item: #1 of 158 id: jah-53186 author: Moules, Nancy J; McCaffrey, Graham; Morck, Angela C; Jardine, David W title: On Applied Hermeneutics and the Work of the World date: 2011-12-10 words: 2120 flesch: 50 summary: Dr. Caputo’s observation, that was mir- rored by Dr. Kearney’s in the following year, was at first a surprise and then a gracious ap- preciation about how hermeneutics had “found its way” into practice disciplines such as nursing, education, social work, and psy- chology. Hermeneutics: Philosoph- ical traditions and nursing practice re- search. keywords: allen; calgary; david; disciplines; doctoral; education; faculty; hermeneutics; institute; interpretive; journal; kearney; knowledge; meaning; moules; nursing; paper; philosophy; practice; professor; project; research; social; student; understanding; university; vol; work; world cache: jah-53186.pdf plain text: jah-53186.txt item: #2 of 158 id: jah-53187 author: Kearney, Richard M title: What is Diacritical Hermeneutics? date: 2011-12-10 words: 8559 flesch: 55 summary: Richard Kearney What is diacritical hermeneutics? In sum, diacritical hermeneutics should do you good! 5) keywords: act; argos; article; basic; baucis; birth; body; caputo; carnal; carnal hermeneutics; cultural; desire; diacritical; diacritical hermeneutics; diacritical perception; differences; different; direction; divine; eating; embodied; emptiness; essay; example; existence; experience; expression; figure; flesh; fond; food; form; friend; function; gadamer; gaps; gods; goose; greek; guest; heidegger; hermeneutics; hermes; hospitality; human; idea; indebted; interpretation; james; john; journal; kearney; language; later; levinas; life; linguistic; matter; meaning; merleau; msme; narratives; nature; new; note; notion; old; open; order; particular; perception; phenomenology; philosophy; ponty; power; practice; primal; question; radical; reading; recent; rice; richard; ricoeur; sacred; sensation; sense; sensible; sensing; short; signs; soul; special; strangers; structural; task; taste; taylor; terms; things; time; tradition; understanding; university; way; wisdom; words; work; world; york cache: jah-53187.pdf plain text: jah-53187.txt item: #3 of 158 id: jah-53188 author: Jardine, David title: The Memories of Childhood Have No Order and No End: Pedagogical Reflections on the Occasion of the Release, on October 9th, 2009 of the Re-Mastered Version of the Beatles' Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band date: 2012-01-12 words: 4371 flesch: 79 summary: Possibilities, and “thereby possible ways of shaping our lives” (Gadamer, 1986, p. 59). Lakeshore Public School, built in 1923, red brick, facing Lake Ontario, “the singing sea” (p. 8) where by Grade Six we’d smoke stolen cigarettes and meet at the wa- ter’s lap edge, a “world within the world [in- to which we are drawn]” (p. 4), “secret” (p. 4), housing “its own, even sacred, serious- ness” (Gadamer 1989, p. 102). keywords: 1989; article; beatles; boys; childhood; class; course; dylan; end; english; event; experience; gadamer; grade; hermeneutics; hillman; jardine; journal; joy; life; long; memory; new; old; order; place; possibilities; press; recognition; reminiscence; right; school; secret; teacher; thing; thomas; time; university; wales; ways; wild; work; world; years; york cache: jah-53188.pdf plain text: jah-53188.txt item: #4 of 158 id: jah-53189 author: Tapp, Dianne M.; Moules, Nancy J. title: Enlivening the Rhetoric of Family Nursing: "there, in the midst of things, his whole family listening" date: 2012-01-16 words: 9474 flesch: 58 summary: Nurses espoused a familiar rhetoric that claimed that family nursing exists because of the inevitability of encounters with family members throughout daily work. It is when illness arrives, and the intersection of nurses and families is necessitated through health care encounters and environments, that the prac- tices of family nursing are, in theory, called Tapp & Moules Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2012 Article 2 2 into action. keywords: acute; article; assessment; attunement; bedside; cardiac; care; care nursing; concerns; context; critical; critical care; dialogue; discharge; early; encounters; engage; everyday; families; family; family members; family nursing; family presence; family teaching; focused; gadamer; health; hermeneutics; home; hospital; hospitalization; illness; impact; importance; information; inquiry; intensive; interest; intervention; interviews; journal; life; medical; moules; moules journal; needs; new; nurses; nursing; nursing practice; nursing rhetoric; patient; physical; practice; presence; present; questions; recovery; relationship; research; resuscitation; rhetoric; settings; significant; situation; study; support; tapp; teaching; theory; time; understanding; units; university; visitors; ways; work cache: jah-53189.pdf plain text: jah-53189.txt item: #5 of 158 id: jah-53191 author: Hovey, Richard; Craig, Robert title: Learning to Live with Osteoporosis: A Metaphoric Narrative date: 2012-02-07 words: 8270 flesch: 55 summary: We explored the transformative process of learn- ing to share the collective understanding of others` illness experiences, and provide first- hand narrative accounts of persons living with osteoporosis. Concerning illness narratives, Frank (2009) reminded us, “…that all aspects of life need narration. keywords: activities; age; article; aspects; bone; care; chronic; common; craig; dance; diagnosis; education; emotional; experiences; future; gadamer; health; hermeneutics; hovey; illness; individual; journal; kearney; learning; life; lives; loss; meaning; meaningful; means; medical; medicine; metaphor; mezirow; narrative; new; osteoporosis; pain; participants; patient; paul; people; person; personal; perspective; philosophical; physical; possible; process; renewal; research; self; sense; shared; shattering; social; specific; suffering; surrendering; symptoms; things; time; topic; transformation; treatment; understanding; unique; university; ways; work; world; years cache: jah-53191.pdf plain text: jah-53191.txt item: #6 of 158 id: jah-53195 author: Purcell, Lynn Sebastian title: Translating God: Derrida, Ricoeur, Kearney date: 2012-06-05 words: 11540 flesch: 59 summary: 4. Diacritical Hermeneutics While I have spent some time reviewing Ricoeur’s thought, with the intention of de- fending Kearney’s work, one should not un- derstand Kearney to be engaged some sort of application of Ricoeur’s general princi- ples. Caputo wrote: Of course, Richard Kearney is interested in hermeneutics, not Hegelian metaphys- ics, but the question is whether [Kearney’s] diacritical hermeneutics does not have a Hegelian imprint. keywords: account; act; adequate; approach; argument; article; badiou; caputo; case; charge; commitment; conception; concerns; conflict; conscious; contemporary; continental; derrida; derridean; diacritical; dooley; eros; essay; ethical; ethics; events; finitude; following; form; free; god; heidegger; hermeneutics; human; infinite; interpretations; journal; kearney; kind; levinas; love; meaning; means; metaphysics; model; new; open; order; parts; philosophical; philosophy; point; posse; possibility; possible; power; presence; present; press; problem; profound; purcell; question; radical; reflective; response; result; richard; ricoeur; risk; sense; significant; specific; structure; terms; thought; translation; university; wager; way; ways; work; york cache: jah-53195.pdf plain text: jah-53195.txt item: #7 of 158 id: jah-53196 author: Gilham, Christopher Matthew title: The Privileges Chart in a Behaviour Class: Seeing the Power and Complexity of Dominant Traditions and Unconcealing Trust as Basic to Pedagogical Relationships date: 2012-02-09 words: 9462 flesch: 67 summary: The Privileges Chart in a Behaviour Class: Seeing the Power and Complexity of Dominant Traditions and Unconcealing Trust as Basic to Pedagogical Relationships Christopher M. Gilham Abstract Through an anecdote, this interpretive work suggests that a chart on student privileges in a class for students with behavioural challenges led to an understanding of dominant traditions at play and the power such traditions can hold over educators. This led the teacher and me to question of who decides student rights and for whom do such rights apply. keywords: alberta; anecdote; approach; article; artifact; behaviour; certain; chart; children; classroom; community; complex; connor; conversation; curriculum; disability; discourse; education; educators; efficiency; emotional; experience; field; friesen; gilham; hammer; hermeneutics; individual; jardine; journal; kauffman; kids; know; knowledge; learning; life; like; line; loss; meeting; moment; need; new; nod; normal; particular; pedagogical; play; power; privileges; privileges chart; rights; school; sign; smith; social; special; status; structure; students; studies; teacher; things; thinking; time; traditions; trust; understanding; valle; way; ways; work; writing; years; york cache: jah-53196.pdf plain text: jah-53196.txt item: #8 of 158 id: jah-53197 author: Laing, Catherine Mohrea title: In Play, At Play date: 2012-06-18 words: 5475 flesch: 69 summary: In Play, At Play Catherine M. Laing Abstract It is surprising for many people to learn how restricted children with cancer are, both in their dai- ly activities as well as in the bigger, more significant events in their lives. This paper is intended to interpretively examine the concept of play in relation to children’s cancer camps. keywords: activities; article; brown; camp; cancer; children; concept; conversation; day; development; dialogue; ethics; experience; freedom; fro; gadamer; game; genuine; healthy; hermeneutics; hospital; journal; kids; laing; landreth; like; lives; movement; nature; new; obvious; paper; pellegrini; perspective; philosophical; play; player; playing; point; press; purpose; research; significant; social; spence; swing; understanding; university; way; words; world; york cache: jah-53197.pdf plain text: jah-53197.txt item: #9 of 158 id: jah-53201 author: Pelech, Sharon title: Teaching Science as a Hermeneutic Event date: 2013-03-08 words: 4410 flesch: 59 summary: Through a comparative analysis of three research projects conducted in England, Sweden, and Australia, Lyons (2006) found that science students held three common views of science education. This means that the topic de- mands the academic rigour and clarity that we, as science teachers, want the students to be able to leave the class with which in- cludes not only the content, but the skills and attitudes that are part of the Alberta Program of Studies. keywords: article; biology; classroom; content; curriculum; discipline; education; event; experience; facts; field; gadamer; hermeneutics; information; japan; jardine; journal; knowledge; learning; lives; living; new; open; opportunity; pelech; press; process; questions; research; school; science; scientific; students; studies; teacher; teaching; topic; traditions; tsunami; understanding; university; world; york cache: jah-53201.pdf plain text: jah-53201.txt item: #10 of 158 id: jah-53205 author: Williamson, W. John; Paul, W. James title: The Level Playing Field: Unconcealing Diploma Exam Accommodation Policy date: 2012-10-30 words: 11489 flesch: 49 summary: Any sug- gestion that the determinations of the types and levels of accommodation students require are messy, complicated and grounded not solely in clinical definitions but in lived expe- rience in classrooms would be antithetical to quest for control and certainty that character- izes both the diploma exam experience proper (Graham & Neu, 2004) and its accommoda- tion process (Hibbs & Pothier, 2005). In addi- tion to the aforementioned examples in my anecdote, I have observed announcements being made to extra time students, near the end of their allotted additional time that they had “30 minutes left” and if they were not fin- ished by then it was “too bad”, and I have wondered if this same stern warning would have been given near the end of the “normal” amount of writing time to the larger body of “normal” students still gathered. keywords: academic; accommodated; accommodations; achievement; advantage; alberta; alberta education; application; article; assessment; association; author; barriers; best; canada; cases; child; classroom; competition; completion; concerns; conditions; context; d.w; deficit; diploma; diploma examinations; diploma exams; disabilities; disability; division; document; edmonton; education; end; enterprise; examinations; example; exams; experience; extra; fairness; field; form; foucault; framing; friesen; gadamer; garden; gorlewski; help; hermeneutics; hibbs; high; impairments; inclusive; individual; institutional; jardine; journal; knowledge; larger; learner; learning; level; limits; medical; metaphor; model; needs; new; normal; order; parent; paul; playing; playing field; policies; policy; possible; pothier; practices; process; psychological; reading; related; right; rules; school; self; sense; social; special; special education; stakes; standardized; students; studies; system; teacher; teaching; technologies; testing; tests; text; time; understanding; university; use; ways; williamson; work; working; writing; york cache: jah-53205.pdf plain text: jah-53205.txt item: #11 of 158 id: jah-53208 author: Moules, Nancy J title: Dr. David Jardine and the "Descartes Lecture": Twenty Years of Miraculous Returns date: 2012-07-16 words: 1525 flesch: 62 summary: Editorial Dr. David Jardine and the “Descartes Lecture”: Twenty Years of Miraculous Returns Nancy J Moules In 1995, I was a master’s student in the Facul- ty of Nursing at the University of Calgary tak- ing my first graduate nursing course in quali- tative research. I have no doubt that Dr. David Jardine will, in time (in his lifetime, I hope) be re- nowned as one of the most astute and pro- found hermeneutic scholars and prolific writ- ers of the past three decades. keywords: class; david; faculty; hermeneutics; jardine; journal; lecture; moules; nursing; particulars; research; stubborn; students; time; topics; university; wallace; work cache: jah-53208.pdf plain text: jah-53208.txt item: #12 of 158 id: jah-53209 author: Jardine, David W title: The Descartes Lecture date: 2012-07-31 words: 17647 flesch: 74 summary: Therefore, the initiating presumption of our ventures out into the world is that if we want to know about the truth of that world, we have to cleave off eve- rything we want to investigate from every- thing it is attached to, every relation it has made, in order to try to get some determina- tion of what the truth of that thing is, and all the subsequent relations of that thing with other things themselves have to be clear and distinct. Hermeneutics, thus, involves a dedication to the careful, suspi- cious reading and re-reading, interpreting and re-interpreting the texts and textures of our individual and common lives and worlds. keywords: article; attention; better; bit; child; church; classroom; clear; confidence; contradiction; demand; descartes; different; discourse; distinct; dominance; dominant; doubt; doubting; education; end; everyday; experience; fact; familiar; finding; foundation; gadamer; good; great; hard; hermeneutics; home; human; identity; images; important; individuality; interesting; interpretive; interpretive work; jardine; journal; kha; knowledge; life; like; little; lives; living; logic; long; love; material; means; mess; methodical; modern; natural; needs; new; old; order; ordinary; origin; parents; pass; past; pattern; people; personal; place; possible; practice; principal; principle; process; purification; quantitative; reading; real; relationships; research; right; school; science; scientific; self; sense; shadow; sheer; sort; start; stories; story; students; study; subjective; substance; surface; talk; task; teacher; things; thinking; time; trouble; true; truth; tsong; turn; university; water; way; ways; words; work; world; wrong; years; young cache: jah-53209.pdf plain text: jah-53209.txt item: #13 of 158 id: jah-53210 author: McConnell, Shelagh; Moules, Nancy J.; McCaffrey, Graham; Raffin Bouchal, Shelley title: The Hidden Nature of Death and Grief date: 2012-09-27 words: 3926 flesch: 70 summary: This paper interpretively examines the nature of hidden death and hidden grief in our society. I have also learned about the cul- ture of hiding death and grief from not only other patients and families in the hospital, but also from my colleagues, friends, and family members. keywords: bear; callahan; care; children; culture; death; disenfranchised; dying; families; family; grief; hermeneutics; hidden; journal; life; meaning; merriam; moules; nature; nurses; nursing; obligation; online; people; society; stories; suffering; webster; western; witness; word; work cache: jah-53210.pdf plain text: jah-53210.txt item: #14 of 158 id: jah-53211 author: McCaffrey, Graham title: The Pure Guidelines of the Monastery Are to be Inscribed in Your Bones and Mind Dogen (2010, p. 42): Mental Health Nurses'™ Practices as Ritualized Behaviour date: 2012-09-27 words: 9624 flesch: 58 summary: In the particular instance the participant talked about, there were obviously conversations going on be- tween the patient and other nurses, raking over the history of abuse. If I know there’s other nurses coming on for the next day and you know how you can see who will be working with the pa- tient the next day keywords: account; activities; activity; acute; approach; article; ask; barker; behaviour; bell; buddhist; care; confinement; conversation; cultures; day; different; dogen; effort; element; environment; example; experience; forms; framework; gadamer; group; health; hermeneutics; idea; journal; kind; like; mccaffrey; medication; mental; mental health; mind; model; new; nurses; nursing; paper; participants; particular; patient; physical; place; play; point; power; practice; present; question; relational; relationship; research; right; ritual; ritualization; ritualized; seeing; sense; social; story; study; support; therapeutic; therapy; thought; tidal; time; tradition; understanding; unit; values; water; way; ways; work; world; zen cache: jah-53211.pdf plain text: jah-53211.txt item: #15 of 158 id: jah-53212 author: Jardine, David W title: A Failed Attempt to Finish a Thought Left in Mid-Air by Christopher Hitchens date: 2015-04-23 words: 2385 flesch: 77 summary: The late Christopher Hitchens is well known enough for me to not pause for long over his work except to say that his adamant critiques of religion (Hitchens, 2007) and other forms of totalitari- anism were complemented by the work of Richard Dawkins (2006) and Hitchens received, quite near his death, The Richard Dawkins Award at the 2011 Texas Free Thought Convention, one of Hitchens' final public appearances. A Failed Attempt to Finish a Thought Left in Mid-Air by Christopher Hitchens David W Jardine Abstract keywords: article; bit; christopher; clip; costello; dawkins; face; free; gadamer; hermeneutics; hitchens; interest; jardine; journal; left; new; objectivebob; odd; religion; richard; telling; thing; truth; video; way; wilson; words; work; world; writing cache: jah-53212.pdf plain text: jah-53212.txt item: #16 of 158 id: jah-53214 author: Humphries, Joan Margaret title: Like a Melody It Passes: Dasein and Perinatal Well-being date: 2012-08-07 words: 7574 flesch: 54 summary: We are primordially familiar with our world, a situation that Heidegger ex- presses as “primordial truth” (Blattner, Humphries Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2012 Article 9 7 2006). Reading Heidegger, in particular his attention to the unique histories that we live through, reinforced a thread of under- standing about the magnitude of meaning that exists for a woman about her birthing experience, connecting with the central ideas of Being and Dasein that Heidegger de- scribed. keywords: approach; article; attention; bergum; birth; birthing; blattner; brahms; breastfeeding; care; context; dasein; deep; depression; emotional; everyday; existence; experience; exposure; fragrance; groth; health; heidegger; heideggerian; hermeneutics; history; human; humphries; ideas; infant; jardine; journal; language; life; like; maternity; meaning; melodien; melody; mood; mother; motherhood; mothering; new; notions; nurses; nursing; perinatal; poetry; possibility; possible; post; potential; practice; process; reading; revelation; self; sense; significance; song; spring; tear; temporality; thought; time; truth; understanding; unexpected; way; wie; women; wonder; words; work; world; york; zieht cache: jah-53214.pdf plain text: jah-53214.txt item: #17 of 158 id: jah-53215 author: Gilham, Christopher Matthew title: From the "Science of Disease" to the "Understanding of Those Who Suffer": The Cultivation of an Interpretive Understanding of "Behaviour Problems" in Children date: 2012-09-21 words: 10823 flesch: 58 summary: In this interpretive essay, I attempt to unconceal the problematic history at play in Special Educa- tion in Alberta today, with a focus on “behaviour students” or their norm-referenced disability status. Put another way, a standardized slotting mechanism dependent on disability status, which is informed by psychiatry’s technical categories of human abnormality, and its influence in focusing our gaze in particular ways on student behaviours within class- rooms does not seem to serve justice to Sam and others like him. keywords: alberta; anecdote; applied; article; attempt; behaviour; beings; categories; children; codes; codification; coding; complex; culture; current; descartes; different; disability; disease; disorders; dsm; ebd; education; educators; emotional; esteem; example; form; funding; gadamer; gilham; greenberg; health; hermeneutics; historical; history; human; idea; identity; illich; individual; interpretive; jahnukainen; jardine; journal; knowing; knowledge; language; learning; life; lifeworld; like; logic; london; medical; mental; modern; needs; new; non; norm; normal; notion; particular; pathology; paul; peers; people; phenomenon; physical; press; program; public; research; result; ricoeur; risk; sam; school; science; self; sense; severe; sickness; social; society; special; special education; status; students; study; suffering; system; teachers; things; time; today; truth; understanding; university; use; ways; words; work; world; york cache: jah-53215.pdf plain text: jah-53215.txt item: #18 of 158 id: jah-53218 author: Hackett, J. Edward title: Scheler, Heidegger and the Hermeneutics of Value date: 2013-03-21 words: 11031 flesch: 52 summary: The author suggests that those paying attention to the lived-experience of values consider Scheler’s phenomenology of value as a more refined al- ternative to make sense of value-experience and cultural practices more generally. On this, Blosser wrote …the chief defect of Scheler’s phenome- nology, like all philosophies of value, was the weakness of his treatment of the on- tology of values. keywords: acts; anxiety; applied; approach; article; attempt; attention; attitude; care; clear; conception; content; dasein; description; efforts; essences; ethics; example; experience; fore; formalismus; fundamental; givenness; hackett; hand; health; heidegger; heideggerian; hermeneutic; hermeneutic phenomenology; human; independent; insight; insurance; interconnections; interpretation; journal; life; love; meaning; method; moral; natural; nature; objects; ontological; ontology; particular; person; phenomena; phenomenological; phenomenology; philosophical; philosophy; point; possibilities; possibility; possible; practical; present; press; prior; problem; pure; question; relation; scheler; seeing; self; sense; significance; situation; sphere; spiritual; structure; theory; thing; thought; time; trans; understanding; universal; university; value; way; words; world