Original Research A web-based feedback study on optimization-based training and analysis of human decision making Michael Engelhart1, Joachim Funke2, and Sebastian Sager1 1 Faculty of Mathematics, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg and 2 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg The question “How can humans learn efficiently to make decisions in a complex, dynamic, and uncertain envi- ronment” is still a very open question. We investigate what effects arise when feedback is given in a computer- simulated microworld that is controlled by participants. This has a direct impact on training simulators that are already in standard use in many professions, e.g., flight simulators for pilots, and a potential impact on a better understanding of human decision making in general. Our study is based on a benchmark microworld with an economic framing, the IWR Tailorshop. N=94 partic- ipants played four rounds of the microworld, each 10 months, via a web interface. We propose a new approach to quantify performance and learning, which is based on a mathematical model of the microworld and optimiza- tion. Six participant groups receive different kinds of feedback in a training phase, then results in a perfor- mance phase without feedback are analyzed. As a main result, feedback of optimal solutions in training rounds im- proved model knowledge, early learning, and performance, especially when this information is encoded in a graphical representation (arrows). Keywords: Complex problem solving, training, dynamic decision making, feedback, mixed-integer nonlinear optimization, Tailorshop Modern life imposes daily decision making, oftenwith important consequences. Illustrative exam- ples are politicians who decide on actions to overcome a financial crisis, medical doctors who decide on com- plementary chemotherapy drug delivery strategies, or entrepreneurs who decide on long-term strategies for their company. The process of human decision making is the sub- ject of research in the field of Complex Problem Solving (CPS), which deals with complex problems. The com- plexity may result from one or several different charac- teristics, such as a coupling of subsystems, nonlineari- ties, dynamic changes, opaqueness, or others (Dörner, 1980). Such problems are considered to be similar to problems we encounter and solve in everyday life. Thus, investigation of CPS is claimed to yield more insight into real-world human decision making than simple problems with a well-defined problem space, like the Tower of Hanoi. Apparently, our introduc- tory examples are complex problems and as such, they are ill-defined. More precisely, their problem space is open and a problem solver has to deal with lots of vari- ables, dependencies and dynamics making them com- plex problems: Which information is relevant? How is the data connected? What is the exact aim? The main intention in CPS research is to under- stand how certain exogenous variables influence a solution process. In general, personal and situa- tional variables are differentiated. The most typical and frequently analyzed personal variable is intelli- gence. It is an ongoing debate how intelligence in- fluences complex problem solving (Wittmann & Hat- trup, 2004). Other interesting personal variables are working memory (Robbins et al., 1996), amount of knowledge (Kluwe, 1993), and emotion regula- tion (Otto & Lantermann, 2004). Situational vari- ables like the impact of goal specificity and observa- tion (Osman, 2008), feedback (Brehmer, 1995), and time constraints (Gonzalez, 2004) attracted less atten- tion. In a recent work (Selten, Pittnauer, & Hohnisch, 2012), an abstract computer-simulated monopoly mar- ket is used to investigate dynamic decision making based on the choice of goal systems. For investiga- tions in the field of CPS, computer-based simulations of small parts of the real world, microworlds, are fre- quently used. These simulations present users with situations similar to those encountered when attempt- ing to solve real-world complex problems, but offer researchers the possibility to conduct studies under controlled conditions. In CPS, the performance of participants in a clearly defined microworld is inves- tigated, evaluated and correlated to certain character- istics, such as the participant’s capacity to regulate emotions. Previous research with the microworld Tailorshop One microworld that comprises a variety of properties such as dynamics, complexity and interdependence, discrete choices, lack of transparency, and polytely in an economical framing is the Tailorshop. Partici- pants have to make economic decisions to maximize the overall balance of a small company, specialized in the production and sales of shirts. The Tailor- shop sometimes is referred to as the Drosophila for CPS researchers (Funke, 2010) and thus is a promi- nent example for a computer-based microworld. It has Corresponding author: Sebastian Sager, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg: sager@ovgu.de 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 1 mailto:sager@ovgu.de http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training been used in a large number of studies, e.g., Putz- Osterloh, Bott, and Köster (1990); Kluwe, Misiak, and Haider (1991); Kleinmann and Strauß (1998); Meyer and Scholl (2009); Barth (2010); Barth and Funke (2010). Comprehensive reviews on studies with Tailorshop have also been published, e.g., Frensch and Funke (1995); Funke (2003); Funke and Frensch (2007); Funke (2010). The calculation of indicator functions to measure performance of CPS participants is by no means triv- ial. To measure performance within the Tailorshop microworld, different indicator functions have been proposed in the literature, see Danner, Hagemann, Schankin, Hager, and Funke (2011) for a recent re- view. Hörmann and Thomas (1989) proposed a com- parison of the variable which the participants were re- quested to maximize. Such a performance criterion seems natural. However, it cannot yield insight into the temporal process and is not objective in the sense that the performance depends on what other partici- pants achieved. Analyzing the temporal evolution of other variables of this microworld has also been pro- posed (see, e.g., Putz-Osterloh (1981); Süß, Oberauer, and Kersting (1993); Funke (1983); Barth and Funke (2010)). An obvious drawback of comparing the de- velopment of variables which were not the actual ob- jective for the participants is that a monotonic de- velopment does not necessarily indicate good or even optimal decision making. The lacking availability of an objective performance indicator is an obstacle for analysis and it has of- ten been argued that inconsistent findings are due to the fact that an objective indicator function yield- ing detailed insight into the participants’ performance is not available, e.g., in Wenke and Frensch (2003). To overcome this problem, we propose to use indica- tor functions based on optimal solutions. In Sager, Barth, Diedam, Engelhart, and Funke (2010) as well as ins Sager, Barth, Diedam, Engelhart, and Funke (2011) the question of how to get a reliable perfor- mance indicator for the Tailorshop microworld has been addressed. Because all previously used indicators have unknown reliability and validity, decisions are compared to mathematically optimal solutions. For the first time, a complex microworld such as Tailor- shop has been described in terms of a mathematical model. Thus, the assumption that the fruit fly of complex problem solving is not mathematically acces- sible has been disproved. This novel methodological approach has also been combined with experimental studies (Barth, 2010; Barth & Funke, 2010; Sager et al., 2011) but beyond these works, has to our knowl- edge not yet received much attention. Training and relation to optimization With tasks for humans becoming more complex in the real-world, there is also an increasing need to train and assist persons performing complex tasks. In Hüfner, Tometzki, Kraja, and Engell (2011), a frame- work for training engineering students in designing controllers for complex systems like chemical reactors is presented. In this approach, students can learn from the results of simulations depending on their inputs. In the context of CPS, an interesting approach would be to determine optimal solutions and corresponding controls for a microworld to compute a feedback for participants to support and train them. However, as Cronin, Gonzalez, and Sterman (2009) show, the pre- sentation of information in a dynamic context is crucial for the success of the participants. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no studies investigating the effects of an optimization-based feedback. So far, CPS microworlds have been developed in a purely disciplinary trial-and-error approach. A sys- tematic development of CPS microworlds based on a mathematical model, sensitivity analysis, and eventu- ally optimization methods to choose parameters that lead to a wanted behavior of the complex system has not yet been applied. An example for this necessity is the fact that the mathematical modeling of the Tai- lorshop microworld in Sager et al. (2011) led to the discovery of unwanted and unrealistic winning strate- gies. Based on this experience with modeling odd- ities, bugs, and other undesirable properties, a new microworld has been built from scratch designed as a mathematical model for CPS by Engelhart, Funke, and Sager (2013), the IWR Tailorshop. The IWR Tai- lorshop is the first CPS test-scenario with functional relations and model parameters that have been formu- lated based on optimization results yielding desirable (mathematical) properties. Compared to the Tailor- shop, the setting is slightly more general. For example, machines have been replaced by production sites, and vans by distribution sites. The optimization problems that need to be solved in the context of the IWR Tailorshop scenario are mixed- integer nonlinear programs (MINLP) with non-convex continuous relaxations. Whenever optimization prob- lems involve variables of continuous and discrete na- ture together, the term mixed-integer is used. In this case they can be interpreted as discretized optimal con- trol problems (dMIOCPs). We use the mathematical approaches presented in Engelhart et al. (2013) and Engelhart (2015) that are based on a tailored decom- position technique to determine ε–optimal solutions for IWR Tailorshop in (almost) real time. About this study In the interest of a compact presentation we focus on the most important results of a study which has been described in full detail in the PhD thesis of Engelhart (2015). Method We describe the Tailorshop microworld, the feedback study with the experimental groups, the hypotheses, a prestudy, details of the data collection, and the sta- tistical methods. 