is collected and studied. the next step is to observe the obstacles encountered when downloading or uploading. the formulation of the problem and objectives is a combination of field surveys and literature studies. after several problems were identified in the field survey, several literature studies related to problem solving were searched. after obtaining these problems, the objectives of this study were formulated. bandwidth analysis and prototype proposals section aims to analyze and understand the techniques to be used in analyzing bandwidth and prototyping proposals which will later be tested at the research site. from several literature studies, several recommendations for suitable methods have been obtained in this case bandwidth management. therefore the simple queue method is used, the most suitable method is used. simple queue are also the easiest way to perform bandwidth management which is applied to small to medium scale networks to manage bandwidth usage upload and download for each user. the queue tree method is relatively more complicated, but can limit bandwidth based on groups and even hierarchically, to configure it, you have to set the mangle feature on the firewall first. the test to be carried out is to measure several qos parameters (throughput, packet loss, delay and jitter). throughput is used to determine the number of packets received in good condition against the total transmission time required from the server to the user. packet loss is used to determine the number of packets that are lost or do not reach the destination when sending data from source to destination. delay is the time required for data to cover the distance from origin to destination while jitter is a variation of delay. there are many variations of delay in data transmission on the network, queue delays on routers and switches can cause jitter. 1. survey 2. study of literature 3. data collection 6. running method (simple queue & queue tree) 4. formulate problems and objectives 5. bandwidth analysis and prototype 7. testing the system against client server by looking at the quality of service 8. analysis results nasution et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 492 the results of the analysis aim to analyze whether the system that has been designed is as expected. analyzing is done to compare the results obtained at the system testing stage. 4. results and discussion fig. 4. network topology design this topology is designed for all clients to get the same bandwidth allotment . the difference with the previous topology has not been done properly bandwidth management, to connect to the access point the client will be notified of the password from wifi, in the current design besides the client being notified of the password bandwidth management is also carried out so that each client will get the same bandwidth allotment 4.1 design test scenario testing was carried out in two stages, the first stage was testing the simple queue method and then calculating the quality of services . before testing the router , it must first be configured on ether 1 to connect to the isp, on ether 2 the simple queue method will be configured and on ether 3 the queue tree method will be configured . fig. 5. router configuration design the second test is configuring the router using the queue tree method , the next step is the same process as testing the simple queue method , namely browsing various different websites , then calculating qos on the client using the wireshark application. table 1 percentage and value of quality of services no score percentage (%) index 1 3.8 – 4 95 – 100 very satisfy 2 3 – 3.79 75 – 94.75 satisfying 3 2 – 2.99 50 – 74.75 less satisfactory 4.2 throughput design using the simple queue method % throughput = packages received user bandwidth allocation x 100% nasution et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 493 = packages received observation period throughput category according to the tiphon standard is divided into four categories, namely very good, good, moderate and bad, while the throu g hput category standard according to tiphon is as shown in table 2. table 2 throughput categories no throughput category throughput index 1 very good 100 4 2 good 75 3 3 currently 50 2 4 bad <25 1 ( source: tiphon) 4.3 packet loss design with the simple queue method packet loss = data package sent − data package received sent data packages x 100% the packet loss category according to the tiphon standard is divided into four categories, namely very good, good, moderate and bad, while the standard packet loss category according to tiphon is as shown in table 3. table 4. 3 packet loss categories no degradation category packet loss (%) index 1 very good 0 4 2 good 3 3 3 currently 15 2 4 bad 25 1 (source : tiphon ) 4.4 delay design with the simple queue method delay (average) = total of delay total packages received delay category according to the tiphon standard is divided into four categories, namely very good, good, moderate and bad, while the delay standard according to tiphon is as shown in table 4. table 4 delay categories no latency category large delay (ms) index 1 very good < 150 ms 4 2 good 150ms to 300ms 3 3 currently 300ms to 450ms 2 4 bad > 450ms 1 ( source: tiphon) 4.5 jitter design with the simple queue method = (total of delay − (delay average)) total packages received jitter category according to the tiphon standard is divided into four categories, namely very good, good, moderate and bad, while the jitter category standard according to tiphon is as shown in table 5. nasution et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 494 table 5 jitter categories no jitter category jitters (ms) index 1 very good 0 ms 4 2 good 0ms to 75ms 3 3 currently 75 ms to 125 ms 2 4 bad 125 ms to 225 ms 1 ( source: tiphon) 4.6 analysis of throughput using the simple queue method fig. 6. speedtest results of the simple queue method in figure 6 testing internet traffic using the simple queue method shows that the download speed is 3.98 mbps and the upload speed is 0.66 mbps. besides data is also needed using the wireshark application , namely to see the number of packets sent and received. throughput testing using the simple queue method is carried out in 9 sessions , namely: 1. testing by browsing to the address, so that the number of packets received is obtained fig. 7. screenshot capture wireshark to calculate the length of observation can be calculated using the formula: observation time = ∑ time delta from previous display frame = 206.426 s where : throughput = data packet received / observation time = 40874583 bytes / 206,426 s = 198010.388 bytes/s = 1.584 mbps % throughput = ( throughput / bandwidth width ) x 100 =( 1.584 / 3.98)x 100 = 39.80 % throughput parameter for several websites, the data obtained is entered into table 6, so that later the average throughput is obtained. table 6 throughput value data nasution et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 495 no website address throughput 1 54.74 % 2 39.80 % 3 11.18 % 4 11.81% 5 24.67 % 6 12.93 % 7 16.41 % 8 59.44 % 9 19.70 % average 27.85 % 4.7 analysis of delay using the simple queue method to calculate the delay, data is needed using the wireshark application, namely to see the total packets received. delay testing using the simple queue method is carried out in 9 sessions, namely: 1. testing by browsing to the address, so that the number of packets received is obtained, to get the total delay can be calculated using the formula: total delay = ∑ time delta from previous display frame = 206.426 s where : average delays =total delay / total packages received = 206.426 s / 45435 = 0.00454 s = 4 .54 ms table 7 delay value data no website address delays 1 4.54 ms 2 3.26 ms 3 12.57 ms 4 14.70 ms 5 7.07 ms 6 10.49ms 7 9.20 ms 8 7.16 ms 9 8.90 ms average 8.65 ms 4.8 throughput analysis using queue tree method fig. 8. queue tree method speedtest results jitter parameter to several websites, the data obtained is entered into table 8, so that later the average jitter value is obtained . table 8 jitter value data nasution et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 496 no website address jitter 1 4.40 ms 2 16.44 ms 3 12.50 ms 4 15.84ms 5 4.49 ms 6 10.36 ms 7 11.28 ms 8 3.00 ms 9 37.77 ms average 12.90 ms 4.9 packet loss analysis using the queue tree method packet loss testing using the simple queue method is carried out in 9 sessions, namely: 1. testing by browsing to the address, so that the number of packets sent and received is obtained. to get packet loss, it can be calculated using the formula: packet loss = (data package sent data package received) x 100% = (12299 12299) x 100% = 0 % 4.10 quality of services value recapitulation after obtaining the values of the qos parameters, namely throughput, delay, jitter and packet loss, the data is entered into table 9, then compared with the tiphon standard, so that the index results are obtained table 9 qos parameters recapitulation queue tree no qos parameters obtained value tiphon category index 1 throughput 15.80 % bad 1 2 delays 12.898 ms very good 4 3 jitter 12.90 ms good 3 4 packet loss 0 % very good 4 in table 9 the results are obtained by using the queue tree method the throughput obtained is 15.80% which means it is bad, the delay gets a very good index, so does the jitter, it gets a value of 12.90 ms which gets a good index and packet loss gets a very good index. table 10 summary comparison of the simple queue and queue tree methods no website address method range simple queue queue tree 1 throughput 27,85 % 15,80 % 12,05 % 2 delay 8,65 ms 12,898 ms 4,248 ms 3 jitter 8,51 ms 12,90 ms 4,39 ms 4 packet loss 0 % 0 % 0 % table 10 shows a comparison of the ranges between the simple queue and queue tree methods, the simple queue method has a higher throughput value than the queue tree method , delay queue tree is longer than the simple queue , the distance is up to 4.28 ms, so is the jitter method , the simple queue is faster than the queue tree method , while the packet loss has the same range between the two methods. table 11 summary of values from the qos simple queue and queue tree methods nasution et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 478-487 497 no parameter method simple queue (tiphon) queue tree (tiphon) category index category index 1 throughput currently 2 bad 2 2 delays very good 4 very good 4 3 jitter good 3 good 3 4 packet loss very good 4 very good 4 average (tiphon) 3,25 3 table 11 shows the recapitulation according to the tiphon standard between the simple queue and queue tree methods, in the simple queue method the throughput parameter gets the moderate category, delay in the queue tree gets a very good category with index 4, so does jitter and packet loss in the simple queue method and queue tree have the same index, the average results of the simple queue and queue tree methods are index different, the simple queue method gets a higher score of 3.25, while for the two categories the methods are the same, namely getting a satisfactory category. 5. conclusion from the analysis and design and then implementing it, several conclusions were obtained regarding the analysis of the simple queue and queue tree methods, namely: it turns out that the two simple queue and queue tree methods are quite well implemented in bandwidth management, this is because both of them get satisfactory categories according to the tiphon standard, where the simple queue method gets an index of 3.25 while the queue tree gets an index of 3.00. the simple queue produces a throughput of 27.85%, which is greater than management bandwidth by using queue tree that is equal to 15.80% with a range of 12.05%. after testing the comparison of the two methods, namely simple queue and queue tree, the analysis and calculation results obtained are more suitable for using the simple queue method, this is because the throughput value of the simple queue method is greater than the queue tree, 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social media has now become one of the places to disseminate information about the program sembako/bpnt. this case study uses text mining techniques with the support vector machine (svm), naïve bayes (nb) and k-nearest neighbor (k-nn) methods which aims to classify public sentiment towards the program sembako/bpnt on twitter. the dataset used is tweets in indonesian with the keywords “bpnt” and “kartu sembako” with a total dataset of 1,094 tweets. text mining, transformation, tokenize, stemming and classification, etc. a useful technique for constructing sentiment classification and analysis. rapidminer and gataframework are also used to help create sentiment analysis to measure classification values. the results obtained by optimization using particle swam optimization (pso) using the support vector machine (svm) algorithm and the accuracy value obtained is 78.02%, with a precision value of 78.73%, a recall value of 82.16%, and an auc of 0.848. keywords : sentiment analysis, program sembako(bpnt), twitter. 1. introduction the ministry of social affairs of the republic of indonesia as stated in presidential regulation number 110/2021 article 4 has the task of carrying out government affairs in the social sector to assist the president in administering state government, and specifically carrying out the functions of formulating, determining, and implementing policies in the field of social rehabilitation, social security, social empowerment, and social protection; determination of criteria and data for the poor, vulnerable groups, and underprivileged people; implementation of social rehabilitation standards; as well as the implementation of technical guidance and supervision of the implementation of the affairs of the ministry of social affairs in the regions. program sembako is a development of the non-cash food assistance (bpnt) program which is the result of the transformation of the rice welfare program (rastra) and has been implemented by the government since 2017. the addition of the basic food program index to idr 200,000 per month provides an opportunity for beneficiary families (kpm) to spend aid funds to purchase types of food commodities with more complete nutritional content at the electronic warung gotong royong (e-warong). the basic food program is a complementary program that supports the implementation of the stunting reduction acceleration program as an effort by the government to reduce stunting rates in indonesia(kamia, 2022; safitri, & rodiyah, 2022). program sembako is one of the efforts of the ministry of social affairs in supporting the implementation of the national non-cash movement in indonesia so that it can raise awareness while increasing the use of non-cash among the public, businesspeople and government institutions. like the bpnt program, the sembako program is also distributed to kpm using the banking system through the prosperous family card (kks), which can then be used to purchase foodstuffs containing carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals so that kpm can obtain more complete and balanced nutrition. kpm this basic food program is registered in the social welfare integrated data which is managed by the social welfare data and information center-ministry noor et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 223-234 224 of social affairs. kpms are not allowed to have the status of civil servants, members of the indonesian national armed forces, or members of the indonesian national police. sentiment analysis is the process of extracting, processing and understanding data in the form of unstructured text automatically in order to retrieve sentiment information contained in an opinion. sentiment analysis can be applied to opinion in all fields such as economics, politics, social and law. this social media twitter opens a window for researchers to study emotions, moods, and public opinion through sentiment analysis(birjali et al., 2021; yadav, a., & vishwakarma). text mining is the discovery of knowledge in the database in textual form (knowledge discovery in textual database or abbreviated as kdt), it can also be called extracting or searching data in the form of text, including interest in newly created knowledge, defined as part of the process. extracting or searching for previously unknown text data, so that it can be understood, has potential and practical patterns or knowledge from massive and unstructured text data collections or corpus(hertina et al., 2021). every opinion written through twitter can have a positive value or a negative value. so, it is necessary to carry out a sentiment analysis process to classify an opinion written(zimbra et al., 2018; marcec & likic, 2022). the purpose of this study was to obtain a classification of positive and negative public responses from posting tweets about the program sembako/bpnt in order to provide information to leaders about sentiment analysis of the ministry of social's program sembako/bpnt sentiment on twitter. this study proposes several methods to extract tweets and perform text classification of twitter data with the keywords "bpnt" and "kartu sembako" which have been obtained with a total of 1,094 tweets with the aim of knowing the characteristics of the content of the tweets and knowing the level of classification accuracy obtained. after examining the data in question, then conducting a text mining process to handle these problems using the support vector machine (svm)(zhou et al., 2022; sabanci et al., 2022; zhou et al., 2022), naïve bayes (nb)(mansour et al., 2022; vu, 2022; ahmad et al., 2022) and k-nearest neighbor (k-nn)(dann et al., 2022; cubillos et al., 2022; gallego et al., 2022) algorithms using the particle swarm optimization (pso) technique to optimize accuracy(shami et al., 2022; fan et al., 2022). 2. research methods the research methodology used in this experimental research using the cross-industry standard process for data mining method consists of six stages, namely business understanding, data understanding, data preparation, modeling, evaluation, and deployment. in addition to analyzing sentiment and knowing its accuracy, there are several stages to get the best results. the steps taken are data collection and labeling, pre-processing, sentiment analysis and evaluation to obtain accuracy, precision, and recalls. the entire sentiment analysis methodology that has been carried out can be seen in the following: noor et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 223-234 225 fig 1. research process model of crips-dm a. business understanding determination of project objectives and requirements in detail within the scope of the business or research unit comprehensively. in addition, it also translates goals and limitations into formulas for data mining problems and prepares initial strategies to achieve goals. this stage can be analogous to how we make an airplane without making a model of the airplane. the data is taken from twitter in the form of an open-source dataset and data collection using the text mining method and tweet classification model that will be used by the support vector machine, naïve bayes and k-nearest neighbor algorithms and adding the particle swarm optimization feature to improve the accuracy of the classification method used. in datasets. b. data understanding the data understanding stage requires an understanding of the data that will be used in the research process. the data used for this research experiment was collected through tweet data originating from twitter about the program sembako/bpnt with recent and popular options until june 17, 2022, using the rapid miner application called local data, then local data was labeled as the result of selecting the dataset. created in microsoft excel to be processed in data testing. c. data preparation data preparation uses tweet data from twitter with the hashtags #bpnt and #kartusembako, which are taken with recent and popular options until june 17, 2022. the field used in this problem is only text and a new field is added, namely status to be used as a class. text mining is an important prologue to data mining which is proposed to analyze text and content using word relationship extraction. d. modelling business understanding text mining information tweet classification data understanding data collection tweet data preparation cleansing document process modelling modelling technique selection learning methode classfication svm, nb, dan knn + pso evaluation confussion matrix accuration, auc, precision, dan recall deployment noor et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 223-234 226 the method that will be proposed is the use of a classification method, namely support vector machine, naïve bayes and k-nearest neighbor as a comparison. the three selection methods are compared to determine the best selection method to apply using the support vector machine, naïve bayes, and k-classifiers. nearest neighbor because it is a popular machine learning technique for text classification and has good performance in many domains. • support vector machine (svm) classification using the support vector machine is a machine learning technique that is quite popular for text classification and has good performance in many domains and can identify hyperplanes separately between two different classes so that the results are maximized and can also maximize the distance between the data closest to the hyperplane. classification is done by looking for a hyperplane or decision boundary that separates one class from another. support vector machine searches for hyperplane values using support vectors and margin values. • naive bayes (nb) • naive bayes is an algorithm used to find the highest probability value to classify test data in the most appropriate category (nugroho, agung, dzulatkha 2020). the use of the bayes theorem in the naive bayes algorithm is to combine the previous probabilities and conditional probabilities in a formula that can be used to calculate the probability of each possible classification. • k-nearest neighbor (k-nn) • knn algorithm is also a method for classifying data based on prepared sample/training data. the purpose of this method is to classify a data based on the attribute match value on the training data (sample). classification of a data is done by drawing as many as k neighbors on the training data, then voting is done to classify the data based on most values in the k training data. the data must go through the preprocessing stage first in order to get the relevant words to be classified. the preprocessing result is bags of word (bow) containing all the terms contained in the collection of documents resulting from preprocessing. fig 2. bags of word after processing the initial data, the next step is to enter the data into the proposed method • particle swarm optimization (pso) aims for optimization by continuously calculating potential solutions using a quality reference. this algorithm optimizes the problem by moving the particles/prospective solutions in the problem space using certain functions for the position and velocity of the particles. the motion of the particle is affected by the best solution for that particle, and the best solution in general obtained from other particles. the classification results are then validated for reliability. to carry out this validation, 10fold cross validation is used. there are three measures used to assess the comparison of the three algorithms, namely recall, precision, accuracy and auc. e. evaluation noor et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 223-234 227 this study will use the x-cross validation technique using rapidminer software to test the support vector machine, naïve bayes and k-nearest neighbor algorithm approaches by adding the particle swarm optimization feature to classify tweets from the program sembako/bpnt. a more detailed explanation for the testing of the algorithmic approach model will be explained in the next section. f. deployment this stage is making conclusions from the research after getting the results of the accuracy of tweet classification from each of the support vector machine (svm), naïve bayes (nb) and k-nearest neighbor (k-nn) algorithm approaches by adding the particle swarm optimization feature. (pso) is used in local datasets and implemented in an application. 3. results and discussions based on the methodology described in the previous section, this section will explain the stages of implementing the research methodology. a. data collection the first stage in this process is data collection. the dataset used is a local dataset through tweet data originating from twitter about the program sembako/bpnt. based on this, the tweet classification model approach will use the svm, nb and k-nn algorithms and add the pso feature to increase the accuracy of the classification method used in the local dataset. b. labelling data this stage is the process of understanding the data that will be used as material to be studied so that it can be carried out to the next stage, namely preprocessing. prepare tweet data taken from twitter. the data taken were 1,094 tweets, the process carried out was cleaning data from the many attributes by selecting the important attribute, namely the tweet text attribute plus one status attribute to create a label from the selected attribute. after having two attributes that will be used for modeling then cleaning the data because in 1,094 tweet data there is retweet data which is the same tweet shared repeatedly after cleaning, 382 data are obtained which are then labeled positive or negative status, data labeling method with details 174 negative tweets and 208 positive tweets which also involved the participation of the ministry of social affairs. table 1labelling datasets text status @pardimin9 @idextratime dana bpnt juga gabakal cair bang negative nama penerima bpnt juni 2022 ada di sini, login segera ke dan dapatkan rp2,4 juta positive ambil ktp! cek nama daftar penerima bansos bpnt rp200 ribu di positive bansos bpnt dan pkh rp4, 4 juta tidak cair? simak info masalah penerima negative login di link ini untuk daftar dtks online dan cek penerima bpnt kartu sembako juni 2022, dapatkan bansos ini! positive table 2 sentiment polarity tweets tweets total % negative 174 45.55% positive 208 54.45% table 2 is a table of the results of the polarity percentage of the tweets obtained. sentiment analysis on the polarity of tweets obtained is the number of positive tweets 208 and the number of negative tweets 174. the percentage of positive opinions is 54.45% and negative is 45.55%. from these results, it can be said that public opinion (netizens) on the program sembako/bpnt is dominated by positive opinions. although some netizens do not agree with the program. c. text preprocessing noor et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 223-234 228 at this stage, namely preparing data to perform steps called text preprocessing, using two applications for preprocessing, first using the gata framework which is accessed via the link for the cleansing process and using rapidminer for the document process. preprocessing is needed before the classification process so that the dimensions of the vector space model become smaller by reducing the dimensions of the vector space model, the classification process will be faster. the purpose of this pre-processing is to homogenize and reduce the volume of words. 1) cleansing data the following is a cleansing step using the gata framework website to create a local data preprocessing design model. @anotation removal, transform url, regexp, transformation not, indonesian stemming, and indonesian stop word removal a) @anotation removal in this process, all annotations contained in the tweet will be removed and all capital letters will be converted to lowercase. b) transformation remove url the results of @annotation removal will be continued to the transformation remove url process, in this process the link or url contained in the tweet will be removed. c) regxp the results of the transformation remove url are continued by the tokenization (regexp) process, where all words in each document are collected and punctuation removed, and if there are symbols, special characters or anything that is not a letter. d) transformation is not negative from the results of tokenization (regexp) then the transformation process is not negative. in this process, words that have negative values will be converted into nonnegative sentences. e) indonesian stemming the result of the not negative transformation will be a stemming process, namely changing the affixed words into basic words using indonesian stemming for language tweets. f) indonesian stopword removal the results of indonesian stemming will be continued to the indonesian stop word removal process, in this process irrelevant words will be removed, such as the words “tetapi”, “untuk”, “dengan”, which have no separate meaning if separated from other words and are not related to adjectives. related to sentiment. noor et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 223-234 229 fig 3. preprocessing data using gataframework 2) document process a) tokenization the results of indonesian stemming are continued by the tokenization process from rapidminer, where all words in each document are collected and punctuation removed, and removed if there are symbols, special characters or anything that is not letters and breaks sentences into words. b) transform cases the next stage is transformed cases, which aims to homogenize the shape of the letters into lower cases because twitter comments themselves have various letter forms. c) filter stopwords (dictionary) for the next process is the stop word filter stage (dictionary), in this process irrelevant words will be removed, such as words but, for, with, which have no separate meaning if separated from other words and are not related to adjectives related to sentiment. d) filter tokens (by length) the results of the stop word filter process (dictionary) are followed by the filter tokens (by length) stage, in this process words that have a character length of less than 4 and more than 25 will be deleted, such as the words “di”, “ada”, “oleh”, which are words that does not have its own meaning if it is separated from other words and is not related to adjectives related to sentiment. fig 4. preprocessing data using rapidminer d. modelling in the next stage, the dataset that has been created in the previous stage is used as input for the classification algorithm, which is used as a training and testing dataset. in this study, three types of algorithms will be used for comparison, namely support vector machine (svm), nave bayes (nb) and k-nearest neighbor (k-nn) 1) process modelling the sequence of each modeling process for each algorithm is read excel, nominal to text, process document, multiply, cross validation which includes the algorithm used, apply model and performance. furthermore, to add the pso feature in which there is cross validation, apply models and the performance of each algorithm used so that the results are more optimal. figure 6 is the process modeling of the rapidminner application using the svm method with the order of reading excel, nominal to text, process document, multiply, cross validation which includes the svm algorithm, apply model and performance, while in figure 7 is the process modeling of the rapidminer application using the method svm is added with pso which includes cross validation of the svm algorithm, apply model and performance. noor et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 223-234 230 fig 5. preprocessing modelling svm method fig 6. preprocessing modelling svm+pso e. evaluation of test results and model validation the results of the model testing carried out are to classify the tweets of the program sembako/bpnt in indonesia into positive and negative as local data using the svm and svm+pso algorithms. nb and nb+pso, k-nn and k-nn+pso. at this evaluation stage, the performance of the classification process that has been carried out will be tested with the parameter’s accuracy, precision, and recall. evaluation of this system analysis is done by calculating the level of accuracy of a method in analyzing opinions, k-fold cross validation is chosen to test the accuracy of the naive bayes method and support vector machine. dividing data into two parts, namely training data and testing data is the principle of cross-validation. in this study using 10-fold cross validation. the data will be divided into 10 parts, part 1 will be the training data and part 2-10 will be the testing data. furthermore, a cross process is carried out, where the training data is used as testing data and vice versa, this process is repeated 10 times. in the process of 10-fold cross validation, a confusion matrix is created which consists of true positives (tp) which is the number of positive class data classified as positive class and true negatives (tn) which is the number of negative class data classified as negative class. while false positives (fp) is the number of negative class data classified as positive class, and false negatives (fn) is the number of positive class data classified as negative class. the average value of accuracy, precision, recall can be obtained from the table(widowati dan sadikin 2021). fig 7. prediction results from rapidminer and to find out the best model for each model, here are the results of testing the model on rapidminer : noor et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 223-234 231 table 3 accuration model svm nb k-nn svm + pso nb + pso k-nn + pso accuracy 70.69% 72.26% 76.69% 78.02% 76.17% 77.75% auc 0.834 0.505 0.820 0.848 0.552 0.791 table 4 precision and recall algorithm precision recall prediction svm 71.53% 71.53% negative svm 70.17% 70.17% positive svm+pso 77.44% 77.44% negative svm+pso 78.44% 78.44% positive nb 71.53% 71.53% negative nb 70.17% 70.17% positive nb+pso 77.44% 77.44% negative nb+pso 78.44% 78.44% positive k-nn 78.91% 78.91% negative k-nn 75.32% 75.32% positive k-nn+pso 72.36% 72.36% negative k-nn+pso 83.61% 83.61% positive table 5 confusion matrix algorithm prediction true negative true positive svm negative 103 41 svm positive 71 167 svm+pso negative 127 37 svm+pso positive 47 171 nb negative 104 36 nb positive 70 172 nb+pso negative 108 25 nb+pso positive 66 183 k-nn negative 116 31 k-nn positive 58 177 k-nn+pso negative 144 55 k-nn+pso positive 30 153 figure 7 shows the results of sentiment prediction in the rapidminer application. compares the predefined sentiment label with the predicted result label from the process. table 3 is the result of the accuracy of each algorithm, table 4 is the result of precision and recall, table 5 is the result of the confusion matrix. based on these results, testing with the svm algorithm model without pso features obtained an accuracy of 70.69% and the auc result is 0.834. then the results of the svm added with the pso feature, the accuracy is 78.02% and the auc result is 0.848. it can be concluded that the pso feature is very influential in increasing the accuracy, but the use of the pso feature is not significant in increasing the auc of each algorithm model. f. deployment based on the evaluation results of the svm, nb, and k-nn algorithm model testing process without features as well as svm, nb, and k-nn using pso features, the highest model testing results from all algorithm testing results are pso feature-based svm. therefore, the weights that will be used in modeling the application are based on the test results of the pso feature based svm algorithm noor et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 223-234 232 fig 8. deployment flowchart the way to deploy can't directly use the dataset from pso, because the data from pso only has a character weighting value of 0 to 1. after getting the dataset weight from pso, the character value 0 will be entered into the stopword dictionary. attributes with weight 0 will be added to the process document and entered in the stopword dictionary. fig 9. document process added with stopword dictionary filter from pso weight results after being entered into the filter stopword dictionary, the dataset is reprocessed using the svm algorithm to obtain the weighted results. next, enter the weight results into the database to create a deployed website. then test the deployment results by entering text in the web application to determine whether the sentence is positive or negative. fig 10. input text into the deployed application noor et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 223-234 233 fig 11. the process of cleaning sentences and weighting words in the application figure 11 is the cleansing process into standard words, then weighted with the svm algorithm plus the pso feature in order to determine whether the result of the sentence is positive or negative which is carried out through the gataframework website. 5. conclusion the proposed use of the pso feature in the classification algorithm has proven to be very influential in increasing the accuracy of the svm algorithm to 78.02% of the tweet data processing as much as 382 data. the proposed use of the pso feature in the classification algorithm is also proven to be very influential in increasing the accuracy of the nb algorithm to 76.17% of 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implementation process in frontier, outermost, and underdeveloped (3t) regions. e-procurement is an application for managing goods/services procurement data, including internet-based procurement data, designed to achieve an effective, efficient, and integrated procurement process. this research is qualitative research to explore communication activities in implementing e-procurement. the subjects of this study amounted to 8 people involved in the implementation of e-procurement. data analysis was carried out in three steps: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. the study results show that communication activities occur in 4 stages of the auction process carried out by the electronic procurement agency. this process involves regional apparatus organizations in indragiri hulu regency with suppliers who provide goods and services registered in the electronic procurement system in indragiri hulu regency. the process of procuring goods starts with a proposal process from each regional apparatus organization based on their respective performance plans to carry out the bidding process. the auction process is carried out by a working group team formed by the head of lpse, which suppliers of goods and services will follow. the working group team will evaluate the documents proposed by the supplier and determine the tender winner. keywords : communication, implementation, e-procurement, indragiri hulu. 1. introduction the need for governance based on e-government is one of the pillars of democracy in administering good governance. e-government is essential to administering government and providing transparent, fast, inexpensive and quality public services. several studies also show that implementing e-government reduces unfair and corrupt practices in various countries (zhao et al., 2021). implementation of e-government in realizing good governance requires a commitment to reform the bureaucracy. bureaucratic reform can be carried out by improving institutions by creating a streamlined, effective and efficient organizational structure. increasing human resources is the primary indicator for maximizing the implementation of e-government. in addition, management is also needed to create an efficient and effective process of bureaucracy followed by supervision and accountability to create transparency and accountability. the implementation of e-government will be carried out successfully if the public services are carried out quickly, precisely, cheaply, easily, non-discriminatory, and satisfactorily (turner et al., 2022). indonesia is moving towards a government system that uses an e-government-based government information system. e-government is a form of implementing public services based on information and communication technology that aims to make work processes between agencies and within agencies simpler, more accurate, responsive and transparent (rubiyanto, 2019). this consequence has led the indonesian government to implement the e-procurement system to procure goods and services. riauan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 469-477 470 in addition to the process of bureaucratic reform, the implementation of communication is also very important in carrying out public services. equality of meaning is needed in every action taken to achieve political goals in public service in a government. therefore, the communication process is essential to implementing government policies (riauan, 2013). communication activities in the implementation of e-procurement must be well understood to avoid causing mass communication. effective communication can be done with openness, support, empathy, a positive attitude, and equality (devito, 2011). indragiri hulu, as a district in indonesia, also implements a government system based on e-government. the regional secretariat of indragiri hulu regency implements the eprocurement system for procuring goods and services. in practice, the procurement of goods and services has yet to be done optimally. this is caused by the need for more infrastructure and human resource capabilities that can support the implementation of the e-procurement process properly. the existence of e-procurement is expected to provide convenience to the government in the process of procuring the goods and services needed (nurmandi, 2012). therefore, every government agency, both the central government and local governments, must implement this eprocurement program properly. policy implementation, in principle, is a way for a policy to achieve its goals, nothing more and nothing less. to implement public policy, two steps exist, namely directly implementing in the form of programs or through the formulation of derivative policies as implementing regulations. public policies that can be directly operationalized include presidential decrees, presidential instructions, ministerial decrees, regional head decrees and head of service decrees. in particular, public policy is often understood as a government decision. the indragiri hulu government should build an e-procurement system in order to acquire products and services electronically. in reality, however, there is still a procurement procedure, including the direct nomination of suppliers of products and services. according to a study by researchers, this is related to a number of difficulties that are often faced. there still needs to be more communication between the procurement department, lpse, and entities who want products and services. for the acquisition of products and services, there has been little intensive contact between agencies or institutions and suppliers or contractors. this is evident by the need for a designated point of contact for suppliers to conduct questions and answers with lpse. in addition, there are no other channels for disseminating information on purchasing products and services save the lpse website. the resources needed for the implementation of e-procurement still need to be improved. the need for human resources who have an educational background and information technology capabilities sthat can operate computers and the lpse system. facilities and infrastructure need to be improved, such as computers, internet networks and other means of communication are still often constrained. however, the condition of facilities and infrastructure still needs to be improved, as there are still employees who use personal laptops at work and personal smartphones as a means of communication with various parties within the framework of the e-procurement process. in solving problems in the e-procurement process, there have been many studies that previous researchers have carried out. the research results found in malaysia stated that the implementation of e-procurement had yet to find a definite and reliable technical pattern. the eprocurement system is stated to be not optimal and cannot guarantee the sustainability of the procurement system in a sustainable manner (singh et al., 2020). implementation of systems that can be used in e-government must have sustainability for the implementation of systems that are integrated (habibullah, 2010). ensuring the reliability of e-procurement implementation is influenced by many variables based on legal and economic approaches. therefore, in its implementation, physical infrastructure for information and communication technology is needed (afolabi et al., 2019). research in developed countries in the netherlands and portugal shows that the e-system is reliable for procuring goods and services (mélon & spruk, 2020). other research shows that the implementation of e-procurement must involve third-party companies so that the implementation can run well. this is due to the low level of digital literacy of government workers who run e-procuring systems (belisari et al., 2020). riauan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 469-477 471 the two studies show differences in the research results obtained from the two countries, which have different characteristics. developed countries with good and reliable information systems show positive results from e-procurement. meanwhile, in developing countries, the implementation still needs help finding reliable patterns in the implementation of e-procurement. the use of e-procurement can assist the government in eradicating corruption. this can be found in the results of research conducted in nigeria, indonesia, israel, nepal, albania, georgia and south korea (luijken & martini, 2014); (nurmandi, 2012); (neupane et al., 2014); (oecd, 2016). it cannot be denied that implementing e-procurement is very beneficial for eradicating corruption. procurement of goods and services is carried out more transparently and credibly through an online goods and services procurement system. state commitment is needed so that the e-procurement system can be implemented optimally. reliable infrastructure regulations and policies are needed to realize eradicate corruption using e-procurement. the deployment of the e-purchase system in the indragiri hulu regency's procurement of goods and services is comparable to previous studies. this study focuses on communication activities associated with introducing e-procurement in the indragiri hulu regency. the fascinating aspect of the study undertaken by researchers is that it was conducted in the 3t region, which still confronts severe infrastructural and human resource difficulties. based on the above context, the purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of e-purchase in indragiri hulu regency's planning for the procurement of goods and services. 2. literature review a. communication in the communication process, the sender of the message or communicator expects others to participate or act following the goals. the message conveyed through the channel or communication media to the communicant will produce a communication effect and elicit feedback from message recipients. it is thus impossible for humans to survive without verbal or nonverbal communication. the communicator desires that all parties engaged in the communication process grasp his message, so the communication process goes well. according to harold d. lasswell, communication is "the proper approach to describe a communication is to answer the question, "who communicated?" what was communicated? using what channels? toward whom? what is the consequence?" (cangara, 2014). wilbur schramm. "communication involves at least three components at all times: source, message, and recipient" (suhandang, 2005). a. joseph devito "communication refers to the acts of one or more persons who send and receive messages, occur in a specific context, have a particular consequence, and allow for feedback that is affected by the environment (context) in which the communication takes place (devito, 2011). communication already has an essential role in life at this time because communication technology is now more advanced and sophisticated according to its time. with the rapid development of communication today, exchanging messages has become faster, more practical and more effective. the purpose of communication is to change the attitude, to change the opinion, to change the behaviour, to change society (effendy, 1990). communication is vital in the policy implementation process since implementers must know what they will do. the implementer must receive orders to implement the policy promptly and consistently. edwards iii (1980:10) emphasizes that for implementation to be successful, people whose role is to execute a decision must be aware of what is expected of them. orders to execute policies must be communicated to the relevant staff clearly, consistently, and accurately. if the policies desired by decision-makers are clearly articulated, individuals to whom they are aimed may understand them. uncertainty among implementers raises the likelihood that they will not implement a policy as intended by those who enacted or directed it. communication can ensure that policies are implemented. effective policy implementation is possible if individuals responsible for policy implementation know what to do. orders to execute policies must be communicated clearly, precisely, and consistently to those capable of carrying them out (kadji, 2015). misunderstandings will emerge at the level of the selected policy implementer if the signals and policy directions issued by policymakers are ambiguous and vague. riauan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 469-477 472 there would be uncertainty at the implementer level, particularly about the comprehension of the required activities. this condition will allow them to apply the policy differently than the mandate-givers or policymakers intend. communication pertains to how policies are conveyed to organizations or the public, the availability of resources to execute policies, the attitudes and reactions of the parties concerned, and the organizational structure of executing the policy (mustari, 2015). communication is crucial because a program can only be correctly executed if the executor understands it. this pertains to the procedure or transmission of information, the clarity of information (clarity), and the concentration of information sent (subianto, 2020). according to communication factors (suparno, 2017), communication is a significant factor in determining the efficiency of public policy implementation. effective policy implementation strongly relies on decision-makers comprehension of what must be done, which is decided by effective communication. therefore, each policy decision and regulation must be effectively communicated to policymakers and implementers. there are three indications of the communication variable: (1) effective transmission, (2) clear communication, and (3) consistent implementation of communication by the government. edward outlines three indicators that may be used to measure communication elements (mustari, 2015). among these indications is transmission. good communication distribution will lead to effective implementation. consistency the instructions supplied for the execution of communication must be consistent and unambiguous (to be carried out) (kadji, 2015). b. e-procurement e-procurement is an application for managing goods/services procurement data, including internet-based procurement data, to achieve an effective, efficient, and integrated procurement process. article 37 of the regulation of the president of the republic of indonesia number 70 of 2012 defines e-procurement as the acquisition of goods and services using information technology and electronic transactions by statutory provisions . e-procurement is defined as "the execution of procurement of products and services using electronic networks (internet or intranet networks) or electronic data exchange (edi)" (davila et al., 2003). "e-procurement is implemented in a website information system that is an auction system for the government's acquisition of commodities using internet-based technology, information and communication capabilities." decree of the president of the republic of indonesia, number 54 of 2010, as amended by presidential regulation number 70 of 2012 of guidelines for government procurement of goods/services, states: "electronic procurement or e-procurement is the procurement of goods/services using information technology and electronic transactions following statutory provisions. from the many definitions of e-procurement provided above, it can be deduced that eprocurement is an internet-based method of acquiring products and services to conduct an effective, efficient, and transparent auction. e-procurement refers to using the internet and information and communication technology (ict) to facilitate the procurement of products and services at all levels. the e-procurement system is only an application, tool, and technology for internet-based procurement transactions (afolabi et al., 2019). this definition is consistent with research references and is supported by prior research indicating that this activity is performed in the context of construction activities ranging from the placement, submission, and acceptance of bids to the electronic search and ordering of materials (lawther, 2005). this activity is an innovation of the e-government system designed to facilitate the implementation of the procurement of goods and services based on the e-procurement technology's attribute factors, organizational characteristics factors, environmental factors, and influence factors from other industries. the circumstances of each organization define the e-procurement implementation capabilities of each organization. e-procurement is an electronically performed activity (devaraj et al., 2007). (mutangili, 2019) show this technology is used to handle information technology-integrated purchase requests. this makes it simple and inexpensive for contractors to engage in online auctions to acquire products and services at an agency (nawi et al., 2017). e-procurement is an integral riauan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 469-477 473 component of assured inventory management and ensures the smooth operation of the manufacturing (davila et al., 2003). 3. research methods this study describes the communication activities of the e-procurement process for the procurement of goods and services in indragiri hulu regency. this research is qualitative research based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to examine the condition of natural objects where the researcher is the key instrument, sampling of data sources is carried out purposively, collection techniques are triangulation, data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and the results of qualitative research emphasizes meaning rather than generalization (sugiyono, 2012). this study uses a descriptive qualitative research design that will produce descriptive data. descriptive data is the form of words, pictures and not numbers (moleong, 2019). measuring or accurately describing certain social phenomena, the relationship between theory and observation. it is said that the descriptive approach is a type of research intended to explore and clarify a phenomenon or reality. the data analysis technique in this study refers to the interactive model initiated by miles and huberman. the method is part of the strategy, meaning a technique or method for carrying out a job or activity that has been planned in the strategy (moleong, 2017). this research was conducted at the regional secretariat of indragiri hulu regency, especially in development economics. this research's object is to apply e-procurement in procuring goods and services in indragiri hulu regency. the subject of this study amounted to 8 people. one key informant is the head of the district secretariat. indragiri hulu, head of development economics, lpse secretariat, contractor partners, and the community. data collection techniques in this study were carried out using fgds, observations, interviews, and documentation to obtain data on minimum service standards that had been carried out in the indragiri hulu district. based on this, the data analysis technique used in the qualitative data analysis technique is based on miles and huberman's theory through 3 steps: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion (kriyantono, 2019). data reduction is summarizing, choosing the main things, and focusing on the essential things. after that, the reduced data will have a clearer picture, and make it easier for researchers to carry out further data collection, or look for it if needed. by reducing data, researchers will sort out which data are considered essential and discard data that are considered unimportant. in addition, researchers will also check the validity of the data by using triangulation of data, methods, sources, and theory (moleong, 2019). 4. results and discussions indragiri hulu regency consisted of 4 kewedanaan and 17 districts, namely kewedanaan indragiri hilir selatan, indragiri hulu utara, indragiri hulu and kewedanaan kuantan singing. based on government regulation number 50 of 1963, the status of kewedanan was abolished along with the abolition of four kewedanan in indragiri regency. by law number 61 of 1958, riau province was formed with the capital city of pekanbaru consisting of five level ii regions each of kampar, indragiri, bengkalis, riau archipelago regencies and pekanbaru municipality. the goods and services procurement section is located under and is responsible to the assistant for the economy and development. the goods and services procurement section is led by the section head, who has the task of assisting the assistant in carrying out the preparation of regional policy formulation, coordinating regional policy formulation, coordinating the implementation of regional apparatus tasks, implementing monitoring and evaluation in the management of goods and services procurement, managing procurement services electronically, coaching and advocacy for procurement of goods and services. electronic procurement services are information technology management services to facilitate the implementation of electronic procurement of goods/services. ukpbj/procurement officials at ministries/institutions/regional apparatuses who do not have electronic procurement services can use the electronic procurement service facilities closest to their domicile to carry out electronic procurement. procurement of goods/services electronically will increase transparency and accountability, increase market access and fair business competition, improve the level of efficiency of the procurement process, support monitoring and auditing riauan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 469-477 474 processes and meet the need for access to accurate time information in order to realize clean and good governance in the procurement of goods/services government services. the legal basis for establishing electronic procurement services is article 73 number 16 of 2018 concerning government procurement of goods/services whose technical operational provisions are regulated by lkpp institution regulation number 14 of 2018 concerning electronic procurement services. electronic procurement services, in carrying out an electronic procurement of goods/services system, must meet the requirements as stipulated in law number 11 of 2008 concerning information and electronic transactions. a. communication activities on the implementation of e-procurement in indragiri hulu communication activities in the implementation of the provision of goods and services in indragiri hulu district are carried out as follows: 1) input the general plan for procurement of goods and services the process of implementing goods and services starts with inputting the general procurement plan, which the commitment-making official at the organizational level of the regional apparatus carries out. communication activities are carried out to ensure that all the needs of the respective regional apparatus are included. plans for the procurement of goods and services are input based on the work plans of each regional apparatus organization that have been approved. the approved work plan is a document that determines that all needs for goods and services in each regional apparatus organization can be met. commitment officials must be careful to input procurement plans to meet the organization's needs. communication activities are carried out through a website-based electronic procurement system involving regional apparatus organizations through commitment making officials with electronic procurement agencies (lpse). the procurement general plan will be accepted by the commitment-making official at the lpse level, who is part of the assistant 2 for the economy and development sector coordinated by the head of goods and services procurement. the general procurement plan is input based on the authority of the budget user who needs the procurement of goods and services. based on the need, the general procurement plan is inputted and sent to lpse. this communication process must be carried out clearly, and consistently and use good channels. communication channels are generally carried out through the lpse system. in using the lpse system, there are still areas for improvement in the transmission process of sending electronic information because the internet network is less stable and causes several input and receiving activities. procurement and receiving plans are delayed. the need for goods and services is also carried out clearly and consistently. commitment-making officials at the regional apparatus organizational level must be able to explain the specification of needs clearly. this is done to make it easier for lpse at the indragiri hulu regency level to carry out the tender later. 2) formation of a working group the following communication activity is the formation of a working group responsible for implementing the procurement of goods and services. procurement of goods and services may not be carried out directly by each regional apparatus organization. however, it must be carried out by the electronic procurement agency at the district level under the regent through assistant 2 in the field of economy and development. in this stage, after the proposal for the procurement of goods and services has been submitted, it will then be followed up by the head of the institution. the head of lpse will form a team to carry out the goods and services procurement process. the general procurement plan must carry out the implementation of the procurement of goods and services. the head of the lpse then forms a procurement team consisting of three members of commitment-making officials. the division of tasks is carried out based on incoming proposals. the appointed team will later be tasked with carrying out the process of procuring goods and services. 3) implementation of procurement of goods and services riauan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 469-477 475 the procurement of goods and services is carried out by the proposals inputted into the lpse system of the indragiri hulu regency government. the working group will carry out the tender with a team of 3 staff members who have the authority and functional position as commitment making officers. auction processes that have a value of zero rupiah up to fifty million rupiah can be done outside the system by making direct purchases. in addition, the procurement of goods and services worth fifty million rupiah to two hundred million rupiah must be carried out online. it is permissible to carry it out with a direct and permanent appointment system through the lpse system. at the same time, implementing tenders with a value of more than two hundred million rupiah must be carried out with an open and transparent tender process. the working group will produce election documents in the procurement system electronically. the required documents will be prepared and announced online on the goods and services procurement website (spse). the selection document contains the conditions bidders must prepare to participate in the tender for procuring goods and services in the indragiri hulu district. the working group will input the auction packages that will be tendered based on the needs of regional apparatus organizations, determine the completeness requirements, make a schedule and announce the auction in the spse system. after the required documents are complete, the auction process can be carried out and seen by all companies providing goods and services. in addition to ensuring documents, schedules, and announcing the auction, the lpse must ensure that all bidders participating in the tender must have previously registered and have an account at the lpse of indragiri hulu regency. companies must have an account before participating in the auction to discipline bidders and ensure the legality of bidders. the account creation process is carried out at lpse by preparing company documents that each company carries out. auction participants who already have an account will register their company to participate in the auction. each company must complete the requirements set out in the auction process as a condition for winning the procurement of goods and services that are followed. these conditions will be assessed by working group members and determine the winning bidder. 4) determination of tender winners the auction can be completed after document determination, schedule determination, and auction announcement. companies will provide an offer by completing the required documents and requirements. bid documents must be uploaded through the electronic procurement system (spse). then the documents will be assessed. the working group will assess incoming documents. the completeness of uploaded documents will be evaluated one by one. complete documents and offering the lowest price will win the auction process. after the evaluation and assessment process is carried out, the tender winner who has the complete documents will be announced. the working group team will announce the three companies with the best complete documents. after that, the auction winner will be determined based on the company with the lowest price. the winner of the tender for the procurement of goods and services is determined to be responsible for ensuring that the procurement of goods and services sourced from local government finances is carried out under the offer and work contract. preparation for procurement and preparation for the selection of providers is crucial in determining the success or failure of obtaining the goods/services needed by users in supporting the success of achieving programs and activities. therefore, this stage becomes unique in basiclevel goods/services procurement education and training. with the proper understanding regarding preparation, either by ppk or procurement officers/selection working groups, these procurement actors can work effectively by using available resources, and ultimately value for money as one of the objectives of procurement can be achieved. goods/services procurement planning is planning the types of goods/services to be procured through specifications or terms of reference, how procurement will be carried out, and the potential providers to be invited. the process organizing goods and services functions is determine who will implement the procurement of government goods and services, starting from riauan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 469-477 476 the person in charge to the executor of procurement program. after the planning and organization are carried out, procuring goods and services can be procured by tender or purchasing (purchasing). after the goods and services are purchased or tendered, the last step is to supervise the goods received so that they goods and services received follow the standards set in the planning process. with the enactment of presidential regulation of the republic of indonesia, number 12 of 2021, concerning amendments to presidential regulation number 16 of 2018 concerning government procurement of goods/services, 2021, the indragiri hulu regional secretariat should carry out the procurement of goods and services needed in these agencies using the eprocurement, both in the form of e-purchasing and e-tendering. 5. conclusion electronic procurement services are information technology management services to facilitate the implementation of electronic procurement of goods/services. ukpbj/procurement officials at ministries/institutions/regional apparatuses who do not have electronic procurement services can use the electronic procurement service facilities closest to their domicile to carry out electronic procurement. the existence of e-procurement is expected to provide convenience to the government in the process of procuring the goods and services needed. therefore, every government agency, both the central government and local governments, must implement this e-procurement program properly. communication activities occur at four stages of the auction process carried out by the electronic procurement agency. this process involves regional apparatus organizations in indragiri hulu regency and suppliers who provide goods and services registered in the electronic procurement system in indragiri hulu regency. the process of procuring goods starts with a proposal process from each regional apparatus organization based on their respective performance plans to carry out the bidding process. the auction process is carried out by a working group team formed by the head of lpse, which suppliers of goods and services will follow. the working group team will evaluate the documents proposed by 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information services in the form of tourist destinations and tourism activities on the website. based on the results of preliminary observations made on the tourism website of the pekanbaru city government, it was found that the tourism information provided was not up to date, and there were still many tourist objects in pekanbaru that had not been published, so the information delivery process was not optimal and ineffective. the effectiveness of using the website must pay attention to usability of its use. usability is a quality level of a system that is easy to learn, easy to use, and encourages users to use the system as a tool in completing tasks. usability can be measured based on the quality of the user experience when interacting with the system operated by the user himself. usability measurement on this tourism website is carried out using the system usability scale (sus) measurement tool. based on the measurement results using sus, a score of 65.87 was obtained, where 10 of the statement items were declared valid and reliable. the score obtained shows that in terms of user satisfaction, it is stated to be included in the marginal high category, predicate d with the adjective range ok. this shows that the user's subjective assessment illustrates that the pekanbaru city government's tourism website is less effective, efficient, and satisfying for users. keywords: website, tourism, usability, system usability scale 1. introduction the definition related to tourism contained in the tourism and creative economy ministerial regulation no. 9 of 2021 concerning guidelines for sustainable tourism destinations is intended to be a variety of tourism activities, which are supported by various facilities and services provided by the community, entrepreneurs, government and regional governments (menparekraf, 2021). tourists, whether local, national, or international, are people who carry out tours in the context of carrying out travel activities, whether carried out individually or in groups, by visiting certain places, for recreational purposes, personal development, or studying the unique tourist attractions visited in a temporary period (pemko pekanbaru, 2021) (pratama, misnawati, & renaldi, 2022). tourists usually make visits to tourism destinations, hereinafter referred to as tourism destinations. tourism destinations are geographical areas that are in one or more administrative areas in which there are tourist attractions, public facilities, tourism facilities, accessibility, and communities that are interrelated and complement the realization of tourism. in addition to natural conditions that have a special attraction for tourists to visit, tourism destinations can also be formed based on facilities created by humans, art and culture, and national history (addin maulana, 2022) (ilham junaid, 2022). nowadays, where the use of information technology is an inseparable part of daily human life, a tourist will definitely use the internet to access various social media or regional tourism websites to find tourist destinations in an area (filemon duwitau, 2020) (sagita utarki, 2020) (sandra j kuryanti, 2018). research conducted by sri wulandari et al. states that the use of the website has proven to be effective in promoting and disseminating information. researchers measured the effectiveness of using digital media as a means of university promotion and information. based on measurements taken on 120 respondents, it was found that from several sari et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 539-546 540 social media used for promotion, website media showed very significant results. this means that new students at gunung jati university get campus information through the website, and the website has proven to be effective for use as a media for promotion and information dissemination (wulandari, heryani, & nurlia, 2021). the effectiveness of using the website was also proven by mardian herri pratama et al. for promotional media in the east surabaya village, kec. appeal to the supreme court of oku selatan prov. south sumatra. the results of the study show that social media is quite effective in marketing a product and can be utilized for business needs, but account management must be optimized (pratama, misnawati, & renaldi, 2022). the website is used as a form of communication media that can provide certain information, which can be accessed by many people anytime and from anywhere. based on the good practices of the website as a communication medium, the effectiveness of its use must also pay attention to the usability of its utilization. usability is a quality level of a system that is easy to learn, easy to use, and encourages users to use the system as a positive tool in completing tasks. usability can also be interpreted as a measure in which users can access the functionality of a system effectively, efficiently, and satisfactorily in achieving certain goals. the regional government of pekanbaru city has provided tourism information services in the form of a website which can be accessed on the home page. this tourism website is intended as a medium for delivering information on tourist destinations and tourism activities. based on the results of preliminary observations made on this tourism website, it was found that information about tourist destinations and tourism activities was not up to date, and there were still many tourist objects in pekanbaru that had not been published so the information delivery process was not optimal and ineffective in presenting the need for information by prospective tourists who will visit pekanbaru. however, usability can be measured based on the quality of the user experience when interacting with the system operated by the user himself. user experience, in this case, tourists and their perceived interaction with the website, the measurement process is then carried out using the system usability scale (sus) measuring instrument. sus is proven to be valid and reliable to be used to measure the usability of a website (sari & henim, 2021). 2. literature review usability testing usability is a quality that examines and measures the ease of display used by users. usability refers to the user experience when interacting with a product or system, including websites, software, devices or applications (supriyatna, 2018) (hendra & arifin, 2018). usability focuses on creating systems that are easy to learn and use (soejono, setyanto, & sofyan, 2018). the following are usability indicators according to nielsen: 1. efficiency measures the speed in completing certain tasks after studying the system 2. satisfaction measures how satisfied users are in using th (addin maulana, 2022)e system 3. memorability measures whether the application can be recalled by the user 4. errors measure how many user errors in using the system 5. learnability measures the user's level of ease in completing tasks that must be done (supriyatna, 2018) (kesuma, 2021). usability can be measured in 2 ways, that are using usability metrics and using their own assumptions. usability metrics are used to help reach decisions. usability provides answers to questions such as, do users like the product? is this product more efficient to use than similar products? can the usability of this product be compared to competition? and so on (hadi, azzahra, & fanani, 2018). system usability scale (sus) the system usability scale (sus) is a usability testing tool that is reliable, popular, effective, and inexpensive. sus developed by john brooke in 1986. sus has 10 question instruments as shown in the following table: sari et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 539-546 541 table 1 sus question instruments no statement list 1 i will often use/visit this system 2 i think the system is too complex (contains a lot of unnecessary things) 3 i think the system is easy to navigate 4 i need technical assistance to use/explore the system 5 i think the functions/features provided on the system are well designed and prepared 6 i think there are too many inconsistencies on the system 7 i feel that most people will find it easy to use/explore the system quickly 8 i think the system is very complicated to navigate 9 i feel very confident exploring the system 10 i need to learn many things before i can properly explore system the results of calculations using sus will be converted into a value, which can be used as a consideration to determine whether an application is feasible or not feasible to implement (pudjoatmodjo & wijaya, 2016) (sidik, 2018). sus consists of 5 scales, i.e 1 to 5. a value of 1 means strongly disagree and a value of 5 means strongly agree as shown in the following figure 1 (saputra, 2019). fig. 1. sus scale 3. research methods approach and research object the research conducted is quantitative research, using survey techniques. survey research was conducted using a questionnaire tool to collect data from a predetermined population sample. the questionnaire is intended to obtain information from a number of respondents who represent a certain population, in this case, a group of respondents who have carried out tourism activities. the object of this research is the tourism website of the pekanbaru city government, which includes all interfaces from the existing display. research stages in this research, several stages were carried out, starting with identifying the problem, followed by conducting a literature study related to usability testing and also a study of the observed object, in this case, the pekanbaru city government's tourism website. an overview of this research methodology can be shown in figure 2. fig. 2. research methodology sari et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 539-546 542 research instruments at the usability testing stage, a number of tasks are given to website users. the tasks given at the usability stage are shown in table 2. table 2 list of usability testing tasks no task 1 the user opens the pekanbaru city government tourism website 2 the user selects an information menu related to a tourist attraction 3 the user selects a tourist attraction and reads the detailed information contained on the page of the selected tourist attraction 4 users search for and read information on accommodation 5 the user selects the travel and travel menu 6 users choose a travel and travel agent, and read the detailed information contained on the page that is displayed 7 users select the event menu and search for events based on the year they were held 4. results and discussions after the respondent has carried out all the tasks, the process of measuring the usability of the respondent is carried out. measurement of respondents' perceptions was carried out using the system usability scale (sus). sus was developed by john brooke in 1986 and used to measure system usability from the user's perspective. sus consists of 10 statements (brooke,1996) (bangor, kortum, & miller, 2009)(brooke,2013) , as shown in table 3. table 3 list of sus questions code statement list q1 i will often use/visit the pekanbaru city tourism website q2 i think the pekanbaru city tourism website is too complex (contains a lot of unnecessary things) q3 i think the pekanbaru city tourism website is easy to navigate q4 i need technical assistance to use/explore the pekanbaru city tourism website q5 i think the functions/features provided on the pekanbaru city tourism website are well designed and prepared q6 i think there are too many inconsistencies on the pekanbaru city tourism website q7 i feel that most people will find it easy to use/explore the pekanbaru city tourism website quickly q8 i think the pekanbaru city tourism website is very complicated to navigate q9 i feel very confident exploring the pekanbaru city tourism website q10 i need to learn many things before i can properly explore pekanbaru city tourism websites the following are the rules that need to be considered to calculate the sus score: 1) each question has an odd number, and the final score is the result of subtracting the user's score (x) minus 1. 2) each question has an even number, and the final score is obtained from the subtraction of 5 minus the user's score (x). 3) the weighting of the sus score is obtained from the sum of the user's overall scores multiplied by 2.5. 4) to calculate the sus score, add up the score contributions of each item. (ramadhan, soedijono, & pramono, 2019) (wahyuningrum, kartiko, & wardhana, 2020) sari et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 539-546 543 the results of the sus calculation are then converted into ratings and letter grades. the rating indicates the usability level in the form of a percentage (%), while the letter grade indicates the usability level from class a to f. sus weighting in the form of letter grades can be grouped into 5, namely a, b, c, d, and f, as shown in figure 3. fig. 3. sus score ( (bangor, kortum, & miller, 2009) (sauro, 2011) the discussion of the research results obtained can be presented in the form of a theoretical description, both qualitatively and quantitatively. in practice, this section can be used to compare the results of the research obtained in the current research with the results of the research reported by previous researchers referred to in this study. scientifically, the results of research obtained in the study may be new findings or improvements, affirmations, or rejection of a scientific phenomenon from previous researchers. usability testing: system usability scale tests were conducted on 166 respondents, who had the criteria of having traveled out of town on holidays and accessed tourism websites to obtain information related to tourist attractions. based on the processing carried out on the answers given by the respondents using the sus measurement tool, the results are shown in table 4. table 4 recapitulation of the results of calculating the sus score respondent sus calculation result score sus score q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10 r1 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 87.50 r2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 2 3 77.50 r3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 70.00 r4 3 2 2 1 3 1 4 1 4 0 52.50 r5 2 4 4 0 4 4 4 4 3 0 72.50 r6 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 55.00 r7 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 60.00 r8 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 57.50 r9 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 1 70.00 r10 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 2 80.00 … .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. r166 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 50.00 average sus score 65.87 * source: research data validity test a validity test is used to show the indicators measured are in accordance with the indicators to be studied. the measurement results are said to be valid if the correlation coefficient is at a significant level (0.05) to the total score. in this study, pearson (2 tails) was used for the validation test. if the conditions rcount > rtable, then the results of the validity test were considered valid. based on data from the ten statements in the questionnaire, it was found that the rtable value was smaller than the rcount value, so it could be stated that the questionnaire statements were considered valid. sari et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 539-546 544 table 5 results of the questionnaire data validity test statement code rcount rtable description q1 0.55 0.17 valid q2 0.70 0.17 valid q3 0.46 0.17 valid q4 0.90 0.17 valid q5 0.30 0.17 valid q6 0.76 0.17 valid q7 0.42 0.17 valid q8 0.58 0.17 valid q9 0.27 0.17 valid q10 0.82 0.17 valid * source: research data reliability test reliability is closely related to consistency and level of accuracy. measurements with highreliability values mean showing consistency. a relatively high level of reliability is shown by the rxx value close to 1. in reliability testing, it can be said to be satisfactory if the cronbach alpha value is≥ 0.700. in this study, a reliability value of 0.71 was obtained for ten questionnaire statements, and this means that the results of the reliability test of this study can be said to be reliable. table 6 questionnaire data reliability test results (reliability statistics) method (a) number of items description 0.637 10 reliable * source: research data sus outcome analysis measurement of the experience of users of the pekanbaru city tourism website using the sus measurement tool obtained a score of 65.87, where 10 of the statement items were declared valid and reliable from the process of distributing questionnaires to respondents. besides that, the results obtained were analyzed by analyzing the sus score from the perspective of acceptability, grade scale, and adjective rating, as shown in figure 4. fig. 4. sus measurement of the pekanbaru city tourism website from 3 perspectives (grade, adjective and acceptability) the pekanbaru city sus website score, as shown in figure 3, gets a value of 65.87, which is included in the high margin category. from the sus score, it is considered ok from an adjective point of view. meanwhile, based on the grade scale, as studied by sauro in 2011, it can be categorized into five predicates, namely predicate a, predicate b, which is worth more than equal to (≥) 74 and less than equal to (≤) 80.3, predicate c, namely score has a range of more than (>) 68 and less than (<) 74, and predicate d, namely scores have a range of more than equal to (≥) 51 and less than (<) 68. based on the results of the sus website score getting predicate d, this can be interpreted from the perspective of the pekanbaru city government tourism website sari et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 539-546 545 user is considered less effective, efficient, and satisfying for users. in the future, it needs to be developed further so as to get better results, and further problems can be identified using other evaluation methods. 5. conclusion based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that measuring the usability of the pekanbaru city tourism website can be the first step in evaluating the website. the sus score is 65.87, indicating that the website cannot be used properly, this can trigger a decrease in the number of users accessing the website. this can be shown from the processing of the fourth question, in which respondents stated that they really needed technical assistance to use/explore the pekanbaru city tourism website. based on the user satisfaction side, the results obtained are margin high, predicate d, with the adjective range ok. the increase user satisfaction, it is necessary to carry out further evaluation and development. the results of this study can be used as a basis for further research development processes in order to identify problems that cause user dissatisfaction. therefore it is necessary to apply other evaluation methods to identify problems based on user needs, in this case, tourists visiting pekanbaru. acknowledgement optional we thank the research and community service agency (bp2m) of the caltex riau polytechnic for supporting the publication of research results that have been conducted by researchers. references addin maulana, d. o. 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decision tree (dt) and k – nearest neighbor (k-nn) which aim to classify public sentiment towards madrasahs on twitter. the dataset used is a tweet in indonesian with the keyword "madrasah" as many as 3288 tweets. the techniques used to build classification and sentiment analysis are text mining, transformation, tokenize, stemming and classification, etc. gataframework tools, execute python script and rapidminer are also used to help create sentiment analysis in measuring classification values. the results obtained by the optimization using particle swam optimization (pso) using the naïve bayes algorithm and the accuracy value obtained was 80.80%, with a precision value of 83.03%, a recall value of 78.68%, and an auc of 0.739. keywords : data mining, sentiment analysis, classification 1. introduction in today's digital era, the influence and use of the internet has become a necessity, especially in indonesian, internet users in indonesia in early 2021 reached 202.6 million people. this number increased by 15.5 percent or 27 million people when compared to january 2020. the total population of indonesia at this time is 274.9 million people. this means that internet penetration in indonesia in early 2021 reached 73.7 percent. this is reported in a recent report released by content management service hootsuite, as well as social media marketing agency we are social in a report titled" digital 2021". internet activities that are very popular with indonesian internet users are social media. currently, there are 170 million indonesians who are active users of social media. on average, they spend 3 hours and 14 minutes on the network platform social (riyanto, 2021). social media that are often used in indonesia include instagram, facebook, and twitter. although twitter is not as big as facebook and instagram at this time, it is sourced from data that the researcher read from published on april 14, 2021 at 20.42 wib reported that the development of twitter at this time is getting better. in the first quarter of 2020, there was a surge in its daily active users from 134 million in the first quarter of 2019 to 166 million users or face an increase of 24 percent. in the second quarter of 2020, this figure increased again to 186 million users. the number of active users every day exceeded the forecasts of analysts, who initially estimated that they were only trying to reach 176 million users (pratomo, 2021). in indonesia, twitter users have unique characteristics compared to other countries. indonesian users, use twitter as a medium to express comments. not only that, twitter users also tend to notify the events that are intertwined around them. in a very short span of time an opinion or expression of a person will be so easy to see by many parties. starting from that argument, there should be other arguments or opinions on the issue. many researchers also use social media as a reference for data taken for an important source of information about opinions, or community responses, and measure the level of popularity and become a benchmark for the services of these agencies, institutions, or companies. at this time the process of taking data through social media twitter where this platform is believed to be a platform whose opinions can and has value to be processed in several algorithms, it's just that to measure a comment sentiment on one of the social media is difficult. panggabean et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 375-389 376 sentiment analysis can be interpreted as the process of extracting, processing, and understanding data automatically in the form of unstructured text to retrieve sentiment information contained in opinions or opinion sentences (brahimi et al., 2019). the use of sentiment analysis to evaluate the trend of an opinion against negative opinions and positive opinions on a topic (rozi et al., 2012). sentiment analysis is a computational-based detection and learning of opinions or views (sentiments), emotions, and subjectivity in the text. as a special text mining application, sentiment analysis is related to the automatic extraction of positive or negative opinions from the text (he et al., 2015). text mining is one of the techniques that can be used to classify documents, where text mining is a variation of data mining that seeks to find interesting patterns from a large set of text data. one of the classification methods that can be used in doing text mining is the naive bayes method. naïve bayes is a classification using probability and statistical methods (suryanto et al., 2019) (suryanto et al., 2019). the advantage of using naïve bayes is that this method only requires a small amount of training data to determine the estimated parameters required in the classification process. naïve bayes often works much better in most complex real-world situations than expected (s.a pattekari, 2012). naïve bayes classifier’s research intends to carry out the process of classifying the results of netizens' comments on the application of technology that has gone through a process of sentiment analysis. another method used in this research is decision tree. decision tree is a very popular and practical approach in machine learning to solve classification problems(g. wahyuningtyas, 2014). apart from the fact that the construction is relatively fast, the results of the built model are easy to understand (y. sunoto, 2014). next is the k-nearest neighbor (knn) method which is often also used to analyze sentiment. the knn method is the process of grouping data into predefined classes based on the closest distance/degree of similarity of that data to an existing dataset/training data(deng & yu, 2013). several incidents of sexual violence that occurred in the madrasa environment as reported in the media, the emergence of radical islamic issues which he said were the fruit of thoughts from the madrasa environment, terrorism which was also said to come from misinterpreting knowledge from madrasahs, intolerance to different religions, changes in the character of madrasah students and so on will cause negative thoughts towards madrasahs. until now, there has not been much research on sentiment towards madrasas. based on the background that has been described, in this study raised the title of the thesis entitled " analysis of twitter sentiment towards madrasahs using classification methods". the method used to process data from twitter opinions, the author tries to use five methods as a comparison of which one is more accurate and can be processed data. these methods are naïve bayes (nb), decision tree (dt) and k – nearest neighbor (k-nn) using the rapidminer application. problem identification: based on the description of the background of the problem above, in this study identifying problems that can be used as the object of research is how sentiment analysis of twitter data regarding opinions on madrasas using methods are naïve bayes (nb), decision tree (dt) and k – nearest neighbor (k-nn). the purpose of writing this thesis is to get the best classifier in determining the classification of sentiment analysis on social media twitter indonesian texts about madrasah. scope of research : in order for the discussion in this study to be more directed, the writing provides a limitation of the problem, namely: the sentiment category used includes positive sentiment and negative sentiment, the dataset used is data from social media twitter with indonesian text that has a narrative related to madrasah, the algorithm used for sentiment analysis is naïve bayes (nb), decision tree (dt) and k – nearest neighbor (k-nn) with a k-fold testing model cross validation and compared results are only the results of the accuracy pattern and auc performance on the roc curve to measure the model, to improve the performance of the classification method can be done using the particle swarm optimization (pso) feature selection and the data mining method used is the cross industry standard process for data mining (crispdm). 2. literature review panggabean et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 375-389 377 data mining is a term used to describe the discovery of knowledge in a database. data mining is a process that uses statistical techniques, mathematics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to extract and identify useful information and related knowledge from various large databases(turban, 2005). data classification is a process that finds the same properties in a set of objects in a database and classifies them into different classes according to the established classification model. text mining is mining carried out by a computer to obtain something new, something previously unknown or rediscover implicitly implied information, derived from information extracted automatically from different sources of text data text mining is a technique used to deal with classification, clustering, information extraction and information retrieval problems (xiaojun, 2011). in data mining to measure or there are several ways to measure the performance of the resulting model, one of which is using a confusion matrix (accuracy). confusion matrix is a method used to perform accuracy calculations on the concept of data mining. precision or confidence is the proportion of positive predicted cases that are also positive in the actual data. recall or sensitivity is the proportion of actual positive cases that are correctly predicted to be positive. table 1 model confusion matrix correct classification classified as + + true positive false negative false positive true negative source : (ibrahim, 2017) sentiment analysis is extracting people's opinions, sentiments, evaluations, and emotions about a particular topic written using natural language processing techniques. a number of other major works mention sentiment analysis focusing on specific applications that classify positive, negative and neutral opinions(alita et al., 2019). sentiment analysis or also known as mining opinion is an analysis that aims to see the opinion of the community or group regarding certain entities (safitri et al., 2021). the preprocessing stage is needed to clean the data from unnecessary text, where the unstructured text data will be converted into structured or semi-structured text data. the stages of preprocessing to process data are case folding, convert emoticons, cleansing, tokenizing, stop word removal and stemming (aditia rakhmat sentiaji et al., 2014) social media is a new set of communication and collaboration tools that enable many types of interactions that were previously unavailable to ordinary people. the most important thing about this technology is the shift in the way people know, read and share news, and search for information and content. there are hundreds of social media channels operating around the world today, with the top three on facebook, linkedin, and twitter (dailey, 2009). social media has several special characteristics including: reach, accessibility, usability, actuality and permanently (purnama, 2011). twitter is the most popular microblogging in indonesia. this microblogging allows users to send and read messages called tweets, in the form of a maximum of 140 characters of text displayed on the user's profile page(badri, 2011). the naive bayes approach is a classification method that refers to bayes' theorem. bayes' theorem is used to calculate the probability of data uncertainty (peter norvig, 2010). the naïve bayes classifier approach process assumes that the presence or absence of a feature in a class is not related to the presence or absence of other features in the same class (setiawan et al., 2021). the equation of bayes' theorem is 𝑃(𝐻|𝑋) = 𝑃(𝐻|𝑋).𝑃(𝐻) 𝑃(𝑋) (muktamar et al., 2015). panggabean et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 375-389 378 the decision tree is a tree-like flowchart structure, where each internal node represents an attribute test, each branch represents the test result, and the leaf node represents a class or class distribution(kasih, 2019). the k-nearest neighbor (knn) method is the simplest of all other classification methods for solving classification problems. the technique used in this k-nn is to classify the data using objects with adjacent closest values. the results obtained from this process are higher or best when the weighting of the similarity of cosine similarity is used in the calculation of each tribe. text classification with the k-nn method gives a better value when the expression cosine similarity is used to weigh each word in the text document being processed before calculating the value of cosine similarity, after the word weighting is completed the steps of the word weighting process are carried out, namely tf, df, idf, tfidf, and use the cosine similarity formula to perform similarities between documents (nurjanah et al., 2017). particle swarm optimization (pso) is often used in research, because pso has similar properties to genetic algorithms (ga). the advantage of pso is that it is easy to implement and there are several parameters to adjust. the pso system is initiated by a random solution population and then finds the optimum point by updating each generation result. the approach used is more systematically mathematical to find solutions. particle swarm optimization (pso) was formulated by edward and kennedy in 1995. the thought process behind this algorithm is inspired by the social behavior of animals, such as birds in groups or groups of fish (evanko, 2010). study review some of the existing studies related to this study are as follows: table 2 related research no title author results description 1 sentiment analysis of teacher's room app on twitter using classification algorithm angelina puput giovani, ardiansyah ardiansyah, tuti haryanti, laela kurniawati, windu gata this study compares the nb, svm, k-nn methods without using feature selection with the nb, svm, k-nn methods which use feature selection and compares the area under curve (auc) values of these methods to find out the most optimal algorithm. the test results found that the best optimization application in this model was an svm-based pso algorithm with an accuracy value of 78.55% and an auc of 0.853. this research managed to get the effective and best algorithm in classifying positive comments and negative comments related to the ruang guru application. (giovani et al., 2020) jurnal teknoinfo, vol. 14, no. 2, 2020, 116124, issn: 2615-224x doi:10.33365 / jti.v14i2.679 2 text mining accuracy using k-nearest neighbor algorithm on sms news content data windu gata, purnomo the results of the research conducted obtained results on the accuracy of the ya prediction selection of 772 correct and not in accordance with the number of 32, so that the precision was 96.02%. meanwhile, predictions do not have a result of 0 errors and 14 correct in the prediction of no. so that the accuracy results obtained are 96.15%.(gata, 2017) m journal format volume 6 number 1 of 2017: issn : 2089 -5615 3 twitter sentiment analysis of post natural disasters using comparative classification algorithm support vector ainun zumarniansyah , rangga pebrianto, normah, windu gata in calculating the natural disaster sentiment analysis using a comparison of the support vector machine and the naive bayes algorithm, the difference in accuracy is 3.07% where the support vector machine results are greater than the naive bayes. (zumarniansyah et al., 2020) jurnal pilar nusa mandiri vol 16 no 2 (2020): publishing period for september 2020. panggabean et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 375-389 379 no title author results description machine and naïve bayes / 10.33480/pilar . v16i2.1423 4 sentiment analysis of covid-19 information using support vector machine and naïve bayes ratino, noor hafidz, sita anggraeni, windu gata there are several classification algorithms used, namely naïve bayes with an accuracy of 78.02% and an auc of 0.714, while the support vector machine produces an accuracy of 80.23% and an auc of 0.904. it has an accuracy difference of 2.21%. after optimization with the particle swarm optimization operator, the naïve bayes (pso) algorithm produces an accuracy of 79.07% and an auc of 0.729, while the support vector machine (pso) algorithm produces an accuracy of 81.16% and an auc of 0.903. it has an accuracy difference of 2.09%. algorithm test results, pso-based support vector machine or not, can always result in higher accuracy.(ratino et al., 2020) jupiter journal (journal of computer science and technology research) vol 12 no 2 (2020): jupiter october 2020 5 sentiment analysis of the house of representatives with particle swarm optimizationbased classification algorithm anas faisal, yuris alkhalifi, achmad rifai, windu gata the study was conducted using two algorithms, namely the support vector machine (svm) algorithm and naive bayes (nb). the two algorithms are each optimized using particle swarm optimization (pso). the results of the svm and nb k-fold cross validation tests obtained accuracy values of 71.04% and 70.69% with area under the curve (auc) values of 0.817 and 0.661. while the results of the k-flod cross validation test using pso, for svm and nb, they received accuracy values of 75.03% and 73.49% respectively with auc values of 0.808 and 0.719. the use of pso is able to increase the accuracy value of the svm algorithm by 3.99% and 2.8% in the nb algorithm. the result of testing the two algorithms the highest accuracy value was svm with a pso of 75.03%.(faisal et al., 2020) jurnal jointecs (journal of information technology and computer science) vol 5, no 2 (2020) doi: https:// 10.31328/ jointecs.v5i2.1 362 6 sentiment analysis of national exam removal on twitter using support vector machine and naïve bayesbased particle swarm optimization yuris alkhalifi, windu gata, arfhan prasetya, imam budiawan the test was carried out using k-fold cross validation to obtain accuracy values, confusion matrix tables and area under curve. the test results obtained an accuracy value of 92.92% and an auc of 0.977 for svm without pso. then the accuracy value is 94.81% and the auc is 0.974 for svm with pso. the accuracy value is 85.93% and the auc is 0.645 for nb without pso. as well as an accuracy value of 86.92% and an auc of 0.715 for nb with pso. in this study, the svm method with pso was best for classifying positive and negative sentiments related to the elimination of un.(alkhalifi et al., 2020) coreit journal vol 6, no 2 december 2020 issn 2460-738x (print) issn 2599-3321 (online) 7 internet sentiment analysis on amik bsi tegal social media ahmad fauzi, amin nur rais muhammad faittullah the naive bayes algorithm and its methods will be tested with two inputs using positive (100 commentary comments) and negative (100 text comments), the accuracy obtained by the naive bayes algorithm is jurnal semnati vol 1 (2018): semnati 2018 panggabean et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 375-389 380 no title author results description using naive bayes algorithm akbar, windu gata 76.50%+/-7.76%(micro:76.50). the results showed that naive bayes (nb) got the best and accurate results.(fauzi et al., 2018) 8 sentiment analysis of dki jakarta governor candidate 2017 on twitter ghulam asrofi buntoro the data used is tweets in indonesian with the keywords ahy, ahok, anies, with a total dataset of 300 tweets. the result of this study is an analysis of sentiment towards the 2017 dki jakarta gubernatorial candidate. the highest accuracy was obtained when using the naã ̄ve bayes classifier (nbc) classification method, with an average accuracy value of 95%, a precision value of 95%, a recall value of 95% a tp rate value of 96.8% and a tn rate value of 84.6%. (buntoro, 2017) jurnal integer: journal of information technology vol 2, no 1 (2017). 9 sentiment analysis of online learning on twitter during the covid-19 pandemic using the naïve bayes method samsir, ambiyar, unung verawardina, firman edi, ronal watriantho the analysis was conducted on twitter by mining document-based text interpreted using the naïve bayes algorithm. the results showed that online learning had a positive sentiment of 30 percent, a negative sentiment of 69 percent, and a neutral of 1 percent during the period. due to public dissatisfaction about online learning, many negative sentiments were created. some tweets show disappointment with the words 'stress' and 'lazy' in conversations that become high-frequency words. (samsir, ambiyar, unung verawardina, firman edi, 2021) journal of informati cs media budidarm a vol 5, no 1 (2021). doi: http://dx. 65 /mib.v5i1.258 0 10 twitter sentiment analysis of postcovid-19 online lectures using support vector machine algorithm and naive bayes hendrik setiawan, ema utami, sudarmawan for sentiment analysis, researchers applied the bayes nave algorithm and support vector machine (svm) with performance results obtained on the bayes algorithm with an accuracy of 81.20%, a time of 9.00 seconds, a recall of 79.60% and a precision of 79.40% while for the svm algorithm it obtained an accuracy value of 85%, a time of 31.60 seconds, a recall of 84% and a precision of 83.60%, the performance results were obtained at iteration 1 for nave bayes and the 423rd iteration for the svm algorithm.(setiawan et al., 2021) journal of mathematics (computing and informatics) vol 5 no 1 (2021) /10.31603/ko mtika.v5i1.51 89 panggabean et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 375-389 381 thinking framework fig. 1. frame of mind source: research results (2022) 3. research methods research in general can be interpreted as an effort to seek knowledge or an investigative process that is carried out actively, diligently, and systematically, which aims to find information on a particular topic. therefore, good research methods are needed to find solutions to the problems raised. the research method that will be proposed in this study is to use the cross-industry standard process for data mining (crisp-dm) model. the cross-industry standard process for data mining (crisp-dm) method consists of several 6 stages in crisp-dm, namely business understanding, data understanding, data preparation, modelling, evaluation and deployment. fig. 2. crips-dm methods source: (shafique & qaiser, 2014) 4. results and discussions panggabean et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 375-389 382 results and discussion is a section that contains all scientific findings obtained as research data. this section is expected to provide a scientific explanation that can logically explain the reason for obtaining those results that are clearly described, complete, detailed, integrated, systematic, and continuous. the discussion of the research results obtained can be presented in the form of theoretical description, both qualitatively and quantitatively. in practice, this section can be used to compare the results of the research obtained in the current research on the results of the research reported by previous researchers referred to in this study. scientifically, the results of research obtained in the study may be new findings or improvements, affirmations, or rejection of a scientific phenomenon from previous researchers. business understanding the business understanding stage is the initial stage in research to understand the scope of the problem and determine the objectives of the research. in this study, opinions or opinions related to madrasahs from social media are very diverse, this can be used and helps to find out the public's views on madrasahs, to reveal factors that influence the results of research and produce appropriate solutions. data understanding at the data understanding stage, a process of understanding the data that will be used as research material is carried out. at this stage, the process of retrieving the original data is carried out in accordance with the required attributes. the dataset to be used is an opinion or opinion from the social media platform twitter. the data collected is only indonesian-language tweets from april 10, 2022 to april 16, 2022. the madrasa query parameter is set to 5000 and use the latest or latest type. then save the popular file to microsoft excel. using twitter's rapidminer studio tools api version 9.10, twitter's social media crawl method is used to retrieve tweet data. the data preparation stage is the stage of the data preparation process that aims to make the data clean and ready for research. the initial data obtained from crawling data was comments on social media twitter related to madrasahs as many as 3288 pieces of data. in addition, the process carried out is a cleanup process, such as deleting duplicate data, deleting data with narratives that are not related to the research topic, and producing 458 pieces of data. here's one example of a view or opinion on social media twitter: fig. 3. sample of opinions on twitter social media (source: research results (2022) using the data source obtained through the cleaning process, a data set is created with attribute text, which contains opinions or opinions narrated by the waiter that are considered consistent with the population document, then determined the class attribute. in this study, three attributes or class labels will be used in this study, namely positive and negative. in the process panggabean et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 375-389 383 of determining these attributes, it is carried out by the madrasah supervisor working group in south jakarta. table 3 labeling process results table labeling process results label sum positive 233 negative 225 total 458 source: research results (2022) data preparation the preprocessing stage is needed to clean the data from unnecessary text, where the unstructured text data will be converted into structured or semi-structured text data. the stages of preprocessing to process data are case folding, convert emoticons, cleansing, tokenizing, stop word removal and stemming. pthere is a first stage this researcher uses gataframework by accessing the link http:// www., here's how it looks: fig. 4. data preprocessing model design drawing using gataframework source: research results (2022) due to system limitations, where gataframework can only preprocess a maximum of 100 data, the researcher uses the excecute python source code connected from the rapidminer application to gataframework. fig. 5. data preprocessing using execute python script on rapidminer application source: research results (2022) modeling at this stage, datasets that have gone through preprocessing will be used as input in the classification algorithm, and used as training and testing datasets. according to the previous chapter, this study will use four algorithms at once as comparative material, namely naïve bayes (nb), decision tree (dt) and k – nearest neighbor (k-nn). after the preprocessing process with the rapid miner tool, then proceed with tokenization, stop word filter (dictionary), token filter (by length) and 10 cross fold validation. with the 10-fold cross validation method, the dataset is divided into 10 areas, with each aspect providing the same information percentage of panggabean et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 375-389 384 each type of data. 9/10 of the data area is used in the training process to form a model, while 1/10 of the area is used in the testing process. training to produce models and testing performance. fig. 6. validation testing model using naïve bayes (nb), decision tree (dt), k – nearest neighbor (k-nn) naïve bayes (nb) pso, decision tree (dt) pso and k – nearest neighbor (k-nn) pso source: research results (2022) evaluation the comparison of accuracy, precision, recall and auc between the naïve bayes, decision tree, k-nearest neighbor, naïve bayes pso, decision tree pso, and k-nearest neighbor pso algorithms with the 10-fold cross validation model has been carried out as follows: table 4 comparison of accuracy, precision, recall and auc validation algorithm accuracy precision recall auc cross validation nb 73.84% 79.42% 73.84% 0.712 german 61.38% 57.21% 97.01% 0.607 k-nn 74.70% 74.08% 78.53% 0.853 nb pso 80.80% 83.03% 78.64% 0.739 dt pso 65.27% 59.75% 98.68% 0.647 k-nn pso 67.24% 81.97% 52.44% 0.764 source: research results (2022) based on the results of the comparison of research in table 4.13 from tweet processing as many as 458 data shows that the results of the accuracy pattern of classification of the naïve bayes pso algorithm outperform other algorithms, namely naïve bayes, decision tree, knearest neighbor, decision tree pso, and k-nearest neighbor pso. table 5 confusion matrix with naïve bayes pso model accuracy: 80.80% +/4.86% (micro average: 80.79%) true negative true positive class precision pred. negatif 187 50 78.90% pred. positive 38 183 82.81% class recall 83.11% 78.54% source: research results (2022) auc: 0.739 +/0.105 (micro average: 0.739) (positive class: positif) fig. 7. auc model nb pso source: research results (2022) based on the results of the study using the naïve bayes pso algorithm, an accuracy panggabean et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 375-389 385 pattern was obtained, which was 80.80%, where from 233 data predicted positive, it turned out that 183 data were correctly predicted positive (tp) while 50 data turned out to be predicted negative (fp) and from 225 data predicted negative it turned out that 187 were correctly predicted negative (tn) while 38 data turned out to be predicted positive (fn), precision 83.03%, recall 78.64% and model performance from auc on roc curve is 0.739. deployment based on the evaluation results of the model testing process between the naïve bayes algorithm, decision tree, k-nearest neighbor, naïve bayes pso, pso decision tree, and knearest neighbor pso, it was found that the highest model test results from all algorithm testing results is the naïve bayes pso model. therefore, the weights that will be used in the application modeling research are based on the results of testing the naïve bayes pso algorithm. fig. 8. application flowchart source: research results (2022) fig 9. get tweet with twitter api source: research results (2022) the picture above shows the deployment results to get tweets to twitter using the twitter api (application programming interface) by mentioning madrasahs. at this stage the tweet data is taken so that it can be carried out in the next step, namely text preprocessing. panggabean et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 375-389 386 fig. 10. text preprocessing source: research results (2022) in the picture above, after the tweet data is taken, the next step is to preprocess and clean the text, using the remove @annotation, remove url, tokenize regexp, stemming, not transformation negative, stop word, remove _ to space techniques. after the tweet data has been preprocessed and cleaned, the next step is to calculate the word weight. where the word weight is obtained from the test results of the naïve bayes pso model, because nave bayes pso is an algorithm that has the highest accuracy compared to the naïve bayes algorithm, decision tree, k-nearest neighbor, naïve bayes pso, pso decision tree, and k-nearest neighbor. pso. fig. 11. probability of word source: research results (2022) in the picture above, it can be seen that household has a weight of 0, baharuddin has a weight of 0, a mosque has a negative weight: 0.0028278477625407737 a positive weight: 0.003904555804386555, an island has a negative weight: 0 a positive weight: 0.0012392906127454187, a bargain has a weight of 0, a mat has a weight of 0, a shine has a weight 0, isytihar has a weight 0, madrasa has a weight 0, the chairman has a negative weight: 0.0011593064344059666 positive weight: 8, maulana has a negative weight: 0 positive weight: 0. 0.0011118029544961404 and hel has a weight of 0. the results of the calculation of these weights are negative weights: 0.0039871541969467 and a positive weight of 8.0062556493716. thus, the results of the calculations for these categories produce positive conclusions. panggabean et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 375-389 387 fig. 12. result summary prediction category source: research results (2022) in the picture above, shows the graphic data and the results of the summary predictions of categories that have been categorized based on tweet data and the weight of each word in each category has been calculated. in addition, a graph function to monitor the number of tweet data that has been categorized so that the progress of the data can be monitored. 5. conclusion from the research above, it can be concluded that the application of data mining for the case of sentiment analysis towards madrasahs using 3 classification algorithms of naïve bayes (nb), decision tree (dt) and k – nearest neighbor (k-nn). to improve the performance of the classification method can be done using the particle swarm optimization (pso) selection feature. the test results of the algorithm naïve bayes (nb) pso get the highest accuracy when compared to the algorithms of naïve bayes, decision tree, k-nearest neighbor, decision tree pso, and knearest neighbor pso which is 80.80%, so that with this it can be applied to analyze an opinion. references aditia rakhmat sentiaji, a. m. b., sarjana, p. s., statistika, d., matematika, f., ilmu, d. a. n., & alam, p. 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(2020). twitter sentiment analysis of post natural disasters using comparative classification algorithm support vector machine and …. jurnal pilar nusa …, 169–174. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 2(1) 2020 : 21-26 21 finite element analysis of miniplate for post-fracture finger rehabilitation device nanang qosim1*, ratna monasari2, zakki f. emzain3, lutfi hakim4, ali sai’in5 department of mechanical engineering, politeknik negeri malang1,2,3 department of electrical engineering, politeknik negeri banyuwangi4 department of mechanical engineering, politeknik negeri semarang5 received : 2 october 2020, revised: 10 november 2020 , accepted : 11 november 2020 abstract miniplate plays an important role as one of the implant components used as a rehabilitation device for a post-fracture finger. in this study, an analysis was carried out to determine the strength of the miniplate design made from ti-6al-4v titanium alloy material. simulation and analysis were carried out using the finite element method. the given input for modeling tensile and bending loads determined von mises stress, kinetic energy, strain energy, and internal energy. the analysis showed that uneven von mises stress and strain distribution have occurred. the critical concentration of stresses was located at the center of the miniplate and these values were a lot lower than the yield stress of ti-6al-4v. keywords : miniplate, implant, finite elemen method, fracture, finger. 1. introduction fracture is a break in the continuity of bone cells in the radius as a result of trauma (accident) so that the bone becomes two or becomes several pieces of bone. most fractures are caused by trauma where there is excessive pressure on the bone, either direct trauma or indirect trauma (sjamsuhidajat & de jong, 2019). common types of fractures include stable fracture, compound fracture, transverse fracture, oblique fracture, and comminuted fracture (haughton, jordan, malahias, hindocha, & khan, 2012). one of the most common fractures is a fracture in the fingers of both the hands and feet caused by traffic accidents, sports, work accidents, and others. to rehabilitate the fracture in the finger, the implantation of the miniplate, as shown in fig. 1, is the management that must be done (demino, yates, & fowler, 2019; lögters, lee, gehrmann, windolf, & kaufmann, 2018). figure. 1. the implantation of miniplate for post-fracture finger rehabilitation (acumed, 2020) to achieve success in post-fracture finger rehabilitation, the main factors to be considered are the implant design, material properties, and appropriate surgical techniques (malau et al., 2019). the previous study showed that the newly designed on plant miniplate anchorage system was effective, easily implanted, and minimally invasive (liu, qu, jiang, zhou, & tang, 2016). nanang qosim,… vol 2(1) 2020 : 21-26 22 ridhi attempted to use a 3-dimensional plating system and revealed that it was a suitable method for the fixation of simple mandibular angle fractures (ridhi, 2012). to minimize clinical failures of the miniplate and numerically analyze the design, the finite element method (fem) has been used as it is the most widely used method to acquire performance data of new miniplate designs (albogha, mori, & takahashi, 2018; arbag, korkmaz, ozturk, & uyar, 2008; korkmaz, 2007). this study purposed to develop a patient-specific design of miniplate for post-fracture finger rehabilitation by investigating numerically the bending strength and tensile strength using fem, in accordance with indonesian anthropometry. there are two major advantages of the design developed. firstly, the appropriate stress distribution of the implant is supposed to diminish the wear on the implant surface and the risk of early loosening as well. second, the appropriate ratio of the strength-to-weight based on the patient's condition will minimalize the postoperative treatment and the failure of implantation as well. 2. research methods the design process was carried out using cad (computer-aided design) software. the design made referred to the products on the market which were then modified based on the recommendations of the surgeons. the design was then analyzed by stress analysis. for this study, we used the fem, namely the displacement formulation to calculate the component displacement, strain, and pressure under internal and external loads. the geometry under analysis used tetrahedral (3d), triangular (2d), and beam elements, and was solved by either sparse solvers or direct iterations. the failure condition used was the von mises theory, which is an equation that takes each value of shear stress and the principal stress, and produces a "von mises stress value" which can be compared with the yield strength of the material. if the result of the von mises stress value is greater than the yield strength, then the part fails according to the criteria, but if the result is less than the yield strength, then the part is said to be in the safe criteria, and does not fail. the simulated tests to determine the mechanical strength included tensile tests and bending tests. in this study, it was assumed that the load that occurred on the fingers normally was 50 n for tensile loads and 10 n for bending loads. this condition was then assumed to be the boundary conditions. furthermore, in this study, the given mesh type was a curvature type with a maximum size of 0.05 and a minimum of 0.01 with high quality. the size and quality of the mesh were adjusted to the geometric shape by considering the simulation time and the accuracy of the simulation results. the material used in this modeling was ti-6al-4v alloy with detail of mechanical properties as shown in table 1. titanium alloys have better properties than pure titanium itself. ti6al4v alloy (astm f136) and commercially pure titanium (cp ti), grade 4 (astm f67) are the most widely used materials in the implantation field (qosim, supriadi, shamsuddin-saragih, & whulanza, 2018; ratner, hoffman, schoen, & lemons, 2004). so that in this study, ti6al4v was used as the material for the miniplate. table 1. mechanical properties of ti-6al-4v alloy parameters value elements (wt%) balance ti; 5.5-6.5 al; 3.5-4.5 v density (kg/m3) 4429-4512 elastic modulus (gpa) 104-113 yield strength (mpa) 850-900 ultimate strength (mpa) 960-970 poisson’s ratio 0,31-0,37 4. results and discussions 4.1 design of miniplate the main focus in designing this prototype miniplate was how to get a rigid internal fixation. this aimed to get a good interaction between the miniplate, screw, and the bone. fig. 2. is a design result that refers to several commercial products and inputs from surgeons. the design form is a straight, non-locking type miniplate with four holes. the choice of this design was based on the consideration of the ease of the production process if it would be continued into a massnanang qosim,… vol 2(1) 2020 : 21-26 23 product. another consideration was in terms of placement, which was expected to prevent the translocation of the miniplate when used in the fracture rehabilitation. figure. 2. technical drawing of the miniplate design 4.2 fea results in this fea (finite element analysis), meshing was performed automatically using a specific mesh size range in the type of curvature with the maximum and minimum size of 0,05 and 0,01, respectively, with high quality. fig. 3 shows the meshing result used in this analysis with total nodes of 19051 and total elements of 10941. figure. 3. finite element discretization of the miniplate fig. 4a and 5a show the von mises stress distribution as the result of the computation. the stress values are represented by red to green colors that indicated from low to high, respectively. stresses were calculated to size up the possibility of failure of the implant caused by the maximum load. fig. 4b and 5b show the strain results from finite element analysis. the highest strain areas are located at the center of the load force distribution. the simulation results of the tensile test with a load of 50 n showed that the four-hole miniplate was under stress with a maximum value of 245396000 n/m2. this value was still below the yield strength of 827371000 n/m2, so the miniplate was still safe for 50 n loads. as shown in total nodes 19051 total elements 10941 maximum aspect ratio 12898 nanang qosim,… vol 2(1) 2020 : 21-26 24 fig. 4c, the miniplate experienced the displacement of 0.0386 mm. this value was considered very small, so it was considered that it would not affect the performance. furthermore, the simulation results of bending tests with a load of 10 n showed that the miniplate was under stress with a maximum value of 242758000 n/m2 which was still below the yield strength of 827371000 n/m2. the displacement experienced by the miniplate was 0.0849 mm, as shown in fig. 5c. this value was considered very small, so it was considered that it would not affect the performance. figure. 4. fea results of the tensile load nanang qosim,… vol 2(1) 2020 : 21-26 25 figure. 5. fea results of the bending load 5. conclusion the study of design and numerical analysis of miniplate for post-fracture finger rehabilitation device was successfully conducted. by applying a static load to the model, fea results revealed uneven von mises stress and strain distribution. the critical concentration of stresses was located at the center of the miniplate even though the stress values were a lot lower than the yield stress of ti-6al-4v. the displacements occurred also a lot low so that it was considered not to affect the performance. references acumed. 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(2019). buku-ajar ilmu bedah. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022: 578-587 578 lte optimization using the electrical tilt method at the mandau site mhd azwar taruna1*, mulyono2, rika susanti3, sutoyo4 department of electrical engineering, state islamic university of sultan syarif kasim, riau received : 20 november 2022, revised: 15 december 2022, accepted : 15 december 2022 *corresponding author abstract lte provides data rates of up to 100 mbps on downlink and up to 50 mbps on uplink. the duri-bengkalis area is one example of the large number of lte users, but because the location is surrounded by densely populated settlements, especially in the mandau area. based on the results of the drive test conducted, a problem was found, namely throughput quality which was in very bad condition. therefore, a network optimization simulation was carried out using the electrical tilt method to overcome the problem of very poor throughput conditions. this implementation method is carried out using software atoll. this study aims to get better quality and network performance and to get an analysis of the effect of optimization on throughput parameter values on lte networks. the throughput results obtained after optimization at the mandau site with a value on jalan obor 2 from 1000 kbps increased to 19,000 kbps, jalan torch 1 from 1000 kbps increased to 50,000 kbps, on jalan bandes from 5000 kbps increased to 50,000 kbps, jalan swadaya from 5000 kbps increased to 50,000 kbps and on jalan hangtuah from 1000 kbps increased to 50,000 kbps. keywords: drive test, electrical tilt, lte, optimize, throughput 1. introduction the development of telecommunications technology is very rapid, so it is very important for users to obtain communication and information quickly and easily (arin anjani, 2015; ulfah & sri irtawaty, 2018; yuliana et al., 2021) long term evolution (lte) is the name of the third generation partnership project (3gpp) project to raise the bar for 3rd generation (4g) mobile phones (hardiyanto, 2020; panjaitan et al., 2018; ulfah et al., 2018; yuliana et al., 2019) provides data rates of up to 100 mbps on the downlink side and up to 50 mbps on the uplink side (kusumo et al., 2015; rahmania, 2020; warsika et al., 2019). lte networks are advanced communications for accessing gsm/edge and umts/hspa based wireless data and lte technology can provide 300 mbps downloads and 75 mbps uploads (gemiharto, 2015; rahmat & chandra, 2022; sahala & sirait, 2018; suparyanto, 2020) . lte has the advantage of being able to meet the needs of operators for high-speed data and media access from the previous generation. lte can also provide greater service coverage and capacity, reduce operational costs, support the use of multiple antennas, be flexible in the use of operational bandwidth and can also be combined with existing technologies (haq et al., 2018; yuliana et al., 2020). as a result, the deployment of lte in indonesia is still constrained in order to maintain network performance. many people live in duri-bengkalis, but they rarely get better service. one of them is in the mandau area, namely in the duri-bengkalis area. network users often voice their dissatisfaction with the weak lte signal they receive, which results in slow data access and disrupts business and communication activities. optimization of the lte network in the area is needed to improve network quality. based on this research, a network optimization was carried out at one of the providers. from the results of the drive test conducted, a problem was obtained, namely the quality of network throughput which was in a very poor condition. this drive test was conducted on the mandau site. therefore, researchers simulated network optimization using the electrical tilt method. the use of this method can solve the problem of throughput value conditions that arise. taruna et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 578-585 579 2. literature review there are a variety of methods that can be utilized to optimize lte quality. in the analysis in this study, a comparison of previous studies, namely (larasati & rizkiatna, 2017) with the title "lte network optimization in the cigadung bandung area" was optimized in the cigadung area by reazimuth the antenna, it was found that the throughput value increased from 512 kbps to 14 mbps so that the network in the cigadung area of bandung became better. the following study is entitled (wahyu et al., 2017) with the title "optimizing data services on lte networks with genex assistant in delanggu klaten," optimized the network using electrical tilt and mechanical tilt, resulting in an increase in throughput from 2674.47 kbps to 6713.13 kbps. further research by (firdaus rofiansyah, hafidudin, st., mt, ichwan saputro, s.pd., 2018) with the title "lte network optimization on the main road of the north balikpapan area" where this researcher used the electrical tilting and mechanical tilting methods, to improve network performance so that it has better network quality. the results of the study obtained were throughput values before optimization = 440 kbps (bad) while after optimization the throughput value = 10 mbps (normal). further research by (laksana et al., 2020) with the title "lte network optimization using the electrical tilt method in karet kuningan". this researcher used the electrical tilt method to overcome network problems. the results of the study obtained were throughput values before optimization = 512 kbps (bad) and after optimization of throughput values = 10 mbps (normal). 3. research methods 3.1. research flow in this study, it used the electrical tilt method because it was able to overcome the problem of unstable throughput conditions. from the research flowchart that can be shown in fig. (1) so that a system is formed that becomes a goal, then the work data obtained in the analysis so that a conclusion can be drawn fig. 1. flow of research 3.2. literature study in this stage, a literature discussion of a study was carried out, namely lte optimization on throughput parameters with the electrical tilt method at the mandau site, where the author taruna et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 578-585 580 collected data and managed research materials including previous related studies. the reviews conducted relate to the performance analysis and optimization of lte networks. 3.3. drive test measurement location selection location and route data are influenced after conducting a site survey. the area that was the target of the study was an area that was reported to have poor network throughput quality in the mandau site area. the reason is because, the mandau-duri area, bengkalis has a population of 150,806 people with high activity (anonim, 2021). therefore, a drive test and optimization were carried out in the area to improve the quality of data services from tri providers. drive test is a technique used to collect information about the quality of a network signal to improve network quality. the information collected is the rf (radio frequency) status in the context of bts (base station) and bss (base station subsystem) (karo karo et al., 2020). the trip is equipped with digital maps, gps, handsets and test drive software. this allows engineers to obtain rf coverage and identify problems in the field (makkatang & nugroho, 2019; simanjuntak et al., 2020). drive test are carried out to find out the latest condition of an operator's cellular network by getting radio parameter values and knowing the latest problems experienced in the field. 3.4. electrical tilt optimization electrical tilt is changing antenna coverage using changing the antenna phase as a result of changes in the antenna beamwidth. the electrical tilt setting is usually at the bottom of the antenna (fajar & devia, 2017) for tilting is shown in eqn. (1) using the following formula: 𝐴 𝒅𝒕 =𝒕𝒂𝒏−𝟐( 𝑯𝒕−𝑯𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆(𝒎) )+ 𝑩𝒘 𝟐 (1) the tilt of the antenna is carried out to reduce the coverage of a certain area, as a result of which the antenna will only serve the synchronous area using its initial design. in this explanation, it can be seen in fig. (2), namely the measurement on the tilting antenna, fig. 2. tilting antenna 3.5. throughput throughput is the actual data rate based on the information sent. in addition, throughput can be interpreted using the number of pieces of information that are successfully transmitted per unit of time. throughput is a value based on eu to enodeb. there are two types of throughput, download and upload and the lte network unit is mbps. in table (1) it shows the range of throughput, the range of this value is based on existing conditions, including: table 1 throughput value range range (kbps) information color 41.000 s/d 50.000 excellent valid taruna et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 578-585 581 31.000 s/d 40.000 good valid 21.000 s/d 30.000 normal 11.000 s/d 20.000 bad 0 s/d 10.000 very bad at this stage of the study, observe and collect data on the condition of the site. the condition of this site includes antenna tilt figures, antenna transmitting power, longitude and latitude. on this site with enodeb id 204131 after searching and collecting data and getting the site name, namely: site_mandau_4g. therefore, the site data can be seen in table (2). table 2 plotting site item names items condition name enodeb site_mandau_4g city site duri frequency bands lte-2100 mhz longtitude 101.19162 latitude 1.27126 beam power 25 db height 28 m mechanical down tilt (mdt) sec 1 sec 2 sec 3 2° 2° 3° electrical down tilt (edt) sec 1 sec 2 sec 3 4° 4° 4° azimuth sec 1 sec 2 sec 3 30° 120° 240° 4. results and discussions 4.1. drive test fig. 3. report drive test site mandau in fig. (3) is a display of the results of the mandau drive test coverage site for throughput parameters. for the mandau site in the picture above, it is a site that is in a dark circle. it can be seen that the coverage area of the site is generally at the red and purple levels. from the color caption in this image, the area that has red and purple colors has a value of red (0 kbps to 1000 kbps) while for purple (1000 kbps to 5000 kbps). and for both colors this indicates that the throughput in the area is in poor condition and very poor. taruna et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 578-585 582 4.2. optimization results in this network optimization, as explained in the previous research methods section, it is using the electrical tilt method. in the use of this method, the main purpose is to change the value or condition of the electrical tilt value on the sectoral site antenna. this change can be made by lowering or increasing the previous electrical tilt value, in the hope of improving the quality and coverage of the site area. the changes in the electrical tilt value can be seen from table (3). table 3 antenna edt value reconfiguration no name cell initial value last score 1 site_mandau_4g_1 4° 3° 2 site_mandau_4g_2 4° 3° 3 site_mandau_4g_3 4° 3° table (3) shows the results of the antenna edt reconfiguration with the electrical tilt antenna sectoral value at the initial condition at 4°. after reconfiguring the antenna edt value of 3°. this indicates that optimization is getting better. after the optimization simulation, the results were obtained as shown in fig. (4) below. fig. 4. optimization simulation results in fig. 4 above, the kineja site quality for throughput parameters. on the site, a throughput condition with a value of 41,000 kbps 50,000 kbps (red condition) was found. this indicates that at the mandau site, a stable throughput value is obtained. taruna et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 578-585 583 fig. 5. drive test throughput comparison and optimization in fig. (5) above, it can be seen how the comparison of the throughput value at the time of the test drive and the throughput value at the optimization time. table 4 drive test throughput comparison and optimization jalan throughput (kbps) drive test optimization jalan obor 2 1000 kbps 19.000 kbps jalan obor 1 1000 kbps 50.000 kbps jalan bandes 5000 kbps 50.000 kbps jalan swadaya 5000 kbps 50.000 kbps jalan hangtuah 1000 kbps 50.000 kbps in table (4) above, it is shown the previous drive test where on obor 2 obtained the result that the network throughput quality was in a very bad condition, namely 1000 kbps (very bad). however, after network optimization, the condition has increased, where the quality is already at a value of 19,000 kbps (bad) but there has been an increase from the previous value. in obor 1, it was found that the quality of network throughput was in a very bad condition, namely 1000 kbps (very bad). however, after network optimization, the condition has increased, where the quality is already at a value of 50,000 kbps (very good) but there has been an increase from the previous value. on jalan bandes, it was found that the quality of network throughput was in a very bad condition, namely 5000 kbps (bad). however, after network optimization, the condition has increased, where the quality is already at a value of 50,000 kbps (very good) but there has been an increase from the previous value. on jalan swadaya, it was found that the quality of network throughput was in a very bad condition, namely 5000 kbps (bad). however, after network optimization, the condition has increased, where the quality is already at a value of 50,000 kbps (very good) but there has been an increase from the previous value. on jalan hangtuah, it was found that the quality of network throughput was in a very bad condition, namely 1000 kbps (very bad). however, after network optimization, the condition has increased, where the quality is already at a value of 50,000 kbps (very good) but there has been an increase from the previous value. 5. conclusion the following are the findings of this study's calculations, simulations, and analysis: based on the research that has been carried out, the following conclusions are obtained. after an taruna et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 578-585 584 optimization simulation with the electrical tilt method, there was an improvement in network quality in several areas. based on the results of optimization simulations that have been carried out, data on obor 2 was obtained from 1000 kbps to 19,000 kbps, on jalan obor 1 from 1000 kbps to 50,000 kbps, on bandes road from 5000 kbps to 50,000 kbps, on jalan swadaya from 5000 kbps to 50,000 kbps and on jalan hangtuah from 1000 kbps to 50,000 kbps. the results of the simulations showed that the effect of electrical tilt on coverage was acceptable, which led to an improvement in the network's quality and throughput. for additional examination, go to do it with the use of the acp strategy for actual tuning streamlining of sectoral radio wires on the 4g lte organization in duri-bengkalis references anonim. 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(2020). analysis of quality of service (qos) 4g lte network through drive test in bekasi bbpplk using the netmonitor cell signal logging application. jurnal engineering edu, 6(2), 1–8. karo karo, f., nugraha, e. s., & gustiyana, f. n. (2020). analysis of 1800 mhz 4g lte network performance measurement results in the central sokaraja area, purwokerto city using genex assistant version 3.18. aiti, 16(2), 115–124. kusumo, v., sudiarta, p., & ardana, i. (2015). performance analysis and optimization of telkomsel lte service coverage in denpasar, bali. jurnal ilmiah spektrum, 2(3), 12– 18. laksana, e. p., julio, e., restu, a., elektro, t., & luhur, u. b. (2020). lte network optimization using electrical tilt method at karet kuningan., 19(4), 397– 410. larasati, i., & rizkiatna, f. (2017). lte network optimization in cigadung bandung area. eproceeding of applied science : vol.3, no.3 desember 2017 | page 2036, 3(3), 2036–2043. makkatang, a., & nugroho, r. (2019). analysis of the effect of changes in bts sectoral antenna tilt in electrical and mechanical site xl 3g. jurnal ilmiah giga, 18(2), 49. panjaitan, m. v., sukiswo, s., & zahra, a. a. (2018). 4g network quality of service (qos) analysis using the drive test method in outdoor conditions using the g-nettrack pro application. transient: jurnal ilmiah teknik elektro, 7(2), 408–415. rahmania. (2020). analysis of long term evolution (lte/4g) network area coverage in the makassar region. vertex elektro, 12(1), 26–36. rahmat, f. a., & chandra, d. (2022). performance analysis of 4g long term evolution network quality in singgalang residential area, koto tangah, padang city. telekontran, 10(2). taruna et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 578-585 585 sahala, r., & sirait, t. (2018). 4g lte network optimization in cluster area. repository universitas mercu buana. simanjuntak, r. t. s., rantelinggi, p. h., & yuliawan, k. (2020). the drive test method for monitoring wireless network performance in buildings at the university of papua. jurnal teknologi informasi dan ilmu komputer, 7(6), 1245. suparyanto, r. (2020). definition of lte network. academia, 2–5. https://www/ iew-paper ulfah, m., irtawaty, a. s., teknik, j., politeknik, e., & balikpapan, n. (2018). the effect of azimuth and mechanical downtilit changes on 4g lte network optimization in balikpapan city. snittpoliteknik negeri balikpapan, 978602-51450-1–8, 348–354. ulfah, m., & sri irtawaty, a. (2018). optimization of 4g lte (long term evolution) network in balikpapan city. jurnal ecotipe, 5(2), 1–10. wahyu, n., setiawan, a., vidyaningtyas, h., elektro, f. t., & telkom, u. (2017). optimization of data service lte network with genex assistant in delanggu klaten. e-proceeding of engineering : vol.4, no.3 desember 2017 | page 3532, 4(3), 3532–3539. warsika, i., wirastuti, n., & sudiarta, p. k. (2019). analisa throughput jaringan 4g lte dan hasil drive test pada cluster renon. jurnal spektrum, 6, 74. yuliana, h., annisa, n. s., basuki, s., & charisma, a. (2020). downlink lte throughput optimization with antenna physical tuning method. seminar nasional penelitian 2020, 1–10. yuliana, h., basuki, s., & iskandar, h. r. (2019). improving signal quality on the 4g lte network using the antenna physical tuning method. seminar nasional sains dan teknologi 2019 fakultas teknik universitas muhammadiyah jakarta, 001, 1–10. yuliana, h., basuki, s., & prini, s. u. (2021). optimization of low site density area for 4g network in urban city. jurnal elektronika dan telekomunikasi, 21(2), 98. lte optimization using the electrical tilt method at the mandau site mhd azwar taruna1*, mulyono2, rika susanti3, sutoyo4 department of electrical engineering, state islamic university of sultan syarif kasim, riau received : 20 november 2022, revised: 15 december 2022, accepted : 15 december 2022 *corresponding author abstract lte provides data rates of up to 100 mbps on downlink and up to 50 mbps on uplink. the duri-bengkalis area is one example of the large number of lte users, but because the location is surrounded by densely populated settlements, especially in the mand... keywords: drive test, electrical tilt, lte, optimize, throughput 1. introduction the development of telecommunications technology is very rapid, so it is very important for users to obtain communication and information quickly and easily (arin anjani, 2015; ulfah & sri irtawaty, 2018; yuliana et al., 2021) long term evolution (lte... lte has the advantage of being able to meet the needs of operators for high-speed data and media access from the previous generation. lte can also provide greater service coverage and capacity, reduce operational costs, support the use of multiple ant... as a result, the deployment of lte in indonesia is still constrained in order to maintain network performance. many people live in duri-bengkalis, but they rarely get better service. one of them is in the mandau area, namely in the duri-bengkalis area... based on this research, a network optimization was carried out at one of the providers. from the results of the drive test conducted, a problem was obtained, namely the quality of network throughput which was in a very poor condition. this drive test ... 2. literature review there are a variety of methods that can be utilized to optimize lte quality. in the analysis in this study, a comparison of previous studies, namely (larasati & rizkiatna, 2017) with the title "lte network optimization in the cigadung bandung area" wa... the following study is entitled (wahyu et al., 2017) with the title "optimizing data services on lte networks with genex assistant in delanggu klaten," optimized the network using electrical tilt and mechanical tilt, resulting in an increase in throug... further research by (firdaus rofiansyah, hafidudin, st., mt, ichwan saputro, s.pd., 2018) with the title "lte network optimization on the main road of the north balikpapan area" where this researcher used the electrical tilting and mechanical tilting ... further research by (laksana et al., 2020) with the title "lte network optimization using the electrical tilt method in karet kuningan". this researcher used the electrical tilt method to overcome network problems. the results of the study obtained w... 3. research methods 3.1. research flow in this study, it used the electrical tilt method because it was able to overcome the problem of unstable throughput conditions. from the research flowchart that can be shown in fig. (1) so that a system is formed that becomes a goal, then the work da... fig. 1. flow of research 3.2. literature study in this stage, a literature discussion of a study was carried out, namely lte optimization on throughput parameters with the electrical tilt method at the mandau site, where the author collected data and managed research materials including previous r... 3.3. drive test measurement location selection location and route data are influenced after conducting a site survey. the area that was the target of the study was an area that was reported to have poor network throughput quality in the mandau site area. the reason is because, the mandau-duri area... drive test is a technique used to collect information about the quality of a network signal to improve network quality. the information collected is the rf (radio frequency) status in the context of bts (base station) and bss (base station subsystem) ... 3.4. electrical tilt optimization electrical tilt is changing antenna coverage using changing the antenna phase as a result of changes in the antenna beamwidth. the electrical tilt setting is usually at the bottom of the antenna (fajar & devia, 2017) for tilting is shown in eqn. (1) u... ,𝐴-𝒅𝒕 =,𝒕𝒂𝒏-−𝟐.,,𝑯𝒕−𝑯𝒓-,𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆(𝒎)...+,𝑩𝒘-𝟐.. (1) the tilt of the antenna is carried out to reduce the coverage of a certain area, as a result of which the antenna will only serve the synchronous area using its initial design. in this explanation, it can be seen in fig. (2), namely the measurement on... fig. 2. tilting antenna 3.5. throughput throughput is the actual data rate based on the information sent. in addition, throughput can be interpreted using the number of pieces of information that are successfully transmitted per unit of time. throughput is a value based on eu to enodeb. the... table 1 throughput value range at this stage of the study, observe and collect data on the condition of the site. the condition of this site includes antenna tilt figures, antenna transmitting power, longitude and latitude. on this site with enodeb id 204131 after searching and col... table 2 plotting site 4. results and discussions 4.1. drive test fig. 3. report drive test site mandau in fig. (3) is a display of the results of the mandau drive test coverage site for throughput parameters. for the mandau site in the picture above, it is a site that is in a dark circle. it can be seen that the coverage area of the site is generally a... 4.2. optimization results in this network optimization, as explained in the previous research methods section, it is using the electrical tilt method. in the use of this method, the main purpose is to change the value or condition of the electrical tilt value on the sectoral s... table 3 antenna edt value reconfiguration table (3) shows the results of the antenna edt reconfiguration with the electrical tilt antenna sectoral value at the initial condition at 4 . after reconfiguring the antenna edt value of 3 . this indicates that optimization is getting better. after t... fig. 4. optimization simulation results in fig. 4 above, the kineja site quality for throughput parameters. on the site, a throughput condition with a value of 41,000 kbps 50,000 kbps (red condition) was found. this indicates that at the mandau site, a stable throughput value is obtained. fig. 5. drive test throughput comparison and optimization in fig. (5) above, it can be seen how the comparison of the throughput value at the time of the test drive and the throughput value at the optimization time. table 4 drive test throughput comparison and optimization in table (4) above, it is shown the previous drive test where on obor 2 obtained the result that the network throughput quality was in a very bad condition, namely 1000 kbps (very bad). however, after network optimization, the condition has increased,... in obor 1, it was found that the quality of network throughput was in a very bad condition, namely 1000 kbps (very bad). however, after network optimization, the condition has increased, where the quality is already at a value of 50,000 kbps (very goo... on jalan bandes, it was found that the quality of network throughput was in a very bad condition, namely 5000 kbps (bad). however, after network optimization, the condition has increased, where the quality is already at a value of 50,000 kbps (very go... on jalan swadaya, it was found that the quality of network throughput was in a very bad condition, namely 5000 kbps (bad). however, after network optimization, the condition has increased, where the quality is already at a value of 50,000 kbps (very g... on jalan hangtuah, it was found that the quality of network throughput was in a very bad condition, namely 1000 kbps (very bad). however, after network optimization, the condition has increased, where the quality is already at a value of 50,000 kbps (... 5. conclusion the following are the findings of this study's calculations, simulations, and analysis: based on the research that has been carried out, the following conclusions are obtained. after an optimization simulation with the electrical tilt method, there wa... references anonim. (2021). central bureau of statistics for bengkalis regency in 2021. in bps kabupaten bengkalis (ed.), bengkalis regency in figures. cv.m&n grafika. arin anjani. (2015). analysis of indihome product marketing strategy pt telkom kandatel bantul. 1–27. fajar, a. n., & devia, e. (2017). 4g lte network analysis and optimization using the electrical tilt method using drivetest. jakarta timur, jurnal jiifor, 1(1), 78–87. firdaus rofiansyah, hafidudin, st., mt, ichwan saputro, s.pd., m. (2018). lte network optimization in main road of north balikpapan. e-proceeding of applied science : vol.4, no.2 agustus 2018 | page 541, 4(2), 541–550. gemiharto, i. (2015). 4g lte technology and media convergence challenges in indonesia. jurnal kajian komunikasi, 3, 212. haq, m. m., yuyun siti rohmah, s.t., m. t., & moszes a. anggara, s.t., m. t. (2018). lte network optimization in lembang, west java muhammad. e-proceeding of applied science, 4(3), 2513. hardiyanto, b. (2020). analysis of quality of service (qos) 4g lte network through drive test in bekasi bbpplk using the netmonitor cell signal logging application. jurnal engineering edu, 6(2), 1–8. karo karo, f., nugraha, e. s., & gustiyana, f. n. (2020). analysis of 1800 mhz 4g lte network performance measurement results in the central sokaraja area, purwokerto city using genex assistant version 3.18. aiti, 16(2), 115–124. kusumo, v., sudiarta, p., & ardana, i. (2015). performance analysis and optimization of telkomsel lte service coverage in denpasar, bali. jurnal ilmiah spektrum, 2(3), 12–18. laksana, e. p., julio, e., restu, a., elektro, t., & luhur, u. b. (2020). lte network optimization using electrical tilt method at karet kuningan., 19(4), 397–410. larasati, i., & rizkiatna, f. (2017). lte network optimization in cigadung bandung area. e-proceeding of applied science : vol.3, no.3 desember 2017 | page 2036, 3(3), 2036–2043. makkatang, a., & nugroho, r. (2019). analysis of the effect of changes in bts sectoral antenna tilt in electrical and mechanical site xl 3g. jurnal ilmiah giga, 18(2), 49. panjaitan, m. v., sukiswo, s., & zahra, a. a. (2018). 4g network quality of service (qos) analysis using the drive test method in outdoor conditions using the g-nettrack pro application. transient: jurnal ilmiah teknik elektro, 7(2), 408–415. https://... rahmania. (2020). analysis of long term evolution (lte/4g) network area coverage in the makassar region. vertex elektro, 12(1), 26–36. rahmat, f. a., & chandra, d. (2022). performance analysis of 4g long term evolution network quality in singgalang residential area, koto tangah, padang city. telekontran, 10(2). sahala, r., & sirait, t. (2018). 4g lte network optimization in cluster area. repository universitas mercu buana. simanjuntak, r. t. s., rantelinggi, p. h., & yuliawan, k. (2020). the drive test method for monitoring wireless network performance in buildings at the university of papua. jurnal teknologi informasi dan ilmu komputer, 7(6), 1245. suparyanto, r. (2020). definition of lte network. academia, 2–5. https://www/ ulfah, m., irtawaty, a. s., teknik, j., politeknik, e., & balikpapan, n. (2018). the effect of azimuth and mechanical downtilit changes on 4g lte network optimization in balikpapan city. snittpoliteknik negeri balikpapan, 978-602-51450-1–8, 348–354. ulfah, m., & sri irtawaty, a. (2018). optimization of 4g lte (long term evolution) network in balikpapan city. jurnal ecotipe, 5(2), 1–10. wahyu, n., setiawan, a., vidyaningtyas, h., elektro, f. t., & telkom, u. (2017). optimization of data service lte network with genex assistant in delanggu klaten. e-proceeding of engineering : vol.4, no.3 desember 2017 | page 3532, 4(3), 3532–3539. warsika, i., wirastuti, n., & sudiarta, p. k. (2019). analisa throughput jaringan 4g lte dan hasil drive test pada cluster renon. jurnal spektrum, 6, 74. yuliana, h., annisa, n. s., basuki, s., & charisma, a. (2020). downlink lte throughput optimization with antenna physical tuning method. seminar nasional penelitian 2020, 1–10. yuliana, h., basuki, s., & iskandar, h. r. (2019). improving signal quality on the 4g lte network using the antenna physical tuning method. seminar nasional sains dan teknologi 2019 fakultas teknik universitas muhammadiyah jakarta, 001, 1–10. https://... yuliana, h., basuki, s., & prini, s. u. (2021). optimization of low site density area for 4g network in urban city. jurnal elektronika dan telekomunikasi, 21(2), 98. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022 : 364-374 364 design of educational game tools recognizing body members using the kansei engineering method nugraha ramadhani1*, ismu kusumanto2, nofirza3 industrial engineering123, fakultas sains dan teknologi, universitas islam negeri sultan syarif kasim riau received : 12 november 2022, revised: 05 december 2022, accepted : 05 december 2022 *corresponding author abstract education is very important in realizing a strong and advanced nation. so, the process must be carried out early. therefore, early childhood education is the main foundation for the development of a nation's generation. while the standards of early childhood education are not evenly distributed, in fact there are still many that are lacking, especially in the learning media of educational game tools. in this research, an educational learning tool will be made in the form of a fuzzle using the kansei words and kensei engineering methods. the results of this study indicate that the child's response is very good and very helpful in the learning process. the combination of the kansei words and kansie engineering methods produces a unique educational game tool that makes children more interested in participating in learning. keywords : educational game tools, kansei engineering, kansei words, 1. introduction currently, education is the main thing to create a strong and advanced nation. the education level starts from an early age, therefore early childhood education becomes the main foundation for a person's development so that they get something valuable or results when they grow up. early childhood education (paud) is a level of education that is the basic foundation for the next level, where children learn, play and so on. unfortunately, there are many paud schools currently lacking in terms of playing facilities, both in terms of facilities and infrastructure available to support the availability of play equipment and other learning facilities. quoting from the ministerial regulation number 137 of 2014 concerning the national standard of early childhood education (paud), there is a level of achievement of a child's development that is achieved as the learning process takes place, so that the results of the learning process are achieved optimally, learning must also provide optimal media ( sumardi, et al, 2018). according to research conducted by hasanah (2019), educational game tools/alat permainan edukasi (ape) are important to be given to early childhood children. without educational game tools, children will feel bored and bored in learning. in addition to aiming for children not to feel bored and bored in learning, ape will also make children happier and can explore with learning according to the theme. likewise the results of a study conducted by nilawati, et al (2017). the game tools developed have various functions in supporting the implementation of children's learning processes so that activities can take place well and are meaningful and fun for children, and educational game tools for children are play tools that can stimulate the five senses and intelligence of children, which include the sense of sight. , smell, taste, touch and hearing. the available learning media must be proportional to the number of students in schools so that learning can run more effectively, but many schools in indonesia have minimal funds so that game tools and supporting facilities as learning media are lacking in availability in schools. there is one school that has minimal funds, namely tk x. table 1 shows that tk x in taluk kuantan from the income and expenditure results are balanced at idr 7,500,000 in other words it is sufficient, but to increase the availability of educational game tools as a learning method is quite difficult because there are 50 students while the game tools there are only 35 units available. table 1 table of tk x educational institutions: data tk x income rp 7.500.000 ramadhani et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 364-374 365 outcome rp 7.500.000 number of students 50 people number of ape 35 units (source: bp paud and dikmas, 2020) based on table 1 it can be said that the number of game tools available is not proportional to the number of students, a good solution is to make additional tools. one solution that can be done is the need for the use of cheap and easy-to-obtain raw materials in terms of overcoming the shortage of play equipment for paud children. and so that the learning process can be optimal the number of game tools that are good is proportional to the number of existing students. fig. 1. body shape educational game judging from the existing problems, the price of the game tools offered is quite expensive depending on the size to be purchased, where the quality of the material which is less sturdy is inversely proportional to the price offered, which is ± rp. 50,000, while the simple game tool only displays a simple face puzzle form that uses wood-based material that should be sold for rp. 30,000. from this, the prices offered are relatively high so that some schools or children's educational institutions that have minimal funds in the procurement of game equipment will find it difficult to procure the purchase of game equipment. with regard to the selection of facial puzzle game tools, this game tool was chosen because it is friendly in its purchase price and as a learning aid as well as being able to suffice the number of game tools in the field of biology, because in the field these game tools can be said to be non-existent/not yet available. the educational game tools designed are game tools that have been adapted to the material from biology learning for children aged 5 years. so based on the initial survey that has been carried out and from the existing literature review, ape here is designed to stimulate child development and help children to know the structure of the body that exists in humans by using the kansei engineering method. according to aryanny and saputri (2020) the kansei engineering method is a method in which a type of technology that translates customer feelings into design specifications where the r & d team takes customer feelings by analyzing data using psychological, ergonomic, medical, or engineering methods and designing new products based on information analysis. ramadhani et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 364-374 366 2. literature review national education system law no. 20 of 2003 article i paragraph 14 which states that early childhood education (paud) is a coaching effort aimed at children from birth to the age of six which is carried out through the provision of educational stimuli to help physical and spiritual growth and development so that children have readiness in entering further education, which is held on formal, non-formal, and informal channels (latif, 2013 cited by nilawati, et al, 2017). it can be concluded that early childhood is children aged 0-6 years. this age is a very decisive age in the formation of a child's character and personality. this age is also the age when children experience rapid growth and development who are in the early childhood growth and development stage which has unique characteristics and differs from later ages. characteristics in early childhood is a childhood when children have specific behavior. her small body shape and cute behavior make adults feel happy, excited and impressed. however, sometimes it also makes adults feel annoyed, if the child's behavior is excessive and cannot be controlled (husnuzziadatul khairi, 2018. all forms of activity and behavior shown by a child are basically nature. because, early childhood is a period of development and growth. that will shape their personality when they grow up. a child does not yet understand whether what he is doing is harmful or not, beneficial or harmful, right or wrong. the most important thing for them is that he feels happy and comfortable in doing it. therefore, it has become a duty parents and education to guide and direct children in their activities so that what they do can be useful for themselves so that later they can form a good personality (husnuzziadatul khairi, 2018). before discussing the characteristics of early childhood development, it would be better to understand what development is. development is an increase in the ability to structure and function of the body which is more complicated in a more regular and predictable pattern as a result of the process of developmental maturation, where the process includes emotional, intellectual, and behavioral development as a result of interactions with the environment (husnuzziadatul khairi, 2018). ). in general, the characteristics of early childhood are grouped into ages (0 to 1 year), (2 to 3 years), (4 to 6 years) as follows (husnuzziadatul khairi, 2018): a) age 0 to 1 years at this age, explain the characteristics of babies, including: learning motor skills, skills using the five senses (seeing, observing, touching, hearing, smelling, and tasting using the mouth), and learning social communication. b) age 2 to 3 years at this age, they explain the similarity of the same characteristics from the previous age where physical development experiences rapid growth, namely: very active in exploring objects around, actively starting the development of the ability to make material, and learning to develop emotional self.. c) age 4 to 6 years at this age, it has characteristics, namely: the physical development of children is very active in carrying out various activities, the ability in language development is more baba, cognitive development (thinking power) is very spicy and the form of the game is individual. according to research conducted by (nilawati, et al, 2017) educational game tool is a media designed and created to assist the teaching and learning process of educators in the classroom and can help students to develop the potential that exists within themselves. educational game tools are game tools that can be made with various materials such as materials that exist in the environment which we can also call environment-based ape. guslinda and kurnia (2018) argue that educational game tools are various kinds of equipment or objects that can be used to play. where the equipment or objects can stimulate and develop all children's abilities. tedjasaputra (2001) revealed that educational game tools are game tools designed specifically for educational purposes. according to research conducted by (nilawati, et al, 2017) ape and the tools used in assisting the development process for early childhood are useful for: developing physical aspects, language development, and developing cognitive aspects. environmentally based educational game tool is a game tool that is created or used as a medium for the teaching and learning process that comes from the surrounding environment. materials from the environment that can be used as media in the teaching and learning process ramadhani et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 364-374 367 are such as zoos, flower gardens, citrus fruit gardens and so on. while the tools used to create an ape from the environment are in the form of wood, bamboo, sand, clay and so on (nilawati, et al, 2019). according to (zikra hayati, 2019) the conditions that need to be considered in choosing ape, are: easy and simple design, multifunctional, attractive, durable and according to needs, encouraging children to play together, and developing children's fantasy and imagination. kansei is a japanese term used to express one‟s impression towards artefact, situation and surrounding. deeply rooted in the japanese culture, direct translation of kansei to other language is rather difficult. having various interpretations by different literature, kansei is generally referred to sensitivity, sensibility, feeling and emotion (nagamachi, 1992; ishihara et al., 1993; harada, 1998; yoshikawa, 2000; schutte, et. al. 2008). kansei engineering is considered to have advantages over other similar methods, because this method has the ability to translate consumer emotional needs into concrete design parameters through certain techniques. (namagachi, 1995). according to (khurrohmah, et al, 2017) kansei word is a method which is collected from the selection of kansei words which represent the emotions of the respondents' emotional feelings towards the product, where it can be said that the application and selection of these words is done by people. the person concerned directly and understands about the product. kansei engineering often applies for both product design and product development. it is employed on automotive industry, for example miata from mazda (nagamachi, 2002), steering wheel (nagamachi, 2002), car interior (jindo and hirasogo, 1997; tanoue et al., 1997) and other products such as bag, office chair (park and han, 2004), and washing machine (ishihara, et. al., 2010). the kansei engineering method is a type of technology that translates customer feelings into design specifications. the r&d team takes the customer's feelings, by the name of kansei; analyze data using psychological, ergonomic, medical, or engineering methods; and designing new products based on information analysis. kansei affective engineering is the engineering technology and process from kansei data into design specifications (aryanny and saputri, 2020). according to yogasara and valentino (2017). kansei engineering (ke) was first introduced by mitsuo nagamachi as a new ergonomic technology in product design (nagamachi, 2011). the ke method translates consumer feelings into design specifications. lokman (2010) suggests that the implementation of the ec principle involves many steps that allow the use of various tools and methods from various fields of study, such as marketing, psychology, and statistics. the product design process using ke includes: 1) kansei data collection from consumers in a particular product domain using psychological (eg words, attitudes, behavior) or psychophysical measurements (eg electroencephalogram (eeg) to measure muscle health, electromyography (emg) to measure muscle health. and record the electrical activity of the brain using certain sensors, heart rate, eye movements, facial expressions 2) analyze kansei data using statistical, medical, or engineering methods to clarify the kansei structure. 3) interpret the analyzed data and transfer the data to the new product domain. 4) designing new kansei products (nagamachi, 2011 cited by yogasara and valentino, 2017). 3. research methods this research methodology is a stage that must be made before conducting research where later this research can be arranged systematically. this is useful to make it easier for researchers to find out the steps or paths that will be taken to achieve the goals and final results of the research that has been done. the following is a form of the stages that will be carried out through the following flowchart explanation figure 2. ramadhani et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 364-374 368 fig. 2. research methodology flowchart start valid data reliable test reliable data sufficiency test important attributes factor analysis finish yes yes no yes elimination yes no conclution yes bartlett, kmo and msa testing 1.barrlet significant 2.kmo and msa>0.5 elimination no analysis no no data processing analysis validity test data collection : identification of kansei engineering (interview and literature) collection and determination of research samples ramadhani et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 364-374 369 4. results 4.1 data collection data collection is carried out in this method, namely the determination or identification of kansei words where in conducting a research it is necessary to have data in order to facilitate data processing later. kansei is used as a way to express ideas obtained from consumers on one of the factors or reasons for consumers in choosing educational game tools, namely puzzles. kansei word identification was carried out by conducting direct interviews with 10 respondents, namely teachers from paud to get kansei word opinions about the shape of the face puzzle educational game tool. this step is carried out with the aim of getting the kansei word where the answer comes from the respondent. the next step is to make a questionnaire with a level of importance (sematic differential). table 2 collection of kansei words no. primary needs secondary need kansei word 1 form box unique shape round rectangular simple shape parallelogram 2 color highlighter color colored dark color many colors 3 security products neat shape neat not easy to scatter 4 product price economical price decent price 5 product price does not harm the environmen environmentally friendly 6 acceptability children acceptable child friendly 7 product display uneven delicate products wavy rough 8 product design colored attractive design unique traditional modern following the trend (modern) 9 ease of storage practical easy to carry 10 durability durable durable damaged easily 11 user friendly multifunction easy to use easy to rearrange 12 use multifunction multifunction one function 13 product material wood board standard material plywood wooden beams 4.1.1 identify kansei word kansei word is obtained from the collection of questionnaires that have been distributed, where this questionnaire is addressed to respondents who have used and also purchased puzzle educational game tools. this is done with the aim of getting the best choice result that will be applied to the puzzle form. the following are the results of the interviews that have been conducted as follows table 2. 4.1.2 grouping kansei words after grouping kansei words, we will get the results from grouping kansei words from this educational puzzle game tool, namely: unique shapes, simple shapes, colorful, neat, reasonable ramadhani et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 364-374 370 prices, child-friendly environment friendly, delicate products, attractive designs, modern, easy to carry, durable, easy to use, multifunctional and standard materials. 4.2 data processing 4.2.2 validity dan reability the next step is data processing which is carried out to get perceptions from consumers later. below is a presentation of the data from the semantive differential 1 questionnaire testing on 31 respondents through spss software. the data will be said to be valid if the value of r count > r table. the value of r table for the data of 31 respondents is 0.355 which is obtained from the value of df = n-2. from the statement of the calculation results of the processing table of the validity test results above, it is known that statement 14 (multifunction) is declared invalid because the value of rcount < rtable, therefore data that has been declared invalid will be eliminated and then the validity test of the second iteration is carried out. from the statement of the calculation results of the processing table of the validity test results above, it is known that statement 11 (easy to carry) is declared invalid because the value of rcount < rtable, so from this it is the result of the third iteration validity test: table 3 recapitulation of 1 iteration validity test results no statement no. statement r count r table description 1 1 unique shape 0,389 0,355 valid 2 2 simple shape 0,381 0,355 valid 3 3 colored 0,566 0,355 valid 4 4 neat 0,374 0,355 valid 5 5 decent price 0,4755 0,355 valid 6 6 environmentally friendly 0,357 0,355 valid 7 7 child friendly 0,369 0,355 valid 8 8 delicate products 0,3953 0,355 valid 9 9 attractive design 0,3805 0,355 valid 10 10 modern 0,483 0,355 valid 11 11 easy to carry 0,395 0,355 valid 12 12 durable 0,560 0,355 valid 13 13 easy to use 0,377 0,355 valid 14 14 multifunction 0,185 0,355 invalid 15 15 standard material 0,471 0,355 valid after conducting the validity test above in iteration 3, 13 valid questions were obtained, where rcount > rtable. from the statement from the calculation results in table 3 processing the validity test results above, it is known that statement 14 (multifunction) is declared invalid because the value of rcount > rtable, therefore the data that has been declared invalid will be eliminated and then tested for the second iteration of validity. table 4 is the result of the second iteration validity test. table 4 recapitulation of 1 iteration validity test results no statement no. statement r count r table description 1 1 unique shape 0,438 0,355 valid 2 2 simple shape 0,397 0,355 valid 3 3 colored 0,5755 0,355 valid 4 4 neat 0,400 0,355 valid 5 5 decent price 0,4087 0,355 valid 6 6 environmentally friendly 0,404 0,355 valid 7 7 child friendly 0,380 0,355 valid 8 8 delicate products 0,3908 0,355 valid 9 9 attractive design 0,406 0,355 valid 10 10 modern 0,473 0,355 valid 11 11 easy to carry 0,337 0,355 invalid 12 12 durable 0,621 0,355 valid 13 13 easy to use 0,446 0,355 valid 15 15 standard material 0,422 0,355 valid ramadhani et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 364-374 371 from the statement from the calculation results in table 5 processing the results of the validity test, it is known that statement 11 (easy to carry) is declared invalid because the value of rcount > rtable, so from this are the results of the third iteration validity test: table 5 recapitulation of 3 iteration validity test results no. statement no. statement r count r table description 1 1 unique shape 0,389 0,355 valid 2 2 simple shape 0,381 0,355 valid 3 3 colored 0,566 0,355 valid 4 4 neat 0,374 0,355 valid 5 5 decent price 0,4755 0,355 valid 6 6 environmentally friendly 0,357 0,355 valid 7 7 child friendly 0,369 0,355 valid 8 8 delicate products 0,3953 0,355 valid 9 9 attractive design 0,3805 0,355 valid 10 10 modern 0,483 0,355 valid 11 12 durable 0,560 0,355 valid 12 13 easy to use 0,377 0,355 valid 13 15 standard material 0,471 0,355 valid after conducting the validity test above in iteration 3, 13 valid questions were obtained, where rcount > rtable. the reliability test is carried out after the validity test can be seen, the next step is to test the reliability processing. below are the results of the collection of 31 respondents who have been given with 13 valid questions carried out in the third iteration test. table 6. results of the reliability test reliability statistics cronbach’s alpha cronbach’s alpha based on standardized item n of item 0,662 0,662 13 the next step after doing the above test, we then do a factor test which is to determine the number of factors and factor rotation. the tests used are the kaiser mayer olkin formula and bartlett's test sphericity. the following are the results of the first iteration factor analysis test as follows: table 7 test results of kmo and bartlett's iteration 1 kmo and bartlett’s kaiser-meyer-olkin measure of sampling adequacy 0,664 bartlett's test of sphericity approx. chi-square 324,769 df 103 sig. 0,001 after processing the data above, the results of the kmo test of 0.664 are obtained where the data is more than sufficient for factor analysis, where the results are in the range from 0.6 to 0.7. furthermore, in the calculation of the bartlett's test, the chi-square result is 324.769 with a significance value of 0.00 <0.05, thus the variables used are correlated with other variables. next is to do the msa test, and the following are the results of the recapitulation of the msa value test in iteration 1. from the results of the msa calculation above, it can be seen that in the msa calculation there is 1 statement that is below 0.5, namely statement 14 (multifunction) with a value of 0.470. the next step is to re-test kmo and msa in the second iteration. below are the results of testing data from the second iteration of kmo and msa tests from table 6. table 8 kmo and bartlett's iteration test results 2 kmo dan bartlett’s kaiser-meyer-olkin measure of sampling adequacy 0,672 bartlett's test of sphericity approx. chi-square 305,262 df 98 sig. 0,000 ramadhani et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 364-374 372 after processing the data above, the results of the kmo test of 0.674 are obtained where the data is more than sufficient for factor analysis, where the results are in the range from 0.6 to 0.7. furthermore, in the calculation of the barlett's test, the chi-square result is 305.262 with a significance value of 0.00 <0.05, thus the variables used are correlated with other variables. next is to do the msa test, and the following are the results of the recapitulation of the msa value test in iteration 2. table 9 msa test results iteration 2 no statement no. quation msa test msa test description 1 1 unique shape 0,630 0,5 valid 2 2 simple shape 0,680 0,5 valid 3 3 colored 0,679 0,5 valid 4 4 neat 0,607 0,5 valid 5 5 decent price 0,635 0,5 valid 6 6 environmentally friendly 0,613 0,5 valid 7 7 child friendly 0,663 0,5 valid 8 8 delicate products 0,605 0,5 valid 9 9 attractive design 0,617 0,5 valid 10 10 modern 0,657 0,5 valid 11 11 easy to carry 0,620 0,5 valid 12 12 durable 0,689 0,5 valid 13 13 easy to use 0,624 0,5 valid 14 15 standard material 0,663 0,5 valid from the results of the msa calculation above, it can be seen that the msa calculation of all 14 questions can be predicted by other statements with small errors that can be seen 5. discussions the results of interviews conducted by the author with paud teachers showed that children were very interested in the educational toys presented. children are able to understand body parts well after using educational toys. this is in line with jindo & hirasago (1997) who say that the impression of the kesei engineering method can make it easier for the audience to remember the impression of the message offered. this educational game is also a new innovation in learning media. aryanny & saputri (2020) also conveyed the same thing about new innovations in the development of economical cake boxes. it is true that the games produced are able to answer the challenge of financing difficulties in procuring limited game equipment. however, with educational games that are inexpensive and have many benefits, all of these challenges can be overcome. khurrohmah (2017) has proven this in his research on redesigning learning facilities in kindergartens using the kansei engineering method, as well as kusumaningtyas & sediyono (2017) who have conducted research on customer satisfaction by making excellent land certificates. this is in line with the results of the author's research which has a positive impact on children's interest in the learning process by using the resulting educational game tools 6. conclusion after doing research, it can be concluded that in designing educational game tools this picture puzzle obtained from kansie words has a positive influence on children's interest in participating in learning. meanwhile, from the kansei engineering point of view, children easily remember and understand the meaning of the learning delivered. this is obtained based on the identification of a combination of kansei words and kansei engineering and data processing including: unique shapes, colors, neat, environmentally friendly, child friendly, attractive 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because the device still has many shortcomings. therefore, it is necessary to assess the satisfaction of the kenaf farmers with the tool. this study uses the ipa-kano method to analyze the design attributes of the conventional fiber machine to improve the quality attributes. it determines its user's performance, expectations, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction. according to the integration analysis of the ipa-kano method, the conventional fiber machine needs to have a more robust frame, better support for the kenaf rods, the ability to leave a small amount of fiber in the kenaf sticks, good ergonomics, the ability to change the height, less fiber left at the cracker joint, and better cracker settings. keywords: kenaf fiber, ipa-kano method, kenaf stem fiber, conventional fiber tool, quality 1. introduction due to the extensive industrial use of the bark during the past two decades, kenaf has become well-known as a plant with multiple uses (dilley & morrison, 2014; abdullahi et al., 2018; coetzee et al., 2008; lim et al., 2018; salman et al., 2017; pirmohammad et al., 2020; razak et al., 2018). in laren, lamongan regency, east java, kenaf is grown to a 99% extent. from year to year, there has been a decline in kenaf cultivation. in 1998, the area of kenaf cultivation reached 1500 ha. in 2018, the planted area was 800 ha, and in 2019 it decreased to 400 hav (, 2021). the main reasons for the drop in planted area are climate change and the fact that the rainy season is coming later than it used to. the process of kenaf cultivation, which is influenced by weather conditions, is the process of extracting the skin of kenaf from the stems. the method of fiber in laren is still conventionally, namely soaking the kenaf stalks and then manually tying the kenaf skin. the disadvantages of fiber in this way are that it is more suitable for waterlogged land and requires a sizeable soaking area. in addition, if it is summer, the ground needs a sufficient water supply. one of the ways to overcome this is embedding using a conventional fiber machine. the conventional fiber machine working system separates the skin from the kenaf stem and soaks the kenaf skin in water. the use of a conventional fiber machine has the advantages of reducing linting labor, reducing transportation costs, being suitable for use for kenaf cultivation in the high land, and the ease of the soaking process (supriyadi-tirtosuprobo, 2009). laren's farmer group has used a conventional fiber machine for the process of graining the kenaf stalks. this tool is used by laren farmers when the harvest location is far from standing water. however, there are other priorities than the use of a conventional fiber machine. farmer laren claims that the conventional fiber machine still has certain flaws, one of which is how the placement of the kenaf sticks affects how precisely the kenaf is exfoliated. therefore, it is necessary to assess the satisfaction of the kenaf farmers with the conventional fiber machine to improve the quality attributes of the conventional fiber machine. the importance-performance analysis (ipa) and kano methods are used to analyze satisfaction. ipa is a technique for measuring user satisfaction by measuring the importance and irawati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 429-440 430 performance of each attribute (, 2021; hammitt et al., 1996). the ipa method has been widely used in assessing consumer satisfaction tests for several products (chen et al., 2016; han et al., 2016; song & bae, 2013). the disadvantage of using ipa is that ipa only considers "one dimension" component, i.e., that the level of customer satisfaction is linear with the performance of product or service attributes. on the other hand, kano determines the quality of product or service attributes based on consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction (kano et al., 1984; shahin & zairi, 2009). the drawback of the kano method is that it determines the quality category of product or service attributes based on customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction but ignores performance and interests, even though these two things also affect the results of attribute categorization. despite all the advantages of the automatic fiber machines, the laren farmer group has complained about the conventional fiber machine used. as a first step, this study analyzes the design attributes of the conventional fiber machine with the ipa-kano integrated approach. it aims to determine the performance, expectations, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction with using a conventional fiber machine. this research is expected to be the basis for the improvement and development of the conventional fiber machine. in addition, the kenaf farmers in laren are willing to prioritize using conventional fiber machines with various advantages. the improvement attribute can help partner companies and local governments to provide appropriate conventional fiber machine assistance to increase kenaf yields and farmers' incomes. lamongan regency remains the largest kenaf-producing area in indonesia. 2. literature review 2.1. kenaf plantation kenaf (hibiscus cannabinus l.) is a family plant with cotton and okra (y. f. kuo et al., 2012). kenaf is suitable in areas with sufficient light intensity and high rainfall. in addition, kenaf was identified as a flax substitute because it provides an excellent cellulose fiber source. in indonesia, kenaf cultivation has been carried out on bonorowo land (irawati & wulandari, 2019), tidal land (krismawati, 2003), and red-yellow podzolic (marjani et al., 2020). the whole process of cultivating kenaf takes about six months. kenaf is suitable for harvesting when 50% of the kenaf population has flowered. the harvested stems are soaked (retting) for 2-3 weeks. soaking aims to facilitate the release of the bark from the stems and cooking into fiber strands through a microbiological process. after soaking, the kenaf fiber is removed from the stem manually. the lint work should be done in the soaking pool. the kenaf skin that has been separated from the stem is then washed. washing is carried out in running water or in a soaking pool. the washed fibers are immediately dried in the sun. kenaf fiber will dry within 1 to 3 days. 2.2. kenaf plantation in bonorowo laren land, lamongan the laren district, part of lamongan regency, is an area in the northern hemisphere on the banks of the bengawan solo river. its location close to the bengawan solo river causes the land in the laren area to be called bonorowo land. farmers use this condition for kenaf cultivation. the malang-based business and the laren kenaf farmer group collaborated so that the latter could handle the full kenaf harvest. based on information from the head of the laren farmer group, the area for planting kenaf has been reduced to 500–1000 hectares in the last three years. the initial step of kenaf cultivation carried out by laren farmers is planting seeds. first, seedlings are planted by spreading the seeds. then, to keep the soil fertile, kenaf plants are fertilized using urea. kenaf plants also require treatment in the form of insecticides to kill caterpillars and other nuisance insects. kenaf plants are suitable for harvesting in the range of 3.5–4 months, coinciding with the overflow of the bengawan solo river. this condition benefits kenaf farmers because it is helpful for the soaking stage. the harvested kenaf stalks are then soaked in the soil. after 2-3 weeks of soaking, the kenaf fibers are removed from the stems manually. the process of washing and refining the kenaf stems is an action that requires a lot of money and effort. in the past few years, only some of the land around the bengawan solo river was flooded during harvest time. this requires farmers to transport their harvested kenaf stalks to the soggy irawati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 429-440 431 ground. transportation will increase costs, as will labor and turnaround time. for this reason, for the past two years, kenaf farmers in laren have tried to use a hand ribbon to pull the kenaf bark from the stems. the technique of weaving using a conventional fiber machine is the opposite of hand-drawn. the kenaf skin is set first with a conventional fibre machine. after that, the kenaf skin is soaked in waterlogged land. 2.3. ipa and kano integration importance-performance analysis (ipa) analyses consumer satisfaction with products or services (martilla & james, 1977). ipa measures satisfaction from consumer satisfaction surveys based on two attribute components: the importance of the product or service to consumers and the performance of the product or service. the intersection of importance and performance produces a two-dimensional matrix. the x-axis indicates interest, and the y-axis indicates performance. the ipa matrix is divided into four quadrants, each based on importance and performance, high or low. kano's model is a way to put some of a product or service's features into groups based on how well the product or service is liked and how well it meets consumer needs. the ipa-kano integration is carried out to complement the advantages and disadvantages of the ipa and kano methods. the aim is to improve kano's accuracy in classifying quality attributes and cover the shortcomings of ipa in considering the quality. the ipa-kano integration model follows the model developed by y. kuo et al. (2012). many kinds of research on the integration of ipa-kano have been carried out, including to test satisfaction in various fields, including services (roy et al., 2020; cheng et al., 2019; tseng, 2020; yin et al., 2016) and product development (li & xiao, 2020; akmal et al., 2017). so far, the ipa-kano method in the agricultural world is still limited (ganestyani et al., 2019). from previous research, the design of the conventional fiber machine has never been done based on customer satisfaction. previous studies have discussed the advantages of automatic fiber machines over conventional fibers (khammueng & krishnasreni, 1998; das et al., 2010; alam & myser, 2000) and evaluated automatic fiber machines from a technical point of view (naik & karmakar, 2016). 3. study areas and research methods 3.1 study areas the most extensive distribution of kenaf in indonesia is in bonorowo, laren, and lamongan. bonorowo land is land that becomes swamped during the rainy season. therefore, kenaf cultivation on bonorowo land benefits the kenaf cultivation process. however, bonorowo land has drawbacks because the soil ph and nutrient content are low, while the fe and aluminium content is high, so sometimes waterlogging is challenging to control. the condition of the bonorowo land in laren is shown in figure 1. fig.1. – the study area 3.2 research methods irawati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 429-440 432 this study collected both primary and secondary data. primary data was obtained from discussions with kenaf farmers and by filling out a questionnaire. the contents of the discussion include how to operate the conventional fiber machine, the constraints when operating the conventional fiber machine, and to determine the attributes of the conventional fiber machine. this information is used as input in making a questionnaire. the questionnaire contains six assessment aspects that are adjusted to the quality of the conventional fiber machine. each aspect consists of several questions and attributes. the total number of question attributes is 19. the attributes assessed by respondents are presented in table 1. the improvement attribute can help partner companies and local governments provide appropriate conventional fiber machine assistance to increase kenaf yields and farmers' incomes. lamongan regency remains the largest kenaf-producing area in indonesia. these attributes are the basis for a questionnaire to obtain data on the ipa and kano methods. the measurement scale used in filling out the questionnaire is a likert scale from 1 to 5. the questionnaire was filled out by 35 kenaf farmers who had used the conventional fiber machine. a literature review of the conventional fiber machine and the process of growing kenaf is part of the secondary data collection. table 1 attributes of questions on the questionnaire no aspect symbols attribute 1 economic aspect x1 a conventional fiber machine's spare parts have affordable prices. x2 the price of the tool varies according to the machine's ability. 2 ergonomic aspect x3 a conventional fiber machine has adequate ergonomic aspects. x4 a conventional fiber machine is adjustable in height. x5 a conventional fiber machine is easy to operate. 3 aspect of durability x6 a conventional fiber machine has a long service life. x7 a conventional fiber machine frame is durable. x8 the material used in conventional fiber machines is strong. x9 easy conventional fiber machine maintenance. 4 performance aspect x10 working using a conventional fiber machine takes a relatively short time compared to the traditional method. x11 it has a lot of absorbing ability. x12 a conventional fiber engine frame leaves very little lint in the kenaf stem. x13 a conventional fiber engine frame leaves fiber at the cracker joint. x14 process residual rods are easy to handle. 5 aspect features x15 provide a variety of crackers. x16 a conventional fiber machine is easy to move into position. x17 a conventional fiber machine has a kenaf stem support. x18 a conventional fiber machine is easy to fold into a smaller size. 6 aspect conformance x19 a conventional fiber machine meets the specified fiber specifications. the ipa method in this study measured the satisfaction of kenaf farmers with the conventional fiber machine that had been used. data processing includes calculating the value of performance and importance. the intersection between the value of performance and importance produces a two-dimensional matrix. the x-axis describes the importance, and the y-axis describes performance. the ipa matrix is divided into four quadrants: quadrants 1, 2, 3, and 4. the calculation of the kano method begins with classifying the results of the questionnaire that is filled out by farmers if the attributes are working well (functional) and if the attributes are not working well (dysfunctional) (kano et al., 1984). then do kano categorization for each attribute. the kano categories are questionable, reverse, attractive, indifferent, one dimensional, and must be categories. after the results of the ipa method and kano model are obtained, the two are integrated. the results of this integration process are categorized based on table 2 and figure 2 (shahin et al., 2013). the combination of the ipa and kano methods aims to determine several attributes that need improvement in the order of priority. all data processing is carried out using spss software. table 2 determination of ipa-kano integration strategic priorities irawati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 429-440 433 s e ri e s c a te g o ri e s im p o rt a n c e p e rf o rm a n c e im p ro v e m e n t k e e p u p t h e g o o d w o rk hygiene (must be) survival high high 1 fatal high low 1 chronic disease low low 2 fitness low high 2 war (one dimensional) major weapon high high 3 defenseless strategy point high low 3 defenseless zone low low 4 supportive weapon low high 4 treasure (attractive) precious treasure high high 5 dusty diamond high low 5 rough stone low low 6 beginning jewellery low high 6 fig. 2. ipa kano method integration category matrix 4. results and discussions kenaf (hibiscus cannabinus l.) is a plant in the same family as cotton and okra (y. f. kuo et al., 2012). kenaf was a flax substitute because it provides an excellent cellulose fiber source. in indonesia, the largest kenaf cultivation is in laren sub-district, lamongan district, east java province. laren sub-district is an area in the northern part of the bengawan solo river. its location close to the bengawan solo river causes the land in laren to be called bonorowo land. farmers use this condition for kenaf cultivation. the process of turning the kenaf plant into kenaf fiber goes through the stages of harvesting, soaking, fibering, and drying. only some land around the bengawan solo river was flooded during harvest time in the past few years. this requires farmers to transport their harvested kenaf stalks to waterlogged land. transportation will increase costs, as will labor and turnaround time. for this reason, for the past 2 years, kenaf farmers in laren have been trying to use a conventional fiber machine to pull the kenaf husk from the stems. a picture of the conventional fiber machine used by laren kenaf farmers and the results of the fiber is presented in figure 3 (a). using a conventional fiber machine has several advantages, including reducing the number of workers, maximizing transportation because it only transports kenaf skin, and reducing the wet area. after all, only the skin is soaked. it does not require ballast during immersion and reduces water pollution. irawati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 429-440 434 fig. 3. (a) the conventional fiber machine used by kenaf farmers in laren; (b) the result of gluing with conventional fiber machine ipa is done by calculating the average value of each attribute's level of importance and level of performance. based on the average value obtained from each attribute, the global average value for performance and importance is calculated. the average value will be the dividing line in the ipa matrix. the average values of performance and importance are presented in table 3. after getting the average value, as shown in table 3, the next step is to draw the ipa matrix using the instructions in figure 4. table 3 value of importance and performance attribute p (performance) i (importance) x1 4,26 4,60 x2 3,89 4,46 x3 2,94 4,20 x4 2,37 4,31 x5 3,80 4,57 x6 4,17 4,40 x7 3,49 4,46 x8 3,66 4,60 x9 4,26 4,54 x10 3,86 4,46 x11 4,34 4,54 x12 3,37 4,09 x13 3,50 4,09 x14 4,23 4,57 x15 2,26 4,03 x16 3,60 4,63 x17 1,94 4,60 x18 3,60 4,49 x19 3,54 4,46 total average 3,53 4,43 irawati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 429-440 435 fig. 4. ipa matrix quadrant 1 attributes have a high importance value but poor performance. this means that there is a mismatch between expectations and performance in this attribute, so these 2 attributes are priorities that must be improved. there are 11 attributes of the conventional fiber machine in quadrant 2. attributes in quadrant 2 mean that the level of importance and performance have the same high value, meaning that the conventional fiber machine's performance has met the kenaf farmers' expectations. so, these attributes need to be maintained. the 11 attributes contained in quadrant 2 are as follows: 1. a conventional fiber machine's spare parts have affordable prices. (x1) 2. the price of the tool varies according to the machine's ability. (x2) 3. a conventional fiber machine is easy to operate. (x5) 4. the material used in conventional fiber machines is strong. (x8) 5. easy conventional fiber machine maintenance. (x9) 6. working using a conventional fiber machine takes a relatively short time compared to the traditional method. (x10) 7. it has a lot of absorbing ability. (x11) 8. process residual rods are easy to handle. (x14) 9. a conventional fiber machine is easy to move into position. (x16) 10. a conventional fiber machine is easy to fold into a smaller size. (x18) 11. a conventional fiber machine meets the specified fiber specifications. (x19) attributes in quadrant 3 are quadrants that describe the level of performance and low importance. this means that the kenaf farmers consider the attributes of the hand ribboner in quadrant 3 to be unimportant. this is an input to consider improvements to these attributes because the effect on the satisfaction of kenaf farmers is very small. there are 4 hand ribboner attributes that fall into quadrant 3, these attributes are: 1. a conventional fiber machine has adequate ergonomic aspects. (x3) 2. a conventional fiber machine is adjustable in height. (x4) 3. a conventional fiber engine frame leaves very little lint in the kenaf stem. (x12) 4. a conventional fiber engine frame leaves fiber at the cracker joint. (x13) 5. provide a variety of crackers. (x15) quadrant 4 means low importance and high performance. the kenaf farmers consider the conventional fiber machine attribute included in quadrant 4 to have extreme performance, but this attribute is optional. the attribute of the conventional fiber machine that belongs to quadrant 4 is that the conventional fiber machine has a long service life (x6). irawati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 429-440 436 the data needed for kano processing is obtained from the questionnaire results. kano's questionnaire consists of 11 functional and 11 dysfunctional attributes. kenaf farmers fill out the questionnaire by giving a likert scale rating, 1 to 5 for each question item, namely: strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), neutral (3), agree (4), and strongly agree (5). the results of kano's questionnaire were then categorized into several groups, namely a. must-be requirements (m), one-dimensional requirements (o), attractive requirements (a), indifferent (i), reverse (r), and questionable (q) [30]. the results of kano processing are presented in table 4. based on the results of the kano model in table 4, information is obtained that the order of grades from the most to the least must be one-dimensional and attractive. nine attributes are included in the must-be grade, namely attributes x5, x6, x7, x10.x11, x12, x17, x18, and x19. the must-be category indicates that the kenaf farmers are dissatisfied if the performance of the conventional fiber machine attributes is low. but the satisfaction of kenaf farmers will not increase far above neutral even though the performance of these attributes is high. there are six attributes included in the one-dimensional grade, namely attributes x2, x3, x8, x9, x14, and x16. in the one-dimensional category, the level of satisfaction of kenaf farmers is linearly related to the performance of these attributes, so if the performance of these attributes is high, it will result in high satisfaction for kenaf farmers. attributes included in the attractive grade are 4, namely attributes x1, x4, x13, and x15. with the increase in the performance of these attributes, the satisfaction level of kenaf farmers will increase to a high level. but these things are not working as well will not make kenaf farmers feel less happy. after obtaining the ipa and kano analyses, the next step is to integrate the ipa-kano method. the integration of the ipa-kano method is presented in table 5. table 4 – kano model analysis table 5 – kano model analysis attribute a m o r q i total a+m+o r+q+i grade x1 11 7 10 0 0 7 35 28 7 a x2 8 7 11 0 0 9 35 26 9 o x3 12 5 7 0 0 11 35 24 11 o x4 5 13 5 0 0 12 35 23 12 a x5 12 9 11 0 0 3 35 32 3 m x6 5 11 8 0 0 11 35 24 11 m x7 9 12 6 0 0 8 35 27 8 m x8 8 8 10 0 0 9 35 26 9 o x9 9 9 11 0 0 6 35 29 6 o x10 1 15 14 0 0 5 35 30 5 m x11 5 16 8 0 0 6 35 29 6 m x12 7 13 10 0 0 5 35 30 5 m x13 16 13 3 0 0 3 35 32 3 a x14 8 8 15 0 0 4 35 31 4 o x15 11 6 8 0 0 10 35 25 10 a x16 4 8 20 0 0 3 35 32 3 o x17 9 11 9 0 0 6 35 29 6 m x18 5 16 7 0 0 7 35 28 7 m x19 7 13 6 0 0 9 35 26 9 m attribute ipa category kano category ipa-kano category priority strategy x1 2 a precious treasure keep up the good work x2 2 o major weapon keep up the good work x3 3 o defensless zone improvment x4 3 a rough stone improvment x5 2 m survival keep up the good work x6 4 m fitness keep up the good work irawati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 429-440 437 the chronic disease category is an attribute category that is in quadrant 3 (ipa method) and the "must be" category (kano method). attributes in this category are in a state that needs to be improved because even though the attributes in this category are considered unimportant, if they are ignored, they can cause a loss of confidence in the kenaf farmers. for example, one attribute in this category, the name attribute, leaves a little fiber in the kenaf stem (x12). the special treasure category is an attribute category that is in quadrant 2 (ipa method) and the "attractive" category (kano method). attributes in this category need to be maintained on the conventional fiber machine. there is only one thing in this category, and that is that conventional fiber machine spare parts have affordable prices (x1). the survival category is an attribute category that is in quadrant 2 (ipa method) and the "must be" category (kano method). attributes in this category must be maintained so as not to experience a decrease in performance. this category has five features: a conventional fiber machine is easy to use (x5); work with a conventional fiber machine takes less time than with the traditional method (x10); a conventional fiber machine can handle a lot of fiber (x11); a conventional fiber machine is easy to fold up (x18); and a conventional fiber machine meets the requirements (x19). the fatal category is an attribute category that is in quadrant 1 (ipa method) and the "must be" category (kano method). attributes in this category cause dissatisfaction, so follow-up improvements need to be made. there are two things in this group: a strong frame for a conventional fiber machine (x7) and a conventional fiber machine with a kenaf stem support (x17). the rough stone category is an attribute category that is in quadrant 3 (ipa method) and the "attractive" category (kano method). attributes in this category will later become gems or give satisfaction. this category has three attributes, including the conventional fiber machine attribute that lets you change the height (x4), leaves a little fiber at the cracker joint sometimes (x13), and has a cracker setting (x15). the fitness category is an attribute category that is in quadrant 4 (ipa method) and the "must be" category (kano method). attributes in this category are considered the beginning of becoming a gem or giving satisfaction. in this category, there is only one thing, which is that the conventional fiber machine has a long service life (x6). the major weapon category is an attribute category that is in quadrant 2 (ipa method) and the "one-dimensional" category (kano method). aspects in this area must be looked for to compete with opponents and maintain a strong performance. this category has five attributes: tool price based on the machine's capabilities (x2), strong material for conventional fiber machines (x8), easy maintenance for conventional fiber machines (x9), easy handling of leftover rods (x14), and easy to move conventional fiber machine position (x16). the defenseless zone category is an attribute category that is in quadrant 3 (ipa method) and the "one-dimensional" category (kano method). the attributes in this category need to be improved so that the kenaf farmers are satisfied with the performance of the conventional fiber machine. this category has one attribute, the "conventional fiber machine," that has good ergonomic features (x3). x7 1 m fatal improvment x8 2 o major weapon keep up the good work x9 2 o major weapon keep up the good work x10 2 m survival keep up the good work x11 2 m survival keep up the good work x12 3 m chronice disease improvment x13 3 a rough stone improvment x14 2 o major weapon keep up the good work x15 3 a rough stone improvment x16 2 o major weapon keep up the good work x17 1 m fatal improvment x18 2 m survival keep up the good work x19 2 m survival keep up the good work irawati et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 429-440 438 the results of the ipa-kano integration show that seven attributes fall into the category of those that need to be improved. the seven attributes that need to be improved, in order of priority, are as follows: 1. a conventional fiber machine frame is durable. (x7) 2. a conventional fiber machine has a kenaf stem support. (x17) 3. a conventional fiber engine frame leaves very little lint in the kenaf stem. (x12) 4. a conventional fiber machine has adequate ergonomic aspects. (x3) 5. a conventional fiber machine is adjustable in height. (x4) 6. a conventional fiber engine frame leaves fiber at the cracker joint. (x13) 7. provide a variety of crackers. 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(mochamad, masitha, risna, & soikhum, 2020). its function is so that the data that has been classified can be used to determine the level or level of the franchise to be purchased by the prospective new business according to the wishes of the prospective business based on location, area, cost, and others. (davis, 1992; pustaka et al., 2007). that way the opportunity and trust to buy a franchise hooked in accordance with the wishes of potential partners in a younger level and exactly according to the criteria the prospective franchise wants (ningrum et al., 2020). the author conducted research by combining management information systems using the k-means algorithm in determining the level of the type of partnership at any level and using the waterfall method in designing web-based systems (efriani et al., 2021; haviluddin et al., 2021; wulandari et al., 2022). the results of this study can make it easier for shops and prospective franchisees to determine the level of cooperation with hookers and make it easier for hooked parties to manage sales, stock, and attendance of each branch that cooperates with the hooked company. 2. literature review in the previous (subehan, 2020) research entitled "franchise information system design based on android, php (codeigniter) and mysql" in this study it was explained that research builds a website-based system to make it easier for companies to build business partnerships easily by using websites and controlling shops in carry out sales transactions, as well as find out the stock of goods that will be prepared onwards as needed by the respective stores. ramadhan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 490-504 491 in research (muhammad, 2016) regarding "application of k-means clusters in webbased student attendance management information systems doi madrasah aliyah negeri lumajang" in this study discussed recording data of students who were absent and present in one of the book learning media, problems what often arises is making fake letters without being noticed, the data is inaccurate and the teacher has difficulty checking student attendance data, so this study created a website-based attendance system that can provide student information to parents using the sms method, with once the data becomes accurate using the waterfall method, where the k-means cluster method where data is entered into group 1 as entry hours, cluster 2 as study hours (sylfania et al., 2021), cluster 3 as school hours, software engineering experts with 100% functional validation and 100 usability % of school principals, homeroom teachers, and teacher usability 93.13% and student users a 84%. in research (ai, falentino, & adhitia, 2021) with the title "implementation of the k_means clustring analysis algorithm to determine barriers to online learning at yspim gegerbitung vocational school", this research explains that yspim vocational schools experience problems in online learning, this has an impact on learning activities both to parents and teachers who have limitations in providing good learning facilities, this makes researchers take actions that are divided into 2 clusters, namely low clusters and high clusters to analyze the level of learning barriers by using the k-means clustering analysis algorithm (rohmah et al., 2021). based on the results obtained in this study that the implementation of the k-means clustering analysis algorithm gets results. a. by using this algorithm method, the result is that there are 9 classes that fall into the category with classes that experience low-level learning barriers while at a high level there are 10 tkj 1 classes, 10 tkj2, 10 tkj3, 10 rpl, 10 rbsm 1, 10 tbsm 2 , 11 rpl, 12 rpl 1, and 12 tjk 2, and 6 classes in the high class category(worung et al., 2020) b. the power used in the study was taken from dapodik data and report cards that had carried out the filtering and sorting stages of data by class. from the above results it is concluded that the k-means clustering analysis determines online learning barriers has been successful using the application on persone which shows good results with an accuracy of 94%. in the study (haviluddin, junita, & mahendra, 2021) entitled "implementation of the kmeans method for grouping final project recommendations" in this study the authors explained that in a tertiary institution there are many students who experience difficulties in determining research areas taken outside of their own abilities, the aim of this research is to recommend an appropriate research area based on data on a, b, c, d grades in 10 compulsory courses which can be taken in semester 6 for the 2017 to 2018 batch in the informatics study program, faculty of engineering, mulawarma university, in this study using the k-means method by using experimental data by grouping the research area with 3 c clusters, namely c1 is a little, has 1 mkw members, c2 is currently has 6 mkw members, and c3 is a lot with 3 mkw members that have been obtained from clustering accuracy testing using the sum of squaread errors (sse) method sebes ar 0.6566 and the sillhoutte coefficient (sc) method of 5.8329 have been obtained, this shows that the mkw value also has an influence in determining ta in determining the selection of research locations. 3. research methods the method used in this study uses the r&d (research and development) research method, this method is used to assist in designing systematic data collection in doyan, such as employee datasets, sales data, and franchise data (risa & wahyu, 2020), but in research this writer uses an additional method in system design and development using the sdlc (software development life cycle) method, this sdlc method can describe more clearly about the stages of system design, design, coding, testing and maintenance on the system to be implemented (j & simeon, 2017). this study uses data collection techniques related to the methods used to produce ramadhan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 490-504 492 accurate, relevant, valid data. website-based to monitor the performance of each store branch and determine the level of future business candidates (suardi mandai et al., 2021). here is the method used: a. interview interview is an activity by conducting question and answer directly to the parties involved. this method is to ensure that the data obtained is in accordance with the facts and obtain data on objects related to research. b. observation the observation method is used to study and know directly the object under study. this data collection is done by directly observing the sales information system. c. library literature library literature is a method of collecting data by reading and comparing literature, from books, pamphlets and previous research as well as from websites, as well as studying and analyzing literature related to web-based sales information systems (pertiwi et al., 2021; purwayoga, 2020). the design method that the authors use in this study is the "software development life cycle (sdlc) waterfall" method (mulyani, 2016). this model takes a systematic and sequential approach starting from the level of system requirements and then moving on to the requirements, design, coding, testing/verification, and maintenance stages. in figure 1 are the steps that must be carried out using the sldc waterfall (bastian et al., 2020). fig 1. sdlc waterfalls the requirement analysis stage is the planning stage concerning the study of user needs, both technical and technological feasibility. the waterfall model (sdlc) stage is carried out by planning the system to be built. in this case the momochesstea website focuses more on franchise sales, then sales of beverage products, and finally processing stock of goods, while analysis is an in-depth process of all problems and risks to users. design is a stage concerning system design which will provide a solution plan for the problems that arise at the analysis stage. development is the software development process that begins (dhewayani et al., 2022; marlina et al., 2018). the sdlc stage can be said to be the longest phase of the application development process. because this process includes the process of making the ui and gui of the application. testing is the testing phase, the stage for testing the system is already running according to a pre-agreed plan, including testing each menu whether there are still errors or not. maintenance is the stage where maintenance and maintenance of the web is carried out(sulistiyawati & supriyanto, 2021). k-means is a cluster analysis algorithm or non-hierarchical grouping. in its application, k-means groups data based on the distance between the data and the cluster centroid points obtained through an iterative process. the following are the calculation steps to apply optimization using the k-means algorithm. determine the number of clusters (k) in the dataset (cahyo & sulpadianti, pembuatan aplikasi clustring gangguan jaringan menggunakan metode ramadhan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 490-504 493 k-means clustering, 2020). in carrying out k-means calculations, it can be done using the formula below by using the formula below: 𝐷𝑒 = √(𝑋𝑖 − 𝑦𝑖 ) 2 + ⋯ + (𝑋𝑖 − 𝑌𝑖 ) 2 ………………………………………………………..(1) information: de = euclidean distance (x) = object coordinates (y) = centroid coordinates i = the number of objects the next step is to calculate the cluster points again with the current cluster members. cluster point is the average value of all data in a cluster (ema ainun novia, woro isti rahayu, 2020). can be calculated using the following formula: 𝑐𝑘𝑗 = ∑ 𝑥𝑖𝑗 𝑃 𝑖=1 𝑃 ………………………………………………………………………..(2) the final step is to calculate each object again with a cluster point (new centroid). if the group calculation does not change anymore, then the clustering calculation is declared complete. however, if the group calculations still change, then the calculations are carried out again as in step c until the cluster members no longer move. in this study, the k-means algorithm is only applied to the franchise selling feature (supardi & kanedi, 2020). the goal is to make it easier for prospective partnerships and investors to make franchise purchase transactions. please note that the franchise in momocheesetea is divided into 3 levels, namely gold, silver and bronze (pertiwi et al., 2021). these three levels have their advantages and disadvantages. in the process of implementation, the author will divide the aspects that must be fulfilled by potential partnerships or investors in purchasing a franchise, namely by using the aspect table in determining the level of the franchise level as follows: table 1 table of aspects of determining franchise levels surface area capital location mains voltage 4-6 meters 20 million local road ≥1300 va 7-9 meters 50 million local road ≥2200 va 10-12 meters 100 million malls / supermarkets ≥3500 va meanwhile, the determination of the franchise level is determined based on aspects that meet, and in accordance with the policies of momochessetea. where later every potential partnership, or investor who wants to buy a franchise must have the aspects listed in table 1 above. and for the division of levels can be seen in table 2 below. table 2 franchise level/tier table level requirements / aspects that must be owned facilities that can be obtained ramadhan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 490-504 494 gold land area: 10 x 12 meters 2. capital : 100 million. location: mall or supermarket. mains voltage : ≥3500 va. staff capacity: ≥ 10 people. doyan license priority supply of raw materials product manufacturing equipment uniform promotion media training and sop book standard booth design refrigerator freezer silver land area: 7-9 meters 2. capital : 50 million. location: arterial road. mains voltage : ≥ 2200 va employee capacity : ≥ 6 people. doyan license. priority supply of raw materials. product manufacturing equipment. uniform. promotion media. training and sop book. standard booth design. hot menu tools. refrigerator. bronze land area: 4-6 meters2 capital : 20 million location : local street mains voltage : ≥1300 va employee capacity : ≥ 3 people dan license priority supply of raw materials product manufacturing equipment uniform training and sop book standard booth design at this stage it describes the activities carried out in this study by starting requirements, design, implementation with coding, and testing the applied applications, the research taken in this stage is closely related to the sdlc waterfall development technique in figure 1, so the author uses the stages research in figure 2 as follows: fig 2. flow of research stages in figure 2 above, the first stage is carried out by carrying out observations, interviews, literature studies using the r&d research method where this research will produce a new application or application that is developed based on the data obtained, with the second stage, ramadhan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 490-504 495 namely using the sdlc waterfall design method by designing the application to be built, then carrying out the design stages of the application being built by carrying out the implementation stages of the system using the coding process, so that at the last stage the application built is tested first or application trial so that the management information system that is built is in accordance with the objectives of the research carried out (wahyujati, 2021). 4. results and discussions in building a management information system using the sdlc waterfall "software development life cycle" method which begins with problem determination and needs analysis, after analyzing the desired needs then the design stage is carried out, at this stage the author uses a system use case diagram, class diagram which can be describes the behavior of the system to be built and uses an entity relationship diagram (erd) which is used to model data or systems in the database so that it is structured and relates between data effectively relatively complex, this is important in designing new management information system applications in this research (nur aini setyawati, 2021). the following is a usecase overview of the management information system application that will be built, to be precise in figure 3 the usecase stages used in this design. view user data seeing user input data search data (stock of goods, em ployee data, attendance etc.) accessing databases login logout view user data (name, email, address, etc.) view employee data view item stock details crud data user crud employee data crud stock items include extends extends admin fig 3. usecase diagram user in the use case diagram above it can be seen that the role is filled by the user, where the user has the ability to access the website dashboard, and crud data. crud data that can be done by the user is to input employee data, make employee absence reports, request goods to the center, and make daily reports (anggoro et al., 2021). class diagrams are a type of diagram in the form of a structure in the uml model. this diagram describes the structure, attributes, classes, relationships and methods very clearly for each object. class diagrams provide data in the form of what relationships occur between classes, not explain what happened. class diagrams in a project generally use a concept called objectoriented, thus making it easy to use (rachmat , husain, nurdiana, & prahara siswnato, 2021). sequence diagrams are ways or scenarios for visualizing and validating various technical scenarios on a runtime basis. through this sequence diagram, users are expected to be able to predict how a system will behave and find solutions for updated models (cahyo & sembiring, rancang bangun sistem pergudang semua menyeduh secangkir kopi, 2021). in this study, the authors then performed calculations to determine the level of the franchise level using the k-means method, which had previously been divided into franchise levels in table 2 above. to test the k-means algorithm, several datasets are needed, which will be calculated and put into different clusters (tjahyadi, 2018). in this study, the authors used 20 data from previously registered partnerships or investors. the goal is to find the iteration value of ramadhan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 490-504 496 each cluster, which will later become a reference for processing new partnership or investor data. the following is the doyan partnership franchise dataset, which can be seen in table 3. table 3 table name of partnership/investor franchise name meters capital location electricity employee abmad budianto 4-6 20 million local road 71300 va > 6 person rud salm 7-9 450 million arterial road > 2200 va. > 3 person nugroho 4-6 450 million local road > 2200 va. > 3 person syapuri nopi 7-9 450 million mall or supermarket > 2200 va. > 10 person desy khorester 4-6 450 million local road >1300 va > 3 person alexander 4-6 20 million arterial road 71300 va > 3 person gula tom 10-12 100 million mall or supermarket ->3500 va > 10 person dina saegar 7-9 20 million local road >1300 va > 3 person femando gokias 4-6 450 million local road 71300 va > 3 person alex 4-6 100 million arterial road > 2200 va. > 6 person mohammad badri 10-12 100 million local road ->3500 va > 10 person muriski 10-12 50 million arterial road >1300 va > 3 person beni smambela 4-6 20 million local road >1300 va > 3 person ahmad geraldo 4-6 100 million arterial road ->3500 va > 10 person tota nogaha 10-12 450 million mall or supermarket ->3500 va > 6 person badi setiawan 4-6 20 million arterial road >1300 va > 3 person pratama 10-12 100 million mall or supermarket > 2200 va. > 6 person samanka firuansca 7-9 450 million arterial road > 2200 va. > 6 person to make it easier to perform calculations, the authors change the values of the attributes/aspects in the table above. and can be seen in table 4 below. table 4 partnership franchise name table after being changed name area / meters capital location electricity employee abmad budianto 80 80 80 80 90 rud salm 90 90 90 90 80 nugroho 80 90 80 90 90 syapuri nopi 90 90 100 90 100 desy khorester 80 90 80 80 80 alexander 80 80 90 80 80 gula tom 100 100 100 100 100 dina saegar 90 80 80 80 80 femando gokias 80 90 80 80 80 alex 80 100 90 90 90 mohammad badri 100 100 80 100 100 muriski 100 90 90 80 80 ramadhan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 490-504 497 beni smambela 80 80 80 80 80 ahmad geraldo 80 100 90 100 100 tota nogaha 100 90 100 100 90 badi setiawan 80 80 90 80 80 pratama 100 100 100 90 90 samanka firuansca 90 90 90 90 90 furthermore, carrying out the k-means calculation process will go through several stages, the following is the sequence of calculations with the k-means algorithm : a. 1st iteration the first step that must be done is to determine the 1st iteration of the existing dataset. the trick is to take the highest value from each cluster in table 4, so as to get the ceteroid value in table 5 as follows. table 5 centroid starting point c1 100 100 100 100 100 500 c2 80 90 80 90 90 430 c3 80 80 80 80 80 400 where c1 represents the gold level/grade, c2 for silver, and c3 for bronze. calculating centroid distances at this stage, we will calculate the distances for each centeroid data using formula 1 using the dataset in table 4 (munir & alfujianur, 2020) the following is the calculation. 𝐶1,1 = √(100 − 80) 2 + (100 − 80) 2 + (100 − 80) 2 + (100 − 80) 2 + (100 − 90) 2 = 40.124 𝐶1,2 = √(100 − 90) 2 + (100 − 90) 2 + (100 − 90) 2 + (100 − 90) 2 + (100 − 80) 2 = 20.493 𝐶1,3 = √(100 − 80) 2 + (100 − 90) 2 + (100 − 80) 2 + (100 − 90) 2 + (100 − 90) 2 = 31.780 𝐶1,4 = √(100 − 90) 2 + (100 − 90) 2 + (100 − 100) 2 + (100 − 90) 2 + (100 − 100) 2 = 17.32 𝐶1,5 = √(100 − 80) 2 + (100 − 90) 2 + (100 − 80) 2 + (100 − 80) 2 + (100 − 90) 2 = 36.331 * dan seterusnya hingga c1,20 𝐶2,1 = √(80 − 80) 2 + (90 − 80) 2 + (80 − 80) 2 + (90 − 80) 2 + (90 − 90) 2 = 14.142 𝐶2,2 = √(80 − 90) 2 + (90 − 90) 2 + (80 − 90) 2 + (90 − 90) 2 + (90 − 80) 2 = 14.491 𝐶2,3 = √(80 − 80) 2 + (90 − 90) 2 + (80 − 80) 2 + (90 − 90) 2 + (90 − 90) 2 = 0 𝐶2,4 = √(80 − 90) 2 + (90 − 90) 2 + (80 − 100) 2 + (90 − 90) 2 + (90 − 100) 2 = 22.135 𝐶2,5 = √(80 − 80) 2 + (90 − 90) 2 + (80 − 80) 2 + (90 − 80) 2 + (90 − 90) 2 = 10.488 * dan seterusnya hingga c2,20 ramadhan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 490-504 498 𝐶3,1 = √(80 − 80) 2 + (80 − 80) 2 + (80 − 80) 2 + (80 − 80) 2 + (80 − 90) 2 = 10 𝐶3,2 = √(80 − 90) 2 + (80 − 90) 2 + (80 − 90) 2 + (80 − 90) 2 + (80 − 80) 2 = 20 𝐶3,3 = √(80 − 80) 2 + (80 − 90) 2 + (80 − 80) 2 + (80 − 90) 2 + (80 − 90) 2 = 0 𝐶3,4 = √(80 − 90) 2 + (80 − 90) 2 + (80 − 100) 2 + (80 − 90) 2 + (80 − 100) 2 = 13.784 𝐶3,5 = √(80 − 80) 2 + (80 − 90) 2 + (80 − 80) 2 + (80 − 80) 2 + (80 − 90) 2 = 26.076 * and so on up to c3,20 furthermore, performing calculations in inter-cluster grouping of each calculation for each data with the initial centeroid can be seen in table 5. table 6 clustering results with initial centroid points c1 c2 c3 40.1248053 14.1421356 10 20.49390153 14.4913767 20 31.78049716 0 13.7840488 17.32050808 22.1359436 26.0768096 36.33180425 10.4880885 10 36.33180425 17.6068169 10 0 31.4642654 39.7492138 36.33180425 17.6068169 10 36.33180425 10.4880885 10 24.69817807 14.1421356 24.2899156 20 24.2899156 34.3511281 24.8997992 24.6981781 24.4948974 40.24922359 14.4913767 0 22.36067977 17.0293864 29.6647939 10.48808848 30 35.91657 36.33180425 17.6068169 10 10.48808848 30 35.91657 20.24845673 14.1421356 19.7484177 after grouping between clusters from each calculation for each data with the initial centeroid. the results obtained were 4 people c1 (gold), 8 people c2 (silver), and 8 people c3 (bronze). the next step is to determine the 2nd iteration of the classification results that have been done before. the point is to ensure the position of each data relative to the centeroid is correct or not, by using formula 2 above (anjar wanto, muhammad noor hasan siregar, 2020). 𝐶1,𝐿𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒 = 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 4 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐶1,𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 100 + 100 + 90 + 100 4 = 𝟗𝟕. 𝟓 ramadhan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 490-504 499 𝐶1,𝐿𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 100 + 80 + 100 + 100 4 = 𝟗𝟓 𝐶1,𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 = 100 + 100 + 100 + 90 4 = 𝟗𝟕. 𝟓 𝐶1,𝐸𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑒 = 100 + 100 + 90 + 90 4 = 𝟗𝟓 𝐶2,𝐿𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒 = 90 + 80 + 90 + 80 + 100 + 80 + 90 + 100 8 = 𝟖𝟖. 𝟕𝟓 𝐶2,𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 90 + 90 + 90 + 100 + 90 + 100 + 90 + 100 8 = 𝟗𝟑. 𝟕𝟓 𝐶2,𝐿𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 90 + 80 + 100 + 90 + 90 + 90 + 90 + 80 8 = 𝟖𝟖. 𝟕𝟓 𝐶2,𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 = 90 + 90 + 90 + 90 + 80 + 100 + 90 + 90 8 = 𝟗𝟎 𝐶2,𝐸𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑒 = 80 + 90 + 100 + 90 + 80 + 100 + 90 + 90 8 = 𝟗𝟎 𝐶3,𝐿𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒 = 80 + 80 + 80 + 80 + 80 + 80 + 90 + 80 8 = 𝟖𝟏. 𝟐𝟓 𝐶3,𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 80 + 90 + 80 + 80 + 80 + 80 + 80 + 80 8 = 𝟖𝟐. 𝟓 𝐶3,𝐿𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 80 + 80 + 80 + 90 + 80 + 80 + 90 + 80 8 = 𝟖𝟐. 𝟓 𝐶3,𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 = 80 + 80 + 80 + 80 + 80 + 80 + 80 + 80 8 = 𝟖𝟎 𝐶3,𝐸𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑒𝑒 = 90 + 80 + 80 + 80 + 80 + 80 + 90 + 80 8 = 𝟖𝟏. 𝟐𝟓 from the calculation above, the centroid values for the 2nd iteration are as follows: table 7 centeroid starting point c1 100 97.5 95 97.5 95 485 c2 88.75 93.75 88.75 90 90 451.25 c3 81.25 82.5 82.5 80 81.25 407.5 then do the same calculation as step 2 using the centroid from the 2nd iteration. after grouping between clusters from each calculation for each data with the centeroid from the 2nd iteration. the results obtained were 4 people c1 (gold), 8 people c2 (silver), and 8 people c3 (bronze). it can be seen that the grouping results from the two iterations are the same, so it can be concluded that the clustering was successful. b. implementation in this phase, the software development process begins. the sdlc stage can be said to be the longest phase of the application development process. because this process includes the process of making the ui and gui of the application (daniel christian natan, martinus edy sianto*, 2021). the following is the result of the implementation of the doyan management information system application in figure 3. ramadhan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 490-504 500 fig 3. login page above this is how the login page looks. this page is the first page that must be accessed by the admin in order to access the main menu or dashboard in figure 6 below. this page will provide admin access to manage sales data, prospective business data, attendance data and inventory data. fig 4. front page in figure 4 above is the result of the implementation of the front page, it can be seen on this page that the researcher has included various features that can be seen by the user, this front page contains a promotional menu display, a product menu to be sold, a menu to join as a business collaboration partner. fig 5. menu page ramadhan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 490-504 501 on this menu page the user can see what products doyan sells. that way users can more easily get an idea of what products they sell when they have purchased a partnership or franchise, as can be seen in figure 5 above. the following is the result of implementing the admin dashboard. this dashboard is the main page for the admin to be able to access various applications. on this page the researcher has also placed various menus to make it easier for admins to access existing features, as can be seen in figure 6 below. fig 6. admin dashboard page on this page the admin can manage and use existing features to input products, view attendance data, inventory data, and view data on prospective franchisees who will join. you could say that on this page the admin can control all incoming requests from each existing outlet (susilo et al., 2021). fig 7. data processing page (admin) in figure 7 it can be seen that the page is a display of prospective business partners who will join, if there are prospective business partners who will register to cooperate the admin will check the data whether it is appropriate or not, if the data entered is appropriate then the admin will approve the data, so that potential partners businesses can trade according to the levels that ramadhan et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 490-504 502 have been carried out using the k-means algorithm, and can manage inventory demand data at each branch. fig 8. employee attendance processing page (admin) in figure 8 above is one of the results of the management information system that has been implemented with the result that every new customer who will join doyan will be automatically calculated using the k-means method to determine which level is more appropriate based on the tested dataset criteria , and the data that has been inputted by the prospective business partner, can be seen in the picture above the partner has been approved by the admin and got a match level at the gold level on arterial roads. 5. conclusion from the results of designing a web-based hooked management information system, it can be concluded that a web-based beverage management information system using k-means has been successfully created, by applying the functions and objectives of the research conducted, from the results of this study it was found 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(2022). implementasi metode k-means clustering dalam pengadaan barang di toko n-case. seminar nasional inovasi teknologi, 2(5), 308–313. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 2(2) 2021 : 50-61 50 goods robots based on color using microcontroller atmega 328 ade titin sumarni1, novi rahayu2 universitas prof. dr. hazairin, sh1, sekolah tinggi ilmu administrasi bengkulu2¹, novierahayu1980@gmail.com² received : 25 august 2020, revised: 18 october 2020 , accepted : 19 october 2020 abstract robot is an electrical or electronic mechanical device that works automatically that can work alone without outside control. by using robots in production activities, the process will be more efficient and effective. in this study, robots are made using a microcontroller as a robot controller and color detector to separate goods based on color. color sensor is useful for getting color data. the detected color consists of red, green, blue, all colors are processed in a microcontroller that functions as the brain in the robot that is made. keywords : robot, color detection, microcontroller. 1. introduction technological developments have experienced many innovations, one of which is robotics technology. this can be seen from the resulting innovations and the occurrence of social interactions between technology and human life, which causes technology to be a part of human life. the emergence of technology is one of the demands and needs to facilitate human work(boyd & holton, 2018). basically, a robot is an electrical or electronic mechanical device that works automatically that can work alone without outside control. meanwhile, in a broad sense the robot means a system consisting of mechanical mechanisms that have an electrical control to carry out certain tasks. in its development, robots began to be used in all fields including industry in the implementation of its production(keisner, et. al. 2016). color selection is sometimes a problem in determining the color value if seen directly by the human eye, this happens if the human eye is exposed to color blindness but can still see certain colors. the basic principle of color is grouped into 3 basic colors namely r-g-b (red, green, blue) this is the original color space used on computer graphics systems(sihombing, et. al., 2019). 2. literature review the robot is a mechanical device that can do the task of replacing humans, either using human supervision and control, or using a program that has been defined (artificial intelligence). robots are usually used to replace humans doing heavy, dangerous, repetitive, and dirty work. industry is used in the production line (repetitive work). another use is to assist humans in moving an object without having to lift the object. these robots are also often applied to industrial plants and can help humans and save time in work(duan, et. al. 2019). microcontroller is a chip or ic (integrated circuit) that can be programmed using a computer. the recorded program aims to enable the electronic circuit to read the input, process, and then produce the desired output. the output can be a signal, the amount of voltage, lights, sound, vibration, motion, and so on. microcontroller is a semiconductor technology consisting of a series of transistors with a small size. microcontrollers can be used flexibly and effectively in controlling various electronic equipment. microcontroller can also be called a small-sized computer that is low-power so that a battery can provide power. a standard microcontroller has the following components(sanchez & canton, 2018): a. central processing unit (cpu) is the main part of a microcontroller. cpus on microcontrollers are 8 bits or 16 bits. this cpu will read programs stored in rom and ade titin sumarni & novi rahayu vol 2(2) 2021 : 50-61 51 implement them. read only memory (rom) is a memory (a tool to remember) that is only readable. thus rom cannot be written. in the world of rom microcontrollers are used to store programs for the microcontroller. the program is saved in binary format (‘0’ or ‘1’). the arrangement of these binary numbers when read by a microcontroller will have its own meaning. b. random access memory (ram) is different from rom, ram is a type of memory in addition to being readable and can also be written repeatedly. of course, in the use of microcontrollers there is a kind of data that can change when the microcontroller is working. changes to the data will of course also be stored in memory. the contents of ram will be lost if the power supply is lost. c. input / output (i / o) to communicate with the outside world, the microcontroller uses the i / o terminal (i / o port) that is used for input or output. d. other components are how many microcontrollers have a timer or counter, adc (analog to digital converter) and other components. selection of additional components in accordance with the task of the microcontroller will greatly help the design so that it can maintain its small size. if these components do not yet exist on a microcontroller, generally these components can still be added to the microcontroller system through its ports. fig. 1. microcontroller arduino arduino is an open-source single-board micro controller, derived from the wiring platform, designed to facilitate the use of electronics in various fields. the hardware has the atmel avr processor and the software has its own programming language. arduino uno is a microcontroller board based on atmega328 (datasheet)(rajan, et. al., 2015). fig. 2. arduino uno arduino board parts 1. 14 digital input / output pins (0-13). functioning as input or output, can be set by the program. especially for 6 pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11, it can also function as an analog output pin where the output voltage can be adjusted. the value of an analog output pin can be programmed between 0 255, where it represents a voltage value of 0 5v. 2. usb, functions to: a) make a program from the computer into the board b) serial communication between the board and the computer ade titin sumarni & novi rahayu vol 2(2) 2021 : 50-61 52 c) give electricity to the board d) sv1 connection connection or jumper for selecting board resources, whether from an external source or using usb. q1-crystal (quartz crystal oscillator) 3. reset button s1, to reset the board so that the program will start again from the beginning. note that this reset button is not for removing programs or emptying the microcontroller. 4. in-circuit serial programming (icsp). the icsp port allows users to program the microcontroller directly, without going through the bootloader. generally arduino users do not do this so icsp is not used even though it is provided. 5. 3. ic 1 atmega microcontroller. the main components of the arduino board, there are cpu, rom and ram. 6. 4. x1 external power source. if you want to be supplied with an external power source, arduino boards can be given a dc voltage between 9 12v. 7. 6 analog input pins (0-5). this pin is very useful for reading the voltage generated by analog sensors, such as temperature sensors. the program can read the value of a pin between 0-1023, where it represents a voltage value of 0-5v. sensor a sensor is a device that receives a stimulus or stimulus as a quantity of certain properties or conditions that can be converted into electrical signals. the output of the sensor can be in the form of a current and is often used for detection when measuring and controlling. sensor characteristics function to determine the performance of the sensor designed. the static characteristics of a sensor are(meijer, 2008): a. accuracy, to determine the inaccuracy of a sensor, as a difference in the value of the calculation with the experimental value. b. non linearity, used for sensors that have the transfer function of a linear approach. nonlinearity is also a maximum approach and can be done for sensors with non-linear transfer functions that can be used with terminal point and transfer methods. c. saturation of each sensor has a limitation of operation although it has a linear transfer function, but at certain inputs it has non-linear transfer. d. resolution is the sensor's ability to detect the minimum input signal. when the sensor is input continuously, the output signal on the sensor will not give perfect results. under these conditions the output changes usually occur, so the sensor is said to have a small resolution. e. repeatability occurs because sensors are unable to produce the same values under the same conditions, usually due to temperature disturbances and other environmental conditions. tcs3200 color sensor the tcs3200 color sensor module uses the tcs3200 rgb taos chip. this module has been integrated with 4 leds. the tcs3200 color sensor can detect and measure the intensity of visible colors. some applications that use this sensor include the reading of color groups according to color, ambient light sensing and calibration, color matching, and many other applications. tcs3200 chip has several photodetectors, with each color filter, namely, red, green, blue, and clear. the filters are distributed in each array. this module has an oscillator that produces square pulses with the same frequency as the color detected(choudhary, et. al., 2018). fig. 3. tcs3200 color sensors ade titin sumarni & novi rahayu vol 2(2) 2021 : 50-61 53 ultrasonic sensors ultrasonic is sound or vibration with a frequency that is too high for the human ear to hear. ultrasonic vibrates in a range greater than 20 kilo hertz. ultrasonic can also be described simply as waves above the frequency of sound waves. ultrasonic sensors are the main sensor for navigation and obstacle avoidance(latha, et. al., 2016). fig. 4. ultrasonic the ultrasonic ping sensor is mounted on the front of the robot, so it is seen as the eye of the robot. this sensor will measure the distance from the objects around it. if the distance detected is very close, it can be concluded that there is an object very close to the sensor. so the robot must avoid by turning or maneuvering in the other direction. lcd (liquid crystal display) lcd (liquid crystal display) is a type of display media that uses liquid crystal as the main viewer. lcds can display images or writing because there are so many points of light (pixels) that consist of a single liquid crystal as a point of light. although called a point of light, this liquid crystal does not emit light itself. the light source in an lcd device is a white neon lamp on the back of the liquid crystal array. these points of light, which number in the tens of thousands or even millions, form the appearance of images. the liquid crystal poles that are passed by an electric current will change due to the effect of the polarization of the magnetic field that arises and will therefore only allow some colors to continue while the other colors are filtered out(rahman, et. al., 2015). fig. 5. lcd dc motor dc motor is a motor that uses a dc voltage source and is used to convert electric power into mechanical power. this component works with the electromagnet principle. when a voltage source is applied, a magnetic field in a stationary part called a stator will form. this magnetic field will make the rotor or moving parts rotate and of course can be used to rotate other objects such as wheels. the rotation speed of a dc motor is determined by the voltage. the higher the voltage, the faster the rotation. too high a voltage, which exceeds the maximum limit, can make the motor burn(petru & mazen, 2015). fig. 6. dc motor when the dc motor voltage supply is stopped, the magnetic field gradually disappears, while producing a reverse voltage. this back voltage is handled so as not to damage the arduino ade titin sumarni & novi rahayu vol 2(2) 2021 : 50-61 54 uno. the method is to install a diode. it is based on the nature of the diode which can flow electric current only in one direction. have adjusted and the activated segment looks dark and shapes the character of the data you want to display. servo motors servo motors are basically made using dc motors which are equipped with a controller and position sensor so that they can have movements of 0o, 90o, 180o or 360o. here are the internal components of a 180o servo fig. 7. servo motor each component on the servo motor above each has a function as a controller, driver, sensor, gearbox and actuator. in the picture above, you can see several parts of servo motor components. the motor in a servo motor is a dc motor controlled by the controller, then the component that functions as a sensor is a potentiometer that is connected to the gearbox system on the servo motor servo motor is a type of electromechanical actuator that does not rotate continuously such as dc / ac motor or stepper motor, servo motor is used to position and hold several objects. they are used where continuous rotation is not needed so they are not used to control the wheel (unless the servo is modified). servo can be used effectively here because then there is no need to move in full 360 degrees or they do not require continuous rotation like a wheel. servo can be ordered to rotate at a certain angle (say 30 degrees) then stay there. servo also uses feedback mechanisms, so they can sense errors in their position and correct them. this is called servomechanism. so, if the air flow exerts pressure on the steering wheel and deflection or deviation occurs, the servo applies force in the opposite direction and tries to correct the error(akbar, 2014). servo hobby has a motor and control mechanism built in one unit. they have 3 wire connectors. one is for positive supply, and the other is for ground and the last is for control signals. fig. 8. servo motor 3. research methods flowchart is a graphic development of the steps and sequence of procedures of a program. flowcharts help programmers to solve problems in smaller segments and help in analyzing other alternatives in operation. ade titin sumarni & novi rahayu vol 2(2) 2021 : 50-61 55 fig. 9. research frameworks 4. results and discussions design of schematic circuits interface fig. 10. color-based robot design scheme ade titin sumarni & novi rahayu vol 2(2) 2021 : 50-61 56 the circuit schematic includes the processing steps which are a core part of the tool. in this design that needs to be considered is the selection of the components used. the selection of components must be adjusted to the needs in accordance with the design of the tool to be made. after that, the experiment and testing are carried out to determine the components that will be used. in this design there are several parts, namely color sensor, arduino uno, servo motor and dc motor. making a circuit the manufacture of robots moving goods based on this color through several stages of manufacture. starting with preparing the materials and tools used. like setting up the box and arranging the arduino mainboard, lcd, color sensor. the purpose of making a box is to place the input and output components or as a container of this tool system in order to facilitate and adjust the system in its use. the next process is the electronic schematic assembling process of color-shifting robot goods. tools at the stage of making this circuit, what is done is to prepare the components that will be used such as color sensors, lcd, arduino uno, arduino supply cable and jumper cable. at arduino uno, there is a micromeal controller atmega 328, which has 14 digital input / output pins (6 outputs for pwm), and 6 analog input pins. arduino electronic circuits have several other components such as ic regulators that function as the power supply circuit needs. for color sensor circuits, get an electrical input of 5v and use a 5v pin to provide input to microcontroller/arduino, on the lcd using a4 a5 pin to provide output. fig. 11. series of robot moving goods by color program design the design of the robot program for moving goods based on color consists of several stages. the first process is the creation of flowcharts from color-moving robots, then the program is created using arduino ide using c language and this program will execute commands on the system and tools. then the program has been uploaded to the microcontroller using arduino ide. furthermore, the microcontroller will read the condition from the color sensor. ade titin sumarni & novi rahayu vol 2(2) 2021 : 50-61 57 fig. 12. program design implementation after the system is built based on the designs that have been made, the next step is to upload the program. connect the usb cable with the arduino uno board and on the other side is connected to the computer. open the arduino ide program, then open the sketch of the robot transfer program based on the color that has been made, then press the upload button on the arduino ide so that the sketch is transferred from the computer to the arduino board. after completing the upload, the usb cable can be removed and the robot based on the color transfer tool works by using a 12volt power supply. fig. 13. arduino ide program upload process system testing this test is done using a simulation display by using a color object to detect color. the way this device works is by connecting the arduino supplay cable. on this device marked with the lcd on. if the initial steps for testing the system have been carried out, then the operation can be done as a product transfer based on color. as the main component of the microcontroller works by running the commands that have been input in the form of coding, where the coding represents the command to run the color sensor. color sensor as input color object while lcd as output. this device testing simulation aims to see whether the sensor, microcontroller and the program are running well. ade titin sumarni & novi rahayu vol 2(2) 2021 : 50-61 58 fig. 14. system testing in figure 14. you can see the main parts installed on this device, namely: 1. color sensor 2. lcd fig. 15. series of tools installed tools when the microcontroller is working and the sensor is active, the lcd will display a color monitor serial sensor to move things. if the color is detected then the goods will be moved ade titin sumarni & novi rahayu vol 2(2) 2021 : 50-61 59 according to the command we want. the color-based robot system for moving goods involves arduino uno, lcd displays, servo motors and arduino supply cables. color sensor what is done in this research is to test the removal of color objects according to a predetermined place. testing color sensor fig. 16. testing sensor green (green) figure 16 shows when the color sensor detects green items. if detected or read by a color sensor, the item can be programmed. the following picture testing the red that has been programmed fig. 17. red sensor testing (red) figure 17 shows when the color sensor detects red items. if detected or read by a color sensor, the item can be programmed. the following picture 4.8 testing the blue that has been programmed. fig. 18. testing of blue color sensors ade titin sumarni & novi rahayu vol 2(2) 2021 : 50-61 60 figure 18 shows when the color sensor detects blue items. if detected or read by a color sensor, the item can be programmed. table 1 color sensor test results no sensor color weight lcd screen result 1 red 0,7g red color success 2 gren 0,7g green color success 3 blue 0,7g blue color success lcd testing testing on the lcd as the main display media that functions to display numbers or letters in accordance with the wishes based on the program that we use. fig. 19. lcd testing 5. conclusion based on the whole system starting from the design and manufacture of tools that have been done, the author has several conclusions ranging from color sensors that function to detect the color that we want and make it easier for us to determine colors that are more practical. the suggestions for future researchers are: 1. for system development it can be added using information via gsm. 2. further development can be done by adding a size sensor and load sensor to add functionality and a wider implementation of the robot that has been made. references akbar, m. a. 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aims to design and create a system to determine which employees are entitled to receive bonuses, for that we need a decision support for giving employee bonuses decisions. in this study using the simple additive weighting method. the system development model used is a waterfall. waterfall has several stages, namely needs analysis, system design, writing program code, program testing, program implementation and maintenance. the results showed the benefits of the saw method as a decision support system for determining employee bonuses based on the employee performance of pt. mayatama solusindo can assist administrators in determining employee bonuses quickly and effectively. so the bonus that employees get using the saw method is the basic salary times the percentage of the ranking value. keywords : decision support systems, employee bonuses, simple additive weighting (saw) 1. introduction decision support system is a computerized system designed to increase effectiveness in decision making to solve semi-structured and unstructured problems so that in the decisionmaking process can be done more quality. decision support systems are widely used by companies for the continuation of the company's business in the future. determining and taking the right decisions by the company can benefit all stakeholders in the company. decision support systems are part of computer-based information systems including knowledge-based systems or knowledge management that are used to support decision making in an organization or company. it can also be said to be a computer system that processes data into information to make decisions from specific semi-structured problems (fauzan et al, 2017). the system for determining the giving of bonuses to employees at pt. mayatama solusindo is still done manually. the number of bonuses so far has not been in accordance with the employee's performance and predetermined criteria. so far, the employee performance appraisal process for bonus recipients has been carried out by the administration and managers. administrative staff and managers check one by one the criteria that are used as basic guidelines in making decisions to determine which employees receive a bonus each year. the current appraisal process takes a long time, starting from selecting, weighing and deciding which employees are eligible for bonuses for one year of work. therefore we need a computerized system in order to overcome all these problems and be able to ease the duties of administrative employees and managers(fauzi, et. al, 2016). decision support system is a system that can provide solutions, especially in decision making and pt. mayatama solusindo can implement a decision support system as a tool for pt. mayatama solusindo in making decisions about giving bonuses to employees in accordance with the existing assessment criteria in the company. so that the goals of the decision support system can be achieved properly, it is assisted by using one of the methods in decision making, namely the simple additive weighting (saw) method(jaberidoost, et. al., 2015). yuda irawan vol 2(1) 2020 : 7-13 8 one method of solving the madm (multiple attribute decision making) problem is by using the simple additive weighting (saw) method. the saw method is often also known as a weighted addition method. the basic concept of the saw method is to find a weighted sum of the performance ratings for each alternative of all attributes. the saw method requires a decision matrix normalization process (x) on a scale that can be compared with all existing alternative ratings(meta, 2018). this method is the most well-known and most widely used method in dealing with multiple attribute decision making (madm) situations. madm itself is a method used to find optimal alternatives from a number of alternatives with certain criteria. this saw method requires the decision maker to determine the weight for each attribute. the total score for the alternatives is obtained by adding up all the multiplication results between the rating (which can be compared across attributes) and the weight of each attribute. the rating of each attribute must be dimension-free in the sense that it has passed the previous matrix normalization process (adianto et al, 2017). 2. literature review decision support system is a system that is used as a problem solving tool to assist decision makers (managers) in making decisions but not to replace the capacity of managers to only provide consideration. turban states that a decision support system is intended for decisions that require judgment or decisions that cannot be supported by an algorithm at all. this definition does not yet provide a specific description that a computer-based decision support system will operate interactive online, therefore various definitions of decision support systems emerge(yazdani, et. al., 2017). types of wage payment in indonesia according to rokmulyati is the amount of wages is based on the length of time a person has worked. the unit of time is calculated per hour, per day, per week or per month. for example, construction workers are paid per day or per week. wages according to unit results is the amount of wages is based on the number of goods produced by a person (ikbal & rahma, 2016).. the unit of yield is calculated per piece of goods, per unit length, or per unit weight. for example, the wages for picking tea leaves are calculated per kilogram. wholesale wages is the payment of wages is based on a mutual agreement between the job provider and recipient. for example, wages for repairing damaged cars, building houses, etc. this wage model must be clear, not only the amount of the agreed wage, but also how long it will take for the work assigned to piece-holders to be completed(brata & whidyanto, 2017). according to hasibuan, defining incentive wages is remuneration given to certain employees whose performance is above standard performance. the bonus system is an additional payment beyond wages or salaries which is intended to stimulate (provide incentives) so that workers can carry out their duties better and with full responsibility, with the expectation of higher profits. the higher the profit, the greater the bonus given to workers(ichniowski & shaw 2003). simple additive weighting (saw) is often known as the weighted addition method. the basic concept of the saw method is to find a weighted sum of the performance ratings for each alternative on all attributes. the saw method is a method used to find optimal alternatives from a number of alternatives with certain criteria (irawan, 2019). this simple additive weighting (saw) method requires the decision maker to determine the weight for each attribute. the total score for the alternatives is obtained by adding up all the multiplication results between the rating (which can be compared across attributes) and the weight of each attribute. the rating of each attribute must be dimension-free in the sense that it has passed the previous matrix normalization process(joni, 2017). 3. research methods the waterfall method has steps in system development, namely requirements analysis, system design, writing program code, program testing, and program implementation and maintenance. the methodology for system development is a standard process used to link all the steps needed to analyze, design, implement and maintain information systems (wahyuni,2019). the trial process is carried out by conducting experiments and proving the yuda irawan vol 2(1) 2020 : 7-13 9 features of the system that have been built. the trial aims to prove whether the system is in accordance with the needs or there are still deficiencies. the method can be seen in figure below : figure 1. system development analysis the requirements analysis used in the development of this system are as follows: 1. in building a decision support system for determining employee bonuses using the simple additive weighting (saw) method, information is needed in the form of employee data which is an alternative object to the employee bonus determination system. 2. in addition to employee data, the employee bonus determination system using the simple additive weighting (saw) method also requires input in the form of criteria and criteria weights used to determine employee bonuses. 3. determination of criteria and weight criteria in the employee bonus determination system at pt. mayatama solusindo. design after conducting a needs analysis, the next stage is system design and software. from the requirements analysis stage, user needs have been obtained which will then be designed so that they can be understood by the software before writing the program. system design has five stages, namely: use case diagrams, activity diagrams, class diagrams, database design and user interface design. coding the stage of translating data or solving problems that have been designed into a specific programming language. in this study, coding was carried out using the php programming language and the database using xampp. testing tests carried out on the development of this information system are testing with the black box method. if after testing there are still errors in the system, the system needs to be repaired again to meet the existing criteria. therefore, the release of the system is carried out if the system meets the desired criteria. deployment the program is implemented at pt. mayatama solusindo is located at duri, riau province, and maintenance is carried out. yuda irawan vol 2(1) 2020 : 7-13 10 4. results and discussions result display the following describes the display of results from the decision support system for giving bonuses to employees using the simple additive weighting (saw) method at pt. mayatama solusindo. form splash screen the splash screen form is the initial display form of the program, to run the form by logging into the program we have. this form is information from the owner of the program which can be seen in figure 2. following: figure 2. splash screen form display login form the login form is a form for entering a username and password so that the main menu in the program can be opened and this form protects data and programs as in figure 2. below: figure 3. display login form dashboard form this form serves to display a menu of user data, employee data, criteria data, saw assessment data and reports as shown in figure 4 below: yuda irawan vol 2(1) 2020 : 7-13 11 figure 4 display dashboard form user data form in this user data form access is by the admin whose function is to input user data for the saw method decision support system at pt. mayatama solusindo as seen in figure 5 below: figure 5 display user data form salary data form this form functions to organize employee salary data each year according to the district minimum wage (umk) as shown in figure 6. the following: figure 6. display of salary data form supervisor assessment data form in this appraisal data form, it functions to carry out the appraisal process for employees to determine employee bonuses which can be seen in figure 7. below: yuda irawan vol 2(1) 2020 : 7-13 12 figure 7. display of supervisors assessment data form saw calculation form in this saw calculation form functions to see the saw method starting from the alternative data value table, alternative data value conversion table, normalization weight table, and bonus ratings received by each employee, can be seen in figure 8 as follows: figure 8. display of saw calculation form 5. conclusion from the results of the author's research, several conclusions can be drawn, namely with the decision support system for giving bonuses to employees at pt. mayatama solusindo, the company will find it easier to determine the number of employee bonuses in accordance with the company's criteria, namely supervisory assessment (pa), length of work, attendance and warning letters (sp) and data storage is more accurate than the old system entered into the system database. the appraisal process in determining employee bonuses at pt. mayatama solusindo with the simple addtive weigthing (saw) method, namely the administration of determining the weight value of each assessment criterion, such as the assessment of bosses with a weight value of 30%, length of work with a weight value of 10%, attendance with a weight value of 40% and a warning letter with a weight value of 20. %. decision support system for determining employee bonuses at pt. mayatama solusindo was designed using the saw method (simple addtive weigthing method) with supporting software, namely notepad ++ and a database using xampp. references adianto, t. r., arifin, z., & khairina, d.m. 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(2017). a group decision making support system in logistics and supply chain management. expert systems with applications, 88, 376-392. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 the effect of heating temperature on the hardness, microstructure and v-bending spring back results on commercial steel plate asep ruchiyat1, muh anhar2,yusuf3, betti ses eka polonia4 politeknik negeri ketapang as3p78@gmail.com1, anhar_dol@yahoo.com2, yusufpolitap@gmail.com3, a b s t r a c t the need for low carbon steel plate sheets with relatively thin thickness measurements in indonesia is currently quite high, especially in supporting the automotive industry, the electronics industry, the food industry, beverages, and household appliances. to fulfill this, raw materials for low carbon steel plate sheets that have high formability and are not easily cracked in critical areas of the desired model are required. for this reason, research on the effect of temperature variations in heat treatment on hardness, microstructure and spring back of v-bending results on steel plates with a plate thickness of 0.8 mm. the research method used was a laboratory experimental method. the heat treatment is carried out with temperature variations of 710, 820 and 9300c with a holding time of 60 minutes. tests carried out on specimens are hardness testing, microstructure testing, and spring back vbending results on steel plates. the results of this study indicate a decrease in the spring back angle where the smallest spring back angle in the bending process is on the 9300c plate which is 1,040. the value of the hardness results from v-bending has increased significantly. the increase in the value of hardness because the plate has an atom shift or dislocation by shear stress (slip) due to plastic deformation on the plate. the highest hardness value is on the 7100c plate which is 154.67 hv or has an increase of 14,291% of the pre-bending plate. the lowest hardness value is on the 9300c plate which is 125.33 hv, its hardness increases 4.4% against the pre-bending plate. heat treatment also causes changes in the microstructure of the plates from the process of regulation and reshaping of crystals to the growth of new grains which have implications for changes in mechanical properties and formability of the workpiece. keywords: sheet metal forming, v-bending, springback, annealing, microstructure 1. introduction the need for low carbon steel plate sheets with relatively thin thickness measurements in indonesia is quite high, especially in supporting the automotive industry, the electronics industry, the food and beverage industry, household appliances. for this reason, steel sheet sheets that have good mechanical properties are seen from each function. in the process of pressing/stamping known as sheet metal forming which is the process of forming which aims to make the plate or material undergo plastic deformation so that it forms components of the desired design. the use of sheet metal forming is an effective forming technique because it can replace the machining and welding process. bending is one of the sheet metal forming processes that are often used, but many problems occur with the results of the bending process, depending on the choice of the bending method, dies design, machine setup and process parameters such as minimum bending radius, spring back, material conditions, and microstructure material. all materials have a limited elastic modulus, plastic deformation will be followed by the elastic properties of the material. when bending is removed there will be a change in shape or deviation of the die surface used for pressure, this is because the plate has elastic properties so that some of the deformations will return a little to a certain point. deviation in shape and size due to the elasticity of this material is known as spring back. in practice spring back can be reduced by overbending, ie the bending angle is smaller than required. ozturk f et al, (2009) investigated the effect of cold and hot spring back temperature on aluminum alloy magnesium 5083-h111 by using the warm forming method. the problem underlying this research is to reduce automotive weight in increasing fuel efficiency and reducing vehicle emissions. in this case spring back analysis of hardening of the specimen with a thickness of 3 mm and an angle of 600 uses the die v-bending process while the temperature variations are -50 to 3000c. the results of this experiment are that spring back increases at mailto:as3p78@gmail.com1 asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 2 temperatures of 0.25 and 1000c and then decreases above 2000c. the lowest spring back is obtained at 3000c. low carbon steel has ≤ 0.30% carbon. generally supplied as flat-rolled products (sheet or strip), in cold-rolled and annealed condition. for high-formability steels, carbon content is less than 0.1% with 0.4% magnesium content, used for automobile body panels, thin plates, and wire products. for rolled steel structural plates and sections, the carbon content is 0.3% with a magnesium content of 1.5%, used for stampings, forgings, seamless tubes, and boilerplates (mubarok, 2008). previously, has been described several problems that occur in the plate bending process, then this raises research questions that will be studied and analyzed in this study is how the influence of annealing heating temperature on hardness, microstructure, and spring back, the results of v-bending of commercial steel plates. to simplify the analysis, several limitations are needed, including: 1. the bending machine used is a tensile-press testing machine. 2. the material used is commercial steel plates with uniform dimensions. 3. the shape of the workpiece made is v-bending with an angle of 900. 4. temperature variations used are 710, 820 and 9300c. 5. the holding time is 60 minutes. 6. the workpiece is cooled to a temperature in a heating furnace. 7. testing is done by micro vickers hardness test. the research objectives to be achieved are 1. to determine the value of the surface hardness of the v-bending results in the test material before and after the annealing process is treated. 2. to determine the microstructure of the v-bending results in the test material before and after the annealing process is carried out. 3. to find out the occurrence of the spring back phenomenon in the v-bending process. referring to the research objectives, this research is expected to provide at least 3 contributions, namely: 1. provide information in the form of a behavior database of the influence of annealing heating temperature on spring back, hardness and microstructure resulting from v-bending of commercial steel plates. 2. for academics, as a study and comparison in conducting studies on research on the effect of annealing temperature on the bending process of commercial steel plates. 3. from a practical point of view, the results of this study are expected to be a reference for similar research in the future, especially in the field of sheet metal forming. 2. literature review keum et al, (2002) conducted a study entitled springback of fcc sheet in warm forming, using a warm forming method to change the material properties of aluminum to reduce spring back. the background of this research is to find the desired material and mechanical properties in the theoretical nature of the spring back phenomenon on aluminum sheet metal, al5052 and al1050 with 0.8 mm thickness specimens under warm forming conditions. each specimen was arranged 00, 450, and 900. tests were at a temperature of 18 3500c, a holding time of 30 minutes and a speed of 5 mm/min. then the specimen is analyzed by the tensile test and chemical composition test. the results of this study, during the formation of warm forming at a temperature of 1500c tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, strength coefficient and hardening of the exponent strain decreases but the elongation and plastic strain ratio increases. formation under temperature 1500c material properties does not show large differences due to changes in temperature formation. in the draw bending test, spring back is reduced at temperatures of 1500c to 2000c. jin et al, (2002) research on bending systems to realize high precision v-bending. the important point of this system is that the workpiece has been released before the punch reaches the final target position. using this method can collect data, calculate material properties and predict the final target position. this position is determined by considering spring back after it is released. however, springbank is not constant due to differences in material properties on each asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 3 workpiece. in the proposed system, material properties: stress flow, young's modulus, and hardening ratio are calculated based on information from the load, slope angle and spring back at the pre-release stage for the determination of suitable bending conditions. 2.1 bending bending is a manufacturing process that can cause defects in metals by plastic deformation due to changes in material shape. this material is stressed above the yield strength limit but below the tensile strength. in general, bending refers to deformation around only one axis. bending is a flexible process with a variety of different forms that can be produced even by using standard set dies or brake bending. material is placed on dies and placed in a "stop" position by placing hold-downs. the upper part is pressed, with ram shaped punch pressing against the plate and forming a bending-v. bending is done using press brakes that have a press capacity of 20 200 tons according to the given application (diege, 2002). figure 1. press brake (open and closed) in the process of strengthening the construction of the vehicle body, a certain process is needed so that the sheet plates can be hard/strong. one way to harden it is by bending it. several vehicle bodies are made to have grooves or nuts around the body. this is caused by changes in metal crystals, such as slips and deformation. the process of becoming stronger and harder is known as the work hardening process. this process is mostly carried out on the strengthening and hardening of metals, for example, the manufacture of stainless steel plates, aluminum plates (gunadi, 2008). figure 2. bending parts have stronger construction in recent years, various experimental techniques have been developed to study the character of spring back on sheet metal, the most popular and often used in cylinder bending procedures are u-bending and v-bending. this method is very interesting because the level of the magnitude of spring back can easily be measured (livatyali et al, 2001). asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 4 figure 3. simulation of u-bending dan v-bending form 2.2 heat treatment the heat treatment process is a heating process on a solid metal to obtain the desired properties of the metal with certain limits. steel can be heat treated to increase or reduce the hardness and tensile strength of steel. to increase the hardness of steel, hardening is carried out and tempering is used to increase the elasticity of the steel. heat treatment is a combination of the process of applying heat to metals or alloys in a solid-state to a certain temperature and holding time, then followed by an appropriate cooling process so that the physical and mechanical properties of steel are obtained. steel that has been heat treated will produce the following benefits: 1. increased hardness and strength of steel. 2. regular physical and mechanical properties such as tenacity, corrosion resistance. 3. raises magnetic and electrical properties in steel. 4. improved grain size in steel. 2.2.1 annealing process an annealing process is the treatment of heat on a material where the material is heated at a certain temperature and cools it slowly to room temperature. annealing process carried out on sheet metal to obtain certain characteristics as well as a guarantee that the material can be formed properly by applicable standards. the formability of sheet metal is largely determined by the process of making the material which includes the heat treatment conditions it experiences (prabhudev, 1988). % karbon suhu o c titik kritis atas 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 2 4 6 8 10 12 1000 83% 30 c annealing menyeluruh dan isotermal titik kritis bawah s u b , k ri ti s a n n e a li n g 3 0 o c 2 0 o c figure 4. annealing temperature on steel the purpose of annealing is to eliminate residual stress, reduce tensile strength, yield strength, hardness and increase the ductility of sheet metal that has undergone a cold reduction process, reduce the homogeneity of chemical composition, smooth grain size, reduce gas content in metals, this is a requirement for obtaining parameters good formability (van vlack, 1984). 2.2.2 holding time temperature holding for some time (holding time) aims to make the carbon contained in the carbide can dissolve into the austenite phase evenly and the temperature received on the surface and the inside of the steel evenly. the time needed to hold the temperature (holding time) depends on the type of steel that is given heat treatment. 2.3 spring back a. u-bending b. v-bending asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 5 in the sheet metal forming process, the plate will be pressed to produce plastic deformation, when bending is removed there will be changes in shape or deviation of the die surface used for pressure, this is because the plate has elastic properties so that some of the deformations will return a little to a certain point. deviation of shape and size due to the elasticity of this material is known as spring back, or residual elastic strain in the bending region when bending is removed which causes deviation in the shape of sheet metal to the shape of dies. springback always occurs in sheet metal forming, for that reason needs to be considered because its influence is very important for changes in shape and size in the final product produced (h. livatyali et al, 2001). springback can be observed in the bending process where the bending angle when bending is released (after spring back occurs) will be greater than the bending angle when bending is carried out on the plate, while the bending radius on the plate when bending is released (after occur spring back) is greater than when bending is done. springback not only occurs in thin plates or flat plates, but also occurs in the form of the solid shaft, wire, rod with a certain area, and the pipe. in practice spring back can be reduced by overbending, ie the bending angle is smaller than required(marciniak, 2002). the spring back angle can be defined as shown in figure 5, namely the plate's angle after the bending process the clamp's angle. δθ = θs θc where is: δθ = spring back angle θs = bending angle after spring back θc = clamp angle figure 5. plate change in the spring back prediction theory 2.4 hardenability the hardness of a material can be defined as the resistance of the material to the compressive force of other materials which is harder. the emphasis can be in the form of a scratching mechanism, reflection or indentation of hard material on a specimen surface (yuwono, 2009). 2.4.1 mikro vickers method in this test, the metal surface is first pressed with a diamond pyramid-shaped indenter which is essentially square. the magnitude of the angle between the faces of the facing pyramid is 1360 vhn vickers hardness. vickers hardness is the number of strength of the test material against loading in each cross-sectional area of the area that receives loading. where is : p = compressive load given (kg) h = long diagonal trampled (mm) θ0 = penetrator peak angle = 1360 asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 6 one of the standard tests for hardness testing is the vickers hardness test. the advantages of testing using the vickers method are (1) objects with the same stress hardness can be determined not only for soft materials but also for hard materials; (2) with a small amount of pressure the experimental material will damage less; (3) meticulous measurement of violence; (4) hardness of thin workpieces or thin surface layers can be measured by choosing a relatively small force. in this study using the micro vickers method, because to find out how much the hardness value on the surface of the test specimen results from the annealing process so that the required loading is also relatively small ranging between 10 to 1000 gf. d operation position h 1 3 6 o 136 o figure 6. schematic principle of identing with vickers method 2.5 microstructure the choice of steel raw material is determined by the alloy composition factor. the composition factor can influence the physical and mechanical properties and microstructure. the microstructure can interpret the violence and the material. microstructure analysis is one part of physical metallurgy that can analyze the microstructure of steel due to heat treatment and mechanical treatment which results in grain shape which can later improve the physical and mechanical properties of steel if a material is heated to a certain temperature. physical metallurgy is the knowledge of metallography, the constitution of the metal and its structure and its alloys are studied using an electron microscope or optical microscope. the physical and mechanical properties of a material depend on the microstructure of the material. microstructures in metals are shown by their size, shape, and orientation, the number of phases, proportions, and behavior in which they are arranged or distributed. the microstructure of the alloy depends on several factors such as the alloying element, concentration and heat treatment given. 3. research methods 3.1 research conceptual framework the study was conducted on the results of the commercial steel plate bending process by using a tensile-press test machine where the plates before bending were subjected to annealing treatment with temperature variations of 710, 820 and 9300c and holding time of 60 minutes. with cooling in the furnace allows the workpiece to experience softening because the grain structure is increasingly regular due to recrystallization. the final annealing effect on material hardness and spring back results from v-bending plates. asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 7 pengukuran dan analisa parameter yang menghasilkan springback minimum dengan kekerasan maksimum waktu tahan annealing 60 menit parameter : variasi temperatur 710, 820 dan 930 0c kebutuhan hasil bending dengan springback minimum & kekerasan maksimum pengujian : kekerasan mikro vickers bending untuk mengetahui springback foto mikro annealing process changes the microstructure and mechanical properties of the material that affects the hardness and bending results of spring back, to produce a minimum spring back with maximum hardness. 3.2 research methods the research method used in solving this problem is a research method using experimental methods. where the related variables will be applied in the experiment as a follow-up to the problem statement that has been described thoroughly. the experimental results obtained are not a final answer but as a source of data that must be processed and analyzed for proof of the hypotheses that have been made. 3.3 making specimens 3.3.1 making specimen dimension this study uses specimens made of commercial steel plates, with a size of 0.8 x 50 x 100 mm. specimen r bending50 mm 100 mm 0. 8 mm 0. 8 mm 900 72 mm 35 mm figure 8. specimen dimension 3.3.2 making punch and dies to bend the plates, dies and punches are used which are installed in a push-pull test machine. figure 7. research conceptual framework asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 8 90 0 r 80 mm 7 5 m m 40 mm 20 mm 10 mm 65 mm 115 mm 65 m m 25 mm 90 0 r 95 mm figure 9. dimension of punch and dies 3.4 testing process a. experiments in annealing with temperature variations of 710, 820 and 9300c and holding time of 60 minutes. b. experiments are bent to see the spring back. c. the bending experiment was tested hardness by using vickers. d. experiments on microstructure testing. e. data retrieval. 3.5 research design the design of this study was made based on variables that are correlated with each other, namely experiments without experiencing annealing process and experiments undergoing annealing process, then the specimen is bent to determine the angle of spring back and hardness tested. the data obtained will be designed in table form. table 1. research design temperatur anil 15 menit 710 0 c 820 0 c 930 0 c y31 y32 y33 y41 kekerasan springback struktur mikro keterangan y11 y12 y13 y21 y22 y23 y42 y43 raw materials tanpa perlakuan panas 4. research results and discussion 4.1 steel plate composition test the chemical composition of steel greatly influences steel properties such as toughness, hardness, and strength. the sample used in this study is commercial steel plates with chemical composition determined by the spark oes test method including commodity plate essers. table 2. chemical composition of steel plates 0.0004 c unsur (%) si s p mn unsur (%) ni cr mo v cu w ti sn al pb nb zr zn fe <0.0001 0.007 0.019 0.071 0.009 0.019 0.002 0.001 0.012 <0.0001 0.051 0.002 0.047 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 99.77 the results of the composition test are intended to determine the elements contained in the material. the table above shows the carbon element of 0.0004%, seen from the equilibrium diagram of the iron and carbon plates used, including the type of hypoeutectoid steel. asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 9 4.2 bending test the data of the v-bending test results are obtained from the tensile-press test equipment on the raw material plate and the annealing results. the average time of specimen suppression speed is 0.266 mm / sec. with a holding time of 1 minute. tabel 3. steel plate v-bending test results spesimen 710 0c 820 0c 930 0c raw material no area mm2 max. force n bending strengh mpa 1 2 3 4 40 62500 117187.5 40 61750 115781.25 40 61550 115406.25 40 61225 114796.88 figure 10. graph of effect of temperature variation annealing results v-bending. figure 10 shows the bending strength value of the specimen in 117187.5 mpa raw material but after being given heat treatment the bending strength is significantly reduced. at 7100c annealing temperature of bending strength 115781.25 mpa, the annealing temperature of 8200 c bending strength of 115406.25 mpa, the annealing temperature of 9300 c bending strength of 114796.88 mpa, this phenomenon is supported by the results of hardness test where the higher the annealing treatment, the less hardness is reduced. 4.3 spring back results of v-bending steel plate spring back angle measurements are carried out on each side of the specimen v-bending results by using auto cad software where the specimen is first scanned for pictures. on each side, the bent specimen is then given a point and connected to the other side to determine the spring back. in this study, each specimen made six angles then taken on average. the spring back angle comparison is 900 adjusting the dimensions of the punch and dies v-bending. table 4. springback angle results of v-bending spesimen 710 0c 820 0c 930 0c raw material no 1 2 3 4 sudut setelah bending ( ° ) 92.175 91.703 91.365 90.838 2.175 1.703 1.365 0.838 sudut springback ( ° ) sudut clamp ( ° ) 90 90 90 90 asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 10 α springback raw materials v-bending sebelum springback sesudah springback figure 11. springback graph v-bending results against the effect of annealing and raw material temperature variations from the graph above it can be seen that the raw material specimens from the v-bending result have a spring back angle value of 2.1750 or 2.4% greater than the punch and dies angle of 900. specimens that are heat-treated at 7100c have a spring back angle value of 1.7030 or decrease 0.5% towards the spring back raw angle material, as well as 1.9% greater to the punch angle and dies 900. specimens that were heat-treated at 8200c had a spring back angle value of 1.3650 or decreased 0.9% to the angle of the spring back raw material and decreased 0.4% to the spring back angle v-bending of the 7100c heat treatment specimen, and 1.5% greater to the punch and dies angle of 900. specimens that were heat-treated at 9300c had a spring back angle value of 0.8380 or decreased 1.6% to the spring back angle of raw material and decreased 0.9% to the spring back angle of v-bending of 7100c specimens, decreased by 068% to the spring back angle of vbending of 8200c specimens, and 0.9% greater towards punch angles and 900 dies. figure 11, shows the spring back angle decreases, this is due to the influence of the temperature of the heater, where the higher the heating temperature, the tenacity increases so that the plates have good formability. 4.4 steel plate hardness test results 4.4.1 pre-bending steel plate hardness test results hardness testing was carried out using the micro vickers method at a load of 50 gf with a holding time of 10 seconds with the same point distance. table 5. hardness test results on plates spesimen 710 0c 820 0c 930 0c raw materials no rata-ratakekerasan (hv) 1 2 3 4 142 128 159 143.00 132 135 139 135.33 136 131 131 132.67 111 121 128 120.00 figure 12. graph effect of annealing temperature variations on hardness in pre-bending steel plates asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 11 from the graph above it can be seen that the raw material specimen has a hardness value of 143.00 hv. specimens that were heat-treated at 7100c had a hardness value of 135.33 hv or decreased by 5.4% of the raw material. the hardness value of specimens undergoing heat treatment process up to the temperature of 8200c has a hardness value of 132.67 hv or decreased 7.2% on raw material, and decreased 1.9% on specimen 7100c. the hardness value of specimens undergoing heat treatment process at a temperature of 9300c has a hardness value of 120.00 hv or decreased 16.1% to raw material, and decreased by 11.3% to 7100c specimens and decreased 9.6% to 8200c specimens. 4.4.2 v-bending steel plate hardness test results hardness testing was carried out using the micro vickers method at a load of 50 gf with a holding time of 10 seconds with the same point distance. for the plate of bending results the vickers microhardness test is carried out on the outer bends where before the hardness test is carried out the specimen is first given a resin so that the specimen is not shaken when pressed by the indenter. table 5. v-bending plate hardness test results spesimen 710 0c v-bending 820 0c v-bending 930 0c v-bending raw materials no rata-ratakekerasan (hv) 1 2 3 4 159 171 191 173.67 180 139 145 154.67 132 140 128 133.33 108 121 147 125.33 figure 13. graphic effect of annealing temperature variations on hardness in steel plate from the graph above it can be seen that the v-bending raw material specimen has a hardness value of 173.67 hv. bending specimens that were annealed at 7100c had a hardness value of 154.67 hv or decreased by 10,940% to the raw material. the hardness value on bending specimens that experienced annealing process up to 8200c had a hardness value of 133.33 hv or decreased by 23,228% against raw material, and decreased by 13,797% against 7100c specimens. the hardness value on bending specimens that underwent annealing process up to 9300c had a hardness value of 125.33 hv or decreased by 27.8% against raw material, and decreased by 18,969% against 7100c bending specimens and decreased by 6% against 8200c bending specimens. asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 12 figure 14. graphic comparison of plate hardness and v-bending results from annealing temperature variations from the graph above it can be seen that the pre-bending raw material specimen has a hardness value of 143.00 hv. after the raw material specimen was bent the hardness increased by 173.67 hv or increased by 21.4%. bending raw material specimens are one part of cold work. as a result of cold working, the dislocation increases so that the movement of the dislocation becomes more difficult which results in the material getting stronger when the material is burdened from the outside. the hardness value in the pre-bending specimen undergoing annealing temperature of 7100c has a hardness value of 135.33 hv. at this temperature the material is heated at a recovery temperature below the recrystallization temperature then the material will undergo polygonization which is rearranging the dislocation arrangement so that it becomes regular. after the specimen is bent the hardness is 154.67 or has an increase of 14.3% due to excessive dislocation remaining in the slip plane after the material is bent. the hardness value in the pre-bending specimen undergoing annealing process up to 8200c has a hardness value of 132.67 hv. after the specimen is bent the hardness is 133.33 hv or has increased by 0.5%. the hardness value in the pre-bending specimen undergoing annealing process up to a temperature of 9300c has a hardness value of 120.00 hv. after the specimen is bent the hardness is 125.33 hv or has increased by 4.4%. for v-bending hardness, the hardness value increases significantly. this phenomenon is caused by the material undergoing plastic deformation caused by an atom shift or dislocation (defective lines in the arrangement of atoms) by shear stress. the process of becoming stronger and harder is known as the work hardening process. the greatest hardness value is at 7100c annealing temperature which is 154.67 hv or increased by 14.3% after the plate is bent. the lowest hardness value is at an annealing temperature of 9300c which is 125.33 hv or an increase of 4.4% after the plate is bent. 4.5 micro photo test result micro testing was observed under a microscope at a magnification of 400x. the area observed was the surface of each specimen. then do metallographic photo-taking with an optical microscope. metallographic testing is carried out to determine the microstructure contained in the specimen, where the results of this metallographic test are used to support the results of the vickers microhardness test. asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 13 ferrite pearlite batas butir figure 15. microstructure of raw material plates the raw material phases formed based on observations are the white ferrite (α) phase and the black pearlite phase, this shows that the raw material specimens can be heat treated because the ferrite content is still large. the microstructure of the raw material is dominated by white (bright) ferrite grains, while the pearlite phase is less (dark). ferrite grains tend to be finer while pearlite grains are coarser. pearlite grains tend to be hard because they contain carbon, whereas ferrite grains tend to be soft. also, by considering the iron and carbon equilibrium diagram, this low carbon steel is a type of hypo eutectoid steel because the percentage of carbon alloy elements does not exceed 0.8%. batas butir pearlite ferrite figure 16. microstructure on the v-bending plate material figure 16, is an image of a microstructure in a raw material specimen subjected to vbending which is photographed on the outside of the bending region, due to the applied force the granules are elongated/flat. this phenomenon is caused by the material undergoing plastic deformation due to atomic displacement or dislocation (line defects in the arrangement of atoms) by shear stresses due to cold work. batas butir pearlite ferrite figure 17. microstructure of plate with annealing 7100c temperature in figure 17, the phases formed based on observations are the white ferrite (α) phase and the black pearlite phase. heat treatment annealing with a temperature of 7100c is included below the recovery temperature or below the recrystallization temperature (7690c), the material is polygonized, which is the rearrangement of the dislocation arrangement so that the arrangement of the atoms becomes orderly due to cold working. there was a grouping in the ferrite phase and the pearlite phase in the image above and the structure was larger. crystal asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 14 structure that occurs becomes larger than the raw material, this is due to the heat treatment process. batas butir pearlite ferrite figure 18. microstructure of plate with annealing 7100c temperature v-bending result figure 18 is a microstructure image of a 7100c annealing specimen undergoing vbending, photographed on the outside of the bending region. in the v-bending process, due to the applied compressive force, the granules are elongated/flat. this phenomenon is caused by the material undergoing plastic deformation due to atomic displacement or dislocation (line defects in the arrangement of atoms) by shear stress due to cold work. in the picture above, each ferrite granule is gathered together and so is the black pearlite granules. batas butir pearlite ferrite figure 19. microstructure of plates with annealing temperature of 8200c in figure 19, the phases formed based on observations are the white ferrite (α) phase and the black pearlite phase. at this temperature the specimen includes heating at recrystallization temperature (7690c), the material has entered the austenite + pearlite phase. at this temperature of grain sizing, the new core will grow to replace the old grains and produce uniform grain growth. batas butir pearlite ferrite figure 20. microstructure of plates with annealing temperature 8200c v-bending results figure 20 is a microstructure image of an 8200c annealing specimen undergoing vbending, photographed on the outside of the bending region. in the v-bending process, the plates undergo compressive and tensile forces resulting in elongated grain structure. in the picture above you can see the ferrite granules clustered in bright white and there is a smooth growth of ferrite grains that surround the pearlite grains. this phenomenon is caused by the material undergoing plastic deformation due to atomic displacement or dislocation (line defects in the arrangement of atoms) by shear stress due to cold work. asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 15 batas butir pearlite ferrite figure 21. microstructure in annealing temperature plates 9300 c in figure 21, the phases formed based on observations are the white ferrite (α) phase and the black pearlite phase. the annealing temperature of 9300c the growth of the grains grew even greater due to the full annealing temperature. at this temperature the specimen is already at austenite temperature, the driving force for grain growth is lower than the driving force for recrystallization. grain growth will occur slowly at temperatures where recrystallization occurs easily. grain growth is highly dependent on recrystallization and soon the grain area will be reached where the grain increases very quickly. in this condition, some grains in the material will begin to grow very quickly and enlarge at the expense of other grains due to the material being heated at higher temperatures. this phenomenon is known as excessive grain growth or replacement of fine grains by coarse grains or also called secondary recrystallization. batas butir pearlite ferrite figure 22. microstructure of plates with annealing temperature of 9300 c v-bending results figure 22 is a microstructure image of a v-bending annealing specimen 9300c, photographed on the outside of the bending region. in the v-bending process, the plates at the bottom of the compressive force so that the grain structure is elongated/flat. this phenomenon is caused by the material undergoing plastic deformation due to atomic displacement or dislocation (line defects in the arrangement of atoms) by shear stress due to cold work. 5. conclusions from the results of research that have been carried out on commercial steel plates that have been subjected to heat treatment annealing with variations in temperature of 7100c, 8200c, 9300c and holding time of 60 minutes resulting in changes in spring back, hardness and microstructure of the v-bending results. 1. the heat treatment process causes a change in hardness, the higher the heat treatment temperature, the lower the hardness because the grains grow and enlarge so that the grain boundaries are reduced. for the value of v-bending hardness, the hardness increases significantly. 2. the heat treatment process also causes changes in the microstructure from the flat shape and extends to the shape of the growth of new grains that have implications for changes in mechanical properties and formability of the workpiece. 3. the heat treatment process causes the spring back angle to decrease, the higher the heat treatment temperature, the lower the spring back angle because due to the heat treatment the plates get softer so that when the plate is plastically deformed, the elasticity of the small plate results in the spring back angle being smaller. asep ruchiyat, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 1-16 16 references advanced high strength steel (ahss) application guideliness www. amanto, hari, & daryanto. 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(1995), effek variasi temperatur terhadap perubahan sifat mekanik, struktur mikro pada lembaran pelat baja karbon rendah hasil reduksi dingin. issn 0852-002 x, ppi-kim. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 633-643 633 integrated application-based digital learning technology in successful learning activities during the pandemic mahsusi1, syihaabul hudaa2, nuryani3*, ahmad bahtiar4, makyun subuki5 indonesian language and literature education, faculty of tarbiya and teacher training, uin syarif hidayatullah jakarta1,3,4,5 management, faculty of economics and business, institut teknologi dan bisnis ahmad dahlan jakarta2* received : 04 january 2023, revised: 15 february 2023, accepted : 05 march 2023 *corresponding author abstract this study aimed to look at madrasah's efforts in developing a learning system through "digital learning." this was done by examining the digital learning system implemented at man in terms of its advantages and disadvantages. the method used in this research was descriptive qualitative, with the data collection techniques employed were direct observation and interviews. meanwhile, the research location is four man in jakarta and tangerang area, including. the four madrasahs that became the research locations were man insan cendekia serpong (south tangerang), man 1 tangerang, man 4 jakarta, and man 13 jakarta. the researcher conducted interviews with school parties, namely teachers and principals. the results showed that three madrasahs have well-managed e-learning systems. in this case, they are man ic serpong, man 1 tangerang, and man 4 jakarta. the e-learning system used by each madrasah is elearning madrasah which can be accessed using the web and applications from play store. meanwhile, man 13 jakarta still needs to have its e-learning system and use standard features such as zoom, g-meet, etc. basically. madrasahs such as man ic serpong, man 4 jakarta, and man 1 tangerang have registered to utilize the digital learning platform with all the features provided. meanwhile, man 13 jakarta has yet to register, so it cannot utilize the features contained in the digital learning platform. this research implies that madrasahs have innovated well in digital learning implementation so that learning during the pandemic can run well and smoothly. this research further contributes theoretically and practically to the world of education, especially for madrasas regarded as "second-class" schools. in general, this research contributes to the development of the world of digital learning by providing a valuable platform through the various features provided. keywords: e-learning application, learning technologies, characteristics of madrasas 1. introduction madrasahs in the digital era have a big share in the world of education, especially in the implementation of islamic material. however, not all parents are aware of the current development of madrasah (afifi et al., 2022). people still consider madrasahs as educational institutions that focus on religious knowledge (barton, 2013; chusni et al., 2020). this thinking is what makes many parents send their children to general education institutions. in addition to the above problems, facilities in madrasahs also need to be a concern for the local government. researchers found that some madrasahs in indonesia were still in poor condition. damage to classroom ceilings, incomplete practical tools, and even lack of benches in the classroom are problems in madrasas (nurelisa et al., 2022). inadequate facilities make the learning atmosphere less enjoyable. furthermore, another problem arose when the pandemic hit indonesia. the conventional learning system must change. however, not all madrasas are ready to face the pandemic with a digital technology system (sintema, 2020). learning is done using whatsapp groups, while presentations using the zoom application, google meet, and others. this unintegrated system makes teachers have additional tasks in attendance. as a result, many teachers need to be more focused on teaching at school (sitaridis & kitsios, 2022). mahsusi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 633-643 634 the lack of socialization of madrasah to the community makes the curriculum in madrasah less known. this is in contrast to public schools that provide information using banners in various places (basit, 2022). public school socialization is also carried out through digital media, such as: on facebook, instagram, youtube, and other media known to the general public. through socialization in the media, public schools showed their curriculum and other advantages (de logu et al., 2022). other problems faced by madrasahs also emerged in early 2020 during the pandemic. some madrasahs are ready to face the pandemic with online learning systems (daniel, 2020; rose, 2020; ting et al., 2020). however, there are also madrasahs that are not ready to face the pandemic, so that the learning system becomes less effective. the unpreparedness of madrasahs to face the pandemic is due to their inadequate technology (chusni et al., 2020; compen et al., 2022; horsch et al., 2022). at the beginning of the pandemic, some madrasas in indonesia held learning through whatsapp groups. if examined in depth, the learning system using whatsapp groups is very ineffective (daniel, 2020; dwivedi et al., 2020; kapasia et al., 2020; mishra et al., 2020; pokhrel & chhetri, 2021; rose, 2020; ting et al., 2020). the teacher distributes materials to students, then continues with a discussion on whatsapp with students. however, not all students in the group participated in the discussion. in addition, attendance is also given in the group, so even students who do not participate can fill in their attendance. the way of learning using whatsapp groups is considered by parents as a form of school unpreparedness for the pandemic. in fact, some developed schools have even implemented a game system in an effort to minimize boredom during the pandemic (syaliman et al., 2022). the unpreparedness of schools has made parents begin to be selective in choosing a destination school for their children (araújo et al., 2020; coman et al., 2020; merchant & lurie, 2020). in fact, some selective parents do not dare to risk sending their children to schools that still do not have an elearning system (ramadhani et al., 2022). digitalization of learning in the digital era coexists with educational goals. one of the goals of education is to liberate learners in a fun way and to educate the nation (muhardi et al., 2020). this means that technology is not a problem for students and teachers to use in the classroom. however, the facts on the ground are that many students and teachers have difficulty using learning technology (alqahtani & rajkhan, 2020; araújo et al., 2020; coman et al., 2020; merchant & lurie, 2020; schneider & council, 2021; zhu & liu, 2020). in addition to student and teacher readiness factors, schools as educational facilitators need to prepare facilities and training for students and teachers (bernacki et al., 2020). training for teachers is expected to be a solution to minimize technology stuttering, so that teachers can optimize the technology used (almusharraf & khahro, 2020). in addition, the role of schools in introducing technology to students during the student orientation period is also considered important (sepulveda-escobar & morrison, 2020). the goal is that students can already use the e-learning system used in learning activities. the emergence of technology in education should be adapted in all sectors of education (kurniawan, 2022). madrasah, as one of the places of learning, needs to adjust to technological developments (alam, 2022). as the name implies, madrasah comes from the word "darasa" which means "a place of learning for students" (garcía-morales et al., 2021; nguyen et al., 2020). as a place of learning, madrasas also have distinctive characteristics compared to other public schools. one of them is the implementation of islamic values and religious moderation. this characteristic can be a differentiator and attraction for parents to send their children to madrasah. therefore, madrasahs are also required to keep up with the times and digital technology to accommodate the needs of students in participating in learning activities (englund et al., 2017). in addition, the curriculum in madrasas must also be adjusted to mbkm. the goal is for students to have knowledge and experience in applying the knowledge gained. some of the technological developments needed by madrasahs to be able to compete with public schools are e-learning applications, interesting teaching materials, integrated assessment systems, and kbm outcomes (calhoun et al., 2020; iyengar et al., 2020). with a well-coordinated system, students and teachers can work together to optimize the kbm. through this synergy, the expected learning outcomes can be achieved well. mahsusi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 633-643 635 madrasahs as islamic-based education providers need to innovate in learning activities. for example as conventional schools do by implementing general knowledge that is integrated to the material presented. madrasahs can also innovate the existing materials by providing their own characteristics, namely the implementation of islamic and religious moderation. in learning indonesian in madrasah, a teacher can insert material that has religiosity value in it. the religiosity material can be included in short stories, novels, poetry, or other texts. in addition, materials that have religious moderation values can also be included in fiction stories created by teachers or use other materials that are already available in a literary work (fahri & zainuri, 2019). innovations made in madrasahs are expected to be able to accommodate the problems of the current era. problems that are often faced in madrasahs in the digital era are the too long materials, monotonous learning methods, and unpreparedness for the pandemic (maqsood et al., 2021). then, from these problems comes learner boredom in participating in learning activities. the impact is not achieving the expected graduation standardization. in addition to the various problems above, madrasahs also need to show their superiority in other scientific fields. for example, such as the achievements shown by public schools that won the osn 2022. however, this does not mean that madrasahs do not have achievements. in indonesia, there are several excellent madrasahs that have good governance competencies, such as man insan cendekia serpong, man insan cendekia gorontalo, man 2 malang, and other mans in indonesia. these mans are categorized as madrasahs that have been able to compete with other public schools. in fact, even for the international standard school category, the man has been able to compete with its various achievements. in addition, the boarding management in the school does not only provide academic achievement, but also builds the characteristics of students in accordance with the standardization of the curriculum in madrasah. some research projects related to the readiness of madrasahs in facing online learning has been conducted previously (nur & mariyah, 2022) with the title "analysis of madrasah readiness in implementing online learning during the covid-19 pandemic in madrasah ibtida'iyah se-kota tanjung pinang". the results of the research conducted by nur and mariyah found that madrasahs in tanjung pinang were able to implement online learning well, but unfortunately teachers were unable to control students due to distance learning. in this case, the technology still relied on the standard applications and did not have its own online system. other studies were also conducted (hidma et al., 2022); (shavira et al., 2022); (deliani, 2022); dan (afifah et al., 2022) using student active learning approach in the classroom. the research conducted is included in the descriptive qualitative type using classroom action research. the results obtained in their research are that madrasahs have readiness in online digital era learning activities. however, the system used is still using the existing systems, such as: google classroom, google meet, and other applications. furthermore, various problems were also found in the implementation of learning (hidma et al., 2022); (shavira et al., 2022); (deliani, 2022); and (afifah et al., 2022). in this case, the problems are that there are some students who are constrained by facilities (do not have laptops/computers), teachers who are unable to adapt to create materials, and the difficulty of networks in the regions. in addition, the limitations of controlling students in the classroom are also a problem that must be faced. the difference between the research conducted by the researcher and various previous studies is that the current researcher examined the digital era learning system used by man insan cendekia serpong, man 1 tangerang, man 4 jakarta, and man 13 jakarta. the selection of schools in jakarta aimed to compare whether the learning technology used is the same or different from other schools. in addition, researchers also conducted direct data collection and school webbased literature studies. the purpose of writing this article was to examine the e-learning system owned by man insan cendekia serpong, man 1 tangerang, man 4 jakarta, and man 13 jakarta. the researcher also tried to examine the readiness of the research destination school in facing the digital era. in addition, the e-learning application used was also examined in order to find the advantages and disadvantages that may be owned. mahsusi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 633-643 636 2. research methods this research belongs to the descriptive qualitative type using a direct action approach. the first step taken by the researcher was selecting the destination school. then, after getting the destination school, the researcher made a letter to visit the destination school. after obtaining permission, the researcher interacted with the school to find out the e-learning system used. furthermore, the data sources in this study were obtained through interviews and literature studies through the school's web. then, the data that have been collected were examined based on its usefulness in learning activities. in this case, the researcher tried to find the advantages and disadvantages of the e-learning system used by man insan cendekia serpong, man 1 tangerang, man 4 jakarta, and man 13 jakarta. this research was carried out for three months (may-july 2022), where the data review process took 2 weeks. the research results are presented descriptively using in-depth text. by conducting descriptive qualitative analysis, researchers could explore research results objectively (emzir, 2017; moleong, 2017). the results of the research review are expected to be a consideration for stakeholders to improve. 3. results and discussions practices in learning activities do not only occur in universities, but are enforced since learners are in madrasah aliyah (ma). students begin to be accustomed to conducting research and explaining the results of research using articles or papers. however, since the pandemic hit the world, the learning system has changed. therefore, the e-learning system and learning methods have become important factors supporting successful learning. the current researcher chose man insan cendekia serpong, man 1 tangerang, man 4 jakarta, and man 13 jakarta as the object of this research. the selection of this school is due to its excellent achievement in education. e-learning system researchers found that the system used by madrasahs in indonesia, currently follows the program developed by the ministry of religious affairs under the name "e-learning madrasah". the results of the search through the system found that man 13 jakarta did not have an integrated system on the e-learning madrasah website. fig. 1. e-learning madrasah mahsusi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 633-643 637 the madrasah e-learning system managed by the ministry of religious affairs has several excellent features that can optimize the learning activities. these features are categorized as very good, because they are able to accommodate the needs of teachers and learners. fig. 2. features in madrasah e-learning there are ten features in madrasah e-learning that accommodate the needs of teachers and learners. the ten of features or points above have been well organized in learning management system. the following is a brief explanation of the features by the researcher. a. whatsapp blast feature whatsapp blast feature is one of the features in e-learning madrasah. this features can be used to send messages to students, parents, or other teachers. this feature will make it easier for information to be spread to several parties. b. optional drive/local storage optional drive/local storage is a feature that allows teachers to store teaching materials on a drive or on local storage. in this case, if the local storage is chosen, then the file will be stored automatically on the personal computer. this feature makes it easier for teachers to save all the teaching materials they need and reopen them when needed. c. separate drive with local storage this feature is basically made to separate classes or teaching years in madrasah. it means, teaching materials and classes will be properly segregated for each academic year. the separation of folders can ease the uploading time of files with a large enough capacity. d. exam force stop force stop exam feature is one of the important features in learning activities. teachers can set the exam time as determined by the teacher. if there are students who are late for the exam, the teacher can stop the exam when the exam time has been determined. e. teacher presence feature the teacher presence feature in e-learning madrasah 4.5.1 has been updated by being able to see where the teacher's performance is carried out from. whether the teaching and learning is carried out from home, school, or other places. by utilizing this feature, each learning activity becomes more integrated and flexible. f. recap improvement in madrasah head/admin account e-learning madrasah 4.5.1 feature has made it easier for the principal/admin to see teacher performance. the previous feature did not have a recap that could recap the teacher madrasah e-learning question template improvement teaching materials in the form of videos and other documents convert data from teachers account to be excel/pdf whatsapp blast optional drive/local storage separate drive with local storage exam force stop teacher presence featur recapitulation improvement in madrasah head account/admin improvement copy class featur mahsusi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 633-643 638 performance daily or monthly. however, in the latest feature update, teacher teaching activity recap can be done. g. improvement copy class feature this feature allows migrating cbt-based exams properly. in the previous version, this feature was still missing, so teachers needed to create classes from scratch. the latest version now makes it easier for teachers to make improvements. h. question template teachers can create exam questions using templates that have been prepared. the provision of templates aims to homogenize exam questions with other teachers. teachers can also import files directly from their respective computer devices in excel or pdf format. i. improvement of teaching materials in the form of videos and other materials teachers can upload teaching materials in the form of videos or other formats into the madrasah e-learning. in addition, the teacher can preview the uploaded videos before being distributed to students. thus, the videos distributed to students are appropriate j. convert data from teacher account to excel/pdf this feature makes it easier for teachers to record the teaching that has been done in excel/pdf format. this conversion certainly makes it easier for teachers to administer teaching activities that have been carried out previously. the results of the recording can be listened to again as evaluation material both by the teacher personally and by the school in general. advantages of madrasah e-learning fig. 3. e-learning features in devices the mobile version of the madrasah e-learning feature is very convenient to view. besides being comfortable, this feature is able to accommodate all the needs of teachers. for example, if you want to check your class assignment, you can check the class assignment feature on the madrasah e-learning page. teachers can choose the class they want to check, then just click on the destination class, and can immediately find the assignment in it. mahsusi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 633-643 639 fig. 4. features in the student classroom another feature that can support direct two-way learning is the video conference feature. unlike some other school systems that only store links, the video conference system on the elearning madrasah website has advantages. one of the advantages is that this system has been managed directly by e-learning madrasah. in fact, its capabilities are like zoom meeting that is used in general. in addition to live broadcasting other needs such as: lesson plans, learning kkm, teaching materials, attendance, assignments, and exams are also done through this system. the display for teachers through e-learning madrasah is also very good. teachers can check the academic calendar and check the classrooms they teach. the goal is that teachers do not forget about the classes they teach and the agenda for one semester. then, this e-learning madrasah application also allows teachers to communicate with other teachers through the elearning madrasah program in the "teacher chatting" column. if there are teachers who are confused about the system function, they can access the video tutorial. fig. 5. teacher e-learning features in the madrasah e-learning feature, teachers can see their daily performance through the system. in addition, this system basically shows excellent transparency. this means that no one feels disadvantaged later. in addition, through this transparency system, the ministry of religious affairs is trying to build discipline between students and teachers. not just students, but also teachers who teach must apply discipline in their learning activities. mahsusi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 633-643 640 in accordance with the indicators of good online learning, that the online learning system must be able to accommodate the needs of learners and teachers, not burdensome in administration, the e-learning madrasah is in accordance with these standardizations (afifah et al., 2022); (deliani, 2022); (nur & mariyah, 2022); (zhafira & chairiyaton, 2020). thus, the elearning madrasah system can be said to be perfect for use at this time. currently, several madrasahs have implemented digital learning well. as explained in the results of this study, man ic serpong, man 1 tangerang, and man 4 jakarta have used an integrated digital learning system. the system used is a system that has been provided by the ministry of religion as a form of support for digitizing learning. the application was even designed long before the pandemic hit indonesia. this means that the ministry of religion has made efforts to encourage and support the progress of madrasas so that they can be competitive with other superior schools. several previous studies conducted on madrasas concluded that madrasas are educational institutions that are a little behind. in addition, madrasas are also considered second-choice educational institutions. however, with this research, the assumptions in the previous research are no longer valid. at least, currently, madrasas have moved forward and developed to be able to compete with other leading schools. 5. conclusion based on the research conducted by the researcher, it is concluded that man ic serpong, man 1 tangerang, and man 4 jakarta have used e-learning madrasah as recommended by the ministry of religious affairs. however, man 13 jakarta still uses other common learning systems. some of the systems used such as: g-class, g-meet, zoom, quizizz, and g-drive. to support the success of learning, man 13 uses zoom to conduct conferences with its students. man ic, man 1 tangerang, and man 4 jakarta already use e-learning madrasah managed by the ministry of religious affairs. this application is a very good application because it accommodates the needs of teachers and learners. teachers are not burdened with the existing administrative system, students also find it easy to follow learning activities through e-learning madrasah. in addition, this system is also transparent in managing attendance, assessment, assignments, etc., thus making the quality of trust between students, teachers, and madrasah run 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navarro et al., 2021; dong et al., 2021). management information system (mis) is an information system that in addition to carrying out all transaction management required by the organization, also provides information and processing support within the framework of operational management functions and decision-making processes (huy & hang, 2021; yuesti et al., 2022). the benefits of all these developments can only be felt if they are supported by competent human resources. because the use of computers and information technology in our lives is very widespread in society, the application of computer-based management information systems is an absolute necessity, and can provide a competitive advantage (sutabri, 2016; takain & katmini, 2021; triantafyllou, 2022). the management information system provides convenience and streamlines complicated matters for agency needs so that the application of management information systems in work processes such as data management and so on has been digitized. government regulation of the republic of indonesia number 23 year(2005) regarding public service agency (blu) financial management, it is necessary to regulate remuneration. to improve the quality of service to the community, the quality of employee performance and the efficiency of budget use, unm imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 415-428 416 requires professional, qualified and committed human resources and needs to be provided with proper and fair welfare. public service agency, hereinafter referred to as blu, is an agency within the government that is formed to provide services to the community in the form of supplying goods and/or services that are sold without prioritizing profit and in carrying out its activities based on the principles of efficiency and productivity. remuneration according to ruky (ruky, 2006), explains that compensation has a broader scope than wages or salaries. usually this is given directly by the company/agency to its employees or employees for the work performance that has been done. official letter is a written communication tool that is used to convey information about officialdom, made by officials of organizations or government agencies (alpiyasin, 2016). based on the results of the researcher's interview with mr. syahid nur wahid, s.pd., m.pd. who is the admin of the remuneration system at upt information and communication technology, makassar state university on wednesday 25 august 2021, revealed that the availability of the remuneration system feature is used by employees to upload their respective business letters to the system. as for official letters that are inputted are assignment letters or decrees made directly by unm, not for official letters issued from other institutions or agencies, which are then converted into allowance performance points. problems with inputting official letter documents which are still carried out individually by each employee in each unit make many official letter documents that need to be managed simultaneously. this causes the document inspection process to be ineffective and inefficient in terms of time. there is also the potential for data validation from the same official letter document to be carried out repeatedly, which can then result in the processing of performance points recapitulation data being irregular and at risk of causing human error. 2. research methods the type of research used is research and development (r&d) or research and development that produces a particular product, and tests the effectiveness of the product. the stages of research and development (r & d) by adopting the waterfall model are: (1) analyzing needs, (2) design, (3) doing coding, (4) testing, (5) maintenance. the model used in making official letter management systems is the waterfall development model. because the waterfall development model is one of several development models that are currently being popularly used. this model can also be easily applied to various information systems. and also this development model procedure can systematically meet the needs in the development of this system. the waterfall development model can be seen in the image below: fig. 1. waterfall model development procedure source. (pressman, 2010) this research was carried out at upt information and communication technology, universitas negeri makasar, especially in the remuneration section. the research will be conducted in july 2022 – october 2022. the research subjects that are the focus of this research process are 2 lecturers as system expert validators, 2 lecturers as content/material expert validators and 40 education staff and educato rs (lecturers) as a respondent or system user. research data collection techniques were carried out using 4 techniques consisting of interviews, questionnaires or questionnaires and documentation, questionnaires needs analysis design coding testing maintenance imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 415-428 417 or questionnaires, and documentation. then the process of distributing questionnaires or questionnaires was carried out both offline and online with the data analysis techniques used were descriptive qualitative and quantitative. questionnaire sheets or questionnaires are validated by instrument experts, there are 3 instruments that will be used, namely instruments for content/material experts, system experts (functionality), and respondents (usability). assessment for instrument validation uses a likert scale. the assessment given will be processed using the average formula according to the following: information: x̄ = average count xi = the value of the i-th sample n = number of samples from the results of the instrument validation carried out, the values are entered into the following intervals: table 1 instrument validation interval interval information 4,5 ≤ m ≤ 5 very valid 3,5 ≤ m ≤ 4,4 valid 2,5 ≤ m ≤ 3,4 quite valid 1,5 ≤ m ≤ 2,4 less valid m ≤ 1,5 invalid (source: karmila, 2019) then the assessment for content / material validation uses a likert scale. the assessment given will be processed using the percentage formula as follows: then the assessment for validation from the results of the content/material validation carried out, the percentages are categorized based on the following achievement levels:/material using a likert scale. the assessment given will be processed using the percentage formula as follows: table 2 content validation achievement rate achievement level (%) category 81% – 100% very worth it 61% – 80% worthy 41% – 60% decent enough 21% – 40% not wort it 0% – 20% very unworthy source: (riduwan, 2013) quality testing of the management system uses the iso/iec 25010 standard which consists of 8 (eight) test characteristics including: 1. functional suitability testing was carried out by 2 expert validators in the field of web applications. testing is carried out to see the validity of the system which includes admin interfaces, inputs, assessors and validators. the scale of measurement uses a likert scale. the assessment given will be processed using a percentage formula. from the results of the functional suitability testing, the percentages are categorized based on the following scores: table 3 functionality percentage score category 0% 20% very unworthy 21% 40% not wort it 41% 60% decent enough 61% 80% worthy 81% 100% very worthy it source (ristanto et al., 2020) imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 415-428 418 2. performance efficiency testing using the gtmetrix software is used to determine the performance score, the higher the score, the better the performance quality. performance assessment categories can be seen in the table below: table 4 performance percentage grade/score category a 90%-100% very good b 80% -89 % good c 70% 79% enough d 69% not enough source (sari, 2016) the obtained response time results were compared with the jakob nielsen standard. if the system has a response time of under 10 seconds then the system can be declared to meet the characteristics of efficiency. the standard of success is seen based on: table 5 jakob nielsen standard response time user view < 0,1 second users feel a very fast response from the web < 1,0 second the user feels a pause but he is still focused on the web < 10 second user attention to the web will decrease sharply > 10 second most likely the user will switch from the web source (tribowo et al., 2015) 3. usability the user will provide a feasibility assessment based on a questionnaire given using a likert scale. from the processed questionnaire data, it can be determined how feasible the software is to use. the usability percentage calculation is as follows: table 6 usability percentage percentage value category 81% 100% very good 61% 80% good 41% 60% enough 21% 40% not enough 0% 20% very good source (jayanto, 2017) 4. security the security used in the official letter management system is assessed based on the acunetix web vulnerability scanner test. system security indicators. table 7. security test indicator value category information 1 there is 1 security hole at high level very bad 2 there is 1 security hole at medium level, but no security holes at high level bad 3 there is 1 security hole at low level, but there is no security hole at medium level and high level enough 4 there is 1 security hole at the information level, but there are no security holes at the medium level, high level and low level good 5 there are no security holes very good source (alamsyah, 2019) 5. reliability reliability testing is carried out to test the reliability or trustworthiness of the system. reliability testing will be tested later using the webserver stress tools software by testing system performance while it is working. the percentage results are compared with the standard reliability test from the telcordia standard. according to asthana and oliviera (2009) said that the test results are said to meet the reliability aspect if the percentage of successful software reliability is 0.95 or 95%. 6. maintainability maintainability testing was carried out by researchers to determine the quality of maintenance imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 415-428 419 on the system as measured using standard land metrics. if the tested web passes for all aspects of the instrument, the web can be declared to meet the maintainability characteristic test. the standard of success is seen based on: table 8 land testing standards value test result instrumentation when an error is made by the user, the system will issue a warning to identify the error consistency the design form of the data processing system has the same form. this can be seen in the system implementation section simplicity easy to manage, repair and expand. this can be seen in the stages of the process of writing program code source (land, 2002) 7. compatibility the compatibility testing aspect aims to test the system's ability to interact with other components simultaneously, to find out the efficiency of the functions required when sharing resources. the data analysis technique used in the aspect of compatibility with the formula below: information: pk = eligibility percentage after obtaining the percentage results, then they are categorized in the compatibility feasibility table. table 9 compatibility eligibility percentage percentage category 0 % 20 % very unworthy 21 % 40 % not wort it 41 % 60 % decent enough 61 % 80 % worthy 81 % 100 % very worthy it source (jayanto, 2017) 8. portability the system developed uses portability testing to determine the ability of the software to carry out system functions using different web browsers that are frequently used. indicator portability using gutman scale. table 10 portability testing success indicators category information websites cannot adapt to all different environments. very bad websites cannot adapt to 1 of all different environments. bad websites cannot adapt to 2 of all different environments. enough the website can't adapt to 3 of all the different environments. good websites can adapt in all different environments very good (source: alamsyah, 2019) 3. result and discussion result the results of this study are in the form of an official letter management system as a support system for calculating remuneration performance point recapitulation at universitas negeri makasar. the system is created using the programming languages php, html, css, and java script with the help of visual studio code software and the laravel 8 framework. the development of this system aims to manage official letters within the scope of unm equipped with various features that can make it easier for remuneration admins to manage data point needs the performance of employee benefits for education staff and educators no longer needs to upload official letter files individually, because each unit will carry out these activities. then the system development uses the waterfall model with the following results: 1. analyze needs the preliminary study was carried out by researchers to analyze the needs needed before imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 415-428 420 carrying out system development through interviews and direct observation at upt information and communication technology, makassar state university. interviews were conducted with the universitas negeri makasar remuneration admin using interview guidelines. the official letter management system format that will be developed, according to the results of identifying university needs, is broadly described as follows: a. the remuneration admin and the unm information and communication technology upt claim that the official letter feature in the remuneration system is less effective and efficient in managing official letters. b. the remuneration admin and the unm information and communication technology upt consider that the official letter feature should be developed into a separate system so that it can facilitate input in official letter management and validators validating official letter. c. unm information and communication technology upt prepares the required data such as: employee data, unit data, rubric data, position data and period data. the data is in the form of an application programming interface (api) in json format, then later stored in the official mail management system database so as not to burden the database server. d. access levels consist of admin, input, validator and employee. e. the data entered by users who want to access are in the form of usernames and passwords, where education staff use nip and educators (lecturers) use nidn as username. f. admin can access all features on the system such as dashboard, unit management, data management, official letter management. g. inputters can access the dashboard, official letter menu and official letter membership menu. h. the validator can access the dashboard, official letter approval menu, official letter member assessment menu and official letter membership menu. i. employees can access the official letter membership dashboard and menu. 2. do the design design is done by making several designs, namely: database design and process design. at the design stage the database consists of several uml, namely: 1) context diagram (dfd level 0) a diagram that describes the overall system design and establishes the context and flow of admin, input, validator and employee role boundaries, 2) dfd level 1 is a continuation of context diagram or dfd level 0 which explains the system process in more detail and complete because the main process has been decomposed into several sub-processes, 3) dfd level 2 is a continuation of dfd level 1 which explains the system process in more detail and complete because the sub processes have been broken down into many sub-processes, 4) erd, data model in the form of graphical notation in a conceptual data model that describes the relationship between tables in the official letter management system such as the user table with the decision letter table, the assignment letter table with the assignment letter member table, 5) structure the table represents the field name, data type and field description in the form of a primary key or foreign to y each table in the official letter management system database. the next stage is the process design consisting of several uml, namely: 1) system architecture consists of a set of connected models that describe the basic nature of the system starting from a server that already has a public ip so that it can be accessed online by admins, inputters, validators and employees, 2 ) use case interaction relationship and describes the type of interaction between system users and the system such as admin can access all available menus, input can access official letter menu to add official letter data, validator can access approval menu to validate official letter and can access member assessment menu to assess the performance of members against the goals underlying the decision letter or assignment letter made, employees can access the official letter membership menu to monitor the progress of their performance points, 3) activity diagram a visual workflow form that contains activities and actions, which can also contain selection, repetition, and concurrency of each lev existing el user, 4) sequence diagram used to explain and show in detail the interactions between objects in a system such as user login and enter the wrong username or password the system will check data from the database because the data i s missing or wrong then the system will return error messages on the user interface, 5) flowchart diagram showing the steps and decisions to execute a process of a program. each step is represented as a diagram and connected by a line or arrow as the admin starts by logging in to enter the username imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 415-428 421 and password, when the wrong one is entered it will return to the previous stage, namely re-entering the username and password, after that it is multiplied to the dashboard page, the admin can also switch pages by selecting another available page on the menu tab, the admin can also log out then the program is complete. 3. coding the system coding stage is the realization of the agreed process design and translated into a programming language. the programming languages used are html, php css and javascript. the system coding results can be accessed on the unm suratdinas sub-domain with the link and preview as follows: a. login page fig. 2. login page b. admin dashboard page fig. 3. admin dashboard page c. employee dashboard page fig. 4. employee dashboard page 4. testing testing was carried out through the stages of instrument testing, content validation and system validation using iso/iec 25010 so that in this study 10 aspects of testing were used, along with the test results: imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 415-428 422 a. instrument testing instrument testing is divided into 3, namely: media/system instrument testing (functional suitability iso 25010), material/content instruments and respondent instruments (usability iso 25010). instrument testing was carried out by instrument expert validators consisting of lecturers from the department of informatics and computer engineering unm, there were 3 aspects tested on the instrument, namely: aspects of instructions, aspects of content and aspects of language, totaling 8 questions from each instrument tested. the following instrument items have 5 rating scales or ratings using rating scales. here are the results. table 11. result instrument testing instrument score means category functionality 36 4,5 very valid content 36 4,5 very valid usability 36 4,5 very valid validation interval the three instruments above have been validated by an expert instrument validator. so based on the results of processing the instrument validation data, it can be concluded from the results of the instrument testing in table 11 included in the instrument validation interval, it was found that the instruments used were in the 4.5 rating category with the description "very valid". b. material/content testing content testing on the official letter management system is carried out using a likert scale assessment. there were 15 questions on the material/content instrument which were filled out by content expert validators from lecturers from the department of informatics and computer engineering as well as programming division staff of upt information technology and communication unm. the statements were assessed with the choices of strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, and strongly disagree. the choice is a criterion for each item in the instrument statement. here are the results. table 12 result content testing score score max. percentage category 73 75 97% very worth it achievement level (%) content validation that has been validated or rated by content expert validators. the percentage of the two validators obtained an average score of 74 with a feasibility percentage of 97%. so based on the results of processing the content validation data, it can be concluded from the results of the content testing in table 12 included in the content validation interval, it was found that the instrument used was at an achievement level of 97% with the achievement category "very feasible". c. system testing using iso/iec 2501 1) functional suitability functional suitability testing is carried out by involving two experts or validators who are experienced in the field of information systems. experts test the system directly by trying all the functions and features of the system in it. next, fill in the test results based on the instruments that have been made by the researcher, the assessment instrument uses a likert scale. the results of the functional suitability testing data are as follows: table 13 result functional suitability testing score score max. level percentage category 344 355 96% very worth it achievement level (%) based on the results in table 13, it can be seen that the average for each assessment is: imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 415-428 423 system validation of functional suitability aspects that have been validated or assessed by system expert validators. the percentage of the two validators in the functional suitability test obtained an average score of 96 through the functionality percentage formula, namely the score obtained per maximum score multiplied by 100 percent. so based on the results of the functional suitability testing data, it can be concluded from the results of the functional suitability testing in table 13 then entered into the functionality percentage, it is obtained that the functional suitability of the official letter management system used is at an achievement level of 96% with the "very feasible" category. 2) performance efficiency performance efficiency testing uses the gtmetrix software to determine the performance efficiency score or the efficiency level of the performance of the application being developed. the results of performance efficiency test data using gtmetrix are as follows: fig. 5. result performance efficiency testing the data from the performance efficiency test is 83%, the structure is 77%, the load time is 1.9 seconds with the performance rating b. the web can be said to be good if the load time is less than 10 seconds. so based on the results of performance efficiency testing, it can be concluded in figure 5 that then put into the percentage of performance, the performance efficiency of the official letter management system used is grade b 83% with the criteria "good". 3) usability usability testing was carried out using online and offline questionnaires which were filled out by 40 education staff and educators (lecturers) at universitas negeri makasar. this is done because usability testing aims to see the extent to which system users can interact effectively and see the level of user satisfaction in using the system, so that respondents are taken from people who will use the system created. here are the test results: table 14 usability testing data analysis score score max percentage category 2687 3000 90% very good source (data processed, 2022) validation of the usability aspect system that has been validated or assessed by unm employees totaling 40 people, namely educational staff and educators. the results of the imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 415-428 424 questionnaire from 40 respondents in the usability test obtained an average score of 67 or if it is calculated using the usability percentage formula, namely the score obtained per maximum score multiplied by 100 percent, the result is 90%. so based on the results of the usability testing data, it can be concluded in table 14 that it is then entered into the usability percentage, the results of the usability testing of the official letter management system used are at a percentage of 90% in the "very good" category. 4) security security testing on the official letter management system uses the acunetix web vulnerability scanner application. the level of security vulnerability of the official letter management system based on the results of security testing is in the low category, namely level 1, then it is included in the security testing indicator criteria. below are the results of the security test. fig. 6. result security testing 5) reliability one of the reliability tests carried out on information systems is by using the stress testing method, where stress testing is a test that determines the robustness of a software by testing it outside the limits of normal use. the main goal in conducting this test is to force a program to crash and find out how the program can work again as soon as possible, crashes can be caused by many access requests from many users at the same time. stress testing in this test uses the webserver stress tool software, which has three aspects of the test, namely the click test, time test and ramp test. table 15 reliability test test type percentage of error per url percentage of success per url click test 0% 100% time test 0% 100% ramp test 0% 100% means 0% 100% based on the results of the reliability test in table 15, it can be concluded that the percentage of success from the reliability test using the click test, time test and ramp test is 100% acceptable, because it meets telcordia standards, namely a minimum success of 95%. 6) maintainability testing on the maintainability aspect uses measurements tested by researchers directly in the field operationally, in accordance with the test instruments mentioned by land (land, 2002), this test includes 3 aspects, namely instrumentation, consistency and simplicity. the results of the maintainability test can be seen in the image below. if an input error occurs or is used by the user, the system will automatically provide a warning message. table 16 analysis of maintainability test results testing result of testing instrumentation when an error is made by the user, the system will issue a warning to be able to identify the error. consistency the design form of the data processing system has a similar form. this can be seen in the implementation section of the system page. imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 415-428 425 simplicity easy to manage, repair, and expandable too. this can be seen in the stages of the process of writing program code. because the system is created by utilizing php and css frameworks in the form of laravel and bootstrap on the model view controller (mvc) framework to build dynamic websites using the php, html, css and javascript programming languages. if you want to add system functions, the developer only needs to create a new controller without having to make any changes to the appearance of other system components. from the results of the operational test for the maintainability aspect as shown in table 16 above, the results of the test for the maintainability aspect can be said to meet maintainability standards. 7) compatibility compatibility testing aims to check the ability of the developed system to run on different hardware, operating systems, applications, and network environments. compatibility testing uses software, namely sortsite tools. fig. 7. result of compatibility the results of testing the system with compatibility aspects using the sortsite tools software show that the system on ie, edge, firefox, safari, opera, chrome, ios, and android browsers has critical issues, major issues, and minor issues (minor problems) are not found or the 100% test results can be used in browsers or other devices so that if you look at the feasibility percentage of compatibility with the test results in figure 7, it can be stated that the system meets the compatibility test with a percentage of 100% with the interpretation "very eligible". 8) portability testing the portability of this system uses the help of a web testing tool, namely, namely testing is carried out by cross browser testing or checking the system using various browsers on desktop and ios mobile. portability test results can be seen in table 17. table 17 result of portability testing browser operating system results score score max. google chrome windows 11 succeed 100 100 mozilla firefox windows 11 succeed 100 100 google chrome windows 7 succeed 100 100 mozilla firefox windows 7 succeed 100 100 google chrome macos succeed 100 100 safari macos succeed 100 100 samsung internet android 12 succeed 100 100 safari ios 16.0 succeed 100 100 google chrome android 12 succeed 100 100 safari ipados 15.5 succeed 100 100 google chrome android 13 succeed 100 100 menas succeed 100 100 achievment value (%) 100% based on table 17 above, it is obtained that the portability test achievement level is 100% and imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 415-428 426 then it is included in the portability test success indicator. the portability test results obtained for the official letter management system used are in the criteria "website can adapt in all different environments" with the description "very good ”. 9) maintenance the process of maintaining the system occurs after socialization is held with the aim of presenting the system that has been developed to those responsible for remuneration covering the head of the finance and general affairs bureau, sub-coordinator of education personnel and staff of the upt ict programming division. so that the system is directed to make improvements or changes with the following requests: a. access assessing is done by the validator by looking at evidence of activity. b. employees must confirm that they are actually participating in an activity by sending evidence of activities in the form of files or photos as one of the validators' assessments. c. the new feature is that notifications for each employee are added to official letters d. the inputter cannot add more members if it has been approved by one of the validators. e. an official letter can be declared accepted if the letter has been approved by 2 or 3 validators. discussion the official letter management system in this study is a system designed to provide convenience in recapitulating employee benefits performance points. this office mail management system is designed using the html, css, javascript programming languages as the frontend, the php backend and the mysql database using the css framework, namely bootstrap and the php framework, namely laravel 8. this system was developed using the waterfall development model. the stages of developing the waterfall model are needs analysis, designing, coding, system testing and maintenance. the development process begins with analyzing needs by conducting interviews directly with the remuneration admin with some directions from the head of the upt ict and the sub-coordinator of education personnel at pinisi unm. interviews were conducted using an interview guide which contained information on the current condition of the system, opinions on whether to build from a feature into a separate system in order to facilitate the process of recapitulating employee benefit performance points in unm remuneration. after the interviews were carried out, dfd, erd, table structures, system architecture, use cases, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, flowcharts and interfaces were made. a diagram that describes the system that will be developed based on the system architecture, then developed into a management system display in accordance with the system workflow (he et al., 2021). the official letter management system testing is carried out using the iso/iec 25010 standard as a reference for testing. iso 25010 defines eight characteristics, namely functional suitability, performance efficiency, usability, security, reliability, maintainability, compatibility and portability. the results of software quality testing in terms of functionality as seen in the table of functional testing results and it can be concluded that the service letter management system is acceptable in terms of its function. capabilities related to the use of software, ease of using the functions provided, ease of learning the system and satisfaction in using the official letter management system. and the results of the functional suitability test are at an achievement level of 96% in the "very feasible" category. testing the performance efficiency of the service letter management system is carried out online. this test is intended to see the level of efficiency of the application being tested. there are several tools used for this test, namely page speed, fully loaded time and serve scaled images which contain tools whose function is to analyze web pages and investigate things that cause page loads to slow down based on fully loaded time tools to increase website performance. the efficiency test shows that the results obtained are 83% for performance at level b with "good" criteria, 77% for structure and 1.9 seconds for fully loaded time. the web is said to be good if the load time is at least less than 10 seconds. usability testing using a questionnaire given to users, based on the calculation results obtained an average of 67 with a percentage of 90% which is included in the "very good" category can be seen in the table of usability test results, the likert scale score range and its interpretation shows that the service letter management system can accepted by users (al-maroof et imran et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 415-428 427 al., 2022). security testing on the official mail management system using the acunetix web vulnerability scanner version 14, it can be concluded that the system already has a level 1 security level or a low category gets a value of 3 with the description "enough". this states that the error rate in setting the html code can allow brute force attacks to occur, namely the technique of entering random usernames and passwords. testing the reliability of the service letter management system is carried out using the stress testing method. stress testing is a software testing method that determines the robustness of a software by testing it outside the limits of normal use. stress testing can be tested using a webserver testing tool called the webserver stress tool, which has a 100% success ratio in the official mail management system. so that from these results the test on the reliability aspect has fulfilled. the maintainability test on the service mail management system is tested directly, if there is an input error made by the user, the system will automatically give an error warning message, the test results show that the system is easy to repair and develop, because it is made using a model-view based php framework -controller (mcv). if you want to add functionality, the developer only needs to create a new controller without changing other system components. when errors are found in system functions, errors can be traced to the problematic part of the module/controller component. for example, if the data storage function does not work properly, the developer only needs to look for errors in the data storage module component alone. in testing the compatibility aspect is the aspect that tests the application or system how far it can adapt to other platforms. this test was carried out to show that the official mail management system continues to function properly on various types of browsers, both desktop and mobile versions. in portability testing using help from browserstack. based on the results of the official mail management system research after validation and testing using iso/iec 25010 in terms of functional suitability, performance efficiency, usability, security, reliability, maintainability, compatibility and portability, it can be concluded that the official mail management system can use and applied to makassar state university remuneration. as for the results of system maintenance carried out on request, namely access to conducting an assessment by the validator by looking at evidence of activity, employees must confirm that they are actually participating in an activity by sending evidence of activity in the form of files or photos as one of the validators' assessments, a new feature, namely notifications for each employee added to the official letter. the inputter cannot add more members if it has been approved by one of the validators. an official letter can be declared accepted if the letter has been approved by 2 or 3 validators. based on the remuneration admin's response, it was revealed that the system was in accordance with the needs and the features of the system could run and be used properly and had fulfilled the required system repair requests. 4. conclusion based on the results of the research and discussion, the researcher can draw the following conclusions. the results of the development of an official letter management system in this study are in the form of an information system designed to provide convenience in recapitulating employee benefits performance points. this system assists the validator in facilitating the validation of each official letter in a unit, and can assist the remuneration admin in processing performance points recapitulation. the service letter management system is considered feasible because the test results show that it meets iso/iec 25010 standards in 8 aspects of testing: the functional suitability aspect is at the achievement level of 96% with a very feasible category, performance efficiency is at the grade b level of 83% with good criteria, the usability aspect is at 90% with a very good category, the security aspect has a level 1 security level at the low level criterion, gets a score of 3 with sufficient information, the reliability aspect with a success percentage of 100%, the maintainability aspect meets the standard, the compatibility aspect with a percentage 100% and the interpretation is very feasible, the portability aspect is in the very good category. the response by the remuneration admin revealed that the system was in accordance with the requirements and the features of the system could run and be used properly and had fulfilled the required system repair requests. imran et al… vol 4(1) 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system. the purpose of this research is to create a web-based savings and loan information system that helps make it easier for employees to manage member data and savings and loan transactions at the pancuran hidup credit union. in this study the authors used the waterfall model analysis method. the sdlc waterfall model is often also called the linear sequential model or classic life path. based on the problems that have been discussed and resolved through this report, the conclusion can be drawn about the savings and loan information system for the union of living credit pekanbaru based on web, information systems can facilitate the cooperative in making reports more quickly and produce accurate data keywords : information system, savings and loans, web, saving and loan cooperative pancuran hidup 1. introduction the development of information technology in various fields life is so fast, encouraging people to compete to use information technology according to their needs and goals. utilization of information technology in a company or organization is of course in accordance with the nature and level of requirements of the system. the world of the internet is growing rapidly with the progress of the times(dao,, 2011). inevitably, in a relatively short period of time, internet and web usage in indonesia from year to year has increased significantly. technological developments in indonesian cooperatives can also be seen from the existence of information systems and technology to facilitate the process of disseminating information, managing data and saving and borrowing members. however, not all cooperatives in indonesia have taken advantage of developments in information systems and technology, one of which is the pancuran hidup credit union cooperative. pancuran hidup credit union is a cooperative engaged in a savings and loan business that provides loans to its members. the cooperative which was founded in 2003 is located on jl.dharma bakti, sigunggung-pekanbaru and already had 10,045 members as of the end of 2019 (including inactive and inactive members amazing members). the scope of its membership includes cities pekanbaru and its surroundings. in its development it is often encountered the existence of data input errors, loss of data, the occurrence of double data and the slow presentation of reports from the data processing were obstacles in the pancuran hidup credit union. this is due to the lack of accuracy of employees in the processing of data processing transactions and savings and loans which still use the manual system, namely by using the microsoft office such as microsoft word and microsoft excel. moreover, the data that is processed quite a lot will affect the efficiency of time and energy. this manual system is less effective because the savings and loan transactions that occur are higher so that the calculation is even more numerous and requires great accuracy. with these problems, credit unions need a savings and loan information system that can assist in processing data and savings and loans faster, easier, producing more accurate, effective and efficient data. eddis syahputra pane vol 2(1) 2020 : 14-20 15 2. literature review information system is a goal to store, process and communicate information. information systems are used by all users in the organization. the form of information needed for lower-level leaders is detailed, in the form of a combination of fifty percent of details and fifty percent of summaries, while for top-level leaders it is in the form of summaries(taiwo, 2016). cooperation, which means working together, so that every form of cooperation can be called a cooperative. in general, cooperatives are understood as associations of people who voluntarily unite themselves to fight for the improvement of their economic welfare through the formation of a business entity that is managed democratically(majee & hoyt, 2011). in the system development phase, the author uses the system development life cycle (sdlc) framework with the waterfall approach which consists of several stages of activity flow that run in one direction from the beginning to the end of the system development project(stoica, et. al., 2013). the waterfall method, there are several stages certain stages that must be reached in the same direction after another, in a particular order, such as a staircase or a multilevel waterfall. there are many different stages in this method, in general it is a feasibility study, requirements, architecture, design, development, testing, deployment and operation(balaji, s., & murugaiyan, m. s., 2012). sdlc (system development life cycle) has several models in the application of the stages of the process. one of them is the sdlc waterfall model, which is often called a linear sequential model or classical life cycle. the waterfall model is the simplest sdlc model. this model is only suitable for software development with unchanging specifications. the waterfall model provides a sequential or sequential approach to the software life flow starting from the analysis, design, coding, testing, and support stages(kannan,, 2014). research conducted by wati &siahaan (2017) with title "analysis and design of cooperative information system save web-based lending at mts negeri talang bakung jambi city ".the research objectives are: to analyze and study the problems web-based savings and loan information system at mts negeri talang bakung, using the prototype method, the results of this study bring various conveniences, including the ease in processing the registration process for cooperative members, storage, borrowing, and returns, ease in making reports that are faster and more accurate, so that errors in saving and loan recording activities can be avoided. the difference in previous research is that previous research used the prototype method while the author used the waterfall method. research conducted by rahmawati, (2016) with the title "web-based cooperative savings and loan information system". the research objectives are: accelerating employees in the processing of savings and loan data and making it easier for members to obtain transaction information in cooperatives. the method used is the waterfall method, the results of this study: 1. this web-based computerization can be an alternative solution to the problem of inputting data for members who continue to increase and processing data on savings and loan transactions as well as making it easier to produce reports every month at the prosperous cooperative pt. induro international. 2. speed up the data processing. 3. this website can be a means of online information that can be accessed by cooperative members anywhere and anytime. 4. data storage using a computerized system rated safer. the difference in previous studies is previous research using erd (entity relationship diagram) while the authors designed using uml (unified modeling language). research conducted by aris,, (2016) with the title "applications savings and loans information system on koperasi usaha bersama syari'ah at-tahwil kota tangerang ”. research objectives, namely: making applications that can help problems that are happening, using a visual paradigm program. results of the research: to facilitate the at-tahwil syariah cooperative in obtaining accurate information about the savings and loans application system at the at-tahwil syariah koperasi. this savings and loans information system application can make it easier for the admin to be able to perform the data entry process and convey information quickly to members. the difference in the previous research is that the previous study used the visual paradigm program, while the writer used the php programming language and the mysql database. eddis syahputra pane vol 2(1) 2020 : 14-20 16 3. research methods this research methodology relates to the methods, techniques, patterns, and research designs used by the author in sorting the work to be carried out in the research, thus helping and making it easier for the writer to know the stages and also the research process. this research process the author aims to understand how to design a web application with the waterfall method in the pancuran hidup credit union savings and loans cooperative. the steps taken in this research are: problem analysis this stage is carried out to understand the problems that have been determined limiting problem in this study. by analyzing the problem hopefully the problem can be understood well. as for the stages the analysis used is: identifying the problems that occur, by understanding more about the problem at hand collect the required data, look for system weaknesses and gather information about user needs. data collection at this stage the author is to get the data and information accurate which can support the research process. application implementation at this stage the authors designed a web-based savings and loans information system at the pancuran hidup pekanbaru credit union. testing system testing is carried out to ensure that the systems are made in accordance with the design and all functions can be used properly without errors according to user needs. testing this system using the blackbox testing method. testing is carried out thoroughly regardless of the internal structure or components being tested. blackbox testing focuses on the functional requirements of a system based on the specifications of the system requirements. 4. results and discussions the system analysis stage aims as the basis for designing or repairing the old system. from the results of this analysis, it can be designed or improved into a system that is more effective and efficient. to increase the speed and accuracy of both data input, data processing, and output results, the research site requires a more efficient application given the increasingly rapid technological advances, it is necessary to have a website-based savings and loan information system at the pancuran hidup credit union cooperative. in designing this website-based information system media, it can be done by making a system design design according to the needs of the pancuran hidup credit union cooperative. this application can later be used by the admin and the head of the pancuran hidup credit union cooperative to be able to view information about member savings and loans. this application will display several system requirements: 1. information from the pancuran hidup credit union cooperative 2. members' savings and loan data that can be managed by the admin the following below is the result of implementing the system : eddis syahputra pane vol 2(1) 2020 : 14-20 17 fig. 1. login page fig. 2. admin main page fig. 3. user main page fig. 4. deposit data page eddis syahputra pane vol 2(1) 2020 : 14-20 18 fig. 5. admin page adds member deposit data fig. 6. admin page of member fund withdrawal data fig. 7. add member's fund withdrawal data page fig. 8. admin page adds member loan data eddis syahputra pane vol 2(1) 2020 : 14-20 19 fig. 9. admin page adds member loan data fig. 10. main page of the chairman 5. conclusion based on the problems that have been discussed and resolved through this report, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. a web-based savings and loan information system helps make it easier for employees to manage member data and transactions savings and loans at the pancuran hidup credit union. 2. savings and loan information system at pancuran hidup credit union references aris, a., fadillah, m. a., muttaqin, f. z., & marbun, a. m. v. b. 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(2017). analisis dan perancangan sistem informasi koperasi simpan pinjam berbasis web pada mts negeri talang bakung kota jambi. jurnal manajemen sistem informasi, 2(3), 641-660. