item: #1 of 515 id: jad-10 author: Telmadarraiy, Z; Vatandoost, H; Mohammadi, S; Akhavan, AA; Abai, MR; Rafinejad, J; Kia, EB; Faghih Naini, F; M Jedari, M; Aboulhasani, M title: Determination of Rodent Ectoparasite Fauna in Sarpole-Zahab District, Kermanshah Province, Iran, 2004-2005 date: 2007-06-15 words: 2036 flesch: 54 summary: Different ectoparasites collected from rodents in the study area XXeennooppssyyllllaa bbuuxxttoonnii PPuulleexx sspp.. Tatera indica was found more infested by different ectoparasites than other species (78.1%). keywords: catch; ectoparasites; rate; rattus; rodents; species cache: jad-10.pdf plain text: jad-10.txt item: #2 of 515 id: jad-100 author: Vazirianzadeh, B; Farhadpour, F; Hosseinzadeh, M; Zarean, M; Moravvej, SA title: An Epidemiological and Clinical Study on Scorpionism in Hospitalized Children in Khuzestan, Iran date: 2012-06-15 words: 3557 flesch: 58 summary: The average age of patients in their study was 6 years old which agrees to our study that revealed that the age of 52.04% of child scorpion sting victims were between 0-6 years old. J Arthropod-Borne Dis, 2012, 6(1): 62–69 B Vazirianzadeh et al.: An Epidemiological and ... 62 Original Article An Epidemiological and Clinical Study on Scorpionism in Hospitalized Children in Khuzestan, Iran *B Vazirianzadeh 1, F Farhadpour 2, M Hosseinzadeh 3, M Zarean 4, SA Moravvej 5 1Department of Medical Entomology and Infectious and Tropical Diseases Research Centre, Ahvaz Jundishapour University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran 2Department of Medical Entomology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran 3Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Ahvaz Jundi Shapour University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran 4Department of Parasitology and Mycology, Ahvaz Jundi Shapour University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran 5Department of Medical Entomology,Ahvaz Jundishapour University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran (Received 15 Mar 2011; accepted 7 Dec 2011) Abstract Background: Scorpion sting is a public health problem in Khuzestan, South-West Iran. keywords: ahvaz; children; lepturus; scorpion; study; stung cache: jad-100.pdf plain text: jad-100.txt item: #3 of 515 id: jad-1001 author: Heidari, Soudabeh; Mohebali, Mehdi; Zarei, Zabihollah; Nateghpour, Mehdi; Motevalli-Haghi, Afsaneh title: Spironucleus muris and Eperythrozoon coccoides in Rodents from Northwestern Iran: Rare Infections date: 2018-10-12 words: 3057 flesch: 58 summary: Eperythrozoon coccoides was first identified in laboratory mice in Ger- many in 1928. Wanger JE, Doyle RE, Ronald NC, Garri- son RG, Schmitz JA (1974) Hexamitia- sis in laboratory mice, hamsters, and rats. keywords: blood; coccoides; december; eperythrozoon; infection; mice; muris; rodents; spironucleus; study cache: jad-1001.pdf plain text: jad-1001.txt item: #4 of 515 id: jad-101 author: Mosallanejad, B; Alborzi, AR; Katvandi, N title: A Survey on Ectoparasite Infestations in Companion Dogs of Ahvaz District, South-west of Iran date: 2012-06-15 words: 4445 flesch: 62 summary: Conclusion: Apparently this is the first study conducted in companion dogs of Ahvaz District, South-west of Iran. We conducted this study in order to deter- mine the prevalence of ectoparasite infesta- tions in companion dogs of this area. keywords: ahvaz; canis; dogs; ectoparasites; et al; infestation; iran; prevalence; species; vet cache: jad-101.pdf plain text: jad-101.txt item: #5 of 515 id: jad-1016 author: Kolawole, Olatunji Matthew; Adelaiye, Glory; Ogah, Jeremiah Ikhevha title: Emergence and Associated Risk Factors of Vector Borne West Nile Virus Infection in Ilorin, Nigeria date: 2018-10-12 words: 4843 flesch: 64 summary: Styer LM, Lim PY, Louie KL, Albright RG, Kramer LD, Bernard KA (2011) Mosquito saliva causes enhancement of West Nile virus infection in mice. Murray K, Baraniuk S, Resnick M, Ara- fat R, Kilborn C, Cain K, Shallenberger R, York TL, Martinez D, Hellums JS, Hellums D, Malkoff M, Elgawley N, Mcneely W, Khuwaja SA, Tesh RB (2006) Risk factors for encephalitis and death from West Nile virus infection. keywords: december; factors; infection; nigeria; nile; patients; prevalence; respondents; risk; study; virus; west; wnv cache: jad-1016.pdf plain text: jad-1016.txt item: #6 of 515 id: jad-1017 author: Fatemi, Mahboubeh; Saeidi, Zahra; Noruzian, Parviz; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad title: Designing and Introducing a New Artificial Feeding Apparatus for Sand Fly Rearing date: 2018-10-12 words: 2608 flesch: 64 summary: Abstract Background: Due to strict ethical rules, the risk of accidental disease transmission and the most importantly, inconven- ience regarding using of live animals, artificial feeding apparatus has been developed for colonization of haematophagous insects. Conclusion: Sand fly artificial feeding apparatus can be used at least for rearing of Ph. papatasi. keywords: apparatus; artificial; blood; feeding; flies; membrane; papatasi; sand cache: jad-1017.pdf plain text: jad-1017.txt item: #7 of 515 id: jad-1018 author: Chaiphongpachara, Tanawat; Juijayen, Nattapon; Chansukh, Kitthisak Khlaeo title: Wing Geometry Analysis of Aedes aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae), a Dengue Virus Vector, from Multiple Geographical Locations of Samut Songkhram, Thailand date: 2018-10-12 words: 4152 flesch: 57 summary: Superimposition of the mean landmark configurations of Aedes aegypti in different areas [Coastal area (blue), Residential area (red), Cultivated area (green)]. According to size variation analysis of Ae. aegypti, the female mosquito in a cultivated area was significant- ly different from those in the coastal and residential areas (P< 0.05). keywords: aedes; aegypti; area; coastal; december; female; geographical; mosquito; shape; size; wing cache: jad-1018.pdf plain text: jad-1018.txt item: #8 of 515 id: jad-1019 author: Osanloo, Mahmoud; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi; Esmaeili, Fariba; Amani, Amir title: Larvicidal Activity of Essential Oil of Syzygium aromaticum (Clove) in Comparison with Its Major Constituent, Eugenol, against Anopheles stephensi date: 2018-10-12 words: 4154 flesch: 58 summary: Evaluation of larvicidal activity of clove EO and eugenol Results of larvicidal activities of clove EO and eugenol against An. stephensi are shown in Fig. Keywords: Larvicidal activity, HPLC, Syzigium aromaticum, Eugenol, Essential oil, Anopheles stephensi Introduction More than 17% of all infectious diseases around the world are vector-borne diseases, such as dengue fever, yellow fever, and ma- laria (1). keywords: activity; anopheles; borne; clove; clove eo; december; eugenol; larvicidal; lc50; malaria; oil; stephensi cache: jad-1019.pdf plain text: jad-1019.txt item: #9 of 515 id: jad-102 author: Hazrati Tappeh, K; Chavshin, AR; Mohammadzadeh Hajipirloo, H; Khashaveh, S; Hanifian, H; Bozorgomid, A; Mohammadi, M; Jabbari Gharabag, D; Azizi, H title: Pediculosis capitis Among Primary School Children and Related Risk Factors in Urmia, the Main City of West Azarbaijan, Iran date: 2012-06-15 words: 3210 flesch: 60 summary: Also there is no significant correlation between educational grades and head lice infestation. Analysis of relationship between hair length and head lice infestation has been done separately between girls and boys. keywords: capitis; head; infestation; louse; pediculosis; pupils; school cache: jad-102.pdf plain text: jad-102.txt item: #10 of 515 id: jad-1026 author: Guntay, Onur; Yikilmaz, Mehmet Salih; Ozaydin, Huseyin; Izzetoglu, Savas; Suner, Asli title: Evaluation of Pyrethroid Susceptibility in Culex pipiens of Northern Izmir Province, Turkey date: 2018-10-12 words: 4087 flesch: 58 summary: Characterization on malathion and permethrin resistance by bioassays and the variation of esterase activity with the life stages of the mos- quito Culex quinquefasciatus. Role of cytochrome P450s in insecticide resistance: impact on the control of mosquito-borne diseases J Arthropod-Borne Dis, December 2018, 12(4): 370–377 keywords: culex; cyfluthrin; december; deltamethrin; insecticide; mortality; mosquito; permethrin; pipiens; populations; pyrethroid; rates; resistance; turkey cache: jad-1026.pdf plain text: jad-1026.txt item: #11 of 515 id: jad-1027 author: Cikman, Aytekin; Aydin, Merve; Gulhan, Baris; Karakecili, Faruk; Demirtas, Levent; Kesik, Ozan Arif title: Geographical Features and Seroprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Erzincan, Turkey date: 2018-10-12 words: 4317 flesch: 61 summary: Borrelia burgdorferi IgG positivity was found to be 4.1% by ELISA and 2.17% by WB. The expanding Lyme Borrelia complex-clinical signi- ficance of genomic species? keywords: areas; borne; borrelia; burgdorferi; december; dis; erzincan; geographical; seroprevalence; study; tick; turkey cache: jad-1027.pdf plain text: jad-1027.txt item: #12 of 515 id: jad-103 author: Dehghani, R; Sedaghat, MM; Sabahi Bidgoli, M title: Wound Myiasis Due to Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) in Persian Horned Viper, Pseudocerastes persicus (Squamata: Viperidae) date: 2012-06-15 words: 1840 flesch: 63 summary: In the present communication, a rare case of snake myiasis due to M. domestica de- scribes. A case of snake myiasis caused by Megaselia scalaris (Phoridae) was described in Brazil (Da Silva et al. 1999). keywords: domestica; larvae; myiasis; snake; wound cache: jad-103.pdf plain text: jad-103.txt item: #13 of 515 id: jad-1034 author: Dehghani, Rouhullah; Charkhloo, Esmail; Seyyedi-Bidgoli, Nedasadat; Chimehi, Elahe; Ghavami-Ghameshlo, Maedeh title: A Review on Scorpionism in Iran date: 2018-10-12 words: 4707 flesch: 66 summary: The highest geographical distribution of sting agent scorpions is related to M. eu- peus and C. matthiesseni reported in 20 and 18 provinces, respectively. Scorpion sting agent in Iran based on family, genus and species Family Genus Species Number of provinces Author Buthidae Mesobuthus Mesobuthus eupeus (C. L. Koch,1839) 20 2, 30, 29, 28, 24, 23 Buthidae Compsobuthus Compsobuthus matthiesseni (Birula, 1905) 18 8, 13, 14, 2, 16 Buthidae Hottentotta Hottentotta saulcyi (Simon, 1880) 15 8, 18, 23–28 Buthidae Odontobuthus Odontobuthus doriae (Thorell, 1876) 14 8, 23, 25, 31, 32, 33 Hemiscorpiidae Hemiscorpius Hemiscorpius lepturus (Peters, 1862) 13 34–51 Buthidae Orthochirus Orthochirus scrobiculosus (Birula, 1900) 12 8, 18 Buthidae Androctonus Androctonus crassicauda (Olivier, 1807) 12 8, 18, 28, 27, 30, 52 Buthidae Mesobuthus or Olivierus Mesobuthus or Olivierus caucasicus (Nordmann, 1840) 7 8, 18 Buthidae Hottentotta Hottentotta jayakari (Pocock, 1895) 3 28 Buthidae Hottentotta Hottentotta schach (Birula, 1905) 2 8, 18 Hemiscorpiidae Hemiscorpius Hemiscorpius acanthocercus (Monod et Lourenço, 2005) 1 53 Buthidae Apistobuthus Apistobuthus pterygocercus (Finne- gan,1932) 1 8, 18 2 8 12 Table 2. keywords: agent; arthropod; buthidae; december; dehghani; dis; hemiscorpius; iran; review; scorpion; species; sting; study cache: jad-1034.pdf plain text: jad-1034.txt item: #14 of 515 id: jad-1036 author: Sharififard, Mona; Alizadeh, Ismaeil; Jahanifard, Elham; Wang, Changlu; Azemi, Mohammad Ebrahim title: Chemical Composition and Repellency of Origanum vulgare Essential Oil against Cimex lectularius under Laboratory Conditions date: 2018-10-12 words: 5055 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: Cimex lectularius, Essential oil, Origanum vulgare, repellency Introduction Bed bug (Cimex lectularius Linnaeus), is a nocturnal blood-feeding ectoparasite consid- ered as urban, common and nuisance pest in the recent past (1, 2). Essential oils have been introduced as green pesticides and most of them are non-toxic to humans, animals and are safe and friendly to the environment (26). keywords: bed; bugs; chemical; composition; december; deet; dis; iran; lectularius; oil; oils; oregano; petri; repellency cache: jad-1036.pdf plain text: jad-1036.txt item: #15 of 515 id: jad-1037 author: Azari-Hamidian, Shahyad; Norouzi, Behzad; Noorallahi, Ayoob; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali title: Seasonal Activity of Adult Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in a Focus of Dirofilariasis and West Nile Infection in Northern Iran date: 2018-10-12 words: 6946 flesch: 63 summary: The most prevalent species were Cx. theileri (23.59%), Cx. tritaeniorhynchus (20.75%), Cx. Biweekly abundance of the most prevalent culicine mosquitoes and monthly mean temperature in the fixed site, Pareh Village of Rudbar County, Guilan Province, Iran, April–October 2016 (Total includes Anopheles claviger, An. maculipennis s.l., An. pseudopictus, An. superpictus, Ae. pulcritarsis, Culex mimeticus, Cx. pipiens, Cx. theileri, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus) keywords: activity; adult; azari; borne; december; dis; guilan; hamidian; iran; mosquitoes; province; rudbar; s.l; species; virus; west cache: jad-1037.pdf plain text: jad-1037.txt item: #16 of 515 id: jad-1038 author: Cai, Xianghai; Li, Qingfeng; Xiao, Lei; Lu, Hailiang; Tang, Jian; Huang, Jianbo; Yuan, Jianzhong title: Insecticidal and Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition Activity of Veratrum nigrum Alkaloidal Extract against the German Cockroach (Blattella germanica) date: 2018-10-12 words: 3350 flesch: 61 summary: In pre- vious studies, V. nigrum extracts had insecticidal effects against Mythimna separata, Aphis crac- civora, Cx. In contact toxicity tests, V. nigrum alkaloidal extract was topically applied to the abdomen of cockroaches using a micro-applicator. keywords: 4th; ache; activity; adults; blattella; cockroach; extract; germanica; insecticidal; nigrum cache: jad-1038.pdf plain text: jad-1038.txt item: #17 of 515 id: jad-1040 author: Mendonça, Philippe Gil de title: Impact of Flag Texture on Tick Sampling Efficiency date: 2018-10-12 words: 2500 flesch: 66 summary: Methods: The impact of cloth type on the efficiency of field sampling by the flagging technique was investigated by comparing tick sampling yields of two different fabrics, the Munich type (MUC) vs. the Oxford type (OX), based on 30 pairs of transect lines. Tick yields for each pair of transect lines, ranked by tick stage and sex Larvae (MUC) Larvae (OX) Nymphs (MUC) Nymphs (OX) Females (MUC) Females (OX) Males (MUC) Males (OX) keywords: cloth; flag; muc; sampling; ticks cache: jad-1040.pdf plain text: jad-1040.txt item: #18 of 515 id: jad-1069 author: Gevorgyan, Hasmik; Grigoryan, Gohar G.; Atoyan, Hripsime A.; Rukhkyan, Martin; Hakobyan, Astghik; Zakaryan, Hovakim; Aghayan, Sargis A. title: Evidence of Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever Virus Occurrence in Ixodidae Ticks of Armenia date: 2018-10-12 words: 4252 flesch: 62 summary: The analysis of tick species according to geographic location showed that Rhipicepha- lus spp. Serological results of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever antigen detection in pools according to tick species* Tick species No ticks Infection rate No Pools Positive pools Doubtful pools Rhipicephalus annulatus 65 107.73 17 6 1 Dermacentor marginatus 68 0.00 16 0 2 Hyalomma marginatum 70 17.85 17 1 3 keywords: antigen; armenia; cchf; congo; crimean; dis; fever; hemorrhagic; infection; pools; rhipicephalus; species; ticks; virus cache: jad-1069.pdf plain text: jad-1069.txt item: #19 of 515 id: jad-1072 author: Ghavami, Mohammad Bagher; Alibabaei, Zohreh; Ghavami, Fatemeh title: Morphometric Indices and Venom Protein Profile in Different Populations of Androctonus crassicauda date: 2022-11-14 words: 5988 flesch: 57 summary: Moreover, additional field complementary works in the geographic information system based niche model- ing and mass fingerprinting of scorpion venoms are suggested for screening effective isotypes. Keywords: Androctonus crassicauda; Black fat-tailed scorpion; Morphometric parameters; Scorpion venom SDS-PAGE; Scorpion venom extraction Introduction Scorpions are potentially fatal venomous animals, and their envenomation is a major public health problem in the world. keywords: areas; crassicauda; dis; indices; iran; length; march; samples; scorpion; species; study; venom cache: jad-1072.pdf plain text: jad-1072.txt item: #20 of 515 id: jad-1076 author: Contreras, Verónica; Londoño, Andrés F.; Miranda, Jorge; Mattar, Salim; Acevedo-Gutiérrez, Leidy Y.; Diaz, Francisco J.; Rodas, Juan D. title: Infection by Rickettsia felis in Ctenocephalides felis felis Fleas from North of Colombia date: 2019-01-30 words: 4104 flesch: 62 summary: Conclusion: Our findings highlighted the endemicity of the infection by R. felis in fleas from northern of Colombia and showed the likely importance of dogs as hosts of C. felis felis fleas and their potential role as reservoirs of R. felis. J Arthropod-Borne Dis, March 2019, 13(1): 1–8 V Contreras et al.: Infection by Rickettsia … 5 Published Online: April 27, 2019 Discussion We reported the infection by R. felis in C. felis felis fleas collected from dogs from endemic areas of rickettsioses in Cordoba and Antioquia provinces, northern of Co- lombia. keywords: c. felis; colombia; dis; dogs; felis; felis felis; fleas; infection; pools; r. felis; rickettsia; rickettsia felis cache: jad-1076.pdf plain text: jad-1076.txt item: #21 of 515 id: jad-1087 author: Vatandoost, Hassan; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Akbari, Morteza; Raeisi, Ahmad; Yousefi, Hemn; Sheikhi, Soraya; Bagheri, Akbar title: Comparison of CDC Bottle Bioassay with WHO Standard Method for Assessment Susceptibility Level of Malaria Vector, Anopheles stephensi to Three Imagicides date: 2018-10-12 words: 5097 flesch: 59 summary: The logarithmic exposure times of DDT were ranged from 15 to 120min for CDC bottle test and from 30 to 240 minutes for J Arthropod-Borne Dis, March 2019, 13(1): 17–26 H Vatandoost et al.: The exposure times of bendiocarb were ranged from 7.5 to 60min for WHO tests and from 15 to 120 minutes for CDC bottle tests. keywords: bioassay; bottle; cdc; deltamethrin; insecticide; malaria; mortality; resistance; stephensi; susceptibility; test cache: jad-1087.pdf plain text: jad-1087.txt item: #22 of 515 id: jad-1088 author: Amini, Mojtaba; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Asghari, Sayyad; Chavshin, Ali Reza title: The Potential of West Nile Virus Transmission Regarding the Environmental Factors Using Geographic Information System (GIS), West Azerbaijan Province, Iran date: 2018-10-12 words: 5771 flesch: 65 summary: We determined the dis- tribution of West Nile virus (WNV) vectors, the environmental factors affecting WNV transmission and the high-risk areas across West Azerbaijan Province (Northwestern Iran), regarding the potential of WNV transmission using Ge- ographical Information System (GIS). Spatial distribution of mosquitoes and hot spots for vectors of West Nile virus in West Azerbaijan Province regarding environmental factors affecting the transmission of WNV, northwestern Iran, 2015 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, March 2019, 13(1): keywords: areas; dis; factors; iran; mosquitoes; nile; potential; province; study; transmission; vectors; virus; west; west nile; wnv cache: jad-1088.pdf plain text: jad-1088.txt item: #23 of 515 id: jad-1089 author: González-Rizo, Aileen; Castañet, Camilo E; Companioni, Ariamys; Menéndez, Zulema; Hernández, Hilda; Rodríguez, M Magdalena; Gato, Rene title: Effect of Chlorine and Temperature on Larvicidal Activity of Cuban Bacillus thuringiensis Isolates date: 2019-03-09 words: 5209 flesch: 64 summary: Cao C, Sun L, Wen R, Li X, Wu H, Wang Z (2012) Toxicity and affecting factors of Bacillus thuringiensis var. Tetreau G, Alessi M, Veyrenc S, Perigon S, David J, Reynaud S, Després L (2012) keywords: bacillus; chlorine; effect; efficiency; isolates; lc50; lc90; lc95; temperature; thuringiensis; water cache: jad-1089.pdf plain text: jad-1089.txt item: #24 of 515 id: jad-1090 author: Oduola, Adedayo Olatunbosun; Abba, Ezra; Adelaja, Olukayode; Ande, Adeolu Taiwo; Yoriyo, Kennedy Poloma; Awolola, Taiwo Samson title: Widespread Report of Multiple Insecticide Resistance in Anopheles gambiae s.l. Mosquitoes in Eight Communities in Southern Gombe, North-Eastern Nigeria date: 2018-10-12 words: 5870 flesch: 55 summary: Results: Mortality results showed resistance in An. gambiae s.l. populations to bendiocarb (2.3–100%), deltamethrin (39–70%), pirimiphos-methyl (65–95%), dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (0–38.1%), permethrin (0–46.3%) and lambda-cyhalothrin (42.5–86.4%). A GLM procedure to compare mortality in An. gambiae s.l. populations exposed to two different insecticides showed no significant difference between mortality of An. gambiae populations exposed to lambdacyhalothrin and deltamethrin (t=-1.58906, P=0.1344). keywords: anopheles; communities; gambiae; gombe; insecticide; malaria; mortality; mosquitoes; nigeria; resistance; s.l; species; state; study; susceptibility cache: jad-1090.pdf plain text: jad-1090.txt item: #25 of 515 id: jad-1091 author: Moshfe, Abdolali; Karami, Keianoush; Bahmani, Maryam; Naghmachi, Mohsen; Askarian, Shahrbanoo; Rezaei, Abbas; Zare, Roohallah; Jamshidi, Ali title: Anti Leishmanial Effect of Plantago psyllium (Ovate) and White Vinegar on Leishmania major Lesion in BALB/c Mice date: 2022-11-15 words: 3377 flesch: 64 summary: Iran J Parasitol. Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) can be observed in the two forms of rural and urban in 97 different countries, and approximately 1.5 million new cases are reported throughout the world annually, with over 80% of the cases occurring in the developing countries (5, 6). keywords: effect; group; iran; leishmaniasis; mice; psyllium; treatment; vinegar cache: jad-1091.pdf plain text: jad-1091.txt item: #26 of 515 id: jad-1098 author: Soofi, Khodamorad; Khanjani, Narges; Kamiabi, Fatemeh title: The Challenges of the Malaria Elimination Program in the South East of Iran, a Qualitative Study date: 2018-10-12 words: 6292 flesch: 59 summary: Purposeful sampling was done from people who had malaria or were involved with malaria patients in 2015, in Sarbaz City, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Eastern Iran. The presence of foreigners in this city in 2008, in addition to increasing the number of malaria cases, has led to changes in malaria foci (32) and people traveling from endemic to non- keywords: bed; cases; control; disease; elimination; health; iran; malaria; nets; patients; people; spraying; study; use cache: jad-1098.pdf plain text: jad-1098.txt item: #27 of 515 id: jad-11 author: Sulaiman, S; Fadhlina, K; Hidayatulfathi, O title: Evaluation of Pyrethrin Formulations on Dengue/Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Vectors in the Laboratory and Sublethal Effects date: 2007-12-15 words: 3093 flesch: 61 summary: Abstract In Southeast Asia, Aedes aegypti (L.) has been incriminated as principal vector of dengue viruses and Ae. albopictus as the secondary vector of dengue fever. Mohapatra et al. (1999) also found that py- rethroids cyfluthrin and fenfluthrin significantly reduced the fertility rates (P< 0.001) of Anopheles stephensi, Aedes aegypti, and Culex quinque- fasciatus. keywords: aedes; aegypti; albopictus; formulations; larvae; pyrethrin cache: jad-11.pdf plain text: jad-11.txt item: #28 of 515 id: jad-1104 author: Billioud, Gaetan; Tryfonos, Christina; Richter, Jan title: The Prevalence of Antibodies against Sandfly Fever Viruses and West Nile Virus in Cyprus date: 2018-10-12 words: 5396 flesch: 63 summary: Results Prevalence study of anti-sandfly fever viruses and West Nile virus IgG antibodies To determine the exposure of Cypriots to sandfly fever viruses, 327 human serum sam- ples from 2013–2014 were screened for anti- SFVs and anti-WNV IgG. The sampling was distributed by sex and age proportional to Cy- prus’ population (Table 1). This test is the only commercially avail- able test that offers the possibility to assess the presence of antibody reacting against two spe- cies members of the Sandfly Sicilian serogroup (SFSV and Sandfly fever Cyprus viruses, SFCV) and two members of the Sandfly Naples serogroup (SFNV and Toscana virus, TOSV), J Arthropod-Borne Dis, March 2019, 13(1): 116–125 keywords: anti; cyprus; dis; fever; igg; igm; infections; nile; patients; sandfly; seroprevalence; sfv; virus; viruses; west; wnv cache: jad-1104.pdf plain text: jad-1104.txt item: #29 of 515 id: jad-1119 author: Ghavami, Mohammad Bagher; Alibabaei, Zohreh; Ghavami, Fatemeh title: Molecular Survey of Mitochondrial Genes in Different Populations of the Black Fat-Tailed Scorpion, Androctonus crassicauda date: 2023-01-18 words: 5101 flesch: 57 summary: Scorpion samples were stored at -20 °C pending molecular analysis. In previous studies phylogenetic analysis of COI gene in Mesobotus eupeus showed clear di- vergence between Northern and Southern clades in different areas of Iran (21). keywords: 16s; analysis; androctonus; coi; crassicauda; diversity; dna; genes; ghavami; iran; june; nd1; scorpion; sequences; species; study cache: jad-1119.pdf plain text: jad-1119.txt item: #30 of 515 id: jad-1122 author: Saba, Shafia; Khan, Ata Ur Rehman; Naeem-Ullah, Unsar; Bokhari, Syed Haroon Masood title: Clinical Profiles of Dengue Fever Patients, During an Outbreak date: 2018-10-12 words: 4890 flesch: 67 summary: Monthly infection rate of dengue fever patients studied during 1st July to 31st Dec 2015 in Nishtar Hospital Multan, Punjab, Pakistan Month July August September October November December Patients 2 1 30 287 40 1 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2019, 13(2): 126–134 S Saba et al.: Age and gender ratio of dengue fever patients studied during 1st July to 31st Dec 2015 in Nishtar Hospital Multan, Punjab, Pakistan Fig. keywords: age; cases; dengue; disease; district; fever; hospital; infection; june; multan; number; pakistan; patients; study cache: jad-1122.pdf plain text: jad-1122.txt item: #31 of 515 id: jad-1123 author: Gholami, Sahereh; Bakhshi, Hasan; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyyed Hassan; Zahraei-Ramazani, Alireza; Chavshin, Alireza; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi title: Molecular Characterization of Anopheles sacharovi Based on Sequences of ITS2-rDNA Region and COI Gene in North of Iran date: 2018-10-12 words: 4442 flesch: 64 summary: Discussion The Maculipennis subgroup currently com- prises 10 members including An. artemievi, An. atroparvus, An. daciae, An. labranchiae, An. maculipennis, An. martinius, An. melanoon, An. messeae, An. persiensis and An. sacharovi. Two members of An. maculi- pennis complex including An. maculipennis and An. sacharovi have been reported as vectors of malaria parasites in central and northern parts of the country. keywords: anopheles; complex; iran; june; maculipennis; martinius; sacharovi; sequences; species cache: jad-1123.pdf plain text: jad-1123.txt item: #32 of 515 id: jad-1131 author: Hesami, Najmeh; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Vatandoost, Hassan; Alizadeh, Mostafa; Fatemi, Mahboubeh; Ramazanpour, Javad; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali title: Using Ecological Niche Modeling to Predict the Spatial Distribution of Anopheles maculipennis s.l. and Culex theileri (Diptera: Culicidae) in Central Iran date: 2018-10-12 words: 4859 flesch: 56 summary: Based on the previous studies in the province, 24 mos- J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2019, 13(2): 165–176 N Hesami et al.: Using Ecological Niche … 173 Published Online: June 24, 2019 quito species are reported as follows: Ae. vexans, An. algeriensis, An. claviger, An. dthali, An. maculipennis s.l., An. marteri, An. mes- seae, An. multicolor, An. sacharovi, An. su- perpictus, An. turkhudi, Cx. modestus, Cx. hortensis, Cx. mimeticus, Cx. perexiguus, Cx. pipiens, Cx. theileri, Cx. territans, Culiseta longiareolata, Cs. annulata, Cs. subochrea, Ochlerotatus caspius, Oc. pulcritarsus and Uranotaenia unguiculata (16, 22, 23). The environmental variable with highest gain was mean temperature of the wettest quarter for Cx. theileri and temperature seasonality for An. maculipennis. keywords: anopheles; distribution; iran; isfahan; june; maculipennis; mosquitoes; niche; province; s.l; species; study; temperature; theileri cache: jad-1131.pdf plain text: jad-1131.txt item: #33 of 515 id: jad-1137 author: Bagheri, Fatemeh; Vatandoost, Hassan; Shayeghi, Mansoureh; Rassi, Yavar; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Rahimi-Foroushani, Abbas; Razavi, Alireza; Nikpour Alkaran, Fatemeh title: Detection of Diazinon Residue in Honey and Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) in Bandar-Abbas and Meshkinshahr, Iran date: 2018-10-12 words: 3037 flesch: 67 summary: Pesticide residues in honey from the major honey producing forest belts in Ghana. Irungu J, Raina S, Torto B (2016) De- termination of pesticide residues in hon- ey: a preliminary study from two of Af- rica’s largest honey producers. keywords: bee; diazinon; honey; june; pesticides; residues; samples; study; tehran cache: jad-1137.pdf plain text: jad-1137.txt item: #34 of 515 id: jad-1139 author: Moradi-Asl, Eslam; Vatandoost, Hassan; Adham, Davod; Emdadi, Daryosh; Moosa-Kazemi, Hassan title: Investigation on the Occurrence of Aedes Species in Borderline of Iran and Azerbaijan for Control of Arboviral Diseases date: 2018-10-12 words: 3256 flesch: 67 summary: Conclusion: Aedes species were a high density in borderline of Iran and Azerbaijan. The aim of this study was to investigate the diversity of Aedes genus present in the natural areas, as well as the differences on the faunestic com- position of Aedes species in function of the climatic and ecological features of Ardabil Province borderline. keywords: aedes; ardabil; areas; caspius; dis; iran; june; larvae; mosquitoes; province; species cache: jad-1139.pdf plain text: jad-1139.txt item: #35 of 515 id: jad-114 author: Nateghpour, Mehdi; Motevalli-Haghi, Afsaneh; Akbarzadeh, Kamran; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Mohebali, Mehdi; Mobedi, Iraj; Farivar, Leila title: Endoparasites of Wild Rodents in Southeastern Iran date: 2015-10-11 words: 3013 flesch: 60 summary: In a previous study performed in the leishmaniasis endemic ar- eas of Iran T. indica was accounted the main Leishmania major reservoir in Mehran dis- trict of Iran where located nearby eastern borderline of Iraq (Mohebali et al. 2004). Iran J Pub Health. keywords: health; indica; iran; parasites; rodents; study cache: jad-114.pdf plain text: jad-114.txt item: #36 of 515 id: jad-1141 author: Barazesh, Afshin; Motazedian, Mohammad Hossein; Fouladvand, Moradali; Hatam, Gholamreza; Tajbakhsh, Saeed; Ebrahimi, Sepideh; Purkamal, Danial title: Molecular Identification of Species Caused Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Southern Zone of Iran date: 2018-10-12 words: 3905 flesch: 63 summary: And more importantly, the potential role of Crithidia as the main cause of the cu- taneous ulcers or the probability to have syn- ergistic effects on Leishmania cutaneous ulcers, as a hypothesis, needs more comprehensive re- searches on the ambiguity of this protozoon. Iran J Parasitol. keywords: crithidia; iran; june; leishmania; leishmaniasis; major; patients; species; spp; tropica cache: jad-1141.pdf plain text: jad-1141.txt item: #37 of 515 id: jad-1142 author: Habibi-Shorkaei, Bentol Hoda; Motevalli-Haghi, Afsaneh; Nateghpour, Mehdi; Farivar, Leila; Hajjaran, Homa; Etemadi, Soudabeh title: Identification of Alleles in the MSP1 Gene Related to Complicated Malaria in Patients Infected with Plasmodium falciparum in Southeast of Iran date: 2018-10-12 words: 3514 flesch: 60 summary: Isolating the genes that involve in pro- ducing cerebral malaria provides a valuable opportunity for prevention of deleterious compli- cations of falciparum malaria in endemic areas. Allelic types of MSP1 (Block2) of Plasmodium falciparum isolates based on molecular weight of PCR prod- ucts (n= 20) Size of PCR keywords: allelic; diversity; falciparum; gene; isolates; june; malaria; msp1; pcr; plasmodium; types cache: jad-1142.pdf plain text: jad-1142.txt item: #38 of 515 id: jad-1143 author: Madreseh-Ghahfarokhi, Samin; Dehghani-Samani, Amir; Pirali, Yaser; Dehghani-Samani, Azam title: Zingiber officinalis and Eucalyptus globulus, Potent Lethal/Repellent Agents against Rhipicephalus bursa, Probable Carrier for Zoonosis date: 2018-10-12 words: 5051 flesch: 55 summary: Repellent activities of different essential oils versus control group. Methods: In July till September of 2017, essential oils were extracted in Shahrekord University, Iran from fresh plant ma- terials and engorged mature ticks were collected from infested sheep herd located in Saman, Iran. keywords: acaricidal; activity; bursa; concentration; dis; eucalyptus; ginger; iran; june; officinalis; oils; study; ticks cache: jad-1143.pdf plain text: jad-1143.txt item: #39 of 515 id: jad-1144 author: Ozan, Emre; Albayrak, Harun; Gumusova, Semra; Bolukbas, Cenk S.; Kurt, Mithat; Pekmezci, Gokmen Z.; Beyhan, Yunus E.; Kadi, Hamza; Kaya, Selma; Aydin, Ismail; Yazici, Zafer title: A Study on the Identification of Five Arboviruses from Hematophagous Mosquitoes and Midges Captured in Some Parts of Northern Turkey date: 2018-10-12 words: 5239 flesch: 63 summary: West Nile virus studies in the Sanliurfa Province of Turkey. This project presented the results of the identification study on five arboviruses, including West Nile virus (WNV), Bovine ephemeral fever virus, Akabane virus, Bluetongue virus, and Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus, in mosquitos and midges from eight provinces of the Black Sea Region. keywords: arboviruses; arthropod; btv; dis; ehdv; june; midges; mosquitoes; pcr; rna; species; study; time; turkey; virus; wnv cache: jad-1144.pdf plain text: jad-1144.txt item: #40 of 515 id: jad-115 author: Ataie, Abolfazl; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Vatandoost, Hassan; Yaghoobi- Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Bakhshi, Hasan; Anjomruz, Mehdi title: Assessing the Susceptibility Status of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in a Dirofilariasis Focus, Northwestern Iran date: 2015-10-11 words: 7036 flesch: 63 summary: Dirofilaria immitis could be found in carnivores especially dogs and reported from various countries including Turkey (Atas et al. 1997), Japan (Hatsushika et al. 1997), Brazil (Reifur et al. 2004), Canada (Slocombe and Villeneure 1993) and other countries (Chen and Liang 1993, Rosa et al. 2002). Endemic occurrence of Di. immitis has been reported in the USA, Canada, South America, Africa, Australia, Asia and Europe (Yildirim et al. 2006). keywords: borne; culex; culicidae; ddt; et al; immitis; iran; larvae; malathion; med; mosquitoes; pipiens; propoxur; province; resistance; species; susceptibility; theileri; vet cache: jad-115.pdf plain text: jad-115.txt item: #41 of 515 id: jad-116 author: Fathian, Mousa; Vatandoost, Hassan; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Raeisi, Ahmad; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi title: Susceptibility of Culicidae Mosquitoes to Some Insecticides Recommended by WHO in a Malaria Endemic Area of Southeastern Iran date: 2015-10-11 words: 5849 flesch: 59 summary: Results Totally, nine species were collected includ- ing: An. stephensi, An. dthali, An. culicifacies, An. fluviatilis, Cx. pipiens, Cx. An. culicifacies, An. stephensi, Cx. pipiens, Cx. theileri were collected in all months. keywords: anopheles; culicidae; ddt; insecticides; iran; malaria; malathion; mosquitoes; pipiens; resistance; species; stephensi; susceptibility; vatandoost cache: jad-116.pdf plain text: jad-116.txt item: #42 of 515 id: jad-117 author: Akbari, Sanaz; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Hashemi-Aghdam, Saedeh Sadat; Hajikhani, Sara; Oshaghi, Ghazaleh; Shirazi, Mohammad Hasan title: Aerobic Bacterial Community of American Cockroach Periplaneta americana,a Step toward Finding Suitable Paratransgenesis Candidates date: 2015-10-11 words: 7070 flesch: 50 summary: Effect of host diet on production of organic acids and methane by cockroach gut bacteria. In this study we analyzed the bacterial flora of American cockroach midgut and evaluat- ed their possible usefulness as proper candi- date for paratransgenesis approach. keywords: 16s; american; api; arthropod; bacteria; cockroach; coli; community; dis; et al; identification; isolates; methods; microbiol; midgut; phenotypic; rrna; species cache: jad-117.pdf plain text: jad-117.txt item: #43 of 515 id: jad-1172 author: Sayono, Sayono; Mudawamah, Puji Lestari; Meikawati, Wulandari; Sumanto, Didik title: Effect of D-Allethrin Aerosol and Coil to the Mortality of Mosquitoes date: 2019-08-03 words: 4547 flesch: 53 summary: The further in- vestigation is needed to analyze the wild mosqui- to susceptibility to d-allethrin compound by us- ing the laboratory strain of mosquito as the con- trol group, and the causation between environ- mental profiles, kinds of breeding site and insec- ticide use to the abundance and dominance of mosquito species, and the occurrence of diseases. D-allethrin concentrations were not effective for controlling Culex mosquitoes but effective for Ae. aegypti. keywords: aedes; aegypti; aerosol; allethrin; coil; culex; dormitory; insecticide; mortality; mosquito; resistance; sayono; september; species; use cache: jad-1172.pdf plain text: jad-1172.txt item: #44 of 515 id: jad-1176 author: Choubdar, Nayyereh; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Rafinejad, Javad; Pourmand, Mohammad Reza; Maleki-Ravasan, Naseh; Salehi-Vaziri, Mostafa; Telmadarraiy, Zakkyeh; Karimian, Fateh; Koosha, Mona; Rahimi-Foroushani, Abbas; Masoomi, Safdar; Arzamani, Kourosh; Nejati, Jalil 7; Karami, Mohsen; Mozaffari, Ehsan; Salim-Abadi, Yaser; Moradi-Asl, Eslam; Taghilou, Behrooz; Shirani, Manouchehr title: Effect of Meteorological Factors on Hyalomma Species Composition and Their Host Preference, Seasonal Prevalence and Infection Status to Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever in Iran date: 2019-08-03 words: 7931 flesch: 59 summary: Differences in tick species propor- tions were considered as statistically signifi- cant if P< 0.05. Tick species found in different host species Data were analyzed for the suitability and the specificity of the tick species to the hosts from which they were collected. keywords: borne; cchf; climate; congo; crimean; dis; fever; h. anatolicum; h. dromedarii; h. marginatum; hyalomma; hyalomma species; iran; september; species; spp; study; tick cache: jad-1176.pdf plain text: jad-1176.txt item: #45 of 515 id: jad-1177 author: Pourmohammadi, Behrad; Mohammadi-Azni, Sadegh title: Molecular Detection of Leishmania major in Hemiechinus auritus, A Potential Reservoir of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Damghan, Iran date: 2019-08-03 words: 5553 flesch: 61 summary: Leishmania major parasite has also been identified and reported in one of the three (33.3 %) examined H. auritus from Turkmen Sahra, Golestan Province, a northern neighboring of the Semnan Province, using molecular and con- ventional methods (21). In microscopic examination, 8 (53.3%) samples were shown to be infected with Leishmania parasites. keywords: animals; borne; damghan; dis; hedgehogs; infection; iran; leishmania; leishmaniasis; major; molecular; parasites; september; species; study cache: jad-1177.pdf plain text: jad-1177.txt item: #46 of 515 id: jad-118 author: Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Zahirnia, Amir Hosein; Sharifi, Farid; Davari, Behroz title: The Fauna and Ecology of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Western Iran date: 2015-10-11 words: 5125 flesch: 64 summary: pipiens (8.14%), An. maculipennis s.l. (4.42%), CS. subochrea (4.27%), Cx. mimeticus (2.38%), An. turkhudi (1.68%), An. superpictus (1.39 %), Cx. hortensis (1.04%), and Cs. longiareolata (0.04%). vexans, An. maculipennis s.l., An. superpictus, Cx. pipiens, Cx. theileri, and Oc. keywords: culicidae; et al; iran; larvae; mosquitoes; province; s.l; species cache: jad-118.pdf plain text: jad-118.txt item: #47 of 515 id: jad-1180 author: Rahmani-Varmale, Mozhgan; Tavassoli, Mousa; Esmaeilnejad, Bijan title: Molecular Detection and Differentiation of Theileria lestoquardi, T. ovis and T. annulata in Blood of Goats and Ticks in Kermanshah Province, Iran date: 2019-08-03 words: 6988 flesch: 64 summary: Moreover, several studies performed to detect Theileria infection by the microscopic method in goats in different geographical re- gions of Turkey, western neighbor of Iran (21- 23). In Italy, the prevalence of Theileria infection was 1.6% (25). keywords: annulata; blood; goats; infection; iran; lestoquardi; ovis; pcr; september; species; spp; theileria; ticks cache: jad-1180.pdf plain text: jad-1180.txt item: #48 of 515 id: jad-1181 author: Jahanifard, Elham; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Nasiri, Hossein; Matinfar, Hamid Reza; Charrahy, Zabihollah; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad title: Prone Regions of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Southwest of Iran: Combination of Hierarchical Decision Model (AHP) and GIS date: 2019-08-03 words: 7200 flesch: 61 summary: Mesghati Amoli G (2011) GIS-based risk map analysis of leishmaniasis disease in Isfahan, Iran. Abstract Background: Cutaneous leishmaniasis due to Leishmania major is an important public health problem in the world. keywords: borne; disease; distribution; gis; iran; leishmaniasis; maps; presence; probability; risk; september; study; vector; zcl cache: jad-1181.pdf plain text: jad-1181.txt item: #49 of 515 id: jad-1182 author: Tajik, Sahar; Sadeghi, Sedigheh; Iravani, Ayda; Khalili, Mitra; Arjmand, Mohammad; Din, Nassir-Ud; Vahabi, Farideh; Feiz-Haddad, Hossein; Lame-Rad, Behzad; Naddaf, Saeid Reza; Zamani, Zahra title: Characterization of Glycoproteins of Native 19kDa C-Terminal Merozoite Surface Protein-1 from Native Antigen of Plasmodium falciparum date: 2019-08-03 words: 4728 flesch: 56 summary: There are reports of the absence of N-glycosylation machinery in P. falciparum parasites (30) even though N- linked carbohydrates have also been described in alliance with asparagines on MSP1 (31). Carbohydrates (with terminal α-D-galactosyl residues) attached to malaria parasite proteins are suitable antigenic determinants and that they are recognized by the host's immune system (8). keywords: 19kda; antigen; falciparum; glycans; glycosylation; msp1; plasmodium; presence; proteins; september; stage; staining; terminal cache: jad-1182.pdf plain text: jad-1182.txt item: #50 of 515 id: jad-1185 author: Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Shirzadi, Mohammad Reza; Rassi, Yavar; Khamesipour, Ali; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Vatandoost, Hassan title: Conducting International Diploma Course on Leishmaniasis and its Control in the Islamic Republic of Iran date: 2019-10-01 words: 3646 flesch: 38 summary: Control of leishmaniasis Different methods of prevention and control of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis, meth- ods for evaluation of leishmaniasis control, dif- ferent methods for elimination of stray dogs, Leishmanization and its effectiveness in the con- trol of CL in Iran, Vaccine for visceral leishman- iasis, principals of integrated pest management (IPM planning), rodenticides and environmen- tal management and sanitation, destroying of chenopods, different methods of rodent control, insecticide susceptibility tests on sand flies, cal- culation of LT50 and LT90 using Probit analysis, insecticides recommended by WHO against leishmaniasis vectors, formulation of insecti- cides for residual spraying, measurement and calculation of insecticides for impregnation of bed nets and curtains, safe use and judicious use of insecticides and precaution measures, insec- ticide storage (condition of safe storage), space spraying, Ultra Low Volume (ULV), thermal fog. 2. Number of Cutaneous leishmaniasis cases by month, Iran, 2017 Fig. keywords: control; ershadi; flies; health; iran; leishmaniasis; sand; september; yaghoobi cache: jad-1185.pdf plain text: jad-1185.txt item: #51 of 515 id: jad-119 author: Soltani, Aboozar; Vatandoost, Hassan; Oshaghi, MohammadAli; Maleki-Ravasan, Naseh; Enayati, AhmadAli; Asgarian, Fatemeh title: Resistance Mechanisms of Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) to Temephos date: 2015-10-11 words: 5872 flesch: 54 summary: The result of PCR-RFLP with AluI showed that PCR products of both temephos resistance and susceptible strains of An. stephensi were remain intact (Fig. 9) indicating lack of the G119S mutation in ACE-1 of resistance strain. Current reports confirmed An. stephensi resistance to temephos in Oman and India. keywords: activity; anopheles; beech; gene; iran; lab; mechanisms; mosquito; resistance; stephensi; strain; temephos cache: jad-119.pdf plain text: jad-119.txt item: #52 of 515 id: jad-1191 author: Gerqari, Antigona Begolli; Ferizi, Mybera; Halimi, Sadije; Begolli, Ilir Mithat; Begolli, Mirije; Gerqari, Idriz title: Scabies Crustosa in a Patient with Insufficientia Renalis-Case Report date: 2022-09-04 words: 2121 flesch: 53 summary: Scabies crustosa (Scabies Norvegica) is the most advanced condition of scabies in patients with reduced sensitivity, such as damaged nerves in syphilis, leprosy, neuropathy of various forms, as well as in immunodeficient persons such as AIDS patients. Strong M, Johnstone P (2007) Interventions for treating scabies. keywords: crustosa; dec; disease; patient; pruritus; scabies; skin cache: jad-1191.pdf plain text: jad-1191.txt item: #53 of 515 id: jad-1195 author: Vatandoost, Hassan; Nikpour, Fatemeh; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Khanavi, Mahnaz; Hajiiakhondi, Abbas; Raesi, Ahmad; Nejati, Jalil title: Efficacy of Extractions of Iranian Native Plants against Main Malaria Vector, Anopheles stephensi in Iran for Making Appropriate Formulation for Disease Control date: 2019-08-03 words: 4856 flesch: 56 summary: Sedaghat MM, Sanei-Dehkordi AR, Kha- navi M, Abai MR, Mohtarami F, Vatan- doost H (20110) Chemical composition and larvicidal activity of essential oil of Cupressus arizona E.L. Greene against malaria vector Anopheles stephensi Lis- ton (Diptera: Culicidae). There are several reports of insecticide resistant in malaria vectors worldwide due to using different insecticides. keywords: anopheles; borne; dis; et al; iran; malaria; stephensi; vatandoost; vector cache: jad-1195.pdf plain text: jad-1195.txt item: #54 of 515 id: jad-12 author: Vazirianzadeh, B; Jervis, MA; Kidd, NAC title: The Effects of Oral Application of Cyromazine and Triflumuron on House-Fly Larvae date: 2007-12-15 words: 3730 flesch: 58 summary: Insecticide resistance in house flies from caged-layer poultry facilities. The obtained results using novularon, an IGR of benzoylurea, in a laboratory feeding larvicidal application against house fly larvae, by Cetin et al. (2006) agree the results of present study using triflumoron as an IGR of benzoylurea. keywords: application; cyromazine; econ; effects; entomol; fly; house; larvae; mortality; triflumuron cache: jad-12.pdf plain text: jad-12.txt item: #55 of 515 id: jad-120 author: Zahraei-Ramazani, Alireza; Kumar, Dinesh; Mirhendi, Hossein; Sundar, Shyam; Mishra, Rajnikan; Moin-Vaziri, Vahideh; Soleimani, Hassan; Shirzadi, Mohammad Reza; Jafari, Reza; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Hamedi-Shahraky, Sodabe; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza title: Morphological and Genotypic Variations among the Species of the Subgenus Adlerius (Diptera: Psychodidae, Phlebotomus) in Iran date: 2015-10-11 words: 6845 flesch: 60 summary: Number of males of subgenus Adlerius species collected from 17 provinces Fig. 4. Morphological and … 91 Fig. 1. Provinces where Adlerius species were collected. keywords: adlerius; balcanicus; dis; flies; iran; length; male; sand; species; specimens; subgenus; zahraei cache: jad-120.pdf plain text: jad-120.txt item: #56 of 515 id: jad-1207 author: Ghafari, Saeedeh; Tahghighi, Azar; Shamakhte, Khadijeh; Alipour, Hamzeh; Maleki-Ravasan, Naseh; Nateghpour, Mehdi title: Phytochemical Composition and Bioassay on Iranian Teucrium polium Ex-tracts against Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) date: 2023-01-18 words: 6017 flesch: 47 summary: Larvicidal activity of DCME-TP with 49.41% mortality was also higher than EE-TP (20.24%). Larvicidal activity of dichloromethane and ethanolic extracts of Teucrium polium against Anopheles stephensi Larvicidal activity of DCME-TP Concentration (ppm) Repeat 1 Dead/T* Repeat 2 Dead/T* Repeat 3 Dead/T* Repeat 4 Dead/T* Mortality%** 2000 12/21 10/21 11/21 9/22 49.41 1000 5/21 6/23 4/20 5/22 25.26 500 4/22 4/24 3/20 2/26 14.13 250 2/23 2/20 1/22 2/24 7.86 125 0/24 0/20 1/20 1/22 2.5 62.5 0/21 0/25 0/24 0/20 0 Larvicidal activity of EE-TP Concentration (ppm) Repeat 1 Dead/T* Repeat 2 Dead/T* Repeat 3 Dead/T* Repeat 4 Dead/T* Mortality%*** 2000 4/21 3/21 6/21 4/21 20.24 1000 6/23 4/22 4/25 4/24 19.15 500 4/22 4/23 5/25 4/22 18.48 250 7/21 2/25 3/20 3/25 16.48 125 3/22 2/21 4/22 4/26 14.23 62.5 3/22 2/21 2/21 1/18 9.5 *T: total number of Anopheles stephensi larvae. keywords: activity; anopheles; arthropod; control; dcme; dis; extracts; iran; june; larvicidal; malaria; mosquito; polium; repellent; stephensi cache: jad-1207.pdf plain text: jad-1207.txt item: #57 of 515 id: jad-121 author: Hajipour, Nasser; Tavassoli, Mousa; Gorgani-Firouzjaee, Tahmineh; Naem, Soraya; Pourreza, Behzad; Bahramnejad, Kia; Arjmand, Jafar title: Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) as a Source of Ectoparasites in Urban-suburban Areas of Northwest of Iran date: 2015-10-11 words: 3062 flesch: 55 summary: Besides in an- other study Rh. turanicus was found in West and East Azerbaijan (Nabian and Rahbari 2008). Infestation rate of hedgehog fleas and ticks collected from Urmia and Tabriz Cities, Iran Discussion In the present study, the ectoparasite prev- alence was observed in European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in Northwest of Iran. keywords: erinaceus; hedgehogs; infestation; iran; tabriz; ticks; urmia cache: jad-121.pdf plain text: jad-121.txt item: #58 of 515 id: jad-1211 author: Aelami, Mohammad Hassan; Khooei, Alireza; Ghorbani, Hamidreza; Seilanian-Toosi, Farrokh; Poustchi, Elham; Hosseini-Farash, Bibi Razieh; Moghaddas, Elham title: Urinary Canthariasis Due to Tenebrio molitor Larva in a Ten-Year-Old Boy date: 2019-08-03 words: 1940 flesch: 60 summary: However, the majority of reported cases of T. molitor larva in hu- mans have been related to gastrointestinal tract (2, 5). Case Report Urinary Canthariasis Due to Tenebrio molitor Larva in a Ten-Year-Old Boy Mohammad Hassan Aelami1; Alireza Khoei2; Hamidreza Ghorbani3; Farrokh Seilanian- Toosi4; Elham Poustchi5; Bibi Razieh Hosseini-Farash5,6; *Elham Moghaddas5 1Department of Pediatrics and Hand Hygiene and Infection Control Research Center, Imam Reza Hospital, Mashhad University of medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran 2Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran 3Kidney Transplantation Complications Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran 4Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran 5Department of Parasitology and Mycology, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran 6Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran (Received 10 Aug 2018; accepted 26 Oct 2019) keywords: bladder; canthariasis; iran; larvae; mashhad; molitor; tenebrio cache: jad-1211.pdf plain text: jad-1211.txt item: #59 of 515 id: jad-1212 author: Shahi, Mehran; Habibi-Masour, Reza; Salehi, Mehrdad; Ghasemi-Nang, Mehdi; Rafizad, Emadaddin; Abbasi, Madineh; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali title: Scorpions and Scorpionism in Roudan County, Southern Iran date: 2019-08-03 words: 4427 flesch: 66 summary: Abstract Background: Every year, thousands of cases and many deaths from scorpion sting are reported in tropical areas of South and Southwestern parts of Iran. Data of scorpion stings were obtained from health center of Hormozgan Province during 2014–2016. keywords: areas; cases; county; hormozgan; iran; province; scorpion; species; sting; study cache: jad-1212.pdf plain text: jad-1212.txt item: #60 of 515 id: jad-122 author: Golfakhrabadi, Fereshteh; Khanavi, Mahnaz; Ostad, Seyed Nasser; Saeidnia, Soodabeh; Vatandoost, Hassan; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Hafizi, Mitra; Yousefbeyk, Fatemeh; Razzaghi Rad, Yaghoob; Baghenegadian, Ameneh; Shams-Ardekani, Mohammad Reza title: Biological Activities and Composition of Ferulago carduchorum Essential Oil date: 2015-10-11 words: 6117 flesch: 57 summary: Gas chromatography-Mass dia- gram of F. carduchorum essential oil showed in figure 1. Acetyl cholinesterase Inhibition Activity Acetyl cholinesterase inhibition activity of F. carduchorum essential oil was studied for the first time. keywords: activities; activity; carduchorum; cholinesterase; composition; control; et al; ferulago; hadjiakhoondi; iran; larvicidal; oil; stephensi; tehran cache: jad-122.pdf plain text: jad-122.txt item: #61 of 515 id: jad-1221 author: Benallal, Kamel Eddine; Garni, Rafik; Bouiba, Lazhari; Eddine, Kamel title: First Detection of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Algiers, the Capital City of Algeria date: 2019-08-03 words: 2889 flesch: 48 summary: Keywords: Aedes albopictus, Mosquitoes, Arbovirus, Algiers, Algeria Introduction Aedes albopictus is currently considered the most invasive mosquito species (1) as its rapid adaptation to a large variety of environments in both tropical and temperate areas has al- lowed its spread throughout the world (2). Aedes albopictus is also known as a vector for West Nile virus (15, 16), Dirofi- laria immitis and D. repens (17, 18). keywords: aedes; albopictus; algeria; algiers; benallal; december; detection; mosquito; species cache: jad-1221.pdf plain text: jad-1221.txt item: #62 of 515 id: jad-1222 author: Ileke, Kayode David; Adesina, Jacobs Mobolade title: Toxicity of Ocimum basilicum and Ocimum gratissimum Extracts against Main Malaria Vector, Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) in Nigeria date: 2019-08-03 words: 3897 flesch: 55 summary: Similarly, O. basilicum caused 100% pupae mortality within 24h of treatment at 0.5% con- centration and its effect was significantly not different from O. grattisimum extract who caused 90% pupae mortality (Table 2). This is followed by O. basilicum extract which had 6.75 and 11.5 fed mosquitoes in O. gratti- simum extract which was not significantly dif- ferent from other treatments apart from untreat- ed control that recorded 47.5 fed An. gambiae. keywords: 0.00a; basilicum; extracts; gambiae; grattisimum; mortality; ocimum; toxicity cache: jad-1222.pdf plain text: jad-1222.txt item: #63 of 515 id: jad-1227 author: Firoozfar, Faranak; Saghafipour, Abedin; Vatandoost, Hassan; Mohammadi Bavani, Mulood; Taherpour, Masoumeh; Jesri, Nahid; Yazdani, Mahmood; Arzamani, Kourosh title: Faunistic Composition and Spatial Distribution of Scorpions in North Khorasan Province Northeast of Iran date: 2019-08-03 words: 4048 flesch: 61 summary: Data of the current research indicated that the scorpion activity started in March, and reached its peaked in August when the weath- er was favorable, leading to a gradual increase in the frequency of scorpion species. The presence of suitable environmental conditions for the emergence of species has caused the presence of scorpion species to reach its peak in the study area in August. keywords: areas; december; iran; khorasan; medical; province; scorpions; species; study cache: jad-1227.pdf plain text: jad-1227.txt item: #64 of 515 id: jad-123 author: Poorinmohammad, Naghmeh; Mohabatkar, Hassan title: Homology Modeling and Conformational Epitope Prediction of Envelope Protein of Alkhumra Haemorrhagic Fever Virus date: 2015-10-11 words: 4465 flesch: 54 summary: Although we can more conveniently gain information about protein 3D structures in silico, X-ray crystallography and NMR are undoubtedly the first and best choices to get such information. Both models were regarded as accurate due to the results of Modfold4, however, again these scores were better for the M4T generated model (0.7730 and 2.92E-4 for Global model quality score and P-value, respectively). keywords: conformational; epitopes; homology; model; modeling; mohabatkar; prediction; protein; quality; structure; virus cache: jad-123.pdf plain text: jad-123.txt item: #65 of 515 id: jad-1230 author: Nikookar, Seyed Hassan; Fazeli-Dinan, Mahmoud; Ziapour, Seyyed Payman; Ghorbani, Fatemeh; Salim-Abadi, Yaser; Vatandoost, Hassan; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Enayati, Ahmadali