Original Research A study on the training of complex problem solving competence André Kretzschmar1 and Heinz-Martin Süß2 1ECCS research unit, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, and 2Institute of Psychology I, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany This study examined whether experience with different computer-based complex problem situations would im- prove complex problem solving (CPS) competence in an unknown problem situation. We had N = 110 university students take part in a control group study. They were trained in five different complex problem situations for up to 7 hr, and their performance was tested in a sixth com- plex problem situation. The data analyses revealed that the training influenced the CPS process of knowledge ac- quisition. However, the CPS process of knowledge appli- cation was not impacted by experience with other problem situations. Implications for the concept of CPS as a train- able competence as well as the training of CPS in general are discussed. Keywords: complex problem solving, cognitive training, transfer, flexibility training, experience, FSYS Complex problem solving (CPS) 1 was introduced into European psychology by Dörner and colleagues (e.g., Dörner, Kreuzig, Reither, & Stäudel, 1983) and immedi- ately attracted attention as a new cognitive ability that was applicable to real-life demands (Dörner, 1986). The handling of these real-life demands (e.g., the interconnect- edness of problem areas or the dynamic development of a problem situation) has been an integral part of CPS per- formance and was thus included in Buchner’s definition of CPS: The successful interaction with task environ- ments that are dynamic (i.e., change as a func- tion of user’s intervention and/or as a function of time) and in which some, if not all, of the en- vironment’s regularities can only be revealed by successful exploration and integration of the in- formation gained in that process. (Frensch & Funke, 1995, p. 14) Decades later, in a time of rapid technological and sci- entific advances, CPS became a rising fundamental issue in science, industry, and education (e.g., Funke, 1999; Neu- bert, Mainert, Kretzschmar, & Greiff, 2015; OECD, 2014). For example, in the educational context, CPS has shown its utility in several respects (e.g., Greiff et al., 2013; Kret- zschmar, Neubert, & Greiff, 2014; Scherer & Tiemann, 2012; Sonnleitner, Keller, Martin, & Brunner, 2013), and it is currently an important part of national and interna- tional large-scale assessments such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA; OECD, 2014). Especially in this context, CPS is considered to be a cross- curricular and knowledge-based competence (OECD, 2014). According to the understanding of CPS as a compe- tence, CPS consequently differs in one considerable feature from related cognitive abilities such as intelligence (see Süß, 1996; Wittmann & Hattrup, 2004; Wüstenberg, Greiff, & Funke, 2012). Whereas cognitive abilities are relatively sta- ble over time and are not viewed as trainable, competencies are per definition modifiable through interventions (Wein- ert, 2001). This article adopts the perspective of viewing CPS as a competence and aims to examine its trainability. The Training of Complex Problem Solving Competence In general, the training and transfer of different cognitive achievements has been an exciting research topic that is highly relevant to real life. For example, recent studies have demonstrated that training with video games may im- prove cognitive performance outside the game context (e.g., basic visual attention or executive control; e.g., Anguera et al., 2013; Green & Bavelier, 2003; Strobach, Frensch, & Schubert, 2012). Although the findings and especially the transfer to untrained tasks have been critically discussed (e.g., Boot, Blakely, & Simons, 2011), the rationale behind such cognitive training approaches is that training does not improve performance on only a single task, but rather that training improves achievements on other cognitive tasks or with regard to real-life criteria, too. Naturally, a CPS competence training should also reflect such an approach. This means that the training should not be limited to better performance only in the problem situ- ations that are trained but should rather manifest in better performance in unknown problem situations. Surprisingly, after almost 40 years of research on CPS, the inclusion of CPS as a competence in educational large-scale assess- ments (OECD, 2014), as well as a steadily increasing inter- est in the trainability of CPS competence (Dörner, 1976; Funke, 2003), there is a remarkable lack of research that has provided an understanding and empirical examinations of CPS competence training — especially with regard to the transfer of CPS skills to unknown problem situations. This is all the more astonishing as more or less explicit recommendations for how to increase an individual’s CPS competence and how to change school practices and edu- cational polices in order to foster CPS competence have been documented (see OECD, 2014). Therefore, the pur- pose of this study was to reduce this gap in research and to shed some light on the issue of the extent to which CPS competence is trainable. Corresponding author: André Kretzschmar, ECCS unit, University of Luxembourg, 11, Porte des Sciences, 4366 Esch-Belval, Luxembourg; Phone: +352-466644-9245; Fax: +352-466644-5376. e-mail: kretzsch.andre@gmail.com; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7290-1145. 