cache: jah-53218.pdf plain text: jah-53218.txt item: #19 of 158 id: jah-53219 author: Newberry, Andrea Margaret title: Social Work and Hermeneutic Phenomenology date: 2012-12-20 words: 9161 flesch: 46 summary: In this article, I discuss the connections between social work practice and interpretive approaches to knowledge building, introduce and situate hermeneutic phenomenology for novice social work researchers, and explore the fit between hermeneutic phenomenology and social work. In this article, I discuss the connections between social work practice and interpretive approaches to knowledge building, introduce and situate hermeneutic phenomenology for novice so- cial work researchers, and explore the fit between hermeneutic phenomenology and social work. keywords: activities; application; approach; article; attitude; augustine; author; beings; circle; clients; consciousness; dasein; dilthey; encyclopedia; et al; experience; focus; gadamer; german; grondin; heidegger; hermeneutic; hermeneutic phenomenology; historical; history; horizons; human; husserl; idea; individual; inquiry; interpretation; interpretive; journal; knowledge; language; later; life; lived; makkreel; meaning; means; moules; natural; nature; new; newberry; object; perception; phenomena; phenomenological; phenomenology; philosophical; philosophy; practice; press; project; reduction; research; sartre; schleiermacher; sciences; situated; smith; smith et; social; social work; stanford; subjectivity; text; theory; tradition; transcendental; understanding; university; work; workers; world; zahavi cache: jah-53219.pdf plain text: jah-53219.txt item: #20 of 158 id: jah-53220 author: Mitchell, Gail Joyce; Dupuis, Sherry L; Kontos, Pia title: Dementia Discourse: From Imposed Suffering to Knowing Other-Wise date: 2013-06-12 words: 9445 flesch: 61 summary: Dementia and Personhood What are the images of personhood for those diagnosed with dementia? Second, we will build on the notions of relationality (Dupuis et al., 2012a; Greenwood, Loewen- thal, & Rose, 2002), embodied selfhood (Kontos, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2012; Kontos and Naglie, 2007a, 2007b, 2009) and know- ing other-wise (Olthuis, 1997) in order to heighten attention to the ethical responsibili- ties we all have to persons with dementia. keywords: actions; activities; aging; alzheimer; approach; article; authors; body; brain; care; complexity; culture; dead; death; dementia; dementia care; diagnosis; difference; discourse; disease; dominant; dupuis; education; embodied; et al; ethical; example; experience; fear; form; health; hermeneutics; herskovits; human; images; jonas; journal; kitwood; knowing; kontos; language; life; living; long; loss; medical; mitchell; mitchell et; molly; mother; naglie; need; new; nursing; olthuis; people; personhood; persons; philosophy; possibility; practice; process; realities; relating; relationality; relationships; research; sabat; science; selfhood; simpson; social; society; suffering; term; time; university; violence; ways; wise; words; work; world; york cache: jah-53220.pdf plain text: jah-53220.txt item: #21 of 158 id: jah-53221 author: Moules, Nancy J; Jardine, David W; McCaffrey, Graham P; Brown, Christopher B title: Isn't All of Oncology Hermeneutic? date: 2013-03-21 words: 5715 flesch: 59 summary: Our already established “magic formulae” must befall and respond to the demands that the new case brings and ex- pects of such knowledge. This situation started and ended the same as the one described before it, but in the middle of it something changed, something that called the oncologist to realize that no amount of amassed and aggregate knowledge or mas- tery of such knowledge, no “magic formulae,” could save the oncologist from the “delibera- tion and decision” to move and act differently in this case (Gadamer, 1983, p. 113). keywords: 1989; alberta; application; arrival; article; best; buckman; cancer; case; demands; disease; experience; expertise; family; form; gadamer; general; h.g; hermeneutics; human; individual; journal; judgment; knowledge; life; living; matter; moules; natural; new; oncology; particular; patient; person; practical; practice; press; principle; professional; proper; research; science; scientific; sense; situation; suffering; understanding; university; way; ways; work; world cache: jah-53221.pdf plain text: jah-53221.txt item: #22 of 158 id: jah-53222 author: Gallop, Cynthia Justine title: Knowing Nothing: Understanding New Critical Social Work Practice date: 2013-07-17 words: 11090 flesch: 59 summary: Although our overall profession claims social justice and human rights are the ideological under- pinnings of good social work practice, too many social service organizations have become so far removed from the ethics of social work practice that they are unable to adequately support the staff, management, and students who desperately yearn to make changes. Critical social work practice involves adopt- ing a political perspective and lies in the work of Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, the Frankfurt School theorists, feminist theorists, and critical pedagogy theorist Paulo Freire. keywords: able; action; approach; arendt; article; canada; change; colleagues; common; conversation; critical; critical social; current; different; education; etymology; experiences; field; focused; fook; gadamer; gallop; genuine; good; graduates; gramsci; health; healy; hermeneutics; human; ideas; ideology; individuals; inquiry; interpretations; interpretive; interview; journal; kind; know; knowledge; like; little; lot; making; meaning; moran; moules; n.d; neoliberal; new; new critical; online; open; opportunity; order; organization; original; oxford; participants; people; philosophical; political; power; practice; press; process; professional; project; questions; reading; research; rhetoric; sense; service; skills; small; social; social work; social workers; space; structural; study; theories; things; thoughts; time; understanding; university; way; work; work practice; workers; world; years; york cache: jah-53222.pdf plain text: jah-53222.txt item: #23 of 158 id: jah-53224 author: Kostouros, Patricia Anne title: My Father Was Not My Father: An Attempted Understanding Thorough a Ricoeurian Lens date: 2013-06-09 words: 9428 flesch: 64 summary: The way we take Kostouros Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2013 Article 4 4 the language of time and narrate our self- understanding was critical in Ricoeur’s later work, according to most Ricoeur scholars (e.g., Andrew, 2001; Hall, 2007; Kearney, 2004; Langdridge, 2004; McCarty, 2007; Muldoon, 2002; 2006; Pellauer, 2007). In this paper, I share the ways in which Ricoeur’s conceptualizations of hermeneutic application to the human existence came to life for me. keywords: actions; article; blonde; character; chicago; child; discourse; dna; event; example; existential; experience; family; father; greek; hermeneutics; historical; human; idem; identity; information; interpretation; ipse; journal; kostouros; language; meaning; mother; narrated; narrative; new; order; particular; past; plot; present; press; relationship; results; ricoeur; self; sister; stories; story; testing; time; trans; understanding; university; way; ways; work; world cache: jah-53224.pdf plain text: jah-53224.txt item: #24 of 158 id: jah-53225 author: McInnes, Brian Donald title: Saving Culture Through Language: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Ojibwe Language Immersion Educator Experience date: 2013-07-11 words: 9949 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords First Nations education, hermeneutics, indigenous language, language immersion, language revitalization, phenomenology Revitalization of the Ojibwe language is among the most important issues facing Anishinaabe communities in Canada and the United States. The dynamic synergy of culture, language, and content that happens in Ojibwe language immersion requires competent and creative educators who are knowledgeable about language, cultural traditions, and teaching practice. keywords: academic; analysis; anishinaabe; approach; article; children; classroom; communities; community; content; cultural; culture; data; day; education; educators; efforts; elders; english; essential; experience; future; group; hermeneutic; hope; identity; immersion; immersion educators; important; indigenous; indigenous language; individual; initial; interpretation; interviews; involved; journal; key; knowledge; language; language immersion; learning; like; linguistic; lived; manen; mcinnes; means; members; native; need; new; number; ojibwe; ojibwe language; participants; parts; people; perspectives; phenomenological; phenomenology; phenomenon; practice; present; process; programs; research; responsibility; revitalization; school; second; sense; significant; small; speakers; spiritual; staff; students; study; teachers; teaching; teams; text; thematic; themes; time; traditional; understanding; use; van; way; words; work; working; world cache: jah-53225.pdf plain text: jah-53225.txt item: #25 of 158 id: jah-53227 author: Williamson, W. John; Field, James Colin title: The Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery date: 2014-02-27 words: 13256 flesch: 62 summary: The topic of this paper, borne out of 15 years of one of the authors working as a teacher with struggling students and students with diagnosed disabilities, could broadly be construed as an investigation into the phenomenon of slow learners, viewed as mysteries to be lived with rather than problems to be solved, as they are so often construed in educational discourse. While learners categorized as special needs when engaged in regular curriculum are eligible for en- hanced tracking, supportive programming and academic accommodation (Alberta Education, 2004), the only programming alternative for slow learners, who are unable to keep up with regular curriculum, that is offered is a set of vocational electives called Knowledge and Employ- ability (K & E) classes. keywords: able; achievement; alberta; alberta education; application; apprenticeship; article; attention; authors; average; better; calgary; cambridge; canada; caputo; case; categories; category; certificate; chandler; classes; classification; companion; computer; conversation; credential; crimes; danforth; detective; different; difficult; diploma; disability; discourse; edmonton; education; ervin; exam; experience; face; fiction; field; field journal; form; gadamer; genre; golden; good; guy; hard; heidegger; help; hermeneutics; high; high school; human; intellectual; interpretive; investigation; jardine; john; journal; kearney; kind; label; language; learners; learning; level; library; life; like; little; look; making; max; meaning; minister; mysteries; mystery; narrative; need; new; novel; people; perspective; phenomenon; play; point; possibilities; potential; press; process; program; question; radical; reasoning; regular; research; response; results; right; school; self; sense; services; slow; slow learners; social; sort; special; statement; stories; story; structure; students; studies; suffering; system; tests; things; time; topic; true; truth; understanding; university; unsaid; unsettling; use; way; williamson; work; world; writing; years; york cache: jah-53227.pdf plain text: jah-53227.txt item: #26 of 158 id: jah-53228 author: Laing, Catherine M.; Moules, Nancy J. title: The Island of Misfit Toys date: 2013-08-05 words: 5855 flesch: 65 summary: I offer that it is during this re-visitation that healing occurs, and it is this that is behind the reason so many parents described the importance of connecting with other cancer parents. It is important to note while the majority of parents described the importance of connecting with other cancer parents, one parent found it very difficult. keywords: acceptance; article; camp; cancer; cancer camp; care; childhood; children; counselor; dictionary; different; don; environment; experience; families; family; fit; group; healing; hermeneutics; important; island; journal; kids; kind; laing; little; love; maturana; meaning; merriam; misfit; moules; n.d; oncology; online; parents; pediatric; people; play; recognition; research; situation; space; stress; support; toys; treatment; understanding; way; webster; word cache: jah-53228.pdf plain text: jah-53228.txt item: #27 of 158 id: jah-53231 author: Jardine, David title: Guest Editorial: Morning Thoughts on Application date: 2013-08-21 words: 1623 flesch: 65 summary: Our becoming experi- enced practitioners always involves ventur- ing out all over again always having to suffer once again the exigencies of existence and their lessons and, as I have found in my own work, that there the fellowship (Sang- ha) of such work is a great comfort. “Understanding here is always application,” and this includes understanding a hermeneu- tic study and understanding how to “do” hermeneutic work. keywords: application; face; gadamer; hermeneutics; interpretation; jardine; kha; new; practice; sense; suffering; tsong; understanding; venture; work; world cache: jah-53231.pdf plain text: jah-53231.txt item: #28 of 158 id: jah-53232 author: Bjartveit, Carolyn; Panayotidis, E. Lisa title: Practicing Palimpsest: Layering Stories and Disrupting Dominant Western Narratives in Early Childhood Education date: 2014-03-31 words: 8448 flesch: 53 summary: The Post-it notes, many of which were written in point form, described immigrant stories of departure and arrival, family, emotions, adjusting to a new culture and identity [Figure 3]. Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw (2010) questions how “forces and intensities” that come together in dialogic encounters – when layers of life stories and cultures bump up against each other- might “be rearranged to create new movements and new arrangements… keywords: accounts; aoki; applied; april; arrival; article; bjartveit; canada; carolyn; childhood; children; coming; communication; conversations; cultural; culture; curriculum; derrida; dialogue; different; diverse; dominant; drawing; early; ece; education; educators; experiences; figure; hermeneutics; ideas; identities; identity; imagination; immigrant; intercultural; interpretive; journal; kearney; language; layered; layering; layers; learning; life; meanings; multiple; narratives; new; notes; palimpsest; panayotidis; participants; people; place; possibilities; post; press; process; questions; reading; research; researchers; self; settings; single; stories; story; storytelling; students; sumiko; tan; teacher; teaching; telling; transcription; understandings; university; visual; voices; western; work; world; writing; york cache: jah-53232.pdf plain text: jah-53232.txt item: #29 of 158 id: jah-53235 author: Laing, Catherine M.; Moules, Nancy J. title: Stories from Cancer Camp: Tales of Glitter and Gratitude date: 2014-01-31 words: 7371 flesch: 66 summary: In recognition of the challenges that accom- pany this disease, cancer camps started in the 1970s to help children and their families escape the rigidity and severity of cancer treatment. Keywords hermeneutics, storytelling, cancer camp, pediatric oncology keywords: alberta; analysis; approach; article; camp; cancer; cancer camps; care; childhood; children; christina; clandinin; concept; data; education; end; events; experience; families; family; father; foundation; gadamer; good; gratitude; group; health; hermeneutics; impermanence; importance; inquiry; interview; jardine; journal; kids; kind; knowledge; laing; life; lives; meaning; mother; moules; moules journal; narrative; new; nursing; older; oncology; parents; participants; pediatric; people; point; practice; press; qualitative; research; rubin; sense; social; stories; story; storytelling; study; time; topic; understanding; university; way; work; world; year cache: jah-53235.pdf plain text: jah-53235.txt item: #30 of 158 id: jah-53237 author: Jardine, David W title: Some Introductory Words For Two Little Earth Cousins date: 2014-01-23 words: 1743 flesch: 67 summary: This circumstance is in the very nature of writing and reading itself and it is why the mens auctoris is not the lynchpin of hermeneutic work (Gadamer, 2007, p. 57). It is also why hermeneutic research is so bloody difficult. keywords: application; cancer; case; gadamer; great; hermeneutic; jardine; jodi; journal; kha; latremouille; life; object; old; press; proper; research; treasured; tsong; universal; word; work; writing cache: jah-53237.pdf plain text: jah-53237.txt item: #31 of 158 id: jah-53238 author: Latremouille, Jodi title: My Treasured Relation date: 2014-01-23 words: 2232 flesch: 84 summary: No, wait a minute Time counted us by appointments and remissions and birthdays and good days bad days and one more day. My Treasured Relation Jodi Latremouille I have always wanted to write about my cousin Shelby, but whenever I try, the words just don’t seem to do justice to my cousin who never grew up. keywords: article; bad; body; bone; cousin; day; days; flower; funny; good; hermeneutics; hours; house; isolation; jode; journal; justice; latremouille; life; little; marrow; needle; old; plastic; room; rope; school; shelby; time; tree; way; years cache: jah-53238.pdf plain text: jah-53238.txt item: #32 of 158 id: jah-53240 author: Jardine, David W title: Guest Editorial: This is Why We Read. This is Why We Write date: 2014-01-23 words: 925 flesch: 73 summary: Microsoft Word - Jardine editorial corrected proof.docx Corresponding Author: Dr. David W. Jardine Email: Journal of Applied Hermeneutics January 24, 2024 (Smith, 1999, pp. 135-136) keywords: david; editorial; effort; gadamer; h.g; hermeneutics; jardine; jodi; journal; latremouille; living; new; progress cache: jah-53240.pdf plain text: jah-53240.txt item: #33 of 158 id: jah-53241 author: Strong, Tom title: Twins Philosophically Separated at Birth? A Review of Groundless Ground: A Study of Wittgenstein and Heidegger date: 2014-04-13 words: 1750 flesch: 49 summary: A Review of Groundless Ground: A Study of Wittgenstein and Heidegger Tom Strong Review Groundless ground: A study of Wittgenstein and Heidegger Lee Braver Cambridge, MA: MIT Books, 2014 ISBN-13: 978-0262526043 370 pages Keywords Heidegger, Wittgenstein, postfoundationalism, review Groundless grounds is all we have ever had, which proves their adequacy. In their respective intellectual journeys, both Wittgenstein and Heidegger took head on the notion that science and philosophy could correctly name and map the foundations of reality. keywords: approach; braver; foundational; groundless; grounds; heidegger; hermeneutics; human; ideas; interpretive; journal; knowledge; language; like; meaning; modern; new; philosophical; philosophy; practice; reality; relational; science; strong; wittgenstein; york cache: jah-53241.pdf plain text: jah-53241.txt item: #34 of 158 id: jah-53242 author: Moules, Nancy J; Field, Jim C.; McCaffrey, Graham P.; Laing, Catherine M. title: Conducting Hermeneutic Research: The Address of the Topic date: 2014-04-23 words: 6702 flesch: 62 summary: Keywords address, Gadamer, hermeneutic research, philosophical hermeneutics, phronesis, research topics, truth “Understanding begins when something addresses us” (Gadamer, 1960/1989, p. 299). However, inside of that existential and unanswerable question lies other topics and questions that can be addressed, such as “How might we understand oncology nurses’ experiences of working with children who sometimes die?” keywords: address; aletheia; article; bowl; c.m; calgary; camp; cancer; caputo; case; children; disability; example; experience; families; family; gadamer; grandparents; health; heidegger; hermeneutics; inquiry; journal; laing; life; mccaffrey; moules; n.j; new; notion; nurses; nursing; oncology; paper; particular; pediatric; practice; press; question; research; stories; study; suffering; therapeutic; things; time; topic; truth; understanding; university; way; ways; williamson; work; working; world; york cache: jah-53242.pdf plain text: jah-53242.txt item: #35 of 158 id: jah-53246 author: Jardine, David title: Guest Editorial: Old Dog. Same Trick date: 2014-11-26 words: 1186 flesch: 83 summary: David W. Jardine Your cause of sorrow Must not be measured by his worth, for then It hath no end. Macbeth, Act V, Scene VIII Give sorrow words: the grief that does not speak Whispers the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break. keywords: act; air; case; dog; editorial; gadamer; good; grief; hermeneutics; ivy; jardine; journal; kinship; old; sorrow; university; words cache: jah-53246.pdf plain text: jah-53246.txt item: #36 of 158 id: jah-53248 author: Moules, Nancy J; McCaffrey, Graham title: Editorial: Catching Hermeneutics in the Act date: 2015-01-11 words: 1911 flesch: 58 summary: (Moules et al., in press) Hermeneutic questions are hard questions; hermeneutic understanding is hard understanding. That is the ethical heart of hermeneutic work. keywords: book; caputo; chapter; compels; concrete; difficult; gadamer; hermeneutics; human; interpretation; journal; mccaffrey; method; moules; new; practice; press; questions; research; understanding; way; work; world cache: jah-53248.pdf plain text: jah-53248.txt item: #37 of 158 id: jah-53250 author: Samuel, Nathaniel G title: Re-storied by Beauty: On Self-Understanding in the Ricoeur-Carr Discussions on Narrative date: 2015-03-17 words: 7871 flesch: 55 summary: They may more adequately be conceived as a theory of life narrative, expli- cating how coherence/identity/a sense of selfhood is achieved on a day-to-day basis at the level of ordinary introspection. Indeed, conceived as a theory of life narrative, Carr’s work is of supreme importance. keywords: action; article; artifact; author; babette; beauty; carr; character; coherence; cultural; david; dinesen; dinner; essay; events; everyday; example; experience; fact; feast; fiction; general; grace; hermeneutics; human; identity; imputation; interpretation; issue; journal; level; life; limit; literary; loewenhielm; martine; meal; mediation; narrative; narrative identity; paul; person; plot; point; position; process; question; reality; reflective; ricoeur; role; sameness; samuel; self; selfhood; sense; significant; signs; stories; story; symbols; temporal; terms; text; theory; thesis; time; understanding; unity; way; work; world cache: jah-53250.pdf plain text: jah-53250.txt item: #38 of 158 id: jah-53255 author: Moules, Nancy J title: Editorial: Aletheia - Remembering and Enlivening date: 2015-04-22 words: 1400 flesch: 82 summary: Ma had arranged for me, Phuc, Hoa, and his wife May, to leave. Quick goodbye, in the dark of night, shiny tears like pearls in Ma's eyes, looking at her sons. keywords: aletheia; april; editorial; family; hermeneutics; home; journal; month; moules; night; phuc; remembering; vietnam; word; work cache: jah-53255.pdf plain text: jah-53255.txt item: #39 of 158 id: jah-53257 author: Gran, Thorvald title: The Process of Speech-acting Specifies Methods for Grasping Meaning. Ten Operations. A Contribution to Hermeneutics date: 2015-05-12 words: 8329 flesch: 56 summary: (M10) Agreements create new social facts, new institutions – not necessarily different from existing institutions - and usually empower members to the agreement. It is also interesting how new agreements spread into the setting or meet Gran Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2015 Article 4 12 boundaries there. keywords: ability; acting; action; agreements; article; basic; biological; butler; causes; change; collective; concepts; conditions; cos; decision; dependent; desire; different; example; facts; form; freedom; gran; group; hermeneutics; history; human; institutions; intentionality; intentions; interests; investigations; journal; knowledge; language; level; making; meaning; mode; new; norway; objective; obligations; organization; people; person; perspectives; physical; possible; power; process; processes; production; projects; rationality; reasons; relation; research; rules; searle; sense; social; soviet; speech; statement; status; task; theory; things; time; understanding; use; way; words; world cache: jah-53257.pdf plain text: jah-53257.txt item: #40 of 158 id: jah-53258 author: Bright, Katherine; Brockway, Merilee; Carrera, Gelenn; Kathol, Barbara; Keys, Elizabeth; Moules, Nancy J; Robinson, Alexandra; Smith-MacDonald, Lorraine; Virani, Anila title: Out of Order: To Debbie and Dave, Chris and Bill, MJ and John date: 2016-11-18 words: 4532 flesch: 72 summary: Moules et al. Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2015 Article 4 2 What struck me from watching the video was the concept of understanding - - how people who have experienced the loss of a loved one need for others to understand them and what they have Moules et al. Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2015 Article 4 4 been through. keywords: article; body; child; closure; death; different; experience; film; grief; hentz; hermeneutics; hug; journal; life; loss; love; means; mother; moules; new; order; pain; parents; people; person; physical; place; policeman; research; soft; space; struggle; time; understanding; video; words cache: jah-53258.pdf plain text: jah-53258.txt item: #41 of 158 id: jah-53261 author: Klingle, Kirsten title: Batman and the Sticky-fingered Maiden: Psychology as an Interpretive Practice date: 2015-07-17 words: 2064 flesch: 55 summary: As a counselling psychology student, I believe we (psychologists, also referred to throughout as therapists or practitioners) are constantly in a state of interpretive practice as we seek to under- stand not only our own experiences, but also the experiences of another, our clients. Could interpretive practice be as basic as offering the client a metaphor for their experience? keywords: article; batman; boots; client; experience; hermeneutics; interpretation; interpretive; journal; klingle; miles; past; patient; practice; psychology; result; suitcase; therapeutic; therapist; understanding; way cache: jah-53261.pdf plain text: jah-53261.txt item: #42 of 158 id: jah-53263 author: Estefan, Andrew title: Opus Hermeneuticae. The Work of Hermeneutics: A Review of Moules, N.J., McCaffrey, G., Field, J.C., & Laing, C.M. (2015). Conducting Hermeneutic Research: From Philosophy to Practice. New York, NY: Peter Lang date: 2015-06-28 words: 2040 flesch: 51 summary: Read as a whole, the book is a thoughtful accounting of how one might imagine and enact hermeneutic research. This book explores some murky territory for hermeneutics, that is, the possibility of a method for the conduct of hermeneutic research. keywords: authors; book; chapter; conversation; criteria; estefan; gadamer; hermeneutic; important; interpretive; journal; method; moules; new; philosophy; practice; qualitative; research; review; rigor; thinking; topic; way; work; world cache: jah-53263.pdf plain text: jah-53263.txt item: #43 of 158 id: jah-53266 author: Davey, J.R. Nicholas title: A Hermeneutics of Practice: Philosophical Hermeneutics and the Epistemology of Participation date: 2015-11-10 words: 4236 flesch: 44 summary: Towards a Hermeneutics of Practice The three routes to the prioritisation of practice as a hermeneutical thematic entail: 1. Having established that understanding, interpretation, and representation are practices, what makes such practices inherently unstable and vulnerable to change? keywords: affords; article; certainties; completeness; completion; confidence; cultural; davey; epistemological; epistemology; experience; forms; gadamer; hermeneutics; historical; horizons; humanities; identity; interpretation; journal; language; life; linguistic; matters; meaning; narrative; notion; participant; participation; participatory; philosophical; play; point; possibilities; practice; practitioner; pursuit; question; sense; situated; subject; sum; tradition; uncertainty; understanding cache: jah-53266.pdf plain text: jah-53266.txt item: #44 of 158 id: jah-53267 author: Williamson, W. John title: The Hermeneutics of Poetry Slam: Play, Festival and Symbol date: 2015-11-10 words: 5858 flesch: 61 summary: The Hermeneutics of Poetry Slam: Play, Festival and Symbol W. John Williamson Abstract In this paper, I discuss Poetry Slam events as hermeneutic encounters. Exemplary data include my research into aspects of the history and ritual of Slam as well as my experiential data as a spectator, coach of a Poetry Slam team of adolescents who compete in a provincial tournament for young poets, and as a Slam performer. keywords: aptowicz; article; artistic; aspect; audience; best; burrows; calgary; canyouhearmenow; carnival; celebration; character; coach; competition; event; experiences; feeling; festival; file; form; freitas; gadamer; game; hermeneutics; high; history; individual; journal; judges; language; larger; local; members; new; order; paper; performance; performer; play; poem; poetry; poetry slam; poets; point; popular; press; round; rules; school; sense; slam; small; social; speaker; spectator; spoken; students; style; symbol; team; time; tradition; truth; unique; university; video; williamson; word; work cache: jah-53267.pdf plain text: jah-53267.txt item: #45 of 158 id: jah-53269 author: Venturato, Lorraine title: Towards a Hermeneutics on Ageing: Or What Gadamer Can Teach Us About Growing Old. date: 2015-12-24 words: 2987 flesch: 52 summary: Towards a Hermeneutics on Ageing: Or What Gadamer Can Teach Us About Growing Old Lorraine Venturato Abstract Ageing is one of life’s most pervasive shared experiences, and one that is imbued with social, cultural and bio-medical meaning. This paper begins a conversation on what hermeneutics and, in particular the philosophical hermeneutics of Gadamer, can add to contemporary understand- ings of ageing. keywords: ageing; article; davey; dementia; dialogue; final; gadamer; hermeneutics; interpretations; journal; life; living; meaning; moules; new; nursing; older; open; openness; particular; people; phenomenon; philosophical; press; process; professional; social; time; topic; understanding; venturato; way; word; work cache: jah-53269.pdf plain text: jah-53269.txt item: #46 of 158 id: jah-53270 author: McCaffrey, Graham; Moules, Nancy J title: Encountering the Great Problems in the Street: Enacting Hermeneutic Philosophy as Research in Practice Disciplines date: 2016-01-02 words: 3338 flesch: 48 summary: Some of the topics from our own Faculty of Nursing at the University of Calgary that have been researched hermeneutically include: families and cardiac disease; therapeutic letters in family systems nursing; grief and family therapy; spirituali- ty and family systems nursing; commendations in family systems nursing; advance care plan- ning; experiences of families with children with progressive life limiting illness; Buddhism and mental health nursing; vicarious trauma on nurses working in mental health; family systems nursing for families with a child with cancer; families living with a family member with treatable but incurable cancer; children’s cancer camps; family presence during resuscitation; sexuality, relationships and spinal cord injury; grandparents’ experiences of childhood cancer; impacts of deaths of children on pediatric oncology nurses; and many more topics that are too numerous to name and reference. The way of hermeneutic practice is determined by the phenomenon, not the method 2. keywords: applied; article; cancer; caputo; childhood; dialogue; disciplines; families; family; gadamer; gadamerian; great; health; hermeneutic research; hermeneutics; human; journal; living; mccaffrey; medicine; meeting; mental; method; moules; new; nurses; nursing; patients; phd; philosophical; philosophy; practice; problems; research; sense; social; teaching; topics; understanding; university; work cache: jah-53270.pdf plain text: jah-53270.txt item: #47 of 158 id: jah-53271 author: Williamson, W. John title: The Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery. Part One: A Strange and Earnest Client date: 2016-01-11 words: 17176 flesch: 79 summary: (p. 21) Williamson Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 Article 3 12 the K & E curriculum to make the work easier for slower students in large, faster-paced high school diploma level classes, which I’m not sure are the safest places for slow learners. They’re supposed to be better paced for slow learning students and more connected to the practical use of what’s being taught, more hands-on. keywords: able; accommodations; alberta; alberta education; answer; arm; article; average; bad; better; birdseye; box; buick; business; calgary; canada; card; care; case; category; centre; certificate; city; classes; client; coffee; colleen; computer; conversation; courses; curriculum; day; desk; detective; diploma; disabilities; disability; door; edmonton; education; end; english; extra; eyes; good; grade; hand; hard; help; hermeneutics; high; i.q; ibid; idea; intellectual; iop; job; journal; kids; kind; large; learners; learning; left; level; library; like; little; long; look; lot; main; making; mean; method; minute; new; numbers; office; people; percent; place; point; pretty; program; psychologist; psychology; question; range; reading; regular; research; resources; results; right; room; saw; school; sense; services; slow; slow learners; sort; special; special education; staff; start; story; students; sure; system; talk; teacher; teaching; tests; things; thought; time; try; use; wall; way; welding; williamson; williamson journal; work; wrong; years cache: jah-53271.pdf plain text: jah-53271.txt item: #48 of 158 id: jah-53272 author: Morck, Angela C title: Right There, in the Midst of It: Impacts of the Therapeutic Relationship on Mental Health Nurses date: 2016-01-11 words: 10463 flesch: 63 summary: My intent in this paper is to Morck Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 Article 2 2 provide an overview of the findings of my philosophical hermeneutic master’s research (Morck, 2009) exploring the understandings, meanings, and processes by which mental health nurses take up and navigate the illness and life narratives of their patients. Mental health nurses journey with, and learn from, people experiencing mental distress (Barker, 2001). keywords: able; analysis; article; awareness; balance; canada; care; code; day; dreyfus; emotional; english; equilibrium; experience; familiar; fear; forchuk; gadamer; health; health nurses; health nursing; hermeneutics; holding; home; human; impact; involvement; jardine; journal; journey; kind; life; like; mask; mcandrew; meaning; mental; mental health; midst; monsters; morck; morck journal; moules; narratives; need; new; nurses; nursing; opening; order; oxford; participants; patient; people; peplau; person; philosophical; place; practice; presence; preservation; press; process; professional; protection; psychiatric; relationship; research; safe; self; sense; separate; silence; situation; social; space; stories; suffering; theory; therapeutic; therapeutic relationship; think; time; topic; understanding; university; vulnerable; warne; way; work; world; york cache: jah-53272.pdf plain text: jah-53272.txt item: #49 of 158 id: jah-53273 author: Williamson, W. John title: Guest Editorial: Preface to "A Strange and Earnest Client" Part One of the Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery date: 2016-01-11 words: 3520 flesch: 47 summary: The story is part one of a serialized publication of my PhD thesis - a hermeneutic exploration of the educational category of slow learner written as a hard- boiled detective novel in the style of Raymond Chandler (1888-1959). Despite this evaluation, slow learners are a group of students for whom the education system in Alberta has ironically failed to provide any of the funding and support it offers other categories of students said to have exceptional needs. keywords: academic; additional; alberta; boiled; case; category; child; detective; disabilities; disability; doctoral; editorial; education; fiction; field; gadamer; hermeneutics; inclusion; john; journal; learners; life; light; moral; mystery; narrative; new; novelization; original; particular; philosophy; readers; research; slow; social; special; speculation; story; students; support; thought; topic; true; truth; university; way; williamson; work; world; writing; york cache: jah-53273.pdf plain text: jah-53273.txt item: #50 of 158 id: jah-53274 author: Jardine, David title: There Will Not Always Be Teachers Like This: For G.B.M. date: 2016-01-28 words: 2420 flesch: 71 summary: Buddhism insists that good teachers are “pleased by practice” (Tsong-kha-pa, 2000, p. 179), so a brief recollection to end, on “the painting in the gate-house.” Gary was my first example of a living philosopher, full-bodied, teasing, angry, insecure, grinning, playful, sharp, so sharp. keywords: belief; david; gary; gate; good; grad; great; hermeneutics; house; husserl; jardine; journal; kha; memory; morgan; painting; phenomenological; philosophy; picture; picturing; practice; subjectivity; suffering; talk; teacher; time; transcendental; tsong; university; world; years cache: jah-53274.pdf plain text: jah-53274.txt item: #51 of 158 id: jah-53275 author: Williamson, W. John title: The Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery. Part Two: Cells of Categorical Confinement date: 2016-02-22 words: 32264 flesch: 70 summary: And I guess that was unfair, because it, like … from grade three to six, I was, like, per se…” I was struck by his use of a Latin expression I associated more with contracts and lawsuits than high school students but thought maybe he’d heard it one day and it tickled his fancy, maybe even became a sort or earworm for him. In the earlier exhibits, it seemed likely that when so many financial, physical and intellectual states of being were defined as deficient and subject to confinement, many slow learners were probably confined. keywords: 30–1; able; academic; alberta; american; answer; article; arts; arturo; association; author; average; bad; best; better; big; binet; birdseye; black; blazer; bostwick; break; buick; building; canada; car; career; case; categorical; categories; category; cells; century; change; children; classes; classroom; close; coffee; cold; colleen; complete; concept; concerned; conditions; confinement; conversation; courses; curve; danger; data; david; day; derrida; desk; different; diploma; disabilities; disability; disabled; display; district; earlier; early; easier; education; end; english; entrance; es1; eugenics; exams; exhibit; experience; eyes; face; far; feeble; floor; following; form; foucault; free; french; gallery; galton; game; goddard; good; gould; grade; great; guy; hair; half; hands; hard; head; help; hermeneutics; high; high school; higher; hipster; history; human; ibid; idea; idiocy; idiot; individuals; institutions; intellectual; intelligence; interesting; investigation; iop; jacques; john; jonah; journal; kids; kind; knowledge; label; language; large; learning; left; leg; level; life; like; likely; list; little; long; look; looking; lot; lower; madness; man; math; mean; mechanics; mental; michel; minded; multiple; museum; need; new; normal; number; open; overall; pain; parents; past; people; persons; physical; picture; pink; place; point; population; possible; potential; practice; present; press; pretty; previous; program; psychologist; psychology; question; quote; race; reading; reason; reasoning; regular; restaurant; right; room; school; science; scooter; scores; second; section; seguin; sense; separate; service; session; shop; sick; sign; silver; skills; slow; slow learners; social; society; sort; speaker; special; specialized; staff; standardized; start; statement; strategies; students; studies; subjects; sure; system; tables; tasks; teachers; teaching; team; test; tested; testing; theory; thick; things; thinking; thought; time; timeline; training; trans; treatment; truth; university; use; vocational; wall; way; ways; white; williamson; williamson journal; words; work; world; writing; yeah; york; young cache: jah-53275.pdf plain text: jah-53275.txt item: #52 of 158 id: jah-53276 author: Hodge, Nick title: Invited Guest Editorial. Lives Worthy of Life: The Everyday Resistance of Disabled People date: 2016-02-22 words: 3230 flesch: 58 summary: Through photographs, personal accounts and “official” documentation Max observes the systematic denial of the humanity of disabled people, dehumanisation through acts which mark out those who perpetrate them as well as those who suffer (Freire, 1970). Disabled people are first cast as unfeeling “idiots (who) are insensitive to pain or temperature” keywords: acts; children; cole; detective; disability; disabled; disabled people; editorial; form; foucault; goodley; hermeneutics; history; hodge; institute; journal; life; lives; living; london; max; museum; new; people; reader; research; resistance; runswick; slow; society; state; teacher; thesis; university; williamson; women; work; years; young cache: jah-53276.pdf plain text: jah-53276.txt item: #53 of 158 id: jah-53277 author: Nielsen, Cynthia R. title: Gadamer on the Event of Art, the Other, and a Gesture Toward a Gadamerian Approach to Free Jazz date: 2016-03-15 words: 9317 flesch: 56 summary: To eradicate or remove dissonance (i.e., difference) from musical works would render them dull and monotonous. Abstract Several prominent contemporary philosophers, including Jürgen Habermas, John Caputo, and Robert Bernasconi, have at times painted a somewhat negative picture of Gadamer as not only an uncritical traditionalist, but also as one whose philosophical project fails to appreciate difference. keywords: address; aesthetic; alterity; approach; art; article; artwork; aspects; bernasconi; cambridge; caputo; character; claim; coltrane; communicative; complex; contemporaneity; copy; davey; dialogical; dialogue; difference; discussion; dynamic; encounter; esp; event; example; experience; forth; free; free jazz; gadamer; game; genuine; gw8; harmonic; hermeneutics; ibid; identity; jazz; john; journal; listener; meaning; modern; movement; musical; musicians; new; nielsen; notion; ontology; openness; order; original; painting; participation; performance; philosophical; play; point; possibilities; practices; present; presentation; press; project; self; sound; spectator; structure; subject; tate; time; tradition; trans; understanding; university; voice; way; work; world; york cache: jah-53277.pdf plain text: jah-53277.txt item: #54 of 158 id: jah-53278 author: Williamson, W. John title: The Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery. Part Three: All Hell Could Break Loose date: 2016-04-07 words: 32349 flesch: 75 summary: Among these is, that because they do so poorly in school slow learners, need to be trained more directly for employment through programming that focusses narrowly on employ- ment skills. That reminded me about what I’d seen in the museum by the replica of Sputnik, the more afflu- ent parents who didn’t want their academically struggling kids in slow learner programs and who had lobbied for a different label and a different way of supporting them. keywords: academic; alberta; answer; approach; article; association; attention; author; bad; bennet; best; better; big; bit; blog; book; business; calgary; canada; car; case; categories; category; cell; chairs; chance; children; city; classes; classroom; client; computer; conversation; couple; courses; cripple; curriculum; dangerous; day; days; degree; detective; different; disabilities; disability; disabled; district; documents; door; drop; early; education; elementary; end; english; example; experience; eyes; face; far; finding; forrest; foucault; general; gimlet; good; grade; grey; group; half; hand; hard; head; help; hermeneutics; high; history; hotel; house; human; hunter; ibid; idea; inclusion; information; instruction; intellectual; intelligence; interesting; investigation; involved; iop; jacob; jacques; job; john; journal; junior; justice; kids; kind; knowledge; label; large; later; learners; learning; left; leg; level; life; likely; little; lives; long; look; lot; lottery; loud; making; max; medical; methods; michel; mind; minute; model; moment; mouth; museum; need; new; non; normal; occupational; office; old; outside; pain; parents; parts; people; percent; perry; person; place; point; possibility; practical; problem; process; program; programming; public; question; reading; real; red; regular; related; research; right; risk; room; sac; scene; school; schooling; second; section; sense; separate; set; shit; shot; similar; skills; slow; slow learners; small; smart; society; sorry; sort; sound; special; students; summit; support; sure; system; table; talk; teacher; teaching; thesis; things; thinking; thought; time; topic; training; trent; type; understanding; university; veronika; vocational; voice; walk; way; ways; williamson; williamson journal; word; work; worried; writing; years; york cache: jah-53278.pdf plain text: jah-53278.txt item: #55 of 158 id: jah-53280 author: Paul, Jim title: Invited Guest Editorial: Just Saying: For H/heaven’s Sake… Here’s Hoping --- “All Hell Could Break Loose!” date: 2016-04-07 words: 3824 flesch: 49 summary: While all the discoveries of villainy, duplicity, and corruption are necessary plot essentials, in Part Three, it is how the criminality element is threatened by Max’s very presence that is directly linked to how Max methodologically exists that also illustrates the life-blood of his hard-boiled being-ness. The methodolog- ical magic is evident, in this section, in HOW Max explores portrayals of slow learners in popu- lar media, exposes John Williamson’s deep implicated-ness with slow learners, opens up the archival history of slow learner as an educational label, and wrestles with the complex history of programming for slow learners in the province of Alberta. keywords: abstract; case; categorical; categories; collective; culture; editorial; guest; heaven; hell; hermeneutics; human; interpretive; john; journal; justice; knowing; learners; life; literacies; literacy; lives; living; max; method; modernity; moment; mystery; narrative; ness; new; orality; paul; perfection; plato; presence; reading; self; slow; slow learners; social; socrates; socratic; specific; storied; story; teacher; teaching; technologies; time; williamson; world; writing cache: jah-53280.pdf plain text: jah-53280.txt item: #56 of 158 id: jah-53281 author: Williamson, W. John title: The Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery. Part Four: Quaint Notions of Justice date: 2016-05-13 words: 33640 flesch: 74 summary: I asked him to explain what a Carnegie Unit was, and he told me it was a system of organizing the amount of time high school students were to spend studying each individual subject during a school Also the IOP kids weren’t exactly seen as the sort of students teachers would want to go out of their way to work with. keywords: academic; action; alberta; alberta education; application; approach; article; arturo; author; battle; best; better; birdseye; bit; blended; break; building; cabin; canada; career; case; category; certificate; changes; chuck; circle; city; classes; client; close; closure; coffee; colleen; companion; competition; computer; concept; conversation; core; couple; course; credential; credits; curriculum; day; deal; different; diploma; disabilities; disability; disabled; district; door; edmonton; education; employers; end; exams; experience; eyes; face; familiar; figure; forest; free; funding; gadamer; game; good; gord; government; grade; group; half; hand; hans; hard; head; healing; heidegger; hermeneutics; high; high