title: First Report of Biochemical Mechanisms of Insecticide Resistance in the Field Population of Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) From Sari, Mazandaran, North of Iran date: 2019-08-03 words: 6955 flesch: 58 summary: pipiens populations outside the Med- iterranean region (53). Conclusion The findings of this research provide the first evidence on the involvement of metabol- ic mechanisms including alpha- and beta-es- terases, mixed-function oxidases and acetyl- cholinesterase in insecticide resistance in the field population of Cx. keywords: ache; arthropod; borne; culex; december; dis; enzyme; esterases; field; insecticide; iran; laboratory; mosquitoes; nikookar; pipiens; population; resistance cache: jad-1230.pdf plain text: jad-1230.txt item: #66 of 515 id: jad-1231 author: Moin-Vaziri, Vahideh; Charrel, Remi N; Badakhshan, Mehdi; Lamballerie, Xavier de; Rahbarian, Nourina; Mohammadi Bavani, Mulood; Azari-Hamidian, Shahyad title: A Molecular Screening of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) for Flaviviruses in a Focus of West Nile Virus Infection in Northern Iran date: 2019-08-03 words: 4055 flesch: 64 summary: West Nile virus is reported in 26 provinces (Out of 31) of Iran in horses (17, 24, 25), hu- mans (15–17, 26–30) and birds (31). None of the 38 pools tested by real-time RT-PCR either for flaviviruses or more spe- cifically for West Nile virus was positive. keywords: anzali; borne; dis; iran; mosquitoes; nile; nlc; province; species; virus; west; wetland cache: jad-1231.pdf plain text: jad-1231.txt item: #67 of 515 id: jad-1233 author: Arzamani, Kourosh; Rassi, Yavar; Vatandoost, Hassan; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Alavinia, Mohammad; Akbarzadeh, Kamran; Mohebali, Mehdi; Rafizadeh, Sayena; Karimian, Fateh; Badakhshan, Mehdi; Absavaran, Azad title: Comparative Performance of Different Traps for Collection of Phlebotominae Sand Flies and Estimation of Biodiversity Indices in Three Endemic Leishmaniasis Foci in North Khorasan Province, Northeast of Iran date: 2019-08-03 words: 4293 flesch: 65 summary: Methods: Sand flies were collected using seven different traps from three villages, three times each twenty days during peak periods of seasonal activity in 2016. There are approximately 1,000 valid described species of sand flies in the world (8). keywords: clt; collection; flies; iran; north; sand; sand flies; species; spt; trap cache: jad-1233.pdf plain text: jad-1233.txt item: #68 of 515 id: jad-1234 author: Hazratian, Teimour; Paksa, Azim; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mahdi; Vatandoost, Hassan; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Sanei-Dehkordi, Alireza; Salim-Abadi, Yaser; Pirmohammadi, Masoumeh; Yousefi, Saideh; Amin, Masoumeh; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali title: Baseline Susceptibility of Culiseta longiareolata (Diptera: Culicidae) to Different Imagicides, in Eastern Azerbaijan, Iran date: 2019-08-03 words: 4110 flesch: 54 summary: High insecticides resistance in Cu- lex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) from Teh- ran, capital of Iran. The aim of this study was to determine the susceptibility level of Cs. longiareolata to different classes of imagicides which are recommended by World Health Organization . keywords: borne; control; culicidae; december; diptera; dis; insecticides; iran; longiareolata; mosquitoes; resistance; susceptibility; vector cache: jad-1234.pdf plain text: jad-1234.txt item: #69 of 515 id: jad-124 author: Berenji, Fariba; Hosseini-Farash, Bibi Razieh; Marvi-Moghadam, Narges title: A Case of Secondary Ophthalmomyiasis Caused by Chrysomya bezziana (Diptera: Calliphoridae) date: 2015-10-11 words: 2657 flesch: 60 summary: Ophthalmomyiasis caused by C. bezziana is particularly damaging and a rare case of orbital myiasis due to C. bezziana has been documented (Klintworth 2012). The first has described in Sina Hospital in a 90-year-old woman from Andimeshk with ocular rupturing and outpouring of hundreds of C. bezziana larvae and the second was in Imam Khomeini Hos- pital in Ahvaz .The patient was an 87-year- old woman with a severely necrotized left orbit and several live larvae of C. bezziana (Radmanesh et al. 2000, Khataminia et al. 2011). keywords: bezziana; case; iran; larvae; ophthalmomyiasis cache: jad-124.pdf plain text: jad-124.txt item: #70 of 515 id: jad-125 author: Rajabloo, Mohammad; Razavi, Seyed Mostafa; Shayegh, Hossein; Mootabi Alavi, Amir title: Nymphal Linguatulosis in Indian Crested Porcupines (Histrix Indica) in Southwest of Iran date: 2015-10-11 words: 3020 flesch: 61 summary: The present study reports the occurrence of Linguatula serrata nymph in H. indica as a new intermediate host from southwest of Iran. The Marara syndrome: Isola- tion of Linguatula serrata nymph from a patient and the viscera of goats. keywords: et al; iran; linguatula; linguatulosis; nymphs; prevalence; serrata cache: jad-125.pdf plain text: jad-125.txt item: #71 of 515 id: jad-1253 author: Daoudi, Morocco Mohamed; Boussaa, Samia; Boumezzough, Ali title: Modeling Spatial Distribution of Sergentomyia minuta (Diptera: Psychodidae) and its Potential Implication in Leishmaniasis Transmission in Morocco date: 2019-08-03 words: 5871 flesch: 60 summary: Results In this study, we assembled 190 sampling sites for sand fly species. Moreover, several viruses have been iso- lated from sand flies of the genus Sergentomyia such as the Saboya virus, viruses RNA of ArD 95737 and ArD 111740 (25, 26), which has made it possible to suspect the vector role of Sergentomyia species (27). keywords: bio; diptera; distribution; flies; leishmaniasis; march; minuta; modeling; morocco; phlebotomus; psychodidae; s. minuta; sand; sergentomyia; species; worldclim cache: jad-1253.pdf plain text: jad-1253.txt item: #72 of 515 id: jad-1254 author: Sharififard, Mona; Alizadeh, Ismaeil; Jahanifard, Elham; Saki-Malehi, Amal title: Prevalence and Spatial Distribution of Bed Bug, Cimex lectularius, Infestation in Southwest of Iran: GIS Approach date: 2019-08-03 words: 4551 flesch: 65 summary: Prevalence of bed bug infestation estimated 9.61% in Ahvaz city. Most of the people in the infested houses (62%) were very concern about bed bug infestation. keywords: ahvaz; bed; bed bug; bug; bugs; cimex; city; health; infestation; iran; lectularius; march; prevalence cache: jad-1254.pdf plain text: jad-1254.txt item: #73 of 515 id: jad-1255 author: Heidari, Aliehsan; Mohebali, Mehdi; Vahed, Mozhgan; Kabir, Kourosh; Zarei, Zabihollah; Akhoundi, Behnaz; Elikaee, Samira; Barati, Hojatallah; Sezavar, Monireh; Keshavarz, Hossein; Kakooei, Zahra; Hajjaran, Homa title: Molecular and Seroepidemiological Survey of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Owned Dogs (Canis familiaris) in New Foci of Rural Areas of Alborz Province, Central Part of Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study in 2017 date: 2019-08-03 words: 4575 flesch: 61 summary: The absence of VL infection symp- toms in dogs is significant epidemiologically be- cause infected dogs can easily transmit leish- mania to sand flies (1). Since there are few studies on the epidemi- ological characteristics of VL in owned dogs in Alborz Province, and considering the importance of the disease in Iran and reported sporadic cases of CVL in recent years from Alborz Province, and in order to find local foci of the infection in high risk areas of the province, the present study was designed using the DAT serological test, parasitology and molecular PCR methods to determine the prevalence of CVL in the owned dogs of the rural areas of Alborz Province near Tehran as the capital of Iran. keywords: alborz; dat; dogs; infection; iran; leishmania; leishmaniasis; march; province; study; visceral cache: jad-1255.pdf plain text: jad-1255.txt item: #74 of 515 id: jad-1256 author: Houmansadr, Faezeh; Soleimani, Mohammad; Naddaf, Saied Reza title: Development of A Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Assay for Detection of Relapsing Fever Borreliae date: 2019-08-03 words: 4618 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: Relapsing fever; Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP); Iran Introduction The genus Borrelia comprises two distinct groups of spirochetes with the difference in diseases they cause. Lane M, 5bp DNA ladder; lanes 1– 6, human blood samples (a 540bp in lanes 4 and 5 indi- cates amplification of Borrelia DNA); lane 7, negative control (DDW) Discussion In Iran, blood analysis of relapsing fever patients by examination of wet smears using dark-field microscopy or Giemsa-stained blood slides has been a common practice for years. keywords: amplification; assay; blood; borne; borrelia; dis; dna; fever; glpq; iran; lamp; loop; pcr; primers cache: jad-1256.pdf plain text: jad-1256.txt item: #75 of 515 id: jad-1258 author: Shirzadi, Mohammad Reza; Javanbakht, Mohammad; Vatandoost, Hassan; Jesri, Nahid; Saghafipour, Abedin; Fouladi-Fard, Reza; Omidi-Oskouei, Alireza title: Impact of Environmental and Climate Factors on Spatial Distribution of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Northeastern Iran: Utilizing Remote Sensing date: 2019-08-03 words: 6510 flesch: 38 summary: There was also a significantly direct corre- lation between spatial variation of soil moisture and disease incidence (p= 0.007). The remote sensing techniques and satellite imagery data (TRMM, MODIS-Aqua, MODIS-Terra and AMSR-2 with spatial resolution 0.25°, 0.05°, 5600m and 10km) of environ- mental and climate factors were used to determine the spatial pattern changes of cutaneous leishmaniasis incidence. keywords: areas; disease; factors; incidence; iran; khorasan; leishmaniasis; march; north; north khorasan; province; razavi; razavi khorasan; regions; study cache: jad-1258.pdf plain text: jad-1258.txt item: #76 of 515 id: jad-126 author: Maghsoodi, Naimatallah; Ladonni, Hossin; Basseri, Hamid Reza title: Species Composition and Seasonal Activities of Malaria Vectors in an Area at Reintroduction Prevention Stage, Khuzestan, South-Western Iran date: 2015-10-11 words: 5116 flesch: 61 summary: Five species, An. stephensi, An. fluviatilis s.l., An. dthali, An. superpictus and An. pulcherrimus were identified. Entry behavior of An. stephensi, An. superpictus, An. dthali and An. fluviatilis s.l. was observed during whole activity sea- sons (Fig. 3). keywords: anopheles; areas; dthali; fluviatilis; iran; larvae; malaria; mosquito; s.l; species; stephensi cache: jad-126.pdf plain text: jad-126.txt item: #77 of 515 id: jad-1261 author: Abbasi, Madineh; Doosti, Sara; Vatandoost, Hassan; Hosseini-Vasoukolaei, Nasibeh title: Study on the Fauna of Aquatic Insects in Northwestern Iran date: 2019-08-03 words: 3722 flesch: 66 summary: Compin A, Cereghino R (2003) Sensitiv- ity of aquatic insect species richness to disturbance in the Adour-Garonne stream system (France). Study on the Fauna of … 1 2031, 20 MarchPublished Online: Original Article Study on the Fauna of Aquatic Insects in Northwestern Iran Madineh Abbasi1,2; Sara Doosti3; *Hassan Vatandoost1,4; Nasibeh Hosseini-Vasoukolaei5 1Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2Department of Communicable diseases, Vice Health, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran 3Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, Medical School, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran 4Department of Environmental Chemical Pollutants and Pesticides, Institute for Environmental Research, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 5Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, Health Science Research Center, Faculty of Health, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran (Received 07 Nov 2019; accepted 12 Mar 2020) keywords: aquatic; diptera; dis; ephemeroptera; fauna; insects; iran; species; study; water cache: jad-1261.pdf plain text: jad-1261.txt item: #78 of 515 id: jad-1262 author: Odetoyin, Babatunde; Adeola, Babatunde; Olaniran, Olarinde title: Frequency and Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of Bacterial Species Isolated from the Body Surface of the Housefly (Musca domestica) in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria date: 2019-08-03 words: 4765 flesch: 56 summary: Abstract Background: The emergence and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria has become a serious problem worldwide. Likewise, Wei et al. showed that antibiotic resistant bacteria can persist in the gut of house and green bottle flies. keywords: antibiotic; bacteria; coli; flies; hospital; house; houseflies; human; isolates; march; resistance; spp cache: jad-1262.pdf plain text: jad-1262.txt item: #79 of 515 id: jad-1263 author: Mozaffari, Ehssan; Vatandoost, Hassan; Rassi, Yavar; Mohebali, Mehdi; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Moradi-Asl, Eslam; Zarei, Zabihola; Zahrai-Ramazani, Alieza; Ghorbani, Esmail title: Epidemiology of Visceral Leishmaniasis with Emphasis on the Dynamic Activity of Sand Flies in an Important Endemic Focus of Disease in Northwestern Iran date: 2019-08-03 words: 4415 flesch: 61 summary: Visceral leishmaniasis is considered to be the most serious form and transmitted by sand flies species. Keywords: Phlebotomus kandelakii; Phlebotomus perfilewi transcaucasicus; Visceral leishmaniasis; Iran Introduction Arthropod-borne diseases are known to be one of the most important public health prob- lems. keywords: activity; flies; iran; leishmaniasis; march; sand; study; vectors; visceral cache: jad-1263.pdf plain text: jad-1263.txt item: #80 of 515 id: jad-1264 author: Manzoor, Farkhanda; Shabbir, Robeela; Sana, Madiha; Nazir, Sumbal; Khan, Muhammad Aslam title: Determination of Species Composition of Mosquitoes in Lahore, Pakistan date: 2019-08-03 words: 4521 flesch: 64 summary: The rapid urbanization of this city with extensive road construction projects and elimination of open fields is a reason to pro- vide the flourishing breeding sites for disease transmitting mosquito species. Simpson index (D) was also applied to find out the rarity of mosquito species (23) collect- ed. keywords: abundance; august; diversity; lahore; march; mosquitoes; pakistan; species; water cache: jad-1264.pdf plain text: jad-1264.txt item: #81 of 515 id: jad-1265 author: Saghafipour, Abedin; Zahraei-Ramazani, Alireza; Vatandoost, Hassan; Asadollahi, Amin; Fouladi-Fard, Reza; Hamta, Amir; Hasanwand, Ali title: Relationship between Some Environmental and Climatic Factors on Outbreak of Whiteflies, the Human Annoying Insects date: 2019-08-03 words: 4841 flesch: 50 summary: Relationship between … 78 Published Online: March 31, 2020 Original Article Relationship between Some Environmental and Climatic Factors on Outbreak of Whiteflies, the Human Annoying Insects Abedin Saghafipour1; *Alireza Zahraei-Ramazani2; Hassan Vatandoost2,3; Amin Asadollahi2; Reza Fouladi-Fard4; Amir Hamta5; Ali Hasanwand2 1 Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran 2 Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 3 Department of Environmental Chemical Pollutants and Pesticides, Institute for Environmental Research, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 4 Research Center for Environmental Pollutants, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran 5 Clinical Research Development Center (CRDU), Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran (Received 27 Mar 2019; accepted 21 Mar 2020) Abstract Background: The reports of numerous outbreaks of whiteflies from different parts of the world have increased its med- ical importance. keywords: air; change; factors; humidity; iran; march; population; relationship; study; tehran; temperature; whiteflies; whitefly cache: jad-1265.pdf plain text: jad-1265.txt item: #82 of 515 id: jad-1266 author: Alizadeh, Ismaeil; Jahanifard, Elham; Sharififard, Mona; Azemi, Mohammad Ebrahim title: Effects of Resident Education and Self-Implementation of Integrated Pest Management Strategy for Eliminating Bed Bug Infestation in Ahvaz City, Southwestern Iran date: 2019-08-03 words: 4043 flesch: 56 summary: The objective of this study was to determine the effects of resident education and self-implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy for eliminating bed bug infestation in infected apartments in Ahvaz City, Iran. Elimination of bed bug infestation is costly and time-consuming because of activity and noc- turnal blood feeding, habit of hiding, spreading around the house (5, 14, 15). keywords: apartments; bed; bug; control; infestation; ipm; pest; residents cache: jad-1266.pdf plain text: jad-1266.txt item: #83 of 515 id: jad-1268 author: Shirani-Bidabadi, Leila; Zahraei-Ramazani, Ali Reza; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Enayati, Ahmad Ali; Rassi, Yavar; Gholampour, Fatemeh; Shareghi, Niloufar; Madreseh, Elham; Vatandoost, Hassan title: Monitoring of Laboratory Reared of Phlebotomus papatasi (Diptera: Psychodidae), Main Vector of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis to Different Imagicides in Hyper endemic Areas, Esfahan Province, Iran date: 2019-08-03 words: 4740 flesch: 55 summary: Denlinger D S, Lozano-FuentesS, Lawyer PG, Black IVWC, Bernhardt SA (2015) Assessing insecticide susceptibility of laboratory Lutzomyia longipalpis and Phlebotomus papatasi sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae). Abstract Background: In domestic and per domestic area,insecticides such as DDT, malathion, fenitrothion, propoxur and, more recently, synthetic pyrethroids such as deltamethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin, have been successfully used to control sand flies in many countries. keywords: ddt; flies; health; insecticide; iran; laboratory; march; papatasi; phlebotomus; sand; susceptibility cache: jad-1268.pdf plain text: jad-1268.txt item: #84 of 515 id: jad-1269 author: Naghian, Abdollah; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Moein-Vaziri, Vahideh; Rassi, Yavar; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi; Mostafavi, Ehsan; Veysi, Arshad; Soleimani, Hassan; Dehghan, Hossein; Zahraei-Ramazani, Alireza; Mirhendi, Hossein; Amini, Mohammad Hassan; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad title: Molecular Identification of Leishmania Species in Phlebotomus alexandri (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Western Iran date: 2019-08-03 words: 4511 flesch: 57 summary: In the current study the majority of infected P. alexandri sand flies was unfed and it reflects that, they are capable to transmit the parasite to the new host through next blood feeding. This is the first report of P. alexandri sand fly infection due to L. major in Javnrud County in Kermanshah Province. keywords: alexandri; flies; infantum; infection; iran; leishmania; leishmaniasis; major; province; samples; sand cache: jad-1269.pdf plain text: jad-1269.txt item: #85 of 515 id: jad-127 author: Telmadarraiy, Zakkyeh; Chinikar, Sadegh; Vatandoost, Hassan; Faghihi, Faezeh; Hosseini-Chegeni, Asadollah title: Vectors of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Iran date: 2015-10-11 words: 5803 flesch: 60 summary: The infection rate of tick species that were positive for CCHF virus has been shown in the Table 1. Conclusion The high frequency of tick species which are infected to CCHF virus reveals that unlike a most common idea which believes that Hyalomma species are the main vectors of CCHF virus, other ticks including Rhipi- cephalus, Haemaphysalis and Dermacentor can be reservoir of this virus; thus, consider- ing geographical distribution, type of host and environmental conditions, different tick control measurements should be acquired in areas with high incidence of CCHF disease. keywords: borne; cchf; crimean; dis; et al; fever; hemorrhagic; hyalomma; iran; species; telmadarraiy; tick; vectors; virus cache: jad-127.pdf plain text: jad-127.txt item: #86 of 515 id: jad-1275 author: Gupta, Snehil; ., Surbhi; Kumar, Sachin title: Detection of Deltamethrin Resistance in Cattle Tick, Rhipicephalus microplus Collected in Western Haryana State of India date: 2022-09-04 words: 4248 flesch: 41 summary: 2. Individual regression curve showing probit mortality in LPT against log concentration of deltamethrin in Rhipicephalus microplus ticks collected from different locations of Haryana, India, 2019 (A-J) (A=Nakipur, B=Barwa, C=Siwani, D=Dhangar, E=Badopal, F=Shivalya Dharamshala, G=Jarwa, H=Khajakhera I=Meham, J=Bainsi) that the LC50 values (confidence interval) of ticks larvae against Deltamethrin collected from Nakipur, Dhangar, Barwa, Badopal, Shivalya Dharamshala, Siwani, Jarwa, Khajakhera, Meham and Banisi are 73.6 (67.2–81.9), 61.2 (61.6–98.5), 52.7 (14.4– 101.0), 140.0 (86.7–448.6), 65.8 (37.1– 95.2), 232.1 (201.0–304.7), 3.72 (0.20– 393 Published Online: Dec 31, 2021 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, Dec 2021, 15(4): 389–396 S Gupta et al.: 2. Individual regression curve showing probit mortality in LPT against log concentration of deltamethrin in Rhipicephalus microplus ticks collected from different locations of Haryana, India, 2019 (A-J) (A=Nakipur, B=Barwa, C=Siwani, D=Dhangar, E=Badopal, F=Shivalya Dharamshala, G=Jarwa, H=Khajakhera I=Meham, J=Bainsi) continued Fig. keywords: dec; deltamethrin; field; haryana; india; kumar; level; microplus; resistance; rhipicephalus; ticks cache: jad-1275.pdf plain text: jad-1275.txt item: #87 of 515 id: jad-1277 author: Paulraj, Philip Samuel; Renu, Govindarajan; Ranganathan, Krishnamoorthi; Veeramanoharan, Rajamannar; Kumar, Ashwani title: Ectoparasites Diversity on Rodents and Shrews at Scrub Typhus Endemic Vellore District of Tamil Nadu, India date: 2022-11-15 words: 5087 flesch: 59 summary: This study brings out for the first time the presence of a variety of diverse ecto-parasites of zoonotic importance available in Vellore District, Tamil Nadu. Materials and Methods Site selection and Trapping Vellore district situated in Tamil Nadu state of India is one of the 37 districts in the Tamil Nadu state. In this study, Vellore Dis- trict situated in Tamil Nadu state is 209 times smaller than Yunnan Province, southwest Chi- na; but showed 23 species of chiggers which clearly showed that this area has a great spe- cies diversity of chigger mites. keywords: district; ectoparasites; india; leptotrombidium; mites; nadu; rattus; rodents; species; study; tamil; typhus; vellore; ● fr; ● ● cache: jad-1277.pdf plain text: jad-1277.txt item: #88 of 515 id: jad-1279 author: Ehsani Amrei, Seyedeh Fatemeh; Motevalli Haghi, Afsaneh; Nateghpour, Mehdi; Mohebali, Mehdi; Youssefi, Mohammad Reza; Raiesi, Omid; Mahdavi, Seif Ali; Farivar, Leila title: Detection of Malaria Parasites and Other Haemosporidia in Migratory and Native Birds in Mazandaran and Golestan Provinces, Iran date: 2022-11-15 words: 3757 flesch: 60 summary: Number of collected blood samples from Mazandaran and Golestan Provinces including type of birds and parasitic infection using microscopic examination Type of bird Number Plasmodium spp Haemoproteus spp. A 500bp band related to Haemoproteus infec- tion is shown in pigeon birds in comparison of positive control J Arthropod-Borne Dis, March 2022, 16(1): 26–33 SF Ehsani-Amrei et al.: keywords: birds; blood; haemoproteus; iran; march; parasites; pcr; plasmodium; samples; study cache: jad-1279.pdf plain text: jad-1279.txt item: #89 of 515 id: jad-128 author: Shirzadi, Mohammad Reza; Mollalo, Abolfazl; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad-Reza title: Dynamic Relations between Incidence of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis and Climatic Factors in Golestan Province, Iran date: 2015-10-11 words: 4796 flesch: 51 summary: Keywords: Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ZCL), Climate factors, Correlation analysis, GIS, Iran Introduction Leishmaniasis is an environmental de- pendent disease affected by a variety of fac- tors, amongst which climate factors are con- sidered to play major role in frequency of the disease (Patz et al. 2005). Since the geographical and seasonal dis- tributions of ZCL is closely linked to the climate conditions, using climate factors to- gether with the other influencing factors as predictive indicators can be used to establish early warning systems (EWSs) to forecast ZCL incidence in managing the next epi- demic. keywords: climate; factors; incidence; iran; leishmaniasis; monthly; province; zcl; zcl incidence cache: jad-128.pdf plain text: jad-128.txt item: #90 of 515 id: jad-1283 author: Ranjbar, Reza; Anjomruz, Mehdi; Enayati, Ahmad Ali; Khoobdel, Mehdi; Rafinejad, Atiyeh; Rafinejad, Javad title: Anaplasma Infection in Ticks in Southeastern Region of Iran date: 2020-05-20 words: 3897 flesch: 69 summary: Rh. manguineus 0(0%) 8(33.33%) %) keywords: anaplasma; anaplasmosis; blood; diseases; infection; iran; june; kerman; province; sheep; species; ticks cache: jad-1283.pdf plain text: jad-1283.txt item: #91 of 515 id: jad-1287 author: Jafari, Reza; Abdoli, Hamid; Arandian, Mohammad Hossein; Shareghi, Nilofar; Ghanei, Maryam; Jalali-Zand, Nilofar; Nekoeian, Shahram; Veysi, Arshad; Montazeri, Ahmad; Ghasemi, Amirabdollah; Ramazanpour, Javad; Fadaei, Reza; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad title: Emerging of Cutaneous Leishmaniais Due to Leishmania major in a New Focus in Esfahan Province, Central Iran date: 2020-05-03 words: 5278 flesch: 63 summary: Iran J Parasitol. Iran J Public Heal. 21(1/4): 11–50. keywords: cutaneous; esfahan; flies; iran; jafari; june; leishmania; leishmaniasis; sand; species; yaghoobi; zcl cache: jad-1287.pdf plain text: jad-1287.txt item: #92 of 515 id: jad-129 author: Hashemi-Aghdam, Saedeh Sadat; Oshaghi, MohammadAli title: A Checklist of Iranian Cockroaches (Blattodea) with Description of Polyphaga sp as a New Species in Iran date: 2015-10-11 words: 6840 flesch: 51 summary: We overviewed the documents involved Iranian cockroaches to up-to-date checklist of cockroach species distributed in various provinces of Iran. Methods: An extensive literature review was performed in 2013 on Iranian handbooks, reports and published data available since 1986 to obtain a comprehensive list of Iranian cockroaches. Geographical distributions, nomination changes, and synonyms of cockroach species are presented. keywords: blatta; blattella; checklist; chopard; cockroaches; coii; dis; et al; iran; mirzayans; oshaghi; periplaneta; polyphaga; records; species; specimens; synonymy; tehran; walker cache: jad-129.pdf plain text: jad-129.txt item: #93 of 515 id: jad-1299 author: Yavaşoğlu, Sare İlknur; Şimşek, Fatih Mehmet title: Insecticide Resistance and Mechanisms of Culex pipiens Populations in the Mediterranean and Aegean Regions of Turkey During 2017–2018 date: 2022-09-04 words: 8667 flesch: 37 summary: pipiens populations, several researchers from neighbouring countries such as Iran, Russia and Greece reported high insecticide resistance against different insecticides. Conclusion: Overall results may help to fulfil the lacking information in the literature regarding insecticide resistance status and underlying mechanism of Culex pipiens populations of the Mediter- ranean and Aegean region of Turkey by using all bioassays, molecular tests and biochemical assays. keywords: activities; aegean; control; culex; culex pipiens; ddt; dec; fig; gölhisar; insecticide; median; mediterranean; mersin; pipiens; pipiens populations; populations; protein; region; resistance; results; turkey cache: jad-1299.pdf plain text: jad-1299.txt item: #94 of 515 id: jad-13 author: Aghighi, Z; Assmar, M; Piazak, N; Javadian, E; Seyedi Rashti, MA; Kia, EB; Rassi, Y; Vatandoost, H title: Distribution of Soft Ticks and Their Natural Infection with Borrelia in a Focus of Relapsing Fever in Iran date: 2007-12-15 words: 2179 flesch: 62 summary: Soft ticks of the genus Ornithodoros spread tick borne disease in Iran. We found that 8.82 % of O. tholozani ticks were infected with Borrelia persica and half of the O. erraticus were infected with Borrelia microti. keywords: borrelia; fever; iran; tholozani; ticks cache: jad-13.pdf plain text: jad-13.txt item: #95 of 515 id: jad-130 author: Ansari-Mood, Maneli; Khoshnegah, Javad; Mohri, Mehrdad; Rajaei, SeyedMehdi title: Seroprevalence and Risk Factors of Ehrlichia canis Infection among Companion Dogs of Mashhad, North East of Iran, 2009–2010 date: 2015-10-11 words: 5393 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: Ehrlichia canis, Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay, Prevalence, Dog, IFA Introduction Canine Ehrlichiosis, a tick borne dis- ease, was first recognized by Donatien and Lestoquar (1935) and has since been re- ported in dogs geographical widespread (Bretischwerdt 1995). At the end of 1960 an epidemic outbreak of the disease with high mortality has been reported in Ameri- can military dogs and south Asia. keywords: borne; canine; canis; dogs; e. canis; ehrlichia; ehrlichiosis; et al; infection; iran; sanguineus; seroprevalence; tick; vet cache: jad-130.pdf plain text: jad-130.txt item: #96 of 515 id: jad-1305 author: Nabavi, Zohreh; Baniardalani, Mozhgan; Basseri, Hamidreza title: Purification and Partial Characterization of Agglutinin Lectin from Heamolymph of German Cockroach, Blattella germanica date: 2020-05-03 words: 3861 flesch: 62 summary: The presence of lectin activities in the heamolymph is more important for immun- ity of B. germanica against microbial patho- gens. The sugar specificities of cockroach lectins were investigated by competitive binding using the following carbohydrates: D-(+)-glucose, D-(+)-galactose, D-(+)-mannose, L-(-)-fucose, lactose, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, N-acetyl- D-galactosamine, fructose and arabinose (all purchased from Sigma Co.). keywords: activity; agglutinin; biol; carbohydrate; cockroach; german; germanica; heamolymph; june; lectin; protein; purification cache: jad-1305.pdf plain text: jad-1305.txt item: #97 of 515 id: jad-1306 author: Aklilu, Esayas; Kindu, Mizan; Gebresilassie, Araya; Yared, Solomon; Tekie, Habte; Balkew, Meshesha title: Environmental Factors Associated with Larval Habitats of Anopheline Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Metema District, Northwestern Ethiopia date: 2020-05-03 words: 4160 flesch: 58 summary: Likewise, Gimnig et al. (23) demonstrated the strong association between the larval densities of An. gambiae s.l and algae in western Kenya, although lar- vae of An. gambiae s.l. were rare or absent in the presence of algae in the present study. Better understanding of larval ecology and de- lineating of larval habitat attributes in terms of environmental characteristics are indispensible for devising novel malaria vector control strat- egies (10). keywords: anopheles; breeding; density; ethiopia; gambiae; habitats; june; larval; malaria; s.l; species cache: jad-1306.pdf plain text: jad-1306.txt item: #98 of 515 id: jad-1309 author: Azarm, Amrollah; Dalimi, Abdolhossin; Mohebali, Mehdi; Mohammadiha, Anita; Pirestani, Majid; Zarei, Zabihollah; Zahraei-Ramazani, Alireza title: Molecular Identification of Leishmania infantum kDNA in Naturally Infected Dogs and Their Fleas in an Endemic Focus of Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis in Iran date: 2023-02-12 words: 3749 flesch: 64 summary: The aim of this study was to assess Leishmania infantum natural infection of dog fleas in northwest Iran in 2018. Ferreira MGPA, Fattori KR, Souza F, Lima VMF (2009) Potential role for dog fleas in the cycle of Leishmania spp. keywords: blood; canis; dogs; felis; fleas; infantum; leishmania; pcr; sep cache: jad-1309.pdf plain text: jad-1309.txt item: #99 of 515 id: jad-131 author: Bakhshesh, Mehran; Abdollahi, Darab title: Bovine Ephemeral Fever in Iran: Diagnosis, Isolation and Molecular Characterization date: 2015-10-11 words: 4201 flesch: 60 summary: Phylogenetic re- lationships of the G gene sequence of bovine ephemeral fever virus isolated in Japan, Taiwan and Australia. A real-time RT-quantative (q) PCR for the detec- tion of bovine ephemeral fever virus. keywords: bovine; fever; iran; pcr; sequences; virus cache: jad-131.pdf plain text: jad-131.txt item: #100 of 515 id: jad-1310 author: Waris, Muhammad; Nasir, Shabab; Rasule, Azhar; Yousaf, Iqra title: Evaluation of Larvicidal Efficacy of Ricinus communis (Castor) Plant Extract and Synthesized Green Silver Nanoparticles against Aedes albopictus date: 2020-05-03 words: 5349 flesch: 70 summary: Ultraviolet-Visible spectra of silver nanoparticles synthesized by treating R. communis leaf extract with 1 mM Differ- ent concentrations (50, 100, 150, 200 and 250ppm) of plant extract and synthesized nanoparticles were prepared and applied on second and third instar larvae. keywords: agnps; communis; extract; june; larvae; larvicidal; lc50; lc90; nanoparticles; plant; silver cache: jad-1310.pdf plain text: jad-1310.txt item: #101 of 515 id: jad-1311 author: Amin, Masoumeh; Zaim, Morteza; Edalat, Hamideh; Basseri, Hamid Reza; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Rezaei, Farhad; Azizi, Kourosh; Salehi-Vaziri, Mostafa; Ghane, Mohsen; Yousefi-Sharikabad, Saideh; Dabaghmanesh, Sorna; Kheirandish, Sedigheh; Najafi, Mohammad Esmaeil; Mohammadi, Jalal title: Seroprevalence Study on West Nile Virus (WNV) Infection, a Hidden Viral Disease in Fars Province, Southern Iran date: 2020-05-03 words: 6071 flesch: 47 summary: Tardei G, Ruta S, Chitu V, Rossi C, Tsai TF, Cernescu C (2000) Evaluation of immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG en- zyme immunoassays in serologic diag- nosis of West Nile virus infection. A study of West Nile virus infection in Iranian blood donors. keywords: birds; cases; dis; human; igg; infection; iran; june; nile; nile virus; study; total; virus; west; wnv cache: jad-1311.pdf plain text: jad-1311.txt item: #102 of 515 id: jad-1312 author: Shemshadian, Atieh; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Vatandoost, Hassan; Dinparast-Djadid, Navid; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Mojahedi, Abdolrasoul title: Assessment the Changing Trend of Susceptibility to Two Insecticides Among Field-Population Culex quinquefasciatus Compared with the Same Population Undergoing to Multiple Colonization date: 2020-05-03 words: 3429 flesch: 52 summary: The aim of the research was to assess the variation trend of susceptibility levels of Culex quinquefasciatus to two insecticides separately for the field population compared with subsequent generations of the same sample after multiple colonization. Keywords: Culex quinquefasciatus; Variation; Susceptibility; Insecticides multiple generations Introduction Culex quinquefasciatus Say, commonly known as the southern house mosquito, is widely distributed in the tropical and subtrop- ical zones (1). keywords: culex; ddt; field; generations; insecticides; june; mosquitoes; population; quinquefasciatus; resistance; susceptibility cache: jad-1312.pdf plain text: jad-1312.txt item: #103 of 515 id: jad-1313 author: Firooziyan, Samira; Sadaghianifar, Ali; Rafinejad, Javad; Vatandoost, Hassan; Mohammadi Bavani, Mulood title: Epidemiological Characteristics of Scorpionism in West Azerbaijan Province, Northwest of Iran date: 2020-05-03 words: 4327 flesch: 68 summary: Since over the past 4 years, deaths from scorpion sting have been reported from West Azerbaijan province and Scorpion sting is a public health problem in this region of Iran. Conclusion: In this study, the high risk areas in the case of scorpion stings were identified. keywords: azerbaijan; cases; iran; province; scorpion; scorpionism; sting; west; years cache: jad-1313.pdf plain text: jad-1313.txt item: #104 of 515 id: jad-1314 author: Azizi, Kourosh; Soltani, Zahra; Aliakbarpou, Mohsen; Rezanezhad, Hassan; Kalantari, Mohsen title: Bionomics of Phlebotomine Sand Flies in Different Climates of Leishmaniasis in Fars Province, Southern Iran date: 2023-01-18 words: 5991 flesch: 63 summary: But it does not indicate a positive or negative relationship between CL cases and the number of Ph. papatasi sand flies caught in different foci. For example, in Niriz, where the number of CL cases was higher, the number of Ph. papatasi sand flies caught was less than in Shiraz with fewer CL cases (Ta- ble 3). keywords: fars; flies; iran; june; leishmaniasis; papatasi; phlebotomus; province; sand; species cache: jad-1314.pdf plain text: jad-1314.txt item: #105 of 515 id: jad-1316 author: Yousefi, Saideh; Zahraei-Ramazani, Ali Reza; Rassi, Yavar; Vatandoost, Hassan; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Aflatoonian, Mohammad Reza; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Aghaei-Afshar, Abbas; Amin, Masoumeh; Paksa, Azim title: Evaluation of Different Attractive Traps for Capturing Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in an Endemic Area of Leishmaniasis, Southeast of Iran date: 2020-05-03 words: 6514 flesch: 63 summary: In the current study, the highest rate of sand flies attraction, espe- cially male and female Ph. sergenti as the main vector of ACL, has been reported in traps con- taining CO2, thus, it is clear that CO2 is one of the most effective substances for attract- ing sand flies in the region, and it can be ef- fectively used in ATB to capture and control the population of sand flies or for entomo- logical surveillance programs. In terms of mortality and morbidity, leish- maniasis is the most important diseases trans- mitted by some species of sand flies (Phleboto- mus and Lutzomyia genera) and they are also among the 9 most important infectious dis- eases in the world (2). keywords: attraction; blood; control; flies; iran; june; leishmaniasis; rate; sand; sand flies; sheep; sugar; traps; urine; vs.; water cache: jad-1316.pdf plain text: jad-1316.txt item: #106 of 515 id: jad-1317 author: Hassandoust, Sahar; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Vatandoost, Hassan; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi; Akbarzadeh, Kamran title: Evaluation of Susceptibility of Aedes caspius (Diptera: Culicidae) to Insecticides in a potent arboviral-prone Area, Southern Iran date: 2020-07-01 words: 7040 flesch: 62 summary: Iran J Public Health. J Arthropod Borne Dis. keywords: aedes; borne; bti; caspius; control; dengue; dis; health; iran; june; larvae; malaria; mortality; mosquitoes; resistance; species; study; susceptibility; temephos; vector cache: jad-1317.pdf plain text: jad-1317.txt item: #107 of 515 id: jad-1318 author: Jahanifard, Elham; Ghofleh-Maramazi, Hoda; Sharififard, Mona; Mahmoodi-Sourestani, Mohammad; Saki-Malehi, Amal; Maraghi, Elham; Rasaei, Sima title: Pediculicidal Activity of Foeniculum vulgare Essential Oil in Treatment of Pediculus capitis as a Public Health Problem date: 2022-11-15 words: 5581 flesch: 63 summary: Variation in insect responses to different essential oils has been studied previously. The density of 1ml of fennel essential oil was cal- culated to be 0.97g/ml. keywords: activity; capitis; fennel; head; lethal; lice; louse; march; minutes; mortality; oil; oils; pediculus; times; toxicity; values cache: jad-1318.pdf plain text: jad-1318.txt item: #108 of 515 id: jad-1319 author: Ghodrati, Sajjad; Akhoundi, Behnaz; Mohebali, Mehdi; Zeinali, Mohammad; Hajjaran, Homa; Kakooei, Zahra title: A Sero-Epidemiological Study on Visceral Leishmaniasis among Volunteer Children and Adults in Rural Areas of Shahroud, Iran 2018–2019 date: 2023-02-26 words: 4313 flesch: 62 summary: In several Kala-azar endemic regions in Iran and the globe, most cases of VL infections are in the asymptomatic form. Iran J Parasitol. keywords: cases; dis; infantum; infection; iran; leishmaniasis; study; visceral; years cache: jad-1319.pdf plain text: jad-1319.txt item: #109 of 515 id: jad-132 author: Sahar, Sumrin; Tanveer, Akhtar; Ali, Akbar; Bilal, Hazrat; Saleem, Rana Muhammad title: Pfcrt Gene in Plasmodium falciparum Field Isolates from Muzaffargarh, Pakistan date: 2015-10-11 words: 5543 flesch: 65 summary: J Arthropod-Borne Dis, December 2015, 9(2): 204–214 S Sahar et al.: Pfcrt Gene in Plasmodium … 204 Original Article Pfcrt Gene in Plasmodium falciparum Field Isolates from Muzaffargarh, Pakistan *Sumrin Sahar 1, Akhtar Tanveer 1, Akbar Ali 2, Hazrat Bilal 3, Rana Muhammad Saleem 3 1Lab of Parasitology, Zoology Department, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan 2Department of Basic Health Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Northern Border University, Rafha, Saudi Arabia 3Medical Entomology and Disease Vector Control, Health Services Academy, Lahore, Pakistan (Received 21 Dec 2014; accepted 22 June 2014) Abstract Background: The aim of the study was to identify the prevalence of different species of Plasmodium and haplotypes of pfcrt in Plasmodium falciparum from the selected area. The principal chloroquine resistance protein of Plasmodium falciparum is a member of the drug/ metabolite transporter Published Online: March 11, 2015 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, December 2015, 9(2): 204–214 S Sahar et al.: keywords: blood; chloroquine; dis; dna; drug; et al; falciparum; gene; infection; malaria; med; pakistan; pcr; pfcrt; plasmodium; resistance; vivax cache: jad-132.pdf plain text: jad-132.txt item: #110 of 515 id: jad-133 author: Pourkhalili, Khalil; Kim, Euikyung; Mashayekhy, Navid Reza; Kamyab, Mostafa; Hoseiny, Seyed Mehdi; Evazy, Reihane; Zare-Mirakabadi, Abbas; Seyedian, Ramin title: Cardiotoxic and Arrhythmogenic Effects of Hemiscorpius lepturus Scorpion Venom in Rats date: 2015-10-11 words: 4589 flesch: 45 summary: Cardiac effects of envenomation by H. lepturus venom including inotropic, chronotropic and arrhythmogenic properties are not studied as now in rat hearts with Langendorff apparatus. Rat hearts were allowed to equilibrate in its buffer and cardiotropic plus arrhythmogenic effects induced by injection of different doses of H. lepturus venom were detected and recorded by computer acquisition based data in Langendorff apparatus. keywords: antivenom; effects; injection; inotropic; lepturus; min; scorpion; venom cache: jad-133.pdf plain text: jad-133.txt item: #111 of 515 id: jad-1339 author: Khaksar, Mohammad Reza; Kababian, Majid; Fateh, Roohollah; Saghafipour, Abedin; Vatandoost, Hassan; Sharififard, Mona title: Possible Synergistic Effect of Combined Metarhizium anisopliae and Fenitrothion for Control of German Cockroach (Blattella germanica) as a Novel Approach date: 2021-09-30 words: 6000 flesch: 54 summary: Results: The results of applying M. anisopliae spores with fenitrothion composition showed that the mortality rate of German cockroach nymphs was significant. By using the data obtained, the Probit regression relationship was plotted as an equation among the death of German cockroach nymphs, insecticide concentrations and fungal spores by SPSS version 16. keywords: anisopliae; cockroach; cockroach nymphs; day; exposure; fenitrothion; fungal; fungi; german; insecticide; iran; mortality; nymphs; sep cache: jad-1339.pdf plain text: jad-1339.txt item: #112 of 515 id: jad-134 author: Lame, Younoussa; Nukenine, EliasNchiwan; Yinyang-Simon-Pierre, Danga; Eze-Elijah, Ajaegbu; Okechukwu-Esimone, Charles title: Laboratory Evaluations of the Fractions Efficacy of Annona senegalensis (Annonaceae) Leaf Extract on Immature Stage Development of Malarial and Filarial Mosquito Vectors date: 2015-10-11 words: 5930 flesch: 55 summary: Gueye et al. (2011) reported insecticidal activity of extract A. senegalensis extract on eggs and adults groundnut weevils Caryedon serratus. LC50 and LC90values [ppm (95% fiducial limits)] at 24 h of fractions of Annona senegalensis extract against fourth instar larvae of Anopheles gambiae and Culex quinquefasciatus MCE= Methanolic crude extract, NHF= N-hexane fraction, CHF= Chloroform fraction, EAF= Ethyl-Acetate frac- tion, MTF: Methanol fraction, FL= Fiducial Limit, LC= Lethal concentration, NS= No significant. keywords: activity; chloroform; et al; extract; fractions; gambiae; hexane; larvae; larvicidal; mosquito; plant; ppm; quinquefasciatus; senegalensis cache: jad-134.pdf plain text: jad-134.txt item: #113 of 515 id: jad-1340 author: Yousefi Behzadi, Manijeh; Moazzezy, Neda; Rohani, Mehdi; Naddaf, Saied Reza; Mostafavi, Ehsan; Mohamadi, Ali; Shams-Ghahfarokhi, Masoomeh; Pashootan, Nasrin; Razzaghi-Abyaneh, Mehdi title: Identification of Intestinal Fungal Microflora and Bacterial Pathogens in the Collected Adult Ixodes ricinus from the Northern Provinces of Iran date: 2023-01-27 words: 5855 flesch: 56 summary: Ixodes ricinus ticks cover a wide geograph- ic region in the EU (22), I. ricinus is an indig- enous hard tick species having a wide geo- graphical distribution (23), Portugal to Russia and from North Africa to Scandinavia. Kalsbeek V, Frandsen F, Steenberg T (1995) Entomopathogenic fungi associated with Ixodes ricinus ticks. keywords: animals; arthropod; cattle; dis; entomopathogenic; fungal; fungi; identification; iran; ixodes; june; mazandaran; northern; provinces; ricinus; species; study; ticks cache: jad-1340.pdf plain text: jad-1340.txt item: #114 of 515 id: jad-1349 author: Ahmed-Yusuf, Mustapha; Vatandoost, Hassan; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Enayati, Ahmad Ali; Jalo, Rabiu Ibrahim title: First Report of Target Site Insensitivity in Pyrethroid Resistant Anopheles gambiae from Southern Guinea Savanna, Northern-Nigeria date: 2020-07-30 words: 5333 flesch: 60 summary: An. coluzzii was found to be the dominant sibling species (97.8%) followed by An. arabiensis (1.9%) and An. gambiae s.s (0.3%). A total of 96 mosquitoes: 76 alive (69 An. coluzzii, 6 An. arabiensis, 1 An. gambiae s.s) and 20 dead (13 An. coluzzii, 6 An. arabiensis, 1 An. gambiae s.s) were used for kdr genotyp- ing. keywords: anopheles; arabiensis; coluzzii; gambiae;; insecticide; kdr; l1014f; mosquitoes; nigeria; resistance; s.s; september; study cache: jad-1349.pdf plain text: jad-1349.txt item: #115 of 515 id: jad-135 author: Yağmur, Ersen Aydın; Özkan, Özcan; Karaer, K Zafer title: Determination of the Median Lethal Dose and Electrophoretic Pattern of Hottentotta saulcyi (Scorpiones, Buthidae) Scorpion Venom date: 2015-10-11 words: 3777 flesch: 59 summary: Scorpion venom contains simple proteins with short neurotoxin and low-molecular- weight polypeptides. Scorpion venoms can be classified into two groups according to their molecular sizes, and long-chain and short-chain neurotoxins. keywords: et al; mice; saulcyi; scorpion; turkey; venom; yağmur cache: jad-135.pdf plain text: jad-135.txt item: #116 of 515 id: jad-1350 author: Samiei, Awat; Tavassoli, Mousa; Mardani, Karim title: The Phylogenetic Analysis of Cimex hemipterus (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) Isolated from Different Regions of Iran Using Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I Gene date: 2020-07-30 words: 5639 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Bed bug; Cimex hemipterus; COI; Phylogenetic analysis; Iran Introduction “Bed bugs” is a term often applied to the approximately 90 species within the Cimicidae; of these, only Cimex lectularius, the common bed bug, and C. hemipterus, the tropical bed bug, show a strong host preference for hu- mans (1). It has been well documented that bed bugs harbor at least 40 human pathogens, but there is no tangible evidence regarding the ability of routine mechanical transmission any of them (1, 3-6). keywords: analysis; bed; bugs; cimex; cimicidae; coi; dis; diversity; dna; entomol; hemipterus;; iran; nucleotide; september; sequences; species cache: jad-1350.pdf plain text: jad-1350.txt item: #117 of 515 id: jad-1351 author: Shahi, Mehran; Sanaei-Zadeh, Hossein title: The First Report of the Dangerous Scorpion Hemiscorpius acanthocercus from Hormoz Island in the Persian Gulf date: 2021-09-30 words: 910 flesch: 56 summary: The pharmacokinet- ics of Hemiscorpius lepturus scorpion venom and Razi antivenom following intramuscular ad- ministration in rat. Keywords: Hemiscorpius; Scorpion sting; Renal failure; Hemoglobinuria; Iran Figs. keywords: acanthocercus; hemiscorpius; iran; scorpion cache: jad-1351.pdf plain text: jad-1351.txt item: #118 of 515 id: jad-1352 author: Safari, Mohammad; Ahmadfazeli, Ali; Vatandoost, Hassan; Karimaee, Mostafa; Panahi, Davood; Shokri, Mohammadali; Moradian, Mehdi; Soleimani, Zahra title: Investigating on the Residue of Organophosphate Pesticides in the Water of the Hablehrood River, Garmsar, Iran date: 2020-07-30 words: 4515 flesch: 58 summary: Sherma J, Beroza M (1980) Analysis of pesticide residues in human and envi- ronmental samples: a compilation of methods selected for use in pesticide monitoring programs. Lari SZ, Khan NA, Gandhi KN, Meshram TS, Thacker NP (2014) Comparison of pesticide residues in surface water and ground water of agriculture intensive areas. keywords: concentration; diazinon;; nd nd; pesticides; river; samples; september; spring nd; stations; summer nd; water cache: jad-1352.pdf plain text: jad-1352.txt item: #119 of 515 id: jad-1353 author: Najjari, Mohsen; Dik, Bilal; Pekbey, Gamze title: Gastrointestinal Myiasis Due to Sarcophaga argyrostoma (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) in Mashhad, Iran: a Case Report date: 2020-07-30 words: 3016 flesch: 46 summary: Case re- port of human intestinal myiasis caused by Lucilia illustris. A case of human intestinal myiasis caused by Mus- cina stabulans (Fallén). keywords: argyrostoma; case; dis; lab; larvae; myiasis; sarcophaga; september; university cache: jad-1353.pdf plain text: jad-1353.txt item: #120 of 515 id: jad-1354 author: Sukumaran, Soorya; Maheswaran, Rajan title: Larvicidal Activity of Elytraria acaulis against Culex quinquefasciatus and Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) date: 2020-07-30 words: 4775 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: Elytraria acaulis; Larvicidal activity; Culex quinquefasciatus; Aedes aegypti Introduction Man suffers extensively due to the nuisance of vector mosquito population in public health manner. Larvicidal activity of Elytraria acaulis against the larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus and Aedes aegypti Culex quinquefasciatus Replication Concentration (mg/100ml)/ Number of dead out of 25 tested LC50 95% Confidence limit LC90 95% Confidence limit Control 200mg 180mg 160mg 140mg 120mg 100mg LCL UCL LCL UCL 1 0 25 20 19 15 13 10 116.07 90.05 131.08 190.38 164.26 279.40 2 0 25 20 20 15 13 9 3 0 25 21 20 16 13 9 4 0 25 20 20 18 14 11 5 0 25 20 19 16 12 11 Total dead 0/125 keywords: acaulis; activity; aegypti; anopheles; dengue; dis; larvae; larvicidal; quinquefasciatus; september; stephensi; vector cache: jad-1354.pdf plain text: jad-1354.txt item: #121 of 515 id: jad-1356 author: Norouzi, Behzad; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Moin-Vaziri, Vahideh; Noorallahi, Ayoob; Azari-Hamidian, Shahyad title: An Inventory of the Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) of Rudbar County, a New Focus of Leishmaniasis in Northern Iran, with a Taxonomic Note on the Subgenus Larroussius date: 2020-10-07 words: 7628 flesch: 68 summary: The ranges, numbers and means of spermatheca segments were as follow: Ph. kandelakii (27–33, n=4, mean=28.5, SD=3, SE=1.5), Ph. neglectus (11, n=1), Ph. perfiliewi (12–20, n=20, mean=15.35, SD=1.66, SE=0.37) and Ph. tobbi (9–15, n=20, mean=12.26, SD= 1.62, SE=0.37). The parameral sheaths of the subgenus Larroussius species in Rudbar County, Guilan Province, Iran, 2015, a: Phlebotomus kandelakii, b: Ph. neglectus, c: Ph. perfiliewi, d: Ph. tobbi (original photos) Fig. 3. keywords: flies; guilan; iran; leishmaniasis; major; neglectus; phlebotomus; province; sand; september; species; subgenus; traps cache: jad-1356.pdf plain text: jad-1356.txt item: #122 of 515 id: jad-1358 author: Afshari, Asghar; Habibi, Gholamreza; Abdigoudarzi, Mohammad; Yazdani, Fereshteh title: Establishment and Validation of Theileria annulata Sporozoite Ak-93 Infection in Laboratory-Reared Hyalomma anatolicum Tick Using In Vivo and In Vitro Assays date: 2020-10-03 words: 4664 flesch: 55 summary: Molecular test Primer design Two sets of primers were used: (i) TAMS (Theileria annulata merozoite surface antigen) for confirmation of Theileria annulata infec- tion in calf blood and nymph specimens and (ii) HAEC (Hyalomma anatolicum excavatum calreticulin gene) for PCR and Reverse Tran- scription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT- PCR) internal control of Hyalomma ticks. Feeding of adults and maturation of sporo- zoites Adult male and female unfed Hyalomma anatolicum ticks that obtained from moulted nymphs were used for rearing of next gener- ation of tick by feeding on intact calf, as well as for T. annulata sporozoites maturation in tick’s salivary glands by incubation at 37 oC, relative humidity 85% for 3 days in the case of ticks that their nymphal stage had been fed on Theileria infected calf. keywords: anatolicum; annulata; calf; feeding; hyalomma; infection; larvae; pcr; september; theileria; tick; vaccine cache: jad-1358.pdf plain text: jad-1358.txt item: #123 of 515 id: jad-1359 author: Azarmi, Sahar; Zahraei-Ramazani, Alireza; Mohebali, Mehdi; Rassi, Yavar; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Azarm, Amrollah; Dehghan, Omid; Elikaee, Samira; Abdoli, Rahimeh; Mahmoudi, Mohsen title: PCR Positivity of Gerbils and Their Ectoparasites for Leishmania Spp. in a Hyperendemic Focus of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Central Iran date: 2023-01-27 words: 6849 flesch: 62 summary: Of five PCR positive specimens of X. nuttalli fleas with gravid abdomen status, one (female) was L. major PCR positive for, two (males) were positive for both of L. major and L. turanica, and two (females) for both of L. major and L. gerbilli. Mixed natural infections with L. major and L. turanica were seen in rodents. keywords: dogs; ectoparasites; fleas; iran; june; l. major; leishmania; leishmaniasis; major; opimus; pcr; rodents; sanguineus; spp; study; turanica cache: jad-1359.pdf plain text: jad-1359.txt item: #124 of 515 id: jad-136 author: Esmaeilnejad, Bijan; Tavassoli, Mousa; Asri-Rezaei, Siamak; Dalir-Naghadeh, Bahram; Mardani, Karim; Golabi, Mostafa; Arjmand, Jafar; Kazemnia, Ali; Jalilzadeh, Ghader title: Determination of Prevalence and Risk Factors of Infection with Babesia ovis in Small Ruminants from West Azerbaijan Province, Iran by Polymerase Chain Reaction date: 2015-10-11 words: 3806 flesch: 60 summary: Methods: A total 402 blood samples were examined microscopically for the presence of Babesia infection. The use of alternative tech- niques, such as DNA amplification methods, has become necessary to detect and identify Babesia infections effectively and has been reported in numerous recent studies (Jefferies et al. 2003). keywords: babesia; goats; infection; iran; ovis; sheep; ticks cache: jad-136.pdf plain text: jad-136.txt item: #125 of 515 id: jad-1361 author: Mohammadi–Azni, Sadegh; Kalantari, Mohsen; Pourmohammadi, Behrad title: Molecular Detection of Leishmania Infection in Phlebotomine Sand Flies from an Endemic Focus of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Iran date: 2023-02-26 words: 5242 flesch: 61 summary: There- fore, this study was designed and conducted to identify the vectors (sand fly species) and their infection with Leishmania parasites in the city. Map of the distribution of Leishmania major infected sand flies in Damghan City, Semnan Province, Iran Discussion The identification of eight sandflies spe- cies in this study showed that these insects have a relatively high diversity in the city. keywords: damghan; detection; dis; flies; iran; leishmania; leishmaniasis; major; papatasi; phlebotomus; sand; species cache: jad-1361.pdf plain text: jad-1361.txt item: #126 of 515 id: jad-1363 author: Ganushkina, Lyudmila; Lukashev, Alexander; Patraman, Ivan; Razumeyko, Vladimir; Shaikevich, Еlena title: Detection of the Invasive Mosquito Species Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti and Aedes (Hulecoeteomyia) koreicus on the Southern Coast of the Crimean Peninsula date: 2020-07-30 words: 3373 flesch: 60 summary: In August 2016, Ae. koreicus larvae and imago and a single male of Ae. aegypti were found on the southern coast of the Crimean Peninsula, where they were not registered before. Conclusion: Detection of invasive mosquito species (Ae. aegypti and Ae. koreicus) implies the possibility of their area expansion. keywords: aedes; aegypti; coast; crimea; koreicus; larvae; mosquito; september; species cache: jad-1363.pdf plain text: jad-1363.txt item: #127 of 515 id: jad-1365 author: Salehi-Vaziri, Mostafa; Vatandoost, Hassan; Sanei-Dehkordi, Alireza; Fazlalipour, Mehdi; Pouriayevali, Mohammad Hassan; Jalali, Tahmineh; Mohammadi, Tahereh; Tavakoli, Mahsa; Paksa, Azim; Salim Abadi, Yaser title: Molecular Assay on Detection of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) Virus in Ixodid Ticks Collected from Livestock in Slaughterhouse from South of Iran date: 2020-07-30 words: 3387 flesch: 64 summary: The number and type of hard tick species collected from each livestock have been sum- marized in Table 1. All the livestock included in our study were thoroughly inspected for the presence of hard ticks on different parts of their bodies. keywords: iran; livestock; september; sheep; species; study; ticks cache: jad-1365.pdf plain text: jad-1365.txt item: #128 of 515 id: jad-1366 author: Rassi, Yavar; Moradi-Asl, Eslam; Vatandoost, Hassan; Abazari, Malek; Saghafipour, Abedin title: Insecticide Susceptibility Status of Wild Population of Phlebotomus kandelakii and Phlebotomus perfiliewi transcaucasicus Collected from Visceral Leishmaniasis Endemic Foci in Northwestern Iran date: 2020-07-30 words: 4332 flesch: 55 summary: The sand flies were identified as Ph. kandelakii and Ph. perfiliewi transcaucasicus using standard identification keys. Iran J Arthropod Borne Dis. keywords: borne; dis; insecticide; iran; kandelakii; leishmaniasis; perfiliewi; phlebotomus; susceptibility; transcaucasicus cache: jad-1366.pdf plain text: jad-1366.txt item: #129 of 515 id: jad-137 author: Nikookar, Seyed Hassan; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Yaghoobi- Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Vatandoost, Hassan; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Ataei, Abolfazl; Anjamrooz, Mehdi title: Fauna and Larval Habitat Characteristics of Mosquitoes in Neka County, Northern Iran date: 2015-10-11 words: 6898 flesch: 64 summary: Dow (1953) reported the species of An. maculipennis, An. melanoon, An. subalpinus (synonym of melanoon), An. hyrcanus, An. pseudopictus, An. superpictus, An. sacharovi, Cx. pipiens, Cx. mimeticus and Cx. tritaeniorhynchus. They include: An. culicifacies, An. dthali, An. fluviatilis, An. maculipennis, An. sacharovi, An. stephensi, and An. superpictus (Edrissian 2006, Vatandoost et al. 2008, Vatandoost et al. 2009a, Moosa-Kazemi et al. 2010). keywords: anopheles; azari; culicidae; diptera; et al; fauna; hamidian; iran; larval; mazandaran; mosquitoes; province; species; water; zaim cache: jad-137.pdf plain text: jad-137.txt item: #130 of 515 id: jad-1371 author: Hosseini-Vasoukolaei, Nasibeh; Ghavibazou, Leila; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Enayati, Ahmad Ali; Jahanifard, Elham; Fazeli-Dinan, Mahmoud; Yazdani-Charati, Jamshid; Nikookar, Seyed Hasan; Saeidi, Zahra; Shemshadian, Atie title: Bioecological Study on the Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) in Sari County, North of Iran date: 2023-01-18 words: 7418 flesch: 60 summary: Present study aimed to evaluate the bioecological aspects of sand flies in different ecotopes in Sari County, north of Iran. Methods: Sand flies were collected from four villages in mountainous, forest, plain and peri-urban areas monthly using sticky traps in May–October 2016. keywords: author%20%20%2001.10.19; borne; dis; dr%20hosseini; file:///d:/ /jad2; flies; iran; june; leishmaniasis; no.