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 2 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training IWR Tailorshop: A new complex microworld We work with a systematically built new microworld with controlled properties, the IWR Tailorshop. It was first described in Engelhart et al. (2013) and Engelhart (2015) and is based on the economical framing of Tai- lorshop. Table 1 lists all states and controls (interven- tions for the participants) that the IWR Tailorshop contains together with corresponding units. The final mathematical model of the IWR Tailorshop consists of 14 state variables x (i.e., dependent variables) and 10 control variables u (i.e., independent variables) includ- ing 5 integer controls. All equations and constraints, the objective function, and the parameter and initial values are specified in the Appendix. States Variable Unit∗ employees xEM person(s) production sites xPS site(s) distribution sites xDS site(s) shirts in stock xSH shirt(s) resources in stock xRS shirt(s) production xPR shirt(s) sales xSA shirt(s) demand xDE shirt(s) reputation xRE — shirts quality xSQ — machine quality xMQ — resources quality xRQ — motivation of empl. xMO — resources price∗∗ xRP MU/shirt capital xCA MU Controls Variable Unit∗ shirt price uSP MU/shirt advertising uAD MU wages uWA MU/person working conditions∗∗ uWC MU maintenance uMA MU buy resources∗∗ uDRS shirt(s) sell resources∗∗ udRS shirt(s) resources quality uRQ — recruit/dismiss empl. udEM/uDEM person(s) create production site uDPS site(s) close production site udPS site(s) create distribution site uDDS site(s) close distribution site udDS site(s) Table 1. States and controls in the IWR Tailorshop microworld (∗ MU means monetary units, ∗∗ not part of the final model for the web-based study). The equations describe how the different state and control variables are connected. Some of these equa- tions may be trivial, as, for example, the number of production sites (xPS) in Equation (A.1b) in the Ap- pendix, where the numbers of newly created (uDPS) or closed distribution sites (udPS) are added to or sub- tracted from the current value. They may also involve more variables and include nonlinear expressions as, e.g., in the demand which depends nonlinearly on shirt price, advertisement, reputation, and others, compare Equation (A.1d). These mathematical relations are intransparent to the study participants, as it is a part of the task to explore and understand the microworld. The objective is the maximization of the capital at the end of the discrete time-scale in this work, see Equation (A.4) in the Appendix. The constraints are basically bounds on the controls or non-negativity of variables. The objective is communicated to partici- pants, the constraints can be determined from admis- sible values in the web interface. IWR Tailorshop has been implemented including different optimization-based feedback methods in a web-based interface, compare Figure 1. For the analy- sis of data collected with this interface, optimization- based analysis methods have been implemented in the analysis software Antils. Both the web front end and the analysis back end are available as open-source soft- ware under the GPL (GNU General Public License) and thus can easily be used for further investigations. Analysis and feedback based on optimal solutions en- abled insights on human decision making which else would not have been possible. A web-based feedback study From November to December 2013, we conducted a feedback study with the described IWR Tailorshop microworld. We collected data from 148 participants (N = 94 after removal of incomplete datasets and out- liers, see below) and applied our optimization-based analysis and feedback approach. The participants were asked to play four rounds with 10 "months" each of the economic simulation via its web interface. Different approaches for both feedback computation and feed- back presentation have been applied in the first two rounds (so-called training or feedback rounds). In the last two rounds, however, no one received any feed- back. These rounds will be referred to as performance rounds. Task. Participants had to play four rounds of the IWR Tailorshop microworld of 10 months each via its web interface. They were allowed to interrupt the pro- cess at any time. For the four rounds, different initial values were used, see Table A.3 in the Appendix, but the same for all participants. Rounds 1 and 3 started with the same values, whereas in rounds 2 and 4 pair- wise different values were used. Control values for re- cruitment and dismissal of employees and creation and closing of sites were always reset to 0 in order to avoid accidental execution. 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 3 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training Figure 1. The IWR Tailorshop web interface with arrows as feedback for the trend group (compare Figure 2) and a hint for maintenance control. F E E D B A C KO P T I M I Z A T I O N 4 Bar chart 1 Highlight variables 55 2 Show arrows 55 55 3 Toggle values 38 55 B Start optimization in xk, fix decisions uk with constraints Artificial constraints for uk yield sensitivities A Start optimization in xk+1 Identical to the start values the participant will have for next decisions uk+1 xk+1xk uk uk+1uk-1 C Start optimization in xk Identical to the start values, the participant had for decisions uk D Start optimization in xk+1, fix single decision with constraint Compute online when one variable is changed and give feedback, which variables now should be changed Figure 2. Optimization-based feedback at month k + 1: on the left hand side, there are different methods to compute a feedback and on the right hand side there are different types of feedback presentation. Optimization method A is used with feedback presentations 1, 2, and 3 (corresponding to indicate group, trend group, and value group) and optimization method B is used with feedback presentation 4 (corresponding to chart group). Note that xk refers to the state variables and uk refers to the control variables of month k. 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 4 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training As an incentive, there was a competition with chances weighted according to success in which partic- ipants could win one of six 20 euro Amazon gift cards. For this, only the results of performance rounds were considered. Procedure. For the main task, the control of the IWR Tailorshop microworld, the participants received guidance by the following introduction: Thank you! Now you can start into the IWR Tailorshop microworld. Please note, that you need to finish 4 rounds of 10 "months" each to participate in the compe- tition. All in all it will take you about 30–45 min- utes. You ideally play all 4 rounds at a stretch, but you may interrupt after each “month” and continue at a later date. The first two rounds are training rounds, only your points (not your rank) in the last two rounds are considered for the drawing. Now, please imagine you are the head of a company, which produces shirts. Your aim is to maximize the company’s capi- tal at the end of each round, i.e., in month 10. For this there are several possibilities of intervention available, which will be located in the lower part. In the upper part you will find important figures of your company. However, your intervention possibilities are subject to certain constraints, e.g., you are not allowed to close all company sites. At the end of each round, you will find a highscore table and after the last round the table, which is important for the competition. In the blue hint box you can find assistance and useful hints during your game. Good luck! The hint box the introduction refers to was displayed at the left side and contained hints corresponding to the situation and the feedback group the participant was in, compare Figure 2, e.g., During your first two rounds, you will receive assistance to improve your performance. We will show you arrows next to the inter- ventions to indicate in which direction the mathematically optimal decision for the next month is, depending on the decision shown at the beginning of the month. The arrows will be thicker if the optimal decision is far away, but will not change when you change the values. Hints on each state and control, e.g., “the wages for each employee per month in money units” for control wages, were available as a tooltip on mouse rollover. After each round, participants were shown an anony- mized highscore list with the top 20 participants in their group. Additional variables. Additional information on the participants