Original Research Exploration and exploitation during information search and consequential choice Cleotilde Gonzalez1 and Varun Dutt2 1Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory, Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA and 2School of Computing and Electrical Engineering and School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, India Before making a choice we often search and explore the options available. For example, we try clothes on before selecting the one to buy and we search for career op- tions before deciding a career to pursue. Although the exploration process, where one is free to sample available options is pervasive, we know little about how and why humans explore an environment before making choices. This research contributes to the clarification of some of the phenomena that describe how people perform search during free sampling: we find a gradual decrease of explo- ration and, in parallel, a tendency to explore and choose options of high value. These patterns provide support to the existence of learning and an exploration-exploitation tradeoffs that may occur during free sampling. Thus, ex- ploration in free sampling is not led by the purely epis- temic value of the available options. Rather, exploration during free sampling is a learning process that is influ- enced by memory effects and by the value of the options available, where participants pursue options of high value more frequently. These parallel processes predict the con- sequential choice. Keywords: choice, decisions from experience, exploration- exploitation, sampling, instance-based learning theory An important aspect of decision-making in many dailysituations involves a process of exploration of the available options before making a choice for real. Such is the case when we search for information on the web be- fore making a purchase (Pirolli & Card, 1999), when we search around for possible partners before making a dat- ing selection (Todd, Penke, Fasolo, & Lenton, 2007), and when a radiologist examines a scan of a patient for possi- ble diagnosis before deciding the treatment (Wolfe, 2012). Despite the relevance of the exploration process in many naturalistic tasks, we know relatively little about how and why humans explore an environment and how the informa- tion obtained from exploration is used in making choices. This research contributes to clarifying some of the aspects of search and exploration in experiential binary choice. In principle, a rational explorer should sample all available op- tions for as long as possible before making a choice given that new information may be collected from exploration, which is expected to lead to better choices. However, previ- ous studies involving free sampling in binary choice reveal at least five patterns of exploration that do not conform to the rational explorer: (1) people rely on surprisingly small samples (Hertwig & Pleskac, 2008, 2010); (2) they tend to sample more when higher and more variable pay- offs are involved (Hau, Pleskac, Kiefer, & Hertwig, 2008; Mehlhorn, Ben-Asher, Dutt, & Gonzalez, 2014); (3) they follow generally two exploration policies (piecewise or com- prehensive strategies) (Hills & Hertwig, 2010); (4) they re- duce their rate of exploration over time (Gonzalez & Dutt, 2011, 2012); and (5) they tend to choose the option that they sampled more often (Gonzalez & Dutt, 2012). The main contribution of the current research is the clarifica- tion of the relationship between the rate of exploration over time and the tendency to explore and choose the high value option that would lead to the best result. In a binary choice task with free sampling, we demonstrate that a reduction in exploration occurs in parallel with a tendency to select an option with the higher experienced mean more often, regardless of the exploration policy that participants take. Free sampling and the exploration-exploitation tradeoff In the study of decisions from experience, researchers have developed an experimental paradigm to study the process of exploration and subsequent choice in a binary task. The paradigm, sampling paradigm (see Figure 1), provides a way for participants to explore the two options freely, for as long as they desire and in the order they desire, be- fore making one choice for real (Camilleri & Newell, 2011; Hertwig & Erev, 2009; Rakow & Newell, 2010). Although most of the studies in this paradigm have concentrated on highlighting the choice after exploration to contrast with traditional choice from description (e.g., Hertwig, Barron, Weber, & Erev, 2004), this paradigm opens a window for investigating the behavior, processes, and strategies that people pursue during exploration, before making a choice. The exploration rate in this task has been found to decrease over an increasing number of repeated samples (Gonzalez & Dutt, 2011, 2012; Teodorescu & Erev, 2014); and, people tend to choose the option that they sampled more frequently and more recently (Gonzalez & Dutt, 2011, 