%2044/1337; phlebotomus; province; sand; sand flies; species; study; vasoukolaei cache: jad-1371.pdf plain text: jad-1371.txt item: #131 of 515 id: jad-1374 author: Ghafari, Seyedeh Maryam; Fotouhi- Ardakani, Reza; Parvizi, Parviz title: Accurate Identification of Leishmania Parasites in Sandflies by Polymorphism Analysis of COII Gene Using PCR and qPCR-HRM Techniques in Iranian Border with Iraq date: 2023-02-27 words: 6353 flesch: 59 summary: They were employed to evaluate the sen- sitivity and specificity of COII gene for accu- rate identification of Leishmania species (Fig. 5 and Table 3). New sensitive and specific primers were designed and employed to amplify COII gene to detect Leishmania parasite in sand flies. keywords: coii; dec; dis; flies; gene; hrm; identification; leishmania; major; melting; papatasi; pcr; sand; sequences; sites; species cache: jad-1374.pdf plain text: jad-1374.txt item: #132 of 515 id: jad-1377 author: Adham, Davoud; Vatandoost, Hassan; Moradi–Asl, Eslam title: A Comprehensive Database and Geographical Distribution Model of Vectors and Vector Borne Diseases in Ardabil Province, Borderline of Iran and Azerbaijan Republic 2001–2018 date: 2021-09-30 words: 6246 flesch: 61 summary: References Insecta Diptera Culicidae Anopheles An. maculipennis, An. hyrcanus, An. superpictus, An. claviger, An. sacharovi, An. superpictus, An. pesudopictus (19, 20) Culex Cx. hortensis, Cx. modestus, Cx. pipiens, Cx. theileri, Cx. torrentium, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, Cx. perexiguus, Cx. mimeticus Aedes A. caspius s.l., A.vexans, A. flavescens Culiseta Cs. annulata , Cs. longiareolata, Cs. subochrea Dahliana Da. geniculatus Coquillettidia Coquillettidia richiardii Uranotaenia Uranotaenia unguiculata Insecta Diptera Psychodidae Phlebotomus Ph. perfiliewi, Ph. papatasi, Ph. sergenti, Ph. tobbi, Ph. major group, Ph. caucasicus, Ph. wenyoni, Ph. elenorae, Ph. major, Ph. mongolensis, Ph. kandelakii, Ph. caucasicus group, Ph. andrejevi, Ph. halepensis, Ph. longidnctus, Ph. balcanicus, Ph. brevis, Ph. chinensis group, Ph. simici, Ph. jacusieli (13, 21–25) Sergentomyia Se. P. kandelakii distributed in central and Ph. perfilewi and Ph. tobbi in northern parts of Ardabil Province. keywords: 2001–2018; ardabil; ardabil province; borne; cases; diseases; fever; fig; iran; leishmaniasis; malaria; northwest; province; sep; vector cache: jad-1377.pdf plain text: jad-1377.txt item: #133 of 515 id: jad-138 author: Zendehfili, Hamid; Zahirnia, Amir Hossein; Maghsood, Amir Hossein; Khanjani, Mohammad; Fallah, Mohammad title: Ectoparasites of Rodents Captured in Hamedan, Western Iran date: 2015-10-11 words: 2918 flesch: 58 summary: Isolation and identification of ectoparasites The bodies of collected rodents were bru- shed after general anesthesia to remove ec- toparasites on a white tray filled with water. Geographic location of collected commensal rodents in Hamedan City (Google earth © 2011 keywords: city; ectoparasites; et al; hamedan; iran; medical; rattus; rodents cache: jad-138.pdf plain text: jad-138.txt item: #134 of 515 id: jad-1387 author: Gul, Sara; Khan, Khurshaid; Sajjad, Muhammad; Jamal, Muhsin; Ullah, Mujeeb; Rehman, Gauhar; Ali, Abid title: Spatial Distribution, Seasonal Abundance and Physio-Chemical Assessment of Mosquito Larval Breeding Sites in Mardan District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan date: 2022-11-15 words: 4653 flesch: 62 summary: Highest mosquito abundance was rec- orded in Mardan (3481, 68.55%) followed by Takhtbhai (801, 15.77%) and Katlang (796, 15.68%). Chan YC, Salahuddin NI, Khan J, Tan HC, Seah CL, Li J, Chow VT (1995) keywords: abundance; composition; distribution; district; larvae; march; mardan; mosquitoes; pakistan; pipiens; species; study; total; vector; water cache: jad-1387.pdf plain text: jad-1387.txt item: #135 of 515 id: jad-1388 author: Baharia, Rajendra kumar; Kaur, Jaspreet; Sindhania, Ankita; Sharma, Gunjan; Srivastava, Harish C; Pant, Chandra S; Rahi, Manju; Raghavendra, Kamaraju; SINGH, OM P title: Bionomics of Anopheles culicifacies Sensu Lato in two Malaria Endemic Districts of Central Gujarat, India date: 2023-01-18 words: 7986 flesch: 59 summary: Processing of Mosquito Samples Anopheline mosquitoes identified to species based on morphological characters using key (31–35), the physiological condition of stom- ach was determined such as unfed (UF), fresh- ly fed (FF), half gravid (HG) and gravid (G), blood meal of An. culicifacies s.l. were collected on Whatman no. 1 filter paper for host source using gel diffusion technique to determine the feeding preference (Human blood Index), half gravid ovaries of An. culicifacies s.l. was col- lected and preserved for sibling species iden- tification, the head and thorax of each speci- men was preserved for sporozoite ELISA test and unfed females used for estimating parity. In riverine ar- ea of Kheda, An. culicifacies s.l. density was higher as compared to irrigated area through- out the study except in post monsoon period, whereas in Panchmahal, it was high in river- ine area in all the seasons. keywords: anopheles; anopheles culicifacies; culicifacies; culicifacies s.l; districts; gujarat; india; june; kheda; malaria; mosquitoes; panchmahal; s.1; s.l; species; study; vector cache: jad-1388.pdf plain text: jad-1388.txt item: #136 of 515 id: jad-139 author: Ghavami, Mohammad Bagher; Djalilvand, Ahmad title: First Record of Urogenital Myiasis Induced by Megaselia scalaris (Diptera: Phoridae) from Iran date: 2015-10-11 words: 3304 flesch: 57 summary: This article reports an 18 year-old man with urogenital myiasis, the passing of live Megaselia scalaris larvae in the urine, from Zanjan City, northwest of Iran. We discourse the importance of diagnosis and management of urogenital myiasis in medicine. keywords: case; diptera; disney; flies; larvae; med; megaselia; myiasis; phoridae; scalaris cache: jad-139.pdf plain text: jad-139.txt item: #137 of 515 id: jad-1391 author: Edalat, Hamideh; Mahmoudi, Mehran; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Kheirandish, Sedigheh title: Ecology of Malaria Vectors in an Endemic Area, Southeast of Iran date: 2021-01-03 words: 10156 flesch: 68 summary: Iran J Arthropod Borne Dis. Results Mosquitoes Collection A total of 3288 larvae and 1055 adult Anopheles mosquitoes were collected and iden- tified as An. stephensi (32.1%), An. culicifa- cies s.l. (23.4%), An. dthali (23.2%), An. su- perpictus s.l. (12.7%) and An. keywords: anopheles; area; arthropod; borne; december; dis; iran; malaria; mosquitoes; oshaghi; s.l; species; stephensi; study; vatandoost h; vector cache: jad-1391.pdf plain text: jad-1391.txt item: #138 of 515 id: jad-1392 author: Ahmadi, Ebrahim; Khajehali, Jahangir title: Dichlorvos Resistance in the House Fly Populations, Musca domestica, of Iranian Cattle Farms date: 2021-01-03 words: 4944 flesch: 59 summary: Conclusion The present study revealed high levels of dichlorvos resistance in house fly populations. The en- hanced detoxification could also be responsi- ble for cross-resistance to other insecticides in house fly populations (50). keywords: acetylcholinesterase; ache; activity; december; dichlorvos; domestica; flies; fly; house; insecticide; isfahan; koohrang; mobarake; musca; ops; populations; resistance cache: jad-1392.pdf plain text: jad-1392.txt item: #139 of 515 id: jad-1393 author: Ouma, Francan Felix; Nateghpour, Mehdi; Motevalli Haghi, Afsaneh; Mohebali, Mehdi; Farivar, Leila; Hosseini-Safa, Ahmad; Mosawi, Sayed Hussain title: Application of High-Resolution Melting (HRM) Technique Towards the Detection of Asymptomatic Malaria in a Malaria Endemic Area of Southeastern Iran Under Elimination Program date: 2021-01-03 words: 4892 flesch: 47 summary: Pirahmadi S, Zakeri S, Raeisi A (2017) Ab- sence of asymptomatic malaria infection in a cross-sectional study in Iranshahr District, Iran under elimination pro- gramme. Asymptomatic malaria cases detection results based on Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs), Microscopy and High Resolution Melting assays Nationality Number of Study Participants Number of Microscopy Positive Cases Number of RDTs Positive cases Number of HRM Positive Cases Iranian 175 0 0 keywords: analysis; december; detection; endemic; falciparum; hrm; iran; malaria; microscopy; plasmodium; resolution; samples; spp; study cache: jad-1393.pdf plain text: jad-1393.txt item: #140 of 515 id: jad-1394 author: Kakooei, Zahra; Hajjaran, Homa; Akhoundi, Behnaz; Charehdar, Sorour; Elikaee, Samira; Shafeghat, Zahra; Hassanpour, Hamid; Satvat, Mohammad Taghi; Kazemi-Rad, Elham; Mohebali, Mehdi title: Treatment Failure in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Patients Referred to the School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences During 2008–2017 date: 2021-01-03 words: 6292 flesch: 58 summary: Gramiccia M, Gradoni L, Orsini S (1992) Decreased sensitivity to meglumine an- timoniate (Glucantime®) of Leishmania infantum isolated from Dogs after sev- eral courses of drug treatment. Iran J Arthropod Borne Dis. keywords: arthropod; borne; dis; drug; failure; glucantime; iran; leishmaniasis; patients; rassi; resistance; treatment; vatandoost cache: jad-1394.pdf plain text: jad-1394.txt item: #141 of 515 id: jad-1395 author: Nejati, Jalil; Zaim, Morteza; Vatandoost, Hassan; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Bueno-Marí, Rubén; Azari-Hamidian, Shahyad; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Okati-Aliabad, Hassan; Collantes, Francisco; Hoffmann, Ary A. title: Employing Different Traps for Collection of Mosquitoes and Detection of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika Vector, Aedes albopictus, in Borderline of Iran and Pakistan date: 2021-01-03 words: 7321 flesch: 64 summary: Using a range of trap types, this study tests whether Ae. al- bopictus is established in southeastern Iran and explores the presence of other diurnally active mosquitoes in this potential risk area. When pooled across trap types, the presence/absence of spe- cies was only associated with Cx. quinquefas- ciatus and Cx. tritaeniorhynchus (X2= 15.90, df= 1, P< 0.001, phi= 0.375) as well as Cx. sitiens and Ae. caspius (X2= 36.04, df= 1, P< 0.001, phi= 0.565). keywords: aedes; albopictus; areas; bednet; borne; december; dis; fig; iran; malaise; mosquito; nejati; province; sampling; species; study; traps; types; vector cache: jad-1395.pdf plain text: jad-1395.txt item: #142 of 515 id: jad-1396 author: Sayono, Sayono; Anwar, Risyandi; Sumanto, Didik title: Larvicidal Activity of Ethyl Acetate Extract of Derris elliptica Root against the Third-instar Larvae of Cypermethrin-Resistant Aedes aegypti Offspring date: 2021-01-03 words: 4337 flesch: 57 summary: This differ- ent mechanism of action is interesting to be studied in understanding the larvicidal activity spectrum of D. elliptica root extracts. Research- ers have proven that D. elliptica extracts have high larvicidal potential against the laboratory strain larvae of Ae. aegypti (3, 4, 6, 7). keywords: acetate; action; activity; aedes; aegypti; cypermethrin; december; derris; elliptica; ethyl; extract; larvae; offspring; root; sayono; temephos cache: jad-1396.pdf plain text: jad-1396.txt item: #143 of 515 id: jad-1397 author: Maghsood, Hossein; Nabian, Sedigheh; Shayan, Parviz; Jalali, Tahmineh; Saboor Darbandi, Meysam; Ranjbar, Mohammad Mehdi title: Molecular Epidemiology and Phylogeny of Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) Virus of Ixodid Ticks in Khorasan Razavi Province of Iran date: 2021-01-03 words: 3653 flesch: 61 summary: Molecular analysis and sequence of the small RNA segment of the Crimean-Con- go hemorrhagic fever virus (cchfv) in iran. J Biol Iran. keywords: cchf; congo; crimean; december; fever; hemorrhagic; iran; province; sequences; ticks; virus cache: jad-1397.pdf plain text: jad-1397.txt item: #144 of 515 id: jad-1398 author: Rassi, Yavar; Asadollahi, Hamed; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Kayedi, Mohammad Hassan; Vatandoost, Hassan title: Efficiency of Two Capture Methods Providing Live Sand flies and Assessment the Susceptibility Status of Phlebotomus papatasi (Diptera: Psychodidae) in the Foci of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, Lorestan Province, Western Iran date: 2021-01-03 words: 4045 flesch: 60 summary: The dominant species of sand flies was Ph. papatasi in the study area. The finding indicated that Ph. papatasi was resistant to DDT, under ’verification required’ status to deltamethrin, permethrin, bendiocarb, and susceptible to cyfluthrin. keywords: borne; ddt; dis; flies; indoor; iran; leishmaniasis; papatasi; sand; susceptibility cache: jad-1398.pdf plain text: jad-1398.txt item: #145 of 515 id: jad-1399 author: Talebzadeh, Fahimeh; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Akbarzadeh, Kamran; Panahi-Moghadam, Somayeh title: Molecular Species Identification of Six Forensically Important Iranian Flesh Flies (Diptera) date: 2021-01-03 words: 4807 flesch: 55 summary: It is recommended to apply larger part of DNA such as combination of COI and COII genes to provide better RFLP markers for species identification of flesh flies. DNA-based approaches have been devel- oped in an effort to improve accessibility to methods of species identification. keywords: coi; december; diptera; dis; dna; flies; forensic; gene; identification; iran; pcr; sarcophagidae; sequences; species cache: jad-1399.pdf plain text: jad-1399.txt item: #146 of 515 id: jad-14 author: Nikbakhtzadeh, MR; Dettne, K; Boland, W; Dötterl, S title: A Novel Approach to the Quantitation of Coeluting Cantharidin and Deuterium Labelled Cantharidin in Blister Beetles (Coleop-tera: Meloidae) date: 2007-12-15 words: 2947 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: Cantharidin, Labelled cantharidin, Meloidae, GC-MS/MS, MRM Introduction Cantharidin (C10H12O4), mainly found in blister beetles (Coleoptera: Meloidae), is among the most widely known insect natural products (McCormick and Carrel 1987, Dettner 1997). References Capinera JL, Gardner DR, Stermitz FR (1985) Cantharidin levels in blister beetles (Col- eoptera: Meloidae) associated with alfalfa in Colorado. keywords: beetles; cantharidin; compound; d2c cache: jad-14.pdf plain text: jad-14.txt item: #147 of 515 id: jad-140 author: Van-Zoelen, Suhandan Adigüzel; Ozkan, Ozcan; Inceoglu, Bora title: Antigenic Cross-Reactivity Anti-Birtoxin Antibody against Androctonus crassicauda Venom date: 2015-10-11 words: 3827 flesch: 60 summary: The aim of the present study was to test the anti- birtoxin antibodies for their ability to neutralize the lethal effects of A. crassicauda scorpion venom. The antibodies only cross reacted with components falling under the 19 kDa protein size of A. crassicauda venom. keywords: anti; antibody; birtoxin; crassicauda; mld; scorpion; venom cache: jad-140.pdf plain text: jad-140.txt item: #148 of 515 id: jad-1400 author: Hazratian, Teimour; Dolatkhah, Afsaneh; Naghili Hokmabadi, Behrooz; Hazratian, Elaheh; Paksa, Azim title: First Record of Human Urogenital Myiasis Caused by Psychoda albipennis Larvae (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Miandoab, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran: A Case Report date: 2021-01-03 words: 2577 flesch: 62 summary: This report aims to pre- sent a case of urogenital myiasis caused by the larvae of Psychoda albipennis (Diptera: Psychodidae) for the first time in Iran. Methods: In this case report, we present a case of a 9-year-old girl with urogenital myiasis caused by P. albipennis. keywords: albipennis; case; diptera; iran; larvae; medical; myiasis; psychoda cache: jad-1400.pdf plain text: jad-1400.txt item: #149 of 515 id: jad-142 author: Chinikar, Sadegh; Bouzari, Saeid; Shokrgozar, Mohammad Ali; Mostafavi, Ehsan; Jalali, Tahmineh; Khakifirouz, Sahar; Nowotny, Norbert; Fooks, Anthony R.; Shah-Hosseini, Nariman title: Genetic Diversity of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Strains from Iran date: 2016-05-05 words: 5813 flesch: 57 summary: Fifty partial se- quences of S segment and six partial se- quences of M segment and seven complete sequences of S segments from various loca- tions have been studied. In other words, this study suggests the emergence of VII- IRAN clade for CCHFV in Iran as a novel clade based on S segment analysis. keywords: analysis; cchfv; chinikar; clade; congo; et al; fever; genetic; hemorrhagic; iran; rna; segment; sequences; virus cache: jad-142.pdf plain text: jad-142.txt item: #150 of 515 id: jad-143 author: Rafizadeh, Sayena; Saraei, Mehrzad; Abaei, Mohammad Reza; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Mohebali, Mehdi; Peymani, Amir; Naserpour-Farivar, Taghi; Bakhshi, Hassan; Rassi, Yavar title: Molecular Detection of Leishmania major and L. turanica in Phlebotomus papatasi and First Natural Infection of P. salehi to L. major in North-east of Iran date: 2016-05-05 words: 3473 flesch: 57 summary: January 05, 2016 Original Article Molecular Detection of Leishmania major and L. turanica in Phlebotomus papatasi and First Natural Infection of P. salehi to L. major in North-east of Iran Sayena Rafizadeh 1, *Mehrzad Saraei 2, Mohammad Reza Abaei 3, Mohammad Ali Oshaghi 3, Mehdi Mohebali 4, Amir Peymani 5, Taghi Naserpour-Farivar 5, Hassan Bakhshi 3, *Yavar Rassi 3 1Department of Biochemistry and Genetic, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran 2Department of Parasitology and Mycology, Cellular and Molecular Research Center, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran 3Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 4Department of Parasitology and Mycology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 5Cellular and Molecular Research Center, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran (Received 20 Sep 2014; accepted 29 Sep 2014) Abstract Background: Leishmaniasis is an important public health disease in many developing countries as well in Iran. Our results showed only 3 out of P. papatasi (1.5%) and 1 out of P. salehi (5.88%) were positive to L. major, whiles one specimens of P. papatasi (0.5%) were found mix infec- tion with L. turanica and L. major. keywords: detection; flies; iran; leishmania; leishmaniasis; major; papatasi; sand cache: jad-143.pdf plain text: jad-143.txt item: #151 of 515 id: jad-1433 author: Staji, Hamid; Keyvanlou, Morteza; Geraili, Zeinab; Shahsavari, Hedyeh; Jafari, Elnaz title: The First Study of West Nile Virus in Feral Pigeons (Columba livia domestica) Using Conventional Reverse Transcriptase PCR in Semnan and Khorasane-Razavi Provinces, Northeast of Iran date: 2021-03-31 words: 3393 flesch: 62 summary: West Nile virus is an emerging infectious pathogen for a variety of hosts including mam- mals, birds and even reptiles with a worldwide geographical distribution as well as Asian countries (18, 19). Potential vectors of West Nile virus following an equine dis- ease outbreak in Italy. keywords: birds; dis; iran; nile; pigeons; semnan; study; virus; west; wnv cache: jad-1433.pdf plain text: jad-1433.txt item: #152 of 515 id: jad-1435 author: Mojdegani-Fard, Sara; Imani, Sohrab; Shojaei, Mahmoud title: The Effect of Different Doses of Mesobuthus eupeus (Scorpionida: Buthidae) Scorpion Venom on the Production of Liver Necrosis in Nmri Mice date: 2021-03-31 words: 3691 flesch: 61 summary: Scorpion Venom on the Production of Liver Necrosis in Nmri Mice Sara Mojdegani-Fard 1 ; *Sohrab Imani 1,2 ; Mahmoud Shojaei 1 1 Department of Entomology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran 2 Department of Parasitology and Toxicology, School of Medicine, Semnan University of Medical Science, Semnan, Iran *Corresponding authors: Dr Sohrab Imani, E-mail: (Received 27 Nov 2015; accepted 22 Jan 2017) Abstract Background: Scorpion venom has a variety of different components considerably. Use of scorpion venom for the treatment of any disease requires an initial study to determine the therapeutic dose or safe dose. keywords: cells; dose; effect; eupeus; liver; march; necrosis; scorpion; venom cache: jad-1435.pdf plain text: jad-1435.txt item: #153 of 515 id: jad-1438 author: Asgarian, Tahereh Sadat; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi; Dehghani, Rouhullah; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza title: Fauna and Larval Habitat Characteristics of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Kashan County, Central Iran, 2019 date: 2021-03-31 words: 7162 flesch: 67 summary: Seven spe- cies of Culex have been reported in Isfahan Province including: Cx. hortensis, Cx. mimeti- cus, Cx. modestus, Cx. perexiguus, Cx. pipiens, Cx. territans, and Cx. theileri (10, 12, 16, 17). pipiens, Cx. theileri, Cx. perexiguus Niasar Nashalj 51.07791 33.97987 Cs. longiareolata, Cx. perexiguus, Cx. keywords: central; county; fauna; habitats; iran; kashan; kashan county; larvae; longiareolata; mosquito; species; theileri cache: jad-1438.pdf plain text: jad-1438.txt item: #154 of 515 id: jad-1439 author: Rassi, Yavar; Ebrahimi, Shahla; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Vatandoost, Hassan; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Aghaie Afshar, Abass title: Comparative Testing of Susceptibility Levels of Phlebotomus sergenti, the Main Vector of Anthroponotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, to Conventional Insecticides Using Two Capture Methods in Kerman City, Southeastern Iran date: 2021-03-31 words: 7031 flesch: 65 summary: The mortality rate of Ph. sergenti exposed to DDT 4%, deltamethrin 0.05, malathion 5%, and propoxur was 100%. Leptomonad infections of Ph. sergenti have al- so been reported from Afghanistan, Saudi Ara- bia (50) and Tunisia (51). keywords: arthropod; borne; dis; flies; health; iran; kerman; leishmaniasis; march; med; phlebotomus; rassi; sand; sergenti; sharifi; susceptibility; traps; trop cache: jad-1439.pdf plain text: jad-1439.txt item: #155 of 515 id: jad-144 author: Aboelhadid, Shawky Mohamed; Mahran, Hesham A; El-Hariri, Hazem M; Shokier, Khalid Mohamed title: Rhipicephalus annulatus (Acari: Ixodidae) Control by Nigella sativa, Thyme and Spinosad Preparations date: 2016-05-05 words: 5739 flesch: 66 summary: These properties encourage the research- ers to investigate the effect of N. sativa oil on R. annulatus. The present results investi- gated the ability of N. sativa oil on the adult females of R. annulatus. keywords: 0%)a; alc; annulatus; aqu; effect; n. sativa; normal; oils; sativa; spinosad; thyme; ticks cache: jad-144.pdf plain text: jad-144.txt item: #156 of 515 id: jad-1443 author: Khanmohammadi, Majid; Zolfaghari-Emameh, Reza; Arshadi, Mehdi; Razmjou, Elham; Karimi, Poorya title: Molecular Identification and Genotyping of Babesia canis in Dogs from Meshkin Shahr County, Northwestern Iran date: 2021-03-31 words: 5232 flesch: 59 summary: Iran J Arthropod Borne Dis. Iran J Parasitol. keywords: b. canis; babesia; babesiosis; blood; borne; canine; canis; dis; dogs; iran; march; pcr; species; study; tick cache: jad-1443.pdf plain text: jad-1443.txt item: #157 of 515 id: jad-1444 author: Ghanbarnejad, Amin; Turki, Habibollah; Yaseri, Mehdi; Raeisi, Ahmad; Rahimi-Foroushani, Abbas title: Spatial Modelling of Malaria in South of Iran in Line with the Implementation of the Malaria Elimination Program: A Bayesian Poisson-Gamma Random Field Model date: 2021-03-31 words: 8810 flesch: 66 summary: Sedaghat MM, Sanei-Dehkordi AR, Kha- navi M, Abai MR, Mohtarami F, Vatan- doost H (2011) Chemical composition and larvicidal activity of essential oil of Cupressus arizonica E.L. Greene against malaria vector Anopheles stephensi Lis- ton (Diptera: Culicidae). Country has a long history of work on malaria and publication of several pa- pers on different aspects of malaria including insecticide resistance monitoring, sibling spe- cies, molecular study, new record, novel meth- ods for vector control, faunestic study, use of plants for larval control, using bednets and long lasting impregnated nets, morphological stud- ies, malaria epidemiology, ecology of malaria vectors, biodiversity, community participation, vector control, repellent evaluation, anthro- pophilic index of malaria vectors, training is des- ignated as malaria training center by WHO. keywords: abai; anopheles; area; arthropod; borne; dis; hormozgan; incidence; iran; iran j; malaria; march; modelling; oshaghi; province; stephensi; study; vatandoost h; vector cache: jad-1444.pdf plain text: jad-1444.txt item: #158 of 515 id: jad-1446 author: Behzadi, Manijeh Yousefi; Mostafavi, Ehsan; Rohani, Mahdi; Mohamadi, Ali; Ahmadinezhad, Mozhgan; Moazzezy, Neda; Shams-Ghahfarokhi, Masoomeh; Razzaghi-Abyaneh, Mehdi title: A Review on Important Zoonotic Bacterial Tick-Borne Diseases in the Eastern Mediterranean Region date: 2021-09-30 words: 7070 flesch: 63 summary: Methods: This review study is based on the reported three tick-borne diseases, Lyme disease, Tularemia, and Q fever, from Iran and other EMRO countries. Q fever has been the most frequent infection in EMRO countries, while Lyme was less recorded. keywords: animals; borne; burnetii; countries; disease; fever; infection; internet; iran; lyme; q fever; region; review; sep; study; tick; tularemia; tularensis cache: jad-1446.pdf plain text: jad-1446.txt item: #159 of 515 id: jad-1447 author: Alcıgır, Mehmet Eray; Ozkan, Ozcan title: The Evaluation of Androctonus crassicauda Antivenom against the Effects of Aegaeobuthus nigrocinctus Scorpion Venom on Autophagy, Apoptosis and Necroptosis date: 2023-02-12 words: 6471 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Scorpion; Aegaeobuthus nigrocinctus venom; Androctonus crassicauda antivenom; Cell death mechanisms Introduction Venom secretions from scorpions are com- prised of a complex mixture of salts, mucopro- teins, histamine, serotonin, biogenic amines, low molecular weight peptides and high molecular weight proteins. Cell death mechanisms can be diversified within different categories including apoptosis, necroptosis, autophagy, piroptosis etc. keywords: antivenom; apoptosis; autophagy; cell; cellular; control; death; dec; expressions; groups; mice; mtor; necroptosis; organs; ozkan; scorpion; study cache: jad-1447.pdf plain text: jad-1447.txt item: #160 of 515 id: jad-1449 author: Miramin-Mohammadi, Akram; Javadi, Amir; Eskandari, Seyyed Ebrahim; Nateghi-Rostami, Mahmood; Khamesipour, Ali title: Immune Responses in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: in vitro Thelper1/Thelper2 Cy-tokine Profiles Using Live Versus Killed Leishmania major date: 2021-03-31 words: 5128 flesch: 56 summary: The results of this study showed that the intensity of Th1 type of immune response is significantly higher in PBMC stimulated with live Leishmania than stimulated with killed Leishmania, the current results showed why natural infection/l eish- manization induces protection but vaccination with killed Leishmania does not induce enough protection. Sharifi I, FeKri AR, Aflatonian MR, Khamesipour A, Nadim A, Mousavi M- RA ( 1998) Randomised vaccine trial of single dose of killed Leishmania major plus BCG against anthroponotic cutane- ous leishmaniasis in Bam, Iran. keywords: heat; l. major; lesion; live; major; pbmc; production; volunteers cache: jad-1449.pdf plain text: jad-1449.txt item: #161 of 515 id: jad-145 author: Ghafourian, Mehri; Ganjalikhanhakemi, Neda; Hemmati, Ali Asghar; Dehghani, Rouhullah; Kooti, Wesam title: The Effect of Hemiscorpius lepturus (Scorpionida: Hemiscorpiidae) Venom on Leukocytes and the Leukocyte Subgroups in Peripheral Blood of Rat date: 2016-05-05 words: 4838 flesch: 56 summary: Heidarpour M, Ennaifer E, Ahari H, Srairi- Abid N, Borchani L, Khalili Gh (2011) Histopathological changes induced by Hemiscorpius lepturus scorpion venom in mice. The comparison of the Mean±SD of eosino- phil (× 10 per ml3) in peripheral blood of rat between the groups receiving venom with the concentration of 0.01 and 0.1 mg/kg and the control group at different times Discussion The present study was aimed to inves- tigate the effect of H. lepturus venom on leukocytes and their subgroups in peripheral blood of rats. keywords: blood; control; effect; et al; group; hours; lepturus; scorpion; study; venom cache: jad-145.pdf plain text: jad-145.txt item: #162 of 515 id: jad-1450 author: Firooziyan, Samira; Osanloo, Mahmoud; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Basseri, Hamid Reza; Hajipirloo, Habib Mohammadzadeh; Sadaghianifar, Ali; Amani, Amir; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi title: Preparation of a Nanoemulsion of Essential Oil of Acroptilon repens Plant and Evaluation of Its Larvicidal Activity agianst Malaria Vector, Anopheles stephensi date: 2021-09-30 words: 6259 flesch: 56 summary: Nanoformulation techniques are expected to reduce volatility and increase larvicidal efficacy of essential oils. Today, there are loads of studies and recommendations on plant extracts and essential oils as larvicides, insecticides and repellents (10, 11). keywords: acroptilon; activity; aeo; anopheles; fig; iran; larvae; larvicidal; nanoemulsion; oil; plant; ppm; preparation; repens; sep; stephensi cache: jad-1450.pdf plain text: jad-1450.txt item: #163 of 515 id: jad-1455 author: Safari-Foroushani, Narges; Modarressi, Mohammad Hossein; Bagheri, Kamran Pooshang; Behdani, Mahdi; Shahbazzadeh, Delavar title: Cellular Immunity in Mice Vaccinated with Recombinant Phospholipase D Toxoid of Hemiscorpius lepturus Scorpion date: 2022-11-14 words: 7139 flesch: 62 summary: Cellular Immunity in … 5 Published Online: March 31, 2022 Results Detection of dermonecrotic activity of phos- pholipase D toxoid Given that the main indicator of the effect of H. lepturus scorpion venom is phospho- lipase D with dermonecrotic properties, this test was used to assess the toxic properties of the produced toxoid, and the results were as- sessed after conducting the dermonecrotic test. Challenging tests in immunized mice The mice immunized by toxoid were chal- lenged one week after the last injection. keywords: control; cytokine; group; ifn; il-4; immunity; increase; lepturus; march; mice; pbs; results; scorpion; study; toxoid; vaccine; venom cache: jad-1455.pdf plain text: jad-1455.txt item: #164 of 515 id: jad-1458 author: Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Shirzadi, Mohammad Reza; Hosseini, Seyedeh Zohreh; Salomon, Oscar Daniel; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Rassi, Yavar title: A Feasibility Study on Using the Facilities of Health Centers for Developing a Laboratory Network on Vectors and Reservoir Hosts of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Iran date: 2021-09-30 words: 5599 flesch: 50 summary: Abstract Background: Cutaneous leishmaniasis is an ancient endemic disease in Iran and continues to be a growing health threat to community development and the environment. This paper explains how to use the facilities of health centers for developing a laboratory network on vectors and reservoir hosts of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Iran. keywords: control; ershadi; flies; health; iran; leishmaniasis; level; sand; sep; species; vectors; yaghoobi cache: jad-1458.pdf plain text: jad-1458.txt item: #165 of 515 id: jad-1461 author: Nejati, Jalil; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Badzohre, Abdollah; Pirmohammadi, Masoumeh; Saeidi, Zahra; Naseri-Karimi, Nazanin; Parkhideh, Seyedeh Zahra; Vatandoost, Hassan title: Insecticide Resistance Status of Malaria Vectors in a Malarious Area, Southeast of Iran date: 2021-09-30 words: 3798 flesch: 18 summary: There are several reports on resistant status of malaria vectors including An. stephensi (11- 17). The campaign against malaria vectors started with organochlorines (DDT, dieldrin and BHC) during the 1960’s, followed by organophosphates (malathion and pirimiphos-methyl) for 2 decades from 1966 and continued with the carbamate, propoxur during 1977–1990, and then with pyrethroids including lambdacyhalothrin and Deltame thrin. keywords: anopheles; borne; dis; fig; insecticides; iran; malaria; resistance; sep; stephensi; vatandoost; vector cache: jad-1461.pdf plain text: jad-1461.txt item: #166 of 515 id: jad-1463 author: Saeidi, Zahra; Vatandoost, Hassan; Zaim, Morteza; Ahmadkhaniha, Reza; Rassi, Yavar; Zahraei-Ramazani, Alireza; Arandian, Mohammad Hossein; Jafari, Reza; Hubert Galan, Yamdeu Joseph; Sanei-Dehkordi, Alireza; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad title: Evaluation of Susceptibility Status of Phlebotomus papatasi, the Main Vector of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, to Different WHO Recommended Insecticides in an Endemic Focus, Central Iran date: 2022-09-04 words: 7811 flesch: 51 summary: papatasi sand flies have been tested. Excessive use of insecticide with unsuitable concentration can cause resistance in vector sand flies and complicate 376 Published Online: keywords: control; ddt; deltamethrin; different; flies; health; insecticide; iran; leishmaniasis; papatasi; phlebotomus; resistance; sand; sand flies; status; study; susceptibility; vector; world cache: jad-1463.pdf plain text: jad-1463.txt item: #167 of 515 id: jad-1465 author: Absavaran, Azad; Mohebali, Mehdi; Moin-Vaziri, Vahideh; Zahraei-Ramazani, Alireza; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Rafizadeh, Sayena; Rassi, Amirhossein; Barmaki, Alireza; Rassi, Yavar title: First Report of Natural Infection of Phlebotomus mongolensis to Leishmania major and Leishmania turanica in the Endemic Foci of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Iran date: 2023-02-27 words: 5099 flesch: 60 summary: Us- ing the RAPD-PCR method, L. major parasites were reported from four Ph. caucasicus group specimens (4.2%) caught from rodent burrows in Shahroud County (Semnan Province) in Iran (39). The traditional or classical methods such as sand fly dissection and culture of parasite have been used for Leishmania detection, but these tech- niques are time consuming and requires many sand fly specimens and also are less sensitive than molecular techniques and are not able to differentiate Leishmania parasite species (15). keywords: caucasicus; esfahan; flies; iran; leishmania; leishmaniasis; major; mongolensis; parasites; phlebotomus; sand; species; turanica cache: jad-1465.pdf plain text: jad-1465.txt item: #168 of 515 id: jad-1467 author: Moin-Vaziri, Vahideh; Badakhshan, Mehdi title: The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Arthropod-Related Diseases date: 2023-07-29 words: 4298 flesch: 58 summary: Delay in refereeing to the physician can lead to delay in diagnosis and inadequate treatment which in turn can lead to further dispersion; a condition that occurs more frequently during COVID-19 quarantine in comparison to the life before (50-51). The results showed that the management, control, and treatment of most important arthropod-related diseases could be delayed due to COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Dealing with COVID-19, it is crucial to consider the other main killers such as malaria, dengue fever, etc. more especially in vulnerable populations by greater political, financial and global commitment. keywords: arthropod; control; covid-19; dengue; dis; diseases; fever; health; impact; leishmaniasis; malaria; march; med; organization; pandemic; world cache: jad-1467.pdf plain text: jad-1467.txt item: #169 of 515 id: jad-147 author: Champour, Mohsen; Chinikar, Sadegh; Mohammadi, Gholamreza; Razmi, Gholamreza; Mostafavi, Ehsan; Shah-Hosseini, Nariman; Khakifirouz, Sahar; Jalali, Tahmineh title: Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in the One-Humped Camel (Camelus dromedarius) in East and Northeast of Iran date: 2016-05-05 words: 4712 flesch: 64 summary: The CCHFV genome was detected in two out of four tick species, and in tick samples from three cities in Khorassan-e-Jonoobi. Amplification of the S segment of the CCHFV genome using RT-PCR, in tick samples from the Khorasan province. keywords: camels; cchfv; congo; crimean; et al; fever; hemorrhagic; iran; khorassan; ticks cache: jad-147.pdf plain text: jad-147.txt item: #170 of 515 id: jad-1472 author: Ghaderi, Azimeh; Baniardalani, Mozghan; Basseri, Hamid Reza title: Level of Pyrethroid-resistance Associated with Cytochrome P450 Expression in German Cockroach Blattella germanica (Blattodea: Ectobiidae) in the Field Collected Strains date: 2021-07-28 words: 4947 flesch: 60 summary: Methods: Three field strains of German cockroach with different frequency of exposure to pesticides, and a laboratory susceptible strain were used in the present study. Conclusion: The results of current study show that more frequent usage of a pyrethroid insecticide cause the metabolic insecticide resistance to rise in German cockroach. keywords: cockroach; cyp450; cytochrome; expression; field; german; insecticide; june; level; permethrin; resistance; strains cache: jad-1472.pdf plain text: jad-1472.txt item: #171 of 515 id: jad-1475 author: Telmadarraiy, Zakkyeh; Kooshki, Habibollah; Edalat, Hamideh; Vatandoost, Hassan; Bakhshi, Hassan; Faghihi, Faezeh; Hosseini-Chegeni, Asadollah; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali title: Study on Hard and Soft Ticks of Domestic and Wild Animals in Western Iran date: 2023-02-12 words: 4202 flesch: 65 summary: Chi-square test showed a significant difference between the sam- pling area and tick species (P= 0.001) Distribution map of tick species collected from different counties of Lorestan Province, west of Iran, 2017–2018 Fig. keywords: arthropod; dis; hyalomma; iran; lorestan; province; species; study; telmadarraiy; ticks cache: jad-1475.pdf plain text: jad-1475.txt item: #172 of 515 id: jad-1476 author: Saghafipour, Abedin; Fotouhi-Ardakani, Reza; Kababian, Majid; Alirezaei, Melika; Vatandoost, Hassan title: Molecular Evaluation of the Novel Coronavirus Infection of Cockroaches and Flies Collected from Kamkar-Arabnia Hospital in Qom City, Central Iran: With Innovated Internal Control date: 2022-09-04 words: 4182 flesch: 50 summary: Results: Investigation of coronavirus E gene using the multiplex one-step qPCR technique on the collected samples showed an amplification plot in CT= 35.70 related to the internal surfaces of cockroaches collected from the treatment and sick room of the hospital. Investigation of coronavirus E gene using the multiplex one-step qPCR technique on the collected samples showed an amplification plot in CT= 35.70 related to (Cockroach Internal sample 3) CI3. keywords: cockroaches; control; coronavirus; covid-19; dec; gene; infection; internal; iran; novel; qom; step cache: jad-1476.pdf plain text: jad-1476.txt item: #173 of 515 id: jad-148 author: Rahimi, Sara; Vatandoost, Hassan; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Raeisi, Ahmad; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Rafi, Fatemeh title: Irritability Levels of Field and Laboratory Population of Culex pipiens Complex in Tehran to Different Groups of Insecticides date: 2016-05-05 words: 4932 flesch: 52 summary: Periodical execution of irritability tests with insecticides that routinely used in vector control program is highly recommended. A full series of irritability tests were car- ried out using 10 groups of insecticides in- cluding organochlorine, organophosphate, carbamate and pyrethroids against field pop- ulation of Cx. keywords: ddt; field; insecticides; iran; irritability; levels; mosquitoes; pipiens; resistance; strain; tehran; vatandoost cache: jad-148.pdf plain text: jad-148.txt item: #174 of 515 id: jad-1480 author: Hamedanian, Leila; Salmani Nadoshan, Mohammad Reza; Vatandoost, Hassan; Baniardalani, Mojgan; Rafinejad, Javad title: Evaluation of Efficiency of Ivermectin Lotion in Comparison With Permethrine Shampoo and Dimethicone Lotion for Treatment of Headlice (Pediculus humanus capitis) in Areas Covered by Health Centers of Islamshar City , Tehran, Iran in 2019 date: 2021-09-30 words: 4724 flesch: 60 summary: Abstract Background: Head lice infestation is known as a serious health problem in developing and developed countries. Despite preventive activities in countries, head lice infestations still persist at different ages and exist in densely population areas. keywords: age; efficiency; group; head; infestation; lice; lotion; permethrin; results; treatment; years cache: jad-1480.pdf plain text: jad-1480.txt item: #175 of 515 id: jad-1481 author: Sabzalizade, Sara; Amani, Amir; Vatandoost, Hassan; Hosseini, Fatemeh; Najafi-Taher, Roya; Basseri, Hamid Reza title: Evaluation of Nanoemulsion of Eucalyptus globulus Oil as Potent Botanical Larvicide Against Malaria Vector , Anopheles stephensi and West Nile Vector, Culex pipiens Under Laboratory and Semi-field Conditions date: 2022-09-04 words: 4773 flesch: 55 summary: Size distribution of eucalyptus nanoemulsion oil measured by Dynamic Light Scattering Fig. Size distribution of eucalyptus nanoemulsion oil measured by Dynamic Light Scattering Fig. keywords: activity; dec; eucalyptus; eucalyptus oil; field; hours; larvae; larvicidal; mortality; mosquito; nanoemulsion; oil; ppm; stephensi cache: jad-1481.pdf plain text: jad-1481.txt item: #176 of 515 id: jad-1484 author: Hama-Karim, Yadgar Hussein; Azize, Pary mohammad; Ali, Salar Ibrahim; Ezzaddin, Shahow Abdulrehman title: The Epidemiological Study of Pediculosis among Primary School Children in Sulaimani Governorate, Kurdistan Region of Iraq date: 2022-11-15 words: 5662 flesch: 67 summary: Population density, school head lice policies, eradication techniques, number of close con- tacts per person, overcrowded housing, econom- Table 4. The status of primary school children head lice infestation in Iraq varies from 3.6% in Bagh- Copyright © 2022 keywords: capitis; children; education; factors; hair; head; health; infestation; lice; march; pediculosis; prevalence; primary; school; study cache: jad-1484.pdf plain text: jad-1484.txt item: #177 of 515 id: jad-1488 author: Faraji-Fard, Parvaneh; Ahmadi-Angali, Kambiz; Behbahani, Abdolamir title: Species Variety of the Calf and Human-Attracted Mosquitoes in Southwest Iran date: 2022-01-30 words: 4599 flesch: 64 summary: The means of collected mosquitoes in the net traps were com- pared using a T-test. This research's observations have shown that collected mosquitoes were An. stephensi, An. pulcherrimus, Ae. caspius, Cx. tritaeniorhyn- chus, Cx. quinquefasciatus and Cx. theileri. keywords: baited; borne; calf; dis; human; iran; june; malaria; mosquitoes; net; species; trap; vector cache: jad-1488.pdf plain text: jad-1488.txt item: #178 of 515 id: jad-1489 author: Sofizadeh, Aioub; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Vatandoost, Hassan; Raeisi, Ahmad; Sistanizadeh-Aghdam, Mohammad title: Resistance Status of Anopheles maculipennis and Anopheles superpictus to the Conventional Insecticides in Northeastern Caspian Littoral, Iran date: 2022-01-30 words: 4020 flesch: 55 summary: Iran J Public Health. J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2021, 15(2): 171–178 A Sofizadeh et al.: Resistance Status of … 171 Published Online: June 30, 2021 Original Article Resistance Status of Anopheles maculipennis and Anopheles superpictus to the Conventional Insecticides in Northeastern Caspian Littoral, Iran Aioub Sofizadeh1; *Mohammad Reza Abai2,3; Hassan Vatandoost2,3; Ahmad Raeisi4; Mo- hammad Sistanizadeh-Aghdam2 1Infectious Diseases Research Center, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran 2Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 3Department of Chemical Pollutants and Pesticides, Institute for Environmental Research, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 4Malaria Control Unit, Center for Communicable Diseases Control, Ministry of Health and Medical Educa- tion, Tehran, Iran *Corresponding author: Mr Mohammad Reza Abai, E-mail: (Received 22 Mar 2020; accepted 23 May 2021) keywords: anopheles; ddt; iran; maculipennis; malaria; province; resistance; status; superpictus; susceptibility cache: jad-1489.pdf plain text: jad-1489.txt item: #179 of 515 id: jad-149 author: Guo, Xian Guo; Dong, Wen Ge; Men, Xing Yuan; Qian, Ti Jun; Wu, Dian; Ren, Tian Guang; Qin, Feng; Song, Wen Yu; Yang, Zhi Hua; Fletcher, Quinn E title: Species Abundance Distribution of Ectoparasites on Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) from a Localized Area in Southwest China date: 2016-05-05 words: 4603 flesch: 57 summary: The statistical parameters for fitting the expected curve of species abundance distribution of ectoparasites on Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) in the area surrounding Erhai Lake of Dali, Yunnan Province, southwest China Log intervals (R) Individual ranges in each log interval (I) Midpoint values of each individual range (M) Observed par- asite species Expected para- site species 0 1 1 13 13.00 1 2–4 3 8 12.09 2 5–13 9 9 9.71 3 14–40 27 5 6.75 4 41–121 81 4 4.05 5 122–364 243 4 2.10 6 365–1093 729 2 0.94 7 1094–3280 2187 1 0.37 8 3281–9841 6561 1 0.12 Annotation: M is the midpoint of I, 3R =M, log3M =R. α = 0.27, R2 = 0.80. The expected curve (theoretical curve) of species abundance distribution for the ec- toparasites on R. norvegicus showed a grad- ually descending tendency, and this revealed that most parasite species were rare with very few individuals in the sample, but few dominant species were abundant with nu- merous individuals in the sample. keywords: abundance; china; ectoparasites; et al; guo; individuals; mites; number; species; species abundance cache: jad-149.pdf plain text: jad-149.txt item: #180 of 515 id: jad-1490 author: Moradi, Rohollah; Moradi-Asl, Eslam; Telmadarraiy, Zakkyeh; Parkhideh, Seyedeh Zahra; Rassi, Yavar title: Diversity of Hard Tick Populations and Their Geographical Variations in Northwestern Iran date: 2022-01-30 words: 3807 flesch: 64 summary: The area of study was very prone to tick-borne disease transmission in terms of tick diversity and tick species richness. The results of hot-spot and autocorrelation analysis of tick species in Sarab County, East Azerbaijan, north- west of Iran, 2018–2019 General G Summary Global Moran's I Summary Species Observed General G Expected General G Variance z-score P keywords: borne; county; diversity; index; iran; june; species; study; ticks cache: jad-1490.pdf plain text: jad-1490.txt item: #181 of 515 id: jad-1491 author: Arzamani, Kourosh; Saghafipour, Abedin; Hashemi, Seyed Ahmad; Vatandoost, Hassan; Alavinia, Mohammad; Raeghi, Saber; Telmadarraiy, Zakyeh title: Biodiversity Indices and Medically Importance of Ticks in North Khorasan Province, Northeast of Iran date: 2021-09-22 words: 4625 flesch: 54 summary: Some of tick species are able to transmit these agents to the next generation (1). Mamak N, Gençer L, Ozkanlar YE, Ozçelik S (2006) Determination of tick species and treatment of cows, sheep and goats in the Sivas-Zara region, Turkiye. keywords: biodiversity; haem; index; iran; june; khorasan; north; province; sheep; species; ticks cache: jad-1491.pdf plain text: jad-1491.txt item: #182 of 515 id: jad-1492 author: Hosseini, Seyed Hamid; Allah-Kalteh, Ehsan; Sofizadeh, Aiuob title: The Effect of Geographical and Climatic Factors on the Distribution of Phlebotomus papatasi (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Golestan Province, an Endemic Focus of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Iran, 2014 date: 2021-09-28 words: 5899 flesch: 55 summary: Bioclimatic and environmental variables with direct and positive correlation with densities of Phlebotomus papatasi Correlation Variables Mean±SD* Correlation Coefficient P Direct and positive Number of collected Ph. papatasi 50.08±54.43 r= 0.747 P= 0.00 Max temperature of warmest month (°C) 34.06±1.16 Number of. The densities of Ph. papatasi were measured in all the villages and entered into ArcMap as a point layer. keywords: density; golestan; iran; leishmaniasis; mean; number; papatasi; precipitation; province; quarter; study; temperature cache: jad-1492.pdf plain text: jad-1492.txt item: #183 of 515 id: jad-1493 author: Ahmed Yusuf, Mustapha; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Vatandoost, Hassan; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Enayati, Ahmadali; Jalo, Rabiu Ibrahim; Aminu, Akande Oyebanji Azeez Aliyu; Daneji, Isa Muhammad title: Current Status of Insecticide Susceptibility in the Principal Malaria Vector, Anopheles gambiae in Three Northern States of Nigeria date: 2021-09-22 words: 5136 flesch: 56 summary: Study zone A, recorded 74% mortality after 24h to deltamethrin compared to 81% from zone B and 82% from zone C, respectively. 3. Knockdown profile of Anopheles gambiae s.l. mosquitoes collected from Northern Nigeria exposed to Deltame- thrin 0.05% after 60 minutes, 2018 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2021, 15(2): 196–206 M Ahmed Yusuf et al.: keywords: anopheles; deltamethrin; gambiae; insecticide; june; malaria; mortality; mosquitoes; nigeria; resistance; status; study; zone cache: jad-1493.pdf plain text: jad-1493.txt item: #184 of 515 id: jad-1494 author: Razavi, Mohamad Reza; Shirzadi, Mohammad Reza; Mohebali, Mehdi; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Vatandoost, Hassan; Shirzadi, Mehrshad; Gouya, Mohammad Mehdi; Gharachorloo, Faranak; Arshi, Shahnam; Amiri, Behzad title: Human Cutaneous Leishmaniosis in Iran, Up to Date-2019 date: 2022-01-30 words: 3779 flesch: 57 summary: A (2019) spatial distribution of cutaneous leishmaniasis cases referred to health centers of three khorasan prov- inces in iran using geographical infor- mation system. About 95% of CL cases oc- cur in the Americas, the Mediterranean basin, the Middle East and Central Asia. keywords: cases; control; dis; endemic; health; iran; june; leishmaniasis cache: jad-1494.pdf plain text: jad-1494.txt item: #185 of 515 id: jad-1495 author: Nikookar, Seyed Hassan; Fazeli-Dinan, Mahmoud; Enayati, Ahmadali title: Population Fluctuations and Abundance Indices of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicid), as the Potential Bridge Vectors of Pathogens to Humans and Animals in Mazandaran Province, Northern Iran date: 2022-01-30 words: 9867 flesch: 66 summary: The highest popula- tion peak of An. hyrcanus was quite similar to that of An. maculipennis s.l, while it was in July for An. pseudopictus. Iran J Arthropod Borne Dis. keywords: abundance; arthropod; borne; dis; fluctuations; iran; isa; june; mazandaran; mosquitoes; nikookar; northern; pipiens; population; province; s.l; sisa; species; study; total; vector cache: jad-1495.pdf plain text: jad-1495.txt item: #186 of 515 id: jad-1498 author: Ghaffarifar, Fatemeh‌‌‌‌; Foroutan, Masoud; Molaei, Soheila; Moradi-Asl, Eslam title: Synergistic Anti-Leishmanial Activities of Morphine and Imiquimod on Leishmania infantum (MCAN/ES/98/LIM-877) date: 2021-10-04 words: 9747 flesch: 59 summary: Iran J Arthropod Borne Dis. Iran J Parasitol. 8 (3): 348–358. 