was collected via three questionnaires. The first survey comprised gender, interest in eco- nomics, interest in computer games, age, and a self- assessment of systematic problem solving. This survey had to be answered before participants could start the main task, i.e., the four IWR Tailorshop rounds. The other two surveys were carried out after the main task. The second survey was targeted on participants’ model knowledge. Participants were shown five claims about the IWR Tailorshop microworld and had to decide if they were right or wrong, compare Table A.8 in the Appendix. Final survey was the 10-item short version of the Big Five Inventory test proposed by Rammstedt and John (2007) to measure the Big Five dimensions of personality (Digman, 1990), i.e., agreeableness, consci- entiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, and openness. The experimental groups Participants were divided randomly into six groups based on pseudorandom numbers generated by a Mersenne twister (Matsumoto & Nishimura, 1998). They differ in the way they received additional infor- mation in the first two (feedback) rounds. Compare Figure 2 for an illustration of the optimization-based feedback. The six groups were designed as follows. The control group (co) did not receive any feedback. The highscore group (hs) received a feedback based on the results of previous participants during training rounds, giving a ratio of participants who performed better and worse of the kind “Until now x% of partici- pants performed better and y% performed worse than you.” The indicate group (in) received optimization-based feedback via highlighted control values. Variables are highlighted if they differ from the optimal value more than a given threshold, e.g., 30 % of the difference δ between lower and upper bound of a variable. The trend group (tr) received optimization-based feedback via up and down arrows in different thick- ness. Arrow thickness is also determined by thresholds depending on δ. Arrows indicate the direction of the optimal control: if the optimal control value is larger, the arrow points up and vice versa. The value group (va) received optimization-based feedback via toggled values, showing the optimal solu- tion. Note that participants of this group could theo- retically obtain a 100% performance (in the two feed- back rounds) by simply copying all values. The chart group (ch) received optimization-based feedback via bar charts. Lagrange multipliers are displayed scaled according to δ. These dual variables indicate the sensitivity of the objective function with respect to the current value. Hypotheses Before the beginning of the study, specific hypotheses were formulated. In the interest of a compact presen- 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 5 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training tation, we list a subset of them directly in the corre- sponding result sections in Tables 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8. The full set of hypotheses that have been formulated and tested can be found in the PhD thesis of Engelhart (2015). They concern correlations with the additional variables mentioned above (computer games, economic interest, gender, age, Big Five) and a detailed analy- sis of processing times. No statistically significant ef- fects were found (for age and gender possibly due to low numbers of old/female participants). Therefore in this paper we focus on the main result, namely the impact of optimization-based feedback on performance and learning. Prestudy In October 2013, 18 participants (recruited directedly via e-mail) took part in a prestudy. The aim was two- fold: on the one hand, this was a test under realistic conditions for the main study and an opportunity to eliminate bugs in the interface. On the other hand, the data were used for highscore feedback in the main study. This was particularly necessary to avoid a feed- back like “0% performed better and 0% worse than you” for the first participant in that group. However, the data were considered neither in our statistical nor in our optimization-based analysis. Data collection Starting from November 15, 2013, the study was an- nounced in several first and third term lectures for mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, and psychology students at Heidelberg University and Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg in Germany. These announcements were complemented by public announcements in the social networks Google+ and Facebook as well as selective announcements via e-mail. Potential participants were informed that they would have to play four rounds of the economic sim- ulation IWR Tailorshop via a device of their choice with a web browser (e.g., PC, tablet, or smartphone) which in total would take approximately 30–45 min- utes. It was advertised as an incentive that there will be a competition with chances weighted according to success where participants can win one of six 20 euro Amazon gift cards. The deadline for participation was December 15, 2013. Participants had to create an account with an e- mail address, which they needed to confirm in order to avoid multiplicate participation. Creating multiple accounts was also prohibited by terms of participation leading to exclusion from the competition. Until the end of data collection, 157 accounts were registered for participation. Two accounts have not been activated, maybe because of erroneous e-mail ad- dresses or the like. Furthermore, seven participants did not answer the first survey and therefore could not start the main task, i.e., no data was recorded for them at all. Thus, we received data from 149 participants, of which 101 provided complete datasets, i.e., they played four full rounds and answered all three surveys. One account was identified as a duplicate participation and was excluded from the analysis. The first account of the corresponding participant was part of the analy- sis, but was not considered in the competition. This resulted in 100 complete datasets and 148 datasets in total for our statistical analysis. Model knowledge A true/false questionnaire, Table A.8 in the Appendix, was used at the end of the four rounds to determine the participants’ knowledge about the IWR Tailorshop microworld. The overall ratio of correct answers varies a lot for the five claims. This shows that the questions had a varying difficulty, which was intended. Correct answers were identified as knowledge about the model. Participants who chose don’t know were considered to be uncertain about the corresponding claim. Statistical methods Statistical analysis of the data was done using the open source package R Version 3.0.1 (R Development Core Team, 2008). Statistical significance. We tested the statistical sig- nificance of differences between means of scores and other variables. To this end we applied Student’s t- test and Welch’s t-test. Usually all tests have also been confirmed qualitatively by Wilcoxon rank sum tests. For all tests, p-values of < 0.05 were considered sta- tistically significant (i.e., α = 0.05). All such values are printed in bold face in tables. Normality of distributions. Statistical tests like Stu- dent’s t-test and Welch’s t-test require normality of the population—although these two are known to be rela- tively robust against non-normality (e.g., Sawilowsky & Blair, 1992). We applied the implementation of the Kolmogorov- Smirnov test for normality (Lilliefors, 1967) from the R package nortest to the score variables. For this test, the alternative hypothesis is that the data is not nor- mally distributed. Student’s t-test—in contrast to Welch’s t-test—also requires homogeneity of variances between the groups. This has been tested using Levene’s test (Levene, 1960), Brown-Forsythe test (Brown & Forsythe, 1974; both as implemented in R package lawstat), and Bartlett’s test (Bartlett, 1937). For α = 0.05, the hypothesis of the data being nor- mally distributed cannot be rejected for most groups and rounds by a majority of the applied tests for nor- mality. However, we cannot assume homogeneous variances between feedback groups. Thus, for the sake of com- parability, Welch’s t-test will be used for comparison of score means for all rounds. 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 6 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training 0 2 4 6 8 10 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 (x10 5 ) State function 12 Month M .U . Participant Optimal solutions 0 2 4 6 8 10 Analysis function 2 Month Objective (participant) How much is still possible 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 k= Figure 3. Relation between optimal scores and the How Much is Still Possible-function, illustrated for a specific participant. Left: development of score (capital) over time. An optimization starting at month k provides an optimal value that could have been achieved. The specific shape of the optimal solutions (approximately constant, then linear increase of capital) is due to an investment that pays off later. Therefore taking the score itself as an indicator is not a good performance measure. Right: The optimal objective values at the final month 10 are plotted for different starting months k, resulting in the How Much is Still Possible-function. Participant decisions are good (even optimal), whenever the values stay constant, and the worse, the more it decreases. Dropouts and outliers. 