item: #1 of 39 id: jclad-10 author: Lin, Jing title: Preschoolers’ interpretation of habitual and deontic conditionals: a delayed mapping between concept and language date: 2020-12-30 words: 12999 flesch: 55 summary: Deontic conditional stimuli: (1) FF-condition Als Donald schreeuwt, moet hij in de hoek staan. Habitual conditionals, generic conditionals, and deontic conditionals are three conditional types that represent an even higher degree of hypotheticality than those two types introduced above. keywords: adult; child; children; condition; conditionals; dutch; habitual; hypotheticality; interpretation; language; mickey; response; stimuli; table; target; truth; type; value cache: jclad-10.pdf plain text: jclad-10.txt item: #2 of 39 id: jclad-103 author: Turhan, Burcu title: Acquisition of argument structures and ditransitive verbs: Evidence from an elliptical language date: 2023-03-08 words: 8149 flesch: 57 summary: To this end, this cross-sectional study scrutinizes how Turkish children acquire argument structures of ditransitive verbs in their mother tongue. Moreover, a particular focus was on circumstances when Turkish children omit argument structures in their spontaneous speech. keywords: acquisition; argument; argument structures; children; development; language; objects; researcher; structures; study; syntactic; turkish; verbs; word cache: jclad-103.pdf plain text: jclad-103.txt item: #3 of 39 id: jclad-108 author: Poulidakis, Anastasios title: Faithfulness vs truncation: A prosodic account of children’s disyllabic to pentasyllabic words date: 2023-03-18 words: 10749 flesch: 72 summary: Child Language: Aphasia and Phonological Universals. Journal of Child Language 24 (2), 327-349. keywords: acquisition; child; children; faithfulness; form; language; stress; syllable; words cache: jclad-108.pdf plain text: jclad-108.txt item: #4 of 39 id: jclad-118 author: Mekonnen, Abebayehu Messele ; Loje, Demeke title: Aspects of Phonological Acquisition in Children Speaking Sidaamu Afoo date: 2017-12-30 words: 4054 flesch: 60 summary: Child language, aphasia and phonological universals. However, there is only very few sketchy study of language development on Amharic, the federal working language (Abebayehu, 2008, 2013). keywords: acquisition; children; data; development; language; patterns; speech cache: jclad-118.pdf plain text: jclad-118.txt item: #5 of 39 id: jclad-119 author: Simsek, Cigdem Sagin; Antonova-Unlu, Elena title: Subject realization in bilinguals: A comparative study of German-Turkish and Russian-Turkish bilingual children date: 2017-12-30 words: 5907 flesch: 49 summary: Received : 17.11.2017 Accepted : 13.12.2017 Published : 26.12.2017 DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7697213 Subject realization in bilingual Turkish children Sağın-Şimşek, Antonova-Ünlü 194 acquiring languages in BFLA differs from monolingual acquisition. If the development of syntactic and pragmatic knowledge in coordination with each other is a demanding task for young children (Avrutin, 1999), then it would not be wrong to assume that bilinguals who acquire two languages having different subject realization patterns (requiring the acquisition of syntactic parameters and the pragmatic constraints of their languages) will experience more difficulties than monolinguals and that the difficulties may Subject realization in bilingual Turkish children Sağın-Şimşek, Antonova-Ünlü 196 be related to cross-linguistic influence. keywords: bilingual; children; german; language; overt; realization; russian; subject; turkish cache: jclad-119.pdf plain text: jclad-119.txt item: #6 of 39 id: jclad-120 author: De Lisser, Tamirand Nnena ; Durrleman, Stephanie ; Shlonsky, Ur ; Rizzi, Luigi title: The Acquisition of Tense, Modal and Aspect markers in Jamaican Creole date: 2017-12-30 words: 13896 flesch: 69 summary: Additionally, we note that the distribution of the markers in child production is skewed in the same direction as in the input data; however, differences between children’s productions as compared to their linguistic environment provide evidence that input alone cannot account for the development of TMA markers in child production. In JC, TMA markers overtly show a rich functional hierarchy, which is generally found across creole languages, and is arguably universal. keywords: acquisition; aspect; children; data; development; input; language; markers; modal; past; production; progressive; tense; tma cache: jclad-120.pdf plain text: jclad-120.txt item: #7 of 39 id: jclad-123 author: Andreeva, Anna title: The cohesive patterning in the written texts of bilingual Russian-German second graders