4. keywords: apoptosis; arthropod; borne; cells; control; dis; effect; iran; june; leishmaniasis; macrophages; mice; mph; parasite; promastigotes; rassi; results; treatment; vatandoost cache: jad-1498.pdf plain text: jad-1498.txt item: #187 of 515 id: jad-15 author: Abai, MR; Azari-Hamidian, S; Ladonni, H; Hakimi, M; Mashhadi-Esmail, K; Sheikhzadeh, K; Kousha, A; Vatandoost, H title: Fauna and Checklist of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of East Azerbaijan Province, Northwestern Iran date: 2007-12-15 words: 3236 flesch: 64 summary: Seven genera and 15 species were identified in the province including; Anopheles claviger, An. hyrcanus, An. maculipennis s.l., An. pseudopictus, An. sacharovi, An. superpictus, Aedes vexans, Coquillettidia richiardii, Cx. pipiens, Cx. theileri, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, Culiseta longiareolata, Cs. subochrea, Ochlerotatus caspius s.l., and Uranotaenia unguiculata. An. claviger, An. hyrcanus, An. maculipennis s.l., An. pseu- dopictus, An. sacharovi, An. superpictus, Aedes vexans (Meigen), Coquillettidia richiardii (Fi- calbi), Cx. pipiens, Cx. theileri, Cx. tritaenio- rhynchus, Cs. longiareolata, Cs. subochrea, Oc. caspius s.l., and Ur. unguiculata. keywords: azerbaijan; east; iran; mosquitoes; province; species cache: jad-15.pdf plain text: jad-15.txt item: #188 of 515 id: jad-150 author: Pirmohammadi, Masoumeh; Shayeghi, Mansoureh; Vatandoost, Hassan; Abaei, Mohammad Reza; Mohammadi, Ali; Bagheri, Akbar; Khoobdel, Mehdi; Bakhshi, Hasan; Pirmohammadi, Maryam; Tavassoli, Maryam title: Chemical Composition and Repellent Activity of Achillea vermiculata and Satureja hortensis against Anopheles stephensi date: 2016-05-05 words: 4604 flesch: 58 summary: Repellent activity of selected plant essential oils against the malarial fever mosquito Anopheles stephensi. Our investiga- tion revealed that A. vermiculata essential oil can have 2.16 hours protection time and also its Failure time is 3.16 hours. keywords: anopheles; chemical; hortensis; iran; oil; plant; protection; stephensi; time; vermiculata cache: jad-150.pdf plain text: jad-150.txt item: #189 of 515 id: jad-1504 author: Yahaghi, Negin; Fatemi, Mahboubeh; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Naghian, Abdollah; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Zahraei-Ramezani, Alireza; Rassi, Yavar; Soleimani, Hassan; Dehghan, Hossein; Veysi, Arshad; Akbarzadeh, Kamran; Akhavan, Amir ahmad title: A Comparative Study on the Biodiversity and Species Richness of Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Kermanshah and Khuzestan Provinces of Iran date: 2023-02-27 words: 4133 flesch: 61 summary: Some ecological stud- ies such as species richness, species evenness, degree of presence or occurrence, synanthrop- ic index and Jaccard’s and Sorensen’s similar- ity indices are important to study the compo- sition of sand fly species in different biotopes, spatial separation among the different popula- tions and the degree of attraction or avoidance of Phlebotominae sand flies to human places (11, 12). Beta diversity results proved that among the four studied counties in Khuzestan Province, Ahvaz and Shush County had the least amount of similarity in sand fly species, and equally, Dezful with Shushtar and Ahvaz showed the most (Table 3 and 4). keywords: county; diversity; flies; iran; kermanshah; province; sand; species; study cache: jad-1504.pdf plain text: jad-1504.txt item: #190 of 515 id: jad-1509 author: Cheraghi, Ebrahim; Kababian, Majid; Moradi-Asl, Eslam; Mousavi-Bafrouyi, Seyed Mahdi; Saghafipour, Abedin title: Structure and Antibacterial Activity of Chitosan from the American Cockroach, the German Cockroach and the Mealworm Beetle date: 2023-02-27 words: 6957 flesch: 59 summary: Results were expressed as mean ± standard error of growth inhibition zones diameters ob- tained with extracted chitosan, which amount was adequate for repetitions. The best of anti-bacterial activity yields the concentration of extracted chitosan from adults of insects on the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria Chitosan source Gram-negative (concentration%) Gram-positive (concentration%) American cockroach 12.2±0.3 (1) 8.2±0.2 (1) German cockroach 11.2±0.3 (0.01) 9.2±0.2 (0.01) keywords: activity; american; american cockroach; antibacterial; bacteria; beetle; chitin; chitosan; cockroach; concentration; dec; effect; german; gram; insects; mealworm; negative; structure cache: jad-1509.pdf plain text: jad-1509.txt item: #191 of 515 id: jad-151 author: Zhang, Chongxing; Shi, Guihong; Zhao, Yuqiang; Yan, Dongmei; Li, Huaiju; Liu, Hongmei; Wiwatanaratanabutr, Itsanun; Gong, Maoqing title: Evaluation of Isotope 32P Method to Mark Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) in a Laboratory date: 2016-05-05 words: 5657 flesch: 63 summary: January 05, 2016 Methods to mark mosquitoes have included dyes (Welch et al. 2006, Midega et al. 2007), paints (Trpis and Hausermann 1986, Niebyl- ski and Meek 1989, Service 1993, Bellini et al. 2010, Ciota et al. 2012, Liu et al. 2012, Ver- hulst et al. 2013), dusts (Reisen et al. 1978, Reisen et al. 1992, Russell et al. 2005), trace elements (Anderson et al. 1990, Holbrook et al. 1991, Solberg et al. 1999, Wilkins et al. 2007), and radioactive isotopes (Jenkins 1949, Abdel-Malek 1966, Lindquist et al. 1967, Hood-Nowotny et al. 2006, Hamer et al. 2012). January 05, 2016 sia pomonella) (Sheppard et al. 1969, Mof- fitt and Albano 1972, Reinecke 1990, Mess- ing et al. 1993, Nakata 2008, Verhulst et al. 2013). keywords: 32p; blood; entomol; et al; feeding; isotope; level; marking; med; mosquitoes; pipiens; rabbit; radioactivity; studies cache: jad-151.pdf plain text: jad-151.txt item: #192 of 515 id: jad-1510 author: Hussen, Fenik Sherzad; Kachel, Hamid Saeid; Hama, Gzng; Kachal, Edi; Slo, Masoud; Hiwil, Ihsan; Ahmed, Ayoub Ibrahim title: Epidemiological Characterizations, New Localities, and a Checklist of the Known Scorpions in the Kurdistan Region, Northern Iraq date: 2023-02-12 words: 5097 flesch: 63 summary: General overview of scorpion species collected in this study in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq A. Androctonus crassicauda; B. Hottentotta saulcyi; C. Compsobuthus matthiesseni; D. Mesobuthus mesopotamicus; E. Orthochirus fomichevi; F. Scorpio maurus; G. Hemiscorpus lepturus (Photos by Authors) Fig. The highest number of scorpion species in this checklist was reported from Erbil province, with 9 species, followed by 6 different species in each of Duhok and Sulaymaniyah provinces. keywords: erbil; iraq; kurdistan; region; saulcyi; scorpion; sep; species; stings; study cache: jad-1510.pdf plain text: jad-1510.txt item: #193 of 515 id: jad-1512 author: Shaikevich, Elena V.; Karan, Ludmila; Fedorova, Marina title: Genetic Structure of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus Populations in Russia date: 2023-07-29 words: 6644 flesch: 59 summary: J Arthropod-Borne Dis, March 2023, 17(1): 51–62 E Shaikevich et al.: Genetic Structure of … 51 Published Online: March 31, 2023 Original Article Genetic Structure of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus Populations in Russia *Elena Shaikevich1, Ludmila Karan2, Marina Fedorova2 1Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Gubkin str. 3, 119333 Moscow, Russia 2Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Novogireevskaya str., 3a, 111123 Moscow, Russia *Corresponding author: Dr Elena Shaikevich, E-mail: (Received 23 Nov 2021; accepted 31 Jan 2023) More than a thousand published Ae. albopictus COI sequenc- es reflects the genetic diversity of populations both in native and non-native invasive areas, highlighting the reliability of the long COI frag- ment to identify genetic divergence among Ae. albopictus populations and facilitating the study of phylogeographic relationships and the prob- able origin of individuals in recently established populations (25, 27–29, 34). keywords: aedes; aedes albopictus; albopictus; coi; csa; dis; diversity; europe; gene; haplotypes; march; mosquito; populations; russia; sequences; structure; table; zone cache: jad-1512.pdf plain text: jad-1512.txt item: #194 of 515 id: jad-152 author: Akram, Waseem; Ali-Khan, Hafiz Azhar title: Odonate Nymphs: Generalist Predators and their Potential in the Management of Dengue Mosquito, Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) date: 2016-05-05 words: 2651 flesch: 59 summary: Results The number of Ae. aegypti larvae con- sumed varied significantly among the five species of odonate nymphs (F= 144.30, df= 4, 75, P<0.001 ), and at different levels of water volume (F= 18.32, df= 2, 75, P< 0.001). Cumulative effect of different different water volumes on the consumption rate of 4th instar Aedes aegypti larvae by different odonate nymphs J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2016, 10(2): 253–258 W Akram and HA Ali-Khan: Odonate Nymphs: … 256 Published Online: keywords: aegypti; khan; larvae; mosquito; nymphs; odonate; species; water cache: jad-152.pdf plain text: jad-152.txt item: #195 of 515 id: jad-1520 author: Davari, Behroz; Hassanvand, Ali Ezat; Salehzadeh, Aref; Alikhani, Mohammad Yousef; Hosseini, Seyed Mostafa title: Bacterial Contamination of Collected Cockroaches and Determination their Antibiotic Susceptibility in Khorramabad City, Iran date: 2023-07-30 words: 4846 flesch: 58 summary: Cockroaches belong to the order Blattaria that so far about 4,000 species of cockroaches have been iden- tified, less than 1% of which are considered pests. Relationship between bacterial isolates and cockroach species, *(p< 0.05) J Arthropod-Borne Dis, March 2023, 17(1): 63–71 B Davari et al.: keywords: antibiotics; bacteria; borne; cockroaches; coli; contamination; dis; hospital; infections; iran; march; species; study cache: jad-1520.pdf plain text: jad-1520.txt item: #196 of 515 id: jad-1529 author: Azarm, Amrollah; Dalimi, Abdolhossin; Pirestani, Majied; Mohammadiha, Anita; Zahraei-Ramazani, Alireza; Marvi-Moghaddam, Narges; Amiri, Esmaiel title: Pulex irritans on Dogs and Cats: Morphological and Molecular Approach date: 2023-02-15 words: 4151 flesch: 64 summary: It was specified that from 74 specimens of P. irritans fleas, 35 (47.29%) were males and 39 (52.70%) were females (Ta- ble 1). In this study, P. irritans flea were not found on female cats (Table 2). keywords: cats; dis; dogs; flea; iran; irritans; pulex; pulex irritans; sep; species; study cache: jad-1529.pdf plain text: jad-1529.txt item: #197 of 515 id: jad-153 author: Ostovar, Afshin; Haghdoost, Ali Akbar; Rahimiforoushani, Abbas; Raeisi, Ahmad; Majdzadeh, Reza title: Time Series Analysis of Meteorological Factors Influencing Malaria in South Eastern Iran date: 2016-05-05 words: 7321 flesch: 57 summary: Exploring 30 years of malaria case data in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: part I. Some studies have suggested that additional variables, such as socio-economic factors, should be used in malaria prediction models (Hay et al. 2002b, Small et al. 2003, Abeku et al. 2004, Tekle- haimanot et al. 2004a, Craig et al. 2004, Zhou et al. 2004, Gething et al. 2010). keywords: analysis; cases; correlation; data; et al; incidence; malaria; meteorological; model; rainfall; study; temperature; time; variables cache: jad-153.pdf plain text: jad-153.txt item: #198 of 515 id: jad-1536 author: Azari-Hamidian, Shahyad; Omrani, Seyed-Mohammad title: Morphological Aberrations of the Dirofilariasis, Sindbis Fever and West Nile Fever Vector Culex Theileri (Diptera: Culicidae) in Iran date: 2023-02-12 words: 3588 flesch: 57 summary: Results: In total, some 2096 larvae of Cx. theileri were identified. Morphological aberrations and anomalies of seta 1-C in the third- and fourth-instar larvae and abdominal terga of the adults of Cx. theileri collected in Iran are discussed and illustrated. keywords: azari; culex; fig; hamidian; iran; province; sep; seta; theileri cache: jad-1536.pdf plain text: jad-1536.txt item: #199 of 515 id: jad-1538 author: Sharifi, Farid; Banafshi, Omid; Rasouli, Ali; Ghoreishi, Shadi; Saeedi, Samrand; Khalesi, Mahmood; Rezai, Afshar; Moradi Asl, Eslam; Zareie, Bushra; Veisi Khodlan, Nasrollah; Veysi, Arshad title: Biodiversity and Spatial Distribution of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Kurdistan Province, Western Iran date: 2023-02-27 words: 6086 flesch: 67 summary: 12 species of Culicidae were identified includ- ing: An. claviger, An. maculipennis s.l., An. su- perpictus s.l., Cs. longiareolata, Cs. subochrea, Cx. hortensis, Cx. mimeticus, Cx. perexiguus, Cx. The highest number of An. superpictus s.l. specimens in our study was reported from Baneh City; while, in a recent study from Sarvabad City (24). keywords: arthropod; biodiversity; borne; culicidae; dec; dis; iran; kurdistan; mosquitoes; province; species; study cache: jad-1538.pdf plain text: jad-1538.txt item: #200 of 515 id: jad-154 author: Aflatoonian, Mohammad Reza; Sharifi, Iraj; Aflatoonian, Bahnaz; Shirzadi, Mohammad Reza; Gouya, Mohammad Mahdi; Kermanizadeh, Alireza title: A Review of Impact of Bam Earthquake on Cutaneous Leishmaniasis and Status: Epidemic of Old Foci, Emergence of New Foci and Changes in Features of the Disease date: 2016-06-18 words: 5127 flesch: 56 summary: Abstract Background: Global findings indicate that incidence rate of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) has significantly in- creased during the past decade, as documented in many countries. Conclusions: Following a major earthquake, several risk factors could activate epidemics of cutaneous leishmaniasis in old foci and induce emerging foci in new areas. keywords: aflatoonian; bam; cases; earthquake; et al; health; iran; leishmaniasis; sharifi cache: jad-154.pdf plain text: jad-154.txt item: #201 of 515 id: jad-1550 author: Abbas, Haider; Rizwan, Hafiz Muhammad; Younus, Muhammad; Sajid, Muhammad Sohail; Farooqi, Shahid Hussain; Iqbal, Zeeshan; Imran, Muhammad; Amanat, Usman; Wazir, Nida; Naeem, Muhammad Ahsan title: Concurrent Trypanosomosis, Babesiosis and Toxocarosis in a Dog: a Case Report date: 2023-01-18 words: 3306 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: Trypanosoma; Babesia; Toxocara canis; Dog; Pakistan Introduction The haemoprotozoan parasites like Babesia (B.) canis, B. gibsoni and Trypanosoma (T.) ev- ansi are common causes of life-threatening dis- eases in wide range of animals including dogs throughout the Indian subcontinent and in other parts of world (1-5). Male dogs are con- sidered more susceptible to Babesia infection due to more exposure to tick infestation because of their roaming behaviour in search of mates (32), but the dog in the present case was a pet dog, and the development of infection of Tryp- anosoma and Babesia might be due to its being less trypanotolerant and having had less expo- sure to ticks at a young age (due to provision of more care and hygienic environment as com- pared to roaming dogs), resulting in less protec- tive immunity. keywords: animal; babesia; canis; dis; dog; dogs; infection; june; pakistan; sciences; spp; trypanosoma; trypanosomosis; vet cache: jad-1550.pdf plain text: jad-1550.txt item: #202 of 515 id: jad-1552 author: Saleem, Tayyab; Akhtar, Hashaam; Jamal, Syed Babar; Maryam, Fizza; Faheem, Muhammad title: Zika Virus from the Perspective of Observational Studies: a Review date: 2023-02-27 words: 9064 flesch: 61 summary: ZIKV cases have been reported in different parts of the world, with certain regions reporting more cases than the rest, like Brazil. Further- more, ZIKV cases have been reported in peo- ple from different walks of life, including la- boratory personnel getting infected while con- ducting experimental studies on the virus (4). keywords: adults; antibodies; brazil; cases; cells; czi; czs; dec; denv; dis;; infection; microcephaly; outbreak; pregnancy; saleem; spread; studies; study; virus; zika; zika virus; zikv; zvi cache: jad-1552.pdf plain text: jad-1552.txt item: #203 of 515 id: jad-1559 author: Dehghan, Awat; Moosa Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi; Vatandoost, Hassan; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali title: Evaluation of the Time Course on the Effectiveness of WHO Standard Pyrethroid and Carbamate Impregnated Test Papers against Anopheles stephensi, the Main Malaria Vector in Iran date: 2023-07-30 words: 5094 flesch: 61 summary: The highest efficacy of test papers was in the first trimester after the expiry date and decreased over time. With this method, we tested the efficacy of the test papers in se- rial time under 60 minutes to be able to calcu- late the LT50 and to compare the LT50s be- tween the different groups of test papers. keywords: fig; insecticide; lt50; lt90; month; mortality; papers; stephensi; strain; times cache: jad-1559.pdf plain text: jad-1559.txt item: #204 of 515 id: jad-156 author: Valikhanfard-Zanjani, Elham; Zare-Mirakabadi, Abbas; Oryan, Shahrbanoo; Goodarzi, Hamid Reza; Rajabi, Mahdise title: Specific Antivenom Ability in Neutralizing Hepatic and Renal Changes 24 Hours after Latrodectus dahli Envenomation date: 2016-05-05 words: 4157 flesch: 57 summary: Blood sampling was carried out for all animals before and 24 h after venom injection as well 24 h, 48 h and 72 h after antivenom injection. Specific antivenom (2.5 ml, I.V) was injected 24 h following venom injection. keywords: albumin; alt; antivenom; ast; hours; injection; latrodectus; levels cache: jad-156.pdf plain text: jad-156.txt item: #205 of 515 id: jad-1565 author: Firooziyan, Samira; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi; Sabouri, Maryam; Tol, Azar; Sadeghi, Roya; Rikhtrgar, Ehsan; Fathi, Behrouz title: Predictors of Dengue Preventive Practices Based on Precaution Adoption Process Model among Health Care Professionals in Northwest of Iran date: 2023-02-27 words: 4919 flesch: 57 summary: This study aimed to assess predictors of dengue preventive practices based on Precaution Adoption Process Model (PAPM) factors in West Azerbaijan province, northwest of Iran. Data-gathering instrument was an online researcher-made questionnaire consisting of demographic characteristics (11 items), questions based on PAPM, and dengue preventive practices (85 items). keywords: beliefs; dec; dengue; disease; factors; fever; health; iran; papm; practices; precaution; prevention; study cache: jad-1565.pdf plain text: jad-1565.txt item: #206 of 515 id: jad-1567 author: Khoobdel, Mehdi; Azari-Hamidian, Shahyad; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Bakhshi, Hasan; Jafari, Amirsajad; Moradi, Mohammad title: Scabies as a Neglected Tropical Disease in Iran: A Systematic Review with Me-ta-Analysis, during 2000–2022 date: 2023-02-26 words: 7859 flesch: 65 summary: Following by an increased occurrence of scabies in some countries in Europe, Asia and Africa, scabies cases have recently been in- creased in Turkey (81) and Saudi Arabia (82). Iran J Dermatol. keywords: analysis; dis; dogs; health; human; infestation; iran; khoobdel; med; meta; online; patients; prevalence; provinces; reporting; sarcoptes; scabies; sep; skin; studies; study cache: jad-1567.pdf plain text: jad-1567.txt item: #207 of 515 id: jad-157 author: Motaghipisheh, Shahrzad; Akhtardanesh, Baharak; Ghanbarpour, Reza; Aflatoonian, Mohammad Reza; Khalili, Mohammad; Nourollahifard, Saeed Reza; Mokhtari, Saghar title: Ehrlichiosis in Household Dogs and Parasitized Ticks in Kerman- Iran: Preliminary Zoonotic Risk Assessment date: 2016-05-05 words: 3437 flesch: 56 summary: in tick infested household dogs and determination of risks of disease transmission to dog’s owners. No significant changes were seen in owner’s complete blood count tests but some hematological alterations were seen in infected dogs. keywords: borne; dogs; ehrlichia; ehrlichiosis; human; iran; kerman; tick cache: jad-157.pdf plain text: jad-157.txt item: #208 of 515 id: jad-1577 author: Azarm, Amrollah; Nasrabadi, Mohammad; Shahidi, Fatemeh; Dehghan, Awat; Nikpoor, Fateme; Zahraie-Ramazani, Alireza; Molaeezadeh, Seyede Maryam; Bozorgomid, Faramarz; Tashakori, Ghazal; Vatandoost, Hassan title: Insecticide Resistance in the West Nile Encephalitis, Japanese Encephalitis, Avian Malaria and Lymphatic Elephantiasis Vector, Culex pipiens complex (Diptera: Culicidae) in Iran date: 2022-09-04 words: 3944 flesch: 56 summary: Scott JG, Yoshimizu MH, Kasai S (2015) Pyrethroid resistance in Culex pipiens mosquitoes. The resistance of Culex pipiens against organochlorine insecticides in different regions of Iran Resistance status KT50 (min) LT50 (min) Pesticides Province year Reference Resistant - - DDT 4% Tehran City 2015 Salim-Abadi et al. Resistant Resistant Resistant - - - - - - DDT 4% Dieldrin 4% Dieldrin 0.4% Mazandaran (Sari County) 2018 Ghorbani et al. Resistant - 139 DDT 4% Kerman (Rafsanjan County ) 2017 keywords: culex; culex pipiens; ddt; dec; et al; insecticides; iran; pipiens; resistance; tehran cache: jad-1577.pdf plain text: jad-1577.txt item: #209 of 515 id: jad-1578 author: Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Etemadi, Yadollah; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi; Mokhayeri, Hamid; Vatandoost, Hassan; Kayedi, Mohammad Hassan title: Investigation on Mosquitoes Fauna (Diptera: Culicidae) and Probable Vector of West Nile Virus in Lorestan Province, Western Iran date: 2022-09-04 words: 4592 flesch: 54 summary: Methods: Culicidae mosquitoes were collected at three counties and nine site stations from Lo- restan Province, west of Iran in 2017. The species richness (R), Simpson's diversity index (D), Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H)̕, and evenness (E) of the adult collected mosquitoes in the study areas County S R D H̕ E Khorramabad 7 0.809 0.458 1.008 0.519 Chegeni 8 0.763 0.490 1.353 0.650 Selseleh 4 0.640 0.318 0.782 0.564 Table 4. keywords: dec; habitats; iran; larval; lorestan; mosquitoes; pipiens; province; s.l; species; study cache: jad-1578.pdf plain text: jad-1578.txt item: #210 of 515 id: jad-158 author: Nikpay, Ali; Nabian, Sedigheh title: Immunization of Cattle with Tick Salivary Gland Extracts date: 2016-06-18 words: 4666 flesch: 53 summary: Parasitol. 85: 583–592. Brown SJ, Shapiro SZ, Askenase PW (1984) Characterization of tick antigens in- ducing host immune resistance. (B.) annulatus tick that would be expected to provide a safe non-chemical means of tick control. keywords: annulatus; cattle; control; feeding; gland; immunization; nabian; nikpay; protein; salivary; tick cache: jad-158.pdf plain text: jad-158.txt item: #211 of 515 id: jad-1584 author: Asgarian, Tahereh Sadat; Vatandoost, Hassan; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Nikpoor, Fatemeh title: Worldwide Status of Insecticide Resistance of Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus, Vectors of Arboviruses of Chikungunya, Dengue, Zika and Yellow Fever date: 2023-07-29 words: 14724 flesch: 61 summary: In Lagos State of Nigeria all populations of Ae. aegypti showed resistance to DDT (16), while in Kwara state, Nigeria, Ae. aegypti was completely sus- ceptible to this insecticide (17). In India DDT resistance in field collected Ae. aegypti has reported from J Arthropod-Borne Dis, March 2023, 17(1): 1–27 TS Asgarian et al.: keywords: adult; aedes aegypti; aedes albopictus; aegypti populations; aegypti resistance; albopictus; asgarian; borne; control; cyhalothrin; ddt; deltamethrin; dengue; dis; fenitrothion; field; fig; insecticide; lambda; larvae; malathion; march; mortality; mosquitoes; permethrin; pyrethroid; resistance; status; study; susceptibility; temephos; trop; vector cache: jad-1584.pdf plain text: jad-1584.txt item: #212 of 515 id: jad-1585 author: Abou-Elaaz, Fatima-Zahra; Sereno, Denis; Himmi, Oumnia; Ghamizi, Mohamed; Guernaoui, Souad title: Descriptive and Geometric Morphometry of the Wings of Phlebotomus sergenti Populations in Central Morocco date: 2023-07-29 words: 5649 flesch: 60 summary: The size of Ph. sergenti wings is given by measures of length (5–17), width (1–9), and centroid size (CS) (Fig. 2). The geometric morphometric analysis al- lows the visualization and comparison of the geometric configurations of Ph. sergenti wings. keywords: abou; analysis; march; morocco; phlebotomus; populations; sergenti; shape; size; wing; ´ ´ cache: jad-1585.pdf plain text: jad-1585.txt item: #213 of 515 id: jad-1588 author: Khan-Ahmadi, Atefeh; Vatandoost, Hassan; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Baniardalani, Mozhgan; Khalifeh-Soltani, Kourosh; Azarm, Amrollah; Zahraei-Ramazani, Alireza title: Evaluation of Repellency and Lethal Effects of Ultrasonic Waves on the Blat-tella germanica (Blattodea: Blattellidae) date: 2023-07-30 words: 4675 flesch: 63 summary: To this end, some studies have examined the performance of some commercial ultrasonic devices that have been used to control German cockroaches (12– 16). A study confirms that to date, research on German cockroaches has not yield- ed an acceptable solution, and controlling this insect is still an outstanding problem. keywords: cockroaches; control; effect; frequencies; frequency; german; march; study; test; ultrasound; waves cache: jad-1588.pdf plain text: jad-1588.txt item: #214 of 515 id: jad-159 author: Dehghan, Hossein; Sadraei, Javid; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Abolghasemi, Esmail; Solimani, Hassan; Jaffari-Nodoshan, Ahmad; Najafi, Mohammad Hassan title: A Pictorial Key for Culex pipiens Complex (Diptera: Culicidae) In Iran date: 2016-06-18 words: 5149 flesch: 67 summary: Culex pipiens including form molestus and Cx. The variations of some morphological characters of Culex pipiens and Cx. keywords: complex; culex; culex pipiens; hamidian; harbach; iran; pipiens; quinquefasciatus; species cache: jad-159.pdf plain text: jad-159.txt item: #215 of 515 id: jad-16 author: Abdoli, H; Hejazi, SH; Akhavan, AA; Zahraei-Ramazani, AR; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, MR; Jalali-Zand, AR; Arandian, MH; Piazak, N; Jafari, R; Alizadeh, M title: Some Ecological Aspects of Phlebotomine Sand Flies in an Endemic Focus of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Iran date: 2007-12-15 words: 2981 flesch: 63 summary: The following species were found indoors: P. papatasi, P. sergenti, P. caucasicus, P. mongolensis, P. al- exandri, P. ansarii, P. major, P. kandelakii, S. sintoni, and the subsequent species were found outdoors: P. papatasi, P ser- genti, P. caucasicus, P. mongolensis, P. ansarii, P. major, S. sintoni, S. dentata, S. pawlowskyi. Natural promastigote infections observed in 1.06% of P. papatasi and also in one out of four of P. caucasicus. keywords: esfahan; flies; iran; papatasi; sand cache: jad-16.pdf plain text: jad-16.txt item: #216 of 515 id: jad-160 author: Xiang-Zhu, Wei; Zhao, Kun; Sha-Chu, Sha; Long-Liu, Zhi title: Evaluation of Essential Oil and its Three Main Active Ingredients of Chinese Chenopodium ambrosioides (Family: Chenopodiaceae) against Blattella germanica date: 2015-10-14 words: 3879 flesch: 58 summary: Abstract Background: The efficacy of essential oil of Chenopodium ambrosioides flowering aerial parts and its three main active ingredients was evaluated against Blattella germanica male adults. Methods: Composition of essential oil was determined by GC-MS. keywords: ambrosioides; c10; chenopodium; cockroaches; components; compounds; german; oil; toxicity; z)-ascaridole cache: jad-160.pdf plain text: jad-160.txt item: #217 of 515 id: jad-161 author: Mohankumar, Thirumalapura Krishnaiah; Shivanna, Kumuda Sathigal; Achuttan, Vijayan Valiakottukal title: Screening of Methanolic Plant Extracts against Larvae of Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi in Mysore date: 2016-06-18 words: 5256 flesch: 57 summary: Larvae of Ae. aegypti were more susceptible than that of An. stephensi. Keywords: Ae. aegypti, An. stephensi, Annona reticulata, Larvicide, Thespesia populnea Introduction Many new and re-emerging diseases are transmitted by Arthropod vectors (Brogdon and Mc Alister 1998). keywords: activity; aegypti; control; et al; extracts; larvae; larvicidal; lc50; mosquito; plant; species; stephensi cache: jad-161.pdf plain text: jad-161.txt item: #218 of 515 id: jad-1610 author: Heydari, Abbas; Anlaş, Sinan; Bakhshi, Hasan; Koosha, Mona; Choubdar, Nayyereh; Panahi-Moghadam, Somayeh; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali title: Molecular Characterization of Paederus Spp (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Paederinae) the Agent of Human Linear Dermatitis in the Caspian Sea Coast, North of Iran date: 2023-07-30 words: 5522 flesch: 58 summary: To our knowledge, we have provided the first molecular typing of Paederus beetles at the spe- cies level, suggesting that ITS2-rDNA characterization is an alternative tool for species discrimination of Paederus spp. Paederus beetles are nocturnal and attract- ed by incandescent and fluorescent lights. keywords: arthropod; beetles; characterization; coleoptera; dis; dna; fuscipes; identification; iran; its2; march; paederus; pcr; province; rdna; rflp; sequencing; species; specimens; staphylinidae cache: jad-1610.pdf plain text: jad-1610.txt item: #219 of 515 id: jad-162 author: Kumar-Swami, Kailash; Srivastava, Meera title: Blood Meal Preference of Some Anopheline Mosquitoes in Command and Non-command Areas of Rajasthan, India date: 2015-10-14 words: 3010 flesch: 60 summary: The blood meal analysis showed that Anopheles subpictus had a preference towards cattle blood, An. culicifacies and An. stephensi preferred human blood, while, An. annularis was noted to feed only on bovine blood. Blood meal preference of anopheline mosquito species (%) on different hosts Species Bovine Mixed Human Anopheles subpictus 57.44 25.53 17.02 Anopheles stephensi 15.60 30.56 53.84 Anopheles culicifacies – 28.00 72.00 Anopheles annularis 100 – – Discussion The findings revealed that An. subpictus had a preference towards cattle blood as compared to human, while An. culicifacies and An. stephensi preferred human blood and An. annularis gut content showed the pres- ence of only bovine blood. keywords: area; bikaner; blood; malaria; meal; species; tehsil cache: jad-162.pdf plain text: jad-162.txt item: #220 of 515 id: jad-163 author: Bilal, Hazrat; Akram, Waseem; Ali-Hassan, Soaib title: Larvicidal Activity of Citrus Limonoids against Aedes albopictus Larvae date: 2015-10-14 words: 3887 flesch: 62 summary: They have some potential as insecticide (Ak- ram et al. 2010). The percentage mortality was calculat- ed from the average of three replicates using the following formula (Sumroiphon et al. 2006). keywords: activity; aedes; albopictus; citrus; early; larvae; larvicidal; limonin; nomilin; plant; ppm; valencia cache: jad-163.pdf plain text: jad-163.txt item: #221 of 515 id: jad-164 author: Limoee, Mojtaba; Davari, Behroz; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan title: Toxicity of Pyrethroid and Organophosphorous Insecticides against Two Field Collected Strains of the German Cockroach Blattella germanica (Blattaria: Blattellidae) from Hospitals in Hamadan, Iran date: 2015-10-14 words: 3482 flesch: 53 summary: Thus, we propose further studies on changes insecticide resistance levels by using the dif- ferent synergists following insecticide selec- tion in these strains for providing in vivo evidences about the possible mechanisms of insecticide resistance. Toxicity of cyprmethrin Different levels of resistance to cype- rmethrin were observed in two hospital-col- lected strains of German cockroach based on RRs compared with susceptible strain (SUS) (Table 1) showing resistance ratios, 3.23 and 6.18 at LD50 levels, for ICH and FH strains, respectively. keywords: cockroach; german; insecticide; resistance; strains cache: jad-164.pdf plain text: jad-164.txt item: #222 of 515 id: jad-165 author: Ahmadnejad, Farzaneh; Otarod, Vahid; Fathnia, Amanollah; Ahmadabadi, Ali; Fallah, Mohammad H.; Zavareh, Alireza; Miandehi, Nargess; Durand, Benoit; Sabatier, Philippe title: Impact of Climate and Environmental Factors on West Nile Virus Circulation in Iran date: 2016-06-18 words: 6556 flesch: 54 summary: 30 (2): 186–194. Brown H, Duik-Wasser M, Andreadis T, Fish D (2008) Remotely-sensed vege- tation indices identify mosquito clus- ters of West Nile virus vectors in an urban landscape in the northeastern United States. J Arthropod-Borne Dis, September 2016, 10(3): 317–329 F Ahmadnejad et al.: Impact of Climate … 317 Published Online: January 06, 2016 Original Article Impact of Climate and Environmental Factors on West Nile Virus Circulation in Iran *Farzaneh Ahmadnejad 1, 2, Vahid Otarod 3, Amanollah Fathnia 4, Ali Ahmadabadi 5, Mohammad H. Fallah 6, Alireza Zavareh 1, Nargess Miandehi 1, Benoit Durand 7, Philippe Sabatier 2 1Viral Vaccines Production Department, Pasteur Institute, Tehran, Iran 2TIMC-IMAG Team EPSP, VetAgroSup, Campus Vétérinaire de Lyon, France 3Quarantine and Biosafety Directorate General, Iran Veterinary Organization, Tehran, Iran 4Department of Geography, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran 5Faculty of Geography, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran 6Department of Poultry Viral Diseases, Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, Alborz, Iran 7University Paris Est, Anses, Laboratory of Animal Health, Epidemiology unit, Maisons-Alfort, France (Received 31 May 2014; accepted 17 Dec 2014) Abstract Background: Geographic distribution of West Nile virus (WNV) is heterogeneous in Iran by a high circulation in the southern-western areas. keywords: area; climate; dis; et al; iran; mean; mosquito; ndvi; nile; stables; temperature; virus; west; wetlands; wnv cache: jad-165.pdf plain text: jad-165.txt item: #223 of 515 id: jad-166 author: Akbarzadeh, Kamran; Rafinejad, Javad; Nozari, Jamasb; Rassi, Yavar; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi; Hosseini, Mostafa title: A Modified Trap for Adult Sampling of Medically Important Flies (Insecta: Diptera) date: 2015-10-14 words: 4453 flesch: 61 summary: In conclusion, this kind of adult fly trap can be recommended for routine field sam- pling for studying the diversity of flies as well as study of population dynamics where conducting of daily collection is difficult. Number of fly larvae, collected by modified adult fly trap, in any geographical regions of Fars Province, Iran, June 2010 Region Calliphoridae species n Sarcophagidae species n Muscidae species n Noerthern Part Calliphora vicina 235 keywords: adult; diptera; flies; fly; iran; larvae; province; sarcophaga; species; trap cache: jad-166.pdf plain text: jad-166.txt item: #224 of 515 id: jad-167 author: Vahedi-Noori, Nasrollah; Rahbari, Sadegh; Bokaei, Saeed title: The Seasonal Activity of Ixodes ricinus Tick in Amol, Mazandaran Province, Northern Iran date: 2015-10-14 words: 3032 flesch: 64 summary: Monthly in- spection of target animals for I. ricinus tick revealed that the rate of infestation in cattle with adult I. ricinus increased gradually with the beginning of fall and reached its peak in January, February, and March while it started to decline with the beginning of spring as the infestation rate reached to zero in summer. Tick intensity of Ixodes ricinus on 10 m2 of the pastrue (October 2009 to September 2010) Discussion The studies which dealing with hard ticks in Iran so far, indicate that I. ricinus tick is only found in the northern provinces of Iran (Razavi et al. 2006, Rahbari et al. 2007, Razmi et al. 2007, Yossefi et al. 2008). keywords: activity; adult; iran; ricinus; tick cache: jad-167.pdf plain text: jad-167.txt item: #225 of 515 id: jad-168 author: Mousavi, Seyyedeh Mahbubeh; Imani, Sohrab; Haghighi, Saeid; Mousavi, Seyyedeh Elaheh; Karimi, Akbar title: Effect of Iranian Honey bee (Apis mellifera) Venom on Blood Glucose and Insulin in Diabetic Rats date: 2015-10-14 words: 3749 flesch: 59 summary: They may play a role in dimini- shing inflammation of Islets of Langerhans and thus elevating blood insulin level. Blood glucose level was measured using Acua Check (Germany). keywords: bee; blood; diabetic; effect; et al; glucose; group; insulin; rats; venom cache: jad-168.pdf plain text: jad-168.txt item: #226 of 515 id: jad-169 author: Naddaf, Saied Reza; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Vatandoost, Hassan title: Confirmation of Two Sibling Species among Anopheles fluviatilis Mosquitoes in South and Southeastern Iran by Analysis of Cytochrome Oxidase I Gene date: 2015-10-14 words: 3382 flesch: 53 summary: Conclusion This study shows that COI gene can be used as a useful tool along other DNA markers like 28-D3 gene for resolving closely related taxa of An. fluviatilis complex species. Inher- ent problems of drug resistance (Zakeri et al. 2008, Afsharpad et al. 2012) and insecticide resistance of Anopheles vectors (Enayati et al. 2003, Vatandoost et al. 2005, Hanafi-Bojd et al. 2012) are aggravated by continuous influx of imported cases, mostly with Plasmodium falciparum, from neighboring countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan (Zakeri et al. 2010), making control of disease much more diffi- cult in these areas. keywords: anopheles; et al; fars; fluviatilis; iran; naddaf; species cache: jad-169.pdf plain text: jad-169.txt item: #227 of 515 id: jad-17 author: Nasirian, H title: Duration of Fipronil and Imidacloprid Gel Baits Toxicity against Blattella germanica Strains of Iran date: 2007-12-15 words: 4287 flesch: 64 summary: These results suggest that fipronil and imidacloprid gel baits appear to have considerable potential as a bait for insecticide- resistant strains of German cockroach. Keywords: German cockroach, Gel bait, Fipronil, Imidacloprid, Iran Introduction The German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.), is a common indoor pest in low income housing. keywords: baits; cockroach; entomol; fipronil; gel; german; imidacloprid; strains cache: jad-17.pdf plain text: jad-17.txt item: #228 of 515 id: jad-170 author: El-Sayed, Shaurub H; El-Bassiony, Ghada M title: Larvicidal, Biological and Genotoxic Effects, and Temperature-Toxicity Relationship of Some Leaf Extracts of Nerium oleander (Apocynaceae) on Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) date: 2016-02-06 words: 5824 flesch: 56 summary: These findings indicate that field application of N. oleander leaf extracts in controlling Cx. The results obtained indicated that diethyl ether extract of N. oleander leaves was the most potent extract, with LC50 of 10500 mg/l. The toxicity of the four extracts, using the LC50, at 10 °C was higher than that at 35 °C. keywords: activity; control; diethyl; ether; extract; larvae; larvicidal; lc50; leaves; oleander; pipiens cache: jad-170.pdf plain text: jad-170.txt item: #229 of 515 id: jad-171 author: Yazici, Zafer; Albayrak, Harun; Ozan, Emre; Gumusova, Semra title: The First Investigation of West Nile Virus in Horses Using Real Time RT-PCR in Middle Black Sea Region in Turkey date: 2015-10-14 words: 2447 flesch: 66 summary: West Nile virus is an important pathogen for vertebrates including humans, horses, dogs birds and reptiles (Castillo-Oli- vares and Woods 2004). West Nile virus has a wide geographical distrubution that includes countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and America (Hubalek and Halouzka 1999, Savage et al. 1999, Hayes et al. 2005). keywords: dis; et al; horses; nile; pcr; turkey; virus; west; wnv cache: jad-171.pdf plain text: jad-171.txt item: #230 of 515 id: jad-172 author: Maleki-Ravasan, Naseh; Shayeghi, Mansoureh; Najibi, Babak; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali title: Infantile Nosocomial Myiasis in Iran date: 2015-10-14 words: 3684 flesch: 56 summary: Nosocomial myiasis, although rare, is sometimes reported in debilitated, diabetics, cardiovascular, and encephalopathics patients as well as people having motor vehicle ac- cidents. Sequence data of other flies are retrieved from Genbank, Calliphoridae: (Chrysomya putoria: EU418542, C. inclinata: AB112857, C. megacephala: AB112861, AJ426041, EU418536, C. albiceps: AF083657, AB112851, AB112854, C. varipes: EU418545, Phormia regina: DQ345078, Lucilia cuprina: AJ417708, Protocalliphora sialia: AF295559), Scathophagidae: (Scathophaga stercoraria: AF104625), Muscidae: (Musca ventrosa: EU627697, Neomyia timorensis: EU627705) keywords: arthropod; borne; dis; flies; iran; larva; myiasis; nosocomial; nuba; species cache: jad-172.pdf plain text: jad-172.txt item: #231 of 515 id: jad-173 author: Hazratian, Teimour; Vatandoost, Hasan; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Fallah, Esmael; Rafizadeh, Sayena; Shirzadi, Mohammad Reza; Shayeghi, Mansoreh; Akbarzadeh, Kameran; Rassi, Yavar title: Diversity of Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Endemic Focus of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Azar Shahr District, East Azarbaijan Province, North West of Iran date: 2016-06-18 words: 3057 flesch: 56 summary: Methods: Sand flies were collected form indoor and outdoor biweekly using sticky traps. Keywords: Diversity, Density, Sand flies, Visceral Leishmaniasis, Azar Shahr, Iran Introduction Phlebotomine sand flies belong to the family Psychodidae (Young and Duncan 1994). keywords: diversity; flies; iran; leishmaniasis; rassi; sand; species; village cache: jad-173.pdf plain text: jad-173.txt item: #232 of 515 id: jad-175 author: Sharififard, Mona; Mossadegh, Mohammad Saeed; Vazirianzadeh, Babak; Latifi, Seyed Mahmood title: Biocontrol of the Brown-banded Cockroach, Supella longipalpa F. (Blattaria: Blattellidae), with Entomopathogenic Fungus, Metharhizium anisopliae date: 2016-06-18 words: 5781 flesch: 56 summary: Performance evaluation of oil-in- water formulations of M. anisopliae showed very promising results, because it increased cockroach mortality in shorter lethal time. Conclusion: The oil-in-water formulation of M. anisopliae IRAN 437C could be recommended as a promising al- ternative for cockroach control. keywords: anisopliae; cockroach; conidia; control; et al; formulation; iran; mortality; oil; sharififard; treatment cache: jad-175.pdf plain text: jad-175.txt item: #233 of 515 id: jad-18 author: Farzin-Nia, B; Hanafi-Bojd, AA title: The Sand Fly Fauna of an Endemic Focus of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Central Iran date: 2007-12-15 words: 2429 flesch: 67 summary: Their identified species were: P. papatasi, P. sergenti, P. alexandri, P. major, P. tobbi, P. kandelakii, P. ansarii, P. halepensis, P. longiductus, P. brevis, P. jacusieli, S. sintoni, S. dentata, S. powlowskyi, S. tiberiadis, S. pales- tinensis, and S. clydei. Ten species of phlebotomine sand flies including 8 species of the genus Phlebotomus (Phlebotomus sergenti, P. major, P. alexandri, P. kandelakii, P. tobbi, P. brevis, P. halepensis, P. (Adlerius) sp) and 2 species of the genus Sergentomyia (Sergentomyia pawlowsky and S. theodori) were collected from outdoor and indoor resting-places by sticky traps. keywords: iran; phlebotomus; sand; species cache: jad-18.pdf plain text: jad-18.txt item: #234 of 515 id: jad-19 author: Razmjou, H; Mowlavi, Gh; Nateghpour, M; Solaymani-Mohamadi, S; Kia, EB title: Ophthalmomyiasis Caused by Flesh Fly (Dip¬tera: Sarcophagidae) in a Patient with Eye Malignancy in Iran date: 2007-12-15 words: 1219 flesch: 49 summary: A collective analysis on 54 cases of human myiasis in China from 1995-2001. First record of human myiasis caused by Chrysomia bazziana (Villeneuve) in Iran (Diptera, Caliphoridae). keywords: larvae; ophthalmomyiasis; species cache: jad-19.pdf plain text: jad-19.txt item: #235 of 515 id: jad-20 author: Sulaiman, S; Hidayatul, Sh; Syed-Mustaffa, Mustakim; Jeffery, J title: Effect of Triflumuron and Pyriproxyfen on Musca domestica L Larval Stages in the Laboratory date: 2008-06-15 words: 2602 flesch: 59 summary: Results: Both IGRs inhibit M. domestica adult emergence of 98-98.5% when applied at the lowest concentration of 0.5 mg/L on the 1 st instar, 93-97% of adult emergence inhibition on the 2 nd instar,and 91-97% of adult emergence inhibition on the 3 rd instar larvae respectively. Effect of pyriproxyfen on 1 st instar M. domestica larvae indicated adult emergence inhibition of 98.5-100% at concentrations between 0.5 to 2.5 mg/L and 18.0% adult emergence inhibition for the control respectively (Table 2). keywords: adult; adult emergence; domestica; emergence; inhibition; larvae cache: jad-20.pdf plain text: jad-20.txt item: #236 of 515 id: jad-202 author: Zamani, Alireza; Rafinejad, Javad title: First Record of the Mediterranean Recluse Spider Loxosceles rufescens (Araneae: Sicariidae) from Iran date: 2014-12-15 words: 1838 flesch: 67 summary: 24(3): 213–221. Wong RC, Hughes SE, Voorhees JJ (1987) Spider bites. Yigit N, Bayram A, Ulasoglu D, Danisman T, Corakocal L, Sancak Z (2008) Loxo- sceles spider bite in Turkey (Loxosceles rufescens, Sicariidae, Araneae). keywords: iran; loxosceles; rufescens; species; spiders cache: jad-202.pdf plain text: jad-202.txt item: #237 of 515 id: jad-204 author: Grzywacz, Andrzej; Khoobdel, Mehdi; Akbarzadeh, Kamran title: First Palaearctic Record of the Bird Parasite Passeromyia heterochaeta (Diptera: Muscidae) from the Iranian Persian Gulf Islands date: 2014-12-15 words: 1532 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: Passeromyia heterochaeta, Bird parasite, Palaearctic, Iran, Persian Gulf, New record Introduction Passeromyia Rodhain and Villeneuve, 1915 is a small muscid genus known from only five valid species (Pont 1974). Passeromyia heterochaeta collected from the Iranian Persian Gulf islands from April 2010 to March 2011 TotalOctober... keywords: gulf; heterochaeta; passeromyia; persian; pont; species cache: jad-204.pdf plain text: jad-204.txt item: #238 of 515 id: jad-206 author: Ganjali, Maryam; Dabirzadeh, Mansour; Sargolzaie, Masoud title: Species Diversity and Distribution of Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in Zabol County, Eastern Iran date: 2014-12-15 words: 2473 flesch: 63 summary: Further investiga- tions are needed to identify the role of above tick species as vectors of pathogenic organisms. This survey was carried out to investigate the prevalence of hard tick species (Acari: Ixodidae) on cattle in Zabol County during 2012. keywords: anatolicum; iran; species; ticks cache: jad-206.pdf plain text: jad-206.txt item: #239 of 515 id: jad-208 author: Zahirnia, Amir Hossein; Zendehfili, Hamid title: Mosquito Fauna (Diptera: Culicidae) of Hamedan County, Western Iran date: 2014-12-15 words: 3262 flesch: 67 summary: The species Cx. antennatus and An. stephensi were reported for the first time in Hamedan County. Conclusion: An. stephensi and Cx. keywords: culicidae; hamedan; iran; mosquitoes; species cache: jad-208.pdf plain text: jad-208.txt item: #240 of 515 id: jad-21 author: Eslami, G; Salehi, R; Hejazi, H; Khamesipour, A; Kazemi, B title: Cloning and Expression of TRYP6 Gene from Leishmania major (MRHO/IR/75/ER) date: 2008-06-15 words: 3829 flesch: 55 summary: Therefore, LmTRYP6 protein (ABX26130) encoded by LmTRYP6 gene (EU251502) would catego- rized as an abundantly expressed protein. Primers Sense and antisense oligonucleotide prim- ers were designed based on the nucleotide se- Iranian J Arthropod-Borne Dis, (2008), 2(1): 7-15 G Eslami et al: Cloning and Expression of … 9 quence data of LmTRYP6 gene (LmjF15. 1140) obtained from GeneBank. keywords: bl21; cloning; et al; expression; gene; leishmania; line; lmtryp6; peroxidase; protein; recombinant; tryparedoxin cache: jad-21.pdf plain text: jad-21.txt item: #241 of 515 id: jad-210 author: Hosseini-Vasoukolaei, Nasibeh; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Shayan, Parviz; Vatandoost, Hassan; Babamahmoudi, Farhang; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Telmadarraiy, Zakkyeh; Mohtarami, Fatemeh title: Anaplasma Infection in Ticks, Livestock and Human in Ghaemshahr, Mazandaran Province, Iran date: 2014-12-15 words: 4203 flesch: 63 summary: Anaplasma DNA was detected by means of nested PCR with primers derived from the 16S rRNA gene of Anaplasma species. Lack of documented information about Anaplasma species in Iran was the scope of this study to determine the population of ticks and the presence of Anaplasma in ticks, domestic ruminants and also human beings in northern Iran. keywords: anaplasma; blood; human; iran; ovis; samples; sheep; species; ticks cache: jad-210.pdf plain text: jad-210.txt item: #242 of 515 id: jad-212 author: Shayeghi, Mansoreh; Vatandoost, Hassan; Gorouhi, Abdollah; Sanei-Dehkordi, Ali Reza; Salim-Abadi, Yaser; Karami, Mohsen; Jalil-Navaz, Mohammad Reza; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Shiekh, Zahra; Vatandoost, Sajad; Arandian, Mohammad Hossein title: Biodiversity of Aquatic Insects of Zayandeh Roud River and Its Branches, Isfahan Province, Iran date: 2014-12-15 words: 3061 flesch: 60 summary: Biodiversity of Aquatic … 197 Original Article Biodiversity of Aquatic Insects of Zayandeh Roud River and Its Branches, Isfahan Province, Iran Mansoreh Shayeghi 1, *Hassan Vatandoost 1, Abdollah Gorouhi 1, Ali Reza Sanei-Dehkordi 1, Yaser Salim-Abadi 1, Mohsen Karami 1, Mohammad Reza Jalil-Navaz 1, Amir Ahmad Akhavan 1, Zahra Shiekh 1, Sajad Vatandoost 3, Mohammad Hossein Arandian 2 1Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2Isfahan Health Research Station, National Institute of Health Research, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 3Department of Zoology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (Received 15 Apr 2013; accepted 5 Feb 2014) Abstract Background: Aquatic insects are the major groups of arthropods that spend some parts of their life cycle in the water. Results: In total, 741 speimens of aquatic insects were collected and morphologically identified. keywords: aquatic; area; insects; iran; study; vatandoost cache: jad-212.pdf plain text: jad-212.txt item: #243 of 515 id: jad-214 author: Sharma, Ajay Kumar; Tyagi, Varun; Singh, Sompal; Veer, Vijay; Agrawal, Om Prakash; Sukumaran, Devanathan title: Distribution of Anopheles culicifacies and Detection of its Sibling Species E from Madhya Pradesh: Central India date: 2014-12-15 words: 5554 flesch: 59 summary: The assay discriminates An. culicifacies species at two tier level diagnosis. Zaim M, Javaherian Z (1991) Occurrence of Anopheles culicifacies species A in Iran. keywords: anopheles; culicifacies; distribution; et al; india; madhya; malaria; pcr; pradesh; sharma; sibling; species cache: jad-214.pdf plain text: jad-214.txt item: #244 of 515 id: jad-216 author: Yadav, Ruchi; Tyagi, Varun; Tikar, Sachin N; Sharma, Ajay K; Mendki, Murlidhar J; Jain, Ashok K; Sukumaran, Devanathan title: Differential Larval Toxicity and Oviposition Altering Activity of Some Indigenous Plant Extracts against Dengue and Chikungunya Vector Aedes albopictus date: 2014-12-15 words: 4965 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: Larvicide, Oviposition activity, Aedes albopictus, Plant extracts, Vector Management Introduction Mankind and mosquitoes must have lived in close association since our ancestors first evolved. Comparing impacts of plant extracts and pure allelochemi- cals andimplications for pest control. keywords: acetone; activity; aedes; albopictus; cinerea; control; extract; larval; larvicidal; mosquito; oviposition; plant cache: jad-216.pdf plain text: jad-216.txt item: #245 of 515 id: jad-218 author: Khoshdel-Nezamiha, Farahnaz; Vatandoost, Hassan; Azari-Hamidian, Shahyad; Bavani, Mulood Mohammadi; Dabiri, Farrokh; Entezar-Mahdi, Rasool; Chavshin, Ali Reza title: Fauna and Larval Habitats of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of West Azerbaijan Province, Northwestern Iran date: 2014-12-15 words: 5439 flesch: 60 summary: Five genera along with 12 species were collected and identified in- cluding: Anopheles claviger, An. maculipennis s.l., An. superpictus, Culex pipiens, Cx. theileri, Cx. modestus, Cx. hortensis, Cx. mimeticus, Culiseta Longiareolata, Ochlerotatus caspius s.l., Oc. geniculatus and Uranotaenia unguiculata. Five genera along with 12 species were collected and identified, including: An. claviger, An. maculipennis s.l., An. superpictus, Cx. pipiens, Cx. theileri, Cx. modestus, Cx. hortensis, Cx. mimeticus, Cs. longiareolata, Oc. keywords: azerbaijan; borne; et al; iran; mosquitoes; province; species; water; west cache: jad-218.pdf plain text: jad-218.txt item: #246 of 515 id: jad-219 author: Mesdaghinia, Ali Reza; Vatandoost, Hassan; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Majdzadeh, Reza; Raeisi, Ahmad title: Conducting International Diploma Course on Malaria Program Planning and Management (1996–2012) date: 2013-12-15 words: 5999 flesch: 53 summary: Sedaghat MM, Dehkordi AS, Khanavi M, Abai MR, Mohtarami F, Vatandoost H (2011b) Chemical composition and larvicidal activity of essential oil of Cupressus arizonica E.L. Greene against malaria vector Anopheles stephensi Lis- ton (Diptera: Culicidae). Hanafi-Bojd AA, Vatandoost H, Oshaghi MA, Eshraghian MR, Haghdoost AA, Abedi F, Zamani G, Sedaghat MM, Rashidian A, Madani AH, Raeisi A (2011b) Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding malaria control in an endemic area of southern Iran. keywords: anopheles; borne; control; course; dis; et al; hanafi; health; iran; malaria; oshaghi; stephensi; vatandoost h; vector cache: jad-219.pdf plain text: jad-219.txt item: #247 of 515 id: jad-22 author: Nabian, S; Rahbari, S title: Occurrence of Soft and Hard Ticks on Ruminants in Zagros Mountainous Areas of Iran date: 2008-06-15 words: 2576 flesch: 64 summary: Fifteen ixodid tick species were identified over the study period from cattle, sheep and domestic and wild goats namely B. kohlsi (3.6%) Razmi (2002) published a list of tick species of do- mestic animals in North East of Iran. keywords: animals; iran; rahbari; sheep; species; tick cache: jad-22.pdf plain text: jad-22.txt item: #248 of 515 id: jad-220 author: Hesam-Mohammadi, Marzieh; Rassi, Yavar; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Karimi, Fatemeh; Rafizadeh, Sina; Sanei-Dehkordi, Alireza; Sharafkhah, Maryam title: Efficacy of Different Sampling Methods of Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Endemic Focus of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Kashan District, Isfahan Province, Iran date: 2014-12-15 words: 3655 flesch: 61 summary: Seven traps were selected as sampling methods and sand flies were collected during 5 interval times starting July to September 2011 and from 8:00PM to 6:00AM in outdoors habitats. In addition, in terms of the efficiency of sampling method, these two trapping methods appeared to be the most productive for both estimating the number of sand flies and the species composition in the study area. keywords: activity; flies; light; sand; species; study; traps cache: jad-220.pdf plain text: jad-220.txt item: #249 of 515 id: jad-221 author: Soleimani-Ahmadi, Mussa; Vatandoost, Hassan; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Poorahmad-Garbandi, Fatemeh; Zare, Mehdi; Hosseini, Seyed Mohammad Vahid title: First Report of Pharyngostomy Wound Myiasis Caused by Chrysomya bezziana (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in Iran date: 2013-12-15 words: 2209 flesch: 56 summary: Human cases of C. bezziana myiasis are most prevalent in India and Southeast Asia (McGraw et al. 2008). Human wound myiasis caused by Chrysomya bezziana in a girl with pharyngostomy after removing the larvae (Original photo) Fig. keywords: bezziana; human; iran; myiasis; wound cache: jad-221.pdf plain text: jad-221.txt item: #250 of 515 id: jad-222 author: Mozaffari, Ehssan; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Khanavi, Mahnaz; Vatandoost, Hassan; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi; Moridnia, Abbas; Saber-Navaei, Mahsa; Sanei-Dehkordi, Alireza; Rafi, Fatemeh title: Chemical Composition, Larvicidal and Repellency Properties of Cionura erecta (L.) Griseb. Against Malaria Vector, Anopheles stephensi Liston (Diptera: Culicidae) date: 2014-12-15 words: 4061 flesch: 57 summary: The chemical compositions of essential oils were analyzed using gas chromatography- mass spectrometry. Among the five concentrations tested, the 320 ppm of essential oil and 1280 ppm of methanolic extract had the most toxic effects yielding 100% mortality. keywords: anopheles; chemical; erecta; extract; iran; larvicidal; oil; stephensi; vatandoost cache: jad-222.pdf plain text: jad-222.txt item: #251 of 515 id: jad-223 author: Veysi, Arshad; Vatandoost, Hassan; Arandian, Mohammad Hossein; Jafari, Reza; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Rassi, Yavar; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad title: Laboratory Evaluation of a Rodenticide-insecticide, Coumavec®, against Rhombomys opimus, the Main Reservoir Host of Zoonotic Cutaneouse Leishmaniasis in Iran date: 2013-12-15 words: 2593 flesch: 57 summary: Methods: Great gerbils were collected from Sejzi rural district, Esfahan Province, Iran. Many eco- logical characters of great gerbils and pres- ence of sand flies, directly or indirectly, ef- fect the leishmaniasis cycle in the nature (Bell et al. 1988). keywords: control; iran; laboratory; leishmaniasis; mortality; opimus; stage cache: jad-223.pdf plain text: jad-223.txt item: #252 of 515 id: jad-224 author: Davami, Mohammad Hassan; Motazedian, Mohammad Hossein; Kalantari, Mohsen; Asgari, Qasem; Mohammadpour, Iraj; Sotoodeh-Jahromi, Abdolreza; Solhjoo, Kavous; Pourahmad, Morteza title: Molecular Survey on Detection of Leishmania Infection in Rodent Reservoirs in Jahrom District, Southern Iran date: 2014-12-15 words: 4427 flesch: 64 summary: Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ZCL) takes place in many rural endemic foci in dif- ferent parts of Iran (Yaghoobi-Ershadi et al. 2005). Due to a favorable ecological conditions for vectors and reservoirs of leishmaniasis, Jahrom has al- ways been considered as one of the foci of cu- taneous and visceral leishmaniasis in south of Iran (Fig. 1) (Davami et al. 2010, Davami et al. 2011). keywords: et al; iran; jahrom; leishmania; leishmaniasis; major; pcr; rodents cache: jad-224.pdf plain text: jad-224.txt item: #253 of 515 id: jad-225 author: Wiwanitkit, Somsri; Wiwanitkit, Viroj title: Ckikungunya Virus Infection and Relationship to Rainfall, the Relationship Study from Southern Thailand date: 2013-12-15 words: 1244 flesch: 56 summary: We hereby used a standard medicogeographical analysis to assess the correlation between prevalence of Chikungunya virus infection and rainfall in the endemic area of Thailand, the Southern region. Several other factors can affect the pattern of Chikungunya virus infection in the studied endemic area. keywords: infection; thailand; virus; wiwanitkit cache: jad-225.pdf plain text: jad-225.txt item: #254 of 515 id: jad-226 author: Malmasi, Abdolali; Janitabar, Saeedeh; Mohebali, Mehdi; Akhoundi, Behnaz; Maazi, Nadi; Aramoon, Mehdi; Khorrami, Narges; Seifi, Hesam A title: Seroepidemiologic Survey of Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis in Tehran and Alborz Provinces of Iran date: 2014-12-15 words: 3184 flesch: 60 summary: The objective of this first ever study in Tehran and Alborz Provinces of Iran was to determine the seroprevalence and distribu- tion of canine visceral leishmaniasis among dogs living in the urban and suburban areas of these highly populated regions with their new developing cities. Double blind randomized efficacy trial of alum precipitated autoclaved Leishmania ma- jor vaccine mixed with BCG against canine visceral leishmaniasis in Mesh- kin-shahr district I.R. of Iran. keywords: canine; dogs; et al; iran; leishmaniasis; provinces; tehran cache: jad-226.pdf plain text: jad-226.txt item: #255 of 515 id: jad-227 author: Bakhshi, Hasan; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Rassi, Yavar; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Mohebali, Mehdi; Hajaran, Homa; Mohtarami, Fatemeh; Mirzajani, Hossein; Maleki-Ravasan, Naseh title: MtDNA CytB Structure of Rhombomys opimus (Rodentia: Gerbellidae), the Main Reservoir of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the