10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 JDDM | 2015 | Volume 1 | Article 4 | 1 mailto:kretzsch.andre@gmail.com http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 Kretzschmar & Süß: Training of complex problem solving competence The Flexibility Training Approach Deliberate practice is defined as engagement in activities that are specifically designed to improve performance in a domain (Meinz & Hambrick, 2010). In this sense, Dörner (1989) proposed the flexibility training approach in accor- dance with the assumption that a CPS competence train- ing should also have an effect on untrained complex prob- lems. The aim of the flexibility training is to develop gen- eral problem solving knowledge (GPSK) about how to solve complex problems. GPSK (or heuristic knowledge; Schaub & Strohschneider, 1992) is knowledge about the need to ex- plore the problem (e.g., to acquire situation-specific knowl- edge), how to conduct interventions (e.g., careful interven- tions in unstable systems), and how to reach goals (e.g., how to effectively organize a series of interventions). GPSK can therefore be considered meta-problem-solving knowl- edge that is applicable across different situations. Ac- cording to Dörner and other reseraches, GPSK can be developed by gaining experience with different problem situations (Dörner, 1976; Schaub & Strohschneider, 1992; Strohschneider, 1990). This means that comprehensive ex- perience with problem situations involving heterogeneous demands leads to the successive abstraction of problem solving procedures. Due to this abstraction process, it can be assumed that problem solving knowledge will be less dependent on concrete problem situations and, thus, gen- erally applicable (Weinert & Waldmann, 1988). For exam- ple, imagine that you have just bought a computer with a new operating system (e.g., Ubuntu Linux). A prob- lem situation may develop if you want to install a soft- ware program. Your (situation-specific) knowledge about how to install new software in your old operating system (e.g., Microsoft Windows) would be less useful because the procedures for installing software differ between the two operating systems. Therefore, an appropriate way to pro- ceed would be first to acquire knowledge about the op- erating system’s installation procedure by consulting the help pages. Consulting the help pages or, more gener- ally, knowing how to acquire essential information about a problem is an example of GPSK. Experience with dif- ferent problem situations would lead to the GPSK: “If I do not know the specific procedure for solving the prob- lem, then I should use the support that is offered to get the information.” Consequently, if your office computer has another operating system (e.g., OS X), neither your spe- cific knowledge about Linux nor about Microsoft Windows will be sufficiently helpful. However, the GPSK of using the help pages will increase your chances of successfully installing new software on your office computer too. More- over, having experience with different operating systems would also increase a person’s knowledge about common solutions (i.e., how to apply knowledge about software in- stallation). Although the specific procedures differ between the operating systems, the problem solver might realize the similarity of the principal steps (e.g., start the pro- cedure, configure some features, check the success of the procedure). Experience with different problem situations should, therefore, increase GPSK in numerous ways. How- ever, such experience might not be limited to the contexts of software installation in different operating systems but should also be useful in different contexts (e.g., using an unfamiliar mobile phone). Basically, Dörner’s (1989) flexibility training approach follows the assumption that a person’s experience with dif- ferent complex problem situations will help the person de- velop a higher GPSK, which leads to a better CPS per- formance in an unknown problem. However, as always in training contexts, the essential question here is how to teach GPSK, especially with regard to its transferabil- ity to unknown problem situations. Previous research has shown that the direct teaching of GPSK (e.g., general prob- lem solving strategies) is rather unrewarding, whereas a learning-by-doing approach (Anzai & Simon, 1979) seems to be generally more efficient (e.g., Friedrich & Mandl, 1992; Putz-Osterloh, 1988; Stern, 1993). Consequently, the flexibility training should be primarily based on direct interactions between the problem solver and different com- plex problem situations (i.e., learning-by-doing). In summary, the flexibility training approach followed the principle of developing GPSK by gaining experience with different problem situations. Whereas specific prob- lem solving knowledge (e.g., installing a software program in a new operating system) is less advantageous in un- known situations, the use of GPSK (e.g., how to acquire knowledge and follow the common procedures) promotes the solving of new and unknown problem situations. Previous Empirical Findings on CPS Competence Training The impact of experience on complex problem situations has been examined with expert-novice comparisons (e.g., Putz-Osterloh, 1987; Schaub & Strohschneider, 1992). However, to our knowledge, no studies have aimed to in- vestigate the training of general CPS competence (i.e., the development of GPSK). In fact, the vast majority of stud- ies that have had the goal of increasing CPS competence have used only a single complex problem situation without considering whether competence in CPS could be trans- ferred to novel problem situations. The consistent, albeit quite trivial, finding of these studies is that people who are trained in a specific problem situation perform better when confronted with the same one (Funke, 2006). Unfor- tunately, such studies cannot contribute to answering the question of whether CPS competence is trainable. The ef- fects of practice have been shown several times in different contexts (e.g., Kulik, Kulik, & Bangert, 1984), but this does not necessarily imply an improved competence. With regard to the few studies that have effectively fo- cused on effects that can be successfully transferred to new problem situations, such studies have used only two prob- lem situations (i.e., one for the training and one for eval- uating the transfer) with limited training time (Bakken, 1993; Jensen, 2005; Putz-Osterloh & Lemme, 1987). For example, in Jensen’s (2005) study, people were trained with the rabbit-and-fox task, and the transfer performance was evaluated with the reindeer-and-lichen task. The results indicated that people were able to learn from experience with complex problem situations and use that knowledge in a new problem situation (Jensen, 2005). However, the two tasks were quite similar, and thus, the results could not be used to determine whether the participants had de- veloped GPSK that could be applicable to a less similar problem situation or whether they had acquired only task- specific knowledge instead. Some indirect evidence for the development of GPSK through experience has come from research on CPS assess- 1There are several synonyms for CPS in the literature, for ex- ample, dynamic decision making (e.g., Gonzalez, Thomas, & Vanyukov, 2005), interactive problem solving (e.g., Fischer et al., 2015), dynamic problem solving (e.g., Greiff, Wüstenberg, & Funke, 2012), and creative problem solving (e.g., OECD, 2014). 