date: 2023-03-30 words: 9855 flesch: 52 summary: Connectives Russian text Cohesive devices Types of cohesive devices Билла Висна. From another point of view, the age of 3 years plays an important role in the socialization of the bilingual children in German language due to the extension of the language environment as the children can be admitted to kindergarten. keywords: acquisition; bilingual; children; competence; data; der; development; devices; die; factors; german; heritage; hund; language; lisa; participants; patterning; pronoun; russian; school; text; textual; und; writing; years cache: jclad-123.pdf plain text: jclad-123.txt item: #8 of 39 id: jclad-14 author: Maria, J.; Kowsika Devi Baskar ; Akshay Krishnan title: Macrostructural and microstructural discourse abilities in children with hearing impairment date: 2021-03-30 words: 5218 flesch: 47 summary: The current study aimed at comparing the narrative discourse ability in terms of macrostructure and microstructure domains in children with Hearing Impairment fitted with appropriate amplification device and age matched typically developing children age ranging 4 years to 8 years. Measurement of narrative discourse ability in children with language disorders. keywords: children; content; discourse; hearing; impairment; language; morphemes; narrative; number; total; words cache: jclad-14.pdf plain text: jclad-14.txt item: #9 of 39 id: jclad-15 author: Amorim, Clara title: Trajectory of liquid production in typically developing children: European Portuguese date: 2021-03-30 words: 5117 flesch: 60 summary: The only exception is CClV at word medial position. In addition to the syllabic constitution, word position of the syllable (initial/ medial) and stress will also be analyzed. keywords: /l/; /ɾ/; acquisition; children; cluster; coda; final; medial; onset; position; syllable; target; word cache: jclad-15.pdf plain text: jclad-15.txt item: #10 of 39 id: jclad-16 author: Rajalin, Sabina ; Pihlaja, Päivi ; Carter, Alice S. Carter; Rautakoski, Pirkko title: Associations between social emotional and language domains in toddlerhood – The Steps Study date: 2021-08-25 words: 11021 flesch: 50 summary: In Bavin, E. L. (Ed.), Cambridge handbook of child language (pp. 69–87). Her research interests include identification of and interventions on infants and toddlers at risk for psychopathology and neurodevelopmental disorders; the role of family functioning in child development. keywords: children; competencies; development; et al; expressive; journal; language; language development; months; problems; seb; social; study; variables; vocabulary cache: jclad-16.pdf plain text: jclad-16.txt item: #11 of 39 id: jclad-18 author: Qudsiya, Raheela ; Kashyap, Priyanka ; Priyadarshi, Brajesh title: A comparative study of reaction time in children with learning disability and typically developing children date: 2021-12-13 words: 3463 flesch: 53 summary: Emphasis should also be placed on such reaction time tasks being incorporated in the therapy schedule so as to facilitate increase in their overall processing speed. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development – JCLAD Vol: 9 Issue: 4 385-393, 2021 ISSN: 2148-1997 385 A comparative study of reaction time in children with learning disability and typically developing children Raheela Qudsiya1 All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, Mysore Priyanka Kashyap2 All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, Mysore Brajesh Priyadarshi3 All India Institute of Speech & Hearing, Mysore Abstract keywords: children; disability; groups; learning; reaction; study; tasks; time cache: jclad-18.pdf plain text: jclad-18.txt item: #12 of 39 id: jclad-2 author: Neto, José Ferrari; Vasconcellos Lopes, Ruth Elisabeth title: Processing and acquisition of coreference: an investigation on Binding Principles development in Brazilian Portuguese date: 2020-12-30 words: 6531 flesch: 55 summary: The results showed that binding principles pose different processing costs, and they also revealed a main effect of age, with adults being faster than children... Thus, the investigation regarding the acquisition of binding principles seems to be fundamental to the so-called innate hypothesis on which the theoretical generative model has been based. keywords: acquisition; binding; children; development; experimental; language; matching; memory; principle; processing; sentences; working cache: jclad-2.pdf plain text: jclad-2.txt item: #13 of 39 id: jclad-21 author: Aladrovic Slovacek, Katarina; Rimac Jurinovic, Maša title: Multilingualism as an advantage or an obstacle to the early acquisition