Borderline of Iran-Turkmenistan date: 2013-12-15 words: 6063 flesch: 61 summary: Based on morphometric characteristics and phenotypic differences, four subspecies name- ly R. opimus opimus, R. opimus furmicolor, R. opimus sargadensis, and R. opimus sodalis have been reported within the species (Good- win 1940, Etemad 1978). In another study, it was shown that exposure of R. opimus populations to L. major resulted a wide range of reactions, out of 194 gerbils examined, L. major and L. turranica were isolated from 80 (41.23%) of the animals, 55 (68.75%) of the infected an- imals showed no skin lesion (asymptomatic), and only 25 (31.25%) of the animals showed skin lesions and even the rate of parasitemia 174 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, December 2013, 7(2): 173–184 H Bakhshi: MtDNA CytB Structure … Published Online: keywords: cytb; et al; iran; leishmaniasis; mtdna; opimus; oshaghi; pcr; populations; r. opimus; sodalis; specimens; study; subspecies cache: jad-227.pdf plain text: jad-227.txt item: #256 of 515 id: jad-228 author: Alizadeh, Mahbobeh; Mowlavi, Gholamreza; Kargar, Faranak; Nateghpour, Mehdi; Akbarzadeh, Kamran; Hajenorouzali-Tehrani, Maryam title: A Review of Myiasis in Iran and a New Nosocomial Case from Tehran, Iran date: 2014-12-15 words: 3835 flesch: 57 summary: Majority of myiasis cases reported in the literature from Iran were nasal myiasis originated from various parts. Results Total number of myiasis cases in all pub- lished documents from Iran was 77. keywords: agents; cases; diptera; et al; human; iran; medical; myiasis; tehran cache: jad-228.pdf plain text: jad-228.txt item: #257 of 515 id: jad-229 author: Abdigoudarzi, Mohammad title: Detection of Naturally Infected Vector Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) by Different Species of Babesia and Theileria Agents from Three Differ- ent Enzootic Parts of Iran date: 2013-12-15 words: 4207 flesch: 62 summary: In this study, collected Rh. sanguineus ticks have been tested and other collected ticks have been neglected, this is not explained why the main role was directed for Rh. sanguineus. and natu- ral infection of collected ticks from livestock in three different enzootic geographical re- gions of Iran. keywords: anatolicum; detection; dna; infected; infection; ovis; pcr; study; ticks cache: jad-229.pdf plain text: jad-229.txt item: #258 of 515 id: jad-23 author: Shahi, M; Hanafi-Bojd, AA; Vatandoost, H title: Evaluation of Five Local Formulated Insecticides against German Cockroach (Blattella germanica L.) in Southern Iran date: 2008-06-15 words: 3243 flesch: 59 summary: Toxicity of cypermethrin EC10%, deltamethrin EC5%, diazinon EC0.5%, lambda-cyhalothrin EC5% and Negon® (permethrin+propoxur oil liquid1%) commercial formulations were investigated against adult males of German cockroaches collected from four hospitals of Bandar Abbas City, southern Iran, during 2006. German cockroach showed < 80 per cent mortality using three pyrethroid insecticides. keywords: cockroaches; control; cypermethrin; german; insecticides; iran; resistance cache: jad-23.pdf plain text: jad-23.txt item: #259 of 515 id: jad-230 author: Abdigoudarzi, Mohammad; Mirafzali, Mahmoud S; Belgheiszadeh, Hamid title: Human Infestation with Dermanyssus gallinae (Acari: Dermanyssidae) in a Family Referred with Pruritus and Skin Lesions date: 2014-06-15 words: 2287 flesch: 56 summary: J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2014, 8(1): 119–123 M Abdigoudarzi et al.: Human Infestation with … 119 Case Report Human Infestation with Dermanyssus gallinae (Acari: Dermanyssidae) in a Family Referred with Pruritus and Skin Lesions *Mohammad Abdigoudarzi 1, Mahmoud S Mirafzali 2, Hamid Belgheiszadeh 3 1Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, Alborz, Iran 2Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute Department of Health Management, Alborz, Iran 3Department of Parasitology, Islamic Azad University (Medical Branch), Iran (Received 19 Nov 2012; accepted 19 Nov 2013) Abstract The poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae is one of the most economically important ectoparasites in hens and some species of mammals worldwide. keywords: dermanyssus; dermatitis; gallinae; human; infestation; mite cache: jad-230.pdf plain text: jad-230.txt item: #260 of 515 id: jad-231 author: Manonmani, Arulsamy Mary; Mathivanan, Ashok Kumar; Sadanandane, Candassamy; Jambulingam, Purushothaman title: Evaluation of the mtDNA-COII Region Based Species Specific Assay for Identifying Members of the Anopheles culicifacies Species Complex date: 2013-12-15 words: 4456 flesch: 61 summary: Among 163 samples belonging to A/D group, only one sample dis- played the profile characteristic of species A and among the 176 samples falling in the B/C/E group, 51 were identi- fied as species B, 14 as species C and 41 as species E respectively by the mtDNA-COII PCR assay. COII species diagnostic PCR assay for Anopheles culicifacies. keywords: anopheles; assay; coii; culicifacies; et al; pcr; samples; species cache: jad-231.pdf plain text: jad-231.txt item: #261 of 515 id: jad-232 author: Alizadeh, Afshin Mohammad; Zamani, Nasim title: Myiasis in an 89-Year-Old Man with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma date: 2014-06-15 words: 777 flesch: 45 summary: Of the many types of myiasis, furuncular myiasis  *Corresponding author: Dr Nasim Zamani, E-mail: Published Online: December 18, 2013 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2014, 8(1): 117–118 AM Alizadeh and N Zamani: Myiasis in an … 118 is the most common (Diaz 2009). We report a case of oral myiasis in an immune-compromised patient suffering from non- Hodgkin lymphoma. keywords: larvae; myiasis; oral cache: jad-232.pdf plain text: jad-232.txt item: #262 of 515 id: jad-233 author: Bueno-Marí, Rubén; Jiménez-Peydró, Ricardo title: Anophelism in a Former Malaria Area of Northeastern Spain date: 2013-12-15 words: 3849 flesch: 58 summary: Results: A total of 237 larval specimens belonging to four Anopheles species (Anopheles atroparvus, An. claviger, An. maculipennis and An. petragnani) were collected and identified. Conclusions: Malaria receptivity in the study area is high, especially in the area of Cinca river valley, due to the abundance of breeding sites of An. atroparvus very close to human settlements. keywords: area; atroparvus; bueno; jiménez; malaria; marí; peydró; river; spain cache: jad-233.pdf plain text: jad-233.txt item: #263 of 515 id: jad-234 author: Sofizadeh, Aioub; Telmadarraiy, Zakkyeh; Rahnama, Abbas; Gorganli-Davaji, Ahmad; Hosseini-Chegeni, Asadollah title: Hard Tick Species of Livestock and their Bioecology in Golestan Province, North of Iran date: 2014-06-15 words: 4654 flesch: 62 summary: Whereas in a study con- ducted in plateau area of Yazd Province Hy. dromedarii was more prevalent species (55.92 %) while D. marginatus, Hy. marginatum and Hy. anatolicum ticks were collected with very slightly frequency (Salim abadi et al. 2010). Hard Tick Species of … 108 Short Communication Hard Tick Species of Livestock and their Bioecology in Golestan Province, North of Iran Aioub Sofizadeh 1, *Zakkyeh Telmadarraiy 2, Abbas Rahnama 1, Ahmad Gorganli-Davaji 1, Asadollah Hosseini-Chegeni 3 1Infectious Diseases Research Center, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran 2Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 3Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran (Received 13 Nov 2011; accepted 3 Sep 2013) Abstract Background: A survey on tick species composition was carried out in Golestan Province Iran during year 2010– 2011.The aim was to determine tick species parasitizing domestic ruminants and their seasonal population dynamics. keywords: et al; iran; province; species; study; telmadarraiy; ticks cache: jad-234.pdf plain text: jad-234.txt item: #264 of 515 id: jad-235 author: Khoobdel, Mehdi; Zahraei-Salehi, Taghi; Nayeri-Fasaei, Bahar; Khosravi, Mohammad; Omidian, Zahra; Motedayen, Mohammad Hassan; Akbari, Abolfazal title: Purification of the Immunogenic Fractions and Determination of Toxicity in Mesobuthus eupeus (Scorpionida: Buthidae) Venom date: 2013-12-15 words: 3921 flesch: 57 summary: In the current study, 12 protein bands were de- tected in M. eupeus scorpion venom. Conclusions: Contrary to popular belief, which know scorpion venom as non-immunogenic composition, the current study was shown that the most fractions of the M. eupeus are immunogenic. keywords: bands; dis; eupeus; immunogenic; kda; mesobuthus; protein; scorpion; venom cache: jad-235.pdf plain text: jad-235.txt item: #265 of 515 id: jad-236 author: Bokaie, Saeid; Sharifi, Laleh; Mehrabadi, Majid title: Prevalence and Epizootical Aspects of Varroasis in Golestan Province, Northern Iran date: 2014-06-15 words: 2913 flesch: 64 summary: The rapid spread of Varroa mites among bee colonies may be due to several factors, including drifting of infested bees, movement of bee swarms, and robbing of weakened colonies. Before the appearance of Varroa mites in A. melifera, viral diseases were minor troubles for honey bee health (Allen et al. 1986, Bailey and Ball 1991, Bowen-Walker et al. 1999, Yue and Genersch 2005). keywords: apiculture; bee; beekeeping; centers; honey; mite; varroa cache: jad-236.pdf plain text: jad-236.txt item: #266 of 515 id: jad-237 author: Tavassoli, Mousa; Tabatabaei, Mohammad; Mohammadi, Mosleh; Esmaeilnejad, Bijan; Mohamadpour, Hemn title: PCR-based Detection of Babesia spp. Infection in Collected Ticks from Cattle in West and North-West of Iran date: 2013-12-15 words: 3443 flesch: 64 summary: Results A total of 113 cattle suspected of suffering from babesiosis were investigated for the presence of tick species on their bodies. Frequency of tick species on the infected cattle and percentage of infection with Babesia spp. keywords: babesia; babesiosis; cattle; detection; parasitol; pcr; spp; ticks cache: jad-237.pdf plain text: jad-237.txt item: #267 of 515 id: jad-238 author: Patil, Chandrashekhar D; Borase, Hemant P; Salunkhe, Rahul B; Suryawanshi, Rahul K; Narkhade, Chandrakant P; Salunke, Bipinchandra K; Patil, Satish V title: Mosquito Larvicidal Potential of Gossypium hirsutum (Bt cotton) Leaves Extracts against Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi larvae date: 2014-06-15 words: 5549 flesch: 54 summary: Our results of mosquito larvicidal capaci- ties of Bt cotton leaves extract are compara- ble to the investigations by other researchers on plant extracts. The differences in the levels of toxicity in each extract depends on the insecticidal in- gredients of plant extracts, solubility in dif- ferent solvents which can vary significantly depending on plant species, plant part, age of plant part, solvent used for extraction, sea- sonal variation and target insect species. keywords: activity; aegypti; cotton; et al; extract; larvae; larvicidal; lc50; leaves; mosquito; patil; potential; stephensi; water cache: jad-238.pdf plain text: jad-238.txt item: #268 of 515 id: jad-239 author: Akhoundi, Mohammad; Baghaei, Ahmad; Depaquit, Jérôme; Parvizi, Parviz title: Molecular Characterization of Leishmania Infection from Naturally Infected Sand Flies Caught in a Focus of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (Eastern Iran) date: 2013-12-15 words: 5023 flesch: 70 summary: Methods: Sand flies were caught using both sticky papers and CDC light traps in August 2010. Artemiev MM, Neronov VM (1984) Distri- bution and ecology of sand flies of the world (genus Phlebotomus). keywords: caucasicus; iran; leishmania; leishmaniasis; major; papatasi; sand cache: jad-239.pdf plain text: jad-239.txt item: #269 of 515 id: jad-24 author: Khoobdel, M; Mehrabi Tavana, A; Vatandoost, H; Abaei, MR title: Arthropod Borne Diseases in Imposed War during 1980-88 date: 2008-06-15 words: 4527 flesch: 56 summary: West battle field comprised of war regions of 4 west prov- inces of Iran including Ilam, Kermanshah, Kurdistan and West Azerbaijan. To achieve this purpose, centers to spend convalescence have been prepared in Kermanshah, Mehran, Orumieh and Sanandaj regions in back lines of war regions and soldiers received treat- ment there (for 4-5 d). keywords: arthropod; diseases; fever; health; iran; leishmaniasis; military; regions; soldiers; war; west cache: jad-24.pdf plain text: jad-24.txt item: #270 of 515 id: jad-240 author: Fekri, Sajjad; Vatandoost, Hassan; Daryanavard, Ali; Shahi, Mehran; Safari, Reza; Raeisi, Ahmad; Omar, Abdiqani Sheikh; Sharif, Mohammad; Azizi, Abdollah; Ali, Aref Ahmad; Nasser, Aboud; Hasaballah, Ibrahim; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali title: Malaria Situation in an Endemic Area, Southeastern Iran date: 2014-06-15 words: 4180 flesch: 58 summary: Figure 2 shows the distribution of malaria cases based on rural districts of the Jask County during the study period. 3560 2660 IRS coverage No data 95% 93.2% 93.8% 95% Active case detection 687 879 335 118 87 Mobil teams 25 25 25 25 25 Average of malaria cases in relation to climatologically parameters,Jask district, 2006-2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Ja n Fe b M ar ch Ap ril M ay Ju ne Ju ly Au g Se p Oc t No v De c Month RH% Rai nfal l (mm) Temp (oC) Ave. keywords: area; control; county; health; iran; jask; malaria; study; transmission cache: jad-240.pdf plain text: jad-240.txt item: #271 of 515 id: jad-241 author: Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Shahbazi, Farideh; Darvishi, Mohammad; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Jafari, Reza; Khajeian, Mohammad; Rassi, Yavar; Soleimani, Hassan; Shirzadi, Mohammad Reza; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Darabi, Hossein; Arandian, Mohammad Hossein; Sanei-Dehkordi, Alireza; Heidari, Mansour title: Molecular Epidemiological Study of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the Focus of Bushehr City, Southwestern Iran date: 2013-12-15 words: 4739 flesch: 55 summary: Natural Leishmania infection rates of rodents by Nested-PCR in the city of Bushehr, Iran, Sept. 2010–Jan. 2011 Rodent species No. of examined Leishmania species L. turanica L. major L. gerbilli L. gerbilli + L. turanica R. norvegicus T. indica 9 7 22.2 (2/9) 42.9 (3/7) – 14.3 (1/7) 11.1 (1/9) – 11.1 (1/9) – Figures in parentheses are numbers of positive/no of examined rodents and figures at the top of them are percent of positive` 117 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, December 2013, 7(2): 113–121 MR Yaghoobi-Ershadi et al.: 103(2): 84–89. Darvishi M (2012) Studies on the epidemi- ological characteristics of cutaneous leishmaniasis for preparation of the control program in the new focus of Bushehr city, Iran. keywords: bushehr; city; ershadi; iran; lane; leishmania; major; pcr; turanica; yaghoobi cache: jad-241.pdf plain text: jad-241.txt item: #272 of 515 id: jad-242 author: Maleki-Ravasan, Naseh; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Hajikhani, Sara; Saeidi, Zahra; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Gerami-Shoar, Mohsen; Shirazi, Mohammad Hasan; Yakhchali, Bagher; Rassi, Yavar; Afshar, Davoud title: Aerobic Microbial Community of Insectary Population of Phlebotomus papatasi date: 2014-06-15 words: 7244 flesch: 56 summary: Peritrophic matrix, enzymes, temperature, pH, oxygen pressure, insect immune system, vertebrate host immune system, sugar meals, blood meals, Leishmania, bacteria, fungi and many putative unknown internal/external factors are determinants in these relationships (Young et al. 1980, Killick-Kendrick and Killick- Kendrick 1987, Kamhawi 2006, Bates 2007, Bates 2008, Oshaghi et al. 2009, Weiss and Aksoy 2011). Enterobacter gergoviae X X Pectinophora gossypiella (Kuzina et al., 2002) Pantoea agglomerans X X X Anopheles gambiae (Dong et al. 2009) Escherichia blattae X X Cockroaches (Burgess et al. 1973) Tatumella ptyseos X X keywords: 2004; bacteria; borne; dillon; dis; et al; flies; flora; fly; fungi; gut; identification; leishmania; maleki; med; microbial; mirabilis; papatasi; phlebotomus; ravasan; sand; species; vector cache: jad-242.pdf plain text: jad-242.txt item: #273 of 515 id: jad-243 author: Aflatoonian, Mohammad Reza; Sharifi, Iraj; Poursmaelian, Somayeh; Hakimi-Parizi, Maryam; Ziaali, Nasser title: The Emergence of Anthroponotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Following the Earthquake in Southern Villages of Bam District, Southeastern Iran, 2010 date: 2013-06-15 words: 3594 flesch: 59 summary: The Emergence of … Published Online: June 10, 2013 Original Article The Emergence of Anthroponotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Following the Earthquake in Southern Villages of Bam District, Southeastern Iran, 2010 Mohammad Reza Aflatoonian 1, *Iraj Sharifi 1, Somayeh Poursmaelian 1, Maryam Hakimi-Parizi 1, Nasser Ziaali 2 1Leishmaniasis Research Centre, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran 2Department of Parasitology and Mycology, School of Medicine, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran (Received 16 Mar 2011; accepted 15 Apr 2012) Abstract Background: The objective of this study was to assess the epidemiological characteristics of a new emerging focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in southern villages of Bam District, southeastern Iran, 2010. Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) comprises 1.5 million new cases each year and 90% are limited to 8 countries including Af- ghanistan, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Brazil and Peru (WHO 2009). keywords: aflatoonian; bam; et al; iran; june; leishmaniasis; sharifi cache: jad-243.pdf plain text: jad-243.txt item: #274 of 515 id: jad-244 author: Kayedi, Mohammad Hassan; Haghdoost, Ali Akbar; Salehnia, Ali; Khamisabadi, Kiumars title: Evaluation of Repellency Effect of Essential Oils of Satureja khuzestanica (Carvacrol), Myrtus communis (Myrtle), Lavendula officinalis and Salvia sclarea using Standard WHO Repellency Tests date: 2014-06-15 words: 4551 flesch: 57 summary: Conclusion: Essential oils of Salvia sclarea, Lavendula officinalis and Myrtus communis have repellency effect, even with 10% concentration of essential oils. Insecticidal proper- ties of essential plant oils against the mosquito Culex pipiens molestus (Dip- tera: Culicidae). keywords: bites; communis; effect; et al; groups; iran; number; officinalis; oils; plants; repellency; time cache: jad-244.pdf plain text: jad-244.txt item: #275 of 515 id: jad-245 author: Wiwanitkit, Somsri; Wiwanitkit, Viroj title: Filter Paper for Preserving Insects, Bacteria, and Host Reservoir DNA date: 2013-06-15 words: 253 flesch: 60 summary: Published Online: April 10, 2013 J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2013, 7(1): 99 S Wiwanitkit, V Wiwanitkit: Filter Paper for… Letter to the Editor Filter Paper for Preserving Insects, Bacteria, and Host Reservoir DNA *Somsri Wiwanitkit, Viroj Wiwanitkit Wiwanitkit House, Bangkhae, Bangkok, Thailand Sir, References Karimian F, Sedaghat MM, Oshaghi MA, Mohtarami F, Dehkordi AS, Koosha M, Akbari S, Hashemi-Aghdam SS (2011) Utility of filter paper for pre- serving insects, bacteria, and host res- ervoir DNA for molecular testing. keywords: filter cache: jad-245.pdf plain text: jad-245.txt item: #276 of 515 id: jad-246 author: Badakhshan, Mehdi; Sadraei, Javid; Moin-Vaziri, Vahideh title: The First Report of Eustigmaeus johnstoni (Acari: Stigmaeidae) Parasitic Mite of Phlebotominae Sand Flies from Iran date: 2013-06-15 words: 2042 flesch: 65 summary: But several reports of scars, left by mites on infested sand flies (Mitra and Marta 1953, Abbonec 1970, Lewis and Macfarlane 1982) strengthen the parasitic relationship. Keywords: Eustigmaeus johnstoni, Phlebotomus papatasi, sand flies, Mite, Iran Introduction Five species of Eustigmaeus and three spe- cies of Stigmaeus (both Stigmaeidae), also one species of Dasythyreus (Dasythyreidae) have been reported as parasitic mites on insects yet. keywords: eustigmaeus; johnstoni; mite; sand; setae cache: jad-246.pdf plain text: jad-246.txt item: #277 of 515 id: jad-247 author: Vazirianzadeh, Babak; Dehghani, Rouhullah; Mehdinejad, Manijeh; Sharififard, Mona; Nasirabadi, Nersi title: The First Report of Drug Resistant Bacteria Isolated from the Brown-Banded Cockroach, Supella longipalpa, in Ahvaz, South-western Iran date: 2014-06-15 words: 3212 flesch: 47 summary: However, they are known as pathogenic (Salmonella, Shigella, B. cereus), opportunistic pathogens (Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Vibrio) and food spoilage species (Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Escherichia, Erwinia) they belong to cockroach transmitted bacteria (Mpuchane 2006). Isolated bacteria from cockroaches were identified as Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Citrobacter spp., Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Proteus spp., coagulase negative staphylococci, Serratia marcescens, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus species. keywords: ahvaz; antibiotic; bacteria; cockroaches; et al; iran; resistance; spp; vazirianzadeh cache: jad-247.pdf plain text: jad-247.txt item: #278 of 515 id: jad-248 author: Albayrak, Harun; Ozan, Emre title: Seroepidemiological Study of West Nile Virus and Rift Valley Fever Virus in Some of Mammalian Species (Herbivores) in Northern Turkey date: 2013-06-15 words: 1983 flesch: 63 summary: Seroepidemiological Study of... Published Online: April 10, 2013 Short Communication Seroepidemiological Study of West Nile Virus and Rift Valley Fever Virus in Some of Mammalian Species (Herbivores) in Northern Turkey *Harun Albayrak1, Emre Ozan 2 1Department of Virology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey 2Virology Laboratory, Veterinary Control Institute, Samsun, Turkey (Received 23 Nov 2011; accepted 24 Oct 2012) Abstract Background: West Nile virus (WNV) and Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) are mosquito-borne viral diseases. West Nile virus seropreva- lance in blood donors from central Ana- tolia, Turkey. keywords: animals; nile; rvfv; study; turkey; virus; west; wnv cache: jad-248.pdf plain text: jad-248.txt item: #279 of 515 id: jad-249 author: Rezaei-Hemami, Mohsen; Akbari-Sari, Ali; Raiesi, Ahmad; Vatandoost, Hassan; Majdzadeh, Reza title: Cost Effectiveness of Malaria Interventions from Preelimination through Elimination: a Study in Iran date: 2014-06-15 words: 4750 flesch: 56 summary: By decreasing the number of malaria cases in preelimination phase the cost effectiveness of malaria interventions decreases considerably. Keywords: Malaria, prevention and control, Iran, cost effectiveness, IRS, ITN Introduction Based on the endemicity of the disease, malaria-hit areas are classified into four main groups: control, pre-elimination, elimination and prevention of reintroduction. keywords: control; cost; effectiveness; elimination; health; intervention; iran; itn; malaria; study cache: jad-249.pdf plain text: jad-249.txt item: #280 of 515 id: jad-25 author: Nasirian, H title: Rapid Elimination of German Cockroach, Blatella germanica, by Fipronil and Imidacloprid Gel Baits date: 2008-06-15 words: 3359 flesch: 61 summary: Gel baits are proven to be convenient to use and highly effective to German cockroach control (Appel 1992, Ross 1993, Appel and Benson 1995, Kaakeh et al. 1997, Appel and Tanley 2000). Koehler PG, Patterson RS, Owens JM (1995) Chemical systems approach to German cockroach control. keywords: baits; cockroach; control; entomol; fipronil; gel; german; imidacloprid; treatment cache: jad-25.pdf plain text: jad-25.txt item: #281 of 515 id: jad-250 author: Dik, Bilal; Halajian, Ali title: Chewing Lice (Phthiraptera) of Several Species of Wild Birds in Iran, with New Records date: 2013-06-15 words: 2624 flesch: 67 summary: Keywords: Lice, Birds, Iran Introduction Chewing lice (Ischnocera, Amblycera) are permanent obligate ectoparasites mostly par- asitic on bird species and they feed on feath- ers and skin scales. A few number of wild birds species were examined for the louse species in those studies. keywords: adult; birds; fig; host; iran; lice; species; time cache: jad-250.pdf plain text: jad-250.txt item: #282 of 515 id: jad-251 author: Dehghan, Hossein; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Sadraei, Javid; Soleimani, Hassan title: The Ecological Aspects of Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) in Central Iran date: 2014-06-15 words: 4118 flesch: 62 summary: The Ecological Aspects … 35 Original Article The Ecological Aspects of Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) in Central Iran Hossein Dehghan 1, *Seyed Hassan Moosa-Kazemi 2, Javid Sadraei 1, Hassan Soleimani 2 1Department of Medical Entomology and Parasitology, School of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran 2Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (Received 2 Aug 2012; accepted 3 July 2013) Abstract Background: The aim was to survey the specific factors, which cause to decrease blood feeding of mosquitoes im- portant to succeed vector control. Autogeny-Anautogeny, Stenogamy-Eurygamy, and blood preference of Culex pipiens were studied using standard mosquito cages blood meal source for Cx. keywords: blood; cages; culex; health; iran; mosquitoes; pipiens; species cache: jad-251.pdf plain text: jad-251.txt item: #283 of 515 id: jad-252 author: Malekei-Ravasan, Naseh; Bahrami, Abbas; Shayeghi, Mansoreh; Oshaghi, Mohamad Ali; Malek, Masomeh; Mansoorian, AllahBedasht; Vatandoost, Hassan title: Notes on the Iran Caddisflies and Role of Annulipalpian Hydropsychid Caddisflies as a Bio-monitoring Agent date: 2013-06-15 words: 5210 flesch: 55 summary: A critical step is to de- scribe aquatic biota to help developing coun- tries build efficient, fast, and inexpensive techniques to diagnose and monitor negative perturbations to water quality. The use of aquat- ic organisms as indicators of water quality is a standard method in management of water resources. keywords: caddisflies; fig; freshwater; hydropsyche; iran; june; larvae; malekei; malicky; notes; quality; ravasan; retreat; species; trichoptera; water cache: jad-252.pdf plain text: jad-252.txt item: #284 of 515 id: jad-253 author: Syed, Ruhma; Manzoor, Farkhanda; Adalat, Rooma; Abdul-Sattar, Abida; Syed, Azka title: Laboratory Evaluation of Toxicity of Insecticide Formulations from Different Classes against American Cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattidae) date: 2014-06-15 words: 6064 flesch: 59 summary: Similar results were ob- tained by Nasirian et al. (2006) who have re- ported that fipronil acts as powerful neuro- toxicant against german cockroach. Appel AG, Tanley MJ (2000) Laboratory and field performance of imidacloprid gel bait against german cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) in Indone- sia. keywords: americana; cockroaches; et al; fipronil; german; insecticides; lee; localities; resistance cache: jad-253.pdf plain text: jad-253.txt item: #285 of 515 id: jad-254 author: Rafizadeh, Sina; Rafinejad, Javad; Rassi, Yavar title: Epidemiology of Scorpionism in Iran during 2009 date: 2013-06-15 words: 2217 flesch: 63 summary: J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2013, 7(1): 66–70 S Rafizadeh et al.: Epidemiology of… Published Online: April 10, 2013 Original Article Epidemiology of Scorpionism in Iran during 2009 Sina Rafizadeh 1, Javad Rafinejad 2, *Yavar Rassi 2 1Department of Deputy of Strategic Planning, Reference Health Laboratories Research Center, Deputy of Treatment, Ministry of Health and Medical education of Health, Tehran, Iran 2Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (Received 20 Nov 2012; accepted 19 Dec 2012) Abstract Background: Scorpion sting is a major health problem in Iran. The aim of current study was to measure the inci- dence rates of scorpion stings, mortality, recovery, and affected age groups. keywords: cases; iran; scorpion; stings; venom cache: jad-254.pdf plain text: jad-254.txt item: #286 of 515 id: jad-255 author: Wannigama, D Leshan; Dwivedi, Rishabh; Zahraei-Ramazani, Alireza title: Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistance of Gram-Negative Pathogenic Bacteria Species Isolated from Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica in Varanasi, India date: 2014-06-15 words: 5665 flesch: 56 summary: More than 100 species of bacteria have been isolated from or passed through cockroaches, which were carried on their rough body parts, cuticle, gut, vomits and feces (Cruden and Markovetz 1987, Allotey et al. 2009, Cloarec et al. 1992). These are of major con- cern for human health due to their capacity to act as a potential mechanical vector for transmitting more than 50 disease causing mi- croorganisms (Cloarec et al. 1992, Rivault et al. 1993a, William J et al. 2007). keywords: americana; bacteria; cockroaches; establishments; et al; food; germanica; gram; health; households; india; negative; resistance; species; varanasi cache: jad-255.pdf plain text: jad-255.txt item: #287 of 515 id: jad-256 author: Soltani, Aboozar; Vatandoost, Hassan; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Enayati, Ahmad Ali; Raeisi, Ahmad; Eshraghian, Mohammad Reza; Soltan-Dallal, Mohammad Mehdi; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Rafi, Fatemeh title: Baseline Susceptibility of Different Geographical Strains of Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) to Temephos in Malarious Areas of Irana date: 2013-06-15 words: 4830 flesch: 56 summary: There are different studies for evaluation of different control methods for this species in Iran (Enayati et al. 2003, Vatandoost and Hanafi-Bojd 2005, Davari et al. 2007, Abai et al. 2008, Rafinejad et al. 2008, Soltani et al. 2008, Vatandoost et al. 2008, Vatandoost and Hanafi-Bojd 2008, Vatandoost et al. 2009a, Vatandoost et al. 2009b, Omrani et al. 2010) Resistance to DDT, dieldrin and malathion mainly in the adults of An. stephensi, have been widely distributed in Persian Gulf, Middle-East and Indian subcontinent causing operational problems for control programs (Vatandoost et al. 2005). Results: Susceptibility of An. stephensi to temephos indicated that the LC50 ranged from 0.0022 mg/l to 0.0141 mg/l. keywords: anopheles; control; et al; iran; malaria; resistance; stephensi; susceptibility; temephos; vatandoost; vector cache: jad-256.pdf plain text: jad-256.txt item: #288 of 515 id: jad-257 author: Mahmmod, Yasser title: Natural Babesia bovis Infection in Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and Crossbred Cattle under Field Conditions in Egypt: a Preliminary Study date: 2014-06-15 words: 4400 flesch: 54 summary: Clinical findings of Babaesia bovis (B. bovis)-infected cattle and buffaloes in comparison to control group under natural field conditions Parameters Field-exposed animals (n= 29) Control group (n= 6) B. bovis infected cattle (n= 20) B. bovis infected buffloes (n= 9) Temperature (°C) 40.8 (40.3–41.4) B. bovis infection might be associated with severe clinical and hemato- logical changes especially in cattle, which might be of bad prognosis. keywords: b. bovis; babesia; babesia bovis; babesiosis; blood; bovis; buffaloes; cattle; infected; infection; natural; water cache: jad-257.pdf plain text: jad-257.txt item: #289 of 515 id: jad-258 author: Parvizi, Parviz; Fardid, Farzaneh; Soleimani, Somaieh title: Detection of a New Strain of Wolbachia pipientis in Phlebotomus perfiliewi transcaucasicus, a Potential Vector of Visceral Leishmaniasis in North West of Iran, by Targeting the Major Surface Protein Gene date: 2013-06-15 words: 4711 flesch: 61 summary: Only 9/11 (80%) positive PCR products of Wolbachia wsp gene in P. perfiliewi transcaucasicus contained enough DNA for direct sequencing. J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2013, 7(1): 46–55 P Parvizi et al.: Detection of a New … Published Online: April 10, 2013 Original Article Detection of a New Strain of Wolbachia pipientis in Phlebotomus perfiliewi transcaucasicus, a Potential Vector of Visceral Leishmaniasis in North West of Iran, by Targeting the Major Surface Protein Gene *Parviz Parvizi 1, Farzaneh Fardid 1, 2, Somaieh Soleimani 1,2 1Molecular Systematics Laboratory, Department of Parasitology, Pasteur Institute of Iran, Tehran, Iran 2Department of Microbiology, Islamic Azad University of Qom-Branch, Qom, Iran (Received 18 Jan 2012; accepted 7 July 2012) Abstract Background: Wolbachia pipientis is maternally inherited endoparasitic bacterium belonging to the α-proteobacteria, infecting 20–75% of all insect species including sand flies. keywords: et al; flies; gene; iran; parvizi; perfiliewi; pipientis; sand; species; wolbachia; wsp cache: jad-258.pdf plain text: jad-258.txt item: #290 of 515 id: jad-26 author: Rahdar, M; Vazirianzadeh, B; Maraghi, S title: A Case Report of Sarcoptes scabiei Infection in Ahwaz, Iran date: 2008-06-15 words: 2001 flesch: 62 summary: Nocturnal pruritus is characteristic of scabies infestation. After she was visited by specialist she was referred to labo- ratory for Sarcoptes infestation. keywords: infestation; sarcoptes; scabies cache: jad-26.pdf plain text: jad-26.txt item: #291 of 515 id: jad-260 author: Vatandoost, Hassan; Mamivandpoor, Hossein; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Shayeghi, Mansoreh; Rafi, Fatemeh; Raeisi, Ahmad; Nikpoor, Fatemeh title: Wash Resistance and Bioefficacy of Alpha-cypermethrin Long Lasting Impregnated Nets (LLIN-Interceptor(®)) against Anopheles stephensi using Tunnel Test date: 2013-06-15 words: 6875 flesch: 63 summary: This phenomenon may be related to a behavioristic response to find a place having the greatest distance from treated nets. During this experiment, a total of 800 hungry fe- males were tested on unwashed and all nets washed 1–15 times, 49 mosquitoes (6.1%) succeed to pass throughout the holes of treated nets toward the guinea pig in small chamber. keywords: alpha; blood; control; cypermethrin; malaria; mortality; mosquitoes; nets; rate; stephensi; vatandoost cache: jad-260.pdf plain text: jad-260.txt item: #292 of 515 id: jad-262 author: Koosha, Mona; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Abolhasani, Mandan; Charedar, Soroor; Basseri, Hamid Reza title: Lectin Activity in Gut Extract of Culex pipiens date: 2013-06-15 words: 3927 flesch: 58 summary: Presence of variation in lectin activity be- tween males and females is typical only for hematophagous Nematocera (suborder of dip- terous insects), presumably because only the females of these insects take blood meals. This presumption is supported by findings in Glossinae, in which both sexes take blood and where there are no significant differ- ences between lectin activities of males and females (Ingram and Molyneux 1988, 1991). keywords: activities; activity; agglutinin; blood; females; hemagglutination; lectin; midgut; mosquitoes; pipiens cache: jad-262.pdf plain text: jad-262.txt item: #293 of 515 id: jad-264 author: Pirali-Kheirabadi, Khodadad; Teixeira-da-Silva, Jaime A; Razzaghi-Abyaneh, Mehdi; Nazemnia, Mehdi title: A Field Experiment to Assess the Rate of Infestation in Honey Bee Populations of Two Metarhizium anisopliae Isolates on Varroa destructor (Acari: Mesostigmata) date: 2013-06-15 words: 3637 flesch: 55 summary: Experimental design Twelve bee hives of A. mellifera infested with Varroa mites were identified in an api- ary located in the north of Iran (Lavizan, Tehran) (35° 38' 34' N, 51° 21' 27' E). 40: 249–258. Meikle WG, Mercadier G, Girod V, De- rouané F, Jones WA (2006) Evaluation of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuil- lemin (Deuteromycota: Hyphomycetes) isolates isolates from Varroa mites in southern France. keywords: anisopliae; bee; control; experiment; iran; isolates; mites; treatment; varroa cache: jad-264.pdf plain text: jad-264.txt item: #294 of 515 id: jad-266 author: Zahraei-Ramazani, Ali Reza; Kumar, Dinesh; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Naghian, Abdollah; Jafari, Reza; Shirzadi, Mohammad Reza; Abdoli, Hamid; Soleimani, Hassan; Shareghi, Niloofar; Ghanei, Maryam; Arandian, Mohammad Hossein; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali title: Sand Flies of the Subgenus Adlerius (Diptera: Psychodidae) in an Endemic Focus of Visceral Leishmaniasis and Introduction of Phlebotomus (Adlerius) comatus as a New Record for Iran date: 2013-06-15 words: 3290 flesch: 64 summary: Sand Flies of the… Published Online: April 10, 2013 Original Article Sand Flies of the Subgenus Adlerius (Diptera: Psychodidae) in an Endemic Focus of Visceral Leishmaniasis and Introduction of Phlebotomus (Adlerius) comatus as a New Record for Iran Ali Reza Zahraei-Ramazani 1, Dinesh Kumar 1, *Mohammad Reza Yaghoobi-Ershadi 2, Abdollah Naghian 2, Reza Jafari 3, Mohammad Reza Shirzadi 4, Hamid Abdoli 3, Hassan Soleimani 5, Niloofar Shareghi 3, Maryam Ghanei 3, Mohammad Hossein Arandian 3, Ahmad Ali Hanafi-Bojd 2 1Department of Zoology, Centre of Advanced Study, Banaras Hindu University, India 2Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 3Esfahan Health Research Station, National Institute of Health Research, Esfahan, Iran 4Communicable Disease Management Center, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran 5Yazd Health Research Station, National Institute of Health Research, Yazd, Iran (Received 12 Dec 2012; accepted 22 Jan 2013) Abstract Background: Sand flies of subgenus Adlerius has a wide geographical distribution in Iran and are mostly found in wild form in mountainous areas. Methods: Sand flies were collected from 6 different areas of Azarbaijan-e-Sharqi Province using sticky paper traps from August to September which is active season for sand flies in this area, in 2009. keywords: adlerius; flies; iran; length; phlebotomus; sand; species cache: jad-266.pdf plain text: jad-266.txt item: #295 of 515 id: jad-27 author: Dehghani, R; Khamehchian, T title: Scrotum Injury by Scorpion Sting date: 2008-06-15 words: 1776 flesch: 59 summary: Appropriate medical and nursing cares can lead to complete recovery with no sequel .The majority of scorpion stings are oligosymptomatic, occurring mainly on the hands and feet (about 90%). Three species of Hemiscorpius lepturus, An- droctonus crassicauda and Mesobuthus eu- peus play an important role in almost all cases of scorpion stings in Iran. keywords: crassicauda; dehghani; iran; kashan; scorpion; sting cache: jad-27.pdf plain text: jad-27.txt item: #296 of 515 id: jad-28 author: Mohammadzadeh, T; Hadadzadeh, R; Esfandiari, F; Sadjjadi, SM title: A Case of Gingival Myiasis Caused by Wohlfahrtia magnifica date: 2008-06-15 words: 1285 flesch: 62 summary: Proper oral hygiene is essential to ensure against oral myiasis (Gursel et al. 2002). Zelster R, Lutsmann J (1988) Oral myiasis. keywords: case; larvae; magnifica; myiasis cache: jad-28.pdf plain text: jad-28.txt item: #297 of 515 id: jad-288 author: Chinikar, Sadegh; Shah-Hosseini, Nariman; Bouzari, Saeid; Shokrgozar, MohammadAli; Mostafavi, Ehsan; Jalali, Tahmineh; Khakifirouz, Sahar; Groschup, Martin H; Niedrig, Matthias title: Assessment of Recombination in the S-segment Genome of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Iran date: 2016-02-06 words: 4001 flesch: 54 summary: Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever virus isolates used in this study, with associated countries of origin, collection date and GenBank accession numbers Code of virus isolate Location Year of isolation Clade No/ Name (S segment) GenBank accession no S segment Iran-Gilan69 Iran (Northwest) 2012 V/EUR KJ027521 Iran-Isfahan78 Iran (Central) 2013 V/EUR KJ027522 Iran-Kerman43 Iran (Southeast) 2013 IV/ASI-1 KJ196326 Iran-KhRazavi72 Iran (Northeast) 2012 IV/ASI-1 KJ485700 Iran-Tehran65 Iran (North) 2011 IV/ASI-1 KJ566219 Iran-Zahedan19 Iran (Southeast) 2012 IV/ASI-2 KJ676542 NIV 112143 India 2011 IV/ASI-2 JN572089 SCT ex Afghanistan Afghanistan 2012 IV/ASI-1 JX908640 Baghadad12 Iraq 1979 IV/ASI-1 AJ538196 China79121 To date, different phylogenetic analysis studies on CCHF virus S segment have re- vealed that strains from different regions of the world cluster into several distinct phylo- genetic groups. keywords: cchfv; chinikar; congo; crimean; fever; iran; recombination; segment; virus cache: jad-288.pdf plain text: jad-288.txt item: #298 of 515 id: jad-289 author: Kabbout, Nacira; Merzoug, Djemoi; Chenchouni, Haroun title: Ecological Status of Phlebotomine Sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Rural Communities of Northeastern Algeria date: 2016-02-06 words: 8235 flesch: 65 summary: – Degree of presence or occurrence (C)= Number of sites containing species i / total number of study sites ×100. According to occurrence value, sandfly species were classified into four groups: constant species are present in 50 % or more of study sites, common species are those whose occurrence varies between 25 and 49 %, accidental spe- cies are present in 12.5–24 % of samples, very accidental species have an occurrence of less than 12.5 % (Neffar et al. 2015). keywords: algeria; belazzoug; et al; leishmaniasis; number; perfiliewi; perniciosus; phlebotomus; sandflies; sandfly; sites; species; study cache: jad-289.pdf plain text: jad-289.txt item: #299 of 515 id: jad-29 author: H1N1, A title: (Swine-Origin-Influenza A Virus) date: 2008-12-15 words: 3228 flesch: 95 summary: و� وس �ا�$ا� %&�'A ء���� �� �.� و -,�+* ��ارد (�س / �$د�0 )٧د#2�را1��� ( ���و�4 2�4 �4 �+��ر��8ي وا56� آ$ �� : ه ف ومبتال ويروس به منظور درمان بيماران ي استفاده از داروهاي ضدمايي قابل تجديد نظر درخصوص چگونگفراهم آوردن راهن نحوه برخورد راهنما ،اين . Aودرگردش آنفلوانزاي �� 4��&< !� �����رد �� =� �>S-OIV : : keywords: day; آ �; آنفلوانزاي; است; براي; بيماري; تماس; دارو; زير; سال; عوارض; هاي; ويروس; � ارد; � ن; � � cache: jad-29.pdf plain text: jad-29.txt item: #300 of 515 id: jad-290 author: Hosseini-Vasoukolaei, Nasibeh; Mahmoudi, Ahmad Reza; Khamesipour, Ali; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Kamhawi, Shaden; Valenzuela, Jesus G; Arandian, Mohammad Hossein; Mirhendi, Hossein; Emami, Shaghayegh; Saeidi, Zahra; Idali, Farah; Jafari, Reza; Jeddi-Tehrani, Mahmood; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad title: Seasonal and Physiological Variations of Phlebotomus papatasi Salivary Gland Antigens in Central Iran date: 2016-02-06 words: 5962 flesch: 59 summary: Leishmania infection in collected Phle- botomus papatasi sand flies Nested PCR and RFLP analyses were used to detect and identify Leishmania infec- tion in P. papatasi sand flies. Methods: Sand flies were grouped according to physiological stages such as unfed, fed, semi-gravid, gravid, parous, nulliparous, infected or non-infected with Leishmania major and based on the season in which they were collected. keywords: bands; flies; fly; gravid; iran; kda; opimus; papatasi; protein; salivary; sand; sand flies; sgl cache: jad-290.pdf plain text: jad-290.txt item: #301 of 515 id: jad-291 author: Goz, Yaşar; Bilgin-Yilmaz, Ali; Aydin, Abdulalim; Dicle, Yalçın title: Ticks and Fleas Infestation on East Hedgehogs (Erinaceus concolor) in Van Province, Eastern Region of Turkey date: 2016-02-06 words: 2435 flesch: 61 summary: At least, hedgehogs ticks and fleas can attack to humans and consequently some traumatic lesions can occur in humans. Ticks and Fleas Infestation … 50 Original Article Ticks and Fleas Infestation on East Hedgehogs (Erinaceus concolor) in Van Province, Eastern Region of Turkey *Yaşar Goz 1, Ali Bilgin Yilmaz 1, Abdulalim Aydin 2, Yalçın Dicle 3 1Department of Parasitology, Yüzüncü Yıl University, School of Health, Van, Turkey 2Department of Parasitology, Hakkari University, School of Health, Hakkari, Turkey 3Department of Microbiology, Muş Alparslan University, School of Health, Mus, Turkey (Received 14 June 2014; accepted 23 Sep 2014) Abstract Background: Ixodid ticks (Acari: İxodidae) and fleas (Siphonaptera) are the major vectors of pathogens threatening animals and human healths. keywords: fleas; hedgehogs; infestation; ticks; turanicus; turkey cache: jad-291.pdf plain text: jad-291.txt item: #302 of 515 id: jad-292 author: Mohammadi, Somayeh; Parvizi, Parviz title: Simultaneous Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Tatera indica in Southwestern Iran date: 2016-02-06 words: 4040 flesch: 50 summary: T. indica rodents were presented and captured. Sampling was conducted from 10 cities in Khuzestan Province, however in only 6 of them T. indica rodents were present and captured. keywords: indica; iran; khuzestan; molecular; morphological; province; rodents; species; t. indica; tatera cache: jad-292.pdf plain text: jad-292.txt item: #303 of 515 id: jad-293 author: Abai, Mohammad Reza; Saghafipour, Abedin; Ladonni, Hossein; Jesri, Nahid; Omidi, Saeed; Azari-Hamidian, Shahyad title: Physicochemical Characteristics of Larval Habitat Waters of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Qom Province, Central Iran date: 2016-02-06 words: 5599 flesch: 60 summary: In Iran, Ghanbari et al. (2005) showed the significant correlation of seven physico- chemical factors including pH, total hard- ness, Nitrate, phosphate, EC, calcium, and sulfate with five species An. culicifacies s.l., An. stephensi, An. superpictus, An. turkhudi, An. multicolor. Macan (1950) also showed An. superpictus around Qom in the distributional maps. keywords: iran; parameters; province; qom; species; water cache: jad-293.pdf plain text: jad-293.txt item: #304 of 515 id: jad-294 author: Jalilnavaz, Mohammad Reza; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Vatandoost, Hassan; Mohebali, Mehdi; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Zarei, Zabihollah; Rafizadeh, Sayena; Bakhshi, Hassan; Rassi, Yaver title: Application of Flumethrin Pour-On on Reservoir Dogs and Its Efficacy against Sand Flies in Endemic Focus of Visceral Leishmaniasis, Meshkinshahr, Iran date: 2016-02-06 words: 4553 flesch: 59 summary: In Europe, the chemical treatment of dogs using antimonial compo- nents have been used for dog treatment, but this method is not recommended due to drug resistant of the parasites among dogs. Ep- idemiological effects of topical application of insecticide on dogs, depends on not only reducing the number of sand flies blood-fed on dog , but also survival rate of sand flies infected with Leishmania (Reithinger et al. 2001). keywords: application; blood; control; dogs; et al; flies; flumethrin; iran; leishmaniasis; sand cache: jad-294.pdf plain text: jad-294.txt item: #305 of 515 id: jad-295 author: Mohapatra, Sarita; Samantaray, Jyotish C; Ghosh, Arnab title: A Comparative Study of Serum, Urine and Saliva Using rk39 Strip for the Diagnosis of Visceral Leishmaniasis date: 2016-02-06 words: 2370 flesch: 65 summary: All the cases in the follow up group showed positive result with serum and urine samples in comparison to 10 cases with saliva. During the first visit, the result of rk39 test with urine sample showed complete con- cordance with that of the serum sample. keywords: neg; saliva; serum; test; urine cache: jad-295.pdf plain text: jad-295.txt item: #306 of 515 id: jad-296 author: Kumar-Borthakur, Sonjoy; Kumar-Deka, Dilip; Islam, Saidul; Chandra-Sarmah, Prabhat title: Occult Dirofilariosis in Dogs of North Eastern Region in India date: 2016-02-06 words: 2824 flesch: 56 summary: Methods: A total of 782 numbers of three categories of dogs namely, working dogs of military and paramilitary forces, pet dogs and stray dogs were screened for the presence of heartworm infection from August 2011 to July, 2012 in Guwahati (Assam) and Aizawl (Mizoram). Both the cities are separated by surface distance of 550 km. Selection of dogs Three categories of dogs were selected for the epidemiological study, working dogs of military and paramilitary force, pet dogs and stray dogs. keywords: dirofilaria; dogs; heartworm; immitis; india; infection; occult; study cache: jad-296.pdf plain text: jad-296.txt item: #307 of 515 id: jad-297 author: Jyoti-Bhuyan, Pranab; Jyoti-Nath, Anjan title: Record of Tropical Rat Mite, Ornithonyssus bacoti (Acari: Mesostigmata: Macronyssidae) from Domestic and Peridomestic Rodents (Rattus rattus) in Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India date: 2016-02-06 words: 1895 flesch: 50 summary: Following a recent report of O. bacoti infestation in a laboratory mice colony from Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, In- dia, attempts were made to detect the parasite in its natural reservoir, ie the domestic and peridomestic rats (Rattus rattus). Recently, there was a report of an out- break of O. bacoti infestation in the labora- tory mice colony of from the Nilgiris District (Nath et al. 2013). keywords: bacoti; india; mite; nilgiris; parasite; rat cache: jad-297.pdf plain text: jad-297.txt item: #308 of 515 id: jad-298 author: Ceretti-Junior, Walter; de-Oliveira-Christe, Rafael; Rizzo, Marco; Claudia-Strobel, Regina; Otavio-de-Matos-Junior, Marco; Helena-Silva-Homem-de-Mello, Maria; Fernandes, Aristides; Ralph-Medeiros-Sousa, Antônio; Cristina-de-Carvalho, Gabriela; Toledo-Marrelli, Mauro title: Species Composition and Ecological Aspects of Immature Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Bromeliads in Urban Parks in the City of São Paulo, Brazil date: 2016-02-06 words: 6325 flesch: 60 summary: Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Guia dos Parques Municipais de São Paulo. keywords: aedes; brazil; bromeliads; city; culex; et al; immature; parks; paulo; species; são; são paulo cache: jad-298.pdf plain text: jad-298.txt item: #309 of 515 id: jad-3 author: Akhavan, AA; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, MR; Hasibi, F; Jafari, R; Abdoli, H; Arandian, MH; Soleimani, H; Zahraei-Ramazani, AR; Mohebali, M; Hajjaran, H title: Emergence of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis due to Leishmania major in a New Focus of Southern Iran date: 2007-06-15 words: 3765 flesch: 64 summary: Med J IR Iran. Med J IR Iran. keywords: akhavan; ershadi; iran; leishmaniasis; yaghoobi cache: jad-3.pdf plain text: jad-3.txt item: #310 of 515 id: jad-304 author: Demirel-Kaya, Filiz; Orkun, Ömer; Çakmak, Ayşe; İnkaya, A Çağkan; Öcal, Murat; Erguven, Sibel title: A Case of Extensive Wound Myiasis Caused by Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in a Patient with Maxillary Sinus Squamous Cell Carci¬noma, in Turkey date: 2016-05-05 words: 1724 flesch: 58 summary: Talari SA, Sadr F, Doroodgar A, Talari MR, Gharabagh AS (2004) Wound myiasis caused by Lucilia Sericata. Clin Microbiol Rev. 25(1): 79–105. Gabriel JG, Marinho SA, Verli FD, Krause RG, Yurgel LS, Cherubini K (2008) Extensive myiasis infestation over a squamous cell carcinoma in the face. keywords: larvae; myiasis; patient; sericata cache: jad-304.pdf plain text: jad-304.txt item: #311 of 515 id: jad-305 author: Karami, Mohsen; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Vatandoost, Hasan; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi; Rajabnia, Ramazan; Hosseini, Mostafa; Maleki-Ravasan, Naseh; Yahyapour, Yousef; Ferdosi-Shahandashti, Elaheh title: Wolbachia Endobacteria in Natural Populations of Culex pipiens of Iran and its Phylogenetic Congruence date: 2016-06-18 words: 8456 flesch: 60 summary: Wolbachia infection in crusta- J Arthropod-Borne Dis, September 2016, 10(3): 349–365 M Karami et al.: Wolbachia Endobacteria … 361 Published Online: (Zhou et al. 1998) 21 N.S Chelymorpha alternans Leaf Beetle DQ842458 (Baldo et al., 2006) 22 wOri/B Tagosodes orizicolus Plant hopper AF020085 keywords: arthropod; borne; culex; culex pipiens; direct; dis; endobacteria; et al; fly; gene;; infection; iran; karami; mosquitoes; pcr; pipiens; populations; quinquefasciatus; september; sequences; species; strains; study; submission; werren; wolbachia; wsp; zhou cache: jad-305.pdf plain text: jad-305.txt item: #312 of 515 id: jad-306 author: Ebrahimzade, Elahe; Fattahi, Roohollah; Ahoo, Mohammad Bagher title: Ectoparasites of Stray Dogs in Mazandaran, Gilan and Qazvin Provinces, North and Center of Iran date: 2016-06-18 words: 3110 flesch: 63 summary: Some studies regarding etoparasites on dogs have been done in Iran (Shoorijeh et al. 2008, Mosallanejad et al. 2011, Jamshidi et al. 2012, Bahrami et al. 2012) but infor- mation about ectoparasites on stray dogs is still lacking. J Arthropod-Borne Dis, September 2016, 10(3): 366–371 E Ebrahimzade et al.: Ectoparasites of … 366 Published Online: January 06, 2016 Original Article Ectoparasites of Stray Dogs in Mazandaran, Gilan and Qazvin Provinces, North and Center of Iran *Elahe Ebrahimzade, Roohollah Fattahi, Mohammad Bagher Ahoo Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Iran (Received 26 Jan 2014; accepted 14 July 2015) Abstract Background: The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of ectoparasite infestations in stray dogs in Mazandaran, Gilan and Qazvin Provinces in fall and winter in 2013(December to March). keywords: canis; dogs; ectoparasites; et al; fleas; infestation; species cache: jad-306.pdf plain text: jad-306.txt item: #313 of 515 id: jad-31 author: Vazirianzadeh, B; Kidd, NAC; Moravvej, SA title: Side Effects of IGR Cyromazine on Nasonia vitripennis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), a Parasitic Wasp of House Fly Pupae date: 2008-12-15 words: 3362 flesch: 58 summary: Therefore cyromazine treated targets can be applied as a safe delivery vehicle for applying the cyromazine IGR in the poultry houses and livestock farms in an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. Rutz DA, Scott JG (1990) Susceptibility of muscoid fly parasitoids to insecticides used in dairy facilities. keywords: control; cyromazine; effects; fly; house; igr; parasitoids; vitripennis cache: jad-31.pdf plain text: jad-31.txt item: #314 of 515 id: jad-317 author: C. Bublitz, DeAnna; Poché, Richard M.; Garlapati, Rajesh title: Measures to Control Phlebotomus argentipes and Visceral Leishmaniasis in India date: 2016-05-05 words: 8567 flesch: 66 summary: In the studies by Picado and Joshi, care was taken to inspect the nets and ensure compliance (Joshi et al. 2009, Picado et al. 2010a, 2010b). Keywords: Visceral leishmaniasis, Leishmania donovani, Phlebotomus argentipes, sand flies, vector control Introduction Leishmaniasis is a parasitic disease that can manifest in three forms: 1) mucosal, 2) cutaneous, and 3) visceral (WHO 2010, Maroli et al. 2013). keywords: argentipes; control; das; dis; et al; flies; fly; india; irs; leishmaniasis; med; nets; picado; poché; sand; vector; visceral cache: jad-317.pdf plain text: jad-317.txt item: #315 of 515 id: jad-319 author: Uniyal, Ashish; Tikar, Sachin N; Mendki, Murlidhar J; Singh, Ram; Shukla, Shakti V; Agrawal, Om P; Veer, Vijay; Sukumaran, Devanathan title: Behavioral Response of Aedes aegypti Mosquito towards Essential Oils Using Olfactometer date: 2016-06-18 words: 5413 flesch: 56 summary: Several characteristics such as insecticidal, repellent and growth reducing properties are found in plant essential oils. Essential oils are natural volatile substances from plants used as protective measure against blood-sucking mosquitoes. keywords: activity; aedes; aegypti; deet; depa; et al; insect; litsea; mosquito; oils; olfactometer; plant; repellent; response; september; steam; uniyal cache: jad-319.pdf plain text: jad-319.txt item: #316 of 515 id: jad-32 author: Sulaiman, S; Abang Kamarudin, DSF; Othman, H title: Evaluation of Bifenthrin and Acorus calamus Linn. Extract against Aedes aegypti L. and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) date: 2008-12-15 words: 2485 flesch: 61 summary: In conclusion, although bifenthrin has more toxic effect on Ae. spp larvae and adults than Acorus calamus extract, but in search for botanical insecticide, A. calamus extract could be utilized for dengue vector control. There was a significant difference on the effect of A. calamus extract on both Aedes spp. keywords: aedes; aegypti; albopictus; bifenthrin; calamus; extract; ppm cache: jad-32.pdf plain text: jad-32.txt item: #317 of 515 id: jad-320 author: Mohammadian, Maria; Chinikar, Sadegh; Telmadarraiy, Zakkyeh; Vatandoost, Hassan; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi; Noroozi, Mehdi; Faghihi, Faezeh; Jalali, Tahmineh; Khakifirouz, Sahar; Shahhosseini, Nariman; Farhadpour, Firoozeh title: Molecular Assay on Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Ticks (Ixodidae) Collected from Kermanshah Province, Western Iran date: 2016-06-18 words: 4664 flesch: 62 summary: A diverse range of infection rates has been reported in these ticks from 0.2 to 33.3% (Shirani et al. 2004, Moradi et al. 2008, Nasiri 2008, Tahmasebi et al. 2010, Telmadarraiy et al. 2007, 2010, 2014, Salim-Abadi et al. 2011, Chinikar et al. 2012, Faghihi et al. 2015, Sarifinia 2012, Karimi 2013, Mehrava- ran et al. 2013, Champour et al. 2014). Ticks of Hyalomma genus showed an infection rate of 3.36%, while the species of this genus were found to be infected 1.57% to 20% to CCHF virus in other studies (Shiraniet al. 2004, Telmadarraiy et al. 2006, 2007, 2010, 