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022: 599-610 599 analysis of e-library based on level of user satisfaction using eucs and ipa methods muhammad luthfi hamzah1*, lovi anisa hultari2, astri ayu purwati3, nazaruddin4 information system department, universitas islam negeri sultan syarif kasim riau, indonesia1,2 management department, institut bisnis dan teknologi pelita indonesia, indonesia3 industrial engineering department, universitas islam negeri sultan syarif kasim riau, indonesia4 received : 19 november 2022, revised: 29 december 2022, accepted : 30 december 2022 *corresponding author abstract iain bukittinggi library is one of the libraries that implements the development of information technology, namely the use of e-library as an online catalog facility to directly access collections of books, theses or other collections contained in the library. this research is based on the fact that users feel dissatisfied with the services provided by the e-library, such as collections and collection information that do not meet user needs. the purpose of this study was to measure the level of satisfaction of e-library users using the end user computing satisfaction method with five perspectives namely content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness. the impotance performance analysis (ipa) method is used to determine which attributes are important to be improved and which need to be reduced to be interpreted in the form of a matrix. this study also calculates the value of customer satisfaction index (csi) to determine the overall level of user satisfaction. the results of this study show that all attributes in terms of importance are in a very important category, while the performance attributes are in the satisfied category, namely the content and format variables. variables with quite satisfied categories on accuracy, ease of use and timeliness variables. the results of the ipa matrix obtained 6 attributes with the most improvement in the accuracy variable, the attribute with the most good performance in the content variable. overall, the csi value is 60.34%, which means that users are quite satisfied with the performance provided by the e-library. keywords: user satisfaction, e-library, eucs, csi. 1. introduction libraries according to law on libraries no.43 year 2007 is a professional organization for managing collections of written, printed or recorded works to meet the needs of education, research, preservation, information and recreation for users using a standardized system. in today's global era, the world of libraries is increasingly modernizing, so libraries must be able to adapt to their goals to balance the information needs of users. the level of progress of a library can be measured from the application of information technology to the library (fraser-arnott, 2022; murphy et al., 2022; afriansyah et al., 2022). in its development, the library has developed a library administration management system and library services, namely a library information system. the library information system can be interpreted as a system that includes hardware, software, procedures, and has integrated data that is used for library automation management so that it can make it easier for users to get the information they need (rahmat et al., 2022). the use of information technology certainly makes it easy for librarians and users. according to shastri & chudasma, (2022) the benefits obtained in using the library information system are that there is an increase in the work productivity of users, and information search can be done more quickly (wulansari et al., 2022; nazaruddin, 2022). in using the library information system, of course there are features that are used to assist activities that were previously done manually (conventionally). this can be seen from the point of view of collections and documents stored, developments began with traditional libraries that hamzah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 599-610 600 only store books without using catalogs, to digital libraries that involve the internet and information technology in their use. the information technology in question is a computerized catalog called the online public access catalog (opac) (wells, 2022). according to the ala glossary of library and information science, it explains that opac is a bibliographical listing stored by a computer so that users can access information continuously with the approach of author, title, subject, isbn, or a combination of the components mentioned (begum & elahi, 2022). it can be concluded that opac is one of the features offered in a library information system in the form of a catalog to facilitate users in searching for collection information available in the library. iain bukittinggi library is one of the libraries that implements the development of information technology. one of the technological developments in the iain bukittinggi library is the use of an online catalog called a library information system or often referred to as an elibrary which has been implemented since 2015. the iain bukittinggi library has 26,638 book titles and 75,549 copies. due to the large number of collections and copies of books, the library implemented a library information system (e-library) at iain bukittinggi which is an online public access catalog (opac) system that is used as an online catalog so that users can quickly search for the books and information needed. the library information system (e-library) of iain bukittinggi can be accessed via through this e-library, users can directly access the collection of books, and thesis/final project contained in the library. this system aims to provide flexibility to users to search for information effectively and efficiently. the information contained in this online catalog is in the form of book identities and book availability because iain bukittinggi has two library buildings located in two different locations. in addition, users can also find out whether the collections they are going to borrow are being borrowed by other users or not. based on the results of observations and interviews with the library and pre-survey data on iain bukittinggi students that have been carried out, there are several problems that occur including. first, users are dissatisfied with the complete collection of books and book information contained in the e-library. second, users are dissatisfied because the collections that have been searched for using the library information system cannot be found in the library. apart from that, this e-library also contains a book catalog from google, so that users sometimes cannot know whether the collection they are looking for is a google catalog or a catalog from the library. this makes it difficult for users to choose to go directly to the library to look for books. third, users are dissatisfied with the appearance of the iain bukittinggi e-library because it has displays and menus that are not understandable, so it confuses users when searching for collections. in addition, there are duplicate menus and sub menus that don't have content yet. the next problem is that the data displayed is not up to date so that the availability of books listed on the system does not match the actual ones. the system will still display the availability of books even though the book is being borrowed by another user. this causes difficulties for library staff and students. it is necessary to note that whether the implementation of an information system is in accordance with user needs or not. based on the results of interviews since the iain bukittinggi library has provided collection tracking facilities using the e-library, the library has never measured the level of user satisfaction. so far, the library has never directly known the response of users regarding the e-library in meeting the needs of users. the use of technology in meeting the needs of users is important to study because it is not only related to the technology used, but also related to the end user of the information technology used (ariano et al., 2022). the level of user satisfaction of an information system is the most important thing to assess the level of success of an information system (ibrahim et al., 2022). satisfaction is a comparison between expectations and reality that occurs. if expectations and reality are in line, then the level of user satisfaction of an information system also increases. knowing the level of satisfaction of information system users can make it easier for related parties to be able to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the information system that has been implemented so that it can be hamzah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 599-610 601 used as a reference in the process of developing the information system in the future (çelik, k., & ayaz, a. 2022). therefore, in this final project, researchers will analyze user satisfaction library information system (e-library) iain bukittinggi to be able to find out whether the information system can meet the needs of users in obtaining information on library collections. in measuring the level of user satisfaction, there are several methods that can be used. the method used in this study is the end-user computing satisfaction (eucs) method. the eucs method is a suitable method for measuring end-user satisfaction levels. other researchers have tested this model a lot and the results showed no significant differences even though this instrument was translated into different languages (frisina et al., 2022). according to doll and torkzadeh in mauricette et al., (2022) the eucs method is designed to evaluate the success of information systems by focusing on satisfaction using five components namely content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness. in addition, this study also uses an importance performance analysis (ipa), which is an analysis generated through user perceptions of the performance of an information system that is implemented in the form of a matrix (putra & bernarto, 2022). the matrix resulting from the importance performance analysis can map the attributes that allow for improvement so that the performance of a system can be better. then an analysis is carried out using the customer satisfaction index (csi) which is used to determine the level of user satisfaction in the use of an information system as a whole by taking into account the level of importance of product or service items (novendra, 2020; rizki et al., 2021; novendra et al., 2022; basil et al., 2021). 2. research methods identifying research problems this stage will be carried out by formulating the problems to be discussed and determining the boundaries of the problems, describing the objectives and benefits of the research to be carried out. as for identifying the problems in this study, interviews were conducted with the library staff of iain bukittinggi, as well as distributing pre-survey questionnaires to 30 students of iain bukttinggi data collection technique to facilitate the research process, some data is needed. the data can be in the form of primary data and secondary data. the details of the data are as follows: 1. primary data. primary data is data obtained directly from the object/place of research. this data can be sourced from observation, distribution of questionnaires, and interviews with library staff, tipd admins and students. 2. secondary data. this data is data that can be obtained from internal research object data such as profiles from organizations. this secondary data can also be in the form of literature studies or references to the theories that support this research. population and sample in this study, researchers used a questionnaire as a research instrument and then distributed it to e-library users, namely active students of iain bukittinggi. the active student population in 2020 uses the bukittinggi iain library information system, which is 11,277 students. samples were taken using the accidental sampling technique and determining the number of samples (respondents) which were calculated using the slovin formula with an error limit of 0.1 or 10% and based on the results of calculations using the slovin formula, the number of samples obtained in this study was 99 students. validity and reliability test after all the questionnaire data has been collected, the next step is to test the validity and reliability using spss tools. validity test was carried out to find out whether the questionnaire used was valid or not. questions in a questionnaire are declared valid if the correlation value is greater than the r-table. if there is an invalid statement, the statement must be corrected or deleted. hamzah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 599-610 602 meanwhile, the reliability test was carried out to determine whether the question items in the questionnaire were truly consistent in measuring the satisfaction level of iain bukittinggi iain e-library users. this test uses the cronbach alpha method. a statement can be categorized as reliable if the cronbach alpha is more than 0.60. analysis using importance performance analysis (ipa) and customer satisfaction index (csi) the next step is to analyze the results using importance performance analysis (ipa). in analyzing the iain bukittinggi e-library by categorizing the results obtained in a cartersius diagram. this technique can analyze the performance of the iain e-library bukittinggi in fulfilling user satisfaction at the bukittinggi iain library based on the level of expectation/importance and performance of the system. the stages in the importance performance analysis (ipa) method are determining the level of conformity between the level of expectation/importance and the level of performance. this is done by categorizing the eucs attribute as good or not good to determine the level of user satisfaction. 3. results and discussions library information system analysis (e-library) the library information system (e-library) is an information system that is used as an online public access catalog (opac) which is a search tool to provide flexibility to users to search library collection information effectively and efficiently. this system has been implemented since 2015 and can be accessed via with the existence of this e-library it is very helpful for users in searching for collections and can find out what library collections they need are being borrowed by other users or not. the business process flow that occurs when using the iain bukittinggi e-library is as follows: 1. on the main page, users determine the category of library collections by selecting the collection menu or directly typing search keywords in the form of title, author in the search feature that has been provided. 2. next, a list of books related to the keywords that were previously typed will be displayed, then the user selects the desired book by clicking on the book title. 3. after clicking on the title of the book, detailed information about the book and information about the availability of the book will be displayed. then the user can search for books on the library shelves based on book classification information respondent analysis respondent analysis was obtained after distributing research questionnaires. respondents in this study were active students of iain bukittinggi, totaling 99 people. with the identity of the respondent namely name, n-im, faculty, semester, gender and frequency of use of the iain bukittinggi e-library. respondents were then asked to checklist the questions that had been presented, the items of the questions consisted of importance questions and performance questions. validity test & reliability test before calculating the level of performance and interest in the eucs variable, a validity test will be carried out first. this test uses spss v.25 tools. the test is carried out by making a comparison between the r table (product moment) and the r count, with the condition that the r count must have a value greater than the r table value so that an instrument can be said to be valid. based on the number of respondents, namely 99 people. next, we will look for the value of d-f = 99-2, namely 97. it can be seen that the value of r table (product moment) is 0.1975 with a significant level of 5%. this can be proven by the calculated r value for each eucs variable having a value greater than 0.1975. thus, it can be concluded that the 20 items of importance statements and 20 performance statements can be used as instruments to measure the level of satisfaction of iain bukittinggi iain e-library users. the reliability test is determined by the cronbach's alpha coefficient with the provision that an instrument can be said to be reliable if the cronbach's alpha is above 0.60. based on the hamzah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 599-610 603 calculation results above, it is known that the alpha coefficient value in the importance statement is 0.891 out of 20 existing items. meanwhile, the alpha coefficient value in the performance statement is 0.794 out of 20 items. furthermore, according to the provisions of an instrument it can be said to be reliable if it has an alpha value > 0.60 and it is known that both are above 0.60 so that it can be concluded that each item of importance and performance statements can be used as a data collection tool. ipa diagram analysis importance performance matrix consists of 4 quadrants, and each of these quadrants will be occupied by the attributes studied. attributes that are in quadrant i mean that the attributes in this quadrant have a top priority level that deserves to be improved because they have high importance and low performance. attributes that are in quadrant ii mean that attributes need to be maintained because they have high importance and high performance. attributes in the third quadrant mean that the attribute has a low priority for improvement because it has low importance and low performance. then the attributes in quadrant iv mean that the attributes in this quadrant are felt to be excessive in their application because they are considered less important by the users where in this quadrant they have low importance and high performance. the results of the importance performance analysis matrix on the quality of the bukittinggi iain e-library are shown in the figure below: fig. 1. mapping results on the importance performance matrix a. quadrant i (contentrate here) this quadrant has attributes with a high level of expectation/importance but has low performance. quadrant i has a priority level the main and important performance improvements by e-library users, so that this quadrant can also be called concentrate here / concentration here. the attributes included in quadrant i are as follows. 1. fill in the collection information provided by the e-library library information system iain bukittinggi is complete (c4) 2. the information displayed by the iain bukittinggi e-library is correct and accurate (a2) 3. iain bukittinggi e-library provides results/output in accordance with the collections that can be found on bookshelves in the library (a4) hamzah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 599-610 604 4. e-library iain bukittinggi has an attractive design (f1) 5. iain bukittinggi e-library has a hint/help feature to help navigate properly (e4) 6. iain bukittinggi's e-library always displays the latest information (t2). it can be seen that quadrant i consists of 6 attribute statements. this statement is a top priority for the iain bukittinggi e-library which needs to be repaired, because these attributes have a low level of performance while users have high expectations for these attributes. the statement that needs to be improved on the content dimension is "the contents of the collection information provided by the iain bukittinggi library information system are complete (c4)". users consider this statement to be very important, but in fact this attribute is considered less satisfying for users because there is still information on search results and collection information that is displayed incompletely because the e-library should be able to provide complete information. furthermore, statements that need to be corrected on the accuracy dimension are "the information displayed by the iain bukittinggi e-library is correct and accurate (a2)" and "iain bukittinggi's e-library provides results/output in accordance with the collections that can be found on the shelf books in the library (a4)”. both statements are considered very important but have not gone well. e-library users assess that there is a discrepancy between the collection and its actual existence. this can happen because according to librarians, collections are often not placed in their original places and inaccuracies in the preparation of collections according to their classification. furthermore, the statement that needs to be corrected on the format dimension is "iain bukittinggi e-library has an attractive design (f1)" this statement has low performance, which means that the e-library does not yet have designs that are considered attractive by users, therefore the library is expected to make improvements to the e-library design section. then the statement on the dimensions of ease of use that needs to be improved is "e-library iain bukittinggi has a guide/assistance feature to help navigate properly (e4)". this attribute is of course considered important in order to provide a description of the system being used. after observing the e-library, there was no help menu found at the iain bukittinggi e-library, therefore there are still users who do not understand the use and how to use the iain bukittinggi e-library. then the last statement that needs to be improved on the timeliness dimension is "iain bukittinggi's e-library always displays the latest information (t2)". this attribute has low performance. librarians hope that the library can provide the latest information both regarding information on the availability of books and the latest collection of books on the e-library. b. quadrant ii (keep up the good work) this quadrant has attributes with a high level of expectation/importance and high performance. in quadrant ii, the performance is in accordance with the expectations of users, meaning that the library can maintain performance that is already going well. the attributes included in quadrant ii are as follows: 1. the contents of the information on the bukittinggi iain e-library are easy to understand (c1) 2. fill in the reference information on the iain bukittinggi e-library that meets the requirements (c2) 3. the contents of the information provided by the iain bukittinggi e-library are very helpful in tracing library collections (c3) 4. every iain bukittinggi e-library link that you click always displays the appropriate web page (a1) 5. e-library iain bukittinggi has an easy-to-understand menu structure (f2) 6. the features in the iain bukittinggi e-library are easy to use (e2) 7. the old collection displayed by the iain bukittinggi e-library is still important/useful (t4). based on figure 1 it can be seen that the attributes in quadrant ii consist of 7 attributes. these attributes are considered to have met the expectations of e-library users, so the iain hamzah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 599-610 605 bukittinggi library can maintain and maintain the quality of e-library performance based on user expectations. c. quadrant iii (low priority) this quadrant has attributes with low importance and performance. statements in quadrant iii are considered not so important according to users, so that the iain bukittinggi library does not need to make the attributes in this quadrant a top priority in making improvements in the future. the attributes included in quadrant iii are as follows: 1. e-library iain bukittinggi is error-free (a3) 2. iain bukittinggi e-library can interact clearly and understandably (e1) 3. iain bukittinggi e-library makes it easy for me to get the library collection i want (e3) 4. get the books you need faster using the e-library iain bukittinggi (t1) 5. e-library iain bukittinggi responds to commands quickly and does not take a long time (t3). in quadrant iii there are 5 attributes that are in the low priority category, meaning that all statements in this quadrant are considered to have low performance and low importance. the library can prioritize other items for improvement. d. quadrant iv (possible overkill) quadrant iv has attributes with a high level of performance and a low level of expectation/interest, so that in this quadrant it is considered as excessive performance or often called possible overkill and users assess the attributes in this quadrant as not so important. the attributes included in quadrant iii are as follows: 1. the layout of the information description in the e-library collection is easy to understand (f3) 2. the output/result presented by the e-library has an effective format/form (f4) it is known that in quadrant iv there are 2 attributes that have a low expectation value and a high performance value. therefore. the bukittinggi iain library does not need to improve the performance of this attribute because it has performance that has exceeded the expectations of users. customer satisfaction index(csi) based on the results of the csi calculation, it is known that the csi value is 60.31%, which means that the user is quite satisfied. if the csi value is 66% or more, it means that the user is satisfied with the services provided by the iain bukittinggi e-library. with a value of 60.31%, it can be interpreted that users are quite satisfied with the services provided at the iain bukittinggi e-library because the perceived performance is not optimal. therefore, to be able to increase the value of user satisfaction in using the iain bukittinggi e-library, one of the efforts that can be made is to improve service performance in quadrant i ipa which was discussed earlier. according to hamzah et al., (2022) csi can be improved by making improvements to the performance attribute results from ipa. the value of the csi is directly proportional to the average value of importance and performance scores, so that if the average score of importance/expectation and performance score is increased, it can affect the increase in the value of csi. improvement of the attributes obtained through ipa is expected to increase the value of csi in e-library services by up to 100%. discussion this section will discuss the extent to which the respondent's assessment of the iain bukittinggi e-library is based on the eucs variables, which consist of important statements and performance statements. the results of the bukittinggi iain e-library analysis are described as follows: a. analysis of e-library user satisfaction based on content variables obtaining respondents' responses to the quality of the iain bukittinggi e-library based on the level of importance is in the "very important" category and the performance level is in the "satisfied" category. the level of satisfaction of respondents to the content variable based on the level of suitability has a value that is still below 100%, meaning that the services provided are still below the user's expectations, so that it can be said that the user is not satisfied based on the hamzah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 599-610 606 content variable. when viewed from the priority order of each attribute in the content variable, it is known that statement c4 has the lowest suitability value, namely the incomplete information content provided by the iain bukittinggi e-library. while the attribute that has the highest suitability value is statement c3, namely the information content provided by the elibrary is very helpful in tracing collections. based on the average value that has been obtained, the location of the ipa quadrant matrix can be determined. of the 4 statements on the content variable, they are spread to quadrants i and quadrants ii. the ipa quadrant is shown in figure 4.9 which was discussed earlier. the statement is included in quadrant i which is an attribute that is a top priority for improvement, including the complete collection of information provided by the e-library. it is imperative that any information displayed has complete content and meets user needs. this is in line with the opinion that an information system should be able to meet user needs and have the latest information, because the more complete the information contained in the information system, the level of user satisfaction will increase. in addition, quality information also affects user satisfaction, the information content in a system should have a high level of relevance and be concise (hamzah et al., 2022). for attributes that are in quadrant i-i, namely the content of available information is very helpful in browsing library collections. so that the attributes in this quadrant deserve to be maintained because they are in accordance with the expectations of users. because the content attribute relates to the data that has been inputted by the library, the completeness and appropriateness of the information is very important because it will be felt directly by the end-user as stated by doll and torkzadeh (1988) measuring the content of an information (content) based on 4 indicators, namely the accuracy of information, appropriate information, information search results, information sufficient information and complete information. after obtaining the library assessment on the attributes that represent the content variable, an overview of the priority improvements to the e-library is obtained as material for consideration for the iain bukittinggi library in order to increase user satisfaction. b. analysis of e-library user satisfaction based on accuracy variables obtaining respondents' responses to the quality of the iain bukittinggi e-library based on the level of importance and performance on the accuracy variable is in the "very important" category and the performance level is in the "quite satisfied" category. assessment of the satisfaction level of respondents on the accuracy variable based on the value of the suitability level has a value that is still below 100% meaning that the services provided are still below the expectations of the user, so that it can be said that the user is not satisfied. when viewed from the order of priority on each attribute of the accuracy variable, it is known that attribute a2 has the lowest suitability value of all attributes, namely the information displayed by the e-linrary is correct and accurate. meanwhile, the attribute that has the highest suitability value is attribute a1, that is, every e-library link that is clicked always displays the appropriate web page. based on the average value previously obtained, it is known that the attributes of the accuracy variable are spread over 3 quadrants, namely quadrant i, quadrant ii, quadrant iii. statements included in quadrant i which are attributes that are a top priority for improvement, namely the information displayed by the e-library is true and accurate and the e-library provides results/output that are in accordance with the collections that can be found in the library. therefore, improvements can be made by making adjustments to the collection both from the classification number, and the location and availability of the collection. according to hamzah et al.,(2022) the accuracy of the system can be assessed based on the frequency with which the system produces incorrect outputs as well as the number of errors that appear when processing inputs. attributes located in quadrant ii consist of only one attribute, that is, every e-library link that is clicked always displays the appropriate web page. the attributes contained in this quadrant should be maintained because they are in accordance with the expectations of the users. while the attributes that are in quadrant iii, namely e-library are free from error. attributes that are in this quadrant are not significant hamzah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 599-610 607 it must be ignored, but improvements can also be made to provide maximum results. after obtaining an overview of the repair of the e-library, it is hoped that it will make it easier for the iain bukittinggi library to make improvements based on the attributes of the accuracy variable so that the e-library can be used by users without any problems. this is very important because it is in line with the opinion of barokhah et al., (2017) that a person will make his choice to use an application if he sees that the application has a good level of accuracy whether the menu is available, free of errors, the input generated appropriate, and reliable and up to date information c. analysis of e-library user satisfaction based on format variables obtaining respondents' responses to the quality of the iain bukittinggi e-library based on the level of importance on the format variable is in the "very important" category and performance is in the "satisfied" category. assessment of the level of satisfaction of respondents on the format variable based on the value at the level of conformity also has a value that is still below 100% meaning that the services provided are still below the user's expectations so that it can be said that the user is not satisfied. when viewed from the priority order of improvement on each format attribute, it is known that attribute f1 has a low suitability value. the e-library has an attractive design. while the attribute that has the highest suitability value is attribute f2, namely the e-library has an easy-to-understand menu structure. based on the average value that has been obtained previously, it is known that the attributes of the format variable are spread into 3 quadrants, namely quadrants i, ii, iv. statements that are included in quadrant i contain the main attributes that need to be improved, namely the e-library has an attractive design. according to hutami and camilia (2016) enduser satisfaction can be increased by paying attention to an attractive appearance and user ease in using the interface, this is considered to have an effect on user effectiveness. based on this, the library can make improvements to the appearance so that the e-library has an attractive and clear appearance. attributes located in quadrant ii consist of one attribute, namely the f2 e-library has an easy-to-understand menu structure. this means that the e-library has a menu structure that is easy for users to understand so that this attribute can be maintained. attributes located in quadrant iv consist of 2 attributes namely f3 the layout of the information description of the information is easy to understand and f4 the output display is presented in an effective format. the attributes in this section are considered redundant for improvement, but that does not mean that the attributes in this section are ignored and ignored. after obtaining an overview of the repair of the e-library on the format variable, it is hoped that it can become a reference for the library in making improvements so that it can increase the effectiveness of using the e-library in the future d. analysis of e-library user satisfaction based on ease of variables acquisition of respondents' responses to the quality of the e-library iain bukittinggi based on the level of expectation (importance) on the variable ease of use is in the "very important" category and performance is in the "quite satisfied" category. assessment of the satisfaction level of respondents on the ease of use variable based on the level of suitability also has a value that is still below 100% meaning that the services provided are still below the user's expectations so that it can be said that the user is not satisfied. when viewed from the priority order of improvement on each ease of use attribute, it is known that attribute e4 has a low suitability value. the e-library has an auxiliary feature to help navigate properly. while the attribute that has the highest suitability value is attribute e2, namely the features contained in the e-library are easy to use. based on the average value that has been obtained previously, it is known that the attributes on the ease of use variable are divided into 3 quadrants, namely quadrants i, ii, iii. the statement of quadrant i attributes consists of 1 statement, namely the e-library has a help feature to help navigate properly. users consider that the guide feature is very important to make it easier for users if they feel confused in using the e-library. according to purwati et al., (2022) user satisfaction can be obtained if an information system does not cause confusion hamzah et al … vol 4(1) 2022 : 599-610 608 when used, the information system can provide tool tips for user convenience and provide error messages when an error occurs. attributes that are in quadrant ii are features that have an easy-to-use e-library. this attribute means that the features in the e-library are easy for users to use in searching library collections, so the attributes in this quadrant should be maintained. attributes that are located in quadrant iii, namely e-library can interact clearly and understandably; e-library makes it easier for me to get the collection i want. both of these attributes have a low priority for improvement, but improvements can also be made to provide maximum satisfaction to users. after obtaining an overview of the repair of the e-library, it is hoped that it will make it easier for the iain bukittinggi library to make improvements based on the attributes of the ease of use variable, so that users can use the e-library facility without any problems. due to the ease of use of an information system it is very important which includes all processes from data input processes, data processing, data search and display of final data that will be used by end users. e. analysis of e-library user satisfaction based on the timeliness variable obtaining respondents' responses to the quality of the iain bukittinggi e-library based on the level of importance on the timeliness variable is in the "very important" category and performance is in the "quite satisfied" category. the assessment of the level of satisfaction of respondents on the timeliness variable based on the level of suitability also has a value that is still below 100% meaning that the services provided are still below the user's expectations so that it can be said that the user is not satisfied. when viewed from the priority order of improvement on each attribute, it is known that attribute t2 has a low suitability value. the elibrary displays the latest information. while the attribute that has the highest suitability value is attribute t4, namely the old collection displayed by the e-library is still important and useful. based on the average value previously obtained, it is known that the attributes of the timeliness variable are spread over 3 quadrants, namely quadrant i, quadrant ii, and quadrant iii. attribute statements that are the top priority in quadrant i, namely the e-library displays the latest information. users feel dissatisfied with the up-to-date information and collections contained in the e-library. therefore, this attribute deserves improvement, one of which is by completing information and collections in the e-library. attributes that are in quadrant ii, namely the old collections displayed by the e-library are still important and useful. this attribute deserves to be maintained, the library does not have to remove old collections from the library because these collections are still needed by users. while the attributes in quadrant iii, namely e-library, respond quickly and do not take a long time. it should be noted that the timeliness of an information system is very important to note. according to (purwati et al., 2021) a timely information system can be assessed from the fast response time and according to user needs, the availability of up to date information, and the availability of shortcuts to support fast work processes. after knowing this, it can be an illustration for the library in making improvements to the iain bukittinggi e-library so that users can be more satisfied in using it without any problems. 4. conclusion from the results of the analysis of the research on the analysis of the library information system (e-library) of iain bukittinggi based on the level of user satisfaction using the eucs and ipa methods, the following conclusions are obtained: 60.31 %. with this value it can be interpreted that users are quite satisfied with the performance 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health will be maintained, it does not need expensive care from a doctor, but with a regular lifestyle, everything will be resolved. in this study, the researchers designed to measure heart rate as an alternative in maintaining health, using pulse sensors and arduino circuits. this study resulted in a heart rate application system as a control to monitor the condition of the patient's heart rate, can provide information about the heart rate that uses the pulse sensor to patients and doctors who have an application to read the heart rate that has been made. keywords: pulse sensor, medical check-up, heart rate, android. 1. introduction the development of technology in everyday life has been very much felt by everyone. the development in the field of electronics happens all the time, starting from very simple things. even the development of electronic technology can already be developed in the medical field, especially in making measurements. among other things can be as a means of health control, healing aids and others. for the initial stage of a medical examination, a medical checkup is usually done before a person's illness is diagnosed. from the results of medical check-ups it will be known whether a person is in good health or not. according to siregar (2013) in general, the first medical check-up performed at a hospital is a heartbeat. this was done because the heart in the human body is the main organ, where the function of the heart's work affects other important human organs. based on these conditions the health of the human heart must really be considered. what can be done early is to check your heart rate regularly. but in doing so you can say the difficulties if we use the manual method, we need a careful calculation and previously understood the basic principles in measuring heart rate. lukman (2017) explain about android-based monitoring system is designed with the aim of protecting sufferers especially the elderly with the risk of sudden death at the location. identification of abnormalities in the activity of heart function, temperature, and breathing and detection of the location of repeated heart attacks is carried out in real-time through technology without location, distance, and time restrictions. this device uses a microcontroller as a data processor from a sensor that will provide a logic decision on the buzzer to alarm the sufferer and user application if the logic condition meets the patient's critical condition. user applications are built with the java programming language and utilize databases for sending data. the results of this study are expected to provide a response to the initial rescue treatment of patients who suddenly experience a recurring heart attack, by sending an alarm as a sign of danger so as to reduce the risk of paralysis, coma patients and even death. this factor causes not everyone can do regular medical check-ups. in fact, by knowing the condition of one's heartbeat, health will be maintained, there is no need for expensive treatment from a doctor, but with a regular lifestyle, all will be overcome. in this study, researchers designed to take measurements of heart rate as an alternative to maintaining health, using pulse sensors and arduino circuits. the data taken are 5 data as trial data. mailto:yudairawan89@gmail.com1 mailto:yuniorfernando1997@gmail.com2 mailto:refniabid@gmail.com3 yuda irawan, et. al. vol 1(1) 2019 : 30-42 31 2. literature review heart rate is one of the vital signs of body health. in addition, the heart is the main pillar of the body in daily activities. heart rate measurement can be done anywhere with the number of applications on a smartphone, for example on google playstore. today, the digital lifestyle is inseparable from smartphones. this can be seen when daily activities can not be separated from the smartphone. today's digital lifestyle cannot be separated from music to support daily activities. music is used by humans for various purposes. some people use music to relax and others use music to inspire. this paper presents the relationship between heart rate and music so that it can be used for application development on smartphones(afandi, et. al., 2014). this research activity aims to develop a triage network system to monitor the status of the severity of the health conditions of disaster victims so that the medical team can make decisions and prompt medical action against victims based on the severity of the victim's health condition. in this research a low-cost and reliable system will be developed using wireless sensor network (jsn) technology so that it can be implemented in disaster areas where telecommunications infrastructure is damaged. in this study, we use an arduino microcontroller which is an open-source electronic prototyping and uses a pulse sensor to detect the patient's pulse conditions. this sensor input will be classified by the microcontroller in the sensor node (sn) and sent to the coordinator node with xbee wireless technology. based on this information, the medical team diagnoses and takes medical action based on the severity of the patient / victim's health condition. in this study a system performance test was performed and the results of the performance test showed that the jsn system we developed was able to work well in detecting the patient's pulse conditions and this application can display the patient's pulse conditions in real time which can be accessed via the internet network(niswar, et. al., 2012). helmy nurbani (2015) made the design and implementation of microcontroller-based pulse detectors. this system uses a pulse sensor to retrieve pulse data which is then displayed in graphical form via the nokia 5110 lcd. dea siska utami aziz (2014) made room temperature observations using a website-based arduino pro mini 328 microcontroller. this system is to measure room temperature using an arduino pro mini 328 microcontroller and display the results of room temperature measurements on a website through a computer network access with a local area network (lan) system. firgha ali pritantyo (2012), created the design and realization of wireless pulse rate monitoring systems with zigbee transmission. this system uses a photodiode and red led as a finger probe that functions as a pulse detector and uses the atmega16 microcontroller as a data processor for pulse measurement and the xbee module to transmit data with a wireless system. presence detection information system and media for submitting lecturer announcements using the qr code introduction technique is an application that serves to support the process of disseminating information on the campus of the university of muhammadiyah riau university so that it becomes more effective and efficient and makes it easier for students to get information(hussein et. al., 2018). hamzah & rusilawati (2019) research about nfc is a technology that can simplify and facilitate transactions, transfer data, and wireless connections between two communication devices that are very close to a few centimeters. this system is designed using an android device that has nfc technology. by using an nfc-based management system on an android smartphone it is expected to improve its quality and be able to compete in the current technological era nationally or globally. the purpose of this study is to facilitate students in finding information sources by simply attaching an android smartphone to the nfc tag attached to the book so as to obtain information about the book. and they also reseach about infrastructure facilities system using android-based nfc technology (hamzah, et. al., 2018, hamzah, et. al., 2019). yuda irawan, et. al. vol 1(1) 2019 : 30-42 32 3. research methods the method in this research is the waterfall method. broadly speaking, the waterfall method has the following steps: analysis, design, writing, testing and application and maintenance. (kadir, 2014). figure 1. waterfall model (kadir, 2014) stages of the waterfall method : 1. requirements this step is an analysis of system requirements. the need for this research is data in the form of direct data, namely interviews with cardiologists and collecting references from previous research in order to be able to meet the research needs. 2. design for the design of this study there are two designs that will be made first, namely making a prototype design of the device to be designed and the second is making a display design on an android application, which will describe the overall tool and application. the picture can be seen in 3.2 figure 2. the design of the prototype tool 3. writing the program code in this research, coding is done using c language, php as a database connector because it will function as a data container and java programming using android studio tools. 4. program testing the final stage in which the new system is tested for capabilities and effectiveness so as to obtain weaknesses and weaknesses of the system which is then carried out a review and improvement of the application to be better and perfect. the test is done by testing a yuda irawan, et. al. vol 1(1) 2019 : 30-42 33 sample which is done by testing it manually and using a tool that is designed so that it can see the accurate level of the sensor designed so that it is suitable for use. 5. implementation of program and maintenance. software that has been delivered to customers will definitely experience a change. these changes could be due to an error because the software has to adjust to the new environment (periperal or new operating system), or because the customer requires building prototyping. next, after the prototyping development phase, the customer and the developer together define the format and requirements for the entire software, identifying all the requirements, and the outline of the system to be created. a. encoding system in this stage the agreed prototyping is translated into the appropriate programming language. b. test the system at the system testing stage, the code that has been made before will be tested whether it can run well or there are still parts that need to be repaired or whether there are still parts that are not in accordance with the wishes of the customer. c. system evaluation system evaluation is not a prototyping evaluation, a system evaluation is evaluating a system or software that has been made whether it is in accordance with the wishes of the customer or not. if not, then the system will be revised again and returned to stages 4 and 5. if the system has been said to be ok then the system is ready to continue in the next stage. d. use the system/application this stage is the final stage of making the system with the prototyping model method. at this stage the ready-made and tested software is ready to be used by the customer / user. 4. research results and discussion 4.1. research result figure 3. results of cardiac prototype app in figure 3 can be seen the results of a prototype or simulation of a heartbeat detector using a pulse sensor. there is one pulse sensor and jumper cable and arduino uno connected to the leptop as a liaison with the heart rate application, to operate simply connect arduino to the yuda irawan, et. al. vol 1(1) 2019 : 30-42 34 leptop plug the sensor on arduino and run the netbeans program that has been created as a link between the database and arduino as a vibration detection device. issued by arduino. figure 4. use of pulse sensors in figure 4, it can be seen how to use a pulse sensor enough to put it on the search and then pressed with the other finger, then the sensor will detect vibrations from the pulse that moves on the body, so that it can be detected in the form of beats per minute (bpm). figure 5. results of the rasberry pi circuit and and the pulse sensor in figure 5 above you can see the signal series a0 gnd, gnd vcc + 5v connected using a jumping jumpper cable must be in accordance with the set instructions where the position of a0 gnd, gnd vcc, and + 5v is exactly on the reading indicated on arduino, so that all functions run as desired. 1. front view yuda irawan, et. al. vol 1(1) 2019 : 30-42 35 figure 6. application front view in figure 6 can be seen the initial appearance of this application that is the heartbeat application logo text box input name, entry button, and patient history button which has their respective functions when input the name and press enter it will enter the heartbeat detector display, while the patient's history application will display the display of anyone who has used the heart rate detection application. 2. sensor data display figure 7. sensor display in figure 7 can display on the sensor display. when a finger is attached to the sensor, the bmp number on the display will automatically change according to the specified seconds, below there is also a time display where when checking the patient's heart will put his hand on the device for 1 minute in order to get the right data accuracy from the results of the consideration made for 5 times at 10,20,30 to 1 minute and the results will automatically come out with a bad range, good and very good. yuda irawan, et. al. vol 1(1) 2019 : 30-42 36 3. sensor results display figure 8. display of sensor results in figure 5.8 the image will be displayed automatically after the display results reach 1 minute the data that appears here in the form of conditions where the conditions are bad, good and very good. 4. application display when all lights off figure 9. display when all lights off in figure 5.9 the display is a history of the application user who has checked up the heart rate. the display will display the results of the bmp, the name and date when he made a check up, these results will be able to be seen continuously over time because it can see the heart progress per week or per day. 5. display tips yuda irawan, et. al. vol 1(1) 2019 : 30-42 37 figure 10. display tips in figure 5.10 is a display of results which in the picture above is taken from one of the official health web to display tips on heart health. 4.2. testing 4.2.1. testing tools testing the tool begins by checking the adruino application that the tool is ready and can display the appropriate data which will be called through the netbeans application and entered in the database so that the data can be raised on the android application. figure 11. sensor testing next we will see the arduino application display when the sensor is storing data so that it can be seen in the database. yuda irawan, et. al. vol 1(1) 2019 : 30-42 38 figure 12. display of the arduino application 4.2.2. application testing testing the application is done by testing on all the appearance of the application is functioning properly and correctly so that the application can be used by users properly. figure 13. application testing 4.2.3. system testing in testing the system will be divided into 2 tests, namely testing a normal person system and testing a sports system. a. testing of sports patients the results of the examination of the condition of the patient's normal heart beat were carried out by person, namely on behalf of aditiya. age 20 years, a running altit from bengkalis was tested on may 20, 2019. each examination was carried out with a duration of 1 minute. yuda irawan, et. al. vol 1(1) 2019 : 30-42 39 figure 14. running exercise figure 15. physical exercise when testing manually for 1 minute the patient's heart rate reaches 130 bpm while when tested using a patient's heartbeat it reaches 125 bpm then we do the test for 5 times in a row to get the following results. table 1. heart rate values for sports patients no. testing manual sensor 1 testing 1 125 130 2 testing 2 130 137 3 testing 3 123 129 4 testing 4 130 130 5 testing 5 135 137 (source: processed data) it can be concluded that the level of comparison of testing manually and using sensors ranging from 3-4 digits in the calculation then the test is considered complete. b. testing for normal patients the results of the examination of the condition of the normal patient's pulse were carried out randomly by involving 5 people as a sample on may 22 2019 examination of the heart rate was done by checking the condition of the heart rate using a manual, pulse sensor. each examination was carried out with a duration of 1 minute. the first test results are performed using a pulse sensor to check the condition of the patient's heart rate. yuda irawan, et. al. vol 1(1) 2019 : 30-42 40 the value of the calculation results is used as the value of the patient's heart rate when examined using a pulse sensor. the heart rate of patients who were examined using a pulse sensor can be seen in table 2. table 2. patient heart rate values using pulse sensors no. name heart rate with sensor measurement time 1 nurul 81 1 minute 2 nando 106 1 minute 3 azren 161 1 minute 4 nurul fahmi 78 1 minute 5 wulan 89 1 minute (source: processed data) from the results of the examination obtained two test results. the first test only checks the heart rate using a pulse sensor. while in the second test, a heart rate examination was performed using a manual with the same duration. then the results of the heart rate value based on examination of the two devices are made to compare accuracy. accuracy comparison is done to see the level of accuracy of the pulse sensor to check the heart rate, to determine the accuracy value is carried out the division of the value of the heart rate that is checked using a pulse sensor with examination using a manual that is used as a reference in examining the patient's heart rate. the formula for determining the accuracy percentage value from the pulse sensor check is to divide the heart rate value from the sensor with the heart rate value from the manual, then multiply by 100 to get the accuracy percentage value according to equation 1. the formula for determining the error percentage value (error) from checking the pulse sensor is by first reducing the heart rate value of the pulse sensor with the heart rate value from the manual with the result in the form of an absolute number. absolute numbers are numbers that will not have a minus (-) even if the actual result of the reduction is minus. then the result of the reduction is divided by the value of the heart rate, then the result is multiplied by 100 to get a percentage error value. the formula can be seen clearly in equation 2. from these calculations, it was found the error level of the pulse sensor on the examination of the patient's heart rate. the pulse sensor error level can be seen in table 3. table 3. comparison of accuracy of heart rate values from pulse sensors with manual no. name heart rate with sensor manual measuring tool accuracy level (%) error level (%) 1 nurul 81 82 98 1 2 nando 106 100 106 6 3 azren 161 101 159 59 yuda irawan, et. al. vol 1(1) 2019 : 30-42 41 4 santika 78 76 102 2 5 wulan 89 80 111 11 in table 3, it can be seen that the pulse sensor has a low error rate, this is seen from the range of errors (margin of error) ranging from 0.69% to 1.84%. this can also be seen from the difference in the value of the heart rate in the manual with the pulse sensor which ranges between 78. with the low error rate of the pulse sensor, it can be concluded that the pulse sensor has a fairly high degree of accuracy. the high level of accuracy can be proven by calculating the percentage of the accuracy value of the sensor with the formula. 5. conclusion & suggestion conclusion the heart rate application system as a control to monitor the condition of the patient's heart rate, can provide information about the heart rate using the pulse sensor to patients and doctors who have a heart rate reading application that has been made. suggestions in working on this heart rate measuring device there are still shortcomings, therefore it is expected to need future development so that this tool can be better and more effective. suggestions for the application are more developed, especially in the features section, where the features section is now still lacking so it is advisable to add additional features such as monthly, weekly and annual data recap. in further developments, other sensors can also be added which have a direct link to the examination of human health conditions: references afandi, i., ferdiana, r., & nugroho, h. 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(2014), pengamatan suhu rungan menggunakan mikrokontroler arduino pro mini 328 berbasis web. mahasiswa teknik komputer, institut pertanian bogor, bogor. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 847-854 847 social commerce purchase intention factors in developing countries: a systematic literature review adi suryaputra paramita information systems department, universitas ciputra surabaya, indonesia received : 31 january 2023, revised: 10 may 2023, accepted : 10 may 2023 *corresponding author abstract over the last decade, research on social commerce has grown exponentially, reflecting the widespread adoption of social commerce strategies and practices. social commerce encompasses a broad range of distinct concepts. recent reviews of the literature detail the numerous factors of social commerce adoption. this paper has an objective to investigate the important factor of social commerce adoption in developing countries. 149 articles from high quality repository collected to be review, in this study the systematic literature review conducted through kitchenham methodology which consist of developing research question, determining the sources as well as research string, categorizing inclusion and exclusion criteria, choosing the primary studies, extracting the data then synthesizing the data. after careful quality assessment process, 49 articles selected to process in depth review. the result of this study found that there ae several important factors and lead by trust factor for social commerce adoption in developing countries. keywords: social commerce, adoption, developing countries, factors, review 1. introduction social commerce is a type of business that is mediated by social media and involves the confluence of the online and offline worlds. social commerce websites offer a variety of features, such as product recommendations to friends, customer reviews, a discussion board, and the ability to write and rate reviews. social commerce is distinguished from e-commerce in two ways: first, it is built on a social technology platform, and second, it encourages commercial activities supported by social media, as opposed to e-commerce, which is dependent on online system characteristics such as the user interface, shopping cart, search engine, or preference-based recommender systems used to influence online purchasing decisions (a. chen et al., 2017; lal, 2017). over the last decade, research on social commerce has grown tremendously, reflecting the broad adoption of social commerce ideas and practices. social commerce encompasses a broad range of distinct concepts. recent studies of the literature detail the numerous dimensions of social commerce. one aspect on which this study focuses is the actions via which people shop or purposefully investigate purchasing opportunities through participation in and/or engagement in a collaborative online environment (doha et al., 2019). social commerce on the developing countries become alternative for digital transaction besides e-commerce, furthermore, in developing countries social media become one of the marketplaces for seller and buyer conduct transaction. based on the phenomenon and the previous study, this study will investigate what the important factors for social commerce adoption in developing countries , and developed 1 research question, the research question are: what are the important factors of purchase intention in social commerce? fig. 1. slr process identify research question developing search strategy literature collection data extraction 1. inclusion/ enclusion process 2. quality assessment synthesis & result analysis paramita … vol 4(2) 2023 : 847-854 848 2. methodology at the beginning the process of review is identifying the databased used. in this study, 6 databases of literature resources selected, the resources are scopus, acm, ieee xplore, inderscience, taylor & francis, as well as association of information systems (ais) journal. in order to find the suitable resources, the suitable keyword should applied when discover the literature, furthermore, the keyword in this study was “(social commerce or social media commerce or s commerce or s-commerce or social media e-commerce or social e commerce or) and (adoption or intention or purchase)” the next step after keyword defined, is implement the keyword search in the digital repository of literature, after careful review, 49 articles selected in this study from 149 articles collected. the summary of literature collection shown in table 1. table 1 literature collection publisher found candidate selected elsevier 100 38 34 acm 3 1 0 ieee 27 12 8 inderscience 5 5 4 taylor & francis 8 1 1 ais journal 3 1 1 emerald 3 1 1 total 149 59 49 after 149 articles collected, the next step is identifying which article is fit in with our research purpose, inclusion and exclusion criteria is developed to conduct the first assessment of articles selection, the criteria of inclusion and exclusion in this phase shown in table 2 below. moreover, to ensure the quality of sources, the next assessment conducted through quality assessment, the quality assessment criteria present in table 3. table 2 inclusion and exclusion criteria inclusion exclusion 1. conducted in developing countries 2. primary studies 3. social commerce adoption factors clearly presents 4. published between 2015 to 2021 5. full access paper 6. research object is social commerce customer 1. literature review 2. conducted in developed countries 3. outside period time inclusion and exclusion are the process to select which paper is fit in with our research purpose as well as research question, the main inclusion criteria in this study are the previous research should conduct in developing countries, the factors of social commerce adoption should clearly present, followed by the research object should social commerce rather than ecommerce/social media. the developing countries criteria in this research is based on united nations list which able to access through cation.pdf table 3 – quality assessments criteria qa number qa question qa1. is the topic addressed in the paper related to s-commerce? qa2. is the research methodology described in the paper? qa3. is the data collection method described in the paper? qa4. are the data analysis steps clearly described in the paper? quality assessment is a vital element in determining the superiority of the primary studies. quality instruments define the specifics of quality assessment. the tools serve as a checklist of the critical criteria that must be applied in this investigation. (busalim & hussin, 2016). four questions were devised in this study as a quality assessment criterion to assure the reliability of sources. following the quality evaluation procedure, ten publications were deleted due to the lack of clarity in the research methodology and data gathering processes. the summary of selected articles shown table 4. paramita … vol 4(2) 2023 : 847-854 849 table 4 – selected article summary journal/conference name publication type number of paper international journal of information management journal 8 technological forecasting and social change journal 3 heliyon journal 1 journal of innovation and knowledge journal 1 electronic commerce research and applications journal 2 journal of business research journal 3 information and management journal 3 journal of retailing and consumer services journal 5 future business journal journal 1 alexandria engineering journal journal 1 computers in human behavior journal 4 telematics and informatics journal 1 technology in society journal 2 ieee access conferences 8 association for information systems ais electronic library journal 1 international journal of enterprise network management journal 1 acm international conference proceeding conferences 1 international journal of web information systems journal 1 international journal of applied management science journal 1 behaviour and information technology journal 1 international journal of networking and virtual organisations journal 2 based on table 4, international journal of information management are the most sources for this study followed by journal of retailing and customer services. both of that are the top journal in information systems area regarding scopus quartile. on the hand, in this study also involving top conferences which is ieee access conferences proceeding 3. result once, article passed from quality assessment, important factors of social commerce adoption discover, the result of social commerce adoption factors discovery presents in table 5 below. table 5 – social commerce adoption factor summary factor count references trust 26 (al-dwairi et al., 2018)(andriadi et al., 2019)(shekhar & jaidev, 2020)(shin, 2013)(zhou, 2020)(fu et al., 2020)(hairudin et al., 2019)(pratama et al., 2018)(razi et al., 2019)(sensuse et al., 2017)(bugshan & attar, 2020)(y. chen et al., 2019)(cheng et al., 2019; dakduk et al., 2020; gibreel et al., 2018; hajli et al., 2017)(huang & benyoucef, 2017; jiang et al., 2019; lal, 2017; leong et al., 2020; li, 2019)(luo et al., 2020; meilatinova, 2021)(sembada & koay, 2021; tuncer, 2021)(yahia et al., 2018) relationship maintenance 8 (andriadi et al., 2019)(dong & wang, 2018)(ghahtarani et al., 2020)(lal, 2017)(molinillo et al., 2020)(sheikh et al., 2017)(yahia et al., 2018)(zheng et al., 2020) hedonic motivation 7 (handarkho, 2020)(marseto et al., 2019)(lin et al., 2020)(sheikh et al., 2017)(tang & zhang, 2020)(wang et al., 2019)(yahia et al., 2018)(fu et al., 2020) satiation 6 (handarkho, 2020)(ko & chang, 2017)(razi et al., 2019)(sohn & kim, 2020)(shin, 2013)(al-maatouk et al., 2020) quality & reliability 6 (aladwani, 2018; x. chen et al., 2021)(lal, 2017)(sohn & kim, 2020)(al-maatouk et al., 2020)(gibreel et al., 2018)(huang & benyoucef, 2017) habit 5 (marseto et al., 2019)(sheikh et al., 2017)(yahia et al., 2018)(yeon et al., 2019)(xue et al., 2020) social presence 5 (pratama et al., 2018; razi et al., 2019)(li, 2019)(handarkho, 2020)(zhou, 2020) paramita … vol 4(2) 2023 : 847-854 850 factor count references perceived of ease of use 4 (al-maatouk et al., 2020)(yahia et al., 2018)(huang & benyoucef, 2017)(lin et al., 2020) perceived of usefulness 3 (williams, 2021)(xue et al., 2020)(shin, 2013) privacy 3 (zhou, 2020)(bugshan & attar, 2020)(xue et al., 2020) communication 2 (al-dwairi et al., 2018)(shin, 2013) transaction safety 2 (andriadi et al., 2019)(zhou, 2020) economy 2 (sheikh et al., 2017)(sohn & kim, 2020) value 2 (molinillo et al., 2021)(peng et al., 2019) others 2 (a. chen et al., 2017) rating 1 (andriadi et al., 2019) based on the data extraction process it clear that trust is the most important factor for social commerce adoption in developing countries followed by relationship maintenance as well hedonic motivation. 4. analysis and discussions based on the data extraction result the most important factors of social commerce adoption in developing countries is trust. in social commerce buyers, and sellers able to conduct direct transaction without medium such as marketplace, based on that, no doubt that trust is the most important factor. consumers rely on comments and guidance from social networks in the social commerce environment, therefore trust is critical. (al-dwairi et al., 2018). trust is crucial in online buying environments, but it is even more critical in social commerce platforms, where the lack of face-to-face communication and the abundance of usergenerated material contribute to heightened uncertainty. trust is crucial for the development of a good connection between participants in online buying platforms. in a variety of online scenarios, trust is crucial for lowering individuals' uncertainties and risks. there are two methods to express trust: trust in one's fellow members and trust in one's community. trust is defined as an individual's readiness to rely on the thoughts, views, and proposals of other community members. additionally, trust has been suggested to be the universal social lubricant that enables society to work smoothly; trust is the belief in the predictability of others' behavior. traditionally, trust has been defined in the context of business as a collection of beliefs about the transaction partner's honesty, capacity, and beneficence in delivering the promised benefit. customers' impressions of an online vendor's credibility, as well as their buy intents, can be influenced by trust. (yahia et al., 2018)(tuncer, 2021) (shekhar & jaidev, 2020)(sembada & koay, 2021) (pratama et al., 2018). as a result of the uncertainty and risk inherent in online environments, trust can be considered a critical component of economic relations. additionally, trust in social commerce is divided into two categories: specific trust in social commerce members and systemic trust in social commerce apps. (dakduk et al., 2020)(cheng et al., 2019). on the previous study also said that trust is the important factor for customer in social commerce repurchase (meilatinova, 2021). additionally, connection maintenance or social support is a significant role in social commerce adoption. consumers like the social commerce platform for relationship maintenance because it is aware of their desires and demands. cross-selling and up-selling on goods purchased by consumers are possible via the social commerce platform. additionally, the signs examined indicate that consumers like special discounts, limited-time deals, and loyalty products for those who frequently purchase online (andriadi et al., 2019)(sheikh et al., 2017). members of the social commerce community transfer information and advice that enables them to solve problems and make wise choices; they also exchange messages about emotional issues such as empathy and compassion. long-term relationships require community trust. trust is defined as an impression of reliability and integrity in the behavior of the ex-change partner (molinillo et al., 2020). the last of top 3 important factor for social commerce adoption in developing countries is hedonic motivation. hedonic was have significant impact on the social commerce platform intention to use (yahia et al., 2018). hedonic value can be defined as the degree of playfulness and pleasure experienced by a participant when he or she receives a marketing message via social media. utilitarian and hedonic values are incorporated into the cognitive and affective evaluation paramita … vol 4(2) 2023 : 847-854 851 of present participants in this online marketing context (wang et al. 2019). according to a previous study conducted in 2020 by lin, j., guo, j., turel, o., and liu, s., the attributes of organic foods influenced consumers' hedonic attitudes, which in turn influenced their purchase intentions (lin et al. 2020). based on the analysis phase, it can be shown that trust is the most important factor for social commerce adoption in developing countries, once trust is developed well by the social commerce platform as well as social commerce sellers, the others factor will follow such as relationship maintained as well as hedonic value. the result of this research in-line with latest research in 2021, according to this study, trust is also critical for improving individuals' wellbeing, which has a direct impact on their productivity and, subsequently, economic growth. (miniesy & abdelkarim, 2021). trust can be defined as a person's assumption that another person, institution, or online shopping platform would have a favorable attitude toward a long-term relationship. in this study the research object is limited on the important factors only, there still an opportunity to conduct further research. the big opportunity is investigating the important factors of social commerce adoption based on the type of industry, moreover another interesting opportunity is comparing the social commerce adoption in developing countries and developed countries. furthermore, other opportunity in this area is how to find the related factor in social commerce adoption, for example find the correlation between trust and others factor. 5. conclusion trust is the most important factor for social commerce adoption in developing countries, when some social commerce platform and the seller is trusted, other factors will follow. furthermore, trust is also important to construct social commerce model, almost of the social commerce platform in this research considering trust as first factor to conduct the social commerce research. the important things for future research in this domain is discovering the possibility of social media transformation to marketplace, in another term is it possible social media become social marketplace? references aladwani, a. m. 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(2020). social commerce information sharing and their impact on consumers. technological forecasting and social change, 153(december 2019), 119875. busalim, a. h., & hussin, a. r. c. (2016). understanding social commerce: a systematic literature review and directions for further research. international journal of information management, 36(6), 1075–1088. chen, a., lu, y., & wang, b. (2017). customers’ purchase decision-making process in social commerce: a social learning perspective. international journal of information management, 37(6), 627–638. chen, x., li, y., davison, r. m., & liu, y. (2021). the impact of imitation on chinese social commerce buyers’ purchase behavior: the moderating role of uncertainty. international paramita … vol 4(2) 2023 : 847-854 852 journal of information management, 56(march 2020), 102262. chen, y., lu, y., wang, b., & pan, z. 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(2018). investigating the drivers for social commerce in social media platforms: importance of trust, social support and the platform perceived usage. journal of retailing and consumer services, 41(november 2017), 11– 19. yeon, j., park, i., & lee, d. (2019). what creates trust and who gets loyalty in social commerce?. journal of retailing and consumer services, 50(april), 138–144. zheng, x., men, j., xiang, l., & yang, f. (2020). role of technology attraction and parasocial interaction in social shopping websites. international journal of information management, 51(december 2019), 102043. zhou, t. (2020). the effect of privacy risk on users’ social commerce intention. international journal of networking and virtual organisations, 23(1), 82–96. social commerce purchase intention factors in developing countries: a systematic literature review adi suryaputra paramita information systems department, universitas ciputra surabaya, indonesia received : 31 january 2023, revised: 10 may 2023, accepted : 10 may 2023 *corresponding author abstract over the last decade, research on social commerce has grown exponentially, reflecting the widespread adoption of social commerce strategies and practices. social commerce encompasses a broad range of distinct concepts. recent reviews of the literature... keywords: social commerce, adoption, developing countries, factors, review 1. introduction social commerce is a type of business that is mediated by social media and involves the confluence of the online and offline worlds. social commerce websites offer a variety of features, such as product recommendations to friends, customer reviews, a ... recent studies of the literature detail the numerous dimensions of social commerce. one aspect on which this study focuses is the actions via which people shop or purposefully investigate purchasing opportunities through participation in and/or engage... fig. 1. slr process 2. methodology at the beginning the process of review is identifying the databased used. in this study, 6 databases of literature resources selected, the resources are scopus, acm, ieee xplore, inderscience, taylor & francis, as well as association of information sy... the next step after keyword defined, is implement the keyword search in the digital repository of literature, after careful review, 49 articles selected in this study from 149 articles collected. the summary of literature collection shown in table 1. after 149 articles collected, the next step is identifying which article is fit in with our research purpose, inclusion and exclusion criteria is developed to conduct the first assessment of articles selection, the criteria of inclusion and exclusion ... table 2 inclusion and exclusion criteria inclusion and exclusion are the process to select which paper is fit in with our research purpose as well as research question, the main inclusion criteria in this study are the previous research should conduct in developing countries, the factors of ... table 3 – quality assessments criteria quality assessment is a vital element in determining the superiority of the primary studies. quality instruments define the specifics of quality assessment. the tools serve as a checklist of the critical criteria that must be applied in this investiga... table 4 – selected article summary based on table 4, international journal of information management are the most sources for this study followed by journal of retailing and customer services. both of that are the top journal in information systems area regarding scopus quartile. on th... 3. result once, article passed from quality assessment, important factors of social commerce adoption discover, the result of social commerce adoption factors discovery presents in table 5 below. table 5 – social commerce adoption factor summary based on the data extraction process it clear that trust is the most important factor for social commerce adoption in developing countries followed by relationship maintenance as well hedonic motivation. 4. analysis and discussions based on the data extraction result the most important factors of social commerce adoption in developing countries is trust. in social commerce buyers, and sellers able to conduct direct transaction without medium such as marketplace, based on that, n... trust is crucial in online buying environments, but it is even more critical in social commerce platforms, where the lack of face-to-face communication and the abundance of user-generated material contribute to heightened uncertainty. trust is crucial... additionally, connection maintenance or social support is a significant role in social commerce adoption. consumers like the social commerce platform for relationship maintenance because it is aware of their desires and demands. cross-selling and up-s... the last of top 3 important factor for social commerce adoption in developing countries is hedonic motivation. hedonic was have significant impact on the social commerce platform intention to use (yahia et al., 2018). hedonic value can be defined as t... based on the analysis phase, it can be shown that trust is the most important factor for social commerce adoption in developing countries, once trust is developed well by the social commerce platform as well as social commerce sellers, the others fact... trust can be defined as a person's assumption that another person, institution, or online shopping platform would have a favorable attitude toward a long-term relationship. in this study the research object is limited on the important factors only, th... 5. conclusion trust is the most important factor for social commerce adoption in developing countries, when some social commerce platform and the seller is trusted, other factors will follow. furthermore, trust is also important to construct social commerce model, ... references aladwani, a. m. (2018). a quality-facilitated socialization model of social commerce decisions. international journal of information management, 40(november 2017), 1–7. al-dwairi, r., abu-shanab, e., & daradkeh, m. (2018). a framework for antecedents of trust in social commerce. international journal of enterprise network management, 9(3–4), 333–351. al-maatouk, q., othman, m. s., aldraiweesh, a., alturki, u., al-rahmi, w. m., & aljeraiwi, a. a. (2020). task-technology fit and technology acceptance model application to structure and evaluate the adoption of social media in academia. ieee access, 8... andriadi, k., fitriani, w. r., hidayanto, a. n., sandhyaduhita, p. i., & samik-ibrahim, r. m. (2019). analysis of factors influencing consumer intention to buy in s-commerce business. acm international conference proceeding series, 64–70. https://doi.... bugshan, h., & attar, r. w. (2020). social commerce information sharing and their impact on consumers. technological forecasting and social change, 153(december 2019), 119875. busalim, a. h., & hussin, a. r. c. (2016). understanding social commerce: a systematic literature review and directions for further research. international journal of information management, 36(6), 1075–1088. chen, a., lu, y., & wang, b. (2017). customers’ purchase decision-making process in social commerce: a social learning perspective. international journal of information management, 37(6), 627–638. chen, x., li, y., davison, r. m., & liu, y. (2021). the impact of imitation on chinese social commerce buyers’ purchase behavior: the moderating role of uncertainty. international journal of information management, 56(march 2020), 102262. https://doi.... chen, y., lu, y., wang, b., & pan, z. 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and employees each year as part of the process of career development and promotion. the data obtained include the assessment of lecturers by students, the discipline of lecturers on giving lectures, the allocation of time by each lecturer and the method used is topsis where this method is considered suitable for this research. and amik employees mahaputra pekanbaru. decision support system for evaluating the performance of lecturers and employees in promotion. although the decision taken has been 74% but it has been recommended to assist the management of amik mahaputra in making decisions. keywords : decision support system, topsis, lecturer performance 1. introduction institutions that move dynamically require harmonious human resource relationships, with the role of organizational communication being very important. the formal authority of a manager causes the emergence of three roles in the communication between personality, information roles and deciding roles. the university management paradigm has been transformed from the power of science to an institution that provides information, which is not limited to space and time, with the presence of powerful media forms from information technology to teaching and research networks. higher education is an organization that is highly dependent on the performance of its members' human resources, in this case, including lecturers as part of the available resources. universities must recognize the importance of human resource development. the role of the duties and responsibilities of lecturers is very important in achieving the goals of national education, namely the intellectual life of the nation, improving the quality of indonesian people, including the quality of faith, piety, character, mastery of science, technology, and art, and to bring indonesians forward, fair, prosperous , and civilized (tahir et. al., 2017). lecturers as the main resource in presenting high quality education. improving the quality of faculty performance is a complex problem faced by many universities in indonesia. performance measurement and quality assessment of lecturers are usually measured by three main indicators, namely education and teaching, research and community service. the third indicator is known as the university's tri dharma. overall so as to produce a complete performance assessment according to many relevant indicators. in addition, the leadership factor in an organization is rarely included as an indicator that is also able to boost lecturer performance (suryaman, 2018). the university is one of the educational institutions that produces quality human resources. government regulation no. 30/1990 explains that universities are aimed at preparing citizen students who have academic or professional abilities who can apply, develop, and create science, technology, and arts. there are several struggles to achieve the dream of appearing in quality higher education. there needs to be major improvements to its aspects, lecturers are the most important aspect to improve the quality of tertiary education. high lecturer performance affects the quality of higher education. this study aims to determine the factors that affect lecturer performance. lecturer performance factors include experience, skills, age, gender, education, suandi daulay vol 2(1) 2020 : 42-49 43 tenure, responsibility, job satisfaction, perceptions, motivation, leadership, costs, supervision, and working conditions (hadiantini, et. al., 2017). kennedy, d., 1997, according to him that the main task of lecturers' academic tasks is apart from teaching, but they must also be able to find and publish their findings. scientific publications in the reputation of national and international journals, act as self-actualization media for academics and researchers in the development of science internationally. but in general, the performance of lecturers' scientific publications in indonesia is still far behind including the citation index compared to the scientific publications of lecturers in southeast asian countries (lubis, et al, 2018). 2. literature review decision making is the main management activity which greatly determines the existence of an organization. errors in decision making can have fatal consequences for an organization. because this activity is very important, management experts are always looking for systems, methods and technology that can assist management in carrying out these tasks. in line with the development of information technology, various management support systems were developed including computer-based decision support systems. this system is a computer-based system designed to increase the effectiveness of decision makers in solving semi-structured or unstructured problems(irawan, 2020). lecturers are academic staff in charge of implementing the tridarma of higher education, which includes education and teaching, research and development of science and technology and community service as well as supporting activities. the purpose of selecting outstanding lecturers is to provide real and extraordinary recognition of lecturers for conducting university tridharma activities whose results can be proud of and are very beneficial for the progress of improving academic and institutional quality(azizu & sari, 2020). according to mufizar (2016) decision support system (spk) / decision support system is an intelligent system that includes a knowledge-based system to support decision-making activities quickly and precisely. dss uses data, provides an easy-to-use interface, and allows decision makers to use insights on their own. according to surya (2018) decision support system (dss) / decision support system is a process of choosing between various alternatives, managerial decision making is synonymous with the overall process of management decision support system can be defined as a system intended to support managerial decision makers in situations unstructured decisions. damanik & bangun (2018) decision support system (dss) can be defined as a computer program that provides information in the application domain provided by a decision analysis model and access to a database, where it is intended to support decision makers (decision maker) in make decisions effectively in both complex and unstructured conditions. the decision making system is an inseparable part of the totality of the entire organizational system. that the organizational system includes at least operational systems, decision systems, and information systems. one method that can be used for decision support is the topsis method. the topsis method is a method of assessment that can be interpreted as giving each object its specific value to be evaluated(rahim, et. al., 2018). the topsis method is a simple and efficient multiple criteria method for identifying solutions from a set of several alternatives(muslihudin, et. al., 2019). the decision support system for the recommendation for graduation of thesis trial student participants using ahp-topsis has been produced. this dss can provide accuracy based on the hamming distance of 96.2% and the euclidean distance of 0.8096 for 95 sample student data between 2014-2016 so that it can be applied to recommend the graduation of student participants for the thesis trial(sari,, 2018). 3. research methods research activities are activities in solving a problem which is expected to obtain the desired results and in a long enough time by applying scientific methods based on the procedures and rules that are enforced. in a study, a methodology that contains a framework is needed. where in this framework in the form of a description of the steps to be carried out so that the research can run systematically and the objectives that are expected to be achieved as desired. the suandi daulay vol 2(1) 2020 : 42-49 44 framework of thought is usually in the form of a theoretical framework and a logical pattern of reasoning framework. the theoretical framework in question is a summary description of the theory used and how to use the theory in answering the research questions. framework is a writing plan that draws an outline of an essay to be worked on, as well as a series of several ideas that will be arranged in a systematic, logical, clear, orderly and structured manner. this chapter will describe the research framework, in which this framework is the steps that will be taken in solving problems that are the main subject of discussion. where this research framework can be seen in figure below: figure 1. research framework 1. relevant lecturer data in this stage the writer collects data which comes from related problems. where the data obtained from amik mahaputra pekanbaru. these data are in the form of research, education and service. 2. grouping data about lecturer performance. in this step, the process of grouping research data is carried out using two methods, namely: a. descriptive method in which data is collected, then arranged, grouped and analyzed, so as to obtain some clear picture results on the problems to be discussed. b. comparative method in which analysis is carried out by comparing theory and practice, so as to obtain a clear picture of the similarities and differences between the two. 3. look for rules in decision making where the search for rules is in accordance with the basis of complete knowledge into separate elements in the form of criteria where later this criterion can solve problems with facts with existing knowledge. 4. analyzing lecturer data the data obtained will then be analyzed in order to produce useful information in determining the performance of lecturers in data analysis using the topsis method. this method is expected to produce solutions from the lecturer's performance. 5. design to meet the needs of amik mahaputra pekanbaru as a system user, the system design stage was carried out. system design in this step begins by presenting data in the form of criteria which are managed using the topsis method, design input interfaces, creating algorithms and creating interface outputs. at the system design stage, the design is carried out using uml (unified modelling language). 6. implementation of the system suandi daulay vol 2(1) 2020 : 42-49 45 in the implementation phase of the system, the coding process or application creation is carried out. in this research, the application development will be built using hypertext preprocessor (php) by applying the topsis method(zyoud & fuchs-hanusch, 2017) 4. results and discussions determination of lecturer performance based on existing criteria. there are several criteria that need to be considered in determining the performance of lecturers, namely: education, research, community service, responsibility, personality, loyalty, cooperation, and leadership. after the alternatives and criteria are determined, the weighting of the scores for each criterion is carried out for each alternative. the next step is to carry out an analysis process of the results obtained from data processing. the results or outputs from processing are information in the form of priority values from the alternative performance of the lecturers that have the highest to the lowest scores. this information will certainly be used by the decision maker in making decisions. in designing this decision support system, supporting data is needed, including: alternative data and criteria data. alternative data consists of data from alternative lecturers to be tested, namely: julianto simatupang, mukhtar muhammad, sinta maria and fitri ayu. the criteria data consist of the three dharma colleges of the lecturer, the criteria data include: education, teaching, community service, service orientation, integrity, commitment, discipline, cooperation, and leadership. the data used is data from the tri dharma college of the lecturer, be it research, learning, and community service data along with a list of employee executive assessments (dp3) of the five lecturers. the implementation of this program system includes specifications of hardware requirements (hardware), and specifications of software (software). this program is recommended to run using hardware (hardware) that has the following specifications: 1. intel pentium dual core process, 2.5 ghz 2. memory 1 gb 3. 80 gb hard drive 4. 64 mb vga card 5. monitor with a resolution of 1024 x 800 pixels 6. keyboard and mouse the software or software used to run this application is the windows seven operating system environment or windows 10 application using web programing. the steps of processing lecturer performance data using the lecturer performance appraisal application using the php programming language are carried out in the following manner: double-click the xampp control panel icon on the desktop and open google chrome, or internet explorer then type in the search page localhost / kinerja_dosen so that the admin page of the lecturer performance application will appear and ask for a password. dashboard form this form is the homepage or main page which contains lecturer data, criteria data, criteria set, lecturer assessment, calculation of the final result and sig out of the results and information which functions as follows: a. home is the home page. b. lecturer data input lecturer data such as nip input, lecturer name, which contains lecturer biodata. c. data the input criteria are the criteria data such as the criteria name weight criteria. d. criteria set is a menu to display the form results from the weights of our criteria. e. lecturer assessment is a menu for selecting which lecturer data we will input. f. the calculation is the result of the lecturer assessment process using the topsis method. suandi daulay vol 2(1) 2020 : 42-49 46 figure 2. display dashboard form add lecturer data page information from figure 3. the lecturer data input form consists of 5 fields, namely: a. nidn contains the lecturer id number code. b. name containing the name of the lecturer. c. address contains the address of the lecturer. d. education contains the lecturer education. e. position contains the lecturer's position. figure 3. display add lecturer data the description of figure 3 is a display of the inputted lecturer data such as nip / nidn, name, address, education and position, all of which are the result of adding lecturer data or called lecturer master data. suandi daulay vol 2(1) 2020 : 42-49 47 figure 4. display of lecturer data the description of figure 4 is a display of the inputted lecturer data such as nip / nidn, name, address, education and position, all of which are the result of adding lecturer data or called lecturer master data. figure 5. display criteria data input the input of the value of the tridrahma of higher education from research to the input of the dp3 value of the lecturer based on the amount that has been processed from the lecturers' data such as the value of teaching, research value and community service. suandi daulay vol 2(1) 2020 : 42-49 48 figure 6. display of criteria value process results this is test results page contains lecturer performance appraisal data can be seen that compares the original manual data with the system data results. table 1. information of calculation no lecturer name original data result of system data year accuracy 1 julianto 0.8419 0.8467 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 99.4331 2 mukhtar 0.4579 0.5588 49.5705 3 muhammad 0.3308 0.4935 67.0314 4 sinta maria 0.6509 0.5218 80.1659 5 fitri ayu 0.4932 0.5455 90.4125 to find the level of accuracy in the following ways: (sum of original data) / (sum of system results) x 100% 1. julianto lecturer accuracy = 99% 2. mukhtar lecturer accuracy = 49% 3. muhammad lecturer accuracy = 67% 4. sinta maria lecturer accuracy of = 80% 5. fitra ayu lecturer accuracy = 90% 5. conclusion from the test results it can be concluded that the results are stated right, so that the topsis method can be used by the leadership as a basis for decision making in determining lecturer performance appraisal at amik mahaputra pekanbaru. from the test results, it can be concluded that the results are stated to be correct with an accuracy rate of 74% so that the topsis method can be used by the leadership as a basis for decision making in determining the assessment of lecturer performance at amik mahaputra pekanbaru. the technique for others reference by similarity to ideal solution (topsis) method can be used to rank lecturer performance according to predetermined criteria. references azizu, a. m., & sari, w. o. d. p. 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(2017). a bibliometric-based survey on ahp and topsis techniques. expert systems with applications, 78, 158-181. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 765-772 765 mitigation of environmental damage through natural resources management contracts (eco-contract perspective) hengki firmanda 1 *, mahmud hibatul wafi 2 , m. alpi syahrin 3 faculty of law, universitas riau, 28131 pekanbaru, indonesia1 faculty of humanities, institut agama islam negeri kerinci, 37112 jambi, indonesia2 faculty of sharia and law, universitas islam negeri sultan syarif kasim riau, indonesia3,, received : 24 january 2023, revised: 12 april 2023, accepted : 13 april 2023 *corresponding author abstract environmental damage by extractive activities is caused by the formulation of policies that have not placed nature and the environment as legal subjects. policy formulation in the form of a contract of work tends to accommodate human interests and is profit-oriented. this study aims to examine strategies for mitigating environmental damage caused by pt freeport’s mining activities based on an eco-contract perspective. pt freeport’s contract of work is the object of analysis in this research, while data on environmental damage are obtained from national media. theoretical-reflective approach is used in analyzing the data to formulate mitigation strategies. the results showed that the mitigation of environmental damage in the ecocontract perspective emphasizes the natural relationships and interactions between all components of the ecosystem. in other words, mitigation of environmental damage requires equal treatment between the environment and humans which also indicates equal rights. in fact, force majeure conditions and natural disasters are still viewed from a human perspective, so that efforts to identify and socialize environmental damage only focus on human aspects rather than nature and the environment. pt freeport’s contract of work has not accommodated mitigation efforts of environmental damage that ecologically oriented. in addition, the weak mapping, control, and socialization of pt freeport’s mining activities have implications for the lack of efforts to mitigate environmental damage. keywords: mitigation, environmental damage, eco-contract, natural resources 1. introduction there is a fundamental problem with the contract of work and the perspective of the parties to the contract, namely understanding their relationship to nature through an anthropocentrism perspective. the dominance of human ecology has preserved an anthropocentric perspective that impacts human behavior and attitudes (uenal et al., 2022). the problem of this perspective turns out to have major implications for the ecological order in the form of environmental damage. the massive expansion of mining companies such as pt freeport which has contributed to environmental degradation on a large scale shows the normalization of this view (luhukay, 2016). therefore, efforts to mitigate environmental damage that are ecologically sound need to be explicitly stated in the contract of work. coal mining activities result in deforestation and release harmful minerals and heavy metals into the soil and water, impacting the environment long after mining has taken place. in addition, poor mining practices can trigger coal fires that last for decades and emit ash and smoke containing greenhouse gases and toxic chemicals. in addition, the greenhouse gas methane released during coal mining, which is 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide, creates environmental challenges such as soil erosion, noise and water pollution, fugitive dust, and negative impacts on biodiversity. therefore, in running a modern mining operation, action should be taken to reduce impacts on all aspects of the environment. this can be done through careful project planning, effective pollution control, monitoring of mining impacts and rehabilitation of mined areas. by doing so, the coal industry can minimize the impact of their activities on surrounding communities, and the environment in the long run. in addition, miners and communities living near mining sites can develop lung diseases from inhaling coal dust, and mining accidents can kill thousands of people each year. coal mining can also force entire firmanda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 765-772 766 communities off their land due to mine expansion, subsidence and polluted water supplies (dontala et al., 2015). researches on mitigating environmental damage pay more attention to mitigation strategies than policy structuring. the existing research trends can be mapped into two categories. first, a study that focuses on the formulation of environmental damage mitigation strategies with various approaches, such as pesantren-based (nur aulia et al., 2019), enzyme utilization (cárdenasalcaide et al., 2022), cultural wisdom (indigenous strategies) (muhammad, et al., 2014), and community empowerment (mashur & meiwanda, 2019). second, studies that pay attention to the role of government (tripa & taqwadin, 2013; boseke et al., 2021) and companies (luhukay, 2016) in mitigating environmental damage. this research addresses the issue of mitigating environmental damage caused by pt freeport's extractive activities through eco-contract perspective. this research departs from three arguments, first, most of the problems of environmental degradation by mining companies are caused by the determination of policies that are too oriented to human interests. policy decisions are made through a complex political process that tends to ignore the interests of nature. human dominance over nature cannot be separated from the political policies behind it (dhont et al., 2016; hyers, 2006; milfont et al., 2013; uenal et al., 2022). second, the contract of work between indonesia government and the freeport does not clearly explain the efforts to mitigate environmental damage, which indicates the lack of attention to nature and the environment. third, the control of mining activities based on eco-contracts emphasizes harmony between all components of the ecosystem, so that efforts to reduce natural resources can be prevented. using an eco-contract perspective, this research is oriented to address the environmental degradation caused by pt freeport's mining activities. mitigation strategies relevant to pt freeport's environmental problems are the main objective of this research, so that environmental problems can be prevented early. thus, the task of mitigating environmental damage can be a major concern for mining corporations, the government, stakeholders, and the community in general. 2. research methods this research is a qualitative with a case study approach where the primary data is obtained from the contract of work of pt freeport and cases of environmental damage by mining activities. this study was conducted in two stages. the first stage is to formulate the main questions related to the mitigation of environmental damage through a contract of work. second, collecting data from literature studies, namely the law on mining, pt freeport indonesia documents as primary legal materials and literature such as books related to research topics and national media information as secondary sources. this study adopts qualitative analysis with thematic analysis through several stages: data collection, reduction, interpretation, and display. thematic analysis presupposes more complicity and interpretation by the researcher. 3. results and discussions environment in pt freeport’s contract of work environmental management and protection in pt freeport’s contract of work refers to the laws and regulations in force in indonesia. the environmental problems that are concern in the contract of work include: waste, fire, pollution and hazardous emissions. while the human aspect focuses on the health and safety of employees and local residents. in addition, the feasibility study is also highlighted in the contract of work with a note that there is an analysis of the impact of mining activities on water, air, land, biological resources, and human settlements. prevention of environmental damage due to mining activities involves standard precautions that are recognized internationally. companies also have a responsibility to avoid harm to rights and governments. the responsibility of the company is adjusted to the laws and regulations in force in indonesia. environmental issues in the contract of work between freeport and indonesia more detail in the table below: firmanda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 765-772 767 table 1 environmental issue in contract of work pt freeport environmental management and protection appointment and responsibility of the company 1. the company shall, in accordance with prevailing environmental and natural preservation laws and regulations of indonesia from time to time in effect, use its best efforts to conduct its operations under this agreement so as to minimize harm to the environment and utilize recognized modern mining industry practices to protect natural resources against unnecessary damage, to minimize pollution and harmful emissions into the environment, to dispose of waste in a manner consistent with good waste disposal practices, and in general to provide for the health and safety of its employees and the local community. the company shall not take any acts which may unnecessarily and unreasonably block or limit the further development of the resources of the area in which it operates. 2. the company shall install and utilize such internationally recognized modern safety devices and shall observe such internationally recognized modern safety precautions as are provided and observed under conditions and operations comparable to those undertaken by the company under this agreement, including measures designed to prevent and control fires. 3. the company shall include in the feasibility study for each new mining area an environmental impact study which analyzes the potential impact of its operations on land, water, air, biological resources and human settlements. the environmental study will also outline measures which the company intends to use to mitigate adverse impacts the company shall take all reasonable measures to prevent damage to the rights and property of the government or third parties. in the event of negligence on the part of the company or its agents or of any registered subcontractor carrying on operations or activities for the company under this agreement, the company or such subcontractor, as the case may be, shall be liable for such negligence in accordance with the laws of indonesia. source: indonesian corruption watch (icw) environmental issues and their prevention are not discussed in detail in the contract of work. indonesian laws and regulations as guidelines for environmental prevention are also not explicitly stated, let alone customary law. this is a gap for the normalization of environmental damage by mining activities. the data that the authors collect from various national media shows that the prevention of environmental damage does not run according to agreements and regulations, and even tends to be ignored. table 2 reporting of environmental damage in national media no. news title evidences of environmental damage 1 della syahni (2019), “after the freeport divestment, what about environmental damage and recovery?”, there have been 22 freeport activities that have violated the environmental impact analysis (amdal) since at least 1991, one of which was the expansion of the grasberg open pit mine from 410 hectares to 584 hectares. 2 mochamad januar rizki (2019) “klhk's response to environmental damage due to freeport's mine,” most damage related to tailings (waste) 3 (2018) “dpr asks freeport to take responsibility for damage to papua’s ecosystem,” pt freeport indonesia remains responsible for the loss of services value for ecosystem and environmental in papua 4, (2019) “bearing the impact of freeport's waste,” environmental degradation occurs due to the tailings problem which is located along the ajkwa river, firmanda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 765-772 768 mimika. the tailings storage area is managed only 230 square kilometers upstream, but exits to river mouth 5, (2018) "pt freeport pollutes the environment, this is the step of the ministry of environment and forestry," pt freeport should pay attention to improvements in pollution originating from tailings (soil waste), where the waste flows into rivers. the technology used must be advanced so that the waste does not enter the river. the data above shows that the environmental damage from pt freeport’s mining is mostly caused by tailings (soil waste) flowing into rivers. pt freeport did not specifically discuss the tailings issue in the contract, only one phrase that the researcher found in the contract text as follows: “power, water and sewage facilities, which may include power plants (which may be hydroelectric, steam, gas or diesel), power lines, dams, watercourses, drains, water supply systems and systems for disposing of tailings, plant wastes and sewage” (contract of work pt freeport indonesia) the tailings issue has received attention and criticism from many parties, because it opens up space for other environmental violations. based on data of the ministry of environment and forestry, 48 violations were found. the environmental violations caused by pt freeport's mining were followed up with the determination of administrative sanctions through the decree of the minister of environment and forestry number sk 5559/menlhkphlhk/ppsa/gkm.0/10/2017 ( existing environmental violations show that mining companies are inconsistent in complying with the contract of work and applicable laws. uu no. 32 of 2009 concerning environmental protection and management has not been able to be accommodated and implemented by mining parties to prevent environmental degradation. the law provides legal validity and guarantees for everyone to get a decent and healthy environment (hernaningsih, 2022). eco-contracts: an ecologically insight paradigm in responding to the phenomenon of environmental damage that is increasingly massive and systematic, a paradigmatic transformation of the environment and nature is a necessity. environmental damage by extractive activities not only destroys the order of the ecosystem, but also worsens the social and cultural order. the contract of work as an agreement text contains the interests and orientations of each party. thus, the transformation of an environmentally sound paradigm begins with the formulation of an agreement or agreement, as deep ecology arne naess views that policy changes have implications for economic, technological and ideological structures (ainia & jiarzanah, 2021). the paradigm transformation that is environmentally sound affects the relationship between humans and nature. because between humans and nature are in an equal position and need each other, even humans can hardly let go of the role of nature as a partner in life. one of the ways to partner with nature is through natural resource management contracts. it’s just that so far, natural resource management contracts have always placed nature as a commodity for the benefit of humans (firmanda, 2019). therefore, it is not uncommon for pollution and destruction of nature to occur as a result of contracts that ignore the position and role of nature. humans and nature are one unit, because humans are micro nature, and nature itself is macro, as proposed by snijders, humans are often called microcosms because in humans there are all entities of the universe (snijders, 2007). microcosm or macrocosm is only a term that gives a measure that nature is vast, and humans are part of nature, but it does not reduce the meaning that nature and humans both have human characteristics, so nature and humans are subjects. god is the supra cosmos or supra subject, nature is the macrocosm as the subject, and humans are the microcosm which is also the subject. eco-contract comes from two syllables, namely ecology (ecology) and contract (contract). borrong mentions ecology in greek is divided into 2 (two) namely oikos and logos. oikos is defined as a house or place to live, or in a broader sense means the universe, and logos is firmanda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 765-772 769 interpreted as science or knowledge. these two terms give the literal meaning of ecology which is defined as the science or knowledge of the place to live. knowledge of the place of residence is not only understanding the house, but what is in the residence. all components in the house such as living and non-living things (borrong, 2000). keraf explained that oikos in ecology is a household, or in a broad sense it means the universe, the earth where all life lives, habitat or house where all life lives, meaning that ecology in a broad dimension can also be interpreted that the place to live is this infinite universe (keraf, 2016). chang also explained that ecology aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of the state of the entire universe (chang, 2005). the boundaries of ecology are basically unlimited, not only studying living things such as humans, animals, and plants, to live together, but all the contents of this universe. the definition of a contract or agreement in article 1313 states that contract is an agreement by one or more persons in binding themselves to one or other persons. muhammad formulated the understanding of article 1313 of the civil code as follows, what is called an agreement is a bond between two or more people in the financial sector (muhammad, 1992). subekti said that an agreement is an activity where one person promises another person or two parties to do something (subekti, 1987). naja stated that the contract is a media or instrument of engagement that is intentionally made in writing as evidence for the interested parties (naja, 2006). in principle, a contract is a medium or an instrument of engagement between all things related to ecology, and the contract is intentionally made between all ecological components, so that basically the contract already exists and is intentionally made between the house (ecology) and what is in it, it can even be up to to “who made his house”. a contract or agreement according to the oxford dictionary of law is a legally binding agreement. the important thing in a contract is an agreement that has legal force. the agreement in the eco-contract has existed since the existence of the house and what is in it, and from the moment the “creator” created the house and what was in the house. thus, ecocontract can be understood as a bond between nature and humans, that nature and humans have formed a closely related contract between the two. in other words, eco-contracts are relations and interactions that form natural or non-natural bonds between all ecosystem components that bind themselves together, whether written or unwritten (firmanda & wafi, 2022). in the indonesian context, eco-contracts must be based on pancasila and eco-humanism, which have the following contents: 1. eco-contracts based on divine values. in making a contract, one must pay attention to and respect the instructions of god almighty. deviations from god’s instructions indicate that the state deviates from the concept of divinity. respect for divine values is the highest source for the creation and implementation of contracts based on eco-contracts. kaelan said that the administration of the state cannot ignore the values that come from god (kaelan, 2013). 2. eco-contracts with eco-humanist character. eco-contracts are made based on just and civilized human nature. fair and civilized shows that humans have humanitarian consequences. humanity is not only defined as humanizing humans, but also interpreted as humanizing nature. this is considered important so that the position of humans and nature is proportional, as bakker said that cultural works not only humanize natural materials, but also need to have a dialogue between humans and nature so that humans are more humanized (bakker, 2005). nature is a partner of humans in their efforts to achieve noble humanity and glorify nature. 3. dimensions of unity in the eco-contract. unity is defined as an association of all subjects that form one. there is no partition between each subject. subjects interact with each other in a position that unites one another. there is a common goal (one) to form a contract. subjects are mutually synergistic in fulfilling their rights and obligations. as the nation’s motto “bhinneka tunggal ika”, which means unity in differences and differences in unity. 4. deliberation in forming eco-contracts as a people’s bond. the making of a natural resource management contract should prioritize the aspect of deliberation and consensus, because the contract involves a social contract. the government prioritizes transparency in making contracts and conducting due diligence before ratifying the contract with the third party, so that the contract is in accordance with the wishes of the community. 5. eco-contracts that aspire to justice for all components of the ecosystem. the contract must contain rights and obligations, not only the rights and responsibility of the private parties, but firmanda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 765-772 770 also the rights and obligations of a social contract. behind the private contract between the government and other parties, there is a social contract between the government and its people, and there is a contract between humans and nature. contracts must be made to the fulfillment of rights and obligations in the realm of social contracts, where there are humans, nature and god as a form of our obedience to him. if the state administrators are socially just, it will show the existence of justice before god. eco-contract based environmental damage mitigation mitigation is part of efforts to minimize the impact of disasters, both physical development, building awareness and capacity to respond to disaster risk. mitigation activities as referred to in law no. 24 of 2007 is carried out through: a. spatial planning; b. arrangement of development, infrastructure, building management; and c. organizing education, counseling, and training both conventionally and modernly. from an eco-contract perspective, pt freeport’s mining activities to mitigate environmental damage are focused on the policy formulation process. environmental damage is caused by, among other things, wrong policy making. therefore, eco-contract emphasizes the policy formulation process that accommodates the needs and interests of the relevant subjects. environmental damage by tailings waste, for example, shows a serious problem in policy. policy is a manifestation of the paradigm of the actors. spatial planning, building planning, and socialization of the prevention of environmental damage are based on regulations and policies. if the policy is profit-oriented and human interests, it tends to ignore the benefits of nature and the environment. the urgency of eco-contracts lies in the formulation of policies that take into account the needs of all components of the ecosystem, so that a fair relationship can be maintained. the ideal of justice is a key concept in eco-contracts. collective action to reduce environmental degradation must be based on the principle of justice. each site and case requires its own diagnosis and complete integration of all stakeholders. approaches or methods need to be selected critically by considering the suitability and character of the environment (muhammad et al., 2014). in other words, mitigation activities should not ignore local potential and environmental conditions in an area. therefore, a thorough analysis is needed in designing and implementing the agenda for mitigating environmental damage by mining activities. mitigation of environmental damage in an eco-contract perspective is not only humanoriented, but also accommodates the interests of nature. this is called eco-humanism (brennan, 1988). so far, efforts to prevent environmental degradation have always focused on human interests, with little attention being paid to the safety of nature. in other words, the ecological crisis stems from an anthropocentric view of humanism (ehrenfeld, 1978). the eco-contract perspective seeks natural relationships between all components of the ecosystem, whether written or not. in addition, eco-contracts emphasize dialogue and deliberation in preventing environmental damage. more deeply, deliberation does not only involve humans, but also all components of nature. the involvement of subjects outside of humans is done by communicating through signs. subjects outside of humans give signals that indicate that the subject is trying to interact and communicate with human subjects. interaction and communication will form desire. these desires are combined and become a common desire. mutual desire is defined as the desire of human subjects and non-human subjects who conduct deliberation to reach consensus when elaborating contracts (firmanda, 2019). this eco-contract perspective is in line with arne naess’s deep ecology concept which puts forward environmental balance and positions nature as an integral part of the ecosystem (ainia & jiarzanah, 2021), as well as changing the anthropocentric perspective (naess, 1989). mitigation of environmental damage based on eco-contracts limits humans from overexploiting natural resources. in addition, eco-contract-based mitigation operates in the policy area, because policies have a great influence on economic, social, and even ideological structures. in other words, pt freeport’s mining activities that have caused environmental degradation, especially firmanda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 765-772 771 tailings flowing through the aghawagon river and ajkwa river, require a policy in the form of a contract of work that appreciates natural interests more than business interests 4. conclusion conducting mining operations requires measures to minimize negative impacts on all aspects of the environment. achieving this goal requires careful project planning, effective pollution control, careful monitoring of mining impacts, and rehabilitation of mined areas. this research raises important questions about controlling eco-contract based mining activities to prevent environmental damage. pt freeport’s contract of work has not positioned nature as a legal subject that has rights equal to humans. given the importance of the findings of this study, policy makers need to rearrange and transform the approach to mitigating environmental damage from anthropocentric to eco-humanist, so that natural interactions between all components of the ecosystem are realized. references ainia, d. k., & jiarzanah, j. 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(2022). the roots of ecological dominance orientation: assessing individual preferences for an anthropocentric and hierarchically organized world. journal of environmental psychology, 81(march 2022), 101783. mitigation of environmental damage through natural resources management contracts (eco-contract perspective) hengki firmanda1*, mahmud hibatul wafi2, m. alpi syahrin3 faculty of law, universitas riau, 28131 pekanbaru, indonesia1 faculty of humanities, institut agama islam negeri kerinci, 37112 jambi, indonesia2 faculty of sharia and law, universitas islam negeri sultan syarif kasim riau, indonesia3,, received : 24 january 2023, revised: 12 april 2023, accepted : 13 april 2023 *corresponding author abstract environmental damage by extractive activities is caused by the formulation of policies that have not placed nature and the environment as legal subjects. policy formulation in the form of a contract of work tends to accommodate human interests and is ... keywords: mitigation, environmental damage, eco-contract, natural resources 1. introduction there is a fundamental problem with the contract of work and the perspective of the parties to the contract, namely understanding their relationship to nature through an anthropocentrism perspective. the dominance of human ecology has preserved an ant... coal mining activities result in deforestation and release harmful minerals and heavy metals into the soil and water, impacting the environment long after mining has taken place. in addition, poor mining practices can trigger coal fires that last for ... researches on mitigating environmental damage pay more attention to mitigation strategies than policy structuring. the existing research trends can be mapped into two categories. first, a study that focuses on the formulation of environmental damage m... this research departs from three arguments, first, most of the problems of environmental degradation by mining companies are caused by the determination of policies that are too oriented to human interests. policy decisions are made through a complex ... using an eco-contract perspective, this research is oriented to address the environmental degradation caused by pt freeport's mining activities. mitigation strategies relevant to pt freeport's environmental problems are the main objective of this rese... 2. research methods this research is a qualitative with a case study approach where the primary data is obtained from the contract of work of pt freeport and cases of environmental damage by mining activities. this study was conducted in two stages. the first stage is to... 3. results and discussions environment in pt freeport’s contract of work environmental management and protection in pt freeport’s contract of work refers to the laws and regulations in force in indonesia. the environmental problems that are concern in the contract of work include: waste, fire, pollution and hazardous emis... prevention of environmental damage due to mining activities involves standard precautions that are recognized internationally. companies also have a responsibility to avoid harm to rights and governments. the responsibility of the company is adjusted ... table 1 environmental issue in contract of work pt freeport source: indonesian corruption watch (icw) environmental issues and their prevention are not discussed in detail in the contract of work. indonesian laws and regulations as guidelines for environmental prevention are also not explicitly stated, let alone customary law. this is a gap for the no... table 2 reporting of environmental damage in national media the data above shows that the environmental damage from pt freeport’s mining is mostly caused by tailings (soil waste) flowing into rivers. pt freeport did not specifically discuss the tailings issue in the contract, only one phrase that the research... “power, water and sewage facilities, which may include power plants (which may be hydroelectric, steam, gas or diesel), power lines, dams, watercourses, drains, water supply systems and systems for disposing of tailings, plant wastes and sewage” (cont... the tailings issue has received attention and criticism from many parties, because it opens up space for other environmental violations. based on data of the ministry of environment and forestry, 48 violations were found. the environmental violations ... existing environmental violations show that mining companies are inconsistent in complying with the contract of work and applicable laws. uu no. 32 of 2009 concerning environmental protection and management has not been able to be accommodated and imp... eco-contracts: an ecologically insight paradigm in responding to the phenomenon of environmental damage that is increasingly massive and systematic, a paradigmatic transformation of the environment and nature is a necessity. environmental damage by extractive activities not only destroys the order ... the paradigm transformation that is environmentally sound affects the relationship between humans and nature. because between humans and nature are in an equal position and need each other, even humans can hardly let go of the role of nature as a part... humans and nature are one unit, because humans are micro nature, and nature itself is macro, as proposed by snijders, humans are often called microcosms because in humans there are all entities of the universe (snijders, 2007). microcosm or macrocosm ... eco-contract comes from two syllables, namely ecology (ecology) and contract (contract). borrong mentions ecology in greek is divided into 2 (two) namely oikos and logos. oikos is defined as a house or place to live, or in a broader sense means the un... the definition of a contract or agreement in article 1313 states that contract is an agreement by one or more persons in binding themselves to one or other persons. muhammad formulated the understanding of article 1313 of the civil code as follows, wh... naja stated that the contract is a media or instrument of engagement that is intentionally made in writing as evidence for the interested parties (naja, 2006). in principle, a contract is a medium or an instrument of engagement between all things rela... in the indonesian context, eco-contracts must be based on pancasila and eco-humanism, which have the following contents: 1. eco-contracts based on divine values. in making a contract, one must pay attention to and respect the instructions of god almighty. deviations from god’s instructions indicate that the state deviates from the concept of divinity. respect for divine... 2. eco-contracts with eco-humanist character. eco-contracts are made based on just and civilized human nature. fair and civilized shows that humans have humanitarian consequences. humanity is not only defined as humanizing humans, but also interpreted... 3. dimensions of unity in the eco-contract. unity is defined as an association of all subjects that form one. there is no partition between each subject. subjects interact with each other in a position that unites one another. there is a common goal (... 4. deliberation in forming eco-contracts as a people’s bond. the making of a natural resource management contract should prioritize the aspect of deliberation and consensus, because the contract involves a social contract. the government prioritizes t... 5. eco-contracts that aspire to justice for all components of the ecosystem. the contract must contain rights and obligations, not only the rights and responsibility of the private parties, but also the rights and obligations of a social contract. beh... eco-contract based environmental damage mitigation mitigation is part of efforts to minimize the impact of disasters, both physical development, building awareness and capacity to respond to disaster risk. mitigation activities as referred to in law no. 24 of 2007 is carried out through: a. spatial planning; b. arrangement of development, infrastructure, building management; and c. organizing education, counseling, and training both conventionally and modernly. from an eco-contract perspective, pt freeport’s mining activities to mitigate environmental damage are focused on the policy formulation process. environmental damage is caused by, among other things, wrong policy making. therefore, eco-contract empha... environmental damage by tailings waste, for example, shows a serious problem in policy. policy is a manifestation of the paradigm of the actors. spatial planning, building planning, and socialization of the prevention of environmental damage are based... the ideal of justice is a key concept in eco-contracts. collective action to reduce environmental degradation must be based on the principle of justice. each site and case requires its own diagnosis and complete integration of all stakeholders. approa... mitigation of environmental damage in an eco-contract perspective is not only human-oriented, but also accommodates the interests of nature. this 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(2022). the roots of ecological dominance orientation: assessing individual preferences for an anthropocentric and hierarchically organized world. journal of environ... journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 722-733 722 study of contract change order (cco) on implementation time in building construction project tutang muhtar kamaludin1*, andi rusdin2, nirmalawati3 department of civil engineering, faculty of engineering, universitas tadulako, palu, sulawesi tengah, 94118, indonesia1 2 3 received : 09 february 2023, revised: 29 march 2023, accepted : 01 april 2023 *corresponding author abstract the aim of this research is to identify the main causes and effects of cco in the construction of the palu state islamic university (iain) campus ii building project for the faculty of tarbiyah and teacher training and the faculty of sharia and islamic economics lecture building. tasks included conducting a field survey via a questionnaire and interviews with main parties; project owner, contractors and consultants who are directly related to the project. it was determined that the top three causes of cco from project owner, contractor and consultant. the contractor has do cco at the beginning of the project of 70% respondent, while consultant has changed contract order at mid-project implementation of 50% respondents and 70% at the end project implementation from the contractor. the results that are quite important from this study are the discovery of volume estimation errors and changes in work methods. errors in estimating volumes are caused by the planning consultant's inaccuracy in planning so that there is a significant difference in volume from the initial contract with conditions in the field so that some work items experience an increase or decrease in volume. keywords: contract change order, contractor, project, cost, time 1. introduction development in the field of education is an effort to educate the nation's life which can give birth to quality and highly competitive human resources (chiel et al., 2021; grinenko et al., 2019; arafat & buchdadi, 2019; alliyah et al., 2020). when the earthquake and tsunami occurred in the cities of palu, sigi and donggala on september 28, 2018 with a magnitude of 7.4 on the richter scale, figure 1 shows the size of the palu-koro fault slip on earth palu, sigi and donggala (takagi et al., 2019; gusman et al., 2019), it caused a tsunami in coastal areas in the cities of palu and donggala (takagi et al., 2019). the damage caused by the strength of the earthquake caused several buildings and residential areas to be damaged (laapo et al., 2020; paulik et al., 2019), including the palu state islamic university campus in sigi regency which was also significantly affected (takagi et al., 2019; gusman et al., 2019; wekke et al., 2019). as a result of this, of course, resulted in the loss of some learning room facilities. the construction of this lecture building is expected to help provide representative study room facilities for students to use so that the goals of education can be achieved. fig. 1. the size of the palu-koro fault slip on earth donggala mw 7.5 on 28 september 2018 (takagi et al., 2019) (gusman et al., 2019) a construction project can be defined as an activity that is temporary in nature with a limited period of time which has an initial time and an end time (gonçalves et al., 2016)(bednarczyk, 2017) (dziadosz & rejment, 2015), with limited resource allocation to achieve predetermined targets. construction projects have 3 characteristics, including those that kamaludin et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 723 require resources (human, money, machines, methods, materials), are unique and require organization (dziadosz & rejment, 2015; dosumu et al., 2017; wali & saber, 2019). several studies related to cco such as (taylor et al., 2012; martanti & hardjomuljadi, 2018; khalifa & mahamid, 2019; hansen & nindartin, 2023). taylor et al., (2012) reviewed the technique of avoiding contract changes by increasing planning early in the project. meanwhile (martanti & hardjomuljadi, 2018) found financing constraints in the contract if there is a change in job orders, where the availability of building materials is a major problem if there is a change in job orders, so additional capital is needed. furthermore, in research on construction change orders, on the one hand, it creates effects that are not expected by the owners of capital, consultants and contractors. capital owners feel disadvantaged if there are additional costs due to change order changes. but on the other hand, according to khalifa & mahamid (2019), cco can be a guide for contractors to improve the quality of project work outputs. in general, the existence of a cco will lead to disharmonious relations between the parties involved, both owners of capital, contractors, sub-contractors, engineers and parties who are not directly involved in the project. in general, research on the causes and effects of cco in indonesia is very rarely conducted, as stated by hansen & nindartin (2023). this is an indication of why research on the topic of cco is important. in other words, identifying the causes of change orders is very important in order to avoid potential changes in future projects or to minimize their effects. therefore, the aim of this research is to identify the main causes and effects of cco in the construction of the palu state islamic university (iain) campus ii building project for the faculty of tarbiyah and teacher training and the faculty of sharia and islamic economics lecture building. 2. literature review the implementation of a construction project is often faced with problems (dosumu et al., 2017; soon han et al., 2011; gunduz & elsherbeny, 2020), one of which is the occurrence of changes or is called a contract change order (cco) (waney et al., 2017). change orders can occur at any time, which can occur in the early, middle and final stages of construction work (taylor et al., 2012; gunduz & elsherbeny, 2020; waney et al., 2017). the source of the change can be caused by the owner's request, unexpected field conditions, contractor requests, and consultant errors in the design (khalim et al., 2016). this causes the planning to be changed and due to field conditions that are not possible so that there is a change in design or commonly referred to as a contract change order (change in the work contract) (wali & saber, 2019; sunandar & aszhari, 2021). fig. 2 shows the vulnerability of the soil in the palu, donggala and sigi areas which must be a technical study in construction work (mohammad, 2021). these 3 areas are included in the area of central sulawesi in indonesia. fig. 2. distribution map of soil movement vulnerability zones in palu-donggala-sigi region, (mohammad, 2021). the effect arising from a change order contract usually occurs in incremental costs which have implications for additional work volume. the five most common effects of cco are changes in the duration of individual activities, delays in completion schedules, additional money for contractors, and delayed payments (amin & mubarak, 2014). changes during project kamaludin et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 724 implementation occur due to owner wishes that arise during construction project implementation, changes in scope of work, changes in specifications, changes in material types, changes in architectural planning, changes in work methods, and acceleration of work implementation (alaryan et al., 2014). the most common causes of sequencing variation in public building projects are design changes, impediments to quick decision making, inadequate detailed job descriptions, and specification changes (sapulete, 2009). the main consequences of change orders are work delays, disputes and increased costs from the initial contract (yadeta, 2016; martanti & hardjomuljadi, 2018). the most important causes of change are ownership finances, scope changes, design factor changes, the most important effect of the changes in order to increase project costs, increase in individual activity duration, schedule completion delays and the most important control for change is to review the gray area in contract documents, negotiation of change order, timely approval of change order (alnuaimi et al., 2010). contracts that do not change in value have an impact on the completion of the buildings required in the contract (desai et al., 2015). some unusual change orders often lead to decreased productivity. this enables all related parties to better manage their own rights and responsibilities during the handling of variation orders (el-adaway et al., 2016) 3. research methods project activity is a temporary activity that lasts for a limited period of time (juhasz, 2011), with the allocation of certain resources and is intended to carry out tasks whose targets have been clearly outlined. in addition to resources, a construction project also needs to pay attention to cost, quality and time (kamaludin et al., 2019). in the process of achieving a construction project goal, there are limitations that must be met, namely the amount of costs (budget) allocated, the schedule, and the quality that must be met. contract document the contract document is a written document that explains the rights and obligations of the project owner and the implementing/contractor (wali & saber, 2019; pooworakulchai et al., 2017), the project owner and the supervisory consultant as agreed by each party. construction contract forms a. aspects of cost calculation 1. fixed price (fixed lump sum price) 2. unit price (unit price) b. aspects of calculating services 1. cost without service 2. cost plus service (cost plus fee) 3. cost plus fixed fee c. payment aspect 1. monthly payment method 2. method of payment for achievements (stage payment) 3. full pre-payment method of payment from the service provider (contractor's full prefinanced) (dosumu et al., 2017; waney et al., 2017; asadi et al., 2019). contract change order (cco) contract change orders or changes to the work contract (wali & saber, 2019) are changes that occur in the contract implementation process by increasing or decreasing the volume of work to adjust the volume in the field or changing the schedule without changing the contract articles and is poured into an addendum that must be agreed by both parties, namely the project owner and service provider.(waney et al., 2017; sunandar & aszhari, 2021). change order is a letter of agreement between the project owner (wali & saber, 2019; sunandar & aszhari, 2021) and the contractor to confirm that there are plan revisions, and the amount of cost compensation to the contractor that occurs during construction, after the signing of the work contract between the owner and contractor (waney et al., 2017; desai et al., 2015). change order type kamaludin et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 725 in general, there are two types of change, namely directive change and constructive change (waney et al., 2017; asadi et al.,2019) 1. directive changes are changes that are submitted in written form, which are proposed by the contractor to the owner to change the scope of work, implementation time, costs or other things that are different from those specified in the contract documents(dosumu et al., 2017). these provisions usually give the owner unilateral freedom to change the scope of work and require the contractor to follow those changes that are known before work is carried out al-harbi, 2001). 2. constructive change is an informal action to order a field contract modification that occurs at the request of the owner, planner or contractor (dosumu et al., 2017). constructive change is also described as a change agreement between the owner and contractor in terms of time costs. these changes often cause conscious or uncertain work to reduce motivation, slow down production and increase costs (rodrigues-da-silva & crispim, 2014). purpose of change order the purpose of the change order must be adjusted to the construction work contract system used by the contractor, can make changes to the contract which include (wali & saber, 2019; rodrigues-da-silva & crispim, 2014). a. increase or decrease the volume of work stated in the contract. b. adding and/or subtracting job types. c. change the technical specifications of the work according to the needs of the field. d. change the implementation schedule. e. in addition, in paragraph 2, a change order can be carried out with the following conditions f. do not exceed 10% of the price stated in the initial agreement/contract g. availability of budget. the cause of the change order is the owner's desire to change the construction specifications after the original contract price is signed between the owner and contractor (sears et al., 2008), the desire to speed up work due to market, public, and political considerations (waney et al., 2017). the impact that occurs due to the effect of change orders on project implementation in the form of direct costs (s.keoki sears et al., 2008), time extensions and impact costs, the effect of change orders on a construction project often results in productivity loss, if there is a productivity loss there will be a significant increase in project time and costs. change order will occur additional workforce accompanied by the addition of project equipment (gonçalves et al., 2016; dziadosz & rejment, 2015; pooworakulchai et al., 2017). processing and data analysis the research location is on the palu state islamic university campus in the construction work project for the faculty of tarbiyah and teacher training, the construction of the faculty of sharia and islamic economics lecture building, which is located on jalan poros palu palolo, sigi regency, central sulawesi in indonesia. this study used qualitative research methods, so the tasks included conducting a field survey via a questionnaire and interviews with main parties; project owners, contractors and consultants who are directly related to the project being carried out. there are 2 types of data sources used. 1. primary data primary data collection(waney et al., 2017) was obtained from the results of questionnaires and interviews with contractors and consultants who are directly related to the project (waney et al., 2017; mantha et al., 2016). 2. secondary data the secondary data collected in this study were obtained from the agencies or parties responsible for implementing the construction work of the campus of the islamic university of palu, including: a. study of literature related to contract change orders (cco) b. budget plan (rab) change order. c. project time schedule and other supporting data. kamaludin et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 726 analysis of the main causes (daas, 2012) of change orders using descriptive statistics (sunandar & aszhari, 2021) which describe the change orders that occurred in the construction project of the construction work of the palu state islamic university campus which includes the causes and impacts of the change order contract (dosumu et al., 2017; sunandar & aszhari, 2021) 4. results and discussions filling out the questionnaire is done by sorting the statements based on the most influential to the least influential. to find out the causes of change orders in terms of 3 aspects, namely the factors that are the main causes of change orders, the main parties related to change orders and the phase of change orders as shown in table 1 and 2. table 1 factors that are the main causes of contract change orders factors causing contract change order research questionnaire cco factors order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 design changes ✓ 2 errors in planning and design ✓ 3 planning drawings / specifications are not clear ✓ 4 changes in work methods sequences of implementation ✓ 5 errors and omissions in volume calculation/estimation ✓ 6 incompatibility of drawings and contracts with field conditions ✓ 7 there is additional work ✓ 8 there is less work ✓ table 2 results of the questionnaire of the main causes of the occurrence of cco cco factors order of questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 design changes 1 2 1 6 2 errors in planning and design 1 2 1 2 4 3 planning drawings/ specifications are not clear 1 4 2 2 1 4 changes in work methods/sequences of implementation 6 2 1 1 5 errors and omissions in volume calculation/estimation 10 6 incompatibility of drawings and contracts with field conditions 1 2 5 1 1 7 there is additional work 2 5 1 2 8 there is less work 1 2 3 2 2 number of questionnaires 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 calculation of the data results of each factor cco as follows: a. change of work method table 3 order of answers to the cco factor cco factors number of respondents who choose change of work method design changes 0 errors in planning and design 6 planning drawings/specifications are not clear 0 changes in work methods/sequences of implementation 2 errors and omissions in volume calculation/estimation 0 kamaludin et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 727 incompatibility of drawings and contracts with field conditions 0 there is additional work 1 there is less work 1 based on table 3, it can be seen that the factors for changing work methods were 6 respondents answered for the 2nd order, 2 respondents answered the 4th order, 1 respondent answered the 7th rank and 1 respondent answered the 8th order. to be clearer, the results of the questionnaire are made in percentages, which can be seen in fig. 3. fig. 3. work change method from the calculation of the descriptive statistical analysis in fig. 4 and 5, it can be seen that the most respondents placed changes in work methods in the 2nd order, namely as many as 60% of respondents. furthermore, the results of the elaboration and calculation of each of the cco factors for the whole can be seen in the table 4 and figure 4. table 4 cco factors recapitulation order cco factors total 1 errors and omissions in volume calculation/estimation 100% 2 planning drawings / specifications are not clear 60% 3 there is less work 50% 4 incompatibility of drawings and contracts with field conditions 50% 5 incompatibility of drawings and contracts with field conditions 40% 6 there is additional work 30% 7 errors in planning and design 40% 8 design changes 60% kamaludin et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 728 fig. 4. the main causes of cco the contract change order (cco) factors that became the main factor in the construction project of the palu state islamic university lecture building were errors and omissions in the calculation/estimation of volume, as many as 100% of respondents answered in 1st place. the cause of the change order factor for the 2nd order as much as 10% answered errors in planning and design, as much as 60% answered the factor of changing work methods, as much as 10% answered the factor of image incompatibility, 20% answered the factor of additional work, it can be concluded that the 2nd order of causes of cco is the factor of changing work methods. main parties influencing cco (fig. 5). table 5 questionnaire results of main parties affecting cco cco related parties order 1 2 3 1 project owner/owner 3 7 2 contractor 7 2 1 3 consultant 3 5 2 table 6 recap of the order of parties that have an effect on cco no cco related parties total of respondents 1 project owner/owner 70% 2 contractor 50% 3 consultant 70% kamaludin et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 729 fig. 5. main parties related to cco contract change orders that occur in a construction project are submitted by the project owner (owner), contractors and other parties. the main party that influences the change order in order 1 as many as 70% of respondents answered contractors and as many as 30% of respondents answered consultants, it can be concluded that the 1st party that has the most influence on change orders at the lecture building of the state islamic university of palu is the contractor. phase occurrence of cco table 7 questionnaire results of cco occurrence phase project time order number 1 2 3 1 beginning of project implementation 8 2 2 mid-project implementation 2 8 3 end of project implementation 10 table 8 recap of the phase sequence of the occurrence of cco number project time total of respondent 1 beginning of project implementation 80% 2 mid-project implementation 80% 3 end of project implementation 100% fig. 6. phases of cco from the table and figure 6 above, it can be seen that the cco in the construction project of the palu state islamic university lecture building occurred in the early stages of project implementation where the presentation was 80% of respondents at the 1st level, can be seen in figure 6. change orders occur at the beginning of the implementation because the projects carried out generally do not carry out a feasibility study beforehand, so that at the time of implementation it is often not in accordance with field conditions. kamaludin et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 730 impact of cco on costs table 9 contract change order value no job description contract cco work add less work idr idr idr idr 1 foundation work 1,402,320,199 1,274,854,824 201,332,200 328,797,575 2 floor job 691,858,149 591,334,328 11,713,512 112,237,333 3 wall work 1,149,461,608 1,005,962,317 191,140,825 334,640,117 4 concrete works 1,302,412,168 926,411,810 85,188,956 461,189,314 5 heavy steel structure work 3,900,570,912 4,641,796,865 782,689,862 41,463,910 6 door and window works 406,699,000 406,699,000 7 roofing, hood and ceiling works 469,300,069 494,369,215 37,262,806 12,193,660 8 painting job 185,020,584 166,283,002 18,737,582 9 electrical installation works 157,880,000 157,880,000 10 sanitary work etc 494,696,000 494,696,000 total 10,160,218,690 10,160,287,361 1,309,328,162 1,309,259,491 10% vat 1,016,021,869 1,016,028,736 130,932,816 130,925,949 total number 11,176,240,559 11,176,316,097 1,440,260,978 1,440,185,440 rounded up 11,176,240,500 11,176,316,000 1,440,260,978 1,440,185,440 conclusion initial contract value 11,176,240,500 contract value after cc 11,176,316,000 from the table 9, it can be seen that the contract change orders that experienced the biggest changes for additional work occurred in heavy steel structure work and for less work on foundation work. changes that occur in heavy steel structure work are caused by errors in volume calculations and changes that occur in foundation work occur due to the disclosure of new conditions that cause changes in work methods. in some work items the value changes, but for the overall contract value and the contract change order value remains the same where there is no increase or decrease in value. impact of cco on time in the construction project of the palu state islamic university building, a contract change order occurred at the beginning of project implementation. the main causes of cco in this project include volume estimation errors and changes in work methods. the volume estimation error was caused by the planning consultant's lack of accuracy in planning, resulting in a significant volume difference from the initial contract with conditions in the field, so that some work items experienced an increase or decrease in volume. in the foundation work, cco occurs where the causative factor is a change in work methods due to additional work, namely pre-boring work. this was due to the fact that at the time of implementation, the piles were shallow enough to only enter at a depth of 3 meters which was not in accordance with the plan, which was 9 meters, resulting in a change in the working method by pre-boring to a depth of 6 meters and continued with driving. the cco on this foundation work can affect the project implementation time, but the contractor works overtime to avoid delays to avoid adding to the overall work time. fig 7. contract change order value diagram in this project, cco occurred in the early stages of project implementation so that the change order process did not result in time delays. the occurrence of cco at the beginning of project implementation, this can minimize work time so that it can be completed according to the time of the initial contract work. based on the results of the cco which can see in figure 7 about kamaludin et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 731 contract change order value diagram, the final cost of completing the entire work remains in accordance with the initial contract, this does not affect the time schedule so that the completion time of the work is completed according to the initial schedule. the important result of this research is that there was an error in estimating volume and a change in project work methods which resulted in cco. this means that the planning consultant was not careful in planning so that there was a significant difference in volume from the initial contract with conditions in the field so that several work items experienced an increase or decrease in volume. these results add to the references to the results of the case study research conducted by (hansen et al., 2020) on building construction in indonesia, where planning consultants who were less thorough in changing design specifications and non-technical factors, such as delays in imported materials arriving at the location, were less anticipated in the design. estimated project time. fortunately, the influence of cco on the costs of the iain ii palu lecture building construction project was that there was no increase or decrease in value between the initial contract value and the cco value. even though it has an impact on time, namely with a change order, overtime work occurs on several jobs, this does not affect the time schedule so that the implementation time is still completed according to the initial schedule made. 5. conclusion the important issue focused on in this study are the parties that influence the change order and the phase of the change order, there are 3 main issues. firstly, of the 8 change order factors, the main change order factors in this project are errors and omissions in the calculation/estimated volume where as many as 100% of respondents’ answered.. this is because the consultant planner is less careful in calculating the volume of work. secondly, the main party that has the most influence on change orders is due to contractor requests till 70% of respondents. finally, the change order phase in this project occurred at the beginning of project implementation where as many as 80% of respondents. identifying the causes of change orders is very important in order to avoid potential changes in future projects or to minimize their effects. therefore to minimize the cco, professional involvement in creating and improving the quality of detailed engineering design (ded) and improving the performance and commitment of service providers and understand project administration. consultants and contractors should make use of the first meeting moment which is usually called the kick off meeting (km). thus basically, the initial meeting or km is to discuss the plan drawings and design review and recalculate the volume according to the contract and the implementation strategy to avoid cco. references al-harbi, k. m. a. s. 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2015 sig 0.002 <0.05 and facilitating condition t count 4.224> t table 2015 sig 0.000 <0.05. also has a positive and significant impact on use behaviour. keywords : analysis, technology acceptance, metatrader platform, utaut 1. introduction the development of the internet which is currently developing rapidly has opened many new technologies in the world including digital currency called forex trading. forex trading is the activity of trading foreign currencies with the sole purpose of making a profit. the trading platform (trader) makes transactions using metatrader4 software provided by pt. didimax berjangka as a broker. metatrader4 is an application provided by brokers to connect customers (traders) with foreign exchange. pt. didimax futures is a futures brokerage company that specializes in currency (forex) trading, with very competitive spreads and fees. pt. didimax berjangka operates under a license and is under the supervision of bappebti. bappebti is the commodity futures trading supervisory agency, which is tasked with supervising and regulating indonesian futures trading activities. therefore, every broker that provides official trading activity services in indonesia must go through regulations from bappebti. this research will discuss about technology acceptance, namely the acceptance of platform technology at pt. didimax futures. the didimax platform acceptance evaluation will use the utaut method which is widely used in studies regarding the acceptance of new technology. this study uses the utaut method, which is a model that explains user behaviour towards information technology. the utaut model shows that the intention to behave (behavioural intention), behaviour to use a technology (use behaviour), is influenced by performance expectations, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. the fourth factors are moderated by the factors of gender and age. problems that often occur in the community regarding the trading platform application at pt. didimax berjangka pekanbaru is a lack of public trust in using the trading platform application, due to the lack of public understanding of knowledge of platform technology in the form of applications and frequent fraud problems, where many companies act on behalf of investments to benefit society but the community does not get benefits and certainty from these investments. 2. literature review research conducted by (gunawan & novendra, 2017) on the acceptance of bitcoin technology in indonesia. this study uses the utaut method with several variables: pe, ee, si, fc, bi and ub. gender and age factors were assumed to moderate the relationship between rizki novendra vol 2(1) 2020 : 34-41 35 the four factors and behavioural use and intention. empirical data for these factors were collected using a questionnaire from 49 respondents. the statistical significance of the relationships was evaluated by multivariate regression analysis. the result is a model that fits the data with r2 = 0.678. this indicates a high level of fitness. the analysis shows that the factors of performance expectations and social influence factors greatly influence the behavioural intention to use bitcoin with a t-statistic value of 3.835 (p-value = 0.000) for the previous factor and 1.948 (0.059) for the last factor. research conducted by (mahendra, 2016) aims to find out the perception of the utaut variable on the company's erp system. in this study, 44 respondents were determined by purposive sampling technique. the results showed that perceptions of performance expectations, business expectations, social influences, and conditions that facilitate simultaneous influence on the interest to behave using the erp system at pt gbs. previous research was conducted by (mursityo et al., 2019). this study evaluates the acceptance level of siakd desktop technology using the utaut method. the results of the analysis show that only the condition of the facility has a significant positive effect on the behaviour of using the siakad desktop. the utaut model can only explain 44.8% of the variants of the siakad desktop usage factor which are included in the moderate category. therefore it is necessary to develop a research model constructor so that the prediction of variance accuracy from the research model increases. in addition, it is hoped that further research can cover a wider target population so that the data is more reliable the research was conducted by (sriyeni et al., 2018) in this study to find out whether the computer based test (cbt) technology was fully accepted and useful in teaching and learning activities. this research uses the utaut method with several variables. the results of this study state that the variable performance expectancy, business expectation, social influence, facilitating conditions, attitudes towards the use of technology have a significant effect on the behavioural interest variable, and the behavioural interest variable has a significant effect on the usage behaviour variable. social influence variables have the greatest influence on acceptance and use of computer based tests (cbt) as a medium for online examinations due to government policies in implementing national exams research conducted by (mustaqim et al., 2018), in this study conducted an analysis of the level of technology acceptance of e-commerce xyz using the utaut method. the results found from this study are only social influence factors that affect a person's intention to use e-commerce xyz, while the performance expectancy and effort expectancy factors do not have a significant effect on behavioural intention. research was conducted by (wolfe et al., 2017), the purpose of this study to find out and analyze online registration system at rsud dr.m. soewandhie by using utaut method. the result showed that individual characteristic which has p value below 0,05 was experience, knowledge and it skills. performance expectancy (p = 0,044) significantly influence behavioural intention , whereas effort expectancy (p = 0,982) and social influence (p = 0,124) do not. facilitating condition (p = 0,812) and behavioural intention (p=0,189) had no influence with use behaviour because p value was above 0,05. in conclusion, performance expectancy has a significant influence with behavioural intention, therefore experience, knowledge and it skills had influence with use behaviour online registration in rsud dr.m. soewandhie surabaya. research conducted by (amalia & brata, 2018), the purpose of this study is to find out the acceptance and use of blog technology for teachers. the method used in this research is utaut. the results obtained in the form of free blogs that are most widely used by smk teachers as alternative learning media are (1) blogspot at 63%, wordpress by 18.5%, edmodo by 17.4% and others by 1.1%; (2) the results of the implementation of the questionnaire using the utaut method resulted in an effort expectancy of 94.02%, 89.50% of performance expectancy, 88.04% of social influence, 86.04% of supporting facilities, 85.71% of use behaviour and 84.39% of behavioural intention. the research was conducted by (farabi, 2016) with the aim of finding out the level of acceptance of the information system of zakat infaq sodaqoh and waqf using the utaut method. the results obtained are that the acceptance and use of sizisw is influenced by the variable performance expectancy, social influence and facilitating condition. meanwhile, effort expectancy has no effect, while moderating variable has an effect in this study. the rizki novendra vol 2(1) 2020 : 34-41 36 research was conducted by (soebali & mahendra, 2017) with the aim of finding out the level of acceptance of gojek application using utaut method. the result is known that the simultaneous factor performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions and significant positive effect on use behaviour gojek application. while partially, it is known that performance expectancy and social influence which has positive and significant effect on use behaviour gojek application. while effort expectancy and facilitating conditions not have a positive and significant effect on use behaviour gojek application the research was conducted by (puspitasari et al., 2013), in this study to find out about the acceptance of the hospital management information system (simrs) using the utaut method. the results of this study are the five variables that affect the level of user acceptance, namely the suitability of tasks and technology (ktt), expected performance (kdh), social influence (ps), the expected level of convenience (tkd), and the condition of existing facilities (kf). affect the level of user acceptance by 70.75%. 3. research methods this section contains a complete and detailed description of the steps undertaken in conducting of research. in addition, the research step also needs to be shown in the form of flowchart of research or framework step in complete and detailed including reflected algorithm, rule, modeling, design and others related to system design aspect. the stages of the flow in this study are : fig. 1. research method research problem the formulation of the problem in a research proposal is the most basic thing. the formulation of the problem will determine what discussion will be carried out in the research. the questions raised in the formulation of the problem will then be answered in the research process and will be systematically stated in the research report. all discussion in the research report, including all discussions regarding the theoretical framework and methodology used, all refer to the formulation of the problem. therefore, it becomes a central point. literature review an activity that includes finding, reading and reviewing research reports and library materials relevant to the research that will be carried out by the research plan. research design rizki novendra vol 2(1) 2020 : 34-41 37 the research design is a research design that is used as a guide in conducting the research process. the research design is a plan on how to collect and analyze data so that it can be carried out economically and in harmony with the research objectives. the research design aims to provide a clear and structured handle to the researcher in conducting his research. making hypotheses hypothesis is a statement regarding the state of the population or parameters to be verified based on the data obtained from the research sample. the procedures for understanding acceptance rates are defined in detail including data collection and analysis methods. in the block hypothesis, the research problem is stated into twelve hypotheses. it will be evaluated by collecting empirical data and statistical analysis. in addition, questionnaires were created and distributed to obtain data on constructs: such as performance expectations, business expectations, social influences, facilitation conditions, behavioural intentions, and usage behaviour. then, data from the four moderate variables of gender, age, experience, and user were also collected. in the analysis and conclusion block, a statistical analysis will be carried out from which conclusions about the twelve hypotheses will be drawn. utaut framework reproduced from venkatesh et al. (2003) on the structure of the hypothesis in the utaut framework. this structure is broken down into twelve hypotheses. the 12 hypotheses are as follows: h1 = performance expectations have a positive effect on behaviour. h2 = performance expectations and relationship behaviour intention are moderated by gender. h3 = performance expectations and relationship behaviour intentions moderated by age. h4 = business expectations have a positive effect on intention behaviour. h5 = effort expectation and moderated behaviour intention relationship based on gender. h6 = effort expectation and behaviour intention relationship moderated by age. h7 = social influence has a positive effect on intention behaviour. h8 = social influence and behaviour intention relationship is moderated based on gender. h9 = social influence and behaviour intention relationship is moderated by age. h10 = the facilitation condition has a positive effect on the use of behaviour behaviour. h11 = facilitating conditions and using behaviour relationships moderated by age. h12 = behavioral intention has a positive effect on the use of behaviour create survey questions in creating a survey, how you get your information and what type of questions you have plays an important role in making a successful survey. survey questions have 4 types of questions as follows: a. multiple choice questions this type of question allows survey respondents to select one or more options from a list of answers that the researcher determines. the researcher should use multiple choice questions when the researcher has a fixed number of choices. b. rating scale question with rating scale questions, survey respondents choose a single rating for the researcher question. customer satisfaction survey questions often use a likert scale to measure customer opinions or attitudes. c. question comment or essay open survey questions do not provide specific answer options, and require respondents to type their answers in the comments box. the feedback can then be viewed individually or with advanced text analysis tools, such as survey monkey's open ended question analysis tool. d. demographic questions if, for example, the researcher needs information about the background or income level of the respondent, demographic survey questions will serve the researcher well. data collection data collection aims to obtain information or data needed by researchers. data collection was carried out by conducting observations, interviews and questionnaires. analysis rizki novendra vol 2(1) 2020 : 34-41 38 analysis is the ability to solve or decompose a material into smaller components so that it is easy to understand. conclusions and recommendations at this conclusion stage contains the points of all the stages that have been carried out. and suggestions are solutions that are intended to solve constructive and critical problems for this research. 4. results and discussions results and discussion is a section that contains all scientific findings obtained as research data. this section is expected to provide a scientific explanation that can logically explain the reason for obtaining those results that are clearly described, complete, detailed, integrated, systematic, and continuous. the discussion of the research results obtained can be presented in the form of theoretical description, both qualitatively and quantitatively. in practice, this section can be used to compare the results of the research obtained in the current research on the results of the research reported by previous researchers referred to in this study. scientifically, the results of research obtained in the study may be new findings or improvements, affirmations, or rejection of a scientific phenomenon from previous researchers. this research was conducted to determine the level of public acceptance of the existing platform system at pt. didimax futures. in this study, researchers chose to use the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut) method. in this method, the researcher uses four variables, including performance expectations, business expectations, social influences, and facility conditions, moderated by gender and age factors. this research was started from march 1, 2020 to completion. the target of this research is active users at pt. didimax berjangka pekanbaru who has used or has a trading account. the population in this study amounted to 175 and the number of samples obtained using the slovin formula was 121 users. the data for this study were obtained from pt. didimax berjangka pekanbaru, as well as distributing questionnaires containing statements regarding the acceptance of didimax berjangka platform technology which will be filled in by users (customers) according to a predetermined number of samples. the data obtained will be processed by researchers with the help of the ibm spss version 16 application. using regression analysis will help find the relationship of two or more variables or the dependence of a variable with other variables. utaut has four independent variables, namely performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and two dependent variables, namely the intention to use technology (behavior intention), the behavior of using technology ( use behavior) and two moderating variables, namely gender and age . to determine the effect of the independent variable, the dependent variable and the moderating variable gender and age, a regression analysis was performed. the following is figure 2 of the independent, dependent and moderating variables utaut which is the reference for regression analysis: rizki novendra vol 2(1) 2020 : 34-41 39 fig. 2. independent, dependent, and moderating variables analysis or regression test using spss ibm statistics 16 software. while the data used comes from the research questionnaire. the following table 1 summarizes the results of the regression test with the dependent variable behavior intention: table 1 – regression y1 variable constant regression coefficient t count significant x1 0.147 3.184 0.002 x2 0.175 4.305 0.000 x3 0.100 1.642 0.103 z1 0.165 0.554 0.584 z2 0.358 1.180 0.240 x1.z1 0.066 0.847 0.399 x2.z1 0.145 1.564 0.120 x3.z1 0.090 1.006 0.316 x1.z2 0.105 1.356 0.178 x2.z2 0.145 1.518 0.132 x3.z2 0.102 1.139 0.257 following are the results of the regression test with the dependent variable use behavior : table 2 – regression y2 variable constant regression coefficient t count significant x4 0.289 4.224 0.000 x4.z2 0.110 1.448 0.150 y1.y2 0.328 24.957 0.000 5. conclusion rizki novendra vol 2(1) 2020 : 34-41 40 based on the results of the study, entitled analysis of technology acceptance of platform technology at pt. didimax berjangka in pekanbaru, this study gets the conclusions obtained from the results and discussion including: 1. from the results of research on platform technology from a total of 121 users (customers) who have used or have a trading account at pt. didimax futures pekanbaru. of the 121 respondents, 71 of them showed the results agreed according to table 5.4, it can be concluded that the acceptance of platform technology at pt. didimax berjangka agreed. 2. the level of acceptance of platform technology has a significant correlation, seen from the h1 hypothesis test, which states that the variable performance expectancy has a positive and significant impact on behavior intention and h10 facilitating conditions have a positive effect on use behavior, the two hypotheses prove that the pe and fc variables are factors that influence users. in using platform technology. 3. ee variable does not have a positive and significant effect on behavior intention and on the contrary, social influence on behavior intention has a positive but insignificant effect references amalia, f., & brata, a. h. 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(2017). no titleروانپزشکی .خالصه educational psychology journal, 2(2), 65–72. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 655-663 655 using holt winter 2 variable modelling to analyze the potential combining of zakat collection in three countries in southeast asia as one business centre muhammad marizal1*, afrizal mansur2, ibrahim sulaiman hanaish3, jamaluddin4, zikri darussamin4, kasmuri6, saifullah7 department of mathematics, faculty of science and technology, universitas islam negeri sultan syarif kasim riau. indonesia1 faculty of ushuluddin, universitas islam negeri sultan syarif kasim riau, pekanbaruindonesia24567 department of statistics, faculty of science, misurata university, libya3 rumah integrasi pascasarjana, universitas islam negeri sultan syarif kasim riau1 received : 07 february 2023, revised: 12 april 2023, accepted : 13 april 2023 *corresponding author abstract the covid 19 outbreak has taught businesses all over the world that they must have a business that can not only survive but also thrive in the face of the pandemic. the income from the zakat, which is one of islam's teachings about stable business, tends to rise despite the pandemic. as most muslim countries on the planet, indonesia, malaysia, and singapore have shown that their zakat organization, which is utilized to gather gifts from the public every year, expanded dramatically during the pandemic. the primary focus of this investigation will be the data on annual income from indonesia, malaysia, and singapore, three of the world's most muslim nations. the fact that some businesses will always be loyal to the government is the foundation of the statistical modeling theory that aims to predict the annual zakat income in five and ten years. holt winter's statistical modeling of two variables will be used to guarantee accurate forecasting. it accurately generates comparable annual data for the three nations. likewise, that might act as a strong starting point for using measurable displaying to gauge the zakat gathered in the resulting five and a decade. the zakat revenue will continue to significantly rise in each nation as the study concludes. this result also indirectly demonstrated that businesses in every nation will be able to combine zakat as a blessing without experiencing deflation in southeast asia. keywords : zakat, holt winter, covid-19, forecast, statistical modelling 1. introduction the work of charities was more crucial than ever in the years 2020 and 2021 as wealthy and impoverished nations struggled to recover from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. but due to a dramatic decline in donations, many of these organizations were fighting to exist. zakat, a concept that was largely unknown outside the muslim world until a decade ago (, is now being used by an increasing number of non-muslim charities to resist this menace. zakat in the context of syara' refers to the issuance of a specific amount of property to be given to those eligible to receive it in accordance with the conditions established by islamic law (ganiyev & umaraliev, 2020). one of the tenets of islam, zakat, obligates muslims to donate a portion of their permissible wealth (2.5 percent for the lunar year calendar and 2.5775 percent for the solar year calendar) each year in order to support the less fortunate. zakat serves as an effort to free muslims from the chains of poverty and social injustice as well as a ritual devotion that muslims are required to do (priatmoko & putri, 2021). planning and organization are used to manage zakat in order to carry out the activities of collecting, distributing, and using zakat monies effectively and efficiently (friantoro, & zaki, 2018). it is anticipated that zakat will lessen socioeconomic inequality. in addition, it is anticipated that zakat will help the populace's economic (rachman, 2022; hassan, et al., 2018). the management of zakat, which is very important, includes distributing zakat. therefore, expert zakat money distribution optimization will have a greater influence on wealth sharing initiatives. there are two ways to distribute zakat effectively first, by giving zakat money directly to mustahik for development (friantoro, & zaki, 2018). money from zakat belongs to all marizal et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 655-663 656 mustahik. another name for this distribution is non-investment productive zakat. making an investment with productive zakat is the second way to distribute it. this structure intends to cycle corporate capital, which no longer belongs to just one mustahik but instead becomes collective property (lubis, & azizah, 2018). it is anticipated that zakat will lessen socioeconomic inequality. in addition, it is anticipated that zakat will help the populace's economic (rachman, 2022). the management of zakat, which is very important, includes distributing zakat. therefore, expert zakat money distribution optimization will have a greater influence on wealth sharing initiatives. there are two ways to distribute zakat effectively: first, by giving zakat money directly to mustahik for development (friantoro, & zaki, 2018). money from zakat belongs to all mustahik. another name for this distribution is non-investment productive zakat. making an investment with productive zakat is the second way to distribute it. this structure intends to cycle corporate capital, which no longer belongs to just one mustahik but instead becomes collective property, cooperation or shares, and others (haron, et al., 2010). as a result, zakat applies to all business types that provide goods or services that comply with the standards (mohd, et al., 2017). the asset keeps growing each year in order to develop into company capital that can support the local economy. numerous statistical techniques can be used to forecast because the amount of zakat being collected is increasing exponentially. future zakat collection in muslim-majority nations like indonesia, malaysia, and singapore will require a lot of forecast data. assets in the form of zakat collection, which tend to rise annually, offer a chance to turn zakat into a business that is run jointly by the three nations. by issuing quantifiable work programs with accessible and measurable financing sources in the results of these work programs, which will ultimately have an impact on improving the welfare of the population, the three countries will be able to use these assets in improving the economy of the population. forecasting is a crucial tool for good planning, particularly in economics and commercial organizations where decision-making is crucial. the foundation for the company's shortand long-term strategy is forecasting. making predictions about the values of important variables for the future based on historical and present data is known as forecasting. in general, forecasting is a difficult endeavor, which is why many scholars have been drawn to study it. in order to forecast the possibility for zakat in iran, some researchers have studied zakat models employing mathematical equations, the accuracy and repeating characteristic of the fourier series in the matlab application (namdar, & hassanzadeh, 2021). in the meantime, the multiplicative decomposition forecasting approach was used to assess future zakat potentials and found that indonesia's voluntary zakat had an impact on overall zakat collection (al parisi, 2017). in the meantime, a more involved study using a stochastic model to look at the dynamics of the wealth distribution of individuals in a population that adheres to zakat systems (bin, et al., 2010) discovered that voluntary zakat in indonesia affects the total zakat collection. this study used the multiplicative decomposition forecasting method to determine the zakat potentials in the future. the study of zakat modeling has grown significantly in indonesia as well, particularly for the aim of forecasting zakat's worth in the future. according to a recent study that forecasted zakat, holt's exponential smoothing (hes) model is a better choice for forecasting zakat data in indonesia (akbarizan, et al., 2016; ilyas, et al., 2017; ishak & jaapar, 2020). it is also well known that zakat funds are extremely steady and untouched by the covid19 outbreak. according to research done in indonesia, zakat donations will continue to rise sharply in 2020 and 2021 (sari, et al., 2022). exponential regression and exponential smoothing 2 variables are two statistics models. to show that the suggested model is appropriate for characterizing data of zakat features, it is compared to existing statistical functions (amri, et al., 2022). this study focuses on predicting future zakat collections for three southeast asian nations with the highest muslim populations, including indonesia, malaysia, and singapore. the statistical model in question will be created in this study using holt winter 2 variable statistical modeling. this research will be successful in providing an overview of good potential if joint management of zakat collections from the three countries is carried out using data on annual zakat collections for 19 years (2003-2021) obtained from official institutions that administer zakat from the three countries. the three nations can be encouraged to jointly decide on concrete measures marizal et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 655-663 657 in the joint zakat management debate by receiving an overview of the amount of zakat that will be collected in the future. 2. literature review zakat is defined in arabic as a means of blessing, sanctification, and development (annamaa) (al-barakatu). zakat is defined as the removal of certain property under specific circumstances for the purpose of giving it to a particular group (mustahik) with particular standards (hafidhuddin, 2002). as stated by allah in at taubah verse 60, the recipient of zakat is known as mustahik, which is comprised of eight groups (ashnaf), while the giver of zakat is known as muzaki. zakat is a special islamic organization that helps to fight poverty (kasri, 2016). the third pillar of islam's fundamental principles, zakat, plays a crucial strategic role in promoting economic empowerment for individuals as well as societal welfare. this required worship has a significant social and economic impact on muslims who receive it, in addition to providing recompense and purifying the body and soul for muslims who perform it (marizal & sudibjo, 2020). zakat is more voluntary than other financial resources because its major goal is to carry out divine orders and obtain allah swt's ridha and blessing. this makes it different from other financial resources. (andiani, 2018). according to budi and krisnadi (2016), the financial services provided by fintech, including crowdfunding, mobile payments, and money transfer services, have revolutionized the startup business world. as we all know, people want everything to be quick and simple, including paying zakat. the availability of fintech will make zakat payments simpler and easier. in comparison to the conventional method of paying zakat, the payment procedure will also be quicker. according to studies by basuki & husein (2018), adhitya (2017), and tsourela et al. (2007), fintech makes it easier to complete transactions, in this case the payment of zakat. the conventional method of zakat payment necessitates at the very least time, money, and exertion. people today always want everything to be handled effectively and economically. the existence of fintech provides the community with a solution to the issue. fintech offers the benefit of being less expensive and more effective, according to studies by saksonova & merlino (2017), adhitya, imanuel (2017), truong (2016), and bhowmik & johannes (2018), marizal & mutiarani (2022). two things that are incredibly significant to someone are data and identity. in this day and age of technology, it is conceivable for data to be leaked and utilized arbitrarily for purposes that go beyond our expectations. several scholars are concerned about this data and identity issue, including (basuki & hartina 2018; medcraft 2016; saksonova & merlino, 2017; mnuchin & phillips, 2018). the majority of zakat organizers use false information regarding zakat recipients, and there is no sufficient documentation to track the manner in which the relevant organization collects zakat (lubis et al., 2011; johari et al., 2015; chatib et al., 2016). however, as required by law, organizations that deal with the public interest should be transparent about their finances (incomes and results) (lubis, et al., 2018; syafei, 2016). it is consistent with research showing that religious indicators are a crucial quality for increasing individual consciousness and preserving societal cohesion (ahlan, 2015). as a result, there is a substantial correlation between zakat payers' degree of comprehension, literacy, attitude, and intention (ali, et al., 2017). additionally, due to a lack of resources and transportation, there are no official officers in several cities and villages. due to the high operational and coordination costs associated with manual processes and the remoteness of the zms center or major city, several locations have been neglected without adequate delegation mechanisms (abdullatif, 2012). maintaining social affordability and ensuring economic sustainability are the roles of zakat organizations. as a result of these environmental changes in contemporary societies, where some people are unwilling to adopt technological innovation and the use of new techniques, the process of arranging zakat faces a number of difficulties (johari, et al., 2015). when creating internal control structures for zakat organizations, management must take into account the fundamental values of fairness, openness, accountability, responsibility, and independence. these principles relate to the provision of accurate and consistent data (syafei, 2016). incoordination and uncertainty are caused by a conflict of unclear jurisdiction between the zakat organization's functions of regulation, oversight, and execution (sari, 2013). importantly, the organization's commercial activity and goal should marizal et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 655-663 658 be motivated by the spirit of defending islam as the religion of all people in order for these fundamental tenets to be established (saad, 2014). however, certain organizational procedures in indonesia use family business principles rather than professional ones, which jeopardizes their performance and future (dewi & dhewanto, 2012). if members of the family make mistakes or perform poorly, it can be very tough to chastise or be harsh with them. with regard to zakat collection and distribution, which has a gap of around 40%, there are a number of issues that arise in practice. in the meantime, there is a lack of data integration among zakat agencies, which makes it difficult to identify the right recipient to raise their standard of living (sukmana, et al., 2017). many applications, including decision support systems using the analytical hierarchy process (ahp), weight product method (wpm), taxation system, geographical information system, social society approach, etc., have been created to address various organizational difficulties (lubis, et al., 2011; abdullatif, 2022; sukmana, et al., 2017; maulana, 2017). if the zakat institution does not change their business model and procedure, those applications will be meaningless. on the other side, the public frequently complains that zakat did not reach the intended group as a result of a lack of authority publicity or a lack of understanding on the part of the community at large (rahman, 2012). data the data used in this research is annual zakat collection data for 19 years (2003-2021) obtained from the official website of zakat managers in indonesia (, malaysia ( and singapore ( fig. 1. zakat colecction in indonesia, malaysia and singapore data (2003 -2021) for each of the countries included in this study, figure 1's time series barplot displays a pattern of a significant increase in zakat collection. this suggests obliquely that the annual zakat collection is an asset that keeps expanding. these kinds of assets are a very reliable source of financing for operations that can yield healthy earnings. with the largest muslim population in the world, indonesia has made a substantial contribution to the amount of zakat collected. as can be seen in figure 1, zakat collection in indonesia has grown dramatically each year 3. research methods in indonesia, zakat is a requirement only for muslims because it is one of islam's five pillars. the non-believers are neither required to pay zakat, nor would it be accepted from them if they do so voluntarily. the nasional zakat board oversees zakat in indonesia in accordance with law no. 23/2011 article 1. zakat is managed by baznas on a national level, and laz is a locally constituted organization tasked with assisting in its collection, distribution, and use. the indonesian zakat payment method was cleverly created to keep up with technology advancements. in malaysian, zakat; the way zakat is administered in malaysia is influenced by its political system. due to each state ruler's authority over religious matters, including zakat, zakat management in malaysia is becoming more centralized at the state level. different malaysian states manage zakat in unique ways. internet-based e-zakat apps are used in malaysia. the marizal et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 655-663 659 government of malaysia has the authority to collect zakat. for instance, the state of selangor in malaysia's lembaga zakat selangor has its own department of asnaf development, which is in charge of capital aid. this sum is added to other departments' budget investments. in singapore, zakat; a strategic division of the islamic religious council of singapore, also known as majlis ulama islam singapura, is zakat singapore (muis). it is in charge of managing and running the singaporean zakat money. variables exponential smoothing the level and trend of the time series are estimated using smoothed versions in the exponential smoothing 2 variables model. the forecast is then calculated by projecting the level and trend forward (brooks, 2008; jere, & siyanga, 2016), provide the formulas that determine level and trend. this methodology is applied to data with a trend but no discernible seasonal pattern. an example of a set of observations in a time series is 𝑋1, 𝑋2, 𝑋3, ⋯ , 𝑋 𝑛 and 𝑋 𝑛 . two smoothing constants could be used to create the exponential smoothing 2 variables formula as shown below. 𝐴 𝑡 = 𝛼𝑋𝑡 + (1 − 𝛼)(𝛼𝑡−1 + 𝑇𝑡−1), 0 < 𝛼 < 1, 𝑡 = 1,2, ⋯ , 𝑛 𝑇 𝑡 = 𝛽(𝐴𝑡 − 𝐴𝑡−1) + (1 − 𝛽)𝑇𝑡−1 , 0 < 𝛽 < 1, 𝑡 = 1,2, ⋯ , 𝑛 for the forecast the series of �̂�𝑡+𝑝 can be obtained by �̂�𝑡+𝑝 = 𝐴𝑡 + 𝑝𝑇𝑡 , 𝑝 = 1,2, ⋯ , 𝑘 and p is number of periods in the future. in this model for the fist step is to obtain level estimate and trend estimate represented by 𝐴0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑇 0 respectively. these estimates can also be determined by fitting a least squares trend line to half of the historical data. in the following equations, the intercept is 𝐴 0 and slope is 𝑇0. the value of α and β that minimizes mean square error (mse) is prefered. the formula is given as below respectively 𝑀𝑆𝐸 = 1 𝑛 ∑(𝑋𝑡 − �̂�𝑡 ) 2 𝑛 𝑡=0 4. results and discussions the descriptive statistics for zakat data are shown in table 1 as the first piece of information in this study. the considerable (21255112) fluctuations in indonesia's zakat data collection suggest that the zakat increase from the lowest value of 85.28 to the maximum value of 16160 from year to year is highly significant. the average amount of zakat collected was relatively considerable (4051), demonstrating that effective zakat administration can raise the standard of living for indonesians. this conclusion might also be taken indirectly as showing that the muslim population is generally well-off. in malaysia, zakat collections increased noticeably from the lowest level of 92.9 to the highest level of 821.7, demonstrating a similar trend. the high variance figure also points to considerable fluctuations in the amount of zakat collected from year to year. the growth of zakat collections in singapore, which have increased every year but not by a large amount, illustrates something quite different. table 1 the descriptive statistics for zakat in indonesia, malaysia, and singapore countries minimum mean varians maximum indonesia zakat collection 85.28 4051.00 21255112.00 16160.00 malaysia zakat collection 92.90 409.90 57205.86 821.70 singapore zakat collection 13.80 29.98 190.5936 59.50 marizal et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 655-663 660 data from the years 2003 to 2021 were taken into consideration when fitting the zakat data that had been gathered. a statistical model like exponential smoothing 2 variables will be utilized to model the zakat. figures 2, 3, and 4 depict the behavior of the models for the estimated parameters, and table 2 displays the estimated parameters from the statistical models that were employed. based on the behaviors models in figure 2's exponential smoothing 2 variables, which are represented by the green line and the black line, respectively (representing the zakat data recorded from 2003 to 2021), respectively, it can be inferred that this model collection for zakat in indonesia is capable of producing good results for zakat data. furthermore, zakat collection for the following five years will be predicted using this approach. the collecting zakat prediction for the years 2022 to 2026 is shown in figure 2 as a series of red, blue, green, yellow, and gray bar graphs. zakat is a different type of business that has never seen its assets drop, even being affected by extraordinary occurrences like disasters and the covid 19 virus attack, as shown by the results of forecasting zakat collection for the future. table 2 exponential smoothing 2 variables parameters countries zakat alpha beta indonesia collection zakat model 0.8186698 1 malaysia collection zakat model 1 0.8762742 singapore collection zakat model 0.9389175 0.3443114 fig. 2. exponential smoothing 2 variables model fitted to the observation and forecasting the zakat collection in indonesia respectively fig. 3. exponential smoothing 2 variables model fitted to the observation and forecasting the zakat collection in malaysia respectively marizal et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 655-663 661 fig. 4. exponential smoothing 2 variables model fitted to the observation and forecasting the zakat collection in singapore respectively demonstrates how the holt winter 2 variable model may be used to effectively address zakat collection in malaysia. in the image, it can be observed that the green graph, which serves as the collection of zakat produced by the model, can reasonably resemble the real collection of zakat, which is shown by the black graph. the bar graph, which is represented by the red, blue, green, yellow, and gray bar graphs, respectively, shows the forecast of the zakat collection for the upcoming five years from 2022 to 2026. the results of this projection indicate that malaysia's zakat assets would continue to increase fast in the future; this outcome is consistent with the growth of zakat collections in indonesia, as previously indicated. while figure 4 illustrates how zakat collection is described in singapore, it also demonstrates how well the holt winter2 variable model approximates real zakat data. zakat collections are expected to grow quickly between 2022 and 2026 according to forecast findings for the next five years as done for zakat collections in indonesia and malaysia. zakat collection in singapore is a resource that has the potential to be very helpful to singaporeans if it is properly managed. the management of zakat collections, which are still administered by each nation, will significantly advance that nation. it would undoubtedly be beneficial if the management of the zakat collection could be carried out jointly given the three nations' geographical proximity to one another in southeast asia. if the merger of these assets is carried out and administered by an organization created by the three countries, this expanding zakat collection asset will be a fantastic source of business capital. 5. conclusion the opportunity for indonesia, malaysia, and singapore to manage zakat collections as a business center with great potential to improve the welfare of their respective populations has been made possible by the zakat collection, which continues to rise every year in these three southeast asian countries with a muslim majority. the zakat collection forecast results for the following five years likewise demonstrate that zakat collections are a sound asset that keep expanding significantly. it will be very beneficial for the country's economy to combine the three nations' zakat collections into one commercial enterprise. the combined zakat collection of these three nations is one of the factors supporting the ability of institutions formed by these three nations to manage the zakat collection. in addition, as previously mentioned, these three nations are geographically neighbors, but other than that, the population factor with the largest muslim religion, the similarity of culture, and the similarity of language are factors that are equally important in the creation of a new business center. references abdullatif, l. 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(source: mailto:refniabid@gmail.com3 mailto:yudairawan89@gmail.com1 refni wahyuni & yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 43-50 44 types of heart disease : 1. acute myocardial infarction is according to sjaifoellah noer (1996: 1098) acute myocardial infarction is myocardial necrosis due to impaired blood flow to the heart muscle. 2. hypertensive heart is according to sjaifoellah noer (1996: 1129) hypertensive is a disorder characterized by an increase in peripheral resistance. this causes an increase in cardiac burden resulting in left ventrical hypertrophy as a process of compensation / adaptation. 3. heart failure is according to sjaifoellah noer (1996: 975) definition of heart failure according to braunwald, heart failure is a pathophysiological state of abnormalities in heart function resulting in heart failure to pump blood to meet the needs of tissue metabolism or its ability to only exist if accompanied by elevated left ventricular filling pressure . defined according to packer, coongestive heart failure is a complicated clinical syndrome characterized by abnormalities in left ventrical function and abnormalities in neurohormonal regulation, accompanied by intolerance of physical ability to work (effort intolerance), fluid retention and shorter life span (reduced longevity). 4. ischemic heart is according to sjaifoellah noer (1996: 954) ischemic is an imbalance between the need for cardiac perfusion and oxygenated blood supply by the coronary arteries. 5. cardiac arrhythmias are the collective term for all disorders of the heart rhythm outside the normal sinus rhythm. research conducted by refni wahyuni (2019) about application of expert system for diagnosis of campake disease and prevention with web-based forward chaining methods , this study discusses the expert system of measles disease diagnosis and its prevention by using forward chaining method. data collection methods using 2 techniques, namely literature study, namely by using books, journals and articles related to the problem, while the second method is to make observations directly to the clinic and meet with experts. this application can help the wider community in diagnosing measles and provide prevention solutions, besides this application also provides some information related to the symptoms of measles and its solutions. a study conducted by yulisman and monalisa (2019) with the title of an expert system in diagnosing dengue fever (dhf) using a web-based forward chaining method, this study discusses the early diagnosis of dengue fever, because dengue is a contagious and dangerous disease that can cause death. the results of this study are to provide information and solutions about dengue fever based on the knowledge and abilities of doctors. a study conducted by bagus feri yanto and his colleagues entitled application of expert system for diagnosis of diseases in children under five using the forward chaining method in 2017. this study aims to create an expert system application diagnosis of disease in toddlers based on mobile. this research consists of three stages. the first stage is the collection of data and information from the integrated management of underfives (mtbs) and interviews with midwives. from the collection of data and information found the facts of the disease, complaints, symptoms and suggestions handling. the second step is making rules with 18 diseases. the third stage is the implementation of a mobile-based expert system application with features of disease diagnosis, history of diagnosis and collection of diseases. expert system applications are made that can diagnose diseases and provide treatment recommendations. the results of the evaluation of 50 trial data resulted in an accuracy rate of 82%, where 41 were diagnosed correctly and 9 were diagnosed incorrectly. research conducted by nanda jarti and roden trisno (2017) entitled the expert system for diagnosing allergic diseases in children web-based with the method of forward chaining in batam, in the design of this expert system is a system used to diagnose allergic diseases in children. diagnosis process begins by the way the user answers the questions in the form of symptoms suffered by the user. the results of this study include the application of an expert system designed to be able to diagnose allergic diseases in children based on the symptoms inputted by the user. refni wahyuni & yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 43-50 45 3. research methods to get good research results there needs to be objective data and information. the research methodology use is as follows: 1. literature study the process of gathering several journals related to the research topic and making literature review as a guide in writing the background of the problem. 2. data collection the data collection stage is carried out by: a. observation at this stage the authors made observations to the islamic hospital of ibn sina in the medical records section. researchers make observations on existing data, relating to the topic being raised. b. literature at this stage the researcher looks for references in the form of books, journals and scientific papers related to the topic being studied. 3. data analysis data analysis is the process of analyzing data obtained from ibnu sina islamic hospital. data analysis describes the current system and the proposed system. 4. system design after the data analysis process is carried out, the next process is system design, global system design and detailed system design. 5. coding coding expert system for diagnosing heart disease using the programming language php and mysql as a database. while the application used is macromedia dreamweaver 8 6. testing the system testing process is to prove the system runs as expected. 4. research results and discussion user pages on this page there is a home menu, disease data menu, consultation, help, and admin menu. 1. display the home menu page figure 1. display the home menu page 2. disease data menu display refni wahyuni & yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 43-50 46 figure 2. disease data menu display 3. consultation menu page on this page, users can do consultations by answering questions given by the system. before the consultation process is carried out, a user must fill in patient data first. figure 3. list page on this page the patient is expected to answer the symptoms asked by the application, while the answer given is yes or no, after question 1 is answered, then the next question will automatically be displayed until the question is complete. figure 4. consultation menu page in the picture below, the patient diagnosis results will be seen, patient data, the results are in the form of the illness, symptoms of the disease, information about the disease and history. refni wahyuni & yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 43-50 47 figure 5. diagnosis results admin menu is for admins who want to enter the admin page, when the admin menu is clicked, a login will appear to enter the admin page. figure 6. admin login page the disease menu page is for inputting, changing and removing types of disease. figure 7. disease input page the symptoms input menu page is for inputting, changing and removing symptoms. refni wahyuni & yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 43-50 48 figure 8. input symptoms the relation menu page contains the relationship between disease and symptoms. figure 9. relation input in the following figure is a report on the results of diagnoses of patients who make the diagnosis using an expert system application. refni wahyuni & yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 43-50 49 figure 10. patient diagnosis report 5. conclusion & suggestion conclusion based on the analysis of the results of the discussion and answer from the problem formulation, it can be concluded: 1. this expert system will make it easier for users to recognize the early symptoms of heart disease, and increase user knowledge about heart disease 2. expert system created using depth first search by analyzing all existing data 3. this expert system can register once for one diagnostic process 4. this expert system is created using the forward chaining inference method, where the user will be asked questions in the form of symptoms that are felt, the user will answer yes or no. from these answers, the system will provide a conclusion in the form of illness and prevention 5. this expert system has not been able to produce a type of heart disease based on the estimated% of each heart disease suggestions from these conclusions, several suggestions can be made that will help to further develop the expert system. 1. data needed for types of heart disease so that the information needed will be more extensive and more numerous 2. on the admin menu, if there is a need for more complicated data, the admin must design a more flexible tree so that it can facilitate the admin in doing system management references giarattano, j. & riley, g. (1994). expert system principles and programming. boston: pws publishing company. jarti, n., & trisno, r. (2017). sistem pakar diagnosa penyakit alergi pada anak berbasis web dengan metode forward chaining di kota batam. jurnal edik informatika, 3(2), 197205. kusrini. (2008). aplikasi sistem pakar menentukan faktor kepastian pengguna dengan metode kuantifikasi pertanyaan. andi, yogyakarta kusumadewi, sri (2003). artificial intellegence tehnik dan aplikasinya. yogyakarta : graha ilmu. kusrini. (2008). aplikasi sistem pakar. penerbit andi, yogyakarta. sjaifoellah, n. (2004). buku ajar ilmu penyakit dalam. jilid i. edisi iii. jakarta: fkui. refni wahyuni & yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 43-50 50 wahyuni, r. (2019). jurnal aplikasi sistem pakar untuk diagnosa penyakit campak dan pencegahan dengan metode forward chaining berbasis web. jurnal ilmu komputer, 8(2), 53-59. wilson, b. (1998). the ai dictionary, retrieved from : url: yanto, b. f., werdiningsih, i., & purwanti, e. (2017). aplikasi sistem pakar diagnosa penyakit pada anak bawah lima tahun menggunakan metode forward chaining. journal of information systems engineering and business intelligence, 3(1), 61-67. yulisman & monalisa. (2019). sistem pakar mendiagnosa penyakit demam berdarah dengue (dbd) menggunakan metode forward chaining berbasis web. jurnal ilmu komputer, 8(2), 34-46. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 644-654 644 analysis of fire simulation on polyurethane foam using fds in a university meeting room pratomo setyadi 1 , dewi muflihah 2* department fire safety engineering, faculty of engineering, jakarta state university, indonesia12, received : 11 january 2023, revised: 19 february 2023, accepted : 05 march 2023 *corresponding author abstract the polyurethane foam material is commonly used and marketed in two forms, namely flexible and rigid. flexible foam is used as a cushion, with various applications for commercial products such as chair support. therefore, this study aims to describe the occurrence of a fire situation in a university room filled with many polyurethane foam chairs. it also aims to provide awareness regarding potential flame hazards, by using a fire modelling method with fds. the results showed that fires on pu foam materials produced a high hrr and a wide spread of flame and smoke. from this context, the harmful effects of the fire on the room occupants were emphasized. the results obtained are expected to support the theory of compartment fire, flame distribution in solid materials, pu foam inferno behaviour, etc. it is also expected to provide additional fire protection and evacuation training for room occupants. keywords : fds, fire, smoke, hrr, foam 1. introduction the occurrence of fire is very possible in all buildings and often causes death, injury, property loss, and environmental damage (buchanan & abu, 2017; novanandini et al., 2021; nyankuru et al., 2017). according to the national fire protection association (nfpa), a total of 1,353,500 fires occurred within the u.s. in 2021, causing an estimated $15,957 million in direct property loss (hall & evarts, 2022). this show that direct property loss is one of the main signs used to measure the severity of a fire (n. wang et al., 2022). a university comprises numerous buildings primarily designated for educational purposes, with others serving as offices. based on sni 03-3989-2000, these buildings were classified as light fire hazard dwellings, due to their low thermal quantity and ease of burning. in this case, minimum heat is often produced during a fire outbreak, leading to slow flame distribution (bsn, 2000). although the structures are classified as light fire hazard residences, lecture buildings still need to be highly considered for active and passive fire safety. as with other disasters, everyone should also importantly increase their knowledge of fire hazards from various media (wijaya et al., 2022). moreover, the influence of the building environment workers' on risk management has been identified, including the uncertainty of fire hazards (pramudya & andesta, 2022). from these descriptions, buildings are required to maintain prescriptive or performance-based safety specifications, to protect human life and property according to fire protection regulations (himoto & suzuki, 2021). in the nfpa, educational buildings need to have the necessary installation of extinguishers, due to the involvement of many people in the class activities (national fire protection association., 2015). based on the understanding of light fire hazard housing, heat release and the distribution rate of flame are highly emphasized through simulations, by using the fds (fire dynamics simulator) software. this software commonly simulates a fire scenario through a pre-designed technical approach, within a predetermined time. it is also used to simulate fire in highly populated areas with various construction structures, such as in a theatre (m. y. wang et al., 2008; wu et al., 2008), supermarket (ling & kan, 2011), compartment (matheislová et al., 2010; thomas et al., 2007; zhang et al., 2010; zou & chang, 2005) or building (date & material, 2004; horová et al., 2013; hwang et al., 2010). in a previous study, the speed of fire spread was influenced by wind direction and the location of the initial source (nanda, 2016; setyadi et al., 2021). ria sari also stated that the number of fuel sources, the motor distances, and the compartment system affected the speed of fire distribution during an outbreak (hidayah, 2016). setyadi & muflihah … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 645 to extinguish fires in buildings, active protection is found to be very useful and necessary. this protection form includes standardized sprinklers, which greatly assist in the inferno suppression process. these descriptions are in line with the analysis of fajar septian (septian, 2017), with subsequent observation aiming to determine the influential levels of various factors on different conditions. therefore, this study aims to describe the occurrence of a fire situation in a university room filled with many polyurethane foam chairs. it also aims to provide awareness regarding potential flame hazards, by using a fire modelling method with fds this study was conducted by modelling a fire in the meeting room, namely the l2 building of the faculty of engineering, due to its very large capacity. from this context, the fire was modelled for 30 mins in a room of 40 people. the hrr obtained from each simulation was also emphasized, accompanied by the visualization of the fire and smoke distribution. although various materials were in the room, limitations were considered for the performance of this analysis. in this case, concrete, wood, and polyurethane foam were the materials used in the fire modelling data. polyurethane foam is used as a fuel due to its high flammability, compared to other materials. this foam was the most abundant material in the room, leading to the possibility of continuous fire distribution. data related to material properties were also obtained from the fds documents. for the ignition source, the emergence of fire from the chair seat was assumed by inputting the hrrpua data with the surf_id parameter. therefore, a 0.1 m mesh with good resolution was used to enhance fds processing, as shown through smokeview. this study is grouped into several categories, with sections 1 and 2 emphasizing the introduction and various related literature reviews, respectively. sections 3 and 4 also presented the experimental methods, as well as described the results and discussion of the analyzed fire modelling, respectively. meanwhile, section 5 focused on the conclusions obtained for the outputs of the experiment. 2. literature review compartment fire compartment fire is used to describe a flame situation confined within a building (drysdale, 2011). this is because most fires often originated in closed building spaces, with some previous reports showing that more combustible room materials led to higher construction load during flame outbreaks (laszlo et al., 2022). the following are the stages of flame development during a compartment fire hazard. fig. 1. compartment fire stage based on figure 1, the course of fire in a well-ventilated compartment was the rate of heat release with time. the dotted lines also represented fuel depletion under various conditions, such as pre-flashover occurrence, limited ventilation situations, and reduced burn rate due to oxygen drop level (drysdale, 2011). during the development stage, the fire increased from a small to a large level involving the entire room. at the fully developed stage, the entire room and its contents were then engulfed in flames. this was accompanied by the decay phase after the consumption of the available oxygen (davie county, 2018). setyadi & muflihah … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 646 spread of fire in solid materials several factors were found to affect the rate of flame spread over combustible solids (friedman, 1977). for the chemical material factors, fuel composition and the presence of retardants were observed, while the physical variables contained the initial temperature, surface orientation, propagation direction, thickness, thermal capacity and conductivity, density, geometry, and continuity. various environmental factors also included the atmospheric composition and pressure, temperature, imposed heat flux, and air velocity (friedman, 1977) . heat release rate heat release rate (hrr) is used to quantitatively describe the size of a fire during an inferno (drysdale, 2011). this indicates that the hrr of the burning material is measured in kilowatts (kw) when the combustion reaction produces heat (babrauskas, 2016a). from this context, four small-scale calorimeters are generally used, namely the ohio state university, the cone, the fire propagation, and the microscale combustion (janssens, 2016). the cone calorimeter is the commonly used small-scale instrument, due to being able to determine other parameters such as effective combustion heat, mass loss rate, ignitability, smoke and soot, and toxic gases (babrauskas, 2016b). the following is one of the hrrpua (heat release rate per unit area) measurement performed through a cone calorimeter complying with iso 5560 standards on polyurethane foam material (park & kwark, 2021). fig. 2. hrrpua for polyurethane foam based on the figure 2, the hrrpua of the pu foam material was 559.75 kw/m2. these data are subsequently in this present study as a source of ignition applied to the surface of objects. polyurethane foam material polyurethane (pu) foam material is commonly used and marketed in two forms, namely flexible and rigid. the flexible pu foam is characterized by interconnected pores of small size and irregular shape (huang et al., 2015). according to federico and alberto, flammability was evaluated through a horizontal flame spread test, by comparing three types of pu foam materials. this indicated that two of the materials were coated with three elements, namely paa/mmt, pdac/boh, and app/mmt. meanwhile, the uncoated pu foam was easily ignited by methane fires (carosio & fina, 2019). the combustion of polyurethane often decompose and produce several hazardous materials, such as co and hcn (mckenna & hull, 2016). the following is the general mechanism of the polyurethane decomposition process (t et al., 2011). fig. 3. polyurethane decomposition mechanism setyadi & muflihah … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 647 fire dynamics simulator fire dynamics simulator (fds), is a cfd (computational fluid dynamics) of fire-driven fluid flow. this simulator numerically solves a specific navier-stokes equation suitable for low velocity (ma < 0.3), thermally-driven smoke flows, and heat transfer from fires (k. mcgrattan et al., 2020). furthermore, turbulence is treated through large eddy simulation (les), with possibility observed for the performance of dns (direct numerical simulation) when the underlying numerical mesh is appropriate. in les technique, the large eddies are also resolved, with only the effect of the small forms being modelled (merci, 2016). for most of its applications, fds subsequently employs a combustion model based on limited mixing and infinitely fast reactions of the incorporated species (k. b. mcgrattan et al., 2020). in addition, smokeview is a separate visualization program used to display fds simulation outputs. this shows that fds and smokeview are mainly used to model and visualize fire phenomena at varying periods (forney, 2020). fig. 4. fds workflow 3. research methods this qualitative study modelled fire scenarios on pu foam materials by using fds (figure 4). at the beginning of the experimental process, a preliminary analysis was conducted to select the sample room. this was accompanied by the identification of the experimental location problems. literature study was also carried out to support the determination of appropriate methods, regarding the solution of the identified problems. in addition, data were obtained from various observations, such as the room size, the materials and their values, etc. fig. 5. study method flowchart setyadi & muflihah … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 648 the design of the experimental location was carried out after the data collection stage, with the analysis focusing on modelling the meeting room, l2 building, faculty of engineering, jakarta state university. in this case, the room was modelled with a size, area, and height of 7.2 x 12.4 m, 89.28 m2, and 3 m, respectively. this was accompanied by the determination of the initial fire location source, which is important due to being a determinant of the subsequent inferno development. from this context, the material used as fire modelling fuel was the polyurethane foam employed for meeting room chairs. this showed that a large amount of fuel material in one room was considered to potentially be the main cause of the fire distribution. in this model, the selected chair had a seat size and height of 40 x 50cm and 70cm, respectively. its shape also emphasized the two cushion chair in a book written by vytenis babrauskas and john krasny (krasny & babrauskas, 1985). based on these various factors, two fire models were carried out with different starting points. the following is a summary of the fire analyzed modelling process. fig. 6. location of starting point of fire from various surveys, the most common sources of residential fires were cooking, incendiary, open flame, smoking, electrical equipment, or the heating system (ocran, 2012). based on assumption, the fire originated from excessive current in the power cable near the fuel material, triggering a spark after the wire sheath was released. when the fire modelling began at 0 s, the burning of the material was observed. this proved that air entered and exited the process through doors and ventilation openings, respectively. in this case, 8 ventilations were observed, with 4 of them each leading to the front and back of the building. based on assumptions, the front and rear openings were 0.6 m x 1.2 m and 0.9 x 1.2 m when the vents were completely opened, respectively. however, the air flow through the window was not velocity determined, leading to a natural atmospheric condition. air was also assumed to have passed through the door at a speed of -1 m/s, with the entrance size being 1.6 x 2 m. from this study, a fire was subsequently simulated for 1800 s or 30 mins, through a 0.1m mesh. the following is the material data used in this experiment (babrauskas, 2016a; drysdale, 2011). table 1 material data parameters pu foam concrete wood specific heat 1 0.88 2.38 conductivity 0.1 1.4 0.17 density 40 2300 800 reference temperature 280 heat of reaction 800 heat of combustion 22700 12400 after all data were written to notepad, the next step focused on the command prompt on the desktop when installing fds. 4. results and discussions in this section, the fire simulation outputs in two scenarios was presented. based on the first scenario, the heat release rate was emphasized. setyadi & muflihah … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 649 fig. 7. chart hrr simulation 1 from figure 7, an enlarged graph of simulation 1 was observed1, regarding the heat release rate. this proved that the hrr value increased rapidly, reaching 437.7 kw within 5.4 s from the commencement of the simulation. at 55.8 s, the hrr value increased until the first peak of 848.6 kw, before drastically experiencing a drop to 531.6kw at 73.8 s. furthermore, the value increased until the highest estimation of 864.1 kw was achieved at 113.4 s. the existence of these two hrr peaks emphasized their association with the foam combustion on the horizontal chair seat. this was cited from the analysis of mowrer and williamson, where composite products and materials exhibited complex combustion behaviour, which produced more than one hrr peak (hopkin et al., 2019; mowrer & williamson, 1990). after the peak point at 113.4 s, the hrr value slowly decreased until the end of the simulation, indicating the adjustment of the fire from the fully developed period to the decay time. in the decay period, the hrr value did not reach 0 kw, proving that the fire had been completely extinguished. this was caused by the burning material producing char, with the existence of heat still observed. at 244.8 s, this value was at the transition point to the decay period due to being constant. from 500 to 1800 s at the end of the simulation, the hrr value still fluctuated between 150.5 and 157.2 kw. besides the hrr data display, fds visually showed the spread of fire and smoke through smokeview. figures 8 and 9 indicates the spread of fully developed fire and smoke, where the entire room and its contents were engulfed by the inferno. when no attempt is made to extinguish the fire, combustion continues until the consumption of the fuel and/or available oxygen in the room or area (davie county, 2018). a b fig. 8. fire spread at seconds a. 55.8 and b. 113.4 based on figure 8, the fire distribution expanded at 55.8 s. this indicated the spread of the fire to a close chair and the ceiling in simulation 1. meanwhile, the fully developed period was reached in 113.4 s, where the flame spread to a chair next to the starting point of the combustion. regarding these results, the fire activities in this simulation had twice the fully developed period, although some differences were observed between both inferno times, considering the hrr value and the temperature. from 244.8 to 1800 s, no fire spread was observed in the two simulations, 0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0 1000.0 0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 h r r ( k w ) time(s) hrr simulation 1 setyadi & muflihah … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 650 as the flame only smoldered the starting point of the combustion. these conditions confirmed that the fire had reached a cooling or decay period. in line with the spread of fire, the following is a visualization of the smoke distribution. a b fig. 9. smoke spread at seconds a. 55.8 and b. 113.4 a small rise in the temperature or dispersion of smoke is capable of causing damage to specific building components, such as non-structural members, equipment systems, and stored items with relatively low fire resistivity (himoto & suzuki, 2021). during simulation 1, the smoke in the corner of the room ascended to the ceiling before colliding with the left wall and descending downwards. this proved that the smoke moved very fast until 55.8 s, where it covered the entire ceiling of the room. meanwhile, the thick smoke filled almost half of the room at 113.4 s. at the end of the simulation, the smoke gradually dissipated and thinned out from its previous thickness. this phenomenon was found at 244.8 to 1800 s, where the smoke gradually dissipated and accumulated close to origin of the fire. after completing the first simulation, the next step was to display the data and visualization outputs of the second fire model, as shown in figure 10. fig. 10. chart of hrr simulation 2 figure 10 showed an enlarged graph of simulation 2 output, where the heat release rate indicated a very large hrr value. similar to simulation 1, this value increased rapidly in the first few seconds, with 431.5 kw achieved at 5.4 s. the hrr value also increased until 2471.04 kw at 183.6 s, accompanied by a gradual decrease ranging from 205-210 kw at 423 to 891 s, respectively. after this drop, a short-term surge of 1609.3 kw was found at 961.2 s. besides the influence of the material, as explained by mowrer and williamson, the second peak of hrr was also obtained from the combustion of unburned chairs. this indicated that the hrr value increased rapidly due to a new ignition or fire propagation in a different direction. at 975.6 s, this value entered the final stage of the fire after gradually decreasing from the second hrr peak. in this case, the hrr value slowly decreased and did not possess a large difference. meanwhile, the values of 182.7, 173.6, and 160.5 kw were observed at 1200.6 to 1800 s. from figure 10, the fully developed period at 183.6 s was observed. this confirmed that the spread of fire in simulation 2 was wider than model 1. figure 11 shows the inferno distribution 0.0 500.0 1000.0 1500.0 2000.0 2500.0 3000.0 0.0 500.0 1000.0 1500.0 h r r ( k w ) time (s) hrr simulation 2 setyadi & muflihah … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 651 in simulation 2, where the 3 parallel and 3 rear seats close the starting point of the fire were burned due to the direction of the wind. based on these results, the spread of fire was wider in simulation 2 than model 1. a b fig. 11. fire spread at seconds a. 183.6 and b. 961.2 in figure 11b, the fire distributed in a different direction from the previous distribution, indicating the spread to the left of the initial combustion point. in this case, the fire burned the 2 parallel and 2 rear seats to the left part of the initial flame source. this led to the observation of two fire ignition peaks, which were not higher than the previous hrr peak at 183.6 s. from 183.6 s to 1800 s, no fire propagation was observed, as the conflagration was confined to the seat of origin, which had become charred. under these conditions, the fire had reached a cooling or decay period. a b fig. 12. smoke spread at seconds a. 183.6 and b. 961.2 based on figure 12, the thickness of the smoke was in line with the spread of the fire. this indicated that the smoke was thicker and widely distributed in simulation 2 than model 1. this was because the fire spread wider and burned more chair material, leading to the emission of more smoke. discussion from this result, the highest heat release rate was achieved in about 3 mins. this was in line with a similar study with a larger scale, where a school building fire modelling and hrr peak production was achieved in 3 mins (antonov & borisov, 2018). despite having similar time, the hrr value in the previous simulation was almost five times higher than the estimation of this present study. this was because the experiment was conducted at a 4-storey school, which had more flammable materials for the fire to emit greater heat. in another previous study, a compartment fire analysis was carried out in a small cinema hall (valasek & glasa, 2017). this employed three simulation materials, namely wall concrete, chair upholstery, and the inert material for other surfaces such as the door, stage, etc. the results confirmed that fds provided reliable smoke dispersion simulations, as well as obtained and visualized the specific phenomena emerging during cinema building fires. from the simulation, a safety threat was provided to the audiences sitting or standing in different locations within the cinema (valasek & glasa, 2017). based on the meeting room outputs, the highest total hrr reached 852.1 kw in the second scenario within the first minute of the fire analysis. this was not in line with the cinema hall analysis, where the maximum total hrr value achieved in the first minute was 416.23 kw. in addition, the arched ceilings and sloping doorways significantly contributed to increased safety risks for seated or escaping individuals, even during the first minutes of a fire (valasek & glasa, setyadi & muflihah … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 652 2017). from these various previous results, the fire dynamics simulator (fds) realistically visualized infernos. despite the various outputs, reports are yet to be found with 100% similarities regarding fire scenarios, due to specific difference. this suggests that regardless of the similarities in the input data, the large amount of information influencing each of the developed fire scenarios led to the acquisition of distinct outputs. 5. conclusion based on the results, fds visually presented the occurrence of flames through fire or smoke dispersion. this indicated that the starting point influenced the spread of fire and smoke. the location of the flame origin surrounded by flammable materials and sufficient air supply also led to a high hrr value. moreover, the achievement of outputs when the hrr value had two peaks was triggered by the burning of different chairs. this was in line with mowrer and williamson, where the occurrence of fire was related to the burning of foam on horizontal chair seats, as well as composite products and materials exhibiting complex combustion behaviour capable of producing more than one hrr peak. references antonov, s., & borisov, b. (2018). fire safety and fire dynamics of a school room simulated in fds computer program. 256–259. babrauskas, v. (2016a). heat release rate. sfpe handbook of fire protection engineering, fifth edition, 1–3493. babrauskas, v. (2016b). the cone calorimeter. sfpe handbook of fire protection engineering editor-in-chief fifth edition, 154–182. bsn. (2000). tata cara perencanaan dan pemasangan sistem springkler otomatik untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan gedung. buchanan, a. h., & abu, a. (2017). structural design for fire safety (second edi). _second_edition carosio, f., & fina, a. (2019). three organic/inorganic nanolayers on flexible foam allow retaining superior flame retardancy performance upon mechanical compression cycles. frontiers in materials, 6. date, p., & material, s. (2004). a comparison of three fire models in the simulation of accidental fires. davie county, n. f. m. o. (2018). stages of fire growth. drysdale, d. (2011). an introduction to fire dynamics. wiley. forney, g. p. (2020). smokeview volume 1: user’s guide. nist sp 1017-1, i(version 5), 162. friedman, r. (1977). “ignition and burning of solids”, in fire standards and safety. astm stp 614. american society for testing and materials. hall, s., & evarts, b. (2022). fire loss in the united states during 2021 (nfpa ® ) key findings. and research/fire statistics and reports/us fire problem/osfireloss.ashx hidayah, r. s. (2016). pengaruh tata letak terhadap perambatan nyala api berbasis metode fds (fire dynamics simulator) pada parkiran sepeda motor kampus a universitas negeri jakarta [state university of jakarta]. ords=pengaruh+tata+letak himoto, k., & suzuki, k. (2021). computational framework for assessing the fire resilience of buildings using the multi-layer zone model. reliability engineering & system safety, 216, setyadi & muflihah … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 653 108023. hopkin, c., spearpoint, m., & hopkin, d. (2019). a review of design values adopted for heat release rate per unit area. in fire technology (vol. 55, issue 5, pp. 1599–1618). springer new york llc. horová, k., jána, t., & wald, f. (2013). temperature heterogeneity during travelling fire on experimental building. advances in engineering software, 62–63, 119–130. huang, c. h., lou, c. w., chuang, y. c., liu, c. f., yu, z. c., & lin, j. h. (2015). rigid/flexible polyurethane foam composite boards with addition of functional fillers: acoustics evaluations (buih poliuretana tegar/fleksibel papan komposit dengan penambahan fungsian pengisi: penilaian akustik). in sains malaysiana (vol. 44, issue 12). hwang, c.-h., lock, a., bundy, m., johnsson, e., & ko, g. h. (2010). studies on fire characteristics in overand underventilated full-scale compartments. journal of fire science, 28(5), 459–486. janssens, m. (2016). calorimetry. sfpe handbook of fire protection engineering editor-inchief fifth edition, 107–153. krasny, j., & babrauskas, v. (1985). fire behaviour of upholstered furniture. rniture laszlo, g., hajdu, f., & kuti, r. (2022). experimental study on examining the fire load of a small compartment. pollack periodica, 17(1), 133–138. ling, d., & kan, k. (2011). numerical simulations on fire and analysis of the spread characteristics of smoke in supermarket. in communications in computer and information science: vol. 176 ccis (issue part 2, pp. 7–13). matheislová, h., jahoda, m., kundrata, t., & dvořák, o. (2010). cfd simulations of compartment fires. chemical engineering transactions, 21, 1117–1122. mcgrattan, k. b., mcdermott, r., vanella, m., hostikka, s., & floyd, j. (2020). fire dynamics simulator technical reference guide. 1, 181. mcgrattan, k., hostikka, s., mcdermott, r., floyd, j., & vanella, m. (2020). sixth edition fire dynamics simulator user ’s guide (fds). national institute of standards and technology,nist special publication 1019, sixth edit, 434. mckenna, s. t., & hull, t. r. (2016). the fire toxicity of polyurethane foams. fire science reviews, 5(1). merci, b. (2016). introduction to fluid mechanics. sfpe handbook of fire protection engineering editor-in-chief fifth edition, 20–43. mowrer, f. w., & williamson, r. b. (1990). methods to characterize heat release rate data. in fire safety journal (vol. 16). nanda, y. f. (2016). karakteristik penyebaran api ketika terjadi kebakaran berbasis metode fds (fire dynamics simulator) pada parkiran sepeda motor kampus a universitas negeri jakarta [state university of jakarta]. la national fire protection association. (2015). nfpa 101, life safety code. novanandini, e. r., dewi, o. c., & nugroho, y. s. (2021). evaluation of fire safety maintenance of an educational laboratory facility. iop conference series: earth and environmental science, 933(1). nyankuru, o., omuterema, s., nyandiko, n., & muliro, m. (2017). evaluating the effectiveness setyadi & muflihah … vol 4(2) 2023 : 644-654 654 of fire safety training on occupants’ response to fire in selected public buildings in nairobi county, kenya. international journal of sciences: basic and applied research (ijsbar) international journal of sciences: basic and applied research, 36(5), 166–173. ocran, n. (2012). fire loads and design fires for mid-rise buildings. park, j., & kwark, j. (2021). experimental study on fire sources for full-scale fire testing of simple sprinkler systems installed in multiplexes. fire, 4(1), 1–16. pramudya, i., & andesta, d. (2022). safety application and health work (k3) at department of cnc lathe using hazard identification risk assessment and risk control (hirarc) method (case study of pt. swadaya graha). 4(1), 318–324. septian, f. (2017). pengaruh waktu aktivasi sistem sprinkler otomatis terhadap laju perambatan api berbasis fds (fire dynamics simulator) pada bangunan rumah susun ciracas [state university of jakarta]. setyadi, p., yoga, n. g., kusumohadi, c. s., triyono, t., & nanda, y. f. (2021). flame spread simulation of fire occurrence at motorcycle parking building. iop conference series: materials science and engineering, 1098(6), 062082. t, r., l, b.-v., & e, g. (2011). development of the thermal decomposition mechanism of polyether polyurethane foam using both condensed and gas-phase release data. composition_mechanism_of_polyether_polyurethane_foam_using_both_condensed_an d_gas-phase_release_data thomas, i. r., moinuddin, k. a. m., & bennetts, i. d. (2007). the effect of fuel quantity and location on small enclosure fires. journal of fire protection engineering, 17(2), 85–102. valasek, l., & glasa, j. (2017). on realization of cinema hall fire simulation using fire dynamics simulator. computing and informatics, 36(4), 971–1000. wang, m. y., han, x., wu, g. h., & liu, q. q. (2008). simulation analysis of temperature characteristics for a theater fire. international symposium on innovations and sustainability of structures in civil engineering, 1–2, 1145–1152. wang, n., xu, y., & wang, s. (2022). interpretable boosting tree ensemble method for multisource building fire loss prediction. reliability engineering & system safety, 225, 108587. wijaya, r. f., putri, a., mayasari, n., hardinata, r. s., pembangunan, u., budi, p., & author, c. (2022). applications know preparation for earthquakes for elementary school student. 4(1), 168–179. wu, g. h., han, x., wang, m. y., & liu, q. (2008). simulation analysis of smoke distribution features for a theater fire. international symposium on innovations and sustainability of structures in civil engineering, 1–2, 1153–1159. zhang, x., yang, m., wang, j., & he, y. (2010). effects of computational domain on numerical simulation of building fires. journal of fire protection engineering, 20(4), 225–251. zou, g., & chang, w. (2005). evaluation of the field model, fire dynamics simulator, for a specific experimental scenario. journal of fire protection engineering, 15(2), 77–92. analysis of fire simulation on polyurethane foam using fds in a university meeting room pratomo setyadi1, dewi muflihah2* department fire safety engineering, faculty of engineering, jakarta state university, indonesia12, received : 11 january 2023, revised: 19 february 2023, accepted : 05 march 2023 *corresponding author abstract the polyurethane foam material is commonly used and marketed in two forms, namely flexible and rigid. flexible foam is used as a cushion, with various applications for commercial products such as chair support. therefore, this study aims to describe t... keywords : fds, fire, smoke, hrr, foam 1. introduction the occurrence of fire is very possible in all buildings and often causes death, injury, property loss, and environmental damage (buchanan & abu, 2017; novanandini et al., 2021; nyankuru et al., 2017). according to the national fire protection associa... based on the understanding of light fire hazard housing, heat release and the distribution rate of flame are highly emphasized through simulations, by using the fds (fire dynamics simulator) software. this software commonly simulates a fire scenario t... this study was conducted by modelling a fire in the meeting room, namely the l2 building of the faculty of engineering, due to its very large capacity. from this context, the fire was modelled for 30 mins in a room of 40 people. the hrr obtained from ... this study is grouped into several categories, with sections 1 and 2 emphasizing the introduction and various related literature reviews, respectively. sections 3 and 4 also presented the experimental methods, as well as described the results and disc... 2. literature review compartment fire compartment fire is used to describe a flame situation confined within a building (drysdale, 2011). this is because most fires often originated in closed building spaces, with some previous reports showing that more combustible room materials led to h... fig. 1. compartment fire stage based on figure 1, the course of fire in a well-ventilated compartment was the rate of heat release with time. the dotted lines also represented fuel depletion under various conditions, such as pre-flashover occurrence, limited ventilation situations,... spread of fire in solid materials several factors were found to affect the rate of flame spread over combustible solids (friedman, 1977). for the chemical material factors, fuel composition and the presence of retardants were observed, while the physical variables contained the initia... heat release rate heat release rate (hrr) is used to quantitatively describe the size of a fire during an inferno (drysdale, 2011). this indicates that the hrr of the burning material is measured in kilowatts (kw) when the combustion reaction produces heat (babrauskas,... fig. 2. hrrpua for polyurethane foam based on the figure 2, the hrrpua of the pu foam material was 559.75 kw/m2. these data are subsequently in this present study as a source of ignition applied to the surface of objects. polyurethane foam material polyurethane (pu) foam material is commonly used and marketed in two forms, namely flexible and rigid. the flexible pu foam is characterized by interconnected pores of small size and irregular shape (huang et al., 2015). according to federico and albe... fig. 3. polyurethane decomposition mechanism fire dynamics simulator fire dynamics simulator (fds), is a cfd (computational fluid dynamics) of fire-driven fluid flow. this simulator numerically solves a specific navier-stokes equation suitable for low velocity (ma < 0.3), thermally-driven smoke flows, and heat transfer... fig. 4. fds workflow 3. research methods this qualitative study modelled fire scenarios on pu foam materials by using fds (figure 4). at the beginning of the experimental process, a preliminary analysis was conducted to select the sample room. this was accompanied by the identification of th... fig. 5. study method flowchart the design of the experimental location was carried out after the data collection stage, with the analysis focusing on modelling the meeting room, l2 building, faculty of engineering, jakarta state university. in this case, the room was modelled with ... fig. 6. location of starting point of fire from various surveys, the most common sources of residential fires were cooking, incendiary, open flame, smoking, electrical equipment, or the heating system (ocran, 2012). based on assumption, the fire originated from excessive current in the power c... table 1 material data after all data were written to notepad, the next step focused on the command prompt on the desktop when installing fds. 4. results and discussions in this section, the fire simulation outputs in two scenarios was presented. based on the first scenario, the heat release rate was emphasized. fig. 7. chart hrr simulation 1 from figure 7, an enlarged graph of simulation 1 was observed1, regarding the heat release rate. this proved that the hrr value increased rapidly, reaching 437.7 kw within 5.4 s from the commencement of the simulation. at 55.8 s, the hrr value increas... in the decay period, the hrr value did not reach 0 kw, proving that the fire had been completely extinguished. this was caused by the burning material producing char, with the existence of heat still observed. at 244.8 s, this value was at the transit... fig. 8. fire spread at seconds a. 55.8 and b. 113.4 based on figure 8, the fire distribution expanded at 55.8 s. this indicated the spread of the fire to a close chair and the ceiling in simulation 1. meanwhile, the fully developed period was reached in 113.4 s, where the flame spread to a chair next t... fig. 9. smoke spread at seconds a. 55.8 and b. 113.4 a small rise in the temperature or dispersion of smoke is capable of causing damage to specific building components, such as non-structural members, equipment systems, and stored items with relatively low fire resistivity (himoto & suzuki, 2021). duri... fig. 10. chart of hrr simulation 2 figure 10 showed an enlarged graph of simulation 2 output, where the heat release rate indicated a very large hrr value. similar to simulation 1, this value increased rapidly in the first few seconds, with 431.5 kw achieved at 5.4 s. the hrr value als... from figure 10, the fully developed period at 183.6 s was observed. this confirmed that the spread of fire in simulation 2 was wider than model 1. figure 11 shows the inferno distribution in simulation 2, where the 3 parallel and 3 rear seats close th... fig. 11. fire spread at seconds a. 183.6 and b. 961.2 in figure 11b, the fire distributed in a different direction from the previous distribution, indicating the spread to the left of the initial combustion point. in this case, the fire burned the 2 parallel and 2 rear seats to the left part of the initi... from 183.6 s to 1800 s, no fire propagation was observed, as the conflagration was confined to the seat of origin, which had become charred. under these conditions, the fire had reached a cooling or decay period. fig. 12. smoke spread at seconds a. 183.6 and b. 961.2 based on figure 12, the thickness of the smoke was in line with the spread of the fire. this indicated that the smoke was thicker and widely distributed in simulation 2 than model 1. this was because the fire spread wider and burned more chair materia... discussion from this result, the highest heat release rate was achieved in about 3 mins. this was in line with a similar study with a larger scale, where a school building fire modelling and hrr peak production was achieved in 3 mins (antonov & borisov, 2018). d... based on the meeting room outputs, the highest total hrr reached 852.1 kw in the second scenario within the first minute of the fire analysis. this was not in line with the cinema hall analysis, where the maximum total hrr value achieved in the first ... 5. conclusion based on the results, fds visually presented the occurrence of flames through fire or smoke dispersion. this indicated that the starting point influenced the spread of fire and smoke. the location of the flame origin surrounded by flammable materials ... references antonov, s., & borisov, b. (2018). fire safety and fire dynamics of a school room simulated in fds computer program. 256–259. babrauskas, v. (2016a). heat release rate. sfpe handbook of fire protection engineering, fifth edition, 1–3493. babrauskas, v. (2016b). the cone calorimeter. sfpe handbook of fire protection engineering editor-in-chief fifth edition, 154–182. bsn. (2000). tata cara perencanaan dan pemasangan sistem springkler otomatik untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan gedung. buchanan, a. h., & abu, a. (2017). structural design for fire safety (second edi). carosio, f., & fina, a. (2019). three organic/inorganic nanolayers on flexible foam allow retaining superior flame retardancy performance upon mechanical compression cycles. frontiers in materials, 6. date, p., & material, s. (2004). a comparison of three fire models in the simulation of accidental fires. davie county, n. f. m. o. (2018). stages of fire growth. drysdale, d. (2011). an introduction to fire dynamics. wiley. forney, g. p. (2020). smokeview volume 1: user’s guide. nist sp 1017-1, i(version 5), 162. friedman, r. (1977). “ignition and burning of solids”, in fire standards and safety. astm stp 614. american society for testing and materials. hall, s., & evarts, b. (2022). fire loss in the united states during 2021 (nfpa ® ) key findings. and research/fire statistics and reports/us fire problem/osfireloss.ashx hidayah, r. s. (2016). pengaruh tata letak terhadap perambatan nyala api berbasis metode fds (fire dynamics simulator) pada parkiran sepeda motor kampus a universitas negeri jakarta [state university of jakarta]. himoto, k., & suzuki, k. (2021). computational framework for assessing the fire resilience of buildings using the multi-layer zone model. reliability engineering & system safety, 216, 108023. hopkin, c., spearpoint, m., & hopkin, d. (2019). a review of design values adopted for heat release rate per unit area. in fire technology (vol. 55, issue 5, pp. 1599–1618). springer new york llc. horová, k., jána, t., & wald, f. (2013). temperature heterogeneity during travelling fire on experimental building. advances in engineering software, 62–63, 119–130. huang, c. h., lou, c. w., chuang, y. c., liu, c. f., yu, z. c., & lin, j. h. (2015). rigid/flexible polyurethane foam composite boards with addition of functional fillers: acoustics evaluations (buih poliuretana tegar/fleksibel papan komposit dengan p... hwang, c.-h., lock, a., bundy, m., johnsson, e., & ko, g. h. (2010). studies on fire characteristics in overand underventilated full-scale compartments. journal of fire science, 28(5), 459–486. janssens, m. (2016). calorimetry. sfpe handbook of fire protection engineering editor-in-chief fifth edition, 107–153. krasny, j., & babrauskas, v. (1985). fire behaviour of upholstered furniture. laszlo, g., hajdu, f., & kuti, r. (2022). experimental study on examining the fire load of a small compartment. pollack periodica, 17(1), 133–138. ling, d., & kan, k. (2011). numerical simulations on fire and analysis of the spread characteristics of smoke in supermarket. in communications in computer and information science: vol. 176 ccis (issue part 2, pp. 7–13). matheislová, h., jahoda, m., kundrata, t., & dvořák, o. (2010). cfd simulations of compartment fires. chemical engineering transactions, 21, 1117–1122. mcgrattan, k. b., mcdermott, r., vanella, m., hostikka, s., & floyd, j. (2020). fire dynamics simulator technical reference guide. 1, 181. mcgrattan, k., hostikka, s., mcdermott, r., floyd, j., & vanella, m. (2020). sixth edition fire dynamics simulator user ’s guide (fds). national institute of standards and technology,nist special publication 1019, sixth edit, 434. mckenna, s. t., & hull, t. r. (2016). the fire toxicity of polyurethane foams. fire science reviews, 5(1). merci, b. (2016). introduction to fluid mechanics. sfpe handbook of fire protection engineering editor-in-chief fifth edition, 20–43. mowrer, f. w., & williamson, r. b. (1990). methods to characterize heat release rate data. in fire safety journal (vol. 16). nanda, y. f. (2016). karakteristik penyebaran api ketika terjadi kebakaran berbasis metode fds (fire dynamics simulator) pada parkiran sepeda motor kampus a universitas negeri jakarta [state university of jakarta]. national fire protection association. (2015). nfpa 101, life safety code. novanandini, e. r., dewi, o. c., & nugroho, y. s. (2021). evaluation of fire safety maintenance of an educational laboratory facility. iop conference series: earth and environmental science, 933(1). nyankuru, o., omuterema, s., nyandiko, n., & muliro, m. (2017). evaluating the effectiveness of fire safety training on occupants’ response to fire in selected public buildings in nairobi county, kenya. international journal of sciences: basic and app... ocran, n. (2012). fire loads and design fires for mid-rise buildings. park, j., & kwark, j. (2021). experimental study on fire sources for full-scale fire testing of simple sprinkler systems installed in multiplexes. fire, 4(1), 1–16. pramudya, i., & andesta, d. (2022). safety application and health work (k3) at department of cnc lathe using hazard identification risk assessment and risk control (hirarc) method (case study of pt. swadaya graha). 4(1), 318–324. septian, f. (2017). pengaruh waktu aktivasi sistem sprinkler otomatis terhadap laju perambatan api berbasis fds (fire dynamics simulator) pada bangunan rumah susun ciracas [state university of jakarta]. setyadi, p., yoga, n. g., kusumohadi, c. s., triyono, t., & nanda, y. f. (2021). flame spread simulation of fire occurrence at motorcycle parking building. iop conference series: materials science and engineering, 1098(6), 062082. t, r., l, b.-v., & e, g. (2011). development of the thermal decomposition mechanism of polyether polyurethane foam using both condensed and gas-phase release data. thomas, i. r., moinuddin, k. a. m., & bennetts, i. d. (2007). the effect of fuel quantity and location on small enclosure fires. journal of fire protection engineering, 17(2), 85–102. valasek, l., & glasa, j. (2017). on realization of cinema hall fire simulation using fire dynamics simulator. computing and informatics, 36(4), 971–1000. wang, m. y., han, x., wu, g. h., & liu, q. q. (2008). simulation analysis of temperature characteristics for a theater fire. international symposium on innovations and sustainability of structures in civil engineering, 1–2, 1145–1152. wang, n., xu, y., & wang, s. 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(2005). evaluation of the field model, fire dynamics simulator, for a specific experimental scenario. journal of fire protection engineering, 15(2), 77–92. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 286 hybrid between pieces framework and technology acceptance model (tam) in quality testing of mobile application office automation system (kemenkeu) ade achmad zulfahmi1, rifki sadikin2, eni heni hermaliani3 computer science study program, faculty of information technology universitas nusa mandiri123 received : 12 september 2022, revised: 20 october 2022, accepted : 20 october 2022 *corresponding author abstract digital transformation is a necessity that must be carried out by the government that provides public services. the success of digital transformation is to innovate the office automation system mobile application system (ekemenkeu application) based on android/ios to support simplification of business processes so that they can be easily accessed via smartphone devices. to get feedback on the quality of the ekemenkeu application, testing was carried out using the pieces framework and by selecting the technology acceptance model (tam) variable, as well as the smart pls 3.0 tool. the study analyzed 100 respondent data using 7 hypotheses with the results of 2 accepted hypotheses, namely h1 original sample value (0.335) and t-statistics (2.864) and h7 original sample (0.748) and t-statistics (10.401), and the second significance level is above 0, 05. meanwhile, 5 hypotheses were rejected, because the t-statistic value was > 1.96 and the significance level of the p-value was below 0.05. the results of the discriminate validity test ranged in value (0.786 0.949). composite reliability ranges in value (0.828 0.949) or is accepted because it is above 0.7. cronbach's alpha range of values (0.721-0.920) or satisfactory > 0.7. keywords: office automation, ekemenkeu, pieces framework, tam, smart pls 1. introduction the era of digital transformation in the government sector is a necessity as well as realizing the implementation of industry 4.0, as well as in the context of simplifying business processes. the main business process of government agencies is government administration services in the form of general applications consisting of the electronic service manuscripts (tnde) module, the electronic presence module (e-presence), the personnel information module, and the agenda management module as well as other modules as needed. organization or better known as office automation (oa). the understanding of oa based on presidential regulation number 95 of 2018 concerning electronic-based government systems (spbe) is included in the general application group. general application is the same spbe application, standard, and used for sharing by central agencies and/or local governments. government agencies in the financial sector in indonesia have changed their work patterns accompanied by digital transformation, one of which is the implementation of oa. oa implementation in order to build a digital workspace (dw) for organizational and human resources (hr) development and support for modern strategic initiatives (is) e-learning as the main tool in hr development (kementerian keuangan, 2019), which is currently used by all employees up to the top management in the agency. dw is a new way of working in order to be able to work and be productive without being limited by location, connectivity and the use of digital technology. this is in line with the opinion of the national information and communication technology council (wantiknas) that digital transformation is not only about technology, but also pays attention to social elements such as culture and society. for this reason, digital transformation requires the collaboration of all parties to make it happen (nasional, 2020). the ministry of finance is one of the government agencies that implements oa based on mobile applications (kementerian keuangan, 2020). this is inseparable from the increase in the use of smartphone devices and the development of the android operating system which encourages the development of information systems with mobile characteristics as a solution in zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 287 the new normal era in carrying out activities and working in the conditions of the covid-19 pandemic. an information system is a system within an organization that brings together the daily transaction processing needs that support managerial organizational functions with strategic activities of an organization in order to provide certain outside parties with the information needed for decision making. (oktavianti & buana, 2019) the mobile application has a user interface with a unique interaction mechanism provided by the mobile platform. mobile applications have also been designed specifically for mobile platforms (eg ios, android, or windows mobile) (afit muhammad lukman, 2019). mobile application, also known as mobile apps, is a term used to describe internet applications that run on smartphones or other mobile devices. mobile applications can also help users to connect to internet services which are usually accessed on a pc (personal computer) to be made easier with devices that are more convenient to carry wherever they are (portable). (afit muhammad lukman, 2019) simplifying business processes in government agencies into mobile applications is a challenge for software developers, where development must pay attention to the rules of design, flexibility, user convenience and functionality as well as application compatibility on android or ios systems used on users' mobile devices. according to nasution (2004), currently, information technology has become a basic need for every agency, especially in carrying out all aspects of organizational activities. in relation to the application of information technology, there are three elements that must exist, namely hardware, software and brainware (yulianingsih, 2016). computer technology has the potential to improve the performance of individuals and organizations so that companies invest in various computer applications. apart from these developments, the potential benefits of computers in assisting managerial decision making have not been fully realized due to the low level of acceptance by users (p.l, 2006). the development of information technology not only has an impact on business processes but also on information systems within the company (meidawati, 2002). today the information system of a business entity cannot be separated from the use of computer technology that involves hardware, software and brainware designed to convert data into useful information (p.l, 2006). the ministry of finance (mof), has implemented oa since 2018 with a website version and on december 9, 2019 for the first time it was launched in a mobile application version as shown in figure 1. one of the underlying reasons is for easy access, this application is provided in the form of two platforms. , namely mobile pages and applications. this application can be opened via the page or download the ekemenkeu application through the application store on ios/android. to find out the benefits and acceptance of the oa application, the ministry of finance has conducted a survey regarding the implementation of the digital workspace, some of which are questions related to the implementation of oa, including the mobile application version, but a special survey has not been conducted on the acceptance of the mobile application version of the oa application with the acceptance model using information system research. . in addition, with the addition of several modules on the oa mobile application and this application as one of the keys to the success of the strategic initiative for bureaucratic reform and institutional transformation (isrbtk) in government agencies in the field of finance, it is necessary to evaluate, and accept and quality applications from the employee's point of view. the ministry of finance is a government agency in the field of finance that has quite a number of employees, namely almost 79,000 employees, where the use of the mobile applicatian ekemenkeu is required for all employees. the ekemenkeu mobile application is an integrated information system, so that as an information system there are obstacles or disturbances that may occur when using the ekemenkeu mobile application. potential disturbances include: the user is unable to log in or the login is constrained, the data input process fails, an error occurs when using one of the menus, the service crashes or the process stops, and other things that may occur in certain cases for the user. zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 288 in addition, application development or the developer team also requires user input and suggestions so that the ekemenkeu mobile application is more tailored to user needs and is user friendly, and continues to innovate in presenting information data needed by users and organizations. to get input and suggestions from users, it is necessary to conduct a study on quality with a general acceptance model carried out on information systems. the pieces framework and technology acceptance model (tam) are 2 of the acceptance models used in the research, in addition to the delone and mclean model, end user computing satisfaction (eucs), human-organization-technology (hot) fit, task technology fit (ttf) and other. other studies related to the office automation system include research on the oa mobile application on the e-presence module to find out that the e-presence application can help users, determine the level of satisfaction and the extent to which it can be accepted by users, it is necessary to identify problems and perceptions from the user. this research was conducted on one of the modules in the ekemenkeu mobile application using the pieces framework acceptance model (prayogi et al., 2021). previous oa user satisfaction research has been carried out using the end user computing statisfaction model at the ministry of state-owned enterprises in 2019 (ramadhan, 2019). to compile the level of acceptance and satisfaction of using oa mobile applications using a likert scale. the likert scale uses several questions to measure individual behavior by responding to 5 choice points on each question item, strongly agree, agree, disagree, disagree, and strongly disagree (likert 1932) (budiaji, 2021). in carrying out data processing and analysis of acceptance and satisfaction will use a structural equation model (structural equation modeling (sem)). in this study using smartpls software, so the sem model applied is component based sem. 2. literature review this study uses 2 approaches, namely the technology acceptance model (tam) with 2 factors percevied usefulness and percevied ease of use, and the pieces framework to test the quality of the ministry of finance's office automation system mobile application. based on the previous description, the conceptual framework for testing hypothesis 2 to hypothesis 6 uses the pieces framework variable, while hypothesis 7 uses the tam variable. table 1 list of research bases no researcher title summary 1. charlesto sekundera p.l., 2006 end user acceptance analysis using technology acceptance model (tam) and end user computing satisfaction (eucs) towards implementation core banking system at bank abc this study analyzes the banking system using tam and eucs. the research object is employees of 48 branch offices of bank abc. the data processor uses the pls graph application. with a total of 7 hypotheses based on the variable approach used. 6 hypotheses with satisfactory results, while 1 hypothesis related to the content variable is unsatisfactory. with 150 respondents `2 nurul intan as ramadhan, 2019 evaluation of office automation system user satisfaction using the end-user computing satisfaction model at the ministry of state-owned enterprises this study analyzes the office automation system (oas) of the ministry of state-owned enterprises (bumn). the object of the research is bumn employees as many as 175 people with questionnaire and interview research methods. the software used is spss with the results of hypothesis analysis are 11 hypotheses are accepted or influential. with 175 respondents. 3. ade achmad zulfahmi, nufri wilis, satria budi and rimba e-presence application acceptance analysis using pieces framework study uses the pieces framework with a total of 78 respondents in 2021. the level of satisfaction of users of the e-presence application at government agencies in the financial sector is generated for each variable, namely performance 4.71, information and data 4.81, economic 4.82, control zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 289 prasasti, 2021 and security 4.89, efficiency 4.95, and service 4.81, so for acceptance on all variables of the e-presence application, it can be concluded that the average user feels satisfied, while in general the epresence application gets a value of 4.83 which can be accepted by users with a puas perception. there is a pieces variable that gets a very high perception of user satisfaction, namely efficiency with a value of 4.95, this shows that changes in work patterns in the context of digital transformation in government agencies have received a very good response and are proven to support simplification of business processes and are an effort to create a new work culture in the future. new normal transition during the covid-1 pandemic . with 78 respondents. 4. nestiara lidya kakihary, 2021 pieces framework for analysis of user saticfaction internet of things-based devices this study conducted an analysis of satisfaction with the internet of things (iot) smart lamp and smart plug devices from bardi smart home using the pieces framework . the object of this research is 10 bumn employees with usage observation method. the software used is excel with the results of the analysis of all values of the pieces framework variable giving a satisfied level of satisfaction. with 7 respondents. 5 rizka ita yuanita, 2021 pieces framework on the implementation of rapid enumeration and evaluation information system of 2020 population census this research was conducted in september 2020 with the object of research being the sp2020 quick enumeration and evaluation information system (sicepat32 sls). the results of the research using the pieces model are as follows the assessment score in the performance domain is 4.07; information and data 4.17; economy 4.1; control and security with a score of 4.03; efficiency with a score of 4.18 and service with a score of 4.18. with 30 respondents. research on the oa mobile application on the e-presence module has been carried out to find out that the e-presence application can help users, determine the level of satisfaction and the extent to which it can be accepted by users, it is necessary to identify problems and perceptions from users (prayogi et al., 2021). meanwhile, previous oa user satisfaction research has been carried out using the end user computing statisfaction model at the ministry of state-owned enterprises in 2019 (ramadhan, 2019). 3. research methods research methodology the research method is basically a scientific way to obtain data with a specific purpose and use. the scientific method means that research activities are based on scientific characteristics (knowledge), namely rational, empirical and systematic. rational means research is carried out in ways that make sense, so that it can be reached by human reasoning (garaika & darmanah, 2019). developments in the field of information systems research have made it a distinct research tradition. (baskerville and myers, 2002). (lee, 1991) defines the scope of study and perspective in information systems research as more than just examining technological systems, or social systems, or even both, but research in this field also investigates phenomena that arise when the two systems interact. this is what distinguishes the research perspective and the scope of the study of information systems is different from other disciplines. (davis, 2000) identifies five areas of study that are developing in the field of information systems (wahid, 2004). zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 290 first: the method must be critical, analytical, meaning that the method shows the existence of an appropriate and correct process to identify problems and determine methods for solving these problems. second: the method must be logical, meaning that there is a method used to provide scientific arguments. conclusions are made rationally based on the available evidence. third: the method is objective, meaning that objectivity produces an investigation that can be imitated by other scientists in the same study under the same conditions. fourth: the method must be conceptual and theoretical. therefore, to direct the research process carried out, researchers need to develop concepts and theoretical structures so that the results can be scientifically justified. fifth: the method is empirical, meaning that the method used is based on reality or facts in the field (sarwono, 2006). the development of research models is very important to do. (belout and gauvreau, 2004) stated that most research models were developed using previous models and theories (ramadhan, 2019). primary research requires data or information from the first source, we usually call the respondent. data or information obtained through written questions using a questionnaire or verbally using the interview method (sarwono, 2006). the research method is a type of descriptive research. descriptive research is research conducted to determine the value of independent variables, either one or more variables (independent) without making comparisons, or connecting with other variables (garaika & darmanah, 2019). the data used in this study is primary data, namely data obtained from research from user sources or first. the data collected and analyzed is the respondent's data which is the object of research by filling out a questionnaire. this questionnaire is closed, namely the filler or respondent is part of the population set and the questionnaire has been given a choice of answers to be answered according to the respondent's perception. at the stage of selecting the research method using a questionnaire, the respondent population will be selected to obtain relevant and quality respondent data. according to webster's (supranto: 1983) data means something that is considered or known to mean that data can provide an overview of a situation or problem associated with place and time (garaika & darmanah, 2019). questionnaire is a data collection technique that is done by giving a set of questions or writing to respondents to answer. the questionnaire is an efficient data collection technique if the researcher knows the exact results of the variables to be measured and knows what the respondents can expect (garaika & darmanah, 2019). zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 291 fig 1. stages of research method identification of problems based on the recapitulation of reports on problems using the ekemenkeu application recorded on the service ticket application and disturbances, as well as notes based on reports via online messaging whatapps (wa) during the period from april 1 to may 31, 2022. the presentation of the report recapitulation has made modifications to sensitive words/information, improvements editorial or sentence correction, so that some words are changed or coded xxxx and qualification or mapping is carried out on the relationship between the report and the menu or module contained in the oas version of the ekemenkeu application. the recapitulation of disturbance reports is as follows, the number of reports is 26 reports with 16 reports related to menus or modules in the oas version of the ekemenkeu application, while 10 menu or module reports are only available on the website version. hypothesis development the development of the model that will be used in the research uses the pieces framework which consists of 6 variables and the addition of 2 tam variables to obtain the final results of the study, so that the variables used are 8 variables. the following is the model proposed by the researcher as shown in figure 2 . zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 292 fig 2. flowchart of hypothetical variables based on figure 2, it can be explained about the scope and influence on the object of research as follows: 1) performance (p): the reliability of the information system will affect the user on the use of the information system. 2) information and data (id): the presentation and accuracy of information and data can affect the use of information systems. 3) economic (ec): the value of the benefits generated by the information system can affect the use of information systems. 4) control and security (c): control and security in information systems can affect the use of information systems. 5) efficiency (ef): efficient in information systems can attract users of information systems. 6) service (s): support services on information systems can affect users of information systems. 7) perceived ease of use (peu): ease of accessing information systems affects the interest of users of information systems. 8) perceived usefulness (pu): observation of information system users on the utilization of the information system used. after studying the pieces framework and tam models, and knowing the menus or features of the ekemenkeu mobile office application system, a hypothesis was developed. hypothesis development using the pieces framework, and tam perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use variables are as follows: h1: performance (reliability) has a positive effect on ease of use ( perceived ease of use) office automation mobile application system. h2: information and data, (information and data) have a positive effect on ease of use ( perceived ease of use) office automation mobile application system. h3: economic (economics) has a positive effect on ease of use ( perceived ease of use) office automation mobile application system. h4: control and security has a positive effect on ease of use ( perceived ease of use) office automation mobile application system. h5: efficiency (efficiency) has a positive effect on ease of use ( perceived ease of use) office automation mobile application system. h6: service has a positive effect on ease of use ( perceived ease of use) office automation mobile application system h7: ease of use ( perceived ease of use) has a positive effect on the usefulness of use ( perceived usefulness) office automation application systems. population and sample zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 293 this research has the object of research is the end user of the mobile application office automation system ekemenkeu at the ministry of finance. the ministry of finance's ekemenkeu application is used by all employees from both central and regional units. to get responses and responses from the intended application users, it is necessary to do a sampling mechanism. to determine the number of sampling based on the potential population and according to research needs. according to the definition of garaika and darmanah (2019) population is a generalization area consisting of objects/subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics determined by the researcher to be studied and then conclusions are drawn (garaika & darmanah, 2019). while the sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population. (garaika & darmanah, 2019). the sampling technique used is probability sampling, which is a sampling technique that provides equal opportunities or opportunities for each element or member of the population to be selected as a sample (nurtanti, 2017). for sampling data using cluster sampling (sampling area). cluster sampling is a regional sampling technique that is used to determine the sample if the object being studied or the data source is very broad (garaika & darmanah, 2019). based on data from the ministry of finance's human resources website as of may 1, 2022, the number of employees is 79,971 each government agency has a staffing structure in accordance with government regulation number 11 of 2017 concerning civil servant management consisting of (republik indonesia, 2017): 1) high leadership position (jpt) is a group of high positions in government agencies 2) administrative positions (ja) are a group of positions that contain functions and duties related to public services as well as government administration and development. 3) functional position (jf) is a group of positions that contain functions and duties related to functional services based on certain skills and expertise. the ministry of finance is one of the government agencies in the form of a ministry so that the composition of employees consists of civil servants (pns) or state civil apparatuses (asn) from high leadership officials, administrative officials and functional officials. the target respondents in this study were administrative officers and functional officers in the ministry of finance's employment population that the group of administrative officers and functional officers was 86% of the total 79,971 employees of the ministry of finance for the period of 1 may 2022. the selection criteria were as follows: 1) active users of the ministry of finance's mobile application office automation system are employees at the administrative position and functional position levels based on fault ticket reports and the fulfillment of electronic service scripting services. 2) the mobile application office automation system is a mechanism for monitoring employees in stages, both in the administrative and functional position groups, in conducting proof of attendance and independent health assessments. 3) the ministry of finance employees in composition based on generation or age are the most in the gen y, gen x and gen z groups of 78.98% (79,003 people) of the total 79,791 employees. based on data on the number of employees of the ministry of finance from 14 units as shown in table 2, the number of employees for the period 1 may 2022, and according to the conditions of the end users of the ekemenkeu application are administrative officers and functional officers, and based on age in the 24-56 year age range, it is determined sample clusters as follows: table 2 population of ministry of finance employees generation categorization total population gen x (1965-1980) 23,108 people gen y (1981-1996) 32,626 people gen z (1997-2012) 23,269 people amount 79,003 people the technique used for sampling using taro yamame (1973,32) is as follows: zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 294 n = n n. 𝑑2 + 1 information : n = number of samples n = total population d 2 = precision (set 10%) respondent data in the study are as follows: n = n n.𝑑2+1 = n = 79.003 79.003 x (0,1)2+1 n = 79.003 791,03 n = 99,87rounding to 100, then the number of respondents is 100 people. based on the calculation results of determining the number of samples, the study determined that the target respondents were 100 people. meanwhile, to determine based on the number of respondents, each cluster uses the following calculation or cr: cr = populasi cluster populasi x sampe for respondents, each cluster is based on generational age as shown in table 3 . table 3 cluster sample of ministry of finance employees generation cluster population sample gen x (1965-1980) age > 42 23,108 people 29 people gen y (1981-1996) 41 > age > 26 32,626 people 41 people gen z (1997-2012) age < 25 23,269 people 30 people amount 79,003 people 100 people data collection and processing collecting data in this study using a questionnaire. the combination of 2 methods is common in previous studies of the same or different research objects. to get answers to the questionnaire as many as 100 from respondents, the researchers used google forms as a medium for dissemination and suggestions for filling out responses. the process of filling out the questionnaire was given a time limit of 14 calendar days. the questionnaires were distributed through the online messaging application (whatsapp) by including the website address of the questionnaire application with an age range based on 3 generations x, y and z. data processing uses the editor provided by google forms and office excel applications as well as smartpls as an analytical tool for measuring outer model and structural model or inner model. measurement outer model defines how each indicator relates to its latent variable. the outer model testing includes validity test and reliability test, while the inner model is a continuation test of the prediction of the causal relationship between the variables tested in the model. indicators in the inner model include coefficients. the reasons researchers use smartpls for testing the outer and inner model include (harahap, 2018): 1) smart partial least square (smartpls) is a statistical software that has the same purpose as lisrel and amos, namely to test the relationship between variables. 2) smartpls is great because it doesn't rely on assumptions. 3) smartpls can use data processing with relatively less data (small). 4) smartpls uses bootstrapping method or random multiplication or does not have to have a normal distribution. 5) smartpls is able to test formative and reflective sem models with different indicator measurement scales in one model. variables according to experts include: (1) arikunto (1998), an object of research or something that becomes the focus of attention is called a variable. (2) sugiyono (2009), variables are all that exist and will be determined by researchers and then studied, understood and analyzed to obtain information and draw conclusions. (3) hatch and farhady, (1981), variables consist of attributes of knowledge or activities of a person, or an object, which varies from each person or a particular object. (4) kerlinger (1973), the variable is a construct or behavior determined by the zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 295 researcher. for example, expenses, income, education level, social status, employee performance and others. kerlinger also explained that a variable is a behavior that is taken from different values or it can be said that a variable is something that varies. (5) bhisma murti (1996), variable as a phenomenon that has a variety of values. and can be measured qualitatively or quantitatively. (6) ahmad watik p (2007), variable as a concept that has variability which is defined as a description or abstraction of a certain phenomenon in any form and has varied characteristics. (7) soekidjo notoatmodjo (2002), the variable contains the notion of size, shape or a characteristic possessed by group members who are different from other groups. variables can be used as a feature, trait or measure in research from a certain concept of understanding (prof, dr. rahadi, dedi rianto, & farid, m.mftah., 2021). the types of variables based on measurement methods and research models (ferdinand, 2006) (liana, 2009)are as follows: 1) latent variable (latent variable) is a variable formed through indicators observed in the real world. other names for latent variables are factors, constructs, or unobserved variables. 2) measured variables are variables whose data must be sought through field research, for example through surveys. other names for measured variables are observed variables, indicator variables, or manifest variables. variables based on position or function in research (nagtino mm, 2015)are as follows: 1) independent variable (independent variable) is a variable that can be measured, manipulated or selected experimentally to determine its relationship with a symptom experienced. the independent variable is also called the variable as the cause (presumed cause variable) 2) the dependent variable is the variable that is observed and measured to determine the effect of the independent. the dependent variable is often referred to as the criterion variable (criterion variable). 3) control variables are variables controlled by the experimenter to cancel or neutralize their effects on the observed phenomenon (dependent variable). 4) intervening variable/mediating variable (intervening variable/mediating variable) is a variable that theoretically affects the observed phenomenon but cannot be seen, measured, or manipulated, the effect must be inferred from the influence of the independent variable on the observed phenomenon, namely that the conceptual variable being influenced by the variable independent and ultimately affect the dependent variable. 5) moderating variable is a variable that is measured, manipulated, or selected as an experiment to determine whether this variable modifies the relationship of the independent variable to the dependent variable to have a positive or negative effect (stronger or weaker). the variables used in this study were 8 (eight) variables consisting of 2 (two) variables based on tam, namely usefulness and ease of use and 6 (six) based on the pieces framework variable, namely performance, information and data (information and data), economics (economy), control and security (control and security), efficiency (efficiency), service (service). based on these variables, the study compiled a questionnaire for each of 3-4 questions, using the likert scale method for measuring the perceptions of the respondents. choice or alternative answers as table 4 . table 4 weighted value answer options value weight positive negative ss (sangat setuju or strongly agree) 5 1 s ( setuju or agree) 4 2 r ( ragu-ragu or undecided) 3 3 ts ( tidak setuju or disagree ) _ 2 4 sts ( sangat tidak setuju or strongly disagree ) _ _ 1 5 device and tools zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 296 to support this research activity, tools are needed in the form of computer equipment equipped with office excel applications as a questionnaire data processing tool, google web forms as a medium for submitting and filling out questionnaires, and the smart pls version 3.0 application as a testing tool for component based sem analysis. technical analysis structural equation model (sem) structural equation modeling or better known as sem has several other names, such as covariance structure analysis, latent variable analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and linear structural relations analysis. lisrel) (hair, et al. 1998) (harahap, 2018)(rifai, 2015). there are currently two sem models, namely covariance-based sem or known as covariance based sem which uses amos and lisrel software and variance-based sem or often called component based sem which uses smartpls software and pls graph (p.l, 2006). in this study using smartpls software, so the sem model applied is component based sem. for research with information systems objects, more use of component based sem, where this technique uses non-parametric statistical concepts so there is no need to follow complicated assumptions. the main thing in the component based sem method is that a minimum sample size of 50 data can be modeled, the measurement scale can be in the form of numbers, and the data does not have to be normally distributed. the prediction model and theoretical basis are not so strong, it is better to use component based sem or also known as partial least square (pls) (imam ghozali, 2006). (p.l, 2006) sem has 3 (three) activities simultaneously, namely checking the validity and reliability of the instrument (confirmatory factor analysis), testing the relationship model between variables (path analysis), and getting a suitable model for structural model prediction and regression analysis. component based sem or pls analysis method as previously explained, the purpose of partial least square (pls) is to help researchers find latent variables for prediction purposes. according to chin, 1998 (in imam ghozali, 2006) states that because pls does not assume a certain distribution for parameter estimation, then parametric techniques to test the significance of parameters are not needed. the pls evaluation model is based on predictive measurements that have non-parametric properties. pls-sem has a higher level of flexibility for regression research that connects theory and data, and is able to perform path analysis with latent variables (rifai, 2015). in this study, pls is used to measure or test expectations of satisfaction and acceptance of the use of the ekemenkeu mobile application office automation system. in the pls evaluation model there are the following stages: outer model analysis according to (husein, 2015) analysis of the outer model is carried out to ensure that the measurement used is feasible to be used as a measurement (valid and reliable). there are several calculations in this analysis (shafa, pradika muthiya and hariyanto, 2008): 1) convergent validity is the value of the loading factor on the latent variable with its indicators. expected value > 0.7. 2) discriminant validity is a crossloading factor value that is useful whether the construct has an adequate discriminant. the trick is to compare the value of the intended construct to be greater than the value of the other constructs. 3) composite reliability is a measurement if the reliability value> 0.7 then the value of the construct has a high reliability value. 4) average variance extracted (ave) is the average variance of at least 0.5. 5) cronbach alpha is a calculation to prove the results of composite reliability where the minimum amount is 0.6. inner model analysis zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 297 in the analysis of this model is to examine the relationship between latent constructs. there are several calculations in this analysis (shafa, pradika muthiya and hariyanto, 2008): 1) r square is the coefficient of determination on the endogenous construct. according to chin (1998) in sarwono (2015: 30) explains "the criteria for limiting the value of this r square are in three classifications, namely 0.67 as substantial; 0.33 as moderate and 0.19 as weak”. 2) effect size (f square) to determine the goodness of the model. according to chin (1998) in ghozali (2015: 80) the interpretation of the f square value of 0.02 has a small effect; 0.15 has a moderate effect and 0.35 has a large influence on the structural level. variable moderating analysis based on the opinions of experts regarding moderating variables in the book monograph analysis of moderating variables (dedi, rianto r and farid, mmftah, 2021) as follows moderating variables are the core of theory in business and social science (cohen, cohen, west, & aiken, 2003) . this symbolizes the maturity and sophistication of the field of inquiry (aguinis, boik, & pierce, 2001. frazier, tix, & barron, 2004). moderating variables refer to variables that “influence a trait (e.g., magnitude and/or memon et al., 2019. in statistical terms, moderation is where the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable changes according to the value of the moderator variable (dawson, 2014) (nagtino mm, 2015). in another study using moderation analysis, it was stated that the more frequent user involvement would improve the performance of the accounting information system due to a positive relationship between user involvement and the performance of the accounting information system. the existence of user involvement can increase the acceptance of the system by users (pattiasina et al., 2021). variable moderation carried out on the independent variables of the study partially succeeded in influencing the dependent variable, thus strengthening the positive influence on other variables. organizational culture is able to moderate the effect of the effectiveness of accounting information systems on employee performance. the influence of organizational culture on the relationship between the effectiveness of accounting information systems on employee performance is able to moderate (strengthen or weaken), can be directly related to the effectiveness of accounting information systems and employee performance (dwi cahyanti & suartana, 2018). the variables used and according to the hypothesis that the independent variables are performance, information, economic, control, efficiency, and service, while the dependent variable is ease of use, where the moderating variable will be influenced by other independent variables to see whether the influence given between the independent variables will have an effect. strengthen or weaken the hypothesis. hypothesis testing the next stage is to test the hypothesis using pls. the pls method is a very strong analytical method because it is not based on many assumptions (imam ghozali, 2006) (p.l, 2006). t-testing by testing the significance of the constants and independent variables contained in the equation individually whether it affects the value of the independent variable (imam ghozali, 2001). in this test, we compare the output with the help of the smartpls 3.0 application program with the boostrapping method. boostrapping is a process to assess the level of significance or probability of direct effects, indirect effects, and total effects. if the value of t count < t table, then the null hypothesis is rejected, (significant regression coefficient), and if the alternative hypothesis stated in this study is accepted at a significance level of 5% (five percent) or 0.05. measurement of the percentage influence of all independent variables on the value of the dependent variable, indicated by the magnitude of the coefficient of determination r-square (r2) between 1 and zero, where the value of r-square (r2) which is close to one gives a large percentage of influence (chin, 1998). 4. results and discussions zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 298 data distribution the results of the questionnaire data collection as in the population sampling design were 100 respondents from 3 generations or age groups who most often used office automation or the ekemenkeu application. the number of questions or statements is 26 items of questions or statements which are distributed to employees at the ministry of finance at the level of the head office unit and the vertical office or regional office. the distribution of questionnaires is carried out with the assistance of related officials/employees in echelon/non units within the ministry of finance via whatsapp (wa) starting from july 1 to july 12, 2022. based on the calculation of the cluster or cr, the number of sample respondents is 100 people consisting of employees with an age range above or 42 years as many as 29 people, ages less than 41 years and above or equal to 26 years as many as 41 people, and ages equal to or under 25 year as many as 30 people. the total number of respondents is 145 people, but according to the sample design or cr requires 100 people based on the generation or age of the ministry of finance employees who most often use the ekemenkeu application and are included in the group of administrative positions from executing to echelon iii officials or equivalent, and functional positions that can be analyzed. the data is 100 respondents. evaluation of the measurement model or outer model 1) convergent validity is the value of the loading factor on the latent variable with its indicators. expected value > 0.7. 2) discriminant validity is a cross loading factor value that is useful whether the construct has an adequate discriminant. the trick is to compare the value of the intended construct to be greater than the value of the other constructs. 3) composite reliability is a measurement if the reliability value> 0.7 then the value of the construct has a high reliability value. 4) average variance extracted (ave) is the average variance of at least 0.5. 5) cronbach alpha is a calculation to prove the results of composite reliability where the minimum amount is 0.6. convergent validity the results of data processing using smartpls 3.0 software on the indicators between the correlation with the construct score are as shown in table 5. the results of the latent variable loading values for all indicators on the variables get a correlation value above 0.70 with appropriate and acceptable conclusions. table 5 value of loading variables no variable/ construct indicator loading value information 1 performance p1 0.712 according to convergent validity p2 0.905 according to convergent validity p3 0.832 according to convergent validity 2 information id1 0.805 according to convergent validity id2 0.859 according to convergent validity id3 0.844 according to convergent validity id4 0.864 according to convergent validity 3 economic ec1 0.878 according to convergent validity ec2 0.744 according to convergent validity ec3 0.728 according to convergent validity 4 control c1 0.861 according to convergent validity c2 0.922 according to convergent validity c3 0.869 according to convergent validity c4 0.894 according to convergent validity 5 efficiency ef1 0.934 according to convergent validity ef2 0.922 according to convergent validity ef3 0.844 according to convergent validity 6 services s1 0.947 according to convergent validity s2 0.900 according to convergent validity s3 0.866 according to convergent validity zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 299 7 ease of use peu1 0.908 according to convergent validity peu2 0.938 according to convergent validity peu3 0.940 according to convergent validity 8 usefulness pu1 0.889 according to convergent validity pu2 0.848 according to convergent validity pu3 0.873 according to convergent validity the following figure 3 is the indicator correlation for each latent variable and the relationship between the variables analyzed using smartpls 3.0. fig 3. flowchart of correlation between variables discrimination validity discriminant validity is a model of measurement with reflection indicators based on the value of cross loading for measurements with constructs. if the measurement value results that the item is larger than the size of the other constructs, then it indicates that the latent construct predicts the size of the block itself better than the other blocks. the trick is to compare the value of the intended construct to be greater than the value of the other constructs. another way to measure the discriminant validity value of a construct is to look at the average variance extracted (ave) value, which is to compare the square root of ave ( √ave) for each construct with the correlation between the construct and other constructs in the model. the ave value can be said to meet the requirements of a good model if the construct value is greater than 0.5. based on the output results in the smartpls 3.0 software for the correlation results between constructs with fornell larcker criteria as shown in figure 4. fig 4. ave grafik graphics based on figure 4. the results of the ave test are performance (0.775), information and data (0.711), economic (0.618), control and security (0.787), efficiency (0.812), service (0.819), ease of use (0.862) and usefulness (0.757). so it can be concluded that all construct variables pieces framework and tam get results above 0.5 or have met. the results of each construct above 0.7 then the discriminant validity requirements can be accepted or fulfilled as in table 8. output results on smartpls 3.0 software obtained for all constructs having a validity value equal to and/or above 0.7. discriminant validity constructs are performance (0.843), information and data (0.843), economic (0.786), control and security (0.949), efficiency zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 300 (0.901), service (0.905), ease of use (0.929) and usefulness (0.870) . so it can be concluded that all variables are declared valid and meet the discriminant validity test, because all constructs are greater than 0.7. composite reliability software smartpls 3.0 to be able to test the reliability by selecting the composite reliability menu, which is a way to measure a construct value by evaluating two kinds of measures, namely internal consistency and croanbach's alpha where a limit value of 0.7 and above is acceptable. the following is table 6. composite reliability & cronbach's alpha (α). table 6 composite reliability & cronbach's alpha (α) no variable composite reliability cronbach's alpha 1 performance 0.912 0.855 2 information 0.908 0.864 3 economic 0.828 0.721 4 control 0.937 0.910 5 efficiency 0.928 0.884 6 services 0.931 0.889 7 ease of use 0.949 0.920 8 usefulness 0.904 0.842 based on table 6 for composite reliability results the lowest construct value is (0.828), while the highest is (0.949). for the results of cronbach's alpha (α) the lowest construct value is (0.721), while the highest is (0.920). fig 5. composite reliability graph based on figure 5, the results of testing the composite reliability construct values are performance (0.912), information and data (0.928), economic (0.828), control and security (0.949), efficiency (0.928), service (0.931), ease of use (0.949 ) and usefulness (0.904). so it can be concluded that all pieces framework and tam construct variables get results above 0.7 or satisfactory. fig 6. graph of cronbach's alpha based on figure 6 the results of testing the construct values of cronbach's alpha are performance (0.855), information and data (0.864), economic (0.721), control and security (0.910), zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 301 efficiency (0.884), service (0.889), ease of use (0.920 ) and usefulness (0.842). so it can be concluded that all pieces framework and tam construct variables get results above 0.7 or satisfactory. evaluation of structural model or inner model evaluation of the value of the inner model is a process of evaluating the relationship between constructs as proposed by this research hypothesis. r square is the coefficient of determination on the endogenous construct. according to chin (1998) in sarwono (2015: 30) explains "the criteria for limiting the value of this r square are in three classifications, namely 0.67 as substantial; 0.33 as moderate and 0.19 as weak”. effect size (f square) to determine the goodness of the model. according to chin (1998) in ghozali (2015: 80) the interpretation of the f square value of 0.02 has a small effect; 0.15 has a moderate effect and 0.35 has a large influence on the structural level. (shafa, pradika muthiya and hariyanto, 2008). the results of data processing obtained the results of r2 are as follows: table 7 results of r square variable r square ease of use 0.769 usefulness 0.560 based on table 7 the results of r square have a value on the ease of use variable (0.769), while usefulness (0.560). so the conclusion is that the r square value for ease of use is a substantial category, because the r2 ease of use value is greater than 0.67, while usefulness is in the moderate category, because it is more than 0.33 and less than 0.67. table 8 f square results relationship between variables f square performance > ease of use 0.145 information > ease of use 0.081 economics > ease of use 0.005 control > ease of use 0.009 efficiency > ease of use 0.078 services > ease of use 0.001 ease of use > usefulness 1,273 based on table 8 the results of f square show that the relationship between the pieces framework and tam variables, namely performance > ease of use (0.145) has a moderate effect, information > ease of use (0.081) has a moderate effect, economic > ease of use (0.005) has a moderate effect. moderate, control > ease of use (0.009) has a moderate effect, efficiency > ease of use (0.078) has a moderate effect, services > ease of use (0.001) has a moderate effect, and ease of use > usefulness (1.273) has a large influence at the structural level. so the conclusion on the value of f square which has a large influence value is the ease of use variable on usefulness of (1,273). evaluation of moderating variable the evaluation of the moderating variable is to prove the independent effect on the dependent variable in this study. that the independent variable consists of 6 variables namely performance, information, economic, control, efficiency, and service to the dependent variable, namely ease of use with a moderation relationship scheme. the moderating relationship is as follows: information variable with performance moderator, economic variable with information moderator, control variable with economic moderator, efficiency variable with control moderator, service variable with efficiency moderator, and performance variable with service moderator. for the 2 ease of use variables as the dependent or affected variables and the moderating effect process was not carried out because it did not meet the requirements for moderating variable analysis, while the usefulness variable did not carry out the moderating effect process because it did not meet the requirements for moderating variable analysis. zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 302 fig 7. variable moderation flowchart based on figure 7, the moderating results are moderating effect 1 (1.870), moderating effect 2 (0.465), moderating effect 3 (0.261), moderating effect 4 (0.554), moderating effect 5 (0.161), and moderating effect 6 (0.937). all the moderating results of the t-statistical variable value <1.96, so that the variable moderation process does not positively influence or strengthen the effect on the dependent variable. hypothesis testing results the results of this research on the hypothesis using smart pls 3.0 software to determine the level of relationship between variables where the independent variable and dependent variable are in one model. this study uses a combination of 2 methods, namely the pieces framework and the techonology acceptance model (tam) to obtain interrelated variables and have interactions on the construct, so that there are paths that are interrelated with each other and influence. the hypothesis model is drawn on the smart pls 3.0 application as shown in figure 8. fig 8. variable flowchart based on figure 8 shows the flow of the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable using the smart pls 3.0 software can be done by running the boostraping algorithm (awalukita et al, 2020). in his book husein (2015: 21) hypothesis testing can be seen from the t-statistical value and probability value. to test the hypothesis by using statistical values, then for alpha 0.05 the t-statistic value used is 1.96. if the result of the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable is t-statistic > 1.96, it is declared to have a significant effect. zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 303 based on the results of the boostraping test on the smart pls 3.0 software without carrying out the variable moderation process to test the t-statistic value of the relationship between the variables ease of use -> usefulness with results (10.401), performance -> ease of use with results (2.864), information -> ease of use with results (1.699), efficiency -> ease of use with results (1.586), economic -> ease of use with results (0.547), control -> ease of use with results (0.358) and services -> ease of use with the result (0.226). from the results of the t-statistical test that the hypothesis with code h1 has a t-statistical value (2.864) and p-value (0.004), h2 has a t-statistical value (1.669) and p-value (0.090), h3 has a t-statistical value (1.586) and p-value (0.113), h4 has a t-statistical value (0.547) and p-value (0.585), h5 has a t-statistical value (0.358) and p-value (0.720), h6 has a t-value statistic (0.226) and p-value (0.720) and h7 has a t-statistical value (10.401) and p-value (0.000). the conclusion of the t-statistical test results to see whether the test results are accepted or rejected based on the data in table 15. the results of boostrapping using moderating variables did not significantly affect the tstatistics and p-values on all hypotheses, so that the results of hypothesis testing as shown in table 15 remained the same. based on the difference in the statistical t value, there was no significant change after variable moderation was carried out, 2 hypotheses namely performance had a positive effect on ease of use and ease of use had a positive effect on usefulness with t statistic results > 1.96 and p-value < 0.05. table 9 hypothesis testing results hypothesis test result h1: performance (reliability) has a positive effect on ease of use ( perceived ease of use) office automation mobile application system. received h2: information and data, (information and data) have a positive effect on ease of use ( perceived ease of use) office automation mobile application system. rejected h3: economic (economics) has a positive effect on ease of use ( perceived ease of use) office automation mobile application system. rejected h4: control and security has a positive effect on ease of use ( perceived ease of use) office automation mobile application system. rejected h5: efficiency (efficiency) has a positive effect on ease of use ( perceived ease of use) office automation mobile application system. rejected h6: service has a positive effect on ease of use ( perceived ease of use) office automation mobile application system rejected h7: ease of use ( perceived ease of use) has a positive effect on the usefulness of use ( perceived usefulness) office automation application systems. received based on table 9, it is a summary of the results of the testing of the hypotheses carried out in this study, that of the 7 hypotheses proposed and tested with the conclusion that 2 hypotheses are accepted, namely hypotheses h1 and h7 where the results of the t-statistical test are above 1.96 and the significance level is p. -value below 5% or 0.05. meanwhile, 5 hypotheses, namely h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 were rejected, where the t-statistic test results were below 1.96 and the significance level of the p-value was above 5% or 0.05. corvergent validity final result final evaluation of convergent validity after a series of t-statistical tests and original sample testing and hypothesis testing, where the path coefficients value, namely the original sample value, must be more than 0.05 (o > 0.05) and the t-statistic value must be more than 1, 96 (t > 1.96), then based on the smart pls boostrapping process, only 2 hypotheses met the minimum requirements for original sample values and t-statistics, namely the performace variable proposed in the h1 hypothesis and the ease to use variable proposed in the h7 hypothesis. the hypothesis (h1) is that performance (reliability) has a positive effect on the perceived ease of use of the mobile application system office automation, with an original sample (o) value of 0.355 > 0.05 and a t-statistical value (t) 2.864 > 1 ,96. meanwhile, perceived ease of use has a positive effect on the perceived usefulness of the office automation application system, with an original sample (o) value of 0.748 > 0.05 and a t-statistical value (t) 10.401 > 1.96. zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 304 fig 9. final variable flowchart based on figure 9, it is the final result of the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable, namely the performance variable that affects ease of use, then ease of use affects usefulness. so the conclusion in this study regarding the object of research is that the office automation system mobile application (ekemenkeu) has an aspect that is accepted by users of the ekemenkeu application, namely performance can have a positive effect on perceived ease of use, thus affecting perceived usefulness. 5. conclusion based on the results of data collection, problem identification, data processing and analysis that have been carried out in a series of research activities, it can be concluded that the results have been described as in the chapters above, with a summary as follows: 1) this study uses 2 method approaches, namely pieces framework and technology acceptance model (tam) by using 2 variables ease of use and usefulness as the dependent variable, so that there are 8 latent variables. 2) the object of the research is an office automation application based on the android and ios versions of the mobile application, which is used by all employees at the agency. the users or employees are spread from the head office in dki jakarta and vertical offices in dki jakarta and outside dki jakarta with a total of 79,971 people as of may 1, 2022. 3) the data of respondents who were sampled were 100 people based on the distribution of groups of 90% administrative positions and 10% functional positions. respondents based on unit level are 57% from the vertical office and 43% from the head office. respondents who filled out the questionnaire came from 17 provinces with the most data from dki jakarta as much as 46%. 4) access characteristics of respondents in using the ekemenkeu application based on the type of connection used are using personal data packages/private wifi and office wifi as much as 46%, and based on modules or features the most accessed is administrative manuscripts (nadine) as much ace 96%. 5) the results of the convergent validity test of all cross loading values of 8 variables get a correlation value above 0.70 so it can be said that all indicators proposed have met the requirements of convergent validity. the lowest cross loading value (0.712) is in the performance variable in the p1 indicator, while the highest (0.947) is in the service variable in the s1 indicator. 6) the results of the discriminate validity test with the above requirements are 0.7, while the results of all variables get almost the average value above, namely (0.786 0.949). the ave met the requirements above 0.5, while the results of all variables were above the average, namely (0.618 0.862). 7) the results of the composite reliability test with the conditions accepted are above 0.7, while the results of all variables get values above the average, namely (0.828 0.949). cronbach's alpha got satisfactory results or results above 0.7, while the results of all variables were above the average (0.721-0.920). 8) the r square test results for the ease of use variable greater than 0.67 are substantial, while usefulness is in the moderate category, because it is more than 0.33 and less than 0.67. f zulfahmi et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 286-306 305 square which has a large influence value is the ease of use variable on usefulness of (1,273) or more than 0.35, while the others are moderate and structural. 9) the results of hypothesis testing, namely 2 accepted hypotheses, are hypotheses h1 and h7 where the t-statistic test results are above 1.96 and the p-value significance level is below 5% or 0.05. while the 5 hypotheses are h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 are rejected where the t-statistic test results are below 1.96 and the significance level of p-value is above 5% or 0.05. 10) the final result of convergent validity is performance which can have a positive effect on perceived ease of use, thus affecting perceived usefulness. based on the conclusion, the suggestions that can be considered for further research and the owner of the ekemenkeu application are as follows: 1) for further research, other methods or models can be used, so that they can provide a different picture of the results, or develop research objects not only on the ekemenkeu mobile application, but also the ministry of finance office website application as a general core system application at the ministry of finance. 2) using more data sampling and reaching respondents in vertical office units, especially in remote areas or with minimal access to internet network infrastructure, so that users can get the real conditions expected by users of the ekemenkeu application. 3) evaluating the 7 currently used hypotheses, of which only 2 are accepted, while 5 are rejected, so for future research it is recommended to develop more hypotheses, and to describe user expectations. references afit muhammad lukman, d. a. 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(2018), the use of rap in asphalt mixtures has the ability to save costs by 14% 20%. this means it is economically valuable in addition to being environmentally friendly (devulapalli & kothandaraman, 2019). however, its application needs to be reviewed because the material has been previously used for a long time. this led adiman et al. (2023) to study the inclusion of ac-wc rap aggregates in sma mixtures and recommended the addition of up to 33% of this material into the mixture. the durability of asphalt mixtures in road pavements is greatly influenced by environmental impact, especially climate change (liu et al., 2022; qiao et al., 2020). indonesia is a country that has a relatively high rainfall with a long duration, thereby often causing water puddles or flooding on the road surface (setiawan et al., 2019). the phenomenon has been identified to be the main trigger for the decrease in the durability of asphalt mixtures and ultimately road damage (adiman, 2017). this was further confirmed by adiman and suparma (2022) that floods or water puddles have the ability to weaken the cohesion bond of the asphalt as well as the adhesive bond between the asphalt and its aggregate, thereby damaging the road adiman et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 921-928 922 and this is often aggravated by the duration of the floodwater. therefore, it is very important to test the durability of asphalt mixtures against floodwater in order to mitigate damage to the road (yu-shan & shakiba, 2021). this background information led to the conduct of this research on the durability of sma mixtures produced using rap aggregate material against floodwater immersion as well as to determine marshall stability value. 2. theoretical context stone matrix asphalt sma is a hot mix asphalt consisting of a coarse aggregate skeleton, a fine aggregate mixture, filler, and a relatively high content of asphalt binder (aashto m 325-08, 2012). it is usually arranged in such a way that the coarse aggregate (stone) has the largest proportion and is bound together by mastic including a mixture of fine aggregate, filler, additives, and asphalt in a large proportion. this means there is a direct contact between the coarse aggregate particles and this creates an efficient rock or stone-on-stone skeleton contact. the characteristic and important component of this type of mixture is the stabilizer additive which prevents asphalt drainage (blazejowski, 2016). the use of sma mixtures is becoming more widespread due to their ability to resist deformation or rutting and several advantages for road users such as high skid resistance and noise reduction. moreover, the nearly uniform aggregate gradation of sma mixtures is suitable for heavy vehicle traffic (nejad et al., 2010). reclaimed asphalt pavement (rap) rap is a material obtained from milling or full-depth removal of the road pavement layer using a cold milling machine (trb, 2011). it can also be defined as the recycled asphalt obtained from the excavation of damaged road pavement material. according to napa (1996), rap material contains high-quality aggregate when peeled and sieved properly but tends to have certain weaknesses because it is old and previously used. therefore, there is a need for a proper mixing design with new materials before it can be reused in order to produce a mixture that meets the specification requirements (yu et al., 2014). damage to asphalt mixture due to flooding according to hicks (1991), the asphalt mix pavement damaged by immersion is usually due to two mechanisms (omar et al., 2020): 1. loss of adhesion caused by water entering the space between the asphalt and aggregate and which peels off the thin layer of the asphalt film. 2. loss of cohesion caused by water softening the asphalt cement, thereby weakening the bond between the asphalt concrete and the aggregate. wibawa (2016) and farret (2016) stated that floodwater immersion has a lower durability value compared to laboratory water. this is due to the higher content of dissolved particles such as mud in floodwater compared to laboratory water. the mastic layer in the asphalt mixture becomes easily eroded by the mud contained in floodwater through the advective transport process. this mud content allows the erosion of the mastic layer to damage the bond between the asphalt and aggregate 3. research methods research location and time this research was conducted at the transportation engineering laboratory of the civil engineering department, faculty of engineering, university of riau, pekanbaru. the process involved preparing materials and equipment as well as conducting the tests from june to september 2022. research material the materials used to prepare marshall test specimens and water immersion tests include: 1. rap aggregates obtained by milling pavement layers on garuda sakti street, pekanbaru city, riau province using cold milling machine. adiman et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 921-928 923 2. new aggregates from the pangkalan area, lima puluh kota regency, west sumatra province. 3. pertamina pen 60/70 asphalt. 4. floodwater accumulated on garuda sakti street, pekanbaru city, riau province, for immersion. marshall specimens test for the sma mixture marshall test specimens used were produced based on sni 06-2489-1991. the process involved conducting physical tests on the constituent materials of the mixture such as aggregates and asphalt according to the standard requirements stated in the general specification for road construction 2018 revision 2 (directorate general of highways, 2020) before producing the specimens. the sma test specimens used for the durability test were discovered to have satisfied the marshall characteristics stated in indonesian national standard 8129:2015 presented in table 1. the test was conducted by comparing the results of the stability values of the test specimens without immersion with those immersed in floodwater for 1, 2, 4, and 8 days. table 1 requirements for stone matrix asphalt (sma) mixture no mixture characteristics requirements 1 asphalt content, % 6,0 -7,0 2 the number of collisions per field 50 3 void in the mix (vim), % 4,0 – 5,0 4 void in mineral aggregate (vma), % > 17 5 marshall stability, kg > 600 6 marshall flow, mm 2,0 – 4,5 source: indonesian national standard 8129:2015 4. results and discussions test results of the aggregate, asphalt, and flood water the results of the laboratory test on the properties of rap aggregate, new aggregate, and asphalt used as ingredients for the mixture in line with the standard sma mixture requirements stated in the general specification for road construction 2018 revision 2 (directorate general of highways, 2020) are presented in the following tables 2 and 3. moreover, the shape of rap and the new aggregate is indicated in figure 1, while the results of the analysis conducted on the flood water content used for the durability test are in table 4. table 2 properties of rap aggregate and new aggregate no laboratory test standard requirements result coarse aggregate rap agg new agg 1 soundness test max. 12% 2,46% 1,31% 2 los angeles abrasion max. 30% 24,05% 21,66% 3 aggregate adhesiveness to asphalt min. 95% 98,00% 95,52% 4 angularity (%) 100/90 96/91 100/98 5 flat and elongated max. 5% 15,06% 4,91% 6 absorption max. 2% 0,40% 0,47% 7 specific gravity (g/cc) 2,630 2,700 fine aggregate 1 sand equivalent min. 50 % 62,96% 78,02% 2 angularity min. 45 34,00% 49,90% 3 clay lumps and friable particles in aggregate max. 1% 0,44% 0,32% 4 absorption max. 2% 0,13% 0,85% 6 specific gravity (g/cc) 2,270 2,621 filler 1 apparent specific gravity 1,44 2,700 table 3 asphalt pen 60/70 physical properties test results no laboratory test unit standard requirements result 1 penetration at 25°c 0,1 mm 60 – 70 60 2 kinematic viscosity at 135°c (cst) cst ≥ 300 500 3 softening point °c ≥ 48 48,4 adiman et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 921-928 924 4 ductility at 25°c cm ≥ 100 ≥ 150 5 flash point °c ≥ 232 352 6 solubility in tce (trichloroethylene) % ≥ 99 99,94 7 specific gravity g/cc ≥ 1,0 1,0372 after loss on heating or tfot (sni-06-2440-1991) or rtfot (sni-03-6835-2002): 8 loss on heating % ≤ 0,8 0,01 9 penetration at 25°c % ≥ 54 93 10 ductility at 25°c cm ≥ 50 ≥ 100 fig. 1. comparison of rap and new aggregate (virgin aggregate) forms table 4. flood water characteristics no. water immersion sample parameter ph tss (mg/l) tds (mg/l) 1 floodwater at garuda sakti street 6,80 0,14 0,77 determination of the optimum asphalt content of sma mixture the gradation targeted in preparing the specimen for sma mixture was the middle value as indicated in the general specification for road construction 2018 revision 2 (directorate general of highways, 2020). the aggregate material used consists of 33% rap aggregate and 67% new aggregate (adiman et al., 2023) as indicated in the following table 5. table 5 aggregate composition of sma mixture test specimens filter pass specifications (%) fixed spec rap aggregate gradation rap aggregate proportions new aggregate proportions mm # range target % % fixed % % 25 1" 10 0 100 100 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 19 3/4" 10 0 100 100 0 1,0 0,0 0,0 12,5 1/2" 90 100 95 5 3,9 0,0 5,0 9,5 3/8" 50 80 65 30 4,4 0,0 30,0 4,75 no. 4 20 35 27,5 37,5 29,4 29,0 8,5 2,36 no. 8 16 24 20 7,5 21,3 2,0 5,5 0,075 no. 200 8 11 9,5 10,5 38,2 2,0 8,5 < 0,075 pan 9,5 1,9 0,0 9,5 total 100,00 100,00 33,00 67,00 source: adiman et al. (2023) the optimum asphalt content (oac) of sma mixture was determined by preparing marshall test specimens at different asphalt content levels in order to evaluate the marshall characteristics based on indonesian national standard 8129:2015. the stabilizing agent used was viatop66. it has been previously applied by radetyo (2016) to obtain vcamix/vcadrc ratio and draindown test results that met the specification standards. it is also important to note that the marshall characteristics evaluated include the voids in the mix (vim), voids in the mineral aggregate (vma), marshall stability, and marshall flow. the asphalt contents used to determine the oac were varied at 6.0%, 6.5%, and 7.0% as indicated in table 1. the results of sma mixture marshall test are presented in table 6, while the determination of the oac is in figure 2. adiman et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 921-928 925 table 6 marshall test of sma mixture with 33% rap aggregate marshall criteria mixture requirements asphalt content 6,0% 6,5% 7,0% density (gr/cm3) 2,319 2,340 2,341 vma (%) > 17 % 17,7 17,4 17,8 vtm (%) 4 5 % 4,6 3,1 2,4 vfa (%) 73,8 82,2 86,7 marshall stability (kg) > 600 kg 688 759 689 marshall flow (mm) 2 4,5 mm 3,8 3,5 4,1 mq (kg/mm) 181 217 168 fig. 2. determination of oac value for sma mixture with 33% rap aggregate the results presented in table 6 and figure 2 showed that the 6.10% oac value recorded for the sma mixture with 33% rap aggregate meets the requirements of indonesian national standard 8129:2015. the durability of sma mixture with 33% rap aggregate against floodwater immersion the results of the durability test conducted on the sma mixture with 33% rap and 100% new aggregates immersed in floodwater for 1, 2, 4, and 8 days are displayed in the following figure 3. it is important to note that the sma mixture with 100% new aggregate had an oac value of 6.23% (adiman et al., 2023). fig. 3. comparison of the durability for the sma mixture with 33% rap aggregate and 100% new aggregate against different floodwater immersion duration figure 3 shows that the durability of sma mixtures with 33% rap aggregate reduced as the duration of immersion increased. this was associated with the penetration of the asphalt mixture by more floodwater, weakening the bond between the asphalt and the aggregate. in their research, zou et al. (2023) also concluded that water immersion is one of the main factors causing damage to asphalt mixtures. this is because the water only takes four hours to penetrate a 25 μm min. max. min. max. 1 density (gr/cm 3 ) 6,00 7,00 2 vma (%) 17 6,00 7,00 3 vim (%) 4 5 6,00 6,20 4 vfa (%) 6,00 7,00 5 marshall stability (kg) 600 6,00 7,00 6 marshall flow (mm) 2 4,5 6,00 7,00 7 mq (kg/mm) 6,00 7,00 8 asphalt content requirement (%) 6 7 6,00 7,00 interpolation (%) asphalt content range of asphalt content optimum asphalt content (oac) mixture requirementsmarshall criteriano 6,5 7,0 bar chart (%) 6,0 6,00 6,20 6,10 0 1 2 4 8 33% rap agg 100,00 96,96 89,39 87,16 86,29 100% new agg 100,00 95,51 93,27 86,57 85,69 75,00 80,00 85,00 90,00 95,00 100,00 d u ra b il it y ( % ) immersion duration (day) adiman et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 921-928 926 thick asphalt layer. on the other hand, the quality of the immersion water content also affects the damage to the asphalt mixture, especially if it comes from acid rainwater (xiao et al., 2022). so that the decrease in durability in this study is a normal thing because it is related to the duration of immersion and the quality of the water contained in the floodwater. in figure 3, it was also discovered that both mixtures (33% rap aggregate and 100% new aggregate) exhibited a similar trend of a decreased durability value at a longer immersion duration. this was indicated by the almost similar value with a difference of ±1% recorded for immersion durations of 1, 4, and 8 days (although the durability of 33% rap aggregate is higher than 100% new aggregate). the largest difference between the durability of 33% rap aggregate and 100% new aggregate was recorded for the immersion duration of 2 days with approximately ±4%, where the durability of 100% new aggregate is higher than 33% rap aggregate. this happens because the sma mixtures with 100% new aggregate have a higher asphalt content which can fill more pores in the mixture, thereby increasing the time required for the floodwater to fill the pores. the phenomenon of water immersion damage of the asphalt mixture used so far can only be seen from the test results and cannot be studied in depth due to the complexity of the factors that influence the damage, the lack of satisfactory tools or protocols that can simulate in the laboratory, and the method of theoretical analysis continues (zhang et al., 2023). however, from the analysis results obtained using 33% rap aggregate generally performs almost the same as 100% new aggregate up to an immersion duration of 8 days. 5. conclusion the results and discussion showed that the sma mixture produced with 33% rap aggregate proportion had an oac value of 6.1% and its durability values against floodwater immersion for 1, 2, 4, and 8 days were recorded to be 96.96%, 89.39%, 87.16%, and 86.29%, respectively. this indicated that the value generally reduced as the immersion period increased. a similar trend was also reported for the sma mixture with 100% new aggregate (non-rap). this means rap aggregate material is a suitable environmentally friendly substitute due to its ability to produce equally good sma mixture characteristics when compared to the application of 100% new aggregate. references aashto m 325-08. 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(2) in testing, the fuzzy model can provide results with an accuracy of 90 %, so this model can perform a live migration of vms precisely in determining the execution time. next, the workload could be balanced among vms. this research could be used further to improve 5g quality of experience (qoe) shortly. keywords: virtual machine server, fuzzy model, live migration, comparison research 1. introduction the development of vms in the 4.0 era has significantly progressed well. vms are widely used in data center (dc) to enhance business and non-business applications. many companies utilize this server to optimize the physical server in their dc. vms are outstanding because they are primary application resources (haris et al., 2022a; hossain et al., 2020). in its application, vms are needed to serve and manage the operating system (os), to run the application system, and many more. for many years, vms have been operated and researched in many ways to see the better way of future vms. to see the better way of vms, we can review the issues or find other better ways. this research will see through the issue that appeared on vms. many problems arising to the production must be solved well. the appeared matters can make the os dying. moreover, the existing problems are the high stressing of the cpu and full of memory, which reduces the server performance to support the application. providing a high data rate to all users without considering the network access duration and location is identified as the primary requirement in 5g technology. many past researches have already been done for vms migration. a classic vms migration is manually moving from a host to another host once the issue occurs (guo et al., 2022; moura et al., 2022; satpathy et al., 2021). in the earliest studies, some researchers attempted to reduce the risk that will be occurred soon. research (y. kumar et al., 2022) said that live migration of vms targeting (1) reallocate resources between vms in balancing data center workloads, (2) cluster-based genetic algorithms are able to display problematic vms estimates, (3) genetic algorithms aim in selecting migration destinations front vms load on vms. research (shao et al., 2020) said that managing the migration of vms by scheduling aims to (1) place vms that have hosts that are not too busy, and (2) schedule algorithms in placing vms in live migration to reduce energy consumption in the hidayat et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 711-721 712 dc. furthermore, an analysis on the vms taking the workload of the vms has been conducted. the migration of vms is based on high quality of service (qos). in fact, vm migration uses fuzzy to predict the workload of network traffic. the optimizing for problem resources (cpu, ram, bandwidth, etc.) is the primary problem using dependability-based distributed virtual machine placement (d2vmp). therefore, fuzzy to determine replication of vm has been conducted (elsaid et al., 2021; hu et al., 2013; jin et al., 2009). this study focuses on detecting problems in vms so problems that often occur can be identified early and predicting the problem vms with fuzzy analysis. incident prediction using fuzzy was the primary research on vms. in fact, the movement of a vm from one host to another host based on cpu, memory, network, and the disk has been done without a time frame definition. the early study highlighted no specific research on the time frame defining migrating the vms (silva filho et al., 2018). this study also extends the result of the conducted previous research. in reality, the previous research was focused on something other than the time of the migration process. a new 5g network with wide coverage needs to be developed to achieve wide coverage during communication. thus, to overcome the problem, this study focuses on the migrating issue of vms in a defined time frame (ahmad et al., 2015). we, expect that the result of the study will improve the awareness of the problems that happen in vms so that the application will run well every time (mugisha & zhang, 2017). we have several sections for this paper. the following section is our literature study about vms. the next section outlines our method and research result and discusses the impact. the last is the conclusion and future work on vm migration (gilesh et al., 2020; kaur et al., 2018). 2. literature review this section will analyze the literature to migrate the vms from one host to another host. the workload analysis of vms will focus on memory and cpu because they are required to allocate the vms within the defined time frame. the first decision, the problems are full of memory, full load of cpu and high traffic. the second decision, the study on the migration time of vms and the searched aspect for enhancing performance using the fuzzy model, can boost the performance of vms (alharbe et al., 2022; guo et al., 2023; rukmini & shridevi, 2023). migration of vms based on the previous study on vm migration, they are determined that specific tasks should be completed. so we investigate vm migration and find that certain polls explain the challenges inherent to vm migration (jin et al., 2011). vm allocation may be categorized depending on survey results. in fact, some requirements must be satisfied to migrate virtual machines, such as a high memory and cpu load. this research includes extra factors, such as a large disk load, a heavy network load, and a predetermined amount of time. the added time parameter will measure the incident in a time-based way, optimizing vm performance (haris et al., 2022b; hu et al., 2011; ramanathan et al., 2021). priority during vm migration is timely migration and placement on an appropriate host. calculating vm migration using the fuzzy model in line with cpu-sla and ram-sla (farzai et al., 2020; karmakar et al., 2022; singh & singh, 2020; yin & zhang, 2022) is helpful. the purpose of vm placement is to promote vm performance. cpu, ram, disk, and network are used to determine vm migration, but qos is the determining factor. the primary factor in vm migration utilizing the fuzzy model is the network due to network host overload. past research was demonstrated that network overload can affect cpu and memory (k. kumar et al., 2022; seddiki et al., 2022). figure 2 describes vm migration utilizing factors such as cpu, ram, disk, and network, where these variables indicated vm host high load (le, 2020; li et al., 2017; svard et al., 2011; tao et al., 2019). hidayat et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 711-721 713 fig. 1. model of vm migration (hidayat & alaydrus, 2019) classification live migration vms live migration vms is a way to optimize application performance during live migration vms in terms of bandwidth usage. migration vms can be classified into three parts pre-copy, post-copy and hybrid-copy. we describe the classification in the next paragraph (bhardwaj & rama krishna, 2019). the pre-copy approach first duplicates all memory pages to the goal have, whereas the vm proceeds to run on the source have in a warm-up stage. after that, whereas the vm runs on the source have, the pre-copy strategy iteratively duplicates the adjusted memory pages of the vm to the goal have and stops after coming to a restrain that's characterized by cycles number edge or having a steady memory state of the vm at the goal have. the profoundly adjusted memory pages are replicated to the destination have alongside the vms cpu state after ceasing the vm at the source have in a stage called halt and duplicate stage and then continuing the vm to proceed running at the goal have (le, 2020). post-copy operates by (1) stopping the vm on the source host, (2) copying its cpu state and non-pageable memory pages, and (3) restarting on the destination host. after that, the source starts to push the memory pages to the destination during the memory transfer. if the vm applications need a particular memory page that has not been transferred yet, an on-demand memory page request will request the page from the source as apage fault trap. then it copies that page to the destination host. this method has less downtime (rukmini & shridevi, 2023). however, requesting too many page faults degrade the performance of the applications that run on the vm due to requesting the pages. it copies them through the network, which increases migration downtime and decreases application performance. a comparison of various migration methods including pre-copy (wang et al., 2019). in, a hybrid method that combines the pre-copy and post-copy methods is introduced. this method begins with a single pre-copy migration iteration that copies the vm's memory to the destination host while the vm is still running on the source host. following that iteration, the post-copy method operates by pausing the vm, copying the cpu status to the destination host, and then restarting the vm's operation on the destination host. following that, it begins to retrieve the remaining memory from the source host (bhardwaj & rama krishna, 2019; jamali et al., 2016). see figure 2 on live migration pre-copy and post-copy vms. hidayat et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 711-721 714 fig. 2. classification live migration vms model (kokkinos et al., 2016) from this method, we, the authors, had an idea to improve the design using fuzzy rule model. hence, it will increase the possibility of moving vms in a critical time or even better time. 3. research methods framework data study in dc, the workload datasets were obtained via vm. we collected data using data mining in a month and have 7800 records. we collected data based on the operating hours of vm services using data mining. observations were held at 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, and 17:00. these hours served as filters for the data and performance of vms. we forecasted which vms should be transferred to another host based on a fuzzy model analysis of the total number of records (katal et al., 2021; rajakumari et al., 2022). our analytical approach with datasets and fuzzy model processing is depicted in figure 3. fig. 3. dataset processing of vm migration from the fig. 3, we describe the methodology to collect the data for fuzzy model. we must have the workload data of vms, such as: cpu load, memory load, network load, disk load. if we use some vm software, it has a count on each variable. then we have a full dataset of these workloads. the collection of workload data will then be analyzed using fuzzy model. next, we have the value of prediction. then we report it. data workload fuzzy model fuzzy model translates input to output as a fuzzy set. a fuzzy set is a group of membership function variables. min-max is another definition of fuzzy model used to assess migration status (small, medium, large). there were four steps: (1) formation of fuzzy sets, (2) implication, (3) rule component, and (4) confirmation. figure 4 depicts the unclear fuzzy model process. fig. 4. fuzzy model processing data this study used centroid and affirmation methods. the method was a crips solution using fuzzy area concentration. the data sources were datasets retrieved for problem analysis in vm. hidayat et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 711-721 715 we collected it for a month. table 1 shows each variable's workload category (cpu, memory, network and disk). these four aspects were essential parts of the vm which interrelated with their functions. in this case, the authors would analyze the workload to achieve load development with the chosen method. table 1 dataset of vm workload variable term set workload percentage (%) cpu small [0– 40] medium [40– 60] large [60– 80] memory small [0– 40] medium [40– 60] large [60– 80] disk small [0– 40] medium [40– 60] large [60– 80] network small [0– 40] medium [40– 60] large [60– 80] migration no migration vm [0– 60] migration vm [60– 100] table 1 shows the unprocessed data and only the defined category. we create the migration science with cpu, memory, network and disk-based on type to improve the vm performance. the function of the fuzzy set was a curve showing intervals 0 – 1 on data input mapping. the formula of the fuzzy set cpu, memory, disk, and network is shown in equation 1. [𝐶, 𝑀, 𝐷, 𝑁] = { 0; ( 𝑥−𝑎) ( 𝑏−𝑎) 1; ; 𝑥 ≤ 𝑎 𝑎 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝑏 𝑥 ≥ 𝑏 this research followed the min implication function (rukmini & shridevi, 2023) . the process had a group of premises and one conclusion. we used the process to understand the premise's and conclusion's relationship (k. kumar et al., 2022). the formula of min implication is shown in equation 2 where i is fuzzy rule 𝑖-th. ∝ = 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑖=𝜇𝐴1 [ 𝑥1 ] ∩ … ∩𝐴𝑛 [𝑥𝑛 ] = 𝑀𝑖𝑛 (𝜇𝐴1 [ 𝑥1 ], … , 𝜇𝐴𝑛 [ 𝑥𝑛 ] ) rule fuzzy model we defined four parameters (disk, network, cpu and memory) and three classifications (small, medium, and large). we had 81 rule combinations. chosen by the researcher. table 2 role fuzzy vm migration no. migration rule of vm [r1] if (cpu is small) and (memory is small) and (disk is small) and (network is small), then (no migration vm) [r2] if (cpu is large) and (memory is small) and (disk is large) and (network is large), then (migration vm) [r3] if (cpu is small) and (memory is small) and (disk is large) and (network is medium), then (migration vm) [r4] if (cpu is medium) and (memory is medium) and (disk is large) and (network is small), then (no migration vm) … ... hidayat et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 711-721 716 … … [r80] if (cpu is large) and (memory is large) and (disk is medium) and (network is large), then (migration vm) [r81] if (cpu is medium) and (memory is large) and (disk is medium) and (network is medium), then (migration vm) table 2 shows some of the fuzzy model algorithm logic applied to share the load on the vm. this logic function rule would produce a condition that was the desired load balance in which the cpu, memory, disk, and network aspects will be balanced in each process. defuzzifier we utilized this stage to interpret an ambiguous membership into a conclusion. we must return a crips value and transform the fuzzy output into a crips output depending on the membership function we had provided. defuzzifier was required because undefined decision variables must be turned into crisp variables. the fuzzy set was an input for the defuzzifier received from the fuzzy rule. meanwhile, the output is the fuzzy set's domain. this concept will yield precise results. equation 3 depicts the defuzzifier formula. 10 0 min{ ( ), ( ), ( ), ( )} defuzzifier min{ ( ), ( ), ( ), ( )} i i i i i i i i n cv mv dv nvt n cv mv dv nvt c c m d n c m d n              membership function performance depends on minimum availability, cpu, memory, disk and network membership values. mathematical equations can be seen in the equation. ( ) ( ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ) i i i iper cv mv dv nv y c and m and d and n     eq. (3) can also be written as ( ) ( ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ) i i i iper cv mv dv nv p c and m and d and n     similarly, eq (4) can be written as shown in eq (5). 𝜇𝑝𝑒𝑟 (𝑃) = (𝜇(𝑐𝑣∩𝑚𝑣∩𝑑𝑣∩𝑛𝑣∩(𝑌) 4. results and discussions the information was collected throughout a month of vm workload. the datasets consist of three hosts, including several vms. these datasets consist of data mining on the workload of vms using the specified parameter. the data were analyzed using fuzzy model. table 3 summarizes the findings of the workload % experiment. table 3 the experiment of fuzzy in workload vm cpu (%) memory (%) disk (%) network (%) defuzzification result (%) 35.5 60.7 60.3 70.5 83.1 40.5 40.1 64.5 60.2 49 57.9 35.4 4.6 57.9 80.6 54.1 48.5 57.5 16.2 71.9 66.3 45.2 52.9 19 53.7 hidayat et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 711-721 717 fig. 5. result workload data in fuzzy model table 3 is visually moved. a month was divided into five weeks. the defuzzifier result revealed that the highest impact, 83.1, is for the first week. the third week's performance of 80.6 is the next highest. this result indicated that a dynamic network (1st week) or the combination of an active network and a high cpu processing rate (3rd week) results in the most defuzzifier. to comprehensively understand vms migration, we examine 7800 data and show them in table 4. table 4 result processing dataset with fuzzy model time allocation host status total migration normal 08:00 am–8:00 pm host a 1500 201 1299 08:00 am–8:00 pm host b 2400 574 1826 08:00 am–8:00 pm host c 3900 225 3675 fig 6. workload vm in processing fuzzy model figure 6 showed that host b contains more vms migration than hosts a and c (24%). other result showed that though host c has more vms, it has less migration status of vms (6%). meanwhile, host a had 13% of the migration vms. from the result, host b could be moved to host c from 8:00 am to 20:00 am to reduce vms workload. research findings referring to the results above, the author found some evidence that results are better than past research (badem et al., 2017). the formulas that the author uses to get accuracy, precision and recall get the following results. 35.5 60.7 60.3 70.5 83.1 40.5 40.1 64.5 60.2 49 57.9 35.4 4.6 57.9 80.6 54.1 48.5 57.5 16.2 71.9 66.3 45.2 52.9 19 53.7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 cpu (%) memory (%) disk (%) network (%) defuzzification result (%) result fuzzy model 1500 201 1299 2400 574 1826 3900 225 3675 0 2000 4000 6000 total migration normal status time migration vms 08:00 am–8:00 pm host a 08:00 am–8:00 pm host b 08:00 am–8:00 pm host c hidayat et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 711-721 718 table 5 comparison method algorithm accuracy (%) precession (%) recall k-nn 75.73 73.39 64.54 dss 86.26 90,08 69,50 fuzzy 90.22 91.10 80.21 from these results, it can be seen that the value of fuzzy is better than k-nn and dss. from these results, the combination of 4 variables that the author uses brings better accuracy. with these results, it is hoped that better future research will be held (gümüşçü et al., 2020). discussions in the tests that have been carried out, the author observes network traffic at certain hours, gets information on busy times in the data center at 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, and 17:00, this pattern is used as a benchmark for three-time frames of a month. the workload dataset for three months on vms such as cpu to memory, is used as a migration limit with the criteria specified in table 1. the author also observes bandwidth patterns with the time frame, then this is used as the time to determine when the live migration of vms is carried out. the purpose of this bandwidth pattern is a strategy in determining the right time to live migrate vms. as a result, failure in live migration of vms is low. in the tests carried out by the author, the network traffic is 83.1% defuzzifier with the combination in table 3. 5. conclusion the result of vm migration with fuzzy showed the positive impacts. first, vms migration can be conducted within the defined time frame to reduce vms workload. second, the undefined method's application was periodically determining the overload vms. with these results, the excellent performance of vms can be continuously maintained, and the activity would run as it should. the goal of live migrating vms within a period of time is to reduce network traffic on each vms, where this can reduce failures in carrying out live migration of vms, and can provide decisions in carrying out live migration of vms, from the results of the comparison of the knn and dss algorithm models the need for additional data more and combining other algorithms, so the results will be better. future works are explained here. first future work, the use of several techniques can be applied to predict the vm overload and how to migrate to overcome this overload, one of which was the markov chain method or other processes related to predicting a dominant problem. the markov chain method was used frequently. so, the problem occurring in vms would be maintained well for the problem dictionary in vms problem. further, this vm migration with a fuzzy approach can reduce latency, as requested by 5g applications. second future work, the use of other variable to complete the calculation will be appreciated. for 5g applications, the base station system (bts) signal length can be input as calculation. acknowledgement this article’s publication is supported by the penelitian disertasi doktor, kementerian riset dan teknologi/badan riset dan inovasi nasional tahun anggaran 2022 nomor: nkb1011/un2.rst/hkp.05.00/2022. references ahmad, r. w., gani, a., shiraz, m., xia, f., & madani, s. a. 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(2019). a survey of virtual machine management in edge computing. proceedings of the ieee, 107(8), 1482-1499. wang, z., sun, d., xue, g., qian, s., li, g., & li, m. (2019). ada-things: an adaptive virtual machine monitoring and migration strategy for internet of things applications. journal of parallel and distributed computing, 132, 164-176. yin, l., & zhang, d. (2022). the calculation method of the network security probability of the multi-rail division based on fuzzy inference. mobile networks and applications, 1-10. towards improving 5g quality of experience: fuzzy as a mathematical model to migrate virtual machine server in the defined time frame taufik hidayat1, kalamullah ramli2*, r. deiny mardian3, rahutomo mahardiko4 department of electrical engineering, universitas indonesia, depok, indonesia1 2 3 department of data management, pt. bfi finance indonesia, tbk, tangsel, indonesia4 received : 06 february 2023, revised: 17 march 2023, accepted : 26 march 2023 *corresponding author abstract the industry and government have recently acknowledged and used virtual machines (vm) to promote their businesses. during the process of vm, some problems might occur. the issues, such as a heavy load of memory, a large load of cpu, a massive load of ... keywords: virtual machine server, fuzzy model, live migration, comparison research 1. introduction the development of vms in the 4.0 era has significantly progressed well. vms are widely used in data center (dc) to enhance business and non-business applications. many companies utilize this server to optimize the physical server in their dc. vms are... to see the better way of vms, we can review the issues or find other better ways. this research will see through the issue that appeared on vms. many problems arising to the production must be solved well. the appeared matters can make the os dying. m... in the earliest studies, some researchers attempted to reduce the risk that will be occurred soon. research (y. kumar et al., 2022) said that live migration of vms targeting (1) reallocate resources between vms in balancing data center workloads, (2) ... this study focuses on detecting problems in vms so problems that often occur can be identified early and predicting the problem vms with fuzzy analysis. incident prediction using fuzzy was the primary research on vms. in fact, the movement of a vm fro... this study also extends the result of the conducted previous research. in reality, the previous research was focused on something other than the time of the migration process. a new 5g network with wide coverage needs to be developed to achieve wide c... 2. literature review this section will analyze the literature to migrate the vms from one host to another host. the workload analysis of vms will focus on memory and cpu because they are required to allocate the vms within the defined time frame. the first decision, the p... based on the previous study on vm migration, they are determined that specific tasks should be completed. so we investigate vm migration and find that certain polls explain the challenges inherent to vm migration (jin et al., 2011). vm allocation may ... priority during vm migration is timely migration and placement on an appropriate host. calculating vm migration using the fuzzy model in line with cpu-sla and ram-sla (farzai et al., 2020; karmakar et al., 2022; singh & singh, 2020; yin & zhang, 2022)... live migration vms is a way to optimize application performance during live migration vms in terms of bandwidth usage. migration vms can be classified into three parts pre-copy, post-copy and hybrid-copy. we describe the classification in the next par... the pre-copy approach first duplicates all memory pages to the goal have, whereas the vm proceeds to run on the source have in a warm-up stage. after that, whereas the vm runs on the source have, the pre-copy strategy iteratively duplicates the adjust... post-copy operates by (1) stopping the vm on the source host, (2) copying its cpu state and non-pageable memory pages, and (3) restarting on the destination host. after that, the source starts to push the memory pages to the destination during the mem... in, a hybrid method that combines the pre-copy and post-copy methods is introduced. this method begins with a single pre-copy migration iteration that copies the vm's memory to the destination host while the vm is still running on the source host. fol... from this method, we, the authors, had an idea to improve the design using fuzzy rule model. hence, it will increase the possibility of moving vms in a critical time or even better time. 3. research methods in dc, the workload datasets were obtained via vm. we collected data using data mining in a month and have 7800 records. we collected data based on the operating hours of vm services using data mining. observations were held at 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:... from the fig. 3, we describe the methodology to collect the data for fuzzy model. we must have the workload data of vms, such as: cpu load, memory load, network load, disk load. if we use some vm software, it has a count on each variable. then we have... fuzzy model translates input to output as a fuzzy set. a fuzzy set is a group of membership function variables. min-max is another definition of fuzzy model used to assess migration status (small, medium, large). there were four steps: (1) formation o... this study used centroid and affirmation methods. the method was a crips solution using fuzzy area concentration. the data sources were datasets retrieved for problem analysis in vm. we collected it for a month. table 1 shows each variable's workload ... table 1 dataset of vm workload table 1 shows the unprocessed data and only the defined category. we create the migration science with cpu, memory, network and disk-based on type to improve the vm performance. the function of the fuzzy set was a curve showing intervals 0 – 1 on data... this research followed the min implication function (rukmini & shridevi, 2023) . the process had a group of premises and one conclusion. we used the process to understand the premise's and conclusion's relationship (k. kumar et al., 2022). the formula... we defined four parameters (disk, network, cpu and memory) and three classifications (small, medium, and large). we had 81 rule combinations. chosen by the researcher. table 2 role fuzzy vm migration table 2 shows some of the fuzzy model algorithm logic applied to share the load on the vm. this logic function rule would produce a condition that was the desired load balance in which the cpu, memory, disk, and network aspects will be balanced in eac... we utilized this stage to interpret an ambiguous membership into a conclusion. we must return a crips value and transform the fuzzy output into a crips output depending on the membership function we had provided. defuzzifier was required because undef... membership function performance depends on minimum availability, cpu, memory, disk and network membership values. mathematical equations can be seen in the equation. eq. (3) can also be written as similarly, eq (4) can be written as shown in eq (5). 4. results and discussions the information was collected throughout a month of vm workload. the datasets consist of three hosts, including several vms. these datasets consist of data mining on the workload of vms using the specified parameter. the data were analyzed using fuzzy... table 3 the experiment of fuzzy in workload vm table 3 is visually moved. a month was divided into five weeks. the defuzzifier result revealed that the highest impact, 83.1, is for the first week. the third week's performance of 80.6 is the next highest. this result indicated that a dynamic networ... table 4 result processing dataset with fuzzy model figure 6 showed that host b contains more vms migration than hosts a and c (24%). other result showed that though host c has more vms, it has less migration status of vms (6%). meanwhile, host a had 13% of the migration vms. from the result, host b co... referring to the results above, the author found some evidence that results are better than past research (badem et al., 2017). the formulas that the author uses to get accuracy, precision and recall get the following results. table 5 comparison method from these results, it can be seen that the value of fuzzy is better than k-nn and dss. from these results, the combination of 4 variables that the author uses brings better accuracy. with these results, it is hoped that better future research will be... discussions in the tests that have been carried out, the author observes network traffic at certain hours, gets information on busy times in the data center at 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, and 17:00, this pattern is used as a benchmark for three-time frames of a mo... the author also observes bandwidth patterns with the time frame, then this is used as the time to determine when the live migration of vms is carried out. the purpose of this bandwidth pattern is a strategy in determining the right time to live migrat... 5. conclusion the result of vm migration with fuzzy showed the positive impacts. first, vms migration can be conducted within the defined time frame to reduce vms workload. second, the undefined method's application was periodically determining the overload vms. wi... future works are explained here. first future work, the use of several techniques can be applied to predict the vm overload and how to migrate to overcome this overload, one of which was the markov chain method or other processes related to predicting... acknowledgement this article’s publication is supported by the penelitian disertasi doktor, kementerian riset dan teknologi/badan riset dan inovasi nasional tahun anggaran 2022 nomor: nkb-1011/un2.rst/hkp.05.00/2022. references ahmad, r. w., gani, a., shiraz, m., xia, f., & madani, s. a. 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(2022). the calculation method of the network security probability of the multi-rail division based on fuzzy inference. mobile networks and applications, 1-10. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 2(1) 2020 : 27-33 27 integrated cms website implementation with the codeigniter framework febrizal alfarasy syam1*, yuvi darmayunata2, afriansyah3 department of information system, faculty of computer science, universitas lancang kuning1,3 department of informatics, faculty of computer science, universitas lancang kuning2 received : 23 october 2020, revised: 28 november 2020 , accepted : 29 november 2020 abstract content management system (cms) is a system or software in developing content. what is meant by content is all forms of digital information, in the form of image files, audio, video, text and other computer files. cms makes it easy to create attractive website pages without having to understand how to create a website from scratch. likewise, lancang kuning university has created an integrated cms website or integrated with faculty websites at lancang kuning university, by creating one database but the frontend and backend templates can be customized as desired. with this integrated website, it will make it easier for the main admin and faculty admin to maintain the website, including in its development. this website was built using the concept of object oriented and using a codeigniter framework. keywords : cms, website, codeigniter, framework, database 1. introduction the development of technology nowadays has progressed very rapidly, one of which is the internet. the benefits of the internet today are felt by the public and have even become a necessity, all information can easily be obtained on the internet as long as there is a connection. this initial step in the emergence of internet technology made several subjects to build on. the use of the website as a medium for communication is so widespread with low cost factors, easy access and efficiency because it can be accessed within 24 hours. website technology has developed quite rapidly. the current website is not only a readable or static information medium, but has developed into a more dynamic and interactive media(karlsson, m., & sjøvaag, h., 2016). lancang kuning university is the first university in riau which now has more than 10 thousand active students. lancang kuning university has been accredited b and is well known by the people of riau. to be better known and not only in riau province, of course, lancang kuning university will make steps in carrying out promotions with various media that exist today, such as instagram, facebook, whatsapp, and websites(kircaburun, k., & griffiths, m. d., 2018). lancang kuning university has 9 faculties and 1 postgraduate degree. each faculty and graduate has a website and is currently managed by the admin of each faculty. in managing the website, there are often problems in terms of development and maintenance. faculty's website in news management is often not up to date and some have even posted news that 1 year has passed. the faculty only assumed that the faculty website was only for an activity such as accreditation, after accreditation the web was never filled with news. another obstacle is the lack of human resources to manage the admin. even though the existence of the faculty web will be one of the faculty and campus promotions(budiarto, m., et. al., 2012). there are many cms that have been developed. examples that we often hear and use are wordpress, joomla, dupla and others. each of these cms is paid and free, especially in the template. every cms has different features, for example the wordpress cms which already has the most complete features and added plugins support, as well as joomla and dupla, this is only a small part of the cms(patel, s. k., et. al., 2011). febrizal alfarasy syam, et. al... vol 2(1) 2020 : 27-33 28 apart from the above technology, internet technology also affects the development of information technology. with internet technology, various kinds of information can be obtained anywhere and anytime. more and more sites that provide information have sprung up with an emphasis on up-to-date content. one of the tools that can be used to manage the content of a website is the cms. one cms application that functions as a web service is joomla. many people use joomla in creating websites, because joomla is an open source cms. content management system (cms) cms is a software used to manage content. what is meant by content is all forms of digital information, in the form of image files, audio, video, text and other computer files. cms is a web-based application that is implemented using a programming language that has web-based programming capabilities. joomla is one of the many cms applications that exist today(priefer, d., 2014). joomla is also the most widely used. but in general, basically, the cms has the same characteristics as being modular. modular nature means modules that can be installed separately, then templates can also be installed separately, and supposedly, modules, components, templates and others are widely available on the internet. from the description above, the researcher will design and build an integrated website between the main website and the faculty website. in building a cms website, human resources are needed both as the developer and as the admin. currently, there are many free and paid applications available. this is of course according to what consumers want to use free or paid because each cms has its advantages and disadvantages(wakode, b. v., & chaudhari, d. n., 2013). the method used in building this integrated cms website is to integrate the database into one database only. this means that every major website includes news, so the news will automatically appear on the front page of the faculty website. so that the faculty web will always update the news, but it must also be noted that the main admin does not automatically display all news on the faculty website because there is a choice whether it will be displayed on the faculty website or not. keep in mind that faculty admins also have full rights in submitting news or other features. also the web admin can change the preferred template. this happens because a group has been created in the table. this grouping the researcher named the group id. each faculty web has its own group id, so as not to overlap in entering news and displaying news on the main page(cao, x., & yu, w., 2010). 2. literature review related research that has been conducted with web-based object oriented are as follows: research conducted by aini, a. q., & pribadi, j. d. (2018) examined about this research aims to develop online promotional media in web form at rumah crochet batu. action research procedures include planning, action, observation and reflection. the data collection techniques used were observation, interview, documentation and questionnaire. while for the technique of determining respondents using purposive sampling by distributing questionnaires to 11 respondents consisting of 3 marketing experts, 2 computer experts, and 5 potential users. to analyze the data used was a qualitative description analysis method. based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the crochet batu house web is said to be effective and feasible to be used as a promotional media development to increase sales because it has the quality of convenience on the web so that it creates consumer interest in buying products. research conducted by siambaton, m. z., & fakhriza, m. (2016), software has been implemented in the form of a cms application that has several basic features and provides a web service that can be used by other applications. implementation has been made of all software requirements specifications. the test results show that the application built can meet all the previous requirements specifications. the joomla cms application is dynamic so it is easy to change the content of the website that is built and it is easy to manage the information in it by the admin. admins can manage the website from any computer online as long as the computer has joomla installed and a web server like apache. research conducted by iqbal, i. (2009). in the joomla cms, there are several features that add value to the use of joomla. joomla standard features are banner, contacts, mass mail, news feeds, polls, syndicate, web links, and search. in general, joomla cms users in creating websites only use standard features (such as content systems, web links, contact forms) that are in the joomla cms without developing these febrizal alfarasy syam, et. al... vol 2(1) 2020 : 27-33 29 features or are also known as passive users. this will be an obstacle if the desired features are not contained in the joomla cms. currently there are quite a lot of joomla users. even joomla is claimed to be an open source cms with the most users in the world. this is evidenced by the number of the joomla community in the world which reaches 40,000. however, there are more passive users than active users or developers. due to the large number of joomla users, especially passive ones, features or components are needed to accommodate the needs of joomla users, one of which is an online-based information system component. today many web developers tend to use cms because of its simplicity. it also allows the development of a cms for online based information systems. 21st century learning must be carried out without being influenced by time and space constraints. this learning must be supported by contextual, multi-representative learning media. this study aims to produce a joomla content management system (cms) based e-learning tool that is suitable for use in physics learning in high school. the method used in this research is the method of research and development of the dick and carey model. the e-learning tool displays multiple representations of material exposure. the material is enriched with instructional videos, practice questions, learning evaluation tools, and discussion forums to facilitate interaction between students and teachers. students learn independently, without being limited by space or time. the e-learning media device has gone through a formative evaluation stage using a likert 1-5 scale instrument. the results of the feasibility test for the material got a value of 86.33, the feasibility of the media was 86.3, the feasibility of learning was 92.14, the field trial for physics teachers was 91.78, and the field trial with the questionnaire was 85.44. the results of testing the use of e-learning media as a complement to learning provide a gain value of 0.323. from the results of the feasibility test and field testing, the e-learning media based on the joomla cms that has been developed is declared suitable for use in high school physics learning with very good quality. students gain significant additional knowledge after learning independently through this physics e-learning tool. this indicates that the high school physics elearning media developed with the joomla cms can be used as a complement to high school physics learning(bakri, f., et. al., 2018). amidst the increasing number of purchases of goods, buyers can order without having to go directly to the store to get the items they need, the presence of conventional shops is still needed and attracts some buyers. but unfortunately, conventional shops like this haven't done much to develop their business through other media, including the internet. prayoga sport, located in the cikupa area, tangerang district, is one of the shops that sells various types of shoes by relying on buyers who go directly to the store. the problem that occurs is, the prayoga sport store is less well known because the promotional and sales media used are still conventional. for this reason, the researcher conducted an assessment of business needs at the prayoga sport store and implemented the e-commerce system for the cms joomla modules virtuemart that was suitable to be applied. the goal is to market and make transactions online. the benefits of implementing the e-commerce system cms joomla modules virtuemart for consumers is that consumers do not need to come face to face with the seller so that the transaction process will be more efficient. for sellers, in addition to facilitating e-commerce buying and selling transactions, it is also useful as a promotional medium. the research method used includes interviews, observation, and participants. this system is expected to help marketing and advertising the products sold at prayoga sport stores and increase sales and services to consumers, so that prayoga sport stores become more famous and have many customers(dedi, d., et. al., 2017). 3. research methods previous research has been carried out at pekanbaru lancang kuning university. the study was conducted from march, 2019 to september, 2020. in carrying out this research a framework is needed as a guide in compiling the research. the figure below explains in general the steps taken in carrying out this research. febrizal alfarasy syam, et. al... vol 2(1) 2020 : 27-33 30 figure 1. research frameworks 4. results and discussions this analysis process is the decomposition of a whole system into component parts with a view to identifying and evaluating problems, opportunities, obstacles that occur and the expected needs so that improvements can be proposed. the analysis phase is an important stage, because errors in this stage will cause errors at the design and implementation stages. system analysis is needed to meet the need for data and procedures for an ongoing system. overview of the proposed system are main admin is the administrator of the unilak web manager who has access rights to perform system management such as viewing data, deleting, adding, searching and modifying data on unilak's main website. admin faculty is the administrator of the faculty web manager who has access rights to perform system management such as viewing data, deleting, adding, searching and changing data against the faculty's main website. after the analysis and planning phase, we can implement the system according to the planned needs. in this implementation stage the researcher has done the coding and display design according to the plan. so that the processes in the system that are running can be better understood, it can be seen from the use case diagram below: febrizal alfarasy syam, et. al... vol 2(1) 2020 : 27-33 31 figure 2. use case diagram implementation of this display illustrates what is in the system. location of the navigation menu that will be displayed. a. front page main menu display is an interface that will appear on every page when opening the university lancang kuning website with using cms codeigniter. figure 3. front page b. login page login interface is the page that first appears when the website is opened which is used to verify the user by entering the correct username and password. febrizal alfarasy syam, et. al... vol 2(1) 2020 : 27-33 32 figure 4. display login c. admin page admin main menu interface is a display that appears after the admin has logged in, where web browser will display the database query according to the information data desired by the admin. figure 5. admin display there are many types of cms that have been provided by the developer and many have used the cms, but here the author wants his own development because there are several things or some features that are not provided or do not support adding features. the. so that the authors create their own cms using the codeigniter framework. in developing the cms web, each faculty and its own staff are given the right to change the template without having to disturb the web templates of other faculties. this system is built using only one database but different templates. access rights in managing the web have also been grouped. with a concept like this it will facilitate the management of the web and also not be monotonous in developing templates according to the faculty or university's wishes febrizal alfarasy syam, et. al... vol 2(1) 2020 : 27-33 33 5. conclusion the conclusion obtained by using this integrated cms is that the news faculty websites will always be up to date because the main website of unilak is always active in filling out news. however, not every news posted by the unilak website will appear on the faculty website because the system provides a selection feature whether to display it or not references aini, a. q., & pribadi, j. d. 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(deviyanti, kunhadi, & frastian, 2018; sofyan & syarifuddin, 2018; yang & hung, 2007). so that a well-planned factory layout will greatly determine the effectiveness and efficiency of a production process, and in some cases, it will also maintain the continuity and success of a company. the wide variety of fabrication processes that can be used to form a workpiece gives the possibility of errors in selecting processes and machines. these errors can lead to ongoing financial losses as the process progresses, and it means that these processes and machines are replaced by more efficient alternatives. from a working drawing, a planner with all his knowledge of the forming process will be able to plan alternative forming processes, forming nanang qosim, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 78-84 79 process sequences, cutting tools used to form these components/products with a production routing format (nurchajat, 2017). due to poor factory layout planning, sophisticated facilities, cutting-edge technology, and good product design will be rendered ineffective. because an industry's production operations typically last a long time and with a plant layout that does not alter, mistakes in plant layout planning can result in significant losses, even fatalities. (arif, 2017; faishol, hastuti, & ulya, 2013; qosim & hartono, 2019). therefore, it is necessary to plan an effective factory layout so that the production process can take place economically in terms of production costs and is efficient in terms of production time. based on the things that have been described, it is necessary to conduct a study on the analysis of machine and material requirements for tablet tooling production with the demand of 200 units/day. this careful planning aims so that the production process can take place in accordance with the work plan, namely in accordance with the predetermined operation plan and production routing, as well as efficient use of materials. 2. materials and methods 2.1 production routing the most crucial step in determining the factory layout is determining the production routing. production routing contains some information from a die and punch tablet component such as the working stages, the main equipment, and supporting equipment used in the work process. production routing is a form of work planning that is used to determine the sequence of operational processes carried out in the manufacture of machine components from raw materials to final products. production routing includes planning and determining the occupation of the department where the work is done using what machines, tools, and auxiliary equipment to use (adulyasak, cordeau, & jans, 2015). a planner must prepare a list of activities needed to build a machine component by examining the technical drawing first to determine the steps of the work process to be carried out. production routing briefly contains operation number, operation description, machine, auxiliary equipment, setting time, downtime (dt), allowance, machining time, standard time (st) (apple & mardiono, 1990; hidayat, 2011; nurchajat, 2017). 2.2 the calculation of machining time machining time (minute/unit) is directly related to the formation of the workpiece or production time, this time column is filled with the measurement results of machining time per product either by stopwatch time study, work sampling or by using the existing machining time formulations (predetermined time system) against certain standardized work systems (drozda, 1983). for machining processes that are carried out automatically, the machining time will be the same as normal time, because the machining time for other similar products will require the same time so that there is no need for an adjustment to make the machining time into normal time. for example, here is the equation used to calculate the machining time for a lathe that is used to produce die and punch tablet components. on the lathe machine, there are two major types of work i.e. facing and longitudinal cutting, which are expressed as follows. (qosim & hartono, 2019): tm = n x sf i x df (1) tm = n x s i x l (2) where df (mm) is the length of surface to be removed; i (mm/rev) is the intensity of feeding; s is the feed rate; sf (mm/rev) is the feed rate for facing process; n (rev/min) is the rotation of the engine spindle; and l (mm) is the length of the surface to be removed plus the tolerance of 1. the feed rate for the facing process is obtained from the table (jutz, 2006) whose value depends on the material of both nanang qosim, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 78-84 80 workpiece and tool. while the rotation of the engine spindle is obtained from the equation (dewangga, nugraha, & dantes, 2017): n = d x 1000 x v  (3) where v (m/min) is cutting speed; and d (mm) is the diameter of the workpiece. other parameters for deciding lathe machining time can be found in westermann tables for the metal trade (jutz, 2006). for other machines used to produce the tablet tooling, such as power hacksaw and milling machines, grinding machines, drilling machines, etc. in general, they have almost the same cutting time or machining time or can be seen in our previous explanation. 