of Croatian date: 2021-03-30 words: 6875 flesch: 54 summary: Research goals and hypotheses The main research goal was to establish the influence of other languages that children are exposed to in the process of Croatian language acquisition. The process of Croatian language acquisition as well as other languages is under a strong influence of English as the global language, but also of other languages surrounding Croatian, i.e. Slavic languages among which the mentioned research confirms the presence of Bosnian and Serbian. keywords: acquisition; children; croatian; english; influence; language; language acquisition; mother; multilingualism; parents; process; research; tongue; words cache: jclad-21.pdf plain text: jclad-21.txt item: #14 of 39 id: jclad-22 author: Shilpashri, H. N.; Saraswathi title: Intonation patterns in Children with Learning Disability date: 2021-06-30 words: 1563 flesch: 48 summary: Keywords Kannada sentences, expressive intonation patterns, learning disability, typically developing children 1. The aim of this study is to understand expressive intonation patterns, sentence duration to express different types of Kannada sentences - Command, Happy, Request and Sad, by children with Learning disability in comparison with typically developing children. keywords: children; fall; intonation; language; rise cache: jclad-22.pdf plain text: jclad-22.txt item: #15 of 39 id: jclad-24 author: Chen, Lijun; An, Shasha ; He, Xiaowei title: A comparative analysis of the production of aspect markers by Mandarin-speaking children with developmental language disorders and by their typically developing peers date: 2021-03-30 words: 8299 flesch: 55 summary: Consistent with the findings of the studies on Cantonese-speaking children with DLD, the studies that examine the production of aspect markers by Mandarin-speaking children with DLD demonstrate that Mandarin-speaking children with DLD also have difficulty in producing Mandarin aspect markers (Cheung, 2005; He, Sun, & Tian, 2013), and their production of aspect markers (i.e., grammatical aspect) is influenced by verbs’ situation types (i.e., lexical aspect) (Yu, Wang, & Liang, 2019). (SD) DLD TDA DLD TDA DLD TDA DLD TDA target aspect markers 85.88 (24.25) 98.82 (4.85) 23.53 (26.68) 87.06 (15.72) 71.76 (33.96) 97.64 (6.64) 42.35 (38) 95.3 (8.75) bare verbs 12.94 (23.39) 1.18 (4.85) 10.59 (12.49) 1.18 (4.85) 12.94 (23.39) 1.18 (4.85) 23.53 (28.49) 0 (--) other aspect markers 1.18 (4.85) 0 (--) 4.71 (11.25) 0 (--) 14.12 (25.26) 0 (--) 7.06 (12.13) 2.35 (6.64) other types of responses 0 (--) 0 (--) 61.17 (30.39) 11.76 (14.25) 1.18 (4.85) 1.18 (4.85) 27.06 (30.77) 2.35 (6.64) keywords: -le; aspect markers; children; dld; group; language; mandarin; mandarin aspect; production; sentences; tda; verbs cache: jclad-24.pdf plain text: jclad-24.txt item: #16 of 39 id: jclad-28 author: Kawasaki-Knight, Lauren; Wolgemuth, Keith S.H.; Becerra, Benjamin J. title: Integrated approach on the acquisition of phonological targets in 4-to-6-year-old children date: 2021-08-25 words: 14698 flesch: 45 summary: The combination of self-cueing strategies associated with phonological treatment approaches may perhaps lend insight into a useful and functional, multi-modal approach that has positive learning benefits for this young population. Of the available literature and systematic reviews on phonological intervention approaches, future clinical research would benefit from studies that compare phonological treatment approaches and cross-modal techniques or strategies used as an integrated approach to phonological target acquisition in young preschool populations (Amato‐Zech et al., 2006; Baker & McLeod, 2011a, 2011b; Kamhi, 2006; Lancaster et al., 2010; McDougall et al., 2012; Rogers, 2013; Wheeler & Gabbert, 2017; Xi et al., 2020). keywords: accuracy; acquisition; approach; child; children; cueing; cues; gierut; group; intervention; journal; language; mot; participants; self; sound; speech; study; tactile; target; treatment; use cache: jclad-28.pdf plain text: jclad-28.txt item: #17 of 39 id: jclad-3 author: Olarewaju, Grace Boluwatife ; Sunday, Adesina B. title: Acquisition of complex coda and sonority among selected bilingual Nigerian children date: 2020-12-30 words: 6228 flesch: 63 summary: The way a Yoruba child acquires English coda will reveal some insights on cluster acquisition and the manipulation of two different syllable systems by a child. Human beings acquire language at various stages of life but this study focused on bilingual first language acquisition. keywords: acquisition; children; coda; complex; constraints; english; language; onset; sonority; syllable; yoruba