2014, Moradi et al. 2008, Nasiri 2008, Tah- masebi et al. 2010, Salim-Abadi et al. 2011, Chinikar et al. 2012, Fakoorziba et al. 2012, Sarifinia 2012, Karimi 2013, Mehravaran et al. 2013, Champour et al. 2014). keywords: cchf; chinikar; congo; crimean; dis; et al; fever; iran; province; study; ticks; virus cache: jad-320.pdf plain text: jad-320.txt item: #318 of 515 id: jad-322 author: Sharma, Amrita; Singla, Lachhman Das; *, Ashuma; Batth, Balvinder Kaur; Kaur, Paramjit title: Clinicopatho-Biochemical Alterations Associated with Subclinical Babesiosis in Dairy Animals date: 2016-05-05 words: 3206 flesch: 50 summary: Nucleotide sequence analysis The 689 bp product obtained by the Bg3/ Bg4 primers specific for B. bigemina PCR were custom sequenced from Xcelris Ge- nomics, Ahmedabad, India. The trend of geographic distribution of babesiosis can be corroborated with the avail- ability of favorable conditions of high hu- midity and soil moisture content (Ghai et al. 2008) and higher population of tick vector, R. microplus (Singh et al. 2000), in North- eastern parts are Punjab as it covers the Sub mountain and Undulating zones. keywords: animals; babesiosis; bigemina; biochemical; blood; cattle; infection; pcr; sharma cache: jad-322.pdf plain text: jad-322.txt item: #319 of 515 id: jad-323 author: Banneheke, Hasini; Paranavitane, Sarath; Jayasuriya, Vathsala; Banneheka, Sarath title: Perceived Risk of Dengue in Ones’ Living Environment as a Determinant of Behavior Change through Social Mobilization and Communication: Evidence from a High Risk area in Sri Lanka date: 2016-06-18 words: 5126 flesch: 50 summary: The overall level of contribution to dengue control activities was good. This knowledge would be valuable for program plan- ners to strengthen dengue control activities in SL and other similar settings across the region. keywords: activities; community; control; dengue; health; knowledge; lanka; risk; sri; table cache: jad-323.pdf plain text: jad-323.txt item: #320 of 515 id: jad-324 author: Simsek, Sami; Ciftci, Ayse Turkan title: Serological and Molecular Detection of Dirofilaria Species in Stray Dogs and Investigation of Wolbachia DNA by PCR in Turkey date: 2016-10-24 words: 4879 flesch: 58 summary: DNA-based diagnostic tests for D. immitis and D. repens infections have been shown to overcome some deficiencies of parasitological and serological diagnosis, and specific and sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR)- based assays have been reported (Mar et al. 2002, Rishniw et al. 2006). DNA based diagnostic tests for D. immitis infections have been shown to overcome some deficiencies of parasitolo- gical and serological diagnosis, and specific and sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR)- based assays have been reported (Rishniw et al. 2006). keywords: blood; d. immitis; dirofilaria; dogs; et al; immitis; pcr; repens; simsek; turkey; wolbachia cache: jad-324.pdf plain text: jad-324.txt item: #321 of 515 id: jad-325 author: Bazrafkan, Sahar; Vatandoost, Hassan; Heydari, Abbas; Bakhshi, Hassan; Panahi-Moghadam, Somayeh; Hashemi-Aghdam, Saedeh; Mohtarami, Fatemeh; Rahimiforoushan, Abbas; Anlaş, Sinan; Shayeghi, Mansoreh; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Abtahi, Seyed Mohammad title: Discrimination of Paederus fuscipes and Paederus littoralis by mtDNA-COI PCR-RFLP date: 2016-10-24 words: 4039 flesch: 49 summary: The dis- crepancy and inconsistency in the number of species in Iran plus difficulties in systemat- ics of Paederus species encouraged us to test sequence variation of mtDNA-COI, to intro- duce a molecular marker to discriminate P. fuscipes and P. littoralis, the two sympatric and common species in the Mediterranean basin including southern part of Iran. Materials and Methods Paederus specimens and morphological identification Adult specimens were collected by aspi- rator on rice plants and weeds in early morn- ing or afternoon and under clays at hot hours of day time. This assay could end up the discrepancy, incon- sistency, and difficulties present in systemat- ics of Paederus species, allowing studies re- garding their distribution, biology, and be- havior to proceed, as well as better under- standing of their role in linear dermatitis and antiviral and antitumor activities of the ped- erin presents in their hemolymph. keywords: coi; discrimination; dna; fuscipes; iran; littoralis; molecular; paederus; pcr; species cache: jad-325.pdf plain text: jad-325.txt item: #322 of 515 id: jad-326 author: Moin-Vaziri, Vahideh; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Derakhshandeh-Peykar, Pupak; Abaei, Mohammad Reza; Mohtarami, Fatemeh; Zahraei-Ramezani, Ali Reza; Nadim, Aboulhassan title: ITS2-rDNA Sequence Variation of Phlebotomus sergenti s.l. (Dip: Psychodidae) Populations in Iran date: 2016-10-24 words: 4752 flesch: 54 summary: Sequence analysis showed 5.2% variation among P. sergenti s.l. morphotypes. These branches are in accordance with postulated migration routes of P. sergenti s.l. along the Tethys Sea during the Miocene era. keywords: depaquit; et al; iran; its2; moin; rdna; sequence; sergenti; vaziri; vaziri et cache: jad-326.pdf plain text: jad-326.txt item: #323 of 515 id: jad-327 author: Salehi, Afshin; Vatandoost, Hassan; Hazratian, Teimour; Sanei-Dehkordi, Alireza; Hooshyar, Hossein; Arbabi, Mohsen; Salim-Abadi, Yaser; Sharafati-Chaleshtori, Reza; Gorouhi, Mohammad Amin; Paksa, Azim title: Detection of Bendiocarb and Carbaryl Resistance Mechanisms among German Cockroach Blattella germanica (Blattaria: Blattellidae) Collected from Tabriz Hospitals, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran in 2013 date: 2016-06-18 words: 4567 flesch: 54 summary: 1.29, 1.45 and 1.11- fold for carbaryl, suggesting monooxygenase involvement in bendiocarb and carbaryl resistance. The bendiocarb and carbaryl resistance ratios ranged from 2.11 to 7.97 and 1.67 to 2 at LD50 levels, respec- tively. keywords: bendiocarb; carbaryl; cockroach; german; insecticide; pbo; resistance; strains cache: jad-327.pdf plain text: jad-327.txt item: #324 of 515 id: jad-328 author: Abdigoudarzi, Mohammad title: Some New Records of Culicoides Species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Iran date: 2016-10-24 words: 4073 flesch: 61 summary: There are old records of Culicoides species dated from 1963, 1968 and 1975. In comparison to old record, there are four new records of Culicoides species from Iran and one species is regarded suspected for viral trans- mission. keywords: bluetongue; ceratopogonidae; culicoides; iran; mesghali; oecacta; records; species; study cache: jad-328.pdf plain text: jad-328.txt item: #325 of 515 id: jad-329 author: Ganjali, Maryam; Keighobadi, Mojtaba title: A Rare Case of Gastric Myiasis in a Lion Caused by Gasterophilus intestinalis (Diptera: Gasterophilidae)-Case Report date: 2016-06-18 words: 1269 flesch: 62 summary: Presence of Gasterophilus species in Arabian horses in Sanliurfa region. This case report describes a type of gastric myiasis caused by G. intestinalis in an old lion in a zoo in Sistan, southeast Iran. keywords: gasterophilus; intestinalis; larvae; myiasis cache: jad-329.pdf plain text: jad-329.txt item: #326 of 515 id: jad-33 author: Soltani, A; Vatandoost, H; Jabbari, H; Mesdaghinia, AR; Mahvi, AH; Younesian, M; Hanafi-Bojd, AA; Bozorgzadeh, S; Abai, MR; Pakari, A; Shabkhiz, H title: Use of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) and Shredded Waste Polystyrene (SWAP) Beads for Control of Mosquitoes date: 2008-12-15 words: 4480 flesch: 65 summary: EPS beads prevent oviposition of mosquito as well as killing the immature stages by forming a tick layer on the water surface. Industri- ally, the beads are heated with steam to make EPS beads, which are then heated and pres- sed to form blocks or slabs for packaging, insulation (Curtis et al. 1989, Sivagnaname et al. 2005). keywords: beads; control; culex; day; eps; mosquito; polystyrene; swap; use cache: jad-33.pdf plain text: jad-33.txt item: #327 of 515 id: jad-331 author: Salim-Abadi, Yaser; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Enayati, Ahmad Ali; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Vatandoost, Hassan; Eshraghian, Mohammad Reza; Mirhendi, Hossein; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Gorouhi, Mohammad Amin; Rafi, Fatemeh title: High Insecticides Resistance in Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) from Tehran, Capital of Iran date: 2016-10-24 words: 4179 flesch: 59 summary: According to the most performed study around the world it seems that this species approximately is re- sistant to many insecticides or have multiple insecticide resistances (Davidson 1964, Mu- khopadhyay et al. 1993, Ben Cheikh et al. 1998, Bisset et al. 1999, Martinez-Torres et al. 1999, Corbel et al. 2007, Tantely et al. 2010, Toma et al. 2011, Jones et al. 2012, Pocquet et al. 2013). In Iran during recent years transmitting of Dirofilaria immitis (dog heart worm), West Nile and Sindbis vi- ruses by Culex mosquitoes have been re- ported (Naficy and Saidi 1970, Azari- Hamidian et al. 2007, Azari-Hamidian et al. 2009). keywords: culex; ddt; et al; insecticides; iran; pipiens; resistance; status; susceptibility; tehran; vatandoost cache: jad-331.pdf plain text: jad-331.txt item: #328 of 515 id: jad-332 author: Gorouhi, Mohammad Amin; Vatandoost, Hassan; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Raeisi, Ahmad; Enayati, Ahmad Ali; Mirhendi, Hossein; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Salim-Abadi, Yaser; Rafi, Fatemeh title: Current Susceptibility Status of Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) to Different Imagicides in a Malarious Area, Southeastern Iran date: 2016-10-24 words: 3497 flesch: 55 summary: Majority of sus- ceptibility tests which performed during the past decade in different malarious area re- vealed resistance to DDT in southern part of Iran (Borhani 2004, Vatandoost et al. 2005, Vatandoost et al. 2006) as well as in the most distribution area of An. stephensi in the world (Rathor et al. 1980, Thavaselvam et al. 1993, Tikar et al. 2011, Chang et al. 2014, Singh et al. 2014). The susceptibility levels of field strain of An. stephensi to the discriminative dose of different imagicides were determined 100, 98, 96, 89, 82 and 62% for etofenprox, permethrin, deltamethrin, lambdacyhalothrin, cyfluth- rin and DDT, respectively. keywords: anopheles; ddt; et al; insecticides; iran; malaria; resistance; stephensi; susceptibility; vatandoost cache: jad-332.pdf plain text: jad-332.txt item: #329 of 515 id: jad-334 author: Adjlane, Noureddine; Tarek, El-Ounass; Haddad, Nizar title: Evaluation of Oxalic Acid treatments against the Mite Varroa destructor and Secondary Effects on Honey Bees Apis mellifera date: 2016-10-24 words: 4288 flesch: 63 summary: Oxalic acid dripped directly on bees 5ml of this solution of oxalic acid per lane occupied by a syringe. In slovenia, the efficacy of oxalic acid treatments be- tween 8 August and 16 September was 41% (Gregorc and Planinc 2012). keywords: acid; apis; bee; colonies; efficiency; imdorf; mellifera; oxalic; treatment; varroa cache: jad-334.pdf plain text: jad-334.txt item: #330 of 515 id: jad-336 author: Abai, Mohammad Reza; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Vatandoost, Hassan title: Laboratory Evaluation of Temephos against Anopheles stephensi and Culex pipiens Larvae in Iran date: 2016-10-24 words: 3702 flesch: 61 summary: A more recent study in Iran showed that the altered enzymes are responsible for temephos resistance in An. stephensi (Soltani et al. 2015). In Tunisia esterases were found to be contributed to temephos resistance by their increased activity (Ben Cheikh et al. 2008). keywords: control; et al; iran; pipiens; resistance; species; stephensi; temephos cache: jad-336.pdf plain text: jad-336.txt item: #331 of 515 id: jad-337 author: Basseri, Hamid Reza; Dadi-Khoeni, Amir; Bakhtiari, Ronak; Abolhassani, Mandan; Hajihosseini-Baghdadabadi, Reza title: Isolation and Purification of an Antibacterial Protein from Immune Induced Haemolymph of American Cockroach, Periplaneta americana date: 2016-10-24 words: 4127 flesch: 55 summary: Generally, five major groups of antibacterial peptides have been introduced (Hultmark 1993) including cecropins, insect defensins, attacin-like (glycine-rich) proteins, proline rich peptides and lysozymes. Isolation and Purification of … 519 Published Online: October 04, 2016 Original Article Isolation and Purification of an Antibacterial Protein from Immune Induced Haemolymph of American Cockroach, Periplaneta americana *Hamid Reza Basseri 1, Amir Dadi-Khoeni 2, Ronak Bakhtiari 3, Mandan Abolhassani 1, Reza Hajihosseini-Baghdadabadi 2 1Department of Medical Entomology, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2Department of Biology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran 3Department of Photobiology, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (Received 21 Jan 2014; accepted 14 Apr 2015) Abstract Background: Antimicrobial peptides play a role as effectors substances in the immunity of vertebrate and inverte- brate hosts. keywords: activity; american; bacteria; coli; et al; haemolymph; immune; insect; luteus; peptides; proteins cache: jad-337.pdf plain text: jad-337.txt item: #332 of 515 id: jad-338 author: Sharififard, Mona; Safdari, Farhad; Siahpoush, Amir; Kassiri, Hamid title: Evaluation of Some Plant Essential Oils against the Brown-banded Cock-roach, Supella longipalpa (Blattaria: Ectobiidae), A Mechanical Vector of Human Pathogens date: 2016-10-24 words: 5395 flesch: 55 summary: A Mechanical Vector of Human Pathogens Mona Sharififard 1, Farhad Safdari 2, Amir Siahpoush 3, *Hamid Kassiri 1 1Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Health, Ahvaz Jundishapur Universi- ty of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran 2Health Center of Khuzestan Province, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran 3Department of Pharmacognosy and Herbal Medicine and Natural Product Research Center, School of Pharmacy, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran (Received 27 Apr 2014; accepted 10 June 2015) Abstract Background: Essential oils, as secondary plant compounds, present a safer alternative to conventional insecticides in insect control programs. Keywords: Essential oil, Supella longipalpa, Mechnical vector Introduction Natural contamination of cockroaches with wide range of pathogenic organisms includ- ing about 40 species of bacteria, nearly 12 species of pathogenic helminthes, the second largest group of vertebrate pathogens, and also viruses, protozoa and fungi affecting man and other vertebrate animals have been reported by numerous studies (Le Guyader et al. 1989, Rivault et al. 1994, Baumholtz et al. 1997, Cochran, 1999, Eggleston and Arruda 2001, Savoldelli and Luciano 2005). keywords: brown; cockroach; concentration; et al; evaluation; mortality; oil; oils; repellency; toxicity cache: jad-338.pdf plain text: jad-338.txt item: #333 of 515 id: jad-34 author: Rassi, Y; Sofizadeh, A; Abai, MR; Oshaghi, MA; Rafizadeh, S; Mohebail, M; Mohtarami, F; Salahi, R title: Molecular Detection of Leishmania major in the Vectors and Reservoir Hosts of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Kalaleh District, Golestan Province, Iran date: 2008-12-15 words: 2880 flesch: 61 summary: 22 it is apparent that the most rural areas of Fars Province in southern Iran can be considered as the ZCL focus where M. libycus is the primary and main reservoir host of the disease, while R. opimus and T. indica were absent and P. papatasi is considered as the proven vector of ZCL (Rassi et al. 2006, Rassi et al. 2007). Based on animal reservoir host, there are four foci of disease in our country (Rassi et al. 2006) keywords: detection; iran; leishmaniasis; major; pcr; rassi; reservoir cache: jad-34.pdf plain text: jad-34.txt item: #334 of 515 id: jad-340 author: Mohebali, Mehdi; Arzamani, Kourosh; Zarei, Zabiholah; Akhoundi, Behnaz; Hajjaran, Homa; Raeghi, Saber; Heidari, Zahra; Motavalli-Haghi, Seyed Mousa; Elikaee, Samira; Mousazadeh-Mojarrad, Ahmad; Kakoei, Zahra title: Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis in Wild Canines (Fox, Jackal, and Wolf) in Northeastern Iran Using Parasitological, Serological, and Molecular Methods date: 2016-10-24 words: 3671 flesch: 56 summary: Oshaghi M A, Maleki Ravasan N, Javadian E, Mohebali M, Hajjaran H, Zare Z, Mohtarami F, Rassi Y (2009) Mohebali M (2013) Visceral leishmaniasis in Iran: Review of the Epidemiological and Clinical Features. keywords: canines; infantum; iran; leishmaniasis; mohebali; results; study; visceral; vulpes cache: jad-340.pdf plain text: jad-340.txt item: #335 of 515 id: jad-341 author: Pirali-Kheirabadi, Khodadad; Dehghani-Samani, Amir; Ahmadi-Baberi, Nader; Najafzadeh, Vida title: A First Report of Infestation by Pseudolynchia canariensis in a Herd of Pigeons in Shahrekord (Southwest of Iran) date: 2016-06-18 words: 2189 flesch: 59 summary: Hippoboscidae flies are ubiquitous and a vector for Haemoproteus sp among pigeons and doves of the order Columbiformes, where- as P. canariensis is the vector of H. colum- bae among Columba livia pigeons, both in the case of natural and experimental infec- tions (Graciolli and Carvalho 2003). Pseudolynchia canariensis removed from Columba livia Discussion For the first time we report the infestation by P. canariensis of domestic pigeons in Shahrekord with very cold climate in south- west of Iran. keywords: canariensis; iran; pigeons; report; shahrekord cache: jad-341.pdf plain text: jad-341.txt item: #336 of 515 id: jad-344 author: Ashraf, Hafiz Muhammad; Zahoor, Muhammad Kashif; Nasir, Shabab; Majeed, Humara Naz; Zahoor, Sarwat title: Genetic Analysis of Aedes aegypti using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Markers from Dengue Outbreaks in Pakistan date: 2016-10-24 words: 6448 flesch: 64 summary: Microsatellite mark- ers for population genetic studies in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) from Côte d’Ivoire: evidence for a micro- geographic genetic differentiation of mosquitoes from Bouaké. Summary of Nei’s Analysis of Gene diversity among between Aedes aegypti populations from Lahore and Faisalabad through RAPD markers Populations Genetic variation GST Gene flow Nm Heterozygosity Ht Lahore 0.131 3.317 0.294 Faisalabad 0.117 3.773 keywords: aedes; aedes aegypti; aegypti; aegypti populations; analysis; ashraf; dengue; dna; et al; faisalabad; gene; lahore; markers; mosquito; pakistan; populations; rapd; road cache: jad-344.pdf plain text: jad-344.txt item: #337 of 515 id: jad-345 author: Azizi, Kourosh; Parvinjahromi, Hayedeh; Moemenbellah-Fard, Mohammad Djaefar; Sarkari, Bahador; Fakoorziba, Mohammad Reza title: Faunal Distribution and Seasonal Bio-ecology of Naturally Infected Sand flies in a New Endemic Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Focus of Southern Iran date: 2016-10-24 words: 4645 flesch: 64 summary: This study was set to determine some ecological aspects of sand flies in Fasa district, Fars Province, southern Iran during 2011–2012. After species identification, extracted DNA was processed for detection of Leishmania parasite infection in sand flies. keywords: azizi; et al; flies; iran; leishmaniasis; papatasi; sand; southern cache: jad-345.pdf plain text: jad-345.txt item: #338 of 515 id: jad-349 author: Omrani, Seyed-Mohammad; Moosavi, Seyedeh-Fatemeh; Manouchehri, Kourosh title: Microsporidium Infecting Anopheles superpictus (Diptera: Culicidae) Larvae date: 2016-06-18 words: 3528 flesch: 56 summary: Iran J Parasitol. Conclusion: This is the first report of a microsporidium infection in An. superpictus. keywords: fig; infection; larvae; microsporidium; mosquitoes; species; spores; superpictus cache: jad-349.pdf plain text: jad-349.txt item: #339 of 515 id: jad-35 author: Salari Lak, Sh; Vatandoost, H; Telmadarraiy, Z; Entezar Mahdi, R; Kia, EB title: Seasonal Activity of Ticks and their Importance in Tick-Borne Infectious Diseases in West Azerbaijan, Iran date: 2008-12-15 words: 3078 flesch: 66 summary: Results: During four seasons a total of 2728 ticks of two families (Ixodidae and Argasidae) were collected compris- ing 7 genera of 5 hard ticks and two genera of soft ticks including Haemaphysalis, Hyalomma, Rhipicephalus, Boophilus and Dermacentor. A pyrethroid insecticide, cypermethrin, which is widely used for tick control was tested against soft ticks. keywords: azerbaijan; iran; province; species; ticks; west cache: jad-35.pdf plain text: jad-35.txt item: #340 of 515 id: jad-350 author: Sofizadeh, Aioub; Vatandoost, Hassan; Rassi, Yavar; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Rafizadeh, Sayena title: Spatial Analyses of the Relation between Rodent’s Active Burrows and Incidence of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Golestan Province, Northeastern of Iran date: 2016-10-24 words: 3916 flesch: 60 summary: J Arthropod-Borne Dis, December 2016, 10(4): 569–576 A Sofizadeh et al.: Spatial Analyses of … 569 Published Online: October 04, 2016 Original Article Spatial Analyses of the Relation between Rodent’s Active Burrows and Incidence of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Golestan Province, Northeastern of Iran Aioub Sofizadeh 1, *Hassan Vatandoost 2, *Yavar Rassi 2, Ahmad Ali Hanafi-Bojd 2, Sayena Rafizadeh 3 1Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health,Tehran University of Medical Sciences, International Campus (TUMS- IC), Tehran, Iran 2Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 3Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran (Received 24 Nov 2014; accepted 19 Aug 2015) Abstract Background: Zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL) is one of the most important vector-borne diseases in Iran. The main aim of this study was to determine spatial analyses of the relationship between rodent’s active burrows and Incidence of ZCL in Golestan Province, north east of Iran. keywords: burrows; cases; disease; golestan; iran; leishmaniasis; number; province cache: jad-350.pdf plain text: jad-350.txt item: #341 of 515 id: jad-36 author: Mowlavi, G; Mikaeili, E; Mobedi, I; Kia, EB; Masoomi, L; Vatandoost, H title: Scarab Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Fauna in Ardabil Province, North West Iran date: 2008-12-15 words: 2724 flesch: 57 summary: Abstract Background: Dung beetles of Coleoptera associated to undisturbed cattle droppings in pastures present great diver- sity and abundance. Dung beetles also play an important role for transmission of some helminthes to human and cat- tle. keywords: ardebil; beetles; coleoptera; diversity; dung; iran; mowlavi; province; species; study cache: jad-36.pdf plain text: jad-36.txt item: #342 of 515 id: jad-367 author: Sanei-Dehkordi, Alireza; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi; Vatandoost, Hassan; Abai, Mohammad Reza title: Chemical Compositions of the Peel Essential Oil of Citrus aurantium and its Natural Larvicidal Activity against the Malaria Vector Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) in Comparison with Citrus paradisi date: 2016-10-24 words: 4392 flesch: 57 summary: The objective of this work was to study the effect of the peel essential oils of ripe fruits of C. aurantium and C. paradisi against fourth instar larvae of An. stephensi under la- boratory conditions and determine the chem- ical composition of C. aurantium essential oil. It seems that the presence of a high amount of Dl-limonene in C. aurantium oil, could demonstrate its effi- cacy against An. stephensi larvae. keywords: anopheles; aurantium; chemical; citrus; control; et al; iran; oil; oils; peel; stephensi; vatandoost cache: jad-367.pdf plain text: jad-367.txt item: #343 of 515 id: jad-37 author: Doroodgar, A; Arbabi, M; Razavi, MR; Mohebali, M; Sadr, F title: Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Murine Model by Hydro Alcoholic Essence of Artemisia sieberi date: 2008-12-15 words: 3000 flesch: 62 summary: Due to Artemisia species effects in pathogenic agents, the extract of A. sieberi effect in the Leish- mania parasites in murine model was exam- ined in this paper. Conclusion: To find the effective concentration and the mechanism of the effectiveness of the drug, further investi- gations with less concentrates of A. sieberi essence are recommended. keywords: artemisia; control; groups; mice; sieberi; treatment; ulcers cache: jad-37.pdf plain text: jad-37.txt item: #344 of 515 id: jad-374 author: Nazari, Mansour; Najafi, Ali title: Epidemiological Study of Endemic Relapsing Fever in Hamadan Province, Western Iran date: 2016-10-24 words: 4066 flesch: 67 summary: Results: During the study period, 276 cases of relapsing fever were recorded that 146 were male. Relapsing fever is an infection spread by the vectors of lice and ticks (Jump et al. 2004). keywords: cases; disease; fever; iran; province; relapsing; study; tick cache: jad-374.pdf plain text: jad-374.txt item: #345 of 515 id: jad-38 author: Rashid, A; Rasheed, K; Hussain, A title: Trypanosomiasis in Dog; A Case Report date: 2008-12-15 words: 1473 flesch: 54 summary: In the present study, Trypanosoma infection is reported in a male bull dog of two years age at Lahore, Pakistan. Confirmation of case was done by microscopic examination of Trypanosoma organism in thick blood smear. keywords: dog; trypanosoma; trypanosomiasis cache: jad-38.pdf plain text: jad-38.txt item: #346 of 515 id: jad-381 author: Mila-Kierzenkowska, Celestyna; Woźniak, Alina; Krzyżyńska-Malinowska, Ewa; Kałużna, Lucyna; Wesołowski, Roland; Poćwiardowski, Wojciech; Owcarz, Marcin title: Comparative Efficacy of Topical Pertmehrin, Crotamiton and Sulfur Oint-ment in Treatment of Scabies date: 2017-04-18 words: 4792 flesch: 61 summary: Moreover, Miyajima et al. (2015) described a novel method for scabies treatment called “whole-body bathing method”. A comparative study of oral ivermectin and topical permethrin cream in treat- ment of scabies. keywords: cream; crotamiton; efficacy; group; ointment; patients; permethrin; scabies; sulfur; topical; treatment cache: jad-381.pdf plain text: jad-381.txt item: #347 of 515 id: jad-384 author: Islam, Mohammad Saiful; You, Myung Jo title: Drug Induced Sialorrhea and Microfluidic-Chip-Electrophoretic Analysis of Engorged Adult Female Tick Saliva of Haemaphysalis longicornis (Acari: Ixodidae) date: 2017-04-18 words: 4133 flesch: 63 summary: Tick saliva was harvested from the tick mouthparts using a glass mi- crotube and stored at -80 °C until further use. Tick saliva was divided as three groups based on dilution as sample 1, no di- lution, sample 2, 1:10 dilution with TE buff- er and sample 3, 1:100 dilutions with TE buffer. keywords: borne; dopamine; electrophoresis; female; host; kda; longicornis; march; protein; saliva; salivary; tick; weight cache: jad-384.pdf plain text: jad-384.txt item: #348 of 515 id: jad-387 author: Sefikogullari, Murat; Kaya, Ali; Aydin, Huseyin; Sancakdar, Enver; Celik, Veysel Kenan; Bagci, Gokhan title: Increased Levels of VEGF-A and HIF-1α in Turkish Children with Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever date: 2017-04-18 words: 4042 flesch: 60 summary: ROS– HIF-1α–VEGF pathway is partly responsible for hypoxia-induced permeability (Irwin et al. 2009). The aim of this study was to define HIF-1α and VEGF-A serum levels obtained from CCHF patients and control group and to investigate whether these factors were correlated with the pathogenesis of this disease. keywords: cchf; et al; factor; fever; hemorrhagic; hif-1α; levels; march; patients; sepsis; study; vegf cache: jad-387.pdf plain text: jad-387.txt item: #349 of 515 id: jad-39 author: Moosa-Kazemi, SH; Shayeghi, M; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, MR; Vatandoost, H; Sadeghi, MT; Javadian, E; Motabar, M; Hosseini, MR; Abtahi, M title: High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography Analysis of Deltamethrin Residue on the Impregnated Bed Nets during a Leishmaniasis Control program in Iran date: 2009-06-15 words: 4177 flesch: 62 summary: Results of the TLC analysis of deltamethrin impregnated bed net samples (mg a.i/m2) in Borkhar (Isfahan Province), Iran Position of piece Top Upper side Lower side Weeks after treatment Control (mg/m2) Results of the TLC analysis of deltamethrin impregnated bed net samples (mg a.i./m2) in Mashhad (Khorasan-e-Razavi Province), Iran Position of piece Top Upper side Lower side keywords: bed; control; deltamethrin; et al; impregnation; iran; nets; residue; samples cache: jad-39.pdf plain text: jad-39.txt item: #350 of 515 id: jad-390 author: Patil, Chandrashekhar Devidas; Narkhede, Chandrakant Prakash; Suryawanshi, Rahul Khushal; Patil, Satish Vitthal title: Vorticella sp: Prospective Mosquito Biocontrol Agent date: 2016-10-24 words: 3052 flesch: 56 summary: Methods: Vorticella sp infected mosquito larvae were crushed in the 0.85% saline and homogenized well to get Vor- ticella in suspension. The effects of Vorticella sp infections on larval development were investigated by inoculating protozoan on different larval instars of An. stephensi and Ae. aegypti and observed under light microscope. keywords: aegypti; anopheles; larvae; mosquito; stephensi; vorticella cache: jad-390.pdf plain text: jad-390.txt item: #351 of 515 id: jad-391 author: Yadav, Kavita; Dhiman, Sunil; Rabha, Bipul; Goswami, Diganta; Saikia, PK; Veer, Vijay title: Disappearance of An. minimus and An. dirus from Certain Malaria Endemic Areas of Assam, India date: 2017-04-18 words: 4598 flesch: 59 summary: The forestlands, which provide favourable breed- ing habitats for malaria vectors An. dirus and An. minimus, have been reduced significantly during last few years (Nath et al. 2012). Various ethnic tribes having poor economic condition and their socio-cultural customs and beliefs make malaria vector control difficult (Dhiman et al. 2011, Rabha et al. 2012, Yadav et al. 2014). keywords: assam; density; dhiman; et al; health; india; malaria; study; vectors cache: jad-391.pdf plain text: jad-391.txt item: #352 of 515 id: jad-392 author: Zarei, Zabihollah; Mohebali, Mehdi; Heidari, Zahra; Kia, Eshrat Beigom; Azarm, Amrollah; Bakhshi, Hasan; Davoodi, Jaber; Hassanpour, Hamid; Roohnavaz, Manizhe; Khodabakhsh, Mahya; Telmadarraiy, Zakkyeh title: Wild Rodent Ectoparasites Collected from Northwestern Iran date: 2017-04-18 words: 3052 flesch: 54 summary: Iran J Parasitol. Iran J Public Health. keywords: ectoparasites; et al; iran; province; rodents; species; study cache: jad-392.pdf plain text: jad-392.txt item: #353 of 515 id: jad-4 author: Azari-Hamidian, S title: Larval Habitat Characteristics of Mosquitoes of the Genus Culex (Diptera: Culicidae) in Guilan Province, Iran date: 2007-06-15 words: 6215 flesch: 61 summary: Six species of the genus Culex; Cx. mimeticus, Cx. pipiens, Cx. theileri, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, Cx. hortensis, and Cx. Cx. hortensis, Cx. theileri 5.24 An.’hyrcanus’, An. maculipennis s.l., Cx. pipiens, Cx. theileri, Cs. longiareolata 4.92 An.’hyrcanus’, An. maculipennis s.l., An. superpictus, Cx. mimeticus 3.61 An.’hyrcanus’, An. maculipennis s.l., Cx. mimeticus 3.36 An.’hyrcanus’, An. maculipennis s.l., An. superpictus, Cx. theileri 3.11 keywords: breeding; culex; iran; larval; maculipennis; pipiens; s.l; species; tritaeniorhynchus; ’hyrcanus cache: jad-4.pdf plain text: jad-4.txt item: #354 of 515 id: jad-40 author: Maleki-Ravasan, N; Oshaghi, MA; Javadian, E; Rassi, Y; Sadraei, J; Mohtarami, F title: Blood Meal Identification in Field-Captured Sand flies: Comparison of PCR-RFLP and ELISA Assays date: 2009-06-15 words: 6491 flesch: 62 summary: Host blood meals ingested by female sand flies in Germi, northwest of Iran detected by PCR-RFLP analy- sis of a 623 bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene. In our study succes- sful amplification was obtained from genomic DNA of host blood meal of sand flies fed on human, cow, and dogs. keywords: blood; dna; elisa; et al; flies; gene; host; human; identification; leishmaniasis; meal; med; pcr; rflp; sand; trop cache: jad-40.pdf plain text: jad-40.txt item: #355 of 515 id: jad-41 author: Vatandoost, H; Ramin, E; Rassi, Y; Abai, MR title: Stability and Wash Resistance of Local Made Mosquito Bednets and Detergents Treated with Pyrethroids against Anopheles stephensi date: 2009-06-15 words: 5461 flesch: 62 summary: Two kinds of washing methods (shaking, no shaking) were used and in each method four kinds of washings, i.e. no wash, one wash, two washes and three washes was done. Residual effect of pyrethroid impregnated bednets reduced due to UV light, dust, fog- ging, weather condition, washing method, type of insecticide (Rozendaal 1989). keywords: bednets; insecticide; method; mortality; nets; shaking; stability; vatandoost; washes; washing cache: jad-41.pdf plain text: jad-41.txt item: #356 of 515 id: jad-42 author: Moosa-Kazemi, SH; Vatandoost, H; Nikookar, H; Fathian, M title: Culicinae (Diptera: Culicidae) Mosquitoes in Chabahar County, Sistan and Baluchistan Province, Southeastern Iran date: 2009-06-15 words: 3247 flesch: 62 summary: quinquefasciatus, Cx. sinaiticus, Cx. theileri, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, Culiseta longiareolata, Ochlerotatus cabal- lus, Oc. caspius, and Uranotaenia unguiculata. A total of 3824 adults and 5031 larvae of the culicine mosquitoes were collected, and were recognized including; Aedes vexans Meigen (indicate new occurrence re- cords for the province), Culex arbieeni, Cx. bitaeniorhynchus, Cx. deserticola, Cx. hort- ensis, Cx. perexiguus, Cx. pipiens, Cx. pseu- dovishnui, Cx. pusillus, Cx. quinquefascia- tus, Cx. sinaiticus, Cx. theileri, Cx. tritaenio- rhynchus, Culiseta longiareolata, Ochlero- tatus caballus, Oc. caspius s.l., and Uranotae- nia unguiculata. keywords: chabahar; culicinae; diptera; mosquitoes; province; species cache: jad-42.pdf plain text: jad-42.txt item: #357 of 515 id: jad-425 author: Koc, Samed; Evren, Ozay Hasan; Cetin, Huseyin title: Evaluation of Some Plant Fruit Extracts for the Control of West Nile Virus Vector Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) date: 2016-10-24 words: 3120 flesch: 58 summary: Fruit extracts of Ph. theophrasti caused high mortalities as much as Me. azedarach extract except the highest concentration (P< 0.05). 24: 311–316. Schmidt GH, Rembold H, Ahmed AAI, Breuer AM (1998) Effect of Melia azedarach fruit extract on juvenile hormone titer and protein content in the hemolymph of two species of noc- tuid lepidopteran larvae (Insecta: Lep- idoptera: Noctuidae). keywords: azedarach; extracts; larvae; larvicidal; pipiens; theophrasti cache: jad-425.pdf plain text: jad-425.txt item: #358 of 515 id: jad-427 author: Valikhanfard-Zanjani, Elham; Zare-Mirakabadi, Abbas; Zayerzadeh, Ehsan title: Antivenom Efficacy in Neutralizing Histopathological Complications Following Latrodectus dahli Envenomation date: 2017-04-18 words: 4174 flesch: 51 summary: Black widow spider venom contains a neu- *Corresponding authors: Miss Elham Valikhanfard- Zanjani, E-mail: J Arthropod-Borne Dis, March 2017, 11(1): 42–49 E Valikhanfard-Zanjani et al.: Given that the highest expression of the receptors are in neurons of nervous sys- tem, so it seems that nervous system is the primary target of black widow spider venom (Henkel and Sankaranarayanan 1999, Ush- karyov et al. 2008, Silva and Ushkaryov 2010). keywords: antivenom; effects; et al; heart; injection; latrodectus; liver; spider; tissues; venom cache: jad-427.pdf plain text: jad-427.txt item: #359 of 515 id: jad-428 author: Nasir, Shabab; Jabeen, Farhat; Abbas, Sadia; Nasir, Iram; Debboun, Mustapha title: Effect of Climatic Conditions and Water Bodies on Population Dynamics of the Dengue Vector, Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) date: 2017-04-18 words: 4411 flesch: 59 summary: The typical rainfall system in the Punjab, normally during July–August was associated with a peak of Aedes population. Ae. aegypti was largely collected from tyres and urban areas mostly during the rainy season from small water con- tainers. keywords: aedes; aegypti; dengue; factors; march; mosquitoes; population; punjab; water cache: jad-428.pdf plain text: jad-428.txt item: #360 of 515 id: jad-429 author: Maleki-Ravasan, Naseh; Bahrami, Abbas; Vatandoost, Hassan; Shayeghi, Mansoureh; Koosha, Mona; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali title: Molecular Characterization and Phylogenetic Congruence of Hydropsyche sciligra (Tricoptera: Hydropsychidae) Using Mitochondrial and Nuclear Markers date: 2017-04-18 words: 6684 flesch: 56 summary: However, the D2 fragment support strongly the mon- ophyly of most Hydropsyche species includ- ing H. sciligra, H. botosaneanui, H. an- gustipennis, H. hedini, H. instabilis, H. siltalai, and H. saxonica. Results: Based on morphological traits the specimens were resembled to Hydropsyche sciligra however there were no its counterpart sequences in the GenBank. keywords: 60–77; arthropod; caddisflies; characterization; coi; dis; et al;; hydropsyche; iran; maleki; march; oshaghi; ravasan; sciligra; sequences; species; trichoptera cache: jad-429.pdf plain text: jad-429.txt item: #361 of 515 id: jad-43 author: Tajedin, L; Hashemi, J; Abaei, MR; Hosseinpour, L; Rafei, F; Basseri, HR title: Study on Fungal Flora in the Midgut of the Larva and Adult of the Different Populations of the Malaria Vector Anopheles stephensi date: 2009-06-15 words: 2130 flesch: 60 summary: Even though several works had been done on fungus flora of aquatic some insects but still interaction of symbiotic fungus in mid- gut of mosquito larvae is unknown. as fungus flora and the midgut environment to at least allow the fungus to survive. keywords: fungal; fungi; fungus; larvae; midgut; mosquito; spp cache: jad-43.pdf plain text: jad-43.txt item: #362 of 515 id: jad-430 author: Zayyat, Elham A El; Soliman, Mohammed I; Elleboudy, Noha A; Ofaa, Shaimaa E title: Bioefficacy of Some Egyptian Aromatic Plants on Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) Adults and Larvae date: 2017-04-18 words: 4241 flesch: 59 summary: The mortality effect of plant extracts evaluated in this study varied according to the plant, concentration of the extract and the used technique. Despite being safe for domestic insect control strategies, few products based on plant essential oils are com- mercially available (Koul et al. 2008, Sut- thanont et al. 2010). keywords: activity; control; culex; et al; extracts; insecticides; larvae; larvicidal; march; oils; pipiens; plant cache: jad-430.pdf plain text: jad-430.txt item: #363 of 515 id: jad-436 author: Vazirianzadeh, Babak; Jalali, Amir; Chrom, Mostafa; Mohammady, Alireza; Vatandoost, Hassan; Panahi, Forozan title: A Comparative Study of Nesting Sites and Burrowing Habits of two Iranian Burrowing Scorpions date: 2017-04-18 words: 3876 flesch: 59 summary: A Pearson correlation also showed a relative strong direct relationship between height and diameter of S. maurus nests than O. bidentatus. Pearson cor- relation also showed a relative strong direct relationship between height and diameter of S. maurus nests (r= 0.67). keywords: bidentatus; maurus; nests; scorpions; soil; species; study cache: jad-436.pdf plain text: jad-436.txt item: #364 of 515 id: jad-44 author: Tajedin, L; Rassi, Y; Oshaghi, MA; Telmadarraiy, Z; Akhavan, AA; Abai, MR; Arandian, MH title: Study on Ectoparasites of Rhombomys opimus, the Main Reservoir of Zoonotic Cutaneous leishmaniasis in Endemic Foci in Iran date: 2009-06-15 words: 2242 flesch: 55 summary: Methods: Ectoparasites of R. opimus were collected from seven endemic district of ZCL in Iran including Shirvan and Sfaraysen in North Khorasan Province, Kalaleh in Golestan Province, Damghan and Shahrood in Semnan Prov- ince, and Badrood and Habibabad in Isfahan Province. There are a few documented papers on ectoparasites of R. opimus in dif- ferent regions of Iran. keywords: ectoparasites; iran; opimus; rodents; species; study cache: jad-44.pdf plain text: jad-44.txt item: #365 of 515 id: jad-45 author: Zarei, A; Rafinejad, J; Shemshad, K; Khaghani, R title: Faunistic Study and Biodiversity of Scorpions in Qeshm Island (Persian Gulf) date: 2009-06-15 words: 2858 flesch: 66 summary: Their foods com- prise small insects, spiders, centipedes, earth- worms, and other scorpions. Mr Zaeri RTL Iranian J Arthropod-Borne Dis, (2009), 3(1): 46-52 A Zarei et al: Faunistic Sttudy and … 46 Original Article Faunistic Study and Biodiversity of Scorpions in Qeshm Island (Persian Gulf) keywords: body; distribution; island; qeshm; scorpions; species; specimens cache: jad-45.pdf plain text: jad-45.txt item: #366 of 515 id: jad-457 author: Karakus, Mehmet; Gocmen, Bayram; Özbel, Yusuf title: Insecticide Susceptibility Status of Wild-Caught Sand Fly Populations Collected from Two Leishmaniasis Endemic Areas in Western Turkey date: 2017-04-18 words: 4450 flesch: 58 summary: Knockdown time (KdT) KdT50 and KdT95 knockdown times for diagnostic doses of both insecticides have calculated for sand fly populations in both study area. No special control program is available for sand flies. keywords: control; flies; fly; insecticide; province; resistance; sand; study; susceptibility; turkey cache: jad-457.pdf plain text: jad-457.txt item: #367 of 515 id: jad-459 author: Sadeghi, Saber; Dashan, Meysam; Malek-Hosseini, Mohammad Javad title: Mediterranean Recluse Spider, Loxosceles rufescens (Araneae: Sicariidae) from Charkhab Cave, Southern Iran date: 2017-04-18 words: 2323 flesch: 67 summary: Marusik et al. (2014), published a survey of spider species from Shirabad Cave, Golestan Province, north of Iran, and the first troglobite species of Ira- nian spiders Trilacuna qarzi Malek Hosseini and Grismado, 2015, was reported by Malek Hosseini et al. The global epidemiology, syndromic classification, management, and prevention of spider bites. keywords: araneae; cave; iran; loxosceles; rufescens; species; spiders cache: jad-459.pdf plain text: jad-459.txt item: #368 of 515 id: jad-46 author: Rafinejad, J; Zareii, A; Akbarzadeh, K; Azad, M; Biglaryan, F; Doosti, S; Sedaghat, MM title: Faunestic Study of Ants with Emphasis on the Health Risk of Stinging Ants in Qeshm Island, Iran date: 2009-06-15 words: 3478 flesch: 63 summary: The aims of this study were to find out the fauna, dispersion, and some of the biological features of ant species with special attention to those, which can play role on the public health of the island. This study was conducted to identify ant species, dispersion, and some of their bio- logical and morphological features to throw light on status of P. sennaarensis as a public health pest in the island. keywords: ant; ants; area; island; qeshm; sennaarensis; species cache: jad-46.pdf plain text: jad-46.txt item: #369 of 515 id: jad-461 author: Tahghighi, Azar; Foroumadi, Alireza; Kabudanian Ardestani, Susan; Mahdian, Seyed Mohammad Amin title: Synthesis and Comparison of In Vitro Leishmanicidal Activity of 5-(Nitroheteroaryl)-1, 3, 4-Thiadiazols Containing Cyclic Amine of Piperidin-4-ol at C-2 with Acyclic Amine Analogues against Iranian Strain of Leishmania major (MRHO/IR/75/ER) date: 2017-04-18 words: 4449 flesch: 56 summary: In this series, 3, 4-Dimethoxyphenethyl substitution was caused to suitable activity against promastigote form of L. major with IC50 value of 19.1µ M. The comparison of antileishmanial activity of compounds c-f with compounds 1a-b was showed linear substitution and thiophen ring at compound 1b are the best substitutions at C-2 and C-5 positions of thiadiazole ring. General structures of antileishmanial compounds (a) bearing a cyclic amine (b) containing acyclic amine (c- f) with aromatic substitutions and (1a-b) containing hydroxypropyl amine at the C-2 position of thiadiazole ring J Arthropod-Borne Dis, March 2017, 11(1): keywords: activity; compounds; major; march; tahghighi; thiadiazole cache: jad-461.pdf plain text: jad-461.txt item: #370 of 515 id: jad-47 author: Faramarzi, A; Rasekhi, AR; Kalantari, M; Hatam, GR title: Chrysomya bezziana as a Causative Agent of Human Myiasis in Fars Province, Southern Iran date: 2009-06-15 words: 1704 flesch: 64 summary: Human myiasis due to this family have been reported from the United States of America (Hall et al. 1986; Iranian J Arthropod-Borne Dis, (2009), 3(1): 60-63 A Faramarzi et al: Chrysomya bezziana as … 63 Granz W, Schneider D, Schmann H (1975) Human myiasis in middle Europe. keywords: bezziana; case; chrysomya; iran; myiasis cache: jad-47.pdf plain text: jad-47.txt item: #371 of 515 id: jad-482 author: Ghavami, Mohammad Bagher; Poorrastgoo, Fahimeh; Taghiloo, Behrooz; Mohammadi, Jamshid title: Repellency Effect of Essential Oils of Some Native Plants and Synthetic Repellents against Human Flea, Pulex irritans (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) date: 2017-04-18 words: 5133 flesch: 61 summary: 23–26 George DR, Sparagano OAE, Okello GPE, Shiel RS, Guy JH (2009) Repellence of plant essential oils to Dermanyssus gallinae and toxicity to the non-target invertebrate Tenebrio molitor. Traboulsi AF, Taoubi K, El-Haj S, Bessiere JM, Rammal S (2002) Insecticidal prop- erties of essential plant oils against the mosquito Culexpipiensmolestus (Dip- tera: Culicidae). keywords: compounds; deet; effect; et al; flea; ghavami; human; march; myrtle; oils; permethrin; repellency; studies; thyme cache: jad-482.pdf plain text: jad-482.txt item: #372 of 515 id: jad-483 author: Khanavi, Mahnaz; Najafi, Behnaz; Sadati, Seyede Nargess; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Vatandoost, Hassan title: Chemical Constitute and Larvicidal Activity of Fractions of Ajuga chamaecistus tomentella Plant against Malaria Vector Anopheles stephensi date: 2017-04-18 words: 3370 flesch: 58 summary: Govindarajan et al. (2011) have reported that benzene extract of E. coronaria showed the highest larvicidal effect on the larvae of An. stephensi, Ae. ae- gypti, and Cx. Among all species of Anopheles recognized in Iran, 8 of them are considered as malaria vectors including: An. culicifacies, An. stephensi, An. dthali, An. flu- viatilis, An. superpictus, An. pulcherrimus, An. sacharovi, and An. keywords: ajuga; chamaecistus; et al; extract; fraction; hexane; larvicidal; march; stephensi; tomentella cache: jad-483.pdf plain text: jad-483.txt item: #373 of 515 id: jad-489 author: Temocin, Fatih; Sari, Tugba; Tulek, Necla title: Sand fly Fever with Skin Lesions: A Case Series from Turkey date: 2016-10-24 words: 2639 flesch: 62 summary: These cases are indicating that sand fly fever is more common than we thought. Sand fly fever occurs in subtropical coun- tries, particularly in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea, and cases have been re- ported from the Balkans, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, India and some parts of South Amer- ica (Eitrem et al. 1991, Saidi et al. 1977, Ta- vana 2007). keywords: et al; fever; fly; patients; sand; turkey cache: jad-489.pdf plain text: jad-489.txt item: #374 of 515 id: jad-49 author: Pourfallah, F; Javadian, S; Zamani, Z; Saghiri, R; Sadeghi, S; Zarea, B; Faiaz, Sh; Mirkhani, F; Fatemi, N title: Evaluation of Serum Levels of Zinc, Copper, Iron, and Zinc/Copper Ratio in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis date: 2009-12-15 words: 2788 flesch: 61 summary: Hence, imbalances in the optimum levels of trace elements may ad- versely affect biologically processes, and are associated with many diseases (Muralidhar et al. 2004). Increased serum Cu is associated with an in- crease in the synthesis of the copper-binding protein ceruloplasmin, (Cillarie et al. 1989, Liew et al. 1990). keywords: copper; group; leishmaniasis; patients; serum; zinc cache: jad-49.pdf plain text: jad-49.txt item: #375 of 515 id: jad-491 author: Behravan, Mahmoodreza; Moin-Vaziri, Vahideh; Haghighi, Ali; Rahbarian, Nourina; Taghipour, Niloofar; Abadi, Alireza; Hajjaran, Homa title: Molecular Identification of Leishmania Species in a Re-Emerged Focus of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Varamin District, Iran date: 2017-04-18 words: 3952 flesch: 60 summary: 4. Digestion pattern of ITS1 amplicons of Leishmania spp of cutaneous leishmaniasis patients of Varamin District, by using HaeIII enzyme Line 1: 50 bp ladder marker, Line 2: sample of pa- tients (L. tropica), Line 3: L. tropica (Accession. Iran J Arthropod Borne Dis. 4(1): keywords: abad; et al; iran; leishmaniasis; patients; study; varamin cache: jad-491.pdf plain text: jad-491.txt item: #376 of 515 id: jad-492 author: Ghobakhloo, Nafiseh; Motazedian, Mohammad Hossein; Pourmohammadi, Behrad; Yousefi, Zahra title: Evaluation of Correlation between the in Vitro Susceptibility of Field Isolates of Leishmania major and Clinical Outcomes of Meglumine Antimoniate Therapy in Fars Province, Iran date: 2017-04-18 words: 3980 flesch: 55 summary: In vitro sensitivity testing of Leishmania clinical field iso- lates: preconditioning of promastigotes enhances infectivity for macrophage host cells. Monitoring drug resistance in leishmaniasis. keywords: drug; et al; iran; isolates; leishmania; leishmaniasis; resistance; vitro cache: jad-492.pdf plain text: jad-492.txt item: #377 of 515 id: jad-493 author: Benallal, Kamel Eddine; Benikhlef, Razika; Garni, Rafik; Gassen, Brahim; Dedet, Jean-Pierre; Harrat, Zoubir title: Presence of Phlebotomus perniciosus Atypical Form in Algeria date: 2017-04-18 words: 3113 flesch: 56 summary: P. longicuspis, PN: P. perniciosus, PNA: atypical P. perniciosus. The result of the three techniques has allowed including PNA with P. perniciosus species (Benabdennbi et al. 1999, Martinez-Sanchez et al. 2000, Pesson et al. 2004, Boudabous et al. 2012). keywords: algeria; longicuspis; march; perniciosus; phlebotomus cache: jad-493.pdf plain text: jad-493.txt item: #378 of 515 id: jad-494 author: Hashemi-Aghdam, Saedeh Sadat; Rafie, Golnaz; Akbari, Sanaz; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali title: Utility of mtDNA-COI Barcode Region for Phylogenetic Relationship and Diagnosis of Five Common Pest Cockroaches date: 2017-06-13 words: 5648 flesch: 56 summary: The obtained sequences in this study plus a subset of mtDNA-COI sequenc- J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2017, 11(2): 182–193 SS Hashemi-Aghdam et al.: Utility of mtDNA … 185 Published Online: May 27, 2017 es of other cockroach species available in GenBank were used for phylogenetic analy- sis. Cockroach species identification is tradi- tionally based on morphological characteris- tics, however, morphology is not always a suitable method for these types of studies and sometimes it suffers from deficiencies par- ticularly when only small body parts of the specimen are available or they are in a decay- ing condition. keywords: aghdam; americana; borne; cockroaches; coi; dis; et al; gene; germanica; hashemi; iran; longipalpa; mtdna; oshaghi; pcr; species; study cache: jad-494.pdf plain text: jad-494.txt item: #379 of 515 id: jad-495 author: Fatemi, Mahboubeh; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Mohebali, Mehdi; Saeidi, Zahra; Veysi, Arshad; Khamesipour, Ali; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad title: Assessing the Ovarian Accessory Glands to Determine the Parity of Phlebotomus papatasi, Vector of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, under Laboratory Condition date: 2017-04-18 words: 2605 flesch: 60 summary: Phlebotomus papatasi sand flies were reared under laboratory conditions at 26±2 ˚C, 70– 80% relative humidity and 14: 10 h (L: D) photoperiod. Thus, parous sand flies play a critical role in dis- ease spreading. keywords: accessory; blood; feeding; flies; glands; papatasi; sand cache: jad-495.pdf plain text: jad-495.txt item: #380 of 515 id: jad-5 author: Vatandoost, H; Shahi, M; Hanafi-Bojd, AA; Abai, MR; Oshaghi, MA; Rafii, F title: Ecology of Anopheles dthali Patton in Bandar Abbas District, Hormozgan Province, Southern Iran date: 2007-06-15 words: 3237 flesch: 66 summary: In 1961 Rishikesh reported that An. dthali was a secondary vector in the north- ern region of Somalia. In Iran, An. dthali has been found in southern parts of the Zagros chain, in the provinces of Hormozgan, Baluchestan, Kerman, Fars, Yazd, Khuzestan, Kermanshah, Khorassan and coastal area of the Persian Gulf up to 1410 m altitude *Corresponding author: Dr H Vatandoost, Tel: +98 21 88951393, E-mail: Iranian J Arthropod-Borne Dis, (2007), 1(1): 21-27 H Vatandoost et al.: Ecology of Anopheles… 22 in Hamadan (Manouchehri et al. 1972). keywords: abbas; area; bandar; dthali; hormozgan; iran; province cache: jad-5.pdf plain text: jad-5.txt item: #381 of 515 id: jad-50 author: Yilmaz, R; Ozcetin, M; Erkorkmaz, U; Ozer, S; Ekici, F title: Public Knowledge and Attitude toward Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Tokat Turkey date: 2009-12-15 words: 2896 flesch: 65 summary: It is clear that there are important tasks for health, agriculture, and media sectors to improve public knowledge and awareness about CCHF. Keywords: Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever, Public knowledge, Survey, Turkey Introduction Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), that is endemic in over 30 countries around the Black Sea and in the Middle East and Africa, is a potentially fatal virus infection. keywords: attitude; cchf; knowledge; public; tick cache: jad-50.pdf plain text: jad-50.txt item: #382 of 515 id: jad-51 author: Rahbari, S; Nabian, S; Ronaghi, H title: Haematophagus Mites in Poultry Farms of Iran date: 2009-12-15 words: 1698 flesch: 62 summary: Besides having direct effects upon their hosts, poultry mites can transmit viral, riket- sial and protozoan diseases among birds (Kettle 1995, Sonenshine 1993). All eight caged layer and four breeder flocks were inspected, which were infested with chicken blood feeding mites. keywords: breeder; bursa; gallinae; mites cache: jad-51.pdf plain text: jad-51.txt item: #383 of 515 id: jad-514 author: Dehghani, Rouhullah; Rafinejad, Javad; Fathi, Behrooz; Panjeh-Shahi, Morteza; Jazayeri, Mehrdad; Hashemi, Afsaneh title: A Retrospective Study on Scropionism in Iran (2002–2011) date: 2017-06-13 words: 3700 flesch: 61 summary: The highest mortality rate of scorpion stings were oc- cured during 2004 (29), however the lowest mortality rate of scorpion stings were report- ed in 2002 (14) Among all provinces of Iran highest prevalence of scorpion sting and its re- sulting death has been recorded from Khuzestan and the lowest in Mazandaran Provinces, re- spectively (Figs. 4 and 5). J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2017, 11(2): 194–203 R Dehghani et al.: A Retrospective Study … 194 Published Online: May 27, 2017 Original Article A Retrospective Study on Scropionism in Iran (2002–2011) Rouhullah Dehghani 1, *Javad Rafinejad 2, 6, Behrooz Fathi 3, Morteza Panjeh Shahi 4, Mehrdad Jazayeri 4, Afsaneh Hashemi 5 1Social Determinants of Health (SDH) Research Center and Department of Environmental Health, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran 2Department of Medical Entomology, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 3Department of Pharmacology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran 4Health Center, Kashan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Kashan, Iran 5Veterinarian Medicine, Head Office of Veterinary Khorassan Razavi Province, Mashhad, Iran 6Center for Solid Waste Research (CSWR), Institute for Environmental Research (IER), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (Received 2 Aug 2014; accepted 7 May 2016) Abstract Background: Scorpion sting is a common medical emergency in Iran. keywords: dehghani; iran; provinces; scorpion; species; stings; study cache: jad-514.pdf plain text: jad-514.txt item: #384 of 515 id: jad-515 author: Khaghani, Ramin; Mirzaii-Dizgah, Iraj; Ghasemi, Mostafa title: Efficacy of Aloe Vera Cream in the Treatment of Paederus Dermatitis in Mice date: 2017-06-13 words: 3540 flesch: 67 summary: Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 were treated with the base (vehicle), dexamethasone 0.1%, Aloe vera 0.5% and Aloe vera 2% creams respectively. Results: Application of Aloe vera 0.5% and 2% significantly reduced the healing duration and dermatitis area in comparison with the vehicle and dexamethasone cream (P< 0.05). keywords: aloe; aloe vera; cream; dermatitis; dexamethasone; efficacy; healing; mice; paederus; vehicle; vera cache: jad-515.pdf plain text: jad-515.txt item: #385 of 515 id: jad-516 author: Sofizadeh, Aioub; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Dehghan, Hossein title: Larval Habitats Characteristics of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in North-East of Iran date: 2017-06-13 words: 8498 flesch: 64 summary: In our study, An. hyrcanus was found as the dominant species in larval habitats fol- lowed by An. maculipennis in Kalaleh Coun- ty. pseudopictus (in the now An. pseudopictus), An. pulcherrimus, An. superpictus, and An. maculipennis group (An. maculipennis, An. melanoon subspecies subalpinus (in the now subspecies of subal- pinus is synonym of melanoon) (in and An. sacharovi). keywords: azari; culicidae; et al; habitats; hamidian; iran; larval; larval habitats; mosquitoes; pipiens; province; species; water cache: jad-516.pdf plain text: jad-516.txt item: #386 of 515 id: jad-519 author: Mohammed, Shahid Iqbal; Vishwakarma, Kishor Sukhlal; Maheshwari, Vijay Laxminarayan title: Evaluation of Larvicidal Activity of Essential Oil from Leaves of Coccinia grandis against Three Mosquito Species date: 2017-06-13 words: 4293 flesch: 54 summary: Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry profile of essential oil obtained from leaves of Coccinia grandis Discussion Several authors have reported different compositions of essential oils obtained from different plant species (Govindrajan 2010, Senthilkumar and Venkatesalu, 2010, Zhu et J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2017, 11(2): 226–235 SI Mohammed et al.: Abstract Background: To study the chemical constituents and larvicidal activity of essential oil extracted from the leaves of Coccinia grandis against three mosquito species. keywords: activity; constituents; et al; grandis; larvae; larvicidal; mosquito; oil; oils; plant; species cache: jad-519.pdf plain text: jad-519.txt item: #387 of 515 id: jad-52 author: Absavaran, A; Rassi, Y; Parvizi, P; Oshaghi, MA; Abaie, MR; Rafizadeh, S; Mohebali, M; Zarea, Z; Javadian, E title: Identification of Sand flies of the Subgenus Larroussius based on Molecular and Morphological Characters in North Western Iran date: 2009-12-15 words: 4743 flesch: 59 summary: In North West of Iran P. kandelakii and P. per- filiewi transcaucasicus are proven and prob- able vector of viscerotropic Leishmania spp. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree for DNA haplotypes of EF-1α (nDNA) of the subgenus Larroussius sand flies species 0.01 MSH297major MSH312major MSH317major majorEF416834 neglectusAF160802 neglectusAF160801 MSH522major MSH721perfiliewi MSH738perfiliewi MSH836perfiliewi perfiliewiAF160805 MSH903tobbi MSH1292tobbi tobbiAF160810 P. caucasicusEF416836 Iranian J Arthropod-Borne Dis, (2009), 3(2): 22-35 A Absavaran et keywords: cyt; ef-1α; fig; flies; larroussius; major; sand; species; subgenus cache: jad-52.pdf plain text: jad-52.txt item: #388 of 515 id: jad-520 author: Nourani, Leila; Aliabadian, Mansour; Dinparast-Djadid, Navid; Mirshamsi, Omid title: New Host Records for Haemoproteus spp. (Apicomplexa: Haemosporidiasina) in Passeriformes from North-west of Iran date: 2017-06-13 words: 2658 flesch: 54 summary: Some investigations reported between 50–100% of the individuals are infected with these blood parasites (Valkiūnas et al. 2003, Belo et al. 2011, Yoshimura et al. 2014) and other researches documented less amount of prevalence (Sehgal et al. 2005, Youssefi et al. 2010, Bahrami et al. 2012, Doosti et al. 2014). Comparatively, it is little known on blood parasites of wild birds in Iran but, there are numerous studies on Columbiformes (Youssefi et al. 2010, Radfar et al. 2011, Dehghani- Samani et al. 2013, Doosti et al. 2014) and waterfowls (Shemshadi et al. 2014). keywords: birds; blood; dis; et al; haemoproteus; host; iran; parasites; species cache: jad-520.pdf plain text: jad-520.txt item: #389 of 515 id: jad-53 author: Abdigoudarzi, M; Esmaeilnia, K; Shariat, N title: Laboratory Study on Biological Control of Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) by Entomopathogenic Indigenous Fungi (Beauveria bassiana) date: 2009-12-15 words: 3608 flesch: 57 summary: 12: 66-68. Kaaya GP, Hassan S (2000) Entomopathoge- nous fungi as promising biopesticides for tick control. Kaaya GP (2000) Laboratory and field evalua- tion of entomopathogenous fungi for tick control. keywords: bassiana; control; groups; strain; study; ticks cache: jad-53.pdf plain text: jad-53.txt item: #390 of 515 id: jad-531 author: Sharifinia, Narges; Gowhari, Iman; Hoseiny-Rad, Manijeh; Aivazi, Ali Ashraf title: Fauna and Geographical Distribution of Scorpions in Ilam Province, South Western Iran date: 2017-06-13 words: 3020 flesch: 61 summary: Gowhari I, Pashaeirad S, Navidpour S, Molaei- Birgani S (2012) Study on scorpion fauna of Ilam province, western of Iran. Moradi M, Yagmur E, Pooyan-Moradi G, Ahmadi F (2015) Scorpion fauna of Zanjan Province, Iran (Arachnida: Scor- piones). keywords: fauna; iran; province; scorpions; species cache: jad-531.pdf plain text: jad-531.txt item: #391 of 515 id: jad-54 author: Kia, EB; Moghddas-Sani, H; Hassanpoor, H; Vatandoost, H; Zahabiun, F; Akhavan, AA; Hanafi-Bojd, AA; Telmadarraiy, Z title: Ectoparasites of Rodents Captured in Bandar Abbas, Southern Iran date: 2009-12-15 words: 3155 flesch: 55 summary: Trapped rodents Ectoparasites collection was transferred to laboratory and after morphometrical meas- urements their ectoparasites were picked up using brush against the fur of rodents. The aim of this study was to asses the infestation of commensal rodents with ectoparasites in Bandar Abbas, a port city located in the northern part of the Persian Gulf in Iran. keywords: catch; ectoparasites; iran; norvegicus; rattus; rodents; species; study cache: jad-54.pdf plain text: jad-54.txt item: #392 of 515 id: jad-549 author: Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza title: Control of Phlebotomine Sand Flies in Iran: A Review Article date: 2016-10-24 words: 9364 flesch: 57 summary: Phlebotomus pa- patasi and P. sergenti are the vectors of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis and Anthroponotic Cutaneous Leish- maniasis respectively, and 5 species of sand flies including P. kandelakii, P. neglectus, P. perfiliewi, P. keshishiani and P. alexandri are considered as probable vectors of Zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis. A literature search was per- formed of the relevant multiple databases from 1966 to 2013 to include studies on sand flies, vector control, leish- maniasis, Phlebotomus. keywords: area; control; ddt; ershadi; flies; health; incidence; iran; leishmaniasis; nadim; papatasi; sand; spraying; yaghoobi cache: jad-549.pdf plain text: jad-549.txt item: #393 of 515 id: jad-55 author: Alavinia, SM; Arzamani, K; Reihani, MH; Jafari, J title: Some Epidemiological Aspects of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Northern Khorasan Province, Iran date: 2009-12-15 words: 2045 flesch: 65 summary: Materials and Methods From 2005 to 2008, 1453 patients in- fected with cutaneous leishmaniasis were col- lected from health service registry of six dis- tricts of Northern Khorasan Province, Iran. Table1: Baseline characteristics of 1453 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis in Northern Khorasan Province, Iran: 3/2005- 9/2008 N 23.2 ± 18.7 1453 Age (yr) (mean ± SD) 42.9 624 Female (%) 37.8 21.7 40.5 549 315 589 Number of lesions (%) 1 2 >=3 60.8 39.2 570 884 Location (%) Urban Rural 28.3 644 44.3 397 27.3 412 Diagnosis Clinical Laboratory Both Table 2. keywords: disease; iran; khorasan; leishmaniasis; northern; province cache: jad-55.pdf plain text: jad-55.txt item: #394 of 515 id: jad-559 author: Memona, Hafsa; Manzoor, Farkhanda; Riaz, Saffora title: Species Diversity and Distributional Pattern of Cockroaches in Lahore, Pakistan date: 2017-06-13 words: 5610 flesch: 60 summary: Diversity indices of different cockroach species collected from April 2013– March 2014 Trimester Species No. of Cockroaches Percentage % Relative abundance Pi Shannon index Pi (lnPi) Simpson index Pi2XS Species Evenness (S) Different studies in Pakistan confirms the presence of P. americana, B. orientalis and B. germanica species of cockroaches in Pa- kistan (Mlso et al. 2005, Saira 2005, Ahmed et al. 2010, NIH 2010, Wakil et al. 2012, Malik et al. 2013, Syed et al. 2014). keywords: americana; borne; cockroaches; dis; diversity; et al; germanica; index; lahore; lateralis; orientalis; species; study; temperature cache: jad-559.pdf plain text: jad-559.txt item: #395 of 515 id: jad-56 author: Omrani, S -M; Vatandoost, H; Oshaghi, MA; Shokri, F; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, MR; Rassi, Y; Tirgari, S title: Differential Responses of Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) to Skin Emanations of a Man, a Cow, and a Guinea Pig in the Olfactometer date: 2010-06-15 words: 7379 flesch: 61 summary: Conclusion: Anopheles stephensi showed higher and more specific upwind responses to human skin emanation in the olfactometer. Over 300 chemical compounds have been identified in human skin emanation (Sas- try et al. 1980, Bernier et al. 1999, Curran et al. 2005). keywords: acid; anopheles; borne; cow; emanation; et al; guinea; host; human; iran; mosquito; olfactometer; responses; skin; stephensi; vatandoost cache: jad-56.pdf plain text: jad-56.txt item: #396 of 515 id: jad-57 author: Yaghoobi-Ershadi, MR; Hakimiparizi, M; Zahraei-Ramazani, AR; Abdoli, H; Akhavan, AA; Aghasi, M; Arandian, MH; Ranjbar, AA title: Sandfly Surveillance within an Emerging Epidemic Focus of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Southeastern Iran date: 2010-06-15 words: 3308 flesch: 59 summary: However, further studies are neces- sary to isolate Leishmania strains from P. papatasi and to characterize the genotype of Rafsanjan sand flies, taking into account cur- rent findings about the multi- locus microsa- tellite typing which has been employed to in- fer the population structure of P. papatasi in provinces of Khorasan, Khuzestan, Baluchis- tan, Azerbaijan, Isfahan, Fars and Yazd of Iran (Hamarsheh et al. 2009). Collected sand flies were stored in 70% ethanol. keywords: flies; iran; leishmaniasis; papatasi; sand cache: jad-57.pdf plain text: jad-57.txt item: #397 of 515 id: jad-58 author: Nateghpour, M; Ayazian Mavi, S; Keshavarz, H; Rezaei, S; Abedi, F; Edrissian, Gh; Raeisi, R title: Molecular Monitoring of Plasmodium vivax Infection after Radical Treatment in Southeastern Iran date: 2010-06-15 words: 3801 flesch: 58 summary: Long incubation period, this phe- nomenon is one of the complicated propo- sitions in P. vivax studies. Keywords: P. vivax, Relapse, Re-infection, Recrudescence, pvMSP1, Iran Introduction Among the four species of human plas- modia, Plasmodium vivax and P. ovale are associated with relapse episodes. keywords: blood; malaria; patients; plasmodium; relapse; study; vivax cache: jad-58.pdf plain text: jad-58.txt item: #398 of 515 id: jad-580 author: Ahmed, Ashraf M; Hussein, Hamdy I; El-Kersh, Talat A; Al-Sheikh, Yazeed A; Ayaad, Tahany H; El-Sadawy, Hanan A; Al-Mekhlafi, Fahd A; Ibrahim, Mohamed S; Al-Tamimi, Jameel; Nasr, Fahd A title: Larvicidal Activities of Indigenous Bacillus thuringiensis Isolates and Nematode Symbiotic Bacterial Toxins against the Mosquito Vector, Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) date: 2017-06-13 words: 9585 flesch: 55 summary: B. thuringiensis isolates were recovered from different environmental samples in Saudi Arabia, and the entomopathogenic nematodes, Heterorhabditis indica (HRM1) and He. To avoid possible discrep- ancy during the preparation of spore-crystal mixture for quantitative determination of LC50 and LC95, B. thuringiensis isolates were pre- pared from fermentation growth on Nutrient Yeast Extract Salt Medium, NYSM, (con- J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2017, 11(2): 260–277 AM Ahmed et al.: keywords: activities; activity; ahmed; arabia; arthropod; bacillus; bacillus thuringiensis; bacterial; bti; control; dis; et al; h14; hs1;; isolates; june; kersh; larvae; larvicidal; mosquito; photorhabdus; samples; saudi; tcs; thuringiensis; toxin cache: jad-580.pdf plain text: jad-580.txt item: #399 of 515 id: jad-583 author: Bilal, Hazrat; Sahar, Sumrin; Sadruddin, Sadruddin title: Bio-Pesticides: New Tool for the Control of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Culicidae: Diptera) in Pakistan date: 2017-06-13 words: 3397 flesch: 57 summary: Therefore, we suggest that C. sinensis extracts as well as other plant ex- tracts should be investigated and compared with other plant extracts, which already been tested against mosquitoes. Abstract Background: Application of plant extracts as mosquito control strategy was practiced from centuries. keywords: aedes; albopictus; bilal; control; dengue; extracts; larvae; larvicidal; mortality; mosquito; plant cache: jad-583.pdf plain text: jad-583.txt item: #400 of 515 id: jad-588 author: Shaeghi, Mansoureh; Dehghan, Hossein; Pakdad, Kamran; Nikpour, Fatemeh; Absavaran, Azad; Sofizadeh, Aioub; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Vatandoost, Hassan; Aghai-Afshar, Abbass title: Faunestic Study of the Aquatic Arthropods in a Tourism Area in Northern Iran date: 2017-06-13 words: 7964 flesch: 61 summary: Percentage of aquatic insects orders, Babol and Amol, Mazandaran Province, 2012 Discussion Given that Babol and Amol district in Ma- zandaran Province are in humid climate re- gions with suitable ecological factors humid, moderate temperature and the variety of plant species where there are different species of aquatic insects in different habitats (slow mov- ing and turbulent rivers, shallow streams, tem- porary pond, and rice fields, these areas are the appropriate places for the growth of aquatic insects and sample collection. J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2017, 11(2): 286–301 M Shaeghi et al.: Faunistic Study of … 286 Published Online: May 27, 2017 Original Article Faunistic Study of the Aquatic Arthropods in a Tourism Area in Northern Iran Mansoureh Shaeghi 1, Hossein Dehghan 1, Kamran Pakdad 1, Fatemeh Nikpour 1, Azad Absavaran 1, Aioub Sofizadeh 1, Amir Ahmad Akhavan 1, *Hassan Vatandoost 1,2, Abbass Aghai-Afshar 1 1Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2Depertment of Environmental Chemical Pollutants and Pesticides, Institute for Environmental Research, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (Received 8 March 2014; accepted 31 Dec 2016) Abstract Background: Aquatic insects are very abundant and divers groups of insects that are associated with an aquatic or semiaquatic environment in one or more of their life stages. keywords: borne; diptera; et al; families; habitat; hemiptera; insects; iran; larvae; order; shaeghi; size; species; streams; study; vatandoost; water cache: jad-588.pdf plain text: jad-588.txt item: #401 of 515 id: jad-59 author: Hanafi-Bojd1, AA; Vatandoost, H; hilip, E; Stepanova, E; Abdi, AI; Safari, R; Mohseni, GH; Bruhi, MI; Peter, A; Abdulrazag, SH; Mangal, G title: Malaria Situation Analysis and Stratification in BandarAbbas County, Southern Iran, 2004-2008 date: 2010-06-15 words: 5262 flesch: 61 summary: We would like to thank Dr Masoodi, the di- rector and Ms M Mehranzadeh the focal ma- laria person in Bandar Abbas health center for their kind collaboration and data provid- ing. Bandar Abbas health facilities during our study period are showed in Table 1 (Man- agement and Programming Organization 2004-2008). keywords: abbas; anopheles; area; bandar; cases; et al; hanafi; health; iran; malaria; province; vatandoost cache: jad-59.pdf plain text: jad-59.txt item: #402 of 515 id: jad-593 author: Mosayebian, Hadis; Basseri, Hamid Reza; Baniardalani, Mojgan; Rassi, Yavar; Ladonni, Hossein title: Effect of Different Diets on Lifetime of Brown-banded Cockroaches, Supella longipalpa (Blattodea: Blattellidae) date: 2017-06-13 words: 3257 flesch: 61 summary: The effect of different diets on lifetime of nymphal stages of Supella longipalpa in laboratory (Kaplan meier test) Diets Days D1 D2 D3 D4 N1 13.20±0.18 1* 12.77±O.16 1* 14.30±0.15 1* 13.03±0.18 1* N2 15.03±0.37 2* 13.13±0.24 2* 15.63±0.28 2* 14.70±0.26 2* N3 18.87±0.46 3* 17.77±0.39 3* 21.40±0.84 3* 18.53±0.51 3* N4 12±0.27 4* 10.40±0.25 4* 15.37±0.55 4* 11.73±0.27 4* N 1, N2, N3, N4 represent 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th nymphal stage of Supella longipalpa. D1, D2, D3and D4 represent the type of diets, D1: Normal diet (dry bread-dry pellets of rabbit food, bran and water), D2: diet 1 + date. Effect of different diets on 4th nymphal stage of Supella longipalpa (Kaplan Meier, survival test) D1, D2, D3 and D4 represent the type of diets, D1: keywords: cockroach; diet; effect; longipalpa; nymphal; stage cache: jad-593.pdf plain text: jad-593.txt item: #403 of 515 id: jad-594 author: Mehrabi-Tavana, Ali title: Sand Fly Fever with Different Names date: 2017-04-18 words: 434 flesch: 78 summary: Dear Editor-in-Chief With regard to a paper published in Jour- nal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases; A Case Report entitled “Sand fly Fever with Skin Lesions: A Case Series from Tur- key” was published in 2016 (Fatih Temocin, et al. 2016). Different names such as “Phleboto- mus fever”, ‘’mosquito fever’’, three-day fe- ver or “Papatasi fever” called the disease of Sand fly fever which all are true except ‘’mos- quito fever’’ (Tavana 2001, 2015). keywords: fever; sand cache: jad-594.pdf plain text: jad-594.txt item: #404 of 515 id: jad-595 author: Makki, Mahsa Sadat; Mowlavi, Gholamreza; Shahbazi, Farideh; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Najafi, Faezeh; Hosseini-Farash, Bibi Razieh; Teimoori, Salma; Hasanpour, Hamid; Naddaf, Saied Reza title: Identification of Hymenolepis diminuta Cysticercoid Larvae in Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae) Beetles from Iran date: 2017-06-13 words: 3150 flesch: 59 summary: The sus- ceptibility to H. diminuta infection may vary among the members of these two genera, and with their life stage. Cockroaches have shown to be refractory to H. diminuta infection due to encapsulation of larvae by the insect he- mocytes (Tu and Lai 2006). keywords: beetles; castaneum; cockroaches; diminuta; hymenolepis; infection; iran cache: jad-595.pdf plain text: jad-595.txt item: #405 of 515 id: jad-596 author: Ziyaei, Toktam; Berenji, Fariba; Jabbari-Azad, Farahzad; Fata, Abdolmajid; Jarahi, Lida; Fereidouni, Mohammad title: House Dust Mite Prevalence in the House of Patients with Atopic Dermatitis in Mashhad, Iran date: 2017-06-13 words: 3068 flesch: 67 summary: House Dust Mite Prevalence … 309 Published Online: May 27, 2017 Original Article House Dust Mite Prevalence in the House of Patients with Atopic Dermatitis in Mashhad, Iran Toktam Ziyaei 1, *Fariba Berenji 1, Farahzad Jabbari-Azad 2, Abdolmajid Fata 1, Lida Jarahi 3, Mohammad Fereidouni 4 1Department of Parasitology, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran 2Department of Immunology and Allergy, Head of Allergy Research Center, Ghaem Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran 3Department of Community Medicine, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran 4Department of Immunology, Asthma, Allergy and Immunology Research Center, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran (Received 19 Apr 2015; accepted 1 Aug 2016) Abstract Background: Being exposed to house dust mites intensifies atopic dermatitis. It takes about 30d for dust mites to complete their life cycle (Nadchatram 2005, Yong and Jeong 2009). keywords: atopic; dust; house; mites; patients; prick; test cache: jad-596.pdf plain text: jad-596.txt item: #406 of 515 id: jad-598 author: Silva, Viviane Barros; Travassos, Daniele Lima; Nepel, Angelita; Barison, Andersson; Costa, Emmanoel Vilaça; Scotti, Luciana; Scotti, Marcus Tulius; Mendonça-Junior, rancisco Jaime Bezerra; Santos, Roseli La Corte dos; Cavalcanti, Sócrates Cabral de Holanda title: Synthesis and Chemometrics of Thymol and Carvacrol Derivatives as Larvicides against Aedes aegypti date: 2017-06-13 words: 7938 flesch: 66 summary: Thymol derivatives were, to a certain extent, more efficient larvicides against Ae. aegypti than carvacrol derivatives, particularly to Rock- efeller larvae. 22(21): 6250–6255. Nikumbh VP, Tare VS, Mahulikar PP (2003) Eco-friendly pest management using monoterpenoids-III: Antibacterial effi- cacy of carvacrol derivatives. keywords: aegypti; carvacrol; cdcl3; derivatives; larvae; larvicidal; method; mhz; nmr; synthesis; thymol cache: jad-598.pdf plain text: jad-598.txt item: #407 of 515 id: jad-6 author: Doosti, S; Vatandoost, H; Oshaghi, MA; Hosseini, M; Sedaghat, MM title: Applying Morphometric Variation of Seta 2 (Antepalmate Hair) among the Larvae of the Members of the Maculipennis Subgroup (Diptera: Culicidae) in Iran date: 2007-06-15 words: 4907 flesch: 60 summary: Among the members of An. maculipennis subgroup, five species of An. Atroparvus, An. labranchiae, An. maculipennis, An. messeae and An. sacharovi have been considered as malaria vectors in Eurasia (Jaenson et al. 1986, Ribeiro et al. 1988, Kasap 1990, Jetten and Takken 1994, Romi 1999, Romi et al. 2001, Alten et al. 2000, Faghih 1969). The first cluster was fitted in ten localities in Esfahan, East Azarbaijan, West Azarbaijan, Khorassan, Kurdistan, and Mazandaran Provinces with its mean and standard deviation (SD) of 14.89±1.13 (n= 79); the second group with one location in Gilan Province (11±1.58, no= 5); the third one with two locations in Fars and Western Azarbaijan Provinces (27.43±0.31, n=20), and the final group with four locations in Khuzestan, West Azarbaijan, and Qazvin Provinces (36.84±1.91, n= 45) were identified and corresponded to Anopheles messeae, An. atroparvus, An. melanoon, and An. sacharovi respectively. keywords: anopheles; azarbaijan; dinparast; diptera; et al; iran; jadid; maculipennis; messeae; sacharovi; sedaghat; species cache: jad-6.pdf plain text: jad-6.txt item: #408 of 515 id: jad-60 author: Shayeghi, M; Paksa, A; Salim abadi, Y; Sanei dehkoordi, A; Ahmadi, A; Eshaghi, M; Bazrafkan, S title: Epidemiology of Head Lice Infestation in Primary School Pupils, in Khajeh City, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran date: 2010-06-15 words: 2293 flesch: 65 summary: Epidemiological factors such as: sex, school grade, family size, parent's education, type of house, hair washing (per week), number of using comb per day, were evaluated and results showed significant difference in head lice infestation and sex, school grade ,family size ,father education ,and type of house (P< 0.05). The preva- lence of head lice infestation by frequency of hair washing was 8.66%, and 3.7%, for once in two week, once a week respectively and twice or more a week had not any lice. keywords: head; infestation; lice; prevalence; pupils; school cache: jad-60.pdf plain text: jad-60.txt item: #409 of 515 id: jad-600 author: Hassanpour, Gholmreza; Mohebali, Mehdi; Zeraati, Hojjat; Raeisi, Ahmad; Keshavarz, Hossein title: Asymptomatic Malaria and its Challenges in the Malaria Elimination Program in Iran: a Systematic Review date: 2017-06-13 words: 5264 flesch: 44 summary: In this systematic review, all the articles that had questioned or responded to the main ques- tion of the study, i.e. ‘the role and significance of asymptomatic malaria cases in the pre-elim- ination and elimination phases of malaria’ irre- spective of the study design- were selected. “Targeting asymptomatic malaria infections: active surveillance in control and elimination” -another study published in 2013 by Sturrock et al. underscores that scale up malaria control programs in various countries have reduced the focal transmission of disease. keywords: articles; asymptomatic; cases; elimination; et al; health; infection; iran; malaria; role; transmission cache: jad-600.pdf plain text: jad-600.txt item: #410 of 515 id: jad-603 author: Hazratian, Teimour; Tagizadeh, Ali; Chaichi, Mohammad; Abbasi, Madineh title: Pharyngeal Myiasis Caused by Sheep Botfly, Oestrus ovis (Diptera: Oestridae) Larva, Tabriz, East Azarbaijan Province, Iran: A Case Report date: 2017-04-18 words: 2760 flesch: 58 summary: The majority of myiasis cases reported in the literature from Iran were nasal myiasis originating from var- ious areas. Persistence of human myiasis by oes- trus ovis L. among shepherds of the Etnean area (Sicily) for over 150 years, Dipartimento di Sanitá Publica Veteri- naria e keywords: diptera; iran; larvae; myiasis; ovis; tabriz cache: jad-603.pdf plain text: jad-603.txt item: #411 of 515 id: jad-61 author: Khoobdel, M; Shayeghi, M; Golsorkhi, S; Abtahi, M; Vatandoost, H; Zeraatii, H; Bazrafkan, S title: Effectiveness of Ultrasound and Ultraviolet Irradiation on Degradation of Carbaryl from Aqueous Solutions date: 2010-06-15 words: 3363 flesch: 58 summary: A combi- nation of UVA radiation and ozone, in pres- ence of titanium dioxide has been investigated for carbaryl degradation as a potential destruc- tive technology for the treatment of pesticide wastewater (Rajeswari and Kanmani 2009). The best yield observed at 130 KHz for carbaryl degradation may be the result of much more hydroxyl availability at the out of the bubble of cavitations. keywords: carbaryl; degradation; et al; khz; pesticide; study; ultrasound; water cache: jad-61.pdf plain text: jad-61.txt item: #412 of 515 id: jad-62 author: Haddadzadeh, HR; Athari, SS; Abedini, R; Khazraii nia, S; Khazraii nia, P; Nabian, S; Haji-Mohamadi, B title: One-Humped Camel (Camelus dromedarius) Infestation withLinguatula serrata in Tabriz, Iran date: 2010-06-15 words: 2901 flesch: 64 summary: The prevalence of Linguatula serrata nymphs in MLNs, livers and lungs of 140 slaughtered camels in Tabriz Age (Year) Sex No. of Camels camels with infected MLNs No. (%) camels with infected livers No. (%) camels with infected lungs No. (%) Iranian J Parasitol 4: 59–61 Hamdast-joo M (2001) Study of the preva- lence of Linguatula serrata nymph in small ruminants in slaughterhouse of Shahryar, Iran. keywords: camels; et al; infection; iran; linguatula; serrata cache: jad-62.pdf plain text: jad-62.txt item: #413 of 515 id: jad-621 author: Bilal, Hazrat; Akram, Waseem; Hassan, Soaib Ali; Din, Sadur title: Citrus Seed Oils Efficacy against Larvae of Aedes aegypti date: 2017-10-08 words: 2673 flesch: 61 summary: Methods: Extraction of oil was done by a steam distillation method and oils were evaluated according to WHO guidelines for larvicides 2005 for evaluation of insecticidal properties of citrus seed extracts against mosquito larvae. Narangi (Citrus mitis) 5 Red blood orange (Citrus sinensis) 6 Rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri) 7 Feutrell (Citrus reticulate) 8 Valencia late (Citrus sinensis var valencia late) 9 Succari (Citrus sinensis var succari) Table 2. LC50values of citrus seed extract against late 3 rd and early 4th instar larvae of Aedes aegypti after 24 hours of exposure Citrus extracts LC50* (ppm) 95% FL (LFL**-UFL***) keywords: aedes; aegypti; citrus; control; dengue; extracts; larvae; mosquito; oils; seed cache: jad-621.pdf plain text: jad-621.txt item: #414 of 515 id: jad-63 author: Raeisi, A; Abai, MR; Akbarzadeh, K; Nateghpour, M; Sartipi, M; Hassanzehi, A; Shahbakhsh, N; Faraji, L; Nikpour, F; Mashayekhi, M title: Residual Effects of Deltamthrin WG 25% as a New Formulationon Different Surfaces against Anopheles stephensi, in Southeastern Iran date: 2010-06-15 words: 2632 flesch: 59 summary: The residual effects of deltamethrin WG 25% on different surfaces was assessed based on reduction of mortality An. stepehnsi from 100% to about 70%. Also other field bioas- says of deltamethrin WP %5 which conducted by authors revealed a clearly excito-repel- lency effect. keywords: deltamethrin; iran; malaria; surfaces cache: jad-63.pdf plain text: jad-63.txt item: #415 of 515 id: jad-64 author: Salim abadi, Y; Telmadarraiy, Z; Vatandoost, H; Chinikar, S; Oshaghi, MA; Moradi, M; Mirabzadeh Ardakan, E; Hekmat, S; Nasiri, A title: Hard Ticks on Domestic Ruminants and their Seasonal Population Dynamics in Yazd Province, Iran date: 2010-06-15 words: 3033 flesch: 67 summary: The occurrence of hard ticks was more noticeable in plateau area (Table 2). Numbers of hard ticks in different seasons collected in Yazd during 2008–2009 Seasons Species spring summer autumn winter Total percentage Hy. dromedarii 98 keywords: distribution; iran; iranian; province; species; ticks cache: jad-64.pdf plain text: jad-64.txt item: #416 of 515 id: jad-65 author: Salimi, M; Goodarzi, D; Karimfar, MH; Edalat, H title: Human Urogenital Myiasis Caused by Lucilia sericata(Diptera, Calliphoridae) and Wohlfahrtia magnifica (Diptera,Sarcophagidae) in Markazi Province of Iran date: 2010-06-15 words: 2293 flesch: 60 summary: Abstract We report a case of human urogenital myiasis in an 86-year-old rural man with a penil ulcer and numerous alive and motile larvae from urethra and glans penis. It is also noteworthy that uro- genital myiasis caused by larvae of blowfly (L. sericata) and Flesh fly (W. magnifica) is uncommon in human, and this is the second report of human urogenital myiasis in Iran. keywords: human; larvae; lucilia; magnifica; myiasis; wohlfahrtia cache: jad-65.pdf plain text: jad-65.txt item: #417 of 515 id: jad-652 author: Ebrahimzade-Parikhani, Hasan; Mohebali, Mehdi; Zarei, Zabiholah; Akhoundi, Behnaz; Kakoei, Zahra title: Seroprevalence of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Children up to 12 Years old Among Nomadic Tribes from Rural Areas of Pars Abad, Northwestern Iran: an Observational Study in 2015 date: 2017-06-13 words: 3624 flesch: 58 summary: Iran J Parasitol. 8: 348– 358. Iran J Parasitol. keywords: abad; disease; iran; leishmaniasis; mohebali; pars; study; visceral cache: jad-652.pdf plain text: jad-652.txt item: #418 of 515 id: jad-654 author: Montes-Cortés, María Guadalupe; Fernández-García, José Luis; Martínez-Estéllez, Miguel Ángel Habela title: Genetic Variation of the -tubulin Gene of Babesia caballi Strains date: 2017-10-08 words: 4970 flesch: 56 summary: Finally, a species-specific pri- mer pair for B. caballi was designed and a Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism-PCR (PCR-RFLP) assay performed to know the difference of known B. caballi strains. Results: We provided new insights of the -tubulin gene and a good molecular coverage of this gene, contributing with a number of useful primers to amplify T. equi and B. caballi. keywords: babesia; caballi; dna; equi; gene; horses; parasitol; pcr; primers; september; sequence; species; theileria; -tubulin cache: jad-654.pdf plain text: jad-654.txt item: #419 of 515 id: jad-66 author: Salimi, M; Edalat, H; Jourabchi, A; Oshaghi, MA title: First Report of Human Nasal Myiasis Caused by Eristalisin Iran (Diptera: Syrphidae)tenax date: 2010-06-15 words: 2128 flesch: 63 summary: In Iran, many cases of human myiasis have been reported. The first case of myiasis by E. tenax was reported by Hall (Hall 1918).Since then, many more cases of human myiasis have been reported by E. tenax, which include intes- tinal myiasis (Lakshminaraynana et al. 1975), rectal myiasis (Hira 1977), gastrointestinal myiasis (Kun et al. 1998), intestinal myiasis (Aguilera et al. 1999, Whish- Wilson 2000, Dubois et al. 2004), human pseudomyiasis in Brazil (Garcia- Zapata et al. 2005), urinary myiasis in a 58 yr old woman in Turkey (Mum- cuoglu et al. 2005) keywords: case; caused; human; iran; myiasis; report; tenax cache: jad-66.pdf plain text: jad-66.txt item: #420 of 515 id: jad-660 author: Ozkan, Ozcan; Alcigir, Mehmet Eray title: A Comparative Pathomorphological Findings Between Leiurus abdullahbayrami and Androctonus crassicauda (Scorpion: Buthidae) Envenomation in Rabbit Animal Model date: 2019-04-22 words: 5935 flesch: 57 summary: As a result of the effect of scorpion venom, different clinical tables have reported varying effects from localized signs to more serious au- tonomic and neurologic findings as well as fatal cases due to multisystem organ failure. In addition, histopatholog- ical findings might change according to the type of scorpion venom and the envenomation meth- od for an organism. keywords: abdullahbayrami; animals; crassicauda; dis; envenomation; findings; group; organs; ozkan; scorpion; study; venom cache: jad-660.pdf plain text: jad-660.txt item: #421 of 515 id: jad-669 author: Hoosh-Deghati, Helen; Dinparast-Djadid, Navid; Moin-Vaziri, Vahideh; Atta, Hoda; Raz, Abbas Ali; Seyyed-Tabaei, Seyyed Javad; Maleki-Ravasan, Naseh; Alipour, Hamzeh; Zakeri, Sedigheh; Azar-Gashb, Eznollah title: Composition of Anopheles Species Collected from Selected Malarious Areas of Afghanistan and Iran date: 2017-10-08 words: 4668 flesch: 50 summary: Anopheles species in Chabahar County of Iran were An. stephensi, An. fluviatilis, An. culicifacies and An. sergentii. Conclusion: Current study provides a basis for future research such as detection of Plasmodium infection in collected samples which is on process by the authors, also for effective implementation of evidence-based malaria vector inter- vention strategies. keywords: afghanistan; anopheles; areas; composition; fig; iran; malaria; september; south; species; stephensi; superpictus; vector cache: jad-669.pdf plain text: jad-669.txt item: #422 of 515 id: jad-67 author: Parvizi, P; Naddaf, SR; AlaeeNovin, E title: Molecular Typing and Phylogenetic Analysis of Some Species Belonging to Phlebotomus (Larroussius) and Phlebotomus (Adlerius) Subgenera (Diptera: Psychodidae) from Two Locations in Iran date: 2010-12-15 words: 3680 flesch: 54 summary: All DNA haplotypes of Cyt b of subgenera Larroussius /Adlerius species identified in two locations in Iran (I.H = inside house, Ash= animal shelter, S.P= sticky paper, CDC= 9: 293–300. Esseghir S, Ready PD, Ben-Ismail R (2000) Speciation of Phlebotomus sandflies of the subgenus Larroussius coincided with the late Miocene-Pliocene aridification of the Mediterranean subregion. keywords: asp; cb3; cyt; fragment; i.h; iran; larroussius; parvizi; phlebotomus; species cache: jad-67.pdf plain text: jad-67.txt item: #423 of 515 id: jad-68 author: Shayeghi, M; Dehghani, MH; Mahvi, AH; Azam, K title: Application of Acoustical Processor Reactors for Degradation of Diazinon from Surface Water date: 2010-12-15 words: 3444 flesch: 59 summary: There was also direct correlation between power and diazinon degradation. On the other hand, the increase of diazinon concentration in the solutions significantly decreased the rate of diazinon degradation after 120 min. As expected, the degradation percentage is the highest for the lowest concentration. keywords: concentration; degradation; diazinon; pesticide; reactor; water cache: jad-68.pdf plain text: jad-68.txt item: #424 of 515 id: jad-69 author: Barmaki, A; Rafinejad, J; Vatandoost, H; Telmadarraiy, Z; Mohtarami, F; Leghaei, SH; Oshaghi, MA title: Study on Presence of Borrelia persica in Soft Ticks in Western Iran date: 2010-12-15 words: 3823 flesch: 62 summary: No. 1: Molecular size marker (100 bp Cinnagen), B. persica PCR was broken down into two fragments of 324 bp and 199 bp and B. microtti into three fragments of 205, 199, and 119 bp. Soft ticks were more prevalent (67%) in infected areas than none infected areas. keywords: borrelia; iran; pcr; persica; species; tholozani; ticks cache: jad-69.pdf plain text: jad-69.txt item: #425 of 515 id: jad-7 author: Rassi, Y; Azizi, K; Motazedian, MH; Javadian, E; Rafizadeh, S; Fakhar, M; Hatam, GR title: The Seminested PCR Based Detection of Leishmania infantum Infection in Asymptomatic Dogs in a New Endemic Focus of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Iran date: 2007-06-15 words: 2540 flesch: 62 summary: The incidence of kala-azar caused by Leishmania infantum has recently increased in Nourabad-Mamassani district of Fars Province, in the south of the country. Key words: Leishmania infantum, Dogs, Iran INTRODUCTION keywords: dogs; infantum; iran; leishmania; leishmaniasis; pcr cache: jad-7.pdf plain text: jad-7.txt item: #426 of 515 id: jad-70 author: Nikookar, SH; Moosa-Kazemi, SH; Oshaghi, MA; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, MR; Vatandoost, H; Kianinasab, A title: Species Composition and Diversity of Mosquitoes in Neka County, Mazandaran Province, Northern Iran date: 2010-12-15 words: 4875 flesch: 68 summary: Helminth parasites of stray dogs and jackals in Shahsavar area, Caspian region, Iran J Parasitol. The prevalence of human infection of West Nile in Iran Iran J Publ Health. keywords: azari; culicidae; hamidian; holes; iran; mosquitoes; pipiens; province; species; tree cache: jad-70.pdf plain text: jad-70.txt item: #427 of 515 id: jad-71 author: Shahandeh, KH; Basseri, HR; Pakari, A; Riazi, A title: Mosquito Vector Biting and Community Protection in a Malarious Area, Siahoo District, Hormozgan, Iran date: 2010-12-15 words: 3352 flesch: 58 summary: Mosquito collection (mosquito landing catch) Activity of malaria vectors was surveyed by human landing catch by interval two weeks during seasonal activity of mosquitoes, from 10th of April to 20th of October 2006. An- thropophily of malaria vectors in Kah- nouj District, South of Kerman, Iran. keywords: bed; biting; control; health; iran; malaria; mosquito; net; vector cache: jad-71.pdf plain text: jad-71.txt item: #428 of 515 id: jad-717 author: Talebzadeh, Fahimeh; Ghadipasha, Masoud; Gharedaghi, Jaber; Yeksan, Naser; Akbarzadeh, Kamran; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali title: Insect Fauna of Human Cadavers in Tehran District date: 2017-10-08 words: 4099 flesch: 59 summary: The aim of the present study was to investigate the fau- na of insect species attracted to human cadaver in Tehran district and to acquire knowledge of their temporal and spatial distribution in the region. Shams Sh (1999) Studies of identification of insect species of the PMI in bodies forensic medicine centers of Tehran Prov- ince. keywords: albiceps; arthropod; cadavers; entomology; fauna; forensic; human; insect; iran; larvae; pmi; species; tehran cache: jad-717.pdf plain text: jad-717.txt item: #429 of 515 id: jad-718 author: Dehghani, Rouhullah; Kassiri, Hamid title: Geographical Distribution of Scorpion Odontobuthus doriae in Esfahan Province, Central Iran date: 2017-10-08 words: 3613 flesch: 60 summary: Scorpion envenomation reports from ancient Iran are found in religious and historical texts, which indicate the long his- tory of this issue in Iran (6, 7). Scorpion envenomation is common in Mid- dle Eastern countries, which is a significant issue in Iran’s southwest, in particular, pos- ing many problems including allergic reac- tions (16, 18). keywords: arthropod; burrows; dehghani; doriae; iran; isfahan; province; regions; scorpions; september cache: jad-718.pdf plain text: jad-718.txt item: #430 of 515 id: jad-719 author: Mohammadi-Bavani, Mulood; Rafinejad, Javad; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Navidpour, Shahrokh; Dabiri, Farrokh; Badakhshan, Mehdi; Ghorbani, Esmaeil; Bagheri, Masoomeh title: Spatial Distribution of Medically Important Scorpions in North West of Iran date: 2017-10-08 words: 5184 flesch: 64 summary: Species composition and spatial distribution of scorpions, clarified in the northwestern provinces of Iran will be useful to assign the appropriate share of mon- ovalent antivenom to the area and will re- duce the public health problem and mortality due to scorpion sting because of quick ac- cess to treatment. Spatial distribution of collected scorpions from northwestern Iran. keywords: crassicauda; distribution; eupeus; fig; iran; mesobuthus; scorpions; september; species; study cache: jad-719.pdf plain text: jad-719.txt item: #431 of 515 id: jad-72 author: Dehghan, H; Sadraei, J; Moosa-Kazemi, SH title: The Morphological Variations of Culex pipiens Larvae (Diptera: Culicidae) in Yazd Province, Central Iran date: 2010-12-15 words: 3650 flesch: 62 summary: Conclusion: More populations of Culex pipiens from different areas of Iran need to be studied to gain complete information about the taxonomy and ecology of the species in the country. Culex pipiens has wide distribution from Europe, next to tropical regions of Asia and Africa till central part of North America, and one third of South Australia and South Amer- ica. keywords: complex; culex; harbach; index; iran; pipiens; siphon; species cache: jad-72.pdf plain text: jad-72.txt item: #432 of 515 id: jad-720 author: Hoseini, Seyed Mohammad; Zaheri, Bahram Ali; Adibi, Mohamad Ali; Ronaghi, Hooman; Moshrefi, Amir Hossein title: Histopathological Study of Esophageal Infection with Gasterophilus pecorum (Diptera: Oestridae) in Persian Onager (Equus hemionus onager) date: 2017-10-08 words: 2207 flesch: 57 summary: Case Report Histopathological Study of Esophageal Infection with Gasterophilus pecorum (Diptera: Oestridae) in Persian Onager (Equus hemionus onager) *Seyed Mohammad Hoseini 1, Bahram Ali Zaheri 2, Mohamad Ali Adibi 2, Hooman Ronaghi 3, Amir Hossein Moshrefi 4 1Department of Pathobiology, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran 2Department of Environmental Protection Semnan, Semnan, Iran 3Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Specialized Veterinary Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran 4Young Researchers and Elite Club, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran (Received 2 Nov 2016; accepted 22 July 2017) Abstract Background: The larval stages of Gasterophilus are obligate parasites in the gastrointestinal tract of equine account- able for pathologic ulcers in the Persian onager gastrointestinal. Keywords: Persian onager, Gasterophilus pecorum, Epithelial destruction Introduction The Persian onager (Equus hemionus on- ager), a wild donkey endemic to Iran, is clas- sified as critically endangered on the Interna- tional Union for Conservation of Nature Red List. keywords: gasterophilus; horses; larvae; myiasis; onager; pecorum; persian; study cache: jad-720.pdf plain text: jad-720.txt item: #433 of 515 id: jad-728 author: Mohammadiha, Anita; Dalimi, Abdolhossein; Mahmoodi, Mohammad Reza; Parian, Mehdi; Pirestani, Majid; Mohebali, Mehdi title: The PCR-RFLP-based Detection and Identification of the Leishmania Species Causing Human Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the Khorasan-Razavi Province, Northeast of Iran date: 2017-10-08 words: 5273 flesch: 57 summary: The ribosomal internal transcribed spacer was amplified with appropriate primers and PCR products were digested by enzyme Taq1 restrict enzyme. Although microscopical technique is applied as gold standard for CL diagnosis, but PCR assay was also used for detection of CL species. keywords: cases; dna; iran; leishmania; leishmaniasis; major; pcr; province; rflp; september; species; tropica cache: jad-728.pdf plain text: jad-728.txt item: #434 of 515 id: jad-73 author: Davari, B; Kalantar, E; Zahirnia, A; Moosa-Kazemi, SH title: Frequency of Resistance and Susceptible Bacteria Isolated from Houseflies date: 2010-12-15 words: 3098 flesch: 58 summary: Cattle barns, poultry houses, slaughter houses, and hospi- tals are sites where house flies can reproduce” (Peter et al. 2007). Abstract Background: In this study, we determine the vector competence of Musca domestica with reference to the transmis- sion of susceptible and resistance bacterial strains in hospitals and slaughter house in Sanandaj City, west Iran. keywords: bacteria; cephalexin; domestica; hospitals; houseflies; iran; resistance cache: jad-73.pdf plain text: jad-73.txt item: #435 of 515 id: jad-730 author: Zarei, Fateme; Ganjali, Maryam; Nabavi, Reza title: Identification of Theileria Species in Sheep and Vector Ticks Using PCR Method in Zabol, Eastern Iran date: 2019-04-14 words: 2872 flesch: 55 summary: Conclusion: Theileria ovis has a high prevalence among the sheep of zabol and Hy. asiaticum asiaticum, Rh. sanguineus and Rh. turanicus may be the main vectors of Theileria species in this area. Methods: This research was conducted with the aim of molecular study to identify Theileria species and vectors in Zabol, eastern Iran in 2015. keywords: iran; ovis; pcr; species; theileria; ticks cache: jad-730.pdf plain text: jad-730.txt item: #436 of 515 id: jad-733 author: Dokhan, Mostafa Ramahdan; Kenawy, Mohamed Amin; Shaibi, Taher; Annajar, Badereddin Bashir title: Field Evaluation of Outdoor Ultra-low Volume (ULV) Applications against Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Al Rabta, North-West of Libya date: 2017-10-08 words: 5556 flesch: 56 summary: In general, sand fly control is complicated by the many species of sand flies and reservoir hosts involved in the trans- mission of multiple Leishmania species over a variety of geographic habitats (3). In the two villages, a number of outdoor sites were selected for sampling of sand flies (twice a month) using the CDC light traps. keywords: cases; control; flies; fly; leishmaniasis; libya; sand; september; species; spraying; ulv cache: jad-733.pdf plain text: jad-733.txt item: #437 of 515 id: jad-734 author: Saghafipour, Abedin; Vatandoost, Hassan; Zahraei-Ramazani, Ali Reza; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Karami Jooshin, Moharram; Rassi, Yavar; Shirzadi, Mohammad Reza; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali title: Epidemiological Study on Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in an Endemic Area, of Qom Province, Central Iran date: 2017-10-08 words: 5898 flesch: 63 summary: Iran J Public Health. Iran J Publ Health. keywords: flies; iran; leishmania; leishmaniasis; libycus; major; papatasi; province; qom; sand; september; species; study; vector cache: jad-734.pdf plain text: jad-734.txt item: #438 of 515 id: jad-735 author: Tavakoli, Saeed; Vatandoost, Hassan; Zeidabadinezhad, Reza; Hajiaghaee, Reza; Hadjiakhoondi, Abbas; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Yassa, Narguess title: Gas Chromatography, GC/Mass Analysis and Bioactivity of Essential Oil from Aerial Parts of Ferulago trifida: Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, AChE Inhibitory, General Toxicity, MTT assay and Larvicidal Activities date: 2017-10-08 words: 6945 flesch: 54 summary: Antimicrobial activities The results of essential oil effects on elev- en bacteria and fungi were reported as Min- imum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and In- hibition zone in diameter (mm) (Table 2). Abstract Background: We aimed to investigate different biological properties of aerial parts essential oil of Ferulago trifida Boiss and larvicidal activity of its volatile oils from all parts of plant. keywords: activity; anopheles; borne; cell; dis; ferulago; gas; iran; larvicidal; oil; parts; september; stephensi; trifida; vatandoost cache: jad-735.pdf plain text: jad-735.txt item: #439 of 515 id: jad-74 author: Nasiri, A; Telmadarraiy, Z; Vatandoost, H; Chinikar, S; Moradi, M; Oshaghi, MA; Salim abadi, Y; Sheikh, Z title: Tick Infestation Rate of Sheep and Their Distribution in Abdanan County, Ilam Province, Iran, 2007-2008 date: 2010-12-15 words: 2204 flesch: 64 summary: Razmi et al 2002 published a list of tick species of domestic animals in northeast of Iran (Razmi et al. 2002). The sexual ratio of hard ticks, shows that the frequency of male ticks were (77%) and fe- male ticks were (23%). keywords: iran; sheep; ticks cache: jad-74.pdf plain text: jad-74.txt item: #440 of 515 id: jad-747 author: Páez-Rondón, Oscar; Otálora-Luna, Fernando; Aldana, Elis title: Revalidation of Synonymy between Nesotriatoma flavida and N. bruneri (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) date: 2017-12-30 words: 3816 flesch: 56 summary: Comparison of external morphological characters of the body and of the external male genitalia of Nesotri- atoma flavida and Nesotriatoma bruneri Character (1) N. flavida (4) (3) N. flavida Present work N. flavida N. bruneri N. flavida N. bruneri First antenna segment size Sh L Results: The results of the analyses of these characters in the specimens of our colony, and of the corresponding works where the separation and synonymy of these species has been proposed, allow us to sustain the revalidation of the synonymy between N. flavida and N. bruneri. keywords: bruneri; flavida; genitalia; male; n. bruneri; n. flavida; phallosome; species cache: jad-747.pdf plain text: jad-747.txt item: #441 of 515 id: jad-75 author: Farzinnia, B; Saghafipour, A; Abai, MR title: Malaria Situation and Anopheline Mosquitoes in Qom Province, Central Iran date: 2010-12-15 words: 2892 flesch: 65 summary: Malaria Situation and … 63 Malaria information All data about malaria cases during 2001- 2008 were obtained from disease prevention unit, Qom Province health center. First stage was data collection about malaria cases using recorded documents of patients in the Province health center, during 2001–2008. keywords: cases; iran; malaria; province; qom; situation cache: jad-75.pdf plain text: jad-75.txt item: #442 of 515 id: jad-753 author: Liu, Sung-Ying; Chang, Yu-Hui; Ji, Hui-Ru; Chiu, Cheng-Di title: Effects of Diatomaceous Earth on House Dust Mite Sensitization in BALB/c Mice date: 2019-06-02 words: 3624 flesch: 55 summary: Effects of Diatomaceous … 180 Published Online: June 24, 2019 tization with minor degree of severity com- pared with that of HDM mice (Table 1). After 7d post-administration, mice in the control, HDM+DE group and HDM group were housed separately in plastic cages of which plastic cag- es for DE group were coated with commercial- ized DE product (Casaggia®, GREEN POLY- MER CORPORATION, Taichung, Taiwan). keywords: asthma; day; diatomaceous; effects; exposure; hdm; ige; june; mice; sensitization cache: jad-753.pdf plain text: jad-753.txt item: #443 of 515 id: jad-76 author: Maazi, N; Jamshidi, Sh; Hadadzadeh, HR title: Ear Mite Infestation in Four Imported Dogs from Thailand; a Case Report date: 2010-12-15 words: 1831 flesch: 60 summary: Clinical examinations showed an excessive dark brown discharge in both ears. Four puppies; Siberian husky, Cocker spaniel, Terrier and mixed Pekignese with different genders and ages were referred to the Small Animal Hospital, Veterinary Faculty of Tehran Univer- sity, Tehran, Iran for routine clinical examination just after they were imported from Thailand in a timeframe between June to August 2008. keywords: dogs; ear; examination; mite cache: jad-76.pdf plain text: jad-76.txt item: #444 of 515 id: jad-769 author: Salim-Abadi, Yaser; Asadpour, Mohammad; Sharifi, Iraj; Sanei-Dehkordi, Alireza; Gorouhi, Mohammad Amin; Paksa, Azim; Tayyebi, Zohre; Aghaei-Afshar, Abbas title: Baseline Susceptibility of Filarial Vector Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) to Five Insecticides with Different Modes of Action in Southeast of Iran date: 2017-12-30 words: 4301 flesch: 54 summary: Abstract Background: Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) is an important vector for many human diseases. Keywords: Susceptibility status, Resistance, Insecticide, Culex quinquefasciatus, Iran Introduction The southern house mosquito, Culex quin- quefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) is an im- portant vector for many human diseases. keywords: culex; ddt; december; dis; insecticides; iran; larvae; mortality; mosquito; quinquefasciatus; rafsanjan; resistance; susceptibility cache: jad-769.pdf plain text: jad-769.txt item: #445 of 515 id: jad-77 author: Nourollahi Fard, SR; Khalili, M title: PCR-Detection of Coxiella burnetii in Ticks Collected from Sheep and Goats in Southeast Iran date: 2011-06-15 words: 3058 flesch: 61 summary: Investigations on C. burnetii using Trans-PCR are important method for diagno- sis and disease control of Q fever. Ticks may play a significant role in the transmission of C. burnetii among animals. keywords: animals; burnetii; detection; fever; iran; pcr; ticks cache: jad-77.pdf plain text: jad-77.txt item: #446 of 515 id: jad-770 author: Duygu, Fazilet; Sari, Tugba; Kaya, Turan; Bulut, Nermin title: Brucellosis in Patients with Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever date: 2017-12-30 words: 2923 flesch: 60 summary: The negative CCHF PCR results and the positive Brucella STA test results obtained for four of the patients admitted with a pre- liminary diagnosis of CCHF with symptoms of fever, general infections signs, and bicy- topenia who presented due to tick contact demonstrated the importance of performing brucellosis tests in patients monitored for sus- pected CCHF. One hundred and twenty patients with positive CCHF PCR results were diagnosed with CCHF (79%). keywords: brucellosis; cchf; congo; crimean; december; diagnosis; fever; patients; results cache: jad-770.pdf plain text: jad-770.txt item: #447 of 515 id: jad-772 author: Nikpour, Fatemeh; Vatandoost, Hassan; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Raeisi, Ahmad; Ranjbar, Mansour; Enayati, Ahmad Ali; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Shayeghi, Mansoreh; Mojahedi, Abdol Rasoul; Pourreza, Abolghasem title: Evaluation of Deltamethrin in Combination of Piperonyl Butoxide (PBO) against Pyrethroid Resistant, Malaria Vector, Anopheles stephensi in IRS Implementation: an Experimental Semi-Filed Trial in Iran date: 2017-12-30 words: 6124 flesch: 60 summary: Mortality rate in cement surface Results of bioassay test on cement showed 84–100% mortality rate of An. stephensi dur- ing the first month of treatment. Mortality rate in wood surface Results of bioassay test on wood showed 84–100% mortality rate of An. stephensi dur- ing the first month of treatment. keywords: anopheles; deltamethrin; mortality; rate; stephensi; surfaces cache: jad-772.pdf plain text: jad-772.txt item: #448 of 515 id: jad-773 author: Moradi-Asl, Eslam; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Rassi, Yavar; Vatandoost, Hassan; Mohebali, Mehdi; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Habibzadeh, Shahram; Hazrati, Sadegh; Rafizadeh, Sayena title: Situational Analysis of Visceral Leishmaniasis in the Most Important Endemic Area of the Disease in Iran date: 2017-12-30 words: 7349 flesch: 63 summary: Ardabil Province is the most important endemic focus of VL in Iran, and in recent years, 25–50% of visceral leishmaniasis cases have been found to occur in this province (12, 32, 33). Number of visceral leishmaniasis cases in Ardabil Province of Iran by gender, 2001–2015 DAT 1:3200 keywords: analysis; ardabil; areas; borne; cases; counties; december; disease; distribution; fig; health; iran; leishmaniasis; mohebali; province; study; visceral cache: jad-773.pdf plain text: jad-773.txt item: #449 of 515 id: jad-774 author: Khosravi, Mohammad; Mayahi, Mansour; Kaviani, Farnoosh; Nemati, Mohammad title: The Effects of Isolated Fractions of Mesobuthus eupeus Scorpion Venom on Humoral Immune Response date: 2017-12-30 words: 3313 flesch: 57 summary: This study evaluated the use of Meso- buthus eupeus scorpion venom fractions as an immunomodulator. Moreover, scorpion venoms could enhance the release of different inflammatory mediators which cause leukocytosis and raise the cytokines levels such as IL1b, IL6, IL8, IL10, TNFa and NO (21, 22). keywords: december; effects; eupeus; fractions; nacl; protein; response; scorpion; srbc; titer; toxicon; venom cache: jad-774.pdf plain text: jad-774.txt item: #450 of 515 id: jad-775 author: Veysi, Arshad; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohamad Reza; Rassi, Yavar; Hosseini-Vasoukolaei, Nasibeh; Jeddi-Tehrani, Mahmood; Rezaee-Node, Aref; Gholampour, Fatemeh; Saeidi, Zahra; Fatemi, Mahboubeh; Arandian, Mohamad Hossein; Khamesipour, Ali; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad title: Rearing and Biology of Phlebotomus sergenti, the Main Vector of Anthroponotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Iran date: 2017-12-30 words: 6043 flesch: 53 summary: To achieve this purpose, blood fed sand flies left to lay eggs individually. Colony rearing Sand fly colony was maintained in an isolated room with controlled temperature (26–28 °C) and 14:10 (light: dark) photoperiod based on modified method of Modi and Tesh (1983) (13). keywords: average; blood; days; december; feeding; flies; iran; phlebotomus; rearing; sand; sergenti; study; time cache: jad-775.pdf plain text: jad-775.txt item: #451 of 515 id: jad-776 author: El-Dib, Nadia Ali; Wahab, Wegdan Mohamed Abd El; Hamdy, Doaa Ahmed; Ali, Mona Ibrahim title: Case Report of Human Urinary Myiasis Caused by Clogmia albipunctata (Diptera: Psychodidae) with Morphological Description of Larva and Pupa date: 2017-12-30 words: 2996 flesch: 60 summary: This study reported and described the first case of human urinary myiasis caused by C. albipunctatain Beni-Suef Governorate, the second in Egypt and third case worldwide. Conclusion Despite urinary myiasis is very rare in humans, urologists should consider it as an unusual cause of urinary tract infections es- pecially in patients with non-specific urinary symptoms when no pathology is identified at routine examination and in those who live in rural areas with unsanitary poor environ- mental and socioeconomic levels. Abstract Background: Urinary myiasis is a form of myiasis caused mainly by larvae of Fannia scalaris, Musca, Sarcophaga, Lucilia, Wohlfahrtia, Calliphora, and rarely by Eristalis and Clogmia albipunctata. keywords: albipunctata; case; egypt; larvae; myiasis; patient; report cache: jad-776.pdf plain text: jad-776.txt item: #452 of 515 id: jad-777 author: Panigrahi, Manjit; Panigrahi, Ansuman title: Curbing Malaria: A New Hope through Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) Technology date: 2017-12-30 words: 1008 flesch: 56 summary: The CRISPR and Cas (CRISPR- associated) proteins function as the RNA- based adaptive immune system in bacteria and archaea (3) and CRISPR sequences give bacteria a physical record of the viruses that bacteria come across. The protein associated with CRISPR system i.e. Cas9 is pro- grammed to find and bind to specific sites in the virus genome, directed by special guide molecules made of RNA (4, 5). keywords: crispr; gene; genome; malaria cache: jad-777.pdf plain text: jad-777.txt item: #453 of 515 id: jad-778 author: Dehghan, Hossein; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Yakhchali, Bagher; Vatandoost, Hassan; Maleki-Ravasan, Naseh; Rassi, Yavar; Mohammadzadeh, Habib; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Mohtarami, Fatemeh title: Dynamics of Transgenic Enterobacter cloacae Expressing Green Fluorescent Protein-Defensin (GFP-D) in Anopheles stephensi under Laboratory Condition date: 2017-12-30 words: 9028 flesch: 55 summary: A blood meal intake following three days causes tremendous (140000 folds) uprise in the number of adult guts bacteria but lower than the previous experiment (14 mil- lion versus 155 million). Dynamics of Enterobacter cloacae-GFP-D in Anopheles stephensi adult gut keywords: adult; anopheles; bacteria; bait; blood; borne; cloacae; control; december; dis; dynamics; enterobacter; gfp; iran; larvae; malaria; meal; midgut; mosquitoes; stephensi; sugar; water cache: jad-778.pdf plain text: jad-778.txt item: #454 of 515 id: jad-78 author: Naddaf, SR; Kishdehi, M; Siavashi, MR title: Comparison of PCR-Based Diagnosis with Centrifuged-Based Enrichment Method for Detection of Borrelia persica in Animal Blood Samples date: 2011-06-15 words: 3184 flesch: 66 summary: Also, a centrifuged-based enrichment method and Giemsa staining were per- formed on blood samples with various degrees of spirochetemia. Quantitative buffy coat (QBC) analysis of blood samples showed to be a reliable for diagnosis of RF when the spirochetes are low in numbers, but it relies on florescent microscopy, the equipment rarely available in rural health centers (van Dam et al. 1999, Cobey et al. 2001). keywords: blood; fever; method; pcr; samples; spirochetes cache: jad-78.pdf plain text: jad-78.txt item: #455 of 515 id: jad-780 author: de MENDONCA, Philippe Gil title: Troubleshooting Real-Time PCR Screening for Leishmania infantum date: 2018-12-25 words: 818 flesch: 63 summary: A simple and quick real- time PCR protocol was proposed for screening samples for L. infantum (4). The implication of this is that if using a fast cooling thermocycler with Peltier element, the real-time PCR will work as expected (see Fig. 2 in reference 5), although the curves some- times look somewhat stretched, which is a symptom of suboptimal PCR conditions. keywords: pcr; time cache: jad-780.pdf plain text: jad-780.txt item: #456 of 515 id: jad-79 author: Lau, YS; Sulaiman, S; Othman, H title: The Effectiveness of Trypsin Modulating Oostatic Factor (TMOF) and Combination of TMOF with Bacillus thuringiensis Against Aedes aegypti Larvae in the Laboratory date: 2011-06-15 words: 3156 flesch: 62 summary: So the objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of TMOF and combination of TMOF with Ba- cillus thuringiensis on Ae. aegypti larvae in the laboratory. 