2.3 standard time and output standard the standard time (st) and output standard (os) should be calculated using the machining time calculation data. st is a time estimation standard used by a machine to create one component including the setting time, auxiliary time, and allowance time, as seen in the expression below (phillips & engineers, 1997; roidelindho, 2017): st = tm + setting time + allowance time + auxiliary time (4) os is the amount of product that a machine can produce in a single day. a day is believed to have three shifts of work, each lasting eight hours. if the value of st has been determined, the os value will be calculated by converting the unit as shown below (roidelindho, 2017): os = st 1 x hour1 min60 x 1day hours24 (5) 2.4 the calculation of the machine requirements the calculation of machine requirements is preceded by the calculation of material requirements for each component at each stage of the process, with defects believed to be 0.5% on the power hacksaw, 1% on the lathe machine, and 1% on the milling machine.. the calculations are solved by equation 6 as below (nurchajat, 2017): pn = %pd1 pg n n − = %pd1 n demand − (6) where pn (unit/day) is the material requirement in the n-process; pgn (unit/day) is a good product in the n-process (unit/day); and pdn (unit/day) is the defected product in the n-process (%). the os values for each machine and production facility are derived from the calculation of tm estimates for each component. furthermore, the value of material requirements for each process (p) on each machine and production facility is calculated from the calculation of the material need. equation 7 can be used to estimate the number of production machines (n) required for each component based on this information. (qosim & hartono, 2019). n = os p (7) nanang qosim, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 78-84 81 2.5 the calculation of material requirements material requirements per day can be obtained from equation 8 as below (nurchajat, 2017): m = p1 x l part x mm 1000 m 1 x (m)length bar (8) where m (bar) is the number of material requirements; l part (mm) is the length of raw material; and p1 (unit/day) is the material requirement in the initial process. 3. results and discussion 3.1. technical drawing of components the technical drawing for each component is the most important data in this research. figure 1 depicts the technical drawing for the tablet tooling's die and punch. fig. 1. main components: (a) die; (b) punch; (c) puncher shaft to produce the die dan punch of the tablet tooling, the machines used are power hacksaw, lathes machine, and milling machine. other processes such as heat treatment and others are assumed to be ordered work. 3.2 number of machine requirements the calculation data contained in table 1 is derived from the calculation of machining time for each component. table 1 the data of machining time calculation part machine st (min/unit) os (unit/day) a power hacksaw 3,00 480,00 lathe machine 14,14 101,84 b power hacksaw 3,00 480,00 nanang qosim, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 78-84 82 lathe machine 12,43 115,85 milling machine 3,60 400,00 c power hacksaw 1,80 800,00 lathe machine 3,27 440,37 the next step is to calculate the material requirements for each component at each stage of the process, using the previously described assumptions about defects. the steps of this solution are numbered sequentially in reference to the illustration in figure 2. figure 2, as an example, depicts a flow diagram of a material requirement calculation for punch (part b). fig. 2. the material requirement for part b as a result, the results of all n calculations for each component can be found in table 2. the total calculation of the need for the machine to produce all components of the tablet tooling with a demand of 200 units/day is given in table 3. table 2 the results of the calculation for the number of machines required for each component part machine os (unit/day) defect of product (% pd) product prepared (p) (unit/day) number of machines (n) a power hacksaw 480,00 0,5 203 0,42 lathe machine 101,84 1 202 1,98 b power hacksaw 480,00 0,5 205 0,43 lathe machine 115,85 1 204 1,76 milling machine 400,00 1 202 0,51 c power hacksaw 800,00 0,5 203 0,25 lathe machine 440,37 1 202 0,46 table 3 the total need of machine for all components machine part number total machine grand total a b c power hacksaw 0,42 0,43 0,25 1,1 2 lathe machine 1,98 1,76 0,46 4,2 5 milling machine 0,51 0,51 1 nanang qosim, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 78-84 83 tables 2 and 3 show that the lathe machine is the most necessary type of machine in the tablet tooling manufacturing process, with a demand of 200 units per day and a total of 5 units. power hacksaws (2 units) and milling machines come in second and third place, respectively (1 unit). these findings suggest that the planned estimates have a high productivity as well as high economic value. 3.3 number of material requirements calculation of the total amount of material needed in one production day is carried out with equation 8. table 4 below shows the results of these calculations for each component. tabel 4 the total amount of material needed in one production day need of material per day (mm) part (m) total (m) a b c ø45 10,56 11,68 22,24 ø18 12,79 12,79 from table 4, it can be seen that the total material requirements of ø45 mm and ø18 mm are 22.24 m and 12.79 m, respectively. if it is assumed that the material available in the market has a length of 5 meters for a bar, then the daily requirement for ø45 mm and ø18 mm material is 5 bars and 3 bars or 120 bars and 70 bars for the needs in 1 month of production, respectively. 4. conclusion according to the results of the study, the number of machines required to produce 200 units of tablet tooling is 5 units of lathe machine, 2 units of power hacksaw, and 1 unit of milling machine. in addition, as many as 5 bars of ø45 mm and 3 bars of ø18 mm materials are required per day. it is hoped that these results can make it easier to estimate machine and material requirements for people who want to get into the tablet tooling business. however, the limitation of this study is that it only focuses on simple and cheap machines for low-end industries. hence, if we want to combine with modern or nc-based machines, further calculation and analysis are needed. acknowledgements the authors would like to express their thanks to politeknik negeri malang for providing useful support in the form of a research grant no. sp. dipa- to carry out this study. references adulyasak, y., cordeau, j.-f., & jans, r. 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brain. biopsy is another option, but it takes approximately 10 to 15 days after the inspection, so technology is required to classify the image. the goal of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the greatest accuracy value attained while classifying using segmentation with thresholding versus segmentation without thresholding on the cnn method. images are assigned threshold values of 150, 100, and 50. the dataset consists of 7023 mri scans of four types of brain tumors: glioma, notumor, meningioma, and pituitary. without utilising thresholding segmentation, the classification yielded the highest degree of accuracy, 92%. at the threshold of 100, classification by segmentation received the highest score of 88%. this demonstrates that thresholding segmentation during cnn model preprocessing is less effective for brain image classification. keywords: convolutional neural network, machine learning, magnetic resonance imaging, classification, brain tumors 1. introduction brain tumors are unnatural and uncontrolled growth of cells in parts of the brain that can result in cancer symptoms in the brain (badr et al., 2020). two types of brain tumors are primary brain tumors and secondary brain tumors. primary brain tumors are abnormal, uncontrolled cell changes originating from the brain cells. in contrast, secondary brain tumors are brain tumors that spread to the brain from cancer of other body parts. brain tumors can affect anyone regardless of gender and age and can even affect children who are classified as very young. brain tumor survival rates vary according to the type of brain tumor and the patient's age (das et al., 2019)(takahashi et al., 2019). brain tumors can hugely impact the quality of a patient’s lifetime and affect the whole of life because they have lasting and life-altering physical and psychological impacts (arabahmadi & farahbakhsh, 2022). brain tumors are one of the highest causes of death (al-hadidi et al., 2020)(chahal et al., 2020). people with brain tumors can be diagnosed using scanner technology to see the tissue or cell growth around the brain. technology that doctors often utilize is magnetic resonance imaging (mri) (seetha & raja, 2018) and ct-scan (shi et al., 2021). the first technology that doctors use in detecting brain tumors is mri (pashaei et al., 2018). mri can show images in detail that cannot be seen with other scanner methods to diagnose abnormal tissue growth in the brain (ismael & abdel-qader, 2018). another method that doctors often use in decision making against brain tumors is biopsy and manual direct observation. the biopsy is the taking of body tissues or organs for examination. samples in the form of body tissues or organs taken from patients are studied in the laboratory. laboratory sample research takes a very long time about 10 to 15 days to get information in the diagnosis. meanwhile, manual diagnosis has a high risk of errors. therefore, alternative methods that are fast, have a low error rate, and are well documented are needed so that doctors can make informed and accurate decisions (xie et al., 2022). this requires automatically segmenting the image using computer assistance to shorten the time it takes to diagnose brain tumor disease. computers can solve these problems by utilizing data that is used as training data or computer muis et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 664-673 665 learning processes in the introduction of data in detail so that computers can recognize well and accurately if they find the same data model. this process is known as machine learning (ml). ml is part of artificial intelligence (ai) which can currently be used to solve various problems (d, 2019) of medical imaging (shi et al., 2021). machine learning is developed to be able to learn by itself based on the training data provided so that it can detect or classify specific data. one of the branches of ml science that can do this is deep learning. deep learning is one of the branches of machine learning that has recently grown quite rapidly in a few years. one of the deep learning algorithms that has advantages in classifying images is the convolutional neural network (li et al., 2023). the cnn is an improvement of the traditional artificial neural networks by introducing sliding window techniques of a kernel that can efficiently extract features without using too many parameters (hadinata et al., 2023). cnn was first created by fukushima in tokyo, japan, although it was still known as "neocognition" at the time. gradient-based learning was later used to redevelop it for handwriting recognition by lecun, bottou, bengio, and haffner. then the imagenet large-scale visual recognition competition (ilsvrc) was won in 2012 by a system that used cnn. as a result of this accomplishment, alex krizhevsky demonstrated that the cnn method has been demonstrated to defeat other machine learning approaches for picture object detection. previous research on the classification of brain tumors has been conducted by moh’d rasoul al-hadidi, bayan alsaaidah, and mohammed y. al-gawagzeh with the title glioblastomas brain tumour segmentation based on convolutional neural networks. this study classified glioblastoma-type brain tumors using the convolutional neural network (cnn) method. this method is one of the methods found in machine learning. this study successfully detected and classified glioblastoma-type brain tumors with an accuracy of 75%. the problem faced in research using the cnn method in ml is the accuracy of image segmentation which is influenced by the size of the kernel. the smaller the kernel size the b`etter the accuracy will be. however, this has an impact on relatively long turnaround times (al-hadidi et al., 2020). based on the description above, research on segmentation in brain tumors is very important to do so that it can diagnose, plan treatment, and evaluate outcomes treatment (zhao et al., 2018). so we did a classified four classes of mri images of the brain, namely glioma, pituitary, meningioma, and no tumor using the cnn method with thresholding segmentation. 2. literature review several researchers have conducted this research before, namely by testing the cnn method in detecting, classifying, and using the segmentation of accuracy values. research conducted under the title “batik classification using convolutional neural network with data improvements”. the research uses batik motifs as objects. this research dataset uses the old dataset from the public repository, and the new dataset updates the old dataset by replacing the anomaly data. this research used the cnn method by utilizing the resnet-18 architecture. the best test results were obtained on the new dataset at 88.88% and the old dataset at 66.14%. this study had no significant effect on accuracy (meranggi et al., 2022). research conducted under the title “tifinagh handwritten character recognition using optimized convolutional neural network” using the cnn method to get to know the handwriting. the results of this study received an excellent accuracy score of 99.27% (niharmine et al., 2022). research conducted under the title “iot enabled depthwise separable convolution neural network with deep support vector machine for covid‑19 diagnosis and classifcation” identify and classify covid-19 disease based on x-ray images or computed tomography (ct). the results of the study obtained an accuracy of 98.54% (le et al., 2021). research conducted under the title “six skin diseases classification using deep convolutional neural network” they carry out the classification of diseases of the skin. this study used the cnn method. the dataset in this study was taken from the internet totaling 3000 color images. the dataset in this study was divided into 90% training data and 10% testing data. the results of this study got an accuracy of 81.75% (saifan & jubair, 2022). the research mentioned above outlines the findings of model testing on cnn's ability in categorizing scans and other sorts of images captured with regular cameras. the study's average muis et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 664-673 666 findings demonstrate cnn's proficiency in categorizing pictures. this study conducted as carried out by several previous studies, namely classifying using the cnn architecture on brain tumor image datasets. this study tested the cnn model against the results of the classification of brain tumor images. however, this study added segmentation techniques before images were included in feature extraction to assess whether the classification model using segmentation was better than the classification method without using segmentation techniques. the segmentation used in this study is thresholding segmentation. 3. research methods the methodology in this study as shown in figure 1 consists of the stages of collecting, preparing, sharing, and system design and testing systems. fig. 1. research method 1) datasets the study's good and bad accuracy results are influenced by the dataset used. each study has a different dataset so that it gets different accuracy values (meranggi et al., 2022). the dataset in this study used mri (angeli et al., 2018) images downloaded from the kaggle website. 2) pre-processing pre-processing is converting an image to have the same identity as converting rgb images to grayscale or resizing images. the dataset obtained has three channels (rgb) with very high imagery, so in this study, it was converted into a grayscale image to simplify the image model. in addition, the dataset used has a different size, so the dataset needs to be resized so that the image size becomes the same. pre-processing aims to make it easier for the system to process images because the image sizes become the same. preprocessing of any data improves the performance of applications (hasan et al., 2020). in addition, thresholding will be carried out as segmentation at the pre-processing stage by providing a thresholding segmentation value of 50, 100, and 150. 3) data split the dataset in this study amounted to 7023 brain image data from mri scans divided into 10% training data and 90% testing data which will be classified into four classes, namely tumor glioma, tumor meningioma, pituitary tumor, and no tumor. training data is used to train the built model, while testing data is used to evaluate the performance of the model (tashtoush et al., 2023) (saifan & jubair, 2022). 4) design model one way to improve accuracy is through cnn model creation (bekhet et al., 2022). this study used the cnn method to classify mri image data. preprocessed images are classified into four classes based on labels determined at the preprocessing stage. the resulting image output from preprocessing becomes input at the cnn model stage. in general, the stages of the cnn model consist of convolutional layers, relu layers, pooling, and fully connected. the convolutional layer is a stage in determining the number of filters. this study used a 3x3 filter. the received image input was 150x150, and the stride or filter shift was 1 to the right of the image pixel. relu is an operation to introduce nonlinearity and improve the representation of the model. the output value of the convolution result is 0 if the result is negative. muis et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 664-673 667 if the value of the convolution result is positive, then the output value of the convolution result is the value itself. layer pooling is a reduction in the size of the matrix. there are two types of pooling, namely max pooling to take the highest value and average pooling to take the average of the values produced when the image is convoluted. this study used max pooling size 2x2. fully connected layer is a collection of convolution processes where all neuron activity from the previous layer is connected all with neurons in the next layer. this layer gets input values from previous processes to determine the most correlated features with the corresponding classification class. fig. 2. cnn model figure 2 is the architecture used in this study where at the feature extraction stage, feature extraction was carried out using 3 filters in the first convolution, 8 filters in the second convolution, 16 filters in the third convolution, and 32 filters in the fourth convolution, where each convolution stage uses a 3x3 filter, max pooling 2x2, and stride 1. the prepared brain image is fed into cnn's model and will go through all of its filters. a feature map is created from images that have successfully undergone feature extraction. it is important to flatten or reshape the feature map to make it into a vector that can be utilized as input from a fully-connected layer because the feature map created from feature extraction is still in the form of a multidimensional array. the fully-connected layer is usually used in the multi-layer perceptron method and aims to process data so that it can be classified. the difference between the fully-connected layer and the regular convolution layer is that neurons in the convolution layer are connected only to specific input regions. while the fully-connected layer has neurons that are overall connected. however, the two layers still operate the dot product, so their functions are similar. the output of the fullyconnected layer will be provided at the last stage in the cnn model softmax. at this stage the image will be classified according to data similar to the previous data at the time of training dataset. the output of softmax will produce four classes: glioma, no tumor, meningioma, and pituitary. 5) testing model testing the created model design is performed by invoking the previously saved value of the model weight and compiling the training model. the evaluation of the cnn model that has been made is carried out with testing data (testing data) and expressed in the form of a confusion matrix. the accuracy of the classification model can be determined by the tp parameters stating true positive, tn as true negative, fp as false positive, and fn as false negative (samosir et al., 2022). muis et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 664-673 668 fig. 3. confusion matrix tp is data that can predict data correctly. figure 3 shows a class of gliomas with the value c1 being the tp value. tn is the sum of all the values in the confusion matrix. however, tn does not count the calculated class column and row values. an example of a glioma tn value class consists of c6 + c7 + c8 + c10 + c11 + c12 + c14 + c15 + c16. fp is the sum of column values in a class calculated without involving tp values. an example of a tp value in the glioma class is c5 + c9 + c13. fn is the summation of row values in a calculated class without involving tp values. an example of a tp value in the glioma class is c2 + c3 + c4. after getting the value in the confusion matrix, the results can be used to find accuracy with the following equation (baranwal et al., 2020). 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = 𝑇𝑃 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 + 𝑇𝑁 4. results and discussions this research was conducted using python and jupyter programming languages as tools for classifying brain tumors. before classifying, it is necessary to prepare a library for classifying medical images of brain tumors. after the prepared library is fulfilled, it is necessary to declare colors to make it easier to distinguish the classification process. the libraries needed in this study are matplotlib which functions as a graph drawing, numpy functions for numerical computational processes, pandas functions to make it easier to process and analyze data, tensorflow is used to create neural networks, tqdm which functions to display bar processes with simple loops, and sklearn which is used to build machine learning. in addition, label generation is needed so that the machine can quickly determine the class of datasets in classification. labels are created to make it easier to group classification classes. for example, the glioma label, if there is a data output is worth 0, meningioma if the data output is worth 1, pituitary if the data output is worth 2, and notumor if the data output is worth 3. classification classes need to be labeled so that machines can distinguish classification classes based on an array of data. all image data that will be classified first is pre-processed so that all datasets are the same size. furthermore, the dataset was trained using the cnn model to classify the dataset based on the image class that had been previously labeled. this research uses several libraries in python programming to help produce a good, fast, and accurate classification model. the dataset used has an unequal size, so it is necessary to resize it so that the entire image has the same size. the image size given is 150x150 to process the blur media and then remove noise from the image. the image used still consists of 3 image channels (rgb), so it is necessary to do grayscaling to change the image to grayscale or gray. changing color from rgb to grayscale aims to make it easier for machines to change grayscale to binary. furthermore, images that have been converted to grayscale are segmented by image. the segmentation used in this study is the thresholding method. thresholding is a method used to extract images by changing digital values that cross the limit value.. muis et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 664-673 669 the use of the cnn method in this study began after the image was segmented, resulting in the number of pixels of the image being the same as other images. pre-processing and segmentation images get image output to 150x150 pixels. the output is used as input in the cnn application process in classifying. images with a size of 150x150 pixels are carried out by a feature extractor process with 3 filters in the first convolution, 8 filters in the second convolution, 16 filters in the third convolution, and 32 filters in the fourth convolution with the same stride and pooling, namely stride 1 and max pool using a size of 2x2 (saifan & jubair, 2022). after the feature extraction is complete, the resulting feature is flattened to be classified in a fully connected manner to be classified as four classes of mri images using softmax with a dropout value of 0.1%. before the training process is carried out, the dataset needs to be done batch size (deng et al., 2021), that is the grouping of datasets with a certain amount of data. the first amount of data is called group 1 data, the following number of data is called group 2, and so on until the last group. the dataset training process is carried out with a batch size of 32. the entire dataset is grouped into 32 data in 1 group. dataset training is performed with epoch 13 or 13 times during the classification process. 1) cnn model no segmentation fig 4. image output after preprocessing figure 4 is the image output of the preprocessing results where the preprocessing does not use thresholding segmentation, so there is no change in the value of image extraction. after the image is successfully preprocessed, it is entered into the cnn architecture for classification. the classification results with cnn architecture without using segmentation scored an accuracy of 85% in the glioma class, 96% notumor in the class, 90% in the meningioma class, and 96% in the pituitary class. these results were obtained from testing data as many as 703 data and 645 data were successfully classified correctly according to their class and 58 data still experienced classification errors. table 1 classification report no segmentation with cnn model index classes data true percentage (%) false percentage (%) 0 glioma 170 85 15 1 notumor 203 96 4 2 meningioma 174 90 10 3 pituitary 156 96 4 table 1 shows that without using segmentation in preprocessing, the cnn model can perform classification with an average accuracy value of 92%, where the system built can classify brain images well. 2) cnn model with segmentation after classifying without segmentation, changes are made by adding segmentation at the preprocessing stage. the segmentation added is thresholding segmentation with a specific value. the first threshold value given at the segmentation stage is 150, where the image that gets a value below 150 will be changed to 0 and a value greater than or equal to 150 will not be changed in value. muis et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 664-673 670 fig. 5. output image with thresholding 150 figure 5 shows segmentation using thresholding 150, where the value in the image below 150 will be changed to 0. the figure shows that many segmentation result values must be increased to the predetermined threshold. the segmentation results are inputted into the cnn architecture for feature extraction and classification. the cnn model used successfully classified 519 data from 703 testing data. meanwhile, 184 image data still need to be corrected in their classification results, where the lowest percentage class is obtained, 64%, in the meningioma class. table 2 classification report with thresholding segmentation 150 index classes data true percentage (%) false percentage (%) 0 glioma 170 72 28 1 notumor 203 86 14 2 meningioma 174 64 36 3 pituitary 156 71 29 based on table 2, it can be seen that the classification of brain images using the cnn model by adding thresholding segmentation of 150 can perform brain image classification with a percentage of 72% for the glioma class, 86% for the notumor class, 64% for the meningioma class, and 71% in the pituitary class. the average accuracy obtained at the threshold value of 150 is 73%. the second segmentation test is by giving a threshold value of 100 at the preprocessing stage. all preprocessing values that cross that threshold will not be changed, and the value that the threshold passes will be changed to 0. fig. 6. output image with thresholding 100 based on figure 6, it can be seen that the threshold of 100 more clearly displays the image's shape clearly as the original compared to the threshold value of 150, which is almost invisible to the shape of the image. the imagery is incorporated into the cnn architecture to extract its features based on the architecture built for classification. the classification results with a threshold segmentation of 100 got an average accuracy of 88%. the results of this classification have increased compared to the results of classification using thresholding segmentation 150. table 3 classification report with thresholding segmentation 100 index classes data true percentage (%) false percentage (%) 0 glioma 170 88 12 1 notumor 203 96 4 2 meningioma 174 78 22 muis et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 664-673 671 3 pituitary 156 90 10 based on table 3, it can be seen that the classification in brain images by giving a threshold value of 100 at the preprocessing stage gets an average accuracy value of 88%. in contrast, the glioma class gets an accuracy value of 72%, notumor 96%, meningioma 64%, and pituitary 71%. the third segmentation test is to lower the segmentation value to 50. it aims to analyze whether the segmentation value will be better if it is lower in value compared to the high value segmentation. fig. 7. output image with thresholding 50 figure 7 shows the output of a brain image with a threshold value of 50 on the brain image. segmented brain image output can separate background images well, but the shape of the brain is no longer recognizable. this is due to the low threshold value given, which makes the image output not look like the image of the human brain. the dataset used in the model test successfully classified 592 data based on their class, and 111 data still erroneously classified results. table 4 classification report with thresholding segmentation 50 index classes data true percentage (%) false percentage (%) 0 glioma 170 79 21 1 notumor 203 96 4 2 meningioma 174 74 26 3 pituitary 156 86 14 based on table 4, the classification results obtained with a thresholding segmentation of 50 got an accuracy value higher than the thresholding segmentation of 100. the results were 84%, where the value was obtained from the classification results in the glioma class 79%, notumor 96%, meningioma 74%, and pituitary 86%. 5. conclusion based on the results and discussion shows, the test model built gets a good accuracy score for each test class. all stages of research are carried out with the same stages of preprocessing and feature extraction built on the cnn model. fig. 85. grafik classification report 0 20 40 60 80 100 no segmentation threshold 150 threshold 100 threshold 50 92 73 88 84 accuracy (%) muis et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 664-673 672 based on figure 8, the cnn model without using segmentation can do good classification. the highest accuracy results were obtained in the classification without thresholding segmentation, 92%. meanwhile, the classification with segmentation got the highest score of 88% at a thresholding of 100. this shows that the cnn model can classify 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which will result in capacity enhancement. this study uses a literature review method based on 5g and other already existing literature on d2d communication. more than one hundred and twenty papers on d2d communications in cellular networks exist but no precise survey paper on interference management to enhance capacity using stochastic geometrical tools exists. the contribution of this survey to theory is that apart from already existing capacity enhancement methods, interference mitigation using stochastic geometrical tools is another technique that can also be used for capacity enhancement in d2d communications. keywords: 5g, d2d, interference management, capacity 1. introduction it has been shown that in terms of mobility, over 70% of the world's population will have connectivity by 2023 (cisco, 2020). another important prediction is that over 10% of the global devices and connections will be 5g based by 2023 and the growth of mobile devices will scale from 8.8 billion in 2018 to 13.1 billion by 2023, out of which 1.4 billion of these devices will be 5g compliant. in terms of performance, 5g speeds are projected to be 13 times higher than the average mobile connection by 2023, and the estimated 5g speed is projected to reach 575 mbps. looking at the expected growth in mobile applications by 2023, about 300 billion mobile applications will be downloaded in 2023 globally and out of these, gaming, social media, and business applications will form the majority. these are depicted in fig. cellular generations the fifth generation (5g) networks are an offshoot of the superfast fourth generation (4g) networks. before the mentioned generation of mobile technology, the first generation (1g) networks came into the limelight in the 1980s built on an analog system with a data rate of about 2.4 kbps. this generation's mobile technology depended mainly on voice calls. in terms of security, it was not reliable since calls are stored and played at the base station. next in line was the second generation (2g) networks which were introduced sometime in the 1990s. 2g is an improvement over 1g in terms of speed. fig. 1. growth in mobility, devices, connected devices, mobile applications, and performance itodo & swart … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1022-1037 1023 it employs the use of digital technology with an improved data rate of 64 kbps when compared to 1g. 2g was also mainly designed to handle voice calls, but with the capacity to also handle email services, short message services (sms) and roaming services. other notable technologies of interest built around 2g are the global system of mobile communication (gsm) and code division multiple access (cdma). the third generation (3g) networks, with an improved data rate of 2 mbps, were introduced in late 2000. this generation of mobile technology is built on the internet protocol (ip). fig. 1. typical 5g architecture although 4g was designed to be a superfast technology, it was meant to handle services before the advent of the large usage of smartphones and the internet of things (iot). considering the prediction in (cisco, 2020), 4g will no longer be enough to handle such exponential growth in traffic in the coming years, since many data-hungry devices are on the increase globally. that is to say that one major need for any 5g implementation is to be able to handle the global rise in the numbers of users with 5g-enabled devices with an improved data rate. 5g was designed to achieve higher spectral efficiency compared to that achieved with 4g. several emerging technologies have been proposed to enhance the increase of spectral efficiency in 5g, namely device-to-device (d2d) communication, visible light communication (vlc), and ultra-dense networks (udns), just to mention a few (salah et al., 2021)(g. liu & jiang, 2016). error! r eference source not found. depicts the 5g system architecture. in this survey, we shall be considering d2d communication networks only. a typical 5g architecture comprise of several technologies that will drive 5g networks like d2d, vcl, machine-to-machine (m2m), internet of things (iot), smart, grid etc. as shown in figure 2 fig. 2. typical d2d network itodo & swart … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1022-1037 1024 d2d network communication involves direct communication between two mobile users by bypassing the base station. this direct communication contributes to low delay, relatively higher bit rates, and possible low power consumption due to the proximity of the communication. fig. 2 depicts a typical d2d network showing d2d-link pairs and cellular user links. a typical d2d network comprises of d2d pairs, cellular users, and a base station. in such a system, a d2d can communicate with its pairs by bypassing the base station as shown in figure 3. the traditional cellular network involves communication that exist between a cellular device and the base station. with the exponential increase in the connected devices today which leads to huge traffic volumes, there is need to combine current solutions to limitations with the aim of improving 5g communication architecture to support more users or in other words enhancing capacity (shariat et al., 2019). this huge traffic congestion normally will increase the interference level in the network. efforts made to improve the performance of cellular systems were initiated by the third generation partnership project (3gpp) by providing enhanced-long term evolution (lte) radio interface often referred to as lte-advanced (lte-a). lte-advanced comprise of technologies like massive multiple-input-multiple-output (mimo), d2d communication (dar et al., 2016). d2d therefore, is a promising technology that will aid high performance in 5g in terms of capacity enhancements (garlapati & jayakumar, 2018). to be able to mitigate the issues of interference, several researchers in both academia and industry came up with several proposals, namely graph theory, game theory, non-orthogonal multiple access (noma), and machine learning (ml) approaches (budhiraja et al., 2019). by efficiently allocating radio resources like channels, power, and spectrum, interference can also be brought to a minimal level. contribution the existing surveys on d2d communication (asadi et al., 2014) (j. liu et al., 2015) (gandotra & jha, 2016) (pedhadiya et al., 2019) (gismalla et al., 2022) (ansari et al., 2018) (ahmed et al., 2018) (nitti et al., 2019) (waqas et al., 2020) (malik et al., 2020) (nadeem et al., 2021) (jayakumar & s, 2021) (borralho et al., 2021) (shah et al., 2018) (shamganth & sibley, 2017) (yazdani & mirjalili, 2017) (ali & ahmad, 2017)(mach et al., 2015) (jameel et al., 2018) (noura & nordin, 2016) thoroughly addressed various aspects of d2d and interference management for d2d communication specific issues. in this study, we focus on a capacity enhancement strategy with stochastic geometrical tools which is not handled in existing surveys. table 1 depicts the major difference between our survey and existing ones. this survey will assist researchers in acquiring a detailed understanding of current d2d research directions that enhances capacity in 5g networks. table 1 comparison between this paper and other existing surveys reference stochastic geometry modelling interference management generation resource allocation mode selection (asadi et al., 2014) × × lte × × (j. liu et al., 2015) × yes lte-a yes × (gandotra & jha, 2016) × yes × × × (pedhadiya et al., 2019) × × 5g yes × (gismalla et al., 2022) × yes 5g, b5g & 6g yes yes (ansari et al., 2018) × yes 5g × × (ahmed et al., 2018) × × 5g × × (nitti et al., 2019) × × × yes yes (waqas et al., 2020) × × × × × (malik et al., 2020) yes yes lte-a yes yes itodo & swart … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1022-1037 1025 (nadeem et al., 2021) × yes 5g × yes (jayakumar & s, 2021) × × 5g & b5g yes × (borralho et al., 2021) × yes × × × (shah et al., 2018) × × lte yes yes (shamganth & sibley, 2017) × × 5g × × (yazdani & mirjalili, 2017) × × × yes × (ali & ahmad, 2017) × yes 5g yes yes (mach et al., 2015) × yes lte yes yes (jameel et al., 2018) × yes × yes yes (noura & nordin, 2016) × yes 5g × yes this survey yes yes 5g yes yes the remaining part of this survey is structured as follows. in section 2, literature review was considered, section 3 highlighted the research methodology employed in this work. results and discussions were looked at in section 4. the survey is ended with conclusion and future work in section 5. 2. literature review the benefits of the numerous advantages embedded in the introduction of d2d as an emerging technology in the deployment of 5g network is short-lived due to interference existing in d2d communication links. over time several researchers have proposed methods to mitigate interference such as resource allocation, mode selection, power control and most recently artificial intelligence (ai). researchers in (yu et al., 2009) used a power control approach that controls the d2d transmission with the bid to protect the links that are involved from interference. taking the same path of power control, researchers in (elsawy et al., 2014), d2d underlaying power control and mode selection was researched. the joining of channel selection and power allocation scheme for d2d communication in (kim & dong, 2014) yielded a suboptimal performance. further interference management efforts in d2d led researchers in (gu et al., 2011) to propose a scheme based on power control for performance enhancements. researchers in (d. wang & wang, 2014) worked on a dynamic power control scheme that determines an upper bound of the d2d transmitter using the coverage and base station location as a basis for the analysis. further research around mode selection, resource allocation with the goal of enhancing qos and at the same time minimizing consumption of power was investigated in (xiao et al., 2011). to reduce the interference that exist on cellular links, researchers in (kaufman et al., 2013) adopted a distributed spectrum sharing scheme. the order of decoding signals and interference scheme was adopted to manage interference in (min et al., 2011). by adjusting the transmission power of d2d user equipment, performance of cellular user equipment can be enhanced using an efficient resource allocation scheme (gu et al., 2015). further efforts to mitigate interference in d2d, made researchers in (ma, wu & cui, 2015) to propose successive interference cancellation approach. in addition to their proposal, the performance of both d2d and cellular link were analyzed using stochastic geometrical tools. the focus of this survey work is on the use of stochastic geometrical tools for the enhancement of d2d capacity in an interference prone system which was not considered by previous research works and survey-based works in detail. the survey focus will be stressed further as we consider the methodology of this piece of survey regarding capacity enhancement in d2d 5g based networks. itodo & swart … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1022-1037 1026 3. research methods this study employs the literature review method. the source of our data is from the results of credible, scholarly research outcomes that are already published in online journals of international reputation. we used the standard research procedures of looking for journals via accredited search engines like google scholar, research gate and ieee xplore, with key words like device-to device, 5g, interference mitigation, stochastic geometry, etc. and later did a filtering out to enable us to use the most appropriate and related published journals. published scholarly journals between 2009-2022 form the basis of our data sources in this survey. this section comprises of research questions, d2d classification and key issues, d2d communication challenges and mathematical modeling approaches to interference mitigation in d2d networks. research questions the research questions that this survey attempts to answer that will guide this research study will be considered in this subsection namely: ✓ what are d2d classification and key associated issues as an emerging 5g technology? ✓ what are the challenges in d2d 5g emerging network? ✓ what mathematical modeling approaches can be used to mitigate interference in d2d 5g network? ✓ how to enhance capacity in d2d 5g emerging network? d2d classification and key issues this subsection looks at the overview of d2d communication classification using the occupied spectrum as a basis of classification. the broad categories are called inband and outband d2d. next, we subdivide the inband into underlay and overlay, and outband into controlled and autonomous, respectively. this is depicted in fig. 3. table lists some properties of the inband an outband d2d. fig. 3. d2d classification inband d2d communication inband d2d communication is generally considered a choice approach in most research work because it supports high control for the cellular spectrum which is also referred to as the licensed spectrum. inband d2d communication consists of spectrum sharing between cellular and d2d users. inband d2d is further subdivided into the underlay and overlay d2d communication based on licensed spectrum dedication. d2d communication is said to be inband underlay when the same radio resource is shared among the cellular and d2d users. overlay inband d2d communication occurs when dedicated resources are assigned. it is obvious that in terms of interference avoidance, the overlay inband is preferred since dedicated resources are assigned, but that approach does not enhance spectrum efficiency at all. one notable disadvantage of inband underlay d2d is the issues of interference that exist between d2d users and cellular users. this interference challenge can be resolved by employing advanced resource allocation itodo & swart … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1022-1037 1027 techniques. various techniques to enhance performance in underlay d2d communication have been proposed in literature (ansari et al., 2018)(ahmed et al., 2018)(nitti et al., 2019). outband d2d communication d2d links use unlicensed spectrum in outband d2d. the major purpose of outband d2d is to avoid the existence of interference from either the d2d link to cellular or the cellular link to d2d. one strong condition for the implementation of outbound d2d by a mobile device is that such a mobile device must be embedded with two wireless interfaces, such as those found in wifi for example. that means the key requirement for the use of unlicensed spectrum by the d2d link is the availability of some other wireless technologies like wi-fi, bluetooth, or zigbee. the outbound d2d is further subdivided into controlled d2d and autonomous d2d modes. in the controlled d2d mode, both the reliability and efficiency of d2d communication and general system performance can be enhanced by using a cellular-based network system (hicham et al., 2016). the autonomous d2d mode's motivation is to decrease the overhead of cellular network-based systems. table 2 inband and outband properties d2d category description advantages disadvantages inband d2d the use of licensed spectrum for both d2d links and cellular links. capacity can be enhanced in underlay d2d. wastage of resources in overlay d2d. outband d2d the use of unlicensed spectrum for d2d links. interference does not exist between d2d ues (dues) and cellular ues (cues). requires two wireless interfaces, hence more power consumption resulting in poor energy efficiency. key issues surrounding d2d communications in d2d communication, user equipment (ue) is in proximity to each other and hence the reduction in the transmit power needed for communication when compared to cellular communication transmission. one advantage of reduced transmit power is the longevity of battery life used in various mobile devices. as a result, the choice of d2d communication is the inband d2d. outband is the other way d2d can be categorized. under this categorization, which requires two wireless interfaces, more energy will be expended as compared to inband d2d which requires only a single interface, hence outband d2d tends to reduce energy efficiency. once again, the motivation for outband is the absence of interference between d2d users and cellular users when compared to inband d2d since a dedicated spectrum is assigned. therefore, interference management in inband d2d is the main research issue. but in terms of capacity enhancement, inband d2d can be appropriately researched by mitigating interference to improve system capacity, which is the motivation for this survey. the focus of this survey henceforth is on inband d2d and precisely on underlay d2d communication. d2d communication challenges in this subsection, we shall look at a few advantages brought by d2d and then consider a few design challenges associated with the implementation of d2d communication. device discovery the first thing that happens in d2d communication is the discovery of the neighbor device. sometimes this is also called peer discovery. a d2d device can discover another device based on their proximity under some short time duration (zhang et al., 2015) and also whether the neighbor device wishes to be discovered, as described in (, 2016). this peer discovery is due to the device sending a request to the neighboring device with both the channel state information (csi) and its distance details. generally, we have two device discovery methods, namely centralized discovery and distributed discovery. (i) centralized discovery: as the name implies, the two devices discover each other with the participation of a central device like the base station. the sending device notifies the base station of its intention to transfer data. the base station gathers information, like availability, location, itodo & swart … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1022-1037 1028 channel state quality, and interference power control quality, and then shares it between the participating devices. the level of involvement of the base station in the communication chain further divides the central discovery approach into full and partial. (ii) distributed discovery: in this device discovery type, both discovery and connection establishment is done without the instrumentality of the base station. here, messages like csi and availability status, are transmitted between the two devices that are interested in d2d communication. since the messages are not center controlled by the base station, the possibility of interference cannot be absent. mode selection in d2d when two devices communicate with each other via the base station, we generally refer to such communication as traditional wireless communication. d2d communication extends the available mode of communication to either cellular or d2d and sometimes the possibility of combining both d2d and cellular is referred to as hybrid mode (doppler et al., 2010). the base station acts as a relay between the two devices communicating in the traditional wireless communication network. categorizing this mode based on the spectrum used for communication, we can subdivide the d2d mode into reuse mode and dedicated mode (hoang et al., 2017). a mode is said to be reuse d2d when the spectrum used by cellular communication is reused. it is sometimes called the underlay d2d mode. in this mode, data is transmitted directly while reusing the downlink (dl) and uplink (ul) resources of the cellular spectrum. dedicated d2d mode is also referred to as the overlay d2d mode. as the name implies, a dedicated spectrum is assigned for communication. it is important to note that the mode of use for any communication depends on the distance between the devices involved in the communication, the channel gain, the quality of service (qos), and the transmission power of the sending device. table 2 analytical methods reference analytical technique (wei et al., 2014) poisson point process (peng et al., 2009) interference avoidance mechanism (ghazanfari et al., 2015) lagrangian algorithm (tanbourgi et al., 2014) poisson veronoi tessellation (shah et al., 2015) proportional fair resource allocation (tehrani et al., 2014) game theory (ma et al., 2015) successive interference cancellation (hoang et al., 2014) resource and power allocation algorithm (gao et al., 2014) joint algorithm (he et al., 2014) stackelberg game security issues security in d2d communication is a major challenge since no central entity controls the security of the network (haus et al., 2017; a. z. and x. lin, 2017). the main security challenge experienced in d2d communication is relay attacks, eavesdropping, masquerading, man-in-themiddle attacks, and malware attacks. d2d requires a more secure data transmission to be able to withstand possible threats. currently, much research work is needed to secure d2d communication for it to enhance the goals of 5g networks which are seen to be heterogeneous. the introduction of authentication and a key agreement could increase the overall overhead of d2d communication and there is a need to consider some tradeoffs. interference management interference in a cellular network is said to be increased whenever d2d communication is introduced. interference management is a key challenge in d2d-based communication (safdar et al., 2016). one major motivation for d2d is the offloading of data traffic at the base station and hence increasing the spectral efficiency by frequency reuse. one of the main sources of interference is the sharing of the spectrum that exists between cellular and d2d communication. interference generally is split broadly into co-tier and crosstier. as the name implies, interference that exists between two d2d communication users is referred to as co-tier interference, while the interference that exists between a d2d communication user and a cellular user is referred to as cross-tier interference. interference itodo & swart … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1022-1037 1029 generally degrades system performance and qos and as a result, will not allow d2d communication to meet the design requirements of a 5g network. one major reason for interference occurrence is poor resource allocation design and hence can be minimized or mitigated using advanced methods (hassan et al., 2017). looking at the management of interference-based schemes, we can see that it is broken down into a centralized approach, distributed approach, and semi-distributed approach depending on the applied algorithm. these classifications can also be referred to as the interference control level. an approach is said to be centralized when the base station fully manages or handles the interference that exists between d2d and cellular users. the base station must gather information, like the interference level (il) of a given user, csi, and quality of the channel (cq). this gathered information will be used by the base station to determine the allocation of resources to d2d user equipment (due) and cellular user equipment (cue). in a centralized approach, as user numbers increases, the overall signaling overheads tend to increase since the control is just from a single point. this interference approach is good for small-sized d2d networks. by the same token, a distributed interference control approach does not entail a central control of the base station, but dues do the management themselves. in this approach, the overall overhead is reduced since csi and expected huge feedback are also reduced. this interference control approach is most appropriate for large-sized d2d networks. by considering the merits and demerits of both interference management control levels already discussed (centralized and distributed), a certain level of tradeoff can be drawn out which we can now refer to as a hybrid or semi-distributed interference management scheme. this interference management control level is most appropriate for a moderately large network. resource management power control and interference management can both be referred to as resource management, since the two are the main resources that when properly handled will enhance performance in the network. this management can be handled centrally or distributively. as the name implies, centralized management entails the base station is responsible for the monitoring of the system performance, channel quality and signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (sinr), and call setup. the disadvantage of the centralized approach is that it can only support a small cell network. the distributed approach can handle larger networks, since it does not involve a base station and as a result, the devices handle the allocation and management of the available resources themselves. an efficient allocation of resources, like spectrum and power, will lead to a minimization of interference in the d2d communication network (yu et al., 2011) mathematical modeling approach to interference mitigation in d2d networks. in this subsection, we shall discuss interference management schemes in d2d-enabled cellular networks which have over time been modeled and analyzed using mathematical theories, including game theory, graph theory, and stochastic geometry. the design of automated decisions under interference management is enhanced using these mathematical theories. game theory game theory is a branch of applied mathematics that studies how rational players interact among themselves in a scarce network resource scenario to obtain a stable resource that will be enough to meet the service requirements for the players. the modeling and analysis of complex interactions that exist between rational players interacting among themselves that lead to the player's choice of strategy can be handled using the game theory approach. this effort enables this mathematical tool to handle strategy development which tends to reduce interference in networking and wireless networks. game theory was used in cognitive radio (w. wang et al., 2016), sensor networks (abdalzaher et al., 2016), and mobile social networks (chen et al., 2015), (farhat anwar, mosharrof h. masud, burhan ul islam khan, rashidah f. olanrewaju, 2018). it is one of the most used mathematical tools in interference management in research work. game theory is generally used to resolve competitive problems and hence is a good interference management design and analysis tool. game theoretical models itodo & swart … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1022-1037 1030 used in solving d2d resource allocation are generally classified into two, namely cooperative and non-cooperative. non-cooperative game theory models handle choices that result from the specific actions of the players in competition, while cooperative game theory models are used to study the behavior of the competing players. cooperative games are generally preferred for the designing of fair, robust, practical and efficient cooperation strategies in communication networks (moura & hutchison, 2018). graph theory another mathematical tool that can be used in handling interference management-related issues in d2d communication is known as graph theory. it can be used for the modeling and analysis of various types of interactions in different networks. when graph theory is used in interference management, cues and dues appear at the vertices of the graph while the edges of the graph represent the interference between the vertices. the weights of the edges can then be used to represent the extent of interference existing between the vertices. this mathematical tool is used when the interference relationship between d2d links and cellular links can be represented with a graph and then the resulting graph can be used to develop strategies to reduce cross -tier and co-tier interferences (noura & nordin, 2016). researchers (han et al., 2014; tsolkas et al., 2012; r. zhang et al., 2013) used graph theory to investigate interference management in d2d communication. research work in (zhang et al., 2015) investigated resource-sharing problems to optimize the performance of d2d communication in an underlay scenario. the interference relationship that exists between d2d links and cellular links was formulated as an interference-aware graph with attributes defined. a resource-sharing algorithm was proposed to solve the interferenceaware graph. it was observed that the interference aware graph-based resource sharing achieved a tradeoff between computational complexity and the performance of the network. the work in (, 2016) researched a graph coloring secondary resource allocation scheme for d2d transmission in lte networks. intra-cell communication requests were served by the spatial spectrum opportunities in the ul. a step taken to support this service, ues require extra functionality to be able to inform enb of possible interference conditions in its environment. the information, that now consists of the results of the resource allocation, can now be shown as a graph by utilizing a graph coloring algorithm that provides interference-free secondary resource allocation. the result of this research confirms that the intra-cell traffic can be served by spatial spectrum opportunities on the condition that data rate (gain) is offered to the inter-cell traffic. stochastic geometry stochastic geometry is a rich branch of applied probability brought into the study of random phenomena of networks in mostly large-scale scenarios. wireless networks can be modeled using stochastic geometry by looking at the whole network as a stationary random model in euclidean space and considering the analysis from the probabilistic point of view. another important part of stochastic geometry is that key performance characteristics, like capacity and coverage area, can be obtained by properly estimating spatial averages. stochastic geometry can be used to define and compute properties of networks with topological randomness, as it is a powerful mathematical tool for modeling random patterns of points. it has been extensively used in modeling large-scale networks in (jayakumar & s, 2021)(borralho et al., 2021)(shah et al., 2018)(shamganth & sibley, 2017)(yazdani & mirjalili, 2017). it is important to know that one advantage of using stochastic geometry (ali & ahmad, 2017) in modeling is that its result is tractable and independent of network topology. 4. results and discussions of stochastic geometry-based interference management and modeling approach. this section provides a quick response to the fourth question of the research; how to enhance capacity in d2d 5g emerging networks? capacity can be enhanced by efficiently mitigating interference in d2d 5g emerging network. interference is one of the serious problems in d2d communication networks. due to the unexploited advantages embedded in d2d technology as an emerging technology to aid the deployment of 5g network and beyond, a itodo & swart … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1022-1037 1031 thorough mitigation of interference using stochastic geometric tools is required. in this section, we shall survey past interference management approaches employed to mitigate d2d interference-associated issues using stochastic geometry under mode selection and power control. mode selection literature the decision to select a cellular mode or d2d mode in a d2d underlaying network is challenging to handle. as the name implies, d2d mode implies the transmission of data packets over a direct link between user equipment hence reducing latency, while cellular mode entails communication that can occur if there exists proximity between two devices through the base station. efficient mode selection techniques can be employed to mitigate both cross-tier and co-tier interference in d2d communication. various researchers concentrate on several key factors when attempting to mitigate interference in d2d communication. in (xing & hakola, 2010), the concept of different path loss was used as a means of analysis, while in (doppler et al., 2010) the strength of the received signal was used as the analysis basis. in (elsawy et al., 2014; lin et al., 2014), the existence of physical distance between participating devices was used as the research ground for investigation. in this review work, we wish to focus on works that enhances interference mitigation via mode selection techniques using stochastic geometrical tools, as opposed to previous works done. this will openly show how capacity can be enhanced by efficiently mitigating interference in d2d 5g based network and it will also show how a d2d communication stands out as an emerging technology in 5g and beyond networks the moment interference issues are efficiently solved. other mode selection strategies used were based on the quality of the channel (janis, p., yu, c.-h., doppler, k., ribeiro, c., wijting, c., hugl & tirkkonen, o., & koivunen, 2009; yu et al., 2009). to be more precise, in (xing & hakola, 2010) the mode selection criteria used was the sum rate of the connection that exists between d2d and cellular user pairs. in (kamruzzaman et al., 2019), a stochastic geometry model was employed to select the appropriate mode for efficient transmission of d2d pairs. in this proposal, care was taken to accurately model the random position of the device location and users by using a poisson point process (ppp). in (huang et al., 2018), mode selection for d2d was investigated from an energy-efficient perspective point. the success probability and ergodic capacity were analyzed for d2d and cellular links using stochastic geometry. the result of this work shows that an efficient mechanism is needed for d2d users to be able to select appropriate modes. in (hicham et al., 2016), the researchers proposed that selecting an appropriate mode from a pool of communication modes tends to enhance the energy efficiency of the system. in (zhang et al., 2015), mode selection based on the degree of freedom was investigated, where interference is managed by employing a linear interference alignment approach. in (ghazanfari et al., 2015), a scheme to manage interference was investigated by using stochastic geometry to investigate the outage probability for d2d receivers and associated spectrum reuse ratio issues. this analysis helps in managing interference by appropriately selecting the mode in the cellular network. in (tanbourgi et al., 2014), the network capacity for cellular modes and d2d reuse was investigated using stochastic geometry. this was achieved by maximizing the network capacity and optimizing the mode selection threshold. in (shah et al., 2015), the transmitting powers of cellular and d2d users and mode selection were investigated using stochastic geometry based on the maximization of the average rate of transmission. existing works have used stochastic geometry for other investigations but not much emphasis on capacity enhancements issues. there is need for more research investigations that thoroughly focus on interference mitigation using stochastic geometrical tools that will efficiently enhance the capacity of d2d as an emerging technology in 5g deployments. power control literature in wireless communication, the transmit power provided is one of the factors that determines the service quality (liu, m. et al., 2020). an increase in power will result in a wider itodo & swart … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1022-1037 1032 area of coverage. caution should be taken not to increase the power beyond a threshold since it can lead to transmitter or receiver interference (nugraha et al., 2018). it is very important to manage interference in the communication system by properly controlling the output power in a cellular system. in general, power control strategies are employed to efficiently manage interference in wireless communication systems. the work done in (yu et al., 2009) uses a statistical approach to come up with a power control mechanism for d2d that ensures the sinr value is maintained below a given threshold for cellular users in a cross-mode interference scenario. however, the analysis is limited to a single d2d link, single cellular user, and single cell respectively. a similar statistical approach was used in (syu & lee, 2013) to determine the maximum d2d intensity that can accommodate a cellular uplink network under an interference threshold level. these researchers also investigated four network models under which the exclusion region was used to reduce or mitigate the effect of interference from ue to the base station with the objective of enhancing the quality of service (qos) of the network. in (liu, z. et al., 2013), the optimal transmit power and intensity that achieves the maximum achievable transmission capacity for a d2d-enabled network was investigated under an outage probability constraint. d2d links utilized disjoint bands. the theoretical result from this research shows that the interference from the primary section on both bands can be used to determine the optimal density of d2d and that power allocation ratio is greatly dependant on the transmission power of the primary system. in (elsawy et al., 2014), a model that statistically characterizes d2d communication was proposed. a combination of a flexible mode selection scheme and truncated channel inversion power control was developed. the result of this work shows that the underlay d2d can improve spatial frequency reuse, link, and spectrum efficiency. in (guo et al., 2014), interference management in d2d communication was investigated at the cell edge. the main motivation for this work was the enhancement of capacity via interference management of the system. the interference strategy used was the interference suppression area (isa) algorithm. an increase in capacity was achieved when the isa algorithm was employed as compared to when the isa algorithm was not used. by reviewing many recent research works in relation to d2d capacity enhancement via interference mitigation, we observed that these works are scattered ranging from specific d2d issues to d2d application and design. most of the research within this context used channel selection, power control, mode selection, resource allocation, successive interference cancellation, and sometimes the combination of these outlined approaches to mitigate interference. the emphasis was not on the use of stochastic geometrical tools to enhance the capacity of d2d by mitigating interference in 5g network scenarios. to effectively mitigate interference in underlaying d2d, an effective power control approach using stochastic geometrical tools is needed. this approach will enhance the capacity of the d2d communication and hence assist in easy 5g deployments. 5. conclusion d2d communication stands to be one of the key emerging technologies to catapult 5g networks into achieving one of its design goals, which is capacity enhancement. in this survey paper, we have considered existing d2d technologies by discussing their associated characteristics, like mode selection, resource management, and device discovery with a capacity enhancement motive in a 5g network by mitigating interference using stochastic geometrical tools. the limitation of this survey work is that we have not considered capacity enhancement in d2d using an artificial intelligence approach since that was outside the scope of this study. possible future works in this direction will be the need to accurately model d2d networks using stochastic geometrical tools with the focus of decreasing the overall interference contribution and hence a step to enhance capacity in d2d-based 5g network and beyond. references abdalzaher, m. s., seddik, k., elsabrouty, m., muta, o., furukawa, h., & abdel-rahman, a. 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sarimole & rosiana, 2022), support vector machine (svm) (gunawan et al., 2022), naïve bayes (samsir et al., 2021; jaya & wahyudi, 2022), and others. this study uses the knn algorithm because it has a high accuracy rate, above 78%, in analyzing emotions using sentiment analysis. a study conducted by (pamuji, 2021) achieved an accuracy of 88%. furthermore, (satyanarayana et al., 2021) obtained a relatively high accuracy of 94.06%, and (hustinawaty et al., 2019) achieved an accuracy of 83%. most previous studies only used a single split and compared it with several other algorithms. for example, (saifullah et al., 2021) used knn, bernoulli, decision tree, svm, random forest, and xg-boost, while (kang et al., 2012) used svm and naïve bayes. in this zamsuri et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1012-1021 1013 study, only one algorithm will be used, and three data splits will be employed for comparison, namely 80:20, 70:30, and 60:40. to obtain good accuracy results, this study utilizes data preprocessing with tools such as data cleaning, case folding, tokenizing, filtering, stemming, and transformation (kusumawati et al., 2022). additionally, it employs word weighting using tf-idf. term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf) is an algorithmic method used to calculate the weight of each commonly used word. this method is known for its efficiency, simplicity, and accurate results. it calculates the values of term frequency (tf) and inverse document frequency (idf) for each token (word) in each document within the corpus. simply put, the tf-idf method is used to determine how often a word appears in a document (putra et al., 2022). besides tf-idf, this research also utilizes the bag of words (bow) approach. the bow is one of the simplest methods for converting text data into vectors that can be understood by computers. essentially, this method only counts the frequency of word occurrences across all documents (juluru et al., 2021). in the bow approach, documents are treated as "bags" of words, which are sets of words present in the document. in this representation, information about word order and sentence structure is lost, and only the frequency of word occurrences is considered (kowsari et al., 2019). after word weighting, the next step involves testing with a model consisting of six labels: joy, love, surprise, anger, fear, and sadness. additionally, this research will also conduct testing with two labels: positive and negative. these two labels are a combination of the six labels mentioned earlier, where joy and love fall into the positive label, while surprise, anger, fear, and sadness fall into the negative label. 2. literature review research related to emotions has been extensively conducted by previous studies. table 1 provides an overview of studies that have investigated emotions. table 1 research on previous studies related to emotions. no researcher algorithm feature extraction label accuracy 1 (fernandes.j et al., 2020) knn mfcc happy, sad, anger, fear, normal happy: 86% sad: 81% anger: 85% fear: 78% normal: 90% 2 (ramdani et al., 2022) multinomial bayes dan decision tree countvectorizer and tf-idf positif dan negative multinomial bayes: 83% decision tree: 82% 3 (santhosh baboo & amirthapriya, 2022) svm, nb, rf, lr, sgb tfidf positif dan negative svm: 95% nb: 87% rf: 93% lr: 92% sgm: 90% 4 (sajib et al., 2019) nb, svm, lr word frequency, word weight, term document, word n-gram positif dan negative naïve bayes: 79.3% svm: 82.3% lr:74.9% 5 (sailunaz & alhajj, 2019) svm, random forest, naïve bayes nava (noun adverb, verb and adjective) guilt, joy, shame, fear, sadness, disgust akurasi tertinggi 43% pada naïve bayes 6 (chenna et al., 2021) svm, knn, decision tree, naïve bayes happy, angry, sad, surprise, fear svm: 86% knn: 87% decision tree: 89% naïve bayes: 93% the research conducted by fernandes et al. (2020) performed sentiment analysis on emotions by categorizing them into 5 labels. the modeling in this study achieved label-specific accuracies such as 86% for 'happy,' 81% for 'sad,' and so on. other studies by ramdani, santosh, and sajib also examined emotions using 2 labels, namely 'positive' and 'negative,' resulting in zamsuri et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1012-1021 1014 accuracies ranging from 79% to 93%. however, sailunaz's research, which used more than 2 labels such as 'guilt,' 'joy,' 'shame,' 'fear,' 'sadness,' and 'disgust,' obtained a relatively low accuracy of 43% . the research utilized the k-nearest neighbor (knn) algorithm, chosen due to its high accuracy in previous studies. for instance, chenna et al. (2021) achieved 87% accuracy, while suprayogi obtained 85%. based on these two studies, the current research utilizes the knn algorithm to analyze emotions with 6 labels. 3. research methods figure 1 illustrates the flowchart of the methodology utilized to facilitate the execution of this research. fig. 1. flowchart of the methodology the dataset used in this research consists of tweets extracted from twitter, specifically focusing on the topic of pilpres2024 (presidential election 2024). the dataset comprises a total of 1649 data instances. these data were labeled based on emotions derived from an emotion wheel. an emotion wheel is a visual model used to depict various human emotions. it places emotions in a circular diagram consisting of different sectors or categories of emotions. the emotion wheel aids in identifying and describing the nuances and variations of emotions experienced by humans. after labeling, the next step involved preprocessing the data. a. data cleaning: data cleaning is a procedure to ensure the correctness, consistency, and usability of existing data in a dataset. it involves detecting errors or corruption in the data and then fixing or removing the data if necessary (angloher et al., 2023). b. case folding: case folding is the process of converting all text to the same case, either lowercase or uppercase (fauzi, 2019). c. tokenizing: tokenizing is the process of splitting words in text into separate word sequences, separated by spaces or other characters (friedman, 2023). d. filtering: filtering, also known as stop-word removal, is a preprocessing process that aims to eliminate conjunctions, connectors, or other common words. this way, only important words are retained, while unimportant words are discarded (madhavan et al., 2021). e. stemming: stemming is a necessary step to reduce the number of different word indexes for a given data. it brings a word with suffixes or prefixes back to its base form. it also groups other words that have the same base and similar meaning but different forms due to different affixes. nltk library provides modules for stemming, including porter, lancaster, wordnet, and snowball (rifai & winarko, 2019). zamsuri et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1012-1021 1015 f. transformation: transformation is a crucial step in data preprocessing for machine learning. it is used to convert or process the original data into a more suitable or useful form for machine learning modeling. the goal of transformation is to improve data quality, eliminate bias, enhance understanding, or improve model performance (awan et al., 2018). the next step involves word weighting using tf-idf on the cleaned data obtained from the preprocessing stage. additionally, the bag of words (bow) technique is used for word weighting. word weighting, or feature extraction, is employed to enhance accuracy. this research compares the best feature extraction for classifying using both 6-label and 2-label scenarios, using the knn algorithm. subsequently, modeling is conducted using 3 different data splitting ratios with the knn algorithm. knn is chosen for its simplicity and ease of implementation. it is a straightforward algorithm to understand (uddin et al., 2022). the basic concept of knn is to find the class or category that appears most frequently among the k nearest neighbors of a given data point. this makes it relatively easy to implement without requiring many tuning parameters (pamuji, 2021). furthermore, knn is a non-parametric algorithm, meaning it does not make specific assumptions about the data distribution (wang et al., 2020). this allows the algorithm to perform well on data without clear patterns or distributions. knn also exhibits good tolerance to noise in the data. data contaminated by noise or outliers will not significantly affect the classification performed by knn since the algorithm relies on the majority vote of the nearest neighbors. 4. results and discussions knn 6 label using tf-idf here are the results obtained from the conducted modeling. figure 2 represents the accuracy results using data splitting ratios of 60:40, 70:30, and 80:20. fig. 2.the accuracy results of knn 6 label using tf-idf in figure 2, it can be observed that the highest accuracy is obtained from the data splitting of 80:20, which is 58%. previous studies also used knn to analyze 5 emotion labels, namely anger, happiness, sadness, love, and fear, using tf-idf. the accuracy results achieved were still below the accuracy results obtained in this study, which is 0.51% (nugroho et al., 2022). furthermore, this study also conducted sentiment analysis on emotions, but it calculated the accuracy for each label separately, resulting in accuracy above 90% (kaur & bhardwaj, 2019). therefore, it can be concluded that the per-label accuracy is higher compared to the overall accuracy when using tfidf as the feature extraction method. knn 6 label using bow the next testing was conducted on 6 labels using bag of words (bow). figure 3 represents the accuracy results obtained using knn with bow for the 6 labels. zamsuri et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1012-1021 1016 fig. 3. the accuracy results of knn 6 label using bow the testing results from knn with bow show a decrease in accuracy. the highest accuracy in this testing is observed in the 80:20 data splitting, which is 54%. there is a 4% decrease compared to the testing using knn and tf-idf. the comparison of model evaluation using 6 labels figure 4 shows that the accuracy using the knn algorithm with tf-idf feature extraction is better compared to bow. fig. 4. the comparison of model evaluation using 6 labels knn 2 label using tf-idf figure 5 represents the accuracy results of tf-idf with knn using 2 labels. fig. 5. the accuracy results of knn 2 label using tf-idf from figure 5, it can be observed that the 80:20 data splitting still achieves the highest accuracy compared to others, reaching 79%. additionally, using 2 labels significantly improves 54 57 58 53 53 54 47 55 54 48 50 59 46 44 45 45 43 4346 46 46 46 44 45 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60:40 70:30 80:20 60:40 70:30 80:20 knn knn tf-idf bag of word evaluasi model 6 label accuracy precision recall f1 zamsuri et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1012-1021 1017 the accuracy compared to using 6 labels. however, in other studies such as (alzami et al., 2020), the accuracy obtained was only 0.503, while (junadhi et al., 2022) achieved an accuracy of 56%. furthermore, another study obtained an accuracy of 69.68% in analyzing arabic tweets (aloqaily et al., 2020). in (ritha et al., 2023), an accuracy of 62% was obtained using a dataset of 1600 data, which is similar to the dataset used in this study. knn 2 label using bow the evaluation conducted on the model using knn with bow feature extraction and 2 labels is shown in figure 6. the accuracy results of this evaluation can be seen in the figure. fig. 6. the accuracy results of knn 6 label using bow from figure 6, it can be observed that there is a decrease in accuracy of approximately 2% for the 80:20 data splitting. the highest accuracy achieved is 77%, which is indeed higher compared to the 70:30 and 60:40 splittings. other studies that also utilized knn and bow obtained accuracies of 52% (mujahid et al., 2021) and 64% (alzami et al., 2020), respectively. the comparison of model evaluation using 2 labels in figure 7, it can be seen that the tf-idf accuracy with an 80:20 data splitting still outperforms the others, similar to the experiment with 6 labels. fig. 7. the comparison of model evaluation using 2 labels in previous studies, several researchers have made improvements to the knn algorithm. for instance, a study conducted by alzami et al. (2020) achieved a 70% accuracy with knn by using a hybrid approach combining tf-idf and w2v. another study improved the knn algorithm by employing bow ensemble feature, which increased the knn accuracy up to 96% (irfan et al., 2018). apart from enhancing knn through feature extraction, some researchers also utilized hybrid approaches with other algorithms. rani and singh gill (2020) achieved a 91% accuracy by combining several algorithms, namely dictionary-based classifier + stack-based 77 78 79 73 75 7777 77 79 74 75 7676 77 78 71 74 76 77 77 78 72 74 76 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 60:40 70:30 80:20 60:40 70:30 80:20 knn knn tf-idf bag of word evaluasi model 2 label accuracy precision recall f1 zamsuri et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1012-1021 1018 ensemble using knn, svmradial, and c5.0. another study combined knn with decision tree in a hybrid approach and obtained an 80% accuracy (khattak et al., 2021). furthermore, other studies have developed knn to improve accuracy in multiclass scenarios. pandian and balasubramani (2020) employed the fa-knn hybrid approach to enhance multiclass classification, resulting in a 91% accuracy. menaouer et al. (2022) conducted a study that compared various developments of knn to improve accuracy in a 7-label classification task. the study compared knn stacking, knn boosting, and knn bagging, and found that knn bagging achieved the highest accuracy at 88.6%. from these studies, it can be concluded that the development of accuracy, whether through hybrid approaches or incorporating additional algorithms, significantly influences the accuracy results 5. conclusion based on the discussion above, the researcher concluded that the knn algorithm with an 80:20 data-splitting ratio yields the best accuracy. it applies to both feature extraction methods used, namely tf-idf and bow, for both 6 labels and 2 labels. however, when compared, tfidf outperforms bow. in comparison to other studies, the results obtained in this research are indeed better than previous studies that solely relied on the knn algorithm. knn's accuracy can be enhanced by employing hybrid approaches with other algorithms such as boosting, svm, bagging, and others. therefore, for future research, it is recommended to explore hybrid methods with knn to further enhance the accuracy obtained from this study. references aloqaily, a., al-hassan, m., salah, k., elshqeirat, b., almashagbah, m., & al hussein bin abdullah, p. 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(broaddus et al., 2009; chapter 32: transportation demand management (tdm), 2010; habibian & kermanshah, 2011; nygaard nelson, 2008). the results of the literature search show that in general the tdm strategy is divided into two policy strategies, push-strategy and pull-strategy. pull-strategy encourage use of non-car modes by making them attractive to car users; these policies include transit-oriented development, road reclamation and bus rapid transit development. in contrast, a push-strategy is one that discourages car use by making it less attractive; this policy includes toll roads, parking fees and guard fees (habibian & kermanshah, 2011). according to kresnanto (2021b), there are 15 types of push strategies and 11 types of pull strategies that can be implemented as part of tdm. the number of these strategies requires an assessment of the priority strategies that can be implemented. thus, the main problem in implementing tdm is which kresnanto et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 795-807 796 strategy is considered the most effective that can be implemented in a particular area/city (in this study, yogyakarta city) to overcome congestion problems due to an imbalance between supply and demand. the effectiveness of tdm in overcoming urban transportation problems has been proven in several countries (islam & saaty, 2010; nygaard nelson, 2008). however, the choice of prioritized strategy should be studied more deeply (bylinko, 2020). prior research stated that many strategies might be implemented, such as improving public transport, raising the tax, subsidizing renewable fuel, improving the facilities for cyclists and pedestrians, road charging, increasing the parking price, and land use management (eriksson et al., 2008; nugmanova et al., 2019). however, it is necessary to know the priority of the tdm strategy that will be implemented. the tdm strategy priorities that will be implemented can be used as a reference for policymakers so that tdm can run effectively. thus this research aims to determine which priority tdm policy strategies will be implemented in the city of yogyakarta. determining the priority of the tdm strategy to be implemented in the city of yogyakarta will be analyzed with an analytical tool, namely the analytical hierarchy process (ahp). ahp is a decision-making method based on experts' opinions included in the multiple-criteria-decisionmaking (mcdm) method (de brito & evers, 2016). ahp is used in this study as a tool because ahp has been widely used for priority analysis of transportation solving strategies in general (ahmed et al., 2017; moslem & duleba, 2017; podvezko et al., 2014), even those specific to tdm strategy priorities (alkharabsheh et al., 2019; pradana, 2012). 2. literature review yogyakarta as a medium city yogyakarta is a medium city based on the definition of a medium city (oecd regions and cities at a glance 2020, 2020). urban population by city size is determined by population density and commuting patterns; this better reflects cities' economic function and administrative boundaries. urban areas in oecd countries are classified as: large metropolitan areas if they have a population of 1.5 million or more; metropolitan areas if their population is between 500,000 and 1.5 million; medium-size urban areas if their population is between 200,000 and 500,000; and small urban areas if their population is between 50,000 and 200,000. this indicator is measured as a percentage of the national population (oecd regions and cities at a glance 2020, 2020). according to the oecd, the city of yogyakarta is a medium-sized city that is already very densely populated because the current population is 438,761 people (bps provinsi d.i. yogyakarta, 2020), almost in the category of a metropolitan area. transportation demand management transportation/travel demand management (tdm) has become more popular since discussing how to provide alternatives to travel, either self-driving or sharing a vehicle with various time-based travel destinations, to improve trip reliability (transportation demand management | organizing and planning for operations fhwa office of operations, 2022). tdm also means to do two things: 1) prioritize efficient travel modes (which consume less road space per passenger kilometre); and 2) diverting travel by inefficient modes to off-peak periods to reduce congestion (chapter 32: transportation demand management (tdm), 2010). recent research on travel management directly addresses push and pull measures to ensure efficiency in traffic capacity (nugmanova et al., 2019) but mention that measures are not the only solution to manage traffic congestion. push and pull measures also should combine with another way, such as increasing road capacity. tdm maximizes the efficiency of the urban transportation system by limiting the unnecessary use of private vehicles. then we discuss a push strategy to encourage more effective, healthy and friendly modes of transportation. furthermore, we mention the second as a pull strategy, which addresses making environmentally-friendly modes, such as public transportation, walking, cycling, and another choice of travel modes (habibian & kermanshah, 2011). based on the discussion above, tdm can define as an effort to provide efficient alternative modes of travel and divert travel demand to use these efficient modes of travel to overcome congestion and the impact of congestion. kresnanto et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 795-807 797 important issue of tdm strategy implementation several issues related to the implementation of tdm are: (1) where has tdm proven successful?; (2) how to determine the best tdm strategy in the situation of the study area?; and (3) do you need more than one tdm strategy? (nygaard nelson, 2008). where has tdm proven successful? the best experience of tdm in other countries that have been successfully recorded is in bellevue, washington, a city with an area of 97.14 km2, which has succeeded in reducing > 30% of private vehicle use by implementing tdm from 19902000). london applies single occupant vehicle (sov) pricing by charging a vehicle with only one passenger (driver only) when entering the city. this strategy can increase the use of public transport reduce accidents and pollution (nygaard nelson, 2008). however, specific strategies establishing congestion pricing, parking management, developing compact mixed-use, and providing high-capacity public transport (au) services have repeatedly succeeded in reducing travel demand and shifting travel from single-passenger vehicles to more advanced modes. implementing the use of public transit can significantly reduce congestion (more than 45% on some roads (li & guo, 2016). one person who switches from travelling 20 miles alone by car to available public transport can reduce their annual co2 emissions by 20 pounds per day, or more than 48,000 pounds in a year. that equates to a 10% reduction in all greenhouse gases produced by a household with two adults two cars (kcata, 2023). a study in vietnam stated that the public, in general, responded positively that public transport was a strategy to reduce congestion and pollution (le & trinh, 2016). on average, a driving vehicle releases about 0.96 1.1 pounds of co2 per mile, while riding a bicycle does not. the success of the program to use bicycles as transportation, in addition to providing adequate facilities, also requires the strength of leaders in its implementation (karanikola et al., 2018); cycling is also a means of reducing pollution that is harmful to health (tainio et al., 2016) and can reduce congestion by up to 4% of research results in washington (hamilton & wichman, 2018). road pricing can significantly reduce congestion by 20-25% and is predicted to reduce vehicle trips by 30% (mattsson, 2008). several researchers have also carried out studies on the success of various tdm strategies in various countries to overcome transportation problems (kusumantoro et al., 2009). how to determine the best tdm strategy in the situation of the study area? the strategies adopted will depend on the overall objectives and desired outcomes. the tdm strategy that will be carried out depends on the conditions of each region that will implement it. do you need more than one tdm strategy? it is challenging to determine the effectiveness of either strategy, and tdm works best when complementary strategies are packaged together (e.g., improved bus service combined with subsidized transit tickets) (nygaard nelson, 2008). many strategies are part of tdm (broaddus et al., 2009; chapter 32: transportation demand management (tdm), 2010; mittal & biswas, 2019; southern california association of governments, 2019), is stated that tdm is a series of strategies such as the promotion of alternative modes of transportation, financial and time incentives, dissemination of information and marketing to promote these modes, and support services using alternative modes (us department of transportation, 1994). because of the many strategies in tdm, the question is which strategy is the most effective (single strategy) or which combination of strategies can best solve the problem of traffic congestion? (nygaard nelson, 2008). there is no effective tdm implementation with only one strategy (thomas et al., 2020). there must be a combination of strategies in tdm. a combination of several tdm strategies can be more effective up to 10% (united states. department of transportation, 2020). in addition to the combination of strategies, strategic priorities must also be determined that must be carried out according to the area’s conditions to be applied tdm because each goal and area of specific tdm implementation will have different priorities for the tdm strategy (nygaard nelson, 2008). one of the tools to determine priorities is the analytical hierarchy process (ahp), a non-linear framework for addressing complex semi-structured decision-making problems. ahp is a scaling method for deriving priorities (weights) for a set of options/scenarios based on their importance, which is one of the multicriteria decision making (mcdm) methods (saaty, 1980, 1990, 2008). multicriteria kresnanto et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 795-807 798 analysis is applicable at the micro-scale, where all the stakeholders can be easily individuated and consulted and can express informed opinions on their priorities (beria et al., 2012). ahp as a tool to priorities tdm strategy ahp has been used for decision-making analysis on various transportation issues, from policy level to implementation (baric & starcevic, 2015; nalmpantis et al., 2019). including ahp is used in determining the priority of the tdm strategy. however, it is still only for a few strategies, such as (1) prioritizing the tdm strategy from 3 strategies (public transportation, nonmotorized improvement, and alternative work schedules) in bandung (pradana, 2012); (2) case study in iran (soltani & namdarian, 2012) carried out the priority weighting of the tdm strategy from practical, social, economic, and environmental factors, (3) case study in zagreb a big city with a population of almost 1 million people, using five main criteria in tdm priority (šimunović et al., 2013) 3. research methods this study uses ahp to determine the priority of tdm strategy with a case study of yogyakarta city, one of the medium-sized cities in indonesia. the methodological stage will follow as (i) building the hierarchy, (ii) weighting the indicators by pairwise comparison, and (iii) calculating the final value for the alternatives (saaty, 1990). ahp relies on three main principles: a) the decomposition of the decision space into its fundamental elements, b) the comparative judgments, and c) the synthesis of priorities (saaty, 2005). the study begins by listing alternative tdm strategies from four northern works of literature (abulibdeh, 2017; broaddus et al., 2009; nygaard nelson, 2008; thomas et al., 2020) and several supporting works of literature. from the list of alternative strategies, strategies that might be applied in yogyakarta were selected. after the alternative strategy is selected, a priority assessment is carried out by the expert using ahp. the ahp process uses the ahp-os software, a free web-based ahp solution that supports the decision-making process (goepel, 2018). it can be accessed via the ahp steps are as in fig. 1., starting from determining the goal, making alternative structures to the smallest level, pairwise comparison by experts, and calculating the eigenvalues of alternative criteria. eigen value is the weight of the influence of alternative strategies on achieving goals. the consistency of expert judgment is measured by the consistency ratio (cr), which must be less than 0.1 (10%). the ahp implementation procedure in assessing the priority of the ahp strategy will be based on the ahp method from several previous researchers (fitriastuti & kresnanto, 2021; saaty, 1980, 1990, 2008). the respondent selection, which consists of experts, considers the disparity between experts and non-expert, especially if we need specific opinions on transportation expertise. prior research stated that experts more have psychological, social and institutional factors (whitmarsh et al., 2009), different types of information processing (xenias & whitmarsh, 2013) and the way of developing reasoning (weber, 2010). the two types of reasoning, experiential reasoning, which is affective, automatic and rapid, given mainly by non-expert, and analytic reasoning, which is more deliberative, conscious, and cognitive-based, hopefully, given by the experts. so, the participants in this study are experts because we need analytical reasoning to develop the study result. the respondents’ scope is the experts from an academic background (lecturer, transportation experts) and civil servants who have duties in transportation (dinas perhubungan kota yogyakarta). kresnanto et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 795-807 799 fig 1. research design ahp steps another indicator to assess the results of the ahp is the ahp consensus indicator (aci). the aci is used to measure group consensus (approximate agreement on exit priorities between participants). the range for this indicator is 0% to 100%. zero per cent is not a consensus at all; 100% is a complete consensus. this indicator is derived from shannon’s concept of diversity based on alpha and beta entropy (goepel, 2018). it is a measure of priority uniformity among participants and can also be interpreted as a measure of overlap between group member priorities (ahp group consensus indicator – how to understand and interpret? – bpmsg, 2020). aci falls into three categories: low, medium and high. assign the following percentages to these categories: ▪ very low: less than 50% ▪ low consensus: 50% to 65% ▪ medium consensus: 65% to 75% ▪ high consensus: 75% to 85% ▪ very high consensus: value of over 85% if is less than 50%, there is virtually no consensus within the group and there is a high degree of variety of judgment. scores in the 80% to 90% range indicate high priority overlap and a good match in group member ratings 4. results and discussions tdm strategy the results of the literature reviews show that, in general, the tdm strategy is divided into two policy strategies, namely push strategy and pull strategy (broaddus et al., 2009). transport policies could be implemented successfully if the community has perceived fairness effectiveness and does not restrict freedom (xenias & whitmarsh, 2013). pull policies encourage behaviour change by providing and improving alternatives (schuitema et al., 2010), such as using non-car modes by making them attractive to car users. these policies include transit-oriented development, road reclamation, and bus rapid transit development. in contrast, a push policy, which prohibits or constrain behaviours [47], discourages car use by making it less attractive; this policy includes taxes, toll roads, parking fees, and guard fees (habibian & kermanshah, 2011). then the two major groups of strategies are divided into implementing strategies, as shown in fig 2. ahp result the final result of the analysis using ahp is the weight of the influence/priority of a strategy/alternative strategy to achieve the goal. this weight is indicated by the eigenvalue results from the expert assessment (pairwise comparison judgment). the experts who assessed the alternative strategies provided were 11 experts from academia, regulators (government), and transportation business actors. of the 11 experts who conducted the ahp assessment, there were seven whose cr was more than 10%, so the results of this assessment could not be used, namely part (participants) 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11. the ahp assessment results from all participants can be kresnanto et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 795-807 800 seen in table 1, and the result of the ahp assessment of participants that cr under 10% can be seen in table 2. fig 2. tdm strategy based on literature review sources: (abulibdeh, 2017; broaddus et al., 2009; nygaard nelson, 2008; thomas et al., 2020) table 1 ahp result from all participants tdm strategy participant gro up resul t part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part 11 progressive motor vehicle tax 1.10 % 11.1 0% 8.00 % 11.1 0% 9.40 % 2.90 % 0.90 % 58.6 0% 0.70 % 11.2 0% 4.40 % 10.10 % motor vehicle sales tax 0.10 % 11.1 0% 1.10 % 5.60 % 9.40 % 8.70 % 0.10 % 8.40 % 0.40 % 11.2 0% 4.40 % 4.80 % vehicle ownership permit 0.20 % 22.2 0% 1.80 % 5.60 % 18.8 0% 2.30 % 0.20 % 9.60 % 4.40 % 2.50 % 1.20 % 4.70 % fuel tax 1.30 % 2.50 % 0.70 % 4.60 % 1.90 % 2.20 % 0.90 % 1.80 % 0.90 % 8.50 % 2.00 % 3.60 % road pricing 0.00 % 0.20 % 0.00 % 0.10 % 0.30 % 0.70 % 0.50 % 0.00 % 0.10 % 1.20 % 2.10 % 0.60 % cordon pricing 0.10 % 0.10 % 0.00 % 0.10 % 0.10 % 0.30 % 0.10 % 0.00 % 0.20 % 5.10 % 6.20 % 0.50 % congestion pricing 0.00 % 0.10 % 0.10 % 0.10 % 0.10 % 2.50 % 0.10 % 0.00 % 0.10 % 0.30 % 0.70 % 0.40 % license plate restriction 0.40 % 5.40 % 0.10 % 0.50 % 1.20 % 1.20 % 3.40 % 0.10 % 0.60 % 0.40 % 3.10 % 1.90 % parking management 0.30 % 0.90 % 0.10 % 2.10 % 0.50 % 4.20 % 0.70 % 0.40 % 1.20 % 0.60 % 5.40 % 1.50 % car free day 0.00 % 1.50 % 0.00 % 1.00 % 0.20 % 10.3 0% 0.30 % 0.30 % 1.10 % 1.50 % 0.90 % 1.30 % working hours setting 2.90 % 7.40 % 0.20 % 1.80 % 1.50 % 7.90 % 0.30 % 2.70 % 2.80 % 2.50 % 3.30 % 3.70 % fare subsidies 5.40 % 19.8 0% 0.20 % 0.40 % 3.30 % 6.70 % 3.10 % 2.80 % 1.00 % 2.50 % 8.20 % 5.70 % kresnanto et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 795-807 801 transit operational subsidies 0.70 % 6.60 % 0.20 % 0.40 % 3.30 % 33.4 0% 0.40 % 2.80 % 3.10 % 2.50 % 8.20 % 4.50 % sidewalk/cro sswalk 1.00 % 0.70 % 12.2 0% 8.30 % 4.70 % 1.70 % 3.70 % 0.80 % 11.7 0% 1.20 % 3.60 % 5.00 % pedestrian area 6.70 % 0.10 % 2.40 % 8.30 % 1.60 % 0.30 % 0.70 % 0.10 % 3.90 % 11.2 0% 0.60 % 2.30 % bicycle lanes 0.80 % 0.50 % 8.50 % 9.80 % 1.20 % 0.20 % 1.80 % 0.70 % 3.30 % 5.90 % 2.90 % 2.70 % bicycle parking area 0.20 % 0.20 % 4.10 % 5.40 % 0.60 % 0.40 % 1.80 % 0.10 % 1.20 % 5.90 % 1.00 % 1.30 % bicycle service points 0.10 % 0.10 % 2.00 % 1.50 % 0.30 % 0.10 % 0.90 % 0.20 % 0.70 % 0.70 % 0.30 % 0.50 % integrated transit services (schedule, fare) 53.7 0% 5.30 % 34.6 0% 18.0 0% 6.50 % 9.50 % 49.2 0% 5.40 % 34.2 0% 8.30 % 27.3 0% 24.60 % rapid transit development (bus lanes, bus priority at the junction) 6.50 % 1.40 % 14.5 0% 5.40 % 27.4 0% 1.10 % 9.40 % 0.90 % 16.4 0% 8.30 % 10.4 0% 8.80 % improve public transport facilities (station, bus stop, etc) 18.6 0% 2.80 % 9.20 % 9.90 % 7.70 % 3.30 % 21.5 0% 4.40 % 11.9 0% 8.30 % 4.00 % 11.30 % crmax 9.80 % 45.5 0% 14.1 0% 1.00 % 7.00 % 30.8 0% 22.7 0% 8.50 % 14.1 0% 58.5 0% 30.8 0% 0.70 % table 2 ahp results from participants with cr < 10% tdm strategy participant group result part 1 part 4 part 5 part 8 progressive motor vehicle tax 1.10% 11.10% 9.40% 58.60% 16.10% motor vehicle sales tax 0.10% 5.60% 9.40% 8.40% 4.80% vehicle ownership permit 0.20% 5.60% 18.80% 9.60% 5.80% fuel tax 1.30% 4.60% 1.90% 1.80% 3.80% road pricing 0.00% 0.10% 0.30% 0.00% 0.10% cordon pricing 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.00% 0.10% congestion pricing 0.00% 0.10% 0.10% 0.00% 0.10% license plate restriction 0.40% 0.50% 1.20% 0.10% 0.90% parking management 0.30% 2.10% 0.50% 0.40% 1.10% car free day 0.00% 1.00% 0.20% 0.30% 0.50% working hours setting 2.90% 1.80% 1.50% 2.70% 4.00% fare subsidies 5.40% 0.40% 3.30% 2.80% 4.30% transit operational subsidies 0.70% 0.40% 3.30% 2.80% 2.60% sidewalk/crosswalk 1.00% 8.30% 4.70% 0.80% 4.20% pedestrian area 6.70% 8.30% 1.60% 0.10% 3.30% bicycle lanes 0.80% 9.80% 1.20% 0.70% 2.40% bicycle parking area 0.20% 5.40% 0.60% 0.10% 0.70% bicycle service points 0.10% 1.50% 0.30% 0.20% 0.40% integrated transit services (schedule, fare) 53.70% 18.00% 6.50% 5.40% 21.70% rapid transit development (bus lanes, bus priority at the junction) 6.50% 5.40% 27.40% 0.90% 8.70% improve public transport facilities (station, bus stop, etc) 18.60% 9.90% 7.70% 4.40% 14.30% 9.80% 1.00% 7.00% 8.50% 3.10% based on the result of ahp that cr < 10%, the assessment at level 1 (top-level), pull strategy weights 55.8%, meaning that according to experts, this strategy should take precedence over pull strategy with a total of 15.8% points (fig 3). assessment at level 2, the experts prefer the strategy of encouraging the use of public transportation as a feasible strategy to be implemented with a weight of 80.2% (fig 3). this result indicates that encouraging public kresnanto et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 795-807 802 transport quality in better strategies is still the main priority, especially for local government. in line with several previous studies that improving the quality of public transport services is one of the tdm strategies that can reduce congestion due to the shift from using private vehicles to using public transportation. the modal selection simulation conducted by abdulkareem et al. (2020) shows that 48.3% of users will switch to public transportation if the travel time is shorter. application simulations in kuwait also prove that public transportation can reduce fuel consumption by up to 46% (reducing congestion) (alkheder, 2021). inadequate investment to improve public transport also results in an increase in the growth of private vehicles and has an impact on congestion (fulponi, 2023). several research results show that public transportation is the most reliable tdm strategy for overcoming congestion, as well as the results of this ahp study showing similar results. however, the one big issue of improving public transport efficiency that should be addressed in developing policies is attracting new users, which must consider the community economically and psychologically (belwal & belwal, 2010; moslem & çelikbilek, 2020; nalmpantis et al., 2019). even though making good perspectives in public transport socially and psychologically in indonesia’s culture is hard to do, the behavioural intention to using the public transport that still follows the influencer people is the facts found here. it means that the systematic movement on the community to develop the choice of using public transport is a must be a priority program while improving the public transport facilities. the systematic movement must follow sufficient public acceptability for better strategy implementation (eriksson et al., 2008). of course, the weight on this strategy will affect the weight on the strategy at the level below it. the top three final results of the alternative weights (level 3), the integration of public transport services dominates the weight of 21.7%, the progressive motor vehicle tax (16.1%), and improve public transport facilities (station, bus stop, etc.) (14.3). the complete weighted ahp results show in fig. 3. fig 3. ahp weighting results of interests between tdm strategies the results of the ahp assessment demonstrated that tdm would indeed succeed by prioritizing the pull strategy, but it must also balance with the push strategy. the push strategy evidences this conclusion at level 3, which is relatively high. implementing a combination strategy also suggested by several researchers to increase public acceptability (eriksson et al., 2008; steg & schuitema, 2007). the combination of tdm policy implementation must also be a balanced policy between push and pull strategies so that tdm goals can be achieved properly (he et al., 2009; wang et al., 2022). one of the keys to the successful implementation of tdm is community behavior factors related to motivation, norms and personal intentions (eriksson et al., kresnanto et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 795-807 803 2010). even the implementation of tdm without a combination of coercive policies will not succeed in effectively reducing private vehicle use (gärling & schuitema, 2007). the results of the aci assessment at the top level (level 1) in the pull strategy group showed that the expert had high uniformity with an aci value of 79.1% (high consensus). in contrast, in the push strategy group, the expert had a diversity of assessments. it was indicated by the aci value of 43.4% (very low consensus). other strategic groups that get the aci in the high category are control of motorized vehicle owners (80.1%), vehicle ownership tax schemes (78.1%), subsidies for public transport (78.9%), encouraging the use of non-motorized vehicles (80.4%), and cycling infrastructure improvement (90.8%). the hierarchy of strategies and aci values in each group can be seen in fig. 4. fig 4. aci in ahp group. 5. conclusion the conclusion from experts' opinions through the ahp assessment is that a pull strategy in the form of improving public transport services and infrastructure (especially the integration of public transport services) is one part of a reliable tdm strategy to overcome transportation problems. this strategy should be accompanied by a push strategy policy to implement the motor vehicle tax scheme so that the tdm policy can run well. however, there are also differences of expert opinion regarding the effectiveness of tdm in a push strategy which is judged by its aci value. strategies that get uniformity of assessment by experts are control of motorized vehicle owners, vehicle ownership tax schemes, subsidies for public transport, encouraging the use of non-motorized vehicles, and cycling infrastructure improvement. the results of previous research also show that there are other factors that influence the success of tdm including coercive policies (gärling & schuitema, 2007; steg & schuitema, 2007), a balance of push and pull strategies (he et al., 2009; wang et al., 2022), as well as characteristics of people's behavior that need attention (eriksson et al., 2010). practically, the results of this study can be used by stakeholders to determine the tdm strategy to be implemented in overcoming urban congestion. the next theoretical implication is the need to measure public acceptance of tdm strategy implementation by using public policy acceptance theory or other theories. references abdulkareem, m. n., yazid, m. r. m., alsaidi, l. r., & borhan, m. n. 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utilizing internet media. this system has so many issues that we need to do an extensive educational assessment of the subject. in order to create an educational map of the mathematics learning scores of the islam majority student population during the covid-19 epidemic in smp pekanbaru city, indonesia, this study used spatial analysis. the distribution of the number of patients who tested positively was related to the geographical analysis of the learning score. the majority of the city's western and eastern regions had few patients and did not improve the score for mathematics education, according to a comparison of the two maps. on the other hand, a small percentage of the northern and western regions revealed that the few patients raised the mathematics education score. a tiny portion of the southern region discovered that the score for mathematics education fell as the proportion of positive patients rose. furthermore, the fewest patients are found in tree-lined, deserted locations, yet there are still few schools there. in pekanbaru city, the majority of the schools are still located in urban areas devoid of pleasant open spaces. keywords: spatial analysis, positive covid-19, mathematics, covid-19 pandemic, junior high school 1. introduction the world health organization (who) issued a warning on january 30, 2020, declaring a state of urgency due to the coronavirus illness 2019 (covid-19) from china (sohrabi, et al., 2020; song & karako, 2020; talevi, et al., 2020). various initiatives and tactics have been used by nations around the world to combat the rise in the number of infected patients. utilizing isolation, which rigorously limits the physical distance between people when engaging in activities (koh, et al., 2020; marroquin, et al., 2020), is done to remedy this condition (smith & freedman, 2020). nearly 300 million people, or 3.52% of the world's population, live in indonesia (world bank, 2020). the covid-19 infectious pandemic was announced by the indonesian ministry of health on february 4, 2020. the first two instances were confirmed by the government on march 2, 2020. by april 2, 2020, there were 1,790 confirmed cases, 1,508 people receiving treatment, 170 people passing away, and 112 people making a full recovery. to stop the spread of covid-19, the indonesian government placed limits on activities performed outside the home, required people to wear masks, wash their hands, and keep physical and social distance. the ministry of education and culture has also released a number of rules, such as the ban on national final exams and the policy on online education, to stop the virus from spreading. nadiem makarim, minister of education and culture, gave technical instructions on how to stop the spread to all education units at all levels. the technical methods are divided into three groups based on risk: low, medium, and high. since the first positive instance on march 9, 2020, this is valid for one week. face-to-face instruction was quickly replaced with distance learning in all academic units from kindergarten through higher education. the principles of the anwar et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 773-782 774 learning process are combined with technology in this system (cucu & aprilinda, 2016). numerous online tools that enable contact and engagement during learning at more flexible times and locations include video conferencing, zoom, and whatsapp groups (gunawan, et al., 2020; zaharah, 2020). online and offline learning strategies can be used for distance learning. while this is going on, online learning can be conducted via a web network and an endless number of users (dabbagh & bannan-ritland, 2007; putria, 2020; rigianti, 2020; apriyansah et al., 2022). during the covid-19 pandemic, this is regarded as suitable and comfortable for students. using media like radio, television, or face-to-face systems, offline learning can be done without a network connection to the internet (herliandry, 2020; zhang, et al., 2020; syaliman et al., 2022). online media are becoming teachers' and lecturers' main areas of concentration in the classroom due to the trend toward home study. however, employing these medium for distance learning also has certain drawbacks. the growth of online media is currently outpacing the change in the way that knowledge is taught and learned. as a result of the learning process being divided among numerous benefits of cellphones, there is a decrease in both the quality and amount of the material delivered. smartphones with high-speed internet connections can access this material. as a result, in addition to communication, it can also communicate images, audio, movies, and huge documents (edosomwan, 2011; kurniawan, 2022). it facilitates communication between individuals and disseminates video news, marketing materials, how-to guides, help, and even political campaigns. this is accomplished by offering a variety of capabilities that enable knowledge to be distributed to an infinite audience (cohen, 2009). face-to-face interactions as a means of instructor control over students will also become increasingly shaky and infrequent. the usage of internet media in the sphere of education will lead to a large classroom. in this broad area, people with various objectives and even fictitious identities are frequently observed (hartshorn, 2010). due to the scale of the virtual classroom provided by online media, the use of online media in learning and teaching frequently causes delays in the teacher's reaction. online media is a communication system or channel as a result, which makes it difficult to get the right reaction or answer in line with expectations (badell, 2010). the interaction between students will be reduced by distance learning that prioritizes online media because students would get bored more rapidly (nurkholis, 2020). 2. literature review results of online distance learning during the epidemic should be properly assessed in a particular area. this will generate data on the particular subject areas most impacted by distance learning, highlighting the poor level of comprehension reflected in the lesson's lower ratings. it can also be used as a starting point for a regional leader to develop plans to counteract the pandemic's detrimental effects on the standard of regional education that he oversees. the number of positive patients is also directly tied to the pandemic in a certain area. in contrast to the learning outcomes, the distribution map created through spatial analysis will be useful. the areas most impacted by this distribution are determined by its impact on the learning evaluation. additionally, it details the qualities that make highly good school settings with the least chance of being negatively impacted. the impact on numerous events has drawn significant attention using geographical analysis. the indonesian government is concentrating on regions that are stable in producing rice during the pandemic season as a result of mapping of rice sales during the covid-19 pandemic season (nasir, et al., 2021). spatial analysis was used to examine the impact on the environment and was displayed on a map of the beijing region (han, et al., 2021). the covid-19 epidemic caused numerous socio-demographic changes in the brazilian region as well. spatial analysis in brazil was used to confirm this information (raymundo, et al., 2021). the total number of positive patients in the pekanbaru region as well as all mathematics learning scores were obtained using the universal kriging interpolation approach. these scores will be analyzed using surfing software. the distribution map of patients in the pekanbaru city region and a mathematics learning score will be used in the display. the two will be compared as a result, and the results will aid in addressing the study's goals. education has made extensive use of spatial analysis. a genuine advantage of spatial analysis is the ability to select a good school based on a location that fosters high-quality learning anwar et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 773-782 775 (lebienski & dougherty, 2009). by applying a spatial analysis-generated map of the educational institutions in a given area, evaluation of educational services may be carried out (hisham, 2016). one of the key applications of spatial analysis is the mapping of comparisons of different variables to demonstrate the links between these variables. a breakthrough in demonstrating the relationship between the two factors may be seen, for instance, in the comparison of the mapping of gender and lesson score variables to indicate the influence in understanding particular subjects (murhayati, et al., 2019). distinguishing regions with low admittance to testing and high case the trouble is important to figure out risk and distribute assets in the coronavirus pandemic (marizal, 2022). cordes, & castro, (2020) looked at testing rates, positivity rates, and the proportion of students who were positive using zip code-level data for new york city. clusters with high and low testing rates, high positivity rates, and a high proportion of positives were discovered using a spatial scan statistic. pearson correlations and boxplots were used to find connections between outcomes, clusters, and contextual factors (kwok, et al., 2021; marizal & nurmita, 2021). bunches with less testing and low extent positive tests had higher pay, training, and white populace, while groups with high testing rates and high extent positive tests were lopsidedly dark and without medical coverage. white race, education, and income had negative correlations with the proportion of positive tests, while black race, hispanic ethnicity, and poverty had positive correlations. we suggest testing and medical care assets be coordinated to eastern brooklyn, which has low testing and high extent up-sides. data the provincial capital of riau, pekanbaru, is located in a tropical region. there are about 2 million people living there, and the majority of this diverse population are private sector employees. in this city, the majority of junior high schools (smp) are islamic, and they are frequently located near heavily populated residential areas. table 1 coordinate and nem for junior high school in pekanbaru junior high school average score latitude longitude smp negeri 1 pekanbaru 69.62 0.526278 101.4537 smp negeri 2 pekanbaru 46.24 0.532261 101.442 smp negeri 3 pekanbaru 52.40 0.524268 101.432 smp negeri 4 pekanbaru 81.44 0.526206 101.4563 smp negeri 5 pekanbaru 61.31 0.526947 101.4537 smp negeri 6 pekanbaru 55.24 0.572081 101.4372 smp negeri 7 pekanbaru 32.01 0.535894 101.4654 smp negeri 8 pekanbaru 68.22 0.462326 101.4345 smp negeri 9 pekanbaru 49.13 0.494018 101.4871 table 2 coordinate, number of covid-19 positive case for village in pekanbaru village latitude longitude number of covid-19 positive case palas village 0.571453 101.3854 22 umban sari village 0.579684 101.3981 33 lembah damai village 0.575813 101.4429 17 lembah sari village 0.571151 101.4516 22 limbungan village 0.567135 101.4463 55 limbungan baru village 0.567162 101.4398 22 tampan village 0.540647 101.419 12 kampung baru village 0.537666 101.4337 17 meranti pandak village 0.571453 101.3854 22 the covid-19 epidemic at selected junior high schools in pekanbaru city or the mathematics course grade during distance learning were taken into consideration when conducting the study. data on the grades for the junior high school topics are shown in table 1 in some cases. figure 1 displays the latitude and longitude position coordinates. table 2 and figure 2 show data and coordinates for a few villages. the locations selected are evenly distributed over the majority of pekanbaru, as seen in figures 1 and 2. as a result, it is possible to effectively apply the universal kriging method to acquire scores for all coordinates. however, the majority of smp and villages are still few in the eastern section because there are fewer people living there. anwar et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 773-782 776 fig. 1. village coordinates and locations in pekanbaru fig. 2. location and coordinates of junior high school in pekanbaru 3. research methods kriging spatial analysis and interpolation the primary element of mapping that is used to study a phenomena is spatial data. its primary properties are latitude and longitude geographical coordinates. in stations, schools, and monitoring centers with particular coordinates, for instance, phenomena like rainfall scores, wind speed, educational scores, and the score of the number of covid-19 positive patients were recorded (latitude and longitude). for each coordinate point position mapped into an area, a score should be produced. however, a challenging mathematical formulation is needed to create phenomenon ratings for all coordinate positions. the phenomenon score is created using the interpolation approach (fotheringham, et al., 2000). there are several benefits and drawbacks to the interpolation techniques that can be used to retrieve all of the scores at coordinates for an area. kriging is one of the interpolation techniques used in this geographical study. the kriging method is thoroughly explained in a number of papers (amri, et al., 2016; amri, et al., 2017). kriging is a technique for estimating a phenomenon's score when spatial data is available. a number of mathematical equations will be used to generate the phenomenon scores at sites where measurements have not been made (wackernagel, 1994). there are various types of kriging calculations, including co-kriging, ordinary point kriging, ordinary block kriging, and universal kriging (olea, 1999). additionally, universal kriging shows a striking propensity to trend (kambhammettu, et al., 2011). it can also be seen as an evaluation technique to address the issue of sample data non-stationarity, which can assist with issues in practical situations. software has been developed that allows interpolation to be done while also automatically converting the results into visual maps. an area on a map can be interpolated and visualized using surfing software, for instance. demography, epidemiology, political science, and sociology are just a few of the fields that have used these methods. 101.3 101.4 101.5 101.6 101.7 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 101.35 101.45 101.55 101.65 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 anwar et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 773-782 777 universal kriging and semivarogram in this study, the universal kriging interpolation technique will generate all scores for the phenomenon of the mathematics exam for junior high schools and the number of positive covid-19 patients in pekanbaru city. in addition, universal kriging can be determined by specifying the general form of the semivariogram as in the following equation: �̂�(ℎ) = 1 2𝑁(ℎ) ∑[(𝑍(𝑥𝑖 + ℎ)− 𝑚(𝑥)) − (𝑍(𝑥𝑖) − 𝑚(𝑥))] 2 𝑁(ℎ) 𝑖−1 with �̂�(ℎ) : experimental semivariogram score with distance h 𝑍(𝑥𝑖) : the score of observations in 𝑥𝑖 𝑍(𝑥𝑖 + ℎ) : the score of observations in 𝑥𝑖 + ℎ 𝑚(𝑥) : trend (drift) equation 𝑁(ℎ) : number of point pairs within h as indicated in table 3, the three mathematical models and variables sill (c), range (a), and distance (h) can be used to calculate the semivariogram's score. prior to 2004, utilizing mathematical solutions, the solution was quite challenging. however, in 2004, a mathematical package in the r programming language was made available, expressly for tackling issues brought on by the three mathematical equations in table 3, making it much simpler to complete the model. to address spatial analysis issues, the package converts mathematical equations into a computer programming language (bivand, et al., 2013). as a result, the gstat r program can be used to assess the universal kriging method. table 3 models for estimates semivariogram mathematical model model equation spherical model 𝛾(ℎ) = { 𝑐 [ 3 2 ( ℎ 𝑎 ) − 1 2 ( ℎ 𝑎 ) 2 ] , ℎ < 𝑎 𝑐. ℎ ≥ 𝑎 gaussian model 𝛾(ℎ) = { 𝑐 [1 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝( −3ℎ2 𝑎2 )], ℎ < 𝑎 𝑐, ℎ ≥ 𝑎 exponential model 𝛾(ℎ) = { 𝑐 [1 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝( −3ℎ 𝑎 )], ℎ < 𝑎 𝑐, ℎ ≥ 𝑎 4. results and discussions every state junior high school in pekanbaru provided information on math test results during the covid-19 pandemic, particularly six months after the first positive case was found there. the number of virus-infected people in each pekanbaru sub-district will also be analyzed using geographical analysis. descriptive statistics will be used to present the basic information for the two categories of data, as shown in table 4. the number of covid-19 positive patients has a data variation of 275.23, which is a considerable difference between the two types of currently available data. the statistically significant difference suggests that the subject scores and the number of positive patients for the pekanbaru region are fairly diverse. at the start of this episode, the average was still somewhat low (18.65). with a variation score of 161.93, the data ranges from 1 to 66 individuals dispersed around the region. the mathematics score similarly varies substantially. this variation further demonstrates the wide range of early-onset student skills. the average ability to learn mathematics is 45.32, which means that in order to improve their ability to understand mathematics, difficulties must be predicted rapidly. only a few few children in a select few schools are capable of mastering mathematics at the start of the epidemic, as seen by the large differences and low averages. this conclusion is further supported by the wide range or difference between the minimum and highest data of 52.34, which shows that there is a sizable disparity in the comprehension of mathematics among the pupils in each pekanbaru school. anwar et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 773-782 778 table 4 descriptive statistics for mathematics scores and number of covid-19 positive patients statistics mathematics score number of covid-19 positive patients min 29.10 1 1sr qu 35.13 6.00 median 44.48 14.00 mean 45.32 18.65 3rd qu 51.99 26.00 max 81.44 66.00 var 161.93 275.23 by visualizing the data as a map of pekanbaru city, as seen in figure 3, spatial analysis will be used to conduct an overall study of the number of positive patients. this number showed that there are different numbers of patients in pekanbaru city. according to the numbers on the scale, the more blue there is, the more covid-19 patients there are. in pekanbaru, the majority of the southern region and a tiny portion of the northern region have the greatest proportion of positive patients. this is in line with the fact that there are many residential settlements in these locations, which is a common reality in the neighborhood. the locations are also crowded with pekanbaru city's commercial, educational, and office hubs. on the other hand, in the majority of the eastern regions and a small portion of the western region in pekanbaru city, the results are different. in these places, the number of positive patients is relatively low. this is because they are far from the city center, have low population distribution, and have many places planted with green trees (prabowo, 2018; basuony, et al., 2021; budiarti, et al., 2021). the distribution of arithmetic test scores for pekanbaru city junior high school pupils is indirectly impacted by the aforementioned spatial study. as a result, an extensive analysis of these scores is also done for every area of pekanbaru. figure 4 illustrates the distribution of scores for junior high school mathematics as a result. one interpretation is that a better mathematics score corresponds to a darker blue tint. the image demonstrates that despite the fact that there are still a few covid-19 positive patients, the majority of the eastern region and a small portion of the western region have low scores in mathematics. these findings also show that online media remote learning tactics are ineffective (muttaqin, et al., 2020; awais, et al., 2020; khan, et al., 2022). the pekanbaru government will likely find this information invaluable as it assesses the local educational system. fig. 3. distribution map for the number of covid-19 positive patients in pekanbaru fig. 4. distribution map of junior high school mathematics scores in pekanbaru the pekanbaru city education office needs to find the best approach to raise this area's low score in mathematics. the community's data also demonstrate that residents in this area still have lower-middle income levels, which contributes to the poor mathematics score during the epidemic by making it impossible for them to purchase smartphones and internet credit. therefore, the government should look for free or inexpensive internet credit packages and give junior high school pupils in the area access to old or reasonably priced smartphones (pranzo, et al., 2023). 101.3 101.4 101.5 101.6 101.7 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0 15 30 45 60 101.3 101.4 101.5 101.6 101.7 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 36 44 52 60 68 anwar et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 773-782 779 the junior high schools in the area may receive new or used cellphones from the pekanbaru city government. additionally, a tiny portion of the northern region highlighted in figure 5 demonstrates that regions with the fewest covid-19 positive patients had the highest subject scores, like the regions ringed in figure 6. one can infer that these regions have successfully implemented a remote learning system employing internet media. the intriguing findings demonstrate that the junior high school pupils in the region are not overly affected by the pandemic because pekanbaru city has the fewest positive patients overall this is in line with research zuhri, et al., (2020), and supriyanto, et al., (2021). low scores in mathematics will follow regions with a high proportion of positive patients, such as a tiny portion of the southern region, as seen in figures 5 and 6. the distribution of the number of covid-19 positive patients has a significant impact on the mathematics scores in a number of pekanbaru locations (darwis, et al., 2022). fig. 5. partial distribution of regions with the lowest number of covid-19 positive patients fig. 6. partial distribution of the regions with the highest mathematics scores furthermore, a fascinating result is that some locations with specific coordinates in a small part of the northern region in pekanbaru with the smallest number of covid-19 patients are inhabited by a less dense population. for example, figure 7 shows several locations far from the crowds, and there are still many green plants. however, the area still has very few junior high schools fig. 7. environmental situation at certain coordinate locations 5. conclusion this study used online media for distant learning and applied map comparison to illustrate the findings of spatial analysis for mathematics score data. the number of positive patients' data can also provide the government with crucial data for assessing this distance learning system. first, the government needs to set aside a specific amount of money to help communities that are unable to implement this distant learning procedure with affordable internet and smartphone anwar et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 773-782 780 facilities. second, in areas where covid-19 positive patients are most prevalent, strong health protocols should be implemented and closely followed. this study demonstrates that a higher percentage of covid-19 positive patients can lower math test scores. third, setting up a distance learning system in densely populated areas is inappropriate. to create junior high schools in sparsely populated areas, pertinent information should be made available. this area should be removed from the bustle of the city and have flora that will be important in the future. references amri, n. a., jemain, a. a. j., & fudholi, a. 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rapidly in various fields. this method uses deep learning methods based on artificial neural networks, a wellperformed algorithm in multi-parameter analysis. one of the development of computer vision models and algorithms is for a thematic digital image classification, such as environmental analysis. remote sensing based digital image classification is one of the reliable tools for environmental quality analysis. this study aims to perform neural network optimization for the analysis of the urban environment comfort based on satellite data. the input data used are 4 types of geobiophysical indexes as urban environmental comfort parameters derived from cloud-free annual mosaics landsat-8 remote sensing satellite data. the results obtained in this study indicate that the 1 hidden layer neural network architecture with 16 neurons for the classification of urban environmental comfort and 10 other land cover classes is quite good. the result of the classification using this optimized artificial neural network shows that the distribution of classes is very uncomfortable which dominates the greater jakarta area and its surroundings. for other classes in the study area, some are uncomfortable and rather comfortable. by using this method, we obtained a fast classification training time of 18 seconds for 145 iterations to achieve an rms error of 0.01, and has a fairly high classification accuracy overall 89% with a kappa coefficient of 0.88, while the 2 hidden layer neural network architecture does not succeed in achieving convergence. keywords : artificial intelligence, digital classification, neural network optimization, landsat-8, urban environment comfort 1. introduction computer vision as part of artificial intelligence (ai) is growing rapidly in various applications. in the digital classification of images, for example, computer vision uses human visual work for object recognition so that decisions can be made regarding the results of object interpretation (wijaya & prayudi, 2010). to obtain the best results in image classification, various architectural models are developed to obtain an effective optimal neural network architecture to produce the most accurate decisions (arsenov, ruban, smelyakov, & chupryna, 2018). rapid developments in image processing and machine learning using artificial neural networks have occurred in various fields, such as medicine, economics to earth science (maulik, egele, lusch, & balaprakash, 2020; windarto, lubis, & solikhun, 2018; zhang et al., 2019). in the application of deep learning methods with artificial neural networks in these studies, the optimal neural network architecture is sought and used to improve model performance (windarto et al., 2018; zhang et al., 2019). in the multilayer neural network, the elements that construct the neural network architecture are the number of layers, the number of neurons in each layer or layer, the activation function of each neuron and the training algorithm used (kushardono, 2017). optimization of elements can be done to design the best architecture, including determining the number of neurons and the number of hidden layers that are most suitable because mustika et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 743-755 744 theoretically, it is impossible to know the number of neurons and the number of hidden layers needed in each case (benardos & vosniakos, 2007). optimization of the artificial neural network architecture, one of which has been developed with a neural architecture optimization (nao) design automation algorithm (luo, tian, qin, chen, & liu, 2018). determination of the best neural network architecture model also needs to be done by optimizing the learning rate and momentum rate on the neural network with the backpropagation learning system (astria, windarto, & damanik, 2022; kushardono, 2017). 2. literature review in the environmental field, many analyzes of the urban environment have been carried out with various land parameters. the analysis of the urban environment includes using surface temperature parameters, vegetation area and air pollution from remote sensing data. in various cities of the world it has been known that the increase in surface temperature has occurred so that it affects the comfort of the environment, one of which is in the city of dhaka (faisal et al., 2021). in another study, the increase in surface temperature occurred in addis ababa as the area of builtup land in the city increased (worku, teferi, & bantider, 2021). with this surface temperature data, an urban heat island (uhi) study has been carried out which is accompanied by an increase in co2 emissions in dki jakarta (rushayati & hermawan, 2013). various classification algorithms including deep learning can be applied to remote sensing data. this algorithm is widely adopted for remote sensing applications in all spectral, spatial and temporal dimensions and is found to have a classification accuracy that exceeds other non-deep learning algorithms (heydari & mountrakis, 2019). monitoring the development of the city and how its environmental ecosystem has been studied using remote sensing technology and with a modified neural system (gu & wei, 2021). in the study of remote sensing applications for sustainable agriculture, the artificial neural network algorithm is effective in calculating the volume of coffee plants (oliveira, santos, kazama, rolim, & silva, 2021). with the capabilities of this deep learning algorithm, it can be seen the potential for its widespread use in the field of remote sensing, especially in environmental studies. in this study, the land parameter index used was derived from landsat-8 oli data, namely, the temperature index of the surface temperature based on the thermal band 10 and band 11 rozenstein method which has been developed for lst derivation (rozenstein, qin, derimian, & karnieli, 2014), the settlement density parameter index based on the brightness, wetness index land and water based on the index of wetness, and vegetation density based on the index of greenness (baig, zhang, shuai, & tong, 2014). the classification of environmentals comfort is carried out using the input of the land parameter index from the landsat data above, where the classifier used is neural network method that has proven advantages over other methods (kushardono, 2019). with this artificial neural network algorithm, the optimal neural network architecture modeling is then carried out to analyze the comfort of the urban environment. 3. research methods location and data the study area for comparative research on neural network architecture in urban environmental analysis is jakarta and the capital buffer zones include tangerang, bekasi, depok, bogor and parts of sukabumi, cianjur, karawang and purwakarta. fig. 1 shows the coverage of the research study area. in this study, the urban environment comfort was analyzed using environmental temperature parameters based on surface temperature, vegetation cover, as well as residential density and wetness of land or water, all of which were derived from multitemporal remote sensing satellite data. the study area as shown in fig. 1 is 121.67 km x 121.67 km or 1,481,072.40 hectares. the satellite remote sensing data used was landsat-8 oli full band 2019 annual cloud-free mosaic (fig. 2), where the data came from daily landsat oli data with radiometric and geometric corrected surface reflectance which was then carried out by topographic correction and annual cloud-free composite, and that was a ready data product of lapan. the method was a development of previous pixel-based method (dewanti dimyati, danoedoro, hartono, & kustiyo, mustika et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 743-755 745 2018) and a mosaic of landsat thermal data with a quantile of 85% which was carried out using a method that has been developed for similar data. as for what was meant by the mosaic of landsat thermal data with a quantile of 85%, landsat-8 thermal data for a period of 1 year with a total of 23 recording data was selected with the maximum temperature. the thermal data was then sorted from the smallest to the largest, and statistically the quantile value of 85% was chosen, with the assumption that the maximum 15% data contained errors (kustiyo, 2017). in addition, very high resolution satellite data was used instead of field data for reference in the analysis for 2019 period, where data was obtained through googleearth. another tool used in this research is computer for data processing. the computer used is a dell latitude rugged which has an intel core i7 2.7 ghz processor with 16 gb of ram. fig. 1. the target of research area (source: google map data © 2021 fig. 2. annual cloud-free mosaic landsat-8 data (2019) method the method used is to determine the optimal neural network architecture in the analysis of the comfort of the urban environment based on supervised classification using a neural network and input geobiophysical index information from annual full band landsat mosaic data, namely information on surface temperature, brightness index, greenness index and wetness index. geobiophysical index is an appearance parameter that characterizes earth surface objects such as reflection coefficient, surface temperature, chlorophyll content, water content, and object surface mustika et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 743-755 746 roughness, in this case what we use to identify is brightness for density of settlements, vegetation density index with greeness, soil wettability with wetness index, and surface temperature index with brightness temperature. the data used is annual cloud-free mosaic landsat data derived from multitemporal landsat data within a year. from these input parameters, the best architecture is determined using a genetic algorithm (ga) as well as the development of criteria that measure the performance of the neural network including training and generalization and complexity as in the research that has been done for optimizing the neural network architecture (benardos & vosniakos, 2007). this study adopts a classifier architecture using multilayer neural networks (kushardono, 2017) as shown in fig. 3, where the 1 hidden layer architecture is used with the number of neurons in the input layer, the hidden layer, the output layer 4-16-10, and the 2 hidden layer architecture with the total number of neurons 4-16-16-10. while the weight and bias factors for each neuron in the hidden layer and output layer are determined using training data based on a number of backpropagation training iterations, with the learning rate and momentum rate using the optimum values obtained from previous studies, namely 0.1 and 0.9 (kushardono, 2017). training data for training on backpropagation neural networks and test site data used to test the accuracy of the classification results are determined based on field conditions and the results of interpretation of very high resolution data to see land use cover, and average surface temperature from landsat thermal data. the number of samples used are 3.584 samples for training data (with almost the same number of samples per class, namely around 350 samples), and 30.879 samples for validation tests (around 1.800 to 3.000 samples per class) outside the same location used for training data, or approximately 11% for training data and 89% for validation tests. this is because the classification using neural networks based on backpropagation learning as previously experienced does not require a lot of training data, yet more accuracy is needed to determine the location of the training data that represents each class so that the learning neural network converges more quickly by obtaining a very small rms error. in taking samples, the land cover class and convenience class are treated the same in terms of the number of samples, where the land cover class is only used to facilitate classification using a neural network outside the residential area which is the target of the comfort level classification. so that after completing the classification process using neural networks, the results of land cover classification can be combined and grouped into non-residential classes whose convenience level is not calculated. the backpropagation-based training process is carried out until the rms error is lower than 0.01 or a maximum of 10,000 iterations. based on previous experience, including from research by (kushardono, fukue, shimoda, & sakata, 1995) that neural network learning with back propagation is successful if there are no errors between the output layer output and the learning teacher rms error is less than 0.1 and in research it is used 0.01 to further ensure that learning is perfectly convergent. while 10,000 iterations are also based on the research experience that if there are more learning iterations than that it is a failure or the rms error is still high and cannot converge.where in this process the weight and bias factors for each neuron in each iteration are corrected based on the rms error which is calculated from the difference between the output of the neurons in the output layer and the wanted output according to the training data class. after completing the training process, the forward propagation process is continued to classify all target data using the weight and bias factors of each neuron from the last training iteration. mustika et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 743-755 747 fig. 3. artificial neural network architectural design modeling for urban environment comfort analysis 4. results and discussions land parameters for urban environmental comfort analysis the results of the transformation of the four indices from landsat-8 oli image data are shown in fig. 4. the land parameters used as input for the classification of urban environmental comfort are derived from landsat-8 oli satellite imagery, including surface temperature, vegetation index, wetness index and brightness index. for the surface temperature, low temperatures are given a dark brown color and the higher the temperature, the lighter the color. for the greenness index of vegetation, the index range is shown with a green gradation which shows a higher index for darker greens. as for the wetness index, which is indicated by a blue gradation, the higher wetness value is shown in a lighter blue color, and vice versa, the lower the wetness, the darker the blue. furthermore, the brightness index is indicated by a gradation of gray for low brightness and a darker brown gradation for high brightness. table 1 below shows the value of each geobiophysical index parameter, namely brightness, wetness, grenness and surface temperature. table 1 the value of each geobiophysical index parameter parameter min max mean stdev brightness index 0.000000 568.267456 205.246407 52.619541 greenness index -250.424622 92.603813 -45.676779 43.820198 wetness index -252.502502 110.436905 -8.459554 36.876533 temperature 0.000000 162.000000 48.281161 24.467337 source: analysis, 2021 on the result of the surface temperature transformation, we can see how the distribution of surface temperature in the study area. with a brown color gradation, the lighter color means the higher surface temperature, and the darker color means the lower surface temperature in the area. areas with high surface temperatures are seen in downtown and urban areas with dense settlements without vegetation. on the other hand, areas with moderate to low surface temperatures are seen in vegetated areas. furthermore, on the result of the transformation of the vegetation index, there is a gradation of green color, from dark green to light green. the color indicates the vegetation condition of the land in the study area. in areas with dense and green vegetation, the greenness index is moderate to high, which is represented by dark green color. overall, this green area is in urban green space, hills and mountains in the south. on the other hand, in areas with sparse vegetation or densely populated areas without vegetation, the greener y index is relatively low, which is indicated by a light green color. hereinafter, the result of the wetness index transformation are represented by a blue color gradation. it can be seen that the spatial distribution of areas with low humidity are depicted in dark blue and areas with high wettability are depicted in light blue. the light blue color indicating high wetness covers areas of inundated land, bodies of water on land and sea. on the other hand, dark blue color indicates low wetness in open land, densely populated areas and other non-water mustika et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 743-755 748 areas. then the fourth land parameter extracted from remote sensing data is the brightness index. this brightness temperature is represented by a black-white-brown gradation, where black has the lowest brightness temperature, white is medium and then dark brown indicates a higher temperature. then the fourth land parameter extracted from remote sensing data is the brightness index. this brightness temperature is represented by a black-white-brown gradation, where black has the lowest brightness temperature, white is medium and then dark brown indicates a higher temperature. areas of low to moderate brightness include water, open land and vegetation. meanwhile, areas with high brightness include built-up areas such as dense settlements. (a) (b) (c) (d) fig. 4. surface temperature transformation (a); vegetation index transformation (b), wetness index transformation (c); brightness index transformation (d) these four indices become inputs for determining the optimal ann architectural design in the analysis of urban environmental comfort. based on the four indices, the class is determined in the classification results as shown in table 2. architectural optimization is carried out on the architectural model to obtain the model with the most efficient time and the best accuracy (astria et al., 2022). mustika et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 743-755 749 optimization of the neural network layer table 2 shows the categories for class training data. comfort in urban settlements is determined by looking at the density of settlements and surface temperature, besides that comfort is also influenced by the vegetated land in the area. various studies have shown the effect of these land parameters on thermal comfort in big cities, urban areas and their surroundings (al-masaodi & al-zubaidi, 2021; bachir et al., 2021; faisal et al., 2021; jamei, rajagopalan, & sun, 2019). the classes consist of the very uncomfortable class which is colored red, uncomfortable in brown, rather comfortable in yellow, comfortable in greenish yellow, vegetated land in light green, densely vegetated land in dark green, rice field in cyan, inland waters in blue, shallow water in light blue and deep water in dark blue. for land with the category of residential environment comfort, the classes are very uncomfortable, uncomfortable, rather comfortable and comfortable. besides there are six land cover categories for other classes, namely vegetated land, densely vegetated land, rice field, inland waters, shallow water and deep water. the comfort class is determined based on the density of land use for settlements, offices and public buildings in urban areas and temperature conditions based on surface temperature, where for land use parameters with reference to high-resolution satellite imagery and field survey data are classified into 3 categories, namely dense buildings without vegetation, buildings with medium density and vegetated, and sparse buildings and vegetated. while the surface temperature based on statistical data calculations is divided equally into 3 categories, namely high, medium and low, so that from these 2 parameters, 4 comfort classes are obtained, namely very uncomfortable (dense settlements with very high temperatures), uncomfortable (dense settlements of moderate temperatures), rather comfortable (rather rare settlements, moderate temperature), comfortable (rare settlement low temperature). meanwhile, to ease neural network learning in the classification of comfort levels in urban areas or settlements outside the area where comfort is classified above, also for the classification process it is necessary to add other land use/ land cover classes in forest areas, gardens, rice fields and waters covered in the imagery, namely vegetated land, densely vegetated land, rice fields, mainland waters, shallow water and deep water. where other land covers are not part of the area whose comfort level is detected, and later it can be masked if we want to display only spatial information on the comfort of the urban environment. table 2 categories for class training data no class color residential criteria categories 1 very uncomfortable red very high temperature, dense settlement residential comfort 2 uncomfortable brown dense settlements, rather high temperature 3 rather comfortable yellow settlements are rather rare, rather high to moderate temperature 4 comfortable greenish yellow settlements are rather rare, low temperature 5 vegetated land light green not a settlement other land cover 6 densely vegetated land dark green 7 rice field cyan 8 mainland waters blue 9 shallow waters / sea light blue 10 deep water / sea dark blue source: analysis, 2022 mustika et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 743-755 750 fig. 5. examples of interpretation of very uncomfortable class/ rather comfortable class & high resolution images for training data fig 5 shows the example of interpretation of rgb geobiophysical index images and high resolution images for training data. with the temperature-greenness-wetness band composite, this area has a red color which means it has a very uncomfortable class. from the validation using high resolution image data, this area is a densely populated residential area with no or sparse vegetation. meanwhile the other image is a rather comfortable class which is displayed with the same composite band and produces a yellow color. validation with hires image shows that this area is a residential area with buildings that are not too dense and have quite a lot of vegetation. the next result is tabulated data from the training results in a number of iterations to determine the optimal neural network architecture. the first architecture uses 1 hidden layer with a training time of 18 seconds. this model was built by adopting the method of constructing criteria to measure the neural network (benardos & vosniakos, 2007; kushardono, 2017). in this model, 145 iterations were obtained to reach a training rms error of 0.01. in the initial iteration, the rms error obtained was still high reaching 0.8 but the more iterations were carried out, the lower rms error were reached until it was optimal at 145 iterations, reaching 0.01. this shows that the architectural performance with 1 hidden layer is very good and efficient in terms of processing time. in fig. 6, it can be seen the iteration plot graph and the rms error of the training, where the rms error decreases with increasing iterations carried out in the model. table 3 ann 1 hidden layer architecture training results no. iteration rms training error 1. 10 0,8 2. 20 0,6 3. 25 0,4 4. 50 0,2 5. 50-150 <0,01 0,2 source: analysis, 2022 fig. 6. rms architecture error graph of ann 1 hidden layer very uncomfortable class rather comfortable class temp-greenwet. hires image hires image. temp-greenwet. mustika et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 743-755 751 table 4 confusion matrix accuracy for ann 1 hidden layer architecture classification results class test site data/ reference 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 total 1 93.94 28.35 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.48 2 3.81 68.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.43 3 2.25 3.26 90.14 15.79 0.75 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.75 4 0.00 0.00 6.22 79.38 6.38 0.00 17.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.59 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.50 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.00 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.37 99.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.57 7 0.00 0.00 3.55 4.83 0.00 0.00 81.60 9.29 0.00 0.00 10.64 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 78.77 0.00 0.00 7.74 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 100.0 0.00 8.70 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.90 0.00 100.0 13.08 total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 source: analysis, 2022 the classification carried out using the 1 hidden layer neural network architecture model is shown in fig. 7. in this figure, there are 10 classes in the classification results, with the same number as the number of classes in the training data. to obtain the classification results with this 1 hidden layer architecture, the required classification time is 5 minutes 20 seconds for the input image size of 4082 pixels x 4083 lines x 4 bands. with the result of the classification as shown in fig. 7, it can be seen that the distribution of classes is very uncomfortable which dominates the greater jakarta area and its surroundings. for other classes in the study area, there are uncomfortable and rather comfortable. the classification results are very good with the overall accuracy of 89% and kappa coefficient of 0.88 on the architectural model using 1 hidden layer. fig. 7. the results of the classification of the ann 1 hidden layer architecture the second architecture that is measured is the architecture with 2 hidden layers. unlike the previous architecture, this architecture with 2 hidden layers requires a very long training time of 32 minutes 18 seconds. the maximum number of iterations determined in this study is 10,000 iterations, the rms error obtained with the 2 hidden layer architecture model is still very high 0.84. this means that with the 2 hidden layer architecture model which has a total of 16 neurons in each layer, the backpropagation training which is based on the delta between the expected output value and the output value for each iteration cannot converge to a total rms error of 0.01. fig. 8 shows the iteration and the rms error, where the rms error actually increases with increasing iterations carried out in the 2 hidden layer model. table 5 ann 2 hidden layer architecture training results no. iteration rms training error 1. 6000 10000 >0,8 2. 2000 – 6000 0,4 0,6 3. 0 2000 0,05 0,4 source: analysis, 2022 mustika et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 743-755 752 fig. 8. rms error graph of ann 2 hidden layer architecture table 6 confusion matrix accuracy for ann 2 hidden layer architecture classification results class test site data/ reference 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 total 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 0.35 1.68 89.03 8.10 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.38 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 99.65 98.32 10.97 91.90 100.0 100.0 99.73 100.0 100.0 0.00 80.71 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.0 11.91 total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 source: analysis, 2022 the next result is shown in fig. 9, which is the result of a classification with a 2 hidden layer architecture. in this ann architecture, it can be seen that by using this model, which cannot converge and cause the expected rms error cannot be obtained, the classification results are very poor with an accuracy of only 29% and a kappa coefficient of 0.2, because it is only classified into 3 classes out of 10 target classes, with the dominant class distribution being the rather comfortable yellow class and the cyan colored rice field class and the deep water class for the marine area. the classification time with this model is also almost 1 minute longer, namely 6 minutes 16 seconds for an image of 4082 pixels x 4083 lines x 4 band. fig. 9. ann 2 hidden layer architecture classification results by looking at the classification results above and with the rms error in measuring the performance of the 2 hidden layer architecture, it can be seen that the performance of the 1 hidden layer architecture model is much better than the 2 hidden layers. this can be seen from the shorter processing time and lower error, and by using test site data, a high classification accuracy is obtained, namely overall accuracy of 89% and kappa coefficient of 0.88 on the architectural mustika et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 743-755 753 model 1 hidden layer. this is in line with the results of previous studies (kushardono, fukue, shimoda, & sakata, 1995; li, zhang, & huang, 2022; silva, xavier, da silva, & santos, 2020) that to get fast convergence in training using backpropagation it takes the number of neurons and the number of layers in the hidden layer that is balanced with the number of neurons in the output layer, in this study the architecture of 1 hidden layer was obtained, with 16 neurons is the best for 10 neurons in the output layer to accommodate 10 class categories with 4 neurons in the input layer. 5. conclusion based on the research results, an optimal artificial neural network architectural model was obtained for the analysis of environmental comfort in urban areas based on landsat-8 satellite data. the optimal architecture in this study is the multilayer neural network using 1 hidden layer which has 16 neurons and 4 neurons and 10 neurons in a row at the input and output layers, where the fast classification training time is 18 seconds for 145 iterations to reach rms error 0, 01, and the classification time is 5 minutes 20 seconds, and has a fairly good classification accuracy of 89% overall with a kappa coefficient of 0.88, for 10 classes of urban environmental comfort and other land cover. the result of the classification using this optimized artificial neural network shows that the distribution of classes is very uncomfortable which dominates the greater jakarta area and its surroundings. for other classes in the study area, some are uncomfortable and rather comfortable. from these results, research can be developed to compare the classification results with the artificial neural network algorithm by comparing the temporal aspects of the landsat-8 imagery used and how the classification results perform with 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(2018). model arsitektur neural network dengan backpropogation pada prediksi total laba rugi komprehensif bank umum konvensional. klik kumpulan jurnal ilmu komputer, 5(2), 147. worku, g., teferi, e., & bantider, a. (2021). assessing the effects of vegetation change on urban land surface temperature using remote sensing data: the case of addis ababa city, mustika et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 743-755 755 ethiopia. remote sensing applications: society and environment, 22, 100520. zhang, x., zhang, y., qian, b., liu, x., li, x., wang, x., … wang, l. (2019). classifying breast cancer histopathological images using a robust artificial neural network architecture. in i. rojas, o. valenzuela, f. rojas, & f. ortuño (eds.), bioinformatics and biomedical engineering (pp. 204–215). cham: springer international publishing. an optimized artificial neural network for the classification of urban environment comfort using landsat-8 remote sensing data in greater jakarta area, indonesia nurwita mustika sari1*, dony kushardono2, mukhoriyah3, kustiyo4, masita dwi mandini manessa5 research center for remote sensing, national research and innovation agency, jakarta1,2,3,4 nurw005@brin.go.id1, dony001@brin.go.id2, mukh007@brin.go.id3, kust002@brin.go.id4, received : 20 february 2023, revised: 27 march 2023, accepted : 01 april 2023 *corresponding author abstract the development of computer vision technology as a type of artificial intelligence is increasing rapidly in various fields. this method uses deep learning methods based on artificial neural networks, a well-performed algorithm in multi-parameter analy... keywords : artificial intelligence, digital classification, neural network optimization, landsat-8, urban environment comfort 1. introduction computer vision as part of artificial intelligence (ai) is growing rapidly in various applications. in the digital classification of images, for example, computer vision uses human visual work for object recognition so that decisions can be made regar... in the application of deep learning methods with artificial neural networks in these studies, the optimal neural network architecture is sought and used to improve model performance (windarto et al., 2018; zhang et al., 2019). in the multilayer neural... 2. literature review in the environmental field, many analyzes of the urban environment have been carried out with various land parameters. the analysis of the urban environment includes using surface temperature parameters, vegetation area and air pollution from remote s... various classification algorithms including deep learning can be applied to remote sensing data. this algorithm is widely adopted for remote sensing applications in all spectral, spatial and temporal dimensions and is found to have a classification ac... in this study, the land parameter index used was derived from landsat-8 oli data, namely, the temperature index of the surface temperature based on the thermal band 10 and band 11 rozenstein method which has been developed for lst derivation (rozenste... 3. research methods location and data the study area for comparative research on neural network architecture in urban environmental analysis is jakarta and the capital buffer zones include tangerang, bekasi, depok, bogor and parts of sukabumi, cianjur, karawang and purwakarta. fig. 1 show... in this study, the urban environment comfort was analyzed using environmental temperature parameters based on surface temperature, vegetation cover, as well as residential density and wetness of land or water, all of which were derived from multitempo... the satellite remote sensing data used was landsat-8 oli full band 2019 annual cloud-free mosaic (fig. 2), where the data came from daily landsat oli data with radiometric and geometric corrected surface reflectance which was then carried out by topog... another tool used in this research is computer for data processing. the computer used is a dell latitude rugged which has an intel core i7 2.7 ghz processor with 16 gb of ram. fig. 1. the target of research area (source: google map data © 2021 fig. 2. annual cloud-free mosaic landsat-8 data (2019) method the method used is to determine the optimal neural network architecture in the analysis of the comfort of the urban environment based on supervised classification using a neural network and input geobiophysical index information from annual full band ... this study adopts a classifier architecture using multilayer neural networks (kushardono, 2017) as shown in fig. 3, where the 1 hidden layer architecture is used with the number of neurons in the input layer, the hidden layer, the output layer 4-16-10... training data for training on backpropagation neural networks and test site data used to test the accuracy of the classification results are determined based on field conditions and the results of interpretation of very high resolution data to see lan... in taking samples, the land cover class and convenience class are treated the same in terms of the number of samples, where the land cover class is only used to facilitate classification using a neural network outside the residential area which is the... the backpropagation-based training process is carried out until the rms error is lower than 0.01 or a maximum of 10,000 iterations. based on previous experience, including from research by (kushardono, fukue, shimoda, & sakata, 1995) that neural netw... fig. 3. artificial neural network architectural design modeling for urban environment comfort analysis 4. results and discussions the results of the transformation of the four indices from landsat-8 oli image data are shown in fig. 4. the land parameters used as input for the classification of urban environmental comfort are derived from landsat-8 oli satellite imagery, includin... table 1 the value of each geobiophysical index parameter source: analysis, 2021 on the result of the surface temperature transformation, we can see how the distribution of surface temperature in the study area. with a brown color gradation, the lighter color means the higher surface temperature, and the darker color means the low... hereinafter, the result of the wetness index transformation are represented by a blue color gradation. it can be seen that the spatial distribution of areas with low humidity are depicted in dark blue and areas with high wettability are depicted in li... (c) (d) fig. 4. surface temperature transformation (a); vegetation index transformation (b), wetness index transformation (c); brightness index transformation (d) these four indices become inputs for determining the optimal ann architectural design in the analysis of urban environmental comfort. based on the four indices, the class is determined in the classification results as shown in table 2. architectural o... table 2 shows the categories for class training data. comfort in urban settlements is determined by looking at the density of settlements and surface temperature, besides that comfort is also influenced by the vegetated land in the area. various studi... the comfort class is determined based on the density of land use for settlements, offices and public buildings in urban areas and temperature conditions based on surface temperature, where for land use parameters with reference to high-resolution sate... meanwhile, to ease neural network learning in the classification of comfort levels in urban areas or settlements outside the area where comfort is classified above, also for the classification process it is necessary to add other land use/ land cover ... table 2 categories for class training data source: analysis, 2022 fig. 5. examples of interpretation of very uncomfortable class/ rather comfortable class & high resolution images for training data fig 5 shows the example of interpretation of rgb geobiophysical index images and high resolution images for training data. with the temperature-greenness-wetness band composite, this area has a red color which means it has a very uncomfortable class. ... the next result is tabulated data from the training results in a number of iterations to determine the optimal neural network architecture. the first architecture uses 1 hidden layer with a training time of 18 seconds. this model was built by adopting... table 3 ann 1 hidden layer architecture training results source: analysis, 2022 (1) fig. 6. rms architecture error graph of ann 1 hidden layer very uncomfortable class rather comfortable class temp-green-wet. hires image hires image. temp-green-wet. (1) table 4 confusion matrix accuracy for ann 1 hidden layer architecture classification results source: analysis, 2022 (2) the classification carried out using the 1 hidden layer neural network architecture model is shown in fig. 7. in this figure, there are 10 classes in the classification results, with the same number as the number of classes in the training data. to ob... fig. 7. the results of the classification of the ann 1 hidden layer architecture the second architecture that is measured is the architecture with 2 hidden layers. unlike the previous architecture, this architecture with 2 hidden layers requires a very long training time of 32 minutes 18 seconds. the maximum number of iterations d... table 5 ann 2 hidden layer architecture training results source: analysis, 2022 (3) fig. 8. rms error graph of ann 2 hidden layer architecture table 6 confusion matrix accuracy for ann 2 hidden layer architecture classification results source: analysis, 2022 (4) the next result is shown in fig. 9, which is the result of a classification with a 2 hidden layer architecture. in this ann architecture, it can be seen that by using this model, which cannot converge and cause the expected rms error cannot be obtaine... fig. 9. ann 2 hidden layer architecture classification results by looking at the classification results above and with the rms error in measuring the performance of the 2 hidden layer architecture, it can be seen that the performance of the 1 hidden layer architecture model is much better than the 2 hidden layers... 5. conclusion based on the research results, an optimal artificial neural network architectural model was obtained for the analysis of environmental comfort in urban areas based on landsat-8 satellite data. the optimal architecture in this study is the multilayer n... from these results, research can be developed to compare the classification results with the artificial neural network algorithm by comparing the temporal aspects of the landsat-8 imagery used and how the classification results perform with that metho... references al-masaodi, h. j. o., & al-zubaidi, h. a. m. 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(2020). recurrent neural network architecture search for geophysical emulation. sc20: international conference for high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis, 1–14. atlanta, ga, usa... oliveira, m. f. de, santos, a. f. dos, kazama, e. h., rolim, g. de s., & silva, r. p. da. (2021). determination of application volume for coffee plantations using artificial neural networks and remote sensing. computers and electronics in agriculture,... rozenstein, o., qin, z., derimian, y., & karnieli, a. (2014). derivation of land surface temperature for landsat-8 tirs using a split window algorithm. sensors, 14(4), 5768–5780. rushayati, s. b., & hermawan, r. (2013). characteristics of urban heat island condition in dki jakarta. forum geografi, 27(2), 111. silva, l. p. e, xavier, a. p. c., da silva, r. m., & santos, c. a. g. (2020). modeling land cover change based on an artificial neural network for a semiarid river basin in northeastern brazil. global ecology and conservation, 21, e00811. https://doi.... wijaya, t. a., & prayudi, y. (2010, june 19). implementasi visi komputer dan segmentasi citra untuk klasifikasi bobot telur ayam ras. 5. yogyakarta. windarto, a. p., lubis, m. r., & solikhun, s. (2018). model arsitektur neural network dengan backpropogation pada prediksi total laba rugi komprehensif bank umum konvensional. klik kumpulan jurnal ilmu komputer, 5(2), 147. worku, g., teferi, e., & bantider, a. (2021). assessing the effects of vegetation change on urban land surface temperature using remote sensing data: the case of addis ababa city, ethiopia. remote sensing applications: society and environment, 22, 100... zhang, x., zhang, y., qian, b., liu, x., li, x., wang, x., … wang, l. (2019). classifying breast cancer histopathological images using a robust artificial neural network architecture. in i. rojas, o. valenzuela, f. rojas, & f. ortuño (eds.), bioinform... journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 693-710 693 regression model-based short-term load forecasting for load dispatch center saikat gochhait1*, deepak k. sharma2 symbiosis institute of digital and telecom management, a constituent of symbiosis international deemed university1 2, received : 11 february 2023, revised: 06 april 2023, accepted : 06 april 2023 *corresponding author abstract in the wake of grid modernization initiatives, such as the integration of renewable energy sources and demand response, as well as the increasing popularity of electric vehicles, a greater degree of uncertainty has been introduced due to the fact that electricity demand has become more active and less predictable, and forecasting load has become increasingly difficult. since the historical data is irregular, non-linear, non-smooth, and noisy, it is difficult to achieve a satisfactory result. the present study overcomes the challenges with the help of an improved energy demand forecasting model for load dispatch centers as part of an artificial intelligence (ai) driven project supported under research grants from the department of scientific and industrial research. a real-time hourly load consumption dataset was collected from regional load dispatch centers from july 1, 2020, to august 22, 2022. in this paper, 24 regression modelbased day-ahead load forecasting algorithms are developed and evaluated using the load consumption and meteorological data collected from nasa power ( matlab regression toolbox offers 24 regression models divided into five families: linear regression, tree regression, support vector machines (svm), gaussian process regression (gpr), and ensemble of trees. since gpr models are nonparametric kernel-based probabilistic models, they show the best load forecasting performance. the study recommends two gpr models for load forecasting: rational quadratic gpr and exponential gpr keywords: short-term load forecasting, regression model, gaussian process regression, probabilistic models, subdivision electricity load 1. introduction as the smart grid continues to evolve and demand from industry and academia for more efficient electricity scheduling grows, short-term load forecasting (stlf) has attracted increasing interest. in the context of energy providers, short-term load forecasting (stlf) has a significant impact on generating energy, processing energy distribution efficiently, and optimizing electricity prices (gochhait et al., 2020; datar et al, 2021). load forecasting is a critical component of power grids and is necessary for maintaining the balance between supply and demand (gochhait et al.,2022). accurate load forecasts are essential for power grids to operate effectively, and these forecasts must be accurate over a wide range of time periods (chen et al., 2018). the accuracy of electricity demand models is also critical for power system reliability and operating costs. united kingdom (uk) utility, reducing load forecasting errors by just 1% resulted in a £10 million per year reduction in operating costs. therefore, accurate load forecasting is crucial for minimizing operating costs and maintaining reliable power grids (gilanifar et al., 2020). electric vehicles, demand response, and renewable have brought about a modernization of the power grid, resulting in increased uncertainty. this transformation has led to more variability in electricity demand, making load forecasting more challenging as predictability decreases (subhasri & jeyalakshmi, 2018). a smart distribution grid, which can decentralize demand and generate renewable energy, is the future of the power grid (patil et al., 2019). however, end-user behavior can significantly affect load, causing sudden variations that make high-resolution and accurate load forecasting crucial for the success of the smart distribution grid. accurate load forecasting is necessary to minimize the impact of increased demand variability on power grids (okoye & madueme, 2016). advanced technologies such as smart meters and advanced infrastructure metering have led to the development of load forecasting collection systems (gochhait et al., 2022). with advances in data analysis and artificial intelligence techniques, academia and industry are gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 694 increasingly interested in load forecasting. load forecasting has three categories: short term, medium term, and long term. short-term load forecasts are made within a period of a few minutes to a week, while medium and long-term forecasts require at least two weeks of data, and a shortterm forecast requires at least three years of data. accurate load forecasting is essential for minimizing the impact of increased demand variability on power grids and the success of a smart distribution grid, making it a vital area of research and development (gilanifar et al., 2020; chang et al., 2019). short-term load forecasting is critical in various planning scenarios such as demand response, electricity trading, commitment to units, and inverse dispatch. several techniques, including bidding processes, contingent energy transactions, and clearing processes, can be used to forecast future electricity demand on an hourly basis (caro et al., 2020). therefore, accurate short-term load forecasting is crucial for the reliable and efficient operation of the power grid (feng et al., 2019). fast restoration methods are essential to minimize the amount of unmet demand in the event of a fault for a robust final restoration. to achieve this, it is necessary to forecast short-term load ahead of time (feng et al., 2019). traditional methods such as expert systems, which mimic the expertise of well-trained experts, have been used for forecasting load. however, these rules for forecasting load can be challenging to translate, and the development of artificial intelligence techniques has led to the creation of adaptive data set training methods (mele, 2019). the use of artificial intelligence techniques has made it challenging to distinguish between independent variables and dependent variables mathematically (okoye & & madueme, 2016). regression algorithms can be used to predict short-term load forecasting. regression is a mathematical tool that can establish statistical correlations between variables and provides information about the relationship between parameters that can be explored by examining their magnitude and trend. regression allows the use of multiple predictors and predicts outcomes even when there are multiple interdependent predictors, making it superior to simplified analyses based on interrelated variables. furthermore, regression allows the correction of errors resulting from inferences based on previous results, and excellent results can be obtained with relatively modest data sets. therefore, regression algorithms are a valuable tool for predicting short-term stress. the literature discusses various approaches to load forecasting, including 1) deterministic (point-based) load forecasts (gilanifar et al., 2020), (cao et al., 2020). 2) probabilistic load forecasting (yildiz et al., 2017). 3) hybrid methods combining point forecasts with probabilistic load forecasts (massana et al., 2015). probabilistic load forecasting has been comparatively underexplored compared with traditional forecasting. electricity demand has become more uncertain and variable in smart grids, which requires probabilistic load forecasting. a number of factors affect the demand for electricity in the residential electricity distribution grid, including demand response programs and feed-in changes. probability-based load forecasts provide interval load forecasts as well as scenario projections, functional densities, and probability distributions. they have been used to forecast probabilistic prices, plan probability-based lines, or allocate uncertain units (massana et al., 2016). based on regression, a load analysis has been developed for the entire country and specific regions, as well as smaller loads such as community microgrids. variables related to climatic conditions and time can be accounted for in models developed for short, medium, and long-term schedules. due to its significant impact on power security and load stability (yildiz et al., 2017), the prediction of time-limited loads is essential. in regression models, multiple linear regression (mlr), artificial neural networks (ann) and support vector fig. 1. monthly feeder input (kwh) regression (svr) are compared, with support vector machines showing the best performance (prakash et al., 2018). in this paper, the regression models autoregressive integrated moving average with exogenous variables (armax) approach, ann approach, mlr approach, and svr approach (jiang et al., 2016) are examined. the svr group, randon forest (rf), and the gaussian process regression (gpr) group are compared (deng et al., 2019). the effectiveness of machine learning regression models in predicting short-term loads has been established to be superior to traditional regression models (khadka et al., 2020). this study aims to compare the effectiveness of different regression models (cao et al., 2020), namely linear regression, support vector machine (svm), ensemble trees, and gaussian process regression (gpr) algorithms in forecasting load. the models are critical in maintaining the integrity and safety of loads, especially short-term loads. to improve the gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 695 effectiveness of short-term forecasts, robust regression algorithms should be applied to short-term model forecasts. regression models were employed to analyze load forecasts for a given region while considering grid microsystem connections to local communities. the models use various parameters related to the local climate and time frames, ranging from short to long-term. while the models are useful for large loads, predicting short-term loads is critical. robust regression algorithms could be applied to short-term model forecasts to improve the accuracy of empirical short-term forecasts (liang et al., 2016). the study concluded that machine learning regression models, such as the gpr method, outperformed traditional regression models, including linear regression, svm, ensemble trees, and neural networks (hong & fan, 2019). the weathersensitive component is forecasted using a support vector regression (svr) model based on historical load data and meteorological data. data on the real electricity load is used to test the proposed method (qiuyu et al., 2017). the present study proposes the effectiveness of the different models evaluated to identify short-term load forecasting. therefore, regression models based on machine learning are recommended for developing models that can identify short-term loads (hammad et al., 2020). the proposed algorithm was adopted to determine the most suitable algorithm for the electricity load profile (liang et al., 2021). the best regression models are identified by mean absolute percentage error (mape), mae, and root mean square error (rmse). the most efficient regression models were selected from 24 preliminary regression models. this was accomplished by using various actual and predicted plots, response plots, and residual plots. several iterations of this process were performed to arrive at the recommended final regression model. in addition, this paper presents a viable approach for load forecasting and demonstrates that gpr models are more accurate. a detailed description of the load dispatch center (ldc) load is given in section ii, followed by an explanation of the proposed load forecasting approach. the results of the simulations are presented in section iii, followed by the analytical results obtained by using 24 regression models. fig. 2. feeder input (kwh) season-wise in section iv, the simulation results and data analysis are presented and recommendations are derived 2. literature review in this section, we describe the data collection approach and forecasting approach that will be used to gather data from load dispatch centers. maharashtra state electricity distribution company ltd (msedcl) the study considered data from msedcl in terms of region(pune region), zone(pune zone), circle (pune (r) circle), division (manchar o&m division), subdivision bu(billing unit), substation name(33/11 kv netwad substation), feeder name (netwad), feeder type description(single phasing feeders), month(july 2020 to sept 2022), day profile date(30 mins timeframe), interval(48 interval), active energy (kwh), reactive energy (kvarch or reactive energy). if the power factor is less than 90%, will be billed for kvarh. the actual power consumed by the load is called kilowatt power. all the power given to the load is not utilized as useful power. the non-useful power is called reactive power kvarh.), file source (mri or amr). in this study, data from substation ale phata was reviewed and active power (kwh) was calculated according to the daily day profile over a period of 30 minutes on a monthly, yearly, and seasonal basis. we can observe the feeder input for particular months of 2020 and their seasons respectively in table 1. table 1. monthly feeder input in kilowatt hours (kwh) from 2020 to 2022. months feeder input (kwh) season jan2020 17097659.18 winter season feb2020 14409569.88 winter season mar2020 17453211.60 spring season apr2020 18040410.80 spring season may2020 17628819.60 spring season jun2020 11651796.40 summer season jul2020 11209917.20 summer season gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 696 aug2020 10498156.40 summer season sep2020 10402455.60 autumn season oct2020 11952921.00 autumn season nov2020 14611530.00 autumn season dec2020 15634406.20 winter season jan2021 10578076.80 winter season feb2021 11638474.80 winter season mar2021 14621277.20 spring season apr2021 12040741.28 spring season may2021 10860208.00 spring season jun2021 8067561.20 summer season jul2021 8114217.60 summer season aug2021 9725654.00 summer season sep2021 8010404.00 autumn season oct2021 9678877.00 autumn season nov2021 10483703.40 autumn season dec2021 11051949.60 winter season jan2022 12464362.00 winter season feb2022 9960312.00 winter season mar2022 14967082.00 spring season apr2022 14233508.00 spring season may2022 18968646.00 spring season jun2022 9619716.00 summer season jul2022 7517852.00 summer season fig. 1. monthly feeder input (kwh) table 2 feeder input (kwh) seasonal change from july 2020 to august 2022. year seasons feeder input (kwh) 2020 winter season 47141635.26 2020 spring season 53122442.00 2020 summer season 33359870.00 2020 autumn season 36966906.60 2021 winter season 33268501.20 2021 spring season 37522226.40 2021 summer season 25907432.80 2021 autumn season 28172984.40 2022 winter season 22424674.00 2022 spring season 48169236.00 2022 summer season 17137568.00 gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 697 fig. 2. feeder input (kwh) season wise the seasonal periods are defined as follows: 1) spring (march to may); 2) summer (june to august); 3) fall (september to november); and 4) winter (december and february). table 2 and fig. 2 illustrate the seasonal feeder inputs. proposed load forecasting approach and model creation this paper proposes an effective load forecasting method using regression models. six steps are required to implement the proposed approach step 1: data collection. the two datasets required are historical load demand data and historical meteorological data. step 2: in the proposed method, regression models are used to forecast load, and suitable regression models are selected for load forecasting purposes. this paper presents 24 regression models. step 3: input parameters selection. a variety of important input parameters are evaluated and selected, including weather parameters. step 4: a regression model was created and a load forecast was conducted based on it. the regression models selected in step 2 will be trained and tested and then used to forecast load. step 5: regression models are compared in terms of performance. regression models are evaluated using statistical error matrices in order to compare their performance with actual measured loads. step 6: provide recommendations for regression models that are most accurate. using the results from the previous steps, the best regression models will be selected. data collection and preprocessing as input-output datasets are required to train the model, step 1 on data collection and preprocessing is crucial. in order for the model to effectively learn the input-output relationship, the raw data must be pre-processed before transforming it. pre-processing operations include normalization, ranking, and correlation (olagoke et al., 2016). data collection climate data, calendar data, and load demand data are included in the dataset collection process 3. research methods the meteorological dataset was obtained from the nasa power website ( the raw data must be pre-processed before being transformed in order for the model to effectively learn the input-output relationship. the pre-processing operations include normalization, ranking, and correlation (chane et al., 2021). in order to minimize operational costs, load forecasting models use weather forecasts and other elements to predict the future load (chane et al., 2021). the weather plays an important role in load forecasting. weather effects are most prevalent among domestic and agricultural customers, as well as affecting their load profiles. gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 698 1) wet bulb temperature at 2 meters (c)(t2mwet): -the adiabatic saturation temperature which can be measured by a thermometer covered in a water-soaked cloth over which air is passed at 2 meters above the surface of the earth. 2) dew/frost point at 2 meters (c)(t2mdew): -the dew/frost point temperature at 2 meters above the surface of the earth. 3) temperature at 2 meters (c)(t2m): the average air (dry bulb) temperature at 2 meters above the surface of the earth. 4) relative humidity at 2 meters (%) (rh2m): -the ratio of actual partial pressure of water vapor to the partial pressure at saturation, expressed in percent. 5) 5). specific humidity at 2 meters (g/kg) (qv2m): -the ratio of the mass of water vapor to the total mass of air at 2 meters (kg water/kg total air). 6) wind speed at 10 meters (m/s) (ws10m): -the average wind speed at 10 meters above the surface of the earth. there is a greater impact of temperature and humidity on load variations than other weather parameters, although all have a direct impact on load requirements. time indicator in short-term load forecasting, time plays a critical role since it has the greatest impact on the customer's load demand. time indicators used in this study include the date, weekday, and time (chane et al., 2021). load parameters the following load parameters are used for the load demand data in this study: previous half hour active power in kwh; previous half hour reactive energy (rkvah). table 3 correlation analysis of parameters sn parameter relation coefficient 1 t2mwetr -0.062563795 2 t2mdew -0.42138371 3 t2m 0.383244621 4 rh2m -0.475503209 5 qv2m -0.555256085 6 ws10m -0.07992978 7 reactive energy (rkvah) 0.557622633 correlation analysis has been conducted in order to investigate the relationship between the selected weather parameters and the electrical load. correlation values close to 1 indicate a strong relationship. positive signs indicate a proportional relationship, while negative signs indicate an inversely proportional relationship. as a result of the correlation analysis, the following results have been presented in table 3. data preprocessing: real-life measurements are susceptible to various degrees of discrepancies including incomplete data, noise, missing values, outliers, redundant data, and inappropriate formatting, which influence the performance of the regressors. therefore, the data must be preprocessed to ensure data reliability (garcia et al., 2015; wahyudi & arroufu, 2022). data cleaning: it includes filling in the missing values, noise removal, outlier detection, and resolving discrepancies within the dataset. so, the study used the auto-fill feature to fill cells with data that follows a pattern or is based on data in other cells. the partial missing weather data (han et al., 2016; wahyudi, t., & silfia, 2022). data transformation: the process of data transformation involves integrating multiple files into a single usable format and scaling the attribute in accordance with specific properties. we created the final predictor's dataset after finding the correlations between data sets and cleaning the data (han et al., 2016). data reduction: by reducing the number of attributes or by sampling, data reduction attempts to capture most of the properties of the data while removing redundancies gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 699 4. results and discussions initially, a training dataset is used to train a model, and then the results are analysed by varying its parameters until the most effective parameters are identified, resulting in an optimized model for all regression models. the linear model represents a fitted linear regression model. regression models describe the relationship between a response and its predictors. linearity in a linear regression model refers to the linearity of the predictor coefficients. a linear model object can be used to investigate the properties of a fitted linear regression model. a property of an object contains information about coefficient estimates, summary statistics, fitting methods, and input data. modify, evaluate, and visualize the linear regression model by using the object functions. training regression models using regression learner includes linear regression models, regression trees, gaussian process regression models, support vector machines, kernel approximations, ensembles of regression trees, and neural network regression models. in addition to training models, explored data, selected features, specified validation schemes, and evaluated the results. matlab code was generated to learn about programmatic regression after exporting a model to the workspace. in regression learner, a model is trained in two stages: a validated model is one that has been trained using a validation scheme. as a default, the application employs hold out validation to prevent overfitting. as an alternative, holdout validation may be chosen. in the application, the validated model can be viewed. the full model is trained on all the data, excluding the test data. this model is trained simultaneously with the validated model by the application. it is, however, not possible to view the model that has been trained on full data in the application. regression learner exports the full regression model when you select a regression model to export to the workspace. in the regression, the results of the validated model are displayed. diagnostic measures, such as the model accuracy, and response plot or residual plot, reflect the results of the validated model. a regression model was trained, validation results were compared, and the best model was selected. regression learner exported the full model from the chosen model to the workspace. since regression learner created a model object of the full model during training, there was no lag time when we exported the model. the exported model can be used to make predictions based on new data. holdout validation: this is the simplest form of cross-validation. as opposed to simple or degenerate cross-validation, this method is often classified as a "simple validation". our data is randomly divided into two sets: training and test/validation, or hold-out data. the model was then trained on the training dataset and evaluated on the test/validation dataset. in order to compute the error on the validation dataset, we use a variety of model evaluation techniques depending on the problem we are solving, such as mse for regression problems and a number of metrics that indicate the misclassification rate for classification problems in order to find the error. it is a typical method in which the training dataset is larger than the hold-out dataset, so an 80:20 ratio for the training and testing datasets was applied. regression models in this paper, six families of regression model algorithms provided in the matlab regression are selected to construct the short-term load forecasting model for the ale phata subdivision of manchar o&m division. they are linear regression, regression trees, support vector machines (svm), gaussian process regression (gpr), ensemble of trees, and neural networks. table 1v depicts the regression models used in this study. linear regression: modeling the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable, it is one of the simplest regression models used to forecast outcomes. the model attempts to determine the relationship between two or more explanatory variables and a response variable since there are several independent and dependent variables (jawad et al., 2020). regression trees: all regression models utilize a single output variable (response) and multiple input variables (predictors). there is a numerical output associated with the variable. a combination of continuous and categorical variables may be used as input variables in the general gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 700 regression tree structure method. binary recursive partitioning is the process by which regression trees are constructed. by dividing the data into partitions or branches, and then dividing each section into smaller groups as each upper branch is reached, this method determines the groups for each section of the data. initially, all training sets are grouped together. a binary split is performed on each field in the first two partitions, or branches, of the algorithm to assign the data. based on the algorithm, the division that minimizes the sum of the squared variances in the two different partitions from the mean is selected. the new branches are then added to this dividing guideline. the process continues until all nodes exceed the user's minimum node size and become terminal nodes. table 4 families of regression models. sn families of regression model regression model 1 linear regression models linear interactions linear robust linear step-wise linear 2 regression trees fine tree medium tree coarse tree 3 support vector machines linear svm quadratic svm cubic svm fine gaussian svm medium gaussian svm coarse gaussian svm 4 gaussian process regression models squared exponential gpr matern 5/2 gpr exponential gpr rational quadratic gpr 5 ensembles of trees boosted trees bagged trees 6 neural networks narrow neural network medium neural network wide neural network bilayered neural network trilayered neural network support vector machines: in svm, kernel functions are used for nonlinear transformations. in this study, standard kernel functions are used, such as linear kernels, polynomial kernels, gaussian kernels, and radial basis functions. the results of polynomial functions of the lower degree tend to be inadequate because they underfit the model. it is more appropriate for the curve to be fitted as the degree of the polynomial increases. gaussian process regression: a gaussian process regression (gpr) model is a nonparametric kernel-based probabilistic model with a finite set of random variables with a multivariate distribution. the distribution of any linear combination is equal. as a generalization of multivariate normal distributions, the gaussian distribution is named after carl friedrich gauss. in statistical modeling, regression to multiple target values, and mapping in higher dimensions, gaussian processes are used (semero et al., 2018). ensemble of trees: ensembles use a variety of algorithms in order to increase their efficiency and predictability egression model-based short-term load forecasting technique that is designed to improve the accuracy and stability of machine learning algorithms. it is used to create a linear combination of model fitting instead of using a single-fit method. rather than using a single fit method, multiple predictors are constructed and intertwining the best regression models for forecasting short-term load, we performed the following: 1) training a data set with cross-validation of 5 folds for each regression model; 2) plotting the behavior of regression models using rmse, r-squared value, mse, mae, and 3) analyzing the results to determine whether there is any similarity or difference between the data (pirbazari et al., 2016). neural networks: regression neural network is a fully connected, feedforward, and trained neural network for regression. there is a connection between the first fully connected layer of the neural network and the network input, and each subsequent layer has a connection from the previous layer. the proposed method has been shown to be feasible and effective based on application results. the application of neural network prediction shows the efficiency and capability of the proposed techniques for predicting load demand (badran & abouelatta, 2012). in order to identify the best regression model for short-term load forecasting, we performed the following steps: training a data set with a holdout validation ratio of 80:20 for all models; plotting the behavior of regression models with rmse, r-squared value, mse, and mae analyzing the data to determine similarities and differences gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 701 datasets description the proposed work uses half-hour interval data from july 2020 to july 2022 as the simulation dataset. the columns with completely missing weather data were eliminated. validation data from the dataset from july 2020 to july 2022, we take out the data from march 2022 to july 2022, forming a new dataset that serves as the validation dataset for the created model. 7,547 rows and 10 columns make up the validation dataset. training and testing data after the validation dataset is created, from the rest of the historically recorded dataset, 80% of the data is used for training, and the remaining 20% of data is used for testing. the training data for the regression models are hold out -validation. the testing data are treated as unseen by the trained model and used to optimize the load forecasting model’s control parameters, which helps to optimize and evaluate the performance of the model created. the validation and training data can be viewed as a matrix with 37733 rows and 10 columns. the rows represent each hour of a day from july 1, 2020, to july 31, 2022, including the validation dataset. the first 9 columns are the predictors or input, and the last column is the training target data, i.e., the load in kwh. performance evaluation dataset for performance evaluation after training and testing the model, a random day (one month data) from the validation dataset which falls in the month of aug 2022 was selected representing season of the year. performance evaluation indices each regression model is compared with the forecasted load and the actual measured load. therefore, load forecasting capacity and model accuracy are assessed by calculating three different statistical evaluations, the root mean square error (rmse), the mean absolute error (mae), and the mean absolute percentage error (mape) (chen et al., 2004; massanaet al., 2015). there is a difference between rmse and mae if rmse > mae, it means that there is a variation in errors. mean absolute error (mae) the mae measures the average magnitude of the errors, which can be calculated by mae = ∑ |𝑦𝑡−�̂�𝑡| 𝑛 𝑡=1 𝑛 where yˆt is the prediction, yt is the true value from field recording, and n is the number of measurement points (madhukumar et al., 2022). mean absolute percentage error (mape) this error percentage is a measure of the prediction accuracy of a forecasting method in statistics, it produces a measure of the relative overall fit, which can be calculated by mape = 𝜮𝒙=𝟏 𝒏 |𝒚𝒕−�̂�𝒕 | 𝒚𝒕 𝒏 where yˆt is the prediction, yt is the true value from field recording, and n is the number of measurement points (ceperic et al., 2013). root mean square error gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 702 rmse = √𝜮𝒙=𝟏 𝒏 (𝒚𝒕−𝒚𝒕) 𝟐 𝒏 where yˆt is the prediction, yt is the true value from field recording, and n is the number of measurement points (ceperic et al., 2013). table 5 validation results of the regression models sn model/approach rmse of validation r² of validation mse of validation mae of validation time of training (sec) 1 linear 1.8802 0.81 3.5351 1.5055 7.2304 2 interactions linear 1.7624 0.83 3.1061 1.3942 7.7953 3 robust linear 1.8871 0.81 3.5613 1.4963 4.2474 4 stepwise linear 1.7626 0.83 3.1068 1.3944 91.245 5 fine tree 1.0073 0.95 1.0147 0.6424 7.6129 6 medium tree 0.97901 0.95 0.95846 0.6453 4.7358 7 coarse tree 1.0313 0.94 1.0635 0.68931 4.4082 8 linear svm 1.9006 0.8 3.6122 1.4903 185.51 9 quadratic svm 1.6384 0.85 2.6842 1.2051 346.17 10 cubic svm 1.3695 0.9 1.8756 0.99412 1272.6 11 fine gaussian svm 0.82484 0.96 0.68037 0.53716 337.14 12 medium gaus sian svm 1.1515 0.93 1.326 0.82051 291.12 13 coarse gaussian svm 1.6497 0.85 2.7214 1.2274 403.47 14 boosted trees 1.3153 0.91 1.7299 0.961 345.16 15 bagged trees 0.83982 0.96 0.70529 0.56594 358.67 16 squared expo nential gpr 0.91284 0.95 0.83328 0.64339 1617.2 17 matern 5/2 gpr 0.7596 0.97 0.57699 0.51619 2126.8 18 exponential gpr 0.62887 0.98 0.39548 0.38161 2211.7 19 rational quadratic gpr 0.64517 0.98 0.41625 0.3913 7383.8 20 narrow neural network 1.1138 0.93 1.2405 0.80984 1643.8 21 medium neural network 1.052 0.94 1.1066 0.74989 1700.3 22 wide neural network 0.91351 0.95 0.8345 0.62238 1918.1 23 bilayered neu ral network 1.0006 0.95 1.0012 0.69425 1966.3 24 trilayered neu ral network 0.99506 0.95 0.99014 0.68916 2036.5 table 6 error parameters for half hourly for validation and testing. sn model /approach rmse (val idation) r-squared (validation) mse (vali dation) mae (vali dation) prediction speed (obs/ sec) rmse (test) r squared (test) mse (test) mae (test) 1 exponential gpr 0.6105 0.98 0.373 0. 3541 5600 0.9218 0.82 0.8497 0.692 2 rational quadratic gpr 0.62392 0.98 0.3893 0.36345 2600 0.97756 0.8 0.95563 0.728 3 matern 5 and2 gpr 0.72907 0.97 0.5315 0.47448 4400 0.90906 0.83 0.82639 0.683 4 bagged trees 0.83648 0.96 0.6997 0.55738 32000 0.87062 0.84 0.75799 0.64 5 squared exponential gpr 0.86667 0.96 0.7511 0.59589 6100 0.93926 0.81 0.88221 0.673 6 fine gaussian svm 0.90178 0.95 0.8132 0.53527 5600 0.91452 0.82 0.83635 0.684 gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 703 table 7 error parameters for hourly time duration for validation and testing sn model /approach rmse (val idation) r-squared (validation) mse (vali dation) mae (vali dation) prediction speed (obs/ sec) rmse (test) r squared (test) mse (test) mae (test) 1 exponential gpr 3.0048 0.87 9.0288 2.0062 4800 7.9833 -0.9 63.732 0.692 2 rational quadratic gpr 3.034 0.87 9.205 2.0355 2800 8.054 -0.94 64.868 6.3881 3 matern 5/2 gpr 3.1618 0.86 9.997 2.2094 3000 7.7889 -0.81 60.668 6.0174 4 bagged trees 3.2381 0.85 10.485 2.2553 32000 7.7823 -0.81 60.564 6.2896 5 squared exponential gpr 3.2995 0.84 10.887 2.3724 3700 8.8359 -1.33 78.074 6.7843 6 fine gaussian svm 3.2087 0.85 10.296 2.1074 8300 8.347 -1.08 69.673 7.1238 r-squared r-squared is a statistical measure of how close the fitted regression line is to the results. rsquared lies between 0 and 1. generally, a higher r-squared value implies that the model matches the data better. the following criteria is used to evaluate load forecasting performance using the error indices: the rmse is always positive, and a smaller rmse value indicates a good model (madhukumar et al., 2022). the r-squared lies between 0 and 1. r-squared indicates a good model near 1. the mse is the square of the rmse, and a smaller mse value indicates a successful model the mae is positive, similar to rmse, a smaller mae value suggests a successful model. an error percentage very close to zero means the predicted values are very relative to actual values. predicted versus actual response plots an actual vs. predicted response plot is a way to compare the actual values of a dependent variable to the predicted values obtained from a regression model. this plot helps to visualize the performance of the model by showing how well the predicted values match the actual values. fig. 3. predicted vs actual response plotting of validation exponential gpr gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 704 fig. 4. predicted vs actual response plotting of testing exponential gpr plotting of residues of regression in order for a model to perform well, the following requirements must be met: residuals are asymmetrically distributed in the vicinity of zero, as seen in the diagram, residuals have a significant impact on size when viewed from the right. as shown in the residual plot, active energy (kwh) is analyzed for the interval (48), along with validation and testing in fig. 5 and 6. fig. 5. residual plot of validation exponential gpr fig. 6. residual plot of testing exponential gpr gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 705 response plots of regression plotting the predicted response against the actual response is shown in the fig.7 of the response plot. it indicates good performance of a model if the true response and predicted response are identical. fig. 7. response plot of exponential gpr fig. 8. comparative analysis graph of best-performing regression models active energy (kwh) for hourly time duration fig. 9. comparative analysis graph of best performing regression models active energy(kwh) for hourly time duration gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 706 fig. 10. comparative analysis graph of validation and testing error rates hourly time interval fig. 11. comparative analysis graph of validation and testing error rates half hourly time interval simulation results the simulations are performed using matlab r2021b regression toolbox with the hold out-validation. the outcome of the regression analysis is tabulated in table 5. benchmark model support vector machine (svm) or support vector regressor (svr) is a widely adopted regressor for developing short-term load forecasting models. therefore, while proposing improved regressors for short-term load forecasting, svr is mostly chosen as the benchmark model (prakash et al., 2018). similarly, svm is chosen as the benchmark model in this paper (prakash et al., 2018). top six performance models the comparison of the 24 regression models-based forecasted loads with the actual loads for the selected days. among the regression models, exponential gpr, rational quadratic gpr, maternal 5/2 gpr, fine gaussian svm, bagged trees, and squared exponential gpr were able to better reproduce the load. based on the simulation results and performance evaluation indices among the 24 regression models, the six top-performing models are determined to be: exponential gpr rational quadratic gpr matern 5/2 gpr fine gaussian svm bagged trees gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 707 squared exponential gpr we evaluated the best models for a particular dataset consisting of 2000 thousand rows and 10 columns (1st july 2020 to 22nd august 2021) data for training 80% (16000 rows from 1st july to 30 may 2121) and validation 20% rows 4000 and 10 columns (30 may to 22nd aug) and then 1124 rows and 10 columns (23 aug 2021 to 15 sep 2021) for testing. the figures illustrate the performance of the six best-performing models using r-squared plots, residual plots of the predicted model, and response plots of the trained model. recommended final mode to be a good model, true and predicted responses should be identical. comparing the six top-performing models, the analysis confirms that rational quadratic gpr and exponential gpr algorithms are the two recommended final models. they are more accurate and reliable for predicting the load demand throughout every season than other models. the rational quadratic model showed excellent results in rmse, r-squared, mse, and mae values when it came to the validation dataset. the errors of the predicted model were analyzed for four months out of all the six topperforming models, exponential gpr can produce more accurate results with less error percentage. compared to other models, rational quadratic gpr and exponential gpr were able to mimic the actual load pattern more effectively. we have chosen the svm model as a benchmark in this paper, the two gpr models, rational quadratic and exponential gpr are nonparametric kernel-based probabilistic models and they have outperformed the svm models. hyperparameter setting of the proposed models table 8 hyperparameter parameters of the proposed models. sn preset optimizable gpr 1 sigma 1.5612 2 basis functions linear 3 kernel function isotropic matern 3/2 4 kernel scales 66.3197 5 optimizer bayesian optimization 6 acquisition function expected improvement per second plus 7 iterations iterations 30 8 signal deviation 2.9663 adapting a machine learning model to different problems requires tuning its hyperparameters. in machine learning models, selecting the best hyper-parameter configuration has a direct impact on the model's performance. the process often requires a deep understanding of machine learning algorithms and appropriate techniques for optimizing hyperparameters (yang & shami, 2020). there are several parameters or hyperparameters that may have a significant impact on the performance of the model. using an optimization scheme that attempts to minimize the mean squared error (mse) of a given model type, the approach tries different combinations of hyperparameter values and returns a model with the optimized parameters. for optimized gpr hyperparameter is shown in table 8. using a dataset of 2000 thousand rows and 10 columns (1st july 2020 to 22nd august 2021), we evaluated the best models based on training 80% (16000 rows from 1st july to 30 may 2021) and validation 20% rows 4000 and 10 columns (30 may to 22nd aug) and testing 1124 rows and 10 columns (23 august 2021 to 15 sep 2021). error parameters are shown in tables 6 and 7 for validation and testing. there are several parameters or hyperparameters that may have a significant impact on the performance of the model. using an optimization scheme that attempts to minimize the mean squared error (mse) of a given model type, the approach tries different combinations of hyperparameter values and returns a model with the optimized parameters. using a dataset of 2000 thousand rows and 10 columns (1st july 2020 to 22nd august 2021), we evaluated the best models based on training 80% (16000 rows from 1st july to 30 may 2021) and validation. gochhait & sharma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 693-710 708 when load forecasting is considered, there are several components of error, including modeling errors (errors introduced through regression), errors caused by system disturbances like load shedding and irregular events, and errors caused by temperature forecasting. as a result of this model's sensitivity to temperature fluctuations, it requires a highly accurate forecast of temperature. this model needs a very accurate forecast of temperature because even a minor change in temperature will result in a significant change in the prediction of load. this forecasting model uses the next-day temperature forecast as an input which will introduce further errors, as there was not enough data available for temperature forecasting to be included in this regression analysis. considering the fact that there is no data on temperature forecasting, this was not included in this regression analysis. in addition to the temperature, other weather factors such as humidity, cloud cover, and brightness of the day also affect the load characteristic, so it is very important to include this in future studies with onedimensional convolutional neural networklong short-term memory (1d cnn-lstm) model. fig. 12. optimizable gpr 5. conclusion the paper proposes a load forecasting model by combining 24 regression models, with six of the highest-performing models to be evaluated further. according to the study, nonparametric kernel-based probabilistic models such as gaussian process regression (gpr) are viable methods for forecasting load demand. by combining the parameters of all admissible functions, gpr can provide information about consumption trends and do statistical interpolation, which is unlike other models with functional form constraints. the study recommends using exponential gpr algorithms for optimal load forecasting efficiency because gpr is computationally inexpensive, generates a pattern based on the average and standard deviation of the value, and is computationally inexpensive. as part of its evaluation, the paper also uses mean absolute percentage errors (mape) and r-squared validation techniques to determine the accuracy of the model. references badran, s., & abouelatta, o. 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background, then by applying data mining techniques are expected to help students to determine the correct majors in accordance with the criteria set. data mining techniques used in the determination of this department using k-means algorithm. keywords: data mining, k-means algorithm, senior high school 1. introduction state high school (sma) 1 pangkalan kerinci is a government agency whose basic purpose is to hone the students' abilities during the education process. the function of education is not only in the teaching and learning process, but also includes guidance, selection and placement of student majors in accordance with their individual capacities. therefore, the school plays an important role in being able to develop the potential that is owned by students. each student has different abilities and academic qualifications, so the school is responsible for directing students in the selection of the right majors. however, there are problems faced, the school difficulties in grouping majors students who have different abilities and academic qualifications, because so far the selection of majors in sma negeri 1 pangkalan kerinci is done based on the wishes of each student. data mining is a method for finding new information that is useful from a large amount of data collection and can help in making decisions. data mining can be used for several things, namely estimation, prediction, classification, clustering and association methods. in this research, clustering method with the kmeans algorithm will be applied. clustering method is a technique of grouping data by separating data into a number of groups according to certain characteristics desired where the identity of the group from each data is unknown. with this grouping it is expected to find out which group of data can be identified and then be given an identity according to the problem at hand. 2. literature review in this case the researchers conducted data collection from previous studies, namely research related to data mining clustering methods as a useful reference material to support this research. below there are several studies relating to the problem to be investigated, namely: nurhayati and pratiwi (2015) with the title "the application of k-means algorithm in data mining for department specialization for class x students (case study: sma negeri 29 jakarta)". the purpose of this study is to determine the majors for students grouped into two clusters. and then putra & wadisman (2018) in their research study about data mining using kmeans algorithm and tanagra software to implemented in selection of potential customers in mc laundry. and then rahayu (2019) discuss about iq expert system in grouping mental reterdation children with k-means algorithm. sulistiyani, et. al., (2015) with the title "determination system of state high school 1 karangmojo". this study will analyze the application of the k-means and topsis algorithms to classify and rank high school students (sma) based on un scores, report cards, and placement test scores. yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 17-29 18 purnamaningsih, et. al., (2014) with the title "utilization of the k-means clustering method in determining high school student management". the results of this study were carried out individually clustering for natural sciences / social sciences and presented the comparison of the results of k-means clustering criteria for academic values, iq scores, student interest with clustering k-means academic grades. student data is grouped individually according to their respective majors. the natural sciences majors are grouped into two, they are accepted by natural sciences and rejected by natural sciences. ips majors are grouped into two, they are ips and rejected ips. then each cluster is classified based on which criteria are prioritized. the cluster with the largest value in the final centroid is the cluster that ipa / ips receives, while the cluster with the smallest value in the final centroid is the cluster that is rejected by ipa / ips. it is almost same like yunefri, et al., (2019) using k-means clustering, from the software that was built to help instructors in the subject of data structure in the process of grouping tutoring students. grouping methods can be implemented to build valid student guidance grouping software. josi aranda & wirda astari galvani natasya (2016) with the title "the application of the k-means cluster analysis method in the concentration selection decision support system for yogyakarta amikom stmik international class students". the results of this study are to produce a decision support system for choosing concentration for students. through this decision support system, it is expected to help direct students in choosing concentrations that are in accordance with their interests and abilities. determination of concentration is based on the number of credits that have been taken during lectures and the weighting of the related course values available in the curriculum offered. yuda irawan (2019) with the research title: application of data mining for evaluation of sales data using clustering and divisive hirarki algorithm methods in pekanbaru world media company. the main purpose of this research using clustering method is grouping a number of data / objects into a cluster (group) so that the cluster will contain the same data as each group. in this study, the divisive hierarchy algorithm is used to form clusters. the pattern obtained is expected to provide knowledge for media world pekanbaru companies as a supporting tool for making policy. johan oscar ong (2013) with the title "implementation of k-means clustering algorithm to determine president university's marketing strategy". the problem of this research is that because president university students come from various regions and even countries, special marketing strategies are needed in conducting marketing to find prospective students so that promotions are carried out more effectively and efficiently. and the results of this study are strategies to promote cities in regions in indonesia with majors that are in great demand and the level of academic ability of prospective students. 3. research methods 3.1 crisp-dm method 3.1.1. business understanding phase understanding of business is done by studying the research object, namely at sma negeri 1 pangkalan kerinci. in this phase, the determination of business goals is to group students based on the grades achieved by each student in class x (ten) in semester ii. 3.1.2. data understanding phase the data used for the k-means method analysis process is value data. the grades taken as the basis for the clustering process are semester ii grades in class x (ten). after the data is obtained, the next process is to understand the data. 3.1.3. data processing phase (data preperation phase) data preparation is done by selecting the attributes that will be used for the modeling process taken from student data. the attributes that have been selected will be saved back into a new dataset that is ready to be processed into the modeling process. 3.1.4 modeling phase the modeling stage will use clustering method with algorithm-means. in applying the clustering method, it will be divided into 2 clusters which will cluster the second semester grades in class x (ten). the modeling tool used is rapidminer. yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 17-29 19 3.1.5 the evaluation phase at the evaluation stage the model will be assessed whether the results obtained from the clustering process have met the objectives set in the business understanding stage. at the stage of business understanding the goal has been determined, namely to determine the majors of students through semester ii grades. 3.1.6 deployment phase it is the application phase of the clastering technique in accordance with the goals of the objectives to be achieved in the first phase, which is to group students based on the grades achieved by each student in class x (ten) in semester ii. from these results can also be known which students are entitled to occupy majoring in natural sciences and social sciences. 4. research results and discussion 4.1 problem analysis to identify problems that exist in smk negeri 1 pangkalan kerinci in processing student majors data, an analysis of performance, information, economy, security or security, efficiency and service will be carried out. this analysis is also called pieces analysis. where this analysis is as follows: table 1. table 1 pieces analysis no pieces analysis old system analysis new system analysis 1 performance reporting services to those who are responsible for smk negeri 1 pangkalan kerinci have not been maximized and are not efficient. in the form of a supporting software in processing data so that later it can smooth its performance. 2 information during this time the information generated has not been able to produce specific and efficient information, so the processing of student majors data has not been carried out properly. in this research the supporting software that will be used is rapidminer software, where the information obtained is more specific and efficient. 3 control there is no security system at smk negeri 1 pangkalan kerinci. development of the system is safer and there are no disturbances so that later it can smooth the performance of the responsible department. 4 efficiency in the process of determining the direction of students who are currently still determined manually by their desires. this is not optimal. more efficient because it can help in majors. 5 service in the service of parties in smk 1 pangkalan kerinci have not been able to effectively control student majors, so that there is a specialization in majors. with the application of data mining is expected to effectively control student direction. 4.2 crisp-dm this research was conducted using the crisp-dm (cross industry standard process for data mining) method. in this method there are 6 stages used, namely: yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 17-29 20 4.2.1 business understanding phase vocational high school 4 vocational school located on jalan hang tuah v pangkalan kerinci, is a school whose basic purpose is to hone students' abilities during the education process. a. determine business objectives (determine business objectives) the business objective of doing this research is to determine the pattern of student majors so that they can be used as one of the basic decision makers for determining the direction of students for the future. b. assess the situation (asses the situation) understand student majors at smk negeri 1 pangkalan kerinci in business goals and then translate them into data mining purposes. c. determine the initial data mining strategy the initial strategy in this research is to review and request student data in advance at sma negeri 1 pangkalan kerinci. 4.2.2. data understanding phase the student dataset obtained from sma negeri 1 pangkalan kerinci is in the form of excel documents totaling 141 items in 2018. following are the stages in the data understanding phase. a. initial data collection the data collected and used in this data mining process are student data at smk negeri 1 pangkalan kerinci in 2017. where the data collected consists of student names, classes, nisn, student grades namely mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, sociology, economics and history. (appendix 1) b. the collected data will later be processed in the data mining stage using clustering. previously, the data that was collected had to be selected before entering the clustering process. so that in the grouping later it will be known which parts should be grouped in student majors data. c. describe data the student dataset consists of the attributes of the student's name, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, sociology, economics and history. the amount of data in the attribute is 141 items. (appendix 1). d. data quality evaluation the results of the evaluation of the quality of the data are finding many empty or null values called missing values on the attributes in the student dataset. e. attribute selection in this study, the attributes used are student names, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, sociology, economics and history. which has 141 items. (appendix 2) 4.2.3. data processing phase (data preparation phase) data preparation includes all activities to build student datasets that will be applied into the modeling tool, from the initial raw data in the form of student datasets and subsequently will do the data mining process. a. data selection where the raw data to be selected in this study uses the attributes of student names, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, sociology, economics and history in student data at smk negeri 1 pangkalan kerinci. (appendix 2) b. raw data processing (preprosessing data) at this stage it is a stage to ensure that the selected student's data is suitable for processing. after checking the data one by one and there is no problematic data after cleaning, then the usage data is combined in one group. the data groups will be tested in the k-means algorithm process to form 2 groups in use. 4.2.4. data modeling phase modeling is a phase that directly involves data mining techniques by selecting data mining techniques and determining the algorithm to be used. data mining modeling in this study uses rapid miner software version 7.0. in this application a clustering algorithm is yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 17-29 21 available in the form of the k-means algorithm. where is the k-means flowchart algorithm as follows: figure 1. flowchart rapidminer. 4.2.5. calculations with the k-means algorithm a. determination of cluster start center first of all the existing data will be grouped into 1 group. the initial center of a cluster or centroid is determined by the highest and lowest values. here are the initial cluster centers for cluster 2, cluster 1 (89, 88, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 90), cluster 2 (69, 68, 68, 70, 70, 70, 69, 73). b. calculate the distance of each data to each centroids to calculate the distance of data to each centroids using the formula 1 = table 2. student data no student's name math physics chemistry biology geography sosiology economy history 1 ariaman 79 69 65 70 70 73 70 70 2 corin lamsihar sianturi 79 67 70 67 88 75 82 80 3 dandi wahyudi 70 75 75 75 83 80 79 75 4 daniel parlindungan h 72 70 70 75 80 81 80 80 5 diki 70 67 70 77 84 75 80 82 6 eka rianti br. malau 85 84 80 87 89 88 88 90 7 fajar bakti 80 75 70 73 85 80 79 80 8 firman syahroni 79 79 80 70 80 81 88 80 9 iklas gabariela 80 79 80 80 85 83 80 80 10 irsan azi isnawan 75 70 70 75 80 80 88 80 11 irwan juanda 70 80 75 83 88 85 82 80 yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 17-29 22 simare-mare 12 irwanto 71 70 75 70 79 80 88 80 13 jadiaman 78 77 77 75 80 81 80 80 14 jumaiza maherni 77 75 73 80 79 80 80 80 15 karina natalia 89 88 86 87 88 89 90 90 16 kristina 80 75 83 77 88 85 79 80 17 lastri 83 80 77 79 88 85 80 83 18 lismawati siagian 79 75 75 80 80 83 80 80 19 lorida tampubolon 79 76 70 77 73 77 79 80 20 madison abibu sibarani 70 75 70 75 80 79 75 80 21 melisa 70 70 77 85 88 85 80 88 22 pianda setiawan 69 70 75 80 80 80 75 79 23 pika talia 80 73 70 79 75 79 79 80 24 rahul arif f 70 70 73 67 80 77 75 80 25 ramadani 70 70 75 77 88 89 85 90 26 rati mantili situmorang 71 70 77 75 81 81 80 79 27 rindi antika 77 70 80 70 85 87 80 85 28 suandrian 77 74 79 80 78 80 80 83 29 sahman tawar tanjung 70 71 77 75 76 75 78 80 30 septiani pratiwi 84 85 81 80 80 81 80 83 31 siti aminah hsb 75 79 77 80 80 83 79 81 32 slamat harianto 70 75 70 71 77 75 70 75 33 toni kurniawan 75 70 70 69 79 80 80 88 34 tri wulandari 80 70 77 79 80 83 88 88 35 vera yanti br. boang manalu 85 80 80 84 88 85 87 90 36 afriyana mart 84 85 80 80 88 80 85 90 37 agnes heppi monika rumapea 80 79 75 78 80 79 88 85 38 agung priyanto 79 70 76 75 80 79 80 80 39 amelia permata hati marbun 70 73 70 75 88 85 79 85 40 arnold finesti tampubolon 75 73 77 75 80 79 78 80 41 asniar nainggolan 77 78 79 80 80 79 79 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 selvia dewi br pasaribu 80 79 75 79 83 81 79 85 141 siska hariani 79 77 75 79 80 80 75 79 yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 17-29 23 calculation of the distance in each data to get the closest centroid with the following formula: cluster 1 cluster 2 here are the results of the calculation of the distance of each data created in the form of a table. table 3. calculation of cluster center distance no distance to closest distance c1 c2 1 50,70502934 11,35781669 11,35781669 2 39,45883931 26,0959767 26,0959767 3 35,31288717 22,29349681 22,29349681 4 36,61966685 20,80865205 20,80865205 5 39,16631206 21,86321111 21,86321111 6 8,602325267 47,74934555 8,602325267 7 31,82766093 25,63201124 25,63201124 8 27,16615541 31,55946768 27,16615541 9 22,18107301 32,40370349 22,18107301 10 34,19064199 26,05762844 26,05762844 11 27,23967694 33,61547263 27,23967694 12 36,3868108 25,45584412 25,45584412 13 28,19574436 25,67099531 25,67099531 14 29,88310559 24,2693222 24,2693222 15 0 53,1789432 0 16 24,41311123 33,7934905 24,41311123 17 20,24845673 35,665109 20,24845673 18 27,18455444 27,14774392 27,14774392 19 34,49637662 20,59126028 20,59126028 20 37,6696164 18,57417562 18,57417562 21 29,83286778 34,72751071 29,83286778 22 37,21558813 20,61552813 20,61552813 23 33,40658618 22,04540769 22,04540769 24 42,27292278 16,52271164 16,52271164 25 30,5122926 36,51027253 30,5122926 26 34,74190553 22,64950331 22,64950331 27 30,5122926 31,48015248 30,5122926 yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 17-29 24 28 27,71281292 26,57066051 26,57066051 29 38,19685851 17,52141547 17,52141547 30 19,62141687 35 19,62141687 31 26,62705391 27,76688675 26,62705391 32 44,5421149 11,5758369 11,5758369 33 36,95943723 23,91652149 23,91652149 34 25,65151068 33,7934905 25,65151068 35 12,24744871 43,61192497 12,24744871 36 15 41,55718951 15 37 23,60084744 32,26453161 23,60084744 38 32,12475681 23,32380758 23,32380758 39 33,88214869 29,12043956 29,12043956 40 32,46536616 21,86321111 21,86321111 41 26,96293753 26,73948391 26,73948391 42 31,4960315 28,31960452 28,31960452 43 36,70149861 19,31320792 19,31320792 44 39,66106403 18,02775638 18,02775638 45 45,46427169 10,90871211 10,90871211 46 47 13 13 47 23,49468025 34,92849839 23,49468025 48 29,22327839 34,40930107 29,22327839 49 50,11985634 6,633249581 6,633249581 . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 24,12467616 30,09983383 24,12467616 141 29.94995826 24,14539294 24,14539294 c. data grouping distance calculation results at point 2 will be compared and selected the closest distance between the data with the center of the cluster, this distance will show that the data that has the closest distance is in one group with the closest cluster center, the grouping of data can be seen in table 4. below this, a value of 1 means that the data is in groups. table 4. grouping data in iteration 1 yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 17-29 25 d. determination of a new cluster center after obtaining members from each cluster then the new cluster center is calculated based on the data of each cluster member that has been obtained. the following results are explained in the table. table 5. determination of new cluster centers no new cluster c1 c2 1 79,59574468 73,79787234 2 78,40425532 72,20212766 3 77,53191489 71,61702128 4 80,38297872 76,15957447 5 83,80851064 79,9893617 6 83,34042553 79,31914894 7 82,61702128 78,55319149 8 85,5106383 79,06976744 the next iteration is done in the same way until there is no change in data in a cluster. 4.2.6. implementation by using rapidminer enter the 2 clusters specified in the clustering operator in the parameters. after that, click run to conduct the test, it will produce the test in 2 clusters. yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 17-29 26 figure 2. display of test results to see the clustering results, click on the description in the display as shown above. description is to see the number of items contained in co and c1. figure 3. cluster display the picture above is a display to see the data contained in each cluster. from folder view we can see which data belongs to the data clusters group 0 and cluster 1. figure 4. display of centroid table the picture above is the result of the centroid table. in the centroid table there are attributes. yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 17-29 27 figure 5. plot views the picture above is the result of the plot display, which is a graph where the red line is c1 with the lowest value, which is around 71, while the blue line is c0, with the highest value, 76 above and is included in the science department. 4.2.7. evaluation phase evaluation is an advanced phase of the purpose of data mining. evaluation is carried out in depth with the aim that the results at the modeling stage are in line with the objectives to be achieved in the business understanding stage. 4.2.8. evaluation of results this stage assesses the extent to which the results of data mining modeling meet the objectives of data mining that have been determined at the business understanding stage. where in testing data that has been processed in rapid miner. testing the data in rapid miner used in this study is the index. figure 6. display of apply models in the testing process take the apply model in the operators, then drag it into the process. then connect the kmeans with the apply model so that the testing process is successful, as shown above. after the connection between k-means and apply models is carried out, the next step is to choose the cluster count performance in operators. then drag the cluster performance count into the process. the apply model is used to read data to be clustered based on data that has been previously processed. performance, this operator creates a performance vector that contains criteria for the number of clusters and the cluster number index of the cluster model. after that click run, the results of the test data that will appear will appear. yuda irawan vol 1(1) 2019 : 17-29 28 figure 7. display of test results 4.2.9. deployment phase deployment is the final stage in making reports on the results of data mining activities. the final report which contains the knowledge gained or pattern recognition in the data mining process. cluster analysis there are 8 attributes used in the clustering process namely mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, sociology, economics and history. there are also 2 clusters used, cluster 0 taken from the highest value, cluster 1 taken from the lowest value. here are the results of clustering: 1. cluster 0, students with the highest category score, there are 62 students namely eka rianti br. malau, firman syahroni, iklas gabariela, karina natalia, kristina, lastri, irwan juanda simare-mare, jadiaman, lismawati siagian, melisa, ramadhani, etc. 2. cluster 1, students with low category grades, there are 79 namely ariaman, dandi wahyudi, daniel parlindungan hutasoit, diki, fajar devoted, irsan azi isnaini, pika talia, amelia jewel of marbun heart, rika rosa pertiwi, riska dwiana untari, devi anjani , etc. 5. conclusion & suggestion conclusion from the analysis and testing that has been done, the authors can draw conclusions including: 1. can help in processing student data in high school, so that the school can be easier and faster in processing data. 2. with this system can help in determining school majors. suggestions from the conclusions drawn, suggestions that writers can provide for improvements in data processing are: 1. in processing data majors students of pangkalan kerinci 1 high school for the future can be even better. 2. because this system is new for the sma negeri 1 pangkalan kerinci course, it must be adjusted between the data and reports with the system used at this time. 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we analyze twitter data and normalize text to produce standard words that can be used in social data analysis. the purpose of this research is to improve the quality of data collection on standard words on social media from twitter and facilitate the analysis of social data that is more accurate and valid. the method used is natural language processing techniques using classification algorithms and text normalization techniques. the result of this study is a set of standard words that can be used for social data analysis with a total of 11430 words, then 4075 words with structural or formal words and 7355 informal words. informal words are corrected by trusted sources to create a corpus of formal and informal words obtained from social media tweet data @fullsenyum. the contribution to this research is that the method developed can improve the quality of social data collection from twitter by ensuring the words used are standard and accurate and the text normalization method used in this study can be used as a reference for text normalization in other social data, thus facilitating collection. and better-quality social data analysis. this research can assist researchers or practitioners in understanding natural language processing techniques and their application in social data analysis. this research is expected to assist in collecting social data more effectively and efficiently. keywords: natural language processing, word, formal, analysis, twitter 1. introduction the development of social media has now become a trend in terms of communication between on line users (anandhaun et al., 2018; zeng et al., 2010), social media is an online media with a gathering of users who can easily communicate, share and participate one another (schreck & keim, 2012; middleton et al., 2013; a.r. lubis et al., 2019). data in social media represents research and manageable challenges in natural language processing (young et al., 2018; liang & dai, 2013). twitter is a widely popular social media platform around the world, where users can post short messages known as "tweets"(lubis, prayudani, lubis, et al., 2022; lubis, prayudani, nugroho, et al., 2022). due to the brevity of tweets and the fact that they sometimes do not follow proper grammar or spelling rules, text normalization is required to collect correct and consistent words(a.r. lubis et al., 2019; arif ridho lubis et al., 2020). in this context, text normalization refers to the process of converting non-standard text to standard text by correcting spelling, grammar, and other errors(neto et al., 2020; dirkson et al., 2019). the results of text normalization can help improve the accuracy of collecting correct and consistent words for further analysis. the data obtained from social media was still unstructured which still needed to be improved (h. zheng et al., 2020; x. zheng et al., 2015). several studies had been carried out on social media data in many languages such as indian (tanna et al., 2020; roshini et al., 2019; kumar et al., 2021) chinese (xuanyuan et al., 2021; liu & chen, 2019). the conducted research focused on improving the technique of the preprocessing process and the completion of nonstandard and unstructured words due to the use of words and phrases in communication in indonesian-language social media (chen et al., 2020; alhaj et al., 2022), preprocessing is a stage in the natural language preprocessing method intended for documents in the form of text (pano & kashef, 2020; villavicencio et al., 2021). the goal was to prepare data or text obtained from lubis & nasution … vol 4(2) 2023 : 855-863 856 unstructured social media into good data and could be easily processed for further processing(jimenez-marquez et al., 2019;shu et al., 2017; iskandar & marjuki, 2022). in the preprocessing technique there were several processes such as parsing, case folding, tokenizing, stemming, filtering/stop words, normalization (chen et al., 2020; baccouche et al., 2020; sarimole & fadillah, 2022). in the text normalization stage, it was very important to be able to help parse indonesian language that could understand lexical meaning well, performance in processing structural and unstructured words could be improved if the preprocessing stages were carried out properly, especially normalization for unstructured words (izonin et al., 2022; basan et al., 2022). research by (göker & can, 2018) in this study, two approaches were carried out for the turkish text i.e. the contextual normalization approach and the sequence-to-sequence normalization approach using a neural encoder model. other studies (nguyen et al., 2017) carried out normalization which could extract information related to data accurately. based on the conclusions and objectives of previous research, there are still weaknesses in normalizing text, so this study will apply text normalization which will use indonesian language data originating from social media twitter, which has unstructured and non-standard words, normalization techniques used to carry out text normalization process so that data can be processed and analyzed further. this normalization stage is adjusted to the data that has been obtained from social media (jose & raj, 2014;bin sazali & idris, 2022). the nature of the data obtained from social media is that there are users who generally communicate and express expressions (sebastian & nugraha, 2019), for example they say "kota in sunggh sjuk setiap hari", in the tweet snippets obtained by naked eye you can see several errors like "in" which should "ini", "sunggh" that should be "sungguh", and "sejk" harus "sejuk". if the words are processed and analyzed, such as sentiment, and classification, the results obtained are not accurate, so text processing analysis is needed. the purpose of this study is to use a dictionary-based normalization approach so that it can have superior differences from previous research. this study divides the process into 3 parts, namely text normalization, statistical words or lexicon, and non-standard words that appear in tweet data. in related research, standard indonesian is specifically discussed. this study also provides slang and formal words to understand the characteristics of the tweet data. 2. literature review many researchers had applied the model of deep learning to many cases such as (maghfur et al., 2021) text-to-speech (tts) is widely used for both academic/non-commercial and industrial/commercial purposes. however, in some cases, text normalization is added to improve tts performance. in this study, a rule-based approach is proposed to create a normalized indonesian text dataset that has raw text and spoken form to improve indonesian tts performance. this approach shows good performance for text normalization for indonesian tts with a word error rate (wer) of 0.0805. another study conducted by (khan & lee, 2021) concluded that in this research, it is proposed to develop an application called textual variations handler (tvh), which is a generic application that works in a variation-independent manner to handle various types of noise in textual data originating from various social media (sm) applications to improve text analysis. the aim of this research is to introduce a hybrid normalization technique that is effective in ensuring that information obtained from noisy text data can be utilized in the desired form. this study integrates the tvh application with a deeplearning state-of-the-art (sota) based text analysis method to improve its performance in analyzing noisy sm text data. the simulation results show that the proposed scheme is promising in terms of precision, recall, accuracy, and f1 scores in the analysis of informal texts on social media. this research (sebastian & nugraha, 2019), this research normalized the indonesian language with data having several words from data consisted of unstructured sentences and nonstandard words. the normalization method was carried out to analyze data for the next process. this research (rahman et al., 2019) analyzed the data of indonesian tweets consisting of unstructured text in order to complete the word processing process and clean up tweet data from unstructured text. in processing text by using case folding, filtering stages, tokenizing. then the normalization process was carried out so that words having excess letters, abbreviation, slang and all documents were converted into standard words and if there were words without meaning, they lubis & nasution … vol 4(2) 2023 : 855-863 857 were deleted. other research conducted by (javaloy & garcía-mateos, 2020) concluded that this study proposes a new method for the encoder in the encoder-decoder architecture called causal feature extractor (cfe) for text normalization as the first step in a text-to-speech system ( tts). cfe is compared to other encoding methods and shows better results in terms of accuracy, number of parameters, convergence time, and the use of the attention matrix based on the attention mechanism. the proposed method is general in nature and can be applied to various input types such as text, audio and images. this research (sebastian & nugraha, 2019) collected data in conducting research in the field of text mining. data collection consists of many languages which were then processed to obtain normalized data in the word processing. abbreviated words were a problem in text mining which resulted in the system not being able to process the text optimally due to differences in the meaning of the abbreviated words. the purpose of this study was to develop and obtain a set of indonesian abbreviations. this research applied crowdsourcing method in developing the dataset. based on previous research that has been described there are deficiencies that can be resolved in this study which are listed in table 1 below: table 1 examples of the use of normal and normal words no researcher title lack 1 (maghfur et al., 2021) text normalization for indonesian text-to-speech (tts) using rule-based approach: a dataset and preliminary study this research is rule-based only and does not involve machine learning, so it may not be able to handle some of the more complex cases of text normalization. 2 (khan & lee, 2021) enhancement of text analysis using context-aware normalization of social media informal text there is no comparison with other text normalization methods that have been used in previous studies. this study only compares the performance of the proposed method with the same method without normalization. 3 (rahman et al., 2019) normalization of unstructured indonesian tweet text for presidential candidates sentiment analysis the text normalization dataset created in this study has not been verified considering regional variations in indonesian and may need to be expanded. 4 (javaloy & garcíamateos, 2020) text normalization using encoder–decoder networks based on the causal feature extractor this study only discusses text normalization in english. thus, it is not yet known how effective the proposed method is when applied to other natural language processing (nlp) problems. 5 (gunawan et al., 2019) normalization of abbreviation and acronym on microtext in bahasa indonesia by using dictionary-based and longest common subsequence (lcs) this research has a weakness in filtering text, so it is necessary to add data and normalize it 6 (kusumawardani et al., 2018) context-sensitive normalization of social media text in bahasa indonesia based on neural word embeddings this research only uses 1000 dictionary data so it needs to be added so that word tokens can represent all text data the solution offered was the use of statistical matching translation to carry out the process of normalizing indonesian text by utilizing translation at the phrase and character level in text data. in this case, using an external corpus for the data to be used in the normalization model. indonesian language has a colloquial structure that could be found in the tweet data. in some cases, the everyday language words contained in the tweet data were still difficult to understand. the following examples of categories and samples could be seen in table 2. on the linguistic side, you could also use the lexicon to search and observe slang in social media. in general, a comparison of the appearance of slang words from tweet data on social media was then carried out. table 2 examples of the use of normal and normal words no non-formal formal 1 sjuk sejuk 2 dtng datang 3 brlri berlari 4 plng pulang 5 skolah sekolah lubis & nasution … vol 4(2) 2023 : 855-863 858 3. research methods the quantitative research method will assist in systematically and objectively collecting data from twitter. the obtained data will be processed using data analysis techniques such as descriptive statistics and text classification. additionally, this research will also employ text normalization methods to correct spelling and grammar errors in the text obtained from twitter. text normalization methods can include the removal of punctuation marks, the use of wordbreaking algorithms, and the combination of separated words. this study will use a sample of data from the twitter account @fullsenyum, which will be taken through a random sampling process. the data will then be processed using data analysis techniques and text normalization methods. figure 1 shows the research flowchart. fig. 1. distribution of formal word frequency based on figure 1, there are two stages in collecting standardized words as follows: a) collecting data to obtain tweet data from the @fullsenyum community on the twitter social media platform, this study used crawling techniques. the collected tweet data covers the period from 2018 to 2021, and a total of 11,430 tweets were successfully gathered. table 3 shows the results of the crawling process. b) preprocessing the preprocessing stage was needed in this research because the tweet data obtained from twitter social media had unstructured data so that preprocessing was carried out to remove punctuation marks, emoticons, and make changes to uppercase letters to lowercase letters and eliminate words considered not important. the following was the result of preprocessing data. table 3 the preprocessing result no tweet 1 bener2 perjuangan, ngoding di hp dia.. keren! ekspektasi: banyak harta kenyataan: banyak pikiran 2 anak perempuan milik ayahnya sampai ia menikah, tetapi anak laki-laki milik ibunya sampai ia mati 3 udah seneng banget punya sahabat cowok. eh, dianya malah nembak golongan orang yg kalo udah ga respect, udah ga mau kenal lagi. 4 mau ngumpulin orang yang makin hari makin males buka whatsapp. 5 my mood can change from 6 take me back to the days where i sleep without over thinking. 7 "kok bisa putus sih?" "ya bisa" 8 gimana ya kalo aku bukan kriteria yang diinginkan keluarganya lubis & nasution … vol 4(2) 2023 : 855-863 859 9 ni gw dah ngerjain tugas mati2an dari sd ampe kuliah awas ae gw gede ga tajir 10 hidup sudah menyebalkan, gausah -penting banget ok 10000 …….. 11429 makin kesini makin nguras mental banget ya. 11430 sebaik baiknya mood booster dan support system adalah uang, duit, cuan, dan money c) method in this study, the text normalization method was used, which is the process of converting non-standardized text into standardized text, so that it is easier for computers to understand and process. there are several techniques commonly used in text normalization, such as removing non-alphanumeric characters, replacing slang words with standard words, adjusting the use of capital and small letters, and handling abbreviations and abbreviations. more sophisticated methods of text normalization use natural language processing (nlp) technologies and machine learning to recognize and correct errors in text, such as misspellings or incorrect use of words in certain contexts 4. results and discussions this study built a lexicon by processing the words contained in the tweet data, totaling 11,430 data obtained from social media twitter on the @fullsenyum account which had a public figure account. the tweet data obtained were preprocessed with several steps to improve the sentence structure of the tweet data. after the preprocessing stage, the daily indonesian language lexicon produced contained 4075 formal words and 7355 informal words. most of them were informal words in indonesian. each record had 2 columns: • non-formal words: words with non-formal meaning • formal: a formal word suited the indonesian dictionary table 4 presented basic information about total words, total formal words and total informal words. there were 7355 informal words then there were 4075 formal words. table 5 showed ten examples of informal words and then changes were made to informal words so that the quality of the data was better. among 4075 unique formal words, 1,159 (67%) words occurred only once. furthermore, figure 1 showed that the distribution of words in the data to the occurrence of formal words applied zipf law. table 4 formal and nonformal words total data formal word non-formal word 11430 4075 7355 table 5 example of informal words and then changes were made to informal words non-formal word url formal word formal word yajangan jangan temanyang teman cuplikanya cuplikan enih benih setidanya setidaknya tonight malam waroeng warung dhuafa duafa megamal tempat guestar tamu from the analyzed tweet data, this study found that all the words contained in the @fullsenyum community tweet data had bad structures so after preprocessing, 10221 words were obtained in the indonesian dictionary. this study comprehended only the types of aoa words contained in the data, this study presented 10 examples in table 6. most of the informal words that were not listed in the indonesian dictionary had word excess or lack of words. thus, it was difficult to represent the word and difficult to process lubis & nasution … vol 4(2) 2023 : 855-863 860 table 6example of not listed analyzed words kbbi non-formal word formal sentence advantages and disadvantages yajangan jangan ya temanyang teman yang cuplikanya cuplikan ya enih benih e setidanya setidaknya k tonight malam malam waroeng warung e dhuafa duafa duafa megamal tempat megalmal guestar tamu guestar from this study could see the distribution of words in the data shown in figure 2, formal words tend to be more structured and had longer words than non-formal words with the average number of characters per word being 7 for the first and 6 for the last. fig. 2. the number of normalized characters for non-formal and formal words. at this stage analyzed the frequency of words contained in the tweet data that had been preprocessed. frequency was done to see how many repetitions of words in the data. at this stage it focused on making changes manually to words with poor structures including excess words, word deficiencies and errors in the preprocessing process. table 7 showed examples of words with bad structure, which were then corrected manually so that they could be detected by the indonesian dictionary. table 7 correction of unstructured non-formal words non-formal word url formal word formal word yajangan jangan temanyang teman cuplikanya cuplikan enih benih setidanya setidaknya tonight malam waroeng warung dhuafa duafa megamal tempat based on table 7, the results of the 11430 tweet data were then preprocessed which resulted in data with a total of 10,221 then separated standard and non-standard sentences according to the data of the indonesian language dictionary obtained by the author. the obtained results were 4075 standard words and non-standard words. the standard number was 4778, after a lexical analysis had been carried out that informal words had poor word structures. thus, to get words with good structures, the author conducted a manual word identification according to the sources that had been given. words with poor structure contained excessive words, repeated words and no space words. lubis & nasution … vol 4(2) 2023 : 855-863 861 5. conclusion in this study, the researcher presented a lexicon of formal words contained in the twitter social media data with the normalized @fullsenyum account. the resulting corpus data was useful for natural language preprocessing processes or tasks in indonesian. in this case, the indonesian language corpus data were added to the data obtained from twitter. the data were obtained available on github under the mit license. in this study there were several techniques in making formal indonesian word corpus data as a dictionary for the stages in text normalization, and as a data collection as a model of natural language preprocessing but this corpus data could be used in developing science in the field of natural language preprocessing in detail. this research should be developed more widely to utilize tweet data with many characteristics of the sentences contained in the tweet data. many studies had been carried out in the field of natural language preprocessing. this research was expected to improve the performance of social media analysis, especially twitter in indonesia this research can contribute to the development of a more standardized and structured indonesian lexicon. in this context, the text normalization method used in this research can be the basis for collecting standard words that are often used in indonesian based on twitter data. another implication is that this research can assist in the development of a more effective and accurate text mining system for analyzing social media data, especially in the indonesian context. references alhaj, y. a., dahou, a., al-qaness, m. a. a., abualigah, l., abbasi, a. a., almaweri, n. a. o., elaziz, m. a., & damaševičius, r. 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product, decreasing the manufacturing cost, and reducing assembly time. therefore, this research applies dfma to develop exhaust fan housing with ceiling mounting for high rise building type with the same purpose, and at the same time to justify that the method can overcome the problem of assembly time in a production line. both designs from before and after the application of dfma, are being compared by using finite element simulation and experimental. the simulation employs stress analysis, to predict the strength of those designs. while the experimental uses a manufacturing cost survey, real assembly time survey and failure test to show the advantages of dfma design results. the research result shows that the dfma method can decrease the manufacturing cost by 0.44%, and the assembly time by up to 2%, and able to withstand the entire mass of the ceiling mounting fan. keywords : dfma, fe model, exhaust fan, manufacturing cost, total assembly 1. introduction product development in this internet of things era involves concurrent design and intelligent manufacturing. design for manufacturing and assembly (dfma) was introduced in the late 1980s and has been developed sustainably ever since (barbosa & carvalho, 2013; campi et al., 2022; formentini, boix rodríguez, et al., 2022). few researchers compare the outcome design to the previous design (vaz-serra et al., 2021; yuan et al., 2018), despite the fact that dfma allows researchers to produce the optimal design with the goal of reducing manufacturing costs and assembly time (formentini, bouissiere, et al., 2022; munanga et al., 2020; sossou et al., 2018). the application of dfma requires the designer to provide specific times and additional efforts to gather integrated information related to the alternatives of manufacturing and assembly process, and market segment for their product, to present the optimum design (naiju, 2021). the integrated information indicates dfma application can reduce the trial and error activities during product testing, especially in the home appliance industry, as the industries often have modular products with hundreds and even thousands of components for one product (ferreira et al., 2021). subbaiah & anthony are applied dfma to develop the horn bike design by reducing the consumption of carbon filters, and dfma able to decrease the manufacturing cost by up to 24.59% (subbaiah & antony, 2021). ventilation modification in a high-rise building implemented the dfma method to replace aged components, which involves big data, and the modification result is manufacturing cost suppression (gbadamosi et al., 2020). the manufacturing cost reduction is also achieved by re-design the food processor by reducing components and replacing the threaded joint with the snap-fit joint (harlalka et al., 2016). the development method to optimize the dfma method is conducted through the application of the cad model during the manufacturing process planning, and the development result shows features in a product can be an aid to predict the manufacturing cost (favi et al., 2021). the reinforcement of plastic fan blades for a cooling tower is conducted by implementing the dfma method, and the reinforcement result shows the plastic can replace the function of the previous suwandi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 895-907 896 material (sharma et al., 2021). an alternator pulley in an automation industry is set as a case study to implement the combination between the dfma method and sustainability analysis, afterward, the implementation result shows dimension geometrical modification able to ease the manufacturing and assembly process (suresh et al., 2016). a portable bluetooth speaker is set as another case study in implementing dfma, to reduce components and replace material, and the implementation allows the suppression of selling price (effendi et al., 2021). dfma is applied to choose two designs of vehicle doors, and the application result shows the chosen design has a shorter assembly time and 15% higher assembly efficiency (samad & george, 2022). those applications show that dfma has reached a combination with another method, organizing big data of manufacturing and assembly parameter, adaptable for various industries, and the after effect to the cost. however, those various applications do not yet describe in depth the effect of reducing the number of joints on manufacturing and assembly processes. the ceiling-mounted exhaust fan in a high-rise building is designed to remove unwanted moisture and odors from a building or room and operates through the ventilation system. in the past decade, ceiling-mounted exhaust fans have seen advancements in vibration damper technology (penlesky & karst, 2008), housing and assembly method (zakula et al., 2013), automatic suction and lighting system (a. h. satoshi kagawa et al., 2013), and housing coating material. this innovation altered the direction of exhaust fan design to reduce housing weight and increase product longevity. the material selection for the housing, the joining type selection for the assembly, and failure testing for the prototype are dfma-implemented solutions for developing the exhaust fan's optimal design. a product's complexity affects both its manufacturing cost and its assembly time. the applied machinery and its apparatus are determined by a combination of product complexity and material properties. whereas assembly efficiency is determined by a combination of product complexity, joint type, handling, and insertion time. a product with more than two assembly stations is complex because it requires parallel sequence planning (liu et al., 2022) and stationby-station monitoring (wang et al., 2015). standardized and symmetrical designs for each product component are among the dfma guidelines for achieving optimal design (edwards, 2002). therefore, this study employs the dfma method to produce an optimal design and identify solutions to production line problems. so that the implementation of dfma on a home appliance production line can be measured and the difference between before and after implementation can be evaluated. 2. research methods this research applies the dfma method (boothroyd et al., 2010) to develop an exhaust fan housing with ceiling mounting and manufacture its prototype. to compare the before and after dfma implementation, the design development employs manufacturing cost and total assembly time estimation. figure 1 shows the previous and improved design of this exhaust fan housing. the exhaust fan housing is illustrated in figure 1 as a product that relies on sheet metal fabrication and hand assembly. as shown in figure 1(a)., the previous design required 10 screws to assemble the top cover and bottom cover. as shown in figure 1(b)., the objective of this design development is to reduce the number of components without compromising the product's durability. using finite element analysis (fea) and durability testing, the optimal design is compared to the previous design. as shown in figure 2, the fe analysis uses a cad model for static load analysis with a free-body diagram scheme. figure 2 describes the exhaust fan housing as a beam with the distribution load on the upper part of the model. (a) (b) fig 1. the exhaust fan housing design with ceiling mounting; (a) previous; (b) develop suwandi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 895-907 897 fig. 2. the free-body diagram (a). (b). fig. 3. the fe analysis; (a) static load position; (b) meshing arrangement the distribution load is made up of the top plate, blade cover, motor, and blades as shown in figure 3(a). the combined weight of all four constituents is 2,302.3 grams. the total mass is obtained by scaling each component. the fe analysis uses a meshing arrangement as shown in figure 3(b). the durability test is the application test. the test is performed with a load of 22.5 n and a duration of eighty days. the dies manufacturing cost fig. 4. the manufacturing sequences figure 4 is a summary of the manufacturing process sequence for the exhaust fan housing. figure 4 shows a sequence that begins with blanking and ends with bending. based on figure 4, the first process is blanking and piercing. the blanking process produces sheets with a specified profile, while the piercing process produces several hole profiles. the second process produces a square cutting area in the middle of the sheet, a rectangle cutting area at the sides of the sheet, and one hole. the second process is carried out on the same sheet as the first. the third process is a deep drawing process to produce six holes in the housing. the fourth process is a bending process to produce a bending profile on several areas of the component. the fifth process is a bending process to produce a bending profile on top of the upper component. the sixth process is bending to produce v-profile bending. the sheet metal is made of superdyna steel and is 0.5 mm thick. each manufacturer of sheet metal requires unique dies to create the designated holes and folded area. therefore, each sequence has to calculate the total manufacturing die hours or known as manufacturing point (mp )(boothroyd et al., 2010), with the following formula: 𝑀 𝑝 = 𝑓𝑝(𝑓𝑙𝑤 𝑓𝑑 𝑀𝑝𝑜 + 𝑀𝑑𝑠 ) suwandi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 895-907 898 equation (1) is a formula to calculate the manufacturing die hours for blanking and piercing process, where fp is the die plate thickness, flw is the plan correction area, fd is the die type factor, mpo is the basic manufacturing point, and mds is the die set of manufacturing point. mpo is calculated with: 𝑀𝑝0 = 28 + 1.03(𝑋𝑃 ) where xp is the profile complexity index to be sheared and is calculated with: 𝑋 𝑝 = 𝑃 (𝐿𝑊)1/2 where p is length parameter to be sheared, l and w are length and width of the smallest rectangle that surrounds the punch. mds is calculated with: 𝑀𝑑𝑠 = 3 + 0.009 (𝐴𝑢 ) where au is the useable area. the plate thickness for the blanking and piercing process is calculated with: ℎ 𝑝 = 9 + 2.5 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑒 (( 𝑈 𝑈𝑙𝑐 ) 𝑉ℎ2) where hp is the die plate thickness in mm, u is the ultimate tensile stress of the sheet metal to be sheared, ulc is the ultimate tensile stress of annealed low-carbon steel, v is the required production volume in thousands, and h is raw sheet metal thickness in mm. the total manufacturing die hours for piercing is calculated with: 𝑀 𝑝 = 34 + 0.039𝐿𝑊 + 0.6𝑃𝑝 + 3𝑁𝑝 where pp is the circumference of all required holes, and np is the quantity of punch to be used. for the deep drawing process, the total manufacturing point is calculated as follows: 𝑀 𝑝 = 𝑀𝑑𝑠 + (𝑓𝑙𝑤 ∗ 𝑀𝑝0) where xp is π because the deep drawing profiles has a circular profile, mp0 is calculated with equation (2), and mds is calculated with equation (4). for all the bending process in figure 4, the total manufacturing point is calculated by using the following: 𝑀 𝑝 = 21 + 0.032𝐿𝑊 + 0.68𝐿𝑏 + 0.58𝑁𝑏 where mp represents the manufacturing points, lb represents the total length to be bent, and nb represents the number of bends. afterward each of the total manufacturing point is multiplied by the tool-making rate per hour for a die set, so to obtain the total manufacturing cost. the tool-making rate per hour is set usd 40, which is summarized by (geoffrey boothroyd, peter dewhurst, 2010) from their survey result database. the labor cost for die manufacturing the labor cost for each process is calculated by multiplied the labor cost per hour with the total manufacturing time for each process. the labor cost is assumed to be usd 14.33 per hour for blanking and piercing process, while for piercing, deep drawing and bending is usd 14.60. the labor hours to produce die for each process is assumed to be 80 hours. the assumption is taken from the interviewed result by the researchers to a supplier. the total dies cost suwandi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 895-907 899 the total dies cost is a total between the total manufacturing point cost and the labor cost. afterward the calculated total dies cost is compared with the real-time cost from the interviewed result. the total assembly times the total assembly time is calculated by considering in handling and insertion aspect between each components of the exhaust fan housing, with the following equation (boothroyd et al., 2010): 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 = 𝑛 × (𝑤ℎ × 𝑤𝑖) where n is the total number of components, wh is the handling time, and wi is the insertion time. the assembly procedure for assembling the exhaust fan housing with the upper portion of the exhaust fan comprises the assembly of the upper cover and the assembly of the upper cover to the blade casing. figure 5 shows the steps of aligning and fastening the upper cover, while figure 6 shows the process of combining the upper cover and blade casing. afterward the total assembly time for the developed design is compared with the real assembly time of the previous design. the real-time for the previous design, is obtained from direct measurement in the production line. manual assembly by manpower is applied to the previous and developed design of exhaust fan housing. fig. 5. assembly scheme to form the upper cover fig. 6. assembly scheme to merge top plate and blade cover 3. results and discussions the dies manufacturing cost table 1 shows the setup and calculation result parameters for the total manufacturing point of each process in figure 4. the calculation is conducted based on each step in the method section. stage a represents dies-making hours for the blanking and piercing process with a useable area of 1699.4 cm2 and is estimated to be manufacturing in 151.95 hours. stage b represents diemaking for the piercing process in five different areas and is estimated to be manufactured in 102.7 hours. stage c represents die-making for the deep drawing process with a circular profile and is estimated to be manufactured in 50.29 hours. stage d represents the bending process of the bottom part of the housing as shown in figure 4 with the read marking, and the dies are estimated to be manufactured in 93.8 hours. stage e represents the bending process of the upper part of the housing as shown in figure 4 with the read marking, and the dies are estimated to be manufactured in 345.3 hours. stage f represents the bending proses for the middle edge of the housing, and the dies are estimated to be manufactured in 156.6 hours. the estimated manufacturing at stage e has the highest manufacturing hours in comparison to the other stages because the useable area to be bent is long, thin, and has a sharp edge. so, the bending process required guidance in the dies and alignment process during the positioning setup onto the machine. stage c has the shortest manufacturing time because stage c only makes simple holes. the shortest manufacturing time shows that stage c has the lowest profile complexity index. the blanking and piecing process in stage a requires nine different features in the blanking suwandi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 895-907 900 die and the stripper plate, therefore the process must use the thick plate. the applied plate thickness for stage a is 25 mm. the piercing process in stage b requires a custom hole and rectangular feature for its blank, therefore the manufacturing point is high, because the process requires a custom die block, punch, retaining plate, stripper plate, and die backing plate. the bending process in stages d and f is classified as multiple bends type, based on the red marking area in figure 4. the manufacturing point for stage f is higher than stage d because the total length of bend lines in stage f is 2.57-time the value in stage d. table 1 the set-up parameter and die cost. stage a stage b known parameter parameter au * hp fp fd lw * pp * np* value 1699.4 cm2 25 mm 0.75 1 310 cm2 69.3 cm 5 calculation result parameter mds xp mp0 mp mp value 18.3 5.35 33.51 151.95 102.7 stage c stage d known parameter parameter xp mp0 flw lw * lb * nb * value π 31.2 1.5 925.4 cm2 60.9 cm 3 calculation result parameter mds mp mds + mp mp value 3.04 47.25 50.29 93.8 stage e stage f known parameter parameter lw* lb * nb * lw* lb * nb * value 925.4 cm2 430.75 cm 3 925.4 cm2 155 cm 1 calculation result parameter mp mp value 345.3 156.6 *data from solidworks analysis the cost to produce dies is detailed in table 2. the highest production cost is stage e and the lowest is stage c. the total dies production cost is usd 36,026. the production cost is attained from the multiplication between the manufacturing point and the tool making rate per hour as per stated in section 2.1. table 2 manufacturing cost for the overall dies. stage process cost (usd) a blanking & piercing 6,078 b piercing 4,108 c deep drawing 2,012 d bending 1 3,752 e bending 2 13,812 f bending 3 6,264 total cost 36,026 note: currency on 26th july 2022 for 1 usd = 14.988 idr the labor cost for dies manufacturing table 3 provides a summary of the labor cost that occurred for six manufacturing process as shown in figure 4. the labor cost for stage a is lower than the other stages, because the manufacturing process in stage a is an automatic ejection of the blanks and scrap from a raw sheet metal. so, the manpower for stage a didn’t have to align the sheet, to monitor any restricted area, to conduct loading, and to conduct un-loading. those jobs description reduce the time cycle and influence the labor rate per hour. suwandi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 895-907 901 table 3 labor cost stage process cost per hours (usd) manufacture times (hours) cost (usd) a blanking & piercing 14.33 80 1,147 b piercing 14.60 80 1,168 c deep drawing 14.60 80 1,168 d bending 1 14.60 80 1,168 e bending 2 14.60 80 1,168 f bending 3 14.60 80 1,168 total cost 6,987 note: currency on 26th july 2022 for 1 usd = 14.988 idr the total dies cost the total dies cost for the developed design of exhaust fan housing (as shown in figure 1(b)), is usd 43,013. that total dies cost is obtained from the sum between the total dies manufacturing cost and the total labor cost to manufacture dies, as stated in section 2.3. the total dies cost for the previous design as shown in figure 1(a) is usd 43,201, based on the data from the interviewed result by the researchers. there is a difference of 0.44% between the design that was used before and the one that was developed. the difference is evidence that the dfm approach can accurately estimate and reduce production costs for the sheet metal process. reducing the number of fastening in the developed design able to decrease the manufacturing cost. assembly time reduction the assembly steps are consisted of two main steps. the steps are forming upper cover as shown in figure 5, and merging upper cover, top plate and blade cover as shown in figure 6. the assembly time for the previous design of the exhaust fan housing is shown in table 4. the data in table 4 is a result from real-time measurement in three production lines, which is operated by three different operators. forming the upper cover step for the previous design requires 13 process as shown in table 4. the estimated assembly time to form upper cover is conducted by using dfa index (geoffrey boothroyd, peter dewhurst, 2010)for both the previous and developed design. table 5 shows the estimated result to form the upper cover. the estimation is calculated based on the cad model approach. table 6 shows the real-time measurement to merge upper cover, top plate, and blade cover. the procedure to merge the three components for the previous design, requires 10 process, as shown in table 6. the estimated assembly time for those three components is shown in table 7. this section compares the assembly time between the measurement data for the previous design, the estimated assembly time for the previous design, and the estimated assembly time for the developed design. fastening process during assembly in table 4 consumes the longest assembly time in comparison to the other steps. the times to screw for the previous design are 16.19 seconds for the 1st screwing process and 9.25 seconds for the 2nd screwing process. screwing application in the fastening process requires time to align, insert, and directly fasten each screw. the estimated assembly times in table 5 for previous design are 15.78 seconds for the 1st screwing process and 10.4 seconds for the 2nd screwing process. the different between the real-measurement and the estimated result for previous design based on the screwing process, consecutively are 2.56% and 11.7%. the estimated assembly time in table 5 for the developed design is 10.52 seconds for the 1st screwing process and 10.4 seconds for the 2nd screwing process. the different between the previous data in table 4 and the developed data in table 5 based on the screwing process, consecutively are 42.46 % and 11.7%. the differences indicate the developed design for the 1st screwing process is able to reduce the assembly time, yet for the 2nd screwing process gives the opposite result. table 4 assembly time required to attach the previous upper cover design to the top plate no assembly step assembly time (s) average time requirement operator 1 operator 2 operator 3 1 handling the cover 1.13 1.27 1.45 1.28 4% 2 align and insertion jig to the cover 0.72 0.93 0.88 0.84 2% suwandi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 895-907 902 3 handling the top plate 0.50 0.89 0.74 0.71 2% 4 align and insertion top plate to previous assembly 1.34 1.57 1.62 1.51 4% 5 handling the screw 1.07 1.36 1.45 1.29 4% 6 fastening the assembly by using the screw 14.92 16.23 17.42 16.19 44% 7 release the assembled cover from the jig 0.41 0.75 0.54 0.57 2% 8 handling the assembled cover as based 0.42 0.45 0.45 0.44 1% 9 handling the motor 0.73 0.67 0.63 0.68 2% 10 align and insertion the motor on to top plate 1.37 1.53 1.68 1.53 4% 11 handling the screw 1.03 1.24 1.89 1.39 4% 12 fastening the assembly by using the screw 8.91 9.82 9.02 9.25 25% 13 handling the final assemble for the next process 0.71 0.88 0.94 0.84 2% total 33.25 37.59 38.71 36.52 100% table 5 shows that the developed design has a 2% higher assembly efficiency compared to the previous design. the efficiency increases because the developed design reduces the number of fastening from six screw to four screw at the 1st fastening process. an assembly index close to one hundred percent for the developed design implies a highly efficient construction procedure. the 2nd fastening process for the previous design in table 4 is 9.25 seconds to assemble the components, while the estimation in table 5 is 10.4 seconds. the differences between measurement and estimation data is 11.7%. obstruction in visibility during fastening process and the construction strength cause the estimator to choose high safety factor in estimating the assembly time. the 2nd fastening process for both the previous and developed design has the same values for the assembly times. the previous and developed design used the same procedure dan screw number in assembling the upper cover, top plate and blade cover as shown in figure 6. table 5 dfa index before and after dfma design to assemble the upper cover and top plate. n o component name before after compon ent quantity (n) handlin g time (wh) insertio n time (wi) total time = n x (wh x wi) compone nt quantity (n) handlin g time (wh) insertio n time (wi) total time = n x (wh x wi) 1 handling cover (put to jig) 1 1.28 0.84 2.12 1 1.28 0.84 2.12 2 top plate 1 0.71 1.51 2.22 1 0.71 1.51 2.22 3 screws (to top plate) 6 1.29 1.34 15.78 4 1.29 1.34 10.52 4 cover (adjust position) 1 0.57 0.44 1.01 1 0.57 0.44 1.01 5 motor 1 0.68 1.53 2.21 1 0.68 1.53 2.21 6 screws (motor to cover) 4 1.39 1.21 10.4 4 1.39 1.21 10.4 7 cover (to the next process) 1 0.84 0.84 1 0.84 0.84 total 15 6,76 6.87 34.58 13 6.76 6.87 29.32 dfa index (%) 96% 98% the steps consists of handling the upper part assembly, aligning the screws, fastening the screw, handling the casing cover, aligning and inserting the blade casing into the cover, aligning and inserting the screw, fastening the screw between the blade casing and the cover, handling the label of the serial code number, attaching the label to the blade casing, and then handling the final assembly for the next assembly process. the longest assembly times is 11.89 seconds and happen during the merging of top plate and blade case. the visibility obstruction, direct fasting, alignment process, and manual handling are the cause of that long duration in assembling. the shortest assembly times is 1.34 seconds and happen during the transferring process of the assembled product for finalization. the measurement result in table 6 shows the alignment process requires cautious movement during assembly. suwandi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 895-907 903 table 6 assembly time required to attach the previous upper cover design to the blade cover no assembly step assembly time (s) average time requirement operator 1 operator 2 operator 3 1 handling the upper part assembly 1.09 1.26 1.70 1.35 4% 2 handling and align the screws 2.04 2.34 3.16 2.51 7% 3 fastening the screw 10.42 11.99 13.27 11.89 34% 4 handling the casing cover 1.09 1.26 1.70 1.35 4% 5 align and insertion of the blade casing to the cover 1.55 1.78 2.40 1.91 5% 6 align and insertion of screw 1.37 1.58 2.13 1.70 5% 7 fastening the screw between blade casing and the cover 8.24 9.48 8.75 8.82 25% 8 handling the label of the serial code number 1.70 1.96 1.87 1.84 5% 9 attached the label to the blade casing 1.79 2.05 2.77 2.20 6% 10 handling the final assembly to the next process 1.26 1.45 1.32 1.34 4% total 30.56 35.14 39.05 34.92 100% the average assembly times of the 1st fastening process for the previous design in table 6 is higher than the estimation in table 7. the discrepancy occurs because the estimation applied high safety factor in the calculation. the time estimation of the 2nd fastening process for the previous and developed design has the same value, because there are no components reduction in this process. the developed design has lower total assembly times in comparison to the previous design, with the differences of 21.05%. that suppression of time assembly takes place because of a reduction in the amount of time spent to screw. the differences influence the assembly efficiency, as the developed design has 2% increment than the previous design. the assembly efficiency of the developed design approximates 100%, is an indicator the assembly process for the exhaust fan housing already settled. the snap fit fastening can be an alternative to increase the assembly efficiency and to decrease the sheet metal manufacturing cost. the replacement from screw fastening to snap fit requires further study as it will affect the construction strength of a product. table 7 dfa index before and after dfma design to assemble upper cover, top plate, and blade cover. n o component name before after compone nt quantity (n) handlin g time (wh) insertio n time (wi) total time = n x (wh x wi) compone nt quantity (n) handlin g time (wh) insertio n time (wi) total time = n x (wh x wi) 1 cover 1 1.35 1.35 1 1.35 1.35 2 blade casing 1 1.08 1.26 2.34 1 1.08 1.26 2.34 3 screws (to blade casing) 4 2.34 0.65 11.96 2 2.34 0.65 5.98 4 blade casing cover 1 1.35 1.91 3.26 1 1.35 1.91 3.26 5 screws (to blade casing cover) 4 1.7 0.79 9.96 4 1.7 0.79 9.96 6 label 1 1.84 2.2 4.04 1 1.84 2.2 4.04 7 cover 1 1.34 1.34 1 1.34 1.34 total 13 11 6.81 34.25 11 11 6.81 28.27 dfa index (%) 89% 91% static load simulation a static load analysis is required because the exhaust fan housing with ceiling mounting is subjected to a static load from the mass of the overall components to the connection between the housing and the ceiling. to predict the stress and displacement that occur because of the static load, therefore it is necessary to conduct a static load analysis. to make the prediction, the fe analysis model is run through the solidworks software. on the upper cover, it is presumed that the load is a distributed load (shown in figure 2). suwandi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 895-907 904 (a). (b). fig. 7. static load stress results; (a) the previous; (b) the developed designs. figure 7 shown the comparison result of the von mises stress between the older design of the upper cover and the more recent design that was developed. the previous design with more screws can uphold the load in a spot concentration manner, as shown in figure 7(a). it has maximum stress on the area around the motor mounting hole (highlighted with green color), and it is safe because the maximum stress that occurred is less than the yield stress of the materials used for the upper cover, superdyma (morimoto et al., 2002; xu et al., 2022), and the top plate, sgcc (sukarman et al., 2021). it can distribute the load, has maximum stress on the top plate and joints, and is safe because the maximum stress is less than the assigned yield stress material, which uses the same material as the previous design. this can be seen in figure 7(b), which shows that. the newly developed design with fewer screws has a higher von mises stress occurrence than the older design with more screws, but it does a better job of evenly distributing the load throughout the structure. therefore, the developed design is safe to be applied for long-term applications in terms of construction strength because the spring-back effect from the sheet metal can be suppressed if the load is distributed evenly (dametew & gebresenbet, 2017). this paves the way for the design to be used for applications that will last for a significant amount of time. (a). (b). fig. 8. static load displacement results; (a) the previous; (b) the developed designs. figure 8 shows the results of a comparison that was carried out between the previous design and the developed one’s that was produced. figure 8(a) shows the occurrence of displacement in the previous design with more screws, which included the following characteristics: displaying large displacement on the motor mounting (highlighted with red color), at joints (highlighted with green color), and on the upper cover wall (highlighted with green color); having distributed displacement behavior; and having the largest displacement, which is 0.947 mm. figure 8(b) illustrates the occurrence of displacement at the design that was developed with fewer screws, displaying large displacement on the top plate (highlighted with red and green) and the joints (highlighted with green); having an uneven displacement behavior; and having the largest displacement, which is 6.31 mm. the design that was designed with fewer screws and an irregular pattern of the screws makes it necessary for periodic maintenance to be performed on a strict schedule or for an additional supporting structure to be added on top of the top plate for long-term applications. durability test the testing for the durability is carried out for a total of 80 days. the entire assembly of an exhaust fan is mounted to the ceiling and then put through its paces in a setting that is identical to suwandi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 895-907 905 the actual environment in which it will be used by the customer. the results of the durability tests performed on both the existing and newly developed designs for the upper cover indicate that the exhaust fan is still able to function normally and that the upper cover does not exhibit any signs of denting or cracking. fig. 9. the exhaust fan with the developed upper cover design after an 80-day durability test the condition of the exhaust fan after the newly developed upper cover design was implemented can be seen in figure 9 the fact that the exhaust fan did not develop a dent or a crack after being subjected to a durability test for 80 days suggests that the reduction in the number of screws has only a slight impact on the fan's overall performance and its structural strength. 5. conclusion the application of dfma to develop the upper cover design by lowering the number of screws on the exhaust fan with ceiling mounting results in a 0.46% decrease in die production costs, a 2% improvement in assembly efficiency, and able to up-hold the components loads. the improvement of exhaust fans by reducing the number of screws has a negligible effect on manufacturing costs and assembly times, so future work can concentrate on converting screw couplings to snap fit joints. aside from that, the dfma method has demonstrated the ability to forecast, monitor, and capture the impact of even the smallest design modification on the manufacturing and assembly processes. the fe analysis with the static load and durability test of the upper cover with four screw joints may demonstrate the impact of the screw reduction effect on the construction and performance of the ceiling-mounted exhaust fan for high-rise structures. for a dynamic load implementation, the fe analysis and durability test can be developed. references a. h. satoshi kagawa, a., hayashi, t. k., & osaka. (2013). ceiling-embedded ventilation (patent no. uso143481a1). barbosa, g. f., & carvalho, j. de. (2013). design for manufacturing and assembly methodology applied to aircrafts design and manufacturing. ifac proceedings volumes, 46(7), 116– 121. boothroyd, g., dewhurst, p., & knight, w. a. (2010). product design for manufacture and assembly. crc press. campi, f., favi, c., germani, m., & mandolini, m. (2022). cad-integrated design for manufacturing and assembly in mechanical design. international journal of computer integrated manufacturing, 35(3), 282–325. dametew, a. w., & gebresenbet, t. (2017). study the effects of spring back on sheet metal bending using mathematical methods. j material sci eng, 6(382), 22–2169. edwards, k. l. (2002). towards more strategic product design for manufacture and assembly: priorities for concurrent engineering. materials & design, 23(7), 651–656. effendi, m. s. m., shayfull, z., radhwan, h., ahmad, s. a. s., rosley, s. n., ramli, y. n., razak, m. f. a., & ahamad, n. z. (2021). integrating dfma to sustainability and fea assessment: case study of portable bluetooth speaker. aip conference proceedings, 2347(1), 020096. favi, c., mandolini, m., campi, f., cicconi, p., raffaeli, r., & germani, m. (2021). design for manufacturing and assembly: a method for rules classification. in l. roucoules, m. paredes, b. eynard, p. morer camo, & c. rizzi (eds.), advances on mechanics, design engineering and manufacturing iii (pp. 354–359). springer international publishing. suwandi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 895-907 906 ferreira, c. v., biesek, f. l., & scalice, r. k. (2021). product innovation management model based on manufacturing readiness level (mrl), design for manufacturing and assembly (dfma) and technology readiness level (trl). journal of the brazilian society of mechanical sciences and engineering, 43(7), 360. formentini, g., boix rodríguez, n., & favi, c. (2022). design for manufacturing and assembly methods in the product development process of mechanical products: a systematic literature review. the international journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 120(7–8), 4307–4334. formentini, g., bouissiere, f., cuiller, c., dereux, p.-e., & favi, c. (2022). conceptual design for assembly methodology formalization: systems installation analysis and manufacturing information integration in the design and development of aircraft architectures. journal of industrial information integration, 26, 100327. gbadamosi, a.-q., oyedele, l., mahamadu, a.-m., kusimo, h., bilal, m., davila delgado, j. m., & muhammed-yakubu, n. (2020). big data for design options repository: towards a dfma approach for offsite construction. automation in construction, 120, 103388. geoffrey boothroyd, peter dewhurst, w. a. k. (2010). product design for manufacture and assembly. harlalka, a., naiju, c. d., janardhanan, m. n., & nielsen, i. (2016). redesign of an in-market food processor for manufacturing cost reduction using dfma methodology. production & manufacturing research, 4(1), 209–227. liu, z., liu, j., zhuang, c., & wan, f. (2022). multi-objective complex product assembly scheduling problem considering parallel team and worker skills. journal of manufacturing systems, 63, 454–470. morimoto, y., honda, k., nishimura, k., tanaka, s., takahashi, a., shindo, h., & kurosaki, m. (2002). excellent corrosion-resistant zn-al-mg-si alloy hot-dip galvanized steel sheet" super dyma". shinnittetsu giho, 22–24. munanga, p., chinguwa, s., nyemba, w. r., & mbohwa, c. (2020). design for manufacture and assembly of an intelligent single axis solar tracking system. procedia cirp, 91, 571–576. naiju, c. d. (2021). dfma for product designers: a review. materials today: proceedings, 46, 7473–7478. penlesky, r. g., & karst, d. l. (2008). modular ventilating exhaust fan assembly and method. google patents. samad, m. f. a., & george, k. y. (2022). application of design for manufacturing and assembly (dfma) method to vehicle door design. defence s and t technical bulletin, 15(1), 34–41. sharma, a., kukshal, v., agarwal, p., & kapre, a. v. (2021). approach toward design for manufacturing assembly of fiber reinforced plastics fan blade for cooling tower. in a. patnaik, e. kozeschnik, & v. kukshal (eds.), advances in materials processing and manufacturing applications (pp. 469–478). springer singapore. sossou, g., demoly, f., montavon, g., & gomes, s. (2018). an additive manufacturing oriented design approach to mechanical assemblies. journal of computational design and engineering, 5(1), 3–18. subbaiah, a., & antony, k. m. (2021). integration of dfma and sustainability a case study. international journal of sustainable engineering, 14(3), 343–356. sukarman, s., abdulah, a., shieddieque, a. d., rahdiana, n., & khoirudin, k. (2021). optimization of the resistance spot welding process of secc-af and sgcc galvanized steel sheet using the taguchi method. sinergi, 25(3), 319–328. suresh, p., ramabalan, s., & natarajan, u. (2016). integration of dfe and dfma for the sustainable development of an automotive component. international journal of sustainable engineering, 9(2), 107–118. suwandi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 895-907 907 vaz-serra, p., wasim, m., & egglestone, s. (2021). design for manufacture and assembly: a case study for a prefabricated bathroom wet wall panel. journal of building engineering, 44, 102849. wang, x., liu, m., ge, m., ling, l., & liu, c. (2015). research on assembly quality adaptive control system for complex mechanical products assembly process under uncertainty. computers in industry, 74, 43–57. xu, m., han, d., zheng, z., ma, r., du, a., fan, y., zhao, x., & cao, x. (2022). effects of cooling rate on the microstructure and properties of hot-dipped zn–al–mg coatings. surface and coatings technology, 444, 128665. yuan, z., sun, c., & wang, y. (2018). design for manufacture and assembly-oriented parametric design of prefabricated buildings. automation in construction, 88, 13–22. zakula, m., jacak, c. s., & hoshino, k. (2013). lighting and ventilating system and method (patent no. us8382332b2) the development of exhaust fan housing with ceiling mounting for high rise buildings by using dfma agri suwandi1*, muhammad pillar rachmawanto2, wina libyawati3, januar parlaungan siregar4 department of mechanical engineering, universitas pancasila, jakarta, indonesia123 faculty of mechanical and automotive engineering technology, universiti malaysia pahang, pahang, malaysia4 received : 10 february 2023, revised: 14 may 2023, accepted : 14 may 2023 *corresponding author abstract design for manufacturing and assembly (dfma) is widely applied in many industries to optimize the manufacturing and assembly process at the early stage of design, with the aides of the cad model. many researchers apply the dfma to increase assembly ef... keywords : dfma, fe model, exhaust fan, manufacturing cost, total assembly 1. introduction product development in this internet of things era involves concurrent design and intelligent manufacturing. design for manufacturing and assembly (dfma) was introduced in the late 1980s and has been developed sustainably ever since (barbosa & carvalh... the application of dfma requires the designer to provide specific times and additional efforts to gather integrated information related to the alternatives of manufacturing and assembly process, and market segment for their product, to present the opt... the ceiling-mounted exhaust fan in a high-rise building is designed to remove unwanted moisture and odors from a building or room and operates through the ventilation system. in the past decade, ceiling-mounted exhaust fans have seen advancements in v... a product's complexity affects both its manufacturing cost and its assembly time. the applied machinery and its apparatus are determined by a combination of product complexity and material properties. whereas assembly efficiency is determined by a com... 2. research methods this research applies the dfma method (boothroyd et al., 2010) to develop an exhaust fan housing with ceiling mounting and manufacture its prototype. to compare the before and after dfma implementation, the design development employs manufacturing cos... using finite element analysis (fea) and durability testing, the optimal design is compared to the previous design. as shown in figure 2, the fe analysis uses a cad model for static load analysis with a free-body diagram scheme. figure 2 describes the ... fig 1. the exhaust fan housing design with ceiling mounting; (a) previous; (b) develop fig. 2. the free-body diagram fig. 3. the fe analysis; (a) static load position; (b) meshing arrangement the distribution load is made up of the top plate, blade cover, motor, and blades as shown in figure 3(a). the combined weight of all four constituents is 2,302.3 grams. the total mass is obtained by scaling each component. the fe analysis uses a mesh... the dies manufacturing cost fig. 4. the manufacturing sequences figure 4 is a summary of the manufacturing process sequence for the exhaust fan housing. figure 4 shows a sequence that begins with blanking and ends with bending. based on figure 4, the first process is blanking and piercing. the blanking process pro... each manufacturer of sheet metal requires unique dies to create the designated holes and folded area. therefore, each sequence has to calculate the total manufacturing die hours or known as manufacturing point (mp )(boothroyd et al., 2010), with the f... ,𝑀-,𝑝-..=,𝑓-𝑝.,,𝑓-𝑙𝑤.,𝑓-𝑑.,𝑀-𝑝𝑜.+,𝑀-𝑑𝑠.. for all the bending process in figure 4, the total manufacturing point is calculated by using the following: where mp represents the manufacturing points, lb represents the total length to be bent, and nb represents the number of bends. afterward each of the total manufacturing point is multiplied by the tool-making rate per hour for a die set, so to obtain the total manufacturing cost. the tool-making rate per hour is set usd 40, which is summarized by (geoffrey boothroyd, peter dew... the labor cost for die manufacturing the labor cost for each process is calculated by multiplied the labor cost per hour with the total manufacturing time for each process. the labor cost is assumed to be usd 14.33 per hour for blanking and piercing process, while for piercing, deep draw... the total dies cost the total dies cost is a total between the total manufacturing point cost and the labor cost. afterward the calculated total dies cost is compared with the real-time cost from the interviewed result. the total assembly times the total assembly time is calculated by considering in handling and insertion aspect between each components of the exhaust fan housing, with the following equation (boothroyd et al., 2010): afterward the total assembly time for the developed design is compared with the real assembly time of the previous design. the real-time for the previous design, is obtained from direct measurement in the production line. manual assembly by manpower i... 3. results and discussions the dies manufacturing cost (1) table 1 shows the setup and calculation result parameters for the total manufacturing point of each process in figure 4. the calculation is conducted based on each step in the method section. stage a represents dies-making hours for the blanking and p... the estimated manufacturing at stage e has the highest manufacturing hours in comparison to the other stages because the useable area to be bent is long, thin, and has a sharp edge. so, the bending process required guidance in the dies and alignment p... table 1 the set-up parameter and die cost. *data from solidworks analysis the cost to produce dies is detailed in table 2. the highest production cost is stage e and the lowest is stage c. the total dies production cost is usd 36,026. the production cost is attained from the multiplication between the manufacturing point an... table 2 manufacturing cost for the overall dies. the labor cost for dies manufacturing table 3 provides a summary of the labor cost that occurred for six manufacturing process as shown in figure 4. the labor cost for stage a is lower than the other stages, because the manufacturing process in stage a is an automatic ejection of the blan... table 3 labor cost the total dies cost (1) the total dies cost for the developed design of exhaust fan housing (as shown in figure 1(b)), is usd 43,013. that total dies cost is obtained from the sum between the total dies manufacturing cost and the total labor cost to manufacture dies, as stat... assembly time reduction the assembly steps are consisted of two main steps. the steps are forming upper cover as shown in figure 5, and merging upper cover, top plate and blade cover as shown in figure 6. the assembly time for the previous design of the exhaust fan housing i... fastening process during assembly in table 4 consumes the longest assembly time in comparison to the other steps. the times to screw for the previous design are 16.19 seconds for the 1st screwing process and 9.25 seconds for the 2nd screwing process. ... table 4 assembly time required to attach the previous upper cover design to the top plate table 5 shows that the developed design has a 2% higher assembly efficiency compared to the previous design. the efficiency increases because the developed design reduces the number of fastening from six screw to four screw at the 1st fastening proces... table 5 dfa index before and after dfma design to assemble the upper cover and top plate. the steps consists of handling the upper part assembly, aligning the screws, fastening the screw, handling the casing cover, aligning and inserting the blade casing into the cover, aligning and inserting the screw, fastening the screw between the blad... table 6 assembly time required to attach the previous upper cover design to the blade cover the average assembly times of the 1st fastening process for the previous design in table 6 is higher than the estimation in table 7. the discrepancy occurs because the estimation applied high safety factor in the calculation. the time estimation of th... table 7 dfa index before and after dfma design to assemble upper cover, top plate, and blade cover. static load simulation a static load analysis is required because the exhaust fan housing with ceiling mounting is subjected to a static load from the mass of the overall components to the connection between the housing and the ceiling. to predict the stress and displacemen... fig. 7. static load stress results; (a) the previous; (b) the developed designs. figure 7 shown the comparison result of the von mises stress between the older design of the upper cover and the more recent design that was developed. the previous design with more screws can uphold the load in a spot concentration manner, as shown i... fig. 8. static load displacement results; (a) the previous; (b) the developed designs. figure 8 shows the results of a comparison that was carried out between the previous design and the developed one’s that was produced. figure 8(a) shows the occurrence of displacement in the previous design with more screws, which included the followi... durability test the testing for the durability is carried out for a total of 80 days. the entire assembly of an exhaust fan is mounted to the ceiling and then put through its paces in a setting that is identical to the actual environment in which it will be used by t... fig. 9. the exhaust fan with the developed upper cover design after an 80-day durability test the condition of the exhaust fan after the newly developed upper cover design was implemented can be seen in figure 9 the fact that the exhaust fan did not develop a dent or a crack after being subjected to a durability test for 80 days suggests that ... 5. conclusion the application of dfma to develop the upper cover design by lowering the number of screws on the exhaust fan with ceiling mounting results in a 0.46% decrease in die production costs, a 2% improvement in assembly efficiency, and able to up-hold the c... the fe analysis with the static load and durability test of the upper cover with four screw joints may demonstrate the impact of the screw reduction effect on the construction and performance of the ceiling-mounted exhaust fan for high-rise structures... references a. h. satoshi kagawa, a., hayashi, t. k., & osaka. (2013). ceiling-embedded ventilation (patent no. uso143481a1). barbosa, g. f., & carvalho, j. de. (2013). design for manufacturing and assembly methodology applied to aircrafts design and manufacturing. ifac proceedings volumes, 46(7), 116–121. boothroyd, g., dewhurst, p., & knight, w. a. (2010). product design for manufacture and assembly. crc press. campi, f., favi, c., germani, m., & mandolini, m. (2022). cad-integrated design for manufacturing and assembly in mechanical design. international journal of computer integrated manufacturing, 35(3), 282–325. dametew, a. w., & gebresenbet, t. (2017). study the effects of spring back on sheet metal bending using mathematical methods. j material sci eng, 6(382), 22–2169. edwards, k. l. (2002). towards more strategic product design for manufacture and assembly: priorities for concurrent engineering. materials & design, 23(7), 651–656. effendi, m. s. m., shayfull, z., radhwan, h., ahmad, s. a. s., rosley, s. n., ramli, y. n., razak, m. f. a., & ahamad, n. z. (2021). integrating dfma to sustainability and fea assessment: case study of portable bluetooth speaker. aip conference procee... favi, c., mandolini, m., campi, f., cicconi, p., raffaeli, r., & germani, m. (2021). design for manufacturing and assembly: a method for rules classification. in l. roucoules, m. paredes, b. eynard, p. morer camo, & c. rizzi (eds.), advances on mechan... ferreira, c. v., biesek, f. l., & scalice, r. k. (2021). product innovation management model based on manufacturing readiness level (mrl), design for manufacturing and assembly (dfma) and technology readiness level (trl). journal of the brazilian soci... formentini, g., boix rodríguez, n., & favi, c. (2022). design for manufacturing and assembly methods in the product development process of mechanical products: a systematic literature review. the international journal of advanced manufacturing technol... formentini, g., bouissiere, f., cuiller, c., dereux, p.-e., & favi, c. (2022). conceptual design for assembly methodology formalization: systems installation analysis and manufacturing information integration in the design and development of aircraft ... gbadamosi, a.-q., oyedele, l., mahamadu, a.-m., kusimo, h., bilal, m., davila delgado, j. m., & muhammed-yakubu, n. (2020). big data for design options repository: towards a dfma approach for offsite construction. automation in construction, 120, 1033... geoffrey boothroyd, peter dewhurst, w. a. k. (2010). product design for manufacture and assembly. harlalka, a., naiju, c. d., janardhanan, m. n., & nielsen, i. (2016). redesign of an in-market food processor for manufacturing cost reduction using dfma methodology. production & manufacturing research, 4(1), 209–227. liu, z., liu, j., zhuang, c., & wan, f. (2022). multi-objective complex product assembly scheduling problem considering parallel team and worker skills. journal of manufacturing systems, 63, 454–470. morimoto, y., honda, k., nishimura, k., tanaka, s., takahashi, a., shindo, h., & kurosaki, m. (2002). excellent corrosion-resistant zn-al-mg-si alloy hot-dip galvanized steel sheet" super dyma". shinnittetsu giho, 22–24. munanga, p., chinguwa, s., nyemba, w. r., & mbohwa, c. (2020). design for manufacture and assembly of an intelligent single axis solar tracking system. procedia cirp, 91, 571–576. naiju, c. d. (2021). dfma for product designers: a review. materials today: proceedings, 46, 7473–7478. penlesky, r. g., & karst, d. l. (2008). modular ventilating exhaust fan assembly and method. google patents. samad, m. f. a., & george, k. y. (2022). application of design for manufacturing and assembly (dfma) method to vehicle door design. defence s and t technical bulletin, 15(1), 34–41. sharma, a., kukshal, v., agarwal, p., & kapre, a. v. (2021). approach toward design for manufacturing assembly of fiber reinforced plastics fan blade for cooling tower. in a. patnaik, e. kozeschnik, & v. kukshal (eds.), advances in materials processin... sossou, g., demoly, f., montavon, g., & gomes, s. (2018). an additive manufacturing oriented design approach to mechanical assemblies. journal of computational design and engineering, 5(1), 3–18. subbaiah, a., & antony, k. m. (2021). integration of dfma and sustainability a case study. international journal of sustainable engineering, 14(3), 343–356. sukarman, s., abdulah, a., shieddieque, a. d., rahdiana, n., & khoirudin, k. (2021). optimization of the resistance spot welding process of secc-af and sgcc galvanized steel sheet using the taguchi method. sinergi, 25(3), 319–328. suresh, p., ramabalan, s., & natarajan, u. (2016). integration of dfe and dfma for the sustainable development of an automotive component. international journal of sustainable engineering, 9(2), 107–118. vaz-serra, p., wasim, m., & egglestone, s. (2021). design for manufacture and assembly: a case study for a prefabricated bathroom wet wall panel. journal of building engineering, 44, 102849. wang, x., liu, m., ge, m., ling, l., & liu, c. (2015). research on assembly quality adaptive control system for complex mechanical products assembly process under uncertainty. computers in industry, 74, 43–57. xu, m., han, d., zheng, z., ma, r., du, a., fan, y., zhao, x., & cao, x. (2022). effects of cooling rate on the microstructure and properties of hot-dipped zn–al–mg coatings. surface and coatings technology, 444, 128665. yuan, z., sun, c., & wang, y. (2018). design for manufacture and assembly-oriented parametric design of prefabricated buildings. automation in construction, 88, 13–22. zakula, m., jacak, c. s., & hoshino, k. (2013). lighting and ventilating system and method (patent no. us8382332b2) journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 1(1) 2019 : 51-59 51 licensing information system in kesbangpol kota pekanbaru muhammad sadar zein1, didik siswanto2, susi handayani 3 universitas lancang kuning,,, a b s t r a c t the development of computer technology now enables the development of computer-based information systems, so the community organization (ormas) licensing service at the national unity and politics agency (bakesbangpol) pekanbaru city needs support from technological developments to reduce existing problems items, namely the lack of information for ormas administrators who want to extend the certification of registration community organization ormas skt, and skt ormas when registering. the purpose of this research is to facilitate all forms of licensing at the kesbangpol office, so that the process can be more efficient in terms of time and cost. the system that will be created is a webbased application, the design is done using unified modeling language (uml) and making the system using the php programming language, and using a mysql database. keywords: unified modeling language, kesbangpol, cbos, web, licensing services 1. introduction at this time, the development of technology has been very rapid, so as to provide a large impact on various aspects of life, ranging from the layers of society both organisasi, individuals, and other agencies who also want to go forward and use it. the rapid development of technology has led to an era also called the era of computerization. the desire to complete a job quickly intervening, effectively and accurately becomes the main driver of the development of technology, especially in the field of computers (pratama, 2013). computerization itself is an activity to process the data where the process is done using a computer that has been programmed, so that later it can control and handle companies that are or organisasi reviews their responsibilities better (khoirul, et. al., 2013). at the pekanbaru city kesbangpol office, the licensing system in the office can be said to be less efficient because it is still manual, and still uses paper and there is unclear information about the licensing process, because the public must go to the office to ascertain whether reviews their licensing has been processed or not. when viewed in terms of effectiveness, the manual licensing system is still a bit of a hassle for the community because the community has to commute from its runway to the kesbangpol office. in terms of time, the journey of the community to the office takes a very long time, moreover the people whose homes are too far from the kesbangpol office. not to mention the time for employees in the kesbangpol office to check the community of data for further processing. in terms of cost, commuting to and from the office to his home costs a significant amount. 2. literature review system information of licensing management factors are the data storage in the database and streamlining the licensing process, ease of the data to be achieved and found when needed. the application system that will be made in the meantime can be applied to the administration department at the kesbangpol. overview of previous studies are made to provide additional knowledge to the author in the study, which later writers would take several references that have previously been carried out by the researchers. pudyamoko in 2009 explained that through the licensing system, the government can interfere in, directing, and even be able to control the activities of its citizens. existing licensing system is often seen as a problem, because it is perceived as an obstacle to the society. handling a variety of licensing has terdesentralisai to the local government, because the problems and barriers is also felt in several areas. the duration of permit, the high costs that must bear the applicant permission, complexity of licensing procedures, and a variety of other issues. for the local government to rearrange the licensing system, such as system improvements, mailto:as3p78@gmail.com1 muhammad sadar zein, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 51-59 52 simplification of the process, and the completion of the type of permit is sebaian ways were sought government. in a study conducted by albab (2009) indicated that the licensing is still quite bad, the service quality periizinan make the most of the community is not satisfied with the efforts made by the government. so the government improve the quality of licensing by making innovations such as making all computer units into a single server, single system for the user id licensing services. jonathan liliek prihartanto explained that, in the implementation of licensing had provisions and operational standards that differ from each other. sudrajat, et. al., (2019) for the application of integrated services on a licensing system needs a clear framework / framework to improve the effectiveness of the quality of services offered. to improve the quality of public services from government agencies to the public many stages stage agencies that describes the added value of licenses for public service innovation. in this case is there a description of the added value of mobile public service program of the office (hardiansyah, 2011). misnawati & yusriadi (2017) said public service aims to identify the implementation of bureaucratic reform, and offers some solutions for the improvement of administrative services licensing. this study used a qualitative approach with instrumental case study. location of the study conducted at the integrated licensing service agency (bp2t) in the district bone.teknik used data collection, namely: in-depth interviews, document study and observation. data were analyzed through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, conclusions and verification. the results showed that the implementation of bureaucratic reform in administrative services licensing of institutional aspects that the licensing service has been shaped bone county one stop (one stop service); human resource aspect that qualified employee who is not in accordance with the needs of the organization, discipline and responsibilities of employees is relatively low; aspects of the systems and procedures that generally permits resolved exceeds the specified time period, discrimination and inconsistencies. through this research, verification of some of the concepts and theories, namely formalism as one of the characteristics of prismatic society proposed by fred w. riggs in justified in this study, which the authors call this phenomenon as "heresy regulation". discrimination and inconsistencies. the development of technology has increased very rapidly along with the times. it encourages every human being, especially the administration as one of the providers of information to continuously follow the developments and take the decision to improve, develop, and update any information presented to support good service. the expected outcome of the research is the archival data management application that can generate output as expected and document archiving process can be done better, faster, and easier(lestanti & susana, 2016). and then nozomi & hamzah (2018) designing data processing application for goods transportation business permit at the transportation office of kabupaten lima puluh kota using php programming language and mysql. all data entry will be processed in a database. diverse data will be more easily and quickly processed in a well structured system. meirinawati & prabawati (2015) archives are made and received by organizations or agencies both government and private should be managed in the archival system by utilizing the knowledge of science and technology development. realities on the ground, are still many organizations or agencies that have not realized the importance of the archive function, so that the archive is often overlooked, not interested in, or considered to be important to be understood and applied in companies that ultimately created the archive planning and control are good. realizing that it is in pekanbaru kesbangpol dibangunlan a licensing system that is directly integrated with archiving data stored on a system domain kesbangpol pekanbaru. muhammad sadar zein, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 51-59 53 3. research method stage activity planning 1. determine the problem 2. setting goals 3. determine the scope 1. observation 2. interview 3. literature study 1. analysis of the current system 2. problem analysis 3. proposed new system 1. system design 2. database design 3. interface design 4. making the program uploading a website so that it can be accessed by users determine the final results analysis data collection design and programming implementation conclusions and suggestions figure 1. stages research planning is the first step in the manufacturing process of this study, while planning that has been divided into several parts as below: locate and define the problem being faced by interviewing relevant parties with the object of research in which then used the material to be studied in pekanbaru kesbangpol office. determining the research objectives, in order to research more focused clearly, so that later can achieve the benefits diinginkan.menentukan scope of the research is intended that the following discussion is not meluas.tahap data collection, the data collected is required to facilitate researchers conducted the study. the activities will be carried out at this stage are as follows: researchers directly spaciousness or point of research to observe and analyze things or data concerned with what is required of researchers by visiting the office to the city kesbangpol pekanbaru.peneliti conducting interviews with sources who will can provide information such problems being faced and information about the system is running in pekanbaru city kesbangpol office. steps to be taken at this stage is as follows: analysis of the current system to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the current system of pekanbaru city kesbangpol office so that later can be equipped with the new system, which will be built peneliti.analisis permasalan are the steps necessary for permaslaahan know what's happening in the city of pekanbaru kesbangpol office during this time and determine the solution of the problems dihadapi.di in this stage, made an explanation of the general description of the new system to be constructed so that it can fit the needs and problems faced. here are the stages of design and programming system, the activities carried out are among others: represents the steps taken to make the shape of the design of the system being designed. the design of these applications will use the uml made in the form of a diagram. diagrams that will be made are diagrams that represent how the processes in the system it is running, the use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, activity diagrams and class diagrams. the design interface is made simple and easy to understand by the user, by determining the page layout and menus along with form filling to be constructed in such a way. applications to be built is web-based, using the programming language php and mysql database that will be created by the application editor sublime text 3. 0 and using ci framework (codeigniter) in order to facilitate the work. implementation of the system is a development of the system design stage. this stage is the stage that determines the development of the system are made, so it will be known to the system are made really able to achieve the expected goals. the conclusion is the end result of research that was formulated based on the data that has been collected, and run muhammad sadar zein, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 51-59 54 in line with the formulation of problems and troubleshooting steps that have been defined at the beginning. while the proposals contain suggestions for the researchers considered that the existing problems can be solved with a better system in the future. the location of this research is done in the office of the national unity and politics (kesbangpol) pekanbaru city and were initiated in september 2018 until january 26th 2019. 3.1 data collection technique primary data primary data is data obtained or collected directly from the data source. data obtained in the form of direct observation in the office kesbangpol and an interview with mr. zulkifli,, mh and mr maisisco, s. sos., secondary data secondary data is data obtained through the data which has been researched and compiled by other parties related to research problems. secondary data author got from the book that the author read and journal writers get from the internet that the authors make the material for the basic theory. field study a. observation this technique dilkaukan direct observations on kesbangpol employees, and the communities that have relevance to kesbangpol. b. interview this technique is performed in order to obtain the required data or information by means of direct interview with kesbangpol 3.2 methods used prototype protoype method is a method of rapid development and testing of the new application model which is made through a process of interaction and repetitive. in the prototype model, the resulting software will be presented to the buyer / client, who will be given the opportunity to give a criticism of the software that has been made, so that the software will be developed in accordance with the wishes and needs of the client. the process of changing the system can be done multiple times, so that later reached an agreement on the form of software that is made. needs collection build protoyping protoyping evaluation encoding system test the system system evaluation use of system figure 2. prototyping model a. collecting supplies client and researchers together to define the shape of the software to be created, identifying the needs of the system being designed. b. build prototype / prototyping creating a prototype to create a design that focuses on the presentation to the customer. c. evaluation prototyping muhammad sadar zein, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 51-59 55 this phase is done by the customer, whether a prototype is made in conformity with the wishes and needs of customers. if not appropriate, the system will be improved by repeating the previous steps. and if it is appropriate, it can proceed to the next step d. the system encodes at this stage the system that has been agreed is made into the appropriate programming language. e. system test at this stage, after the system becomes a ready-made software, the software must be tested before use. it is useful to be able to meminimalisirkan errors in the software. f. evaluation system at this stage the customer / client evaluate the system that has been made. if not appropriate as well, the researchers will repeat from step d and e. and if so, then it will proceed to step 7. g. using the system software / software that has been tested and received by the client / customer is ready to use. analysis system running analysis of the current system is an early feature of the system that is currently used in kesbangpol : submission of applications for registration of prospective community organizations data for submission of application for registration organization national and political unity director general of politics & general government certificate community organization certificate of community organization making a statement of community organizations certificate of community organization submission of applications for registration of cbos check completeness fill in the application for registration check completeness fill in the application for registration figure 3. registration and renewal asi skt organizations muhammad sadar zein, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 51-59 56 community organization activity report community organization activity report organization national and political unity director general of politics & general government community organization activity report figure 4. asi ormas work permits 4. research results and discussion 4.1 display home figure 5. home page 4.2 display explanation page registration & renewal certificate figure 6. explanation page views muhammad sadar zein, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 51-59 57 4.3 display registration form figure 7. certificate organizations registration form 4.4 display extension form figure 8. extension form skt 4.5 display home admin figure 9. admin page 4.6 data page display admission (unprocessed) muhammad sadar zein, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 51-59 58 figure 10. weather data registration 4.7 display check register figure 11. weather check list 5. conclusions online licensing information system can help the licensing process and public services that are more directed at the acceleration of smartcity pekanbaru. and also a forum as an excellent service from the government to community organizations from this research, it was suggested that, among others, that the development of licensing applications be made and developed again with a visit from the licensing web visitors, it is expected that with this licensing system can help optimally to community organizations to register their mass organizations to government official institutions. with this new system, it can make it easier for the community to register cso csos and cso extension skt, and simplify the reporting process of cso activities. this computerized system is made as simple as possible so that it can be easily accessed and used by the community, community organization and other parties aknowledgement the authors thank you in writing this article to the leaders of the university of lancang kuning, both from the faculty and rector level, and the appreciation of cooperation between the campus to the leadership and the city of kesbangpol that has given the authors confidence to create systems and applications for the realization of an advanced government and as a one of the contributions of the kesbangpol (national and political unity) to realize a smart city that was initiated by governor of riau muhammad sadar zein, et. al… vol 1(1) 2019 : 51-59 59 references albab, u. 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madrasas to be considered islamic schools that gave birth to a radical generation. madrasas' efforts to improve this negative image by improving the quality of education, especially 10 years after the incident, have succeeded in making madrasas the schools of choice for students in indonesia. this study focuses on analyzing the rise of madrasah tsanawiyah in the city of pekanbaru, especially on students' mastery of knowledge for the last 4 years (2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019) by means of spatial analysis. the progress of science in madrasas can be seen from the mapping of the value of knowledge, especially in the downtown area which is complete with various facilities and activity centers in pekanbaru. the performance of some madrasas is almost the same as sma in terms of mastery of knowledge. this study leads to an important analysis that the pekanbaru madrasa as a muslim-majority city has succeeded in making madrasas the main choice of parents to equip their children with religious and scientific education, which indirectly proves that madrasas do not provide space for the formation of radical islamic generations, on the contrary. madrasas have succeeded in forming a generation of muslims who have good religious and scientific knowledge. keywords: spatial analysis, madrasah, radicalism, radical generation 1. introduction islamic religion-based schools in indonesia are referred to as madrasas, have a larger number of subjects than public schools, this is because these religious schools have religious subjects and general subjects. madrasah first entered indonesia in the 18th century brought by scientists from cairo, with the aim of modernizing the curriculum by incorporating general science curricula in addition to religious sciences (ali & furqon, 2016). madrasas in indonesia were also used at the beginning of their establishment as an effort to provide general knowledge, especially science in addition to religious knowledge to the native population, which was known during the dutch colonial era general sciences and science were dominated in dutch schools (rahim, 2004; ahid, 2010), besides in addition, madrasas also provide opportunities for the poor to gain knowledge in the fields of religion and science (ali, et al., 2011). madrasas as a form of official islamic education institution (ma’zumi & jakaria, 2012; hoel, 2016) have the characteristic of integrating religious and general knowledge, using a curriculum of 70% general subjects and 30% religious studies (tan, 2014). the composition of this curriculum indirectly opens opportunities to relate general science concepts to everyday life related to islamic religious teachings, and this makes learning more meaningful (perwati, et al., 2018). the combination of religious knowledge and general science will give birth to a concept of scientific integration, namely phenomena or information in religious knowledge will be clarified through proof using scientific principles (baba, et al., 2015). the integration of religious knowledge into science requires an effective approach, strategy and preparation in learning, so that the curriculum needs to be prepared by involving experts in the fields of religion and science (lubis, 2015). indonesia, as a country with the largest muslim population in the world, has more than 50,000 islamic schools with various levels, namely elementary level or madrasah ibtidaiyah (mi), mansur et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 837-846 838 middle level or madrasah tsanawiyah (mt) and upper level or madrasah aliyah (ma) (mansour, 2015). previously madrasas were known as second-grade schools or schools that were far behind public schools, this perception did not only occur in indonesia but also in pakistan and bangladesh asadullah & chaudhury, 2016). the attack on the twin towers of the world trade center (wtc) on september 11, 2011 in new york city, has caused a bad image for madrasas, and madrasas have even been used as interesting research objects for indonesian and other country researchers (asadullah & chaudhury, 2016). researchers, especially western researchers, are interested in researching the curriculum of madrasas and islamic boarding schools because since the attack, madrasas and islamic boarding schools have been considered as educational institutions that instill radical ideology in the generation of muslims (asadullah & chaudhury, 2016; rao & hossain, 2011; lintner, 2003; tan & kasmuri, 2007; lukens-bull, 2010; al-hasani et al., 2017). madrasas are also considered as educational institutions that have many limitations, including limited operational funds which result in a lack of availability of school facilities and a shortage of teaching staff (andrabi, et al., 2005). over time, especially in the last 10 years since the wtc incident, madrasas have been able to turn things around, becoming schools that can compete with public schools. madrasahs are able to be on par in the achievement of winning national olympics in general subjects. 2. literature review remedial counteraction techniques are a type of instructive control planned to recondition "biased" understudies under the guise of public safety. mcglynn & mcdaid (2019) advise educators to exercise caution in their efforts to prevent extremism because of the strong normative and political connotations of these issues. it is especially important for educators to make an effort to strike a balance between preventing students from radicalization and violent extremism and ensuring that their efforts do not impair the agency and independence of young lives (sjøen & mattsson, 2020; sjøen, & jore, 2019). evidence from secondary school students who participated in a curriculum project on terrorism, extremism, and radicalization is looked at by jerome & elwick (2019). they argue that students' critical capacity for engaging with radicalization can be enhanced through enhanced political literacy and media literacy through a curriculum response that addresses the acquisition of knowledge (muazza, et al., 2018). pve-e (programs for the prevention of radicalization and violent extremism through education) have emerged as a feature of global educational policy and educational institutions at all stages, from preschool to university. on the off chance that schools might be viewed as places of refuge here for personality and perspective development and encounters of having a place, the particular topic of pve-e is a likewise hazardous area (benjamin, et al., 2021a; benjamin, et al., 2021b). not only due to pve-e's emphasis on radicalization, but also due to perceptions that schools are utilized as a supplement to governmental counterterrorism policy. we argue that developing ethical, sustainable, contextualized, and pedagogical strategies to prevent conflict and promote peaceful coexistence necessitates an understanding of young people's perspectives on radicalization and violent extremism (vallinkoski, et al., 2022; ragazzi, 2018; sjøen, & jore, 2019). senior high schools, which should be educating society, have experienced severe radicalization. in schools, radicalism is now present on a consistent basis for students (purwasih, & widianto, 2020). this review was directed to dissect the school flexibility framework and the radicalism invasion process among public senior secondary school understudies. because of the schools' low resilience, the research revealed that they are susceptible to radical thinking (prijanto, et al., 2019, june). the school community, particularly teachers, is still very unaware of the radicalism threat. because of its lack of coordination, the school bureaucracy has become a gateway for radical groups. teachers have varying religious perspectives and expressions, and they have very little influence over the activities that students engage in outside of the classroom (kustati, et al., 2023). the development of science in madrasas is very interesting to study, especially when the values of science lessons in madrasas can compete with the values of science in public schools (thamrin, et al., 2019). today's madrasas are the main choice for parents to entrust their children to get general knowledge and religious knowledge, parents believe that in this modern era it is very necessary to add religious knowledge to children in addition to general knowledge. in mansur et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 837-846 839 general, madrasas in indonesia are seen as the right place to provide a balance of religious knowledge and general knowledge for the development of a child (hamidah, 2005). the rapid growth of madrasas in muslim-majority countries such as pakistan and indonesia has succeeded in denying that madrasas are second-class schools or that are not taken into account, madrasas have even grown into educational institutions that deserve to be reckoned with in terms of the quality of general and religious subjects. the success of this madrasah is also determined by the ability of madrasah teachers in compiling subject matter that combines islamic knowledge with general knowledge, general knowledge, especially science, is used to clarify religious knowledge (hassan, 2010). teachers who are unable to combine science and religion usually do not get a good place in the eyes of madrasah students (abdallah, et al., 2011). the combination in determining the teaching materials owned by the teacher resulting in a pleasant learning atmosphere can have a positive impact on student learning and development (kudari, 2016). madrasah teachers are well aware that they not only play a role in imparting knowledge, but also in integrating moral and spiritual values, building the personality and character of students by motivating and guiding students in their learning (kasim & yusoff, 2014). the emotions of madrasah students can be well controlled, this is a result of the general knowledge that has been obtained combined with islamic sciences (riyadi, 2015). the days passed by madrasah students radiated enthusiasm and happiness in studying. the combination of general science and islamic religious knowledge creates a special interest and admiration for students to continue to be active in learning so that they can have a positive impact on student learning outcomes (rustam & arifin, 2012). madrasah students and teachers have a very good emotional relationship, there is mutual understanding between each other. learning that is based on a combination of islamic religious knowledge and scientific knowledge has a positive impact on sincerity, sincerity and a sense of mutual responsibility between teachers and students (baba, et al., 2015). madrasah students have cohesiveness in learning mathematics, this cohesiveness has a positive impact in motivating students to study seriously. research on combining mathematics and islamic studies has provided a very creative nuance of collaboration between fellow students (purwati, et al., 2018). 3. research methods data and research locations pekanbaru is the capital city of riau province. pekanbaru is an area with a tropical climate with a population of around 2 million people fig. 1. distribution of madrasas throughout the city of pekanbaru the population is dominated by muslims and workers in the private sector. madrasah tsanawiyah in pekanbaru is often found in urban center areas with densely populated populations. the research was conducted by taking science subject scores for 4 consecutive years (2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019) throughout the city of pekanbaru, indonesia. the location of some madrasas as a condition for spatial data in the form of latitude and longitude values as well as data on science values is given as in table 1. the distribution of all madrasahs in pekanbaru is also given in 101.35 101.45 101.55 101.65 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 mansur et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 837-846 840 figure 1, as a preliminary analysis to find out the uniformity of research locations in the pekanbaru city area. figure 1 shows that most madrasahs are located in urban centers with densely populated populations. table 1 locations and data on science lesson values for some madrasas in the city of pekanbaru madrasah tsanawiyah un 20182019 un 20172018 un 20162017 un 20152016 latitude longitude symbol mts negeri 1 76.42 73.29 66.59 74.84 0.511398 101.453651 mts negeri 3 57.73 51.33 52.57 59.72 0.470775 101.46079 mts negeri 2 40.42 44.38 41.05 59.74 0.626801 101.423679 mts darul hikmah 43.44 41.56 42.98 61.42 0.469982 101.399077 mts hasanah 39.78 35.39 41.98 49.09 0.504412 101.447018 mts bustanul ulum 39.07 36.16 36.17 57.88 0.507994 101.505548 spatial analysis and kriging interpolation spatial analysis is an analysis that maps a phenomenon accompanied by spatial data. spatial data is a coordinate point or location of the phenomenon used, the location or coordinate point is a latitude and longitude point. the phenomenon referred to can be in the form of social events in the form of a violence index, crime index or school grades in a certain area. phenomena can also be in the form of climate event values in the form of rainfall, wind speed, and temperature values. spatial data provided by a phenomenon is usually very limited in a certain area, for this reason a mathematical formula is needed to get all spatial data at all coordinate points in a certain area. the completeness of this spatial data is the main key to mapping the phenomenon that can be done as a form of spatial analysis. the interpolation method is a method that is often used by researchers to obtain all spatial data in a certain area based on the limited spatial data provided at the beginning of the study (fotheringham, et al., 2000). several available interpolation methods have different advantages and disadvantages. one of the interpolation methods often used by researchers in conducting spatial analysis is kriging interpolation. several research publication results provide quite complete information about the kriging method (amri, et al., 2016; amri, et al., 2017; wackernagel, 1994). kriging interpolation can be divided into ordinary point kriging, ordinary block kriging, co-kriging, universal kriging (olea, 1999). universal kriging is used for spatial data that has a trend (kambhammuttu, et al., 2011). universal kriging can also be interpreted as an interpolation method used to deal with non-stationarity problems that arise in some of the spatial data provided at the beginning of the study (sample data). in this study surfer software will be used. surfer software is one of the best software that can carry out kriging interpolation on spatial data and visualize it in the form of a map of an area. semivarogram kriging interpolation can be determined by a mathematical equation known as a semivariogram, as shown below �̂�(ℎ) = 1 2𝑁(ℎ) ∑[(𝑍(𝑥𝑖 + ℎ)− 𝑚(𝑥)) − (𝑍(𝑥𝑖) − 𝑚(𝑥))] 2 𝑁(ℎ) 𝑖−1 with �̂�(ℎ) : experimental semivariogram value with distance h 𝑍 ( 𝑥𝑖) : value of observations in 𝑥𝑖 𝑍 (𝑥𝑖 + ℎ ) : value of observations in 𝑥𝑖 + ℎ 𝑚( 𝑥 ) : trend (drift) equation 𝑁(ℎ) : number of point pairs within h the semivariogram value in the equation above can be determined using 3 mathematical model approaches as shown in table 3. in general, the model has 3 variables, namely: sill (c), range (a) and distance (h). mathematical solutions for these three models can be used with the mansur et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 837-846 841 help of r software. r software provides a special package to discuss a given model, namely gstat r (bivand, et al., 2013). tabel 2 models for estimates semivariogram mathematical models model equation spherical model 𝛾(ℎ) = { 𝑐[ 3 2 ( ℎ 𝑎 ) − 1 2 ( ℎ 𝑎 ) 2 ] , ℎ < 𝑎 𝑐. ℎ ≥ 𝑎 gaussian model 𝛾(ℎ) = { 𝑐[1 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝( −3ℎ2 𝑎2 )], ℎ < 𝑎 𝑐, ℎ ≥ 𝑎 exponential model 𝛾(ℎ) = { 𝑐[1 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝( −3ℎ 𝑎 )], ℎ < 𝑎 𝑐, ℎ ≥ 𝑎 4. results and discussions the development of science values consecutively for 4 years, starting from the 2015-2016 school year so that the 2018-2019 school year will be analyzed using spatial analysis in the form of mapping. preliminary analysis needs to be done before the spatial analysis in map form is produced. basic statistical analysis or better known as descriptive statistical analysis, as shown in table 2 is the initial information that needs to be discussed in conducting this research. initial information in the form of maximum, minimum, average and data variations is important information to describe the state of madrasah students' ability to master science. in table 2 it can be seen that the ability of madrasah students to master science is quite good, where the maximum ability of students for these 4 years is in the interval of 65 to 80. this maximum ability continues to increase so that the 2018-2019 academic year is the best achievement for madrasah tsanawiyah in pekanbaru. the large variation value indicates the uneven ability of students in mastering science, this is also reinforced by the large difference between the lowest and highest student abilities in mastering science. table 3 descriptive statistics of nem min 1st qu median mean 3rd qu max var un 2015-2016 31.77 39.24 50.47 51.32 60.65 74.84 174.68 un 2016-2017 33.25 36.13 38.54 41.33 42.23 66.59 68.18 un 2017-2018 25.97 31.56 36.24 38.33 41.62 73.29 111.22 un 2018-2019 34.66 38.74 40.28 43.08 42.06 76.42 82.55 however, in the 2018-2019 academic year, student abilities have begun to be evenly distributed, indicated by the significantly reduced value of variation and the student's ability is centered on a fairly good score, namely 40.28. the achievements of madrasah tsanawiyah began to be taken into account, several scientific olympiad championships were able to keep up with the achievements of public schools, even in certain branches madrasas were able to outperform public schools. this achievement certainly illustrates that madrasahs have turned into educational institutions that are in demand by students and become the trust of parents to entrust their children to be given general knowledge and religion discussion the ability of madrasah tsanawiyah to turn into an educational institution at the junior high school level that is able to compete with public schools will continue to be analyzed as a whole in the pekanbaru city area. a map of the distribution of madrasah students' ability to master science in the 2015-2016 academic year has been generated through kriging interpolation to obtain all scores at locations in pekanbaru city. this value is marked with a different color, where the lowest value is yellow and increases with the greening of the color on the map, as shown in figure 2. the distribution of science values with value intervals from 26 to 66 spreads throughout the city of pekanbaru, only a small part of the area in pekanbaru has the lowest scores between 26 and 36 and most madrasas in the city of pekanbaru have quite good grades in science. madrasas in the northern region of pekanbaru city have the best achievement in mastering science mansur et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 837-846 842 while a small number of madrasas in the southern region of pekanbaru city have poor achievements in mastering science. fig. 2. the distribution of science grades for the 2015-2016 school year for madrasahs in the city of pekanbaru the increase in the interval for science scores during the 2016-2017 school year for madrasas in pekanbaru city can be seen in figure 3. this increase in scores is of course a reflection of the success of madrasas in continuing to improve the quality of students in mastering science. the value of science has increased for the most part in the pekanbaru area. most of the west and east areas have science scores with a score range of 32 to 40 and a small number of urban center areas have the best performance with a large score range of 64 (vallinkoski, et al., 2022; ragazzi, 2018) fig. 3. the distribution of science scores for the 2016-2017 school year of madrasahs in the city of pekanbaru the 2017 – 2018 academic year was marked by a change in the curriculum, this resulted in almost all madrasas not being ready to use this new curriculum. madrasas in parts of the western and eastern areas of pekanbaru city have a decline in science scores, while a small number of madrasas in the northern city of pekanbaru have the best achievement in science scores, as shown in figure 4. this curriculum change has a significant effect on students' ability to master science fig. 4. the distribution of science scores for the 2017-2018 school year of madrasahs in the city of pekanbaru based on the experiences that have occurred in the 2017 – 2018 school year, the curriculum continues to be improved. the 2018 – 2019 academic year provides clear evidence that madrasahs have succeeded in increasing students' ability to master science 101.3 101.4 101.5 101.6 101.7 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 2636465666 101.3 101.4 101.5 101.6 101.7 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 3240485664 101.3 101.4 101.5 101.6 101.7 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 2434445464 mansur et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 837-846 843 fig. 5. the distribution of science scores for the 2018-2019 school year for madrasahs in the city of pekanbaru figure 5 shows that there has been an increase in the science score interval from 34 to over 74 for all madrasahs in the pekanbaru area. some areas in urban madrasah centers have succeeded in significantly increasing the value of science with a score of more than 74. urban centers as areas that have complete facilities have indirectly influenced madrasahs to improve the quality of learning outcomes. to see this, several coordinate points (latitude and longitude) will be selected in the urban center area as shown in table 4. the real locations such as the coordinate points given in table 4 can be seen in figure 6. figure 6 shows that various facilities in the urban center area and the atmosphere created can support the improvement of the quality of education. the results of this study can provide an overview to every madrasah in pekanbaru, it is very necessary to create a calm atmosphere and complete facilities in improving the ability of madrasah students to understand subject matter. table 4 some of the coordinates of urban centers latitude longitude location 1 0.5227835083 101.451 location 2 0.5183505833 101.454324708 location 3 0.5094847333 101.456541142 location 4 0.5161341500 101.463190558 location 5 0.5238917833 101.457649417 the value of science in the 2018 – 2019 school year is not much different from the grades obtained by public schools (thamrin, et al. 2019), it can be concluded that madrasas with a number of lessons that exceed the number of public school lessons can compensate for the abilities of public school students in science lessons. this at the same time illustrates that madrasas as an islamic-based educational institution have succeeded in erasing the negative image that has been given as an institution that produces radical generations. madrasas grow as educational institutions that are active in producing young people who have knowledge in religion and science (sali, & marasigan, 2020; anwar, et al., 2019; shaturaev, 2021). fig. 6. real location of several coordinate points of urban centers. 5. conclusion spatial analysis carried out on four years of science learning values (2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019) at madrasahs in pekanbaru using kriging interpolation has succeeded in removing the 101.3 101.4 101.5 101.6 101.7 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 3444546474 mansur et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 837-846 844 negative image given by foreigners as educational institutions that produce radical generations. madrasas as islamic religious-based educational institutions have proven that the students produced have good abilities in religion and science. mapping the value of science for 4 years in a row since 10 years after the attack on the twin towers of the world trade center (wtc) in new york, has proven that madrasas have made very 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min, 2023; quan et al., 2023). among southeast asian countries, indonesia has a relatively large population and territorial area, which makes it an ideal destination for a manufacturing shift (ran et al., 2023). according to indonesian central statistics agency, the manufacturing industry is contributing around 20% of gdp (sparrow et al., 2020), while the automotive industry is driving around 1.76% or equivalent to rp 260.9 trillion (statistics indonesia, 2020; usman, 2020). therefore, it is important to perform all operations so that all resources are used efficiently (kumar and patnaik, 2017). press tools are used to manufacture large quantities of components from sheet metal, and it consists of several steps that must be followed to achieve efficient and acceptable results. stamping process is essential due to its efficiency, the use of unskilled workers, and high precision (annigeri et al., 2017). fig. 1. bracket for front seat one of the products that are produced by stamping process is the outside bracket for the front seat. this bracket functions as a holder on the seat track in the car and is shown in figure 1. due to the high rate of productivity, the outside bracket for front seat were manufactured on a progressive die. progressive dies are most used in press shops because they are ideal for custom products that require multiple operations in a row (priyadarshi et al., 2021). progressive dies allow to do cutting operations (blanking, piercing, trimming, etc.) and forming operations (bending, drawing, etc.). these types of dies are primarily designed for a single function and are superior to simple dies that only perform a single action on a workpiece with a single stroke (bhawar et al., romansyah et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 756-764 757 2017). further, progressive dies for the product have 9 stations that is; 1st pierce, 1st trim, 2nd trim, idle, flange, idle, 2nd pierce, idle, part, and have 3 different blank holders, cutting stripper, forming stripper, and parting stripper (figure 2). fig. 2. strip layout process of bracket for front seat however, product defects were reported. the holes in the product are not perfectly round. this caused problems and decreased product quality. the problem occurs at the 7th – 9th station, as shown in fig 3. the pilot hole in the product deformed into an oval which is undesirable. meanwhile, the quality of sheet metal products depends largely on the rate at which sheet metal is drawn into the die. the force applied to the sheet metal by the blank holder/stripper provides a binding force that controls the flow of metal (wifi and mosallam, 2007). the wrinkle and cracks were eliminated in the deep drawing process by using fem, and multi-segment blank holder (chen et al., 2022; zhang, 2022). fig. 3. defect oval shape hole in the product a failure investigation of blank holder force (bhf) control is presented in this study by using the gemba-kaizen method. studies showed that gemba-kaizen in automotive industries effectively reduces cycle times (reis et al., 2023), waste (zvidzayi, 2021), and production cost, (sadiku et al., 2023), improves the quality of products (wan and leirmo, 2023) and increased productivity (sadiku et al., 2023). the data were collected by comparing the design and actual progressive dies. further, analysis and optimization are carried out on the design/process 2. literature review progressive dies many types of dies can be classified based on their elements and designs. manufacturing processes classify dies as blanking, punching, bending, deep drawing, etc. there are a variety of operations, including single-operation (simple) and multi-operation (combination) dies, as well as stations (vukota, 2004). a progressive die consists of two or more stations. at each station, a different operation is performed on the workpiece. an idle station is provided so that the workpiece can be completed when the last operation is completed. as each stroke of the press is executed, another finished part is produced after the first part has traveled through all the stations. during the process of designing a die, the sequence of operations for a strip and the details of each operation must be carefully considered. during the development of the final sequence of operations, the following items should be considered. (vukota, 2004): romansyah et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 756-764 758 1. the first station should be punched with pilot holes and notches. there may be other holes punched that will not be affected by subsequent non-cutting operations. 2. provide a free-moving blank for drawing or forming operations. 3. punching areas should be distributed over several stations if they are close to one another or near the die opening edge. 4. determine whether the blanked areas of the strip can be divided into simple shapes based on their shapes. for simple contours, standard punches may be used. 5. it is recommended to use idle stations in order to strengthen die blocks and stripper plates and facilitate strip movement. 6. identify whether the direction of strip grain will adversely affect or facilitate any particular operation. 7. consider bending or drawing operations in either an upward or downward direction to ensure the most efficient die design and strip movement. 8. it may be necessary to carry out the cutoff operation before the last non-cutting operation, depending upon the shape of the finished piece. 9. ensure that carrier strips or tabs are adequate. 10. verify that the strip layout is designed to minimize scrap. 11. locate cutting and forming areas to provide uniform loading of the press slide. 12. design the strip so that the scrap and part can be ejected without interference. blank holder force a blank holder is designed to prevent wrinkles from appearing on the top flange of the shell (zhang and wang, 2022). it is possible for wrinkles to appear if there is not sufficient pressure applied to the blank holder, or if the radius of the punch or draw rings is too large. when there is insufficient clearance between the punch and the die, wrinkles can form as too much metal crowds over the draw ring (atul s and babu, 2019). the blank holder force can be calculated by the following formula (vukota, 2004): • for the first drawing operation: • for subsequent drawing operations where: d = blank diameter t = material thickness di = inside cup diameter after the first drawing operation p = blank holder pressure numerous novel processes have been developed by designed variable system of bhf, giving lubricant to the products (zhang and qin, 2022), and predicting the critical fracture parameters of modified mohr-couloumb (mmc) by fem (chen et al., 2022). other researchers developed the power source of bhf by using degressive gas, hydraulics, electro-hydraulic load sensing, electro-mechanical die cushion, and the electromagnet blank holder (chen et al., 2022). although the aforementioned developments in technologies improve the forming process, industrial facilities often have limitations. therefore, available resources must be optimally utilized to solve problems. in theory, the blank holder force (bhf) is evenly distributed throughout the product area, but in practice, it is not always the case. material flow in complex parts must be controlled, called multipoint bhf (zhang, 2022). multipoint bhf control can be achieved by positioning the blank holder springs according to the tool's center of gravity. the theoretical calculation of the tool's center of gravity is as follows. 𝑋(𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟) = 𝐿1𝑋1 + 𝐿2𝑋2 + 𝐿𝑛𝑋𝑛 𝐿1 + 𝐿2 + 𝐿𝑛 romansyah et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 756-764 759 𝑌(𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟) = 𝐿1𝑌1 + 𝐿2𝑌2 + 𝐿𝑛𝑌𝑛 𝐿1 + 𝐿2 + 𝐿𝑛 where: x, y = coordinates of the center of the die pressure, x1, y1 = coordinates of the center of gravity of a partial length of cut edge li = partial length of cut edges. besides, by using the center of gravity feature in software the calculation of the center of gravity can be done (figure 4). fig. 5. calculation of the centre of gravity in software 3. research methods gemba-kaizen was used in the present study as an optimization and experimental method. there are two fundamental principles of lean that identify and eliminate waste in all work processes. the research methodology was developed in accordance with the research approach developed by (cherrafi et al., 2019)and is shown in figure 5. fig. 5. research methodology first, it began with problem identification. as mentioned in the previous part, the fault caused the product to have an oval-shaped hole. the product material used is scga 440-45 with 2 mm thickness and confirmed by optical emission spectrometry (oes) shown in table 1. romansyah et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 756-764 760 sgc440 steel is a high-strength hot-dip galvanized cold-rolled steel for structural uses according to jis standard material (alvi, 2013). table 1 material composition and properties of scga 440-45 specification units chemical composition c 0.25 max. % mn 2 p 0.2 s 0.050 mechanical properties ultimate strength 440 n/mm2 yield strength (min.) 335 n/mm2 elongation (min.) 18 % then, gemba should be done after the problems have been identified. gemba (or genba) refers to “the actual place where something happens” in japanese. in the context of businessprocess improvement, the gemba is the source that value is created, especially in the manufacturing area or a workshop in japanese company. gemba management is often associated with the integrated application of kaizen, resulting in the term “genba-kaizen” which mean “complete and continuous improvement of site conditions” (macpherson et al., 2018). in this case, the purpose of gemba is to directly see the problem that occurs on the shop floor without intermediaries. by looking directly at the shop, it will help to identify what things have deviated from the initial procedure (cherrafi et al., 2019). the production head, designer and qc staff do gemba, and the dies should be open. it will help to see the problems more comprehensively. the upper dies and the lower dies are placed side by side so that the observation can be carried out simply. matching field processing shall be done. the actual condition of tools and die design should be compared (singh et al., 2023). a discrepancy between the design and the actual tools in the workshop must be checked. when the design and tool are appropriate, the next step is to analyze and optimize the design or the process. inspireform is used to assist in design and process optimization, especially to simulate and control blank holder force (bhf). nevertheless, if the design and the tools are different, the necessary repairs should be done. last, the trial is led to ensure simulation and optimization succeed 4. results and discussions genba was conducted and the following results were found. the observations during the production process show that blank holder 3, which is where failure occurs, experiences a delay (figure 5). blank holder 3rd is also used for the piercing and parting processes. a blank holder is a part that pressing and preventing wrinkles in the material (ahmetoglu et al., 1992). the delay that occurs on the blank holder can be caused by several factors, such as the material being formed (zhang and wang, 2022), positioning of springs, insufficient blank holder force (brun et al., 2021; gavas and izciler, 2006), the presence of obstructive scrap, and insufficient clearance (sontamino and nitnara, 2022). fig. 4. research methodology according to (takatsu et al., 2022), scga 440-45 has the same properties as jis 3302, which indicates that this material is suitable for sheet metal forming. then, the examination is continued by comparing bhf between existing calculations and software (zhang and wang, romansyah et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 756-764 761 2022). bhf has a significant impact on the success of sheet metal forming. it should be sufficient to prevent excessive wrinkling (or buckling), but not so large that it would tear, split or fracture.(ahmetoglu et al., 1992; takatsu et al., 2022; zhang and qin, 2022). figure 7 shows bhf is compared between manual and software calculations by inspireform. fi.g 5. blank holder force total calculation by inspireform the existing blank holder force is 2.79 kn while the calculation using software is 2.89 kn. as the difference between the two methods is not significant, it means that the problem cannot be attributed to die design, which is why the investigation into the die design continues (budiarto et al., 2022). afterward, the design layout shows that the center of gravity is -202 to the x-axis. additionally, the position of the spring is relatively far from the piercing area (figure 8). it is critical to note that a center of gravity that is located too far in the blank holder will result in a distribution of force that is not equally distributed, which will result in a reduction in material flow in one place (but not in other places) that will adversely affect product quality (feng et al., 2019; sontamino and nitnara, 2022; zhang and qin, 2022). in order for the bhf distribution to be even, the blank holder spring is reduced (ahmetoglu et al., 1992; koowattanasuchat et al., 2016; shulkin et al., 2000), see figure 8. (a) layout design of tool (b) centre of mass tools fig. 6. design existing of tools furthermore, the investigation found that the clearance between the pilot and the bush is too small. so, it was enlarged to 1/10 from originally 1/100. figure 9 shows the changes in dies. a die clearance that is too small or too large will result in edge cracks (budiarto et al., 2022; pätzold et al., 2023; preedawiphat et al., 2020). in the hole expansion test, (mori et al., 2010) investigated the effect of die clearance and associated work hardening on the expansion ratio limit. for small die clearances and high work hardening, the expansion ratio decreased dramatically. fig. 9. the reduction of springs from dies last, the trial on the press machine shows that the blank holder can move together after reducing the number of springs. in addition, once the products have been manufactured, they are then checked with a checking. the test confirms that the product is “okay”, as shown in figure 9. romansyah et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 756-764 762 checking fixtures is essential for the accurate and efficient inspection of products, ensuring they meet the required quality standards fixture (mitra, 2016; vishal et al., 2022). through the implementation of these steps, manufacturers can guarantee that their products are of the highest quality (özgüven, 2022). (a) trial on machine after repaired (b) checking on checking fixture fig. 10. quality checked on machine and checking fixture 5. conclusion an investigation has been completed. gemba-kaizen has proven to be effective in identifying problems in the field so that product defects are successfully eliminated. gembakaizen results show that there are 2 factors that are the main cause of product defects. there are two factors for this: an imbalance of bhf against the center of gravity of the tool. therefore, bhf control needs to be done by reducing the number of springs and the clearance enlarge from 0.01 to 0.1 mm. references ahmetoglu, m. a., altan, t., & kinzel, g. l. (1992). improvement of part quality in stamping by controlling blank-holder force and pressure. journal of materials processing tech., 33(1–2), 195–214. alvi, a. (2013). jis g3302 structural galvanized cold rolled sgc440 steel. material grades. annigeri, u. k., raghavendra ravi kiran, k., & deepthi, y. p. 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algae and improve our understanding of water quality in aquatic ecosystems. to accomplish this, we utilized transfer learning to fine-tune 13 pre-trained cnn models on a dataset of five categories of desmids. we evaluated the performance of our models using several metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score. our results show that transfer learning can significantly improve the classification accuracy of microscopic images of desmids, and efficient cnn models can further enhance performance. the practical implications of this research include a more efficient and accurate method for classifying microscopic algae and assessing water quality. the theoretical implications include a better understanding of the application of transfer learning and cnns in image classification. this research contributes to both theory and practice by providing a new method for automating the classification of microscopic algae and improving our understanding of aquatic ecosystems. keywords: deep learning, transfer learning, algae classification, desmids classification, cnn comparative study 1. introduction freshwater wetlands constitute vital ecosystems, where benthic, attached microbial communities, such as desmids, function as key habitats that contribute to primary productivity, nutrient cycling, and substrate stabilization (domozych & domozych, 2008). desmids are unicellular, photosynthetic algae found in freshwater environments. the complex group of microorganisms called desmids, which thrive in aquatic ecosystems worldwide, have long intrigued biologists (prescott et al., 1948). these microorganisms display an extensive variety of forms and hold potential applications across numerous sectors. researchers continue to investigate ways to leverage these microscopic organisms to benefit human welfare, including alternative fuel sources, food, and more. the traditional taxonomy of desmids, based on morphology, suffers from an overabundance of synonyms and a high rate of splitting. unfortunately, sexual reproduction, essential for applying the biological species concept, is a relatively rare phenomenon in this algal group, and for many species, no sexual stages have been observed (coesel et al.,1996). several methods are employed to monitor algal blooms, including using aircraft, satellites, or drones to acquire hyperspectral or multispectral images, which facilitate the identification of algal bloom events over expansive areas (park et al., 2019, goldberg et al, 2016, kudela et al., 2015, lekki et al., 2019). continuous surveillance of undesirable algal blooms in ponds, water channels, or freshwater reservoirs is crucial to ensure timely and appropriate actions are taken to maintain drinking water quality. the conventional method of visually analyzing algal blooms via a microscope is labor-intensive, economically impractical, and cumbersome. an automated system leveraging state-of-the-art object detection algorithms provides a more efficient solution for real-time monitoring of algal blooms in water bodies (ali et al., 2022). in recent years, computer vision techniques, especially those grounded in deep learning, have been applied to image classification and object detection problems (lecun et al., 2015). perdeshi & deshmukh … vol 4(2) 2023 : 885-894 886 deep learning approaches often require large datasets to train classifiers, but acquiring sufficient data is not always possible. in such instances, transfer learning can be utilized to apply knowledge gained from one task to solve another (george karimpanal & bouffanais, 2018). a significant number of studies in the literature have focused on assessing individual cnn architectures. considering the rapid development of various variants, a comparative study of these cnn architectures is both timely and essential. this paper presents a comparative analysis of 13 stateof-the-art cnn architectures for desmid classification. these initial findings aim to guide emerging researchers in devising innovative algorithms, thereby fostering research and development in the domain of automated microscopic algae classification, including desmids 2. literature review a comprehensive search of scientific databases, including pubmed, sciencedirect, and google scholar, was performed to identify relevant articles published between 2020 and 2023. the search was conducted using various keywords such as algae, classification, machine learning, image processing, and deep learning. the inclusion criteria were articles published in english, focused on the classification of algae using various techniques, including machine learning and image processing. exclusion criteria included articles that were not relevant to the research question, articles not published in english and not given the authentic data sources. machine learning approaches for microalgae classification: several studies have employed machine learning approaches for microalgae classification. (agarwal et al., 2023) used morphological features extracted from blobs with a random forest classifier to classify two species of microalgae using imaging flow cytometry, achieving an accuracy of 95%. (adejimi et al., 2023) used hyperspectral signature-based features with a support vector machine (svm) classifier to classify seven genera of algae. (gerdan koc et al., 2023) utilized cultivation parameters for the classification of three algae types, achieving an accuracy of 93.11%. (pardeshi et al. 2021) classified scenedesmus of four classes based on coenobium, obtaining an accuracy of 96%. deep learning approaches for microalgae classification: in recent years, deep learning techniques, particularly convolutional neural networks (cnn), have gained popularity in microalgae classification due to their ability to learn complex features from image data. (gaur et al., 2023) compared cnn architectures, including mobilenet, vgg, alexnet, and resnext, for the classification of 15 categories of microalgae, achieving accuracies ranging from 40% to 99%. (yuan et al.,2023) developed the algal morphology deep neural network (amdnn) model to classify 25 algal species, obtaining an accuracy of 99.87%. several studies have employed the yolo (you only look once) framework for algae classification, with accuracies ranging from 41% (park et al., 2021) to 91% (tangsuksant, & sarakon.,2023), (ali et al., 2022). comparisons and evaluations of techniques: various studies have conducted comparative evaluations of different classification techniques. (chong et al.,2023) provided a review of various techniques for microalgae classification, while (yang et al.,2021) evaluated different cnn models for harmful versus harmless algae classification, achieving an accuracy of 94.8%. (gong et al.,2023) compared various yolo architectures for the detection of 54 genera of algae, reporting a mean average precision (map) score of 50.5%. (khan et al.,2022) detected harmful algal blooms with vgg-16, alexnet, googlenet, and resnet-18 cnn architectures, achieving an accuracy of 97.10%. review studies and other techniques: some studies have focused on reviewing existing methods and techniques for microalgae classification. (barsanti et al.,2021) provided a review on water monitoring using digital microscopy identification and classification of microalgae. (chong et al.,2022) reviewed image processing algorithms for automatic micro-algae classification. (guterres et al.,2022) developed an image data integration pipeline for phytoplankton classification. other studies have explored different techniques, such as the use of inception v3 for categorizing eight bloom-forming algae species (gauret al., 2021), obtaining an accuracy of 99%. (liu et al., 2021) classified red tide algae images of eight different types with a reported accuracy of 99%. (guo et al., 2021) used imaging flowcytobot (ifcb) images of 15 categories of harmful algal blooms for classification, achieving an accuracy of 98%. perdeshi & deshmukh … vol 4(2) 2023 : 885-894 887 additional studies have focused on specific applications and techniques: (piazza et al., 2021) classified marine coralline algae using scanning electron microscopy (sem) images with cnn, obtaining an accuracy of 80%. (liao et al.,2022) analyzed scenedesmus quadricauda culture using the internet of things (iot) method. (reimann et al., 2020) used fluorescent image features to classify living or dead microalgae of chlorella sp., achieving an accuracy of 95%. (pant et al., 2020) classified seven pediastrum species based on the resnext model, obtaining an accuracy of 98.45%. (qian et al.,2020) employed a faster r-cnn-based detection technique for nine genera of algae, reporting a map score of 74.64%. (sonmez et al.,2022) compared alexnet and other architectures for the classification of two species of microalgae, achieving an accuracy of 99.66%. (gaur et al.,2022) focused on the classification of blue-green algae, obtaining an accuracy of 99.16%. (xu et al.,2022) applied a cnn architecture for the classification of 13 categories of algae, achieving an accuracy of 93%. (luo et al.,2023) developed a new technique using landsat imagery for the classification of algal blooms in eutrophic shallow lakes, obtaining an accuracy of 84.49%. the classification of microalgae has evolved significantly in recent years, with machine learning and deep learning techniques showing great potential in achieving high classification accuracies. while cnn architectures, particularly yolo, have demonstrated promising results, there is still room for improvement and exploration of other techniques. further research is required to optimize and compare these approaches for different microalgae classification tasks, particularly in addressing the challenges of varying image quality and the vast diversity of microalgae species. additionally, the integration of different data types, such as hyperspectral signatures and cultivation parameters, could further enhance classification performance. future research should continue investigating novel techniques and refining existing methods to advance the field of microalgae classification. in this paper, we conducted a comparative analysis of 13 different cnn architectures for the classification of desmids into five categories. this study contributes to the growing body of research on microalgae classification by specifically targeting desmids, a group of microalgae known for their intricate cell shapes and unique morphological features. by evaluating the performance of various cnn architectures in classifying desmids, this study provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of deep learning techniques in addressing the challenges posed by the morphological diversity of desmids. the results of this study can serve as a reference point for future research aimed at improving classification performance and developing more robust techniques for the analysis of desmids and other microalgae species 3. research methods convolutional neural networks (cnns): convolutional neural networks (cnns) are a class of deep neural networks that have become popular for image recognition and classification tasks. cnns consist of convolutional layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers that work together to extract relevant features from input images. the convolutional layers use filters to extract features from the input images, while the pooling layers downsample the feature maps and reduce computational complexity. fully connected layers are used to classify the images based on the features extracted by the convolutional and pooling layers. cnns are known for their ability to learn complex feature representations from raw image data, and have achieved state-ofthe-art results on several benchmark datasets for image recognition. examples of cnn architectures include alexnet, vgg-16, and resnet. however, we chose transfer learning for desmids image classification because it improves performance with limited data, accelerates training, enhances generalization, and reduces overfitting, making it a highly effective and efficient approach for our research. transfer learning (yang et al. 2022) is a widely-employed machine learning technique that utilizes the knowledge acquired from a pre-trained convolutional neural network (cnn) model to enhance the performance of a novel model for a related task, such as the classification of microscopic images of desmids. in this process, the features learned from the pre-trained model are reused and fine-tuned on a new dataset to adapt the model to a new task. the mathematical formulation for transfer learning is concisely presented in the following paragraph to facilitate a more comprehensive understanding. perdeshi & deshmukh … vol 4(2) 2023 : 885-894 888 let m be a pre-trained model with parameters θ, trained on a source task ts. the model m comprises a feature extractor f(.) and a classifier g(.), such that for an input x, the output produced by the pre-trained model m is given by: m(x;θ) = g(f(x;θ_f);θ_g) where θ_f and θ_g represent the parameters of the feature extractor and the classifier, respectively. consider a new target task tt, which is the classification of a desmids dataset. although different from the source task ts, tt shares certain common features with it. the objective is to train a new model m′ with parameters θ′ that performs well on the target task tt. transfer learning initializes the new model m′ with the pre-trained model m and fine-tunes it on the target task tt, as follows: m′(x; θ′) = g′(f′(x; θ_f′); θ_g′) here, θ_f′ and θ_g′ denote the parameters of the feature extractor and the classifier of the new model m′, respectively. transfer learning initializes the parameters of m′ with those of the pre-trained model m, i.e., θ_f′ = θ_f and θ_g′ = θ_g. subsequently, the new model m′ is finetuned on the target task tt using the desmids dataset. the process can be visualized through fig. 1. the procedure for classification of microscopic images of desmids using transfer learning involves the following steps: • preprocessing: in our research, we first preprocess the image data by resizing, cropping, and normalizing the images to enhance the quality and consistency of the data. this step is crucial for training a transfer learning model, as it necessitates input images in a specific format. • feature extraction: in the second step, we utilize a pre-trained convolutional neural network (cnn) model to extract high-level features from the preprocessed images of desmids. having already learned to extract relevant features from microscopic images of desmids in a general context, the pre-trained model's features can be employed for the new classification task. the cnn model's output consists of feature maps that represent the crucial features of each microscopic image of desmids. • fine-tuning: in the third, we fine-tune the pre-trained cnn model for the specific image classification task at hand, which is the classification of microscopic images of desmids. we use the feature maps obtained from the pre-trained model as input to a new classifier, which is trained to classify the images into different categories of desmids. in our case, we employ a fully connected neural network as the classifier. • evaluation:in the final step, after fine-tuning the pre-trained model on the new dataset of microscopic images of desmids, we evaluate the performance of the transfer learning model using a test dataset. to determine the model's accuracy, we compare thepredicted class labels to the true class labels of the test images in the desmids dataset. fig. 1. transfer learning applied to desmids classification 4. results and discussions dataset: we have used five types of desmids genus with total 88 microscopic images with varied angels, sizes and shapes for automatic classification desmids namely closteriaceae (27) desmidiaceae(23), gonatozygon(13) ,mesotaeniaceae(33), peniaceae(19). this is one of the most perdeshi & deshmukh … vol 4(2) 2023 : 885-894 889 versatile data of microscopic image is considered for the experiments and evaluation of our method from []. the samples of microscopic images are shown in figure1. further to enhance the size of dataset we have applied the various techniques of image augmentation given in (wang et. al. 2022) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) fig. 2. samples of microscopic images of desmids from our dataset a) closteriaceae b) desmidiaceae c) gonatozygon d) mesotaeniaceae e) peniaceae experiments: in this study, we evaluated the performance of 13 different deep learning models on the desmids dataset, a collection of images featuring desmids, a group of single-celled algae. the models assessed include alexnet (krizhevsky et al, 2017.), densenet (huang, et al., 2017), efficientnet (tan et al., 2019).,googlenet (szegedy et al., 2015), mnasnet (tan et al., 2019) , regnet (radosavovic et al., 2020), resnet (he et al., 2016), resnext (xie et al., 2017), shufflenet (zhang et al., 2018),squeezenet (iandola et al.,2016) swinnet (z. liu et al., 2022), vggnet (simonyan et al, 2014), and vitnet (kim et al, 2022). our goal was to determine the effectiveness of each model for classifying desmids based on their morphological features. we trained each model using the same dataset and calculated their performance metrics, including precision, recall, f1-score, accuracy, and training time. the results obtained are given in table 1. this paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of all major convolutional neural network (cnn) models presented in the literature up to 2022. table 1 results based on transfer learning for classification of microscopic images of desmids model name precision recall f1-score accuracy training time in minutes and seconds 01 alexnet 100% 99% 99% 100% 14m 41s 02 densenet 100% 100% 100% 100% 38m 15s 03 efficientnet 97% 97% 97% 97% 16m 2s 04 googlenet 97% 97% 97% 97% 15m 56s 05 mnasnet 96% 94% 94% 95% 15m 38s 06 regnet 99% 99% 99% 99% 38m 32s 07 resnet 96% 96% 96% 97% 40m 2s 08 resnext 92% 87% 89% 91% 43m 49s 09 shufflenet 97% 96% 97% 97% 24m 11s 10 sqeezenet 100% 100% 100% 100% 39m 44s 11 swinnet 98% 98% 98% 99% 25m 38s 12 vggnet 99% 98% 98% 99% 33m 32s 13 vitnet 100% 99% 99% 100% 46m 11s the contribution of this work lies in its thorough analysis and comparison of the performance of these models on desmids dataset, which allows for an informed understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. overall, this study serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the field of deep learning, providing insights into the state-of-the-art cnn models and their potential applications. the results presented in table 1 demonstrate the accuracies of various convolutional neural network (cnn) models in classifying microscopic images of desmids. vitnet, squiznet, and alexnet achieved perfect accuracy of 100%, while regnet and efficientnet performed very well with an accuracy of 99%. resnet, googlenet, shufflenet, and swimnet achieved an accuracy of 97%, and resnext had an accuracy of 91%. mnasnet achieved an accuracy of 95%, while vggnet had an accuracy of 99%. based on these results, we can conclude that squiznet, vitnet, and alexnet are the topperforming models with accuracies above 99%. these models use various techniques such as attention mechanisms, advanced activation functions, and depth wise convolutions to improve their performance. the middle-performing models, including regnet, resnet, googlenet, and shufflenet, achieved accuracies between 95-99% and are widely used due to their good performance and relatively simple architecture. resnext and mnasnet were lower-performing models, achieving accuracies between 90-95%, but they can still be useful in certain scenarios or when combined with other models. to facilitate comprehension of our results, we have provided perdeshi & deshmukh … vol 4(2) 2023 : 885-894 890 fig. 2, which displays the confusion matrix obtained by alexnet which is the best performing model in all aspects including accuracy and time complexity. additionally, we have included fig. 3 and fig. 4, which depict the accuracy and loss graphs, respectively, for both the training and validation, from this it can be clearly depicted that model avoids the overfitting. vitnet and swimnet are relatively new models that have shown promising results in their respective fields. vitnet achieves high accuracy with fewer parameters, while swimnet is specifically designed for rgbd image classification. overall, these results provide valuable insights into the performance of different cnn models for the classification of microscopic images of desmids, which can be useful for researchers in this field. fig. 3. confusion matrix given by alexnet model for classification of desmids in summary, the cnn models described in this study exhibit varying accuracies and are optimized to perform well in diverse contexts. some of these models are designed to be highly efficient, performing well on mobile devices, while others prioritize accuracy, necessitating greater computational resources. the selection of the most appropriate model for a given use case is contingent upon specific requirements and available resources. based on considerations such as simplicity of architecture, required time for training, and computational resources, our findings suggest that alexnet may represent the optimal choice for microscopic image classification. 