10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 JDDM | 2015 | Volume 1 | Article 4 | 2 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 Kretzschmar & Süß: Training of complex problem solving competence ment tools using the multiple-item approach (e.g., Micro- DYN; Greiff et al., 2012). These tools evaluate the use of exploratory behavior in a sequence of more or less differ- ent problem situations. With these tools, problem solvers are given no feedback concerning their exploration behav- ior and learn only from their experience with the tasks. The empirical findings (e.g., Schweizer, Wüstenberg, & Greiff, 2013; Wüstenberg et al., 2012) have clearly shown an increase in the use of the specific exploration strategy VOTAT (i.e., vary one thing at a time; Vollmeyer, Burns, & Holyoak, 1996) across the task sequences. Although the use of VOTAT was not taught during the assessment and no feedback was provided, problem solvers discovered the advantages of that strategy and used it more often at the end than at the beginning of the assessment. However, the tasks presented in MicroDYN are again highly similar, and thus, it is unknown whether problem solvers would be able to apply the knowledge they learned (i.e., use of the VOTAT strategy) to solve other, less familiar CPS tasks. To sum up, the previous findings point to the possibility of learning through experience with problem situations as well as to the ability to transfer one’s experience to simi- lar complex problem situations. However, the question of whether experience with different problem situations leads to an improved CPS competence that is applicable to new and unknown problem situations is still open. The Present Study The aim of the current study was to examine the extent to which CPS competence is trainable. Therefore, we chose Dörner’s (1989) flexibility training approach, which can theoretically be applied to develop GPSK. We specifically hypothesized that problem solvers who were allowed to gain experience from different problem situations would perform better in an unknown complex problem situation than a control group. Method Participants One hundred fifty-nine students from a German uni- versity participated in the experimental study. Par- ticipants in both the training and control groups were given the same incentives. In detail, psychology stu- dents were given partial credit for course requirements, whereas all other participants took part in a book raffle. Furthermore, all were given individual feed- back on their performance. One hundred ten students completed the entire training and were included in the analyses. A screening of the available informa- tion indicated selective dropout. In detail, nonpar- ticipants were mainly nonpsychology students (92%). This might indicate that the incentive of partial credit for course requirements was stronger than the book raffle incentive. Further evidence of selective dropout came from significantly better performances on some cognitive measures by the participants in comparison with the nonparticipants. The possible consequences of this selection process are discussed below. Of the final sample, 47% studied psychology, 22% mechanical engineering, 17% economics, and the rest another field of study. The mean age of the final sample was 23.28 years (SD = 4.01), and 49% were female. Gender was equally distributed (50% female) within each group. Design and General Procedure Participants were equally recruited, meaning that the study was described as having a study length of up to 12 hr for all participants. Half of the participants completed the training, whereas the others provided a no-contact control group. Participants were randomly allocated to the training or control group when they registered for the study. With regard to group equiva- lence, we screened for important determinants of CPS competence (e.g., Bühner, Kröner, & Ziegler, 2008; Greiff, Kretzschmar, Müller, Spinath, & Martin, 2014; Süß, 1996; Wittmann & Hattrup, 2004). Therefore, we used several subtests from a comprehensive test of the Berlin Intelligence Structure Model (BIS test; Jäger, Süß, & Beauducel, 1997; for a description in English, see Süß & Beauducel, 2015) to measure processing ca- pacity (i.e., reasoning, 9 tasks) and perceptual speed (9 tasks). Three different tasks from Oberauer, Süß, Wilhelm, & Wittmann (2002) and Sander (2005) were used to ascertain working memory capacity. In addi- tion, we assessed computer skills with the short ver- sion of the computer knowledge questionnaire START- C (Wagener, 2007), a questionnaire on computer ex- perience, and a computer-based simple reaction-time task by Sander (2005). Finally, we administered a new questionnaire (18 multiple-choice items) to gather prior domain-specific knowledge of the complex prob- lem situation that was used to evaluate the success of the training. Each group was tested separately. In the first ses- sion, participants filled out a questionnaire asking for personal data and were tested for baseline measures in groups of 10 to 20 persons. In the second session, the control group (on the following day) and the training group (after 1 week) were tested for CPS and domain- specific knowledge. All participants spent about 2.5 hr in each test session. Training Intervention Phase Material. On the basis of the flexibility training approach, we used five different microworlds (i.e., computer-based complex problem solving situations) as training tools in order to provide problem-situation demands that were as heterogeneous as possible. The selection of microworlds was guided by a literature re- view on training purposes, but no computer program that was specifically designed for training was avail- able. Therefore, we consulted the CPS research liter- ature to choose the following microworlds, which dif- fered sufficiently among themselves (as a prerequisite for the flexibility training) and with regard to the pre- selected microworld for the training evaluation (i.e., no equal semantic embedding, no equal user interface, etc.). In general, there is not yet