school; history; hope; hunter; ibid; idea; inclusion; inclusive; industrial; intellectual; interpretation; interpretive; investigation; involved; iop; iop students; job; journal; justice; kids; kind; knowledge; label; large; learners; learning; left; level; like; line; little; long; look; lost; lot; making; man; martin; matter; mind; minute; n.d; need; new; occupational; open; order; owner; paine; parents; paul; people; place; play; point; policy; possible; practical; practice; pretty; principal; problems; program; programming; project; question; real; recent; reforms; regular; report; resources; rest; restaurant; rifle; right; risk; room; school; sense; sentence; series; set; severe; shop; similar; situation; skills; slow; slow learners; small; social; sort; sound; spaces; special; start; statement; students; studies; study; summit; support; sure; system; table; talk; teachers; teaching; things; thinking; thought; time; training; trans; truth; try; understanding; university; use; veronika; vision; vocational; voice; way; ways; williamson; williamson journal; words; work; working; worksites; world; xeno; year cache: jah-53281.pdf plain text: jah-53281.txt item: #57 of 158 id: jah-53282 author: Field, James Colin title: Invited Guest Editorial: Quaint Memories of Puzzling Through Mysteries date: 2016-05-13 words: 2278 flesch: 65 summary: I had the good fortune of supervising John’s thesis—a mysterious venture to be sure, because when we started, neither the path nor the destination were clear. It must be said that the “suffering” involved in the case of remembering how John’s work unfolded is what Ricouer (2004) called a “happy memory”: the joy and the learning that resulted from the event are fused to the occurrence itself, lending significance, supplying a surplus of pleasure, engendering, once again, the joy of “being there.” keywords: chicago; detective; dissertation; editorial; events; field; good; hermeneutics; john; journal; memory; mysteries; press; question; ricouer; slow; students; things; topic; understanding; way; work cache: jah-53282.pdf plain text: jah-53282.txt item: #58 of 158 id: jah-53284 author: Moules, Nancy J title: Editorial: Following Good Leads date: 2016-06-08 words: 1766 flesch: 57 summary: As Professor Hodge wrote in his eloquent editorial (Hodge, 2016), this work is a reminder that hermeneutic work does not have to always be presented in the traditional thesis style but, if it is Moules Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 Editorial 5 2 presented differently, it has to be done well. The danger lies in a possible misconception that hermeneutic work is superficial, an assumption that there is no method, there are no rules, no guidelines, or that “anything goes.” keywords: applied; danger; doctoral; editorial; field; gadamer; hermeneutic; hodge; john; journal; leads; mccaffrey; moules; play; research; sense; thesis; topic; williamson; work cache: jah-53284.pdf plain text: jah-53284.txt item: #59 of 158 id: jah-53285 author: Hovey, Richard B; Rodríguez, Charo; Jordan, Steven; Morck, Angela title: Synergistic Research in Medical Education: Some Philosophical Reflections date: 2016-06-07 words: 4492 flesch: 44 summary: Keywords Synergistic research, medical education, philosophy of science, hermeneutic wager, person- centred care, research methods As in other health-profession domains, health profession education’s connection to empirical research, traditionally dominated by quantitative methods, has become increasingly open to qualitative research and mixed-methods approaches (Lavelle, Vuk, & Barber, 2013; Tavakol & Sandars, 2014). However, our encultured ways of knowing and Hovey et al. Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 Article 9 5 understanding one’s role may provide hidden barriers to interdisciplinary research, a privileging of certain kinds of research methods or one’s perceived status within the research team (Hovey & Craig, 2011). keywords: approach; article; building; challenges; commitment; conversation; different; discernment; education; gadamer; health; hermeneutics; hospitality; hovey; humility; imagination; interdisciplinary; journal; knowledge; learning; medical; members; methods; methods research; mixed; mixed methods; new; open; participants; philosophical; practice; process; professional; qualitative; reflections; relational; research; researchers; risk; science; synergistic; synergistic research; team; topic; truth; understanding; university; wager; ways; work; working cache: jah-53285.pdf plain text: jah-53285.txt item: #60 of 158 id: jah-53287 author: Williamson, W. John title: The Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery. Part Five: Time to Kill Time date: 2016-06-08 words: 31847 flesch: 72 summary: How can teachers relinquish some of the control over time and pacing but still adhere to their responsibilities to support student learning? The purpose of providing this instructional level was to support student learning.” keywords: able; academic; accommodations; action; alberta; alberta education; annabelle; answer; areas; article; assessment; association; beginning; best; better; bit; blended; box; budget; building; canada; carl; case; certificate; changes; children; choice; classes; classrooms; client; communities; community; conditions; content; conversation; course; credit; current; curriculum; day; days; democratic; department; dewey; different; diploma; disabilities; disability; district; diverse; diversity; document; door; driver; education; educators; efficiency; emphasis; end; engaged; english; exams; experience; face; far; flexibility; funding; good; grant; greater; group; guy; hand; hard; head; help; hermeneutics; high; high school; higher; honoré; hope; hours; house; ibid; idea; important; inclusion; inclusive; industrial; initiative; inquiry; inspiring; instruction; intelligence; investigation; iop; jacques; john; journal; justice; kids; kind; knowledge; label; larger; league; learners; learning; level; like; likely; line; list; little; long; look; lot; man; martin; max; means; members; mind; minute; model; money; movement; need; new; offer; office; open; opportunities; opportunity; people; percent; place; point; practices; pretty; problems; process; program; project; provincial; question; rancière; reading; ready; recent; reforms; relevant; resources; rest; restrictive; right; room; school; second; sense; separate; set; shop; shredder; skills; slow; slow learners; slow learning; social; sort; sound; space; special; speed; stanley; struggle; students; studies; subjects; summit; support; sure; system; talking; teachers; teaching; test; things; thinking; thought; time; tony; try; video; vocational; walk; watch; way; ways; williamson; williamson journal; word; work; worried; writing; years; yolanda cache: jah-53287.pdf plain text: jah-53287.txt item: #61 of 158 id: jah-53289 author: Blackman, Galicia Solon title: Secrets in the Open: An Exercise in Interpretive Writing date: 2016-07-05 words: 5241 flesch: 63 summary: Keywords Secrets, hermeneutic circle, childhood, interpretive writing Preface Secrets in the Open In my caution to avoid succumbing to the inclination to respond to this film in the way that I would typically respond when conducting literary analysis, I tried to avoid the themes and motifs which were likely to evoke that kind of response. keywords: analysis; article; blackman; childhood; children; circle; concept; data; different; dog; element; events; familiar; father; film; gadamer; hermeneutic; ill; ingemar; inquiry; instances; interpretive; journal; kind; know; life; literary; medical; mother; moules; new; practice; press; research; revelation; scene; secrecy; secrets; sensibility; sickan; term; topic; understanding; voice; way; word; work; writing cache: jah-53289.pdf plain text: jah-53289.txt item: #62 of 158 id: jah-53290 author: Harvey, Giuliana; Tapp, Dianne M; Moules, Nancy J title: Intensive Care Unit Nursing: An Interpretable and Hermeneutic Practice date: 2016-08-17 words: 3134 flesch: 50 summary: ICU nursing is a “deeply interpretive discipline wherein the work of something like hermeneutics is already at work” (Moules et al., 2011, p. 2). The craft of ICU nursing lies with confronting the unpredictable human realities of suffering, loss, healing, and the possibility of bearing witness to the unexplainable (Benner et al., 1999). keywords: abdominal; approach; article; assessment; benner; blood; care; clinical; day; et al; experience; gadamer; harvey; hermeneutics; icu; initial; intensive; interpretation; interpretive; jack; journal; judgment; knowledge; mccaffrey; meaning; moules; nurse; nursing; philosophical; philosophy; practical; practice; press; research; understanding; unit; use; wisdom; work; world cache: jah-53290.pdf plain text: jah-53290.txt item: #63 of 158 id: jah-53291 author: Latvanen, Kari title: The Symbolism of Evil in the Big Book of AA date: 2016-07-30 words: 8953 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords hermeneutics, Paul Ricoeur, symbolism, evil, Alcoholics Anonymous, recovery Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is best described as both a fellowship of alcoholics and a program of recovery from alcoholism (Kurtz, 1979). The Symbolism of Evil in the Big Book of AA Kari Latvanen Abstract Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) describes itself as a “fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism” (Alcoholics Anonymous, 2010). keywords: alcoholics; alcoholics anonymous; anonymous; article; big; big book; book; claim; confession; consciousness; curse; defilement; discourse; dread; evil; example; experience; fellowship; god; guilt; hermeneutics; human; idea; illness; interpretation; inventory; journal; kurtz; language; latvanen; life; light; man; meaning; moral; new; order; paul; pellauer; personal; power; press; process; program; punishment; reader; reality; recovery; ricoeur; self; sense; sin; situation; social; spiritual; stain; step; symbolic; symbolism; symbols; text; way; words; world cache: jah-53291.pdf plain text: jah-53291.txt item: #64 of 158 id: jah-53292 author: McCaffrey, Graham title: Compassion, Necessity, and the Pharmakon of the Health Humanities date: 2016-08-05 words: 5612 flesch: 53 summary: Health humanities is a recently marked out interdisciplinary field concerned with the use of resources from the arts and humanities in healthcare, and more broadly in relation to health. In this paper, I undertake a critical reappraisal of the presumed link between health humanities and compassion. keywords: action; article; arts; beings; body; claims; compassion; complex; context; creswell; definition; derrida; drug; effects; empathy; essay; event; examples; experience; force; goethe; haykel; health; health humanities; healthcare; help; hermeneutics; humanities; idea; iliad; interpretive; journal; karadzic; life; link; literature; living; matter; mccaffrey; meaning; medical; medicine; mind; modern; necessity; new; nursing; oak; paper; people; pharmakon; poem; poetry; poison; press; radovan; reading; response; sense; society; subjection; substance; suffering; technical; use; war; weil; word; york cache: jah-53292.pdf plain text: jah-53292.txt item: #65 of 158 id: jah-53293 author: McCaffrey, Graham title: Invited Guest Editorial: Nursing as Interpretation date: 2016-10-25 words: 1003 flesch: 44 summary: Within and beyond her narrative, there emerge problems embedded in everyday practices: the question of how to balance scientific knowledge and sensitivity to parents’ powerful feelings, the diplomacy of being the big city nurse in a smaller centre, all of this perceived, considered, and acted upon against the clock. The class is one locus of the account of applied hermeneutics that has developed thro ugh the Canadian Hermeneutic Institute, the Journal of Applied Hermeneutics, and the book Conducting hermeneutic research: From philosophy to practice (Moules, McCaffrey, Field & Laing, 2015). keywords: class; editorial; hermeneutics; humour; jaime; journal; knowledge; mccaffrey; nurse; nursing; paper; person; practice; research; students; work cache: jah-53293.pdf plain text: jah-53293.txt item: #66 of 158 id: jah-53294 author: Turcato, Whitney C; McCaffrey, Graham; Moules, Nancy J title: Knowing People and Interpretive Practice date: 2016-10-25 words: 2216 flesch: 69 summary: While the subject of knowing our patients as outreach nurses requires further inquiry, perhaps in the form of qualitative research, the above may serve as a platform for such further inquiry. It is also worth mentioning that this is one representation of how outreach nurses keep themselves safe while working alone in the community. keywords: able; bowling; different; event; hermeneutics; interpretation; interpretive; journal; knowing; marvin; mccaffrey; moules; new; nurse; nursing; outreach; people; practice; safe; settings; times; turcato; work cache: jah-53294.pdf plain text: jah-53294.txt item: #67 of 158 id: jah-53295 author: Caswell, Jaime Leigh; Moules, Nancy J; McCaffrey, Graham title: Neonatal Transport Nursing is an Interpretive Practice date: 2016-10-25 words: 1954 flesch: 51 summary: In this preparation, having not yet la ying eyes on the patient, the TRN is demonstrating interpretive practice through anticipation. Interpretive practice is witnessed in the TRN’s ability to use the judgements as an entry point of care, affirming or dismissing them, and then building from them. keywords: appropriate; article; baby; caffrey; care; caswell; experience; family; hermeneutics; interpretation; interpretive; interpretive practice; journal; knowing; moment; mother; moules; neonatal; newborn; nurse; nursing; patient; practice; shift; team; transport; trn; work cache: jah-53295.pdf plain text: jah-53295.txt item: #68 of 158 id: jah-53298 author: Jardine, David W title: Guest Editorial. "The more intense the practice, the more intense the demons": A Few Hermeneutic Caveats date: 2016-11-22 words: 1803 flesch: 67 summary: Hermeneutic begins by “giv[ing] up a special idea of foundation in principle” (Gadamer, 1984, p. 323), that is, giving up the standard Western- philosophical escape mechanism that allows our studying to have, or at least hope for, solid, final, fixed grounding and therefore to gain confidence and stability by referencing some external, permanent, verity, or verities. This bespeaks a whiff of an old Aristotelian notion of mensuratio ad rem, that is, that our study must “remain something adapted to the object” (Gadamer, 1989, p. 261) and not, instead, something that remains adapted to our methodology, or to the research granting agencies ideas of how to write up a legitimate proposal, or “to the wishes, prejudices, or promptings of the powerful” (p. 261), or to my own hidden or overt pathologies and desires. keywords: demons; editorial; experience; gadamer; h.g; hermeneutics; hidden; jardine; journal; kha; life; lived; object; practice; study; teacher; topic; tsong; words; work; world cache: jah-53298.pdf plain text: jah-53298.txt item: #69 of 158 id: jah-53301 author: Konchak, William title: Self-transformation: Body, Mind, and Spirit date: 2017-10-21 words: 6330 flesch: 51 summary: While Maclaren emphasizes the body, Gadamer language (mind), and Emerson spirit, the divide between body/mind/spirit is somewhat artificial as these are all deeply intertwined, and each thinker has aspects to their thought that overlap and reach beyond this simple categorization. This brings us back to the importance of both making individual choices and developing supportive and compassionate communities that encourage positive individual and collective experience, and Maclaren, Gadamer, and Emerson each have important perspectives to help encourage this. keywords: account; approach; article; authentic; bodily; body; change; choice; clichés; conception; conversation; creative; emerson; emotional; emphasis; example; experience; gadamer; habitual; hadot; hermeneutics; human; important; individual; journal; konchak; language; life; maclaren; man; matter; mind; new; openness; passions; patterns; people; perspectives; philosophy; points; practice; press; process; relation; resources; respect; self; sense; situation; subject; thought; transformation; understanding; university; view; way; world cache: jah-53301.pdf plain text: jah-53301.txt item: #70 of 158 id: jah-53302 author: Moules, Nancy J; Venturato, Lorraine; Laing, Catherine M; Field, James C title: Is it Really “Yesterday’s War”? What Gadamer Has to Say About What Gets Counted date: 2017-03-11 words: 3784 flesch: 56 summary: (Gadamer, 1964/2016, p. 3) Human experience, upon which qualitative research is based, is complex and often cannot be explained, and Gadamer suggested that “the complex does not have the character of a connection between cause and effect in the way it underlies our knowledge and calculation of the course of nature” (p. 4). What Gadamer Has to Say About What Gets Counted Nancy J Moules, Lorraine Venturato, Catherine M Laing, & James C Field Abstract In this paper, the authors address the perceived recent trend of funding and publishing bodies that seem to have taken a regard of qualitative research as a subordinate to, or even a subset of, quantitative research. keywords: article; cancer; certainty; demand; different; experience; facts; faith; funding; gadamer; grief; hermeneutics; history; human; iyer; journal; knowledge; mccaffrey; method; moules; n.j; natural; need; new; philosophy; qualitative; question; research; rigor; sciences; study; truth; understanding; vandevelde; work cache: jah-53302.pdf plain text: jah-53302.txt item: #71 of 158 id: jah-53303 author: Jardine, David W title: Thoughts on the Return of Yesterday's War date: 2017-01-24 words: 5209 flesch: 61 summary: It is Jardine Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2017 Article 2 2 not simply that funding is difficult to secure for interpretive work. Students and scholars alike are then asked to give, over and over and over again, a detailed descriptions of a long and publically available history of interpretive work stretching back, in places, to Aristotle, even to Heraclitus, and up through the humanist tradition first wrought at the advent of modern science in 17th century Europe, into late-19th century European contestations and detailed quarrels and concerns over the nature and limits of the human sciences, up through phenomenology, hermeneutics, into long and complex streams of refinement and differentiation over the course of the 20th and 21st century. keywords: account; article; case; character; child; confines; course; david; different; dominance; dominant; doorstep; exhaustion; gadamer; hermeneutics; human; interpretation; interpretive; interpretive work; issues; jardine; journal; life; lives; living; moules; new; object; old; practical; press; quantitative; read; real; research; scholars; sciences; smith; students; suffering; tale; taylor; teacher; things; time; trans; university; war; ways; work; world; yesterday; york cache: jah-53303.pdf plain text: jah-53303.txt item: #72 of 158 id: jah-53304 author: Bechtol, Harris B. title: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology: The Death of the Other Understood as Event date: 2017-03-20 words: 8349 flesch: 67 summary: Heidegger’s existential analytic of Dasein’s being-toward-death in Being and Time— where he argues that anxiety over one’s own death is our originary experience of death that exposes us to our own being, our relation to temporality, and our responsibility to become a self—has made this focus on our own death especially important. This is a phenomenological description of what is happening when we experience the death of another that interprets surviving or living on after such death by employing the term event. keywords: absence; account; arrival; article; bechtol; birth; chicago; death; derrida; description; dies; event; expectation; experience; givenness; heidegger; hermeneutics; horizons; important; jones; journal; levinas; life; live; loss; maia; marion; mcdermott; meaning; mourning; new; occurrence; past; person; phenomenological; phenomenology; philosophers; philosophy; possibility; possible; present; press; principles; reason; relation; sense; singularity; stanford; symptoms; term; things; time; trans; transformative; understanding; unexpected; university; way; work; world; york cache: jah-53304.pdf plain text: jah-53304.txt item: #73 of 158 id: jah-53305 author: Liddle, Amie Cameal title: Deconstructing the Phenomenon of Apology date: 2017-03-04 words: 4550 flesch: 55 summary: Patient relations is an interpretive practice, however, and there are shortcomings when apology is inserted into the conversation. In this article, I deconstruct apology from a patient relations perspective. keywords: absolute; act; alberta; angry; apologies; apologize; apology; article; complainants; complaint; context; conversation; department; derrida; door; experience; gadamer; gods; guest; healthcare; hermeneutics; hospitality; host; journal; kearney; liddle; meaning; monsters; need; openness; otherness; patient; phenomenon; prc; prcs; relations; sorry; strangers; system; unsatisfactory; westmoreland; word cache: jah-53305.pdf plain text: jah-53305.txt item: #74 of 158 id: jah-53306 author: Moules, Nancy J; Laing, Catherine M; Guilcher, Gregory title: Changing the Shape of Sickle Cell Disease Treatment: A Hermeneutic Study of a Case that Changed a Family and a Medical Practice date: 2017-03-05 words: 10149 flesch: 63 summary: Alberta Children’s Hospital and the University of Calgary have become leaders, and are advancing the field of SCD disease care and BMT. The impact of this relationship has subsequently influenced treatment options for other families experiencing SCD. keywords: abayomi; age; alberta; analysis; article; blood; bmt; bone; canada; care; case; cell; cell disease; change; children; clinical; complications; crisis; criteria; cure; data; decision; difference; disease; doi; donor; emergency; et al; experience; families; family; guilcher; gvhd; hct; health; healthcare; heart; hermeneutics; high; history; hospital; impact; infertility; intensity; journal; kids; knowledge; life; long; marrow; mccaffrey; medical; mother; moules; moules et; need; new; nurse; oncology; pain; parent; particular; people; perspective; physician; practice; protocol; quinn; rates; research; result; right; risks; scd; sense; sickle; sickle cell; sort; study; team; time; transplant; transplantation; treatment; trials; trust; understanding; university; way; work; world; years; zaki cache: jah-53306.pdf plain text: jah-53306.txt item: #75 of 158 id: jah-53308 author: Field, James Colin title: Losing the So-Called Paradigm War: Does our Confusion, Disarray, and Retreat Contribute to the Advance? date: 2017-03-14 words: 5193 flesch: 63 summary: Four problems with qualitative work are identified: making what is obvious inescapable, confusion around what constitutes qualitative research and phenomenology, uniformed and disrespectful mixing of methods, and devolution into “little t” truth. So, in this spirit, let me ask this dreadful question: What if the fact that qualitative research is “losing the war” is not simply because of some hostile take-over from science, or a creeping form of alt-right totalitarianism, (although I am sorely tempted to go with this interpretation), but because of our own failure, in far too many cases, to reveal, and to claim, boldly, courageously, something