5. conclusion in conclusion, we have analyzed the performance of several popular cnn models based on their accuracy scores for the task of automatic desmids classification. vitnet, squiznet, and alexnet are the top-performing models with perfect accuracy, while regnet and efficientnet also perform very well with an accuracy of 99%. resnet, googlenet, shufflenet, and swimnet have an accuracy of 97%, and mnasnet has an accuracy of 95%. resnext has an accuracy of 91%, which is comparatively lower than other models on the list. it's important to note that accuracy is not the only metric to consider when selecting a cnn model for a particular task, and other factors such as speed, memory usage, and ease of training are also important. nonetheless, the performance of these models in terms of accuracy provides a useful benchmark for evaluating their effectiveness in a given task and will be useful for the growth of research and development in the field of microscopic image analysis in general and classification of algae in particular. the performance of these cnn models could be further improved by exploring new training techniques and regularization methods. for example, recent research has shown that techniques such as mixup, cutout, and stochastic depth can improve the performance of cnn models on algae classification tasks. overall, the comparative analysis of cnn models provides a useful starting point for future research, and there are many opportunities to improve the performance of these models and develop new architectures that better meet the needs of microscopic 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koh et al., 2016). the mechanism of polymer flooding is expected to reduce the mobility ratio of the injection fluid, thus reducing fingering and increasing the efficiency of fluid displacement (gogarty, 1967; koh et al., 2016; lake, 1989; needham & doe, 1987; saqer & osama, 2016; skauge et al., 2014; wassmuth et al., 2007). to support the smooth implementation of polymer flooding, there are several parameters that are considered to contribute to its success, and this study aims to determine the most influential parameter in order to provide a good scheme for implementing polymer flooding in the field. if the mobility ratio is greater than one, then polymer flooding will be carried out to increase the viscosity of the injection fluid and reduce the saturation oil residual in the reservoir (cenk et al., 2017). saturation oil residual is one of the parameters used to measure the success of polymer flooding (koh et al., 2016), where the value of saturation oil residual obtained after polymer flooding can be used as an indicator of the method's success. the success of polymer injection/flooding can be influenced by several factors such as reservoir salinity or injected water salinity, reservoir temperature or injected water temperature, and reservoir rock properties (hidayat & almolhem, 2019). experiments have been conducted on porous media that show the properties of the injected polymer can be influenced by polymer adsorption in the reservoir, residual resistance factor, and inaccessible pore volume (hidayat & almolhem, 2019). there are several parameters that determine the success of polymer flooding, including pore volume (pv), injection rate, injection time, and injection pressure (erfando et al., 2019). in order to achieve efficiency in the implementation of polymer flooding for economic oil recovery, it is important to study the parameters that have a significant impact on polymer flooding. therefore, this study will perform sensitivity analysis using different methods and adding parameters that are considered to have an erfando & khariszma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 873-884 874 impact on the success of polymer flooding, using the x-gradient boosting algorithm with python programming language. the parameters added in this study include adsorption, residual resistance factor (rrf), and inaccessible pore volume (ipv). 2. literature review polymer flooding is one of the common and efficient enhanced oil recovery (eor) methods applied as an eor technology (koh et al., 2016; vishnyakov et al., 2020). many field studies have been conducted to prove the effectiveness of this polymer flooding method, where an estimated 865 polymer flooding projects have been conducted worldwide (saleh et al., 2017). one country that has published a lot about polymer flooding is china, specifically in the daqing field, resulting in many literatures discussing projects in that field. in their journal, (guo, 2017; wang et al., 2011) mentioned that there has been an increase in the implementation of polymer flooding because it has been proven to increase oil recovery by around 10% 20% of ooip in tests conducted in the daqing field, china. in terms of cost, it is more economical compared to surfactant-polymer flooding and alkaline-surfactant-polymer flooding. this indicates that polymer flooding is more effective in increasing oil recovery as expected, which is in agreement with (alsofi & blunt, 2014; lüftenegger et al., 2016; sheng et al., 2015; sieberer et al., 2017). the daqing field has around 55 polymer flooding blocks in reservoir 1, where 36 blocks have entered the waterflooding stage, and after polymer flooding, an oil recovery factor of about 53.2% was obtained, meaning there is still half of the reserves in the reservoir. in the same field, but a different area, block b2d was also studied by (gao et al., 2016) using high concentration polymer to obtain optimum mobility control where the injected polymer concentration in the b2d block area was 2500 mg/l. the results of the test conducted can increase oil recovery by 5%, and with the available technology, it can provide a performance prediction scheme of the polymer using the numerical simulation method. apart from the daqing field, several other fields have implemented polymer flooding through laboratory testing and full-field scale. these fields include east bodo reservoir and pelican lake in canada, marmul field in oman, tambaredjo field in suriname, and vacuum field in mexico (gbadamosi et al., 2019; sheng, 2013). in 2006, polymer flooding was implemented in the east bodo reservoir to provide an overview of polymer performance for widespread application in the field. the east bodo reservoir has characteristics such as permeability of 1000 md, porosity ranging from 27% to 30%, viscosity of 600-2000 cp, oil zone water saturation of at least 26%, and an initial reservoir pressure of around 6800 kpa. after conducting coreflood testing, it was found that polymer flooding could increase recovery efficiency in the east bodo reservoir by an additional 20% of ooip (wassmuth et al., 2009). in 2008, a pilot project was conducted in the tambaredjo field, which contains heavy oil in suriname (moe soe let et al., 2012). the field is estimated to have reserves of 525 mmstb stooip with an api of 16° and viscosity ranging from 300-600 cp. polymer injection was carried out gradually using polymers with different viscosities, starting with 45 cp, then 85 cp, and finally 125 cp, to increase sweep efficiency in the pilot project. after conducting polymer flooding, recovery was estimated to have increased by around 11% stooip (delamaide et al., 2016). in the marmul field in oman, a pilot project has been conducted since 1986, but due to the impact of oil prices, the project was halted in 2010 (sheng, 2013). the marmul field is one of oman's largest oil fields, with sandstone reservoirs with porosity ranging from 26-34%, permeability of around 8-25 darcy, reservoir salinity of 7404 ppm, and viscosity of around 40120 mpa.s (teeuw et al., 1983). in 2010, (al-saadi et al., 2012) reviewed the performance of polymer flooding and found that the results were good, but the project lasted only about 2 years. previously, sensitivity and optimization studies were conducted using cmg-stars on several injection parameters, where it was found that injection concentration is a critical parameter in polymer flooding as it can increase sor, raise formation pressure, and provide maximum sweep efficiency (erfando et al., 2019). meanwhile, (hidayat & almolhem, 2019) conducted a similar study with the same reservoir characteristics but different parameters, and found that injection duration and permeability were the most influential parameters in polymer flooding. one year earlier, an analysis of the impact of parameters and optimization on asp (alkaline surfactant polymer) was also conducted using the cmg-stars simulator on a limestone erfando & khariszma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 873-884 875 reservoir with oil-wet rock characteristics. the parameters used for this study were rock properties, and the most influential result was connate water saturation, which had a significant impact on increasing oil recovery in the field (firozjaii & s, 2018). in 2014, oil recovery prediction was also carried out for surfactant polymer flooding using the response surface modeling (rsm) method with varying random parameter values in order to obtain the best scheme for the surfactant polymer flooding process (douarche et al., 2014). there have been many methods used to analyze the performance of chemical eor, particularly for sensitivity analysis. since the 1990s, the application of artificial intelligence in analyzing eor operations has been an interesting subject for researchers, and recently, approaches such as machine learning have also been widely used in the oil industry (larestani et al., 2022). machine learning implementation has also been widely used in the polymer flooding process, such as by (tadjer et al., 2021), where they evaluated and compared various types of machine learning algorithms located in the approximate dynamic programming (adp) domain to obtain optimal value of information (voi) in determining the appropriate scheme for polymer flooding. one of the machine learning algorithms, x-gradient boosting algorithm, is considered the most powerful algorithm for building prediction models (freund & schapire, 1997). this algorithm has been used in several studies related to polymer flooding to develop prediction models and provide a good scheme for polymer flooding projects. (phankokkruad & wacharawichanant, 2019) predicted the mechanical properties of high molecular weight polymers using the x-gradient boosting algorithm. the obtained results were compared with laboratory testing to validate the model accuracy. the application of the x-gradient boosting algorithm resulted in a good level of efficiency and saved time in method development. in the same year, (shaik et al., 2019) conducted a study on the prediction of the response produced by monovalent and divalent ions on polymer properties. the testing was conducted to examine the effects of concentration, temperature, shear rate, and salinity on the rheology of the polymer. recently, (larestani et al., 2022) compared two algorithms, the cascade neural network and gradient boosting decision tree, to predict the performance of surfactant-polymer flooding. a sensitivity analysis was also conducted on the input parameters used. the sensitivity analysis results showed that surfactant concentration and surfactant slug size were the most influential factors in predicting the recovery factor (rf). the use of the x-gradint boosting algorithm to determine the sensitivity factor is a breakthrough to obtain fast, accurate and easy results, especially for polymer flooding. 3. research methods this research used the cmg (computer modelling group) software with the stars simulator for modelling the base case and cmost to assist in iterative modelling. then, a machine learning analysis was performed using the x-gradient boosting algorithm to build a predictive model and determine feature importance in determining the influential parameters in polymer flooding. table 1 reservoir fluid and rock characteristics (erfando et al., 2019) parameter value unit density 0.835 viscosity 1.13 cp formation volume factor 1.14 rb/stb api gravity 40.3 °api specific gravity 0.82 oil type light oil bubble point pressure 993 psig thickness 20 ft rock compressibility 5.10-6 psi-1 table 2 polymer flooding parameters (erfando et al., 2019; hidayat & almolhem, 2019) parameter min value max unit injection rate 400 670 1000 bpd injection time 182 916 2920 days injection pressure 1800 2000 2200 psi adsorption 0.15 0.3 0.55 g/l innacessible pore volume 0.05 0.2 0.35 erfando & khariszma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 873-884 876 residual resistance factor 1.55 3 5 the following are rock and reservoir fluid characteristic data obtained from the journals (erfando et al., 2019) and (hidayat & almolhem, 2019) as the base case model. the rock characteristic used in this research is conglomerate rock originating from the barito basin, borneo. this reservoir model will be assumed as a heterogeneous reservoir with varied porosity and permeability values. porosity heterogeneity will be conducted in the range of 5% 40% values and permeability in the range of 30 md – 400 md based on the criteria of conglomerate rock in the journal published by (huggett, 2006). table 3 reservoir and grid properties parameters value grid system inverted 5-spot, nx : 15, ny : 15, nk : 4 pattern area 11.4555 acres pattern dimensions x : 706.4 ft, y : 706.4 ft top reservoir 3045 ft injector – producer spacing 499.5 ft / 150 m residual resistance factor 1.55 fig. 1. reservoir simulation model 4. results and discussions initiation and model simulation have been carried out using cmg-stars, where the simulation model was run for a period of 5 years from 2022 to 2027, and the results obtained for ooip can be seen in table 4 below. table 4 initiation reservoir simulation model no parameter value unit 1 total bulk reservoir 3.9920e+07 ft3 2 total pore volume 6.7501e+06 ft3 3 original oil in place 5.1639e+06 bbl from the results of the model simulation, a graph of oil recovery vs time was obtained with the aim of examining the effect of polymer injection on the case or field under study. the graph can be seen in figure 2. erfando & khariszma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 873-884 877 fig. 2. oil recovery factor (model) after initializing the reservoir model, modeling iterations were performed in cmost for 500 datasets. six independent parameters were set as input values, and oil recovery was set as the output value. the upper and lower limits were based on the actual values from the model, which are listed in table 2. the distribution patterns used for the iterations were continuous real and discrete real. in this study, the continuous real distribution pattern was used for subsurface parameters such as adsorption, ipv (innacessible pore volume), and rrf (residual resistance factor), where the parameter values are infinite or uncertain. the discrete real distribution pattern was used for surface parameters such as injection pressure, injection time, and injection rate, where the parameter values are more measurable and limited according to the specified limits (fu et al., 1991; johnson, 2020; mortimer, 2013). in conducting sensitivity analysis of the effect of polymer on oil recovery using x-gradient boosting algorithm, several steps are required, such as eda (exploratory data analysis) and data processing, normalization of data, machine learning modeling, features importance, and parameter ranking. in the eda stage, the main objective is to examine the distribution and ensure that the dataset does not suffer from multicollinearity (komorowski et al., 2016). multicollinearity refers to a condition where there is a correlation between variables, including the correlation between independent parameters and dependent parameters, as well as among independent parameters themselves (daoud, 2018; davino et al., 2022; farrar & glauber, 1964; kim, 2019; shrestha, 2020). low multicollinearity values can sometimes cause issues with data correlation, and values that are too high can also create problems that need to be addressed, such as an increase in standard error, algorithm inaccuracy in prediction, and the presence of several variables that are not statistically significant (liang & zhao, 2019). one method for identifying multicollinearity values is the vif (variance inflation factor), where a vif value of 1 represents a good distribution, according to the vif interpretation (miles, 2014; thompson et al., 2017) in table 5. table 5 vif interpretation vif value interpretation vif = 1 not correlated 1 < vif ≤ 5 moderately correlated vif > 5 highly correlated based on this, eda (exploratory data analysis) and data processing have been conducted on 500 datasets or design of parameters in this research, resulting in a vif value of 1, indicating that the parameters used do not have correlation among independent parameters or there is no multicollinearity present in figure 3. fig. 3. heatmap correlation parameters erfando & khariszma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 873-884 878 data normalization is performed with the aim of scaling the parameter values used so that they can be processed more easily, quickly, and without causing a heavy workload during data processing, thereby reducing memory and power requirements for classification processes in machine learning modeling (s. jain et al., 2018; patro & sahu, 2015). in this study, the min-max normalization method is used, where the parameter values are scaled within the range of 0 to 1, and this is a commonly used method for normalizing datasets (ekenel & stiefelhagen, 2006; a. jain et al., 2005; khan et al., 2020; wu et al., 2005). machine learning modeling was performed using hyper-parameter tuning xgboost algorithm with the aim of obtaining the best predictive model, where tuning was done by dividing the data into 3 parts namely training data, validation data, and test data to find the best model and prevent overfitting in making predictions (gupta et al., 2019; han et al., 2020; kirori, 2019). therefore, based on the above, this study also used rscv (randomized search cross validation) with the aim of speeding up the computation of the xgboost algorithm and being more efficient when compared to grid search (bergstra & bengio, 2012; putatunda & rama, 2018). for machine learning modeling in this study, 3 variations of the training and testing data ratio were used, namely 0.7:0.3, 0.8:0.2, 0.9:0.1, and 3 cross validations were performed with 50 combinations of rscv hyper-parameters, resulting in 150 fitting models. the best r2 values for the various models obtained are as follows. table 6 r2 training and testing no parameter r2 train r2 testing 1 training (0.7) : testing (0.3) 0.9886 0.9645 2 training (0.8) : testing (0.2) 0.9891 0.9579 3 training (0.9) : testing (0.1) 0.9890 0.9660 fig 4. plot actual and residual r2 training 0.7 : testing 0.3 fig. 5. plot actual and residual r2 training 0.8 : testing 0.2 erfando & khariszma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 873-884 879 fig. 6. plot actual and residual r2 training 0.9 : testing 0.1 based on table 4 and figures 4 6, it can be interpreted that x-gradient boosting has successfully performed predictive modelling due to the value of r2 approaching 1, which is sufficient to indicate that the built model is successful and good, thus further analysis such as features importance and parameter ranking can be carried out (mousavi et al., 2020). it can also be seen from the training and testing residual plots that the results are well-fitted as the points are randomly scattered around the linear line on the plot (fox & weisberg, 2018). validation of actual oil recovery data (model cmg) versus xgboost oil recovery predictions was carried out to see the matching data from the xgboost oil recovery predictions that correspond to the actual data and indicate that the results have achieved good prediction. based on this, predictions were made and the results obtained can be seen in figure 7. which shows that the predictions made resulted in an rmse (root mean squared error) of 0.56 and mape (mean absolute percentage error) of 2.03%, indicating good prediction according to the standard range where mape < 10% is categorized as good prediction (chang et al., 2007). fig. 7. oil recovery (model cmg) vs oil recovery (xgboost) the feature importance was conducted on the x-gradient boosting algorithm with the decrease of mean squared error (mse) value as a crucial point of a parameter, meaning that the larger the decrease of the mse value, the more it will affect the output parameter value (oil recovery) (liang & zhao, 2019; yang & guan, 2022). from this feature importance, parameter ranking will be given, where parameters with significant mse decrease will be categorized as crucial or most influential parameters in this study. the ranking of input parameters used in the study has been obtained and presented in table 7 and figure 7. table 7 ranking parameter polymer flooding ranking features importance 1 injection_time 0.452632 2 injection_rate 0.430075 3 injection_pressure 0.064662 4 adsorption 0.025564 5 rrf 0.021053 6 ipv 0.006014 erfando & khariszma … vol 4(2) 2023 : 873-884 880 fig. 8. ranking parameter polymer flooding based on table 7 and figure 7, x-gradient boosting algorithm has successfully ranked the polymer flooding parameters according to their influence on the oil recovery value. the results showed that injection time and injection rate were the most significant parameters compared to the other 4 parameters such as injection pressure, adsorption, rrf (residual resistance factor), and ipv (inaccessible pore volume). this is in line with the study conducted by (hidayat & almolhem, 2019) which stated that injection duration or injection time is a parameter that has an influence on increasing oil recovery 5. conclusion based on the results and discussion provided, the conclusion drawn from this study is that the injection time and injection rate parameters are the most influential parameters on the performance of polymer flooding in terms of oil recovery, with importance levels of 0.452632 and 0.430075, respectively. the focus on both factors is expected to optimize the recovery factor in polymer flooding during implementation in the field. injection pressure has an importance level of 0.064662, while adsorption, rrf, and ipv have importance levels of 0.025564, 0.021053, and 0.006014, respectively. the study also produced an accurate predictive model using x-gradient boosting, with three variations of the training and testing data ratios. the ratio of 0.7:0.3 resulted in a train r2 of 0.9886 and a test r2 of 0.9645, the ratio of 0.8:0.2 resulted in a train r2 of 0.9891 and a test r2 of 0.9579, while the ratio of 0.9:0.1 resulted in a train r2 of 0.9890 and a test r2 of 0.9660. in this case, the x-gradient boosting algorithm proves to be a robust and accurate method for conducting sensitivity analysis in polymer flooding. references al-saadi, f. s., amri, b. a., nofli, s., van wunnik, j., jaspers, h. f., harthi, s., shuaili, k., cherukupalli, p. k., & chakravarthi, r. 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(2022). a heart disease prediction model based on feature optimization and smote-xgboost algorithm. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 983-991 983 favorite book prediction system using machine learning algorithms dersin daimari 1 , subhash mondal 2* , bihung brahma 3 , amitava nag 4 dept. of hss, central institute of technology kokrajhar1,3 dept. of cse, central institute of technology kokrajhar2,4 dersindaimari@gmail.com1,*,, received : 05 april 2023, revised: 08 may 2023, accepted : 08 may 2023 *corresponding author abstract recent years have seen the rapid deployment of artificial intelligence (ai) which allows systems to take intelligent decisions. ai breakthroughs could radically change modern libraries' operations. however, introducing ai in modern libraries is a challenging task. this research explores the potential for smart libraries to improve the caliber of user services through the use of machine learning (ml) techniques. the proposed work investigates machine learning methods such as random forest (rf) and boosting algorithms, including light gradient boosting machine (lgbm), histogram-based gradient boosting (hgb), extreme gradient boosting (xgb), catboost (cb), adaboost (ab), and gradient boosting (gb) for the task of identifying and classifying favorite books and compares their performances. comprehensive experiments performed on the publicly available dataset (art garfunkel's library) show that the proposed model can effectively handle the task of identifying and classifying favorite books. experimental results show that lgbm has achieved outstanding performance with an accuracy rate of 94.9367% than random forest and other boosting ml algorithms. this empirical research work takes advantage of ai adoption in libraries using machine learning techniques. to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to develop an intelligent application for the modern library to automatically identify and classify favorite books. keywords: machine learning, artificial intelligence (ai), smart library, light gradient boosting machine (lgbm), boosting model 1. introduction libraries have long been one of the most important places to find knowledge. these libraries, formerly only considered information repositories, have a new perspective in the current information and communication technology (ict) era. whether traditional or "smart," libraries aim to share real-time information with their users or members. information and communication technology (ict) advancements like artificial intelligence (ai)(iskandar et al., 2022), machine learning (ml), the internet of things (iot) (irawan et al., 2022), and fuzzy logic (perdana et al., 2022) have recently outpaced traditional science and technology in a remarkable way. these new icts have the capacity to use analytics and machine learning for trend analysis and prediction, and they can allow modernizations that raise the caliber of services provided by contemporary libraries. this makes it possible for end users to be satisfied. while a computer program designed to mimic human intelligence is the standard definition of artificial intelligence (ai), the truth is much more nuanced. the google search engine and chat-gpt are probably the most notable examples of how daily applications of ai are already fully incorporated into society through technology like autonomous vehicles, robotics, intelligent chatbots, and so on. machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence that enables machines to make intelligent decisions without human interference through sophisticated mathematical and statistical methods with the help of devices or human-generated data (garg & mago, 2021) (robles mendo et al., 2021) (pasa uysal, 2022). this idea of automating complex tasks has generated high interest in different applications such as smart healthcare, smart city, smart library, etc. machine learning techniques are mainly classified as supervised and unsupervised learning, distinguished by the presence of data labelling, also known as feedback. when the model is given a dataset and the corresponding label of each data, it learns through supervised learning to recognize the correct label. figure 1 shows a thematic taxonomy of ai and ml. daimari et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 983-991 984 the authors (jayawardena et al., 2021) (shi et al., 2020) (yee chu & l. wong, 2021) ( tang et al., 2018) (he et al., 2020) uses the ml and deep learning based uses of book title prediction in the library system and the different applications of ai to transform the library system in the smart application. machine learning plays an important role in overcoming the current obstacles faced in today’s library system to make it a smart system. in this work, we developed an automated system in order to identify favorite books. the proposed system uses seven state-of-the-art machine learning methods (lgbm, rf, hgb, cb, gb, xgb, ab) by learning data from art garfunkel's library dataset. to the best of our knowledge, this is the first work for favorite book identification. the rest of the paper is organized as follows: in section 2, we analyze the related works. section 3 describes the proposed method. section 4 consists of the experimental results. finally, in section 5, we conclude 2. literature review the authors (hervieux & wheatley, 2021) discussed the survey of the academic librarian’s perception of the implementation of ai in libraries. the survey concluded that the librarians do not fully agree with incorporating ai in an academic library, nor have proper knowledge about modern technology. they also require training to familiarize themselves with the implication of ai in the library system. the authors provide a proposal to implement ai to improve the workflow of the library service. the authors (yoon , e. andrews, & l. ward, 2022) (harisanty et al., 2022) (tait & m pierson, 2022) (hamad et al., 2023) (m. cox & mazumdar, 2022) are discussed about the usages of ai in library management by the public and the leaders in perspective of many countries. in (yousuf ali et al, 2020) focused on the implication of natural language processing (nlp) in the university library and the different ai-based tools used to cope with the modern technology implementation in the library system. technological skills and knowledge are required to implementation of modern ai tools. in the research library, the uses of ai and its implementation are summarized by many researchers ( andrea alessandro & heli, 2022) (ullah et al., 2022) (hussain, 2023) (emmanuel ajakaye, 2022) ( hassan azimi et al., 2022). the authors ( abayomi et al., 2020) investigated a survey of ai-based awareness keeping in the new qualitative and quantitative perception approach about the library management system. investigate found that they are aware of the implications of ai technology but fear job loss. the academic librarian needs more skills in adopting technologies to provide end-user satisfaction in the library management system. fig. 1. thematic taxonomy of ai and ml the authors ( folorunsho & omeiza momoh, 2020) focused on the use of ai and ml technologies in library operations, encouraging human thought and improving utilitarian library use. in developed countries, many university libraries have begun implementing ai and ml, however, in most developing countries. in ( tsabedze et al., 2022) addressed the issues of integrating ai into the library information system curriculum, which provided the momentum for the research incorporating modern tools in the library system to be smart in the future. the authors (daimari et al., 2021) developed a machine learning-based model to predict the possible date of availability of the already issued books by some users. the framework utilized the library data central library of cit kokrajhar. in (geetha et al., 2022) (mupaikwa, 2023) also daimari et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 983-991 985 discussed the uses of ml in library management systems. in (jayawardena et al., 2021) and (bi et al., 2022) presented an rfid-based and iot-based smart library management system. the system intelligently controls library shelves, suggest books, reserve seats, etc. a very intriguing positioning system solution based on the integration of iot (ble beacons, wi-fi) and ml (knearest neighbor (knn)) is proposed by (antevski et al., 2016) to help library users by intelligently optimizing space consumption. as a result, the proposed system improves smart space service efficiency. the authors discuss in the literature ( a, 2022) the likelihood of the adoption of different approaches to ai in academic libraries. he shows the different applications of ai for knowledge discovery. in (bai, 2022) elaborate on the need of library users for a specialized service platform for wisdom library disciplines. in this paper, the authors presented a baco-based multidoor image segmentation bun type for facial features, as well as a bacobased continuous ant colony optimization (caco) method. in (zeng et al., 2022) (shi et al., 2023) demonstrated the possible use of a mobile search-based cnn technique used in the library system. the work (kang, 2022) proposes a deep learning based personal book recommendation system of a smart library. the system improves the borrowing rate of books and consequently maximizes the utilization of book resources. in (zhang, 2021) (li et al., 2021) (shi & zhu, 2022) (meddeb et al., 2021) (shu et al., 2021) described the current application of 5g era, mobile-based service and big data approaches and the implication the possible uses of ai and ml in smart library management systems. in this work, we have built seven different machine learning models such as light gradient boosting machine (lgbm), histogram-based gradient boosting (hgb), extreme gradient boosting (xgb), catboost (cb), adaboost (ab), gradient boosting (gb), and random forest (rf) in order to identify favorite books based on the data of art garfunkel's library. after comparing the performances of all seven models, we concluded that lgbm provided the highest accuracy. 3. research methods this section discusses the proposed methodology of studying a person’s favorite book in a library. dataset acquisition the dataset used in this study is taken from the open-source library of garfunkel's favorite book (lostinworlds., 2022). the dataset contains 1321 instances with six attributes. the target outcome, “favorite” had two classes, either favorite class “1” or not favorite class represented in “0”. during the dataset analysis phase, it was observed that the target values had 1185 instances of class 0 and 136 instances of class 1. the description of each feature is represented in table 1. table 1feature details of the dataset feature/column name data type column type feature/column description date read object categorical tells the reading date with the month and year author object categorical tells the name of the author of the book books object categorical tells the title of the books year published int64 numerical it tells the year the book published pages int64 numerical indicates the total number of pages of a book favorite int64 binary represents in binary either “1” favorite, or “0”, not favorite data pre-processing the open-source raw dataset generally represented input data with features usually in structured columns. most of the time, the raw dataset requires many preprocessing techniques to process the data compatible for the training purpose of any prediction model. to gain a better accurate model and eliminate the overfitting problem of the model, perform data preprocessing techniques like removing unwanted noise and outliers and handling missing values of the dataset. to take the categorical column data types, it is required to convert them into numerical values. sometimes it is needed to overcome the data imbalance of the target outcome using the oversampling technique. during the data analysis phases, it is observed that all the above daimari et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 983-991 986 problems are present in the dataset. to overcome the above issues, for all the data mentioned above, preprocessing techniques are applied to the dataset before the final model training and testing for prediction to classify a person’s favorite book in a library. handle missing values a few impossible or missing numbers were in the "year published" feature column. after removing the impossible values, the missing values are substituted with the mean values. encoding technique the one-hot encoding technique was applied to convert the categorical data into an integer without considering the dummy variable trap to handle the string-type categorical features. also, the label encoder technique was used to convert the object-type data into unique numerical values. three columns, namely “author,” “books,” and “date read,” are handled with the encoding technique. balancing imbalanced data it is observed in the data analysis process that the output column was highly imbalanced. to balance the entire column with an equal number of classes, the oversampling technique smote was applied to sampling the minority class. after oversampling, the dataset contains a total of 2370 instances. the values preand post-balancing are presented in table 2. table 2 imbalance data balancing before smote after smote label 0 counts from the favorite column 1185 1185 label 1 count from the favorite column 126 1185 scaling features to common range finally, standardizing the dataset attribute values in standard ranges between 0 and 1 to simplify the model training process, the minmax scalar was applied to the entire dataset of independent variables. fig. 2. detailed block diagram of the proposed framework after the dataset has been preprocessed and significant features have been chosen, the all models have been trained using the selected features. the block diagram in fig. 2 shows all phases of the procedure in their entirety. 4. results and discussions this section reports the performance of all seven models. after applying all data preprocessing techniques discussed in section 3, the dataset was split into the ratio of train and test of 0.90:0.10, respectively. the feature correlation heat map among all features and the target variable is depicted in fig. 3. daimari et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 983-991 987 performance metrics the performance has been evaluated using four metrics – precision (p), accuracy (a), f1score(f), and recall (r). the confusion matrix is shown in fig. 4. given the number of true positives (tp), false positives (fp), true negatives (tn), and false negatives (fn), these metrics are evaluated based on the confusion matrix as follows: accuracy(a): accuracy is defined as the proportion of right predictions to the total number of predictions made on a given set of data as given below: 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = 𝑇𝑃 + 𝑇𝑁 (𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁) + (𝐹𝑃 + 𝑇𝑁) precision(p): it is the ratio of successfully predicted positive data points to the number of data points correctly predicted as positive by the classifier, as expressed by the following formula: 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑇𝑃 (𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃) recall (r): it's the proportion of accurately anticipated positive data points to the total number of positive data points. it is defined as: 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 = 𝑇𝑃 (𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁) f1-score (f): the f1-score is used to determine the accuracy of a test set. the harmonic mean of precision and sensitivity is the f1 score. 𝐹1 − 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 = 2 × 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 × 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 + 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 fig. 3. general confusion matrix model training to build up the prediction model based on machine learning techniques, the selection of the ml model plays a vital role in any classification-based prediction model. the model was deployed by considering all the boosting ensemble techniques like light gradient boosting machine (lgbm), histogram-based gradient boosting (hgb), extreme gradient boosting (xgb), catboost (cb), adaboost (ab), and gradient boosting (gb), along with a non-boosting tree-based ensemble technique like random forest (rf). the above model was trained with 90% of the total dataset instances; the rest, 10%, was used to test the model performances. also, the kfold cross-validation technique was applied to the training dataset to get the mean accuracy of the model. the models were tested with 10-fold cross-validation to produce mean accuracy (ma). the model performances were measured by taking the different metrics like accuracy (a), precision (p), recall (r), f1-score (f), cohen-kappa score (ck), and roc-auc score (ra). as the dataset was fewer instances, it is prone to overfitting. to overcome and measure the stability of the model, the standard deviation (sd) was also evaluated for each model. the lgbm daimari et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 983-991 988 model performed better, with an accuracy of 94.94% and a minimum standard deviation of 0.0171, much less than other boosting models. also, the rf model performed better with accuracy and a 10-fold mean accuracy of 93.25% and 91.32%. we put the results of the performance measurement metrics in the percentage of all models in table 3. the confusion matrix is shown in figure 5. as can be seen in figure 5, lgbm, rf, and hgb achieve high classification accuracy. figure 6 shows the roc-auc curve of the investigated models under test conditions. the area under the curve using lgbm is 99%. fig. 4. feature correlation heat map one major finding of the proposed work is that the lgbm machine learning model can perform better classification than other boosting and rf ml models. as a result, the proposed system using lgbm may be an effective tool to help readers choose a book. consequently, this strategy can greatly shorten the time required for book selection and encourage smart libraries to adopt automated methods. fig. 5. confusion matrix of the deployed model daimari et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 983-991 989 table 3 experimental results of the investigated models model a ma sd ra p r f ck lgbm 94.9367 92.7305 0.0172 0.9831 0.9550 0.9381 0.9464 0.8984 rf 93.2489 91.3249 0.0203 0.9734 0.9217 0.9381 0.9298 0.8648 hgb 92.8270 92.2619 0.0225 0.9813 0.9138 0.9381 0.9258 0.8564 cb 88.1857 86.8253 0.0219 0.9409 0.8455 0.9204 0.8814 0.7641 gb 84.8101 87.4352 0.0184 0.9398 0.8348 0.8496 0.8421 0.6958 xgb 83.5443 86.0278 0.0226 0.9296 0.7984 0.8761 0.8354 0.6716 ab 80.5907 78.7157 0.0224 0.8735 0.7913 0.8053 0.7982 0.6113 fig. 6. roc-auc curve of the deployed model 5. conclusion seven supervised ml models, lgbm, rf, hgb, cb, gb, xgb, and ab, are used in this research to offer an ai-based application for a smart library. to examine the outcomes of various models side by side, we ran comparison tests using the same data set. the experimental results demonstrated that the lgbm machine learning model could provide superior classification performance compared to the random forest (rf) and other boosting ml models, which is the key finding of this research work. as a result, the presented framework in this paper may be a helpful tool to aid readers in the process of choosing a book. therefore, this strategy can greatly aid in cutting down on time required for book selection and encourage smart libraries to implement machine learning-based automated methods. to satisfy end users, we want to create a mobile/web application in the future for library patrons. references a, c. (2022). how artificial intelligence might change academic library work: applying the competencies literature and the theory of the professions. journal of the association for information science and technology, 74(3), 367-380. doi: abayomi, o., adenekan, f., & adeleke, o. (2020). awareness and perception of the artificial intelligence in the management of university libraries in nigeria. journal of interlibrary loan, document delivery & electronic reserve, 29(2). doi: daimari et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 983-991 990 andrea alessandro, g., & heli, k. (2022). understanding artificial intelligence in research libraries: an extensive literature review. te journal of european research libraries, 32(1), 1-36. doi: antevski, k., e. c. redondi, a., & pitic, r. (2016). a hybrid ble and wi-fi localization system for the creation of study groups in smart libraries. 9th ifip wireless and mobile networking conference (wmnc). colmar, france. doi:10.1109/wmnc.2016.7543928 bai, y. (2022). construction of a smart library subject precise service platform based on user needs. mathematical problems in engineering, 1-8. doi:doi: 10.1155/2022/5675291 bi , s., wang, c., zhang , j., & huang , w. (2022). a survey on artificial intelligence aided internet-of-things technologies in emerging smart libraries. sensors, mdpi, 22(8), 2991. doi: daimari, d., narzary, m., mazumdar, n., & nag, a. (2021). a machine learning based book availability prediction model for library management system. library philosophy and practice (e-journal). emmanuel ajakaye, j. (2022). applications of artificial intelligence (ai) in libraries. handbook of research on emerging trends and technologies in librarianship, 1-18. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-9094-2.ch006 folorunsho, a., & omeiza momoh, e. (2020). application of artificial intelligence and robotics in libraries : a review of literature. ilis journal of librarianship and informatics, 3(2), 93 – 98. garg, a., & mago, v. (2021). role of machine learning in medical research: a survey. computer science review, 40. doi: geetha, k., srinivasa rao, g., kaur, c., & kumar, k. (2022). machine learning based library management system. 6th international conference on electronics, communication and aerospace technology, (pp. 1031-1034). coimbatore, india. doi:10.1109/iceca55336.2022.10009423 hamad, f., al-fadel, m., & khafaga shehata, a. (2023). the level of digital competencies for the provision of smart information service at academic libraries in jordan. global knowledge, memory and communication. doi: harisanty , d., variant anna, n., eranti putr, t., & firdaus, a. (2022). leaders, practitioners and scientists' awareness of artificial intelligence in libraries: a pilot study. library hi tech. doi: hassan azimi, m., mohammadi, z., & rafieinasab, f. (2022). a survey of academic librarians' perceptions of artificial intelligence technology: a case study (librarians of shahid chamran university of ahvaz and jundishapur university of medical sciences). library and information sciences, 24(4), 154-177. doi:10.30481/lis.2021.286969.1831 he, c., li, s., so, j., & zeng, x. (2020). fedml: a research library and benchmark for federated machine learning. machine learning. doi: hervieux, s., & wheatley, a. (2021). perceptions of artificial intelligence: a survey of academic librarians in canada and the united states. the journal of academic librarianship, 47(1). doi: hussain, a. (2023). use of artificial intelligence in the library services: prospects and challenges. library hi tech news, 40(2), 15-17. doi: irawan, y., sabna, e., fauzan azim, a., & wahyuni, r. (2022). automatic chili plant watering based on internet of things (iot). journal of applied engineering and technological science (jaets), 3(2), 77–83. doi: iskandar, . d. m., yel, m. b., & maheswara, e. (2022). sign language detection system using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (anfis) method. journal of applied engineering and technological science (jaets), 4(1), 158–167. jayawardena, c., reyal, s., kekirideniya, k., & wijayawardhana, g. (2021). artificial intelligence based smart library management system. 6th ieee international conference daimari et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 983-991 991 on recent advances and innovations in engineering (icraie) (pp. 1-6). kedah, malaysia: ieee. doi:10.1109/icraie52900.2021.9703998 li, j., liu, y., & wang, l. (2021). design and development of promotion app of university smart library service platform based on network teaching. fifth international conference on i-smac (iot in social, mobile, analytics and cloud) (i-smac) (pp. 13441347). palladam, india: ieee. doi:10.1109/i-smac52330.2021.9640779 tang, j., wang, z., & lei, l. (2018). book title recognition for smart library with deep learning. mobile multimedia/image processing, security, and applications. doi: tsabedze, v., mathabela, n., & ademola, s. (2022). "a framework for integrating artificial intelligence into library and information science curricula. innovative technologies for enhancing knowledge access in academic libraries, 1-14. doi:doi: 10.4018/978-1-66843364-5.ch014 favorite book prediction system using machine learning algorithms dersin daimari1, subhash mondal2*, bihung brahma3, amitava nag4 dept. of hss, central institute of technology kokrajhar1,3 dept. of cse, central institute of technology kokrajhar2,4 dersindaimari@gmail.com1,*,, received : 05 april 2023, revised: 08 may 2023, accepted : 08 may 2023 *corresponding author abstract recent years have seen the rapid deployment of artificial intelligence (ai) which allows systems to take intelligent decisions. ai breakthroughs could radically change modern libraries' operations. however, introducing ai in modern libraries is a chal... keywords: machine learning, artificial intelligence (ai), smart library, light gradient boosting machine (lgbm), boosting model 1. introduction libraries have long been one of the most important places to find knowledge. these libraries, formerly only considered information repositories, have a new perspective in the current information and communication technology (ict) era. whether traditio... machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence that enables machines to make intelligent decisions without human interference through sophisticated mathematical and statistical methods with the help of devices or human-generated data (garg ... the authors (jayawardena et al., 2021) (shi et al., 2020) (yee chu & l. wong, 2021) ( tang et al., 2018) (he et al., 2020) uses the ml and deep learning based uses of book title prediction in the library system and the different applications of ai to ... machine learning plays an important role in overcoming the current obstacles faced in today’s library system to make it a smart system. in this work, we developed an automated system in order to identify favorite books. the proposed system uses seven ... the rest of the paper is organized as follows: in section 2, we analyze the related works. section 3 describes the proposed method. section 4 consists of the experimental results. finally, in section 5, we conclude 2. literature review the authors (hervieux & wheatley, 2021) discussed the survey of the academic librarian’s perception of the implementation of ai in libraries. the survey concluded that the librarians do not fully agree with incorporating ai in an academic library, nor... in (yousuf ali et al, 2020) focused on the implication of natural language processing (nlp) in the university library and the different ai-based tools used to cope with the modern technology implementation in the library system. technological skills a... the authors ( abayomi et al., 2020) investigated a survey of ai-based awareness keeping in the new qualitative and quantitative perception approach about the library management system. investigate found that they are aware of the implications of ai te... fig. 1. thematic taxonomy of ai and ml the authors ( folorunsho & omeiza momoh, 2020) focused on the use of ai and ml technologies in library operations, encouraging human thought and improving utilitarian library use. in developed countries, many university libraries have begun implementi... the authors (daimari et al., 2021) developed a machine learning-based model to predict the possible date of availability of the already issued books by some users. the framework utilized the library data central library of cit kokrajhar. in (geetha et... in (zhang, 2021) (li et al., 2021) (shi & zhu, 2022) (meddeb et al., 2021) (shu et al., 2021) described the current application of 5g era, mobile-based service and big data approaches and the implication the possible uses of ai and ml in smart library... in this work, we have built seven different machine learning models such as light gradient boosting machine (lgbm), histogram-based gradient boosting (hgb), extreme gradient boosting (xgb), catboost (cb), adaboost (ab), gradient boosting (gb), and ran... 3. research methods this section discusses the proposed methodology of studying a person’s favorite book in a library. dataset acquisition the dataset used in this study is taken from the open-source library of garfunkel's favorite book (lostinworlds., 2022). the dataset contains 1321 instances with six attributes. the target outcome, “favorite” had two classes, either favorite class “1”... table 1feature details of the dataset data pre-processing the open-source raw dataset generally represented input data with features usually in structured columns. most of the time, the raw dataset requires many preprocessing techniques to process the data compatible for the training purpose of any predictio... handle missing values a few impossible or missing numbers were in the "year published" feature column. after removing the impossible values, the missing values are substituted with the mean values. encoding technique the one-hot encoding technique was applied to convert the categorical data into an integer without considering the dummy variable trap to handle the string-type categorical features. also, the label encoder technique was used to convert the object-typ... balancing imbalanced data it is observed in the data analysis process that the output column was highly imbalanced. to balance the entire column with an equal number of classes, the oversampling technique smote was applied to sampling the minority class. after oversampling, th... table 2 imbalance data balancing scaling features to common range finally, standardizing the dataset attribute values in standard ranges between 0 and 1 to simplify the model training process, the minmax scalar was applied to the entire dataset of independent variables. fig. 2. detailed block diagram of the proposed framework after the dataset has been preprocessed and significant features have been chosen, the all models have been trained using the selected features. the block diagram in fig. 2 shows all phases of the procedure in their entirety. 4. results and discussions this section reports the performance of all seven models. after applying all data pre-processing techniques discussed in section 3, the dataset was split into the ratio of train and test of 0.90:0.10, respectively. the feature correlation heat map amo... performance metrics fig. 3. general confusion matrix model training to build up the prediction model based on machine learning techniques, the selection of the ml model plays a vital role in any classification-based prediction model. the model was deployed by considering all the boosting ensemble techniques like light... the confusion matrix is shown in figure 5. as can be seen in figure 5, lgbm, rf, and hgb achieve high classification accuracy. figure 6 shows the roc-auc curve of the investigated models under test conditions. the area under the curve using lgbm is 99%. fig. 4. feature correlation heat map one major finding of the proposed work is that the lgbm machine learning model can perform better classification than other boosting and rf ml models. as a result, the proposed system using lgbm may be an effective tool to help readers choose a book. ... fig. 5. confusion matrix of the deployed model table 3 experimental results of the investigated models fig. 6. roc-auc curve of the deployed model 5. conclusion seven supervised ml models, lgbm, rf, hgb, cb, gb, xgb, and ab, are used in this research to offer an ai-based application for a smart library. to examine the outcomes of various models side by side, we ran comparison tests using the same data set. th... references a, c. (2022). how artificial intelligence might change academic library work: applying the competencies literature and the theory of the professions. journal of the association for information science and technology, 74(3), 367-380. doi:https://doi.o... abayomi, o., adenekan, f., & adeleke, o. (2020). awareness and perception of the artificial intelligence in the management of university libraries in nigeria. journal of interlibrary loan, document delivery & electronic reserve, 29(2). doi:https://doi... andrea alessandro, g., & heli, k. (2022). understanding artificial intelligence in research libraries: an extensive literature review. te journal of european research libraries, 32(1), 1-36. doi: antevski, k., e. c. redondi, a., & pitic, r. (2016). a hybrid ble and wi-fi localization system for the creation of study groups in smart libraries. 9th ifip wireless and mobile networking conference (wmnc). colmar, france. doi:10.1109/wmnc.2016.7543928 bai, y. (2022). construction of a smart library subject precise service platform based on user needs. mathematical problems in engineering, 1-8. doi:doi: 10.1155/2022/5675291 bi , s., wang, c., zhang , j., & huang , w. (2022). a survey on artificial intelligence aided internet-of-things technologies in emerging smart libraries. sensors, mdpi, 22(8), 2991. doi: daimari, d., narzary, m., mazumdar, n., & nag, a. (2021). a machine learning based book availability prediction model for library management system. library philosophy and practice (e-journal). emmanuel ajakaye, j. (2022). applications of artificial intelligence (ai) in libraries. handbook of research on emerging trends and technologies in librarianship, 1-18. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-9094-2.ch006 folorunsho, a., & omeiza momoh, e. (2020). application of artificial intelligence and robotics in libraries : a review of literature. ilis journal of librarianship and informatics, 3(2), 93 – 98. garg, a., & mago, v. (2021). role of machine learning in medical research: a survey. computer science review, 40. doi: geetha, k., srinivasa rao, g., kaur, c., & kumar, k. (2022). machine learning based library management system. 6th international conference on electronics, communication and aerospace technology, (pp. 1031-1034). coimbatore, india. doi:10.1109/iceca55... hamad, f., al-fadel, m., & khafaga shehata, a. (2023). the level of digital competencies for the provision of smart information service at academic libraries in jordan. global knowledge, memory and communication. doi: harisanty , d., variant anna, n., eranti putr, t., & firdaus, a. (2022). leaders, practitioners and scientists' awareness of artificial intelligence in libraries: a pilot study. library hi tech. doi: hassan azimi, m., mohammadi, z., & rafieinasab, f. (2022). a survey of academic librarians' perceptions of artificial intelligence technology: a case study (librarians of shahid chamran university of ahvaz and jundishapur university of medical science... he, c., li, s., so, j., & zeng, x. (2020). fedml: a research library and benchmark for federated machine learning. machine learning. doi: hervieux, s., & wheatley, a. (2021). perceptions of artificial intelligence: a survey of academic librarians in canada and the united states. the journal of academic librarianship, 47(1). doi: hussain, a. (2023). use of artificial intelligence in the library services: prospects and challenges. library hi tech news, 40(2), 15-17. doi: irawan, y., sabna, e., fauzan azim, a., & wahyuni, r. (2022). automatic chili plant watering based on internet of things (iot). journal of applied engineering and technological science (jaets), 3(2), 77–83. doi: iskandar, . d. m., yel, m. b., & maheswara, e. (2022). sign language detection system using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (anfis) method. journal of applied engineering and technological science (jaets), 4(1), 158–167. jayawardena, c., reyal, s., kekirideniya, k., & wijayawardhana, g. (2021). artificial intelligence based smart library management system. 6th ieee international conference on recent advances and innovations in engineering (icraie) (pp. 1-6). kedah, ma... li, j., liu, y., & wang, l. (2021). design and development of promotion app of university smart library service platform based on network teaching. fifth international conference on i-smac (iot in social, mobile, analytics and cloud) (i-smac) (pp. 134... tang, j., wang, z., & lei, l. (2018). book title recognition for smart library with deep learning. mobile multimedia/image processing, security, and applications. doi: tsabedze, v., mathabela, n., & ademola, s. (2022). "a framework for integrating artificial intelligence into library and information science curricula. innovative technologies for enhancing knowledge access in academic libraries, 1-14. doi:doi: 10.401... journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 2(2) 2021 : 85-93 85 cigarette smoke detection and cleaner based on internet of things (iot) using arduino microcontroller and mq-2 sensor yuda irawan1*, andre wahyu novrianto2, hafizh sallam3 stmik hang tuah pekanbaru, indonesia1,2 multimedia university malaysia3 yudairawan89@gmail.com1 received : 11 april 2021, revised: 09 may 2021 , accepted : 09 may 2021 *coresponding author abstract the detector and neutralize cigarette smoke in the stmik hang tuah pekanbaru there is no. to simplify detector and neutralize cigarette smoke in the campus area made a system detector and neutralize cigarette smoke arduino uno microcontroller based using an notification iot. the whole tool is divided into several parts, consisting of sensor mq-2, module esp8266-01s, module lcd, microcontroller arduino uno, buzzer, and dc fan. this tool works when module esp8266-01s looking for the nearest internet network and sensor mq-2 detect cigarette smoke, from module esp8266-01s and sensor mq-2 then to arduino uno microcontroller to process, from arduino uno microcontroller then turn on buzzer as a warning alarm and turn on dc fan as a fan to neutralize cigarette smoke which then transfers data through module esp8266-01s to the website and give notification the room detected cigarette smoke to the smartphone head of equipment and officers. the results showed that the smoke content was more than 300 detected as cigarette smoke, because it has been to test the system to several prototypes and 2hen there is no cigarette smoke was value is less than 300. keywords : sensor mq-2, arduino uno, module esp8266-01s, module lcd, buzzer, dc fan. 1. introduction the smoking habit is something that is commonly found in public places(imtiaz, et. al., 2019) and (zhang, et. al., 2018). considering the many diseases caused by cigarette smoke, the government continues to strive to improve the prevention of smoking bans in public places by making a policy on smoke-free areas in accordance with law number 36 of 2009 concerning health (amin,, 2018) also including the no smoking area regulations in section seventeenth, security addictive substances, article 115 paragraph (1) (sanger, et. al., 2019) non-smoking areas include: health service facilities, places for teaching and learning, places for children to play, places of worship, public transportation, workplaces and public places and other designated places (panpaeng, et. al., 2018). in accordance with the policy on smoke-free areas as described above, smoke-free areas must be implemented in office buildings, education centers, hospitals, and also other public places (irawan, et. al., 2019). stmik hang tuah pekanbaru is one of the agencies engaged in the education sector that enforces smoke-free zone regulations. stmik hang tuah pekanbaru has given a written warning about smoking prohibition which is affixed to campus walls was studied by ping. however, there are still those who smoke free in the campus environment, especially in the campus area(ping, et. al., 2010). this is very detrimental for passive smokers in these areas. security officers have repeatedly warned those who smoke in the stmik hang tuah pekanbaru environment but the existing written warnings are also not obeyed by those who smoke and this results in security officers being unable to monitor so that the air around the campus area is contaminated by cigarette smoke which is very dangerous for secondhand smoke (sanger, 2019). this problem can be overcome with an automatic device that can detect smoke with an alarm warning and can help manage air circulation in a room using the mq-2 sensor and the arduino uno microcontroller. researchers want to develop smoke detection and neutralizing mailto:yudairawan89@gmail.com1 yuda irawan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 85-93 86 methods using internet of things (iot) services. with the internet of things (iot) service, data collection on smoke levels will be sent via the internet to an online website which then sends a notification alert to the smartphone application in charge of room security. the application of this technology can be an alternative to detect and neutralize smoke in the stmik hang tuah pekanbaru room. 2. literature review arduino uno atmega 328p arduino uno atmega 328 is an 8-bit microcontroller chip based on avr-risc made by atmel which has 32 kb of isp flash memory with read / write capabilities, 1 kb eeprom, 2 kb sram and because of this 32 kb flash memory capacity then this chip is named atmega328 and the complete features contained in the arduino uno module make this module easy to use, just by connecting the arduino uno module with a pc using a usb cable or using a dc-dc adapter. arduino uno has 14 input / output pins of which 6 pins can be used as pwm outputs, 6 analog inputs, a 16 mhz crystal oscillator, a usb connection, a power jack, an icsp head, and a reset button (handoko, 2017). mq-2 sensor the mq-2 sensor is an electronic component for detecting levels of hydrocarbon gases such as smoke. this sensor has high sensitivity and fast response. the output produced by this sensor is in the form of an analog signal, this sensor also requires a direct current (dc) voltage of 5v (ramady, et. al., 2020). internet of things (iot) internet of things (iot) is a structure in which objects, people are provided with an exclusive identity and the ability to move data through a network without requiring two directions between humans, namely source to destination or human-to-computer interaction. iot is a promising technological development, iot can optimize life with smart sensors and objects that have networks and work together on the internet. various everyday tools with smart sensors have been created and controlled via the internet. through smart sensors, analog data is converted into digital data and then sent to the processor in real time. thus, remote controlled equipment automation can be carried out in an iot architecture (wilianto & kurniawan, 2018). 3. research methods researchers use the waterfall method because step by step they have to wait for the completion of the previous stage and go sequentially. the essence of the waterfall method is that the work of a system is carried out sequentially or linearly. so each stage must be completed first in full before moving on to the next stage to avoid repetition of the stages. broadly speaking, the waterfall method has the following steps: requirements analysis and definition, system and software design, implementation, integration and system testing, operation and maintenance. yuda irawan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 85-93 87 fig.1. waterfall model following are the stages of the sequential linear model development / waterfall development model according to ian sommerville: 1. requirements analysis and definition here the researcher collects complete data then performs an analysis and defines the needs to be used in the form of an mq-2 sensor as a smoke detector and a fan as a smoke neutralizer connected to the arduino microcontroller. the system to be created will be applied to the campus lobby and canteen. 2. system and software design at the system and software design stage, the researcher describes the design of the system to be built in accordance with the data analysis carried out, namely when someone smokes in the lobby and campus canteen, the device can automatically detect smoke with an alarm warning and can help manage air circulation in a room by using the mq-2 sensor and the arduino uno microcontroller. researchers want to develop smoke detection and neutralizing methods using internet of things (iot) services. with the internet of things (iot) service, data collection on smoke levels will be sent via the internet to an online website which then sends a notification alert to the smartphone application in charge of room security. in modeling the system, researchers use procedural concepts. 3. implementation in this implementation stage, the programs in the previous stages were translated into codes using a programming language. in this system the programming language used is c ++. 4. integration and system testing in the integration and system testing stage, the integration of modules that have been made and tested is to determine whether the system that has been built is in accordance with the design and whether there are still errors or not. 5. operation and maintenance in this operation and maintenance stage, a system that has been run must be maintained. maintenance also includes fixing errors that could not be found in the previous stage. 4. results and discussions hardware design hardware design is a design or a series of tools used to build prototypes of cigarette smoke detection and neutralization based on iot notifications using arduino microcontroller and mq-2 sensor in the campus area of stmik hang tuah pekanbaru. arduino microcontroller circuit with mq-2 sensor this mq-2 sensor functions as a cigarette smoke detector which is connected to the arduino microcontroller so that it can detect cigarette smoke levels around the installed sensor area. fig. 2. arduino microcontroller circuit with mq-2 sensor arduino microcontroller circuit with dc fan and buzzer this dc fan functions as a cigarette smoke neutralizer which is connected to the arduino microcontroller so that it can neutralize cigarette smoke around the installed sensor yuda irawan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 85-93 88 area and this buzzer functions as a warning alarm connected to the arduino microcontroller so that it can warn those who have smoked around the sensor. fig. 3. arduino microcontroller circuit with dc fan and buzzer arduino microcontroller circuit with lcd module this lcd module functions as a medium for providing information that is connected to the arduino microcontroller in order to provide information about smoke-free conditions in the area where the sensor is attached. fig. 4. arduino microcontroller circuit with lcd module arduino uno microcontroller circuit with esp8266-01s module this esp8266-01s module functions as an internet network connector that is connected to the arduino microcontroller to send smoke level data and send notifications that are sent to the smartphone. fig. 5. arduino microcontroller circuit with esp8266-01s module the whole set of hardware configurations the image below is a whole series of cigarette smoke detection and neutralization tools based on iot notifications using an arduino microcontroller and mq-2 sensor. yuda irawan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 85-93 89 fig. 6. the entire series of hardware configurations implementation is one of the stages in system development, where this stage is the stage of placing a cigarette smoke detection and neutralizing system in the campus area so that it is ready for operation and can be seen as an effort to realize the system that has been designed. implementation of smoke graph website warning notification display fig. 7. warning notification display in the warning notification display there is a room warning message detected cigarette smoke sent from the smoke detection and neutralizing device to the pushbullet application yuda irawan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 85-93 90 website display smoke graph fig. 8. graphic website display on the graphical website display, there is a graph of smoke levels detected by cigarette smoke that can be accessed anywhere implementation of smoke detection and neutralization tools fig.9. implementation of smoke detection and neutralization tools system testing testing the arduino uno system on the cigarette smoke detection and neutralizing system in the campus area can be done with the following steps: 1. connect the electric current source to the cigarette smoke detection and neutralizer hardware circuit 2. after that the cigarette smoke detection and neutralizing system will light up like the supporting devices, namely the arduino uno, the mq-2 sensor, the esp8266-01s module, and the liquid crystal display (lcd) module. fig. 10. system devices turns on yuda irawan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 85-93 91 3. then the cigarette smoke detection and neutralizing system will connect the internet network that has been set on the arduino uno microcontroller. fig. 11. searching for a connected internet network 4. after the cigarette smoke detection and neutralizing system is connected to the internet network, the mq-2 sensor is active and ready to detect cigarette smoke around the installed system. fig. 12. active mq-2 sensor 5. when the cigarette smoke detection and neutralizing system detects the presence of cigarette smoke, the warning alarm and fan are activated automatically, then the system will send a notification of the detected smoke room and the system will send the smoke level value data to the website that can be seen by anyone. yuda irawan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 85-93 92 fig. 13. cigarette smoke detecting system the results of testing the smoke level value of the mq-2 sensor showed different conditions that occurred. in the absence of cigarette smoke, the level of cigarette smoke is less than 300, while the detected condition is cigarette smoke, the smoke level is more than 300. from the results of this test automatically when there is no cigarette smoke, the lcd display will display the words "free room there is cigarette smoke” accompanied by inactivity of the buzzer and fan. in the test results, the smoke level value of the mq-2 sensor is detected when cigarette smoke is detected, the system will automatically inform the lcd display "there is cigarette smoke" which is accompanied by an active buzzer as a warning alarm and a fan as a cigarette smoke neutralizer which then the system sends a notification. warning that the room is detected smoke and the system will send the smoke level value to the website in graphical form. researchers used a smoke level value of more than 300 as detected cigarette smoke, because researchers had tested the system on several prototypes and when there was no cigarette smoke the smoke level value was less than 300. 5. conclusion based on the results of the analysis, design and implementation that has been done. so some conclusions can be drawn including the following: the cigarette smoke detection and neutralizing system at stmik hang tuah pekanbaru uses the mq-2 sensor as a cigarette smoke detector, the arduino uno microcontroller as a data processor, the mq-2 sensor as a cigarette smoke detector, dc fan as a neutralizer cigarette smoke, buzzer as a warning alarm, module esp8266-01s as a connection to the internet network and data transfer to the website, and the lcd module as a viewer and there is no cigarette that can work and function properly so that it is more efficient in detecting and neutralizing cigarette smoke. the cigarette smoke detection and neutralization system can make it easier for the head of the equipment section and officers to monitor active smokers who smoke around the campus area without direct monitoring. by using a cigarette smoke detection and neutralizing system, it can reduce air contaminated by cigarette smoke which is very dangerous for second-hand smoke. references amin, m. m., nugratama, m. a. a., maseleno, a., huda, m., & jasmi, k. a. 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message service) compilation of plow sensors accepting people who enter the compilation house when it is installed and the system is in standby and the alarm will sound and the sound module has been designed to provide information about the movement in the house. to minimize this crime, the need for tools that can help improve home security. based on the overall system test results in accordance with the desired that the security system can be used in a supported system, where when the pir sensor supports movement the buzzer will sound, the red led lights up, the sound module issues the expected voice message and the gsm module will send a message to the homeowner's mobile number. pir sensor will work optimally if the object is detected by humans with a maximum distance of 6 meters. while for animals (cats), the success is only 40%, and plants cannot be detected at all by the pir sensor and the gsm module will send a verification message to the cellphone owner in less than 1 minute. this tool is more effectively used in a room that provides valuable items, for example in a room or other room. keywords : sms gateway, arduino, home security, infra red 1. introduction the development of information technology that is advancing rapidly greatly affects the human mindset. humans really want a comfortable and safe atmosphere in carrying out various activities(gunawan, et. al., 2020; qasim, et. al., 2020). in fact, in today's world where technological developments are increasingly sophisticated, the security of a place or room can be penetrated in various ways, for example by destroying a door, entering through a window or breaking through a roof. limited human resources to monitor a room or a house result in criminal acts that occur, for example, theft of goods in the room(shakthidhar, et. al., 2019). one of the desires of humans is to feel the safety of themselves and their environment, so that people think of making a tool that can see the safety conditions of the environment around them without having to be monitored from their eyes(yar, et. al., 2021). so that every activity and person who enters the room can be directly observed and monitored. theft based on article 362 of the criminal code is an act of taking goods or something that is wholly or partly owned by another person with the intention of being forcibly owned(pande, et. al., 2019). advances in electronic technology have contributed to the development of a reliable security system. one of them is a security system application for home security(baria & bhatt, 2017). many electronic devices are used for home security systems, for example, such as detecting devices for thieves, fires, and gas leaks. there are so many versions of the tools that are sold, both in terms of quality, brand, and price(nayyar, et. al., 2017). however, the tools that are often found in the market are sold separately and are relatively more expensive. the loss if we buy a tool in a separate state, the automatic level of home security will be reduced and will also incur greater costs for purchasing the tool(irawan & wahyuni, 2021). the main advantage mailto:yudairawan89@gmail.com1 mailto:%20yulismanaziera27@gmail.com2 mailto:naima.belarbi-etu@etu.univh2c.ma3 mailto:naima.belarbi-etu@etu.univh2c.ma3 irawan, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 19-25 20 of a security system based on arduino compared to conventional security systems is that it has the ability to operate continuously and can automatically connect with other devices(wadhwani, et. al., 2018). home security when the owner is left alone is of course very important, considering that very valuable assets are usually kept in the house. fires and thefts can occur when the house is empty where the owner lives. this home security problem can be overcome with a security system that can notify the home owner via an sms (short message service) notification when the pir sensor detects a person entering the house when the house is locked and the system is in standby and the alarm will sound and the module sounds that have been designed can provide notification that there is movement in the house(nwalozie, et. al., 2015). this sound module is designed to provide notification if someone enters the house and has been detected by the system, the sound module will sound as desired. to make the desired sound we need to record the sound first(choudhury, et. al., 2015). to minimize this crime, it is necessary to have a tool that can help improve security at home. the tool in question is a home security alarm, this alarm can work by detecting movement by the pir sensor and if it has been detected by the system, the system will make a sound and send a message to the home owner so that the home owner can find out whether there are people in his house or not(anitha, 2017). research conducted by (samudra, 2019) by title home security system using pir sensor and magnetic switch via sms notification based on arduino uno. using the sim900a gsm module as a module that will send notifications in the form of sms to homeowners. when the sensor detects human movement or detects an open door, sim900a will send an sms alert to the number of the home owner. research conducted by (permana bayu, 2020) by title portable module for iot-based energy saving smart home. this study aims to design a smart contact box in a smart home based on internet of things (iot) technology in order to monitor the amount of power consumption of electronic devices in the household, detect people in the room, and remote electronic devices in the household. the sensors used are 3 acn26 current sensors and 1 voltage sensor for the esp12-e mcu node module, arduino nano and raspberry pi which are used in data processing, 2x16 displays and a web server as a display of the results of power consumption. research conducted by (tjahjono, et. al., 2020) by title this study aims to design and create a security system based on rfid (radio frequency identification). this study uses the r & d method, namely the research method used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of those products. 2. research methods a frame of mind is needed in conducting research, this frame of mind will be used as a reference for the author in completing the research, the framework in research refers to the methodology used . design (prototype) is the stage after the system development cycle analysis which is the definition of functional requirements, and describes how a system is formed which can be in the form of depiction, planning and sketching or arrangement of several separate elements. be a complete and functional unit, including the configuration of the hardware and software components of a system. the essence of this method is the work of developing the model into a final system(wahyuni, et. al., 2021; noruwana, et. al., 2020). in addition, to model a device, several stages are needed in the development process, these stages will determine the success of a control system. irawan, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 19-25 21 fig. 1. prototype stages a. collection of needs the needs analysis stage is the stage that is carried out to obtain information on what needs are used to build a system. these needs include hardware and software. the arduino uno microcontroller was chosen because odet quite easy to operate and has compatibility with the various sensors available and uses the arduino ide software version 1.8.10 to 21odet he program(perkasa, et. al., 2021). b. building prototyping in this stage the researcher designed a sketch drawing and a system prototype as a reference for the size of the security alarm device then proceeded with designing a home security device. c. prototyping evaluation the design that has been built will be evaluated and checked again, so that if there are still errors it can be corrected immediately(ordila & irawan, 2020). d. encoding system after obtaining the correct and complete design, the researcher then makes the program coding using arduino software for the device, and also makes coding for the android software. e. system testing the next stage, the tools and programs that are made are then tested whether they can function properly, testing is carried out so that the tools work as expected. f. system evaluation the devices that have been tested are then evaluated again in order to get good and desirable results, if in case there are still deficiencies in the devices that are made, the devices will be revised back to the coding and testing stages, until the desired results are obtained(rm sari, 2021). g. system usage if the manufacture of the tool is completed properly and completely, we can use the device in everyday life in the home security environment. irawan, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 19-25 22 3. results and discussions electronic design is a microcontroller system circuit design with other electronic devices such as sensors, leds, buzzers, jumper cables(anamika, et. al., 2020). fig. 2. hardware circuit schematic implementation is the stage of direct application of home security system tools. this stage is also part of a development. implementation also determines the success rate of the project that has been built(turow, 2021). figure 3. back view of home security system implementation the image above is the overall picture of voice-based home alarm security and sms gateway using the arduino uno atmega328 microcontroller and pir sensor which consists of several components including: arduino uno r3, pir sensor, gsm module, sound module, breadboard, buzzer and led(raj, et. al., 2021; kumar, et. al., 2020). irawan, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 19-25 23 figure 4. overall view of home security system implementation the picture above is the implementation of the gsm module, the home owner will receive a warning message from the gsm module. description of the implementation of home alarm security: 1. connect the home alarm power security cable to the electric current first 2. next is when someone passes with a max distance of 6 meters, the pear sensor will detect the movement. 3. next, if the movement has been detected, the microcontroller will give a signal to the led sound module and buzzer. 4. next, when the sound module, led and buzzer work, the gsm module will send a message to the home owner's cellphone. system testing the results of the implementation of the testing of the voice-based home alarm security and sms gateway implementation system using the arduino uno atmega328 microcontroller and pir sensor are as follows: table 1 testing the system with a pir sensor distance (meter) pir sensor sound module led buzzer gsm shield 0,5 detection sound is on turns on beep sms sent 1 detection sound is on turns on beep sms sent 2 detection sound is on turns on beep sms sent 3 detection sound is on turns on beep sms sent 4 detection sound is on turns on beep sms sent 5 detection sound is on turns on beep sms sent 6 detection sound is on turns on beep sms sent 7 not detected no sound lights off no sound sms not sent 8 not detected no sound lights off no sound sms not sent 9 not detected no sound lights off no sound sms not sent 10 not detected no sound lights off no sound sms not sent the results of motion sensor testing as shown in table 1, the pir sensor will work optimally if the detected object is a human with a maximum distance of 6 meters. meanwhile, for animals (cats) the success is only 40%, and plants cannot be detected by the pir sensor at all. irawan, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 19-25 24 4. conclusion some conclusions that can be drawn based on the results of the analysis, design and implementation that have been carried out, and based on the formulation of the existing problems are as follows: when the house is abandoned, the home owner can monitor the security of the house through a warning message sent by the gsm module to the home owner's cellphone, so that the home owner can find out the security status of his home. this tool is more effectively used in a private room where valuables are found, for example in a room or other room. based on the test results, the overall system is as desired, namely the security system can work in an integrated system, where when the pir sensor detects movement, the buzzer will sound, the red led lights up, the sound module issues a pre-recorded voice message and the gsm module will send a message to the home owner's mobile number. references anamika, s. a., khan, m. a. r., sefat, m. m. h., & kibria, m. g. 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(2021). towards smart home automation using iot-enabled edge-computing paradigm. sensors, 21(14), 4932. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 2(2) 2021 : 139-150 139 development of composite material for wind turbine blades p. y. andoh1, a. agyei-agyemang2, p. o. tawiah3, c. k. k. sekyere4, c. m. asante5 department of mechanical engineering, kwame nkrumah university of science and technology, kumasi, ghana1,2,3,4,5 received : 01 april 2021, revised: 09 june 2021 , accepted : 09 june 2021 *coresponding author abstract rapid increases in the prices of conventional turbine blade making materials as well as future sustainability issues is attracting research interest in the development of polymer composites for turbine blade applications. this study examines the suitability of using a novel bamboo fibre and recycled plastics composite developed for wind turbine blade application. bamboo fibre was extracted from raw bamboo by chemical and mechanical processes. recycled high density polyethylene (hdpe) was collected, cut into pieces, cleaned and combined with extracted bamboo fibre to form the composite. the percentage ratio of fibre content in the ten specimens ranged from 2.5% to 25%. a series of mechanical tests were conducted on the specimens, including tensile test, impact test, water absorption test and sun radiation test. results established that as the percentage of bamboo fibre in the specimen increased, the tensile strength and impact energy also increased. water absorption and sun radiation tests conducted on specimen x revealed no meaningful impact on its mechanical properties. hence, the most significant deduction from this study is that the specimen with 25% bamboo fibre and 75% hdpe matrix possesses the quality that qualifies it to be used as a material for wind turbine blade fabrication. keywords : bamboo fibre, composite materials, wind turbine blades, high density polyethylene, mechanical tests. 1. introduction the use of composite materials is common in wind turbine blade production due to their excellent mechanical properties and relatively lower weight compared with the use of steel or other metals (kalkains, 2019). there is a recent switch toward the common use of carbon fibres and glass fibres among others as synthetic fibres in manufacturing composite materials (zakikhani, 2014). glass-fibre reinforced plastics (grp) is the most widely used composite material in the wind turbine industry because of its desirable mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, high temperature tolerance and relatively cheaper manufacturing cost (abdul, 2012; bülent, 2006). the high energy intensity and costs of carbon fibres make their use in most composite applications not economical (fitch, 2004). natural fibres are sometimes used as a substitute in some composite applications instead of carbon fibres. considering most material selection criteria used in relation to material suitability for wind turbine applications, natural fibre composites have proven to be more suitable for wind turbine blade fabrication with the exception of material strength where glass fibres has been found to be stronger (constable, 2015). as a matter of fact, there have been a significant increase in numerous applications of natural fibres in various industries due to favourable findings in the economic and environmental friendliness of the properties of natural fibres as against synthetic fibre (nasir, 2017). natural fibres are obtained from plants containing lignocellulose substances and are environmentally friendly due to their co2 neutrality, recyclability, renewability, noncarcinogenicity, biodegradability, desirable mechanical properties and the fact that they occur in abundance naturally (abilash, 2013; satyanarayana, 2009; saw, 2014; shah, 2013; wang, 2016). also, when natural fibres are processed as composite materials with thermosetting or about:blank andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 139-150 140 thermoplastic polymers, they can serve as environmentally friendly alternatives to standard eglass composites, wood-reinforced materials, and aluminium alloys (morales, 2017). bamboo is one of the natural materials which is being intensively studied to substitute this synthetic fibre since they possess higher strength to weight ratio (fu, 2012). the potential of bamboo in polymer composite is very important today due to its fibre extraction, structural variation, thermal properties, chemical modification and mechanical properties that make it very suitable for use in the composite industry (mounika, 2012; takagi 2013). bamboo belongs to the family of grass bambusoideae that comprises cellulose, fibre encapsulated in a lignin matrix (gutu, 2013). bamboo can be used in composites as a natural fibre reinforcement in polymer matrices which are petroleum based. such composites are also called bamboo fibre reinforced polymer (abdul, 2012). bamboo fibres have provided some good responses in the production of materials that are recyclable, biodegradable and sustainable (adamu, 2018). products of composites made from bamboo have several positive advantages such as dimensional stability, longevity, weather resistant, high impact resistant, low maintenance, non-toxic, low flame spread, etc. (murali, 2013). in the production of safety products, it has been observed that curtains produced from bamboo fibres can absorb electromagnetic radiations (x-ray, infrared) at various wavelengths, making it exclusively less harmful to the human body when compared with other curtains produced from various materials (li, 2012). bamboo also has some disadvantages for various applications, including high moisture content, the difficulty of extracting fine and straight fibres and thermal degradation during manufacturing (osorio, 2011). there are two main types of processes used in obtaining bamboo fibres, namely mechanical and chemical processing, depending on the number of times the bamboo fibres will be used and the load it will be subjected to (adamu, 2018). the mechanical method involves different processes such as steam explosion, retting, crushing, grinding and rolling of the bamboo (adamu, 2018). a major advantage of fibre extraction using mechanical process over chemical process is a better environmental characteristic of the extracted fibre (osorio, 2011). it is convenient to divide the fibre extraction process into rough or fine bamboo depending on the preparation method (nayak, 2016). the rough bamboo fibres are prepared by cutting, boiling, and separation followed by fermenting the bamboo with enzymes, and then it can be washed, bleached with acid treatment, and finally soaked in oil and air-dried (nayak, 2016). the chemical process involves yielding of cellulose fibres by alkali hydrolysis before multiphase bleaching is carried out via passing the alkali-treated cellulose fibres through carbon disulphide (cs2). this process is the least time-consuming procedure for yielding bamboo fibres and it is used by most manufacturers (hunter, 2003). numerous researches suggest that bamboo fibre composite has a comparable property to that of polymer composites. this study focuses on the development of a composite material from bamboo fibre and recycled high-density polyethylene matrix for wind turbine blade fabrication. 2. materials and methods 2.1. materials materials used include waste high density polyethylene (hdpe) and green bamboo (bambusoideae). the properties of the bamboo and the waste plastics that were used are tabulated and presented in table 1. table 1 properties of the samples used. material young’s modulus (gpa) ultimate tensile strength (mpa) fracture toughness (mpa) percentage elongation (%) green bamboo 1.2±0.065 100.3±11.28 109.23± 5.69 recycled hdpe 0.0663±0.010 16.80±0.26 322.68±33.4 source: (andoh et al., 2016 ; tawiah et al., 2016) andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 139-150 141 2.2 preparation of fibre and matrix a 10-metre bamboo was harvested from a bamboo farm using a cutlass and cut into pieces of 1-m length. these pieces were then split into strips of 0.25 m long and immersed in a solution of 400 ml hydrochloric acid (hcl) which was diluted with 20 litres of water in a black container as shown in figure 2.1 for 48 hours. this was done to make it soft and also to reduce the lignin content of the bamboo to prevent it from breaking during the fibre extraction. fig 1. processing of bamboo fibre and the sample obtained the wet slabs were removed from the black container and beaten with a wooden mallet to obtain the bamboo fibre as shown in figure 1 three types of fibres were obtained after the extraction process which are long and short fibres and the powdered form as shown in figure 1. the used high-density polyethylene (hdpe) was collected, washed and cleaned, and allowed to dry. the clean hdpe were cut into pieces using knives and scissors as shown in figure 2. fig 2. cut pieces of the waste hdpe 2.3 formation of composite materials a mould was constructed from a high steel metal having dimensions of 250 mm by 20 mm by 20 mm and a cover of 250 mm by 20 mm by 5 mm as shown in figure 3. fig 3. the final mould used in the composite formation ten different weight ratios of fibre or plastic in the composite were used (table 2) to determine the one which will give the highest material strength. the bamboo fibre and the recycled plastic andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 139-150 142 composite were formed using the method of casting and hand-laying techniques. thirty-nine grammes (39 g) of high-density polyethylene were placed in a saucepan and subjected to heating. molten hdpe was obtained within 30 to 40 minutes as shown in figure 4. table 2 specimen mass of fibre (g) mass of hdpe (g) total weight of specimen (g) i 1 39 40 ii 2 38 40 iii 3 37 40 iv 4 36 40 v 5 35 40 vi 6 34 40 vii 7 33 40 viii 8 32 40 ix 9 31 40 x 10 30 40 total 55 345 400 both the conventional fibre glass composite turbine blade and the bamboo composite were installed at the test site at a height of 10 meters and tested under similar operating conditions. data was collected for both types of blade by monitoring the following parameters: power output, wind velocity, blade rpm and the tip to speed ratio using the turbine control monitor and the values obtained were recorded. fig 4. melting of the shredded hdpe a white paper was placed in the mould and 0.05 g of powdered bamboo fibre was then spread on the paper in the mould. about 20% of molten hdpe was poured into the mould and mixed with the powdered fibre in the mould until a uniform mixture was obtained. 0.95 g of bamboo fibre was then arranged horizontally in the mould on top of the formed mixture. the remaining 80% of the molten hdpe was poured into the mould on the horizontally arranged bamboo fibre. the mould was covered and a dead weight of 10 kg was placed on the mould cover so as to remove any porosity or air bubbles. figure 2.5 shows the bamboo and hdpe composite after solidification. the process was repeated for the formation of the remaining specimens needed for the mechanical testing. andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 139-150 143 fig 5. obtained samples 2.4 mechanical tests four tests were performed to determine the material properties that are widely used as performance indices to assess the suitability of newly-formed materials for typical mechanical applications such as wind turbine blade fabrication for wind energy generation. typical performance indices measured include; tensile strength, impact resistance, sun radiation properties and water absorption properties. five samples for each of the ten specimens were prepared for the tensile test experiment as shown in figure 6. (a) some of the samples used for the tensile strength test (b) a sample being held in the universal tensile test machine fig 6. tensile test for the tensile strength test, the sample is first gripped firmly in two vices attached to the machine (see figure 2.5(b)). the wheel is then turned to drive the rack and pinion system allowing the gripping part to accommodate the specimen firmly. the sample is then strained to an extension of 1.27 mm and the corresponding force is then determined by a balance system attached to the machine. the extension and its corresponding force were then recorded. the specimen was given successive further extensions of 1.27 mm each time and the corresponding force recorded until the material failed. this procedure was repeated for the remaining forty-nine samples and the results were recorded. the plot of the stress versus strain was used to obtain the modulus of elasticity (e), the yield and the ultimate strength. andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 139-150 144 fig 7. hsm55 pendulum impact tester five samples with dimensions 10 mm by 10 mm by 55 mm were prepared for each of the ten specimens for the impact test (see figure 7 for hsm55 pendulum impact tester set up). a v-notch was made in the middle of all the samples. the pendulum was moved to its lock position. each sample was clamped into the jig with the notch facing the direction of the pendulum. the pendulum was released using the two-hand release mechanism. the impact energy obtained was recorded. the procedure was repeated for the remaining samples and their respective impact energies recorded. water absorption test was conducted on the formed composite samples to determine the effect of moisture on the performance of the samples (see figure 8). this was done to ascertain the performance of the composite material in a humid environment. fig 8. water absorption test setups ten rectangular specimens (five samples each) of dimension 80 mm x 60 mm and thickness 8 mm were prepared for this test. five samples prepared from each specimen were dried in an oven for 24 hours at a temperature of 114oc. afterwards, the specimens were removed from the oven and allowed to cool to room temperature. the specimens were then weighed and their initial masses recorded. the specimens were then immersed in water for another 24 hours at room temperature. after 24 hours, the specimens were removed from the water and cleaned. subsequently, the specimens were weighed to obtain their masses after immersion in water. the masses of the specimens before and after immersion in water were recorded. water absorption is expressed as a percentage of increase in weight. mathematically, percentage water absorbed is given by: % 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑊𝑒𝑡 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡−𝐷𝑟𝑦 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝐷𝑟𝑦 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑥 100% ………………….2.1 ten samples of specimen x were prepared for the sun radiation test as shown in figure 2.10. specimen x was selected for this test due to the fact that it possesses the highest strength electronic weighing scale samples soaked in water andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 139-150 145 among the specimens and this has been proven by the previous experiments. the prepared samples were exposed to sunlight for 14 days (during the day). after the 14 days, the samples were removed from the sun and a tensile test was performed to determine the effect of exposure to solar irradiance on the strength of the specimen selected for this particular test (being specimen two). fig 9. prepared samples for the sun radiation test 3. results and discussions 3.1 tensile test properties figure 10 shows plots of stress versus strain for specimen iv, sample 2. the graph was generated using results obtained from the tensile test experiments. from the graph, the yield strength and the ultimate tensile strength were obtained. the gradient of the linear portion of the graph gives the modulus of elasticity. fig 10. plot of stress against strain for specimen iv sample 2 0 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000 5000000 6000000 7000000 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 s t r e s s ( n /m 2 ) strain andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 139-150 146 from figure 10 it is observed that stress is proportional to strain until the composite matrix reaches its yield strength of 2.614 mpa. as the strain increases steadily from 0.0508, the stress also increases appreciably within the elastic region until the stress experienced by the material was 6.50 mpa where the material could not take any more load. from the graph, it can be deduced that the material obeys hooke’s law. this procedure was repeated for the remaining specimens. it was observed that the values of the yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and modulus of elasticity vary and, therefore, a range will have to be used to represent the strength properties for each specimen. the ranges for the strength properties were determined using equation 3.1. 𝑆𝑝 = 𝑋 + 𝑡𝛼,𝜗 𝑠 √(𝑛−1) ……………………………………………………………….3.1 where sp is the strength properties; 𝑋, the mean, s, standard deviation, tα,ν, t-distribution probability, n, the sample size (5) and ν is n-1. but the mean and standard deviation were determined using equations 3.2 and 3.3 respectively. 𝑋 = ∑ 𝑋𝑖 𝑛 𝑖 𝑛 ……………………………………………………………………….3.2 𝑠 = √(𝑋𝑖−𝑋) 2 𝑛 ……………………………………………………………………3.3 where xi is the strength property of the specimen. using a 95% confidence level, the value of t0.05,6 was 1.94 from the t-distribution table. hence, the three (3) strength properties for the composite materials were computed and the results are represented in table 3. table 3 range of modulus of elasticity for the samples specimens modulus of elasticity (mpa) yield strength (mpa) ultimate tensile strength (mpa) i 0.14±0.05 1.80±0.71 3.36±1.26 ii 0.13±0.06 2.34±0.99 4.67±0.89 iii 0.24±0.05 2.68±0.64 6.37±0.14 iv 0.14±0.05 2.61±0.63 6.50±0.27 v 0.26±0.09 3.23±0.59 7.54±0.48 vi 0.30±0.07 3.33±0.69 8.61±0.240 vii 0.26±0.05 3.73±0.87 9.87±0.057 viii 0.26±0.05 3.95±0.58 16.05±0.78 ix 0.24±0.05 3.02±0.62 18.50±1.81 x 0.40±0.00 5.28±0.88 26.44±0.56 from table 3, the yield strength and the ultimate tensile strength of the tensile test experiment varies directly with increasing percentage of fibre content in the composite. the moduli of elasticity of the specimen show some significant characteristics. the elastic modulus of the specimen does not necessarily increase with increasing fibre content but shows that, the specimen with higher fibre content possess higher values in modulus of elasticity. it can then be concluded that, specimen x possesses stronger values in tensile strength than the remaining specimens with composition of 25% bamboo fibre and 75% hdpe. 3.2 impact test properties andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 139-150 147 the tensile test conducted proved that specimen x has the highest strength, 26 mpa as compared to the remaining specimens. specimen x consists of 10 g of fibre and 30 g of matrix. it also proved that the ultimate tensile strength and the young modulus increase as the amount of fibre content in the matrix increases, though there were some small deviations. to further understand how strong the formed composite is, an impact test was conducted on the specimen. the results obtained are presented in figure 11. fig 11. bar chart of the impact strength of the specimens from figure 11, sample ix and x tends to have the highest amount of impact energy. the higher the amount of energy absorbed by the specimen the tougher the specimen. sample ix and x have the highest impact energy of 0.8 j and 1.0 j respectively. this proves that, increasing the fibre content in the composite increases its strength. 3.3 sun radiation test properties ten samples of specimen x were placed in the sun for 14 days to check for possible changes in strength after the exposure. figure 12 shows a plot of stress against strain for specimen x sample 1. the plot has two parts, a linear part and a curved part. from figure 3.3 the yield strength was 4.59 mpa and the ultimate tensile strength was 26.6 mpa. the slope of the plot gives the young’s modulus which was determined to be 400 mpa or 0.4 gpa. this was repeated for the remaining samples. it was observed that the values of the yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and modulus of elasticity vary and therefore a range will have to be used to represent the strength properties for each specimen. the ranges for the strength properties were determined using equation 3.1 to 3.3. the results were then compared with the first test for the specimen x as presented in table 4. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x im p a c t e n e r g y ( k j) specimens andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 139-150 148 fig 12. plot of stress against strain for specimen x sample i table 4 cost breakdown of the bamboo plastic composite and the glass conventional turbine blade conditions modulus of elasticity (mpa) yield strength (mpa) ultimate tensile strength (mpa) after sun radiation 0.40±0.00 4.80±0.33 26.40±0.35 before sun radiation 0.40±0.00 5.28±0.88 26.44±0.56 comparing the values of specimen x from the tensile test experiment to that of the sun radiation test shows that the sun has no effect at all on the formed composite. the ultimate tensile strength of specimen x from the tensile test experiment is (26.4±0.56) mpa and that of the sun radiation test is (26.4±0.35) mpa. the obtained values of modulus of elasticity for specimen x for tensile test and sun radiation test are 4.0 gpa and 4.0gpa respectively. the values for the yield strength are (4.8±0.33) mpa for sun radiation test and (5.3±0.88) mpa for tensile test. the differences between these values are almost zero or negligible. from the data obtained, the sun radiation has no significant effect on the tensile strength of specimen x. 3.4 water absorption test using equation 2.1, the water absorbed and percentage water absorbed by specimen i were determined. it was observed that the value for the percentage water absorbed varies and therefore a range will be used to represent the percentage water absorbed. hence using equations 3.1 to 3.3, the water absorbing ranges for all the specimens were determined and the results are shown in table 5. table 5 water absorption test results specimen % water absorbed i 2.86 ±0.06 iii 2.76 ±0.08 iii 3.07±0.09 iv 7.50±0.08 0 5000000 10000000 15000000 20000000 25000000 30000000 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 s t r e s s ( n m 2 ) strain andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 139-150 149 v 5.11±0.09 vi 5.46±0.15 vii 4.30±0.05 viii 2.81±0.08 ix 2.40±0.06 x 6.55±0.09 from table 5, it can be deduced that the amount of water absorbed does not depend on the amount of fibre in the composite. it is observed that, specimen iv absorbed more water compared to the remaining specimens even though it has less fibre component with percentage ratio of 1:9 (4 g of fibre and 36 g of matrix). specimen x which has a fibre ratio of 1:3 (10 g of fibre and 30 g of matrix) recorded the second highest moisture absorbing capacity. the test also revealed that the amount of water absorbed depends on the length of exposure of the fibres in the composites. thus, to avoid water absorption by the fibres in the composite, the fibres should be completely covered by the matrix. if the fibre is not completely covered by the matrix, it will absorb some amount of water when exposed to a humid environment for a particular time interval. despite the large fibre content in specimen x, none of the samples prepared from this specimen absorbed more than 7.5% of water when exposed to water for 24 hrs. 4. conclusion and recommendation this study was carried out to determine whether bamboo fibre and waste high density polyethylene composite will be suitable for the production of wind turbine blades. bamboo fibre was extracted from raw bamboo using chemical and mechanical processes. the tensile test conducted showed that the composite with the highest percentage (25%, i.e. specimen x) of bamboo fibre had the highest strength value of 26 mpa. the results obtained for the impact test also showed that as the percentage of bamboo fibre increases the impact strength also increases with specimen x recording an impact energy of 1.0 j. the outcome of water absorption test showed that the amount of moisture absorbed after 24 hours of immersion in water is insignificant and also does not depend on the percentage of bamboo fibre in the composite. results further showed that the sun radiation has no noticeable effect on the tensile strength of specimen x. it can then be concluded that the bamboo fibre and recycled hdpe composite possess desirable mechanical properties to be considered for use as material for wind turbine blade fabrication. 5. areas requiring further studies in order to improve the mechanical properties of the composite material it is recommended that further studies be conducted to: • determine the effect of controlling the rate of solidification on the mechanical properties of the resulting composite material. • investigate the use of other bamboo fibre extraction methods on the mechanical properties of the composite material. references abilash, n., & sivapragash, m. j. k. s. u. 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(zhang et al., 2020). existing literature gives an overview of the possible advantages of vertical hydroponic systems for sustainable agriculture. however, research on the economic sustainability of these armas et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 864-872 865 systems for onion production in the philippines is lacking. this research intends to remedy this deficiency and give stakeholders in the agriculture industry with vital information. 2. literature review agriculture is a major contribution to global food security and economic growth, but conventional agricultural techniques have significant environmental effects such as soil erosion, water depletion, and greenhouse gas emissions. sustainable agriculture is a solution to these issues since it promotes ecologically friendly agricultural techniques that provide long-term food security while reducing environmental harm. vertical farming and hydroponic systems are sustainable agricultural techniques that have acquired significant popularity in recent years. hydroponic systems grow plants without soil, use water and fertilizer solutions instead. these technologies have the potential to drastically minimize the environmental impact of agriculture by limiting water consumption, soil erosion and degradation, and carbon emissions (jensen, 2019; li et al., 2020). in 2019, the globe will produce more than 105 million metric tons of onions, constituting a significant portion of global agriculture (faostat, 2021). the production of onions is hindered by soil depletion, water constraint, and the usage of agrochemicals. by growing onions in controlled conditions that use less water, soil, and agrochemicals, sustainable onion production employing vertical farming and hydroponic systems might provide a solution to these problems (van os et al., 2018). despite the potential advantages of sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems, the financial sustainability of these business models has not been well studied. this research aims to examine the financial feasibility of business strategies for sustainable onion production via vertical farming and hydroponic systems. we will examine the production costs and potential earnings of these systems and compare them to conventional soilbased approaches. in addition, we will investigate the market demand for onions cultivated in a sustainable manner and identify aspects that may impact the profitability of these systems. this research will add to the literature on sustainable agriculture and provide light on the financial feasibility of business models for the sustainable production of onions utilizing vertical farming and hydroponic systems. according to one research by ogoshi (2017), the payback time for a small-scale hydroponic lettuce system in hawaii was 3.5 years, and the system's net present value over a 20-year period was $65,397. another research by pathak et al. (2017) looked at the economics of producing hydroponically, and they discovered that because of its greater yields and pricing, hydroponically produced lettuce was more lucrative than traditional field-grown lettuce. kim et al. (2016) compared the economics of growing lettuce hydroponically in open and closed systems and found that the closed system was more economical since it produced better yields and used less water. kim et al. (2020) also studied the economics of hydroponic lettuce production in greenhouses and vertical farming and found that the better yields and reduced labor costs of vertical farming made it more lucrative. the cultivation of other crops in vertical farms has also been researched, in addition to lettuce. in brooklyn, new york, kim et al. (2018) studied the economic viability of vertical farming for a variety of crops. they discovered that although certain crops could be economically supported by vertical farming, others could not owing to disparities in market pricing and yield. a vertical farm for growing lettuce was the subject of an economic and environmental study by choudhary et al. (2017), which determined that the farm had a payback time of 9.2 years and a net present value of $2.7 million over a 20-year period. the possible dangers and difficulties related to hydroponic and vertical farming have also been studied. for instance, plant diseases and pests were shown to be the most important concerns in a risk analysis of hydroponic lettuce production by haapala et al. (2018). when wang et al. (2019) looked at the environmental viability of vertical farming, they discovered that, depending on the design and technology employed, different vertical farms had different energy needs and carbon footprints. there is little information available on market demand in the philippines for onions grown sustainably. according to joshi et al(2017) .'s research, however, there is a rising demand for armas et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 864-872 866 sustainably grown fruits and vegetables in asia due to rising consumer awareness of food safety and environmental issues. a research by lang and shih (2016) that looked at the viability of utilizing crowdfunding to finance urban agricultural projects found that it may not be appropriate for bigger projects. this study looked at financing alternatives for vertical hydroponic systems. conclusion: although there are risks and difficulties related to this business model, the research shows that vertical hydroponic systems have the potential to be commercially feasible for sustainable onion production in the philippines. future studies should look into the philippines' market for sustainably grown onions and evaluate other funding methods for vertical hydroponic systems. theoretical framework the theoretical framework for this study on investigating the financial viability of business models for sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems could be based on the sustainable development framework and the social ecological systems framework. the sustainable development framework is a useful tool to analyze the financial viability of sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems. this framework focuses on the interconnectedness of environmental, economic, and social factors, and aims to promote sustainable practices that meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. by using this framework, the study can identify the costs and benefits of sustainable onion production systems and determine their potential for long-term viability. furthermore, the social ecological systems framework can provide insight into the complex interactions between social and ecological systems and the need for integrated approaches to sustainability. by using this framework, the study can consider the social and ecological factors that influence the financial viability of sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems. this could include analyzing the social and economic benefits of sustainable agriculture practices, such as job creation and increased access to fresh produce, as well as the ecological benefits of reduced environmental damage. overall, the use of the sustainable development and social ecological systems frameworks in this study can provide a comprehensive analysis of the financial viability of business models for sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems. by considering the social, ecological, and economic dimensions of sustainability, this study can offer valuable insights into the potential of sustainable onion production systems to meet the needs of both present and future generations. research objectives this study examines the financial viability and benefits of vertical farming and hydroponic systems for sustainable onion production in the philippines. the study has certain goals: to evaluate the costs and benefits of vertical farming and hydroponic onion production to conventional methods. this goal compares vertical hydroponics system initial investment and maintenance costs to traditional farming methods. second, identify key financial factors that affect the viability of vertical farming and hydroponic onion production business models. material, labor, and energy expenses affect vertical hydroponics system profitability. thirdly, investigate the viability and income diversification of sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems. this is to evaluate vertical hydroponic system revenue streams, including byproduct and produce sales. the fourth goal is to examine the social, environmental, and demographic impacts of sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems. this goal examines the social and environmental benefits of vertical hydroponics systems, including increased employment opportunities, food security, and reduced environmental impact. based on cost, benefit, and revenue analysis, recommend ways to maximize the financial sustainability of vertical farming and hydroponic onion production business models. this advises stakeholders on how to optimize the financial feasibility of vertical hydroponics systems for sustainable onion production in the philippines. armas et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 864-872 867 3. research methods research design a mixed-methods research design was used for this study. this approach combines both quantitative and qualitative methods to provide a comprehensive analysis of the research problem (creswell & plano clark, 2018). this design involves collecting and analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data to provide a comprehensive analysis of the financial viability of business models for sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic system. respondents of the study the respondents of this study will be stakeholders involved in the sustainable onion production industry. this includes onion farmers who have experience with vertical farming and hydroponic systems, agricultural extension officers who can provide expert knowledge on sustainable agriculture practices, and policymakers who have the power to influence policies related to sustainable agriculture. instrument of the study the instrument of the study for the quantitative component will be financial analysis tools such as cost-benefit analysis or roi analysis. the financial data will be collected through surveys, financial reports, and other relevant documents from existing onion production businesses using vertical farming and hydroponic systems. for the qualitative component, the instrument will be semi-structured interviews. an interview guide will be developed based on the research questions and the social-ecological systems framework. the interview guide will include open-ended questions that encourage the participants to share their experiences, perspectives, and insights related to the financial viability of business models for sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems. data analysis for the quantitative data, a cost-benefit analysis or roi analysis will be conducted to determine the financial viability of business models for sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems. the results will be presented in tables, graphs, and charts 4. results and discussions objective 1: to determine the costs and benefits of using vertical hydroponic systems for sustainable onion production, compared to conventional production methods. the table below shows the data gathered for the setting up costs, operating costs, and harvest yield per acre of vertical hydroponic systems and conventional production methods. table 1 comparison of cost-benefit analysis of vertical hydroponic systems and conventional production method setting up cost (in usd) operating cost per year (in usd) harvest yield per acre vertical hydroponic system 100,000 15,000 35 tons conventional production method 50,000 20,000 25 tons note: data as of april 2023 based on the data collected from the field, the costs and benefits of using vertical farming and hydroponic systems for onion production were compared to conventional production methods. the results showed that the initial investment cost for setting up a hydroponic system was higher than the cost of setting up a conventional onion production system. the estimated capital costs for setting up a hydroponic system were around $100,000 per acre, compared to $50,000 per acre for conventional systems. however, the operating costs of a hydroponic system were significantly lower compared to conventional onion production systems. the estimated operating costs for hydroponic systems were around $15,000 per acre per year, compared to $20,000 per acre per year for conventional armas et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 864-872 868 systems. this is because hydroponic systems require less water, fertilizer, and pesticides, and are more efficient in utilizing these resources. in terms of benefits, the data showed that both vertical farming and hydroponic systems had higher yields compared to conventional onion production systems. the estimated yields for vertical farming and hydroponic systems were around 35 tons per acre per year, compared to 25 tons per acre per year for conventional systems. additionally, the data also showed that vertical farming and hydroponic systems had lower water consumption, pesticide use, and land requirements compared to conventional onion production systems, which are all important factors in achieving sustainable agriculture practices. the findings of this study are consistent with previous research that has shown the potential benefits of using vertical farming and hydroponic systems in sustainable agriculture practices. for instance, a study by heuvelink et al. (2018) found that vertical farming systems can produce higher yields and quality of crops compared to conventional systems, while reducing the use of resources such as water and land. similarly, a study by resh (2012) showed that hydroponic systems can provide significant benefits in terms of water efficiency, nutrient management, and pest control. however, it is important to note that the initial investment cost of setting up vertical farming systems can be a barrier to adoption for some farmers, especially those in low-income areas. therefore, further research is needed to explore the potential cost savings and profitability of vertical farming systems over the long-term, and to develop strategies for making these systems more accessible and affordable to small-scale farmers. objective 2: to identify the key financial factors that affect the viability of business models for sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems. table 2 below shows the key financial factors that identified during the survey conducted in 50 farmers. factors rank production costs 1 market prices 2 yield 3 labor costs 4 energy costs 5 capital costs (e.g. cost of equipment, infrastructure, etc.) 6 financing costs (e.g. interest rates on loans, etc.) 7 taxes and regulatory costs 8 maintenance and repair costs 9 table 2 shows the ranking of factors identified by the farmers, it appears that production costs are the most significant financial factor affecting the viability of business models for sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems, followed by market prices and yield. this is consistent with previous research which has found that production costs are a major consideration in determining the profitability of vertical farming systems (li et al., 2020). labor costs, energy costs, and capital costs were also identified as important factors, albeit with lower rankings. this suggests that managing these costs effectively is also important for ensuring the financial viability of onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems. financing costs, taxes and regulatory costs, and maintenance and repair costs were identified as the least significant factors, although it's important to note that these factors may still have a significant impact on the overall financial viability of the business, particularly over the long-term. the results of the survey show that the most significant financial factors affecting the viability of business models for sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems are production costs, market prices, and yield. specifically, the average production cost per kilogram of onions using vertical farming and hydroponic systems is $1.20, while the average market price per kilogram of onions is $2.50. this translates to an average profit margin of 52%, which is significantly higher than the profit margin for conventional onion production systems. armas et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 864-872 869 moreover, the survey also revealed that the yield of onions using vertical farming and hydroponic systems is significantly higher compared to conventional systems. the average yield per square meter using vertical farming and hydroponic systems is 22 kilograms, while the average yield per square meter for conventional systems is only 12 kilograms. this higher yield contributes to the higher profitability of onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems. the findings of this study are consistent with previous research on the financial viability of vertical farming and hydroponic systems. for instance, a study by aoun et al. (2020) found that vertical farming systems have the potential to increase crop yields and profitability, while reducing production costs and environmental impact. another study by fu et al. (2021) also found that hydroponic systems have the potential to increase crop yields and profitability, while reducing water consumption and nutrient loss. in summary, the statistical data from the survey support the idea that production costs, market prices, and yield are the key financial factors that affect the viability of business models for sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems. these findings are consistent with existing literature, which suggests that vertical farming and hydroponic systems have the potential to increase crop yields and profitability, while reducing production costs and environmental impact. objective 3. to investigate the potential income streams and profitability of sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems, including the potential for diversification of income sources. according to a study by wijayawardhana et al. (2018), the net income of an onion farm using hydroponic technology was estimated to be us$ 1,306 per year per square meter of land, which is significantly higher than the net income of conventional onion farming (us$ 404 per year per square meter of land). the potential income streams and profitability of sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems are dependent on various factors, including market demand, production costs, and pricing strategies. the use of hydroponic technology in onion production can significantly increase the yield and quality of the onions, leading to higher profitability compared to conventional farming methods (wijayawardhana et al., 2018). additionally, the potential for diversification of income sources in sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems is significant. this is because the technology used in vertical farming allows for the production of various crops in the same space, leading to the possibility of generating income from multiple sources. for instance, the same facility that produces onions using vertical farming can also be used to produce other crops like lettuce, strawberries, and herbs, which can diversify the income stream of the farm. the potential income streams and profitability of sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems are promising, especially when compared to conventional farming methods. the use of hydroponic technology in onion production can lead to higher yields and quality of onions, which can result in higher prices and profitability. furthermore, the potential for diversification of income sources in vertical farming can further increase profitability and sustainability. the integration of different crops in the same space can help reduce risk and generate additional income streams for the farm. this can h elp onion farmers to not only achieve financial stability but also to be more resilient to market fluctuations and other economic challenges. objective 4. to explore the socio-economic and environmental benefits of sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems, and their implications for local communities. the table below shows the identified socio-economic and environmental benefits of sustainable onion production using vertical hydroponic system table 3 identified socio-economic and environmental benefits of sustainable onion production using vertical hydroponic system armas et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 864-872 870 benefits weighted mean verbal interpretation 1. increased employment opportunities for local communities 4.30 agree 2. improved food security and access to fresh produce 4.60 strongly agree 3. higher income for farmers and producers 2.62 moderately agree 4. increased local economic activity and potential for entrepreneurship 3.96 agree 5. enhanced market competitiveness and diversification 3.80 agree 6. reduced use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals 4.80 strongly agree 7. conserves water resources through efficient use and recycling 4.64 strongly agree 8. reduced carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions 4.52 strongly agree 9. protection of soil health and fertility 3.86 agree 10. reduced pressure on natural resources and ecosystems 3.42 agree the data provided indicate the respondents' perception of the socio-economic and environmental benefits of sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems. the respondents strongly agreed that the sustainable onion production system could enhance food security, reduce the use of harmful chemicals, conserve water resources, and reduce carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions. these findings are consistent with previous studies that highlight the environmental benefits of sustainable farming practices (fao, 2019; un, 2018). in terms of socio-economic benefits, the respondents agreed that sustainable onion production could provide employment opportunities and stimulate local economic activity and entrepreneurship. however, they only moderately agreed that it could result in higher income for farmers and producers. this finding is consistent with the literature, which suggests that the profitability of sustainable farming systems depends on various factors, such as market demand, production costs, and access to finance (kremen & miles, 2012). moreover, the respondents agreed that sustainable onion production could enhance market competitiveness and diversification, protect soil health and fertility, and reduce pressure on natural resources and ecosystems. these benefits are crucial for achieving sustainable development goals and promoting long-term socio-economic and environmental sustainability (fao, 2019). overall, the data provide insights into the perceived socio-economic and environmental benefits of sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems. these findings can inform policymakers, farmers, and other stakeholders in making informed decisions and promoting sustainable agriculture practices. objectives 5. to develop recommendations for optimizing the financial viability of business models for sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems, based on the analysis of costs, benefits, and income streams. based on the analysis of costs, benefits, and income streams, the following recommendations can be made to optimize the financial viability of business models for sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems: 1. reduce production costs: since production costs are the most significant factor affecting the financial viability of sustainable onion production, it is important to find ways to reduce them. one way to do this is to optimize the use of resources such as water, energy, and fertilizers. for example, the use of hydroponic systems can help reduce water consumption by up to 90% compared to traditional farming methods (brito et al., 2021). 2. increase market prices: while market prices are outside the control of farmers, they can increase their chances of getting higher prices by focusing on producing high-quality onions and establishing direct links with buyers. direct marketing strategies such as farmer's markets, community-supported agriculture (csa), and online sales platforms can also help farmers get better prices for their products. 3. diversify income sources: to increase the financial viability of sustainable onion production, farmers can explore other income sources such as value-added products, agritourism, and other armas et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 864-872 871 non-farm income opportunities. value-added products such as onion powder, onion flakes, and dehydrated onions can help farmers get more value from their produce. 4. use financing wisely: financing costs can significantly affect the financial viability of sustainable onion production, so farmers should use financing wisely. they can explore different financing options such as grants, low-interest loans, and crowdfunding to reduce financing costs. 5. explore partnerships and collaborations: farmers can explore partnerships and collaborations with other farmers, processors, and distributors to increase their market reach, reduce costs, and improve their bargaining power. 6. continuously monitor and evaluate: to ensure the financial viability of sustainable onion production, farmers should continuously monitor and evaluate their production costs, market prices, and income streams. this will help them identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to optimize their profitability. overall, the optimization of the financial viability of sustainable onion production using vertical farming and hydroponic systems requires a holistic approach that takes into consideration the various factors that affect production costs, market prices, and income streams. by implementing the above recommendations, farmers can improve their profitability, contribute to the sustainable development of their communities, and promote a more sustainable and resilient agriculture sector 5. conclusion in conclusion, this study examined the financial viability of engineered vertical hydroponics systems for sustainable onion production in the philippines. our findings indicate that vertical hydroponics systems offer several benefits, including reduced land usage, increased crop yield, and improved resource efficiency. however, the initial investment costs and ongoing maintenance expenses may pose challenges to potential investors. based on our analysis, we recommend that stakeholders consider the potential long-term economic and environmental benefits of vertical hydroponics systems before making a decision to invest. additionally, our research has implications for policymakers and agricultural stakeholders in the philippines, as vertical hydroponics systems could offer a promising 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media has a harder hardness than gypsum and air media, which is limestone has a thermal conductivity value of 3.897 w / mºc. in comparison, gypsum has a thermal conductivity value of 1.39 w/mºc, and air has a thermal conductivity value of 0.023 j/msºc, so limestone is a better insulator than gypsum and air. the greater the conductivity value of the object, the better the thermal conductivity of the metal and the more complicated the weld metal and the lower the thermal conductivity value, the softer the metal hardness, limestone has a thermal conductivity value of 3.897 w / mºc while gypsum has a thermal conductivity value of 1, 39 w / mºc and air have a thermal conductivity value of 0.023 j / msºc, proving that the lower the conductivity value, the hardness of the weld metal is getting softer, but in the haz section it proves that the lower the conductivity value, the more complex the hardness in the haz section. keywords : smaw, limestone isolator dan gypsum, low carbon steel. 1. introduction process of joining metals together due to heat with or without the influence of pressure or metallurgical bonds created by attractive forces between atoms. the welding definition based on din (deutsche industrie normen) is a metallurgical bond on a metal or guide metal joint in a melted or liquid state. welding is the process joining of several metal rods by utilizing heat energy. the connection of two metals become one through heating or melting, where the two ends of the metal join with an arc of flame or heat. it makes the two the metal tip or plane is a firm mass area and not easy to separate. a popular type of welding is welding using electric arc welding (smaw) and carbide welding (oxy acetylene welding / oaw). the aim to determine limestone powder and gypsum's function, whether suitable as an insulating medium in smaw (shielded metal) welding. arc welding) in addition to cooling through the air. thus, researchers formulate how to add lime powder and gypsum as an insulating medium in smaw (shielded metal arc welding) welding. 2. literature review the connection of two metals into one made by heating or melting, where the two ends are melted or melted with an arc of flame or heat obtained from an electric flame arc (burning gas). both ends or metal fields become a strong mass field and are not easily separated. two types of welding are popular in indonesia, namely welding using an electric arc / shield metal arc welding (smaw) and oxyacetylene welding (oaw). the selection of the proper welding current parameters affects the strength and changes in the mechanical properties. the current used is too low will cause difficulty igniting the electric arc, and the resulting angle is unstable. the heat that muh anhar & betti ses eka polonia vol 2(2) 2021 : 46-54 47 occurs is not enough to melt the electrodes and the base material, resulting in uneven welding teeth and less penetration. conversely, if the current is too high, the electrode will melt too quickly and result in a broader weld surface and deeper penetration. several studies that have approached the above problems include; by using the neutron diffraction (nd) technique, the results show that a very high heat input will slow down the cooling rate. using the factorial experiment method, the research results obtained: the current magnitude and volume velocity of the protective gas flow in smaw welding affect haz toughness(budiarsa, 2008). the welding also using cooling with the smaw method on the hardness of st 37 carbon steel with ash cement powder media on 100 kgf rockwell load(anhar, 2019). in connection with the things stated above, the current strength change factor determines the heat input received by the metal during the welding process. and how significant the impact of these changes needs to be known as signposts in the welding method. the highest hardness value lies in the part of the specimen closest to the cooling water spray from the nozzle of specimen 3 with heat treatment at a temperature of 8700 ̊c with a holding time of 90 minutes which has a hardness result close to the standard astm test method a255 (chandra, 2018) as well as that carried out in the study. the effect of heating temperature treatment on the welding results of the smaw method on the hardness of the parent metal and the weld metal with the tested specimen's raw material hardness was 51.4 hrb. at the point test, the heat treatment temperature of 900 ̊c has a weld metal hardness value of 54.3 hrb and haz 52.7 hrb, at a heat treatment temperature of 800 ̊c, the hardness of the weld metal is 52.6 hrb and haz 52 hrb, while at 700 ̊c the hardness of the weld metal is 48.2 hrb and haz 51.4 hrb(helanianto, 2017). in welding with differences in temperature and temperature that occurs will experience diffraction, the effect of heating temperature on the hardness, microstructure, and v-bending spring back result on commercial steel plates thickness of 0.8 mm. the research method used was an experimental laboratory method. the heat treatment showed temperature variations of 710, 820, and 9300c with a holding time of 60 minutes(ruchiyat, et. al., 2019). 2.1 smaw (shielded metal arc welding) the primary metal is liquefaction due to heating from the electric arc in this welding. the electric arc generates from a welding machine. it occurs between the tip of the electrode and the surface of the workpiece. the electrodes used are in the form of a wire wrapped in a protective flux. during welding, this electrode will melt along with the parent metal and freeze together to become part of the weld seam. removing the electrode metal occurs when the electrode tip melts and forms grains carried by the electric arc current that arises. a large electric current is used to molten metal grains to become smooth, and vice versa; when the current is small, the granules become large. fig. 1. smaw process 2.2 wrapped electrode the electrode consists of two parts: the flux and the non-web part, which is the base for clamping the welding pliers. the flux's function is to protect the liquid metal from the air environment, produce a protective gas, stabilize the arc. the flux material used for the nk-68 e6013 type is iron powder and low hydrogen. this type is sometimes called the lime type. this type produces joints with low hydrogen content so that the connection sensitivity to cracking is very low, and the toughness is very satisfactory. muh anhar & betti ses eka polonia vol 2(2) 2021 : 46-54 48 2.3 the amount of electric current to produce even and smooth welds, the hand's speed to pull or push the electrodes when welding must be stable. the below condition moves the electrodes. 1) precise and stable, resulting in a well-combined area with basic materials and a good permeate area. 2) too fast, resulting in shallow weld seepage due to heating of the base fuel. 3) too slow, resulting in a wide groove (see figure 2). the motion of the electrode can cause damage to the weld side, especially if the base material is thin-weld. 2.4 welding area micro structure the welding area consists of three parts: the weld metal area, the heat-affected zone, shortened to the haz, and the primary metal not affected by heat. a. welded metal area the weld metal in the welding process melts and then freezes. the separation of the components causes an inhomogeneous structure. the form's inhomogeneity will generate a coarse ferrite structure and a top that reduces the toughness of the weld metal. in this area, the microstructure that occurs is the casting structure. the presence of columnar grains characterizes the microstructure in the weld metal. this structure begins with the parent metal and grows towards the center of the weld metal area. fig. 2. the direction of freezing of the weld metal the microstructure of the weld metal is usually a combination of the following microstructure: ▪ ferrite grain boundaries formed first in the austenite-ferrite transformation typically include along the austenite boundary at a temperature of 1000-6500 ̊c. ▪ widmanstatten ferrite or ferrite with an aligned second phase, this microstructure is formed at a temperature of 750-6500 ̊c along the austenite's grain boundaries, is significant, and overgrows so that it fills the grain surface. ▪ acicular ferrite, intragranular shape with a small size and has a random orientation. usually, this acicular ferrite is formed around a temperature of 6500 ̊c and has the highest toughness compared to other microstructures ▪ bainite is a ferrite that grows from the austenite's grain boundaries and is formed at a temperature of 400-5000 ̊c. bainite has a higher hardness than ferrite but lower than martensite. ▪ martensite will be created if the welding process is high-speed cooling. this structure has rigid and brittle properties so that the toughness is low. fig. 3. microstructure of acicular ferrite (af) and grain boundary ferrite (gf) or grain boundary ferrite b. heat affected zone (haz) muh anhar & betti ses eka polonia vol 2(2) 2021 : 46-54 49 the heat-affected zone (haz) is the base metal adjacent to the weld metal, which during the welding process undergoes a thermal cycle of rapid heating and cooling so that this area is the most critical of the weld joint. visually, in the area close to the weld melting line, the metal structure is getting rougher. fig. 4. phase transformation of the weld metal 2.5 cooling phase according to din (deutsche industrie norman), the definition of welding is a metallurgical bonding on a metal or metal alloy joint carried out in a melted or liquid state. welding is the local joining of several metal rods using heat energy. welding is joining two metals to the point of metal recrystallization, with or without using added materials. its process using heat energy to melt the material that is being welded. the weld metal area is the part of the metal that when the welding melts and then solidifies. the area of heat influence or haz is the base metal adjacent to the weld metal, which undergoes rapid thermal heating and cooling cycle during the welding process. the base metal, which is not affected by heat, is a part of the base metal where the welding's heat and temperature do not cause changes in structure and properties. there is a significant effect of variations in cooling media on the tensile test results on the products of welding st52 steel material. this study uses st52 material. the material is subjected to single vee joint welding, where upon completion of welding, the material is immersed in used oil cooling media, engine coolant, and lathe coolant for 30 minutes. after that, the material form according to astm e8 / e8m-11 standards for tensile testing. the results showed that the results of the tensile test on the specimens with used oil coolant media had the most excellent tensile strength value, which was 48.3 kgf / mm2 with a small elongation value of 6.4%. in contrast, the cooling medium produced the lowest value was a lathe coolant of 45.49 kgf / mm2 with a significant elongation value of 9.61% (zulkifli, et. al., 2020). the use of cooling media in the post welding process will affect the tensile strength of a material. this study aims to determine how much the influence of using cooling media in post welding and which cooling media is appropriate. the process compares the tensile strength of each cooling media, namely the cooling media of water, water, and coolant. the use of cooling media is carried out after the welding process until the material ready to be welded reaches room temperature. based on the experiments, post-welding cooling media affects the tensile strength of medium carbon steel with the highest effect on the water cooling media. the lowest is the air cooling media. therefore, the choice of using cooling media significantly affects the tensile strength of medium carbon steel in the post-welding process(zulhafril, et. al., 2020). there is an effect of the cooling medium on the hardness of the weld metal, and haz (heat affected zone) metal tested for hardness using the rockwell method. this research was conducted on st 37 low carbon steel material, which is welded using an e6013 electrode with a diameter of 2.6 mm with a direct connection, then cooling using white cement powder. welding metal cooled with white cement powder media has a harder hardness because of white cement. it contains c2s, which is difficult to hydrate and does not have heat properties. after testing at several points, the results obtained in the form of the average value of the raw material specimens were 48.3 hrb, welding without insulating media = 42.96 hrb, and haz = 46.4 hrb. samples using white cement powder = 47.65 hrb and haz = 48.2 hrb. it can be seen from this phenomenon, and white cement has a lower hardness value than air, where the haz on the muh anhar & betti ses eka polonia vol 2(2) 2021 : 46-54 50 hardness value in the air is 46.4 hrb, and the value in white semen was higher at 48.2 hrb(anhar & ruchiyat, 2020). ➢ gypsum the white rock forms due to seawater deposition. gypsum is the most common sulfate mineral on earth and most in sedimentary rocks, soft when pure. in the trading world, gypsum usually contains 90% caso4 2h2o. gypsum is a chemical compound containing two crystal molecules and is known as the chemical formula caso4 2h2o. in its pure form, gypsum is a white crystal and is gray, yellow, orange, or black if it is less refined. with heat treatment, pressure, mixing with other elements can produce various types of gypsum. ➢ limestone limestone found in nature is of various kinds or types. it's including calcite (caco3), dolomite (caco3 mgco3), magnesite (mgco3), siderite (feco3), ankerite (ca2fe(co3)4), and aragonite (caco3). the chemical composition is the same as calcite but differs in its crystal structure. 2.6 carbon steel carbon steel is an alloy between iron and carbon with small amounts of si, mn, p, s, and cu. the nature of carbon steel is very dependent on the carbon content. if the carbon content increases, the strength, and hardness will also increase. therefore, carbon steels are grouped based on their carbon content. 2.7 rockwell hardness rockwell method unlike the brinell and vickers method, where the hardness of a material is judged by the diameter or diagonal of the resulting trace, the rockwell method is a hardness test with direct reading. rockwell b's most common practice concerning astm e 18 using a steel ball indenter with a diameter of 1/16 inch and a load of 150 kg, and rockwell c using a diamond indenter with a load of 150 kg. for soft materials using a penetrator used is a steel ball (ball) which became known as scale b, and for hard materials, the penetrator used is a cone of diamond (cone) with a peak angle of 1200. however, other rockwell methods are also commonly used. therefore the rockwell hardness scale of material must be specified. for example, 82 hrb, which states that the material is measured on a b scale. indenter 1/16 inch and a load of 100 kg. 3. research methods this study uses experimental methods, with smaw welding and lime-gypsum insulators, to determine the effect of adding lime powder and gypsum as an insulating medium in smaw welding (shielded metal arc welding) and smaw welding methods. 4. results and discussions 4.1 raw material testing results hardness test on rockwell machines the hardness test results of the 3 mm thick low carbon steel plate were cut to a length of 150 mm and a plate width of 50 mm. table 1 raw material testing results point area specimen low carbon steel plate raw material/unit 1 53 kgf 2 52 kgf 3 52 kgf 4 51 kgf 5 51 kgf 6 51 kgf 7 51 kgf 8 51 kgf muh anhar & betti ses eka polonia vol 2(2) 2021 : 46-54 51 table 2 test results for welding joints with limestone media and parts exposed to heat treatment or haz table 3 welding connection with gypsum media table 4 welded joints without isolating media and parts exposed to heat treatment or haz 4.2 raw material specimen the raw material of one of the test specimens that will be used for research and is used for comparison with welding test specimens with lime, gypsum, and air media, shows the hardness number of the raw material test specimens. 9 51 kgf 10 51 kgf average 51,4 kgf point area limestone/unit limestone haz /unit 1 welded joints with limestone media and parts subjected to heat treatment or haz 48 kgf 45 kgf 2 44 kgf 45 kgf 3 45 kgf 45 kgf 4 48 kgf 44 kgf 5 46 kgf 46 kgf 6 48 kgf 47 kgf 7 50 kgf 48 kgf 8 50 kgf 48 kgf 9 53 kgf 47 kgf 10 50 kgf 46 kgf average 48,2 kgf 46,1 kgf point area gypsum/ unit gypsum haz/ unit 1 welded joints with gypsum media and parts exposed to heat treatment or haz 47 kgf 52 kgf 2 46 kgf 50 kgf 3 45 kgf 45 kgf 4 50 kgf 50 kgf 5 50 kgf 50 kgf 6 45 kgf 48 kgf 7 45 kgf 45 kgf 8 46 kgf 50 kgf 9 45 kgf 50 kgf 10 46 kgf 51 kgf average 46,5 kgf 49,1 kgf point area weld metal/unit haz/unit 1 welding connection without isolator media 50 kgf 51 kgf 2 47 kgf 50 kgf 3 47 kgf 50 kgf 4 45 kgf 48 kgf 5 46 kgf 48 kgf 6 45 kgf 50 kgf 7 46 kgf 52 kgf 8 46 kgf 52 kgf 9 46 kgf 51 kgf 10 50 kgf 52 kgf average 46,8 kgf 50,4 kgf muh anhar & betti ses eka polonia vol 2(2) 2021 : 46-54 52 fig. 5. graph of raw material specimens 4.3 weld and hazard joint test specimens with limestone media the hardness value of the welded joint with limestone media has a high hardness compared to the haz section, which has a lower hardness. because limestone has a thermal conductivity value of 3.897 w/mºc, this value is greater than the conductivity value of gypsum, which has a low thermal conductivity value of 1.39 w / mºc. the weld metal has a more complex value than the haz value because the more significant the thermal conductivity value, the more complex the metal hardness and the lower the haz's hardness. fig. 6. graph of lime specimens and limestone haz 4.4 weld and hazard test specimens with gypsum media the welded joint's hardness value with gypsum media has a low hardness compared to the haz section, which has a high hardness of the welded joint. gypsum has a thermal conductivity value of 1.39 w / mºc. this value is lower than the thermal conductivity value of lime which has a thermal conductivity value of 3.897 w / mºc. the hardness value of the weld metal to be deficient compared to the haz value because the lower the conductivity value, the lower the weld metal, and the higher the haz value. fig. 7. graph of gypsum specimens and gypsum haz muh anhar & betti ses eka polonia vol 2(2) 2021 : 46-54 53 4.5 welded and haz test specimens without cooling media treatment even without cooling media such as limestone and gypsum, the media is only air. still, the atmosphere here has a thermal conductivity value of 0.023 j / msºc. the thermal conductivity of air is lower than gypsum by 1,39 w / mºc is even lower than the thermal conductivity value of lime which is 3.897 w / mºc. the weld metal hardness value based on the above statement turns out that the weld metal has a lower value than the haz value. based on the previous explanation, the lower the conductivity value, the softer the weld metal hardness and the higher the haz hardness value. fig. 8. graph of specimens without cooling media treatment 4.6 comparison of the hardness value of welding metal with limestone and gypsum media and without isolator media the results of observations and data collection in the explanation above show that the weld metal cooled with lime media turns out to have a harder hardness than gypsum and air media because lime has a thermal conductivity value of 3.897 w / mºc. in contrast, gypsum has a thermal conductivity value of 1.39 w / mºc, and air has a thermal conductivity value of 0.023 j / msºc. limestone proves as an excellent insulating material than gypsum and air. the greater the conductivity value of an object, the better the thermal conductivity and the more challenging the weld metal is. if the value of thermal conductivity is lower, the hardness of the metal is getting softer. fig. 9. graph of weld metal specimens with limestone and gypsum media 4.7 comparison of haz hardness value with lime, gypsum, and without isolator media limestone has a thermal conductivity value of 3.897 w / mºc while gypsum has a thermal conductivity value of 1.39 w / mºc and air has a thermal conductivity value of 0.023 j / msºc. this phenomenon proves that the lower the conductivity value, the softer the hardness of the weld metal. but in the haz section, it is evident that the lower the value of the conductivity, the more complex the hardness in the haz section. muh anhar & betti ses eka polonia vol 2(2) 2021 : 46-54 54 fig. 10. graph of haz specimens using limestone and gypsum media 5. conclusion the results show that the weld metal cooled with limestone media turned out to have a more challenging attempt than gypsum and air media. its because limestone has a thermal conductivity value of 3.897 w / mºc while gypsum has a thermal conductivity value of 1.39 w / mºc, and air has a thermal conductivity value of 0.023 j / msºc. limestone is an excellent insulating material than gypsum and air. the greater the conductivity value of an object, the better the thermal conductivity and the more challenging the weld metal is. if the value of thermal conductivity is lower, the hardness of the metal is getting softer. references anhar, m. 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(2020). analisa pengaruh variasi media pendingin terhadap kekuatan mekanik pada hasil pengelasan metode smaw material baja st 52. journal of welding technology, 1(2), 48-51. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 2(2) 2021 : 14-21 product codefication accuracy with cosine similarity and weighted term frequency and inverse document frequency (tf-idf) sintia1*, sarjon defit2, gunadi widi nurcahyo3 department of information system, putra indonesia university yptk padang1,2,3 sintiasartikaputri11@gmail.com1 received : 29 march 2021, revised: 11 may 2021 , accepted : 11 may 2021 *coresponding author abstract in the sipaga application, the codefication search process is still inaccurate, so opd often make mistakes in choosing goods codes. we need cosine similarity and tf-idf methods that can improve the accuracy of the search. cosine similarity is a method for calculating similarity by using keywords from the code of goods. term frequency and inverse document (tfidf) is a way to give weight to a one-word relationship (term). the purpose of this research is to improve the accuracy of the search for goods codification. codification of goods processed in this study were 14,417 data sourced from the goods and price planning information system (sipaga) application database. the search keywords were processed using the cosine similarity method to see the similarities and using tf-idf to calculate the weighting. this research produces the calculation of cosine similarity and tf-idf weighting and is expected to be applied to the sipaga application so that the search process on the sipaga application is more accurate than before. by using the cosine sismilarity algorithm and tf-idf, it is hoped that it can improve the accuracy of the search for product codification. so that opd can choose the product code as desired. keywords : tf-idf; cosine similarity; term frequency; invers document frequency; search accuracy 1. introduction the sipaga application is an information system for planning prices for goods and services managed by the procurement administration bureau and bmd management. in this application, there is a codification search feature to complete the regional property needs plan (rkbmd) as well as the standard price for goods and services (shbj). the codification of goods is an important part of the sipaga application which aims to facilitate the implementation of the management and administration of regional the code of goods, there is the same description but the accounts, groups, types and objects are different, there is often the wrong choice of codification of goods, to reduce error grouping of goods we need a search technique that looks at the suitability of the codification being sought. if the search for codefication uses the keyword "bahan bangunan" and the code for the goods available for that keyword, but if the keyword is changed to "bangunan bahan" then no existing codification will appear. search should be made with both "bahan bangunan" or "bangunan bahan" because they contain the same word. for this reason, the application of text-mining can be used in analyzing data for the codification of goods. in order to apply text-mining, existing goods coding data is used as new knowledge. the cosine similarity algorithm and term frequency and invers document frequency (tf-idf) weighting can be used to classify the codification of goods according to the search word. the codefication of goods is based on the regulation of the ministry of home affairs of the republic of indonesia number 108 of 2016 concerning the classification and coding of regional property with the aim of the local government doing the codification which describes the account code, group code, type code, object code, object detail code, object sub detail code and code. the sub-details of the objects belonging to the area. codification includes 7 levels including: 1. level 1 shows the account code 2. level 2 shows the group code 3. level 3 shows the type code sintia, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 14-21 15 4. level 4 shows the object code 5. level 5 shows the detailed code of the object 6. level 6 shows the sub code details of the object 7. level 7 shows the sub-code details of the object the number of available goods codification is 14,417 lines, if the item codification is not available in the sub-details of the object, it can be added that the goods codification is determined by the regional head's decision, so that the product codification can be more than 14,417 lines previously available. 2. literature review knowledge discovery in database (kdd) is the process of searching for and identifying patterns in data, the resulting patterns make data more useful and understandable (putra et al., 2018). in kdd there are several phases, namely selection where data is changed from unstructured to structured. text mining uses term frequency-invers document frequency (tfidf) weighting and cosine similarity. the cosine similarity method is widely used in data mining and machine learning. in particular, cosine equality is most commonly used in higher dimensional spaces. for example, in information retrieval and text mining, cosine similarity provides a useful measure of how similar two documents. (luo et al., 2018). in the research that has been carried out for testing web browsers using ontology and tf-idf (hafeez & patil, 2017), which aims to improve searches on web browsers. to assess text similarity using cosine similarity has also been researched and produced an application that can be used to detect text similarities (rozeva & zerkova, 2017). in the field of education, the application of tf-idf weighting and the vector space model is carried out to determine the examiner lecturers (siregar et al., 2017). the results of this study can recommend the examiner according to the topic based on the suitability of the title and abstract. other research to detect plagiarism in scientific works has also been applied by using bibliography to find similar themes (sejati et al., 2019), using the cosine similarity method. other research is used to determine the supervisor (yasni et al., 2018), this research produces supervisors who are in accordance with the final project submitted by students. the system created using cosine similarity matching. in other studies discussing about check the document similarity (naf’an et al., 2019). documents with high similarity with a value of 50% and a low value of 40% so this method produces a similarity value from each of the comparators. the method used by cosine similarity to detect document similarities. other studies to see similarities in journals (kharismadita & rahutomo, 2017). this system gets a similarity value that compares the entire journal content starting from the abstract, title and content. this system uses tf-idf and cosine similarity. in social media, twitter is used to analyze sentiment among twitter users (deviyanto & wahyudi, 2018), discussing sentiment using k-nearest neighbor in the dki regional elections, the results obtained an accuracy of 67.2%, 56.94% precision value and 78.24% recall. in the religious field, especially islam is used to find out the sharah hadith (amrizal, 2018), the resulting system can find the hadith syarah accurately because of the high level of accuracy, recall and precision that applies the tf-idf and cosine similarity methods. paper grouping based on classification by combining tf-idf and lda to calculate the importance of each paper and grouping papers with similar subjects using the k-means algorithm in order to get the correct classification results (kim & gil, 2019). classifier-based approach to ontology alignment based on a hybrid of string-based features and semantic similarity. word embedding is used to produce a slick feature for classification in addition to the new features being introduced (nkisi-orji et al, 2019). to detect topics that are being discussed to get the latest information from existing words, using an algorithm using tfidf is proposed to solve this problem, with experimental results with search accuracy reaching 78.36% (zhu et al, 2019). experiments in the imdb dataset show that accuracy sintia, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 14-21 16 is improved when using cosine similarity compared to using point products, whereas using a combination of features with weighted naıve bayes n-gram bags achieves a new state of the art accuracy of 97.42% (thongtan & phienthrakul, 2019) 3. research methods text mining is the process of extracting information from unstructured or less structured data sources, such as from word documents, pdfs, text citations, etc. whereas data mining is structured data (siregar et al., 2017). another definition of text mining is that it can be broadly defined as a process of extracting information in which a user interacts with a set of documents using analysis tools which are components in mining data, one of which is categorization (amrizal, 2018). text mining generates data in the form of basic words from data sources, each root word can appear in more than one document, the number of occurrences of each word is useful for measuring how important a word is in the document (nurdiansyah et al., 2019). data mining is part of the knowledge discovery from data (kdd) process (putra, randi rian, 2018). case folding pembobotan tf-idf cosine similarity tokenization text processing stopword removal/ filtering stemming text transformation fig. 1. text mining stages text processing text preprocessing is a stage for preparing text into data to be processed (amrizal, 2018). the text preprocessing stage also selects and removes words that have no meaning (sejati et al., 2019). the following are the stages in the text preprocessing process: a. case folding the case folding process is carried out to uniform all characters in the text to lowercase. b. tokenizing this process is carried out to separate the text into individual features (tokens) which will be processed by the system. text transformation the text transformation stage consists of the stemming process and the term stopword or filtering a. stopword removal this stage will take words that are considered important from the results of tokenization or discard words that are considered not too important in the text mining process. b. stemming stemming aims to transform a word into a root word by removing all word affixes. tf-idf tf-idf weights are calculated locally from the post editing dataset using word frequency as tf. the word stop is included in the model (arroyo-fernández et al., 2019). tf-idf is a way to give weight to a word relationship (term) to a document. this method combines two concepts for weight calculation, namely the frequency of occurrence of a word in a particular document and the inverse frequency of documents containing that word. the frequency with which the word appears in a given document shows how important it is in the document. cosine similarity sintia, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 14-21 17 cosine similarity is a textual similarity that relies on the introduction of a relation matrix in calculating the cosine similarity between 2 vectors that are directly related to the number of words that are the same in both texts(charlet & damnati, 2018). 4. results and discussions the input data used as an example is only 4 can be seen in table 1 as follows table 1 input data no code description information 1 q bahan bangunan keyword 2 t1 bahan bangunan dan konstruksi teks pembanding 3 t2 electro dalas teks pembanding 4 t3 patok beton teks pembanding 5 t4 bahan kimia padat teks pembanding all the data that has been obtained are then processed and analyzed for the problems that occur so as to produce useful information to overcome the problems and can propose an improvement. this data processing uses text mining theories with cosine similarity and tf-idf weighting. can be seen in table 2 as follows table 2 weigthing tf-idf term tf d d/df idf log(d/ df) q t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 bahan 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 2.5 0.398 bangun 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 0.699 beton 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 2.5 0.398 dalas 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 5 0.699 electro 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 5 0.699 kimia 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 0.699 konstru ksi 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 0.699 padat 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 0.699 patok 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 5 0.699 tiang 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 0.699 after getting the tf and idf values, multiply the tf and idf values as in table 3. table 3 tf-idf term wg=tf x idf q t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 bahan 0.398 0.398 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.398 bangun 0.699 0.699 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 beton 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.398 0.398 0.000 dalas 0.000 0.000 0.699 0.000 0.000 0.000 electro 0.000 0.000 0.699 0.000 0.000 0.000 kimia 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.699 konstruksi 0.000 0.699 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 padat 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.699 patok 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.699 0.000 0.000 tiang 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.699 0.000 after tf-idf calculations are carried out, cosine similarity calculations are then carried out manually with the sample data on the "material" token, with the following formula wqi x tij. t1 = 0.398 x 0.398 = 0.158 t2 = 0. 398 x 0 = 0 t3 = 0. 398 x 0 = 0 t4 = 0. 398 x 0 = 0 t5 = 0. 398 x 0, 398 = 0, 158 the results of the above calculations can be seen in table 4 below. table 4 cosine similarity term wqi x tij wt1 wt2 wt3 wt4 wt5 bahan 0.158 0.398 0.000 0.000 0.158 bangun 0.489 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 sintia, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 14-21 18 beton 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 dalas 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 electro 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 kimia 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 konstruksi 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 padat 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 patok 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.699 0.000 tiang 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 total 0.647 0 0 0 0,158 after using the formula above. the results of the tf-idf weighting are squared with the sample on the “material” token data as follows: wq2= 0,3982=0,158 w12= 0 2=0 w22= 02=0 w32= 02=0 w42= 02=0 w52= 0, 3982=0,158 the manual results can be seen in table 5 below. table 5 vector length term wqi x tij q t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 bahan 0.158 0.158 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.158 bangun 0.489 0.489 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 beton 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.158 0.158 0.000 dalas 0.000 0.000 0.489 0.000 0.000 0.000 electro 0.000 0.000 0.489 0.000 0.000 0.000 kimia 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.489 konstruksi 0.000 0.489 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 padat 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.489 patok 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.489 0.000 0.000 tiang 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.489 0.000 jumlah 0.647 1.135 0.977 0.647 0.647 1.135 akar 0.804 1.066 0.988 0.804 0.804 1.066 as for calculating cosine similarity manually, only 5 data samples were taken based on the results in tables 4 and 5, as follows 𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝑡1 = ∑ 𝑤𝑞𝑖 𝑥 𝑤𝑡2 𝑛 𝑖=1 √∑ (𝑤𝑞𝑖 ) 2𝑛 𝑖=1 𝑥 √∑ (𝑤𝑡2)2 𝑛 𝑖=1 = 0,647 0,804x 1,066 = 0,755 𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝑡2 = ∑ 𝑤𝑞𝑖 𝑥 𝑤𝑡2 𝑛 𝑖=1 √∑ (𝑤𝑞𝑖 ) 2𝑛 𝑖=1 𝑥 √∑ (𝑤𝑡2)2 𝑛 𝑖=1 = 0 0,804 x 0,988 = 0 𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝑡3 = ∑ 𝑤𝑞𝑖 𝑥 𝑤𝑡3 𝑛 𝑖=1 √∑ (𝑤𝑞𝑖 ) 2𝑛 𝑖=1 𝑥 √∑ (𝑤𝑡3)2 𝑛 𝑖=1 = 0 0,804 x 0,804 = 0 𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝑡4 = ∑ 𝑤𝑞𝑖 𝑥 𝑤𝑡4 𝑛 𝑖=1 √∑ (𝑤𝑞𝑖 ) 2𝑛 𝑖=1 𝑥 √∑ (𝑤𝑡4)2 𝑛 𝑖=1 = 0 0,804 x 0,804 = 0 𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝑡5 = ∑ 𝑤𝑞𝑖 𝑥 𝑤𝑡5 𝑛 𝑖=1 √∑ (𝑤𝑞𝑖 ) 2𝑛 𝑖=1 𝑥 √∑ (𝑤𝑡5)2 𝑛 𝑖=1 = 0,158 0,804x 1,066 = 0,185 based on the results of manual calculations, the results of the codification search are obtained as in table 6 below sintia, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 14-21 19 table 6 cosine similarity result no code description result 1 t1 bahan bangunan dan konstruksi 0.755 2 t5 bahan kimia padat 0.185 3 t3 patok beton 0.000 4 t4 tiang beton 0.000 5 t2 electro dalas 0.000 the results of the text mining system can be seen using software that has been built using the codeigniter framework, following the appearance of a text mining system that applies cosine similarity and tf-idf weighting, can be seen in figure 3. fig. 3. login page next, to test the system, input the sample data that has been provided previously as much as 300 sample data by clicking the choose file button, then selecting the file with the .xls extension to be input, this page can be seen in the figure, can be seen in figure 4 fig. 4. input data after the data is uploaded successfully, it will appear as shown in figure 5 fig. 5. data input display furthermore, the test is carried out using the keyword "masker gas", the display of the test can be seen in figure 6 sintia, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 14-21 20 fig. 6. testing data after the search button is clicked, the test results will appear which can be seen in figure 7 fig. 7. test result 5. conclusion based on the results obtained, the application of tf-idf weighting and cosine similarity has succeeded in increasing the accuracy in the search for goods codification with cosine similarity calculations and tf-idf weighting after entering keywords as keywords for search. based on the keyword, there are several product codifications with a cosine similarity value of more than zero (0), the codification of the item is the result of the search so that the highest value is the codefication of the item that is most similar to the keyword. references amrizal, v. (2018). penerapan metode term frequency inverse document frequency (tf-idf) dan cosine similarity pada sistem temu kembali informasi untuk mengetahui syarah hadits berbasis web (studi kasus: hadits shahih bukhari-muslim). jurnal teknik informatika. arroyo-fernández, i., méndez-cruz, c. f., sierra, g., torres-moreno, j. m., & sidorov, g. (2019). unsupervised sentence representations as word information series: revisiting tf– idf. computer speech and language. charlet, d., & damnati, g. (2018). simbow at semeval-2017 task 3: soft-cosine semantic similarity between questions for community question answering. deviyanto, a., & wahyudi, m. d. r. (2018). penerapan analisis sentimen pada pengguna twitter menggunakan metode k-nearest neighbor. jiska (jurnal informatika sunan kalijaga). hafeez, s., & patil, b. (2017). using explicit semantic similarity for an improved web explorer with ontology and tf-idf. international journal of advance scientific research and engineering trends using. kharismadita, p., & rahutomo, f. (2017). implementasi tokenizing plus pada sistem pendeteksi kemiripan jurnal skripsi. jurnal informatika polinema, 2(1), 24. kim, s. w., & gil, j. m. (2019). research paper classification systems based on tf-idf and lda schemes. human-centric computing and information sciences. sintia, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 14-21 21 luo, c., zhan, j., xue, x., wang, l., ren, r., & yang, q. (2018). cosine normalization: using cosine similarity instead of dot product in neural networks. lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics). naf’an, m. z., burhanuddin, a., & riyani, a. (2019). penerapan cosine similarity dan pembobotan tf-idf untuk mendeteksi kemiripan dokumen. jurnal linguistik komputasional (jlk). nkisi-orji, i., wiratunga, n., massie, s., hui, k. y., & heaven, r. (2019). ontology alignment based on word embedding and random forest classification. lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics). nurdiansyah, y., andrianto, a., & kamshal, l. (2019). new book classification based on dewey decimal classification (ddc) law using tf-idf and cosine similarity method. journal of physics: conference series. putra, randi rian, c. w. (2018). implementasi data mining pemilihan pelanggan potensial menggunakanة. ieee communications surveys and tutorials. putra, r. r., wadisman, c., sains, f., teknologi, d., pembangunan, u., & medan, p. b. (2018). implementasi data mining pemilihan pelanggan potensial menggunakan algoritma k-means implementation of data mining for potential customer selection using k-means algorithm. journal of information technology and computer science. rozeva, a., & zerkova, s. (2017). assessing semantic similarity of texts methods and algorithms. aip conference proceedings. sejati, f. b., hendradi, p., & pujiarto, b. (2019). deteksi plagiarisme karya ilmiah dengan pemanfaatan daftar pustaka dalam pencarian kemiripan tema menggunakan metode cosine similarity (studi kasus: di universitas muhammadiyah magelang). jurnal komtika. siregar, r. r. a., sinaga, f. a., & arianto, r. (2017). aplikasi penentuan dosen penguji skripsi menggunakan metode tf-idf dan vector space model. computatio : journal of computer science and information systems. thongtan, t., & phienthrakul, t. (2019). sentiment classification using document embeddings trained with cosine similarity. acl 2019 57th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics, proceedings of the student research workshop. yasni, l., subroto, i. m. i., & haviana, s. f. c. (2018). implementasi cosine similarity matching dalam penentuan dosen pembimbing tugas akhir. transmisi. zhu, z., liang, j., li, d., yu, h., & liu, g. (2019). hot topic detection based on a refined tfidf algorithm. ieee access. product codefication accuracy with cosine similarity and weighted term frequency and inverse document frequency (tf-idf) sintia1*, sarjon defit2, gunadi widi nurcahyo3 department of information system, putra indonesia university yptk padang1,2,3 sintiasartikaputri11@gmail.com1 received : 29 march 2021, revised: 11 may 2021 , accepted : 11 may 2021 *coresponding author abstract in the sipaga application, the codefication search process is still inaccurate, so opd often make mistakes in choosing goods codes. we need cosine similarity and tf-idf methods that can improve the accuracy of the search. cosine similarity is a method... keywords : tf-idf; cosine similarity; term frequency; invers document frequency; search accuracy 1. introduction the sipaga application is an information system for planning prices for goods and services managed by the procurement administration bureau and bmd management. in this application, there is a codification search feature to complete the regional proper... the codefication of goods is based on the regulation of the ministry of home affairs of the republic of indonesia number 108 of 2016 concerning the classification and coding of regional property with the aim of the local government doing the codificat... 1. level 1 shows the account code 2. level 2 shows the group code 3. level 3 shows the type code 4. level 4 shows the object code 5. level 5 shows the detailed code of the object 6. level 6 shows the sub code details of the object 7. level 7 shows the sub-code details of the object the number of available goods codification is 14,417 lines, if the item codification is not available in the sub-details of the object, it can be added that the goods codification is determined by the regional head's decision, so that the product codi... 2. literature review knowledge discovery in database (kdd) is the process of searching for and identifying patterns in data, the resulting patterns make data more useful and understandable (putra et al., 2018). in kdd there are several phases, namely selection where data ... in the field of education, the application of tf-idf weighting and the vector space model is carried out to determine the examiner lecturers (siregar et al., 2017). the results of this study can recommend the examiner according to the topic based on t... in social media, twitter is used to analyze sentiment among twitter users (deviyanto & wahyudi, 2018), discussing sentiment using k-nearest neighbor in the dki regional elections, the results obtained an accuracy of 67.2%, 56.94% precision value and 7... 3. research methods text mining is the process of extracting information from unstructured or less structured data sources, such as from word documents, pdfs, text citations, etc. whereas data mining is structured data (siregar et al., 2017). another definition of text m... fig. 1. text mining stages text processing text preprocessing is a stage for preparing text into data to be processed (amrizal, 2018). the text preprocessing stage also selects and removes words that have no meaning (sejati et al., 2019). the following are the stages in the text preprocessing ... a. case folding the case folding process is carried out to uniform all characters in the text to lowercase. b. tokenizing this process is carried out to separate the text into individual features (tokens) which will be processed by the system. text transformation the text transformation stage consists of the stemming process and the term stopword or filtering a. stopword removal this stage will take words that are considered important from the results of tokenization or discard words that are considered not too important in the text mining process. b. stemming stemming aims to transform a word into a root word by removing all word affixes. tf-idf tf-idf weights are calculated locally from the post editing dataset using word frequency as tf. the word stop is included in the model (arroyo-fernández et al., 2019). tf-idf is a way to give weight to a word relationship (term) to a document. this m... cosine similarity cosine similarity is a textual similarity that relies on the introduction of a relation matrix in calculating the cosine similarity between 2 vectors that are directly related to the number of words that are the same in both texts(charlet & damnati, 2... 4. results and discussions the input data used as an example is only 4 can be seen in table 1 as follows table 1 input data all the data that has been obtained are then processed and analyzed for the problems that occur so as to produce useful information to overcome the problems and can propose an improvement. this data processing uses text mining theories with cosine sim... table 2 weigthing tf-idf after getting the tf and idf values, multiply the tf and idf values as in table 3. table 3 tf-idf after tf-idf calculations are carried out, cosine similarity calculations are then carried out manually with the sample data on the "material" token, with the following formula wqi x tij. t1 = 0.398 x 0.398 = 0.158 t2 = 0. 398 x 0 = 0 t3 = 0. 398 x 0 = 0 t4 = 0. 398 x 0 = 0 t5 = 0. 398 x 0, 398 = 0, 158 the results of the above calculations can be seen in table 4 below. table 4 cosine similarity after using the formula above. the results of the tf-idf weighting are squared with the sample on the “material” token data as follows: wq2= 0,3982=0,158 w12= 0 2=0 w22= 02=0 w32= 02=0 w42= 02=0 w52= 0, 3982=0,158 the manual results can be seen in table 5 below. table 5 vector length as for calculating cosine similarity manually, only 5 data samples were taken based on the results in tables 4 and 5, as follows 𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝑡1=,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,𝑤𝑞-𝑖.𝑥 𝑤𝑡2.-,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,(,𝑤𝑞-𝑖.)-2... 𝑥 ,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,(𝑤𝑡2)-2....= ,0,647-0,804x 1,066.=0,755 𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝑡2=,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,𝑤𝑞-𝑖.𝑥 𝑤𝑡2.-,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,(,𝑤𝑞-𝑖.)-2... 𝑥 ,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,(𝑤𝑡2)-2....= ,0-0,804 x 0,988.=0 𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝑡3=,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,𝑤𝑞-𝑖.𝑥 𝑤𝑡3.-,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,(,𝑤𝑞-𝑖.)-2... 𝑥 ,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,(𝑤𝑡3)-2....= ,0-0,804 x 0,804.=0 𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝑡4=,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,𝑤𝑞-𝑖.𝑥 𝑤𝑡4.-,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,(,𝑤𝑞-𝑖.)-2... 𝑥 ,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,(𝑤𝑡4)-2....= ,0-0,804 x 0,804.=0 𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝑡5=,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,𝑤𝑞-𝑖.𝑥 𝑤𝑡5.-,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,(,𝑤𝑞-𝑖.)-2... 𝑥 ,,𝑖=1-𝑛-,(𝑤𝑡5)-2....= ,0,158-0,804x 1,066.=0,185 based on the results of manual calculations, the results of the codification search are obtained as in table 6 below table 6 cosine similarity result the results of the text mining system can be seen using software that has been built using the codeigniter framework, following the appearance of a text mining system that applies cosine similarity and tf-idf weighting, can be seen in figure 3. fig. 3. login page next, to test the system, input the sample data that has been provided previously as much as 300 sample data by clicking the choose file button, then selecting the file with the .xls extension to be input, this page can be seen in the figure, can be s... fig. 4. input data after the data is uploaded successfully, it will appear as shown in figure 5 fig. 5. data input display furthermore, the test is carried out using the keyword "masker gas", the display of the test can be seen in figure 6 fig. 6. testing data after the search button is clicked, the test results will appear which can be seen in figure 7 fig. 7. test result 5. conclusion based on the results obtained, the application of tf-idf weighting and cosine similarity has succeeded in increasing the accuracy in the search for goods codification with cosine similarity calculations and tf-idf weighting after entering keywords as ... references amrizal, v. (2018). penerapan metode term frequency inverse document frequency (tf-idf) dan cosine similarity pada sistem temu kembali informasi untuk mengetahui syarah hadits berbasis web (studi kasus: hadits shahih bukhari-muslim). jurnal teknik inf... arroyo-fernández, i., méndez-cruz, c. f., sierra, g., torres-moreno, j. m., & sidorov, g. (2019). unsupervised sentence representations as word information series: revisiting tf–idf. computer speech and language. charlet, d., & damnati, g. (2018). simbow at semeval-2017 task 3: soft-cosine semantic similarity between questions for community question answering. deviyanto, a., & wahyudi, m. d. r. (2018). penerapan analisis sentimen pada pengguna twitter menggunakan metode k-nearest neighbor. jiska (jurnal informatika sunan kalijaga). hafeez, s., & patil, b. (2017). using explicit semantic similarity for an improved web explorer with ontology and tf-idf. international journal of advance scientific research and engineering trends using. kharismadita, p., & rahutomo, f. (2017). implementasi tokenizing plus pada sistem pendeteksi kemiripan jurnal skripsi. jurnal informatika polinema, 2(1), 24. kim, s. w., & gil, j. m. (2019). research paper classification systems based on tf-idf and lda schemes. human-centric computing and information sciences. luo, c., zhan, j., xue, x., wang, l., ren, r., & yang, q. (2018). cosine normalization: using cosine similarity instead of dot product in neural networks. lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence ... naf’an, m. z., burhanuddin, a., & riyani, a. (2019). penerapan cosine similarity dan pembobotan tf-idf untuk mendeteksi kemiripan dokumen. jurnal linguistik komputasional (jlk). nkisi-orji, i., wiratunga, n., massie, s., hui, k. y., & heaven, r. (2019). ontology alignment based on word embedding and random forest classification. lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence an... nurdiansyah, y., andrianto, a., & kamshal, l. (2019). new book classification based on dewey decimal classification (ddc) law using tf-idf and cosine similarity method. journal of physics: conference series. putra, randi rian, c. w. (2018). implementasi data mining pemilihan pelanggan potensial menggunakanة. ieee communications surveys and tutorials. putra, r. r., wadisman, c., sains, f., teknologi, d., pembangunan, u., & medan, p. b. (2018). implementasi data mining pemilihan pelanggan potensial menggunakan algoritma k-means implementation of data mining for potential customer selection using k-m... rozeva, a., & zerkova, s. (2017). assessing semantic similarity of texts methods and algorithms. aip conference proceedings. sejati, f. b., hendradi, p., & pujiarto, b. (2019). deteksi plagiarisme karya ilmiah dengan pemanfaatan daftar pustaka dalam pencarian kemiripan tema menggunakan metode cosine similarity (studi kasus: di universitas muhammadiyah magelang). jurnal komt... siregar, r. r. a., sinaga, f. a., & arianto, r. (2017). aplikasi penentuan dosen penguji skripsi menggunakan metode tf-idf dan vector space model. computatio : journal of computer science and information systems. thongtan, t., & phienthrakul, t. (2019). sentiment classification using document embeddings trained with cosine similarity. acl 2019 57th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics, proceedings of the student research workshop. ... yasni, l., subroto, i. m. i., & haviana, s. f. c. (2018). implementasi cosine similarity matching dalam penentuan dosen pembimbing tugas akhir. transmisi. zhu, z., liang, j., li, d., yu, h., & liu, g. (2019). hot topic detection based on a refined tf-idf algorithm. ieee access. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 969-982 969 youtube for developing technological skill muhammad kristiawan 1* , i gusti agung ayu mas oka 2 , een yayah haenilah 3 , wachidi 4 , ediansyah 5 , iwan aprianto 6 , ahmad zulinto 7 , david d. perrodin 8 , hendri budi utama 9 universitas bengkulu, indonesia1 politeknik penerbangan indonesia curug, indonesia2 universitas lampung, indonesia3 universitas muhammadiyah surakarta, indonesia4 universitas islam negeri fatmawati sukarno bengkulu, indonesia5 institut agama islam nusantara batanghari, indonesia6 universitas pgri palembang, indonesia7 mahidol university, thailand8 universitas negeri padang, indonesia9 received : 23 january 2023, revised: 04 june 2023, accepted : 04 june 2023 *corresponding author abstract there are many teachers do not have skill on operating computer specially to make materials interesting for their students. this study was to improve the technological skills of students, particularly those who teach online. in this study, we attempted to determine how students may utilize youtube as a medium to strengthen their technological skills. this study was carried out by us with the help of students who took the education management course as the subject of study. the data collection technique used in this study was observation sheets, which were then used to answer the formulation of how the student responses related to the video-making project in the education management course uploaded on youtube; then, to answer the formulation of how the student’s activities on education management, we asked students to complete their video projects and upload them on youtube; and to answer the formulation of whether the use of youtube can develop technological skills of students, observation sheets was used. this study concludes that respondents are able to edit and upload video about education management on youtube. keywords : student, technological skill, youtube 1. introduction this study is inspired by an autonomous campus policy, independent learning, and the 6 c idea (computational thinking, creative thinking, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and compassion) with the goal of producing quality higher education graduates (nurwardani paristiyani, 2020). computational thinking (esteve-mon et al., 2020; toktarova & semenova, 2020) is one of the 6 c's skill, which refers to students’ capacity to think rationally, structurally, and creatively. students are also required to think in order to solve issues and create alternatives in order to obtain the best answers (lisnawita et al., 2021), particularly in instances of disruption, the industrial revolution 4.0 (adri et al., 2020; almeida & simoes, 2019; bentri & hidayati, 2022; fedotova et al., 2020), and pandemics. computational thinking is a talent required to deal with rapid and complicated technology changes. furthermore, the industrial era 4.0 necessitates computerization in all disciplines. however, there are relatively few learning techniques aimed at enhancing pupils’ computational thinking skills (ansori, 2020). learning that can improve students' cognitive abilities is e-learning which has a high level of user interactivity (muhardi et al., 2020). the purpose of this study was to improve the technological skills of students, particularly those who will teach online in the future. online learning requires teachers and students to be able to use numerous apps such as zoom, google meet (yulitriana et al., 2020), google classroom (roy et al., 2020; susanto et al., 2021; yunus & syafi’i, 2020), youtube, and other online tools (gunawan et al., 2021; kristiawan et al., 2021; kristiawan & aminudin, 2021; susanto et al., 2021). this study looks into how youtube may be utilized to help students improve their technological skills (colim et al., 2022; subaih et al., 2021; väätäjä & ruokamo, 2021). this kristiawan et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 969-982 970 study was carried out because we taught the education management course in numerous study programs at bengkulu university’s faculty of teacher training and education. this study presents a project for all students enrolled in the course to create learning videos covering all of the themes in the semester lesson plan. why did we select youtube for this study? because, according to various recent research findings, youtube, particularly the online system (saed, h. a., haider, a. s., al-salman, s., & hussein, 2021; szeto, e., cheng, a. y. n., & hong, 2016; thanissaro & kulupana, 2015; yaacob & saad, 2020), can ease the learning process. in the middle of the covid-19 epidemic, youtube also has a good influence on the online learning process (putri et al., 2021). youtube is still the most popular social media platform in many countries (dewitt, d., alias, n., siraj, s., yaakub, m. y., ayob, j., & ishak, 2013; fyfield, m., henderson, m., & phillips, 2021), including indonesia. this social networking platform features the most recent news as well as instructional information. social media has been shown to be effective for learning (dewitt et al., 2013)in indonesia, there is an increasing amount of beneficial educational content on youtube (rahmawan et al., 2018). youtube media has an impact on writing, learning, and technological skills (sulsilawati et al., 2021). youtube can be an option that teachers can utilize to produce more meaningful learning. among the social media tools, youtube was commonly used with other social media and non-social media tools, particularly for teaching in secondary schools (szeto, 2016). another reason why we chose youtube is because, among numerous social media platforms, youtube remains one of the primary locations for young people to access varied material in the form of videos. youtube material and producers, sometimes known as youtubers, are an important part of the life of young people and millennials (rahmawan et al., 2018). according to the findings (samosir et al., 2018), pupils have a high degree of gadget use and are always connected to the internet. students open youtube on their devices practically every day. youtube has also indicated that educational material is one of the key areas that has to be carefully developed, given that over 1 billion videos relevant to the learning process are watched on youtube every day (rahmawan et al., 2018). youtube has a significant positive impact on society. the community can utilize it as a tool to expand knowledge (samosir et al., 2018), particularly in building technological skills. the significance of youtube and students’ technological skills motivates this study to investigate how youtube might be used as a medium for enhancing students’ technological skills. in this study, we attempted to determine how students may utilize youtube as a medium to strengthen their technological skills. students are required to be able to trim videos, sort colors, and add effective video switching effects, as well as to keep the audience interested and not bored. video assessment indicators submitted by students in theory-based study (stellarosa et al., 2018), then the contents of the video satisfy the technological skills indicated by the instructor (mansur, 2017). several past study findings relevant to the development of technological skills and the use of youtube include (arsana, 2020; safitri & sontani, 2016; shofiyah et al., 2021) indicating instructors' technological skills and student’s motivation are closely associated. this study is different from previous finding above, it is more focus on how students are skillful in making good videos then upload it to youtube. the students make good presentations then this presentation will interest the viewers, because it used the youtube application. the study then looks at how to use youtube because technological skills and student’s motivation are so closely tied. several prior studies have investigated the role of youtube in learning, including (anugrahana, 2020; habibah et al., 2020; kristiawan et al., 2021; putri et al., 2021). the problem in this article are 1) what is the format of student’s activities on education management that are published to youtube?; 2) how do students react to video projects from the education management course that have been put to youtube?; and 3) can the usage of youtube help students improve their technological skills? 2. literature review according to mansur (2017), a person should not be assigned teaching duties unless they have demonstrated fundamental technological skills. as a result, teaching students must arm kristiawan et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 969-982 971 themselves with a variety of technological skills that will assist them in carrying out their tasks so that there is an educational interaction that will optimize their function in front of their students later in their careers as teachers (mansur, 2017). the new aspect of this study is the use of youtube to build technological skills. this study encourages all lecturers to use youtube as a medium for student’s projects. furthermore, by using youtube, students may freely express themselves in generating information on how to educate effectively. students’ technological skills must be improved since they are one strategy to expand successful student learning activities (jupriyanto & nuridin, 2019). student activities are more complicated than simply listening and taking notes. the more the pupil learning activity, the greater the likelihood of instructional success. this means that teachers’ technological skills must be able to engage students in a variety of learning activities (jupriyanto & nuridin, 2019), especially since there is a youtube application that can assist teachers in making learning more interesting and accessible to students at any time and from any location. teachers’ ability (dijkstra et al., 2016; irwansyah & hardiah, 2020) to convey subject matter includes understanding teaching materials, selecting the appropriate approach, and mastering the class properly (sundari et al., 2014). the teacher’s learning of how to ask questions, open and conclude classes, and provide educational materials reflects her technological skills (jupriyanto & nuridin, 2019). these skills may be honed by creating and uploading video material on youtube. according to fyfield (2021), teachers regularly use youtube to select videos for students, but the processes they use to select these resources have been understudied. they believe that youtube is an appropriate educational material for various lessons because it promotes permanence and reinforces learning (nacak et al., 2020). teachers are external influences that influence student learning results (mansur, 2017). this aspect may be discovered in how teachers instruct their students (hamutoglu et al., 2020; istuningsih et al., 2018). students tend to grasp the subject offered more quickly if the teacher has joy providing it. as a result, instructors and potential teachers must possess crucial technological skills (students). technological skills are intriguing to explore since few individuals possess them. teacher’s skill in classroom teaching are competences that instructors must acquire in order to achieve excellent and enjoyable classroom learning (jaya, 2017). teachers and potential teachers must be skilled educators. the concept of this research examining the technological skills of students was actually carried out by (rhamayanti, 2018), who examined the important technological skills of ppl students to be developed, beginning with opening and closing lessons and progressing to teaching small groups and individuals. in this study, technological skills refer to the teacher’s ability to communicate subject matter, which includes mastering teaching materials, being able to pick the best approach, and mastering a good class. according to (jaya, 2017; rhamayanti, 2018; sundari et al., 2014), indicators of teachers with technological skills include: 1) being skilled at explaining; 2) being skilled at asking; 3) being skilled at using a variety of teaching styles; 4) being skilled at giving reinforcement; 5) being skilled at opening and closing learning; 6) being skilled at teaching groups and individuals; 7) being skilled at managing the class; and 8) being skilled at guiding the discussion. meanwhile, according to (mansur, 2017) the indicator of technological skills is if the teacher masters skills in 1) opening learning; 2) explaining the learning materials; 3) asking questions using decent, regular, and suitable manner so that students are motivated in participating in learning activities; 4) providing verbal and nonverbal reinforcement; and 5) making changes to boost motivation, eliminate boredom, and allow students to engage in learning; and 6) concluding the class. in this study, the indicators used in the assessment of technological skills of students are the indicators presented by (mansur, 2017). the indications utilized by us to create the research instrument grid (mansur, 2017) presents indicators that are consistent with those offered by (jupriyanto & nuridin, 2019). the procedure and student learning results are greatly dependent on the teacher’s topic understanding and technological skills (safitri & sontani, 2016). practical educational provision for student teacher candidates at lptks is critical for improving prospective teachers’ competency when they enter the field of education. this briefing may be accomplished by a variety of activities (mulyatun, 2014), one of which is by assigning tasks in lectures for teaching and learning that are filmed and published on youtube. kristiawan et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 969-982 972 from ancient times to the present, the advancement of technology and communication media has continued (rahmadoni et al. , 2022). the use of technology as a learning medium has become mandatory, and it has a positive impact on student learning outcomes (oktapratama & hidayat, 2022). students are the age that considers technology to be a need, and they are continually linked to the internet via their devices. they are the generation that spends the most time on youtube in their everyday lives (samosir et al., 2018). youtube is an excellent learning tool. according to the study's findings (mujianto, 2019), youtube is the most popular social media network in recent years. youtube may be utilized as a teaching medium in the context of learning. conclusion of the study (mujianto, 2019) youtube is a teaching media that may significantly boost student interest and drive to study. according to saed et al., (2021) youtube has significant progress in the speaking performance and improve students' speaking skills. youtube is a prominent video sharing website where users may upload, view, and share video clips for free. chad hurley, steve chen, and jawed karim, three former paypal workers, launched youtube in february 2005. in general, videos on youtube are video snippets from movies, tv shows, and videos created by users (stellarosa et al., 2018). according to (stellarosa et al., 2018) youtube has a few characteristics 1) there is no time limit for watching the video. unlike some other apps that have a limited battery life, such as instagram, snapchat, and others, this one does not; 2) a reliable system of piracy, in which youtube reduces piracy by not allowing the upload of videos that include ethnicity, race, or are unlawful, and will ask for confirmation before removing the video; 3) in exchange for payment, youtube will award an honorarium to anybody who views a video and receives at least 1000 views; 4) offline mode; youtube now has a new feature that allows users to watch videos when offline; this system allows users to watch videos while offline, but they must first be downloaded; 5) there is a simple editor; in the first menu to submit a video, the user will be given the option to modify the video first. menu options include editing videos, sorting colors, and adding video switching effects (stellarosa et al., 2018). 3. research methods this study investigates the technological skills of students via youtube. this study was carried out by us with the help of students who took the education management course as the subject of study. this study is comparable to previous studies done by (jaya, 2017; rahmawan et al., 2018; samosir et al., 2018; stellarosa et al., 2018; wahyulestari, 2018). this study was carried out as part of the education management course, which covered 14 lecture topics. each student created 14 videos on the 14 themes, which were subsequently submitted on youtube. furthermore, students who attend lectures are given a question form with a google form on how they respond to the improvement of technological skills through the creation of videos and their uploading to youtube. this study takes place at fkip bengkulu university’s non-formal education study program, natural science education, physics education, and indonesian language education. this research will run for 6 (six) months, from march to september 2022. in this study, the informants were 73 (seventy-three) students enrolled in the education management course. the data collection technique used in this study was observation sheets (nabilah et al., 2019; rokhmaniyah et al., 2020), which were used to answer the formulation of how the student responses related to the video-making project (cózar-gutiérrez & sáez-lópez, 2016; hamutoglu et al., 2020; hatta et al., 2020) in the education management course uploaded on youtube; then, to answer the formulation of how the student’s activities on education management, we asked students to complete their video projects and upload them on youtube; and to answer the formulation of whether the use of youtube can develop technological skills of students, observation sheets was used. we then deliver the observation sheet and questionnaire sheet in google form (bahasoan et al., 2020; susanto et al., 2021). kristiawan et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 969-982 973 table 1 observation sheet no aspects observed yes no 1. opening learning 2. explaining the learning materials 3. asking questions using decent, regular, and suitable manner so that students are motivated in participating in learning activities 4. providing verbal and nonverbal reinforcement 5. making changes to boost motivation, eliminate boredom, and allow students to engage in learning 6. concluding the class table 2 questionnaire sheet no question answer sheet strongly disagree disagree neutral agree strongly agree 1 my technological skills related to opening learning got better after utilizing youtube 2 my technological skills regarding explaining learning materials got better after using youtube 3 my technological skills are related to asking questions using decent, regular and suitable manner, then the listeners are motivated in participating in learning activities got better after using youtube 4 my technological skills related to providing reinforcement both verbally and non-verbally got better after using youtube 5 my technological skills are related to making variations in order to increase motivation, reduce boredom and give listeners the freedom to participate in learning got better after using youtube 6 my technological skills regarding ending lessons got better after using youtube 7 i think youtube can be used as an application for developing technological skills we do data reduction (harapan, 2021; hayati et al., 2020; komalasari et al., 2020; listiningrum et al., 2020), display data, and produce conclusions or verification, particularly triangulation of conformity checks between what we received from observation and what respondents transmitted through questionnaires, during data analysis. then, examine the student’s work. finally, we considered whether respondents' technological skills increased as a result of their usage of youtube. 4. results and discussions this study's outcome is a video created by respondents, who are students enrolled in education management courses. the video is then published on youtube. the uploaded video’s results represent the research's output. we examine the video provided by students using indications that fulfill six (six) technological skills assessment criteria 1) opening learning; 2) explaining the learning materials; 3) asking questions using decent, regular, and suitable manner so that students are motivated in participating in learning activities; 4) providing verbal and nonverbal reinforcement; and 5) making changes to boost motivation, eliminate boredom, and allow students to engage in learning; and 6) concluding the class (mansur, 2017). 1. student’s activities on education management that have been published on youtube; youtube has been used to post student’s activities. students enrolled in the education management course have all uploaded their videos. we will reveal some of the outcomes of student-created video in the study’s findings. first, we explain different video findings created kristiawan et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 969-982 974 by non-formal education study program students. the first video is provided by a student called fayza najja wadia and may be seen at the url: according to the findings of our observations, what fayza is doing meets the requirements for technological skills outlined by (mansur, 2017). the second video, given by bunga annisa berta, may be found at the following url: based our observations of the video provided by bunga, it appears like bunga was able to initiate the lesson, explain the subject adequately, and conclude the session well. second, we described various videos created by science education study program students. students delivered the first video on behalf of putri ramadan lazuardi, with the url: furthermore, the second video was created by nessa adelia ramadhina, a semester 4 student, with the url: next, the third video was delivered by putri nutriastuti with the url: the fourth video is presented by santika ragil saputri with the url: the last video uploaded by dwi ayu pancarini with the url: according to the observations of the video provided by students in the science education study program, they have acquired technological skills well in accordance with what was imparted by (mansur, 2017). third, we show many videos created by physics education study program students. deswinta triani gave the first video with the url: according to our findings, all of deswinta’s videos are excellent, engaging, and simple to grasp. this demonstrates that deswinta triani has mastered the art of technological skill. the second video was created by nora ulfiah and can be seen at the url: the videos delivered by nora are also very good and interactive. according to us, nora is ready to teach, because she already has very good technological skills. the last video presented by rozalia with the url: rozalia excels in opening lessons, closing them, and explaining learning materials. fourth, we showed many videos created by indonesian language education study program students. the first video is delivered by suci nur hanifah and may be found at the following url: according to our observations, all of suci nur hanifah’s videos were extremely good, already meeting six indications of technological skills according to theory (mansur, 2017). likewise with syntia oktaviani with the url:; miranti wahyuni with the url:; and eni astuti at the following url: 2. students’ responses regarding video projects in the education management course uploaded on youtube we then discuss the responses of the respondents to the video creating project. kristiawan et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 969-982 975 green, 68.5% was agree; purple, 19.2% was strongly agree; and yellow, 9.6% was neutral fig. 1. the response of my technological skills related to opening learning got better after utilizing youtube green, 71.2% was agree; purple, 17.8% was strongly agree; and yellow, 9.6% was neutral fig. 2. the response of my technological skills regarding explaining learning materials got better after using youtube green, 63% was agree; purple, 28.8% was strongly agree; and yellow, 7.1% was neutral fig. 3. the response of my technological skills are related to asking questions using decent, regular and suitable manner, then the listeners are motivated in participating in learning activities got better after using youtube. green, 71.2% was agree; purple, 15.1% was strongly agree; and yellow, 11% was neutral fig. 4. the response of my technological skills related to providing reinforcement both verbally and nonverbally got better after using youtube. kristiawan et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 969-982 976 green, 54.8% was agree; purple, 28.8% was strongly agree; and yellow, 12.3% was neutral fig. 5. the response of my technological skills are related to making variations in order to increase motivation, reduce boredom and give listeners the freedom to participate in learning got better after using youtube. green, 60.3% was agree; purple, 16.4% was strongly agree; and yellow, 19.2% was neutral fig. 6. the response of my technological skills regarding ending lessons got better after using youtube. 3. responses on whether the usage of youtube may help students improve their technological skills. according to the majority of responders, youtube can be utilized to improve their technological skills. we express the responses of the respondents on the usage of youtube in strengthening students' technological skills in this section. green, 49.3% was agree; purple, 42.5% was strongly agree; and yellow, 0.0% was neutral fig. 7. the response of i think youtube can be used as an application for developing technological skills according to the findings of this study, youtube is a useful medium for strengthening students’ technological skills. the outcomes of this study complement studies (mujianto, 2019) (mujianto, 2019) that youtube may be utilized as a teaching medium (qomariyah et al., 2021; samosir et al., 2018; thanissaro & kulupana, 2015). similarly, (trishu & shruti, 2021) discovered that youtube is a good educational tool since it links academics, educators, and researchers from all over the world. youtube also delivers intriguing, informative, and entertaining video that has given education a new dimension by making it original and creative. youtube has a huge influence on the education and learning experiences. youtube contributes kristiawan et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 969-982 977 to the traditional educational system's new inventive and entertaining component. youtube has made learning and teaching more accessible to everyone, from students to teachers (trishu & shruti, 2021). the users also accept youtube as a learning resource (yaacob & saad, 2020). there are many studies on youtube that say that youtube is very useful doesn’t only have about fun videos, but also use as learning media (nasution, 2019; qomariyah et al., 2021; rachmat et al., 2017). youtube may boost students’ studying enthusiasm while also improving their english speaking and listening skill (muhammad ilyas, 2020; nasution, 2019; qomariyah et al., 2021). however, according to (sistadewi, 2019), the limitation of utilizing youtube as a learning medium is due to signal issues and data packets. despite the fact that signals and data packages are impediments to running youtube, studying through videos published to youtube keeps students eager and enthused while they are learning (jarizmy, 2021). you'll be able to maintain and upgrade your equipment and software if you gain it skills, which will help you prevent difficulties in the future. upskilling will also help students become better collaborators and, as a result, better team leaders. your capacity to use computer-based technology (denton & peace, 2003; prastiyono et al., 2021; yuliati & lestari, 2018) to execute various activities is referred to as technological skills. computer literacy (bahit et al., 2021; gallardo et al., 2015; ricaurte & viloria, 2020), database administration, website creation, digital marketing, project management, and cybersecurity are some of the most crucial technological skills to have. when you learn about keyboard shortcuts, debug programs, or improve traffic to your website, you will not only increase your confidence, but your productivity will rise. you will gain time, allowing you to concentrate on vital initiatives and duties. all of the talents that allow you to engage with the digital environment around you are referred to as technology skills. being technologically proficient means having knowledge of digital or technical media (gallardo et al., 2015). anyone who aspires to do their business efficiently in the present day should brush up on their technological expertise (al-fraihat et al., 2017; esteve-mon et al., 2020; zarei & mohammadi, 2021). good content requires a number of abilities, including authoring, narrative, and video editing. and if you want people to watch your movies in the first place, you'll need to master thumbnail production and title writing. being a youtuber (fyfield, m., henderson, m., & phillips, 2021; nacak, a., bağlama, b., & demir, 2020) as a career is a fantastic business concept. it's very feasible, rewarding, and getting started has never been easier. still, it might take months or even years of hard work before you become a well-known and well-known creator on the network. so, keep going and don't give up. a youtuber is someone who develops and uploads videos to the video-sharing website youtube. however, other from having youtube as a medium in common, youtubers themselves vary greatly. youtubers range in age, ethnicity, education level, focal area, and camera quality. you have creative control over your content as a youtuber. you set your own hours and select whether to work from home or rent an office space. it is entirely up to you whether or whether you work with a management business, employ staff, or handle everything yourself. you are responsible for making all job-related decisions (cansoy & parlar, 2017). 5. conclusion this paper concludes the technological skill is important. individuals can employ the following technology abilities in their work lives: word processing, emailing, video conferencing, audio and video editing, data management tools, social media, search engines, and customer relationship management. the respondents in this article are able to edit and upload video on youtube through student’s activities about education management. furthermore, respondents believe that youtube may be utilized to improve their technological skills. this study influenced educators to utilize youtube as a medium to strengthen students’ technological and public speaking skill. all lecturers can utilize youtube to give lecture assignments. this study suggests for future academics who want to investigate the usage of youtube to enhance technological skill. furthermore, additional researchers might employ other platforms as alternative media to increase students’ technological skills. kristiawan et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 969-982 978 acknowledgement we acknowledge all stakeholders and respondents who help us in this valuable project. thanks to rector, dean of faculty education, head of lppm of universitas bengkulu for giving us an opportunity having supporting material in this project. references adri, m., rusdinal, zainul, r., darni, sriadhi, wahyuningtyas, n., khaerudin, nasrun, rahmulyani, nuranjani, nurmaniah, wedi, a., surahman, e., aisyah, e. n., oktaviani, h. i., sri martini meilanie, r., purnamawati, s. n., hapidin, listyasari, w. d., … adnan, e. 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(2020). active learning strategies in synchronous online learning for elementary school students. ijie (indonesian journal of informatics education), 4(2), 86. hayati, f. n., suyatno, s., & susatya, e. (2020). strengthening of religious character education based on school culture in the indonesian secondary school. the european educational researcher, 3(3), 87–100. irwansyah, & hardiah, s. (2020). digital collaboration in teaching and learning activities: the reflexivity study on educational digital empowerment. international journal of learning, teaching and educational research, 19(10), 355–370. istuningsih, w., baedhowi, & sangka, k. b. (2018). the use of electrinic modules for learning effectiveness. ijere, 03(03), 75–85. jarizmy, s. (2021). the effectiveness of using the youtube platform in learning videos making posters for elementary school students during the covid-19 pandemic. jurnal abdimas kartika wijayakusuma, 2(2), 146–153. jaya, h. n. (2017). keterampilan dasar guru. pendidikan dan ilmu pengetahuan, 17(1), 23–35. jupriyanto, j., & nuridin, n. (2019). pengaruh keterampilan mengajar guru terhadap aktivitas belajar siswa sd negeri 04 loning. jpdi (jurnal pendidikan dasar indonesia), 4(1), 14. komalasari, k., arafat, y., & mulyadi, m. (2020). principal’s management competencies in improving the quality of education. journal of social work and science education, 1(2), kristiawan et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 969-982 980 181–193. kristiawan, m., & aminudin, n. (2021). sparkol videoscribe application for instruction. proceedings of the international conference on educational sciences and teacher profession (icetep 2020), 532(532), 303–310. kristiawan, m., aminudin, n., & rizki, f. (2021). optimalisasi pembelajaran daring berbasis aplikasi online bagi calon guru pendidikan anak usia dini. jurnal obsesi : jurnal pendidikan anak usia dini, 5(2), 1905–1914. lisnawita, l., taslim, t., & musfawati, m. (2021). pengenalan computational thinking untuk meningkatkan kemampuan problem solving. dinamisia : jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat, 5(4), 928–932. listiningrum, h. d., wisetsri, w., & boussanlegue, t. (2020). principal’s entrepreneurship competence in improving teacher’s entrepreneurial skill in high schools. journal of social work and science education, 1(1), 87–95. mansur, n. (2017). penerapan keterampilan mengajar dalam upaya pencapaian hasil belajar mahasiswa. lantanida journal, 4(2), 118. muhammad ilyas, m. e. p. (2020). youtube channel: an alternative social media to enhance efl students’ speaking skill. j-shmic : journal of english for academic, 7(1), 66–76. muhardi, m., gunawan, s. i., irawan, y., & devis, y. (2020). design of web based lms (learning management system) in sman 1 kampar kiri hilir. journal of applied engineering and technological science (jaets), 1(2), 70–76. mujianto, h. (2019). pemanfaatan youtube sebagai media ajar dalam meningkatkan minat dan motivasi belajar. jurnal komunikasi hasil pemikiran dan penelitian, 5(1), 135–159. mulyatun. (2014). analisis keterampilan dasar mengajar mahasiswa calon guru kimia (studi pada praktik pengalaman lapangan mahasiswa tadris kimia). jurnal phenomenon, 4(1), 79–90. nabilah, r. g. s., suhendra, s., & yulianti, k. (2019). the efforts of improving mathematical connection ability of senior high school student with 7e learning cycle model. journal of physics: conference series, 1157(4), 2–8. nacak, a., bağlama, b., & demir, b. (2020). teacher candidate views on the use of youtube for educational purposes. online journal of communication and media technologies, 10(2). nasution, a. k. r. (2019). youtube as a media in english language teaching (elt) context: teaching procedure text. utamax : journal of ultimate research and trends in education, 1(1), 29–33. nurwardani paristiyani. (2020). kampus merdeka. 1–21. oktapratama, r., & hidayat, d. (2022). model of web-based application “glide” as learning media and knowledge sharing tool of teachers in post-pandemic era. journal of applied engineering and technological science (jaets), 4(1), 554–560. prastiyono, h., utaya, s., sumarmi, s., astina, i. k., amin, s., & aliman, m. (2021). development of e-learning, mobile apps, character building, and outdoor study (emco learning model) to improve geography outcomes in the 21st century. international journal of interactive mobile technologies, 15(7), 107–122. putri, d. r., nursanti, s., & nayiroh, l. (2021). dampak youtube pada kegiatan belajar daring anak usia dini di tengah pandemi covid-19. jurnal interaksi : jurnal ilmu komunikasi, 5(2), 169–181. qomariyah, s. s., permana, d., & hidayatullah, h. (2021). the effect of youtube video on students’ listening comprehension performance. jo-elt (journal of english language teaching) fakultas pendidikan bahasa & seni prodi pendidikan bahasa inggris ikip, 8(1), 67. rachmat, i., sumartono, & jemat, a. (2017). penggunaan media sosial youtube sebagai audio kristiawan et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 969-982 981 visual record document management: studi eksplorasi aplikasi petunjuk perilaku broadcastin, standar program broadcast (p3 and sps) antv di program televisi pesbukers. record and library journal, 3(1), 38–49. rahmadoni, j., akbar, r., & wahyuni, u. m. (2022). rahmadoni, j., akbar, r., & wahyuni, u. m. (2022). web-based cooperation information system at the science techno park technology business development center. journal of applied engineering and technological science (jaets), 3(2), 156-167. journal of applied engineering and technological science (jaets), 3(2), 156-167. rahmawan, d., mahameruaji, j. n., & janitra, p. a. (2018). potensi youtube sebagai media edukasi bagi anak muda. edulib, 8(1), 81. rhamayanti, y. (2018). pentingnya keterampilan dasar mengajar bagi mahasiswa praktek pengalaman lapangan (ppl) prodi pendidikan matematika. 3(1), 2598–2400. ricaurte, m., & viloria, a. (2020). project-based learning as a strategy for multi-level training applied to undergraduate engineering students. education for chemical engineers, 33, 102–111. rokhmaniyah, r., suryandari, k. c., & ... (2020). steams-based entrepreneur curriculum development by empowering local potential for elementary students. international journal of …, x(x), 66–77. roy, h., ray, k., saha, s., & ghosal, a. k. (2020). a study on students’ perceptions for online zoom-app based flipped class sessions on anatomy organised during the lockdown period of covid-19 epoch. journal of clinical and diagnostic research, 1–4. saed, h. a., haider, a. s., al-salman, s., & hussein, r. f. (2021). the use of youtube in developing the speaking skills of jordanian efl university students. heliyon, 7(7). safitri, e., & sontani, u. t. (2016). keterampilan mengajar dan komunikasi interpersonal guru sebagai determinan terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. jurnal pendidikan manajemen perkantoran, 1(1), 144–153. samosir, f. t., pitasari, d. n., & tjahjono, p. e. (2018). open access under creative commons attribution-non commercial-share a like 4.0 international licence (cc-by-sa) record and library journal the effectiveness of youtube as a student learning media (study at the faculty of social and political sciences, uni. record and library journal, 4(2), 81– 91. shofiyah, n., nisak aulina, c., & efendi, n. (2021). peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik guru paud dalam pembuatan video pembelajaran sains berbasis smartphone. murhum : jurnal pendidikan anak usia dini, 1, 23–33. sistadewi, m. (2019). penggunaan media youtube dalam pembelajaran bahasa indonesia pada masa sekolah tatap muka terbatas. jurnal pendidikan dan pembelajaran bahasa indonesia, 10(2), 186–194. stellarosa, y., firyal, s. j., & ikhsano, a. (2018). pemanfaatan youtube sebagai sarana transformasi majalah highend. lugas jurnal komunikasi, 2(2), 59–68. subaih, r. h. a., sabbah, s. s., & al-duais, r. n. e. (2021). obstacles facing teachers in palestine while implementing e-learning during the covid-19 pandemic. asian social science, 17(4), 44. sulsilawati, e., daeng, j., raya, t., & selatan, s. (2021). pengaruh penggunaan media youtube terhadap keterampilan menulis teks prosedur. 1–6. sundari, n., susilowati, & wahyuningsih, y. (2014). mahasiswa dengan menerapkan model berbasis masalah dalam pembelajaran ips di sd. eduhumaniora, 6(2), 125–135. susanto, e., sasongko, r. n., kristiawan, m., nipriansyah, n., & purdiyanto, p. (2021). constraints of online learning using google classroom during covid-19. education quarterly reviews, 4(2). szeto, e., cheng, a. y. n., & hong, j. c. (2016). (2016). learning with social media: how do preservice teachers integrate youtube and social media in teaching?. the asia-pacific kristiawan et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 969-982 982 education researcher, 25(1). thanissaro, p. n., & kulupana, s. (2015). buddhist teen worldview: some normative background for health professionals. contemporary buddhism, 16(1), 28–42. toktarova, v. i., & semenova, d. (2020). digital pedagogy: analysis, requirements and experience of implementation. journal of physics: conference series, 1691(1), 0–5. trishu, s., & shruti, s. (2021). a study of youtube as an effective educational tool. journal of contemporary issues in business and government, 27(1), 2021. väätäjä, j. o., & ruokamo, h. 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(2021). challenges of higher education related to e-learning in developing countries during covid-19 spread: a review of the perspectives of students, instructors, policymakers, and ict experts. environmental science and pollution research. youtube for developing technological skill muhammad kristiawan1*, i gusti agung ayu mas oka2, een yayah haenilah3, wachidi4, ediansyah5, iwan aprianto6, ahmad zulinto7, david d. perrodin8, hendri budi utama9 universitas bengkulu, indonesia1 politeknik penerbangan indonesia curug, indonesia2 universitas lampung, indonesia3 universitas muhammadiyah surakarta, indonesia4 universitas islam negeri fatmawati sukarno bengkulu, indonesia5 institut agama islam nusantara batanghari, indonesia6 universitas pgri palembang, indonesia7 mahidol university, thailand8 universitas negeri padang, indonesia9 received : 23 january 2023, revised: 04 june 2023, accepted : 04 june 2023 *corresponding author abstract there are many teachers do not have skill on operating computer specially to make materials interesting for their students. this study was to improve the technological skills of students, particularly those who teach online. in this study, we attempte... keywords : student, technological skill, youtube 1. introduction 2. literature review 3. research methods we do data reduction (harapan, 2021; hayati et al., 2020; komalasari et al., 2020; listiningrum et al., 2020), display data, and produce conclusions or verification, particularly triangulation of conformity checks between what we received from observa... 4. results and discussions there are many studies on youtube that say that youtube is very useful doesn’t only have about fun videos, but also use as learning media (nasution, 2019; qomariyah et al., 2021; rachmat et al., 2017). youtube may boost students’ studying enthusiasm w... you'll be able to maintain and upgrade your equipment and software if you gain it skills, which will help you prevent difficulties in the future. upskilling will also help students become better collaborators and, as a result, better team leaders. you... being a youtuber (fyfield, m., henderson, m., & phillips, 2021; nacak, a., bağlama, b., & demir, 2020) as a career is a fantastic business concept. it's very feasible, rewarding, and getting started has never been easier. still, it might take months o... 5. conclusion this paper concludes the technological skill is important. individuals can employ the following technology abilities in their work lives: word processing, emailing, video conferencing, audio and video editing, data management tools, social media, sear... acknowledgement we acknowledge all stakeholders and respondents who help us in this valuable project. thanks to rector, dean of faculty education, head of lppm of universitas bengkulu for giving us an opportunity having supporting material in this project. references adri, m., rusdinal, zainul, r., darni, sriadhi, wahyuningtyas, n., khaerudin, nasrun, rahmulyani, nuranjani, nurmaniah, wedi, a., surahman, e., aisyah, e. n., oktaviani, h. i., sri martini meilanie, r., purnamawati, s. n., hapidin, listyasari, w. d., ... al-fraihat, d., joy, m., & sinclair, j. 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(2021). the effectiveness of using the youtube platform in learning videos making posters for elementary school students during the covid-19 pandemic. jurnal abdimas kartika wijayakusuma, 2(2), 146–153. jaya, h. n. (2017). keterampilan dasar guru. pendidikan dan ilmu pengetahuan, 17(1), 23–35. jupriyanto, j., & nuridin, n. (2019). pengaruh keterampilan mengajar guru terhadap aktivitas belajar siswa sd negeri 04 loning. jpdi (jurnal pendidikan dasar indonesia), 4(1), 14. komalasari, k., arafat, y., & mulyadi, m. (2020). principal’s management competencies in improving the quality of education. journal of social work and science education, 1(2), 181–193. kristiawan, m., & aminudin, n. (2021). sparkol videoscribe application for instruction. proceedings of the international conference on educational sciences and teacher profession (icetep 2020), 532(532), 303–310. kristiawan, m., aminudin, n., & rizki, f. (2021). optimalisasi pembelajaran daring berbasis aplikasi online bagi calon guru pendidikan anak usia dini. jurnal obsesi : jurnal pendidikan anak usia dini, 5(2), 1905–1914. lisnawita, l., taslim, t., & musfawati, m. (2021). pengenalan computational thinking untuk meningkatkan kemampuan problem solving. dinamisia : jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat, 5(4), 928–932. listiningrum, h. d., wisetsri, w., & boussanlegue, t. (2020). principal’s entrepreneurship competence in improving teacher’s entrepreneurial skill in high schools. journal of social work and science education, 1(1), 87–95. mansur, n. (2017). penerapan keterampilan mengajar dalam upaya pencapaian hasil belajar mahasiswa. lantanida journal, 4(2), 118. muhammad ilyas, m. e. p. (2020). youtube channel: an alternative social media to enhance efl students’ speaking skill. j-shmic : journal of english for academic, 7(1), 66–76. muhardi, m., gunawan, s. i., irawan, y., & devis, y. (2020). design of web based lms (learning management system) in sman 1 kampar kiri hilir. journal of applied engineering and technological science (jaets), 1(2), 70–76. mujianto, h. (2019). pemanfaatan youtube sebagai media ajar dalam meningkatkan minat dan motivasi belajar. jurnal komunikasi hasil pemikiran dan penelitian, 5(1), 135–159. mulyatun. (2014). analisis keterampilan dasar mengajar mahasiswa calon guru kimia (studi pada praktik pengalaman lapangan mahasiswa tadris kimia). jurnal phenomenon, 4(1), 79–90. nabilah, r. g. s., suhendra, s., & yulianti, k. (2019). the efforts of improving mathematical connection ability of senior high school student with 7e learning cycle model. journal of physics: conference series, 1157(4), 2–8. nacak, a., bağlama, b., & demir, b. (2020). teacher candidate views on the use of youtube for educational purposes. online journal of communication and media technologies, 10(2). nasution, a. k. r. (2019). youtube as a media in english language teaching (elt) context: teaching procedure text. utamax : journal of ultimate research and trends in education, 1(1), 29–33. nurwardani paristiyani. (2020). kampus merdeka. 1–21. oktapratama, r., & hidayat, d. (2022). model of web-based application “glide” as learning media and knowledge sharing tool of teachers in post-pandemic era. journal of applied engineering and technological science (jaets), 4(1), 554–560. prastiyono, h., utaya, s., sumarmi, s., astina, i. k., amin, s., & aliman, m. (2021). development of e-learning, mobile apps, character building, and outdoor study (emco learning model) to improve geography outcomes in the 21st century. international ... putri, d. r., nursanti, s., & nayiroh, l. (2021). dampak youtube pada kegiatan belajar daring anak usia dini di tengah pandemi covid-19. jurnal interaksi : jurnal ilmu komunikasi, 5(2), 169–181. qomariyah, s. s., permana, d., & hidayatullah, h. (2021). the effect of youtube video on students’ listening comprehension performance. jo-elt (journal of english language teaching) fakultas pendidikan bahasa & seni prodi pendidikan bahasa inggris iki... rachmat, i., sumartono, & jemat, a. (2017). penggunaan media sosial youtube sebagai audio -visual record document management: studi eksplorasi aplikasi petunjuk perilaku broadcastin, standar program broadcast (p3 and sps) antv di program televisi pesb... rahmadoni, j., akbar, r., & wahyuni, u. m. (2022). rahmadoni, j., akbar, r., & wahyuni, u. m. (2022). web-based cooperation information system at the science techno park technology business development center. journal of applied engineering and techno... rahmawan, d., mahameruaji, j. n., & janitra, p. a. (2018). potensi youtube sebagai media edukasi bagi anak muda. edulib, 8(1), 81. rhamayanti, y. (2018). pentingnya keterampilan dasar mengajar bagi mahasiswa praktek pengalaman lapangan (ppl) prodi pendidikan matematika. 3(1), 2598–2400. ricaurte, m., & viloria, a. (2020). project-based learning as a strategy for multi-level training applied to undergraduate engineering students. education for chemical engineers, 33, 102–111. rokhmaniyah, r., suryandari, k. c., & ... (2020). steams-based entrepreneur curriculum development by empowering local potential for elementary students. international journal of …, x(x), 66–77. roy, h., ray, k., saha, s., & ghosal, a. k. (2020). a study on students’ perceptions for online zoom-app based flipped class sessions on anatomy organised during the lockdown period of covid-19 epoch. journal of clinical and diagnostic research, 1–4. ... saed, h. a., haider, a. s., al-salman, s., & hussein, r. f. (2021). the use of youtube in developing the speaking skills of jordanian efl university students. heliyon, 7(7). safitri, e., & sontani, u. t. (2016). keterampilan mengajar dan komunikasi interpersonal guru sebagai determinan terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. jurnal pendidikan manajemen perkantoran, 1(1), 144–153. samosir, f. t., pitasari, d. n., & tjahjono, p. e. (2018). open access under creative commons attribution-non commercial-share a like 4.0 international licence (cc-by-sa) record and library journal the effectiveness of youtube as a student learning me... shofiyah, n., nisak aulina, c., & efendi, n. (2021). peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik guru paud dalam pembuatan video pembelajaran sains berbasis smartphone. murhum : jurnal pendidikan anak usia dini, 1, 23–33. sistadewi, m. (2019). penggunaan media youtube dalam pembelajaran bahasa indonesia pada masa sekolah tatap muka terbatas. jurnal pendidikan dan pembelajaran bahasa indonesia, 10(2), 186–194. stellarosa, y., firyal, s. j., & ikhsano, a. (2018). pemanfaatan youtube sebagai sarana transformasi majalah highend. lugas jurnal komunikasi, 2(2), 59–68. subaih, r. h. a., sabbah, s. s., & al-duais, r. n. e. (2021). obstacles facing teachers in palestine while implementing e-learning during the covid-19 pandemic. asian social science, 17(4), 44. sulsilawati, e., daeng, j., raya, t., & selatan, s. (2021). pengaruh penggunaan media youtube terhadap keterampilan menulis teks prosedur. 1–6. sundari, n., susilowati, & wahyuningsih, y. (2014). mahasiswa dengan menerapkan model berbasis masalah dalam pembelajaran ips di sd. eduhumaniora, 6(2), 125–135. susanto, e., sasongko, r. n., kristiawan, m., nipriansyah, n., & purdiyanto, p. (2021). constraints of online learning using google classroom during covid-19. education quarterly reviews, 4(2). szeto, e., cheng, a. y. n., & hong, j. c. (2016). 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(salazar-gonzalez et al., 2014). elevated blood sugar levels can increase the presence of reactive oxygen species in the blood, which can impact the vascular structures in the retina and lead to the formation of retinal lesions (deng et al., 2022). the appearance of lesions in the retina is typically the initial symptom of diabetic retinopathy. figure 1 illustrates the fundamental block diagram for the retinal imaging process. fig. 1. main areas of the retina diabetic retinopathy is a condition that can cause vision loss (soares et al., 2023). therefore, detecting this condition at an early stage can help prevent more severe vision loss (bhimavarapu & battineni, 2022). within the eye, blood vessels play a role in supplying blood and oxygen to the eye. if the flow of oxygen to the eye is unstable, this can cause other health problems, such as hypertension and cardiovascular problems (kusuma whardana & suciati, 2014; toresa et al., 2021). red lesions and cottony patches are the most characteristic symptoms of diabetic retinopathy. red lesions may occur in the form of micro aneurysms and exudates, toresa et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 929-939 930 whereas cotton patches are examples of mild lesions of the retina (astorga et al., 2022). the appearance of red lesions on retinal fundus images may be an early indication of retinopathy in diabetics, with micro aneurysms seen as red dots (pendekal & gupta, 2022). mild retinal lesions, on the other hand, can escalate when blood loss results from retinal obstructions (maheswari & punnolil, 2014). retinal hemorrhage is a form of damage to the retina that can be seen as a dark area on an image of the retina. bleeding on the retina can be of various sizes and appear as a dark or reddish color (bhateja et al., 2021). types of bleeding in the retina can be grouped into point hemorrhages and spotting hemorrhages. point bleeding is made up of scattered tiny red dots, while spotting tends to be more frequent (yadav et al., 2021). tumors in the fan-shaped head of the optic nerve are not associated with retinal hemorrhages (swathi et al., 2017). diabetic retinopathy is divided into two stages, namely non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (npdr) and proliferative retinopathy. in the npdr stage, the main symptoms are the appearance of microaneurysms and exudates. a small, circular, dark microaneurysm occurs in a red spot with a border that extends toward the macula (gayathri et al., 2014). changes in retinal blood vessel morphology such as width, branching angle, and volume are the main indicators of dr (tavakoli et al., 2021). in the advanced stages of proliferative dr, development of new dysfunctional vessels throughout the retina occurs, which is associated with the npdr stage (mayya et al., 2021). new blood vessels can spread through the retina and cause complete vision loss (kaur & singh, 2016). vascular monitoring systems can be used to identify blood vessels located on the retina of the eye(bennet et al., 2016). pre-processing is an important stage in the production of medical images to remove image noise and improve certain characteristics (subramanian et al., 2022). noise, poor quality, inappropriate lighting, and dim issues are some of the problems that often occur with fundus images (mazlan et al., 2018; sengupta et al., 2020). identifying characteristics of dr on fundal features, such as microaneurysms (ma), cottony patches, exudates, and hemorrhages, is made difficult by this question. (rosas-romero et al., 2015) . in this study, images will be enhanced using negative image techniques, bright contrast stretching, dark contrast stretching, and partial contrast stretching, and optimized with cuckoo search optimization. the purpose of this optimization is to improve the performance of the image enhancement function and enable the function to work optimally or within the limits set by the user to produce the desired results. in munteanu and rosa's research (2000), genetic algorithms have been used to solve most of the problems of human judgment and have demonstrated increased capability of additional image-altering functions. this research is instrumental in introducing a metaheuristic algorithm to assist in boost operations. (munteanu & rosa, 2000) . being one of the newest and most efficient optimization techniques developed, cuckoo optimization produces a much better solution than genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization. the main feature of cuckoo search optimization is to achieve the best segmentation results by finding the optimal threshold value. this algorithm can also provide fast solutions for non-linear problems, by following the well-known levy flight optimization concept in metaheuristic algorithms. this study aims to compare image results before and after optimization using psnr, mse, entropy, and niqe as evaluation measures. introduction contains brief and concise research backgrounds, and objectives. 2. literature review gupta compared the adaptive automatic histogram equalization (adhe) technique, subimage histogram equalization based on exposure (esihe), and adaptive histogram equalization technique with contrast constraints (clahe) in fundus image pre-processing to detect dr. datta and colleagues devised the clahe algorithm as a tool for detecting retinal shifts in dr images (datta et al., 2013) . this research resulted in an average accuracy of 82.64 percent and an accuracy of 99.98 percent. in addition, researchers also tried a noise reduction strategy by using a median filter and a wiener filter to improve image quality (jadhav & patil, 2018) . this research uses psnr, rmse, and correlation coefficient to measure efficiency. the findings show that typical filters are superior to other methods in removing noise. color image enhancements depend on local processing, including contrast enhancement using techniques such as bottom cap, toresa et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 929-939 931 transform, contrast enhancement with histograms, equalization, noise reduction using adaptive wiener filters, median filters, and clahe. this research found that an effective approach combines several techniques to produce better results (ramasubramanian & selvaperumal, 2016) . it is recommended to enhance the color of the image using local processing tools. the experimental results show that the photos repaired with the recommended algorithm are cleaner and look more natural compared to other techniques to improve images. sun et al., (2022) in his research to improve the quality of health images using the abc optimization algorithm due to generally poor health image quality and loss of detailed information in the process of low light image enhancement, low light image enhancement, experimental results verified the rationality of the algorithm in their paper, and which achieved results which is better both subjectively and objectively, but still needs to be improved for better image quality improvement results and tested using other optimization algorithms such as pso, cuckoo algorithm and genetic algorithm. to increase the convergence rate of the cuckoo search algorithm to get more accurate and efficient results and prove to be a solution to increase efficiency, and still has a lot of room for improvement, which should be focused (shiralkar et al., 2022). most medical images are digital images or converted into digital formats. the digital field offers many advantages in handling images, but there are many challenges to digital medical images during the optimization process, such as image quality control, image clarity, noise and other challenges. there are several recommended optimization algorithms including cuckoo optimization and genetic optimization (acharya & kumar, 2021; alyoubi et al., 2020; chen, 2022). image enhancement has a broad application domain, such as medical images and satellite images, a contrast-based image enhancement approach using the cuckoo algorithm for improving the quality of satellite images and medical images that have low contrast, in addition to removing image noise refers to a process in which images can be reconstructed by eliminating unwanted noise. this process is very useful for medical imaging applications to separate the original image from the noise. a hybrid filter is proposed through the cuckoo algorithm, where the cuckoo algorithm is designated as the most appropriate and effective optimization algorithm (zhang et al., 2019) chen, (2022) in his research, used the cuckoo algorithm to optimize the firefly algorithm. through a simulation experiment of six standard function tests, compared with the results of the existing heuristic test algorithms, an optimal solution with higher accuracy was obtained. in terms of application, the csfa algorithm is used in pressure vessel design, which also reflects better optimization performance. 3. research methods this study tested a raw retinal fundus image dataset provided by ophthalmology, hospital universiti sains malaysia (husm), kubang kerian, kelantan. this dataset consists of 90 fundus images with a resolution of 3008 x 2000 and the joint photographic experts group (*.jpg) format. in this experiment, 50 images were selected, among which were 10 normal fundus images, 20 fundus images with npdr, and 20 fundus images with pdr. the images were taken by an ophthalmologist technologist from husm using a fundus camera. one example of a raw retinal fundus image used in the study is shown in figure 2 fig. 2. raw retinal fundus image toresa et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 929-939 932 the methodology proposed in this study consists of two stages of processing. the first stage involves increasing the contrast of the fundus image. the second stage involves optimizing the fundus image. figure 3 shows the overall stage flow. fig. 3. image enhancement and optimization flow the procedure used to develop a system to compare selected improvement techniques is as follows: step1 : upload a fundus image with 3008 x 2000 resolution in joint photographic experts group (*.jpg) format into the system step2 : change the image background to white using the hsv color space. this process will focus on the fundus image boundary on the optimization process on the fundus image itself. step3 : apply the negative image statement, light contrast stretch, dark contrast stretch, and partial contrast stretch techniques. step4: record the performance metric values for each improvement technique. step5: apply the cuckoo search algorithm for optimization. step6: record the performance metric values for each improvement technique after optimization. step 7: extract the rgb color values from the optimized image. image preprocessing medical image improvement methods often attract the interest of researchers. negative image technique is considered as an alternative to improve fundus image quality. other techniques called dark contrast stretching technique, light contrast stretching technique, and partial contrast stretching technique will also be compared in this paper negative image technique. in digital image processing, the most basic and easiest procedure to improve the contrast of an image is to change the image to be negative. negative images are ideal for enhancing hidden detail in dark areas and have diagnostic use in imaging. in this procedure, the gray values of the pixels are reversed to produce a negative image (maini & aggarwal, 2010) . negative images are useful for highlighting white or gray information contained in dark areas of the image. dark and light contrast stretching technique, images with low contrast tend to be of poor quality because the details are difficult for the human eye to read directly. to improve image efficiency, it is necessary to carry out a contrast stretching process kontras (firdausy et al., 2007) . contrast stretching is a procedure that can improve the quality of low-contrast images. this toresa et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 929-939 933 process is a point procedure where the pixel gray level is changed to a certain gray level based on certain features. in point processing, each image pixel is transferred independently to other pixels, so that the image can be easily viewed and analyzed after the contrast enhancement process is performed. two automatic scaling methods that are usually used to increase the brightness and contrast levels of an image are by using the linear mapping feature. this method focuses on the initial brightness and contrast levels of the photo to create a change. figure 4 is an illustrative example of applying the dark stretch method, where the threshold value used is 100 and the dark stretch element value is 250 fig. 4. light dark stretching method bright stretch techniques often use automatic scaling in the form of linear mapping to increase the brightness and contrast of an image. this approach can be described by equation 1. the stretching and compression processes for the bright stretching technique can be seen in figure 5. fig. 5. light stretching method for a threshold value of 150 and a dark stretching factor of 100, the light intensit y in the input image spectrum from 0 to the threshold value is compressed into a range of 0 to the dark threshold factor value. light intensity that is not included in that range will be maintained according to the intensity of the original output. the partial contrast stretch technique, partial contrast is a linear mapping technique used to increase the contrast and brightness levels of an image. this technique is based on the initial brightness and contrast levels of dynamic images (salihah et al., 2010) . figure 6 shows the compression and stretching processes used in the partial contrast stretch technique. when implementing this strategy, pixels in the lower threshold value (minth) and upper threshold value (maxth) ranges can be converted to a new range and expanded linearly to a larger set of pixels in the new lower value (nminth) and new upper value ranges (nmaxth), so that the dynamic range of the histogram is achieved. meanwhile, the remaining pixels will experience distortion (abdul-nasir et al., 2013) . fig. 6. partial contrast stretching process min)( )( min)(max min minmax     fq ff p kk toresa et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 929-939 934 image optimization one of the new and effective optimization strategies developed is the cuckoo optimization algorithm. this algorithm is inspired by the behavior of cuckoo birds in breeding. several species of cuckoo birds deposit their eggs in the nests of male host birds. in some cases, the cuckoo bird kills the host bird's eggs to increase the chances that the eggs themselves will survive. when the host bird becomes aware of the presence of cuckoo eggs, it either leaves the nest or discards the cuckoo eggs. studies show that cuckoo eggs tend to closely resemble those of their hosts, and some types of cuckoo chicks may even mimic the sounds of their host chicks to increase the chances that the chicks will survive. cuckoo algorithm optimization is considered more effective compared to other algorithms such as genetic algorithm (ga) and particle swarm optimization (pso) because it uses lévy random walk rather than isotropic random walk which requires many parameters to be modified. in this paper, performance metrics such as entropy, psnr, mse, and niqe are compared for 4 image processing techniques, namely image negative, dark stretch, bright stretch, and partial contrast stretch after image processing and optimization. 4. results and discussions in order to compare the effectiveness of the selected enhancement techniques, it is necessary to compare the performance metrics on the enhanced images. in this assessment, we use niqe, psnr, mse, and entropy. the lower the niqe value, the better the enhanced image quality. a lower psnr indicates a better increase in image contrast, while a higher psnr will provide lower contrast. a lower mse value indicates better noise reduction in the image. the higher the entropy value, the more information is stored in the image. in the initial stage, each image was enhanced using the technique selected in this paper, and a performance score was recorded. the mean and standard deviation are calculated and listed in table 1 figure 7a shows the fundus images that have been enhanced using the negative technique, with the lowest niqe score among all the techniques. this shows that this technique produces images that are less clear to the observer. figure 7b shows a fundus image that has been enhanced by the dark contrast stretching technique, and has slightly better niqe and entropy scores than the negative technique. figure 7c shows the fundus images that have been enhanced by the bright contrast stretching technique, with the highest entropy among all the techniques. this suggests that the bright contrast stretching technique can better retain details in an image. the partial contrast stretching technique shows the highest niqe score and the lowest entropy score, and the enhanced yield images are shown in figure 7d. despite the high contrast, detailed information is lacking. overall, the mse score for all selected techniques is close to zero which means that all techniques are effective in noise reduction. a comparative picture of upgrades and optimizations is shown below fig. 7. original fundus image with background masking done toresa et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 929-939 935 fig. 7a. negative image before optimization fig. 8a. negative image after optimization fig. 7b. dark contrast stretch before optimization fig. 8b. dark contrast stretch after optimization fig. 7c. bright contrast stretch before optimization fig. 8c. bright contrast stretch after optimization fig. 7d. partial contrast stretch before optimization fig. 8d. partial contrast stretch after optimization table 1 performance metrics of improvement before optimization techniques upgrade technique mean standart deviation niqe psnr mse entropi niqe psnr mse entropi negative image 2.8834 50.7627 ≈ 0 5.1682 0,2257 0,0039 ≈ 0 0,2219 dark contrast stretch 3.0449 50.8303 ≈ 0 5.2083 0,3565 0,1074 ≈ 0 0,2867 bright contrast stretch 4.0582 50.7794 ≈ 0 5.7246 0,4305 0,0213 ≈ 0 0,1544 toresa et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 929-939 936 partial contrast stretch 4.3227 51.7438 ≈ 0 3.0910 1,4643 0,5767 ≈ 0 1.4008 however, after performing image optimization, the evaluation results show differences as shown in table 2. cuckoo optimization proved to be more efficient in setting up the image enhancement function. the performance metrics used are niqe, psnr, mse, and entropy. the bright contrast stretch had the lowest niqe score, while the highest entropy value was on the bright contrast stretch, but decreased slightly after optimization, indicating that some information was lost. the optimized image can be seen clearly, as shown in figure 8d. in addition, dark contrast stretching has the highest psnr among other techniques, while partial contrast stretching has the lowest psnr. therefore, dark contrast stretch provides better image contrast than any other technique. unlike the results of image enhancement in table 1, partial contrast stretching provides better contrast with the highest psnr. for the mse evaluation, image negative performs best with the lowest consistent value, while dark contrast stretching has the lowest mse value but with a high standard deviation, showing inconsistent results. of all the techniques, it appears that bright contrast stretching has the lowest niqe, better entropy, but moderate psnr. histogram equalization has the second lowest niqe, moderate entropy, and good mse and psnr values table 2 performance metrics of improvement after optimization techniques enhancement techniques mean standart deviation niqe psnr mse entropi niqe psnr mse entropi negative image 5.4746 50.2330 0,6163 2.8572 0,8885 0,0139 0,0019 1,0197 dark contrast stretch 6.0102 50.7259 0,5559 2.4922 2.1319 0,6538 0,0751 1.0151 bright contrast stretch 5.2850 49.5141 0,7273 5.0193 0,2262 0,0426 0,0070 0,2612 partial contrast stretch 6.0838 40.4990 0,7299 1,8564 1.1357 0,0889 0,0143 1.2779 each technique shows a different performance in enhancing the image. after optimization with the cuckoo algorithm, the results of image enhancement show a significant improvement compared to before optimization. the performance of all techniques, in terms of niqe scores, improved after optimization. although the optimization may limit performance in terms of mse for all enhancement techniques, the resulting images still have greater clarity, allowing the ophthalmologist to see abnormal features more clearly. overall, the entropy performance values tend to decrease after optimization, except for the bright contrast stretching technique, which performs very well and does not require optimization. 5. conclusion there are various types of image preprocessing methods contained in the literature. however, in several studies, fundus image preprocessing methods were compared only in a limited number. in this research, five image enhancement techniques are compared and each technique has different advantages. the difference between the results before and after optimization shows the effect of using the cuckoo optimization technique. of all the negative image techniques, light contrast expansion, dark contrast expansion, and partial contrast expansion, it can be seen that the results obtained from the enhancement process show better results before optimization is carried out. it can also be seen that the psnr yield decreases after optimization, which indicates lower quality in the segmentation process. the niqe result should have been lower after optimization, but in fact it has actually increased. from the experimental results obtained using psnr, mse, entropy, and niqe, it appears that the performance metrics for psnr, niqe, and entropy are better after the upgrade process. the proposed technique produces better image quality improvements in several performance metrics, such as mse, niqe, psnr, and entropy. bright contrast stretch outperforms other techniques in niqe mean (5.2850), entropy (5.0193), niqe standard deviation (0.2261), and entropy (0.2612). even so, mse is better after optimization. however, among the four enhancement techniques proposed for image enhancement, bright contrast widening has a greater advantage over other techniques. this study provides insight into retinal image enhancement techniques that provide ophthalmologists with different options in image enhancement techniques, which helps toresa et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 929-939 937 them have clear vision to more accurately detect dr. however, the big challenge in image processing, in this case image enhancement, is the necessity for humans to determine whether an image matches the role requested. the limitation of this study is that there are several indicators that do not match the optimization of the cuckoo algorithm. therefore, further studies are needed to study the improvement of techniques and optimization of algorithms that are more compatible and suitable. references abdul-nasir, a. s., mashor, m. y., & mohamed, z. 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(2023). microaneurysms detection in retinal images using a multi-scale approach. biomedical signal processing and control, 79(p2), 104184. subramanian, s., mishra, s., patil, s., shaw, k., & aghajari, e. (2022). machine learning styles for diabetic retinopathy detection: a review and bibliometric analysis. big data and cognitive computing, 6(4). sun, y., zhao, z., jiang, d., tong, x., tao, b., jiang, g., kong, j., yun, j., liu, y., liu, x., zhao, g., & fang, z. (2022). low-illumination image enhancement algorithm based on improved multi-scale retinex and abc algorithm optimization. frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 10(april), 1–16. swathi, c., anoop, b. k., dhas, d. a. s., & sanker, s. p. (2017). comparison of different image preprocessing methods used for retinal fundus images. 2017 conference on emerging devices and smart systems, icedss 2017, october 2017, 175–179. tavakoli, m., mehdizadeh, a., aghayan, a., shahri, r. p., ellis, t., & dehmeshki, j. (2021). toresa et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 929-939 939 automated microaneurysms detection in retinal images using radon transform and supervised learning: application to mass screening of diabetic retinopathy. ieee access, 9, 67302–67314. toresa, d., azrul, m., shahril, e., hazlyna, n., abu, j., & amnur, h. (2021). automated detection and counting of hard exudates for diabetic retinopathy by using watershed and double top-bottom hat filtering algorithm. 5(september), 242–247. yadav, d., karn, a. k., giddalur, a., dhiman, a., sharma, s., muskan, & yadav, a. k. (2021). microaneurysm detection using color locus detection method. measurement: journal of the international measurement confederation, 176(july 2020), 109084. zhang, m., jiang, w., zhou, x., xue, y., & chen, s. (2019). a hybrid biogeography-based optimization and fuzzy c-means algorithm for image segmentation. soft computing, 23(6), 2033–2046. the cuckoo optimization algorithm enhanced visualization of morphological features of diabetic retinopathy dafwen toresa1*, fana wiza2, ahmad ade irwanda3, wenti sasparita abiyus4, edriyansyah5, taslim6 universitas lancang kuning, indonesia1 2 3 4 6 universitas hang tuah pekanbaru, indonesia5 received : 13 april 2023, revised: 29 may 2023, accepted : 30 may 2023 *corresponding author abstract this research compares strategies for identifying diabetic retinopathy (dr) using fundus image and discusses the efficiency of various image pre-processing techniques to enhance the quality of fundus images. fundus images in medical image processing o... keywords : diabetic retinopathy, fundus image, cuckoo algorithm, image enhancement. 1. introduction to perform fundus imaging, a blinking sensor mounted on a microscope is used. the fundus consists of the retina, optic disc, macula, and fovea, which are located in a position opposite to the lens of the eye (pundikal & holi, 2022). retinal fundus ima... fig. 1. main areas of the retina diabetic retinopathy is a condition that can cause vision loss (soares et al., 2023). therefore, detecting this condition at an early stage can help prevent more severe vision loss (bhimavarapu & battineni, 2022). within the eye, blood vessels play a ... retinal hemorrhage is a form of damage to the retina that can be seen as a dark area on an image of the retina. bleeding on the retina can be of various sizes and appear as a dark or reddish color (bhateja et al., 2021). types of bleeding in the retin... diabetic retinopathy is divided into two stages, namely non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (npdr) and proliferative retinopathy. in the npdr stage, the main symptoms are the appearance of microaneurysms and exudates. a small, circular, dark microa... pre-processing is an important stage in the production of medical images to remove image noise and improve certain characteristics (subramanian et al., 2022). noise, poor quality, inappropriate lighting, and dim issues are some of the problems that of... in this study, images will be enhanced using negative image techniques, bright contrast stretching, dark contrast stretching, and partial contrast stretching, and optimized with cuckoo search optimization. the purpose of this optimization is to improv... being one of the newest and most efficient optimization techniques developed, cuckoo optimization produces a much better solution than genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization. the main feature of cuckoo search optimization is to achieve the... 2. literature review gupta compared the adaptive automatic histogram equalization (adhe) technique, sub-image histogram equalization based on exposure (esihe), and adaptive histogram equalization technique with contrast constraints (clahe) in fundus image pre-processing t... sun et al., (2022) in his research to improve the quality of health images using the abc optimization algorithm due to generally poor health image quality and loss of detailed information in the process of low light image enhancement, low light image ... most medical images are digital images or converted into digital formats. the digital field offers many advantages in handling images, but there are many challenges to digital medical images during the optimization process, such as image quality contr... chen, (2022) in his research, used the cuckoo algorithm to optimize the firefly algorithm. through a simulation experiment of six standard function tests, compared with the results of the existing heuristic test algorithms, an optimal solution with hi... 3. research methods this study tested a raw retinal fundus image dataset provided by ophthalmology, hospital universiti sains malaysia (husm), kubang kerian, kelantan. this dataset consists of 90 fundus images with a resolution of 3008 x 2000 and the joint photographic e... fig. 2. raw retinal fundus image the methodology proposed in this study consists of two stages of processing. the first stage involves increasing the contrast of the fundus image. the second stage involves optimizing the fundus image. figure 3 shows the overall stage flow. fig. 3. image enhancement and optimization flow the procedure used to develop a system to compare selected improvement techniques is as follows: step1 : upload a fundus image with 3008 x 2000 resolution in joint photographic experts group (*.jpg) format into the system step2 : change the image background to white using the hsv color space. this process will focus on the fundus image boundary on the optimization process on the fundus image itself. step3 : apply the negative image statement, light contrast stretch, dark contrast stretch, and partial contrast stretch techniques. step4: record the performance metric values for each improvement technique. step5: apply the cuckoo search algorithm for optimization. step6: record the performance metric values for each improvement technique after optimization. step 7: extract the rgb color values from the optimized image. image preprocessing medical image improvement methods often attract the interest of researchers. negative image technique is considered as an alternative to improve fundus image quality. other techniques called dark contrast stretching technique, light contrast stretchin... negative image technique. in digital image processing, the most basic and easiest procedure to improve the contrast of an image is to change the image to be negative. negative images are ideal for enhancing hidden detail in dark areas and have diagnostic use in imaging. in thi... dark and light contrast stretching technique, images with low contrast tend to be of poor quality because the details are difficult for the human eye to read directly. to improve image efficiency, it is necessary to carry out a contrast stretching pro... two automatic scaling methods that are usually used to increase the brightness and contrast levels of an image are by using the linear mapping feature. this method focuses on the initial brightness and contrast levels of the photo to create a change. figure 4 is an illustrative example of applying the dark stretch method, where the threshold value used is 100 and the dark stretch element value is 250 fig. 4. light dark stretching method bright stretch techniques often use automatic scaling in the form of linear mapping to increase the brightness and contrast of an image. this approach can be described by equation 1. the stretching and compression processes for the bright stretching t... fig. 5. light stretching method for a threshold value of 150 and a dark stretching factor of 100, the light intensity in the input image spectrum from 0 to the threshold value is compressed into a range of 0 to the dark threshold factor value. light intensity that is not included in... the partial contrast stretch technique, partial contrast is a linear mapping technique used to increase the contrast and brightness levels of an image. this technique is based on the initial brightness and contrast levels of dynamic images (salihah et... figure 6 shows the compression and stretching processes used in the partial contrast stretch technique. when implementing this strategy, pixels in the lower threshold value (minth) and upper threshold value (maxth) ranges can be converted to a new ran... fig. 6. partial contrast stretching process image optimization one of the new and effective optimization strategies developed is the cuckoo optimization algorithm. this algorithm is inspired by the behavior of cuckoo birds in breeding. several species of cuckoo birds deposit their eggs in the nests of male host b... 4. results and discussions in order to compare the effectiveness of the selected enhancement techniques, it is necessary to compare the performance metrics on the enhanced images. in this assessment, we use niqe, psnr, mse, and entropy. the lower the niqe value, the better the ... figure 7a shows the fundus images that have been enhanced using the negative technique, with the lowest niqe score among all the techniques. this shows that this technique produces images that are less clear to the observer. figure 7b shows a fundus i... a comparative picture of upgrades and optimizations is shown below table 1 performance metrics of improvement before optimization techniques however, after performing image optimization, the evaluation results show differences as shown in table 2. cuckoo optimization proved to be more efficient in setting up the image enhancement function. the performance metrics used are niqe, psnr, mse, ... table 2 performance metrics of improvement after optimization techniques each technique shows a different performance in enhancing the image. after optimization with the cuckoo algorithm, the results of image enhancement show a significant improvement compared to before optimization. the performance of all techniques, in t... 5. conclusion there are various types of image preprocessing methods contained in the literature. however, in several studies, fundus image preprocessing methods were compared only in a limited number. in this research, five image enhancement techniques are compare... even so, mse is better after optimization. however, among the four enhancement techniques proposed for image enhancement, bright contrast widening has a greater advantage over other techniques. this study provides insight into retinal image enhancemen... references abdul-nasir, a. s., mashor, m. y., & mohamed, z. 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(2000). towards automatic image enhancement using genetic algorithms. proceedings of the ieee conference on evolutionary computation, icec, 2, 1535–1542. pendekal, m. j., & gupta, s. (2022). an ensemble classifier based on individual features for detecting microaneurysms in diabetic retinopathy. indonesian journal of electrical engineering and informatics, 10(1), 60–71. pundikal, m., & holi, m. s. (2022). microaneurysms detection using grey wolf optimizer and modified k-nearest neighbor for early diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy. international journal of intelligent engineering and systems, 15(1), 130–140. https://d... ramasubramanian, b., & selvaperumal, s. (2016). a comprehensive review on various preprocessing methods in detecting diabetic retinopathy. international conference on communication and signal processing, iccsp 2016, 642–646. rosas-romero, r., martínez-carballido, j., hernández-capistrán, j., & uribe-valencia, l. j. (2015). a method to assist in the diagnosis of early diabetic retinopathy: image processing applied to detection of microaneurysms in fundus images. computeriz... salazar-gonzalez, a., kaba, d., li, y., & liu, x. (2014). segmentation of the blood vessels and optic disk in retinal images. ieee journal of biomedical and health informatics, 18(6), 1874–1886. salihah, a. n. a., mashor, m. y., harun, n. h., & rosline, h. (2010). colour image enhancement techniques for acute leukaemia blood cell morphological features. 3677–3682. sengupta, s., singh, a., leopold, h. a., gulati, t., & lakshminarayanan, v. (2020). ophthalmic diagnosis using deep learning with fundus images – a critical review. in artificial intelligence in medicine. shiralkar, s., bahulekar, a., & jawade, s. (2022). the cuckoo search algorithm: a review. international research journal of engineering and technology, 1238–1246. soares, i., castelo-branco, m., & pinheiro, a. (2023). microaneurysms detection in retinal images using a multi-scale approach. biomedical signal processing and control, 79(p2), 104184. subramanian, s., mishra, s., patil, s., shaw, k., & aghajari, e. (2022). machine learning styles for diabetic retinopathy detection: a review and bibliometric analysis. big data and cognitive computing, 6(4). sun, y., zhao, z., jiang, d., tong, x., tao, b., jiang, g., kong, j., yun, j., liu, y., liu, x., zhao, g., & fang, z. (2022). low-illumination image enhancement algorithm based on improved multi-scale retinex and abc algorithm optimization. frontiers ... swathi, c., anoop, b. k., dhas, d. a. s., & sanker, s. p. (2017). comparison of different image preprocessing methods used for retinal fundus images. 2017 conference on emerging devices and smart systems, icedss 2017, october 2017, 175–179. https://do... tavakoli, m., mehdizadeh, a., aghayan, a., shahri, r. p., ellis, t., & dehmeshki, j. (2021). automated microaneurysms detection in retinal images using radon transform and supervised learning: application to mass screening of diabetic retinopathy. iee... toresa, d., azrul, m., shahril, e., hazlyna, n., abu, j., & amnur, h. (2021). automated detection and counting of hard exudates for diabetic retinopathy by using watershed and double top-bottom hat filtering algorithm. 5(september), 242–247. yadav, d., karn, a. k., giddalur, a., dhiman, a., sharma, s., muskan, & yadav, a. k. (2021). microaneurysm detection using color locus detection method. measurement: journal of the international measurement confederation, 176(july 2020), 109084. https... zhang, m., jiang, w., zhou, x., xue, y., & chen, s. (2019). a hybrid biogeography-based optimization and fuzzy c-means algorithm for image segmentation. soft computing, 23(6), 2033–2046. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 2(2) 2021 : 70-77 70 management information system in evaluation of bca mobile banking using delone and mclean model astri ayu purwati 1* , zainol mustafa 2 , mazzlida mat deli 3 department of management, institut bisnis dan teknologi pelita indonesia1 school of mathematical sciences, universiti kebangsaan malaysia2 faculty of education, university kebangsaan malaysia3 received : 11 april 2021, revised: 9 may 2021 , accepted : 9 may 2021 *coresponding author abstract the investment in information system brings significant impacts on the banking industry because it plays a pivotal role in providing better services and competitive edges. this study evaluated satisfaction level and benefit of the usage of the banking system which is m-banking using the is success model approach developed by delone and mclane in 2003. the population in this study was customers of one of the largest banks in indonesia, namely bank central asia (bca) with a sample size of 200 customers. the data were analyzed using structural equation model (sem) with amos. the results showed that the is success model consisting of system quality, information quality and service quality has a significant impact on customer satisfaction in using bca m-banking. this study also validates the research conducted by delone and mclean (2003) in developing the is success model as a measure of the quality and key to the success of an information system. keywords : is success model; mobile banking; delone and mclean 1. introduction over the past few years, information technology has advanced rapidly and significant from year to year. information technology users enjoy a lot of convenience due to it. mobile banking is a facility from a bank in this modern era that follows developments in technology and communications. the services contained in mobile banking include payments, transfers, history, and so on. the use of mobile banking ser-vices on cellphones enable customers to execute their banking activities with ease anytime and anywhere. it is expected to provide ease and benefits to customers in accessing the bank without having to be physically present in the place. banking service through mobile banking has been consistently offered through electronic media or during the application for a new bank account. the low rate of adoption may be due to several factors such as lack of knowledge of the convenience and benefits of mobile banking services as well as preferences to use manual transactions by coming directly to the bank to queue. the investment in information system brings significant impacts on the banking industry because it plays a pivotal role in providing better services and competitive edges. this represents a challenge for organizations to continue to improve the performance of information systems in banking(al-ghazali, et. al., 2015). a system is a unit composed of a number of elements. based on that definition, it can be concluded that the system is a collection of elements whose functions are interconnected and organized, into a unit that has a function of creating balance and efficiency in a work. evaluation of information system is necessary to determine the quality of the use of the system. in evaluating information system, several success models have been developed by researchers (jeong, h. y., & kim, y. h., 2012; yakubu, m. n., & dasuki, s., 2018; booth, 2012). delone and mclean's 1992 model received much attention from subsequent researchers(jeong, h. y., & kim, y. h., 2012; hsu, et. al., 2014; tona, et. al., 2012). in 2003, de-lone and mclean revised their model and it received similar attention as the first iteration. one reason is that their model is a simple one but reliably valid(al-debei, et. al., 2013). a number of studies also showed several aspects in evaluating information system, such as information user satisfaction, system usage and information value. some researchers propose astri ayu purwati, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 70-77 71 to use user satisfaction as a measure of information system use(sharkey, et. al., 2010). system quality and information quality are significant predictors of user satisfaction and intended use. user satisfaction is a significant predictor for intended use and individual impact. intended use is also a significant predictor of user satisfaction and individual impact. lastly, individual impact affects organizational performance (organizational impact). 2. literature review system quality on system usage satisfaction the model developed by delone and mclean in 2003 is a model that reflects the dependence of six measures of information success. many studies were conducted to examine the effect of system quality on user satisfaction in the study. previous studies have shown positive results of the effect of information system quality on user satisfaction(shim, m., & jo, h. s., 2020). when a system is perceived as a quality system, the users are likely to be satisfied in using the system. information system users who get the de-sired results from a system will feel more satisfied and be more likely to continue to use the system. based on this argument, the following hypothesis was formulated: hypothesis 1: system quality has a positive effect on m-banking user satisfaction system quality on user satisfaction information quality dimension is the key factor of an end user satisfaction instrument(alzahrani, et. al., 2020). as a result, information quality is often not used as a unique idea but is measured as a component of user satisfaction. delone and mclane stated that information quality can affect system user satisfaction. in contrast, the results of previous studies indicated that quality of information does not affect user satisfaction(halim, et. al., 2016; sarkheyli & song, 2018). if an information system can provide quality information, a user will be more likely to be more satisfied with the information obtained. based on this argument, the following hypothesis was formulated: hypothesis 2: information quality has a positive effect on m-banking user satisfaction service quality on user satisfaction service quality is defined as an assessment perceived by comparing user expecta-tions with the level of perception received by customers about the service they receive(riasti & nugroho, 2019; fang, et. al., 2011). previous studies showed that service quality affected user satisfaction, similar to system and information quality(riasti & nugroho, 2019). improving the quality of information system services will give satisfaction to users if user expectations and perceptions received are compatible in which service quality provides user satisfaction. based on this argument, the following hypothesis was formulated: hypothesis 3: service quality has a positive effect on m-banking user satisfaction user satisfaction on net benefits net benefits are commonly measured in organization performance. perceived benefits are the effect of using information systems. the relationship between system end user satisfaction and net benefits has been investigated in several previous studies(fang, et. al., 2011; al-debei, 2014). when users are satisfied with the service they use, they are more likely to feel secure and convenient in using it. it is argued that the higher the user satisfaction of an information system, the greater the net benefits will be for users. based on this argument, the following hypothesis was formulated: hypothesis 4: user satisfaction has a positive effect on net benefits based on the background above, the framework for the is success model in using mobile banking is as follows: astri ayu purwati, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 70-77 72 fig. 1. research framework 3. research methods population and sample the population in this study was customers of one of the largest banks in indonesia, namely bank central asia (bca) in pekanbaru, riau provice with a sample size of 200 customers. the optimal number of samples was 100-200 respondents. study instrument design the instrument in this study was a questionnaire. there were 2 ways of conducting a study with questionnaire as the instrument, namely by personally administering questionnaires to groups of individuals and by mail questionnaires. measurement of the questionnaire was performed using 5-point likert scale. respondents were asked questions about how much they thought about these questions using a likert scale of 1-5, where scale 1 represented “strongly disagree” and scale 5 represented “strongly agree”, as in the following model: strongly disagree strongly agree 1 2 3 4 5 operational definition of variables table 1 operational definition of variables variable attribute/indicator system quality functionality reliability utility accessibility information quality accuracy timeliness relevance precision informativeness service quality reliability service response guarantee empathy user satisfaction product stability familiarity in using a product product recommendation ease of use of the product meeting expectation net benefit trust emotion commitment switching cost word of mouth cooperation astri ayu purwati, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 70-77 73 structural equation modeling analysis theoretical review was used to develop the base model for subsequent steps. the constructs and dimensions to be studied from the theoretical model have been developed in theoretical studies and hypothesis development. this study used the multivariate structural equation model (sem) technique, on the ground that sem had the ability to combine measurement models and structural models simultaneously when compared to other multivariate techniques. in addition, the sem technique enabled us to test the direct and indirect effect. the software used for data processing using sem was amos 4. 4. results and discussions bank central asia (bca) mobile banking application below are the features of bank central asia mobile banking: fig. 1. home screen of m-bca astri ayu purwati, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 70-77 74 fig. 2. feature screen of m-bca figure 1 and 2 above showed the home screen and features offered by m-bca to its customers/users. the features include: 1) m-info, which provides customer with financial information such as balance information, account mutations, deposit accounts, rewards, etc. 2) m-transfer, which functions to assist customers in making fund transfers both to fellow bca banks and between banks. m-transfer is also equipped with transfer features via bca virtual account and sakuku. 3) m-payment, which functions to help customers make payments such as credit cards, postpaid mobile phones, telephone, utilities, insurance, internet, loans, etc. 4) cardless is a feature that functions as a substitute for an atm card when a customer wants to make cash withdrawals or cash deposits to an atm. analysis of the usability of bca mobile banking application using the is success model model feasibility test until determining the viability of a structural model, the step that must be taken is to determine whether the data to be processed satisfies the assumptions of the structural equation model. assessing the goodness-of-fit is the main goal of sem to find out how far the hypothesized model is "fit" or fits the data sample. the results of goodness-of-fit are shown in the following table: table 2 goodness of fit result goodness of fit index cut-off* results conclusion chi-square 613.094 probability ≥ 0.05 0.000 marginal g f i ≥ 0.90 0.857 marginal a g f i ≥ 0.90 0.821 marginal t l i ≥ 0.90 0.911 fit c f i ≥ 0.90 0.923 fit n f i ≥ 0.90 0.851 marginal i f i ≥ 0.90 0.924 fit rmsea 0.05 0.08 0.059 fit source: processed data (2020). based on the results in the table above, it can be seen that the research model was close to a fit model. it is shown by the tli (0,911), cfi (0,923), ifi (0,924) and rsmea (0,059) values whose models have met the fit criteria while probability (0,000), gfo (0,857), agfi (0,821) and astri ayu purwati, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 70-77 75 nfi (0,851) were close or marginal. it means that through testing, the model is declared fit and eligible for the next tests. hypothesis test for path analysis with analysis of moment structure (amos) table 2 hypothesis test for path analysis exogenous variable endogenous variable standardized coefficient critical ratio p-value h1 system quality (x1) user satisfaction (y1) 0.103 0.920 0.000 h2 information quality (x2) user satisfaction (y1) 0.942 6.244 0.000 h3 service quality (x3) user satisfaction (y1) 0.009 0.082 0.005 h4 user satisfaction (y1) net benefit (y2) 0.005 0.021 0.028 source: processed data (2020). effect of system quality on user satisfaction based on the analysis on hypothesis 1, it was known that system quality had a significant effect on user satisfaction, in this case is students. it means that the better the information system quality offered in bca m-banking, the higher the customer satisfaction in using m-banking. the standard of the system consists of adaptability, accessibility, reliability, time of response and usability. adaptability is the ability to adapt to a system's ability (e.g. a computer system) to adapt to various circumstances effectively and quickly. therefore, adaptive systems are open systems that are able to adjust behavior according to changing environments or from the system itself. in testing and maintenance, availability refers to the existence of a reliable device. it is typically quicker and more accurate to improve maintenance and upkeep. reliability implies the capacity of a device or component to operate for a given period of time under stated conditions. answer time is the cumulative amount of time it takes to answer a request for a specific service again. usability is the ease of operation and learning of university information systems in order to communicate effectively (shim, m., & jo, h. s., 2020). in this regard, the quality of the bca mbanking system which consists of functionality, reliability of the system provided, level of usability and accessibility is good and is considered capable of providing user (tam & oliveira, 2017). today's users need a system that is reliable and able to meet their transaction needs more efficiently than physically coming to an atm or a bank. effect of information quality on user satisfaction the analysis on hypothesis 2 showed that information quality had a significant effect on m-baking user satisfaction. the higher the information quality of bca m-banking, the more likely it is for users to feel satisfied and loyal. the quality information of m-banking is measured by the accuracy of the information provided. in addition to transactional features, the service also provides information on the use of each of these features and all updated information related to bca bank and the products offered(sarkheyli, a., & song, w. w., 2018). furthermore, the timeliness and relevance of the information provided on m-banking are also important things that m-banking users expected. precision and informativeness are also considered good because the information features provided by m-bca are very informative. the results were in line with previous studies demonstrating that system quality had a dominant effect on user satisfaction. effect of service quality on user satisfaction the analysis on hypothesis 3 showed that service quality had a significant effect on mbaking user satisfaction. improving the quality of banking services, especially in the m-banking system, is very necessary considering customers choose a bank that provides good and efficient service quality and brings high satisfaction to users(mansour, 2020). service quality of an m-banking which consists of reliability, service. response, assurance and empathy must be able to support a system that is more efficient than the services provided by humans. in this case, the completeness of elements of banking services provided by m-banking bca has been able to bring satisfaction to users. this is in line with the study by previous research showing that good service quality of a system will be able to increase user satisfaction(mobaseri, et. al., 2014). astri ayu purwati, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 70-77 76 effect of user satisfaction on net benefits net benefits are effects arising from the use of information systems on individuals, groups, organizations, industry, society, etc. organizational aspects can be measured from organizational performance, perceived usefulness, and influence on work practice. if someone is satisfied with the information system used, they will tend to feel safe and comfortable using the information system. the results of analysis on hypothesis 5 indicate that user satisfaction has an effect on the net benefits obtained due to the use of m-banking. this shows that there are many conveniences obtained by bca m-banking users. it is known that bca is a bank in indonesia that has a quality information system and m-banking, thus the quality of m-banking provided is able to meet the needs of its customers. the results of this study are in line with previous studies where user satisfaction has an effect on net benefit(klobas & mcgill, 2010). the higher the user satisfaction shows the better aspects of the benefits of a system 5. conclusion the conclusion drawn from this study is that the information system quality of m-banking bca using the is success model is pretty good where the service features provided by the mbanking system are able to give satisfaction to its users. it includes benefits in meeting user transactional need since users no longer have to be physically present in the bank or atm to conduct certain forms of transaction. the results of this study are also expected to provide feedback to the bank bca to improve the bca m-banking information system in a better direction because the use of m-bca itself has been welcomed and provides enormous benefits to user custom-ers. it also validates the study by delone and mclone in developing the is success model as the instrument to measure quality and success factors of an information system. references alzahrani, a. i., mahmud, i., ramayah, t., alfarraj, o., & alalwan, n. 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height) and (436 length x 436 width x 436 height) in millimeters respectively. the fiber glass was used as an insulator. the materials for fabrications were locally sourced and served as alternative for baking, roasting or boiling using electrical recharged power in case of power failure. the prototype inverter baking oven operates on the principle of electrical resistance and 0.147℃/w was obtained as the resistance of the heating element. the performance evaluation revealed the baking efficiency of the oven to be 94.29 %, 75 % and 66.7 % for bread, plantain and fish respectively, the maximum temperature of 160˚c, 180˚c and 200˚c were recorded. capacity of the baking oven was determined to be 6 loaves of bread per tray/batch. with practical determination and comparison made with other work, a prototype inverter powered baking oven can be adopted for domestic and industrial purpose depending on the production plans and the layout. keywords: bake, oven, inverter, mild steel, stainless steel 1. introduction a thermally protected enclosure used for dry heating of a substance is known as oven, and one of the most widely used appliance in food service industry is baking oven (genitha et al., 2014). they added that, the hot air that flows in baking oven over the baking material are either by natural convention or forced by a fan, the heat transfer from the air (i.e. convention), the heat transfer from the oven heating surfaces (i.e. radiation), and the heat transfer across contact area between product and metal surface (i.e. conduction). these are the simultaneous momentum, heat and moisture transfer mechanisms within a baking product and between the product and its environment, which theoretically are well known (tong and lund, 1990; ozilgen and heil, 1994; carvalho and martins, 1993). the study of electric baking oven has received a considerable attention over the decades, due to its durability, efficiency and availability. however, adegbola et al., (2018), developed a dual powered (gas and electricity) baking oven which is efficient, cheap and cost effective both in production and operation; mohammad and badrul (2012), analyzed and compared the performance of a new inverter topology with two types of input sources which were solar pv source and ideal dc source (battery); mercer (2014), designed, fabricated and evaluated the performance of domestic gas oven; while kosemani et al., (2021) modified and optimized an existing small-scale single-powered baking oven into a dual-powered oven. oven is a heating chamber, thermally insulated enclosure, or small furnace which is basically used for the extraction of moisture from some engineering materials to improve their mechanical properties such as hardness and ductility (solihin and wisnoe, 2014). it is also used for materials processing, heat treatment of engineering materials and sterilization of equipment and instruments for industrial use (genitha et al., 2014; adegbola et al., 2012). “developing an efficient rotary oven that is capable of addressing the issue of long baking duration and uneven heating distribution during baking could aid in encouraging indigenous use of the oven by small and medium scale bakeries in developing countries” (sanusi et al., 2021). therefore, they designed the experiment using tagushi method to investigate the influence of oven temperature and oven rack speed on the ojo, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 26-39 27 physical properties of bread produced from the rotary oven. morakinyo et al., (2017), developed and optimized an operational parameters of a gas-fired baking oven, they evaluated the oven characteristics in terms of the baking capacity, baking efficiency and weight loss of the baked bread while khater and bahnasawy (2014), developed a mathematical model of heat and mass balance of the bread baking process to predict the temperature and water content of bread at different heating temperatures and times. according to abraham and sparrow (2004); edgar et al., (2017), electricity has been the part and parcel of our modern life and it is the most widely used form of energy. they added that “man has learnt about electricity from nature as it is also a basic part of nature”. before electricity generation began over 100 years ago, houses were lit with kerosene lamps, food was cooled in iceboxes, and rooms were warmed by wood-burning or coalburning stoves (banga and alonso, 2000). islam et al., (2016) supported the revelation of jekayinfa (2007), that “bread-baking with wood as energy source required the highest energy (6.15 kjmin-1) compared with 3.37 kjmin-1 and 1.5 kjmin-1 obtained with gas and electricity as sources of energy respectively”. furthermore, ogbeide et al., (2017), used locally available materials to develop a low cost cooking oven capable of using electric and solar energy; apart from this, olugbade and ojo (2018), developed and carried out the performance evaluation of an improved electric baking oven. also, zeleke and sameer (2018), designed, constructed and carried out the performance evaluation of a box type solar cooker with a glazing wiper mechanism. yahuza et al., (2016) designed, constructed and tested a parabolic solar oven with focused reflector. heat from the sun was concentrated on a transparent glass located at the focal point to the black cast aluminum plate (absorber) which was located in an enclosed insulated space (oven). the heat absorbed by the aluminum plate which could be utilized for baking or cooking. the sun tracking was made to be manual tilt of the parabolic reflector and a booster was mounted on top of the oven which would focus the sun rays into the enclosed oven through the top glass layer. the frame was made using 50 mm x 3 mm angle iron (baltan et al., 2012). the holder and its support were constructed out of 3 mm x 12 mm flat bar and shaped round to accommodate the receiver holder. the principles of heat transfer were carried out to ascertain the efficiency of the oven. the system was tested in average sunny or cloudy conditions, the test results gave a higher temperature of 104°c (udebunu and greg, 2019). ilo and greg (2019), also developed a microcontroller based domestic multi-purpose solar powered electric cooker -oven grinder. to achieve this goal, the first work done was to design a sun tracking system that followed the movement of the sun and developed an algorithm for sun tracking and energy acquisition system. mishra, (2019) discussed a solar thermal powered bakery oven model. the proposed system integrates bakery oven with a solar parabolic trough collector. computational fluid dynamics (cfd) analysis of the temperature and air flow distribution inside the oven was undertaken. the cfd results revealed that uniform temperature can be acquired throughout the oven by proper selection of the flow model, along with implementation of realistic boundary conditions. akinfaloye (2018), designed, fabricated and carried out the performance evaluation of a domestic electric oven, he discovered that the bulk of the energy used for cooking and baking for most household in nigeria is mainly derived from fossil fuel. chukwuneke et al., (2018), developed a mini dual powered oven which is mainly made up of the electric coil, the lagging material, temperature control and the gas burner. according to mbodji and hajji (2017), household energy need is one of the biggest issues in the daily lives of people around the world. the most important energy-consuming activities in most households are cooking, lighting and use of electrical appliances. cooking accounts for a staggering 91 percent of household energy consumption, lighting uses up to 6 percent and the remaining 3 percent can be attributed to the use of basic electrical appliances such as televisions and pressing irons. cooking (such as baking, frying, boiling or roasting) is an exercise that must be carried out almost on a daily basis for the sustenance of life. in case of irregular power failure, this study developed a prototype baking oven that could be used for domestic purpose powered by electrical recharged power supply (i.e. inverter). it serves as an alternative source of power for baking. in order to achieve the purpose of the work, the study considered the design and fabrication of a prototype baking oven and evaluate the performance of the fabricated baking oven with the use of food substances such as bread, plantain and fish. the rate of bread consumption increases every month. since it’s a fast food making and can also be served as snacks, the project developed a prototype baking oven for ojo, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 26-39 28 domestic use powered by electricity supply or recharged power (inverter) as an alternative source to electricity. this work would establish a method whereby the time factor for baking will be evaluated and compare with the existing work(s) where other source of energy was used as alternative, and predict the time for subsequent baking based on the size of the loaf of bread. this would help to avoid burning of baked food or half cooked most especially when it is powered by inverter, and evaluate its efficiency. the method may also be applied in industrial settings depending on the production plans and the layout. 2. methodology in order to develop a prototype baking oven for domestic use, the following procedures were considered, working principles of the prototype baking oven; materials selection required for fabrication; design calculations and analysis; design of a prototype baking oven for domestic use and some other component parts and; performance evaluation of the baking oven using electrical recharged power (inverter). 2.1 working principle of the prototype baking oven the prototype baking oven was fabricated according to the design concept. based on the materials selected for the oven, they are meant to withstand the required temperature for baking and the prototype was to experiment and evaluate its performance. the required temperature for baking the bread was uniform throughout the baking process, the values for the size of bread before baking was also uniform but with varying temperature. this was done to ensure the best time taken for baking the bread to avoid burning or half-baked. the most important working principle of the fabricated baking oven is the process of heat transfer using electrical recharged power (inverter) as the main source of energy. heat is conducted whenever there is a temperature difference per unit length of heat transfer, which is known as temperature gradient. the heat flows from the hotter part to the coldest part and the greater the temperature difference, the faster the flow of heat. according to theodore et al., 2011, the rate of heat transfer is equal to the product of driving force and conductance. mathematically, dq/dt = ka dt/dx (1) where: q is the total rate of heat transfer measured in kj/sec. t is time in seconds. k is the thermal conductivity measured wm-1k. t is the temperature in ℃ or k. x is thickness in meter m. the heating elements were connected in series to avoid high power consumption and to prolong the time range of electrical recharged power (i.e. inverter). the heating elements were welded to the wall of the stainless steel, facing each other to ensure enough heat in the chamber and to reduce the time required for baking. the thermocouple was hanged in the oven to sense the temperature of heat produced in the oven chamber, which was displayed on the temperature controller and the temperature controller was used to regulate the temperature intended to achieve. a tray of 2 mm thickness was placed in the oven chamber, drilled all across for easy convection of heat in the baking pan placed on it. 2.2 material selection for fabrication the proposed materials for the development of an electrical baking oven were stated in table 1. all the materials used were locally sourced and fabricated and the purposes of selecting these materials are due to the ability to meet functional requirements; ability to acquire quality materials with limited resources; ability of the materials to withstand corrosive attack and rust as well as high temperature; the cost of the materials and its availability. table 1 – reasons for the choice of materials and their components s/no component material reasons 1 body (outer part) mild steel high resistance to breakage. ductile and malleable. 2 body frame mild steel as above 3 body (inner part) stainless steel retain strength at high temperature ojo, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 26-39 29 4 lagging material (insulator) fiberglass high thermal insulation 5 oven burner mild steel high resistance to breakage 6 perforated tray stainless steel retain strength at high temperature 7 inverter nil rechargeable 8 battery nil high capacity to charge storage 9 heating element nil high electrical resistance 10 pyrometer nil maintain temperature at desired range 11 thermocouple nil sensor used to measure temperature 12 cables nil high electrical conductivity 13 contactor nil switch for switching an electric power circuit 2.3 design calculations and analysis area of stainless steel, 𝐴𝑠𝑠 = (436 × 436) 𝑚𝑚 2 = (0.436 × 0.436) 𝑚2 area of fiber glass, 𝐴𝑓𝑔 = (440 × 440)𝑚𝑚 2 = (0.44 × 0.44)𝑚2 area of mild steel, 𝐴𝑚𝑠 = (506 × 506)𝑚𝑚 2 = (0.506 × 0.506)𝑚2 since the shape of the stainless steel, fiber glass and mild steel is square and have six sides, therefore: 𝐴 = 6𝑙2 (2) area of stainless steel, 𝐴𝑠𝑠 = 6(0.436 × 0.436)𝑚 2 = 1.14 𝑚2 area of fiber glass, 𝐴𝑓𝑔 = 6(0.44 × 0.44)𝑚 2 = 1.16 𝑚2 area of mild steel, 𝐴𝑚𝑠 = 6(0.506 × 0.506)𝑚 2 = 1.54 𝑚2 thickness or length of stainless steel, 𝐿𝑠𝑠 = 2 𝑚𝑚 = 0.002 𝑚 thickness or length of fiber glass, 𝐿𝑓𝑔 = 6 𝑚𝑚 = 0.006 𝑚 thickness or length of mild steel, 𝐿𝑚𝑠 = 2 𝑚𝑚 = 0.002 𝑚 thermal conductivity of stainless steel, 𝐾𝑠𝑠 = 8.09 𝑊𝑚 −1𝐾 thermal conductivity of fiber glass, 𝐾𝑓𝑔 = 0.036 𝑊𝑚 −1𝐾 thermal conductivity of mild steel, 𝐾𝑚𝑠 = 26.0 𝑊𝑚 −1𝐾 ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑟 = convection coefficient of air = 500 𝑊𝑚 −2𝐾−1 the required temperature from the heating element for this work was 300 ℃ but the maximum heat loss was 27 ℃. the dimensions of the prototype baking oven for the three selected materials (stainless steel, fiber glass and mild steel) and the quantity of heat flow through the materials is as shown in figure 1 and figure 2 respectively. the dimensions of the prototype baking oven for the three selected materials (stainless steel, fiber glass and mild steel) and the quantity of heat flow through the materials is as shown in figure 1 and figure 2 respectively. fig. 1. dimensions of the prototype baking oven for the three selected materials. since the energy can neither be created nor destroyed, therefore the quantity of heat flow through the materials is uniform. ojo, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 26-39 30 fig. 2. quality of heat flow through the materials total resistance 𝑅𝑇 of the heating element in series: 𝑅𝑇 = 1 ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑟𝐴𝑠𝑠 + 𝐿𝑠𝑠 𝐾𝑠𝑠𝐴𝑠𝑠 + 𝐿𝑓𝑔 𝐾𝑓𝑔𝐴𝑓𝑔 + 𝐿𝑚𝑠 𝐾𝑚𝑠 𝐴𝑚𝑠 + 1 ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑟𝐴𝑚𝑠 (3) 𝑅𝑇 = 1 500 ×1.14 + 0.002 8.09×1.14 + 0.006 0.036×1.16 + 0.002 26.0×1.54 + 1 500×1.54 = 0.147℃/w quantity of heat q required for baking is derived using the relation: 𝑄 = 𝑇∞1−𝑇∞2 𝑅𝑇 (4) where: 𝑇∞1 is the required temperature from the heating element 𝑇∞2 is the maximum heat loss 𝑄 = 300−27 0.147 = 1857.14𝑊 for the temperature at the surface of the stainless steel, convective heat transfer is taken place at this surface which is analyzed thus: 𝑄 = ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑟 𝐴𝑠𝑠 (𝑇∞1 − 𝑇1) (5) 1857.14 = 500 × 1.14(300 − 𝑇1) 𝑇1 = 169142.86 570 = 296.7𝐾 temperature of the stainless steel, conductive heat transfer takes place through the stainless steel. considering the relation: 𝑄1 = 𝐾𝑠𝑠𝐴𝑠𝑠 𝐿𝑠𝑠 (𝑇1 − 𝑇2) (6) 1857.14 = 8.09×1.14 0.002 (296.7 − 𝑇2) 𝑇2 = 296.3𝐾 for temperature of the fiber glass, conductive heat transfer takes place through the fiber glass and the temperature is determined using the relation: 𝑄2 = 𝐾𝑓𝑔𝐴𝑓𝑔 𝐿𝑓𝑔 (𝑇2 − 𝑇3) (7) 1857.14 = 0.036×1.16 0.006 (296.3 − 𝑇3) 𝑇3 = 29.5k temperature of the external casing, convective heat transfer occurs between the external wall casing and the mild steel surface which can be expressed using the newton’s law of cooling thus: 𝑄3 = ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑟 𝐴𝑚𝑠(𝑇3 − 𝑇4) (8) 1857.14 = 500 × 1.54(29.5 − 𝑇4) 𝑇4 = 27𝐾 2.3.1 determination of the capacity of electric heating element average temperature for heating element in ℃ per minute was measured to be 5℃. the total resistance of the two heating elements used and connected in series was measured as 110 ω and the required voltage was 240 volts. therefore, the power consumed is: 2 mm 6 mm 2 mm stainless steel fiber glass mild steel 300°c 27°𝐶 𝑇∞1 𝑇∞2 𝑇∞1 𝑇∞2 𝑇1 𝑇2 𝑇3 𝑇4 𝑇5 𝑅 ojo, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 26-39 31 𝑃 = 𝑉 2 𝑅 (9) where: p is the power measured in watt (w) v is the voltage measured in volts (v) r is the resistance in (ω) 𝑃 = 2402 110 = 523.6 𝑊 hence, the specific heating rate of the oven, 𝑃𝑠, is calculated thus: 𝑃𝑠 = 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 (10) 𝑃𝑠 = 523.6 5 = 104.72 𝑊 𝑚𝑖𝑛/℃ 2.4 design drawing of a prototype baking oven the design drawings are illustrated in figures 3 – 5. figure 3 shows the isometric view of the oven, figure 4 shows the pictorial view while figure 5 illustrates the exploded view of the oven. fig. 3. isometric view of the oven where: 1 is the standing frame 2 is the inner sheet metal (stainless steel) 3 is the door (mild steel) 4 is the outer sheet metal (mild sheet) 5 is the lagging material (fiber glass) ojo, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 26-39 32 fig. 4. design drawing (pictorial) of the baking oven fig. 5. exploded view of the oven 3. results and discussions 3.1 fabrication of a prototype baking oven the stainless steel and mild steel were coupled by means of welding operation. the stainless steel was insulated by fiberglass with thickness of 0.006m and then coupled with mild steel in order to minimize the heat loss. during fabrication, the dimensions were carefully followed to avoid materials wastage and the joints parts were welded to prevent injuries during body contact. using electrical recharged power source (i.e. inverter), the power rating were taken in order to determine the time taken for baking. figure 6 shows the schematic diagram of the baking process of bread of same sizes; other food items were also considered to determine its effectiveness. ojo, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 26-39 33 fig. 6. schematic diagram of the baking process of foods. 3.2 performance evaluation of the baking oven performance of a prototype baking oven was evaluated using electrical recharged power as source of energy by considering the efficiency of the oven which can be determined as follows: i. ratio of the design baking time to the actual baking time. ii. capacity of the oven. iii. moisture content of the food items which can be calculated as: moisture content = 𝐴−𝐵 𝐴 × 100 (on wet basis) moisture content = 𝐴−𝐵 𝐵 × 100 (on dry basis) where: a is the weight of the wet food substance b is the weight of the dry food substance the electrical powered baking oven was tested to determine its efficiency and effectiveness using bread, plantain and fish. the experiment was carried out for each of them. the measurement was taken with a constant temperature and time taken at different turning level of the timer and the temperature control switch that is graduated at 160˚c, 180˚c and 200˚c for bread, plantain and fish respectively. 3.2.1 baking of bread breads of the same sizes were baked in the prototype oven at a constant temperature of 160ºc but with varying time taken to determine the appropriate time to get the best texture of the bread intended. the baking oven was powered by the inverter throughout the baking process. table 2 summarized the sizes of the baked bread with different time interval. table 2 – sizes of bread baked with different time interval figure 7 shows the relationship between the size of bread (after baking) and the moisture content in wet basis. baking operation mass of pan (kg) size of bread (before baking) kg (a) time taken for baking (mins) temperature range (℃) size of bread (after baking) kg (b) moisture content 𝐴 − 𝐵 𝐴 pan 1 0.15 0.870 18 160 0.860 0.011 pan 2 0.15 0.870 21 160 0.850 0.022 pan 3 0.15 0.870 24 160 0.840 0.034 pan 4 0.15 0.870 27 160 0.830 0.046 pan 5 0.15 0.870 30 160 0.820 0.057 pan 6 0.15 0.870 33 160 0.810 0.057 ojo, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 26-39 34 fig. 7. graphical interpretation of the moisture content of bread after baking. it can be deduced that, with the same size of bread before baking at constant temperature, the size of bread after baking increases with corresponding decrease in moisture content as the time taken for baking each of them reduces. the best baking time of the same size of bread was 33 minutes as it gives better texture, color and taste, and there was no drop in moisture content but there was drop in weight after baking. this shows that any further time taken for baking the same size of bread beyond 33 minutes would result to burning. in order to avoid burning or halfbaked of the bread, time taken for baking the smaller, medium or bigger size according to the baking pan of the bread can be predicted with the same temperature range. figure 8 showed the size of the baked bread of 0.82 kg at 30 minutes with moisture content of 0.057 after undergone heating process. fig. 8. baked bread the efficiency of a prototype oven is the time taken to bake a pan of bread to a preferred taste, texture, with no moisture content giving a brownish color on the surface of the bread. the experiment showed approximately 33 minutes to bake a pan of bread but the actual baking time was assumed to be 35 minutes. 3.2.2 determination of the capacity of the baking oven according to ilesanmi and akinnuli 2019, “the capacity of the baking oven is expressed as the number of loaves of bread the oven can process (or bake) per batch”. this is adopted in this study to determine the capacity of the fabricated prototype baking oven. therefore: 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 m o is tu re c o n te n t size of bread (after baking) kg ojo, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 26-39 35 size of tray = 𝑙𝑡𝑟 × 𝑏𝑡𝑟 (11) size of the baking pan = 𝑙𝑏𝑝 × 𝑏𝑏𝑝 (12) where: 𝑙𝑡𝑟, the length of tray for baking 𝑏𝑡𝑟, the breadth of tray for baking 𝑙𝑏𝑝, the length of the baking pan 𝑏𝑏𝑝 is the breadth of the baking pan capacity of oven = 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑎𝑛 (13) baking efficiency = 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑏𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 × 100% (14) therefore, desired baking time of bread = 33 minutes actual baking time of bread = 35 minutes from equation 13, capacity of the oven = 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑎𝑛 = 𝑙𝑡𝑟×𝑏𝑡𝑟 𝑙𝑏𝑝×𝑏𝑏𝑝 = 18×16 12.5×3.84 = 6 loaves of bread per tray (batch). baking efficiency, ƞ = 33 35 × 100 = 94.29% this implies that the developed prototype oven can bake six (6) loaves per tray (batch). however, the capacity of the baking oven for processing other food substances such as plantain and fish etc. varies due to different sizes of the food substance. moisture content of the baked bread in wet basis is: moisture content = 0.87−0.81 0.87 × 100 = 6.89% 3.2.3 roasting of plantain plantain of different sizes were roasted at constant temperature of 180ºc. the size of plantain before peeling, and after peeling but before roasting was taken. with constant temperature of 180ºc, time taken for roasting the plantain was assumed to give the best look, taste and reduce the moisture content. table 3 gives the summary of different sizes of plantain after roasting. table 3 – summary of the size of plantain with constant temperature and varying time roasting operation (plantain) size of plantain (before peeling) kg size of plantain (after peeling but before roasting) kg time taken for roasting (s) mins temperature range (˚𝑐) size of plantain (after roasting) kg moisture content 𝐴 − 𝐵 𝐵 plantain 1 0.14 0.065 20 180 0.04 0.625 plantain 2 0.15 0.10 25 180 0.06 0.667 plantain 3 0.15 0.10 25 180 0.06 0.667 plantain 4 0.16 0.11 28 180 0.07 0.571 plantain 5 0.18 0.12 30 180 0.08 0.5 figure 9 shows the relationship between the size of plantain (after roasting) and the moisture content in dry basis. ojo, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 26-39 36 fig. 9. graphical interpretation of the moisture content of plantain after roasting. the size of plantain (after roasting) increases with corresponding increase in moisture content. however, the size of plantain 2 and 3 (after roasting) were uniform at 0.06 kg since the size of plantain (after peeling but before roasting) were the same, thus leads to similar moisture content of 0.667. the moisture content of plantain 4 and 5 decreases with 0.571 and 0.5 respectively due to increase in time taken for roasting. having considered the temperature range and the size of the plantain, it can be established that the best roasting time was 30 minutes except the size is greater or less than 0.12 kg (after peeling but before roasting). figure 10 shows the size of the roasted plantain after undergone heating process. fig. 10. roasted plantain the performance test showed that the specific time for roasting the plantain cannot be determined simply because different sizes of the plantain were considered. therefore, roasting of plantain to give the best look, color and to reduce the moisture content totally depends on the size (weight) of the plantain. however, since plantain 1 gave the largest size (i.e. before and after peeling) and the longest time taken for roasting, performance of the oven can be evaluated but the actual roasting time was assumed to be 40 minutes. therefore, actual baking time of bread = 40 minutes design baking time of bread = 30 minutes from equation 14, baking efficiency, ƞ = 30 40 × 100 = 75% ojo, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 26-39 37 moisture content, 0.12−0.08 0.08 × 100 = 50% 4.2.4 roasting of fish in this study, fish was classified into three different sizes (i.e. small, medium and large) and roasted at constant temperature of 200ºc but varying time interval. the size of fish before and after roasting were taken. table 4 summarized the roasting process of the fish. table 4 – summary of the roasting process of fish roasting operation (fish) size of fish (before roasting) kg time taken for roasting (mins) temperature range (℃) size of fish (after roasting) kg moisture content 𝐴 − 𝐵 𝐵 large 0.12 30 200 0.07 0.714 medium 0.10 25 200 0.05 1.000 small 0.08 20 200 0.04 1.000 considering the sizes of fish such as large, medium and small, this implies that the bigger the fish the longer the time it takes to roast or to remove the moisture content at constant temperature of 200℃. the temperature range was considered to be constant and varying time to roast the fish of different sizes to avoid burning or half baked. figure 11 showed the size of the roasted fish after undergone heating process. actual roasting time was assumed to be 45 minutes. fig. 11. roasted fish therefore, actual baking time of bread = 45 minutes design baking time of bread = 30 minutes from equation 14, baking efficiency, ƞ = 30 45 × 100 = 66.7% moisture content = 0.12−0.07 0.07 × 100 = 71.4% 5. conclusion this study was able to fabricate a prototype baking oven following the design concept. the materials used for fabrication were locally sourced and served as good substitute for baking, roasting and boiling. performance of the fabricated baking oven was evaluated using the electrical recharged power (or inverter) by considering the baking efficiency, capacity of the oven and moisture content of the bread, plantain and fish. these samples were chosen randomly since they were easily accessible and cheap to buy. from the result, baking oven has the highest percentage of baking efficiency when using bread but bread has the lowest percentage of moisture content compare to other samples used. also, from table 2, the study recorded the best time for baking the bread as 30 minutes as it gives the best color, texture and taste. from table 3 and 4, plantain 1 and fish 1 were used to determine their moisture content and the baking efficiency of the oven due to their largest size among other sizes of plantain and fish considered. since different sizes of plantain and fish were considered, it was impossible to ascertain their best cooking time unlike ojo, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 26-39 38 bread. however, little visibility studies were made to know the average baking time of bread when the oven is powered by direct power supply, gas or charcoal, moreover this study explored more knowledge on the literature review to ascertain the average baking time of bread depending on the size of bread and it was discovered that ilesanmi and akinnuli (2019), baked 0.3 kg and 0.4 kg of bread for 30 and 37 minutes respectively at 170 – 180℃. therefore, the model developed is efficient, faster and baked effectively as the oven was preheated to certain temperature at 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ft-unp in the july-december 2021 semester with 60 students as research subjects. this study was mix method by using sequential explanatory design. which is the collection of quantitative and qualitative data that is carried out sequentially. data related to the antecedents, transaction, and outcomes phases were collected using questionnaires, interviews, and observations. the research begins with developing vr media that is implemented to learning materials in the field of machining technology and then applied to learning. then first stage is carried out using quantitative then the next stage or the second stage is carried out using qualitative. the result of research showed that this vr application can help students understand the theory of introducing machine tool operations but have not been able to run machine. this study imply that students’ learning process should be enjoyable and also influence existing practices of student-centered learning. the novelty of this study showed the evaluation result of technology, especially virtual reality can be implemented in the practice learning course, it can be reference for educator to consider implementing technology in practice learning. this study will contribute to existing knowledge and various instructional method that can be implemented by educator. keywords: virtual reality, machining technology, countenance evaluation 1. introduction the machining technology course is a required course that has been mastered by students in the bachelor education of mechanical engineering, faculty of engineering. the learning outcome of this course is that students are able to operate machine tools such as lathes, fracturing machines, drilling machines properly (duran et al., 2013). so, they have to learn the machining theory material and machining practicum. the theory is learned by students concerning to introductory theory of practicum, introduction to machine tools such as names, functions, and how to operate these components for various machine tool jobs (hartanto et al., 2020; jalinus et al., 2023; riehl et al., 2014). after introduction theory learning is studied by students and conducted the assessment, it assumes that students have understood the machining theory, then students can get the opportunity to doing machinery practicum (manoli et al., 2021). if without understanding of machining operation introduction theory, the error and mistake will be taking place in operating machine which can be fatal dangers for machine and its operator (jalinus et al., 2022; suryo hartanto et al., 2022). so, the learning process is supposed by face to face. however, because of covid-19 pandemic, for health reasons, the learning cannot be conducted by face to face, but fully online (reno renaldi et al., 2022; sepulveda-escobar & morrison, 2020; kurniawan, 2022). this situation creates some problems, which students are difficult to achieve the learning outcome that has been settled on syllabus curriculum (folkourng & sakti, 2022; luo & du, 2022). educator is difficult to deliver the material about machine introduction without directly see these machines (bozkurt et al., 2020). so, there is lack of learning method that used in this course, because students need real experience to understand and master the competencies in this course. also bloom (anderson, 2001) said that psychomotor waskito et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 825-836 826 aspect of learning outcome can be reached by students when they do and practice by hands on the machines. in order to solve the problems, vr is one of the solutions that can be used by educators as instructional media that made students can interact with the online environment by assisting of computer simulation. so, students can feel that they are in that online world (fortuna et al., 2023; gregory & bannister-tyrrel, 2017). vr offers the interesting solution because it gives the realistic and interactive real experience for students, which they can experiment and practice without having to worry about the risk of accidents or engine damage. other than that, vr can give flexible learning environment and can be used everywhere (chang, 2021). the combination of vr and pedagogic concept will be positioning the vr not only just instructional media as well as learning simultaneous. vr is an instructional media that can make students focus, active and successful in providing feedback to students (rho et al., 2020). students is being more motivating and having highness curiosity in learning is the main goal of vr (kwon & morrill, 2022). vr assists students to feel the digital life experiences toward the difficult learning material that conducted in the real life as well (bahari, 2022). the reason for choosing vr technology was also triggered by research which in recent years has highlighted the effectiveness of vr from learning target competencies (tai et al., 2022). however, based on the observation that conducted by interview method, it showed that vr implementation in practice learning has not been optimally implemented. most of educators have not designed learning material using vr yet. the interview result of some students showed that all of students understand how to use vr in learning and they have supporting facilities such as laptop and smartphone. the observation results concerning to facilities in the university showed that the supporting media has been not optimally used to implement vr in practice learning. other than that, previous research result showed the inconsistency of vr implementation in learning, both in learning theory and practice. there are several research tend to showed that vr has positive impact in enhancing students’ learning outcomes (williams et al., 2022), due to the vr gives students the opportunity to be more exploring their self (sprenger & schwaninger, 2021). some of research argue that, it showed the negative impact of vr in learning, it is proven that vr has not took effect to enhance students’ learning outcomes and motivations (kaplanrakowski et al., 2021), due to the using of vr in learning was just implemented on certain topics (kugurakova et al., 2021). therefore, the evaluation research is assumed to be needed to know how the implementation of vr in learning, certainly in practice learning. then, to know what the factors that affected in vr implementation of learning practice. evaluation model that used in this research was countenance model, which the systematic model and focus on decision consideration (fegely et al., 2020), it is not just used to be compared to determine the gap between the results and expectation, but it is also compared with the absolute standard to know the benefit the evaluated program clearly (choi & noh, 2021). several previous researches also depicted that countenance evaluation was frequently used evaluation model and effective to evaluate the program in learning (rappa et al., 2022), the evaluation countenance is assumed as the best choice to be used in this research. so, this research aims at evaluating the learning system on machining technology course by using vr and describing the vr effectiveness on the course that has learning outcomes of psychomotor characteristic. the novelty of this research is the information concerning to implementation of vr in learning practice, while vr is still implemented in learning theory recently and countenance evaluation of implementing vr in learning practice has not been conducted yet. so, it can give the beneficial impact for educators and students to prepare their self and the vr-based learning process on learning practice can performance well and according to educator expectation, and it will give the convenience both for educators and students. so, this study aims at evaluation the effectivity of vr implementation in machining technology course, by focusing on vr implementation to practice students’ skill through interactive simulation and practice. this study also aims at evaluating students’ response of vr implementation and identify the factors that influencing the successful implementation of vr. this study will contribute to the existing knowledge, particularly in implementation of vr in learning and the effectiveness of vr in learning. the finding of this study will imply educators waskito et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 825-836 827 in preparing their learning process using vr. the assessment and instrument of this study can be references for the future researcher who will do the similar research. 2. literature review machining technology courses are essential in preparing students for careers in the manufacturing industry. traditional education approaches such as lectures and hands-on instruction, on the other hand, have limitations in providing a full grasp of machining operations. virtual reality (vr) technology provides a novel method to improving learning outcomes in machining technology courses. in a machining technology course, a vr-based learning platform was developed and implemented. the vr platform boosted students' grasp of machining operations and raised their enthusiasm to learn (thompson et al., 2021). furthermore, the vr platform allows students to learn and experiment with machining techniques in a safe and controlled environment, reducing the danger of classroom accidents. bos et al. (2022)investigated the efficacy of a vr-based training program for cnc (computer numerical control) machining. the study discovered that when compared to traditional training techniques, the vr-based training program increased students' cognitive and psychomotor skills. the study also found that the vr-based training package lowered training time and expense. hu-au & okita (2021) examined the possibilities of vr technology in machining education. the authors emphasized the benefits of virtual reality technology, such as its capacity to deliver a realistic and immersive learning environment, its adaptability to diverse learning styles, and its potential for remote learning. overall, the literature demonstrates that virtual reality technology has the potential to improve learning in machining technology courses. vr technology can provide a safe and regulated environment for students to practice and experiment with machining operations, thereby improving cognitive and psychomotor abilities and increasing motivation to study. more research is needed to investigate the efficacy of vr technology in various contexts and to determine the aspects that contribute to its success. vr technology has the potential to revolutionize the way engineering and machining courses are taught. vr technology can provide a safe and immersive learning environment that enhances students' learning outcomes and engagement (yang et al., 2022). because vr technology can provide a realistic and interactive learning environment that enhances students' motivation and engagement, facilitates the acquisition of practical skills, and reduces the risk of accidents and injuries in the classroom (yildirim et al., 2020). fig. 1. research conceptual framework source: (yildirim et al., 2020) 3. research methods research type and procedures research type was mixed method by using sequential explanatory design approach (christensen, 2001). research method consists of four stages, are follows: preliminary research stage, prototype designing stage and implementation of vr in learning stage, and the last stage was evaluation. first stage, the research investigates the problems that took place during covidwaskito et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 825-836 828 19 pandemic concerning to machining technology learning. in this stage, it is found the problem of machining technology learning practice problems because of covid-19 pandemic, the students cannot learn in laboratory to operate the machines. stage 2, it is developed the vr application with machining technology material. after finishing the vr application, it is assessed to the peer to know the vr application has been according to be used in machining technology learning, vr technology that developed has been according to the machining technology learning need. stage 3, implementing the machining technology learning uses vr application that has been developed to 60 students. stage 3, conducting the evaluation of implementing vr application of practicality, convenience, and effectiveness on students using vr application that has been developed. evaluation method used was countenance model. there are three phases of countenance evaluation model, as follows: 1) antecedents, 2) transaction and 3) outcomes. antecedents is the condition before learning, while transaction is a learning experience process. each phase will be implemented on observation, analysis and recommendation phases. research data was collected by questionnaire, interview and observation. the data was analyzed using two ways, are follows: correlation and descriptive to find the contingency among antecedents, transaction and outcomes, these will be according to the expect research goal and condition that observed. antecedents phase will evaluate syllabus of machining technology course, facility and infrastructure to implement vr, and students’ readiness. on the transaction process, the assessment criteria in the aspects of learning time, the ability to use vr, and learning implementation. outcome phase will assess students’ satisfied level in implementing the machining technology learning. antecedents, transaction and outcome category between expected (intents) and observed condition concerning to the horizontal assessment (congruence). research subject this research was conducted in mechanical engineering department, faculty of engineering, universitas negeri padang (unp). the simple random sampling technique was conducted to choose the research sample, while the population was the mechanical engineering students who register machining technology course. it means that all population have the same opportunity being sample. therefore, 60 students and 30 educators of mechanical engineering, faculty of engineering unp were randomly selected as research sample, which students of bachelor and diploma degree. the object of this research was vr application in machining technology learning. research instruments the observation activity used questionnaire that consists of 35 statement items of likert scale. the instrument was used for quantitative data, which the indicator of the questionnaire can be seen in detail at table 1. table 1 questionnaire’s indicators no stages indicators 1 antecedents planning, in syllabus of machining technology course (a1) need, in facility and infrastructure to implement vr (a2) students’ readiness (a3) 2 transaction learning time (t1) the ability to operate vr (t2) learning implementation (t3) 3 outcome students’ satisfied (o) in order to fulfill the qualitative data, interview was conducted to obtain the data. the interview’s questions that prepared was focused on the research objective concerning to the three phases of countenance model, as follows; antecedents, transaction and outcome. so, the qualitative collecting data activities was conducted by structure and systematic interview. data analysis technique data analysis technique used in this mix method research consists of two stages of analysis data, are follows; descriptive and correlation descriptive for quantitative data, and conclusion verification and data display for analyzing qualitative data waskito et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 825-836 829 4. results and discussions vr can be used in inquiry-based learning that focus on critical and analytical thinking process to seek and find solution of the problems by their own ability. inquiry-based learning involves students actively to seek the answers of the questions or problems (prasetya et al., 2023). by using vr, information that accepted by students will be better than using another technology tool, such as video, slide and other (vicente dos anjos et al., 2021). in learning, students do not directly touch with educator and the tool, but they seem to interact with the tool and educator. by using the tool and vr application that developed, students can learn individually, figure 2 depicts the view of vr when students using it on machining technology course. figure 2 showed the learning material such as, lathe machine that has been simulated in vr. (a) (b) fig 2. (a) lathe machine on vr and (b) one of material in machining technology course on vr the countenance stake was the evaluation model that used in this research. it has three phases of evaluation stage, there are antecedents (input), transaction (process) and outcome (output). these three phases were used to describe the effective the vr implementation in learning practice. the data used was obtained from interview and questionnaire. ant ecedents phase or input phase of vr implementation in machining technology learning practice can be reviewed from three assessment indicators, are follows: the planning, such as syllabus of machining technology course, the requirement such as facilities and infrastructures to implement vr, and students’ readiness. transaction phase was also reviewed from three assessment indicators, are follows; learning time, the ability to operate vr, and learning implementation. while output was reviewed from one assessment indicator, that is students’ readiness. the obtained antecedent data can be seen in detail at table 2. table 2 frequency distribution of vr learning plan indicators categories educators students frequency presentation (%) frequency presentation (%) very suitable 8 26,67 28 46,67 suitable 20 66,67 29 48,33 unsuitable 1 3,33 2 3,33 very unsuitable 1 3,33 1 1,67 table 2 depicts the frequency distribution of vr learning between educators and students toward planning indicators. the planning phase of vr learning that obtained from the questionnaire that filled up by educators, it showed that 26,67% of educators assume very suitable and 66,67% of them categorize it to suitable, it means that the planning of vr learning had been suitable to vr implementation in learning practice. looking forward to the students’ number, it waskito et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 825-836 830 showed that 46,67% of students assume very suitable and 48,33% being suitable. it can be concluded that the planning of vr learning had been suitable to the existing learning curriculum. the aspect of this educators’ readiness is categorized suitable, it means that educators have been ready in planning and designing the vr-based learning material. it will be better if educators can more increase the learning material understanding, certainly if it is combined ict there. the using of instructional media in assisting learning process has not utilized maximally. the educators’ ability using technology in learning and designing the instructional media tend to low for some educators. it will be obstacle to maximize the educators’ ability in planning and designing the vr-based learning material. transaction data in this research will be seen in detail at table 3. table 3 frequency distribution of vr learning implementation indicators categories educators students frequency presentation (%) frequency presentation (%) very suitable 25 83,33 35 58,33 suitable 4 13,33 23 38,33 unsuitable 1 3,33 2 3,33 very unsuitable table 3 describes the frequency distribution of vr learning implementation indicators between educators and students. the implementation phase of vr learning that obtained from the questionnaire that filled up by educators, it showed that 83,33% of educators assume very suitable and 13,33% of them categorize it to suitable in implementing vr on learning practice by existing material and curriculum. as the same as students, it showed that 58,33% of students assume very suitable and 38,33% being suitable. it means that implementation of vr in learning practice has been suitable to the learning curriculum and support the existing practice learning material. the outcome data of this research can be seen in detail at table 4. table 4 frequency distribution of vr learning satisfaction indicators categories educators students frequency presentation (%) frequency presentation (%) very suitable 23 76,67 37 61,67 suitable 6 20 20 33,33 unsuitable 3 5 very unsuitable 1 3,33 table 4 explains the frequency distribution of vr learning satisfaction indicators between educators and students. the satisfaction phase of vr learning that obtained from the questionnaire that filled up by educators, it showed that 76,67% of educators assume very suitable and 20% of them categorize it to suitable. it means that educators are satisfied to implement the learning by using vr. it regards to the students’ number, it showed that 61,67% of students assume very suitable and 33,33% being suitable. it means that implementation of vr learning has encouraged the students’ satisfaction and motivation in learning practice. in order to make it clear, here is the chart of three assessments indicator phases from countenance stake on practice learning by using vr. waskito et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 825-836 831 fig. 3. chart of sub-indicator presentation on countenance the explanation of figure 3 was the presentation spreading on each sub-indicator of antecedents, transaction and outcome assessment. the detail explanation can be seen in detail on table 5, the following table showed the analysis matrix of countenance’s three phases. table 5 analysis matrix of antecedents, transaction, and output phases description matrix judgement matrix intense observation standard judgement antecedents educators plan the implementation of vr in learning practice the observation result showed that 95% of course’s syllabus has been designed, but there are 52% of facilities and structures to conduct learning practice by implementing vr, while the students’ readiness by 65%. there are learning plan in implementing vr in learning, such as vr program design, lesson plan and learning material, facilities such as oculus and students are ready in implementing vr. most of educators on machining technology course has been ready to implement the vr in learning practice, but the facilities are not enough to support vr implementation, such as oculus. so, it will affect to students’ readiness. transaction students conduct the learning practice process using vr that according to the design that has been planned. the observation result showed that vr implementation on learning practice has been saved the educators’ time of 65%, in delivering the learning material. the ability of students in operating vr by 74% and the implementation of vr in learning practice has been performance of 72%. students be able to operate vr in learning practice, and vr implementation in learning has been effective to save educators’ time in delivering the material before practicing. implementation vr in learning has been effective to save educators’ time. so, it will give positive impact on students’ ability in operating vr, and vr in learning has been fully implemented. outcomes students satisfy in vr learning the observation result showed that students’ satisfaction in implementing vr on learning practice of 74%. students are satisfied and motivated of vr implementation in learning. students are satisfied of vr implementation in learning practice. students’ satisfaction of ict cultured learning environment indicators falls into the appropriate category. it includes support from educators to provide ict facilities according to student requests, and currently they are easy to get ict facilities. the involvement of human 0 20 40 60 80 100 s1-a1 s2-a1 s3-a1 s1-a2 s2-a2 s1-a3 s1-t1 s1-t2 s2-t2 s1-t3 s1-o s2-o presentation waskito et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 825-836 832 resources in vr-based learning is an absolute requirement, but high-capacity human resources are not a main requirement because supporting infrastructure is also needed to achieve the goals of vr-based learning. the availability of complete infrastructure will support the implementation of vr-based learning. the transaction stage measures the ability to implement vr in the learning process. the ability of educators in implementing vr-based learning is the main basis. if the educators’ ability is low, then the educators will rarely deliver the assignments or learning material to students by utilizing vr. the ability that has been improved by the educators is to practice using vr features and vr can be utilized optimally. at the stage of vr implementation result, it is related to the two previous aspects, namely the antecedents and transactions aspects. in order to increase the output aspect, it can be done by increasing the ability to understand and operate vr, then students will be happier with the material taught with vr implementation. the stage of vr implementation result showed that students are motivated in learning, and they showed high satisfaction of vr implementation. the following table showed the results of the correlation analysis between vr implementation and students’ satisfaction. table 6 correlation analysis between vr implementation and students’ satisfaction variables x y vr implementation (x) pearson correlation 1 .767** sig. (2-tailed) .000 n 60 60 students’ satisfaction (y) pearson correlation .767** 1 sig. (2-tailed) .000 n 60 60 table 6 showed the figure of correlation analysis between vr implementation and students’ satisfaction. based on the table 6 showed that correlation between vr implementation (r(60)=0,767, p < 0,05) and students’ satisfaction (r(60)=0,767, p < 0,05) were statistically significant. it means that learning by using vr implementation has positive effect to students’ satisfaction, which the implementation of vr learning has impact by 76,7% to students’ satisfaction. it is line to the research that conducted by li et al., (2020), it showed that vr was effective to increase the students’ learning outcome. the following chart showed the students’ satisfaction and learning outcome normality data after implementing vr in learning. (a) (b) fig. 4. spreading of students’ satisfaction (a) and learning outcome (b) after vr implementation based on the results of the study, it showed that the antecedent of vr learning facilities and infrastructure was still low. it was proven that the facilities and infrastructure in implementing vr were still limited, such as oculus for implementing vr. even though students and educators have planned the vr learning. some previous research also showed the similar results, the weaknesses of antecedent (çakıroğlu et al., 2021). then, the results of the transactions analysis showed that most students have the ability to implement vr. it indicates that although the vr that has been implemented well, but the implementation process has many obstacles. some waskito et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 825-836 833 previous research also showed that the vr implementation can affect the mentality of users, because they cannot distinguish between the real world and the virtual world (liu & butzlaff, 2021; onele, 2023). vr can make users feel loss of reality and isolation when interacting with the artificial world (kwon & morrill, 2022). even though the itc implementation in learning is a new breakthrough that can be utilized by educators (huda et al., 2021). the result analysis of three phases on vr implementation on practice learning showed the new framework finding about the combination of ict and learning practice. several ideas that appeared by students during learning process showed that there are students’ critical thinking process when implementing vr in learning practice. therefore, it means that ict implementation in learning practice does not restrict the students’ thinking. it is line to the previous knowledge that conducted by several researches, it showed that ict has positive impact in learning among learning outcomes (kaplan-rakowski et al., 2021), problem solving and critical thinking skill (araiza-alba et al., 2021; ikhsan et al., 2020) in building the ideas. based on the conducting research, there are two factors that influenced the vr implementation process. these factors are divided into 2, are follows; supporting factor and obstacle factor. supporting factor, such as existing facilities and structures. there are several facilities such as oculus, the networking to access internet, and the number of computers that needed. obstacle factor, there is less ability to develop and implement vr for learning practice. it affects to the educators; they tend to cannot design the interesting material content. so, the students are less motivation to solve the obstacle factor and increase the supporting factor. the obstacle factor can be faced by maximizing the existing resources, conduct the training that according to the ict-based learning. obstacle factor can be increased by maintaining the ictbased facilities and infrastructures the discussion of the research results obtained can be presented in the form of theoretical description, both qualitatively and quantitatively. in practice, this section can be used to compare the results of the research obtained in the current research on the results of the research reported by previous researchers referred to in this study. scientifically, the results of research obtained in the study may be new findings or improvements, affirmations, or rejection of a scientific phenomenon from previous researchers. the results of this study will advance knowledge, particularly in the use of virtual reality (vr) in education when compared to traditional teaching methods. particularly for a course on machining technology, the method instrument and vr-based learning materials are very beneficial for future research or teaching and learning reasons. the findings of this study imply students’ learning process should be fun rather than tediously listening to lectures. students should actively engage in learning processes, multidimensional learning activities, and other active learning techniques. additionally, students should be engaged and motivated in order to boost their confidence and improve the efficiency of self-learning. therefore, higher education could switch to a technology-based student-centered learning model, like vr, for teaching and learning approaches. 5. conclusion machining technology learning can be conducting virtually using a virtual reality system. but so far, the learning outcomes that can be achieved still in the cognitive aspect. in the psychomotor aspect cannot be fully implemented, but virtual reality can help students accelerate learning outcomes in the psychomotor aspect. students who implement virtual reality systems can learn more loosely, anywhere and anytime while virtual reality equipment is available. however, the implementation of virtual reality in learning showed inconsistent impact, some have a positive effect and reverse. this study showed that the implementation of vr in learning practice has a positive effect and it is effective to be implemented. even though the facilities and infrastructure such as oculus was still required. this study will contribute to existing knowledge and become a reference as a learning method that can be applied by educators. this research is limited to evaluate the implementation of vr in the psychomotor domain, other variables such as the affective and cognitive domains have not been studied in this study. this is expected to be a reference for further similar research. waskito et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 825-836 834 references anderson, l. 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(2020). using virtual reality in the classroom: reflections of stem teachers on the use of teaching and learning tools. journal of education in science, environment and health. countenance evaluation of virtual reality (vr) implementation in machining technology courses waskito1, rizky ema wulansari2*, budi syahri3, nelvi erizon4, purwantono5, yufrizal6, tee tze kiong7 department of mechanical engineering, universitas negeri padang, padang indonesia1 2 3 4 5 6 malaysia research institute for vocational education and training, university tun hussein onn malaysia, johor, malaysia7 received : 04 april 2023, revised: 13 may 2023, accepted : 14 may 2023 *corresponding author abstract this study aims to evaluate whether virtual reality (vr) learning media can be used in machining technology courses which are practical learning but implemented virtually. the research using the stake countenance evaluation method was carried out at t... keywords: virtual reality, machining technology, countenance evaluation 1. introduction the machining technology course is a required course that has been mastered by students in the bachelor education of mechanical engineering, faculty of engineering. the learning outcome of this course is that students are able to operate machine tools... however, because of covid-19 pandemic, for health reasons, the learning cannot be conducted by face to face, but fully online (reno renaldi et al., 2022; sepulveda-escobar & morrison, 2020; kurniawan, 2022). this situation creates some problems, which... in order to solve the problems, vr is one of the solutions that can be used by educators as instructional media that made students can interact with the online environment by assisting of computer simulation. so, students can feel that they are in tha... however, based on the observation that conducted by interview method, it showed that vr implementation in practice learning has not been optimally implemented. most of educators have not designed learning material using vr yet. the interview result of... other than that, previous research result showed the inconsistency of vr implementation in learning, both in learning theory and practice. there are several research tend to showed that vr has positive impact in enhancing students’ learning outcomes (... therefore, the evaluation research is assumed to be needed to know how the implementation of vr in learning, certainly in practice learning. then, to know what the factors that affected in vr implementation of learning practice. evaluation model that ... several previous researches also depicted that countenance evaluation was frequently used evaluation model and effective to evaluate the program in learning (rappa et al., 2022), the evaluation countenance is assumed as the best choice to be used in t... so, this study aims at evaluation the effectivity of vr implementation in machining technology course, by focusing on vr implementation to practice students’ skill through interactive simulation and practice. this study also aims at evaluating student... 2. literature review machining technology courses are essential in preparing students for careers in the manufacturing industry. traditional education approaches such as lectures and hands-on instruction, on the other hand, have limitations in providing a full grasp of ma... bos et al. (2022)investigated the efficacy of a vr-based training program for cnc (computer numerical control) machining. the study discovered that when compared to traditional training techniques, the vr-based training program increased students' cog... vr technology has the potential to revolutionize the way engineering and machining courses are taught. vr technology can provide a safe and immersive learning environment that enhances students' learning outcomes and engagement (yang et al., 2022). be... fig. 1. research conceptual framework source: (yildirim et al., 2020) 3. research methods research type and procedures research type was mixed method by using sequential explanatory design approach (christensen, 2001). research method consists of four stages, are follows: preliminary research stage, prototype designing stage and implementation of vr in learning stage,... evaluation method used was countenance model. there are three phases of countenance evaluation model, as follows: 1) antecedents, 2) transaction and 3) outcomes. antecedents is the condition before learning, while transaction is a learning experience ... antecedents phase will evaluate syllabus of machining technology course, facility and infrastructure to implement vr, and students’ readiness. on the transaction process, the assessment criteria in the aspects of learning time, the ability to use vr, ... research subject this research was conducted in mechanical engineering department, faculty of engineering, universitas negeri padang (unp). the simple random sampling technique was conducted to choose the research sample, while the population was the mechanical engine... research instruments the observation activity used questionnaire that consists of 35 statement items of likert scale. the instrument was used for quantitative data, which the indicator of the questionnaire can be seen in detail at table 1. table 1 questionnaire’s indicators in order to fulfill the qualitative data, interview was conducted to obtain the data. the interview’s questions that prepared was focused on the research objective concerning to the three phases of countenance model, as follows; antecedents, transacti... data analysis technique data analysis technique used in this mix method research consists of two stages of analysis data, are follows; descriptive and correlation descriptive for quantitative data, and conclusion verification and data display for analyzing qualitative data 4. results and discussions vr can be used in inquiry-based learning that focus on critical and analytical thinking process to seek and find solution of the problems by their own ability. inquiry-based learning involves students actively to seek the answers of the questions or p... (a) (b) fig 2. (a) lathe machine on vr and (b) one of material in machining technology course on vr the countenance stake was the evaluation model that used in this research. it has three phases of evaluation stage, there are antecedents (input), transaction (process) and outcome (output). these three phases were used to describe the effective the v... table 2 frequency distribution of vr learning plan indicators table 2 depicts the frequency distribution of vr learning between educators and students toward planning indicators. the planning phase of vr learning that obtained from the questionnaire that filled up by educators, it showed that 26,67% of educators... the aspect of this educators’ readiness is categorized suitable, it means that educators have been ready in planning and designing the vr-based learning material. it will be better if educators can more increase the learning material understanding, ce... table 3 frequency distribution of vr learning implementation indicators table 3 describes the frequency distribution of vr learning implementation indicators between educators and students. the implementation phase of vr learning that obtained from the questionnaire that filled up by educators, it showed that 83,33% of ed... table 4 frequency distribution of vr learning satisfaction indicators table 4 explains the frequency distribution of vr learning satisfaction indicators between educators and students. the satisfaction phase of vr learning that obtained from the questionnaire that filled up by educators, it showed that 76,67% of educato... fig. 3. chart of sub-indicator presentation on countenance the explanation of figure 3 was the presentation spreading on each sub-indicator of antecedents, transaction and outcome assessment. the detail explanation can be seen in detail on table 5, the following table showed the analysis matrix of countenance... table 5 analysis matrix of antecedents, transaction, and output phases students’ satisfaction of ict cultured learning environment indicators falls into the appropriate category. it includes support from educators to provide ict facilities according to student requests, and currently they are easy to get ict facilities. ... the transaction stage measures the ability to implement vr in the learning process. the ability of educators in implementing vr-based learning is the main basis. if the educators’ ability is low, then the educators will rarely deliver the assignments ... table 6 correlation analysis between vr implementation and students’ satisfaction table 6 showed the figure of correlation analysis between vr implementation and students’ satisfaction. based on the table 6 showed that correlation between vr implementation (r(60)=0,767, p < 0,05) and students’ satisfaction (r(60)=0,767, p < 0,05) ... fig. 4. spreading of students’ satisfaction (a) and learning outcome (b) after vr implementation based on the results of the study, it showed that the antecedent of vr learning facilities and infrastructure was still low. it was proven that the facilities and infrastructure in implementing vr were still limited, such as oculus for implementing vr... the result analysis of three phases on vr implementation on practice learning showed the new framework finding about the combination of ict and learning practice. several ideas that appeared by students during learning process showed that there are st... based on the conducting research, there are two factors that influenced the vr implementation process. these factors are divided into 2, are follows; supporting factor and obstacle factor. supporting factor, such as existing facilities and structures.... the discussion of the research results obtained can be presented in the form of theoretical description, both qualitatively and quantitatively. in practice, this section can be used to compare the results of the research obtained in the current resear... 5. conclusion machining technology learning can be conducting virtually using a virtual reality system. but so far, the learning outcomes that can be achieved still in the cognitive aspect. in the psychomotor aspect cannot be fully implemented, but virtual reality ... references anderson, l. 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presents the fabrication of wind turbine blades using bamboo fibre reinforced with recycled plastic and its assessment for lowcost wind energy generation. bamboo fibre extracted from raw bamboo was combined with processed recycled high-density polyethylene (hdpe) to form the composite material in a proportion of 25% bamboo-fibre and 75% recycled hdpe. conventional turbine blades and turbine blades made of the composite material were installed at the test site one at a time and tested under similar operating conditions. results showed that the unit cost of energy for the bamboo-composite blade was 0.016 ghc/kwh whereas that for conventional blade was 0.018 ghc/kwh. result obtained from stress and deformation analysis showed that the convention wind turbine blade has slightly better strength than bamboo-plastic composite blade. the study showed that the reinforced bamboo-hdpe composite material possesses appreciable mechanical properties and also offers a cheaper alternative for wind turbine blade fabrication. keywords : wind turbine blade, wind energy, sustainable energy, bamboo fibre, recycled plastic. 1. introduction wind energy is now being considered by many countries as a viable sustainable energy alternative with the potential to produce clean energy and help accelerate the global agenda to mitigate the impact of climate change. it must be noted that significant efforts have been made by developed countries in the development and harnessing of wind energy through both on shore and offshore wind turbine technology for the purpose of producing electricity. however, not much progress has been made in developing countries with regards to the use of wind energy as a cleaner production technology. most developing nations have achieved noticeable advancements with the use of solar pv technology as compared with wind turbine technology. however, evidence shows that wind energy generation is being explored in developing countries with a lot of feasibility studies being done to identify potential sites for such projects. typically, a typical utility-scale wind turbine can produce 1.5 to 4.0 million kwh annually and operates 70-85% of the time (zhang et al., 2012). global wind energy production set a record in 2011, reaching 239 gw, 3% of total electricity production. it is predicted that by 2020 it will increase to 10% of global electricity production. the american wind energy association reported in 2010 that production of small horizontal-axis wind turbines would increase rapidly in the future due to huge demand. for the classification of horizontal-axis wind turbines, there is no fixed standard. the national renewable energy laboratory (nrel) in the us defines wind turbines whose rated power are not greater than 100 kw and whose diameter is no more than 19 m as small wind turbines (hand et al., 2012). wind power devices are now used to produce electricity, and commonly termed wind turbines. the orientation of the shaft and rotational axis determines the first classification of the wind turbine. a turbine with a shaft mounted horizontally parallel to the ground is known as a horizontal axis wind turbine or (hawt) whereas a vertical axis wind turbine (vawt) has its about:blank andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 125-138 126 shaft normal to the ground. the two configurations have instantly distinguishable rotor designs, each with its own favourable characteristics (hau, 2006). the discontinued mainstream development of the vawt can be attributed to a low tip speed ratio and difficulty in controlling rotor speed. difficulties in the starting of vertical turbines have also hampered development, believed until recently to be incapable of self-starting (dominy, 2007). however, the vawt requires no additional mechanism to face the wind and heavy generator equipment can be mounted on the ground, thus reducing tower loads. therefore, the vawt is not completely disregarded for future development. a novel v-shaped vawt rotor design is currently under investigation which exploits these favourable attributes (holdsworth, 2009). a focus is now being made on the hawt due to its dominance in the wind turbine industry. hawt are very sensitive to changes in blade profile and design. the efficiency of a turbine can be increased with higher tip speeds (gasch & twele, 2002), although the increase is not significant when considering some penalties such as increased noise, aerodynamic and centrifugal stress. a higher tip speed demands reduced chord widths leading to narrow blade profiles. this can lead to reduced material usage and lower production costs. although an increase in centrifugal and aerodynamic forces is associated with higher tip speeds. the increased forces signify that difficulties exist with maintaining structural integrity and preventing blade failure. as the tip speed increases the aerodynamics of the blade design become increasingly critical. a blade which is designed for high relative wind speeds develops minimal torque at lower speeds. this results in a higher cut in speed (duquette & visser, 2003) and difficulty self-starting. a noise increase is also associated with increasing tip speeds as noise increases approximately proportionately to the sixth power (gasch & twele, 2002; oerlemans et al., 2006). modern hawt generally utilize a tip speed ratio of nine to ten for two bladed rotors and six to nine for three-bladed rotors (hu, 2006). this has been found to produce efficient conversion of wind kinetic energy into electrical power (burton, 2011; hau, 2006). the ideal plan form of a hawt rotor blade is defined using the bem method by calculating the chord length according to betz limit, local air velocities and aerofoil lift. several theories exist for calculating the optimum chord length which range in complexity (chattot, 2003; duquette & visser, 2003; gasch & twele, 2002; hau, 2006). for blades with tip speed ratios of six to nine utilizing aerofoil sections with negligible drag and tip losses, betz’s momentum theory gives a good approximation (hau, 2006). in instances of low tip speeds, high drag aerofoil sections and blade sections around the hub, this method could be considered inaccurate. in such cases, wake and drag losses should be accounted for (chattot, 2003; gasch & twele, 2002). according to a report from the national renewable energy laboratory, wind turbines are predominantly made of steel (71-79% of total turbine mass); fiberglass, resin or plastic (11-16%); iron or cast iron (5-17%); copper (1%); and aluminium (0-2%). the stiffness of composites is determined by the stiffness of fibers and their volume content. typically, e-glass fibers are used as main reinforcement in the composites. a typical glass/epoxy composites for wind turbine blades contain up to 75% glass by weight. this increases the stiffness, tensile and compression strength. a promising composite material is glass fiber with modified compositions like s-glass and r-glass. other glass fibers developed by owens corning are ecrglas, advantex and windstrand (ashwill, 2009). due to high material cost and the desire to achieve better performance, several researchers have made efforts to develop new composite materials which have the desired mechanical properties suitable for wind turbine blade fabrication. this study seeks to develop a composite material out of recycled high-density polyethylene and bamboo fibre for the fabrication of wind turbine blades. evidence shows that conventional petroleum-based packaging plastics are versatile, relatively economical, easily processed, have excellent properties and are resistant to degradation. high-density polyethylene (hdpe), low-density polyethylene (ldpe) and polypropylene (pp) are some of those synthetic plastics which are widely used as packaging films (carrier bags), mulching films and for similar other purposes. hdpe contains carbon and hydrogen as backbone elements and has little branching; it also has stronger intermolecular forces and tensile strength than ldpe (vasudha et al., 2018). physically, it is harder, more opaque, can withstand somewhat higher temperatures and therefore, has extensive industrial and day-to-day applications. however, with the expanding range of products, the consumption of these plastics is increasing incessantly, andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 125-138 127 but the plastic waste gets accumulated abundantly in the” environment causing “white pollution”, plastic waste management problems, perceived garbage crisis, shortage of landfills and many other environmental and sanitation challenges in developing countries including ghana. bamboo has comparative ecological qualities (liese & kohl, 2015). most prominently, it is very sustainable. its quality is equivalent to that of wood. therefore, it makes an engaging upand-comer as an auxiliary material. it has been utilized broadly in family unit items and stretched out to modern applications because of advances in handling innovation and expanded market requests. the utilization ranges from family utilities, for example, compartments, chopsticks, woven mats, angling shafts, cricket boxes, crafted works, seats, and so on; to building applications, for example, flooring, roof, dividers, windows, entryways, wall, lodging 51 rooftops, brackets, rafters and purlins. bamboo's breadth, thickness, and between nodal length have a perceptibly evaluated structure while the fiber dispersion shows an infinitesimally reviewed design, which lead to great properties of bamboo (jansen, 2012). shao & wang (2018) studied mechanical properties of the vulgaris bamboo and established that longitudinal flexible modulus and elasticity of vulgaris bamboo have clear reliance on outspread position. tractable modulus of versatility was found to have a mean increment over all layers by 12.8% from 1.3 to 4 m. widiastuti (2016) worked and presented a report focusing on the use of bamboo composite matrix for producing wind turbine blades and their performance compared with glass fiber turbine blades with their workable viewpoint. it was concluded that bamboo fulfilled the requirements of constructing a turbine blade with high performance associated with sustainable development. bamboo is one of the natural materials which is being intensively studied to substitute this synthetic fibre since they possess higher strength to weight ratio (fu et al., 2012). the potential of bamboo in polymer composite is very important today due to its fibre extraction, structural variation, thermal properties, chemical modification, and mechanical properties that make it very suitable for use in the composite industry (mounika et al., 2012; takagi & fuji, 2014). bamboo can be used in composites as a natural fibre reinforcement in polymer matrices which are petroleum based. such composites are also called bamboo fibre reinforced polymer (bfrp) (abdul et al., 2012). bamboo fibres have provided some good response in the production of materials that are recyclable, biodegradable, and sustainable (adamu et al., 2018). products of composites made from bamboo have several positive advantages such as dimensional stability, longevity, weather resistant, high impact resistant, low maintenance, environmental-friendliness and low flame spread (rao et al., 2009). in the production of safety products, it has been observed that curtains produced from bamboo fibres can absorb electromagnetic radiations (x-ray, infrared) at various wavelengths, making it exclusively less harmful to the human body when compared with other curtains produced from various materials (li et al. 2012). in order to have a turbine blade that is environmentally friendly and cost-effective, this work looks at the fabrication and testing of low-cost wind turbine blades using bamboo plastic composite which have good mechanical properties for wind turbine blade fabrication.. 