2012). A few studies have suggested that the decrease in exploration rate might be related to the process of dis- covering an option that maximizes outcomes (Gonzalez & Dutt, 2011, 2012); while some find a more extreme effect: that a decrease of exploration occurs even when it is most optimal to keep exploring (Teodorescu & Erev, 2014). Hills and Hertwig (2012) questioned the robustness of the observation in Gonzalez and Dutt (2011) about the re- duction of exploration rate over time and their suggestion Corresponding author: Cleotilde Gonzalez, Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA. e- mail: coty@cmu.edu 10.11588/jddm.2016.1.29308 JDDM | 2016 | Volume 2 | Article 2 | 1 mailto:coty@cmu.edu https://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/jddm/10.11588/jddm.2016.1.29308 Gonzalez & Dutt: Exploration and Exploitation during Sampling Figure 1. The sampling paradigm of decisions from experience. During the sampling phase people select options freely. By selecting an option an outcome is drawn from a distribution, presented as a result. The figure shows a problem of choice between two options A: a .8 chance of earning $4 and .2 chance of earning $0; and B: Earning $3 for sure. Participants first sample the two options A and B to discover their values and once they are satisfied with the information they choose one of the two options (A or B) for real. that participants explore options that corresponded to the highest value (Sampling-H). The heart of their argument is that in the sampling paradigm, an impression of reduced exploration over time (alternation rate, A-rate, in binary choice) is produced by an inverse relationship between the sample size and the A-rate, and the aggregation of par- ticipants with different sample sizes. Gonzalez and Dutt (2012) showed that the reduction of A-rate during sam- pling occurs even when sample length is controlled for and that people tend to explore and choose according to the value of the options. They argued that a decrease of ex- ploration in the sampling paradigm might be related to an implicit goal of discovering which of the two options maxi- mizes rewards, suggesting that an exploration-exploitation tradeoff may be occurring during free sampling. What happens during free sampling is still unclear. One possibility is that exploration is simply random (Hertwig & Erev, 2009; Rakow & Newell, 2010). The assumption of a random search is very reasonable for a rational ex- plorer that wants to maximize the information obtained, and it is very commonly used in a large variety of cognitive models attempting to account for the choice after sampling (see Gonzalez and Dutt, 2011 for a review of these mod- els). However, this assumption of randomness does not explain the patterns of exploration found in human data (Fiedler, 2000; Fiedler & Kareev, 2006; Gonzalez & Dutt, 2011). A random sampling assumption would presuppose a stability of other factors like learning from the sampling process and being influenced by memory effects (e.g., fre- quency and recency of experienced outcomes). Some argue that in the sampling paradigm there cannot be exploration- exploitation tradeoffs because the sampling process is sep- arated from choice and it can only be used to obtain in- formation without any concerns about costs and rewards but with the only purpose of informing the consequential choice after sampling (Hills & Hertwig, 2012). Psycholo- gists would generally suggest that more informed decisions are a result of larger sample sizes (i.e., the value of in- formation increases with more samples) (Fiedler, 2000). Thus, a strong and robust finding that people draw small samples (a median number between 11 and 19 times) be- fore making a choice (e.g., Gonzalez & Dutt, 2011; Hau et al., 2008; Hertwig & Erev, 2009; Hills & Hertwig, 2010) make the "information acquisition" possibility less likely. If exploration was used to obtain information without con- cerns about identifying the option that provides the max- imum rewards, the number of samples would be larger. However, the search process during sampling is, in fact, costly (Fiedler & Kareev, 2006; Kareev, 2000; Hau et al., 2008), and there might be some advantages to fewer sam- ples. Studies have shown that fewer samples may ren- der the choice simpler and surprisingly good (Hertwig & Pleskac, 2008, 2010), because fewer samples lead to larger initial differences between two options being considered, compared to the differences given by their objective prob- abilities (i.e., the “amplification effect”). Furthermore, this differentiation between the two options with small samples may ease the choice process and may lead to choices that, although are not optimal, are good enough (Hertwig & Pleskac, 2008, 2010). Hau et al. (2008) demonstrated that people consider and account for perceived costs during sampling. Their studies show that sampling is costly in terms of opportu- nity costs. For example, sampling might take time during which people cannot pursue