cache: jclad-3.pdf plain text: jclad-3.txt item: #18 of 39 id: jclad-31 author: El-dali, Hosni Mostafa title: Language Transfer: A Dead Issue? - Reflecting on ‘Reverse Transfer’ and ‘Multicompetence’ date: 2021-12-13 words: 9785 flesch: 59 summary: The first is about the question of what the final goal should be for language learners. To avoid implying deficiency of the part of second language speakers, Cook prefers the term L2 user to L2 learner. keywords: acquisition; cook; english; knowledge; language; learners; learning; mother; second; speakers; teaching; tongue; transfer; use cache: jclad-31.pdf plain text: jclad-31.txt item: #19 of 39 id: jclad-33 author: Sivagnanapandian, Divya; Raju, Hemavathy title: Parent’s perception on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A focus group discussion study date: 2021-12-13 words: 10022 flesch: 49 summary: When the parents were asked to describe about the symptoms which were exhibited by children with ASD laughing, crying, screaming, hands flapping these are all the symptoms of ASD children as reported by 30 parents. Pearson et al., (2006) suggested that ASD children should be carefully monitored for the occurrence of comorbid behavioral and emotional concerns, they also suggested that not all ASD children exhibit similar behaviors. keywords: asd; autism; autism spectrum; behaviors; children; communication; development; difficulty; disorder; group; journal; language; parents; perception; research; spectrum; speech cache: jclad-33.pdf plain text: jclad-33.txt item: #20 of 39 id: jclad-34 author: Dawadee, Prabha; Dawadi, Pratima title: Phonology Acquisition in Nepal: A Preliminary Study date: 2021-11-18 words: 3370 flesch: 57 summary: Speech- language pathologists/therapists can use this study to assess the speech sound errors, link with intelligibility, and know about the actual breakdown in speech sound development. 3-3.12 years old group The velar plosive unaspirated voiceless sound like |k|, alveolar plosive unaspirated voiceless sound like |t|, bilabial plosive unaspirated voiceless sound like |p|, bilabial plosive unaspirated voiced sound like |b|, bilabial nasal unaspirated voiced sound like |m|, alveolar nasal unaspirated voiced sound like |n| and alveolar affricates unaspirated voiceless sound like |ʧ| are acquired in all the positions, initial, medial, and final positions with 80% acquisition criterion. keywords: acquisition; children; language; plosive; sound; speech cache: jclad-34.pdf plain text: jclad-34.txt item: #21 of 39 id: jclad-36 author: de Nijs, Paul title: Early Trilingual Language Acquisition of Spanish, English, and French by a Two-Year-Old American Child date: 2021-11-16 words: 5852 flesch: 64 summary: It appears the insistence of David using French did not inhibit their playtime together. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development – JCLAD Vol: 9 Issue: 3 321-334, 2021 ISSN: 2148-1997 321 Early Trilingual Language Acquisition of Spanish, English, and French by a Two-Year-Old American Child Paul de Nijs1 University of Massachusetts Boston Abstract Several factors have been shown to be important to trilingual language acquisition and active trilingualism including language exposure (Chevalier, 2015), input load (Arnaus Gil, Müller, Sette, & Hüppop, 2021), interlocutor language (Wang, 2008), use of the minority language in the household (Arnaus Gil, Müller, Sette, & Hüppop, 2021), and parental language strategies (Ronderos, Castilla-Earls, & Ramos, 2021). keywords: acquisition; david; english; exposure; father; french; language; mother; spanish; trilingual cache: jclad-36.pdf plain text: jclad-36.txt item: #22 of 39 id: jclad-42 author: Uthappa, Varun A. G. ; Wolgemuth, Keith S H; Becerra, Benjamin J. title: Lexical and sub-lexical auditory phonological priming effects on word reading in grades 4 and 5 date: 2021-12-13 words: 8753 flesch: 48 summary: Overall, lexical phonology has a definitive role of facilitation regardless of word reading ability whereas the sub-lexical phonological units appear to have a variable impact. If there is an impact of spoken phonological units on reading, it is unclear at this time as to how it relates with word reading ability per se. keywords: children; conditions; effects; et al; grade; journal; language; phoneme; prime; priming; reading; syllable; units; word; word reading cache: jclad-42.pdf plain text: jclad-42.txt item: #23 of 39 id: jclad-43 author: Narayanan, Swapna; Vijayan, Kavya; Prabhu P., Prashanth; V. G., Mekhala ; Barman, Animesh title: Pragmatic Language Difficulties in Children with Specific Language