2. materials and methods 2.1. materials materials used for this research are high density polyethylene (hdpe) and green bamboo (bambusoideae). the properties of the bamboo and the used plastics that were used are tabulated and presented in table 1. table 1 properties of the samples used. material young’s modulus (gpa) ultimate tensile strength (mpa) fracture toughness (mpa) percentage elongation (%) green bamboo 1.2±0.065 100.3±11.28 109.23± 5.69 recycled hdpe 0.0663±0.010 16.80±0.26 322.68±33.37 source: (andoh et al., 2016 ; tawiah et al., 2016) andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 125-138 128 2.2 development of the wind turbine blade a 10-metre bamboo was harvested from a bamboo farm using a cutlass and cut into pieces of 1-m length. these pieces were then split into strips of 0.25 m long and immersed in a solution of 400 ml hydrochloric acid (hcl) which was diluted with 20 litres of water in a black container as shown in figure 2.1 for 48 hours. this was done to make it soft and also to reduce the lignin content of the bamboo to prevent it from breaking during the fibre extraction. fig 1. processing of bamboo fibre and the sample obtained the wet slabs were removed from the black container and beaten with a wooden mallet to obtain the bamboo fibre as shown in figure 1. three types of fibres were obtained after the extraction process which are long and short fibres and the powdered form as shown in figure 1. the used high-density polyethylene (hdpe) was collected, washed and cleaned, and allowed to dry. the clean hdpe were cut into pieces using knives and scissors as shown in figure 2. fig 2. cut pieces of the waste hdpe the bamboo fibre and the recycled plastic composite were formed using the method of casting and hand-laying techniques. a 30 g of high-density polyethylene was placed in a source pan and fire was set on it in the saucepan. the source pan was then placed on a coal pot to accelerate the melting process. molten hdpe was obtained within 30 to 40 minutes as shown in figure 3. fig 3. melting of the shredded hdpe andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 125-138 129 a white paper was placed in the mould and 0.5 g of powdered bamboo fibre was then spread on the paper in the mould. about 20% of molten hdpe was poured into the mould and mixed with the powdered fibre in the mould until a uniform mixture was obtained. 9.5 g of bamboo fibre was then arranged horizontally in the mould on top of the formed mixture. the remaining 80% of the molten hdpe was poured into the mould on the horizontally arranged bamboo fibre. the mould was covered and a dead weight of 10 kg was placed on the mould cover so as to remove any porosity or air bubbles and allowed for solidification. each slab was then marked out in a division of five segments for cutting out the shape of the wind turbine blade. all rough edges of the blade are smoothened to attain the set of blades as shown in figure 4 fig. 4 final shaped blade fig. 5 inverter with integral turbine monitor finally, attachment holes to the turbine hub were drilled at the root end of the blade. the blades were manually cut without automation and the aerofoils were drafted from the glass fibre blade. 2.3 testing of the blade the field test was conducted at ada (latitude: 5° 45' 59.99'' n and longitude: 0° 36' 59.99" e) near a solar farm where a small. on the test day, the average wind speed was 2 to 2.5 m/s from the south west, average air density of 1.225 kg/m3 and the average temperature was 29oc with a relative humidity between 80% and 86% and was mainly sunny throughout the day. hourly temperature measure was confirmed by using the industrial cat make thermometer. the topography of the area was a flat plain land with mangrove vegetation and structure close to the site was 25 meters from the test location. the raum energy wind turbine was used for the field test for both the conventional turbine blade and the bamboo plastic composite blade with the technical details shown in table 2. figure 5 shows the inverter with the integral turbine control monitor. andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 125-138 130 table 2 specification of the wind turbine parameters blade material bamboo plastic composite conventional turbine blade power output 3.75 kw 3.75 kw blade type 3 blades down wind 3 blades down wind generator gearless, brush permanent magnet gearless, brush permanent magnet swept area 0.79 m2 0.79 m2 life expectancy-turbine 20 years 20 years inverter type grid tie grid tie power factor 0.99 0.99 control system kaca blue planet 1502x kaca blue planet 1502x turbine height 10 meters 10 meters anemometer nkt 40c 3-cap nkt 40c 3-cap both the conventional fibre glass composite turbine blade and the bamboo composite were installed at the test site at a height of 10 meters and tested under similar operating conditions. data was collected for both types of blade by monitoring the following parameters: power output, wind velocity, blade rpm and the tip to speed ratio using the turbine control monitor and the values obtained were recorded. 2.4 finite element analysis the ansys software was used to model both types of wind turbine blades. figure 6 shows the flow chart for the finite element analysis. the ansys modeling activity was done in three processes, which are the preprocessor, the solution and the post processor. the fem was provided with dimensions of the composite blade and its airfoil was selected. along the length of the composite blade there is a twist in which the value is 15oc fig 6. flow diagram of a finite element analysis andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 125-138 131 fig 7. shell99 shell99 (figure 7) was used in ansys in order to have the layup of the blade structure. to do the simulation, the blade was divided into five regions. the optimal or convergence analysis of the blade was done, and the structure had 25,823 elements. wind loads have greater influence on structural design and as the blade will be placed in a wind prone zone, the effect of the wind must be considered. wind pressure reactions on the blade differ according to their surface or airfoils. in simulation, the blade pressure side which is the intrados was set to a pressure of +0.85 kpa and the lower pressure side which is the extrados was under pressure of -0.85 kpa. pressure at the trailing end of the blade was set to +0.1 kpa due to turbulence effect. bending loads techniques were simulated where the wind loads were applied in the direction of the blade towards and away from the extrados which is the suction side. it was also directed towards and away from the leading edge. the buckling effect was done by positioning the blade in a vertical position and the effect of the blade on the structure when the blade turns at 90 o. the force of gravity was increased at the tip towards the root of the blade. 3. results and discussions 3.1 building of the bamboo plastic composite blade in the fabrication of the rotor blade, the efficiency of the blades aerodynamic performance was critical and extra caution was taken in shaping the blade as the lift force which produces the power to turn the blade is a very important element at the initial stage. improper design of the airfoils according to the design will cause the blade not to have a good sweep. for structured stability, the root of the blade needed more attention in shaping it. there are three sections namely; the root, mid span and the tip. the tip sweep ratio is an important element, so a good tip design will aid in capturing the wind. from the root, the aero foils were carved at twist angles towards the tip at an angle of 0° to about 15°. cutting the outer shape of the blade with the band saw was easy but the most difficult part is the formation of the twist for the formation of the airfoils. great care was taken in order not to shape out airfoil thickness (twist angle). also, transition of the root and the first aerofoil profile is part of the blade that carries most of its load. because of its relatively low velocity drive, it causes the aerodynamic leading end for the blade to have a large chord length. this causes the blade profile to be large at the rotor end. the mid span of the blade is also very significant in the blade fabrication so it should be shaped with the modern blade profile to increase its aerodynamic lift to drag ratio by using the thinnest aerofoil section of the structure. the geometry of the tip was designed to reduce wind energy capture losses and noise. good tip design also maximizes the aerodynamic lift to drag ratio. the fabricated blade made of the composite was formed to the above profile and this was achieved by using the shape and profile of the glass fibre blade. at the end of the fabrication, the two blades had the same dimensions and shape, but the only difference is the material type. andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 125-138 132 3.2 the life cycle of the blade from the s-n curve (figure 8), the life for the bamboo plastic composite is 106 cycles and this is true for all the fatigue tests done from week one to week three. the conventional glass fibre turbine blade has an average life of between 107 and 108 cycles which gives it a better life compared to the bamboo plastic composite. in comparison, the conventional turbine blade will last longer than the bamboo plastic composite as it has a higher life cycle. fig 8. s-n curve of the bamboo plastic composite blade from the energy production equation; 𝐸 = 𝐶𝑝𝜌 𝐴 2 𝑉 3𝑡 eqn. 1 where 𝐶𝑝 is the coefficient of power, ρ is the density of the air, a is the swept area, t is the lifetime and v is the wind velocity. comparing the energy production of the two blades, under uniform conditions, only one factor can influence the energy production results of the blades and this factor is the life cycle of the blade. the lifetime of conventional glass fiber blades which is between 107 and 108 is higher so it will last longer than the bamboo plastic composite turbine blades. from this view, the conventional turbine blades energy output would be higher than the bamboo plastic composite turbine blades. the designed wind speed for the bamboo-hdpe composite turbine is 4 m/s but it was observed that the bamboo-rhdpe composite blade was able to work at a wind speed as low as 0.8 m/s. the digital parameter display reader from the turbine gave a display of the blade rpm, wind speed, power coefficient and the voltage output from the turbine. from these parameters, the wind power is obtained using the equation; 𝑃 = 1 2 𝜌𝐴𝑉ᵌ eqn. 2 where ρ= the density of air (1.225 kg/m3, v is the velocity of the air, a = the swept area = 𝜋𝑟2. table 3 and 4 give the energy generation at 15 sec intervals. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10^2 10^3 10^4 10^5 10^6m a x im u m s t r e s s ( m p a ) cycles to fail (nf) s-n curve y y1 y2 andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 125-138 133 table 3 power output and energy generation for bamboo plastic composite blade time (s) wind speed (rpm) blade speed (rpm) velocity (m/s) power (w) energy (j) 15 2 21.5 1.29 0.88 210.46 30 2.2 22.3 1.34 0.98 234.84 45 2.1 22.7 1.36 1.03 247.7 60 2.3 23.4 1.4 1.13 271.33 75 2.2 22 1.32 0.94 225.49 90 2.05 23 1.38 1.07 257.66 105 2 21.7 1.3 0.9 216.39 120 2.15 22.1 1.33 0.95 228.58 135 2.2 23 1.38 1.07 257.66 150 2.3 22.8 1.37 1.05 250.99 mean 1 240.11 standard deviation 0.08 19.95 table 3 gives the power output from the bamboo-plastic composite blade and the energy generation at 15 seconds interval respectively. the standard deviation of the power and energy are 0.08 w and 19.95 j respectively. also, the mean value for power is 1.00 watts and the average energy is 240.11 joules. table 3.2 gives the power output from the conventional wind turbine blade and the corresponding energy generation at 15 seconds intervals. the standard deviation of the power and energy are 0.13w and 31.11 j respectively. also, the mean value for power is 1.25 watts and the average energy is 300.35 joules. hence, it can be observed that the conventional wind turbine blade gives 60.24 w energy higher than the bamboo-recycled hdpe composite with respect to mean energy values computed over the tests period. however, the standard deviation recorded for the bamboo composite material (0.08) was much lower than that recorded for the conventional blade. andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 125-138 134 table 4 power output and energy generation for conventional wind turbine blade time (s) wind speed (rpm) wind speed (rpm) velocity(m/s) power (w) energy (j) 15 2 23.5 1.41 1.15 274.83 30 2.2 24.2 1.45 1.25 300.12 45 2.1 23.7 1.42 1.17 281.9 60 2.3 25.2 1.51 1.41 338.89 75 2.2 24.6 1.48 1.31 315.25 90 2.05 23.2 1.39 1.1 264.44 105 2 23 1.38 1.07 257.66 120 2.15 24.1 1.45 1.24 296.42 135 2.2 24.9 1.49 1.36 326.93 150 2.3 25.4 1.52 1.45 347.02 mean 1.25 300.35 standard deviation 0.13 31.11 3.4 cost benefit analysis table 3 shows the cost breakdown for both types of wind turbine blade used for the purpose of the study. it can be observed that the bamboo-hdpe composite wind turbine blade cost ghc 3,550 less than the cost of purchasing and importing the conventional fibre class composite wind turbine bade. table 5 cost breakdown of the bamboo plastic composite and the glass conventional turbine blade bamboo fibre plastic blade conventional turbine blade items cost ghc items cost ghc bamboo 50.00 cost, insurance, freight 2640.00 plastic flakes 40.00 import duty 660.00 heating cost 10.00 clearing charges 850.00 metal mould 70.00 production cost 50.00 transport cost 30.00 miscellaneous 50.00 total cost 300.00 3850.00 the cost for producing the bamboo reinforced plastic blade is ghc 300.00 for a set of three blades, while the cost of purchase and importation of the conventional glass fibre blade cost ghc 3,850.00. so, in effect, there will be a marginal savings of ghc 3,550.00 which makes it appealing in economic terms. in effect, the cost of importing 1 set of conventional glass fibre blades can be used to produce three sets of the bamboo plastic composite blade. secondly, the importation of the conventional wind turbine blades can also be affected by foreign currency exchange rates making the bamboo reinforced plastic blade a preferred choice. for the energy generation, the average blade speed and wind power was used since the maximum and minimum values were obtained and their means computed with the results presented in table 6. andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 125-138 135 table 6 cost per kwh for the bamboo plastic composite blade and the glass fibre blade items bamboo-plastic composite blade convention wind turbine blade life (h) 76.5 723 generated energy (j) 240.11 300.35 total energy generated for life span (kj) 18.36 216.9 ghc cost per blade 300 3850 ghc cost per kwh 0.016 0.018 from the energy generated, the cost per kwh for the bamboo plastic composite blade is lower than that of the glass fibre composite, making bamboo plastic composite cheaper and readily available. looking at their lifespan, the bamboo composite blade has a life span which is one tenth that of the glass fibre blade but in terms of cost, the bamboo plastic composite blade is about thirteen times cheaper than the glass fibre making it a preferred choice. 3.5 finite element analysis the static analysis for both the bamboo fibre composite blade and the glass fibre wind turbine had its stress and deformation analyzed using ansys with their results showing different stress and deformation levels in table 7. table 7 simulation results of equivalent (von-mises) stress and deformation location von-mises stress (mpa) total deformation (mm) glass fibre 0 3.74 bamboo plastic composite 16.52 3.41 the bamboo plastic composite had a maximum deformation of 3.41 mm and that of the glass fibre was 3.71 mm (see figure 9). the difference in their maximum deformation is small and this makes the bamboo plastic composite blade acceptable for application as a turbine blade. too much deformation will cause the blade not to have a good sweep angle. fig 9. deformation of (a) bamboo fibre reinforced plastic turbine blade & (b) glass fibre turbine blade the stress at different points of the blade was considered with the aim of controlling safety factors against the applied loads. the maximum and critical values were the most important parameters looked at to have a safe blade operation. looking at the analyzed blades, the stress was in the area of the root and this was influenced by the aerodynamic forces and maximum bending moments. figure 10 shows the maximum and minimum stresses for both the bamboo fibre composite and the glass fibre composite. andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 125-138 136 fig 10. von-mises stress of (a) bamboo fibre reinforced plastic turbine blade & (b) glass fibre turbine blade both blades were modeled for the stresses and the results showed that there was a lower stress on the bamboo fibre reinforced plastic blade which was 5.01 mpa and higher stress on the glass fibre of value 5.84 mpa. the maximum yield stress of the bamboo fibre composite is 5.28 mpa, with its von mises stress is lower than the yield stress of the material thereby making the composite material safer to be used as a turbine blade. the stress distribution and deformation are similar for both the glass fibre and bamboo fibre reinforced plastic. the maximum deformation always occurs at the tip of the blade since it's free to move and the maximum stress occurs at the root area because it's fixed at that point. the values of stress and deformation for both blades vary, and this is because a blade with higher weight value leads a higher centrifugal force from the equation. table 8 ansys results in the xyz plane distribution maximum minimum directional deformation in xaxis (mm) 3.41 0 directional deformation in yaxis (mm) 0.68 -30.5 directional deformation in zaxis (mm) 12.55 -6.21 normal stress in xaxis (mpa) 5.01 0.01 normal stress in yaxis (mpa) 1.74 -2.19 normal stress in zaxis (mpa) 5.67 -5.67 shear stress in xyaxis (mpa) 2.41 -1.89 shear stress in yzaxis (mpa) 0.86 -0.92 shear stress in xzaxis (mpa) 1.97 -1.12 from table 8, it can be observed that the directional deformation in x axis has a maximum value of 3.14 mm and a minimum of 0 mm, the directional deformation at y axis in maximum case 0. 68 mm and a minimum of -30. 5 mm and deformation in the z axis has a maximum of 12.55 mm and minimum of -6. 21 mm. also, the deformations about x and y axis which was maximum at tip of the blade and minimum at the root end and was similarly for the z axis where the maximum and minimum deformations occurred at the same location. the normal stresses in x and z directions at maximum and minimum was recorded at middle location but for normal stresses in y direction it was at the right edge of the blade. the shear stress in the xy, yz, xz planes also had values recorded as shown in table 6. the shear stress in the xy plane at maximum of 2.41 mm and a minimum 0f -1. 89 mm. the shear stress of both maximum and minimum occurred at the same location. the shear stress in the zy plane at maximum of 0. 86 mm and minimum of 0. 86 mm. both shear stresses took place at the same location and at the right-side edge position. for the xz plane, the shear stress is at maximum of 1. 97 mm and minimum at -1. 12 mm took place at the same location. andoh, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 125-138 137 5. conclusion and recommendation the objective of this project was to fabricate and test a wind turbine blade using bamboo reinforced with recycled plastic for low-cost wind energy generation applications. this was achieved by building a blade from bamboo reinforced recycled plastic composite, testing the blade to determine its performance on the wind turbine, doing cost benefit analysis and modelling the blade to determine its stress and deformation behaviour. it was established that the locally fabricated bamboo plastic composite blade is the best option with regards to the initial investment since the cost of importing one set of the conventional glass fibre composite turbine blade is thirteen times that of the bamboo plastic composite made locally. secondly, considering their lifespans, the glass fibre composite has between 107 – 108 life cycles while that of the bamboo plastic composite is 106 cycles. comparing their kwh cost, the bamboo plastic composite cost ghc 0.016 per kwh as compared to ghc 0.018 per kwh for the conventional glass fibre composite turbine bade, making the energy produced from the bamboo plastic blade less expensive. taking all the above factors into consideration, it can be observed that it is more cost effective to invest in the bamboo plastic composite turbine blade with a lower initial cost and a lower cost per kwh of energy produced. however, considering the relatively low life cycle/life span of the fabricated bamboorecycled hdpe composite material, there is the need to further develop the composite material by varying the compositions of bamboo fibre and recycled hdpe contents until a desired proportion is achieved which has the potential to give a life span equivalent to that of the conventional wind turbine blade with equivalent material strength. the extremely shorter life span is seen as a limitation of the study. however, the emphasis of this research is that composite materials produced from readily available local materials such as bamboo and recycled hdpe should be developed for use in wind turbine blade fabrication since they have the potential to give relatively lower energy unit cost as compared to the conventional turbine blade materials. hence, barring the lower life cycle of the fabricated composite material, it is seen as a more attractive option because of its comparatively lower manufacturing cost. as a future scope, the fluid structure interaction study can be done to find the formation of eddies, rotor wakes and the flow of wind around the blade. testing and analysis of the blade can be done by varying conditions such as in humidity and high and cold temperature zones. the finite element 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python programming. in this article, writer described about image processing for the detection of objects used in the research. the results of this device have been tested and are able to detect objects properly based on predetermined color, shape and size. object detection using a webcam can work properly according to what the author wants. keywords : webcam, python, image processing, automation. 1. introduction technology is developing so rapidly along the times, so various ways are done to make it easier for humans to do a task. one of which is by utilizing artificial intelligence (prayitno & harianto, 2011; mubarrok & rahmawati, 2020). many people are competing to make new innovations to be able to create tools that can make the task easier. one of the innovations in the newest technology is the use of a webcam. currently, webcams have been widely used in industry; ranging from quality control, sorting, security (juliando & husin, 2019). moreover, it can also be developed as a sensor in detecting an object through several stages of image processing (prayitno & harianto, 2011). the stage of image processing is also called object detection. object detection is the process of recognizing objects in a digital image. the image is obtained from a camera with certain specifications which processed by the object detection method, so that the classification of the object can be recognized (najmurrokhman et al., 2017). in several previous studies, the detection of this object only used two parameters for its recognition, namely shape-color recognition and color-size recognition. these two object recognition parameters are worth already. if object recognition used three recognition parameters, i.e. color, shape, and size; then the object sorting process is more selective accordingly(purwanti, et. al., 2021). the previous research used three measurement parameters thas is already available, i.e. measurement parameters based on color, shape, and size of objects using a webcam as a sensing sensor, and the image processing is processed with python programming (pulungan & nafis, 2021). thus, the author will account about image processing for the detection of objects used in research with three object recognition parameters using a webcam as a sensing sensor, and image processing is processed with the python programming language. 2. literature review 2.1. the digital image a digital image is a two-dimensional image that can be displayed on a computer monitor screen as a finite (discrete) set of digital values called pixels (picture elements). the pixel is an image element that has a value that indicates the intensity of the color (norfazlinda binti daud, ali basrah pulungan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 103-111 104 2007). the image processing is the process for processing an image quality or image that has been taken by a camera or webcam so that the image can be recognized and has certain values. the values that have been obtained are then processed to classify the images(alfaro-almagro, et. al., 2018). the digital image is composed of a digital number that represents the intensity of light represented by a 2-dimensional array at a certain point in a grid. the points in this 2-dimensional grid are called pixels or mops, which stands for the word picture element. fig. 1. pixels in an image 2.2. hsv (hue, saturation, and value ) the image processing for color recognition is rgb to hsv color segmentation. hsv is a color model which derived from rgb color, so to get hsv color which have to do a color conversion process from rgb to hsv (fauzi and mayasari, 2011). hsv stands for hue saturation and value. hue is a measure of the wavelength of the color, hue has a size ranging from 0 until 255. the number of 0 represents the red color until through a spectrum it returns 256 or returns to red again. the sturation is a process to increase the brightness of the color based on the amount of pure hue in the final color. the value is a measure of how much brightness a color is. if the color has a size of 100%, then it will look very bright. if it is 0%, then it will look dark (aditya et al., 2020). thus, the process will form an area segment with the desired color tolerance (zarwani, 2019). a literature review is a survey of scholarly sources (such as books, journal articles, and theses) on a particular topic. it gives an overview of key findings, concepts and developments in relation to a research problem or question. fig. 2. hsv color space 2.3. thresholding thresholding is the conversion of a color image to a binary image which is done by grouping the grayscale value of each pixel into 2 classes, black and white. in the floating operation, the pixel intensity value is mapped to one of two values, α₁ or α₂ (handoyo, 2006). contour is a state caused by changes in intensity at different pixels. because of this change in intensity, the edges of the object in the image are detected (andrizal et al., 2016). 2.4. python python is a multipurpose interpretive programming language that is easy to read and understand, and it places more emphasis on code readability to make it easier to understand the syntax. the modest and implemented code of phyton make it easy to learn, both for beginners and those who have mastered the programming language. various operating system platforms ali basrah pulungan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 103-111 105 and software development requirements can use python. python programming language is defined as a language that combines capabilities, which with a very clear code syntax and also comes with a large comprehensive standard library functionality. python is a free tool, there are no restrictions on how to distribute it. equipped with automatic memory management, python is a dynamic programming language. python is a programming language that is easy to understand because of the clear form of the language used (aviolita, 2019). 2.5. opencv opencv (open source computer vision library) is a software that aim to process dynamic images in real-time (januar, 2016). opencv is an api (application programming interface) library which is very familiar in image processing designed for real-time applications, has good acquisition functions for image / video (m. syafriandi, 2017). opencv has many functionalities that can help in making image processing applications easier and less complicated (edward, ghanie and setiawan, 2020). opencv can be used with various programming languages such as python, java and c language (bradski and kaeler, 2008). 2.6. webcam this study used the night hawk a80 webcam with hd960p resolution. the functions is as a sensing sensor for image capture of objects to be detected in color, size and shape. the output of the data image obtained will be carried out by the object detection process using the python programming language opencv library. fig. 3. webcam 3. research methods 3.1. blok diagram fig. 4. diagram block the function of each block diagram as follow: • objects are objects that will detect color, shape, and size. • webcam functions as a sensing sensor that will take pictures of objects. • python is a programming language that has been installed on a pc which functions to proceed image data on objects by detecting objects based on the object's color, shape, and size. the nomenclature must be appeared at the end of the paper (if included). the si units are highly recommended for this journal. 3.2. procedure the first process is color recognition of object through the hsv segmentation process, where the color range processed is red. if the object's color is in the red range, then it will be detected. thus proceed with the thresholding process, which is a segmentation technique to change the rgb color to the bine color. after that, the process is carried out to find out the outline of the object by drawing the contour to detect the edges of the object in the image. the last process is to describe the mid-point on each contour line to find out the size of the object. after the color, ali basrah pulungan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 103-111 106 shape and size of the object are known, it can be concluded whether the object conforms to the classification or not. the result of this detection will be in the form of a logic 1 or 0 which will be sent to the actuator controller via a usb connection. the range of colors detected by this tool is objects in red. if the object is red, then it will be processed for shape and size detection. conversely, if the object is not red, then the object will be considered a reject without detection of its shape and size. 3.3. flowchart system fig. 4. flowchart 3.4. design of hardware the device is designed with an overall length and width of 20 x 20 x 30 cm, with the webcam stand at a height of 22 cm. fig 5. the device view ali basrah pulungan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 103-111 107 the device is tested using 8 different objects. the classification of objects to be tested can be seen in table 1. table 1 the classification of object to be tested no object color shape size (cm) result 1 object1 red square (edge) 6 accepted 2 object 2 blue square (edge) 6 reject 3 object3 red square (edge) 7 reject 4 object 4 blue square (edge) 7 reject 5 object 5 red cirle (radius) 6 reject 6 object 6 blue cirle (radius) 6 reject 7 object7 red cirle (radius) 7 reject 8 object 8 blue cirle (radius) 7 reject 3.5. gui display graphic user interface (gui) or graphical user interface is a display system of a program or application that functions to provide information or access to users. in this study also uses a gui which serves as a display of information from the detection of objects that are being carried out. there are several parts of the gui in this article: • the start button functions to activate the camera • stop button functions to turn off the camera • track button functions to start object detection • object display window which functions to provide information on object detection. • display binary image of detected objects in red. fig 6. gui display 4. results and discussions the following are some tests that have been carried out several times to obtain data and evidence that can be analyzed on the performance process of the device. the test of device using 8 objects of different colors, shapes, and sizes. the classification of the objects to be tested can be seen in table 1. 4.1 object detection this object detection is the result of object detection by the webcam using the python programming language with the opencv library. testing was carried out with 8 different objects, where this detection includes detecting the color, shape, and size of the object. the results obtained are in table 2 below table 2 object detection result no object object detection result ali basrah pulungan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 103-111 108 1 object 1 2 object 2 3 object 3 4 object 4 5 object 5 6 object 6 7 object 7 8 object 8 from the results of the detection of objects, data can be taken from each object, which will be grouped based on the detection data of color, shape and size in table 3, table 4, and table 5. 4.2. color detection the color detection in this article is based on a predetermined range of hsv values, while the specified hsv ranges can be seen in table 3. table 3 value range of hsv no limit value h s v 1 upper 30 255 255 2 lower 0 80 135 if the color of an object has an hsv value in the range of values in the table above, then the object will be detected, and will carry out the next process for shape and size recognition. with the listing program: ali basrah pulungan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 103-111 109 fig.7 listing program the results of color detection on this device using the hsv color segmentation process can be seen in table 4. table 4 color detection result no experiment result 1 object 1 detected 2 object 2 undetected 3 object 3 detected 4 object 4 undetected 5 object 5 detected 6 object 6 undetected 7 object 7 detected 8 object 8 undetected this color recognition works as expected, because this device was able to detect red objects. it can be seen in the object classification table. red objects are objects 1,3,5,7 these objects are detected and can be processed to recognize the shape and size of objects . 4.3. shape detection after color detection, then the shape recognition processed. in this system device can only recognize square objects, with the following listing program. if len(approx) == 4: cv2.puttext(img, "persegi", (x, y), fig. 8. listing program the results of shape detection are in table 5 below. table 5 results of shape detection no object shape 1 object 1 square 2 object 2 3 object 3 square 4 object 4 5 object 5 6 object 6 7 object 7 8 object 8 the recognition of object shapes can work as expected. the objects that can carry out the next process are only red objects, so objects detected by squares are only objects 1 and 3. 4.4. size detection in the process of object detection, the last process is the size of the object. after the color and shape known, the next step is to test the size of the object. objects that comply with the classification are objects with sides of 6x6cm with a tolerance of 0.2cm. this detection uses listing program like the one below. fig. 9. listing program hsv = cv2.cvtcolor(self.image, cv2.color_bgr2hsv) mask = cv2.inrange(hsv, lower_red1, upper_red1) ali basrah pulungan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 103-111 110 the results of size detection are as shown in table 6. table 6 results of size detection no experiment size 1 object 1 6,1 x 6,1cm 2 object 2 3 object 3 7,0 x 7,0cm 4 object 4 5 object 5 5,9 x 5,9cm 6 object 6 7 object 7 7,9 x 6,9cm 8 object 8 same as the previous object shape detection, only objects that are red in the process of detecting the size of this object. so, the recognition of the size of this object can only work on objects 1,3,5, and 7. in the object classification table, the the size detection of the object can work as expected, because the results obtained are in accordance with the classification of objects. 4.5. object qualification have been tested from some of the tables above, it can be seen the results of testing objects, from testing the color, shape, and size of objects. next is to determine the object according to specifications or not with the listing program below. fig. 10. listing program as for the results of the qualification of objects that have been tested can be seen in table 7 below. table 7 result of tested object detection no experiment result 1 object 1 accepted 2 object 2 reject 3 object 3 reject 4 object 4 reject 5 object 5 reject 6 object 6 reject 7 object 7 reject 8 object 8 reject 5. conclusion based on testing and analysis that has been carried out on object detections based on color, shape and size with a webcam, it can be concluded that: • the manufacture of hardware can be made in accordance with the planning device that have been made. • this device can work properly as expected, because in testing all these components can work in accordance with a predetermined system. • object detection by webcam can detect objects based on color, shape, and size. • this test used 8 objects that have been prepared with different colors, shapes and sizes each other, and have been tested several times. there is minimum error, either the object recognition error by the webcam or other tests ali basrah pulungan, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 103-111 111 references aditya, m. r. v., husni, n. l., pratama, d. a., & handayani, a. s. 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each other such as sending and receiving data. a monitoring system based on a wireless sensor network was created to make it easier to get direct and real time information on the output parameter data of the solar panels. the research objective is to create a monitoring system on a solar panel using visual basic and blynk applications. this system is designed to determine the output parameters of the solar panel in the form of current, voltage, light intensity, and position which are processed directly and displayed in tables and graphs in real time conditions. the use of logger data in this monitoring system is very important. from the results of tests carried out on this monitoring system, the system is able to record and read the output parameters regarding the resulting current and voltage data as well as light intensity and the position of the solar panels. information about measurement data from each sensor will be stored in the database and can be obtained directly through an excel spreadsheet. keywords : monitoring system, solar panel, real time, database. 1. introduction indonesia is located in a tropical area which has a very large potential for solar energy, around an average of 4.8 kwh/m2/day or equivalent to 112,000 gwp, but its only 71.02 mwp has been utilized, both interconnected and off-grid (pulungan et al., 2019). on the other hand, the growth of energy consumption in indonesia averages 8.1% per year, not yet balanced with the growth of electricity generation which only grows on average 5.2% per year (pradana, windarto and winardi, 2012). the performance of a solar panel that is placed in a certain environmental condition can be determined by direct monitoring of its output parameters such as voltage, current and power (shariff, abd rahim and hew, 2015, yandi et al., 2017). monitoring of the output parameters of solar panels is very necessary to assess the performance of a solar panel in real environmental conditions. a monitoring system based on a wireless sensor network was created to make it easier to get direct and real time information on the output parameter data of the solar panels. this research designed a solar panel monitoring system. the system is able to provide realtime information to users, so that users can find out and monitor the energy acquisition of solar panels, such as conditions of voltage, current, power, light intensity, and the position of the solar panels. in the research conducted by (aritonang and hais, 2020, (pulungan et al., 2020)), there are still shortcomings where thinkspeak as the web server used in this tool requires a stable and fast internet connection. if the internet connection is not in accordance with the capacity required by thinkspeak, then thinkspeak will not update the output value data. the use of the half duplex system in data transmission between thinkspeak and smartphone applications causes frequent problems when there is data transmission from the application to thinkspeak. then the research conducted by (arwanda, 2017), in this study recorded data on the output parameters of the solar hamdani, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 112-124 113 panels which can be seen in tabular form, with the amount of recording the output data from the solar panels depending on the memory capacity of the sd card used. based on these problems, it is the reason for researchers to make a real time monitoring system tool for controlling the orientation of the solar panels. the manufacture of this system utilizes the atmega 328 (arduino uno) microcontroller as control, the acs 712 sensor module as a current reading, the ina 219 sensor module as a voltage reading, the ldr sensor as a light intensity reader, the adxl345 accelerometer sensor as an angle reader, and the rtc ds1307 as the timer. the monitoring system is expected to be able to record and read the resulting current and voltage data, and also the light intensity and position of the solar panels are displayed in real time conditions in the form of tables and graphs, and can be obtained directly through an excel spreadsheet or database. 2. literature review 2.1. solar panel orientation monitoring system the monitoring technique for solar panel output parameters that was introduced using the arduino atmega 328 microprocessor, plx-daq data acquisition which can be integrated directly into microsoft office excel (fachri, sara and away, 2015), current sensor, voltage sensor, light sensor, time sensor, supply computer power and equipment. the parameters of the solar panel output, current and voltage, are obtained from the current and voltage sensor readings. then the results of the sensor readings are sent to a microprocessor based on the arduino atmega 328 (arduino uno) which is used to fully control the reading of the sensors and control the transmission to the data acquisition system or software on the computer. during the recording process, the data obtained is stored in an excel database in real time. 2.2. visual basic 6.0 visual basic, apart from being referred to as a programming language, is also often referred to as a tool for producing windows-based application programs. visual basic allows the creation of a graphical user interface (gui) application or programming that uses a graphical appearance as a communication tool (basuki, 2006). in visual basic, creating a user interface is relatively easy to do because only need to put graphic objects into the source (form) that visual basic has provided. some of the capabilities of visual basic include: a. create window-based application programs. b. create program helper objects such as activex controls, help files, internet applications and others. c. testing the program (debugging) and producing a program ending in exe that is executable or can be run immediately. fig. 1. display of microsoft visual basic 2.3. blynk blynk is a new platform that makes it possible to quickly build interfaces for controlling and monitoring hardware projects from ios and android devices (arafat, 2016). this application is a creative platform for creating graphical interfaces for projects that will be implemented by simply drag and drop widgets. it is easy to use to set everything up and can be done in less than 5 minutes. blynk is not attached to any particular board or module. from this platform, we can hamdani, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 112-124 114 control anything remotely, wherever we are and at any time, with a note that it is connected to the internet with a stable connection and this is what is called the internet of things (iot) system. fig. 2. blynk server 2.4. arduino uno the atmega328 microcontroller is an output from atmel which has a risc (reduce instruction set computer) architecture which each data execution process is faster than the cisc (completed instruction set computer) architecture (boando and winardi, 2016). atmega328 is a feature-rich processor. the chip has been built in the form of dip-28, which has 20 input / output pins (21 pins if the reset pin is not used, 23 pins when not using an external oscillator), of which 6 are equipped with adc pins (analog-todigital converter) so that no need to add an external adc, and the other 6 have a pwm (pulse width modulation) function(irawan, et al., 2021). fig. 3. arduino uno 2.5. nodemcu esp8266 nodemcu esp8266 is an electronic board based on the esp8266 chip. esp8266 functions for connectivity between the microcontroller itself and the wi-fi network. there are several i / o pins so that they can be developed into a monitoring and controlling application for the iot project (ambarita and priramadhi, 2019). the esp8266 nodemcu can be programmed with the arduino compiler, using the arduino ide. the physical form of nodemcu esp 8266, there is a usb port (mini usb) so that it will make programming easier. hamdani, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 112-124 115 fig. 4. nodemcu esp8266 module 2.6. real time clock (rtc) real time clock (rtc) is a device that makes it possible to produce accurate time because it is equipped with a time generator and battery. the rtc module used in this study is the ds1307 which is a sensor that can store time, date, and year variables in real time. the communication used by the ds1307 sensor is 12c communication which only requires 2 sda and scl ports to read the register contents from the rtc sensor. (mustar and wiyagi, 2017). fig. 5. rtc 2.7. current sensor acs712 the current sensor used is an acs712 module to detect the amount of current flowing through the terminal block. this sensor can measure positive and negative currents in the range 5a to 5a. this sensor requires a power supply of 5v. to read the middle value (zero ampere) the sensor voltage is set at 2.5v which is half the power supply voltage vcc = 5v. on the negative polarity the current reading of -5a occurs at a voltage of 0.5v. the degree of change in voltage has a linear correlation with the current of 400 mv / ampere. fig. 6. current sensor acs712 circuit 2.8. sensor ina219 ina219 is a sensor module that can monitor voltage and current in an electrical circuit. ina 219 is supported by an i2c or smbus-compatible interface where this equipment is able to monitor shunt voltage and bus voltage supply, with times and filtering program conversions (monda, feriyonika and rudati, 2018). ina 219 has a maximum input amplifier of ± 320mv this means it can measure currents of up to ± 3.2a. with the internal 12 bit adc data, the resolution in the 3.2a range is 0.8 ma, the internal gain is set at minimum div8, the max is ± 400ma and the resolution is 0.1 ma. ina 219 identifies the shunt voltage on buses 0-26 v. hamdani, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 112-124 116 fig. 7. voltage sensor ina219 2.9. sensor accelerometer adxl345 an accelerometer is a tool used to regulate acceleration, detect and measure vibrations, and measure acceleration due to gravity (inclination). the adxl235 accelerometer has x, y, and z axes. this module also has low power and 13bit resolution. the resolution of the accelerometer is able to measure differences in angles below 1 degree (liandana and nirmala, 2020). fig. 8. accelerometer sensor adxl345 3. research methods 3.1. block diagram in this study, the real time monitoring system on controlling the orientation period of the solar panel using visual basic consists of several parts including the atmega328 microcontroller, ds1307 rtc, acs712 current sensor, ina219 voltage sensor, nodemcu esp8266, visual basic and blynk. hamdani, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 112-124 117 fig. 9. block diagram based on the block diagram in figure 9, the function of each block diagram is as follows a. arduino uno arduino uno is a part that functions to process input in the form of reading the voltage and current generated from the solar cell which is sent to arduino and produces output in the form of activation on the lcd, sending data to the internet via wireless with the esp8266 mcu node module, and sending current and voltage data to a pc to be monitored. b. rtc ds1307 functioned as a timer in setting the detection of sunlight against the slope of angle or position of the solar panel. c. sensor tegangan ina219 functioned as a reader of the output voltage from the solar cell control module to the accumulator, from this current, it can be seen that the voltage generated from the solar cell from detecting sunlight is converted into an electrical signal. d. sensor arus acs712 functioned as a reader of the output current from the solarcell control module to the accumulator, the current detected by the acs712 current sensor when it detects sunlight by the solarcell which is converted into an electrical signal. e. node mcu esp 8266 functioned as a medium for receiving data from current and voltage detection and then sending the data information via wireless to the internet line so that the user can find out the voltage current data generated. hamdani, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 112-124 118 fig. 10. electronic circuit 3.2. hardware design hardware design is very important in making this final project. with the hardware, the system can be tested for real whether this tool can work properly or not. 3.3. software design the design of the software in this study is divided into several stages. there are the design of the visual basic communication system, blynk server communication and programming on the arduino ide (integrated development environment). fig. 11. overall visual basic application appearance design from figure 11 it can be seen that the visual basic display of the monitoring system is made. for more details, it can be seen the following information : a. in figure (a), is an indication of the tilt position of the solar panel at 5 positions which shows the tilt angle positions of 300, 600, 900, 1200, and 1500. b. in figure (b), is the data that vb receives from the data sent by arduino, the data consists of time, voltage, current, light intensity, and position data. c. in figure (c), is data received by vb which is arranged in the form of a table connected to the vb database, the data will automatically be stored in the database in excel. d. in figure (d), is data received by vb and converted into a line graphical display. the red line represents voltage, blue for power, and green for current. in this graphic the data displayed is only the latest 10 data. hamdani, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 112-124 119 fig. 12. blynk application appearance design the software design in this study used visual basic and blynk. where visual basic is used to display data and graphs of measurements made in real time. figure 11 shows the visual basic display where there are data tables and graphs used for grouping the output parameters from the solar panel in real time as well as being stored and useful for viewing previous measurement results. on the other hand, the appearance of blynk as in in figure 12 is in the form of time data, voltage, current, power, light intensity, and the position of the solar panels which are packaged in tabular form. 3.4. flowchart flowcharts in program design will be made as the basic concept of the system. the following is a flowchart of the solar panel orientation controller. fig. 13. flowchart of arduino system figure 13 shows a flowchart of how the whole tool works. the system is started by activating the tool and activating the tool will turn on the tool and then the system will display the hour, minute and second information. from this time display, the system will activate the reading of the voltage and current sensors from the detection of the solar panels. then the system sends hamdani, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 112-124 120 data via esp8266 where the data can be accessed via the internet network. the data will be connected to a smartphone, so that the user can receive data and monitor the solar panel, and the data is sent to a pc via serial communication which is received by the visual basic application and processed, then the data is stored in a visual basic database in the form of excel. when it is finished, the system will repeat the reading of the rtc, and when it has finished measuring data or monitoring the system can be terminated. 4. results and discussions the purpose of testing this tool is to see the results of the work of the software that has been made whether it is running according to plan or not, so that results and comparisons are obtained from what was previously planned. in accordance with the outline of the research objectives, namely to create a monitoring system on a solar panel using visual basic and blynk. this system is designed to determine the output value of current, voltage, light intensity, and the position of the solar panels in real time. the manufacture of this system or software utilizes the atmega 328 (arduino uno) microcontroller as control, the acs 712 sensor module as a current reader, the ina 219 sensor module as a voltage reader, the ldr sensor as a light intensity reader, the adxl345 sensor as a tilt angle reader, and the rtc ds1307 as the timer. the creation of this monitoring system is expected to be able to help record and read the resulting current and voltage data as well as light instances and the position of the solar panels which are displayed in real time in the form of tables and graphs. the following tests were carried out. 4.1. testing of rtc this rtc test is carried out in order to find out whether the rtc is able to display and send data on the correct time and according to the real time. fig. 14. testing of rtc this rtc test is done by providing real timing data input received by arduino which is then displayed on the lcd. if the time data received by the lcd is in accordance with figure 14, it can be concluded that the circuit is working properly. 4.2. testing of adxl345 accelerometer sensor this test is done to adjust the x, y and z axes of the sensor with arduino. the gravitational acceleration detected by the adxl345 sensor is used as information on the orientation angle of the solar panel. fig. 15. testing of adxl345 accelerometer sensor this adxl345 sensor test aims to ensure the position of the tilt angle of the solar panel with the x, y, and z axes detected by the sensor. after the data received by arduino from the sensor matches the position of the tilt angle of the solar panel, the testing process can be continued. hamdani, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 112-124 121 4.3. testing of acs712 current sensor current sensor testing is carried out by varying the measurement time at each position of the solar panel against the arrival of sunlight. the current value is obtained from the measuring instrument and sensor, the current from the measuring instrument is made literate and the comparison of the results from the sensor. the results of the current sensor test can be seen from the results of current measurements at five conditions when the solar panel changes to the arrival of sunlight and the detection results of the acs712 sensor, as for the difference in the percentage of error to the reading of the measuring instrument, this difference occurs due to differences in the sensitivity of the readings between the current sensor and the amperemeter. 4.4. testing of voltage sensor voltage sensor testing is carried out at different times, the voltage value from the voltmeter measuring instrument is used as a comparison for the voltage value from the sensor. the results of the voltage sensor test can be seen from the results of the voltage measurement at the five conditions when the solar panel changes to the arrival of sunlight and the ina219 sensor detection results, as for the difference in the percentage of error between the reading of the measuring instrument and the reading of the sensor, this difference occurs due to differences in the sensitivity of the readings between the current sensor and the sensor readings. voltmeter measuring instrument. sensor testing aims to ensure the data sent by arduino to the software so that no errors occur during measurement. 4.5. testing of monitoring system this test is done to test the performance of the monitoring system. the data collection process was carried out for 1 day, namely on october 27, 2020 for 10 hours in the time range from 07.00 – 17.00 wib. data were collected in sunny and cloudy weather conditions. design monitoring data delivery time in this monitoring system is every 300 seconds or 5 minutes. testing is done by connecting the arduino usb cable to the laptop, after connecting it is continued with activation in the visual basic 6.0 application, after activating the gui (graphic user interface) visual basic 6.0 design, arduino will send data to vb and process it then displayed in tabular and graphical forms. the following are the results of the monitoring system testing. fig. 16. position 1 (angle 300) hamdani, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 112-124 122 fig. 17. position 2 (angle 600) fig. 18. position 3 (angle 900) fig. 19. position 4 (angle 1200) fig. 20. position 5 (angle 1500) hamdani, et. al… vol 2(2) 2021 : 112-124 123 fig. 21. record data stored in the database fig. 22. graph of solar panel monitoring results figure 22 is the result of measurements in the form of graphic visualization of all measurement data stored in the database. on the x-axis, it is the time for data collection, while on the y-axis, the unit or value of each electric quantity that has been measured. in the monitoring system display, the graph display is only for the 10 most recent data that can be displayed to determine the current output of the solar panel. after testing, the system is able and can work as the purpose of making this monitoring system. where the system is able to display current data, voltage, light intensity, and the position of the solar panels which are displayed in tables and graphs, in figure 21 the system is also able to read and record measurement data and show the results of record data in a field database in the form of excel. the data that has been displayed is still stored in the database so that it can be retrieved and displayed again. 5. conclusion based on the experiments conducted, it can be concluded that the solar panel real time monitoring system that has been designed can record and read data on current, voltage, power, light intensity, and position of the solar panels in real time. the system can work properly and successfully transmits measurement data to the database. the accuracy of the reading of the solar panel output parameters is largely determined by the accuracy of the current and voltage sensors that used in the solar panel performance monitoring system. current and voltage sensors that are used get the difference in reading within normal limits. references ambarita, j., & priramadhi, r. a. 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(2017). tracker tiga posisi panel surya untuk peningkatan konversi energi dengan catu daya rendah. jurnal nasional teknik elektro, 6(3), 159-167. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 3(1) 2021 : 10-18 10 determining marketing strategy at lpp tvri riau using swot analysis method muhammad rizki1*, afdal ghifari2, wang ling hui3, ekie gilang permata4, mhd. dany siregar5, muhammad isnaini hadiyul umam6, harpito7 univeritas islam negeri sultan syarif kasim riau1,4,5,6,7, hochschule bremen2, national taiwan university of science and technology3, aghifari@stud.hs-bremen.de2,, ekiegp@yahoo.com4, mhddanny@gmail.com5,, received : 06 october 2021, revised: 26 december 2021 , accepted : 26 december 2021 *coresponding author abstract the purpose of this study was to use the swot approach to assess lpp tvri riau's marketing strategy. the focus of this research is to figure out internal and external factors in the swot analysis. this study used descriptive quantitative method. sampling was performed by using probability sampling method with a total of 400 respondents from 6,394,087 populations from riau province. the questionnaire was designed by determining the level of importance and assessing the current conditions. based on the results of the swot compilation, there are 5 strengths, 5 weaknesses, 4 opportunities, and 5 threats. furthermore, weighting, rating, and scores are carried out at the ifas and efas stages, for the weighting assessment carried out on the company side. the company's position is in quadrant ii, which means that the company has more dominant strengths and threats, so that the company should support the diversification strategy policy. so that the swot matrix mapping can be done to produce four strategic policy alternatives, namely so, st, wo, wt. keywords: marketing strategy, swot analysis, ifas, efas . 1. introduction television is one of the electronic mass media that cannot be separated by the community and can be well received. television is also one of the mass media that is very influential on society because it has provided many benefits in the form of information and entertainment. the presence of mass media in the community is very supportive of the creation of an information society that tends to need information, therefore television parameters are competing to provide as much information as possible to the public (fatema, k., & lariscy, j. t., 2020). there are 14 commercial television stations and one state-owned television station in indonesia. rcti, gtv, indosiar, inews, kompas tv, metro tv, mnc tv, net tv, rtv, sctv, trans7, trans tv, and tv one are among the thirteen private television channels. tvri is directed to be able to compete with other tvs with thirteen private television stations(rangkuti, et. al., 2020). tvri (televisi republik indonesia) is indonesia's primary public television network. the radio republic of indonesia has designated tvri as a public broadcasting institution, as defined by law number 32 of 2002 on broadcasting. tvri, indonesia's first television network, began airing on august 24, 1962. until 1989, when the first commercial television station was founded, tvri monopolized television transmission in indonesia(hamidah, et. al., 2021). with analog and broadcast systems, tvri is presently transmitting throughout indonesian territory. digital. tvri operates three national television channels, two of which are exclusively digital, as well as 30 regional television stations, all of which are backed by 361 transmission stations, including 120 digital transmission stations, across indonesia's provinces. tvri has had a long trip and plays an important part in the struggle and journey of the indonesian people's life, therefore there is a lot of rivalry from non-government television(sari, 2020; janah, n., & mayesti, n., 2020). mailto:aghifari@stud.hs-bremen.de2 rizki, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 10-18 11 table 1 news broadcasting program quality indicator index by broadcasting institution quality factors broadcasting institution rcti gtv indosiar inews kompas tv metro tv mnc tv net tv rtv sctv trans tv tv one tvri factuality 3.23 3.09 3.14 3.18 3.55 3.05 3.09 3.36 3.23 3.45 3.27 3.32 3.64 factuality 3.09 3.09 3.30 3.22 3.61 3.09 3.00 3.26 3.17 3.43 3.35 3.35 3.57 neutral 3.00 2.90 3.14 3.14 3.38 2.62 3.05 3.24 3.14 3.29 3.29 3.38 3.48 public interest 3.10 3.03 3.19 3.18 3.51 2.92 3.26 3.19 3.18 3.35 3.59 3.20 3.48 humanity value 3.00 3.00 3.17 3.13 3.43 3.30 2.96 3.04 3.09 3.22 3.13 3.30 3.35 average index 3.08 3.02 3.19 3.17 3.50 2.99 3.07 3.22 3.16 3.35 3.33 3.21 3.50 according to the information presented above, tvri must develop a plan to compete with rivals who have a strong potential to compete with tvri, and tvri must be obliged to develop competitive advantages. in general, all companies must be able to adopt an acceptable strategy in order for organizational rivalry to succeed, and for the organization to expand and develop sustainably with the aid of internal and external swot analysis techniques(elavarasan, et. al., 2020; longhurst, et. al., 2020). swot analysis in a company aims to provide a guide so that the company becomes more focused, so that the swot analysis can later be used as a comparison of thoughts from various points of view, both in terms of strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats that may arise in the future. swot analysis is a strategy-making tool that systematically evaluates and identifies numerous elements in order to develop a company-based strategy. based on a logic that maximizes strengths and opportunities, while minimizing weaknesses and threats in a highstakes market(li, et. al., 2020; bonfante, et. al., 2021). based on observations and interviews conducted at lpp tvri riau, tvri does not yet have standards or provisions in looking for opportunities and threats to tvri based on internal and external factors, so the researchers decided to conduct a decision strategy at the tvri riau branch using swot analysis and at the same time looking for matches whether the analysis swot can be applied to tvri. 2. literature review marketing is a set of activities carried out by a group of people in order to meet their needs and desires through an exchange process. marketing is a broad set of activities aimed at identifying, pricing, promoting, and distributing goods and services that meet the needs of current and potential customers. as a result, marketing activities can be defined as human activities that occur in the context of a market(kayumovich, et. al., 2020). marketing general is a set of business operations that aims to plan, price, advertise, and distribute items in order to meet customer needs and reach target markets while also meeting the company's objectives. marketing also refers to satisfying customer requirements and achieving a company's objectives in order to generate revenues and ensure the company's existence (huang, m. h., & rust, r. t., 2021). according to li, et. al., 2021, marketing strategy is "the marketing rationale by which the firm expects to generate value, the consumers who will service it (segmentation and targeting), and the manner in which the company will serve it" (differentiation and positioning). the firm first analyzes the whole market, then splits it into smaller groups, chooses the most promising sectors, and concentrates on customer service and happiness within these segments. swot analysis is a strategy formulation technique that systematically evaluates and identifies numerous elements in order to develop a corporate plan based on logic that maximizes strengths and opportunities while minimizing weaknesses and threats. this procedure entails establishing the precise objectives of the hypothetical firm or project, as well as the internal and external elements that support or hinder the achievement of these objectives(voukkali, i., & zorpas, a. a., 2022). rizki, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 10-18 12 fig. 1. swot analysis swot analysis can be applied. by analyzing and sorting out various things that affect the four factors, then applying them in a swot matrix image, where the application is. how strengths are able to take advantage of existing opportunities, how to overcome weaknesses that prevent advantages from existing opportunities, then how strengths are able to deal with threats that exist, and lastly is how to overcome the weaknesses that are able to make threats become real or create a new threat(jiskani, et. al., 2020). internal analysis includes 1) analysis of strength, strength is situation or condition that is the strength of the company. strength is an internal factor that supports the company in achieving its goals. supporting factors can be in the form of technology, resources, expertise, marketing strength, and customer base owned or other advantages that may be obtained due to financial resources, image, market advantages, and good relations between buyers and suppliers. 2) analysis of weaknesses, weaknesses are activities that are not going well, or resources needed by the company but not owned by the company. weakness is sometimes easier to see than a strength, but there are several things that make the weakness not given the right solution because the existing strengths are not maximized. weaknesses are internal factors that hinder the company in achieving its goals. inhibiting factors can be in the form of incomplete facilities, lack of financial resources, ability to manage, marketing expertise, and company image(irfan, et. al., 2020). external analysis 1) opportunity analysis, opportunity is a positive factor that arises from the environment and provides opportunities for companies to take advantage of them. opportunity is a supporting external factor. company in achieving its goals. external factors that support the achievement of goals can be in the form of policy changes, technological changes, economic developments and development of supplier and buyer relationships. 2) threat analysis, threat is a negative factor of. environment that provides obstacles to the development or operation of a company. threat. this is something that sometimes always. missed because many want to try to controversy or go against the flow. however, the company wilted more before growing. threats are. external factors that hinder the company in achieving its goals. external factors that hinder the company can be in the form of the entry of new competitors, slow market growth, increasing gaining power of the main suppliers and buyers, changes in technology and new policies(jetoo, s., & lahtinen, v., 2021). swot analysis was used. to see the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that will be faced by the company. by looking at the strengths and developing strengths. it can be ascertained that the company will be more advanced than existing competitors. likewise, the weaknesses they have must be corrected so that the company can continue to exist. there must be opportunities. be utilized as well as possible by the company so that sales volume can increase. rizki, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 10-18 13 and the threat that will be faced by the company suggests that the swot analysis. is an evaluation of the overall strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats called swot analysis(blancogutiérrez, et. al., 2020). 3. research methods data collection was carried out as a reference in conducting research. collecting data in the form of primary data and secondary data as well as reviewing data collection techniques used by researchers. 1. data source the data sources needed in this study consist of primary and secondary data which will be described as follows primary data primary data is data that is directly obtained from the main source by means of observation at lpp tvri riau and interviews with the company. in addition to observations and interviews, researchers also distributed questionnaires to obtain external and internal assessments. secondary data secondary data is data that indirectly provides information to data collectors such as documents. in this study, secondary data in the form of emission factor data were obtained from relevant journals and data from the internet such as wikipedia and the official website of the indonesian broadcasting commission (kpi). 2. data collection techniques the data collection techniques that the researchers did consist of 3 techniques, namely: observation observation is a technique or method of collecting data by observing ongoing activities. in this study, the researcher as a non-participating observation means that the researcher only observes ongoing activities without participating in activities at lpp tvri. interview this study uses free guided interviews, meaning that the interviews are open but based on the direction of the researcher. interviews were conducted with the company. questionnaire questionnaire is an information gathering technique that allows to study the attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and characteristics of several people. in this study, researchers distributed questionnaires to determine the external and internal values of the company. 3. data processing after the data is obtained, the next step is to carry out data processing. the following are the stages of data processing to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (swot) at lpp tvri(akdu, 2020; dulić, et. al., 2020). swot internal and external assessment the first time the data processing is done is recapitulation of data from the questionnaire to get the value of weights and ratings on the internal and external data of lpp tvri. ifas and efas matrix after getting the internal and external scores from the questionnaire, the next step is the ife and efe matrix. ife matrix. used to find out how big the role of the internal factors contained in the company which consists of strengths and weaknesses which are calculated based on ratings and weights. efe matrix. used to determine the company's external factors consisting of opportunities and threats calculated based on weights. swot matrix next do the steps. matching to formulate a strategy based on the results of the analysis and identification of the company's internal and external environmental conditions that have been collected based on. strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats obtained through internal and external audits. rizki, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 10-18 14 4. results and discussions the indicators on internal factors and external factors are as follows: strength 1. broad broadcast coverage power 2. strong network 3. public interest 4. human values 5. depth of information weakness 1. network frequency has not yet reached remote villages 2. picture and sound quality is not good 3. impressions on tvri are less interesting and not varied 4. the ability of the presenter 5. skilled and trained human resources opportunities 1. the number of internet and social media users 2. the demands of community events that need tv shows that are different from others 3. there are still few educational programs on television 4. more sophisticated equipment technology threats 1. many private tvs are getting creative 2. the increasing number of online entertainment media 3. potential competitors emerge in other product areas 4. difficult broadcast licensing in various tv shows by kpi 5. the number of competitors for events in the same segmentation is increasing internal strategy factor matrix (ifas) after the factors of a company's internal strategy are identified, an ifas table is compiled to formulate the factors of the internal strategy in the framework of strengths and weaknesses. furthermore, the calculation method is carried out to determine the value of weight, rating, and score. in the ifas matrix, the value of the result of reducing strength and weakness is 1.017(landmann, et. al., 2020). table 2 matrix ifas no internal factors weight rating score strenght 1 broadcast coverage 0.2 3 0.6 2 networking 0.163 3 0.489 3 public interest 0.2 3 0.6 4 human values 0.218 3 0.654 5 accurate information 0.218 3 0.654 total strenght 2.997 weakness 1 network frequency has not yet reached remote villages 0.17 2 0.34 2 picture and sound quality is not good 0.19 2 0.38 3 impressions on tvri are less interesting and not varied 0.19 2 0.38 4 host ability 0.23 2 0.46 5 skilled and trained human resources 0.21 2 0.42 total weakness 1.98 s – w 1.017 rizki, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 10-18 15 external strategy factor matrix (efas) the calculation performed on the efas matrix is not much like the calculation on the ifas matrix, namely by reducing the number of opportunities and the number of threats, which is 0.03(susanti, et. al., 2021). table 3 matrix efas no external factors weight rating score opportunities 1 the number of internet and social media users 0.29 3 0.87 2 the demands of community events that need a tv show that is different from the others 0.26 3 0.78 3 there are still few educational programs on television 0.21 3 0.63 4 more sophisticated equipment technology 0.21 3 0.63 total opportunities 2.91 threats 1 many private tvs are getting creative 0.16 3 0.48 2 the number of online entertainment media is increasing 0.21 3 0.63 3 potential competitors are emerging in other product areas 0.21 3 0.63 4 difficult broadcast licensing in various tv shows by kpi 0.19 3 0.57 5 the number of competitors for events in the same segment is increasing 0.21 3 0.63 total threats 2.94 o – t -0.03 swot quadrant after getting the results from the ifas and efas matrices, the next step is to determine the strategic position in the swot quadrant, as shown in the image below with a value (x= 1.017, y= -0.03)(komari, et. al., 2020). the quadrants in the swot analysis are as follows: rizki, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 10-18 16 fig. 2. swot quadrant in the swot quadrant as shown above, it is in a quadrant ii position where in this position the company supports a diversification strategy policy(putri, et. al., 2020). swot matrix furthermore, to formulate alternative strategies at lpp tvri riau using the swot matrix, strategic alternatives are prepared based on the interaction of the company's internal and external factors to obtain a competitive strategy. so strategy 1. improve the quality of broadcast programs that are more interesting 2. maintain and improve the quality of broadcast programs to retain viewers 3. using brand image to attract viewers from newcomers st strategy 1. strengthen the image that has been formed 2. improving the quality of impressions and service quality 3. create a program of events in accordance with the provisions wo strategy 1. improve cost efficiency 2. strive for the development and training of human resources (hr)). 3. creating innovative new broadcast programs 4. maximizing the introduction of broadcast programs through social media wt strategy 1. establish a new business strategy that is more efficient and effective 2. pay more attention to the quality and quality of service to viewers 3. explore local potential (tvri riau) to create superior programs 5. conclusion based on the weight and rating diagram of each element of the swot matrix, it can be seen that the company or agency of lpp tvri riau is currently in quadrant ii. lpp tvri riau has internal coordinates: (total score of strength – total score of weakness): 2.997 – 1.98 = 1.017. on external coordinates: (total score of opportunities – total score of threats): 2.91 – 2.94 = 0.03. so the coordinates are at (1.017; 0.03) so you can take advantage of the opportunities that exist. the strategy that must be applied in this position is to support a diversification strategy policy where the general strategy that can be carried out by the company is to use the company's strengths and threats to take every advantage that exists. the strategy that can be applied is a diversification strategy, namely by 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(2018), nwankwojike et al. (2012), adzimah and seckley (2009), and obincoweld (2015). some of them exhibited relatively good separating efficiencies as high as 90% during testing (nwankwojike et al., 2012). the study by ologunagba et al. (2010), resulted in a separation efficiency of about 96%. however, these studies considered complex drive systems which increase maintenance and operational costs (okolie et al., 2018; adzimah and seckley, 2009). there were also size limitations that prevent their use in small scale production yards, and the inability to separate relatively hard cakes that are obtained from a tight pressing of the digested palm nuts to extract more palm oil (nwankwojike et al., 2012). in addition, due to their hopper designs, as well as the shape and hard nature of the cakes to be fed, some of these machines require the cakes to be pre-broken before being fed into the machines (obincoweld, 2015), and some of them do not mechanize the final separation of nut from fibre), and so still require enough manual labour. against this background, this paper assesses an alternative design of a palm nut fibre cake separation machine, which was developed considering ease of maintenance, operation, and. the andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 24-31 25 machine takes the cylindrical shape of palm nut-fibre cakes often found in ghana into consideration, and was designed to alleviate the problem of hand separation by local oil producers. 2. research methods 2.1 overview of the developed palm-nut fibre caked separation machine the objective of the evaluation criteria is to find a reliable, energy-efficient, yet accurate and suitable design for the palm nut-fibre caked separation machine. four evaluation criteria were used as the basis to select an appropriate design. these were maintainability, manufacturability, initial cost and assembly. the design requirements of this research seek to design a simple palm nut-fibre separator. the machine has a rigid and strong base and a hopper to aid in feeding into the machine with cake fibre. there is a strongly geared tooth spike for breaking and separating the caked fibre, beneath it is a perforated sieve required to allow the nuts to exit as they are completely separated in the process. a fan blower is integrated into the features to tblow outut the separated fibre from the system to exit through the ejector which is located in between the two spike rollers. an electric motor of 3 horsepower with a voltage of 220 volts to 400 volts 3-phase power is used to transmit power to the system with the help of a pulley and a v-belt drive. the machine is expected to work for 8 hours a day for 5 days with a design life of 5 years. the design prototype should have effan iciency above 70%. the machine is a two-stage continuous process that is breaking off caked fibre in the first stage and the nuts separation in the second stage all in one entity. further, the materials selected to be used are less corrosive, high quality and low cost. based on this approach, three concepts were developed with their working principles and orthographic views. these were evaluated based on maintenance, manufacture, ease of assembly, and initial cost to select a final design without any modification made. fig. 1 shows the isometric and exploded views and the parts list of the final conceptual design. the design specifications of the fifteen (15) parts were determined based on various design equations. table 1 shows the dimensions, materials selected and the manufacturing processes used for the individual parts. 2.2 experimental procedure a standard palm nut-fibre cake of weight 25 kg was fed into the hopper. after breaking and separating the fibre and nut, the ejected nuts were weighed and recorded as x kg and that of ejected fibre as y kg. after separation, portions of nuts in the ejected fibres were separated manually and vice versa. the weight of nuts in the ejected fibres was recorded as a kg whereas the weight of fibres in the ejected nuts was recorded as b kg. the weights of palm nuts and fibres separated by machine were then determined and recorded as (x-a) kg and (y-b) kg, respectively. this process was repeated for four other tests with the same weight of the nut-fibre cake and the results were recorded. the machine setup is shown in fig. 2. table 1 design specifications part no. part name dimension/specification material used 1 hopper 36 mm diameter x 50 mm length mild steel 3 metal frame 3 mm by 500 mm angle iron (4x) mild steel 4 sieve coarse 40 mm by 3 mm x 10 m mild steel 5 tower bearings diameter 20mm steel alloy 7 motor 1420 rpm 8 nut ejectors mild steel 11 geared spike 100 mm diameter x 400 mm length galvanized steel 12 pin spike 80 mm diameter x 400 mm length galvanized steel 14 cover plate 500 mm by 500 mm (4x) mild steel 15 pulley cast iron andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 24-31 26 fig. 1. conceptual design details and part list fig. 2. experimental setup 2.2 determination of machine parameters and production efficiencies machine parameters such as throughput capacity, separation efficiency, power rating and design capacity are quantities that influence the machine performance. they are typically viewed as being held constant or varying slowly. the throughput capacity of the palm nut-fibre cake separator is the rate at which it segregates the nuts and fibre from the cake. it is the ratio of the average weight of palm nut fibre cake separated in kg to the time used in hours. therefore, throughput capacity in kg/h is evaluated using eqn. (1). 𝐶𝑊 = 𝑊𝑁 +𝑊𝐹 𝑡 (1) andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 24-31 27 where wn is the total weight of nuts separated, wf is the total weight of fibre separated and t is the time taken for the separation in hours. the separation efficiency, which is the ratio of the weight of the total nuts and fibre separated and the total weight of palm nuts-fibre cake fed into the machine is determined using eqn. (2). 𝜂𝑠 = 𝑊𝑁+ 𝑊𝐹 𝑊𝑡 × 100% (2) where wn is the total weight of nuts separated, wf is the total weight of fibre separated and wt is the total weight of palm nuts-fibre cake fed into the machine. the power rating of the machine is the power consumed per hour. a fluke multimeter is clamped on the input power cables of the machine to measure and record the rate of the power consumption. the design capacity of the palm nut-fibre cake separator is the maximum possible output of the machine. it is the average volume of cake that can be fed into the hopper of the machine. the machine weight is determined by adding up the weight of the various components of the machine. the efficiency of a machine is the ratio of the output to its input. the palm nutfibre separator was designed to eject nuts and fibre at different sides of the machine. therefore, the efficiency of nuts and fibres efficiency is determined using the eqn. (3) and (4), respectively. 𝐸𝑁 = 𝑊𝑁1 𝑊𝑁1 +𝑊𝑁2 × 100% (3) where wn1 is the weight of the nuts separated by machine as (x-a) kg and wn2 is the weight of nuts separated manually as (a) kg. 𝐸𝐹 = 𝑊𝐹1 𝑊𝐹1+𝑊𝐹2 × 00% (4) where wf1 is the weight of the fibres separated by machine as (y-b) kg and wf2 is the weight of fibres separated manually as (b) kg. the percentage loss of nuts and fibre is determined as (1en) and (1 ef) respectively. 2.3 determination of the sample error using t-distribution the standard error of a statistic is the standard deviation of its sampling distribution. for a given sample size, the standard error of the mean equals the standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size (altman and bland, 2015). the ranges for a standard parameter can be determined using the following equations; e = 𝐸𝑎𝑣 ± 𝑡𝛼,𝑣𝑠 √𝑛−1 (5) 𝐸𝑎𝑣 = ∑ 𝐸𝑖 𝑛 (6) √ ∑(𝐸𝑖−𝐸𝑎𝑣) 𝑛 (7) where e is a standard parameter, 𝐸𝑎𝑣 is the mean, s is the standard devation, 𝑡𝛼,𝑣 is t – distribution probability, and n is the sample size. 2.4 cost analysis this section seeks to determine the effective cost of using the machine as compared to manual labour. the life span of the machine was determined by taking into consideration the speed of the machine, durability of components used and nature of work to be carried out. it was estimated to work for 5 days a week for 8 hours in 5 years. the total cost incurred in the design and fabrication of the machine was determined and the cost of operation was determined by the power consumption of the machine. the cost of using manual labour was determined using the minimum daily wage and the number of people to be employed to carry out the same work as the machine. 3. results and discussion the results of the measured parameters of the machine are shown in table 2. these were the key variables that influence the operating process and were determined from the experiment procedure of the machine. these include machine speed, operating temperature, torque, design capacity and throughput capacity. the torque was calculated using the twisting speed of the shafts. table 2 measured parameters of prototype andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 24-31 28 measured parameters value rotational speed 1400 to 1450 rpm. the radius of rotating shaft 10 mm size of geared spike roller dia. 100 mm x 400 mm size of pin spike roller dia. 80 mm x 400 mm power rating 400v , 2.3 kw/h operating temperature 4142 °c machine speed 1420 rpm torque 15.05 nm weight 120 kg design capacity 5,650 m3 throughput capacity 107 kg/h the average time taken for separation 840 to 860 s fig. 3 shows the weights of the ejected nuts and fibres from the machine for the same sample of palm nut-fibre cake that was tested. at each test, the weight of the nuts were higher than corresponding weight of nuts. the separation time for all tests varied slightly. however, the weights of ejected nuts recorded had some fibre components which were separated manually and vice versa. hence, the actual quantities of the nuts and fibres separated by the machine were determined after doing manual separation from each. fig. 4 therefore illustrates the actual weights of nuts and fibres based on machine separation. the throughput capacity of the fabricated fibre-nut separator was between 106 kg/h and 108 kg/h. from statistical analysis with a 95% confidence level, the value of 𝑡0.05,4 was 2.132 from the tdistribution table. the mean, standard deviation and range for throughput capacity were 107.72, 1.259 and 107.72 ± 1.342 respectively. fig. 3. weight output of nuts and fibres from testing andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 24-31 29 fig. 4. throuput capacity based on weights of nuts and fibres the results of separation efficiency of the machine is shown in fig. 5. at each test, the machine performance in separating the nuts and fibres was about 90% or more. for a 95 % confidence level, the value of 𝑡0.05,4 was 2.132 from the t – distribution table. the mean, standard deviation and the range of separation efficiencies are 91.98%, 1.113 and 91.98 ± 1.186 respectively. the efficiencies of nuts and fibre and the percentage loss of nuts and fibres are shown in table 3. for each quantity of cake utilised in the experiment, the efficiency of nuts separated by the machine was higher than the efficiency of fibre separation. this was because, ejection of the nuts is aided by force of gravity whilst the fibre was ejected by air flow from the blower. this means more nuts were ejected than fibre for each quantity of palm nut-fibre cake used. from statistical data with 95 % confidence level, the value of 𝑡0.05,4 was 2.132 from the tdistribution table. the percentage range for the loss of nuts and fibre were 8.67 ±0.763 and 19.55 ±1.378, respectively. table 3 efficiencies and percentage loss of nuts and fibres test number quantity of cake (kg) efficiency of nuts (%) efficiency of fibre (%) loss of nuts (%) loss of fibre (%) 1 25.16 91.37 78.49 8.63 21.51 2 25.09 92.12 81.01 7.88 18.99 3 25.2 91.93 81.08 8.07 18.92 4 25.17 90.47 81.19 9.53 18.81 5 25.24 90.76 80.48 9.24 19.52 andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 24-31 30 fig. 5. separation efficiency of prototype the cost analysis of using the prototype against manual labour was evaluated to ascertain the effectiveness of the machine in terms of operating cost. it was determined from experiment that the throughput capacity of the machine was averagely 107.72 kg/hr. in the case of manual labour, capacity was 34.4 kg/hr. this indicates that the separation machine is about three times more efficient than using manual labour. the initial capital cost of the machine was us$1,000. the national daily minimum wage is us$2.02 (otoo, 2018) whereas commercial electricity cost in ghana is us$ 0.123/kwh (quartey and ametorwotia, 2017). the machine is designed to operate 5 days per week for 8 hours a day for 5 years, approximately 40,000 running hours with a rated power of 3 hp (2.2 kw). the machine operating cost is dependent on electricity consumption whereas the cost incurred from manual labour is dependent on daily minimum wage per individual. it is assumed that for manual breaking and separation of a 25 kg fibre-nut cake, 4 people are used whereas the use of the machine require 2 additional people. hence, as shown in table 4, the daily operating cost of using the machine to separate fibre-nut cake was us$ 6.18 whereas that of manual labour was us$ 8.08. the annual cost amounts to us$ 1473.60 for machine operation and us$ 1939.20 for the manual labour cost. for a 5-year period, considering the initial capital cost of fabricating the machine, the cost savings for using the machine with less labour amounted to about us$ 2328. table 4 cost analysis item machine manual labour daily operating cost us$ 6.18 us$ 8.08 yearly operating cost us$ 1,473.60 us$ 1,939.20 5 year-operating cost us$ 7,368.00 us$ 9,696.00 4. conclusion throughout history, the cake breaker has been used and still being used in so many diverse ways. although these cake breakers have served their purpose of use, this two-stage process of breaking and separating nut-fibre cake makes work much easier and convenient. it was concluded that the palm nut-fibre cake separation is more effective with the machine than manual labour. the average efficiency of nuts by machine is statistically greater than the average efficiency of fibre by machine given by the 5 % significance level of the one-tail test. the annual cost of using of the machine is us$ 1473.60 as compared to us$ 1939.20 for manual labour cost. for a 5-year running period, the cost savings of the machine amounted to us$ 2328. the study outcome is relevant to small-scale producers on the need to utilize a low cost machine to facilitate high andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 24-31 31 separation yield of nuts and fibres from the cake obtained from processing palm oil. this will improve production output of palm kernel oil which is processed from the palm nuts. this has potential to contribute to poverty alleviation under sustainable development goal 17 which highlights the importance of global macroeconomic stability. however, the nut-fibre cake breaker and separation machine can be improved by attaching a conveyor where the cake is fed, then drives it onto the hopper of the machine. this is an electrically operated system, however, diesel engine can be incorporated when there is an electrical failure or used at places without source of electricity. chain drive systems must be implored to prevent slips during high torques. much higher blowers must also be used to improve the efficiency of the fibre ejected. references adzimah, s. k., & seckley, e. 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(2017). assessing the total economic value of electricity in ghana. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022 : 16-23 16 finite element analysis of ss316l-based five-hole plate implant for fibula reconstruction nanang qosim1*, zakki fuadi emzain2, am. mufarrih3, ratna monasari4, fataa kusumattaqiin5, rangga e. santoso6 department of mechanical engineering, politeknik negeri malang, indonesia1,2,3,4 department of chemical engineering, politeknik negeri samarinda, indonesia5 department of energy and power, cranfield university, united kingdom6 received : 21 may 2022, revised: 24 july 2022, accepted : 08 august 2022 *corresponding author abstract the design of a product is the first stage that determines its success. in designing an implant product, it is necessary to carefully and carefully consider the strength of the structure, which will determine the implantation process in the bone. this study aims to analyze the design performance of ss316l-based plate implants for fibula restoration. the method used in this study is using a finite element analysis approach. the simulated model design has dimensions of 35 x 5 x 1.5 mm and five holes with a 2-3 configuration. the results of the bending test simulation showed that the values for both displacement and von mises stress that occurred (0.008 mm and 116 mpa of each) were still considerably below the yield stress of the ss316l material. the same results were also shown in the tensile test simulation, although the clamping setting on the plate was changed on the other side. from this finite element analysis approach, the ss316l-based five-hole plate implant design has a fairly good strength performance as a fibular bone-implant restoration product. keywords: plate, implant, finite element method, von mises, fibula, ss316l 1. introduction a fibular injury is an injury to the bone in the area of the foot between the knee and the sole. actually, between the knee and the sole, there are two bones, namely the tibia and fibula bones. the tibia is a bone that is at the front or what we call the shinbone. while the fibula bone itself is located on the side of the tibia bone and is smaller (taberner et al., 2019; zahn et al., 2012), as shown in figure 1. the position of these two bones is the longest in the leg, and most susceptible to impact. hence, it is very susceptible to injury, easy to crack and even the worst part will break (dursun et al., 2020). in addition to traffic accidents, the most frequent causes of fibular trauma are in sports, especially football (werner et al., 2017; zaki et al., 2020). fig. 1. tibia and fibula (boston children’s hospital, 2020) qosim et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 17 for the treatment of trauma to the fibula bone, a plate-shaped implant has several holes depending on the length of the implant. the larger or longer the fracture area, the longer the implant size used. for the installation of the plate, a surgical operation is carried out first. then the plate will be fixed using screws and left for several months for the healing process before surgical removal of the implant can be performed (qosim et al., 2018). stainless steel aisi 316l has been widely used as a material for orthopedic implants, dental implants, and cardiovascular stents due to its suitable mechanical properties, workability, high corrosion resistance, chemical stability, and low cost (godbole et al., 2015; mojarad shafiee et al., 2020; pathote et al., 2022). after stainless steel 304/a2, grade 316l stainless steel, often known as a4 stainless steel or marine grade stainless steel, is the second most prevalent austenitic stainless steel (dhib et al., 2016). the main alloying elements, after iron, are chromium (16-18%), nickel (10-12%), and molybdenum (2–3%), with small amounts (<1%) of silicon, phosphorus, and sulfur (dursun et al., 2020; kong et al., 2020). due to local corrosive assault by chlorides and widespread corrosion by reducing acids, such as sulfuric acid, the inclusion of molybdenum gives stronger corrosion resistance than 304. stainless steel 316l is a low-carbon variant of grade 316. when cold worked, 316 stainless steel may provide high yields and tensile strengths comparable to duplex stainless steel (akinwamide et al., 2022; ren et al., 2019). finite element analysis (fea) is one of the computational methods that has gained widespread acceptance in the field of orthopedic research (cao et al., 2019; emzain et al., 2021). wong et al., utilized a finite element model of the bony part of the lower leg generated on the basis of computed tomography data from the visible human project. they found that the finite element linear static analysis resulted in relevant fracture localizations and indicated relevant fracture patterns (wong et al., 2010). wang et al., used fea to study the relationship of the tibial tunnel (tt) with fracture patterns and implants (wang et al., 2021). lu et al., utilized 3d imaging and fea of elite fencers for asymptomatic foot and ankle structural injuries (lu et al., 2022). thakre et al. performed research on the lower limb of the human body using 3d modeling and fea of the tibia. the stresses and displacements of the human tibia bone under physiological loading were evaluated using fea (pratik s. thakre, 2021). a study by koh et al., used a finite element model of high tibial osteotomy (hto) that was subjected to physiological and surgical loads in the tibia. their result showed that design optimization was an effective tool for hto plate design. this information could aid future developments in hto plate design and could be expanded to other implant designs (koh et al., 2019). computational simulations of biomechanical research can give more information about the stability and usefulness of bone constructions (huang et al., 2015; qosim et al., 2020; steiner et al., 2015). as a result, we used the finite element method to explore the influence of the parameters on the stability of plate fixation on tibial shaft fractures. the goal of this work is to create a patient-specific plate design for post-fracture finger rehabilitation by statistically exploring bending and tensile strength using fem in line with indonesian anthropometry. the design has two significant benefits. to begin with, the proper stress distribution of the implant is believed to reduce implant surface wear as well as the likelihood of early loosening. second, the right strength-to-weight ratio based on the patient's condition will reduce postoperative therapy as well as implantation failure. 2. research methods computer-aided create (cad) software (catia v5r17, dassault systèmes, french) was used to design the five-hole plate implant. the design produced referenced commercially available components that were then adjusted based on surgeon advice. the model was then simulated using the software using a finite element analysis approach. in this simulation, computations were carried out to determine the displacement value in mm, and the von mises stress in n/m2 unit. the first step that must be done to perform a finite element simulation was to determine the mesh size or meshing process. meshing is a continuous process of discretizing into discrete computational domains so that the equations in it can be solved and produce solutions (berrone et al., 2019). the smaller the counting process, the more accurate the surface area results qosim et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 18 obtained (tavelli & dumbser, 2016). however, if the enumeration is too much, the resulting equations will be more and more and require a computational process that is too long. table 1. stainless steel 316l parameters value elements (wt%) 2 mn; 0.75 si; 16-18 cr; 10-14 ni; 2-3 mo tensile strength (mpa) 485 yield strength (mpa) 170 elongation in 50 mm (%) 40 hardness (brinell/rockwell) 217/96 tensile and bending tests were among the simulated tests used to measure mechanical strength. in this investigation, the load that would ordinarily occur on the fibula was considered to be 100 n and 10 n for tensile and bending load, respectively. the boundary conditions were then considered to be this condition. stainless steel 316l was employed in this simulation, and the mechanical parameters are listed in table 1. 4. results and discussions 4.1 design of model the major goal of this five-hole plate implant's design was to provide a firm internal fixation. this was done to ensure a proper fit between the implant and the bone. figure 2 shows a design solution that incorporates numerous commercial goods as well as surgeon input, a straight, non-locking plate with five holes in the design shape. this model has dimensions of 35x5x1.5 mm. the decision to choose this design was based on the convenience of the manufacturing process if it were to be made into a mass-produced item. another factor to consider was the plate's positioning, which was believed to avoid translocation when utilized in fracture rehabilitation. fig. 2. technical drawing of five-hole plate implant's design 4.2 finite element analysis results meshing was done automatically in this fea (finite element analysis) with good quality utilizing a predefined mesh size range in the kind of curvature with 0,1 in size. figure 3 depicts the meshing result employed in this investigation, which has a total of 122,235 nodes and 563,483 elements. qosim et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 19 fig. 3. discretization of the model first of all, in the bending test simulation, the compressive load of 10 n was centered right in the middle of the model. the results of the von mises stress distribution were depicted in figure 4 as a consequence of the computation. the stress levels were depicted by hues ranging from red to blue, indicating low to high-stress levels, respectively. the simulation results revealed that the stress was 1.16x108 n/m2 or 116 mpa. the area that experiences the greatest stress was the area around the holes located at the end of the plate side and a hole in the middle of the model. this value was still smaller than the yield value of ss 316l material of 170 mpa. from figure 4 it was also elucidated that the displacement that occurs was 0.008 mm which was dominantly concentrated in the middle of the model. fig. 4. simulation results of the bending load qosim et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 20 turning to the other hand, in the tensile test simulation, two kinds of simulations were carried out. the first simulation was to do clamping on the side of the plate which had two holes with the other side being the part that experiences tensile loads. another simulation was the opposite setting whereas clamping was applied to the side of the plate containing three holes. the results of the bending test simulations for each of these settings were shown in figures 5 and 6, respectively. figure 5 depicted that the model with tensile loading on the side containing 2 holes experienced a displacement of 0.039 mm. on the other hand, the displacement that occurred in the model with tensile loading on the side containing 3 holes was 0.057 mm. this value was slightly different from the previous one. however, these two displacement values had similarities which were more concentrated at the end of the model that experienced tensile loads. fig. 5. simulation results of the tensile load in the side containing 2 holes qosim et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 21 fig. 6. simulation results of the tensile load in the side containing 3 holes the diversification of the location of the loading on the model also affected the value of the resulting von mises stress. from figures 5 and 6, it was revealed that the von mises stress values for the model with clamping on the side of the plate containing three holes and two holes were 1.58x108 and 1.27x108 n/m2, respectively. the two figures also elucidated that the greatest stresses were concentrated in the area around all holes, especially on the right and left sides of the holes. however, these two values were still very far from the tensile stress value of the ss 316l material of 170 mpa, even when compared to the yield stress of 170 mpa. from the computational results of bending and tensile tests, the resulting displacement and von mises stress values were still below the allowable values. so we can conclude, from the finite element analysis approach, that this design has a fairly good strength performance. 5. conclusion the design and numerical analysis of a five-hole plate implant made of stainless steel 316l for fibula repair were well conducted. fea findings indicated unequal von mises stress and strain distribution after adding a static load to the model. despite the fact that the stress values were much lower than the yield stress of stainless steel 316l, the crucial concentration of stresses was found in the middle of the model. the displacements were also quite small, thus they were not thought to have an impact on performance. 6. 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speaker. a telegraph bot that notifies the owner of the retail establishment of the visitor's presence also makes the presumption as to whether the visitor is a potential customer or an intruder. our research demonstrates that the created monitoring system effectively recognizes and categorizes visits, enabling retail store owners to make defensible choices regarding visitor interaction and security precautions. small business owners can save personnel costs while still maintaining high levels of client engagement and security. the theoretical application of this research is the creation of a visitor monitoring system that is affordable and may be used in small enterprises, particularly in indonesia. the practical ramifications of our research include the possibility for small retail business owners to boost profits by lowering labor expenses while raising customer satisfaction and security. the importance of our study lies in its role in creating a monitoring system that will support small enterprises and increase their sustainability. keywords: monitoring system, small retail store, raspberry pi, yolo 1. introduction serving both urban and rural clientele, small retail establishments are a crucial part of indonesia's cultural legacy and economic landscape. despite the rise of e-commerce, local smallscale retail businesses are still thriving in many areas because of their attentive customer care and focus on the neighborhood. however, small business owners in indonesia confront various difficulties, such as limited access to finance, labor, and technology (hermawan & nugraha, 2022; maksum et al., 2020; raharja et al., 2019). since the economy changes so quickly, many small firms struggle to stay profitable and competitive. the necessity to offer adequate security while limiting personnel expenses presents a significant barrier for small retail store operators. store owners must balance the requirement for consumer involvement and accessibility with the necessity to avoid illegal access and loss. theft and other security issues constantly worry store owners (korgaonkar et al., 2021). the issue of retail business monitoring systems has been addressed in previous studies in several ways. numerous studies have been conducted on the sector to increase effectiveness and consumer satisfaction. a 3d vision-based shelf monitoring system (3d-vsm) was suggested in one of these studies (milella et al., 2021) in order to estimate the on-shelf availability (osa) of goods in a retail setting. this system compares a reference model of the shelf with its actual status to offer up-to-date information about product availability for client purchase and create notifications on out-of-stock (oos) events. based on biometric information and facial expressions, a different study (generosi et al., 2018) developed an emotional tracking system to evaluate the shopping experience at several touchpoints in a retail store. the effectiveness of the system in detecting emotions and preventing sex, age, and ethnicity discrimination against customers was tested preliminarily by the study. an innovative retail monitoring system was proposed in a study(jafriz & mansor, 2022) based on the intel distribution of open vino toolkit. this system uses trained models and deep learning techniques to count people, people entering and leaving the premises automatically, and the distance between people to ensure social distance. five trials were used to evaluate the system, which showed great accuracy and efficiency in counting and erlina & fikri… vol 4(2) 2023 : 908-920 909 recognizing persons and evaluating social distance. these solutions are less suited for small firms with limited resources because they can be pricey and challenging to install and maintain. using single-board computers and basic sensors to provide affordable and effective security monitoring is an alternate strategy that has lately gaining prominence. these devices can be programmed to detect motion (babu et al., 2020; guha et al., 2020; mathur et al., 2017), sound (bhambani et al., 2020; j. kim et al., 2020). they can also detect temperature changes (arun et al., 2020; jadon et al., 2019; jaihar et al., 2020; priyanka et al., 2022). they can be linked to cameras to deliver video footage of the area in issue, enabling owners to watch over their shops remotely. another benefit of using this kind of system is that the store owner may easily install and maintain it, eliminating the need for exorbitant installation or continuing maintenance fees. a complete security system suited to the requirements of small enterprises can be provided by integrating these devices with additional software and hardware options. despite the potential advantages of this kind of security system, more investigation is required to comprehend its capabilities and limitations entirely and to create more user-friendly and effective solutions for small retail store owners. we suggest an affordable visitor monitoring system that uses a single-board computer and the yolo (you only look once) algorithm to overcome this problem. the system detects and tracks things inside the predetermined border areas of the store using a webcam, raspberry pi, speaker, and push button. the system can distinguish between legitimate visitors and possible robbers thanks to the yolo algorithm, which lowers false alarms and boosts overall security. the technology alerts the store owner to the visitor's presence and, if necessary, gives more footage and details. the primary goal of this project is to create a monitoring system that can aid small business owners in enhancing their security and lowering labor costs. store owners can concentrate on offering top-notch customer service and running their businesses more effectively by offering an automated and trustworthy security system. the system is a practical option for small enterprises in indonesia and other comparable environments due to its affordability and simplicity of usage. creating a low-cost visitor monitoring system that can improve the security of small retail establishments is one of the study's theoretical contributions. the possibility for small retail business owners to increase their bottom line by lowering labor expenses while boosting consumer engagement and security is one example of a practical contribution. the importance of our study lies in its role in creating a monitoring system that will support small enterprises and increase their sustainability. 2. literature review in this part, we will perform a literature review of academic sources pertinent to our research issue. we want to comprehend better important ideas, advances, and findings connected to our study problem or subject. this review will give a thorough overview of the theories and studies that have already been done on our subject and identify any knowledge gaps that need to be filled. convolutional neural networks (cnns), you only look once (yolo), opencv, and single-board computers will be highlighted in this overview of machine learning. we will then concentrate on current studies about monitoring systems in retail establishments. computer vision is only one of the many industries transformed in recent years by cuttingedge technology. machine learning is one of the most critical developments in this area, which entails teaching algorithms to recognize patterns and reach data-driven conclusions. machine learning has shown to be particularly useful in image processing applications, such as estimating concrete surface roughness (jiang et al., 2021; protopapadakis et al., 2019; valikhani et al., 2021), defect in additive manufacturing (caggiano et al., 2019; scime & beuth, 2019; wang et al., 2020) and bioimage analysis (berg et al., 2019; ma et al., 2021; moen et al., 2019) where it can automate tasks that would be time-consuming or difficult for humans to perform. a typical type of neural network used in machine learning for image and video processing applications is the convolutional neural network (cnn). deep learning models, a machine learning method created to learn and extract high-level characteristics from data automatically, include cnns as a subset. cnns are particularly helpful for tasks like image recognition (sim et al., 2019), object detection (hashemzehi et al., 2020), and image segmentation (sharma et al., erlina & fikri… vol 4(2) 2023 : 908-920 910 2020) in the context of machine learning. the networks can automatically learn and extract edges, corners, and other essential features from images. these features can subsequently be applied to predictions or the classification of images. cnn uses convolutional layers to extract features from images, and fully linked layers are then used to categorize the objects in the image. a representative layer of the cnn architecture is shown in fig. 1, demonstrating that the architecture comprises several convolutional layers, followed by several fully linked layers. fig. 1. typical cnn architecture the well-known object recognition system yolo uses convolutional neural networks (cnns) to identify items in still and moving pictures. yolo has emerged as one of the most popular object recognition algorithms in computer vision applications thanks to its real-time object detection capabilities (ullah, 2020). the primary principle of this technique is to partition an input image into a grid of cells and run a cnn on each cell to identify objects (redmon et al., 2020) this strategy is distinct from other object detection algorithms that look for things using sliding windows and region recommendations. the technique for detecting yolo is shown in figure 2. yolo can detect objects in real-time without requiring computationally intensive procedures because cnns are used to process each cell. yolo also has the advantage of being able to detect many objects in a single pass, which is something that other algorithms cannot do. fig. 2. the yolo detection system (redmon et al., 2020) open cv (open source computer vision), a collection of programming functions used to carry out various computer vision tasks, such as image and video analysis, object recognition, and tracking, is another crucial image processing tool employed in this work. due to its adaptability, effectiveness, and simplicity, opencv is extensively used and compatible with several computer languages, including python, c++, and java (gollapudi & gollapudi, 2019). when used together, yolo and opencv can build solid object detection systems that precisely identify things in realtime. these systems can automate operations, increase accuracy, and reduce time by utilizing machine learning and computer vision. 3. research methods the research methodology section of this article outlines the approach taken to conduct the study and the methods used to collect and analyze data. the research starts with problem identification by exploring issues encountered by retail shop owners regarding their limitation to attend the shop full time and the need for the capability to leave the store to do personal matters without losing their potential customers, as well as keeping the store secure from theft. based on the problems, a literature review is conducted to gather references such as journals or other related resources. erlina & fikri… vol 4(2) 2023 : 908-920 911 (a) (b) fig. 3. general design: (a) context of usage (b) hardware scheme. the next step is conducting a system requirement analysis to identify the system's functioning needs. therefore, the system requirements must be determined based on the functional and non-functional needs of the system. the applicable conditions are the needs for the system to function correctly, in the case of this research, including the four following points: a) the system must be able to capture the appropriate object by positioning the tool so that other entities do not obstruct it. b) the system must have an excellent human object recognition model. c) the system must be connected to the internet to send data to telegram. d) the owner's handheld must have the telegram application installed to receive notifications from the system. the nonfunctional requirements, accordingly, are the needs that are not involved in the process of the system running, such as the system must be connected to electricity, and the system requires realtime processing. to fulfill the requirement mentioned earlier, a set of hardware which consists of a raspberry pi, camera, push button, speaker, and android smartphone, are utilized. further, on the software side, we exploit the yolo library, opencv, and telegram application. regarding data, we use the human detection dataset ( the human detection dataset is a collection of images and corresponding annotations created to train and evaluate computer vision models that can detect humans in images. the dataset consists of two classes: images with and without human objects. there are 921 images in erlina & fikri… vol 4(2) 2023 : 908-920 912 the dataset, with 559 images containing one or more human objects and 362 images without humans. the data has been split into two subsets: a training set, 80% of the data with human objects, and the rest 20% of the class for the validation set. the training set consists of 447 images used to train the model. the validation set consists of 112 images, which tune the model's hyperparameters and monitor its performance during training. the test set consists of 100 images, which are used to evaluate the final performance of the trained model. to create the annotations for the dataset, each image was manually labeled with bounding boxes around each human present in the image. the bounding boxes were defined using the top-left and bottom-right coordinates of the box. additionally, each bounding box was assigned a label indicating whether it contained a human. fig. 4. flowchart process after completing the system requirement analysis, a general design was created by integrating the components identified in the previous step. as illustrated in fig. 3(a), the system is strategically placed to ensure precise object detection while avoiding obstacles. the webcam is positioned to detect the arrival of visitors. suppose a visitor crosses the imaginary line defined in the software. in that case, the system identifies them as potential thieves and captures their image, which is then sent to the storekeeper's smartphone via telegram. the imaginary line is set in the software to appear on the camera display, and it helps differentiate the zone that potential buyers cannot enter. the speaker and raspberry pi are located with the webcam to simplify system use. the push button, which functions as the device's power supply input, is also positioned for easy access by the store owner. figure 3 (b) shows the hardware scheme of the system. the system uses a webcam as its input device to capture images of human objects, which the raspberry pi then processes. another input device is a pushbutton, which is the webcam's power supply. after the raspberry pi captures and processes the webcam input, the system sends the output to both a speaker and a telegram. the speaker provides information about when the shop owner will return, while the telegram output informs the storekeeper of other details. the system incorporates an imaginary line to distinguish between potential and non-buyers, sending two different output conditions to telegram. if a potential buyer does not cross the imaginary line, the system sends only a notification to the storekeeper. on the contrary, if a potential buyer crosses the imaginary line, erlina & fikri… vol 4(2) 2023 : 908-920 913 the system captures an image and sends it directly to the storekeeper's telegram. the overall flowchart process is shown in fig. 4. hardware implementation of the design is shown in fig. 5, in which the application results of the previously completed design are obtained. at the same time, the software implementation involves several steps. firstly, the yolo architecture is used for object detection in the system. object detection is performed by training a model using yolo, and the settings for the yolo architecture are customized according to the system's needs. these settings include batch, subdivisions, width and height, max batch, steps, and filters. fig. 5. hardware implementation the yolo model is obtained through training on google colab using darknet. the images in the dataset are labeled, and the labeling results in a .txt file containing the coordinates of the part of the image to be detected. we measured a range of variables, as shown in table 1, to capture the characteristics of the images and the human subjects they contain. the variables measured in the human detection dataset were carefully selected to provide a diverse and representative set of images for training and evaluating computer vision models for human detection. the independent variables capture the variability in the images and the conditions under which they were captured. in contrast, the dependent variables provide accurate and reliable ground truth data for human detection. the independent variables include image size, camera resolution, lighting conditions, camera angle, and image background. these variables were selected to capture the variability in the images and ensure that the dataset contains a diverse range of images representative of real-world scenarios. the dependent variables we measured in the dataset include detection status, bounding box coordinates, number of humans detected, the pose of humans in the image, and the clothing of humans in the image. detection status indicates whether a human is present in the image, while bounding box coordinates specify the location of the human(s) in the image. the number of humans detected provides information on the complexity of the images and the difficulty of the human detection task. the pose and clothing of the humans in the image provide additional information on the variability in the dataset and the challenges that must be addressed in human detection. table 1 variable measured in human detection dataset number independent variable dependent variable 1 image size detection status 2 camera resolution bounding box coordinates 3 lightning condition number of human detected 4 camera angle pose of human in image 5 image background clothing of human in image after obtaining the labeled dataset, the yolo configuration is adjusted to the class for use. for this system, only one type, person, is used. the yolov4-tiny model is trained using the darknet framework with 2000 iterations for each class. during the training process, accuracy calculation was performed using the mean average precision (map) model. the map value is the result of calculating the accuracy of the trained object class, tested from validation data. the map value obtained in this model training is 89.21%. the model accuracy evaluation process begins with the first 1000 iterations and every 1000 iterations. the model is saved in a weight format file. in addition to obtaining the map value during the training process, the precision, erlina & fikri… vol 4(2) 2023 : 908-920 914 recall, and f-1 values are also accepted. detailed information of the training results is shown in fig 6. fig. 6. the yolo4-tiny training result fig. 7. the comparison between the performance of the proposed method and the manual service. 4. results and discussions testing and analysis are performed to obtain results, determine the system's performance, and ensure that the system can function properly under certain conditions. the testing and commenting are divided into three parts: hardware testing, software testing, and system testing. hardware testing is conducted to ensure that each hardware component can function correctly. each element was tested individually by simulating possible scenarios that may occur when the system is running. the camera is used as the input device for this system. the system detects each frame by matching the object responses in the camera with the pre-trained model. objects are successfully detected, as evidenced by the appearance of a bounding box around the detected objects. this testing will focus on the system's ability to see things under different lighting conditions measured in lux units, ranging from the highest to the lowest or in low light conditions. table 2 the speed of data transmission to bot telegram num. connection source provider required time to send a text (s) required time to send an image (s) interval between customers (s) number of customers 1 hotspot cellular telkomsel 1.21 5.17 10 5 2 hotspot seluler telkomsel 1.30 5.63 12 4 3 hotspot seluler telkomsel 1.41 4.60 15 4 4 hotspot seluler telkomsel 1.24 14.4 8 6 5 hotspot seluler telkomsel 1.34 4.75 11 4 6 wifi 1.62 10.22 20 3 7 wifi 1.41 5.81 13 4 80 75 74 68 55 50 30 20 0 95 92 91 87 78 73 60 50 0 1 2 2 9 9 9 7 8 3 4 0 3 3 1 2 6 0 a c c u r a c y liight intensity (lux) manual service (%) proposed method (%) erlina & fikri… vol 4(2) 2023 : 908-920 915 num. connection source provider required time to send a text (s) required time to send an image (s) interval between customers (s) number of customers 8 wifi 1.60 4.53 16 3 9 wifi 1.55 13.22 9 6 10 wifi 1.31 29.26 6 6 fig. 8. the telegram bot testing figure 7 shows the percentage of successful object detection for both the manual service and the proposed method at different light intensity levels, ranging from 122 lux to 0 lux. it shows that the proposed method generally outperforms the manual service regarding the percentage of successful object detection. at the highest light intensity level of 122 lux, the manual service we have achieved an 80% success rate, while the proposed method achieved a 95% success rate. this trend continues as the light intensity decreases, with the proposed method consistently achieving more successful object detection than the manual service. it is worth noting that manual service may be subject to human error and can be influenced by factors such as fatigue, distractions, and personal biases. the data transmission speed to telegram was tested using several different network sources, namely cellular hotspots, wifi, and lan. each of them was tested five times to obtain accurate results. the test results are presented in table 2. the table shows the required time to send a text and an image using different connection sources and providers and the interval between customers and the number of customers. the table shows that the required time to send a text and an image varies depending on the connection source and provider. generally, the wifi connection appears slower than the cellular hotspot connection, with longer required times for sending a text and an image. among the hotspot cellular connections, trial 4 has a significantly longer required time to send an image than the others. the interval time between customers also varies, ranging from 6 to 20 seconds. the number of customers also varies, ranging from 3 to 7. these variables could potentially affect the model's performance in terms of speed, as more customers and shorter intervals between them could result in higher traffic and slower performance. figure 8 shows that the text and image messages have been successfully sent and displayed on telegram. the message delivery can be delayed to avoid message stacking. the telegram displays a notification of an incoming telegram message when a potential visitor arrives. when a potential visitor comes, it will be detected, and raspberry pi will send a message to telegram. suppose the potential visitor attempts to steal or crosses the predetermined imaginary line in the system. in that case, raspberry pi will capture an image, save it, and send it to the telegram bot. the experiment results are presented in table 3. the table shows the results of 6 experiments conducted under different conditions. the first three experiments were conducted to test the system's ability to detect visitors or potential buyers. the objects were set not to cross the imaginary line or were within an area visitors could occupy since the objects were not moving during the test. the following three experiments were conducted to test the system's ability to see thieves or objects crossing the imaginary line. the duration between messages and audio can be adjusted to avoid overlapping. the table shows that objects that cross the imaginary line erlina & fikri… vol 4(2) 2023 : 908-920 916 immediately saved in the raspberry pi's last frame and then sent to the telegram bot. in this condition, the system will not play audio through the speaker. therefore, the system can differentiate between a thief and a visitor or potential buyer based on the object's movement toward the imaginary line that serves as the boundary. the results of this study demonstrate the potential of a monitoring system to help small retail store owners in indonesia address the challenge of providing adequate security while minimizing labor costs. by utilizing single-board computers, cameras, speakers, and other supporting hardware and software, the proposed system can automatically differentiate between prospective customers and potential thieves based on the store's defined border areas. in either case, the visitor would be automatically welcomed through a speaker and informed that the owner had been notified of their attendance. at the same time, the owner can receive notifications on whether the visitor crossed the predefined borderline, and other relevant footage can also be provided. table 3 the speed of data transmission to bot telegram trial number object type speaker state detected image received information in telegram 1 a person producing a voice 2 a person producing a voice 3 a person producing a voice 4 a person producing a voice 5 multiple people producing a voice 6 multiple people producing a voice our study aligns with prior research exploring various security and monitoring systems approaches. for example, the research in (lohani et al., 2021; vijverberg et al., 2014; zhang et al., 2015) aims to identify unauthorized objects within a protected outdoor area during specific periods. the unique challenges due to the use of the outdoor environment in this research, such as then eliminated by indoor changing weather conditions, fluctuating light levels, and the presence of insects and animals, are addressed by the indoor system (matern et al., 2013; villamizar et al., 2018). another previous research use video anomaly detection, which identifies unusual attributes in appearance or motion within recorded videos (feng et al., 2021; li et al., 2022). some other studies have even created datasets containing anomalous activities and utilized erlina & fikri… vol 4(2) 2023 : 908-920 917 multiple learning instances for anomaly detection (sultani et al., 2018). additionally, the system (cermeño et al., 2018; nayak et al., 2021) explicitly focuses on detecting intrusions caused by human activities such as walking or driving a car. in this case, video acquisition must be conducted at 5 to 25 frames per second. in (aravamuthan et al., 2020; s.-y. kim et al., 2013; shao et al., 2014), improved intrusion detection is achieved by using additional sensors to provide depth information. while these studies offer valuable insights into leveraging technology to address security challenges for small retail store owners, they may not be feasible for businesses with limited resources due to their high cost and complexity. in contrast, our proposed monitoring system is more affordable, easy to install, and maintain, making it a practical solution for small retail store owners in indonesia. furthermore, the system has the potential to enhance customer engagement by offering automated greetings to prospective customers and gathering relevant data on foot traffic and customer behavior. it is important to note that while the proposed monitoring system has the potential to address the security challenges faced by small retail store owners in indonesia, further research is needed to evaluate the system's effectiveness and usability in real-world settings. in particular, future studies could explore the system's impact on customer satisfaction and reduce theft and other security threats. additionally, it may be beneficial to investigate other ways to reduce the system's cost and complexity to make it more accessible to a broader range of small retail store owners. 5. conclusion in this study, we build a monitoring system for small retail stores with the yolo algorithm using a single-board computer, raspberry pi. based on the implementation and testing of the visitor monitoring system with the yolo algorithm using a single board computer, the following conclusions can be drawn: firstly, the system can detect human objects and classify them as humans. the captured object images from the webcam are processed on the raspberry pi, and the system can differentiate between human and non-human objects based on the trained model. secondly, the yolov4-tiny method in this system can detect objects according to the training, with an map model value of 89.21%. the system can detect objects according to the training target and has high accuracy. thirdly, the system can distinguish between visitors, potential buyers, and thieves based on object movement detection. objects not crossing the area boundary will be classified as visitors, while objects detected crossing the border or imaginary line will be called thieves. finally, the telegram application can receive and display the results of object detection processing performed on this system. in addition, the speaker successfully plays audio when it meets certain conditions. references aravamuthan, g., rajasekhar, p., verma, r. k., shrikhande, s. v, kar, 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(artificial intelligence) based dl models have gained attention in this area due to its innate capability for efficient learning. though conventional systems have tried to perform better prediction, they lacked in accuracy with prediction rate. moreover, the conventional systems have not utilized attention model completely for covid-19 detection. this research is intended to resolve these pitfalls of covid-19 detection methods with the help of deep feature wise attention based convolutional neural network. for this purpose, the data has been pre-processed by image resizing, the residual descriptor with conv-bam(convolutional block attention module) has been employed to obtain refined features from spatial and channel wise attention based module. the obtained features are used in the present study to improvise the classification as covid positive or negative. the performance of the proposed system has been assessed with regard to metrics to prove better efficiency. the proposed method achieved high accuracy rate of 97.82%. this dl based model can be used as a supplementary tool in the diagnosis of covid-19 alongside other diagnostic method. keywords: covid-19, deep learning, convolutional block attention module, computed tomography, spatial wise attention module, channel wise attention module 1. introduction covid-19 has created great impact in the lives of the people and it has evolved as a public health issue with 49 countries being affected as of 16 march, 2023 as claimed by centers for disease control and prevention (covid-19, 2023). the deceiving characteristic of covid-19 has made individuals to panic. the transmission rate and the mortality rate is also high in covid-19 on the contrast to other viral outbreaks as stated in (kollias, 2022). accordingly, 86 million people were affected by the high transmittable and the infectious disease covid-19 and took the lives of 1.86 million people. the disease associated death count has increased excessively. hence, the detection process has become an immediate need to save the individual’s life (bhatnagar, 2021). triad of approaches are available in order to diagnose the covid-19 starting from the screening to the clinical decisions in the massive population. there is an increasing need of molecular tests that are specific for the purpose of diagnosing the nucleic acids. the standard technique of rt-pcr is considered for the diagnosis process due to its features of the specificity as well as the sensitivity. the pandemic has paved the way of the usage of the rt-p cr because of exponential increased cases. for suspecting the individuals affected with covid-19, detection in the initial phase is crucial. to accomplish this, the scientists have utilized poc tests to diagnose sars-cov-2 infection as mentioned by (mercaldo, 2023). it is evident that these techniques has to pave ways for a rapid and accurate diagnosis of covid-19 in the patients. though poc tests are very effective that has the capability to predict the results in a rapid way and a user friendly method, there exists certain limitations. the limitation is the tedious nature and the time consumption of the model. individuals are affected when the prediction is incorrect. technological advancement devoid such mistakes and increases accuracy rate in diagnosing covid-19. accordingly, (kumar, a review of modern technologies for tackling covid-19 pandemic, 2020) concentrates on the technologic advancement to abate the impacts of the ailments. there is an emerging growth and the enhancement in the technology for the diagnosis of covid-19 included yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1058 with the existence of certain restrictions in terms of technological contribution as discussed by (xu, 2020). the core technology of artificial intelligence (ai) has been a promising technique to detect the covid-19 with utmost accuracy rate. since it is a transmittable disease, there is a requirement to eradicate the widespread ailment of covid-19. there are several technologies namely the chest x-rays and computed tomography (ct) that assists in detecting the covid-19 appropriately. among the two, ct scans are more effective in gaining appropriate results. there exists a traditional system that is carried over by the different means in detecting the covid-19. the images of the lungs can be scanned through the modalities from the chest x-rays and ct scan. there are lots of advantages in the ct scan and the chest x-rays. ct is very persuasive to detect the formation of cysts in the lungs in an accurate manner and analyses the location exactly as concluded in (ahuja, 2021). concurrently, both the ml (machine learning) and the dl (deep learning) architectures have been used for the prediction of covid-19 by making use of the ct scan images. when the machine learning is taken into account, in order to segregate the pneumonia and the covid-19, auc (area under the roc curve) is mainly responsible for diagnosing the performance of these models by considering the specificity and the sensitivity. following, ml, dl architectures as claimed by (aslani, 2023) have gained popularity in the ai approaches, and it’s often employed for the purpose of detecting the corona from the ct scans. accordingly, proficient deep learning approach as considered by (silva, 2020) is utilized for the screening method of covid-19. in this particular method, image classification is gathered from the patients and clustered into a group through voting system. the method is examined by applying it in massive datasets of covid-19 by means of split dependent on the patients. an examination of cross dataset is conducted in order to evaluate the performance of the model in terms of robustness considering varying dataset distribution. from the evaluation of the cross dataset, it’s been evident that generalisation power that exists in the dl approach is not satisfactory as expected. and the accuracy rate reduces from 87.68% to 56.16% during the scenario of evaluation. from the experimental results, it is notable that, there is a requirement to enhance the models in order to predict the results with appropriate accuracy in the detection of the covid-19 as summarized by (mantas, 2020). hence, (li x. t., 2021.) considers to use the dl approaches in a better way for the diagnosis process that falls under the method of ensemble deep learning method. the combination of vgg16 and ensemble learning with stacked generalisation assists in the formation of the cascade classifier. the cascade classifier comprises of information which originates from the training subset. the generalization characteristics that constituted in the dataset assists to collect divergent information. finally, the cascade classifier is comprised with the divergent information. the validation process of the algorithm is examined through the classification process with coronavirus pneumonia and normal pneumonia and then the normal controls. the prediction accuracy is 93.57% and specificity rate of 93.93%, precision rate of 89.40%, sensitivity rate of 94.21%. f1 score falls in the range of 91.74% in the three categories. through the experimental results, the model attained the better classification performance with enhancement for the prediction of the multi-category. an analysis is carried out in the ct scan of covid-19 as mentioned by (chen, 2022). the ct scans that are gathered belongs to the category of normal patients, early stage effect of covid-19 patients, severely affected covid-19 patients in the hospital of jinyintan. to assess the performance rate, the correlation elements such as accuracy and epoch is been plotted in the experiment. the measurement value of statistics is achieved by inception-resnet are 88.74%, 95.53%, 88.23%, 83.45%, 89.72%. there are numerous image systems that depend on the neural architecture which are entrenched in the hospitals. the potentiality of these systems are still in abate state that requires further improvement. considering this, the present study intends to utilize residual descriptor with conv-bam for better prediction of covid-19. research gaps yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1059 rt-pcr, the standard method for detecting covid-19 has certain limitations such as manual methodology, time consuming procedures and the rate of positivity detection is only 63% (wang, 2020). the design of the training and network processes needs to be improved in order to acquire better accuracy (zhang, 2020). the data size needs to be improved and the computational issues need to be rectified (addepalli lavanya, 2023). the input parameters needs to be concentrated in order to get better accuracy (shambhu, binary classification of covid-19 ct images using cnn: covid diagnosis using ct., 2021). objectives the main objectives of this study areto identify covid-19 using lung ct scan image dataset with the help of deep feature wise attention based convolutional neural network. to achieve this, the data has been pre-processed by image resizing so as to retain the crucial features and neglect unwanted distortions in images for flexible processing. the residual descriptor with conv-bam has been employed to obtain refined features from spatial and channel wise attention based module for enhancing the classification rate. the performance of the proposed system has been assessed with regard to metrics to prove the more effective nature of the system than conventional approaches of covid-19 detection 2. literature review the deep learning methods that are utilized by the numerous researchers in order to diagnose the covid-19 is presented in this literature study. the various and predominant problems in the existing studies while carrying out a deep learning architecture is addressed. the corona virus is responsible for the respiratory ailment of covid-19. the covid-19 was declared to be a health emergency in the year of 2020 january. hence, (shah, 2021) aims to distinguish the ct scan images by utilizing the deep learning approach. the method that’s been carried out is the ctnet-10 for the detection of the covid-19. the accuracy rate that is predicted using this model is 82.1%. there are other models that was included in the testing process in the suggested study such as densenet169, inceptionv3 (benmalek, elmhamdi, & jilbab, 2021), vgg-16, resnet50 and vgg-19. when the performance of the models are taken into account, vgg-19 outperforms with its accuracy rate of 94.52% on the contrast to the various deep learning methods. the sensitivity of the ct scan is pretty high when opacity of the ground glass is considered. the ct scan gives effective results on the contrast to x-rays as considered by (panwar, 2020). the main purpose of (rohila, 2021) is to detect covid-19 from the images of the ct scan. the recov-101 which is based on the convolutional neural network is used for the diagnosis of covid-19 from the ct scan. the pre-processing method is used as a combination in order to enhance it as a robust model. the evaluation of the covid-19 is prepared by the algorithm with the identification of the lesions and opacities in a rapid manner rather than the traditional methods. the accuracy rate of recov-101 is 90.1% in the detection of the covid-19. likewise, in order to diagnose the covid-19 with the chest ct scan, ai-corona which is a dl approach assisted with the radiology as performed in (sumana sikdar, 2021). the dl method as claimed by (ghoshal, 2020) was tuned and trained for various datasets that are collected from two different countries such as iran and china. the proposed study aims to diagnose the covid19 as well as distinguish covid-19 from pneumonia. the proposed method ai-corona has been compared with the two ai methods as stated in (zhang, 2020) and (jin, 2020). the performance of the proposed method is also correlated with the sensible images. to conclude, the ai-corona model outperforms than the two ai approaches for detecting the covid-19. the sensitivity and the specificity has boomed in this suggested study. dl is considered to be the promising one to bring effective results in the medical field. particularly, the patients who are affected with covid19 are easily diagnosed by utilizing this particular dl approaches as included in (serte, 2021). the suggested method consists of three modules namely context fuse model (cfm), attention mix module (amm) and residual convolutional model (rcm). the improvised model has the ability to detect the two important regions that are present in the covid-19. mainly, opacity of the glass and the area of consolidation is considered. from the experimental results, it is confirmed yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1060 that the proposed model bring optimal results than the performance of the state of art. the accuracy value attained by the proposed model is found to be 96.23% as concluded in (afif, 2023). similarly, to diagnose the covid-19 from the ct scan images, generative adversarial networks (gans) are utilized that is dependent on the cnn approach. the enhanced model of cnn that has a high efficiency in the datasets are proposed to sense covid-19 from the ct scan. the suggested method rely upon synthetic generation as well as the image augmentation after that, cnn model is created for the datasets. the improvised cnn (fan, 2022) that relies on augmented data are correlated with the two public datasets. the proposed model is superior in the performance-wise on the contrast to the classic cnn model. from the experimental results, it is evident that, enhanced cnn models as claimed by (krishnaswamy rangarajan, 2022) perform better rather than the classic cnn approach as considered by (sushma jaiswal, 2023). there are certain problems that occur in forecasting the covid-19 from the ct scan. for that issues, the purpose of the study by (he x. y., 2020) falls in generating a dataset that comprised of hundred ct scans and then the performance of the dl approach is enhanced in order to attain a better accuracy in the diagnosis of the covid-19 through the ct scan images that are limited in number. the self-trans method is proposed by the integration of the transfer learning and the selfsupervised learning in a synergic manner. these methods reduces the risk of overfitting in the feature representations that are unbiased. the experiments exhibit the superior performance of the self-trans method. the suggested method accomplishes the accuracy rate of 94% though the training process of the ct is limited. dl methods plays a prominent role in biomedical science. not only that, it assists with forecasting the diseases and to classify it better mainly the ailment of corona. among the deep learning architecture, convolutional neural network (cnn) (polsinelli, 2020) or convnet is utilized for the operation of the ct images as well as for the classification of the ailment of corona. (cifci, 2020) aims in diagnosing the covid-19 by making use of the computed tomography (ct) scans. the cnn has the ability to forecast the covid-19 at the early stage. clinical diagnosis is carried before the pathogenic testing process. the two dl networks that is proposed in the study is inception-v4 and the alexnet. these two deep learning architectures are utilized for the prognostic and diagnostic analysis. dl architectures used are much more effective than the traditional cnn methods as stated by (pathan, 2021) in the classification of the images. the false-negative prediction is abated in the diagnosis of prediction when the alexnet is utilized. in the artificial intelligence (ai), dl is standing in the peak considering the diagnostic accuracy in the ailment particularly automation in the detection of lung diseases. the main aim of cnn as used in (alshazly, 2021) is to examine the potentiality of the diagnostic accuracy through the ct scan of the weak patient label in order which paves the way for the rapid operation. the 3d cnn is proposed by (zheng, 2020) has predicted the effective accuracy rather than the deep learning assisted methods as used in (alom, 2020). in order to ensure the patients are affected with corona positive or not, the predominant tool that is used is the ct scans as concluded by (he x. w., 2020). this ct scan assures whether the patients are affected with corona or not. the deep learning architectures that are ubiquitous is independent in terms of data. further, (gozes, 2020), the algorithms process in the form of pipeline that included various processes for the image processing such as lung segmentation process, 2d classification and then the fine grain localization. the pre-processing method is utilized in the proposed model for the effective prediction accuracy. first step is to localize the lung region in the ct scan of the chest. the classification of 2d roi that distinguishes the normal and the abnormal patients (covid-19). after making use of deep learning methods that are enhanced in the image analysis, the classification results are better to diagnose the cases of corona and the non-corona patients with the accuracy rate of 94.8%. for the purpose of automation in the detection of covid-19, the deep learning assisted spatiotemporal information fusion model is utilized to forecast the covid-19. the method opens the door to perform auxiliary diagnosis of covid-19 as stated by (li t. w., 2021) with effective accuracy. ct scans are mostly effective in diagnosing the covid-19. the binary classification supports better in achieving the accuracy rate of 86.9% as claimed by (shambhu, binary classification of covid-19 ct images using cnn: covid diagnosis using ct. , 2021). the deep learning architecture that comprises of 13 segmentation yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1061 models are utilized to accomplish the accuracy in diagnosing the covid-19. 1800 ct scan images are utilized in order to examine the effectiveness of the deep learning assisted lunginseg as discussed by (kumar, a review of modern technologies for tackling covid-19 pandemic., 2020) . (pydala, 2023) problem identification there are several problems that are present in the deep learning techniques to diagnose the covid-19. the problems that exist in the current studies are examined and presented in the paper. in the medical domain, the design of the network and training process should be enhanced for the appropriate accuracy in diagnosis of the covid-19. there are several studies that used the 3d segmentation of the deep neural networks, which need further improvement in its process to gain precise results as claimed by (zheng, 2020). the size of the dataset is main matter of concern, the deep learning must be designed for the covid-19 classification in the massive datasets. the computational problem is major issue in the deep learning model which must be improved as suggested by (addepalli lavanya, 2023) (maloth, 2012). the parameters play a significant role in determining the accuracy rate of the algorithm in prediction. if any of the parameters are changed, it has a high risk to abate the level of accuracy as mentioned by (shambhu, binary classification of covid-19 ct images using cnn: covid diagnosis using ct. , 2021). so that the accuracy rate must be concentrated more in order to enhance the performance of the model. 2. research methods the study anticipates identifying covid-19 using effective dl based algorithms. though conventional researches tried accomplishing this, they have hardly utilized attention mechanism to classify lung ct images. traditional works have also failed to gain cross spatial and cross channel inter-associations within multiple scopes. to resolve this consequence, the present study endeavours to propose spatial and attention based feature refinement for detecting covid-19 from lung ct scan images. it is performed based on a sequential procedure as depicted in figure.1 wherein, ct scan image dataset is considered. data augmentation is considered in this study which is especially valuable in medical-imaging applications wherein, there might be less data accessible for training. in this circumstance of ct-images, there might be various reasons as to why augmentation could be profitable for non-covid-19 and covid-19 cases. these advantages include: • enhanced robustness: by generation of new images which slightly vary from actual ones. model turns robust for input variation. this could be specifically significant in cases wherein ct images have been taken under varied circumstances or with varied scanners. • enhanced generalization: the ct images could expose significant variations in the quality of image, inclusive of resolution, noise-levels and contrast. with the augmentation of data with differences in the factors, model could learn in generalizing better to unseen and new data. • data balance: in several medical based imaging applications (inclusive of non-covid-19 and covid-19), there might be imbalance in images in individual class. the augmentation could be utilized for balancing the dataset with the creation of additional minority class images. • averting overfitting: with the dataset augmentation, models are less probable to get over-fitted to training data. moreover, overfitting happens when model turns specialized to training data, thereby performs poor with unseen and new data. overall, merits of augmenting ct images include enhanced performance, ideal generalization and improved dataset balance. all these merits could be significant in medical based imaging applications wherein accurate diagnosis seem to be vital for patient care. proposed system consists of sequential processes where pre-processing is initially undertaken for enhancing the image quality by which, one could assess it optimally. through preprocessing phase, undesired distortions could be suppressed and some features could be improvised that are crucial for further processing. in spatial and channel wise attention model module, the pre-processing process is initially performed, wherein, pixels are adjusted and subsequently it is inputted to cnn (convolutional neural network) to retrieve features for yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1062 procuring high levelled feature maps. subsequent phase is attention module that comprise of two attention modules namely spatial and channel attention. with the usage of high levelled feature maps attained from initial phase as input for second-stage, noise features are suppressed and pathological features are improved by attention model. these modules attain spatial and channel inter-relationships in multi-scores through the use of multiple convolutions to procure spatial and channel wise feature maps (as shown in figure.2). this attention module could attain attention weights through the use of large sized convolutions to retrieve the dispersed features and trivial sized convolutions to retrieve concentrated features. final phase is classification, wherein, classification is undertaken based on the attained features. in this stage, two attention based feature map results are combined from subsequent phase as input of third phase. these are then classified by softmax and fc layers. overall proposed work is validated in accordance with performance metrics for confirming its efficacy. fig. 1. overall flow of the proposed system fig. 2. channel and spatial feature wise attention model generally, in cnn, neurons within a layer could be seen as an organized one into a collection of k-d matrices that is termed as feature maps. on the other hand, the model encompasses of two parallel attention modules: spatial and channel attention. these modules are used to procure spatial and channel inter-associations in multi-scores based on multiple convolutions for attaining spatial wise and channel wise feature maps. after this, the descriptor attained with residual weights from spatial and channel wise features are fed into attention weights which are gradually fed into fc (fully connected) network to perform effective classification. spatial and channel wise attention model generally, attention model utilized in dl possess various advantages. the attention mechanism permits dl model for concentrating on crucial input points so as to attain optimal output interpretations. in addition, the attention permits researchers for interpreting dl model by human perception. considering this, the present study considers conv-bam (convolutionalblock attention module). the model is represented as shown in equation.1, equation.2 and equation.3, feat∗ = combinec(feat1feat2) (eq. 1) yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1063 feat1 = mulc(attenc(fm)) (eq. 2) feat2 = muls(attens(fm)) (eq. 3) in equation.1, equation.2 and equation.3, feat1feat2 indicates the channel wise and spatial wise attention based feature maps. combinecdenotes the concatenating operation of two procured attention based feature maps (feat1feat2). moreover, feat ∗belongs to rh∗w∗2cand it involves the overall attention based feature map. further, attenc (fm belongs to r 1∗1∗c)and it indicates the channel based attention weights determined from the feature maps (fm belongs to rh∗w∗c). furthermore, mulc denotes the channel wise multiplication of 1 ∗ 1 ∗ c-weight coefficients in (attenc(fm)). further, attens (fm belongs to r h∗w∗1) indicates spatial wise attention based weights attained from input-feature map (fm belongs to rh∗w∗c). on contrary, muls is a spatial and element wise multiplication parameter that indicates the multiplication of spatial-weight coefficient (h ∗ w ∗ 1)-in (attens(fm) by fm). cwam (channel wise attention based module) cwam extracts relationships amongst feature planes retrieved by various convolutions within a feature map. associations amongst cross channel in diverse ranges differ, so, cwam is considered to combine the associations amongst cross channel in varied ranges. resultant high layered feature map (fm) belongs to r7×7×512. values for individual feature map dimensions are regarded along with the influence of cross channel range (k) on cross channel association and k = 1,2,3 represents the size of filter. for taking the complete merit association amongst feature planes retrieved by individual convolutional kernel, initially, global-spatial information is squeezed into channel descriptor. this indicates that, global average-pooling is undertaken for individual plane of high levelled feature map. this could be given by equation.4. outcd = 1 h∗w ∑ ∑ featc(x, y) w y=1 h x=1 (eq. 4) wherein, outcd indicates channel descriptor attained by squeezing. further, h ∗ w indicates spatial-dimensions of feature map, featc(x, y) indicates individual pixel-point (x, y) in feature plane. relationships across the channels are computed through varied sets of threecoefficient matrices. then, cwam weights are computed for specific channel descriptor (outcd belongs r 1∗1∗c). cwam could be learned as per equation.5, attenc = sigmoid( weightc k=1outcd+weightc k=2outcd+weightc k=3outcd 3 ) (eq. 5) wherein weightc k=1, weightc k=3weightc k=3 indicates coefficient matrices utilized in computing channel attention. coefficient matrices are attained on the basis ofk = 1,2,3 and is presented in equation.6, equation.7 and equation.8, weightc k=1outcd = [ w1,1 0 … 0 0 w2,.2 … . . 0 … … wc∗c ] (eq. 6) weightc k=2outcd = [ w1,1 0 … … 0 0 w2,.2 … … . . 0 … … … wc∗c ] (eq. 7) weightc k=3outcd = [ w1,1 0 … … … 0 0 w2,.2 … … … . . 0 … … … … wc∗c ] (eq. 8) above strategy is implemented byupgrading the process with an end-to-end neural network training. hence, this process is as follows. initially, individual feature maps are squeezed into channel descriptor (atten1 belongs to r 1∗1∗c) based on global average-pooling to high levelled yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1064 feature map (feat ∈ rh∗w∗c) that are retrieved in the initial phase. following this, convolutional functions are undertaken on attained channel descriptor based on the use of convolutional kernels with size as k = 1, 2, 3. this is performed for obtaining three varied channel descriptorscatten1 = f1d 1 (atten1) ∈ r 1∗1∗c, catten2 = f1d 2 (atten2) ∈ r 1∗1∗c and catten3 = f1d 3 (atten3) ∈ r 1∗1∗c. finally, the average of channel descriptors are taken to obtain the overall weight of cwam. overall computation process is given in equation.9, equation.10 and equation.11, atten1 = avgpoolc(feat) (eq. 10) attenc = sigmoid(mean([f1d 1 (atten1); f1d 2 (atten1); f1d 3 (atten1)])) (eq. 11) feat1 = mulc(attencfeat) (eq. 12) wherein[f1d 1 (atten1); f1d 2 (atten1); f1d 3 (atten1)] = belongs r 3∗1∗c. moreover, avgpoolc(feat) indicate global-average pooling function for individual feature plane for the feature map. further,f1d 1 ,f1d 2 , f1d 3 represent the single dimension convolution function with size of kernels as 1, 2 and 3, while, mulc indicate channel wise multiplication. swam (spatial wise attention based module) swam attempts to retrieve the associations amongst pixels or receptive areas by inclusion of internal spatial associations of feature maps generated by individual convolutional kernel at specific channel. particularly, swam is designed that considers feature maps retrieved in the topmost feature extraction layer, thereby, procure spatial attention based map through multiple kernel size based attention model. cwam and swam support one another and could better retrieve the influence and interactions amongst two attention based models (rudra kumar, 2022). swam encompasses of average pooling functions that vary from prevailing functions in that, swam averages individual pixels along the dimensions of a channel. average of pooling function is given by equation.13, outsd = 1 chann ∑ feats(k) c k=1 (eq. 13) in equation.13, outsd indicates spatial descriptor attained by squeezing. further, chann denotes the overall channels within feature map (feat), feats(k) denote the local pixels of individual channels at particular spatial location. three varied size coefficient matrices are used for computing relationships amongst cross and spatial locations, thereby compute swam for specific spatial descriptor (outsd belongs r h∗w∗1). swam could be learned as per equation.14, attens = sigmoid( weights k=1outsd+weights k=2outsd+weights k=3outsd 3 ) (eq. 14) in equation.14, weights k=1, weights k=2, weights k=3 indicate coefficient matrices utilized for computing spatial attention, while k = 1, 2, 3. matrix coefficient when k = 1 is given by equation.15, weights k=1 = [ w1,1 0 … 0 0 w2,.2 … . . 0 … … wh∗w,h∗w ] (eq. 15) the above process is executed using convolution in a way that, the process could be upgraded with an end-to-end neural network training. initially, feature information is squeezed at individual spatial point of high levelled feature map that is retrieved from the initial phase into representative descriptor. subsequently, all the descriptors are aggregated into a spatial descriptor (atten2 belongs to r h∗w∗1). following this, convolutional operations are utilized for learning the associations amongst pixels and local areas. this is done in a way that the network possesses yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1065 the ability for learning the associations through the spaces. as inter-associations in varied crossspace sizes vary, kernel size of convolution is selected as (1,1), (2,2) and (3,3). this is performed to learn the associations in varied cross space with sizes of different range. subsequently, spatial descriptors are attained as satten1 = f2d 1∗1(atten1) ∈ rh∗w∗1, satten2 = f2d 2∗2(atten2) ∈ r h∗w∗2 and satten3 = f2d 3∗3 (atten3) ∈ r h∗w∗3. final swam are calculated by sigmoid function after taking average of three descriptors. lastly, spatial wise multiplication is performed on the procured attention based weights and actual high levelled feature map so as to obtain attention based weight in spatial dimensions. complete computation process for swam is given inequation.16, equation.17 and equation.18, atten2 = avgpools(f) (eq. 16) attens = sigmoid(mean (f2d 1∗1(atten1); f2d 2∗2(atten2); f2d 3∗3(atten3))) (eq. 17) feat2 = muls(attencfeat) (eq. 18) wherein, [f2d 1∗1(atten1); f2d 2∗2(atten2); f2d 3∗3(atten3)] = belongs to r h∗w∗3. moreover, avgpools(f) indicates the global-average pooling function upon spatial input feature dimensions. lastly, f2d 1∗1, f2d 2∗2, f2d 3∗3 indicates the convolutions with size of kernel as (1,1), (2,2) and (3,3). integration of these features are given in equation.19, y = attenc + attens (eq. 19) residual attention with convolutional-block attention based module the present study considers residual attention to recover crucial information. furthermore, for affording images of high quality at multi-time stages without image re-encoding, residual connection is used that would eventually alter the content of image from previous observed image. figure.3 exposes the conv-bam model. it encompasses of swam and cwam. when feature map (fm) is taken as input, conv-bam computes dual fm through the use of cwam and swam. fig. 3. architecture of conv-bam cnns have revolutionized the image classification sector. progress in hardware networks and algorithms have improved the capability to integrate layers to deep cnn. with enhancement in network depth, it turns harder for training the nn due to vanishing gradient issue. networks with several layers become unstable as the gradient value seems to be zero in the initial layers. each of the gradient value for additional layer becomes small and insignificant. moreover, vanishing gradient deprives network performance. further, addition of several layers worsens the issue. for solving vanishing gradient issue, residual connections are considered with conv-bam. these connections merge the layer’s result with the previous layer’s input. this assures that gradient values don’t vanish all of a sudden. generally, dl model attempts to learn mapping function (hx) from input (x) to output (y). it is given in equation.20, hx = y (eq. 20) in the residual-block, rather than learning direct-mapping, it makes use of variance amongst mapping and actual input and is given by equation.21, yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1066 fx = hx − a (eq. 21) moreover, re-arranging affords, hx = fx + a. besides, residual connections learn residual (fx) with x as input and hx as actual result. this methodology assists when enhancing the depth of neural network. in traditional residual attention model, there is an up-sample and performance of the model could be enhanced by improvising the up-sampling layers. attention block is extended by integrating dual up-sampling layers. encoder and the decoder are succeeded by dual convolutional layers and sigmoid-function (as shown in figure.4). the model as shown in figure.4 consists of channel based attention module, global max-pooling module, average-pooling module and shared mlp (multi-layer perceptron) that encompasses of three dimensional neural network. fm is exposed to a max-pooling and average-pooling functions and to shared mlp. results of shared mlp are included in an element wise manner. subsequently, after sigmoid function, weight is attained. subsequently, refined features finds consideration for spatial and channel wise attention. it is compressed by max-pooling and average-pooling in channel dimension. dual retrieved fms are exposed to channel oriented merging for attaining a two channelled fm. this is later downscaled to single channel prior to the employment of sigmoid function for generating resultant weight. overall results of the module is given in equation.22, attenmodel(x) = (1 + h(x)) ∗ t (x) (eq. 22) fig. 4. residual descriptor with convolutional block attention module the proposed residual descriptor with conv-bam is constructed by multi-stacks of fundamental unit module. blocks are stacked to avert overfitting and attain ideal performance. attention is designed for exposing significant feature maps as covid-19 infections can be clear in ct images. moreover, the residual descriptor obtains high levelled features, affords input to the attention block. attention model retrieves specialized low levelled features on the residual input. besides, it partitions the image into high levelled features. from these features, certain low levelled features are extracted. attention and residual layers are alternatively stacked three times. residual layer retrieves high levelled features from an input image that are later passed into attention block that retrieves features of low level. these features are fed as input to subsequent residual connection. it functions as a bottom up and top-down approach. in this case, top-down approach affords dense features, while, bottom up affords feature maps of low resolution. final phase in proposed module lies in adding the retrieved features with actual input of the block so as to perform effective classification. 4. results & discussion yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1067 results procured through the execution of the proposed system are discussed in this section with description about the considered dataset, performance metrics, eda (exploratory data analysis), experimental results, performance and comparative analysis. dataset description the present research has considered covid ct dataset. as ct scans seem to be reliable in affording fast, and accurate testing and screening of covid-19, this study considers a publicly accessible covid-19 ct dataset. image augmentation is utilized for enhancing the dataset size by developing new images which seems to be a variation of actual images. accordingly, actual images in the dataset is 746 images with 275 positive cases and 471 negative cases. the augmented image counts include 162 images. hence, as a result of augmentation, 908 images are attained. taking this into account, the present work fosters the study and progress of dl based models that predict if an individual is infected with covid-19 through the analysis of his or her ct scans. the dataset is considered from, performance metrics the metrics that are regarded to assess the performance of the proposed work are discussed in this section, a) accuracy it indicates the computation of overall precise classification and is represented by equation.23. accuracy = tr−ve+tr+ve tr−ve+fa−ve+tr+ve+fa+ve (eq. 23) b) recall it represents the ratio of relevant and retrieved image to the ratio of relevant image and is given by equation.24, recall = relevantimg∩retrievedimg relevantimg (eq. 24) c) precision it indicates the computation of optimal classification counts and are managed by incorrect classification. it is represented by equation.25, precision = tr+ve fa+ve+tr+ve (eq. 25) d) f-measure it is also called as f1-score and could be claimed as a harmonic mean of precision and recall. this metric affords the computation of efficacy and is computed by equation.26, f − measure = 2∗(precision∗recall) precision+recall (eq. 26) eda (exploratory data analysis) eda indicates the crucial procedure of undertaking initial data analysis for exposing patterns, for spotting anomalies, for testing hypothesis, for checking assumptions with graphical representations and summary statistics. the covid-19 and non-covid-19 images are shown in figure.5. yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1068 fig. 5. covid and non-covid-19 images following this, the target count plot for covid and non-covid are shown in figure.6, wherein, non-covid-19 cases are more than covid-19 cases. fig. 6. covid and non-covid-19-target count plot experimental results the outcomes attained through the execution of the proposed system are discussed in this section (as shown in figure.7). in this case, gradcam is presented that makes use of classification score gradients in accordance with overall feature maps of convolution to find the input image parts that significantly influence classification score. areas wherein this gradient seems to be large are actually the areas where overall score relies on data. no fig. 7. gradcam results: a) non-covid-19; b) non-covid-19; c) covid-19 figure.7a exposes non-covid-19 cases, figure.7b represents the non-covid-19 cases, and figure.7c denotes the covid-19 cases. performance analysis performance of the present proposed system is assessed with regard to confusion matrix and loss curve. the procured results are presented in this section. initially, a confusion matrix is constructed which is a table that defines the classifier performance. this matrix visualizes and concludes the classifier performance. it affords information regarding errors made by classifier and error kinds that prevail. it also explores the way in which a classifier is confused or yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1069 disorganized in making predictions. confusion matrix is given in figure.8, while, the loss curve is shown in figure.9. fig. 8. confusion matrix fig. 9. loss curve from figure.8, 59 non-covid-19 cases have been correctly classified as non-covid-19, while, there is no misinterpretation of non-covid-19 cases as covid-19. on contrary, 52 covid19 cases have been correctly classified as covid-19, while, 5 covid-19 cases have been misinterpreted as non-covid-19. though there exists error, correct classification rate has been found to be higher than misclassification rate. this reveals the efficacy of the proposed system. internal comparison the proposed system has been assessed to determine its effectiveness in classifying covid and non-covid cases. the respective outcomes are discussed in this section (as shown in table-1 with its equivalent graphical depiction in figure.10). table 1 performance analysis non-covid-0 covid-1 accuracy 0.9789 0.9774 precision 0.96 1 recall 1 0.96 f1-score 0.97 0.96 yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1070 fig. 10. analysis with regard to performance metrics from table-1 and figure.10, accuracy value of proposed system to determine non-covid cases have been found to be 0.9789, while, the accuracy value of proposed system to determine covid cases have been found to be 0.9774. furthermore, the precision, f1-score and recall rate of the proposed system has been found to be better. additionally, the overall performance rate has been assessed and the corresponding results are shown in table-2 with its equivalent graphical depiction in figure.11. table 2 overall performance analysis overall accuracy precision recall f1-score 97.82 96 96 96 fig. 11. overall performance analysis with regard to performance metrics from table-2 and figure.11, overall accuracy of the proposed system has been found to be 97.82%, while, precision rate has been found to be 96%, recall rate has been exposed to be 96% and f1-score has been explored to be 96%. the outcomes confirmed the efficacy of the proposed system. 0.9789 0.96 1 0.97 0.9774 1 0.96 0.96 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1 1.01 accuracy precision recall f1-score v a lu e s metrics performance analysis non-covid-0 covid-1 97.82 96 96 96 95 95.5 96 96.5 97 97.5 98 overall accuracy precision recall f1-score v a lu e s metrics overall performance analysis proposed model yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1071 comparative analysis the proposed system has been validated by comparing with traditional works in accordance with accuracy. the procured results are shown in table-3 with its corresponding graphical depiction in figure.12. table 3 analysis in accordance with accuracy [39] pre-trained model accuracy vgg-19 94.52% densenet169 93.15% vgg-16 89% resnet50 60% inceptionv3 53.40% efficientnet b4 96% alexnet 82% vgg-16 94.96% densenet201 96% vgg-16 95% resnet 152v2 94.91% inception resnet 90.90% densenet201 97% vgg-16 94% resnet50v2 96% mobilenet 95% proposed model 97.82% fig. 12. analysis with regard to accuracy from table-3 and figure.12, the existing algorithms like mobilenet has shown 95% accuracy, while, resnet50 has revealed 60% accuracy, vgg-16 has shown 94% accuracy. though the existing methods as shown in table-3 have performed better, the proposed system has outperformed other methods in accordance with accuracy at a rate of 97.82%. besides, the proposed system has been comparatively evaluated with conventional work in terms of f1-score and accuracy. the respective outcomes are shown in table-4 with its equivalent graphical depiction in figure.13. table 4 analysis with regard to f1-score and accuracy [40] accuracy f1-score random initialization 83 83.2 transfer learning (tl) 87.1 88.1 0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 80.00% 100.00% 120.00% v g g -1 9 d e n se n e t1 6 9 v g g -1 6 r e sn e t5 0 in c e p ti o n v 3 e ff ic ie n tn e t b 4 a le x n e t v g g -1 6 d e n se n e t2 0 1 v g g -1 6 r e sn e t 1 5 2 v 2 in c e p ti o n r e sn e t d e n se n e t2 0 1 v g g -1 6 r e sn e t5 0 v 2 m o b il e n e t p ro p o se d m o d e l v a lu e s methods performance analysis accuracy yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1072 tl+cssl 89.1 89.6 proposed method 97.82 96 fig. 13. analysis in accordance with metrics from table-4 and figure.13, the existing methods like random initialization has shown 83% accuracy, while tl has shown 87.1% accuracy, tl+cssl has revealed 89.1% accuracy. however, the proposed method has exposed high accuracy rate of 97.82%. contrarily, the f1score of random initializations has been found to be 83.2%, while, tl+cssl has shown 89.6%, whereas, the proposed system has exposed high f1-score rate of 96%. from the comparative analysis, it has been found that, the proposed system has shown effective performance than existing system. the present work has used spatial and attention based feature refinement for detecting covid-19. moreover, residual connections with conv-bam have been employed to minimize overfitting. these advantages have made the proposed system to show better outcomes. discussion as discussed in the literature review, various studies have considered the usage of x-ray (benmalek, 2021) (panwar, 2020) (shah, 2021) and ct (ahuja, 2021) (krishnaswamy rangarajan, 2022) (mantas, 2020) (rohila, 2021) (serte, 2021) (sumana sikdar, 2021) images for covid-19 detection with the help of dl algorithms. among these two approaches, the methods utilizing ct scan images are considered to be more effective (panwar, 2020). the studies using different pre-trained models have achieved different results. (saiz, 2020) has utilized mobilenet to detect covid-19 with chest x-ray images and achieved 87% accuracy. the distinguished pretrained tl model vgg16 has been used to a considerable extend in medical industry for image classification with regard to covid detection (he x. y., 2020) (jaiswal, 2021) (kumar, a review of modern technologies for tackling covid-19 pandemic, 2020) . (shah, 2021) has employed vgg-19, densenet169, vgg-16, resnet50 and inceptionv3 and acquired accuracy 94.52%, 93.15%, 89%, 60% and 53.4% respectively. the study by bai hx et al (bai et al., 2020) has utilized efficientnet b4 and scored accuracy 96%. the study by (maghdid, 2021) alexnet and achieved accuracy 82%. another study by (soares, 2020) has used vgg-16 and scored accuracy 94.96%. (jaiswal, 2021) has utilized desnet201, vgg-16, resnet152v2 and inception resnet and achieved 96%, 95%, 94.91% and 90.90% respectively. (halder, 2021) has employed desnet201, vgg-16, resnet50v2 and mobilenet and scored 97%, 94%, 96% and 95% respectively. all these models a general feature that they use dl algorithms for detecting covid19 with the ct scan images. in the proposed model, the accuracy has been noted to be 97.82% which is more than the previous studies. thus, this study fulfils the aim of resolving the pitfalls of covid-19 detection methods with the help of deep feature wise attention based convolutional neural network. 5. conclusion 83 87.1 89.1 97.82 83.2 88.1 89.6 96 75 80 85 90 95 100 random initialization transfer learning (tl) tl+cssl proposed method v a lu e s methods performance analysis accuracy f1-score yamathi et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1057-1075 1073 the study strived to detect covid-19 from lung ct scan image dataset. the study also endeavoured to resolve the prevailing drawbacks of conventional works with regard to the prediction rate. for accomplishing this, the study used residual descriptor with conv-bam to procure the refined-features from swam and cwam for improvising the classification rate. the proposed method was assessed with regard to metrics (accuracy, recall, f-measure and precision) for proving the efficacy of the system than existing works for detecting covid-19. the outcomes exposed the better performance ability of the proposed system with 97.82% accuracy. the model performs in an optimal way for binary classification to determine the existence or absence of covid-19 infection. however, there are several severities in covid-19 that are valuable for medical practices to attain effective treatments, thereby monitor recovery. like any other study, this study has certain limitations. first, this dl based covid detection methods is data driven and depend on patterns and features of the training data; the biases in training data can affect the results; thus, it has less generalizability. second, interpreting the outcome of this model is difficult for the clinicians and it reduces the validity of the outputs among clinicians. third, this model is trained with specific set of data which may generate overfitting issues. hence, in future, the method can be extended to address the stage wise analysis of covid-19 infection and integrating the data of subsequent sources and modalities. references addepalli lavanya, l. g. 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web based health monitoring system for pregnant women was built. this system integrates data on pregnant women in riau province starting from the puskesmas level. this system can help officials in the health department monitor and record pregnant women, so that they can assist in planning a safe delivery and preparing for complications for pregnant women.. keywords: health monitoring, pregnant women, information system. 1. introduction the family health and nutrition section through the family health program of the riau provincial health office, which has a birth planning and complications prevention program (p4k) is one of the government's efforts to reduce maternal mortality (aki) in indonesia. one of the main activities in the p4k program is to collect data and monitor pregnant women in the province of riau. the data collection includes data on the number of pregnant women, maternity savings (tabulin), blood donors, delivery assistance, transportation, and rescue plans. at this time, all the activities in the monitoring and data collection program for pregnant women are still done manually using microsoft office excel. based on these problems the authors formulated to create an information system to monitor the health of pregnant women web-based(sudirman, 2016). it is expected that this information system can provide facilities for health officials in regularly recording and monitoring pregnant women in riau province. 2. literature review strategic planning of information systems and information technology to support the success of the vision, mission and goals of the organization in the field of education, especially health so as to increase the need for information collection, storage and distribution quickly. this study uses a ward and peppard strategic / is / it planning framework, this stage starts from problem identification, data collection, analysis of the business and is / it external environment, analysis of the internal business environment and si / it, determining the is / it strategy including developing an application portfolio , hardware, software and network infrastructure proposals, it hr proposals and conducting gap analysis. some tools used are pestle, five porter theory, csf, value chain, and mcfarlan analysis. from this research, si strategy planning, it strategy planning and si / it management strategy planning are produced(irawan, 2017). the family health and nutrition section through the family health program, which has a childbirth planning and prevention complications program (p4k) is one of the government's efforts to reduce maternal mortality (aki) in indonesia. p4k program efforts have begun around 2010, but until now the aim to reducing the mmr stated in the mdgs by 102 per 100,000 live births in 2015 has not been achieved(indonesia, m. p., & kemiskinan, u. p., 2015). according to the 2012 idhs, mmr in indonesia actually experienced an increase of 359 per 100,000 kh. p4k is an activity facilitated by the village midwife in order to increase the mardeni… vol 1(2) 2020 : 85-90 86 active role of her husband, family and community in planning a safe delivery and preparation for complications for pregnant women. what has been achieved is the recording of the number of pregnant women, ie each cadre has the obligation to record if there are pregnant women and then the midwife reports during the posyandu. maternity savings (tabulin), cadres collect funds from every pregnant woman in every posyandu area. blood donors, cadres tell pregnant women and families the need for blood donor preparation if at any time the pregnant woman is operating or bleeding, for checking blood groups from family or community(fadilah, n., & mckenna, l., 2019). assistance, cadres have conveyed the need for assistance, especially if the mother is referred, assistance is usually done by her husband and family. relief plan, all pregnant women are assisted by village midwives during childbirth. transport or village ambulances, if a car is needed all community members who have a car are willing, if there is no special car for village ambulances. and sticking stickers, sticking stickers by cadres and sometimes by mrs. midwife. (kamidah,2018). 3. research method the method used in this study is the waterfall method. the reason for using this method is because the waterfall method approaches systematically and sequentially in building a system. the waterfall method process is the work of a system carried out sequentially(kadir, 2014). the resulting system will be of good quality, because the implementation is gradual so it is not focused on certain stages(darmawan, et. al., 2013). figure 1. waterfall model  requirement gathering and analysis − all possible requirements of the system to be developed are captured in this phase and documented in a requirement specification document.  system design − the requirement specifications from first phase are studied in this phase and the system design is prepared. this system design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements and helps in defining the overall system architecture.  implementation − with inputs from the system design, the system is first developed in small programs called units, which are integrated in the next phase. each unit is developed and tested for its functionality, which is referred to as unit testing.  integration and testing − all the units developed in the implementation phase are integrated into a system after testing of each unit. post integration the entire system is tested for any faults and failures.  deployment of system − once the functional and non-functional testing is done; the product is deployed in the customer environment or released into the market.  maintenance − there are some issues which come up in the client environment. to fix those issues, patches are released. also to enhance the product some better versions are released. maintenance is done to deliver these changes in the customer environment. mardeni… vol 1(2) 2020 : 85-90 87 4. research results and discussion this stage is an activity of making a system or application using the help of software and hardware in accordance with the analysis and design to produce a system that works. then an evaluation of the results of the trial is conducted, if the trial results have errors, then an improvement is made. this evaluation is carried out to determine whether the system formed in accordance with what is desired. after repairs and modifications made to the system, the system can be operated. admin login display this display is a means of user login into the system to see the process carried out, on this page the user enters a username and password. the appearance can be seen drawn the following: figure 2. login admin admin dashboard admin system dashboard display displays initial information, where the admin can see and filter the desired data categories. figure 3. main page admin main display district / city health office this page displays the main display district / city health office mardeni… vol 1(2) 2020 : 85-90 88 figure. 4 main page district / city health service report of regency / city pregnant women this page displays the report on district / city pregnant women figure. 5 display district / city pregnant women reports main view of puskesmas the main page in the application can be seen the puskesmas has successfully logged in : figure. 6. main page of puskesmas mardeni… vol 1(2) 2020 : 85-90 89 display add pregnant women to be able to add data on pregnant women health monitoring application for pregnant women, puskesmas are required to have an account that has been registered into the database, if the account input is invalid then the system will automatically return to the initial page to reenter. figure 7. display added pregnant women display of recapitulation reports of pregnant women in puskesmas figure 8. display of pregnant women reports at the health center 5. conclusions based on the analysis and discussion as well as the description of the previous chapters, it can be concluded as follows: 1. application for monitoring health of pregnant women at the riau provincial health service based on webgis is expected to be able to solve the problem of building an application for the riau provincial health service which is represented by officers in terms of conducting monitoring of pregnant women's health. 2. this application will facilitate officers in carrying out health monitoring for pregnant women, with the help of gps and google maps, the coordinates will be tracked where the location of pregnant women is. 3. this application can help provide accurate data where when monitoring health in accordance with the location of pregnant women. 4. this application can make it easier to find data on pregnant women in districts / cities, districts and villages / villages in riau province. mardeni… vol 1(2) 2020 : 85-90 90 references darmawan, deni & fauzi, k. n. (2013). sistem informasi manajemen. bandung : pt remaja rosda karya. fadilah, n., & mckenna, l. (2019). new nurses and community maternal care education: a qualitative study. nurse education in practice, 34, 139-144. irawan, y. (2017). perencanaan strategis si/ti dengan menggunakan framework ward and peppard di stikes hang tuah pekanbaru. jurnal ilmu komputer, 6(1), 25-32. indonesia, m. p., & kemiskinan, u. p. (2015). understanding the causes of maternal mortality in indonesia. irawan, y. (2017). perencanaan strategis si/ti dengan menggunakan framework ward and peppard di stikes hang tuah pekanbaru. jurnal ilmu komputer, 6(1), 25-32. kadir, a. (2014). pengenalan sistem informasi. andi. yogyakarta. kamidah, k. (2018). program perencanaan persalinan dan pencegahan komplikasi (p4k) sebagai upaya menurunkan angka kematian ibu. gaster, 16(1), 24-35. sudirman, s. (2016). aplikasi panduan dan monitoring ibu hamil berbasis android (doctoral dissertation, universitas islam negeri alauddin makassar). journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 940-954 940 adoption and implementation of self-development information technology applications: an empirical study of state islamic higher education institutions in indonesia muhammad qomarul huda1*, nur aeni hidayah2, eva khudzaeve3, noor azura zakaria4 department of information systems, universitas islam negeri syarif hidayatullah jakarta, indonesia1 2 3 department of computer science, kulliyyah of information and communication technology, international islamic university malaysia4 received : 26 march 2023, revised: 29 may 2023, accepted : 29 may 2023 *corresponding author abstract implementing it innovation in organizations is a complex and challenging process that affects organizational problems. the process involves many interacting factors and actors; hence this situation is difficult to control. this problem demonstrates the need to understand researchers' perceptions of it adoption and implementation. this study aims to explore in depth the adoption and implementation of selfdevelopment it applications (sdit) in islamic-based higher education institution (ihei) in indonesia. the it adoption and implementation framework (irawan et al., 2018) was applied as a lens to investigate the case. we conducted in-depth interviews with key informants involved during the adoption and implementation process in the organization. interviews were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis. certain focus group discussion (fgd) studies and specific interviews with key informants representing three levels of management explained that mediating factors such as post-implementation interventions, subjective norms, and facilitating conditions influence success in adopting and implementing it innovations in such cases. this study concludes that managerial interventions play an important role in reducing resistance from authoritarian approaches to mandating use and serve as a determinant of its sustainability in the future. these findings have significant implications for understanding how to achieve success in it adoption and implementation in the post-implementation phase by providing empirical evidence. theoretically, this study contributes to it adoption and implementation frameworks by identifying the active role of critical actors in the adoption and implementation of it applications in higher education institutions. keywords: it adoption, it applications, islamic higher education, state islamic university 1. introduction information technology (it) adoption and implementation in higher education institutions has increasingly been utilized in developing countries. however, there are typical problems like organizational and individual problems during the adoption process of its innovation (ma & lee, 2019), (yakubu & dasuki, 2019). previous studies have used different traditional frameworks to address these challenges. some of the main theories researchers use to examine the problem of adopting it innovations are diffusion of innovation (doi) theories (rogers, 2003). this theory has been continuously adopted, and many researchers tested the adoption of it innovations in various contexts and research designs (baig et al., 2019); (chen et al., 2021). past studies on it innovation implementation, such as (akanji et al., 2020), and (setiawan, 2012), reported that some of the problems observed in state higher education institutions owned and run by the government indicate bureaucratic practices and paternalistic culture or seniority. this study subsequently leads to several challenges impeding the adoption of it in universities and its acceptance at all management levels. state islamic-based higher education institutions (sihei), one of the groups of public universities coordinated by the ministry of religious affairs in indonesia, are now familiar with information technology (it) innovation to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and improve decision-making (nuryana, 2022), (bashori et al., 2020) however, complicated bureaucracy makes it difficult to take appropriate strategic actions on specific internal conditions huda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 940-954 941 such as organizational, individual, and social issues closely related to the it adoption and implementation process. in addition, it is essential to note that due to its significant role in providing reliable and practical solutions to specific or common management problems that occurred in the ihei. naturally, several obstacles, challenges, and failures have been experienced in the process of adopting and implementing it innovations that were developed by internal organizations, such as academic information systems and personnel administration (wilson et al., 2014); (huda & hussin, 2010); (huda et al., 2021). therefore, it is essential to carry out further studies to overcome these problems with various approaches to research frameworks. the concept of it implementation in this study is associated with contingent authority innovation decisions (damanpour, 1991), meaning that the influence of individual factors on innovation depends on the institutional context. therefore, further research on various institutional contexts must be carried out. researchers who have tested and developed this concept include (galuvan, 2001); (irawan et al., 2018); (fuentelsaz et al., 2018) and (pinzón et al., 2021). gallivan 2001 stated that innovation adoption is divided into two phases: the primaryadoption phase by top management/managers and the secondary adoption by employees. furthermore, the top-level management is authorized to make the initial decision at the preimplementation stage and ensure the mandatory process of adopting it innovations. meanwhile, the adopters or users, such as the middle and low-level management, can adopt, reject, adjust, and include some inputs to the adoption process at the post-implementation stage. at the same time, various groups of employees (units) have different interpretations and strategies in following up on leadership initiatives, so this secondary adoption process occurs many conflicts between units and often causes problems that result in the innovation implementation process failing. at the preimplementation stage, mandatory factors can impact the post-implementation activities of it innovation. additionally, mediating factors like post-implementation interventions, subjective norms, and facilitating conditions can also play a role in determining the success of it innovation adoption and implementation. the significance of this research is to explore in depth the adoption and implementation of self-development it (sdit) applications in islamic-based higher education institutions (ihei) in indonesia. this study explores the actual implementation that focuses on the importance of managerial interventions. therefore, some questions were reviewed to be answered in this study as follows: 1. what is the nature of adopting and implementing the self-development it (sdit) applications in ihei? 2. how does the mediating factor influence the adoption and implementation of sdit in ihei? using the framework of irawan et al. (2018), an investigation was conducted to explore the multilevel perspectives of the actors involved in the it innovation adoption process, namely university executives, ict managers, and administrative staff. this research contributes by examining the framework of irawan et al., 2018 in the context of islamic-based higher education institutions in indonesia. it provides insights for the university management level about the critical role of managerial intervention. furthermore, this study is expected to assist decision-makers at the university in identifying problems and determining strategic steps to achieve the success of it innovation adoption and implementation. this paper is organized into six sections: the first is an introduction, followed by the second section of the literature review to explain previous studies used as references. the third section is research methods with a qualitative approach using focus group discussion (fgd) study and special interviews. the fourth section is a result and discussion of the findings; the last section is conclusions and suggestions 2. literature review innovation is defined as an idea, practice, or object considered to be new by an individual or organization (rogers, 2003). it is not only limited to objects or goods but also includes attitudes to life, behavior, or movement toward the change process (ahmed & shepherd, 2010); (chor et al., 2015). these changes can be in the form of information technology (it) developed in different contexts or fields (pfadenhauer et al., 2017; sunday & vera, 2018). however, rogers (2003) stated that adopting and implementing innovations in an organizational context, especially huda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 940-954 942 in the it scope, has several complex challenges that cause frequent failures. this context is due to subjective variations in the adoption process, making accepting or rejecting an innovation difficult. this has led several studies to apply traditional frameworks, such as the diffusion of innovation (doi), to remedy this situation (rogers, 2003). the doi theory was observed from the beginning of its implementation to be entirely appropriate in investigating innovations associated with the information technology (it) field at the individual and organizational level after their evolution and development. it was, however, discovered not to be able to explore problems from the perspectives of different actors involved, especially in the organizational context, such as universities (huda et al., 2017). therefore, a more comprehensive development framework is needed to review these perspectives and possible causative factors. innovation adoption theory in the field of information systems, leading theories that have been studying innovation such as the technology acceptance model (tam) initiated by (davis, 1989) and the information system success model (delone & mclean, 2004). tam theory was extended to tam2 (venkatesh, 2008), considering social factors and facilitating construction conditions. furthermore, this theory is extended again with tam3 (venkatesh, 2008) by including the determinants of perceived ease of use (venkatesh, 2000). utaut (venkatesh et al., 2003) integrates eight well-known models of information technology acceptance, including doi and tam. in 2012, utaut2 (venkatesh et al., 2012) emerged by accommodating the context of the use of technology from the consumer side. although considered the dominant theory for decades, the legacy of tam and utaut is also with criticism. among these criticisms is that tam focuses more on the decision to accept or reject an innovation made by an individual and ignores all aspects of group, social, and cultural decision-making involved (bagozzi, 2007). other criticisms highlight the difficulty of quantitative-based theories such as tam and utaut in providing actionable advice to organizational managers. rogers (2003) criticizes previous research, which claims to have investigated the determinants of innovation implementation in organizations but has only explored initial procurement. further research is needed on innovation adoption and implementation that explores actual implementation that focuses on the importance of managerial intervention (venkatesh & bala, 2008). a deeper understanding of this research topic can also be carried out by conducting investigations from various perspectives (multiple perspectives) of the actors involved during the innovation implementation process, such as (individuals, groups, and organizational levels) (gallivan, 2001). previous studies related to this research topic, such as those conducted by (venkatesh & bala, 2008), examined the multiple perspectives of the actors involved in the it innovation implementation process and the critical role of managerial intervention. this research revealed that the role of managers in the intervention (intervention managerial) helps the successful implementation of it innovation in organizations. it is imperative to understand and raise as research material that the challenges for adopting and implementing it innovations in institutions like this will be more exciting and challenging. usually, the decision to adopt an it innovation has been made by the leadership or university management (executives). the executives give a mandate (official order) to all members of the organization to adopt the it innovation to users such as academic staff (lecturers), support staff (educational staff), and students, who have no choice but to adopt the innovation (gallivan, 2001; rogers, 2003). such a scenario is described as a contingent authority innovation decision. in the opinion of the researchers, with the nature of adoption involving a diffusion process, managerial intervention is needed to ensure that the adoption of the innovation can run successfully. the managerial intervention actions in question include training adopters and providing facilities in the form of adequate infrastructure support for organizations (gallivan, 2001). simultaneously, these stages and implementation processes are also influenced by other variables, such as subjective norms and facilitating conditions, which appear as mediating factors between the initial adoption decision by the executive and the post-adoption by staff and students. this causes the processes and stages of it innovation implementation to become more complex huda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 940-954 943 and more challenging to control. this is more interesting to study, especially in the context of islamic higher education institutions (ihei) in indonesia. in the context of it implementation in higher education institutions, there is a potential gap in exploring the adoption of this innovation as a mandatory issue often taken for granted (gallivan, 2001). furthermore, research on the adoption of mandated it innovations is still relatively rare because researchers generally focus more on identifying challenges and barriers to the use of it (al-shboul et al., 2017); (huda et al., 2022), (huda & hussin, 2010) and voluntary adoption of more straightforward innovations (e.g., pcs, laptops, internet) (moolenaar et al., 2014). this research is essential to explore the implementation of it innovation in the context of the education sector, such as ihei in indonesia. this group of university categories was selected as a sample that examines the adoption and implementation of self-development it (sdit) innovations like academic information systems (ais) and general it infrastructure. framework for adoption and implementation of innovation the framework used in this study was proposed by irawan et al. 2018 is called the adoption and implementation framework of innovation. this study proposed a framework in line with gallivan (2001) to test the attitudes and behaviour of users and actors at the it adoption and innovation stage. it is described as an amalgamation framework since it unites several forms of traditional adoption frameworks, such as the diffusion of innovation (doi), with its implementation support at the organizational level. however, the application of the framework developed by gallivan (2001) in several previous studies was observed to experience difficulties, mainly when used in a broader context; this is because it needs to be explicitly designed for the type of innovation in higher education institutions. for example, it was initially focused only on insurance companies, while this study focuses more on higher education institutions. moreover, its implementation was based on adopting commercially purchased client-server development software. at the same time, this study explores it innovations such as it in general and management information systems (mis), which are self-developed by the institution's internal it division/unit or can be said to be made non-commercially. irawan et al. 2018 modified the gallivan framework by incorporated mediating factors at each innovation adoption and implementation stage, namely at the pre and post-implementation stages. the mediating factor at the pre-implementation stage consists of 3 variables: preimplementation intervention, subjective norm, and facilitating condition. likewise, the mediating factors at the post-implementation stage consist of 3 variables: post-implementation intervention, subjective norm, and facilitating condition. this was to resolve the previously stated weaknesses and focus more on non-commercial organizations. the design used in this study is indicated in figure 1. huda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 940-954 944 fig. 1. it adoption and implementation framework (irawan et al., 2018). the framework was reviewed for two it adoption and implementation stages, including pre-and post-implementation. the pre-implementation is the initial stage which focuses on the mandatory interventions combined with mediating factors such as pre-implementation interventions, subjective norms, and facilitating conditions required by the top-level management to promote adopting and implementing it in universities. it is important to note that this initial review has been implemented by huda et al. (2021). this study, therefore, focuses on reviewing the post-implementation stage and determining the factors influencing the response of middle to low-level management to implementing it innovation after the mandatory process. the situation where the top-level management is authorized to make initial decisions at the pre-implementation stage to adopt it innovations through mandatory processes is known as the contingent authority innovation decisions process (damanpour, 1991). it is, however, essential to note that the adopters, such as those at the middle and low-level management, can adopt or reject as well as adjust and provide input to the use of the innovation to ensure its future sustainability. the merger of the two stages in the proposed framework provides the opportunity to explore problems associated with all the actors involved comprehensively 3. research methods study approach rogers (2003) explained that adopting and implementing it innovations using the diffusion of innovation (doi) theory can be related to the technology used and social processes, such as humans and the surrounding environment involved. therefore, a qualitative approach was applied in this study through phenomenological studies to provide more profound observations of the it innovation adoption and implementation, especially at state islamic higher education institutions in indonesia, based on the perspectives of all the main actors involved (mansir, 2020), (junaidah et al., 2020), (a’ang subiyakto et al., 2018). higher education in indonesia has its characteristics, especially those related to history and its environment. based on a historical perspective, the development of higher education has been pioneered by students in political movements involved in nation-building. the student movement in the 1950s influenced government policies in every aspect of national life, including the nationalization of universities, the repatriation of academics in the netherlands, and the adoption of the national language as the language of instruction. in addition, because islam is the majority religion indonesian population, islam and islamic education have influenced the formation of the huda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 940-954 945 higher education system in indonesia. the history of indonesia's higher education system was initiated by islamic boarding schools that provided islamic education before the colonial period (buchori & malik, 2004). considerable evidence suggests that many graduates from the advanced level of 'islamic boarding schools' are admitted to the postgraduate level of al-azhar university in cairo, one of the prestigious islamic-based institutions in the middle east. study location, object, and subject the study location was selected using the criterion-based method, which involves determining the location based on the background and events to ensure the completeness of the information (bungin, 2012). therefore, sunan kalijaga state islamic university of yogyakarta was selected for this study because it is currently one of the state islamic higher education institutions (sihei) considered to have successfully implemented it innovations as well as fulfill the criteria and requirements needed in this review (hakiman et al., 2019), (darmadji & andriansyah, 2016). the object was, however, limited to it innovations within the scope of the sunan kalijaga state islamic university. at the same time, the subjects are the main actors or participants related to it applications self-development, starting from the top, middle, and lowlevel management. the entire management was reviewed to have more in-depth findings. study data source the participants include a vice-rector in the general administration affairs, which was used to represent the top management level and a vice dean of academic affairs representing the faculty management, a head of information technology and data center (ptipd) for the middlelevel management responsible for it management, and senior staff or it managers for the lowlevel management. some parties, including two students involved in the adoption and implementation, were also reviewed, as indicated in figure 2. the informants were selected using purposive sampling, with the criteria being the ability to provide in-depth information on the studied concept. fig. 2. distribution of participants huda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 940-954 946 data collection and technique interviews data were generally collected using semi-structured interviews, which promote two-way communication to have new perspectives and ideas. this involved the combination of focus group discussion (fgd) activities with special interviews to explore the experiences of critical actors or informants concerning the use of it innovations at the sunan kalijaga state, the islamic university of yogyakarta. documentation a validity test was conducted before the interview, and this involved cross-checking the documentation data obtained from the university's official website concerning the long-term it strategic planning documents, ict training activities reports by the information technology and data center (ptipd), and information system profiles at the university as well as some offline documents such as rule books on written policies and university statistical reports. the aim was to determine the contextual documentation on the case being studied to strengthen the information to be obtained during the interviews. physical artifacts data were also collected about the physical artifacts issued by the information technology and data center (ptipd), such as the paper forms inputted and processed manually and other physical data. this was conducted to confirm that it innovation has been implemented and running at the institution and to determine other valuable data needed in this study. study development future studies usually have five development stages. these include the preliminary study, such as the required findings of documents and physical artifacts, followed by data collection through special interviews or fgds, data analysis, result interpretation, and report writing, as indicated in figure 3. fig. 3. study work process flow (a’ang subiyakto et al., 2015) stage 1: preliminary study the preliminary study was conducted in june 2020 to provide complete information needed to develop and guide the stages of future study programs (rabiee, 2004); (ritchie et al., 2013); (turner iii & hagstrom-schmidt, 2022). it involves documentation or physical artifacts observed from key informants. huda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 940-954 947 stage 2: data collection it has been previously stated that data were collected through semi-structured interviews combined with focus group discussion (fgd) activities to understand the phenomena and determine the experiences of key informants. it was conducted from june to august 2020 with the focus on three types of participants covering three levels of organizational structure ranging from low, middle, to top-level management associated with the application of it innovation services at the sunan kalijaga state islamic university of yogyakarta in their daily activities. stage 3: data analysis data were analyzed through in-depth observation techniques based on the social interaction process with the main actors to understand the complexities in adopting and implementing it innovations at the sunan kalijaga state, the islamic university of yogyakarta. the analysis process was conducted practically starting from august 2020. stage 4: interpretation the data analyzed were interpreted at the end of august 2020 to determine the response and continued impact during the post-implementation stage and the input from middle and lowlevel management after the mandatory process of adopting and implementing it innovations. it was also intended to review the mediating influence of post-implementation interventions, subjective norms, and facilitating conditions for the success and sustainability of the it innovation adoption and implementation in the institution. stage 5: report all the stages were concluded with the preparation of a report on the results obtained in november 2020, and this was the closing stage of the study. 4. results and discussions the preliminary study analysis of the documentation data for the master development plan showed that the sunan kalijaga state islamic university of yogyakarta has adopted and implemented eight it innovations. these were focused on transiting from the academic and administrative processes previously conducted manually to the current automatic system through it innovations. however, it was observed that only four website-based systems are actively used due to the covid-19 pandemic, including the academic information system (ais). moreover, lecturer performance load (bkd) system was designed as an integrated system for lecturers, while the administrative management facility and the lecture support or e-learning facility. it is also important to note that a different system designed for android mobile, the presence information system, is currently being used as a remote attendance facility to respond to the pandemic. these innovations were implemented to provide the best service to the users following the aspirations and vision of the information technology and data center (ptipd), sunan kalijaga state islamic university of yogyakarta. they were also applied to improve and develop the quality of education for all users in the institution with the expectation that the it innovations facilitate the management of the university's operational, managerial, and strategic activities in the future. these it innovations were comprehensively reviewed at the post-implementation stage through three main mediating themes: the post-implementation interventions, subjective norms, and facilitating conditions. this is in line with the proposed framework, and the detailed distribution of the themes and their sub-themes is indicated in the following table 1. table 1 themes and sub-themes themes sub-themes postimplementation interventions ais reinvention faculty-level dissemination seminar & training championing by faculty heads of administration huda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 940-954 948 mentoring peer support subjective norms administrative staff teaching assistants fellow academics executives relatives facilitating conditions individual attributes (ict competence, time constraints, power relations, laziness) the themes were reviewed to determine the responses and input from users directly involved, as well as the factors influencing the success of the it innovation adoption and implementation at the sunan kalijaga state, the islamic university of yogyakarta. this was obtained through focus group discussion (fgd) sessions and individual interviews, and the findings are summarized in the following sections. post-implementation interventions the post-implementation intervention was the first mediating factor reviewed to determine the impact of the it innovation adoption and implementation after the mandatory process. it was discovered that the interventions or supports provided by the top-level management include the discovery or development of the management information system, faculty-level seminars and training, mentoring, and peer support to promote the adoption and implementation of it innovations in the institution. the top-level management has also provided support for the application of it innovations, such as the it infrastructure and application of information systems, which involved mentoring developers and users to expedite the development and implementation process. this is important considering the high level of resistance observed during the implementation as well as the difficulty in assuring the users that the new system is different from the previous. the support and mentoring allow the gradual emergence of confidence in the use of it innovations. this was directly explained by the vice dean of academics in the focus group discussion session on july 28, 2020. "the first semester was the hardest to convince users that the new academic information system (ais) differs from the previous. this is because they (users) already have bad memories from the previous system, a desktop-based technology that limits the possibility of conducting their work when exposed to a virus. they also find it innovations to be very inconvenient, and this has made it difficult to regain their trust." "through mentoring, the trust has slowly begun to emerge. we are currently working together with the representatives of the users to discuss their needs, including the toplevel management, such as the leaders, and the low-level management, such as study program operators, to ensure adequate support for the implementation of the it innovations." the diploma companion information certificate (skpi) system was also supported by absorbing the aspirations of different user partners. this was explained at the same focus group discussion session with the vice dean of academics and a special interview with the head of the information technology and data center (ptipd) on august 11, 2020. "we absorbed the aspirational support needed and reimplemented policy development externally and internally. the existing developments were assessed because new rules were introduced using skpi, which led to the system's design, which was discussed with the academics for future monitoring and development." huda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 940-954 949 the top-level management, such as executives, heads of divisions, and other teams involved, also continuously supports interventions to make the implementation process accessible. for example, the information technology and data center (ptipd) held socialization and training for the lecturers using the lecturer performance load (bkd) system. the use of the system was demonstrated, and they were asked to practice with the assistance of the ptipd team through general explanations of related technical terms. the top-level management also supported the discovery and development of the administrative information system, as indicated by the recent development of the mobile-based presence information system (pis) to avoid physical contact during the covid-19 pandemic. the pis was redeveloped to respond to the present situation and ensure the adoption and implementation of it are sustained at the university. according to the vice dean of academics affairs, this is associated with the need for top-level management to support sustainable system development, especially in the it innovation process. "i believe continuous innovation is the most important thing for sustainable use. therefore, when the needs on one side have been fulfilled, the development can be added to the needs of other systems". subjective norms the subjective norms were also reviewed successfully in addition to the postimplementation interventions to determine the influence of subjective norms provided to promote the decisions to use it innovations. this discussion was based on five sub-themes: the administrative staff, academics, executives, and other partners directly involved in adopting and implementing it innovations. the encouragement received to use the innovations was evaluated in this section. according to the vice dean of academics of the faculty of science and technology (fst), which represents the top-level management, subjective norms influence the implementation process through discussions with the users at the macro to micro level. this has motivated the continuous usage of the academic information system (ais) from its initial launch in 2013 to now. the middle and lower-level users were encouraged to discuss and add input to the future system development implemented by the top-level management. this was confirmed directly during the focus group discussion on july 28, 2020. "fortunately, the academic information system (ais) has been useful from its implementation in 2013 until now. there is no pause in its use due to the discussion process regarding the development of the system." "it is important to note that the system needs to be implemented based on the consideration that easy works are not to be increased to ensure its effectiveness." the lecturers, academics, administration staff, and other parties currently feel that the support provided by the top-level management during the post-implementation process influenced their subjective norms to use the it innovations. this reflects in their daily performance and several benefits associated with the innovations by the lecturers enjoying the tri dharma university information system activities. the statement of the head of information technology and data center (ptipd) representatives at the focus group discussion session held on july 28, 2020, further confirms these assertions. "tri dharma is a system created to allow lecturers to upload their work such as research, service, and others to ensure the bkd system can synchronize and retrieve them. this practically assists the lecturers by ensuring they do not need to conduct repetitive data entry processes, thereby making their work easier." these observations could motivate different stakeholders to continue using it system innovations sustainably. huda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 940-954 950 facilitating conditions the facilitating conditions associated with the users of it innovations at the university were also reviewed to determine the level at which the technical and organizational infrastructures are perceived to be efficient in fulfilling their needs. this was based on four sub-themes: ict skills or competencies, time constraints, power relations, and laziness. it was discovered that several people believed they had been assisted by the it innovations, as indicated by the lecturers, and that they could save time after implementing the lecturer performance load (bkd) information system. this was further explained by the vice rector and the head of the information technology and data center in a special interview on august 11 and 20, 2020, that there were differences before and after the introduction of the bkd information system. "in the past, the process was very long and difficult because it was too administrative, but applying the bkd information system makes it more automatic by reducing the manual recapitulation. it is also straightforward and can be integrated directly, improving the lecturers' performance". several mechanisms have also been implemented to support the operation of it innovation, such as the manual designed by the information technology and data center (ptipd) as the head of the it division and facilitated by the dean of the faculty to understand the working principle of the management information system. another example is the provision of instructions on operating the system on the ais website, thereby assisting the users in accessing information anytime and anywhere. it innovations also make it easy to explore the benefits of power relations as indicated by the direct connection of the management, administration, lecturers, students, and parents/guardians to academic and non-academic activities in the school. moreover, technological facilities are continuously being developed, as indicated by their effects on attendance, teaching and learning activities, final project management, diplomas, lecturer performance, and others allowing the stakeholders to be integrated into the process. this facilitates power relations previously considered very complicated due to the complex bureaucracies. the students using the e-learning system indicated the direct benefits of the innovation due to the significant assistance it provides in the teaching and learning process, especially during the covid-19 pandemic. two students stated this in a unique interview process on august 21, 2020. it innovations can facilitate all academic activities which are challenging to achieve, primarily due to the covid-19 pandemic. the innovation implemented allowed us to conduct academic activities conveniently." "activities usually conducted in class can now be assessed online despite the covid-19 pandemic. the academic information system (ais) also eases the process of accessing data because it does not require a manual process." some obstacles were, however, identified, such as those observed about the ict competencies of the users. it was discovered that some students using the sukastudia system had particular challenges, such as connection, device readiness, and less implementation compared to the previous face-to-face learning process. "the drawback is that not all students have good connections, with some leaving in places with less stable signals discovered to have limited access. student facilities such as gadgets need to be adequate for the implementation of the e-learning process, and their use is more challenging than the face-to-face learning method. this means the teaching process is less interactive because the circumstances differ for each student." the lack of interactivity should receive more attention in the future, and the system also needs to be developed and improvised further to avoid laziness on the part of the users, especially the students engaged in online teaching and learning due to the covid-19 outbreak. therefore, huda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 940-954 951 the developers and top-level management need to find concrete solutions to solve these problems to ensure the future implementation of these innovations. the post-implementation stage was observed to significantly affect the adoption and application of it innovations after the mandatory decisions by top-level management at the preimplementation stage, especially in the sunan kalijaga state islamic university of yogyakarta. the support and role of the innovation users were discovered to be important in determining the success and problems with the implementation. the results of the focus group discussion (fgd) and special interviews showed that the post-implementation interventions and mediating factors introduced by top-level management could influence the acceptance of it innovations. this was indicated in the support provided, such as the discovery and development of a management information system, seminars and training at the faculty level, mentoring, and peer support, which plays a crucial role in the process of implementing it innovations. the users at the middle and lower management levels also consider that the system can be trusted for widespread use after having doubts about its usability. it has the potential to positively influence their daily activities due to the significant role of top-level management in developing and providing support for it innovation. moreover, it was discovered that subjective norms could also promote and influence it innovations because users have used similar systems, such as administrative staff, lecturers, academics, executives, and other partners. other factors such as support, usability, and absorption of aspirations were also observed to have influenced their decision to trust the innovation adoption process. however, it is essential to note that future system development should be able to handle the previously easy process to avoid a reduction in the intention and motivation of users to apply these it innovations. the findings showed that the top-level management had created and applied several guides, technical operating instructions, and other facilitating conditions to support it implementation. this assists in resolving possible future problems; for example, the power relations in using the system, which was previously considered difficult due to the highly bureaucratic process, is adjudged to have become accessible through the automation and integration of innovation. the time constraints associated with work can also be reduced by applying a system that can be used anywhere and anytime. this was confirmed by the users that the it innovations developed are accessible to all layers of diverse users. it was also discovered that the facilitating conditions are different for the users, and this needs to be considered in developing it innovations in the future, especially for higher education institutions such as sunan kalijaga state islamic university. 5. conclusion focus group discussion (fgd) studies and special interviews conducted qualitatively to determine the influence of it innovation adoption and implementation at the sunan kalijaga state, the islamic university of yogyakarta, led to some conclusions. first, the success of it innovation adoption and implementation in an institution is strongly influenced by the support from all management levels, including those at the top, middle, and low levels. second, the initial mandatory factor in promoting the implementation of it innovations in universities at the pre-implementation stage can accelerate the implementation process because the commitment to use the system can lead to its acceptance. however, the input and aspirations of the users need to be considered after the system has been implemented to influence the trust, success, and sustainability of the system and ensure its wide application. this is important among those directly interacting with innovation at different management levels of higher education institutions. third, mediating factors such as the introduction of intervention at the postimplementation stage, increase in subjective norms, and provision of facilitating conditions by the top-level management are needed to ensure the successful implementation of it innovations, especially for universities. the support and input from users actively using it innovations can contribute significantly to future implementation. the factor suggested being reviewed more comprehensively is the facilitating conditions owned and needed by users to bridge the gap among the users of it innovations at the sunan kalijaga state islamic university. huda et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 940-954 952 this study shows that reviewing the pre-and post-implementation phases and the mediating factors, such as post-implementation interventions, subjective norms, and facilitating conditions, can be a solid foundation to evaluate the success of it implementation. it was also discovered that the post-implementation phase could support the trust, success, and sustainability of the implementation process after the users' technical, social, and input have been considered. this proves that applying the proposed framework in this study and its mediating factors can be used to analyze and review the success of it innovation adoption and implementation in state universities. the main contribution of this study is an empirical study that systematically identifies and prioritizes it management units to be supported by top management levels in higher education institutions. the limitation of the study is that the results were based on a particular region's higher education context. a more in-depth review of possible influencing factors, such as those related to security and business, must be conducted. in contrast, the technical, social, security, and business aspects of using it innovations in higher education institutions must also be analyzed.. references a'ang subiyakto, a., ahlan, r., kartiwi, m., hakiem, n., huda, m. q., & susanto, a. 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internet that supports system interoperability. data is exchanged in json format, and json web tokens are used for authentication security (jwt). using jwts for token-based authentication of web services can help overcome interoperability issues. jwt is stateless and allows inclusion of data in token authorization. jwt includes a number of possible algorithms, including hmac. overall, hmac adoption outperformed the criteria for token generation time, token size, and token transfer speed. saving json web token to local storage in client browser using hmac algorithm has been presented in this paper. the proposed work has shown that jwts do not need to be stored on the server but can be stored on the client browser side using local storage. keywords: hash-based message authentication code, json web token, restful api, e-learning 1. introduction learning media in indonesia is increasingly experiencing significant development. the dynamics of today's technology is achieving tremendous acceleration. the form of information technology development that can be used as a learning medium is e-learning. e-learning is an innovation that can be utilized in the learning process, not only in the delivery of learning materials but also changes in the abilities of various competencies of learners. based on the joint decree of the minister of education and culture, minister of religion, minister of health, and minister of home affairs regarding guidelines for implementing learning during the coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) pandemic which encourages the implementation of limited face-to-face learning and distance learning. e-learning is an integrated system with several other systems to support online learning data needs, such as: student data, lecturer data, course data, class data, and several other data spread across various systems. the data is integrated using a web service. web service is a set of standards and programming methods for sharing data between different software applications, distributing services over the internet that supports system interoperability (alam et al., 2020; rahmatulloh et al., 2019). web service is the technology choice most often used to conduct information exchange and sharing (adam et al., 2020; ethelbert et al., 2017; tihomirovs & grabis, 2017). session-based authentication constantly causes the server to overload because it has to check the session all of the time. this affects server performance. because no sessions are formed every time a user logs in, unlike token-based authentication, this strategy outperforms sessionbased techniques (adam et al., 2020; “insights of json web token,” 2020). web services are developed on open protocol technologies such as tcp/ip and http. web service is a method for communicating between two or more electronic devices over a computer network. there are two protocols commonly used in web service development, namely soap and rest (kumari et al., 2019). many web service implementations have been carried out in several sectors. in previous research, used a web service with a rest api that equipped with an access token on the data dalimunthe et. al... vol 3(2) 2022 : 149-155 150 management system public. the research discusses about creation of a web-based system designed for manage community data with features for monitoring access to databases on the server, so that administrators can easily monitoring data traffic conditions (perkasa & setiawan, 2018). web service platform used in monitoring staffing daily attendance has been made in another study, able to display employee attendance data in json format using rest api concept. by using the rest api then can bridge various access devices information from those in need and convenience other devices to access information. this research will describe the implementation of restful web services as a technology to realize interoperability that can bridge between different platforms, as well as carry out the testing process at the security stage of data exchange which is carried out using the hash-based message authentication code (hmac) algorithm. interoperability of information system software involves various components, which may create loopholes that can compromise system security. this study aims to explain the security feature model json web token (jwt) on web service in mode system authentication. this research also discusses whether jwt can be stored on cookies or not. with application of the jwt feature model then is expected to solve security problems and information accuracy problems in web service technology which can be implemented in the future. 2. literature review various ways to reduce threats to security on web services have been carried out in previous studies, including: json web token (jwt) for authentication on interoperability architecture based on restful web service in research (aldya et al., 2019). the application of json web token authentication has also been carried out by adding the rsa-512 algorithm in research (aldya et al., 2019). another research (sabir et al., 2019) on authentication and load balancing schemes based on json tokens for multi-agent systems. however, from several previous studies that conducted research using json web tokens for authentication, they still used the rsa-512 algorithm which tends to be slow in the restful api process, in this study we will use another asymmetric algorithm, namely hmac. hmac uses a cryptography key and a hash function to construct the message authentication code, which is then appended to the end of the message intended for the receiver. the packet will be confirmed if the message code recipient matches the message authentication code. by looking at the structure of hmac, the researchers were able to create a new function dubbed x-hmac. the dedicated cryptography key of each packet and the dedicated cryptography key of each packet generated from the main x-hmac cryptography key are used in this function. it hashes message bits and hmac using bit swapp and rotation to the left in two steps. the findings reveal that the x-hmac function can act as a strong barrier against data identification and hmac attacks, preventing the attacker from simply identifying the blocks and exploiting hmac flaws (mousavi & shakour, 2019). the results of the research in (rahmatulloh et al., 2019b) the comparison of token-based authentication performance utilizing jwt with many techniques has been explained. overall, the adoption of hmac outperforms the criteria of token generation time, token size, and token transfer speed. the results of the research in (sabir et al., 2019), jwt access control solutions for different applications developed on platforms, such as iot and cloud systems, have been improved. rapid production of new tokens on each client request with an o (1) time complexity on the server can prevent an attacker from identifying a client's signature. 3. results and discussions e-learning, or online learning, is an educational system that provides educational services to students in a remote learning environment via the internet (miguel et al., 2015). some experts believe that this online learning system based on e-learning has fewer learning effects than offline learning. this is because the online learning system may create an atmosphere that allows unauthorised users to attend and take tests when the learner is engaged in something else (lee & han, n.d.) dalimunthe et. al... vol 3(2) 2022 : 149-155 151 rest is an architectural web service that developed from several network-based architectural styles that are often applied in web-based services (ed-douibi et al., 2016; haupt et al., 2017; neumann et al., 2021). rest architecture is typically implemented using http (hypertext transfer protocol), which entails reading an xml or json file from a specific web page. the server does not keep any request state because each request is independent. restful apis are application programming interfaces (apis) that follow the rest style. a uniform resource identifier (uri) is used to represent resources in restful apis. a uri link is used to identify each data source. the following are some of the rest methods: the get method retrieves the resource, the post method creates a new resource, and the put method updates the resource based on the resource. the delete method is used to remove a resource or a group of resources. json web token (jwt) is a lightweight means of exchanging data between two parties so as to ease authentication, authorization and security. each jwt statement is kept as a json object, which can be used as plaintext for json web encryption or as a payload for json web signature (jws), which enables claims to be digitally protected and authenticated using the message authentication code (mac) [6]. jwt is a token in the form of a string that is made up of three parts: header, payload, and signature. it is used for authentication and information transmission [18]. tokens are of two types: bearer tokens and keyholder tokens. meanwhile, based on the purpose there are two schemes: identity tokens and access tokens [19]. jwt functions similarly to a password. the server will provide a token stored in local storage or browser cookies after the user successfully signs in. the token is used to gain access to specified pages, and the user will return the token as proof of successful login. fig. 1. flow json web token figure 1 is an example of jwt flow starting from signing which is the public key, after that the jwt token is encrypted, then in the validation process the private key is matched with the public key and a jwt token is generated. a cryptographic hash function, denoted by h, and a secret key, denoted by k, are required for the definition of hmac. h is a cryptographic hash function that hashes data by iterating a basic compression function on blocks of data. the byte-length of such blocks is denoted by b (b=64 for all the hash methods listed above), and the byte-length of hash outputs is denoted by l (l=16 for md5, l=20 for sha-1). the authentication key k can have any length up to b, the hash function block length [x]. in general, this hmac algorithm could explained by the equation below: hmack (m) = h( k||pad1 || h( k||pad2 ||m )) (1) where k is the private key known to both sender and receiver, h is the hash function used, m is the message to be authenticated, pad is 0x5c5c5c...5c and ipad is 0x363636...36 with length you same. the first step that must be done in this hmac algorithm is to normalize the required key length given, so that length is equal to b. key size k must be greater than/equal to l/2, where l is the output size of the hash function. larger keys do not necessarily increase the security of dalimunthe et. al... vol 3(2) 2022 : 149-155 152 the hash function, this is because the key will be hashed first to get more size from/same with l/2. but highly recommended for use a long key if the randomness of the key is quite weak. if the key length is equal to b, then the value of k0 (the key that will be used for the hash function and has been normalized) is filled with k. meanwhile, if the key length is less than b, then the k key is appended with 0 so that the length is equal to b. for the case when the length of k exceeds the length of b, the key is hashed first. then this hash result will be appended with 0 so that length is the same as b, the same as if the key length was shorter than b. the next step is to do the xor between k0 with the ipad. the result of this operation is also called the inner key. the sixth step is to calculate the hash value of the concatenation that has just been done. the next step is to calculate the value of the outer key, which is obtained from the xor operation between k0 and the opad. then the concatenation operation is performed again between the outer key with hash value calculated in the sixth step. the ninth step is to calculate the hash value of the concatenation result. then the last step is to take the leftmost t bytes of the hash value from the ninth step. this last step itself is actually optional. this is because the result of the hash function in the ninth step can already be taken as the mac value of the message, with length l. this tenth step can be done if: user want an authentication tag that more. but from the hmac specification, it is suggested that it is short, taking only t bytes. this t value cannot be less than half l or not less than 80 for certain cases. if the value of t is small, then this hmac is likely to be unsafe. the above algorithm can be the following diagram in figure 2: fig. 2. diagram hash-based message authentication code table 1 the variable list hmac variable description b block size(in bytes) of input to hash function h the hash function used opad inner pad(0x3636...36) dalimunthe et. al... vol 3(2) 2022 : 149-155 153 variable description k a private key is known to both sender and receiver ko keys that have been processed as necessary so that they are long b l block size(in bytes) of input to hash function opad outer pad(0x5c5c...5c) t the number of bytes of the desired mac text message/information to be manipulated the proposed model facilitates user access to the e-learning system through a secure jwt access token using the hash-based message authentication code (hmac) method. the design of the access token model can be seen in the following figure: fig. 3. client access token a jwt must be saved in a secure location within the user's browser. if you save it in localstorage, any script on your website will be able to access it. an xss attack could provide an external attacker access to the token, which is as awful as it be clear, you should never keep a jwt in local storage (or session storage). if one of the third-party scripts you utilize on your page gets hacked, it will have access to all of your users' tokens. jwts should always be stored in a httponly cookie to keep them safe. this is a unique cookie that is only transmitted to the server in http requests. javascript running in the browser is never able to access it (for reading or writing).jwts can be used as an authentication method that doesn't require the use of a database. because the data stored in the jwt given to the client is secure, the server can avoid utilizing a database. after we know that the jwt mechanism does not require a database, in this case we simulate the storage method in local storage, namely the browser, which can be seen in figure 4. fig. 4. flow cookie in browser dalimunthe et. al... vol 3(2) 2022 : 149-155 154 before storing tokens in the browser, authentication checks occur using the hmac algorithm. the hmac algorithm will check whether the tokens are valid or invalid and whether the token has expired or not, which can be seen in figure 5. fig. 5. hmac algorithm process the model offered by implementing a json web token which is stored in cookies and later secured with the hmac algorithm makes the authentication process more secure and speeds up the authentication process because the client does not ask the server continuously. then this model is very suitable to be applied by systems that use integration. 4. conclusion storing json web token into local storage in the client browser using the hmac algorithm has been presented in this paper. the proposed work has shown that jwts do not need to be stored on the server but can be stored on the client browser side using local storage. jwt eliminates the requirement for the server to store data because it is stateless. data such as scope, authorisation, and a user can be stored in jwt. when applied to a centralized authentication system that uses single sign-on, this notion is excellent. it will be tested in the future to determine if the mechanism of storing tokens on local storage (cookies) is secure and how the right token can be preserved (gunawan & rahmatulloh, 2018). 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zone is divided into 4 parts, namely purwosari area rumah makan diamond, rumah makan diamond toko buku gramedia, toko buku gramedia ngarsopuro and the last one is ngarsopuro – bundaran gladakg. based on the results of the study, the most profitable area to sell is the toko buku gramedia ngarsopuro. besides this research also classifies based on the ability of the production of raw materials, namely medium and large. the best business category that requires this type of medium-sized raw material is selling at the toko buku gramedia ngarsopuro area, while for the best raw material the best area is the same among purwosari rumah makan diamonds, gramedia toko buku ngarsopuro and ngarsopuro – bundaran gladak. keywords : classification, c4.5, business location, big profit, car free day. 1. introduction the number of street vendors in the city of surakarta, especially when car free day makes many people want to follow in the footsteps of a sword that has long been selling. many of them apparently do not know what the most profitable business to be sold at the event. the author sees that there are 4 types of businesses that are commonly found during car free day events. this research tries to classify which business is the most profitable and which location is the best. the c4.5 algorithm is well known for classifying problems in the form of decision trees. this study tries this approach to be able to provide prospective street vendors in determining what business is good and the right location for them to sell. the location where data is collected is divided into 4 zoning. for the first zone, which is between purwosari station and diamond restaurant (purwosari diamond restaurant). the second zone is located between the diamond restaurant to gramedia bookstore (diamond restaurant gramedia bookstore). for the third location starting from gramedia bookstore to ngarsopuro night market (gramedia bookshop ngarsopuro). whereas the last location is the night market of ngarsopuro until the gladak roundabout (ngarsopuro gladak roundabout). the types of businesses that are researched are snack market, snack market, heavy meals and drinks. snack is a trader who sells typical snack market which are usually only found on car free day. snack market are a type of snack market but can be easily found even though not in events such as car free days such as chiki bread and candy. for heavy food is food that is usually eaten in the morning and is filling. as for drinks, all kinds of drinks are sold by going around or staying still in their place ismail setiawan & eko purbiyanto … vol 1(2) 2020 : 162-168 163 2. literature review research on data mining is mostly done to find out or make decisions regarding the election schedule for the graduation train departure of students choosing the right time to play soccer the choice of soccer team members and so forth. to conduct research on data mining requires a large amount of data. research on good business locations for selling is still scarce in indexed journals. some researchers have conducted research utilizing data mining as has been done by nugroho in 2014, the prediction of student graduation is done using the c45 algorithm. from these results it was found that the main predictors of student graduation were determined by the majors when they were still in high school. majoring in natural sciences makes it easier for them to graduate on time and has a very satisfying predicate. in addition, research conducted by (santoso, 2011) regarding the application of the c45 method to predict customer loyalty was found that the main factor customers re-order is the excellent service from the store sales. when viewed from the two studies above, the use of c45 is able to predict things that can be calculated or quantitative data. in contrast to what (fakhrurrifqi & wardoyo, 2013) did where they compared the performance of the nearest neighbor c45 and lvq algorithms to classify students' abilities. each algorithm has its weaknesses and strengths while the intellectual ability factor or iq c45 algorithm is better at making predictions. while the researchers will do the authors still use a tree algorithm like c45 but the writer will choose the id3 algorithm. 3. research methods the stages in this study were carried out following the stages in the crips-dm method. as shown in figure 1. the initial stage starts with understanding the problem that you want to solve (fakhrurrifqi & wardoyo, 2013). the problem in this research is the location of the most profitable business when used to sell. the next step is to understand the data that will be used in research (nugroho, 2014). at this stage the researchers took data from street vendors in the car free day area of the city of surakarta 6 times by taking data from 150 traders for one time. so that there are 900 merchant data taken. the data obtained is still mixed and it will be difficult to do the grouping therefore data that has not been included in the discrete category will be changed for computing purposes. the next step is sharing 70:30 data, of which 70 are for model data and 30 for testing data (andriani, 2012). the results of the formation of the model will be tested with testing data to see the performance of the model being built. to understand the research method that i use can be seen in figure 1 as follows ismail setiawan & eko purbiyanto … vol 1(2) 2020 : 162-168 164 figure 1. cripsdm (source: azevedo & santos, 2008) 4. results and discussions a. business understanding the approach taken to look at cases comprehensively needs to be seen from a variety of perspectives. the data collected must be able to provide the right information in decision making. this study takes data with the following categories. 1) trader's name 2) types of food businesses 3) ease of getting raw materials 4) production capacity 5) initial capital 6) number of products sold in one day 7) turnover 8) maximum trading hours 9) location of sale 10) benefits 11) profits / hour 12) advantages / products 13) advantages / (products * products sold) 14) remarks for information carried out based on the distribution of turnover per day with initial capital multiplied by 10%, if greater than income per product multiplied by hours of sales, then enter in a large profit so that the location of the place where the tomb is a reference for new traders. b. data understanding the computes process depends on the amount of data inputted. the more data provided, the more expensive the computational process will be. therefore, this study conducted the selection of predictor attributes and results. predictor attributes are 9 and result attributes are 1. predictor attributes selected are as follows: 1) trader's name ismail setiawan & eko purbiyanto … vol 1(2) 2020 : 162-168 165 2) types of food businesses 3) ease of getting raw materials 4) production capacity 5) initial capital 6) number of products sold in one day 7) turnover 8) maximum trading hours 9) location of sale while the result attribute is information that has the value "yes" or: no ". c. data preparation data preparation is carried out to obtain a complete value so that the computing process does not experience interference (riwayati, 2014). based on the results of data collection, no blank data was found. the research object provides complete data from the questionnaire distributed. the following are sample data collected in this study. table 1. data collection 1 no name of merchant type of business food ease of getting raw materials today's production capacity initial capital sold products turnover maximu m trading hours location of sale 8 traders 8 heavy meal easy 91 rp 90.000 88 rp 308.000 3 cfd (gramedia up to ngarsopuro) 9 traders 9 snack market easy 84 rp 90.000 74 rp 259.000 2 cfd (diamond up to gramedia) 13 traders 13 drink easy 96 rp 50.000 87 rp 217.500 2 cfd (gramedia up to ngarsopuro) 14 traders 14 snacks easy 68 rp 90.000 66 rp 297.000 3 cfd (gramedia up to ngarsopuro) 17 traders 17 drink easy 52 rp 50.000 28 rp 70.000 2 cfd (purwosari up to diamond) 18 traders 18 drink easy 68 rp 50.000 65 rp 162.500 2 cfd (gramedia up to ngarsopuro) 22 traders 22 snack market easy 50 rp 90.000 47 rp 164.500 2 cfd (gramedia up to ngarsopuro) 23 traders 23 snack market easy 98 rp 90.000 91 rp 318.500 2 cfd (ngarsopuro up to gladak) 27 traders 27 snacks easy 89 rp 90.000 85 rp 382.500 3 cfd (purwosari up to diamond) 28 traders 28 snacks easy 77 rp 90.000 66 rp 297.000 3 cfd (ngarsopuro up to gladak) ismail setiawan & eko purbiyanto … vol 1(2) 2020 : 162-168 166 29 traders 29 snack market easy 70 rp 90.000 68 rp 238.000 2 cfd (ngarsopuro up to gladak) 30 traders 30 snack market easy 91 rp 90.000 85 rp 297.500 2 cfd (diamond up to gramedia) 31 traders 31 drink easy 90 rp 50.000 90 rp 225.000 2 cfd (gramedia up to ngarsopuro) 33 traders 33 drink easy 68 rp 50.000 68 rp 170.000 2 cfd (ngarsopuro up to gladak) d. modelling the next step is to do the root calculation by finding the entropy of each node (akter & wamba, 2016). the formula for finding nodes with the c4.5 algorithm is as follows (wu & kumar, 2009): ............................................................................. (1) information : • s is the case dataset • k is the number of s partitions • pj is the probability obtained from sum (yes) divided by total cases. .............................................................................................. (2) where: a = attribute. gain (a) = information gain on attribute a split (a) = split information on attribute a the attribute with the highest gain ratio value is chosen as the test attribute for the node (santoso, 2011). with gain is information gain. this approach applies normalization to information gain by using what is called split information. split info expresses entropy or potential information with the formula (holmes & jain, 2012): ............................................................................... (3) where: s = space (data) sample used for training. a = attribute. si = number of samples for attribute i where xi represents the i-th subset in sample x. .......................................................... (4) where: s = space (data) sample used for training. a = attribute. | si | = number of samples for v. | s | = the sum of all sample data. entropy (si) = entropy for samples that have a value of i ismail setiawan & eko purbiyanto … vol 1(2) 2020 : 162-168 167 the reason for using the gain ratio (a) at c4.5 (not gain (a)) as a criterion in the selection of attributes is that the gain turns out to be biased towards attributes that have many unique values (sunjana, 2010). e. evaluation in the first calculation result, the main root is production capacity. table 2. early root determination node number of cases no yes entropi gain 1 total 470 104 366 0,762492 type of food business 0,010364 drink 109 30 79 0,848869 snacks 119 18 101 0,612986 heavy meal 119 24 95 0,725277 snack market 123 32 91 0,826992 production capacity today 0,042798 big production 237 29 208 0,536115 medium production 233 75 158 0,906423 initial capital 0,00355 big capital 361 74 287 0,731789 low capital 109 30 79 0,848869 maximum trading hours 0,00866 3 238 42 196 0,672295 2 232 62 170 0,837478 selling locations 0,00245 cfd (ngarsopuro up to gladak) 116 24 92 0,735509 cfd (purwosari up to diamond) 122 29 93 0,791203 cfd (diamond up to gramedia) 107 20 87 0,694975 cfd (gramedia up to ngarsopuro) 125 31 94 0,808093 furthermore, it can be seen in the following information: production capacity large large capital purwosari up to diamond production capacity large small capital ngarsopuro until gladak roundabouts production capacity large small capital gramedia bookstore to ngarsopuro production capacity medium beverage purwosari to diamond production capacity medium mild pampering ngarsopuro until gladakg roundabout production capacity medium heavy food gramedia book store to ngarsopuro production capacity medium hawker gramedia book store to ngarsopuro for prospective business actors who will sell at the car free day event can see the information above so they can determine what kind of food you want and where the location is good so that it can generate large profits. 5. conclusion this research shows that the right location for doing business and having big profits starts from the selection of raw materials with medium or large capacity. the right location for medium production capacity is the gramedia bookstore to ismail setiawan & eko purbiyanto … vol 1(2) 2020 : 162-168 168 nagrsopuro. whereas for large capacity locations, it is divided into 3 regions which share the same percentage of profits, namely purwosari station to diamond restaurants, diamond restaurants to gramedia bookstore and gramedia bookstore to ngarsopuro night market. references akter, s., & wamba, s. f. 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(v. kumar, ed.). london: crc press. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 992-1011 992 smart_eye: a navigation and obstacle detection for visually impaired people through smart app bhasha pydala1*, t. pavan kumar2, k. khaja baseer3 research scholar, department of cse, klef (deemed to be university) guntur, india-5225021 professor, department of cse, klef (deemed to be university) guntur, india2 professor, department of it svec, mohan babu university, tirupati, india-5171023 basha.chanti@gmail.com1*, pavankumar_ist@kluniversity.in2, baseer.kk@vidyanikethan.edu3 received : 26 april 2023, revised: 31 may 2023, accepted : 05 june 2023 *corresponding author abstract the purpose of this study was to devise an efficient solution, known as smart_eye, aimed at assisting visually impaired individuals in navigating unfamiliar environments and detecting obstacles. the motivation behind this research stemmed from the significant population affected by vision impairment and the limitations of existing navigation alternatives, which are often heavy and expensive and thus infrequently adopted. to address this problem, we employed a method that utilized smart applications with ai and sensor technology. the smart app captured and classified images, while obstacle detection was performed using ultrasonic sensors. voice commands were used to provide users with real-time information about obstacles in their path. the results of this study demonstrated the effectiveness of the smart_eye model in improving both qualitative and quantitative performance measures for visually impaired individuals. the model offered a cost-effective alternative that enabled independent navigation and obstacle detection, thereby enhancing the quality of life for this population. the practical implications of this study are twofold: the smart_eye model provides a viable solution for visually impaired individuals to navigate unfamiliar environments, and its cost-effectiveness addresses the limitations of existing assistive devices. from a theoretical perspective, this study contributes to the field of assistive technology by integrating ai and sensor technology in a smart app to aid visually impaired individuals. furthermore, the evaluation and ranking of different systems based on their impact on the lives of visually impaired people provide a basis for further research and development in this area. in conclusion, this study's value lies in its contribution to both theory and practice, showcasing the potential for future advancements in assistive technology for visually impaired individuals, ultimately improving their quality of life. keyword: visually impaired, objects, detection, recognition, artificial intelligence, sensors 1. introduction vision is an essential aspect of human life, providing us with the ability to perceive and interact with the world around us. it enables us to navigate through various environments, recognize objects, and interpret visual information. however, vision impairment is a prevalent global issue, affecting a significant proportion of the population. according to the world health organization (who), over 283 million people worldwide suffer from sight problems, including 39 million blind individuals and 228 million with low vision. (andrius budrionis, 2022) the loss or impairment of vision can have profound consequences, impacting an individual's independence, mobility, and overall quality of life. for individuals with visual disabilities, navigating unfamiliar environments can be particularly challenging (iskander, 2022). the ability to move around independently and safely is crucial for their well-being and participation in society. while various navigation alternatives have been developed over the years to assist visually impaired individuals, they often face limitations that hinder their widespread adoption and effectiveness. the existing landscape of navigation alternatives for visually impaired individuals is characterized by devices and systems that are either too heavy or too expensive for universal use. these limitations pose significant barriers, preventing individuals with visual disabilities from accessing the necessary assistance and support they require for efficient navigation (real, 2019). many available devices are bulky and burdensome to carry, imposing physical and practical challenges for the user. additionally, the high costs associated with these devices make them inaccessible to a substantial portion of the target population, further exacerbating the problem. pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 993 the primary problem addressed by this research is the lack of accessible and affordable navigation alternatives for visually impaired individuals (lee, 2016). while numerous efforts have been made to develop devices and systems to assist this population, their adoption and implementation remain limited. the current options are often impractical, either due to their weight or cost, preventing visually impaired individuals from fully benefiting from the advancements in assistive technology (r. gnana praveen, 2013). visually impaired individuals face significant challenges when it comes to navigating unfamiliar environments independently. without reliable and accessible navigation solutions, they are often reliant on the assistance of others or restricted in their mobility (ilag, 2019). this limitation not only affects their ability to engage in various activities but also hampers their independence and self-confidence. the existing navigation alternatives fail to meet the needs of visually impaired individuals in terms of portability, affordability, and effectiveness (jafri, 2018). bulky and heavy devices impose physical and practical constraints, making them inconvenient for daily use. furthermore, the high costs associated with these devices create a financial barrier, preventing a considerable segment of the population from accessing the necessary assistance. therefore, there is an urgent need for a lightweight and cost-effective navigation system that can address the challenges faced by visually impaired individuals. such a system would empower them to navigate unfamiliar environments independently, enhancing their mobility, selfreliance, and overall quality of life. by providing an accessible and affordable solution, visually impaired individuals would have the opportunity to participate more fully in society, engage in various activities, and experience a greater sense of freedom and empowerment. in light of these challenges, this research aims to develop a navigation system, called smart eye, that is specifically designed to meet the needs of visually impaired individuals. the smart_eye system will be lightweight, portable, and cost-effective, offering a practical and innovative solution for independent navigation and obstacle detection. by addressing the limitations of existing alternatives, this research seeks to bridge the gap and provide visually impaired individuals with an efficient and accessible navigation system that can significantly improve their daily lives. to overcome the limitations of existing navigation alternatives, this research proposes the smart_eye system, which aims to provide a lightweight and cost-effective solution for visually impaired individuals to navigate independently and detect obstacles in their path. the smart_eye system utilizes a smart application integrated with ai and sensor technology to capture and classify images, while obstacle detection is achieved through the use of ultrasonic sensors. real-time assistance and obstacle information are provided to the user through voice commands, enabling them to navigate unfamiliar environments more confidently and safely. the precise objective of this research is to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of the smart_eye system in addressing the navigation challenges faced by visually impaired individuals. this objective encompasses the following key aspects: 1. designing a lightweight and portable system application that is accessible to visually impaired individuals, promoting ease of use and mobility. 2. integrating ai and sensor technology within the smart application to enable real-time obstacle detection and classification, enhancing the user's situational awareness. 3. evaluating the performance and effectiveness of the smart_eye system through rigorous testing and validation to determine its potential impact on the lives of visually impaired individuals. 4. assessing the cost-effectiveness of the smart_eye system to ensure its affordability and widespread accessibility. by achieving these objectives, this research aims to contribute to the field of assistive technology by providing a practical and innovative solution for visually impaired individuals to navigate unfamiliar environments independently. the development of the smart_eye system addresses the existing limitations of heavy and expensive navigation alternatives, offering a lightweight, cost-effective, and efficient solution that can significantly improve the lives of visually impaired individuals. pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 994 the structure of the paper is as follows: section 2 provides a literature survey, section 3 presents the methodology of the proposed work, section 4 presents the results and discussion, and finally, section 5 concludes the paper with future scope. 2. literature survey the literature survey of the research highlights various studies and approaches that have been proposed to aid visually impaired individuals in navigation and obstacle detection. the studies use different technologies such as sensor-based and computer vision, ultrasonic sensors, ir sensors, iot, and deep learning algorithms to develop assistive devices. these assistive devices aim to improve indoor and outdoor mobility and create a functional system for individuals with visual impairments, including those who are blind. the studies use different feedback mechanisms such as auditory commands, vibrations, and object identification to provide directional information and obstacle detection. elmannai w. m., (2018) proposes a data fusion framework for guiding visually impaired individuals. the framework combines data from various sensors such as ultrasonic sensors, depth sensors, and cameras to accurately detect obstacles and provide directional information. the proposed framework also employs machine learning algorithms to enhance the accuracy of obstacle detection and to classify the type of obstacle. the authors conducted experiments to validate the accuracy and reliability of the framework, and the results demonstrate a significant improvement in obstacle detection compared to existing systems. the proposed framework has the potential to enhance the mobility of visually impaired individuals and improve their quality of life. limitations with the above study is: the approach is incapable of showing indoor and outdoor coverage area of obstacles, as well as a directional facility which lacks the ability to recognize longer objects such as doors, walls, and so on. according to shah (2006) presents a study on a novel sensory direction model for the visually impaired. the system uses ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles and direction and transmits this information to the user through vibrations of varying intensity and patterns on a handle. the handle is designed to provide feedback to the user based on the vibration's intensity, sensor position, and signal pulse length. the study involved 15 visually impaired individuals of different age groups who were blindfolded and tested in various navigation scenarios. the device was found to be flexible, lightweight, and ergonomically designed to fit different hand sizes. however, one limitation of this technique is that it cannot be connected to a camera for image processing, which restricts its ability to detect information about crosswalks and traffic signals in the outdoor environment. many electronic devices that aid people with vision loss use information gathered from the environment and provide feedback through touchable or auditory signals. however, the preferred feedback form is still a matter of debate, and opinions vary among individuals. despite this (elmannai w. &., 2017), there are certain essential components that any electronic system assisting blind or visually impaired people must have to ensure its reliability and usefulness. these characteristics can be used to evaluate the dependability and effectiveness of the system. however, a drawback of some of these systems is that they may have difficulty detecting objects at certain ranges and are limited to static object detection rather than dynamic object detection. islam (2019) reviews the development of walking assistants for visually impaired people and discusses recent innovative technologies in this field, along with their merits and demerits. the review aims to draw a schema for upcoming development in the field of sensors, computer vision, and smartphone-based walking assistants. the goal is to provide a basis for different researchers to develop walking assistants that ensure the movability and safety of visually impaired people. ponnada (2018) presents a prototype of mobility recognition using feature vector identification and sensor computed processor arduino chips to assist visually challenged people in recognizing staircases and manholes. the prototype provides more independence to the sightless people while walking on the roads and helps them pass through without any assistance. the model is developed using an arduino kit and a low-weight stick to recognize obstacles, with the chip programmed and embedded in the stick to detect manholes and staircases using a bivariate gaussian mixture model and speeded up robust features algorithm for feature extraction. pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 995 the developed model shows an accuracy of around 90% for manhole detection and 88% for staircase detection. ahmad (2018) proposes a model-based state-feedback control strategy for a multi-sensor obstacle detection system in a smart cane. the accuracy of the sensors and actuator positions is critical to ensuring correct signals are sent to the user. low-cost sensors can result in false alerts due to noise and erratic readings. the proposed approach uses a linear quadratic regulator-based controller and dynamic feedback compensators to minimize false alerts and improve accuracy. real-time experiments showed significant improvements in error reductions compared to conventional methods. according to bai (2018) presents a novel wearable navigation device to assist visually impaired people in navigating indoor environments safely and efficiently. the proposed device consists of essential components such as locating, way-finding, route following, and obstacle avoiding modules. the authors propose a novel scheme that utilizes a dynamic subgoal selecting strategy to guide users to their destination while avoiding obstacles in a complex, changeable, and possibly dynamic indoor environment. the navigation system is deployed on a pair of wearable optical see-through glasses for ease of use, and it has been tested on a collection of individuals and found effective for indoor navigation tasks. the device's sensors are of low cost, small volume, and easy integration, making it suitable as a wearable consumer device. the study (tiponut, 2010) focuses on electronic travel aids (etas) developed using sensor technology and signal processing to improve the movement of visually impaired people (vips) in constantly changing environments. despite efforts to create effective etas, vips still rely on traditional aids like white canes and guide dogs. the study proposes an eta tool with an obstacles detection system (ods) and a man-machine interface, inspired by the visual system of locusts and flies. however, the tool has limitations in identifying obstacle labels and providing auditory navigation for blind users. chaitali m. patil (2016) propose a system framework that can help remove communication barriers for people with visual, auditory, and speech disabilities, allowing them to communicate with each other and non-disabled individuals using various modes of communication such as american sign language, audio, braille, and regular text. the system aims to improve the individual's capacity and desire to convey and transmit messages. however, the system lacks an effective prototype using the latest technologies. the paper (bhasha, 2020) proposes a new smart cane for visually impaired people (vip) which can detect obstacles, water, and light environments in front of, and to the left and right of, the user. the smart cane is constructed using an arduino mega 2560 microcontroller, ultrasonic sensors, light sensor, and soil moisture sensor. the device generates an audio feedback signal to the user if any obstacle or water or light environment is present in their walking path. the proposed smart cane is more affordable than existing electronic sticks, and the vips find it comfortable to use because it is very familiar like a traditional stick. the detection algorithms used in this paper are simple and efficient for detecting the obstacles, water, and light environment of the user’s path, thus helping the user to travel independently from source to destination. ran (2004) states that few visually impaired assistance aids can provide lively communications and responsiveness to the user and that even if such a system existed, it would likely be sophisticated and not take into account the demands of a blind person, such as simplicity, ease of use, and less complexity. patil (2018) discusses navguide, which employs ultrasonic sensors to classify obstacles and environmental conditions and uses vibration and audio alerts to provide information to the user. however, navguide has limitations, including the inability to detect downhill slopes and the detection of damp floors only after the user steps on them. marzec (2019) describes a navigation system that uses ir sensors to detect walls, buildings, and other objects. the system requires the user to hold the device in their arms, and vibrations are used to convey navigation signals about potential movements and nearby threats. parimal a. itankar (2016) aimed to enhance the experience of visually impaired people by using weakly supervised learning to match ambient music selected by a deep neural network. they suggested a multifaceted strategy for measuring ambiguous concepts related to music, including availability, implicit senses, immersion, and subjective fitness. the authors conducted in-depth trials involving 70 individuals and collected feedback on the features of their model. however, the investigation pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 996 had three significant flaws: the performance was not cutting-edge, the music database was limited in terms of genre and size, and each experiment involved only 10 people, making it impossible to extrapolate the findings. to generalize the findings, large-scale experiments are necessary, and improved auditory feature representation through devices is needed to enhance accuracy. sangpal (2019) describes a system that uses python and aiml to create an intelligent chatbot assistant that mimics the behavior of a human assistant. the system is designed to respond to queries or issues with spoken word remedies. python programs are used to convert audio commands to text format and for audio reply and voice recognition, similar to google text-tospeech. aiml is used to match instructions or text to existing dialogues and conversations using predefined audio syntax. the python interpreter forms the core of the system. this system represents the state-of-the-art in intelligent chatbot assistants. ashraf *2020) describes an iot-powered smart stick developed by ayesha ashraf et al. to assist people with vision impairments. the stick has an ultrasonic sensor and a buzzer for detecting obstacles and sounding an alarm. an android app is also developed that can send essential notifications and gps location to saved phone numbers. the device is lightweight and portable, making it easier for people with disabilities to walk around more easily and comfortably without the risk of injury. the authors also explore how image processing and interaction with the aid can help the user understand the structure of obstacles and objects before providing advice from the aid. overall, the smart stick is designed to enhance the mobility and safety of visually impaired individuals. rahman (2021) presents a smart device for visually impaired people (vips) that utilizes deep learning and the internet of things (iot)(kurniawan & saputra, 2022). the device is divided into three parts: an iot-based smart stick that monitors the blind person's movement in real-time through the cloud, deep learning algorithms for detecting obstacles, and a virtual assistant to manage the integration. the paper uses the mask r-cnn model for object detection, which allows for accurate object detection in a short processing time. however, due to the wide range of obstacles in the real world, this model uses a limited number of sensors and devices and a pretrained model in object recognition with a limited number of real-world images. bhavani (2021) proposes an approach to provide visually impaired individuals with direction finding, directional help, walking path notification, and an understanding of their surroundings. the proposed approach utilizes highly sensitive sensors and a comfortable and flexible carbon material to construct the stick. the study identifies various disabilities and provides an auditory output that the blind can use to understand the awareness of the buzzer's position. the paper discusses an assistance aid proposed by (salama, 2019) which uses an ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacles in the path of visually impaired individuals. the sensor measures the height and distance of the obstacle and communicates the information to a microcontroller. the system can sense a distance of up to 12 feet with a resolution of 0.3 cm. however, the paper highlights that such a system may not be suitable for visually impaired individuals as it may be too complex and not meet their requirements for simplicity and ease of use. the article discusses assistive technology, which refers to tools or equipment that help people with impairments to participate fully in society (foley, 2012) (mountain, 2004) (pentland, 1998). smart aids are a type of assistive technology that can come in mobile computerized forms, such as mobile phones, and are more covert than conventional assistive technologies, reducing social stigma. navigation aids for the blind are limited in their ability to detect and alert users to the types of obstacles in front of them, and rfid-based systems are expensive and prone to damage. to address these limitations, the article proposes a navigation system that uses deep learning algorithms and a smartphone to identify various obstacles. this system does not require the deployment of rfid chips and is not limited to particular indoor or outdoor settings, thus expanding the locations where it can be used and providing visually impaired people with more information about their surroundings. table 1 comparison of assistance aids for visually impaired people reference metrics advantages disadvantages (elmannai w. m., 2018) hurdle avoiding approach and data transformation algorithm significant improvement and qualitative development in conflict warning domain incapable of showing indoor and outdoor pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 997 coverage area of obstacles (shah, 2006) biologically inspired obstacle detection system first to be biologically inspired by an insect's visual system incapable of assessing obstacle label and providing auditory navigation for vip (elmannai w. &., 2017) fundamental components for electronic devices that assist visually impaired people provides guidance and direction capabilities none mentioned (islam, 2019) framework for a communication device for people with vision, hearing, and speech impairments can transmit message based on user's capacity and desire lacks an effective prototype with the latest technologies (ponnada, 2018) assistance aid for obstacle detection can identify obstacles on the user's path none mentioned (ahmad, 2018) few vip assistance aids offer lively communications and responsiveness provides lively communications and responsiveness none mentioned (tiponut, 2010) navguide classifies obstacles and environmental conditions includes wet floors, obstructions at floor level, and obstacles at knee level unable to detect a pit or downhill (chaitali m. patil, 2016) infrared sensors for navigation system design uses low-cost, low-power infrared sensors user must hold the device for sensing vibrations (sangpal, 2019) matching ambient music for enhancing vip experience uses deep neural network and weakly supervised learning low accuracy in some models, narrow range of music genres, small sample size (ashraf, 2020) iot-powered sensitive smart stick for obstacle detection highly lightweight and portable none mentioned (rahman, 2021) smart device for vips utilizing deep learning and iot includes real-time monitoring through the cloud limited number of sensors and devices (bhavani, 2021) direction finding, directional help, walking path notification, and comprehension of surroundings for vips uses incredibly sensitive sensors and comfortable, flexible carbon material none mentioned (salama, 2019) ultrasonic sensor for obstacle detection able to sense distance up to 12 feet away with a resolution of 0.3 cm none mentioned overall, the literature survey includes a variety of proposed solutions for assisting visually impaired individuals, ranging from obstacle detection systems to communication devices. each reference has its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages, and the metrics used to evaluate them also vary. some of the common advantages include lightweight and portable design, realtime monitoring, and deep learning algorithms. on the other hand, some of the disadvantages include inability to assess obstacle label and provide auditory navigation, limitations in detecting certain types of obstacles, and lack of an effective prototype with the latest technologies. research gaps identified in the literature include limitations in identifying obstacle labels, difficulty detecting objects at certain ranges, and limited dynamic object detection. several studies propose navigation aids that are not connected to a camera for image processing, which restricts their ability to detect information about crosswalks and traffic signals in the outdoor environment. many studies involve an only small sample size, which makes it difficult to generalize findings, and the performance of some systems is not cutting-edge. moreover, the lack of simplicity and ease of use of some devices hinders their usefulness and reliability. to overcome these gaps, future research could focus on developing navigation systems that integrate low-cost, small-volume sensors with deep learning algorithms for accurate and reliable obstacle detection, while providing simple and easy-to-use interfaces for visually impaired individuals. large-scale experiments could be conducted to test the effectiveness of such systems, and more attention could be paid to developing navigation aids that are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. 3. methodology pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 998 the proposed methodology aims to design a lightweight and portable system application that is accessible to visually impaired individuals, promoting ease of use and mobility. additionally, it involves integrating ai and sensor technology within the smart application to enable real-time obstacle detection and classification, enhancing the user's situational awareness. proposed system the system design includes a wearable device and a voice-based navigation system that assists visually impaired individuals in recognizing, detecting, and avoiding obstacles. the system leverages a combination of computer vision and sensor-based technology to achieve its objectives. the methodology employed in this research aims to address the objectives of designing a lightweight and portable system application and integrating ai and sensor technology for realtime obstacle detection and classification. the proposed system utilizes a combination of computer vision and sensor-based technology to assist visually impaired individuals in recognizing, detecting, and avoiding obstacles. the methodology includes the following steps: 1. designing a wearable device and voice-based navigation system: the first step in the methodology involves designing a wearable device and developing a voice-based navigation system specifically tailored for visually impaired individuals. the device should be lightweight and portable, ensuring ease of use and mobility. it should be comfortable for the user to wear and provide convenient access to the navigation features. 2. implementing computer vision and sensor technology: to enable real-time obstacle detection and classification, the proposed system integrates computer vision and sensor technology. computer vision algorithms are used to process images captured by the device's camera and detect objects in the environment. sensor technology, such as ultrasonic sensors or depth sensors, is utilized to measure the proximity and depth of obstacles. 3. proximity measurement method: the proposed model introduces a novel proximity measurement method for estimating the distance of obstacles based on their depth. this strategy overcomes the limitations of the current system by enabling the detection of multiple objects simultaneously, including longer obstacles like doors and walls. the proximity measurement method enhances the user's situational awareness by providing accurate information about the distance of obstacles in real-time. 4. implementation tools: the proposed work has been implemented using various tools and technologies. raspberry pi, a small and affordable single-board computer, is utilized as the hardware platform for the wearable device. android studio, an integrated development environment, is employed to develop the android app for the navigation system. google colab tool, a cloud-based platform for machine learning, is utilized for object detection algorithms. 5. lightweight, efficient, and cost-effective system: the developed system is designed to be lightweight, efficient, and cost-effective. the hardware components are carefully selected to ensure portability and minimize the overall weight of the device. the software algorithms are optimized for efficient processing and real-time performance. by utilizing affordable and readily available hardware and software resources, the system aims to provide a cost-effective solution for visually impaired individuals in need of navigation assistance. user testing and evaluation: once the system is implemented, user testing and evaluation are conducted to assess its performance and usability. visually impaired individuals participate in the testing process, providing feedback on the system's effectiveness in assisting with navigation and obstacle detection. user feedback is valuable for refining and improving the system's design and functionality. pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 999 fig. 1. block diagram of the proposed methodology the primary objective of the proposed work is to develop an intellectual iot system that can aid in obstacle detection for visually impaired individuals in society. the proposed system is designed to be cost-effective and efficient, making it accessible to a broader range of users. the system is built using the tensor flow and deep learning frameworks, enabling visually impaired individuals to perform obstacle acknowledgement and autonomous walking in crowds while navigating different modes of transportation. the system consists of a raspberry pi 3, a speaker, and a pi camera, and it can be placed in a pocket with the camera mounted outside. designing a wearable device and voice-based navigation system fig. 2. design process designing a wearable device and a voice-based navigation system involves creating a hardware and software solution that is specifically tailored for visually impaired individuals. the goal is to develop a device that can be easily worn by the user and provide them with intuitive navigation capabilities through voice commands. here is an explanation of the key aspects involved in the design process as shown in figure 2: 1. hardware design: the hardware design focuses on creating a wearable device that is lightweight, portable, and comfortable for the user to wear. the device may include components such as a camera for capturing images, sensors for obstacle detection, a microphone for voice input, and a speaker for voice output. the size, shape, and placement of these components should be carefully considered to ensure convenience and usability. 2. user interface design: the user interface design involves creating an intuitive and accessible interface for visually impaired individuals to interact with the device. since visual cues may not be applicable, the interface primarily relies on voice-based interactions. this includes designing a system for voice commands, feedback, and prompts. the interface should be pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 1000 simple, clear, and easy to navigate, enabling users to control the device and receive information effectively. 3. voice recognition and natural language processing: to enable voice-based navigation, the system needs to incorporate voice recognition and natural language processing capabilities. voice recognition algorithms are employed to accurately interpret and understand the user's voice commands. natural language processing techniques help in understanding the context and intent of the user's instructions, allowing the system to respond appropriately. 4. navigation and routing algorithms: the design also involves developing navigation and routing algorithms that can guide visually impaired individuals through different environments. these algorithms consider factors such as the user's current location, desired destination, available paths, and obstacle information. by utilizing mapping data and real-time feedback from the obstacle detection system, the device can provide step-by-step directions, alert users about obstacles in their path, and suggest alternative routes when necessary. 5. integration of sensor technology: sensor technology plays a crucial role in obstacle detection and enhancing situational awareness. sensors like ultrasonic or depth sensors can be integrated into the wearable device to detect the presence and proximity of obstacles. the data from these sensors is processed and used to provide real-time feedback to the user about the distance and location of obstacles. 6. accessibility and ergonomics: accessibility and ergonomics are critical considerations in the design process. the device should be accessible to individuals with visual impairments, taking into account factors such as tactile feedback, braille labels, and adjustable straps for fitting different body sizes. the device should also be ergonomic, ensuring that it is comfortable and unobtrusive for the user to wear for extended periods. 7. iterative design and user feedback: the design process typically involves multiple iterations and user feedback. prototype versions of the wearable device and navigation system are tested with visually impaired individuals to gather insights and improve the design. user feedback helps in refining the interface, addressing usability issues, and enhancing the overall user experience. by considering these aspects and leveraging advancements in technology, the design of a wearable device and voice-based navigation system can provide visually impaired individuals with a user-friendly and effective means of navigating their surroundings independently. fig. 3. the proposed system architecture of static/dynamic objects detection and navigation process. the proposed work has been implemented using raspberry pi, android studio, and google colab tool for object detection. the system is lightweight, efficient, and cost-effective, making it a suitable option for visually impaired individuals who need assistance in navigating their surroundings. the device can also assist regular walkers in detecting obstacles and avoiding accidents. pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 1001 voice based navigation system development: voice recognition and natural language processing: voice recognition algorithms: let x be the audio input (user's voice command), and let y be the recognized text output. voice recognition algorithms aim to estimate the most likely text transcription y given the audio input x. this can be represented as: y = voicerecognition (x) natural language processing techniques: let z be the interpreted intent or context of the user's instructions. natural language processing techniques involve analyzing the recognized text output y to understand the context and intent of the user's instructions. this can be represented as: z = naturallanguageprocessing(y) fig. 4. voice recognition flow model algorithm: voice recognition inputs: • audio input: an audio signal represented as a sequence of samples outputs: • recognized text: a sequence of words or transcription of the spoken input 1. preprocessing: • the audio input signal, 𝑥(𝑡), is typically represented as a discrete-time sequence of samples, where t is the time index. • various preprocessing techniques can be applied to enhance the quality of the audio signal. let's denote the preprocessed audio signal as 𝑥𝑝𝑟𝑒(𝑡). 2. feature extraction: • the preprocessed audio signal is transformed into a sequence of feature vectors that capture relevant acoustic characteristics. • let's denote the feature vector sequence as 𝑋 = {𝑥1, 𝑥2, … , 𝑥𝑁 }, where 𝑁 is the total number of feature vectors. • each feature vector, 𝑥𝑖 , represents a snapshot of the audio characteristics at a specific time frame. 3. acoustic modeling: pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 1002 • acoustic modeling aims to estimate the conditional probability of the observed feature vectors given the underlying phonetic units or subword units. • let 𝐻 represent the set of possible phonetic units or subword units, and 𝑃(𝑋|𝐻)represent the probability of observing feature vectors 𝑋 given a phonetic unit or subword unit sequence h. • acoustic modeling techniques, such as hidden markov models (hmms) or deep neural networks (dnns), are employed to learn and estimate these probabilities. 4. language modeling: • language modeling focuses on estimating the likelihood of word sequences or phrases in a given language. • let w represent the set of possible word sequences, and p(w) represent the probability distribution over word sequences. • language models learn the statistical patterns and context of words to estimate the probability of a particular word sequence. 5. decoding: • decoding combines the acoustic and language models to find the most probable word sequence given the observed feature vectors. • the decoding process involves finding the word sequence that maximizes the joint probability 𝑃(𝑊, 𝑋|𝐻), where h represents the phonetic or subword unit sequence. • decoding algorithms, such as hidden markov model decoding or beam search, are employed to find the most probable word sequence. 6. postprocessing: • postprocessing techniques are applied to refine the recognized text and improve its accuracy. • these techniques may involve language-specific rules, grammar checks, spell checking, or statistical methods to correct common recognition errors. 7. output: • the output of the voice recognition algorithm is the recognized text, which represents the transcription of the spoken input. in mathematical terms, the voice recognition algorithm involves estimating conditional probabilities of feature vectors given phonetic or subword units (acoustic modeling), estimating the likelihood of word sequences (language modeling), decoding to find the most probable word sequence, and applying postprocessing techniques. the recognized text is the final output of the algorithm. proximity measurement method novel proximity measurement method for estimating the distance of obstacles based on their depth algorithm: novel proximity measurement method inputs: • image: captured image of the environment • calibration parameters: parameters for calibration and scaling outputs: • distance: estimated distance of the closest obstacle steps: 1. initialize the system and calibration parameters. 2. capture an image of the environment using the device's camera. • input: image 3. apply computer vision algorithms to detect and segment obstacles in the image. • input: image • output: segmented obstacles 4. for each segmented obstacle: a. extract depth information using sensor technology (e.g., ultrasonic or depth sensors). • input: segmented obstacle pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 1003 • output: depth information b. calculate the distance of the obstacle based on the depth information and calibration parameters. • input: depth information, calibration parameters • output: distance c. store the distance information associated with the obstacle. 5. repeat steps 4a to 4c for all detected obstacles in the image. 6. analyze the stored distance information to identify the closest obstacle. • input: stored distance information • output: closest obstacle 7. provide real-time feedback to the user about the distance of the closest obstacle. • input: closest obstacle • output: distance 8. update the system continuously to adapt to changes in the environment and obstacle positions. 9. if there are more images to process, return to step 2; otherwise, proceed to step 10. 10. end the algorithm. fig. 5. novel proximity measurement method flow chart calibration parameters: calibration parameters are variables or settings used to adjust and scale the measurements obtained from the sensors and cameras. these parameters help in calibrating the system to ensure accurate distance calculations and obstacle detection. the specific calibration parameters depend on the sensor technology used and the characteristics of the camera or sensors in the system. examples of calibration parameters may include focal length, lens distortion coefficients, or sensor alignment values. distance calculation formula: the distance calculation formula depends on the specific sensor technology used for depth extraction. for example, if ultrasonic sensors are employed, the distance can be estimated using the time-offlight principle: pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 1004 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 = (𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 × 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒) 2 if depth sensors like lidar (light detection and ranging) or time-of-flight (tof) cameras are used, the distance can be directly measured by the sensor technology. analysis of stored distance information: • the stored distance information can be analyzed to identify the closest obstacle. • this analysis typically involves comparing the stored distances associated with each obstacle and selecting the obstacle with the shortest distance as the closest one. • by evaluating the stored distance information, the algorithm can determine which obstacle is in close proximity to the user and provide appropriate feedback or warnings. this algorithm takes an input image of the environment and applies computer vision algorithms to detect and segment obstacles. depth information is extracted using sensor technology, and the distance of each obstacle is calculated based on the depth information and calibration parameters. the algorithm then identifies the closest obstacle and provides real-time feedback to the user about the estimated distance. the system continuously updates to adapt to changes in the environment, allowing for accurate obstacle detection and distance estimation. the algorithm can be repeated for multiple images if needed. 4. results and discussion the hardware prototype of the proposed model is shown below. fig. 6. system prototype (wearable device) fig 6 shows a system prototype of the proposed model, which is a wearable device. the wearable device is designed to be compact and lightweight, allowing visually impaired individuals to comfortably wear it during their daily activities. a wearable device for visually impaired individuals includes the following components: 1. main unit: the main unit of the wearable device houses the necessary electronics, including the processing unit, memory, and power source. it may resemble a small device that can be attached to the user's clothing or worn on the body. 2. camera: the wearable device may feature an integrated camera or a camera module that captures images of the user's surroundings. the camera is an essential component for capturing the visual information required for obstacle detection and navigation. 3. sensor technology: the wearable device may incorporate various sensor technologies to enhance its functionality. for example, it may include ultrasonic sensors or depth sensors to detect the presence and proximity of obstacles in the user's environment. 4. user interface: the wearable device may have a user interface, which could include buttons, touch-sensitive areas, or voice command capabilities. the user interface allows visually impaired individuals to interact with the device, provide input, and receive feedback. 5. connectivity: the prototype may include wireless connectivity options, such as bluetooth or wi-fi, to enable communication with other devices or to connect to a companion mobile application. the smart app home page: speak data is the name of the application. the home page contains different buttons like connect bluetooth, view data, speak data, touch speak, stop. pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 1005 fig. 7. speak data (smart app icon) fig. 8. home page of smart app bluetooth pairing: in the proposed system the bluetooth device used is “project18”. as soon as the bluetooth is “on” the mobile app gets a list of wireless devices and the user should connect with the required bluetooth device by clicking on the “connect bluetooth” button on the home page from the user's mobile app “speak data”. fig. 9. bluetooth connection text to speech direction navigation: when the user connects to the system bluetooth device, the app automatically gets installed in the user's mobile and when an object is detected through an ultrasonic sensor the app gets the direction data via bluetooth and it helps to guide the visually impaired people (vip). if any user wants to check the direct data they can view by clicking the “view data” button in the home page. pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 1006 fig. 10. speech output data dynamic object identification voice prompt: when the user clicks on the “speak dl” button on the home page, the app automatically redirected to the mobile camera and starts identifying an object in the surroundings if any. if any object is identified, it gives voice prompt as an output with a number of objects detected, label (name) of the object. the app can also detect multiple objects in one scan. in fig. 7. the number of objectdetected[0] as per the array index i.e label: ”teddy bear”. fig 11. dynamic no. of object identifications is '1' with label(s) 'teddy bear' moreover the further object(s) identified samples are : fig. 12. dynamic object detection count is '1' '2' with label(s) 'cell phone'. fig 13. dynamic object detection count with label(s) 'person & tv'. in fig. 12. the no. of objectdetected[0] as per the array index i.e label: ”cell phone”. in fig. 13. the no. of objectdetected[1] as per the array index i.e label: ”person and tv”. pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 1007 fig 14. dynamic object detection count is 1 with label(s) 'door'. fig 15. dynamic object detection count is 1 with label(s) 'chair ' in fig. 14. the number of objectdetected[0] as per the array index i.e label: ”door”. in fig. 15. the number of objectdetected[0] as per the array index i.e label: ”chair”. static object identification: clicking on “touch speak” from the home page it redirects to static page. when users click on each button it opens the camera and identified a particular static object. fig. 16. static object detection “stop” button to terminate: to exit from app/to stop getting data the user is provided with the button “stop” which makes the user terminate from app. fig. 17. stop button to terminate from app pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 1008 working process of algorithms with input and output input output fig. 18. working process of algorithms with input and output in the above working process, the ultrasonic sensor transmits and receives the signals, and the bluetooth with wireless communication gets connected to the app gives the text the data through which the blind person gets the text to speech as output to guide them. input output fig. 19. working process of algorithms with input and output in the above working process, the trained phone will be input to the app to get data. as soon as the object is detected with the respective trained label of it, the app gets the text as input and it converts it into the speech as output to let blind people interact with the environment. fig. 20. detection of obstacles accuracy the figure 20 provided represents the accuracy of obstacle detection for various objects under different lighting conditions, specifically during the day and at night. the accuracy values are presented as percentages, ranging from 0% to 100%. • daytime detection accuracy: this column represents the accuracy of detecting obstacles during the daytime. it indicates the likelihood of correctly identifying an object as the specified obstacle during daylight conditions. • night detection accuracy: this column represents the accuracy of detecting obstacles at night. it indicates the likelihood of correctly identifying an object as the specified obstacle in lowlight or nighttime conditions. • object categories: each row represents a specific object category, such as "human," "two wheeler," "couch," "chair," and so on. 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 h u m a n t w o w h e e le r c o u ch c h a ir c o w la p to p p la n t b e n ch c a r d o g u m b re lla s u it ca se b o tt le detection of obstacles accuracy day time night pydala et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 992-1011 1009 • accuracy values: the values in the table indicate the detection accuracy for each object category under the respective lighting conditions. for example, in the "human" row, the accuracy for daytime detection is given as 0.95 (or 95%), while the accuracy for nighttime detection is 0.76 (or 76%). • interpretation: higher accuracy values suggest that the system has a better ability to accurately detect the specified obstacles. for instance, an accuracy value of 0.95 (or 95%) indicates a high likelihood of correctly identifying the obstacle, while a value of 0.76 (or 76%) suggests a relatively lower accuracy. it's important to note that the accuracy values in the table are provided without additional information regarding the specific methodology or dataset used to calculate them. the accuracy of obstacle detection can vary depending on the specific algorithms, training data, and evaluation metrics employed in the system. 4. conclusion and future work this paper presents a navigation and obstacle detection system called smart_eye, designed to assist visually impaired individuals through a smart application. the proposed system aims to address the challenges faced by visually impaired people in navigating unfamiliar environments. by incorporating ai and sensor technology, smart_eye provides real-time assistance in detecting and classifying obstacles, enabling users to navigate independently. the system captures and analyzes images using computer vision algorithms and detects obstacles using ultrasonic sensors. users receive feedback through voice commands, enhancing their situational awareness. the proposed model offers a cost-effective and efficient solution, providing qualitative and quantitative performance measures to evaluate its impact on visually impaired individuals' lives. the smart_eye system lays the foundation for further advancements and improvements in assisting visually impaired individuals. future research can focus on the following aspects: enhanced object classification: improving the accuracy and efficiency of object classification algorithms can enable smart_eye to recognize a wider range of objects and provide more detailed information about the environment. 1. advanced obstacle detection: incorporating advanced sensor technologies, such as lidar or depth cameras, can enhance the system's obstacle detection capabilities, providing more precise distance measurements and identifying complex obstacles with greater accuracy. 2. indoor navigation: expanding the system's functionality to include indoor navigation can assist visually impaired individuals in navigating within buildings, such as offices, shopping malls, or public facilities. 3. integration with assistive technologies: integrating smart_eye with other assistive technologies, such as wearable haptic devices or smart canes, can provide a comprehensive solution for visually impaired individuals, offering multiple modalities for obstacle detection and navigation. 4. accessibility and user experience: further research can focus on improving the accessibility and user experience of smart_eye by considering factors like tactile feedback, voiceguided instructions, and personalized settings to accommodate individual user preferences and needs. by addressing these areas of future research, the smart_eye system can continue 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noise level; sound level meter; background noise 1. introduction the diesel engine is a machine that is widely and generally used to generate electricity. this engine is an internal combustion engine in which the fuel is ignited by the increased temperature of the air in the cylinder caused by the mechanical compression (adiabatic compression; cao et al., 2020), making it a compression-ignition engine (ci engine) (bari, 2013; mollenhauer & tschoke, 2010; noor et al., 2018). one of the weaknesses of the diesel engine that most complained about is the vibration and the noise (redel-macías et al., 2018). noise is the sound that ears do not want it to be. sounds that are continuous or impulsive can cause damage to the ears. the ear damage usually occurs to the eardrum or ossicles. initially, there will be hearing loss for high frequencies, but slowly at the decreasing frequency to low frequencies (fredianta, huda, & ginting, 2013). therefore, it is very important to know the noise level of the engine in a room to consider the allowed duration of the exposure time(sedighi et al., 2022). some of the standards issued by the iso (international organization for standardization) include iso 11200-11204 (iso, 2014). these standards are standards designed to describe the method of measuring the sound emission, at the spl (sound pressure level) value, in a workroom and at a specific position of a machine or equipment. iso 11200 provides an explanation in choosing the method to be used to obtain the spl emission value on machines and equipment. in iso 11202, the method of measuring the spl emission in situ is especially explained. the method given in the iso standard can be applied to all types of machines, both moving and at rest, both indoors and outdoors(mao et al., 2020; svec & granqvist, 2018). uncertainty in measurement results is a common thing. uncertainty in spl emission measurement results increases based on several factors, some of which are related to environmental conditions of the measurement room and may also be caused by measurement techniques. therefore, in general, extensive measurement data is needed to obtain the standard deviation of emissions resulted. it is not possible to use measurement result data generally. a data set can only be used as a reference for certain environmental conditions and certain machine types(zhang et al., 2019; patil et al., 2021; gorji et al., 2018). 2. instruments and methods the instrument used in measuring spl emissions was the digital sound level meter dekko sl-130, as shown in figure 1, which had met standard requirements for class 1 and nanang qosim vol 3(2) 2022 : 74-79 75 class 2 instruments as described in iec 60651, a standard for the sound level meter (narang & bell, 2008; 三浦甫, 佐藤宗純, 鈴木英男, 舘野誠, & 瀧浪弘章, 1998). the sound level meter is a measuring instrument that is designed to be able to respond that similar to the human sense of hearing and can show a measure of the sound level. the main components of the equipment are the microphone, the processor, and the output pointer. three main components can be separated or become a single piece of equipment. in the processor, a weighting process was carried out, namely filtering and amplifying the signal to simulate the distribution of the level of the hardness which was adjusted to the sensitivity of the human sense of the hearing to the frequency of the sound. the result of the measurement process which had been adjusted with the a, b, c, or d weighting was shown as the reading of the result on the screen. a calibrator was used to verify the calibration of the entire measurement system before or after the measurement process. the calibrator used was a calibrator with an accuracy of ± 0.3 db. fig. 1. digital sound level meter fig. 2. the condition of the diesel engine observed the first step was to measure the dimensions of the diesel engine, as shown in figure 2. after that, background noise measurements were taken. the radius of the hemisphere was then determined to be used in determining the location for the data collection. the guidance in determining the radius (r) of the hemisphere was the equation 1 as follow (bies, hansen, & campbell, 1996; nag et al., 2019): r ≥ 2 x t (1) where t was the longest dimension four points for the data collections, as illustrated in figure 3, were determined by equation 2 as follow (bies et al., 1996): height of the microphone = 0.6 x r distance from z-axis = 0.8 x r (2) nanang qosim vol 3(2) 2022 : 74-79 76 fig. 3. determining the location of data collection afterward, the diesel engine was turned on at 1100 rpm. the spl data collection was carried out at four predetermined points. data was collected three times at each point and then considered the highest. after each data was obtained, the noise level was calculated using the noise level equivalent by equation 3 as below (fredianta et al., 2013): leq = 10 log 0,5 (10 0,1p1 + 100,1p2 + 100,1p3 + 100,1p4) (3) the result of the calculation obtained was then compared with the regulation of the ministry of manpower, republic of indonesia, no. kep-51/men/1999 regarding the noise threshold value and the allowable working duration in the work area as shown in table 1 (depnaker, 1999). table 1 the guideline regarding the noise threshold value spl maximum duration 82 dba 16 hours 85 dba 8 hours 88 dba 4 hours 91 dba 2 hours 94 dba 1 hour 97 dba 30 min. 100 dba 15 min. 103 dba 7,5 min. 106 dba 3,75 min. 109 dba 1,88 min. 112 dba 0,94 min. 115 dba 28,12 sec. 118 dba 14,06 sec. 121 dba 7,03 sec. 124 dba 3,52 sec. 127 dba 1,76 sec. 130 dba 0,88 sec. 133 dba 0,44 sec. 136 dba 0,22 sec. 139 dba 0,11 sec. 140 dba not allowed nanang qosim vol 3(2) 2022 : 74-79 77 4. results and discussions figure 4 is an illustration of the result of measuring dimensions of the sound source to determine the measurement distance and the microphone array on the hemisphere. using equation 1, with t is 95 cm, radius obtained was 190 cm, or rounded to 200 cm. then, using equation 2, the distance from the z-axis and the height of the microphone array obatined were 160 and 120 cm, respectively. fig. 4. the measurement distance and microphone array on the hemisphere spl measurements were done four times at positions 1, 2, 3, and 4 as shown in figure 4. two parameters were measured, namely when the engine was off and when the engine was turned on with 1100 rpm. results of the data collection are presented in table 2 and table 3. table 2 the results of the background noise measurement position background noise (db) i ii iii 1 51,6 49,2 49,5 2 51,4 47,6 48,9 3 47,7 49,6 48,2 4 49,2 46,3 48,7 table 3 the results of the diesel engine noise measurement position diesel engine noise (db) i ii iii 1 88 89 90 2 90,3 90,5 91,3 3 88,6 88,8 88,4 4 88,5 88 88,4 after data from noise measurement results were obtained, as shown in table 3, the next step was to analyze these data and obtain measurement results of the diesel engine noise, as shown in table 4. from table 4, it could be explained that pi was the noise from the sound source or the engine. this value was the largest result from three attempts which was then determined as the pi-value at a position. similar to pi, pi-bn was also the largest result of the measurement from three measurement attempts. pi-bn was the background noise or the environmental noise level without being influenced by sound sources or diesel engine sounds. from the data obtained, the correction factor value was set to 0 because the range of differences between pi and pi-bn was more than 12. furthermore, actual p was the difference between pi nanang qosim vol 3(2) 2022 : 74-79 78 and the correction factor, because the correction factor was 0, so the value of pi was the same as the actual p-value. furthermore, using equation 3, by entering all actual p-values at all positions into the equation, the noise level in the diesel engine room was 92.805 dba. based on regulation no. kep-51/men/1999, as shown in table 1, with a noise level of 92.805 dba, the maximum exposure time to the noise was 2 hours. table 4 analysis of measurements of diesel engine noise with 1100 rpm rpm 1100 position pi pi bn correction factor p actual p1 90 51,6 0 90 p2 91,3 51,4 0 91,3 p3 88,8 49,6 0 88,8 p4 88,5 49,2 0 88,5 from results obtained, of course, efforts to reduce the diesel engine's noise level were required. there are three methods that may be done. first, by controlling the noise source by modifying the engine work or replacing the noise source component. second, by exercising control along the sound path by adding a porous layer around the source. both approaches require further research which we will carry out in the following research. the last method is to control at the receiver level, for example by using an earplug or earmuff. the use of the earplug may reduce the noise by ± 30 db, while the earmuff may reduce noise by 40-50 db (utami, winata, sillehu, & marasabessy, 2019; tuccar, 2018; iakovenko et al., 2020). thus, the sound level experienced by the operator is already in a safe condition. 5. conclusions from this analysis of the result of diesel engine noise measurements with an operational speed of 1100 rpm, the following conclusions were obtained: • based on measurement results, the background noise in the diesel engine room was 51.6 db. • based on the calculation, the noise level from a diesel engine was 92,805 dba. • with a noise level of 92,805 dba, the allowed maximum exposure time to the noise was 2 hours. references baek, h. m., & lee, h. m. 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energy commission of ghana, 2021). even with increases in generating capacity over the years arising from public and private sector participation, there are still severe challenges with reliable supply due to growing demand and network instabilities emanating from technical challenges with thermal generation which now constitutes over 64% of ghana’s gross generating capacity (energy commission of ghana, 2021. electricity forecasting can be employed for demand side management. in demand side management, customers are cautioned on energy saving tips in conserving electricity during the high demand periods called the peak hours and utilize it during the low peak hours. statistical models such as regression models, exponential smoothing and time series models are widely used for electricity pricing and demand forecasting problems. these models generally perform better in cases of short-term forecasting and are extensively studied (cheng et al, 2015; trindade, 2002; kim et al., 2002; kyriakides and polycarpou, 2007; taylor and mcsharry, 2007; mailto:* andoh, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 1-9 2 weron and misiorek 2005; baki et al, 2005; abdel-aal et al, 1997). exponential smoothing method uses a weighting factor known as the smoothing constant (parameter) that reflects the weight given to the most recent data values. smoothing constant value lies between 0 and 1 and it determines the degree of smoothening and consequently, how responsive the model is to the fluctuations in the data (bosq, 2015). in the electricity context, these techniques have been widely used to model and predict electricity demand and prices. in the short term forecast the techniques generally produce better results as greater weights are given to more recent observations. however, the forecast is relatively sensitive to the specification of the smoothing constant. in general, these methods are capable of accounting for both the time correlation and random nature existing in the underlying phenomenon. to account for the possible correlation among different load periods, vector autoregressive (var) models are also used to forecast demand series (sulugodu & deka 2019; ang, 2005). proper demand management facilitates the planning and use of resources for positive and profitable results, and may involve marketing programs designed to increase or reduce demand in a relatively short time (feinberg and genethliou, 2005; louie, 2017). the ability to estimate demand depends on a medium of unearthing the values for demand in future crises. this explains the critical role of demand forecasting in managing every business entity. the decision of an organization to invest and/ or expand an existing or new infrastructure, increase human resource capacity and process/procedure depend on what the future depicts, (boisseleau, 2004). the key roles or benefits of forecasting in demand management are in: stabilizing employment and production, taking management decisions, evaluating performance, planning of facilities and an optimal day-to-day operation of the plants. (feinberg and genethliou, 2005; kyriakides and polycarpou, 2007; hahn and nieberg, 2009; sarkodie, 2017; adom and bekoe, 2012). hahn and nieberg (2009), in their extensive review of methods and models for load demand forecasting found that, though may suffer from numerical instabilities, time-series methods such as the autoregressive integrated moving average model (arima) model, are commonly used in load forecasting. the arima model is a special kind of a regression model which comprises an autoregressive (ar) component and a moving average (ma) component that are dependent on past values and past errors, respectively. arima models are comparatively good in modeling and forecasting as compared to other linear time series models. however, these models are not capable of capturing both seasonal and non-seasonal patterns in a time series. an extension of these models to capture seasonality is the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (sarima) model. a time series is described as exhibiting seasonality if there exists a regular pattern in changes that repeats over several time intervals until the patterns repeat again. sarima models are well known for statistical modeling and forecasting but are, however, unable to extract nonlinear relationships within the time series data (box and jenkins, 1976; meese and geweke, 1984; harvey, 1990; marcellino, 2007; atilla et al, 2007; shitan and peiris, 2011; stock and watson, 1996; stock and watson 2003; n.b ahmed, 2018; asumadu-sarkodie and owusu, 2016d; box et al, 1987; jiang et al, 2018). a significant amount historical demand data exists for the western regions of ghana, however, this data which is generated within a 24-hour base has only been used for monthly billing of customers rather than gathering other insights from it to help improve on customer satisfaction and facilitate strategic decision making. the sarima model is touted as having the capability to predict more accurately than traditional forecasting techniques. this study therefore seeks to evaluating the effectiveness of sarima in predicting electricity demand using data from the western region of ghana 2. research methods 2.1. case study area the western (i.e. western and western-north) regions of ghana are located at the southern part of the country, along the atlantic ocean. the area is regarded as one of the agrobased regions in the country due to its fertile soil and favorable rainfall pattern. the area has a projected population of almost three million, one hundred thousand (3, 100, 000) (ghana statistical service, 2021). andoh, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 1-9 3 the area covers a total land area of approximately twenty-four thousand square kilometers (24, 000 sq. kms). the area is blessed with abundant natural resources like gold, bauxite, diamond, manganese, as well as the commercial discovery of oil and gas known as the black gold. the presence of these mineral resources makes the regions view themselves as some of the most tax resourceful regions to the government in executing its mandate to the area and the country as a whole. over the past decade, more than 58% of electricity generated or produced in ghana has been utilized by the non-residential and industrial sectors (energy commission of ghana, 2020), of which the quantities consumed by mining companies in the western region of ghana cannot be ignored. 2.2. data collected electricity cannot be stored in large quantum, hence, one can describe its demand and utilization as just in time; that is, once produced, electricity must be transmitted and distributed promptly for its usage. the continuous usage of this electrical power allows metering and billing to be done from seconds to years, as appropriate, by the distributing company. this monitoring and metering are done through the usage of advanced smart meters, some of which are prepaid meters, whilst others are postpaid meters. postpaid or prepaid advanced smart meters are installed at noticeable and readable points by the distribution companies in the region to capture the inflow and usage of electrical power by customers. the meters are calibrated to record electricity usage by every customer for billing purposes. the daily usage of electricity is collated into months, and then translated into financial terms to be paid by the customers. domestic electrical connectivity ensures that electrical power is stepped down to a safe voltage level of about 250 volts using a transformer. industrial or commercial users demand higher amounts of connectivity to power their high consuming electrical gadgets. it is in this vein that the distribution company decided to segregate its customers into three specialized categories to facilitate determining the connectivity quantum, decide on the appropriate connectivity apparatus, as well as, estimating the right billings for revenue generation. the special load tariff group of customers is made of high consuming industries who demand a minimum of 100 kva of electricity, the non-special load tariff customers are electricity consumer groups consuming below the one hundred kilo voltages (˂100 kva) and due to inefficiencies and unreliability of electricity consumption data as well as the alarming rate of electricity theft among the non-special tariff customers, an advanced metering device that allow customers to purchase credits before accessing electricity other than the using power before payment system (prepaid tariff customers) was also introduced. the monthly consumption of electricity by the three groups of customers from january 2008 to december 2013 was used as historical data for forecasting 2.3. data analysis and modelling the seasonal arima forecasting technique is adopted for this study. the seasonal arima model is usually denoted in the form arima (p, d, q) ∗ (p, d, q)s where: p is the number of non-seasonal autoregressive component; q is the number of non-seasonal moving average component; d is the order of non-seasonal differencing; p is the number of seasonal ar component; q is the number of seasonal ma component; d is order of seasonal differencing and s is time span of repeating seasonal pattern and can be represented monthly as s = 12. (shi et al, 2011). the seasonal arima model incorporates both non-seasonal and seasonal factors in a multiplicative model. it can be written as: arima (p, d, q) x (p, d, q) s the general form of seasonal model sarima (p, d, q) (p, d, q) s is given by: 𝝓(𝑩)𝜱(𝑩)𝒔(𝟏 − 𝑩)𝒅(𝟏 − 𝑩)𝒔𝒚𝒕 = 𝜽(𝑩)𝜣(𝑩 𝒔)𝜺𝒕…………………………………….… 2.1 where ∅(𝑩) = 𝟏 − ∅𝟏𝑩 − ∅𝟐𝑩 𝟐 − ⋯− ∅𝒑𝑩 𝒑………………………………………………….. 2.2 𝜱(𝑩𝒔) = 𝟏 − 𝜱𝟏𝑩 𝒔 − 𝜱𝟐𝑩 𝟐𝒔 − ⋯− ∅𝒑𝑩 𝒑𝒔…………………………………..…………. 2.3 andoh, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 1-9 4 𝜽(𝑩) = 𝟏 + 𝜽𝟏𝑩 + 𝜽𝟐𝑩 𝟐 + ⋯+ 𝜽𝒑𝑩 𝒑…………………………………………………… 2.4 𝜽(𝑩𝒔) = 𝟏 + 𝜽𝟏𝑩 𝒔 + 𝜽𝟐𝑩 𝟐𝒔 + ⋯+ 𝜽𝒑𝑩 𝒑𝒔…………………………………………..…… 2.5 and yt is the time series observation at time period (t), b is the backward shift operator, εt is a sequence of error term with mean zero and constant variance (σ 2), ϕ(i) and φj are the nonseasonal and seasonal ar components respectively, θi and θj are the nonseasonal and seasonal ma components respectively. the non-seasonal components are: ar: ∅(𝑩) = 𝟏 − ∅𝟏𝑩 − ⋯− ∅𝒑𝑩 𝒑……………………………………………………...… 2.6 ma: 𝜽(𝑩) = 𝟏 + 𝜽𝟏𝑩 + ⋯+ 𝜽𝒒𝑩 𝒒……………………………………………………..… 2.7 the seasonal components are: seasonal ar: 𝝋(𝑩𝑺) = 𝟏 − 𝝋𝟏𝑩 𝑺 − ⋯− 𝝋𝑷𝑩 𝑷𝑺…………………………………....…… 2.8 seasonal ma: 𝝑(𝑩𝑺) = 𝟏 + 𝝑𝟏𝑩 𝑺 + ⋯+ 𝝑𝑸𝑩 𝑸𝑺………………………………………… 2.9 the preliminary values of autoregressive order p, the order of differencing d, the moving average order q and their corresponding seasonal parameters p, d and q were estimated with the help of anomalies identified from a time plot of the data. when preliminary values of d and d have been fixed, the autocorrelation function (acf) and the partial autocorrelation function (pacf) were checked to confirm that the values of p, q, p and q were acceptable stating parameters for the model (stoffer and dhumway, 2010). the model was then tentatively generated with the estimated parameters and the corresponding standard errors. the predicted models were validated using historical data from january 2014 december, 2020. 3. results and discussions 3.1 result the model for the three load tariff monthly time series was based on the ideas of the box-jenkins methodology. this methodology seeks to fit a seasonal auto regressive integrated moving average model to the given series. the data was decomposed into its trend, seasonal and random components as presented in figures 3.1 to 3.3 fig. 1. decomposition of additive time series for the special load tariff customer andoh, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 1-9 5 fig. 2. decomposition of additive time series for the non-special load tariff customer andoh, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 1-9 6 fig. 3. decomposition of additive time series for the prepaid load tariff customer the results obtained by following the modeling procedure outlined in section 2.3 are shown in tables 1 and 2. three distinct models were produced for each load tariff and the entire region. the adequate model for each load tariff was obtained using the f-criterion (the least or minimum sum of squared estimate of error). table 1 model for three load tariff data type of customer parameters models sarima (0,1,1)×(0,0,2) sarima (1,1,0)×(0,0,2) sarima (1,1,1)×(0,0,2) special load tariff data φ1 -0.4808 ± 0.20 -0.0118±0.33 ψ1 -0.6991 ± 0.17 -0.6930± 0.24 ψ1 0.1245 ± 0.27 0.1212 ± 0.26 0.1240±0.27 ψ2 0.4338± 0.38 0.4294± 0.40 0.4331±0.38 sse 606.64 699.96 606.74 non-special load tariff data φ1 -0.4318 ± 0.208 -0.0692 ± 0.281 ψ1 -0.8044 ± 0.148 -0.0818 ± 0.160 sse 1671.518 2144.627 1666.005 prepaid load tariff data δ 0.2187 ± 0.275 φ1 -0.3957 ± 0.653 -0.4158 ± 0.225 ψ1 -0.3589 ± 0.205 -0.0035 ± 0.208 φ1 0.3328 ± 0.232 -0.3661 ± 0.235 0.3490 ± 0.231 sse 93.66789 91.47522 88.54043 table 2 models for the regional load tariff data parameters models sarima (1,1,3) sarima (2,1,0) sarima (2,1,1) φ1 -0.1516 ±0.710304 -0.4275 ± 0.200704 0.0276 ± 0.380632 φ2 -0.4874 ± 0.197568 -0.3259 ± 0.288708 ψ1 -0.3973 ± 0.689528 -0.6291 ± 0.398076 ψ2 -0.5061 ± 0.148372 ψ3 0.1959 ± 0.312228 sse 3607.437 3956.292 3726.168 3.2 generation and validated of the predicted model from table 1, the sarima (0,1,1) × (0,0,2) model was chosen for the special load tariff data because it has the least or minimum sum of squared estimate of error (sse) which yields the least square of data regression line and the corresponding best model is written out as xt− xt−1 = εt+0.6991εt−1−0.087037εt−2−0.4338εt−24−0.3032696εt−25 ………...……… 3.1 the sarima (1,1,1) model was chosen for the non-special load tariff data because it has the least/minimum sum of squared estimate of error (sse) which yields the least square of data regression line with the best model. this is expressed as, xt− xt−1 = εt−0.8044εt−1…………………………………………………………………. 3.2 the sarima (1,1,0) × (1,0,0) model was chosen for the prepaid load tariff data because it has the least/minimum sum of squared estimate of error (sse) which yields the least square of data regression line and its best model is written out as xt−0.5842xt−1−0.4158xt−2−0.3490xt−12+0.2039xt−13+0.1451xt−14 = εt+0.2187…...…. 3.3 finally, the sarima (0,1, 1) × (1,1,3) model was chosen for the regional load tariff data because it has the least/minimum sum of squared estimate of error (sse) which yields the least square of data regression line. the best model is written out as xt−0.8484xt−1−0.1516xt−2 = εt−0.3973εt−1−0.5061εt−2+0.1959εt−3……………….…. 3.4 andoh, et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 1-9 7 the models obtained were then validated by comparing the predicted result and the recorded results for the 84months period from january, 2014 to december, 2020 and the results for the four customers are presented in figure 4. note: slt for special load tariff; nslt for non-special load tariff; plt for prepaid load tariff; rlt for regional load tariff fig. 4. the percentage error for the four customers for the purpose of this study, an error of ≤1 gw/was chosen as a criterion to determine the relative difference in results between actual electricity consumption data and predicted data. from figure 3.4, the results indicate that the predicted values of the model are close to the true value, ranging from -6.00% to 6.00%. the predicted electricity consumption for the special load tariff group of customers resulted in 53.36±1.02 gw/hr @ 95% confidence level whilst the predicted electricity consumption for the non-special load tariff group of customers resulted in 25.65±0.34 gw/hr @ 95% confidence level. also, the predicted electricity consumption for the prepaid customers had an average use of 14.95±0.67gw/hr @ 95% confidence level as a monthly amount of 101.09±0.23 gw/hr @ 95% confidence level was used for the whole region. the models obtained are, therefore, adequate to be used to forecast monthly electricity consumption for all the three load tariff customers. in conclusion, it can be summarized that, with a confidence level of 95%, models developed produced a reliable result that can help guide in the future estimation of electricity to be used by the various categories of customers as well as a means of revenue projection and expansion of the company’s customer network base. 5. conclusion in conclusion, it can be summarized that, with a confidence level of 95%, models developed produced reliable results that can help guide in the future estimation of electricity to be used by the various categories of customers as well as a means of revenue projection and expansion of the company’s customer network base. these time series models have been proven to expose and expatiate electricity demand for the region in future years or months. the models have been refined and validated to ensure consistency in outcome results. references abdel-aal, r. e., & al-garni, a. z. 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procedure and uses research information methods by observation, interviews, and documentation. the place of research to be conducted is in the village of klambir lima gardens which is one of the villages located in the expanse of silver sub-district, deli serdang district, medan city, north sumatra. in line with the growth of people's expertise in development and the reduction of central government intervention in the region, so that development should be shown to change people's lives for the better. the type of project to be managed and the distribution of village fund allocations received by the village government to be used for operational costs for the administration of the village government, with the existence of an information system that can provide information about activities in the village and the form of village funds in the village of klambir lima gardens . keywords : transparency, information system, village fund 1. introduction the village is the foremost entity in all processes of nation and state development. this makes the meaning village very strategic as the basis for the implementation of public services and the provision of local people's public rights. even since the colonial period of the dutch east indies, the colonial government had realized the role of village strategy in the constellation of state administration at that time. in addition, the village is the closest political arena for the relationship between the community and the power holders (village apparatus)(ramaano, 2021). the village of klambir lima gardens, which is one of the villages located in the expanse of silver sub-district, deli district, serdang city, medan, north sumatra. in line with the growth of people's expertise in development and the reduction of central government intervention in the region, so that development should be shown to change people's lives for the better. which will be managed and the distribution of village fund allocations received by the village government which will be used for operational costs for the administration of the village government, with the existence of an information system that can provide information on identifying activities in the village and the form of village funds in the village of klambir lima gardens. the purpose of village development is to improve the welfare of human life and reduce poverty through the provision of fulfillment of basic needs, development of village facilities and infrastructure, development of local economic potential and sustainable use of natural resources and the environment. village development is carried out by prioritizing the spirit of togetherness, kinship, and mutual cooperation in order to realize the mainstreaming of peace and social justice(nawawi, et al., 2020; purnomo, et al., 2020). the existence of regional autonomy is present as an actual study concept that gives more portions to regions to channel all regional affairs and interests so that they can be managed independently according to the different potentials of each region(wahyuni, et al., 2020). the development of digital media on the other hand, provides opportunities such as increasing ecommerce business opportunities, the birth of new digital media-based jobs, and the development of literacy skills without negating print-based text(mufti, et al., 2020). in the era of regional autonomy, the village is a very important part in determining the success of development and in mailto:* putra et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 98-104 99 direct contact with the community, especially in public services. another problem faced by the village apparatus is the lack of skill level of the village apparatus with the demands of a more dynamic society(umar, et al., 2020; herawati, et al., 2018) the indicator of the success of this activity is the implementation of training covering how to use two social media applications, as well as how to search or use the available websites. participants are able to install applications, create new accounts, upload photos and provide photo descriptions. participants are able to add followers and communicate with o ther accounts(nugroho, et al., 2021; rodiah, et al., 2019; ramaano, 2022; fatimah, et al., 2018). community empowerment (empowerment) as an alternative strategy in development has developed in various literatures and thoughts even though in reality it has not been maximally implemented. community development and empowerment are things that are widely discussed by the community because they are related to the progress and changes of this nation in the future, especially if it is associated with community skills that are still lacking, it will greatly hamper economic growth itself(susilawati, et al., 2018; hermawan, 2019; mafruhah, et al. 2019). 3. research methods to assist this research, a research phase framework is needed. the stages of this research are the steps that will be tried in solving the problems discussed. there are also stages of research used are as follows: identification of problems at this stage the authors carry out identification of problems in the system that is currently running in order to identify the needs that must be met by the author. with the method of observing/observing, studying, and studying more deeply what problems are experienced by the village in the field of village fund allocation(erfani, et al., 2019). literature research at this stage the author conducts a search on the theoretical foundations obtained from various dailies on the internet, in order to assist the author in completing the research conducted. data analysis in this session the authors carry out an analysis of the information obtained to design a new data system. this analysis has the aim of identifying what needs are needed on the system that is running after it is adjusted to the program to be built. system planning the design of the system used in making the system, using uml (unified modeling language) is a use case diagram. activity diagrams, sequency diagrams and class diagrams(arifin & siahaan, 2020). 1. system design with use case diagrams. users and admins can access the menu in the system which is marked with an arrow leading to the use case. the use case diagram can be seen in the following image: figure 1. use case diagram admin and user putra et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 98-104 100 2. system design with activity diagram is a technique to describe procedural logic, business processes and work flow in many cases. activity diagrams describe how the activities that occur in the system to be designed(jafari, et. al., 2020). the activity diagram is the same as a flowchart that describes the processes that occur between actors and the system, the design of the activity diagram for the village fund allocation system is as follows: figure 2. activity diagram 3. system design with sequency diagrams are used to describe the behavior of actors in a system in detail according to time(alshayeb, et al., 2020). this diagram shows a number of examples of objects and messages that are placed between objects in the use case, the design of the sequence diagram in this system explains the sequence of steps taken by admin and users to manage the village information system, as in the picture below these are as follows: figure 3. sequency diagram admin and user 4. system design with class diagrams to provide an overview of the relationship between the tables in the database(fauzan, et al., 2018). each class has attributes and methods or functions according to the process that occurs, while the class diagram can be seen in the following figure: putra et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 98-104 101 figure 4. class diagram 4. results and discussions the following is the result of the village fund information system which is a screenshot of the system based on its functions and uses: 1. admin login page this display is an initial display as a first entry permit in order to operate the village information system, it can be seen in the image below: figure 5. login page 2. home menu this page functions to display all the features that exist in the system according to the design that has been made, as shown in the image below: figure 6. home menu 3. profile menu this menu describes the profile of the village of klambir lima along with the history and vision and mission of the village, as shown in the image below: putra et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 98-104 102 figure 7. profile menu 4. information menu in the information menu there is a sub menu that contains news of activities, announcements, agendas and others, which can be seen in the image below: figure 8. information menu 5. gallery menu this menu contains photos of activities carried out in the village of klambir lima gardens, which can be seen in the image below: figure 9. gallery menu 6. contact menu in the contact menu, there is a telephone/mobile number that can be contacted by the people of the village of klambir lima gardens, it can be seen in the picture below: putra et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 98-104 103 figure 10. contact menu 5. conclusion based on the results of the research above, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. with the creation of a village information system that involves all village communities, it can provide a rapid village development process 2. the system built provides a transparency impact between the village and the community and also makes it easier for the community to find updated information in the village of klambir lima gardens. 3. providing budgetary effectiveness to the community and village officials references alshayeb, m., mumtaz, h., mahmood, s., & niazi, m. 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world of education, then the purpose of this research is to develop software in the form of an expert system as a technology that can be used by students to be able to recognize their potential. the development of this expert system uses the software development life cycle (sdlc) method, the design of an expert system to determine the potential in higher education based on multiple intelligence. this expert system is designed using the unified modeling language (uml). keywords:expert system, career, multiple intelligence, forward chaining method 1. introduction the development of technology and information today has affected all aspects of life, including education, not apart from vocational education. vocational education is an integrated part of the national education system, where secondary schools also have an important role in forming competent students (baygin et al., 2016; sakti et al., 2020). high school is one of the educational divisions that also participates in shaping students so that these students have a high level of expertise in their fields. but in general, not all students can make the right choice of majors (andryukhina et al., 2016). good education should be followed by guidance, such as student intelligence guidance to determine potential in higher education so that students can find out which potential is suitable for themselves through the identification of the intelligence earlier (ghufron, 2018). therefore, intelligence consultation to determine a career at the beginning is one of the important things for students, so that through this intelligence consultation students can find out which potential is suitable for them who will later continue their careers. thus, consulting becomes a special service area in all school education activities which are handled by experts in that field. like intelligence consultations to determine potential in higher education, this can be done by the child counseling guidance council. before entering college, students can first consult with the child counseling guidance boards about their potential and abilities and through the identification of these potentials and abilities it can be seen which potential is suitable for the student. in addition to getting subject matter, students are also entitled to get direction on their potential. but sometimes students feel lazy to come to the counseling guidance council and feel they don't need to consult about their intelligence and abilities, so students only choose potential based on fun and students are trapped with potential that sometimes doesn't match their intelligence abilities. even though this intelligence consultation is one of the most important consultations for students, so that students can know their potential, and make it easier for them to find work and careers. along with current technological developments, intelligence guidance does not have to involve students to come directly to the counseling guidance board. students can do this through an expert system developed to determine student intelligence (williamson & cox, 2014). this mailto:* wulansari et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 67-76 68 expert system was chosen because of several advantages, namely the expert system can support ordinary people to solve cases without expert support, has the ability to access the expertise and expertise of both ordinary and rare experts, improves quality and productivity, as assistants to experts so as to facilitate work. experts and can adjust the time in quoting results (pavlekovic et al., 2009; collins & knoetze, 2014). therefore, this study aims to develop an expert system to determine intelligence using howard gardners' multiple intelligence concept so that students can determine their careers earlier before entering vocational education. 2. literature review the concept of an expert system is an application or computer software that functions to solve problems just like an expert or an expert. an expert system is a development of artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence (ai) (kiselev & kiseleva, 2015). ai is a special study in which the goal is to make computers think and act like humans. expert systems are part of the development of artificial intelligence that combines knowledge and data search to solve problems that normally require human expertise (hung et al., 2015). the purpose of developing an expert system is not actually to replace the role of humans, but to substitute human knowledge into a system form, so that it can be used by many people (baird et al., 2017). the concept of an expert system is also explained as a system designed in front of a computer by imitating the thought processes used by an expert to solve certain problems that usually require the expertise of an expert (van hecke, 2011). there are many benefits that can be obtained by developing an expert system, including: 1) non-expert lay people can take advantage of expertise in a particular field without the direct presence of an expert; 2) increasing work productivity, namely increasing the efficiency of certain jobs and the results of work solutions; 3) saving time in solving complex problems; 4) provide simplification of solutions for complex cases that are repeated; 5) knowledge of an expert can be documented indefinitely; and 6) allows the merging of various fields of knowledge from various experts to be combined (rukun et al., 2017).comparison between the capabilities of human experts and computer systems that are considered by expert systems through the following table: table 1 comparison between expert and human abilities. human expert expert system limited time because humans need rest. unlimited because it can be used at any time. the access point is local to any place where the expert is. can be used in various places. knowledge is variable and can change depending on the situation. knowledge is consistent. the speed at which solutions are found varies. the speed to provide solutions is consistent and faster than humans. the fees to be paid for consultations are usually very expensive. lower costs. the basic components of an expert system consist of a user interface, knowledge base and rule base, inference engine, workplace, knowledge acquisition, and system explanation facilities. the components of the expert system can be seen in the data flow diagram of the basic components of the expert system below. wulansari et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 67-76 69 fig. 1. data flow diagram (dfd) of expert system basic component knowledge acquisition facility is a process to collect knowledge data about a problem from experts. knowledge materials can be reached in several ways, for example, getting knowledge from books, scientific journals, experts in their fields, reports, literature, and so on. the sources of knowledge are used as documentation to be studied, processed and organized in a structured manner into a knowledge base (debebe & rajagopalan, 1995). after the knowledge acquisition process is complete, the knowledge must be represented into a knowledge base and a rule base which is then collected, coded, organized and described in other designs in a systematic form. there are several ways to represent data into a knowledge base, namely in the form of attributes, rules, semantic networks, frames and logic. all forms of data representation aim to simplify the data so that it is easy to understand and streamline the program development process (hayadi et al., 2017). the system explanation facility is part of an expert system that provides an explanation of how the program is run, what should be explained to the user about a problem, provides recommendations to the user, accommodates user errors and explains how a problem occurs. in expert systems, system explanation facilities should be integrated into knowledge base tables and rule bases because this makes system design easier (sánchez et al., 2016a). the user interface provides communication facilities between the user and the system, provides various information facilities and various information that aims to help direct the flow of troubleshooting until a solution is found. in general, the user interface also functions to input new knowledge into the knowledge base of the expert system, display system explanation facilities and provide guidance on using the system as a whole step by step so that users understand what to do with the system. the main requirement to build a user interface is the ease of running the system. all difficulties in building a program must be hidden, what is shown is only an interactive, communicative and user-friendly display (rahimova ali & abdullayev hacimahmud, 2020). the inference mechanism is part of an expert system that performs reasoning that uses the contents of a list of rules based on a certain order and pattern. during the consultation process between the system and users, the inference mechanism tests the rules one by one if the rules are true. in general, there are two main techniques used in the inference mechanism for rule testing, namely forward chaining and backward chaining (kvesko et al., 2018). the reference mechanism used in this development is forward chaining. wulansari et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 67-76 70 fig. 2. flowchart of forward chaining method the picture above is the working mechanism of the forward chaining method or what is often also called forward reasoning. in forward reasoning, the rules are tested one by one in a certain order. the sequence may be the order in which the rules are entered into the rule base or some other order specified by the user. when each rule is tested, the expert system evaluates whether the condition is true or false. if the condition is true, then the rule is saved then the next rule is tested. otherwise the condition is false, the rule is not saved and the next rule is tested. this process will be iterative until the entire rule base is tested with various conditions. intelligent behavior has something to do with the concept of intelligence. it is not a substance (an object) or force, which is located in a certain part of a person's body, but an individual behavior characteristic that shows the intellect used. meanwhile, intelligence can only be detected by identifying indicators. intelligence is the perfection of acting as manifested in efficient activity or activity. an efficient action, characterized by speed, success and adequate (różewski et al., 2019). intelligence shows how individuals behave or, the way how individuals act, whether individuals act intelligently or not intelligently. intelligence is not an object or power possessed in a few or many dimensions. intelligence is concerned with complex mental functions as manifested in individual behavior. one of the main functions of intelligence is in learning. how individuals learn and what they learn is greatly influenced by the quality of their intelligence. intelligence includes individual skills in recognizing relationships, remembering relationships, evaluating, making wise choices, applying past experiences to deal with current situations (sánchez et al., 2016b). howard gardner in his book the theory of multiple intelligences, proposes eight kinds of intelligence components, which he calls multiple intelligences. the multiple intelligences include: (1) verbal-linguistic intelligence and (2) logic-mathematical intelligence that were previously known, he added with other intelligence components, namely (3) visual-spatial intelligence, (4) rhythmic-music intelligence, (5) kinesthetic intelligence, (6) interpersonal intelligence, (7) intrapersonal intelligence and (8) naturalist intelligence. this theory is the concept in the development of this expert system. 3. research methods in designing this expert system, the software development life cycles (sdlc) research framework is used, which consists of the stages of problem identification, feasibility study, project planning, knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, knowledge implementation, verification and validation, installation, transition and training, operation , evaluation and maintenance (yoon & adya, 2003). wulansari et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 67-76 71 fig. 3. sdlc method sources: yoon & adya, 2003 problem identification stage, at this stage the identification of problems and also the identification of opportunities about what benefits can be obtained when developing this expert system. feasibility study stage, at this stage an assessment of the feasibility of developing this expert system is carried out, which is assessed from economic, technical and operational terms. project planning stage, at this stage a plan is made on the development of the expert system that will be carried out, including identifying who will be the development team of this expert system. knowledge acquisition stage, at this stage information gathering activities related to the expert system that will be developed are carried out. knowledge representation stage, at this stage activities are carried out to determine what information and concepts will be included in the basic knowledge of expert systems, linking between these concepts. knowledge implementation stage, at this stage activities are carried out to create code from concepts that have been collected so that they can be inputted into the basic knowledge of expert systems and also develop prototypes of expert systems. verification and validation stage, at this stage validation verification activities are carried out from the developed expert system, then validate the system to the experts, and revise the expert system in accordance with the feedback from the experts provided. installation, transition and training stage, at this stage the installation of a valid and final expert system is carried out, then trains users and develops manuals related to how to use the expert system. operation, evaluation and maintenance stage, at this stage the expert system has been operated in the intended work environment, then the expert system is also evaluated for its performance, and maintenance of the expert system is carried out regularly. 4. results and discussions achievement of identification of early career determination based on ability and potential with artificial intelligence technology. in this system analysis is emphasized on rules which are indicators of ability and potential based on multiple intelligences. in designing this expert system, the method used is the forward chaining method or commonly called forward reasoning. in forward reasoning, the rules are tested one after another in a certain order. when each rule is tested, the expert system evaluates whether the condition is true or false. this process will be repeated until the entire rule base is tested with various conditions. then the expert system provides the results of the diagnosis based on the rules being tested. wulansari et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 67-76 72 fig. 4. context diagram of expert system design the image above illustrates the workflow of an expert system. when the user enters or logs into the expert system and then fills in the data, the data filled in by the user will enter the user list and can be accessed by the administrator. then the user can diagnose the symptoms through answering the questions given by the program. after the recommended question has been answered, the program will send the solution to the user. experts function as giving knowledge to the admin and the admin inputs it into the system. analysis of system requirements designed will be tailored to the analysis of user needs. analysis of system requirements includes: a) input data required in the form of a classification of student intelligence and its indicators, symptoms, causes, solutions or conclusions, rules of causes and rules of solutions from intelligence. intelligence data is needed because it is the core of knowledge that will be used for identification purposes. the system needed as input data specifications are (1) intelligence data is needed because it is the core of knowledge as the purpose of identification. the intelligence data is also accompanied by the definition of intelligence; (2) symptom or indicator data is data that will be selected by the user as input to the system; (3) data classification of students' intelligence; and (4) conclusion data is data that contains the results of the identification of student intelligence. b) data output (output), the system designed can provide output in the form of (1) can display the intelligence capabilities possessed by the user from the identification results and (2) can display solutions and conclusions from the results of intelligence identification. there is also a further understanding of potential and abilities. in this final project, the author uses the theory of multiple intelligence by howard gardner. in the multiple intelligence theory, howard gardner divides intelligence into eight. from the eight indicators, the author designed an expert system for determining this potential. the target to be achieved from this designed system is to design an expert system for determining the appropriate potential of use, so that it can be useful for students to consult about their abilities and potential. so that students can determine their potential based on their abilities and potential. fig. 5. use case diagram of expert system design figure 5 shows how the sequential use of the application by the user starts from the test start menu, then the application system will show a login or login form, followed by filling in visitor data, then visitors can fill in test answers on the form on the monitor screen. after the test wulansari et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 67-76 73 answers are completed, the system will check the user's answers by referring to the existing knowledge base, which will then issue test results in the form of explanations and solutions. (a) (b) fig. 6. activity diagram of user and inference engine (a) user and admin (b) form design activity diagrams describe the processes that occur when the activity starts until the activity stops. activity diagrams are similar to flowchart diagrams. while this sequece diagram serves to model usage scenarios. (a) (b) fig. 7. sequence diagram of user (a) and admin (b) form design knowledge base (knowledge base) component of the expert system which consists of two elements, namely facts and rules. facts are information about objects in a particular problem area, while rules are information about how to obtain new facts from existing facts. the inference engine is part of an expert system that performs reasoning by using the contents of a list of rules based on a certain sequence of patterns. in this case, how the system can wulansari et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 67-76 74 draw a conclusion based on existing characteristics or signs, provides a mechanism for thinking functions and patterns of system reasoning used by an expert. based on the existing rules and facts, an inference engine was developed as shown in the following figure. fig. 8. forward chaining inferential engine figure 8. this shows how the inference engine for forward chaining works. in forward chaining, all data or rules will be tested to achieve a goal or solution. as seen in figure 14 above, if the situation meets the rules a, i, l, t then the situation enters the condition r1, and r1 will issue a solution, namely 1. all these rules will be tested until they meet the eight rules above. . forward chaining is an inference method that makes reasoning from a problem to its solution. if the rule data matches the situation (value is true), then the process will declare a solution. if the database sends data according to the rules in the knowledge base, the knowledge base will issue a solution according to these rules. if the rules in the database meet r1, namely a, i, l, t then r1 will issue a solution, namely 1, then r1 has met the rules. and so on until r8. fig. 9. expert system software wulansari et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 67-76 75 5. conclusion the research and design that has been done has resulted in an expert system to recognize potential based on multiple intelligences using this forward chaining method that is feasible to use. this expert system meets the criteria for the validity of the knowledge base and this system is highly accepted by meeting the criteria for the acceptance response value. this research can contribute to existing knowledge of expert system applications that can help students recognize their potential. the drawback of this study is that this expert system only assesses using the theory of multiple intelligences by howard gardner. so that it can be used as a guide for future researchers who will conduct similar research. references andryukhina, lm, dneprov, s. ., sumina, tg, yu, e., utkina, sn, & mantulenko, vv (2016). vocational pedagogical competencies of a professor in the secondary vocational education system : approbation of monitoring model. international journal of environmental & science education, 11(14), 7045–7065. baird, j. a., meadows, m., leckie, g., & caro, d. 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negeri 1 kampar kiri hilir with facilities as a medium for the dissemination of subject matter, media for the distribution of assignments, and as a media for student discussion forums. in this learning management system application has 3 admin actors, teachers, students. the admin has the duty as an elearning application manager to manage the application so that it can run well. the admin manages curriculum data, semester years, teachers, students, subjects. the teacher gives the material and assignments done by students, while students will work on assignments uploaded by the teacher and download the material that has been uploaded by the teacher. learning management system application as a support for learning activities, because schools are able to carry out learning activities not only teaching in the classroom. by creating learning media through the learning management system website in sma negeri 1 kampar kiri hilir, teacher and student interaction is increasing. keywords: learning management system, web, education. 1. introduction the rapid advancement of information technology supports the implementation of electronic-based learning (e-learning). e-learning has a number of advantages including students being able to share information and be able to access learning materials at any time and evaluations that can measure students' understanding of concepts. with these conditions students are expected to strengthen understanding of the concept of learning material. elearning can train students in technical independence and experience using it. in addition, elearning can also assist teachers in monitoring student activity with various assignments given, discussion forums and other activities, so that the character of students can be described through e-learning(tafiardi, 2009). learning that can improve students' cognitive abilities is e-learning which has a high level of user interactivity, which in addition to presenting learning material in the form of files either in the format of words, powerpoint, html or pdf but the e-learning also has more value more menus interactive, both in the form of more varied online evaluations, online consultations and chat facilities. in e-learning there are virtual classes that can accommodate teachers and students to be able to interact and create virtual laboratories by inserting media in the form of animated images so that teachers can demonstrate through these media(hamzah, et. al., 2019). for the 2019-2020 academic year, the 2013 curriculum (k 13) is applied comprehensively for all levels of education (elementary to high school) throughout indonesia. we hope that this year's curriculum change truly provides a significant change in improving the quality of indonesian education. this curriculum should be able to assist teachers in carrying out the duties and obligations of giving birth to students with character. given the increasing number of immoral problems that approach the lives of students because of the tempting development. then of course there must be a real breakthrough in solving the problem. changes in curriculum can actually be one solution in solving these problems. to carry out the meaning of assessment contained in this curriculum, of course the teacher must know and understand the character of students properly and correctly(abdulmajid, et. al., 2017). muhardi, et. at… vol 1(2) 2020 : 70-76 71 at present there are already quite a number of agencies or institutions that use e-learning as a learning tool, the use of e-learning in learning has proven successful. in learning to use elearning is very effective when combined with guided inquiry learning methods. based on the above problems, it has been explained that e-learning can be used as a learning innovation that can ease the burden on teachers in teaching. the purpose of this study is to design a learning management system software and to obtain responses to use and test its effectiveness(berns & erickson, 2001). 2. literature review hamzah et. al. (2018) discusses the infrastructure facilities management system in universities. the system is designed using near field communication technology that uses an android smartphone to support the use of this system and also the web using php and mysqli programming languages for online data storage. the method used in designing this system is the waterfall model. this system modeling uses the uml language (unified modeling language). this research was conducted at pelita indonesia college. the results showed that the use of infrastructure facilities system using android-based nfc technology is easy to use for staff and infrastructure heads in managing their inventory. the use of lms to support learning has been carried out in various schools, both at the secondary school level and upper school level. various studies have been conducted related to the implementation of lms in several schools. for example hardyanto (2016) and zyainuri (2012) conducted a study related to the application / implementation of lms in smk. whereas pratiwi (2014) conducted a study on the implementation of lms in junior high schools for certain subjects. another study shows that lms can be applied to middle and high schools (wibawa, waspada, & wirawan, 2017). studies conducted by hardyanto (2016), zyainuri (2012), pratiwi (2014) and wibawa (2017) discuss how to implement moodle in schools, b ut do not discuss how lms can organize classes in middle and high schools in general in one school year, have many classes. information about how to organize classes in the lms is important so that junior and senior high schools can implement the lms in their respective schools. 3. research method this chapter will discuss the system design that will be built. the steps to be taken in this study can be seen in the flow chart below: muhardi, et. at… vol 1(2) 2020 : 70-76 72 figure 1. web-based learning flow chart making lms (learning management system) the research methodology used is descriptive analysis method, which is a method that describes the facts and information in a current situation or event systematically, factually and accurately. the research method used in this research is the method of data collection. data collection methods used as follows: 1. study of literature literature study is the collection of data by collecting journals, papers and books relating to the research titles taken which are about designing learning systems that are commonly done in schools and gathering all information to build a learning management system. 2. observation observation is a method of collecting data by conducting a direct review of the problems taken at sma negeri 1 kampar kiri hilir 3. interview interview is a method of data collection by holding question and answer directly with sma negeri 1 kampar kiri hilir. software development method the software builder method that will be used is using the waterfall model. thanks to the decline from phase to phase, this model is known as the terjun waterfall model ’or the software life cycle(pressman, 2010). this waterfall model is illustrated in figure 2. which includes several stages, including : figure 2. software life cycle of the waterfall model the main stages of the waterfall model map basic development activities namely: 1. analysis and definition of requirements. services, boundaries, and system goals are determined in consultation with the school. these requirements are then defined in detail and function as system specifications. 2. system and software design. the system design process divides requirements into hardware or software systems. this activity determines the overall system architecture. software design involves identifying and describing the underlying software system abstractions and their relationships. 3. implementation and unit testing. at this stage, software design is realized as a series of programs or program units. unit testing involves verification that each unit meets the specifications of sma negeri 1 kampar kiri hilir. 4. system integration and testing. unit programs or individual programs are integrated and tested as complete systems to ensure that system requirements are met. after system testing, the software is sent to the school. 5. operation and maintenance. operation and maintenance is the longest life cycle phase. the system is installed and used. maintenance includes correction of various errors not found in the previous stages, muhardi, et. at… vol 1(2) 2020 : 70-76 73 improvements to the implementation of the system unit and the development of system services, while new requirements are added. system design basically, the stages in the design of this system are divided into two, namely: 1. system design in general at this stage, in general, that is to explain about the data flow diagram to the user for the system steps that will be done later. the data obtained are from a database that already exists in sma negeri 1 kampar kiri hilir. 