Editorial Web-Scraping the JDDM Database: Citations, Reads and Downloads. Andreas Fischer, Daniel V. Holt, and Joachim Funke Department of Psychology, Heidelberg University The Journal of Dynamic Decision Making has justlaunched its fourth volume by the end of 2018. In previous editorials we reflected on the definition of Dy- namic Decision Making (Fischer, Holt & Funke, 2015), on the journals’s content (Fischer, Holt, & Funke, 2016) and on related research topics (Fischer, Holt & Funke, 2017). Today, we want to take the opportunity of writing our fourth editorial to reflect on the citations, reads, and down- loads of papers published in the Journal of Dynamic De- cision Making, given that four years have passed since we started publishing.1 Current citation profile Readers interested in the citation profile of the Journal of Dynamic decision Making may refer to the journal’s google scholar account (user 9Tt0ojAAAAAJ). At the moment of writing this editorial, google scholar lists 92 citations over the last four years. Figure 1 visualizes how different articles published in the Journal of Dynamic Decision Making contribute to this number of citations. 16 x Kretzschmar & Süß 2015 12 x Güß et. al. 2015 12 x Fischer & Neubert 2105 9 x Editorial 2015 9 x Hundertmark et al. 2015 7 x Dutt 2015 6 x Engelhart et al. 2017 5 x Wendt 2017 4 x Gonzalez et al. 2016 3 x Vangsnes et al. 2017 3 x Editorial et al. 2016 2 x Frank & Kluge 2017 2 x Sharma et al. 2017 2 x Rohe wt al. 2016 Figure 1. Citations of JDDM articles listed by google scholar until the end of 2018. Current download profile The numbers of online reads and article downloads can be retrieved online for each article published in the Journal of Dynamic Decision Making. Figure 2 and 4 visualize how the continuous growth in reads and downloads over the years is composed by the reads and downloads of different articles. With regard to reads, some papers seem to be increasingly recognized over the years (e.g. Rohe et al., 2016, Kretzschmar et al., 2015), whereas the number of full-text downloads tends to stabi- lize or decrease over the years for most papers. However, the Journal of Dynamic Decision Making is still a young journal and we are looking forward to seeing how these numbers will develop over time in the years to come (espe- cially with regard to the more recent volumes). Figure 3 and 5 demonstrate how the reads and downloads of papers published in the Journal of Dynamic Decision Making have accumulated since the journal started pub- lishing in Semptember 29th, 2015. As Figure 3 shows, some papers have accumulated reads more rapidly than others (especially since March 2018, e.g., Kretzschmar et al., 2015, Rohe et al., 2016, Sharma et al. 2017, Berisha et al., 2018). With regard to article downloads the accumu- lation tends to be slower (see Figure 5) and it seems to be more uniformly over time (with some noticable peaks right after a paper’s publication, e.g., Vangsness et al. 2017). Again we have to keep in mind, that up to now the jour- nal’s history barely covers a time span of four years, and we are really looking forward to monitoring the journal’s growth over time. Some papers have managed to accumulate a comparatively high number of citations, reads and downloads (e.g., Kret- zschmar et al., 2015, Fischer & Neubert, 2015 are among the Top-5 in each category) and other more recent papers also show promising patterns with regard to reads and downloads (e.g., Rohe et al., 2016, Sharma et al. 2017) and we are looking forward to monitoring their future re- ception within the research community. 1 Analyses were done on December 30th by the first author using R (version 3.5.1) and the R software packages stringr (version 1.3.1) and packcircles (version 0.3.3). Code for web-scraping the JDDM-database is available on the first author’s GitHub account AndreasFischer1985. 10.11588/jddm.2018.1.57846 JDDM | 2018 | Volume 4 | Article 4 | 1 https://scholar.google.de/citations?hl=de&user=9Tt0ojAAAAAJ https://scholar.google.de/citations?hl=de&user=9Tt0ojAAAAAJ https://github.com/AndreasFischer1985 https://doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2018.1.57846 Fischer et al.: Web-Scraping JDDM 2015 2016 2017 2018 Cleotilde Gonzalez et al. (2018) Karlijn van den Broek (2018) Editoral (2017) Cleotilde Gonzalez et al. (2016) Natassia Goode et al. (2016) Barbara Frank et al. (2017) Lisa Vangsness et al. (2017) Cleotilde Gonzalez et al. (2016) Jan Hundertmark et al. (2015) Editoral (2016) Michael Engelhart et al. (2017) Alexander Nicolai Wendt (2017) Editoral (2015) Gentrit Berisha et al. (2018) C. Dominik Güss et al. (2015) Neha Sharma et al. (2017) Andreas Fischer et al. (2015) Varun Dutt et al. (2015) Miriam Sophia Rohe et al. (2016) André Kretzschmar et al. (2015) Article reads per year 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 441 1917 2948 4122 Figure 2. Reads since the journal’s launch in 2015. 