other activities. Furthermore, they demonstrated that people consider the magnitude of outcomes when deciding whether or not to continue sam- pling the options: When the values of the outcomes were increased (resulting in higher opportunity costs from not choosing the option with the higher expected value), the sample size doubled (a median of 33) compared to the same problems in Hertwig et al. (2004). Thus, the amount of search does depend on the value of the outcomes in- volved. Furthermore, Gonzalez and Dutt (2012) found a pattern of decreased exploration with increased sampling in Hau et al.’s (2008) data. This pattern occurred at the average and individual participant levels. They demon- strated that the patterns of decreased exploration during sampling occur regardless of the sample length and that the frequency of sampling-H was indicative of the final choice. These patterns of reduced exploration in a sam- pling paradigm are very similar to those found in con- sequential choice paradigms, leading the authors (Gon- zalez & Dutt, 2011, 2012) to suggest the presence of an exploration-exploitation tradeoff during free sampling sim- ilar to that found in consequential choice (Biele, Erev, & Eyal, 2009; Camilleri & Newell, 2011; Gonzalez & Dutt, 2011; Mehlhorn et al., 2014). The studies reviewed above provide support for the idea that people explore options during free sampling in a way that the process is led by the economic value of the op- tions rather than by the pure epistemic value. That is, the search process may serve to discover and pursue the maximizing option, and then the patterns of decreased ex- ploration rate should be inversely related to patterns of increased sampling-H rate over more samples. Search Strategies: How do people explore in a free sampling binary task Hills and Hertwig (2010) used data from experiments in the sampling paradigm to investigate the strategies that humans may use during sampling. They used the alter- nation rate between the two options to investigate two prominent sampling strategies: Piecewise, where options are explored very rapidly and participants alternate back- 10.11588/jddm.2016.1.29308 JDDM | 2016 | Volume 2 | Article 2 | 2 https://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/jddm/10.11588/jddm.2016.1.29308 Gonzalez & Dutt: Exploration and Exploitation during Sampling and-forth between them in a zigzag manner (see Figure 2, left panel); and comprehensive, where participants ex- plore one option more deeply before making a switch to the other and switching back-and-forth between the options is less frequent (see Figure 2, right panel). Hills and Hertwig (2010) discovered that although our search may reveal the same information, the strategies we use during sampling influence the subsequent choice. For example, the piecewise strategy more often resulted in the underweighting of rare outcomes (e.g., $0 in the example shown in Figure 2) compared to the comprehensive strat- egy. They also found that the piecewise strategy resulted in less consistency (agreement) between the predictions from sampling behavior and the consequential choice. However, Hills and Hertwig (2010) left one important question unanswered (page 5): "Why is the way peo- ple search indicative of the final decisions they make?" We expect the dynamics of exploration and exploitation and the inverse relationship between exploration rate and sampling-H rate to be the answer to this question. Gon- zalez and Dutt (2011, 2012) suggested that the main fea- tures of decisions from experience can be captured with the hypothesis that people tend to select the option that led to the best value in similar situations in the past. A formalization of this underlying process is provided by Instance-Based Learning Theory (IBLT) (Gonzalez, Lerch, & Lebiere, 2003). In essence, IBLT proposed that deci- sions are made by retrieving experiences from past sim- ilar situations and selecting the option that led to the best outcomes. In agreement with other Instance-based theories of learning (Dienes & Fahey, 1995; Logan, 1988) and reinforcement-learning processes (Erev & Roth, 1998), IBLT proposes that depending on the consistency or vari- ability of environmental conditions, there would be a grad- ual transition from exploration to exploitation of options that have provided the best outcome based on experience. The main choice rule in IBLT is to select the option with the maximum experienced value (called Blending) (Gon- zalez & Dutt, 2011; Lejarraga, Dutt, & Gonzalez, 2012). When the blended value of one option (A) is higher than the blended value of the other option (B), choose A, other- wise choose B. In the example of Figure 1, there are three instances, each corresponding to each possible outcome: (A, 4), (A, 0), and (B, 3). Each option (A and B) has a blended value calculated as the sum of each experienced outcome based on the cognitive probability (probability of recalling that outcome from memory). The cognitive probability of an instance is