true, something that matters about being in the world and doing interpretive work? keywords: approaches; article; bricoleur; field; gadamer; good; heidegger; hermeneutics; history; human; interpretive; journal; kind; life; lincoln; little; makes; methods; mixed; multiple; need; new; paradigm; participants; phenomenological; phenomenology; press; qualitative; qualitative research; question; realities; reality; research; sage; schutz; scientific; sense; study; term; things; time; traditions; trouble; true; truth; understanding; university; war; way; work; world; york cache: jah-53308.pdf plain text: jah-53308.txt item: #76 of 158 id: jah-53309 author: VanLeeuwen, Charlene A.; Guo-Brennan, Linyuan; Weeks, Lori E. title: Conducting Hermeneutic Research in International Settings: Philosophical, Practical, and Ethical Considerations date: 2017-07-19 words: 10336 flesch: 31 summary: In the process of conducting international hermeneutic research, the researcher’s positionality can be viewed as cultural insider (i.e., collecting data within one’s cultural community), cultural outsider (i.e., collecting data outside of one’s cultural community) or a combination of both. In choosing to conduct international hermeneutic research in countries with a colonial history, concerns related to re-colonization and knowledge exploitation need to be explicitly addressed (Beeman-Cadwallader et al., 2011; Ndimande, 2012). keywords: addition; analysis; approach; article; case; challenges; china; chinese; collection; colonial; community; conduct; considerations; context; conversations; critical; critical hermeneutics; cross; cultural; culture; curriculum; data; decolonizing; deeper; design; different; education; et al; ethical; experiences; factors; field; focus; friend; fusion; gadamer; group; guo; hermeneutic inquiry; hermeneutic research; hermeneutics; historical; horizons; human; important; indigenous; inquiry; international; international hermeneutic; international research; interpretation; interpretive; issues; journal; kenya; knowledge; language; learning; linguistic; local; manen; meaning; methodology; methods; moules; need; new; orientation; outsider; participants; perspectives; philosophical; philosophical hermeneutics; philosophy; photos; positionality; power; practical; practice; prejudices; press; process; qualitative; questions; radical; reflective; relationships; research; researchers; role; settings; social; students; studies; study; time; topic; traditions; understanding; university; use; vanleeuwen; work; writing cache: jah-53309.pdf plain text: jah-53309.txt item: #77 of 158 id: jah-53315 author: Davey, J.R. Nicholas title: Education and the Formative Power of Hermeneutic Practice date: 2017-09-28 words: 6911 flesch: 43 summary: The productivity of hermeneutic practice (its ability to disrupt established meanings and create new ones) is dependent upon an incommensurable relation: the horizon of linguistic indeterminacy in which hermeneutic practices operate, will always be at odds with the quest for completeness they pursue. Practice1 Nicholas Davey Abstract This paper seeks to clarify the educational role and effects of hermeneutic practice. keywords: anticipation; argument; article; bildung; change; closure; community; completeness; completion; cultural; davey; disruption; economic; education; effects; emergence; experience; free; gadamer; grasp; hermeneutic; hermeneutic practice; historical; horizons; humanities; impetus; importance; indeterminacy; insight; interpretation; interpreting; journal; key; life; linguistic; linguistic meaning; london; matters; meaning; narrative; nature; need; new; nietzsche; open; personal; perspectives; philosophical; play; point; possibilities; possibility; practice; processes; question; self; social; space; subject; transformative; truths; understanding; unexpected; university; way; wittgenstein; york cache: jah-53315.pdf plain text: jah-53315.txt item: #78 of 158 id: jah-53316 author: Moules, Nancy J title: Grief and Hermeneutics: Archives of Lives and the Conflicted Character of Grief date: 2017-11-01 words: 1491 flesch: 67 summary: As much as I have studied grief from a hermeneutic research approach (Moules, McCaffrey, Field, & Laing, 2015), and I have counselled bereaved parents, and stood present with many parents at the death of their children, I have not personally felt grief in the way I do now, as five months later, I continue to interpret and re-interpret the death of my father, John Moules. Grief is not just about saying goodbye and hello (White, 1989; Moules et al., 2004); it is not just about making and maintaining a connection to the dead person (Klass, Silverman, & Nickman, 1996; Moules et al., 2004), but it also involves something more complicated, especially in the death of a spouse, a parent, or perhaps a close friend – any loss other than the loss of a child. keywords: archives; beamer; child; complicated; death; editorial; father; grief; hermeneutics; johnson; journal; life; lives; moules; old; parents; questions; trunk cache: jah-53316.pdf plain text: jah-53316.txt item: #79 of 158 id: jah-53317 author: Beamer, Kate Melissa title: And Coyote Howled: Listening to the Call of Interpretive Inquiry date: 2017-11-01 words: 4311 flesch: 70 summary: Therefore, when life shifts, when life gets complicated, when we are called to attend to a different dilemma than one first imagined, hermeneutics is there to embrace that. Like life’s traumas, the hermeneutic address is something that can happen to us, without heed or warning. keywords: aletheia; article; beamer; change; coyote; death; deep; different; experience; grief; hermeneutics; hermes; hidden; humility; journal; life; moules; n.j; new; order; patience; person; remembering; research; resilience; river; sense; state; strength; suffering; thirsk; time; topic; transformation; trickster; truth; understanding; vulnerability; way; world cache: jah-53317.pdf plain text: jah-53317.txt item: #80 of 158 id: jah-53318 author: Muhammad, E. Anthony title: A Philosophical Hermeneutic Study of the Interview between Minister Louis Farrakhan and Imam W. Deen Mohammed: Toward a Fusion of Horizons date: 2018-01-09 words: 8544 flesch: 51 summary: While Minister Farrakhan and Imam Mohammed had both been influential ministers within the ranks of the NOI, dynamics within the organization would ultimately drive a wedge between them. It additionally gave me an indepth understanding of the issues surrounding the split between Minister Farrakhan and Imam Mohammed. keywords: allah; approach; article; black; circle; conversation; dialogue; discussion; doctrine; elijah; elijah muhammad; encounter; fard; fard muhammad; farrakhan; father; fore; fusion; gadamer; god; hermeneutics; historic; history; horizon; imam; imam mohammed; interpretation; interviewer; islam; islamic; jesus; journal; knowledge; leadership; life; louis; master; master fard; minister; minister farrakhan; mohammed; muhammad; muhammad journal; nation; nature; new; noi; openness; organization; orthodox; participants; person; perspective; philosophical; play; point; position; question; religious; study; teachings; time; understanding; vantage; views; wallace; world; york cache: jah-53318.pdf plain text: jah-53318.txt item: #81 of 158 id: jah-53320 author: Humphries, Joan Margaret title: My Life Flashed Before My Eyes date: 2018-01-08 words: 5306 flesch: 55 summary: The everyday experience of time can be disrupted by the events in our lives, and disquiet notions of predictability about the passage of time. In this work, I describe an alternate experience of time passing that occurred in the context of a car accident. keywords: accident; ambulance; article; author; away; body; caputo; car; children; context; dasein; death; driver; end; event; everyday; existence; experience; eyes; flash; future; grondin; health; heidegger; hermeneutic; hospital; human; humphries; impact; journal; life; linear; meaning; moment; mother; mysteries; new; notions; nursing; occasion; pavement; possibility; possible; present; seconds; street; thoughts; thoun; time; understanding; voice; way; world cache: jah-53320.pdf plain text: jah-53320.txt item: #82 of 158 id: jah-53321 author: Williams, Emily P; Russell-Mayhew, Shelly; Moules, Nancy J; Dimitropoulos, Gina title: Not Quite this and not Quite that: Anorexia Nervosa, Counselling Psychology, and Hermeneutic Inquiry in a Tapestry of Ambiguity date: 2018-01-22 words: 8554 flesch: 48 summary: Researchers have suggested that disclosing one has an eating disorder is a gateway for receiving professional help (Gilbert et al., 2012), however, it is more complex since the process of disclosure is characterized by ambiguity, for all parties involved. The third understanding of aletheia comes from the opposite of the word lethal; it is about bringing to life what was taken for granted, what was dead, or what was assumed about the topic (Moules et al., 2015). keywords: aletheia; ambiguity; ambiguous; ambivalence; anorexia; anorexia nervosa; article; association; bedi; behaviours; better; body; brown; canada; canadian; clear; complexity; concept; counselling; counselling psychology; dictionary; disclosure; discovery; disorders; doi; eating; eds; et al; etymology; experience; families; family; field; gull; hermeneutics; history; individuals; inherent; inquiry; international; journal; meaning; medical; mental; merriam; moules; multiple; n.d; nervosa; new; nordbø; online; open; patients; practice; practitioners; process; professionals; psychiatric; psychologists; psychology; qualitative; recognition; research; review; seek; sense; space; states; study; term; time; topic; treatment; uncertainty; understanding; way; webster; weight; williams cache: jah-53321.pdf plain text: jah-53321.txt item: #83 of 158 id: jah-53324 author: George, Theodore title: Grieving as Limit Situation of Memory: Gadamer, Beamer, and Moules on the Infinite Task Posed by the Dead date: 2017-12-31 words: 2683 flesch: 61 summary: More still, Gadamer’s elucidation of our efforts to understand brings into focus something of a limit situation of memory that speaks to the experience of grieving. This limit situation derives from Gadamer’s claim that memory is not to be grasped first of all as a “psychological phenomenon,” but, rather, as “an essential element of the finite historical being of human being” (Gadamer, 2003, p. 16). keywords: approach; beamer; death; demand; efforts; ethical; experience; father; gadamer; george; grief; grieving; hermeneutics; idea; jaspers; journal; limit; limit situation; matters; memory; moules; new; situation; task cache: jah-53324.pdf plain text: jah-53324.txt item: #84 of 158 id: jah-53327 author: Jardine, David W title: Sunflowers, Coyote, and Five Red Hens date: 2018-01-24 words: 4132 flesch: 77 summary: (Newsom, with Paytress, 2015, p. 86) Sight-Lines I feel uneasy stepping into the great territories opened up by Nancy Moules (2017) and Kate Beamer (2017) at the tail end of last year’s Journal of Applied Hermeneutics. Corresponding Author: David W. Jardine, PhD Retired, University of Calgary Email: Journal of Applied Hermeneutics January 23, 2018 keywords: 1989; ancestors; article; colours; coyote; dead; death; experience; gadamer; great; grief; hens; hermeneutics; hillman; human; images; impermanence; insight; interpretation; interpretive; jardine; journal; kha; like; lines; live; living; means; memory; mind; moules; new; opportunity; path; place; red; sense; stevens; sunflowers; things; thought; treatise; tsong; wallace; work; world; wound; york cache: jah-53327.pdf plain text: jah-53327.txt item: #85 of 158 id: jah-53330 author: Smith, David Geoffrey title: Experience and Interpretation in Global Times: The Case of Special Education date: 2018-02-04 words: 4875 flesch: 55 summary: I am trying here to contextualize qualitative research historically because of my conviction that we need to move beyond methodologism if we are to address the most pressing problems in education today, including Special Education. Another reason for locating qualitative research in the tradition of German, or European, Romanticism is because there are ethnocentric biases in it that impede an appreciation of a broader understanding of “world” that is necessary in global times. keywords: address; american; article; broader; children; chosen; context; culture; day; development; divine; dussel; education; european; example; experience; freedom; global; great; hermeneutics; human; important; interest; interpretation; interpretive; job; journal; life; means; necessary; needs; new; particular; people; person; philosophy; practice; press; qualitative; qualitative research; reason; research; science; self; smith; social; special; special education; species; story; subjectivity; suffering; theory; things; times; today; tradition; understanding; universal; university; war; way; western; work; world cache: jah-53330.pdf plain text: jah-53330.txt item: #86 of 158 id: jah-53332 author: Jardine, David W title: Guest Editorial: "It's February. It Won't Last" date: 2018-02-05 words: 1901 flesch: 69 summary: Corresponding Author: David W. Jardine, PhD Retired, University of Calgary Email: Journal of Applied Hermeneutics February 5, 2018 Journal of Applied Hermeneutics, Article 10. keywords: body; buddhism; compact; detachment; deterioration; disc; editorial; fact; february; gadamer; hermeneutics; jardine; journal; kha; like; mantra; practice; radiant; radio; sickness; sun; tsong; warmth; weather cache: jah-53332.pdf plain text: jah-53332.txt item: #87 of 158 id: jah-53334 author: Aho, Kevin title: Neurasthenia Revisited: On Medically Unexplained Syndromes and the Value of Hermeneutic Medicine date: 2018-04-09 words: 7136 flesch: 45 summary: This reductionism was evident in the way American medicine framed its understanding of nervous disorders at the end of the nineteenth century.6 The problem with this early version of the “chemical imbalance” theory was that, although hormones certainly exist, it could never be demonstrated that they in fact caused nervous disorders (Chatel & Peele 1970). keywords: account; aho; american; anxiety; article; beard; body; brain; cause; century; chemical; chronic; class; conditions; context; cultural; culture; depression; diagnostic; disease; disorder; distress; dsm; emotional; exhaustion; experience; fact; factors; fatigue; fear; fibromyalgia; force; freud; functional; health; hermeneutics; human; illness; journal; language; legitimate; life; meaning; medical; medicine; mental; middle; modern; naturalism; naturalistic; nerve; nervous; neurasthenia; neurosis; new; nineteenth; organic; pain; paradigm; patient; philosophy; physical; physiological; possible; press; psychiatrist; psychiatry; real; result; scientific; self; sense; social; somatic; somatization; somatoform; states; suffering; symptoms; syndrome; system; terms; theory; time; today; turn; unexplained; united; university; view; way; women; world; york cache: jah-53334.pdf plain text: jah-53334.txt item: #88 of 158 id: jah-53335 author: Jardine, David W title: Asleep in My Sunshine Chair date: 2018-06-05 words: 3485 flesch: 64 summary: (Jardine, Bastock, George, & Martin, 2008, p. 53; cited in Jardine, 2016a, p. 81) Jardine Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2018 Article 7 5 Even the insistent reductionism of naturalism is itself an old wives’ tale oft told and re-told, often precisely as a condescending rebuke to the sauciness, the scolding, the profanity, that can seem to come with hermeneutic insight. This sort of unravelling and explicating in Aho’s work is precisely one of the goals of hermeneutic work in general. keywords: accounts; aho; aliveness; article; child; darning; energeia; familiar; gadamer; george; hermeneutic; insight; interpretive; jardine; journal; joy; kevin; life; like; long; memory; naturalistic; needles; neurasthenia; new; old; open; path; piece; reading; reductionism; ross; sort; suffering; sunshine; way; work; world; york cache: jah-53335.pdf plain text: jah-53335.txt item: #89 of 158 id: jah-53337 author: Beks, Tiffany title: Becoming the Vulnerable Neighbour: From Trauma Research to Practice date: 2018-06-05 words: 5497 flesch: 47 summary: I begin by exploring an encounter that ignited my search for better understanding the suffering associated with traumatic betrayal in the context of military service, a journey which led me to an application of hermeneutics as a theoretical orientation in trauma counselling. As such, I argue that a hermeneutic approach is necessary for guiding trauma counselling because to better understand the suffering of others and make their pain accessible, I must begin by understanding what within myself impedes my compassion, empathy, and care. keywords: application; applied; article; attitude; beks; betrayal; care; clients; clinical; constructs; counselling; counsellor; day; dialogue; encounter; experience; gadamerian; hermeneutics; interpretation; interpretive; journal; klingle; lévinasian; means; military; moules; new; orange; perspective; philosophy; practice; psychology; research; responsibility; suffering; topic; traditions; trauma; traumatic; traumatized; understanding; work cache: jah-53337.pdf plain text: jah-53337.txt item: #90 of 158 id: jah-53339 author: Webber, Katie M. title: Offering a Concert for Two: An Interpretation of Friendship in Pediatric Oncology Palliative Care Nursing date: 2018-06-21 words: 3553 flesch: 59 summary: Pediatric oncology nurses bear witness to parents experiencing the diagnosis, treatment, and sometimes palliation of their child. There is no manual, guide, or certification that pediatric oncology nurses can follow in doing the work of palliative care. keywords: care; child; connection; day; experience; friendship; gadamer; hermeneutics; interpretation; journal; moments; mother; moules; nurse; nursing; oncology; palliative; parents; patient; pediatric; pediatric oncology; practice; room; ryan; time; understanding; violin; webber; work cache: jah-53339.pdf plain text: jah-53339.txt item: #91 of 158 id: jah-53340 author: McCaffrey, Graham title: Editorial: CHI 2018 - The Politics of Displacement date: 2018-06-21 words: 2578 flesch: 48 summary: Dr. George had met with Dr. Moules on previous occasions, and was the organizer of the 2016 North American Society for Philosophical Hermeneutics (NASPH) Conference in Texas where Dr. Moules and myself, with the eminent hermeneutic scholar Dr. Jean Grondin, gave a panel presentation about applied hermeneutics. Of the three founders, Drs. McLeod and Johnston have retired from their academic positions and Dr. Nancy Moules has continued as the prime organizer and inspiration for the work of the CHI. keywords: age; applied; calgary; canadian; caputo; chi; conversation; day; days; displacement; editorial; experience; gadamer; george; globalization; hermeneutics; ideas; information; institute; journal; kearney; life; mccaffrey; meeting; moules; nancy; new; philosophy; practice; professor; scholar; situations; space; university; work cache: jah-53340.pdf plain text: jah-53340.txt item: #92 of 158 id: jah-53341 author: Crist, Alexander title: A Hermeneutic Approach to Pain: Gadamer on Pain, Finitude, and Recovery date: 2018-06-29 words: 6093 flesch: 51 summary: A Hermeneutic Approach to Pain: Gadamer on Pain, Finitude, and Recovery Alexander Crist Abstract While philosophical hermeneutics has often been criticized for not engaging issues concerning the body and human finitude, Gadamer’s “Defense of Pain” in his final public academic appearance is an underappreciated hermeneutic contribution to the way in which we experience and respond to the physical and existential demands of pain. Perhaps most overlooked, and still untranslated, is the transcript of a presentation he gave on the topic of pain, in what would be his last official public appearance.2 On the one hand, Gadamer’s “Defense of Pain” is a further entry in his efforts to distinguish the art of healing from the modern science of medicine in the technological age and to reopen the question of what it means to be healthy in the modern world.3 Yet more than this, Gadamer points toward something of much greater concern in our response to the physical and existential demands pain. keywords: active; anxiety; article; birth; birth cry; challenges; crist; cry; death; demands; disturbance; existential; experience; finitude; forgetfulness; gadamer; health; heidegger; hermeneutics; human; image; interpretation; journal; life; modern; mortality; mother; mystery; new; newborn; newness; open; opportunity; pain; particular; patient; person; process; recovery; return; rhythm; sensibility; truth; understanding; verwinden; world cache: jah-53341.pdf plain text: jah-53341.txt item: #93 of 158 id: jah-56873 author: Williams, Emily P; Laing, Catherine M; Brun, Isabel title: Defending Hermeneutics date: 2018-09-18 words: 3807 flesch: 49 summary: Thus, when conducting hermeneutic research, researchers must navigate their topics while applying foundational pillars of hermeneutics to guide their understanding. After a passionate pitch on my behalf, my supervisor suggested that I consider hermeneutic inquiry as my dissertation research method, as it appeared to her that I had been called to this topic, which is often the jumping off point for hermeneutic research (Moules et al., Williams et al. Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2018 Article 11 6 2015). keywords: applied; approach; article; change; dissertation; et al; exam; gadamer; hermeneutic; hermeneutic inquiry; hermeneutic research; inquiry; interpretation; journal; method; moules; new; nursing; philosophy; practice; research; researchers; sense; steps; topic; uncertainty; understanding; way; ways; williams; work; world cache: jah-56873.pdf plain text: jah-56873.txt item: #94 of 158 id: jah-57328 author: Moules, Nancy J; Estefan, Andrew title: Editorial: Watching My Mother Die - Subjectivity and the Other Side of Dementia date: 2018-10-29 words: 2798 flesch: 62 summary: Subjectivity is contentious because, in neoliberal, instrumentalist contexts (such as the profes- sions), singular, subjective experience is perceived as lacking validity as a source of truth. Although we are not seeking to answer that question in this paper, we recognize that asking it is a challenge to common assumptions about subjective experience. keywords: applied; article; caputo; dementia; editorial; estefan; experience; facts; gadamer; george; grief; hermeneutics; interpretation; journal; limit; loss; matter; memory; mother; moules; opinion; people; personal; research; self; situation; subjective; subjectivity; tables; things; world cache: jah-57328.pdf plain text: jah-57328.txt item: #95 of 158 id: jah-58417 author: Jardine, David W title: To Be Dying Under Their Wings is a Weird Miracle date: 2018-11-27 words: 3778 flesch: 74 summary: Microsoft Word - Jardine corrected proof (2).docx Corresponding Author: David W. Jardine Professor Emeritus, University of Calgary Email: Journal of Applied Hermeneutics November 15, 2018 ãThe Author(s) 2018 “To Be Dying Under Their Wings is a Weird Miracle” David W. Jardine Abstract In this paper, the author responds to the Moules and Estefan (2018) keywords: air; article; dementia; different; ecological; estefan; experience; familiar; forgetting; forgotten; gadamer; great; grief; hermeneutics; jardine; john; journal; life; line; living; long; memory; mother; moules; nancy; new; old; read; reading; relations; remembering; similarities; subjectivity; sunflowers; thelma; thread; time; way; ways; weird; work; world cache: jah-58417.pdf plain text: jah-58417.txt item: #96 of 158 id: jah-61813 author: Amundson, Jon K. title: The Special Obligation of the Sufferer date: 2019-01-18 words: 3452 flesch: 55 summary: In what follows, the matter is further exploited through reference to the social psychology of risk management (Amundson & Short, 2018), the concept of the wounded healer (Amundson & Ross, 2016), the bene- fit/discipline of shared suffering (Amundson, Ross, & Campbell, 2018), and finally the special obligation of the sufferer. Microsoft Word - Amundson corrected proof.docx Corresponding Author: Jon K. Amundson, PhD University of Calgary Email: Journal of Applied Hermeneutics January 18, 2019 keywords: amundson; article; circumstance; clinical; cognitive; comfort; context; deliberate; effort; encounter; family; grief; growth; hermeneutics; individual; j.k; journal; leary; life; loss; management; moules; obligation; patient; person; personal; post; psychological; psychology; reflective; resilience; response; risk; role; ross; sadhana; self; sense; short; social; special; sufferer; suffering; traumatic; way cache: jah-61813.pdf plain text: jah-61813.txt item: #97 of 158 id: jah-61824 author: Moules, Nancy J title: Protecting the Sufferer date: 2019-02-02 words: 877 flesch: 67 summary: Nancy J. Moules, RN, PhD Email: Journal of Applied Hermeneutics January 18, 2019 I had forgotten this and forgotten that someone can be suffering immensely but still want and need to hold on to those things in life that hold meaning and that make them who they are. keywords: amundson; friend; hermeneutics; important; life; moules; right; sufferer; suffering; years cache: jah-61824.pdf plain text: jah-61824.txt item: #98 of 158 id: jah-68015 author: McCaffrey, Graham title: Touching From a Distance: Nursing and Carnal Hermeneutics date: 2019-03-29 words: 4723 flesch: 51 summary: In this paper, I take up key essays by Richard Kearney and Brian Treanor that establish themes in carnal hermeneutics, exploring them in relation to nursing. Keywords Hermeneutics, carnal hermeneutics, nursing, mental health Carnal hermeneutics is a development in hermeneutic philosophy that holds great promise for practice professions, and certainly for nursing. keywords: applied; article; blood; bodies; bodily; body; care; carnal; carnal hermeneutics; cell; count; disgust; distance; division; english; example; gap; health; hermeneutics; hospital; human; infection; instrument; interpretive; journal; kearney; mccaffrey; mental; new; nurse; nursing; object; patient; physical; practice; response; sample; sense; sensory; social; student; tact; taste; thinking; thought; time; touch; treanor; urine; way; white; work; world; york cache: jah-68015.pdf plain text: jah-68015.txt item: #99 of 158 id: jah-68548 author: Gagnon, Justin title: Using Narrative Construction to Prepare the Ground for Hermeneutic Dialogue date: 2019-07-12 words: 4494 flesch: 46 summary: To provide an illustra- tion of the application of hermeneutics to the conduct of research interviews informed by an increasingly refined narrative, I will draw on a historical case study of electronic medical records (EMR) implementation policy in Quebec. However, research interviews are inevitably initially directed by things that you know and would like to know. keywords: article; conduct; construction; conversation; data; dialogue; direction; discussion; emr; events; experience; following; gagnon; health; hermeneutics; historical; implementation; interpretation; interviews; journal; moules; narrative; new; object; particular; policy; possible; pre; process; qualitative; quebec; questions; range; research; researchers; sense; story; study; topic; understanding; way cache: jah-68548.pdf plain text: jah-68548.txt item: #100 of 158 id: jah-68688 author: Pelech, Sharon title: On Butterflies and Silences: Exploring Teachers' and Students' Experiences in High School Biology Classrooms date: 2019-07-28 words: 9069 flesch: 62 summary: This paper is a hermeneutic inquiry into how students and teachers experience the biology classroom and how they navigate between expectations from external factors leading to class- rooms that are focused on memorizing facts and the desire to engage students deeply in the discipline of biology. From data collected from semi-structured interviews with teachers and students, and an open-ended questionnaire, the paper explores the experiences and assumptions about teaching biology that is prevalent in the classroom. keywords: alberta; article; biology; boring; butterfly; classes; classroom; content; curriculum; different; discipline; education; example; experiences; facts; field; gadamer; hermeneutics; high; information; inquiry; interesting; interviews; irrelevant; jardine; journal; knowledge; learning; lesson; life; lives; lyons; memorable; memorization; method; mimicry; need; new; notes; osborne; outcomes; particular; passive; pelech; practice; questions; research; school; science; science education; scientific; sense; specific; students; study; taking; teachers; teaching; things; time; topic; transmission; understanding; university; way; ways; work; world; years cache: jah-68688.pdf plain text: jah-68688.txt item: #101 of 158 id: jah-68705 author: Risser, James title: Speaking from Silence: On the Intimate Relation Between Silence and Speaking date: 2019-07-31 words: 7748 flesch: 69 summary: If we leave aside the theological interest that sustains Jabès writing in order to continue to probe the sense of speaking silence, we could begin by noting, along with Jabès, that what sustains the relation between word and silence is the absence of origin that is peculiar to the written word. If our ordinary writing and speaking seem distant from such speaking silence, the same cannot be said for the poetic word. keywords: able; absence; article; beginning; breath; cage; celan; chatter; conscience; creation; discourse; experience; gadamer; god; heidegger; hermeneutics; idea; jabès; journal; kierkegaard; language; life; like; listening; meaning; merleau; movement; noise; opposition; pause; poetic; poetry; point; ponty; press; relation; risser; saying; self; sense; silence; silent; sound; speaking; speech; spoken; trans; turn; understanding; university; voice; way; withdrawal; word cache: jah-68705.pdf plain text: jah-68705.txt item: #102 of 158 id: jah-68706 author: Risser, James title: When Words Fail: On the Power of Language in Human Experience date: 2019-07-31 words: 6479 flesch: 58 summary: Our words are worlded from the start; the reality of language is that the world is presented in it.3 Accordingly, for Gadamer language is nothing other than the experience of the world. The focus of my remarks for the first paper will explore this situation of the potential limits of language for understanding experience. keywords: answer; appearance; article; attempt; awareness; case; child; event; experience; experiencing; gadamer; hermeneutics; human; idea; journal; kant; knowing; language; life; matter; meaning; memory; new; object; play; point; power; question; reality; relation; remarks; right; risser; sense; speaking; speech; thing; thinking; thought; truth; understanding; way; wonder; word cache: jah-68706.pdf plain text: jah-68706.txt item: #103 of 158 id: jah-68707 author: Risser, James title: Hearing the Other: Communication as Shared Life date: 2019-07-31 words: 9066 flesch: 62 summary: For Gadamer solidarity does not mean that everyone is united on some common agreement. The focus of my remarks in this paper will explore the way in which Gadamer moves beyond a philosophy of subjectivity in his effort to establish the conditions for communicative understanding. keywords: albany; aristotle; article; buber; care; communication; community; conversation; dasein; eds; ego; empathy; encounter; ethics; experience; expression; form; friendship; gadamer; genuine; georg; hans; heidegger; hermeneutics; human; idea; individual; intersubjectivity; journal; karl; language; life; löwith; means; method; new; person; philosophy; place; possible; press; problem; question; recognition; reflection; relation; risser; ritual; self; sense; shared; sharing; social; solidarity; stein; suny; thou; time; trans; truth; understanding; university; version; way; work; world cache: jah-68707.pdf plain text: jah-68707.txt item: #104 of 158 id: jah-68709 author: Risser, James title: The Difficulty of Understanding: An Introduction date: 2019-07-31 words: 1173 flesch: 52 summary: As every therapist, nurse, and teacher knows–and for that matter, for anyone caught up in communicative understanding–the task of understanding is not without its difficulty. The Difficulty of Understanding: An Introduction James Risser Abstract In June 2019, Dr. James Risser was the invited scholar for the Canadian Hermeneutic Institute (CHI), held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. keywords: conversation; difficulty; experience; gadamer; hermeneutics; journal; language; philosophical; philosophy; research; risser; understanding; world cache: jah-68709.pdf plain text: jah-68709.txt item: #105 of 158 id: jah-68717 author: Thomas-Anttila, Kerry title: Understanding the Other in the Psychotherapeutic Relationship date: 2019-08-17 words: 5750 flesch: 63 summary: I resonate greatly with Coltart’s words and have found them helpful in understanding that this is a part of the very necessary territory of the work and in learning more about how to tolerate my own feelings and to use them to deepen my understanding of Amelia (and other patients). In the meantime, I am grateful for the opportunity to write on this topic; it has helped me to understand something more about understanding and in particular about understanding more fully my work with Amelia and other patients. keywords: able; amelia; anttila; aron; article; attention; care; difficulties; experienced; feelings; gadamer; heidegger; hermeneutics; journal; language; life; listening; love; merleau; nature; new; patient; people; person; place; present; psychotherapy; relationship; silence; spoken; starr; talking; teacher; therapist; thinking; thomas; time; understanding; use; way; woman; words; work cache: jah-68717.pdf plain text: jah-68717.txt item: #106 of 158 id: jah-68732 author: Markle, Joshua R title: Some Hermeneutic Qualities of a Capabilities Approach date: 2019-08-13 words: 4253 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords Philosophical hermeneutics, friendship, imagination, capabilities approach, Amartya Sen, Martha Nussbaum, Hans-Georg Gadamer In this paper, I explore some hermeneutic qualities of a capabilities approach, a normative framework of well-being and social justice developed primarily by Amartya Sen (1980, 1999, 2009) and Martha Nussbaum (1988, 2000, 2006, 2011), and draw inspiration from a story related in the editorial to this 2019 volume of the Journal of Applied Hermeneutics. In the sections to follow, I provide a brief overview of Nussbaum’s (2011) capabilities approach and make connections to Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. keywords: action; approach; article; boy; cambridge; capabilities; capabilities approach; capability; caputo; case; example; experience; freedom; friendship; functionings; gadamer; hard; hermeneutics; human; important; individual; journal; lesson; life; lived; maigret; markle; moules; mysterious; new; nussbaum; possible; press; qualities; robeyns; rock; sen; space; state; student; teacher; university; value; work; world cache: jah-68732.pdf plain text: jah-68732.txt item: #107 of 158 id: jah-69079 author: Morck, Angela C; Moules, Nancy title: “Do You Think the Angels Will Speak Spanish?”: Nurses’ Experiences of Death in Pediatric Oncology date: 2019-09-17 words: 12611 flesch: 69 summary: Pediatric oncology nurses attend to the physical and emotional needs of children and their families during the illness progression, at the moment of death, and beyond, however, little is known about how they themselves are affected, and how this influences the care they give. Our intent with this philosophical hermeneutic research was to add to understandings of these effects on pediatric oncology nurses and to support them in this challenging component of their work. keywords: able; angels; article; balance; canadian; cancer; care; childhood; children; compassion; complex; cure; day; death; dictionary; different; difficult; distress; dying; encounters; end; experience; failure; families; family; gadamer; good; grief; grieving; hermeneutics; journal; kate; kids; label; language; life; little; longer; loss; meaning; michelle; middle; morck; moules; n.d; needs; negative; new; number; nurses; nursing; okay; oncology; oncology nurses; pain; papadatou; parents; patient; pediatric; pediatric oncology; people; personal; perspective; place; position; positive; practice; press; professional; question; research; response; sadness; sense; society; spanish; study; suffering; survival; time; topic; treatment; unit; university; way; ways; word; work; working; years cache: jah-69079.pdf plain text: jah-69079.txt item: #108 of 158 id: jah-69092 author: Jardine, David W title: Guest Editorial: Writing Hunches and the Horrible Gift of Bells date: 2019-09-20 words: 1525 flesch: 70 summary: Microsoft Word - Jardine editorial corrected proof.docx Corresponding Author: David W. Jardine, PhD Professor Emeritus, University of Calgary Email: Journal of Applied Hermeneutics ISSN: 1927-4416 September 19, 2019 ãThe Author(s) 2019 Guest Editorial: Writing Hunches and The Horrible Gift of Bells David W. Jardine Hunch (v). keywords: cause; day; editorial; etymological; gadamer; gift; hermeneutics; hillman; hunch; jardine; journal; line; long; notice; posture; press; ringing; sense; standing; word; writing cache: jah-69092.pdf plain text: jah-69092.txt item: #109 of 158 id: jah-69210 author: Wong, Katherine title: Raising Children: Philosophical Hermeneutics and Children with Life-Limiting Illness date: 2019-10-09 words: 3613 flesch: 48 summary: Children are often regarded as in-progress, and this has implications for children diag- nosed with life-limiting illness and the pediatric palliative healthcare providers that care for them. Thrown Out of the Circle The beginning and end of life occurring simultaneously throws an assumed sequence of life out of order (Wong, 2019a): parents are not meant to outlive their child, palliative care programs for children should not need to exist, and, as Morgan (2009) stated, “Children, the hope and future for our society, are not supposed to die” (p. 87). keywords: ability; adults; art; article; authority; bluebond; care; childhood; children; dying; experiences; hermeneutic; history; insight; journal; langner; language; life; lli; new; oxford; palliative; pediatric; ppc; reality; research; sourkes; tradition; understanding; wong; world; zimmermann cache: jah-69210.pdf plain text: jah-69210.txt item: #110 of 158 id: jah-69717 author: Rentmeester, Casey; Hogan, Amanda title: Are You Ready to Meet Your Baby? Phenomenology, Pregnancy, and the Ultrasound date: 2020-02-08 words: 7052 flesch: 47 summary: While technical mastery is an important step in providing patient care, it is not sufficient to provide good patient care. At the same time, however, we must be mindful that technological integration in medical settings changes the dynamic of patient care as it reveals priorities that are not necessarily aligned with placing the patient as a person first. keywords: able; access; account; alienating; article; aspects; baby; body; care; data; diagnostic; empathetic; empathy; excellent; experience; feelings; fetus; gadamer; health; heidegger; hermeneutics; hogan; horizons; journal; knowledge; maternal; medical; medicine; modern; mother; new; objectification; order; original; patient; patient care; person; phenomenology; pregnancy; pregnant; privileged; process; rentmeester; sense; sonographer; stein; subjective; svenaeus; technological; technology; time; truth; ultrasound; understanding; way; woman; wonder; work; world; young cache: jah-69717.pdf plain text: jah-69717.txt item: #111 of 158 id: jah-69756 author: Laing, Catherine M.; Moules, Nancy J.; Sinclair, Shane; Estefan, Andrew title: Understanding the Impact on Healthcare Professionals of Viewing Digital Stories of Adults with Cancer: A Hermeneutic Study date: 2020-01-19 words: 4939 flesch: 61 summary: Stories that heal: Understanding the effects of creating digital stories with pediatric and adolescent/young adult oncology patients. “Stories take your role away from you”: Understanding the impact on health care professionals of viewing digital stories of pediat- ric and adolescent/young adult oncology patients. keywords: adult; approach; article; burnout; cancer; care; data; decision; digital; digital stories; doi; education; effects; estefan; focus; hcps; healthcare; hermeneutics; idea; individuals; journal; laing; life; moules; n.j; nurse; nursing; oncology; participants; patient; pediatric; person; powerful; practice; providers; qualitative; research; sense; stories; story; storytelling; study; understanding; way cache: jah-69756.pdf plain text: jah-69756.txt item: #112 of 158 id: jah-70417 author: Markle, Joshua R title: Holding Fast to Being Possible: Teaching as an Interpretive Practice date: 2020-05-27 words: 2531 flesch: 66 summary: One defining characteristic of this student body was that they evaded labels: yes, many of them were there because they had not experienced success in the city’s other high schools, but there were also many students highly capable of academic success in a traditional classroom. In this section, I briefly recount a math program I designed and ran with a colleague in which students collaborated to build 14- foot Prospector canoes to achieve grade ten and eleven math credits. keywords: article; canoe; class; classroom; gadamer; hermeneutics; interpretive; journal; language; markle; math; mathematics; moules; particular; possible; practice; program; risser; school; shop; silence; source; speaking; student; teaching; understanding; word; work cache: jah-70417.pdf plain text: jah-70417.txt item: #113 of 158 id: jah-70511 author: Dhaliwal, Sandip; Moules, Nancy; McCaffrey, Graham title: New Realities and Tsunamis: A Nurse's Interpretation of a Family Navigating Cancer date: 2020-06-09 words: 2794 flesch: 61 summary: Ray, as a young adult, was not only trying to understand his new reality of navigating hematologic cancer, but he was navigating what this meant for his relationship with his parents, on whom he was dependent again, and for his relationship with his wife who, with whom he was no longer having conversa- tions about having kids, but had now become his caregiver. For Ray’s mother, being “hit by a tsunami” was akin to being tumbled and tossed in the turbulent waters of uncertainty and fear that accompanies a diagnosis of hematologic cancer. keywords: article; blood; cancer; conversation; dhaliwal; experience; family; gadamer; gauze; hematologic; hermeneutics; interpretation; interpretive; journal; mother; new; nurse; nursing; particular; practice; ray; relational; right; room; talk; tattoo; transplant; tsunami; understanding; way cache: jah-70511.pdf plain text: jah-70511.txt item: #114 of 158 id: jah-70646 author: Skuce, Tim; Pelech, Sharon title: A Pedagogical Venturing into the Three Sisters' Garden: Lessons of Attunement and Reciprocity in Education date: 2020-07-16 words: 9500 flesch: 58 summary: Although many students came to accumulate factual information about Canada’s geographic regions, its landforms, flora and fauna, this information did not necessarily give students a deeper sense of what it might mean to belong to a place--to learn its ways. By creating the space to venture together, student teachers are invited to the complicated conversations (Pinar, 2004) of curriculum, relationships, and thoughtful considerations. keywords: aoki; article; attention; attunement; calls; classroom; connections; conversation; corn; curriculum; day; education; educators; end; erfahrung; experience; field; gadamer; garden; gifts; hermeneutics; human; information; journal; kimmerer; knowledge; land; learning; lessons; life; lifeworld; living; matter; means; needs; new; open; opportunity; orientation; outcomes; particular; pedagogical; pelech; pinar; place; plants; possibilities; practice; preservice; questions; reciprocity; relationships; response; result; science; self; sense; sisters; situation; skuce; social; space; squash; students; studies; subject; teachers; teaching; timeline; times; topic; trip; understanding; unique; university; venture; venturing; virus; way; ways; work; world; york cache: jah-70646.pdf plain text: jah-70646.txt item: #115 of 158 id: jah-71086 author: Moules, Nancy J title: Book Review: "The Responsibility to Understand: Hermeneutical Contours of Ethical Life" by Professor Theodore George date: 2020-09-08 words: 4725 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords Hermeneutics, ethics, responsibility, Gadamer, contemporary philosophy, understanding, inter- pretation The Journal of Applied Hermeneutics was approached by Edinburgh University Press to review the recently released book written by Professor Theodore George, where he examines the signifi- cance of hermeneutics at the intersections of ethics, politics, arts, and humanities. In Chapter 6 of this final section in George’s book, he moves us to a discussion of solidarity, with the sometimes subtle, but other times, not so subtle, recommendation that perhaps the biggest challenge but the possible solution to our situation lies in solidarity which makes visible the world differently. keywords: animals; article; arts; book; capacity; caputo; case; chapter; claims; contours; demand; displacement; ethical; ethics; events; friendship; gadamer; george; hermeneutics; human; journal; life; literature; moules; new; particular; philosophy; political; practice; recognition; relationship; research; responsibility; review; situation; solidarity; things; translation; understanding; university; ways; work; world cache: jah-71086.pdf plain text: jah-71086.txt item: #116 of 158 id: jah-71118 author: Webber, Katie title: Relational Complexity in Pediatric Oncology Nursing: A Hermeneutic Inquiry date: 2020-09-13 words: 6494 flesch: 45 summary: As the most accessible healthcare provider and due to pediatric patients requiring active or continuing care from diagnosis and then throughout the remainder of their childhood, pediatric oncology nurses often develop close and meaningful relationships with patients and their families (Boyce et al., 2018; Brimble et al., 2019; Slobogian et al., 2017). While pediatric oncology nurses are not biological family members, it is clear that there is a possibility for familial familiarity in nurses’ relationships with children and their families who are experiencing cancer. keywords: able; applicability; application; article; best; boundaries; cancer; care; challenging; children; complexity; conversation; disclosure; et al; experience; families; family; friendliness; friendship; gadamer; health; healthcare; hermeneutics; journal; knowledge; language; life; meaningful; mother; moules; nature; nurse; nursing; oncology; oncology nursing; openness; paper; parent; parent relationships; particular; patient; pediatric; pediatric oncology; perspective; philosophical; philosophical hermeneutics; philosophy; possibility; practice; professional; questions; relational; relationships; research; self; significant; topic; true; understanding; way; webber; work cache: jah-71118.pdf plain text: jah-71118.txt item: #117 of 158 id: jah-71128 author: McCaffrey, Graham title: Book Review: "The Responsibility to Understand: Hermeneutical Contours of Ethical Life" by Professor Theodore George date: 2020-09-09 words: 2465 flesch: 40 summary: For practice professions that are conspicuously bounded by regulations of various kinds, it is a feature of ethical life that has to