a convincing way to objectively compare microworlds. Wagener (2001) 10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 JDDM | 2015 | Volume 1 | Article 4 | 3 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 Kretzschmar & Süß: Training of complex problem solving competence provided a very elaborate and comprehensive frame- work with 43 features to classify a broad range of mi- croworlds. Unfortunately, most of the features are not applicable to each microworld and, even more impor- tant, the classification is rather subjective. However, Table 1 provides an overview of the formal features that are roughly based on Wagener’s framework in or- der to provide additional information about the mi- croworlds we chose and their comparability. ColorSim. The microworld ColorSim (Kluge, 2008; see Figure 1) functioned as the initial simulation and was intended to get participants started. It is easy to understand and, thus, it provided a good demonstra- tion of the basic principles of solving complex prob- lem situations. ColorSim has no real-world embed- ding. Problem solvers have to manipulate three slide switches to reach the target values of three output pa- rameters. The different levels of the microworld are implemented through an increasingly complex network comprised of the different variables. We used the easi- est level as well as a moderate level according to Kluge (2008). In our study, each level consisted of nine tasks. ColorSim is turn-based and does not have a strict time limit. K4. The aim of K4 (Wagener, 2001; see Figure 2) is to manage a publishing house, in particular, to pro- duce and sell magazines. Thus, the problem solver has to control the price, the quality, the circulation, and so forth depending on demand and customer satisfaction. This microworld has three levels realized through the numbers of variables and manipulable parameters and the interconnections between them. We used all three levels; a level took between 15 and 75 min. PowerPlant. The microworld PowerPlant (Wallach, 1998; see Figure 3) provides a realistic simulation of a coal-fired power station. Problem solvers have to control the system by manipulating two actuating ele- ments: the supply of coal and the opening of a steam valve. They have to follow a target demand energy curve. The difficulty between the sessions changes with different target profiles of the demand curve. In our study, each session consisted of an introductory phase (15 decisions) followed by a performance phase of approximately 20 min. Tailorshop. We used the version of this microworld presented by Süß (1996; see Figure 4). In the Tailor- shop, problem solvers have to obtain economic success by manipulating prices, buying raw material, control- ling wages, and so forth. Two different Tailorshop start conditions were used. In the current study, each of the two sessions consisted of 2 (simulated) months of tuto- rials, an exploration phase of 30 min, and a turn-based performance phase of 12 months. Networked Fire Chief. In Networked Fire Chief (Omodei & Wearing, 1998; see Figure 5), problem solvers have to fight fires and coordinate their task forces. The task is to move units to the location of the fire while simultaneously managing water resources. For this study, we developed a new level that consid- ered the special demands of CPS (e.g., assigning pri- orities, observing different targets). The duration of the level was approximately 20 min. Procedure. At the end of the first session, people in the training group received a short introduction to the technical details of the computer training and completed the training individually at home. Table 2 shows the training plan, consisting of 10 sessions with five different microworlds. Each microworld had to be handled at least twice with each including an exploration phase and a performance phase. In the exploration phase, the problem solvers had no task- related objectives. Thus, subjects had the opportunity to acquire task-related knowledge, check out different strategies, learn from their mistakes, and evaluate the process without the pressure to perform (see Osman, 2010; Vollmeyer & Funke, 1999). No additional hints or feedback were given during the training phase; that is, the training was exclusively based on learning-by- doing (see Anzai & Simon, 1979). Furthermore, the training was designed with increasing difficulty and complexity and with an alternating presentation of mi- croworlds (see Goettl, Yadrick, Connolly-Gomez, Re- gian, & Shebilske, 1996). The training plan was designed with a time period of 1 week and a daily training between 40 and 90 min. On average, participants spent about 6.5 hr on the training. However, this is only a rough estimate of the total training time because the training software (see below) did not provide precise time-on-task informa- tion. We designed a training system that permitted the participants to complete all of the training sessions at home via the Internet at any time. To do this, ev- ery trainee received a training manual with general and software-related information describing the basic functions used in each microworld. For every training session, the participants had to log into an online envi- ronment with their personal log-in data2. Next, a soft- ware program that coordinated and recorded the entire training automatically started a microworld according to the individual’s training progress. No training ses- sion could be skipped or repeated, but under certain circumstances (e.g., a disrupted Internet connection), it was possible to start only the previous session again. After completing the last session, no further training was possible. 2The microworlds used for the present training were initially developed to run on a local computer system. In order to provide training that could be applied online, we emulated such a local computer system with the help of virtual machines. Participants used the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect to the virtual machines via the Internet. 10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 JDDM | 2015 | Volume 1 | Article 4 | 4 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 Kretzschmar & Süß: Training of complex problem solving competence Figure 1. Screenshot of the ColorSim microworld. Figure 2. Screenshot of the K4 microworld. 