determined by several mem- ory factors including the frequency and recency (memory decay) (these are components of an Activation mechanism obtained from the ACT-R theory of cognition; Anderson & Lebiere, 1998). If an outcome has been experienced more often and more recently, that instance would have higher activation, which increases its probability of retrieval (see formalization of these mechanisms in Gonzalez & Dutt, 2011; and Lejarraga et al., 2012). IBLT’s mechanisms pre- dict a process in which there is a gradual transition from more exploration of the available options towards exploita- tion of options that have resulted in the best outcomes through experience (Gonzalez et al., 2003). Given the possibility that people would strategize about how to explore the options, selecting a preferred strategy over other strategies (Hills & Hertwig, 2010), we question if the same or different dynamics may emerge during sam- pling when piecewise or comprehensive strategies are used. Note that the piecewise and comprehensive strategies are "idealized"; that is, they are two extremes of a continuum of alternation or exploration processes (Hills & Hertwig, 2010). In what follows, we analyze the dynamics of ex- ploration and sampling-H overall and under piecewise and comprehensive strategies, by relying on a large data set of the sampling paradigm that is publicly available (Erev et al., 2010). Method Two data sets from the TPT’s sampling competition were put together: an estimation set (60 problems) and a competition set (60 new problems derived us- ing the same algorithm as the estimation set), which are both available online (Erev et al., 2010). All prob- lems involved sampling between two unlabeled but- tons, one associated with a safe option that offered a medium (M) outcome with certainty and the other as- sociated with a risky option that offered a high (H) outcome with some probability (pH) and a low (L) outcome with the complementary probability (1-pH) (see Erev et al., 2010 regarding the problem genera- tion algorithm and data collection methods). In each of the estimation and competition sets, 40 participants were randomly assigned into two groups of 20 participants each, and each group completed 30 of the 60 problems in a random order.1 Participants were allowed to sample the options freely as long as they wanted and in their desired order before mak- ing a consequential final choice. Although participants could sample freely; however, the median sample size across the two options was small (= 9 samples). Using the same assumption as in Hills and Hertwig (2010), we only considered those problems where participants saw all the outcomes for both of the options2 , obtain- ing a data set with 74 participants, 120 problems, en- compassing 18,113 sampling decisions, and 988 obser- vations (observations is a unique combination of par- ticipant, problem, and set that is used as the unit of our analysis). We calculated the A-rate as done by Gonzalez and Dutt (2011, 2012) and Hills & Hertwig (2010). For each observation starting in the second sample, we coded whether the participant switched the choice (=1) or not (=0) from the previous sample (the very first sample was marked as a missing value as there was no sample preceding it). Then, the alternation rate was defined as the average at each sample com- puted across observations. To calculate the Sampling- H rate we first identified the option with the high ex- pected value in each problem. Based on the definition of those problems, in 63 problems the high expected 1 When we downloaded the sample-by-sample dataset from Technion Prediction Tournament’s website, we found the dataset only contained 79 participants (thus, one participants’ sampling data was absent in the estimation set). 2 Mehlhorn et al. (2014) found that variability of outcomes in options during sampling has an effect on people’s choice. By making participants see all possible outcomes on options, we disregard the role variability may play in influencing human choice. 10.11588/jddm.2016.1.29308 JDDM | 2016 | Volume 2 | Article 2 | 3 https://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/jddm/10.11588/jddm.2016.1.29308 Gonzalez & Dutt: Exploration and Exploitation during Sampling Figure 2. Examples of piecewise (left panel) and comprehensive strategies (right panel). When a person decides to stop the search they are asked to make a consequential choice. In this example, risky option A: represents a .8 chance to get $4 and .2 chance to get $0 and safe option B: gets $3 for sure. Choices are influenced by the strategy of search according to Hills & Hertwig (2010). value option was the safe option, and in 57 problems it was the risky option. Then, we checked whether the option sampled by a participant was the high ex- pected value option, and coded this as 1; otherwise, the choice was coded as 0. We then aggregated high choices across all participants and problems for dif- ferent samples and defined the Sampling-H rate per sample. Results