be taken into account. Since applied hermeneutics always starts with an instance of irruption, of some event or persistent feature of experience, that takes place among particular people in particular places, his contours of ethical life start to map a landscape with which we, as practi- tioners, are familiar. keywords: applied; article; assumptions; book; calculative; contours; demands; displacement; ethical; ethics; factical; george; hermeneutics; interpretive; journal; knowledge; language; life; mccaffrey; new; objectivity; practice; professions; research; responsibility; solidarity; translation; understanding; values; work; world cache: jah-71128.pdf plain text: jah-71128.txt item: #118 of 158 id: jah-71175 author: Wong, Katherine title: Speaking in Pictures and Play: The Unique Approach to Using Art and Play as Data in Hermeneutic Research date: 2020-09-22 words: 2420 flesch: 51 summary: Speaking in Pictures and Play: The Unique Approach to Using Art and Play as Data in Hermeneutic Research Katherine Wong Abstract Art and play are the language of children. Pediatric clinicians have used art and play as therapy to elicit conver- sation, to allow children to express themselves, and to overcome communication barriers when children may not have the vocabulary to articulate what they would like to say. keywords: ability; art; article; care; children; conversation; data; experiences; gadamer; hermeneutics; interpretation; journal; language; moules; palliative; pediatric; philosophical; play; practice; reality; research; sourkes; therapy; understanding; wong; words; work cache: jah-71175.pdf plain text: jah-71175.txt item: #119 of 158 id: jah-71458 author: Kearney, Richard title: Healing Touch: Hermeneutics of Trauma and Recovery date: 2020-11-12 words: 6988 flesch: 61 summary: He failed to see that talk therapy sometimes calls for body therapy. Cure was more about minds than bodies, as Freud felt it increasingly necessary to keep a distance from his patients, declining emotional or affective contact. keywords: article; attachment; attunement; bamber; basic; bodies; bodily; body; book; brain; breathing; carnal; child; communal; connection; contact; deep; der; der kolk; effective; emotional; ernst; experience; feelings; flesh; fort; freud; gallagher; good; hand; healing; health; heart; helen; hermeneutics; human; important; infants; journal; kearney; kearney journal; kolk; later; levine; life; medical; medicine; memory; meyniel; mind; mother; movement; need; pain; past; patients; physical; pleasure; present; press; primary; psychic; rational; recovery; research; responses; score; self; sensations; sense; skin; somatic; space; story; stress; studies; sufferers; suffering; system; tactile; talk; therapeutic; therapy; time; touch; trauma; treatment; van; van der; verbal; victims; visceral; voice; way; words; work; world; wounding; wounds cache: jah-71458.pdf plain text: jah-71458.txt item: #120 of 158 id: jah-71551 author: Nielsen, Cynthia R.; Liakos, David title: Dialogical Breakdown and Covid-19: Solidarity and Disagreement in a Shared World date: 2020-12-01 words: 6749 flesch: 49 summary: These insights provide hope for an improved model of political dialogue in the world of Covid-19. Rather, following Gadamer’s account of our dialogical experience with an artwork, we suggest that our encounter with the virus gives rise to new ways of seeing and experiencing ourselves and the world. keywords: actions; agamben; art; article; artwork; changes; collective; common; control; conversation; coronavirus; course; covid-19; crisis; derrida; dialogical; dialogue; different; distancing; encounter; example; experience; experts; fusion; gadamer; genuine; health; hermeneutics; horizons; human; insights; jeremy; journal; liakos; light; mask; matter; meaning; medical; need; new; nielsen; pandemic; perspectives; place; point; political; position; possible; power; present; public; response; scientific; shared; situation; social; turn; understanding; united; view; virus; way; work; world cache: jah-71551.pdf plain text: jah-71551.txt item: #121 of 158 id: jah-71833 author: McCaffrey, Graham title: Imagination, Application, and Ethics: A Review of a Collection of Writings by Richard Kearney date: 2021-01-09 words: 2873 flesch: 45 summary: The book is organized into five sections, on poetics, literature, and culture; carnal hermeneutics and touch; religion; ethics, politics, and peace; and an interview with Richard Kearney from 2019 that draws together threads in the preceding chapters. Applied Hermeneutics (II): A Glass of Water The aspect of Kearney’s work that to me often appears most remote from applied hermeneutics is his writing on religion, from a Judeo-Christian starting point. keywords: article; body; book; care; carnal; chapter; collection; concerns; cultural; discernment; ethical; ethics; exchange; health; hermeneutics; imagination; implications; journal; kearney; life; mccaffrey; mental; narrative; new; nursing; phenomenology; points; practice; religion; richard; section; self; sense; social; themes; thinking; touch; trauma; volume; work cache: jah-71833.pdf plain text: jah-71833.txt item: #122 of 158 id: jah-71844 author: Moules, Nancy J; Taylor, Lisa M title: Conducting Interviews in Hermeneutic Research: An Example date: 2021-01-09 words: 4101 flesch: 49 summary: In the book, Conducting Hermeneutic Research: From Philosophy to Practice, Moules et al. (2015) dedicated Chapter 6 (pp. 87-116) to a discussion on the conduct of research interviews in hermeneutic research. Moules et al. argued that, Moules & Taylor Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2021 Article 1 2 when Gadamer identified this concept, he was not describing either therapeutic conversations or research interviews, so therefore, unlike a genuine conversation, the interview is “conducted” by the interviewer. keywords: approach; article; class; conduct; context; conversation; course; discussion; eager; example; experience; genuine; grief; hermeneutic; hermeneutic research; humor; interview; journal; learning; listening; moules; music; opportunity; place; questions; recording; research; student; taylor; topic; video; viewing; way cache: jah-71844.pdf plain text: jah-71844.txt item: #123 of 158 id: jah-72042 author: Venturato, Lorraine title: Book Review. Towards an Ecology of Nursing Knowledge: Nursing and Humanities by Dr. Graham McCaffrey date: 2021-02-10 words: 2241 flesch: 35 summary: He places nursing humanities within the sphere of health humanities and provides a cogent argument, along with examples and insights, to support the claim that the humanities offer not merely another form of knowledge to sit alongside science, but also a way to integrate the diversity of nursing knowledge into a coherent framework or ecology of nursing practice. McCaffrey has divided the book into three sections, with the first two chapters addressing the history and application of humanities in nursing, while differentiating medical humanities and nursing humanities, and making a case for health humanities as an interdisciplinary space within which nursing has a unique voice and identity. keywords: art; body; book; case; chapter; education; examples; experience; health; hermeneutics; history; humanities; journal; knowledge; making; mccaffrey; nursing; place; poetry; practice; relational; science; understanding; venturato; ways; work cache: jah-72042.pdf plain text: jah-72042.txt item: #124 of 158 id: jah-72050 author: Sumara, Dennis title: On Becoming What the Story Needs date: 2021-02-05 words: 3916 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords queer, archive, subjectivity, story, difference, normative, hermeneutics, writing, teaching, reading Sumara Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2021 Article 3 2 In Two or Three Things I Know for Sure (1995), Dorothy Allison tells stories about what it was like for the Gibson women to grow up poor in South Carolina with men they loved and feared. keywords: acts; archive; article; curriculum; deferrals; different; différance; education; english; experience; hermeneutics; identity; journal; learning; like; literary; normal; normative; novel; parade; practices; public; queer; reader; reading; remembered; research; school; schooling; situation; small; stories; story; students; sumara; teachers; teaching; television; texts; time; use; ways; writing; years cache: jah-72050.pdf plain text: jah-72050.txt item: #125 of 158 id: jah-72063 author: Rentmeester, Dr. Casey; Chaconas, Dr. Eric; Weiss, Dr. Jon; Bake, Dr. Mark title: Hermeneutical Healing: Physical Therapy with a Gadamerian Twist date: 2021-03-10 words: 7718 flesch: 48 summary: By the very nature of the profession, physical therapists need to objectify the body in order to provide appropriate assessments and treatment measures (it is, after all, called physical therapy). The authors aim to close that gap by showing the ways in which Gadamer’s philosophy can help physical therapists provide phenomenologically-informed patient care. keywords: 1993/1996; alliance; approach; article; attempt; background; body; broken; care; case; clinical; communication; concepts; context; empathy; ethics; experience; fusion; gadamer; goal; good; guide; healing; health; healthcare; heidegger; help; hermeneutics; horizons; husserl; illness; injury; interpretation; journal; knowledge; life; means; medical; new; nursing; order; pain; patient; patient care; perspective; phenomenological; phenomenology; physical; physical therapist; plan; practical; practice; realm; rehabilitation; rentmeester; sense; settings; situation; strong; tact; therapeutic; therapist; therapy; time; treatment; understanding; unique; work; year cache: jah-72063.pdf plain text: jah-72063.txt item: #126 of 158 id: jah-72538 author: Grimwood, Tom title: On Covidiots and Covexperts: Stupidity and the Politics of Health date: 2021-05-04 words: 7750 flesch: 48 summary: This fluctuating frame of reference is shaped and changed by the limits of our situation and knowledge, and the ways in which such knowledge is significant to us. Furthermore, the difficulty of making this judgement is rooted in part in the inevitable link between the politics of health (how to deal with the pandemic) and the politics of expertise (how to deal with post-truth, alternative facts and fake news), as well as in part a consequence of attempting to think through immunology in the context of public health, when, as Han suggested at the start of this paper, immunology is no longer the appropriate modality for understanding a late-capitalist “achievement society” of digital communication networks. keywords: account; achievement; applied; arguments; aspects; binary; bon; certain; clear; commonplace; communication; concerns; confidence; context; covid-19; cultural; data; debate; digital; discussion; dunning; effect; evidence; example; expertise; facts; form; gadamer; grimwood; haddad; han; hand; health; hermeneutics; horizon; ignorance; immunological; immunology; interpretative; journal; journey; knowledge; kruger; lack; line; media; medicine; meme; model; need; new; non; pandemic; paper; particular; paul; people; policy; political; politics; possession; post; press; public; question; real; reason; research; right; science; self; sense; significant; social; society; specific; stupidity; term; time; truth; understanding; university; virus; way; ways; work cache: jah-72538.pdf plain text: jah-72538.txt item: #127 of 158 id: jah-72634 author: McAuliffe, Sam title: Improvisation as Original Ethics: Exploring the Ethical in Heidegger and Gadamer from a Musical Perspective date: 2021-06-28 words: 7874 flesch: 53 summary: By appealing to improvised musical performance, we not only gain insight into the nature of an original ethics but as noted, we also uncover the nature of ethics at issue in improvised musical performance.5 Improvised musical performance, like hermeneutic conversation, belongs to the encounter – the encounter between player and situation. I will argue that the indeterminacy, spontaneity, attentiveness, responsiveness, and, ultimately, genuine engagement at the heart of improvisation is consistent with the dialogic character of hermeneutics that underpins “original ethics.” keywords: account; act; action; advance; agreement; article; artwork; certain; character; concern; conversation; dialogue; emerges; encounter; engagement; ethical; ethics; gadamer; heidegger; hermeneutics; improvisation; individual; issue; journal; language; life; malpas; mcauliffe; musical; nature; ontological; ontology; original; performance; perspective; philosophical; players; press; prior; respect; rules; schmidt; situation; subject; subjectivity; tarrying; trans; understanding; university; way; work; world cache: jah-72634.pdf plain text: jah-72634.txt item: #128 of 158 id: jah-72786 author: Alphonsus, Lisa title: Weathering the Storm Together: How Emergency Nursing is an Interpretive Practice date: 2021-06-13 words: 2866 flesch: 71 summary: Drawing on other works within philosophical hermeneutics, I explore how emergency nurses bring our backgrounds and prejudices to work, and how we create meaning together with our patients. The importance of emergency nurses remaining vulnerable, despite the acuity and chaos in which we are often surrounded, is emphasized, as well as supporting emergency nurses in our work, in our care for our fellow humans. keywords: alphonsus; article; baby; care; department; emergency; experience; gadamer; hermeneutics; humans; interpretations; journal; meaning; moules; nurses; nursing; open; patient; person; practice; prejudices; understanding; vulnerable; work cache: jah-72786.pdf plain text: jah-72786.txt item: #129 of 158 id: jah-72829 author: Jardine, David W title: Guest Editorial: An Ode to 215 Babies Tossed Away Unmarked date: 2021-06-16 words: 2138 flesch: 66 summary: Like everything is now set right by erasing the name and replacing it with an English name…oops, no, sorry, that’s what residential schools did. And now, amid all the scurrying talk of “cancel culture” (Gerstmann, 2021) at the change of that school’s name, I settle in to thinking, yes, change the name, but don’t simply replicate the erasure of names and languages and memory perpetrated by residential schools in the first place. keywords: act; canada; canadian; catholic; change; children; editorial; guest; hermeneutics; indian; jardine; journal; langevin; means; nations; news; open; people; relations; residential; right; school; scott; terrible; things; work cache: jah-72829.pdf plain text: jah-72829.txt item: #130 of 158 id: jah-73781 author: Freeman, Dr. Melissa title: Art's Speculative Perturbations date: 2021-11-24 words: 6633 flesch: 56 summary: Art blurs the arbitrary boundaries established by societies around disciplines of knowledge, including what counts as art. Art as testimony of tradition and art as testimony of order. keywords: 2001a; art; article; cage; complex; conversation; correspondence; different; effect; ethics; event; example; experience; flow; forms; fragment; freeman; gadamer; george; heraclitus; hermeneutics; journal; language; life; light; like; living; making; meaning; modes; motion; movement; multiplicity; new; perceiving; perception; play; practices; press; questions; quinche; rodari; sense; separate; silence; sound; speculative; structure; things; thinking; thought; time; trans; understanding; unity; university; way; ways; words; work; world cache: jah-73781.pdf plain text: jah-73781.txt item: #131 of 158 id: jah-74349 author: Jardine, David W title: Guest Editorial: Beet Juice date: 2022-01-03 words: 739 flesch: 63 summary: That attention can never be adequate to the full expression of human experience in the world because that fullness keeps coming. And that search only works if those traditions that have been marginalized, silenced, or betrayed come to full voice, not because we might choose this instead of that, but because each voice can only be what it is in the daresay beautifully poverty-stricken admixture of the whole of the breath of things. keywords: beet; experience; hermeneutics;; jardine; journal; life; smith; things; tradition; world cache: jah-74349.pdf plain text: jah-74349.txt item: #132 of 158 id: jah-74588 author: Wong, Katherine title: An Ephemeral Light: The Question of Death in the Artwork of Children who are Dying date: 2022-01-22 words: 7540 flesch: 57 summary: Death understanding and fear of death in young children. The Author(s) 2022 DOI: 10.11575/jah.v2022i2022.74588 An Ephemeral Light: The Question of Death in the Artwork of Children who are Dying Katherine Wong Abstract The question of death, and what happens after, is a query with no certain answer. keywords: adults; answer; art; article; artistic; artwork; b.c.e./1954; beings; bluebond; body; buckingham; candle; care; children; communication; concept; death; developmental; dying; eds; experiences; expression; figure; gadamer; health; heidegger; hermeneutics; human; humanities; illness; journal; keane; langner; language; life; literature; living; lli; mature; non; original; painting; palliative; paper; pediatric; person; plato; ppc; practice; press; question; research; ricoeur; rilke; risser; socrates; soul; sourkes; stepanek; thinking; trans; understanding; unintelligibility; university; wong; words; work; world cache: jah-74588.pdf plain text: jah-74588.txt item: #133 of 158 id: jah-74855 author: Lang, Dr. Michael J title: Guest Editorial. Crafting Meaning, Cultivating Understanding: A Prologue to the “Emerging Horizons” Series date: 2022-03-01 words: 6870 flesch: 49 summary: In the same way that a hermeneutic research project centres the concept of aletheia, or “the event of concealment or unconcealment” (Caputo, 1987, p. 115), Cinema Verité films are meant to look past the surface level characterizations of experience to reveal, or unveil, the deeper “truths” that may be embedded in the moments observed by the camera (Kroon, 2014). The editing process of Cinema Verité films is also similar to the interpretive analysis and writing of hermeneutic research. keywords: adolescent; adult; age; audience; aufderheide; aya; ayas; camera; canadian; cancer; care; cinema; data; deeper; developmental; diagnosis; digital; documentary; dst; editing; editorial; emotions; et al; events; experience; film; filmmakers; filmmaking; form; group; health; healthcare; hermeneutic; hermeneutic research; horizons; impact; intellectual; interpretations; interpretive; jones; journal; lang; life; long; meaning; moments; moules; oncology; outcomes; parallels; participants; patients; people; phenomenon; philosophical; practice; process; project; psychosocial; research; researchers; review; series; stories; story; storytelling; survivors; time; treatment; truth; understanding; verité; video; way; wintonick; words; workshop; writing; years; young cache: jah-74855.pdf plain text: jah-74855.txt item: #134 of 158 id: jah-74856 author: Lang, Dr. Michael J; Laing, Dr. Catherine M title: Emerging Horizons, Part One. Amanda's Story: Wound Care date: 2022-03-01 words: 4031 flesch: 52 summary: Although cancer stories are often complex and resist compartmentalization, Frank’s typologies are a helpful starting point to recognize and understand an AYA participant’s illness narrative in the early stages of a DST process (Lang et al., 2019). Stories that heal: Understanding the effcts of creating digital stories with pediatric and adolescent/young adult oncology patients. keywords: abortion; amanda; angus; article; aya; bones; broken; cancer; chaos; davis; dictionary; digital; dst; emotional; emotions; etymology; evening; experience; expression; film; frank; giese; greenberg; help; hermeneutics; horizons; journal; lang; meaningful; moments; narrative; online; open; pain; particular; process; psychosocial; sadness; safeguard; stories; story; storyline; storytelling; support; time; understanding; unstoried; workshop; wound cache: jah-74856.pdf plain text: jah-74856.txt item: #135 of 158 id: jah-74857 author: Lang, Dr. Michael J; Laing, Dr. Catherine M title: Emerging Horizons, Part Two. Harmony’s Story: Answering the Big Question date: 2022-03-01 words: 3602 flesch: 53 summary: Stories that heal: Understanding the effcts of creating digital stories with pediatric and adolescent/young adult oncology patients. Secondly, Harmony’s experience of incorporating “mistakes” into her story displays how making meaning out of coincidental life experiences can be an internally driven activity, potentially enhanced through DST (i.e., emplotment). keywords: article; ayas; bethany; big; cancer; cancer experience; central; coincidental; creation; diagnosis; digital; dst; emplotment; events; experience; family; group; harmony; hermeneutics; horizons; journal; lang; life; meaningful; metaphor; moment; music; narrative; pre; process; question; ricœur; sign; stop; story; time; treatments; understanding; way; workshop; young cache: jah-74857.pdf plain text: jah-74857.txt item: #136 of 158 id: jah-74902 author: Haghiri-Vijeh, Roya; McDonald, Dr. Carol title: Gadamerian Hermeneutics with Intersectionality as an Analytical Lens date: 2022-03-10 words: 8171 flesch: 39 summary: For example, “normative” sexuality, or what constitutes accepted sexuality, is regulated by policies and overemphasized in institutional arenas (Cisneros, 2018; Hankivsky & Jordan-Zachery, 2019a; Lee, 2018; McDonald et al., 2011). Using intersectionality as an analytical lens, the inquirer reflexively looks specifically for the individual oppressive experiences with healthcare during the interpretive process (Hankivsky & Jordan-Zachery, 2019b; Moules et al., 2015). keywords: analysis; analytical; approaches; article; bilge; canada; collins; context; crenshaw; critical; eds; et al; experiences; gadamer; gadamerian; gadamerian hermeneutics; gender; h.