10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 JDDM | 2015 | Volume 1 | Article 4 | 5 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 Kretzschmar & Süß: Training of complex problem solving competence Figure 3. Screenshot of the PowerPlant microworld. Figure 4. Screenshot of the Tailorshop microworld. 10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 JDDM | 2015 | Volume 1 | Article 4 | 6 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 Kretzschmar & Süß: Training of complex problem solving competence Figure 5. Screenshot of the Network Fire Chief microworld. Table 1. Selection of formal features of microworlds roughly based on Wagener’s (2001) framework. Features ColorSim K4 PowerPlant Tailorshop Networked Fire Chief FSYS Semantic embedding No/abstract Publishing company/ management Energy production/ engineering Clothing factory/ management Fire fighting Forestry/ management Impact of prior knowledge No Moderate Low-moderate Moderate Low Low Content presentation Numerical, in part figural Numerical Figural, in part numerical Numerical Figural Numerical, in part figural Turn-based Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Time limit No No Yes Yes Yes No Real-time simulation No No No No Yes No Number of variables 6 23/31/56 11 24 - 85 Connections between variables Linear, multiplicative, logistic Linear, multiplicative, logistic Differential equations Linear, exponential - Linear, exponential, logistic Eigendynamics Yes Yes No Yes, exponential Yes Yes Time delay of feedbacks Yes Yes Yes No, exponential No Yes Hidden/indirect effects Yes Yes Yes Yes, exponential Yes Yes Random influences No No No Yes (pseudo) No No Note. Impact of prior knowledge was estimated. All other information is based on the literature and test descriptions. 10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 JDDM | 2015 | Volume 1 | Article 4 | 7 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 Kretzschmar & Süß: Training of complex problem solving competence Training Evaluation Phase Material. We used the microworld FSYS 2.0 (Wa- gener, 2001; see Figure 6) to measure the training outcome. FSYS is a reliable and well-validated CPS competence assessment tool that is based on Dörner et al.’s (Dörner, 1986; Dörner et al., 1983) theoreti- cal complex problem solving framework. The seman- tic embedding of FSYS is composed of a forest en- terprise. However, to achieve good performance, no previous knowledge is required because the program uses fantasy names, an integrated information system, and very general cause-effect relations. The aim was to achieve economic success within 50 simulated months. Thereby, the problem solver had to manage five differ- ent wooded areas by planting and lumbering trees, fer- tilizing, and fighting vermin. Wagener and Wittmann (2002) demonstrated that FSYS offered incremental predictive validity beyond general intelligence with re- gard to job-related performance indicators (e.g., in- basket exercises, case studies). Stadler, Becker, Greiff, and Spinath (2015) reported that FSYS explained in- cremental variability in university grade point average when they controlled for high-school GPA and a short test of general intelligence, even though their sample size was rather small. Furthermore, we used Wagener’s (2001) question- naire to assess FSYS-specific knowledge after the par- ticipants completed the 50 simulated months. The questionnaire addressed all relevant fields in the mi- croworld and was composed of 11 multiple-choice ques- tions of factual and action knowledge. For each ques- tion, five different answer options were provided (i.e., four distractors in addition to the right answer). Ex- ample questions are: "Which tree has the highest yield?" and "A forest is infested by vermin XY. Which procedure would you apply?" Wagener (2001) reported an internal consistency of .41, but this is an inaccurate estimate of the reliability because of the heterogeneity of the scale. Dependent variables. The total score on the FSYS- specific knowledge test (Wagener, 2001) was used as an indicator of the process of knowledge acquisition. Each item was scored dichotomously, resulting in a sum score that ranged from 0 to 11. For the process of knowledge application, we used the control perfor- mance in FSYS3, that is, the total amount of property amassed by the end of the simulation (original name SKAPKOR). According to the standard scoring proce- dure, the property value was logistically transformed into a scale ranging from 0 to 100 such that higher values indicated better performance (Wagener, 2001). Wagener (2001) reported substantial manifest corre- lations (r = .41 to .44) between knowledge acquisition (i.e., knowledge test) and knowledge application (i.e., control performance) for FSYS. The correlation in the present study was comparable (r = .53, p < .001) and fell within the range commonly obtained for these two processes (Goode & Beckmann, 2010). The CPS pro- cesses of knowledge acquisition and knowledge appli- cation were analyzed separately to examine potential differential effects of the training. Results An alpha level of .05 was used for all statistical tests. All significance tests were one-tailed except when noted otherwise. In addition to the significance levels, Cohen’s (1988) effect sizes are reported. The sample size was adequate for detecting at least medium-sized effects (d = 0.5) with a power of .80 for simple mean comparisons (Faul, Erdfelder, Lang, & Buchner, 2007). Participants’ gender (50% female within each group), age, perceptual speed, working memory ca- pacity, computer skills, and domain-specific knowl- edge did not differ between the two groups (ts ≤ 1.5, ps, two-tailed > .10). However, there was a significant difference in reasoning, t(108) = 2.65, ptwo-tailed = .01, d = 0.51, with superior performance in the training group. Therefore, group equivalence was not com- pletely achieved, and all further analyses were addi- tionally run with reasoning as a covariate. The de- scriptive statistics are shown in Table 3. We had expected better CPS performance in the training group than in the control group. We first analyzed CPS competence with regard to the process of knowledge acquisition. The training group (M = 5.91, SD = 1.93) showed better performance than the control group (M = 4.89, SD = 1.79). The difference was statistically significant, t(108) = 2.87, pone-tailed < .01, with