148 datasets have been con- sidered, 100 of which were complete. Our statisti- cal analysis showed that incomplete datasets did not show any systematic differences compared to complete datasets. In particular, there were no significant effects on the dropout concerning feedback group, gender, or the performance until the dropout. Grubbs’ test is a statistical test proposed by Frank E. Grubbs (1950, 1969) which detects one outlier at a time in a normally distributed population. We used the implementation of Grubbs’ test available in the R package outliers. Another approach are the outer fences for boxplots, as described by John W. Tukey (1977). An analysis of the score variable with Grubbs’ test and outer fences detected 6 severe outliers, which were excluded from further analysis. The analysis in the remainder, including the optimization-based analysis, is therefore based on N=94 datasets. Optimization-based analysis As discussed in the Introduction, measuring perfor- mance in a complex microworld is by no means triv- ial. In previous work we suggested a completely novel approach: to use mathematical optimization and the so-called How Much is Still Possible-function and the Use of Potential-function (Sager et al., 2011; Engel- hart et al., 2013). We applied these techniques also in the current study as follows. Optimization. We computed optimal solutions for each participant (1 to 94) and round (1 to 4) and month (1 to 10). As illustrated in Figure 2, the start- ing value is identical to the one of the participant in the specific round and month, and hence pairwise dif- ferent. Alltogether, we solved 94 ·4 ·10 = 3760 mixed- integer nonlinear optimization problems for our anal- ysis, using a specifically developed optimization algo- rithm (Engelhart et al., 2013; Engelhart, 2015). Note that this approach is very similar to the computation of an optimization-based feedback, compare Figure 2. The main difference is whether this is done a priori (feedback for training) or a posteriori (analysis). How much is still Possible-function. The optimal solution starts in the identical state as the participant in a specific round and month. Hence we know how much could have been achieved if all of the partici- pant’s future decisions would have been optimal. The optimal objective function values are interpreted as a monotonically decreasing function (because partici- pants can’t do better than the optimal solution) over rounds and months. An illustrating example is shown in Figure 3. Use of Potential-function. The Use of Potential- function is derived from the How Much is Still Possi- ble-function by taking the difference between two suc- ceeding months. Doing this for each month one obtains a function that indicates how much of the potential of optimal decisions was used by a participant. Learning To enable conclusions on learning effects, we are going to analyze the Use of Potential function. As this func- tion indicates how close to optimality the decisions of a participant (group) for each month were, the function can be seen as a learning curve. We experimented with different functional parameterizations, and de- cided eventually to use a piecewise linear model for our analysis. We used R’s lm to fit the linear model for Use of Potential for each participant and each round, y = m ·x + c, (1) 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 7 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training based on given values yi of Use of Potential at months xi = i. The regression parameters are m and c, and estimate the gradient and the intercept of Use of Po- tential. The estimate m for the gradient characterizes how much more potential the participant was able to use over time, i.e., how much the participant learned. We use statistical tests on the values of m for different par- ticipant groups for our a priori hypotheses on learning. The first months of the feedback rounds (i.e., months 1 and 11) were not considered for the linear regression. No feedback is given before the first deci- sion and thus Use of Potential may change drastically from month 0 to month 1. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● −6 × 10+4 −4 × 10+4 −2 × 10+4 0 × 10+0 0 10 20 30 Month U se o f p ot en tia l (a) based on all months ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● −6 × 10+4 −4 × 10+4 −2 × 10+4 0 × 10 +0 0 10 20 30 Month U s e o f p o te n ti a l (b) without first month Figure 4. Regression lines for Use of Potential for value group over all rounds (one round consists of 10 months). (a) shows a regression with all months of each round, for (b) the first month of feedback rounds has been excluded. The importance of this is shown in Figure 4, where Figure 4a exhibits linear regressions based on all months, and Figure 4b the corrected approach. In performance rounds this effect does not occur, so all months are considered. Technical implementation For data collection, the IWR Tailorshop web inter- face was used, which is implemented using XHTML and JavaScript with jQuery 1.10 and usage of AJAX client-side, complemented by a server-side PHP code. For the online optimization, AMPL Version 20131012 0 5 10 15 20 −4 × 10+5−2 × 10+5 0 × 10+0 2 × 10+5 4 × 10+5 N u m b e r o f p a rt ic ip a n ts Round 1 0 5 10 15 20 −4 × 10+5−2 × 10+5 0 × 10+0 2 × 10+5 4 × 10+5 Round 2 0 5 10 15 20 −4 × 10+5−2 × 10+5 0 × 10+0 2 × 10+5 4 × 10+5 Score N u m b e r o f p a rt ic ip a n ts Round 3 0 5 10 15 20 −4 × 10+5−2 × 10+5 0 × 10+0 2 × 10+5 4 × 10+5 Score Round 4 Figure 5. Score histogram for all four rounds for all complete da- tasets without 6 outliers (N = 94). together with Bonmin 1.5 and Ipopt 3.10 was used via IWR Tailorshop’s AMPL interface. The web server for the study was an Intel Core i7 920 machine with 12 GB RAM running PHP 5.5 and MySQL 5.5 with an Apache 2.4 HTTP server on Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit. The web interface implemented a so-called responsive grid, which allowed participants to use both mobile de- vices and desktop PCs conveniently. Usage statistics based on user logins show that approximately 20% of participants used mobile devices. The methods for an optimization-based analysis are implemented in the open-source software package An- tils (Analysis Tool for IWR Tailorshop Results and Solutions). All computations were carried out on an Intel Core i7 920 machine with 12 GB RAM running Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit. For the solution of the arising optimization problems, AMPL Version 20140331 to- gether with Bonmin 1.5 and Ipopt 3.10 was used via IWR Tailorshop’s AMPL interface. Results We are going to test hypotheses related to the differ- ent participant groups. First we will focus on perfor- mance, second on learning, and third on model knowl- edge. We will close by an illustrating investigation of the strategies of exemplary participants. We start with a look at the score and the Use of Po- tential–functions of the study participants. Figure 5 shows how the performance (score) is distributed over all participants in the four rounds. Note that rounds 1 and 3 had the same initial values, whereas rounds 2 and 4 had different initial values, and thus also differ- ent optimal solutions and scores. Rounds 1 and 2 are training rounds with feedback, rounds 3 and 4 perfor- mance rounds without feedback. Obviously, it is only meaningful to investigate the impact of the different types of feedback, if the role of the participants’ prerequisites is not a decisive fac- tor (e.g., because one group simply consisted of better problem solvers at the beginning of the study). This would have biased the groups’ performance and is rel- evant, given the low number of samples for some of the participant groups. 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 8 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training Hypothesis Confirmed (A) initial performance is not important for final performance X Table 2. Hypothesis about participant prerequisites. The optimization-based analysis gives us the possi- bility to check this by comparing the first Use of Poten- tial value. At this point, all participants had received the same information, as feedback only started after the first decision, so there should be no significant dif- ference in the performance. Table A.4c contains mean values, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test results, and Welch’s t-test results (in comparison to control group). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test shows that the first Use of Potential values can be considered to be normally dis- tributed for all groups. No significant differences to control group can be observed by the Welch’s t-test for all groups, so we can suppose that there were no systematic differences among the participants of the six groups. Correlation between first Use of Potential and score in performance rounds is 0.067, confirming Hypothesis (A), see Table 2. Effects of optimization-based feedback on performance We investigate whether the optimization-based feed- back in the first 2 training rounds had a significant ef- fect on the performance in the rounds 3 and 4, where no feedback was given (Table 3). We start by look- ing at all optimization participants, i.e., the ones in groups indicate (in), trend (tr), value (va), and chart (ch). We assess Hypothesis (B) visually via Figure 6 Hypothesis Confirmed (B) participants with optimization-based feedback perform better overall, better in feedback rounds, and better in performance rounds compared to control group X (C) control group performs worst overall and performs worse in performance rounds than groups with optimization-based feedback — Table 3. Hypotheses related to performance of participants who received optimization-based feedback (groups in, tr, va, ch) and to performance of the control group. and statistically via Table A.4a. Figure 6 shows a boxplot of the different partici- pant groups’ performance via the obtained score. The four groups which received optimization-based feed- back (in, tr, va, and ch, rightmost in Figure 6) show