424 J Contemp Med Sci | Vol. 8, No. 6, November-December 2022: 424–425 Letter to the Editor The Shifting Environment of Medical Knowledge and the Necessity for Professional Adjustment Ameen Mosa Mohammad* Professor of Cardiology, College of Medicine, University of Duhok, Iraq. *Correspondence to: Ameen Mosa Mohammad (E-mail: doctoramb@yahoo.com) (Submitted: 10 July 2022 – Revised version received: 15 July 2022 – Accepted: 09 August 2022 – Published online: 26 December 2022) Highlights • Rapid proliferation of medical knowledge, • Coping difficulties with medical updates, • Medical challenges in the era of technology ISSN 2413-0516 Dear Editor-in-Chief, The technological revolution maintains leaving repercussions on distinct dimensions of life in different parts of the globe. The world of medicine experiences revolutionary effects in the consequence. The prospects for the domino effects of the tech- nological revolutionary with respect to the world of medicine appear beyond imagination.1 An unprecedented process of unlimited proliferation of indefinite information in medical sciences occurs. Practitioners and learners of medical majors experience the challenge to remain updated. Patients increas- ingly turn to online platforms in search for information on interested conditions. Algorithmic advancements critically subject the role of the medical professionals to question.2 The inability or unwillingness of the medical professionals to adjust to the present medical environment establishes obsta- cles for the management of diseases. Technological advancements brought the medical profes- sionals onto close virtual connection. Researchers from dis- tinct geographical corners of the world contribute to the rapid expansion of medical knowledge. Huge investment in scien- tific research constituted another essential measure in the flood of the information. Dedicated scientific platforms glob- ally prepared the ground for the publication of novel informa- tion.3 The ultimate outcome of the collection of similar preceding variables represents the unimagined update occur- ring in the medical knowledge. In comparison with the past, the discrepancy in the update of the medical knowledge today is unbridgeable. Figures demonstrated that the medical knowl- edge doubled each fifty years in 1950. Seventy years later, the figure for the same process dropped to an astonishing seventy- three days. The influx of medical information looks equally attention-grapping when global contributions on the corona- virus are reckoned. Between the start of the pandemic and October 2020, an analysis reported the publication of eighty- seven thousand scientific papers on the coronavirus by researchers from around the world.4 The positive correlation between the proliferation of information and the medical sciences is undeniable. The more the information the more the advancement. The rapid expan- sion of medical knowledge brings challenges too for the par- ties interested in the sciences. Many medical professionals struggle to cope with the pace of the flood of information. Some of them do not manage to remain updated. The outcome represents an unwanted compromise in the management of diseases and the commitment to patients. Close to forty-five percent of patients reportedly receive treatment from doctors whose background is not up-to-date.5 Several reasons possibly account for the emergence of this circumstance. Time con- strain certainly establishes one. The quick expansion of knowl- edge poses another challenge for the medical professionals. Technological advancements shrink work opportunities. Google claims that five percent of searches conducted on the platform looks for information on health. The expansion of the medical knowledge occurs in tandem with the proliferation of information. The process poses serious challenges for the medical professional. It equally presents a golden opportunity for the advancement of medical sciences. The shifting nature of the medical envi- ronment necessitates the willingness for adjustment on the part of the medical professionals. Given all the challenges that the quick flood of information poses, the medical pro- fessionals still do better when investing time and energy for the sake of background update. The shift in the medical envi- ronment does not only takes place. It appears to constantly and quickly increase. Viewed from the previous perspectives, the present writing suggests the investment of efforts on the part of the medical professionals for the purpose of trying to keep the pace with the proliferation of information in med- ical sciences. Provenance and Peer-review Not commissioned, externally reviewed. Ethical Approval N/A. Source of Funding No funding to declare. Author Contribution AMM: designed and draft the study, and conducting the ver- sion of the manuscript. Declaration of Competing Interest None.  425J Contemp Med Sci | Vol. 8, No. 6, November-December 2022: 424–425 A.M. Mohammad Letter to the Editor The Shifting Environment of Medical Knowledge and the Necessity for Professional Adjustment References [1] Colbert, G. B., Topf, J., Jhaveri, K. D., Oates, T., Rheault, M. N., Shah, S., ... & Sparks, M. A. (2018). The social media revolution in nephrology education. Kidney International Reports, 3(3), 519–529. [2] Meskó, B., & Görög, M. (2020). 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