a moderate effect size (d = 0.55). The results did not change even when reasoning was controlled for. In a second step, we analyzed CPS competence with regard to the process of knowledge application. The two groups showed almost identical performance in controlling FSYS. The mean score for the training group was 58.36 (SD = 20.77) and was 57.14 (SD = 24.86) for the control group. Thus, there was no statis- tically significant difference, t(108) = 0.28, pone-tailed = .39, d = 0.05. Again, controlling for reasoning did not change the findings. In summary, our findings only partly supported our hypothesis. After the flexibility training, the training group participants were significantly better at acquir- ing knowledge in comparison with the control group participants. However, no significant difference was found in knowledge application (i.e., in solving the problem). Discussion Solving nonroutine problems is highly relevant in our rapidly changing world, and consequently, CPS com- petence plays an important role, especially in the edu- cational context (OECD, 2014). Although CPS com- petence is considered to be trainable (OECD, 2014), 3 FSYS also provides additional behavioral scales that were not used in this study. Most of the behavioral scales did not exhibit acceptable psychometric quality, and thus, we could not inter- pret them without reservations (see Wagener & Conrad, 2001). 10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 JDDM | 2015 | Volume 1 | Article 4 | 8 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 Kretzschmar & Süß: Training of complex problem solving competence Figure 6. Screenshot of the Tailorshop microworld. Table 2. Training program. Session Microworld Version/Level of difficulty Estimated duration 1 ColorSim 1 35 2 ColorSim 2 45 3 K4 1 35 4 PowerPlant A 30 5 Tailorshop A 90 6 K4 2 60 7 PowerPlant B 20 8 Fire Chief — 20 9 K4 3 75 10 Tailorshop B 60 Note. Each session was composed of an exploration phase that did not involve a performance evaluation and a performance phase. The letters A and B indicate different versions; the numbers indicate the level of difficulty. The estimated duration in minutes is based on information from the associated literature. 10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 JDDM | 2015 | Volume 1 | Article 4 | 9 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 Kretzschmar & Süß: Training of complex problem solving competence Table 3. Descriptive statistics (means, confidence intervals, standard deviations) for both groups. Measure Control group Training group M 95% CI SD M 95% CI SD ω Age 23.96 [22.73, 25.19] 4.55 22.80 [21.90, 23.70] 3.34 — Reasoning -0.14 [-0.30, 0.01] 0.58 0.13 [0.00, 0.27] 0.51 .88 Perceptual speed -0.07 [-0.25, 0.10] 0.65 0.10 [-0.07, 0.27] 0.63 .79 Working memory capacity 0.04 [-0.50, 0.57] 1.97 0.58 [0.07, 1.09] 1.88 .891 Computer knowledge 18.36 [17.37, 19.36] 3.67 18.71 [17.73, 19.68] 3.6 .79 Computer experience in years 10.27 [9.5, 11.04] 2.84 10.51 [9.54, 11.47] 3.57 — Simple reaction-time 255.08 [249.92, 260.23] 19.07 256.24 [251.10, 261.38] 19.01 .92 Domain-specific prior knowledge 8.18 [7.52, 8.85] 2.46 8.40 [7.56, 9.24] 3.09 .59 CPS: Knowledge acquistion 4.89 [4.41, 5.38] 1.79 5.91 [5.39, 6.43] 1.93 .53 CPS: Knowledge application 57.14 [50.42, 63.86] 24.86 58.36 [52.74, 63.97] 20.77 — Note. For reasoning (Z scores), perceptual speed (Z scores), working memory capazity (Z scores), computer knowledge and domain- specific prior knowledge, the sum scores of the single tasks were used. For simple reaction-time the mean score was used. 1Only for the subtask reading span; for the other two tasks (dot span and memory updating numerical) a single total score was used. ω: McDonald’s Omega. empirical support for this supposition has been rather weak. The purpose of the current study was to deepen the understanding of the extent to which CPS compe- tence can be improved through a training interven- tion. The findings of this study showed that CPS competence was only partly influenced by flexibility training. Whereas training significantly improved the CPS process of acquiring relevant knowledge about the problem situation, the process of knowledge applica- tion was not affected. Aside from the differential ef- fects of training on the two CPS processes, the general implications for the trainability of CPS competence will be discussed. According to Fischer, Greiff, & Funke (2012), CPS involves at least two consecutive processes. First, the problem solver has to acquire problem-specific knowl- edge (e.g., how to install software in a new operating system), and second, the problem solver has to ap- ply this knowledge in order to solve the problem (e.g., complete the software installation process). Appar- ently, handling different problem situations improves the first step involved in solving complex problem situations. That is, in our study, trained problem solvers were able to acquire more knowledge about an unknown problem situation. According to the flex- ibility training approach, this finding can be inter- preted as improvements in GPSK concerning the util- ity of knowledge acquisition. When frequently con- fronted with different problem situations where no prior knowledge is applicable, the problem solver rec- ognizes that he or she must acquire knowledge about a problem in order to solve it. Moreover, processes through which people can effectively acquire knowl- edge (e.g., different exploration strategies such as VOTAT; Vollmeyer et al., 1996) might also be im- proved through experience with different problem situ- ations. This issue is especially important when consid- ering problem solving in real life. Real-life problems differ widely and, thus, situation-specific knowledge might be not available for each problem (e.g., an unfa- miliar mobile phone or a new operating system). How- ever, when problem solvers can rely on GPSK, their chances of acquiring situation-specific knowledge that will help them solve the problem (e.g., through com- prehensive exploration) increase. In this sense, flexi- bility training can be considered successful with regard to the prerequisite of actually solving complex prob- lems, that is, acquiring knowledge about an unknown problem situation. On the other hand, GPSK consisting of how to apply the acquired information in order to solve the problem does not seem