different performance, which will be discussed later. Relevant for Hypothesis (B) is that the mean scores are above the ones of the control group (co). This is true for training rounds 1 and 2, for performance rounds 3 and 4, and thus also overall. The sta- tistical significance based on a comparison between optimization-based feedback groups and the other two groups is shown in Table A.4a. Participants who re- ceived optimization-based feedback performed signif- icantly better than those without feedback, in each round and in total, proving Hypothesis (B). Looking closer at Table A.4a one observes that this significance holds for both comparisons, the one to all participants without feedback (highscore group and control group) and only to those from control group. The value of the statistical test is larger in the training rounds by roughly one order of magnitude, which is not surpris- ing given the direct benefit of the feedback on the per- formance. The performance of the four optimization-based feedback groups is quite diverse, compare again Fig- ure 6: value group was the best by far in all the rounds, trend group comes second. The two other feedback groups, indicate group and chart group, do not exhibit such a good performance. As a result, the performance of the control group is only significantly worse on av- erage, but not compared to all of the single feedback groups as tested in Table A.4b. Consequently, Hy- pothesis (C) can be considered as disproved, both for the performance rounds as overall. The results of the group–specific Welch’s t-test in Table A.4b are also helpful for an assessment of the hy- potheses of Table 4. For α = 0.05, value group is sig- Hypothesis Confirmed (D) trend group performs best overall and best in performance rounds — (E) value group performs best in training rounds and worst in performance rounds, compared to other feedback groups (X) (F) indicate group and chart group do not perform significantly better than control group in performance rounds X Table 4. Hypotheses on specific feedback types (arrow feedback in trend group and toggled values in value group). nificantly better than control group in all the rounds. Trend group misses significance only in round 3 by narrow margin, but exhibits significant differences in the other rounds. Indicate group is significantly bet- ter only in round 1. The remaining groups are not 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 9 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● −4 × 10+5 −2 × 10+5 0 × 10+0 2 × 10+5 4 × 10+5 all co hs in tr va ch S co re Round 1 ● ● ● ●● −4 × 10+5 −2 × 10+5 0 × 10+0 2 × 10+5 4 × 10+5 all co hs in tr va ch Round 2 ● ● ● ● ● ● −4 × 10+5 −2 × 10+5 0 × 10+0 2 × 10+5 4 × 10+5 all co hs in tr va ch Group S co re Round 3 ● ●● ● ● ● −4 × 10+5 −2 × 10+5 0 × 10+0 2 × 10+5 4 × 10+5 all co hs in tr va ch Group Round 4 Figure 6. Score boxplot of all feedback groups (co: control, hs: highscore, in: indicate, tr: trend, va: value, ch: chart) for all rounds and all complete datasets without 6 outliers (N = 94). The boxplot indicates that value group and—except for round 3—trend group are better than the others. significantly different than control group. The differ- ence between value group and all other groups is also significant in all rounds for α = 0.05 (not in the table). As value group showed the best performance, and trend group only second–best, Hypothesis (D) can be considered as disproved. It is true that value group performed best in training rounds, but it did not perform worst in performance rounds. So, the first statement of Hypothesis (E) is likely to be true, the second to be false. The two other feedback groups, indicate group and chart group, do indeed not perform significantly better than control group, confirming Hypothesis (F). Figure 7 contains the average Use of Potential for each feedback group over all rounds. This plot reveals much more detail on the performance of the different groups, as it contains also temporal information. This will be helpful in the next section. Looking at the av- erage values (remember: Use of Potential is the better, the closer it is to 0), additional evidence is given for the results for Hypotheses (B–F). Effects of optimization-based feedback on learning As described in section“Learning”, we use the gradient m obtained from a linear regression as an indicator for learning. As Use of Potential may hence be considered as the learning curve, it is worthwhile to have a look at Figure 7 to assess the first hypothesis on learning in Table 5. The visual impression is that on average the Use of Potential has a tendency to increase, at least Hypothesis Confirmed (G) participants learn how to solve the complex problem X (H) learning function is approximately logarithmic — Table 5. Hypotheses related to learning. for rounds 1, 2, and 4. This is confirmed quantitatively by looking at the average values and the p values in Table A.6. On average, participants show significant learning effects in all rounds except for round 3. This supports the assumption that participants learn how to control the microworld, i.e., Hypothesis (G). Ad- ditional evidence for Hypothesis (G) comes from Fig- ures 5 and 6. Comparing round 1 (with feedback) and 3 (without feedback) one can see that the distribution is shifted slightly to the right, i.e., to higher scores, hinting at an overall learning effect. That this learn- ing effect is dependent on the feedback in the training rounds 1 and 2, can already be guessed by looking at round 4. Round 4, which is a performance round with initial values the participants have not seen before in the training rounds, exhibits a non–normal distribu- tion of performance. Trying to fit a logarithmic function to the Use of Potential was not successful. A closer inspection of Figure 7 indicates that although for certain partici- 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 10 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training 0 10 20 30 -6 -4 -2 0 (x10 4 ) Analysis function 7 Month Control Highscore Indicate Trend Value Chart U se o f P o te n ti a l fo r a ll r o u n d s Figure 7. Use of Potential for all four complete datasets without 6 outliers (N = 94) over all rounds (one round consists of 10 months), but averaged for the six different participant groups (see section “experimental groups”). value group is always on top and almost constant in feedback rounds, but decreases slightly in performance rounds. All other groups show a more (control and highscore group) or less (trend group) severe decline at the beginning of round 4. pant groups and rounds (e.g., trend group in rounds 1, 2, and 4) there is a stronger increase at the begin- ning that flattens toward the end of the round, the Hy- pothesis (H) cannot be confirmed based on our data. This is also the impression from investigating Use of Potential of single participants, compare Figure 9. We now have a closer look at the effect of opt- imization-based feedback on learning. To test Hypo- Hypothesis Confirmed (I) optimization-based feedback groups learn faster (X) (J) trend group learns fastest X Table 6. Hypotheses related to learning, specific for participant groups. thesis (I), see Table 6, we look at the regression pa- rameters m for the four optimization-based feedback groups (of, consisting of in, tr, va, ch) and the two other groups (nof, consisting of co and hs) in Table 7. The mean for parameter m for of is higher in round 1 and lower in all other rounds. This suggests that, given the performance of these groups, optimization- based feedback groups learned faster, namely mainly in the first round. However, Welch’s t-test only shows significance for rounds 2–4. We see this as an indi- cation that (I) might be true, but it cannot be fully confirmed with our data. To shed more light on the issue, we investigate the learning curves of the single participant groups. As above, Figure 6 hints at improved scores in round 3 Rnd nof of nof < of of < nof 1 651.2 1063.1 0.2384 0.7616 2 1086.6 550.3 0.9642 0.0358 3 670.9 -263.4 0.9997 0.0003 4 3445.1 817.0 1.0000 0.0000 Table 7. Columns 2 and 3: mean regression parameters m for non- optimization based feedback groups (nof) and optimization-based feedback groups (of). Columns 4 and 5: corresponding signifi- cances from Welch’s t-test. Rnd means Round. One observes that of learned more in round 1, however not significant, and co&hs learned significantly more in rounds 2–4. compared to round 1 (with identical initial values) for all participant groups with the exception of value group. Value group remained static (-4%) at a higher level than the other groups. A reason for this may be that participants profited so strong from the value feedback during the feedback rounds that their perfor- mance without feedback slightly decreased. However, the group’s mean is on a high level, so there was not much space for improvement anyhow. For the other five groups performance improved drastically (20% at least). Again, more insight comes from our novel analysis approach, the study of Use of Potential depicted in Figure 7. Value group is always on top as expected and almost constant in feedback rounds, but decreases slightly in performance rounds. This means that the performance of participants in this group is on a very high level from the beginning and hardly improves, in fact rather impairs. All other groups show a more or 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 11 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training 0 10 20 30 -3,0 -2,5 -2,0 -1,5 -1,0 -0,5 (x10 4 ) Analysis function 7 Month U se o f P o te n ti a l fo r a ll r o u n d s Average (a) High 0 10 20 30 -4 -3 -2 -1 (x10 4 ) Analysis function 7 Month U s e o f P o te n ti a l fo r a ll r o u n d s Average (b) Mid 0 10 20 30 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 (x10 4 ) Analysis function 7 Month U s e o f P o te n ti a l fo r a ll r o u n d s Average (c) Low Figure 8. Use of Potential according to high, mid, and low model knowledge for all complete datasets without 6 outliers (N = 94) over all rounds (one round consists of 10 months). Participants with low knowledge show a severe decline in their score at the beginning of round 4, whereas they stay on the same level in the rounds before. High and mid group show an increase in feedback rounds and high group also stays almost on the same level later in round 4. Note that the start of round 4 is challenging due to new initial values. less severe decline at the beginning of round 4 with control and highscore group at the one end and trend group at the other. However, all groups except value group seem to improve their performance during the first three rounds. To quantify this, Table A.5 contains the mean val- ues for the regression parameters m of the different feedback groups. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test re- sults show that the mean values can be considered to be normally distributed in all rounds, except for chart group in round 1. The Welch’s t-test results show whether the hypothesis that the mean value of m is positive, and hence a positive learning effect occured, is significant or not. Trend group is the only group with a significant learning effect in both rounds 1 and 2. Therefore we see Hypothesis (J) as confirmed. For control group, the learning effects get signifi- cant from round 2 on, and for highscore group they are significant in rounds 2 and 4. The mean values in performance rounds for control and highscore group are drastically higher than for the optimization-based feedback groups. Value group is the only one with a significantly decreasing performance in round 3 and also the only one with an overall mean below 0. Note that chart group performs even worse at least in the feedback rounds. This changes in performance rounds, so one can suppose that the feedback consternated the participants. A possible reason could lie in a misin- terpretation of the sensitivity information participants were given by this feedback. All other optimization- based feedback groups received direct information on the optimal solution. Effects of model knowledge The focus of this section are the two variables knowl- edge and uncertainty. We look at the hypotheses in Table 8. To investigate Hypothesis (K), quartiles have been used to build groups of participants with high (best 25%), mid (those between first and third quartile), and low (worst 25%) score for each round. Means of corre- spondent model knowledge and uncertainty scores can be found in Tables A.9a and A.9b. High groups have Hypothesis Confirmed (K) well-performers know more about the model X (L) participants with high model knowledge perform well X (M) participants with high model knowledge learn more (X) (N) trend group has highest model knowledge and lowest uncertainty X Table 8. Model knowledge related hypotheses. the highest means which increase over the rounds. Ex- cept for round 1, mid groups are between low and high groups. In performance rounds, all differences are sig- nificant according to the Welch’s t-test. Significance roughly increases over the rounds, which suggests that model knowledge is a crucial factor for successful con- trol of the IWR Tailorshop microworld. Concerning Hypotheses (L) and (M), participants have been merged in 3 (low (0/1), mid (2/3), and high (4/5)) and 2 (low (0/1) and mid (2/3)) groups respectively according to their knowledge and uncer- tainty score, which both are between 0 and 5. No participant achieved an uncertainty score of 4 or 5, thus there are only two groups for uncertainty. Tables A.10a and A.10b contain the mean score values of all four rounds for these groups. For knowledge, the high group has the highest score means by far. Except for round 1, mid group lies be- tween low and high group. Student’s t-test in Table A.10c shows that high group was almost always signif- icantly better than the two other groups. Significance increases over the rounds, which means that model knowledge becomes a better predictor for participants success the more rounds the participants played. Com- paring round 1 and 3, participants with low model 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 12 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training knowledge could barely improve their performance, whereas the high group approximately doubled their score. Indeed, correlation between score and model knowledge increases from about 0.09 in round 1 to 0.48 in round 4. As a summary, we see Hypothesis (L) as confirmed. For uncertainty, the low group has higher means in all rounds, but again the differences are much smaller than for knowledge. Hence, the differences between the groups are not significant. Correlation with score is about -0.2 for all rounds except the first. Concerning Hypothesis (M), the average Use of Po- tential for the three model knowledge groups can be found in Figure 8. Participants with low knowledge show a severe decline at the beginning of round 4, whereas they stay on the same level in the rounds be- fore. High and mid group show an increase in feedback rounds and high group also stays almost on the same level in round 4. The values in Table A.12 reveal that participants with low model knowledge learned significantly less in round 1 than those with high knowledge. Again, the situation reverses in round 4. Hypothesis (M) could thus be confirmed with a restriction to round 1. How- ever, it seems also likely that model knowledge changes from round to round and is an indicator of success in learning, rather than a predictor. Therefore a high use of potential in the training rounds could also be con- sidered as a predictor for model knowledge at the end of the experiment. In summary, Hypothesis (M) can not be decided. Concerning Hypothesis (N), for an analysis of differ- ences between the groups, ratios of model knowledge and uncertainty levels and mean values are given in Table A.11. Trend and value group have the high- est knowledge, but only highscore and trend group are significantly better than control group. Indicate and chart group have a much lower knowledge, which to- gether with these groups’ performance suggests that participants were rather confused by the optimization- based feedback. Trend group has by far the lowest uncertainty among the groups and is the only one which has sig- nificantly lower uncertainty than control group. All other groups are on a similar level. Exemplary participants A more detailed look on single participants reveals dif- ferent decision patterns. Figure 9 shows Use of Poten- tial for participants 134, 164, 165, and 208 from value group and of participant 115 from trend group. Par- ticipants 134 and 164 seem to more or less copy the optimal solution in the feedback rounds. Remember that feedback for these participants consisted of the numeric values of the optimal solution. Participant 208, in contrast, seems to pursue a different strategy which is less solution-oriented. The success in the performance rounds 3 and 4 also varies a lot: participant 164 seems to remember the solution, which is especially useful in round 3 as it 0 10 20 30 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 (x10 4 ) Analysis function 7 Month P o te n ti a l fo r a ll r o u n d s Participant (a) Participant 134 (value) 0 10 20 30 -2,0 -1,5 -1,0 -0,5 0,0 (x10 4 ) Analysis function 7 Month P o te n ti a l fo r a ll r o u n d s Participant (b) Participant 164 (value) 0 10 20 30 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 (x10 4 ) Analysis function 7 Month P o te n ti a l fo r a ll r o u n d s Participant (c) Participant 165 (value) 0 10 20 30 -3 -2 -1 0 (x10 4 ) Analysis function 7 Month P o te n ti a l fo r a ll r o u n d s Participant (d) Participant 208 (value) 0 10 20 30 -4 -2 0 (x10 4 ) Analysis function 7 Month P o te n ti a l fo r a ll r o u n d s Participant (e) Participant 115 (trend) 0 2 4 6 8 50 52 54 Control function 1 Month S h ir t p ri c e (f) Shirt price decision of par- ticipant 188 (chart group) in round 3. Figure 9. Use of Potential for single participants from value group (a–d) and trend group (e), and exemplary shirt price decisions (f). started with the same value as round 1, but participant 134 does not and lacks knowledge how to control the model. Participant 165, who seems to change strategy during feedback rounds from exploration to solution- oriented, decreases in round 3, too. Participant 208, who possibly has found an own strategy, stays on the same level throughout all rounds. Participants 115 from trend group reaches a compa- rably high level of Use of Potential with monotonically increasing curves during the first two rounds converg- ing to 0, i.e., coming close to optimality at the end of each round. Not surprisingly, a solution-oriented pat- tern like among the participants from value group in Figure 9 (a–d), cannot be observed due to the different type of feedback. Figure 9f shows the shirt price decision of partic- ipant 188 from chart group. Although already in a performance round, the participant seems quite un- sure about the right strategy and changes the control a lot. Such a pattern at that time point can particu- larly be found among the datasets from chart group. Conclusion and outlook In this work, optimization methods were used in the context of Complex Problem Solving (CPS) both as an 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 13 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training analysis tool and to provide feedback in real time for