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 Accumulation of article reads over time cu m u la te d r e a d s 20 15 20 16 Ja n 20 17 Fe b 20 17 M ar 2 01 7 Ap r 2 01 7 M ay 2 01 7 Ju n 20 17 Ju l 2 01 7 Au g 20 17 Se p 20 17 O ct 2 01 7 No v 20 17 De c 20 17 Ja n 20 18 Fe b 20 18 M ar 2 01 8 Ap r 2 01 8 M ay 2 01 8 Ju n 20 18 Ju l 2 01 8 Au g 20 18 Se p 20 18 O ct 2 01 8 No v 20 18 De c 20 18 André Kretzschmar et al. (2015) Miriam Sophia Rohe et al. (2016) Varun Dutt et al. (2015) Andreas Fischer et al. (2015) Neha Sharma et al. (2017) C. Dominik Güss et al. (2015) Gentrit Berisha et al. (2018) Editoral (2015) Alexander Nicolai Wendt (2017) Michael Engelhart et al. (2017) Editoral (2016) Jan Hundertmark et al. (2015) Cleotilde Gonzalez et al. (2016) Lisa Vangsness et al. (2017) Barbara Frank et al. (2017) Natassia Goode et al. (2016) Cleotilde Gonzalez et al. (2016) Editoral (2017) Karlijn van den Broek (2018) Cleotilde Gonzalez et al. (2018) Figure 3. Accumulation of reads since the journal’s launch in 2015. 10.11588/jddm.2018.1.57846 JDDM | 2018 | Volume 4 | Article 4 | 2 https://doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2018.1.57846 Fischer et al.: Web-Scraping JDDM 2015 2016 2017 2018 Cleotilde Gonzalez et al. (2018) Karlijn van den Broek (2018) Editoral (2017) Cleotilde Gonzalez et al. (2016) Natassia Goode et al. (2016) Barbara Frank et al. (2017) Neha Sharma et al. (2017) Editoral (2016) Cleotilde Gonzalez et al. (2016) Jan Hundertmark et al. (2015) Michael Engelhart et al. (2017) Varun Dutt et al. (2015) Alexander Nicolai Wendt (2017) Gentrit Berisha et al. (2018) Miriam Sophia Rohe et al. (2016) C. Dominik Güss et al. (2015) Editoral (2015) Andreas Fischer et al. (2015) Lisa Vangsness et al. (2017) André Kretzschmar et al. (2015) Article downloads per year 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 293 1673 2405 2670 Figure 4. Downloads since the journal’s launch in 2015. 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 Accumulation of article downloads over time cu m u la te d d o w n lo a d s 20 15 20 16 Ja n 20 17 Fe b 20 17 M ar 2 01 7 Ap r 2 01 7 M ay 2 01 7 Ju n 20 17 Ju l 2 01 7 Au g 20 17 Se p 20 17 O ct 2 01 7 No v 20 17 De c 20 17 Ja n 20 18 Fe b 20 18 M ar 2 01 8 Ap r 2 01 8 M ay 2 01 8 Ju n 20 18 Ju l 2 01 8 Au g 20 18 Se p 20 18 O ct 2 01 8 No v 20 18 De c 20 18 André Kretzschmar et al. (2015) Lisa Vangsness et al. (2017) Andreas Fischer et al. (2015) Editoral (2015) C. Dominik Güss et al. (2015) Miriam Sophia Rohe et al. (2016) Gentrit Berisha et al. (2018) Alexander Nicolai Wendt (2017) Varun Dutt et al. (2015) Michael Engelhart et al. (2017) Jan Hundertmark et al. (2015) Cleotilde Gonzalez et al. (2016) Editoral (2016) Neha Sharma et al. (2017) Barbara Frank et al. (2017) Natassia Goode et al. (2016) Cleotilde Gonzalez et al. (2016) Editoral (2017) Karlijn van den Broek (2018) Cleotilde Gonzalez et al. (2018) Figure 5. Accumulation of downloads since the journal’s launch in 2015. 10.11588/jddm.2018.1.57846 JDDM | 2018 | Volume 4 | Article 4 | 3 https://doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2018.1.57846 Fischer et al.: Web-Scraping JDDM Announcements After many years of research on Complex Problem Solving and Dynamic Decision Making Joachim Funke, founding member of the Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, will retire. in his stead, Wolfgang Schoppek from the Univer- sity of Bayreuth will leave the editorial board and join our editorial team. We would like to thank all our reviewers and this year’s guest editor Anna-Lena Schubert, who did a great job in improving the quality of submissions: • Jens Beckmann (Durham University, United King- dom), • Dietrich Dörner (University of Bamberg, Germany), • Helen Fischer (Heidelberg University, Germany), • Joachim Funke (Heidelberg University, Germany), • Cleotilde Gonzalez (Carnegie Mellon University, United States), • Annette Kluge (University of Bochum, Germany), • André Kretzschmar (University of Tuebingen, Ger- many) • Stephan Kröner (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany), • Wolfgang Schoppek (Bamberg University, Germany), • Anna-Lena Schubert (guest editor from Heidelberg University, Germany), • David A. Tobinski (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany). We also would like to thank the members of our editorial board for their ongoing support of the Journal of Dynamic Decision Making. • Jens F. Beckmann (Durham University, United King- dom), • Benő Csapó (University of Szeged, Hungary), • Dietrich Dörner (University of Bamberg, Germany), • Cleotilde Gonzalez (Carnegie Mellon University, United States), • C. Dominik Güss (University of North Florida, United States), • Oswald Huber (Université de Fribourg, Switzerland), • Annette Kluge (University of Bochum, Germany), • Stephan Kröner (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany), • Gyöngyvér Molnár (University of Szeged, Hungary), • Magda Osman (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom), • Wolfgang Schoppek (University of Bayreuth, Ger- many), • David A. Tobinski (University of Duisburg Essen, Germany). Finally, we would like to encourage all researchers working in the field of Dynamic Decision Making to contribute their work to our journal - be it original research, theoretical contributions, replication studies or opinion articles. There are many reasons to choose the Journal of Dynamic Decision Making (JDDM) as your outlet, such as • the short time between submission, peer review, and final publication; • currently (and hopefully in the future) no article pro- cessing fees; • open-access to your articles for researchers world- wide; • the possibility to add supplementary material; • easy citation and direct access to articles with Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs); and • high visibility of published articles through listing in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and Google Scholar. Moreover, Heidelberg University Library as the host of JDDM has sustainably operated for more than 625 years. We are therefore confident that articles published in JDDM will remain freely accessible for decades (if not centuries) to come! Declaration of conflicting interests: The authors de- clare they have no conflict of interests. Author contributions: The first author did the analy- ses and wrote most parts of the manuscript. Handling editor: Andreas Fischer Copyright: This work is licensed under a Creative Com- mons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 In- ternational License. Citation: Fischer, A., Holt, D. V., & Funke, J. (2018). Web-Scraping the JDDM Database: Citations, Reads and Downloads. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 4, 4. DOI: jddm.2018.1.57846 Published: 31 Dec 2018 10.11588/jddm.2018.1.57846 JDDM | 2018 | Volume 4 | Article 4 | 4 https://doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2018.1.57846 https://doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2018.1.57846 Fischer et al.: Web-Scraping JDDM References Berisha, G., Pula, J. S., & Krasniqi, B.(2018). Convergent valid- ity of two decision making style measures. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 4, 1. doi:10.11588/jddm.2018.1.43102 Fischer, A., Holt, D. V., & Funke, J. (2015). Promoting the grow- ing field of dynamic decision making. Journal of Dynamic Deci- sion Making, 1, 1. doi:10.11588/jddm.2015.1.23807 Fischer, A., Holt, D. V., & Funke, J. (2016). The first year of the Journal of Dynamic Decision Making. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 2, 1. doi:10.11588/jddm.2016.1.28995 Fischer, A., Holt, D. V., & Funke, J. (2017). Looking back at the third volume of the Journal of Dynamic Deci- sion Making. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 3, 6. doi:10.11588/jddm.2017.1.43868 Fischer, A. & Neubert, J.C. (2015). The multiple faces of complex problems: A model of problem solving competency and its impli- cations for training and assessment. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making,1, 6. doi: 10.11588/jddm.2015.1.23945 Kretzschmar, A. & Süß, H.-M. (2015). A study on the training of complex problem solving competence. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 1, 4. doi:10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 Rohe, M. S., Funke, J., Storch, M., & Weber, J. (2016). Can motto-goals outperform learning and performance goals? Influ- ence of goal setting on performance and affect in a complex problem solving task. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 2, 3. doi:10.11588/jddm.2016.1.28510 Sharma, N., & Dutt, V. (2017). Modeling decisions from experi- ence: How models with a set of parameters for aggregate choices explain individual choices. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 3, 3. doi:10.11588/jddm.2017.1.37687 Vangsness, L. & Young, M. E. (2017). The role of difficulty in dynamic risk mitigation decisions. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 3, 5. doi:10.11588/jddm.2017.1.41543 10.11588/jddm.2018.1.57846 JDDM | 2018 | Volume 4 | Article 4 | 5 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2018.1.43102 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2015.1.23807 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2016.1.28995 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.43868 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2015.1.23945 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2015.1.15455 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2016.1.28510 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.37687 http://dx.doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2017.1.41543 https://doi.org/10.11588/jddm.2018.1.57846