to be improved by the training. This finding is crucial when evaluating CPS training in gen- eral. Although acquiring relevant information is neces- sary for solving an unknown problem, the actual goal is to solve the problem. Returning to the introductory example, knowing how to obtain information that ex- plains how to install a software program but to still be unable to actually install it will not lead to a satisfac- tory outcome. The reason for the lack of impact from the CPS training might lie in different issues. In general, the flexibility training is aimed at im- proving CPS competence independent of a particu- lar problem situation in terms of GPSK. However, it might be the case that the process of knowledge application is rather situation-specific. This means that every problem situation primarily requires spe- cific knowledge about how to act in the situation, and thus, GPSK that is independent from the actual prob- lem situation might play only a minor role in a person’s ability to actually solve the problem. The importance of previous knowledge in a specific problem situation (see Süß, 1996) might support this perspective. Fur- thermore, our flexibility training was less focused on addressing the special demands of knowledge applica- tion (e.g., careful interventions in unstable systems). In fact, trainees were encouraged to extensively ex- plore each problem situation during the training to understand how to solve the problem. Although the process of knowledge application (i.e., actually solving the problem) was covered in each training session, it is unknown whether trainees primarily used the per- 10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 JDDM | 2015 | Volume 1 | Article 4 | 10 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 Kretzschmar & Süß: Training of complex problem solving competence formance phase to solve the problem (e.g., to be a successful Tailorshop manager) or whether they used the performance phase to also learn more about the problem situation. The latter would mainly lead to an increase in GPSK related to the process of knowl- edge acquisition rather than the process of knowledge application. In this respect, it is important to note that the training was an unguided training; that is, we provided no feedback, no explicit teaching of problem solving strategies, or any similar guidance. Instead, the training was completely based on the learning- by-doing approach (Anzai & Simon, 1979). A more guided training (e.g., emphasizing training goals, prob- lem solving phases, and processes, etc.) might lead to an increase in the training effect also for the process for knowledge application. Therefore, training stud- ies that are tailored to address the specific demands of applying knowledge combined with a more explic- itly guided training approach might be able to shed some light on the question of whether GPSK can be improved with respect to the problem solver’s ability to actually solve the given problem. Another explanation for the findings can be found in assessments of the CPS processes. The assessment of knowledge application often has limitations in terms of reliability; that is, the assessment using microworlds is actually a single-item measure with limited relia- bility (Beckmann & Goode, 2014; Greiff et al., 2012; Süß, 1999). Although the estimated internal consis- tency of FSYS is rather high (.80; Wagener, 2001), its test-retest reliability and parallel-test reliability re- main unknown. Thus, limitations in the reliability of FSYS might prohibit the ability to use it to detect the success of the training with respect to the process of knowledge application. Recently developed mea- surement tools focusing in particular on psychometric criteria (e.g., Neubert, Kretzschmar, Wüstenberg, & Greiff, 2014; Sonnleitner et al., 2012) might be used to resolve this issue as they provide reliable scores for knowledge acquisition and knowledge application. Limitations and Recommendations for Further Research Some limitations of this study need to be discussed, especially with respect to future CPS training studies. First, the no-contact control group did not complete any pseudo-training. We had expected that pseudo- training would not have affected the training outcome. The few previous training studies had not shown sub- stantial transfer effects regardless of whether partici- pants had received training of any kind or a control intervention. Furthermore, the intensive use of com- puters by many students has become commonplace (Prensky, 2001), which was confirmed by the analyses of the background questions used in this study. Thus, we did not expect training to produce any improve- ments due solely to the use of computers. Finally, both groups were informed up front that the study duration could be up to 12 hr so that the motivation in both groups could be assumed to be equal. In summary, an additional intervention for the control group seemed dispensable, but it might be beneficial to include an active control group in future research. Furthermore, despite the use of random assignment, group equivalence was not achieved. The training group outperformed the control group in reasoning, which has repeatedly been shown to be a substan- tial predictor of CPS performance (e.g., Kretzschmar, Neubert, Wüstenberg, & Greiff, 2016; Sonnleitner et al., 2013; Süß, 1996; Wittmann & Süß, 1999; Wüsten- berg et al., 2012). Although we statistically controlled for the difference in reasoning on the pretest, we have to consider that the training group may have benefit- ted from their higher reasoning ability (Matthew ef- fect; e.g., Walberg & Tsai, 1983). However, we can only speculate about the reasons for the differences between the groups. Although random assignment to the training or control group was applied, it does not ensure group equivalence, especially when sample sizes are small or moderate (e.g., Saint-Mont, 2015). Thus, we have to consider the possibility that even additional group differences (e.g., in motivation) may have influ- enced participants’ performance in our study. Another issue involves the sample characteristics. The participants were recruited from a sample with above-average cognitive performance. Although uni- versity students are often used in psychological studies, such findings should be generalized only with caution (Henrich, Heine, & Norenzayan, 