learning purposes. While first works on optimization- based analysis for CPS (Sager et al., 2010, 2011) had a focus on understanding how external factors influ- ence thinking, in the work at hand, we also investi- gated learning effects. The use of optimization as an analysis and feedback tool for psychological studies is completely new to our knowledge. We presented a variant of the IWR Tailorshop, a new microworld for CPS. This turn-based test-scenario yields a mixed-integer nonlinear program with non- convex relaxation and consists of functional relations based on optimization results. With the proof of feasi- bility for the IWR Tailorshop in this article, we intend to start a new era beyond trial-and-error in the def- inition of microworlds for analyzing human decision making. In our web-based feedback study with 148 partici- pants, we used the IWR Tailorshop microworld to in- vestigate the effects of optimization-based feedback. Optimization-based feedback could significantly im- prove participants’ performance in the IWR Tailor- shop microworld if the presentation was chosen appro- priately. In our study, value group performed signifi- cantly better than all other groups. We could show that such a feedback can significantly improve participants’ performance in a complex mi- croworld and for some kinds of feedback, the difference to control group was huge. However, it also became apparent that the representation of feedback is impor- tant. Feedback based on a kind of sensitivity infor- mation seemed to rather confuse participants in this study, which was also suggested by our optimization- based analysis. The best-performing group was the value group which received the most precise information about the optimal solution. Knowledge about the model was bet- ter amongst another well-performing group, the trend group. Since we could show that model knowledge is a predictor for performance, perhaps these partici- pants would have outperformed the others on a longer timescale. More data is needed to verify this hypoth- esis, though. Optimization-based analysis could show that par- ticipants learn to control the model over time by an analysis of Use of Potential. Different aspects of the analysis indicate that for a high performance, learning during the first round is crucial. It turned out that the best way to enforce learning at the beginning was by trend feedback. Through the optimization-based analysis, we were also able to show that there were no systematic differences between the groups at the be- ginning and that initial performance was not relevant for performance at the end of the time scale. For some of the hypotheses, however, significance could not or only partly be shown. In these cases, more data and investigation will be necessary. The main intention of this paper is to present the optimization-based feedback and to show their useful- ness in a feedback situation. The test of (learning) theories was not the focus. Our different hypotheses are not drawing on specific literature but are kind of “informed guesses” about what might happen. This is also due to the fact that there exist no reference studies with the Tailorshop in a feedback setting that could be used as a baseline for expected effects. However, cou- pling our approach to theoretically based hypotheses on learning seems a promising line of future research. Another interesting research direction could be if the widely spread assumption that positive feedback increases performance is true. In Barth and Funke (2010) it has been shown that negative feedback im- pairs performance. However, it is unclear if this is also true in the long run. From former studies we know that positive and negative feedback lead to different processing styles. Therefore one could expect that a quotient of positive and negative feedback (carrot and stick) impairs performance the most. 40% positive feedback and 60% negative feedback might lead to the best performance, for instance. Finally, the parameter set used for the computations of the IWR Tailorshop microworld in this work has been set up manually to achieve a reasonable model behavior. Here we still see high potential for im- provement. One could use derivative-free optimiza- tion methods to optimize the parameter values such that two (or even more) previously defined strategies (e.g., a high and a low price strategy) yield a similar objective value. By that, participants could follow dif- ferent strategies and perform quite well in all of them if decisions are made appropriate. Acknowledgements: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 647573) and from the German BMBF under grant 05M2013 - GOSSIP. The authors gratefully acknowledge this. Declaration of conflicting interests: The authors de- clare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be constructed as a potential conflict of interest. Author contributions: The main contribution is due to the first author (ME) who performed the study as part of his PhD thesis (Engelhart, 2015). SS and JF helped in designing and analysing the study and did part of the writing. Supplementary material: Supplementary material available online. Handling editor: Andreas Fischer Copyright: This work is licensed under a Creative Com- mons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 In- ternational License. 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 14 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training Citation: Engelhart, M., Funke, J. ,& Sager, S. (2017). A web-based feedback study on optimization- based training and analysis of human decision mak- ing. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 3, 2. doi:10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Received: 04 January 2017 Accepted: 17 April 2017 Published: 26 May 2017 References Barth, C. M. (2010). The impact of emotions on complex prob- lem solving performance and ways of measuring this per- formance (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Ruprecht– Karls–Universität Heidelberg. Barth, C. M., & Funke, J. (2010). Negative affective envi- ronments improve complex solving performance. 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(A.3j) We use the objective function max x,u,p xCAtf , (A.4) i.e., maximizing the capital at the end. Of course, the set of parameters has a significant in- fluence on the model behavior. One could, e.g., think of applying derivative-free optimization methods with a subset of the parameters to determine an appropri- ate parameter set for a microworld like IWR Tailor- shop. For this work, however, we set up a parameter set manually such that the model fulfills a certain de- sired behavior. The chosen parameters also yield a model behavior that makes sense for the optimization, i.e., there are feasible solutions and the optimization problem is not unbounded. The parameter values used throughout this work unless otherwise stated are listed in Tables A.1 and A.2. 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 17 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training Parameter Value pDE,0 2200.0 shirts pDE,1 2 · 10−2 shirts/MU pDE,2 2 · 10−2 1/MU pDE,3 0.5 pRE,0 0.5 pRE,1 0.672 pRE,2 2.5 · 10−5 1/MU pRE,3 10−4 shirts/MU pRE,4 6 · 10−5 persons/MU pRE,5 12.0 pPR,0 99.9 shirts/sites pPR,1 2.0 sites/persons pPR,2 10−6 sites pSA,0 99.9 shirts/sites pSA,1 2.0 sites/persons pSA,2 10−6 sites pSA,3 1.0 pSQ,0 0.2 pSQ,1 0.3 pSQ,2 0.5 pMQ,0 0.8 pMQ,1 6 · 10−3 sites/shirts pMQ,2 10−6 sites Parameter Value pMQ,3 0.13 pMQ,4 0.2 MU−1 pMO,0 0.5 pMO,1 2 · 10−2 persons−1 pMO,2 0.5 sites−1 pMO,3 0.25 sites−1 pMO,4 2.0 · 10−4 persons/MU pMO,5 0.3 pMO,6 1.0 pMO,7 2.5 sites−1 pMO,8 2.0 sites−1 pMO,9 1.0 pMO,10 0.5 pCA,0 1.03 pCA,1 5000 MU/site pCA,2 3500 MU/site pCA,3 5.0 MU/shirt pCA,4 1000 MU/site pCA,5 700 MU/site pCA,6 1.5 MU/shirt pCA,7 10000 MU/site pCA,8 7000 MU/site Table A.1. Parameter set for states used with IWR Tailorshop. MU means monetary units. Parameter Value nRQ 2 pRQ,1 0.5 pRQ,2 1.0 pDEM,0 5 persons/site pDEM,1 10 persons/site pdEM 10 persons pDPS 1 site pdPS 1 site pDDS 2 sites pdDS 1 site Table A.2. Parameter set for controls used with IWR Tailorshop. 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 18 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training Variable Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Employees xEM0 14 3 14 42 Production sites xPS0 1 1 1 2 Distribution sites xDS0 1 5 1 7 Shirts in stock xSH0 319 0 319 0 Production xPR0 270 69 270 467 Sales xSA0 270 69 270 467 Demand xDE0 3877 2399 3877 3065 Reputation xRE0 0.7934 0.1805 0.7934 0.4711 Shirts quality xSQ0 0.7500 0.6558 0.7500 0.8136 Machine quality xMQ0 0.8125 0.9998 0.8125 0.7712 Motivation of employees xMO0 0.7403 0.4032 0.7403 0.5108 Capital xCA0 175226 28075 175226 323907 Shirt price uSP0 50 39 50 42 Advertising uAD0 2000 1599 2000 1337 Wages uWA0 1500 1750 1500 1451 Maintenance uMA0 500 3000 500 267 Resources quality uRQ0 2 1 2 2 Recruit employees uDEM0 0 0 0 0 Dismiss employees udEM0 0 0 0 0 Create production site uDPS0 0 0 0 0 Close production site udPS0 0 0 0 0 Create distribution site uDDS0 0 0 0 0 Close distribution site udDS0 0 0 0 0 Table A.3. Initial values for each round used in IWR Tailorshop feedback study. Note that values for controls (lower part) were only preset values and could still be changed by the participant. The last six controls, starting from recruit employees, were always set to the value in the table after each month to avoid accidental recruitment and dismissal as well as site creation and closing. Round 1 and 3 had the same initial values. 