-g; haghiri; handbook; hankivsky; health; healthcare; hermeneutics; historical; human; identity; individuals; informants; inquirer; inquiry; interpretation; intersectionality; interviews; jordan; journal; knowledge; language; lee; lens; lgbtqi+; macmillan; mcdonald; mental; migrants; migration; moules; needs; nurses; nursing; ontological; palgrave; particular; past; people; philosophical; philosophy; policies; policy; power; practical; practice; prejudices; press; process; professionals; public; qualitative; questioning; race; reflexivity; research; scholars; shape; social; structural; systems; theoretical; theory; time; trans; underserved; understanding; university; vijeh; work; zachery cache: jah-74902.pdf plain text: jah-74902.txt item: #137 of 158 id: jah-74956 author: Moules, Dr. Nancy J title: Editorial: What's At Stake in Emerging Horizons date: 2022-03-09 words: 1481 flesch: 53 summary: He described the four problems that can emerge in hermeneutic work: making the obvious inescapable, confusing or mixing hermeneutics in other methods, and devolving into “little t” truths. This is the second time we have embarked on presenting thesis work in this way. keywords: article; cancer; catherine; committee; digital; hermeneutics; journal; laing; mike; moules; research; risser; stories; supervisor; thesis; understanding; work; world cache: jah-74956.pdf plain text: jah-74956.txt item: #138 of 158 id: jah-75127 author: Russell-Mayhew, Dr. Shelly; Moules, Dr. Nancy J; Estefan, Dr. Andrew title: War on Weight: Capturing the Complexities of Weight with Hermeneutics date: 2022-04-05 words: 5603 flesch: 55 summary: In contrast to this dominant perspective, we highlight that body weight has prominent social, economic, and political influences and connotations. Human rights casualties from the war on obesity: Why focusing on body weight is inconsistent with a human rights approach to health. keywords: article; bias; bodies; body; camps; change; complexities; construct; context; data; day; different; discourse; disorders; eating; enemy; estefan; et al; experiences; experts; fat; fields; flusberg; food; frame; ground; health; hermeneutics; human; individual; interpretations; interviews; issues; journal; land; language; man; matters; mayhew; metaphor; moules; n.d; new; nutter; obesity; offer; participant; people; person; personal; positions; practice; professional; public; research; researchers; russell; size; social; studies; study; time; understanding; university; war; ways; weight; women; world; years cache: jah-75127.pdf plain text: jah-75127.txt item: #139 of 158 id: jah-75368 author: Lang, Michael; Laing, Catherine title: Emerging Horizons, Part Three. Kelsey’s Story: Breaking Cancer’s Grasp date: 2022-05-29 words: 4260 flesch: 61 summary: Stories that heal: Understanding the effects of creating digital stories with pediatric and adolescent/young adult oncology patients. Despite the challenges Kelsey faced as she tried to present her true feelings in digital story form, she described how it was easier in the context of a story arc that had some form of resolution. keywords: able; article; ayas; cancer; delayed; description; diagnosis; dictionary; digital; dst; emotional; etymology; experience; face; family; feelings; friends; grasp; hermeneutics; horizons; internal; journal; kelsey; lang; mask; metaphor; mode; moment; n.d; narrative; online; process; sad; self; story; true; understanding; video; way; words; workshop; world; young cache: jah-75368.pdf plain text: jah-75368.txt item: #140 of 158 id: jah-75369 author: Lang, Michael; Laing, Catherine title: Emerging Horizons, Part Four. Derek’s Story: More Than Words: date: 2022-05-29 words: 5905 flesch: 56 summary: After listening to thousands of hours of AYA cancer stories on week-long expeditions like Derek’s, I have learned that a cancer experience alone often does not create the strong, fetid emotions that bob to the surface long after acute treatment; it is almost always “Cancer, and . . . Through the reflective lens of Derek’s kayaking expedition, his experience in Emerging Horizons revealed how DST could help AYAs release the “bottled up” emotions that can follow them through the wilderness of cancer survivorship, and then convey the transformational nature of that expedition in a more meaningful way upon their return home. keywords: able; adolescent; adult; affirmation; article; audience; ayas; bottled; cancer; cancer experience; cancer story; cancer survivorship; day; derek; digital; digital story; dst; emotional; emotions; expedition; experience; family; feelings; film; friends; group; hermeneutics; horizons; hour; journal; kayaking; kelsey; laing; life; like; loneliness; moment; oncology; participants; pbr; process; psychosocial; release; river; rock; solo; stories; story; survivorship; time; treatments; trip; understanding; way; wilderness; words; workshop; years; young; zebrack cache: jah-75369.pdf plain text: jah-75369.txt item: #141 of 158 id: jah-75370 author: Lang, Michael; Laing, Catherine title: Emerging Horizons, Part Five. Kenzie’s Story: Periods and Ellipses date: 2022-05-29 words: 5994 flesch: 56 summary: Cancer is always in the back of my mind, and slowly over time, I realized that I can’t move on from cancer, but I can move forward. . . Digital stories as data: An etymological and philosophical exploration of cocreated data in philosophical hermeneutic health research. keywords: accepted; article; ayas; bethany; cancer; cancer experience; cancer story; chapter; circle; closed; conversation; cure; different; digital; digital story; discussion; dst; ellipses; ending; experience; film; forward; gadamer; genuine; group; hand; harmony; health; help; hermeneutics; hero; history; horizons; journal; kenzie; laing; language; life; narrative; new; oncology; open; people; process; questions; research; stories; story; story circle; storytelling; survivors; survivorship; time; treatment; uncertainty; understanding; use; way; words; years; young cache: jah-75370.pdf plain text: jah-75370.txt item: #142 of 158 id: jah-75563 author: Burke, Haley title: Developing Gadamerian Virtues Against Epistemic Injustice: The Epistemic and Hermeneutic Dimensions of Ethics date: 2022-07-05 words: 4517 flesch: 47 summary: In my view, her work on epistemic injustice is bolstered by a Gadamerian account of hermeneutical experience. In this context, Fricker and Gadamer can be read in tandem to point to the virtues that protect one from epistemic injustice. keywords: address; article; burke; capacity; confidence; context; courage; development; education; epistemic; ethical; ethics; experience; fricker; gadamer; gadamerian; george; hermeneutics; horizons; injustice; intellectual; journal; knowledge; matter; mind; necessary; new; openness; particular; person; place; power; prejudice; question; rectoral; science; self; sense; social; subject; testimonial; truth; understanding; university; virtues; work cache: jah-75563.pdf plain text: jah-75563.txt item: #143 of 158 id: jah-75702 author: McCaffrey, Dr. Graham title: Lot’s Wife: An Exploration of Nursing and Calls, Guided by Two Poems date: 2022-07-18 words: 3407 flesch: 66 summary: Keywords Poetry, nursing, call, hermeneutics “Philosophy reads supreme poetry and is read by it. It is not about nursing as a vocation, a call-of-calls that brings a person into a profession, a discipline, and a working life, but a lower-key attempt to discuss the question of what we are supposed to do once the vocational leap has been taken, what we are supposed to do day-to-day and moment-to-moment in instances of practice that join up over time into a career. keywords: akhmatova; anguish; article; calls; city; discussion; genesis; george; god; hermeneutics; journal; kind; look; lot; man; mccaffrey; moment; nursing; people; poem; poet; practice; pravednik; response; righteous; salt; second; self; stanza; szymborska; things; time; version; wife; world cache: jah-75702.pdf plain text: jah-75702.txt item: #144 of 158 id: jah-75826 author: Jardine, Dr. David W title: Guest Editorial. Locus and Soul: Uncoiling Hermeneutics from Phenomenology date: 2022-08-09 words: 2291 flesch: 64 summary: Editorial 4 2 Both Hans-Georg Gadamer and Martin Heidegger inherited from their teacher, Edmund Husserl, a deep understanding of, and reliance upon, phenomenology and its near-revolutionary turning of research towards the life world, lived experiences (Erlebenisse). While taking the phenomenological awakening of lived experience as what “comes first,” hermeneutics brings with it a certain level of “suspicion’ (Gadamer, 1984) about the “givenness” of that experience. keywords: 1989; child; conversation; editorial; experience; gadamer; german; good; h.-g; heidegger; hermeneutics; husserl; interest; jardine; journal; life; locus; long; miller; new; old; online; phenomenology; press; university; venture; ways; work; world cache: jah-75826.pdf plain text: jah-75826.txt item: #145 of 158 id: jah-76002 author: Stelfox, Katherine title: Death, Dying, and Credibility in Long-Term Care: How Healthcare Aides Were the Voiceless Other During the COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2022-09-05 words: 10873 flesch: 49 summary: Not only have healthcare aides been marginalized within the LTC setting, but LTC homes themselves have taken up a marginalized position within society, leading healthcare aides to experience a kind of double invisibility. Approaching this topic through the lens of testimonial injustice will allow me to better understand what it is about the LTC context that has fueled healthcare aides’ experiences, and the unique kind of knowledge healthcare aides have that has granted them less epistemic credence as knowers of death and dying in LTC. keywords: adults; aides; article; authority; better; bodies; canada; canadian; caring; carnal; century; claim; context; covid-19; credibility; credible; death; discourse; dying; eds; epistemic; epistemology; estabrooks; experiences; facility; family; fricker; gadamer; government; hand; healthcare; healthcare aides; hermeneutics; hidden; history; homes; injustice; institute; institution; intellectual; journal; kearney; kind; knowing; knowledge; lack; language; life; living; long; ltc; ltc homes; marginalized; medical; moral; moules; nurses; nursing; older; original; palliative; pandemic; paper; people; physician; place; poor; power; practical; practice; prejudice; press; public; residents; routledge; sense; sensitivity; social; society; staff; stelfox; structural; tact; term; term care; testimonial; testimony; time; touch; touching; understanding; university; use; ways; wisdom; work; years cache: jah-76002.pdf plain text: jah-76002.txt item: #146 of 158 id: jah-76026 author: Lang, Michael James; Laing, Catherine M title: Emerging Horizons, Part Six. Bethany’s Story: Layers of Meaning date: 2022-09-09 words: 5195 flesch: 53 summary: Stories take your role away from you: Understanding the impact on health care professionals of viewing digital stories of pediatric and adolescent/young adult oncology patients. Consequently, Bethany’s DST experience afforded a unique opportunity to explore how AYAs can craft digital stories that act as markers in their lives, are layered with meaning, and contain profound hermeneutic excess. keywords: article; audience; ayas; bethany; cancer; compositional; creative; davey; deeper; dictionary; digital; digital story; dst; elements; etymology; experience; family; film; friends; growth; hermeneutics; horizons; images; important; journal; kelsey; lang; layers; life; like; marker; meaning; monument; moules; online; particular; past; personal; present; process; self; signpost; stories; story; surface; survivorship; time; understanding; unsaid; unsayable; way; words; work cache: jah-76026.pdf plain text: jah-76026.txt item: #147 of 158 id: jah-76092 author: Dhaliwal, Randip; Raffin Bouchal, Dr. Shelley title: Caring for the Terminally Ill: An Interpretation of Time, Existence, and Mortality date: 2022-09-25 words: 2978 flesch: 56 summary: The author proclaims that the question of death remains unanswered, and the call to palliative care nursing requires an extensive examination of one’s own temporality to cultivate an understanding of patients experiences of grief, legacy, and meaning making in the context of terminal illness. In this paper, the first author explores the complexity of caring for palliative care patients approaching end of life in response to the statement nursing is an interpretive practice. keywords: article; bouchal; cancer; care; death; dhaliwal; end; existence; experience; family; grief; hermeneutics; husband; interpretation; journal; keane; life; loss; loved; moules; nursing; palliative; patients; patricia; question; raffin; results; room; silence; time; understanding; work cache: jah-76092.pdf plain text: jah-76092.txt item: #148 of 158 id: jah-76109 author: Verburg, Leah; McCaffrey, Dr. Graham; Gabriel, Dr. Vincent title: Open-Hearted Flesh: Burn Injuries and Interpretation date: 2022-10-08 words: 3273 flesch: 59 summary: Advances in burn care mean that more people live with the impacts of severe burn injuries than ever before (Capek et al., 2018). It asserts how burn injuries are uniquely situated from a hermeneutic perspective as an embodied change that alters the way a burn injured person lives in the world. keywords: article; burn; burn injuries; burnett; care; change; context; experience; flesh; gabriel; hermeneutics; history; human; injuries; injury; interpretation; interpretive; journal; kearney; knowledge; mccaffrey; nature; new; nursing; pain; particular; patient; people; practice; skin; surgical; survivors; thickness; time; verburg; way; wife; world; wound cache: jah-76109.pdf plain text: jah-76109.txt item: #149 of 158 id: jah-76169 author: Grimwood, Dr. Tom title: Spoilers, Triggers, and the Hermeneutics of Ignorance date: 2022-10-13 words: 5588 flesch: 44 summary: As such, this form of ignorance and stupidity – which is not the actual intelligence of people per se, but rather the use of the denomination of “stupidity” as an active framing of debate, or the use of perceived ignorance to strategically organise individuals, publics and audiences – offers a challenge to hermeneutic practice; or, at least, a pause for reconsidering some of the assumed figures that govern the hermeneutic endeavour, namely dialogue and intelligibility. ©The Author(s) 2022 DOI: 10.11575/jah.v2022i2022.76169 Spoilers, Triggers, and the Hermeneutics of Ignorance Tom Grimwood Abstract A hermeneutics of ignorance may, at first, appear to be a contradiction in terms. keywords: access; age; article; certain; critical; debate; dialogue; digital; discourse; effect; epistemic; example; figure; focus; framing; fricker; gadamer; grimwood; hermeneutics; history; idea; ignorance; ignorant; information; intellectual; internet; interpretation; jaffe; journal; knowledge; mediation; meme; narrative; need; new; particular; people; philosophical; place; political; politics; post; press; problem; public; response; return; role; sense; simpson; social; specific; spicer; spoiler; stupidity; terms; trigger; truth; understanding; university; unreason; use; water; way; words; work cache: jah-76169.pdf plain text: jah-76169.txt item: #150 of 158 id: jah-76467 author: Lang, Michael James; Laing, Catherine M title: Emerging Horizons, Part Seven. Mike's Story: Lessons Learned date: 2022-11-29 words: 6022 flesch: 48 summary: The article summarizes the interpretations of the film in both written and digital story form, explores the value of the “artist of our days” mindset that DST can cultivate in Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) cancer surivors, and leans on hermeneutic philosophy to emphasize the importance of conversation when viewing digital stories. While there could be myriad reasons to “step back” during a digital story screening (e.g., individual personality traits, screening context, story content, cultural expectations, etc.), the conversation highlighted above hinted at a possible cause of why this could occur in healthcare settings: digital stories can be “so significant”, or said differently, so emotional. keywords: able; amanda; article; artist; audience; ayas; bethany; cancer; cancer experience; conversation; davey; days; deeper; derek; digital; digital story; discussion; dst; emotional; experience; facilitator; film; final; gadamer; harmony; healthcare; hermeneutics; hidden; horizons; interpretations; journal; kelsey; kenzie; laing; lessons; life; mckee; meaning; meaningful; participants; payoffs; process; response; role; screening; sense; setups; stories; story; storytellers; storytelling; survivors; understanding; way; words; workshop cache: jah-76467.pdf plain text: jah-76467.txt item: #151 of 158 id: jah-76926 author: Kelly, Dr. Martina title: Physicians’ Experiences of Touch, a Hermeneutic Reflection date: 2023-01-26 words: 4272 flesch: 55 summary: The role of healthcare personnel “to cure sometimes, relieve often and care always” (Shaw, 2009, p. 995) never felt so challenging and simultaneously so rewarding, often demonstrated through clinical touch, or lack thereof. ©The Author(s) 2023 DOI: 10.11575/jah.v2023i2023.76926 Physicians’ Experiences of Touch, a Hermeneutic Reflection Martina Kelly Abstract Touch is central to clinical practice but can be a “touchy subject” in medical education, simultaneously associated with care, and risk. keywords: article; bleakley; body; care; classen; clinical; covid-19; descartes; different; education; encounter; examination; experiences; feeling; gadamer; hands; healing; health; healthcare; hermeneutics; history; journal; kelly; language; learning; life; machine; medical; medicine; merleau; metaphor; moment; original; pandemic; parts; patient; people; physical; physician; ponty; practice; present; press; role; routledge; senses; shared; skills; time; touch; touching; trans; understanding; university; virtual; ways; work; world cache: jah-76926.pdf plain text: jah-76926.txt item: #152 of 158 id: jah-77072 author: Davis, Dr. Karen E. title: Doing Time: Exploring Hermeneutic Temporality in Prison Theater date: 2023-03-11 words: 6522 flesch: 58 summary: Davis Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2023 Article 2 6 Doing Time Hermeneutically These strategies for doing time are crucial survival strategies for people inside; nevertheless, one might wonder if they are stopgap measures designed to fill empty time, where what is needed is the transformation of one’s experience of time. Depictions of dysfunctional clocks in prison art reveal the brokenness of prison time, where those imprisoned often feel they await a future of nothingness. keywords: absolute; actors; art; article; artwork; bars; davis; death; endless; experience; family; festival; forgetfulness; fulfilled; future; gadamer; hand; hermeneutics; incarceration; inside; interminable; involvement; journal; kind; life; meaningful; moment; parole; participate; participation; past; people; performances; person; place; play; presence; present; presentness; prison; prison temporality; prison time; relationship; sbb; self; sense; shared; tarrying; temporality; theater; time; way; work; world cache: jah-77072.pdf plain text: jah-77072.txt item: #153 of 158 id: jah-77162 author: King, Tracy title: Invited Editorial: Who Me? A Hermeneutic Dip into Impostor Phenomenon date: 2023-03-14 words: 2518 flesch: 68 summary: Impostor phenomenon (IP) was first described by Clance and Imes (1978) as an internal experience, linked to early family dynamics and sex-role stereotyping, whereby high achieving women are unable to internalize the external evidence of intelligence and success. I am in the midst of my program and IP is present. keywords: alcohol; care; clark; dark; duty; editorial; education; evidence; experience; family; good; grief; health; hermeneutics; hospitals; imposter; journal; king; life; nursing; people; phenomenon; practice; sense; students; time; use; work; years cache: jah-77162.pdf plain text: jah-77162.txt item: #154 of 158 id: jah-77200 author: Schulz, Jolene; Rentmeester, Dr. Casey title: Responding to Unexpected Urine Drug Test Results: A Phenomenological Approach date: 2023-04-19 words: 6056 flesch: 51 summary: Commenting on this, Saulius Geniusas states, “Pain biology, if successful, can shed light on the neurophysiological mechanisms that, presumably, accompany pain experience. However, irrespective of its practical utility, pain biology cannot clarify the nature of pain experience” (2020, p. 1-2). keywords: approach; article; better; body; case; chronic; chronic pain; discussion; dowell; drug; experience; healthcare; heidegger; hermeneutics; holistic; human; husserl; journal; kusch; life; medication; medicine; need; opioid; pain; patient; person; perspective; phenomenological; phenomenology; philosophy; physical; practice; prescribed; provider; ratcliffe; relationship; rentmeester; results; sadness; schulz; science; scientific; states; suffering; svenaeus; test; things; treatment; unexpected; urine; urine drug; use; way; work; world cache: jah-77200.pdf plain text: jah-77200.txt item: #155 of 158 id: jah-77349 author: Jardine, Dr. David W title: Guest Editorial: On Temporarily Regaining a Measure of Well-Being date: 2023-04-23 words: 4203 flesch: 70 summary: With practice, the startling sort-of still happens with hearing aids, but they allow it to be located in a rich field that helps them seem less monstrous and dizzying. with interpretive work, becoming practiced in it has the same sort of effect, that there are still startling uprisings -- like these emails we're doing and me getting almost bowled over by this parallel itself -- and then... as per some forms of meditation, it is a meditation upon something from which one gains composure from its composition/composure -- e.g., loss of hearing and getting hearing aids. keywords: aids; ailment; better; bit; condition; course; different; distance; editorial; enigma; enigmatic; experience; familiar; gadamer; gain; health; hearing; hermeneutics; husserl; illness; jardine; journal; like; loss; loud; matter; measure; nature; new; notice; noticing; old; online; open; recognition; sort; sound; startling; thing; time; voice; water; word; years cache: jah-77349.pdf plain text: jah-77349.txt item: #156 of 158 id: jah-77573 author: Masuda, Naoko title: Grief, Dōgen, and the Ethical Responsibilty to the Other Now Gone date: 2023-06-09 words: 3646 flesch: 66 summary: New friendships and new responsibilities begin to emerge. The responsibility to understand: Hermeneutical contours of ethical life. keywords: article; buddha; cross; death; dōgen; ethical; experience; friendship; gadamer; grief; hermeneutics; journal; life; living; love; masuda; new; nishijima; practice; reality; realization; reciprocity; relationship; responsibility; self; shobogenzo; silence; true; understanding; way; word; zen cache: jah-77573.pdf plain text: jah-77573.txt item: #157 of 158 id: jah-77813 author: Webber, Katie M.; Dhaliwal , Sandip; Wong, Katherine title: Conducting Literature Reviews Hermeneutically date: 2023-08-01 words: 7148 flesch: 38 summary: A Brief Discussion about Grammatical Significance Before we begin, we would like to offer that, rather than doing hermeneutic literature reviews, literature reviews that are conducted for hermeneutic research studies should be conducted hermeneutically. Further, there is not a stepwise approach or widely accepted criteria to evaluate the quality of hermeneutic literature reviews. keywords: adulthood; adults; approach; article; boell; care; children; complexity; contexts; data; dhaliwal; different; doctoral; et al; experiences; gadamer; greenhalgh; hermeneutic; hermeneutic research; horizon; illness; important; inquiry; interpretation; journal; literature; literature review; matter; mccaffrey; moules; new; nurse; nursing; palliative; paper; parent; pediatric; philosophical; philosophy; point; practice; press; process; qualitative; quality; question; relational; relationships; research; researchers; review; rigour; smythe; spence; studies; study; subject; systematic; topic; understanding; university; way; webber; wong; work cache: jah-77813.pdf plain text: jah-77813.txt item: #158 of 158 id: jah-77836 author: Humphries, Joan Margaret; Marcellus, Lenora title: The Pull of the Stars: Reflections on the Perinatal Experience from Pandemic (1918) to Pandemic (2019) date: 2023-08-03 words: 7858 flesch: 48 summary: An historical vision of perinatal nursing practice emerges, across the time span of two pandemics, with implications that extend beyond the incursive intrusion of large-scale societal disruptions such as pandemics into the everyday experience of birthing. Her work also inspires a cascade of scrutiny about perinatal practice then and now. keywords: address; analysis; article; author; authority; birth; birthing; body; canadian; care; caring; century; childbirth; context; control; covid-19; current; dasein; delivery; dignity; discussion; donoghue; elizabeth; et al; everyday; example; existence; experience; following; gadamer; global; health; hermeneutics; historical; human; humphries; illness; implications; infant; infection; influence; influenza; interpretation; jardine; journal; kay; knowledge; labour; language; life; literature; loss; marcellus; marcellus journal; maternal; maternity; meaning; mother; moules; new; notion; novel; nurse; nursing; pandemic; past; patient; perinatal; place; possibilities; potential; power; practice; privacy; progression; public; pull; reader; reading; safety; science; sense; social; societal; stars; support; time; understanding; university; ward; women; work; world cache: jah-77836.pdf plain text: jah-77836.txt