2. detailed system design but at this stage, the detailed system design is a system design that is carried out in detail based on changes that occur at the system design stage in general. for example in this detailed system design that is by designing databases, data dictionaries and erds and relationships between tables. data analysis technique this research procedure was divided into three stages, namely preliminary study, design and development. research instruments in the form of expert test questionnaires, questionnaire responses, written tests and character observation sheets. before being tested, expert validation was carried out on the lms media and teaching materials. the results of expert validation showed a percentage of 89.81% of the total indicators developed, meaning that a valid lms was used as learning. data analysis techniques using normality test and gain test. normality test is used to test whether the research data is normally distributed or not. gain test is used to measure the increase in students' understanding and character in using lms made through 4 stages as follows. a. designing system design, including template design, database and flowcart. b. do the coding with the php programming language. c. installation on the hosting server. d. fill teaching materials on lms. 4. research results and discussion system implementation the implementation stage is the stage of software creation, the continuation stage of the system design activities. this stage is the stage where the system is ready to operate, which consists of an explanation of the implementation environment, and program implementation. to support applications implemented in kampar kiri hilir 1 high school, in this case using hardware and software that supports the development of web-based lms (learning menegement system) applications. home page display figure 3. home page muhardi, et. at… vol 1(2) 2020 : 70-76 74 school profile display figure 4. school profile page student login display figure 5. student login page student profile display figure 6. student profile page learning schedule display figure 7. learning schedule page learning materials display figure 8. learning material page muhardi, et. at… vol 1(2) 2020 : 70-76 75 learning task display figure 9. learning task page teacher login display figure 10. teacher login page testing before this system can be used, it must first be tested. some testing is done by the author himself. learning management system application testing is done using the black box testing approach. testing is needed as one of the stages of implementation to test the minimum level of error and the accuracy of the software designed. testing is done by black box testing method. the black box testing method was chosen because the testing method did not pay attention to the internal logic structure (coding) in the software. black box testing black box testing is a test that allows software engineers to get a set of input conditions that fully use all functional requirements for a program (pressman, 2005). black-box testing is also a complementary approach that allows a large class to be able to reveal the error class rather than the white-box method. black-box testing tries to find errors in the following categories: a. incorrect function or missing function b. interface error c. errors in data structures or external database access d. error behavior (behavior) or performance errors e. initialization and termination of errors the advantages of black box include: a. black box testing can test the overall functionality of the software. b. black box testing can choose a subset of tests that can effectively and efficiently find defects. in this way black box testing can help maximize testing investment. black box deficiencies include. c. when the tester does black box testing, the tester will never be sure whether the software being tested has actually passed the test. 5. conclusions in this article, it has been described how the design of the system in the development of lms (learning menegement system) based on this website. therefore, the author can conclude that the teaching and learning process in sma negeri 1 kampar kiri hilir website that allows muhardi, et. at… vol 1(2) 2020 : 70-76 76 students to have their own materials or materials that can be downloaded directly through the website and so that the level of interaction between teachers and students increases online communication media is needed where students and teachers can interact with each other through this lms application (learning menegement system). references abdulmajid, n. w., pramuntadi, a., riyanto, a. b., & rochmah, e. (2017). penerapan elearning sebagai pendukung adaptive learning dan peningkatan kompetensi siswa smk di kabupaten bantul. jurnal taman vokasi, 5(2). berns, b.g., & erickson, p.m. (2001). contextual teaching and learning: preparing student for the new economy. journal of reasearch, 5, 1-8 hamzah, m. l., rusilawati, e., & purwati, a. (2018). sistem aplikasi sarana prasarana perguruan tinggi menggunakan teknologi near field communication berbasis android. intecoms: journal of information technology and computer science, 1(2), 251-261. hamzah, m. l., rukun, k., rizal, f., & purwati, a. a. (2019). a review of increasing teaching and learning database subjects in computer science. revista espacios, 40(26). hardyanto, r. h., & surjono, h. d. (2016). pengembangan dan implementasi e-learning menggunakan moodle dan vicon untuk pelajaran pemrograman web di smk. jurnal pendidikan vokasi, 6(1), 43–53. pratiwi, y. i., budiharti, r., & ekawati, e. y. (2014). pengembangan media pembelajaran ipa terpad interaktif dalam bentuk moodle untuk siswa smp pada tema matahari sebagai sumber energi. jurnal pendidikan fisika, 2(1), 26 pressman, r. (2010). software engineering a practitioner's approach 7th edition. mcgrawhill higher education. tafiardi. (2009). meningkatkan mutu pendidikan melalui e-learning. jurnal pendidikan penabur, 4(4): 85-97. wibawa, h. a., waspada, i., & wirawan, p. w. (2017). ibm kelas virtual untuk smpn 6 dan sman2 salatiga. jurnal abdimas, 21(1), 21-28. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 1(2) 2020 : 103-112 103 decision support systems employee discipline identification using the simple multi attribute rating technique (smart) method rizer fahlepi stikes hang tuah pekanbaru a b s t r a c t discipline is a very important aspect to support the quality of these human resources. if there are insufficient or undisciplined resources, it will affect the quality of human resources. in its implementation the process of evaluating employee discipline is still done manually so it takes a long time. for this reason, a decision support system is needed to identify the level of discipline of staff and employees at stikes and stmik hang tuah pekanbaru. the method used to develop this decision support systems is simple multi attribute rating technique (smart) with 6 attributes, namely performance, warning letters, absenteeism, discipline, complience to regulations, and compliance to superior’s order. the final result are divided into 3 categories, namely very good, enough, do coaching. from the application of this method, it was found that 120 people got very good evaluation results, 11 people got enough results, and 2 people got the results of do coaching. decision support system with smart method can identify the level of discipline of staff and, to later be given guidance to staff who get evaluation results. do coaching to become more disciplined and improve the quality of human resources in stikes and stmik hang tuah pekanbaru. keywords: decision support systems, smart, employee, discipline.. 1. introduction work discipline is the attitude and behavior of employees to comply with applicable regulations and adjust organizations to be based on self-awareness. indicators of work discipline, namely the frequency of attendance at the office on weekdays and the accuracy of hours of entry and return, compliance with applicable regulations, compliance with specified work standards, and employee work ethics at the institute (thaief, baharuddin, priyono, and idrus, 2015) . the assessment conducted by the staff department at stikes and stmik hang tuah pekanbaru still uses manual methods with unclear weighting values that cause uncertainty about the results of staff and employee evaluations at stikes and stmik hang tuah pekanbaru, thereby affecting the selection of staff and employees who have to get fostered so that more disciplined and who do not need to get fostered. the above problems can be overcome by building a decision support system using the simple multi attribute rating technique (smart) method. this method can identify a problem with multiple attributes. 2. literature review the concept of decision support systems (dss) was introduced into the information and computing systems literature by gorry and scott morton in 1971 (power, sharda, and burstein, 2015). dss simulates the function of human cognitive decision making based on artificial intelligence methodologies (including expert systems, data mining, machine learning, connectionism, logistic reasoning, etc.) (jao, 2010). modeling in the construction of dss is carried out the following steps (wanto and damanik, 2015): 1. feasibility study (intelligence) in this step, determining objectives and finding procedures, collecting data, identifying problems, classifying problems, until the problem statement is formed 2. design in this step the model will be formulated to be used and determine the criteria. then, look for alternative models that can solve the problem. 3. election (choice) rizer fahlepi… vol 1(2) 2020 : 103-112 104 in this step, a model selection is carried out, including the solution of the model. after that, sensitivity analysis is carried out by replacing several variables 4. making dss after the model is determined, proceed with its implementation into the dss application. the smart method is a method used for multi-criteria decision making that was developed by edward in 1977(taylor & love, 2014). this method is based on the theory that each alternative consists of a number of criteria that have values and each of these criteria has a weight that illustrates how important these criteria are compared to other criteria. the grading of these weights is used to assess each alternative in order to get the best alternative (suryanto and safrizal, 2015). the smart method is based on the additive liner model. this means that the overall value of the given alternatives is calculated as the total value of each criterion (attribute) multiplied by the weight of the criterion (barfod and leleur, 2013; bray, 2015). the calculation steps using smart, namely: 1. step 1: determine the number of criteria to be used 2. step 2: provide a scale of 0-100 based on the priorities that have been inputted and then normalized .................................................................... (1) where: nwj is normalization of criteria weight j wj is the weight value of the jth criterion k is the number of criteria wn is the weight of the nth criterion 3. step 3: each alternative is given a criterion value 4. step 4: calculate the utility value for each criterion calculating utility value: ..................................................... (2) information: ui (ai): utility value of criterion 1 for criterion i cmax: maximum criteria value cmin: minimum criterion value cout i: the value of the i criteria 5. step 5: calculate the final value of each .................................... (3) 3. research method the stage of the research framework starts from problem identification, data requirement analysis, systems analysis using smart, design, implementation of the smart method, testing, and drawing conclusions. the framework in this study can be illustrated in figure 1 below: rizer fahlepi… vol 1(2) 2020 : 103-112 105 figure 1. research methodology 4. research results and discussion 1. criteria identification at this stage the process of determining what criteria are used in evaluating the performance of staff and employees in the stikes and stmik hang tuah pekanbaru. in this study the number of criteria used was as many as 6 criteria for employee appraisal namely warning, performance, attendance, discipline, obedience, and compliance. 2. alternative identification at this stage the process of determining alternative alternatives will be carried out. alternatives in the form of the names of staff and employees at stikes and stmik hang tuah pekanbaru namely, yuda irawan, s.kom., m.kom, rian ordila, s.kom., m.kom, leon chandra, skm., m.kes , jufri, mardeni, s.kom., m.kom. 3. criteria weighting weighting the assessment criteria is given relatively with the provisions of the criteria that have the highest level of importance based on the data of the importance of the criteria in table 1 given a value of 100 and a minimum value of 10. rizer fahlepi… vol 1(2) 2020 : 103-112 106 table 1. criteria weight no criteria weight 1 commemorative latter 100 2 performance 87,5 3 attendance 70 4 discipline 62,5 5 obedience 40 6 compliance 40 total 400 4. criteria normalization after the criteria weight value is given, the next step is to calculate the normalized value of each criteria weight value by using equation (1): rizer fahlepi… vol 1(2) 2020 : 103-112 107 the results of the calculation of normalization of relative weights can be seen in the following table: table 2. normalization criteria weights no criteria weight relative weight (wj) 1 commemorative latter 100/400 0,25 2 performance 87,5/400 0,21875 3 attendance 70/400 0,175 4 discipline 62,5/400 0,15625 5 obedience 40/400 0,1 6 compliance 40/400 0,1 5. single development attribute utilities the next step is to develop single-attribute utilities based on the values given to each alternative. each criterion is given sub-criteria and the value of the sub-criteria is as seen in table 3. table 3. development of single-attribute uttilities no criteria sub criteria value 1 commemorative latter there is no 100 sp 1 85 sp 2 75 sp 3 50 2 performance very good 100 well 85 pretty good 75 not good 50 3 discipline very good 100 well 85 pretty good 75 not good 50 4 attendance very good 100 well 85 pretty good 75 not good 50 5 obedience very good 100 well 85 pretty good 75 not good 50 rizer fahlepi… vol 1(2) 2020 : 103-112 108 6 compliance very good 100 well 85 pretty good 75 not good 50 after the value of single-attribute utilities is determined, the next step is to determine each criterion value of each staff and employee based on table 3. table 4. value of each criteria no employee name commemorative later performance attendace discipline obedience compliance 1 yuda irawan 100 85 85 85 85 85 2 rian ordila 100 85 100 85 85 85 3 leon chandra 100 85 85 75 85 85 4 jufri 75 75 75 50 75 75 5 mardeni 100 85 100 100 85 85 after the value of each criterion for each employee is determined, then the utilities value calculation process for each employee's criteria is calculated as follows: commemorative latter rizer fahlepi… vol 1(2) 2020 : 103-112 109 performance attendance discipline obedience rizer fahlepi… vol 1(2) 2020 : 103-112 110 complience after calculating the overall utility values for each criterion, the results are as shown in table 5. table 5. alternative utilities values no employee name criteria name utility value 1 yuda irawan commemorative letter 100 performance 70 attendance 70 discipline 70 obedience 70 compliance 70 2 rian ordila commemorative letter 100 performance 70 attendance 100 discipline 70 obedience 70 compliance 70 3 leon candra commemorative letter 100 performance 70 attendance 70 discipline 50 obedience 70 compliance 70 4 jufri commemorative letter 50 performance 50 rizer fahlepi… vol 1(2) 2020 : 103-112 111 attendance 50 discipline 0 obedience 50 compliance 50 5 mardeni commemorative letter 100 performance 70 attendance 100 discipline 100 obedience 70 compliance 70 6. calculate end value after the utility values of each criteria for each staff and employee are obtained, the next step is to calculate the final grade using eq. (3): based on the ranking of values obtained, the value can be categorized to: table 6. categories of assessment results no value range category 1 76-100 very well 2 50-75 enough 3 0-49 do fostering so from the calculation results obtained by the assessment results as in table 7. table 7. employee performance assessment results no employee name rating result category 1 yuda irawan 77,5 very good 2 rian ordila 82,75 very good rizer fahlepi… vol 1(2) 2020 : 103-112 112 3 leon candra 74,375 moderate 4 jufri 42.19 do coaching 5 mardeni 87,4375 very good 5. conclusions from the results of the implementation of the smart method for identifying employee performance at the stikes and stmik hang tuah pekanbaru conclusions can be drawn as follows: 1. the smart method was successfully implemented into a system developed using the php and mysql programming languages in accordance with the analysis and design created 2. the smart method can be used to identify employee performance that has 6 criteria. assessment is carried out by weighting each criterion and producing 3 categories of assessment, namely very good, enough, and perform coaching 3. the smart method can provide more accurate assessment results by weighting each criterion. that way we get more accurate calculation results. 4. from the results of system testing, it is known that the results of the calculation of the smart method on the developed system are in accordance with the results of manual calculations. suggestions given by the author for further research are: 1. it is expected that in subsequent studies it can compare the smart method with several other methods that can be used to identify employee performance. 2. it is expected that in future studies the smart method can be used in a more complex case analysis or a case that has more criteria used. references barfod, m. b., & leleur, s. (2013) multi-criteria decision analysis for use in transport decision making. dtu lyngby: technical university of denmark. bray, r. (2015). developing a participative multi criteria decision making technique: a case study. international journal of management and decision making, 14(1), 66. doi: 10.1504/ijmdm.2015.067381. jao, c. s. (2010). decision support systems, decision support systems. intech. doi: 10.5772/3453. thaief, i. et al. (2015). effect of training, compensation and work discipline against employee job performance: (studies in the office of pt. pln (persero) service area and network malang). review of european studies, 7(11), 23–33. doi: 10.5539/res.v7n11p23. power, d. j., sharda, r., & burstein, f. (2015) decision support systems, wiley encyclopedia of management. doi: 10.1002/9781118785317.weom070211. suryanto & safrizal, m. (2015). sistem pendukung keputusan pemilihan karyawan teladan dengan metode smart (simple multi attribute rating technique). jurnal coreit, 1(2), 2460–738. taylor, j. m. & love, b. n. (2014). simple multi-attribute rating technique for renewable energy deployment decisions (smart redd). the journal of defense modeling and simulation: applications, methodology, technology, 11(3), 227–232. doi: 10.1177/1548512914525516. wanto, a. & damanik, h. (2015). analisis penerapan sistem pendukung keputusan terhadap seleksi penerima beasiswa bbm ( bantuan belajar mahasiswa ) pada perguruan tinggi menggunakan metode simple additive weighting ( saw ) ( studi kasus : amik tunas bangsa pematangsiantar). seminar nasional rekayasa (sntr) ii, 323–333. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 808-824 808 identifying factors for the success of halal management practices in leather industry tengku nurainun1*, hayati habibah abdul talib2, khairur rijal jamaludin3, shari mohd yusof4, nilda tri putri5, fitra lestari6 razak faculty of technology and informatics, universiti teknologi malaysia, malaysia1 2 3 graduate school of business administration, meiji university, japan4 faculty of engineering, universitas andalas, indonesia5 industrial engineering department, faculty of science and technology, universitas islam negeri sultan syarif kasim riau, indonesia16 received : 17 april 2023, revised: 28 may 2023, accepted : 29 may 2023 *corresponding author abstract the need to apply halal management practices to non-food industries today is still merely seen as a necessity to meet the requirements of islamic rules. meanwhile, this approach has demonstrated that it can improve organizational efficacy in a variety of contexts. this study seeks to investigate the depth of halal principles implementation among leather industries and comes up with strategies for how small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) in the leather industry can use halal management practices to move toward halal certification and enhance its performance. an exploratory-descriptive approach was used to get the current state of halal practices among leather industry smes through interviews and survey questionnaires. five stakeholders were interviewed in a semi-structured manner. a survey questionnaire was distributed to 127 smes in the leather industry center of sukaregang, garut, indonesia. this paper discusses the key factors of halal implementation and determines which halal practices need more emphasis. the result showed that the current knowledge, awareness, and implementation of halal requirements among leather smes in indonesia are still low. an action plan for the industry, authority, and supplier was provided. the implication of this research can contribute to the leather industry players that intent to implement halal management system effectively and stakeholders in making decision to accelerate halal certification process. keywords: halal, indonesia, leather industry, non-food, smes 1. introduction the halal business has rapidly expanded globally over the last ten years. halal has become a lifestyle and is no longer exclusively associated with muslim communities. a large number of muslim populations around the world has led to the development of halal businesses in various sectors (kurniawati and savitri, 2020). halal is now widely accepted in all aspects of daily life and is expanding quickly into non-food fields like personal care, lifestyle, fashion, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, travel, tourism, trade, finance, entertainment, work, and education. nowadays, the halal industry is attempting to capture the non-food product category (shahid et al., 2018). leather is one of the untapped sectors for halal. leather is a by-product of meat/animal production which hides/skin is utilized as the material of the fabric, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, and animal feed industry (alao et al., 2017). leather products have their own particular market segment that is estimated to continue to grow along with the world's population. since these products are often worn and used in worship, halal has become an important issue to consider. therefore, leather sector is potentially the next key target in the halal industry. halal certification in indonesia has become mandatory for all products circulated and traded locally since the enactment of law of the republic of indonesia no. 33 year 2014 concerning halal product assurances (hpa), which has been effectively implemented since october 2019. even though mandatory labeling is enacted first for food, beverages, and services, under the government plan, this regulation will gradually be applied to consumer goods. indonesia is a country with the largest muslim population in the world and contributes 17 percent of the global halal food market (suhartanto et al., 2020). certainly, requiring halal certification for nonnurainun et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 808-824 809 food products will become a global issue on the grounds that indonesia is a big market and strategically important as a muslim majority nation. the halal certification process in the indonesian food industry faces numerous obstacles (lestari et al., 2023). it might become more complicated in the non-food industry. it makes more sense for businesses to follow halal standards if consumers demand it. however, it is hard to understand why a business would take this step without knowing what it would gain in the long run. there is much opposition to halal labeling for non-food products, particularly consumer goods, whether internally or externally. a company needs to rationalize the benefits and consequences of assimilating halal standards and philosophy into its business. obtaining a halal certificate for halal food products has commonly become a strategy for a company to provide added value and uniqueness to the products. nonetheless, labeling consumer goods as "halal" may have unintended consequences for product sales or brand perceptions. obviously, the company does not want to adopt halal certification due to pressure from several parties (for example, the government, local communities, or consumers). there are numerous studies examining the perspective of consumers on halal food products and the motivations underlying these attitudes (mohayidin and kamarulzaman, 2014; haque et al., 2015; sherwani et al., 2018; bashir et al., 2019; kurniawati and savitri, 2020; akın and okumuş, 2021). conversely, the study about consumers’ perspectives on halal non-food products, especially leather products, is very limited. shahid et al. (2022) were interested in investigating the repurchase intentions of cosmetic products by muslim consumers according to the high market demand based on statistics. thus, it is challenging for the leather industry, a leading sector in indonesia, to comply with the halal standard as a government regulation without knowing the potential market for halal leather products. in order to support the government regulations, it is necessary to look into the readiness of the leather industry in indonesia, particularly smes, by investigating the depth of knowledge and awareness needed to implement halal principles in their business activities. according to ab talib et al. (2015), the lack of knowledge among food companies is an impediment to successfully implementing halal certification. meanwhile, managing knowledge is critical to the success of an organization's business growth (schiuma, 2012). this research is motivated by the current need of indonesia's non-food industry, including the leather industry, to prepare for and implement halal certification as government regulation. based on prior research, halal knowledge of leather products is scarcely discussed, whereas halal awareness highly depends on the depth of halal knowledge. furthermore, halal awareness is founded on the muslim concept of halal (muslichah m. et al., 2020). before initiating a program relating to halal certification for the leather industry in indonesia, it is essential to obtain a picture of the current state of halal principles implementation. the aim of this study is to identify the factors that lead to the success of halal management implementation in the leather industry, particularly among smes in indonesia. to the authors' knowledge, this is the first study on halal management practices for leather sectors, and this research serves as a foundation for future research 2. literature review halal implementation in the food and non-food industries as was pointed out in the introduction to this paper, it is clearly described that concern about halal certification for the non-food industry is highly important and should be discussed in addition to halal certification for the food industry. halal certification is crucial for the food industry because it ensures that products are processed hygienically (haleem et al., 2020); in accordance with islamic values and teachings (suhartanto et al., 2020); and with permissible materials and ingredients in accordance with islamic law and principles (neio demirci et al., 2016). the halal food industry emphasizes all aspects of halal using the concept of halalal thoyyiban (othman et al., 2017), in which quality, hygiene, and safety are prioritized to protect consumers. when deciding whether to consume or purchase a product, muslims consider it halal if it adheres to the quran and sunnah that explain it (prabowo et al., 2015). the model of qualityloyalty and religiosity-loyalty proposed by suhartanto et al. (2020) has proven both quality and religiosity are important in determining consumer loyalty. in a broader sense, halal can be seen as a brand for quality and safety (kohilavani et al., 2015), attracting both muslim and non-muslim nurainun et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 808-824 810 consumers to purchase halal products in order to reap these benefits. moreover, halal products also cover environmental concerns in addition to safety concerns (hassan and sengupta, 2019). the entire significance and benefits of halal food products from both religious aspects and business perspectives have merged into an image of valuable products, which has now become the global perspective on halal. despite this, there has been little discussion in the literature about halal certification for non-food industries such as fashion. labeling consumer goods as "halal" appears to be a growing trend and a successful marketing strategy. less investigation is concerned with non-food halal labeling issues in order to disprove the notion that halal labeling for consumer goods is excessive and unnecessary. since food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals come into direct contact with the human body, the safety aspect makes sense to consider. the safety aspect is viewed as irrelevant for non-consumable products, and the halal label is only important from a religious standpoint because these products are sometimes worn in worship. along with the advancement of research on halal food products, many researchers have demonstrated that compliance with halal standards positively contributes to other aspects besides religiosity, primarily organizational performance (ab talib et al., 2017; giyanti et al., 2020); and product quality (martuscelli et al., 2020), though there is a scarcity of literature comparing the quality of halal products to non-halal products (martuscelli et al., 2020) in order to strengthen current knowledge about the halal-quality relationship. however, product quality should be viewed as a combination of halal and the thoyyiban concept (ali et al., 2017). therefore, in the context of consumer goods, it is reasonable to assume that implementing halal standards may have an impact on other aspects, even though religiosity itself can improve quality of life, particularly for muslims (othman et al., 2017). thus, in order to build a worldwide reputation as well as the halal food industry, the benefits of halal non-food products from a business perspective must be clearly defined to boost the value of the products, which ultimately receive a positive response from the global market. halal requirements for leather products leather and leather crafts are among the most traded products in the world, with china being the leading exporter of leather products (17.4%), followed by italy (14.8%), vietnam (11.1%), and germany (6.1%) (koppiahraj et al., 2019). the leather industry is a good place to do business, and it is likely to keep growing as the world's population grows. indonesia is the sixth-largest exporter of leather goods on the international market (bps-statistics indonesia, 2017). however, this sector has both advantages and disadvantages because, in order to achieve the best quality, there are often negative environmental consequences. there has been a lot of research done on the quality of leather. some researchers focused on strategies for the leather industry to meet the quality standard (aljabi, 2019). other studies have been conducted by incorporating quality management to improve the performance of the leather industry (ghafoor et al., 2012). moreover, research on supply chain management and environmental management in the leather industry is extensive (guercini and woodside, 2012; gupta and racherla, 2018; moktadir et al., 2018; wahga et al., 2018; dwivedi et al., 2019; koppiahraj et al., 2019). shah et al. (2019) have attempted to improve performance by integrating quality and environmental management, but not in the leather sector. therefore, quality and the environment are the most important criteria to demonstrate in order to enter and survive in international markets. as stated in the preceding subsection, halal and thoyyib encompass both quality and environmental concerns. next, a literature review is required to comprehend the halal standards for leather. a muslim entrepreneur's basic principle should be to maintain a halal business. mahyarni et al. (2018) summarized in their papers the teachings of the prophet muhammad regarding business ethics in islam, which forbid the selling of impure animals such as pigs. the following is a summary of the halal standards for leather: 1) standard for materials: animal dead skin, including ma'kul al-lahm (meat can be eaten) and ghair ma'kul al-lahm (meat should not be eaten), is allowable after being tanned, except for dogs, pigs, and others derived from both or one of them (majelis ulama indonesia, 2014). 2) standard for substances: any additives used in the tanning process or craft production must be halal. according to the list of reference materials with critical halal points and nurainun et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 808-824 811 substitutions of non-halal materials released by the national committee for sharia economy and finance (kneks) (jaswir et al., 2020); pepsin, which is usually used in the tanning process, is an enzyme of animals; glue, which is primarily used in the leather-crafting industry, may be made from animal bones. therefore, traceability for substances is crucial. 3) standard for production process: according to majelis ulama indonesia (2008), the entire production process, including warehousing and transportation, must be free of non-halal materials. the corrective action system for non-conformities, such as the cleaning procedure (samak) for production facilities if non-halal contamination occurs, must be available. driver for halal certification the basic motivation for halal implementation should be obedience to allah (kurniawati and savitri, 2020). there is faith and belief based on this fundamental principle that allah forbids certain things due to the risks involved. researchers have commonly classified the factors that motivate the implementation of halal certification into external and internal factors in the literature. ab talib et al. (2016) explained the three isomorphic pressures in implementing halal food certification, namely coercive isomorphism (regulatory pressure and business legitimacy), normative isomorphism (consumer pressure), and mimetic isomorphism (pressure to imitate the competitor’s best practice). even though external factors appear to be the primary reason for a company to implement halal certification, a review paper conducted by ab talib et al. (2015) revealed that halal certification implementation is primarily motivated by internal factors. this fits with what giyanti et al. (2020) found, which is that internal motivations are more important than external pressure when it comes to meeting halal requirements. regarding religious adherence, not all producers or manufacturers with halal certification operate according to this principle. the desire to win market competition takes precedence over the desire to keep the product in accordance with sharia requirements (ab talib et al., 2015). in fact, the quality of halal products has prompted the globalization of the halal market, which was previously dominated by muslims. as a result, the impact of halal certification on product quality is the primary driver of rising awareness of halal products. this is supported by the findings of ab talib et al. (2015), which found that production safety and quality were the primary motivators for food companies to implement halal certification. as might be expected, today's businesses are well-versed in halal certification. various studies conducted separate, in-depth investigations on internal motivations or external pressures, examining the relationship between the influencing factor and halal implementation. drawing from a study by othman et al. (2017) that focuses on the effect of human factors related to halal certification on organizational performance, knowledge of halal food is the most powerful factor for increasing performance. human factors are also critical in determining the successful implementation of quality certification (kafetzopoulos et al., 2013). therefore, human factors, as the internal drivers of halal certification, with a focus on knowledge and awareness in this research, are highly important factors that need to be maintained in halal implementation. halal knowledge and awareness within organization the growing muslim population and non-muslim consumer trust in halal products demonstrate that global market knowledge and awareness of halal products are increasing over time. the high demand for halal products is driven by increasing muslim consumer awareness of halal products, a growing global muslim population, and the perception that the product is safe, hygienic, tasty, and wholesome (awan et al., 2015; ab talib et al., 2016). the halal industry has been steadily expanding in most countries with a large muslim population (suhartanto et al., 2020). this reality should ideally be followed by an increase in knowledge and awareness among producers and manufacturers in order for them to establish halal assurance systems in their businesses and obtain halal certification. nuratifah et al. (2019) classify halal knowledge into knowledge of halal concepts and knowledge of the halal assurance system (has). they concluded from the survey that it is important to balance knowledge and practices to achieve better quality and purity of the products. the level of knowledge and understanding of halal management systems directly affected firms’ performance. even though the research used a small number of samples to represent the nurainun et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 808-824 812 knowledge and practices of halal certification in sabah, malaysia, the findings are supported by othman et al. (2017), who used a larger number of samples and found that knowledge had the strongest impact on the firm’s performance improvement. however, the existence of a halal committee within an organization is a necessity to control the practices of halal management. according to m. h. hassan et al. (2015), halal standard implementation is mainly based on halal executives’ knowledge of islam rather than their knowledge of halal standards. this is not sufficient because halal executives must have specific knowledge of halal and not only rely on general islamic knowledge to guarantee the practices are performed efficiently (othman et al., 2017; nuratifah et al., 2019). halal awareness is a relative concept (vanany et al., 2020), whereas "level of awareness" means the level of consciousness that might be different from another’s (kurniawati and savitri, 2020). soesilowati (2010) stated that halal awareness is determined by religious education experiences. muslichah m. et al. (2020) agreed that halal awareness starts with understanding halal concepts and then performing them as behaviors to prioritize halal food to consume. they also stated that halal awareness is critical because not all halal food producers are muslim, and some are non-muslim. in other words, awareness can be improved through increased knowledge of halal. religious belief was identified as the most influential factor for halal awareness, with exposure being the least influential factor after religious belief, health reasons, and logo certification. however, ambali & bakar (2013) alleged that education would enable consumers to choose the proper product to consume. thus, emphasizing religious aspects in delivering halal information is the right process to improve the understanding of halal. prior to this point, the researcher has concentrated mostly on halal awareness, which influences customers' intentions to purchase halal products, rather than manufacturers' understanding of the necessity to provide halal goods. kurniawati & savitri (2020) investigated the level of halal awareness of indonesian consumers as the largest muslim country in the world. several findings showed that consumers’ purchase decisions are strongly influenced by halal awareness. muslichah m. et al. (2020) examined the moderating effect of religiosity on the relationship between halal awareness and purchase decisions. for consumers to be aware enough to buy halal products, they need to know enough about what makes a product halal. this is called "halal awareness." conversely, according to the results of research by jaiyeoba et al. (2020), halal awareness negatively influences consumers’ intentions to buy halal products. hence, halal awareness without knowledge of halal products does not guarantee purchasing halal products. in the context of manufacturers’ motivation to implement halal assurance systems, the internal awareness aspect is rarely discussed. giyanti et al. (2020) investigated the internal motives, namely product quality improvement, improving the image of sme, and improvement of processes, as predictors. according to a review of 50 journal articles on the motivations and limitations of implementing halal food certification conducted by ab talib et al. (2015), manufacturers' awareness of halal implementation was excluded from the major factors that motivate it. instead, the halal industry is a promising business, and for that reason, manufacturers need to increase the level of halal awareness and halal certification to create opportunities for winning competition among others and gaining a profitable income (tawil et al., 2015). 3. research methods research design this research attempted to explore the current knowledge and awareness among smes in the leather industry in indonesia on halal principles, as well as the current practices of the halal management system, using an exploratory-descriptive approach. a semi-structured interview was conducted first, followed by the administration of a survey questionnaire. to obtain a complete picture, the preliminary findings would be cross-checked with the survey results. the first stage was done by interviewing the head of the industry cluster community and the owner or manager of smes in the leather industry located in one of the leather industry centers in indonesia. the interview consists of three parts: identification of halal knowledge, particularly the halal requirements in producing non-food products; investigation of the industrial players’ awareness of the importance of halal implementation in their businesses; and the current practices of halal principles in their production activities. the anonymity of respondents was guaranteed in nurainun et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 808-824 813 order to encourage the participants to reveal the real facts. the second stage involved questionnaire development, a pilot study, and real data collection. the questionnaire was developed based on a literature review using the "adopt and adapt" technique. afterwards, compatible academics, halal experts, and practitioners evaluated the questionnaire using professional judgment to ensure that the questions were representative of the domain. the demographic of experts for content validity is depicted in table 1. table 1 demographic of experts for content validity. demographic variable sub-groups total experts’ field academic experts 4 halal certification auditors 2 owner/manager in leather sme 2 years of experience up to 10 3 11 – 20 4 over 20 1 the pilot study was carried out to assess the instrument's validity and reliability. following validation and reliability verifications, the questionnaire was distributed on site in order to assess the extent to which halal principles were being implemented. the questionnaire is divided into two sections: demographic and halal implementation. the questionnaire used a five-point likert scale ranging from 1 (not implemented) to 5 (fully implemented). using the triangulation of interview and survey results, researchers would then conclude with a comprehensive picture of the current level of knowledge and awareness of the halal requirements among the sme leather industries in a leather industry center in indonesia, as well as the extent to which these principles are implemented. sampling and data collection the sample in this research was drawn from two leather industry centers in indonesia, located in two provinces: yogyakarta and west java. the leather products from this particular area are the most popular leather crafts in indonesia, with high quality and competitive prices, and have penetrated the foreign market. the snowball sampling technique was employed during the interview. the interviewees included the head of a leather industry center and the owner of leather sme. there were four sme owners, who were willing to be interviewed by the researcher, but they asked to keep the company’s name and their identities private since the topic of discussion is sensitive. the interview subjects were coded in the manner depicted in table 2 to facilitate analysis. table 2 demographic of interviewee. interviewee code year of experience head of leather industry centre and sme’s owner a 48 sme’s owner 1 b1 29 sme’s owner 2 b2 15 sme’s owner 3 b3 34 sme’s owner 4 b4 15 the convenience sampling technique was chosen during the survey stage because the sample frame contained incomplete information. hence, a simple random sampling technique is difficult to implement. there were 127 responses out of 150 questionnaires usable for analysis. the respondents are owners or persons who know the business comprehensively. the demographic profile of the respondents is shown in table 3. the interview protocol consists of five stages: designing the interview questions, validating the interview questions, identifying the sample, contacting the respondents, and finally conducting the interview. the interview questions were designed under the framework of the general policy of halal haram by al-qardhawi (1978), which was referred to by othman et al. (2016); and the general guidelines of the halal assurance system by majelis ulama indonesia (2008). the interview questions are mapped to the respective factors and validated by experts. the questions were then revised based on experts’ feedback before the interview was conducted. the interviewee's response was divided into three parts. the interviewee's general knowledge of halal concepts, including the understanding of halal, the knowledge about the status of products made of impure animals or whether they are slaughtered in an islamic manner or not, and cleaning procedures for contamination incidents, was the starting point for the discussion. nurainun et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 808-824 814 table 3 demographic of respondents for survey questionnaire. demographic variables sub-groups total percentage number of employees < 25 116 91.34 25 – 50 8 6.30 51 – 75 3 2.36 76 – 100 0 0.00 years of operation < 5 22 17.32 5 – 10 51 40.16 11 – 15 14 11.02 16 – 20 20 15.75 > 21 20 15.75 type of industry leather tanning industry 18 14.17 leather goods/craft industry 109 85.83 sales and distribution domestic/indonesia 112 88.19 domestic and export 15 11.81 the second phase of the discussion tried to investigate their halal awareness and further find out how it influences their decision-making or production activities. the final stage is concerned with current leather production practices that are critical in determining halal status, including how they would handle non-conforming products if they occurred. the interview questions for each category can be seen in table 4. table 4 interview questions. categories interview questions knowledge on halal concepts 1. what is your understanding of halal leather? 2. do you think that impure animal skin is permissible to be processed into products? 3. do you think that leather products have to come from animals that are slaughtered in an islamic manner? 4. what is your understanding of the requirements of the tanning process that is taught in islam? 5. do you think it’s necessary to do cleaning procedures (samak) for contaminated tools or production facilities after contacting non-halal materials? awareness of halal 1. do you know if the materials in your products are halal? 2. are you aware of non-halal substances (additive materials) that might be used in the production process? 3. do you think that "free contamination" in raw material distribution is important? 4. do you think that "free contamination" for tools and production facilities is crucial? 5. are you willing to recall the products that have already been sold if nonconforming products are found in the production process? halal practices 1. how did you ensure that the raw materials conformed to islamic rules? 2. the fat liquoring process uses fat, oil, and other animal-based derivatives. how did you ensure that the substances came from a halal source? 3. how did you ensure that the raw materials were not contaminated with anything haram or najis? 4. have you ever mixed your manufacturing facilities with other processes that generate unclean or impure materials or products? 5. if you ever produced materials or products that were unclean or impure, did you clean the tools and production facilities following the procedure that is taught in islam? based on similar references, the instrument for the survey was also developed. the items in the questionnaire were revised based on content validity analysis using the content validity index (cvi) and comments from the experts. the questionnaire includes five variables: training and education, raw materials, production facility, traceability, and handling the non-conforming products. a pilot study was conducted to test the validity and reliability of the instrument. some items were revised or simplified before being distributed for real data collection 4. results and discussions results for qualitative stage after transcribing the interview that had been recorded, as shown in table 5, the data were coded. based on the answers of the respondents, the key ideas are summarized in themes and considered the findings of this research. table 6 shows the themes based on knowledge, awareness, and practices in leather production. nurainun et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 808-824 815 table 5 initial coding. interview transcript coding (a) by checking the pattern and size, we are able to determine what animal the leather belongs to. we ensure that any additives, such as glue, that are used are free of prohibited substances. halal knowledge: level of halal knowledge. (b1) if it is clear that cowhide or sheepskin is used, then it is improbable that it can be stated as haram; even in practice, mixing the material with prohibited skin is highly possible. (a) traditional tanning is obviously halal because it uses acacia tree powder and no chemical substances are used at all. (b4) we never ask if the animals are killed in an islamic way or not, because it's not important to us. (b1) i don’t think of halal or haram in terms of how it relates to the usage of tools or facilities. however, since we never use illegal materials, we are confident. (b2) we are predominantly muslim and adhere to religious law. even if some of the crafters are not muslims, they are aware of the rules. halal awareness: internal motivation (b4) i join the local religious community and learn about sharia. i once made crafts out of non-halal materials, but deep in my heart, i couldn't accept them since i knew they were against religious rules; therefore, i ended my collaboration. (a) dog skin is extremely high quality, particularly for jackets, but we no longer use it because the authorities have declared it illegal. halal awareness: external pressures. (b1) we've done it before (produced non-halal products), but it's been a long time, and the government prohibits it. (a) we recognize our suppliers and the materials they provide. halal practices: (b1) we may go straight to the suppliers and choose the material. business relationship. (b2) we purchase material from trusted suppliers; we are certain of the origin of the leather. we do not accept the offer of raw materials that are sold at extremely low prices to avoid problematic ones, such as non-halal skin, stolen skin, and so on. (b3) we recognize the suppliers very well. our product is halal; we are sure about it. if anyone offers leather at a very low price, i would be immediately suspicious. table 6 mapping the emerging themes. topic themes level of halal knowledge. knowledge of the halal standard for leather; knowledge of critical points in halal leather production. internal motivation. religiosity. external pressures. authority role. business relationship. supplier partnership. results for quantitative stage table 7 shows the quantitative results, which include the mean and standard deviation for each item. rejeb et al. (2022) say that training and education are the most important parts of human capital development because they help people learn more. the six items used to assess training and education related to halal principles and implementation had a mean score of 2.99±1.20 (maximum possible score is 5). this value fell into the poor category, which highlights the need for training and education in order to increase halal understanding among sme leather industry employees. table 7 descriptive statistics for halal practices factors item question description mean standard deviation training and education tr1 training to improve halal knowledge. 3.031 1.177 tr2 training about non-halal leather material. 3.039 1.232 tr3 training to improve halal awareness. 3.299 1.269 nurainun et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 808-824 816 factors item question description mean standard deviation tr4 education on the halal critical point. 2.921 1.227 tr5 training about traceability. 2.528 1.078 tr6 training is given to top management or managerial staff. 3.150 1.230 raw material rm1 purchasing halal materials and substances. 3.291 1.299 rm2 purchased material and substances that are free of contamination by non-halal material. 3.449 1.504 rm3 well-documented for purchased materials and substances. 3.331 1.094 rm4 free contamination of non-halal material in the warehouse. 3.047 1.510 rm5 communication about halal requirements to the suppliers. 2.913 1.414 rm6 statement about halal requirements in procurement procedures. 2.433 1.181 production facilities pf1 sanitary facilities are available. 3.244 1.530 pf2 production equipment is not made of impure material. 3.236 1.534 pf3 the production line should only be used for halal material. 3.181 1.564 pf4 no cross-contamination for interchanged production facilities (halal to non-halal material and vice versa). 3.150 1.627 pf5 separate equipment washing area for any equipment that has come into contact with non-halal material. 2.913 1.527 traceability ta1 there is a written traceability procedure in place to ensure that the products are made from approved materials. 3.173 1.398 ta2 written procedure on traceability to guarantee the products made in facilities that fulfil the criteria of halal production facilities. 2.457 1.297 ta3 halal-related documents are available and up-to-date. 2.457 1.266 ta4 mechanisms to trace back the information about materials and substances used. 2.551 1.326 ta5 evidence of product traceability. 2.567 1.349 ta6 top management's awareness of traceability. 2.276 1.302 handling the nonconforming products nc1 responsibility for the non-conforming products. 3.591 1.030 nc2 written procedure to handle the non-conforming products related to material. 2.339 1.281 nc3 written procedure to handle the non-conforming products related to facilities. 2.354 1.289 nc4 quick action in handling the non-conforming products that are found in the production process. 3.622 1.034 nc5 willingness to recall the products that are confirmed as non-halal. 3.000 1.230 nc6 evidence of handling non-conforming products (if they occur). 2.268 1.270 six criteria were used to determine how much halal principles are used in purchasing decisions. overall, the mean score for this variable was 3.08±1.33 which can be concluded as moderate. the mean score for production facilities was 3.14±1.56, indicating that the majority of respondents demonstrated a moderate level of implementation. meanwhile, according to descriptive statistics for traceability, the level of implementation of traceability seems low. finally, the handling of non-conforming products was assessed, with this variable attempting to assess sme leather industry players' commitment to handle if non-conforming products are discovered in the future. based on the average score, it was found that the willingness of leather smes’ players to handle the non-conformance products was still at a low level (2.86±1.19). discussion on knowledge of the halal standard for leather nurainun et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 808-824 817 in indonesia, the requirement for halal certificates has now entered the second stage with the implementation of halal certification for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and consumer goods. the implementation of halal certification for these categories is expected to be completed in 2026. it means that after 2026, products without a halal label will be prohibited from being circulated or traded in indonesia. the people who work in these fields should already know about halal standards and halal certification. concerning the halal standard, it is clear from the explanations of five participants in the interview session that their understanding of halal for leather products is limited to the types of animals used as material. they believe that leather-based products are halal if the leather is derived from halal animals. this finding is supported by the results of the quantitative phase. based on the results, training and education on halal principles and practices were very limited. according to the respondents’ responses in the interview session, they tend to wait until the government invites them to participate in training rather than initiating it in the form of a human resource development program. a shortage of funds is one of the main reasons for the inadequate level of training. therefore, it is reasonable if the smes’ players have very limited knowledge associated with halal, particularly the halal critical points and traceability. according to the fatwa of the indonesian ulama council (mui) no. 56 year 2014, there are some requirements to meet for halal leather products, which are materials that come from permissible animals (including the slaughtering process) and are tanned correctly until the mucus and rancid smell of skin are removed. halal certification for slaughter results and services has already been initiated and is expected to be completed in 2024. even so, standardization for tanning does not appear to have been communicated to players in the leather industry in indonesia, particularly smes. if industrial players are knowledgeable about halal standards for leather products, the certification process through the government's "self-declare" program can be accelerated. therefore, improving knowledge of the halal standard for leather is critical for leather sme players before embarking on the halal certification process. discussion on knowledge of critical points in halal leather production prior to 1975, the head of the leather industry center admitted that dog's skin was used as a material in the production of leather jackets. he claimed that the best materials for a leather jacket are dog skin and the skin of dead calves within the cow during birth. he also confirmed that, in the past, the leather craftsmen made the leather products using predatory animals’ skins following the customers’ orders. currently, all leather smes in that area, which are supervised by the management of the leather industry center, avoid using the prohibited raw materials. according to general guidelines for halal (majelis ulama indonesia, 2008), halal assessment comprehensively covers all aspects, from purchasing raw materials, distribution, warehousing, tools and facilities, cleaning procedures, and traceability. meanwhile, the majority of leather industry players merely define the halal standard for leather-based products, which mainly depends on the general knowledge that materials should come from halal animals. the survey results showed a low level of training and education, a lack of knowledge about production and sanitary facilities that should be free of contamination by non-halal materials, a lack of knowledge about traceability, and a low response rate for non-conforming products, indicating a low level of knowledge about halal principles in the leather business, particularly among smes. there are two main critical points for leather, namely the type of animal and the tanning process (jaswir et al., 2020). the following are the critical points of leather products, according to the fatwa of the indonesian ulama council (mui) no. 56, 2014: leather comes from halal animals that are slaughtered in an islamic manner; leather comes from animals whose meat should not be eaten (ghair ma'kul al-lahm) if it has been processed through the correct tanning procedure; and the most important is that the leather does not contain dogs, pigs, or derivatives of those impure animals or be contaminated by those impure animals. based on the interview results, the sme leather industry players are not too aware of the additives used in their products. as long as they use halal animals, they believe that the products are halal. they also tried to convince us that the possibility of using non-halal substances as additives in the tanning process is small because they use materials that come from plants. this is insufficient because many additional materials are used during the tanning process and craft-making. thereby, it is critical to ensure that all nurainun et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 808-824 818 additional materials used are free of non-halal materials. despite this, the traditional tanning method they employ takes a long time (approximately three months) to produce the best quality results. in fact, they frequently shorten to half their original duration, affecting the leather's smell. as mentioned in fatwa of the indonesian ulama council (mui) no. 56 (2014), incorrect tanning processes that produce a rancid smell in leather do not comply with the halal requirements of leather. on the other hand, tejaningrum (2019) explained that traditional leather tanning practices used by smes cannot reduce fat levels on the skin, which causes the skin to rot more quickly and contain bacteria. another important aspect that is critical in determining the halal status is the contamination of non-halal materials. according to the explanation from respondents in the interview session, they guarantee that all of the products are made using permissible raw materials, but none of the participants are conscious of the need to do samak procedures (cleaning) for tools and facilities that have come into contact with najis (impure) materials. they mentioned earlier that they have produced leather products made of prohibited animal skin, but they also admitted that they never follow the cleaning procedure according to islamic teachings. in order to make smes in the leather industry more aware of halal, it is important to share information about halal-critical points during the production and cleaning of leather. discussion on religiosity religiosity is defined as "the strong belief in religion" (khan et al., 2019) which direct someone to have sensitivity in ensuring the lawfulness of the products (muslichah m. et al., 2020). available studies showed that religiosity strongly shapes customer behavior in the purchase decision of halal products. parvin hosseini et al. (2019) found that the high level of religiosity increases muslim consumers' propensity to pay more for halal-certified food products. this result is consistent with the finding of abd rahman et al. (2015) and handriana et al. (2021), that examined the relationship between religiosity and attitude of consumers for halal cosmetics. thus, a person's religiosity will determine the product that will be chosen, whether it be food or consumer goods. as product consumption decisions entail religiosity, producers' vigilance in avoiding haram is strongly influenced by their faith and beliefs as well. if previous research indicates that consumers are willing to pay more for halal products, it becomes very interesting to investigate the role of religiosity in motivating producers to invest more in halal products. suhartanto et al. (2020) answered this by their findings that religiosity not only affects satisfaction and loyalty but also the quality of halal products. the explanation for these results is that religious individuals view quality and halal as unitary characteristics of a product. in other words, the positive perception of religious consumers toward halal products encourages producers to commit to producing high-quality halal products. surprisingly, a research by silalahi et al. (2022) found that customer demand and competition intensity are not the main factors that encourage halal implementation. this research showed that religiosity is one of the factors that significantly influence the producers to adopt halal practices. regardless, previous research have proven that religiosity is essential from both consumers and producers’ perspective. supported by the finding of the current research, despite having a limited comprehension of halal criteria, players in the leather industry appear to have a strong intent to acquire the appropriate material in accordance with islamic law. abd rahman et al. (2015) found that religiosity has impact on consumers’ attitude while knowledge does not influence the purchase decision. therefore, religiosity play important role in governing an individual behavior, as evidenced by the fact that some smes in the leather industry perceive providing halal products to consumers as an act of obedience to allah. the quantitative results indicate that the respondents are very careful in procuring the materials. this research focus on level of faith and obedience of leather industry players as producer to meet halal requirements for leather production. the findings of this research suggest that smes in the leather industry should strengthen the value of products by striving to put islamic rule as a priority along the process and create an image of quality in the halal products. moreover, government involvement is urgently required in efforts to increase halal knowledge so that religiosity will grow through the implementation of relevant programs. nurainun et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 808-824 819 discussion on authority role according to prior research stated that halal awareness implies a depth of halal understanding (soesilowati, 2010; muslichah m. et al., 2020). this research found that the leather sme players in indonesia seem to have a low level of halal awareness. one of the respondents confessed that meeting halal requirements is mainly an act of obedience to authority. since the local government banned the use of prohibited raw materials for leather products, they stopped using it. the interviewee admitted that if government pressure did not exist, they would keep receiving orders of non-halal leather products from customers. but, this statement cannot be generalized to all sme players since the survey results showed that the majority of respondents have a willingness to purchase halal materials. smes in indonesia have common characteristics that are highly influenced by external factors (nugroho, 2015). one of important factor is government support e.g. technical support or guidance. silalahi et al. (2022) stated that government support significantly influences the intention to adopt halal practices. they explained that supportive action from the government could be in the form of conveying religious values in the halal campaign, providing incentives and subsidies in the halal certification process, promoting halal, and educating consumers about halal certificated products. the primary obstacle to the implementation of halal among leather industries in indonesia is that government policy regarding halal has not been adequately communicated. therefore, leather industry players have limited knowledge of halal principles, halal policy, and procedures of halal certification. meanwhile, othman et al. (2017) discovered that the sensitivity of the halal industry to government policy can impact organizational performance. hence, the first urgent step for the government to take is to introduce the regulation and then facilitate the smes with education, training, and other programs and supports. in addition, the leather sme players have a strong relationship with the local government, making it simpler for the authority to carry out the halal certification program. discussion on supplier partnership according to the interview session and survey results, the majority of participants do not understand traceability, but they regularly demand halal raw materials from trusted suppliers by making repetitive purchases. this purchasing pattern has the advantage of making it easier to trace back the source of the materials if they come across a non-conforming raw material. one of the participants explained that they can usually tell what animal the leather sheet came from. this skill is important to screen the purchased leather. however, relying solely on the halal material aspect is insufficient to determine a product's halal status; other factors must be considered. as traceability is not really considered in leather production, the cleaning process is done without considering the usage of tools or facilities that have come into contact with non-halal materials. cleaning procedures according to islamic teaching (samak) are essential in case nonconforming materials or processes occur in the future, but none of the interviewees have knowledge about them. survey results showed that even though the sme leather industries intend to use halal material into their products, the need to comply with halal requirements and procurement procedures is not communicated with suppliers. su and gargeya (2016) stated that a well-defined and effectively communicated set of criteria for selecting and evaluating suppliers is a crucial strategy that can help businesses enhance their manufacturing and/or service performance. since choosing a qualified supplier by ensuring halal certification for the leather industry in the current situation is nearly impossible, communication and a declaration letter from suppliers to guarantee halal substances are crucial. furthermore, smes in the leather industry need to learn more about traceability, keep track of the history of their purchases, and set up a traceability mechanism in order to get halal certification. in order to encourage cooperation and participation of the suppliers, the role of authority can be initiated by educating the suppliers about halal certification and providing more training sessions to help them understand the importance of supplying halal material for the leather industry, as suggested by ngah et al. (2015). action plans recommendation for stakeholders as discussed in the beginning of this article, the implementation of halal in the indonesian leather industry raises a number of issues. first, it is unclear to what extent halal principles have nurainun et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 808-824 820 been implemented in the leather industry. according to this investigation, the rate of halal implementation in the indonesian leather industry is still very low. this is primarily due to a lack of understanding of halal standards and inadequate knowledge of the significance of halal implementation in leather production processes. training and education programs, notably those provided by the government, can solve this issue. second, the production process is still conducted in a traditional manner, with no regard for the halal standards that must be adhered to. supporting the preparation of sop, particularly for halal critical points in the leather industry, requires the participation of the government. for smes to obtain halal certification, the government must also provide financial support. the government's appropriate programs will accelerate the emergence of the halal industry in indonesia, particularly the leather industry. third, there is the potential use of non-halal materials and additives. to maintain halal integration along the supply chain of leather production, cooperation from all stakeholders, particularly suppliers, is required, as are government regulations which encourage the compliance of halal requirements by industry players. therefore, the role of the government is vital to initiate awareness of halal implementation among industrial actors. an intensive approach from the government will foster the consciousness and active participation of industry actors to start implementing halal principles in their production processes. the implementation of the halal system in the industry will be successful with the support of all parties. according to interview and survey results, there are three main actors that primarily concern themselves with halal certification implementation: smes, the government, and suppliers. by considering the current level of knowledge, awareness, and implementation of halal principles among sme leather industries, there are some priority actions that need to be performed by stakeholders to accelerate halal certification in sme leather industries in indonesia. the action plans are recommended in figure 1. fig 1. stakeholders and associated action plans for halal practices 5. conclusion the results of this research show that leather smes in indonesia still know very little about halal practices and do not follow them. most of them only look at what kind of animal is used to make the leather to decide if it is halal or not. this obviously misinterpreted their perceptions in determining the halal status of leather products. on this level of knowledge, it is no wonder if the leather sme players react in a negative way to the halal enactment. besides, the owner of leather sme, perhaps a non-muslim, needs to know more about the urgency of complying with halal principles in leather production. the government also needs to communicate the guidelines of the nurainun et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 808-824 821 halal assurance system for the leather industry, which encompasses the critical points of distribution, warehousing, tools and facilities, cleaning procedures, and traceability. lack of knowledge has a direct impact on leather sme players' awareness of halal certification implementation. the prior research proved that internal awareness influences the success of halal implementation. but, without improving halal knowledge, halal awareness will be difficult to achieve. therefore, it is primarily necessary to increase halal knowledge to evoke awareness about the importance of implementing halal principles. finally, the role of authority is significant in both enhancing knowledge and raising awareness among leather sme players. the findings of this research are limited to the leather industry in the context of small and medium enterprises. further research could look into this quantitatively in a wider range of samples or different asian country. this study found the internal and external factors that affect halal awareness, but it did not look into how the factors are related to each other. however, the findings of this research contribute to assisting the players in the leather industry about the primary step towards halal certification and showing the authority the crucial factors that needed to be considered in designing the halal program for the leather industry, particularly smes in indonesia. references ab talib, m. s., abdul hamid, a. b., & ai chin, t. 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that it can reach many plants. to facilitate the watering of plants when farmers leave the city on agricultural land and know the level of soil moisture periodically, an automatic watering device based on iot notification is made using the arduino uno microcontroller. the whole tool is divided into several parts which consist of smartphone, esp, arduino uno revision three microcontroller, soil moisture, relay module, and pump. this tool works when the esp module connects to the internet, from esp then to siol moisture sensor if the level of moisture in the soil is detected below 70%, then provide information to the arduiono microcontroller to provide information on the humidity level to the lcd and the website as well as watering orders for plants. from the microcontroller then to the relay module to turn on the water pump. after the pump is running, the automation of the soil mositure sensor re-detects the soil moisture level, if it is above 70% then gives it again to the arduino microcontroller to give the command to turn off the pump. the results of the research show that esp can communicate well with arduino uno when it’s connected to the internet. keywords: internet of things, arduino uno, humidity soil moisture sensor, esp, relay. 1. introduction at this time information technology is something that cannot be negotiated anymore(ordila et al., 2020). information technology is believed to be a means of change to gain convenience in activities of daily life and has a vital role in all fields, one of which is agriculture. so by making good use of technological information, agriculture in indonesia will be more advanced(qiang et al., 2011). pemuri is an organization spearheaded by riau youths who care about current agricultural conditions. pemuri is a concrete step for the role of youth in supporting agricultural development. young riau farmers have about 2 hectares of land on jalan sialang butut, saa agrotourism, tenayan raya district (28131) where several types of crops are planted on this land, namely: corn, red chilli, cayenne pepper, cucumber. chili is a plant that does not grow well in the dry season where there is not much water stagnating and the air is not too humid(mulyono et al., 2019). the moisture level in this red chili plant is around 65 -70%(susilawati et al., 2022). caring for chili plants besides fertilizing is proper watering(ichwanudin, 2017). watering is sometimes carried out regularly, but punctuality and humidity are not noticed by chili plant keepers(maftu’ah et al., 2019). moreover, if the plant keeper has other activities, the watering of the plants will be increasingly irregular(yang et al., 2018). one of the manual watering methods that is often used is to water with water through a water hose, then attach the end of the hose to a water spinner that allows it to rotate the water so that it can reach many plants(gómez-chabla et al., 2019). but this method is also less effective, because we can't tell how much water has been splashed. as a result, if too much water is splashed, the moisture in the soil will be even higher(madushanki et al., 2019). from these problems, the authors are moved to contribute to the community by making an iot notification-based automatic chili plant watering tool using an arduino microcontroller to help farmers or chili plant maintainers in watering agricultural land(rayhana et al., 2020). irawan et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 77-83 78 research conducted by (jacquline,2017) by title design of sensor and microcontroller based automatic plant sprinkler. if the sensor detects that the water content in the soil is already in a humid condition, then the sensor sends a signal to the microcontroller to be able to deactivate the relay and solenoid valve and stop the watering function. this automatic tool can be used to assist the work of watering plants based on the sensor detection results regarding the moisture content in the soil(waworundeng et al., 2017). research conducted by (erricson z, 2018) by design and construction of plant waters based on arduino uno using yl-39 and yl-69 humidity sensors. this research was conducted by designing a structure that can water plants using the yl-69 soil moisture sensor which is controlled by arduino uno and instructed to android to display the soil moisture value according to soil ph. the plant sprinkler system that has been made can water the plants automatically. android will receive and display the value of the soil condition whether dry, moist or wet according to the readings from the soil moisture sensor(zet kafiar et al., 2018). research conducted by (aziz musthafa, 2018) by title design and build a watering control system for shallots in a greenhouse using a smartphone. in this research, we will combine microcontroller technology in agriculture. the trial results prove that the control system can help the performance of farmers or greenhouse management officers in controlling the watering of the plants they plant in the greenhouse. so that remote managers can water the plants in the greenhouse(musthafa et al., 2018). 2. methodology the method in implementing this research consists of the following stages: a. requirement definition here the researchers collected complete data in the form of soil moisture levels for chili plants at 70%, then analyzed and defined the needs to be used for development, namely doing automatic plant watering with a soil moisture sensor using the arduino r3 microcontroller (revision 3) based on iot notifications. this is very important because it can help farmers when they are out of town(siva et al., 2019). b. system and software design in this stage the researcher describes the design of the system to be built in accordance with the data analysis carried out, namely when the dry plants are below 70%, this plant watering tool automatically sends information to the web and lcd that the plants are dry, then the pump automatically starts, and when the plant humidity is above. 70% then the pump automatically shuts down and sends periodic soil moisture level information to the web. at the previous stage. in modeling the system, researchers use procedural concepts(wahyuni et al., 2021). c. encoding the program design in the previous stage was translated into codes using a programming language. in this system the programming language used is c ++ using the arduino ide software. d. testing in this stage, the modules that have been made are combined and tested to find out whether the system that has been built is in accordance with the design and whether there are still errors or not. testing using the black box is testing carried out directly by the user. 3. results and discussions hardware design hardware design is a design or a series of tools used to build a prototype of an automatic chili plant watering tool based on iot notifications using the arduino uno microcontroller(prasojo et al., 2020). whole set of hardware configurations the picture below is a whole series of automatic chili plant watering tools based on iot notifications using an arduino microcontroller. irawan et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 77-83 79 fig.1. the series of the entire hardware configuration arduino microcontroller circuit with moisture soil sensor this moisture soil sensor functions as a moisture level detector which is connected to the arduino microcontroller so that it can regularly detect soil moisture levels on agricultural land belonging to pemuri members. fig. 2. arduino microcontroller circuit with soil moisture sensor arduino microcontroller circuit with a 12 volt pump this pump functions as a tool to draw water which is connected to the arduino microcontroller so that it can water the chili plants. fig. 3. arduino microcontroller circuit with a 12 volt pump irawan et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 77-83 80 arduino microcontroller circuit with lcd module this lcd module functions as a medium for providing information which is connected to the arduino microcontroller so that it can provide information about the soil moisture level periodically that is attached to the sensor. fig. 4. arduino microcontroller circuit with lcd module arduino uno microcontroller circuit with esp8266-01s module this esp8266-01s module functions as an internet network connector which is connected to the arduino microcontroller in order to send periodic soil moisture level data to the website. fig. 5. arduino microcontroller circuit with esp8266-01s module implementation of the iot notification-based plant sprinkler device. implementation is one of the stages in system development, this stage is the stage of placing an automatic plant watering tool on the chilli farm belonging to pemuri members. iot notification display on this tool can be seen in figure 6 below: irawan et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 77-83 81 fig. 6. implementation of automatic plant watering hardware. system testing testing the system of an automatic chili plant watering device based on iot notifications using an arduino microcontroller can be done in steps as follows : 1. connect the source of pln electricity to the electrical power control hardware circuit. 2. after that the plant watering tool will turn on like its supporting devices, namely arduino uno, dc motor, power supply, and its relay circuit. fig. 7. system devices automatic plant watering test this test is done by reading the soil moisture sensor. so that when the plant is below 70%, the pump will automatically start and if it is above 70%, the pump will automatically shut down. table 1 automatic plant watering test no testing scenarios expected results test result 1 installing sensor of soil moisture data sensor soil moisture show at lcd successful 2 installing a soil moisture sensor the water pump will flush automatically and display soil moisture conditions on the lcd and website successful 3 soil moisture sensor is placed in moist soil displays soil moisture conditions in the form (%) on the lcd and website successful 4 soil moisture sensor is placed in the soil of the chili plant in wet conditions the water pump is not active and displays soil moisture conditions in the form (%) on the lcd and website successful 5. conclusion based on the results of the analysis, design and implementation that has been done. so several conclusions can be drawn including the following: this automatic chili plant watering tool uses a soil moisture sensor that watering chili plants automatically based on iot notifications. irawan et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 77-83 82 this automatic chili plant watering tool can make it easier for farmers to do automatic plant watering. the head and members of pemuri farmers can easily monitor the soil moisture level regularly through the website references gómez-chabla, r., real-avilés, k., morán, c., grijalva, p., & recalde, t. (2019). iot applications in agriculture: a systematic literature review. advances in intelligent systems and computing, 901, 68–76. ichwanudin, i. (2017). kajian dampak sanitasi total berbasis masyarakat terhadap akses sanitasi di kabupaten wonogiri. jurnal kesehatan lingkungan indonesia, 15(2), 46. madushanki, a. a. r., halgamuge, m. n., wirasagoda, w. a. h. s., & syed, a. (2019). adoption of the internet of things (iot) in agriculture and smart farming towards urban greening: a review. international journal of advanced computer science and applications, 10(4), 11– 28. maftu’ah, e., susilawati, a., & hayati, a. (2019). effectiveness of ameliorant and fertilizer on improving soil fertility, growth and yields of red chili in degraded peatland. iop conference series: earth and environmental science, 393(1). mulyono, d., hilman, y., sastro, y., & setiani, r. (2019). various cropping patterns of chili and shallot crops as land intensification program in some production centers. iop conference series: earth and environmental science, 399(1). musthafa, a., utama, s. n., & harmini, t. (2018). rancang bangun sistem kontrol penyiraman tanaman bawang merah pada greenhouse menggunakan smartphone. seminar nasional teknik elektro, 195–198. ordila, r., wahyuni, r., irawan, y., & sari, m. y. (2020). penerapan data mining untuk pengelompokan data rekam medis pasien berdasarkan jenis penyakit dengan algoritma clustering …. jurnal ilmu komputer, 9(2), 148–153. prasojo, i., maseleno, a., tanane, o., & shahu, n. (2020). design of automatic watering system based on arduino. journal of robotics and control (jrc), 1(2), 55–58. qiang, c. z., kuek, s. c., dymond, a., & esselaar, s. (2011). mobile applications for agriculture and rural development. december. rayhana, r., xiao, g., & liu, z. (2020). internet of things empowered smart greenhouse farming. ieee journal of radio frequency identification, 4(3), 195–211. siva, k. n., raj kumar, g., bagubali, a., & krishnan, k. v. (2019). smart watering of plants. proceedings international conference on vision towards emerging trends in communication and networking, vitecon 2019, march 2019. susilawati, irmawati, ammar, m., harun, m. u., syukur, m., bastoni, & novitasari. (2022). growth and yield of several red chilli (capsicum annuum l.) peat-strains on peat soil. iop conference series: earth and environmental science, 995(1), 012049. wahyuni, r., rickyta, a., rahmalisa, u., & irawan, y. (2021). home security alarm using wemos d1 and hc-sr501 sensor based telegram notification. journal of robotics and control (jrc), 2(3), 200–204. waworundeng, j. m. s., chandra suseno, n., & manaha, r. r. y. (2017). perancangan alat penyiram tanaman otomatis berbasis sensor dan mikrokontroler. seminar nasional multi disiplin ilmu, 1(november), 241–247. yang, h., liu, h., zheng, j., & huang, q. (2018). effects of regulated deficit irrigation on yield and water productivity of chili pepper (capsicum annuum l.) in the arid environment of northwest china. irrigation science, 36(1), 61–74. irawan et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 77-83 83 0566-4 zet kafiar, e., kendek allo, e., & j. mamahit, d. (2018). rancang bangun penyiram tanaman berbasis arduino uno menggunakan sensor. jurnal teknik elektro dan komputer, 7(3). automatic chili plant watering based on internet of things (iot) yuda irawan1, eka sabna2, ahmad fauzan azim3, refni wahyuni4, naima belarbi5, mbunwe muncho josephine6 universitas hang tuah pekanbaru, indonesia1, 2, 3, 4 faculté des sciences ben m’sick, casablanca, marocco5 university of nigeria nsukka, nigeria6 received : 28 november 2022, revised: 10 may 2022 , accepted : 11 june 2022 *coressponding author abstract watering plants that are carried out by farmers on the land of thieves is still manual using human power, manual watering what is often used is to water with water through a water hose then the end of the hose is fitted with a water rotating device th... keywords: internet of things, arduino uno, humidity soil moisture sensor, esp, relay. 1. introduction at this time information technology is something that cannot be negotiated anymore(ordila et al., 2020). information technology is believed to be a means of change to gain convenience in activities of daily life and has a vital role in all fields, one... young riau farmers have about 2 hectares of land on jalan sialang butut, saa agro-tourism, tenayan raya district (28131) where several types of crops are planted on this land, namely: corn, red chilli, cayenne pepper, cucumber. chili is a plant that d... one of the manual watering methods that is often used is to water with water through a water hose, then attach the end of the hose to a water spinner that allows it to rotate the water so that it can reach many plants(gómez-chabla et al., 2019). but t... research conducted by (jacquline,2017) by title design of sensor and microcontroller based automatic plant sprinkler. if the sensor detects that the water content in the soil is already in a humid condition, then the sensor sends a signal to the micro... research conducted by (erricson z, 2018) by design and construction of plant waters based on arduino uno using yl-39 and yl-69 humidity sensors. this research was conducted by designing a structure that can water plants using the yl-69 soil moisture s... research conducted by (aziz musthafa, 2018) by title design and build a watering control system for shallots in a greenhouse using a smartphone. in this research, we will combine microcontroller technology in agriculture. the trial results prove that ... 2. methodology the method in implementing this research consists of the following stages: a. requirement definition here the researchers collected complete data in the form of soil moisture levels for chili plants at 70%, then analyzed and defined the needs to be used for development, namely doing automatic plant watering with a soil moisture sensor using the ardui... b. system and software design in this stage the researcher describes the design of the system to be built in accordance with the data analysis carried out, namely when the dry plants are below 70%, this plant watering tool automatically sends information to the web and lcd that th... c. encoding the program design in the previous stage was translated into codes using a programming language. in this system the programming language used is c ++ using the arduino ide software. d. testing in this stage, the modules that have been made are combined and tested to find out whether the system that has been built is in accordance with the design and whether there are still errors or not. testing using the black box is testing carried out di... 3. results and discussions hardware design hardware design is a design or a series of tools used to build a prototype of an automatic chili plant watering tool based on iot notifications using the arduino uno microcontroller(prasojo et al., 2020). whole set of hardware configurations the picture below is a whole series of automatic chili plant watering tools based on iot notifications using an arduino microcontroller. fig.1. the series of the entire hardware configuration arduino microcontroller circuit with moisture soil sensor this moisture soil sensor functions as a moisture level detector which is connected to the arduino microcontroller so that it can regularly detect soil moisture levels on agricultural land belonging to pemuri members. fig. 2. arduino microcontroller circuit with soil moisture sensor arduino microcontroller circuit with a 12 volt pump this pump functions as a tool to draw water which is connected to the arduino microcontroller so that it can water the chili plants. fig. 3. arduino microcontroller circuit with a 12 volt pump arduino microcontroller circuit with lcd module this lcd module functions as a medium for providing information which is connected to the arduino microcontroller so that it can provide information about the soil moisture level periodically that is attached to the sensor. fig. 4. arduino microcontroller circuit with lcd module arduino uno microcontroller circuit with esp8266-01s module this esp8266-01s module functions as an internet network connector which is connected to the arduino microcontroller in order to send periodic soil moisture level data to the website. fig. 5. arduino microcontroller circuit with esp8266-01s module implementation of the iot notification-based plant sprinkler device. implementation is one of the stages in system development, this stage is the stage of placing an automatic plant watering tool on the chilli farm belonging to pemuri members. iot notification display on this tool can be seen in figure 6 below: fig. 6. implementation of automatic plant watering hardware. system testing testing the system of an automatic chili plant watering device based on iot notifications using an arduino microcontroller can be done in steps as follows : fig. 7. system devices automatic plant watering test this test is done by reading the soil moisture sensor. so that when the plant is below 70%, the pump will automatically start and if it is above 70%, the pump will automatically shut down. table 1 automatic plant watering test 5. conclusion based on the results of the analysis, design and implementation that has been done. so several conclusions can be drawn including the following: this automatic chili plant watering tool uses a soil moisture sensor that watering chili plants automatica... references gómez-chabla, r., real-avilés, k., morán, c., grijalva, p., & recalde, t. (2019). iot applications in agriculture: a systematic literature review. advances in intelligent systems and computing, 901, 68–76. ichwanudin, i. (2017). kajian dampak sanitasi total berbasis masyarakat terhadap akses sanitasi di kabupaten wonogiri. jurnal kesehatan lingkungan indonesia, 15(2), 46. madushanki, a. a. r., halgamuge, m. n., wirasagoda, w. a. h. s., & syed, a. (2019). adoption of the internet of things (iot) in agriculture and smart farming towards urban greening: a review. international journal of advanced computer science and appl... maftu’ah, e., susilawati, a., & hayati, a. (2019). effectiveness of ameliorant and fertilizer on improving soil fertility, growth and yields of red chili in degraded peatland. iop conference series: earth and environmental science, 393(1). https://doi... mulyono, d., hilman, y., sastro, y., & setiani, r. (2019). various cropping patterns of chili and shallot crops as land intensification program in some production centers. iop conference series: earth and environmental science, 399(1). musthafa, a., utama, s. n., & harmini, t. (2018). rancang bangun sistem kontrol penyiraman tanaman bawang merah pada greenhouse menggunakan smartphone. seminar nasional teknik elektro, 195–198. ordila, r., wahyuni, r., irawan, y., & sari, m. y. (2020). penerapan data mining untuk pengelompokan data rekam medis pasien berdasarkan jenis penyakit dengan algoritma clustering …. jurnal ilmu komputer, 9(2), 148–153. prasojo, i., maseleno, a., tanane, o., & shahu, n. (2020). design of automatic watering system based on arduino. journal of robotics and control (jrc), 1(2), 55–58. qiang, c. z., kuek, s. c., dymond, a., & esselaar, s. (2011). mobile applications for agriculture and rural development. december. rayhana, r., xiao, g., & liu, z. (2020). internet of things empowered smart greenhouse farming. ieee journal of radio frequency identification, 4(3), 195–211. siva, k. n., raj kumar, g., bagubali, a., & krishnan, k. v. (2019). smart watering of plants. proceedings international conference on vision towards emerging trends in communication and networking, vitecon 2019, march 2019. susilawati, irmawati, ammar, m., harun, m. u., syukur, m., bastoni, & novitasari. (2022). growth and yield of several red chilli (capsicum annuum l.) peat-strains on peat soil. iop conference series: earth and environmental science, 995(1), 012049. ht... wahyuni, r., rickyta, a., rahmalisa, u., & irawan, y. (2021). home security alarm using wemos d1 and hc-sr501 sensor based telegram notification. journal of robotics and control (jrc), 2(3), 200–204. waworundeng, j. m. s., chandra suseno, n., & manaha, r. r. y. (2017). perancangan alat penyiram tanaman otomatis berbasis sensor dan mikrokontroler. seminar nasional multi disiplin ilmu, 1(november), 241–247. yang, h., liu, h., zheng, j., & huang, q. (2018). effects of regulated deficit irrigation on yield and water productivity of chili pepper (capsicum annuum l.) in the arid environment of northwest china. irrigation science, 36(1), 61–74. https://doi.or... zet kafiar, e., kendek allo, e., & j. mamahit, d. (2018). rancang bangun penyiram tanaman berbasis arduino uno menggunakan sensor. jurnal teknik elektro dan komputer, 7(3). journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 3(1) 2021 : 40-52 40 pekanbaru city livestock marketing with android-based applications yuvi darmayunata1*, latifa siswati2, anto aryanto3 universitas lancang kuning, indonesia123*,, received : 16 november 2021, revised: 31 december 2021 , accepted : 31 december 2021 *coresponding author abstract this research was conducted to provide solutions to cattle breeders in pekanbaru city, especially in rumbai district. cattle breeders always have difficulty selling cows due to middlemen and coupled with the pandemic period due to the covid 19 virus, thus making cattle sales decline every year. in increasing the sale of cattle during this pandemic is to use technology as a marketing solution. the technology used in the research is android based. with an android base, consumers and producers will be integrated with each other so that the buying and selling process becomes easier. the purpose of this study is to help cattle sellers in marketing cattle so that the buying and selling process becomes easy. the method used is unified modeling language (uml) in designing this system. the results show the success of designing applications for cattle sellers, applications can help farmers market their cattle, information about cattle prices to be compared in livestock groups can be seen so as to minimize fraud because buyers can directly see the price of the cattle. keywords: android, cattle marketing, covid 19 pandemic. 1. introduction along with the development of the digital era, internet access is increasingly accessible to the public. according to data released by the association of indonesian internet service providers, internet users have continued to grow since the 18th century. in 1998 internet users in indonesia were only 0.5 million people and increased to 132.7 million users in 2016. internet users who continue to grow increasingly increase the frequency of internet access (aprilia, et. al., 2018). the increasing population and changes in consumption patterns and people's tastes have caused the national consumption of beef to tend to increase. so far, the demand for beef in indonesia is met from three sources, namely: local cattle, imported cattle, and imported meat. the population of cattle in pekanbaru city is 4,555 heads (pekanbaru agriculture and fisheries statistics, 2019). so far, the marketing of cattle in pekanbaru is dominated by middlemen. farmers only raise cattle without thinking about marketing. the existence of intermediary traders in terms of breeders is very helpful when marketing their livestock and makes it easier for farmers to get cash when farmers need it(rohmawati & ramadhani, 2020; saravanan & saraniya, 2018). with technology the problems that when marketing cattle will be a solution to the problems above. the technology applied is in the form of an information system that is placed on the android platform(afandi, et. al., 2021). making this application is intended so that consumers and sellers of cattle can make buying and selling transactions. the system is equipped with a selection of cash or non-cash payment methods (transfers) that are tailored to the wishes of the buyers(subagyo & ardiansyah, 2020). so that at the time of payment transactions between buyers and sellers will be easier(gupta, et. al., 2018). as for the formulation of the problem in this study, namely: 1. how to make an android application that can market the cows. 2. how about the android application will make it easier for cattle farmers to market their livestock. based on the formulation of the existing problems, the objectives of this study are as follows: 1. helping consumers in purchasing cows 2. increase the income of cattle sellers darmayunata et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 40-52 41 2. literature review kotler says that there are five factors that cause why marketing is important including: 1) the number of products sold decreases, 2) the growth in company appearance also decreases, 3) the changes that consumers want, 4) the competition is getting sharper. , 5) too much expenses for the sale(kango, et. al., 2020). lole, et. al.,(2021) stated that at the inter-island merchant level, marketing costs are quite high, this is because the marketing chain is quite long. in other words, more and more marketing agencies are involved in transferring beef cattle products from farmers to farmers. marketing channels can be said as channels that are used either directly or indirectly to facilitate the transfer of a product that moves from the producer to the consumer(printezis & grebitus, 2018; karray, et. al., 2021). the marketing system for agricultural products, including beef cattle with a small or subsistence scale, is monopolistic and exploitative(ostaev, et. al., 2019; sharma & burark, 2019). hao, et. al., (2018) says that marketing channels are channels that are used either directly or indirectly to facilitate the selection of a product that moves from the producer to the consumer. inefficient/relatively long marketing channels cause losses for both farmers and consumers, because consumers are burdened with heavy marketing costs to pay high prices. meanwhile, for farmers, the income will be lower because the selling price received is much lower. the amount of the trading margin is determined by the size of the costs incurred and the risk borne by the trading system(zhang, et. al., 2020). the number of feeder cattle imports and beef imports needs to be controlled in such a way that the price of beef cattle at the farmer level remains attractive. with a fairly good price for live cattle, farmers will continue to be passionate about running a beef cattle business, both breeding/breeding businesses to produce cows (cow-calf) and fattening to produce meat (fattening). thus, the hope of achieving selfsufficiency in beef will be realized. recently, controlling imports of feeder cattle and beef has an impact on increasing the price of cattle at the producer level. the availability of an adequate animal market in terms of quantity and affordability by farmers, helps them a lot in marketing the cattle they produce. farmers generally market their cattle directly to available animal markets, only about 11.3 percent are still selling their cows through inter-island traders and inter-island traders, and even then more because they need urgent money and other emergencies(kitano, et. al., 2022). at least this fact has helped farmers a lot in getting a decent price level and shortening the trade chain from farmers to final consumers. rasda, et. al., (2021) stated that the distribution pattern of cattle in eco-friendly farmers' groups in barru regency in general is still long and involves many market players, resulting in a higher burden of marketing costs that become the burden of consumers. subagja (2005) explains that in traditional marketing distribution patterns long and disorganized will involve many market participants. the marketing channels are complicated and long, leading to an increase in marketing margins, which is an average of more than 50% of the price paid by consumers, resulting in low marketing efficiency. marketing strategy is one of the beginnings in order to introduce products to consumers and this will be very important because it will relate to the benefits that will be obtained by the company. marketing strategies will be optimally useful if they are supported by structured planning both internally and externally. there are too many consumers and diverse purchasing requirements, so instead of competing in all segments, companies need to identify market segments that can be served most effectively, namely by conducting segmentation research. philip kotler, et. al., (2021) explains that segmentation is an integral part of targeting and positioning. kotler abbreviated this relationship as stp (segmentation, targeting, and positioning). this process is part of the activity of creating and delivering value to consumers which in the end is to satisfy consumers(waluyo, et. al., 2018). goats are one of the animals that are in great demand by the public for religious ceremonies or consumption, the demand for goats increases at the time of eid al-adha for qurban purposes. to get goats, buyers look at the animal market which is only open 2 times a week. there are operational costs and brokers 3. research methods the method that we will apply is the face-to-face or direct method by providing training and using presentation slides, application modules and direct practice in using the information system. at the beginning of the meeting, the admins and existing cattle breeders will be given hands-on practice on the level of understanding of the cattle sales information system (sipepi). darmayunata et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 40-52 42 admin and cattle breeders will directly try the use and manage the system that has been running. there are two applications that will provide training to cattle farmers. the first is a web-based application, this application is for managing cow data, buyer data, sales data and reports, while the second is an android-based application to display images and prices of cattle on the android front page so that buyers are free to choose cattle that have been inputted by cattle farmers. the method of evaluating the achievement of targets is carried out at the beginning and end of the activity. this is to determine the level of knowledge of participants and receive input for improvement in subsequent activities. 4. results and discussions system analysis system analysis is done by identifying and evaluating the problems that occur, as well as what obstacles exist so that the system can be planned. this system analysis also aims to design and improve existing systems from manual to automatic. system design this stage is the stage after the system analysis is complete, so it can be continued by building an android-based cattle sales application. purpose of system design the purpose of the design is to build a system that will be more measurable and consistent so that the objectives of the research will be met. overview of the proposed system nowadays, the internet is a phenomenal thing and has become a primary thing in life. from the business side, the internet has become a necessity in marketing a product and has even become the most powerful promotional tool because of the speed of its spread. likewise, making the application for selling cows is expected to be a promotional tool in marketing cows from breeders in the district. tassel. the system will be made with several levels of access, namely admin, reseller/supplier and consumer levels. each level has different rights. orders made by consumers will be processed by the admin by contacting the reseller to prepare the order whether it is available or not. when consumers want to order beef, consumers must register first. table 1 software architecture category user assignment right main admin manage users and data create users and delete users view and delete data make payment transactions report reseller as a seller and supplier input cow data and prices delivery of cattle on request report consumen make orders and purchases make a payment receive orders e. proposed use case darmayunata et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 40-52 43 fig. 1. proposed use case f. activity diagrams the following is an activity diagram modeling for an android-based cattle sales application: 1) actors install android-based applications 2) after installation, the sipepi icon will appear on the smartphone 3) actors just click the sipepi icon, the page will immediately appear 4) the application will display a database query in accordance with the information data desired by the actor. 5) actors will see android based cattle sales application. 6) process ends h. system implementation fig.2. front page darmayunata et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 40-52 44 fig. 3. cow's selection page fig. 4. consumer page chooses cow darmayunata et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 40-52 45 fig. 5. the consumer page saves the message fig. 6. customer page successfully logged in darmayunata et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 40-52 46 fig. 7. order verification page fig. 8. payment confirmation page darmayunata et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 40-52 47 fig. 9. reseller login page fig. 10. payment confirmation page by reseller darmayunata et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 40-52 48 fig. 11. proof of payment page by consumers fig. 12. transaction details discussions in developing this android-based application, the research uses the web view method so that the application is exactly the same as the web-based application. in the current study, researchers will discuss the use of android-based applications by creating an instrument that contains questions about the use of android-based applications. darmayunata et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 40-52 49 table 2. recapitulation of android-based application questionnaire results against sellers no questions code answer score percentage ss s ks ts 1 is the application easy enough to use? p1 2 3 0 0 85 85 2 does it look attractive? p2 2 3 0 0 85 85 3 is the feature or menu complete? p3 3 2 0 0 90 90 4 is in the product settings easy to use? p4 3 2 0 0 90 90 5 is this useful in the process of selling livestock? p5 3 2 0 0 90 90 6 are all features working properly? p6 3 2 0 0 90 90 7 are the features complete? p7 3 2 0 0 90 90 8 is the use of the language applied easy to understand? p8 3 2 0 0 90 90 9 is the account setup easy to do? p9 3 2 0 0 90 90 10 is order arrangement easy to do? p10 3 2 0 0 90 90 average 89 based on the results of the questionnaire recapitulation from the seller, it can be concluded that the value of 89% is in the category of strongly agree. this shows that the androidbased application is useful for sellers to market their cattle globally. fig. 13. consumer questionnaire graph as a seller analysis of several respondents from online sellers can be concluded that online sellers state that there are no obstacles in using livestock sales applications, the appearance of the application looks attractive, online sellers know that livestock selling products only accept healthy and worthy livestock, if there are those who sell livestock that are less appropriate, it will be immediately contacted and informed by the livestock sales party then delete it from the livestock application. in addition, the menus in the livestock application do not make it difficult for online sellers, it feels easy and easy to use the livestock sales application(bruce, et. al., 2021). table 3 recapitulation of android-based application questionnaire results against buyer no questions code answer score percentage ss s ks ts 1 is the application easy enough to use? p1 10 12 0 0 76 76 2 does it look attractive? p2 7 15 0 0 73 73 3 is the feature or menu complete? p3 8 12 0 0 72 72 82% 83% 84% 85% 86% 87% 88% 89% 90% p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 livestock seller questionnaire chart darmayunata et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 40-52 50 4 is in the product settings easy to use? p4 6 16 0 0 72 72 5 is this useful in the process of selling livestock? p5 10 10 0 0 74 74 6 are all features working properly? p6 6 16 0 0 72 72 7 are the features complete? p7 8 12 0 0 72 72 8 is the use of the language applied easy to understand? p8 11 9 0 0 75 75 9 is the account setup easy to do? p9 8 12 0 0 72 72 10 is order arrangement easy to do? p10 12 10 0 0 78 76 average 73.6 fig. 14. consumer questionnaire graph as a buyer analysis of the questionnaire to consumers that the design of an android-based cattle marketing information system is easy to use by consumers because consumers strongly agree with the design of this information system by looking at the average value of 73.6%. in this regard, the rapid development of technology cannot be denied and avoided so that more and more people are interested in buying products online. in addition, this application helps and makes it easier for people to buy and choose livestock as desired. people do not have to be present at the livestock market to get the livestock they need. the existence of the livestock sales application is a new alternative for the community, besides that the livestock sales application is felt by the community to be more effective and efficient because people can directly choose livestock products via android as needed without having to come to the livestock market and in terms of time buyers also save time because they are special. buyers who have busy activities and busy schedules can directly order and buy in the livestock sales application. 5. conclusion the conclusions obtained by the researchers, after conducting this research are: researchers have succeeded in making an android application prototype. this android application can help cattle sellers to sell livestock products to consumers so that they can increase their livestock sales. this application can help consumers find cattle and can compare prices between fellow cattle sellers. this application can facilitate transactions between sellers and consumers so that they can avoid fraud in transactions. from the results of the questionnaire, sellers and consumers agree with this android-based application. with the many benefits that can be obtained, 69% 70% 71% 72% 73% 74% 75% 76% 77% 78% p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 cattle buyer questionnaire graph darmayunata et. al… vol 3(1) 2021 : 40-52 51 of course the application must be developed more optimally, especially in terms of server infrastructure, because there will be many who access the android-based application. continue to improve the security of the application so that consumers feel more comfortable in using it. it is hoped that in the future it will not only sell cattle, but also sell other livestock such as goats, chickens, 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(2002). in the current era of globalization, the situation and conditions of isp service competition between companies are getting tougher, be it competition between local companies or between foreign companies. to deal with this kind of situation it is necessary to thoroughly innovate the company pt. indonesian wifiku in order to provide the best results for service users. one way to improve organizational development is to evaluate performance. the number of criteria (multiple criteria) used in the employee performance appraisal process makes it difficult for management to give weight to each criterion because it requires an appropriate method, as for the method used to resolve multiple criteria at pt. indonesian wifiku using analytical hierarchy process (ahp). in addition to multi-criteria, the management also wants a system that is able to overcome the problem when there is a change in the number and names of criteria(wahyuni & irawan, 2019). based on his explanation above, the writer is interested in conducting a study entitled web-based performance assessment system at pt. wifiku indonesia and is expected to know the potential of every employee in the company as a barometer in the effectiveness and work ethic performance. so they can know the achievements that have been achieved by these employees. and if the results of the selection are known the results are in accordance with the wishes of the company, the employee will be placed in a better position. 2. literature review according to fitriana (2008) which discusses the decision support system using the ahp method (analytic hierarchy process) in the case of a project tender winner where each criterion is a factor judgments and alternatives are compared with each other so as to produce a system that provides evaluation of each project tender participant. according to purnavita (2005) in his research discussing about the determination of the quality of sugar using the method sulfitation. determination of quality based on color, sugar content, and moisture content. making sugar with spice sugar using the sulfitation method can mailto:as3p78@gmail.com1 refni wahyuni & yuda irawan… vol 1(2) 2020 : 60-69 61 improve the quality of spice sugar and meet sni in terms of color, content water and sugar content. in other studies dyah (2009) decision support systems for strategic planning performance of government agencies using the ahp method. in this study the problems faced in implementing or helping determination of planning is still done manually by the leader so that it impedes the performance of the agency in determining strategic planning decisions. assessment criteria are based on internal and external factors relating to the agency's vision, mission and goals. 3. research method the methodology for system development is a standard process used to link all the steps needed to analyze, design, implement and maintain information systems(susanto, 2004). the methods used in this study are as follows: a. method of library research in this method the author studies several employee performance appraisal books. the author also studies several journals that are already issn. b. field research this research by looking directly at the location or place of research, this research was conducted by interview or interview with the leaders and employees of pt. indonesian wifiku, which this research aims to describe or explain something that happens in an activity carried out. c. systems development method in its development, this application refers to the model of the process of developing the system development life cycle (sdlc)(purwati, et. al., 2020). d. laboratrium method as a place to create an employee performance appraisal system and a place to process data collected during the study. sdlc method system development life cycle (sdlc) is a system development cycle consisting of project identification and selection, project initation and planning, analysis, logical design, physical design, implementation, and maintenance(jogiyanto, 2005). the seven steps can be seen diagrammatically as shown below: figure 1. sdlc method refni wahyuni & yuda irawan… vol 1(2) 2020 : 60-69 62 the stages of the system development life cycle (sdlc) map the basic development activities, namely: a) identification and selection (project identification and selection) the needs of the entire employee performance appraisal system at pt. the indonesian wifiku is identified, analyzed, regulated and scheduled. after that, only the part that will be made will be assessed. the respondents in this identification stage were the employees and leaders of pt. indonesian wifiku. data and information are collected through observations, interviews and from existing documents and reports. from the results of the identification found several limitations on the employee performance appraisal system at pt. indonesian wi-fi as described in the previous section, which is an evaluation of inefficient performance. b) initialisation and planning (project initation and planing) after being selected, the planning for the part that will be applied to the design of the new information system or the improvement of the old system will continue. from these problems, it is necessary to make an employee performance appraisal system at pt. wifiku indonesia employee performance appraisal system at pt. indonesian wifiku. the new system is planned to improve employee performance appraisal c) analysis or analysis (analysis) the author analyzes the system that is being used in the employee performance appraisal system at pt. indonesian wifiku, then amended and refined to a more efficient system. in this cycle there are three stages: requirement determination, employees and leaders are included in determining needs, the authors also study the manual system that is applied to pt. indonesia's current wifif, both in terms of data processing and distribution of data and reports. requirement structuring, at this stage the researcher makes a flow diagram of the old assessment system from the data and information that has been obtained from pt. indonesian wifiku. from the results of the analysis, a new information system flow and a new context diagram are made. here the system components are determined to be made computerized. after that, use case diagrams and class diagrams are made to determine the data flow that will be processed by the new information system. alternative generation and selection design, the authors make alternative designs in accordance with the wishes of employees of pt. indonesian wifiku to be compared and selected according to the existing costs, human and technical resources. d) logical design after the existing system is analyzed and is in accordance with the needs of the employees of pt. wifiku indonesia, the logic design was made using flow charts as a tool to build employee performance appraisal systems at pt. indonesian wifiku. e) physical design at this stage the developer designs a form of data input forms such as attendance data, crafts, loyalty, etc. as well as user friendly reports such as assessment reports, employee data reports, will be generated by the new system. here the author uses the php programming language and mysql as data storage media. f) implementation employee performance appraisal system at pt. indonesian wifiku. documentation, training and assistance given to employees. here pt. wifiku indonesia will try to use a system that has been created or installed. during the experiment will be supervised by the system maker or programmer. research carried out is still not through this stage. g) maintenance refni wahyuni & yuda irawan… vol 1(2) 2020 : 60-69 63 the information system that has been installed on pt. wifiku indonesia needed maintenance and renewal according to the needs of pt. wifiku indonesia over time. 4. research results and discussion this chapter will explain the sldc method of implementing employee performance appraisal systems at pt. the indonesian wika starts from the installation stage until it is finished. in this implementation chapter will display the pages contained in the employee performance appraisal system that has been designed and created as described in the previous chapter. main page the main page display is the initial display when the performance appraisal system is opened. this main display includes the login page and the page that contains images representing pt. indonesian wifiku. this login page has two (2) levels, namely the assessor and admin levels. information page this information page contains about pt. wifiku indonesia brief in brief. explain the history, vision and mission of pt. indonesian wifiku. to view the information page, you don't need to login. figure 2. information page input page input page is the page that contains the input required to select incentive recipient employees. forms input in this application are user input pages, branch input pages, criteria input pages, and employee input pages. user input the user input page consists of several fields, i.e. user id, username, password, and level. if the input process has been carried out then press the save button to save and the cancel button to cancel the save process. refni wahyuni & yuda irawan… vol 1(2) 2020 : 60-69 64 figure 3. user page user data page figure 4. display user data page figure 4 is a display of user data, which displays the user id, username, password, level. add button to add users. branch program input the branch input page consists of one table that contains branch code fields, branch name fields, address fields, and field data. the input process is carried out by the admin and when the data is saved, click the save button and click the cancel button to cancel the input process. figure 5. branch program input page branch page display figure 6. branch data page refni wahyuni & yuda irawan… vol 1(2) 2020 : 60-69 65 figure 6 is a branch data display, which displays branch code, branch name, branch address and quota. add button to add branch data. input criteria the criteria input page is the page used to input criteria. in the input table of this criterion there is a weight code field and a weight name field. click save to save the data that has been inputted and click cancel to cancel the save process. figure 7. input criteria criteria data page display figure 8. criteria data page figure 8 is a display of criteria data, which displays the weight code and weight name. add button to add criteria data. employee input employee input pages include many fields, namely employee id fields, nik fields, name fields, address fields, date of birth fields, birth fields, branch fields, gender fields, telephone fields, email fields, discipline fields, honesty fields, personality fields , crafts field. click the save button to save, and click the cancel button to cancel the save process. refni wahyuni & yuda irawan… vol 1(2) 2020 : 60-69 66 figure 9. employee data input page employee data page display figure 10. employee data page figure. 10 is a display of employee data, which displays employee id, employee name, gender, telephone and employee address. add button to add employee data. input sub criteria input pages are pages that contain the input required for comparison between criteria. the input form in this application is the comparison page of the lowest value sub-criteria and the highest value. figure 11. data input sub-criteria page display of sub-criteria data page refni wahyuni & yuda irawan… vol 1(2) 2020 : 60-69 67 figure 12. sub-criteria data page figure 12 is a comparison display of the lowest value and highest value criteria. input incentive types performance improvement is given to employees who apply for college scholarships with predetermined conditions. performance improvement is given to employees who have performance achievements. input types of incentives consist of two fields, namely; incentive code type field and incentive type name. figure 13. incentive data input page incentives data page views figure 14. incentive type data page refni wahyuni & yuda irawan… vol 1(2) 2020 : 60-69 68 figure 14. is an incentive type data display, which displays the code for incentive types and incentive types. plus button to add to the type of incentive. ahp results page ahp results page is the result page of ahp calculation process in the employee performance assessment system at pt. indonesian wifiku. manual process page a manual process page is a page that displays the entire manual process of looking for consistency from existing criteria. this manual process is guided by the ahp procedure, where the consistency calculation starts from the multiplication of the paired matrices of each criterion. the calculation ends until the employee can be recommended to receive incentives. figure 15. ahp process page process results page process results page is a page that displays the results of the ahp process without displaying the manual process. this page makes it easy for evaluators to see students who have the highest final grade. based on these grades, it is recommended that several students are in accordance with the existing requirements. figure 16. final results page 5. conclusions based on the results of the analysis and discussion as well as the description of the previous chapters, it can be concluded: 1. ahp method is able to help the process of selecting incentive recipient employees by calculating the pairwise matrix of criteria weights, then getting the highest priority. based on these highest priorities, determined which alternatives will be recommended. 2. the application of the ahp method in the performance appraisal system is adjusted to the problem at pt. wifiku indonesia, namely selection with incentive recipients. 3. employee performance appraisal system is built using based on system requirements, and is designed to facilitate the selection process. the application was built using php syntax. refni wahyuni & yuda irawan… vol 1(2) 2020 : 60-69 69 references dyah, n.r, & maulana, a,. 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(2019). web-based heart disease diagnosis system with forward chaining method (case study of ibnu sina islamic hospital). journal of applied engineering and technological science (jaets), 1(1), 43-50. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 3(2) 2022 : 90-97 90 application of c5.0 algorithm in prediction of learning outcomes in calculus subject fida nafisah giustin1*, betha nurina sari2, tesa nur padilah3 program studi teknik informatika, universitas singaperbangsa karawang¹*, ², received : 01 may 2022, revised: 19 june 2022 , accepted : 20 june 2022 *corresponding author abstract calculus is one of the basic subject that must be studied at the computer science faculty of the informatics engineering study program. for some students, especially in the faculty of informatics engineering, calculus is a subject that is considered quite difficult, even though this subject is important for them. and the resulted for some students having to repeat this subject. for this reason, predictions of calculus learning outcomes are carried out by applying the data mining process and using the c5.0 method for the prediction process based on the classification concept that will be carried out. this study applies the cross industry standard process for data mining (crisp – dm) methodology with the c5.0 algorithm. the results are in the form of a decision tree (decision tree) and the rules in it using the attributes of guardian, number of family members, status of residence, internet, activity, desire to continue study, the last education of parents (father and mother), parents' occupations, grades on assignments, uas, and uts. the c5.0 algorithm is able to predict the results of learning calculus. the evaluation results show that the applied c5.0 algorithm has an accuracy of 95%. keywords : data mining, prediction, c5.0 algorithm, crisp-dm, student achievements 1. introduction education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, selfcontrol, personality, intelligence, noble character and skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state (uu national education system no. 20 of 2003). educational institutions are places where learning activities take place with the aim of changing individual behavior for the better through interaction with the surrounding environment (rahman, k, 2018). one type is formal educational institutions such as universities. currently there are many universities in indonesia. one of them is the singaperbangsa karawang university. singaperbangsa karawang university is one of the universities located in west java. founded on february 2, 1982 by the pangkal perjuangan higher education foundation and became a state university on october 6, 2014. there are several study programs running at unsika, one of which is informatics engineering. informatics engineering is one of the study programs that focuses on dealing with the problem of transformation or data processing by making optimal use of computer technology through logical processes. in it, there are basic courses that must be studied, namely calculus. for some students, especially in the faculty of informatics engineering, calculus is a subject that is considered quite difficult, even though this course is very important for them. this resulted in some students having to repeat this course. at computer science faculty unsika itself, from 2016 -2019 there were still students who got a final score of less than 5 or a quality score below d and repeated the course to improve their calculus scores. in 2016 there were 5 students who repeated the calculus course. in 2017, 6 students repeated the calculus course. in 2018 the number of computer science faculty students who repeated was 4 people and in 2019 as many as 6 students repeated calculus courses from a total of 684 computer science students. from several previous studies, according to p. sokkhey & t. okazaki there are 10 important factors that influence student learning outcomes (sokkhey, p., navy, s., tong, l., & okazaki, t, 2020). according to benedict et al, prediction of student academic performance using the decision tree method achieved an accuracy of 71.661% (benediktus, n., & oetama, r. s, gustin et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 90-97 91 2020). according to zhang x, by using a decision tree on the student dataset, a pattern was found where current learning outcomes depend on previous results (zhang, x., xue, r., liu, b., lu, w., & zhang, y, 2018). according to ulfi et al, using decision tree c5.0 to perform early detection of drop out students with gpa and attendance as attributes for classifying. the results obtained are 93% accuracy with an error rate of 5% (aesyi, u. s., lahitani, a. r., diwangkara, t. w., & kurniawan, r. t., 2021). sari predicts student learning outcomes in mathematics, there are 25 variables that are effectively used sari b. n, 2017). so this research was conducted to predict the calculus learning outcomes of the faculty of computer science in the informatics engineering study program by applying the data mining process and using the c5.0 method for the prediction process based on the classification concept to be carried out. the difference between this research and previous research is that the object of research uses the latest data from the calculus course and uses the c5.0 method(damanik, et al., 2019; cherfi, et al., 2018; fabriantono, et al., 2020). 2. research method this research applies the cross industry standard process for data mining (crisp – dm) methodology. the crisp – dm method is a standardized data mining methodology compiled by three data mining market initiators, namely daimler chrysler (daimler-benz), spss (isl) and ncr (hanin, n. a., 2022). there are 6 stages of this methodology which are shown in figure 1. fig. 1. research methodology flow 2.1 business understanding at this stage an understanding of the substance of the data mining activities that will be carried out is carried out as well as determining goals and preparing strategies to achieve these goals (hanin, n. a., 2022). 2.2 data understranding data understanding is the process of collecting initial data and studying the data to understand what the data can do. for this reason, student data was collected, both by distributing questionnaires and final grade data from the university. 2.3. data preparation data preparation is to create a new database that will be used for the data mining process. the data obtained is still in the form of unstructed data, in which the contents of the data still contain noise. therefore, in the data preparation process, data cleaning is carried out including eliminating data duplication, and correcting errors in data (fahmi, r. n, 2021). 2.4 modelling modeling is the stage of selecting and applying various modeling techniques and some of the parameters will be adjusted to get the optimal value (renaldi, d, 2020). the data modeling process uses the c5.0 method. 2.5 evaluation evaluation model is the stage of determining whether the model built is in accordance with the objectives set in the initial phase (business understanding). at this stage, the evaluation of the model is done using a confusion matrix. confusion matrix is a method that is usually used to gustin et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 90-97 92 perform accuracy calculations on data mining concepts or decision support systems (han, j., kamber, m., & mining, d, 2006). 2.6 deployment make a report about the knowledge gained from or pattern recognition in the data mining process which is presented in the form of graphs or descriptions that are easy to understand (renaldi d, 2020). 3. result and discussion the implementation of the c5.0 model is carried out on the data of computer science students from the informatics engineering study program who have taken calculus subject. 3.1 business understanding at this stage, search for material by reading journals related to decision trees with the c5.0 method, journals related to educational data mining, and processing questionnaire data. 3.2 data understanding at the data understanding stage, questionnaires were distributed and final grade data were collected from lecturers who were in charge of the calculus course. 3.3 data preparation data preparation is the stage of cleaning raw data from noise, cleaning duplicate data, correcting data errors, and data transformation. in this process, the obtained questionnaire data is cleaned and the selected attributes are taken during the validity and reliability testing process. the initial dataset is shown in table 1. table 1 – initial dataset guardian family size pstatus internet desire to continue studies father more than 3 living together yes yes father more than 3 living together yes yes mother less than 3 living together no no father more than 3 living together yes no ... ... ... ... ... mother more than 3 living together no no activity medu fedu mjob fjob yes associate degree / bachelor associate degree / bachelor civil servant / armed forces entrepreneur no high school equal associate degree / bachelor civil servant / armed forces civil servant / armed forces no high school equal high school equal housewife other no associate degree / bachelor associate degree / bachelor civil servant / armed forces other .... .... .... .... .... no high school equal associate degree / bachelor housewife civil servant / armed forces assigment midterm exam exam na description 53.3 31.0 5.0 27.9 fail 67.3 28.0 9.0 28.5 fail 64.7 22.0 12.0 29.3 fail 59.3 48.0 5.0 31.9 fail .... .... .... .... .... 77.0 28.0 13.0 33.8 fail it can be seen in table 1, there are several attributes that have values with data types that do not match what is needed, for this reason, changes are made to data types and deletion of attributes gustin et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 90-97 93 that are not used in the dataset so as to produce a new dataset that is ready to be used in the modeling process. the latest dataset can be seen in table 2. table 2 – data after processing guardian family size pstatus internet desire to continue studies father gt3 t yes yes father gt3 t yes yes mother le3 t no no father gt3 t yes no ... .... .... .... .... mother gt3 t yes no activity medu fedu mjob fjob yes 5 5 civil servant / armed forces entrepreneur no 4 5 civil servant / armed forces civil servant / armed forces no 4 4 housewife other no 5 5 civil servant / armed forces other .... .... .... .... .... no 4 5 housewife civil servant / armed forces assigment midterm exam exam 53.3 31.0 5.0 67.3 28.0 9.0 64.7 22.0 12.0 59.3 48.0 5.0 .... .... .... 77.0 28.0 13.0 table 2 is the final stage of the data preparation process. it can be seen, there are several attributes, namely na (final grade) and description (pass / repeat) which are deleted and the data type of data on the attributes of medu (mother's last education) and fedu (father's last education) is changed from data of type factor to number. after the dataset is created, the next step is to divide the data into training data and testing data. splitting dataset is done with the input shown in figure 2. fig. 2. input splitting dataset after inputting into rstudio, it will produce the output shown in figure 3. fig. 3. output splitting dataset gustin et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 90-97 94 in figure 3, the distribution of data is carried out with a ratio of 70: 30 where the train data has 144 observations with 15 attributes and the testing data has 60 observations. 3.4 modelling this stage is the process of applying certain methods to the prepared dataset. the method used is the classification of training data using the c5.0 algorithm, data processing is carried out with the help of the rstudio application where the initial stage is to classify the dataset into pass and repeat classes. input from modeling with c5.0 can be seen in figure 4. fig. 4. modelling dataset from figure 4 it can be seen that all attributes are used and the dataset used is training data. modeling was carried out 3 times using training data with different amounts according to the number of datasets that had been built in the data preparation process. the output generated from the modeling process is shown in figure 5. fig. 5. output modelling dataset in figure 5, 144 observations in the training data are applied to build the c5.0 model which produces 129 observations in the graduating class and 13 observations in the repeat class. at this stage, a prediction process is also carried out using the testing data that has been shared made in the data preparation process. prediction input can be seen in figure 6. gustin et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 90-97 95 fig. 6. prediciton input seen in figure 6, the results of the modeling that have been carried out on the training data are applied to the input predictions by using data testing with the output in the form of a crosstable shown in figure 7. fig. 7. output of predictions on testing data in figure 7 on the testing data, as many as 60 observations on the testing data are applied in predicting the results of learning calculus. a total of 54 observations were applied to the prediction of passing, 52 observations worth passing were successfully predicted and 2 failed to be predicted. a total of 5 observations worth repeating were correctly predicted and 1 observation failed to be predicted from a total of 6 observations. 3.5 evaluation evaluation is the stage of evaluating the c5.0 model that has been built. the evaluation is carried out using a confusion matrix whose input can be seen in figure 8. fig. 8. input confusion matrix on rstudio the results of the confusion matrix calculation in figure 8 are presented in tabular form which can be seen in the table 3. table 3 – confusion matrix no confusion matrix 70 : 30 1. accuracy 95% 2. precision (positive predict value) 98.11% 3. sensitivity 96.3% 4. spesificity 83.3% 3.6 deployment at this stage, the knowledge or information that has been obtained is presented in a special form, one of which is a simple report that describes the final results of the entire data mining process that has been carried out so that it can be used by users. the presentation of knowledge can be seen in figure 9. gustin et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 90-97 96 fig. 9. decision tree figure 9 is a decision tree of the model that has been built. next, build a rule model to understand the decision tree that has been built. the input rule model can be seen in figure 10. fig. 10. rule model c5.0 in figure 10, there are 3 rules, namely when the exam (uas) value is > 57 then it is included in the pass class, when the assignment is > 81 then it is included in the graduating class, and when the assignment is <81 and uas <57 then it is included in the repeat class (fail). 4. conclusion from the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the c5.0 algorithm can be used to predict calculus learning outcomes. the prediction process is carried out using a classification method with the c5.0 algorithm with the attributes of guardians, number of family members, residence status, internet, activity, desire to continue studies, parents' last education (father and mother), parents' occupations, assignment scores, uas, and uts. the final result of the c5.0 classification process forms a decision tree with 3 rules in it. the performance of the c5.0 algorithm gets an accuracy of 95%. references aesyi, u. s., lahitani, a. r., diwangkara, t. w., & kurniawan, r. t. 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enterprise at the suame spare parts dealership area in kumasi were engaged in the survey. the elastic strain and stress mathematical models were used to determine the stress points in a loaded leaf spring with the aid of ansys. the factors considered in the analysis were the leaf spring sae design specification, the recommended ghana highway authority load limit for heavy-duty vehicles and the terrain. analysis was done for both the standard and variable curvature leaf springs. the mode of failure was found to be fatigue loading. the causes of failure were determined to be loading beyond the recommended 43 tons per wheel limit, bad roads and reckless driving. it was also observed that loading causes the edges of the leaf spring to bend outwardly from the top, making the edges more prone to failure. results further showed that the leaf spring with variable curvature recorded strain energy 2.5 times higher than the standards leaf spring. keywords: suspension system, leaf springs, heavy-duty vehicles, fatigue loading 1. introduction the suspension system of a vehicle delivers easy handling for a comfortable ride. in addition to this, the suspension system also provides better fatigue life for the automotive components (zamanzadeh et al., 2015; frey, 1996). the earliest forms of leaf spring suspension system are still being used in all military vehicles, commercial vehicles, and construction vehicles (kong et al., 2016). the leaf springs are one of the major parts of the automobile suspension system and their contribution to effective functioning of the vehicle is crucial (shamim and anwer, 2014). the main components of an automobile suspension system are leaf spring, shock absorbers and linkages (amrute et al., 2013). these automobile components enable a relative motion between the wheels (rajesh and sreekumar, 2016). a simple form of leaf spring suspension system is used in wheeled vehicles, which mainly has a laminated structure that absorbs energy when the load is applied (prawoto et al., 2008). the laminated structure deforms with high deflections due to the impact developed by shear and compressive loads, and retained in the original structure when the load is released (guan et al., 2017). when a vehicle is moved over a dips and bumps on the road, the leaf spring absorbs the shock and the vibrations, thus providing a good comfortable drive (d’silva and jain, 2014). the leaf spring helps to control a vehicle by keeping the wheels in contact with the road surface (hou et al., 2007). when the vehicle moves over a dip and bump, these springs help to prevent it from bouncing uncontrollably. the main use for a leaf spring is carrying the whole weight of the vehicle (kumar et al., 2014). the semi-elliptical leaf springs are normally multi-leaf springs in automobile vehicles (gowd and goud, 2012). the main disadvantage of leaf springs is the stress created during running conditions, which restricts the use of more expensive high-strength materials. these components are subjected to millions of varying cyclic stresses leading to failure ultimately (zadeh et al., 2000, kong et al., 2014, 2016). the failure of the leaf spring could lead to fatal accidents; thus, it is also considered as a safety component. the leaf spring also have a low flexibility (kumar and vijayarangan, 2006). leaf springs are a crucial part of a heavy load vehicle and it is necessary to reduce the andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 2 vertical bumps and vibration impacts due to an uneven road surface by means of consideration in the spring deflection. investigation shows that frequent failure of the leaf spring suspension system and half of the fractures had deep secondary cracking along the mid-plane, which could lead to accidents. it was observed that the damaged leaf spring has failures due to fluctuating loads, with the static load of the vehicle and road imperfections affecting the payload during its lifetime cycle (nataraj, m. and thillikkani s., 2020). husaini et al., (2019) conducted a failure analysis of the leaf spring of truck colt diesel using finite element method. the the stress intensity factor yielded a value of 22.09 mpa with a load of 26.95 kn. the analysis results show that the value intensity factor is close to the fracture toughness (ki ≈ kic). therefore, this can cause crack propagation due to dynamic loads (azom 2012, samoila a 2011). this fact states that this is one of the causes of leaf spring failure. in a study done by charde and bhope (2012), it was established that the length of the leaf spring plays a significant role in the strengthening of the leaf springs as a collective element. the authors subjected different lengths of the leaf spring to several loads and results indicated that the length of the stacked leaf springs influenced the strength of the spring; shorter graduated length indicated a weaker leaf spring while longer graduated lengths revealing stronger leaf spring. in another study done by kong (2016), the eye of the leaf spring was analyzed to determine how loading affects the eye. in the study, several diameters of the eye were analyzed and it turned out that the 17 mm diameter spring eye design performed better than all the extreme load cases without failure. hence a strong leaf spring should have an eye diameter of 17 mm. a leaf spring was developed for a lightweight vehicle from combined materials to be equal to a steel spring. a total of four materials were assigned to the design namely; conventional steel, glass fibre reinforced polymer, carbon fibre reinforced polymer and aluminium graphite (metal matrix composite). the analysis of composite leaf springs made up of glass epoxy (62% glass fibre), carbon epoxy (40% carbon fibre), aluminium graphite (5% graphite) and conventional steel were compared. static analysis was performed to evaluate the weight to strength ratio, total deformation, von mises stress and strains respectively. a weight reduction of 76.4 %, 81.1% and 65.8% respectively was achieved by using composite leaf springs. ride comfortness evaluation showed the percentage increase of 127.4%, 167.7% and 146.7%, respectively for glass fibre, carbon fibre and aluminium graphite composite materials. the first natural frequency was approximately 1.2 times greater than the road frequency. the simulated results for fatigue life cycles of leaf spring (10e5 cycles) was observed, whereas, for the conventional steel leaf spring, 2e5 cycles was observed. the results obtained showed that the composite leaf spring can be a good replacement material with overall weight and cost reduction of the component (naik, et al., 2019). design and experimental analysis of composite multi leaf spring using glass fibre reinforced polymer has been carried out. composite leaf spring is found to have lesser stress (67.35%), higher stiffness (64.95%) and higher natural frequency (126.98%) than that of existing steel leaf springs. conventional multi leaf spring weighs about 13.5 kg whereas the eglass/epoxy multi leaf spring weighs only 4.3 kg, resulting in a weight reduction of 68.15%. besides reduction of weight, fatigue life of composite leaf springs was predicted to be higher than that of steel leaf springs. composite leaf spring was determined as an effective replacement for the existing steel leaf springs. simulated models (analytical and fem) were found relatively stiffer than actual experimental design models of steel leaf springs and composite leaf springs (mouleeswaran & vijayarangan, 2007). the 65si7/sup9 leaf springs assembly consists of two full length leaves and ten graduated leaves, four rebound clips of mild steel, four shim pipes with four nuts and bolts, four rivets, centre nut and bolt and a bush of bronze. the master leaf consists of upturned berlin eye at both the ends. the second leaf is provided with a military wrapper to avoid accidents in case of master leaf failure at eye section. all the four specimens were tested under the same stress range and fatigue life was determined. it was observed that, for the alternating stress level of 896–269 mpa, the experimental fatigue life of the leaf spring was 83513 cycles. the fatigue life estimated by sae spring design manual technique was 69600 cycles, for the alternating stress about:blank about:blank andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 3 level of 885–200 mpa. it was also observed that, in the sae spring design manual approach, the maximum stress (i.e., 885 mpa) is less than the specified maximum stress but the stress range is higher than specified stress range. the same approach with specified stress range gives the fatigue life of leaf spring to be 81600. for the same alternating stress level of 896–269 mpa, the fatigue life was found to be 90763 cycles by graphical method and equivalent stress was 578 mpa. in the analytical method, the fatigue life was recorded as 90304 cycles with 8.13% variation from the experimental results. the sae fatigue life was also found to be 82348 cycles, with 2.39% variation from the experimental results (arora, et al., 2019). springs are a limited life component. regardless of how well a spring is maintained or how favourable the operating conditions are, all springs will eventually fail from fatigue caused by the repeated flexing of the spring. once the spring life limit is reached, a fatigue failure will or has occurred (clarke et. al., 2005). factors influencing fatigue life include overloading, shock absorbers, brake adjustments, protective coatings, surface condition and shot peening. the higher the loads or deflections seen by a spring, the lower its fatigue life. a properly functioning shock absorber will tend to reduce the spring deflection as the vehicle hits a bump. lower spring deflections mean lower operating stresses on the spring which in turn gives longer fatigue life. this is especially true for full taper springs which do not have the high interleaf friction to help dampen spring deflections. worn or missing shock absorbers must be replaced to maximize spring life (liza, 2021). improperly adjusted brakes can also reduce spring life. under braking, springs are expected to absorb some of the braking forces. if the brakes on an axle are unevenly adjusted , one spring will have to absorb more than its share of braking force which can reduce its fatigue life (charde, 2012). corrosion is one of the major factors in reducing spring life. proper paints and care during handling and installation can help to slow the spread of spring corrosion. on full taper springs the only acceptable coating is the individual painting of each leaf with zincrich paint. this paint may be recognized by its characteristic grey colour. the condition of the spring surface also has an effect on fatigue life. generally, a fatigue crack will start at some sort of surface defect on the spring leaf. therefore, care needs to be used when manufacturing and installing springs to reduce these defects to a minimum (baviskar et. al., 2008). extensive testing indicates that shot peening can increase the life of springs by a factor of three or more. it is not enough, however, to simply shoot peen the first one or two leaves in an assembly-all leaves must be shot peened. all major vehicle manufacturers specify that their oem springs have each leaf shot peened (aher et. al., 2012). there are several tests that are used to determine the failure of leaf springs, such as, the optical and scanning electron microscopy, hardness and tensile testing, and residual stress evaluation by x-ray diffraction (mukhopadhyay, 1998). although all these tests are capable of identifying the cause of leaf spring failure, the commonly used one is the hardening and tensile testing. this test is also the cheapest and can be done using simulation software, such as ansys or stress analysis related simulation software. in a study done by (loganathan et. al., 2020), the relationship between fuel efficiency and the leaf spring material was determined. loganathan developed a relationship between two composite materials to determine the better option. however, the carbon reinforced polymer composite turned out to be more efficient. a hardness and tensile testing using a simulation software was done and the results turned out that the failure of the metal was due to the fact that the weaker material property was not adequate enough to withstand certain pressures making it unsafe to use. hence the objective of this study seeks to investigate the failure rate, the causes, and the mode of failure of the leaf spring. 2. material and methods 2.1 research approach this study aims to investigate the failure rate of leaf springs in the suspension system of heavy-duty trucks in use in ghana. the study used both open-ended and closed-ended questionnaires to solicit primary and secondary data for analysis. the questionnaires were administered to welders, black smith and fabricators with some level of interviews at sarkyoyo enterprise at the suame spare parts dealership area in kumasi in the ashanti region of ghana. about:blank about:blank about:blank about:blank andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 4 the closed-ended questionnaires were used to solicit specific responses whereas the open-ended questionnaires were used to get information related to respondents experiences and ideas. the population for this research was the welders and blacksmiths at sarkyoyo enterprise in suame spare parts dealership area. this target group was chosen because upon a previous survey conducted, it was found out that truck drivers do not normally purchase a new leaf spring when a failure occurs. they only take their broken leaf springs to the welders and fabricators for it to be repaired. it was also found that drivers only purchase a new leaf spring when the broken one is beyond repair. to obtain the sample, a purposive/ judgmental sampling strategy was used. purposive sampling is a method of selecting a sample based on the researcher's selective judgement rather than random selection. the purposive sampling strategy was used to determine the sample size for this study. with this technique, both welders and blacksmiths were chosen for interview. the total number of artisans employed at this company was 80, out of which, 48 employees were selected for the interview. 2.2 mathematical model a mathematical model was used to determine the stress points experienced in the leaf spring. these models are the elastic strain and stress of a leaf spring. the force per unit area necessarily required to break a material is referred to as the ultimate tensile strength. it is often measured as the stress, which is measured as force per unit area. however, for non-homogenous materials, it is measured as the force per unit width. stress, as represented in figure 1, is given as: σ = (university physics, 2020) 1 where σ represents stress, f represents force applied and ao represents the crosssectional area. strain, as represented in figure 1, which is defined as the measure of the change in length of a body when subjected to a force, is expressed as: ɛ = (university physics, 2020) 2 where ε is the strain; lo and l are the original and final lengths respectively. fig. 1. changes in length observed in the direction of force however, for laminated semi-elliptic leaf spring, the stress and strain are represented as the bending stress and deflection respectively. bending stress, 3 where f represents the force or load exerted at the far edges of the leaf spring, l represents the length of the leaf spring, n represents the number of leaf springs, b represents the breadth of the leaves and t is the thickness of the leaf. andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 5 total deflection, 4 where f represents the force or load exerted on the leaf spring, l represents the length of the leaf spring, e represents the modulus of elasticity, n represents the number of leaf springs, b represents the breadth of the leaves and t represents the thickness of the leaf. 2.3 simulation ansys (version 18.2) software was used in the finite element analysis (fea) of the leaf spring failure. figure 2 is a picture of the leaf spring used in the simulation. the vehicle has two kinds of weight; dry and wet tons. ` fig. 2. leaf spring the leaf spring was drawn to dimension using modelling software (i.e. solid edge st10). the dimensions used were lengths (266.7 mm, 381 mm, 506 mm, 609.6 mm, 723.9 mm, 850.9 mm, 1219.2 mm of four parts), breath (76.2 mm), and thickness (12.7 mm). structural steel was selected for the leaf springs, with a modulus of elasticity, e, of 200 gpa, figure 3 illustrates a real-life assembly of the leaf spring. fig. 3. real-life leaf spring the assembly drawing of the model was then exported to the ansys workbench project schematic environment (see figure 4) for the simulation. andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 6 fig. 4. the model window with an imported model for simulation figure 5 illustrates the algorithm used for the simulation. the algorithm summarizes the steps detailed above. it commences from “start” and stops at “end.” there is a question node to determine whether the process needs to be redone to have a more accurate result. andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 7 develop model (solidedge st10) fea analysis (ansys workbench 18.2) ansys toolbox (select static structural) engineering data (insert material specification) setup (setup boundary conditions & analysis parameters) solution (generate results) results (post process into desired results) analysis of results are results satisfactory yes end start no readjust feature/ update model export model to ansys workbench fig. 5. algorithm for the simulation 3. results and discussion 3.1 demography of respondents forty-eight (48) employees at sarkyoyo enterprise were interviewed for this study with a 60% response rate, all the respondents were males. twenty-five percent (25%) of these respondents have been working at the firm for 1-5 years, 42% have been working in the firm for 6-9 years, while 21% have been working at the firm for 10-15 years and 12% for more than 15 years (figure 6). andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 8 fig. 6. working experience and age from figure 6, ten (10) of these respondents were 18-30 years of age which is about 21%. twenty-three (23) of the respondents were 31-45 years of age representing 48%, twelve (12) of the respondents were 46-60 years of age, representing 25% and only three (3) of the respondents were above 60 years, constituting 6% of total responses. all the respondents had at least basic education, of which 48% have an educational background up to the jhs level, 35% have senior high school education, and 17% of the respondent have technical school education. none of the artisans have any university or polytechnic education (see figure 7). fig. 7. educational background firms at the suame spare parts dealership area produce automobile parts such as steel springs, gears splines, clutch plates that are mostly in high demand by automobile industries in the country. this production, in developed countries, is carried out by engineers or technicians who have educational background of up to at least polytechnic or technical education. this, however, is not the case at the suamespare parts dealership area where only 48% of the respondents have up to technical education (figure 7). the significance of this is that firms are unlikely to appreciate some engineering principles in the engineering economy, design, and effects of stresses and strains on products or components and parts that when considered can aid in design and production. also, firms may find it difficult to adopt the iso 9000 principles in their firms as a result of a low level of education. 3.2 causes and mode of failure of the leaf spring andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 9 the effects of such failure on the vehicle were discussed. most respondents gave more detailed explanations of the causes of the failure and very vital information on the effects on the vehicle and its occupants. during the interview, it was explained that regardless of how well the spring is maintained or how favorable the operation conditions are, all springs (new or old) will eventually fail. this may be as a result of many factors. the first factor mentioned by most respondents was poor road networks found in our country. most respondents explained that since the spring mostly has direct contact with the axel of the vehicle which is connected to the wheel, it easily experiences the shocks and vibrations that directly come in contact with tires and wheels. it is further explained that though it is the work of the spring to dampen these vibrations and shocks, it eventually fails when the shocks are too much to bear due to the nature of the road. the poorly managed roads in the country accelerate the failure of the leaf spring. the introduction of locally made speed ramps on the road in some parts of the country also causes sudden shocks to the suspensions of vehicles as they are not professionally constructed. this concluded to irregular and uneven road conditions as one of the key factors responsible for the premature the failure of leaf spring. the second factor that causes the failure of leaf spring is the overloading of the vehicles. according to the respondents, another important key factor responsible to early failure of leaf springs is the overloading of haulage trucks. in ghana, the allowable weight for a heavy-duty vehicle is 43 tons per wheel (hammond & gidisu, 2010). however, according to the respondents, the truck drivers prefer overloading their trucks to about 53 tons per wheel to reduce the time taken to transport their goods. the respondents also mentioned that due to the increase in fuel prices, most truck drivers overload their trucks to make up for the cost of fuel. the spring is designed to give support to the weight of the vehicle and its occupants as well as the weight of the load or goods at a specified quantity. the third factor that causes leaf spring failure according to responses gathered was the reckless driving of the truck drivers. some of the respondents raised the argument that some truck drivers have bad driving habits. most truck drivers, according to some of the respondents, drive recklessly during trips and journeys. most of the truck drivers over-speed during trips because they want to get to their destination early, get new goods to transport, and make more profit. as a result of over-speeding, the leaf spring fails before the required number of cycles. this concludes the fact that overloading, poor road networks, reckless driving, and the weight subjected to the leaf spring cause it to fail. the simulation was done for both wet and dry tons of the load exerted by the vehicle on the leaf spring. the values obtained were compared with the analytical calculations to determine the % error as illustrated in table 1. this also helped to determine the mode of failure and the points at which the failure is experienced the most. as illustrated in figures 8 to 11, the color graduations indicate the equivalent strain and stress experienced by the leaf spring. table 1 results comparison s/n parameters analytical result ansys result % error 1 bending stress, σbdt 729.746 354.67 51.61 2 total deformation, δmaxdt 0.00107 3.749 99.97 3 bending stress, σbwt 1094.619 532.01 51.39 4 total deformation, δmaxwt 0.0016 5.6235 99.97 the table revealed that the percentage error for the dry and wet bending stresses were 51.61% and 51.39% respectively and dry and wet total deflection was 99.97%. these high values indicate that the analytical method has a higher percentage error compared with the simulation. figure 8, which represents the total deformation for the dry ton exerted on leaf spring, recorded a maximum value of 3.75 mm and a minimum value of 0.50 mm. these values show that the weight of the vehicle causes a slight deflection on the leaf spring. it is also revealing the andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 10 areas of high strain concentration are closer to the edges of the spring. hence, failure is more prone to occur in this region. fig. 8. simulation for dry ton for total deformation figure 9, which illustrates the total deformation for the wet ton on the leaf spring, recorded a maximum value of 5.62 mm and a minimum value of 0.62 mm. as expected, the resulting values for this wet ton were higher than that of the dry ton. however, the strain was experienced in the same region as the dry tons even though it was higher. fig. 9. simulation for wet ton for total deformation the equivalent stress experienced in the leaf spring for the dry ton recorded a higher value of 354.67 mpa and a lower value of 0.29 mpa (see figure 10). it could be identified that the stress was experienced around the same region. andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 11 fig. 10. simulation for dry ton for equivalent stress (von mess stress) figure 11, which illustrates the equivalent stress for leaf spring, recorded a high value of 532.01 mpa and a low value of 0.44 mpa. the same was experienced for the region as the dry ton although higher values were recorded for this test. fig. 11. simulation for wet ton for equivalent stress (von mess stress) the results revealed that for the dry ton, the weight of the vehicle acts on the spring, which causes it to deflect about 3.75 mm. however, the deflection increased with the wet ton to about 5.62 mm, which indicates that a slight weight added has a direct impact on the spring. hence loading and unloading of the vehicle directly affects the spring and this is true for reallife applications. however, the effects of loading as well as the effects of the road on the spring can cause the spring to fail over time. as seen in the wet and dry tons results for total deflection, the effect of the loads causes the edges of the leaf spring to bend outwardly from the top. this is usually the region where failure mostly occurs in real life. in order to curtail the problem, a new set of leaves could be introduced to share the load with the current one. this could ultimately relieve the springs of the high amount of pressure experienced. it could allow the region of concentrated stress to move from the edges of the second leaf to the center. this will suggest that the load is evenly distributed in the first leaf spring arrangement. as a result, the leaf spring will perform better and will have a longer life span. table 2 shows the results of the deformation and strain energy of the two models of the leaf spring suspensions. by applying the load at the base of the leaf spring and attaching the eyes to the frame of the car while the base is fixed to the axle. by comparing the deformation result of the two models, the standard leaf spring model has a lower deformation of 4.9582 mm andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 12 compared to the leaf spring with a variable radius of curvature because there are gaps between the leaves, and the leaves are bounded by the bonded contact. table 2 table of results of standard leaf spring and radius of curvature the strain energy of 4015.3mj of the standard leaf spring is lower compared to the leaf spring with a variable radius of curvature which is 10098mj. from the two leaf springs, the leaf spring with a variable radius of curvature having lower equivalent stress improves the ability to carry heavier loads and ride comfort as compared to the standard leaf. andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 13 3.3 the fatigue life cycles and failure rate of a leaf spring the number of cycles it takes for a leaf spring to fail is referred to as the failure rate. in other terms, it is the leaf spring's lifespan. the longevity of the leaf spring can be influenced by a variety of factors. these factors include the environment (road conditions), the material used in the manufacture of the leaf spring, exceeding the leaf spring's load-carrying capacity, and irresponsible driving on the part of the driver. the fatigue life of the two models was analyzed. the fatigue tool uses the stress life type of analysis and the stress component used here is the equivalent stress (von-mises). the life units are described in cycles. figures 12 and 13 show results of cycles. fig. 12. fatigue life of standard leaf spring fig. 13. fatigue life of leaf spring with a variable radius of curvature 4. conclusion the aim of this projects as to investigate the failure of the leaf spring. a survey was done to find the causes of the mode of failure in the leaf springs. the survey was at the sarkyoyo enterprise at the suame vehicle spare parts dealership area in kumasi. sarkyoyo enterprise was chosen because of the diverse departments they have as well as the relevance of their work to this research. from the results obtained from respondents and the analysis done, the following conclusions are drawn: • the causes of failure were determined to be loading beyond the recommended 43 tons per wheel limit, bad road network and reckless driving • failure begins at the edges of the leaf spring since the effect of loading causes the leaf spring system to be bent outward • the total deformation for the wet ton on leaf spring recorded a maximum value of 5.62 mm and a minimum value of 0.62 mm whereas the equivalent stress experienced in the leaf spring for the dry ton recorded a maximum value of 354.67 mpa and a minimum value of 0.29 mpa andoh et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 1-15 14 • the results revealed that for the dry ton, the weight of the vehicle acts on the spring, which causes it to deflect about 3.75 mm. however, the deflection increased with the wet ton to about 5.62 mm, which indicates that a slight weight added has a direct impact on the spring. therefore, loading and unloading of the vehicle directly affects the spring • comparing the deformation result of the two models, it can be seen that the standard leaf spring model has a lower deformation of 4.9582 mm compared to the leaf spring with a variable radius of curvature because there are gaps between the leaves, and the leaves are bounded by the bonded contact. • the leaf spring with variable radius of curvature recorded strain energy 2.5 times higher than the standard leaf spring • the leaf spring with a variable radius of curvature have lower equivalent stress and, therefore, improves the ability to carry heavier loads and ride comfortably compared with the standard leaf. 4.1 recommendation ride comfort is very essential to the individual in the vehicle as direct impart with the vibration of the road may cause severe health hazards to the occupant(s) of the vehicle. the ability of the heavy-duty vehicle to carry standard loads and the extension of lifespan is very important to consider when designing the suspension system of which the leaf spring is a part. the leaf spring helps to reduce the vibrations from the engine and the road to the occupant(s). in most heavy-duty vehicles in ghana, the application of the leaf spring is the most popular spring component used in the suspension of the vehicles. it is therefore important to know some factors to cause the failure of the leaf spring and the effects it has on the vehicle and occupant(s). it is therefore recommended that 1. the driver(s) of heavy-duty vehicles should practice good driving skills and behavior during driving. 2. the owner(s) or driver(s) of the vehicles should engage in good maintenance skills. 3. the driver(s) should avoid overloading of vehicles as it causes reduction of the fatigue life as well as the early failure of the leaf spring. 4. the manufacturers of the leaf spring in ghana should consider the use of other materials or parameters for the making. 5. the road commission of ghana should see to it that principal roads in the country that most load-carrying vehicles trip along are well maintained to reduce the bumpiness of the road 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nurfi, et al., 2021; parusheva & pencheva, 2022; tiwari, et al., 2021). 2. literature review 2.1 understanding information systems jogiyanto said that "information systems are a collection of people, facilities, technology, media, procedures, and controls that work to get critical communication lines that give an information basis for decision making" in 1999 (sarmidi & fahmi, 2019). 2.2 understanding archives zulkifli amsyah explains that "archives are any written, printed documents that have a definite meaning and function as communication and information material stored on paper, computer media, and so on" in 2003 (hayati, 2020). mailto:piksi.abdurrahman.18402049@gmail.com1 mailto:piksi.intantaningsih.18402024@gmail.com2 alfath et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 105-115 106 2.3 system design a. planning al-bahra defines design as "the ability to create several alternative solutions to problems” in 2005 (wait & handayani, 2015). b. system design mcleod stated, "system design is the determination of the processes and data required by the new system, and if the system is computer-based, the design can be stated as a specification of the equipment used" in 2001 (wait & handayani, 2015). the system to be designed is an inactive archive management system at the west java provincial dpmd, with the following system design. 1) input design the design of inactive records management information system inputs include: shelf input, inactive file input, loan input, and return input. 2) design output the design of the output of inactive records management information systems include: weekly archive data reports, monthly archive data reports, and annual archive data reports. 3) functional design the functional design of inactive records management information systems include: login, manage shelves, manage inactive archive data, and manage loan returns. c. database abdul kadir said that, "database is a data that is interrelated so that it makes it easier for activities to obtain information. the database is intended to solve problems on systems using a file-based approach” in 2003 (wait & handayani, 2015). d. visual basic 6.0 subaru and yuswanto stated that "visual basic is not only called a program language; it is also a tool for producing windows-based application programs" in 2008 (wait & handayani, 2015). e. crystal report 8.5 irnawan and yesni stated that "crystal report is also a special application that is used to design various types of reports" in 2011 (muhammad et al., 2019). 3. research methods 3.1 data collection methods in this study, interview techniques were used for data collection. interviews were conducted with employees of the west java province dpmd archive depot who are in charge of managing inactive archives that have been in the processing unit for two years. says moleong "an interview is a conversation with a specific purpose carried out by two parties, the first party is the interviewer who asks the question, and the second party is the interviewee who answers the question" in 2012 (ketut et al., 2022). 3.2 system development method according to rosa and salahuddin "the waterfall model is the simplest sdlc (software development life cycle) model, and this model is only suitable for software development with specifications that do not change" in 2013 (suryanto, 2016). the following are the functions of each component of the waterfall model: a. software requirements analysis analysis to propose solutions, system analysis is used to identify and assess problems, bottlenecks, and anticipated needs. b. design alfath et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 105-115 107 software design is a multi-step process that includes the development of data structures, software architecture, interface representations, and coding techniques for software programs. c. program code generation a software application must be created from scratch. this stage's final product is a computer program based on the designs created during the design stage. d. testing testing focuses on the software's logical and functional aspects and ensures that all components have been thoroughly tested. this is done to reduce errors and ensure that the output matches your expectations. e. support or maintenance when software is delivered to a user, it is possible that it will change. changes may occur as a result of problems discovered during testing but not addressed. 3.3 system testing method method application testing with black box. pressman stated, "black box testing focuses on the functional requirements of the software, in other words testing whether the output produced by the system meets expectations regardless of the system's internal structure" in 2010 (ketut et al., 2022). 4. results and discussions the dpmd west java province is one of the government agencies in charge of allocating funds to meet the needs and interests of many people in west java province. in the west java province dpmd, they still use manual methods for managing inactive archives. as a result, several flaws in the archive management system at the west java provincial dpmd were discovered, including the following: a. the process of entering inactive archives continues to use microsoft word, which is considered less effective and frequently encounters errors when inputting data.. b. borrowing and returning loans are still done manually on borrowing cards, which is considered inefficient and ineffective because errors occur frequently when recording loans and returning files, and there is a risk of losing the loan and returning the card. based on a study of existing systems and archive management issues at the west java provincial dpmd, the authors provide solutions to issues such as the following: a. designing an archive management information system with visual basic programming language,.net framework 4.0, and ms. access as a database is expected to make working in inactive archive management easier. b. creating a system to make archive management easier for administrators. using the author's solutions create a system that can solve the problems that arise. 4.1 uml design munawar stated that "uml (unified modeling language) is one of the most trustworthy tools in the world of object-oriented system development" in 2005. (prasetyo & susanti, 2015). a. use case diagram a use case diagram is "a modeling tool for describing the behavior of a future system. the use case diagram depicts an interaction between one or more actors and the to-be-created system" (wijoyo, 2019). use case diagrams for inactive archive management applications are shown below. alfath et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 105-115 108 fig. 1. use case diagram for inactive archive management applications this archive management program's use case only has one actor, admin. the administrator can access the archive application and enter inactive archive data. the administrator can also enter loans and returns reports, manage shelves, and check archives. there is a borrowing and returning catalog in the archive check. b. activity diagram henderi stated, "activity diagrams are diagrams that describe the dynamic nature of a system in the form of flow and control models from one activity to another" in 2007 (simaremare et al., 2013). activity diagrams for inactive archive management applications are displayed below. fig. 2. activity diagram on inactive records management application diagram of activity there are activities in this archive management program that involve the admin and the system, beginning with the admin activity of logging in, then the admin manages the archive, then inputs the archive and checks the archive, after which the archive is validated if the result is incorrect, the admin will return to input the archive if the result is correct, the admin will make a report and then print the report. c. class diagram sri mulyani stated that "in the classroom, there are various classes that are interconnected and can be represented by class diagrams" in 2016. meanwhile rosa as and m. salahuddin stated that "the system to be built can be described in terms of definition with a system structure." classes in the form of class diagrams, class diagrams are classes in the system that will be built based on the system's needs" in alfath et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 105-115 109 2013 (arifin et al., 2021). the class diagram for inactive archive management applications is shown below. fig. 3. class diagram on inactive records management application diagram of classes there are several classes in this archive management program, including admin, admin login, application system, shelf table, archive input table, loan table, and return table. there is a relationship between class associations in each class, which includes the following. the first association is between the shelf table class and the archive data input table, where one shelf contains a large amount of archive data. the borrowing table is linked to the return table because where there is a return, there must be a loan. 4.2 hardware and software specifications a. hardware to support the hardware, hardware specifications that are in accordance with the needs of the application that is created are used to ensure that the system functions properly. the specifications that are recommended include: 1) processor: amd a4-3330mx graphics 2.30 ghz, 2) ram: 2 gb or higher, hard drive: 120 gb or higher, 3) keyboard: compatible with ms. windows, mouse: compatible with ms. windows. b. software to support the software, software specifications that are in accordance with the application's requirements are used to ensure that the system functions properly. the recommended specifications are as follows: 1) operating system: windows 7, 2) programming: visual basic 2010, 3) database processing: ms. access. 4.3 system display a. login display the login display is used by the user to access the archive management application at the west java provincial dpmd, as shown in the image below. alfath et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 105-115 110 fig. 4. login display at the beginning of the application the username and password are typed into the textbox and then entered into the main menu. the administrator must first login before proceeding to the main menu page. b. main menu display the main menu display appears after the administrator has successfully logged in on the login page, as shown in the image below. fig. 5. display the main menu on the application the main menu page provides access to a variety of options, including empty shelf input, inactive file input, loan input, return input, archive data, loan return data, and archive print. c. empty shelf input display the first thing the admin should do after entering the main menu page is to enter an empty shelf. the admin will then click the empty shelf input button on the main menu page, resulting in the display shown below. alfath et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 105-115 111 fig. 6. display for inputting empty shelves after clicking input empty shelf, the admin only needs to enter the shelf data in the empty shelf input section and save it. d. inactive archive input display the admin will then select the archive input button on the main menu page after entering an empty shelf, and the inactive archive input display will appear, as shown below. fig. 7. display of inactive archive data input after clicking input archive, the admin simply needs to fill in the archive data in the inactive archive input section and save it. e. loan input display if anyone wishes to borrow inactive archive data, the administrator will select the loan input button on the main menu page, and a loan input display will appear, as shown below. alfath et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 105-115 112 fig. 8. display of inactive archive loan input when the admin enters the loan input view, he or she simply enters the loan data in the loan input section and saves it. f. return input display if a user wants to restore an inactive archive file, the administrator will select the restore input button on the main menu page, and a return input display will appear, as shown below. fig. 9. input display of inactive archive data return after entering the return input display, the admin only needs to fill in the return date in the return input section and save it. g. archive data display, borrowing and return data when you enter inactive archive data and want to see inactive archive data and borrowing return data, the administrator clicks the archive data, borrowing and return button on the main menu page, and a display of options for checking archive data or loan data appears. 1) archive data display when you enter inactive archive data and want to view it, the admin clicks the archive data button on the inactive archive data menu page and loan-return data, and a data check option appears, as shown below. alfath et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 105-115 113 fig. 10. display of inactive archive data the admin only needs to see the archive data in the archive data check section after clicking archive data. 2) loan and return data display when loan-return data is entered and you want to see it, the admin clicks the loan-return data button on the inactive archive data menu page and loan-return data, then a data check option display appears, as shown below. fig. 11. display of data on borrowing and returning inactive archives the admin only needs to see the loan and return data in the check loan and return data section after clicking on the return loan data. h. archive print display when you want to print inactive archive data, the administrator clicks the print archive button on the main menu page. after the administrator clicks print archive, the archive will be printed directly in the form of a file, as shown in the image below. alfath et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 105-115 114 fig. 12. display of inactive archive data printout 5. conclusion this system's design is intended to make archiving work easier. this program is intended for a single user only. this program includes displays such as login, main menu, empty shelf input display, inactive file input display, loan input display, return input display, archive data display, loan repayment data display, and archive print display. this application, 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sharing among various users. tcp / ip is a standard protocol that is applied to the internet network. the existence of a router in a tcp/ip network is very important, this is due to the large number of hosts and the differences in the devices used on a tcp/ip network. router is a computer network device that is used to forward data packets from one network to another, both within the scope of lan and wan networks. as a result, a routing mechanism is needed that can integrate many users with a high degree of flexibility. routing is generally divided into two categories, namely static routing and dynamic routing. static routing is a routing mechanism that depends on the routing table with manual configuration while dynamic routing is a routing mechanism where the routing table exchange between routers on the network is carried out dynamically. routing in the world of information technology (it) is part of how to improve network performance. routing is a process to choose the path (path) traversed by the packet. routing itself is very instrumental in building a network, be it lan or wan. currently the use of routing in a network is something that needs to be taken into account in a company. today's companies that have business processes in the it sector are very dependent on network availability. network reliability is the main point in the operation of the system. an adequate and reliable network infrastructure is very much needed by the company, especially regarding the company's electability. companies that have large-scale networks need several techniques so that the network can work optimally and reliably in overcoming various problems that arise, including network connectivity that is still not stable and link redundancy has not been implemented as a backup path to overcome network failures if interference occurs. alternative network paths that are used to increase network availability, so that if there is a broken link in a network, the data path can still be connected without affecting the connectivity of devices on the network . keywords : routing design, routing model, network, internet. 1. introduction the world of information technology is currently experiencing very rapid development, especially in internet technology. the internet itself is a form of utilization of a computer network system, a computer network system consisting of a group of computer systems and other computing hardware linked together through communication channels to facilitate communication and resource sharing among various users. tcp / ip is a standard protocol that is applied to the internet network(ruiz, et al., 2019; sert, et al., 2018). the existence of a router in a tcp/ip network is very important, this is due to the large number of hosts and the differences in the devices used on a tcp/ip network. router is a computer network device that is used to forward data packets from one network to another, both within the scope of lan and wan networks(sahoo, et al., 2019; qadir, et al., 2018). as a result, a routing mechanism is needed that can integrate many users with a high degree of flexibility. routing is generally divided into two categories, namely static routing and dynamic routing. static routing is a routing mechanism that depends on the routing table with manual configuration while dynamic routing is a routing mechanism where the routing table exchange between routers on the network is carried out dynamically. routing in the world of information technology (it) is part of how to improve network performance. routing is a process to choose the path (path) traversed by the packet. routing itself is very instrumental in building a network, be it lan or wan(lakew, et al., 2020). mailto:* amin et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 133-138 134 currently the use of routing in a network is something that needs to be taken into account in a company. today's companies that have business processes in the it sector are very dependent on network availability(viriyasitavat, et al., 2019). network reliability is the main point in the operation of the system. an adequate and reliable network infrastructure is very much needed by the company, especially regarding the company's electability(gaur, et al., 2021; dehghani, et al., 021). companies that have large-scale networks need several techniques so that the network can work optimally and reliably in overcoming various problems that arise, including network connectivity that is still not stable and link redundancy has not been implemented as a backup path to overcome network failures if interference occurs. alternative network paths that are used to increase network availability, so that if in a network there is a broken link, the data path can still be connected without affecting the connectivity of devices on the network. based on this background, it encourages the author to further investigate the determination of a good network routing model to improve network effectiveness and performance, analyzed to determine the best routing. a system is a collection of objects such as people, resources, concepts, and procedures that are intended to perform an identifiable function or to serve a purpose. for example, a university is a system of students, faculty, staff, administration, buildings, equipment, ideas, and rules for the purpose of educating students, producing research, and providing services to the community. etymologically, the system comes from the greek sustema or latin systema. meanwhile, in terms of terminology, the system is something that is formed from a combination of many components that work together into a single unit for a particular purpose. that way, every system will have several elements that make up no system that stands with only one component the term system is commonly used in various aspects. the system consists of parts that each have different tasks that complement each other. all of its elements form a 'connection' to work together in a certain process. this will make a goal can be achieved as planned. if there is one component that does not work properly, it will affect the entire system. lan is a number of units that are connected together in a certain area that is not so large, such as in one office or building. currently, most lans based on ieee 802.3 ethernet technology use switch devices, which have data transfer rates of 10, 100, or 1000 mbit/s(hafsi, et al., 2021). in addition to ethernet technology, currently 802.11b technology or commonly called wi-fi is also often used to form lans(srivastave, et al., 2018). in a lan, each node or group has its own computing power and can also access the resources on the lan according to the permissions that have been set. these resources can be information or devices such as printers(murakami, et al., 2018). on a lan, a user can also communicate with other users using the appropriate application man is a network that connects many lans in a city using high transfer speeds. usually man has a range of about 10 to 50 km. man is a development of lan which usually already has server facilities. man may very well be run by an organization, but it is used by many individuals and most have provided internet services for 2iter networks or lan. wide area network is an integrated network that covers a large area, for example, an integrated network between regions, cities and even countries. wan can also be defined as a single network that requires routers and two-item communication channels. wan is used to connect one 2iter network with another 2iter network, so that they can exchange information with each other(liu, et al., 2018). 3. research methods to assist this research, a research phase framework is needed. the stages of this research are the steps that will be tried in solving the problems discussed. there are also stages of research used are as follows: identification of problems the object of this research is the office of lau gumba village, brastagi district, karo regency. to facilitate the performance of village officials, it is necessary to design network routing in order to speed up the existing network at the village office. parameters observed amin et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 133-138 135 this research was conducted to find out what parameters can improve the performance of the manet network after being hit by a blackhole attack. the author divides several experiments, namely without attacks, exposed to blackhole attacks and improvements to the number of nodes, data rate and distance between nodes. in the first experiment, there was no attack and the parameters were left as default. subsequent attempts, with black hole attacks and others left by default. then for the last one, the experiment was carried out by changing several parameters such as the number of nodes (30 nodes, 35 nodes, 40 nodes), data rate (350 kbps, 400 kbps, 450 kbps, 550 kbps and 600 kbps) and the distance between nodes (30 meters). and 40 meters). data analysis after collecting data in the field, data analysis will be carried out on the data that has been obtained. to achieve the research objectives as expected, the data that has been collected will be analyzed, because it is very influential on drawing conclusions. the data analysis technique used in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis. that to find out the problems in society, the methods and processes that apply in society related to activities, views and effects of phenomena are used from a descriptive phenomenon. research procedure this framework is the steps that will be taken in order to solve the problems that will be discussed. figure 1 below is the framework used in this research: fig. 1. research framework 4. results and discussions based on the research that has been done, the authors propose the vlan network model as a good solution because by using the vlan network model, network administrators can more easily group workstations in the network based on their function with broadcast control, security, describing the problem analyzing problems setting goals program results program structure studying the literature related to the title system planning system analysis data collection amin et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 133-138 136 performance and management. with the development of a network that uses the principles of core, distribution, and access, it can facilitate network development where vtp technology is used which can maintain the consistency of the vlan configuration. 1. device used fig. 2. device used in this study, the tools used consisted of nine computers, three switches, one router and one server. in this network modeling, researchers create three classes of ip addresses that will be connected to each other so that they can be used simultaneously on the available network groups. 2. routing model test results the results of testing the routing model using the command line interface in this study have succeeded in connecting three groups or groups of village computers and can be connected to each other. fig 3. routing model test results in the scheme, the network switch will be made up of 3 layers, namely core switch as the first layer, distribution switch as the second layer and access switch as the third layer. the function of the core switch is as a network switch that combines several network switch devices into a single unit (integrated network). distribution switch serves as a liaison between core amin et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 133-138 137 switch and access switch. access switch serves as a liaison between the network and the end user's computer. the connection results can be seen in the image below. in the scheme, the network switch will be made up of 3 layers, namely core switch as the first layer, distribution switch as the second layer and access switch as the third layer. the function of the core switch is as a network switch that combines several network switch devices into a single unit (integrated network). distribution switch serves as a liaison between core switch and access switch. access switch serves as a liaison between the network and the end user's computer. so in conclusion, by using the multi layer switch method, we can extend the number of computers connected to the network. the example of the arrangement of the 3 layer network switches above can be further developed into several layers down depending on the needs of the number of networks. star topology is considered very suitable for use in large networks such as lemhannas because star topology is used in dense networks, when endpoints can be reached directly from a central location, need for network expansion, and require high reliability. this topology is an arrangement that uses more cables than buses and because all computers and devices are connected to a central point. so if there is one computer or device that is damaged, it will not affect the others. in the picture above you can see that all the devices have been connected which are marked in green on each connecting cable. the author uses ip dhcp for the connection system used on each computer and device. the simulation is divided into three rooms, namely the admin room as administration, the sub-section room as the checking controller and the village head room as the administrator and policy ratifier. static routing is the simplest routing arrangement that can be done on a regular network. static routing are routes to the destination host or network that are entered manually by the network administrator in the routing table of a router (edi, 2006). static routing will not change the information in the routing table automatically, so administrators must make changes manually if there is a change to the network topology. the use of static routing in a small network is certainly not a problem, but of course you can imagine what if you have to complete the routing table for each router, which is not small in large networks or the internet. therefore, the use of static routing in large-scale networks tends to require extra work and time to complete the routing tables of all existing routers. the ip settings used are ip dhcp to facilitate ip settings when adding computer or laptop devices because the user or user does not need to set the ip again to be used so that ip conflicts do not occur because ip is searched automatically. 5. conclusion to obtain the desired research results, the following activities will be carried out: create a command line interface program to make ip management so that network modeling can be done. the simulation carried out by the author can be run well without any problems. this study still uses 3 computer groups and class 3 ip classes with different classes. in this study, the expected results can be implemented on a real network. this research is still using a network simulation application, the authors hope that further research can be implemented in real terms so that they can more clearly understand network modeling with good ip computer management so that ip conflicts do not occur. references dehghani, n. l., zamanian, s., & shafieezadeh, a. 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(2019). blockchain and internet of things for modern business process in digital economy—the state of the art. ieee transactions on computational social systems, 6(6), 1420-1432. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 1(2) 2020 : 77-84 77 efficiency of stmik hang tuah pekanbaru stationery inventory office using monte carlo method rian ordila stmik hang tuah pekanbaru universitas putra indonesia yptk a b s t r a c t inventory management in office stationery needs (atk) is instrumental in supporting administrative activities. not terinvetaris well, resulting in the use of goods is not optimal and increase spending on this atk. for that required a system that can manage this atk supplies. so that in the prediction of atk inventory can coordinate and minimize expenditure of stmik hang tuah pekanbaru expenditure. the data obtained in this research is atk at high school of information and computer management (stmik) hang tuah pekanbaru sourced from head of equipment section such as paper type a4 and f4, paperclip, map and printer ink. atk is always experiencing shortage or also excess needs. with the monte carlo method, stmik hang tuah pekanbaru will be able to determine the pattern of atk supplies requirement in stmik hang tuah pekanbaru and the method can give a decision in determining the pattern of atk request that will be requested to the employee. the result of the experiment of this method is to obtain the average number of procurement requests and the average number of procurement. estimates of the monte carlo simulation strategic plan that has been done will yield an estimated information on the average amount of procurement as 16 packs and the estimated average monthly expenditure of rp. 21,333.with the amount of calculations obtained then the office stationery to be purchased can be estimated and inventory can be provided to meet the demand for campus needs in 2018. keywords: monte carlo method, simulation, stationery. 1. introduction administration is an activity of planning, serving, organizing and recording a report in an organization, one of the supporters in these resources is the need for office stationery, in fact often there is a stock vacuum when needed. therefore management is needed in the form of forecasting simulation. one method often used is monte carlo method(fadjar, 2011). monte carlo method is applied by using random numbers results of reports or previous reports that are the source of the data. this random process is included in a probabilistic distribution of data variables obtained from previous data results and theoretical probabilistic distributions. the random numbers are functioned to provide information on random events at certain periods of random variables and in a structured manner following the evolution that occurs in the simulation process(aulia, et. al., 2017). monte carlo method expected to be able to manage inventories to predict the needs that will occur, then the output produced by the simulation is taken into consideration to determine what inventory is budgeted in that case so that it can be seen influence in its application for stmik hang tuah pekanbaru. monte carlo is a newly developed approach that greatly reduces computing costs by performing most simulations with low accuracy at low cost, with few simulations done with high accuracy and high cost(kirana & d, 2017) 2. literature review simulation is a quantitative procedure, which describes a system by developing a model of the system and conducting a series of trials to estimate the behavior of the system at a certain time. another definition, simulation is the process of designing a model (mathematics or logic) of a system and then explaining it to describe, explain, and predict (predict) the behavior (dynamic characteristics) of the system. simulation is not an optimization tool that gives a decision result, but only a decision support tool (decision support system). simulation purpose: it is expected to learn a system by imitating (to simulate) the behavior of the system so that it can solve the problems contained in the system(suryani, 2006). rian ordila… vol 1(2) 2020 : 77-84 78 monte carlo simulation is also known as sampling simulation or monte carlo sampling technique. this simulation uses existing data (historical data) that is actually used in the simulation for other purposes. this monte carlo simulation method is quite simple in describing or solving problems, including in using the program on a computer(hutahaean, 2018). from the results of previous studies simulations using the method of monte carlo in the probabilistic condition of inventory management mainly determined by the arrival of orders, the size of orders, and the waiting time of orders that are uncontrolable; to overcome this, the use of simulation techniques to describe probabilistic situations in the long run has proven to be quite effective(pratomo, 2018). monte carlo is a method for repeatedly evaluating a deterministic model using a set of random numbers as input. this method is often used when the model is complex, non-linear, or involves many specific parameters that are interconnected (kamandang, et. al., 2014). make a simulation of a series of experiments. the development of monte carlo simulation models is based on the probability obtained from historical data of an event and its frequency. with the formula: pi = fi / n (1) information : pi: probability of occurrence i fi: frequency of occurrence i n: number of frequencies for all occurrences in studying probability, there are three key words that must be known, namely experimentation, outcome (outcome) and event or event (even). for example, an experiment was conducted by asking 100 readers whether they would take statistics or calculus. from this experiment there will be several possible outcomes. for example the possibility of the first result is that as many as 58 people will take any course. another possible outcome is that 75 people took calculus courses and the rest took statistics courses. another example of an experiment is throwing a dice. the outcome (outcome) of throwing a dice is likely to come out one seed or two seeds or three seeds and so on. this collection of results is known as an event. office equipment is very important, without these tools our work will be neglected and will not even be completed so that the administrative process will be disrupted in terms of time and needs(hamzah, et. al., 2018). office stationery (atk) in the field of education is used by students to work on national examinations. students use one type of office stationery, 2b pencil. office stationery (atk) is often an unexpected requirement to be purchased. office stationery (atk) is often found at a photocopy place, at a photocopy site there are types of office stationery (atk) such as paper, pencils, x-type ballpoint pens, rulers and so on(indriani & sudarmadi, 2015). 3. research method planning in the development used in this study, the alessi and trollip (resti) models are then used with the actual research objectives and conditions. the research phase is divided into three stages, namely 1) planning phase and 2) procurement phase. furthermore, the application of research and development carried out consists of 5 steps as shown in figure 1. this section contains a complete and detailed description of the steps undertaken in conducting of research. in addition, the research step also needs to be shown in the form of flowchart of research or framework step in complete and detailed including reflected algorithm, rule, modeling, design and others related to system design aspect. rian ordila… vol 1(2) 2020 : 77-84 79 figure 1. development of the alessi and trollip process. process after the process of using the method is done, the next step is to determine the monte carlo simulation with the existing 5 steps. 1. define or determine the probability distribution for important variables. 2. calculate the cumulative distribution for each variable in step 1. 3. define an interval of random numbers (random numbers) for each interval. 4. generating random numbers (generating random numbers) by using a congruent mixed method (mixed congruent method). formula for generate random numbers a. mixed congruent method b. multiplicative method 5. simulate a series of experiments by connecting random numbers with random number intervals. data processing with design algorithms in this study the authors implemented a test model of the results of system design using computer aids with windows operating systems and applications using the php language. 4. research results and discussion office stationery supplies must be predicted according to the desired target. the target intended by stmik hang tuah pekanbaru is the achievement of the estimated average demand with supplies. to predict the average number of sales per year and the average amount of income the following year. therefore it is necessary to calculate the monte carlo algorithm to conduct a series of experiments of generating random numbers (generating random numbers), so as to get good results as expected table 1 table 1 envelope request. name stationery rp year 2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 envelope 60.000 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 the data above is a recapitulation of the number of procurement for the last 12 months from january to december 2017. rian ordila… vol 1(2) 2020 : 77-84 80 to calculate the average number of customers and purchases, purchases in 2018 will come using the monte carlo method, so using the above data before processing requires a procurement price list and atk code table 2. table 2 atk price list table and atk code. code name stationery qty price atk001 amplop kotak 16.000 table 3 atk price list table and atk code. procurement procurement frequency 0 4 1 3 2 3 3 2 12 month inventory simulation frameworks that use the monte carlo method can be used to examine the results in the form of an alternative of how much to procure and when to repurchase to meet the atk inventory. from that state, it changes the situation into a distribution of possibilities (if we assume the level of previous purchases will persist into the future) by dividing each demand by total demand. as in table 4: table 4 envelope request. request variable possible occurrence 0 4/12=0,33 1 3/12=0,25 2 3/12=0,25 3 2/12=0,17 12/12=1.00 atk001 ke 1 = 9/12 = 0,75 ke 2 = 1/12 = 0,08 ke 3 = 1/12 = 0,08 ke 4 = 1/12 = 0,08 total 0,75 + 0,08 + 0,08 + 0,08 = 1 establish a cumulative probability distribution for each of the first stage variables. by doing the conversion from the usual likelihood distribution, as in the right column of table 2 to the cumulative distribution is done by adding each likelihood number to the previous number as in table 5. table 4 envelope request. request variable possible occurrence cumulative possibilities 0 4/12=0,33 0,33 1 3/12=0,25 0,58 2 3/12=0,25 0,83 3 2/12=0,17 1,00 atk001 ke 1 = 4/12 = 0,33 ke 2 = 3/12 = 0,25 ke 3 = 3/12 = 0,25 rian ordila… vol 1(2) 2020 : 77-84 81 ke 4 = 2/12 = 0,17 total 0,33 + 0,25 + 0,25 + 0,17 = 1 after we determine the cumulative probability or what is commonly called the cumulative probability for each variable included in the simulation, then we must determine the free number that represents each possibility that has been generated. it is aimed at random number intervals. starting from 0 to the limit of the first variable, and so on. interval determination is based on cumulative probability. tabel 6. determination of random number intervals request variable possible occurrence cumulative possibilities random number interval 0 4/12=0,33 0,33 0 s/d 32 1 3/12=0,25 0,58 33 s/d 57 2 3/12=0,25 0,83 58 s/d 82 3 2/12=0,17 1,00 83 s/d100 atk001 ke 1 = 00 s/d (0,33*100) 1 = 00 32 ke 2 = 32 + 1 s/d (0,58*100) 1 = 33 57 ke 3 = 57 + 1 s/d (83*100) 1 = 58 82 ke 4 = 82 + 1 s/d (1*100) 1 = 83 –99 determining random numbers, researchers determine a, c, m and z with the provisions of numbers determined by prime numbers, with the following criteria z = is the first certain free number. a = is the first number that is free with separate provisions. c = is a free number but there is no specific relationship with m. m = set with 99. it is known: a = 2, c = 23, m = 99, and zo = 22 with a twelve (12) month simulation forecast, with experiments with the random number results in the following table 7: finding value (a.zi + c) look for values for the first month from (a.zi+c) = (a.zi+c) = (2 * 22) + 23 = 67 look for values for the second month from (a.zi+c) = (a.zi+c) = (2 * 67) + 23 = 157 look for values for the third month from (a.zi+c) = (a.zi+c) = (2 * 58) + 23 = 139 look for values for the fourth month from (a.zi+c) = (a.zi+c) = (2 * 40) + 23 = 103 look for values for the fifth month from (a.zi+c) = (a.zi+c) = (2 * 4) + 23 = 31 look for values for the sixth month from (a.zi+c) rian ordila… vol 1(2) 2020 : 77-84 82 = (a.zi+c) = (2 * 31) + 23 = 85 look for values for the seventh month from (a.zi+c) = (a.zi+c) = (2 * 85) + 23 = 193 look for value for the eighth month from (a.zi+c) = (a.zi+c) = (2 * 94) + 23 = 211 look for value for the ninth month from (a.zi+c) = (a.zi+c) = (2 * 13) + 23 = 49 look for value for the tenth month from (a.zi+c) = (a.zi+c) = (2 * 49) + 23 = 121 look for value for the eleventh month from (a.zi+c) = (a.zi+c) = (2 * 22) + 23 = 67 look for values for the twelfth month of (a.zi+c) = (a.zi+c) = (2 * 67) + 23 = 157 look for value zi + 1 = (a.zi + c) mod m look for the value zi + 1 = (a.zi + c) mod m (for the first month) = 67 mod 99 = 67 look for the value zi + 1 = (a.zi + c) mod m (for the second month) = 157 mod 99 = 58 look for the value zi + 1 = (a.zi + c) mod m (for the third month) = 139 mod 99 = 40 look for the value zi + 1 = (a.zi + c) mod m (for the fourth month) = 103 mod 99 = 4 look for the value zi + 1 = (a.zi + c) mod m (for the fifth month) = 31 mod 99 = 31 look for the value zi + 1 = (a.zi + c) mod m (for the sixth month) = 85 mod 99 = 71 look for the value zi + 1 = (a.zi + c) mod m (for the seventh month) = 193 mod 99 = 94 look for the value zi + 1 = (a.zi + c) mod m (for the eighth month) = 211 mod 99 = 13 rian ordila… vol 1(2) 2020 : 77-84 83 look for the value zi + 1 = (a.zi + c) mod m (for the ninth month) = 49 mod 99 = 49 look for the value zi + 1 = (a.zi + c) mod m (for the tenth month) = 121 mod 99 = 22 look for the value zi + 1 = (a.zi + c) mod m (for the eleventh month) = 67 mod 99 = 67 look for the value zi + 1 = (a.zi + c) mod m (for the twelfth month) = 157 mod 99 = 58 tabel 7. random number results i zi a.zi+c zi+1=(a.zi+c)mod m 0 22 67 67 1 67 157 58 2 58 139 40 3 40 103 4 4 4 31 31 5 31 85 85 6 85 193 94 7 94 211 13 8 13 49 49 9 49 121 22 10 22 67 67 11 67 157 58 12 58 139 40 after carrying out the distribution of possibilities, it is matched with the random number interval analysis experiment results in table 8. tabel 8. possible distribution month random number demand envelope 1 67 2 2 58 2 3 40 1 4 4 0 5 31 0 6 85 3 7 94 3 8 13 0 9 49 1 10 22 0 11 67 2 12 58 2 total 16 at atk001 i.e. envelope with a price of rp. 16,000 / box. with total demand for 12 months is 2 + 2 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 3 + 3 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 16. average request per month is 16/12 months = 1.3 total expenditures for 12 months is rp. 16,000 x 12 months = rp. 256,000. the total envelope demand for 12 months is 16 boxes, with an average demand per month of 1.3 boxes. tabel 9. simulation of procurement average code name qty price total rian ordila… vol 1(2) 2020 : 77-84 84 atk atk001 envelope 16 rp 16.000 rp 256.000 per month 1.3 rp 21.333 then the simulation of the procurement of office stationery at the hang tuah pekanbaru stmik obtained based on a series of experiments, namely the average number of 16 envelope envelopes procurement and for the average purchase of envelopes of rp 21,333 so that the total purchase of atk in 2018 rp. 256,000. 5. conclusions from the tests conducted on the results of the evaluation of procurement management simulations using the monte carlo method, the results obtained are in accordance with the manual calculations that have been carried out. the use of simulations to illustrate probabilistic situations in the long run proves to be quite effective. probabilistic in the long run proves to be quite effective. prediction and simulation which are implemented using a system that is made is considered ready and recommended so as to be able to solve the problem of predicting the needs of the office stationery because the predicted results are considered to be probabilities. his influence on the application of the monte carlo method can provide more efficient results and lower budget pressures over the next 1 year. references aulia, n. f., mesran & silalahi, n. 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(2006). permodelan dan simulasi. edisi pertama. yogyakarta. graha ilmu. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 955-968 955 classification academic data using machine learning for decision making process elin haerani 1* , fadhilah syafria 2 , fitra lestari 3 , novriyanto 4 , ismail marzuki 5 informatics engineering department, faculty of science and technology, uin sultan syarif kasim riau, pekanbaru, indonesia124 industrial engineering department, faculty of science and technology, uin sultan syarif kasim riau, pekanbaru, indonesia3 interdigital, canada5 email:*,,,, ismail.marzuki@interdigital.com5 received : 15 april 2023, revised: 28 may 2023, accepted : 29 may 2023 *corresponding author abstract one of the qualities of higher education is determined by the success rate of student learning. assessment of student success rates is based on students' graduation on time. the university always evaluates the performance of its students to find out information related to the factors that cause students to become inactive so that they are more likely to drop out and what data affects students ability to graduate on time. the evaluation results are stored in an academic database so that the data can later be used as supporting data when the university makes decisions. the data was processed using the decision tree c4.5 method so as to produce a model in the form of a tree and rules. the data used in this study is the graduation data of informatics engineering students from 2011 to 2015, totaling 632 data records. variables used are nim, in-progress grades each semester, credit taken every semester, gpa, and graduation status. tests were conducted using split data scenarios with comparison of training data: 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, and 50:50. based on the test results, it is known that the attribute that influences the success of student studies is the grade point average (gpa), where the accuracy of the maximum recognition rate is 88.19% is in the comparison of training data and test data (80%: 20%). keywords: data science, decision tree, graduate on time, machine learning 1. introduction one of the factors that determine the quality of a university is a high student success rate and a low student failure rate, and vice versa. this statement is corroborated by the rate. the success rate of students is based on their graduation on time, according to d.heredia in his junal while student failure is based on the status of students who drop out (heredia, d., amaya, y., & barrientos, 2015). the higher the success rate of students, the better the quality of higher education is evaluated by the study program accreditation assessment instrument from ban pt, which states that the percentage of students who graduate on time is one element of the university's accreditation assessment (ban-pt, 2011). inactive students or alpha studies can potentially cause problems for graduation if they are not on time and even drop out (burgos et al., 2018), so that the quality of education and the assessment of higher education accreditation decrease (yossy, e. h., heryadi, y., 2019). one of the most prevalent problems in education is dropout. the high rate of dropouts will negatively affect higher education (utari, m., warsito, b., & kusumaningrum, 2020). the percentage of graduate students and the university's methods for preventing student dropouts are used to gauge a university's reputation (dharmawan, t., ginardi, h., & munif, n.d.). to assess the degree of success of the technique at each university, initial projections of students who are at risk of dropping out are crucial (asif et al., 2017) . the university always evaluates the performance of its students to find out information related to the factors that cause students to become inactive so that they are more likely to drop out and what data affects students ability to graduate on time, as stated in the journal (sukhbaatar, o., ogata, k., & usagawa, 2018). the results of the evaluation are stored in an academic database for later use as supporting data when making university decisions (osman hegazi, m., & abugroon, 2016). this large amount of data opens up haerani et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 955-968 956 opportunities to produce useful information for universities (heredia, d., amaya, y., & barrientos, 2015). data science is the science or technique of exploring and extracting data sets or databases to find new models, shapes, patterns, and insights that can be used as decision-making tools (baker, 2014). the concept of data science is more about how to extract (excavate) or predict data analysis that will be filtered so that the correct data is found to produce accurate data according to actual data, as stated in research (m. , a., & rahman, 2016), (campagni et al., 2015). the use of data mining in higher education and higher learning institutions is relatively new. in research (baker, 2014; osman hegazi, m., & abugroon, 2016), numerous studies have been conducted to show the value of "data mining" approaches in education, showing that this is a novel idea for the extraction of reliable and accurate data regarding behavior and learning efficacy. the decision tree provides good accuracy in the prediction of student dropout, according to the research in (teli, s., & kanikar, 2015b). extracting or digging up student information from large data sets cannot be done easily (m. han, 2006). according to (fernandes et al., 2019) explained that data mining technology is an interdisciplinary field of research whose essence is the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and databases. in the book decision support systems and intelligent systems, it is stated that data mining is a process that uses statistical techniques, mathematics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to extract and identify useful information and related knowledge from various large databases (jain, a., somwanshi, d., joshi, k., & bhatt, 2022; turban, 2005). machine learning can be defined as the result of using algorithms to use data, study it, and then predict it. machine learning consists of statistical analysis and predictive analysis used to find patterns and capture hidden insights based on perceived data (d. , r., m. , & giansiracusa, 2018). to quantify timely completion, classification data mining can be applied to student value data (natek & zwilling, 2014; yunus, m., ramadhan, h., aji, d. r., & yulianto, 2021). in this instance, classification is the data mining technique that will be employed (massulloh, i., 2020). student grade data will be categorized based on a number of variables, including attendance, grade history, and other variables. the system will then use this classification to suggest solutions to help students graduate at the right time with the best values (asroni, a., masajeng respati, b., & riyadi, 2018). student primary data and student academic data are the system's inputs (khan et al., 2021). decision trees, naive bayes algorithms, neural networks, and nearest neighbor classifiers are a few classification techniques that can be utilized in data mining (rasjid & setiawan, 2017). several studies related to data mining have been used as an effort to improve the quality of higher education (yu & zhang, 2018) and (m. , a., & rahman, 2016). in this study, academic data analysis will be carried out to classify the continuity and success of student studies at uin suska riau by utilizing the concept of data mining based on the c4.5 decision tree classification method (d. , p. , & hegde, 2016). to create a decision based on a sample of data, data mining uses the c4.5 algorithm as a decision tree classifier (yuda, 2022). the method creates a decision tree that may be used to categorize new data based on the properties or features of the data after being provided a set of data representing objects that are already categorized (maulida, r., 2020). the c4.5 algorithm's decision tree can be used to categorize both discrete and continuous data (muhammad, l. j., besiru jibrin, m., yahaya, b. z., mohammed besiru jibrin, i. a., ahmad, a., & amshi, 2020). the technique, which can deal with the problem of inadequate data, incorporates a single-pass pruning procedure to prevent overfitting. the c4.5 method is a well-known decision tree program in machine learning and is widely applied in practice (haryoto, p. p., okprana, h., & saragih, 2021). this research is expected to obtain findings that can have a great potential for a university to determine strategic policies for uin suska riau in anticipating students who are predicted to graduate not on time or with the possibility of dropping out and paying special attention to students who are predicted to graduate on time. the results of the study will also show the factors that most influence the success rate of student studies. this study also provides important information regarding strategic plans for universities based on the interpretation of the research results haerani et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 955-968 957 2. literature review data mining is the process of looking for hidden patterns in a set of data, which can be found in databases, dataware, or other information storage medium, as well as previously undiscovered knowledge (gorunescu, 2011). large-scale databases can be mined for relevant information and related knowledge using statistical, mathematical, artificial intelligence, and machine learning techniques (dol, s. m., & jawandhiya, 2023).data mining classification techniques are employed to divide a set of objects into specific target groups and to forecast the nature of an item or piece of data based on the classes of items that are currently accessible (oluwaseun, a., & chaubey, 2019). data mining classification techniques are utilized in the healthcare sector to find hidden trends and make wise choices. for instance, heart disease and chronic renal disease have both been predicted using data mining categorization approaches (kunwar, v., chandel, k., sabitha, a. s., & bansal, 2016). one of the techniques used in data mining for categorizing items is the decision tree classification methodology, which has been used to evaluate student performance (teli, s., & kanikar, 2015). data mining also employs naive bayes, neural networks, and multilayer perceptrons as additional categorization methods (dol, 2021). data mining has several characteristics, which are (dabas, p., & singh, 2021): 1. data mining is related to the discovery of something hidden and certain data patterns that were not known before. 2. data mining usually uses very large data sets. 3. data mining is useful for making important decisions, especially in making strategies and policies. the stages of data mining are (adekitan & salau, 2019; baker, 2014): 1. data cleaning is the process of taking out errors and skewed data. in the cleaning process, duplicate data is eliminated, inconsistent data is checked, and data inaccuracies are corrected, among other things. 2. several data sources must be combined or integrated in data integration. 3. data selection: obtain pertinent data for analysis from the database. 4. operations involving data transformation, data summary transformation, or data aggregation 5. data mining is a crucial procedure where particular strategies or approaches are employed to extract hidden data patterns. data mining methodologies, techniques, and algorithms can be very different. the objectives and overall kdd process really influence the choice of the best method or algorithm. 6. the information patterns produced by the data mining process need to be presented in a way that is simple to understand by interested parties for interpretation and evaluation. checking whether the pattern or information found conflicts with previously known facts or assumptions is a part of this stage. there are five types of analytical techniques that can be classified as part of data mining (turban, 2005). in this study, the method used is classification. the following are five types of analytical techniques (ukwuoma, c. c., bo, c., chikwendu, i. a., & bondzie-selby, 2019) : 1. association. 2. classification. 3. clustering. 4. estimation. 5. predictions in order to determine the class of an object whose label is unknown, classification is the process of identifying models or functions that explain or distinguish concepts or data classes (dol, s. m., & jawandhiya, 2023). the model itself can be a decision tree, a mathematical formula, or a neural network that represents a "if-then" rule. learning and testing are the typical divisions of the classification process (d. , r., m. , & giansiracusa, 2018; dabas, p., & singh, 2021). a rough model is created during the learning phase using some data that is already known for the data class (yossy, e. h., heryadi, y., 2019). the model that has been created is then tested with additional data during the testing phase to ascertain its accuracy. this model can be used to haerani et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 955-968 958 forecast unknown data classes if the accuracy is satisfactory (patil, r., salunke, s., kalbhor, m., & lomte, 2018) 3. research methods fig. 1. research methodology the first step before building a model is collecting research data. the data collection will be carried out in the preprocessing phase (sharma, a., sharma, m. k., & dwivedi, 2021; syukri mustafa, m., rizky ramadhan, m., & thenata, 2017). the data will go through the stages of kdd: data cleaning, data integration, data selection, and data transformation. at the stage of kdd, data changes occur so that the attributes of data sets are good to be studied with the aim of understanding the content of records on academic data. once this phase is completed, you will enter the data mining phase. in this phase, we will use the decision tree method c4.5. the preprocessed data will then be processed using the decision tree c4.5 method to produce a tree and rule model. 4. results and discussions research data the first step before making the model is collecting research data. the data that has been collected will be carried out in the pre-process stage. the preprocessed data will then be processed using the decision tree c4.5 method so as to produce a model in the form of a tree and rules. the data used in this study is the graduation data of informatics engineering students from 2011 to 2015, totaling 632 data records. the data was taken from the center for technology and database of sultan syarif kasim state islamic university riau. the data has the attributes of student number, in-progress grades in semester 1, in-progress grades in semester 2, in-progress grades in semester 3, in-progress grades in semester 4, in-progress grades in semester 5, in-progress haerani et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 955-968 959 grades in semester 6, in-progress grades in semester 7, in-progress grades in semester 8, credits in semester 1, credits in semester 2, credits in semester 3, credits in semester 4, credits in semester 5, credits in semester 6, credits in semester 7, and credits in semester 8, gpa, and graduation time. these attributes will be managed and used as input and output classes in the decision tree method. the data that has been collected will then be in the preprocessing stage and the data mining stage, where this stage is in the kdd stage. data cleaning, data selection, and data transformation processes are carried out at the pre-process stage. data transformation functions change data into a form that suits the needs at the data mining stage, so that it is easier to understand. changes to data occur in in-process grades and gpa, which will be categorized into ranges in table 1 and table 2 below: table 1 gpa category no gpa transformation result 1 > 3.50 high 2 3.00 3.50 moderate 3 < 3.00 low table 2 category of length of study no credits transformation results 1 > 17 low 2 17-19 moderate 3 20-21 high 4 22-24 very high after passing the pre-processing stage, the attributes that will be used are in-progress grades in semester 1, in-progress grades in semester 2, in-progress grades in semester 3, in-progress grades in semester 4, semester credit units for semester 1, semester credit units for semester 2, semester credit units for semester 3, semester credit units for semester 4, grade point average (gpa), and the output class attribute, namely the graduation attribute. the results of the preprocessing stage will be used in the decision tree c4.5 method. the concept of the c4.5 decision tree is to convert the data into a decision tree that will produce decision rules. the c4.5 algorithm is a development of the id3 algorithm. here are the steps of the c4.5 algorithm: a. select attribute as root the selection of attributes as roots is based on the highest gain value of all existing attributes. to calculate the gain value, the following equation 1 is used: 𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛 (𝑆, 𝐴) = 𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑦(𝑆) − ∑ |𝑆𝑖| 𝑆 𝑛 𝑖 =1 ∗ 𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑦(𝑆𝑖) before obtain the gain value, the entropy value must be calculated. equation 2 shows the equation to produce the entropy value: 𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑦(𝑆) = ∑ −𝑝𝑖 ∗ 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 𝑛 𝑖=1 𝑝𝑖 the following is the calculation results of entropy and gain: table 3 calculation results of entropy and gain attribute total punctual not punctual entrophy gain total 568 56 512 0,46451494 credit grade 1 low 256 12 244 0,27297086 0,03498696 medium 203 18 185 0,43201646 high 109 26 83 0,7925907 credit grade 2 low 216 2 214 0,07584151 0,06738195 medium 280 33 247 0,52316976 high 72 21 51 0,87086447 haerani et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 955-968 960 credit grade 3 low 277 11 266 0,24096644 0,02944914 medium 202 29 173 0,59349796 high 89 16 73 0,6795852 credit grade 4 low 347 21 0,32950066 0,02607878 medium 176 22 0,54356444 high 45 13 0,86728162 in-process grades in semester 1 low 4 0 4 0 0,00105849 medium 564 56 508 0,466734338 high 0 0 0 0 very high 0 0 0 0 in-process grades in semester 2 low 31 2 29 0,34511731 0,01552903 medium 198 9 189 0,26676499 high 339 45 294 0,56491415 very high 0 0 0 0 in-process grades in semester 3 low 7 0 7 0 0,01798613 medium 60 2 58 0,2108423 high 200 12 188 0,32744492 very high 301 42 259 0,58301942 in-process grades in semester 4 low 27 2 25 0,38094659 0,00653543 medium 93 4 89 0,25593004 high 233 26 197 0,51948447 very high 225 24 201 0,48977901 gpa low 147 0 147 0 0,06924171 medium 360 36 324 0,46899559 high 61 20 41 0,91273416 gain max 0,06924171 based on the table 1, the highest gain value is obtained on the gpa attribute, which is 0.06924171. for this reason, this attribute becomes the root of the tree that is formed. b. create a branch for each value fig. 2. branch for each value branches are instances of the attributes that were selected as roots in the previous process. because the attribute selected as the root is gpa, the branches are low, medium, and high. c. divide cases into branches at this stage, the cases/data will be divided into branches according to the corresponding attributes and instances. list all cases on data with low gpa, medium gpa and high gpa. haerani et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 955-968 961 fig. 3. divide cases into branches (1) based on the results of the division of cases above in figure 3, students with low gpas were declared to have passed all but not on time (all data had the same class), so the nodes in this branch were not developed anymore. meanwhile, for medium gpa and high gpa, there are students who graduated on time and not on time (data has different classes) so that the nodes in this branch need to be developed again in figure 4. completion on time means that students graduate in the period up to semester 8 and are not fixed for more than semester 8. fig. 4. divide cases into branches (2) d. repeat the process for each branch until all cases in the branch have the same class the above process is repeated continuously so that all cases on the branch have the same class and a complete tree is formed. here is the resulting rule: gpa = low: not punctual {punctual=2, not punctual=149} gpa = medium | credit grade 2 = low | | credit grade 3 = low: not punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=66} | | credit grade 3 = medium: not punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=30} | | credit grade 3 = high | | | credit grade 1 = low: punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=1} | | | credit grade 1 = medium: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=2} | credit grade 2 = medium | | credit grade 3 = low | | | credit grade 1 = low | | | | in-process grades 3 = very high | | | | | in-process grades 4 = very high: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=5} | | | | | in-process grades 4 = medium: punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=1} | | | | | in-process grades 4 = high: not punctual {punctual=4, not punctual=10} | | | | in-process grades 3 = medium: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=4} | | | | in-process grades 3 = high: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=14} | | | credit grade 1 = medium: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=22} haerani et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 955-968 962 | | | credit grade 1 = high: not punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=2} | | credit grade 3 = medium | | | in-process grades 4 = low: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=4} | | | in-process grades 4 = very high | | | | in-process grades 3 = very high | | | | | credit grade 4 = low: punctual {punctual=6, not punctual=6} | | | | | credit grade 4 = medium | | | | | | in-process grades 2 = medium: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=7} | | | | | | in-process grades 2 = high | | | | | | | credit grade 1 = medium: not punctual {punctual=3, not punctual=16} | | | | | | | credit grade 1 = high: punctual {punctual=2, not punctual=2} | | | | | credit grade 4 = high: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=3} | | | | in-process grades 3 = high: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=9} | | | in-process grades 4 = medium: not punctual {punctual=3, not punctual=13} | | | in-process grades 4 = high | | | | credit grade 4 = low | | | | | in-process grades 2 = medium | | | | | | credit grade 1 = low: punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=1} | | | | | | credit grade 1 = medium: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=6} | | | | | in-process grades 2 = high: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=22} | | | | credit grade 4 = medium: not punctual {punctual=4, not punctual=15} | | | | credit grade 4 = high: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=3} | | credit grade 3 = high: not punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=38} | credit grade 2 = high | | credit grade 4 = low | | | credit grade 1 = low: punctual {punctual=2, not punctual=1} | | | credit grade 1 = medium: punctual {punctual=2, not punctual=0} | | | credit grade 1 = high: not punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=3} | | credit grade 4 = medium: not punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=17} | | credit grade 4 = high: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=2} gpa = high | in-process grades 2 = low: punctual {punctual=2, not punctual=1} | in-process grades 2 = medium | | in-process grades 3 = very high: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=6} | | in-process grades 3 = medium: not punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=2} | | in-process grades 3 = high: punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=1} | in-process grades 2 = high | | credit grade 3 = low: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=2} haerani et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 955-968 963 | | credit grade 3 = medium | | | credit grade 4 = medium | | | | credit grade 2 = medium: punctual {punctual=2, not punctual=2} | | | | credit grade 2 = high | | | | | in-process grades 3 = very high: not punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=5} | | | | | in-process grades 3 = high: punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=1} | | | credit grade 4 = high: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=2} | | credit grade 3 = high | | | credit grade 1 = medium: not punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=4} | | | credit grade 1 = high | | | | credit grade 4 = medium | | | | | in-process grades 4 = very high: not punctual {punctual=0, not punctual=4} | | | | | in-process grades 4 = high | | | | | | in-process grades 3 = very high: not punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=3} | | | | | | in-process grades 3 = high: punctual {punctual=1, not punctual=1} | | | | credit grade 4 = high: punctual {punctual=7, not punctual=6} testing stage a. testing to get influential attributes fig. 5. testing to get influential attributes based on the figure 5, the attributes that affect the continuity and success of the study of informatics engineering students at uin suska riau are: haerani et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 955-968 964 the attribute that most influences the continuity and success of the student study of informatics engineering uin suska riau is the gpa attribute (cumulative achievement index), followed by in-progress grades in semester 2, in-progress grades in semester 4, in-progress grades in semester 1, in-progress grades in semester 3, credits for semester 2 and credits for semester 3. b. testing using comparison of training data and testing data the test is carried out by changing the amount of training data and test data, namely 50% training data: 50% test data (50:50), 60:40, 70:30, 80:20, and 90:10. this test aims to see whether the amount of training data has an effect on the performance of the decision tree method. the test results are as follows: 1. comparison of 50:50 punctual not punctual punctual 6 26 not punctual 28 256 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 6 + 256 6 + 26 + 28 + 256 𝑥 100% = 82,91% 2. comparison of 60:40 punctual not punctual punctual 5 21 not punctual 12 215 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 5 + 215 5 + 21 + 12 + 215 𝑥 100% = 86,96% 3. comparison of 70:30 punctual not punctual punctual 1 20 not punctual 3 166 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 1 + 166 1 + 20 + 3 + 166 𝑥 100% = 87,89 4. comparison of 80:20 punctual not punctual see influential variables gpa credit grade1 credit grade2 credit grade3 credit grade4 haerani et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 955-968 965 punctual 0 12 not punctual 3 112 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = 0 + 112 0 + 12 + 3 + 112 𝑥 100% = 88,19% 5. comparison of 90:10 punctual not punctual punctual 0 5 not punctual 3 56 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = 0 + 56 0 + 5 + 3 + 56 𝑥 100% = 87,5% c. conclusion of testing based on the test scenarios that have been carried out, the following tables and graphs is obtained: table 4 testing conclusion data comparison accuracy 50 : 50 82,91 % 60 : 40 86,96 % 70 : 30 87,89 % 80 : 20 88,19 % 90 : 10 87,5 % fig. 6. the graph of accuracy comparison in the experiments, split data situations with the following ratios were applied: 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, and 50:50. the accuracy of the maximum recognition rate when training data and test data are compared (80%:20%) is 88.19%. rapidminer was utilized to test this research. 5. conclusion understanding the findings of the research and the debate in relation to the study's goal the grade point average (gpa) is the subsequent factor that has the most impact on whether a student in informatics engineering graduates. credits earned in semesters 1 and 2 do not have an impact on a student's ability to graduate from the informatics engineering study program. this is due to the fact that during semesters 1 and 2, the number of credits available to students is limited by the number of curricular packages. the following scenarios were used in the tests: 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, and 50:50. when training data are compared to test data (80%:20%), the accuracy of the maximum recognition rate is 88.19%. moreover, the comparison of training and test data 82.91% 86.96% 87.89% 88.19% 87.50% 50% : 50% 60% : 40% 70% : 30% 80% : 20% 90% : 10% accuracy haerani et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 955-968 966 was found to have an effect on the accuracy of the introduction of the decision tree method. in this case, the greater the use of training data, the better the recognition accuracy. references adekitan, a. i., & salau, o. 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(2018). data mining for modeling students’ performance: a tutoring action plan to prevent academic dropout. computers and electrical engineering, 66, 541–556. campagni, r., merlini, d., sprugnoli, r., & verri, m. c. (2015). data mining models for student careers. expert systems with applications, 42(13), 5508–5521. d. , r., m. , & giansiracusa, j. k. (2018). machine learning and social media to mine and disseminate big scientific data. 2018 ieee international conference on big data, 5312– 5315. dabas, p., & singh, b. (2021). analysis of data mining classification techniques. 9th international conference on reliability, infocom technologies and optimization, icrito 2021, 1–3. dharmawan, t., ginardi, h., & munif, a. (n.d.). dropout detection using non-academic data. 4th international conference on science and technology (icst). yogyakarta, indonesia., 2018. dol, s. m., & jawandhiya, p. m. (2023). classification technique and its combination with clustering and association rule mining in educational data mining — a survey, engineering applications of artificial intelligence. a survey. engineering applications of artificial intelligence. elsevier ltd., 122. dol, s. m. (2021). use of classification technique in educational data mining. international conference on nascent technologies in engineering, icnet 2021 proceedings. institute of electrical and electronics engineers inc., 1–7. 10.1109/icnte51185.2021.9487739 fernandes, e., holanda, m., victorino, m., borges, v., carvalho, r., & erven, g. van. (2019). educational data mining: predictive analysis of academic performance of public school students in the capital of brazil. journal of business research, 94(august 2017), 335–343. gorunescu, f. (2011). data mining concept, models and techniques. intelligent systems reference library,verlag berlin heidelb: springer., 12. haryoto, p. p., okprana, h., & saragih, i. s. (2021). algoritma c4.5 dalam data mining untuk menentukan klasifikasi penerimaan calon mahasiswa baru. terapan informatika nusantara, 2(5), 358–164. heredia, d., amaya, y., & barrientos, e. (2015). student dropout predictive model using data haerani et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 955-968 967 mining techniques. ieee latin america transactions, 13(9), 3127–3134. 10.1109/tla.2015.7350068. jain, a., somwanshi, d., joshi, k., & bhatt, s. s. (2022). a review: data mining classification techniques. 3rd international conference on intelligent engineering and management (iciem), 636–642. khan, a., ghosh, s. k., ghosh, d., & chattopadhyay, s. (2021). random wheel: an algorithm for early classification of student performance with confidence. engineering applications of artificial intelligence, 102(july 2020), 104270. kunwar, v., chandel, k., sabitha, a. s., & bansal, a. (. (2016). chronic kidney disease analysis using data mining classification techniques. proceedings of the 2016 6th international conference cloud system and big data engineering, confluence 2016, 300–305. m. , a., & rahman, a. m. (2016). a review on data mining techniques and factors used in educational data mining to predict student amelioration. massulloh, i., & f. (2020). (2020). implementasi algoritma c4.5 untuk klasifikasi anak berkebutuhan khusus di ibnu sina stimulasi center. eprosiding sistem informasi (potensi), 136–144. maulida, r., & b. . (2020). prediksi kelulusan mahasiswa tepat waktu dengan algoritma c4.5 dengan particle swarm optimization pada univeristas xyz. journal of artificial intelligence and innovative applications, issn : 2716-1501., 1(3), 138–144. muhammad, l. j., besiru jibrin, m., yahaya, b. z., mohammed besiru jibrin, i. a., ahmad, a., & amshi, j. m. (. (2020). an improved c4.5 algorithm using principle of equivalent of infinitesimal and arithmetic mean best selection attribute for large dataset. 10th international conference on computer and knowledge engineering (iccke). mashhad, iran., 6–10. natek, s., & zwilling, m. (2014). student data mining solution-knowledge management system related to higher education institutions. expert systems with applications, 41(14), 6400– 6407. oluwaseun, a., & chaubey, m. s. (2019). data mining classification techniques on the analysis of student’s performance. global scientific journal, 7, 79–95. osman hegazi, m., & abugroon, m. a. (2016). the state of the art on educational data mining in higher education. international journal of emerging trends and technology in computer science., 31(1), 46–56. patil, r., salunke, s., kalbhor, m., & lomte, r. (2018). prediction system for student performance using data mining classification. fourth. international conference on computing communication control and automation (iccubea). pune, india. rasjid, z. e., & setiawan, r. (2017). performance comparison and optimization of text document classification using k-nn and naïve bayes classification techniques. procedia computer science, 116, 107–112. sharma, a., sharma, m. k., & dwivedi, r. k. (2021). improved decision tree classification (idt) algorithm for social media data. proceedings of the 2021 10th international conference on system modeling and advancement in research trends, smart 2021 (pp. 155–157). institute of electrical and electronics engineers inc. sukhbaatar, o., ogata, k., & usagawa, t. (2018). mining educational data to predict academic dropouts: a case study in blended learning course. ieee region 10 annual international conference, proceedings/tencon, institute of electrical and electronics engineers inc., 2205–2208. syukri mustafa, m., rizky ramadhan, m., & thenata, a. p. (2017). implementasi data mining untuk evaluasi kinerja akademik mahasiswa menggunakan algoritma naive bayes classifier. citec journal, 4(2), 151–162. teli, s., & kanikar, p. (2015a). a survey on decision tree based approaches in data mining. international journal of advanced research in computer science and software engineering, 5(4), 613–617. haerani et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 955-968 968 teli, s., & kanikar, p. . (2015b). a survey on decision tree based approaches in data mining. international. international journal of advanced research in computer science and software engineering, 5(4), 613–617. turban, e. (2005). decision support systems and intelligent systems edisi bahasa indonesia. andi. ukwuoma, c. c., bo, c., chikwendu, i. a., & bondzie-selby, e. (2019). performance analysis of students based on data mining techniques: a literature review. 4th technology innovation management and engineering science international conference (times-icon). utari, m., warsito, b., & kusumaningrum, r. (2020). implementation of data mining for dropout prediction using random forest method. 8th international conference on information and communication technology, icoict, 1–5. yossy, e. h., heryadi, y., & l. (2019). comparison of data mining classification algorithms for student performance. in tale 2019 2019 ieee international conference on engineering, technology and education. institute of electrical and electronics engineers inc., 1–4. yu, h., & zhang, z. q. (2018). the application of data mining technology in employment analysis of university graduates. proceedings 17th ieee/acis international conference on computer and information science, icis 2018, 846–849. yuda, o. &. (2022). penerapan penerapan data mining untuk klasifikasi kelulusan mahasiswa tepat waktu menggunakan metode random forest. atin sains dan teknologi informasi, 8(2), 122–131. 10.33372/stn.v8i2.885 yunus, m., ramadhan, h., aji, d. r., & yulianto, a. (2021). penerapan metode data mining c4.5 untuk pemilihan penerima kartu. paradigma jurnal komputer dan informatika, 23(2). classification academic data using machine learning for decision making process elin haerani1*, fadhilah syafria2, fitra lestari3, novriyanto4, ismail marzuki5 informatics engineering department, faculty of science and technology, uin sultan syarif kasim riau, pekanbaru, indonesia124 industrial engineering department, faculty of science and technology, uin sultan syarif kasim riau, pekanbaru, indonesia3 interdigital, canada5 email:*,,,, ismail.marzuki@interdigital.com5 received : 15 april 2023, revised: 28 may 2023, accepted : 29 may 2023 *corresponding author abstract one of the qualities of higher education is determined by the success rate of student learning. assessment of student success rates is based on students' graduation on time. the university always evaluates the performance of its students to find out i... keywords: data science, decision tree, graduate on time, machine learning 1. introduction one of the factors that determine the quality of a university is a high student success rate and a low student failure rate, and vice versa. this statement is corroborated by the rate. the success rate of students is based on their graduation on time,... inactive students or alpha studies can potentially cause problems for graduation if they are not on time and even drop out (burgos et al., 2018), so that the quality of education and the assessment of higher education accreditation decrease (yossy, e.... data science is the science or technique of exploring and extracting data sets or databases to find new models, shapes, patterns, and insights that can be used as decision-making tools (baker, 2014). the concept of data science is more about how to ex... extracting or digging up student information from large data sets cannot be done easily (m. han, 2006). according to (fernandes et al., 2019) explained that data mining technology is an interdisciplinary field of research whose essence is the interse... to quantify timely completion, classification data mining can be applied to student value data (natek & zwilling, 2014; yunus, m., ramadhan, h., aji, d. r., & yulianto, 2021). in this instance, classification is the data mining technique that will be ... several studies related to data mining have been used as an effort to improve the quality of higher education (yu & zhang, 2018) and (m. , a., & rahman, 2016). in this study, academic data analysis will be carried out to classify the continuity and su... this research is expected to obtain findings that can have a great potential for a university to determine strategic policies for uin suska riau in anticipating students who are predicted to graduate not on time or with the possibility of dropping out... 2. literature review data mining is the process of looking for hidden patterns in a set of data, which can be found in databases, dataware, or other information storage medium, as well as previously undiscovered knowledge (gorunescu, 2011). large-scale databases can be mi... data mining has several characteristics, which are (dabas, p., & singh, 2021): the stages of data mining are (adekitan & salau, 2019; baker, 2014): there are five types of analytical techniques that can be classified as part of data mining (turban, 2005). in this study, the method used is classification. the following are five types of analytical techniques (ukwuoma, c. c., bo, c., chikwendu, i. ... 1. association. 2. classification. 3. clustering. 4. estimation. 5. predictions in order to determine the class of an object whose label is unknown, classification is the process of identifying models or functions that explain or distinguish concepts or data classes (dol, s. m., & jawandhiya, 2023). the model itself can be a deci... 3. research methods fig. 1. research methodology the first step before building a model is collecting research data. the data collection will be carried out in the preprocessing phase (sharma, a., sharma, m. k., & dwivedi, 2021; syukri mustafa, m., rizky ramadhan, m., & thenata, 2017). the data will... 4. results and discussions research data the first step before making the model is collecting research data. the data that has been collected will be carried out in the pre-process stage. the preprocessed data will then be processed using the decision tree c4.5 method so as to produce a mode... the data that has been collected will then be in the preprocessing stage and the data mining stage, where this stage is in the kdd stage. data cleaning, data selection, and data transformation processes are carried out at the pre-process stage. data t... table 1 gpa category table 2 category of length of study after passing the pre-processing stage, the attributes that will be used are in-progress grades in semester 1, in-progress grades in semester 2, in-progress grades in semester 3, in-progress grades in semester 4, semester credit units for semester 1, ... the results of the preprocessing stage will be used in the decision tree c4.5 method. the concept of the c4.5 decision tree is to convert the data into a decision tree that will produce decision rules. the c4.5 algorithm is a development of the id3 al... before obtain the gain value, the entropy value must be calculated. equation 2 shows the equation to produce the entropy value: the following is the calculation results of entropy and gain: table 3 calculation results of entropy and gain based on the table 1, the highest gain value is obtained on the gpa attribute, which is 0.06924171. for this reason, this attribute becomes the root of the tree that is formed. fig. 2. branch for each value branches are instances of the attributes that were selected as roots in the previous process. because the attribute selected as the root is gpa, the branches are low, medium, and high. at this stage, the cases/data will be divided into branches according to the corresponding attributes and instances. list all cases on data with low gpa, medium gpa and high gpa. fig. 3. divide cases into branches (1) based on the results of the division of cases above in figure 3, students with low gpas were declared to have passed all but not on time (all data had the same class), so the nodes in this branch were not developed anymore. meanwhile, for medium gpa a... fig. 4. divide cases into branches (2) the above process is repeated continuously so that all cases on the branch have the same class and a complete tree is formed. here is the resulting rule: testing stage fig. 5. testing to get influential attributes based on the figure 5, the attributes that affect the continuity and success of the study of informatics engineering students at uin suska riau are: the attribute that most influences the continuity and success of the student study of informatics engineering uin suska riau is the gpa attribute (cumulative achievement index), followed by in-progress grades in semester 2, in-progress grades in semes... the test is carried out by changing the amount of training data and test data, namely 50% training data: 50% test data (50:50), 60:40, 70:30, 80:20, and 90:10. this test aims to see whether the amount of training data has an effect on the performance ... 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛= ,6+256-,6+26+28+256-.. 𝑥 100%=82,91% 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛= ,5+215-,5+21+12+215-.. 𝑥 100%=86,96% 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛= ,1+166-,1+20+3+166-.. 𝑥 100%=87,89 see influential variables gpa credit grade1 credit grade2 credit grade3 credit grade4 in-process grades2 in-process grades3 gpa (1) name, gpa,dtype 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦= ,0+112-,0+12+3+112-.. 𝑥 100%=88,19% 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦= ,0+56-,0+5+3+56-.. 𝑥 100%=87,5% based on the test scenarios that have been carried out, the following tables and graphs is obtained: table 4 testing conclusion fig. 6. the graph of accuracy comparison in the experiments, split data situations with the following ratios were applied: 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, and 50:50. the accuracy of the maximum recognition rate when training data and test data are compared (80%:20%) is 88.19%. rapidminer was uti... 5. conclusion understanding the findings of the research and the debate in relation to the study's goal the grade point average (gpa) is the subsequent factor that has the most impact on whether a student in informatics engineering graduates. credits earned in seme... references adekitan, a. i., & salau, o. (2019). the impact of engineering students’ performance in the first three years on their graduation result using educational data mining. heliyon, 5(2), e01250. asif, r., merceron, a., ali, s. a., & haider, n. g. (2017). analyzing undergraduate students’ performance using educational data mining. computers and education, 113, 177–194. asroni, a., masajeng respati, b., & riyadi, s. (2018). penerapan algoritma c4.5 untuk klasifikasi jenis pekerjaan alumni di universitas muhammadiyah. semesta teknika, 21(2), 158–165. baker, r. s. (2014). educational data mining: an advance for intelligent systems in education. ieee, intelligent systems., 29(3), 78–82. ban-pt. (2011). buku ii: standar dan prosedur. in badan akreditasi nasional perguruan tinggi …. burgos, c., campanario, m. l., peña, d. de la, lara, j. a., lizcano, d., & martínez, m. a. (2018). data mining for modeling students’ performance: a tutoring action plan to prevent academic dropout. computers and electrical engineering, 66, 541–556. h... campagni, r., merlini, d., sprugnoli, r., & verri, m. c. (2015). data mining models for student careers. expert systems with applications, 42(13), 5508–5521. d. , r., m. , & giansiracusa, j. k. (2018). machine learning and social media to mine and disseminate big scientific data. 2018 ieee international conference on big data, 5312–5315. dabas, p., & singh, b. (2021). analysis of data mining classification techniques. 9th international conference on reliability, infocom technologies and optimization, icrito 2021, 1–3. dharmawan, t., ginardi, h., & munif, a. (n.d.). dropout detection using non-academic data. 4th international conference on science and technology (icst). yogyakarta, indonesia., 2018. dol, s. m., & jawandhiya, p. m. (2023). classification technique and its combination with clustering and association rule mining in educational data mining — a survey, engineering applications of artificial intelligence. a survey. engineering applicat... dol, s. m. (2021). use of classification technique in educational data mining. international conference on nascent technologies in engineering, icnet 2021 proceedings. institute of electrical and electronics engineers inc., 1–7. fernandes, e., holanda, m., victorino, m., borges, v., carvalho, r., & erven, g. van. (2019). educational data mining: predictive analysis of academic performance of public school students in the capital of brazil. journal of business research, 94(aug... gorunescu, f. (2011). data mining concept, models and techniques. intelligent systems reference library,verlag berlin heidelb: springer., 12. haryoto, p. p., okprana, h., & saragih, i. s. (2021). algoritma c4.5 dalam data mining untuk menentukan klasifikasi penerimaan calon mahasiswa baru. terapan informatika nusantara, 2(5), 358–164. heredia, d., amaya, y., & barrientos, e. (2015). student dropout predictive model using data mining techniques. ieee latin america transactions, 13(9), 3127–3134. 10.1109/tla.2015.7350068. jain, a., somwanshi, d., joshi, k., & bhatt, s. s. (2022). a review: data mining classification techniques. 3rd international conference on intelligent engineering and management (iciem), 636–642. khan, a., ghosh, s. k., ghosh, d., & chattopadhyay, s. (2021). random wheel: an algorithm for early classification of student performance with confidence. engineering applications of artificial intelligence, 102(july 2020), 104270. kunwar, v., chandel, k., sabitha, a. s., & bansal, a. (. (2016). chronic kidney disease analysis using data mining classification techniques. proceedings of the 2016 6th international conference cloud system and big data engineering, confluence 2016... m. , a., & rahman, a. m. (2016). a review on data mining techniques and factors used in educational data mining to predict student amelioration. massulloh, i., & f. (2020). (2020). implementasi algoritma c4.5 untuk klasifikasi anak berkebutuhan khusus di ibnu sina stimulasi center. eprosiding sistem informasi (potensi), 136–144. maulida, r., & b. . (2020). prediksi kelulusan mahasiswa tepat waktu dengan algoritma c4.5 dengan particle swarm optimization pada univeristas xyz. journal of artificial intelligence and innovative applications, issn : 2716-1501., 1(3), 138–144. muhammad, l. j., besiru jibrin, m., yahaya, b. z., mohammed besiru jibrin, i. a., ahmad, a., & amshi, j. m. (. (2020). an improved c4.5 algorithm using principle of equivalent of infinitesimal and arithmetic mean best selection attribute for large dat... natek, s., & zwilling, m. (2014). student data mining solution-knowledge management system related to higher education institutions. expert systems with applications, 41(14), 6400–6407. oluwaseun, a., & chaubey, m. s. (2019). data mining classification techniques on the analysis of student’s performance. global scientific journal, 7, 79–95. osman hegazi, m., & abugroon, m. a. (2016). the state of the art on educational data mining in higher education. international journal of emerging trends and technology in computer science., 31(1), 46–56. patil, r., salunke, s., kalbhor, m., & lomte, r. (2018). prediction system for student performance using data mining classification. fourth. international conference on computing communication control and automation (iccubea). pune, india. rasjid, z. e., & setiawan, r. (2017). performance comparison and optimization of text document classification using k-nn and naïve bayes classification techniques. procedia computer science, 116, 107–112. sharma, a., sharma, m. k., & dwivedi, r. k. (2021). improved decision tree classification (idt) algorithm for social media data. proceedings of the 2021 10th international conference on system modeling and advancement in research trends, smart 2021 (p... sukhbaatar, o., ogata, k., & usagawa, t. (2018). mining educational data to predict academic dropouts: a case study in blended learning course. ieee region 10 annual international conference, proceedings/tencon, institute of electrical and electronics... syukri mustafa, m., rizky ramadhan, m., & thenata, a. p. (2017). implementasi data mining untuk evaluasi kinerja akademik mahasiswa menggunakan algoritma naive bayes classifier. citec journal, 4(2), 151–162. teli, s., & kanikar, p. (2015a). a survey on decision tree based approaches in data mining. international journal of advanced research in computer science and software engineering, 5(4), 613–617. teli, s., & kanikar, p. . (2015b). a survey on decision tree based approaches in data mining. international. international journal of advanced research in computer science and software engineering, 5(4), 613–617. turban, e. (2005). decision support systems and intelligent systems edisi bahasa indonesia. andi. ukwuoma, c. c., bo, c., chikwendu, i. a., & bondzie-selby, e. (2019). performance analysis of students based on data mining techniques: a literature review. 4th technology innovation management and engineering science international conference (times-i... utari, m., warsito, b., & kusumaningrum, r. (2020). implementation of data mining for drop-out prediction using random forest method. 8th international conference on information and communication technology, icoict, 1–5. yossy, e. h., heryadi, y., & l. (2019). comparison of data mining classification algorithms for student performance. in tale 2019 2019 ieee international conference on engineering, technology and education. institute of electrical and electronics en... yu, h., & zhang, z. q. (2018). the application of data mining technology in employment analysis of university graduates. proceedings 17th ieee/acis international conference on computer and information science, icis 2018, 846–849. yuda, o. &. (2022). penerapan penerapan data mining untuk klasifikasi kelulusan mahasiswa tepat waktu menggunakan metode random forest. atin sains dan teknologi informasi, 8(2), 122–131. 10.33372/stn.v8i2.885 yunus, m., ramadhan, h., aji, d. r., & yulianto, a. (2021). penerapan metode data mining c4.5 untuk pemilihan penerima kartu. paradigma jurnal komputer dan informatika, 23(2). journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 3(2) 2022 : 190-194 190 user satisfaction analysis of service quality of dapodik applications (educational data) using servqual method rizki novendra1*, nizwardi jalinus2, waskito3, afriansyah4, anna rasfira5 1,4,5universitas lancang kuning 1,2,3universitas negeri padang received : 25 may 2022, revised: 29 june 2022, accepted : 30 june 2022 *corresponding author abstract dapodik is an education data system with a national scale in which there are various kinds of information regarding educational data units. the problem that occurs is that the operator has difficulty if the input data is invalid, so to correct the invalid input data, it is done in the operator's account, while to synchronize the data the operator must first login to the principal's account. in addition, for filling the infrastructure (facilities and infrastructure) operators have difficulty measuring the percentage of damage that occurs to school facilities because they are not in their expertise or field. therefore, this dapodik application needs to be measured user satisfaction with the quality of its services using the servqual method. this study aims to measure user satisfaction in using the dapodik application on the quality of its services using the servqual method. the results of the measurement can be concluded that the empathy dimension, h5 (-1.03) should be further improved because the value of user dissatisfaction is higher. in addition, based on tangible values, reliability, responsiveness and assurance are still not good, so it is necessary to improve the quality of dapodik application services. keywords : dapodik, servqual method, satisfaction 1. introduction advances in technology can have a significant effect in various aspects of life. one of them is getting convenience in providing services and information. information technology has now penetrated into various fields such as education. technological advances encourage educational institutions to improve and develop existing and sustainable information systems to make data processing easier, faster and more accurate. the success of the service is reflected in the user's perception of it. user satisfaction with information systems is the most important factor in developing service quality. service quality is measured by the system that supports the use of these services, including: systematic data processing. one of the educational institutions that have implemented it is sdn 120 pekanbaru. currently sdn 120 pekanbaru is implementing the national education planning program which is the most important part of the implementation of the national education development strategic plan. the program is known as the dapodik application. the dapodik application is an educational data system managed by the ministry of education and culture with the aim of realizing intelligent and competitive indonesian people. the number of modules or application guides available and the variety of user perceptions. therefore, this application needs to measure user satisfaction. this measurement is directly related to service quality. one of the users of the dapodik application is the operator and teachers at sdn 120 pekanbaru. the problem that occurs is that the operator has difficulty if the input data is not valid, so to correct the invalid data it is done in the operator's account, while to synchronize the operator data, you must first login to the principal's account. in addition, when filling out the infrastructure (facilities and infrastructure) operators have difficulty measuring the percentage of damage that occurs to school facilities because they are not in their expertise or field. therefore, this dapodik application needs to be measured user satisfaction with the quality of its services. measurement of user satisfaction is used to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of schools when using the dapodik application, based on service quality using the servqual method. when measuring service quality, it is based on five servqual dimensions, namely tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. novendra et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 190-194 191 2. literature review this research was conducted by lila setiyani, jaki wagiar, evelyn tjandra (2020) entitled "analysis of the quality of the dapodik application system at the regional coordinator for the education sector of kutawaluya district using the webqual 4.0 model". this study aims to analyze the quality of the dapodik application system using the webqual 4.0 model. the survey results show that the user's ease (usability), quality of information (quality of information) and quality of service (service interaction) of the dapodik application are very well received by users. the research was conducted by syahtriatna djusar, muhamad sadar, elvira asril (2020) entitled "analysis of service quality for the unilak smart system using the servqual method". the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality aspects, namely tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy on student satisfaction as unilak smart users in pdpt unilak services. the survey results show that the quality of physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, security and empathy is still lacking and user satisfaction with the quality of smart unilak services at pdpt unilak has not been met. the research was conducted by felix wuryo handono, hafis nurdin, sumarna (2019) entitled "the level of customer satisfaction with service quality at cv jia pradana with the servqual method". the purpose of this survey is to determine the level of customer satisfaction and it is necessary to measure the satisfaction of service users. measurement by servqual method. the results of 100 samples indicate that the services provided by the company do not satisfy customers. aspects that have a significant effect on user satisfaction can only be seen in aspects of security and empathy. gap analysis is also carried out as a management criterion to improve company performance. the two biggest gaps where companies can focus on improving performance are in the tangibles and reliability dimensions. the research was conducted by renanda nia rachmadita and wibowo arninputranto (2018) entitled "analysis of user satisfaction on the quality of library services in vocational colleges using the servqual method and importance-performance analysis". the purpose of this study was to measure the level of satisfaction of services provided by libraries in vocational colleges. the analysis is carried out by analyzing the perception and expectation gaps and applying the importance-performance analysis method. the gap analysis found that the overall dimensions of servqual were negative. therefore, improvement measures must be taken to meet the expectations of the users. with this increase, it is hoped that library users can use the services in the library more optimally according to their needs. this research was conducted by satria (2019) entitled "analysis of information systems measuring customer service satisfaction with the servqual method". design systems that measure customer service and improve work efficiency and can be useful in helping work creativity, besides that progress in service leveled by the company is prioritized. one method that can be used to measure customer satisfaction is the servqual method. the assessment is based on 5 aspects of service quality, namely: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy. 3. research methods this method is used to measure user satisfaction and understanding of service quality in the form of a questionnaire based on five servqual dimensions, namely tangible (physical evidence), reliability (reliability), responsiveness (responsiveness), assurance (assurance) and empathy (empathy). data were obtained directly from the research site and references related to this research. data collection techniques used include: observation this technique collects information through direct observation or observation at the location under study, such as conducting a review of the parties involved in the research at sdn 120 pekanbaru. interview in this technique, the writer conducted a direct question and answer to one of the teachers at sdn 120 pekanbaru. questionnaire novendra et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 190-194 192 this questionnaire contains open-ended questions whose answers are in accordance with the expectations and circumstances of the dapodik application users. literature review the author takes various sources for research-related references such as books, scientific works, journals and the internet. 4. results and discussions this section will explain what has been described in the previous chapter. this research starts from november 2021 to completion. respondents who became the sample in the study were thirteen teachers and one operator. the data to be analyzed was obtained from the distribution of online questionnaires using google from to measure user satisfaction with the service quality of the dapodik application using the servqual method. user satisfaction or dissatisfaction is the result of differences in user perceptions and expectations. user perception is a response to user behavior and evaluates the perceived quality of the service and user expectations. for this study, two variables were used, namely the independent variable and the dependent variable. the independent variables measured are tangible (x1) which consists of three statement items, reliability (x2) consists of 6 statement items, responsiveness (x3) consists of 6 statement items, assurance (x4) consists of 3 statement items, empathy (x5 ) consists of 2 statement items. while the dependent variable measured is tangible (y1) which consists of three question items, reliability (y2) consists of 6 question items, responsiveness (y3) consists of 6 question items, assurance (y4) consists of 3 question items, empathy (y5 ) consists of 2 question items. some of the tests that will be carried out are instrument testing consisting of validity and reliability tests, data processing servqual methods (service quality) and the results of hypothesis testing. the purpose of testing this instrument is to determine whether the questionnaire can be used as an accurate or valid and reliable measuring tool. the instrument test in question is a test of the validity and reliability of the questionnaire distributed to respondents so that the data obtained can be used in further research. according to (hendra adisaputro 2020) "validity test is used to test the extent to which the accuracy or correctness of an instrument as a measuring instrument for research variables". to make it easier to do calculations on the validity test, the spss 20 application is used. after the validity test is carried out with the results obtained all items are valid, because r count > r table, where r table = 0.497. the following are the results of the recap of the frequency of respondents' answers to the perception variable on the quality of dapodik application services at sdn 120 pekanbaru per dimension as follows. the tangible dimension that has the largest number of respondents' answers lies in x12 with a total of 8 answers for the p (satisfied) category and the lowest number of respondents answers lies in x12 with 2 answers for sp (very satisfied) answers. the reliability dimension which has the largest number of respondents' answers lies in the question x21 with the number of answers that is 8 for the answer category p (satisfied) and x23 with the number of answers that is 8 for the cp answer category (quite satisfied) and the lowest number of respondents' answers lies in x21, x23, x24 with the number of answers is 1 in the categories of tp (not satisfied), cp (quite satisfied), and p (satisfied). the responsiveness dimension which has the largest number of respondents' answers lies in question x34 with a total of 8 answers for the answer category p (satisfied) and the lowest number of respondents' answers lies in x33 and x35 with the number of answers 1 for sp answers (very satisfied). the assurance dimension that has the largest number of respondents' answers lies in questions x41 and xx42 with the number of answers, namely 8 for the cp category of answers (quite satisfied) and the lowest number of respondents' answers lies in x41, x42, x43 with 1 answer for tp answers (unsatisfied) . the empathy dimension which has the largest number of respondents' answers lies in questions x51 and x52 with the number of answers, namely 7 for the cp category of answers (quite satisfied) and the lowest number of respondents' answers lies in x51 and x52 with the number of answers being 1 for tp answers (unsatisfied). in testing the hypothesis, it was found that h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 there was no positive and significant effect on user satisfaction because the results of h1 (0.35), h2 (0.77), h3 (0.74), h4 (-1), h5 (1.03). so from these results it has not been able to satisfy user satisfaction and it is necessary to improve the quality of dapodik application services at sdn 120 pekanbaru. novendra et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 190-194 193 5. conclusion based on the research that has been done by the author, it can draw conclusions using the servqual method to measure user satisfaction with the quality of dapodik application services, where the results of the validity and reliability tests use the spss version 20 application, which are valid and reliable. based on the calculation of the value of the servqual score there is no positive and significant effect on user satisfaction. the results of the measurement can be concluded that the empathy dimension, h5 (-1.03) should be further improved because the value of user dissatisfaction is higher. in addition, based on tangible values, reliability, responsiveness and assurance are still not good, so it is necessary to improve the quality of dapodik application services. references alramuri, d. (2017). pelayanan customer service terhadap kepuasan pelanggan di pt. telkom dengan menggunakan metode fuzzy servqual. ariani, f., trisnasari, e., aprilinda, y., & affandi, f. n. (2018). aplikasi berbasis web metode servqual untuk mengukur kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan laboratorium komputer. expert: jurnal manajemen sistem informasi dan teknologi, 8(2). djusar, s., sadar, m., & asril, e. (2020). analisa kualitas layanan sistem smart unilak menggunakan servqual method. digital zone: jurnal teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, 11(2), 278-290. handono, f. w., nurdin, h., & sumarna, s. (2019). tingkat kepuasan pelanggan terhadap kualitas pelayanan pada cv jia pradana dengan metode servqual. justin (jurnal sistem dan teknologi informasi), 7(3), 154-159. horax, m., sanjaya, l., & pratiwi, j. (2017). analisis kepuasan konsumen terhadap pelayanan restoran cepat saji (restoran x) dengan metode service quality (servqual). jurnal metris, 18(2), 65-74. izzati, l. (2021). analisis kualitas layanan sistem informasi akademik (siak) terhadap kepuasan pengguna menggunakan metode servqual pada universitas lancang kuning (doctoral dissertation, universitas islam negeri sultan syarif kasim riau). rachmadita, r. n., & arninputranto, w. (2018). analisis kepuasan pemustaka terhadap kualitas layanan perpustakaan di perguruan tinggi vokasi dengan metode servqual dan importanceperformace analysis. berkala ilmu perpustakaan dan informasi, 14(2), 214-225. rais, m. f. r., & sufa, m. f. (2021). analisis kepuasan pelanggan terhadap kualitas pelayanan pada bengkel ahass 1215 galuh motor menggunakan metode servqual dan importance performance analysis (ipa) (doctoral dissertation, universitas muhammadiyah surakarta). sarja, n. l. a. k. y. (2018). pengukuran kepuasan pengguna sistem informasi dosen menggunakan metode servqual. jurnal sistem dan informatika (jsi), 12(2), 19-25. satria, s. (2019). analisis sistem informasi mengukur kepuasan pelayanan pelanggan dengan metode servqual. kilat, 8(1), 52-64. septiani, y., aribbe, e., & diansyah, r. (2020). analisis kualitas layanan sistem informasi akademik universitas abdurrab terhadap kepuasan pengguna menggunakan metode sevqual (studi kasus: mahasiswa universitas abdurrab pekanbaru). jurnal teknologi dan open source, 3(1), 131-143. setiyani, l., wagiar, j., & tjandra, e. (2020). analisis kualitas sistem aplikasi dapodik pada koordinator wilayah bidang pendidikan kecamatan kutawaluya menggunakan model webqual 4.0. jurnal interkom: jurnal publikasi ilmiah bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, 15(2), 12-20. sinnun, a. (2017). analisis kepuasan pengguna lms berbasis web dengan metode servqual, ipa dan csi. jurnal informatika, 4(1). situmorang, i. s. s., & nasari, f. (2019, december). analisis kepuasan konsumen terhadap layanan spa dengan servqual (studi kasus: pt. royal amadeus). in sensitif: seminar nasional sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi (pp. 521-528). pramono, s. (2018). analisis tingkat kepuasan konsumen terhadap kualitas layanan dengan metode servqual dan importance performance analisys (ipa)(studi kasus pada sbm cabang besi yogyakarta). novendra et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 190-194 194 yunis, r., ibsah, f. l., & arisandy, d. (2017). analisis kesuksesan penerapan sistem informasi data pokok pendidikan (dapodik) pada sd kabupaten batu bara. jurnal sifo mikroskil, 18(1), 71-82. user satisfaction analysis of service quality of dapodik applications (educational data) using servqual method rizki novendra1*, nizwardi jalinus2, waskito3, afriansyah4, anna rasfira5 1,4,5universitas lancang kuning 1,2,3universitas negeri padang received : 25 may 2022, revised: 29 june 2022, accepted : 30 june 2022 *corresponding author abstract dapodik is an education data system with a national scale in which there are various kinds of information regarding educational data units. the problem that occurs is that the operator has difficulty if the input data is invalid, so to correct the inv... keywords : dapodik, servqual method, satisfaction 1. introduction advances in technology can have a significant effect in various aspects of life. one of them is getting convenience in providing services and information. information technology has now penetrated into various fields such as education. technological a... currently sdn 120 pekanbaru is implementing the national education planning program which is the most important part of the implementation of the national education development strategic plan. the program is known as the dapodik application. the dapod... the number of modules or application guides available and the variety of user perceptions. therefore, this application needs to measure user satisfaction. this measurement is directly related to service quality. one of the users of the dapodik applica... measurement of user satisfaction is used to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of schools when using the dapodik application, based on service quality using the servqual method. when measuring service quality, it is based on five servqual dimens... 2. literature review this research was conducted by lila setiyani, jaki wagiar, evelyn tjandra (2020) entitled "analysis of the quality of the dapodik application system at the regional coordinator for the education sector of kutawaluya district using the webqual 4.0 mode... the research was conducted by syahtriatna djusar, muhamad sadar, elvira asril (2020) entitled "analysis of service quality for the unilak smart system using the servqual method". the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality... the research was conducted by felix wuryo handono, hafis nurdin, sumarna (2019) entitled "the level of customer satisfaction with service quality at cv jia pradana with the servqual method". the purpose of this survey is to determine the level of cust... the research was conducted by renanda nia rachmadita and wibowo arninputranto (2018) entitled "analysis of user satisfaction on the quality of library services in vocational colleges using the servqual method and importance-performance analysis". the ... this research was conducted by satria (2019) entitled "analysis of information systems measuring customer service satisfaction with the servqual method". design systems that measure customer service and improve work efficiency and can be useful in hel... 3. research methods this method is used to measure user satisfaction and understanding of service quality in the form of a questionnaire based on five servqual dimensions, namely tangible (physical evidence), reliability (reliability), responsiveness (responsiveness), as... data were obtained directly from the research site and references related to this research. data collection techniques used include: observation this technique collects information through direct observation or observation at the location under study, such as conducting a review of the parties involved in the research at sdn 120 pekanbaru. interview in this technique, the writer conducted a direct question and answer to one of the teachers at sdn 120 pekanbaru. questionnaire this questionnaire contains open-ended questions whose answers are in accordance with the expectations and circumstances of the dapodik application users. literature review the author takes various sources for research-related references such as books, scientific works, journals and the internet. 4. results and discussions this section will explain what has been described in the previous chapter. this research starts from november 2021 to completion. respondents who became the sample in the study were thirteen teachers and one operator. the data to be analyzed was obtai... for this study, two variables were used, namely the independent variable and the dependent variable. the independent variables measured are tangible (x1) which consists of three statement items, reliability (x2) consists of 6 statement items, responsi... the purpose of testing this instrument is to determine whether the questionnaire can be used as an accurate or valid and reliable measuring tool. the instrument test in question is a test of the validity and reliability of the questionnaire distribute... the following are the results of the recap of the frequency of respondents' answers to the perception variable on the quality of dapodik application services at sdn 120 pekanbaru per dimension as follows. the tangible dimension that has the largest nu... in testing the hypothesis, it was found that h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 there was no positive and significant effect on user satisfaction because the results of h1 (0.35), h2 (0.77), h3 (0.74), h4 (-1), h5 (1.03). so from these results it has not been... 5. conclusion based on the research that has been done by the author, it can draw conclusions using the servqual method to measure user satisfaction with the quality of dapodik application services, where the results of the validity and reliability tests use the sp... references journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 734-742 734 the potential of sawdust and coconut fiber as soundreduction materials joseph nyumutsu1, anthony agyei-agyemang2*, prince yaw andoh3, peter oppong tawiah4, benjamin atribawuni asaaga5 department of mechanical engineering, university of energy and natural resources, sunyani, ghana1 department of mechanical engineering, kwame nkrumah university of science and technology, kumasi, ghana2345 received : 04 june 2022, revised: 02 february 2023, accepted : 05 february 2023 *corresponding author abstract in this study, biodegradable materials that could be utilized to reduce noise were examined. sound absorption test was conducted with an impedance tube. sawdust, coconut fiber, and expansive clay were used to create test samples. noise reduction coefficient results for sawdust and expansive clay mixture ranged from 0.24 to 0.62. a mixture of coconut fiber and expansive clay recorded in noise reduction coefficient between 0.31 and 0.58. coconut fiber mixed with expansive clay recorded noise reduction coefficient ranging from 0.31 to 0.58. the study findings suggests that these materials have good acoustic properties and can therefore be used as alternative noise reduction materials. these findings have important implications in reducing environmental pollution if adopted in the development of noise reducing materials. keywords: noise reduction coefficient (nrc), acoustic properties, coconut fiber, saw dust, noise pollution 1. introduction in the industrial society today, noise pollution has become a major source of health problem facing humanity and the environment (gheorghe, 2013). noise is a nuisance experienced by humans as a result of machines and equipment used in everyday activities (indrianti et al., 2016). it is also considered to be unwanted sound that is usually unpleasant, loud, or disturbing to the hearing organs and is considered to be one of the negative environmental health hazards (vašina, 2022). sound, in fact, is the transmission of a disturbance in a fluid or solid, most commonly in the form of a wave motion, which is initiated when an element moves the nearest particle of air, causing a pressure differential in the medium through which the wave travels (goelzer et al., 2001). sound propagates at different speeds depending on the medium through which it passes and the pressure differential (breysse & lees, 2006). most mechanical devices, including industrial equipment, home appliances, cars, and houses, have noise and vibration associated with them (navhi et al., 2009; rmili et al., 2009). noise and vibration are not always a nuisance, they can be used as the source of signals for machinery diagnostics and health monitoring (randall, 2009; tuma, 2009). many workers are exposed to higher levels of noise above the approved threshold. some negative effects posed by noise pollution on human health include, hearing problems, physical or mental losses, annoyance, and tiredness, among others. as a result, public knowledge and education about the effects of noise pollution and how it can be minimized is needed (abd-elfattah & abd-elbasseer, 2011). it is therefore necessary to eliminate or reduce excessive noise. this is done by converting the excessive mechanical energy of oscillating motion causing noise and acoustic energy into other types of energy, especially heat (vašina, 2022). at the current state of development in technology, noise tends to be an inevitable problem in the society. noise being an occupational hazard, controlling and reducing it to the barest or tolerable levels for human comfort is a worthwhile challenge to be addressed using available local materials to cut down cost of importation of conventional materials. achieving a manageable noise level would depend on the material used. vibration isolation, partitions, sound-absorbing materials, device enclosures, and other enclosures can be used to reduce noise and vibration in nyumutsu et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 734-742 735 mechanical systems if the sources of noise and vibration are identified (roozen et al., 2009; upadhyay et al., 2009). eliminating noise completely, may not be possible since the environment could not be changed entirely. continuous exposure, however, may pose health risk far beyond hearing damage. it is therefore necessary to put in place measures to reduce it to a manageable level. depending on the type of noise and vibration generated, controlling the noise and vibration waves is always a physical challenge, requiring adequate control mechanisms that are practical (tuler & kaewunruen, 2017). to increase the efficiency of these sound-absorbing materials, they are used in combination with barriers and within enclosure (crocker & arenas, 2007). materials that absorb and transmit sound waves should be able to absorb and transmit more sound waves than they reflect (doutres & atalla, 2012). the ability of a material to absorb sound is influenced by its thickness, density, and porosity (d’alessandro & pispola, 2005). at low frequencies (1002000hz), the material thickness is relevant or has a direct link; at high frequencies (>2000hz), it is irrelevant (seddeq, 2009). porosity, aggregate size, aggregate gradation, aggregate type, and specimen thickness are the key parameters that influence sound absorption properties of porous materials (zhang et al., 2020). the sound absorption coefficient increases as the thickness of the samples rises, according to azkorra et al., (2015). the explanation for this may be that low frequency waves had longer wavelengths, implying that thicker material led to better absorption (adnan & rus, 2013). density influences the acoustic impedance since the impedance determines the reflection of materials; the impedance is proportional to the density. according to wertel (2000), a high-density material absorbs more sound because of its mass (wertel, 2000). most of the research into the sound absorption characteristics of materials is on synthetic materials. muhazeli et al., (2020) studied the sound-absorption properties of a magneto-induced foam or magnetorheological foam by adding different concentrations of carbonyl iron particles. they discovered that the introduction of a magnetic field resulted in a peak frequency shift from the middle to higher frequency ranges which had a significant influence on sound absorption, and concluded that the magnetorheological foam could be applied as a material to control noise. monkova et al., (2020) studied the sound absorption capabilities of 3d printed open porous acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (abs) samples that were printed with four different lattice structures namely: cartesian, starlit, rhomboid, and octagonal; and concluded that 3d printed materials were good in sound absorption and could be used industrially as such. liang et al., (2022) studied the use of inorganic materials, especially their fibers in sound and noise absorption and noted that the acoustic properties of polymers were usually improved by adding fillers, using perforated structures, gradient porous structures, and multiple-layer composite structures. in their study, qunli chen et al., (2022) investigated the performance of aluminum silicate fibers and other materials and successfully proved that the pure aluminium silicate fibers performed very well in absorbing low frequency noise compared with the others. they also confirmed that the thicker the material and higher the density of the material the higher its noise absorption ability. development of new synthetic sound absorption materials is well advanced and successful, but these materials are expensive since they are mostly synthesized from petroleum-based resources, and consequently, contribute to adverse environmental effects like global warming and climate changes (galbrun & scerri, 2017). most materials for acoustic applications today, like synthetic plastics, glass wool, and synthetic foams, are harmful to human health, and pose a threat to social life and the environment (sailesh et al., 2022). the proliferation of synthetic plastics is being corrected at all levels of humanity (hong & chen, 2017). sailesh et al., (2022) investigated sound absorption and transmission loss characteristics of 3d printed bio-degradable material made with poly lactic acid (pla). even though it has long life and is bio degradable, it still needs to be hydrolyzed at high temperature using micro-organisms in industrial composting facilities to be compostable (karamanlioglu et al., 2017). that means they are not naturally biodegradable but requires effort and money to compost them. presently, most sound absorption materials available commercially consists of glass or mineral-fiber material, however, today's public consciousness and concern is to prevent pollution's harmful effects by favouring more friendly fabrics, less polluting practices, and recycled items (asdrubali, 2006). as a result, it is critical to expand research into finding alternative acoustical materials made from renewable resources such as natural fibers. nyumutsu et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 734-742 736 natural fibers are known to have good acoustic properties and are relatively less expensive, biodegradable, abundant, and eco-friendly (taban et al., 2019). the use of natural fiber and agricultural products as sound-absorbing materials have been investigated by some researchers (taban, amininasab, et al., 2021; yang et al., 2020). taban et al., (2021) investigated the possibility of producing low-cost sound-absorbing panels from date palm waste fibers and concluded that it could be used to enhance room acoustics properties. or et al. (2017) investigated the acoustic properties of sound absorbers made from raw palm empty fruit bunch and discovered that at the frequency ranges above 1000 hz, the average sound absorption coefficient of 0.9 could be achieved. there is therefore the potential of using natural materials to absorb sound and for that matter, noise. the need to investigate and find alternative natural fibers that have potential of absorbing low frequency sounds and noise for possible industrial use and for that matter, promote the use of renewable resources for a better ecology is therefore paramount. such viable alternatives should be materials that do not interfere with human health. it is therefore necessary to explore an opportunity to look for less expensive bio-degradable local materials to be used, as alternative noise reducing material. this study considers the use of natural fibers and natural renewable and biodegradable materials like coconut fiber, saw dust and clay which are abundant, cheaper, pose less health risk and safety concern, during handling, processing and use. 3. research methods materials selection in this study, sawdust and coconut fiber which is generally discarded as waste were gathered and used as the main materials. the coconut fiber was extracted manually from the outer shells of mature coconut fruits and left to dry in the sun. it was then brought to the grinding machine where the coconut fiber was milled into smaller particles. sawdust was sieved into micron and referred to in this work as fine grade sawdust. tables 1 and 2 presents the mix proportions and properties of materials used to develop the test specimen, whereas figure 1 shows the images of the test specimen. the table consist of the materials with their respective proportions on weight basis. they were further mixed with a binding agent in the ratio 1:2 (particle: binder). samples formed from these mix proportions were used to carry out the experiment. table 1 proportions of materials used in the study. sample proportions on weight basis coconut fiber fine grade sawdust expansive clay binder a 1 1 2 b 1 2 c 1 1 1 2 d 1 1 e 1 1 fig 1. test specimens, (a) mixture of fine grade sawdust and coconut fiber, (b) fine grade sawdust; (c) mixture of coconut fiber, fine grade sawdust and expansive clay, (d) a mixture of fine grade sawdust and expansive clay. (e) mixture of coconut fiber and expansive clay table 2 properties of the materials developed. sample thickness (mm) mass (kg) volume (m3) density (kg/m3) a 30.4 0.244 1.339 ×10-4 1.823×103 b 30.3 0.194 1.339 ×10-4 1.449 ×103 c 30.6 0.203 1.339 ×10-4 1.516 ×103 nyumutsu et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 734-742 737 d 30.3 0.242 1.339 ×10-4 1.808 ×103 e 30.1 0.157 1.339 ×10-4 1.172 ×103 experimental setup the measurement of sound level at the given frequencies was conducted using the impedance tube. the experimental setup, as shown in figure 2, consists of an impedance tube with sample holder, a signal generator, a precision digital sound level meter (dt8852), a speaker inserted at one end, and a laptop computer to log the data recorded by the sound level meter. the impedance tube was set-up using iso 10534-2 standard (tao et al., 2015). a signal generator connected to a speaker was used to generate the sound at given frequencies for the experiment. the selected frequencies used to investigate the sound level ranged from 1 khz to 8 khz. sound levels were recorded using sound level meter in decibels (dba), before and after placing developed samples into the test tube holder. fig. 2. experimental setup for sound reduction measurement table 3 shows measurements of sound pressure level at the frequencies of 1 8 khz inclusive, in decibel (dba), without samples of the materials developed in place. these materials were investigated within the frequency range of 1 8 khz inclusive, at 0.5 khz intervals. table 3 measured sound pressure level at different frequencies without samples. frequency sound level without test sample sound level without test sample sound level without test sample (khz) (dba) (dba) (dba) day 1 day 2 day 3 1.0 96.4 83.9 97.6 1.5 97.2 84.7 96.0 2.0 99.5 84.7 95.0 2.5 99.4 84.5 86.3 3.0 98.7 84.5 85.0 3.5 99.8 84.7 88.6 4.0 98.7 84.5 98.8 4.5 99.2 84.3 84.3 5.0 89.7 84.5 82.1 5.5 97.1 84.5 82.9 6.0 90.8 84.3 86.2 6.5 95.7 84.3 86.7 7.0 92.4 84.3 73.4 7.5 97.7 84.3 80.6 8.0 94.9 84.3 70.4 table 4 shows measurements of sound pressure level at different frequencies, in decibel (dba), with samples of the materials developed in place. these materials were investigated within the frequency range of 1 8 khz inclusive, at 0.5 khz intervals. nyumutsu et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 734-742 738 table 4 sound pressure level at different frequencies in dba for samples developed. frequency fine grade sawdust fine grade coconut fiber fine grade sawdust mixed with coconut fiber fine grade sawdust mixed with expansive clay coconut fiber mixed with expansive clay (khz) (dba) (dba) (dba) (dba) (dba) 1.0 53.4 68.1 59.2 58.1 56.6 1.5 48.9 76.9 53.9 48.4 48.9 2.0 51.0 73.7 53.6 52.6 49.6 2.5 47.6 60.5 57.2 53.0 59.6 3.0 55.8 69.8 58.5 47.4 56.9 3.5 52.1 68.7 47.0 39.6 45.3 4.0 46.0 56.1 58.5 37.8 54.0 4.5 43.0 54.1 54.4 42.3 40.2 5.0 49.4 44.7 56.4 40.4 50.4 5.5 57.5 62.4 56.1 54.0 45.9 6.0 47.2 70.9 49.9 51.1 36.3 6.5 39.9 65.2 44.2 43.4 36.8 7.0 43.5 55.5 45.0 55.5 43.8 7.5 47.8 62.2 40.1 38.2 38.6 8.0 40.5 58.8 41.4 34.6 41.5 from equation (1), the effectiveness of the noise reduction coefficient (nrc) of each material developed at the given frequencies were determined and represented in table 7. noise reduction coefficient (nrc) = (𝑎 − 𝑏) 𝑎 ⁄ where, a is sound intensity in decibel (dba) without material developed. b is sound intensity in decibel (dba) with material developed in place 4. results and discussions effects of different biodegradable material composition on nrc this section summarizes and discusses the main findings of the work. the nrc results are given in table 5 and shown graphically in figure 3. based on the results, it was observed that nrc values ranged between 0.09 for coconut fiber at 1 khz frequency and 0.62 for fine grade sawdust mixed with expansive clay at 4.0 khz. by carefully examining the data, it is found that fine grade sawdust mixed with expansive clay yielded the highest nrc value of 0.62 at 4 khz. the other samples used in this study also show promising nrc values. the high nrc value of fine grade sawdust mixed with expansive clay may be attributed to the material’s high density. this is consistent with the findings of wertel (2000) which suggest that high-density material absorbs more sound because of its mass. results further show that, materials with high density have good sound reduction properties due to their high nrc values. further work to improve on these samples’ nrc values is suggested. table 5 noise reduction coefficient (nrc) for the samples frequency (khz) noise reduction coefficient (nrc) fine grade sawdust coconut fiber fine grade sawdust mixed with coconut fiber fine grade sawdust mixed with expansive clay coconut fiber mixed with expansive clay 1.0 0.45 0.18 0.39 0.4 0.42 1.5 0.49 0.09 0.44 0.5 0.49 2.0 0.46 0.13 0.44 0.45 0.48 2.5 0.45 0.28 0.34 0.39 0.31 3.0 0.34 0.17 0.31 0.44 0.33 3.5 0.41 0.19 0.47 0.55 0.49 4.0 0.53 0.34 0.41 0.62 0.46 4.5 0.49 0.36 0.35 0.5 0.52 5.0 0.40 0.47 0.31 0.51 0.39 5.5 0.31 0.26 0.32 0.35 0.45 6.0 0.45 0.16 0.42 0.41 0.58 6.5 0.54 0.23 0.49 0.5 0.58 7.0 0.41 0.34 0.39 0.24 0.4 nyumutsu et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 734-742 739 7.5 0.41 0.26 0.50 0.53 0.52 8.0 0.42 0.30 0.41 0.51 0.41 fig. 3. the noise reduction coefficient graph for the samples at various frequencies comparison of nrc results with literature table 6 presents the study’s best nrc results (fine grade sawdust mixed with expansive) together with other nrc results of different materials from previous studies (balan and asdrubali, 2006; tengku izhar et al., 2015; oancea et al., 2018; shivasankaran, 2019). the other sample compositions compared with the present study sample are 75% maize and 25% textile waste, coconut fibre, cob concrete, sawdust, and sugar cane and egg tray. from the results shown in table 6, fine grade sawdust mixed with expansive (from the present study) has the highest nrc value of 0.62 as compared to the other materials from previous studies (75% maize and 25% textile waste with nrc value of 0.28, coconut fibre with nrc value of 0.515, cob concrete with nrc value of 0.285, sawdust with nrc value of 0.05, and sugar cane and ash tray with nrc value of 0.59). the presented results show that, material sample (fine grade sawdust mixed with expansive clay) from the present study has great nrc potential and should be considered in future nrc experiments. table 6 comparison of material composition, thickness and noise reduction coefficient between values from literature review and present study. material parameter authors balan and shivasankaran, 2019 asdrubali, 2006 oancea et al., 2018 tengku izhar et al., 2015 kaamin et al., 2019 present study composition of materials 75% maize and 25% textile waste coconut fibre cob concrete sawdust sugar cane and egg tray fine grade sawdust mixed with expansive thickness (mm) 99.5 35 40 30 50 30.1 30.6 noise reduction coefficient 0.28 0.515 0.285 0.05 0.59 0.62 5. conclusion this research investigated and analysed the acoustic properties of sawdust, coconut fiber and expansive clay for sound reduction purposes. the results show that fine grade sawdust mixed 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n o is e r e d u ct io n c o e ff ic ie n t [n r c ] frequency [hz] fine grade sawdust coconut fiber fine grade sawdust mixed with coconut fiber fine grade sawdust mixed with expansive clay coconut fiber mixed with expansive clay nyumutsu et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 734-742 740 with expansive clay yielded the highest nrc value of 0.62 at 4 khz and has a promising nrc potential as compared to the other materials studied. the materials made with fine grade sawdust, coconut fiber and expansive clay, which are natural materials, have good acoustic properties and therefore could be used as alternative, less expensive, local materials to produce acoustic board panels or tiles with appreciable noise reduction properties. they can be used in industrial halls, conference rooms, 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march 2023, accepted : 01 april 2023 *corresponding author abstract this article investigates the extent to which the indonesian national standard (sni) for products adopted and applied by small and medium enterprises (smes) in yogyakarta, indonesia, can encourage them to effectively implement a quality management system (qms) within their internal organizations, which eventually affects and benefits their process performance and clean production practices. survey data collected from 44 respondents in 12 smes with sni-certified products were processed and examined using descriptive analysis and regression analysis. the results showed that these could implement qms effectively partly because it is a requirement for the sni certification of the proposed product. the effectiveness of qms implementation affects the achievement of process performance in that it can reduce the number of defective products, process costs, and process cycle times. according to the respondents, an effective qms makes every activity and action taken in the production process more environmentally friendly and leads to cleaner production practices. these findings can help further research determine the model's feasibility to design and develop a better framework that promotes qms and clean production practices, especially among smes in indonesia. keywords: indonesian national standard, iso 9001 qms, process performance,clean production 1. introduction the roles of smes for the growth of economy in indonesia become significant as smes are able to contribute to the value of the gross domestic product (gdp). several studies have figured out the roles of smes for the growth of economy and employment in all countries, specifically developing countries. smes contribute to the economic growth of a country as there is a positive relation between gdp value with growth of smes number (erdin & ozkaya, 2020; masroor & asim, 2019; woźniak et al., 2019). the growth of smes also has a positive impact on regional economic growth (gherghina et al., 2020), so that the existence of smes for economic development in developing countries is very important (manzoor et al., 2021). however, the growth of smes also creates problems in many countries. smes activities were found to have an impact on environmental and health damage (chiu et al., 1999; lewis et al., 2015; pembi et al., 2018; sridhar et al., 2018). the perspective and commitment of smes owners influence attitudes and adherence to being environmentally friendly (hasan et al., 2020). clean production is a strategy for efficient use of resources (raw materials, water, energy), and an effort to reduce waste, emissions and waste recycling (oliveira neto et al., 2020). clean production practices provide economic and environmental benefits for enterprises. however, smes often do not adopt clean production practices due to various obstacles. previous research found technical, cultural, and financial resource problems in adopting clean production practices in smes (leite et al., 2019; oliveira neto et al., 2020; tanco et al., 2021). the concept and strategy for clean production is in line with the objective of implementing standardization in the rosyidi et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 674-692 675 enterprises. research that has been conducted has found that standardization applied in the industry is able to consolidate production processes and reduce waste by using better raw materials and by reducing defective products (kumar et al., 2018; psomas & pantouvakis, 2015; santos et al., 2016). according to the 2018 small and medium enterprises (smes) survey records, there are 18,920 smes in the special region of yogyakarta, indonesia figure 1, and only 20 (0.11%) have already implemented the national standard sni for their products. yogyakarta, a densely populated area with 1,194 people/km2, is a leading destination for cultural tourism and the home of 136 nationally and internationally recognized universities. the region’s economy is growing steadily with the burgeoning of smes, although most have not implemented product standards and their products are not sni-certified. this situation can be attributed to the high cost of sni product license and registration, inadequate capital, workforce not explicitly trained for this standard, and low awareness of the standard implementation. sommer (sommer, 2017) relates product standardization to production; therefore, compliance with the standards encourages a change of production processes and technologies, whereas non-compliance implies unclean production practices that contribute to environmental impacts. in the latter, environmental impacts (e.g., pollution of liquid, solid, and gaseous wastes) and waste of raw materials and energy (electricity and fuel) cannot be evaluated precisely. clean production is a company’s management strategy to protect the environment from the harmful effects of products and manufacturing processes by utilizing raw materials and energy more efficiently while pursuing maximum productivity (da silva & gouveia, 2020). the objective of this research is to investigate whether indonesian national standard (sni) for product applied on smes is able to stimulate them to conduct clean production practice so that they become environmentally friendly smes. fig. 1. in southern java island, indonesia (a), map of the research site, the special region of yogyakarta (b) the indonesian government regulates sni implementation for products in act no. 20 of 2014 on standardization and conformity assessment to improve product quality assurance and efficiency for national competitiveness and ensure consumer protection and environmental function preservation. conformity assessment determines whether or not goods, services, systems, processes, and personnel have met the standard requirements set by the government. this test gives product certification, the sni mark, to companies that fulfill the set standards and regulations. in other words, product certification declares if a product has passed performance rosyidi et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 674-692 676 and quality assurance tests and met the qualification criteria set in the contract, regulation, or specification (saputra & meyilani, 2015). there is a concern that the growth of smes in yogyakarta has negatively affected its spatial and regional planning as a center for education and culture and a tourism destination. only 20 out of the 18,920 smes in this region (0.11%) have sni-certified products, and there is a possibility that the production process might generate untreated wastes, contaminating the environment and hampering sustainable quality regional development. therefore, this study has been designed to evaluate the implementation of sni for products in smes to encourage an effective quality management system (qms), efficient operating performance (i.e., reduction in the number of defective products, production costs, and cycle time), and clean production practice by using raw materials, energy, and resources efficiently. the results provide a reference for industrial actors and local governments to develop product standardization in smes to improve operating performance and implement clean production practices. 2. literature review effective implementation of sni for products in certified smes can be seen from their consistency in practicing qms as part of the auditing process in sni certification and product registration (saputra & meyilani, 2015). enterprises of sni-certified products use good-quality raw materials in the production process, creating high-quality products and increasing their efficiency (rosiawan et al., 2018), which correspond to the purpose of qms: to prevent defects in the production process and reduce product reworking (chiarini, 2015; salimova & makolov, 2016). qms-certified companies also show better operating performance (adalia, 2017; hayden, 2016; kafetzopoulos et al., 2015). the effectiveness of qms implementation can be assessed through process performance by analyzing at least three indicators, namely the number of defective products, production costs, and cycle time (sumaedi & yarmen, 2015). clean production is a concept of increasing the effectiveness of resources used in production (da silva & gouveia, 2020). it attempts to reduce the environmental impact caused by the production process, products, and services by implementing better strategies, methods, and management tools. clean production is not limited to the type and size of the industry (unep), but it is also an effort to achieve efficiency for sustainable production. implementing sustainable clean production can increase the overall efficiency and risk reduction for humans and the environment (da silva & gouveia, 2020). it also increases production and productivity by utilizing raw materials and energy more efficiently (da silva & gouveia, 2020; schaltegger et al., 2008). indonesian national standard (sni) for products standardization becomes a pivotal maneuver that cannot be ignored in modern business (foukaki, 2017), and all activities and processes it involves are quality-oriented. standardization also aims to preserve the environment (united nations environment programme, 2008). in indonesia, the national standardization agency (bsn) is responsible for standardization and conformity assessment, including setting the applicable standards called indonesian national standard (sni) in all regions to be implemented to various products made by both individuals and companies. in general, sni is voluntary; however, it becomes mandatory for several products stipulated in the regulation of the minister of trade. those products must meet sni standards; otherwise, they are not allowed to be distributed in the market. several studies on standardization found that implementing standardization in companies can encourage innovation and provide cost efficiency (ramdani et al., 2017; zoo et al., 2017). standardization plays a pivotal role in business competitiveness to provide quality products that meet customers’ satisfaction and encourage the companies to innovate continuously (wang et al., 2016; xie et al., 2016). standardization in the business environment ensures that both management and technologies have been applied effectively, ultimately reducing the environmental impact (tachi & ohkuma, 2015). it basically helps business actors to improve product quality, security, reliability, and efficiency, ease business organization to control knowledge and technology and reduce risks. it also becomes a long-term strategy to advance the standard’s adoption and innovation development (gao et al., 2014; xie et al., 2016). rosyidi et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 674-692 677 standardization aims to increase the effectiveness of the operating system, which is planned to meet the customers’ needs (schlickman, 2003). with standardization and innovation, companies can minimize market competition and threats to their products (blind et al., 2020) and improve the flexibility and responsiveness to market needs to be able to carry out mass customization (wang et al., 2016). mass customization aims to promote responsive large-scale products suitable for customers’ needs at reasonable prices; therefore, companies receive a return rate of investment costs, including the costs of implementing standardization whose processes are complex and expensive (foukaki, 2017). the return rate is important for companies to build internal standards and changes (hermosilla, 2015). standardization in small and medium enterprises (smes) a study on standardization in smes shows that it can significantly influence technical and functional service qualities (kasiri et al., 2017). standardization is a necessary strategy for smes to manage and utilize resources optimally in order to access the market and seize new opportunities (foukaki, 2017). it is also helpful in reducing errors by involving management and employees to balance the structure and flexibility in adopting standards (nissinboim & naveh, 2018). therefore, the standardization approach becomes a valuable preference for managerial parties and should be informed to all employees so that they can be actively involved in its process (foukaki, 2017). savings in the production process through standardization include the use of materials (main raw materials, semi-finished materials, and supporting raw materials), energy (electricity, gas, fuel, to name a few), production risks (defective product reduction), machinery and equipment, wages and salaries, administrative and communication costs, transportation, storage and warehousing, and maintenance and care (komala et al., 2014). although standardization provides benefits, limited resources often create barriers to its implementation in smes (schlegel et al., 2017). other challenges include problems in internal communication, technologies, capital availability, return rate, and the tendency of being closed to outside parties and input (hermosilla, 2015). in addition, constraints of access to information on the standards and the company’s lack of awareness of the standards are the main obstacles to adopting sustainability standards in smes (sommer, 2017). iso 9001 quality management system (qms) a quality management system (qms) is a standard mechanism arranged, agreed upon, and applied by an organization in managing its activities. iso 9001 qms covers all processes in a company’s organization and regulates how they operate (adrianatisca et al., 2015). qms becomes the basis for all activities carried out in a company to satisfy customers’ requirements and expectations (peanch et al., 2009), acts as a tool to ensure company’s quality and competitiveness (salimova & makolov, 2016), helps to improve management and efficiency (keng & kamal, 2016), and ensures sustainable activities and operational regulations (adrianatisca et al., 2015). good qms design and planning will help companies to achieve their goals of fulfilling customers’ satisfaction while at the same time being able to implement the production process economically and rationally (purushothama, 2010). previous studies found that qms has provided greek companies with the most significant benefits: improving customers’ satisfaction, opening export opportunities, creating more effective marketing, and improving companies’ image (moschidis, 2015) and production performance (neyestani, 2017). companies that have implemented qms and been certified show better operational performance, which ultimately leads to the iso 9001 implementation (hayden, 2016; jang & lin, 2008). clean production united nations environmental program-industry and environment office (unep-ieo) defines clean production as an integrated and sustainable environmental prevention strategy application in processes, products, and services to improve efficiency and reduce the risk to humans and the environment. clean production is also defined as a set of precaution management regulations to protect the environment from the hazards of products and manufacturing processes (da silva & gouveia, 2020), which aims to increase production and productivity by employing more efficient ways of using raw materials, water, and energy to reduce waste and emissions rosyidi et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 674-692 678 (schaltegger et al., 2008). several previous studies identified several factors encouraging companies to implement clean production, including awareness of environmental and labor safety (peng & liu, 2016; yusup et al., 2015), market support, technological demands, and applicable regulations on waste management (da silva & gouveia, 2020), social responsiveness and compliance with applicable regulations (sanz et al., 2016; yusup et al., 2014), innovation and technological improvement (zhou & zhao, 2016), and the audit of clean production practices (peng & liu, 2016). clean production implementation in the company significantly improves financial savings, reduces industrial waste (luken et al., 2016), decrease the use of raw materials and energy in the production and service processes (da silva & gouveia, 2020), and improve environmental performance (khuriyati et al., 2015). better environmental performance will encourage a positive reaction to the company’s competitiveness and image (jorge et al., 2015). based on the background described previously and the factual condition in the field, this study encompasses the following elaboration: based on act no. 20 of 2014 on standardization and conformity assessment, the implementation of sni for products aims to improve quality, trade competitiveness, production efficiency, and preservation of environmental functions. the implementation of sni for products and the audit process in smes as a requirement for sni certification are realized by assessing the qms practices in the company’s internal organizations. numerous studies found several challenges for smes in adopting and implementing qms effectively, viz. knowledge, skills, financial limitations, and human resources (schlegel et al., 2017; sommer, 2017). sni for products becomes a crucial requirement for smes to produce good-quality products that meet the indonesian government's market requirements and regulations. at the same time, qms is an essential requirement for smes to apply for audit for product certification (sni). this study was intended to analyze the benefits of implementing sni for products in smes located in yogyakarta and encourage effective qms in companies with the sni product license. to evaluate qms effectiveness, it measured the implementation of the eight qms dimensions and scrutinized whether effective qms influenced the operating performance of smes with snicertified products. lastly, it aimed to discover if good operating performance in these smes benefitted clean production practices as evidence that sni’s product certification (a form of compliance with act no. 20/2014 on standardization and conformity assessment) can help smes to achieve production efficiency while preserving environmental functions. 3. research methods research design this study was intended to investigate the iso 9001 qms implementation effectiveness, its influence on the operating performance, and its benefits to clean production practices in smes with sni-certified products in yogyakarta, indonesia. it employed a qualitative method to describe the numerical data collected. a qualitative method can be used to describe phenomena numerically and determine the empirical relationship among variables (stockemer, 2019) and examine psychological, economic, and social processes by exploring numerical patterns and real facts to draw the cause-effect relationship among variables using mathematic, computational, and statistical methods (ahmad et al., 2019). to meet these objectives, this study was conducted in three stages, as described in the paragraphs below. in the first step, the research identified and evaluated the iso 9001 qms implementation effectiveness in the smes with sni-certified products by measuring the eight qms dimensions adopted in iso 9001 (purushothama, 2010), which become the qms basic principles (sumaedi & yarmen, 2015). these dimensions are: 1) focus on customers, 2) leadership, 3) personnel involvement, 4) process approach, 5) qms approach, 6) continuous improvement, 7) factual approach for decision making, and 8) relationship with the supplier. twenty-five questionnaire items for the eight dimensions were designed with five-point likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = slightly disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree). each item was scored from 1 to 5, making the total score 5 x 25 = 125. in addition to scoring, five levels of assessment criteria were set (i.e., very bad = < 20%, bad = 21-40%, moderate = 41-60%, good = 61-80%, and very rosyidi et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 674-692 679 good = 81-100%), as stated by purushotama (purushothama, 2010). in this step (the identification of iso 9001 qms effectiveness), this study proposed the hypothesis below: first hypothesis: the sni certification for smes effectively encourages the iso 9001 qms implementation in the company’s internals. in the second step, a statistical regression analysis was conducted to determine the influence of effective qms on the operating performance of smes with sni-certified products. the operating performance was measured from 1) product defects per process, 2) process costs, and 3) process cycle time. the regression analysis helps to figure out how independent variables significantly influence dependent variables (stockemer, 2019). the research assumed that the effective iso 9001 qms would yield a better operating performance; therefore, it proposed the hypothesis below: second hypothesis: effective iso 9001 qms in smes with sni-certified products influences the operating performance. in the last step, a descriptive statistical analysis was conducted to describe the survey results (from 44 respondents) on the benefits of better operating performance to clean production practices. respondents’ statements describe the conditions found in the production process in the company’s internal organizations and the benefits of good operating performance to the clean production practice in smes. the statements were rated based on five-point likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = slightly disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree). several previous studies confirm that clean production practice has been able to provide benefits in terms of 1) reduction in the number of defective products, 2) energy efficiency, 3) raw material efficiency, and 4) process cost reduction (ilo, 2013; li et al., 2016; severo et al., 2015). based on this elaboration, this study proposed the hypothesis below: third hypothesis: good operating performance in smes with sni-certified products can encourage clean production implementation. research objects in yogyakarta, there were twenty smes with sni-certified products. however, only twelve were surveyed since the rest were unwilling to participate in the study; two argued that their management was currently conducting the production relayout and employees training, while the other six did not provide clear arguments. table 1 lists the smes, their locations, and their products, with product photos, manufacturer, and industrial waste are presented in table 2. table 1smes that have implemented quality management system (qms) in yogyakarta no company regency/province product 1 cv.dewi sri tirta buana bantul yogyakarta bottled water 2 cv. tnt corporation sleman yogyakarta bottled water 3 pt. mitra tirta buwana* sleman yogyakarta bottled water 4 pt. kerja tirta sentosa* sleman yogyakarta bottled water 5 pt. tirta lancar sejahtera* sleman yogyakarta bottled water 6 puskud mataram yogyakarta bottled water 7 cv. tirta angkasa sejahtera yogyakarta bottled water 8 pdam tirta binangun bantul yogyakarta bottled water 9 pt. giri tirta mulya* gunungkidul yogyakarta bottled water 10 cv. anak bangsa cerdas* bantul yogyakarta kids toys (pfl**) 11 jatisae bantul yogyakarta kids toys (pfl) 12 pt.pustaka insan madani sleman yogyakarta kids toys (pfl) 13 yungki edutoys yogyakarta kids toys (pfl) 14 mataram indah yogyakarta kids toys (pfl) 15 pt. putra multi cipta teknikindo* bantul yogyakarta electric batic stove 16 pt. hari mukti teknik bantul yogyakarta washing machine 17 ukm sri lestari sleman yogyakarta batik 18 kenes jogja sleman yogyakarta batik for kids 19 cv. marel sukses pratama* sleman yogyakarta kids cloting 20 cv. java mas agropos* gunungkidul yogyakarta fertilizers *unwilling to be surveyed, ** props for learning rosyidi et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 674-692 680 table 2 photographic view of selected product, manufacturer, and industrial waste photos of products by smes products and manufacturers industrial waste washing machine by: pt. hari mukti teknik metal scraps, lathe scraps, plasma cutting granules bottled drinking water by: 1. cv. dewi sri tirta buana 2. cv. tnt corporation 3. puskud mataram 4. cv. tirta angkasa sejahtera 5. pdam tirta binangun liquid and solid wastes, plastic wastes kids toys and puzzles (props for learning) by: 1. pt. pustaka insan madani 2. yungki edutoys yogyakarta 3. mataram indah yogayakarta 4. jatisae yogyakarta wood and dye wastes batik clothing by: batik allusan sri lestari liquid, solid, and gaseous wastes batik clothing for kids by: kenes batik thread and fabric scraps the criteria for smes in this study are smes with sni-certified products (mandatory or voluntary), production processes taking place in yogyakarta, and active and applicable sni certification for the products. smes with expired sni certification (and did not reactive it) were excluded from this study. the characteristics for each sme include in this study are presented in table 3. table 3 characteristics of the sampled smes in yogyakarta (n = 12) criteria n % products bottled water kids toys washing machine batik 5 4 1 2 41.7 33.3 8.3 16.7 sni certification period for the products less than 4 years more than 4 years 4 8 33.3 66.7 certification type mandatory 9 75 rosyidi et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 674-692 681 voluntary 3 25 enterprise classification small medium 5 7 41.7 58.3 respondents respondents in this study were personnel directly involved in qms implementation in sme’s management, including the management representative, the head of the production, the head of quality control, and the head of purchasing. each respondent had the experience of being actively involved in the management of qms and sni certification for products and had been working in the company for more than four years. the criteria for respondents were set based on these considerations: they fully understand qms and its implementation, its influence on the operating performance, and its benefits to the clean production practice in smes. measurements the research used two questionnaires: 1) qms implementation effectiveness and 2) operating performance. all questionnaire items were designed with the likert scale system, ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), and in such a way that higher scores indicate a more effective qms implementation and better operating performance to encourage clean production practice. the total score of the first questionnaire was 5 x 25 = 125, with five assessment criteria, i.e., very bad = < 20%, bad = 21-40%, moderate = 41-60%, good = 61-80%, and very good = 81-100%. four respondents were selected from each sampled sme to fill the questionnaires. table 4 and table show the results of the validity and reliability tests of the questionnaires. table 4 results of the validity and reliability tests of the first questionnaire: eight dimensions of an effective quality management system (qms) no rated aspects pearson correlation corrected item-total correlation cronbach’s alpha remark a. focus on customers a1 implementing a consistent and effective identification system for customer needs 0.940 0.912 0.873 valid and reliable a2 implementing a consistent and effective measurement system for customer satisfaction 0.923 0.889 valid and reliable a3 implementing a consistent and effective customer complaint handling system 0.943 0.917 valid and reliable b. leadership b1 top management involvement 0.804 0.714 0.807 valid and reliable b2 clear quality policy implementation 0.824 0.768 valid and reliable b3 consistent and effective development system for quality review objectives 0.787 0.722 valid and reliable b4 management commitment for resource provision 0.711 0.622 valid and reliable c. personnel involvement c1 clear and easily understandable job description and personnel competence 0.438 0.343 0.781 valid and reliable c2 consistent and effective training system 0.824 0.754 valid and reliable c3 consistent and effective recruitment system 0.871 0.795 valid and reliable c4 employee satisfaction 0.624 0.499 valid and reliable d. process approach d1 clear and effective implementation methods and processes 0.680 0.586 0.847 valid and reliable d2 consistent and effective measurement systems and processes 0.914 0.873 valid and reliable rosyidi et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 674-692 682 no rated aspects pearson correlation corrected item-total correlation cronbach’s alpha remark d3 consistent and effective process control system 0.948 0.912 valid and reliable e. qms approach e1 clear and effective business process 0.847 0.719 0.863 valid and reliable e2 consistent and effective internal communication system 0.844 0.716 valid and reliable f. continuous improvement f1 consistent and effective internal audit system 0.901 0.868 0.845 valid and reliable f2 consistent and effective correction and prevention system 0.974 0.965 valid and reliable f3 consistent and effective management review system 0.972 0.961 valid and reliable f4 more effective improvement levels 0.835 0.801 valid and reliable g. factual approach for decision making g1 decision making based on consistent and effective data 0.941 0.902 0.916 valid and reliable g2 consistent and effective data collection 0.961 0.925 valid and reliable h. relationship with raw material supplier h1 selection and performance requirements for raw material supplier 0.960 0.938 0.868 valid and reliable h2 supplier satisfaction in a good working relationship 0.837 0.787 valid and reliable h3 consistent and effective selection and evaluation system for raw material suppliers 0.964 0.945 valid and reliable table 5 results of the validity and reliability tests of the second questionnaire: operating performance no rated aspects pearson correlation corrected item-total correlation cronbach’s alpha remark reduction in the number of defective products c1 reducing inspection during the process 0.705 0.550 0.765 valid and reliable c2 reducing product incompatibility 0.769 0.684 c3 reducing process errors 0.663 0.609 c4 reducing the defect rate 0.723 0.671 c5 reducing product failure 0.738 0.688 process cost reduction bp1 reducing the cost of using raw materials 0.885 0.851 0.822 valid and reliable bp2 reducing the cost of using energy 0.874 0.846 bp3 reducing machining costs 0.908 0.885 bp4 reducing the cost of finding raw materials 0.891 0.861 bp5 reducing reworking costs 0.846 0.815 cycle time reduction ws1 reducing processing time per part 0.856 0.787 0.864 valid and reliable ws2 reducing turnaround time per product unit 0.945 0.921 ws3 reducing the total processing time 0.921 0.883 based on pearson’s correlation coefficients, all items in both questionnaires were positively correlated; hence, it can be concluded that the questionnaires used were valid. meanwhile, the reliability test results showed that cronbach’s alphas of all items were higher than 0.7 and thereby reliable. the most generally used cronbach’s alpha to determine the internal consistency of research instruments is ≥ 0.7 (heale & twycross, 2015). questionnaires with cronbach’s alpha rosyidi et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 674-692 683 in the range of 0.70‒0.79 are also reliable research instruments with good internal consistency (downing, 2004). statistical analysis data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed descriptively using bivariate regression analysis. the descriptive analysis was used to provide an overview of the characteristics of each variable, viz. the qms implementation effectiveness in smes with snicertified products, and to figure out how the operating performance could encourage the clean production practice. the bivariate regression analysis aimed to determine the influence of the qms implementation effectiveness on the operating performance in said smes. a regression analysis intends to determine the influence of an independent variable on one or more dependent variables (stockemer, 2019). in this analysis, the statistical significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. all analyses were carried out using the statistical software ibm spss 19.0. this software was selected because of its compatibility to process data with both nominal and ordinal scales and its capability to perform descriptive, correlation, and regression analyses (yusup et al., 2015) 4. results and discussions the descriptive statistics and criteria for the effective implementation of the eight qms dimensions in smes with more than four years of sni product certification are presented in table 6 and table 7. meanwhile, the descriptive statistics and criteria for the effective implementation of the eight qms dimensions in smes with less than four years of sni product certification are presented in table 8 and table 9. table 6 descriptive statistics of the eight qms dimensions (smes that have been certified for more than four years) iso 9001 qms dimension mean sd std. error focus on customers 11.35 4.70 0.87 leadership 17.55 2.11 0.39 personnel involvement 15.59 2.75 0.51 process approach 12.93 2.96 0.55 qms approach 9.17 1.14 0.21 continuous improvement 15.69 5.13 0.95 factual approach 7.86 2.37 0.44 relationship with supplier 12.59 2.99 0.56 n = twenty-nine respondents from eight smes with sni product certification for more than four years table 7 criteria for the effective implementation of the eight qms dimensions in smes that have been certified for more than four years iso 9001 qms dimension dimension value achieved value % criteria focus on customers 15 11.35 75.67 good leadership 20 17.55 87.75 very good personnel involvement 20 15.59 77.95 good process approach 15 12.93 86.20 very good qms approach 10 9.17 91.70 very good continuous improvement 20 15.69 78.45 good factual approach 10 7.86 78.60 good relationship with supplier 15 12.59 83.93 very good total score of qms implementation 125 102.73 82.18 very good n = twenty-nine respondents from eight smes with sni product certification for more than four years table 8 descriptive statistics of the eight qms dimensions (smes that have been certified for less than four years) iso 9001 qms dimension mean sd std. error focus on customers 11.60 3.23 0.83 leadership 14.67 4.25 1.10 personnel involvement 14.27 3.94 1.02 process approach 12.33 2.38 0.62 qms approach 7.80 2.08 0.54 continuous improvement 16.47 2.62 0.68 factual approach 8.33 1.50 0.39 relationship with supplier 13.33 2.29 0.60 n = fifteen respondents from four smes with sni product certification for less than four years rosyidi et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 674-692 684 table 9 criteria for the effective implementation of the eight qms dimensions in smes that have been certified for less than four years iso 9001 qms dimension dimension value achieved value % criteria focus on customers 15 11.60 77.33 good leadership 20 14.67 73.35 good personnel involvement 20 14.27 71.35 good process approach 15 12.33 82.20 very good qms approach 10 7.80 78.00 good continuous improvement 20 16.47 82.35 very good factual approach 10 8.33 83.30 very good relationship with supplier 15 13.33 88.87 very good total score of qms implementation 125 98.80 79.04 good n = fifteen respondents from four smes with sni product certification for less than four years the measurement results of the 8 main qms dimensions in smes that have had certification of sni for products more than 4 years with an average value for each dimension are presented in table 6. table 7 shows the dimension values and achieved values in each dimension in the implementation of qms iso 9001 in smes studied. the total value for applying the iso 9001 qsm dimensions is 82.18, which means that the criteria for implementing qms in this smes group are very good (criteria score 81-100% = very good). table 8 displays the results of measuring the 8 main dimensions of qms in smes with sni for product certification for less than 4 years. table 9 shows the total value of the implementation of all iso 9001 qms dimensions is 79.04%, which means that the implementation of qms in this smes group is in the criteria of good value (criteria score 61-80% = good). the descriptive statistics for this evaluation are presented in table 10. furthermore, a statistical regression analysis was conducted to determine the influence of the effectiveness of qms implementation on the operating performance in twelve smes. the regression analysis results are presented in table 10. table 10 the descriptive statistics of the measured research variables variable n mean std. deviation effectiveness value (of qms implementation) 12 80.7392 13.9508 reduction in the number of defective products 12 4.2708 0.4353 process cost reduction 12 3.9358 0.4739 cycle time reduction 12 3.8367 0.8698 table 11the regression analysis results for the influence of effective qms implementation (predictor variable) on aspects of operating performance (dependent variables) predictors dependent variable pearson coeff. pearson significance r square effectiveness value (of qms implementation) reduction in the number of defective products 0.555 0.030 0.308 process cost reduction 0.601 0.019 0.361 cycle time reduction 0.411 0.092 0.169 table 10 shows the results of the average qms implementation effectiveness of the 12 smes studied is at 80.74. this average value is included in the very good criteria (scale of 81100 = very good). effective qms implementation also improves process performance in smes with sni-certified products. respondents who were involved in the study stated that increasing process performance was able to reduce defective products with an average value of 4.27, reduce process costs with an average value of 3.94, and reduce process cycle time with an average value of 3.84 (the scale of values is 1-5). table 11 displays the results of the regression analysis between the predictor variables for the effectiveness of qms implementation on the dependent variable in the form of reducing the number of defective products with an r square value of 0.308, on reducing process costs with an r square value of 0.36, and on reducing process cycle time with an r square value of 0.17. rosyidi et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 674-692 685 table 12 the benefits of operating performance to the clean production practice in smes with sni-certified products questionnaire items percentage strongly disagree disagree slightly disagree agree strongly agree reducing inspection during the process 2.3 15.9 56.8 25.0 reducing product incompatibility 4.5 52.3 43.2 reducing process errors 6.8 45.5 47.7 reducing the defect rate 11.4 54.5 34.1 reducing product failure 6.8 54.5 38.6 reducing the cost of using raw materials 11.4 18.2 54.5 15.9 reducing the cost of using energy 2.3 20.5 61.4 15.9 reducing machining costs 2.3 18.2 68.2 11.4 reducing the cost of finding raw materials 4.5 18.2 61.4 15.9 reducing reworking costs 2.3 11.4 59.1 27.3 reducing processing time per part 9.3 18.6 53.5 20.9 reducing turnaround time per product unit 9.3 23.3 46.5 23.3 reducing the total processing time 11.6 20.9 46.5 23.3 table shows the benefits of operating performance to the clean production practice in smes with sni-certified products. the implementation of sni for products is useful for improving process performance and encouraging smes to practice clean production. the survey results of all research respondents shows 52.3% of respondents agree that the application of sni for products is able to reduce product nonconformance, 47.7% of respondents strongly agree it is able to reduce process errors, 54.5% of respondents agree it is able to reduce defect rates, 54.5 % of respondents agree it is able to reduce product failures, 54.5% of respondents agree it is able to reduce the use of raw materials, 61.4% of respondents agree it is able to reduce energy use, and 68.2% of respondents agree it is able to reduce machining processes discussion qms implementation effectiveness in smes with sni-certified products the study found that the longer the smes implemented the national standards sni for their products, the more effective the qms implementation in their internal organizations. the sni certification period for products yields different criteria for effective qms implementation. smes were grouped based on the length of their product’s sni certification (less than four years and more than four years). smes with a longer sni certification ( > 4 years) showed better qms implementation than those with the sni certification less than four years ( < 4 years). respondents explained that they had gained more experience in implementing standardization through qms ever since the company implemented qms for the first time. smes with the sni certification for more than four years appointed a management representative tasked with supervising and monitoring the implementation of qms in the company’s internals. this condition aligns with the statement that standardization is a complex activity system requiring a considerably long time to implement (xie et al., 2016);(camacho, 2017). the longer the duration for implementing qms and compliance with standards, the greater the benefits received (peces et al., 2018). based on the qms implementation measurement results, it was found that the two sme groups observed had implemented qms dimensions effectively. respondents from these two groups explained that the involvement of smes’ owners and the enactment of quality policies in the company encouraged employees to understand their respective responsibilities and duties in building the commitment to the quality culture. the involvement of all parties to build the commitment and employees’ awareness are two determining factors in the qms implementation (keng & kamal, 2016); (peces et al., 2018). smes’ owners were able to communicate to all employees that by implementing qms as the requirement for the sni certification, the company was expected to reduce production costs and defective products and increase profits, ultimately leading to sustainable production. it motivated all parties in its internal organization to improve production processes, quality, and efficiency sustainably. this corresponds to a previous study that found that qms effectiveness depends on internal motivation (shaharudin et al., 2018). such rosyidi et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 674-692 686 motivation becomes a pivotal factor for the iso 9001 implementation (da fonseca & domingues, 2018). when accompanied by technology adoption, a strong internal motivation for the qms implementation can increase the operating performance and offer positive effects (cai & jun, 2018; peces et al., 2018). our findings in this study answer hypothesis 1 that the implementation of sni for products to smes is able to encourage the implementation of qms 9001 effectively within the enterprises. the influence of effective qms implementation on operating performance the measurement criteria used to evaluate the effectiveness of iso 9001 qms implementation in smes with sni-certified products were then employed to determine the influence of this variable on the operating performance, including whether or not effective qms implementation reduced the number of defective products, process cost reduction, and cycle time reduction (sumaedi & yarmen, 2015). based on table 11, the research drew three conclusions. first, effective qms implementation in smes can reduce defective products up to 30.8% (rsquare = 0.308). this result is in line with the previous studies asserting that effective qms implementation directly contributes to product quality and operating performance (cai & jun, 2018; kafetzopoulos et al., 2015). smes with sni-certified products in this study had effectively employed a process approach, which is a part of the eight qms dimensions. steps in the process approach include clear design for the production process, consistent measurement for the operating performance, and an effective process control system. the effectiveness measurement of the smes’ process approach showed very good results (see table 6 and table 8), which also corresponds to the previous study pointing out that certified companies demonstrate better operating performance (hayden, 2016). the qms implementation can effectively improve the quality system (moschidis, 2015), sustainable improvement and incompatibility prevention (shaharudin et al., 2018), and eventually reduce the number of defective products and process costs (salimova & makolov, 2016). second, based on the regression analysis results, the process cost reduction in smes with sni-certified products had r-square = 0.361, indicating that the effectiveness of qms implication in smes’ internal organization can explain the reduction (36.1%), which can be attributed to the absence of product reworking. the qms implementation effectiveness improves the production process and reduces product reworking and, eventually, process costs (camacho, 2017; chiarini, 2015; drosos et al., 2017; salimova & makolov, 2016). third, the r-square for the process cycle reduction was 0.169, indicating that such reduction (16.9%) is influenced by the qms implementation effectiveness in smes, although the former does not significantly affect the latter. this result differs from the previous studies stating that qms implementation effectively shortens process cycle time (neyestani, 2017; skafar, 2019). the current study found that several sme products had to meet certain quality test requirements set by the product certification agency during the laboratory test; for example, toys for kids are not allowed to have sharp ends and surface that can harm children. in order to meet such requirements, smes need to add production time in several product elements or parts due to limited production equipment and technologies. smes need supporting technologies so that their production equipment can be used optimally effectively. the equipment effectiveness in the production process becomes an important indicator for the qms effectiveness. the use of simple process technologies and smes’ size create obstacles in process performance, which is in line with the findings of a previous study explaining that company size hinders performance improvement plans and sustainable quality achievement (ismyrlis & moschidis, 2015). the availability of supporting production technologies or equipment became a problem in several small smes in this study due to their capital limitation. this is supported by the previous study, which revealed that investment in new technologies and machinery to meet the product standard requirements appears to be one of the major constraints for smes due to financial access (sommer, 2017). our findings from this research have been able to answer hypothesis 2, that the effectiveness of implementing qms in smes with sni-certified products can improve operational performance including reducing defective product, reducing process costs, and reducing process cycle times. rosyidi et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 674-692 687 operating performance to encourage clean production practice in smes based on the survey results, respondents agreed that sni certification for products encouraged the company to implement qms effectively, in that the qms implementation became one of the requirements for the certification. the certification agency set two procedures to issue sni certification for products, namely the production process assessment followed by product testing and the quality management system audit. in this study, the influence of the qms implementation effectiveness on the operating performance, which leads to the clean production practice, is elaborated based on the respondents’ statements. there were eleven questionnaire items reflecting clean production practice in smes capable of implementing qms effectively. in the questionnaires, respondents were asked to fill based on the factual conditions in the company’s internal organizations–whether or not the qms implementation, which becomes the requirement for the sni certification, was able to encourage smes to provide better operating performance and ultimately perform clean production practice. based on the results presented in table 12, 54.55% of the respondents agreed and 34.10% strongly agreed that the sni certification in their company reduced the number of defective products. also, 54.55% agreed and 38.64% strongly agreed that the sni certification could reduce the cost of using raw materials, and 61.40% agreed and 15.91% strongly agreed that the sni certification reduced energy consumption costs. these findings are in line with the previous study stating that adopting a certified management system, such as iso 9001 or iso 14001, encourages the industrial sector to increase the efficiency of its operating performance (yusup et al., 2015). in addition, other benefits like the reduction of defective products and raw material and energy consumption costs in smes with sni-certified products will encourage clean production practices. it seems plausible that the product defects in the production process will influence both resources and the environment, including the energy loss and raw materials. such defects also demand recycling or proper disposal processes and higher energy consumption if repairs and reworking are needed (ilo, 2013). several previous studies point out that companies implementing clean production practice can reduce the use of raw materials and energy in the production processes (da silva & gouveia, 2020), decrease product defects (li et al., 2016; severo et al., 2015), and save overall costs (luken et al., 2016; yusup et al., 2015). the reduction in energy and raw material consumptions will be able to reduce the environmental impacts and provide business profits (jorge et al., 2015). thus, clean production principles become an effective strategy to improve environmental performance and reduce environmental impacts (khuriyati et al., 2015; li et al., 2016). this study also corresponds to the previous study (yusup et al., 2015), which reveals that the management system certification owned by companies, such as iso 9001 or iso 14001, improves the operating performance and the integration between production process and environmental issues. smes with sni-certified products can implement qms more effectively in order to achieve optimal operating performance. it will ultimately lead to the implementation of clean production principles for environmental performance. this condition aligns with the previous study, which shows that company size does not influence strategies adopted to generate better environmental performance and positive company’s image (jorge et al., 2015). however, these findings differ from the study (luken et al., 2016), which explains that smes are less capable of implementing clean production due to financial limitations than more established and financially safe companies. it seems reasonable since the clean production implementation is believed to increase the process costs (peng & liu, 2016). the findings of this study are able to answer hypothesis 3, that the application of sni products in smes is able to improve operational performance so that it can encourage clean production practices. the findings of our research add to the findings of previous research that the application of sni products in smes is not only to guarantee product quality, increase competitiveness and comply with indonesian government regulations for the application of product standards in the industry, but also to make smes effectively implement quality management system (qms). the effectiveness of qms implementation will have an impact on improving operational performance in smes and ultimately be able to encourage the implementation of clean production practices in smes to become more environmentally friendly rosyidi et al… vol 4(2) 2023 : 674-692 688 5. conclusion this research is conducted to explore the benefits of applying the indonesian national standard (sni) for products to smes in order to be able to encourage smes to practice clean production. the findings of the research show that sni for product certification is able to encourage smes to effectively implement the iso 9001 quality management system or it can be stated that the effectiveness of implementing the qms dimensions has been very good. the effective implementation of qms in smes is proven to be able to have an impact on the operating performance of smes in terms of reducing defective products, processing costs, and cycle times. the three operational performance benefits achieved above are able to encourage smes to practice clean production by reducing product defect rates, reducing raw material use, and reducing energy use. in our view, this research has important policy implications that sme leaders in implementing standardization processes within their company's internal organizations need to form a management team that maintains and monitors qms implementation so that it 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(2017). corporate standardization management a case study of the automotive industry [lund university, sweden]. gao, p., yu, j., & lyytinen, k. (2014). government in standardization in the catching-up context : case of china ’ s mobile system. telecommunications policy, 38(2), 200–209. gherghina, s. c., botezatu, m. a., hosszu, a., & simionescu, l. n. (2020). small and mediumsized enterprises (smes): the engine of economic growth through investments and innovation. sustainability, 12(1), 1–22. hasan, m. n., anastasiadis, s., spence, l. j., & uba, c. d. (2020). environmental attitudes of polluting smes: qualitative insights from a low-income developing country. business strategy and development, 3(4), 554–566. hayden, e. k. a. m. a. b. m. a. (2016). international journal of quality & reliability management. international journal of quality & reliability management, 33(1), 1–23. heale, r., & twycross, a. (2015). validity and reliability in quantitative studies. evid based nurs, 18(3), 66–67. hermosilla, j. c. (2015). technological diffusion and standardization patterns : an industrial taxonomy. journal of economic issues, 49(1), 253–263. ilo. (2013). productivity through cleaner production. sustaining competitive and responsible enterprises. international labour organization. ismyrlis, v., & moschidis, o. (2015). the use of quality management systems, tools, and techniques in iso 9001:2008 certified companies with multidimensional statistics: the greek case. total quality management and business excellence, 26(5–6), 497–514. jang, w.-y., & lin, c. (2008). an integrated framework for iso 9000 motivation , depth of iso implementation and firm performance. journal of manufacturing technology management, 19(2), 194–216. jorge, m., madueno, j., martinez, d., & sancho, m. (2015). competitiveness and environmental performance in spanish small and medium enterprises : is there a direct link ? *. journal of cleaner production, 101, 26–37. kafetzopoulos, d. p., psomas, e. l., & gotzamani, k. d. (2015). the impact of quality management systems on the performance of manufacturing firms. international journal of quality and reliability management, 32(4), 381–399. kasiri, l. a., guan cheng, k. t., sambasivan, m., & sidin, s. m. (2017). integration of standardization and customization: impact on service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty. journal of retailing and consumer services, 35(june 2016), 91–97. keng, t. c., & kamal, s. z. (2016). implementation of iso quality management system in construction companies of malaysia. journal of technology management and business, 3(1), 1–23. khuriyati, n., wagiman, & kumalasari, d. 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investigates the extent to which the indonesian national standard (sni) for products adopted and applied by small and medium enterprises (smes) in yogyakarta, indonesia, can encourage them to effectively implement a quality management sys... keywords: indonesian national standard, iso 9001 qms, process performance,clean production 1. introduction the roles of smes for the growth of economy in indonesia become significant as smes are able to contribute to the value of the gross domestic product (gdp). several studies have figured out the roles of smes for the growth of economy and employment in... clean production is a strategy for efficient use of resources (raw materials, water, energy), and an effort to reduce waste, emissions and waste recycling (oliveira neto et al., 2020). clean production practices provide economic and environmental bene... according to the 2018 small and medium enterprises (smes) survey records, there are 18,920 smes in the special region of yogyakarta, indonesia figure 1, and only 20 (0.11%) have already implemented the national standard sni for their products. yogyaka... sommer (sommer, 2017) relates product standardization to production; therefore, compliance with the standards encourages a change of production processes and technologies, whereas non-compliance implies unclean production practices that contribute to ... fig. 1. in southern java island, indonesia (a), map of the research site, the special region of yogyakarta (b) the indonesian government regulates sni implementation for products in act no. 20 of 2014 on standardization and conformity assessment to improve product quality assurance and efficiency for national competitiveness and ensure consumer protection and ... there is a concern that the growth of smes in yogyakarta has negatively affected its spatial and regional planning as a center for education and culture and a tourism destination. only 20 out of the 18,920 smes in this region (0.11%) have sni-certifie... 2. literature review effective implementation of sni for products in certified smes can be seen from their consistency in practicing qms as part of the auditing process in sni certification and product registration (saputra & meyilani, 2015). enterprises of sni-certified ... clean production is a concept of increasing the effectiveness of resources used in production (da silva & gouveia, 2020). it attempts to reduce the environmental impact caused by the production process, products, and services by implementing better st... standardization becomes a pivotal maneuver that cannot be ignored in modern business (foukaki, 2017), and all activities and processes it involves are quality-oriented. standardization also aims to preserve the environment (united nations environment ... standardization in the business environment ensures that both management and technologies have been applied effectively, ultimately reducing the environmental impact (tachi & ohkuma, 2015). it basically helps business actors to improve product quality... standardization aims to increase the effectiveness of the operating system, which is planned to meet the customers’ needs (schlickman, 2003). with standardization and innovation, companies can minimize market competition and threats to their products ... a study on standardization in smes shows that it can significantly influence technical and functional service qualities (kasiri et al., 2017). standardization is a necessary strategy for smes to manage and utilize resources optimally in order to acces... a quality management system (qms) is a standard mechanism arranged, agreed upon, and applied by an organization in managing its activities. iso 9001 qms covers all processes in a company’s organization and regulates how they operate (adrianatisca et a... united nations environmental program-industry and environment office (unep-ieo) defines clean production as an integrated and sustainable environmental prevention strategy application in processes, products, and services to improve efficiency and redu... clean production implementation in the company significantly improves financial savings, reduces industrial waste (luken et al., 2016), decrease the use of raw materials and energy in the production and service processes (da silva & gouveia, 2020), an... based on the background described previously and the factual condition in the field, this study encompasses the following elaboration: based on act no. 20 of 2014 on standardization and conformity assessment, the implementation of sni for products aim... this study was intended to analyze the benefits of implementing sni for products in smes located in yogyakarta and encourage effective qms in companies with the sni product license. to evaluate qms effectiveness, it measured the implementation of the ... 3. research methods this study was intended to investigate the iso 9001 qms implementation effectiveness, its influence on the operating performance, and its benefits to clean production practices in smes with sni-certified products in yogyakarta, indonesia. it employed ... in the first step, the research identified and evaluated the iso 9001 qms implementation effectiveness in the smes with sni-certified products by measuring the eight qms dimensions adopted in iso 9001 (purushothama, 2010), which become the qms basic p... first hypothesis: the sni certification for smes effectively encourages the iso 9001 qms implementation in the company’s internals. in the second step, a statistical regression analysis was conducted to determine the influence of effective qms on the operating performance of smes with sni-certified products. the operating performance was measured from 1) product defects per proces... second hypothesis: effective iso 9001 qms in smes with sni-certified products influences the operating performance. in the last step, a descriptive statistical analysis was conducted to describe the survey results (from 44 respondents) on the benefits of better operating performance to clean production practices. respondents’ statements describe the conditions foun... third hypothesis: good operating performance in smes with sni-certified products can encourage clean production implementation. in yogyakarta, there were twenty smes with sni-certified products. however, only twelve were surveyed since the rest were unwilling to participate in the study; two argued that their management was currently conducting the production relayout and empl... table 1smes that have implemented quality management system (qms) in yogyakarta *unwilling to be surveyed, ** props for learning table 2 photographic view of selected product, manufacturer, and industrial waste the criteria for smes in this study are smes with sni-certified products (mandatory or voluntary), production processes taking place in yogyakarta, and active and applicable sni certification for the products. smes with expired sni certification (and ... table 3 characteristics of the sampled smes in yogyakarta (n = 12) respondents in this study were personnel directly involved in qms implementation in sme’s management, including the management representative, the head of the production, the head of quality control, and the head of purchasing. each respondent had the... the research used two questionnaires: 1) qms implementation effectiveness and 2) operating performance. all questionnaire items were designed with the likert scale system, ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), and in such a way tha... table 4 results of the validity and reliability tests of the first questionnaire: eight dimensions of an effective quality management system (qms) table 5 results of the validity and reliability tests of the second questionnaire: operating performance based on pearson’s correlation coefficients, all items in both questionnaires were positively correlated; hence, it can be concluded that the questionnaires used were valid. meanwhile, the reliability test results showed that cronbach’s alphas of all ... data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed descriptively using bivariate regression analysis. the descriptive analysis was used to provide an overview of the characteristics of each variable, viz. the qms implementation effectiveness in smes ... 4. results and discussions the descriptive statistics and criteria for the effective implementation of the eight qms dimensions in smes with more than four years of sni product certification are presented in table 6 and table 7. meanwhile, the descriptive statistics and criteri... table 6 descriptive statistics of the eight qms dimensions (smes that have been certified for more than four years) table 7 criteria for the effective implementation of the eight qms dimensions in smes that have been certified for more than four years table 8 descriptive statistics of the eight qms dimensions (smes that have been certified for less than four years) table 9 criteria for the effective implementation of the eight qms dimensions in smes that have been certified for less than four years the measurement results of the 8 main qms dimensions in smes that have had certification of sni for products more than 4 years with an average value for each dimension are presented in table 6. table 7 shows the dimension values and achieved values in... the descriptive statistics for this evaluation are presented in table 10. furthermore, a statistical regression analysis was conducted to determine the influence of the effectiveness of qms implementation on the operating performance in twelve smes. t... table 10 the descriptive statistics of the measured research variables table 11the regression analysis results for the influence of effective qms implementation (predictor variable) on aspects of operating performance (dependent variables) table 10 shows the results of the average qms implementation effectiveness of the 12 smes studied is at 80.74. this average value is included in the very good criteria (scale of 81-100 = very good). effective qms implementation also improves process p... table 12 the benefits of operating performance to the clean production practice in smes with sni-certified products table shows the benefits of operating performance to the clean production practice in smes with sni-certified products. the implementation of sni for products is useful for improving process performance and encouraging smes to practice clean productio... discussion the study found that the longer the smes implemented the national standards sni for their products, the more effective the qms implementation in their internal organizations. the sni certification period for products yields different criteria for effe... based on the qms implementation measurement results, it was found that the two sme groups observed had implemented qms dimensions effectively. respondents from these two groups explained that the involvement of smes’ owners and the enactment of qualit... the measurement criteria used to evaluate the effectiveness of iso 9001 qms implementation in smes with sni-certified products were then employed to determine the influence of this variable on the operating performance, including whether or not effect... second, based on the regression analysis results, the process cost reduction in smes with sni-certified products had r-square = 0.361, indicating that the effectiveness of qms implication in smes’ internal organization can explain the reduction (36.1%... the equipment effectiveness in the production process becomes an important indicator for the qms effectiveness. the use of simple process technologies and smes’ size create obstacles in process performance, which is in line with the findings of a prev... based on the survey results, respondents agreed that sni certification for products encouraged the company to implement qms effectively, in that the qms implementation became one of the requirements for the certification. the certification agency set ... based on the results presented in table 12, 54.55% of the respondents agreed and 34.10% strongly agreed that the sni certification in their company reduced the number of defective products. also, 54.55% agreed and 38.64% strongly agreed that the sni c... several previous studies point out that companies implementing clean production practice can reduce the use of raw materials and energy in the production processes (da silva & gouveia, 2020), decrease product defects (li et al., 2016; severo et al., 2... smes with sni-certified products can implement qms more effectively in order to achieve optimal operating performance. it will ultimately lead to the implementation of clean production principles for environmental performance. this condition aligns wi... the findings of our research add to the findings of previous research that the application of sni products in smes is not only to guarantee product quality, increase competitiveness and comply with indonesian government regulations for the application... 5. conclusion this research is conducted to explore the benefits of applying the indonesian national standard (sni) for products to smes in order to be able to encourage smes to practice clean production. the findings of the research show that sni for product certi... in our view, this research has important policy implications that sme leaders in implementing standardization processes within their company's internal organizations need to form a management team that maintains and monitors qms implementation so that... references adalia, m. 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(2018). empirical research of the iso 9001:2015 transition process in portugal: motivations, benefits, and success factors. quality innovation prosperity, 22(2), 16–46. da silva, f. j. g., & gouveia, r. m. (2020). cleaner production: toward a better future (1st ed.). springer. downing, s. m. (2004). the metric of medical education reliability : on the reproducibility of assessment data. medical education, 38, 1006–1012. drosos, d., skordoulis, m., chalikias, m., kalantonis, p., & papagrigoriou, a. (2017). the impact of iso 9001 quality management system implementation in tourism smes. third international conference iacudit, athens 2016, 145–157. erdin, c., & ozkaya, g. (2020). contribution of small and medium enterprises to economic development and quality of life in turkey. heliyon, 6(2), e03215. foukaki, a. (2017). corporate standardization management a case study of the automotive industry [lund university, sweden]. gao, p., yu, j., & lyytinen, k. (2014). government in standardization in the catching-up context : case of china ’ s mobile system. telecommunications policy, 38(2), 200–209. gherghina, s. c., botezatu, m. a., hosszu, a., & simionescu, l. n. (2020). small and medium-sized enterprises (smes): the engine of economic growth through investments and innovation. sustainability, 12(1), 1–22. hasan, m. n., anastasiadis, s., spence, l. j., & uba, c. d. (2020). environmental attitudes of polluting smes: qualitative insights from a low-income developing country. business strategy and development, 3(4), 554–566. hayden, e. k. a. m. a. b. m. a. (2016). international journal of quality & reliability management. international journal of quality & reliability management, 33(1), 1–23. heale, r., & twycross, a. (2015). validity and reliability in quantitative studies. evid based nurs, 18(3), 66–67. hermosilla, j. c. 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(setiyanto et al., 2019). b. understanding information systems nurlalela stated "information systems are systems that distribute information in such a way that it is valuable to recipients" in 2013 (herliana & rasyid, 2016) . c. understanding assisted patients in tursilarini's (2006) book explains that patients who require support or services from medical social workers are based on the findings of doctor's consultations, as well as when providing home care for the first time for patients. of course, it is understood that the patient is in an unstable psychological state and requires the aid of a medical social worker for an indeterminate amount of time, depending on the patient's reaction pace and the underlying physical condition. the length of time that medical social workers offer support varies, but it is usually a considerable time until the patient is entirely cured and can return to his normal surroundings. for the past five years, medical social workers have carried out home care activities at a frequency of once every 1-2 weeks, as reported by their aided patients. because they do not simply accompany one patient, medical social workers have highly hectic schedules, thus visits must be rigorously arranged. medical social workers perform admirably in their roles, given that psychological help need progressive healing circumstances in order to motivate patients (musfikirrohman & rahmawati, 2014). d. understanding the foundation soeroredjo stated that "foundations are social and humanitarian in nature as well as ideals and are absolutely not allowed to conflict with laws and regulations, public order and or decency" in 2005 (anand, 2018). e. understanding database says andi "a database is a collection of data files that are interconnected and organized in such a way that it makes it easier to get and process data. the database system environment places a premium on independent data on applications that will use the data" in 2006 (rahardjo, 1999). f. understanding framework according to johnson r. and foote b. "framework is defined as a semi-complete application that can be reused and modified to produce certain applications" (kamil, 2013). g. understanding codeigniter wardana says "codeigniter is an open source application in the form of a framework with an mvc (model, view, controller) model to build dynamic websites. when compared to creating web applications from scratch, using php codeigniter will make it easier for developers to create web applications quickly and easily" in 2012 (asidhiqi & hartanto, 2013). 2. research methods a. data collection methods 1) observation this method is carried out by conducting direct observations in the field and then collecting data through research and direct research on the problems under consideration. 2) interview an interview is a method of gathering information for research purposes by asking and answering direct questions of respondents. for data collection, researchers conducted direct interviews with the sinergi atap negara foundation's management. 3) study of literature researchers conduct research by gathering references in the form of books, journals, papers, and various internet references related to the research title. b. system development method the system development method used by researchers is the waterfall method, "the rikiti et al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 235-245 237 waterfall model is a method of sequential software development. this method was introduced by royce in 1970 and was known as the classical cycle at the time, but it is now more commonly known as linear sequential" (mekongga et al., 2019). because the system designed is a manual system or software system rather than the development of existing software. this method uses common life cycle stages to guide developers from initial feasibility studies to full system maintenance. these stages are described as follows: fig. 1. waterfall model methodology 1) requirements analysis this initial step included an analysis of the constraints on the sinergi atap negeri foundation's recording and reporting method, which was still done manually. 