Impairment – A Systematic Review date: 2021-11-11 words: 6444 flesch: 44 summary: Also attempts have been made to illustrate the pragmatic patterns within the SLI group to identify children who exhibited disproportionate deficits in pragmatic language versus those who had no pragmatic difficulties. A recent study by Cordier, Munro, Wilkes-Gillan et al. (2014) has described several observable communication behaviors associated with pragmatic language and these behaviors have been classified under five sections including Introduction and responsiveness, Non-verbal communication, Socio-emotional attunement, Executive function and Negotiation. keywords: articles; children; communication; deficits; difficulties; group; impairment; language; pragmatics; sli; studies; study cache: jclad-43.pdf plain text: jclad-43.txt item: #24 of 39 id: jclad-44 author: Seong, Jihye title: Language experience and phonological development: a case study of a bicultural/monolingual family in Korea date: 2021-09-15 words: 7014 flesch: 56 summary: Of two main approaches to studying early child language - one is to examine a large sample of children collected at periodic intervals and the other is to concentrate on a smaller sample collecting dense amount of data - the current study used the latter method to guarantee sufficiently detailed data so as to investigate the complex relationship between language interactions and acquisition to gauge the effect of maternal speech on her child’s speech, distinctive characteristics in the mother's speech were examined to determine whether they were reflected in the child’s speech. When comparing the child’s results with other children of his age, he showed lower accuracy rates on affricates and alveolar fricatives. keywords: child; children; development; errors; korean; language; mother; production; speech cache: jclad-44.pdf plain text: jclad-44.txt item: #25 of 39 id: jclad-49 author: Alamirew, Fikre Diress; Mekonnen, Abebayehu Messele title: The developmental realization of ejectives by typically developing Amharic speaking children date: 2021-12-29 words: 5578 flesch: 55 summary: Jacobson’s effort was very central to the relatively short history of child phonology and considered as a good promoter for advanced research on child language acquisition and development (Renner, 2017; Stoel Gamon, 2010). Child language acquisition, and growth. keywords: acquisition; children; development; ejectives; language; language acquisition; patterns; phonology; process; realization; study; target; university; word cache: jclad-49.pdf plain text: jclad-49.txt item: #26 of 39 id: jclad-5 author: Divya, Perumal Santhanam ; Selvaraj, Jasmine Lydia ; P, Priscilla ; Sreya R., Sai title: Translation and validation of modified checklist for autism in toddlers-revised version in Tamil (T-MCHAT-R) date: 2020-12-30 words: 3058 flesch: 63 summary: It usually begins in early childhood and eventually causes problems 1 Bio: Clinical supervisor P. S. Divya’s area of interest covers child language disorder, neurogenic language disorder, motor speech disorders. 3 Bio: BASLP, Area of interest – fluency disorders, child language disorders) 4 Bio: BASLP, Area of interest – child language disorders. keywords: asd; autism; chat; children; isaa; language; tamil cache: jclad-5.pdf plain text: jclad-5.txt item: #27 of 39 id: jclad-50 author: Arakere, Gowri; Mainess, Karen title: Effectiveness of class-wide peer tutoring on idiom comprehension in middle school students with Specific Learning Disability date: 2023-03-30 words: 7522 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Figurative language, idioms, class wide peer tutoring, specific learning disability, speech therapy 1. Published : 30.03.2023 DOI: Peer tutoring on idiom comprehension Arakere, and Mainess 729 States, figurative language has become a part of the common core educational curriculum (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010). keywords: children; classroom; comprehension; cwpt; development; idioms; journal; language; learning; nippold; peer; students; study; tutoring cache: jclad-50.pdf plain text: jclad-50.txt item: #28 of 39 id: jclad-56 author: Poulidakis, Anastasios title: Acquisition of extended prosodic words in Greek via consonant harmony date: 2022-04-21 words: 8694 flesch: 68 summary: The age of twin children is 1;8.15 on the first recording and 2;10.9 on the last recording. Regarding their tokens the four children utter in total 35.677 out of which 872 with CH (359 by twin children and 513 by non twin). keywords: acquisition; assimilation; child; children; consonant; extended; language; non; words; ˈ cache: jclad-56.pdf plain text: jclad-56.txt item: #29 of 39 id: jclad-57 author: Islam, Mobasshera title: Expressive linguistic development of Bangla-speaking children with severe congenital hearing impairment date: 2022-04-28 words: 8278 flesch: 62 summary: The surprising issue is that a greater number of children of the control group have produced /d̪ʰ/ perfectly than that of experimental group in the initial position. Contact: Received : 13.11.2021 Accepted : 23.03.2022 Published : 28.04.2022 Bangla-speaking hearing impaired children Islam 477 structure like- keywords: children; control group; final; group; hearing; initial; language; middle; phoneme; position cache: jclad-57.pdf plain text: jclad-57.txt item: #30 of 39 id: jclad-59 author: Nandelenga, Henry Simiyu title: Markedness in the Acquisition of Kiswahili Phonology: An Optimality Theory Perspective date: 2022-04-20 words: 9661 flesch: 69 summary: We briefly examine the generative and constrained-based OT mainly because they are the most dominant theories that have shaped the current debate on child language acquisition. Results and Discussion The following section discusses the findings from the analysis showing what is of interest to the key questions concerning child language acquisition raised in the introduction section. keywords: acquisition; cambridge; child; children; constraints; kiswahili; language; markedness; ms1; ms2; onset; phonology; subjects; syllable; tableau; years cache: jclad-59.pdf plain text: jclad-59.txt item: #31 of 39 id: jclad-6 author: Rahman, S. M. Sanzana ; Sanjana, Lubaba title: Bangla Tense Inflections Productivity among Pre-School Children date: 2020-12-30 words: 8301 flesch: 63 summary: The Cambridge handbook of child language (pp. 69-88). Therefore, conclusions derived from this study is noteworthy in the area of Bangla tense inflection acquisition, productivity and development. keywords: acquisition; bangla; children; development; inflections; language; mean; months; past; present; production; study; table; tense; use; verb cache: jclad-6.pdf plain text: jclad-6.txt item: #32 of 39 id: jclad-64 author: Ryan, John title: Acquisition of infinitival complements: the case for semantic or syntactic development, or both date: 2022-04-21 words: 8314 flesch: 54 summary: In conclusion, I would propose that both semantic and syntactic forces propel the acquisition of infinitival complement structures and work together to make it happen in the little time that it does. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development – JCLAD Vol: 10 Issue: 1 429-450, 2022 ISSN: 2148-1997 429 Acquisition of infinitival complements: the case for semantic or syntactic development, or both John M. Ryan1 University of Northern Colorado Abstract This article revisits the topic of the acquisition of infinitival complements in children, considering the extent to which longitudinal data for one child in the CHILDES corpus supports one, the other or both of the following two frameworks, namely: 1) the lexical/semantic approach which suggests among other things that verbs taking infinitival complements are acquired in a semantically meaningful order, that is: a) modality, b) manipulative, and c) cognition utterance verbs; and/or 2) the maturational syntactic interpretation which suggests that children at first have no functional syntactic levels such as either a tense phrase (TP) or complementizer phrase (CP) in their language. keywords: acquisition; child; complements; diessel; infinitival; language; sarah; verb; want cache: jclad-64.pdf plain text: jclad-64.txt item: #33 of 39 id: jclad-67 author: Tafese Gebre, Alemayehu title: The acquisition of noun inflection by Oromo speaking children date: 2022-12-23 words: 5422 flesch: 65 summary: For over a century, people have been studying child language acquisition for various reasons, in various ways and at varying length. Sibanda (2014, P.73) also explicates, “Despite the child being biologically designed to acquire language, constraints determine the linguistic aspects that develop at any given period that are at play in child language acquisition come from the mental capacity, physical maturity and input from the environment”. keywords: acquisition; children; data; language; nama; ngoli; oromo; study cache: jclad-67.pdf plain text: jclad-67.txt item: #34 of 39 id: jclad-77 author: Dudwadkar, Mudra ; Venkatachalam, Bhavani ; Chheda , Yasha; Shinde , Vrushali ; Kale , Ankita; Priyadarshi, Brajesh title: Assessing pragmatic abilities in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders date: 2022-12-30 words: 3312 flesch: 50 summary: A dedicated researcher and learner