Figure 3 shows the overall A-rate and Sampling-H rate across samples including all observations in the data set. This figure shows all sample trials up to the point in which there were at least two observations left in the data set (sample number 133). The figure shows a gradual increase of the Sampling-H and in parallel, a gradual decrease of the A-rate with increased sample trials. Given that people rely on small samples (Hills & Hertwig, 2010; Hau et al., 2008) the number of obser- vations decreases rapidly with increased samples. This explains the noisy averages as sample sizes increase, given that they involve fewer participants (Gonzalez & Dutt, 2011, 2012; Hills & Hertwig, 2012). Using the median sample size of the overall data set (Median = 10) with a Cochran’s Q test, we found a significant dif- ference in the A-rate across the first 10 samples, χ2(8) = 81.66, p < .001) and a significant difference in the Sampling-H rate across the first 10 samples, χ2(8) = 39.84, p < .001. A pairwise comparison revealed a de- crease in the A-rate from .40 in sample #2 to .23 in sample #10, a 43% drop (Z = -7.14, p < .001); and an increase of 13% in the Sampling-H rate from .52 in sample #2 to .60 in sample #10, (Z = -1.98, p < .05). This result suggests that across samples, par- ticipants explore between the two buttons less, while increasingly selecting the option with the higher ex- pected value. In fact, the Sampling-H rate was signif- icantly and negatively correlated to the A-rate, rs = –.48, p < .01. Figure 3. The average Sampling-H rate and A-rate across samples. Sampling-H and A-rate for piecewise and comprehensive search strategies To analyze behavior for different sampling strategies, we first analyzed the distribution of the alternation rate between the two options (see Figure 4) and fol- lowed Hills and Hertwig’s (2010) procedure of classi- fying participants according to their A-rate. The A- rate in the TPT data set varied widely, from a mini- mum of 0.07 to a maximum of 1.0. The median in the TPT data set was higher (.27) (shown by the dotted line in Figure 4) than in Hills and Hertwig’s (2010) data (.16), but the distribution was similarly bimodal with peaks in the 0.15-0.20 and 0.45-0.50 A-rate inter- vals. Accordingly, all participants with an A-rate less than 0.27 were categorized as following a comprehen- sive strategy; whereas, all participants with an A-rate 10.11588/jddm.2016.1.29308 JDDM | 2016 | Volume 2 | Article 2 | 4 https://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/jddm/10.11588/jddm.2016.1.29308 Gonzalez & Dutt: Exploration and Exploitation during Sampling above 0.27 were categorized as following the piecewise strategy. Figure 4. Histogram of participants’ A-rate (averaged across all problem played by a participant in a set). The A-rate in a problem for a participant is expressed as the ratio of observed switches and the maximum number of allowable switches (n-1, where n are the number of samples) in a problem. The dotted line represents the median value = 0.27. Figure 5 shows the A-rate and Sampling-H rate for piecewise (left panel) and comprehensive (right panel) strategies. The maximum trial in which there were more than one observation left in the data set was 72 for the piecewise strategy and 133 for the comprehen- sive strategy. That is, people who alternated more often tended to take fewer samples than people who alternated less often. The median sample size for the piecewise group was 8, while the median sample size for the comprehensive group was 12. This result sup- ports similar observations by Hills and Hertwig (2010), and also Rakow, Demes, and Newell (2008). A general observation of these patterns indicates a decrease in A-rate over increased trials and an in- crease in the Sampling-H rate regardless of the sam- pling strategy. For participants following a piecewise strategy, there was a significant decrease in the A-rate (χ2(6) = 82.17, p < .001) and a significant increase in the Sampling-H rate (χ2(6) = 21.69, p < .01) over the first 8 samples. For participants following a com- prehensive strategy, there was a significant decrease in the A-rate (χ2(10) = 42.44, p < .001), but not a significant increase in the Sampling-H rate across 12 samples (χ2(10) = 2.29, p = .99). Although the trend of Sampling-H rate increases over time on aver- age, this result may be due to the different orders in which participants may sample one or the other option (see the discussion of results). For example, it is possi- ble that some participants start by exploring the high option and then move to the low expected value option, and others do the reverse order in the comprehensive strategy. Although these clean patterns of exploration are only idealistic in the comprehensive strategy, what matters in this research is that for both comprehen- sive and piecewise strategies the Sampling-H rate was significantly and negatively correlated to the A-rate (comprehensive: rs = –.35, p < .01; piecewise: rs = –.24, p < .05). Consistency