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 19 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training Round Means t test co&hs control of co&hs < of control < of 1 25869.2 24274.1 112042.8 0.0009 0.0020 2 -58869.2 -57289.0 -1174.4 0.0000 0.0003 3 124185.3 128502.7 172860.8 0.0091 0.0182 4 170923.2 166039.1 293403.4 0.0029 0.0059 Sum 262108.6 261526.8 577132.7 0.0000 0.0002 (a) Welch’s t-test p-values of comparison of score means for each round between control and highscore groups (co, hs) on the one side and groups with optimization-based feedback (of) on the other side with all complete datasets without 6 outliers (N = 94). With α = 0.05, optimization-based feedback groups were significantly better than those without (co&hs as well as co alone). Round Highscore Indicate Trend Value Chart 1 0.4429 0.0001 0.0005 0.0000 0.8531 2 0.5891 0.3804 0.0002 0.0000 0.5414 3 0.6216 0.2168 0.0507 0.0000 0.3622 4 0.4200 0.4037 0.0133 0.0000 0.0577 Sum 0.4947 0.1539 0.0007 0.0000 0.3935 (b) Welch’s t-test p-values of comparison of score means for each round to control group with all complete datasets without 6 outliers (N = 94). Alternative hypothesis was that mean of control group is lower. With α = 0.05, only value group is significantly better than control group in all rounds. However, trend group misses significance only in round 3 by narrow margin. control highscore indicate trend value chart Mean -31807.3 -32308.6 -27065.5 -31202.2 -32194.4 -29073.8 KS test 0.2192 0.6468 0.5051 1.0000 0.6880 0.9652 t-test — 0.8988 0.1455 0.8231 0.9335 0.4110 (c) Comparison of Use of Potential by feedback groups in first month for all complete datasets without 6 outliers (N = 94): no significant differences between groups. Values can be considered to be normally distributed. Table A.4. Different statistical tests. Bold valus of the test statistics indicate significance (α = 0.05). 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 20 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training Round control highscore indicate trend value chart 1 599.1 767.5 359.9 1286.5 -91.3 2366.5 2 1140.9 965.4 714.2 725.0 22.2 610.7 3 814.4 350.8 104.6 -616.5 -448.5 294.7 4 3717.4 2837.5 1304.5 847.9 78.0 1097.9 Feedback rounds sum 1740.0 1732.9 1074.1 2011.5 -69.1 2977.2 Performance rounds sum 4531.8 3188.3 1409.2 231.4 -370.5 1392.6 Total sum 6271.8 4921.2 2483.2 2242.9 -439.6 4369.9 (a) Means Round control high- score indicate trend value chart 1 0.1551 0.2901 0.7662 0.4528 0.0748 0.0493 2 0.5016 0.9603 0.9348 0.4203 0.6070 0.6826 3 0.8186 0.9434 0.7300 0.7786 0.4601 0.9627 4 0.9961 0.8713 0.8615 0.9498 0.9832 0.6299 (b) Kolmogorov-Smirnov test Round control high- score indicate trend value chart 1 0.1051 0.1820 0.2194 0.0036 0.6708 0.0960 2 0.0002 0.0248 0.1263 0.0045 0.4718 0.0787 3 0.0002 0.1528 0.3853 0.9399 0.9646 0.2284 4 0.0000 0.0016 0.0435 0.1053 0.4542 0.0858 (c) Welch’s t-test for µ>0 Round control high- score indicate trend value chart 1 0.8949 0.8180 0.7806 0.9999 0.3292 0.9040 2 0.9998 0.9752 0.8737 1.0000 0.5282 0.9213 3 0.9998 0.8472 0.6147 0.0601 0.0354 0.7716 4 1.0000 0.9984 0.9565 0.8947 0.5458 0.9142 (d) Welch’s t-test for µ<0 Table A.5. Parameter m by feedback groups for all complete datasets without 6 outliers (N = 94): means, Welch’s t-test, and Kolmo- gorov-Smirnov test. The values of all groups can be considered to be normally distributed in all rounds except for chart group in round 1. trend group is the only group with a significant learning effect in the first two rounds, value group the only one with a significantly decreasing performance in round 3. Bold valus of the test statistics indicate significance (α = 0.05). 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 21 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training Round Mean t-Test µ > 0 1 879.1 0.0016 2 789.9 0.0000 3 154.0 0.1365 4 1991.2 0.0000 Table A.6. Regression m for all complete datasets without 6 out- liers (N = 94): means and Welch’s t-test results (α = 0.05). Participants show significant learning effects in all rounds except for round 3, in which especially value group is significantly < 0. Round Low Mid High 1 305.2 924.5 1365.9 2 1439.3 637.2 433.2 3 549.4 148.2 -230.2 4 4409.5 1888.7 -230.4 Feedback 1744.4 1561.7 1799.2 Performance 4958.9 2036.9 -460.7 Sum 6703.3 3598.6 1338.5 Table A.7. Means for regression m according to performance in performance rounds (low: below lower quartile, mid: between lower and higher quartile, high: above higher quartile) for all complete datasets without 6 outliers (N = 94): high performers have the highest mean for m in the first round and the lowest in all other rounds. Claim Answer Correct Wrong Don’t know Motivation of employees plays an important role. false 56% 28% 16% Maintenance is an important intervention possibility. false 55% 26% 19% The higher the shirt price is, the lower is the demand. true 41% 45% 14% Opening and Closing sites are important intervention possibilities. true 90% 3% 6% It is wise to dismiss employees at the end. true 31% 33% 36% Table A.8. Survey on model properties at the end of task. The participants were told that “We would like to ask you a few questions once again. Your answers will help us very much and it only takes two minutes. [. . . ] Please decide if the following propositions are correct or wrong according to your experience from all four rounds.” Participants could always choose between true, false, and don’t know. The content of the five items can be found in the claim column, the correct answer is shown in the corresponding column. The remaining columns show the ratio of correct, wrong and don’t know answers among all participants. Differences to 100% are due to rounding. Round High Score Mid Score Low Score High > Low High > Mid Mid > Low 1 3.17 2.50 2.79 0.1477 0.0205 0.8417 2 3.42 2.65 2.25 0.0004 0.0063 0.0770 3 3.46 2.74 2.04 0.0000 0.0061 0.0068 4 3.50 2.70 2.08 0.0000 0.0023 0.0142 Sum 3.33 2.80 2.04 0.0001 0.0384 0.0035 (a) Means of model knowledge for participants with high (i.e., best 25%), mid (between 1st and 3rd quartile), and low (i.e., worst 25%) score in the corresponding round with all complete datasets without 6 outliers (N = 94). Pairwise comparison of means by Welch’s t-test with α = 0.05 shows, that high scorers know significantly more about the model than mid or low scorers. Round High Score Mid Score Low Score High > Low High > Mid Mid > Low 1 0.75 1.07 0.79 0.4376 0.0909 0.8716 2 0.58 1.07 0.96 0.0711 0.0181 0.6733 3 0.67 0.87 1.25 0.0097 0.1667 0.0633 4 0.71 0.93 1.08 0.0820 0.1612 0.2740 Sum 0.67 0.98 1.04 0.0696 0.0930 0.3924 (b) Means of model uncertainty for participants with high (i.e., best 25%), mid (between 1st and 3rd quartile), and low (i.e., worst 25%) score in the corresponding round with all complete datasets without 6 outliers (N = 94). Uncertainty means are lower for high scorers. Pairwise comparison of means by Welch’s t-test with α = 0.05 barely shows significance, however. Table A.9. Different tests for model uncertainty and model knowledge. Bold valus of the test statistics indicate significance (α = 0.05). 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 22 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 Engelhart et al.: Optimization-based training Round Low (0/1) Mid (2/3) High (4/5) 1 101085.2 42407.9 110944.2 2 -51748.1 -40915.9 10319.9 3 108448.1 135943.2 200281.3 4 80163.6 214925.1 366269.3 (a) Mean score values for different levels of model knowledge Round Low (0/1) Mid (2/3) 1 69516.5 86706.5 2 -22096.4 -42847.0 3 159269.1 124416.9 4 259346.6 171036.4 (b) Mean score values for different levels of model uncertainty R Low < High Low < Mid Mid < High 1 0.3740 0.9743 0.0188 2 0.0005 0.2657 0.0010 3 0.0004 0.1447 0.0007 4 0.0001 0.0223 0.0001 (c) Student’s t-test p-values for model knowledge Round Mid < Low 1 0.7335 2 0.1221 3 0.1020 4 0.0626 (d) Student’s t-test p-values for model uncertainty Table A.10. Scores for different model knowledge and uncertainty levels (R: round) with all complete datasets without 6 outliers (N = 94). With α = 0.05, participants with high model knowledge have achieved a significantly better score in almost all rounds. For model uncertainty, no significant score differences have been observed. Property co hi in tr va ch All Knowledge low 24% 8% 44% 5% 18% 9% 17% mid 59% 54% 33% 48% 36% 73% 52% high 17% 38% 22% 48% 45% 18% 31% mean 2.38 3.00 2.22 3.19 3.09 2.64 2.74 t-test — 0.0451 0.6241 0.0113 0.0824 0.2377 — Uncertainty low 72% 69% 67% 95% 82% 64% 77% high 28% 31% 33% 5% 18% 36% 23% mean 1.03 1.15 1.22 0.38 0.91 1.09 0.91 t-test — 0.6525 0.6630 0.0017 0.3545 0.5545 — Table A.11. Ratio of model knowledge and uncertainty levels for all feedback groups (co: control, hs: highscore, in: indicate, tr: trend, va: value, ch: chart) with all complete datasets without 6 outliers (N = 94). Mean refers to mean uncertainty and knowledge per group. Alternative hypothesis for Welch’s t-test was that mean of control group is lower (knowledge) or higher (uncertainty) respectively. For α = 0.05, only trend group is significantly better in both knowledge and uncertainty. Differences to 100% are due to rounding. Round Low Mid High 1 93.3 1013.0 1086.4 2 666.2 888.5 691.6 3 111.0 301.0 -70.5 4 3257.4 1979.4 1312.6 (a) Means for Regression m Low < High Mid < High Low < Mid 0.0207 0.4518 0.0686 0.4788 0.7564 0.3262 0.6712 0.8680 0.3020 0.9828 0.8480 0.9291 (b) Welch’s t-test Table A.12. Regression m according to model knowledge (low: below lower quartile, mid: between lower and higher quartile, high: above higher quartile) for all complete datasets without 6 outliers (N = 94): those with low model knowledge learned less in the first round, and more in the last round. In comparison with high group, this is significant. 10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 JDDM | 2017 | Volume 3 | Article 2 | 23 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.34608 References