6. Effectiveness of Pichia-TMOF and combination of 0.01 ppm Bt with Pichia TMOF on Aedes aegypti on day-12 (Min ± SEM) keywords: aegypti; combination; larvae; pichia; ppm; tmof cache: jad-79.pdf plain text: jad-79.txt item: #457 of 515 id: jad-797 author: Ebrahimzadeh-Leylabadlo, Hamed title: Malaria Eliminating: What Lies Ahead of Iran? date: 2018-03-18 words: 503 flesch: 52 summary: Hamed Ebrahimzadeh-Leylabadlo Infectious and Tropical Diseases Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran (Received 6 June 2017; accepted 24 Jan 2018) Dear Editor-in-Chief In recent years, Iran has made significant advances on the fight against malaria with a stated objective of complete elimination. The burden of most infectious diseases, including malaria, leish- maniasis, and tuberculosis in Afghanistan is more noteworthy than in Iran and individuals Afghani are most of the migrants in Iran (3). keywords: iran; malaria cache: jad-797.pdf plain text: jad-797.txt item: #458 of 515 id: jad-798 author: Kassiri, Hamid; Zarrin, Majid; Veys-Behbahani, Rahele title: Pathogenic Fungal Species Associated with Digestive System of Periplaneta americana (Blattaria: Blattidae) Trapped from Residential Dwellings in Ahvaz City, Southwestern Iran date: 2018-03-18 words: 4165 flesch: 57 summary: Doroodgar A, Arbabi M, Asadi MA (2006) Survey on parasitic and fungal agents of hospital cockroaches in Kashan- 2002. Conclusion: American cockroaches may carry pathogenic fungi in the urban areas of Ahvaz. keywords: 0(0; american; aspergillus; candida; cockroaches; dis; fungal; fungi; iran; isolated; species; spp cache: jad-798.pdf plain text: jad-798.txt item: #459 of 515 id: jad-799 author: Carvalho, Gílcia Aparecida de; Ramos, Rafael Antonio Nascimento; Maia, Rafael Trindade; Andrade, Carlos Fernando Salgueirosa de; Alves, Leucio Câmara title: Melanization of Dirofilaria immitis Larvae in Different Culicid Species date: 2018-03-18 words: 2944 flesch: 54 summary: This is an important finding, especially because all populations and species herein studied are susceptible and allows the development of D. immitis microfilariae; accordingly, these populations are considered potential vectors of D. immitis. Infected females with Dirofilaria immitis microfilariae, and presence of melanized larvae P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Females with D. immitis microfilariae (%)* 13.47 (111/824) 15.63 (131/838) 17.55 (149/849) 11.57 (95/821) 16.97 (149/878) Females with D. immitis melanized larvae * keywords: aedes; aegypti; dirofilaria; immitis; infection; larvae; melanization; populations cache: jad-799.pdf plain text: jad-799.txt item: #460 of 515 id: jad-8 author: Moosa-Kazemi, SH; Vatandoost, H; Raeisi, A; Akbarzadeh, K title: Deltamethrin Impregnated Bed Nets in a Malaria Control Program in Chabahar, Southeast Baluchistan, I.R. Iran date: 2007-06-15 words: 4839 flesch: 62 summary: Treated nets were used in three villages, and in the two control villages, one used untreated nets and the other used indoor spraying with deltamethrin (WP 10%), without nets. On this basis, five villages with 1092 houses and 4464 population were selected and ran- domly three villages assigned as the trial village to receive treated nets with deltamethrin SC 0.05 (AgrEvo, Marseille, France), one village with 892 inhabitants to receive untreated nets and one control villages with a total of 881 were also selected randomly that received no nets and carried out indoor residual spraying with deltamethrin (WP 10%) in 2005. keywords: bed; control; culicifacies; deltamethrin; health; iran; kazemi; malaria; moosa; mosquitoes; nets; stephensi cache: jad-8.pdf plain text: jad-8.txt item: #461 of 515 id: jad-80 author: Sanei Dehkordi, A; Rassi, Y; Oshaghi, MA; Abai, MR; Rafizadeh, S; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, MR; Mohebali, M; Zarei, Z; Mohtarami, F; Jafarzadeh, B; Ranjbarkhah, A; Javadian, E title: Molecular Detection of Leishmania infantum in Naturally Infected Phlebotomus perfiliewi transcaucasicus in Bilesavar District, Northwestern Iran date: 2011-06-15 words: 3353 flesch: 58 summary: Iran J Public Health. Iran J Public Health. keywords: infantum; iran; leishmania; perfiliewi; species cache: jad-80.pdf plain text: jad-80.txt item: #462 of 515 id: jad-802 author: Alijani, Yasaman; Hosseini, Saeedeh Sadat; Ahmadian, Salman; Boughattas, Sonia; Eslami, Gilda; Naderian, Shadi; Ajamian, Vahid title: Molecular Analysis of Aquaglyceroporin 1 Gene in Non-Healing Clinical Isolates Obtained from Patients with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis from Central of Iran date: 2019-05-25 words: 4047 flesch: 45 summary: This is the first report of effec- tive of G562A on AQP1 gene expression in clinical non-healing isolates. Sharma M, Mandal G, Mandal S, Bhattacharjee H, Mukhopadhyay R (2015) Functional role of lysine 12 in Leishmania major AQP1. keywords: analysis; aqp1; expression; gene; group; healing; isolates; june; leishmania; major; mutation; treatment cache: jad-802.pdf plain text: jad-802.txt item: #463 of 515 id: jad-804 author: Ghorbani, Fatemeh; Vatandoost, Hassan; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Nikookar, Hassan; Enayati, Ahmad Ali title: High Resistance of Vector of West Nile Virus, Culex pipiens Linnaeus (Diptera: Culicidae) to Different Insecticides Recommended by WHO in Northern Iran date: 2018-03-18 words: 3204 flesch: 59 summary: Vinogradova EB (2000) Culex pipiens pipiens mosquitoes: taxonomy, distri- bution, ecology, physiology, genetics, applied importance and control. Abstract Background: Culex pipiens is a mosquito species distributed in different parts of Iran. keywords: culex; insecticides; iran; mosquitoes; pesticides; pipiens; resistance; study cache: jad-804.pdf plain text: jad-804.txt item: #464 of 515 id: jad-805 author: Pourkhalili, Khalil; Fatemikia, Hossein; Kim, Euikyung; Mashayekhy, Navid Reza; Dounighi, Naser Mohammadpour; Hajivandi, Abdollah; Hassan, Yaghoob; Seyedian, Ramin title: Hemodynamic Changes in Experimentally Envenomed Anaesthetized Rats by Intravenous Injection of Hemiscorpius lepturus Venom date: 2018-03-18 words: 4385 flesch: 51 summary: Zeghal K, Sahnoun Z, Guinot M, Richer C, Giudicelli JF (2000) Characteriza- tion and mechanisms of the cardiovas- cular and haemodynamic alterations in- duced by scorpion venom in rats. Gueron M, Adolph RJ, Grupp IL, Gabel M, Grupp G, Fowler NO (1980) He- modynamic and myocardial conse- quences of scorpion venom. keywords: antivenom; changes; effects; hemiscorpius; injection; iran; lepturus; march; pressure; rats; scorpion; venom cache: jad-805.pdf plain text: jad-805.txt item: #465 of 515 id: jad-81 author: Sharififard, M; Mossadegh, MS; Vazirianzadeh, B; Zarei-Mahmoudabadi, A title: Interactions between Entomopathogenic Fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae and Sublethal Doses of Spinosad for Control of House Fly, Musca domestica date: 2011-06-15 words: 4630 flesch: 56 summary: The research objectives were to enhance the lethal effect of M. anisopliae strain IRAN 437C by using it in combination with differ- ent sublethal doses of spinosad against house fly, M. domestica. Previ- ous study indicated that M. anisopliae strain IRAN 437° C was the most virulent against house fly, M. domestica that caused higher mortality in the shorter time than the others (Sharififard et al. 2011), so this isolate was selected for current study. keywords: anisopliae; combination; house; mortality; spinosad; treatments cache: jad-81.pdf plain text: jad-81.txt item: #466 of 515 id: jad-817 author: Golpayegani, Abdolali; Moslem, Ali Reza; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Zeydabadi, Azam; Mahvi, Amir Hossein; Allah-Abadi, Ahmad title: Modeling of Environmental Factors Affecting the Prevalence of Zoonotic and Anthroponotic Cutaneous, and Zoonotic Visceral Leishmaniasis in Foci of Iran: A Remote Sensing and GIS Based Study date: 2018-03-18 words: 12495 flesch: 60 summary: Two dominant types of leishmaniasis there in Iran are: zoonotic visceral or kala-azar (ZVL), the most serious and fatal type of the disease, and both types of cutaneous leishmaniasis namely urban form or anthroponotic cutaneous *Corresponding authors: Dr Amir Hossein Mahvi, E- mail:, Dr Ahmad Allah-Abadi, E- mail: A comprehensive review of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Kerman Province, southeastern iran- narrative review article. keywords: 12(1; 41–66; arthropod; borne; data; disease; et al; factors; golpayegani; health; incidence; iran; iran j; leishmaniasis; march; med; modeling; mohebali; prevalence; province; public; regression; sci; sharifi; study; univ; variables; visceral; visceral leishmaniasis; yaghoobi; zoonotic cache: jad-817.pdf plain text: jad-817.txt item: #467 of 515 id: jad-82 author: Azari-Hamidian, S title: Larval Habitat Characteristics of the Genus Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae) and a Checklist of Mosquitoes in Guilan Province, Northern Iran date: 2011-06-15 words: 9065 flesch: 59 summary: Five species of Anopheles; An. claviger (Meigen) (6.3%), An.’hyrcanus’ (22.4%), An. maculipennis s.l. (54.4%), An. plumbeus Stephens (13.0%), and An. superpictus (3.9%) were found among the samples (Table 1). However every species shows some preferred characteristics in comparison with others as follow: An. superpictus prefers the habitats without vegetation (65.6%); An. claviger and An. superpictus more adapt the habitats with mud (73.7% and 67.8%, respectively) or gravel (17.9% and 32.2%) substrate, respec- tively, whereas An. ’hyrcanus’ and An. ma- culipennis s.l. are less conservative in this regard; An. claviger lays the eggs often (66.0%) in shaded area; An. claviger and An. keywords: anopheles; azari; et al; guilan; habitat; hamidian; iran; larval; maculipennis; pipiens; province; s.l; species; superpictus; tritaeniorhynchus cache: jad-82.pdf plain text: jad-82.txt item: #468 of 515 id: jad-820 author: Masoori, Leila; Kheirandish, Farnaz; Haghighi, Ali; Mohebali, Mehdi; Akhoundi, Behnaz; Taghipour, Niloofar; Gachkar, Latif; Chegeni-Sharafi, Ali; Moin-Vaziri, Vahideh title: Molecular-Based Detection of Leishmania infantum in Human Blood Samples in a New Focus of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Lorestan Province, Iran date: 2018-03-18 words: 4463 flesch: 60 summary: March 18, 2018 Original Article Molecular-Based Detection of Leishmania infantum in Human Blood Samples in a New Focus of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Lorestan Province, Iran Leila Masoori 1, Farnaz Kheirandish 2, Ali Haghighi 1, Mehdi Mohebali 3,4, Behnaz Ak- houndi 3, Niloofar Taghipour 1, Latif Gachkar 5, Ali Chegeni-Sharafi 6, *Vahideh Moin- Vaziri 1 1Department of Parasitology and Mycology, School of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2Department of Parasitology and Mycology, School of Medicine, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Iran 3Department of Medical Parasitology and Mycology, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 4Center for Research of Endemic Parasites of Iran (CREPI), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 5Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 6Department of Communication Disease Control and Prevention, Deputy of Health, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Lorestan, Khorramabad, Iran (Received 15 Mar 2015; accepted 19 Feb 2018) Keywords: Visceral leishmaniasis, Leishmania infantum, kDNA, ITS1, Iran Introduction Leishmaniasis is a group of protozoan dis- eases transmitted to humans and other mam- mals by Phlebotominae sandflies and can mani- fest in different clinical forms, depending upon the infecting species of Leishmania. keywords: detection; dis; dna; infantum; iran; leishmania; leishmaniasis; lorestan; march; pcr; samples; study cache: jad-820.pdf plain text: jad-820.txt item: #469 of 515 id: jad-821 author: Fekri, Sajjad; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Salari, Yousef; Davoodian, Parivash; Safari, Reza; Dadvand, Habib; Mohebbi, Mohsen; Issazadeh, Hossein; kamali, Zahra title: Situational Analysis of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in an Endemic Focus of the Disease, Southeastern Iran date: 2018-03-18 words: 4182 flesch: 56 summary: Modeling the distribution of cutaneous leishman- iasis vectors (Psychodidae: Phlebotom- inae) in Iran: A potential transmission in disease prone areas. Maroli M, Feliciangeli MD, Bichaud L, Charrel RN, Gradoni L (2013) Phle- botomine sandflies and the spreading of leishmaniases and other diseases of public health concern. keywords: analysis; areas; county; disease; iran; jask; leishmaniasis; march; risk; study cache: jad-821.pdf plain text: jad-821.txt item: #470 of 515 id: jad-823 author: Abouelhassan, Eman Mohammed; ElGawady, Hamdy Mohammed; AbdelAal, Ahmad Anwar; El-Gayar, Amal Kamal; Gassent, Maria D. Esteve title: Comparison of some Molecular Markers for Tick Species Identification date: 2019-05-25 words: 5232 flesch: 54 summary: Regarding tick species, 16S rDNA was used and succeeded to construct phylogeny of both hard and soft ticks (6, 7, 8) and 16S rDNA is useful in constructing their tick phy- logenetic tree, but there is a problem asso- ciated with 16S rDNA is that using this gene alone is not sufficient for getting full resolu- tion for the tree so the best way to solve it accompanied it with another gene like 12S rDNA (6, 8). In ad- dition, bad preservation of tick samples often occurs, leading to incorrect identifications (4). keywords: 16s; adult; amblyomma; brazos; county; dermacentor; female; identification; ixodes; june; rdna; samples; scapularis; species; texas; tick cache: jad-823.pdf plain text: jad-823.txt item: #471 of 515 id: jad-827 author: Paksa, Azim; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mahdi; Vatandoost, Hassan; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, Mohammad Reza; Moosa-Kazemi, Seyed Hassan; Hazratian, Teimour; Sanei-Dehkordi, Alireza; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali title: Biodiversity of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) with Emphasis on Potential Arbovirus Vectors in East Azerbaijan Province, Northwestern Iran date: 2019-04-14 words: 7229 flesch: 66 summary: Our study showed that there was a significant cor- relation between the distances of larval habi- tats of Anopheles, Ae. caspius, Ae. vexans and Cx. theileri mosquitoes with human and an- imal sites, because the larval habitats of these mosquitoes were found more near to human and animal houses. In these investigation characteristics of mosquitoes larval habitats was studied. keywords: azerbaijan; habitats; iran; larval; mosquitoes; pipiens; province; s.l; species; study; table; theileri; vexans; water cache: jad-827.pdf plain text: jad-827.txt item: #472 of 515 id: jad-83 author: Shiravi, AH; Mostafavi, R; Akbarzadeh, K; Oshaghi, MA title: Temperature Requirements of Some Common Forensically Important Blow and Flesh Flies (Diptera) under Laboratory Conditions date: 2011-06-15 words: 4479 flesch: 60 summary: Development rates of these flies are fre- quently used to estimate PMI in homicide investigations in the first few weeks after death. Development rates for Sarco- phaga sp. were lower than the blowflies. keywords: albiceps; development; diptera; flies; forensic; larvae; sarcophaga; sericata; temperature; time cache: jad-83.pdf plain text: jad-83.txt item: #473 of 515 id: jad-836 author: Saeidi, Zahra; Vatandoost, Hassan title: Aquatic Insect from Iran for Possible Use of Biological Control of Main Vector-Borne Disease of Malaria and Water Indicator of Contamination date: 2018-03-18 words: 7845 flesch: 62 summary: Iran J Arthropod Borne Dis. Iran J Ar- thropod Borne Dis. keywords: anopheles; aquatic; arthropod; borne; culicidae; diptera; dis; families; insect; iran; iran j; malaria; march; oshaghi; province; species; stephensi; vatandoost h; vector; water cache: jad-836.pdf plain text: jad-836.txt item: #474 of 515 id: jad-837 author: Vatandoost, Hassan; Rustaie, Arezoo; Talaeian, Zeynab; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Moradkhani, Fatemeh; Vazirian, Mahdi; Hadjiakhoondi, Abbas; Shams-Ardekani, Mohammad Reza; Khanavi, Mahnaz title: Larvicidal Activity of Bunium persicum Essential Oil and Extract against Malaria Vector, Anopheles stephensi date: 2018-03-18 words: 3755 flesch: 58 summary: Sanei-Dehkordi A, Vatandoost H, Abaei MR, Davari B, Sedaghat MM (2016) Chemical composition and larvicidal ac- tivity of Bunium persicum essential oil against two important mosquitoes vec- tors. Methods: Larvicidal activity of essential oil, extracts and fractions of a wild grown and a cultivated type of Bunium persicum fruits against malaria vector Anopheles stephensi was assessed according to the method described by WHO. keywords: activity; anopheles; iran; larvicidal; malaria; oil; persicum; stephensi; vatandoost; vector; wild cache: jad-837.pdf plain text: jad-837.txt item: #475 of 515 id: jad-84 author: Shahi, M; Hosseini, A; Shemshad, K; Rafinejad, J title: The Occurrence of Red-Back Spider Latrodectus hasselti (Araneae: Theridiidae) in Bandar Abbas, Southern Port of Iran date: 2011-06-15 words: 2341 flesch: 66 summary: Widow spiders of the genus Latrodectus are found worldwide (Graudins et al. 2001). Red-back spiders, L. hasselti, are widow spiders (Stallybrass 1969) and are the most medically importance spi- ders all over the world, and certainly in Aus- tralia (Stallybrass 1969, Clark et al. 1992, Vetter and Visscher 1998, Isbister and Gray 2002). keywords: abbas; bandar; hasselti; iran; latrodectus; red; species; spider cache: jad-84.pdf plain text: jad-84.txt item: #476 of 515 id: jad-848 author: Khanmohammadi, Majid; Falak, Reza; Meamar, Ahmad Reza; Arshadi, Mehdi; Akhlaghi, Lame; Razmjou, Elham title: Molecular Detection and Phylogenetic Analysis of Endosymbiont Wolbachia pipientis (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae) Isolated from Dirofilaria immitis in Northwest of Iran date: 2019-04-14 words: 5189 flesch: 53 summary: Phylogenetic tree of Wolbachia WSP gene sequences from Meshkinshahr of North West Iran and other pre- vious registered sequences from different areas using maximum likelihood method based on the Tamura-Nei model with 1000 bootstrap repetition Fig. Taylor MJ, Voronin D, Johnston KL, Ford L (2013) Wolbachia filarial interactions. keywords: detection; dirofilaria; dna; dogs; filarial; gene; immitis; iran; molecular; nematodes; pipientis; sequences; species; wolbachia; wsp cache: jad-848.pdf plain text: jad-848.txt item: #477 of 515 id: jad-85 author: Wiwanitkit, V title: Dog Ear Mite Infestation: a Possible Problem in Public Health System date: 2011-12-15 words: 282 flesch: 56 summary: Ugbomoiko US, Ariza L, Heukelbach J (2008) Parasites of importance for human health in Nigerian dogs: high prevalence and limited knowledge of pet owners. Finally, these methods are suggested for control of the possible emerging of Otodec- tes infection: a) legal control of dog, b) health education for dog’s owner, c) surveil- lance on dog borne diseases including to otodectosis and d) promotion of awareness to the medical personnel on this forgotten problem. keywords: thailand cache: jad-85.pdf plain text: jad-85.txt item: #478 of 515 id: jad-86 author: Nawaz, R; Rashid Rathor, H; Bilal, H; Hassan, SA; Akram Khan, I title: Adulticidal Activity of Olea vera, Linum usitatissimum and Piper nigera against Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti under Laboratory Conditions date: 2011-12-15 words: 3373 flesch: 67 summary: Therefore the present study was con- ducted for the evaluation of botanicals ex- tracts against An. stephensi and Ae. aegypti. Oils from black pepper and linseed had the lowest LC90 value (30.12 and 94.81) re- spectively, after 24 h of exposure, followed by olive seed (347.12), While after 48 h of exposure black pepper and linseed had the lowest LC90 value (17.26 and 56.61) re- spectively, after 48 h of exposure, followed by olive seed (237.59) against An. stephensi. keywords: aegypti; black; extracts; linseed; olive; pepper; respectively; stephensi cache: jad-86.pdf plain text: jad-86.txt item: #479 of 515 id: jad-869 author: Sanei-Dehkordi, Alireza; Gholami, Sahereh; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Sedaghat, Mohammad Mehdi title: Essential Oil Composition and Larvicidal Evaluation of Platycladus orientalis against Two Mosquito Vectors, Anopheles stephensi and Culex pipiens date: 2018-06-13 words: 3684 flesch: 61 summary: According to proposed categories of lar- vicidal activity of plant essential oils against mosquito larvae, essential oil of P. orientalis can be considered as active (38) to very ac- tive (39) plant. Methods: Essential oil was extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed with gas chromatography and mass spec- trometry (GC-MS). keywords: activity; anopheles; dehkordi; iran; june; larvicidal; mosquito; oil; orientalis; sanei; stephensi; vector cache: jad-869.pdf plain text: jad-869.txt item: #480 of 515 id: jad-87 author: Tavassoli, M; Shayeghi, M; Abai, MR; Vatandoost, H; Khoobdel, M; Salari, M; Ghaderi, A; Rafi, F title: Repellency Effects of Essential Oils of Myrtle (Myrtus communis), Marigold (Calendula officinalis) Compared with DEET against Anopheles stephensi on Human Volunteers date: 2011-12-15 words: 6143 flesch: 60 summary: Statisti- cal comparison of the data was revealed that the ED values for essential oils myrtle and marigold is significantly higher than ED values of DEET, showing less repellency of bo- tanical repellents compared with DEET (P< 0.01). In this study, the effect of essential oils myrtle and marigold as the botanical repellents were compared with DEET. keywords: anopheles; deet; dis; et al; iran; malaria; marigold; myrtle; oils; protection; repellency; stephensi; vatandoost; vector cache: jad-87.pdf plain text: jad-87.txt item: #481 of 515 id: jad-879 author: Khan, Wajihullah; Zakai, Haytham A.; Khan, Khadija; Kausar, Sharba; Aqeel, Sana title: Discriminating Clinical and Biological Features in Malaria and Dengue Patients date: 2018-06-13 words: 5588 flesch: 65 summary: Thrombocy- topenia in dengue patients was much higher compared to falciparum malaria (76.27: 50.89, P= 0.002). Haematological and systemic disorders in falciparum malaria and dengue patients Test indi cators AST ALT Creatinine Urea L ev el s o f m ar k er s 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Low DF Mild DF Severe DF Low DHF keywords: cases; dengue; dengue patients; dis; falciparum; falciparum malaria; fever; infections; june; khan; liver; malaria; med; patients; severe; study; thrombocytopenia cache: jad-879.pdf plain text: jad-879.txt item: #482 of 515 id: jad-88 author: Hosseini, A; Dalimi, A; Abdigoudarzi, M title: Morphometric Study on Male Specimens of Hyalomma anatolicum (Acari: Ixodidae) in West of Iran date: 2011-12-15 words: 3927 flesch: 54 summary: The variation in range and quantity of the morphometric parameters of H. anatolicum underlying that the correct identification and key construction for Hyalomma species depended on a com- plement morphometric study on the other spe- cies especially closely related species. Delpy (1936a), after studying the genus Hyalomma, came to con- clusion that diagnosis of Hyalomma species was almost impossible and suggested that the range of variations among laboratory bred off- spring of individual females must be studied, for instance he reported high spectrum of qualitative variation in the adanal shields of Hyalomma dromedarii. keywords: anatolicum; conscutum; grooves; hyalomma; iran; length; species; study cache: jad-88.pdf plain text: jad-88.txt item: #483 of 515 id: jad-881 author: Yousefbeyk, Fatemeh; Vatandoost, Hassan; Golfakhrabadi, Fereshteh; Mirzaee, Zahra; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Amin, Gholamreza; Khanavi, Mahnaz title: Antioxidant and Larvicidal Activity of Areal Parts of Scrophularia striata against Malaria Vector Anopheles stephensi date: 2018-06-13 words: 4094 flesch: 57 summary: Studied showed the inhibitory ef- fect of S. striata extract on matrix metallo- proteinases and astrocyte cancer cell line (1321) (18, 19). Rezaie-Tavirani M, Mortazavi SA, Bar- zegar M, Moghadamnia SH, Rezaee MB (2010) Study of anti cancer pro- perty of Scrophularia striata extract on the human astrocytoma cell line (1321). keywords: activity; antioxidant; extract; fraction; june; larvicidal; lc50; methanol; scrophularia; stephensi; striata; total; water cache: jad-881.pdf plain text: jad-881.txt item: #484 of 515 id: jad-883 author: Arzamani, Kourosh; Mohammadi, Zeinolabedin; Shirzadi, Mohammad Reza; Alavinia, Seyed Mohammad; Jafari, Behruz; Darvish, Jamshid title: Faunistic Study of the Rodents of North Khorasan Province, North East of Iran, 2011–2013 date: 2018-06-13 words: 4217 flesch: 65 summary: Faunistic Study of … 127 Published Online: June 12, 2018 Original Article Faunistic Study of the Rodents of North Khorasan Province, North East of Iran, 2011–2013 Kourosh Arzamani 1, *Zeinolabedin Mohammadi 2, Mohammad Reza Shirzadi 3, Seyed Mohammad Alavinia 1, Behruz Jafari 4, Jamshid Darvish 2, 5 1Vector-borne Diseases Research Center, North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences, Bojnurd, Iran 2Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran 3Zoonoses Control Department, Ministry of Health, Tehran, Iran 4Environmental Office of North Khorasan Province, Bojnurd, Iran 5Rodentology Research Department, Applied Animal Institute, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran (Received 25 Nov 2015; accepted 8 May 2018) The aim of this study was to investigate the faunal composition of rodent in North Khorasan Province, Northeast of Iran. keywords: iran; khorasan; north; province; rodents; species; study; × × cache: jad-883.pdf plain text: jad-883.txt item: #485 of 515 id: jad-884 author: Ramazani, Ali; Tavakolizadeh, Mahdi; Ramazani, Samira; Kheiri-Manjili, Hamidreza; Eskandari, Mehdi title: Antiplasmodial Property of Glycyrrhiza glabra Traditionally Used for Malaria in Iran: Promising Activity with High Selectivity Index for Malaria date: 2018-06-13 words: 3098 flesch: 57 summary: In silico and in vivo anti-malarial studies of 18 beta glycyrrhetinic acid from Glycyr- rhiza glabra. Increasing resistance in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum against artemisinin- based drugs is challenging to malaria control programs (2) and demands a wild attempt to develop novel anti-malarial drugs (3-5). keywords: acetate; activity; ethyl; falciparum; fractions; glabra; methanol; ramazani; water cache: jad-884.pdf plain text: jad-884.txt item: #486 of 515 id: jad-885 author: Adenusi, Adedotun A; Akinyemi, Mary I; Akinsanya, Dele title: Domiciliary Cockroaches as Carriers of Human Intestinal Parasites in Lagos Metropolis, Southwest Nigeria: Implications for Public Health date: 2018-06-13 words: 5627 flesch: 55 summary: We investigated the prevalence of human intestinal parasites in cockroaches and its attendant public health importance. Methods: Overall, 749 cockroaches (Periplaneta americana, 509, Blattella germanica, 240) caught by trapping from 120 households comprising 3 different housing types in Somolu, Lagos metropolis, southwest Nigeria, in 2015 were screened for human intestinal parasites using standard parasitological techniques. keywords: americana; body; cockroaches; germanica; gut; health; housing; june; lagos; nigeria; parasites; prevalence; species; study cache: jad-885.pdf plain text: jad-885.txt item: #487 of 515 id: jad-887 author: Dzul-Rosado, Karla; Lugo-Caballero, Cesar; Arias-Leon, Juan Jose; Pacheco-Tucuch, Freddy; Peniche-Lara, Gaspar; Zavala-Castro, Jorge title: Attitudes and Practices from People of a Mayan Community of Mexico, Related to Tick-borne Diseases: Implications for the Design of Prevention Programs date: 2018-06-13 words: 5330 flesch: 65 summary: This survey was designed and validated prior the start of the study, and consisted in 10 items with its optional answers covering four different topics: (A) Knowledge (regarding the recognition of ticks and the presence of res- ervoirs in their houses or backyards), B) Risk of being bitten by ticks, C) Actions after a bite, D) Prevention measures to avoid tick bites. Representative Field notes regarding the main topics explored during face to face interviews Main Topic Subtopic Quotes from the people Knowledge of ticks Mayan Names given to ticks Peech (Tick), Sojol peech (Ticks living in the dead leaves), K’àak’ peech (Fire tick, red-colored ticks), Mejen peech (small size ticks), Buul tá peech (Ticks living on feces). keywords: attitudes; borne; community; diseases; dzul; june; knowledge; mexico; people; rosado; ticks; yucatan; zavala cache: jad-887.pdf plain text: jad-887.txt item: #488 of 515 id: jad-89 author: Aghaei Afshar, A; Rassi, Y; Sharifi, I; Abai, MR; Oshaghi, MA; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, MR; Vatandoost, H title: Susceptibility Status of Phlebotomus papatasi and P. sergenti (Diptera: Psychodidae) to DDT and Deltamethrin in a Focus of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis after Earthquake Strike in Bam, Iran date: 2011-12-15 words: 5121 flesch: 61 summary: Methods: Baseline susceptibility tests were carried out on field collected strains of P. papatasi and P. sergenti and tested with WHO impregnated papers with DDT 4.0% and deltamethrin 0.05% in the focus of disease in Dehbakri County during summer 2010. The LT50 value of DDT 4.0% and deltamethrin 0.05% against P. papatasi was 20.6 and 13.6 minutes re- spectively. keywords: ddt; ershadi; iran; leishmaniasis; papatasi; phlebotomus; sand; sergenti; susceptibility; yaghoobi cache: jad-89.pdf plain text: jad-89.txt item: #489 of 515 id: jad-890 author: Teimouri, Aref; Mohebali, Mehdi; Kazemirad, Elham; Hajjaran, Homa title: Molecular Identification of Agents of Human Cutaneous Leishmaniasis and Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis in Different Areas of Iran Using Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 PCR-RFLP date: 2018-06-13 words: 4902 flesch: 54 summary: Intra-species comparison of ITS1 region in L. infantum, L. major and L. tropica isolates were showed 100%, 98.2% and 72.4 % similarities, respectively. These findings are similar to studies reported that L. tropica isolates included the highest diver- gence in ITS1 genes (26). keywords: identification; infantum; iran; isolates; its1; june; l. major; l. tropica; leishmania; leishmaniasis; major; pcr; species; spp; tropica cache: jad-890.pdf plain text: jad-890.txt item: #490 of 515 id: jad-899 author: Ser, Önder; Cetin, Huseyin title: Investigation of Susceptibility Levels of Culex pipiens L. (Diptera: Culicidae) Populations to Synthetic Pyrethroids in Antalya Province of Turkey date: 2019-08-03 words: 8155 flesch: 56 summary: Therefore, it is essential to monitor the insecticide resistance and sus- ceptibility in field mosquito populations to ensure the sustainability of mosquito control programs (4). Moreover, a concordance was found between resistance levels and the intensity of pesticide application in agriculture and public health, and organic and chemical pollution levels in the sampled habitats. keywords: antalya; areas; arthropod; control; culex; deltamethrin; dis; health; insecticides; mortality; mosquitoes; permethrin; pipiens; populations; rates; resistance; september; susceptibility; turkey cache: jad-899.pdf plain text: jad-899.txt item: #491 of 515 id: jad-9 author: Rafijenad, J; Tirgari, S; Biglarian, F; Shemshad, K title: Systematics, Bioecology, and Medical Importance of Widow Spiders (Lathrodectus spp.) in Khorasan Province, Iran date: 2007-06-15 words: 3236 flesch: 67 summary: However, an attempt was made during 1995-2000 on the demographic and clinical characteristics of widow spider bite in order to highlight the systematic, ecology and biology of Latrodectus spp. For species identification several parameters including morphology, biol- ogy and ecology of spiders and date, place, col- lector, habitats, number of spiders in each net, number of egg sac, distance of nest from earth, feeding preference and distance to water source and having net and clinical characteristics of widow spider bite have been considered. keywords: cases; egg; female; species; spiders; study; widow cache: jad-9.pdf plain text: jad-9.txt item: #492 of 515 id: jad-90 author: Karimian, F; Sedaghat, MM; Oshaghi, MA; Mohtarami, F; Sanei Dehkordi, A; Koosha, M; Akbari, S; Hashemi-Aghdam, SS title: Utility of Filter Paper for Preserving Insects, Bacteria, and Host Reservoir DNA for Molecular Testing date: 2011-12-15 words: 4732 flesch: 60 summary: Extracted DNA of five different bacteria species as well as blood specimens of human and great gerbil Rhombomys opimus was pipetted directly onto filter paper. Use of filter paper for storing DNA ini- tially have been used for a wide range of biological sources such as whole blood, buc- cal scrapes, tissues, plasmids, plant material and microorganisms (Rogers and Burgoyne 1997, Devost and Choy 2000, Rogers and Burgoyne 2000, Natarajan et al. 2000, Lam- pel et al. 2000, Dobbs et al. 2002, Hide et al. 2003, Lampel et al. 2004) and later have been used for different goals in epidemiol- ogical studies of VBDs. keywords: bacteria; blood; dna; et al; filter; filter paper; human; iran; min; paper; pcr; specimens; storage cache: jad-90.pdf plain text: jad-90.txt item: #493 of 515 id: jad-905 author: Zahraei-Ramazani, Ali Reza; Saghafipour, Abedin; Vatandoost, Hassan title: Control of American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana) in Municipal Sewage Disposal System, Central Iran date: 2018-06-13 words: 4288 flesch: 60 summary: Chlorpyrifos 5% EC, diazinon 5% EC and diazinon 0.05% EC were suitable pesticides for cockroach control which provided an optimal reduction of P. ameri- cana populations for five months respective- ly. Cockroach baits. keywords: american; cockroaches; control; diazinon; esfahan; iran; june; methods; months; pesticides cache: jad-905.pdf plain text: jad-905.txt item: #494 of 515 id: jad-907 author: Khatami, Alireza; Emmelin, Maria; Talaee, Rezvan; Miramin-Mohammadi, Akram; Aghazadeh, Nessa; Firooz, Alireza; Stenberg, Berndt title: Lived Experiences of Patients Suffering from Acute Old World Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: a Qualitative Content Analysis Study from Iran date: 2018-06-13 words: 9316 flesch: 56 summary: CL patients with ac- tive lesions also had a more reduced quality of life (QoL) in comparison with patients with healed scars (11). The aim of this study was to explore per- ceptions and experiences among patients liv- ing with CL as a basis for developing a dis- ease-specific questionnaire focusing on qual- ity of life in CL patients. keywords: cl patients; disease; experiences; health; interviews; iran; june; khatami; leishmaniasis; lesions; patients; people; stigma; study; tehran; treatment cache: jad-907.pdf plain text: jad-907.txt item: #495 of 515 id: jad-91 author: Sedaghat, MM; Sanei Dehkordi, A; Abai, MR; Khanavi, M; Mohtarami, F; Salim Abadi, Y; Rafi, F; Vatandoost, H title: Larvicidal Activity of Essential Oils of Apiaceae Plants against Malaria Vector, Anopheles stephensi date: 2011-12-15 words: 4224 flesch: 63 summary: Probit regression line of An. stephensi exposed to different interval concentrations of H. persicum, F. vulgare and C. sativum seed essential oils Discussion The use of plant essential oils in vector control is an alternative method for minimiz- ing the side effects of chemical pesticides on the environment (Fatope et al. 1993). The aim of this study was to evaluate the larvicidal activity of essential oils of three plants of Apiaceae family against Anopheles stephensi, the main malaria vector in Iran. keywords: activity; anopheles; et al; iran; malaria; oil; oils; plants; sedaghat; stephensi; vatandoost; vulgare cache: jad-91.pdf plain text: jad-91.txt item: #496 of 515 id: jad-914 author: Arzamani, Kourosh; Vatandoost, Hassan; Rassi, Yavar; Akhavan, Amir Ahmad; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Alavinia, Mohammad; Akbarzadeh, Kamran; Mohebali, Mehdi; Rafizadeh, Sayena title: Richness and Diversity of Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in North Khorasan Province, Northeast of Iran date: 2018-06-25 words: 4120 flesch: 60 summary: Knowledge about the ecological aspects of sand fly species and biodiversity indices help in understanding the transmission dynam- ics of the disease to human and reservoirs. Collected sand flies were stored in 96% eth- anol alcohol. keywords: diversity; flies; index; iran; leishmaniasis; north; province; richness; sand; species cache: jad-914.pdf plain text: jad-914.txt item: #497 of 515 id: jad-915 author: Sofizadeh, Aioub; Shoraka, Hamid Reza; Mesgarian, Fatemeh; Ozbaki, Ghorban Mohammad; Gharaninia, Abdolsamad; Sahneh, Ebrahim; Dankoob, Rohollah; Malaka, Ali; Fallah, Saeid; Nemani, Shamsaddin title: Fauna and Larval Habitats Characteristics of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Golestan Province, Northeast of Iran, 2014–2015 date: 2018-09-30 words: 6695 flesch: 68 summary: Anopheles maculipennis Group, An. clavi- ger, An. hyrcanus, An. plumbeus, An. alrger- iensis and An. multicolor and An. pulcher- rimus have been previously reported in Go- lestan Province (8-12), but in the present study, An. superpictus, An. maculipennis, An. psu- dopictus and An. hyrcanus were collected and identified. An. maculipennis 20 0.7 0 0 20 0.4 An. pseudopictus 14 0.5 0 0 14 0.2 keywords: borne; characteristics; culicidae; diptera; fauna; golestan; habitats; iran; larval; mosquitoes; province; species; study; water cache: jad-915.pdf plain text: jad-915.txt item: #498 of 515 id: jad-92 author: Sharifdini, M; Mohebali, M; Keshavarz, H; Hosseininejad, M; Hajjaran, H; Akhoundi, B; Rahimi Foroushani, A; Zarei, Z; Charehdar, S title: Neospora caninum and Leishmania infantum Co-Infection in Domestic Dogs (Canis familiaris) in Meshkin-Shahr District, Northwestern Iran date: 2011-12-15 words: 4389 flesch: 59 summary: Distribution of N. caninum infection by gender and age in DAT+ dogs from Meshkin-Shahr District, northwestern Iran Variables N. caninum N. caninum Total Positive Negative n % n % Sex Males 14 58.3 10 41.7 24 Females 2 66.7 1 33.3 3 Total 16 60 11 40 27 Age < 2 2 66.7 1 33.3 3 2-5 8 53.3 7 46.7 15 > 5 6 66.7 3 33.3 9 Total 16 60 11 40 27 In DAT positive dogs, no statistically significant difference was found between N. caninum infection with gender (P= 0.781) and age groups (P= 0.782). In VL-positive and VL-negative dogs, N. caninum infection was found in 59.3% and 25.0%, respectively. keywords: caninum; dogs; et al; infantum; infection; iran; neospora cache: jad-92.pdf plain text: jad-92.txt item: #499 of 515 id: jad-928 author: Banafshi, Omid; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Karimi, Mohamad; Faghihi, Faezeh; Beik-Mohammadi, Mojtaba; Gholami, Sahere; Javaherizadeh, Siavash; Edalat, Hamideh; Vatandoost, Hassan; Telmadarraiy, Zakkyeh title: Tick Ectoparasites of Animals in Borderline of Iran-Iraq and Their Role on Disease Transmission date: 2018-07-11 words: 4192 flesch: 67 summary: As only 10% of tick spe- cies transmit a number of pathogens, identifi- cation of tick species is important. Hyalomma marginatum is the main vec- tor in that study (26) Despite the aforementioned investigations, there still seems to be a gap in our knowledge about distribution of tick species in Iran. keywords: borne; dis; iran; province; sanguineus; september; sheep; species; ticks cache: jad-928.pdf plain text: jad-928.txt item: #500 of 515 id: jad-93 author: Akhavan, AA; Ghods, R; Jeddi-Tehrani, M; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, MR; Khamesipour, A; Mahmoudi, AR title: Production and Purification of Anti-Rhombomys opimus Immunoglobulins date: 2011-12-15 words: 3563 flesch: 58 summary: Reactivity test of purified rabbit anti-R. opimus Ig by indirect ELISA 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1/ 25 0 1/ 50 0 1/ 10 00 1/ 20 00 1/ 40 00 1/ 80 00 1/ 16 00 0 1/ 32 00 0 1/ 64 00 0 1/ 12 80 00 HRP conjugated Rabbit anti R. opimus Ig dilutions O D (4 5 0 n m ) Fig. 4. Titration of HRP conjugated rabbit anti-R. opimus Ig by direct ELISA Iran J Arthropod-Borne Dis, 2011, 5(2): 69–76 AA Akhavan et al.: The titration of antibody against R. opimus Ig in rabbit se- rum was checked using indirect ELISA. keywords: anti; elisa; hrp; iran; opimus; opimus ig; r. opimus; rabbit cache: jad-93.pdf plain text: jad-93.txt item: #501 of 515 id: jad-94 author: Yaghoobi-Ershadi, MR title: Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Iran and their Role on Leishmania Transmission date: 2012-06-15 words: 8139 flesch: 62 summary: Speciation of Phlebotomus sand flies of the subgenus Larroussius coincided with the late Miocene-Pliocene aridi- fication of the Mediterranean sub- region. J Arthropod-Borne Dis, 2012, 6(1): 1–17 MR Yaghoobi-Ershadi: Phlebotomine Sand Flies … ١ Review Article Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Iran and their Role on Leishmania Transmission MR Yaghoobi-Ershadi Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (Received 20 May 2012; accepted 11 June 2012) Abstract Sand fly research has a long history in Iran beginning with the work of Adler, Theodor and Lourie in 1930 and followed by Mesghali’s foundational taxonomic work on sand flies in 1943. keywords: ershadi; et al; flies; iran; javadian; leishmaniasis; major; mesghali; nadim; phlebotomus; sand; species; yaghoobi cache: jad-94.pdf plain text: jad-94.txt item: #502 of 515 id: jad-942 author: Franzim-Junior, Edson; Mendes, Maria Tays; Anhê, Ana Carolina Borella Marfil; Costa, Thiago Alvares da; Silva, Marcos Vinicius; Hernandez, César Gómez; Pelli, Afonso; Sales-Campos, Helioswilton; Oliveira, Carlo Jose Freire title: Biology of Meccus pallidipennis (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) to Other Conditions than that Encountered in Their Native Habitat date: 2018-07-17 words: 3608 flesch: 58 summary: The development of M. pallidipennis took 171.74±7.03 days to complete its life cycle, and females ingested larger amounts of blood than males. In urban areas, M. pallidipennis is associated with the presence of dogs, squir- rels, pigs and opossums near houses and un- constructed areas (7). keywords: adult; biology; blood; conditions; days; feces; feeding; females; meccus; pallidipennis; september cache: jad-942.pdf plain text: jad-942.txt item: #503 of 515 id: jad-943 author: Eskandari, Seyed Ebrahim; Firooz, Alireza; Nassiri-Kashani, Mansour; Jaafari, Mahmoud Reza; Javadi, Amir; Miramin-Mohammadi, Akram; Valian-Keshavarz, Hossein; Khamesipour, Ali title: Safety Evaluation of Nano-Liposomal Formulation of Amphotericin B (SinaAmpholeish) in Animal Model as a Candidate for Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis date: 2018-07-18 words: 3242 flesch: 57 summary: Pictures of eye irritation test, left experiment, right control. In step 2, irritancy potential test was checked in New Zealand Albino rabbits, as it is shown in Table 2, the average of erythema scores in 6 rabbits in 3-time points was 0.83 +0.41 for 0.4% SinaAmpholeish gel and 0.5+ 0.55 for empty liposomes (P= 0.16). keywords: control; erythema; eye; oedema; rabbits; skin; tehran; test cache: jad-943.pdf plain text: jad-943.txt item: #504 of 515 id: jad-948 author: Kumar, K. G. Ajith; Ravindran, Reghu; Johns, Joju; Chandy, George; Rajagopal, Kavitha; Chandrasekhar, Leena; George, Ajith Jacob; Ghosh, Srikanta title: Ixodid Tick Vectors of Wild Mammals and Reptiles of Southern India date: 2018-07-25 words: 5069 flesch: 64 summary: The major infectious organisms of rumi- nants transmitted by common tick species in India are, Theileria annulata (transmitted by Hyalomma anatolicum and H. marginatum isaaci), Babesia bigemina, Anaplasma mar- ginale and Ehrlichia bovis (transmitted by R. (B.) microplus), B. motasi (transmitted by Haemaphysalis spp.) A checklist of Indian ticks (Acari: Ixodidae). keywords: adult; bispinosa; deer; disease; haemaphysaloides; india; kerala; nil; september; species; study; tick; vectors; view cache: jad-948.pdf plain text: jad-948.txt item: #505 of 515 id: jad-95 author: Veysi, A; Vatandoost, H; Yaghoobi-Ershadi, MR; Arandian, MH; Jafari, R; Hosseini, M; abdoli, H; Rassi, Y; Heidari, K; Sadjadi, A; Fadaei, R; Ramazanpour, J; Aminian, K; Shirzadi, MR; Akhavan, AA title: Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Coumavec® and Zinc Phosphide in Controlling Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in a Hyperendemic Focus in Central Iran date: 2012-06-15 words: 4979 flesch: 58 summary: Mazraehshoor (32˚39˙54.84”N/ 52˚08˙07.38”E) and Gishi (32˚29˙24.07”N / 52˚21˙47.06”E) were select- ed as intervention areas for Coumavec® and zinc phosphide respectively; Vartoon (32˚50˙11.48”N/ 52̊ 06˙45.93”E) and Parvaneh- Aliabadchi (32̊ 47˙44.36”N/ 51˚58˙27.19”E) were selected as control areas. The rodent burrows in control area (Vartoon) after the rodent control operation increased 6.66 folds in comparison before the operation (Table 1). keywords: areas; control; coumavec; holes; intervention; iran; rodent; zinc cache: jad-95.pdf plain text: jad-95.txt item: #506 of 515 id: jad-953 author: Mohanty, Suman Sundar; Meena, Sunita; Kanojia, Phool Chand title: A Comparative Study of Energy Contents in Mosquito Vectors of Malaria and Dengue Prevailing in Jodhpur City (Thar Desert) of Rajasthan State, India date: 2018-07-28 words: 5298 flesch: 58 summary: Whereas, the glycogen content in the la- boratory-reared larvae, pupae and female mosquitoes of An. stephensi and Ae. aegypti was higher than that of their conspecific field-collected specimens. Maintenance of field-collected Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti The immature stages of An. stephensi and Ae. aegypti were collected from the field in all the seasons of the year. keywords: aegypti; content; dengue; field; glucose; glycogen; laboratory; larvae; lipid; mosquitoes; pupae; stephensi cache: jad-953.pdf plain text: jad-953.txt item: #507 of 515 id: jad-956 author: Mendonça, Philippe Gil de title: Cross-Genera PCR Amplification of DNA from Apicomplexan Parasites date: 2018-08-07 words: 2072 flesch: 59 summary: Accurate species identification from PCR positive samples requires genetic se- quencing of the amplicon. The PCR primer pair used in the present J Arthropod-Borne Dis, September 2018, 12(3): 321–324 PG de Mendonça: Cross-Genera PCR … 323 Published Online: September 30, 2018 study was known for its ability to detect two closely related protist genera: Babesia and Theileria. keywords: babesia; genera; pcr; species; spp; theileria cache: jad-956.pdf plain text: jad-956.txt item: #508 of 515 id: jad-96 author: Abu Bakar, A; Sulaiman, S; Omar, B; Mat Ali, R title: Evaluation of Melaleuca cajuputi (Family: Myrtaceae) Essential Oil in Aerosol Spray Cans against Dengue Vectors in Low Cost Housing Flats date: 2012-06-15 words: 3984 flesch: 58 summary: Melaleuca cajuputi essential oil in aerosol spray was evaluated against the dengue vectors Aedes ae- gypti and Ae. Methods: Essential oil in aerosol viz: 5% and 10% of concentrations were sprayed for 5 seconds each towards hung mosquitoes in 5 cylindrical net cages. keywords: aedes; aegypti; aerosol; albopictus; cajuputi; knockdown; mortality; oil cache: jad-96.pdf plain text: jad-96.txt item: #509 of 515 id: jad-961 author: Nazari, Mansour; Najafi, Ali; Abai, Mohammad Reza title: Species Composition and Some Biological Features of Scorpions in Kazerun District, Southern Iran date: 2018-08-21 words: 4927 flesch: 64 summary: As the scorpion- ism is one of the important health prob- lems, however, the study on scorpion fauna has the poorer history in the Kazerun. During a com- prehensive study on scorpion fauna in Fars Province, 18 species were recorded belongs to three families whereby 15 species origi- nated from Buthidae, 1 species from Scor- pioniidae and 2 species from Hemiscorpi- oniidae (9). keywords: district; fig; iran; kazerun; province; scorpion; september; species cache: jad-961.pdf plain text: jad-961.txt item: #510 of 515 id: jad-97 author: Nikpay, A; Nabian, S; Taheri, M title: Analysis of Immunogenic Relevant Proteins in Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus Tick date: 2012-06-15 words: 3539 flesch: 55 summary: We examined the cattle immune response to salivary gland, ovary, and larval extracts of R. annulatus tick at the same time with the aim of finding common antigens, which in vaccination protocol could be advantageous upon stage, or organ specific antigens. Using Western blot analysis, some basic information have provided about antigens extracted from R. annulatus tick recognized by sera collected from cattle in- fested with this species. keywords: analysis; annulatus; antigens; cattle; extracts; parasitol; salivary; tick cache: jad-97.pdf plain text: jad-97.txt item: #511 of 515 id: jad-98 author: Shayeghi, M; Dehghani, MH; Alimohammadi, M; Goodini, K title: Using Ultraviolet Irradiation for Removal of Malathion Pesticide in Water date: 2012-06-15 words: 3649 flesch: 56 summary: 76(15): 85–92. Tarahi S (2002) Survey and determination of used pesticides residue concentration (malathion, diazinon and metasystox) in the water of Nahand river. The used pest drown poi- sons enter to water sources by direct wash- ing and irrigation from used places. keywords: degradation; et al; irradiation; malathion; pesticides; shayeghi; ultraviolet; water cache: jad-98.pdf plain text: jad-98.txt item: #512 of 515 id: jad-983 author: Vatandoost, Hassan; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Raeisi, Ahmad; Abai, Mohammad Reza; Nikpour, Fatemeh title: Bioecology of Dominant Malaria Vector, Anopheles superpictus s.l. Grassi (Diptera: Culicidae) In Iran date: 2018-09-30 words: 12930 flesch: 55 summary: In some west and south west prov- inces of Iran, An. superpictus s.l. larvae has appeared from temporary and stagnant wa- ters with the frequency of 40% and with low density from permanent waters with or with- out plants. Result of the dissection of An. superpictus s.l. females, the rate of parous females was found to be 48.5% in 1st gonotrophic cycle, 36.5% in 2nd gono- trophic cycles and 15.1% in 3rd gonotrophic cycles. keywords: abai; activity; anopheles; anopheles superpictus; area; arthropod; blood; borne; control; dis; habitats; health; human; iran; iran j; larvae; malaria; mosquitoes; oshaghi; s.l; september; species; stephensi; superpictus; superpictus s.l; vatandoost h; vector cache: jad-983.pdf plain text: jad-983.txt item: #513 of 515 id: jad-984 author: Salimi, Mojtaba; Rassi, Yavar; Chatrabgoun, Omid; Kamali, Artin; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Shiri-Ghaleh, Vida; Moradi, Mehrdad; Rafizadeh, Sayena; Akbarzadeh, Kameran; Parkhideh, Seyedeh Zahra title: Toxicological Analysis of Insects on the Corpse: a Valuable Source of Information in Forensic Investigations date: 2018-09-30 words: 5505 flesch: 60 summary: Calibra- tion chart and linear equation of morphine concentrations in three consecutive injections equal Y= 3356.2+979.56X where y equals the peak area of the morphine and x is indicative of morphine concentration. According to our results, there was no lin- ear relationship between morphine levels in carcass and larval stages feeding. keywords: analysis; carcass; concentration; drug; feeding; forensic; insects; larvae; morphine; rabbit; samples; september; study; tissues cache: jad-984.pdf plain text: jad-984.txt item: #514 of 515 id: jad-985 author: Gorouhi, Mohammad Amin; Oshaghi, Mohammad Ali; Vatandoost, Hassan; Enayati, Ahmad Ali; Abai, Mohamad Reza; Karami, Mohsen; Salim-Abadi, Yaser; Hanafi-Bojd, Ahmad Ali; Aghaei-Afshar, Abbas; Paksa, Azim; Nikpoor, Fatemeh title: Biochemical Basis of Cyfluthrin and DDT Resistance in Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) in Malarious Area of Iran date: 2018-09-30 words: 5227 flesch: 56 summary: The aim of this study was to determine the possible involvement of enzymes groups’ in DDT and pyrethroid insecticides resistance functioning in An. stephensi, the main malar- ia vector in southeast of Iran. Details of enzyme activities and enzyme ratios (ER) measured in Anopheles stephensi resistant populations from southeastern Iran. keywords: anopheles; beech; borne; ddt; dis; enzyme; insecticide; iran; malaria; populations; resistance; september; stephensi; vatandoost; vector cache: jad-985.pdf plain text: jad-985.txt item: #515 of 515 id: jad-99 author: Saghafipour, A; Abai, MR; Farzinnia, B; Nafar, R; Ladonni, H; Azari-Hamidian, S title: Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Fauna of Qom Province, Iran date: 2012-06-15 words: 3374 flesch: 62 summary: Cx. hortensis An. claviger, Cx. territans, Cs. subochrea 3 (33.4) An. claviger, Cx. mimeticus, Cs. longiareolata 3 (33.3) An. superpictus, An. turkhudi, Cx. arbieeni, Cx. mimeticus 1 (11.1) An. claviger, Cs. longiareolata 1 (11.1) An. claviger, Cx. theileri 1 (11.1) Total 9 (100) Results: In total, 371 mosquito larvae were collected and morphologically identified including 14 species representing four genera: Anopheles claviger, An. marteri, An. turkhudi, An. superpictus, Culex arbieeni, Cx. hortensis, Cx. mimeticus, Cx. modestus, Cx. keywords: claviger; hortensis; iran; mosquito; province; qom; species; superpictus cache: jad-99.pdf plain text: jad-99.txt