between sampling and final choice Figure 6 reports the proportion of total agreement between predicted final choice based upon Sampling- H rate during sampling and participant’s actual fi- nal choice. For this analysis, we classified partici- pants based upon the median Sampling-H rate (simi- lar to how participants were classified as following the piecewise and comprehensive strategies). The median Sampling-H rate during sampling was 0.50. Obser- vations below this rate were classified as infrequent Sampling-H, and those at or above 0.5 were classified as frequent Sampling-H. Among the frequent and in- frequent Sampling-H, we also identified those observa- tions that followed the piecewise strategy (median al- ternation rate > 0.27) and the comprehensive strategy (median alternation rate < 0.27). Within each of the four combinations of sampling strategy and Sampling- H rate, we calculated the average of the outcomes ob- tained during sampling in each option. As per IBLT, the option with the highest average would be the one that is predicted to be chosen at the final choice. We matched the predicted final choice based upon the highest average with the actual final choice. Next, we calculated the proportion of agreement by averag- ing such matches across all observations in each of the four combinations. As observed in Figure 6, regardless of the alternation strategy and frequency of Sampling-H, there is a high consistency (> 50%) between predicted final choices at the end of sampling and the actual final choice made by participants. The consequential choice after sampling was equally predicted for piecewise and comprehen- sive strategies, and for both infrequent (Z = -0.913, p = .38) and frequent Sampling-H participants (Z = -0.642, p = .53). Figure 6. Consistency between sampling behavior and consequen- tial choice for frequent and infrequent Sampling-H participants fol- lowing the piecewise and comprehensive strategies. Discussion Our results clarify the relationship between the rate of exploration and the tendency to explore the option with high value during free sampling. We find a de- crease in exploration rate and an increase in the rate 10.11588/jddm.2016.1.29308 JDDM | 2016 | Volume 2 | Article 2 | 5 https://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/jddm/10.11588/jddm.2016.1.29308 Gonzalez & Dutt: Exploration and Exploitation during Sampling Figure 5. The A-rate and Sampling-H rate across samples for the piecewise and comprehensive strategies. of sampling of the option of high value. Our results show significant inverse dynamics between the A-rate and the Sampling-H rate in binary-choice problems. Furthermore, these negatively correlated dynamics ap- pear regardless of the search strategies people might adopt during sampling. Finally, we also show that the final consequential choice can be accurately predicted by the frequency of selection of the high option during sampling. These results are important as they provide support to an initial suggestion (Gonzalez & Dutt, 2011, 2012) that a decrease in the exploration rate during sampling is related to the process of discovering the option that maximizes expected value. Our results indicate that free sampling is not a simple random process where participants explore the options with the goal of in- forming their future decisions. Rather, we show that learning during free sampling is a gradual discovery of the best option while reducing the exploration effort with more samples. As suggested by theoretical ac- counts of decisions from experience, participants seem to gradually move from a process of exploration to the exploitation of the best option, and they end up choos- ing the option with agrees to this patterns of sampling (Gonzalez et al., 2003). As in Hills and Hertwig’s findings (2010) we also identified two idealized search strategies: piecewise and comprehensive. However, regardless of which strategy was used, the search process seemed to serve the same purpose as demonstrated by similar increase in the sample rate from the high value option, while this process is inversely related to a gradual decrease in exploration. These phenomena are explained by IBLT’s learning process which suggests that choice is led by a dynamic formation of the value of the options through experience (Blending). The process of discov- ering the most valuable option starts with more ex- ploration (reflected in higher alternation between the two options in binary choice), but as the better option becomes evident through experience, the amount of exploration is reduced. We find that regardless of the exploratory strategy, people exhibit similar dynamics of decreased exploration and increased selection of the high value option over time. For example, with a piece- wise strategy and using the example of Figure 1, the activation of the outcome for the safe option ($3, in the example) will be high given the frequency of selection of this option; while the activation of the outcomes for the risky option ($4 and $0) will vary according to the frequency with which these outcomes are ob- served. The $4 instance is experienced more often and could result in a higher activation than the $0 instance, which is a rare event (the activation equation has some stochastic noise, see Gonzalez & Dutt, 2011). When $0 and $4 are combined through Blending, it is expected that the blended value of the risky option would more often be slightly higher than the one of the safe op- tion and as a result, the risky option is expected to be chosen increasingly over the safe option, resulting in a gradual reduction of alternation between the two options where the risky option is often selected (here, risky option is also the high value option and the se- lection of this option increases the Sampling-H rate). With a comprehensive strategy and using the exam- ple of Figure 1, the activation of the three instances would greatly depend on the order in which the options are selected and on the number of times that an option is consecutively selected. If the risky option is selected first (as in the example of Figure 2, right panel) and then a switch is made to the safe option, the activation of the outcomes for the risky option ($4 and $0) would decay during the longer exploration of the safe option. This order would increase the chances of choosing the safe option more often than the risky (low Sampling- H rate) and decrease alternation between the two op- tions. The reverse order of exploration would predict an increased chance of choosing the risky over the safe option, resulting in higher Sampling-H rate. In conclusion, this research contributes towards understanding the relationships between exploration- exploitation processes during free sampling, their dy- namics, and their consequences for choice. Our results 10.11588/jddm.2016.1.29308 JDDM | 2016 | Volume 2 | Article 2 | 6 https://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/jddm/10.11588/jddm.2016.1.29308 Gonzalez & Dutt: Exploration and Exploitation during Sampling indicate that regardless of explicit search strategies, a decrease in exploration is observed in parallel to an increase in the selection of the high value option. How- ever, a general conclusion regarding these phenomena is expected to depend on the dynamics of probabili- ties and outcomes of the environment over the course of free sampling. In highly dynamic environments, the diversity of options would make it more challeng- ing for humans to discriminate among familiar classes of objects and more exploration would be required. Although decisions might become increasingly similar with task practice, higher Sampling-H rates might be slower in dynamic and diverse environments. Under- standing and predicting the rate at which exploration decreases and Sampling-H rate increases has impor- tant implications for training and learning from experi- ence. Presumably, one could strategically manipulate the speed of these transitions by introducing surpris- ing outcomes during sampling, which may keep people interested in alternating between options (thus, invit- ing increased exploration and delay exploitation). Fur- thermore, another likely way of influencing the speed of of these transitions may be via introducing more op- tions. When there are more than 2-options to choose from, it is likely that transitions will be delayed com- pared to when confronted with just 2-options. That is because more options in the choice set would likely make it difficult for people to find the options of high value. Some of these ideas form the immediate next steps for us to investigate in the near future. Acknowledgements: A significant portion of this re- search was undertaken while Varun Dutt was at the DDMLab, Carnegie Mellon University. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation award SES-1530479 to Cleotilde Gonzalez. Declaration of conflicting interests: The authors de- clare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be constructed as a potential conflict of interest. Author contributions: The authors contributed equally to this work. Supplementary material: No supplementary material available. Copyright: This work is licensed under a Creative Com- mons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 In- ternational License. Citation: Gonzalez, C. & Dutt, V. (2016). Exploration and exploitation during information search and conse- quential choice. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 2, 2. doi:10.11588/jddm.2016.1.29308 Received: 06 April 2016 Accepted: 12 July 2016 Published: 29 July 2016 References Anderson, J. R., & Lebiere, C. (1998). The atomic components of thought. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Biele, G., Erev, I., & Eyal, E. (2009). Learning, risk attitude and hot stoves in restless bandit problems. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 53(3), 155-167. doi:10.1016/j.jmp.2008.05.006 Camilleri, A. R., & Newell, B. R. (2011). 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