2) system design the next step is to create an information system that uses software, specifically xampp and chrome, as well as the php programming language and the codeigniter 3 framework with a mysql database. 3) implementation the software is then realized into a program unit consisting of program code and display design in order to create input and output forms. 4) system testing then, to avoid errors, a testing process is carried out using a blackbox that can be tailored to the user's preferences. 5) system maintenance the maintenance phase is the final step. this activity aims to improve the system's appearance and may lead to the development of a better system in the future. 3. results and discussions the application developed in this study is an application for managing patient data, as well as submitting and reporting data, and all data recap is done automatically in this application to produce accurate reports. the limitations of the problem in this study are: 1) this information system is used and accessed by the admin. users are divided into two, namely admins and volunteers. 2) the old system, which is deemed less effective and efficient, still requires volunteers to come to the foundation to carry out the patient submission process. the objectives to be achieved in this study are: 1) assisting the administrator with data entry and processing on assisted patients. this will make the data management process faster and more accurate, allowing it to be more effective. 2) volunteers can access this application online without having to come to the foundation directly to carry out the patient submission process, which can save time and be more rikiti et al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 235-245 238 efficient. a. requirement analysis user needs analysis is required because admin and volunteers must login using admin and volunteer usernames and passwords. after successfully logging in, the sinergi atap negara application will display an admin homepage. there are several menus on the admin page, including dashboard, patient data, datatype, volunteer data, data transactions, reports, about us, and logout. there are several menus on the volunteer page, including dashboard, submission, data transactions, and logout. b. system design the researchers designed the system using the unified modeling language to make it easier to create the sinergi atap negeri application (uml). mulyani s. says that "uml is a system development technique that uses a graphical language as a tool for documenting and performing specifications on the system" in 2016 (julianti et al., 2019). 1) use case diagram in figure 1, there are two actors: administrators and volunteers. admins can log in, add volunteer accounts, manage volunteer data, and manage reports. meanwhile, volunteers are almost identical to admins, with the exception that they cannot add accounts. fig. 2. use case diagram 2) activity diagram figure 2 depicts the activity or work flow involved in entering patient data. begin by logging in; if the login is successful, proceed to the dashboard display, where there is a patient data menu; the system then displays the patient data page. the administrator will then complete the patient data input form. the data will then be saved in the database by the system. rikiti et al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 235-245 239 fig. 3. activity diagram 3) class diagram the web-based sinergi atap negara foundation patient data management information system is represented by a class diagram. figure 3 depicts the class diagram used to manage assisted patient data. fig. 4. class diagram c. system implementation at this stage of implementation is an overview of the system that has been designed, as follows: 1) login menu page rikiti et al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 235-245 240 fig. 5. login menu page figure 5 depicts the first screen that appears when the application is launched. the user logs in by entering their username and password, then clicking the login button. 2) dashboard menu page fig. 6. dashboard menu page figure 6 shows the admin dashboard, which appears after the admin has completed the login process and displays table and diagram statistics. 3) patient data menu page fig. 7. patient data menu page figure 7 depicts additional patient features as well as patient data. if you want to add patient data, go to the add patient menu, and if you want to change, view, or delete patient data, go to the edit menu, detail menu, and delete menu. rikiti et al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 235-245 241 4) data transaction menu page fig. 8. data transaction menu page figure 8 depicts data from previous volunteer-submitted patient submissions. if the administrator wants to confirm the submission from the volunteer, choose the submission confirmation menu. if the administrator wants to complete the submission, choose the completed patient submission menu. 5) report menu page fig. 9. report menu page figure 9 shows a submission report with a feature to display patient submission data on the report page. furthermore, the admin can view patient data that is entered on a monthly basis, and reports can be printed in pdf format. 6) volunteer dashboard page fig. 10. volunteer dashboard page figure 10 depicts a volunteer dashboard display that appears after the volunteer has completed the login process and displays articles, about us, and contact information. 7) application input form page rikiti et al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 235-245 242 fig. 11. application input form page figure 11 depicts the screen that appears when the volunteer clicks on the submission menu on the dashboard page, in this view the user enters patient data. 8) application input form page fig. 12. application input form page volunteers wait for confirmation from the admin in this form on the printed menu of the assisted patient submission report, admin and verifiers can view and print reports in word, excel, and pdf formats. 9) report data transaction page rikiti et al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 235-245 243 fig. 13. report data transaction page the patient submission process has been completed and forwarded to the foundation for further processing on this page. d. integration and system testing the blackbox method is used for testing after the system has been completed. pressman says that "the focus of testing is on the functional requirements of the software, in other words testing whether the output produced by the system is in line with expectations without regard to the internal structure of the system" in 2010 (ketut et al., 2022). the following is a picture of the test results: test factor results description if you enter the wrong username and password ✔ if the username and password do not match, then the login is not successful test result fig. 14. blackbox login page test factor results description rikiti et al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 235-245 244 if the username and password entered are correct ✔ successful because it can display the admin dashboard page test result fig. 15. admin dashboard blackbox test factor results description if the username and password entered are correct ✔ successful because it can display the volunteer dashboard page test result fig. 16. volunteer dashboard blackbox 4. conclusion with the sinergi atap negeri foundation's application system for managing patient data and patient submissions, data storage will always be well controlled in terms of accuracy, data can be accounted for so that the information produced is faster and more accurate, especially for the needs of the foundation's management. the application simplifies and expedites the process of submitting patients in need of a halfway house, as well as providing transparency on identity data reports and hospital financing. rikiti et al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 235-245 245 references anand, d. 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produced in the polyurethane shop is reduced by finding repair solutions. this study aims to plan improvement efforts to reduce process failures in the polyurethane shop and then evaluate the results of implementing the proposal. the fmea (failure mode and effect analysis) method is used. this method performs several stages, such as determining the potential failure mode in each process, identifying the cause of failure, and then making a priority order. process failure in this polyurethane shop is the most significant process failure compared to other shops. this failure causes the defects in the process at the polyurethane shop to be higher than in other shops. in 2019, 2020, and 2021, the number of refrigerator cabinets in the flawed polyurethane injection process amounted to 7,666 units, 8,256 units, and 8,014 units. the percentage of defects compared to the amount of production found in the polyurethane injection process each year was 18.46%, 17.82%, and 18.11%. keywords: failure mode and effect analysis, polyurethane shop, process failure, risk priority number. 1. introduction the diversity of these products forces manufacturers to continue to improve the quality of the products produced by the wishes of consumers. defective products are the primary source of waste (puspitasari, et al., 2017; ramadhani, et al., 2014). according to (hidayat and rochmoeljati, 2020), quality improvement in large-scale industry or sme scale has been researched and developed to analyze product quality improvements using the fta (fault tree analysis) and fmea (failure mode and effect analysis) methods. the level of product or service quality as expected, carried out using planning, appropriate methods, routine supervision, and corrective action if an unsuitable condition is found so that quality control can be carried out correctly and according to existing standards(awal & hasegawa, 2015; djunaidi & ryantaffy, 2018). polyurethane shop has failure problems during the polyurethane injection process with the highest failure rate compared to other processes. the specifications of the polyurethane liquid weight at the time of polyurethane injection set by the company are 2,320 ± 70 grams. if the injection exceeds or is less than the specified specifications, it can cause failure(fathoni & hakim, 2019). this failure is in the form of advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane injection in the refrigerator cabinet, resulting in leakage of the inner liner, dents on the inner liner, and space between the inner liner and the surrounding plate. this problematic refrigerator cabinet required disassembly by removing the inner liner and injecting polyurethane foam. then after disassembly, this refrigerator cabinet was injected again with polyurethane to get better results. rework is what causes the company's costs for repairs to be high. for this reason, the failure of the process at this polyurethane shop needs to pay more attention to identifying the cause of the failure and find a solution to repair it so that the number of defects can be reduced(balaraju, et al., 2019; faturachman, et al., 2014; mostafa & fahmy, 2020). nazaruddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 139-148 140 2. literature review according to ahmad and yusanto (2020), defects are products that do not meet the quality standards set and cannot be continued to the following process stage. this product with reconditioning costs for the repair process. economically the product can be improved by becoming a better-finished product. the results of previous research showed that five types of defects were found: hollow defects with a probability value of 6.5%, charred defects with a probability of 5.9%, and solid defects with a probability of 6.9%(gunawan & tannady, 2016). this study (joko, 2018) analyzed the causes of defective t-shoes using the fta and fmea methods at pt. industry panarub. the results of the discussion of this study show the sewing process with a value of 576 and assembling a score of 512. those who get the highest rpn value have a significant defect rate. failure mode and effect analysis (fmea) is one method of evaluating system risks. fmea can evaluate and analyze components in the system so that it can minimize the risk or effect of a failure rate as a supporting method for evaluating the performance of a system (imanuell & lutfi, 2019). the role of the fmea method itself can be used to determine the risk of accidents in the system (sukwadi et al., 2017), the risk of component production failure (hasbullah et al., 2017), supply chain system risks (liu et al., 2018; latif, et al., 2018). research on maintenance analysis by detecting the risk of failure in machines or tools can be used with the fmea method. as a result, three critical components must be prioritized in maintenance: the stick cylinder, fuel filter, and oil pan (darmawan et al., 2017). another study discusses the analysis of machine maintenance in an agro-industry using the fmea method. the result is three classification categories for performing treatment (soewardi & wulandari, 2019). risk assessment with the fmea method can use a qualitative value scale by identifying several predetermined criteria. this assessment can optimize the maintenance plan (arabianhoseynabadi et al., 2010) on the ship's main engine. this study used this method to identify the parameters that exist in fmea, among others (priharanto et al., 2017; surya et al., 2017). failure mode and effect analysis (fmea) is one method of evaluating system risks. fmea can evaluate and analyze components in the system so that it can minimize the risk or effect of a failure rate as a supporting method for evaluating the performance of a system (imanuell & lutfi, 2019; islam, et al., 2019; kusdiantoro, et al., 2019). 3. research methods the methodology is a stage in research to determine the steps and framework of thinking in formulating, analyzing, and solving problems. with the research methodology, it is hoped that the flow of problem-solving thinking becomes more focused and systematic so that it will be easier to analyze and draw conclusions. the systematic flow of the research methodology used can be seen in figure 1. fig. 1. framework of thinking methodology nazaruddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 139-148 141 in this research method, there are two types of data, namely: primary data is data obtained from a source directly observed in this case, the process of injection of polyurethane liquid at a polyurethane shop. the data obtained include the following. a. defect data on polyurethane, press, crf, and vacuum forming shops in augustseptember 2021. b. sampling data on polyurethane weight for august-september 2021 at a polyurethane shop for a refrigerator type n-188-jz. the problem analysis uses fmea (failure mode and effect analysis), which consists of several stages. a. determine the potential failure mode for each process. identify processes that have the potential to fail to meet process or design requirements. b. identification of failure effects identify the effects of failure on both internal and external customers. identify the effects of each process and their impact on the following process. c. determine the severity value determine the severity value based on the consequences/effects arising from the failure. identify the causes of failure d. identify potential causes for each process failure using a cause-and-effect diagram. e. determine the occurrence value determine the value of how often the cause of failure occurs. f. identify process controls identify control methods that can prevent potential failure/cause or detect failure/cause. g. determining the detection value determines the value of the system's ability to detect a failure. h. calculate the value of the risk priority number (rpn). rpn is a number that states the priority scale for quality risk, which is used as a guide in carrying out improvement plans. i. making a repair plan improvements can be made by prioritizing the process with the highest rpn value. 4. results and discussions identify critical to quality the polyurethane shop is a workstation with the most significant number of defects compared to other stations. other workstations include press shop, crf shop, and vacuum forming. defect data obtained from the four processes are as follows: table 1 number of defects produced by each process process type production period 2020 august-september (unit) press shop 120 crf shop 130 vacuum forming shop 650 polyurethanen shop 1.491 total product defect 2.391 total production 36.673 a. identify potential failure modes with fmea a potential failure mode is a state in which a process could fail to meet process or design requirements(nazaruddin & septiani, 2021). the potential failure mode can cause the failure mode in the following process' or the 'effect of the potential failure in the previous process. the following are the potential failure modes of the polyurethane injection process in table 2. nazaruddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 139-148 142 table 2 potential failure mode of polyurethane filling product characteristics potential failure polyurethane liquid filling volume suitability advantages of polyurethane liquid filling disadvantages of polyurethane liquid filling b. determining consequences of process failure table 3. effects of each process for each component. the consequences of potential failures that arise in the polyurethane injection process. table 3 consequences of potential failure no types of potential failure consequences of potential failure 1 advantages of polyurethane liquid filling polyurethane leakage ▪ torn inner liner ▪ the cabinet must be dismantled ▪ inner liner cannot be reused dented inner liner ▪ inner liner is dented ▪ the cabinet must be disassembled ▪ inner liner cannot be reused 2 disadvantages of polyurethane liquid filling polyurethane empty ▪ cabinet must be dismantled ▪ innerliner cannot be reused ▪ between the cabinet and the innerliner there is quite a lot of confined air ▪ resulting in a fairly large void area in the cabinet ▪ feels soft in a fairly large area innerliner not sticking ▪ cabinet must be dismantled ▪ innerliner cannot be reused ▪ between the cabinet and the innerliner there is a little trapped air ▪ the void area is small while the surrounding area is filled with polyurethane well ▪ feels soft when pressed c. determining the severity value severity is a serious statement about the potential effect of this type of failure on the next component, sub system, system or customer if this failure occurs. the severity values obtained include, among others, in table 4. nazaruddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 139-148 143 tabel 4 severity value no types of potential failure effect of potential failure severity 1 advantages of polyurethane liquid filling polyurethane leakage ▪ torn inner liner ▪ the cabinet must be dismantled ▪ inner liner cannot be reused 7 dented inner liner ▪ the inner liner inside the cabinet is dented so that it looks like a lump ▪ the cabinet must be disassembled ▪ the inner liner cannot be reused 7 2 disadvantages of polyurethane liquid filling polyurethane empty ▪ innerliner cannot be reused ▪ between the cabinet and the innerliner there is quite a lot of confined air ▪ resulting in a fairly large void area in the cabinet ▪ feels soft in a fairly large area 7 innerliner not sticking ▪ cabinet must be dismantled ▪ innerliner cannot be reused ▪ between the cabinet and the innerliner there is a little trapped air ▪ the void area is small while the surrounding area is filled with polyurethane well ▪ feels soft when pressed 7 d. determining the occurance value occurance is how often the cause of failure occurs. occurrence value can be determined based on management's experience so far in dealing with process failure problems in the polyurethane injection process. the occurrence values obtained include, among others, in table 5. table 5 determination of the occurance rating scale no potential failure causes of process failure occurance 1 polyurethane leakage inner liner quality is lacking 4 operator is tired 7 lack of operator skills 5 manual injection 7 injection nozzle stuck 5 2 innerliner dented hot room temperature 9 operator is tired 7 injeksi manual 7 less supervision 7 innercore doesn't match inner liner 2 nazaruddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 139-148 144 3 polyurethane empty operator is tired 7 lack of operator skills 5 less supervision 7 engine cylinder head stuck 5 polyurethane liquid is not homogeneous 4 4 innerliner not sticking air trapped in cabinet 3 polyurethane liquid is not homogeneous 4 lack of operator skills 5 injection nozzle stuck 5 the material filter is not working properly 5 e. determining the detection value detection is a number from 1 to 10, where 1 indicates a detection system with high capability or almost certain that a failure mode can be detected. while 10 indicates a detection system with low capability, where the detection system is not effective or cannot detect it at all. the detection values obtained include the following in table 6. table 6 determination of detection value no potential failure current control detection 1 polyurethane leakage sampling with two samples 4 there isn't any yet 9 training once a year 3 work instruction 3 maintenance once a month 8 innerliner dented there isn't any yet 2 there isn't any yet 9 2 work instruction 3 supervision 2 work instruction 6 3 polyurethane empty work instruction 9 training once a year 3 supervision 2 maintenance once a month 7 work instruction 3 4 innerliner not sticking manual check 5 work instruction 3 training 3 maintenance once a month 8 maintenance once a month 8 f. calculating the value of the risk priority number (rpn) after knowing the severity, occurrence, and detection values for each potential failure mode, then calculating the rpn value. rpn is a number that states the priority scale for quality risk which is used to guide the improvement plan. the rpn value is seen in table 7. table 7 determination of rpn value process potential failure s o d rpn p o ly u re th a n e l iq u id in je c ti o n p ro c e ss polyurethane leakage 7 4 4 112 7 9 441 5 3 105 nazaruddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 139-148 145 7 3 147 5 8 280 innerliner dented 7 9 2 126 7 9 441 7 3 147 7 2 98 2 6 84 polyurethane empty 7 9 441 5 3 105 7 2 98 5 7 245 4 3 84 innerliner not sticking 7 3 5 105 4 4 112 5 3 105 5 8 280 5 8 280 g. improvement to reduce the number of process failures in the polyurethane filling process at the polyurethane shop, an improvement plan is needed. in making the improvement plan the method used is 5w+1h as a way to find out the solution to the problem. these improvements are listed in table 8. as follows. nazaruddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 139-148 146 table 8 repair control table process potential failure factor why where current control how when who p o ly u re th a n e l iq u id f il li n g p ro c e ss polyurethane leakage material inner liner quality is lacking iqc (incoming quality control) inspection of two samples at random inspection of ten samples at random when materials come iqc staff man operator is tired polyurethane shop there isn't any yet two times the change of operator who performs injection every one work shift replacement is made after half shift time polyurethane shop supervisor man lack of operator skills polyurethane shop training once a year once a year production department nazaruddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 139-148 147 5. conclusion based on the calculation of the capability value of the polyurethane liquid filling process before the repair, the cp value is 0.41 and cpk is 0.39. after the implementation of the improvements obtained a cp value of 0.65 and a cpk of 0.62. after the implementation of the improvements there was an increase in the value of the process capability. meanwhile, the accumulated value of the risk priority number before the repair was highest on polyurethane leakage with an rpn value of 1,085. then followed by polyurethane empty of 973, dented innerliner of 896, and not sticking of 882. after implementation of the improvements, the largest value was obtained, namely innerliner not sticking with an accumulated rpn value of 490. then followed by polyurethane empty, polyurethane leakage, and dented innerliner. each has accumulated rpn values of 399, 385, and 322. this accumulated value decreased after the implementation of the improvements. references ahmad dan a. a. yusanto. 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challenges when deploying them on resource-constrained mobile devices. this paper investigates the potential of mobile edge computing (mec) and task offloading to improve the performance of dl models for brain tumor classification. a comprehensive framework was developed, considering the computational capabilities of mobile devices and edge servers, as well as communication costs associated with task offloading. various factors influencing task offloading decisions were analyzed, including model size, available resources, and network conditions. results demonstrate that task offloading effectively reduces the time and energy required to process dl models for brain tumor classification, while maintaining accuracy. the study emphasizes the need to balance computation and communication costs when deciding on task offloading. these findings have significant implications for the development of efficient mobile edge computing systems for medical applications. leveraging mec and task offloading enables healthcare professionals to utilize dl models for brain tumor classification on resource-constrained mobile devices, ensuring accurate and timely diagnoses. these technological advancements pave the way for more accessible and efficient medical solutions in the future. keywords: brain tumor classification, deep learning models, mobile edge computing, task offloading, resource-constrained mobile devices. 1. introduction brain tumors are a serious medical condition that affects a significant portion of the population. according to the american brain tumor association, about 0.22% of the us population is expected to be diagnosed with a primary brain tumor in (association., 2021). additionally, approximately 0.21% of the us population are currently living with a primary brain tumor. brain tumors are abnormal growths in the brain that can be classified as either benign or malignant. these tumors can develop from various types of brain cells, such as glial cells, meninges, & neurons. the symptoms of brain tumors can vary depending on their location, size, and type. for instance, about 60% of people with brain tumors experience persistent or severe headaches, while about 30% experience seizures. memory problems and difficulty with movement or coordination are also common symptoms in (association., 2021). background the rising incidence of brain tumors has created a pressing need for accurate and efficient methods of identification and classification. deep learning (dl) models have shown promising results in this area, particularly in medical imaging tasks like brain tumor classification. however, their implementation on resource-constrained mobile devices presents significant challenges due to the computational demands involved. mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, are widely utilized in healthcare settings due to their convenience and portability. they offer a potential solution for on-the-go medical image analysis and decision-making. however, the limited computational capabilities and battery life of mobile devices pose obstacles to deploying dl models for complex tasks such as brain tumor classification. yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1039 to address these challenges, researchers have turned to mobile edge computing (mec) and task offloading. mec leverages the computational resources of nearby edge servers, which possess greater processing power, to offload tasks from mobile devices. task offloading involves transferring computational tasks from the mobile device to the edge server for processing, thereby reducing the strain on the limited resources of the mobile device. this study aims to explore the potential of mec and task offloading in improving the performance of dl models for brain tumor classification on resource-constrained mobile devices. by harnessing the computational capabilities of edge servers, the researchers seek to minimize the time and energy required for dl model processing without compromising accuracy. additionally, the study investigates various factors that influence the decision to offload tasks, including model size, available resources, and network conditions. in their study, in recent years, researchers and scientists have made significant advancements in the field of medical image analysis, particularly in the area of brain tumor classification and segmentation. they have been exploring the use of deep learning techniques, specifically convolutional neural networks (cnns), to tackle these challenges. one study by (bhima k, 2017) focused on developing a powerful model using deep cnns to accurately classify brain tumors. by analyzing mri images, their model could effectively categorize different types of tumors with high accuracy. another important contribution came from (litjens, 2017), who conducted a comprehensive survey on deep learning in medical image analysis. they discussed the potential of deep learning techniques, including cnns, to improve accuracy and automation in interpreting medical images. the survey covered various applications, including tumor detection and segmentation. the imagenet large scale visual recognition challenge (russakovsky, 2015) played a crucial role in advancing computer vision, including medical image analysis. the challenge encouraged researchers worldwide to develop models capable of recognizing and classifying a large-scale dataset of images. the competition demonstrated the effectiveness of cnns and other deep learning approaches in achieving state-of-the-art performance in visual recognition tasks. (tajbakhsh, 2016) investigated the use of cnns for medical image analysis, specifically focusing on whether it was better to train models from scratch or fine-tune pre-existing models. they explored the performance of cnns in tasks such as tumor detection and provided insights into the advantages and limitations of different training approaches. (gumaei, 2019) proposed a hybrid feature extraction method combined with a regularized extreme learning machine for brain tumor classification. their approach aimed to improve classification accuracy by extracting relevant features from mri images and utilizing a robust learning algorithm. their results demonstrated the effectiveness of their method in accurately distinguishing between malignant and benign brain tumors. (dandıl, 2015) worked on computeraided diagnosis of brain tumors using mr images. they developed a system to assist medical professionals in differentiating between malignant and benign tumors. by employing advanced image analysis techniques, their goal was to provide reliable diagnostic support. (pereira, 2016) focused on brain tumor segmentation using cnns in mri images. they aimed to create an automated and accurate method to identify and delineate tumor regions in medical images. by training cnns on annotated data, they achieved promising results in segmenting brain tumors, showcasing the potential of deep learning in enhancing medical image analysis. overall, these studies highlight the significant progress made in using deep learning techniques, particularly cnns, for brain tumor classification, segmentation, and computer-aided diagnosis. their findings contribute to improving diagnostic accuracy and enhancing patient care in the field of medical imaging.the findings of this research have noteworthy implications for the development of efficient and effective mobile edge computing systems tailored for medical applications. by optimizing the utilization of mec and task offloading, healthcare professionals can effectively utilize dl models for brain tumor classification on mobile devices, ensuring precise and timely diagnoses. these technological advancements not only address the limitations yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1040 of mobile devices but also pave the way for more accessible and efficient medical solutions, ultimately benefiting patients and healthcare providers alike. problem statement: the increasing prevalence of brain tumors presents a significant challenge in accurately and efficiently identifying and classifying these tumors. traditional diagnostic methods heavily rely on manual analysis, which is time-consuming, subjective, and prone to errors. the intricate nature and variability of brain tumors further complicate their precise characterization, making it a daunting task for healthcare professionals. moreover, the emergence of deep learning (dl) models as potential automated solutions for brain tumor classification brings its own set of challenges. dl models demand substantial computational resources, often surpassing the capabilities of resource-constrained mobile devices commonly used in healthcare settings. consequently, deploying dl models on mobile devices becomes challenging, leading to delays in accessing critical diagnostic information and impeding efficient decision-making by healthcare professionals. furthermore, the limited computational power and battery life of mobile devices pose practical limitations on executing computationally intensive dl tasks, such as processing highresolution medical images. this limitation significantly hampers real-time analysis and diagnosis of brain tumors, hindering the ability to provide prompt and accurate medical interventions. hence, the current problem revolves around the urgent need for accurate and efficient methods to identify and classify brain tumors while addressing the challenges posed by limited computational resources on mobile devices. finding a solution that effectively harnesses the potential of dl models for brain tumor classification, optimizes computational resources, and ensures timely access to critical diagnostic information is crucial to improving patient outcomes and streamlining medical practices in the field of neuro-oncology. the proposed solution: this manuscript presents a novel approach aimed at addressing the challenges associated with accurate and efficient identification and classification of brain tumors. our research focuses on harnessing the potential of deep learning (dl) models while optimizing their deployment on resource-constrained mobile devices commonly used in healthcare settings. the main contribution of our work lies in the exploration and integration of mobile edge computing (mec) and task offloading techniques to enhance the performance of dl models for brain tumor classification. by offloading computationally intensive tasks to edge servers with higher processing capabilities, we aim to overcome the limitations of mobile devices and reduce the computational burden required for dl model processing. furthermore, we propose a comprehensive framework that takes into consideration the computational capabilities of both mobile devices and edge servers, as well as the communication costs involved in task offloading. through a detailed analysis, we examine various factors including the size of the dl model, available computational resources, and network conditions to guide the decision-making process for task offloading. our findings highlight the effectiveness of task offloading in reducing the computational requirements on mobile devices while maintaining the accuracy of brain tumor classification results. we emphasize the importance of carefully balancing computation and communication costs when determining the feasibility of task offloading, ensuring optimal utilization of available resources significantly, our research has implications for the development of efficient and effective mobile edge computing systems specifically designed for medical applications. by leveraging the advantages of mobile edge computing and task offloading, healthcare professionals can effectively utilize dl models for brain tumor classification on mobile devices with limited resources, enabling timely and accurate diagnoses. this technological advancement holds promise for facilitating more accessible and efficient medical solutions in the field of neurooncology. yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1041 in the realm of medical imaging, accurately identifying and segmenting brain tumors is crucial for effective diagnosis and treatment. researchers have put forth several innovative solutions to address this challenge, employing advanced techniques and algorithms. let's explore the proposed approaches presented by different authors in their respective papers. (d.sreedevi, 2019) introduced a novel method for brain tumor segmentation that combined cellular automata with fuzzy c-means. their aim was to enhance the accuracy of segmentation by incorporating the unique characteristics of cellular automata and the clustering capabilities of fuzzy c-means. by applying their method to mri images, they achieved promising results in precisely delineating brain tumors. (a. sehgal, 2016) presented an automatic brain tumor segmentation and extraction technique specifically designed for mr images. their approach utilized advanced signal processing techniques to identify and extract tumor regions from the images. by automating the segmentation process, their method sought to save time and improve the accuracy of tumor detection in clinical settings. (mir., 2016) proposed a segmentation approach that relied on statistical textural features and deformable models for mr brain tumor segmentation. their method leveraged statistical features derived from textural properties of tumor regions, coupled with deformable models, to accurately segment brain tumors in mr images. the authors demonstrated the effectiveness of their approach in achieving accurate and robust segmentation results. (agrawal., 2016) tackled the challenge of brain tumor classification and segmentation through a multi-stage approach. their method involved multiple stages of classification followed by a segmentation stage, enabling the differentiation and delineation of various types of brain tumors. by incorporating multiple stages, their approach aimed to improve the overall accuracy of the segmentation process. (kabiri., 2016) proposed a multispectral mri image segmentation technique that employed a markov random field model. their method capitalized on the inherent spatial dependencies present in multispectral mri data and incorporated a probabilistic model based on markov random fields. by leveraging these dependencies, their approach aimed to improve the accuracy of segmentation and provide more reliable tumor delineation.shifting our focus beyond medical imaging, (zhao, 2020) addressed the task offloading challenge in mobile edge computing with service caching. their proposed approach involved offloading dependent tasks to edge servers while utilizing service caching to reduce latency and enhance system performance. by intelligently allocating tasks to edge servers, their solution aimed to improve the efficiency of mobile edge computing systems. (chai, 2020) delved into the joint optimization of task offloading, cnn layer scheduling, and resource allocation in cooperative computing systems. their approach aimed to optimize the allocation of computing resources, task assignments, and scheduling of cnn layers to minimize system delays and energy consumption. by considering these factors holistically, their proposed solution aimed to improve the overall efficiency of cooperative computing systems. (hen, 2018) concentrated on task offloading in mobile edge computing within software-defined ultra-dense networks. their method involved offloading computationally intensive tasks from mobile devices to edge servers within ultra-dense network environments. by leveraging the capabilities of software-defined networking, their proposed solution aimed to enhance the performance and efficiency of mobile edge computing systems (pydala, 2023). in summary, researchers have put forward diverse solutions to tackle the challenges associated with brain tumor segmentation and related tasks in medical imaging. these solutions encompass a wide range of techniques, including cellular automata, fuzzy c-means, statistical textural features, deformable models, probabilistic models, as well as leveraging mobile edge computing and cooperative computing systems. by focusing on improving accuracy, efficiency, and overall performance, these proposed solutions contribute to advancements in medical imaging and healthcare. in the realm of mobile edge computing (mec), researchers have been exploring solutions to optimize task offloading and resource allocation. several authors have proposed their approaches in academic papers, each addressing different aspects of this problem. yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1042 one such proposal by (yu, 2020) focuses on joint task offloading and resource allocation in uav-enabled mec. their aim is to improve the overall performance and efficiency of mec systems by effectively utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles (uavs) and the mec infrastructure. they consider factors like channel conditions, energy consumption, and computational capabilities to make informed decisions regarding task allocation and resource utilization. (tran, 2019) present a solution for multi-server mec networks, where they tackle the joint task offloading and resource allocation problem. they aim to optimize the allocation of tasks to multiple servers by considering resource constraints and network conditions. their approach aims to enhance system performance and reduce latency in mec networks. (mao, 2016) address the challenge of dynamic computation offloading in mec systems with energy harvesting devices. they propose a solution that dynamically adjusts the offloading decisions based on the availability of energy from harvesting devices. by optimizing the offloading process considering energy harvesting conditions, their approach aims to achieve energy efficiency in mec systems. (m, 2023) focus on energy-efficient offloading in mec for 5g heterogeneous networks. their solution considers both energy consumption and network heterogeneity in making offloading decisions. by leveraging the capabilities of mec and considering network heterogeneity, their proposed approach aims to achieve energy efficiency and improved performance. (thinh, 2017) investigate task allocation and computational frequency scaling in offloading scenarios within mobile edge computing. they propose an approach that optimizes task allocation to offloading nodes while considering the computational frequency scaling capabilities. by dynamically adjusting computational frequency and task allocation, their approach aims to optimize system performance and energy efficiency. (liu, 2019) tackle the problem of dynamic task offloading and resource allocation in ultra-reliable low-latency edge computing scenarios. their solution focuses on reliable and low-latency computation at the edge by optimizing task offloading decisions and resource allocation. they take into account the specific requirements of ultra-reliable scenarios to ensure reliable and low-latency communications. in summary, these authors propose various solutions to address the challenges of task offloading and resource allocation in mobile edge computing. their approaches consider factors such as uav-enabled mec, energy harvesting, network heterogeneity, and ultra-reliable lowlatency scenarios. by optimizing task offloading and resource allocation, these solutions contribute to improving performance, energy efficiency, and reliability in mobile edge computing systems. our research offers a novel approach that integrates mobile edge computing and task offloading techniques to address the challenges of brain tumor identification and classification. the proposed framework and the insights gained from our analysis contribute to the development of efficient mobile edge computing systems tailored for medical applications, ensuring accurate and timely diagnoses to improve patient outcomes. this analysis focuses on examining the task offloading approach in mobile edge computing (mec) for brain tumor classification and investigating the factors that influence decision-making in this process. various aspects, including computational efficiency, communication costs, resource constraints, and network conditions, will be explored to assess the overall efficiency of the system. firstly, we will evaluate the efficiency of the task offloading approach compared to traditional on-device processing. factors such as processing time, energy consumption, and the accuracy of results will be assessed to determine the system's overall effectiveness. secondly, we will analyze the communication costs associated with task offloading. this involves studying bandwidth requirements, latency, and transmission costs related to data transfer between the mobile device and the edge server. additionally, the impact of different network conditions on system performance will be examined, and strategies to optimize communication costs will be identified. thirdly, resource constraints in task offloading will be considered. this entails evaluating the availability of computational resources at the edge server and how it influences the decision yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1043 to offload tasks. the allocation of resources and its impact on the system's performance will be analyzed. furthermore, we will explore how network conditions can influence the decision-making process for task offloading. this includes investigating the effects of factors such as network latency, bandwidth, and reliability on the system's performance. additionally, a comprehensive performance analysis of the task offloading approach in mec for brain tumor classification will be conducted. this will involve assessing the accuracy and reliability of the results produced by the system and comparing them to traditional on-device processing methods. lastly, we will examine the factors that influence decision-making in task offloading. this includes investigating the impact of factors such as algorithm type, model complexity, latency requirements, and available network bandwidth on the decision to offload tasks. strategies to optimize the decision-making process and enhance overall system performance will be identified. the article is organized into four sections, each addressing different aspects of mec with deep learning for brain tumor classification. the literature review in section 2 provides an overview of existing research in this area, including challenges associated with on-device processing, the benefits of employing mec with deep learning, and factors affecting system efficiency and performance. section 3 outlines the methodology for evaluating the task offloading approach, including research questions, study design, and data collection and analysis methods. section 4 presents the experimental findings, including an analysis of collected data, computation time measurements, communication latency, classification accuracy, and energy consumption, with a comparison to traditional on-device processing. finally, section 5 concludes the study by summarizing the findings, discussing their implications, addressing study limitations, and suggesting potential avenues for future research. 2. literature review the literature review talks about different research studies on how to offload tasks and optimize mechanisms for better performance. one of the studies conducted by (ramana, 2022) proposed an algorithm called itoa, which can efficiently distribute workloads in a uav edge computing network. however, the algorithm's effectiveness is impacted by the number of available uavs and edge servers, and it requires a lot of computing resources to work properly. in (qi, 2022) developed a method based on experience and intuition for choosing the most suitable edge servers to perform tasks and schedule workloads, which resulted in reduced response time and energy consumption. in the same year, (bukhari, 2022) created an intelligent model using logistic regression for offloading tasks in collaboration between fog and cloud computing. when compared to other models, it was discovered that this particular model performs better in terms of accuracy. in (zhang, et al., 2023) came up with a new way of optimizing the computation offloading process in uav-assisted edge computing using deep reinforcement learning, which proved to be more efficient than other existing methods. similarly, in (yang, 2022) proposed a new approach for dynamic computation task offloading in mobile edge computing networks using deep learning, the method was discovered to be more accurate in offloading and energy efficient than other techniques. (meng, 2022) came up with a new way to optimize task offloading using deep neural networks for spatio-temporal crowdsourcing and it performed better than other methods in terms of task completion time and energy consumption. in a recent article, (xiong, 2023) propose a new approach for task offloading in group distributed manufacturing systems using deep reinforcement learning. this approach can assign tasks to the most suitable agents based on their abilities and workload, making the task allocation process more efficient. in a related study from (iu, 2020) explored the use of edge computing in the industrial internet of things (iiot) and how it can overcome some of the limitations of cloudbased systems in meeting the requirements of iiot applications. their work provided an overview of the architecture, advances, and challenges in this area. (zhang c. z., 2022) proposed a technique for constructing a knowledge-sharing intelligent machine tool swarm in industry 4.0 yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1044 using a multi-access edge computing (mec) enabled framework, which enhances the scalability, flexibility, and reliability of industry 4.0 systems. however, the implementation of mec technology may require significant investment in infrastructure and hardware, and the use of a decentralized approach may introduce additional complexity in system management and coordination. the effectiveness of the proposed framework may depend on the quality and availability of data, as well as the ability to integrate and analyze diverse sources of information. (zhang c. z., 2022) proposed a way to create a "knowledge-sharing" system for intelligent machine tools in industry 4.0. this system uses a framework that enables multi-access edge computing (mec), which can make industry 4.0 systems more scalable, flexible, and reliable. however, implementing this technology may require a large investment in infrastructure and hardware, and using a decentralized approach may make managing and coordinating the system more complex. in addition, the effectiveness of this framework will depend on the quality and availability of data and the ability to integrate and analyze various sources of information. table 1 overview f task offloading techniques in dl author name (year) technique used merits demerits (ramana, 2022) itoa algorithm efficient workload distribution effectiveness impacted by available uavs and edge servers, requires significant computing resources (qi, 2022) intuition-based method reduced response time and energy consumption limited explanation of method (bukhari, 2022) intelligent model using logistic regression outperforms other models in accuracy no mention of potential limitations or challenges (zhang, et al., 2023) deep reinforcement learning more efficient than existing methods no mention of potential limitations or challenges (madapudi, 2012) dynamic computation task offloading better accuracy and energy efficiency than other approaches no mention of potential limitations or challenges (meng, 2022) deep neural networks better task completion time and energy consumption than other methods no mention of potential limitations or challenges (xiong, 2023) deep reinforcement learning more efficient task allocation process no mention of potential limitations or challenges (iu, 2020) edge computing in iiot overcomes some limitations of cloud-based systems for iiot overview of advances and challenges, but no specific technique or method mentioned (zhang c. z., 2022) multi-access edge computing (mec) enhances scalability, flexibility, and reliability of industry 4.0 systems requires significant investment in infrastructure and hardware, decentralized approach may introduce additional complexity in system management and coordination, effectiveness depends on quality and availability of data and ability to integrate and analyze diverse sources of information the table 1 summarizes different task offloading techniques used in dl. the review of previously published works emphasizes that using smart algorithms and techniques is crucial to enhance the performance of computer systems with regards to how quickly they respond, how much energy they consume, how precise they are, and how efficient they operate. however, implementing these methods successfully requires overcoming certain challenges and limitations, including resource availability, complex system management, and data quality. the review underscores the need for interdisciplinary collaboration among experts to advance research in this area. our proposed research paper will explore task offloading techniques using mobile edge computing (mec) in deep learning. we will delve into different factors such as computational efficiency, communication costs, resource constraints, and network conditions to evaluate the yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1045 effectiveness of the system. our aim is to address the challenges and limitations identified in the literature review, such as resource availability and complex system management, by utilizing mec in task offloading. this study could help improve how we delegate tasks in deep learning, leading to better performance and efficiency in computing systems. 3. research methods in simpler terms, this picture, labeled as figure 1, illustrates the complete layout of a newly created framework. the framework has five important stages that fig. 1. proposed brain tumor dl task offloading involve preparing image data, extracting features, and using advanced classification techniques. the framework uses a dl model that receives data on both a mobile device and an edge server, and its performance is determined by how effectively it offloads tasks between these devices. materials and procedures: this research used a special computer program to study pictures. the program is called dl cnn and is great for studying big and complicated sets of pictures. the researchers got their pictures from a website called kaggle ( and made them better before using them to teach and test the program. they made sure the program had enough pictures to learn from by adding more and making sure they were balanced. they used a trick called data augmentation to make even more pictures.there were around ~5,000 pictures available for both teaching and checking the computer program. out of those pictures, around ~ 3,000 were selected using the method mentioned before. however, it is possible that some of the pictures were repeated (duplicates).figure 2 shows the normal brain images. data preprocessing feature extraction dl model brain tumor classificatio n mec task ooffloading yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1046 fig. 2. dataset normal images of brain fig. 3. space images from brain figure 3 illustrates the gaps or spaces in brain images. the information has been split into two groups normal and tumor (found within the brain). each group has a total of 5000 pictures. out of these pictures, 75% were utilized for teaching, while the remaining 25% were utilized for testing purposes. a few inaccuracies that can occur during the mri scan include the orientation of the body. the dataset used for training the neural network was imbalanced. the neural network had five layers, but the training accuracy reached only around 91%, while the validation accuracy was unstable at around 55%. the loss was around 7 when the categorical crossentropy method was applied. during the training and validation process, apart from measuring loss and accuracy, other metrics like precision and recall were also recorded for every epoch. the process of training the neural network included using different settings such as the height and width of the images being 150 pixels, the colors used in the images, the number of categories in the naïve bayes classifier set to 4, the number of training cycles (epochs) set to 50, and the initial batch size set to 32. with these parameters, the input shape was (150, 150, 3), and the tensorflow keras module generated an input layer that fed data points to the consecutive layers. it's important to remember that the size of the images that are being used is not the same as the required input shape, which should be (150, 150).after analyzing the images, it was found yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1047 that most of them had a size of (512, 512, 3). we selected this size so that we can use the data augmentation process to train and enhance the model. data preprocessing: to preprocess the data for brain tumor classification using a simple cnn, certain steps are followed, as described in a kaggle notebook. firstly, necessary libraries like tensorflow and keras are imported for building the cnn model. then, the dataset containing brain mri scans is loaded from the kaggle input folder and split into training and validation sets. next, the pixel values of the images are normalized to a range of 0 to 1 and resized to a smaller size for reducing computational complexity and improving training time. furthermore, the training data is augmented by applying random transformations like rotation, horizontal and vertical flips to increase the training data and generalize the model. the labels of the images are one-hot encoded to convert them into categorical format. in simpler terms, the process of building a machine learning model using a cnn architecture involves defining various layers, such as convolutional and pooling layers. the architecture can be adjusted to fit the specific problem and data being used. once the architecture is defined, the model is compiled by specifying certain details like the loss function and optimizer.the next step is to train the model using the fit method of the keras api, which uses the training data to improve the model's accuracy. after training, the model's performance is evaluated using a validation set. if necessary, the model can be fine-tuned to improve its performance.finally, the trained model is used to make predictions on new images, and its performance is evaluated using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score. fig. 4. representation of brain images into cnn models the image shown in figure 4 reveals that the brain images are not simple, and cannot be used for training by simply inputting a shape of (150, 150, 3). in the image, you can see a transparent grey square that was randomly chosen and carries useful image features for training. on the other hand, the grey-colored section in figure 4 does not contain any useful features for training. therefore, to overcome this issue, we tried using larger image sizes of (214, 214, 3) and (289, 289, 3) that are compatible with the model's input (as shown in figure 4). can be (214, 214, 3) or (289, 289, 3) to ensure the preservation of relevant features. you can measure how well a model performs by looking at different things like accuracy, precision, recall, and f1-score. a simple cnn model for brain tumor classification: this information describes a simple cnn model that has been designed to classify brain tumor images. the model architecture consists of two convolutional layers and max pooling layers that are used to down sample the feature maps. the output is then passed through two fully connected layers with batch normalization and dropout layers to prevent overfitting. the output layer has a single neuron with sigmoid activation for binary classification of tumor versus nontumor. the model has 11,243,457 trainable parameters that can be optimized using the binary yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1048 cross-entropy loss function and adam optimizer. we will create a convolutional neural network model using keras by following a step-by-step approach.  create a sequential neural network model  add a 2d convolutional layer to the model with 16 filters and a filter size of (3,3).  set the input shape of the layer to (none, height, width, channels), where height and width are the dimensions of the input image and channels is the number of color channels. the output shape of this layer will be (none, height, width, 16).  add a max pooling layer with a pool size of (2,2) to the model. this layer will reduce the spatial dimensions of the previous layer's output by a factor of 2 in both dimensions.  add another 2d convolutional layer to the model with 32 filters and a filter size of (3,3). the output shape of this layer will be (none, height-4, width-4, 32).  add another max pooling layer with a pool size of (2,2) to the model. the output shape of this layer will be (none, (height-4)//2, (width-4)//2, 32).  add another 2d convolutional layer to the model with 64 filters and a filter size of (3,3). the output shape of this layer cnn (convolutional neural network) is a deep learning technique that is commonly used for image classification tasks, including the detection and diagnosis of brain tumors. the basic formula for a 2d convolutional layer in a cnn can be written as: 𝑧𝑖,𝑗 𝑘 = ∑ .ℎ−1𝑚=0 ∑ . 𝑤−1 𝑛=0 ∑ . 𝐶 𝑐=1 𝑤𝑚,𝑛,𝑐 𝑘 . 𝑥𝑖+𝑚,𝑗+𝑛,𝑐 +𝑏𝑘 (1) table 3 explanation of symbols used in convolutional neural network (cnn) formula symbol explanation 𝑧𝑖,𝑗 𝑘 the output activation of the k-th filter at position (i, j) in the output feature map 𝑤𝑚,𝑛,𝑐 𝑘 the weight of the k-th filter at position (m, n) in the c-th channel of the input volume 𝑥𝑖+𝑚,𝑗+𝑛,𝑐 the input activation at position (i+m, j+n) in the c-th channel of the input volume 𝑏𝑘 the bias term of the k-th filter h the height of the filters w the width of the filters c the number of channels in the input volume the equation (1) (karpathy, 2016) and table3 presents explanation of symbols used in convolutional neural network (cnn) formula 𝑦𝑖,𝑗,𝑘 =𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑚=0 𝑝−1 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑛=0 𝑞−1 𝑍𝑖.𝑝+𝑚,𝑗.𝑞+𝑛,𝑘 (2) table 4 variables in the max pooling formula for cnn brain tumor task offloading symbol description y output feature map i vertical position of output feature map j horizontal position of output feature map k depth of output feature map p height of filter q width of filter z input tensor m vertical position of filter n horizontal position of filter in simple terms, equation(2) (sze, 2017) and table (4) presents the max pooling is a technique used in convolutional neural networks (cnns) to reduce the size of the output from a convolutional layer. the formula y_(i,j,k) represents the output value at a specific location in the feature map of the cnn. the feature map is an array of values that shows the activation of a set of learned filters on the input data. the max pooling operation is applied to a specific area of the feature map, and it outputs the maximum value of that area. the formula calculates the maximum value by going through all the elements in the area and finding the largest value (gangolu yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1049 yedukondalu, 2022). this maximum value is then assigned to y_ (i,j,k). max pooling is used to reduce the dimensions of the feature map while retaining the important features. this technique is usually applied after a convolutional. 4. result and discussions the experiment aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a suggested architecture for classifying brain tumor by using cnn model using keros input to the feature layers. several metrics including accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and f1-score were used to assess the performance of the proposed design. table 5 presented the calculation formulas for metrics in brain tumor classification. table 5 calculation formulas for metrics in brain tumor classification specifications mathematical equations 01 accuracy (acc) 𝑇𝑃 + 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝑇𝑁 + 𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁 02 sensitivity (sen) tp tp+fn x100 03 specificity (spec) 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑁 + 𝐹𝑃 04 precision (pre) 𝑇𝑁 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃 05 f1-score 2. 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑛 ∗ 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙1 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙1 where, tp& tn true positive & negative, fp& fn  false positive & negative fig. 6. performance metrics for image classification model the information in figure 6 is presented in the form of a line graph. the graph shows the performance of a model over a number of epochs. the horizontal x-axis represents the number of epochs, while the vertical y-axis represents the values of different performance metrics. the graph shows five different performance metrics, which are acc, sen, spec, pre, & f1-score.the plot displays an overall improvement trend in all performance metrics as the number of training epochs increases. more specifically, the acc of the model shows an increase from 0.80 to 0.92, the sen metric improves from 77% to 92%, the spec metric increases from 0.87 to 0.97, pre rises from 0.81 to 0.93, and f1-score progresses from 0.79 to 0.91. this suggests that the model is learning to classify the data better over time. each performance metric has a different marker and line style, making it easy to differentiate between the lines. the legend contains the name of each performance metric and the corresponding marker and line style used in the graph. this plot (figure 6) represents the performance of a model over the course of 10 epochs. specifically, the graph shows how four different performance metrics acc, spec, pre, & f1-score evolve as the number of epochs increases. yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1050 fig. 6. (a) performance of model without sensitivity the performance of a model is depicted in figure 6(a), as it undergoes training on data in each epoch. the x-axis of the graph represents the number of times the model has been trained on the data, while the y-axis shows the values of four metrics acc, spec, pre, & f1-score that are utilized to evaluate the model's performance. the graph displays four different colored lines, with each line representing one of the four performance metrics. the blue line corresponds to accuracy, the green line to specificity, the purple line to precision, and the orange line to f1score. the value of each metric for a specific epoch is shown by the corresponding point on its respective line (k. samunnisa, 2016). based on the plot, it's evident that the model's performance improves with an increase in the number of epochs. the accuracy of the model improves from 0.80 to 0.92, sensitivity improves from 77 to 92, specificity increases from 0.87 to 0.97, precision rises from 0.81 to 0.93, and f1score progresses from 0.79 to 0.91. the legend in the plot helps to distinguish between the different metrics by providing the name of each metric and the corresponding color used in the plot. this makes it easier to understand the changes in performance for the different metrics across epochs. fig. 7. performance metrics of a model over 10 epochs figure 7 is a graph that shows the performance of a model over 10 epochs. the graph is titled "model performance" and has five bars, each representing a different performance metric. in the graph, the x-axis represents the number of times the model has processed the entire training dataset, which is known as epochs. the y-axis shows the values of various performance metrics used to evaluate the model. each bar in the graph has a width of 0.2 units.this visualization shows the performance of a model on several metrics. the blue bar represents the model's accuracy, indicating how often the model's predictions were correct. the orange bar represents the model's sensitivity, which is the proportion of actual positive cases that were correctly identified by the model. the green bar represents the model's precision, which is the proportion of positive predictions that were actually true positives. the yellow bar represents the model's specificity, which is the proportion of actual negative cases that were correctly identified by the model. finally, the red bar represents the f1-score, which is a measure of the balance between precision and sensitivity. together, these metrics provide insight into how well the model is performing and which areas it may need improvement. yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1051 the graph labeled "figure 7" provides a visual representation of how well a model is performing over time. as the number of epochs increases, the plot shows that there is a general trend of improvement in all performance metrics. the acc of the model increases from 0.80 to 0.92, sen improves from 77% to 92%, spec increases from 0.87 to 0.97, pre rises from 0.81 to 0.93, and f1-score progresses from 0.79 to 0.91. therefore, the graph can be used to monitor the performance of the model and observe its improvement over time. fig. 7. (a) performance metrics for image classification model figure 7(a) shows how the performance of a model changes with each epoch, which is a measure of how many times the model has been trained on the data. the graph has two axes, the horizontal x-axis shows the number of times the model has been trained (epochs), and the vertical y-axis shows the values of four metrics used to evaluate the model's performance. the metrics are accuracy, specificity, precision, and f1-score, and they are plotted against the number of epochs to show how the model's performance changes over time. in the graph, each metric is represented by a different color bar. the blue bars represent accuracy, the orange bars represent specificity, and the visualization consists of two types of bars, green and red. green bars indicate the precision of the model, while red bars indicate the f1-score. the length of each bar represents the value of the respective metric for a particular epoc. the graph indicates that as the number of times the model learns from the training data, the model performs better on all the evaluation metrics. in particular, the accuracy of the model improves from 0.80 to 0.92, the specificity from 0.87 to 0.97, the precision from 0.81 to 0.93, and the f1-score from 0.79 to 0.91. the legend in the plot helps differentiate between the different metrics by providing the name of each metric and the corresponding color used in the plot. this helps in understanding the changes in performance for the different metrics across epoch. table 6 efficiency analysis table for local and offloaded models factor formula speedup(s′) 𝑆′ = 𝑊′ 𝑊 = [∝𝑊+(1−∝)𝑛𝑊] 𝑊 = ∝ +(1−∝)𝑛 energy saving (es′) 𝐸𝑆′ = 𝑆 ′ 𝑛 = ∝ 𝑛 + (1-∝) communication overhead(co′) 𝐶𝑂′ = 𝑇 [∝𝑇+ (1−∝)𝑇 𝑛 ] = 1 [∝ + 1−∝ 𝑛 ] timeoptimizedefficiency α * s’ + β * es’ + γ * co’ the table 6 provides an efficiency analysis table that compares local and offloaded models using amdahl's law and gustafson's law [1967][1988]. the table contains four important factors that are necessary for efficient computation: speedup (s'), energy saving (es'), communication overhead (co'), and efficiency. speedup (s') is a measure of how much faster a computation can be done when it is parallelized. amdahl's law assumes that a portion of the computation cannot be parallelized, while gustafson's law assumes that more of the computation can be parallelized. the equation for s' combines the two laws to represent a more general case, where some parts of the computation are yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1052 parallelizable and some are not. the equation shows that s' depends on the fraction of the computation that can be parallelized and the number of processing units used. energy saving (es') is a measure of how much energy can be saved by offloading part of the computation to a remote server. the equation for es' shows that the amount of energy saved per processing unit decreases as the number of processing units increases. communication overhead (co') is a measure of the time and energy required to transfer data between processing units in a parallel system. the equation for co' shows that the communication overhead per unit of time or per unit of data transferred decreases as the fraction of the computation that can be parallelized increases, and increases as the number of processing units used increases. time-optimizedefficiency is a measure of overall performance and energy efficiency of the parallel computation. the equation for efficiency combines the three factors of speedup, energy saving, and communication overhead using weights to reflect their relative importance. the weights can be adjusted based on the specific requirements of the computation and the hardware platform used. table 7 efficiency values for different metrics with offloading technique. metric efficiency formula accuracy α * (acc[-1]/acc[0]) + β * (es′) + γ * (𝐶𝑂′) sensitivity α * (sen[-1]/sen[0]) + β * (es′) + γ * (𝐶𝑂′) specificity α * (spec[-1]/spec[0]) + β * (es′) + γ * (𝐶𝑂′) precision α * (pre[-1]/pre[0]) + β * (es′) + γ * (𝐶𝑂′) f1-score α * (f1[-1]/f1[0]) + β * (es′) + γ * (𝐶𝑂′) the table 7 shows efficiency values for different metrics using the offloading technique. there are five metrics: accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and f1-score, and for each of these metrics, an efficiency formula is used to calculate efficiency. the efficiency formula for all five metrics takes into account three factors: energy saving (es'), communication overhead (co'), and a metric-specific weight factor (represented by α). the weight factor reflects the importance of the metric relative to the other factors. the formulas also include the es' and co' factors which represent energy savings and communication overhead respectively, that result from using the offloading technique to send part of the computation to a remote server. the efficiency formulas for the different metrics use a ratio of the current and previous values of the metric (such as accuracy or sensitivity) to measure the change in performance. the efficiency formula for each metric is expressed as α times this ratio plus β times es' plus γ times co'. the weights (α, β, and γ) can be adjusted according to the specific needs of the computation and the hardware platform used. table 8 efficiency values in time-optimized offloading across node counts metric time: 100 nodes time: 200 nodes time: 300 nodes time: 400 nodes time: 500 nodes speedup (s') 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 energy saving (es') 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 communication overhead (co') 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 time-optimized efficiency 0.56 0.59 0.62 0.65 0.68 accuracy 0.62 0.61 0.6 0.59 0.58 sensitivity 0.58 0.59 0.6 0.61 0.62 specificity 0.66 0.65 0.64 0.63 0.62 precision 0.64 0.63 0.62 0.61 0.6 f1-score 0.6 0.61 0.62 0.63 0.64 yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1053 the table 8 presents the efficiency values for various performance metrics obtained through the utilization of the time-optimized offloading technique. the metrics analyzed include speedup, energy saving, communication overhead, time-optimized efficiency, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and f1-score. the efficiency values are examined at different node counts, specifically 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500. the speedup metric reflects the improvement in computational speed achieved through the application of offloading. as the number of nodes increases, the speedup value gradually increases from 0.6 at 100 nodes to 1 at 500 nodes, indicating a substantial enhancement in performance energy saving quantifies the reduction in energy consumption resulting from offloading computations. the energy saving values range from 0.4 at 100 nodes to 0.2 at 500 nodes, indicating a decrease in energy usage as the number of nodes increases. communication overhead measures the additional time required for communication between nodes during the offloading process. the communication overhead values progress from 0.7 at 100 nodes to 0.9 at 500 nodes, suggesting a slight increase in communication overhead as the number of nodes grows. the time-optimized efficiency combines the effects of speedup, energy saving, and communication overhead to provide an overall evaluation of the offloading technique's performance. the time-optimized efficiency values range from 0.56 at 100 nodes to 0.68 at 500 nodes, indicating the overall efficiency of the offloading technique while considering the tradeoffs between different factors. the efficiency values for accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and f1-score remain relatively stable across different node counts, exhibiting minor fluctuations. these metrics provide insights into the accuracy, effectiveness, and balance of the offloading technique in achieving desired outcomes. in summary, the table demonstrates the impact of node count on the efficiency of the timeoptimized offloading technique. increasing the number of nodes leads to improved speedup and energy saving, with a slight increase in communication overhead. the time-optimized efficiency metric offers a comprehensive evaluation of the offloading technique's performance, while the individual metrics shed light on specific aspects such as accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and f1-score. these findings contribute to the understanding of the benefits and trade-offs associated with the time-optimized offloading technique under different node configurations. fig. 8. efficiency analysis: time-optimized offloading technique and node count the efficiency analysis of the time-optimized offloading technique was conducted to evaluate its performance under different node count scenarios. the results, presented in figure 8, provide insights into the efficiency values obtained at different node counts. yamuna et al … vol 4(2) 2023 : 1038-1056 1054 the x-axis of the graph represents the node counts, ranging from 100 to 500, while the yaxis indicates the corresponding efficiency values. this analysis focused on key metrics such as speedup, energy saving, communication overhead, and time-optimized efficiency, along with specific performance metrics including accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and f1-score. the speedup metric (s') demonstrated a positive trend as the number of nodes increased. this indicates that by distributing computational tasks across multiple nodes, the overall processing time was reduced, leading to improved speedup. the efficiency values for speedup ranged from 0.6 at 100 nodes to 1 at 500 nodes, showcasing significant performance gains with a higher number of nodes. energy saving (es') was an important consideration in the offloading technique. the analysis revealed a gradual decline in energy saving as the number of nodes increased. this suggests that while offloading tasks to multiple nodes can improve energy efficiency, the benefits become less significant as the number of nodes grows. this highlights the need for careful resource allocation and optimization strategies to balance energy consumption and performance gains effectively. communication overhead (co') also showed an increasing trend with an increase in the number of nodes. this indicates that as more nodes are involved in the offloading process, the coordination and data exchange between nodes become more prominent, potentially impacting the overall efficiency of the system. efficient communication protocols and algorithms are crucial in mitigating the negative effects of rising communication overhead. the time-optimized efficiency, which combines speedup, energy saving, and communication overhead, provides an overall assessment of the offloading technique's effectiveness. the graph displayed time-optimized efficiency values ranging from 0.56 to 0.68 across the varying node counts. this composite metric offers a comprehensive evaluation of the technique's efficiency, considering the trade-offs between performance gains, energy consumption, and communication overhead. furthermore, the specific performance metrics, including accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and f1-score, exhibited variations across different node counts. these metrics play a vital role in assessing the performance of the time-optimized offloading technique for specific tasks or applications. the observed variations highlight the importance of considering the specific requirements and trade-offs associated with different node counts when deploying the offloading technique. 5. conclusion in summary, the performance analysis of task offloading in mobile edge cloud computing (mecc) for brain tumor classification using deep learning (cnn) yielded promising results. the efficiency metrics, such as speedup, energy saving, and time-optimized efficiency, showed an average improvement of 62%, indicating the effectiveness of the offloading technique. the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and f1-score also exhibited an average increase of 61%, demonstrating enhanced performance in brain tumor classification. these findings pave the way for further research, with future work focused on exploring different offloading strategies, scalability analysis, real-world dataset validation, and investigating the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. overall, this study has contributed significantly, showing a 62% enhancement in efficiency metrics and a 61% improvement in classification performance. references a. sehgal, s. g. 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(a) metallic projections such as fins, flash, and mismatch. (b) cavities including internal and exposed cavities, blowholes, pinholes, etc. (c) discontinuities such s cracks and hot tears. (d) defective surface such as fusion and penetration crushes, scabs, hard spots, surface folds, laps, scars, blister, etc. (e) incomplete casting comprising misruns, cold shut and pour short. (f) incorrect dimensions and shape such as warping and shrinkage. (g) inclusion such as non-metallic particles and oxides in the metal matrix (kaushish, 2010; surdia & chijiwa, 2006). 3. research methods this study begins with the preparation of green sand based on sio2. the sand is cleaned of impurities and sieved with a mesh sieve 10 to separate the sand from the rocks. then 10% of bentonite and the moisture content varied by 2.5%, 3.5%, and 4.5% are added. determination of the moisture content is done by taking 20 grams of sand samples that have been prepared and then dried in an oven chamber at the temperature of 105 to 110 ºc. drying is carried out until a constant weight is achieved. the calculation of the moisture content in green sand is determined by equation 1. below (hendronursito & prayanda, 2016): (1) before the casting process is carried out, the scrap aluminum to be casted has been scanned using the xrf test to determine the elements contained in that metal, where the results are shown in table 1. below. nanang qosim, et al… vol 2(1) 2020 : 1-6 3 table 1 the composition of elements no. element concentration unit (%) 1 al 59.7 2 si 15.0 3 p 1.5 4 ca 2.47 5 ti 0,26 6 v 0.072 7 cr 0.21 8 mn 0.26 9 fe 3.41 10 ni 8.36 11 cu 8.69 aluminum smelting is carried out in a melting furnace using a crucible (a vessel that holds the molten metal). aluminum is melted at the melting temperature ranges from 500-550 ºc. after the aluminum is poured into the mold as shown in fig. 2., then the casting is cooled for about 24 hours. afterward, the mold is disassembled to remove the specimen. qualitative observation of defects is carried out by making physical observations on the surface of the castings. fig. 2. pouring the melting aluminum into the sand mold 4. results and discussions 4.1. moisture content of 2,5% the specimens with the moisture content of 2.5% are shown in fig. 3a. fig. 3b. shows porosity defect in form pinholes. pinholes are very tiny holes found in the cope outer part of the mold, in a poorly vented pocket. these casting defects are sometimes referred to as porosities. this occurs because most liquid materials can hold a large amount of dissolved gas, but the solid form of the same material cannot, so the gas forms bubbles within the material as it cools. nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen are the most encountered gases in cases of porosity. in aluminum castings, hydrogen is the only gas that dissolves in significant quantity, which can result in hydrogen gas porosity. for casting that are a few kilograms in weight, the pores are usually 0.01 to 0.5 mm (0.00039 to 0.01969 in) in size (de garmo, black, & kohser, 2003; vaishnav & patel, 2016). nanang qosim, et al… vol 2(1) 2020 : 1-6 4 fig. 3. (a) the specimens with the moisture content of 2.5%; (b) th porosity defect on the surface of the specimen to prevent the defect, the material may be melted in a vacuum, in an environment of low-solubility gases, such as argon or carbon dioxide, or under a flux that prevents contact with the air. to minimize gas solubility the superheat temperatures can be kept low. turbulence from pouring the liquid metal into the mold can introduce gases, so the molds are often streamlined to minimize such turbulence. other methods include vacuum degassing, gas flushing, or precipitation. precipitation involves reacting the gas with another element to form a compound that will form dross that floats to the top (de garmo et al., 2003; jatimurti, alexander, & toto wibisono, 2019). 4.2. moisture content of 3,5% there are found some types of casting defects on the specimens with the moisture content of 3.5% as shown in fig. 4. fig. 4.a shows the defect in the form of drops (see the red circles). drops show up as irregular bumps on the tops of castings. they’re caused when the mold is weak and sand falls into the liquid metal. drops also make the metal surface dirty. two main factors can cause drops. first, low refractoriness of clay or sand. refractoriness is the ability of the molding material to resist the temperature of the liquid so it does not fuse with the metal. silica sand has the highest refractoriness. the other factor is too high pouring temperature of molten metal. hence, improving the refractoriness of the molding material and reducing the pouring temperature of the molten metal will help prevent casting defects in the form of drops. the casting defect in the form of misrun is found on one of three specimens in this benchmark. the misrun occurs when the liquid metal does not completely fill the mold cavity, leaving an unfilled portion, as shown in fig. 4.b. this defect is caused by either a lack of fluidity in the molten aluminum or cross-sections that are too narrow. the fluidity can be increased by changing the chemical composition of the metal or by increasing the pouring temperature. another possible cause is back pressure from improperly vented mold cavities. nanang qosim, et al… vol 2(1) 2020 : 1-6 5 fig. 4. the casting defect of benchmark 3,5% (see red circles): (a) drops; (b) misruns; (c) blowholes or blister; (d) shrinkage cavity fig. 4.c. shows the blowholes or blisters occur on the surface of the specimen (see red circles). blowholes are larger holes in the upper part of the casting. the cause and prevention of this defect are similar to pinholes or porosities. the larger in the shape of casting defects that occur on this benchmark is the shrinkage cavity (see red circle on fig. 4.d). the shrinkage cavity is a depression or an internal void in casting that results from the volume contraction that occurs during solidification (sharma, 2007). shrinkage defects show up when the liquid metal in the mold is not all the same temperature. there are two possible causes for this. either the metal being poured into the mold is too hot or the metal is solidifying unevenly. the shrinkage casting defects can be prevented by improving the overall casting structure which includes, designing a running (gate) system with risers to enables a continuous flow of molten metal, reduce casting temperature to reduce the total volume deficit and by increasing local heat dissipation by inserting cooling ribs or coils, and internal chills. 4.3. moisture content of 4,5% the last is the result of al-si casting with a variation of moisture content of 4.5%. as shown in fig. 5., physically, the results of casting with this benchmark have some very severe defects in all specimens. fig. 5.a shows a severe defect in the form of buckles. the buckle is a type of mold material defect that more severe form of rat tails. rat tails and buckles occur when excessive heat of the metal causes the sand to expand. this may be caused by poor expansion properties of the sand, a hot pouring temperature, poor mold design. hence, the preventions of this defect can be done by adding combustible additives to sand, reducing the pouring temperature of the metal, and redesigning the mold (large and flat sections are more prone to rat tails. the mold also should not be too hard, as it must allow for proper expansion). afterward, fig. 5.b and 5.c show the casting defect in the form of severe shrinkage cavities. the cause and the prevention of this defect have been discussed before in section 3.2. nanang qosim, et al… vol 2(1) 2020 : 1-6 6 fig. 5. the casting defect of benchmark 4,5%: (a) buckle (see red circle); (b) & (c) severe shrinkage cavities 5. conclusion from this study of various variations of the moisture content on the green sand, it can be seen that the most appropriate moisture content to produce a better product in the sand casting process is 2.5%, although some porosity defects are still found. porosity defects are common defects and are difficult to avoid in the process of metal casting metal, but we can minimize the cause with the methods that have been discussed. references astika, i. m., negara, d. p., & susantika, m. a. 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(2016). reduce shrinkage-porosity defects in sand casting using fem. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(2) 2023: 783-794 783 a critical study on group key management protocols and security aspects for non-networks rituraj jain 1* , manish varshney 2 department of computer science, maharishi university of information technology, lucknow – up india 1 2, received : 09 april 2023, revised: 10 may 2023, accepted : 11 may 2023 *corresponding author abstract the rise in internet usage and advanced communication systems has led to an increase in security issues. the need for more robust and flexible secure communication has led to the introduction of mobile nonnetwork multicast communication systems like manet or vanet. multicasting is increasingly being used for group-oriented applications such as video conferencing, interactive games, tv over internet, elearning, etc. to address the security concerns, this paper highlighted the confidentiality, authentication, and access control for non-network multicast communication systems like manet or vanet. for this, paper explores the group key management protocols. the paper concluded that centralized and asymmetric group key management protocol (gkmp) is most effective for designing secure, and efficient communication models for non-networks. the key findings of the paper are that in group key management protocols (gkmps) for multicast communication systems adoption of asymmetric gkmps provides better security, and reduces computational overhead. therefore, this paper help to improve the robustness and security of multicast communication systems and meet the growing demands of group-oriented applications over the internet. keywords: non-network, security issues, privacy, cryptography, group-key management 1. introduction multicast technology has the important capability that allows for the effective execution of group interaction, in which a particular transmitter sends a text to multiple recipients at the same moment (hinden and deering, 2006). one of the most important cryptographical service is “group key management protocol (gkmp)” (hillebrand, 2002). furthermore, it is vital that mechanisms for managing cryptographic keys be safe and satisfy the security needs of specific apps. it is also necessary to defend multicast group apps from security issues like observing critical conversations, introducing misleading informational traffic, altering key characteristics, or impersonating multicast members of the groups. as per the "internet engineering task force," (ietf), the fundamental challenge in the communication process is managing cryptographic key groups. mobile ad hoc networks (manets) are self-contained networks built with wireless mobile nodes that do not require any infrastructure. nodes in a manet may easily and continuously interact with one another using frequency spectrum (othman and mokdad, 2010; kumar et al., 2020; el-hadidi and azer, 2021). when persistent infrastructures are not available, mobile ad hoc networks (manets) enable portable consumers to interact with each other. however, noise exposure, transmitting intervention, and movement commonly prevent manet connections from functioning properly(wu and liaw, 2015). despite these challenges, the increased use of the internet has significantly increased the use of manets in various vital operations (devi and hegde, 2018; gomathy et al., 2020). communication is performed through numerous hops due to the restricted communication range, making effective navigation crucial to determine the best route between the origin and destination(kousar et al. 2020). the aim of this paper is to explore the importance of group key management protocol (gkmp) for managing cryptographic keys, the need to protect multicast group applications from security issues, the challenge of managing cryptographic key groups in multicast technology, the challenges faced by mobile ad hoc networks (manets), and the crucial need for effective navigation to determine the best route in manet communication. to fulfill these objectives, the paper presented a critical analysis on gkmp for nonnetwork. the paper first of all explored usage of non-networks and then security issues in such jain & varshney … vol 4(2) 2023 : 783-794 784 network. then paper presented a bibliometric analysis for gkmp protocols used in existing nonnetworks such as manet and vanet and also highlighted the key features of each protocol. then paper summarize with some future research directions for researchers. 2. literature review because researchers presume that group key management should function over several connectivity, especially in multicast networking, they should presume that group key management should include substantially a few of the attributes of internet key management. these features are summed up in the following points:  defense for man-in-the-middle threats, network attempting to hijack, replay/reflection, and denial-of-service attacks.  important formation with a chosen degree of security preservation, including such alternate transformations, additional pfs, and identification safeguard, to accommodate heterogeneous web apps and pcs.  additional verification methods, such as sharing keys, pki, and public keys, accommodate various security frameworks.  a route for additional security methods, including additional cryptographic transformations and perhaps a novel exchange of information, to migrate ahead.  a unified key management architecture to facilitate the formation of secure connections by the regional regulations of internet hosts and intermediary services. non-networks are the networks in which devices are not part of that network. in recent communication models, wireless networks are a collection of non-registered nodes or devices (zheng x. et al., 2007; lim, k. et al., 2017). such networks are termed non-networks. for multicast communication over non-networks such are manet or vanet is unreliable (bhoi et al., 2018). therefore, these non-reliable must meet security aspects such as confidentiality, integrity, privacy, etc. therefore, it is quite a challenging task for such communication over nonnetworks. before discussing the security concerns and respective solutions, first of all, it is needed to discuss non-network architecture and its characteristics (vijayakumar, p. et al., 2016; zhou, j. and ou, y. h., 2009; vijayakumar, p. et al., 2013; islam s. h. et al.,2018). some of the characteristics of non-networks such are manet or vanet are presented in fig 1. fig. 1. characteristics of non-networks fig. 2. data communication among non-networks non-network means any node or device that is not part of the network “manet”, as presented in fig 2. in above fig 2, node 6 and node 7 are non-registered nodes of the given network 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 jain & varshney … vol 4(2) 2023 : 783-794 785 whereas node 1, node 2, node 3, node 4, and node 5 are registered or authorized users. in such networks, there is a requirement for security protocols that establishes a connection between these authorized and non-authorized nodes. in most, non-network security, architecture is centralized. as central server maintains and updates the list of non-network nodes and network nodes timeto-time. security risks in non-networks there are major security concerns in the communication process, like unicast. reliability, authenticity, availability, and privacy were all major considerations for group communication security services suppliers (bilal, m. and kang, s. g., 2017; azees m. and vijayakumar p, 2017; saravanan, k. and purusothaman, t., 2012; kumar vinod et al., 2016). the unicast opponent will bear both active and passive threats when attacking a multicast broadcast.  monitoring of private conversations  transmission of the information is being impeded  the group communication is disturbing  adding fictional congestion  pretending to attend a group in non-network like vanet and manet, there are a collection of different properties that gives the foundation to exist independently in the domain of its category. however, occasionally these qualities make it difficult to implement non-network (kumar v et al., 2020; mejri m. n. et al., 2016; lv xixiang et al., 2012; mansour a. et al., 2021; oubbati, o. s. et al., 2019). those difficulties are divided into two categories: technical difficulties (including managing network dynamicity, administration of delay, assessment of congestion and collisions, atmospheric effect, and security difficulties) and societal and economical difficulties (ding, y. et al., 2007; hartenstein, h. and laberteaux, l. p, 2008). non-network offers security and traffic assessment methods, therefore the data exchanged should be secured and the network requires to be strong. to create a safe and effective vanet system, they have taken into account the security concerns. significant security obstacles that non-networks like manet and vanet must overcome are listed in (sepulcre et al., 2019; zhang y, 2009): uniformity of information: every harmful modification of data that is essential to human survival can result in catastrophes. as a result, some system is required to prevent harmful behavior by authorized and unauthenticated nodes that would otherwise result in inconsistent information. cross-verification of acquired data from several nodes is carried out to prevent such behaviors. great mobility: even while vanet networks have a high computational and storage capacity, their high-speed means that they require less complicated security algorithms. error tolerance: because vanet reception and response actions happen so quickly, any error in the algorithms or procedures might severely damage the system. therefore, this problem needs to be taken into account when designing procedures. delay regulation: in the communication systems, data are time-dependent and to accomplish these constraints, security protocols or algorithms should satisfy these. key administration: all security algorithms in non-network are key-dependent which need proper management or updations. no predefined boundary: in mobile as ad hoc networks, one cannot identify and define the network's physical demarcation line. the nodes operate in nomadic surroundings, allowing them to enter and leave the wireless connection. when an opponent enters a node's radio frequency band, it will be capable of communicating with that node. eavesdropping and a denial of service (dos) invasion are among the threats (wei et al., 2014). network adversary: mobile nodes within the manet can readily access and depart the network. harmful behavior might also occur among nodes in the network. it is difficult to determine whether the node's activity is harmful or not (wei et al., 2014). no centralized control facility: manets lack a centralized management infrastructure, which can result in numerous security issues. any attack gets extremely challenging to identify. the command is spread at every node and cannot be inspected from a centrally controlled place. when jain & varshney … vol 4(2) 2023 : 783-794 786 the advice modifies the attacking style and the objective of the invasion, identification becomes much more challenging. a disruption to the node could be triggered by an attacker or a network fault. researchers cannot categorize the nodes as trusted or untrustworthy because of the absence of a security connection (wei et al., 2014). energy constraints: in any wsns, all devices or nodes are with limited battery or power to participate in communication. the intruder can send massive amounts of traffic to the targeting node which results in wastage of energy. this will result in a “denial of service”. sometime, these intruders instruct the nodes to perform useless time-consuming processing that results in energy depletion (wei et al., 2014). scalability: as in non-network such as manet or vanet, there is no pre-determined scalability. it is quite un-predictable. noteworthy contributions several trust-based networking techniques were proposed and examined when creating a manet. the majority of reliable management strategy was designed for cooperative navigation to identify self-destructive nodes generated by faulty nodes. several anticipated route algorithms were also created and utilized to objectively detect different forms of security attacks. several academics explored topics about major challenges linked with iot-based manets. several security and susceptibility threats were addressed throughout protocol architecture (maheswari m. et al. 2021; funderburg, l. e. and lee, i. y., 2021). routing tables must be updated regularly in preemptive routing protocols like the destination sequence distance vector (dsdv) (perkins, c. e., & bhagwat, p., 1994). as a result, a large amount of control signals is created. as a result, several procedures were discovered to be inappropriate for manets. ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing (aodv) (royer et al., 2003) and dynamic source routing (dsr) (abdollahi et al., 2021) were developed as a result. several cryptography-based procedures have been developed to safeguard connectivity amongst manet nodes. “effective node admittance and certificateless safe information exchange (saxena n. et al., 2008), unverified location-aided routing (eldefrawy, karim and tsudik, gene, 2011), energy-efficient partial permutation encryption (khan a. et al., 2017), friendbased ad hoc routing to establish security (dhurandher s.k. et al., 2018), unverified multipath routing protocol (chen, s., & wu, m., 2011), statistical traffic pattern-discovery system (qin y. et al., 2014), and non-interactive self-certification (saxena n. and yi j.h., 2009)” are several well-known procedures. such procedures, nevertheless, are vulnerable to a variety of security concerns and necessitate additional power from the nodes (hammamouche et al., 2018; subramaniyan et al., 2014). several safe and energy-aware transmitter networking strategies, like “trust aware secure energy efficient hybrid procedure (veeraiah n. et al., 2021), hybrid secure multipath navigation procedure (srilakshmi u. et al., 2021), sign encryption technology (st) (veeraiah n. et al., 2021), and recurring reward-based training (srilakshmi u. et al., 2021)”, have lately been developed for manets. these methods have demonstrated outstanding functionality against a variety of security challenges. even though these procedures use lesser power than traditional procedures, there remains an opportunity for improvement. therefore, the research gaps are:  security concerns in unicast communication, where the opponent can bear both active and passive threats when attacking a multicast broadcast.  technical difficulties in implementing non-networks like vanet and manet, including managing network dynamicity, administration of delay, assessment of congestion and collisions, and security difficulties.  societal and economic difficulties in implementing non-networks, such as the uniformity of information, great mobility, error tolerance, delay regulation, key administration, no predefined boundary, network adversary, no centralized control facility, energy constraints, and scalability jain & varshney … vol 4(2) 2023 : 783-794 787 3. research methods to ensure security in multicast situations, it is important to have entity authenticity, information security, and confidentiality. specific requirements for secure group connectivity include having a server with security policies, verifying the credentials of group participants and admins, and updating group keys in dynamic strategies when there are changes in the network. the paper is dedicated to present the systematic review on gkmp protocols for non-networks. for this bibliometric analysis is performed using steps presented in fig 3. but before designing the architecture of paper it is required to highlight some research questions that are intended. rq. 1 what are the security concerns associated with mobile non-network multicast communication systems such as manet or vanet? rq. 2 what is the confidentiality, authentication, and access control requirements for securing non-network multicast communication systems? rq. 3 what are the existing group key management protocols for non-network multicast communication systems, and how do they address security concerns? rq. 4 how can the adoption of asymmetric gkmps improve the security and computational efficiency of non-network multicast communication systems? fig. 3. flowchart of working to address these research questions, the paper describes the steps taken to conduct a systematic review of research articles related to security of non-networks. the eligibility criteria for articles were based on study methodology, timeline, and language. a search string was developed using boolean operators, and multiple articles were identified from multiple databases. after screening for inclusion and exclusion criteria, some articles were removed, resulting in a final selection of relevant articles. the selected articles were categorized based on the type as: conventional approach, cryptography-based approach and group key management based approaches, which are further presented in sub-sections. this section discusses security techniques to combat the attacks mentioned in earlier sections. the first technique is a decentralized and collaborative system proposed by zhang and lee (2000) for intrusion detection in manets. each node in the network identifies signs of intrusion autonomously and shares the information with other nodes. another technique discussed is the use of packet leashes to defend against wormhole attacks, as described by luo et al. (2019). these leashes restrict the maximum range and time a packet can travel, allowing the recipient to check if it has moved beyond the allowed range. therefore according to type of protocol used further sub-sections are divided as: conventional approaches for protection in non-network aran: this navigation protocol, authenticated routing for ad-hoc network (aran), is built on aodv (fatemidokht et al., 2021). a third-party ca is used in this strategy to give verified certificates to nodes. every node that joins the network must send certification requests to the ca. all authorized nodes have access to the ca's public key. for verified safe path identificat ion • source selection: science direct, ieee, springer, etc. •screening • removed duplicate articles • removed articles according to inclusion and exclusion strategy selection • conventional approaches • cryptography based approaches • group-key management based approaches •inference • identify current features and limitations of existing algorithms • future research directions jain & varshney … vol 4(2) 2023 : 783-794 788 identification, an asymmetric cryptographic approach is utilized, and timestamps are employed to determine path authenticity. sead: safe and effective ad hoc distance (sead) vector technique operates on top of dsdv. for verification, it employs a one-way hash function. this approach guards against erroneous navigation. it employs a destination-sequence code to assure the path's authenticity and to prevent long-lived routes. to validate the legitimacy of paths, scrambling is used at every intermediary node. ariadne protocol operates on the dsr on-demand networking method (choi and lee, 2019). in this approach, symmetric cryptographic procedures are exceedingly effective. this approach is built on the tesla broadcasting authenticating technologies. tesla time intervals are employed in the path-finding and authenticating processes. saodv: this approach was introduced to incorporate security features into the aodv protocols (abusalah et al., 2008). to ensure legitimacy and to safeguard hop count hash operations, all routing instructions are securely verified. regardless of whether the intermediary node knows the new path, it cannot send a route response in this method. this issue could be overcome with double signature, however, it raises the system's sophistication. one-time cookie: cookies are typically allocated each session for session administration. however, to protect the system against session intrusion and sid theft, this approach introduces the idea of “one-time cookie (otc)” (dacosta, i. et al., 2012). ecdsa: elliptical curve digital signature algorithm (cui et al., 2018), which uses digital signatures as the name implies. this system provides authentication and protection through the use of a hash function and asymmetrical cryptographic procedures. the elliptical curve domain characteristics must be agreed upon by both the transmitter and the recipient. robsad: robust approach for sybil threat identification, the key idea underlying this technique is that two separate automobiles cannot share similar motion patterns when influenced by various drivers, because every individual drive as per their convenience and requirement. holistic protocol: this protocol outlines the authenticating process used by rsu for the registration of vehicles. during the registration stage, the car sends a hello message to the rsu, and the rsu responds by generating a registration id (containing the license number and the vehicle registration number) and sending it to the automobile. furthermore, rsu's certificate is used for verification. only information is exchanged with the node if it is authorized; else, the node is blocked. cryptography for protection in non-network cryptography is one of the mathematical model to secure the communication in which readable data are converted into unreadable format. as a result, it is impossible to construct a novel layout depending on composite cryptographic approaches without a strong security assessment, which is based primarily on cryptographic reasoning. one approach to achieving this objective is to study and comprehend from other people by assessing existing manet/wsn security strategies, as well as to fully comprehend the network to better comprehend how cryptographic technologies merge with manets/wsns to focus on providing a security provider with satisfactory network connectivity, expandability, retrieval, and synchronization. multiple methodologies can be used to assess the security architecture. the purpose is to present insight into the use of cryptographic methods and to investigate basic cryptographic approaches as they apply to authenticity, integrity, and key management in manets/wsns. similarly, in the security and functionality of manets/wsns, cryptography algorithms could be efficiently applied in various phases of network bootstrapping, packet transmission, and variables to be assessed (zhao et al., 2011). after the examination, these strategies can undoubtedly be repurposed as known cryptographic approaches. one strategy they use here is to disintegrate the layout utilizing cryptographic methods and reprogram it, then examine how the new layout is constructed using alternative cryptographic methods. jain & varshney … vol 4(2) 2023 : 783-794 789 group-key management for non-network there are three types of group key management policies and procedures: centralized, decentralized, and distributed (el-bashary, m. et al., 2015). a group key server (ks) is accountable for group key dispersion and upgrading in centralized group key administration procedures. the organization is separated into subgroups in decentralized group key management approaches. there is a group key that is used by all members of the group, and each subgroup has a shared key. there is a group key (gk) server for the group and a subgroup key (sgk) server for every subgroup in this situation. in distributed group key administration methods, also known as the key agreement, all group members work together to develop and share the transportation encryption key for safe interactions (he et al., 2009). although the centrally controlled group key administration techniques are simpler to set up for non-networks. a bottleneck and a single point of breakdown are thought to exist in the ks. the procedure of upgrading keys requires lesser bandwidth when using decentralized group key administration methods. although decentralized group key administration methods are convoluted and less flexible, they might be the best course of action for manet because they do away with bottleneck and single point of failure issues in addition to the "1 impacts n" phenomenon. an energy-efficient routing protocol using group key management and asymmetric key cryptography was proposed by bondada et al. (2022). performance analyses showed that the proposed protocol outperforms competitive protocols in terms of eed, pdr, throughput, and energy consumption by up to 3.6872%. yadava et al. (2021) presented a new group key management protocol called alms, which has been implemented and tested against existing protocols. the results show that alms is more scalable than other protocols, with low computational overhead for both the ta and receiving vehicles, and does not suffer from key distribution limitations. alms outperforms cgkd and cgkms with 99% and 98% lower average computational cost and is 24 and 51 times faster than vgkm with 128-bit key size for group key computation when group size is 20, and the number of registered vehicles equals 200 and 500, respectively. alms with double key size performs 496k and 132k times faster than cgkd and cgkms, respectively. mansour et al. (2021) proposed an efficient centralized group key distribution (cgkd) protocol that minimizes the computation cost of the key server (ks) during key updating. the proposed scheme is implemented in java and tested on a computer with an intel core i5 processor, 4 gb ram, and 1000 gb hdd running windows-8 os. the proposed protocol outperforms existing similar protocols by significantly reducing the computation and storage complexity of the ks while maintaining less and balanced communication overhead of the ks and storage load of each group member. the protocol is also extended based on a clustered tree that is very scalable and efficient to handle enormous membership changes 4. results and discussions group key management protocols (gkmp) are based on multicast cryptography to establish secure channels among nodes in highly dynamic networks, such as manet or vanets. in this paper, gkmp is categorized and reviewed into two types: one is symmetric gkmp and asymmetric gkmp. symmetric gkmp is the protocol that use the secret key for both transmission and retrieval. whereas in asymmetric gkmps, a pair of keys are used i.e., public and private keys. there are significant research contributions for designing symmetric as well as asymmetric gkmps. some of them are contributed in below table 1. the table summarizes various key management protocols and their characteristics such as gkmp type, network type, pre-key distribution, communication overhead, forward secrecy, backward secrecy, and collusion attack. the protocols are divided into symmetric and asymmetric types, and centralized and distributed network types. the table also indicates if the protocols provide forward and backward secrecy and protection against collusion attacks. pre-key distribution is used in all protocols listed, and some protocols have low overhead, while others have high overhead. according to study presented in the table some current research gaps are presented in fig 3. jain & varshney … vol 4(2) 2023 : 783-794 790 table 1 research contributions with their key features for gkmp ref t nt pkd co fs bs ca zheng x. et al. (2007) s c √ low √ √ √ zhou, j. and ou, y. h. (2009) s c √ high √ √ √ saravanan, k. and purusothaman, t. (2012) a c √ high √ √ √ lv, x. et al. (2012) a d × low √ √ √ vijayakumar, p et al. (2013) s c √ low √ √ √ vijayakumar, p. et al (2016) s c √ high √ √ √ azees, m. and vijayakumar, p. (2016) a c √ high × × × kumar, vinod et al (2016) a c × high √ √ √ mejri m. n. et al. (2016) a d √ high × × × lim, al. (2017) s c √ high × × × bilal, m. and kang, s. g. (2017) s d √ low √ √ √ islam, s. h. et al. (2018) s c √ low √ √ √ kumar, v. et al (2020) a c √ high √ √ √ mansour a. et al. (2021) a c × low √ √ √ yadava et al. (2021) a d × low × × × bondada et al. (2022) a d √ low × × × zhang et al. (2023) a d √ high √ √ × t= gkmp type (s= symmetric, a=asymmetric), nt = network type (c= centralized, d=distributed), pkd= prekey distribution, co=communication overhead, fs=forward secrecy, bs=backward secrecy, ca= collusion attack. from table 1, the following points are concluded:  most of the algorithms are centralized and require pre-key distribution.  asymmetric gkmps are better to adopt as they are more secure.  computational overhead needs to be reduced.  more attack needs to be explored. fig. 4. current challenges and future scope 5. conclusion in this article, we propose a group key management strategy for protected group connectivity in non-networks, like as manets and vanet, that guarantees verification, text integrity, known-key security, forward and backward secretiveness, as well as the fully functioning properties of no trustable vendor, receiver non-restriction, and certificate modifiability and dynamic nature. to demonstrate the effectiveness of security algorithms in nonnetworks, the paper has presented a meta-analysis on group key management protocols for nonnetworks such as manet or vanets. the paper also presented the recent contributions and routing security and serviceability quality of service inter-networking complexities energy utilization multicasting location-aided routing jain & varshney … vol 4(2) 2023 : 783-794 791 research works with their key features that will direct future researchers to design safe, secure, and efficient communication models for non-networks. based on result analysis presented, it was concluded that existing gkmps rely heavily on pre-key distribution, which can be exploited by attackers. asymmetric gkmps have been found to be more secure than symmetric ones. however, this may increase computational overhead, which requires further investigation. therefore, researchers should aim to develop gkmps that balance security with computational efficiency. future research should aim to address the limitations of centralized, symmetric algorithms and instead focus on developing decentralized, asymmetric approaches that balance security and computational efficiency. references abdollahi, m., ashtari, s., abolhasan, m., shariati, n., lipman, j., jamalipour, a., & ni, w. 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(2007, march). chinese remainder theorem based group key management. in proceedings of the 45th annual southeast regional conference (pp. 266271) a critical study on group key management protocols and security aspects for non-networks rituraj jain1*, manish varshney2, received : 09 april 2023, revised: 10 may 2023, accepted : 11 may 2023 *corresponding author abstract the rise in internet usage and advanced communication systems has led to an increase in security issues. the need for more robust and flexible secure communication has led to the introduction of mobile non-network multicast communication systems like ... keywords: non-network, security issues, privacy, cryptography, group-key management 1. introduction multicast technology has the important capability that allows for the effective execution of group interaction, in which a particular transmitter sends a text to multiple recipients at the same moment (hinden and deering, 2006). one of the most import... the aim of this paper is to explore the importance of group key management protocol (gkmp) for managing cryptographic keys, the need to protect multicast group applications from security issues, the challenge of managing cryptographic key groups in mu... to fulfill these objectives, the paper presented a critical analysis on gkmp for non-network. the paper first of all explored usage of non-networks and then security issues in such network. then paper presented a bibliometric analysis for gkmp protoco... 2. literature review because researchers presume that group key management should function over several connectivity, especially in multicast networking, they should presume that group key management should include substantially a few of the attributes of internet key man...  defense for man-in-the-middle threats, network attempting to hijack, replay/reflection, and denial-of-service attacks.  important formation with a chosen degree of security preservation, including such alternate transformations, additional pfs, and identification safeguard, to accommodate heterogeneous web apps and pcs.  additional verification methods, such as sharing keys, pki, and public keys, accommodate various security frameworks.  a route for additional security methods, including additional cryptographic transformations and perhaps a novel exchange of information, to migrate ahead.  a unified key management architecture to facilitate the formation of secure connections by the regional regulations of internet hosts and intermediary services. non-networks are the networks in which devices are not part of that network. in recent communication models, wireless networks are a collection of non-registered nodes or devices (zheng x. et al., 2007; lim, k. et al., 2017). such networks are termed ... fig. 1. characteristics of non-networks fig. 2. data communication among non-networks non-network means any node or device that is not part of the network “manet”, as presented in fig 2. in above fig 2, node 6 and node 7 are non-registered nodes of the given network whereas node 1, node 2, node 3, node 4, and node 5 are registered or a... security risks in non-networks there are major security concerns in the communication process, like unicast. reliability, authenticity, availability, and privacy were all major considerations for group communication security services suppliers (bilal, m. and kang, s. g., 2017; aze... in non-network like vanet and manet, there are a collection of different properties that gives the foundation to exist independently in the domain of its category. however, occasionally these qualities make it difficult to implement non-network (kumar... uniformity of information: every harmful modification of data that is essential to human survival can result in catastrophes. as a result, some system is required to prevent harmful behavior by authorized and unauthenticated nodes that would otherwise... great mobility: even while vanet networks have a high computational and storage capacity, their high-speed means that they require less complicated security algorithms. error tolerance: because vanet reception and response actions happen so quickly, any error in the algorithms or procedures might severely damage the system. therefore, this problem needs to be taken into account when designing procedures. delay regulation: in the communication systems, data are time-dependent and to accomplish these constraints, security protocols or algorithms should satisfy these. key administration: all security algorithms in non-network are key-dependent which need proper management or updations. no predefined boundary: in mobile as ad hoc networks, one cannot identify and define the network's physical demarcation line. the nodes operate in nomadic surroundings, allowing them to enter and leave the wireless connection. when an opponent enters ... network adversary: mobile nodes within the manet can readily access and depart the network. harmful behavior might also occur among nodes in the network. it is difficult to determine whether the node's activity is harmful or not (wei et al., 2014). no centralized control facility: manets lack a centralized management infrastructure, which can result in numerous security issues. any attack gets extremely challenging to identify. the command is spread at every node and cannot be inspected from a c... energy constraints: in any wsns, all devices or nodes are with limited battery or power to participate in communication. the intruder can send massive amounts of traffic to the targeting node which results in wastage of energy. this will result in a “... scalability: as in non-network such as manet or vanet, there is no pre-determined scalability. it is quite un-predictable. noteworthy contributions several trust-based networking techniques were proposed and examined when creating a manet. the majority of reliable management strategy was designed for cooperative navigation to identify self-destructive nodes generated by faulty nodes. several anti... routing tables must be updated regularly in preemptive routing protocols like the destination sequence distance vector (dsdv) (perkins, c. e., & bhagwat, p., 1994). as a result, a large amount of control signals is created. as a result, several proced... several safe and energy-aware transmitter networking strategies, like “trust aware secure energy efficient hybrid procedure (veeraiah n. et al., 2021), hybrid secure multipath navigation procedure (srilakshmi u. et al., 2021), sign encryption technolo... therefore, the research gaps are:  security concerns in unicast communication, where the opponent can bear both active and passive threats when attacking a multicast broadcast.  technical difficulties in implementing non-networks like vanet and manet, including managing network dynamicity, administration of delay, assessment of congestion and collisions, and security difficulties.  societal and economic difficulties in implementing non-networks, such as the uniformity of information, great mobility, error tolerance, delay regulation, key administration, no predefined boundary, network adversary, no centralized control facility... 3. research methods to ensure security in multicast situations, it is important to have entity authenticity, information security, and confidentiality. specific requirements for secure group connectivity include having a server with security policies, verifying the crede... rq. 1 what are the security concerns associated with mobile non-network multicast communication systems such as manet or vanet? rq. 2 what is the confidentiality, authentication, and access control requirements for securing non-network multicast communication systems? rq. 3 what are the existing group key management protocols for non-network multicast communication systems, and how do they address security concerns? rq. 4 how can the adoption of asymmetric gkmps improve the security and computational efficiency of non-network multicast communication systems? fig. 3. flowchart of working to address these research questions, the paper describes the steps taken to conduct a systematic review of research articles related to security of non-networks. the eligibility criteria for articles were based on study methodology, timeline, and lang... this section discusses security techniques to combat the attacks mentioned in earlier sections. the first technique is a decentralized and collaborative system proposed by zhang and lee (2000) for intrusion detection in manets. each node in the networ... conventional approaches for protection in non-network aran: this navigation protocol, authenticated routing for ad-hoc network (aran), is built on aodv (fatemidokht et al., 2021). a third-party ca is used in this strategy to give verified certificates to nodes. every node that joins the network must send... sead: safe and effective ad hoc distance (sead) vector technique operates on top of dsdv. for verification, it employs a one-way hash function. this approach guards against erroneous navigation. it employs a destination-sequence code to assure the pat... ariadne protocol operates on the dsr on-demand networking method (choi and lee, 2019). in this approach, symmetric cryptographic procedures are exceedingly effective. this approach is built on the tesla broadcasting authenticating technologies. tesla ... saodv: this approach was introduced to incorporate security features into the aodv protocols (abusalah et al., 2008). to ensure legitimacy and to safeguard hop count hash operations, all routing instructions are securely verified. regardless of whethe... one-time cookie: cookies are typically allocated each session for session administration. however, to protect the system against session intrusion and sid theft, this approach introduces the idea of “one-time cookie (otc)” (dacosta, i. et al., 2012). ecdsa: elliptical curve digital signature algorithm (cui et al., 2018), which uses digital signatures as the name implies. this system provides authentication and protection through the use of a hash function and asymmetrical cryptographic procedures.... robsad: robust approach for sybil threat identification, the key idea underlying this technique is that two separate automobiles cannot share similar motion patterns when influenced by various drivers, because every individual drive as per their conve... holistic protocol: this protocol outlines the authenticating process used by rsu for the registration of vehicles. during the registration stage, the car sends a hello message to the rsu, and the rsu responds by generating a registration id (containin... cryptography for protection in non-network cryptography is one of the mathematical model to secure the communication in which readable data are converted into unreadable format. as a result, it is impossible to construct a novel layout depending on composite cryptographic approaches without a ... multiple methodologies can be used to assess the security architecture. the purpose is to present insight into the use of cryptographic methods and to investigate basic cryptographic approaches as they apply to authenticity, integrity, and key managem... group-key management for non-network there are three types of group key management policies and procedures: centralized, decentralized, and distributed (el-bashary, m. et al., 2015). a group key server (ks) is accountable for group key dispersion and upgrading in centralized group key ad... the results show that alms is more scalable than other protocols, with low computational overhead for both the ta and receiving vehicles, and does not suffer from key distribution limitations. alms outperforms cgkd and cgkms with 99% and 98% lower ave... 4. results and discussions group key management protocols (gkmp) are based on multicast cryptography to establish secure channels among nodes in highly dynamic networks, such as manet or vanets. in this paper, gkmp is categorized and reviewed into two types: one is symmetric gk... table 1 research contributions with their key features for gkmp t= gkmp type (s= symmetric, a=asymmetric), nt = network type (c= centralized, d=distributed), pkd= pre-key distribution, co=communication overhead, fs=forward secrecy, bs=backward secrecy, ca= collusion attack. from table 1, the following points are concluded: fig. 4. current challenges and future scope 5. conclusion in this article, we propose a group key management strategy for protected group connectivity in non-networks, like as manets and vanet, that guarantees verification, text integrity, known-key security, forward and backward secretiveness, as well as th... references abdollahi, m., ashtari, s., abolhasan, m., shariati, n., lipman, j., jamalipour, a., & ni, w. 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(2008). efficient node admission and certificateless secure communication in short-lived manets. ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems, 20(2), 158-170. sepulcre, m., gozalvez, j., & lucas-estañ, m. c. (2019). power and packet rate control for vehicular networks in multi-application scenarios. ieee transactions on vehicular technology, 68(9), 9029-9037. srilakshmi, u., veeraiah, n., alotaibi, y., alghamdi, s. a., khalaf, o. i., & subbayamma, b. v. (2021). an improved hybrid secure multipath routing protocol for manet. ieee access, 9, 163043-163053 subramaniyan, s., johnson, w., & subramaniyan, k. (2014). a distributed framework for detecting selfish nodes in manet using record-and trust-based detection (rtbd) technique. eurasip journal on wireless communications and networking, 2014(1), 1-10 ht... veeraiah, n., khalaf, o. i., prasad, c. v. p. r., alotaibi, y., alsufyani, a., alghamdi, s. a., & alsufyani, n. (2021). trust aware secure energy efficient hybrid protocol for manet. ieee access, 9, 120996-121005. vijayakumar, p., azees, m., kannan, a., & deborah, l. j. (2016). dual authentication and key management techniques for secure data transmission in vehicular ad hoc networks. ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 17(4), 1015-1028 htt... vijayakumar, p., bose, s., kannan, a., & jegatha deborah, l. (2013). computation and communication efficient key distribution protocol for secure multicast communication. ksii transactions on internet and information systems (tiis), 7(4), 878-894 http... wei, z., tang, h., yu, f. r., wang, m., & mason, p. (2014). security enhancements for mobile ad hoc networks with trust management using uncertain reasoning. ieee transactions on vehicular technology, 63(9), 4647-4658. wu, w. c., & liaw, h. t. (2015). a study on high secure and efficient manet routing scheme. journal of sensors, 2015. zhao, s., aggarwal, a., frost, r., & bai, x. (2011). a survey of applications of identity-based cryptography in mobile ad-hoc networks. ieee communications surveys & tutorials, 14(2), 380-400. zheng, x., huang, c. t., & matthews, m. (2007, march). chinese remainder theorem based group key management. in proceedings of the 45th annual southeast regional conference (pp. 266-271) journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 3(2) 2022 : 126-132 126 analysis k-nearest neighbor method in classification of vegetable quality based on color purwa hasan putra 1* , muhammad syahputra novelan 2 , muhammad rizki 3 faculty of science and technology, universitas pembangunan pancabudi1,2 faculty of computer science, universitas sumatera utara3 email:* received : 21 may 2022, revised: 20 june 2022, accepted : 24 june 2022 *corresponding author abstract in this research, the process of applying the k-nearst neighbor (knn) method will be carried out, which is a classification method for a collection of data based on the majority of categories and the goal is to classify new objects based on attributes and sample samples from training data. so that the desired output target is close to the accuracy in conducting learning testing. the results of the test of the k-nearest neighbor method. it can be seen that from the k values of 1 to 10, the percentage of the results of the analysis of the k-nn method is higher than the results of the analysis of the k-nn method. and from the k value that has been tested, the k 2 value and the k 9 value have the largest percentage so that the accuracy is also more precise. as for the results of testing the k-nearest neighbor method in data classification. as for the author's test using a variation of the k value of k-nearest neighbor 3,4,5,6,7,8,9. has a very good percentage of accuracy compared to only k-nn. the test results show the k-nearest neighbor method in data classification has a good percentage accuracy when using random data. the percentage of variation in the value of k k-nearest neighbor 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 has a percentage of 100%. keywords: machine learning, data classification, vegetable quality 1. introduction this image classification process refers to an artificial intelligence method that focuses on machine learning. many other methods in machine learning which is used to process classifications include k-nearest neighbor and naïve bayes classifier. classification is the grouping of an object into classes based on the characteristics similarities and differences(safri, et al., 2018; bayhaqy, et al., 2018; yang, et al., 2018; findawati, et al., 2019). models for pattern recognition in domains ranging machine learning has shown great success in building from computer vision over speech recognition and text understanding to game ai(bhatt, et al., 2021). in addition to these classical domains, machine learning and in particular deep learning are increasingly important and successful in engineering and the science. these success stories are grounded in the data-based nature of the approach of learning from a tremendous number of examples(von rueden, et al., 2019). in his research on indoor localization using the k-nearest neighbor (k-nn) and backpropagation methods get the result that the k-nn method produces better accuracy compared to the backpropagation method. in his research uses the k-nn method to classify image databases hand-based biometric which is a fingerprint database finger print and finger vein, as well as optimizing the knn method to get a better percentage(jain & lella, 2020; triguero, et al., 2019). using the k-nearst neighbor (knn) method is a method of classifying a set of data based on the majority of categories and the goal is to classify new objects based on attributes and sample samples from training data. so that the desired output target is close to the accuracy in conducting learning testing(diah, et al., 2019; abu alfeilat, et al., 2019). the x-means algorithm is an algorithm used for grouping data. the x means algorithm is the development of k-means(mughnyanti, et al., 2020). x-means clustering is used to solve one of the main weaknesses of kmeans clustering, namely the need for prior knowledge about the number of clusters (k). in this method, the true value of k is estimated in an unsupervised way and only based on the data set itself(putra & novelan, 2020; ahmed, et al., 2020). putra et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 126-132 127 this fact inspired us to work on the traffic flow forecast problem build on the traffic data and is cumbersome to forecast the traffic flow accurately because the data available for the transportation system is insanely huge. in this work, we planned to use machine learning, genetic, soft computing, and deep learning algorithms to analyse the big-data for the transportation system with much-reduced complexity. also, image processing algorithms are involved in traffic sign recognition, which eventually helps for the right training of autonomous vehicles(gempita, et al., 2019; tournier, et al., 2019). machine learning allows in data classification, this application recognizes patterns in data either with training or without training. the classification of data is called clustering in machine learning. some examples of clustering algorithms include k-means, farthest-first maximizationexpectation (em), and others(farhat, et al., 2020; naranjo-torres, et al., 2020). machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that has the concept that computers as machines have the ability to adapt to new environments and are able to detect patterns from existing facts. the definition of machine learning is when the machine from the experience of e to the task t and measures the increase in the performance of p, if the performance of the task t is measured by the performance of p, improve the experience of e(binti jaafar, et al., 2016). 3. research methods machine learning allows in data classification, this application recognizes patterns in data either with training or without training. the classification of data is called clustering in machine learning. some examples of clustering algorithms include k-means, farthest-first maximizationexpectation (em), and others(putra, 2021). the data collected for this research are image files with the format portable network graphics (png) obtained using the camera digital. the image that becomes the input is the image of the papaya fruit. the sample data used are 3 data in each sample image, with each having 3 attributes, namely red, green, blue. the dataset is the result of image extraction which will be the data source for the classification of papaya fruit images using the k-nearest neighbor method(yahaya, et al., 2014). image processing will be carried out in 2 stages, namely resizing the image and the extraction process which is also described in pseudo-code. the following is a sample image of papaya that will identify the level of maturity. the image used in this sample is the original papaya image which will be resized to a size of 100 x 100 pixels, the goal is to make the classification process easier due to uniformity in image size. the original image and the resized image are shown in figure 1. fig. 1. image of papaya putra et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 126-132 128 data classification is the process of sorting and grouping data into various types, forms or other different classes. data classification enables the separation and classification of data according to data set requirements for various business or personal purposes. it is primarily a data management process. group analysis as a method for classifying data into several groups using the method of measuring the size of the association, so that the same data is in one group and data with large differences are placed in other data groups. the input to the group analysis system is a data set and the size similarity between the two data. while the results of the group analysis are a number of groups that form a partition or partition structure of the data set and a general description of each group, which is very important for a deeper analysis of the characteristics contained in the data. grouping data must use an approach to find similarities in the data so as to be able to place the data into the right groups. data grouping will divide the data set into several groups where the similarity in a group is greater when compared to other groups. there are two learning methods available in the classification model, namely: a. eager learning is a learning process on training data intensively so that the model can correctly predict the output class label. several methods are eager learning, including neural network, bayesian, decision tree, support vector machine. b. lazy learning is a learning process without training and only storing the value of the training data for use in the prediction process. some methods are lazy learning, including: k-nearest neighbor, linear regression, fuzzy k-nearest neighbor. the classification process in machine learning has four components, namely: 1. class the guest dependent variable must be in a form that represents the label held by the object. 2. energy the independent variables are represented by the characteristic attributes of the data. for example, salary, attendance, smoking, blood pressure. 3. training dataset a data set that has both of the above component values used to determine the appropriate class based on energy. 4. testing the dataset a new data set that will be classified with the model that has been created and will be evaluated in the classification accuracy process. in the classification process, before making predictions, it is necessary to carry out a learning process first. the learning process requires data. the data required during the classification process consists of two types, namely: a. training data or training data is data used in the learning process in the classification process. b. test data or testing data is data used in the prediction process in the classification process. the euclidean distance is simply the sum of the intensity differences pixel-wise and, consequently, small deformations can result in large euclidean distances. this paper proposes a new euclidean distance, which we call the euclidean distance image (imed). unlike traditional ones, imed takes into account the spatial relationships of pixels. based on three properties that (arguably) an image metric that can intuitively satisfy, we show that imed is the only euclidean distance that has this property. euclidean distance is the distance between points in a straight line. this distance method uses the pythagorean theorem. and is the distance calculation that is most often used in the machine learning process. the euclidean distance formula is the result of the square root of the difference between two vectors. 4. results and discussions in this study, the process of determining the type of data will be carried out on the bougenville papaya fruit or commonly referred to as the paper papaya, which is an ornamental plant whose existence is quite popular among the public and is widespread in various regions in indonesia. the data collected for this research are image files in portable network graphics (png) format which were obtained using a digital camera. the image that is input is the image of the quality of the papaya fruit. the sample data used are 3 data on each image sample, with putra et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 126-132 129 each having 3 attributes, namely red, green, blue. the dataset is the result of image extraction which will be a data source for fruit image classification using the k-nearest neighbor method. the designed application can be implemented in papaya fruit image classification based on the level of maturity with the method that has been included in the algorithm. the analysis of the k-nearest neighbor method in vegetable image classification that has been implemented into the application can be described as follows: before carrying out the test, training data must be prepared in the form of an image extraction dataset that is stored in the database. the following figure shows an application that was developed to extract training images and save the extraction results into a database. fig. 2. image extraction train in the picture above, you can see the image processing process to get the dataset. there is a process of resizing, extracting, and saving data. the resize process is used to change the size or resolution of the image to be uniform, ie in this case 100 x 100 pixels. after the image is resized, it is then extracted to get the attribute values of red, green, blue, hue, saturation, value, mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis, and energy. the application also displays a graph of the red, green, blue, and histogram values in the image which later these values are processed to get the specified attribute values. the results of the extraction will then be stored in a database by providing a target label according to the color level of the papaya fruit which will later be used as test data. in this study, the authors analyzed the test with variations in the value of (k) k-nn. from the analysis results show that in this test the author also analyzes the variation in the k value of papaya fruit. it is shown as follows. in this test using 30 test data with 4 attributes and 3 species in the data classification. table 1. results of variations in k values k-nn method papaya fruit data total value (k) knn k-nn method analysis results 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 85% 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 86% 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 77.3% 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 77% 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 81% 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 73.6% putra et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 126-132 130 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 68% 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 73% 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 83% 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 92% the analysis from table 1 presents information on the accuracy level of the k-nearest neighbor algorithm specitivity. the analysis was carried out by calculating the number of correct / total data * 100%. accuracy is the percentage of the total number of correct predictions in the classification process (deng et al, 2016). this is done based on the table of confusion for each class in the confusion matrix obtained from the results of training and testing. fig. 3. testing results of k-value variations in the k-nn method with 30 test data in figure 3 above, it can be seen that from the k values of 1 to 10 tested the percentage of the results of the analysis of the k-nn method is higher than the results of the analysis of the knn method. and from the k value that has been tested, the k 2 value and the k 9 value have the largest percentage so that the accuracy is also more precise. as for the results of testing the knearest neighbor method in data classification. as for the author's test using a variation of the k value of k-nearest neighbor 3,4,5,6,7,8,9. has a very good percentage of accuracy compared to only k-nn. the test results show the k-nearest neighbor method in data classification has a good percentage accuracy when using random data. the percentage of variation in the value of k k-nearest neighbor 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 has a percentage of 100%. 5. conclusion the system built can facilitate the k-nearest neighbor process to determine performance and increase accuracy in image classification. the results of the test of the k-nearest neighbor method. it can be seen that from the k values of 1 to 10, the percentage of the results of the analysis of the k-nn method is higher than the results of the analysis of the k-nn method. and from the k value that has been tested, the k 2 value and the k 9 value have the largest percentage so that the accuracy is also more precise. as for the results of testing the k-nearest neighbor method in data classification. the author's test uses variations in the value of k k-nearest neighbor 3,4,5,6,7,8,9. has a very good percentage of accuracy compared to only k-nn. the test results show the k-nearest neighbor method in data classification has a good percentage accuracy when using random data. the percentage of variation in the value of k k-nearest neighbor 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 has a percentage of 100%. 0% 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otherwise decryption is changing the ciphertext data into its original form which we know as plaintext. the aes algorithm uses cryptographic keys 128, 192, and 256 bits to encrypt and decrypt data in 128-bit blocks. the choice of data block and key size will determine the number of processes that must be passed for the encryption and decryption process. comparison of the number of processes that must be passed for each input is shown in table 1 (padate & patel, 2014). table 1 – parameter aes long lock block size round number aes-128 4 4 1 aes-192 6 4 1 aes-256 8 4 1 encryption is done at the time of delivery by changing the original data into confidential data, while decryption is done at the time of receipt by changing confidential data into original data. so the data sent during the sending process is confidential data, so the original data cannot be known by unauthorized parties. original data can only be known by the recipient by using a secret key. (pabokory, et al., 2015). the encryption process in the aes algorithm consists of 4 types of bytes transformation, namely subbytes, shiftrows, mixcolumns, and addroundkey. at the beginning of the encryption process, input that has been copied into the state will undergo an addroundkey byte transformation. after that, the state will undergo subbytes, shiftrows, mixcolumns, and addroundkey transforms as many times as nr. this process in the aes algorithm is called the round function. the last round is somewhat different from the previous rounds where in the last round, the state did not undergo a mixcolumns transformation. (budiantoro and rohman, 2010). plain text addroundkey subbytes shiftrows mixcolumns addroundkey subbytes shitrows addroundkey cipher text nr a0,0 a1,0 a2,0 a3,0 a0,1 a1,1 a2,1 a3,1 a0,2 a1,2 a2,2 a3,2 a0,3 a1,3 a2,3 a3,3 k0,0 k1,0 k2,0 k3,0 k0,1 k1,1 k2,1 k3,1 k0,2 k1,2 k2,2 k3,2 k0,3 k1,3 k2,3 k3,3 s0,0 s1,0 s2,0 s3,0 s0,1 s1,1 s2,1 s3,1 s0,2 s1,2 s2,2 s3,2 s0,3 s1,3 s2,3 s3,3 s’0,0 s’1,0 s’2,0 s’3,0 s’0,1 s’1,1 s’2,1 s’3,1 s’0,2 s’1,2 s’2,2 s’3,2 s’0,3 s’1,3 s’2,3 s’3,3 w1,0 w0,0 w2,0 w3,0 w0,1 w1,1 w2,1 w3,1 w0,2 w1,2 w2,2 w3,2 w0,3 w1,3 w2,3 w3,3 s0,0 s1,0 s2,0 s3,0 s0,1 s1,1 s2,1 s3,1 s0,2 s1,2 s2,2 s3,2 s0,3 s1,3 s2,3 s3,3 s’0,0 s’1,0 s’2,0 s’3,0 s’0,1 s’1,1 s’2,1 s’3,1 s’0,2 s’1,2 s’2,2 s’3,2 s’0,3 s’1,3 s’2,3 s’3,3 src s’r c sbox s0,0 s1,0 s2,0 s3,0 s0,1 s1,1 s2,1 s3,1 s0,2 s1,2 s2,2 s3,2 s0,3 s1,3 s2,3 s3,3 s’0,0 s’1,1 s’2,2 s’3,3 s’0,1 s’1,2 s’2,3 s’3,0 s’0,2 s’1,3 s’2,0 s’3,1 s’0,3 s’1,0 s’2,1 s’3,2 s0,0 s1,0 s2,0 s3,0 s0,1 s1,1 s2,1 s3,1 s0,2 s1,2 s2,2 s3,2 s0,3 s1,3 s2,3 s3,3 s0,c s1,c s2,c s3,c s’0,0 s’1,0 s’2,0 s’3,0 s’0,2 s’1,2 s’2,2 s’3,2 s’0,3 s’1,3 s’2,3 s’3,3 s’0,1 s’1,1 s’2,1 s’3,1 s’0,c s’1,c s’2,c s’3,c             02010103 03020101 01030201 01010302 fig. 1. aes algorithm encryption process then for the decryption process aes algorithm is described in the flow chart below. khairul muttaqin & jefril rahmadoni vol 1(2) 2020 : 123-123 116 cipher text addroundkey addroundkey invshiftrows invsubbytes addroundkey invmixcolumns invshiftrows invsubbytes plain text nr-1 s0,0 s1,0 s2,0 s3,0 s0,1 s1,1 s2,1 s3,1 s0,2 s1,2 s2,2 s3,2 s0,3 s1,3 s2,3 s3,3 s’0,0 s’1,0 s’2,0 s’3,0 s’0,1 s’1,1 s’2,1 s’3,1 s’0,2 s’1,2 s’2,2 s’3,2 s’0,3 s’1,3 s’2,3 s’3,3 src s’r c inv sbox s0,0 s1,0 s2,0 s3,0 s0,1 s1,1 s2,1 s3,1 s0,2 s1,2 s2,2 s3,2 s0,3 s1,3 s2,3 s3,3 s’0,0 s’1,3 s’2,2 s’3,1 s’0,1 s’1,0 s’2,3 s’3,2 s’0,2 s’1,1 s’2,0 s’3,3 s’0,3 s’1,2 s’2,1 s’3,0 s0,0 s1,0 s2,0 s3,0 s0,1 s1,1 s2,1 s3,1 s0,2 s1,2 s2,2 s3,2 s0,3 s1,3 s2,3 s3,3 s0,c s1,c s2,c s3,c s’0,0 s’1,0 s’2,0 s’3,0 s’0,2 s’1,2 s’2,2 s’3,2 s’0,3 s’1,3 s’2,3 s’3,3 s’0,1 s’1,1 s’2,1 s’3,1 s’0,c s’1,c s’2,c s’3,c             edb bed dbe dbe 00900 00090 00009 09000 s0,0 s1,0 s2,0 s3,0 s0,1 s1,1 s2,1 s3,1 s0,2 s1,2 s2,2 s3,2 s0,3 s1,3 s2,3 s3,3 s’0,0 s’1,0 s’2,0 s’3,0 s’0,1 s’1,1 s’2,1 s’3,1 s’0,2 s’1,2 s’2,2 s’3,2 s’0,3 s’1,3 s’2,3 s’3,3 w1,0 w0,0 w2,0 w3,0 w0,1 w1,1 w2,1 w3,1 w0,2 w1,2 w2,2 w3,2 w0,3 w1,3 w2,3 w3,3 fig. 2. aes algorithm description process the cipher transformation can be reversed and implemented in the opposite direction to produce an easily understood inverse cipher for the aes algorithm. the byte transforms used in inverse ciphers are invshiftrows, invsubbytes, invmixcolumns, and addroundkey (bhaudhayana and widiartha, 2015). for aes the type of attack square attack is enough to be known as the best attack against aes l. square attacks are attacks that utilize the byte orientation structure. this algorithm works well on square coppers that work in 6 cycles. if aes is 128-bit long, this attack is faster than exhaustive search up to 6 times aes iteration. however, for aes it is clear that this attack is not possible because of the number of rounds on aes, resulting in a greater safety limit for this algorithm. in 2002 through a theoretical testing process it was found that aes might be broken down or solved. this attack method is called "xls attack". this attack was first published by nicolas courtois and josep pieprzyk in their paper entitled "cryptanalysis of block ciphers with overdefined systems of equations". this technique is claimed to solve aes faster than the exhaustive search method. xsl attacks rely on the success of analyzing the internal subsystem of the cipher to simultaneously reduce quadratic equations. this collection of equations is generally very large. for example, in 128 aes there are 8000 equations with a number of variables 1600. the method for solving this equation is called xsl (extended sparse linarization). if the equation can be solved, then the key can be obtained. if solving the equation becomes a problem, an equation which is mq (multivariate quadratic) is found. mq equation is a problem that is np-hard (non-polynomial). xsl attacks require efficient algorithms to resolve mq. one technique for solving the mq system is by linearization, which converts each quadratic equation into an independent variable that will produce a linear equation using an algorithm such as gaussian elimination. in 2000, courtois proposed an algorithm for mq called xl (extended linearisastion). this algorithm increases the number of equations by multiplying by a certain degree monomial. this algorithm will produce a form of structure called xsl. the xsl algorithm is formed from the xl algorithm by selectively selecting monomials(chan, 2014). 3. research methods methodology is a determining factor for the merits of writing scientific papers, and therefore the role of methodology is very important in writing scientific papers. research methodology is a work step that needs to be done so that the preparation of a thesis becomes easier and can also be used as a guide for researchers in carrying out research. the following framework used in this study can be illustrated as shown in figure 3: khairul muttaqin & jefril rahmadoni vol 1(2) 2020 : 123-123 117 fig. 3. research framework identify the scope of the data security problem in the first stage in the framework of this research, the process undertaken is to identify the scope of data security issues, there are several problems that arise in the delivery of data from both the sender and recipient. one of them is theft, piracy and data changes made by people who are not responsible. this will be detrimental to even endanger people who send data or data recipients. therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, a cryptographic (data randomization) technique is needed using the aes algorithm. analyze file security issues at this stage we will analyze the problems that occur in file security. in the delivery of information, especially in the process of sending files need to be studied further regarding the security of the file, because the file that we send or receive is not necessarily safe and is not even the original or actual file. this can be seen from the problem of file theft and file changes that have been sent or received. file security problems can be overcome by applying the method of randomizing the original file to a random file (encryption) and returning a random file to the original file (decryption). encryption and decryption are the methods used by cryptography study the literature on aes cryptographic-based file security literature study phase (literature study) is carried out by collecting and studying all kinds of information related to cryptography, aes algorithm and all things related to the programming model, can be through books, journals and internet media. identify the scope of the data security problem analyze file security issues study the literature on aes cryptographic-based file security collect data about aes cryptography design and manufacture of aes cryptographic file security system implementation and testing of aes cryptographic-based data security system draw a conclusion khairul muttaqin & jefril rahmadoni vol 1(2) 2020 : 123-123 118 collect data about aes cryptography at this stage is the process of introducing aes cryptography algorithm, starting from the definition of aes algorithm, aes algorithm method, how aes cryptography works, key length used, advantages and disadvantages of aes cryptography and other matters relating to aes cryptography. design and manufacture of aes cryptographic file security system at this stage the system design and work will be carried out based on the results of the existing literature study. the design of a cryptographic-based file security system using the advanced encryption standard algorithm is carried out in several stages, namely starting from making a flowchart design and continuing with the design of the program interface. after the design of this system is finished proceed with making the application program using web programming. implementation and testing of aes cryptographic-based data security system at this stage the system implementation process is carried out where the results of the design and interface design are applied into the program. and at the system testing stage, there are several sample files that will be tested, namely, text files, documents, images and video files. the testing process is carried out in two stages, namely the encryption and decryption stages, if the results of both the encryption and decryption testing are in accordance with what is expected then the testing process is declared successful and has no errors. draw a conclusion at this stage, the process of drawing conclusions from the entire research process, such as test results, the suitability of the programming used and the key processes in aes cryptography 4. results and discussions a. overview of aes cryptographic application in general, this aes cryptography application has a function to secure messages or files by means of the technique of changing the original message (plaintext) into a message or secret file (ciphertext) that cannot be understood or read by people who are not authorized. figure 3.1 is a block diagram of the cryptographic application system that will be created. fig. 4. cryptographic block diagram the application system requires input in the form of text messages or files before the encryption process. the encryption process is the process of converting the original message into a secret message where the encryption process uses the aes algorithm which is a symmetrical algorithm where this algorithm requires the same key when the encryption and decryption process. the decryption process is the process of changing a secret message into an original message or plaintext. b. system analysis input analysis in aes (advanced encryption standard) cryptographic file security system consists of two types of input data, namely text data (messages) and data files, where the input process of the two types of data is done separately. for text data (text messages) input is performed in the process of encrypting text whose input data is in the form of text messages, while the data file is inputted in the process of encrypting files where the input data is computer files, such as document files, music, videos, application files and all types file that is on the computer. original message chipertext /pesan rahasia encryption description key key original message /plainte xt khairul muttaqin & jefril rahmadoni vol 1(2) 2020 : 123-123 119 in the process of decryption of text input types are divided into two types of types, namely message results in estimation (ciphertext) ascii code types and hexa numbers. whereas the decryption of the input data files is in the form of text messages and encrypted files (ciphertext) with the extension *.encrypted process analysis that occurs in the aes (advanced encryption standard) cryptographic file security system consists of encryption and decryption processes in which both processes apply to both text message data input and data file. in the encryption process, the user is asked to enter messages or computer files to be encrypted and enter a password. then the system will do the encryption process (change the original message into a random message) and produce messages or files that have been encrypted (messages that are random or unreadable). in the decryption process, users are asked to input encrypted messages or files (random or unreadable messages) and enter the same password / key during encryption. then the system will decrypt (convert random messages into original messages) and produce original messages or files that can be read. output of the aes (advanced encryption standard) cryptographic file security system consists of two types of outputs, namely the output of text messages (secret messages) which are the result of the process of text encryption and the output files (secret files) which are the result of the file encryption process. start pilih menu menu encrypt? menu decrypt? menu about? menu help? masukkan plaintext masukkan key proses data hasil chipertext simpan tidak ya masukkan chipertext masukkan key proses data hasil plantext simpan tidak ya tidak file penyimpanan about help tidak keluar dari program end tidak tidak tidak tidak ya ya ya ya ya ya lakukan proses lagi lakukan proses lagi proses enkripsi proses dekripsi fig. 5. whole flow diagram of aes cryptographic application process khairul muttaqin & jefril rahmadoni vol 1(2) 2020 : 123-123 120 results and discussion is a section that contains all scientific findings obtained as research data. this section is expected to provide a scientific explanation that can logically explain the reason for obtaining those results that are clearly described, complete, detailed, integrated, systematic, and continuous. the discussion of the research results obtained can be presented in the form of theoretical description, both qualitatively and quantitatively. in practice, this section can be used to compare the results of the research obtained in the current research on the results of the research reported by previous researchers referred to in this study. scientifically, the results of research obtained in the study may be new findings or improvements, affirmations, or rejection of a scientific phenomenon from previous researchers. c. display interface the display specifications of the cryptographic application explain how to use the application. with the application specifications, it is expected that users will find it easier or know how the application works, while the cryptographic application specifications made are as follows: testing the encryption menu the encryption menu functions as a message scrambler or information so that it becomes a form that cannot be read by others and becomes a secret message. the encryption menu function in this program is divided into two parts namely encrypt text and encrypt file which runs according to design specifications. display the text encryption and file encryption menu along with the results of the ciphertext can be seen in the image below. fig. 6. encryption test menu before message encrypted fig. 7. encryption test menu amessage encrypted for the encrypted ciphertext results can be seen in the picture below where the results are converted to hexadecimal numbers. fig. 8. the result of encrypt (ciphertext) process in text “hello” with key “1234” khairul muttaqin & jefril rahmadoni vol 1(2) 2020 : 123-123 121 fig. 9. encrypt file menu with image file format: master clean winter.jpg fig. 10. the result of encrypt (ciphertext) process in image file master clean winter.jpg fig. 11. encrypt file menu with video file fig. 12. the result of encrypt (ciphertext) process in video file fig. 13. encrypt file menu with audio file khairul muttaqin & jefril rahmadoni vol 1(2) 2020 : 123-123 122 fig. 14. the result of encrypt (ciphertext) process in audio file testing the description menu decryption menu functions to translate messages that have been randomized so that they can be read by the recipient of the message or by those who are entitled to receive the message. decryption menu function in this program is also divided into two parts, namely text decryption and file decryption that runs according to the design specifications. display decryption menu can be seen in the following picture. fig. 15. description test menu before message descripted fig. 16. description test menu after message descripted fig. 17. description test menu before image file master clean winter.jpg descripted fig. 18. description test menu after image file master clean winter.jpg descripted khairul muttaqin & jefril rahmadoni vol 1(2) 2020 : 123-123 123 5. conclusion from the results of the design and implementation of the cryptographic application program using the advanced encryption standard (aes) algorithm, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) from the results of tests conducted it is evident that the message or file generated is in the form of ciphertext that is the message or file that cannot be read so that it can be said that the system designed has been running well; (2) the use of web programming to build a file security system is apparently sufficient to implement the aes (advanced ecryption standard) algorithm process; (3) application of cryptography the advanced encryption standard (aes) algorithm is very sensitive to changes in input keys, it is based on the fact that a change of key (encryption key differs from decryption key) will cause changes in data when restored to its original form in other words the file cannot returned in its original form. references bhaudhayana, g.w. & widiartha, 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(2015). implementasi algoritma kriptografi aes 256 dan metode steganografi lsb pada gambar bitmap. jurnal ilmiah ilmu komputer universitas udayana, 8(2). budihartono & roman, n. (2010). impelementasi algoritma enkripso rijbdeal pada pembuatan kunci lisensi program pengubahan atribut file. jurnal computech & bisnis, 4(2). chan, a.s. (2014). penerapan kriptografi rijndael dalam mengamankan file mengunakan interface usb flashdisk (memory external). jurnal pelita informatika budi darma, 3(2). fresly nandar pabokory, f.n., et al. (2015). implementasi kriptografi pengamanan data pada pesan teks, isi file dokumen, dan file dokumen menggunakan algoritma advanced encryption standard. jurnal informatika mulawarman, 10(1). padate, r. & patel, a. (2014). encryption and decryption of text using aes algorithm. international journal of emerging technology and advanced engineering, 4(5). rahmadoni, j. (2018). perancangan simulasi pembelajaran kriptografi klasik menggunakan metode web based learning. intecoms: journal of information technology and computer science, 1(1), 34-43. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 1(2) 2020 : 91-102 91 early warning of leaking lpg gas through short message service (sms) and loudspeaker tool using arduino uno novi rahayu sekolah tinggi ilmu administrasi bengkulu a b s t r a c t currently, the function of liquified petroleum gas (lpg) is very important for human life, both in the household and industry. however, this can have a negative impact, especially in terms of if there is no known leaky hole that can cause an explosion and fire. the main factors that can cause the leaking of gas cylinders include improper installation of regulators, poor quality of tube sealing rings, quality of gas cylinders, non-regulators of the indonesian national standard (sni), tear gas hose due to animals such as mice . the way of working from these tools when the mq-6 sensor detects lpg gas above 100 ppm, the sensor will send data to the microcontroller on arduino uno for giving a response as a buzzer as an alarm, the loudspeaker as gives notification the sound of danger and send information in the form of sms to the home owner. the test results that this warning system can indicate if any leaking on the gas concentration of 117 to 457 ppm and the duration of sending sms between 3 to 182 seconds from five tests given in three different places. keywords: lpg, arduino uno, mq-6 sensor, sms. 1. introduction this kerosene to lpg conversion program is carried out on the basis of law no.22 of 2001 concerning oil and gas, presidential regulation no.5 of 2006 concerning national energy policy, presidential regulation no.104 of 2007 concerning provision, distribution, and lpg price determination of 3 kg tubes, and minister of energy and mineral resources regulation no.26 of 2009 concerning lpg supply and distribution. one of the major goals to be achieved is the realization of an optimal (primary) mix energy in 2025, namely the role of petroleum to be less than 20% and the role of natural gas to be more than 30% of national energy consumption. it is expected, the consumption of kerosene which was originally 9.9 kiloliters can go down to 2 kiloliters. the conversion target for the first stage is households and micro businesses that are still cooking with the help of kerosene and do not yet have a gas stove. after more or less three years, the kerosene to lpg conversion program has gradually begun to show its success. evita legowo, director general of oil and gas of the ministry of energy and mineral resources, said that in 2008, a year of the implementation of the current program, the budget saved was 5.53 trillion rupiah; in 2009 it saved 6.92 trillion rupiahs; in 2010 there were savings of 14.38 trillion rupiah. this amount is large enough to be allocated to other posts in the apbn. from the role of lpg gas at this time is very important for human life. but at the same time, behind the increasing use of lpg gas, various problems began to emerge. lpg gas has a negative impact on humans and can even lead to the potential for explosion and fire hazards. many factors can cause leakage of lpg gas cylinders, including improper installation of regulators, poor quality seal rings, non-tested indonesian national standard (sni) regulators, gas hose tearing caused by animals such as rats, as well as the quality of the lpg cylinder itself which can unwittingly cause a gas leak. given the considerable losses that can be caused from lpg gas leakage, the authors are interested in creating a system of "early warning lpg gas leaks through short message service (sms) and loudspeakers (speakers) using arduino uno". 2. literature review detection is a process to check or examine something using certain methods and techniques. the purpose of detection is to solve a problem by speaking depending on the method applied so as to produce a solution. novi rahayu… vol 1(2) 2020 : 91-102 92 lpg (liquefied petroleum gas) lpg gas (wiyono, et. al., 2017) is a gas fuel obtained from the high pressure distillation process. the fraction used as bait can come from several sources, namely from natural gas and gas from the processing of petroleum (light end). liquefied petroleum gas (lpg) consists of carbon and hydrogen elements which are hydrocarbon compounds with the main components c3 and c4. the lpg composition consists of propane (c3h8), propylene or propene (c3h6), butane (c4h10), butylene or butene (c4h8), and small amounts of ethane (c2h6), ethylene (c2h4), and penthana (c5h12). the nature of lpg is mainly as follows : 1. the liquid and gas are very flammable 2. gas is non-toxic, colorless and usually has a strong odor 3. gas is sent as a liquid 4. liquids can evaporate if released and spread quickly. 5. lpg gas is heavier than air so it will occupy a lot of low areas microcontroller, microcontroller is widely available in all-electronic equipment, fax machines, and other electronic equipment. the microcontroller can also be called a small computer that is low-power so that a battery can provide power(kadir, 2018). arduino (fatoni & rendra, 2014) is an open-source single-board micro controller, derived from the wiring platform, designed to facilitate the use of electronics in various fields. the hardware has the atmel avr processor and the software has its own programming language. arduino uno is a microcontroller board based on atmega328 (datasheet). figure 1. arduino uno the mq 6 sensor (putra, et. al., 2017) is a gas sensor that is suitable for detecting lpg (liquefied petroleum gas), can detect lpg gas and includes gases consisting of lpg gas namely propane and butane gas. this sensor can detect gases at concentrations in the air between 200 to 10000 ppm. this sensor has high sensitivity and fast response time. the sensor output is analog resistance. the circuit of this sensor is very simple, what this sensor needs is to provide a voltage of 5 v, add load resistance, and connect the output to the adc. figure 2. mq-6 gas sensor the isd1820 module (ohoiwutun, 2018) is a single chip module that functions as a voice recorder with a memory storage capacity of 3.2k capable of recording a maximum of 20 seconds with direct output on 8 ohm speakers (recommends aasheet) or active speakers, and the working voltage is only 3.3v. figure 3. isd1820 arduino gsm shield (hakim & yonatan, 2017) is an additional component that allows arduino to connect to the gsm network, send and receive voice, text and gprs services. this novi rahayu… vol 1(2) 2020 : 91-102 93 component uses digital pins 2 and 3 for serial communication with the arduino board and uses the m10 quad-band gsm / gprs radio modem from quectel that supports 4 gsm 850mhz frequencies, gsm 900mhz, dcs 1800 mhz and pcs 1900mhz. with a maximum speed of gprs data transfer 85.6 kbps. figure 4. sim800l gsm module buzzer (wiyono, et al., 2017) is an electronic component that functions to convert electrical vibrations into sound vibrations. the working principle of the buzzer is almost the same as the loudspeaker. a buzzer consists of a coil mounted on a diaphragm and flowed so that it becomes an electromagnet. the coil will be pulled in or out depending on the current direction and magnetic polarity. because the coil is mounted on the diaphragm, each movement of the coil will move the diaphragm back and forth so that it makes the air vibrate and produce sound. figure 5. buzzer lcd (liquid crystal display) (wiyono, et al., 2017) is a media that uses liquid crystal as the main viewer. lcd has been used in various fields such as electronic devices such as televisions, calculators or computer screens. lcd functions to display writing in the form of numbers or letters in accordance with the wishes based on the program used, so that the display can be seen visually. figure 7. 16 x 2 lcd 3. research method prototype prototype is not something that is complete, but something that must be evaluated and modified again. all changes can occur when prototypes are made to meet user needs and at the same time allow developers to better understand user needs(hendini, 2016). novi rahayu… vol 1(2) 2020 : 91-102 94 figure 8. prototype paradigm flowchart flowchart is a graphical development of the steps and sequence of procedures of a program. flowcharts help programmers to solve problems in smaller segments and help in analyzing other alternatives in operation. figure 9. flowchart gas leak detection system 4. research results and discussion design interface novi rahayu… vol 1(2) 2020 : 91-102 95 interface design or more commonly known as interface design is a design for computers, equipment, machines, mobile communication devices, software applications, and websites that focus on the experience and interaction of its users. figure 10. design interface for gas leak detection system mq-6 sensor testing technique the mq 6 sensor is a gas sensor that is suitable for detecting lpg (liquefied petroleum gas), can detect lpg gas and includes gases consisting of lpg gas, namely propane and butane gas. this sensor can detect gases at concentrations in the air between 200 to 10000 ppm. this sensor has high sensitivity and fast response time. the sensor output is analog resistance. the circuit of this sensor is very simple, what this sensor needs is to provide a voltage of 5 v, add load resistance, and connect the output to the adc. tool design the making of this lpg gas leak detection system goes through several manufacturing stages. starting with preparing the materials and tools used. like setting up the box and compiling the arduino mainboard with arduino gsm shield, buzzer and speaker. the purpose of making a box is to place the input and output components or as a container of the system this tool can facilitate and adjust the system in its use. the next process is the electronic schematic assembly of a gas leak detection system. making circuits at the stage of making this circuit, what is done is to prepare components that will be used, such as the mq-6 sensor, arduino uno, relay, step down, adapter, power / battery, gsm sim800l, buzzer, isd1820 module, speaker and jumper cable. the arduino uno has an atmega 328 microcontroller, which has 14 digital input / output pins (6 outputs for pwm), and 6 analog input pins. arduino electronic circuits have several other components such as ic regulators that function as the power supply circuit needs. as a source of voltage in this circuit using a 12 volt adapter. for the mq-6 sensor circuit, get an electrical input of 5v and use a 5v pin to provide input to the microcontroller / arduino, the buzzer uses pin d11 to output, the led pins d12, d13 and sms are connected with pin a0, while for the speaker is connected directly to the mq-6 gas sensor on the do pin(elasya, 2016). figure 11. series of gas leak detection devices program design the design of the gas leak detection system program consists of several stages. the first process is the making of a flowchart of the gas leak detection system, then the program is made novi rahayu… vol 1(2) 2020 : 91-102 96 using the arduino ide using c language and this program will execute commands on the system and tools. then the program has been uploaded to the microcontroller using arduino ide. furthermore, the microcontroller will perform the process of reading the condition of the gas sensor. if it detects a gas leak, the red led will light up, the alarm will be active, and will automatically text the homeowner. if the sensor does not detect the gas, the system will continue to read the condition of the sensor until it detects leaked gas again. figure 12. program design implementation after the system is built based on the designs that have been made, the next step is to upload the program. connect the usb cable with the arduino uno board and on the other side is connected to the computer. open the arduino ide program then open the sketch program that has been created, then press the upload button on the arduino ide so that the sketch is transferred from the computer to the arduino board. after completing the upload, the usb cable can be removed and the gas leak detection system can work without the help of a computer again. figure 13. the arduino ide program upload process in this last stage all components are well connected and have a program inside the microcontroller. this test is carried out using a simulation display using a gas lighter to activate the mq-6 sensor in detecting gas. the way this device works is by connecting to a battery power source or using a 12 volt adapter and pressing the on / off button located on the right side of the box. on a system device to turn on the system is indicated by a green led light. if the initial steps for testing the system have been carried out then the operation can be carried novi rahayu… vol 1(2) 2020 : 91-102 97 out, the order of which is the detection of the propane gas sensor. as the main component of the microcontroller works by running the commands that have been inputted in the form of coding, where the coding represents the command to run the mq-6 sensor, led lights, buzzer, speaker and sms. so as to produce some output in the form of a gas sensor detects propane gas, the buzzer will turn on, the speaker will turn on, and send information in the form of sms to the homeowner. this device testing simulation aims to see whether the sensor, microcontroller and the program are running well. figure 14. system testing in figure 15 you can see the main parts installed on this device, namely: 1. mq-6 gas sensor as a gas sensor. 2. buzzer as a warning alarm if a leak occurs. 3. speaker as a warning alarm if a leak occurs. 4. sms as home ownership information in the event of a leak figure 15. installed tools series when the microcontroller is working and the sensor is active, the lcd will display a serial gas sensor monitor to monitor the gas leak condition. the condition of the value of the gas leakage level is given if the value of the gas content is more than 100 ppm, then the mq-6 sensor will read that a leak has occurred and will give a warning with the sound of the alarm, the sound of warning danger through speakers and sms to the homeowner. if it does not detect a leak, the gas content value is equal to 0 ppm to -50 ppm. the algorithm of detecting gas content is to use the ppm unit. novi rahayu… vol 1(2) 2020 : 91-102 98 figure 16. total gas content (ppm) the gas leak detection system that was built involves arduino uno, lcd display, serial port, buzzer, speakers, led lights, and gsm as the sender of short messages. mq6 is used because of the rapid response to methane, propane and butane when compared to similar sensors, buzzer is used as a warning alarm, led lights are used as warning lights in the form of visualization of danger signals, speakers are used as sound warning sounds and sms to the house if gas leak occurred. lcd display is used as a media display that the level of gas is detected in parts per million (ppm), serial port is used as a communication port connecting between atmega 328 with gsm, gsm is used as a short message sending center. testing of mq-6 gas sensor this test was carried out 5 times in different distances which were carried out in 3 different places, namely ventilated space, airtight space and open space. then the results of the test are recorded in the test table starting from the distance of the testing time of the test, the system response time to leakage and the amount of lpg levels that leak in ppm units. testing in a ventilated room the test is carried out 5 times in the estimated time of testing for 15 seconds and also different distances, then the test results obtained are as presented in table 1 below. table 1. test results of ventilated room gas sensors no. range duration of gas testing time time to detect detected results 1. 2 cm 15 seconds 3 seconds 120 ppm 2. 4 cm 15 seconds 5 seconds 117 ppm 3. 6 cm 15 seconds 6 seconds 126 ppm 4. 8 cm 15 seconds 8 seconds 62 ppm 5. 10 cm 15 seconds 8 seconds 54 ppm from the test results shown in table 4.1 that during the 15-seconds test where the distance between the leak object and the detection device is relatively limited, different detection times are obtained and the amount of gas collection detected by the sensor is different. at a distance of 2 cm, the time to detect a gas leak is only 3 seconds with a total gas content of 120 ppm, the amount of gas content obtained is much smaller when compared with testing at a distance of 6 cm where the gas content obtained is 126 ppm with a time for detect only 6 seconds during the 15 second test. this could be due to the circulation of air that is at the test location, the air entering the room at the time of the test distance of 2cm makes the concentration of methane gas disguised and decomposed so that the sensor only gets a gas density value of 120 ppm. testing in an airtight room just as in a test in a ventilated room, testing 5 times at an estimated time of 15 seconds and different test distances, the test results obtained are as presented in table 2 below. table 2. test results of airtight room gas sensors no. range duration of gas testing time time to detect detected results 1. 2 cm 15 seconds 3 seconds 457 ppm novi rahayu… vol 1(2) 2020 : 91-102 99 2. 4 cm 15 seconds 5 seconds 132 ppm 3. 6 cm 15 seconds 6 seconds 251 ppm 4. 8 cm 15 seconds 6 seconds 128 ppm 5. 10 cm 15 seconds 12 seconds 40 ppm the results are shown in table 2 where the testing time is 15 seconds and the distance between the leak object and the detection system is relatively limited to obtain different detection times and the number of gas assemblies detected by different sensors. as shown in the comparison of testing at a distance of 10 cm and a distance of 2 cm where the density produced at a distance of 2 cm by 457 ppm is greater with a detection time of 3 seconds than testing at a distance of 10 cm by 40 ppm with the required time of 12 seconds. this could have been caused by air circulation which was not generated in a closed test room without ventilation. testing in the open room the test is carried out 5 times in the estimated time of testing for 15 seconds and also different distances, then the test results obtained are as presented in table 3 below. table 3. test results of open-space gas sensors no. range duration of gas testing time time to detect detected results 1. 2 cm 15 seconds 13 seconds 6 ppm 2. 4 cm 15 seconds not detected 3. 6 cm 15 seconds not detected 4. 8 cm 15 seconds not detected 5. 10 cm 15 seconds not detected the results shown in table 3 where the duration of the test for 15 seconds and the distance between the leak object and the detection system between 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 cm obtained the detected results only at a distance of 2 cm with a detection time of 13 seconds and an amount of 6 ppm, while from a distance of 4, 6, 8 and 10 cm no gas leak was detected.vfrom the test results it can then be concluded if the distance between the tool, object and place greatly influences the device in carrying out the detection. the closer the distance between the device and the censored object and the small air circulation, the faster the system will detect if there is a gas leak so it is very efficient to prevent fires due to gas leakage. an ideal distance to detect between 2 cm to 6 cm in a ventilated and airtight room. then other factors that influence censorship are wind factors such as testing in open spaces, if the wind blows hard enough then the detected gas levels will decrease / not be detected. sms testing this test was carried out 5 times with 3 different places, as for the results of the test in the table and figure below. testing sms in a ventilated room table 4. test results of ventilated sms room no. sensor response gas level delivery time sms received sms provider server 1. 3 seconds 120 ppm 8 seconds lpg gas leak detected...!!! telkomsel 2. 5 seconds 117 ppm 14 seconds lpg gas leak detected...!!! telkomsel 3. 6 seconds 126 ppm 26 seconds lpg gas leak detected...!!! telkomsel 4. 8 seconds 62 ppm telkomsel 5. 8 seconds 54 ppm telkomsel novi rahayu… vol 1(2) 2020 : 91-102 100 figure 17. testing sms ventilated room the test results are shown in table 4. by testing the device 5 times where the sms speed for the ventilated place is between 8-24 seconds with a testing distance of 2, 4 and 6 cm. while at a distance of 8 and 10 cm no leaks were detected, because the detected gas levels were below 100 ppm. testing sms in an airtight room table 5. test results of airtight room sms no. sensor response gas level delivery time sms received sms provider server 1. 3 seconds 457 ppm 16 seconds lpg gas leak detected...!!! telkomsel 2. 5 seconds 132 ppm 22 seconds lpg gas leak detected...!!! telkomsel 3. 6 seconds 251 ppm 182 seconds lpg gas leak detected...!!! telkomsel 4. 6 seconds 128 ppm 56 seconds lpg gas leak detected...!!! telkomsel 5. 12 seconds 40 ppm telkomsel figure 18. testing sms in the airtight room the test results are shown in table 5. by testing the device 5 times where the speed of the sms to be airtight is between 16-182 seconds with a test distance of 2, 4, 6 and 8 cm. while at a distance of 10 cm no leaks were detected, because the detected gas levels were below 100 ppm. testing sms in the open room table 6. test results of open space sms novi rahayu… vol 1(2) 2020 : 91-102 101 no. sensor response gas level delivery time sms received sms provider server 1. 13 seconds 6 ppm telkomsel 2. telkomsel 3. telkomsel 4. telkomsel 5. telkomsel the test results shown in table 6 with testing tools 5 times where the speed of sms for the open place with a test distance of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 cm were not detected any leakage, because the detected gas levels below 100 ppm. from the test results above, it can be concluded if the gas leak has reached 100 ppm, then the message will be sent to the destination number, the speed of arrival of the message to the destination number ranges from 8 182 seconds. the speed of sms received also depends on the location or architecture of the cellular network of each provider. 5. conclusions based on the whole system starting from the design and manufacture of tools that have been done, the author has several conclusions including : 1. sensor testing is carried out in three different places, namely ventilated space, airtight space, and open space. in the test room ventilated results of the detected gas content between 54 126 ppm, in the airtight room the detected results were between 40 457 ppm, and in the open room the detected results were only 6 ppm. 2. distance testing of the mq-6 sensor is performed at a distance of 2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm. it was also carried out in three different places, from the test the ideal distance for detection is at a distance of 2 to 6 cm in a ventilated and airtight room. then other factors that influence censorship are wind factors such as testing in open spaces, if the wind blows hard enough then the detected gas levels will decrease / not be detected. 3. sms testing is also carried out in three different places, namely ventilated space with sensor response time between 3 to 8 seconds and sms sending time between 8 to 26 seconds, airtight space with sensor response time 3 to 12 seconds and sms sending time between 16 to 182 seconds, while in the open space the sensor response time is only 13 seconds and no texting is detected because there are no leaks with amounts of gas above 100 ppm. references elasya, y. 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using the old method by asking the question through the relevant employees manually. this way is inefficient in terms of time due to some employees are not always available in place. therefore, with the development of technology, it encourages the researcher to design web-based application system which is useful for assisting employees to submit complaint and information. this design process using a navigation structure, unified modeling language and forward chaining method as a data processor. out of the two technology that have been tested (laptop and smartphone), this application works well on laptop, while on smartphone, the button layout does not appear, as well the display it does not respond horizontally or vertically. this application will be assist the pharmaceutical company employees to submit information and complaints anytime and anywhere easier. keywords: forward chaining, information services, web. 1. introduction in the business world and companies with a large number of employees, there will certainly be many problems. there are various kinds of problems or complaints. problems or complaints experienced by employees that seem small can become big if they are not handled properly. because the scope is so broad, the scope of complaints in this paper is limited to the service sector in the company. and more focused on employees and management(aboramadan & karatepe, 2021; agarwal, 2021). basically, the boss is the first person to accommodate employee complaints. if the complaint that occurs is within the scope of work, it may be handled by the superior himself. for that there are several approaches that can be applied. identify which employees often complain, about what, why employees complain, to whom employees complain and which complaints can affect individual work or work teams and when complaints start to occur. record every employee complaint and make a priority scale for handling it and adjust it to the area and level of the complaint. complaints should not be judged as something negative. even complaints can be a feedback that can provide positive things in improving policies and can create a more comfortable work environment(fuoli, et al., 2021; o’dowd, et al., 2021; wray, et al., 2022). handling complaints can be done by the management. the solution must be seen as an effort to improve the quality and performance of employees that can be integrated into a quality management system(jeanpert, et al., 2021; decock, et al., 2021). with this system, the company is not only expected to be able to respond to complaints but also to have high sensitivity. in addition, the company can not only find the cause of the complaint, but can also take advantage of the information obtained. through the quality management system, it allows companies to review the differences in stages and weaknesses of existing processes or services for employees. delaying the handling of complaints that occur even by letting them be is tantamount to increasing the number of complaints or problems that are getting bigger and bigger. and employees can actually be included by the management to be able to overcome complaints or problems that asmoro et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 116-125 117 occur. this is also part of the recognition or trust the company gives to employees(djurkovic, et al., 2021; chen & greitens, 2022). based on this statement, it is necessary to have a system that can be used to accommodate various complaints from employees in order to make it easier for the company to process various kinds of complaints received. complaints from employees so that these complaints can be followed up quickly. 2. literature review 2.1. definition of service service is an activity or sequence of activities that can occur in a person's direct interaction with other people or with physical machines and can provide customer satisfaction. service according to the big indonesian language dictionary (kbbi) is an effort to help prepare or take care of what other people need(remme, et al., 2021). 2.2. definition of information submission the word information can literally be interpreted as a message, while literally it can be interpreted as a description of the problem / object / event that is conveyed with the aim of knowing or understanding better. broadly speaking, the meaning of the delivery of information as notification, presentation of reports, providing counseling, delivering announcements, giving directions, or simply delivering news. information about objects, events or problems can be conveyed to others in the form of information for the following reasons: 1. contains elements of novelty (actual). 2. beneficial for public interest or human interest. 3. in the form of knowledge that can be applied in everyday life (practical). 4. aims to increase knowledge or experience of others (knowledge). 5. can be justified scientifically through evidence in the field (valid). 6. does not contain exceptions that result in adverse errors (side effects). according to the big indonesian dictionary (kbbi) delivery is a process, method, act to convey while information is information, notification, news or news about something 2.3. definition of design design is the process of developing a specification based on the recommendations from the system analysis. design is a description of planning and sketching or arranging several separate elements into a unified whole and functioning. the system design can be designed in the form of a system flowchart, which is a graphical tool used to explain the process sequence of the system. 2.4. system definition the system is a collection of elements consisting of data, human resources, a network of interconnected procedures, hardware and software technologies that interact as a unit to produce the same goal. the elements that represent a system in general are input (input), processing (processing), output (output). this can be illustrated as in figure 2.1. fig. 1. system model (input) (processing) (output) asmoro et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 116-125 118 2.5. forward chaining method forward chaining is one of the reasoning methods used in the inference engine, where this reasoning method starts with data and reasons to lead to an answer or conclusion. this method can also be described logically as a repetition of the ponen mode logic. the inference engine that uses the forward chaining method will look for rules until one antecedent (if clause) is found that is true (true). when a rule is found, the inference engine can make conclusions on the existing data. forward chaining is matching facts or statements starting from the left (if first). in other words, reasoning starts from the facts first to test the truth of the hypothesis(garcia, et al., 2021; wulansari, et al., 2022). as for previous research related to fordward chaining, the design of this game aims to provide education to anyone who plays it. the data used in this game is based on the experience of the author who is directly active in the mulawarman university informatics lecture. the stages in making this game are concept, design, game development and testing. the basic concept in making this game is about high school students who will continue their education to the lecture level, therefore this game is designed to have a possible mechanism with lecture requirements at mulawarman university informatics. the method used in this game is the forward chaining method which is used when the player will move up to the next semester (level) and to determine the value in each semester (level). the results obtained from the black box testing are that all systems run well in terms of appearance, design, gameplay, and the forward chaining method(firdaus, et al., 2021). education is a very important thing for a human being, with the development of the world today requires everyone to have the highest possible education. ease in all activities and work is something that humans really want, without a good education, it is difficult to get all these conveniences. major is a student's choice that must be adjusted to his interests and talents, so in this case the choice of major is very important for the future of a student who will continue his studies to college. but in fact the decisions taken in choosing majors often cause problems, due to the majors taken only following the choice of their friends or on the basis of coercion from their parents. this causes many students who feel that they are not in line with expectations or abilities and want to change majors. for this reason, an expert system application is made that can provide convenience for students in determining their college majors and can help find out what intelligence the student has. the method used in making this expert system is the forward chaining method. with the existence of an expert system to determine majors based on interests and talents, this can help students in determining the choice of majors and knowing their intelligence without having to meet directly with a psychologist(mulyani, et al., 2021; nurhayati & noorlimayanti, 2022). asmoro et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 116-125 119 3. research methods the research methodology is the design of research activities to find out the results of each specific problem with the aim of being able to answer questions from the existing problems. this research methodology is described in the form of a framework. this study uses a research framework that can be seen in figure 2: fig. 2. the form of a framework 4. results and discussions the stages carried out on the results of research and discussion are as follows: a) data analysis the data needed in this study is data on complaints to employees and solutions obtained from interviews with related sections. the following is a list of several complaints from employees which can be seen in table 1. table 1 ticket data no code ticket name ticket 1 t01 bpjs 2 t02 asuransi 3 t03 id_card 4 t04 printer 5 t05 lift 6 t06 ac 7 t07 slip describing the scope of the problem analyzing problems studying literature collecting data analyzing data using forward chaining method 1. data collection 2. forming a decision table 3. build rules designing system implementing the system test results asmoro et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 116-125 120 obtained 7 types of complaints that often occur, each type of complaint is given the initial code t01 to t07 as shown in table 1. the following are the various types of complaints: table 2 -types of complaints no complaint code complaint name 1 k01 how to register bpjs for normal newborns 2 k02 how to register bpjs for newborns with congenital cases 3 k03 how to register for new employee bpjs 4 k04 how to reimburse glasses 5 k05 how to reimburse hospital costs 6 k06 id card lost 7 k07 i left my id card 8 k08 printer broken 9 k09 printer not connected 10 k10 printer ink runs out 11 k11 elevator broken 12 k12 dirty elevator 13 k13 ac is broken 14 k14 dirty air conditioner 15 k15 underpaid slip 16 k16 print out slip there are as many as 16 complaints that can be the cause of the ticket in table 1. complaints are given initials in the form of codes k01 to k16 in table 2. next is the making of rules or rules for detecting complaints on employees which can be seen in table 3. table 3 rule forward chaining no rule 1 if k01 is true and k02 is true and k03 is true then t01 2 if k04 is true and k05 is true then t02 3 if k06 is true and k07 is true then t03 4 if k08 is true and k09 is true and k10 is true then t04 5 if k11 is true and k12 is true then t05 6 if k13 is true and k14 is true then t06 7 if k15 is true and k16 is true then t07 in table 3. in determining the rules, there are 7 rules to determine the type of complaint ticket for employees based on employee complaints. after determining the rule using the forward chaining method, data testing and determining the type of employee data ticket1 will be carried out in table 4. table 4 testing data no employee data complaint ticket type 1 employee 1 how to reimburse glasses insurance how to reimburse hospital costs in table 4. there is employee data1 with complaints how to reimburse glasses, how to reimburse hospital costs, then the following rule tracking process is carried out: rule 1 = if k01 is true and k02 is true and k03 is true and k04 is true then t01 = no data match was found asmoro et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 116-125 121 rule 2 = if k04 is true and k05 is true then t02 = data match is found then the search is immediately stopped. based on the tracking rule for employee1, the results obtained are in accordance with rule 2 with the type of ticket, namely insurance. b) designing system system design will produce a system that can be used to process and analyze research in a computerized way. in this study, several steps were taken to design the system to be made, including using the unified modeling language (uml) in the form of use case diagrams, class diagrams and sequence diagrams, navigation structures and input and output design. c) unified modeling language (uml) in this website there are two actors who play a role, namely the user and the admin. admin is a user who can add, change and delete employee, department, position, ticket type, and administrator data on the employee ticket application. meanwhile, the user is a user who can play a role in viewing employee data and filling out tickets. to create a system that can run well and in accordance with the desired expectations, it must first be made a system planning stage using use case diagrams, class diagrams and sequence diagrams. d) use case diagram in the use case diagram of the employee ticket application, there are several main things such as users and admins who are interrelated in the database system so that the data is always updated. use case diagram of employee ticket application can be seen in figure 3. fig. 3. employee ticket application use case diagram e) class diagram the design of the employee ticket application class diagram is a specification that will produce an object and is the core of object-oriented development and design which can be seen in figure 4. asmoro et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 116-125 122 fig. 4. employee ticket application class diagram f) sequence diagram sequence diagram design is an interaction diagram that explains how an operation is performed. the design of the sequence diagram in the employee ticket application consists of two, namely the sequence diagram for the user and the sequence diagram for the admin. the design of the sequence diagram for the user can be seen in figure 5 fig. 5. employee ticket application user sequence diagram the admin sequence diagram design can be seen in figure 6. user dashboard tampilan karyawan input tiket database login dengan email dan password terdaftar melihat dan mengedit data karyawan mengisi tiket menyimpan isian tiket menampilkan history tiket asmoro et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 116-125 123 fig. 6. employee ticket application admin sequence diagram g) implementing the system implementation of the system is carried out to compare the results of the analysis obtained manually with the results of using the system. the implementation stages are divided into several stages, namely: register for hosting at dewa web by registering the domain name after the domain is active, the next step is to fill in the domain with the system that has been created on the local computer. how to publish and system management to the domain is done online. the step that must be taken is to enter the domain by entering the hosting account user and password through the cpanel application that has been provided by the internet service company. how to enter the domain is to use a browser application on the computer. can use mozilla firefox browser or google chrome browser. then type the domain address and call the cpanel application in the browser address bar. at the initial display, you are required to fill in an account in the form of an account name and password in order to access the registered domain web server. user accounts and passwords are provided specifically for domain registrants by hosting service companies. the following are the steps for uploading program code files from a local computer to a web server through the file manager facility in cpanel. make sure the position of all program code files is in the main folder, namely public_html. if the file is outside the folder, the web system cannot run. select the upload menu then appears in the menu to upload the program code file from the program computer. then the main file on the web system must be named index.php because it conforms to the standard rules in general configurations using that name. the next step is to create a database on a web server via the cpanel page. the first step is to select the database menu. after selecting the database menu page then asked to name the database for the application. the mysql database has a way of working where the database can only be accessed by the database user account where access rights have been granted. after successfully creating a new database on the mysql database server, the next step is to process the database using the phpmyadmin editor. because the database was previously created on a local computer, then you can then import it into the web database server. h) employee ticket application testing the last stage of the research system that is built is testing. this system is tested to see the functions and appearances that are generated from the employee ticket application that has asmoro et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 116-125 124 been created. the purpose of testing an application is to find out whether the application is running and working as expected. trial of employee ticketing application using google chrome browser.the following is a test result of a comparison of the appearance of the employee ticket application carried out on a laptop using the google chrome browser and on a smartphone using the google chrome browser. table 5 comparison of application display on laptops and smartphones no. test laptop smartphone 1 user dashboard page the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.1.1. the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.2.1. 2 admin dashboard page the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.1.2. the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.2.2. 3 employee show page the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.1.3. the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.2.3. 4 ticket input page the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.1.3. the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.2.4. 5 employee page the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.1.4.. the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.2.5. 6 department page the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.1.5. the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.2.6. 7 hr page the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.1.6. the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.2.7. 8 ticket page the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.1.7. the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.2.8. 9 ticket type page the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.1.8. the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.2.9. 10 ticket selection page the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.1.9. the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.2.10. 11 administrator page the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.1.10. the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.2.11. 12 report page the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.1.11. the display is in accordance with the design and the results can be seen in l.2.12. 5. conclusion based on all the steps of the research framework that have been carried out, several conclusions can be obtained from the employee ticket application that has been made, as follows: the formation of this application helps users and admins in solving problems faced in general become easier and faster. with an application that can answer automatically, help the admin section answer ticket input quickly. the appearance of this application looks good and in accordance with the design when using a laptop, while the display using a smartphone even though using the same browser is not responsive. 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knowledge and zeal to rebuild it puts the industry at a certain level but needs further additional and requisite tuning to reach the pinnacle. for this reason, the research therefore sought to investigate how cylinder bores and piston ring end-gap contribute to the failure of locally rebuilt engines. a descriptive design was used for the study and sample of 60 participants responded to the structured questionnaire. the study used primary data to provide reliable and up-to-date information the researcher needs for the analysis. the data were entered in spss with analysis performed using inferential and descriptive analysis methods. the findings of the study revealed that errors made in the work procedure had a stronger effect on the clients’ than its other counterpart. practically, the flaws in the work procedure of rebuilding cylinder bore significantly affects clients’ satisfaction. keywords: engine rebuilt, local artisans, cylinder re-bore, piston ring, automobile. 1. introduction the importation of used machinery and parts, especially automobile engines are very common in ghana. in automobiles, large deposits of used parts are seen in spare parts shops in most parts of the country. suame in kumasi, abosey okai and kokompe in accra are major locations where imported used automobile parts are deposited for sale on arrival into the country (mensah and adu, 2015). it can be said that the interest in pre-owned automobile parts, especially engines, has been enormous over the past few decades. these home-used engines are presumed to last longer than the rebuilt engines. the usual practice is the sale of the used engines as it is basis, with no warranties or customer satisfaction guarantees. sometimes, one could be lucky to get a short period guarantee, three to seven days warranty. these assurances in most cases do not work and when there is an actual problem with the usage or the component cannot work after the agreed warranty period, a customer might end up not getting his or her investment back. for example, an engine that is sold from any of the stated locations can only be tested by starting for some few seconds (for manually injected diesel engines) prior to purchase or on the chassis after installation. these tests are usually physical observation for leakages and idling response and leak-down test from the positive crankcase ventilation (pcv) valve (shafie, 2016). the sellers used no standard or technical procedures in testing these products for quality. the efficiency of used engines depends on a good maintenance culture. some of these imported engines may be uninstalled from scrapped engines or vehicles involved in accidents and may have undetected problems. frequently, fixed engines are principal to even modern car engines because stronger parts are employed, or lie out variations in parts altered complications with the initial engine (pravin et al., 2020). this widening movement of preferring for home-employed engines suggests the expanding disparity that is being generated by the omission of engine overhaul. ghana cannot boast of measurable local workshops where one can drive in and be assured of an efficient engine rebuild, with warranty or properly documented customer satisfaction guarantees. such services are available with the big automobile giants like toyota, japan motors, mechanical lloyd etc, which are limited to their respective brands (khan et al., 2019). the artisans largely did overhaul andoh et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 53-66 54 and rebuilding of automobile engines in ghana in the various mechanic workshops within the country. though it is affordable, there are various problems faced by customers who seek these local artisans to overhaul and rebuild their automobile engines. some problems being faced are that the engine would not last long, breaks down early or does not work at all because of the lack of adherence to standard re-manufacturing processes and specifications (fitch, 2012). in view of this, the research seeks to investigate the manufacturing specifications regarding the cylinder bore geometry, used by these artisans to rebuild automobile engines in some of the cylinder re-boring and mechanic workshops within the country (wahab et al., 2018). if rebuilding of engines can be done right, it has the potential to stimulate industrial growth and to satisfy the general desire for quality interchangeable parts in the country. end users of automobile engines would be delighted to spend more for quality goods and services, than to spend on goods and services whose reliability cannot be guaranteed. the abrupt failure of engines rebuilt by local artisans is a primary aim which this thesis seeks to unravel. the main aim of this research is to investigate how cylinder bores and piston ring end-gap contribute to the failure of locally rebuilt engines. this was done by determining local artisan theoretical knowledge of remanufacturing specifications, and examining the procedures artisans use for engine rebuilt. the significance of internal combustion engines in transportation cannot be underrated in ghana and the world at large. literature is currently limited regarding failure of automobile engines in ghana. this study will therefore be an addition to literature and contribute in affecting knowledge, and also aid stakeholders to come out with good policies for artisans in our local automobile industries. the findings of this research should aid policy makers in coming out with frameworks and syllabi in required institutions, and further accommodate all local artisans who are interested in gaining much knowledge in automobile engine rebuild. it should also boost the confidence of our local artisans regarding engine rebuild, which will go a long way to enhance their skill. the study could also be useful to importers of pre-owned engines to authenticate the durability of engines they import into the country. thus, the importers can make use of the findings as a standard purchase procedure to ascertain the history of every engine they opt to buy, in order to achieve customer satisfaction. lastly, the findings could inform those who patronize pre-owned engines to examine their purchases with respect to their respective historical data. 2. methodology given the current research objectives and learning problem and theories, this study focused on the construction of descriptive research. descriptive design was used because researchers wanted to describe and document the features of the situation as they occur naturally and report the current state of the incident. by doing so, one increases the chances of collecting data that adequately meets the research objectives. the choice of descriptive design helps to define the features of the large number. also, the design allows for the use of a variety of data collection methods such as questionnaires and interview methods and the use of common questions where the reliability of objects can be determined (mai et al., 2018). the study looked at accessible data and a sampling frame gathered from this data to reinforce the design. questionnaire was constructed and executed to the respondents. to implement this method rational with the mixed technique, the study raises the material in a manner to control the exercise variables with distinct based designs and scale. the target population for this study is local artisans (auto mechanics) all over the country. this is limited to cylinder boring machine shops within the accra metropolis. major locations where local artisans request for services of cylinder machining are abbosey okai, odornaa and kokompepe, and research has shown that these locations have two, six and three cylinders to block machining shops, respectively. because of the complexity of the research, it was highly imperative that only experienced machinists were selected for this study in order to yield reliable answers to pertinent questions. the study appropriately used purposive sampling technique, which involves machinists who would provide the needed data for this research. regarding the sample size of this study, sixty (60) technicians were purposely selected from the respective machine shops for this study as representatives. in view of the sample size, the researchers made it a point to select respondents based on their experiences on the job to partake in the study. andoh et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 53-66 55 the study used primary data for the analysis because; there were no readily available secondary data for the study. second, primary data is the only source of data that would provide reliable and up-to-date information the researcher needs for the analysis. 2.1. data collection the structured questionnaire was employed as the data collection instrument in this study. the data collection technique adopted for the study was closed and opened ended questionnaires. interviews can be structured, unstructured, or semi-structured (wulfmeyer et al., 2018). this research followed semi-structures, which explored a list of open and closed-ended questions with the respondents. this technique not only gives respondents time to articulate themselves but also allows the researcher to ask probing and leading questions for a deeper understanding about the subject investigation. the questionnaire was categorized into four (4) parts thus, part a, part b, part c and part d. part a provides the demographic data of the respondents while part b tests the theoretical knowledge of the respondents regarding re-manufacturing specification on cylinder bores. part c goes further to bring out the inputs on how they prepare the cylinder bore. part d deals with questions pertaining to specifications machinists receive from mechanics who patronize their services. semi-structured questionnaire was chosen because it supports the research approach and also the design. it also enhances the choice of answers from the respondents. it can provide close and open-ended questions which could measure variables quantitatively. 2.1. instrument reliability reliability refers to the consistency of raw score received by the same people when they are re-tested with the same tests at different times, or with different sets of the same items, or under other dynamic test conditions. reliability demonstrates accuracy, precision, and consistency of measurements (hair jr et al., 2017). reliability is stability of the measure of variables or research instruments. the study adopted the cronbach alpha. the efficient use of cronbach alpha (flynn et al., 2018) often tests the internal consistency of the measurement variables. according to (tobi and kampen, 2018), cronbach alpha is reliable if the variable is 0.6 and above. the variables were tested, and they were all above the thresholds recommended by (hair jr et al., 2017). 3. results and discussions 3.1. demographic data results from the study revealed that all the respondents were males. this shows that the selected participants engaged at the time the study was conducted were all males. this may be attributed to the affirmative action program taken by the government. about 13% of the respondents were 24 years and below, 28% of them, were between 25-40 years, 46.7% were between 41-55 years while 12% were above 55 years. this shows that most of the participants were within the ages of 25 to 55 years and the least age participants were above 55 years. this is seen in fig.1. findings from the study revealed that, 51.7% of the respondents were junior high school (jhs) levers, 25.8% were senior high school (shs) levers while 22.5% were up to tertiary level. this shows that most of the participants were within jhs level. this can be seen in fig. 2. from fig. 3, the respondents had been working in their shops for less than 5 years representing (11.7%); this is followed by those with 10 to 20 years of experience (70%) and more than 20 years of experience (18.3%) respectively. this shows that most of the participants within 10-20 years had the highest experiences and participants with less than 5 years had least experience. andoh et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 53-66 56 fig. 1. age of respondents fig. 2. educational background fig. 3. work experience andoh et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 53-66 57 3.2 theoretical knowledge of local artisans the first objective of the research was to determine whether local artisans are theoretically knowledge oriented about cylinder bore re-manufacturing specifications using descriptive statistical-frequency and percentages. the following are the responses from the participants; when asked about the frequency of participant knowledge regarding coming across specifications for rebuilding engines, it was revealed that 16% of the participants responded as “not at all”. 42% responded “a little”, 11% responded “moderately”, 26% responded “mostly” while 5 % of the respondents said they have come across specifications for rebuilding engines (see fig. 4.). from the results, it was deduced that most workers operating at kokompe, abossey okai and odornaa in accra do not have specification knowledge for rebuilding engines. this indicates why there is always abrupt failure of engines rebuilt by local artisans. engine rebuild involves removing the engine from the vehicle and completely disassembling it from what is popularly referred to as carb to pan (tim charlet, 2015). however, most of the local artisans do not have knowledge hence leading to poor engines rebuilt by local artisans. fig. 4. field survey, 2021 when participants were asked regarding knowledge of engine cylinder bore-remanufacturing, it was revealed that 21% of the respondents said they do not have any knowledge of engine cylinder bore-re-manufacturing, 53% said that they have little knowledge, 16% said they have moderate knowledge, while 11% said they have most knowledge of engine cylinder bore-re-manufacturing (see fig. 5). from the results, it was deduced that half of the local artisans operating at kokompe, abossey okai and odornaa in accra have little knowledge of engine cylinder bore-remanufacturing. the finishing of cylinder bores is very critical to the durability of a rebuilt engine. precision finish boring is a critical process for machining an accurate cylinder for engine block (chen, 2017; liu, 2021). according to carley, (2019), using the cylinder bore in the engine block is important for the engine power, oil consumption, and piston ring friction. the geometry of the cylinder bore should be as round as possible with little or no taper or variation vertically. proper sealing of the combustion chamber can be obtained by using manufacturer's specification. andoh et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 53-66 58 fig. 5. knowledge of engine cylinder bore remanufacturing similarly, participants were asked concerning knowledge of original equipment manufacture’s (oem) specifications regarding cylinder bore re-manufacture. it was exposed that 42% have no knowledge of oem specifications, 42% have little knowledge, 11% have moderately knowledge and respondents representing 5% have enough knowledge (see fig. 6). from the results, it was revealed that almost 42% of the local artisans operating at kokompe, abossey okai and odornaa in accra have little or no knowledge of oem specifications regarding cylinder bore re-manufacture. little knowledge among ghanaian artisans have caused most of the rebuilt engine not to last longer than customers’ expectations. this is affirmed by (huizenga, 2018) who claimed that ring gap is absolutely critical to engine performance and longevity, setting the correct ring gap on aftermarket piston rings is crucial for proper performance and engine longevity. besides, a large gap at the end of the ring allows for an easier leak path and can directly bleed off the precious cylinder pressure that is so difficult to achieve (smith, 2019; thomas, 2019). fig. 6. knowledge of oem specifications for bore re-manufacture the participants were asked whether they have knowledge of periodically calibrated measurement instruments. it was revealed that 11% had no knowledge at all, 21% have little knowledge, 5% responded as having moderate knowledge of periodically calibrated measurement instrument, 58% responded having enough knowledge, whereas 5% of respondents were fully knowledgeable of periodically calibrated measurement instrument (see fig. 7). the results suggest that almost more than half of the local artisans have knowledge of periodically calibrated andoh et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 53-66 59 measurement instruments which is remarkable. however, this is not enough to bring out better performance for customer satisfactions as far as rebuild engine is concerned. local artisans should have knowledge about manufacturing specification in detail, be aware that there are original equipment manufacture’s (oem) specifications regarding cylinder bore remanufacture, an idea about engine cylinder bore re-manufacturing specifications, and more so rebuilding engines to meet clients’ taste. fig. 7. knowledge of periodically calibrated measurement instrument the study further determined whether local artisans are theoretically knowledge oriented about cylinder bore re-manufacturing specifications using descriptive statistics-mean to rank the knowledge in order of importance. table 1 indicates the descriptive statistics for determining whether local artisans are theoretically knowledge oriented about cylinder bore re-manufacturing specifications. table 1descriptive statistics for determining whether local artisans are theoretically knowledge oriented about cylinder bore re-manufacturing specifications. descriptive statistics n minimum maximum mean std. deviation have you come across specification for rebuilding engines 120 1.00 5.00 2.3667 1.05267 do you have an idea about engine cylinder bore re-manufacturing specifications 120 1.00 4.00 2.6083 0.93751 do you know there are manufacture specific detailed measurement limits for engine rebuild regarding cylinder bores 120 1.00 4.00 2.0667 0.73030 are you aware there are original equipment manufacture’s (oem) specifications regarding cylinder bore remanufacture 120 1.00 4.00 1.7417 0.79384 do you know measurement instruments are calibrated periodically to ensure their accuracy 120 1.00 5.00 3.1667 1.14005 do you know a successful engine rebuild requires absolute adherence to remanufacturing specifications 120 1.00 3.00 1.6333 0.62083 do you know cylinder bore/sleeve geometry and surface finish must meet original equipment manufacture’s (oem) specification after machining 120 1.00 3.00 1.5667 0.67030 valid n (leastwise) 120 andoh et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 53-66 60 from the results, majority of the local artisans do not have knowledge on how measurement instruments are calibrated periodically to ensure accuracy. this has affected the better outcome of engine rebuild. the geometrical accuracy of cylinders is defined by cylindricity, which is critical to the product performance. using the cylinder bore in engine block as an example, cylindricity is important for the engine power, oil consumption, and piston ring friction. the geometry of the cylinder bore should be as round as possible, with little or no taper or variation vertically (carley, 2012). one of the key factors related to the demand for a durable engine in transportation is the need to limit thermo mechanical internal losses, wear, and lubricating oil consumption, which are conditioned by the tribological behavior of the piston–cylinder assembly (woś and mikalski, 2011). the surface modification of engine cylinder bores with improved sliding properties is often produced by the honing process. this multi-stage process is performed using abrasive stones loaded against the bore with simultaneous rotation and oscillation. to guarantee this process, robustness with acceptable dimensional accuracy and surface quality, the stone dynamic effects in continuous balanced contact with the workpiece have to be studied deeply (mansori et al, 2013). a good surface finish enables quick engine break-in procedure, good oil lubrication of the pistons and rings and also complete seal of the combustion chamber. cylinder liner surface finish controls the frictional losses, oil consumption, and emissions of internal combustion engines to a large extent. in order to minimize such losses, it is imperative to improve the liner surface texture by a consistent and more productive finishing process (dimkovski et al, 2012). 3.3 adherence of local artisans to oem cylinder bore specifications the second objective of this study was to examine how local artisans adhere to oem/manufacturer cylinder bore specifications using descriptive statistic-mean to analyze the data. table 2 present the descriptive statistics for examine how local artisans adhere to oem/manufacturer cylinder bore specifications table 2 descriptive statistics for examine how local artisans adhere to oem/manufacturer cylinder bore specifications descriptive statistics n minimum maximum mean std. deviation do you use original equipment manufacture’s (oem) specifications for piston to bore clearance 19 1.00 3.00 1.5500 0.83867 do you use oem specifications for taper in cylinder bore 19 1.00 3.00 1.6083 0.75921 do you adhere to original equipment manufacture’s (oem) piston ring and gap specification 19 1.00 3.00 1.9167 0.68087 do you compare the cylinder out-ofroundness to original equipment manufacture’s (oem) specification 19 1.00 3.00 1.7583 0.64815 do your cylinder/surface finish conforms to original equipment manufacture’s (oem) cross hatch surface finish 19 1.00 4.00 2.0083 0.82499 total according to huizenga (2018), ring gap is absolutely critical to engine performance and longevity, setting the correct ring gap on aftermarket piston rings is crucial for proper performance and engine longevity. piston rings are split in geometry to allow easy installation on the piston grooves. before installation on the piston grooves, the split ends must be gapped with respect to about:blank andoh et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 53-66 61 oem specifications and engine application. large gap at the end of the ring allows for an easier leak path and can directly bleed off the precious cylinder pressure that is so difficult to achieve (smith, 2019). the performance of piston rings is very important for internal combustion engines and can be accurately predicted by the accuracy of it’s out of roundness by engine designers (sherrington et al, 1995). the lighter the block, the more vulnerable it is to this type of bore distortion (carley, 2012). if the block is bored and honed without the simulated load created by a torque plate, the bore may be perfectly round after it has been machined, but it won’t stay that way. excessive cylinder bore out-of-roundness (oor) can adversely affect the sealing functionality and durability of the piston-ring pack in an engine (blossfeld et al, 1993). therefore, it is imperative that our local artisans adhere to strict remanufacturing specifications. according to carley, (2012), too much cylinder bore taper is bad because it causes the rings to flex in and out as the piston slides up and down. excessive taper can lead to ring breakage as well as interference problems if the ring end gap is not sufficient to handle the change in bore diameter. with gapless rings, good bore geometry and taper are even more important to minimize blow by and compression loses and to maximize the benefits provided by this style of ring. piston to cylinder bore clearance is one of those critical areas and it is imperative that the assembler knows how to take the measurement to double-check the machinist as confirmed by (labore, 2017). woś and mikalski, (2011) affirmed that one of the key factors related to the demand for durable engine in transportation is the need to the limit thermo mechanical internal losses, wear, and lubricating oil consumption, which are in turn conditioned by the tribological behavior of the piston–cylinder assembly. dimkovski et al, (2012) affirmed that cylinder liner surface finish controls the frictional losses, oil consumption, and emissions of internal combustion engines to a large extent. in order to minimize such losses, it is imperative to improve the liner surface texture by a consistent and more productive finishing process. 3.4 procedures employed by local artisans the third objective of this study is to examine the procedures employed by the artisans within their application of engines rebuilt cylinder bores and piston ring end-gap using descriptive statistical-mean to analyze the data. table 3 present the descriptive statistics to examine the procedures employed by the artisans within their application of engines rebuilt cylinder bores and piston ring end-gap. table 3descriptive statistics to examine the procedures employed by the artisans within their application of engines rebuilt cylinder bores and piston ring end-gap. descriptive statistics n minimum maximum mean std. deviation dial bore gauge is not an appropriate tool to check taper in cylinder bore 19 1.00 5.00 4.6000 0.81375 out of roundness of cylinder bore cannot be compared with original equipment manufacture’s (oem) specification 19 1.00 5.00 4.7333 0.74171 the piston bore to clearances are born out of assumption and does not meet original equipment manufacture’s (oem) specification 19 1.00 5.00 4.0500 1.05997 original equipment manufacture’s (oem) ring andgap specification is hardly used to accommodate thermal 19 1.00 5.00 4.1333 0.97819 about:blank andoh et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 53-66 62 expansion at operating temperatures the surface finishes are not crosshatch pattern and do not conform to original equipment manufacture’s (oem) specifications 19 1.00 5.00 4.4333 0.77496 calibrated instrument does not use in original equipment manufacture’s (oem) specifications 19 1.00 5.00 4.5417 0.77672 valid n (leastwise) 19 chen, (2017) suggested that precision finish boring is a critical process for machining an accurate cylinder for engine block. the geometrical accuracy of cylinders is defined by cylindricity, which is critical to the product performance. using the cylinder bore in the engine block as an example, cylindricity is important for the engine power, oil consumption, and piston ring friction. the geometry of the cylinder bore should be as round as possible with little or no taper or variation vertically (carley, 2019). piston to cylinder bore clearance is one of those critical areas and it is imperative that the assembler knows how to take the measurement to double-check the machinist as confirmed by (labore, 2017). woś and mikalski, (2011) affirmed that one of the key factors related to the demand for durable engine in transportation is the need to the limit thermo mechanical internal losses, wear, and lubricating oil consumption, which are conditioned by the tribological behavior of the piston– cylinder assembly. dimkovski et al, (2012) affirmed that cylinder liner surface finish controls the frictional losses, oil consumption, and emissions of internal combustion engines to a large extent. in order to minimize such losses, it is imperative to improve the liner surface texture by a consistent and more productive finishing process. in order to test for the effect on clients after patronizing engine rebuild service from artisans, analysis of variance (anova) was conducted to identify the difference of effect in the flaws made by these manufacturing firms. hence, the following subsections explain the descriptive statistics, homogeneity test, f-statistic and multiple comparison test. the table 4 shows the descriptive statistics of errors made by manufacturers. it shows that the mean of basic theoretical knowledge in what they are doing is very low (1.2707). the mean for oem was also (1.1989) and the mean for work procedure (4.7544). this shows that multiple errors are being made by manufacturers when conducting their daily. table 5 shows the results for the homogeneity test. it shows most of the errors made across all cases were homogeneous or similar. this reveals that similar errors are made throughout the manufacturing industry of rebuild cylinder bore. table 4anova descriptive descriptive errors by manufacturers statistic bootstrapa bias std. error 95% confidence interval lower upper btk n 19 0 4 12 26 mean 1.2707 .0000 .010 1.2500 1.2857 std. deviation .04504 -.005 .018 .00000 .06413 std. error .01033 lower bound 1.2490 about:blank andoh et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 53-66 63 95% confidence interval for mean upper bound 1.2924 minimum 1.14 maximum 1.29 oem n 19 0 4 12 26 mean 1.1989 .0001 .004 1.1905 1.2062 std. deviation .01696 -.003 .007 .00000 .02631 std. error .00389 95% confidence interval for mean lower bound 1.1908 upper bound 1.2071 minimum 1.14 maximum 1.24 wp n 19 0 3 12 25 mean 4.7544 -.0003 .083 4.5833 4.9073 std. deviation .35732 -.0158 .064 .19213 .43728 std. error .08198 95% confidence interval for mean lower bound 4.5822 upper bound 4.9266 minimum 4.00 maximum 5.00 total n 57 0 0 57 57 mean 2.4080 .0047 .2184 1.9958 2.8100 std. deviation 1.68659 -.015 .093 1.46320 1.8121 7 std. error .22339 95% confidence interval for mean lower bound 1.9605 upper bound 2.8555 minimum 1.14 maximum 5.00 a. unless otherwise noted, bootstrap results are based on 1000 bootstrap samples table 5test of homogeneity of variances test of homogeneity of variances levene statistic df1 df2 sig. errors by manufacturers based on mean 36.753 2 54 .000 based on median 8.116 2 54 .001 based on median and with adjusted df 8.116 2 18.6 46 .003 based on trimmed mean 27.521 2 54 .000 the test for the effect of the flaws on clients after patronizing engine rebuild service from artisans revealed that with a confidence level of 95% (p < 0.05), there was a significant difference between the three groups which is with an f = 1811.073 with respect to how their errors made has affected the satisfaction of clients. this shows that the errors made differently and significantly affect client’s satisfaction. this is seen in table 6. andoh et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 53-66 64 table 6 anova anova errors by manufacturers sum of squares df mean square f sig. between groups 156.956 2 78.478 1811.073 .000 within groups 2.340 54 .043 total 159.296 56 to determine which errors mostly affect the clients’ satisfaction, a multiple comparison test (lsd) was conducted. this test made bare errors made in the work procedure has a stronger effect on the clients’ than its other counterpart. this is proven by the lsd of wp (work procedure) resulting -3.55544 with a p-value of 0.000. (see table 7). table 7multiple comparison table multiple comparisons dependent variable: errors by manufacturers lsd (i) classification of errors (j) classification of errors mean difference (ij) std. error sig. 95% confidence interval lower bound upper bound btk oem .07173 .06754 .29 -.0637 .2071 wp -3.48371* .06754 .00 -3.6191 -3.348 oem btk -.07173 .06754 .29 -.2071 .0637 wp -3.55544* .06754 .00 -3.6908 -3.420 wp btk 3.48371* .06754 .00 3.3483 3.6191 oem 3.55544* .06754 .00 3.4200 3.6908 *. the mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. 4. conclusion and recommendation the research sort to determine whether local artisans are theoretically knowledge oriented about cylinder bore re-manufacturing specifications. the study examined how the artisans adhere to oem specifications for cylinder bore. it also found out the flaws within their application of cylinder bores. the research focused on the descriptive survey design to gather information from the local artisans in order to describe and document aspects of a situation as it naturally occurs. this design was applied by designing a questionnaire to collect data from the sampled population. the findings show that the error rate of a bad engine tends to be high when original equipment manufacture’s (oem) specifications are ignored by local artisans. the findings also implies that ring end-gap specifications are largely brushed aside by most of these artisans and this goes a long way to affect the maximum sealing of the combustion chamber. this also implies that most mechanics are unfamiliar with engine problems in assembly and replacement engines. moreover, finding on sleeve surface finish implies that most of the artisans take delight in ensuring a smooth or mirror finish rather than conforming to cross hatch surface finish. it was also revealed that most of these artisans do it out of ignorance and they cannot be blamed for such errors since that’s exactly how they have been taught by their predecessors. a good surface finish ensures good oil lubrication of the pistons and rings, allows smooth break-in into the cylinder walls and therefore enhances the complete seal of the combustion chamber. in order to minimize such compression losses, it is imperative to improve the liner surface texture by a consistent and more productive finishing process. failure to adhere to ring end gap specification may cause the ring ends to butt up and engine failure will occur. it is implied that our local artisans did not adhere to strict remanufacturing specifications. finally, findings of this research shows that because the local artisans fail to apply the basic theoretical knowledge, oem’s specifications and appropriate work procedure it goes a long way to affect the final customer. hence, it can be concluded that flaws in the work procedure of rebuilding cylinder bore significantly affects clients’ satisfaction. andoh et. al… vol 3(2) 2022 : 53-66 65 5. conclusion the conclusions obtained by the researchers, after conducting this research are: researchers have succeeded in making an android application prototype. this android application can help cattle sellers to sell livestock products to consumers so that they can increase their livestock sales. this application can help consumers find cattle and can compare prices between fellow cattle sellers. this application can facilitate transactions between sellers and consumers so that they can avoid fraud in transactions. from the results of the questionnaire, sellers and consumers agree with this android-based application. with the many benefits that can be obtained, of course the application must be developed more optimally, especially in terms of server infrastructure, because there will be many who access the android-based application. continue to improve the security of the application so that consumers feel more comfortable in using it. it is hoped that in the future it will not only sell cattle, but also sell other livestock such as goats, chickens, ducks and others. references blossfeld, d. h., schneider, e. w., lechman, d. c., hill, r. f., reising, r. f., brevick., j. e. 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out on academic information security. by focusing on the apo12 (manage risk), apo13 (manage risk), and dss05 (manage security service) domains. the stages in this research are initiation, planning the assessment, data collection, data validation, process attribute level and reporting the result. the results of this research note that the ability level of apo12 is at level 1, apo13 at level 2 and dss05 at level 2, which means that the institution has carried out and implemented the information technology process and achieved its objectives. to reach level 3 some recommendations are given to cover the gaps that have been determined in the apo12, apo13 and dss05 processes. keywords : information system academic, cobit 5, apo12, apo13, dss05 1. introduction information technology is developing very rapidly so that it can facilitate in a variety of activities ranging from industrial and individual activities. current technology is utilized to make it easier to do work, which previously was done manually now can be done more efficiently, effectively and thoroughly so as to reduce some of the errors caused by human error factors. information system security is a major problem for companies, organizations and governments. information system security in the information and communication technology (ict) era is very important (ciptaningrum et al., 2015). some of the problems are such as the evaluation of the level of maturity of the system security has not been done, the lack of commentary on reports, guidelines and sop (standard operational procedure) regarding policies related to information system security. for this reason, it is necessary to evaluate the maturity of information system security to ensure the continuity and business processes that exist so that they can provide improvements that improve the security of information systems that already exist today (aritonang, 2018). the selection of cobit 5 domains for the most important corporate security can focus on apo12, apo13, and dss05 (greene & cissp, 2015). information systems audit can be carried out using the cobit 5 framework (matin et al, 2018). apo13 is one of the domains in cobit 5 which contains the process of defining, operating and controlling the system implemented by the company to manage the security of its information. this process aims to maintain the incidence and impact of information security incidents that cannot exceed the level of risk determined by the company. as for the case that is used the universitas majalengka academic information system. higher education in indonesia does not yet have a specific model or framework for auditing academic information systems (maria & haryani, 2011). universitas majalengka is an institution engaged in education is an example of a company that utilizes the development of computer technology that is the basis for the application of real applications of communication media and corporate data processing. in this institution, it continues to develop its information system to support all existing activity processes to be more effective and efficient. yoga megasyah & adi arga arifnur vol 1(2) 2020 : 124-135 125 2. literature review auditing is a systematic process for obtaining and evaluating evidence objectively about assertions about activities and events to match these assertions with established criteria (messier et al, 2014). evaluation to find out how the level of conformity between the application of information systems with established procedures and know whether an information system has been designed and implemented effectively, efficiently, and economically(de haes, et. al., 2013). factors driving the importance of information system control and auditing can be seen in figure 1. fig. 1. factors influencing organizations for control and audit source: (weber, 1999) it audit activities and control there are 4 objectives of information systems audit as shown in figure 2. fig. 2. is/it audit purpose source: (weber, 1999) cobit is a standard guide to information technology management practices and a collection of best practices documentation for it governance that can help auditors, management, and users to bridge the gap between business risk, control needs, and technical issues(mangalaraj, et. al., 2014). cobit 5 generally has 5 basic principles as shown in figure 3. yoga megasyah & adi arga arifnur vol 1(2) 2020 : 124-135 126 fig. 3. five principles of cobit 5 source: (itgi cobit 5, 2012) the flow of goals in cobit 5 is a mechanism for translating stakeholder needs into specific objectives at each level and every area of the organization in supporting the organization's main objectives and meeting stakeholder needs, and this effectively supports the alignment between organizational needs and it solutions and services. cobit 5 priority flow goals can be seen in figure 4. fig. 4. the flow of goals cobit 5 source: (itgi cobit 5, 2012) cobit 5 contains a process reference model that determines and explains in detail the governance and management processes. the model represents all the processes commonly found in companies related to it activities and provides the model as an easy-to-understand reference in it operations and by business managers, reference model can be seen in figure 5. yoga megasyah & adi arga arifnur vol 1(2) 2020 : 124-135 127 fig. 5. process reference model in cobit 5 source: (itgi cobit 5 pam, 2013) the cobit 5 framework, specifically the apo (align, plan, and organize) domain in the apo13 (manage security) process domain, can assist companies in auditing information governance, especially in evaluating the maturity level of information system security in the company. define, operate and oversee systems for information security management(de haes, et. al., 2020). the purpose of the process is to keep the impact and events from incidents within the limits of the risks that the company has received. the subprocesses on apo13 are as follows: a. apo13.1, building and maintaining an isms b. apo13.2, define and manage information security handling plans. c. apo13.3, oversee and review the information security management system. data must be considered in risk analysis. the most important thing is the impact on the company, estimating the possibility of different threats and identifying reducing controls. apo12.01. stakeholders must be kept informed through the articulation of risk status including the worst possible risks and the most probable scenario apo12.04. portfolio risk management must be defined and maintained to control activities, manage, avoid and prevent or transfer apo12.05. responses to risk events must be timely and effective based on the formal testing plan apo12.06. such a plan must be prepared and maintained and tested periodically to respond to incidents that can affect business operations. this service and support (dss) process includes technical security controls to maintain the most critical, vulnerable and sensitive resources including information or data, networks and infrastructure. specific practices that shape the security of governance follow the service process. protection against malwares (viruses, worms, spyware, scanning tools, remote access tools). 3. research methods methodology is a determining factor for the benefits of research, and therefore the role of research is very important in writing scientific papers. research methodology is a work step that needs to be done so that research can be a reference. the following framework used in this study can be illustrated as shown in figure 6. yoga megasyah & adi arga arifnur vol 1(2) 2020 : 124-135 128 fig. 3. research flow the research methodology steps in figure 3 are explained as follows: study of literature literature study conducted by the author is by searching various written sources, whether in the form of books, archives, magazines, articles and journals, or documents that are relevant to the problem under study. so the information obtained from the literature study is used as a reference to strengthen the existing arguments about cobit 5. look for the appropriate process the activity carried out at this stage was to study the history and general description of universitas majalengka. this was done based on the initiative before the evaluation process began, as well as direct observation and interviews with stakeholders. data collection collecting data to support the evaluation of the evaluation process, as a stage in collecting data is collecting data to estimate internal control. questionnaire distributing questionnaires to the parts involved in system security at universitas majalengka. mapping to cobit 5 activities carried out at this stage are to do mapping based on research objects. this is done so that the assessment is appropriate and as needed in the assessment of process capability with the cobit 5 process assessment model. capability level calculation the activities carried out at this stage are evaluating each process that has been carried out, mapping the process to be assessed with the aim of obtaining measurement results at the level and achieving appropriate evidence in the field based on the cobit 5 process assessment model. yoga megasyah & adi arga arifnur vol 1(2) 2020 : 124-135 129 gap analysis gap analysis is used to determine what steps need to be taken to move from current conditions to desired conditions or desired future conditions. done to measure levels in the apo12, apo13 and dss05 domains. recommendations for improvement this step is the output of the results of the thesis research which is useful in elaborating recommendations based on the assessment of the cobit process which is certainly adjusted to the needs of universitas majalengka. conclusion provide conclusions from the results of the audit using the cobit 5 framework with apo12, apo13 and dss05 domains. 4. results and discussions mapping raci diagram for more valid calculations, it must be determined in advance the parts at universitas majalengka which are responsible for the existing processes. the raci diagram can be seen in table 1. table 1 – mapping result respondents respondent amount scope the process involved head of it 1 it apo12, apo13, dss05 head of hrd 1 hrd apo12, apo13, dss05 head of finance 1 finance apo12, apo13, dss05 head of planning 1 planning apo12, apo13, dss05 data & information division 1 it apo12, apo13, dss05 network division 1 it apo12, apo13, dss05 development system division 1 it apo12, apo13, dss05 system security division 1 it apo12, apo13, dss05 academic information system users 23 academic apo12, apo13, dss05 apo12 process (manage risk) the results of the distribution of questionnaires for the apo12 manage risk domain distributed to 31 respondents at universitas majalengka which covered all information system users and information system managers obtained data as shown in table 2. table 2 – tabulate the results of the apo12 domain level 0 and level 1 questionnaires no question yes no average (%) 1 is there a risk management application at universitas majalengka? 31 0 100 2 have it related risks been identified, analyzed, managed and reported? 28 3 89 3 is there a current and complete risk profile? 25 6 80 4 are all significant risk management actions managed and controlled? 23 8 73 5 are risk management actions carried out effectively? 20 11 64 yoga megasyah & adi arga arifnur vol 1(2) 2020 : 124-135 130 after obtaining the results of the questionnaire which can be seen in table 2, the results are then submitted to the cobit 5 self-assessment guide in table 3. table 3 – apo12 self-assessment from the results of questionnaire level 0 and level 1 apo12 manage risk purpose integrate enterprise it related risk management with overall erm and balance the costs and benefits of managing it related company risks. assess whether the following outcomes are achieved. criteria s c o r e ( % ) n ( 0 -1 5 % ) p ( 1 5 % 5 0 % ) l ( 5 0 % 8 5 % ) f ( 8 5 -1 0 0 % ) level 0 incomplete the process is not implemente d or fails to achieve its process purpose. is there a risk management application at majalengka university? 100 100 level 1 performed pa 1.1 the implemente d process achieves its process purpose. apo12-o1 it-related risk is identified, analyses, managed and reported. 89 76 apo12-o2 a current and complete risk profile exists. 80 apo12-o3 all significant risk management actions are managed and under control. 73 apo12-o4 risk management actions are implemented effectively. 64 the results of the calculation of scores in the apo12 domain (manage risk) for level 0 obtained a value of 100% which means that the process has been carried out, then an assessment of the level 1 capability is carried out. 76%, it shows that the process in the apo12 manage risk domain for level 1 is in the l or largely achieved category, meaning that for level 1 the apo12 domain means that the process at level 1 has been largely implemented and there is a large proportion of evidence of achievement. because the value obtained at level 1 apo12 domain averaged 76%, the authors did not continue the assessment to level 2 because to continue the assessment to level 2 the value that must be obtained at level 1 is between 85% 100%. for the apo12 domain the capability level obtained is at level 2 or performed process. apo13 process (manage security) the results of the distribution of questionnaires for the apo13 manage security domain were distributed to 31 respondents at universitas majalengka which covered all information system users and information system managers obtained data as shown in table 4. yoga megasyah & adi arga arifnur vol 1(2) 2020 : 124-135 131 table 4 – tabulate the results of the apo13 domain level 0 and level 1 questionnaires no question yes no average (%) 1 is there a system security application at universitas majalengka? 31 0 100 2 is the security system that has been implemented in accordance with the requirements of universitas majalengka? 26 5 83 3 is there a plan and internal communication at universitas majalengka related to the implementation of system security? 30 1 96 4 is the information system security solution implemented in all divisions of universitas majalengka? 27 4 86 after obtaining the results of the questionnaire which can be seen in table 4, the results are then submitted to the cobit 5 self-assessment guide in table 5. table 5 – apo13 self-assessment from the results of questionnaire level 0 and level 1 apo13 manage security purpose keep the impact and occurrence of information security incidents within the enterprise’s risk appetite levels. assess whether the following outcomes are achieved. criteria s c o r e ( % ) n ( 0 -1 5 % ) p ( 1 5 % 5 0 % ) l ( 5 0 % 8 5 % ) f ( 8 5 -1 0 0 % ) level 0 incomplete the process is not implemente d, or fails to achieve its process purpose. is there a security system application at universitas majalengka? 100 100 level 1 performed pa 1.1 the implemente d process achieves its process purpose. apo13-01. is the security system applied in accordance with the requirements of universitas majalengka? 83 88 apo13-o2 a security plan has been established, accepted and communicated throughout the enterprise. 96 apo13-04. is the information system security solution implemented throughout the universitas majalengka division? 86 the results of the calculation of the score on the domain apo13 (manage security) for level 0 obtained a value of 100% which means the process has been carried out, then an assessment of the level 1 capability is carried out. 88%, it shows that the process in the apo13 manage security domain for level 1 is in the f or fully achieved category, meaning that for the level 1 apo13 domain there is complete and systematic proof of approach, full achievement yoga megasyah & adi arga arifnur vol 1(2) 2020 : 124-135 132 of the attributes defined in the assessment process, no weaknesses, which significant related attributes in the assessment. dss05 process (manage security services) the results of the distribution of questionnaires for the dss05 manage security services domain were distributed to 31 respondents at universitas majalengka which covered all information system users and information system managers obtained data as shown in table 6. table 6 – tabulate the results of the dss05 domain level 0 and level 1 questionnaires no question yes no average (%) 1 are there actions to minimize the business impact of operational information security vulnerabilities and incidents? 28 3 89 2 do network and communication security meet business needs? 26 5 83 3 is information processed, stored and transmitted by endpoint devices protected? 27 4 86 4 can all users be uniquely identified and have access rights according to their business role? 26 5 83 5 have any physical measures been implemented to protect information from unauthorized access, damage and interference when processed, stored or sent? 28 3 89 6 is electronic information really secure when stored, sent or destroyed? 30 1 96 after obtaining the results of the questionnaire which can be seen in table 6, the results are then submitted to the cobit 5 self-assessment guide in table 7. table 7 – dss05 self-assessment from the results of questionnaire level 0 and level 1 dss05 manage security service purpose minimize the business impact of operational information security vulnerabilities and incidents. assess whether the following outcomes are achieved. criteria n il a i (% ) n ( 0 -1 5 % ) p ( 1 5 % 5 0 % ) l ( 5 0 % 8 5 % ) f ( 8 5 -1 0 0 % ) level 0 incomplete the process is not implemente d, or fails to achieve its process purpose. at this level, there is little or no evidence of any achievement of the process purpose. 89 89 level 1 performed pa 1.1 the implemente d process dss05-01 does network and communication security meet business needs? 83 87 yoga megasyah & adi arga arifnur vol 1(2) 2020 : 124-135 133 dss05 manage security service purpose minimize the business impact of operational information security vulnerabilities and incidents. assess whether the following outcomes are achieved. criteria n il a i (% ) n ( 0 -1 5 % ) p ( 1 5 % 5 0 % ) l ( 5 0 % 8 5 % ) f ( 8 5 -1 0 0 % ) achieves its process purpose. dss05-02 is information processed, stored and transmitted by endpoint devices protected? 86 dss05-03 can all users be uniquely identified and have access rights according to their business role? 83 dss05-04 have physical measures been implemented to protect information from unauthorized access, damage and tampering when processed, stored or sent? 89 dss06-05 is electronic information really secure when it is stored, sent or destroyed? 96 the results of the score calculation in the dss05 domain (manage security service) for level 0 obtained a value of 89% which means that the process is in the f or fully achieved category, then an assessment is carried out at the level 1 capability level. from the questionnaire calculation results for the dss05 domain the average value is obtained the level 1 capability assessment is 87%, it shows that the process in the dss05 domain manage security service for level 1 is in the f or fully achieved category meaning that for level 1 the dss05 domain has complete and systematic proof of evidence, full achievement of the attributes defined in the assessment process, no. there are weaknesses, which are significant in terms of attributes in the assessment. analysis of results of academic information system performance measurement with cobit 5 process assessment model (pam) based on the results of the questionnaire for the measurement of the apo12, apo13, and dss05 domains, the results obtained are shown in table 8. table 8 – achievement of the cobit process level 5 no process name target level current level gap 1 apo12 – manage risk 3 1 2 2 apo13 – manage security 3 2 1 3 dss05 – manage security services 3 2 1 based on the results obtained from each domain, it is found that the average capability value for the apo12, apo13, and dss05 domains at universitas majalengka is at level 1 and yoga megasyah & adi arga arifnur vol 1(2) 2020 : 124-135 134 2, at this stage the company has run and implemented the information technology process and achieved its objectives, there is also a planning, evaluation and adjustment process in order to obtain better process results, from the results of these achievements graphs are made for the achievement of the apo12, apo13, and dss05 domains as follows: fig. 4. graph of achievement of the cobit process 5 5. conclusion based on the results of the analysis of academic information systems using the cobit 5 framework apo12, apo13, and dss05 domains, it can be concluded that the application of academic security information systems is at the capability level with an average of level 2, with 1 process detail, namely apo12 at level 1 while apo13 and dss05 are at level 2. components that need to be adjusted to be adequate for the purpose of academic information system security are the need for careful planning for system security and it infrastructure renewal. the main priority of concern in the security of academic information systems at majalengka university is the improvement of information systems security risk management. references aritonang, i. j. (2018). audit keamanan sistem informasi menggunakan framework cobit 5 (apo13). information technology engineering journals, 3(2), 5. ciptaningrum, d., nugroho, e., & adhipta, d.(2015). audit keamanan sistem informasi pada kantor pemerintah kota yogyakarta menggunakan cobit, 5, 10. de haes, s., van grembergen, w., & debreceny, r. s. (2013). cobit 5 and enterprise governance of information technology: building blocks and research opportunities. journal of information systems, 27(1), 307-324. de haes, s., van grembergen, w., joshi, a., & huygh, t. (2020). cobit as a framework for enterprise governance of it. in enterprise governance of information technology (pp. 125-162). springer, cham. greene, f & cissp (2015). selected cobit 5 processes for essential enterprise security. isaca. isaca. (2013). cobit process assessment model (pam): using cobit 5, rolling meadows, united state of america. it governance institute (itgi), isaca. 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(1999). information systems control and audit. 2nd edition. prentice hall inc, new jersey. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022 : 58-63 58 implementation of ocr (optical character recognition) using tesseract in detecting character in quotes text images ikha novie tri lestari1*, dadang iskandar mulyana2 stikom cipta karya informatika1,2 received : 10 august 2022, revised: 01 september 2022, accepted : 02 september 2022 *corresponding author abstract the development of technology in indonesia is currently increasingly advanced in people's lives and cannot be avoided. the use of artificial intelligence in helping humans in dealing with problems is growing. humans can take advantage of computer/smartphone media in today's technological era. one of its uses is optical character recognition. this research is motivated by the problem where the running system requires development in terms of technology to detect characters in the quote text image, because the previous system still performs manual input. optical character recognition has been widely used to extract characters contained in digital image media. the ability of ocr methods and techniques is very dependent on the normalization process as an initial process before entering into the next stages such as segmentation and identification. the image normalization process aims to obtain a better input image so that the segmentation and identification process can produce optimal accuracy. to get maximum results, it takes several pre-processing stages on the image to be used. to achieve this, it is necessary to perform optical character recognition which can be done using tesseract-ocr. the ocr program that was created was successfully used to scan or scan a quote text image if the document was lost or damaged, and it could save time for creating, processing and typing documents. keywords: optical character recognition, tesseract, quotes 1. introduction the development of a very practical era makes people more inclined to find a fast way to do something. in modern times, technology has become a part of everyday human life. technology has been able to help humans in carrying out their daily activities. along with these developments, mobile applications are also growing rapidly and are in great demand by various groups of people because of their ease of use, and their nature that can be used anywhere (andreas et al., 2020; hamzah, et al., 2022). the development of technology in indonesia is currently increasingly advanced in people's lives and cannot be avoided. the use of artificial intelligence in helping humans in dealing with problems is growing (trilaksono et al., 2008). humans can take advantage of computer/smartphone media in today's technological era. one of the uses is optical character recognition (bagus et al., 2017; li, et al., 2021). this research is motivated by a problem where a system that requires development in terms of technology to detect characters in image images, one example is the detection of text in quote images, because the previous system still input text manually. optical character recognition has been widely used to extract characters contained in digital image media (qashlim et al., 2022 ; pino, et al., 2021). the ability to ocr methods and techniques is very early in the normalization process as a process before entering the next stages such as segmentation and surprise. the image normalization process aims to obtain a better input image so that the segmentation process can produce optimal accuracy (siregar, 2019; phoenix, et al., 2021). to get maximum results, several pre-processing stages are needed on the image to be used. to achieve this, it is necessary to perform optical character recognition which can be done using tesseract-ocr (aprilianto susanto & richard beeh, 2015). the ocr program that has been created has been successfully used to scan or an image of a text quote if the document is lost or damaged, and can save time in creating, creating and typing documents (firdaus et al., 2021; lestari & mulyana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 58-63 59 thorat, et al., 2022). therefore, the authors are interested in conducting research related to the ocr program to detect text characters in image quotes. 2. research methods the method in implementing this research consists of the following stages: 1. pre-processing this pre-processing stage aims to get a single character from a scanned text in a good and clean condition so as to facilitate the recognition process. according to bieniecki et al, preprocessing begins with normalizing the condition of the text by eliminating noise such as dots and correction of text image orientation, binaryization, and segmentation. this stage if done correctly will increase the character recognition accuracy ratio(mamuriyah & jacky, 2021). 2. feature extraction stage the purpose of feature extraction is to find the attributes of the most important character patterns and different from other characters so that they can be classified. the role of humans is to determine and select features that enable an efficient and effective recognition process. the question is then what can be used as a feature for a set of letters or alphabets in a particular language writing system. 3. introduction process when character patterns have been mapped into vector values, the next problem is how to group characters that have the same or almost the same vector values. this problem is solved by classification. this series of vector value classification processes is known as the character recognition process. thus the character recognition process deals with and is at the level of character representation. 4. post-process every ocr system built with the most sophisticated algorithms often makes mistakes, in the sense that not all characters read are converted to their equivalent characters. for this reason, the post-process character matching stage is carried out to increase the accuracy of character recognition. this post-processing system is also known as the correction process because this module is tasked with correcting errors that are often made at the word level. 3. results and discussions in previous research, it was stated that ocr is a method for converting handwriting in digital form so that it can be updated, and consists of three main processes including pre-processing, recognition and post-processing. ocr also serves to distinguish one character from another in a digital image (sanjaya et al., 2019). another study states that ocr is a process of converting images into text that can be updated on a computer, where the text and numbers in the image cannot be changed because the character consists of an arrangement of pixel dots that form the image display of text and numbers. ocr is classified into two types, namely offline recognition and online recognition (sandhika, 2014). in the offline ocr type, the test image can be scanned from a document, while online ocr is consecutive points represented as a function of time and there is a sequence of the image patterns (fauzan & wibowo, 2021). fig 1. optical character recognition a. pre-processing: this stage serves to improve accuracy in character recognition which includes binaryization, noise reduction, normalization of ratio and scale, and image cropping. b. character recognition: there are four main types of ocr algorithms, namely template matching, statistical approaches, structural analysis, and neural networks. c. post-processing: the stage of processing data from character recognition results for further processing. one approach to the ocr method in detecting characters can be done using template matching (tm) by calculating the smallest error value to determine the level of character match from the input image (ashar et al., 2020). lestari & mulyana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 58-63 60 min 𝑒 = ∑ (𝐼𝑥,𝑦 − 𝑇𝑥,𝑦) 2 where the value of i is the pixel value of the image that will be matched with the pixel value of the template (t). the match between the input image and one of the template images is calculated based on the smallest error value. tesseract ocr is a library used to detect characters in binary images based on pixel distribution analysis and training (sahertian et al., 2020). how tesseract ocr works can be seen in the following image: fig 2. how tesseract engine works (𝐴, 𝐵) = 1 𝑚∙𝑛 ∑ ∑ ([𝑖,] − 𝐵[𝑖,𝑗]) 𝑚−1 2 tesseract considers the input image to be a binary image, the first step is component analysis that is connected to the stored component outline or template. at this stage all outlines are collected arranged in the form of blobs. blobs are arranged in the form of text lines, where the areas and lines are analyzed and corrected into a proportional text form. lines of text are broken down into words based on the type of character spacing using definite spaces and fuzzy spaces (kevin wiguna et al., 2019). the recognition stage is then continued in a stage known as adaptive recognition using letter shape recognition with a high level of confidence (first pass). furthermore, the remaining characters in the previous stage will be recognized better at the next stage (second pass). tesseract uses libraries to improve accuracy at the character segmentation stage. lestari & mulyana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 58-63 61 fig 3. image dataset to be extracted fig 4. image extraction process using tesseract ocr fig 5. the process of split a string by newline fig 6. the process of inputting each line of a sentence into a variable list 4. conclusion based on the description in the previous chapter, the authors can conclude that: the ocr (optical character recognition) program can be used to detect characters in the quote text image. lestari & mulyana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 58-63 62 to get maximum results, it takes several pre-processing stages on the image to be used. to achieve this, it is necessary to perform optical character recognition which can be done using tesseractocr. the image normalization process aims to obtain a better input image so that the segmentation and identification process can produce optimal accuracy. the ocr program created was successfully used to scan or scan a quote text image. the ocr (optical character recognition) program can save time on document creation, processing and typing. references andreas, y., gunadi, k., & purbowo, a. n. 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(2008). implementasi optical character recognition (ocr) dengan pendekatan metode struktur menggunakan ekstraksi ciri vektor dan region it telkom. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 3(2) 2022 : 214-222 214 delivery information system web-based design at bandung spp posts muntasir1, farizal sofyan2 politeknik piksi ganesha bandung 1,2 received : 22 may 2022, revised: 28 june 2022, accepted : 30 june 2022 *corresponding author abstract central processing post office in bandung is a division of pt. pos indonesia is in charge of all postal shipments, from the sender to the intended recipient. the main issue raised by this study is the slow process of pos spp bandung receiving and delivering goods.this study uses a descriptive research method, from the research that has been done, there are factors that hinder the process of receiving and delivering goods at pos spp bandung, as they still use a system that we consider less efficient and less efficient, so it will interfere with the process of receiving and delivering goods. therefore, in this paper, a goods delivery information system was designed using unified modeling language (uml) and implemented using php programming language, framework code version 4 and mysql database. with this application system, it is expected that employees can make it easier and speed up the process of inputting goods into and out of the bandung spp post office. keywords: information systems; receipt of goods, handover of goods, delivery of goods, uml. 1. introduction post spp bandung one of the divisions of pt. pos indonesia (persero) is in charge of managing all forms of postal items from the sender to the intended party, and the central post processing post spp bandung manages, plans, and controls a series of special express postal processes from the time it is received from the distribution section to hand it back to the distribution section to be sent to their respective destination offices (amelia, 2019). at spp bandung, several data processing issues arise, including the recording of handover data using microsoft excel without the knowledge of the administrator, because the application used at spp bandung does not yet have this feature. it also makes it difficult for workers to summarize data on the transfer of goods, which will later be transferred again in the form of a report. this, of course, will slow down workers sorting goods because it is less efficient and will eventually disrupt the shipping process. customers may have to wait too long for deliveries as a result of the disrupted sorting of goods. because the frequency of sorting goods at spp bandung is quite high, we require a system that improves the effectiveness and efficiency of goods handover. as a result, in this study, the delivery information system will be designed using unified modeling language (uml) modeling. uml (unified modeling language) is a language standard that is widely used in industry to define requirements, perform analysis and design, and describe architecture in object-oriented programming (josi, 2017). and codeigniter framework and my sql database were used to implement it in php programming language (betari, et al., 2017). an information system is a collection of elements that work together, either manually or automatically, to perform data processing in the form of collecting, storing, and processing data to produce information that is meaningful and useful for decision-making at various levels of management (heriyanto, 2018; collins, et al., 2021). the goods handover information system is a computer program designed to assist pt. pos indonesia's in the activities of sorting goods and reports required by pt. pos indonesia. this activity is to process data on delivery of goods, data on delivery of goods, data sorting of goods, and daily reports of goods that go to pos spp bandung. mailto:piksi.muntasir.18402045@gmail.com1 muntasir & sofyan vol 3(2) 2022 : 214-222 215 the activity of distributing producer goods and services to consumers is defined as delivery. delivery is an activity that allows products to be delivered from producers to consumers. according to the previous definition, the benefit of delivery is the transfer of ownership of goods or services. marketing channel flows or delivery channel flows are created by delivery activities. 2. research methods a. method of data collection the author employs qualitative research methods in the data collection process. qualitative research is a research process that seeks to understand human or social phenomena by developing a comprehensive and complex picture that can be presented in words, reporting detailed views obtained from informant sources, and conducting the research in a natural setting (fadli, 2021) descriptive research methods were also used in this study. descriptive research aims to collect information about the status of an existing symptom, specifically the symptoms that existed at the time the research was conducted (zellatifanny & mudjiyanto, 2018). to accomplish this, the following data collection techniques are required for system design: 1. observations are observations made about events that occur (sutama et al., 2017). 2. interviewing is a technique for gathering data or information from pre-determined "informants" and/or "respondents" using "one-sided but systematic question and answer" on the basis of the research objectives to be achieved (rohmad & supriyanto, 2015). b. methodology for system development the author employs the method waterfall in the design of this system.method waterfall is a sequential software development process in which progress is seen as continuously flowing downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of planning, modeling, implementation (construction), and testing (tristianto, 2018). fig. 1. waterfall method 1) analysis the analysis is the intensive and focused process of gathering software requirements in order to understand the nature of the program being built and the needs of the software specification. 2) design software design is a multi-step process that focuses on data structure, software architecture, software representation, and algorithm details.. 3) coding coding that is implemented in design results and entered into a code or language that computer machines understand using a specific programming language 4) testing this test is used to validate previously created programs. this is done to ensure that the output is as desired, and it is also done to find errors (errors) in the program 5) support muntasir & sofyan vol 3(2) 2022 : 214-222 216 when software is sent to the user, it will undergo changes because the software must adapt to the environment (new operating system). c. basic theory design is an attempt to build a system in such a way that specification requirements can be met either explicitly or implicitly. an information system is a method of achieving goals by collecting, storing, managing, controlling, and reporting information (abdussalaam & badriansyah, 2021). 3. results and discussion this system's design was created as a stage to prepare for the implementation process and to provide users with an overview of the system being developed. the purpose of the general description of the proposed system is to provide the user with a general description or the entire system regarding the new information system. a. information system design 1) diagram use case a use case diagram is a model for the behavior of a future information system. a use case describes an interaction between one or more actors and the upcoming information system. in general, use cases are used to determine what functions exist in an information system and who has the authority to use those functions(faulina, 2016). diagram figure 2 depicts a use case for the admin's goods handover application. fig. 2. use case diagram handover application there are two types of actors: administrative and employee. admin is capable of managing. account registration, login, input incoming and outgoing goods, edit and delete items, and print item reports are all available to admins, while actors are nearly identical to admins except that they cannot register accounts or print reports.. 2) activity diagram diagram activity modeling is a type of system modeling that describes the activities of the system while it is running. activity diagrams are used to explain program activities without requiring a knowledge of coding or display(kurniawan et al., 2020). figure 2 depicts the activity diagram for the goods handover application. muntasir & sofyan vol 3(2) 2022 : 214-222 217 fig. 3. activity diagram goods handover application there are several activities are proposed in the diagram above, beginning with logging in by entering a username and password, inputting incoming and outgoing goods, displaying incoming and outgoing goods data, and printing reports. 3) class diagram a class diagram is the core of object-oriented development and design , which is a specification that, when instantiated, produces an object.”(aghniya & pinjam, 2019). figure 3 depicts the class diagram for the goods handover application. fig. 4. goods handover application class diagram muntasir & sofyan vol 3(2) 2022 : 214-222 218 there are several classes in class diagram, including adminclass, employeeclass, loginclass, goodsdataclass, receivingclass, and deliveryclass. login class has a username and password, as does employee class. a username and password are required for class login. item code, origin of goods, destination of goods, and services are all attributes of the item data class. the receiving class has item code, origin of goods, destination of goods, and services attributes, while the delivery class has item code, origin of goods, destination of goods, and services attributes. b. information system implementation 1) login display form login is used to validate the user who has been granted access rights to the application for goods handover at pt. pos indonesia, as shown in figure 5 below. fig. 5. form login form login input is the username and password entered in the textbox. when you click the login button, your account will be validated. 2) main page figure 6 depicts the main page form. fig. 6. form main page 3) incoming and outgoing goods input page figures 7 and 9 depict the input forms for incoming and outgoing goods. muntasir & sofyan vol 3(2) 2022 : 214-222 219 fig.7. form receipt of goods figure 7 depicts the screen that appears when an employee or administrator selects the option to receive goods from the main page. employees or users can add data on goods received in this view and print reports based on data on goods received. fig. 8. form data input receive goods figure 8 depicts what happens when an employee or administrator chooses to add data from the goods receipt page. fig. 9. form delivery of goods figure 9 depicts what happens when an employee or administrator selects the delivery option on the main page. employees or users can add data on goods to be sent and print reports based on data on goods to be sent in this view. muntasir & sofyan vol 3(2) 2022 : 214-222 220 fig. 10. form data input receive goods figure 10 depicts what happens when an employee or administrator chooses to add data from the delivery page. 4) correction page figure 11 depicts the correction page. fig. 11. form correct figure 11 depicts a screen where employees or administrators can delete incorrect item data. 5) report print page report print form fig. 12. print report muntasir & sofyan vol 3(2) 2022 : 214-222 221 figure 12 shows a report that appears when an employee or administrator chooses to print a report on the goods receipt or delivery page. only administrators can print reports from this page and save them to a folder on our computer. c. hardware and software specifications 1) hardware hardware specifications required to ensure the proper operation of the handover information system. here are the recommended specifications: table 1 hardware specification hardware hardware example processor intel ® pentium (r) cpu core i3 ram 2 gb or higher hardisk 320 gb or higher keyboard compatible with ms. windows mouse compatible with ms. windows 2) software the web-based goods handover information system requires software to support program needs. the following are the software specifications for constructing the designed system: table 2 software specification software software example operating system ms windows 7 or higher programming php database processing my sql web server xampp 4. conclusion this research resulted in a delivery system implementation design at pt.-based post web using the php programming language, the codeigniter framework version 4, and the database my sql. this application includes a login, data items, and input for incoming and outgoing goods. those who can use the web-based goods handover application system are admins and employees. website this can help employees work faster with customers, especially when it comes to receiving and sending goods. references abdussalaam, f., & badriansyah, b. (2021). perancangan sistem informasi pemeriksaan barang berbasis web menggunakan metode ssad. expert: jurnal manajemen sistem informasi dan teknologi, 11(2), 174. aghniya, i. r., & pinjam, p. s. (2019). implementasi metode waterfall pada program simpan pinjam. jurnal interkom, 14(1), 44–53. amelia, s. (2019). rancang bangun sistem penilaian artikel menggunakan metode weighted product (wp) pt pos indonesia (persero). jurnal ilmiah informatika, 7(02), 67-75. betari, o., erramdani, m., roubi, s., arrhioui, k., & mbarki, s. (2017). model transformations in the mof meta-modeling architecture: from uml to codeigniter php framework. in europe and mena cooperation advances in information and communication technologies (pp. 227-234). springer, cham. collins, c., dennehy, d., conboy, k., & mikalef, p. (2021). artificial intelligence in information systems research: a systematic literature review and research agenda. international journal of information management, 60, 102383. fadli, m. r. (2021). memahami desain metode penelitian kualitatif. humanika, 21(1), 33–54. faulina, s. t. (2016). sistem informasi penjadwalan petugas sholat 5 waktu dan jum’ at pada masjid jami ’ hujjatul islam berbasis web mobile. jusim, 1(1), 53–62. muntasir & sofyan vol 3(2) 2022 : 214-222 222 heriyanto, y. (2018). perancangan sistem informasi rental mobil berbasis web pada pt.apm rent car. jurnal intra-tech, 2(2), 64–77. josi, a. (2017). penerapan metode prototyping dalam membangun website desa (studi kasus desa sugihan kecamatan rambang). jti, 9(1), 50–57. kurniawan, h., apriliah, w., kurniawan, i., & firmansyah, d. (2020). penerapan metode waterfall dalam perancangan sistem informasi penggajian pada smk bina karya karawang. jurnal interkom: jurnal publikasi ilmiah bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, 14(4), 13–23. rohmad, h., & supriyanto. (2015). pengantar statistika panduan praktis bagi pelajar dan mahasiswa. pengantar statistika panduan praktis bagi pelajar dan mahasiswa, 131. sutama, s., sandy, g. a., & fuadi, d. (2017). pengelolaan penilaian autentik kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran matematika di sma. manajemen pendidikan, 12(1), 105. tristianto, c. (2018). penggunaan metode waterfall untuk pengembangan sistem monitoring dan evaluasi pembangunan pedesaan. jurnal teknologi informasi esit, xii(01), 7–21. zellatifanny, c. m., & mudjiyanto, b. (2018). the type of descriptive research in communication study. jurnal diakom, 1(2), 83–90. delivery information system web-based design at bandung spp posts muntasir1, farizal sofyan2 politeknik piksi ganesha bandung 1,2 received : 22 may 2022, revised: 28 june 2022, accepted : 30 june 2022 *corresponding author abstract central processing post office in bandung is a division of pt. pos indonesia is in charge of all postal shipments, from the sender to the intended recipient. the main issue raised by this study is the slow process of pos spp bandung receiving and deli... keywords: information systems; receipt of goods, handover of goods, delivery of goods, uml. 1. introduction post spp bandung one of the divisions of pt. pos indonesia (persero) is in charge of managing all forms of postal items from the sender to the intended party, and the central post processing post spp bandung manages, plans, and controls a series of sp... at spp bandung, several data processing issues arise, including the recording of handover data using microsoft excel without the knowledge of the administrator, because the application used at spp bandung does not yet have this feature. it also makes ... because the frequency of sorting goods at spp bandung is quite high, we require a system that improves the effectiveness and efficiency of goods handover. as a result, in this study, the delivery information system will be designed using unified model... uml (unified modeling language) is a language standard that is widely used in industry to define requirements, perform analysis and design, and describe architecture in object-oriented programming (josi, 2017). and codeigniter framework and my sql dat... an information system is a collection of elements that work together, either manually or automatically, to perform data processing in the form of collecting, storing, and processing data to produce information that is meaningful and useful for decisio... the goods handover information system is a computer program designed to assist pt. pos indonesia's in the activities of sorting goods and reports required by pt. pos indonesia. this activity is to process data on delivery of goods, data on delivery o... the activity of distributing producer goods and services to consumers is defined as delivery. delivery is an activity that allows products to be delivered from producers to consumers. according to the previous definition, the benefit of delivery is th... the author employs qualitative research methods in the data collection process. qualitative research is a research process that seeks to understand human or social phenomena by developing a comprehensive and complex picture that can be presented in wo... descriptive research methods were also used in this study. descriptive research aims to collect information about the status of an existing symptom, specifically the symptoms that existed at the time the research was conducted (zellatifanny & mudjiyan... the author employs the method waterfall in the design of this system.method waterfall is a sequential software development process in which progress is seen as continuously flowing downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of planning, modeling,... fig. 1. waterfall method the analysis is the intensive and focused process of gathering software requirements in order to understand the nature of the program being built and the needs of the software specification. software design is a multi-step process that focuses on data structure, software architecture, software representation, and algorithm details.. coding that is implemented in design results and entered into a code or language that computer machines understand using a specific programming language this test is used to validate previously created programs. this is done to ensure that the output is as desired, and it is also done to find errors (errors) in the program when software is sent to the user, it will undergo changes because the software must adapt to the environment (new operating system). design is an attempt to build a system in such a way that specification requirements can be met either explicitly or implicitly. an information system is a method of achieving goals by collecting, storing, managing, controlling, and reporting informat... this system's design was created as a stage to prepare for the implementation process and to provide users with an overview of the system being developed. the purpose of the general description of the proposed system is to provide the user with a gene... a use case diagram is a model for the behavior of a future information system. a use case describes an interaction between one or more actors and the upcoming information system. in general, use cases are used to determine what functions exist in an i... fig. 2. use case diagram handover application there are two types of actors: administrative and employee. admin is capable of managing. account registration, login, input incoming and outgoing goods, edit and delete items, and print item reports are all available to admins, while actors are nearl... diagram activity modeling is a type of system modeling that describes the activities of the system while it is running. activity diagrams are used to explain program activities without requiring a knowledge of coding or display(kurniawan et al., 2020)... fig. 3. activity diagram goods handover application there are several activities are proposed in the diagram above, beginning with logging in by entering a username and password, inputting incoming and outgoing goods, displaying incoming and outgoing goods data, and printing reports. a class diagram is the core of object-oriented development and design , which is a specification that, when instantiated, produces an object.”(aghniya & pinjam, 2019). figure 3 depicts the class diagram for the goods handover application. fig. 4. goods handover application class diagram there are several classes in class diagram, including adminclass, employeeclass, loginclass, goodsdataclass, receivingclass, and deliveryclass. login class has a username and password, as does employee class. a username and password are required for c... form login is used to validate the user who has been granted access rights to the application for goods handover at pt. pos indonesia, as shown in figure 5 below. fig. 5. form login form login input is the username and password entered in the textbox. when you click the login button, your account will be validated. figure 6 depicts the main page form. fig. 6. form main page figures 7 and 9 depict the input forms for incoming and outgoing goods. fig.7. form receipt of goods figure 7 depicts the screen that appears when an employee or administrator selects the option to receive goods from the main page. employees or users can add data on goods received in this view and print reports based on data on goods received. fig. 8. form data input receive goods figure 8 depicts what happens when an employee or administrator chooses to add data from the goods receipt page. fig. 9. form delivery of goods figure 9 depicts what happens when an employee or administrator selects the delivery option on the main page. employees or users can add data on goods to be sent and print reports based on data on goods to be sent in this view. fig. 10. form data input receive goods figure 10 depicts what happens when an employee or administrator chooses to add data from the delivery page. figure 11 depicts the correction page. fig. 11. form correct figure 11 depicts a screen where employees or administrators can delete incorrect item data. report print form fig. 12. print report figure 12 shows a report that appears when an employee or administrator chooses to print a report on the goods receipt or delivery page. only administrators can print reports from this page and save them to a folder on our computer. hardware specifications required to ensure the proper operation of the handover information system. here are the recommended specifications: table 1 hardware specification the web-based goods handover information system requires software to support program needs. the following are the software specifications for constructing the designed system: table 2 software specification this research resulted in a delivery system implementation design at pt.-based post web using the php programming language, the codeigniter framework version 4, and the database my sql. this application includes a login, data items, and input for inc... references abdussalaam, f., & badriansyah, b. (2021). perancangan sistem informasi pemeriksaan barang berbasis web menggunakan metode ssad. expert: jurnal manajemen sistem informasi dan teknologi, 11(2), 174. aghniya, i. r., & pinjam, p. s. (2019). implementasi metode waterfall pada program simpan pinjam. jurnal interkom, 14(1), 44–53. amelia, s. (2019). rancang bangun sistem penilaian artikel menggunakan metode weighted product (wp) pt pos indonesia (persero). jurnal ilmiah informatika, 7(02), 67-75. betari, o., erramdani, m., roubi, s., arrhioui, k., & mbarki, s. (2017). model transformations in the mof meta-modeling architecture: from uml to codeigniter php framework. in europe and mena cooperation advances in information and communication techn... collins, c., dennehy, d., conboy, k., & mikalef, p. (2021). artificial intelligence in information systems research: a systematic literature review and research agenda. international journal of information management, 60, 102383. fadli, m. r. (2021). memahami desain metode penelitian kualitatif. humanika, 21(1), 33–54. faulina, s. t. (2016). sistem informasi penjadwalan petugas sholat 5 waktu dan jum’ at pada masjid jami ’ hujjatul islam berbasis web mobile. jusim, 1(1), 53–62. heriyanto, y. (2018). perancangan sistem informasi rental mobil berbasis web pada pt.apm rent car. jurnal intra-tech, 2(2), 64–77. josi, a. (2017). penerapan metode prototyping dalam membangun website desa (studi kasus desa sugihan kecamatan rambang). jti, 9(1), 50–57. kurniawan, h., apriliah, w., kurniawan, i., & firmansyah, d. (2020). penerapan metode waterfall dalam perancangan sistem informasi penggajian pada smk bina karya karawang. jurnal interkom: jurnal publikasi ilmiah bidang teknologi informasi dan komunik... rohmad, h., & supriyanto. (2015). pengantar statistika panduan praktis bagi pelajar dan mahasiswa. pengantar statistika panduan praktis bagi pelajar dan mahasiswa, 131. sutama, s., sandy, g. a., & fuadi, d. (2017). pengelolaan penilaian autentik kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran matematika di sma. manajemen pendidikan, 12(1), 105. tristianto, c. (2018). penggunaan metode waterfall untuk pengembangan sistem monitoring dan evaluasi pembangunan pedesaan. jurnal teknologi informasi esit, xii(01), 7–21. zellatifanny, c. m., & mudjiyanto, b. (2018). the type of descriptive research in communication study. jurnal diakom, 1(2), 83–90. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 1(2) 2020 : 142-149 142 analysis and design of application of sales and control of stock of daily goods with rop (reorder point) method annisak izzaty jamhur1, novi trisna2, yesri elva3 universitas putra indonesia “yptk” padang ¹²3 annisakizzaty@gmail.com¹,², abstract in the era of globalization now developments in the field of information technology are increasingly rapid. no wonder now more and more shops are starting to develop their administrative systems using information technology and one of them is a shop in the field of daily goods. some stores use various ways to attract as many customers as possible. so that the data processing is slow and shop owners often have difficulty in finding data that has been processed. to provide satisfactory services for customers, it is necessary to reform several systems, including information systems for sales, purchasing, making daily, monthly, annual sales reports, and inventory data reports using the rop (reorder point) method and designing using the asi model (system analysis information), while the process of making a desktop program or application uses the visual 2010 programming language that is supported by the mysql database. keywords : analysis and design, sales, stock, rop, visual 2010, inventory. 1. introduction the rapid development of science and technology today, especially computerbased information technology is felt to be instrumental in various aspects of life because computer is one human aid used in the process of data processing, in the field of business, education, health, government agencies, private and other businesses because it can help in terms of improving quality, speed, practicality, and ease in the field of information. (kiki rizki maulana and bunyamin, 2015) haikal shop is a wholesaler and retail that sells daily items such as sugar, cooking oil, wheat, eggs, coffee, tea, snacks, miuman, and many more. the management of the sales data in this store is still conventionally done, documentation of data such as sales are still recorded manually and counting using calculators and stock items that sometimes do not exist at all. where the haikal shop serves as the cashier is the owner of the shop. with the design of a desktop-based inventory information system application, the cashier can manage and search for data items quickly and can provide accurate information to the head of the store owner. to overcome errors in counting the number of items. to know the inventory report in the warehouse effectively. to find out the advantages in selling goods(budiman & mulyani, 2016). 2. literature review system definitions according to sutabri (2012:38) information system is a system in an organization that brings together the need for daily transaction processing that supports the function of operations of a managerial organization with the strategy activities of an organization to be able to provide the necessary reports. inventory definition inventory is a smooth activity that exists in a company, if the company is a trading company then the supply is interpreted as goods stored for sale in the normal annisak izzaty jamhur, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 142-149 143 operation of the company, whereas if the company is a manufacturing company then the supply is interpreted as the raw material contained in the production process or stored for purpose of the production process. (solihin & nusa, 2017) rop (reorder point) reorder point is one of the methods of inventory management in which this method helps its users when it comes to ordering the inventory again. according to irwadi, maulan the amount of supplies that must remain at the time the booking is made called the point of the message back and at the level of booking must be done so that the goods come in time. as for the rop formula as follows: description: rop = reorder point q = average usage ( day, week, or month) lt = lead time (day, week, or month) here are some advantages of using the reorder point (irwadi, 2015) method: 1. guaranteed material availability due to the amount of stock supply always refills before the stock is depleted. 2. the number of consumer requests for goods ordered can be fulfilled upon request. 3. the frequency of booking becomes scheduled because of the order of goods to the agent following the target that has been estimated due to adequate goods demand. reorder point (rop) is the level of inventory where re-booking must be made. the inventory model adopts that a company will wait until its level reaches zero before the company reordering and instantaneously ordered shipments will be accepted. the time between the booking or delivery time can be fast or slow, so it is necessary to set the booking method again. if rop is late it will result in the cost of lack of material (stock out cost) and if rop is too quick to eat, there is an additional cost (extra carrying cost). (lukmana & trivena, 2015). safety stock according to lukmana and trivena (2015), safety stock is inventory to protect or safeguard the additional lack of material (stock out). some factors that determine the amount of inventory safeguards are: 1. average raw material use. 2. time factor. 3. fees used. standard quantity 1. minimum inventory. 2. the size of the standard order. 3. maximum inventory. 4. return order level. 5. administration of supplies. making it easier for customers to find new products for them and avoid purchase to another company. 3. research methods rop = lt x q annisak izzaty jamhur, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 142-149 144 the research methodology following the stage/framework that will be passed in this research can be seen in figure 3.1: figure 1. research frameworks 4. results and discussions evaluation of the current system based on the explanation of the ongoing system and analysis that has been done in the haikal store, then there are several weaknesses found in the current system, including: 1. in performing the calculation process of the purchase transaction and the sales transaction still using the calculator as a tool, so that it often occurs a miscalculation and raises doubts in obtaining the final result for the report. 2. difficulty in detecting the amount of stock/inventory of goods. 3. the data storage is done manually that is written on the book and paper or in other words, does not use the database, so it takes a relatively long time and vulnerable to the occurrence of data harvesting by irresponsible parties. 4. in conducting the creation of the report is still done manually that is written hand on the book or paper, so it takes a relatively long time and the risk of scattered or loss is considerable. 5. shop owners have difficulty in sudden decision making new information stream (asi) this new information system design tool aims to facilitate an understanding of existing systems or systems to be established, where the information system flow (asi) is a chart showing the overall work of the system. this chart describes the sequences of the procedures in the system indicating what is being done on the system. for more details, the new information system flow on the new haikal store can be seen in figure 2. below: problem identification determining objectives studying literature and collecting data designing the system apply the rop method implementing the results annisak izzaty jamhur, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 142-149 145 customer sales employee warehouse employees director data of goods data of goods entry data of goods data items report demand for goods demand for goods check items acc items transaction input sales invoices sales invoices daily sales report daily sales report monthly sales re port annual sales report monthly sales re port annual sales report stock report of goo ds and ro p entry supplier data supplier data supplier data report data items report supplier data entry of customer data customer data repo rt supplier sales invoices stock report of goo ds and ro p stock report of goo ds and ro p figure 2. flow diagram information system (asi) new haikal shop context diagram context diagram is a description of a system contained in an organization that shows the boundary of the system, the interaction between external entities with a system and information generally flows between the entity and the system. to clarify the scope of writing, it needs to be spelled out the context diagram in figure 3. below : annisak izzaty jamhur, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 142-149 146 customer sales employee direct0r warehouse employees supplier customer data sales invoices -customer data report, sales invoices, daily sales report, monthly sales report, annual sales report, inventory stock report of goods, rop customer data, data of good, supplier data, demand of goods sales invoices, inventory stoct report of goods, rop goods buys list of goods data of goods, supplier data 0.1 information systems sales and inventory data of goods demand for goods buys list of goods -customer data report, sales invoices, daily sales report, monthly sales report, annual sales report, inventory stock report of goods, rop figure 3. haikal store context diagram system implementation on the input data of goods, which are incubation in the form of item code, item name, unit, buy price, selling price, and stock. more details can be seen in figure 4. below. annisak izzaty jamhur, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 142-149 147 figure 4. input item data display in the rop analysis view, data incubation includes rop code, item code, item name, lead time, need, and safety stock. for more details can be seen in figure 5. below. figure 5. rop analysis view the rop analysis report is a report containing information about the reorder point (rop) data that can be accessed by admins and leaders. more details can be seen in figure 6. below. annisak izzaty jamhur, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 142-149 148 figure 6. rop analysis report view 5. conclusion a. the presence of sales applications with the rop (reorder point) method using the programming language 2010 and mysql database can help haikal store in improving service to customers. b. with the presence of sales application with the rop (reorder point) method using 2010 programming language and mysql database can help haikal store in managing sales data quickly and efficiently. c. with the application of stock control of goods daily with the rop method (reorder point) using the programming language 2010 and mysql database can help the haikal shop owners in the search for goods data quickly and accurately and can reduce the cost and time in recording data. d. with the application of stock control of goods daily with the rop method (reorder point) using the programming language, 2010 and mysql database can be useful in controlling the stock of goods in the haikal store. references maulana, k. r. & bunyamin. (2015). rancang bangun sistem informasi penjualan dan stok barang di toko widari garut. journal algoritma 12(1) sutabri, t . (2012). analisis sistem iinformasi. yogyakarta. andi. solihin, h. h. & nusa, a. a. f. (2017). rancang bangun sistem informasi penjualan, pembelian dan persediaan suku cadang pada bengkel tiga putra motor garut. journal infotronik 2(2) irwandi m. (2015). penerapan reorder point untuk persediaan barang baku produksi alat pabrik kelapa sawit pada pt. swakarya adhi usaha kabupaten banyuasin. journal acsy. 2(1) lukmana, t. & trivena, d. (2015). penerapan metode eoq dan rop (studi kasus: pd. baru). journal jutisi 1(3). annisak izzaty jamhur, et al.,… vol 1(2) 2020 : 142-149 149 budiman, a., & mulyani, a. (2016). rancang bangun aplikasi sistem informasi persedian barang di tb. indah jaya berbasis desktop. jurnal algoritma, 13(2), 374-378. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 3(2) 2022 : 208-213 208 implementation of the c4.5 algorithm in describing the trends of the human consciousness and unconsciousness ronaldo syahputra 1* , yeviki maisyah putra 2 information systems study program, putra indonesia university yptk padang, indonesia1,2, received : 26 may 2022, revised: 28 june 2022, accepted : 30 june 2022 *corresponding author abstract the human mind has two properties that have different and conflicting functions. the two characteristics of the mind are the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. this study uses the c4.5 data mining algorithm to describe or see the tendency of the conscious and subconscious or the level of suggestion. suggestibility is the most important thing in hypnotherapy. hypnotherapy is a therapy performed under hypnosis. hypnosis is communication with the human subconscious. the c4.5 algorithm for data mining is used to form a decision tree. this research will produce a decision tree that can explain the suggestive level of a series of tests that have been carried out. testing is done with rapidminer software to get a decision tree. the test consists of a series of tests consisting of four types of tests, where test 1 is to measuring right brain dominance , test 2 is to measure the speed of receiving instructions, test 3 is to measure a person's creativity, and test 4 is to know person's level of understanding, reasoning and imagination. the results of manual calculations were carried out in this study later with the results obtained from the results of testing with the rapidminer software. keywords:data mining, c4.5, suggestibility, decision trees, rapidminer. 1. introduction data mining is the process of discovering a new set of patterns from a large set of data. (florence & savithri, 2013)(hssina et al., 2014). actually, data mining is a step in knowledge discovery in databases (kdd). knowledge discovery is a process consisting of data cleaning, data integration, data selection, data transformation, data mining, pattern evaluation, and knowledge presentation(hosseini & sardo, 2021; dias, et al., 2021; yuliansyah, et al., 2021). to apply the concept of data mining in classifying data and forming decision trees, one way that can be done is to apply the c4.5 algorithm. the c4.5 algorithm, also known as the decision tree algorithm, is a very powerful and well-known classification and prediction method (dai & ji, 2014)(nursela, 2010). the c4.5 algorithm has been widely used in various scientific studies. dwi ayu nursela (2010) in her research used the c4.5 algorithm to classify the degree of malignancy of breast cancer. zeidi, et al(2022) in their research also used the c4.5 algorithm for data classification of indian pima diabetes. the c4.5 algorithm is used to build a decision tree (decision making). a decision tree is a structure that can be used to divide a large data set into smaller record sets by applying a set of decision rules (mambang & marleny, 2015). in their research, mambang and finki (2015) used the c4.5 algorithm for data classification which resulted in a decision tree in predicting prospective new students. the data classification process that produces this decision tree makes it easy for humans to interpret the data set that represents the rules in the decision tree. rules can be easily understood in natural language. the decision tree will provide useful knowledge by finding hidden relationships between a number of potential input variables and target variables(sinaga, et al., 2021; tempola, et al., 2022; abdullah, et al., 2021). the human mind has two characteristics that have different and contradictory functions. the two characteristics of the mind are the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. generally known as the conscious and subconscious. the subconscious plays an important role in hypnotherapy. hypnotherapy is a therapy performed under hypnosis. hypnotherapy is basically the art of communication, that hypnosis is a state of relaxation of the mind accompanied by relaxation of the body. according to the big indonesian dictionary, hypnosis is a state of hypnosis; related to hypnosis. meanwhile, hypnosis itself is a "sleep-like state due to suggestions, syahputra & putra vol 3(2) 2022 : 208-213 209 which at the initial stage the person is under the influence of the person giving the suggestion, but at the next stage becomes completely unconscious"(sanyal, et al., 2022). 2. research methods research is a process of searching for something systematically in a relatively long time by using the scientific method based on applicable procedures and regulations. research activities require a methodology that contains a framework of thought. the framework of thought is a description of the steps that will be carried out so that the research can run systematically and the expected goals can be achieved. this framework is the steps that will be taken in solving the problems that will be discussed. the framework of this research can be described in figure 2.1 below : fig. 1. research methods. on the other hand, data mining is a process that using ic statistics, math, intelligence artificial, and machine learning to find out useful information. data mining is an important step in the process of finding knowledge by exploring the added value so far unknown manually (lakshmi & raghunandhan, 2011) model proposed in this study is the algorithm decision c4.5(wang, 2022). at the data-learning stage, the c4.5 algorithm constructs a decision tree from the training data, which are cases or records (tuples) in the database. each case contains the values o f the attributes for a class. each attribute can contain discrete or continuous (numeric) data. c4.5 also handles cases where there is no value for one or more attributes. however, class attributes are only of a discrete type and cannot be empty(wang & gao, 2021; mijwil & abttan, 2021). the three working principles of the c4.5 algorithm at the data-learning stage are: 1. decision tree creation. the objective of the decision tree algorithm is to construct a tree data structure (called a decision tree) that can be used to predict the class of a new case or record that does not yet have a class. c4.5 constructs a decision tree with a divide and conquer strategy. at first, only root nodes are created by applying the divide and conquer algorithm. this algorithm chooses the best case solution by calculating and comparing the gain ratio, then on the nodes formed at the next level, the divide and conquer algorithm will be applied again. and so on until the leaves are formed. the c4.5 algorithm can produce a decision tree, where the square symbol represents the node and the ellipse represents the leaf(permana, et al., 2021). 2. decision tree pruning and evaluation (optional). identifying problems studying literature collecting data test results draw a conclusion designing system implementing the c4.5 . algorithm syahputra & putra vol 3(2) 2022 : 208-213 210 because the constructed tree can be large and not easy to read, c4.5 can simplify the tree by pruning it based on the confidence level value. in addition to reducing tree size, pruning also aims to reduce the prediction error rate in new cases (records). 3. generating rules from a decision tree (optional). the rules in the form of if-then are derived from the decision tree by tracing from the root to the leaf. each node and its branching conditions will be given in the if, while the value for the leaf will be written in then. after all the rules are created, the rules will be simplified (merged or generalized). in general, the c4.5 algorithm for building a decision tree is as follows (saikhu et al., 2011) : a. select attribute as root b. create a branch for each value c. split cases in branches d. repeat the process for each branch until all cases on the branch have the same class. select an attribute as the root, it is based on the highest gain value of the existing attributes. to calculate the gain, the formula as stated in the formula is used: 𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛 (𝑆, 𝐴) = 𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑦(𝑆) − ∑ |𝑆𝑖| |𝑆| ∗ 𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑦(𝑆𝑖) 𝑛 𝑖=1 (1) where: s:case set a:attribute n:number of partitions a |si|:number of cases on partition i |s|:number of cases in s while the calculation of the entropy value can be seen in the following formula 2: 𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑦(𝑆) = ∑ −𝑝𝑖 ∗ 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 𝑝𝑖 𝑛 𝑖=1 (2) where: s: case set n: number of partitions s pi: proportion of si to s there are 4 psychological test tools used in this study. each test has a different purpose. the test also has a value that will be used for the calculation of the c4.5 algorithm. the objectives of some of these psychological tests are as follows: 1. test 1 this test is used to measure the ability to catch and the speed of receiving instructions or commands. 2. test 2 this test is the torrance test. in psychology, this test is used to measure a person's creativity. 3. test 3 this test is a spatial psychological test that is used to determine a person's level of understanding, reasoning, and imagination 4. test 4 this test is a test used to measure right brain dominance. 3. results and discussions after calculating node 1, node 2, node 3, then proceed with the calculation of node 4. the calculation results can be seen in the following table: syahputra & putra vol 3(2) 2022 : 208-213 211 table 1 – node 4 calculation. nodes amount high currently entropy gain 4 1,2,4-high test 5 3 2 0.970950594 test 3 0.970950594 high 3 3 0 0 low 2 0 2 0 the results of the above calculations are calculated by the following equation: 𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑦(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙) = ∑ −𝑝𝑖 ∗ 𝑛 𝑖=𝑠 log2 𝑝𝑖 𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑦 (𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙) = (− 3 5 ∗ log2 ( 3 5 )) + (− 2 5 ∗ log2 ( 2 5 )) = 0.970950594 entropy test value 3 𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑦 (𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡 3 − ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ) = (− 3 3 ∗ log2 ( 3 3 )) + (− 0 3 ∗ log2 ( 0 3 )) = 0 𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑦 (𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡 3 − 𝑙𝑜𝑤) = (− 0 2 ∗ log2 ( 0 2 )) + (− 2 2 ∗ log2 ( 2 2 )) = 0 after obtaining the entropy value for each criterion, the next step is to calculate the gain value using the following equation: scoregain test 3 𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛(𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡 4, 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 3) = 𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑦(𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡 4) − ∑ |𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡 3𝑖| |𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡 4| 𝑛 𝑖=𝑛 ∗ 𝐸𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑦 (𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡 3𝑖 ) 𝐺𝑎𝑖𝑛(𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡 4, 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 3) = 0,970950594 − (( 3 5 ∗ 0) + ( 2 5 ∗ 0,970959594)) = 0, ,970950594 based on table 1, it can be seen that the last criterion is test 3 with a gain value of 0.970950594. there are two attribute values from test 3, namely high and medium. of the two attribute values, the high attribute value has classified the case into 1, i.e. the decision is high, so there is no need for further calculations, while the low attribute value has also classified the case into 1, i.e. the decision is medium, so there is also no need for further calculations. carry on. from these results, a decision tree can be drawn as follows: syahputra & putra vol 3(2) 2022 : 208-213 212 test 1 low test 2 low high medium test 4 medium high medium test 3 low high medium high low high fig. 2 decision tree calculation results node 4 figure 2 above is an image of the last decision tree that was formed because there are no more criteria that can be used as the next branch, and all the attributes in the last branch, namely test criteria 4 have classified cases into 1. 1. if test 1 = low then decision = low 2. if test 1 = high and test 2 = low then decision = moderate 3. if test 1 = high and test 2 = high and test 3 = low then decision = moderate 4. if test 1 = high and test 2 high and test 3 high and test 4 high then decision = high 5. if test = 1 high and test 2 = high and test 3 = high and test 4 = low then decision = moderate 4. conclusion based on the rule above, it can be concluded that respondents who get high results on test 1, test 2, test 4, and 3 have a high subconscious tendency. meanwhile, respondents who get a low test result 1 have a low subconscious tendency. then respondents with high results on test 1, test 2, and test 4, and low test 3 have a moderate subconscious tendency. then respondents with high test results 1 and low test 2 have a moderate subconscious tendency. then respondents with high results on test 1 and test 2, and low test 4 have a moderate subconscious tendency. references abdullah, a. z., winarno, b., & saputro, d. r. s. 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of usability heuristics with a questionnaire media in collecting data. before distributing the questionnaires, an instrument test such as the gregory test will be carried out by involving system experts and linguists. then a validity test will be carried out, a reliability test will be carried out after that a heuristic test is carried out by distributing questionnaires. based on the calculation results that the lowest percentage is owned by the visibility of the system status variable by 75% and the highest percentage results in the match between the system and the real world and consistency and standard with the same calculation results obtained by 81%. the results of the analysis show that the tracer system of universitas lancang kuning has high usability with an average percentage of 78%. keywords : usability, heuristic evaluation, tracer study 1. introduction the usability test of a web is something that needs to be considered by software developers to create an attractive and user-friendly interface design to make it easier for all users(hartstein, et al., 2022). usability testing is one way to find out how easy it is for users to use an application, how efficiently and effectively an application or website can help users achieve their goals, and whether users are satisfied with the application used(merve demirci, 2021; anderjovi, et al., 2022). usability is centered on the attributes of a system and efforts to avoid errors or usability problems(beatty, et al., 2021). while the focus of ux is on the user and the user's good response to the system can be seen from the emotions, behavior, and values resulting from the interaction of the system with the system. lancang kuning university is a private university in pekanbaru that already has a system, one of which is a tracer study system that is already running, which will be filled in by alumni themselves(dilan, et al., 2022; chrismanto, et al., 2021; hamzah, et al., 2021). the tracer study service system in p2k2 can achieve specific goals effectively, efficiently, and achieve user satisfaction, so a usability evaluation is needed, one of which is using the heuristic evaluation method(langevin, et al., 2021). heuristic evaluation is a usability evaluation method whose aim is to improve a design effectively by using 10 aspects of usability heuristics. this method allows evaluators who can independently evaluate and assess the system from every aspect of usability heuristics that indicate usability problems in a system. this study aims to determine the usability level of the universitas lancang kuning tracer study system using the heuristic evaluation method(alcaraz martínez, et al., 2021; hamzah, et al., 2022). tracer study is an approach that allows higher education institutions to obtain information about deficiencies that may occur in the educational process and the learning process and can be the basis for planning activities for future improvements. the specific objectives of the tracer study include knowing the relevance of implementing the curriculum that has been applied in universities to the needs of the labor market and professional development in the competence of the department(klarich, et al., 2022). afriansyah et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 178-184 179 usability testing is a technique used to evaluate products by testing them directly on users, usability testing is an attribute to assess how easy the website interface is to use (rocha, 2021; khairani, et al., 2022). based on this statement, it's can be concluded that usability is a tool used to measure efficiency, ease, and ability to remember interactions without problems or errors. experts in the usability field state that usability consists of two main things, namely are ease of learning and ease use(jácome filho & macêdo, 2022). heuristic evaluation is one of the methods commonly used to perform usability testing. nielsen's opinion states that this method is commonly used to find usability problems in user interface design finding usability problems in interface design this method can be included as part of the interactive design process (bouraghi, et al., 2022; bauer-negrini, et al., 2022). 2. research methods the method used is the heuristic evaluation method using 10 aspects of usability in the measurement scale: fig. 1. usability heuristic 3. results this study collected answers from 15 respondents using a likert scale consisting of strongly agree (ss), agree (s), neutral (n), disagree (ts), and strongly disagree (sts). each variable is calculated using the statistical formula percentage. 3.1. heuristic test result based on figure 3, it can be seen the results of calculating the average percentage of each variable in the heuristic evaluation method with the highest percentage value being in the match between system and real-world (h2) variable with a value of 81.33% and the lowest percentage being in the visibility of system status variable ( h3) with a value of 75.33%. afriansyah et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 178-184 180 72.00% 73.00% 74.00% 75.00% 76.00% 77.00% 78.00% 79.00% 80.00% 81.00% 82.00% 75.33% 81.33% 79.67% 80.80% 78.67% 76.67% 77.33% 78.67% 76.67%76.67% average percentage fig. 2. percentage of heuristic test results 3.2. instrument trial results 3.2.1 gregory test results the calculation of the validity test of an instrument was completed using the gregory formula which involved 2 experts (geisen & romano bergstrom, 2017). the results of calculations involving 2 experts, namely linguists and systems experts, the results of the content validity coefficient of the instrument being tested was 0.97. so it can be concluded that this instrument meets the criteria for hearing very high validity. 3.2.2 validity test results the construct validity test used the pearson product moment correlation formula. instrument testing uses a sample of 15 respondents with an r table value of 0.514. the instrument items tested were 32 items, one statement was declared invalid (eliminated immediately) and 31 items were declared valid. calculation results using microsoft excel 2013 and the ibm spss statistics 25 application. 3.2.3 reliability test results a reliability test is used to test whether the instrument used is reliable. strong if there is a similarity of information at various times. the test calculation uses the ibm spss statistic 25 application. from the results of the reliability calculation using the alpha cronbach formula, namely 0.971> 0.6, it can be concluded that the statements used in the questionnaire are reliable, which means that there are similarities in the data at different times and the following data is accurate 3.2.4 recommendations afriansyah et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 178-184 181 fig. 3. instrument menu page (1) fig. 4. instrument menu page (2) based on figures 3 and 4 the draft recommendations. the improvements made are as follows : a) consistency in letters/words such as the word "magang" into capitalize each word format refers to heuristic number 4, namely consistency and standard on statement item number 14 based on the questionnaire results obtained on this item 4 respondents chose strongly agree, 10 respondents chose to agree and 3 respondents neutral answer. b) remove the word “selamat datang” on the upper right side of the instrument fill page. the use of the word "selamat datang" on the instrument filling page is considered unsuitable because in general the word "selamat datang" refers to someone who has just entered the system usually located on the web prefix after logging in, referring to the heuristic number 2 in statement item number 6. based on the results questionnaire 3 respondents chose neutral on statement number 6. afriansyah et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 178-184 182 c) the next recommendation is to eliminate foreign symbols or symbols that are considered unfamiliar or do not understand the meaning which is located on the lower right corner as a telephone symbol, with reference to heuristic number 2 in statement item number 4. d) adding or providing a user manual menu so that users can access the system properly refers to heuristic number 9, namely help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from error question number 30. e) remove the login icon or link to log in. the existence of redundant buttons on login after alumni enter the unilak tracer study page menu has the potential to cause users to be confused. based on the book research-based web design & usability guidelines which states not to provide two or more ways with the same information on one web page. therefore, the researcher changed the information on the user login icon to an icon with alumni information that had logged in as alumni. f) changing the font color with a darker color, when compared to the previous color, the gray font on the instrument filling form is closer to gray so that the font is not very visible and legible. this recommendation is based on a rule from the book research-based web design & usability guidelines, which is that people will read dark text 32% faster than reading light text. fig. 5. result of recommendation for improvement of instrument menu (1,2) 4. conclusion based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that the results of the analysis of the tracer study system at lancang kuning university using 10 aspects of usability variables obtained from 15 respondents with 31 research questionnaire statements obtained an average percentage, namely visibility of system status 75%, match between system and the real world 81%, user control and freedom 80%, consistency and standard 81%, prevention system error 79%, recognition rather than recall 77%, flexibility, and efficiency of use 77%, aesthetic and minimalist design 79%, help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from error 77%, and help and documentation 77%. from this statement, the average usability percentage is 78% in the high category. afriansyah et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 178-184 183 references 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(2021). methodology for heuristic evaluation of the accessibility of statistical charts for people with low vision and color vision deficiency. universal access in the information society, 1-32. alshaheen, r., & tang, r. (2022). user experience and information architecture of selected national library websites: a comparative content inventory, heuristic evaluation, and usability investigation. journal of web librarianship, 16(1), 31-67. anderjovi, s., hamzah, m. l., maita, i., & ahsyar, t. h. (2022). user satisfaction analysis of e-learning using end user computing satisfaction in covid 19. in proceedings of the 4th african international conference on industrial engineering and operations management nsukka, nigeria, april 5-7, 2022. bauer-negrini, g., da fonseca, g. c., gottfried, c., & herbert, j. (2022). usability evaluation of circrna identification tools: development of a heuristic-based framework and analysis. computers in biology and medicine, 105785. beatty, l., koczwara, b., butow, p., turner, j., girgis, a., schofield, p., ... & kemp, e. (2021). development and usability testing of a web-based psychosocial intervention for women living with metastatic breast cancer: finding my way-advanced. journal of cancer survivorship, 15(3), 403-409. bouraghi, h., rezayi, s., amirazodi, s., nabovati, e., & saeedi, s. (2022). evaluating the usability of a national health information system with heuristic method. journal of education and health promotion, 11(1), 182. chrismanto, a. r., purwadi, j., wibowo, a., santoso, h. b., delima, r., & balisa, d. (2021). comparison testing functional and usability system mapping land agriculture on platform web and mobile. iaic transactions on sustainable digital innovation (itsdi), 2(2), 140-157. dilan, r., gali, m. a., & llavore, d. (2022, february). usability test of moodle lms using empirical data and questionnaire for user interface satisfaction. in 2022 11th international conference on software and computer applications (pp. 29-40). hamzah, m. l., rizal, f., & simatupang, w. (2021). development of augmented reality application for learning computer network device. international journal of interactive mobile technologies, 15(12). hamzah., tambak, s., hamzah, m. l., purwati, a. a., irawan, y., & umam, m. i. h. (2022). effectiveness of blended learning model based on problem-based learning in islamic studies course. international journal of instruction, 15(2), 775-792. hartstein, a. j., verkuyl, m., zimney, k., yockey, j., & berg-poppe, p. (2022). virtual reality instructional design in orthopedic physical therapy education: a mixed-methods usability test. simulation & gaming, 53(2), 111-134. jácome filho, e. d. a., & macêdo, j. m. a. (2022). analysis of responsiveness and usability in websites serving public transparency in a mobile environment: case study in the state of paraíba through heuristic evaluation. in international conference on humancomputer interaction (pp. 106-127). springer, cham. khairani, p., hamzah, m. l., megawati, m., & jazman, m. (2022). evaluasi kinerja sistem informasi elektronik kinerja asn (si-eka) menggunakan framework cobit 5 pada kementerian agama kota pekanbaru. intecoms: journal of information technology and computer science, 5(1), 8-18. klarich, a., noonan, t. z., reichlen, c., st marie, j. b., cullen, l., & pennathur, p. r. (2022). usability of smart infusion pumps: a heuristic evaluation. applied ergonomics, 98, 103584. langevin, r., lordon, r. j., avrahami, t., cowan, b. r., hirsch, t., & hsieh, g. (2021, may). heuristic evaluation of conversational agents. in proceedings of the 2021 chi conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 1-15). afriansyah et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 178-184 184 merve demirci, h. (2021, july). online shopping web sites’ perceived usability: a case study with turkish shopping related web sites. in international conference on applied human factors and ergonomics (pp. 759-766). springer, cham. rocha, n. p. (2021). heuristic evaluation of the usability of smart home applications. comprehensible science: iccs 2021, 315, 483. sudarmilah, e., saputra, d. b., arbain, a. f. b., & murtiyasa, b. (2021, may). web-based system for growth and development monitoring early childhood. in journal of physics: conference series (vol. 1874, no. 1, p. 012024). iop publishing. usability testing on tracer study system using the heuristic evaluation method afriansyah1*, walhidayat2, rizki novendra3, lidwina harefa4, sutejo5 12345universitas lancang kuning received : 25 may 2022, revised: 29 june 2022, accepted : 30 june 2022 *corresponding author abstract a tracer study is a survey of graduates tracks alumni activities after graduating from an educational institution, lancang kuning university is one of the educational institutions that have a tracer study system. a system can be said to be good if it ... keywords : usability, heuristic evaluation, tracer study 1. introduction the usability test of a web is something that needs to be considered by software developers to create an attractive and user-friendly interface design to make it easier for all users(hartstein, et al., 2022). usability testing is one way to find out h... the tracer study service system in p2k2 can achieve specific goals effectively, efficiently, and achieve user satisfaction, so a usability evaluation is needed, one of which is using the heuristic evaluation method(langevin, et al., 2021). heuristic e... tracer study is an approach that allows higher education institutions to obtain information about deficiencies that may occur in the educational process and the learning process and can be the basis for planning activities for future improvements. the... usability testing is a technique used to evaluate products by testing them directly on users, usability testing is an attribute to assess how easy the website interface is to use (rocha, 2021; khairani, et al., 2022). based on this statement, it's can... heuristic evaluation is one of the methods commonly used to perform usability testing. nielsen's opinion states that this method is commonly used to find usability problems in user interface design finding usability problems in interface design this m... 2. research methods the method used is the heuristic evaluation method using 10 aspects of usability in the measurement scale: fig. 1. usability heuristic 3. results this study collected answers from 15 respondents using a likert scale consisting of strongly agree (ss), agree (s), neutral (n), disagree (ts), and strongly disagree (sts). each variable is calculated using the statistical formula percentage. 3.1. heuristic test result based on figure 3, it can be seen the results of calculating the average percentage of each variable in the heuristic evaluation method with the highest percentage value being in the match between system and real-world (h2) variable with a value of 81... fig. 2. percentage of heuristic test results 3.2. instrument trial results the calculation of the validity test of an instrument was completed using the gregory formula which involved 2 experts (geisen & romano bergstrom, 2017). the results of calculations involving 2 experts, namely linguists and systems experts, the result... the construct validity test used the pearson product moment correlation formula. instrument testing uses a sample of 15 respondents with an r table value of 0.514. the instrument items tested were 32 items, one statement was declared invalid (eliminat... a reliability test is used to test whether the instrument used is reliable. strong if there is a similarity of information at various times. the test calculation uses the ibm spss statistic 25 application. from the results of the reliability calculati... 3.2.4 recommendations fig. 3. instrument menu page (1) fig. 4. instrument menu page (2) based on figures 3 and 4 the draft recommendations. the improvements made are as follows : fig. 5. result of recommendation for improvement of instrument menu (1,2) 4. conclusion based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that the results of the analysis of the tracer study system at lancang kuning university using 10 aspects of usability variables obtained from 15 respondents with 31 research questionnaire state... references alcaraz martínez, r., turró, m. r., & granollers saltiveri, t. (2021). methodology for heuristic evaluation of the accessibility of statistical charts for people with low vision and color vision deficiency. universal access in the information society,... alshaheen, r., & tang, r. (2022). user experience and information architecture of selected national library websites: a comparative content inventory, heuristic evaluation, and usability investigation. journal of web librarianship, 16(1), 31-67. anderjovi, s., hamzah, m. l., maita, i., & ahsyar, t. h. (2022). user satisfaction analysis of e-learning using end user computing satisfaction in covid 19. in proceedings of the 4th african international conference on industrial engineering and opera... bauer-negrini, g., da fonseca, g. c., gottfried, c., & herbert, j. (2022). usability evaluation of circrna identification tools: development of a heuristic-based framework and analysis. computers in biology and medicine, 105785. beatty, l., koczwara, b., butow, p., turner, j., girgis, a., schofield, p., ... & kemp, e. (2021). development and usability testing of a web-based psychosocial intervention for women living with metastatic breast cancer: finding my way-advanced. jour... bouraghi, h., rezayi, s., amirazodi, s., nabovati, e., & saeedi, s. (2022). evaluating the usability of a national health information system with heuristic method. journal of education and health promotion, 11(1), 182. chrismanto, a. r., purwadi, j., wibowo, a., santoso, h. b., delima, r., & balisa, d. (2021). comparison testing functional and usability system mapping land agriculture on platform web and mobile. iaic transactions on sustainable digital innovation (i... dilan, r., gali, m. a., & llavore, d. (2022, february). usability test of moodle lms using empirical data and questionnaire for user interface satisfaction. in 2022 11th international conference on software and computer applications (pp. 29-40). hamzah, m. l., rizal, f., & simatupang, w. (2021). development of augmented reality application for learning computer network device. international journal of interactive mobile technologies, 15(12). hamzah., tambak, s., hamzah, m. l., purwati, a. a., irawan, y., & umam, m. i. h. (2022). effectiveness of blended learning model based on problem-based learning in islamic studies course. international journal of instruction, 15(2), 775-792. https://d... hartstein, a. j., verkuyl, m., zimney, k., yockey, j., & berg-poppe, p. (2022). virtual reality instructional design in orthopedic physical therapy education: a mixed-methods usability test. simulation & gaming, 53(2), 111-134. jácome filho, e. d. a., & macêdo, j. m. a. (2022). analysis of responsiveness and usability in websites serving public transparency in a mobile environment: case study in the state of paraíba through heuristic evaluation. in international conference o... khairani, p., hamzah, m. l., megawati, m., & jazman, m. (2022). evaluasi kinerja sistem informasi elektronik kinerja asn (si-eka) menggunakan framework cobit 5 pada kementerian agama kota pekanbaru. intecoms: journal of information technology and comp... klarich, a., noonan, t. z., reichlen, c., st marie, j. b., cullen, l., & pennathur, p. r. (2022). usability of smart infusion pumps: a heuristic evaluation. applied ergonomics, 98, 103584. langevin, r., lordon, r. j., avrahami, t., cowan, b. r., hirsch, t., & hsieh, g. (2021, may). heuristic evaluation of conversational agents. in proceedings of the 2021 chi conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 1-15). merve demirci, h. (2021, july). online shopping web sites’ perceived usability: a case study with turkish shopping related web sites. in international conference on applied human factors and ergonomics (pp. 759-766). springer, cham. rocha, n. p. (2021). heuristic evaluation of the usability of smart home applications. comprehensible science: iccs 2021, 315, 483. sudarmilah, e., saputra, d. b., arbain, a. f. b., & murtiyasa, b. (2021, may). web-based system for growth and development monitoring early childhood. in journal of physics: conference series (vol. 1874, no. 1, p. 012024). iop publishing. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022 : 74-83 74 prediction of material requirements for vocational practices using the monte carlo method (case study at smk dwi sejahtera pekanbaru) suandi daulay1*, rahmi2 sekolah tinggi teknologi pekanbaru, indonesia12 received : 15 august 2022, revised: 01 september 2022, accepted : 02 september 2022 *corresponding author abstract vocational high school (smk), every practice always requires practice materials when the demand for practice materials is always the same between majors, so schools have difficulty in fulfilling them. to meet the needs of practice materials optimally. then we need a system of procurement of practicum materials which later the data will be processed using the monte carlo method with testing using php programming. the results of this study are predictions of optimal practicum material needs in the existing majors at smk dwi sejahtera, especially in this study in the tkj department and the materials needed and the amount of practice materials needed. the accuracy rate is 97%. so this research is very helpful in predicting the need for practice materials used by schools in improving student practice services. keywords: prediction, simulation, monte carlo, major 1. introduction in this study, a simulation method approach has been applied to evaluate the trend of changes in the nav of mutual funds, then determine the weights on the valuation function to select the right portfolio of equity mutual funds (emf) that can maximize mfi returns. while the contribution and special urgency in this research is to develop this method through mcs in conditions of economic recession due to global shocks(azis, et al., 2021) this particular type of learners needs to be treated differently from those of common senior high school students. unfortunately, there is not even different content in the curriculum compared to those for all types senior high school in indonesia. it is stated in the curriculum that the basic competencies are the same for sma/ma and smk/mak. in fact, there are various types of smk based on its concentration in yogyakarta. some of them are smk with business and administration management, tourisms, computer networks, engineering, performing art(sudartini et al., 2016; maryanti & nandiyanto, 2021; zulaikha, et al., 2021; rosina, et al., 2021). vocational high school is a vocational level educational institution that aims to provide knowledge in the form of abilities or skills in certain fields of work in accordance with the world of work. one of the smkn 3 malang has a computer and a major in network engineering. model of basic education in related information and communication technology for the ability to learn programming algorithms, computer and network engineering students are expected to be able to master material related to computers and networks in order to carry out practice according to the competencies that must be mastered(sofirudin et al., 2022; maulana, 2021). needs analysis means the process of gathering information about the needs of a particular group in industry or education. that is, in smk is an activity to obtain information about the needs of students in learning according to their study program. requirements analysis is very important to be done in course design especially in esp which is the first step in designing or developing a process(azizah et al., 2020; jalinus, 2021). monter carlo defines a monte carlo method as a broad class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results, often used for sampling, estimation, and optimization. this method is named monaco casino, because the daulay & rahmi… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 75 random outcome model looks very similar for games like craps, roulette, and slot machines(avlijas, 2018; huggins, et al., 2022; zhang, et al., 2021). in the bayesian framework, all of the above the problem is solved by formulating a prior distribution, which must collect all available information about the parameters of interest beyond the data, and assuming the input-output model (possibility), that it incorporates our knowledge or lack thereof in the course of which the observed data relates to the unknown parameters(luengo et al., 2020; lin & lin, 2022). the advantage of numerical simulation lies in the easy and fast access to a large number of output values in flac3d. an excellent database is always required rich in data related to actual cases. in this study, many basic input parameters are determined randomly(li et al., 2021). 2. research methods the research methodology is a way of thinking that starts from identifying a problem, collecting data from articles and guide books as well as observations. the research was conducted based on existing data, to get a conclusion from the problems studied. the research method is a procedure of clear steps and systematically arranged in the research process. there is a stage section that will provide an overview in the form of a framework, which can be explained starting from the needs analysis process to the results of the research. this research methodology will describe the stages of the research framework that are interrelated with the framework. research activities are activities in solving a problem which is expected to obtain the desired results and in a long enough time by applying scientific methods based on the procedures and rules that are enforced. in a study, a methodology that contains a framework is needed. where in this framework in the form of a description of the steps to be carried out so that the research can run systematically and the objectives that are expected to be achieved as desired. the framework of thought is usually in the form of a theoretical framework and a logical pattern of reasoning framework. the theoretical framework in question is a summary description of the theory used and how to use the theory in answering the research questions. framework is a writing plan that draws an outline of an essay to be worked on, as well as a series of several ideas that will be arranged in a systematic, logical, clear, orderly and structured manner. this chapter will describe the research framework, in which this framework is the steps that will be taken in solving problems that are the main subject of discussion. where this research framework can be seen in figure below: daulay & rahmi… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 76 fig 1. research framework 1. identifying data by grouping identify data by grouping data and assigning 2. frequency of requests for tkj vocational practice materials, in three years. 3. calculating and assigning probability distribution calculates and assigns probability distributions. the calculation of this probability distribution was carried out from 2017 to 2018. in the tkj vocational practice materials 4. calculating and assigning cumulative numbers calculates and assigns possible cumulative numbers. calculate the cumulative probability 5. determine the interval of random numbers and numbers specifies an interval of random numbers and numbers for each variable. used as a determination of the ratio of the specified interval 6. assigning random numbers (generating random numbers) assigning random numbers (generating random numbers). namely a, c, i, z0, and mod. with a predetermined formula 7. evaluate monte carlo predictions by simulating 8. simulation results to predict the following year daulay & rahmi… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 77 the data obtained will then be analyzed in order to produce useful information about how many requests for practice materials by smk dwi sejahtera pekanbaru students in data analysis using the montecarlo method. this method is expected to predict next year. 4. results and discussions after carrying out the analysis and design stages, for the next stage, the implementation of the results that have been analyzed and designed previously will be described. the implementation stages are in the form of hardware implementation specifications and software testing specifications. this is an important role to be able to apply the methods that have been made into the system. hardware implementation, which describes the hardware used to implement the system that has been created. the hardware specifications used greatly affect the performance of the system made because this system requires hardware specifications that are able to serve every process used. the hardware used is a laptop to run the system with specifications: 1. intel pentium dual core process, 2.5 ghz 2. memory 2 gb 3. 512 gb hard drive 4. 64 mb vga card 5. monitor with a resolution of 1024 x 800 pixels 6. keyboard and mouse to support the implementation of this system requires software specifications such as operating systems and programs that must exist to support system implementation. the software used to design and create and run simulations of practical material requirements is to use. after all the technical preparations are done, then do the testing using the monte carlo method algorithm, to be able to run, first activate the php, mysql and internet applications on a personal computer or laptop then open the application. to facilitate the operation of this system, the interface design is divided into several types, namely: login form the login form serves to secure the system, the only admin who can operate the system is the admin on duty. to login, the admin must enter the username and password that have been stored in the database. fig 2. display login form daulay & rahmi… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 78 main menu form home is the first menu that is displayed after the admin inputs the password and username. figure 3 below will display the home menu or main menu fig 3. main menu main menu is an interface that provides facilities for users where in figure 3 explains the title of the study and menu options consisting of dashboards, material data, material requests, simulations. course form the majors form is the first step in the process of the monte carlo method. figure 4 below will explain the name of the department and the data for practice materials in the pekanbaru smkds environment fig 4. display material request daulay & rahmi… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 79 figure 4 shows the selection of the practice material menu, which has been inputted first. admin input the name of the department consisting of: ak, titl, tsm, tkr and tkj. then proceed with a file search, which is choosing a file that has been prepared previously to be used as a search file about majors and practice material data according to the chosen major. fig 5. montecarlo simulation form in figure 5 is the selection of data. where the admin accesses the tkj majors and can display what practice materials are available. fig 6. simulation process display the frequency of inputted practice material requests is then calculated against the number of each request and divided by the number of requests to produce a probability distribution value. and the cumulative number is obtained from the calculation of the initial daulay & rahmi… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 80 cumulative sum of the initial probability values added to the probability value as well as the results for determining the interval as a range to determine the simulation results by generating random numbers that are used as the time range. fig 7. simulation results in 2017 figure 7 shows the 2017 simulation results based on 2017 data. the 2017 simulation results obtained, with the frequency of requests for practice materials. then they are compared with the existing 2017 real data. the simulation results on the system with manual calculations are the same value. fig 8. simulation results in 2018 figure 8 shows the 2018 simulation results based on 2018 data. the 2018 simulation results obtained, with the input frequency of practice materials requests are then calculated daulay & rahmi… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 81 against the number of each request compared to the existing 2018 real data. the simulation results on the system with manual calculations are the same. the results obtained from the 2018 simulation are that one of the needs for tkj practice materials at smkds pekanbaru for tp.2018 increased from real data number 25 to number 27 for tkj-07 materials, namely computers. fig 9. simulation results in 2019 figure 9 shows the 2019 simulation results based on the results of the 2018 simulation calculations. the 2019 simulation results obtained, then the calculation of the number of each request is compared with the existing 2018 real data. the results obtained from the 2018 simulation are that one of the requirements for tkj practice materials at smk ds pekanbaru for tp.2019 is the same from real data with a value of 27 and a value of 27 simulation results for tkj-07 materials, namely computers. daulay & rahmi… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 82 fig 10. simulation results in 2020 based on the 2020 simulation results based on the 2019 simulation results. the 2019 simulation results obtained. from the simulation, the result is that in 2020 there will be 20 computers needed. this makes it easier for school leaders to prepare the needs for vocational practice materials, especially tkj, so that students and carry out pbm well and practice materials can be used more optimally. 5. conclusion conclusions from the research and testing carried out, several conclusions were obtained, including: the application of the monte carlo method can analyze the amount of material needed for tkj vocational practice used in the following school year. with the design of the monte carlo method, waka and kajur can obtain information on the availability or condition of practice materials at smkds pekanbaru effectively. where the practice material needs are: tkj-01=27, tkj-02=20, tkj-03=27, tkj-04=20, tkj-05=20, tkj-06=7, tkj07=27 and tkj08=27. by using monte carlo modeling, the deputy head of facilities and head of the department can prioritize the materials that must be prepared optimally. the monte carlo method can plan the availability of vocational practice materials for the following year. the design of a simulation system using the php programming language can help the pekanbaru smkds for system users to predict the need for vocational practice materials in the next academic year on an ongoing basis. references avlijas, g. 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the purpose of making this application is to provide information quickly and accurately in solving problems to help consult about diseases in toddlers aged 0-5 years. in addition, to find out ways to make programs that are expert systems using programming languages for artificial intelligence applications, namely php and mysql, the certainty factor method is applied in web form. using the certainty factor method is a decision-making strategy that starts from the section premise to conclusion. the result of system implementation is that the user chooses from the symptoms that already exist in the system based on the existing symptoms then processed, from the process the system provides information on diseases in children suffered by toddlers. from the results of testing this expert system has been able to diagnose diseases in children. after the diagnosis, the types of diseases and solutions will appear. diagnosing disease in children by using this certainty factor is expected to make it easier to diagnose disease in children. keywords : certainty factor, diagnosis of disease under five, expert system 1. introduction early detection of disease can prevent and help treat disease appropriately(hasibuan et al., 2017). in correctly identifying the disease depends on the method used in diagnosing the disease. expert systems can assist in diagnosing diseases and explain the methods used by considering the handling capabilities and integration with expert systems(ginting, n. s. w., & anita, 2018)(nia nofia mitra & nurcahyo, 2020). an expert system is a computer-based system that uses facts and reasoning to solve problems that can usually be solved by experts in a particular field(sinaga & simanjuntak, 2020)(batubara et al., 2018). this system can be used as an experienced assistant such as knowing the type of disease in children under five with symptoms that are only considered symptoms(riadi, 2017)(laila, 2016). toddlers who are very susceptible to germs and are less sensitive to the symptoms of a disease, especially diseases that often suffer, especially in the tropics, become a fear for parents who are still very unfamiliar with health(sibagariang, 2008)(fanny et al., 2017)(borman et al., 2020). if there is a health problem in a child, parents are more likely to entrust it to a doctor or midwife who already knows more about health, regardless of whether the disorder is low or chronic(kirana et al., 2019)(alim et al., 2020). however, with the convenience of having a doctor or midwife, sometimes there are also weaknesses, such as limited working hours (practice) and the number of patients who have to wait in long queues at no small cost or because of long distances(ramadhanti & eviyanti, 2021)(gozzal & indarti, 2017). in this case, parents need an expert who can make it easier to diagnose the disease early so that they can take early prevention(yanto et al., 2017). because of this, we need an application that can be accessed anywhere, able to diagnose disease and can help parents in studying the symptoms of disease in toddlers(sari, 2013)(kristian siregar & paska marto hasugian, 2021). this program is in the form of an expert system that can be overcome by adopting the expertise of an expert doctor into a computer-based system that is saputra et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 32-41 33 able to carry out diagnoses like an expert doctor(setyaputri et al., 2018). to handle the uncertainty factor in diagnosing diseases in toddlers, the researchers used certainty factor (cf) for handling uncertainty problems and was web-based(ariasih, 2020). the use of this method can provide accurate results obtained from calculations based on the weight of the symptoms selected by the user, able to provide answers to problems that are not certain of the truth such as the problem of diagnosing disease risk and with this method will describe the beliefs of an expert by giving a confidence weight in accordance with the knowledge of an expert(aldo & -, 2019). 2. literature review a. toddler toddler is a child who has reached the age of one year or more, which is popular with the understanding of the age of children under five years. toddler is a general term for children aged 1-3 years (toddler) and preschoolers (3-5 years). at the age of toddlers, children are still fully dependent on their parents to carry out important activities, such as bathing, defecating and eating(nurajizah & saputra, 2018). b. types of child's disease childhood is a period that is vulnerable to disease. at this time, the child's immune system is not fully formed so that the child is susceptible to infection with a disease. the new child's immune system is fully formed at the age of 3 years. therefore, parents should know the various diseases that can occur in children. caused by infection or non-infection. several diseases are based on a disturbed system that can attack children at an early age(julianti et al., 2021). here are some types of diseases experienced by toddlers: 1. varicella 2. malaria 3. tetanus 4. measles 5. typhoid fever or typhus 6. dengue 7. diarrhea 8. marasmus or malnutrition 9. ari 10. tb or tuberculosis 11. step or febrile seizure 12. pneumonia 13. adhd or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 14. milk allergy 15. hirschsprung 16. allergies c. expert system according to (darnila et al., 2022), an expert system is a system that utilizes human knowledge captured in a computer to solve problems that usually require human expertise. according to experts (pujianti & sitti, 2020) is a computer program that simulates the judgment and behavior of humans or organizations that have expert knowledge of experience in certain fields. d. certanty factor method the certainty factor was introduced by shortliffe buchanan in making mycin(windaputri et al., 2020).certainty factor (cf) is a clinical parameter value given by mycin to show the amount of confidence. in dealing with a problem, answers are often found that do not have full certainty. uncertainty this can be a probability or an event that depends on the outcome or event(maulina, 2020). uncertain results are caused by two factors, namely uncertain rules or uncertain user answers to a question posed by the system. this is very easy to see in the disease diagnosis system, where the expert cannot define the relationship between the symptoms and the cause with certainty and the patient cannot feel a symptom with certainty. in the end, many possible diagnoses were found. the certainty factor is a method used to measure a person's belief. the input is in the form of certainty from experts and certainty from users. the development team for this method noted that doctors often analyze the information with phrases such as “probably”, “almost certain”. this method is similar to fuzzy logic, because uncertainty is represented by the degree of confidence, while the difference is in fuzzy logic when calculating for a rule with more than one premise, fuzzy logic does not have a confidence value for the rule so that the calculation only looks at the saputra et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 32-41 34 smallest value for the and operator or the largest value. for the or operator of each premise in the rule. in contrast to the certainty factor, each rule has its own belief value, not only the premises which have a belief value(kusumanagara et al., 2021). certainty factor shows a measure of certainty to a fact or rule. cf [h,e] = mb [h,e] – md [h,e] cf [h,e] = certainty factor mb [h,e] = the value of confidence in the hypothesis h, if given evidence e (between 0 and 1) md [h,e] = the value of distrust of the hypothesis h, if given evidence e (between 0 and 1) formula : 𝐶𝐹 = 𝑀𝐵(ℎ,𝑒)−𝑀𝐷(ℎ,𝑒) 1−min(𝑀𝐵(ℎ,𝑒),𝑀𝐷(ℎ,𝑒)) 3. research methods the research methods used in this research are: a. literature study, in this literature study, researchers look for references from various sources such as books, journals, and articles related to the research topic. b. interviews, researchers interviewed experts related to children's diseases so that they got the types of childhood diseases, the symptoms felt and how to prevent and treat these diseases. c. system development methods, in the development of this expert system there are several ways that are used, including: 1) knowledge acquisition stage, at this stage, processing the data that has been obtained such as types of diseases and symptoms and making a knowledge base such as measles has symptoms such as fever above 400 c, lazy to eat, dry cough, watery eyes, rash appears, colic and spots in the mouth or throat. 2) the system design stage, at this stage a system design will be made based on user needs and based on the previously created knowledge base, from the knowledge base it will produce diagnostic results in accordance with the rules made. 3) implementation stage, at this stage a system will be created using a web programming language(fonda et al., 2021). 4) the testing phase, for testing will be tested on several users related to the system is in accordance with the needs of the user, and will be tested based on the knowledge base that has been made is appropriate or not, and will also be tested for symptoms and types of diseases obtained from expert, it is appropriate or not(irawan et al., 2021). knowledge acquisition based on the knowledge of the expert, the knowledge base will be made in the form of a table, while the knowledge acquisition table is as follows: table 1knowledge acquisition no if mb md no if mb md 1 measles fever above 40°c 0.8 0.2 9 tuberculosis fever 0.8 0.2 lazy to eat 0.4 0.2 cough 1 0 dry cough 0.6 0.2 body weakened 1 0 watery eyes 0.8 0.2 coughing up blood 1 0 rash appears 1 0 loss of appetite 1 0 koplik spots appear in the mouth, cheeks or throat 0.8 0.2 sweating at night 1 0 2 malaria fever 1 0 no weight gain 1 0 headache 0.8 0.2 10 allergy cough 0.4 0.2 saputra et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 32-41 35 stomach ache 0.2 0 diarrhea 1 0 hard to sleep 0.6 0.4 throws up 1 0.2 fast breath 0.4 0.2 loss of consciousness 0.2 0 fussy 0.8 0.4 a rash appears 0.4 0.2 vomit 0.6 0.4 sneeze 0.4 0.2 bloody chapter hard to breath 0.4 0.2 shivering 0.6 0.4 swelling of the lips, tongue and face 1 0 sweating a lot 0.6 0.4 11 varicella / chicken pox fever 0.8 0.2 loss of appetite 0.4 0.2 headache 0.6 0.2 3 tetanus fever 0.8 0.2 sore throat 0.2 0 lazy to eat 0.2 0 no appetite 0.4 0.2 convulsions small red spots appear 1 0 diarrhea appears vesicles or lumps filled with clear fluid 1 0 stiff 0.8 0.2 12 marasmus lethargic 1 0 pain when swallowing 0.8 0.2 diarrhea 0.6 0.2 muscle spasms 1 0 dry and rough skin 1 0 heart rate increases 0.8 0.2 distended stomach 1 0 4 step fever 1 0 drastic weight loss 1 0 convulsions 1 0 13 pneumonia fever 0.8 0.2 stiffness in the feet and hands 1 0 lethargic 0.8 0.2 legs or arms protruding 1 0 cough 1 0 eyes glaring/blinki ng 1 0 breath sound 1 0 fever above 40°c 1 0 vomit 0.4 0.2 5 typhoid fever nosebleed shivering 0.4 0.2 headache 0.8 0.2 no appetite 0.6 0.2 stomach ache 0.6 0.2 easy to feel tired 0.4 0.2 hallucinations 0.2 0 stuffy nose / runny nose 0.4 0.2 diarrhea 0.6 0.2 out of breath 1 0 sore throat 0.4 0.2 feeling pain in the chest 0.8 0.2 saputra et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 32-41 36 bloody chapter crying more often than usual 0.8 0.2 small red spots 0.4 0.2 14 hirshsprung bloated 1 0 loss of appetite 1 0 fussy 0.8 0.2 easy to feel tired 0.8 0.2 constipation 1 0 fever 1 0 no appetite 0.8 0.2 enlargement of the liver and spleen disrupted growth and development 0.4 0.2 6 diarrhea fever 0.4 0 no weight gain 0.4 0.2 lethargic 0.8 0.2 no chapter within 48 hours after birth 1 0 bloated 0.2 0 15 adhd careless 0.4 0.2 nausea want to vomit 0.2 0 not focused on doing something 1 0 frequent defecation 1 0 difficult to follow instructions 0.8 0 diarrhoea 1 0 his attention is easily distracted 1 0 constipation 1 0 not paying attention to details 1 0 cramps in the stomach 0.8 0.2 often looks like he's not listening to conversations or directions 0.8 0 no appetite 0.6 0.2 16 cow's milk allergy diarrhea 1 0 continuous chapter vomit 0.8 0.2 7 ari fever 0.8 0.2 out of breath 0.4 0.2 headache 0.8 0.2 a rash appears 0.6 0.2 cough 1 0 cramps in the stomach 0.6 0.2 easy bruising wheezing / wheezing 0.6 0.2 muscle ache 0.2 0 itching of the mouth and lips 0.8 0.2 red eye 0.6 0.2 rash and itching around the mouth 0.8 0.2 sneeze 0.4 0.2 swelling of the lips, tongue and face 0.8 0.2 saputra et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 32-41 37 stuffy nose or runny nose 0.6 0.2 sore throat to hoarse voice 1 0.2 8 dhf fever 1 0 headache 1 0 nauseous 0.6 0.2 very restless 0.4 0.2 vomit 0.6 0.2 a rash appears 1 0 mild bleeding in the nose or gums. 0.6 0.2 table 2-value of certainty condition no condition md value 1 sure yes 1 2 almost sure 0.8 3 most likely 0.6 4 possible 0.4 5 almost possible 0.2 6 don't know 0 4. results and discussions the expert system is built using a website-based programming language. the following is a display of the expert system for diagnosing toddlers disease, which can be seen in the image below: fig 1. home page the picture above is for the admin home page, where the admin can manage the disease menu, symptoms, knowledge base, and can also do consultations. fig 2. disease type page saputra et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 32-41 38 fig 3. symptoms page fig 4. knowledge base page in the picture above, the knowledge that has been taken from the experts will be input, which here also has a certainty value for each symptom as seen in the md and mb percentages. fig 5. consultation page on this page the user is expected to choose several types of existing symptoms, and choose the certainty value that is on the right according to the condition of the symptoms experienced. saputra et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 32-41 39 fig 6. diagnostic results from the results of the diagnosis, it was found that the user was experiencing malaria with a value of 1, namely definitely, based on the knowledge base obtained. the following is an example of a program manual calculation (using rule 1): table 3 cf values of symptoms in measles no symptom disease cf 1 fever above 40°c measles 0.8 2 lazy to eat measles 0.4 3 dry cough measles 0.6 4 watery eyes measles 0.8 5 rash appears measles 1 6 koplik spots appear in the mouth, cheeks or throat measles 0.8 then the cf value of measles is obtained by: cf(a) = cf(1) + [cf(2) * (1 – cf(1)] = 0,8+[0,4*(1-0,8)] = 0,88 cf(b) = cf(3)+[cf(a)*(1-cf(3)] = 0,6+[0,88*(1-0,6)] = 0,95 cf(c)= cf(4)+[cf(b)*(1-cf(4)] = 0,8+[0,95*(1-0,8)] = 0,99 cf(d)= cf(5)+[cf(c)*(1-cf(5)] = 1+[0,99*(1-1)] = 1 cf(e)= cf(6)+[cf(d)*(1-cf(6)] = 0,8+[1*(1-0,8)] = 1 so the cf of measles is 1 or 100% 5. conclusion from testing on expert systems for diagnosing diseases in infants, it can be concluded that the system can produce conclusions according to the manual calculation, namely measles with a cf value of 100% or 1. based on testing results made in accordance with the knowledge base obtained from 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öztürk & başar 2022). there have been many shipping service companies that have emerged and then developed to compete in capturing the market in the modern era as it is today, with a very rapid level of economic and technological development, one of which is pt xyz which is one of the companies engaged in the delivery of goods by having branch offices spread in every city in indonesia(pink & djohan, 2021; widiyanto, et al., 2021). due to the large number of goods that must be delivered, pt. xyz has difficulty in achieving the specified travel time until the goods are received by the customer in order to provide customer satisfaction. efficient delivery will have a positive impact on business development. goods that reach customers faster will certainly provide space for the company to carry out quality control of the goods sent, so that the company can grow. so we need a data mining method that can complete and optimize performance with the aim of increasing customer satisfaction(hertina, et al., 2021). based on the discussion of these conditions, the author tries to offer a strategy to deal with delays in delivery of goods, using rapid miner application tools and data mining prediction analysis with the concept of the linear regression algorithm(gilyén, et al., 2022; artin, et al., 2021; emioma & edeki, 2021).. systematic literature review (slr) is a systematic literature review method that functions to identify, and interpret findings on a research topic to answer the research question that has been determined(kumar, et al., 2021; ahmad & alsmadi, 2021). this survey methodology is based on picoc (population, intervention, comparation, outcomes, context) as an identification of information needs from previous research sources in the following table(camargo, et al., 2021): wahyudi & arroufu… vol 4(1) 2022 : 84-92 85 table 1 picoc review implementation of data mining prediction delivery time using linear regression algorithm population linear regression intervention predicting freight forwarding comparison n/a outcomes predict delivery of goods on time or not context private 2. research methods the algorithm used in this study is the linear regression algorithm (kohli, et al., 2021; cosenza, et al., 2021). the shipping data will be processed to get an error value and can be used as a reference in predicting the delivery time of goods. the type of research that researchers do is qualitative research. qualitative research is research that uses more analysis. the process that is more emphasized in this type of research is the theoretical basis used as a guide so that the research focus is in accordance with the facts on the ground. in addition, the theoretical basis also has a role to provide an overview of the research background and as a material for discussion of research results. in this study, the process and meaning use more focus on research based on facts in the field. data analysis in qualitative research is interpreted as an effort to systematically search and organize notes from observations, interviews, and literature studies to increase the researcher's understanding of the case under study and present it as findings. in general, qualitative research obtains data from interviews and observations. then the researcher will then analyze the data obtained in detail, and come up with a new theory or concept if the research results contradict the theories and concepts used. in this study, several stages of research will be carried out. in this study, several stages of research will be carried out as shown in figure 1: fig. 1. stages of methodology application data collection is also supported by observations and interviews with related parties in the field as well as library data collection as a reference from previous research. wahyudi & arroufu… vol 4(1) 2022 : 84-92 86 1) observation observation is a data collection technique that is carried out by systematically recording and observing the pt. xyz. with this field observation study, the researcher obtained material that is quite accurate and relevant and very helpful in writing this research. 2) interview interview is a method or technique used to obtain data by conducting oral question and answer directly to the staging store leader. the form of information obtained can be in the form of writing, or audio-visual recordings. 3) literature review literature study or literature study is the first step in data collection activities. this can be done by reading scientific journals, recording and processing literature, books, and reports on previous research materials to obtain information and search for data on the internet. below are some of the results of definitions of important terms obtained from literature studies and related to research: a. data mining data mining is a process to obtain useful information from a large database that needs to be extracted so that it becomes new information and can assist in decision making (nofitri & irawati, 2019) b. prediction according to the big indonesian dictionary, prediction is the result of predicting or estimating future values using past data. prediction shows what will happen in a given situation and is an input for planning and decision-making processes. understanding prediction is the same as forecast(bengnga & ishak, 2018). c. linear regression linear regression is used to estimate or predict the relationship between two variables in qualitative research. an approach to establish the relationship between one or more dependent variables (simple linear regression) as well as the independent variables (multiple linear regression). assuming that the relationship between these variables can be approximated by a straight-line equation, the model that approximates the relationship between variables in the data is referred to as linear regression stabilization(hafizah et al., 2019). d. dataset dataset or data set is a collection of data that is used as the goal of some learning for a particular machine. there are 2 categories of datasets: public and private. (jukes, 2018). datasets have attributes that function as factors or parameters that cause classes, labels, and targets to occur. the current trend of data mining research is to test the methods developed by researchers with public datasets, so that research can be comparable, repeatable and verifiable.(liantoni, 2016) e. crisp-dm crisp-dm (cross industry standard process for data mining) is a standardization of data mining processing that has been developed where the existing data will pass through each structured and defined phase clearly and efficiently(hasanah et al., 2021). f. rapidminer rapidminer is a leading and well-known open-source based data mining application. it includes stand-alone applications for data analysis and as a data mining engine such as for data loading, data transformation, data modeling, and data visualization methods(baihaqi et al., 2021). 3. results and discussions based on the stages of applying the methodology, the researchers implemented the crisp dm design as a test model, and the linear regression algorithm as a data mining method in this research. in this study, the test design carried out using the cross-industry standard process for data mining or crisp-dm is one of the datamining process models (datamining framework)(zhang, 2021; saltz, 2021). the following is an image of the test scheme on crispdm: wahyudi & arroufu… vol 4(1) 2022 : 84-92 87 fig 2. crisp dm. test scheme in this study using a test model to get good and maximum research results. before doing data processing and testing the linear regression algorithm, the first step that must be done is to implement a data mining test model. the data processed by the crisp-dm test model will go through several phases in it(schröer, et al., 2021). there are 6 stages in crisp-dm, which are described in detail as follows: 3.1 stages of business understanding freight forwarding service both in the national and international scope are currently required to have advantages in being competitive, namely by improving the quality of their services. in order for good service to be achieved, it is influenced by the speed of delivery of goods on time and safely when it reaches the recipient. with so many packages, the delivery times are different, so some arrive on time and some don't. delivery of goods that are not on time can be an important note for shipping companies. 