with her areas of interest being language pathology, feeding and dysphagia) 4 Vrushali Shinde is a Master’s student at the All India Institute of Speech and hearing with an interest in the areas of phonology and child language. Discussion A person’s effective functioning in his own community depends on pragmatic language skills because it is an amalgamation of social and language skills. keywords: asd; autism; children; communication; journal; language; participants; skills cache: jclad-77.pdf plain text: jclad-77.txt item: #35 of 39 id: jclad-78 author: J., Maria; M N, Anusha; S., Sathveeka; B, Yuva Yoga Shree title: Procedural discourse production in children with specific learning disorder (SLD) date: 2022-08-28 words: 4603 flesch: 51 summary: A very few procedural discourse studies exist with SLD children and therefore, this study applies new constructs to study the microstructure and macrostructure language abilities of children with Specific Learning Disorder via a procedural task. Topic management Information adequacy 4 3,4 3,1 2,6 4,4 4,6 3,9 3,3 3,2 2 4,3 3,4 Typically developing children Children with SLD Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development – JCLAD Vol: 10 Issue: 2 519-533, 2022 ISSN: 2148-1997 527 SLD 10.00 1.01 0.02 CSU TDC 10.00 3.00 1.15 0.01* SLD 10.00 1.10 1.52 RPU TDC 10.00 3.30 1.77 0.01* SLD 10.00 1.30 1.57 MPU TDC 10.00 3.40 2.22 0.28 SLD 10.00 5.30 3.97 NP TDC 10.00 1.60 1.17 0.50 SLD 10.00 1.20 1.03 NAP TDC 10.00 0.00 .000 1.00 SLD keywords: children; discourse; language; learning; number; procedure; sld; total; words cache: jclad-78.pdf plain text: jclad-78.txt item: #36 of 39 id: jclad-87 author: Alamirew, Fikre Diress title: The acquisition of inflectional morphology: The representation of nominal inflections in Amharic speaking children’s speeches date: 2022-08-21 words: 10153 flesch: 52 summary: Thus, acquisition of different morphological elements is one of the significant components of children language acquisition process and even for children to communicate properly using grammatical structured words, phrases and sentences. What does the order of nominal inflections acquisition look like in Amharic speaking children’s speeches? keywords: acquisition; children; development; errors; frequency; inflections; language; language acquisition; mean; morphemes; morphology; plural; speeches; total cache: jclad-87.pdf plain text: jclad-87.txt item: #37 of 39 id: jclad-88 author: Baker, Giulia ; Aldridge, Michelle title: Children’s humour development: A linguistic perspective date: 2022-11-30 words: 11753 flesch: 46 summary: A two-way analysis of variance was run on Year Groups and ambiguity types to determine whether ambiguity type had a significant effect on correctly identified original punchlines. We use these definitions because they were specifically established to improve classification of ambiguity types for practical investigation. keywords: ambiguities; ambiguity; children; comprehension; development; humour; idiomatic; language; mcghee; participants; punchline; riddles; type; verbal; year cache: jclad-88.pdf plain text: jclad-88.txt item: #38 of 39 id: jclad-93 author: Chen, Wei-Ling; Chen, Chun-yin Doris title: The acquisition of evidential markers in L1 Chinese: data from Taiwan Mandarin-speaking children date: 2022-12-30 words: 10590 flesch: 50 summary: The 3-year- olds had some success with the use of direct evidential markers, but they still had difficulties with indirect evidential markers. As we can see, all age groups performed better on direct evidential markers than on indirect evidential markers (G1: M = 0.78 > keywords: acquisition; age; chen; children; chinese; evidence; evidentiality; indirect; information; language; markers; papafragou; participants; source; visual cache: jclad-93.pdf plain text: jclad-93.txt item: #39 of 39 id: jclad-97 author: Plaut, Dana; Hacohen, Aviya title: The acquisition of Hebrew Differential Object Marking: Between production and comprehension date: 2022-12-30 words: 11113 flesch: 52 summary: This is the feature mastered early by Hebrew acquiring children, as attested in spontaneous speech data such as the ones analyzed by Uziel- Karl (2015). However, even at age 6, the Turkish-speaking children tested in the study did not yet demonstrate adult knowledge of DOM, despite an increase in wide scope interpretations in the context of case- marked objects. keywords: acceptability; acquisition; adult; children; condition; data; development; dom; hebrew; judgments; language; marking; object; paradigm; production; response; spanish; study; task cache: jclad-97.pdf plain text: jclad-97.txt