2010). In fact, the selective dropout in the present study even reduced the heterogeneity of the sample with notable conse- quences. That is, the effect of the present training may have been underestimated due to a ceiling effect for the participants with above-average cognitive abil- ities. Therefore, it is possible that the effect of the training would be stronger in a less selective sample. Future CPS research should aim to avoid such selec- tion biases in order to capture the full range of CPS competence in a variety of different contexts and pop- ulations. Finally, the assessment of CPS competence in gen- eral needs to be discussed. Typical CPS assessment tools as used in this study indicate whether a problem solver has acquired specific knowledge about a problem situation (i.e., the CPS process of knowledge acquisi- tion) or whether a goal was reached (i.e., the CPS pro- cess of knowledge application). But strictly speaking, participants’ behavior in the complex problem situa- tion goes beyond these two core processes (see Dörner, 1986. In fact, in addition to the processes of knowl- edge acquisition and knowledge application, more spe- cific processes are also considered important for solv- ing complex problems. Some of these processes consist of engaging in strategic exploration to gather informa- tion, reducing and integrating information into a rep- resentation of knowledge, anticipating future develop- ments and making plans, setting priorities and balanc- ing goals, or evaluating and modifying problem solving behavior (e.g., Fischer et al., 2012; Funke, 2001; Greiff & Fischer, 2013; Wagener, 2001). Although there are already theoretical considerations about how to fur- 10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 JDDM | 2015 | Volume 1 | Article 4 | 11 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 Kretzschmar & Süß: Training of complex problem solving competence ther develop the assessment of CPS to gain deeper insights into CPS competence (e.g., Greiff & Fischer, 2013), its practical implementation is still outstand- ing. In fact, more research on the evaluation of CPS performance beyond the two processes of knowledge acquisition and knowledge application is still needed (e.g., based on logfile analyses). Moreover, no direct measurement of GPSK was used in this study. That is, we only assumed that a better knowledge acqui- sition performance was based on a higher GPSK, but strictly speaking, we do not know whether this is truly the case. As a consequence, possible effects of the flexibility training used in the present study beyond the two CPS processes of knowledge acquisition and knowledge application (e.g., whether trainees had an increased GPSK, resulting in a larger number of tested hypotheses than participants without training) could not be evaluated. Future CPS training studies will therefore benefit considerably from the further devel- opment of CPS assessment tools that can capture ad- ditional and more specific CPS processes (e.g., Müller, Kretzschmar, & Greiff, 2013; Wüstenberg, Stadler, Hautamäki, & Greiff, 2014). Furthermore, in order to examine whether the increase in CPS competence was based on GPSK, future studies should (develop and) include a corresponding measure. Conclusion As noted earlier, the trainability of CPS competence is an exciting issue and has become even more im- portant since CPS competence was added to interna- tional educational large-scale assessments. However, it is not sufficient to theoretically assume its train- ability and to give advice about how to improve CPS competence (e.g., OECD, 2014) if the empirical evi- dence is still missing. This study aimed to shed some light on the issue of the extent to which CPS is train- able. The improvement of CPS competence through experience with different problem situations might be possible. However, differential effects concerning the different CPS processes have to be considered. If CPS competence training were found to be effective only for the CPS process of knowledge acquisition (i.e., obtain- ing relevant information about an unknown problem) but not for the process of knowledge application (i.e., actually solving the problem), then it will be highly questionable whether CPS competence training would improve problem solving in real life (i.e., where the aim is to buy a ticket, not just to know about the functions of a ticket machine). Most important, fur- ther studies are needed to deepen our knowledge, espe- cially in terms of the long-term effects of the training, the extent to which the training can be transferred to real-world problems, and the determinants of training success. In this respect, some crucial points for future research were highlighted in this study. Acknowledgements: We thank Dietrich Wagener, Anette Kluge, as well as Mary M. Omodei for provid- ing the software programs and Eigbert Riewald for his remarkable technical support. Furthermore, we thank Maik Böttcher, Samuel Greiff, Marcus Mund, and Cor- nelia Vogt for their helpful comments on earlier versions of this article. Declaration of conflicting interests: The authors de- clare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be constructed as a potential conflict of interest. Author contributions: The authors contributed equally to this work. Supplementary material: The data are publicly avail- able via the Open Science Framework and can be ac- cessed at https://osf.io/n2jvy. Handling editor: Andreas Fischer Copyright: This work is licensed under a Creative Com- mons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 In- ternational License. Citation: Kretzschmar, A. & Süß, H.-M. (2015). A study on the training of complex problem solving com- petence. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 1, 4. doi:10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 Received: 07 August 2015 Accepted: 03 December 2015 Published: 12 December 2015 References Anguera, J. A., Boccanfuso, J., Rintoul, J. L., Al-Hashimi, O., Faraji, F., Janowich, J., & Gazzaley, A. (2013). Video game training enhances cognitive control in older adults. Nature, 501(7465), 97–101. doi: 10.1038/nature12486 Anzai, Y., & Simon, H. A. (1979). The theory of learning by doing. Psychological Review, 86, 124–140. doi: 10.1037/0033- 295X.86.2.124 Bakken, B. E. (1993). 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