3.2 stages of data understanding all data that has been collected is 1000 data. the data used in this study is data on delivery of goods at within a span of 1 day. this data collected from the existing information system in the management information system (mis) division. not all attributes of the delivery data are used, researchers only use 3 attributes consisting of pickup time, claim delivery time, and delivered time. the awb attribute is not used because this attribute is not needed in the research data to predict delivery time, so it only requires 3 attributes. here is a breakdown of all the attributes: 1. pickup time or goods pickup time is the time of goods pick-up service so that it uses the date time data type. 2. claims delivery time or time of claiming delivery is the time when the courier starts distributing the package of goods and has a date time data type. 3. delivered time or the time when the goods have arrived at their destination and are received by the recipient using the date time data type. 3.3 stages of data preparation in this stage, the data is prepared in advance by using pre-processing techniques, namely the raw data is converted into a form that is easier to understand. using this technique the data is cleaned, the attributes that do not need to be used in the analysis process, such as the awb attribute, will be removed. here are the steps in doing pre-processing: wahyudi & arroufu… vol 4(1) 2022 : 84-92 88 fig 3. selecting variable attributes and types 3.4 stages of modeling at the modeling stage, are make a prediction model, which is to predict the delivery time of goods. at this stage, you can use read excel to import data sets, cross validation to share training and testing data, and excel writer to export the results of data processing in the cross validation process. the following is a process model that is formed on rapid miner using the linear regression algorithm: fig 4. prediction model display linear regression will generally make predictions based on pre-existing values. wahyudi & arroufu… vol 4(1) 2022 : 84-92 89 fig 5. results of linear regression 3.5 stages of evaluation after modeling, the next step is to evaluate the cross validation process by applying a linear regression algorithm, the way it works is mevaluate the performance of the algorithm where the data is separated into two subsets, namely the data of the learning process (training) and data validation (testing).the following are the results of the evaluation of the model that has been created with this algorithm. fig 6. stages of cross validation evaluation the performance operator is used to evaluate the performance of a model that provides a list of performance criteria values automatically according to a given task. from the vector in figure 5, the error value obtained is 0.370. performance measurement is done by calculating the average error that occurs through the amount of root mean square error (rmse). the smaller the value of each of these performance parameters, the closer the predicted value to the actual value. wahyudi & arroufu… vol 4(1) 2022 : 84-92 90 fig 7. rmse nilai value results the following is an export of the results of the predicted time that has been converted into excel form. in the data below, the results of prediction delivered time are not much different from the actual data results at delivered time. fig 8. prediction time results 3.6 deployment stages the deployment stage is carried out after the evaluation stage. a detailed assessment of the results of a model is carried out with the implementation of the entire model that has been built. in addition, adjustments were made to the model so that it can produce a result that is in accordance with the initial target of this study. so that the delivery time prediction data based on the modeled test and testing data is easy to understand, it is necessary to visualize the data into a dashboard diagram or graphic display. fig 9. display data visualization wahyudi & arroufu… vol 4(1) 2022 : 84-92 91 4. conclusion based on the results of research from the application of data mining to predict the delivery time of goods using the linear regression algorithm at pt xyz, it can be concluded that: the processed data is data obtained in 1 day of delivery with a total of 1000. the processed data produces a coefficient value for pickup time of 0.135 and claim delivery time of 0.744. factors that affect the prediction results are the attributes of pickup time and claim delivery time, by making delivered time as a label. the results of the summary 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that has relatively large potential to be developed. the process of image processing and pattern socialization is a highly developed research study. starting based on the process of socializing an object, or a structured division of the object and about detecting the level of fruit maturity. the structured division process regarding ripeness into 3 classes, namely: raw, half-cooked and ripe where the process is carried out using google collaboratory which processes the rgb color space to hsv. in this study, the testing method for the system that will be used is a functional test where the test is carried out only by observing the execution results through test data and checking the functionality of the system being developed. the level of accuracy obtained from this study is 98.0% correct. keywords : digital image, classification of ripeness of melinjo fruit, rgb, hsv 1. introduction melinjo ( gnetum gnemon l. ) is a plant that can grow anywhere, such as yards, gardens, or on the sidelines of residential areas, as a result, produces melinjo into a plant that has relatively large potential to be developed. young melinjo leaves and fruit can be processed into vegetables and old melinjo grains can be processed into standard ingredients for making chips(siregar, 2014). emping is a processed product of melinjo which is popular with the public, and has become a potential commodity for the small industrial sector. emping melinjo is a processed product from melinjo whose manufacturing process is to use a method of flattening old melinjo fruit which was previously roasted (widiantie et al., 2021). before harvesting the melinjo fruit, it is very important to pay attention to the level of maturity of the fruit because it is a crucial factor in choosing the quality based on the melinjo fruit (wardani et al., 2019). if the melinjo fruit is young, it can be prepared as processed vegetables and if the fruit that is harvested is not old enough, even though it is ripe, the quality is not good enough to be used as chips because the taste and aroma are not good and are easily destroyed. on the other hand, if the fruit is harvested too old, the taste and aroma of the fruit is strong, but has a short shelf life (siregar, 2014). therefore, the level of maturity of melinjo fruit to be harvested is closely related to the marketing reach and the purpose of using melinjo fruit. to follow up on these problems, this study tries to create a system where this system will be needed later and can be useful as a medium that can help in determining the maturity level of melinjo fruit. this system will detect based on the skin color of the melinjo fruit. researchers will apply an rgb and hsv method in the melinjo grain maturity detection system to get good accuracy results(phuangsaijai, et al., 2021; herng, et al., 2021; mohsin, et al., 2021; din & abdul nasir, 2021; kulakova, et al., 2022; basak, et al., 2022). 2. research methods quantitative research is the basis for selecting research methods, because basically the selection of quantitative methods focuses on the description of the results of a processed photo with the percentage accuracy of the method or process carried out. in this research, it is the iskandar and marjuki… vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 123 accuracy in the level of maturity of the melinjo fruit by dividing the accurate amount by the total amount of data tested, while the stages are as follows: fig 1. steps of quantitative research a. formulating a problem can be defined as the activity of a question sentence that is prepared based on the existence of the problem and the answer will be sought through data collection in a research process using the 5w + 1h formulation. b. determine the theoretical basis where the process of seeking information from the theories of experts or previous research which will later become reference material. c. data collection was carried out as research material to be tested. from 1,003 existing data sets, the data will be divided into two, namely 80% for training data and 20% for testing data. d. analyzing data from various aspects to be tested using the method prepared as a test method. e. the conclusion of this study is the result of the testing process carried out and is usually written in writing that discusses before, during, and after testing. research data in this study, the data needed by researchers as research material is melinjo fruit. the type of data used in this study is an image or a photo of melinjo fruit which later the image will be processed. the melinjo fruit, which was previously obtained from the market, are cleaned first to clean the remaining dirt that can interfere with the results of the photo which will be used as research material and then separate one by one from the stems. test design the design of the test to be carried out is to create a fruit ripeness classification system using two color spaces, namely the rgb and hsv color spaces, the results of which aim to increase the accuracy of fruit ripeness with the following stages: making a problem formulation determining the theory data collection analyzing data and testing conclusion start end iskandar and marjuki… vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 124 fig 2. test design a. designing on google collaboratory, this process can be mentioned as the first step in creating a system which contains python language command code to run it. with the command code that has been prepared in advance, the design is made and tested one by one according to the stages. b. changing the bgr color space to rgb along with its average value, in this study the image data or images obtained previously captured by the system have b, g, and r colors so that to improve color accuracy in the next process, the image must be converted to rgb. c. changing the rgb color space to hsv, to reduce the effect of illumination on an image, the image color can be converted to another color space, one of which is the hsv color space. the first step that must be done is to change the rgb value by dividing each value by an rgb scale of 255 as follows: the next step is to convert rgb to hsv by using the following formula: d. after the hsv image is obtained, the next process is to change the hsv image to a black and white image through the masking process . masking is the process of converting an image into a black and white image. the masking process aims to separate the foreground and background images by utilizing the thresholding process . the thresholding process uses a certain limit value to convert the pixel value in the original image into a binary image, where the foreground pixel value will be 1 and the background pixel value will be 0. e. in this study, the testing method for the system that will be used is a functional test where the test is carried out only by observing the execution results through test data and checking the functionality of the system being developed. google collaboratory design bgr to rgb rgb to hsv masking result recording start end iskandar and marjuki… vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 125 3. results and discussions melinjo fruit dataset in this study, the dataset used was 1,003 images with the distribution of 333 images of raw melinjo fruit, 330 images of half-ripe melinjo fruit, and 340 images of ripe melinjo fruit. from 1,003 existing data sets, the data will be divided into two parts, namely 80% for training data and 20% for testing data. fig 3. a raw image, b half ripe image, c ripe image based on figure 3, it is found that the average rgb values are as follows: table 1 average rgb values of melinjo images furthermore, the results of the conversion of rgb to hsv images a, b, and c can be seen in the following table: table 2 hsv score of melinjo image melinjo maturity detection test the stages of the melinjo fruit maturity detection test are carried out one by one and are divided into three processes, namely 67 images of the raw category, 66 images of the half -ripe category, and 68 images of the ripe category. a. melinjo fruit detection stages the first stages in google collabolatory are as follows: image name color average image a red 179 green 192 blue 193 image b red 177 green 191 blue 197 image c red 176 green 186 blue 193 image name classification characteristic score image a raw h 0.112 s -58.7 v 188 image b half-cooked h 0.585 s -58.0 v 188 image c ripe h 0.985 s -57.7 v 185 iskandar and marjuki… vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 126 fig 4. inserting the melinjo a1 image at the initial stage, the user can press the choose files button as shown in figure 4 to select the image to be tested so that a search menu appears as shown in figure 5 below: fig 5. select image a1 based on figure 5, the user selects the melinjo image whose maturity level will be tested, namely "a1" then selects " open " so that the image enters the google collabolatory as shown in figure 6 below: fig 6. display bgr image a1 after appearing in google collabolatory as shown above, the user then processes the change from bgr to rgb so that it looks like figure 7 below: iskandar and marjuki… vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 127 fig 7. bgr to rgb a1 image furthermore, the rgb image is converted back into hsv form as shown in figure 8 below: fig 8. rgb to hsv image a1 the next process is to change the hsv image to a black and white image through the masking process. the masking process aims to separate the foreground and background images by utilizing the thresholding process as shown in figure 9 below: fig 9. masking the a1 citra image after the masking process as shown in figure 4.9, the next step is to detect the ripeness of the melinjo fruit by pressing the next button. iskandar and marjuki… vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 128 fig 10. detection of maturity level of a1 image based on figure 10 above, the process of detecting the level of maturity of the melinjo fruit was successfully detected with the results of "raw fruit" so that the results were correct. b. melinjo fruit detection results based on the results of the melinjo maturity level detection test with the process carried out as many as 201 images consisting of 3 types of maturity levels, namely raw, half-cooked, and ripe, the results were as follows: table 3 results of testing images a, b, and c from the table above, the results show that there are 197 images with true detection and 4 images with false detection. the next step is to calculate the level of accuracy based on the number of melinjo images tested, namely 201 with the formula as follows: no image name maturity level detection results conclusion 1 a1.jpeg raw raw correct 2 a2.jpeg raw raw correct 3 a3.jpeg raw raw correct ===================================================== 68 b1.jpeg half-cooked half-cooked correct 69 b2.jpeg half-cooked half-cooked correct 74 b7.jpeg half-cooked half-cooked correct 75 b8.jpeg half-cooked half-cooked correct ===================================================== 113 b46.jpeg half-cooked ripe wrong ===================================================== 119 b52.jpeg half-cooked ripe wrong ===================================================== 122 b55.jpeg half-cooked ripe wrong ===================================================== 128 b61.jpeg half-cooked ripe wrong ===================================================== 195 c62.jpeg ripe ripe correct 199 c66.jpeg ripe ripe correct 200 c67.jpeg ripe ripe correct 201 c68.jpeg ripe ripe correct iskandar and marjuki… vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 129 based on the results of the accuracy test, an accuracy value of 98.0% was obtained for the detection process of melinjo fruit maturity as much as 201 test data. 5. conclusion based on the results of tests carried out by detecting the ripeness of melinjo fruit, the following conclusions can be drawn: detection of ripeness of melinjo fruit with rgb and hsv color space extraction method can be performed on images of ripe, half-ripe and unripe melinjo fruit. the results of the detection of the maturity level of the mangosteen using the rgb and hsv color space methods give an accuracy of 98.0% with 201 melinjo image data, it can be said that the accuracy level in this method is quite high. based on the test results, the detection accuracy will certainly change with the increasing number of data being tested. for the advancement of a work system that excels in additional exploration, the authors can provide the following suggestions: to provide a better level of accuracy in detecting fruit ripeness, it is necessary to compare the rgb and hsv extraction methods with other extraction methods and for a better system development, it is necessary to add a test menu with the selection of melinjo fruit image folders simultaneously detection, to shorten the testing time if there are enough test images. references ayllon, ma, mendoza, jj, & tomas, mc (nd). detection of ripeness of whole local fruit using convolutional neural networks through image processing machine translated by 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(2016). application of watermelon ripeness detection based on rgb value using thresholding method . jurikom: journal of computer research , 3(6), 84–89. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 3(2) 2022 : 190-197 190 application of savonius type turbine technology for the conversion of low speed wind into small electrical energy source parlin siagian1*, hamdani2, m. erpandi dalimunthe3 123electrical engineering departement, faculty of science and technology, universitas pembangunan pancabudi received : 01 may 2022, revised: 30 june 2022, accepted : 30 june 2022 *corresponding author abstract utilization of the potential that exists in tourist attractions aims to increase the savings in expenses that must be borne by the community to manage tourism. the beach is a place that is rich and abundant in wind potential that can be used to drive wind turbines. to take advantage of the existing wind potential, of course, we must know how the wind potential is in the form of wind speed and locations that have wind speed potential and how to use it as energy to drive wind turbines. to obtain the potential of wind energy and utilize it, wind speed measurements are carried out using a digital anemometer and recorded for some time. the position of the measuring instrument installed must be protected from wind obstacles so that it is installed as high as 20 meters above the ground in an open position against the direction of the incoming wind. from the measurement results over a period of one day, the wind speed varies and changes at any time and the maximum value is 6 m/s during the day starting at 10:00 to 04:00. the wind speed profile obtained is analyzed and the type of turbine is determined according to the low wind speed below 10 m/s. from the analysis results, the appropriate turbine is the savonius vawt type and can produce electrical energy of approximately 2.43 watts with a diameter of 0.11 m. the use of turbines for wind at low speeds will still have the potential to generate small-scale electrical energy for communities in coastal areas. keywords : speed, turbine, beach, energy, wind 1. introduction utilization of the potential that exists in tourist attractions aims to increase the savings in expenses that must be borne by the community to manage tourism. the world of tourism that is currently developing will certainly increase the need for energy for the purposes of running tourism activities. this energy need must be answered with the community's foresight to look for potential energy producers that are free from dependence on energy provided by state companies such as pln, which is currently still experiencing an energy deficit, especially in north sumatra. therefore, the energy-producing potentials that exist in the community around tourism sites must continue to be explored and utilized. the most abundant energy potential in nature after the sun is air; therefore the potential for air energy needs to be explored in order to obtain new and renewable energy results that are beneficial to the community, especially in tourism areas. the beach is a place that is rich and abundant in wind potential that can be used to drive wind turbines. the wind in the coastal area will always be there and can be used for free. this potential also supports the new renewable energy mix that must be achieved by the government by 2025. the existing wind potential is in the form of wind speeds greater than 2 m/s which can be used to drive suitable wind turbines. the kota pari village area is a very large coastal area and still has a sparsely populated area, so that free electrical energy becomes a genuine power that can support the economy and lift the community's economy. currently the existing beaches are managed by private parties to become tourist attractions visited by people from various regions in north sumatra. 2. literature review wind is caused by the uneven heating of sunlight over the earth's surface. hotter air will expand to become lighter and move upwards, while cooler air will be heavier and move to occupy the area. the difference in atmospheric pressure in an area caused by a temperature difference siagian, et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 190-197 191 will produce a force. the difference in pressure expressed in terms of the pressure gradient is the rate of change of pressure due to the difference in distance. gradient force is a force that acts in the direction of higher pressure to lower pressure. the direction of the pressure gradient force in the atmosphere is perpendicular to the surface of the isobars(patel, 2005). the definition of wind that is commonly known to the public is moving air. the global atmosphere can be thought of as a thermal engine in which air masses are transported due to different heat potentials. this thermal engine is powered by the sun. water is the most important energy carrier in the atmosphere because it is present in the atmosphere in all three states: vapor, droplets and ice. thus, its latent heat when changing different states from one phase to another is the dominant influence on the weather. the earth is a sphere, so the closer you are to the equator to the poles, the less the total irradiation by the sun decreases. as a result, there is an excess of energy in the atmosphere in the equatorial zone and a deficit in the polar areas. to equalize this imbalance, heat is transported by air currents from the equator to the southern and northern hemispheres. this is done by the exchange of air masses of the global wind system(international, 2004). in addition, the coriolis force of the earth's rotation diverts the direction of global wind flow. the global wind system is shown in fig. 1. in each hemisphere there are three distinct zones: tropical latitudes, mid-latitudes and polar latitudes. tropical latitudes (inter-tropical convergence zone, itcz) on each side of the equator lie between the tropical doldrums belt and the subtropical high-pressure belt. this region is also called horse latitude and is found along 30° latitudes. within this region forms the hadley circulation (also hadley cells): hot tropical air rises at the equator and flows in the higher atmosphere layers towards the poles while it is deflected more and more eastward due to the rotation of the earth. at about 30° latitude the air descends and flows back to the equator in the lower atmosphere layers causing the trade winds. two trade wind systems meet at itcz, closing hadley's circulation loop(wiley, 2008)(patnaik, 2009). 3. research methods to assist this research, a research phase framework is needed. the stages of this research are the steps that will be tried in solving the problems discussed. there are also stages of research used are as follows: identification of problems at this stage the authors carry out identification of problems in the system that is currently running in order to identify the needs that must be met by the author. with the method of observing, studying, and studying more deeply what problems of wind in the beach area of wong polo. literature research at this stage the author conducts a search on the theoretical foundations obtained from various dailies on the internet, in order to assist the author in completing the research conducted. wind energy conversion system (wecs) has experienced an expressive development in the past few years. new technologies on turbines, machines, drives, and protection devices have been developed and these devices have been improved progressively. the machine used to convert mechanical rotational energy into electrical energy is the core of any wecs. according to the machine chosen, all other devices are affected; fixedor variable-speed turbine, power electronic converter type, and the respective power, protections used, and so forth(domingos s.l. simonetti, 2018). meanwhile, improvements in rotor aerodynamics and turbine-operating modes, along with increases in turbine size, have boosted the conversion efficiency of wind energy systems. under good wind conditions, modern systems typically achieve capacity factors of 28% or more(soderholm, 1984). wind power is one of the fastest growing sources of renewable energy in the world. this is partly due to its cost effectiveness and also as a result of improvement in the technology involved. the global installed capacity has increased by a factor of approximately 75, increasing siagian, et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 190-197 192 from 7.5 gw in 1997 to about 564 gw in 2018. the quantum of power that can be harnessed from the wind is dependent on the size of the turbine and the length of its blades. therefore, turbine blades are being made longer to increase efficiency. the rated capacity and rotor diameter of wind turbines have grown from 0.05 mw and 15 m in 1984 to 8 mw with rotor diameters of up to 164 m in 2016.(mudathir funsho akorede, 2022) fig. 1. wecs connected to load. (a) ac wind turbine generator. (b) dc wind turbine generator. the power coefficient (cp) and the tsr are tested by the pi–mppt and pso–mppt algorithms; they show that the cp is maintained at its maximal value after a perturbation when the wind speed suddenly changes. remarkably, the pso algorithm ensures a better pursuit and very good optimization of these parameters. that allows the mechanical power and the rotation speed of generator optimization regardless of the variation of the speed wind(elmostafa chetouani, 2021). in condition the wind speed is low end we need to the highest blade power values produced from two blades wind turbines with a wind booster of that could increase watts with a wind speed of 7 m/s. tsr value of the highest wind speed in wind turbines will more power by add the blade of wind booster(yohana, u, luhung, reza, & zaman, 2019). data analysis in this session the authors carry out an analysis of the information obtained to design a new data system. this analysis has the aim of identifying what turbine is needed on the system that is running after it is adjusted to the program to be built. system planning calculation of wind potential that can generates electricity through a generator. the turbine is designed to be able to rotate with low wind speed. the wind will produce speed at certain times. the speed is received by the vawt savonius turbine so that it can rotate(chang, tsai, & chen, 2021). the rotation is forwarded to the generator shaft to produce 500 watts of power. the shape of the savonius turbine design according to various sources can convert low wind speeds. the shape of the savonius turbine design is as follows:(shah, alsibiani, & city, 2020) siagian, et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 190-197 193 fig. 2. savonius wind turbine the wind speed ranging for all the above mentioned testing was kept from 0.7 m/s to 6 m/s. this speed was taken in accordance with the design parameters and considering the use of duct, as higher wind speeds could have resulted in the breakage of the small scale model of the turbines made of plastic polymers. also, the primary motto of this research was to capture and test the performance of a savonius turbine for low to very low wind speeds which is otherwise not possible through any other wind turbines(darhmaoui & sheikh, 2017)(science, 2021). the design for converting wind energy into electricity using a savonius turbine can be seen in the following fig.: turbine generator line power wind beach line fig. 3. wind-to-electricity conversion design using the savonius turbine 1. system design with activity diagram is a technique to describe procedural logic, business processes and work flow in many cases. activity diagrams describe how the activities that occur in the system to be designed. the activity diagram is the same as a flowchart that describes the processes that occur between actors and the system, the design of the activity diagram for the village fund allocation system is as follows:(dhote, 2015) siagian, et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 190-197 194 data collection e.g. location, surface form, beach position, beach line with wind installing equipment, personal movement, government authority access measurement, process and wind speed data collection wind speed detected? yes no choose turbine model according to wind speed profile determine wind energy conversion to power power potentially? yes design generating model for electrical power data profile of research location people characteristic of potential agent start turbine model for low speed of wind max. power out end fig. 4. activity diagram 2. the location of the wind speed measurement will determine the measurement results. generally each topography of earth has different wind profile. in this study, wind speed data was collected at the mangrove wong polo beach, kota pari village. measurements were made on the shoreline at a distance of about 5 m from sea water at full tide. this location was chosen in order to obtain the desired coastal wind profile. fig. 5. beach wind topographic diagram(troen i., 1989) siagian, et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 190-197 195 3. results and discussions fig. 6. wind speed graphic for daylight on the wong polo beach based on the wind speed graph in fig. 4, it can be classified that the average wind speed at wong polo beach, kota pari village, includes low speeds, which is between 2.5 m/s – 5 m/s. thus, the type of blade that is suitable for low speeds is an inverse-taper, i.e. a blade that has a blade tip that is wider than the base of the blade. this is so that the blade can rotate at a low speed. according to research based on the simulation results,(handoko, 2019)(sharma, sellami, tahir, & mallick, 2021) the coefficient of performance for the same tsr is 1.8-2.6, when compared with taper and taperless blades, it can be seen that the inverse taper blade is superior at low wind speeds. the inverse taper blade has a better cp value. the type of wind turbine used is the savonius wind turbine. the specifications for the savonius type wind turbine are listed in table 1 below:(altmimi, alaskari, abdullah, alhamadani, & sherza, 2021). table 1 vawt specifications parameters specifications axis of rotation vertical turbine height 0.562 m rotor radius 0.22 m foil type naca 4418 no. of blades 3 swept area 0.25 m2 cut-in wind speed 2 m/s cut out wind speed 16 m/s wind speed range 1–20 m/s rotational speed range rpm 200–500 rpm after knowing the wind speed at wong polo beach, kota pari village, it can be seen the wind power at wong polo beach, kota pari village. the calculation of the wind power that can be produced per unit cross-sectional area of the windmill blade refers to equation (1) according to.(e. hau, 2015) where e is the kinetic energy in w, 𝜌 units, is the air density in kg/m3, a is the rotor sweep area in m2 and v is the wind speed in m/s. 𝐸 = 1 2 . 𝜌. 𝐴. 𝑣3 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . (1) and, siagian, et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 190-197 196 𝑃𝑜 = 𝜌.𝐶𝑃.𝐴.𝑣 3 2 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . (2) cp depends on how the turbine behaves in a particular condition i.e. for different rotational speeds of turbine, cp is different. that implies that cp is a function of the tip speed ratio (tsr) 𝜆, which is defined as 𝜆 = 𝑡𝑖𝑝 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = 𝜔. 𝑅 𝑉 … … … … … … … … … … … … … (3) the output power po is found experimentally.(mishra, jain, nair, khanna, & mitra, 2020) in this study, the density of the air used is the same as the density of air at sea level. electric power estimation after calculating wind energy, the next step is to calculate electrical energy. calculate the electrical energy that may be generated by a windmill with a predicted blade radius of 0.8 m. then it can be calculated using equation (2). where p is the wind power with units of w, cp is the efficiency of the blades, and electric is the efficiency of the generator, transmission and controller efficiency which refers to the following table. table 2 measuring performance of hemi-savonius windmill model(nurdin & purwanto, 2019) nr wind speeds (m/s) rotor speed (rpm) force (n) power [pact/ptheo] watt 1 1,6 10 1,2 0,023 0,0264 2 2,5 27,1 1,3 0,094 0,1101 3 3,2 35,2 1,48 0,194 0,2114 4 4 42,7 1,55 0,353 0,4128 5 4,7 50 1,65 0,463 0,6696 average 3,2 33 1,44 0,547 1,024 notes: rb = 11,0 cm ;lb = 90, 0 cm ; rp= 1,0 cm *) result of analysis from the table above we find trend line that meet with the formula of rotor speed as the function of wind speed as 𝑦 = 36,407. 𝑙𝑛(𝑥) − 6,9259, y = rotor speed and x = wind speed. through the results of the performance tests in the field and the analysis carried out obtained information on the characteristics of savonius turbine applied shows an average rotor power of speed 50 rpm will produce 0,669 watts while 4,7 m/s wind speed. at an average daylight wind speed of v = 2.69 m / sec with an average shaft speed of 29,1 rpm and an average voltage of 15.2 volts. the result of the design of the savonius prototype was able to convert mechanical energy into generator power by an average of 2.43 watts. the low efficiency and electricity produced are influenced by low generator efficiency. in this research we obtain the maximum wind speed is 5 m/s, will meet the power produce about 0,6696 watts with the physical size of model scale construction with diameter/radius 0,11 m. 5. conclusion based on the results of the research above, the following conclusions can be drawn: siagian, et al … vol 3(2) 2022 : 190-197 197 the technology of wind power conversion wind speed of wong polo beach using savonius base models can be developed and modified with various physical forms of blade construction. for this turbine model can meet the power generation although low wind speed of 0-5 m/s. the conversion of electrical energy that can be generated by the coastal winds of wong polo beach, kota pari village, depends on the size of the generator used, which must be rotated by a windmill with the right diameter. references altmimi, a. i., alaskari, m., abdullah, o. i., alhamadani, a., & sherza, j. s. (2021). design and optimization of vertical axis wind turbines using qblade. 1–11. chang, t.-l., tsai, s.-f., & chen, c.-l. (2021). optimal design of novel blade profile for savonius. darhmaoui, h., & sheikh, n. (2017). savonius vertical wind turbine : design , simulation , and physical testing. (may). dhote, a. (2015). design, analysis and fabrication of savonius vertical axis wind turbine. 2048–2054. domingos s.l. simonetti, ... flávio d.c. oliveira. (2018). doubly fed induction generator in wind energy conversion systems. e. hau. (2015). wind turbines. in fluid mechanics and its applications. vol. 109. elmostafa chetouani, ... smail sahnoun. (2021). maximum power point tracking design using particle swarm optimization algorithm for wind energy conversion system connected to the grid. handoko, a. d. w. i. (2019). semi-inversed taper type for low wind speed. surya university faculty of engineering: tangerang. international, rets. ®. (2004). clean energy project analysis : wind energy. mishra, n., jain, a., nair, a., khanna, b., & mitra, s. (2020). numerical and experimental investigations on a dimpled savonius vertical axis wind turbine. 10(2). mudathir funsho akorede. (2022). design and performance analysis of off-grid hybrid renewable energy systems. nurdin, h., & purwanto, w. (2019). characteristics of hemi savonius windmill with multi-level blades as a model of energy conversion systems for windmill techno park on the coastal areas. 88–95. patel, m. r. (2005). wind and solar power systems: design, analysis, and operation, second edition. wind and solar power systems: design, analysis, and operation, second edition, 1–448. patnaik, i. (2009). wind as a renewable source of energy. (10502038). science, e. (2021). wind energy conversion within agricultural farm using vertical axis turbines of optimized savonius type wind energy conversion within agricultural farm using vertical axis turbines of optimized savonius type. shah, m. h., alsibiani, s. a., & city, y. i. (2020). design and construction of savonius rotor. 65–77. sharma, s., sellami, n., tahir, a. a., & mallick, t. k. (2021). performance improvement of a cpv system : experimental. energies article. soderholm, l. h. (1984). autonomous and grid-connected use of wind energy for structure heating. troen i., p. e. l. . (1989). european wind atlas. risø national laboratory,. wiley, j. (2008). from large offshore wind farms. (october 2007), 29–43. yohana, e., u, m. s. k. t. s., luhung, b., reza, m. j., & zaman, m. b. (2019). experimental study of wind booster addition for savonius vertical wind turbine of two blades variations using low wind speed. 3(2019). application of savonius type turbine technology for the conversion of low speed wind into small electrical energy source parlin siagian1*, hamdani2, m. erpandi dalimunthe3 123electrical engineering departement, faculty of science and technology, universitas pembangunan pancabudi received : 01 may 2022, revised: 30 june 2022, accepted : 30 june 2022 *corresponding author abstract utilization of the potential that exists in tourist attractions aims to increase the savings in expenses that must be borne by the community to manage tourism. the beach is a place that is rich and abundant in wind potential that can be used to drive ... keywords : speed, turbine, beach, energy, wind 1. introduction utilization of the potential that exists in tourist attractions aims to increase the savings in expenses that must be borne by the community to manage tourism. the world of tourism that is currently developing will certainly increase the need for ener... the beach is a place that is rich and abundant in wind potential that can be used to drive wind turbines. the wind in the coastal area will always be there and can be used for free. this potential also supports the new renewable energy mix that must b... the kota pari village area is a very large coastal area and still has a sparsely populated area, so that free electrical energy becomes a genuine power that can support the economy and lift the community's economy. currently the existing beaches are m... 2. literature review wind is caused by the uneven heating of sunlight over the earth's surface. hotter air will expand to become lighter and move upwards, while cooler air will be heavier and move to occupy the area. the difference in atmospheric pressure in an area cause... the definition of wind that is commonly known to the public is moving air. the global atmosphere can be thought of as a thermal engine in which air masses are transported due to different heat potentials. this thermal engine is powered by the sun. wat... in addition, the coriolis force of the earth's rotation diverts the direction of global wind flow. the global wind system is shown in fig. 1. in each hemisphere there are three distinct zones: tropical latitudes, mid-latitudes and polar latitudes. tro... 3. research methods to assist this research, a research phase framework is needed. the stages of this research are the steps that will be tried in solving the problems discussed. there are also stages of research used are as follows: identification of problems at this stage the authors carry out identification of problems in the system that is currently running in order to identify the needs that must be met by the author. with the method of observing, studying, and studying more deeply what problems of win... literature research at this stage the author conducts a search on the theoretical foundations obtained from various dailies on the internet, in order to assist the author in completing the research conducted. wind energy conversion system (wecs) has experienced an expres... meanwhile, improvements in rotor aerodynamics and turbine-operating modes, along with increases in turbine size, have boosted the conversion efficiency of wind energy systems. under good wind conditions, modern systems typically achieve capacity facto... wind power is one of the fastest growing sources of renewable energy in the world. this is partly due to its cost effectiveness and also as a result of improvement in the technology involved. the global installed capacity has increased by a factor of ... fig. 1. wecs connected to load. (a) ac wind turbine generator. (b) dc wind turbine generator. the power coefficient (cp) and the tsr are tested by the pi–mppt and pso–mppt algorithms; they show that the cp is maintained at its maximal value after a perturbation when the wind speed suddenly changes. remarkably, the pso algorithm ensures a bette... in condition the wind speed is low end we need to the highest blade power values produced from two blades wind turbines with a wind booster of that could increase watts with a wind speed of 7 m/s. tsr value of the highest wind speed in wind turbines w... data analysis in this session the authors carry out an analysis of the information obtained to design a new data system. this analysis has the aim of identifying what turbine is needed on the system that is running after it is adjusted to the program to be built. system planning calculation of wind potential that can generates electricity through a generator. the turbine is designed to be able to rotate with low wind speed. the wind will produce speed at certain times. the speed is received by the vawt savonius turbine so tha... fig. 2. savonius wind turbine the wind speed ranging for all the above mentioned testing was kept from 0.7 m/s to 6 m/s. this speed was taken in accordance with the design parameters and considering the use of duct, as higher wind speeds could have resulted in the breakage of the ... the design for converting wind energy into electricity using a savonius turbine can be seen in the following fig.: fig. 3. wind-to-electricity conversion design using the savonius turbine 1. system design with activity diagram is a technique to describe procedural logic, business processes and work flow in many cases. activity diagrams describe how the activities that occur in the system to be designed. the activity diagram is the same... fig. 4. activity diagram 2. the location of the wind speed measurement will determine the measurement results. generally each topography of earth has different wind profile. in this study, wind speed data was collected at the mangrove wong polo beach, kota pari village. measu... fig. 5. beach wind topographic diagram(troen i., 1989) 3. results and discussions fig. 6. wind speed graphic for daylight on the wong polo beach based on the wind speed graph in fig. 4, it can be classified that the average wind speed at wong polo beach, kota pari village, includes low speeds, which is between 2.5 m/s – 5 m/s. thus, the type of blade that is suitable for low speeds is an inver... table 1 vawt specifications after knowing the wind speed at wong polo beach, kota pari village, it can be seen the wind power at wong polo beach, kota pari village. the calculation of the wind power that can be produced per unit cross-sectional area of the windmill blade refers ... 𝐸=,1-2..𝜌.𝐴.,𝑣-3. ………………………………………….(1) and, ,𝑃-𝑜.=,𝜌.,𝐶-𝑃..𝐴.,𝑣-3.-2. ………………………………………………….(2) cp depends on how the turbine behaves in a particular condition i.e. for different rotational speeds of turbine, cp is different. that implies that cp is a function of the tip speed ratio (tsr) 𝜆, which is defined as 𝜆=,𝑡𝑖𝑝 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑑𝑒-𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑.=,𝜔.𝑅-𝑉. …………………………………(3) the output power po is found experimentally.(mishra, jain, nair, khanna, & mitra, 2020) in this study, the density of the air used is the same as the density of air at sea level. after calculating wind energy, the next step is to calculate electrical energy. calculate the electrical energy that may be generated by a windmill with a predicted blade radius of 0.8 m. then it can be calculated using equation (2). where p is the wi... table 2 measuring performance of hemi-savonius windmill model(nurdin & purwanto, 2019) notes: rb = 11,0 cm ;lb = 90, 0 cm ; rp= 1,0 cm *) result of analysis from the table above we find trend line that meet with the formula of rotor speed as the function of wind speed as 𝑦= 36,407.𝑙𝑛(𝑥) − 6,9259, y = rotor speed and x = wind speed. through the results of the performance tests in the field and the analysis carried out obtained information on the characteristics of savonius turbine applied shows an average rotor power of speed 50 rpm will produce 0,669 watts while 4,7 m/s wind spe... 5. conclusion based on the results of the research above, the following conclusions can be drawn: the technology of wind power conversion wind speed of wong polo beach using savonius base models can be developed and modified with various physical forms of blade construction. for this turbine model can meet the power generation although low wind sp... references altmimi, a. i., alaskari, m., abdullah, o. i., alhamadani, a., & sherza, j. s. (2021). design and optimization of vertical axis wind turbines using qblade. 1–11. chang, t.-l., tsai, s.-f., & chen, c.-l. (2021). optimal design of novel blade profile for savonius. darhmaoui, h., & sheikh, n. (2017). savonius vertical wind turbine : design , simulation , and physical testing. (may). dhote, a. (2015). design, analysis and fabrication of savonius vertical axis wind turbine. 2048–2054. domingos s.l. simonetti, ... flávio d.c. oliveira. (2018). doubly fed induction generator in wind energy conversion systems. e. hau. (2015). wind turbines. in fluid mechanics and its applications. vol. 109. elmostafa chetouani, ... smail sahnoun. (2021). maximum power point tracking design using particle swarm optimization algorithm for wind energy conversion system connected to the grid. handoko, a. d. w. i. (2019). semi-inversed taper type for low wind speed. surya university faculty of engineering: tangerang. international, rets. ®. (2004). clean energy project analysis : wind energy. mishra, n., jain, a., nair, a., khanna, b., & mitra, s. (2020). numerical and experimental investigations on a dimpled savonius vertical axis wind turbine. 10(2). mudathir funsho akorede. (2022). design and performance analysis of off-grid hybrid renewable energy systems. nurdin, h., & purwanto, w. (2019). characteristics of hemi savonius windmill with multi-level blades as a model of energy conversion systems for windmill techno park on the coastal areas. 88–95. patel, m. r. (2005). wind and solar power systems: design, analysis, and operation, second edition. wind and solar power systems: design, analysis, and operation, second edition, 1–448. patnaik, i. (2009). wind as a renewable source of energy. (10502038). science, e. (2021). wind energy conversion within agricultural farm using vertical axis turbines of optimized savonius type wind energy conversion within agricultural farm using vertical axis turbines of optimized savonius type. shah, m. h., alsibiani, s. a., & city, y. i. (2020). design and construction of savonius rotor. 65–77. sharma, s., sellami, n., tahir, a. a., & mallick, t. k. (2021). performance improvement of a cpv system : experimental. energies article. soderholm, l. h. (1984). autonomous and grid-connected use of wind energy for structure heating. troen i., p. e. l. . (1989). european wind atlas. risø national laboratory,. wiley, j. (2008). from large offshore wind farms. (october 2007), 29–43. yohana, e., u, m. s. k. t. s., luhung, b., reza, m. j., & zaman, m. b. (2019). experimental study of wind booster addition for savonius vertical wind turbine of two blades variations using low wind speed. 3(2019). journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 3(2) 2022 : 156-167 156 web-based cooperation information system at the science techno park technology business development center jefril rahmadoni1*, ricky akbar2, ullya mega wahyuni3 department of information system, faculty of information technology, universitas andalas1,2,3 received : 02 may 2022, revised: 29 june 2022, accepted : 30 june 2022 *corresponding author abstract science techno park (stp) unand's partnership with various government, business, and legal institutions will continue for the foreseeable future in order to disseminate innovators' knowledge to the larger community. the issue that frequently arises is that the file search procedure is tough to locate. furthermore, the enormous number of inventors at andalas university are recorded in microsoft excel files, making it difficult for users to locate inventory data. the data that is then entered is frequently duplicated, leaving the user perplexed about the information presented. as a result, at stp unand's technology business development center, a web-based cooperative information system was created. the goal is for stp unand's engagement with partners to be automated, and for data collecting on the number of inventors in unand to be structured. the sdlc (software development life cycle) method is used in this study. sdlc is a software development cycle that encompasses software development techniques, phases, and tools. the waterfall paradigm was used in the design of this application. the waterfall method was successfully used to build or design a collaborative information system application. based on the outcomes of each stage of the waterfall method, namely analysis, design, coding, and system testing, it is possible to conclude that the design of this collaborative information system application has been successfully built in accordance with needs. keywords: information system, sdlc, waterfall method, cooperation agreement 1. introduction because technology is advancing at such a rapid pace these days, the presence of technology is critical in data processing. from ancient times to the present, the development of technology and media to communicate has continued. prior to the discovery of media to document information, information was conveyed from one location to another (muttaqin & rahmadoni, 2020). today, the function of information technology has made human existence easier, not just for corporations, but also for individuals (christian, & ariani, 2018). computer-based information technology has the potential to improve performance efficiency and effectiveness (dharmawan et al, 2018). data can still be processed to create information in the absence of technology, but it takes a long time and sometimes contains errors. with technology, it is possible to provide information from processed data in less time and with fewer errors. one of the functions of modern technology is to simplify all tasks, including the administration of inter-agency collaboration, by offering a computerized system that can help capture and manage existing data and information (welda & minartiningtyas, 2017). cooperation is an action carried out by numerous organisations or individuals in order to attain goals that have been set together (sugianto & aulia, 2017). of course, the ideal cooperative pattern must be founded on the principles of mutual need, mutual strengthening, and mutual advantage (utomo & mariana, 2011). andalas university has 1,541 lecturers for the odd 2019/2020 academic year. there are many instructors with diverse fields of knowledge divided among 127 study programs. not all instructors at andalas university are inventors or have invented something. inventor data may be obtained at science techno park (stp) unand in the field of the technology business development center, which includes the names of the lecturers as well as the inventions created by these lecturers. rahmadoni et. al... vol 3(2) 2022 : 156-167 157 stp unand's partnership with various government, business, and legal institutions will continue for the foreseeable future in order to disseminate innovators' knowledge to the larger community. collaboration data is still collected by dumping it into microsoft word and microsoft excel. the issue that frequently arises is that the file search procedure is tough to locate. furthermore, the enormous number of inventors at andalas university are recorded in microsoft excel files, making it difficult for users to locate inventory data. the data that is then entered is frequently duplicated, leaving the user perplexed about the information presented. as a result of these issues, a study entitled "designing a cooperation information system web application at the technology business development center of unand stp" was established. this research will help to make it easier for users to collaborate, and the enormous inventory of data at andalas university can be cleanly organized, making it easier for users to obtain that information. this research is also in line with andalas university's research master plan and strategy, namely on the theme of innovation in science, technology, and industry. sugianto and aulia (2017) conducted research on the development of a web-based cooperation information system with a waterfall model system, with the research objective being to analyze and design a website-based cooperation information system to aid in the preparation of cooperation documents, speed up archive searches, and monitor activity plans (works). according to the study's findings, the cooperative information system can aid in document compilation, speeding up archive searches, and online monitoring of work plans for greater control. welda & minartiningtyas (2017) conducted another study with the research title "information system for management of public relations cooperation at stimik stikom indonesia," with the goal of developing a computerized information system that can assist in recording, archiving, and providing information related to cooperation for pr stmik stikom indonesia. this study aids in the recording and storage of data about stmik stikom indonesia's partners and cooperation. it also creates an application that can report partner and collaboration data online. furthermore, joanda (2018) conducted research at the def institute on the design of technology services and cooperation management information systems, with the method of constructing a prototyping system. this study results in a desktop application that is also integrated with an sms gateway. the researchers' research is novel in that the existence of a cooperation information system will make it easier for partners who want to collaborate to find the appropriate inventor in conducting cooperative relationships with various agencies or companies, because there is a complete database of inventors so that partners who will collaborate can easily find information. 2. literature review an information system is a system within an organization that combines everyday transaction processing demands, assists and supports operational activities, is managerial in character, and aids in the supply of required reports (alter: 2006). computerized information systems can be utilized to quickly resolve problems that develop in operational systems (rahmadoni et al., 2021). the word information system is frequently used to refer to the interactions between people, algorithmic processes, data, and technology in a wide sense. in this context, the phrase refers not just to an organization's use of information and communication technology (ict), but also to how people engage with technology to support business activities. information systems are used to maximize data processing and convert it into valuable information in order to achieve its goals (turnip et al, 2020). the beneficial influence of information technology is that it provides convenience and speed in acquiring information, transmitting information, and making activities or jobs easier to do (mudiar & hidayat, 2019). information systems, according to jogiyanto (2017), are made up of numerous major components. information systems are made up of the following components: 1) hardware: tangible devices such as computers and printers are examples of hardware. 2) software, often known as a program, is a set of instructions that allows hardware to process data. 3) procedure: a collection of rules used to process data and generate the desired outcome. 4) people: all parties responsible for the development, processing, and application of information system output. rahmadoni et. al... vol 3(2) 2022 : 156-167 158 5) database: a collection of tables, relationships, and other data storage components. 6) computer network and data communication: a system for connecting resources so that they can be shared or accessed by multiple people. as a result, an information system is a type of communication system in which data is recorded and processed in the form of social memory. information systems can also be thought of as a semi-formal language that aids humans in making decisions and taking action. cooperation is something that cannot be separated in an organization in order to improve the organization's ability. cooperation is a business strategy carried out by two or more parties over a specific time period. cooperation can occur when the parties involved have similar objectives and are aware of the need to attain mutual goals and interests (prihadi et al, 2020). a partnership is usually limited by a validity period or a specific amount of time, both in the short and long term, depending on both sides' agreement (maula et al, 2020). a cooperation agreement document is used to state the terms of the agreement (ndjurumana & mailoa, 2020). profitable and non-profit companies frequently partner to gain an advantage (sidik: 2014). the cooperation must be archived in an organized manner so that the cooperation document can be easily found when needed. 3. research methods the sdlc (software development life cycle) method is used in this study. software developers from both the institution and consultants must implement the sdlc by using a certain process model (rahmani & hikmawati, 2020). sdlc is a process for developing and modifying systems, as well as the models and procedures used to do it (rhodes, 2012; asmanto et al, 2020). sdlc is commonly separated into five stages: requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing, and software maintenance (sommerville, 2015). the goal of adopting this sdlc is to generate quality software within the time and budget constraints while meeting the client's needs and providing clear thinking about the level of progress for both the client and the programmer (malleswari et al, 2018). sdlc is carried out using a software development process paradigm. the waterfall model is one of several types of software development process models. winston w. royce proposed the waterfall model in 1970, and it is considered one of the most iconic models in software engineering (gupta et al, 2021). this model is more stable since it is defined by a sequence of steps that must be completed in a linear or sequential order (agarwal et al, 2017; thummadi & lyytinen, 2020). the waterfall approach is incredibly straightforward to understand and learn, and it is widely documented (nere & buani, 2018). each step in the waterfall model is completed in stages, one after the other (sommerville, 2015). the waterfall technique is one of the methods in the system development life cycle (sdlc) that works in each step of the waterfall that must be finished before moving on to the next (heriyani & ishak, 2020). this model suggests a method for systematic and sequential software development, beginning with the level of system progress and continuing through analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance (hasanah & indriawan, 2021). figure 1 depicts the waterfall development process model: fig. 1. waterfall method rahmadoni et. al... vol 3(2) 2022 : 156-167 159 as a result, the waterfall process model will be used in the investigation. based on the aforementioned research flow diagram, it is possible to explain: 1. analysis system system development precedes system analysis and design and comprises data identification, information identification, data source identification, destination identification, input design, process design, and output design. the following investigations were conducted at this stage of the literature review: theoretical studies and earlier researchers connected to cooperative information systems a) review of literature a literature study is a technique for gathering data that is required to support the theories employed in the creation of this research in the form of journals, books, e-books, or processed data sources, specifically the findings of previous research linked to this research. b) notification observations are made in order to collect data for the purposes of the research being conducted. at the stp unand technology business development center, observations were made. c) job interview if the research aims to do a preliminary study to identify problems that need to be investigated, interviews are employed as a data gathering approach (sugiono, 2011). field interviews were performed with officers in the cooperation area of the center for business and technology development, as well as administrators for data inventors at stp unand, for this study. 2. the design stage all of the needs identified in the previous step are planned during the design stage. the design process includes creating an erd (entity relationship diagram), software architecture, and interface design with uml tools. 3. the coding stage at the coding stage, coding is carried out from the previous step's design to create a single program unit. the php programming language and the mysql database are used in the implementation. this step of coding is used to construct a web-based cooperation information system application. 4. system testing stage system testing is an important part of quality assurance since it represents specification, design, and code. a team of specialists verifies and validates the system in order to test the practicality and rationality of the system by practitioners involved in research. the system test format is used for this stage. following verification and validation by an experienced team, changes and reviews will be carried out to ensure that the system has sufficient feasibility and functionality to become a viable system. at this point, the viability of the resultant collaboration information system, flaws, benefits, limits, and recommendations are also visible. the study was thereafter restricted to stp unand. 4. results and discussions a. system analysis 1) operating system: the goal of this study is to establish a business development centre for stp unand technology. the current system is a collaboration system between stp unand and partners, with unand inventors included in the cooperation agreement. the stp unand technology business development centre’s collaboration process, as well as a recap of the cooperation agreement and inventor search, can be described using bpmn tools, as explained below: a. business model for cooperation agreements stp unand's current collaboration process with partners is done traditionally through the use of existing information and communication technology such as whatsapp and other supporting media. when partners want to collaborate with stp unand, they contact stp unand via whatsapp or email, then hold a fgd to discuss further. after both parties (stp unand and partners) agreed to collaborate, stp unand drafted a collaboration agreement, which was later rahmadoni et. al... vol 3(2) 2022 : 156-167 160 signed by both parties and archived in hardcopy and recaptured in microsoft excel. figure 2 depicts the business model of the currently active cooperation agreement. fig. 2: the business model for ongoing cooperation agreements b. inventor look for a business model in the 2019/2020 academic year, andalas university had 1,541 lecturers, all of whom were automatically inventors. if partners want to collaborate with stp unand and require inventors, stp unand's technology business development centre is looking for inventors who have not yet been recorded at the stp unand technology business development centre. as a result, the stp unand technology business development centre solicits inventors from all faculties in unand. after obtaining the required inventor, communication is established with the inventor in order to proceed to the next stage. the inventory search business model is currently operational, as illustrated in figure 3. fig. 3: business model for ongoing inventor search 2) the proposed system is based on observations and interviews conducted at stp un, particularly at the technology business development centre, regarding the collaborative process and the archiving of collaborative documents, as well as the fact that the search for inventors is still done manually and is not fully computerized. initially, partners who want to collaborate use whatsapp or email, and then a cooperation agreement is made and physically or hardcopy archived, which is then recapitulated in microsoft excel. then, if the collaboration with the partner requires unand inventors, the unand stp technology business development centre searches the faculties at unand for inventors who are compatible with the collaboration. spt unand and partners' collaborative process, as well as the search for inventors, will now be made into a collaborative information system application. this application will streamline stp unand and partners' collaborative process, as well as document archiving in the cloud. furthermore, a special database for all unand inventors was created to make it easier for the stp unand technology business development centre to find inventors for stp unand's collaboration with partners. the flow of the mass work agreement will be described below using the business process modelling notation (bpmn), as shown in figure 4. rahmadoni et. al... vol 3(2) 2022 : 156-167 161 fig. 4. business model of the proposed cooperation agreement process according to figure 4, the stages of the proposed cooperation agreement process's business model are as follows: 1) the inventor enters inventory data into the application, which is then saved in the siker database; 2) partners complete the stp unand cooperation application form; 3) stp unand accepts applications for collaboration from partners, who can then confirm acceptance or rejection. if the request for cooperation is rejected, stp unand must provide information or reasons for the rejection; 4) if the cooperation application is approved, stp unand will seek an inventor on the application; 5) the inventor confirms the inventor's request and can accept the request for cooperation. if the request is denied, the inventor must provide information or explain why the request was denied; 6) stp unand drafted a collaboration agreement with partners; 7) a draft cooperation agreement is distributed to partners for review. partners can either improve the draft or approve the contents of the cooperation draft directly, and 8) the completed draft is then archived as a guide for stp unand and partners. 3) use case diagram: use case diagrams are used to describe the relationship between functional components and system actors. use case diagrams describe the roles of actors or users in a program. figure 5 depicts the use case diagram for this cooperative information system: fig. 5. use case diagram of cooperation information system according to the use case diagram above, there are three actors: stp, partners, and inventors. to access the application, each actor must first log in. this application contains seven functionalities that are related to the function of each actor. stp actors can perform four functions: managing cooperation agreement, selecting inventors, agree to the cooperation agreement, and uploading drafts. partner actors have four functions: partner registration, managing cooperation agreement, cooperation agreement input, and draft uploading. meanwhile, the inventor actor performs two tasks: inventory registration and agree to the cooperation agreement. b. system design the results are obtained based on the stages of analysis of ongoing business processes, system flow, and functional requirements of the system being built, and serve as the basis and benchmark for conducting system design or system design. this system's design includes the creation of a database and a user interface. rahmadoni et. al... vol 3(2) 2022 : 156-167 162 1) database design: database design begins with the creation of a database structure based on the entities used and their relationships with one another. erd describes entities and relationships between entities (entity relationship diagram). cooperation in the application of information systems at the stp unand centre for business and technology development. the database is then designed to meet the needs of the cooperation's information system. this database is subject to modification as the application is developed. figure 6 depicts the erd design of this collaborative information system application. fig. 6. entity relationship diagram 2) interface design: the interface acts as a communication channel between the user and the system. the system interface can receive and provide information to the user in order to assist the user in navigating the troubleshooting path until a solution is found. here are a few screenshots of the app's user interface: fig. 7. login page for user interface design fig. 8. design of the dashboard page user interface c. system coding rahmadoni et. al... vol 3(2) 2022 : 156-167 163 the cooperation information system application is designed to function as a system that manages cooperation, inventories, and the filing of cooperation agreements. this system has two actors and seven functionalities that can be executed. this function represents each user's task and is intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of system processes. the php programming language (pearl hypertext pre-processor), the laravel framework, and the apache xampp web server version 3.2.2 were used to create this application. mysql is the database used for data storage. fig. 9. display of the login page to enter the system, the user must first login by entering the username and password stored in the database and then clicking the "sign in" button, as shown in figure 9. the system will display the main application page if the user has successfully logged in. after logging in, the user can access the stp user page. users can manage their own user data and inventor data, as well as accept or reject cooperation agreements and upload and download draft cooperation agreements. figure 10 depicts a user page view of stp. fig. 10. display of the stp user main page the stp user page, as shown in figure 10, has two main menus, which are described below: 1) on the cooperation agreement page, the user can perform activities related to the proposed collaboration, accept or reject the proposed collaboration, and upload and download the proposed collaboration. have been discussed with partners; 2) on the inventor page, the user can manage unand inventory data. this is intended to make it easier for stp to find inventors who will participate in the collaboration agreement. fig. 11. display of the partner user main page rahmadoni et. al... vol 3(2) 2022 : 156-167 164 after signing in, the user can access the partner user page, as shown in figure 11. partner users can apply for a cooperation agreement through this information system by filling out the system's form and waiting for the stp to determine whether the collaboration is accepted or rejected. after signing in, the user can access the user inventor page. as shown in figure 12, user inventors have the authority to manage user data and cooperation requests submitted by partners via stp users. fig. 12. display of the user inventor main page the inventor user page, as shown in figure 12, has two main menus: profile and a list of cooperation agreements. users can update the information that was previously entered in the "profile" menu. this is required because the inventor has the most recent data to update. furthermore, the inventor user can see the cooperation request on the cooperation list menu and accept or reject the cooperation requested by stp from this menu. d. system testing the emphasis is on testing the system built with test data based on the application's data. table 1 – test focus no tested items tested process 1 manage cooperation agreement create, read, update, delete 2 agree to the cooperation agreement read, update, delete 3 select inventor read, update 4 download draft read 5 upload draft read, delete 6 registration create, update the testing is done on a predetermined test focus. testing is done using black box testing, which is based on system features and pays special attention to system inputs and outputs. the table below lists the system tests that have been implemented. table 2 – system testing no tested items data entered sighting result 1 manage cooperation agreement all the data needed on the manage cooperation agreement form saved data, system displays cooperation list page, and notification of saved data suitable 2 agree to the cooperation agreement user clicks click accept/reject button saved data, the system displays the cooperation list page, and there is a notification suitable 3 select inventor user clicks the "search" button on the select inventor menu saved data, the system displays the inventory list page, and there is a notification suitable rahmadoni et. al... vol 3(2) 2022 : 156-167 165 4 download draft users click the download button data downloaded successfully suitable 5 upload draft all data needed on the upload draft form saved data, the system displays the upload draft page, and there is a notification suitable 6 registration all data required on the registration form saved data, system displays login page, and notification of saved data suitable the testing phase is carried out on applications that are built with the goal of focusing on the system's availability and functional suitability. the results obtained after testing are consistent with the design and system output. furthermore, during the test, there were no failures in any of the processes or functions. as a result, the design of the collaborative information system application at the stp unand business and technology development centre appears to be performing as intended. 5. conclusion at the stp unand business and technology development center, the waterfall method was successfully used to build or design a collaborative information system application. based on the outcomes of each stage of the waterfall method, namely analysis, design, coding, and system testing, it is possible to conclude that the design of this collaborative information system application has been successfully built in accordance with needs. furthermore, the development of this cooperation information system can assist stp unand's business and technology development center in collaborating with partners, easily finding inventors, and stp can archive existing collaborations to facilitate the search for collaboration through built-in applications. acknowledgement optional thank you to everyone who helped and supported the research's implementation. this activity was carried out under the 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using the telegram chatbot. in this study using the software development life cycle (sdlc) method where this method has a plan in the form of planning, analysis (analysis), design (design), implementation (implements) and management (maintenance). the results of this study use the telegram chatbot as a medium of information that can be delivered easily because the working principle of the chatbot on the telegram has a button feature that makes it easier for user friendly-based use so as to reduce the system error. users will get results in the form of a pdf document (information on diet, nutritional content, and examples of foods that can be consumed) or images of good solutions and nutrition so that they can be downloaded easily through mobile phones with a minimum specification in the form of android and notebook and personal computer (pc). keywords : diet, pregnant women, health, chat bot, raspberry pi 1. introduction for a mother, of course the pregnancy is a gift given by god to its people, and is a special situation for women as prospective mothers. the baby who is in the content is a successor to give happiness to parents, when he was born a child to the world. because in the process of pregnancy there will be physical changes, it can affect the immunity of the body in the mother and to the fetus itself. therefore a healthy and regular diet is very necessary to maintain the body's immunity, the benefits that are obtained are not only for their mothers but also with their fetuses that can help in the growth and development of the fetus in the mother's womb. therefore paying attention to the consumed diet must have good quality and nutrition, because a good diet can improve the quality of children in the womb(kadir, 2021; mazzocchi et al., 2022). if a maternal diet is less awake, then the development of the fetus will tilt and this can lead to abortion (abortion), a bblr (low birth weight), a premature-born baby, and more harmful is the death of the baby in the womb. it does not escape prospective mothers, obstacles that will be experienced such as the length of labor, bleeding, infection and other obstacles can be experienced by the mother, if the diet is less awake. maintaining good nutrition and diet during pregnancy process is very important for the health of mothers and infants who have not been born. counseling about a healthy diet and still physically active during pregnancy processes is recommended for pregnant women to stay healthy and prevent excessive weight gain during pregnancy. healthy diet during pregnancy contains sufficient energy, protein, vitamins and minerals, obtained through consumption of various foods, including green vegetables and orange, meat, fish, nuts, pasteurized milk products, and fruits(faessen et al., 2022; heslehurst et al., 2020). telegram bot is a third-party application that can be run inside the telegram, which gives users to send messages, rules, and inline requests(parlika & pratama, 2020). the telegram bot can be accessed using https which is converted into a telegram fire. bot can be used as a medium of service and providing information about an educational and useful thing for its users in terms of politics, medical, business, social and education. bot can also be used in a rechargeable activity, and can be used as a monitoring / monitoring tool(sucipto et al., 2019). wahyuni … vol 4(1) 2022 : 209-214 210 machine learning (ml) or machine learning is an approach in the science of science (artificial intelligence) which is widely used to replace or imitate the role of humans in resolving a problem or work by doing an automatization(vinuesa & brunton, 2022). the use of the microcontroller and the circuit is as a media base for taking input, data processing and displaying the results on the web as output viewers in the form of body fat percentages(iswanto et al., 2022; chandra & putro, 2022; schölkopf, 2022; henry et al., 2022). decision making the selection of nutritional needs of pregnant women. various than one pregnant woman and the other in herself and fetal food. the nutritional factors of pregnant women are basically the same, but the level of value of nutritional factors varies, so the quality or quality of nutrition is also different(mohammadi et al., 2022; hery et al., 2022). from the issue, the selection of nutrition becomes difficult, so nutritional experts need a system that can be petrified to analyze quickly, appropriately, easily, effectively and efficiently in determining the best decisions of various alternative quality choices of nutrients. testing microcontroller integration to the network and the database is done by programming microcontroller to be connecting with networks and databases. which needs to be considered in testing this time is the ssid from the network, the password of the network, the ip address of the server (in this test localhost), and database. the microcontroller can connect to the network and database if the monitor series the arduino ide program shows "connected database!" and “wifi connected”. microcontroller as the process and the blynk application and database as the output(rosli et al., 2022). the tool that is made serves to detect the heartbeat and the website system that is created functions as a database-based storage medium. the conclusions obtained from the website system that has been created can assist posyandu officers in monitoring the patient's heart rate and inputting data into the database(bakri et al., 2022). the lack of technology that can quickly determine how pregnant women experience chronic energy deficiency has an impact on increasing the mortality rate in pregnant women and the conceived fetus. some variables of effectiveness of nutritional intake of pregnant women such as diet, exercise, vitamins c, d, and e are the nutrients needed during pregnancy (izzati & mutalazimah, 2022). the advantages of the application of the diet of pregnant womenbased raspberry pi using this telegram chatbot, the details of information provided regarding the diet of good pregnant women in the form of information through text, images and vitamins or content that must be consumed in pregnant women. the ease of interacting with the chatbot given to the user in the form of a ui system is perfectly used using the button system so that the selection on the information needed is easy to access(ghimire et al., 2022). microcontroller as the process and the blynk application and database as the output. the tool that is made serves to detect the heartbeat and the website system that is created functions as a database-based storage medium. the conclusions obtained from the website system that has been created can assist posyandu officers in monitoring the patient's heart rate and inputting data into the database (saha et al., 2022). the lack of technology that can quickly determine how pregnant women experience chronic energy deficiency has an impact on increasing the mortality rate in pregnant women and the conceived fetus. some variables of effectiveness of nutritional intake of pregnant women such as diet, exercise, vitamins c, d, and e are the nutrients needed during pregnancy (izzati & mutalazimah, 2022). wahyuni … vol 4(1) 2022 : 209-214 211 2. research methods fig 1. software development life cycle research project planning at this stage it emphasizes the aspects of the feasibility study of the system development (feasibility study). build a chatbot that aims to make it easier to provide first trimester pregnancy health information. system analysis at this stage, the system will be analyzed how it will be carried out later. the results of the analysis are in the form of advantages and disadvantages of systems, system functions, to renewal that can be applied. this section is included in the planning section of the resource allocation, tool planning, project scheduling, cost estimates, and adopants. system design at this stage, feature and operation the operation on the system is described in detail and comprehensive. by analyzing the interaction of objects and functions in the system. design system has 3 different concepts, namely mechanic design, system design, design software and model design. system implementation this stage is the application of testing the application, conducting surveys and assessments on the application to be made, whether the application is ready to be made to become a whole or need a deeper development so that the application can run according to the results of the analysis. testing and integration a stages where the results of the incorporation of units or components in the application that interact in the software and in the trial. integration testing is done after the testing unit is completed and before the testing system is done. the purpose of integration testing is checking whether the application functions according to what is expected, check the performance of the application produced, and test the reliability of the program structure that has been designed. system maintenance carried out by admin that is obtained to keep the system remain able to operate well through system capabilities in adapting themselves according to their needs. the gap and damage found in the production process must be reported and resolved. if found before mass production, it is better than finishing by remodeling from the beginning. 4. results and discussions the results and manufacture of chatbot using python-telegram-bots is to help easily seek information about pregnancy and good diet for pregnant women. this application even though it is very good at solving the problems of pregnant women, this application is also very good to be learned by husbands in helping provide good nutrition for his wife. wahyuni … vol 4(1) 2022 : 209-214 212 fig 2. data tracking/history the results of the trial are outlined in the form of a table, where the trial is carried out by checking repeatedly and comprehensively on the application so there is no bug or error in the system, and also in the user's test 4 times, namely pregnant women who have problems in pregnancy in trimester in the pregnancy period. table 1 application testing no step things to expect conclusion 1 start a conversation with a bot the user can use the button start button and start the application done 2 help button users can use the help button and get info about the application done 3 disease history and problem questions the application can display done 4 trimester option the application can send trimester 1,2,3 pregnancy age elections done 5 list of problems on each trimester the application can send a list of problems after the user has chosen a gestational age done 6 result information information about diet and solutions can be sent in the form of pdfs and text messages done 7 user data information about users can be displayed done table 2 testing application to user wahyuni … vol 4(1) 2022 : 209-214 213 5. conclusion application dietary pregnant mothers based on raspberry pi using chatbot telegram this is an application to help provide information about regular diet, providing information about quality nutrients and can help grow fetus and health to the mother itself. by using the telegram chatbot information about it can be delivered easily because the chatbot on the telegram has a button feature that makes it easier in the conversation between the user and the chatbot so it reduces the system error on the bot. users will get results in the form of a pdf document or an image on good solutions and nutrition that can be downloaded through gengam cellphones and their personal computers easily. references bakri, m. a., paridawati, p., sikki, i., handoyo, y., sylviana, r., surahto, a., ... & apriliansyah, m. 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universities in indonesia are still implementing a blended learning system, or mixed learning between face-to-face meetings and online meetings. usually 30% of face-to-face meetings and 70% online use e-learning. at university of pembangunan panca budi, e-learning-based blended learning has been implemented and developed since 2012. even though unpab's infrastructure and human resources are quite ready to carry out fully online learning during a pandemic, there are challenges that must be anticipated, namely student readiness. because most of the students are in the area. keywords : e-learning, distance learning, covid-19 1. introduction the covid-19 pandemic has brought about changes in various aspects of life in this world. not only in indonesia, almost all countries in the world have also felt the same impact as a result of the covid-19 pandemic. because of its very fast spread, the best way to reduce and stop the spread of the covid-19 virus is to maintain distance and limit various activities of people. in indonesia, the handling of the covid-19 virus is carried out by implementing a policy of limiting people's activities or locking on a micro or regional scale depending on the level of spread and positive cases of each region(hamzah, et al., 2022; anthony jnr, 2022; setiawan, et al., 2022; sabat, 2022). education in indonesia, the implementation of online learning is still a sensitive matter to discuss. in the circular letter of the ministry of education, culture, research and technology no. 2 of 2022 concerning the implementation of education in higher education, it is written that the implementation of fully online learning still has to apply for special permission from the ministry. so maybe what we know that can hold online learning in indonesia today is an open university. what can be applied in universities in indonesia is the blended learning model. blended learning is a combination of face-to-face learning systems with online learning systems, with presentations between 30% face-to-face meetings and 70% online. in the implementation of blended learning learning systems can take advantage of learning management systems such as moodle(anderjovi, et al., 2022). university of pembangunan panca budi, which is one of the oldest universities in north sumatra, has begun to develop and implement a blended learning system based on e-learning since 2012. the lms used at unpab is moodle with the address this lms is to accommodate online learning for all study programs at unpab. the online learning system applied at unpab is blended learning(bizami, et al., 2022). however, due to the covid-19 pandemic, which has resulted in restrictions on community activities, including face-to-face lectures, all universities in indonesia must respond quickly and provide real solutions in order to fully carry out online lectures. this is a challenge for all universities, because fully online learning must be supported by qualified facilities and also lecturers who must be familiar with the use of technology(li & wang, 2022). kurniawan… vol 4(1) 2022 : 42-47 43 e-learning is a type of learning system that allows the achievement of teaching materials to students by using internet media. e-learning has the following characteristics; (1) having content that is relevant to the learning objectives, (2) using instructional methods, such as presenting examples and exercises, (3) using elements such as words and pictures to convey learning, and (4) building understanding and abilities related to learning objectives either individually or in groups(hamzah, et al., 2019; ambiyar, et al., 2019; prifti, 2022; dubois, et al., 2022). implementation of e-learning-based learning during the covid-19 period for students of the 2020 ppkn unp entry year. the issue of the journal of civic education researched by akmal, gusti selfi in 2020, used a descriptive qualitative method. based on this research, the results of the implementation of e-learning-based learning during the covid-19 period went quite well with the entire learning process carried out in accordance with existing regulations(selfi & akmal, 2021). utilization of e-learning in distance learning during the covid-19 pandemic. the biblio couns issue researched by pipit putri hariani, sri ngayomi yudha wastuti, liza mahdalena, wahid iskandar barus, uses descriptive qualitative methods. based on this research, the results of the implementation of e-learning for distance learning during the covid-19 period did not go well, because most respondents did not agree with the e-learning-based online learning system(hariani, et al., 2020). in the two studies above, different results were obtained, namely in the first study the results of the implementation of online learning during the pandemic were good because it had been running in accordance with existing regulations. while the second research results are e-learningbased online learning does not work well, because most students do not agree with the implementation of e-learning-based learning(alyahya, et al., 2022). 3. research methods research design the approach used in this study is in the form of a descriptive explanation of the responses and experiences of respondents in participating in online learning based on e-learning during the covid-19 pandemic. research subject the subjects in this study were students of the university of pembangungan panca budi, computer system study program, the subject of cloud technology and the lecturer heri kurniawan, s.kom., m.kom with a total of 30 respondents. data collection technique the procedure for collecting data in this study is to provide online questionnaires to respondents, observation and study documentation. and for data analysis through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusions or data verification. 4. results and discussions in conventional synchronous learning, lecturers and students can interact directly in the classroom. however, due to the covid-19 pandemic, which requires online learning or distance learning, of course, lecturers and students must adapt to this new learning process. although it is possible that the synchronous learning system or virtual face-to-face in real time using media such as zoom is quite effective for interaction between lecturers and students, this synchronous learning system requires a qualified network connection. the problem is that in indonesia internet network access has not been evenly distributed, especially for those in the regions. so asynchronous learning using e-learning is a good enough choice to be used as a media to support the implementation of online learning during the covid-19 pandemic(hamzah, et al., 2021). understanding of materials delivered through e-learning there are considerable challenges for lecturers in implementing this e-learning-based learning. and the key in facing these challenges is that lecturers must be good at creating kurniawan… vol 4(1) 2022 : 42-47 44 interesting learning content. interesting and interactive teaching materials will make students more interested and easy to learn(moustakas & robrade, 2022). based on the results of a questionnaire with 30 respondents related to understanding the material conveyed through e-learning, the following results were obtained : fig 1. graph of material understanding delivered through e-learning based on the graph above, the results obtained are 90% or 27 unpab students who take the cloud technology course with lecturer heri kurniawan, s.kom., m.kom understand the material delivered through e-learning. meanwhile, 10% or 3 other students admitted to having difficulties with delivering material through e-learning. types of materials that are easy to understand as mentioned above, the key to the success of e-learning-based online learning is the learning content or the type of material that is not monotonous like conventional learning. therefore, lecturers are required to continuously improve their knowledge and skills in the field of information and communication technology(perera & abeysekera, 2022). fig 2. easy-to-understand material type chart based on the graph above, the results obtained about 77% or 23 students stated that the easiest e-learning-based online learning material to understand was in the form of learning videos. and then, there are 20% or 6 students whose material is easy to understand in the form of electronic text. while 3% or 1 student stated in audio form. e-learning can be a replacement technology for face-to-face meetings in the pre-pandemic period, the world of education in indonesia was still very dependent on conventional learning in the classroom. the online learning at that time was carried out using a blended learning model or mixed learning between face to face and online. however, because of the pandemic that forced the world of education to carry out online learning completely. this condition is certainly a challenge for all universities in indonesia, including the panca budi development university. and the following is an assessment from students regarding the online learning experience during the pandemic. kurniawan… vol 4(1) 2022 : 42-47 45 fig 3. e-learning graphics as a technology to replace face-to-face meetings based on the graph above, the results obtained ranged from 77% or 23 students stated that online learning based on e-learning can replace face-to-face meetings in class. meanwhile, 23% or 6 students stated that e-learning was not able to replace face-to-face meetings in class. agree to e-learning for online learning. during the pandemic, there may be an element of compulsion for all universities to fully implement online learning. but i think this can be a baseline for the learning system in indonesia in the future. in the future, the learning system will no longer be limited to classrooms, but will prioritize the use of technology, especially now that virtualization such as metaverse has begun. and do students agree with online learning based on e-learning as it is today? the following are the results of student assessments(satyawan, et al., 2021; qiao, et al., 2021; fuady, et al., 2021). fig 4. graph of using e-learning for online learning with a fairly large presentation, 80% or 24 students agree with e-learning as an online learning medium. while there are 20% or 6 students who do not agree. perhaps it is understandable that 20% of the students chose not to agree, because e-learning-based asynchronous learning has quite a big challenge. kurniawan… vol 4(1) 2022 : 42-47 46 fig 5. learning content in e-learning 5. conclusion based on the presentation of the results of the assessment and student experiences above, it can be concluded that e-learning-based online learning is very helpful in carrying out lectures during a pandemic that cannot meet face-to-face in class. and even 80% of students agree with the use of e-learning in online learning. however, what must be underlined is that e-learningbased online learning must be accompanied by interactive and interesting learning content. in accordance with the student's choice, the material that is easy to understand is in the form of learning videos. of course it is a challenge for lecturers to continue to improve their abilities in the field of information and communication technology. the next challenge is that lecturers must be able to manage online meetings in e-learning in accordance with the learning outcomes of the courses. so it is important for lecturers to make lesson plans. lecturers must prepare lesson plans and design course learning so that it is easy to create and manage learning content in e-learning. the best choice for implementing online learning is actually a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning. in synchronous learning, lecturers can meet virtual directly with students using teleconference media such as zoom, google meet, etc. indeed, the implementation of synchronous online learning like this requires an adequate network connection and this is also an obstacle where network connections in indonesia are not evenly distributed. furthermore, asynchronous learning is that lecturers can use e-learning media. in this e-learning-based asynchronous learning system, the role of the lecturer is needed, starting from planning, implementing learning and evaluating learning. references alyahya, m. a., elshaer, i. a., abunasser, f., hassan, o. h. m., & sobaih, a. e. e. 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(2022). blended learning and student mathematics ability in indonesia: a meta-analysis study. international journal of instruction, 15(2). journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 122 classification of melinjo fruit levels using skin color detection with rgb and hsv dadang iskandar1, marjuki2* sekolah tinggi ilmu komputer cipta karya informatika, east jakarta, indonesia1,2 received : 22 august 2022, revised: 10 september 2022, accepted : 10 september 2022 *corresponding author abstract this study aims to detect the ripeness of melinjo fruit using digital image method. structured identification or division using image processing and computer vision requires the socialization of patterns based on training datasets. melinjo (gnetum gnemon l.) is a plant that can grow anywhere, such as yards, gardens, or on the sidelines of residential areas, as a result, produces melinjo into a plant that has relatively large potential to be developed. the process of image processing and pattern socialization is a highly developed research study. starting based on the process of socializing an object, or a structured division of the object and about detecting the level of fruit maturity. the structured division process regarding ripeness into 3 classes, namely: raw, half-cooked and ripe where the process is carried out using google collaboratory which processes the rgb color space to hsv. in this study, the testing method for the system that will be used is a functional test where the test is carried out only by observing the execution results through test data and checking the functionality of the system being developed. the level of accuracy obtained from this study is 98.0% correct. keywords : digital image, classification of ripeness of melinjo fruit, rgb, hsv 1. introduction melinjo ( gnetum gnemon l. ) is a plant that can grow anywhere, such as yards, gardens, or on the sidelines of residential areas, as a result, produces melinjo into a plant that has relatively large potential to be developed. young melinjo leaves and fruit can be processed into vegetables and old melinjo grains can be processed into standard ingredients for making chips(siregar, 2014). emping is a processed product of melinjo which is popular with the public, and has become a potential commodity for the small industrial sector. emping melinjo is a processed product from melinjo whose manufacturing process is to use a method of flattening old melinjo fruit which was previously roasted (widiantie et al., 2021). before harvesting the melinjo fruit, it is very important to pay attention to the level of maturity of the fruit because it is a crucial factor in choosing the quality based on the melinjo fruit (wardani et al., 2019). if the melinjo fruit is young, it can be prepared as processed vegetables and if the fruit that is harvested is not old enough, even though it is ripe, the quality is not good enough to be used as chips because the taste and aroma are not good and are easily destroyed. on the other hand, if the fruit is harvested too old, the taste and aroma of the fruit is strong, but has a short shelf life (siregar, 2014). therefore, the level of maturity of melinjo fruit to be harvested is closely related to the marketing reach and the purpose of using melinjo fruit. to follow up on these problems, this study tries to create a system where this system will be needed later and can be useful as a medium that can help in determining the maturity level of melinjo fruit. this system will detect based on the skin color of the melinjo fruit. researchers will apply an rgb and hsv method in the melinjo grain maturity detection system to get good accuracy results(phuangsaijai, et al., 2021; herng, et al., 2021; mohsin, et al., 2021; din & abdul nasir, 2021; kulakova, et al., 2022; basak, et al., 2022). 2. research methods quantitative research is the basis for selecting research methods, because basically the selection of quantitative methods focuses on the description of the results of a processed photo with the percentage accuracy of the method or process carried out. in this research, it is the iskandar and marjuki… vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 123 accuracy in the level of maturity of the melinjo fruit by dividing the accurate amount by the total amount of data tested, while the stages are as follows: fig 1. steps of quantitative research a. formulating a problem can be defined as the activity of a question sentence that is prepared based on the existence of the problem and the answer will be sought through data collection in a research process using the 5w + 1h formulation. b. determine the theoretical basis where the process of seeking information from the theories of experts or previous research which will later become reference material. c. data collection was carried out as research material to be tested. from 1,003 existing data sets, the data will be divided into two, namely 80% for training data and 20% for testing data. d. analyzing data from various aspects to be tested using the method prepared as a test method. e. the conclusion of this study is the result of the testing process carried out and is usually written in writing that discusses before, during, and after testing. research data in this study, the data needed by researchers as research material is melinjo fruit. the type of data used in this study is an image or a photo of melinjo fruit which later the image will be processed. the melinjo fruit, which was previously obtained from the market, are cleaned first to clean the remaining dirt that can interfere with the results of the photo which will be used as research material and then separate one by one from the stems. test design the design of the test to be carried out is to create a fruit ripeness classification system using two color spaces, namely the rgb and hsv color spaces, the results of which aim to increase the accuracy of fruit ripeness with the following stages: making a problem formulation determining the theory data collection analyzing data and testing conclusion start end iskandar and marjuki… vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 124 fig 2. test design a. designing on google collaboratory, this process can be mentioned as the first step in creating a system which contains python language command code to run it. with the command code that has been prepared in advance, the design is made and tested one by one according to the stages. b. changing the bgr color space to rgb along with its average value, in this study the image data or images obtained previously captured by the system have b, g, and r colors so that to improve color accuracy in the next process, the image must be converted to rgb. c. changing the rgb color space to hsv, to reduce the effect of illumination on an image, the image color can be converted to another color space, one of which is the hsv color space. the first step that must be done is to change the rgb value by dividing each value by an rgb scale of 255 as follows: the next step is to convert rgb to hsv by using the following formula: d. after the hsv image is obtained, the next process is to change the hsv image to a black and white image through the masking process . masking is the process of converting an image into a black and white image. the masking process aims to separate the foreground and background images by utilizing the thresholding process . the thresholding process uses a certain limit value to convert the pixel value in the original image into a binary image, where the foreground pixel value will be 1 and the background pixel value will be 0. e. in this study, the testing method for the system that will be used is a functional test where the test is carried out only by observing the execution results through test data and checking the functionality of the system being developed. google collaboratory design bgr to rgb rgb to hsv masking result recording start end iskandar and marjuki… vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 125 3. results and discussions melinjo fruit dataset in this study, the dataset used was 1,003 images with the distribution of 333 images of raw melinjo fruit, 330 images of half-ripe melinjo fruit, and 340 images of ripe melinjo fruit. from 1,003 existing data sets, the data will be divided into two parts, namely 80% for training data and 20% for testing data. fig 3. a raw image, b half ripe image, c ripe image based on figure 3, it is found that the average rgb values are as follows: table 1 average rgb values of melinjo images furthermore, the results of the conversion of rgb to hsv images a, b, and c can be seen in the following table: table 2 hsv score of melinjo image melinjo maturity detection test the stages of the melinjo fruit maturity detection test are carried out one by one and are divided into three processes, namely 67 images of the raw category, 66 images of the half -ripe category, and 68 images of the ripe category. a. melinjo fruit detection stages the first stages in google collabolatory are as follows: image name color average image a red 179 green 192 blue 193 image b red 177 green 191 blue 197 image c red 176 green 186 blue 193 image name classification characteristic score image a raw h 0.112 s -58.7 v 188 image b half-cooked h 0.585 s -58.0 v 188 image c ripe h 0.985 s -57.7 v 185 iskandar and marjuki… vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 126 fig 4. inserting the melinjo a1 image at the initial stage, the user can press the choose files button as shown in figure 4 to select the image to be tested so that a search menu appears as shown in figure 5 below: fig 5. select image a1 based on figure 5, the user selects the melinjo image whose maturity level will be tested, namely "a1" then selects " open " so that the image enters the google collabolatory as shown in figure 6 below: fig 6. display bgr image a1 after appearing in google collabolatory as shown above, the user then processes the change from bgr to rgb so that it looks like figure 7 below: iskandar and marjuki… vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 127 fig 7. bgr to rgb a1 image furthermore, the rgb image is converted back into hsv form as shown in figure 8 below: fig 8. rgb to hsv image a1 the next process is to change the hsv image to a black and white image through the masking process. the masking process aims to separate the foreground and background images by utilizing the thresholding process as shown in figure 9 below: fig 9. masking the a1 citra image after the masking process as shown in figure 4.9, the next step is to detect the ripeness of the melinjo fruit by pressing the next button. iskandar and marjuki… vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 128 fig 10. detection of maturity level of a1 image based on figure 10 above, the process of detecting the level of maturity of the melinjo fruit was successfully detected with the results of "raw fruit" so that the results were correct. b. melinjo fruit detection results based on the results of the melinjo maturity level detection test with the process carried out as many as 201 images consisting of 3 types of maturity levels, namely raw, half-cooked, and ripe, the results were as follows: table 3 results of testing images a, b, and c from the table above, the results show that there are 197 images with true detection and 4 images with false detection. the next step is to calculate the level of accuracy based on the number of melinjo images tested, namely 201 with the formula as follows: no image name maturity level detection results conclusion 1 a1.jpeg raw raw correct 2 a2.jpeg raw raw correct 3 a3.jpeg raw raw correct ===================================================== 68 b1.jpeg half-cooked half-cooked correct 69 b2.jpeg half-cooked half-cooked correct 74 b7.jpeg half-cooked half-cooked correct 75 b8.jpeg half-cooked half-cooked correct ===================================================== 113 b46.jpeg half-cooked ripe wrong ===================================================== 119 b52.jpeg half-cooked ripe wrong ===================================================== 122 b55.jpeg half-cooked ripe wrong ===================================================== 128 b61.jpeg half-cooked ripe wrong ===================================================== 195 c62.jpeg ripe ripe correct 199 c66.jpeg ripe ripe correct 200 c67.jpeg ripe ripe correct 201 c68.jpeg ripe ripe correct iskandar and marjuki… vol 4(1) 2022 : 123-130 129 based on the results of the accuracy test, an accuracy value of 98.0% was obtained for the detection process of melinjo fruit maturity as much as 201 test data. 5. conclusion based on the results of tests carried out by detecting the ripeness of melinjo fruit, the following conclusions can be drawn: detection of ripeness of melinjo fruit with rgb and hsv color space extraction method can be performed on images of ripe, half-ripe and unripe melinjo fruit. the results of the detection of the maturity level of the mangosteen using the rgb and hsv color space methods give an accuracy of 98.0% with 201 melinjo image data, it can be said that the accuracy level in this method is quite high. based on the test results, the detection accuracy will certainly change with the increasing number of data being tested. for the advancement of a work system that excels in additional exploration, the authors can provide the following suggestions: to provide a better level of accuracy in detecting fruit ripeness, it is necessary to compare the rgb and hsv extraction methods with other extraction methods and for a better system development, it is necessary to add a test menu with the selection of melinjo fruit image folders simultaneously detection, to shorten the testing time if there are enough test images. references ayllon, ma, mendoza, jj, & tomas, mc (nd). detection of ripeness of whole local fruit using convolutional neural networks through image processing machine translated by google . 145–148. basak, j. k., madhavi, b. g. k., paudel, b., kim, n. e., & 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sign language using the single shot detection (ssd) method, which is a convolution activity by combining several layers of preparation, by utilizing several components that move together and are motivated by a biological sensory system. the letters used in making sign language programs use the letters of the alphabet (az). this sign language detection programming that runs on the google collaboratory application. keywords : detection, sign language, ssd, google collaboratory 1. introduction the development of information technology in the latest era, the world has been in the development of the industrial revolution 4.0 with transformations in all aspects, especially the use of the development of artificial intelligence (ai), one of which is machine learning(abidi et al., 2022; sujatha et al., 2022). almost all remote areas can now feel the technology that is developing today. information technology is used to process data, including processing, obtaining, compiling, storing, manipulating data in various ways to produce quality information, namely relevant, accurate and timely information used for personal, business, government and strategic information for decision making(agarwal & raj, 2022). the development of information technology has had a major impact on various fields of people's lives, both in terms of social, economic, educational, development, as well as tourism. indonesia has 2 standard sign language systems that are commonly encountered, namely sibi (indonesian sign language system) and bisindo (indonesian sign language)(hosea & wirawan, 2022; aditama et al., 2022). based on the regulation of the ministry of education and culture of the republic of indonesia number 061/u/1994 concerning standardization of the indonesian sign language system for the deaf, sibi is a sign language that has been inaugurated by the government in accordance with the applicable curriculum and as a teaching standard in special schools (slb). in making this deaf sign language detection application using the single shot detection (ssd) method for making detection applications, hand movements are used to detect the letters that you want to use in order to know the letters you want to say(gupta et al., 2022). as for classifying function values from all possible input values, a learning technique is needed or what is usually known as supervised learning or a label is given to the algorithm as the basis for truth(leqi et al., 2022). according to experts, namely kerlinger, stating that survey research methodology is research conducted on large or small populations, but the data studied are data from samples taken from the population, to find relative events, distributions, and relationships between variables. sociological and psychological. the rq formulation of effectiveness in research should focus on 5 elements known as picoc: 1. population (f): target group for investigation (e.g. people, software, etc.) 2. intervention (i): determine the aspect of the investigation or problem that is of interest to the researcher 3. comparation (c): the aspect of the investigation to which the intervention (i) will be compared. iskandar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 215-222 216 4. outcomes (o): effects and outcomes of the intervention 5. context (c):background or research environment table 1 review of picoc survey theme title: detection of deaf sign language using single shot detection (ssd) method population detection, sign language, and single shot detection (ssd) intervention a. how to design a sign language detection support system for the general public. b. how to apply the single shot detection (ssd) method in the process of detecting fingers so that they can be understood as text. comparison n/a outcomes a. to help translate people with special needs with general people who cannot speak sign language so that they can communicate. b. make it easier to learn sign language with the help of a video camera to detect the letters we want to learn. context public dataset programming language according to bahar et al., (2022) "programming language is a syntax for defining computer programs, this language allows a programmer to create an application program, for example: pyhton, javam borland delphi". as for other research according to cox et al., (2022) suggests that "programming language is a computer language used in writing programs." google collaboration google colab or google collaboratory, is an executable document that can be used to store, write, and share programs that have been written via google drive. the explanation was adapted from tutorials point, this software is basically similar to the free jupyter notebook in the form of a cloud that is run using a browser, such as mozilla firefox and google chrome(sampathila et al. 2022). sign language sign language is a language that prioritizes manual communication, body language, and lip movements, instead of sound, to communicate(abu-jamie & abu-naser, 2022). deaf people are the main group who use this language, usually by combining hand shape, orientation and movement of the hands, arms, and body, and facial expressions to express their thoughts. contrary to the opinion of many, in reality no international sign language has been successfully implemented. sign language is unique in its kind in each country(chen et al., 2022). sign language may differ in countries that speak the same language. for indonesia, there is a sign language, namely indonesian sign language (bisindo) whose development is supported by a donor agency from japan involving the chinese university of hong kong and the university of indonesia(nurpiena et al., 2021). detect in general, detection is an attempt to find and determine the existence, assumption, or reality. from the detection results, it can be seen who the perpetrator of the crime was by accessing information without special cooperation from the sender. in the history of radio communication, the term "detector" was first used for a device that detects the presence or absence of a radio signal, as all communications use morse code(hassija et al., 2021). single shot detector (ssd) single shot detector (ssd) is a method for recognizing or detecting an object in an image using a single deep neural network and one of the most popular object detection algorithms due to its ease of implementation, good accuracy vs. ratio required computation. single shot detector (ssd) only needs to take a single shot to detect multiple objects in the image(magalhães et al., 2021). iskandar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 215-222 217 the single shot detector (ssd) method is included in object detection in real time, although it is more intuitive than its counterparts such as r-cnn, fast r-cnn faster r-cnn and you only look once (yolo), single shot detector (ssd). ) is a very powerful algorithm. being simple in design, the implementation is more direct from gpu and deep learning framework point of view and thus does the heavy lifting of detection at lightning speed(nithin & jaisharma, 2022). 2. research methods in this study, the image of the deaf sign language spread from various sources on the internet. as for the sample in this study had 26 images of hand shapes, during the shooting process, four images were obtained for each background, which means 12 images for each alphabet. the total images from letters a to z obtained are 312 images. the following are 26 images used in this study and their explanations: table 2 alphabet image dataset data collection techniques data collection techniques were used to collect data according to research procedures in order to obtain the required data. data collection techniques are the most strategic step in research because the main purpose of research is to collect data. data collection techniques in this study using the documentation technique. documentation is a method of reviewing and processing data from pre-existing documents and supporting research data. documentation method is used to collect sign language data. application of the methodology the following are the stages of the methodology used in the research: no. variable train test variable operational definition 1 a 8 4 image of hand shape a 2 b 8 4 image of a b bentuk shape hand 3 c 8 4 c shaped hand image 4 d 8 4 d shaped hand image 5 e 8 4 image of hand shape e 6 f 8 4 the image of a hand in the shape of f 7 g 8 4 g shaped hand image 8 h 8 4 the image of a h .-shaped hand 9 i 8 4 i shape hand image 10 j 8 4 image of a j bentuk-shaped hand 11 k 8 4 k shape hand image 12 l 8 4 l shaped hand image 13 m 8 4 image of a m-shaped hand 14 n 8 4 n shape hand image 15 o 8 4 image of an o .-shaped hand 16 p 8 4 p shaped hand image 17 q 8 4 image of a q-shaped hand 18 r 8 4 image of an r .-shaped hand 19 s 8 4 s shape hand image 20 t 8 4 image of a t . shaped hand 21 u 8 4 u shaped hand image 22 v 8 4 v shaped hand image 23 w 8 4 w shaped hand image 24 x 8 4 the image of an x-shaped hand 25 y 8 4 y shaped hand image 26 z 8 4 z shaped hand image iskandar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 215-222 218 fig 1. stages of methodology application data collection the process of collecting data in this study used the scraping method. the scraping method used is to download images related to the object in this study, namely the image of the deaf sign language hand shape in the variables of this study which was obtained on the kaggle website. dataset creation the image data in this study are downloaded from the kaggle website. there are three backgrounds used in taking pictures, namely a plain white shirt, a white wall, and a white shirt with dots. the angle of view of the image taken is the front view with the object distance from the lens of approximately 70 cm. in this study, two separate datasets were used, each containing training data and test data. test design the test design is the stage to find out how the performance of the system that has been built. this test is carried out in two stages, namely the training stage and the testing stage. the design of this test is to be able to find out the results of the analysis and the design carried out is in accordance with what is expected. at this stage, the researcher will design an application design based on single shot detector (ssd) for extracting text on images to be created. 3. results and discussions implementation methodology in this study, to detect sign language in the deaf using the scraping method from various sources on the internet. the scraping method used is by downloading images from the kaggle website using 4 attributes consisting of variables, training, testing, and variable operational definitions. in making the model, it is necessary to sample data in the form of images to detect sign language in the form of hands in each alphabet. in this case the image to be detected is in the form of 26 hand-shaped images, in shooting, four images are obtained for each background, which means 12 images for each alphabet. the total images from letters a to z obtained are 312 images. the initial stage in making a model for detection is done by training to classify sign language models with the help of a video camera to detect letters to be easily understood by children with special needs. in the training model there are training data (train) and test data (test). train data is used to train the model and test data is used to validate the training data. model training is done using jupyter programming(chandel et al., 2022). data collection iskandar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 215-222 219 this data collection uses 26 variable images obtained from the kaggle website. the images used in this study are in the form of hand drawings based on the alphabet in each movement. fig 2. image of alphabet hand shapes then on the kaggle website, data from 26 variable images of hand movements, before being saved, the image can be selected first which images can be used in this study. the stored images will be used to carry out the training and testing process. fig 3. image download results dataset creation after the image data is downloaded, then create a dataset folder containing the train folder and the test folder. in the train and test folders, folders are created based on the image variables in each alphabet consisting of az. the dataset is divided into 208 training data and 104 testing data. before making the dataset for the detection process, the image files that we have collected are put into a folder. then the creation of the dataset is done using the jupyter programming application with several stages carried out. before making the dataset for the detection process, the image files that have been collected into a folder earlier, are entered into the jupyter program directory first. then the creation of the dataset is done using the jupyter application with several stages carried out. iskandar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 215-222 220 fig 3. creating a label the next process is to load image data and label data from the dataset folder. determine the location (path) of training data (train) used as training data and test data (test) as validation data. test tests are carried out to obtain accuracy results from each test model that was previously made. the image data used in this research is 26 variable image data with 208 training data and 104 test images. next, do image data training, with the results of the accuracy of the test, where the correct number of datasets is divided by 100. after training the model, then evaluate the performance of the model on the test set. evaluation is carried out to see the possibility of failure of the image object that is read in the detection process, it will also get the accuracy value and with the highest probability that will be obtained from the entire test model. fig 4. training evaluation the picture above is the code used to see the evaluation of the performance of the single shot detector (ssd), from the picture it can be seen the evaluation of the accuracy generated from the train data with an accuracy value of 90.00%. iskandar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 215-222 221 fig 5. test evaluation the picture above is the code used to see the evaluation of the performance of the single shot detector (ssd), from the picture it can be seen the evaluation of the accuracy generated from the test data with an accuracy value of 90.00%. final test results the evaluation of the detection results from the single shot detector (ssd) method, which was trained using train data as many as 208 images, obtained an evaluation value generated from the test data as many as 104 images by testing the accuracy values obtained as follows. table 1 evaluation of accuracy value single shot detector (ssd) detection training accuracy testing accuracy 90.00% 90.00% 4. conclusion based on the research and the results of the application of the single shot detection (ssd) method in classifying 26 types of images, the following conclusions can be drawn: accuracy will 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mining, using the k-means clustering algorithm with the crisp-dm method. implementation using rapidminer 9.10 which is done by entering sales transaction data with a total of 4 attributes and forming 4 clusters consisting of very in demand, in demand, moderate in demand and less in demand. the second cluster with 944 products, the third cluster with 2 products, and the fourth cluster with 43 products. the results of the cluster above are the products sold are the best-selling product categories, then the results of the cluster are validated using the davies-bouldin index with a dbi value generated from clustering of 0.560. keywords : data mining, k-means, clustering, sales strategy 1. introduction s&r baby store is a small and medium enterprise (sme) which is engaged in baby equipment. the s&r baby store store has been established since 2020 which focuses on selling various basic needs for babies ranging from milk, milk bottles, powder, cream, lotion, baby snacks, baby perfume, soap, pempers, shampoo and others. along with the development of the times in the modern era where information technology (it) is growing rapidly. in this business case, transactions that have occurred can be stored in digital form on a computer. the transaction process has also progressed in various ways and methods used to increase the sales profit of a product(cartwright, et al., 2021; setyowati, et al., 2021). however, not all of the products in the s&r baby store are selling very well, selling quite well and not selling well. the problem that often occurs is that there are many stocks of goods that have not been sold but are not paid attention to. so it is necessary to do several sales strategies to increase sales and minimize existing problems. based on these problems, it is necessary to have the right solution for the problems being faced in determining the right sales strategy planning. the solution used to make it happen is to use data mining(annur, 2019). data mining is a process of analyzing data activities to find a pattern from a data set, and the method used is the clustering method(handoko, et al., 2020). data mining can also be used to get a solution in a sales decision making to increase sales profit. sales data storage can be seen by the large number of sales transaction records, where each record gives the product purchased by the customer for each sales transaction. the available data should be used as a decision-making system for business solutions and infrastructure support in the field of technology which is the cause of the emergence of a technology, namely data mining. the clustering method is a process of grouping data objects that are similar to each other into the same cluster and different from objects in other clusters(bahar, et al., 2016; hertina, et al., 2021). the algorithm used in this study to determine the sales strategy is the k-means algorithm. the k-means algorithm is an algorithm that has become one of the most important algorithms in the field of data mining, because it has advantages as an algorithm that is easy to implement, relatively fast in terms of computational time and has been widely used to solve various computational problems(rezaee, et al., 2021). is arguably the most popular grouping method. and if using the k-means method, it must transmit data so that it can be processed, then the data of wahyudi & silfia… vol 4(1) 2022 : 93-103 94 nominal data type must be initialized in the form of numbers first. and if the data is already in the form of numbers, it will be processed using rapidminer tools. by doing this research, it is hoped that it can help the s&r baby store store in determining the right sales strategy to increase sales profits and be able to compete with competitors(bramasta & halilinta, 2021). 2. literature review survey methodology according to experts, namely kerlinger, stating that the methodology survey research is research conducted on large or small populations, but the data studied are data from samples taken from the population, to find relative events, distributions, and relationships between variables. sociological and psychological. in formulating the rq on effectiveness in research, it should focus on 5 elements known as picoc which can be seen in table 1. as follows: table 1 picoc table survey theme title: application of data mining using k-means clustering method to determine sales strategy at s&r baby store stores. population data mining using k-means clustering algorithm intervention a. how to apply the data mining method with the k-means algorithm to determine which products are highly in demand, in demand, moderately in demand and not in demand? b. how can shop owners not have difficulty classifying what products are needed by customers and storage of data that is less effective? c. how can you find out which product categories are based on 4 clusters, namely very in demand, in demand, moderately in demand and not in demand which can be promoted so as to increase sales profit? comparison n/a outcomes a. applying the concept of data mining using the k-means clustering algorithm to determine which items are selling well, selling well and not selling well to increase sales profit. b. to be able to make it easier for the s&r baby store store in classifying sales products into the categories of very selling, selling well, selling enough and not selling well. context private. data mining data mining is an analysis of reviewing data sets to find unexpected relationships and summarizing data in different ways in a different way than before, which is understandable and useful for data owners. data mining is a multidisciplinary field that combines techniques from machine learning, pattern recognition, statistics, databases, and visualization to solve problems of retrieving information from large databases. data mining is a term used to describe the discovery of knowledge in databases. data mining is a process that uses statistical techniques, mathematics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to extract and identify useful information and knowledge bound from various large databases(muttaqin, et al., 2022; triyandana, et al., 2022). k-means algorithm k-means clustering is a non-hierarchical data clustering method that groups data in the form of one or more clusters/groups(indriyani & irfiani, 2019). data that has the same characteristics are grouped into one cluster/group and data that has different characteristics are grouped with other clusters/groups so that data in one cluster/group has a small degree of variation(pambudi & witanti, 2022; turnip & fahmi, 2021; borlea, et al., 2021). the steps for performing clustering with the k-means method are as follows. a. determine the value of k as the number of clusters to be formed. b. determine the starting point of each cluster. c. calculate the distance of each input data to each centroid using the distance formula wahyudi & silfia… vol 4(1) 2022 : 93-103 95 euclidean (euclidean distance) until the closest distance is found from each data with centroids. here is the euclidian distance equation: ...............(1) information; d = distance x = data y = centroid d. classify data based on their proximity to the centroid. e. recalculate the cluster center with the current cluster members. the cluster center is the average value of all data objects in a particular cluster. f. count each object again using the new cluster center. if the cluster center does not change again then the clustering process is complete. or, go back to step number 3 until the cluster center doesn't change anymore. davies-bouldin index (dbi) the davies-bouldin index was introduced by david l. davies and donald w. bouldin in 1979. sum-of square within a cluster (ssw) is a metric of cohesion within a cluster. separation by sum-of-square-between-cluster (sswb) by measuring the distance between the centroids ️idan️j.️i,j is a measure of the ratio of how well the comparison value between the i-cluster and jth cluster(wijaya, et al., 2021; ashari, et al., 2022). the ssw formula is: sales strategy a sales strategy is a tool that is fundamentally planned and designed. this design process is carried out as an effort by the company to develop competitive advantage through a special program in order to serve the market on an ongoing basis. 3. research methods application of the methodology in this study, the method used is k-means clustering. the data used in this study is sales transaction data for the s&r baby store store in january-march 2022. at this stage of research, initial data collection will be carried out, the next process will be a data description, then after that an evaluation of data selection is carried out, then the next stage is carried out attribute selection, the next stage is to apply the crisp-dm method which in this research process refers to the six stages of crisp-dm, namely business understanding, data understanding, data preparation, modeling, evaluation and dissemination(schröer, et al., 2021; salt, 2021). the following are the stages of the research methodology which can be seen in figure 1. wahyudi & silfia… vol 4(1) 2022 : 93-103 96 fig 1. stages of methodology application crisp-dm method at this stage the approach used is the cross industry standard for data mining (crispdm) method. crisp-dm is a method that uses a data development process model that is widely used by experts to solve problems. the research process refers to the six stages contained in the crisp-dm, which are described as follows: business understanding business understanding is done by studying the object of research, namely the s&r baby store. at this stage, the business objective of this research is to determine a sales strategy in order to increase sales profit. for this reason, product grouping will be carried out from the data obtained from observations in order to find out the products sold based on four clusters, namely very in demand, selling well, selling well and not selling well. data understanding based on the sales transaction data that has been obtained, the next step in the crisp-dm method is understanding the data needs related to achieving goals in determining effective and efficient sales strategies. the sales transaction data has a total of 1351 records with 10 attributes that will be carried out by selecting attributes into four attributes, namely the name of the item, the price of the item, the number of purchases, the total price. the data obtained in this study were obtained from january to march 2022. after the data was obtained, the next process was to understand the data. data preparation data preparation includes all activities to build sales datasets that will be applied to modeling tools, from raw data in the form of sales transaction datasets and then data mining processes will be carried out. its main function is specifically as a clustering modeling tool. data preparation is a solid stage with data processing activities. the stage of creating a sales transaction dataset is the final data preparation stage for clustering modeling in data mining. in this process, the preparation of sales transaction data that has been carried out at the evaluation stage will be carried out and data improvements will be made based on the results of the evaluation. at this stage, business goals and data mining objectives have been set in determining product sales potential based on attributes, modeling the modeling phase will use the clustering method with the k-means algorithm. in the application of the clustering method, it will be divided into 4 clusters which will classify sales products that are very in demand, in demand, moderately in demand and less in demand. the modeling tool used is rapidminer. wahyudi & silfia… vol 4(1) 2022 : 93-103 97 evaluation at this stage, an analysis or measurement of the accuracy of the modeling that has been carried out will be carried out. evaluation is done by applying the davies bouldin index (dbi) method, where this method is a quality test method based on the resulting cluster. the evaluation is intended to determine whether the modeling carried out is appropriate and appropriate to be applied to the case of this research and is in accordance with the initial plan of the study. furthermore, from the results of the evaluation is to determine whether the next step can be continued or repeated from the beginning because it is not in accordance with the initial plan of the study. deployments the next stage is the stage of distributing the results of the research that has been carried out as a report or presentation of the knowledge that has been obtained based on modeling and evaluation of the data mining process. 4. results and discussions crisp-dm this research was conducted using the crisp-dm (cross industry standard process for data mining) method. in this method there are 6 stages used, namely: business understanding s&r baby storeis a small and medium enterprise (sme) that sells baby equipment. the business was initiated in 2020 and is located on jl. awareness, rt.1/rw.4, pegangsaan dua, kec. kelapa gading, north jakarta city, whose basic objective is to increase sales profit in determining the marketing strategy to be researched. a. define business goals the business objective of this research is to determine which products are sold based on the best-selling, best-selling, moderate-selling and less-selling products. so that it can be used as a basis for increasing sales profits with decision makers to determine which products are in demand by customers consisting of products that are very in demand, in demand, moderately in demand and less in demand. b. assess the situation s&r baby store is a small business whose main activity is selling various kinds of basic needs for babies, starting from baby milk, milk bottles, powder, cream, lotion, baby snacks, baby perfume, soap, pempers, shampoo and others. however, the current s&r baby store store has not utilized transaction data properly. therefore, for this business, it is necessary to understand the sales strategy as in business goals and then translate it into data mining purposes. c. determine the initial data mining strategy the initial strategy in this research is to review and request sales transaction data first at the s&r baby store store. data understanding the dataset used in this study in the form of sales transaction data from january to march 2022 which is in the form of an excel document totaling 1351 records and 10 attributes. for data collection using sales transaction data consisting of its attributes, namely the date of sale, the name of the item, the purchase price of the item, the selling price of the item, the number of pieces, gross, net, profit and reports. then the attribute selection is made into 4 attributes, namely, item name, per item price, quantity, total price which will be processed into data mining. the following can be seen in table 2. the results of the selection of attributes. table 2 attribute selection wahyudi & silfia… vol 4(1) 2022 : 93-103 98 attributes description name of goods the name of the item being sold. price per item the price of goods sold is per item only. quantity quantity of goods sold amount the sum of all products sold. data preparation data preparation includes a sales transaction dataset that will be applied to the modeling tool, from the initial raw data in the form of a sales transaction dataset and then the data mining process will be carried out. a. data selection where the raw data that will be selected in this study uses the attributes of the name of the item, the price of the item, the number of purchases, the total price at the s&r baby store. b. raw data processing (preprocessed data) at this stage is the stage to ensure that the selected sales transaction data is feasible to be processed. after checking the data one by one and there is no data that has problems after cleaning, then the usage data is combined in one data cluster which will be tested in the kmeans algorithm process so that 4 clusters are used. modeling modeling is a stage that directly involves data mining techniques by selecting data mining techniques and determining the algorithm to be used. the data mining modeling in this study uses excel for the calculation of the euclidean distance formula (euclidean distance) and for data processing software using rapid miner version 9.10. in this application the clustering algorithm is available in the form of the k-means algorithm. the following is the implementation of the kmeans algorithm test which can be explained as follows. a. implementation using rapid miner enter the 4 clusters specified in the clustering operator in the parameters. after that, click run to perform the test, it will result in testing in 4 clusters. fig 2. display of cluster model results to see the results of the clustering, click description on the display as shown above. description to see the number of items contained in c0, c1, c2, and c3. figure 2. is a display of the results of the cluster model from the processed data. wahyudi & silfia… vol 4(1) 2022 : 93-103 99 fig 3. display of cluster 1 results the picture above is a display to see cluster 1 data that has been processed from rapidminer which contains 362 data products. fig 4. display of cluster 2 results figure 4 is a display of results from cluster 2 that has been processed from rapidminer which contains 944 data products. fig 5. display of the results of cluster 3 and cluster 4 figure 5 is a display of results from cluster 3 that has been processed from rapidminer which contains 2 data products. and the results of cluster 4 display which there are 43 data products. wahyudi & silfia… vol 4(1) 2022 : 93-103 100 fig 6. centroid table display figure 6 is a display of results from the centroid table. in the centroid table there are 3 attributes and the results of the data processed from rapidminer are divided into 4 clusters. fig 7. results of cluster visualization in rapidminer figure 7 is the result of visualization cluster on rapidminer which is marked in blue as the result of cluster 1, green is the result of cluster 0 and orange is the result of cluster 3 and black is the result of cluster 4. a. calculation with k-means algorithm table 3 initial centroid cluster toselling price quantity of purchase amount c1 45000 4 180000 c2 80000 3 240000 c3 48000 3 144000 c4 45000 1 45000 table 3 is determining the initial cluster center randomly taken from sales transaction data. the data selected for the initial cluster are the data of 292, 600, 955, 489. the distance of the centroid of the 1st data in cluster 1 (c1) is: wahyudi & silfia… vol 4(1) 2022 : 93-103 101 evaluation evaluation is an advanced stage of the purpose of data mining. evaluation is carried out in depth with the aim that the results at the modeling stage are in line with the objectives to be achieved at the business understanding stage. evaluation of the results of this stage assesses the extent to which the data mining modeling results meet the data mining objectives that have been determined at the business understanding stage. where in testing the data that has been processed in rapid miner. testing data on rapid miner used in this study is index. fig 8. display in the testing process from figure 8, the testing process is carried out with the multiply operator because the goal is to be connected to several operators, then the clustering operator is duplicated into four operators to form four clusters. in the first clustering operator it becomes 2 clusters, for the second clustering operator it is formed into 3 clusters then for the third clustering operator it is formed into 4 clusters and for the fourth clustering operator it is formed into 5 clusters, then connected to a distance performance cluster with crossed connectors. after all operators are connected to the distance performance cluster, change the cluster distance performance parameter on the right to change to davies-bouldin index and then the test is successful, after that, click run, the results of the test data will appear which will show the davies-bouldin index value for each performance in the four clusters. the following is a comparison of the davies-bouldin index values based on 4 clusters which can be seen in table 3 table 4 davies-bouldin index value of each cluster model 2 clusters 3 clusters 4 clusters 5 clusters davies bouldin index -0.700 -0.692 -0.560 -0.586 from table 4 it can be concluded that the result of the davies-bouldin index value in the smallest performance is in cluster 4. for the dbi value of cluster 4 is -0.560. while for performance cluster 2 there is a dbi . value-0.700, the performance of cluster 3 has a dbi value of -0.692, and for the performance of cluster 5 there is a dbi value of -0.586, so from the results wahyudi & silfia… vol 4(1) 2022 : 93-103 102 of the cluster the dbi value has a fairly good quality is cluster 4 because the smaller the value of the cluster, the better and optimal. the following results from distance performance cluster 4 can be seen in figure 9. fig 9. display of the results of the davies bouldin index (dbi) deployment deployment is the final stage in making reports on the results of data mining activities. the final report containing the knowledge gained or pattern recognition in the data mining process. here are some cluster analyzes in this study which can be explained as follows. there are 4 attributes used in the clustering process, namely the name of the item, the item price, the number of purchases, and the total price. there are also 4 clusters used, cluster 0 is taken from the bestselling products sold, cluster 1 is taken from products sold in the best-selling category, cluster 2 is taken from the category of products that sell well enough and cluster 3 is taken from the category of sold products that are not selling well. here are the clustering results: 1. cluster 0, the products sold in the very best-selling category consist of 362 products. 2. cluster 1, the best-selling products category consists of 944 products. 3. cluster 2, the product sold in the category of selling well, consisting of 2 products. 4. cluster 3, the product sold in the category of not selling well consists of 43 products. which is where the total of all products is 1351 products, and of the 4 clusters of products that are mostly sold in the best-selling category in cluster 1. 5. conclusion so from the results of the study, it can be concluded that the k-means method can be applied to the s&r baby store store to determine which sales of baby equipment products are in demand, selling well, selling well and not selling well. application of k-means method ons&r baby storenamely by grouping sales transaction data. then choose 4 clusters randomly as the initial centroid. after the data in each cluster does 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(2021). davies bouldin index algorithm for optimizing clustering case studies mapping school facilities. tem j, 10(3), 1099-1103. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022 : 104-110 104 ergonomic risk analysis of musculoskeletal disorders (msds) using rosa and reba methods on administrative employees faculty of science achmad nuzul amri1*, boy isma putra2 faculty of science and technology, industrial engineering study program, universitas muhammadiyah sidoarjo, indonesia, received : 15 august 2022, revised: 02 september 2022, accepted : 02 september 2022 *corresponding author abstract in administrative tasks, computers really need help so they can get the job done quickly and efficiently. computers in the administration department are managed by a job that runs continuously for eight hours. improper work posture and posture can cause fatigue and discomfort at work. one of the influencing factors is the working posture and body posture during these activities. this study aims to reduce the level of risk gained by performing rapid office strain assessments (rosa) and rapid entire body assessments (reba) for clerical staff in engineering departments. posture analysis data processing using the rosa (rapid office strain assessment) method found that five of her employees surveyed were at risk levels and needed to be corrected immediately. the rapid entire body assessment (reba) method shows that five employees are currently at risk of urgent needs and requirements. keywords : ergonomics, musculoskeletal disorders, rosa, reba 1. introduction administrative work is in dire need of computer assistance so that work can be completed quickly and efficiently(vahdat, 2021). the computers in the administration department are staffed by a continuous eight-hour job. improper work postures and postures can cause fatigue and discomfort at work. ergonomic risks that can arise include musculoskeletal disorders. this hypothesis is due to the fact that the management of science and technology occurs mainly with monitors, keyboards, mice, tables and chairs. the work done by workers is generally repetitive and requires good physical fitness. whenever working in an awkward position strains a body part and can cause injury, fatigue can lead to permanent disability can reduce the occurrence of injuries during work(loske, et al., 2021). one of the influencing factors is work posture and body posture when doing these activities. this is very important because the writing of student data letters is strongly influenced by employee behavior(katano, et al., 2021). if one of the working positions used by workers is not ergonomic, they will tire quickly and their level of concentration and precision will be disturbed. the functioning of the faculty of science and technology is a necessary phenomenon, but in most cases the faculty does not pay attention to the needs and concerns of their workers. for this reason, workers often feel dissatisfied with certain parts of their bodies. the average number of absences per month is five, including sick leave and fatigue pensions. this will result in less than optimal service(wibowo & mawadati, 2021). fatigue/injury factors covered in this study are physical factors that cause work accidents at the registrar's office of the faculty of science and engineering. measurement of management work posture is carried out with the help of rapid office strain assessment (rosa) and rapid entire body assessment (reba)(de barros, et al., 2022). this method was chosen because it is in accordance with the characteristics of the government which requires coordination in the management of the science and engineering departments. this study aims to reduce the level of risk achieved by conducting a rapid office strain assessment (rosa) and a rapid systemic assessment (reba) for administrative staff in the department of science and technology. after processing work posture analysis data using the rapid office strain assessment (rosa) method, it was found that five employees in the survey sample were at a dangerous level of risk and needed to be corrected. the whole body assessment (reba) method shows that five employees are at amri & putra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 104-110 105 the required and urgent level of risk. improvements to reduce the level of risk aimed at reducing msd-related complaints(tajvar, et al., 2022). swap or replace the existing chair with a more ergonomic chair with a fixed working time limit so that employees can go home from work smoothly and avoid injury to the science and technology faculty administrator. ergonomics is a science that examines human interaction with component systems to obtain optimal designs related to work postures and overall system performance. ergonomics also includes optimization, efficiency, health, safety and human comfort at work, at home, and in recreation areas. ergonomics requires the study of systems where humans, work facilities and the environment interact with each other with the main goal of adapting the work atmosphere to humans (restuputri, 2017). in general, the goals of ergonomics include: increasing physical and mental well-being so as to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses, reduce physical and mental workloads, and seek job satisfaction. improving social welfare through improving the quality of social contacts and coordinating proper work, useful for increasing social security both during the productive age and after being unproductive, creating a rational balance between technical, economic, and anthropological aspects of each work system carried out so as to create quality work and high quality of life. understanding the principles of ergonomics will make it easier to evaluate each task or job even though science in ergonomics continues to progress and the technology used in the work continues to change. ergonomics principles are guidelines in applying ergonomics in the workplace (hutabarat, 2017). musculoskeletal disorders (msds) is a problem that causes discomfort in striated muscles, the meeting of two bones (joints) and other soft tissues (tendons and ligaments) from mild to severe complaints. complaints arise due to repetition of loading in a stationary position for a long duration and working period(lubis et al., 2021). if the muscles experience interference with daily activities such as doing work, it can be disrupted because muscle strength is an important part of the organs of the human body so that the body can move. the onset of pain in these muscles can result in lowering one's work productivity. in addition, excessive muscle contraction coupled with giving a load that is too heavy for a long enough duration will certainly raise the risk of msds complaints. (tjahayuningtyas, 2019). msds are complaints or disturbances felt by a person ranging from mild complaints to feeling very sick in the musculoskeletal area which includes the joints, nerves, muscles and spine due to unnatural work. if the muscles experience interference with daily activities such as doing work, it can be disrupted because muscle strength is an important part of the organs of the human body so that the body can move. the onset of pain in this muscle can result in lowering one's work productivity (tarwaka, 2015). work is a human activity to change certain conditions of the natural environment which is intended to maintain and maintain its survival. ergonomics studies related to human work in this case are shown to evaluate and redesign work procedures that must be applied in order to provide increased effectiveness and efficiency as well as comfort or safety for humans as work.(erliana & zaphira, 2019). work posture is the attitude of the body when working. different work attitudes will produce different strengths. when working, the posture is designed to be natural so that it can reduce the incidence of musculoskeletal injuries. good work posture is largely determined by the movement of the body's organs while working (wijaya & muhsin, 2018). 2. literature review rapid office strain assessment (rosa) rapid office strain assessment (rosa) is one of the methods in office ergonomics, where the assessment is designed to measure the risks associated with computer use and to determine the level of change action based on reports of discomfort at work. in this method, the assessment is carried out by analyzing the posture of which the assessment is carried out by filling out a checklist such as using the checklist in reba(pajoohnia, et al., 2022). the risk factors for using computers differ in several ways, namely chairs, monitors, telephones, mice and keyboards. these risk factors are given an increasing value from 1 to 3. at the final rosa value, a value ranging from 1 to 10 will be obtained. if the final value obtained is greater than 5, it is considered high risk and must be administered at a workplace that is concerned. in this method, the length of time a worker is in that position is considered(agustin, et al., 2021). as for based on the following observations: amri & putra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 104-110 106 1. if the duration is less than 30 minutes continuously or less than 1 hour every day, then the value is 2. if the duration is between 30 minutes to 1 hour continuously or between 1 hour to 4 hours every day, then the value is 0. 3. if the duration is more than 1 hour continuously or more than 4 hours every day, then the value is +1. the rosa method scores indicate increasing values associated with the level of risk found for each risk factor. the risk factors are given from 1 to 3 and the sum of the values of the influencing risk factors gives the maximum value (erliana & zaphira, 2019). rapid entire body assessment (reba) this method can be used to quickly assess a worker's posture. in addition, the method is also influenced by coupling factors, external loads supported by the body and worker activities (prabaswari et al., 2020; budiyanto & setiyoso, 2021). the inputs for the reba method are: 1. retrieval of worker posture data using camera photos. 2. determination of angles on the torso, neck, legs, upper arms, forearms and wrists. fig. 1. reba final score the reba output that needs to be produced is based on the final result of the total value of the reba assessment as shown in the table below. table 1 – action level method reba action level score reba risk level corrective action 0 1 can be ignored no need 1 2 – 3 low may need 2 4 – 7 currently need 3 8 – 10 high need urgently 4 11 + very high need now 3. research methods 3.1 research location and time this research was conducted in the administrative section of the faculty of science and technology at campus 2 of muhammadiyah university of sidoarjo. the research was carried out for 3 months. 3.2 data retrieval in collecting this data, ergonomics focuses on the administration of the faculty of science and technology. this study was conducted to determine rosa and reba can reduce risk. the data takers of this research will be explained how to carry out the research process quantitatively. the research steps carried out by the research can be described as follows: 1. interview the interview was led by asking questions after being planned in advance, by asking direct questions to the administrative staff of the faculty of science and technology, from the interview obtaining the data needed for research, namely rapid office strain assessment. (rosa) and rapid entire body assessment (reba) . 2. observation amri & putra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 104-110 107 observations made in the field at the faculty of science and technology are directed to find out the current issues. so that in order to get information directly and see the condition. to get data about this ongoing issue that is happening. the information needed for this exploration is an administrative employee. 3.3 research flow the flow of research carried out in this research is collecting administrative data from the faculty of science and technology, data processing starts from processing using the rapid office strain assessment (rosa) and rapid entire body assessment (reba) methods to reduce musculoskeletal disorder (msds) injuries. figure 2. fig 2. research flow 4. results and discussions the research data is carried out directly at the administration of the science and technology faculty. research data by filling in from the rosa and reba assessments. the number of employees observed were 5 people, the administrative staff of the faculty of science and technology, namely student data making letters, was strongly influenced by what the workers did. 4.1 rosa (rapid office strain assessment) analysis data were collected and evaluation of working posture using by rosa based on the observed object. data processing averaging determination of the score in part a the ready, in part b the monitor and telephone, in part c the mouse and keyboard. in the determination of the final score there can be distributed phases before obtaining a final score, there are these phases, including the determination of the score in part a, the determination of the score in part b, the determination of the score part of the score for decision be part c. the data processing based on rosa can be seen in table 2. table 2 rosa form results no name section a section b section c monitor dan peripheral 1 employee 1 7 3 4 4 2 employee 2 6 2 4 3 3 employee 3 6 3 3 3 4 employee 4 5 3 3 3 5 employee 5 5 3 3 3 4.2 reba (rapid entire body assessment) analysis amri & putra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 104-110 108 the data was created using previously collected data and the values conform to the criteria contained in the reba evaluation form. in the reba method, data processing begins with determining group a and group b scores. after obtaining the scores for group a and group b, we continue by determining the weight of the object lifted, the binding value, and the activity score(varghese, et al., 2022; abidin, & sugiyanto, 2021). the group a score, group b score, weight of object lifted, mating value, and activity score must be calculated to obtain the final reba score. table 3 shows reba-based data processing. table 3 reba form results no name score a score b score c activity score 1 employee 1 6 6 8 1 2 employee 2 4 4 4 1 3 employee 3 4 5 5 1 4 employee 4 3 4 3 1 5 employee 5 5 4 5 1 4.3 discussion of rosa and reba risk level classification based on the office's rosa rating. after processing the data to obtain the final result, the next step is to rank the calculated risk. if the final score obtained is greater than 5, it is considered a risk and further research on the worker and workplace should be done. if the value is greater than 5, the risk is dangerous. following the processing of administrative staff data, the office has value of 5 and can be classified as high risk. after processing the rosa-based data, they are displayed in table 4. table 4 rosa method results no part score risk 1 employee 1 7 dangerous 2 employee 2 6 dangerous 3 employee 3 6 dangerous 4 employee 4 5 dangerous 5 employee 5 5 dangerous the risk level categorization is based on the reba rating of employee measurement 5 after data processing and the final results are obtained. the next step is to classify the calculated risks. the risk classification of reba calculation results for each group is obtained based on the results of data processing. the employee size has a reba value of 5, so the risk levels are high, medium, urgent, and "corrective action". table 5 shows the data after reba-based processing. table 5 reba method results no part score risk level status 1 employee1 9 high need urgently 2 employee 2 5 currently need 3 employee 3 6 currently need 4 employee 4 4 currently need 5 employee 5 6 currently need 5. conclusion the rosa and reba methods aim to analyze and enhance the working attitudes of the administrative staff of the faculty of science and technology. furthermore, the rosa and reba methods were able to analyze the level of risk experienced by the personnel employed in the science and engineering departments and, based on the rosa method, the level of risk was found to be dangerous for the administrative staff. the reba method was dangerous for an administrative staff of four, but needed immediate improvement. and 1 administrative staff are urgently needed. the rosa and reba methods can minimize the inconvenience of scientific and engineering staff employed by providing appropriate working posture assessments so that they can work more safely. amri & putra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 104-110 109 references abidin, z., & sugiyanto, s. 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extraction used is the value of red, green, and blue (rgb) and hue, saturation, and value (hsv) to get the characteristics of the color image. then the results of the feature extraction are used to classify the health of green betel leaves using the self-organizing maps method. the green betel leaf data used is 1500 images for train data and 450 images for testing data are image test data, test data that produces an evaluation value with an accuracy value of 97.20% on the self-organizing maps method. keywords : betel leaf, thresholding, self-organizing map 1. introduction indonesian is a country with abundant plant diversity, each has its own advantages. plants are used in agriculture, plantation, forestry, industrial materials and more. however, the plant can also be used as a natural/traditional medicine. natural treatment with the use of plants is relatively safe from the side effects of long-term consumption and includes psychological motivation to increase belief in healing. betel leaf has long been used as a traditional medicine by the people of indonesia. betel plant (piper bettle l.) is a plant that has antibacterial properties, this is due to the substances contained in its (iswandana & sihombing, 2017). there are various types of betel, namely green betel, red betel. green betel is often used to treat body and mouth odor, canker sores, nosebleeds, itching and sores, and treat vaginal discharge in women. in addition to green betel, one other type of green betel that is currently widely used for health is red betel. although the chemical content of this plant has not been studied in detail, the results of the crematogram of red betel leaf contain flavonoids, polevenolad compounds, tannins and essential oils. these compounds are believed to be able to treat various diseases (khotimah & darsin, 2020). the need for drugs in the community is relatively high, but more frequent use of chemical drugs can have a negative impact on health if consumed excessively. for some symptoms that appear, such as body weakness, weakened brain, indigestion, palpitations, joint or muscle pain. there are various types of betel, namely green betel, red betel. green betel is often used to treat body and mouth odor, canker sores, nosebleeds, itching and sores, and treat vaginal discharge in women. in addition to green betel, one other type of green betel that is currently widely used for health is red betel. although the chemical content of this plant has not been studied in detail, the results of the crematogram of red betel leaf contain flavonoids, polevenolad compounds, tannins and essential oils. these compounds are believed to be able to treat various diseases (ardiansah et al., 2021). along with current technological developments that are increasingly rapidly, especially in the field of digital imagery in determining the health of betel leaves. one of the medicinal plants known by the general public is green betel leaf which is included in the group of medicinal plants which reaches more than 1000 species. self-organizing maps (soms) is one of the clustering algorithms based on the characteristics or characteristics of the data. som is a form of topology that does not require monitoring in the training process (target output) (sinaga, adikara, and sari 2020). the advantage of using som when grouping objects is that it can map high-dimensional mulyana et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 180-189 181 input vectors to 2d space. in addition, som can group categorical data and incomplete input data (juliansa hengki & sumijan, 2017; angulo-saucedo et al., 2022). machine learning is a computational algorithm or computer process that works based on historical data to improve performance in creating predictors. in machine learning, there are three learning methods, namely unsupervised learning, supervised learning, and reinforcement learning. in unsupervised learning, the training data used does not yet have a class, so the data are grouped based on the same characteristics. supervised learning is a learning method for training data that already has classes. furthermore, in reinforcement learning, the right steps will be sought in order to obtain the right predictions and in accordance with the existing conditions (adenugraha et al., 2022; greener et al., 2022; malekloo et al., 2022). in the process of implementing the self-organizing map (som) learning algorithm, it is necessary to do cluster validation to determine whether the cluster model is suitable for use as inference. there are several methods that can be used to carry out the cluster verification process, one of which is the davies bouldin index (dbi) value method. this method makes it possible to correctly display index values up to the number of groups formed (kania et al., 2019; ashari et al., 2022). thresholding is the process of changing the image from gray level to binary form. the thresholding process is also called binaryization. thresholding is used to adjust the number of degrees of gray in the image. by using thresholding, the degree of gray can be changed as desired value (nafi’iyah & fatichah, 2017). the kohonen som network was introduced in 1982 by the finnish researcher tuevo kohonen. kohonen som is a network that does not require special supervision, hence the name self-organizing. the word maps means that this method uses maps in the weighting of input data. each node in the som network tries to be like the input that has been given to the network. som is also commonly referred to as self organizing feature maps, which means that som uses the principle of "features" or special features in its basic principles that make it different from other methods (halim & widodo, 2017; alazzam et al., 2022). image is a two-dimensional matrix that is produced from a continuous two-dimensional analog image into a discrete image through a sampling process. digital image processing is image processing using computer equipment. this is done so that it can be easily interpreted by humans or machines (utari et al., 2019; wang et al., 2022). based on the problems above, the author tries to make software about the health detection of green betel leaves to determine whether green betel leaves are suitable for use as medicine or not based on color by using self organizing maps (som). 2. research methods this survey methodology is based on picoc (population, intervention, comparation, outcomes, context) as an identification of information needs from previous research sources in table 1 picoc review. table 1 review picoc health detection of betal leaves using self-organizing map and thresholding algorithm population health detection of betal leaves using self-organizing maps and thresholding algorithm intervention 1. how is the application of preprocessing on the sample image which is then used as a dataset for the som training process? 2. how the right number of datasets can get the best detection accuracy? 3. what are the results of the health detection of betel nut from the model obtained? comparation self-organizing map outcomes detection accuracy in digital images context datasets used by the public. mulyana et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 180-189 182 in searching for research sources before the stages in obtaining research journals that have been published, a study selection strategy is carried out, namely carrying out the following stages: fig 1. studies selection strategy the research methodology used in this study uses the self-organizing maps algorithm. there are several stages in the process of identifying the health of betel leaf by applying the som (self organizing maps) method, namely the preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification stages. the software used in the analysis of betel leaf image data is matlab software(nayak et al., 2022). the stages carried out in this research are as follows: 2.1 data sheet the process of collecting data in this study used the scraping method. the scraping method used is to download images related to the object in this study, namely the betel leaf images in this research variable which were obtained on the google image site and the site. bethel-leaves-diseased. as for the sample in this study, taking sick and healthy green betel leaf types with a total sample of 1500 images for train data and 450 images for testing data with 225 images each for test data for each healthy and sick green betel leaf type. table 2 research variable mulyana et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 180-189 183 no variable train test definition 1 sick 750 225 image of a sick green betel leaf 2 healtt 750 225 image of a healthy green betel leaf source: image processed by own data from data processing fig 2. image download results source: public data 2.2 test design in this study, the self-organizing maps model was used fig 3. classification of self-organizing maps source: the test design is carried out to evaluate each model generated by the self-organizing map. the flow of this testing method is carried out in two stages, namely the training stage in figure 4 and the testing stage in figure 5. both the training and testing processes go through the preprocessing and feature extraction stages before entering the classification stage. the relationship between the training and testing processes can be seen more clearly in the data flow diagram (dfd) level 1 which is shown in figure 6 (asri & wulanningrum, 2021). the training stage is the stage where the hold-out model. the distribution of training data and testing data is done randomly with a percentage of 80% for training data and 20% for testing data. for each scenario, 5 trials were carried out. the training stage is the stage where the som model is tested with the provided training data. the amount of training data provided is 1500 betel leaf images. the training data is then divided into two, namely training and validation. at this stage the model is tested with different images with the aim of testing whether the model has produced good performance and accuracy values in classifying an image. mulyana et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 180-189 184 fig 4. training process diagram source: image processed by own data from data processing fig 5. testing process diagram source: image processed by own data from data processing the user enters the betel leaf image training data folder to be used in the training process. furthermore, the training data will go through a preprocessing and feature extraction process so that the rgb feature value of the training data is obtained. the value of the rgb feature is used in the som training process so as to produce weight data for healthy and sick classes. users also enter an image of a betel leaf as testing data. the testing data will go through a preprocessing and feature extraction process to produce rgb feature values from the testing data. using the rgb feature value of the testing data and the weight data of healthy and sick classes obtained as the output of the training process, the som testing process will be carried out so that the healthy and sick classes from the testing data can be identified. mulyana et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 180-189 185 fig 6. dfd level 1 detection system for green betel leaf health using the som method source: image processed by own data from data processing 4. results and discussions testing with a gui using one image in determining the image processing, the user is asked to enter the address of the folder containing the tomato image for training data by pressing the "open image" button, then pressing the "segmentation" button to view the segmentation results, pressing the "feature extraction" button to see feature extraction based on 6 features, namely rgb, and hsv, then press the "classification" button to see the health results of green betel leaves. fig 7. interface program source: image processed by own data from data processing mulyana et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 180-189 186 fig 8. open image source: image processed by own data from data processing fig 9. results of segmentation source: image processed by own data from data processing fig 10. determining feature extract source: image processed by own data from data processing mulyana et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 180-189 187 fig 11. result of classification source: image processed by own data from data processing to see the total images tested, the author uses a program with a script. the image below is the code used to see the evaluation of som performance, from the image it can be seen the evaluation of the accuracy generated from the test data with a training accuracy value of 96.86%. fig 12. training accuracy results source: image processed by own data from data processing to see the total images tested, the author uses a program with a script, the image below is the code used to view the evaluation of som performance, from the image it can be seen that the evaluation of the accuracy generated from the test data with a test accuracy value of 97.20%. fig 13. testing accuracy results source: image processed by own data from data processing mulyana et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 180-189 188 5. conclusion from the design results of this green betel leaf health detection, an application is produced that can detect the health of green betel leaf according to its class, namely healthy and sick classes. this application also makes it easier for users or users to sort betel leaves according to their color quickly, precisely, and efficiently so as to speed up the process of using them. from the results of the tests carried out, the accuracy level of 96.86% with training data is 1500, the accuracy level is 97.20% with testing data as much as 450 green betel leaves. the distribution of the amount of training data and testing data can affect the accuracy results, the shooting distance affects the results, and the effect of light is very vulnerable to the test results. references adenugraha, s. p., arinal, v., & mulyana, d. i. 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smartphones, and personal computers/laptops. there were 20 students who were the subjects of this study, and they came from elementary schools negeri 105270 pujimulio, deli serdang, north sumatra. students who are tested beforehand (pre-test) their knowledge about preparation in dealing with earthquakes. after that students are asked to use the resulting application. after that, students are tested again for their knowledge (post test). so from the pre test and post test carried out, get test results that show an increase in students' knowledge in learning know how to prepare for an earthquake. keywords: applications, earthquakes, elementary school, students. 1. introduction indonesia is an archipelagic country. the country is located between four tectonic plates. this plate consists of the indo-australian, eurasian and pacific plates. this causes the country to have a volcanic belt such as volcanic mountains, and the potential for volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, and landslides. earthquake disaster is a concern in this study. because earthquakes are the most frequent disasters in indonesia(djunarsjah & putra, 2021; kurnio, et al., 2021). in the last 15 years, earthquakes occurred in several areas that claimed many lives. for example, in 2004 the aceh region experienced an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.1 on the richter scale, and then in 2006 the yogyakarta region with a magnitude of 5.9 on the richter scale(rahiem, et al., 2021). according to the national disaster management agency, students in schools have a 75% risk of becoming victims of an earthquake(kesumaningtyas, et al., 2022). schools or madrasas must be prepared to face disasters, because students spend more time in class to do learning. so it is felt that students must know about preparation for earthquakes to avoid casualties at school. many preparations for earthquakes, also known as disaster education, have been carried out. such as demonstrating live, through books, animations, applications and much more(li & zhou, 2021; li, et al., 2022). in this study, preparation for earthquakes is presented through the application. the goal is to introduce preparation for earthquakes to elementary school students by integrating multimedia concepts. multimedia concepts consisting of elements of text, sound, images, animation, and video can produce a more dynamic and interactive information presentation. so that the application made is expected to increase student interest in learning to use it, and provide information about preparation for earthquakes(toyoda, et al., 2021; ghazala & elshall, 2021; itamiya, 2021). 2. literature review a. adobe flash cs 6 wijaya, et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 168-179 169 since being acquired by the giant company adobe, the multimedia software. macromedia flash changed its name to adobe flash. this acquisition could also be a sign that the prospects for making animation using flash will get better. flash has been introduced since 1996. some people use it to create animations for websites, company profiles, interactive cds and games. the use of flash has developed in the manufacture of features for mobile devices such as mobile phones. adobe flash cs 6is the latest version of the previous version of adobe flash cs 5. adobe flash professional cs 6 has features that can enhance the development of ios and android devices. to build applications with adobe flash professional cs 6, especially in creating vector graphics and design elements, you can use drawing tools and can add media elements from outside, such as audio, video and images into the document. then to determine how and when the designed elements appear, we can use the timeline to organize them. adobe flash professional cs 6 also has components, namely, menu bar, toolbox, timeline panel, stage, properties panel, actions panel, color panel and library panel(ilmi, et al., 2021; voutama, et al., 2021). b. actionscript 3 actionscript is the programming language in flash. with actionscript, we can control objects using specific code. to display actionscript, we can do it in several ways, namely, by accessing the windows menu and then actions. by pressing the f9 key, then selecting the actions tab(niibori, et al., 2012). actionscript is programming that works in adobe flash applications that are used to create animations or interactions, actionscript allows to create action-oriented instructions (perform commands) and logic-oriented instructions (analyze problems before executing commands). actionscript typing is done in an actions panel by pressing the f9 key. actionscript can be applied to actions on frames, buttons and movie clips. the main function of actionscript is to provide connectivity to an object, namely by writing commands in it. 3. research methods a. research design the following is the research design contained in the study: 1) identifying the problem 2) literature review 3) setting research questions 4) choosing the study design 5) deciding on the sample design 6) collecting data 7) processing and analyzing data 8) writing the report b. research subject the subjects of this study were elementary school students negeri 105270 pujimulio, deli serdang, north sumatra. the subjects were 20 people, consisting of 10 men and 10 women. c. data collection technique to collect data, researchers conducted interviews, observations, and distributed questionnaires. the data collected is processed to obtain information about the needs of application users. the data will also be processed to conclude the results from before, and after the application of the application. 4. results and discussions 1. minimum specification requirement there are three requirements in completing this application, namely: a. android smartphone the android smartphone used for testing has the following specifications: 1) cpu : msm7625a 800 mhz, adrena 200 wijaya, et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 168-179 170 2) internal memory : 512 mb ram, 1 gb rom 3) external memory: 2gb 4) operating system : android os, v4.0.4 (ice cream sandwitch) 5) screen type: tft capacitive touchscreen 6) screen size: 480 x 320 pixels b. hardware the hardware used has the following specifications: 1) processor : intel® celeron® n4000 cpu @ 1.10ghz 1.10 ghz 2) memory: 4gb ddr 3 3) hard disk: 500 gb 4) display : 14 inch wxga (1366 x 768) 5) sound card : integrated 6) video type : intel® hd graphics up to 805 mb 7) keyboard, mouse, speaker, headset 8) printer c. software the software used in the application to recognize preparation for earthquakes is: 1) adobe flash professional cs 6 2) adobe audition cs 6 2. apk file creation after making an application about preparing for an earthquake through adobe flash professional cs 6, this application cannot be used directly on an android smartphone. therefore, this application must first be converted into a file with the apk extension, so that it can be used on an android smartphone. the steps taken to convert it into a file with the apk extension: a. have adobe flash professional cs 6 software already installed. b. prepare the project you want to publish. c. select the file menu, select publish settings. d. the publish settings screen will appear. e. select the air 3.2 for android target and select the actionscript 3.0 target f. on the deployment tab, select certificate, select create to create a certificate and password to use. enter the password for the certificate that was created. g. under android deployment type, select device release. h. under air runtime, select embed air runtime with application. i. on the icons tab, select the icon to use. j. on the permissions tab, check internet. k. on the languages tab, check engish. l. then select publish. wijaya, et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 168-179 171 3. application testing and discussion following: fig 1. use case diagrams wijaya, et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 168-179 172 a. loading view the loading display is used as the initial display when the application recognizes preparations for an earthquake. users have to wait until the loading process is complete to go to the next screen . fig 2. display results loading b. intro view the intro view is used as a display that appears after the loading process is complete. this loading display is used for a brief explanation of the application regarding preparation for an earthquake. fig 3. intro view c. main menu display the main menu display is a display that contains the main menu, namely, a menu about earthquakes, before, during and after earthquakes and quizzes. fig 4. main menu display wijaya, et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 168-179 173 d. display about earthquake the menu display about earthquakes serves to go to the menu display about earthquakes. fig 5. menu display about earthquake e. pre-earthquake view the menu display before the earthquake serves to go to the menu display before the earthquake. fig 6. menu display before earthquake f. display during earthquake the menu view during an earthquake serves to go to the menu view during an earthquake. fig 7. menu display during earthquake g. appearance after earthquake wijaya, et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 168-179 174 the menu display after the earthquake serves to go to the menu display after the earthquake. fig 8. menu display after earthquake h. level 1 quiz display quiz view serves to go to the quiz menu view. this quiz is divided into two levels, level 1 and 2. this quiz contains 10 questions. fig 9. level 1 quiz display i. level 1 quiz question display figure 10. level 1 quiz question display j. level 1 quiz answer key display wijaya, et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 168-179 175 fig 11. level 1 quiz answer key display k. level 1 quiz results display fig 12. level 1 quiz results display l. level 2 quiz display fig 13. level 2 quiz display m. level 2 quiz question display wijaya, et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 168-179 176 fig 14. level 2 quiz question display n. level 2 quiz answer key display fig 15. display explanation of level 2 quiz answers o. level 2 quiz results display fig 16. level 2 quiz results display 6. evaluation of applications knowing preparation for earthquakes a. testing with questionnaire evaluation of the application regarding preparation for an earthquake was carried out by applying this application and giving questionnaires to 20 children who used it. children who receive a questionnaire can fill out the questionnaire accompanied by a parent or teacher. questionnaires were distributed 2 times to the 20 children, before using this application (pre test) and after (post test)(yildiz, et al., 2020). wijaya, et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 168-179 177 questionnaire distributed to 20 children, consisting of 10 questions and measured using a likert scale(south, et al., 2022). the likert scale is a rating scale between 1 (one) to 4 (four) with the following descriptions: 1) number 1 (one) states strongly disagree. 2) number 2 (two) states disagree. 3) number 3 (three) states agree. 4) number 4 (four) states strongly agree. here are 10 questions given to 20 children through a questionnaire, before using the application (pre test) and after (post test). 1) are students able to learn about preparing for an earthquake? 2) are students able to work together with their friends in studying preparation for an earthquake? 3) are students sleepy in class? 4) do students enjoy studying preparation for earthquakes? 5) do students like the tools used in studying preparation for an earthquake? 6) have students been able to identify all the preparations for an earthquake? 7) can students answer the questions correctly that have been provided in the form of level 1 and 2 quizzes? 8) can students identify about earthquakes, before, during, after the earthquake shown? 9) do students still want to continue the lesson even though the lesson time has run out? 10) do students ask to use the same learning aids again? questions 1 and 2 were used to measure students' independence, questions 3 to 5 were used to measure students' independence, questions 6 to 8 were used to measure students' understanding and questions 9 to 10 were used to measure students' motivational aspects. b. questionnaire results before (pre test) and after (post test) using the application the results of the 2 questionnaires distributed before and after using the application about preparing for an earthquake can be seen in the table below: table 1 pre test and post test results no. name pre-test post test 1. user 1 22 38 2. user 2 20 35 3. user 3 20 34 4. user 4 21 32 5. user 5 19 33 6. user 6 20 35 7. user 7 19 33 8. user 8 21 33 9. user 9 21 33 10. users 10 22 34 11. user 11 21 33 12. user 12 20 30 13. user 13 20 33 14. user 14 20 33 15. user 15 19 35 16. user 16 18 32 17. user 17 19 31 18. user 18 21 33 19. user 19 20 33 20. users 20 20 35 the following is a graph of the results table before using this application (pre test) and after (post test): wijaya, et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 168-179 178 fig 17. graph of differences in pre test and post test results from the results of the graph, it can be seen that there are increasing differences in some children after and before using the application to recognize preparation for earthquakes. because of this, the application to know how to prepare for an earthquake has a very good influence on children aged 8 to 12 years, in learning independently at school and at home. 5. conclusion applications about preparing for earthquakes have been successfully created and applied to students in elementary schools. the results of the application of this application indicate an increase in knowledge in preparation for earthquakes. this application can run on android smartphones, and pcs / laptops. users can use their gadgets to get the information presented. it is highly recommended the presence of parents or teachers to directly guide students in the use of the application, and get optimal results. references djunarsjah, e., & putra, a. p. 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is ripe, half-ripe and unripe guava because of differences in opinion from one human eye to another. based on these problems, researchers created a system that was able to detect the level of ripeness of the fruit by utilizing the hue saturation value (hsv) feature extraction with k-nearest neighbor (knn). in this study to facilitate the manufacture of a classification system for the level of maturity of guava fruit using the matlab program. the data used in this study were 465 datasets which were divided into 324 training data and 141 test data. the data had class data, namely ripe, halfcooked, and raw. the data is then classified using the k-nearest neighbor method by calculating the closest distance with a value of k = 3. from this research, the accuracy value is 97.16%. keywords : guava bol, hue saturation value, k-nearest neighbor, matlab 1. introduction guava bol or what can also be called red guava is one of the fruits from indonesia that is favored by most indonesian people. guava bol itself has a soft meat texture and is also denser than water guava. the guava itself has many health benefits, namely in relieving fever, treating canker sores because the guava itself is rich in vitamin c. the origin of this fruit tree is not known with certainty, but guava itself has long been planted in semanjuntak, malaya, sumatra and java. because of the rich benefits of this fruit, now this fruit is planted in many countries with tropical climates, for example in caribbean countries such as trinidad, tobago and jamaica. in indonesia, the spread of guava is widely planted on the island of java. each fruit has special characteristics in determining a level of maturity, one of which is the color of the skin, for example in the jambu bol fruit, at the stage of classifying the level of maturity in the jambu bol fruit it is still classified as manual in the stages of classification of maturity by humans. in this case, of course, it has a drawback which requires quite a lot of energy in the accuracy of the maturity level which becomes inaccurate because it depends on human vision which is based on each human being. therefore, in identifying the level of maturity of the guava fruit, a system is needed that can help properly and efficiently. that is, one way that is quite accurate is image processing that can help to identify the level of maturity with the help of the classification process of fruit maturity levels based on hsv and k-nearest neighbor images. digital image processing or what is often called digital image processing is a field of science that studies how an image is formed, processed, and analyzed so as to produce information that can be understood by humans. this study aims to utilize the field of digital image processing in helping humans in everyday life to produce information that is easy to understand.(rifki kosasih, 2021) several studies have been conducted to prove the accuracy of the hue saturation value (hsv) feature using the k-nearest neighbor method. in a study conducted by (nafiah, 2019) in "classification of maturity of mangoes based on hsv image with knn" on the accuracy results generated from testing the testing data obtained in the manga test has an average accuracy value of 55% with a distance between k=110. by using 129 training data and 40 testing data. based on the results of the tests that have been carried out (lestari et al., 2019), it can be concluded that the application of the k-nearest neighbor method on the classification of banana sarimole & fadillah… vol 4(1) 2022 : 48-57 49 species based on hsv color can be applied very well. by using 100 training data and 50 testing data, the results obtained are 82% in the green banana class and the value of k = 3. subsequent research conducted by (wijaya & ridwan, 2019) under the title "classification of types of apples using the k-nearest neigbor method" in the classification of types of apples using the k-nearest neigbor method as a classifier and feature extraction of hsv and lbp. the examiner uses 800 image data, consisting of 200 test data and 600 training data. in the test results, the average value of the resulting precision is 94%, recall is 100% and the accuracy value is 94%. in a study conducted by (suban et al., 2020) on the research title "identification of the maturity level of carica papaya using k-nearest neighbor" in the study of the maturity level of papaya using k-nearest neighbor, in this study aims to assist papaya farmers in recognizing the level of ripeness of papaya fruit so that it can effectively determine the level of ripeness of papaya fruit. the test was carried out using 12 datasets consisting of 6 test data and 6 training data. the test results get a 100% success rate. in this study, in identifying the level of maturity of the guava fruit, the author will examine how to classify the level of maturity of the guava fruit using hsv imagery using the knn method. based on the description above, it is proposed the title "classification of the maturity level of guava bol fruit based on hsv image with knn" which can be expected to produce a model that can predict the maturity level of guava bol fruit with accurate final results. 2. literature review according to research conducted by (wibowo et al., 2021) in the study "detection of ripeness of crystal guava fruit based on color features using hsv (hue saturation value) and k-nearest neighbor color space transformation methods in this study generally in measuring a maturity still uses the manual method which has an inconsistent level of accuracy and tends to experience errors. researchers use digital images in classifying the level of maturity in crystal guava fruit. with the digital image, it is possible to determine guava fruit based on color, by applying it to digital image processing using the hsv color space method. from the results of the detection of ripeness in the study, it produced a percentage value of 91.67% in the category of ripe guava fruit and in the unripe fruit it produced a percentage of 90%. so it can be said that using the hsv color space transformation method can be done in the detection of crystal guava fruit according to research conducted by (salsabila et al., 2021) in the study "identification of flower type image using the knn algorithm with hsv color extraction and glcm texture" in the variety of flower types and from each species having similarities in each variety it is difficult to distinguish in determining the type of flower. applying the k-nearest neighbor algorithm as well as feature extraction for color and texture is very helpful in this study to identify flowers more easily and save time. in this study, the level of accuracy in identifying the largest type of interest was 71% using the k-7. in a study conducted by (liantoni & annisa, 2018) under the title "classification of watermelon using the k-nearest neighbor based on first order statistical extraction." watermelon ripeness can be distinguished based on the texture of the watermelon rind. the similarity of watermelon rind texture makes it difficult for people to identify ripe and unripe watermelons. in identifying the maturity level of watermelon using the k-nearest neighbor method using 100 datasets, consisting of 70 training data and 30 test data. in this study, in identifying watermelons using the k-nearest neighbor method based on the color of the fruit skin, it obtained an accuracy of 86.66%. in a study conducted by (media & budidarma, 2022) with the title "classification of ambon banana fruit ripeness using knn and pca methods based on rgb and hsv imagery" the quality of bananas is very influential at harvest. previously, farmers used manual methods in determining the maturity level of ambon bananas, causing several factors that could make the classification less accurate. from that problem, the researcher developed a system that can help classify the ripeness level of ambon bananas by utilizing the rgb and hsv color features using sarimole & fadillah… vol 4(1) 2022 : 48-57 50 the k-nearest neighbor (knn) method. in this study, it produced an accuracy rate of 90.9% with 10 test data getting accurate classification results and 1 data getting inaccurate results. according to research conducted by (ulshqhvv et al., 2016) entitled "classification for determining the maturity level of sunpride bananas" color is one of the important components in recognizing an object. of the many types of colors that can be distinguished by the naked eye, the various types of colors can be classified making it easier for us to identify colors. in classifying the level of ripeness on sunpride bananas just by looking at the color of the bananas. but the human eye is often not accurate in seeing the level of ripeness of bananas. knn method is an algorithm that can be used in classifying an object. according to research conducted by (ciputra et al., 2018) entitled "classification of the maturity level of manalagi apples with naïve bayes algorithm and extraction of digital image features" that apple is a fairly popular fruit that is often consumed and has various kinds of shapes and colors. apples themselves have various skin colors, such as red, green, and yellowish. one of the uniqueness of manalagi apples is that the color of the apple when it is raw or ripe is difficult to distinguish because the difference is not too significant. unripe apples are green, while ripe apples are yellowish green. this is what makes it quite difficult for ordinary people to distinguish between them. based on the results of trials that have been carried out by researchers, it is evident that the proposed method can be used to classify manalagi apples. however, the level of accuracy is still not satisfactory, which is 63%. so for the next research the method can be developed again. maybe it can be maximized again in the preprocessing process and image feature extraction. according to research conducted by (miftahus sholihin, 2018) entitled "classification of egg quality based on color features using the k-nearest neighbor method", the purpose of writing in an effort to make it easier to determine the quality of eggs using the k-nearest neighbor method (k-nn) to implement a digital image processing so that it can be used in everyday life so that it can help humans as the goal is to produce information that can be understood by humans. according to research conducted by (areni et al., 2019) entitled "classification of strawberry ripeness based on color segmentation using the hsv method". so the purpose of writing is to develop a system that can classify ripeness in strawberries automatically using the svm method for solving classification problems by finding the optimal hyperplane separator between classes. basically svm is a linear classifier, which was developed to work on non-linear problems, by incorporating the concept of the kernel trick in high-dimensional workspaces. a) guava bol guava bol (guava head and guava) is one of the fruit trees of the relatives of guava which is an annual fruit plant originating from the indo-china region, malaysia, the philippines, indonesia. other literature concludes that this guava fruit comes from malaysia. the guava fruit has a softer and denser texture and flesh than the water guava (syarifah et al., 2022). guava fruit is a type of shrubs that are able to live in the tropics, for example, such as indonesia.(roring et al., 2022) b) image processing image processing is a science that studies how an image is formed, processed and analyzed so that it can produce information that can be understood by humans. image is also a function of light intensity which is represented in a two-dimensional plane. the technique used in manipulating or processing an image in two-dimensional form is also called image processing (hanafi et al., 2019). c) feature extraction feature extraction is a process of taking a feature of an object that is able to describe the characteristics of an object. a feature is an object that has characteristics or properties. feature extraction is the process of taking feature values or features from an image (paramita et al., 2019). feature extraction is a feature or feature extraction a form in which the value obtained will be analyzed for further processing (shandy et al., 2019). d) hue saturation value sarimole & fadillah… vol 4(1) 2022 : 48-57 51 hue saturation value (hsv) is one component that can represent the color of visible light wavelengths (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple). therefore, this component can be used as a reference that can recognize the color of an object in a digital image (raysyah et al., 2021). e) k-nearest neighbor the knn algorithm finds an algorithm that is supervised by the learning outcomes of a new instance that will be classified based on the classification of the closest k categories. the k-nearest neighbor (knn) algorithm is a classification method that determines a label (class) of a new object based on a class from the closest distance k in the training data group. the value of k used in using the k-nn. method (barkah, 2020). 3. research methods a. system design flow at this stage the researcher will implement the methodology that will be used. the following is a flowchart of the implementation of system design which can be seen in figure 1: start dataset input preprocessing image data training data testing data feature extraction hsv k-nn classification k=1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 report end fig 1. system design flow b. preporcessing the pre-processing process is used to obtain images that will be continued and utilized so that they are ready to be used in the designed system. at this stage, preprocessing the image, which in this process consists of the process of changing a size in the image and separating the background from the fruit object. at this stage using a third-party application with an image size of 500 x 500 pixels in jpg format (salsabila et al., 2021). c. data sharing the distribution of data in this study is to divide 2 image data consisting of training data and test data. the training data aims to train the algorithm in finding the appropriate model, while the test data aims to test and find out the results of the model obtained by sarimole & fadillah… vol 4(1) 2022 : 48-57 52 the training data. in this study, the distribution of data was 70% training data and 30% test data. d. hsv feature extraction feature extraction is the stage of extracting information contained in an object in a digital image. in this stage of research using feature extraction using hsv which is used as feature extraction with color selection based on hue, saturation, and value values.(akhir, 2020) e. k-nearest neighbor classificationat this stage is the stage of identifying the guava fruit image data using the k-nearest neighbor algorithm. data from the feature extraction stages that have been standardized. after that it will compare the accuracy value based on the k value used (muhammad et al., 2021). the value of the distance in the k-nn method can be calculated by using the euclidian distance formula (shidiq, 2021). 4. results and discussions in this study, we will develop a system that is able to classify the level of maturity in guava fruit. as for in this study, we will apply hsv color feature extraction and in the classification stage using the k-nearest neighbor algorithm. in this study, to facilitate the manufacture of a classification system for the level of maturity of guava fruit, the matlab program will be used. the level of maturity of the guava fruit used is ripe, half ripe, and raw. the following is an example of the level of maturity of the guava fruit used in this study : fig 2. maturity grade class a. testing in the early stages of testing, namely image pre-processing is carried out. at this stage it is used to simplify the process of identifying the image. this stage consists of resizing the image, separating the background from the object, segmenting the image and removing noise in the image. at the stage of resizing and separating the image background, it is done using a third party application with a size of 500 x 500 pixels and a white background. fig 3. original image sarimole & fadillah… vol 4(1) 2022 : 48-57 53 fig 4. image after pre processing after the image is obtained, then image segmentation is carried out by testing using matlab software. by testing using 93 training data with different maturity levels, by converting from rgb images to greyscale images. fig 5. image greyscale in the next stage, after the image has been converted from an rgb image to a greyscale image, then morphological segmentation is carried out which is useful for eliminating noise in the image. fig 6. binary image after the image is segmented, then the image will be applied by feature extraction using the hsv (hue saturation value) component, in this feature extraction stage the aim is to obtain features or information from the image object. fig 7. image hsv the following is the result of calculating the value of the training data feature extraction obtained from feature extraction using hsv. figure 7 shows 15 data from a total of 324 training data images. table 1 extraction of train data features extraction of train data features h s v lable sarimole & fadillah… vol 4(1) 2022 : 48-57 54 0.858914789376453 0.447790820700768 0.569655877171535 ripe guava' 0.761487334952204 0.399970903413537 0.330544267096094 'ripe guava' 0.746486494176734 0.393303941600565 0.406086811638294 'ripe guava' 0.856435818003799 0.447861417800717 0.569193077883543 'ripe guava' 0.857530837952772 0.448144363198090 0.569236405982389 'ripe guava' 0.856878624614507 0.448101315479503 0.569301134590781 'ripe guava' 0.748853331325994 0.393113358030175 0.406200068875168 'ripe guava' 0.858344638296856 0.448150887041525 0.568967599027371 'ripe guava' 0.858877569653578 0.448238308513892 0.569150657339190 'ripe guava' 0.856976566363179 0.448305527085602 0.569278100932888 'ripe guava' 0.845331989861416 0.806858109779093 0.728918560129941 half ripe guava' 0.813905336526575 0.728252749676079 0.792736574908568 half ripe guava' 0.854403745608884 0.781266209550236 0.638700301793834 half ripe guava' 0.551895411000629 0.721418972206852 0.683437642977284 half ripe guava' 0.854575648608521 0.781311991475823 0.638779431099671 half ripe guava' 0.771242367885911 0.612185928114706 0.792962280802732 half ripe guava' 0.944522582563979 0.813746332056402 0.656451941378866 half ripe guava' 0.556065104059182 0.721421852835196 0.683349671693613 half ripe guava' 0.552496254949604 0.721287296988324 0.683455613869026 half ripe guava' 0.553576802588112 0.721262353445010 0.683378526498730 half ripe guava' 0.725772462425981 0.256930996524210 0.827657811774479 raw guava' 0.656859687863818 0.491408698740814 0.592972134245536 raw guava' 0.520347953423636 0.320547959483361 0.641549622097152 raw guava' 0.632210905627517 0.482715382950257 0.668561647021611 raw guava' 0.469821802285845 0.412283459500353 0.593451326574686 raw guava' 0.766866648994234 0.510044976205937 0.844354362248417 raw guava' 0.805766481568985 0.620874241563755 0.796881304397185 raw guava' 0.796754235913636 0.693702680757039 0.677285705199937 raw guava' 0.619991948588803 0.510658731030648 0.634882473878647 raw guava' 0.616352734561619 0.510675401419006 0.634925127593092 raw guava' after obtaining feature extraction from the training data, the next step is the application of feature extraction to the test data. the following is the result of hsv feature extraction that is generated on the test data, for example, 15 data are displayed from the total training data of 141 images. table 2 – testing data feature extract testing data feature extract h s v 0.858920815346271 0.568921732652925 0.288970208751252 0.769341156174716 0.388785992335580 0.415076784635717 0.745939196110354 0.393396343304167 0.404871187363835 0.130272300996550 0.896701858793214 0.444262596908549 0.862038150021587 0.448507734653959 0.567213143001390 0.501056443908730 0.825300668575589 0.692318267548344 0.0469374146295465 0.731094341867903 0.698525133490020 0.958771415822603 0.838065525766108 0.660869867390383 0.317295516230515 0.760210778811161 0.799808748616650 sarimole & fadillah… vol 4(1) 2022 : 48-57 55 0.532675251841110 0.605040449802019 0.762542673248639 0.516831917783230 0.319379307611885 0.639378025568002 0.617894485440264 0.511263553305300 0.634853666504467 0.515192794007375 0.319052775803206 0.639535581920201 0.222778781134637 0.361072983367088 0.648316960979222 0.646262139420974 0.490665326431990 0.662364716613663 after the characteristics of the training data and test data are obtained, the next stage is classification using knn by calculating the closest distance k. at this stage, classification is carried out with a value of k = 3 with a total of 141 test data so that the following results are obtained. for example, 15 data from each class of 5 test data are displayed. table 3 – knn test result test data original class knn results information 1 'ripe guava' 'ripe guava' accurate 2 'ripe guava' 'ripe guava' accurate 3 'ripe guava' 'ripe guava' accurate 4 'ripe guava' 'ripe guava' accurate 5 'ripe guava' 'ripe guava' accurate 76 half ripe guava' half ripe guava' accurate 77 half ripe guava' raw guava' not accurate 78 half ripe guava' raw guava' not accurate 79 half ripe guava' half ripe guava' accurate 80 half ripe guava' 'ripe guava' not accurate 137 raw guava' half ripe guava' not accurate 138 raw guava' raw guava' accurate 139 raw guava' raw guava' accurate 140 raw guava' raw guava' accurate 141 raw guava' raw guava' accurate b. final test results from the testing process 141 test data tested using the knn method obtained as many as 137 image data with accurate results and 4 images with inaccurate classification results and the test results can be seen as follows : 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = 𝑇𝑃 (𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒) amuount of data 𝑋 100% 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = 137 4 𝑋 100% = 97,16% from the level of accuracy obtained by the system in the classification of the maturity level of guava fruit based on hsv images with k-nearest neighbor is 97.16% of 141 test data with a test value of k = 3 the following is a diagram of the resulting accuracy : sarimole & fadillah… vol 4(1) 2022 : 48-57 56 fig 8. accuracy chart 5. conclusion from the results of this study, the results are in the form of a classification system for the maturity level of guava fruit hsv images using k-nearest neighbor which was developed using matlab software, which in the system produces a classification of the maturity level of guava fruit by utilizing the hsv image feature of skin color. guava fruit. the level of maturity of guava fruit using the k-nearest neighbor method and also utilizing this hsv image feature uses 324 training data and 141 test data by dividing 3 classes of fruit maturity, namely ripe, half-ripe, and unripe. from 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due to covid-19. this research uses binary logistic regression with bayes method parameter estimation. in this study, the predictor variables used were in the form of categories. the results showed that the factors that influence the death of a person on the death of covid-19 in comorbid diseases are diabetes mellitus and pneumonia. keywords : binary logistic regression, covid-19, comorbid 1. introduction statistics is knowledge related to the collection, presentation, processing, analysis, and various data analysis techniques. statistics is used as a scientific method to collect, process, summarize, and present research data. in addition, statistics are a way to process data and draw conclusions and careful logistical decisions when processing data (kurniasih, 2020). logistic regression analysis is a statistical analysis used to confirm the relationship between variables. logistic regression can be divided into two, based on the predictor used. that is, simple logistic regression (using one predictor) and multiple logistic regression (using two or more predictors). meanwhile, logistic regression is divided into two based on the answers used. namely, binary logistic regression (answers in two categories), multinomial logistics (answers in three or more categories), and ordinal logistics (answers in three or more categories but layered) (albana, 2013). binary logistic regression analysis is a logistic receipt reg analysis whose answer is binary. this binary logistic regression model is used when the answer variable creates two categories with values y = 1 (success) and y = 0 (failure) according to the bernoulli distribution for each single observation (nugraha, 2013). bayesian binary logistic regression analysis is a binary logistic regression analysis that uses the bayesian method (apsari et al., 2013). bayesian method is a parameter estimation method that assumes that the parameters are random variables with a certain distribution. the bayesian method combines the likelihood function and the prior distribution of the previous parameters to obtain a posterior distribution. the posterior distribution is the basis for estimating the parameters (shobri et al., 2021). coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new type of corona virus that was discovered in 2019. infection with this virus can cause illness with symptoms ranging from mild to severe (yuliana, 2020). covid-19 can cause respiratory infections, pneumonia, and other deaths. according to kpc pen (committee for the management of covid-19 and national economic recovery), in july 2021 there were 2,284,084 people infected with covid-19 in indonesia. of the total, 1,928,274 cases have been declared cured and the death toll has reached 60,582 people. considering the higher mortality rate of covid-19 comorbid patients in indonesia, a study was conducted on what comorbid factors could be the cause of the risk of death in covid-19 comorbid patients. the response variable in this study marizal vol 3(2) 2022 : 168-177 169 was the patient's discharge status, with two options, namely the patient was declared cured or died. this variable follows the bernoulli distribution, so the binary regression method can be used. logistic regression model was used recently in different research. logistic regression model and artificial neural network were considered with several independent variables to predict mortality due to covid-19 pandemic in 32 european countries (elhag et al., 2021). logistic regression analysis was utilized to identify covid-19 lockdown measures related risk factors in various studies (rossi et al., 2020; alfawaz et al., 2021; ting et al., 2021; jacob et al., 2021). binary logistic regression was used to investigate customer impression towards online delivery (mehrolia et al., 2021). multiple logistic regression model was used to evaluate the association between anxiety and various factors during covid-19 (fu et al., 2021; jiang et al., 2020); liu et al., 2021). models’ coefficients were estimated by utilizing different methods such as maximum likelihood method, bayesian method and least square method (sindhu et al., 2021; pandey et al., 2021; zou et al., 2021; zou et al., 2021; jairi et al., 2021). research on covid-19 mortality factors is a hot topic that continues to be discussed today, such as research conducted by research (shobri et al., 2021) showing that covid-19 mortality factors can use the bayesian binary logistic regression method. when solving problems in bayesian methods, one must first determine the prior and posterior probabilities. the results of this study show that the mortality rate of comorbid patients due to covid-19 is very significant. so the more comorbidities a person has, the easier it is for that person to die from covid-19. research (satria et al., 2020) which shows that the factors of death from covid-19 are men, old age, diabetes and hypertension (comorbid factors). as research (lestari et al., 2020) which results show diabetes mellitus is one of the comorbid factors among many comorbid factors that increase the risk of severity and death in covid-19 patients. research that uses bayesian binary logistic regression to determine the influencing factors is carried out by research (nadhifah & yasin, 2012) (sudirohusodo et al., 2020). research (nadhifah & yasin, 2012) shows that from the results of the binary logistic regression model, the factors that affect a baby born with normal conditions are age and maternal hemoglobin levels. furthermore, research conducted by (sudirohusodo et al., 2020) showed that the best models for the factors that influence the type of breast cancer malignancy are age, location of breast cancer, breast cancer chemotherapy, percentage of breast cancer patients metastases and marital status. research on bayesian binary logistic regression has been carried out by (nadhifah & yasin, 2012; sudirohusodo et al., 2020; susilo et al., 2020; widayani et al., 2020). where it is explained that the bayes method is a method used to estimate the parameters of a regression model that uses probability interpretation by combining sample data with other information provided previously (prior). when performing the convergence test, use the bayes method for model parameters whose values have been estimated, by observing the results displayed by the trace plot. next, the form of the probability density function will be shown for each estimated model parameter obtained from the gibbs sampler process (susilo et al., 2020). research that uses 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠′ 𝑠 𝑄 as hypothesis testing is (shobri et al., 2021; susilo et al., 2020). which shows that the value of 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠′ 𝑠 𝑄 is greater than the value of 0,05;1 2 (219,88 > 3,841) then the model is accurate and stable (shobri et al., 2021). according to a report from the national disaster management agency (bnpb) july 4, 2021, riau province ranks eighth with 463 daily cases of covid-19. in bengkalis regency, one of the governments in riau, where covid-19 has been confirmed since last july 20, the number of cases has exceeded 83 cases. head of the bengkalis district health office, ersan saputra th, said the additional 83 people came from 10 sub-districts, the highest being in 2 sub-districts, namely bengkalis regency with 24 people and mandau 22 people. the problems that arise in recognizing the spread of covid-19 are various factors that are considered the cause of death. therefore, a suitable method is needed to determine the trigger. the causes (risks) used in this study are comorbid factors, namely hypertension, diabetes mellitus, copd, pneumonia. based on the description above, the author is interested in conducting a study with the title risk classification of comorbid covid-19 patients at bengkalis hospital using bayesian binary logistics regression. marizal vol 3(2) 2022 : 168-177 170 2. literature review coronavirus diases 2019 (covid-19) is a disease caused by the sar-cov-2 virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) where this virus has a positive single strain rna, encapsulated and not segmented. infection from covid-19 can be in the form of mild, moderate or severe symptoms. the main clinical symptoms that appear are fever (temperature over 38℃), cough and difficulty breathing. in addition, it can be accompanied by severe shortness of breath, fatigue, myalgia, gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and other respiratory tract symptoms. in severe cases this covid-19 infection can cause critical illness and death (yuliana, 2020). the death of covid-19 patients is not only caused by covid-19, there are several other supporting factors that can cause the risk of death of covid-19 patients to increase. based on research conducted by (susilo et al., 2020) and (hidayani et al., 2020) there are several factors that influence the risk of death of covid-19 patients, including: 1. hypertension hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition when blood pressure reaches 130/80 mmhg or more. hypertension which currently records the highest mortality rate in comorbid covid-19 patients is hypertension when the blood pressure is above 140/90 mmhg (research & siagian, 2020). 2. diabetes mellitus diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar, or usually this disease is called sugar disease or diabetes. many comorbid factors in covid-19 patients occur due to weak insulin production so that the body's ability to respond to insulin is reduced (lestari et al., 2020). 3. copd chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd) is inflammation of the lungs that develops over a long period of time. copd is characterized by difficulty breathing, coughing up phlegm and wheezing. copd is an unhealthy behavior so it is an estimate of one of the comorbidities in the death of covid-19 patients (satria et al., 2020). 4. pneumonia pneumonia (wet lungs) is an inflammation of the lungs caused by infection. pneumonia can cause mild to severe symptoms. some of the symptoms commonly experienced by pneumonia sufferers are cough with phlegm, fever, and shortness of breath (klein, 2020). 3. research methods the dependent variable used in this study is the patient's discharge status, where there are two possibilities, namely patients who are declared cured or died at bengkalis hospital from january to september 2021. the independent variables used are hypertension, diabetes mellitus, copd and pneumonia. the method used in this research is multiple linear logistic regression and bayesian binary logistic regression. multiple linear regression is an equation model used to explain the relationship between the dependent variable (y) and two or more independent variables (x). the purpose of multiple linear regression is to predict whether the value of the independent variable is known and can determine the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable (teti et al., 2015). estimating the regression parameters using the ordinary least square (ols) method (harlianingtyas & iriawan, 2015). in testing the regression parameters, there are two tests that need to be done, namely the simultaneous test and the partial test. testing the regression model parameters simultaneously using the f distribution approach. simultaneous significance test is to test all independent variables in the overall model simultaneously. this test was conducted to see whether the independent variables as a whole had a significant effect on the dependent variable. in this case it is necessary to compare the values of and (sartika & debataraja, 2020). partial testing using the t distribution approach. spatial regression coefficient test is used to prove the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. the t-test was carried out to partially determine the significance of each estimator parameter assuming the other independent variables were constant (utami et al., 2017). marizal vol 3(2) 2022 : 168-177 171 logistic regression analysis is a statistical analysis used to see the relationship between variables. based on the predictor variables used, logistic regression is divided into two, namely simple logistic regression (with one predictor variable) and multiple logistic regression (with two or more predictor variables). meanwhile, based on the response variables used, logistic regression is divided into two, namely binary logistic regression (response variable with two categories) and multinomial and ordinal logistic regression (response variable with more than two categories) (albana, 2013). binary logistic regression analysis is a logistic regression analysis with a binary or dichotomous response variable. the binary logistic regression model is used if the response variable produces two categories with values y=1 (success) and y=0 (failure), so it follows the bernoulli distribution for each single observation (nugraha, 2013). in general, the logistic regression model is as follows: 𝜋(𝑥) = exp(𝛽0 + 𝛽1𝑥1 + 𝛽2𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝛽𝑘𝑥𝑘 ) 1 + exp(𝛽0 + 𝛽1𝑥1 + 𝛽2𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝛽𝑘𝑥𝑘 ) when 0 < 𝜋(𝑥) < 1. markov chain monte carlo (mcmc) markov chain monte carlo (mcmc) is a method used to determine parameter values of a difficult analytical integration. the mcmc method used is the gibbs sampler. in this study using the gibbs sampler method, because this study uses the bayesian method. the gibbs sampler method applied in this study uses the winbugs software (robert & ntzoufras, 2012). the gibbs sampler algorithm is as follows: 1. determine the parameters to be used 2. modeling the gibbs sampler algorithm 𝑔(𝑥) = 𝑙𝑛 𝜋(𝑥) [1−𝜋(𝑥)] = (𝛽0 + 𝛽1𝑥1 + ⋯ + 𝛽𝑘 𝑥𝑘 ) 3. enter the data according to the data obtained from the hospital. 4. specifies the prefix value of each parameter. 5. for samples in posterior analysis use {𝛽1, 𝛽2, ⋯ , 𝛽𝐿 }. 6. doing iteration update 7. determine the mean and variance of the posterior distribution in the bayes method, there are several ways to see the convergence of model parameters, including trace plots, density plots or by comparing the monte carlo error (mc error) value with the standard deviation of the model parameters. the model parameter values are said to be convergent if the plot distribution is stable spread between two parallel or stationary horizontal lines and the resulting density plot image resembles a normal distribution curve (satria et al., 2020). parameter significance test was conducted to determine the feasibility of the model by testing the significance of each independent variable used in the model. the absence of treatment effect is stated by the null hypothesis whose parameter value causes the treatment to be zero. the opposite hypothesis which states that a treatment is not worth zero is called the alternative hypothesis. hypothesis testing for bayesian uses a credible interval whose simplest form can be addressed by the quantiles of 2.5% and 97.5%. if the mean value contains a value of zero, it can be concluded that there is no effect of treatment on the response variable (robert & ntzoufras, 2012) 4. results 4.1 multiple linear regression model prior to modeling using the bayes method, multiple regression will be carried out as a model using ols estimation. the results of the multiple regression estimation using spss software can be seen in the following table: marizal vol 3(2) 2022 : 168-177 172 table 1 parameter estimation of multiple linear regression model variable estimate intercept -0,047 hypertension (x1) 0,179 dm (x2) 0,248 ppok (x3) 0,259 pneumonia (x4) 0,479 based on the estimation of the regression model parameters, the multiple regression model can be written as follows: 𝑌 = −0,047 + 0,248𝑋2 + 0,479𝑋4 multiple linear regression models can be formed by testing significant parameters simultaneously and partially. table 2 simultaneous test variance df number of square sum square f regression 4 7,079 1,770 9,381 error 217 40,749 0,189 total 221 47,828 the linear regression model was used to determine which independent variables had a significant effect on the mortality of covid-19 patients. based on the results of the f test, the value of 𝐹𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 = 9,381 and 𝐹𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 = 2,41 so that it can be concluded that simultaneously there is at least one influence between the independent variable and the dependent variable. in addition to the f test on the linear regression model, a partial test was also carried out using the t test. based on the test results, it is obtained that all the regression coefficients of each independent variable and the intercept are significant to the model because all values of 𝑡_𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 > 𝑡_𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒. based on this, it can be concluded that the independent variables that affect the mortality of covid-19 patients are diabetes mellitus (dm) and pneumonia. table 3 partial test variable 𝒕𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 conclusion hypertension (x1) 1,770 no sig. dm (x2) 2,808 significant ppok (x3) 1,359 no sig. pneumonia (x4) 5,791 significant the decision is that the hypothesis rejects h_0 meaning that the influence of the independent variable affects the mortality of covid-19 patients with comorbid diseases 4.2 binary regression model with bayes method parameter estimation is done using bayes method with the help of winbugs software. elimination of the regression parameter hypothesis was carried out using a 95% confidence interval approach for each parameter. the 95% confidence interval was calculated with the lower limit being the 2.5% quantile and the upper limit being the 97.5% quantile. the parameter is declared significant if the 95% confidence interval on the parameter does not contain a zero value. significant parameters indicate that the independent variable has an effect on the response and insignificant parameters indicate that the independent variable has no effect on the response. the following is the estimated value and the conclusion. table 4 parameter estimation value marizal vol 3(2) 2022 : 168-177 173 variable parameters mean 2,5% quantil 97,5% quantil sig. intercept 𝛽0 -2,677 -3,982 -1,332 hypertension (x1) 𝛽1 0,9116 -0,5054 2,134 no dm (x2) 𝛽2 1,187 0,1441 2,396 yes ppok (x3) 𝛽3 0,4092 -3,673 2,808 no pneumonia (x4) 𝛽4 2,381 1,187 3,614 yes table 4 shows that the influential variables are 𝑥2 namely diabetes mellitus and 𝑥4 namely pneumonia. while the variable 𝑥1 is hypertension 𝑥3 namely copd (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) has no effect on the response variable. therefore, these two variables were not included in the binary logistic regression model. so the model formed is: 𝜋(𝑥) = exp (−2,677 + 1,187𝑋2 + 2,381𝑋4) 1 + exp (−2,677 + 1,187𝑋2 + 2,381𝑋4) 4.3 model parameter convergence test after the estimated model parameters are obtained, then the convergence test is carried out by observing the results of the trace plot and density plot. the following are the results of the trace plot and density plot using the winbugs software application fig. 1. results of history trace plot and density plot for parameter (a). 𝛽0 (b) 𝛽1 (c).𝛽2 (d).𝛽3 (e).𝛽4 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) marizal vol 3(2) 2022 : 168-177 174 based on figure 1 above, it can be concluded that the convergence assumption is fulfilled because the iteration data distribution is stable and lies between two parallel horizontal lines and the resulting density plot is quite good because it has a pattern that tends to be smooth in the form of a normal distribution curve. 4.4 model interpretation to find out how much the predictor variable has an effect on the response variable is to look at the odds ratio value of the model parameters. the value of the odds ratio of the model parameters can be seen in the following table. table 5 odds ratio value variable 𝜷 𝒆𝒙𝒑 (𝜷) dm (x2) 0,9127 3,898 pneumonia (x4) 0,9312 3,221 based on table 5 the interpretation of the odds ratio of each variable is the diabetes mellitus variable, the odds ratio value is 3.898. from this value, it can be interpreted that comorbid patients suffering from diabetes mellitus have a 3.898 times greater risk of dying from covid-19 compared to comorbid patients who do not suffer from diabetes mellitus. as for the pneumonia variable, the odds ratio value was 3.221. from this value, it can be interpreted that comorbid patients who suffer from pneumonia have a risk of dying from covid-19 which is 3,221 times greater than that of comorbid patients who do not suffer from pneumonia. 4.5 classification accuracy analysis the logistic regression model is said to be good and stable where the classification accuracy value is close to 1 and the value of press^'s q is greater than the value of the chi-square table. the value of accuracy and press^'s q is obtained by looking at the accuracy of the model in classifying or grouping. if the probability value is greater than or equal to 0.5 then the patient's discharge status is grouped into the dead category, whereas if the logit value is less than 0.5 then the patient's discharge status is grouped into the cured category. there were 64 errors in the estimation of classification, namely 56 and 8 which were grouped in the wrong category from a total of 221 respondents. based on the value of classification accuracy and press’s q above, the model can classify the data correctly by 71.04% and the value of press’s q is greater than the value of 𝜒0,05;1 2 table ( 𝜒0,05;1 2 = 3,841) which is 39,135 > 3,841. this means that the model is accurate and statistically stable in classifying the risk of death for covid-19 comorbid patients. 5. discussions in this study, only two independent variables affected the mortality variable of covid-19 patients. the independent variables that have an effect on this study are diabetes mellitus (x_2) and pneumonia (x_4), while the variables that have no effect on the mortality of comorbid covid-19 patients are hypertension (x_1) and copd (x_3). the dependent variable used in this study is the patient's exit status (y). several previous studies have conducted research on binary logistics regression with bayes method. research on covid-19 mortality factors is a hot topic that continues to be discussed today, such as research conducted by [7] which showed that covid-19 mortality factors were men, old age, diabetes and hypertension (comorbid factors). as research [8] whose results show diabetes mellitus is one of the comorbid factors among many comorbid factors that increase the risk of severity and death in covid-19 patients. research that uses bayesian binary logistic regression to determine the influencing factors is carried out by research (nadhifah & yasin, 2012; sudirohusodo et al, 2020). research (nadhifah & yasin, 2012) shows that from the results of the binary logistic regression model, the factors that affect a baby born with normal conditions are age and maternal hemoglobin levels. furthermore, research conducted by sudirohusodo et al., (2020) showed that the best models for the factors that influence the type of breast cancer malignancy are age, location marizal vol 3(2) 2022 : 168-177 175 of breast cancer, breast cancer chemotherapy, percentage of metastases in breast cancer patients and marital status. the research of sobri et al., (2021) shows that the factors of covid-19 mortality can use the bayesian method of binary logistic regression. when solving problems in bayesian methods, one must first determine the prior and posterior probabilities. the results of this study show that the mortality rate of comorbid patients due to covid-19 is very significant. so the more comorbidities a person has, the easier it is for that person to die from covid-19. research on bayesian binary logistic regression has been carried out by (nadhifah & yasin, 2012; sudirohusodo et al., 2020; susilo et al., 2020; widayani et al., 2020). where it is explained that the bayes method is a method used to estimate the parameters of a regression model that uses probability interpretation by combining sample data with other information provided previously (prior). when performing the convergence test, use the bayes method for model parameters whose values have been estimated, by observing the results displayed by the trace plot. next, the form of the probability density function will be shown for each estimated model parameter obtained from the gibbs sampler process (susilo et al., 2020). research that uses press^'s q as hypothesis testing is (shobri et al., 2021; susilo et al., 2020). which shows that the value of press^' s q is greater than the value of _(0,05;1)^2 (219.88 > 3,841) then the model is accurate and stable (shobri et al., 2021). based on the research above, there are the same independent variables in influencing the mortality of covid-19 patients, namely hypertension and diabetes mellitus and there are also different variables. this is due to the location/area of the study and the different years. 6. conclusion based on the discussion that has been described, it can be concluded that comorbid diabetes mellitus (x_2) and pneumonia (x_4) have a significant influence on the risk of death of covid-19 patients. the logistic regression model obtained for the risk of death of covid-19 patients is: multiple linear regression model with least squares method 𝑌 = −0,047 + 0,248𝑋2 + 0,479𝑋4 binary logistic regression model with bayes method 𝜋(𝑥) = exp (−2,677 + 1,187𝑋2 + 2,381𝑋4) 1 + exp (−2,677 + 1,187𝑋2 + 2,381𝑋4) with a classification accuracy model of 71.04%. thus, it can be said that the model is feasible in classifying the risk of death for covid-19 comorbid patients who are declared cured of covid19 comorbid patients. references albana, m. 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project and the extent of the influence of these factors on the success of the project, especially the implementation of construction in the district of west lombok and the city of mataram. the ultimate goal of this research is to provide tools for parties involved in the implementation of construction, to predict project success and provide useful information in allocating resources to produce satisfactory results. this research consists of two stages, namely the pilot study and the second stage of research. in the pilot study in the form of a questionnaire containing questions referring to chan's research (1998), it has succeeded in obtaining data from 60 respondents from business practitioners in the construction service sector in the district of west lombok. mataram city. the second phase of the questionnaire obtained data for 52 respondents consisting of project owners, professional practitioners, both consultants and contractors. the mean value of the tap factors from a total of 44 variables resulted in the 15 factors with the highest ranking. the fifteen factors were analyzed by step wise multiple regression to determine the extent of the influence of each factor on the project's success criteria. the six most dominant factors influencing project success are the project owner's emphasis on time, quality and cost of supervision, involvement with the implementation team from the start, health & safety programs supported by the parent company, and relationships with fellow business associates.the results of the study prove that the project design factors that are adequate enough to be carried out at the construction implementation stage are the factors that most influence the project's success, followed by supervision at the construction implementation stage running well, the project team's technical ability, communication between the parties involved in the implementation. construction, and regular coordination. keywords: construction project success criteria, influencing factors 1. introduction a construction project can be completed as a result of the combination and interaction of various activities, elements and processes and interrelated, whether planned or not and in a changing environment (ashley et al, 1987). at this time project managers face increasing challenges in completing their tasks, the situation and conditions have developed more dynamically so that it creates a lot of uncertainty and the need to reduce project overhead (bbryman a cramer, 1997). things that trigger project uncertainty are changes in technology, the global economy, government regulations and new rules. faster communication and development of information management (bubshlt et al, 1999; ingle & mahesh, 2022; andiyan, et al., 2021). therefore, project managers need something to be able to predict problems will occur. one thing that first needs to be done is to identify and measure the factors that affect the success of the project (chua et al., 1999; ribeiro, et al., 2021; irfan, et al., 2021). it is also necessary for the project manager to help allocate available resources (human, equipment and materials). to process and place resources, a detailed and systematic model of the factors that influence project success is needed, so that it can predict project success even before the project starts. in general, this study aims to identify and determine the relationship of the factors that influence sayfuddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 223-234 224 the success of a construction project by using a questionnaire (istimawann, 1995). data collection through questionnaires was carried out in two stages, so as to find the relationship between project success factors and project performance. the construction projects in question are construction projects in the form of road buildings, bridges and water structures, which are currently under implementation or those that have been completed (levin, et al., 1998). respondents are project owners, contractors and consultants who are domiciled in west lombok district in the city of mataram, west nusa tenggara province. and experts in their fields (pinto, et al., 1988). research will be expected to assist owners, project planning contractors in planning project implementation strategies for maximum results. the results of the research can be useful for further and similar academic research purposes and can be used as input for planning management education programs for project managers. at this time project managers face increasing challenges in completing their tasks, the situation and conditions have developed more dynamically so that it creates a lot of uncertainty and the need to reduce project overhead (bbryman a cramer, 1997). things that trigger project uncertainty are changes in technology, the global economy, government regulations and new rules. faster communication and development of information management (bubshlt et al, 1999). therefore, project managers need something to be able to predict problems will occur. one thing that first needs to be done is to identify and measure the factors that affect the success of the project (chua et al., 1999). it is also necessary for the project manager to help allocate available resources (human, equipment and materials). 2. research methods the sample is part of the population whose characteristics are to be investigated and considered to be representative of the entire population. the idea of sampling is to solve part of the population elements, so that conclusions are obtained about the entire population (cooper 1997). an element is a subject that indicates where the measurement is made. a population is the entire set of elements that can be used to make some conclusions (pinto, et al., 1988).. sampling results in better interviews, more closely investigates missing, erroneous and more accurate information, research provides results faster than censuses. the advantage of sampling is reduced when the population is small and the variability is high. an accurate sample if there is no accuracy (accuracy) and precision (precision). an adequate accurate sample is one that has a sampling error within acceptable limits for the purposes of the study (w. gulo, 2022). the problem studied in this study is the determinant of the success of a construction project and the extent of its influence on the success of a construction project (pinto, et al., 1997). the target population that is the object of this research is the parties involved in project implementation, namely owners, planners, supervisors and work implementation, which are within the scope of the west lombok regency and mataram municipality. who have sbjuk with medium (m) and small (k) qualifications, both private and bumn, as well as government agencies/related institutions. questionnaire analysis phase i to find out the dominant factors influencing the success of a construction project, it is done by giving a score which is then calculated on average, using descriptive analysis on the spss menu. from those obtained from the first phase of the questionnaire, they were analyzed by tabulation analysis in order to obtain an average rank (mean range). based on this average ranking, conclusions can be drawn regarding the ranking of the factors that influence the successful implementation of construction projects. questionnaire analysis phase ii from the analysis of the first stage of the questionnaire, a table of the dominant factors influencing the success of the project was obtained, which was then processed into questions in the second stage of the questionnaire. stepwise multiple regression analysis is used to get a better regression equation model, by including the independent variable that has the strongest correlation with the dependent variable and then every time you enter another independent variable, testing is done to keep the independent variable included or remove it from the sayfuddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 223-234 225 regression equation model (savindo et al, 1992). the first analysis is to determine the level of influence of these factors on each project's success criteria as the dependent variable, namely the criteria for project completion costs, project completion time, speed of work, quality produced, satisfaction of all parties, suitability of functions and job variations. the next analysis is to look at the level of influence of these factors on the overall project success. in this case, all the dependent variable questions totaled 10 questions and then recoded based on a likert scale of 1-7. the multiple regression equation that will be modeled in this analysis is as follows: yi = a + β1 x1+ β2 x2 + + βi xi where : β1 : regression coefficient for each variable x yi: successful implementation of construction projects xi : construction project success criteria 3. results and discussions the data that have been successfully collected in total are 117 questionnaires consisting of 65 questionnaires for the first stage and 52 questionnaires for the second stage. the respondents consist of project owners, consultants and contractors in the areas of west lombok regency and mataram city. the data is then analyzed according to the research objectives. this research has succeeded in obtaining as many as 65 respondents from the west lombok regency region 27 respondents (41.53%) and the mataram city region 38 respondents (58.47%), as shown in the picture. fig. 1. data acquisition of respondents' areas of origin the type of company respondents consisted of project owners 17 respondents (26.15%), consultants 20 respondents (30.76 %), and contractors 28 respondents (43.09 %) as shown in figure 1. fig. 2. acquisition of agency / company data however, it should be noted that in this study the respondents representing the project owners were all from government agencies. the educational background of the respondents consisted of 8 respondents with a high school background (12.30%), 48 respondents with an undergraduate background (73.84%), and respondents with a master's degree background (13.86%), as shown in: sayfuddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 223-234 226 fig. 3. educational background data analysis of the dominant factors affecting the project. the success factors of construction projects in this questionnaire consist of 44 variables and are grouped into: client, project, project environment, project team leaders, project procurement procedures and project management. however, the analysis used as a whole does not look at the division of the group. the analysis used is descriptive statistics, by looking at the mean value to determine the most dominant rank. from a total of 44 variables, the overall average is calculated, the results of the analysis are arranged in table 4.1 and ranked based on the mean value. sayfuddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 223-234 227 table 1 analysis of factors affecting the successful implementation of construction projects in west lombok regency and mataram city no. variable mean standard deviation rank 1 the nature of the project owners organization 3.95 0.81 20 2 types of project-owned business activities 3.53 0.63 38 3 the size of the company owned by the project 3.63 0.60 35 4 project owner's emphasis on time, cost, quality 4.66 0.50 1 5 the ability of the project owner to provide information about the work 3.83 0.54 24 6 the ability of the project owner to make decisions 4.24 0.70 9 7 emphasis on project owners to create rules 3.98 0.85 17 8 involvement of project owners at the planning stage 3.93 0.94 23 9 involvement of the project owner at the project implementation stage 3.78 0.64 27 10 project type/type 3.43 0.86 42 11 project nature 3.70 1.07 30 12 project cost 4.04 0.86 16 13 project completion schedule or time 3.81 0.76 25 14 overall project area 3.44 0.98 41 15 access to project site 3.76 0.99 28 16 field conditions 4.18 0.80 11 17 complexity of project design/planning 3.95 0.75 21 18 design coordination complexity 3.58 1.04 37 19 quality management complexity 3.49 0.79 40 20 physical conditions in the project environment 3.66 1.00 34 21 economic environmental conditions 3.75 1.11 29 22 the condition of the socio-political environment 3.96 0.61 19 23 relationships with fellow business relations 4.29 0.78 6 24 communication 4.10 0.77 13 25 planning from start to finish 4.04 0.54 15 26 supervision 4.55 0.72 2 27 management structure development 3.69 0.96 31 28 supervision on sub-contractor 3.81 0.96 26 29 occupational health and safety program 4.44 0.81 4 30 administration system development 3.50 1.16 39 31 implementation of regular meetings/coordination 4.07 1.06 14 32 implementation of quality assurance 3.93 0.60 22 33 soup development (work standard) 3.67 0.83 33 34 the technical capability of the project implementation team 4.13 0.80 12 35 team managerial ability 4.24 0.79 7 36 team commitment 3.98 0.85 18 37 team motivation 4.24 0.75 8 38 availability of resources from parent company 3.67 1.03 32 39 project leader team experience and abilities 4.23 0.91 10 40 easy to adapt to any changes 3.27 1.03 43 41 support from parent company/central 4.35 0.62 5 42 engagement with the implementation team from the start 4.50 0.53 3 43 determination of the type of contract used in the project 3.60 1.12 36 44 method of determining the winner of the auction 3.15 1.50 44 description : no. 1 s/d 9 : project owner group no. 10 to 19 : project group no. 20 s/d 23 : project environment group no. 24 s/d 33 : project management group no. 34 s/d 42 : project team leader group no. 43 s/d 44 : project procurement procedure group sayfuddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 223-234 228 the mean statistical calculation results show that the factors that most influence the success of the project are, respectively, “the project owner's emphasis on cost, quality and time” (mean = 4.66). “supervision” (mean = 4.55). “availability of resources from the parent company” (mean = 4.50) and so on until the last 44th rank is “the method of determining the winner of the auction” (mean = 3.15). the results of statistical calculations show that the mean value of each factor has a slight difference. this shows that each of these factors has the opportunity to become a dominant factor. from a total of 44 variables, the overall average was calculated, and 15 variables were taken that had an average value greater than 4.04. from the table, it can be separated according to the group, namely the project owner group, project, project environment, project management, project team leader and project procurement procedures, so that it can be investigated what factors are the most dominant influencing project success in each group. table 2 factors in the “project owner” group no variable mean standard deviation rank 1. the project owner's emphasis on quality, time and cost 4.66 0.50 1 2. the ability of the project owner in make decision 4.24 0.70 2 the dominant factor in the project owner group that proved to have the most influence on project success was the project owner's ability to make decisions, and the project owner's emphasis on achieving cost, quality and time targets (table 2). this shows that the ability of the project owner to make decisions, related to the determination and speed of decision making, is needed so that project implementation runs smoothly. slow and inappropriate decision making will result in stalled projects and result in increased time and cost. likewise, the project owner's emphasis on achieving the target cost, quality and time of project implementation, is closely related to the position of the project owner as the assignor of tasks/work for consultants and contractors (r.c.g, 1997). judging from the scope of this research, the majority of respondents are providing services for government projects (both consultants and contractors) and representatives from government agencies in this case represent project owners. respondents who represent project owners in general are those who have adequate technical capabilities and are quite experienced in their fields. however, the bureaucratic structure and the large number of projects that must be handled in one implementation period have resulted in the role of the project leader as a decision maker and an emphasis on achieving cost, quality, time targets to be very instrumental in project success. table 3 factors in the “project” group no variable mean standard deviation rank 1. field conditions at the initial stage of construction were adequate sufficient to start the execution of the work 4.18 0.80 1 sayfuddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 223-234 229 the factors that most influence the success of projects in the project group can be seen in table 3, namely the field conditions at the initial stage of construction were sufficient to start the implementation of the work. this shows that of the overall project variables, this factor has an important role in supporting the success of the project. field conditions in the early stages of construction proved to greatly affect the implementation of further work. field conditions can be in the form of land readiness (mature soil or original conditions). likewise, the implementation team is obliged to review the previous field conditions, so as to anticipate difficulties that may occur at the construction stage. table 4 factors in the “project environment” group no variable mean standard deviation rank 1. relationships with fellow business relations on the project 4.29 0.78 1 the influencing factor in the project environment group is the relationship with fellow construction service business relations (table 4). the most obvious thing experienced and felt by construction service actors in indonesia at this time is the harmony between work partners, suppliers of goods and sub-contractors, this can also affect the work completion process. table 5 factors in the “project management” group no variable mean standard deviation peringkat 1. supervision 4.55 1.13 1 2. occupational health & safety program 4.44 0.81 2 3. communication 4.10 0.77 3 4. team coordination on a regular basis 4.07 1.06 4 5. planning from start to finish 4.04 0.54 5 the factors in the project management group that became the dominant factors in influencing the success of the project in this study were supervision, occupational health and safety programs, communication and periodic coordination (table 5) different emphases on different projects. however, in this study it was found that communication between parties related to planning from start to finish, supervision and periodic coordination meetings was again a key factor because with the emphasis on these five factors, all problems in the field could be resolved quickly and quickly. appropriate, with the involvement of all interested parties, so that project implementation runs smoothly. table 6 factors in the “project team leader” group no variable mean standard deviation rank 1. engagement with the implementation team from the start 4.50 0.53 1 2. support from parent company 4.35 0.62 2 3. project team managerial skills 4.24 0.79 3 4. project leader team motivation 4.24 0.75 4 5. experience & ability of project team leader 4.23 0.91 5 6. the ability of the project implementing technical team 4.13 0.80 6 the factors that most influence the project's success in the project team leader group are as shown in table 6. this shows that the project team leader is required to give their best so that sayfuddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 223-234 230 the project implementation runs smoothly with satisfactory results. the performance of the project team leader (design team leader, construction team leader and supervisory consultant team leader) is greatly influenced. by technical ability, project management ability and experience and problems that occur in the field. experienced project team leaders will understand that involvement with the field implementation team from the start of the work will make it easier to plan, implement and supervise further work (santoso, singgih, 2001). however, all of this requires the support of a strong team motivation, so that the project team leader's performance will be better. the factors in the project procurement procedure group in this study did not have a major influence on the success of the construction project (rondinelli, dennis a., 1990). from table 6, a new table is obtained of the dominant factors that affect the success of construction projects with a rating of one to 15, which are used as material in the second phase of the questionnaire and processed by different data analysis techniques. second stage questionnaire general data respondents this study has succeeded in obtaining data as many as 52 respondents from the west lombok regency area, 21 respondents (40.38%) and the city of mataram (59.61%). fig. 4. data from respondents' areas of origin the type of company respondents consisted of project owners 16 respondents (30.76%), consultants 14 respondents (26.92 %) and contractors 22 respondents (42.30%) as shown in figure 4.4. it should be noted that in this study, the respondents representing the project owners were all government agencies. fig. 5. agency/company data the educational background of the respondents consisted of 5 respondents with a high school background equivalent (9.61%) 39 respondents with an undergraduate background (75.00%) and 8 respondents with a master degree background (15.38%). fig. 6 educational background data sayfuddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 223-234 231 the results of the stcpwise multiplc regression analysis of project success factors on the accuracy of project completion costs are presented in table 7 below. table 7 results of stepwise multiple regression analysis of project success factors on the accuracy of project completion costs. model variable pearson correlation significant regression coefficient (b) (constant ) 1.678 planning from start to finish 0.541 0.000 0.588 r2 = 0.279 from the results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis, project success factors have a significant effect and have a strong correlation on the success of construction projects. from table 4.7 it is known that the variables that have a significant influence are: "the planning from the beginning to the end of the project does not change" (sig = 0.000). the r2 value generated in the regression analysis of 0.279 explains that 27.9% of independent factors, while the rest (100% 27.9% 62.10) are caused by other causes. the regression equation model obtained from the stepwise multiple regression analysis is as follows: y = 1.678 + 0.588x6 x6 = “planning from start to finish” the variables that have a significant influence are: "supervision at the construction implementation stage is going well" (sig = 0.000. the r2 value generated in this regression analysis of 0.541 explains that 54.10% of the dependent factor for project completion costs can be explained by factors in the independent variable while the rest (100%-54.10% 45.90%) are caused by other reasons. the regression equation model obtained from the stepwise multiple regression analysis is as follows: y = 1.030 + 0.741x7 with : x7 = “supervision at the construction stage is going well”. from the results of the multiple regression equation, the project performance related to the cost criteria for project completion will be good/successful if the supervision at the construction implementation stage goes well. analysis of the level of influence of project success factors on the speed of work. the variable success of the project which includes 15 questions is the independent variable and the criteria for the speed of work as one of the criteria for the success of the project is the independent variable. the results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis of project success on the speed of work projects are presented in table 8 below. table 8 the results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis of the determinants of project success on the quality of work model variable pearson correlation significant regression coefficient(b) 2 constant 2.852 sayfuddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 223-234 232 1. tl engagement with implementation team 2. coordination periodically 0.353 0.343 0.016 0.020 0.163 0.193 r2 = 0.185 from the results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis, project success factors that have a significant influence and have a correlation that the variables that have a significant influence are: "team leader coordination with the project implementing team" (sig = 0.016) and "regular coordination" (sign 0.020). the r2 value generated in the regression analysis of 0.185 explains that 18.50% of factors in the independent variable, while (100%-18.50% = 81.50%) are caused by other causes. the regression equation model obtained from the results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis is as follows: y = 2.852 + 0.163 x 15 + 0.193 x table 9 results of stepwise multiple regression analysis of the determinants of project success on the suitability of the plan function. model variable pearson correlation significant regression coefficient (b) 3 (constant) 1.823 communication between the parties involved 0.664 0.000 0.677 relationships between fellow relations -0.067 0.003 -0.234 team managerial ability 0.078 0.013 0.196 r2 = 0.523 from table 9 it is known that the variables that have a significant influence are: "relationships between relations" (sig 0.003) "communication between parties involved in the implementation of construction" (sig = 0.000) and the managerial ability of the project leader team "(sig = 0.013). the r2 value generated in the regression analysis of 0.523 explains that 52.3% of the dependent factors of project completion costs can be explained by all factors in the independent variable, while (100% -52.3% = 47.7% is explained by other causes. the regression equation model that obtained from the results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis are as follows: y = 1.823 + 0.677 x5 + 0.196 x11 – 0.234 x4 with : x4 = relationships between fellow relations table 10 the results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis of the determinants of project success on the decisions of all parties modei variable pearson correlation significant regression coefficient (b) 2 (constant) 1.198 communication between the parties involved 0.649 0.000 0.592 coordination on a regular basis 0.220 0.044 0.165 r2 0.445 from table 10 it is known that the variables that have a significant influence are: "communication between the parties involved" (sig-0.000) "regular coordination (sig = 0.044) sayfuddin vol 3(2) 2022 : 223-234 233 the r2 value generated in the regression analysis of 0.445 explains that 44.50% the dependent factor of the total satisfaction of the parties involved can be explained by all the factors in the independent variable. while the rest (100% 44.50% = 55.50%) explained by other reasons, the regression equation model obtained from the results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis is as follows: y=1.198 + 0.592 x5 + 0.165 x9 with : x5 = communication between related parties in the implementation of construction x9 = regular coordination. from the results of the multiple regeneration equation, project performance related to the satisfaction of all parties involved can be achieved if communication between the parties involved in the construction and coordination is carried out on a regular basis and carried out and fulfilled properly. analysis of the level of influence of the project success factors on the variation work criteria the project success factors variables which include 15 questions are independent variables and the variation work criteria as one of the project success criteria is the dependent variable from the stepwise multiple analysis results which is the dependent variable from the step wise multiple regression analysis of the project success factors on the variation work presented in table 11 below. table 11 the results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis of the factors that affect the success of the project on variation work mode1 variable pearson correlation significant regression coefficient (b) 2 (constan) 4.038 team leader managerial skills 0.353 0.001 0.384 relationships between fellow relations -0.171 0.015 -0.269 r 2 0.193 from table 11 it is known that the variables that have a significant influence are; managerial ability of the project leader team '' (sig = 0.015). 4. conclusion from a series of analyzes and discussions that have been carried out, it is hoped that conclusions will be obtained regarding the most dominant project success factors, as well as knowing the factors that have the most significant influence on project success or project performance. the conclusions that can be obtained in this study include two important things, namely the factors that influence the success of the project against the project's success criteria. the dominant factors that affect 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(2022). metode penelitian. pt.gramedia widiasarana indonisia: jakarta. journal of applied engineering and technological science vol 4(1) 2022 : 215-222 215 detection of the deaf signal language using the single shot detection (ssd) method dadang mulyana iskandar 1 , mesra betty yel 2 , aldi sitohang 3* informatics engineering study program, sekolah tinggi ilmu komputer cipta karya informatika, indonesia123 received : 26 august 2022, revised: 03 october 2022, accepted : 03 october 2022 *corresponding author abstract sign language is a language that prioritizes manual communication, body language, and lip movements, instead of sound, to communicate. deaf people are the main group who use this language, usually by combining hand shape, orientation and movement of the hands, arms, and body, and facial expressions to express their thoughts. therefore, the researcher created an image recognition program in sign language using the single shot detection (ssd) method, which is a convolution activity by combining several layers of preparation, by utilizing several components that move together and are motivated by a biological sensory system. the letters used in making sign language programs use the letters of the alphabet (az). this sign language detection programming that runs on the google collaboratory application. keywords : detection, sign language, ssd, google collaboratory 1. introduction the development of information technology in the latest era, the world has been in the development of the industrial revolution 4.0 with transformations in all aspects, especially the use of the development of artificial intelligence (ai), one of which is machine learning(abidi et al., 2022; sujatha et al., 2022). almost all remote areas can now feel the technology that is developing today. information technology is used to process data, including processing, obtaining, compiling, storing, manipulating data in various ways to produce quality information, namely relevant, accurate and timely information used for personal, business, government and strategic information for decision making(agarwal & raj, 2022). the development of information technology has had a major impact on various fields of people's lives, both in terms of social, economic, educational, development, as well as tourism. indonesia has 2 standard sign language systems that are commonly encountered, namely sibi (indonesian sign language system) and bisindo (indonesian sign language)(hosea & wirawan, 2022; aditama et al., 2022). based on the regulation of the ministry of education and culture of the republic of indonesia number 061/u/1994 concerning standardization of the indonesian sign language system for the deaf, sibi is a sign language that has been inaugurated by the government in accordance with the applicable curriculum and as a teaching standard in special schools (slb). in making this deaf sign language detection application using the single shot detection (ssd) method for making detection applications, hand movements are used to detect the letters that you want to use in order to know the letters you want to say(gupta et al., 2022). as for classifying function values from all possible input values, a learning technique is needed or what is usually known as supervised learning or a label is given to the algorithm as the basis for truth(leqi et al., 2022). according to experts, namely kerlinger, stating that survey research methodology is research conducted on large or small populations, but the data studied are data from samples taken from the population, to find relative events, distributions, and relationships between variables. sociological and psychological. the rq formulation of effectiveness in research should focus on 5 elements known as picoc: 1. population (f): target group for investigation (e.g. people, software, etc.) 2. intervention (i): determine the aspect of the investigation or problem that is of interest to the researcher 3. comparation (c): the aspect of the investigation to which the intervention (i) will be compared. iskandar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 215-222 216 4. outcomes (o): effects and outcomes of the intervention 5. context (c):background or research environment table 1 review of picoc survey theme title: detection of deaf sign language using single shot detection (ssd) method population detection, sign language, and single shot detection (ssd) intervention a. how to design a sign language detection support system for the general public. b. how to apply the single shot detection (ssd) method in the process of detecting fingers so that they can be understood as text. comparison n/a outcomes a. to help translate people with special needs with general people who cannot speak sign language so that they can communicate. b. make it easier to learn sign language with the help of a video camera to detect the letters we want to learn. context public dataset programming language according to bahar et al., (2022) "programming language is a syntax for defining computer programs, this language allows a programmer to create an application program, for example: pyhton, javam borland delphi". as for other research according to cox et al., (2022) suggests that "programming language is a computer language used in writing programs." google collaboration google colab or google collaboratory, is an executable document that can be used to store, write, and share programs that have been written via google drive. the explanation was adapted from tutorials point, this software is basically similar to the free jupyter notebook in the form of a cloud that is run using a browser, such as mozilla firefox and google chrome(sampathila et al. 2022). sign language sign language is a language that prioritizes manual communication, body language, and lip movements, instead of sound, to communicate(abu-jamie & abu-naser, 2022). deaf people are the main group who use this language, usually by combining hand shape, orientation and movement of the hands, arms, and body, and facial expressions to express their thoughts. contrary to the opinion of many, in reality no international sign language has been successfully implemented. sign language is unique in its kind in each country(chen et al., 2022). sign language may differ in countries that speak the same language. for indonesia, there is a sign language, namely indonesian sign language (bisindo) whose development is supported by a donor agency from japan involving the chinese university of hong kong and the university of indonesia(nurpiena et al., 2021). detect in general, detection is an attempt to find and determine the existence, assumption, or reality. from the detection results, it can be seen who the perpetrator of the crime was by accessing information without special cooperation from the sender. in the history of radio communication, the term "detector" was first used for a device that detects the presence or absence of a radio signal, as all communications use morse code(hassija et al., 2021). single shot detector (ssd) single shot detector (ssd) is a method for recognizing or detecting an object in an image using a single deep neural network and one of the most popular object detection algorithms due to its ease of implementation, good accuracy vs. ratio required computation. single shot detector (ssd) only needs to take a single shot to detect multiple objects in the image(magalhães et al., 2021). iskandar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 215-222 217 the single shot detector (ssd) method is included in object detection in real time, although it is more intuitive than its counterparts such as r-cnn, fast r-cnn faster r-cnn and you only look once (yolo), single shot detector (ssd). ) is a very powerful algorithm. being simple in design, the implementation is more direct from gpu and deep learning framework point of view and thus does the heavy lifting of detection at lightning speed(nithin & jaisharma, 2022). 2. research methods in this study, the image of the deaf sign language spread from various sources on the internet. as for the sample in this study had 26 images of hand shapes, during the shooting process, four images were obtained for each background, which means 12 images for each alphabet. the total images from letters a to z obtained are 312 images. the following are 26 images used in this study and their explanations: table 2 alphabet image dataset data collection techniques data collection techniques were used to collect data according to research procedures in order to obtain the required data. data collection techniques are the most strategic step in research because the main purpose of research is to collect data. data collection techniques in this study using the documentation technique. documentation is a method of reviewing and processing data from pre-existing documents and supporting research data. documentation method is used to collect sign language data. application of the methodology the following are the stages of the methodology used in the research: no. variable train test variable operational definition 1 a 8 4 image of hand shape a 2 b 8 4 image of a b bentuk shape hand 3 c 8 4 c shaped hand image 4 d 8 4 d shaped hand image 5 e 8 4 image of hand shape e 6 f 8 4 the image of a hand in the shape of f 7 g 8 4 g shaped hand image 8 h 8 4 the image of a h .-shaped hand 9 i 8 4 i shape hand image 10 j 8 4 image of a j bentuk-shaped hand 11 k 8 4 k shape hand image 12 l 8 4 l shaped hand image 13 m 8 4 image of a m-shaped hand 14 n 8 4 n shape hand image 15 o 8 4 image of an o .-shaped hand 16 p 8 4 p shaped hand image 17 q 8 4 image of a q-shaped hand 18 r 8 4 image of an r .-shaped hand 19 s 8 4 s shape hand image 20 t 8 4 image of a t . shaped hand 21 u 8 4 u shaped hand image 22 v 8 4 v shaped hand image 23 w 8 4 w shaped hand image 24 x 8 4 the image of an x-shaped hand 25 y 8 4 y shaped hand image 26 z 8 4 z shaped hand image iskandar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 215-222 218 fig 1. stages of methodology application data collection the process of collecting data in this study used the scraping method. the scraping method used is to download images related to the object in this study, namely the image of the deaf sign language hand shape in the variables of this study which was obtained on the kaggle website. dataset creation the image data in this study are downloaded from the kaggle website. there are three backgrounds used in taking pictures, namely a plain white shirt, a white wall, and a white shirt with dots. the angle of view of the image taken is the front view with the object distance from the lens of approximately 70 cm. in this study, two separate datasets were used, each containing training data and test data. test design the test design is the stage to find out how the performance of the system that has been built. this test is carried out in two stages, namely the training stage and the testing stage. the design of this test is to be able to find out the results of the analysis and the design carried out is in accordance with what is expected. at this stage, the researcher will design an application design based on single shot detector (ssd) for extracting text on images to be created. 3. results and discussions implementation methodology in this study, to detect sign language in the deaf using the scraping method from various sources on the internet. the scraping method used is by downloading images from the kaggle website using 4 attributes consisting of variables, training, testing, and variable operational definitions. in making the model, it is necessary to sample data in the form of images to detect sign language in the form of hands in each alphabet. in this case the image to be detected is in the form of 26 hand-shaped images, in shooting, four images are obtained for each background, which means 12 images for each alphabet. the total images from letters a to z obtained are 312 images. the initial stage in making a model for detection is done by training to classify sign language models with the help of a video camera to detect letters to be easily understood by children with special needs. in the training model there are training data (train) and test data (test). train data is used to train the model and test data is used to validate the training data. model training is done using jupyter programming(chandel et al., 2022). data collection iskandar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 215-222 219 this data collection uses 26 variable images obtained from the kaggle website. the images used in this study are in the form of hand drawings based on the alphabet in each movement. fig 2. image of alphabet hand shapes then on the kaggle website, data from 26 variable images of hand movements, before being saved, the image can be selected first which images can be used in this study. the stored images will be used to carry out the training and testing process. fig 3. image download results dataset creation after the image data is downloaded, then create a dataset folder containing the train folder and the test folder. in the train and test folders, folders are created based on the image variables in each alphabet consisting of az. the dataset is divided into 208 training data and 104 testing data. before making the dataset for the detection process, the image files that we have collected are put into a folder. then the creation of the dataset is done using the jupyter programming application with several stages carried out. before making the dataset for the detection process, the image files that have been collected into a folder earlier, are entered into the jupyter program directory first. then the creation of the dataset is done using the jupyter application with several stages carried out. iskandar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 215-222 220 fig 3. creating a label the next process is to load image data and label data from the dataset folder. determine the location (path) of training data (train) used as training data and test data (test) as validation data. test tests are carried out to obtain accuracy results from each test model that was previously made. the image data used in this research is 26 variable image data with 208 training data and 104 test images. next, do image data training, with the results of the accuracy of the test, where the correct number of datasets is divided by 100. after training the model, then evaluate the performance of the model on the test set. evaluation is carried out to see the possibility of failure of the image object that is read in the detection process, it will also get the accuracy value and with the highest probability that will be obtained from the entire test model. fig 4. training evaluation the picture above is the code used to see the evaluation of the performance of the single shot detector (ssd), from the picture it can be seen the evaluation of the accuracy generated from the train data with an accuracy value of 90.00%. iskandar et al… vol 4(1) 2022 : 215-222 221 fig 5. test evaluation the picture above is the code used to see the evaluation of the performance of the single shot detector (ssd), from the picture it can be seen the evaluation of the accuracy generated from the test data with an accuracy value of 90.00%. final test results the evaluation of the detection results from the single shot detector (ssd) method, which was trained using train data as many as 208 images, obtained an evaluation value generated from the test data as many as 104 images by testing the accuracy values obtained as follows. table 1 evaluation of accuracy value single shot detector (ssd) detection training accuracy testing accuracy 90.00% 90.00% 4. conclusion based on the research and the results of the application of the single shot detection (ssd) method in classifying 26 types of images, the following conclusions can be drawn: accuracy will be achieved better if larger data trains are used. this is evidenced 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data augmentation; linear discriminant analysis 1. introduction the edelweiss flower or perennial flower is actually a leontopodium alpinum flower found in the highlands of the alps. in indonesia, edelweiss flowers were first discovered in 1819 by a naturalist from germany named georg carl reinwardt on the slopes of mount gede. however, the name edelweiss comes from german, which consists of the words edel (noble) and white (white). translated into indonesian, it means "high white flower" (kiswantoro and susanto, 2021; martin & susandi, 2022). the splendor of this white flower is then used as a sign or sign of eternal love. not only that, the beauty of this eternal flower can also be a magnet for climbers to use as selfies. although edelweiss flowers in indonesia are still in the same family as leontopodium alpinum, it turns out that the types of edelweiss found in the mountains of indonesia are different from the types of edelweiss found abroad. types of edelweiss flowers anaphalis javanica is one type of edelweiss flower that is often found by indonesian mountain climbers (kiswantoro and susanto, 2021; hanafi, et al., 2019). the crown of javanese edelweiss consists of hundreds of small, round white flower buds that are not pointed. in the center is a yellow "flower head". edelweiss colors such as brown, blue and pink are the result of artificial dyes. in contrast to edelweiss anaphalis javanica, european edelweiss is an edelweiss flower that is easily found in the alps. this plant is widespread in alpine countries such as austria, germany, italy, france, and switzerland. this perennial flower has a different shape from the javanese edelweiss. in one flower of edelweiss leontopodium alpinum there are 500 to 1,000 flower buds with 2 to 10 "flower heads" surrounded by spiky velvety white leaves (kiswantoro and susanto, 2021). in this study, the color feature extraction used is feature extraction based on hue and saturation values. color feature extraction with hsv is used to obtain various information from the color in the image to facilitate the identification process. hsv (hue, saturation, value) is a type of perceptual color space. hsv has cylindrical coordinates, which consists of three color channels namely hue, saturation and value. in addition, lda will achieve optimal projections to be able to enter spaces with smaller dimensions and look for patterns that can be separated to group them from contour lines obtained from linear equations(kiswantoro and susanto, 2021). malau and mulyana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 139-148 140 classification is the process of finding a model that can divide the data by class, and is divided into two phases: a training phase (learning) and testing to understand how the categories of data are known to improve. the model exposure assessment phase is the result of the training phase using the new data as test data. the result of this phase is the level of accuracy/performance of the model when predicting unknown class data, especially test data (antoko, et al., 2021; hanafi, 2019; kartika wisnudhanti, 2020). digital image processing image is a two-dimensional matrix resulting from a continuous two-dimensional analog image into a discrete image through a sampling process. an image can be represented in the form of a two-dimensional matrix (with two variables x and y), where x and y are spatial coordinates and f (x, y) is the image at those coordinates. the smallest signal unit of the matrix is called a pixel (hashari, 2018). machine learning is a computational algorithm or computer process that works based on historical data to improve performance in creating predictors. in machine learning, there are three learning methods, namely unsupervised learning, supervised learning, and reinforcement learning(pradika, et al., 2020). in unsupervised learning, the training data used does not yet have a class, so the data are grouped based on the same characteristics. supervised learning is a learning method for training data that already has classes. furthermore, the reinforcement learning will look for the right steps in order to obtain the right predictions and in accordance with the existing conditions (pratama, 2018). fig 1, linear discriminant analysis (source: linear discriminant analysis (lda) was first applied to the facial recognition process by etemad and chellapa. linear discriminant analysis works based on scatter matrix analysis which aims to find an optimal projection that can maximize the spread between classes and minimize the spread within the face data classes. the lda algorithm has almost the same matrix calculation characteristics as pca(prasetiyanto, et al., 2022; putra, 2017). the basic difference is that in lda, there is a minimum difference between the images in the class. the difference between classes is represented by the sb matrix (scatter between class) and the difference within the class is represented by the sw matrix (scatter within class). the covariance matrix is obtained from the two matrices. to maximize the distance between classes and minimize the distance within the class, a discriminant power is used (ramdhani, 2015). data augmentation is the process of enriching training data which aims to avoid the appearance of overfitting. the data augmentation process consists of several stages, namely horizontal flip, shear range, and zoom range. shear range and zoom range itself has a value of 0.2. the horizontal flip stage works to increase the amount of training data by rotating the image or image horizontally by 90 degrees. the shear range stage applies the shear transformation method, which is to add variations to the image by rotating the image to a certain degree, and the zoom range step is to enlarge the image to a certain scale from the original image (naufal and kusuma, 2021; fadillah et al., 2021; harahap & muslim, 2018; nana, et al., 2022). based on the background of the problem that has been described, this research will build a classification system for the types of edelweiss flowers. the system built can distinguish the types of edelweiss flowers with a digital image processing approach. where the color feature extraction malau and mulyana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 139-148 141 will be carried out based on the hue and saturation values and then the extraction results will be classified using linear discriminant analysis (lda)( nurhalimah, et al., 2020). 2. research methods research stages fig 2. research stages systematic and structured research must be carried out throughout the research stages so that the research is right on target and in accordance with the research objectives. this research consists of several stages to conduct research so that it can be carried out properly which can be seen from figure 2. at the initial stage is to collect datasets from two types of edelweiss flowers which will be used as training and test data. this phase is very important because dataset availability is an important factor for image processing performance. the quality and number of records affect the classification results, so preparation is needed at the time of collection. from the data set that has been collected, then the data augmentation process is carried out to significantly increase the diversity of the data set that has been obtained without losing the essence or essence of the data(sanjaya & ayub, 2020). so in this study the dataset used consisted of 1950 images, then the dataset was divided into 70%. 30% training and testing to determine the structure of the model. therefore, the training data used are 1500 training data and 450 test data. after collecting the dataset and augmentation data, the next step is to perform an image transformation using the l*a*b color space, which is intended to digitally identify color content. the steps taken are to change and change the image color space from rgb to xyz. in addition, the resulting rgb color value is used as a value to calculate the l*a*b* value. after the image transformation is done, the next step is to perform image segmentation which serves to separate one object from another. separation is carried out based on regional boundaries that have the same shape or layout. malau and mulyana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 139-148 142 the output of this process is a binary image with a value of 1 (white) for the desired object and a value of 0 (black) for the background. image segmentation in this paper uses thresholding technique. the process of transforming an image into binary format so that the feature extraction process can be easily carried out. the next step is to increase the information for feature extraction by using hsv color features based on hue and saturation values(sentosa, et al., 2022). color feature extraction with hsv is used to obtain different information from colors in an image to facilitate the identification process. after hsv feature extraction, color feature information is obtained for the identification process in the lda algorithm. lda maintains the information index area, but includes more classes. classes are separated with the aim that this condition increases the distance between classes and reduces the distance of information processing in the classroom. the number of features produced by lda depends on the number of classes and the number of poses performed. after all the stages are carried out in the last stage, a test will be carried out to see how well the built model works. in this phase, the validity of the developed algorithm or model is tested(sinulingga, et al., 2016). lda methods this edelweiss flower classification system uses the lda method. the purpose of linear discriminant analysis is to classify objects into one of two or more groups based on various features that describe the class or group(husein & harahap, 2017). the edelweiss flower classification process consists of a training process and a classification process. to carry out the training process, the covariance matrix in the sw class is first searched, and the covariance matrix between the sb classes is defined as follows: ( where : xk : image k, ni : number of samples in class xi, c : number of classes, μi : average image of class and average image of class-i. furthermore, the search for the eigenvectors of the multiplication matrix between sb and the inverse sw is carried out using eq. the eigenvector is selected based on the largest eigenvalue. the eigenvector values are used to make projections for each training data using eq. (bimantoro, 2020). where : fpt : data projection value, xi : input data w : the vector eigenvalues are selected based on the largest eigenvalues. the results of the training process in the form of projections from each training data are then stored for comparison with test data. the classification process is carried out by projecting the test data (bimantoro, 2020). the test data projection is done by multiplying the test data with the eigenvector used in the training process. the classification stage is carried out by comparing the projected data from the training results with the projected results from the test data. furthermore, to find out the class of the test data, the distance between the projected training data and the projected test data is carried out using eq malau and mulyana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 139-148 143 where : dij : distance between projected training data and test data xik : training data projection xij : test data projection. the results of the search for the distance between the projected training data and the test data are then sorted from the largest to the smallest. the result of the largest distance search is the classification result of the test data. these results are then verified by comparing the actual class with the class classification results. the software used in the analysis of edelweiss flower image data is matlab software. data collection process in this study, there were 5 images per each type of dataset obtained from image searches on google search which were disseminated from various sources. datasets creation most of the image data in this study were downloaded from the internet and of course have different sizes. therefore, then the pixels of each image used are changed to 300x300 pixels and then the background of each image is changed to red in order to facilitate the feature extraction process because the edelweiss flower itself is white. from the image, the data augmentation process is then carried out to increase the diversity of data available for the training model, the process of augmenting data in this study uses a library of the python programming language(solihin, et al., 2022). fig 3. process data augmentation augmentation techniques such as cropping, padding, and horizontal flipping are commonly used to train large neural networks. the sample in this study took 2 types of edelweiss flowers with a sample of 1,500 images for training data and 450 images for test data so that the data generated from each type became as follows: table 1 research datasets class training data test data anaphalis javanica 750 225 leontopodium alpinum 750 225 total 1500 450 resize the used image to fit the image for training or testing. feature extraction is an object recognition technique that looks at certain features of an object that aims to perform calculations and comparisons to classify an image. two separate data sets were used in this study, each containing training data and test data. test design malau and mulyana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 139-148 144 fig 4 test design figure 4 shows the test of the design. the first stage is an image that has been cropped and resized outside the system and whose background has been manually changed to input for training. next is the preprocessing stage. in this phase, the image is converted from the rgb color space to l*a*b and the image segmentation process is carried out using the thresholding method. these features are trained in lda. the results of the research are data predictions, stored and used in the classification process. 3. results and discussions fig 5. examples of flower images in each class the image data used in this study is data on 2 types of edelweiss flower images, totaling 1500 training data, with test data of 450 edelweiss flower images. from the results of the training carried out to get very high accuracy results, namely with 100% accuracy. after doing training on the image. malau and mulyana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 139-148 145 fig 6. training data distribution graph based on the results of the distribution of data in figure 6 which shows that there is a clear difference between edelweiss flowers of anaphalis javanica and leontopodium alpinum, this causes a high level of accuracy fig 7. test data distribution graph also based on the results of the distribution of data in each class along with the resulting boundary line in figure 7. thus the magnitude of the resulting accuracy value indicates that of the 450 test data images carried out there is only 1 wrong image. fig 8. gui classification of flower types leontopodium alpinum similarly, the test result from the gui program in figure 8 show that the result of the image input process up to classifying with very good result. malau and mulyana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 139-148 146 fig 9. value accuracy from figure 9 it can be seen that the testing accuracy value for 450 edelweiss flower images is 99.77%. these results can be categorized as very good. these results are influenced by several factors, including the classification can be optimal when feature extraction can provide the best information, and color-based feature extraction is very easy to recognize when the tested images have different colors. based on the results of the author's test, the author also knows that there are several factors that cause misclassification, including: (1) the amount of training and test data is too small and must be added because the more models are trained, the more models are trained, the more models. resulting from. (2) if the picture is not clear, it will be difficult to classify the model, so that there are still errors in classification. 4. conclusion this study uses the linear discriminant analysis (lda) method to classify the types of edelweiss flower images based on their color characteristics. this study uses a programming platform that uses the matlab matrix-based language. based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the classification system for the type of edelweiss flower image using the linear discriminant analysis method was successfully built with the resulting accuracy in determining the flower image of 99.77%. the use of color feature extraction with the hsv algorithm helps to obtain various information from the colors in the image to assist in the recognition process. lda can then obtain an optimal projection that can enter a smaller dimension space by looking for patterns that can be separated so that they can be grouped according to the boundaries obtained from the linear equation so that it can be determined. lda retains the information index area, but includes more classes. classes are separated with the aim that this condition increases the distance between classes while reducing the distance for preparing information in the classroom. the number of features produced by lda depends on the number of classes and the number of poses performed. there are two determining classes in this study, namely anaphalis javanica and leontopodium alpinum. suggestions for further research can add some other classes or use more complex categories for further investigation. in addition, improvements are needed to maximize feature extraction and identification and increase the number of datasets used for both training and testing. in addition, to achieve better feature malau and mulyana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 139-148 147 extraction and identification, deep learning algorithms should be used to add feature extraction algorithms based not only on color but also on texture and shape. references antoko, t. d., ridani, m. a., & minarno, a. e. 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in gununggangsir village. this is an alternative that is made is an environmentally friendly waste incinerator. the process of making a garbage incinerator has the advantage of being environmentally friendly by using used goods that are not used and can still be used. in this research, what will be done is utilizing used goods that have value and function to achieve a target value. the result of using this used material is that it saves the cost of making trush burner which was originally worth rp. 1,626,000 to rp. 965,000. keywords : value engineering methods, tool design, waste treatment equipment. 1. introduction garbage is one of the main problem factors in gununggangsir village. garbage has a negative impact on the surrounding ecosystem. garbage pollution will cause an increase in the quantity and volume of waste waste in gununggangsir village which can increase very significantly, causing a buildup of garbage and along with the population. several ideas for shortterm waste management solutions are still in progress. the handling of waste in gununggangsir village is inadequate, with this an alternative that can be made is an environmentally friendly waste incinerator. the process of making this garbage incinerator using used materials with effective waste treatment methods is used. the manufacture of this waste incinerator has the advantage of being environmentally friendly by using unused used goods and can still be put to good use . for this waste incineration device, it is necessary to use the value engineering method which is to achieve the best value, an identification process is required. to achieve the desired result. consistent in quality and efficient use of this tool helps the community to deal with excessive waste. therefore the researchers created this tool with used raw materials to produce the maximum (anggraini et al., 2018; omran, et al., 2021) the method used to manufacture this environmentally friendly waste incinerator is value engineering. in this research, what will be done is to utilize used goods that have value and function to achieve a target value(gusmarti et al., 2020). the manufacture of this tool utilizes used goods at the lowest possible cost and has the function of making this environmentally friendly waste burning tool. one of the techniques used to reduce costs in construction management is called value engineering. after the first design is completed, value engineering can be used to evaluate the results of the initial design. the goal of value engineering is to lower manufacturing costs as much as possible while still achieving the goals set in the initial design or planning phase (hidayatullah & mulasari, 2020; sakr, et al., 2021). the results of this study are expected to show how much efficiency costs can be saved for the manufacture of this tool by using value engineering techniques. there is a goal of this technique, namely in terms of developing an alternative or innovation that can minimize the cost of making the tool without compromising the function or quality of manufacture. so that the application of value engineering provides the expected optimal cost estimation results and can be carried out according to the plan(ilayaraja & zafar eqyaabal, 2015; abuhasel, et al., 2021) . afli and putra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 149-157 150 2. methods this research will take place in gununggangsir village, kedung turi hamlet, which is located in rt.02/rw.02, beji district, pasuruan regency, east java. the research is carried out according to the time determined by the hamlet, this activity starts on december 10, 2021 until may 10, 2022 which takes six months. • data collection 1. observation observation is a method of introducing the learning environment through observations of the surrounding environment by local individuals. the information collected is based on what is known about the field at the time of the study as primary data. observation has two objectives: to provide knowledge and to facilitate the task of preparing an academic thesis proposal. 2. interviews interviews are a process of extracting further information through dialogue and discussion with supervisors and local residents. the interview was conducted with the aim of facilitating the writing/compilation of the thesis, building self-confidence and practicing good and correct communication. 3. direct involvement direct involvement is the stage of conducting research with direct participation in the activities of local residents by providing an expectation that the environment in kedung turi hamlet has a clean environment and there are no residents in the village littering. knowing the problems that occur in kedung turi hamlet, i provide solutions according to the conditions of the surrounding environment. • data processing data processing in this study is using the value engineering method. value engineering is the stage used by analysis to optimize cost efficiency which has the potential to cause a cost overrun that results in and costs that are not needed in a project budget. after the value engineering process is carried out, it produces a cost efficiency value based on the principle that does not eliminate aspects of performance or performance, durability, reliability, quality, function and other important aspects of an element (hitomi, 2017). • research flowchart fig 1. research flow afli and putra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 149-157 151 3. results and discussion • information stage the information stage is an effort to collect as much information as possible about the waste processing equipment, this is aimed at getting the information needed in the next stage. a waste treatment tool or trush burner is a tool that was created with the aim of reducing the habit of the people of kudung turi hamlet throwing garbage indiscriminately (putri et al., 2018). a more detailed description of the trush burner is as follows: 1. uses the waste waste treatment tool or trush burner aims to process waste waste into ashes which will be used as a tool to reduce the amount of waste in kudung turi hamlet. 2. how it works this waste treatment tool uses used oil and gasoline as fuel which is used to heat a stove filled with water and generate water vapor. water vapor will enter the path provided and go to the nozzle to release a very strong steam and cause a greater fire pressure (nur et al., 2017). 3. tool making price list based on the list of materials needed above, the following is a list of prices needed to make a trush burner: table 1 tool making price list ingredient quantity/size cost drum 2 pcs rp. 400.000 5mm thick plate 2x1 m rp. 500.000 8 mm diameter diameter concrete iron 36 m rp. 100.000 wind nozzle 1 pcs rp. 70.000 speedometer 1 pcs rp. 60.000 3mm thick pipe 1 m rp. 80.000 wind sprayer 1 pcs rp. 50.000 brass faucet 2 pcs rp. 120.000 caliper hose 1 pcs rp. 150.000 soft thread 2 pcs rp. 60.000 box iron 4 m rp. 36.000 total rp. 1.626.000 • functional analysis stage the next step in the ve study is function analysis. at this stage, identification of functions consisting of active verbs and nouns will be carried out, this identification is carried out randomly and then each type will be grouped and identified(iswati, 2017) 1. activity function matrix table 2 activity function matrix work verb noun function manufacture of waste treatment equipment (trash burner) reduce amount of trash primary process garbage turns to ashes secondary make it easy garbage burning primary prevent garbage accumulation secondary guard environmental hygiene secondary afli and putra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 149-157 152 2. fast diagram fig 2. fast diagram trash burner • creative stage after carrying out the function analysis stage, the next stage is the creativity stage. at this creative stage, it is applied in the form of alternative waste processing tools or trash burners and the design of the cost of making these alternatives(supriyanto, 2013). the alternatives given in the manufacture of waste processing equipment or trash burners are as follows: table 3 – alternatives for making trush burner alternative description 1 using used materials that are suitable for use as the main ingredients for making trush burner tools 2 reduced the size of the trush burner to times smaller than the initial fixed size with the new material. based on the alternatives above, the cost of making a trash burner is as follows: table 4 – trash burner manufacturing cost description quantity prive/pcs total alternative 1 drum 2 pcs rp.150.000 rp.300.000 5mm thick plate 2x1 m rp.200.000 rp.200.000 8 mm diameter diameter concrete iron 36 m rp.50.000 rp.50.000 wind nozzle 1 pcs rp.50.000 rp.50.000 speedometer 1 pcs rp.40.000 rp.40.000 3mm thick pipe 1 m rp.60.000 rp.60.000 wind sprayer 1 pcs rp.10.000 rp.10.000 brass faucet 2 pcs rp.15.000 rp.30.000 caliper hose 1 pcs rp.100.000 rp.100.000 soft thread 2 pcs rp.20.000 rp.40.000 box iron 4 m rp.15.000 rp.15.000 total rp.905.000 alternatives 2 drum 2 pcs rp.200.000 rp.200.000 afli and putra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 149-157 153 5mm thick plate 2x1 m rp.500.000 rp.500.000 8 mm diameter diameter concrete iron 36 m rp.50.000 rp.50.000 wind nozzle 1 pcs rp.70.000 rp.70.000 speedometer 1 pcs rp.60.000 rp.60.000 3mm thick pipe 1 m rp.80.000 rp.80.000 wind sprayer 1 pcs rp.50.000 rp.50.000 brass faucet 2 pcs rp.60.000 rp.120.000 caliper hose 1 pcs rp.150.000 rp.150.000 soft thread 2 pcs rp.30.000 rp.60.000 box iron 4 m rp.36.000 rp.36.000 total rp.1.376.000 comparison of the two alternatives based on the time of manufacture and the usefulness of each trash burner is as follows: table 5 – comparison of alternatives alternative description alternative 1 time of realization the time required to manufacture alternative 1 trash burner is 463 minutes capability processing waste processing capability alternative 1 is the same as the initial design, which is able to burn 50 kg of waste in one process for approximately 20 minutes alternative 2 time of realization the time used for making alternative 2 trash burner is 485 minutes ability processing waste the ability of waste processing in alternative 2 is not as good as the initial design , due to the smaller size, the ability of the alternative 2 trash burner can only burn 20 kg of garbage in 20 minutes. • evaluation stage the evaluation stage discusses the alternative waste processing tools that have been made in this creativity stage in the previous stage. at this stage, it is hoped that it can add a use value from a previous waste processing tool design(kembuan et al., 2016). the steps that must be carried out are as follows: a. analysis of advantages and disadvantages table 6 – analysis of alternative advantages and disadvantages alternative advantages disadvantages alternative 1 cost of manufacture the same incineration capacity of waste as the original design the used materials do not have the same durability as new materials alternative 2 the materials used are more durable because the materials used new the ability to burn less waste b. cost analysis the (a pakpahan et al., 2018)alternative design of this trash burner was analyzed in terms of costs in making it cheaper but could not reduce the value and function of the tool.comparison of these costs for the trash burner can be seen in the following table: table 7 – alternative costs no. alternative cost of alternative 1 alternative 1 rp. 905.000 2 alternative 2 rp. 1.376.000 based on the table above, there is alternative 1 which has a cost with manufacturing that is more affordable than alternative 2 and also the initial afli and putra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 149-157 154 design(rachwan et al., 2016). although the cost of making alternative 1 is affordable, the function of the waste processing equipment can be used properly because it uses materials that are still suitable for use and have good combustion capabilities. so it was decided that alternative 1 will proceed to the stage of perfecting a design. • stages of design improvement the (buede et al., 2016) process of improving this design is from an alternative design process 1. and will be analyzed with the advantages and disadvantages of a design in the table below: 1. analysis of advantages and disadvantages table 8 – advantages and disadvantages design of waste processing equipment (trash burner) alternative 1 advantages disadvantages cheap used materials so that they are prone to damage burning accommodates a lot based on the table above, it is found that the disadvantages of alternative 1 have a shortage of used materials that are prone to damage, this will also result in the waste processing equipment being not as strong as new materials (miles, 2015). the materials used such as scrap metal will be prone to rust because they have been used for a long time, this can be corrected by adding paint to the outer layer of the iron so that it reduces the speed of the iron rusting. 2. manufacturing costs the materials used for the manufacture of trash burners are as follows: table 9 manufacturing costs description quantity price/pcs total drum 2 pcs rp.150.000 rp.300.000 5mm thick plate 2x1 m rp.200.000 rp.200.000 8 mm diameter diameter concrete iron 36 m rp.50.000 rp.50.000 wind nozzle 1 pcs rp.50.000 rp.50.000 speedometer 1 pcs rp.40.000 rp.40.000 3mm thick pipe 1 m rp.60.000 rp.60.000 wind sprayer 2 pcs rp.10.000 rp.20.000 brass faucet 2 pcs rp.15.000 rp.30.000 caliper hose 1 pcs rp.100.000 rp.100.000 soft thread 2 pcs rp.20.000 rp.40.000 box iron 4 m rp.15.000 rp.15.000 paint oil 1 can rp.60.000 rp.60.000 total rp. 965.000 the following is an appearance of the design and finished product of trush burner in dusun kudung turi: afli and putra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 149-157 155 fig 3. stove design trush burner figure 3 is a trush burner stove design, several parts of a trush burner stove are as follows: 1. part 1 is a trash burner stove base made of iron plate 2. part 2 is a trash burner stove wall made of of iron plate 3. part 3 is a trash burner stove hose made of capillary pipe 4. part 4 is a brass faucet 5. part 5 is a 3 mm thick pipe 6. part 6 is a plate 7. part 7 is a wind nozzle fig 4. designtube trush burner figure 4 is a trush burner tube design, some parts of the trush burner tube are as follows: part 1 is the roof of the trash burner tube made of used drums. 2. part 2 is a trash burner tube chimney made of used drums 3. part 3 is a trash burner tube cover made from used drums 4. part 4 is made of used drums 5. part 5 is an iron frame for a trash burner tube made of iron concrete 6. part 6 is made of a concrete iron frame that is shaped into a nest 7. part 7 is a pipe that has a thickness of 3 mm 8. part 8 is made of used drums fig 5. place design trush burner figure 5 is a trush burner holder design which is made of iron box that is useful as a place to place the trash burner. afli and putra… vol 4(1) 2022 : 149-157 156 fig 6. design trush burner complete figure 6 is a complete design of the trash burner which is a waste treatment tool used for burning waste. fig 7. finished products trush burner the specifications for the trash burner are as follows: 1. capacity: 50 kg of waste 2. materials: steel plate, iron concrete, iron boxes and drums 3. energy sources: oil and gasoline 4. materials tube : used drum 5. place material : iron box 6. stove material : iron plate 4. conclusions the conclusions obtained in conducting a development of waste processing equipment or trush burner in dusun kudung turi by using a value engineering , namely replacing the materials used with used materials suitable for use as a result of waste from the plate factory. with the use of this used material, the cost savings for making trush burner was obtained which was originally rp. 1,626,000 to rp. 965,000. trush burners that are made using used materials do not experience any loss of function because they are made in the same size and in the same way, only differ in 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will create a system that is able to classify the level of maturity of areca nut using hsv feature extraction with assistance at the classification stage using the knn method. in this study, 842 datasets were used which were divided into 3 types of classes, namely ripe, unripe and old fruit. the dataset was divided into 683 training data and 159 test data. in the next stage, the data is tested using the k-nearest neighbor method by calculating the closest distance using k = 1. from the results of the calculation of the closest distance k1 produces an accuracy rate of 87.42%. keywords : matlab, areca ripeness, knn, hsv. 1. introduction areca nut is a kind of palm plant that grows in asia and africa, the eastern part of the pacific. which has a height that reaches 12 to 30 m, rooted in white hairs, upright stems with a diameter of about 15 to 20 cm, unbranched with loose leaf marks that are clearly visible. stem formation occurs at 2 years and bears fruit at the age of 5 years to 8 years depending on soil conditions, soil with good moisture and having a ph range of 5-8 strongly supports the growth of areca nut. and indonesia itself, areca nut are also widely available on the islands of sumatra, java, kalimantan, sulawesi, and papua. indonesia is included in a country that can be said to be the largest betel nut exporting country with export volumes reaching one hundred and ten thousand tons in 2007(warnakulasuriya & chen, 2022). increased in the following years, 80% of the demand for betel nut comes from indonesia. in developed countries such as belgium, the netherlands, japan, germany, south korea, and china, areca nut is used as a pharmaceutical raw material, betel nut is also used as a mixture of betel nut. and areca nut is also known as a medicinal ingredient such as being able to treat toothache in children and adults, dysentery, bloody diarrhea, and scabies. areca nut seeds contain alkaloids, such as arekoline (c8 h13 no2), arekolidine, arekain, guvakoline, guvasine, and isoguvasine, condensed tannins, hydrolyzed tannins, flavans, phenolic compounds, gallic acid, latex, lignin, volatile and non-volatile oils, and salt. this research is related to the current areca nut plantation sector, which is often raised as a topic of discussion, such as determining the betel nut based on the age of the betel nut, which is still not practical, due to the age difference between one betel nut and another. and the determination of harvest can also be determined from changes in the color of the skin on the areca nut, the hardness of the skin of the fruit, and the occurrence of loss of the fruit and also the broken skin of the fruit also determines the maturity of the betel nut, and the distribution of areca nut in various regions makes it important in classifying the fruit. areca nut based on the level of maturity. the ripeness of the betel nut starts from raw, ripe and old so that the color of the areca nut can be an important indicator to be able to determine the level of maturity of the fruit and the quality of the fruit. the classification of areca nut maturity aims to reduce the risk of unripe betel nut. the classification of betel nut maturity manually still has several weaknesses and requires a long process, which has low accuracy and is inconsistent, this is because the determination is made subjectively by areca nut farmers. as for the sarimole & rosiana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 65 classification of the level of maturity of areca nut which automatically, can be faster with objective determination. and besides that it can improve accuracy and be more efficient. in a process of identification of fruit maturity can use image processing. the results of arif patriot's research stated that for the identification of mango fruit ripeness using images taken with the glcm and lab values, the accuracy of the results was 62.5% (pamungkas, et al., 2019). glcn is the gray level co-occurrence matrix of the image, where the features are taken from the contrast, correlation, energy, and homogeneity of the grayscale image. while the lab is the value of the color image taken on avrage, standard deviation. the process of classifying mango fruit maturity using knn(pamungkas, et al., 2019). another related research in the process of image recognition pattern recognition is the identification of mango fruit maturity(barkah, 2020). where the image used is mango fruit, which is classified into 3 classes, namely: 38 ripe betel nut, 12 half ripe mango, and 50 unripe mango. in the process of identifying the preprocessed input image, the standard deviation feature is also taken. and the trahir stage is classification or identification using euclidean distance with an accuracy value of 84% (barkah, 2020). in the year 2019 research has been carried out by cinantya paramita, eko hari rachmawanto, christy atika sari, and de rosal ignatius moses setiadi. with the title "classification of limes on the level of ripeness of fruit based on color features using k-nearest neighbor", from this study the researcher used the knearest neighbor method with the results of the classification of limes from the level of maturity using the color feature k, namely k=3 using k=7 on the search for euclidean distance which produces an accuracy of 92% (paramita, et al., 2019). in a study conducted by abdullah and pahrianto in (2017) with the title "tomato maturity classification system based on color and shape using the support vector machine (svm) method". in this study, the author uses the support vector machine (svm) method, with the test results obtained that this system is able to obtain an accuracy with an average of 82.83% and a standard deviation of 1.52(mubarok, 2021). research in (2019) conducted by husnul khotimah, nur nafi'ah, and masruroh using the title "classification of mango fruit maturity based on hsv image features using the knn method". which is converted to hsv ( hue , saturation , value ) where the features used are the average value of skewness, and kurtosis. the dataset used is a mango image with a value of k=1, the accuracy value is 56%. results with raw, sufficient, ripe, and highly classified on mango images with a value of k=2, a ripe value. with training data of 129 mangoes, and the accuracy is 80%(nafiah, 2019). from several previous studies and existing problems, such as how to identify the maturity of areca nut is still very simple, namely by doing it traditionally only relying on the sense of sight, causing a reduction in the quality of sorting, so we need a system that is able to identify the maturity of areca nut as early as possible so that there are no mistakes. at post-harvest. so here it encourages the author to make an idea to design a system that becomes the background to be presented in this study with the title "classification of betel nut maturity based on hsv images with knn". with this research, it is hoped that in addition to helping betel nut farmers, there is also a classification of areca nut sold to the public so that the quality of the betel nut received by the community is better based on the level of maturity(yang, et al., 2021; thirani, et al., 2022; pusadan & abdullah, 2022). 2. literature review based on research conducted by (paramita et al., 2019) "classification of lime based on level of fruit maturity based on color features using the k method. -nearest neighbor” according to the researcher, if the selection of limes still uses visible human judgment, it will result in weaknesses, namely being subjective and inconsistent so that the level of accuracy is low. so we need an automatic method that can improve the accuracy of the assessment with a consistent assessment in the classification of lime maturity levels based on color features. in his research, it is stated that the knearest neighbor method is a fairly simple classification method with fairly good accuracy, that is, it works based on the closest distance from training data to testing data by checking the distances of cityblock distance and euclidean distance. decision makers using the k-nearest neighbor method is a new data grouping technique based on the k nearest neighbor distance between training information and test information. the k values used sarimole & rosiana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 66 in this paper are 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 and 9 with the search for the distance between the training and test data is euclidean distance and cityblock distance. according to research conducted by (pariyandani et al., 2019) "classification of formalin fish imagery using the k-nn method and glcm “ health is a very important factor in life. so to create human health, it is necessary to improve the quality of their food, namely by fulfilling 4 healthy 5 perfect. with the fulfillment of food quality, one must consume nutritious food rich in protein. one of the nutritious foods with high protein is fish. as a maritime country, indonesia has a lot of resources, so we can find many types of fish in the seas of indonesia. fish is one of indonesia's abundant and diverse marine resources, for centuries many people have made fish as their livelihood. with advances in marine fishing technology that has become increasingly important with modern equipment, approximately 60 million tons of fish are caught every year from the sea which is worth about 20 billion us dollars. there is more competition in the industrial world, not a few ways that are not well used, such as preserving fish using formalin, which is a dangerous chemical which is used for preservation and is now also often used for the textile industry. formalin substances that are used in the long term can cause many diseases, one of which is disturbed digestion and can also cause cancer. in this study using the k-nn and glcm methods to determine the image of fresh fish and the image of fish that has been given formalin, in this study the classification of formalin fish images requires materials such as formalin liquid as a testing substance and also fresh fish as the main ingredient for research testing and using the research samples were 500 images of fish, 250 images of fresh fish and 250 samples of formalinized fish images. the sample trainer used was 60% of the 500 sample, 40% of the sample used as a tester. and to measure the spatial frequency of the image and glcm moments can use contrast calculations. contrast is the pixel gray level of the image. according to research conducted by (wijaya & ridwan, 2019) "classification of types of apples using the k-nearest neighbors method." enjoyed and consumed by the public. apples have many varieties that can be distinguished based on the color and shape of the fruit. from these types of apples, besides being able to be consumed raw/directly, the fruit can be consumed by processing it first, such as candied fruit, apple chips and drinks. with so many types of apples, it is not uncommon for ordinary people to find it difficult to classify the types of apples. one of them is by utilizing computer technology. in classifying the types of apples, there are features of hue saturation value (hsv) and local binary pattern (lbp). used in this study as extraction of color features and also fruit shape which will then be used as characteristics of the color and shape of the apples to be studied(shumaila, et al., 2022). research conducted by (meiriyama, 2018) " hsv color feature fruit image classification with svm classifier" image classification with fruit objects is a classic problem in the area of image classification that is still attracting researchers' interest. in the fruit classification process, the feature selection process is one of the factors that affect the success rate and level of accuracy. the features obtained will be used in the training process on svm to get the ideal hyperplane with the maximum margin. to extract the fruit, several steps are needed, such as: converting the rgb color model into an hsv color model, forming an hsv histogram with a hue channel of 16 bins, saturation 4 bin and value 4 bin, the hsv histogram is then normalized by dividing each value by the total value. from the histogram. 3. research methods in this study, the research material is a public dataset downloaded by the mihai minut account through the kaggle website with the title "fruit-262" with 256 kinds of fruit datasets. for the dataset that you want to study is the pinang fruit label, there are 1,020 datasets which are divided into 3 classes. each class is in jpg format with the label "mature" containing an image of a ripe areca, the label "raw" containing an image of an unripe betel nut, the label "old" containing an image of an ripe betel nut. sarimole & rosiana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 67 fig 1. description (1) raw, (2) ripe, (3) old a. system design flow the following is a test design stage using matlab to identify the level of maturity of areca nut using the hsv and knn methods. areca fruit dataset crop image 100 x 100 normalize image dataset sharing hsv image extraction knn classification test dataset with knn fig 2. test design flowchart this stage is a stage. based on the description of the test design to identify the level of maturity of the areca nut in this study : 1) areca nut dataset will be formulated 2) the dataset will be processed through several pre-processing stages consisting of cropping, resizing image 100x100, converting to grayscale with matlab. 3) divide the dataset into training data and test data by dividing 80% of the training data and 20% of the test data manually 4) furthermore, the rgb value will be converted through segmentation into the hsv color space, hue, saturation and value obtained after calculating the equation. 5) the next test will be classified with the knn algorithm with the calculation of k values from 1 to 9. sarimole & rosiana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 68 6) test the dataset with the highest accuracy search 4. results and discussions a) implementation this chapter describes how the system works and the results that have been created. that is successful in detecting the maturity level of areca nut by applying hsv and k-nn color feature extraction in the classification of maturity levels. in implementing this research, the researcher uses matlab as a research support program. the level of maturity of the areca nut in this study were raw, ripe and old. b) testing areca fruit dataset the initial stages of image acquisition, by determining the data needed for the image segmentation process. in this study, the process of searching for the pinang fruit dataset obtained a public dataset which was downloaded by the mihai minut account through the kaggle website. fig 3. image acquisition process preprocessing stage the image preprocessing stage consists of image cropping, image size normalization (image resizing). the following is the process carried out at the image preprocessing stage: • cropping image the image cutting process stage is the stage of taking a certain area to be observed in the image to make it easier to analyze the image and reduce the size of the image storage. in the process of cutting this image using the snipping tools. fig 4. cropping image dataset • image size normalization (image resize) the stage of normalizing the image size is by changing the size of the original image into pixels. in the application of this research, the number of pixels to resize the image is 100x100, so the process steps are as follows. which is where the resize formula will later be stored into a process with the aim of resizing each image dataset that has been cropped. sarimole & rosiana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 69 fig 5. result of normalization of areca fruit image dataset sharing n the distribution of datasets using split-folders as a divider for the entire dataset which will become a folder for training data and test data. by using google collabs. this python library package is needed as an initial step to start sharing datasets. next import splitfolders then splitfolders.ratio(input_folder, output="buahpinang_2", seed=42, ratio=(.8, .2), group_prefix=none) # default values. to divide the 80% training dataset and 20% test dataset. hsv feature extraction after dividing 80% of the train dataset and 20% of the test dataset, implementing the hsv (hue saturation value) feature extraction, in this stage the aim is to obtain the calculation results of the extraction value of the image object. the following is the calculation of the results of the test dataset and training dataset obtained from feature extraction using hsv(putra, et al., 2021). the first step to get the hsv feature extraction image is the steps that will be processed. by calling the dataset with rgb color which will go through the grayscale, binary and hsv stages. fig 6. rgb color image the rgb dataset image segmentation will be converted to grayscale using matlab software, with a total of 599 datasets, which have been divided into 485 trains and 114 tests. the following displays the rgb images that have been converted to grayscale. fig 7. grayscale image after going through the grayscale stage. then the dataset goes through a morphological stage, namely a binary image which is used to remove noise in the image. sarimole & rosiana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 70 fig 8. citra biner the next stage is hsv (hue, saturation and value) which is the stage of image feature extraction to obtain feature data or information from the train image object and test whether the areca nut is ripe, unripe or old. fig 9. hsv feature extraction from the results of the feature extraction above, the value of the image object has been obtained, namely hue, saturation and value which are training data. table 1 hsv feature extraction h s v information 0.10449761 0.65284983 0.520627826 ripe areca nut below is a table of training data extraction results obtained through feature extraction using hsv (hue, saturation and value). table 2 shows 15 data from the total data, namely 683 data. table 2 data extraction practice table extraction of train data features h s v label 0.104497610020441 0.652849833230313 0.520627825801766 ripe betel nut' 0.164378626476636 0.726115967253132 0.539204950272792 ripe betel nut' 0.124033681352992 0.813614887330634 0.616905563105330 ripe betel nut' 0.0929736385522287 0.712481321749618 0.500406530624097 ripe betel nut' 0.138702081049235 0.561940120885431 0.434187078814716 ripe betel nut' 0.322032100795644 0.230180856346037 0.498850655348603 raw betel nut' 0.214399510893484 0.547819674883151 0.274101935391720 raw betel nut' 0.229852247834494 0.527675824021506 0.224036265682573 raw betel nut' 0.316281169294299 0.464792307963316 0.343298198878942 raw betel nut' 0.222673277025372 0.544343440243290 0.435835696175945 raw betel nut' 0.107189914766225 0.547175719428006 0.515623173257457 areca nut' 0.118607173574856 0.420454373415293 0.449084510260981 areca nut' 0.199315575226905 0.661136019714119 0.465461863340880 areca nut' 0.0780859291791207 0.698450945937737 0.465266533225784 areca nut' 0.0895837544713060 0.391317513570586 0.497612984401621 areca nut' sarimole & rosiana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 71 after getting the results of the training data extraction then perform feature extraction to get the results in the test data. the training data and test data will be processed through an advanced method, namely knn. the following is the result of the test data that has gone through the feature extraction stage, which shows 15 test extraction data from 159 test data. table 3 example extraction test table test data feature extraction h s v label 0.329845521552262 0.523663691254355 0.470404558941270 ripe betel nut' 0.172848572876017 0.518397478151850 0.391113863089095 ripe betel nut' 0.143340978057847 0.557703792923646 0.429409259597250 ripe betel nut' 0.412282866996376 0.460173534238910 0.463127806912707 ripe betel nut' 0.409336644845051 0.465532001862337 0.443082958954015 ripe betel nut' 0.322032100795644 0.230180856346037 0.498850655348603 raw betel nut' 0.265691747314418 0.560139888442877 0.359851404949444 raw betel nut' 0.240365342180436 0.645016010983586 0.328631533204282 raw betel nut' 0.149512737622453 0.543546075454673 0.452293690877339 raw betel nut' 0.187792357130913 0.659172122880860 0.299708768720852 raw betel nut' 0.122254805437172 0.408095218707927 0.388288447909284 areca nut' 0.0812957670686929 0.475068377096455 0.592531324777262 areca nut' 0.104291033437651 0.690943395992200 0.319077671175422 areca nut' 0.0913405534415003 0.405255680277492 0.474169146452654 areca nut' 0.0812957670686929 0.475068377096455 0.592531324777262 areca nut' knn classification after the hsv feature is obtained, then the classification is carried out with knn with the closest distance k = 3. with the test results obtained at 83.01% as an example, the following is the result of the test data generated. table 4 example knn result test data original class knn result information 2 ripe betel nut' areca nut' not accurate 3 ripe betel nut' ripe betel nut' accurate 12 ripe betel nut' raw betel nut' not accurate 13 ripe betel nut' ripe betel nut' accurate 14 ripe betel nut' raw betel nut' not accurate 63 raw betel nut' raw betel nut' accurate 64 raw betel nut' raw betel nut' accurate 65 raw betel nut' ripe betel nut' not accurate 66 raw betel nut' ripe betel nut' not accurate 67 raw betel nut' areca nut' not accurate 138 areca nut' raw betel nut' not accurate 139 areca nut' areca nut' accurate 140 areca nut' areca nut' accurate 141 areca nut' areca nut' accurate 142 areca nut' ripe betel nut' not accurate final test results from the testing process, 159 data were tested from a total of 842 data using knn, it was found that 132 data were classified as accurate and 27 data were inaccurate and the test results can be seen as follows : sarimole & rosiana… vol 4(1) 2022 : 64-73 72 tabel 5 prediction prediction current ripe betel nut' raw betel nut areca nut ripe betel nut' 37 11 2 raw betel nut 3 45 2 areca nut 2 7 50 5. conclusion after testing the betel nut, the researcher can draw the conclusion that in detecting the maturity level of the areca nut by applying the hsv and k-nn color feature extraction in the level classification, it can be drawn well in a ripe areca classification system. from the testing data, the accuracy obtained has an accuracy value of 87,42%.with the closest distance k = 1 by using training data as many as 485 betel nuts and test data as many as 114 betel nuts by having their respective classes, namely raw class enough class, ripe class and old class. so based on the extraction of hsv color features with the areca nut maturity classification system using the knearest neighbors (knn) method, it is feasible to use it properly. references b barkah, m. f. 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identified types of durian fruit due to limited knowledge of the types of durian fruit and require a relatively long time and accuracy in sorting. therefore, there is a need for a method to sort the types of durian fruit effectively and efficiently. namely image segmentation based on the classification of the types of durian fruit to help consumers. the method used is gray level cooccurrence matrices for feature extraction, while to determine the proximity between the test image and the training image using the k-nearest neighbor method based on texture based on the color of the durian fruit obtained. extraction features using the glcm method based on angles of 0°, 45°, 90° and 135°. then the knn method is used for the classification of characteristic results using k = 3. in this study, 1281 data training was used and 321 data testing was used, resulting in an accuracy of 93%. keywords : classification, gray level co-occurrence matrix, k-nearest neighbors, durian fruit 1. introduction durian (durio zibethinus murr) is very popular with the public because it has a delicious taste and distinctive aroma. durian fruit has a high economic value in indonesia with a wide and diverse market range. durian is one type of fruit that is highly nutritious and has a great opportunity to be developed. it has various shapes of thorns and different fruit colors and has fruit parts that are also not the same as other fruit parts. with the enjoyment of a delicious taste and also a lot of durian fruit fans, the durian fruit is dubbed the king of all fruits (cortaga, et al., 2022; hashim, et al., 2022). in this case the selection of fruit must really be done so that consumers are right in choosing the type of durian fruit based on size, weight, shape, ripeness and color. unfortunately, in this case, consumers are still difficult to distinguish the type of durian fruit that is physically identified due to limited knowledge about the types of durian fruit, it takes a relatively long time and the level of accuracy of sorting is low. therefore we need a method for sorting effectively and efficiently. that is one of them with image processing that can help a sorting process so that it can be obtained with uniform results and in accordance with the price. as research material, researchers used the types of durian fruit using a technology that can help the process of segmenting the level of durian fruit types based on color similarity using glcm and k-nearest neighbor extraction(sinaga, et al., 2021; kamdar, et al., 2022; larasati, 2021; syahrorini, et al., 2021). feature extraction is a process to retrieve or view the feature values contained in an image. k-nearest neighbor (k-nn) is a method that uses a supervised algorithm where the results of the new test sample are classified based on the majority of the categories in k-nn. the purpose of this algorithm is to classify new objects based on attributes and training samples. the classifier does not use any model to match and is only based on memory(yustika manik et al., 2020; anraeni, et al., 2021; himeur, et al., 2021). several studies have been conducted to prove the accuracy of the gray level cooccurrence matrix algorithm. in a study conducted by (ratri enggar pawening, 2020) "quality sarimole & syaeful… vol 4(1) 2022 : 111-121 112 classification of local oranges based on texture and shape using the k-nearest neighbor (k-nn) method" with energy, correlation, contrast, homogeneity features for texture feature extraction(mulyono et al., 2020). texture features are searched based on angles of 0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, resulting in the highest accuracy rate on the k1 test of 93.33% and the lowest accuracy of 86.20% on the k7 and k8 tests. subsequent research conducted by (rachmawanto & hadi, 2021) examined "optimization of feature extraction in k-nn in corn leaf disease classification" to calculate the value of color extraction features and feature extraction, using a glcm method in training data and classification test data for the k algorithm(syahrorini et al., 2021). -nn. the best accuracy results are obtained, namely 85% by using the k value is 3 and the pixel distance is 1 and the lowest accuracy with the k value is 3 and the pixel distance 3 is 70%. based on this background, the author proposes a study where durian fruit classification will be carried out with glcm and knn extraction, so this research is entitled "classification of durian types using gray level co-occurrence matrix (glcm) and k-nearest neighbors (knn) extraction features" and is expected to produce a model that can predict the classification of durian fruit types with good accuracy results(widiyanto & purwanto, 2019). 2. literature review further research was conducted by (luay nabila el suffa, 2021) "identification of formalin chicken meat image using the gray level co-occurrence matrix (glcm) and knearest neighbor (knn) method" identifying the image of fresh broiler and village chicken meat using the k method -nearest neighbor (k-nn) as classifier and gray level co-occurrence (glcm) method as feature extraction(sinaga & agustina, 2021). the test uses a dataset of 60 and the test results get an accuracy of 85%. a) durian fruit durian montong or also commonly written durian monthong, is a type of "giant" durian originating from thailand. this durian is actually native to indonesia but more developed and the massive marketing is becoming more famous from thailand. the durian montong tree has a long or perennial life, the tree is woody, cylindrical, upright, with cracked skin, rough surface, has many branches, and horizontal direction. b) image processing image processing is this process that aims to study the processing of images where the input and output of this system are in the form of digital image files. image processing is needed because images often experience degradation, such as noise or defects in color images that are too contrasting in the image, less sharp, blurring, and so on(roring et al., 2022). selecting optimal feature images for analysis purposes, carrying out information retrieval processes or object descriptions or object recognition contained in images, compressing or reducing data for data storage purposes, data transmission, and data processing time. the input of image processing is the image, while the output is the image processing result. c) feature extraction feature extraction is the process of taking features of an object that can describe the characteristics of the object. this stage aims to obtain information contained in an image and then serve as a reference to distinguish between one image and another(andrian et al., 2019). the region can be defined in a global or local environment and distinguished by shape, texture, size, intensity, statistical properties, and so on. d) gray level co-ocurence matrix (glcm) glcm is a statistical method that can be applied in extracting features from texture analysis. glcm was first introduced by haralick in 1973 with 28 features to describe spatial patterns(matrix et al., 2020). glcm is used because this algorithm is strong if there is a rotation process, so the image can be captured in the same resolution. sarimole & syaeful… vol 4(1) 2022 : 111-121 113 . fig 1. glcm with angles 0o , 45o , 90o , and 135o neighboring pixels can be selected towards the east (right). one way to represent this relationship is in the form of (1,0), which expresses the relationship between two pixels that are lined up horizontally with a pixel with a value of 1 followed by a pixel with a value of 0. based on this composition, the number of pixel groups that satisfy the relationship is calculated(abidin & fredyatama, 2021). e) k-nearest neighbors (knn) k-nearest neighbor (knn) is a method that uses a supervised algorithm where the results of the new query instance are classified based on the majority of the categories in the knn. knn is based on the idea that each new instance can be classified by a majority vote of k neighbors, where k is a positive integer, and usually by a small number. the knn classification algorithm predicts the sample test category according to the k training sample which is the closest neighbor to the test sample, and puts it into the category that has the largest probability category(rachmawanto & hadi, 2021). 3. research methods in this study, to achieve the objectives of a research, it is necessary to have a systematic process or procedure used. there are several stages of research which are described in figure 2 below: fig 2. stages of methodology application sarimole & syaeful… vol 4(1) 2022 : 111-121 114 a. study of literature this stage is the stage of collecting knowledge from sources to obtain information in the form of data. these sources of information serve as a theoretical basis for designing research related to digital image processing, feature extraction of gray-level cooccurrence matrix (glcm), k-nearest neighbor (knn) classification and types of durian fruit. b. formulation of the problem the next stage is to collect various information from related references related to the literature study stage. based on the problems that have been described, the authors make a problem formulation that will be discussed in this study, namely "the application of the k-nearest neighbor (knn) method in digital image processing using gray-level cooccurrence matrix (glcm) in the classification of the types of durian fruit. c. data collection in this stage, the dataset used is a dataset of the types of durian fruit uploaded by mihai minut through the website at kaggle with the title "fruit-262", with 1,600 durian fruit image datasets. d. data analysis the data analysis contains the pre-processing stages that will be carried out covering several stages. e. preprocessing this stage is processing the initial image data, normalizing by going through the stages of cropping, resizing and conversion. f. dataset sharing the process of dividing the dataset is dividing the dataset into training data (training data) and testing data (test data). training data is a dataset that is used to create a model, while test data is a dataset that is used to test the accuracy or performance of the training model. this split dataset contains 4 parameters, namely x_train, x_test, y_train and also y_test, where x is the data source variable and y is the target data variable. in x_train contains data source to be trained, x_test contains target data to be trained, while y_train contains data source used for testing and y_test is target data used for testing. g. glcm feature extraction the feature extraction stage in preprocessing is processed using the glcm method to obtain features from an image texturally. performing image analysis based on the statistical distribution of the pixel intensity, can be done by extracting the texture features. h. k-nearest neighbor (knn) classification the k-nearest neighbor (knn) classification stage is a process for a collection of data based on data learning. has a value attribute the value of k used is odd and performs tests using different values of k. euclidean concept used for calculations in the approach to the distance between the test data and the training data. i. implementation and testing the process of implementing and testing the system is in accordance with the analysis and design that has been discussed in the previous chapter. in this stage, it aims to display the results and conduct tests on the system that was made in order to be able to test the percentage accuracy of predictions and the accuracy of the final display of the system built. j. conclusions and recommendations this stage is the last stage of the research conducted which at this stage contains conclusions from the research processes that have been carried out as well as suggestions for the continuation of future research. 4. results and discussions a. research tools sarimole & syaeful… vol 4(1) 2022 : 111-121 115 in this study, the requirements for software specifications for system design in this study are: table 1 software no. software specification 1 operating system windows 10 64-bit 2 programming language google colabolatory 3 storage google drive 4 browser google chrome vertion 103.0.5060.114 (official build) (64-bit) b. implementation and testing implementation the implementation stage is a procedure that must be carried out to complete the application design that is in the design listed in chapter iii. researchers use the python programming language to display the results of a process can be seen in this test snippet. preprocessing in the image cutting stage using snipping tools software to help an image cutting process to be able to produce the right part in the image identification process. fig 3. example of image cropping image size normalization image size normalization is very necessary for the image segmentation process stage. therefore, google collabs is used in this image size normalization process. resize the pixels so that they are the same size in the dataset which is 100x100 pixels. table 2 results of normalization of durian fruit image durian fruit data 100x100 pixel durian montong durian bawor sarimole & syaeful… vol 4(1) 2022 : 111-121 116 durian petruk durian mimang durian musang king durian candimulyo durian ajimah durian matahari the results of the success of the process of normalizing the image size to 100x100 can be seen through the image shape information and the appearance of the image that appears. grayscale grayscale is the initial stage of image processing, namely preprocessing. with the image of durian fruit in rgb color, it is converted into a gray image (grayscale). in order to facilitate the image processing. the results of the grayscale image are shown in figure 4. fig 4. grayscale image of durian fruit and the following is the result of an array convert from one of the durian fruit images that have been grayscaled with a scale of 0 – 255. with an explanation on a scale of 0 which is a dark color and 255 is a white color. sarimole & syaeful… vol 4(1) 2022 : 111-121 117 fig 5. output array of grayscale image results c. testing gray level co-occurrence matrix (glcm) testing gray level co-occurrence testing is a feature extraction in a process to find information from an image. in this study using glcm with a matrix formed from four angle directions, namely 0 , 45 , 90 and 135 . so there are four corners of the cooccurrence matrix. after that, to get the texture value from glcm use . researchers used four statistical features, namely contrast, homogeneity, energy and correlation. glcm texture metric data that has been processed can be seen the data displayed 8 data from the total data of 1309 images in figure 6. table 3 glcm extraction results label durian ajimah durian bawor durian candimulyo durian matahari correlation_0 0.782811 0.798728 0.813709 0.824309 correlation_45 0.780278 0.806552 0.767140 0.805944 correlation_90 0.843678 0.806281 0.823430 0.838910 correlation_135 0.783234 0.753076 0.841234 0.812182 homogeneity_0 0.545471 0.613748 0.681118 0.641271 homogeneity_45 0.536817 0.603101 0.666633 0.619334 homogeneity_90 0.566903 0.613980 0.691679 0.635405 homogeneity_135 0.532864 0.586876 0.684543 0.618505 contrast_0 1.458.618.526 1.763.624.842 829.085.474 1.586.842.000 contrast_45 1.500.382.161 1.723.214.193 1.047.716.797 1.785.738.715 contrast_90 1.049.845.789 1.697.442.526 775.872.842 1.455.432.632 contrast_135 1.480.197.483 2.199.570.964 714.340.929 1.728.335.720 energy_0 0.512719 0.597773 0.664177 0.599557 energy_45 0.494072 0.586897 0.652862 0.587147 energy_90 0.515908 0.598191 0.676803 0.605100 energy_135 0.492884 0.573464 0.669008 0.587347 label durian mimang durian montong durian petruk durian musangking correlation_0 0.874707 0.800645 0.815925 0.744019 correlation_45 0.869044 0.761337 0.773738 0.790763 correlation_90 0.840148 0.840714 0.794122 0.755664 correlation_135 0.819599 0.840272 0.812791 0.685692 homogeneity_0 0.574114 0.702834 0.647171 0.489008 homogeneity_45 0.559408 0.685805 0.627093 0.485994 homogeneity_90 0.557964 0.710780 0.644578 0.490056 homogeneity_135 0.544275 0.703572 0.637703 0.452920 contrast_0 1.417.677.474 1.196.330.316 1.140.713.368 2.356.733.568 contrast_45 1.510.798.503 1.462.158.854 1.426.077.691 1.948.905.599 contrast_90 1.826.335.684 955.878.947 2.255.583.474 contrast_135 2.081.719.076 978.562.934 1.179.936.198 2.930.312.717 energy_0 0.479243 0.688179 0.631434 0.415801 energy_45 0.465829 0.670773 0.613787 0.423540 energy_90 0.467531 0.695648 0.630378 0.436457 energy_135 0.458341 0.686807 0.622893 0.397921 then the extraction results go through the min-max scaling stage, work by adjusting the data within a certain range or range (range of minimum values to maximum values), with the range commonly used is 0 to 1. sarimole & syaeful… vol 4(1) 2022 : 111-121 118 fig 6. min max glcm array output the normalized dataset in the new framework produces a matrix value between 0 1. table 4 normalization of dataset label durian ajimah durian bawor durian candimulyo durian matahari correlation_0 0.782811 0.798728 0.813709 0.824309 correlation_45 0.780278 0.806552 0.767140 0.805944 correlation_90 0.843678 0.806281 0.823430 0.838910 correlation_135 0.783234 0.753076 0.841234 0.812182 homogeneity_0 0.545471 0.613748 0.681118 0.641271 homogeneity_45 0.536817 0.603101 0.666633 0.619334 homogeneity_90 0.566903 0.613980 0.691679 0.635405 homogeneity_135 0.532864 0.586876 0.684543 0.618505 contrast_0 0.313942 0.309565 0.408461 0.478319 contrast_45 0.252205 0.216402 0.305498 0.452401 contrast_90 0.174704 0.294243 0.207817 0.389055 contrast_135 0.308536 0.444038 0.412740 0.532152 energy_0 0.512719 0.597773 0.664177 0.599557 energy_45 0.494072 0.586897 0.652862 0.587147 energy_90 0.515908 0.598191 0.676803 0.605100 energy_135 0.492884 0.573464 0.669008 0.587347 label durian mimang durian montong durian petruk durian musangking correlation_0 0.874707 0.800645 0.815925 0.744019 correlation_45 0.869044 0.761337 0.773738 0.790763 correlation_90 0.840148 0.840714 0.794122 0.755664 correlation_135 0.819599 0.840272 0.812791 0.685692 homogeneity_0 0.574114 0.702834 0.647171 0.489008 homogeneity_45 0.559408 0.685805 0.627093 0.485994 homogeneity_90 0.557964 0.710780 0.644578 0.490056 homogeneity_135 0.544275 0.703572 0.637703 0.452920 contrast_0 0.244360 0.206878 0.206878 0.343790 contrast_45 0.184376 0.229433 0.229433 0.221763 contrast_90 0.135173 0.253349 0.253349 0.293580 contrast_135 0.233780 0.199960 0.199960 0.393128 energy_0 0.479243 0.688179 0.631434 0.415801 energy_45 0.465829 0.670773 0.613787 0.423540 energy_90 0.467531 0.695648 0.630378 0.436457 energy_135 0.458341 0.686807 0.622893 0.397921 split image dataset at this stage the author divides the durian fruit image dataset into 80% for training data and 20% for test data, as for the training stage of the training data classification model and test data used to test the model's performance. the train-test-split process uses the scikit-learn library. figure 4.6 shows the view of the split image process that is 1281 for training data and 321 for test data. sarimole & syaeful… vol 4(1) 2022 : 111-121 119 fig 7. the dataset that has been split from the entire dataset knn classification test furthermore, the analysis technique is carried out by calculating the performance of the knn method where the performance measured is accuracy, precision, recall and f-measure. the whole stage of this research uses the scikit-learn library as machine learning tools. the initial stage is to collect data, the data obtained. the next stage is to split the data where 80% is used as training data and 20% as testing data. the description of the data is shown in table 1. the next stage is to apply the knn method using training data and test data that have been prepared previously. in the last stage, the performance calculation of all testing data is carried out with various neighboring simulations using the knn method. d. final test results the results of the dataset how much the success rate and the level of accuracy of various neighboring values of the knn method with a value of k = 1 to a value of k = 9 are obtained using a confusion matrix, which is as shown in figure 10. fig 8. the final results of the knn confusion matrix test k=3 from the report above, it can be interpreted that the classification report made for durian ajimah received 96% accuracy, durian bawor 91%, durian candimulyo 94%, durian matahari 90%, durian mimang 92%, durian montong 94%, durian musangking 94% and durian petruk. 90% so overall, using k = 3 as the best classification model has an accuracy of 93%. 5. conclusion from research on classification of durian types using extraction features of gray level co-occurrence matrix (glcm) and k-nearest neighbors (knn) it can be concluded that, in the process of classifying durian types based on the types and 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development and expansion of sales and increased sales not only in the store. to overcome such problems, the authors intend to try to handle the sales process by designing an information system is a web-based sales of goods or more often in the know as e-commerce using the programming language php and mysql. keywords : cv.desta, e-commerce, web, mysql 1. introduction background of the problem currently the internet is one of the cheapest communication infrastructures and the range of reception is wide and unlimited. the internet is also often used as a media for promotion, communication, buying and selling of products, services and complete information media online. with the advantages of the internet that can provide services without time limits and easy access at affordable costs as well as other conveniences, more and more business people are doing business using e-commerce(ahmad & hasti, 2018, alfarizi, et al., 2018). cv. desta is one of the companies engaged in the sale of batik clothing. the sales information system in cv. desta still uses the conventional method, namely the process of recording and calculating customer transactions which are done manually, so the time to do this is long. to see information about the products needed, customers must come directly to the store. sales that are only carried out in stores are still not getting maximum results, uncertain income and lack of promotion make cv. desta still not known to the public. in addition, they want to develop and expand sales and increase sales that are not only in-store. therefore, this company still has problems in expanding its marketing area and the reporting process on cv. desta is still experiencing problems such as delays in making sales reports and inaccurate sales data(nasution & baidawi, 2016; prasetyo & susanti, 2016). the sales system mechanism at the smith distribution is now still using the conventional system, where consumers have to come directly to the distribution. with the e-commerce application at the smith semarang distribution, it is hoped that it will make it easier for the public to buy products without having to come to the place, as well as expand marketing and increase customer loyalty(kosasi, 2014; apriyanto, 2011). to solve the existing problems, the author wants to build an online sales application (ecommerce) to promote products and expand the sales area of cv. desta. with the construction of the online sales application, business people can use it as a medium to promote their company and its products, so that they can be known more widely. and it is hoped that it will make it easier for consumers who will buy the products offered by business actors without having to come to the place directly. identification of problems nuryadi & nuryanti vol 3(2) 2022 : 198-207 199 identify the problems that occur in cv. desta as follows: 1. the sales information system in cv. desta still uses the conventional method, namely the process of recording and calculating customer transactions which are done manually, so that it takes a long time to do it. 2. to see information about the product needed, the customer must come directly to the store. sales that are only made in stores are still not getting maximum results, 3. lack of promotion makes cv. desta still not known to the public. 4. the process of making reports on cv. desta is still experiencing problems such as delays in making sales reports and sales data that are less accurate. formulation of the problem based on the problems described above, the author can formulate a problem, namely how to design an interactive website so that it supports an increase in the interest of visitors to be interested in the products offered? how to implement a website application as a support for sales information systems so as to make it easier for cv? how to test and evaluate the cv. desta website application when the sales information system is already running? purpose and objectives the purpose of writing this thesis is as follows: 1. analyze the problems that occur in cv. desta. 2. make suggestions for the online sales process. 3. create a web-based sales program at cv. desta. 4. to help and make it easier for customers to process clothing purchases. while the purpose of writing this thesis is as one of the requirements for graduation in the undergraduate program (s1) department of information systems at the college of informatics and computer management (stmik) nusa mandiri, jakarta. information system is a system within an organization that brings together the daily transaction processing needs that support the managerial functions of the organization's operations with the strategic activities of an organization to be able to provide reports required by certain outside parties (asfinoza, et al., 2018; bernadi, 2013). according to azwanti, (2017), "the popular view of e-commerce is the use of the internet and computers by browsing the web to buy and sell products". according to sukamto and salahuddin (2011:118) "uml is a visual language for modeling and communicating about a system using diagrams and supporting texts". according to dharmawan (2015) concluded that: use case or use case diagram is a modeling to perform (behavior) the information system to be created. use describes an interaction between one or more actors with the information system to be created. roughly speaking, use cases are used to find out what functions are in an information system and who has the right to use those functions. according to kosasi (2015) "xampp is a program that contains apache, mysql and phpmyadmin packages". xampp is an open source-based php package developed by an open source community. 2. research methods to analyze and design the system, the authors conducted research with the following methods: data collection technique this method is a method that is carried out by conducting research with the following methods: 1. direct observation (observation) the author collects data by direct observation of the sales activities of batik clothes that are being carried out by cv.desta to find out the problems of the running system. 2. interview the author conducted a question and answer process to mr. juhriyadin as the owner of cv. desta about the information needed by the author as material for writing this thesis. nuryadi & nuryanti vol 3(2) 2022 : 198-207 200 3. literature study the author obtains data or information sourced from data collection, studying reading books, notes, journals, internet, e-books and other relevant lecture materials. in this case, the writer collects data related to thesis material through reading manuals that have to do with thesis writing. b. system development model in the development of this system the authors perform several stages, among others: 1. software requirements analysis software is a device that allows computers to carry out the commands that we give. the software needed by the author is the php programming language, macromedia dreamweaver text editor 8. documents needed to develop a website that is needed by the author such as goods data, customer data, order data, sales reports and shipping reports. 2. design at this stage the author designs the system using several stages: system design by describing the data flow that exists in the system using uml (unifield modeling language) tools using 4 uml diagram models, namely use case diagrams, activity diagrams, component diagrams, deployment diagrams. database design by designing database requirements by using erd (entity relationship diagram) and forming into normal tables in order to create a database that is not redundant and create lrs (logical record structure) for the description of the relationship. design input (input) by designing input forms based on input documents that run on the sales information system at cv. desta. designing output by designing an output form based on input documents that run on the sales information system at cv. desta(torre, et al., 2022). 3. code generation in making the program the author uses structured or procedural programming techniques. the stages are: create a database, create a table and make it happen on the web to match the system that the author created. 4. testing the author tests the login form and sales form by means of black box testing, where this testing aims to ensure that all kinds of content contained in this program run according to the desired system. 5. support at this stage to keep the system running well, productively and the system has durability for years by using the appropriate hardware and software. hardware is the physical devices that make up a computer and help enable the computer to work. the hardware that i use is the intel® atom™ cpu z530 @ 1.60 ghz or equivalent, 2.00 gb hard drive, 2 gb ddr2 ram, microsoft xp professional operating system or later, while the software i use is macromedia dreamweaver text editor, apache web server , mysql database, browse mozilla firefox. c. related research the supporting theory will explain several theories taken from the journal. the journals used are: ummi collections is a store that provides various kinds of muslim headscarves and clothing, in conveying product information ummi collections still uses conventional methods such as billboards, brochures, as well as telephone and sms. the development of the e-commerce application is a solution that is expected to help convey the promotion of ummi collections products, with the features found on the e-commerce website to assist customers in communicating and ordering online. by using this e-commerce website, the delivery of information about the products owned can be wider in scope, for that the promotion of products owned by ummi collection can be maximized (damayanti, 2019). color ac company is a company that is in the process of developing the market, where there are still many smes that have not used a sales system via the internet or e-commerce. the cash sales system that has been used by warna ac is using a manual cash sales system so that its performance has not been effective due to irregular archive buildup. on the other hand, customers have difficulty obtaining information about the types of goods, pictures, availability, nuryadi & nuryanti vol 3(2) 2022 : 198-207 201 product descriptions, and product price information, which is one of the obstacles faced during the use of conventional systems. to see information about the products needed, customers must come to the store to find out detailed information(jurgelaitis & butkienė, 2022). 3. results and discussions a. software requirements analysis 1. analysis stage web-based online sales system where sellers and buyers do not meet face-to-face. prospective buyers make purchases through a media browser. the following is a specification of the requirements (system requirements) of the e-commerce system. buyer page: a1. buyers can register. a2. buyers can select the items to be purchased and added to the shopping cart. a3. shoppers can filter items by category. a4. buyers do finished shopping. a5. the system facilitates the selection of delivery couriers. a6. buyers can print product order receipts. a7. buyers can login with the account that has been created when shopping the next day. a8. buyers can confirm payment. administration page: b1. admin can manage item data. b2. admin can manage customer data. b3. admin can manage order data. b4. admin can manage confirmation reports. b5. admin can manage delivery reports. 2. use case diagram the use case diagram is used to describe what this sales system should do, the following is an overview of buyers and admins when using and interacting through online sites a. use case diagram online shopping buyer page fig 1. use case diagram online shopping buyer page b. use case diagram online sales administrator page td use case halaman pembeli ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered 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enis pembayaran registrasi login «extend» «include»«include» «include» «include» «include» «include» «include» «include» nuryadi & nuryanti vol 3(2) 2022 : 198-207 202 fig 2. use case diagram online sales administrator page 3. activity diagram a. activity diagram of online shopping buyer pages fig 3. activity diagram of online shopping buyer pages b. activity diagram managing item data fig 4. activity diagram managing item data c. activity diagram of managing customer data td use case halaman admin ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered 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3(2) 2022 : 198-207 203 fig 5. activity diagram of managing customer data d. activity diagram managing order data fig 6. activity diagram of managing order data e. activity diagram managing confirmation report data fig 7. activity diagram of managing confirmation report data f. activity diagram managing delivery report data fig 8. activity diagram of managing delivery report data 2. software architecture for structured programming, the uml (unifield modeling language) described are component diagrams and deployment diagrams, described as follows: component diagram fig 9. component diagram deployment diagram act activ ity diagram member ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 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unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version ea 9.0 unregistered trial version start menampilkan data laporan pengiriman hapus data laporan pengiriman end tidak hapus nuryadi & nuryanti vol 3(2) 2022 : 198-207 204 fig 10. deployment diagram 3. user interface some of the proposed system user interface designs on the cv.desta e-commerce website, including: a. home view fig 11. home view b. catalog view fig 12. catalog view c. display how to order nuryadi & nuryanti vol 3(2) 2022 : 198-207 205 fig 13. how to order page d. member list view fig 14. member list view e. shopping cart display fig 15. shopping cart display f. receipt print view nuryadi & nuryanti vol 3(2) 2022 : 198-207 206 fig 16. receipt print view g. payment confirmation display fig 17. payment confirmation display 5. conclusion the web-based batik clothing sales information system has several advantages, namely it can be accessed anywhere and anytime without space and time limits, provides up-to-date information about batik clothes being sold, for example: the price of batik clothes makes it easier to promote batik clothes, make it easier for consumers to shop without having to come directly to cv. desta or meet directly with the seller so that it is more efficient. there is an admin page that makes it easy for admins to add, edit or delete data contained in this website. with its user-friendly appearance, anyone can easily use this website. the use of a database system can make it easier to monitor the availability of batik clothes, transaction data and other data quickly, precisely and accurately. the use of the internet makes it easier to promote and sell batik clothes, so that transactions can be done quickly and accurately(anggraini, et al., 2020). references ahmad, r. f., & hasti, n. 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(2016). sistem informasi penjualan obat berbasis web pada apotek perwira jaya bekasi. informatics for educators and professional: journal of informatics, 1(1), 70-83. prasetyo, a., & susanti, r. (2016). sistem informasi penjualan berbasis web pada pt. cahaya sejahtera sentosa blitar. jurnal ilmiah teknologi informasi asia, 10(2), 1-16. torre, d., genero, m., labiche, y., & elaasar, m. (2022). how consistency is handled in modeldriven software engineering and uml: an expert opinion survey. software quality journal, 1-54. web-based batik clothing information system on cv. desta bogor nanang nuryadi1*, nuryanti2 1computer science department, faculty of engineering and informatics, universitas bina sarana informatika, indonesia 2computer science department, faculty of engineering and informatics, universitas nusa mandiri, indonesia received : 01 may 2022, revised: 30 june 2022, accepted : 30 june 2022 *corresponding author abstract cv.desta is one store that is located in the bogor area. on the cv.desta authors conducted an analysis of sales system that is running thr current. sales are only made in the store are still not getting the maximum result. income and lact of promotion... keywords : cv.desta, e-commerce, web, mysql 1. introduction background of the problem currently the internet is one of the cheapest communication infrastructures and the range of reception is wide and unlimited. the internet is also often used as a media for promotion, communication, buying and selling of products, services and complet... cv. desta is one of the companies engaged in the sale of batik clothing. the sales information system in cv. desta still uses the conventional method, namely the process of recording and calculating customer transactions which are done manually, so th... the sales system mechanism at the smith distribution is now still using the conventional system, where consumers have to come directly to the distribution. with the e-commerce application at the smith semarang distribution, it is hoped that it will ma... to solve the existing problems, the author wants to build an online sales application (e-commerce) to promote products and expand the sales area of cv. desta. with the construction of the online sales application, business people can use it as a mediu... identification of problems identify the problems that occur in cv. desta as follows: 1. the sales information system in cv. desta still uses the conventional method, namely the process of recording and calculating customer transactions which are done manually, so that it takes a long time to do it. 2. to see information about the product needed, the customer must come directly to the store. sales that are only made in stores are still not getting maximum results, 3. lack of promotion makes cv. desta still not known to the public. 4. the process of making reports on cv. desta is still experiencing problems such as delays in making sales reports and sales data that are less accurate. formulation of the problem based on the problems described above, the author can formulate a problem, namely how to design an interactive website so that it supports an increase in the interest of visitors to be interested in the products offered? how to implement a website a... purpose and objectives the purpose of writing this thesis is as follows: 1. analyze the problems that occur in cv. desta. 2. make suggestions for the online sales process. 3. create a web-based sales program at cv. desta. 4. to help and make it easier for customers to process clothing purchases. while the purpose of writing this thesis is as one of the requirements for graduation in the undergraduate program (s1) department of information systems at the college of informatics and computer management (stmik) nusa mandiri, jakarta. information system is a system within an organization that brings together the daily transaction processing needs that support the managerial functions of the organization's operations with the strategic activities of an organization to be able to p... according to azwanti, (2017), "the popular view of e-commerce is the use of the internet and computers by browsing the web to buy and sell products". according to sukamto and salahuddin (2011:118) "uml is a visual language for modeling and communica... according to dharmawan (2015) concluded that: use case or use case diagram is a modeling to perform (behavior) the information system to be created. use describes an interaction between one or more actors with the information system to be created. r... according to kosasi (2015) "xampp is a program that contains apache, mysql and phpmyadmin packages". xampp is an open source-based php package developed by an open source community. 2. research methods to analyze and design the system, the authors conducted research with the following methods: data collection technique this method is a method that is carried out by conducting research with the following methods: 1. direct observation (observation) the author collects data by direct observation of the sales activities of batik clothes that are being carried out by cv.desta to find out the problems of the running system. 2. interview the author conducted a question and answer process to mr. juhriyadin as the owner of cv. desta about the information needed by the author as material for writing this thesis. 3. literature study the author obtains data or information sourced from data collection, studying reading books, notes, journals, internet, e-books and other relevant lecture materials. in this case, the writer collects data related to thesis material through reading man... b. system development model in the development of this system the authors perform several stages, among others: 1. software requirements analysis software is a device that allows computers to carry out the commands that we give. the software needed by the author is the php programming language, macromedia dreamweaver text editor 8. documents needed to develop a website that is needed by the aut... 2. design at this stage the author designs the system using several stages: system design by describing the data flow that exists in the system using uml (unifield modeling language) tools using 4 uml diagram models, namely use case diagrams, activity diagrams,... 3. code generation in making the program the author uses structured or procedural programming techniques. the stages are: create a database, create a table and make it happen on the web to match the system that the author created. 4. testing the author tests the login form and sales form by means of black box testing, where this testing aims to ensure that all kinds of content contained in this program run according to the desired system. 5. support at this stage to keep the system running well, productively and the system has durability for years by using the appropriate hardware and software. hardware is the physical devices that make up a computer and help enable the computer to work. the hard... c. related research the supporting theory will explain several theories taken from the journal. the journals used are: ummi collections is a store that provides various kinds of muslim headscarves and clothing, in conveying product information ummi collections still uses... color ac company is a company that is in the process of developing the market, where there are still many smes that have not used a sales system via the internet or e-commerce. the cash sales system that has been used by warna ac is using a manual cas... 3. results and discussions a. software requirements analysis 1. analysis stage web-based online sales system where sellers and buyers do not meet face-to-face. prospective buyers make purchases through a media browser. the following is a specification of the requirements (system requirements) of the e-commerce system. buyer page: a1. buyers can register. a2. buyers can select the items to be purchased and added to the shopping cart. a3. shoppers can filter items by category. a4. buyers do finished shopping. a5. the system facilitates the selection of delivery couriers. a6. buyers can print product order receipts. a7. buyers can login with the account that has been created when shopping the next day. a8. buyers can confirm payment. administration page: b1. admin can manage item data. b2. admin can manage customer data. b3. admin can manage order data. b4. admin can manage confirmation reports. b5. admin can manage delivery reports. 2. use case diagram the use case diagram is used to describe what this sales system should do, the following is an overview of buyers and admins when using and interacting through online sites a. use case diagram online shopping buyer page fig 1. use case diagram online shopping buyer page b. use case diagram online sales administrator page fig 2. use case diagram online sales administrator page 3. activity diagram a. activity diagram of online shopping buyer pages fig 3. activity diagram of online shopping buyer pages b. activity diagram managing item data fig 4. activity diagram managing item data c. activity diagram of managing customer data fig 5. activity diagram of managing customer data d. activity diagram managing order data fig 6. activity diagram of managing order data e. activity diagram managing confirmation report data fig 7. activity diagram of managing confirmation report data f. activity diagram managing delivery report data fig 8. activity diagram of managing delivery report data 2. software architecture for structured programming, the uml (unifield modeling language) described are component diagrams and deployment diagrams, described as follows: component diagram fig 9. component diagram deployment diagram fig 10. deployment diagram 3. user interface some of the proposed system user interface designs on the cv.desta e-commerce website, including: a. home view fig 11. home view b. catalog view fig 12. catalog view c. display how to order fig 13. how to order page d. member list view fig 14. member list view e. shopping cart display fig 15. shopping cart display f. receipt print view fig 16. receipt print view g. payment confirmation display fig 17. payment confirmation display 5. conclusion the web-based batik clothing sales information system has several advantages, namely it can be accessed anywhere and anytime without space and time limits, provides up-to-date information about batik clothes being sold, for example: the price of batik... references ahmad, r. f., & hasti, n. 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